[00:00.000 --> 00:05.500] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [00:05.500 --> 00:09.500] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [00:09.500 --> 00:11.000] Our liberty depends on it. [00:11.000 --> 00:16.500] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember your First Amendment rights. [00:16.500 --> 00:18.500] Privacy is under attack. [00:18.500 --> 00:22.000] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [00:22.000 --> 00:26.500] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [00:26.500 --> 00:32.000] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [00:32.000 --> 00:34.500] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [00:34.500 --> 00:38.000] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, [00:38.000 --> 00:42.000] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [00:42.000 --> 00:45.500] Start over with Startpage. [00:45.500 --> 00:47.500] Spar, it's what fighters do. [00:47.500 --> 00:51.000] It's also how I remember the five guarantees of the First Amendment. [00:51.000 --> 00:54.000] If you plan to take away my rights, I'm going to spar with you. [00:54.000 --> 01:02.500] Spar with an extra P, S for speech, P for press, another P for petition, A for assembly, and R for religion. [01:02.500 --> 01:08.000] Most Americans are familiar with the First Amendment guarantees of free speech, press, assembly, and religion. [01:08.000 --> 01:10.500] But petition for redress is another matter. [01:10.500 --> 01:14.000] We have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [01:14.000 --> 01:17.000] It means that if we're unhappy with what's going on in our government, [01:17.000 --> 01:21.000] we can spell out the reasons without fear of being thrown into jail. [01:21.000 --> 01:30.500] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:30.500 --> 01:34.500] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [01:34.500 --> 01:38.000] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:38.000 --> 01:39.500] Our liberty depends on it. [01:39.500 --> 01:46.000] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:46.000 --> 01:48.000] Privacy is under attack. [01:48.000 --> 01:51.500] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:51.500 --> 01:56.500] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish, too. [01:56.500 --> 01:58.000] So protect your rights. [01:58.000 --> 02:01.500] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [02:01.500 --> 02:04.000] Privacy. It's worth hanging on to. [02:04.000 --> 02:08.000] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [02:08.000 --> 02:12.000] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [02:12.000 --> 02:15.500] Start over with StartPage. [02:15.500 --> 02:22.000] When I think of the Second Amendment, I visualize myself wrapping my two arms around the Bill of Rights in a big old bear hug. [02:22.000 --> 02:26.000] It's how I remember that the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms, [02:26.000 --> 02:30.000] arms that embrace our freedoms and won't let anyone take them away without a fight. [02:30.000 --> 02:33.500] Get it? Two arms, bear hug, bear arms? [02:33.500 --> 02:38.500] The late Senator Hubert Humphrey captured the spirit of the Second Amendment so well when he said, [02:38.500 --> 02:45.500] The right of the citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny, [02:45.500 --> 02:50.500] which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to always be possible. [02:50.500 --> 03:09.500] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [03:20.500 --> 03:26.500] Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? [03:26.500 --> 03:32.500] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [03:32.500 --> 03:38.500] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [03:38.500 --> 03:43.500] When you were eight and you had bad traits, you'd go to school and learn the golden rule. [03:43.500 --> 03:49.500] So why are you acting like a bloody fool? If you get hot, then you must get cool. [03:49.500 --> 03:54.500] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [03:54.500 --> 04:00.500] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [04:00.500 --> 04:05.500] You chuck it on that one, you chuck it on that one, you chuck it on your mother and you chuck it on your father. [04:05.500 --> 04:11.500] You chuck it on your brother and you chuck it on your sister, you chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me! [04:11.500 --> 04:13.500] Bad boys, bad boys. [04:13.500 --> 04:19.180] This is the rule of law radio, Randy Kelton, I'm Brett Fountain and this is the 20th of [04:19.180 --> 04:20.180] January. [04:20.180 --> 04:25.700] We're going to have a, this is 2023, we're going to have a four hour, Randy calls it [04:25.700 --> 04:27.700] the info marathon. [04:27.700 --> 04:33.020] So we're going to have four hours this evening to deal with any kind of questions, comments [04:33.020 --> 04:35.700] that you have. [04:35.700 --> 04:44.060] I will not be addressing anything that has to do with hypnosis and NLP, neuro-linguistic [04:44.060 --> 04:48.700] programming, Randy will have to deal with those kinds of questions, but if you have [04:48.700 --> 04:53.900] some legal issues, definitely go ahead and call. [04:53.900 --> 05:08.620] I'll go ahead and open up the caller lines, it's 512-646-1984, 512-646-1984 and we'll [05:08.620 --> 05:15.020] start out, while there's no callers yet, I'll go ahead and just touch on what's been happening [05:15.020 --> 05:20.780] recently in this speeding ticket issue, we've had some people that are asking me how's [05:20.780 --> 05:34.900] it going, what's happening with that and just to sort of give a brief overview, it's a Texas [05:34.900 --> 05:40.940] trooper ticket, so I thought it would be pretty straightforward, pretty simple, we don't have [05:40.940 --> 05:46.980] extra issues like are the city police authorized to enforce transportation code, because this [05:46.980 --> 05:54.940] is a trooper, he's the guy, he should know, we didn't have any issues of the retroactive [05:54.940 --> 06:02.100] suspension of license and all that kind of stuff that sometimes can come into play, insurance [06:02.100 --> 06:05.980] and oh my goodness that's not an arrestable offense, we didn't have any of these extras, [06:05.980 --> 06:13.000] it was just a very simple, straightforward speeding ticket from a trooper, so he should [06:13.000 --> 06:24.900] know better, right, he should know that when you have, when you want to hold someone accountable [06:24.900 --> 06:31.060] for following the regulated, following the regulations, you have to make sure that they [06:31.060 --> 06:41.100] are in the regulated activity first, but even though he should know, he doesn't and I actually [06:41.100 --> 06:47.780] worked out through the process here, I worked out a summary of training improvements for [06:47.780 --> 06:53.860] the Texas Department of Public Safety and I've been dealing with the director about [06:53.860 --> 07:00.820] that and anyway, the ticket itself has gone all the way through six appearances in the [07:00.820 --> 07:05.540] JP court, has gotten to the point where they said they're sure they have jurisdiction, [07:05.540 --> 07:11.900] even though they really don't, they can't show that they've done anything on any part [07:11.900 --> 07:17.060] of due process, they've blown it in every way, but they're sure they have jurisdiction [07:17.060 --> 07:22.020] and they went ahead and called it guilty, so now this is going before the county court, [07:22.020 --> 07:31.380] but it's not going as a normal appeal, it's going as in the rules, we have a section for [07:31.380 --> 07:40.860] applying for a writ of certiorari and we call that a cert and what that is, it is having [07:40.860 --> 07:48.660] the county court find that the lower court never had jurisdiction to start with, so it's [07:48.660 --> 07:54.500] a sort of a special kind of appeal, well guess what, they've never had one of those, they [07:54.500 --> 07:58.180] don't know what to do with it, they've never seen that before and I show them the rules [07:58.180 --> 08:04.380] and they're like oh okay, well alright, well we're going to do a little research on that, [08:04.380 --> 08:11.780] so that's with the ticket itself, meanwhile back at the federal courthouse, yes it's in [08:11.780 --> 08:19.500] the fed also, I didn't sue in the fed for anything about the ticket itself or state [08:19.500 --> 08:24.960] conviction or anything, in fact I filed in the fed long before there ever was what they're [08:24.960 --> 08:32.900] now calling a conviction and the only thing that I'm bringing up in the fed is a very [08:32.900 --> 08:40.380] focused issue, we have a fellow over here who calls himself special prosecutor and he [08:40.380 --> 08:47.620] thinks he's authorized to handle these criminal prosecutions, it's not what the constitution [08:47.620 --> 08:52.380] says, it's not what the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure says, that he has zero to back it [08:52.380 --> 09:01.020] up, so he's really not authorized to do this, but he's going