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Then you file a bar grievance for each due cause issue raised in the pleadings

redress our grievance with you, and if you don't participate, we're going to chop your

If she is an attorney, you get to file a bar grievance against her.

If she carries a bar card, she is ultimately vulnerable, so file a bar grievance against

Bar grievance is a kick in the groin.

If this municipal judge or JP has a bar card, a bar grievance is a kick in the groin.

A bar grievance is a kick in the groin, and here's the reason.

If you file a bar grievance against an attorney, the state bar will throw it in the trash.

Whether it's a valid bar grievance or an invalid bar grievance, they throw it in the trash.

So if I file a bar grievance against my attorney claiming that my attorney parts his hair on

The bar grievance will get that.

Well, I'm going to file a bar grievance just saying he's an attorney and so he's unscrupulous.

Yeah, then what you should have done is filed a bar grievance against your attorney and tell him, sorry,

but now you get to go to the judge and tell him I filed a bar grievance against him

Then if the attorney doesn't, then bar grievance against the attorney.

and we file a bar grievance for each one of them.

And then we're going to file a bar grievance against the attorney for every due process

We'll file a bar grievance against him for each one and he'll end his career.

So you file a bar grievance against him for each matter he should have addressed.

and a judicial conduct complaint against the judge in a bar grievance against the

He doesn't respond to your calls, so you file a bar grievance for that.

You file a bar grievance for that, or if your attorney fails to advise you of something

he had a duty to advise you of, you file a bar grievance for that, and you get a good

file a bar grievance against the attorney

what about filing a bar grievance against the judge

that instead of a bar grievance or why not

an attorney I'd file a bar grievance against him anyway

a bar grievance at a later date, and you want to be able to have evidence, documents are

So if the judge doesn't remove him from the case, he's going to tell the judge, this guy's filing a bar grievance against me every time I turn around.

The state in this case is petitioning the court for redress of grievance against the state.

Can you help me fill out this bar grievance against you?

You start talking bar grievance to him.

Then I suggest file a bar grievance against him.

and make up a bar grievance for each one and give those to your attorney.

Did you file a bar grievance against him?

couldn't you file a bar grievance against him for violating the trust?

I'm talking about standing to file a bar grievance against the opposing counsel.

You could file a bar grievance against the opposing counsel

Or file a bar grievance against him.

and this attorney, she gave me this cock and bull story, she'll get a bar grievance for

grievance for that. And then she had the police beat me up and arrest me. That's I think a

You should have filed for sanctions against the attorney and filed a bar grievance against him for filing that.

And then write a bar grievance against the prosecutor.

You'll know the bar grievance worked if it works,

you miss one due process, right, I'll file a bar grievance against you for every single one.

Okay, file a bar grievance for every single thing you can think of that he didn't do he

You can file a bar grievance for that.

And bar grievances against those attorneys for every single issue they didn't address, file a bar grievance against them.

Can't you file a bar grievance against the judge too for all these things?

File a bar grievance on him for every single thing you can think of.

Do I do one bar grievance without...

And it will print you out a bar grievance or a judicial conduct complaint

rather than a bar grievance immediately, you might write a letter to the court

I suggest file every bar grievance against your attorney you can.

When I get before a judge, if they know me at all, they know I'm looking for a reason to file a bar grievance or a judicial conduct complaint against them or criminal charges against them.

to petition the court for redress or grievance against the judge?

And follow bar grievance on each one of them

If he doesn't, file a bar grievance against him for it

and when he says no, you take out your bar grievance form and start writing on it.

One bar grievance might be an allegation of conspiracy between

And what about a bar grievance against the judge?

should get a bar grievance against the attorney.

One bar grievance your first year of practice,

And anything you can sue him for, you can file a bar grievance for.

grievance against you for every one of them cut his career out right from

crucify him you know first bar grievance he gets you know I hate to even tell the

attorney that I'm even considering a bar grievance I want him to get it in his

and I filed a bar grievance against them and then we come to me to gripe about

The judge has denied you in your right to petition the court for redress of grievance by barring you from the court.

And move for a file bar grievance against the prosecutor and file criminally against both a motion to disqualify.

If you file a bar grievance against him, he's not going to say anything about it.

I file a bar grievance against my attorney.

If he says anything to me about it, I'll file a bar grievance against him for that.

If you get one bar grievance in your first year of practice, no malpractice insurance, I'll counsel you.

That means that the insurance company can't find out if the bar grievance is valid or not because it's secret.

And anything you can sue him for, you can file a bar grievance for.

I didn't tell him at the time that I told him later, or I will file a bar grievance against you for each one of them.

file a bar grievance against him for not properly adjudicating your case,

And I was wondering what kind of bar grievance that he could file against him just to smack him around a little bit.

File a bar grievance against him for being a jerk, for parting his hair on the wrong side,

Yeah, you can file a bar grievance for just about anything and it still gets added up, right?

And that's why just filing the bar grievance is so powerful.

If the attorney gets a bar grievance and he fails to notify his insurance carrier and

So when you file a bar grievance against the attorney, he has to notify the insurance company.

If he gets a bar grievance and doesn't notify the insurance company, his insurance is void

Because the bar grievance is...

The insurance company can get the fact of the bar grievance from the state bar.

Well, right, because wouldn't there still be some type of grievance or tort, you know?

File a bar grievance against the attorney.

a bar grievance against the attorney for failing to properly adjudicate the issues before the

If that attorney hasn't done his job, you file a bar grievance against him.

If it's the same there as it is in Texas, you file a bar grievance against him, he can't

You don't adjudicate these cases, I'll file a bar grievance on each one of these.

had to do is file a bar grievance and ruin your career, I'll tell you what, I wouldn't

If he gets, if Connecticut's like everywhere else, you file a bar grievance against him

Bar Association notified him that I had filed a grievance against him because I wouldn't

And if he mentioned it to me, I'd file a bar grievance for that.

grievances in there there's bar grievance judicial conduct and T-close T-close is the

So that you need to move for dismissal, you need to file bar grievance against the prosecutor,

A petition for redress of grievance is either a criminal complaint or a civil petition.

outlined in law what a quote unquote petition of redress of grievance is.

To me, that's what petition for redress of grievance means.

And the right to petition for redress of grievance is the right to invoke

and will be filing a bar grievance against him.

Okay. This is what I suggest. Judicial condo complained against the judge. Bar grievance against the attorney. T. Close complained against fat boy with mouth and busy hands.

She's got the notice in demand, so she passed on the bar grievance without noticing the

morning is Kelly is writing the grievance for the attorney and the three for their police

if they've got a grievance against you, put it in writing.

have someone I'm trying to get to put together just to put up a blank bar grievance form.

their last name on it and that's it. In order to do a bar grievance and to look up the bar

as well up there in his law firm and stuff, has never had a bar grievance filed against

I mean, the American Bar Association would almost have to change their grievance process

Because they change the grievance process.

Because the trustee is usually an attorney, does that mean we can file bar grievance against

That's what petitioning government for redress of grievance means.

Hey, I had to file a bar grievance too. I have to file a bar grievance against a city attorney.

Sure. Actually, you can file a bar grievance against anybody you want to.

So you file a bar grievance on each one.

okay, uh petitioning the government for redress of grievance or

which I believe is what the bar grievance gets at.

is what the bar grievance really does is goes to his malpractice insurance.

One bar grievance first year of practice, no malpractice insurance.

Yeah, they don't want to say one bar grievance is your history

The grievance would be serious if it was intentional dishonesty

Because you were talking about in taxes, you know, that bar grievance has X effects,

I was unable to confirm any guaranteed effect of any bar grievance which I have considered filing.

I want to come at this bar grievance in just a little bit different angle.

and also a grievance against the woman who was appointed,

and also a grievance against the governor.

and I also filed a grievance against each other,

To add to this story a little bit, after this grievance was filed by the Republican party,

Our rules for the grievance are you turn it in, they turn it over to a committee.

Yeah, just as you've talked about when you file the grievance with the bar,

In Utah, if you file a bar grievance and you reveal it, it's a felony.

They may try to, but when you get a bar grievance from Joe Blow and Sam Schmuck, they're different people.

I'll farm bar grievance against him for each one he fails to adjudicate.

which which kind of struck me funny because the way he was speaking he finally came down to it I thought that I was talking to the lawyers at the grievance place it it sounded exactly the same so I asked him point blank I said will it do me any good to fill out this form and he said oh yeah

You used to file a bar grievance against him.

So, a bar grievance against the head of the department.

So file a bar grievance against him for threatening you.

Wait a minute. But who is he? How are you going to file a bar grievance against, you know, Mr. General Counsel?

petition the court for redress of grievance which is violation 3903 penal code going to arrest him

bar grievance against your attorney, you might talk to your attorney about filing a bar grievance

to petition the court for redress of grievance and equal protection of the laws.

And I would suggest file a bar grievance at every opportunity.

My question is, should I go ahead and file a bar grievance against the attorney

Rather than filing the grievance against the suing attorney to begin with,

Did you file a grievance on him?

And then I would also recommend filing a bar grievance against him for exactly the same thing

And make sure you send a copy of both the criminal complaint and the bar grievance to his bond company

File criminal charges against the, I'd file a bar grievance and file criminal charges against the attorney

I will file a bar grievance against you.

I'll file a bar grievance against you for that.

I just got a public defender, and the first thing I told him, you failed to adjudicate even one of my due process rights, and I filed a bar grievance against you.

Yeah, this is, I've suggested that she file a bar grievance against them and sue them

will file a bar grievance against him for each one.

When my attorney asked me when I told him I'd file a bar grievance against him, Mr. Kelton

it but I would have filed a bar grievance against him in a heartbeat and he was a relatively

One bar grievance first year of practice they'll counsel your malpractice insurance so it was

Well yeah, I still like that idea, the bond is when you start talking bond to a judge it's like talking bar grievance to an attorney, now you're hitting him where he lives and now the judge knows you know where his weak spot is

We're in Texas, I think a bar grievance ought to be ample application of a crowbar.

You can do file a bar grievance against

When you file a grievance with the bar it

Suggest you file a bar grievance against

Grievance against him for threatening

File the bar grievance and I would even

File on top of the bar grievance a

The power of a bar grievance okay if you

File a bar grievance against your

Grievance and they will throw it in the

And feel like filing a bar grievance is

You get one bar grievance first year of

Malpractice what the bar grievance is

Valid grievance or not they don't care

Grievance and say well you know he

Grievance and doesn't notify them and

The grievance he's not covered that's

Me I file a bar grievance of that because

Grievance if he does something you don't

Grievance to the malpractice insurance

Oh good, but there's no, this isn't signed so how do you get a bar grievance against

a bar grievance against each one for sending out fraudulent mailings.

Okay. But you all said last night that the bar grievance would be in order on the names that are on this document.

And the judge is going to say, you know, but you filed a bar grievance against him.

Mark, did you file a bar grievance against the attorney?

The bar in Texas handles the grievance and if you file against an attorney, no matter

Now, the attorney in that case, I filed a bar grievance on him, or in Rhode Island,

You see, most everywhere in the country, if you file a bar grievance against an attorney,

You can file a bar grievance against an attorney accusing him of parting his hair on the wrong

In Texas, one bar grievance your first year of practice, they will cancel your malpractice

And the problem the attorney has, if I file a bar grievance against an attorney and he

bar grievance on him for that because he's forbidden to.

guy to Mark, and he wants to file the back-debt Mark grievance against him as well for pulling

Even if they've lost a case, they can still use that bar grievance to pay that attorney

and file a bar grievance against him for malicious prosecution work

file a bar grievance, the state bar will get your bar grievance and throw it in the trash

if he mentions the bar grievance to you

file a bar grievance for that because he's forbidden to

they've looked at your grievance and it does not rise to the level of misconduct

you file a bar grievance against this guy and I can almost assure you

I suspect the bar grievance to this attorney

If you fail to adequately address one single issue in those motions, I'll file a bar grievance against you for each one.

One bar grievance in your first year of practice, no malpractice insurance.

That for every time needs a judicial conduct complaint, bar grievance against the prosecutor

I'm going to file a bar grievance against him. I'll file a bar grievance against a federal judge.

process deny you in your right to petition the court for redress of grievance that's official

First thing he needs to do is find a reason to file a bar grievance against the public defender.

He can file a bar grievance against the attorney for that and rescind the waiver.

So file a bar grievance against the attorney for giving wrong advice and rescind his waiver of indictment and waiver of time for an indictment.

and a bar grievance against both the judge and the attorney.

Make up complaints against him and bar grievance against him.

I'll file a bar grievance against him.

He'll be answering about that bar grievance 20 years from now if he's still an attorney.

bar grievance against the judge, and the judges in municipal courts are always still going

And I will file a separate judicial conduct complaint against that judge and a separate bar grievance against that judge for each one

If they ever get out of public life, they can't get a job because you file a bar grievance against them.

First thing I told my attorney, you failed to properly adjudicate every single one of those due process issues and I'll file a bar grievance against you for each one.

and post bar grievance on the website

We did a bar grievance against him

or I will file a bar grievance against you for each one you do not.

bar grievance against judge and prosecutor,

Yes. They're actually pretty easy. It's better. We got a response to a bar grievance recently,

That will give you a nice envelope with a bar grievance and a procedure and a list everything

You might want to bar grievance against your attorney.

Bar grievance against your attorney.

Well he said there's some kind of grievance that we could file because he never addressed the habeas

So we have no grievance here?

So that the grievance created on the site stays on the site and it sends you a copy

The best kind of bar grievance is from a third party

The second will be filed a bar grievance on the attorney for committing fraud on the court.

Okay, did you file a bar grievance against the attorney?

Did you file a bar grievance against the attorney?

You need to file a bar grievance against that attorney.

But just file a bar grievance against you.

I'll just file a bar grievance too against you.

You should file a bar grievance then against the attorneys

A bar grievance for the malicious prosecution in the first place

And a bar grievance for jurisdiction shopping

Do you just file the redress of grievance by itself first?

ago, I have a follow-up question, the claim is that the bar takes your grievance and buries

it but somehow the insurance company knows that a grievance exists, how is this possible?

and if you file a bar grievance against one of them, as we've said, the bar will take

your bar grievance and they will fill it in the trash and that's a good thing, the reason

carrier, if an attorney receives a bar grievance and fails to report, let me back up a little,

he's not covered at the point that he doesn't notify them of the grievance and the reason

send a notice that you filed a grievance to all of them but it's not necessary, they find

year of practice one bar grievance they'll cancel your malpractice insurance, the attorneys

grievance they're history, they can't practice but they have to practice without it and risk

If he gives you any crap at all, take a copy of a bar grievance form with you,

Let your court appointed attorney know that you failed to adjudicate just one of my due process rights, I'll file a bar grievance against you for each one.

And give them to your attorney and say, file them. When he says no, take out your bar grievance form and start filling it out for him.

petition for redress of grievance by making it too costly.

Yes, a Daubert's hearing. And you need to get a bar grievance against that attorney

So a good portion of what you will find in the standard bar grievance form

under malpractice or gets a bar grievance against him,

Because if he mentions that bar grievance in court,

you file a bar grievance on him for that.

File a bar grievance against the attorney.

Bar grievance called and says it's your word against theirs.

Find another reason to file a bar grievance against him.

File a second bar grievance and file a malpractice suit against the attorney.

Oh, grievance for the other attorney for not allowing due process.

My grievance with the prosecutor,

You fail to adequately adjudicate a single one of them, I'll file a bar of grievance against you for each one.

one bar grievance your first year of practice of counseling malpractice insurance immediately.

It makes no difference what the bar grievance is.

File a bar grievance against him

Because if they do, I'll file a grievance against them for that.

fail to adequately adjudicate just one of them, I'll file a bar grievance against you.

Each one you fail to properly adjudicate, I'll file a bar grievance against you, and

a bar grievance against you for that, and then I'll sue the judge when he takes you

a bar grievance against him, and a claim to risk management against him, or whatever they

It's not enough just to file a bar grievance against them.

You file a bar grievance against the attorney on the other side,

he gets the grievance and his malpractice insurance doubles.

Bar grievance is much, much, much worse.

I'll file a bar grievance on him for that.

We want to file yet another judicial conduct complaint against this judge and a bar grievance and whatever.

I filed a bar grievance against the prosecutor in the municipal court.

So anyway, I've got between 12 and 70 bar grievance items here, speaking with specificity

covered under that same bonding company, and every bar grievance you file against him,

He entered into a contract to file a bar grievance against him for breach of contract.

If you file a bar grievance against him, it's going to double his malpractice insurance.

If he says one word about it, you file a bar grievance for that.

We will file a motion for sanctions, for filing a frivolous pleading, more grievance against

If your legislator does something you don't like, just file a bar grievance against them.

Wait a minute, Deloitte, did you file a bar grievance against her?

Did you file a grievance against the prosecutor, motion for sanctions, and obstruction of justice?

do anything I don't like and I'm going to file a bar grievance against you every time

you the right to petition the court for redress of grievance that's our already and this is found

how do we address it denying you the right to petition for redress of grievance kind of goes

defender does something you don't like, file a bar grievance against them. Okay. And then

it. You file a bar grievance against her. If she goes and tells the judge, you file

a bar grievance against her for that. If the judge removes her, you file a judicial conduct

Absolutely. Bar grievance first, then a notice to the attorney of your intent to sue if he

You file bar grievance against him for him not talking to you. You file a bar grievance

But, you know, he asked me to comply with a more definite statement on my initial grievance that I filed with the court.

Where do you file a judicial misconduct grievance against the federal magistrate?

I filed first bar grievance as a series of incidents that this prosecutor has done while trying to persecute me.

And then I filed a second bar grievance and so on.

Well, it seems that the first bar grievance was regarded as an inquiry, which is one of two statuses that it can be.

Well, in the case of an inquiry, you're entitled to basically redraft or revise your bar grievance one time.

And so my second bar grievance was deemed to be a revision of the first one.

my first bar grievance was regarded as an inquiry, which, of course, I disagree with.

So that second bar grievance that came in was regarded as a revision.

I went and looked to see if this guy is an attorney, and I'd file a bar grievance on him.

Honestly, though, if you look at the whole bar grievance system,

and a bar grievance against the attorney for failure to prove authority as required by law under a Rule 12 challenge.

Then file another bar grievance against the attorney for impersonating a public servant along with a criminal complaint for same.

Finally, file a third bar grievance against the liar for perpetrating fraud upon the court

that you can notify that there's been a bar grievance filed against the attorney?

And the attorneys are required to notice the insurance company when they get a grievance filed.

file a bar grievance against your attorney for failing to properly adjudicate the case.

And she also filed a bar grievance against the judge, right?

If he has a bar card, then a bar grievance too.

File a bar grievance against the prosecutor.

So what I did is I filed a grievance against both the magistrate and Yeagle.

Then did you file a bar grievance against the attorney they forced on you?

If you file a bar grievance against an attorney, you can't tell anybody about it.

But if you file a bar grievance against an attorney,

So you file a bar grievance against the attorney

If he says a word about it, he gets a grievance for that.

