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No, I'm talking about an internal revenue tax, an income tax.

Ain't no law creating income tax, just a heap of guns caught behind our backs getting our red money.

And near the top of the page, I see IRS income taxes, U.S. versus ARIN.

Is that state, this is state income taxes

and find the income tax statutes for Missouri

because we certainly are not experts on income tax code

Ain't no law creating income tax, just a heap of guns cocked behind our backs getting our red money. Red money.

There was a comment earlier about the income tax thing

Now, when you go to the Part 1 regulations, which are for individual income tax, there is no 1.6331.

who have been trying to say that the income tax doesn't apply to us.

We do pay income taxes, by the way, so we are paying for that as well.

in lieu of former previous income taxes

the deceased actually owed income taxes based on his day trading,

And in my situation, I hadn't filed any kind of income tax returns or anything for quite a long time, probably about seven years

They made these dummy income tax assessments

Called proposed individual income tax assessments

And as far as there's a tax calculation summary and a proposed income tax assessment

I believe it's Title 12 USC Section 7203, which says that you will pay income tax?

The income tax, yeah.

that if only everybody really paid attention they'd realize they never had to pay any income taxes.

they can't pay the interest either. And that goes back to the income tax.

So basically what I'm looking at this as now on the income tax is a use tax on the money is all it

So the entire income tax system is basically a use tax. It's not a-

If that would be true, then that would mean Texas has a secret income tax and we haven't been told about it.

are just going to do whatever they think they can get away with as long as we let them get away with it well of course ever but the Supreme Court is ruled you know through the income tax and whatever that a right cannot be taxed is that right do we all agree to that I don't know what

I had called Randy previously and mentioned a little bit about the income tax.

I want to take this into the realm of the income tax

So as long as we keep feeding the beast with income tax,

Now, if you're going to say that the income tax, the federal income tax,

So with the digitization of the income tax,

Yeah, I wanted to call in tonight and speak a little bit about the income tax.

So when people are up on income tax trials,

A way to basically prove to people that the income tax is voluntary except for federal employees

You search for income tax collected at source,

that deals with income tax withheld at source or collected at source.

that's the section that establishes liability for income tax collected at source.

and the wrinkle is that in order for anyone to withhold income tax payments by any employee,

that makes the average employee liable for income tax.

Well, there's a law that makes a federal employee liable for income tax.

And to prove the point that it is the federal employees that are liable for income tax,

the way the judges always say income tax is constitutional is Title IV, Section 111,

But I can't find a section of code that makes the private American citizen liable for income tax.

When it's time for a person to be called on an income tax trial,

him on as a guest on the show to talk about the income tax issue, and I wanted to renew

I'm a bookkeeper, and I do income tax.

they're sending it to the franchise tax board, which is California's income tax department.

When I filed my exempt forms for unemployment, or I mean for the income tax, not taking income tax out, I filed an

And they stopped taking out income tax immediately. However, in the little business that I'm associated with now,

about the income tax only applies from what I can tell to government employees, and understand

Security, two is individual income tax, and five is state gift tax.

If you will notice in every income tax statute in every single state the state can only charge an income tax to you

if the federal government can charge the income tax to you.

So your state income taxes are directly derived from the amount of taxes paid on the federal income tax.

Their entire financial funding scheme falls apart if the federal income tax falls apart.

Is there a way we can go after the individual from a state level if the federal income tax doesn't apply,

The 16th or Income Tax Amendment to the United States Constitution became effective in February of 1913.

I think people that can go beyond that and see that we don't need the income tax and

the income tax.

Well what I'm saying is in the income tax so when I go to report my income tax I can

Do you owe income tax?

Oh and you're saying I do not owe income tax by asking that.

I do not pay federal income tax because I do not have a filing requirement to pay federal

income tax.

There are a few states that don't have a so-called income tax.

always some taxes on certain things at a minimum even if you live in a non-income tax.

And I think that a lot of that money is – in fact, it is collected as an income tax.

and that money is deposited or is collected as an income tax.