in there and he's lying, his [09:01.020 --> 09:09.180] aggravated perjury, false statements of material fact, his aggravated perjury is depriving [09:09.180 --> 09:17.100] me of my due process rights and those are protected by the federal constitution, so [09:17.100 --> 09:24.020] I'm suing this lawyer for his aggravated perjury, I've got 15 counts and that was not even very [09:24.020 --> 09:30.700] exhaustive just the first day that he showed up, like I said there were six different days [09:30.700 --> 09:36.020] I could be dealing with and this is just very small and focused, I'm pointing at his lies [09:36.020 --> 09:41.600] and saying his lies are costing me, they're harming me, they're depriving my due process [09:41.600 --> 09:49.780] rights and so that's in the Fed, anyway that's where those two pieces, two prongs of this [09:49.780 --> 09:56.300] are currently right now, looks like we got a couple of callers on the board, go ahead [09:56.300 --> 10:05.020] and shift gears and let's take callers, our first caller of the evening is Alan in California, [10:05.020 --> 10:07.020] good evening Alan, what's on your mind? [10:07.020 --> 10:12.100] Yeah good evening, how are you doing? [10:12.100 --> 10:18.180] I'm doing well, thanks for calling in, now are you the one that you had your van stolen [10:18.180 --> 10:20.180] from you, is that right? [10:20.180 --> 10:27.220] Yeah that's correct, okay so and you haven't gotten it back yet, is that right? [10:27.220 --> 10:36.060] That's correct, okay just to try to catch everybody up really briefly, correct me if [10:36.060 --> 10:44.740] I missed something here but I think you said that you had 14 plus officers come and rough [10:44.740 --> 10:53.220] you up and you suspect that it has to do with something that happened before that that didn't [10:53.220 --> 10:57.660] have anything to do with these officers but it was you embarrassed somebody with your [10:57.660 --> 11:05.420] paperwork, was it a district judge or somebody, eviction case, you embarrassed somebody with [11:05.420 --> 11:10.140] your paperwork and now they're sending out these cops as thugs? [11:10.140 --> 11:19.780] Yeah I mean it's kind of, you could say that I guess, I have 14 names of those involved [11:19.780 --> 11:25.580] but there were more than that that were involved in the matter, there weren't 14 that actually [11:25.580 --> 11:32.820] roughed me up, there was only a couple that roughed me up but two of them actually pulled [11:32.820 --> 11:38.100] their guns on me and they were going to blow my head off, they seriously were going to [11:38.100 --> 11:44.300] blow my head off, it was very very nerve wracking to say the least. [11:44.300 --> 11:49.140] Wow so what stopped them, what changed their direction? [11:49.140 --> 11:57.380] I jumped out of my van with hands up and started yelling that I'm a peaceful man, I'm a peaceful [11:57.380 --> 12:02.420] man, I just started yelling that, okay so I sent you the recording, I haven't even listened [12:02.420 --> 12:11.140] to it myself yet to be honest with you because it really rattled me big time, so this was [12:11.140 --> 12:16.300] like five months ago this happened and I'm still trying to recover from it all. [12:16.300 --> 12:22.940] Yeah that's understandable, it can be really traumatic that's for sure. [12:22.940 --> 12:30.020] It was very traumatic, I just jumped out of my van hands up and just started yelling that [12:30.020 --> 12:39.740] I'm a peaceful man, I'm a peaceful man and so the one big brute he grabbed me and started [12:39.740 --> 12:44.980] roughing me up and said he was going to bust my arm, he had my left arm, he said he was [12:44.980 --> 12:50.420] going to bust it and he really tried like hell to bust it but he just couldn't, the [12:50.420 --> 12:56.660] adrenaline was really flowing, it was flowing so much that even though the guy was about [12:56.660 --> 13:03.060] three times bigger than me I could have actually destroyed him, that's how much the adrenaline [13:03.060 --> 13:07.500] was flowing but if I would have destroyed him I guarantee you they would have shot me [13:07.500 --> 13:14.860] dead so they were all surrounded you know, guns drawn and everything so it was just very [13:14.860 --> 13:18.380] scary to say the least. [13:18.380 --> 13:23.420] So who are these fourteen, you say there were two that were roughing you up but there were [13:23.420 --> 13:29.460] fourteen names you have, are these, you mentioned you don't have full names so are these like [13:29.460 --> 13:35.060] last names of a judge or last names of a prosecutor or things like that, is that what you're talking [13:35.060 --> 13:36.060] about? [13:36.060 --> 13:42.860] No these are all sheriff's personnel that work for the sheriff's department. [13:42.860 --> 13:47.980] How are they involved? [13:47.980 --> 13:55.340] Some of them are at the sheriff's office where I went in to try to get to them because allegedly [13:55.340 --> 14:01.820] the sheriff is supposed to release the van and so when I went in there I had a discussion [14:01.820 --> 14:08.100] with a couple of sergeants and a few of those in the office so those are part of the fourteen [14:08.100 --> 14:14.820] that are involved in the matter but there's more like I said there's more but I don't [14:14.820 --> 14:20.900] have their names and they wouldn't give me every one, the ones that I do have, they wouldn't [14:20.900 --> 14:24.820] give me all their legal names, their full legal names so I only have like sergeants [14:24.820 --> 14:29.500] so and so you know with the badge and stuff like that. [14:29.500 --> 14:35.540] So one thing you could do, sometimes it helps for getting full names of officers that don't [14:35.540 --> 14:40.900] like you to know the full name they just want to be known as officer or last name and you [14:40.900 --> 14:49.540] make a records request to the city auditor, county auditor or to an HR director to someone [14:49.540 --> 14:57.180] who's in charge of payroll or in charge of HR, human resources and you just make a request [14:57.180 --> 15:00.820] for some public records you want to know who all is on the payroll, you want to know how [15:00.820 --> 15:06.340] much you're paying these guys and so because you know we the people are the ones putting [15:06.340 --> 15:12.380] that bill right so you have an absolute right to know who's on the payroll and that kind [15:12.380 --> 15:18.020] of skirts around any issues about whether the cops themselves get to jump up in the [15:18.020 --> 15:22.860] middle of it and try to block the requests and all because it's not going to them it's [15:22.860 --> 15:26.380] going to somebody who's handling the money. [15:26.380 --> 15:28.660] That's a good idea. [15:28.660 --> 15:36.740] Especially when you're asking for records, if you're asking about the money that is kind [15:36.740 --> 15:40.260] of no better than to push back on that. [15:40.260 --> 15:44.300] When it's things about the personnel like hey I want to see how many times did this [15:44.300 --> 15:49.580] guy get disciplined in the last six years because he sure has I've been hearing a lot [15:49.580 --> 15:53.740] of stories of how this one guy over here tell me about officer Smith I want to know his [15:53.740 --> 15:59.620] disciplinary history and they really want to push back on that kind of stuff. [15:59.620 --> 16:04.700] Whether they can or not you know like I said you need to get familiar with California they [16:04.700 --> 16:11.900] call it FOIA in California too the transparency laws every state has them and California you [16:11.900 --> 16:17.380] need to get familiar with how many days do they have when it gets to the end of this [16:17.380 --> 16:22.380] time are they a criminal or is it something that you have to take up like civilly sue [16:22.380 --> 16:28.040] them in the California Supreme Court do you do you do this with is there a special agency [16:28.040 --> 16:32.940] that handles complaints for that what do you do. [16:32.940 --> 16:39.380] So look through those and get familiar with those few key pieces of holding them accountable [16:39.380 --> 16:44.700] because you are going to have to hold them accountable that's just because you read what [16:44.700 --> 16:50.620] they're supposed to do doesn't mean you will be able to see them do that even if you try [16:50.620 --> 16:56.260] to talk them into it that doesn't really work you're going to have to hold them accountable [16:56.260 --> 17:00.300] and we'll talk about that some more inside of this break. [17:00.300 --> 17:04.980] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls letters or even lawsuits? [17:04.980 --> 17:10.020] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method Michael Mears has won [17:10.020 --> 17:15.260] six cases in federal court against debt collectors and now you can win too you'll get step by [17:15.260 --> 17:19.980] step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights [17:19.980 --> 17:25.460] statutes what to do when contacted by phone mail or court summons how to answer letters [17:25.460 --> 17:29.620] and phone calls how to