Yes, a bar grievance stings them good, and they can't say a word about it.

If they say a word about it, you file a bar grievance against them for that.

Tell the court appointed attorney, if you don't file them, I'm going to file a bar grievance against your butt.

This is how it works, first bar grievance your first year of practice, they'll cancel

difference if the bar grievance is valid or not valid, the insurance companies simply

being sued for malpractice and if you file a bar grievance against him then he'll go

him for malpractice but you can file a bar grievance against him every time he spits,

and he told about a friend of his that got one bar grievance in his first year, and they canceled immediately.

bar grievance against him for that I mean he gets to the end of court letter

I thought a bar grievance against you and it was his first year of practice that

What I suggest you do first is file a bar grievance against that attorney for failing

file a grievance against him again and sue him.

Just Google North Carolina State Bar Association and download a grievance form and have a whole

at all, you just take out the grievance and start filling it out.

File a bar grievance against him for that.

And then, you know, file a bar grievance against him for everything you can think of. You'll put the court in a position to where they have to protect the attorney from you.

then that certainly grounds for bar grievance against the attorney, your attorney.

And I didn't know how to even do a grievance for a bar grievance or nothing

Yeah, just file a bar grievance against that jerk.

or I'll file a bar grievance against you every other day until you do.

I'll file a bar grievance against you for that.

Every state will have a state bar and you can go to the state bar site and pull down a grievance form.

whether it's a valid bar grievance or not because they have nowhere telling.

One bar grievance your first year of practice.

So you file a bar grievance against an attorney, you sting him good.

And being pro-says, you file a bar grievance against the attorney,

two other caveats, file a separate grievance for each claim you make.

The bar grievance and the criminal are totally separate.

I would also file a bar grievance and a judicial conduct complaint in both cases

And also what about filing a bar grievance against the district attorney as well?

Bar grievance one, yeah

This is the kind of bar grievance that the bar may actually pay attention to.

Right, because I can't understand if I have a grievance under the Fair Debt Collection

lied to you about in that meeting. File a separate bar grievance for each one.

you make one move I don't like, and I'll file a bar grievance against you.

and I file a bar grievance against you, it terrified him.

and a bar grievance if he's an attorney.

Now, my question is, do I have grounds to file a grievance with the bar?

And then make sure you file bar grievance against them

File bar grievance against them every time they move

Go to their site, they'll have a grievance form there

Well, just let him count on a bargrievance every month

And you need to move for sanctions against counsel, file bar grievance against counsel,

But I suggest if you file a bar grievance that you do it with style and flair.

Yeah, get a bar grievance in on it.

And ask for sanctions, you can do that in a motion, and file a bar grievance accusing

The bar grievance will sting him good.

he's going to file a bar grievance or something like that?

look, I'm going to file a bar grievance against you if you don't fight

But I even filed a bar grievance against the judge in the arraignment.

The bar grievance is just the first step.

And also the obligatory bar grievance just for yucks.

or she will file a bar grievance for each and every one they fail to do.

If you file a bar grievance against an attorney in most states, absolutely in Texas

If you file a bar grievance against the attorney, he will never say a word about it

He says one word about it, he gets a bar grievance for that

I will file a separate bar grievance against you for each one,

I'll file a bar grievance against you from that,

and I'll file a bar grievance against you on each one.

You file a bar grievance against him?

So a bar grievance for an attorney is a really big deal.

It doesn't matter if your bar grievance is valid or not

because the bar is going to toss out every bar grievance they get.

So they don't care what the bar grievance is.

You can file a bar grievance essentially for anything you want to.

absolutely file a bar grievance against him.

You can go right on the state website and they'll have the bar grievance form.

and write the grievance in the language of the standard that the attorney violates.

you can claim a bar grievance against him on.

I'm filing a bar grievance because of what the district attorney did in this issue

Even though I say you can file a bar grievance that has no basis

And I'll file a bar of grievance against you for each one.

Because he's acting as the part of the court, I'm challenging the court in that way by going after him with a bar grievance for each of those.

You're getting a bar grievance filed against you on these grounds.

or else he's going to get a bar grievance slapped on his butt.

You will adjudicate every single violation of my due process rights or I will file a bar grievance against you for every single one.

Violable grievance against him

You should have heard my attorney when I told him I was prepared to file a bar grievance against him

Well his court appointed attorney says first off he told him that he was going to bar grievance him

A lot of bar grievance against him for that

And Anthony said I'm going to bar grievance you for that because you can't because I am

Yeah you can find a downloadable grievance form that you can fill out

And they're going to throw out your bar grievance no matter what you put on it

Right so but you want to write the bar grievance in the language of the standard you accuse him of violating

What they were saying was if you didn't write the grievance in the terms of a standard they considered it an offer a request for mediation

If you put it in the terms of a grievance they don't get to do that

I have some researchers who have researched out the bar grievance site.

bar grievance for every single thing she or he fails to do to protect your rights, including

And the threat of bar-grievance is how we're going to do that.

And I'm going to be getting to file my first bar grievance ever.

And if he is an attorney, file a bar grievance for everything he's done that violates the Code of Criminal Procedure.

And then we're going to file a bar grievance for every judicial conduct

The union has told us that there is no validity to our grievance and that's due to our union

No, they really, they just told us our grievance didn't have any merit and

Well, see, the problem is this is a, you can file a bar grievance if you feel the

Sue him and you file the bar grievance because it's in your contract.

I'll file a bar grievance against you

One bar grievance they'll cancel immediately

Valid grievance, invalid grievance makes no difference

If you file a bar grievance with State Bar

One bar grievance first year, cancel

A bar grievance for an attorney is like you going out and getting in an accident.

The problem with bar grievances as prosecutors is not that the bar grievance harms them directly

So when you file a bar grievance and the bar sends you back a notice that says,

Because if they complain about it, I'll file a bar grievance for that.

the next two on the agenda, bar grievance and judicial conduct complaint.

and bar grievance clearinghouse website.

and it will fill out, it will prepare a bar grievance for you and send it to you.

It will also take that bar grievance and put it on the website as a page.

and each bar grievance file so we can generate reports on that and display that on the site as well.

But the primary thing is we post the grievance to a page on the website.

Is that from the time you find out there's a bar grievance to be had?

So anything you could sue for, you could file a bar grievance for.

is that you always write the grievance in terms of a violation of a specific canon.

he didn't write the grievance in the language of the canon,

So when you file a grievance against the attorney, it's kind of like you,

That should get a bar grievance against the attorney.

And it's my opinion, every time an attorney does something improper, you should file a bar grievance against him as a matter of course.

either it's a bar grievance against the other attorney and him for not supervising well or him for not supervising well because they're not an attorney

and that might be a way of making your bar grievance more effective,

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel immediately.

Sue him for malpractice or file a bar grievance or...

File a bar grievance is just because you can.

really want to, but should I file a bar grievance with them, all three of them?

Well, I do say you can file a bar grievance for anything.

However, bar grievance is so bad for attorneys

Bar grievance is the attorney's weakness

Well, you can do the bar grievance without a tort letter.

Just do the bar grievance separate.

File a bar grievance against him for that.

The judge actually brought up the fact that I filed a judicial grievance against him.

You should file a grievance against him for that, for tampering with a witness.

that he denied me because I filed the grievance against him.

He said, this is a formal grievance and not an inquiry.

It's one thing to take a grievance and say,

see a bar grievance pay off unless it's against somebody

grievance against an attorney.

Because when you file a bar grievance against an attorney,

That's not where the power of the bar grievance is.

That's where the power of the bar grievance is.

I filed a bar grievance against an attorney.

He'll get a bar grievance for that.

They don't care what the grievance is.

and bar grievance complaints you could file,

actually file a bar grievance on my behalf or to me.

So if you had like, let's say, 50 family members or 50 friends who do a bar grievance on the same exact issue, could you do it?

The bar grievance is against the prosecutor, that's easy enough with the state bar site.

How do you feel about doing the bar grievance and making sure that it's reported to the bonding agency?

If they check the state bar records and find a bar grievance was filed and they didn't get notified of it,

bar grievance against him that he'd be in jeopardy of losing his bar license so therefore his credit

And then when he tries to get out of helping you with this, then you tell him that if you insist on trying to get out of this, I will file a bar grievance against you

You need to file a false grievance against the attorney.

Further action should start with a bar grievance against her.

Because once the grievance is filed, it's declared secret.

that you failed to mitigate. Well, I just got done filing a bar grievance from him on Randy's

and he wanted to file sanctions and stuff like that. I just went and filed a bar grievance for

Do a bar grievance as well.

I mean, the bar grievance site up.

And in thinking about what the attorneys did, and you'll find a grievance that points right at it.

So we judicial conductor, complainer, if it's a municipal court, we griever with the bar grievance and that'll sting her good.

and file a bar grievance against him.

And bar grievance for that.

Well, hey, I was looking on Randy's bar grievance page here,, and you didn't

grievance against, for instance, a tax court judge.

Question on a bar grievance I want to do.

We can actually have bar grievance parties.

In fact, that's what most of the bar grievance complaints, where they are coming from,

the site where we do bar grievances and I filled out a bar grievance against a district

Okay, Leanne, what kind of personal information was the bar grievance site asking you for

he's saying that if the whole bargrievance isn't made public, if there's no name, no

down, and so Randy is not going to post anybody's bar grievance unless you are willing to make

the mandatory continuing education program for attorneys and managing the grievance procedure,

more like covering up the grievance procedure.

and address appearing on the website with the bargrievance story or not.

of the bar grievance on a secured socket layer connection so that that won't be transmitted

personal information associated with this bar grievance and the reason why is because

if he displays your bar grievance with no personal information, he's got to be able

bar grievance website.

direct you to a phone number to call them and discuss your bar grievance problem with

I will need a way to point the attorney directly at the person who filed the grievance so that

Did you file a bar grievance against him?

We have the Texas bar grievance form up.

I can tell him who filed the grievance to show that it's valid, but that's all.

and also filed a bar grievance as well against the law firm.

a bar grievance against the prosecutor

Yeah, well, he's going to care when you file a bar grievance on his butt

No, you can file a bar grievance against him.

Anybody can file a bar grievance against any attorney for almost any reason

and a bar grievance against that attorney.

I've hired a programmer and we should have bar grievance and judicial conduct coming up online

And get ready, my bar grievance site will be up soon

Oh, if I get bad case law from an attorney, he gets a motion for sanctions and bar grievance immediately

Then file a bar grievance against the prosecuting attorney and then get your

other motion, oh, do not forget to file a bar grievance also for

I would file a bar grievance for every vowel he used in that sentence.

I am in the process of putting together my bar grievance site.

the bar grievance site will interact with a malpractice suit site,

that as you enter the bar grievance accusations,

the bar grievance pretty much like the state's form that they use but we're going to expand

a site to produce a malpractice suit that would be attached to the grievance form so

that when you put in the grievance something that goes to malpractice it'll send that to

a notice in the mail of a default judgment. That night filed a bar grievance against the

The bar grievance had cost him a lot more than the amount of the money.

grievance with them.

Anyway, I was going to start out talking about what we're doing on the bar grievance site.

I went through all of the bar grievance forms for all of the states yesterday, and most

But it will also save the grievance to our website.

Now normally when you file a bar grievance against an attorney, it becomes secret.

and didn't reveal that bar grievance to someone, that's a felony.

Their problem is when you fill out the bar grievance on my site, well, it's not filed

We're talking about a bar grievance site we're putting together and I have the structure of how we're going to do it.

File a bar grievance against the attorney.

That should have got a bar grievance against her.

I'm putting up my bar grievance site.

so that we'll have a bar grievance site to where someone can go on the site and answer a questionnaire.

Right now, most of the states have a bar grievance that says,

It'll send the client a grievance that all he has to do is download it, print it, sign it, send it.

you might send a bar grievance in because he insulted you with this low offer.

And if the affidavit is insufficient, file a bar grievance against the attorney immediately.

or else I'm going to file a bar grievance against you.

Anyway, my husband already filed a bar grievance against him, this defense attorney,

because Jerry already filed a bar grievance against his defense attorney

Should that be charges against him from his conduct or bar grievance or both?

I sent in a complaint to the attorney grievance committee,

Well, it was in Buffalo, New York and was called the attorney grievance committee,

and file a bar grievance against the attorney.

He's threatened with bar grievance and everything, but he's telling us, well, we just hadn't

And if her defense attorney tries to get her to plead, then she needs to tell defense attorney, you stand up and fight for my rights or I'm going to sue you from out practice and I'm going to file bar grievance against you too.

or I'm going to file a bar grievance against you.

You call this man as a witness, or I'm going to file a bar grievance against you.

You can file a bar grievance against him, too.

Right now, I have my bark grievance site up, I went through all of the grievances, forms

a bar grievance against them.

I'm gonna start out talking about bar grievance site.

I'm working on the bar grievance site right now.

So one of the interesting things about going through the bar grievance information is I have a book on malpractice.

I'm gonna assume that anything concerning the conduct of the attorney that you could file a grievance against the attorney for,

Now bar grievance generally when you file it becomes secret as soon as you file it.

We'll have a bar grievance site where we can file bar grievances in a judicial conduct complaint where we can file judicial conduct complaints.

So far, bar grievance has been a good site.

The second hit was on my bar grievance site.

So filing a bar grievance against a prosecutor is not near as damning and damaging as it is when you file one against an ordinary attorney.

And although I maintain that any bar grievance you file against an attorney harms the attorney,

you won't have any problem finding things you can file a bar grievance for.

I had a reason to file a bar grievance against an attorney out here in California, and it

When I spoke to the bar grievance attorney, I said, well, doesn't his insurance get notified

can file bar grievances and just oh the bar grievance so that'll increase their cost of

And I filed a bar grievance against my attorney.

grievance against the prosecutor how you go about doing that go online search for Texas

bar grievance download the form fill it out send it in Texas bar grievance yeah just do

I never heard from him, so I filed a bar grievance against him last week.

Yes, I have been working on the bar grievance questionnaire.

a grievance about.

And it will also allow you to construct a grievance that's right out of their own code,

issues that you wouldn't have thought you could have filed a grievance over.

into the grievance and it'll just walk down the questionnaire that way.

the grievance for you using your input to fill in the blank spaces.

so that people can still see the grievance but not have their own information per public.

The option will be that if you don't want your name published, then the grievance itself

will not be on the site because it would be improper for us to put the grievance up there

and not give an attorney an opportunity to look at the grievance and say, hey, I didn't

What Randy has decided is that he will post a bar grievance on the website with just the

Yeah, I had a question on a bar grievance for an attorney. I filed a couple already, and I want to file another one and make it clear.

Correct. So I found the bar grievance on him.

So you filed the bar grievance and move to strike the attorney from the case and move for sanctions against him.

So I filed a bar grievance for that.

There was a bar grievance in there for that, too.

I just want to mention this so you can get on to other callers. Connecticut's bar grievance form is actually a PDF file you can fill out online and print.

Yeah, I know. There's 45 of 50 states and Connecticut's one of them has a bar grievance form that essentially says who are you, who's the other guy, what did they do, sign and send.

There's a bunch of junk in there. I'm going to build my own bar grievance form and apply it to all the states.

You should file a grievance against her and ask for sanctions.

Okay, so you're just saying go do a bar grievance against them because it's been citing this

The one about wanting to file a grievance with the California Bar Association.

But we will be building this questionnaire into a tool that will write your bar grievance for you.

And then it'll take your explanation and drop it into a grievance and spit out a grievance.

He's not going to want to talk to her again, because he's not going to want that to happen again, and a bar grievance just for good measure.

Or for each one you fail to adjudicate she will file a bar grievance against you and I will follow but file a bar grievance against you since you're collecting my money to defend her.

I realized after the fact, yes, last night, that I'm focusing on the grievance with the

the grievance is because, as I wrote you in the email, the attorney pretty much forced

Well I filed a bar grievance relating to the hearing officer and guess what the statewide

grievance committee did not do?

And as soon as we get the bar grievance up, we'll be doing judicial conduct next, and

And I didn't forget about your bar grievance project, which, you know, that's, believe it or not, tied into this. So give me a call when you can.

I've got another bar grievance against him. You might look at sending him a tort letter noticing him of impending malpractice suit.

Have you only filed one grievance against this guy?

You filed the grievance against him,

I had to prepare a grievance correctly, otherwise it won't be accepted.

We like an attorney who raises issues. Judges don't want to adjudicate. So we don't care what they do with those bar grievances. We know what the bar grievance does to their insurance policies and to their career. If we post them on the Internet with the attorney's name and the title of the page, anybody does a search for his name.

But it's about to come around. I have my bar grievance last piece out for this.

So you can go on and build a bar grievance for a minor donation to the website.

then you filed a bar grievance against him.

file a bar grievance against the attorney. Don't say anything about it. Just file it.

conduct committee grievance more than whatever.

I don't have barbed grievance quite working yet, but if you go to barbed

anything in it and log in page and once you get past that, you'll see a grievance form,

go down to the bottom of the grievance form and there's a link just before the signature

Since you can sell bar grievance to the attorney general attorney, one of the good things about

Oh, file a far grievance against him for that.

to dismiss and bar grievance for filing these.

That's a frivolous pleading, and he gets a bar grievance for that.

Grievance or you can go to Randy's website, That's the best thing that

If the lawyer has failed to adequately adjudicate your rights, that's grounds for a bar grievance and also grounds for a malpractice suit

bar grievance I filed on. And he's, I'm going to understand, he's going to still try to continue

you can file a separate bar grievance for each rule of conduct that he violated.

Now that you can sue him, everything he's got will be yours. Okay. So you could bar grievance for that?

wife's case. And two, because he divulged the bar grievance and brought it up in relation to the

judge, a bar grievance against the attorneys in this, in the, in Steve's case, there was

are really, really bad news. It kicks their behinds. One bar grievance of just about double

accept it. Can you file a bar grievance against the district attorney for neglect of duty?

at the judge. Well, is it possible to file a bar grievance against a district attorney

was a personal letter from the attorney. File bar grievance for it. Okay. Okay. Look in

I'm just, you know, just think of a bar grievance as a love letter to the attorney. Ah, great.

bar grievance first right off the bat? Or also, what about you talked about filing criminal

You file a bar grievance against an attorney. You want to look in the bar association standards

and write your grievance in the verbiage of the standard you alleged that they violated.

If you're going to file a grievance against an attorney, don't go up to him saying, well,

if you get that, well, I'll file a bar grievance against you. He'll take that as a threat.

makes them crazy when they get the grievance and didn't know it was coming. And then if

an attorney says anything about the grievance to you, to the court, to anyone, you file

the court that should get a bar grievance and that sets the attorney up

case where you lost the traffic ticket bar grievance and judicial conduct

The bar grievance is a process put in place by the state bar association, not the legislature.

That's what a bar grievance was intended to do.

the bar grievance has been reduced to a form that you file to provide notice that you know they did something wrong.