And when it's – it's actually not an income tax because it is Social Security and FUTA,

but they collected it as an income tax,

to collect an employment tax as an income tax.

with the federal government to stop paying income tax

that they owe federal income tax.

They want to keep it under the presumption that everybody owes federal income tax

whether we need the income tax or not.

Yeah, the income tax, as I see it, I think that it just goes to a bunch of

and they said that not five cents of the money collected under income tax

I believe the income tax system is just a scam that they have constructed

Not only do we need to audit the Fed, we need to get rid of the income tax.

and or written it off their income tax, their business income tax.

This was the Mexican income tax I talked about earlier, and that was my first mistake in court.

Yeah, I believe that's the one where they're going to charge us 8% extra on our federal income tax return if we don't subscribe to the government health care plan.

For the same reason they always have done it. Same place like the income tax, to take it from those who it doesn't apply to, just like what they're doing with the traffic code. If we can convince them that they have to contribute the money, then that's more money for us and less for them.

I can tell you unequivocally, IRS regulations for canvassing so-called districts or customs districts have nothing to do with so-called income tax.

about this. If we had no income tax, they're still going to collect taxes because everything

from you in direct taxes, not through your income taxes, but through your loss of purchasing

we've already started down the road, and then we move on toward the federal income tax.

But one of the most coercive aspects of our federal government is the income tax.

I can get up here and say you should consider not paying your income taxes, but then there's

in this room that enjoys paying their income taxes and having their labor stolen from them

Well, I write it off as income tax, boss.

Now it's the actual creditor that put it on my income tax

They said that the amount that they had put on the 1099, the cancellation of debt for my income tax,

right off his income tax, he'll get consideration a second time.

warrant for failure to pay income taxes failure to file slash and it just goes

off as income tax. So where he has other loans that are profitable that he can't do this

get to write it off their income tax as a business law, so they get an income tax credit

who collects state income tax, wouldn't they set precedence that they could start figuring

income tax return. Okay, okay. Stop right there.

As far as the federal regulations go for income taxes, they are, since 1953, they are not

This is for the federal income tax.

Federal income tax.

the same thing with income tax, Fed-State agreements.

I mean that's the whole problem with the income tax code.

administrative collection of federal income taxes and penalties for the tax years at issue

is required to file income tax information. And sorry, that is a fact and a truth of law.

Charles Key has a proposal regarding a tax escrow account, whereas all the federal income tax that

year, instead all citizens of the state would be required to submit their federal income tax

I am certainly in court cases that can prove unequivocally that there are no legislative regulations, as you know, for private parties for the driving issue in Georgia and other states as well as so-called income tax.

have the authority there. And I'll give a good example for the income tax. They only

if you pursue an income tax issue that was discussed a couple of days ago on your show with Dave Champion

but can that come back to could the income tax people come back and say well you took a benefit here

and you're right I've spent years researching the income tax code just like I did this in the transportation code

Reagan. An official U.S. Government Commission report stated that all of your income tax

Because all our income tax goes to pay for the interest on the debt to the Federal Reserve.

and then you'd have to pay income taxes on it.

Y'all have had David Champion on before, haven't you, about the income tax?

adjusting their income tax, but in the process they're shifting these notes around in such

It keeps the special purpose vehicle from having to pay the income tax but in the process

of the statute on income taxes to me, and he would skip certain words as he came to

It just amazes me. And I'm also similarly involved in researching taxes, income taxes, et cetera.

Well, when it gets to the income taxes,

of $2 million and income tax liability

in business tax cuts and income tax changes by leveling a tax on state employee pensions.

Okay, we can ask why do people with income tax issues continue to argue the Fifth Amendment?

Why do people with income tax issues continue to argue the Sixteenth Amendment, etc., etc.?