get debt collectors out of your credit report how to turn the [17:29.620 --> 17:35.340] financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away the Michael Mears proven method [17:35.340 --> 17:40.940] is the solution for how to stop debt collectors personal consultation is available as well [17:40.940 --> 17:46.620] for more information please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner [17:46.620 --> 17:53.620] or email Michael Mears at yahoo.com that's ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l [17:53.620 --> 18:02.980] m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now rule of law radio is proud [18:02.980 --> 18:06.620] to offer the rule of law traffic seminar in today's America we live in an us against [18:06.620 --> 18:10.100] them society and if we the people are ever going to have a free society then we're going [18:10.100 --> 18:13.940] to have to stand and defend our own rights among those rights are the right to travel [18:13.940 --> 18:17.660] freely from place to place the right to act in our own private capacity and most importantly [18:17.660 --> 18:21.900] the right to due process of law traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity [18:21.900 --> 18:26.260] to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process former sheriff's deputy [18:26.260 --> 18:30.180] a craig in conjunction with rule of law radio has put together the most comprehensive teaching [18:30.180 --> 18:33.980] tool available that will help you understand what due process is and how to hold the courts [18:33.980 --> 18:38.940] to the rule of law you can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com [18:38.940 --> 18:42.460] and ordering your copy today by ordering now you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book the [18:42.460 --> 18:47.420] Texas transportation code the law versus the lie video and audio of the original 2009 seminar [18:47.420 --> 18:51.300] hundreds of research documents and other useful resource material learn how to fight for your [18:51.300 --> 18:55.340] rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com order your copy today and [18:55.340 --> 19:16.700] together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [19:25.340 --> 19:43.340] The world is spinning like it's out of control, on the edge of a hole, inside a deep dark [19:43.340 --> 19:44.340] dome. [19:44.340 --> 19:49.340] I'm always on the lookout for something to soothe my soul. [19:49.340 --> 20:04.340] So I sit back and I watch the evidence unfold, and I see justice is to go, yeah, justice [20:04.340 --> 20:07.340] is to go. [20:07.340 --> 20:16.340] The time can spell a little too far at sea, and then we got to get back on course with [20:16.340 --> 20:19.340] the law. [20:19.340 --> 20:26.340] Okay, we are back, this is the rule of law radio, Randy Kelton, I'm Brett Fountain. [20:26.340 --> 20:29.500] We're talking with Alan in California. [20:29.500 --> 20:35.060] So Alan, as we were just discussing, you are going to have to hold these guys accountable. [20:35.060 --> 20:39.540] They're not going to just be talked into doing the right thing, you can't tell them or call [20:39.540 --> 20:45.420] them up and say, hey, you really are supposed to do this, I have this right and that right, [20:45.420 --> 20:50.220] and you have this duty or that duty, that's not what they listen to. [20:50.220 --> 20:55.500] But when you hold them accountable by filing a criminal complaint against them, because [20:55.500 --> 21:00.140] here's their duty in black and white, you can look at it, it says, whatever, California [21:00.140 --> 21:07.660] something something, section 61.32, and you see straight up, this is their duty. [21:07.660 --> 21:09.540] If they don't do it, they're a criminal. [21:09.540 --> 21:11.860] So you file a criminal complaint. [21:11.860 --> 21:17.420] Now they're having to answer to somebody else instead of you. [21:17.420 --> 21:19.980] And everything changes. [21:19.980 --> 21:25.020] That is the way that you can have an effect with them. [21:25.020 --> 21:29.540] So some of these criminal complaints that are going to be standing out to you are things [21:29.540 --> 21:32.340] that the officers did. [21:32.340 --> 21:38.940] For instance, you had officers, two of them pull a gun and point it at you, at your head, [21:38.940 --> 21:43.060] this is felony first degree aggravated assault. [21:43.060 --> 21:46.100] There's no question about whether that's a crime or not. [21:46.100 --> 21:47.980] It's a crime. [21:47.980 --> 21:53.020] So yeah, you can report those crimes, but you can also report these other crimes. [21:53.020 --> 21:59.020] You said there's 14 people so far that you've, you've tagged as being having some involvement [21:59.020 --> 22:06.700] or other and you don't, if you're going to sue them, you can sue a John Doe. [22:06.700 --> 22:09.860] But he has refused to tell me his name. [22:09.860 --> 22:20.380] He is the, he is the sergeant in charge of, he's the night watch commander or he was the [22:20.380 --> 22:23.220] night watch commander on this day. [22:23.220 --> 22:25.460] And you can say he's refused to identify himself. [22:25.460 --> 22:29.080] I'm naming him as a defendant, John Doe. [22:29.080 --> 22:30.080] And then don't worry about it. [22:30.080 --> 22:31.080] It'll come up in discovery. [22:31.080 --> 22:34.300] Eventually you'll find out his name, but that doesn't matter. [22:34.300 --> 22:35.680] You're already suing him. [22:35.680 --> 22:41.180] So if you wanted to do that, you can be, just name him John Doe or describe him as best [22:41.180 --> 22:42.180] you can. [22:42.180 --> 22:43.900] And you could do that in a criminal complaint too. [22:43.900 --> 22:46.540] Have you done any criminal complaints yet? [22:46.540 --> 22:48.780] No, I haven't. [22:48.780 --> 22:51.580] I haven't done this most of their recovery from it all. [22:51.580 --> 23:00.540] I mean, I have been, I did take a lot of steps to try to get my van back and stuff, you know, [23:00.540 --> 23:05.900] walking into the sheriff's office and dealing with sergeants and different personnel in [23:05.900 --> 23:06.900] there. [23:06.900 --> 23:12.260] And they, they, at one point they acted like they were, they might release it, but then [23:12.260 --> 23:17.100] they changed their mind and just didn't play games basically. [23:17.100 --> 23:23.300] So do they have any discretion to decide whether or not they're going to return your property? [23:23.300 --> 23:27.500] That's a legal question. [23:27.500 --> 23:31.820] It's a yes or no, and it comes from the code. [23:31.820 --> 23:36.360] You'll have to see what does it say is their duty. [23:36.360 --> 23:42.740] Maybe they have 72 hours or you have a certain timeframe that you can, otherwise if you don't [23:42.740 --> 23:49.380] say anything on paper within a certain time, then they get to say it was abandoned property [23:49.380 --> 23:52.300] and so forth. [23:52.300 --> 23:57.060] Calling them up, Alan, that really is, that's ineffective. [23:57.060 --> 24:02.140] I know it feels good to be able to unload on these guys sometimes and just give them [24:02.140 --> 24:07.300] a piece of your mind because they, they're a bunch of punks and they deserve that, but [24:07.300 --> 24:12.180] it doesn't really preserve your rights and it doesn't hold them accountable. [24:12.180 --> 24:18.860] When you put something in writing and you do it in a way that triggers a lawfully imposed [24:18.860 --> 24:29.100] duty, now that's a whole different story, it'll make you feel better too. [24:29.100 --> 24:35.140] You've been through all this trauma and you sit down in your recliner and you just, your [24:35.140 --> 24:39.940] mind goes back to that trauma and you start kind of rethinking and reliving it and it's [24:39.940 --> 24:41.980] the pain, right? [24:41.980 --> 24:51.860] But now when you add to that story something that you have done proactively and you sit [24:51.860 --> 24:56.780] down and you write out a criminal complaint, you take it to a notary public and you get [24:56.780 --> 25:02.580] that thing sworn out, you make some copies and send it to magistrates, you're going to [25:02.580 --> 25:05.580] have a different feeling when you sit down in your recliner and think about what's been [25:05.580 --> 25:12.380] going on, because now you're becoming the master of your servants, you know? [25:12.380 --> 25:15.740] Yeah, I hear you. [25:15.740 --> 25:23.220] I've had a lot of success stories in a lot of different areas for years and I won't get [25:23.220 --> 25:29.580] into all the success stories, but I've never filed a lawsuit, so that's something new for [25:29.580 --> 25:32.580] me. [25:32.580 --> 25:39.220] I'm not saying you have to, if you're going to do, just try to start small. [25:39.220 --> 25:41.620] Start with the criminal complaints. [25:41.620 --> 25:48.100] It's less involved than a lawsuit and there's less expense involved, less time and effort [25:48.100 --> 25:50.900] for you to get things done. [25:50.900 --> 26:00.380] The criminal complaints are kind of a low, easy, bunny slope kind