If that bar grievance gets filed, its contents are secret.

at least file a bar grievance or two. That was stinging big time.

but you can go to and put together a bar grievance against him.

how the grievance was brought about, then we're going to do the same thing with the

But filing a proper bar grievance is not a threat.

much power coming at us from all directions and us filing one grievance isn't going to

They can't say to themselves, well, the bar ignored this bar grievance because they can't

who's listening might want to file a judicial grievance against him for not having jurisdiction

He's not supposed to reveal about the bar grievance and isn't that.

No, it's in the Texas Bar that when a grievance is filed, the attorney is absolutely not to address it with the client or with the person who filed it.

I just asked him for his help. He refused to answer. So I called the attorney grievance committee,

So when you say, like, bar grievance at 30 for partners here on the wrong side,

I mean, any bar grievance is going to harm them.

That just helps the grievance process.

Well for one bar grievance your first year of practice the catch of your malpractice insurance immediately

Two bar grievance is one year of practice sale cancer

List all of the due process violations these judges commit from the moment you set foot in their court. Each one of those can be used as a basis for a bar grievance and as a judicial conduct complaint.

And she'll get a grievance against the attorney for filing for this plea.

It would also be a good point for a judicial conduct complaint, a bar grievance that the judge is also an attorney, and a civil suit against the judge for acting without jurisdiction.

the attorney, and that'll go to his malpractice insurance. We file a bar grievance against the

attorney. That'll double his malpractice insurance between the bar grievance and the suit. A good

And we were talking about the bar grievance and judicial conduct sites that we're going

And I have our super guru working on bar grievance and judicial conduct.

I had a basic bar grievance page up, but it didn't work great, we're revamping that

because it's going to lend itself to a second tool we'll add to the Bar Grievance site,

and once we get the grievance portion up and working the way you want it to, and what

grievance or an inquiry, but there's nothing in the code stipulating the difference between

a grievance and an inquiry other than to say, in the definition of a grievance, that it

of deciding if they want to accept your complaint as a grievance or as a request for mediation.

amounts to a grievance as opposed to a request for mediation.

And here with bar grievances, right now, most any bar grievance you file, the chief council

is considering the grievance as a request for mediation.

So we want to develop an input form that will create a grievance that meets all of their

So we want to get that fixed, and using the bar grievance is going to be a very powerful

Once we have the bar grievance up and working the way we want it, then we will add to it

And once we've done that with the grievance part, then we go to the elements of a civil

And when you're done and hit the submit button, it'll spit you out of bar grievance and it

But I'm left with a dilemma. I mean, if I file a bar grievance against this guy, then he could not potentially,

And I have no authority or grievance against him to make him do it, then I am acting as the aggressor under an authority I do not actually possess.

The question is this, is it a good idea, I just filed it about a week ago, is it a good idea to file our bar grievance or should I wait on that?

I suggest that you file a bar grievance quick and file them often.

file bar grievance quick, file them often, but file well-crafted grievances. Okay.

Each bar grievance that you filed needs to be valid in its own right, but there is no problem

So in any event, she filed a grievance against him back in the early 90s and by the time

grievance is he'll never say anything about it. And you won't say anything about it. So,

They won't. If they do, then you file a grievance for that. So they're not going to say a thing

Okay. So when you say go back through the standards you're referring to on your bar grievance website?

I have just today got it up and working right on the Bar Grievance website.

And if they don't have it, then I'd file a bar grievance under 3-2.5.

That should get a grievance every time. Did the prosecutor fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction known to the prosecutor to be directly adverse to the prosecutor's position and not disclosed by defense counsel?

And file a bar grievance against him as well.

Have you filed a bar grievance against him?

Yeah, don't use the bar grievance as a threat.

And you need to file a bar grievance against this attorney.

You should file a bar grievance at every opportunity. One bar grievance will double their malpractice insurance.

And they don't dare mention it to you. They say a word about it, you file a grievance against them for that. This is a way to hurt them big time.

One bar grievance will double their malpractice insurance.

Whether the bar grievance is valid or not makes no difference.

Should I file a bar grievance against both of them? The one that made the phone call and also the one that's trying to file the appearance that's sending me the emails?

You file the grievance in the state in which they're licensed.

I sent you an email today, Randy, on a bar grievance that I was working on for a friend.

And we're starting with bar grievance and judicial conduct.

When he goes to bar and reads what's there, he's going to crap his drawers because he's going to think you know about it and what if she files a grievance against me?

No, no, no. Yeah, I want to... Okay, okay. I'm not suggesting that you file a bar grievance against your attorney.

I'm suggesting that you let your attorney know in kind of a backhanded way that you know precisely how to file a bar grievance against him and what to file a grievance against him for.

I had told her that I had already filed a bar grievance against my old attorney.

So does it file on this website? Will it file the grievance for you or do you still have to send it in your...

It's what it sounds like to me. Yeah. And bar grievances for sure. Pardon? Bar grievance against

Bar grievance is an excellent way of creating political pressure.

Bar grievance, one of one bar grievance is double the lawyer's malpractice insurance.

Randall, my question is this, if they do, maybe we can do a bar grievance also then. That's my question.

I don't know. The bar grievance is for lawyers, judicial conduct complaint for judges.

So now I want to give you an opportunity, Mr. Kelton, to remind us of your grievance site for lawyers.

Alright. Now, should I file a separate grievance for each and everything?

If you're claiming they did this one thing, you should only file one bar grievance for one thing that they did.

That gives subar grievance and a motion for sanctions.

laws, that should first get a bar grievance and second get a complaint to the local grand jury.

If he does, that gets another grievance and another complaint for tampering with the witness.

But you can tell the judge, hey, I filed a bar grievance against this gentleman, and

Now, would I file the bar grievance first or concurrently or could I file both at the

You can file the bar grievance any time.

Well, just do it as soon as possible and the bar grievance also.

One of my colleagues at Dallas had filed a grievance against a district judge in Denton County

And when I send it to the bar, I'll use it as a grievance and I have a 50-something page

I would object to it and file a bar grievance from filing a frivolous plea.

The bar is going to gift the grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash and

for failure to answer, and bar grievance against them for filing a frivolous pleading.

The bar will get the grievance and send you this letter that says we examine it into your

Now, I'm going to go, I'm going to prepare a bar grievance against the district attorney.

File a bar grievance for that and motion for sanctions.

Bar grievance and motion for sanctions for a pattern of abuse.

Make sure you file a bar grievance and judicial conduct complaint.

And a bar grievance against the attorneys.

Okay, you need to file obstruction of justice against your lawyer and a bar grievance and look at a malpractice suit against him.

He knows who I am, he knows about my bar grievance site, and he knows I am looking for a reason to hammer him.

And in the process, denies you and your right to petition courts for redress of grievance and the equal protection of the laws.

Okay. All right. The bar grievance on how to format this one. The attorney has been requested in a discovery motion that's aged well aged 30 plus days to turn over business records, which of course would show the piercing of the corporate veil.

But of course, he's sitting on the records that will show the corporate veil being pierced. Is there a bar grievance buried in there that's failure to speak with candor to the court?

Go to Now, it's not really good at creating the bar grievance yet. However, I do have the American Bar Association standards in questionnaire format.

So you'll be able to look at the headings and such and get to your issue very quickly. And then I suggest that when you wipe the grievance and you say the lawyer failed to exhibit the knowledge and expertise required,

file a bar grievance is he will move the court, ask the court to remove him from the case. Okay.

case, I'll file a bar grievance against you for that. Then I'll file a malpractice suit against you

grievance against a lawyer in Texas, the state bar will get that grievance and throw it into trash.

verbiage of the grievance. The Texas State Bar likes to take every grievance that's filed

standard that was violated, they will say that the grievance is frivolous and they'll dismiss it.

answer you. You don't want to file a grievance unless he doesn't try to get it off, right?

And so, we had a benefit for that, and you know, trying to help him out, trying to get him some redress for his grievance there.

And you should file a bar grievance against her anyway.

File a judicial conduct complaint against the judge, a bar grievance against the prosecutor, and say, okay, guys, make this go away.

So when I come to the court for redress of grievance and the court refuses to address my grievance, that's outlawry.

Okay, well for one thing, you need to file a bar grievance against that attorney

for improper insurance coverage, file a box grievance against both the plaintiff's attorney

Well, the bar grievance does work because a few years ago, a couple years ago, you gave me advice to do exactly that. And I did go to that attorney and I did tell him I was going to bar grieve him.

I told him he needs to go ahead and pile a grievance against the guy, but I don't know if he's going to do it or not. He's going to wait to see what they're going to do tomorrow.

I mean, you can file a bar grievance even though you're not the client because you're related to the situation

And you absolutely need to file a bar grievance against this attorney.

We're setting one up for bar grievance and judicial conduct.

And you can file your grievance based on an established standard requirement.

She said I could not file a bar grievance against the attorney.

then you file a bar grievance against him.

Even if not immediately, he knows when he gets out of this service that grievance is going to follow him.

But maybe this bar grievance will be the better thing because, you know, standing before that judge Wednesday, as opposed to A,

These bark grievance things, they're secret.

file a bar grievance against him.

to petition the court for redress and grievance in the constitution outlaw we

boy hey okay good he needs another judicial conduct complaint and a bar grievance he's

relating to a grievance filed under the disciplinary rules of the state bar

I am sort of, but as to what's a grievable offense, you can file a grievance for anything you want to.

it looks like you just pull some junk out of the air and stuck it on the bar grievance and filed it.

I'm talking about you're this attorney who gets this bar grievance that's going to double his malpractice insurance

There's no individual attorney, there's just like four names here of a law firm that just do bar grievance and all four of those.

complaint form and the bar grievance complaint form and they fill them out with the date

We filed a judicial conduct complaint against the judge bar grievance against the attorney.

Wonderful. It'll get even thicker when you start filing bar grievances. And one thing to keep in mind, when you file a bar grievance against him, I suspect it's going to be the same in Wisconsin as it is in Texas.

Since that's the only thing before the Supreme Court, are you addressing a bar grievance that I filed against your client?

Dan, that should get bar grievance and judicial conduct complaints.

Different grievance for each one will make him nuts.

That should have got a bar grievance anyway

And so in conjunction with the bar grievance and the conduct complaint, the judicial, judicial

If a lawyer gets a bar grievance in his first year of practice, his insurance carrier,

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer and you accuse that lawyer of running over 10 babies

The insurance company knows if you file a valid bar grievance that the bar is going to toss it.

So they don't care what the grievance is. They don't even want to see it by the numbers.

If you file a bar grievance against the lawyer accusing the lawyer of parting his hair on the wrong side.

The bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to say we examined into your accusation and find it does not rise to the level of misconduct.

So not only judicial conduct complain them, but we Barr grievance as well

And maybe get my bar grievance introduced to conduct sites up and working like it should be

I have bar grievance working just barely and I need to get the beautiful conduct up and working

Right. And the bar grievance is, is not public information.

so file a bar grievance against him that'll double his malpractice insurance immediately

and in the process denying you and your right to petition to court for redress of grievance and the equal protection of the laws in violation of 39.03 penal code which renders the act an act of official oppression to class A misdemeanor in the state of Texas.

And the first thing you want to do when you get off this phone to show is, you go to and file a bar grievance against your husband's attorney just for yucks, just to let him know you know how to do it.

And file the grievance against it.

Look at what the grievance says, said the lawyer shall not do this.

So the ones that you would say yes to, then you write your grievance in the verbiage of

The lawyer did this, that, or the other, whatever the grievance says, the standard says and

Now, you may think that filing a bar grievance against a prosecutor won't have any harm because

I was hoping he had the bar grievance working right, but if he doesn't, I'll walk you through

One, a grievance form against the opposing attorney, and then the other one that I have

redress of grievance and denied me in my right to the equal protection of law.

And they're so sneaky because when you file a grievance against the lawyer, what the

You look in that bar grievance questionnaire, that's in there.

Yeah, bar grievance is really bad news for court for lawyers.

would like anyone out there who wants to do a bar grievance to go in and use this thing

bankruptcy for me and he mentioned this bar grievance issue. Oh, Mr. Kelkin, you really

a bar grievance and it's your first year of practice, they will cancel your malpractice

But anyway, back to bar grievances. The train is gone. If you file a bar grievance against

bar grievance and throw it in the trash. And they'll send you this very pleasant computer

to the level of misconduct. I sent a bar grievance to the state bar with 38 criminal

level of risk by the numbers? If I file a grievance against a lawyer and accuse him of parting

misconduct. If I send in a grievance accusing the lawyer of violating every standard of

deal. If you file a bar grievance against your lawyer, he's not gonna say a word about

their position. So they are forbidden to. So if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer,

us to the court, I said Russell, did you file a grievance against him for that? He was

bar grievance against him. So he was terrified that I was going to file a bar grievance against

you out of Bargreavance. What it will also do is save a copy of that grievance on our

you file the grievance, then the grievance becomes secret and except California. California

File criminal complaints against these guys. I'll have judicial conduct and bar grievance up soon. Start bar grieving lawyers, judicial conduct complaints against judges.

Then you'll have something to fight them with. And this thing will also attach to bar grievance and judicial conduct.

So every time they do something that's not quite proper, the system will spit out a bar grievance and judicial conduct complaint and we just hammer them.

Bar grievance is against the prosecutor.

And I hear that you are hosting a bar grievance party.

to help you fill out a bar grievance on Monday, this Monday.

This Monday, I will be hosting my first annual bar grievance Christmas party.

So if I can get an invitation, I'll come to your board grievance party.

Your bar grievance website.

Hallelujah. That is his launch party for his bar grievance site, you guys.

The bar grievance site is more than just a single site.

The bar grievance site is the platform for the engine.

Okay, I am looking forward to this bar grievance party.

He understood not just the bar grievance side itself, but also the underlying structure and what this thing will create.

if a lawyer does something that's criminal, it'll go first to bar grievance and then it'll go to criminal.

And the next thing to add to bar grievance will be a malpractice suit.

harrowing the wrong side, I don't suggest it because the bar grievance really hurts

We're going to have our first annual bar grievance Christmas party.

So, can I get a bar grievance and fill it out and make sure that Charney gets a Christmas present?

First ever bar grievance party is going to be an annual thing, I do suppose, from the announcement.

A judicial conduct complaint against the magistrate, who's the prosecutor for the city, whoever that is, you file a bar grievance against him for not showing up and conspiring with the police officer

This is a part of this bar grievance program, actually got been a few days last week working

grievance yet, we're real close, I expect any day to tell me that, I expect the programmer

They don't want you to write a grievance that they're bound to respond to or a failure

ahead i just i'm gonna thank you for coming to my first annual grievance christmas party

2012 and we'll have another one in 2013 and i'm gonna have monthly bar grievance parties

Okay, I have a question about a bar grievance on an attorney, one of my most favorite subjects.

This is, hello Paul, I understand you have a bar grievance question.

situation, and what I'm doing is I'm writing up a bar grievance on him, and I went through your

back on bar grievance to the questionnaire that, the intent of the questionnaire is it's supposed

to write the grievance in the verbiage of the standard that was violated, but the automatic

grievance in the verbiage of that standard. I think maybe that one will work.

what the nature of the grievance is. I understand. You said documents weren't in there.

Don't click on the grievance input form or the American Bar Association Standards for

that I've been looking at putting together. You know I'm finishing up the bar grievance site we

titles on it bar grievance real big so they can read it and you watch them and every time they do

bar grievance against him for that. I mean a bar grievance, a judicial conduct complaint

Criminal complaints? I know I do the bar grievance with the bar, but the criminal complaint, do I take that to the judge I appeared before?

decided in the pretrial. Now, that should give me a nice whopping bar grievance against that

If you file a bar grievance against your lawyer and end the American Bar Association model standards, it is a grievable offense for a lawyer not to communicate with his client.

So if you file a bar grievance against your lawyer, the state bar will get that grievance and they will throw it in the trash.

If you follow bar grievance against your lawyer, the state bar will get that grievance and throw it in the trash.

One grievance and it doubles.

And bar grievance will buy you a lot of politics, criminal complaints, judicial conduct complaints.

When you file a grievance against a lawyer, the bar says,

And he thought of our grievance against it.

You should go through these. You would be surprised at what you can file a grievance against him for.

Well, he can file a bar grievance and he can sue for, you know, malpractice, but that's separate from getting his butt out of jail on a new trial.

A well-placed bar grievance every once in a while just does wonders for the old attitude. What it does is takes their good feelings and transfers them to you so they feel like crap and you feel great.

No, do the other ones. And she asked me not to burden a bar grievance against the school attorney. Should I turn that request?

But in their policies, they are required to report the filing of a grievance with their insurance companies.

Call insurance companies. There's no special committee or government agency sitting there watching these lawyers and making sure they tell their insurance company about every bar grievance filed. There's nothing there.

With a well-placed bar grievance or two.

A bar grievance. If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer.

The state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

A valid bar grievance is hectic on all of the trash by the numbers.

The system will write the grievance in terms of the standard violated.

It will save a copy of that grievance on our machine, which happens to be in Reykjavik, Iceland for good reason.

It will save the grievance with the name of the lawyer concatenated, first name to last name.

and my website spits you out a bar grievance and then says one on its site,

well, that bar grievance hasn't been filed yet.

With this grievance thing, okay, what keeps them from throwing them in the trash?

Oh, that's even better. File a bar grievance against him. He will have a hernia.

But see, we know the bar grievance doesn't make any difference.

Okay, and think about filing a judicial conduct complaint against that judge and a bar grievance against his license. That'll get her excited.

And filed a bar grievance against him just to see what the bar says.

Yeah, we're absolutely going after him criminally, but I just thought for fun, like, file a bar grievance against him, since he didn't act as an attorney.

I guarantee you he does file a bar grievance against him.

That should get a bar grievance against him immediately. That'll double his malpractice insurance.

So the bar grievance against him would double his malpractice insurance.

And follow the questions. You'll find the one that goes to what he has done and write a bar grievance against him on that.

A few folks have probably got tired of hearing me talk about bringing up bar grievance and

this way is the bar grievance for instance.

four maybe five questions, I can bring you to any particular grievance and the thing

But if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer,

the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

If you file a grievance against a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance

I also got bar grievance finished, so it's ready to plug into the system.

We did file a bar grievance here in Arizona as a prosecutor and actually my attorney,

it will automatically email the grievance to every one of the carriers.

I'm still working on the judicial appeal to go with this and also the bar grievance for him.

to this, because people kept saying, you need to file a bar grievance against this judge

A bar grievance is what you file against an attorney.

call to the bar grievance and a pain to the penalty and send it to the federal court and

it to file a complaint against him and a bar grievance that'll get his

the bar grievance against him

grievance in Texas. I'm on barred and looking through the rules and I'm looking for

that grievance in the name of the file will be the name of the lawyer. That's one of the links

Okay. I have been, I didn't want to tell everybody again, our grievance is up and working.

my court-appointed attorney and threatened him with a bar grievance on the first time he didn't

it'll have its own questionnaire that will craft the bar grievance or judicial conduct complaint.

he gets a bar grievance for that because he's forbidden to dress it with you.

a form, a grievance form and it will pop up a map on the right side will be the standards

I'll file a bar grievance against you and then I'll file a malpractice suit against you.

get hurt more by the bar grievance than that it would be worried about what the judge would

doing. Oh, your honor, this is my Bar Grievance checklist. That will tense them up. Anyway,

I mean, a bar grievance against the prosecutor.

file a grievance against him.

grievance up, we'll soon have judicial conduct up and we'll start filling our data bank with

Do you have the canons of ethics on the grievance website?