But if we're dealing with tax stuff on the income tax level, sorry about that, if we're

Now while I say that, we've got this income tax context.

than our promise. That's what he did. He doesn't pay any income tax. He's 83 years old and he's

And so obviously the first context there is the income tax scenario. Can they trade in

gold and avoid income tax? No. We see that in the Kerry case out in Nevada. And so there's

are trying to understand is, for example, how the income tax thing keeps getting enforced

There's a similar theory, the parallel theory, that says the income tax arises from the use

Yep. It would work that way. See, income tax existed before they screwed over the money

so what I need to do to get out of the income tax thing is expatriate. And that still lingers to this

day. They think that citizenship has something to do with income tax. It doesn't have a thing to do with it.

nonresident. There's nothing about income tax has anything to do with citizenship. If it did there

income tax obligation then we're not limited to citizenship. So anyway the questions you have are

But that'll help us because now these guys can look at going to prison for income tax

Ten years later, the original woman got charged with income tax evasion,

The Boehner Obama plan would actually lower personal and corporate income taxes while eliminating or reducing an array of popular tax breaks.

it off your income tax, you've got an insurance payment from a, and everybody remembers what

I mean, they try the same thing on an income tax return.

an income tax that's beyond their power isn't I agree whether or not it's

Lincoln was one of the first ones that tried to put fiat money into place and an income tax to boot because he knew just like in what we're seeing now, the funding money system cannot operate without an income tax because you've got a spigot bringing water into the tub, you've got to have a drain taking it out.

And that is one of the mechanisms of the income tax, how to get that overflow out so the system doesn't drown itself or everybody using it in inflation, which is exactly what would happen if the tub couldn't drain.

Income tax return.

that because it's your personal home, you're not responsible for income tax on it.

flat 20% income tax.

Both followed Herman Cain's flat 9% income tax as part of his 999 plan, which helped

When is the last day to file your federal income tax forms? Ugg.

Here's the problem with all federal income tax cases being tried at the federal level.

Income tax is not my issue.

The Texas Supreme Court ruled in 1995 that this method of taxation for funding the public schools was completely illegal because it constituted a state income tax.

It's the same thing as the income tax.

remex is a real estate mortgage investment conduit which is set up for income tax purposes,

to deceive people. There is an actual income tax, but it only applies, for example, to a foreigner

Yeah, that was Sherry Jackson responding to the challenge on whether or not the IRS code made someone libel to pay the income tax.

And what it would not be the time to do that is things about income tax and all kinds of all the other regulations that they are turning us into robots with.

No, you know, there's got to be a differentiation there between a dramatic accident and something like income tax.

he had proposed some legislation at the state level for the state of Oklahoma basically which said that as far as the citizen's federal income tax money that normally goes directly to the IRS,

The relationship between the money, the funny money, and the income tax obligation

I mean, a whole spectrum of people coming in to study the income tax system.

So they hear that one has an income tax obligation because one uses federal reserve notes

The use of the federal reserve note is not what gives rise to an income tax obligation.

So the employee's circumstance is such that it's possible, it is possible to be an employee and not have an income tax.

And so it's a way of saying you're going to pay something, even if the income tax bill

But yeah, it is a misnomer to equate paying no income tax and not being a taxpayer.

an income tax system, employment status by itself does not trigger being a taxpayer.

to trigger the problems with the income tax system.

marketed as a war tax their income tax helped the war okay is marketing like most government

not financed with income tax the income tax deals with managing the money supply period

income taxes there's no tax on labor well yeah there is it's income tax so where where

This is not a commerce clause matter. Right. They couldn't have been more clear. This is not a commerce clause matter. It's a taxing power matter. So it instantly runs everything in through the income tax and that whole collection system.

Is there an alternative that we can do without having to understand all of the details about the income tax system?

So guess what the income tax is? Guess what the property tax is? Guess what the amount that we pay for traffic tickets amounts to?

So what's the income tax for? Drain. It regulates the amount of money available in the system. So it's not for financing anything. It's for regulating the money supply. That's what the income tax is for.

It was a government issued report under his administration that clearly said all income tax goes to pay the interest to the private bankers for loaning us the money that they print out of thin air. Period.