of a thing. [26:00.380 --> 26:07.740] Okay, yeah, I mean, not only I called them on the phone, but I walked in there. [26:07.740 --> 26:13.060] I walked into the sheriff's office trying to get them to release, because according [26:13.060 --> 26:19.500] to the tow yard, they're contracted with the sheriff and so they claim that the sheriff [26:19.500 --> 26:22.180] has to be the one to release it. [26:22.180 --> 26:28.820] So I dealt with both of them and it was just a nightmare. [26:28.820 --> 26:33.380] You know, just to even get in there to get some of my stuff out of my van, it was just [26:33.380 --> 26:39.900] like pulling teeth and I finally was able to accomplish that, but yeah, the whole thing [26:39.900 --> 26:41.700] has been a nightmare for sure. [26:41.700 --> 26:42.700] Yeah. [26:42.700 --> 26:48.900] I know some people have had success in getting their vehicle back from the tow yard by suing [26:48.900 --> 26:56.020] the towing company, because you know, the towing company will squeal and squirm and [26:56.020 --> 26:57.980] point the finger at... [26:57.980 --> 26:59.660] He told me to. [26:59.660 --> 27:07.340] And now you've got some evidence that, you know, what happened, where it came from. [27:07.340 --> 27:11.420] As long as you're just doing everything verbally, even standing there, it doesn't have the same [27:11.420 --> 27:15.660] effect as if you have it on paper and something is signed and sworn and you filed against [27:15.660 --> 27:16.660] them for something. [27:16.660 --> 27:17.660] That's a big deal. [27:17.660 --> 27:23.260] It's a whole lot different weight than when everything is just chatter and he said, she [27:23.260 --> 27:24.260] said. [27:24.260 --> 27:25.260] You know what I mean? [27:25.260 --> 27:28.580] Yeah, I hear you. [27:28.580 --> 27:38.140] So the tow company personnel, including the manager and co-owner, they were very nasty [27:38.140 --> 27:46.340] to me until I got the authorization from the sheriff's department to get some of my stuff. [27:46.340 --> 27:53.540] And once I got that authorization, their whole attitude changed towards me. [27:53.540 --> 27:55.980] And it was just, it was just crazy. [27:55.980 --> 27:57.340] They're like, okay. [27:57.340 --> 28:02.220] So they're out there and they're trying to figure out what I'm doing and what's, what's [28:02.220 --> 28:04.780] this all about and everything. [28:04.780 --> 28:11.660] And so I was, I was posting legal notices inside the van and they would, they go, they [28:11.660 --> 28:12.660] go, what's this? [28:12.660 --> 28:17.140] And they're looking at it and I go, this means you're not going to be able to sell this van. [28:17.140 --> 28:22.780] So they're gonna go, oh, you know, they're like, oh, okay, I see. [28:22.780 --> 28:25.820] So anyway, I don't know. [28:25.820 --> 28:29.500] My guess is that the van is still there, but I really don't know. [28:29.500 --> 28:35.340] I'm like eight hours away from, from where the incident happened. [28:35.340 --> 28:38.980] So I don't know if it's still there or not. [28:38.980 --> 28:39.980] I'm not sure. [28:39.980 --> 28:40.980] You know. [28:40.980 --> 28:44.820] What are you planning on doing about that? [28:44.820 --> 28:49.460] It's been a little over five months ago. [28:49.460 --> 28:53.740] I got a buddy that lives over there in that area and I'm going to see if he'll go over [28:53.740 --> 28:58.060] there and see if that van is still there, if that's where we are. [28:58.060 --> 28:59.060] Okay. [28:59.060 --> 29:02.060] Well, what do you plan to do if the van is not there? [29:02.060 --> 29:07.260] Let's say they've already put it on an auction block three months ago. [29:07.260 --> 29:16.300] My still plan on going after, after them for whatever criminal complaints and whatever. [29:16.300 --> 29:23.220] Also, too, it's my, my understanding that, that I really should put my valid claim into [29:23.220 --> 29:30.700] their, into their insurance carrier, their liability insurance carrier. [29:30.700 --> 29:35.420] Well, their liability insurance company doesn't have to talk to you. [29:35.420 --> 29:39.100] They don't have any kind of need to deal with you. [29:39.100 --> 29:42.500] Their contract is with the ones that they're indemnifying. [29:42.500 --> 29:46.420] So if that's the sheriff or the tow company, you don't really have to care about that. [29:46.420 --> 29:47.420] Yeah. [29:47.420 --> 29:51.260] I mean, it's interesting to know like how many dollars are they covered for or something, [29:51.260 --> 29:53.340] but really you don't have to talk to them. [29:53.340 --> 29:54.340] You don't have to deal with them. [29:54.340 --> 29:56.340] Look, we're just about to have another break. [29:56.340 --> 30:02.700] Hold on just a second and we'll continue this on the other side. [30:02.700 --> 30:06.300] It's clear cell phones have changed the way we live and work, but have they negatively [30:06.300 --> 30:07.300] affected our health? [30:07.300 --> 30:11.460] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be back in just a moment with new findings about how [30:11.460 --> 30:15.740] cell phones may actually alter our brain chemistry. [30:15.740 --> 30:17.340] Privacy is under attack. [30:17.340 --> 30:20.940] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [30:20.940 --> 30:25.700] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [30:25.700 --> 30:30.860] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [30:30.860 --> 30:33.480] Privacy, it's worth hanging onto. [30:33.480 --> 30:37.780] This public service announcement is brought to you by startpage.com, the private search [30:37.780 --> 30:41.300] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing. [30:41.300 --> 30:45.140] Start over with startpage. [30:45.140 --> 30:47.260] Cell phones emit radio frequency energy. [30:47.260 --> 30:48.260] It's a fact. [30:48.260 --> 30:51.740] But whether it's dangerous to have a phone beaming this kind of radiation near your head [30:51.740 --> 30:52.740] has been disputed. [30:52.740 --> 30:57.620] Some have blamed it for brain tumors while cell phone companies have downplayed concerns. [30:57.620 --> 31:01.620] Well now the Journal of the American Medical Association is confirming that cell phones [31:01.620 --> 31:02.620] affect brain chemistry. [31:02.620 --> 31:08.260] A study of 47 volunteers showed that glucose metabolism in the area of the brain closest [31:08.260 --> 31:11.940] to the cell phone antenna increases when the cell phone is on. [31:11.940 --> 31:15.860] While researchers aren't sure whether this exposure causes damage, I'm not taking any [31:15.860 --> 31:16.860] chances. [31:16.860 --> 31:20.300] I always keep the phone far from my body and I use a corded headset. [31:20.300 --> 31:22.300] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [31:22.300 --> 31:30.620] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:30.620 --> 31:31.620] I lost my son. [31:31.620 --> 31:32.620] My nephew. [31:32.620 --> 31:33.620] My uncle. [31:33.620 --> 31:34.620] My son. [31:34.620 --> 31:35.620] On September 11, 2001. [31:35.620 --> 31:38.900] People don't know that a third tower fell on September 11. [31:38.900 --> 31:42.940] World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper, was not hit by a plane. [31:42.940 --> 31:46.860] Although the official explanation is that fire brought down Building 7. [31:46.860 --> 31:51.700] Over 1,200 architects and engineers have looked into the evidence and believe there is more [31:51.700 --> 31:52.700] to the story. [31:52.700 --> 31:54.060] Bring justice to my son. [31:54.060 --> 31:55.060] My uncle. [31:55.060 --> 31:56.060] My nephew. [31:56.060 --> 31:57.060] My son. [31:57.060 --> 31:58.060] Go to buildingwatch.org. [31:58.060 --> 32:01.820] Why it fell, why it matters, and what you can do. [32:01.820 --> 32:06.220] Are you looking to have a closer relationship with God and a better understanding of His [32:06.220 --> 32:07.220] Word? [32:07.220 --> 32:11.900] Then tune in to LogosRadioNetwork.