Were you referring to bar grievance or the free forensic analysis?

The bar grievance in his capacity as prosecutor, motion to disqualify in his capacity as the magistrate, because it is a definite conflict of interest for him to attempt to do both.

You go to grievance input form, when you click on that it will take you to a map of the American

By the time I got a response on the first grievance mailed, there was already another

spanning 16 weeks by the time I got a response from the first grievance mailed

The whole grievance process works

to Julius and he said, you know, where are the bar grievance parties? Now, I'm supposed to be

putting on a bar grievance party every month. So, on a Friday, Saturday night, I'll teach you,

only get ready for a bar grievance party here and I'll get Eddie or Randy or somebody come speak.

You made it to the first one. The first annual bar grievance Christmas party. We give these guys

File a bar grievance against him for each one

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in the state of Texas

The state bar of Texas is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash

If you file a bar grievance that says this dirty rotten shyster

I set a bar grievance with 38 criminal complaints

I wanted to mention one other thing and ask you one of the questions about the grievance against a different attorney

And click on create a bar grievance and it'll give you all of the standards right there and you can go down and walk through them and it'll be really easy to go through

And a bar grievance for each one.

And as far as other attorneys, criminal, for example, Eddie and especially Randy have discussed how to control your attorney with bar grievance and that.

File another bar grievance for that.

I'm sure it's going to tell them that once the grievance has been filed, it becomes secret.

And now he's revealing the grievance all over the place.

Now criminal charges against the lawyer and bar grievance against the lawyer for filing a frivolous pleading with the Attorney General because if the custodian of the record may not make a request if there are preexisting determinations.

Did you file a bar grievance for each criminal complaint?

If you finish the grievance process, the insurance companies won't come to you too bad.

I just sent the bar grievance in for not showing up

I put that in my bargrievance bill.

here's the bar grievance you can file against him and here's the civil action you can file against

I've been boning up on the bar grievance website, so I've been looking up that process,

And if in the meantime you filed a bar grievance against him and we have a way you can do that, go to and just follow the steps.

Yeah, you can file a bar grievance for anything.

The next month, the guy shows up, and he's really P.O.'d at his lawyer for dumping him, so he files a grievance against him. They cancel his malpractice insurance immediately. He can't practice on his own.

Well, the other part that you brought up the other night was about the bar grievance and looking at your lawyer, we have this issue with him where he's put us in this predicament where we're going through this mediation.

That has the American Bar Association model standards in a map type format and you go through that and it will accept one grievance at a time.

of something we can do to fix the system. With bar grievance up, with judicial conduct

grievance against him and double his malpractice insurance or get it canceled.

You might want to file a bar grievance or two.

Okay, file against the lawyer for perjury and file a bar grievance against the lawyer. You might consider a malpractice suit against the lawyer.

I did file a bar grievance, and in fact, I was so successful with the bar grievance in the sense that they were worried. At one of the hearings, they deployed a second lawyer who explicitly said, I'm here representing the firm.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in the state of Texas, the state bar will get that grievance.

Early in the show, we had Mark on. He sent a bar grievance in.

Yeah. And the thing about the bar grievance and judicial complaints, there's nothing to keep you from doing that as you go along.

the judges. If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar association is going

the numbers, one bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel immediately.

also keep a copy of the bar grievance on the website. So with the name of the file, the

So file a bar grievance against that lawyer

Then just file a bar grievance against him

And when you file a bar grievance against him

You file a grievance against him for that

You file a bar grievance against him first and then sue him

If you file a bar grievance against your lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash

And then if the judge is rude to you, file a bar grievance against him

My bar grievance page is down at the moment

Make sure you file a bar grievance against the attorney general lawyer or maybe against the attorney general himself.

So the court cannot, with impunity, deny your right to petition court for redress of grievance concerning a defined cause of action.

Which of those particular state of Texases are you referring to as the entity that has a grievance against me?

and she mentioned to the attorney that she filed a bar grievance against another attorney.

Well, I also included this letter in with bar grievance against the attorney,

The letter was very generic that the bar grievance that the lawyer of office regulation sent in.

might be advantageous possibly other than, if any, than a bar grievance or 10?

If they open your mouth, then you file a bar grievance for that.

I've already written up a bar grievance for the opposing counsel.

a bar grievance will sting them big time.

By the way, I already know about filing for the grievance disciplinary court and all that kind of stuff, so I want to stay on this bond insurance stuff.

Because one bar grievance is a double the malpractice insurance.

File a bar grievance against him.

And I would definitely do this grievance thing on this lawyer

on bar grievance dot net. North Carolina parks not working. It's not. Okay. Okay. No, don't worry

Absolutely filed bar grievance against him.

When you file a judicial bar grievance against the lawyer,

Bar grievance is a big deal.

But when you plug in the name, the fill out your bar grievance for Ohio,

File a bar grievance against him if he's a lawyer.

and demand three times the amount of the mortgage, file a bar grievance against him.

Do the grievance and the tort letter at the same time.

bar grievance site, pull up the model standards, say go to these issues. He's required to notice

You file a bar grievance against him, which would double his malpractice insurance,

He went to the court in order to petition the court for redress of grievance as he is

He petitioned the court for redress of grievance and instead of hearing his issue, they heard

or a copy of the grievance to every one of these,

I did file a bar grievance for conspiracy to obstruct justice against the both of these ladies.

Can we file a bar grievance against him?

But here's what the bar grievance was, the second attorney that represented her was there

So it's a bar grievance Christmas party.

And same lawyer complained to the judge that I filed a bar grievance against him.

He should have got a bar grievance for that and motioned for sanctions.

If you have the Christmas bar grievance party, I will come down there and do a presentation on bar grievances.

Sounds like you guys are going to have some fun in Texas with a bar grievance party.

I filed the bar grievance and of course they sent back going, oh, we couldn't find anything wrong,

a bar grievance is filed, let the lawyer explain that to the committee.

Yeah, you can file a bar grievance against him and you can accuse him of malicious prosecution and fraud upon the court.

You'll file a bar grievance against your prosecutor.

I'm great. I'm excited about my second annual Bar Grievance Christmas party at Brave New Books this Friday,

I'll be bringing bar grievance packages, and Randy is going to come down, Randy Kelton,

I'm also, after this, going to start having monthly bar grievance parties at Brave New Books.

And we have Mary Krennic on the line now who wants to talk about the bar grievance party tomorrow night at Brave New Books.

But I'm going to go to Mary now. Mary, thanks for calling in. So why don't you give us the scoop on the bar grievance party tomorrow night?

Hi, Eddie. I'm going to have eggnog and rum, my candle, and about 10 bar grievance packages and how many ever we need.

I might even fill out a bar grievance about Sam Hildebrand. I can't even remember the firm right now, but boy, he sure liked insulting me and being a bad attorney.

You want depleted uranium on them? Well, we'll do whatever we're going to do, but we're all going to be at Break New Books tomorrow for my second annual bar grievance Christmas party.

My candle will be speaking. He is the expert on filling out bar grievances. We'll help you fill out a bar grievance or we'll just entertain you.

I'm going to start a monthly bar grievance party at Break New Books and I will have lawyers come out, lecturers come out, victims come out.

We've got Mary Krennic on the line talking about the bar grievance party tomorrow night at Brave New Books.

That is a frivolous pleading should get a bar grievance and a motion for sanctions and

One grievance is double his malpractice insurance, so this really scares him.

That should immediately get a bar grievance against the counsel on the other side, and

Yeah. File a bar grievance against him.

Look online. They'll have a grievance form online.

That bar grievance is going to hammer him pretty good.

So who would you file the bar grievance on, the opposing counsel?

Did you file a grievance against him,

or are you asking about filing a grievance against him?

So you filed a bar grievance against the lawyer.

Joe, did the lawyer mention the bar grievance to you or did you mention it to him?

Okay, because if you file a grievance against a lawyer,

So the bar tells them don't you screw with the client if he files a bar grievance against you.

And a nice, well-chosen bar grievance is a good way to do that.

But it's simple enough if you want to file a grievance just to go on the Texas State bar site and pull down their form,

I'd suggest that you make a grievance in and if they have an option to send it in electronically, I suggest you don't do that.

So a lawyer paying 35, 40 grand a year, malpractice insurance, if he gets a grievance and doesn't report it, he's paying 45 grand a year for nothing.

That should get a judicial conduct complaint against him, a bar grievance against him, and a motion to recuse

Then you need to file a bar grievance against this judge and a judicial conduct complaint against the judge because he had a duty to recuse himself

You're going to make him not want to have anything to do with you, if you file a motion to recuse and he doesn't recuse himself, file another bar grievance and another judicial conduct complaint against him

a lawyer they almost always are and if he is file a bar grievance against him. That'll give him

And bar grievance against a lawyer is a big deal

That should get a whopping bar grievance against him.

They're notified that a bar grievance has been filed.

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they'll cancel immediately.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in the state of Texas and most every other state I've seen,

the state bar will get that grievance and they'll throw it in the trash.

I had no intention of filing a bar grievance against him.

A bar grievance is where you file a complaint

So one, I can do a bar grievance against the lawyer

Well, yeah, they're notified that a bar grievance has been filed.

And the minute they pull that bar card out, then you can go file a bar grievance on you

And two or three bar grievance forms

I'm going to suggest that if you want to file a bar grievance against a legal professional, by all means, please do.

Florida, they say you can talk all you want to whoever you want about the grievance that you filed.

However, the danger behind this is that we all know that when you file a bar grievance against a legal professional,

again, if you're going to file a grievance against a legal professional, by all means, please knock yourself out.

I've got all 50 states rules of professional conduct and bar grievance forms when available.

I'd never, ever suggest you making a filing a bar grievance that's not based on fact.

those requirements only go to the grievance after it's filed.

But I set it up so that you go on to the site and create the grievance and it would keep a copy on the site.

There are states that forbid you to reveal what's in a bargrievance that you have filed.

I would disagree with making the grievance publicly known.

Lawyers, if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar will get that grievance

in four questions you can get to any particular grievance and you'll be amazed what you can

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they'll cancel immediately. Two bar grievances,

But at the very least, he is a bar attorney and a bar grievance or two, or a dozen, would

the next time, I'm going to file a bar grievance against them.

Okay, my bar grievance site is down, but I have is up.

Or I'll talk to the right guy and see if I can get bar grievance back up.

or you were going to file a bar grievance against him?

And then you can also inform the court of your intent to file a bar grievance against

Wait a minute. There's another one. Go to My bar grievance site's down,

Over the break, we were discussing who do you take this grievance to,

Because they know full well that if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in Wisconsin, and we have experience with that, the bar will get that grievance and throw it in the trash.

If the lawyer gets a bar grievance and he doesn't notice the insurance carrier of the grievance, then he's not covered.

require you to do. Go ahead. I have a bar grievance in against you so fast they make

in Texas. I understand you have a bar grievance issue. Yes, and I'm kind of going to ask real

complaint or the bar grievance complaint form so that you can save it locally so then you can email

Do you have a grievance against a lawyer?

look at the grievance at the American Bar Association standards. You will be surprised

actually sat down and written a judicial conduct complaint for a bar grievance to make sure that

I filed a bar grievance against the attorney that did it and found that he never even met

File a bar grievance against them.

The problem is, when you file a grievance against them, they're not allowed to say anything

And if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar association is going

You fail to adjudicate a single one on bar grievance first, then I'll do a malpractice

From that point go file a grievance with, here in Maryland it's called the Judicial Disabilities Commission

Oh with the filing a grievance against the judge

I did bar grievance, and ultimately the bar grievance came back as,

But I can file a bar grievance at any time.

And if that's where first bar grievance then,

bar grievance committee takes this thing seriously is if I come in with this clear

and I bar grieve the lawyer over it, and of course the bar grievance people came back and said,

Yeah, so you need to get your bar grievance in against this lawyer and insist on the challenge to the indictment.

File a bar grievance against the prosecuting attorney.

And a bar grievance against, now you only say the city attorney, but I'm thinking the judge as well.

And I know both of those forms, the bar grievance and the judicial conduct complaints,

he needs to get a bar grievance for filing the motion to withdraw.

Do you have your grievance form against judges perfected now?

Oh, that's not my grievance form.

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct has their own form, and they will only accept a grievance on their form,

So they will only accept the grievance complaints on their form. State bar is the same way.

On my bar grievance site, I had an old form, and they changed to a new one, and they wouldn't accept them on the old one.

some kind of a grievance violation and what violation and how to potentially set him up, you know,

That'll put us, you know, one grievance against him.

Don't tell him you're going to file a grievance against him or a malpractice suit or a judicial conduct complaint against the judge.

When you file a grievance against him, he's forbidden to talk to you about it.

So when you file a grievance against a lawyer, they're forbidden to talk to you about it.

The lawyer brings up a grievance in court, he gives motion for sanctions and motion for mistrial.

And he gets another bar grievance for bringing it up in court, for bringing it up anywhere.

That would be the same as the lawyer mentioning the bar grievance in the courtroom.

Just like him mentioning the bar grievance in court, it's absolutely improper.

In this case, I'm not going to have to ask anybody to stretch as far as the politics. This is the first question anybody should ask, is this beyond the statute of limitations? So, I wanted to ask, do I possibly have grounds for a bar grievance since they brought a ridiculous lawsuit against me?

I wanted your advice and help on maybe a, uh, bar grievance against a deputy prosecutor and a judicial conduct complaint against the judge

50 states bar grievance forms legal research tools if you'll go to

process and bar grievance form click on that and that'll give you the the uh the form that

grievance committee for the next at least 60 days because he's going to have to he's

part the best part is is when he is when he gets the grievance he's required by his contract

uh and also pursue this bar grievance and i'm thinking about using the element of no

Well, you might file and file a bar grievance against the prosecutor for doing that

Did they say specifically who you filed a bar grievance against?

How do you file a bar grievance against a creditor?

First, the broad grievance that I did on the first lawyer from this, it worked

Should I still file a bar grievance on him?

Absolutely file a bar grievance against him.

If he's going to try to file fraudulent documentation, file the grievance against him,

But I would suggest a bar grievance against the lawyer and a notice of tort against the lawyer.

And when we're done, if you have a bar grievance from me for anything, then I'm suing you from our practice.

a bar grievance does not give grounds for malpractice suit, no, it doesn't. But the behavior

Now, bar grievance is bad, but it's not near what a malpractice suit is,

I filed a grievance against a judge. I filed a 2-11 and a 39-49 IRS form.

There are many reasonable differences, i.e. the grievance must be of constitutional accountable, constitutional significance.

From the last time that we called, I wanted to say that I did file the bar grievance and

And I'll give you guys a donation, and I'll send you that extra grievance again tonight.

on that issue, and that you're going to essentially file a bar grievance against him if he sends

One of the reasons we suggest bar grievance is a judicial conduct complaints.

Did you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

judicial absolutely, bar grievance absolutely

grievance against the prosecutor for letting him do it okay you may also

And then make sure that the copies they receive show that it was CC to the United States attorney, to the FBI, to the attorney general, and put a bar grievance in there against the attorneys and a judicial conduct complaint against the judge.

Yeah, you do the bar grievance through the State Bar Association.

Instead of simply telling your lawyer that you're going to find, you're going to come after him for insufficient counsel, you also need to let him know every right that you fail to protect and every effort you fail to make to get these charges dismissed will result in a bar grievance against you as well as a malpractice lawsuit.

I'd like to get a bar grievance form

You send a bar grievance to the state bar association,

Send me an email with your phone number in it and bar grievance site in caps, all caps

Well, he can file a grievance in Maryland.

You thought of the bar grievance or the bar grievance?

But I've got bar grievance forms for every state in the union.

bar grievance and judicial misconduct complaints.

It's over for you, but that attorney is going to be before the grievance committee

would you put them all in one grievance and have them all kicked out the window,

The bar grievance against the city attorney

So the first time he doesn't act in your benefit, file a bar grievance against him.

If I file a bar grievance against one of these other attorneys, you are not to say one word to me about it.

the father decides to help out Alan and files bar grievance against the defense attorney Amanda for not filing a motion to dismiss in this case,

We're still trying to deal with the bar grievance issue and figure out how we're going to put pressure on this defense attorney regarding this affidavit.

well now it's his first year in practice one bar grievance they're going to cancel his

shows my bar grievance is valid. You should have done this. You said you didn't do this. I bar

Bar grievance now, but I can sue him after it's all over.

When he asks to withdraw, you file a grievance against him for that.

bar grievance to get the attorney not to want to bother you?

or an actual bar grievance so that he can go to the judge and say, judge, I'm sorry

the bar grievance hurts them so much and it will get easier if you think of everything

the bar grievance is bar grieve the other lawyer and that you can use that to help control

It's not, you know, it's not rather or not the bar grievance is actually heard by the

Bar grievance goes on his record forever.

with impunity so go straight for him judicial i mean bar grievance against him and sue him

However, with that said, if you do file a grievance against an attorney, while the bar

into your grievance and we don't see any problem with it, go away.

Bar grieve him, and in the bar grievance you're going to state that he perpetrated fraud upon the court

You're going to do a separate bar grievance for judicial ethics

So I really believe that somebody talked to him about my bar grievance and he said he

Go ahead and file your own grievance as well.

with another bar grievance before this is over.

they're required to report it absolutely you ever file a bar grievance against a lawyer that sends

gonna file a bar grievance against the person that sent me that letter that is a great idea

if we can file this grievance tort letter as a whole and name all the parents all the parents

and go to standards and that will subject the lawyer to a bar grievance now if you file a bar

grievance against the lawyer in the state of Texas be he your lawyer or be he the lawyer for the

certain thing if you file a bar grievance against him the state bar of Texas is going to get that

bar grievance they're going to send you a letter back saying we examined into your complaint and

heck that's all in the trash by the numbers one bar grievance your first year of practice

you get a bar grievance your malpractice insurance is going to double

So he's saying that you could do a bar grievance on the attorney that rejected your bar grievance.

And we come in bar grievance and it just makes them nuts because they're going to try to

request would be a different issue, but absolutely, I'd bar grievance for it.

So that was the second bar grievance from a different institute of the same law firm.

Filing a bar grievance technically doesn't do any harm.

I mean, you don't know that a bar grievance increases his malpractice insurance.

And I'm wondering if I can file a bar grievance against the state's attorney.

And if the lawyer mentions the bar grievance in court,

you file a bar grievance against him for that and object to him mentioning it.

recommended from the grievance board that you can't suspend a license that does not

Never ever file a bar grievance that's not justified.

grievance committee or the State Commission on Judicial Conduct there should be no professionals

coming back on the bar grievance that says it was even reviewed by a lawyer i have to look and see

putting it you may as well be peeing straight up a rope okay the bar grievance is done in my

never going to get justice on a bar grievance from another attorney against an attorney it's not going

You file a bar grievance and they mention it. You file a bar grievance for that because they're forbidden to.