We don't need an income tax system where we don't have, guess what, a funny money system.

The income tax system was originated when it was long before we shifted over to the money supply, the funny money system, so that it would be functioning at the time of the shift over.

Okay. So we get instilled with the concept of income tax about what, 1913 when we're starting, so about 100 years into it now.

the income tax system.

If we didn't have a funny money system, we wouldn't need income tax system.

idea there was income tax.

to exist under, then this income tax thing goes away with it, where the income tax goes

So where we understand that we're dealing with a federal income tax system, by what mechanism does one become a taxpayer?

He had no income tax obligation.

Okay, well, I have a, you know, I discovered some stuff on the Internet about income tax.

Income taxes, social security, bank bailouts, driver's licenses, automobile registration

You mean besides the actual income tax?

At least the income tax appears to have some, but the income tax is not necessarily unauthorized.

What would it, does Colorado have a state income tax?

state income tax.

And if you're a licensed professional, the income tax people are going to expect you

all have state income tax.

I know fully what you're talking about. Where I see secession is actually an act. The secession is saying, I'm taking my ball, I'm taking my property, I'm taking all my stuff, and I'm leaving, and we're not paying any more union taxes or federal income taxes or any of that.

Yeah, Texas doesn't have federal income tax.

And if there was income tax stuff.

Well, all the income tax stuff I have is there.

But there's a section down here, section four, that says alleged violation of income tax law.

And every state that I've seen that doesn't require a ledger has a state income tax

Now, as the courts have ruled when it comes to income tax, it is perfectly legal to seek methods of tax avoidance.

They will work these guys over. Steve, do you remember what the form is to file for income tax fraud?

But all those states have income tax.

If you are a notary, you are a licensed professional, and Florida has state income tax.

We don't have a state income tax.

Florida doesn't have a state income tax?

I thought Texas was the only one that didn't have a state income tax.

Florida doesn't have a state income tax.

Well, I'm just saying that it's like Alex Jones plays income tax or whatever.

If you thought you'd been had on income taxes, driver's licenses, and everything else, people your entire state has been stolen from you,

But we're making headway as far as the income tax, the property tax, the gun issue, everything

When is the last day to file your federal income tax forms?

so I'm not qualified to pay income tax.

I don't qualify for income tax, and I don't qualify for a Social Security number.

case of the income tax statutes numerous times these agencies have you just have to demand

Because taxes are usually a state issue, not a federal issue, unless you're talking income tax.

which means they don't have to pay income taxes on anything that they make off of these things

unless you're talking income tax.

Income taxes are strictly and specifically a state issue.

Okay. Is this income tax? Is this property tax?

Income tax.

as they call us, in the 50 states. It hasn't reached us with an income tax. So I'm arguing

outside of income tax evasion, perjury is probably the most under-prosecuted crime in America.

In the income tax fight basically

Puts out there regarding income taxes

When it relates to income tax

About income taxes

From the very beginning of the income tax

that I found so far has a property tax, has a state income tax.

the income tax, that you no longer have any rights.

Anti-Income Tax Movement. He is a CPA

Well, here's some commentary he's made on Obamacare. Here's some he's made on income taxes. Here's some he's made on the right to keep and bear arms.

The other thing is that you guys were talking about Section A, as far as the income taxes

The taxes, the income taxes only apply to tax payers, and as long as you revoke your

income tax and that's all there is to it and I called the IRS out on it and they ran the

it very clear what the limitation of the income tax is.

of the original 1921 income tax enactment and it was like 30 pages long if that and

extract income taxes from the American people.

of that federal corporation that owes an income tax as an employee from that agency which

The Income Tax Shattering the Myths, not a single example in the entire income tax statute

Not only are they out of time, the 1099 is inappropriate, that's income tax fraud.

Now if they attempt to collect on the note, then the 1099 becomes income tax fraud.

And he goes into exactly why fair tax is stupid because it's neither fair nor is it constitutionally acceptable and nor does it comply with any aspect of the income tax.