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Central Time for [32:11.900 --> 32:16.940] Scripture Talk, where Nana and her guests discuss the Scriptures in accord with 2 Timothy [32:16.940 --> 32:17.940] 2.15. [32:17.940 --> 32:23.260] Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly [32:23.260 --> 32:25.660] dividing the word of truth. [32:25.660 --> 32:29.660] Starting in January, our first-hour studies are in the Book of Mark, where we'll go verse [32:29.660 --> 32:32.940] by verse and discuss the true Gospel message. [32:32.940 --> 32:37.580] Our second-hour topical studies will vary each week with discussions on sound doctrine [32:37.580 --> 32:39.980] and Christian character development. [32:39.980 --> 32:44.500] We wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to all those with a hearing ear. [32:44.500 --> 32:48.860] Our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform ourselves more into the likeness [32:48.860 --> 32:50.340] of our Lord and Savior Jesus. [32:50.340 --> 32:57.740] So tune in to Scripture Talk live on LogosRadioNetwork.com, Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. to inspire and [32:57.740 --> 32:59.740] motivate your studies of the Scriptures. [33:58.740 --> 34:03.580] This is the Rule of Law Radio, Randy Kelton, I'm Brett Fountain, and we're talking with [34:03.580 --> 34:05.180] Alan in California. [34:05.180 --> 34:11.900] All right, Alan, when we went out, I think I was telling you that you need to sue them, [34:11.900 --> 34:15.780] and you said you've never done a suit, and I said, well, you can start with criminal [34:15.780 --> 34:25.020] complaints, and that can build into your suit, but yeah, you're talking about you want to [34:25.020 --> 34:32.500] go send a guy over there just to find out if the van is still there. [34:32.500 --> 34:38.780] I'm going to suggest to you that you don't care if the van is still there or not. [34:38.780 --> 34:42.460] You're going to do the same steps regardless. [34:42.460 --> 34:46.740] You're going to hold them accountable for the wrongdoing regardless. [34:46.740 --> 34:52.620] Now, if they still have it, and they can get it back to you, and you're satisfied that [34:52.620 --> 34:59.220] it wasn't damaged and all that, okay, great, but if they can't, you're still doing the [34:59.220 --> 35:00.500] exact same thing. [35:00.500 --> 35:05.820] You're still making the same demands to be made whole regardless, right? [35:05.820 --> 35:09.140] Yeah, I hear you. [35:09.140 --> 35:17.820] Even getting the van back, I was still damaged, so you still have to get the van back. [35:17.820 --> 35:18.820] Yeah, exactly. [35:18.820 --> 35:23.460] And you've had to either use a different vehicle, borrow something, buy another one, you've [35:23.460 --> 35:28.260] had to rent something, you've had to somehow you've been harmed, yeah. [35:28.260 --> 35:30.700] It was a nightmare. [35:30.700 --> 35:37.060] I was eight hours away from where I dwell, from a dwelling place, and I had to depend [35:37.060 --> 35:40.540] upon people there in that area. [35:40.540 --> 35:44.340] It was just a total nightmare, the whole thing was. [35:44.340 --> 35:47.380] I was definitely not expecting that. [35:47.380 --> 35:52.460] Yeah, for sure, they totally threw me off guard. [35:52.460 --> 35:58.500] Well, just document the things that you think of as they come to your mind, but try to keep [35:58.500 --> 36:00.020] yourself focused on these things. [36:00.020 --> 36:07.820] Get yourself some records requests to the payroll people, HR people, and get yourself [36:07.820 --> 36:16.140] some criminal complaints done, and you can work up to suing them, suing the tow company [36:16.140 --> 36:22.940] and suing the public officials for their deprivation of your protected rights. [36:22.940 --> 36:30.700] Yeah, their initial, when they initially ambushed me, they claimed that I did an illegal U-turn. [36:30.700 --> 36:37.180] However, on the citation, it doesn't list an illegal U-turn at all. [36:37.180 --> 36:39.180] Nothing, nada. [36:39.180 --> 36:43.180] Well, it doesn't matter. [36:43.180 --> 36:51.540] That's really, that's me to hear, nor there, don't worry about it. [36:51.540 --> 36:57.940] Just go ahead with your records requests and your criminal complaints, and start getting [36:57.940 --> 36:59.460] yourself ready for the suit. [36:59.460 --> 37:04.540] Do you know how to write a tort letter? [37:04.540 --> 37:10.260] Not really, but it probably wouldn't take me long to figure it out. [37:10.260 --> 37:14.140] That's where your civil suit is going to start. [37:14.140 --> 37:20.140] You go ahead and work on it, get your criminal complaints out, but before you actually write [37:20.140 --> 37:30.260] the civil suit, write a tort letter, and it'll help you to clarify too, in your own mind, [37:30.260 --> 37:34.020] how you're going to write the suit. [37:34.020 --> 37:39.060] All the tort letter is really is just saying, hey, you did wrong, if you're saying, here's [37:39.060 --> 37:44.380] what you did wrong, here's what I expect you to do to fix it, make me whole in this amount, [37:44.380 --> 37:51.940] or be sued, and Randy often says that you can just write it up like it is the suit, [37:51.940 --> 37:58.220] and then just change out the top and bottom so that it doesn't say sued, it says a notice [37:58.220 --> 38:03.180] of opportunity to cure, and that's your tort letter. [38:03.180 --> 38:10.460] Okay, and the tort letter and the criminal complaint goes to them? [38:10.460 --> 38:13.380] No, no, no. [38:13.380 --> 38:17.620] The criminal complaint is completely separate, and that goes to a magistrate. [38:17.620 --> 38:23.860] Totally different channel, you do that without letting anybody know, you just do it. [38:23.860 --> 38:29.440] The tort letter is something that you do before you civilly sue somebody, you're saying you're [38:29.440 --> 38:37.440] giving them a chance to fix their mistake, that, dude, you just done stepped in it, now [38:37.440 --> 38:39.540] you owe me this much money. [38:39.540 --> 38:50.580] Well, I did mention that I do have an NCA in place, and they are in default, so the [38:50.580 --> 38:52.580] next thing would be the opportunity to do that. [38:52.580 --> 38:58.100] I hate to tell you, I don't think that's going to help you at all, NCA really, I think he's [38:58.100 --> 39:04.380] talking about notice of conditional acceptance, and I think he's under the impression that [39:04.380 --> 39:15.740] this is going to somehow put them in a place where they have to do something. [39:15.740 --> 39:25.220] I think the only thing that's going to have any effect is a tort letter and a lawsuit. [39:25.220 --> 39:31.780] There's a lot of patriot mythology out there about sending them notice and conditional [39:31.780 --> 39:35.740] acceptance, and that goes to commercial law. [39:35.740 --> 39:45.100] If they're not in a commercial contract with you, that doesn't mean anything. [39:45.100 --> 39:46.500] Send them a tort letter, write your lawsuit. [39:46.500 --> 39:52.900] The reason I write my lawsuit when I do the tort letter is the tort letter is your rough [39:52.900 --> 39:56.180] draft of your lawsuit. [39:56.180 --> 40:02.140] You start out with a statement of facts, you guys, you dirty rats, you did all this stuff. [40:02.140 --> 40:05.700] These are the laws that you violated, and this is how you violated those laws, and you [40:05.700 --> 40:08.780] harmed me in this amount. [40:08.780 --> 40:11.180] Make me wholly be sued. [40:11.180 --> 40:15.900] Then when they ignore it, then you take your tort letter, and you put a court heading on [40:15.900 --> 40:21.340] it, and you put jurisdiction, and you put all the plaintiffs in, and you start adding [40:21.340 --> 40:26.420] all the details that go in your lawsuit. [40:26.420 --> 40:32.180] You're working on one document instead of writing a separate tort letter and then writing [40:32.180 --> 40:33.180] your suit. [40:33.180 --> 40:37.900] Once you've written a tort letter, you've got the suit two-thirds done, then you just [40:37.900 --> 40:40.340] take that and convert it into the suit and file them. [40:40.340 --> 40:46.060] When the lawyers get it, if it's written like a lawsuit, and their attorneys, you're going [40:46.060 --> 40:47.060] to get their attention. [40:47.060 --> 40:52.380] They're going to tell these guys, this guy's not getting, he's already written the suit, [40:52.380 --> 40:59.660] he is going to sue you, and maybe you'll get him to get off the dime. [40:59.660 --> 41:01.620] That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. [41:01.620 --> 41:02.620] Okay. [41:02.620 --> 41:08.420] Yeah, there are definitely criminals, for sure. [41:08.420 --> 41:15.180] Okay, do you have anything else for us? [41:15.180 --> 41:17.940] No, that's all I have for now. [41:17.940 --> 41:20.940] Thanks for listening to me tonight, Chris. [41:20.940 --> 41:25.460] All right, thanks for calling in. [41:25.460 --> 41:28.060] Okay, I'm back, guys. [41:28.060 --> 41:32.300] I don't know if everybody's happy or sad now. [41:32.300 --> 41:33.300] Anyway. [41:33.300 --> 41:38.380] All right, well, when Alan drops off, we will have one more space on the board. [41:38.380 --> 41:40.460] Now, Randy, John is calling in. [41:40.460 --> 41:46.020] John from New York here is on the board, but he's only calling in to help out with somebody [41:46.020 --> 41:50.780] else who's calling in, so that might be maybe Jack here. [41:50.780 --> 41:53.100] We have Jack on the board. [41:53.100 --> 42:00.700] Let's see if that's... John wants to be on with whoever it is that he's helping here. [42:00.700 --> 42:03.940] In fact, let's get John on first. [42:03.940 --> 42:08.940] Hey, John, who is it that's supposed to be calling in? [42:08.940 --> 42:12.940] Well, I... No, there's nobody really calling in. [42:12.940 --> 42:17.060] It's just me, and it's- Oh, I misunderstood you. [42:17.060 --> 42:19.100] Oh, that's all right. [42:19.100 --> 42:20.100] That's all right. [42:20.100 --> 42:22.340] Here's the situation. [42:22.340 --> 42:31.300] Girl was driving her car, and she got a ticket for no license, and what she probably did [42:31.300 --> 42:37.060] was she let it