Yes, I just sent a bar grievance off today, and I got him good because he didn't expect

thing with the bar grievance my attorney ran out of the room refused to give me his phone number

That should get a bond grievance against the attorney.

Well, it's true that I want to ask you about the bar grievance and about the criminal complaint.

I received a letter from the grievance board.

I received a letter from the grievance board where the lawyer responded back who validated

If he gets a grievance and he doesn't report it, then he doesn't have any insurance, even

But he's not going to screw with you because he don't want you to file another bar grievance against him.

I have not as of yet. I've been told so many different things on timeframes and my attorney told me I couldn't file a bar grievance against that other attorney.

So you file an amended pleading and name the lawyer, file a bar grievance against the lawyer.

So you file a bar grievance against him.

If you file a bar grievance against this attorney,

And I filed a bar grievance on her because

And then later in the week I filed a grievance on him

The proper response is if you make any attempt to withdraw from this case, I will file another bar grievance against you

Well, so there I was talking about the prosecutor filing this grievance on her for continuing with the evading to arrest and prosecuting me on the defense to identify

So I don't know how well she's going to want to help me with this criminal charge when she finds out I did a bar grievance on her

Because I just mailed her bar grievance Friday

Well, she won't know right away because they're not allowed to tell the attorneys a bar grievance has been filed on them

Second question is when I list the charge or the grievance that I'm after, let's say fraud for example

The first thing I did was just put in a bar grievance to both of the lawyers involved.

So you think that grievance got their attention?

And the prosecutor then turns around and blames the reporter in the bar grievance report, claiming that the reporter is the one that did all the investigation.

The judge, if you have a bar grievance against an attorney, the judge might agree that this

I know you have reservations or whatever, but his bar card that now does have a grievance on it,

But they still actually posted the order on our door as if it had been granted. So I sent a bar grievance to the two lawyers involved to that effect.

which will find a wealth of information on the Attorney Grievance Commission and Attorney Discipline Board and other related info.

If you file a bar grievance against opposing counsel and you accuse counsel of pushing a truckload of dead babies off a cliff, they're going to say, well, we examined into your accusation and find it does not rise to the level of misconduct.

If you file a bar grievance against opposing counsel, accusing that shyster of parting his hair on the left, if you can believe that.

First time the prosecutor says anything to you that you feel is improper, you file a bar grievance against him.

and really I'd much rather have the or, is get the entire state bar lawyer evaluation and grievance system reevaluated

First thing is file a bar grievance against the attorney.

If you file a bar grievance against them with the State Bar Association,

the State Bar Association is going to get your grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

And file a bar grievance against him.

If you file a bar grievance against him, he can't mention it to you.

If he says one word about the bar grievance, you file a grievance against him for that.

from the grievance committee.

grievance hits, and then she leaves and just goes back to clerking for the bankruptcy court.

and you're going to file a bar grievance for the fact that he was ineffective as your counsel.

You filed a grievance with the State Bar Association,

and any argument he has concerning the grievance must be taken to the bar.

And a lawyer, what the bar grievance will do is double his malpractice insurance

Bar grievance and notice of tort

So I suggest you file a bar grievance against the lawyer

Your bar grievance and your notice of tort

pull down their bar grievance form and fill it out,

a shareholder about the time my bar grievance hit, he left the firm as a

the bar grievance side. This is blatant and intentional.

That's not a bar grievance against me.

So, bar grievance for filing a frivolous pleading.

Did he file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

Well, he did that after they filed a bar grievance against him.

for the moment. So I'll file a bar grievance against them. David will file a bar grievance

against them. And Tony will file a bar grievance against them for that, for denying her, all

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer?

bar grievance association sees me coming and they just cut their tail.

When you file a bar grievance against the prosecutor, he's going to be even more unhappy.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in the state of Texas, no matter what you file,

state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

So go to the Texas State Bar Association website and download their bar grievance forms in PDF.

Go to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct and download their grievance forms.

Or the bar grievance and judicial conduct, you have to get those from the state sites.

They have scheduled a share sale for November 25th, so I'm kind of wondering if this might be, my approach might be a combination of judicial misconduct, bar grievance and whatever else you can conjure up.

I have bar grievance forms with me, judicial conduct forms with me.

That should get him a bar grievance just for yucks.

And I'm back working on the bar grievance site, trying to get it back up.

As a matter of fact, I just built a Texas bar grievance input form.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the State Bar Association of Texas is going

to get that bar grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer and he says one word about that bar grievance,

you file a bar grievance against him for that because he's forbidden to.

a bar grievance act as a stopple or a bar against filing, or is it merely an affirmative

And we know they're not going to do anything with our grievance and that's not really why

So if I file a bar grievance and I find it out of time, is the insurance carrier going

set of data and walk right down through it for instance we have my bar grievance side

is down at the moment but I have the bar grievance standards about the American Bar Association

I just picked up two responses to a bar grievance today and they both said exactly the same thing.

grievance and all this kind of thing and you have to spend time on, you know,

So we got the grievance stuff there for them.

Have you filed a bar grievance against the prosecutor?

You file a bar grievance against that lawyer

And the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash

One bar grievance first year in practice to cancel immediately

You file a grievance against them for that

And when he refuses to, then you file a bar grievance against him

And when you file a bar grievance against him, he's going to file with the court asking the court to remove him from the case

you file a bar grievance against them.

and they can't say a word to you about it. They say one word to you, you file a grievance against

All you have to do, the grievance form that I have is a PDF fill in the blanks.

I can pretty well get you to any single grievance within four questions.

Now one of the things on if you are aware of a felony crime and you do not report it, does that apply then to the bar grievance people?

Since in my bar grievance I could write in the fact that there was actually a document submitted to the court where the plaintiff

You file a bar grievance against them,

File a bar grievance against the prosecutor for circumventing the rules of procedure

I'll get that grievance and throw it in the trash.

Now, if you file a bar grievance against an attorney, the bar will get that grievance

If you file a bar grievance with the State Bar of Texas,

every bar grievance in the trash.

One bar grievance your first year in practice, they will cancel immediately.

If they do say a word to you about it, you bar grievance for that.

And then you file a bar grievance against the lawyer and the prosecutor.

And here, if you file a bar grievance against the first lawyer, that's going to sting him big time.

grievance classes at Brave New Books and a 9-11 truth group there.

I have one for bar grievance and Judicial Conduct Complaints.

But we also want to do something, I don't think the bar grievance is going to do anything

You know when you filed that bar grievance against me, you really kicked my behind

Now, Kent Magnuson, he filed a, early on when I first met him, I had him file a bar grievance in a case

And the lawyer that he filed a grievance against was being considered for a partnership in this law firm

And he told this lawyer about filing that bar grievance against this guy

And I have someone else I want to get on the air, a good friend, and what he does is when he files a barred grievance or judicial conduct complaint,

I have converted the Judicial Conduct Complaint form into a fill-in-the-blank form. I have one for bar grievance and Judicial Conduct Complaints.

So she filed a grievance against the jailers.

Then you sting him with a bar grievance and his insurer gets it

So they're going to rule again. They're going to trash your grievance no matter what you do.

Bar grievance is bad enough, but when they get sued, that really gets ugly.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the lawyer will get, I'm sorry, the bar, my

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar association will get that grievance

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they will cancel immediately.

I can file a bar grievance and claim that that no good, dirty, rotten schreister parts

So can you throw a bar grievance at them for saying that you don't feel like you've accomplished

I mean, you could bar grieve the lawyer and even if the bar grievance is out of time for

You made it so that a bar grievance means nothing.

Oh, you can go to the state bar association and they have a grievance form on their website.

And then you file a bar grievance against it for that.

misconduct and they're not going to do anything, you need to file a bar grievance against the

Bar grievance against the county attorney

grievance side, make a notation. It'll make them nuts. They're used to people not having

a bar grievance against a lawyer, the State Bar is going to get that grievance, they're

By the numbers, one bar grievance your first year in practice, they will cancel immediately.

bar grievance immediately.

to petition the court for redress of grievance and did so while acting under the color or

you file complaints against them. In California, a bar grievance is public.

A bar grievance is public. They post these things online.

and I tell everybody that if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in Texas, the State

Bar is going to get that bar grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

the bar grievances he had filed and I asked him, did you file a bar grievance against

Yeah, if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in the state of Texas, state bar is

If I file a bar grievance that says that no good rotten tricester parts his hair on the

And I used to have a bar grievance site up and somebody built it in XML and it's all

But I'm building a site and when you click on send, it will CC the bar grievance to every

So I suggest you at least get a bar grievance against this lawyer and look up, send me another

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel.

Apparently, our fine state of Wisconsin, the bar grievance procedure,

they now stack them all together as one grievance per case.

I went on to explain how if anyone files a bar grievance against a lawyer with the state

And then they'll take your complaint and your grievance and they will throw it in the trash.

And the successful bar grievance in the sense that you can get your lawyer to not only file the paperwork, have it heard,

You know, if you file a bar grievance against one of those lawyers on the other side,

no matter if the bar grievance is valid or not, they're going to double as malpractice insurance.

If you file a grievance against a lawyer,

You file a bar grievance against a lawyer

if one bar grievance is your first year of practice, they'll cancel immediately.

One bar grievance any time after that, they'll WML practice insurance.

file a bar grievance against her own lawyer because he wouldn't file documents in her behalf.

I do finally have my bar grievance site up.

any grievance in the whole code.

to be available in the bar grievance section.

It's the grievance or the standard that you want to file a complaint about, and then you

Bar grievance as well.

A bar grievance and judicial conduct complaint will give him apoplexy.

lawyer refused to file it unsecured so she filed a bar grievance against him you know

actually objected said miss Ortiz you filed a bar grievance against your lawyer why would

in front of your computer yes I am go to bar grievance dot website okay and once you're

bar is going to get your grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash and they're

bar grievances they throw them all in the trash by the numbers one bar grievance your

find their grievance form and drop this into the form.

it states the grievance in the verbiage of the standard, if that makes sense.

okay now that was my first question my second question is if you file a bark grievance against

going to get it because the bar grievance makes him a bad risk i agree with you i've had to file

bar grievance against an attorney who was running for political office and uh i didn't know it at

is all being overseen by an attorney that i'm going to have to call a bar grievance against

much it's too much law going on at once ready you can do that real easy go to uh bar grievance dot

When I walk into a court, I've got bar grievance forms, I've got judicial conduct complaint

Same thing with the bar grievance and complaints against his public officials.

Well, each one of those should get a separate violence, separate grievance against him. So we want to help him out. This is for the purpose of helping to increase the professionalism of the judge.

talked about this, you mentioned that you also should file a bar grievance against the

So yeah, file a bar grievance against a prosecuting attorney, move for the disqualification of

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel immediately.

And this will allow us to develop documents with, for instance, the bar grievance site.

He's going to get a bar grievance on that.

at the profiles, especially about the time the, because it takes the bar grievance group

File a bar grievance against him.

So you should file a bar grievance against him.

bar grievance for him being ignorant of the law professional conduct or

same thing with bar grievances bar grievance goes on a lawyer's record it

presentation I have this written into the bar grievance proceed bar grievance

like I do bar grievance but I'm working on it and I'm using the American Bar

to petition the court for redressal grievance under procedural due process under procedural due

So, a little bar-grievance on the other side

Well, and that's the thing, whenever you make a bar grievance or judicial conduct, basically

ask for sanctions against him and file a grievance against him as well.

A bar grievance under what?

Bar grievance and professional ethics grievance every single time.

Bar grievance and professional ethics are two different things?

A bar grievance is, the bar grievance is the oversight committee for their, what they're supposed to do.

and a bar grievance at the same time, just two different forms.

I'm doing it, I already got my bar grievance filled out,

a new grievance or just an amended prior one.

a bar grievance against the lawyer,

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance

Because the bars forbid the lawyer from addressing the bar grievance with the filer.

When I go into court, I always have a bar grievance form

and I start filling out this bar grievance form against it.

I actually had one lawyer complain to the judge that I was writing the bar grievance against him.

And the judge said, Mr. Culkin, are you writing the bar grievance in my court?

Lawyer file what you consider to be a frivolous pleading, file a bar grievance against them.

Okay, it's not a problem, because I'll take care of that right away then, because when you said go ahead and file a bar grievance complaint against the attorney, I did that that very night and had those copies.

A bar grievance has nothing to do with anything else that's going on.

and file a bar grievance against her.

I have bar grievance blanks, and I have criminal complaint blanks.

And on the front page you will see a link to, let me get the right page, to my questionnaire right down at the bottom in the middle of the page you'll see bargrievance questionnaire.

that the State Bar will get that grievance and throw it in the trash.

The reason that's a good thing is I know and now you know that if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer,

By the numbers, one bar grievance your first year of practice, they will cancel immediately.

So bar grievance is still going to sting them good.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer,

the state bar is going to get your grievance and essentially

grievance against a lawyer, the bar is going to get your grievance.

Now when you file that grievance, that lawyer is forbidden to address that grievance with you.

And the last thing that lawyer is going to want you to know is how bad a grievance hurts him.

Never file a frivolous grievance against a lawyer.

And then look in there and find the grievance and write your complaint

complaints? Can you file a bar grievance on the city attorney for dismissing the case

without his party? Yeah. You can file a bar grievance on him because he parts his hair

their level of risk? By valid bar grievances? By the numbers. One bar grievance your first

covered. If he gets a grievance against him and doesn't notify his carrier, what's the

When you bar grieve a lawyer, the lawyer is forbidden to address the grievance with you.

All his communications concerning the grievance must go to the bar because they don't want

can grieve those guys for that you can keep up with. Finding a grievance is easy. But

If he doesn't, then you file a bar grievance against one of these.

You know, if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer,

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they'll cancel immediately.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer and the lawyer says one word to you about it or one word to the judge about it,

He filed a grievance against him.

And he told the guy about the bar grievance and said it didn't make any difference.

Dad should get a bar grievance every time in a motion for sanctions.

Just all of a sudden he gets a bargrievance for not contacting your client, his client

the first bar grievance for failing to communicate with you, I guarantee you he's going to get

Okay, go to bar grievance dot website and down at the bottom of the page, there's a

No, Bar Grievance dot website.

Bar Grievance, Bar Grievance, Bar Grievance Association?

No, Bar Grievance dot website.

Okay, Bar Grievance dot website.

If you are a lawyer, one bar grievance your first year of practice, they'll cancel immediately.

the petitioner the right to petition the court for redress of grievance because he refused

I went down to the Texas bar to get some bar grievance forms.

They were like, look, I sent in my bar grievance on this attorney,

which one is better to file the paper bar grievance or the one that's online?

that grievance that they filed against their attorneys?

can I attach a copy of the bar grievance to it?

But file a bar grievance and send one to the lawyer.

But yeah, bar grievance is probably the most powerful tool you've got right now.

That's the one that filed a bar grievance against me.

And if the lawyer says one word about the bar grievance to you or to the court,

Okay, did you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

Where do I go to get a form or something to fill out to file a grievance against these judges?

And here's something that I discovered, you know that they have a, what they call a client assistance line set up for people who call in to file a grievance against their attorney for not calling them back or communicating with them.

I do this radio show and I tell everybody, if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in Texas State Bar Association is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

even though they, in a lot of cases, had sent the bar grievance certified, returned received, faxed it.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is a state office. A bar grievance is a public document.

Yeah. Well, they operate under the authority of the state of Texas that makes that bar grievance a public document.

Is there any way that I can file a grievance against an attorney?

But bar grievances are kind of better because if a lawyer gets a bar grievance against him,

in my bar grievance folder.

so I'll know how to word my grievance in a way that specifically gives the lawyer

So that if you subsequently sue, then you include that grievance in there.

Right now, when I go to court, I've got a copy of several copies of bar grievance forms,

Well I just have a question for you about bar grievance and my question is basically

So I guess in terms of my question, I was really interested in the bar grievance aspect of

In fact, you can file a bar grievance against the lawyer just because you don't like the

And then the bar is going to get your grievance and they're going to send you a letter and

One bar grievance for first year in practice, they cancel immediately.

grievance on the attorney. So everyone looks very, very unhappy with me

yesterday. There's also a barred grievance on this new attorney. I thought it'd be a

One bar grievance would have ended his ability to practice.

Oh, yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Real, real weird after the bar grievance to start going around. I've

And he said he filed this bar grievance and he didn't do any good. He said the head of this law firm

leaned across the table and said, Mr. Mr. Magnuson, that bar grievance you filed harmed that lawyer

grievance against the lawyer for misstating the opinions. This is technically a legal brief.

That's why bar grievances are so powerful, because the bar grievance affects the bar card

You get a bar grievance again, and this first year of practice they'll cancel immediately.

Okay, okay. So, I'm going to file the bar grievance against him and also I'm going to...

I've got some fill-in-the-blank PDFs of bar grievance and judicic conduct complaints.

Okay, if you file a bar grievance against an attorney in Pennsylvania,

the Pennsylvania bar will get that grievance and throw it in the trash,

You know, you can file a grievance against the lawyer, accusing him of parting his hair on the wrong side.

One of the good things about a bar grievance is when you file the grievance, the lawyer must give notice to his insurance carrier.

And when you file a bar grievance, the lawyer is forbidden to address the grievance with you.

One word of him out of him about that grievance, you file a grievance against him for that.

What will happen is about the second grievance you file, you're all of a sudden going to have a new lawyer on the case.

Now nobody's going to have any indication that your grievance had any effect.

for a top 10 list of the things to look for to file a grievance, bar grievance against.

that you had a bar grievance website that you had put together and were working on trying

if they don't tell the insurance company about the bar grievance before you sue them,

assure you when the bar gets a grievance they're gonna send that lawyer a

copy of grievance so that they will definitely do because he needs to know

if you send a bar grievance and the bar doesn't send it to the lawyer and he

write a bar grievance the state bar says they don't want you to quote any law or

the grievance that addresses my issue and then and if the grievance said the

and I always put in this is intended as a grievance not an inquiry jerks they're

bar grievance or the judicial board on a judge, it's making an impact because I

Say, yes, that implicates a bar grievance against the lawyer, but also implicates a judicial conduct complaint against the judge, a criminal complaint against both of them, a malpractice suit against both of them.

File the bar grievance and then when you do the tort letter, file a bar grievance.

So I always write my grievance in the verbiage of the standard without actually citing the standard.

then it will download you a judicial conduct complaint, a bar grievance against the prosecutor,

Bar grievance. Bar grievance is a judicial complex. Do you know what will happen to that

lawyer if you file a bar grievance against him? No. See his turn? Nothing. The state bar will get

You file a grievance against him for that. The judge does anything you don't like,

grievance should be for because that was clearly improper.

I can file a grievance with the oversight board, like a bar group, the state bar, state

file a complaint with the licensing agency. It's like filing a bar grievance or a judicial

contract. Then, next up is a bar grievance for the attorney who you were pointing out the last

with a bar grievance too, because it fits the bar grievance, it pertains. I mean,

And so then this most recent bar grievance is about her filing this list pendants with

The state bar is going to send you a letter back saying your grievance does not rise to

Well, what I want to do is get this filed and send a copy of it with the bar grievance so that it'll show that I've done that.