That claim of income is income tax fraud.

already been claimed as income on your income tax, and the IRS agent's trying to charge

income tax because it's an investment.

That's because it was all an income tax scam but it assists you in this regard if the mortgage

But every state that doesn't require a ledger has a state income tax.

They did not get him on personal income tax.

Contact a friend of mine, Dave Champion. He's written a book called Income Tax Shattering the Myths

The federal government can only tax the states or what the income tax code says they can tax, and that is not you and me. It's never been you and me.

Income Tax Shattering the Myths, and you can get that at, I believe.

And he is most assuredly in the know that the federal income tax does not apply to Americans.

I don't know how much he does on the income tax stuff, but I know he wrote the book on it,

I don't claim to be an all-out federal income tax expert for the purpose of giving information to others.

income tax forms uh-huh and dr. Katherine Albrecht more news and

So April 2015, I thought I would get another check because, you know, that's when he got his income tax because he was working again.

It's like one of the books I was reading today on the income tax stuff and how the IRS and

ruled on the term includes in relation to the income tax code. Because I know for a

Income Tax Shattering the Myths. And it can be ordered at or

I mean, Irwin Schiff knows everything you could ever hope to know about the income taxes

Well, Dave wrote the book literally on the law associated with the income taxes

And like I say, the book he wrote, Income Tax Shattering the Myths

Will give you more information than you could ever hope to use on the income tax

and have been doing so for decades. Why wouldn't you be angry? Why aren't more people angry that the IRS is defrauding 99.9% of the people in America with an income tax they don't freaking owe?

the federal income tax and has attempted to expose it for the giant financial fraud that

Now that doesn't just include the income tax.

They're doing pretty much the same thing the IRS has done with the income tax in relation to the laws passed by Congress versus the Code of Federal Regulation rewrites by the Treasury Department

The courts have also ruled that the power to tax is the power to destroy. That's in relation to an income tax case, but it's a fact across the board nonetheless.

Let me ask you this. How did I get hooked on to federal income tax?

But they are both subject to the income tax.

Because I get, I'm obligated to pay an income tax.

as a general principle, do not owe and have to pay the income tax.

Rescinding the Social Security number is your best beginning for it because that is what designates you as someone liable for the income tax.

Howard Freeman was a private citizen who was trying to find a way to avoid paying his income taxes.

How did I get hooked on to federal income tax?

But they are both subject to the income tax.

Because I'm obligated to pay an income tax.

as a general principle, do not owe and have to pay the income tax.

because that is what designates you as someone liable for the income tax.

with the legality of the income tax system.

income tax is not one of the exemptions listed.

But Dave Champion, author of Income Tax Shattering the Myths

He wrote a book called Income Tax Shattering the Myths.

every iteration of the income tax and every section of the income tax that proves

that the income tax does not apply to the vast majority of Americans,

I first spoke to him years ago dealing with the income tax stuff

and dealing specifically with this income tax issue.

for instance, somebody who's right income tax shattering the mess, that person and the company.

and my special guest tonight, Mr. Dave Champion, author of Income Tax Shattering the Mists and my co-star in the upcoming movie, The Grand Scam.

If you go to get this money back, short of filing an income tax return,

Author of Income Tax Shattering the Myths

And that started 20 years of research which culminated with Income Tax Shattering the Myths

Normally something to do with the IRS and the income tax

Which touched on the subject of the income tax

And do something revealing the truth about the income tax

That the government's narrative about income tax is true

What it did not do was tell you who the income tax applies to and who it does not

And at some point they were talking about the income tax

Hang on if you want to talk about the income tax

Just like you did to get your knowledge of the income tax

So true off topic from the income tax

And that's no less true about the income tax

Someone who works down the road, someone who's filing taxes as just an individual who works for someone else, just a personal income tax

And they were trying to withhold income taxes from my check when I went from being a consultant with them to a full-timer with them

a tax you don't know either in the form of the income tax.