lapse, and then she drove the car and got a ticket. [42:37.060 --> 42:38.060] Probably. [42:38.060 --> 42:39.060] Yeah. [42:39.060 --> 42:43.340] That's the whole sum of substance of it right there. [42:43.340 --> 42:44.980] What's the best defense for that? [42:44.980 --> 42:47.980] What would you do? [42:47.980 --> 42:55.060] Well, first off, I'd have to get past the probably, because that won't... You need [42:55.060 --> 42:57.060] to know what really happened. [42:57.060 --> 43:03.220] If you're trying to help her, she needs to really care enough to help herself, so yeah, [43:03.220 --> 43:05.380] you have to figure out... What do you mean? [43:05.380 --> 43:08.820] She probably let it lapse. [43:08.820 --> 43:13.860] She let her license lapse, and then she drove, and she shouldn't have, and she got a ticket. [43:13.860 --> 43:14.860] Okay. [43:14.860 --> 43:19.620] If you get a ticket for expired license, just go get your license renewed, take it to the [43:19.620 --> 43:24.500] court, charge you about 10 bucks, and drop the ticket. [43:24.500 --> 43:25.500] Okay. [43:25.500 --> 43:31.800] They will do... They sometimes do that? [43:31.800 --> 43:35.860] Nobody will always ever do anything, John. [43:35.860 --> 43:37.980] You ask what to do. [43:37.980 --> 43:38.980] That's what you do. [43:38.980 --> 43:39.980] Okay. [43:39.980 --> 43:40.980] Got it. [43:40.980 --> 43:41.980] Look. [43:41.980 --> 43:52.300] And then I got one more question after the... Okay. [43:52.300 --> 44:00.780] I'm waiting to see if anybody falls off the cliff. [44:00.780 --> 44:05.380] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area [44:05.380 --> 44:06.800] of nutrition. [44:06.800 --> 44:11.540] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that. [44:11.540 --> 44:17.140] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [44:17.140 --> 44:23.580] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, young Jevity can [44:23.580 --> 44:25.780] provide the nutrients you need. [44:25.780 --> 44:30.660] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which [44:30.660 --> 44:31.660] we reject. [44:31.660 --> 44:37.020] We have come to trust young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor, along with [44:37.020 --> 44:39.820] Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [44:39.820 --> 44:46.220] When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support [44:46.220 --> 44:47.220] quality radio. [44:47.220 --> 44:51.700] As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. [44:51.700 --> 44:57.340] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [44:57.340 --> 44:59.340] increase your income. [44:59.340 --> 45:00.340] Order now. [45:00.340 --> 45:04.500] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [45:04.500 --> 45:11.260] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy-to-understand, 4-CD course [45:11.260 --> 45:14.420] that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [45:14.420 --> 45:19.020] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [45:19.020 --> 45:23.300] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [45:23.300 --> 45:28.980] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [45:28.980 --> 45:34.900] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [45:34.900 --> 45:39.460] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the [45:39.460 --> 45:43.740] principles and practices that control our American courts. [45:43.740 --> 45:49.900] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [45:49.900 --> 45:52.180] pro se tactics, and much more. [45:52.180 --> 46:00.340] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [46:22.380 --> 46:28.760] What I'm Wishing for. [46:28.760 --> 46:34.980] When I'm hungry I like to do just what I'm fishing for. [46:34.980 --> 46:40.100] I ain't asking for much I ain't trying to be no glutton. [46:40.100 --> 46:45.260] I'm just here making my living pushing buttons. [46:45.260 --> 46:52.260] I get my message out to anyone in shoutin' distance [46:52.260 --> 46:58.260] My hope for bravery and against slavery's showin' resistance [46:58.260 --> 47:03.260] First I'm crawlin', then I'm walkin', then I start struttin' [47:03.260 --> 47:08.260] I'm just so glad to make my livin' push and button [47:08.260 --> 47:14.260] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh [47:16.260 --> 47:20.260] Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah [47:20.260 --> 47:23.260] We sat down to play Monopoly [47:23.260 --> 47:26.260] We all wanted to win the game [47:26.260 --> 47:28.260] We gave some guy endless money for time [47:28.260 --> 47:30.260] Okay, we are back [47:30.260 --> 47:33.260] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Root of Love radio [47:33.260 --> 47:37.260] and we're talkin' to Jaquan in New York [47:37.260 --> 47:39.260] Are you in New York, John? [47:39.260 --> 47:41.260] Yes, I certainly am [47:41.260 --> 47:45.260] Okay, here's the deal, John [47:45.260 --> 47:50.260] A friend of yours got a ticket and she's asking you what to do [47:50.260 --> 47:54.260] You very likely cannot help her [47:54.260 --> 47:56.260] She has to do that herself [47:56.260 --> 48:00.260] And if a policeman gave her a ticket for expired license [48:00.260 --> 48:02.260] he almost certainly told her [48:02.260 --> 48:06.260] go get this renewed and take your proof for renewal down to the court [48:06.260 --> 48:11.260] and they'll charge you a minor administration fee and drop the ticket [48:11.260 --> 48:15.260] They do that for license plate, drivers license, insurance [48:15.260 --> 48:18.260] They do that for all of this [48:18.260 --> 48:20.260] And you're going to say, well, what if they don't do that? [48:20.260 --> 48:22.260] Then you have to fight the ticket [48:22.260 --> 48:25.260] Right, gotcha, gotcha [48:25.260 --> 48:28.260] Okay, anything else? [48:28.260 --> 48:32.260] Yes, one other thing [48:32.260 --> 48:37.260] The matter of surely... [48:37.260 --> 48:43.260] Okay, I have about a three to five second latency [48:43.260 --> 48:46.260] So sometimes we'll trip over each other [48:46.260 --> 48:50.260] So give a little time between after I've spoken [48:50.260 --> 48:54.260] or when you expect me to start speaking, give it a few seconds [48:54.260 --> 48:57.260] Okay, yeah, I've done radio before [48:57.260 --> 49:00.260] I did radio for 40 years, I know what you're sayin' [49:00.260 --> 49:07.260] Okay, can you hear me okay, first of all? [49:07.260 --> 49:09.260] Yes, we can hear you [49:09.260 --> 49:13.260] Okay, Shirley versus Schulman [49:13.260 --> 49:16.260] And then they give the number of the case [49:16.260 --> 49:18.260] Here's the result of the case [49:18.260 --> 49:21.260] A criminal action must be commenced [49:21.260 --> 49:25.260] by the filing of a valid and sufficient accusatory instrument [49:25.260 --> 49:31.260] in order for the court to obtain jurisdiction over the matter [49:31.260 --> 49:35.260] In People versus Scott, People versus Scott [49:35.260 --> 49:38.260] And then they give the numbers [49:38.260 --> 49:40.260] A uniform traffic ticket [49:40.260 --> 49:42.260] Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on, hold on [49:42.260 --> 49:45.260] Tell us what you're going to tell us [49:45.260 --> 49:47.260] You're throwing cases at us [49:47.260 --> 49:51.260] and we've got to take those cases and hold them up here in our mind [49:51.260 --> 49:54.260] waiting for you to tell us what we're going to do with these cases [49:54.260 --> 49:56.260] Where is the place to put them? [49:56.260 --> 50:03.260] These cases, these cases are the result of the deliberation of a judge in each case [50:03.260 --> 50:06.260] We got that part, we know what cases are jumping [50:06.260 --> 50:08.260] We got that part [50:08.260 --> 50:15.260] What we want to know is what is the nature of the cases that you'll be giving us [50:15.260 --> 50:20.260] I know what the answer to this is, but you're supposed to tell me [50:20.260 --> 50:22.260] Okay, gotcha [50:22.260 --> 50:30.260] No jurisdiction in the court because traffic tickets are not proper accusatory instruments [50:30.260 --> 50:32.260] There you go [50:32.260 --> 50:35.260] And John's brought this before and that was interesting [50:35.260 --> 50:42.260] New York State has actually said that the traffic citation is not sufficient [50:42.260 --> 50:45.260] It is not in itself an accusatory instrument [50:45.260 --> 50:49.260] There must be, what, an information? Was that what they called for? [50:49.260 --> 50:51.260] Or a criminal complaint? [50:51.260 --> 50:53.260] They definitely called for an information, yep [50:53.260 --> 50:56.260] And we all know that the information has to be a certain form [50:56.260 --> 51:00.260] and it's got to be done by the ADA or the DA [51:00.260 --> 51:03.260] Let me explain what an information is [51:03.260 --> 51:08.260] In most states, if you want to know how to write a criminal complaint [51:08.260 --> 51:11.260] go down, look in the record and find an information [51:11.260 --> 51:16.260] Ordinary citizens write criminal complaints, they don't always do it right [51:16.260 --> 