Have you not sent the grievance in? Have you grieved her at all?

So she will get a copy of the Secretary of State complaint with her bar grievance probably a week from yesterday or something like that. It was a week ago that I sent that one.

Oh, did you file a bar grievance against the attorney?

That will be my official bar grievance then.

OK, then file a bar grievance against her,

for justice and a bar grievance for him? Yep. Okay. Okay. This is all about politics. He's

a bar grievance is to a lawyer's practice.

grievance in against uh lawyer oh that's great fun you go to the state bar and they will have an

criminal trespass okay but what the couldn't you still bar grievance month over that anyway

for the particular grievance yeah well you you make a criminal trespass accusation look up criminal

and then you take that you drop it in the bar grievance and say that the lawyer while

may be subject to harm but he's not harmed by your complaint the bar grievance is the same way

that don't hurt him a bit now the bar grievance looks at it and if they decide that yeah you're

bar grievance and get the t-co's complaints and bar grievances written up and then i'll

If you file a bar grievance or you file a judicial contact complaint,

So it will generate the complaint or grievance in the verbiage of the standard they alleged was was violated.

That gets a nice bar grievance against the prosecutor, it gets a bar grievance against

for redress of grievance in an act of official misconduct, official oppression.

files a bar grievance against him, and see how that works for him, that's just one person,

He filed a bar grievance against him immediately.

conduct complaint first and if the judge has a bar card file a bar grievance against him.

bar grievance and i'd like to file bar grievances on the cop for lying to not a bar grievance but

filing a bar grievance or a malpractice suit against the lawyer.

now do you file the bar grievance and the judicial conduct complaint in the same place

no no one bar grievance goes to the state bar they have their own form judicial conduct goes to

so if you want to file a bar grievance all your information is already in it

again i did file the bar grievance on the part prosecutor on the not on the prosecutor on the

district attorney softball that's our grievance on the district attorney said well you whoa hold on

you filed a bar grievance on the district attorney based on this information request

You failed to adequately adjudicate a single one, I'll file a bar grievance against you.

Bar grievance would be a nice one.

And the reason I haven't sent the complaint in the crime of the bar grievance is that

So I'm going to wait on the bar grievance until they had a chance to respond to my last

Do you know what will happen if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

You file a bar grievance against the lawyer in the state of Texas.

One bar grievance your first year of practice that canceled immediately.

If you get a bar grievance and you don't notify your insurance carrier and you subsequently get sued,

Okay, if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer,

Ken Magnus, a friend of mine years ago, had a lawyer screwed him around, filed a bar grievance against him.

If you bar grieve a lawyer, the state bar is going to get your grievance and throw it in the trash.

I did the bar grievance, which the bar grievance has now sent to the state commission on judicial conduct.

prosecutor had an attitude that was a bar grievance material to the stone age, this

If you file a grievance against a police officer,

You know what's going to happen when you file a bar grievance against his attorney?

And when you file a bar grievance against the lawyer, the lawyer is forbidden to mention

Because the standards say you must adjudicate the grievance with the bar, not with the person

Okay, bar grievance in Colorado.

So you make up the bar grievance and go to, oh, I need to check and see if my bar grievance

And you read the grievance or the standard and then you cite by saying the lawyer did

doing is proper. File a bar grievance against counsel. Stand good his attention. Now, is it,

And file a bar grievance against the lawyer. That will sting him good. And then when the

30 banks. Ah, that should get a bar grievance because you did not create records where

You got to understand bar grievance is a big deal.

One of the primary reasons you can file a grievance against a lawyer is not responding, not communicating

knows that you understand how powerful a bar grievance is, it's like, holy crap, she's

but I filed a bar grievance against the judge for not telling his court clerk properly and

And then you need to file a bar grievance against your lawyer, or at least go to your

If you file a bar grievance against your lawyer, the state bar association is going to get

that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

So if you file a bar grievance against your lawyer and the lawyer does not notice his

Bar grievances. And I went to Wisconsin's Bar Grievance and Lawyer's Witness.

Then, for the ha-has, I wrote up almost filled out bar grievance against the lawyer

I want to take on the circuit court guy through my bar grievance for not going ahead and complaining about an attorney when he is in error.

A lawyer, he filed a bar grievance against him.

If you're a lawyer and you get a bar grievance your first year of practice, your malpractice insurance that starts at around $25,000, they will cancel immediately.

To close complaints like a bar grievance against a lawyer, it's going to sting them good.

You should have set up bar grievance and request for sanctions.

toward the trash so if they say well you don't have the dynamic to file this grievance we won't

standing those they don't care you get a bar grievance we double your malpractice insurance

to defend it making that making the argument either yeah file those bar grievance because

things you can grieve them for and when you write the grievance write it in the verbiage of the

bar grievance against the prosecutor, did a seconda complaint against the judge,

We send a bar grievance to the lawyer, the prosecutor for conspiring with the police officer

I already filed a pre-filled out bar grievance just

form and you ask the attorney his name and bar card number and write it on the grievance form

to redress it grievance okay good good that i can also hit on the wisconsin claim and um good i like

grievance or do i take that to the chief judge i'm not sure how the local rules bind what is the

grievance kind of thing you have certainly that you have the potential that the court okay hold on

he do this and if you say yes to this one the system just spits out the grievance so you don't

Okay, good, because I had one I could get to you if you got it good. How about bar grievance and judicial conduct?

I took the bar grievance form off their website and built it into a fill-in-the-blank PDF document and also have one for judicial conduct.

And they wait for you to raise an objection or to appeal or to file a bar grievance or a official misconduct before they do anything.

She's going to get a bar grievance for giving advice to a defendant.

When she gets a bar grievance on a set of standards she's never read, that's going to get her attention.

So every couple days they get a new bar grievance to deal with and we build them up to the baritry charge.

had a right to petition the court for redress of grievance in the court by failing to address the

Louisiana have a bar grievance form? Right. They have a form. I'm just in the form, but I start

Tim filed a bar grievance against the lawyer for what she did to him.

We filed a bar grievance against the lawyer.

So we filed a bar grievance against that.

the bar grievance in court. He's not supposed to mention it. The bar grievance is between

That agency gets the complaint, and it's just like filing a bar grievance or a judicial

And then we filed bar grievances against the, we started the bar grievance process against

We put in a bar grievance against the lawyer and included the criminal complaints against the lawyer.

a bar grievance against you.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, why the state bar will get that grievance

to get that grievance and throw it in a trash and he'll send you the standard letter.

it's kind of like filing a bar grievance against a uh right lawyer right right exactly well this

have to research okay since the paralegal signed it you might file a grievance against the lawyer

paralegal did so the lawyer you file a bar grievance the lawyer will have to show how

is file a bar grievance against the lawyer lost reason okay yeah and then

you could do this once it's in your name and you file a bar grievance against the

sanctions against him and filed another bar grievance against him first first

bar grievance against that lawyer cost him about 25 grand a year second one

grievance against him and that'll cost him 25 grand a year now you got his

How can we keep that client, that defendant from filing a bar grievance against the prosecutor

But the bar grievance really hurts the lawyer.

Has she filed a bar grievance against the lawyer?

This Trump lawyer, when you file a bar grievance against him, the bar grievance, the American

If you file a bar grievance against that lawyer, accusing him of parting his hair on the left,

I just got three bar grievances back saying that does not rise to the level of a bar grievance and I'm going, oh, okay, but if anybody puts their seat belt under their arm, they can go to jail.

and you have filed a bar grievance against a lawyer on the other side, and he says anything

So you should file a grievance against him for filing that and file an opposition saying that the previous objections of the opposing counsel are moot as you have filed an amended pleading.

work. So either let them pro bono up or get a bar grievance for malpractice.

You have the bar grievance on the prosecutor. Are there any bar grievances I could pull out of this for the municipal judge?

You should file a bar grievance against him, are you still there, are you kind of fading

You might consider filing a bar grievance against this lawyer, that is inappropriate.

She should get a bar grievance for each criminal complaint.

Do you know what will happen if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

The state bar association will get that grievance and they will throw it in the trash.

Bar grievance start, my practice insurance starts at about 25 grand a year.

You file a judicial conduct complaint against the judge, a bar grievance against the prosecutor.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in any

get that grievance and they will throw it in the trash.

and that should have got a bar grievance against counsel

And a judicial conduct complaint and file a bar grievance against the lawyer for not

Then file a bar grievance against him for lying to you

So you file a bar grievance against this lawyer for lying to you, for failure to speak with candor

So bar grievance for that

You said you sent me a bar grievance and a judicial conduct complaint?

And okay, you've done the bar grievance and you just do this a conduct complaint.

I'm going to file another bar grievance against this attorney and then we're just going to

So he wants to give you a hard time, introduce him to one. And if you file a grievance against

You can certainly sue the prosecutor, just for yucks, who absolutely filed a bar grievance against him.

grievance because if it's a court of record, he has to be a judge. If you care, I'm sorry,

bar card, judicial conduct, a bar grievance against him, just be him with everything you

had a bar grievance against the prosecutor. She kept her face down. She was just responding

bailiff for intimidation and bar grievance the judge and the prosecutor

to file a bar grievance on a lawyer who did something wrong.

And we just filed a judicial conduct complaint against a judge, a bar grievance against a judge,

a bar grievance against a prosecutor.

like a bar grievance or a judicial conduct complaint or a professional conduct complaint

It includes a judicial conduct complaint against the judge and a bar grievance against the judge

First, a bar grievance against the lawyer for not telling the judge that he's screwing up.

you file a bar grievance against the prosecutor

are you familiar with what happens when you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

you file a bar grievance against the lawyer and just for the record

if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer

the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in a trash

Do you know what will happen if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

You file a bar grievance with a state bar, they're going to get that grievance and throw it in the trash.

And this is what I say when I suggest that somebody file a bar grievance against a lawyer

So I have invoked that the state of Wisconsin Bar Association or grievance board doesn't

do an effective job of regulating, and I sent off a bar grievance to Virginia about the

to do with your ability to file a grievance from Wisconsin, shouldn't you be able to bring

Well, in Wisconsin, the grievance board or whatever, once you get past the intake officers,

whatever where the bar association or the grievance association has meetings.

One, bar grievance is the first year of practice.

If you file a grievance with the bar or a complaint with the state commission on judicial conduct,

a grievance and say the lawyer in the in the incident case failed to pursue evidence solely

as follows and then i explain what the lawyer did every grievance that i write i'd like to

when he does something wrong, he gets the bar grievance over that, just a whole stack

In addition to members who are both shareholders and otherwise are on the grievance or the disciplinary board for the bar, so they're well connected.

I did bar grievance for that and the bar grievance came back as we're not going to do anything.

do is file a bar grievance against them, and then you file a motion to compel discovery.

Oh, and that will sting them big time because it's bad enough to file a bar grievance on

File a bar grievance against him.

Have you heard us talk about what happens when you file a bar grievance against a lawyer?

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance

You file a, you know, bar grievance against the prosecutor, judicial conduct complaint against the judge.

And bar grievance and judicial conduct complaint.

This may be the first time that we've ever got the bar to respond to a grievance against the lawyer.

another bar grievance against them for that and ask for sanctions because they're

So judicial conduct complain is in order right now for the judge, a bar grievance on the county attorney, just to start off?

Because bar grievance goes on his records and stays there for a long time.

Because bar grievance goes on his records and stays there forever.

Now in the meantime, the lawyer he filed the grievance against got sanctioned.

And they used this grievance as an excuse to come after it.

And if he's a bar card, then bar grievance at the same time.

You file a grievance against a lawyer.

He's letting it leak out that the grievance hurt him.

like you describe. I've worked up some criminal complaints, I filed a bond grievance against

If the prosecutor says one word about that bar grievance or if you get any idea that

Any mention of that bar grievance would be to improperly influence the court.

That we always want to make our bar grievance sound as well-founded and substantial as we possibly can.

I read the standard and then I craft my grievance in the verbiage of the standard.

And attaching that transcription as an affidavit, does that also open the door to the attorney grievance commission to say also, you know, here's the transcript.

And I am sure when you start filing a bar grievance every other day against these guys,

you got? You can't file a bar grievance because they're not an attorney.

Okay, what I have for you is I did file a bar of grievance against the attorney that came forward,

Bar grievance also you can still request them under open records now.

You should have handled that when you stole those records. File a judicial conduct complaint against the judge and bar grievance against the lawyer and criminal charges against both of them.

File a bar grievance against the lawyer every time he speaks.

The other barred grievance is again, the Deputy DA that's prosecuting me currently, the barred

grievance against him included his email to me that he would drop the charges if I would

violation. Filed criminally against the judge. Barg grievance against the lawyer for not telling

If they get sued and they've had a bar grievance filed against them no matter what the bar's done with it,

a bar grievance against the judge, the system will spit them out as a matter of course,

No, bar grievance against the prosecutor, act in concert and collusion with official

Grievance against the city attorney, filing with the DOJ

And here's the deal on a bar grievance. If you file a bar grievance against a public...

One bar grievance for a first year of practice. They'll cancel immediately.

So the bar grievance is what I'm noticing about that. I'm independently from the comments that

Specifically, I see what the bar grievance is that it doesn't take much. And that attorney just

bar grievance and do all this stuff and put his career in jeopardy? Oh no, this is Larry Claimon,

So we have to click the list and send the bar grievance to the entire list, but I don't

in one grievance, each separate action I put in a separate grievance makes it much more

a good bar grievance or two will get her attention.

So he needs to file a bar grievance against that attorney right off the bat.

Yes, they will say when you give that to them, you file a bar grievance and you have a verified criminal complaint attached to it.

Okay. And your right to petition the court for redress of grievance is a due process

potentially criminal. The other one sounds bar grievance or civil.

Okay, well I'm wanting to, I'm attempting to do the bar grievance but whatever I,

bar grievance he can't get insured. He's going to wind up flipping burgers. So to keep me from

themselves with civility, the interview ceases. And then you file a bar grievance against

So we could probably do a bar grievance against him for that, couldn't we?

Well, you filed a bar grievance against the lawyer.

So I want to get the tool together to where you don't have to decide whether or not a bar grievance is indicated.

Bar grievance against the prosecutor.

This is kind of like a bar grievance or judicial conduct complaint, a criminal complaint, you

Do you know what happens when you file a bar grievance against the lawyer?

What I was going to tell you about bar grievances, if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer, the bar association is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

I barred grievance for parting his hair on the left. And he came to me, he was going into court. He said, You really barred me for parting my hair on the left? I said, Yeah, I did.

Why did you do that? I said, Well, if I barred grievance for the garbage you really did, they might have disbarred you.

redress of grievance that's a that's a due process violation or i you would at least expect

File a grievance with the Judicial Conduct Committee in your state against that judge

It's a bar grievance against the attorney

I mean, the lawyer and a bar grievance against him

BJ, are you familiar with the bar grievance issue?

Okay, if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer

they will get that grievance and they will throw it in the trash

and so you file a bar grievance at every opportunity

File a judicial conduct complaint with a copy of that written objection attached to it against the judge and file a bar grievance against the prosecuting attorney with a copy of that as well

Judicial conduct complaint bar grievance against prosecutor

he had a lawyer screw him around and he filed a bar grievance against the lawyer.

And he mentioned this bar grievance because the lawyer was trying to become a partner in this law firm.

He filed a bar grievance against him but didn't do any good.

Okay, a tort letter is merely like under UCC if I have a complaint or grievance against

Do you know what will happen if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer?

State bar will get that bar grievance and they will throw it in the trash and they will

So when a grievance is filed, that is a clear indication of the potential to incur liability.

The insurance carrier then checks the lawyer's record for grievances and finds the grievance on this issue. They don't cover the lawyer. He's on his own.

client more money? There's a bar grievance entry for that. Do you have it in front of you Brett?

Okay, then that I like, giving them a bar grievance is always good.

create him in the attorney grievance committee for performing his duties as roles of court

Every time they look the wrong way, you file another bar grievance against them and when the bar tries to throw them in the trash, you do like Tina did and take them to the Supreme.

And your grievance will not be opened

Now if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer, or file a counterclaim against the

But I can file the bar grievance right now while I'm...

Yeah, you can file a bar grievance any time.

He's going to be pissed off that I file a bar grievance while we're going to court, but

Okay, well, I'll write a bar grievance out in the next few days and get it sent off before

The bars are going to throw your grievance in the trash.

The grievance is for the insurance carrier.

Bar grievance goes on their record and stays there forever.

The judicial conduct complaint, a bar grievance against the prosecutor for not telling the judge he had to.

And I think the brother may have told him about bar grievances because he filed a grievance against him.

And he recognized the name, and he mentioned this lawyer's name, and he said he filed a bar grievance against him, but it didn't do any good.

That's even if, simultaneously, we are getting a letter back from the state bar saying, well, we've conducted an initial review and the grievance is classified as an inquiry and dismissed.

The next bar grievance was to that lawyer, the assistant that was sending out the letters to tell everybody, and I accused her of incompetence.

She'd get a bar grievance for the lies.

bar grievance site. That was the first questionnaire I ever built was bar grievance, and I started

with it because the bar grievance section is not that large. I built it with a different

bar grievance site should look like. Should I make fun of lawyers? Use caricatures and

If you file a bar grievance with state bar association, state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash,

By the numbers. One bar grievance your first year.

And just start, yeah, following the bar grievance to go after them, whatever you're going to do.

It will break it down into sections so you can find the grievance of their standard that

This way you get to keep a copy of the grievance and if they don't like it, well, tough.

a separate grievance for each individual thing.

Yeah, if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer in the state of Texas, the state

that bar association is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in

Call me cynical, but I have my bar grievance side up there, and I have a section in there that's titled, Your Lawyer Will Throw You Under the Bus.

And everybody who signed the petition will make up a criminal affidavit and a bar grievance against the lawyer

If you file a bar grievance with just about any state bar association in the United States

The state bar is gonna get that grievance and throw it in the trash

One bar grievance for first year of practice, they cancel immediately

So new bar grievance is going to sting them big time.

that grievance and throw it in a trash and change you back this letter that says we examined into

a bar grievance with the filer. Anything the lawyer has to say, they have to say it to the bar.

grievance works, they will not send you a Christmas card.

Finally, my friend says, he wrote down something, said state bar grievance and it was on some little pamphlet and he gave it to the lawyer.

He should definitely get a bar grievance for that.

So there's another one because he didn't have a bar grievance yet.

a lot of bar grievance against them for churning the case.

Go to the bar grievance website.

That's my bar grievance site.

And it starts with, the grievance says,

just copy it out because the bar grievance sites

want you to use their online grievance form,

and you just drop that in their grievance form.

if the grievance is valid or invalid.

They know that if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer,

Do you know what happens if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer?

You file a bar grievance against the lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel immediately.