He's my trust guy and he's also the most knowledgeable guy on income tax law that I have ever come across.

$153 million in 2005 and paid $36.5 million in income taxes for the year,

$153 million in 2005 and paid $36.5 million in income taxes for the year, which is in

and paid $36.5 million in income taxes for the year,

153 million in 2005 and paid 36.5 million in income taxes for the year, which is in

$153 million in 2005 and paid $36.5 million in income taxes for the year, which is in

And he is going to be here the entire show to answer your questions and to give you information about what the federal income tax really is and what it isn't.

But if you want to call in and ask general questions about the income tax or get information about it, please feel free to call in and do so.

Again, Dave Champion will be back here with me as my special guest on April 10th, 2017, and the entire show will be dealing with the federal income tax.

Now by definition, if you learn what the federal income tax is, you also learn what the state income tax is.

There is not a state in the union that charges an independent tax on your income independent of the federal income tax because they can't.

Every single state's income tax laws are specific to those to whom the federal laws apply.

Income Tax Shattering the Myths will tell you everything there is to know about the law, the court cases, everything.

This is step by step the income tax laws written and passed by the United States Congress.

And your other individual states, well the federal government and the income tax is doing absolutely nothing different, okay?

And next Monday night, I will have Dave Champion on the show to talk about the income tax right before tax day all over again.

Next Monday, April 10th, I am going to dedicate the whole show to the income tax with Dave Champion as my guest.

This is almost as big a transfer of power and wealth from the people to the hands of the attorneys and their so-called elitist status as the income tax is a shift of wealth in this country.

Nobody's going to jump into something as risky as fighting a mortgage or an income tax system

So what they would do is that it wasn't enough that they were laundering all this money. They set up this scam so they could avoid income tax on the money.

Well, that may have worked for them pretty well for income tax, but it also works in your favor.

And what they wind up doing is bankrupting out all the high profits so that the actual backers of the note don't have to pay income tax on it.

It was an income tax scam.

and if you're behind on your income taxes or behind on state taxes,

Okay, you're saying that the grantor hasn't filed income taxes.

No, income taxes.

What Americans don't understand is the income tax is another situation where they don't have the authority to tax you on income.

You see, when the income tax came true, there are people that argue that it was never ratified by all the states.

The income tax only applies to government employees and it does apply to government employees by contract.

Income Tax Shattering the Miss, if you have it and you want to follow along,

I had to go overseas, so I got to catch him before he goes on an overseas tour. He's apparently doing really well, but anyway, he is the best guy on trust that I've ever seen and the best guy on income tax.

The IRS has absolutely no direct authority over the banks except in relation to the income tax, okay?

for income taxes in any way, the IRS would have absolutely no authority whatsoever

and he is the author of the book, Income Tax Shattering to Miss.

Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous. It's just like the income tax.

It's exactly like the income tax.

And I was wondering, was that income tax?

For instance if things pan out Dave Champion wants he and I to do one together that is completely and entirely about the federal income tax.

in law this reminds me of? The income tax discussions. Where the government attorneys

income tax. Which we know is a lie. It's not simply just misinformed at this point.

Alright folks, we are back and just an FYI, I did notice yesterday on Facebook where my friend Dave Champion did his presentation on the income tax and answered some questions and some general knowledge and information about it and everything.

It will help a lot with the understanding of the income tax and who it applies to and get you started on his book, Income Tax Shattering the Miss.

So folks, if you want a better understanding of the income tax, take a look at Dave's video and I highly, highly recommend that you get his book.

They don't know one thing about the income tax law.

But on one of my, I took an extended lunch one day and went over and had a meeting with the House Ways and Means Committee head attorney on income tax.

Okay. You can also just do a search for income tax shattering the myth and it'll take you

to his website. He's also on Facebook. He has that group or a light page on income tax

it this is property tax. No, no. Income. Income tax. Oh. This is income tax. What happened

and the New York State Income Tax Department already placed the gasoline on my house 11 years ago for back taxes,

All you can check is income tax returns, you can check a profit loss statement.

a number of different things you can ask for, income tax return, a K-10 report, there's

Income tax shattering the myths. Yeah.

Hell, he even tried to bring up the fact that I knew that the income tax was voluntary.

here asking a question related to income tax.

And I got to educate the jury on the income tax at the same time and still one.

All of the people out there dealing with income taxes for instance

That people have come up with to avoid paying income taxes

And that is Dave Champion's book, Income Tax Shattering the Miss

But I found a lot of interesting stuff including the original 1922 enactment of the income tax code

Because they they said elsa stated that there's going to be a change instead of income tax or payroll taxes

Every state income tax is based upon what the federal income tax is

There is no state that charges an income tax for the sake of a state income tax

No, they not income tax

They're not setting the income tax. They're selling a sales tax. You're still missing the point

But I figured that hey since it was getting rid of the income tax and taxes on your payroll check

getting the courts to rule that the IRS can't collect income tax, good luck with that.

Well, I'm either going to start teaching income tax or no income tax law classes, or I'm going

Okay, get many calls on income tax.

How do I, what do I need to know about income tax to keep me from getting in trouble?

The second thing is the biggest deduction people get off of income taxes is for mileage.

And I said, well, how much did you put on your income taxes?

And immediately you owe money for social security or income tax with nothing to offset it.

which is the right to property. I have Dave Champion's book, Income Tax Shattering the Mess.

sort of a loaded question it it's like the income tax is anyone required to pay income tax the

the fact that there is a difference in who gotta. It's just like the income tax thing.

I had gotten a driver's license in Louisiana, and anyway, when I was living there, I had to pay in for their little state income tax payment.

But I'm saying, well, Louisiana has state income tax.

They're money supply by refusing to participate in this illegal income tax scheme.

Income tax is the drain. It's not the faucet.

The income tax is the drain on the bathtub, not the faucet.

The income tax there is to keep an equilibrium between the influx of money and the outflow so that the tub doesn't overflow and crash the economy prematurely for their plans.

Okay, so are you saying that without the income tax the federal reserve would continue to create this fiat currency without reservation?

Well, the people that I've read who are smarter than I am say the 16th Amendment and the fiat currency and the income tax are all tied together.

Okay, well, let me ask you this question. If I can legally stop paying the income taxes as I have no obligation, it's not been imposed on me as far as I'm aware.

Look, you have to remember what the income tax is actually doing.

The income tax was designed to do several things, one of which the main one of which is get control of the money system and make the easy transfer of valuable property for worthless imaginary property possible.

Right, so I guess to sum it up, it seems to me that you're saying that even if we stop paying income tax, which is 87% of the federal government's revenues,

But are you under the presumption that the money collected at income tax is actually used to fund the services the government tells the people it's providing for them?

My only point was to call in and say, look, to me, we have a third method. It's legal to stop paying income tax and it hurts those people that would harm us to stop paying it.

Is other people that have looked into the income tax, they're correct

But if these people are correct that most people earning domestic income do not own income tax, then that is a little nugget of gold that we can use to use people's own greed against themselves

or rather take out an insurance policy against the IRS bringing a lawsuit against you if you were to follow the proper procedures that would take you out of those that were liable for the income tax

Okay, I'm not arguing that one way or the other. The point here is that getting rid of the aspect of the income tax doesn't change the fact that there's a Federal Reserve.

But my point is that so far you haven't given me a way to solve the overall problem. You've dealt with one of the symptoms, the income tax, you've dealt with one of the issues, the income tax, but you haven't offered me a way for the people to come back and regain their power over government without a fight.