Hello. Hello, Ralph. Hello, Randall. I mailed my appeal for my bar grievance this morning.

denied it and you think they denied it in property, file a bar grievance against them.

about how to file a lawyer grievance, have a closed, previously filed grievance that

you would like reviewed to ensure the proper grievance procedures were followed, or have

2.10. They take the grievance and they try to decide if it's a complaint or an inquiry.

that I wrote up yesterday, I put across the top of the grievance for purposes of TRDP-210,

this grievance is a quote complaint, not a quote inquiry as its allegations if true are

Have you looked at the bar grievance site that I put up?

the process that the grievance is supposed to go through. When the people are handling

The chief disciplinary counsel shall, within 30 days, examine each grievance received to

the grievance should be as if the Supreme will be the one reading it, not the bar.

if you have questions about the system's operation, accessing the system, the grievance system.

If you have a grievance closed, previously filed grievance that you would like reviewed

to ensure the proper grievance procedures were followed, that sounds like a trigger

and bringing the problem to him. I mean, we could sit there and swing bar grievance at

these guys all day long. Bar grievance is so nice, like I used to say. But we need to

He had some good information on this bar grievance issue we talked about last night.

they don't, it's like a bar grievance for judges. You can claim that the judge

against lawyers. That is poison. One bar grievance refers to your practice. They cancel immediately

a bar grievance his voice goes up a couple of octaves and he wants out of the whole thing.

or state grievance or something like that in the margin of some pamphlet that he had.

So it was his wife who I helped to write up that first bar grievance he got for lying to the judge.

given a contract by Spicer a long time ago and there was even talk of grievance and not move

Well, I'm going to keep going because it's my only remedy against him, but he's going to get a bar grievance this for the next year.

And that's just because the guy might folly grievance against him.

But I did file a bar grievance against the attorney that's representing the pretend lender in bankruptcy court.

And I was wondering if you can appeal that or do a rehearing on that for the bar grievance department?

To appeal the bar grievance itself?

And that the purpose of that position is to see about issues that happened, whether or not the procedures are being followed properly in the bar grievance internally.

Heck, the bar grievance doesn't matter.

So I recommend sending a bar grievance against an interloper

of working them over over the bar grievance you know the the Supreme

them for? Heck, it doesn't matter. If you file a bar grievance against the lawyer in

the judges all have bar courts. So judicial conduct complaint them and bar grievance at

something I have a limit on? No, you can bar grievance attorney for anything.

Okay, you can bar grievance attorney for breaking wind in an elevator.

bar grievance that you appeal to the Supreme and the Supreme just blew it off and now you're

grievance in that he failed to properly apply the law to the facts and in the process,

Wow. Bar grievance against the judge.

You thought bar grievance against anybody with a bar card.

happens also to be a bar card carrier, a bar grievance on each one, a guy comes down to

because if they get out of the office with all these bar grievance against them, no law

What do you think he's going to do when he gets a bar grievance against him first,

deserved a bar grievance for that. A lawyer was crying to the judge, and just whining and making

of a bar grievance affected this lawyer. We have Don Terry, he's a host on this network.

about bar grievance I'm a good lawyer and the bar the bar knows I'm a good

don't call it bar grievance and and I said Dennis please I'm just asking any

grievance against this guy today the attorney who injected himself into the

write that narrative for him one bar grievance at a time anyway yes that's

All right, we'll go to that and then go into the bar grievance stuff.

And how well he did and how amazingly powerful of our grievance can be.

And the lawyer saw the word grievance in the margin and boy, he got excited about that.

This is my friend calling that lawyer after the lawyer had lied to the judge and said he had been bar grieved when actually all he did was he saw the word grievance in the margin of a document.

he actually got a bar grievance for lying to the judge.

unconstruable this man wrote grievance in the margin and I felt unconstruable he

It's a file of your bar grievance against them.

He definitely considers that to be important, so to me it doesn't matter, a bar grievance, just a bar grievance either way, I guess maybe I should have been, sounded like a long title

screwing up I should get a bar grievance well no Randy I'm gonna bar

you first bar grievance is likely to cost the lawyer about 12 to 15 thousand dollars a year

You can beat them up big time. Terry, you know what happens to a lawyer if you file a bar grievance against them?

The state bar will get that bar grievance and they will throw it in the trash and they'll send you back this letter that says we examined in your accusation by it does not rise to the level of misconduct.

However, if a lawyer gets a bar grievance or if a lawyer has any reason to believe that he could possibly be sued over an issue, he must notify his insurance carrier.

if you file a bar grievance against him.

And filing a bar grievance against him is cheating.

But the codes say that the bar grievance standards do not create a cause of action.

but you can't use the bar grievance standards to support it.

That's different. That's not bar grievance standards.

Did the clerk send you to speak to a prosecuting attorney on yes, meh, bar grievance against the attorney, simulating a legal process against the judge?

I said that we've already barred grievance, and the bar grievance came back and said that you're looking for legal advice.

And he gets a bar grievance because of what the other lawyer did.

And every time you receive a letter from a lawyer, file a bar grievance against him.

If you file an invalid bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

If you file a perfectly justified bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

And if you follow bar grievance against the lawyer, the state bar is going to get into the trash.

Bar grievance against the district attorney for...

Well, the way you notice they put grievance in is they assigned it a number.

grievance came back and said we're looking for legal advice. That's what the letter has. But

filing a bar grievance against an attorney or anybody else for that matter

had a grievance filed against you and why the every little detail of it this

that for me I've already mentioned about grievance early on but he would he

grievance every bar agency has its own little form for filing bar grievances

his accountant to to claim that they would also file you know grievance I

have a sound basis for each grievance and it will become harder and harder to

gonna respond if he you don't care how he responds to a bar grievance there's

nothing he can sue you for in a bar grievance I mean it's the threat of it

and file a bar grievance against this lawyer. That'll get his attention

bar grievance to the Stone Age, judicial conducts,

that indicated... They're treating your grievance as an inquiry. That's what

They're looking at your grievance and saying, we don't believe that your grievance is sufficient.

I was just mainly trying to do you know about complaints, bar grievance and all that stuff, how to write one down, exactly how to do it.

And all he did was see the word bar grievance on a document, a note on the side of a piece of paper.

Yes, and he assumed he was going to get bar grievance grieved and just freaked out.

I mean, you know, I know you guys are about the only ones talking about the bar grievance people.

There's a nice clean bar grievance for you right there.

Bar grievance complaint.

If you file a valid bar grievance against the lawyer,

The reason I say file a bar grievance against the prosecutor, because it puts ugly marks

file against him. If you file a bar of grievance against the lawyer, the state bar gets the

grievance and throws it in the trash and sends you a letter that says we examined it in your

If he's as popular as he said he is, a bar grievance or two or three or four will really

But if you file a bar grievance against him because he didn't do something wrong, you

You can file a bar grievance against the attorney, but we're coming up on a break.

bar grievance and he's not going to give it to you so you bargreed him for that.

The grievance is about four weeks apart because if I don't, they just combine them and then

Then he got the response from the bar grievance to the prosecutor.

The right to petition the government for redress of grievance shall not be abridged.

to petition the court to redress the grievance that's in the first amendment the right to a free

A bar grievance against a new lawyer will counsel his malpractice insurance immediately.

A bar grievance against a longtime practicing lawyer will put a mark on his record.

Anyway, okay. So I would suggest get you a bar grievance against at least one against every one with a bar card.

There are a lot of bar grievance stating that you filed this because of a suggestion by the judge.

And I told James, I said, well, we're going to do a second bar grievance against this attorney for being so hostile.

I said, I'll find something in the professional rules of conduct that we'll be able to bar grievance from.

You can't file a bar grievance that late.

Because I should file a bar grievance for the fact that they added $26,000 in legacies

so a grievance won't be as much of a big deal.

It's funny that they always seem to withdraw after a bar grievance and another attorney

Well, that lawyer ended up with a bar grievance and when he kept on harassing me, all five

You file a bar grievance against the lawyer and he acts like it doesn't matter

Now you got a mark that when you get, if you get, try to get out of government service and start your own law firm, you got this bar grievance on your record.

And you, if you're this lawyer and you get a bar grievance because one of the, what one of the others did, just because you didn't tell them, you're going to go apoplectic.

It's like filing a bar grievance against a lawyer.

Well, he knew he wouldn't get this barred because if you file a bar grievance against

And file a grievance bar grievance, not with the Colorado bar, but with the Colorado Supreme Court.

in the drawer. If you notice the court that you filed a bar grievance against

probably why he's all upset. And I just, can I file a bar grievance for this?

petition the court for redress of grievance okay so this this has been a problem where

to petition the court for redress of grievance so so basically we've gone 180 degrees we're back

stuff you can sting them for. And so you file a bar grievance and you claim what they did in the

Oh, I am. I am. I just, I've looked at the bar grievance website, but I've never,

The protection clause, the first amendment, the right to petition a court for redress of grievance can never be abridged.

of grievance this right has been in law since 1215 ad when king john first signed the first

redress of grievance in the federal constitution it is the first amendment

motion denied you in your right to petition the court for redress of grievance contact the

Then you're going to file a bar grievance against the lawyer for filing a frivolous pleading

one, they all got themselves a big bar grievance party going on, and got those out of that

grievance for a judge at this because i haven't mess with any of the judges at this court yet

i would like to mess with them a little more and you mentioned bar grievance and all that against

The protection clause, the first amendment, the right to petition a court for redress of grievance can never be abridged.

Now, if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer or a complaint against a police officer or a judge,

proceed i will file a judicial conduct complaint and i will file a grievance with the attorney

grievance because I you know I let each act to go before I got around to finally bar grieving them

Oh, that's a good idea. I like that. Bar grievance for failure to speak with Canada to the court.

to because if the lawyer gets the grievance or what the contract says, if

in your bar grievance have alleged a violation of one of their professional

complaint. Your grievance has to be put in the complaint box but they're not

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer in the state of California, the State Bar

Association will get that grievance and they'll throw it in the trash.

get the first bar grievance for Baratree.

I made those to the bar grievance site.

So I pulled the bar grievance site out of the cobwebs, and it won't take a lot for me

grievance against an attorney and you said you know file a bar grievance show moves boss

my bar grievance he's during a bankruptcy hearing and added as an attachment as an exhibit and say

her this grievance that he filed all these documents right into the public in my bankruptcy

that he hasn't appeared to any court hearing since that since that the bar grievance he came out

transcripts on that so i was i was going to ask you i probably should file bar grievance against

one of our grievances filed against an attorney any issue concerning the bar grievance is between

and they and they the bar grievance he wants me to have this reply in their office no later than

these are interesting issues he's bringing up here but as to the bar grievance they're not relevant

and bar grieves the lawyers the system will spit out a bar grievance against the lawyers

grievance because the bar association standards for the prosecution function

Oh yeah, professional conduct complaint against the officer, bar grievance against lawyers, judicial conduct complaint against judges.

bar grievance on the commissioner the first well the problem with the bar grievance is this

and the bar grievance doesn't do you any good she is okay but she wasn't well if she is that's fine

In that case I own bar grievance net

Oh, yeah, and if we do this right we we move bar grievance up in the seos

Then the county attorney gets a bar grievance and they both get a criminal complaint

I think I called one of them a meat, a burger with no meat. They get a bar grievance because they say things in their quote opposition.

You want to, you know, print that whole motion that he filed and then print off your response so the grievance department sees the full story.

So I'm bar grieving him right now. The lawyer when he gets the bar grievance will go apoplectic.

So when he gets a ruling from the federal court saying that, yes, you can petition the court for redress of grievance because that's a First Amendment right.

Okay. If you file a bar grievance against the lawyer, the state bar will get that grievance

or they will say we're treating your grievance as a inquiry. Brett, you want to address that part?

That does the same thing to a peace officer that a bar grievance does to a lawyer,

They don't have a claim against you. You file a grievance accusing them of retaliation.

and bar grievance that'll jerk a knot in his professional behind yeah i i knew you were

get that downloaded and to learn who to bar-greed, who to send the grievance to, so I don't make

a bar grievance form, you can fill out there, get something in, go online, read the canons

of law is a crime. Bar grievance is what you would send off to the attorney people, Attorney

a bar grievance against him for a practicing law without a license?

And I was thinking, well, I had one bar grievance early on

anything. If they misside a case to the court, that should get a bar grievance every time and

Of course, they never did, and then you have to do the bar grievance and all that stuff,

It's the first rule in the bar grievance and the professional ethics rules and it seems

And a bar grievance against the judge

If he don't, then you file a bar grievance against him

Fill out a bar grievance or a complaint against them

If the lawyer attempted to argue against a motion he did not answer, we bar grievance for that

So what you do is you bar grieve your lawyer, and then your lawyer will whine and complain because one bar grievance doubles malpractice insurance, two bar grievances will likely get it cancelled, three will get his law firms malpractice insurance cancelled

Brett, will you give a little bit of your experience with this? I think right now Brett is the bar grievance king

Well, so even before he bar-greaved his lawyer, he had taken down a little note on the side of, he had written in the margin of some pamphlet or something, and he had written state grievance or state bar grievance or something like that, often in the margin

Well, I've barred grievance before, but this time, I decided that he's obviously under

all these officers and federal conduct complaints, bar grievance against the lawyers, just really

say, this is what that person did. Same thing with this. You're doing a bar grievance and you find

bar grievance for 303A2. There's almost no chance that a lawyer is going to defy a client unless

get an accused to waive the accused's rights, that right there is bar grievance material.

the bar grievance against the lawyer for not giving you ample notice and you don't have time

gets a bar grievance number one because of what they filed was frivolous and there's the rules say

grievance coming up because he didn't correct the judge now the judge just has a responsibility to

about that part that'll be another bar grievance for later so right now we'll just tell him he's

bar grievance he violated that rule okay and then you're going to do a motion to strike the hearing

which they screwed up on that part and they've got bar grievance and criminal complaints for that

So I've got a bar grievance for the attorney, and I've got a judicial misconduct complaint

I said, well, how many bar grievance have you filed?

a bar grievance against the lawyer if they have one, a bar grievance against the prosecutor for prosecuting the case, anything else I can think of in the meantime.

So when the judge denied Ms. Patty her due process right to assistance of counsel, I'm going to say that this attorney, Garcia, gets a bar grievance for that because he should have called out the judge right then.

Yeah, I was thinking, somebody was asking me about a bar grievance in Canada and so I looked up some things and I saw some similarities, but they also have some differences and I was just wondering if you...

So the problem is, if you send it to the state bar, the state bar won't get the grievance and throw it in the trash.

either a records request or a bar grievance and they both they both ought to be coming out

The review board has to address each grievance within 30 days.

So I'm going to file a bar grievance against every lawyer who did not file a motion to dismiss

He cannot talk to anybody about that bar grievance except the bar.

What, how do you add that you just say, you know, this attorney and the whole firm, how do you put that on a bar grievance when you're doing a firm?

grievance against the lawyer that filed the case because of the one, it being them filing in

conduct complaint. I'm sorry. You've got a bar grievance in there for the prosecutor.

I'm thinking, I don't know if I have a bar grievance in there or not. I don't remember

One last question, Brett, were you saying that the bar grievance form is filled out by saying

because the lawyer is forbidden to speak to anyone about that bar grievance except the bar.

So complaining about the grievance to somebody else will do it, huh?

Like going complaining to the judge about the bar grievance with the dagger to my neck and the sword of Damocles.

of years ago, bar grievance anyway, and then criminal complaints against the officer, TICO

hitting bar grievance that many times we oh maybe I don't see Ted on the board

bar grievance is it's got page after page of of just information stuff and I

wanted to be able to truncate the grievance I could made it to him who

Okay. I've been pretty busy this week trying to get organized, get everything in the court and get all the other clients going. I have a bar grievance on the screen.

But you don't know if it is or not. What if you look up Michael instead of Mick and you find a bar card number and you file a grievance against the lawyer whose name actually is Michael?

So I prepared this grievance under the guy's name and it turned out to be the wrong guy.

He's going to have a conniption fit because he gets a bar grievance against him and he had nothing to do with it.

It was the wrong bar grievance and the bar will get your grievance and they'll just throw it away, no problem, no harm, no foul.

Because immediately to me, that means that his bar grievance can be amplified to all of the partners of the firm.

And, you know, when you read the standard, they talk about it's a grievance to violate

Because you never take a bar grievance seriously, the insurance carrier doesn't care

if a violation is a bar grievance is valid or not.

he's going to file a bar grievance against that individual's lawyer and there's not

If you say one word to me about the bar grievance, I'll file your bar grievance against you for that.

And a bar grievance is a clear indication that he could be sued for malpractice.

If the bar adequately addressed these issues and policed the lawyers, the insurance agents wouldn't have to consider every single grievance as valid.

What happens is you file a grievance and the next time you communicate with the other party, they've got a different lawyer.

They brought in a special prosecutor from, I don't know where, he got a bar grievance too. He was gone.

And the bar actually sanctioned them because the bar tells you that you're not, you can't talk about this bar grievance with anyone except the bar.

called post. We'll get that grievance and they will throw it in the trash and that's a good thing.

So I think I'm going to do a bar grievance on Ms. Perk, which was just the vice president

over you whatsoever directly. He has no influence. If you file a bar grievance against the lawyers

the bar grievance I filed against him I haven't filed one against James yet I may depending on how

the law firm who's trying to collect from you is bug grievance or two. You know what

That right there should get him a bar grievance and a charge submitted directly to a grand

But that's for another day. I just want to say something funny happened on the way to the state law library yesterday when I went to follow that bar grievance on that ADA indicator is trying to block the court access from the public.

How did you learn about the state bar of Texas attorney grievance process? Other referral source.

One bar grievance your first year of practice they cancel.

And file a bar grievance against this lawyer telling the bar that this lawyer parts his hair on the left.

But the point is if I file a bar grievance against the lawyer

Brett is our bar grievance guru.

If you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the State Bar Association is going to get that grievance to go and throw it in the trash.

If you file a bar grievance with State Bar, they're going to throw it in the trash.

that's probably the worst part of the grievance because

investigating into the accusation and and a bar grievance accusing them of this

letters documents things that you're referring to with the bar grievance now is that something that

you know you you can't work on a bar grievance if you try to file it online they want you to put it

a uh essentially a synopsis of the grievance all the stuff you put in is in this room

agreements so now we are getting a hard copy showing that the grievance was filed

him and sent letters he'd never contact me back that's a bar grievance in itself it's the top one

away and the first lawyer that got herself involved well one bar grievance and she just

disappeared she no longer works for the firm she's gone and the second bar grievance went to the

ahead and quote it right there in the middle of your bar grievance because that gives them no place

allege a violation, the grievance is classified as an inquiry and dismissed with the right

to appeal the dismissal. If the conduct alleges a violation, the grievance is classified as

of disciplinary rules. That's your grievance has been classified as an inquiry and dismissed.

I'm in your grievance for appeal the decision and excessive wording, and then it looks right

T-Cole complaint against the arresting officer, a bar grievance against the lawyer who represented

you, a bar grievance against the prosecutor, and a criminal complaint against the prosecutor,

for filing a bar grievance, that's retaliation, because when you file that grievance you're

Okay, a bar grievance and a suit, another claim and amended pleading and add this action

He wrote a grievance on this one and it was just been downhill ever since.