But I also know like for example the income tax

income tax stuff you file the W4 and the W9 and the W2 you're in the income tax

Your assets could be considered private property, whether they're real property or not, and that could go to federal income tax.

cost of the wages. There is also a refundable income tax credit made available for self-employed

like me and you, are provided similar credits as refundable income tax credits in the amount of

refundable income tax credits in the amount of what self-employed workers would have received

a state government that's trying to keep taxes down, Texas doesn't have an income tax, they're

a private central bank. All of your income tax, none of it goes to pay for any social

on comes from your income tax. I can tell you that right now. That's very clear. The

chapter mind maps of his book, income tax shattering the myths. That way in relation

We don't have a state income tax.

the income tax doesn't apply to the majority of Americans living and working in America

it's a fact you got to pay income taxes

Well, there's the state income tax.

All right, so it sounds like that there's a state income tax that's tying itself to the personal property, which they're trying to do some kind of taxes, registration and taxes of personal property like his truck or his boat or something.

anything else on your case before you go i want to talk about uh income tax i just have one other

okay you ready to move to income taxes yes i am income taxes near and dear to my heart

together a simple income tax return and i said what's an average amount of money that would fit

during the foreclosure crisis and he wants to talk about income tax he does income tax

income tax and what david says is never fight with the irs when you go to the irs you got these irs

You know, back in about 2009, 47% of all the Americans paid no federal income tax. And a lot of people didn't pay, but didn't know what they had to, and most, there's half the people in this country really don't even have to pay taxes.

2009, 2009, 47% of Americans paid no federal income tax. And the question is, are you required to file? That's the big kicker. Are you even required to file?

I called him the other day and told him that I was yet not licked from the IRS and we've been going over your income tax return for the last couple of years and quite frankly, Mr. Nelson, you're screwed.

and line 25 says federal income tax withheld.

And I calculated that if I drive to and from Asheville, North Carolina, it'll cost me about $800,000, and I'll be able to take $2,000 off my income tax.

People tried that for decades with the IRS on income taxes

I've got a friend David Lewis who does, helps people with income tax

register argument in relation to several things uh relative to the income tax

probably do federal register income tax yeah all right well that that might be uh something to

income tax and she was in Pennsylvania helping someone. They said their next door neighbor had

some income tax liens some tax liens against her property to your apple and she said well I'll

Well, the thing about it is California, like every other state, their income tax laws are based upon the federal income tax laws.

In other words, if you don't owe a federal income tax, you cannot owe a state income tax.

But if you're going to do that, I highly recommend you get Dave Champion's book, Income Tax Shattering the Myths,

Income Tax Shattering the Myths as an MYTHS.

2022, and it's not even Income Tax Day.

we've noticed that you haven't filed your state income tax,

and say, here's how much, it's kind of parallel to in income tax when somebody files the yearly

And that includes income tax.

And then they can write all this off of their income tax.

Cost tax code, social security, income taxes.

Yeah, I'm quite familiar with the income tax myself.

For instance, if people wanted to actually tell the truth about the income tax like Ron Paul was trying to do, they would have done that by now.

Dave Champion did on the federal income tax issues when he wrote Income Tax Shattering

And another one of our problems is this income tax allows the federal government to be so

The income tax does not fund the government.

The income tax does not even make enough to pay the interest on the debt they've accumulated.

they told Reagan was not one dime of federal income tax is spent on the services the federal

to do a report on the monies collected or wasted from the federal income tax.

information related to the federal income tax.

And he wrote it into a book called income tax shattering the myths.

were taught about the income tax and to whom it actually applies is not what the law itself

This book, the book he's got is dedicated solely to income tax, federal income tax.

That's the fine tuned the coarse tuned is income tax

We've never had an income tax for purposes of revenue that's never been the point of it

The income tax got started so that when they threw the switch on the money system it would appear seamless

What is the income tax the money supply management mechanism what

The coarse tuned dial that we analogy to the original radio the coarse tuned dial is income tax

The fine tuned dial is traffic we know how brutally enforced the income tax is why

Okay the income tax is possible to manage the way they manage it because why because it's centrally monitored

Let's just, let's just go with income tax because everybody has a general intuitive understanding of that.

If income tax were contract it'd be impossible for anybody to go to jail why they can't, I mean we don't have debtors prison.

They do the same thing when they're talking about charging people income tax and, and

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