There is a file about grievance. The lawyer is forbidden to talk to anybody about that grievance except bar.

But as far as I know, the filer is not forbidden. So can the judge admit that he filed a bar grievance or can he stand on secrecy and say, oh, I'm forbidden to admit or deny?

So it looks like when you get your note back from them, you did your bar grievance and you wait a little while and you get something back in the mail

got called to play let's make a deal bar grievance yeah bar grievance and

not to the attorney and then the judge I filed a bar grievance and criminal

a bar grievance and the two of those together are gonna be fun for you you're

need them to and if they don't well then they get a bar grievance that's right

partners in the firm with another bar grievance because, A, they shouldn't have facilitated

bullied. And it didn't take long. One bar grievance and the lawyer disappeared.

he's going to file a first degree felony charges against the arresting officer and a T. Cole complaint and a bar grievance against the accused person's lawyer for not filing the exact motion that I'm filing.

Bar grievance against the prosecutor, criminal charges against the prosecutor, judicial conduct complaint against the judge and criminal complaint of criminal conspiracy against the judge.

They all have the same requirements one bar grievance your first year of practice. They cancel immediately

bar grievance every time they move

the bar grievance party

notice claim, bar grievance on an attorney

I did the Friday the 13th move and I actually sent a judicial complaint and a bar grievance today.

correct the judge, so that was a bar grievance for him, and complicity.

that this lawyer just committed this crime and this bar grievance in this violation of

I have a question about your affidavit. Actually, I'm in the middle of a tax grievance again,

And what it revolts around is a successful tax grievance for property tax.

Now what happens is with the tax grievance here, you make the grievance with the company

the current grievance and use it to support the pictures that I have?

I don't actually appear, the tax grievance company does, but they said it would help

the grievance for me, because I don't do that myself and it is worth the trouble.

and the actual attorney I would imagine is part of the tax grievance company.

he could consider is a bar grievance and he scribbled on some pamphlet or whatever he

Those of you who are wondering how to write a grievance, I always write a grievance in,

my grievance in the verbiage of the standard.

your grievance is and how they you know the story of how they uh violated their agreement

even though I have another party actually doing the grievance for me?

and can a person who's not involved in a case file a bar grievance against that lawyer?

something like Texas State Barg grievance or something along those lines.

the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

You file a bar grievance against opposing counsel, and opposing counsel is going to jump up and down, rail and watch indignation, and just have a fit because you just doubled his malpractice insurance.

of a law firm, first bar grievance goes to the lawyer, second bar grievance goes to everyone

and you can call the carrier and follow a grievance with the carrier as well, whatever carrier you have.

And then once they start rolling up on that doctor, they will, especially once you tell them that you're going to file a grievance with Medicare,

So his boss gets a bar grievance for what he did, and his boss is actually going to get three, but the first two are going to be because he's facilitating his underling doing all this nonsense.

They have to address each grievance that comes in.

Brad is our bar grievance expert.

First thing you'd have to know about a bar grievance is if you file a bar grievance with the state bar in any state,

the state bar will get that grievance and throw it in the trash.

And the lawyer saw that on the margin. He saw that it said state bar grievance or something like that.

Or you're going to file a bar grievance against the attorney who didn't hold the judge accountable to follow the law.

You can go file a bar grievance against the attorney's boss for letting the attorney run amuck committing crimes and doing all this misconduct.

state. Don't remind her, just with your warning though, remind her via bar grievance and remind

or, you know, because the grievance could be categorized as a complaint or an inquiry.

And I also have changed the way that I write my bar grievance so that now, instead of just saying, you know,

Here's how you decide, is this a grievance or is this, as they put it, not a problem.

For them to say that a bar grievance actually goes to the adjudication of the case, that's ridiculous.

So, that means I should use your tactic and bar grievance in for filing that motion because it's clearly I'm arguing a right to use my automobile which is being restricted by that statute.

So the first person got a bar grievance and somebody else piped up, they got a bar grievance.

He's the one that coined the phrase bar grievance to the stone age. We got tools. From my perspective, California is the most corrupt state in the union, but that doesn't mean you can't win in California.

file a bar grievance against the lawyer right yeah you got to know that lawyer is not sharp

with a bar grievance or judicial misconduct complaint or a criminal complaint or something

Here's how you need a bar grievance to look

And so yeah, I would file my bar grievance with a criminal complaint attached to it.

Well, give him a bar grievance or two and see if he wants to think if that was ambiguous.

I like to write the bar grievance in the verbiage of the standard

Heck, you throw them all in the trash. By the numbers. One bar grievance your first year of

somebody had written a bar grievance on because she didn't charge my neighbor with criminal offense

You can't disqualify a prosecutor or anyone because you filed a grievance against them.

He's biased now because I filed a grievance on her.

But we never file a bar grievance unless there's grounds for it.

And final bar grievance for even saying that to you.

to do any changes whatsoever and they're for me to do bar grievance for that I bar grieve

So the first guy gets a bar grievance for whatever rule he violated. Let's say he was incompetent, so that's Rule 1.01

We need to get lots of people filing malpractice suits against these firms, and bar grievance against them until they can't get insurance, and then malpractice suits against them so we can get their bass vote

I just wanted to do a bar grievance against the shyster who made a pleading

Wait, stop, stop. Did you say bar grievance against that detective?

Wait, wait, wait, this is good. Generally you have one year under the Bar Association rules to raise a grievance, but we don't care about that. If you raise a grievance out of time, generally in law, statute of limitations, statute of limitations is not a bar

Bar grievance against them what they did. They scared me. They frightened me. This is just for just for my defense, you know, this is due process. And I understand there are people there that they can't release it to the public. But it's not like releasing to the public. It's for a criminal matter.

When their lawyer files a response you respond to his response and file a bar grievance against him

Yeah, the last grievance I had cited, the lawyer disclosing the fact that I filed a bar grievance against her.

That's the one you file a complaint with that acts like a bar grievance does to lawyers.

on my end. I filed a bar grievance against them. I filed a judicial complaint against

It's probably the first bar grievance he's ever had.

You know, that bar grievance will stay on his record forever.

He already has one bar grievance from me, and he just withdrew himself from the case.

Okay. You filed a bar grievance against him, and he hit the road.

He just dove off into a bar grievance lawyer,

And I'm just thinking that this calls for a bug grievance because he was not even there at the agency that I work for.

And they have at least one bar grievance that goes with that.

Is it true that you filed a, in open court, is it true that you filed a power grievance against this attorney?

I filed a judicial bar grievance and I filed a attorney bar grievance

About bar grievances? Yes, basically it was at the hearing to allow the SPD state public defender to withdraw, and you know, she asked the defendant, are you, is it true that I understand that you filed a bar grievance against this attorney?

First, one bar grievance is your first year of practice.

Brett is our bar grievance guru. I'm the one that...

So I'll put in a bar grievance real quick and then reply to them,

because he's our bar grievance expert.

We do suggest that you grieve them in the terms and using the terms of the bar grievance standards, which is by no means necessary.

That bar grievance I filed for parting his hair on the left will hurt him just as much as if I filed one that was absolutely relevant.

because they always tell the lawyer not to contact the person who filed the grievance because that will come up retaliation.

He hadn't done it yet, but he had scribbled the word bar grievance onto whatever random paper he had had on hand at the time.

He should have got a bar grievance for saying that because he's forbidden to mention it.

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel immediately.

that I did go ahead and file the bar grievance like you both had suggested for me last night.

So I will deal with that one when I'm done with this whole bar grievance thing and dealing with the terrible old lawyer.

I suspect the bar grievance is going to shut him up because that's going to cost him probably on the order of 25 grand a year when they doubled his malpractice insurance rates.

I was actually curious if I could send another bar grievance in response to his demand for payment today.

incited Washington court rules like since this bar grievance got filed this date,

Neither you cannot talk to the law firm about the bar grievance and the law firm cannot

They require the lawyer not to speak to the person who filed the grievance because that

Then you file a bar grievance against the lawyer and a judicial conduct complaint against

So two weeks later I filed another bar grievance in the same way.

So now I'm just wondering, you know, like I could file another bar grievance against the partners that I noticed,

And I'm still waiting to hear back from the bar grievance committee.

Now, when you file a bar grievance, the state bar will throw that grievance in the trash,

If I have an issue, the bar grievance is going to go to the name partner.

you go to the head of the law firm and file a bar grievance against him.

And when he refuses, then you file a bar grievance against him.

Do I tell him I'm filing a bar grievance or do I just do it?

So the bars tell him, you do not talk to anyone about this bar grievance except the bar.

grievance and they're going to throw it in the trash.

with the client or with the person who filed the grievance because the lawyer would tend

So if you file a bar grievance against the lawyer and the judge finds out about it, you

If he files a bar grievance against me, then I'll lose my malpractice insurance and I can't

We apologize for the bar grievance that this happened.

once they raised that in the open court that I filed a bar grievance against them,

and if the attorney brings up your bar grievance in open court,

you talk about a bar grievance in open court,

And I have a constitutional right to fight for what is truth and to bring grievance before the court.

If the grievance is valid, invalid, they don't care. Just the fact that you get one.

This should absolutely get a bar grievance against the prosecutor and a motion, a summary

Of course, I'll file criminal charges against him and a judicioconda complaint and a bar grievance against his bar license.

mm-hmm so now he's in civil practice well he's getting another bar grievance one for

what's going on with the law firm he filed a bar grievance against the lawyer and they

That works a lot like a bar grievance does. It steams their bond rating.

That should definitely get a bar grievance against the prosecutor.

And the whole point, the content of this bar grievance is really simple.

and I make my bar grievance one extra sheet at the end.

Okay. Does that make sense? Yeah. It's kind of like writing a criminal complaint or a bar grievance in that you have to find a reference point. With a bar grievance, you went and found a rule that the attorney violated and he's required to not violate any of these rules.

That's not the same thing as, I think you were talking about a bar grievance before.

So that gets a bar grievance because he's still got a bar card.

don't file a grievance with the hospital because that will hurt your case.

And the first thing you should do is file a grievance against the judge.

And I'm wondering if this constitutes bar grievance because what they're doing is they're

Well, since what is determined about a bar grievance is kept secret, we have no idea

company told you, but since the results of the filing of a bar grievance are kept secret

by the state bar associations, you won't know what effect your bar grievance has actually

and I'm wondering if this constitutes bar grievance because what they're doing is they're basically doing excessive work

Well, since what is determined about a bar grievance is kept secret,

But since the results of a bar--the filing of a bar grievance are kept secret by the state bar associations,

you won't know what effect your bar grievance has actually had.

judicial conduct complaint against the judge, bar grievance against the prosecuting attorney.

So you bar grievance for that?

You know what, Brett, I have your bar grievance document and I will.

Generally, the state bar association will have a grievance form on their website.

training, a T-Cold complaint, professional conduct complaint, a bar grievance against

But so I went down there. I entered that. I entered the bar grievance into the case. And then I entered the motion to dismiss.

It sounded like you might have filed the bar grievance into the case.

Yeah, I believe you said that you filed a bar grievance into the case. Is that right?

Okay. Well, then just for any of the listeners, the bar grievance doesn't belong in the case.

That should definitely get a bar grievance and a motion for sanctions.

And you file a bar grievance against the lawyers for filing a frivolous pleading.

I have a PDF TECO complaint and bar grievance that if you send me an email, I'll send it to you.

So what's this judge, when he gets a bar grievance from you, me, Dr. Joe,

the bar grievance you filed against the judge,

the bar grievance you filed against the prosecuting attorney,

Plus, you have 36 people who are probably going to send a bar grievance to him for that.

When you're explaining to your underling why he's getting a bar grievance because you opened your mouth.

If you bargrieve a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going

You probably had a bar grievance ready to go and just didn't know whose name to stick

Definitely bar grievance for it

Victoria County to get the bar grievance they get the bar card number of the

ramifications of a bar grievance but they never gave me a bar card number so

send a bar grievance in for each letter to every member of the firm.

The bar grievance committee will throw the grievance for the attorneys in the trash.

But what's to stop the insurance carrier from throwing the bar grievance right in the trash?

Anything you have to complain about, bar grievance for it.

Yeah, and it's just for annoyance, you know the bar is going to get your grievance and throw it in the trash.

One bar grievance your first year of practice, they cancel your malpractice insurance.

I did a bar grievance yesterday.

He knows that's bar grievance terminology.

And if that lawyer ever expects to go into private practice, every grievance you file goes on his record forever.

But if the attorney says I got a bar grievance because I didn't do such and such, then he's

Yeah, well, if he tries to get out of it, file a bar grievance on him, citing a knowing

File another bar grievance against him.

they said that, oh, well, because they changed the statute, our grievance is no longer there.

So they were like, well, since the grievance is no longer there-

bar grievance he ever got. What was his name, Brett? I'm trying to think of his name. He started with an

Bar grievance for each time they miss.

prioritize them so that I like start with a bar grievance because that's going to start a 30 day clock ticking and then go from there.

If you've only filed one bar grievance against him, you're backing up.

I went today to, my bar grievance is written up, but I was going to file a criminal complaint first and then include that with my bar grievance because they're not going to take it very serious if it doesn't have a criminal complaint with it.

Get him a bar grievance in before you talk to him.

I'm wondering how long it'll take before he sees that I filed a bar grievance because

and I have at least one bar grievance I can file as a result of that.

get the third bar grievance on him and if he's with a law firm, they're going to toss

will ignore that. This certainly needs a bar grievance or two or three. A bar grievance

And has he gotten a bar grievance yet?

And that fits because you don't want whoever files a grievance to be badgered by the person

The most fun I've had was filing a bar grievance against the wrong lawyer.

I filed the bar grievance against him for what the guy in Decatur did,

The bar grievance against me wasn't even my client.

you think that there might be some problems with something that happened, then they have the right to file a grievance and file an election contest.

That should get a bar grievance against him and maybe a suit for malpractice.

and file a bar grievance against the prosecutor for each one.

Whether your grievance is valid or not doesn't make any difference.

so on the court and bar grievance on the Motor Vehicle Registry lawyer.

I filed a bar grievance against the lawyer in Texas and I knew you was the wrong one.

But then we have other remedies like a bar grievance for an unethical lawyer

But that would be like a bar grievance to have said that to me?

Absolutely, because the bar grievance is confidential.

Yeah, this lawyer that I met at the court the other day, he's not going to expect a bar grievance for him being rude to me.

If a lawyer, misery represents a fact to the judge and another lawyer hears him do it, he's supposed to file bar grievance against it.

And a bar grievance is a really, really big deal.

You file a bar grievance against the lawyer.

I will, because I'm going to do a, I'm going to do a, a grievance against the judge as well.

And ask for sanctions against the lawyer because he's forbidden to mention the bar grievance to anyone.

from my perspective, a bar grievance against these officers in the court.

And I'm seriously contemplating putting a bar grievance against Doug Downey, the attorney

your bar grievance against that crown attorney just got a whole lot easier.

filing a bar grievance against lawyers. You file a professional conduct

so next time they look cross-eyed at you follow bar grievance and finally T cold

He's got a bar grievance from me.

had bar grievance written on the corner of his legal pad.

something like state bar grievance that he had scribbled onto the margin of whatever little

You file a bar grievance, it's between you, your grievance is between you and the bar.

No, I'm saying you could put in the bar grievance that you're not a lawyer.

Okay, and what, okay, you have a grievance with them and you're in Chicago.

I filed a bar grievance against an attorney for interfering in a case that he was not

You should file a bar grievance against this guy for misrepresenting the case.

grievance against him.

What's on my mind is I'm having some problems with the Bar Grievance Committee.

Who do I send that bar grievance to?

So they're asking, so I think what I'm going to do is ask for sanctions against them for lying to the court, for converting my equity, for extortion, and a few other things I'll think of. I mean, why not? They can't sanction my right to redress of grievance in the court.

He read into the record my bar grievance against the attorney.

Bar grievance committee subject.

I got a bar grievance against her and I'm suing her too.

So that should get an appeal of judicial conduct complaint and a bar grievance against the lawyer.

of the grievance and they haven't notified the insurance company, they're not covered.

even though that I was using the transcripts to basically base the bar grievance off of,

We got Chris on the line and he is working over State Bar Grievance Committee in New

That's how bar grievance helped me there.

you know, the bar grievance committee,

it goes to the chief counsel at the bar grievance committee

bar grievance committee members

That's why every other bar grievance I've ever done

for which grievance it is for that attorney.

So then when the Barg Grievance Committee

Then I went through the grievance procedure, knowing that it wouldn't go anywhere really.

I think that would have come up during the grievance process, but I think they would

And they need to get a grievance for failure to negotiate in good faith.

Well, not in Texas. Okay, let me split this between law and politics. The law, like in Texas, it says that you have to file a bar grievance within a year, Brett.

I suggested that he file a bar grievance against him for that.

The lawyer can't speak to anyone about the bar grievance except the bar.

I just want to make sure you know, though, that my bar grievance didn't have anything

This, my bar grievance is only about the refusal to meet and confer, just wanted to make sure

So the 7-5 bar grievance is unrelated to your motion for more delay.

See the new bar grievance coming.

everybody in his law firm for separate grievance for each one. Yeah. Each lie and move for

I hope so, but I don't legitimately have a bar grievance against this guy because he

prepare one, and when he doesn't, then you file a bar grievance against him with the State Bar

And don't say anything about the bar grievance and if he says anything about the bar grievance you bar grieving for that

I'm going to file a bar grievance against each one of them, say that the court of appeals

But if they don't, then they open themselves up to a bar grievance for not following the

And I just filed a bar grievance against all their lawyers, excuse my coughy thing, we

I just have bar-grieved her about four or five times, separate bar grievance for each

I made up one bar grievance because they all argued state immunity.

So I made up one bar grievance and built this big merged spreadsheet and put their names in for

grievance committee sent me back a response to the complaints I made before, to the grievances

I made before, they said they could not take a grievance on an attorney in an ongoing case.

the president, right on down. I think there's 13, 14 of them in this state bar grievance committee.

before, whether they want to be properly trained if they can't accept the bar grievance during a

And I've filed against the grievance under the American Bar Association model standards

So you're referencing that, but it wasn't the grievance itself, right?

Yeah, I use that in the bar grievance as a reason for the grievance.

There were six pages per grievance and 294 pages.

And I filed a bar grievance against the attorney general and tell them that they all ought

File a bar grievance in a professional conduct complaint

crap and I found a bar grievance he he filed this suit for the Chief Justice of

superiors listed on it agreed all of them to six page of grievance I what I

together a six page bar grievance I merged it to a spreadsheet and with

those six pages for each grievance when it printed out it was 296 pages so for

Then file a bar grievance against them for filing a frivolous motion, and you might look

You can bar grievance for any rule that's in there, but the better ones to focus on

not afraid of them. And they will get a bar grievance right off the bat as soon as I've

Because he's not supposed to mention it to anybody. The lawyer can only talk about the grievance to

All of the bar code, bar grievance standards around the country

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