51:21.260] So it's the place of the prosecutor to look at the complaint that says [51:21.260 --> 51:26.260] Oh, this dirty rotten scoundrel, he came down here and he was picking his nose [51:26.260 --> 51:31.260] and he was carrying some books and he pressed my ass on my property [51:31.260 --> 51:36.260] Well, the lawyer looks at it, the prosecutor, and he throws out the picking nose part [51:36.260 --> 51:38.260] and he throws out the books because they're not relevant [51:38.260 --> 51:44.260] and he writes a criminal complaint in proper form [51:44.260 --> 51:50.260] So an information is a criminal complaint in proper form for whatever your state is [51:50.260 --> 51:56.260] So New York is saying the complaint, the citation that the police officer wrote [51:56.260 --> 52:03.260] is insufficient on its face that the prosecutor must prepare an information, [52:03.260 --> 52:08.260] a complaint in proper form and present that to the court [52:08.260 --> 52:11.260] Is that essentially correct, Don? [52:11.260 --> 52:14.260] Yeah, that sounds exactly right [52:14.260 --> 52:19.260] Okay, now, Shirley versus Schulman, the criminal action must be commenced [52:19.260 --> 52:23.260] by filing a valid and sufficient accusatory instrument [52:23.260 --> 52:26.260] in order for the court to obtain jurisdiction over the matter [52:26.260 --> 52:33.260] Next, People versus Scott, a uniformed traffic ticket is merely a notice [52:33.260 --> 52:37.260] to a person to appear [52:37.260 --> 52:43.260] Then the case then states, the same case, the new uniformed traffic ticket [52:43.260 --> 52:50.260] does not take the place of an information, but is simply a notice to appear [52:50.260 --> 52:55.260] A verified complaint is still necessary [52:55.260 --> 53:00.260] Oh, wait a minute, those two cases are different [53:00.260 --> 53:02.260] Those are two different cases [53:02.260 --> 53:08.260] Schuman, Shirley, you said, the court said that there must be an information [53:08.260 --> 53:12.260] and now this one is saying there must be a complaint [53:12.260 --> 53:15.260] No, wait a minute, hold on, hold on [53:15.260 --> 53:21.260] Shirley versus Schulman, they're saying that you've got to have the right accusatory instrument [53:21.260 --> 53:24.260] or else there's no jurisdiction [53:24.260 --> 53:35.260] What did they say was the right accusatory instrument, an information or complaint? [53:35.260 --> 53:41.260] Criminal action must be commenced by the filing of a valid and sufficient accusatory instrument [53:41.260 --> 53:44.260] in order for the court to obtain jurisdiction [53:44.260 --> 53:47.260] Then it goes to the next case [53:47.260 --> 53:54.260] Okay, hold on, in most jurisdictions, unless New York is totally different than everybody else, [53:54.260 --> 53:59.260] an accusatory instrument is a verified criminal complaint [53:59.260 --> 54:02.260] Not an information [54:02.260 --> 54:05.260] The court may or may not require an information [54:05.260 --> 54:10.260] Here in Texas, they do not require an information [54:10.260 --> 54:18.260] The prosecution can commence on the complaint alone in a Class C misdemeanor [54:18.260 --> 54:24.260] All right, the first one is just saying you need a proper accusatory instrument [54:24.260 --> 54:27.260] That's all they're saying [54:27.260 --> 54:30.260] Okay, I was just clarifying because you used information [54:30.260 --> 54:33.260] and we didn't want people to get confused on that [54:33.260 --> 54:39.260] Both of them are actually saying you need an accusatory instrument, which is a criminal complaint [54:39.260 --> 54:47.260] Whether the prosecutor creates an information or not is not relevant to this particular issue [54:47.260 --> 54:50.260] I don't know, can we draw that inference from there? [54:50.260 --> 54:57.260] Can we necessarily say, just in Texas, they love to say that a complaint is enough [54:57.260 --> 55:00.260] but that's not what the code says [55:00.260 --> 55:06.260] 2701 of Code of Criminal Procedure says that it has to be the information or the indictment [55:06.260 --> 55:10.260] There might be something like that in New York that he needs to find [55:10.260 --> 55:14.260] I was trying not to make this too complicated [55:14.260 --> 55:17.260] There has to be a proper accusatory instrument [55:17.260 --> 55:28.260] Now, we can get into the details of what amounts to a proper accusatory instrument in a criminal action [55:28.260 --> 55:36.260] And there has been some law in Texas trying to differentiate between traffic citations [55:36.260 --> 55:39.260] and all the rest of the criminal accusations [55:39.260 --> 55:46.260] The courts have been trying to say that the citation is enough, that the officer whites, [55:46.260 --> 55:51.260] they can use that as the charging instrument [55:51.260 --> 55:55.260] And you're saying, no, they can't [55:55.260 --> 56:03.260] But that's a different argument, I wasn't trying not to get too many arguments in one place [56:03.260 --> 56:12.260] John was talking about how the officer is trying to commence the citation in New York [56:12.260 --> 56:19.260] And New York specifically said that that citation is not sufficient [56:19.260 --> 56:22.260] We don't have that quite that clear in Texas yet [56:22.260 --> 56:25.260] We have the argument, but we don't have the ruling quite that clear [56:25.260 --> 56:29.260] Am I in the right place there, John? [56:29.260 --> 56:33.260] I think that makes perfect sense [56:33.260 --> 56:37.260] No, no, no, that wasn't the question [56:37.260 --> 56:44.260] Whether it makes sense or not, the issue you're bringing is specifically that [56:44.260 --> 56:54.260] That citation that the police officer writes clearly has been ruled by the courts insufficient on its own [56:54.260 --> 56:57.260] That's right, that's right [56:57.260 --> 57:00.260] It's insufficient as an accusatory instrument [57:00.260 --> 57:07.260] Now they've laid these cases back to back, there's about five of them, one, two, three, something like that [57:07.260 --> 57:17.260] And they've laid them back to back in a specific order to show the, what's the word, how they all tie together [57:17.260 --> 57:19.260] So let me go on with the first one [57:19.260 --> 57:24.260] Wait a minute, you used a pronoun there that made me uncomfortable [57:24.260 --> 57:28.260] They, who is they? [57:28.260 --> 57:36.260] Is this someone making a legal argument to the court or is this a court opinion where they strum these cases together? [57:36.260 --> 57:40.260] I pictured it being a whole bunch of public officials and he dragged them into his living room [57:40.260 --> 57:43.260] And John's got them all tied up in his living room [57:43.260 --> 57:46.260] He's showing how they are all tied together [57:46.260 --> 57:49.260] That's what I pictured [57:49.260 --> 57:52.260] See my problem with pronouns? [57:52.260 --> 57:57.260] All these cases follow a specific order for a purpose [57:57.260 --> 57:59.260] Who's orderer? [57:59.260 --> 58:02.260] John, okay, hang on, we gotta go to break [58:02.260 --> 58:05.260] You're giving me a headache, John [58:05.260 --> 58:07.260] Let me come back [58:07.260 --> 58:10.260] We need to know specifically who they is [58:10.260 --> 58:18.260] Is this a, is they a bunch of lawyers who are arguing this issue and have created a presentation to the court [58:18.260 --> 58:23.260] Making this statement that all of these cases should be read this way [58:23.260 --> 58:27.260] Or has the court issued a ruling [58:27.260 --> 58:33.260] Has the court issued a ruling where the courts themselves strung these cases together [58:33.260 --> 58:35.260] Who is they? [58:35.260 --> 58:41.260] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, and they are not going to fall off the cliff [58:41.260 --> 58:46.260] Oh, okay, we had a caller hanging on the line, we got that cleared [58:46.260 --> 58:50.260] Okay, we'll be right back [58:50.260 --> 58:54.260] Would you like to make more definite progress in your walk with God? [58:54.260 --> 59:01.260] Bibles for America is offering a free study Bible and a set of free Christian books that can really help [59:01.260 --> 59:06.260] The New Testament Recovery Version is one of the most comprehensive study Bibles available today [59:06.260 --> 59:13.260] It's an accurate translation and it contains thousands of footnotes that will help you to know God and to know the meaning of life [59:13.260 --> 59:18.260] The free books are a three volume set called Basic Elements of the Christian Life [59:18.260 --> 59:24.260] Chapter by chapter, Basic Elements of the Christian Life clearly presents God's plan of salvation [59:24.260 --> 59:28.260] Growing in Christ and how to build up the Church [59:28.260 --> 59:34.260] To enter your free New Testament Recovery Version and Basic Elements of the Christian Life [59:34.260 --> 59:41.260] Call Bibles for America toll free at 888-551-0102 [59:41.260 --> 59:45.260] That's 888-551-0102 [59:45.260 --> 01:00:00.260] Or visit us online at bfa.org [01:00:00.260 --> 01:00:05.260] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution [01:00:05.260 --> 01:00:09.260] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect [01:00:09.260 --> 01:00:11.260] Our liberty depends on it [01:00:11.260 --> 01:00:17.260] I'm Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember one of your constitutional rights [01:00:17.260 --> 01:00:19.260] Privacy is under attack [01:00:19.260 --> 01:00:22.260] When you give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again [01:00:22.260 --> 01:00:27.260] And once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too [01:00:27.260 --> 01:00:32.260] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself [01:00:32.260 --> 01:00:35.260] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to [01:00:35.260 --> 01:00:38.260] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com [01:00:38.260 --> 01:00:42.260] The private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing [01:00:42.260 --> 01:00:45.260] Start over with Startpage [01:00:45.260 --> 01:00:48.260] Imagine your mom and dad are getting ready for bed [01:00:48.260 --> 01:00:51.260] They pull back the covers and find a third party there [01:00:51.260 --> 01:00:54.260] He announces, I'm with the military and I'm sleeping here tonight [01:00:54.260 --> 01:01:00.260] That shocking image of a third party in my parents' bed reminds me what the Third Amendment was designed to prevent [01:01:00.260 --> 01:01:03.260] It protects us from being forced to share our homes with soldiers [01:01:03.260 --> 01:01:06.260] A common demand in the days of our founding fathers [01:01:06.260 --> 01:01:09.260] Third party, Third Amendment, get it? [01:01:09.260 --> 01:01:12.260] So if you answer a knock at your door and guys in fatigues demand lodging [01:01:12.260 --> 01:01:16.260] Tell them to dust off their copy of the Bill of Rights and re-read the Third Amendment [01:01:16.260 --> 01:01:21.260] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com [01:01:31.260 --> 01:01:35.260] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution [01:01:35.260 --> 01:01:38.260] They guarantee you the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect [01:01:38.260 --> 01:01:40.260] Our liberty depends on it [01:01:40.260 --> 01:01:46.260] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember one of your constitutional rights [01:01:46.260 --> 01:01:48.260] Privacy is under attack [01:01:48.260 --> 01:01:52.260] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again [01:01:52.260 --> 01:01:57.260] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too [01:01:57.260 --> 01:02:02.260] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself [01:02:02.260 --> 01:02:04.260] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to [01:02:04.260 --> 01:02:08.260] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com [01:02:08.260 --> 01:02:12.260] The private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing [01:02:12.260 --> 01:02:15.260] Start over with StartPage [01:02:15.260 --> 01:02:21.260] Imagine four eyes staring at you through binoculars, a magnifying glass or a pair of x-ray goggles [01:02:21.260 --> 01:02:27.260] That imagery reminds me that the Fourth Amendment guarantees Americans freedom from unreasonable search and seizure [01:02:27.260 --> 01:02:30.260] Fourth Amendment, four eyes staring at you, get it? [01:02:30.260 --> 01:02:34.260] Unfortunately, the government is trampling our Fourth Amendment rights in the name of security [01:02:34.260 --> 01:02:39.260] Case in point, TSA airport scanners that peer under your clothing [01:02:39.260 --> 01:02:43.260] When government employees demand a peep at your privates without probable cause [01:02:43.260 --> 01:02:46.260] I say it's time to sound the constitutional alarm bells [01:02:46.260 --> 01:02:53.260] Join me in asking our representatives to dust off the Bill of Rights and use their googly eyes to take a gander at the Fourth [01:02:53.260 --> 01:03:00.260] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com [01:03:23.260 --> 01:03:31.260] I won't pay for the war with my body [01:03:31.260 --> 01:03:35.260] Ain't gonna pay for the car with my money [01:03:35.260 --> 01:03:38.260] I won't pay for the fun with my body [01:03:38.260 --> 01:03:41.260] Cause their plans wicked and their logic shoddy [01:03:41.260 --> 01:03:45.260] Ain't gonna pay for the oil with my body [01:03:45.260 --> 01:03:48.260] I won't pay for the boys with my money [01:03:48.260 --> 01:03:52.260] Ain't gonna pay for the kids with my body [01:03:52.260 --> 01:03:55.260] The whole agenda smells funny [01:03:55.260 --> 01:04:02.260] I wanna fight in a war of my own [01:04:02.260 --> 01:04:07.260] That one would be less active than us all [01:04:07.260 --> 01:04:10.260] Okay, we are back [01:04:10.260 --> 01:04:12.260] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Wheel of Law Radio [01:04:12.260 --> 01:04:19.260] We're talking to John in New York about pronouns [01:04:19.260 --> 01:04:22.260] This is not idle conversation [01:04:22.260 --> 01:04:28.260] When we do this show, we like to keep our language disciplined [01:04:28.260 --> 01:04:32.260] We're dealing with law [01:04:32.260 --> 01:04:38.260] And in law, you should always avoid pronouns like the plague [01:04:38.260 --> 01:04:41.260] Pronouns and acronyms [01:04:41.260 --> 01:04:47.260] They are one of my pet peeves in reading documents, trying to understand them [01:04:47.260 --> 01:04:52.260] I'll be reading a legal document and he'll have this acronym in there [01:04:52.260 --> 01:04:54.260] And it's got these letters in it [01:04:54.260 --> 01:05:00.260] And I think I know what it refers to [01:05:00.260 --> 01:05:02.260] But I'm never sure [01:05:02.260 --> 01:05:05.260] It always mentally interrupts me [01:05:05.260 --> 01:05:07.260] It knocks me out of mental flow [01:05:07.260 --> 01:05:10.260] Even when I see Respa [01:05:10.260 --> 01:05:14.260] I know what Respa is, but it always stops me [01:05:14.260 --> 01:05:21.260] I see Respa and something in my brain says stop Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act [01:05:21.260 --> 01:05:23.260] It'll do that every time [01:05:23.260 --> 01:05:29.260] So I'm reading this flow of content and I come to this acronym [01:05:29.260 --> 01:05:33.260] And it grabs a part of my brain that's paying attention to the content [01:05:33.260 --> 01:05:39.260] And makes it check this acronym to make sure that the letters I think I'm seeing are actually there [01:05:39.260 --> 01:05:42.260] And it really does refer to what I think it does [01:05:42.260 --> 01:05:44.260] Makes me nuts [01:05:44.260 --> 01:05:51.260] And if you're trying to convince someone, you're trying to deliver a complex legal argument [01:05:51.260 --> 01:05:56.260] It's like putting a stick out in front of them so they'll trip over it [01:05:56.260 --> 01:06:01.260] Not a lot, just kind of stumble over it a little bit and they kind of lose track [01:06:01.260 --> 01:06:04.260] So I avoid acronyms, I avoid especially pronouns [01:06:04.260 --> 01:06:07.260] Pronouns are insidious [01:06:07.260 --> 01:06:09.260] I was doing this and he did that [01:06:09.260 --> 01:06:11.260] And I think whoa [01:06:11.260 --> 01:06:14.260] Now I, that's a personal pronoun [01:06:14.260 --> 01:06:16.260] That's pretty straightforward [01:06:16.260 --> 01:06:20.260] But he, who is he? [01:06:20.260 --> 01:06:30.260] I have to mentally stop and make sure that I'm referring the pronoun to the right proper noun [01:06:30.260 --> 01:06:33.260] Always it's an interruption [01:06:33.260 --> 01:06:42.260] And we use language and just common speech very, we're very lazy with language [01:06:42.260 --> 01:06:48.260] And mostly when we're just talking to people we can see one another [01:06:48.260 --> 01:06:55.260] And we give physical, invisible cues in written language and when we're speaking on the radio we don't have those cues [01:06:55.260 --> 01:07:02.260] So John, go back and tell me the last part with no pronouns [01:07:02.260 --> 01:07:04.260] Who were they? [01:07:04.260 --> 01:07:11.260] This is written, these are court cases that each individual judge has ruled [01:07:11.260 --> 01:07:21.260] And then it was all assembled by someone like you, Brett, or me to show the traffic tickets are not accusable [01:07:21.260 --> 01:07:25.260] Wait a minute, you didn't answer my question [01:07:25.260 --> 01:07:27.260] It was arranged by [01:07:27.260 --> 01:07:32.260] You answered a question but you didn't answer the one I asked [01:07:32.260 --> 01:07:35.260] You asked who's they? [01:07:35.260 --> 01:07:38.260] Yeah, who were they? [01:07:38.260 --> 01:07:41.260] You said some people put together some court cases [01:07:41.260 --> 01:07:43.260] That still didn't tell me who they is [01:07:43.260 --> 01:07:46.260] In legal language we have to be clear [01:07:46.260 --> 01:07:51.260] You can't leave me digging and scratching trying to figure out what you mean [01:07:51.260 --> 01:08:03.260] I suspect that when you said they, you were referring to the judges who issued opinions in the court cases that this group of lawyers put together [01:08:03.260 --> 01:08:05.260] Am I correct on that? [01:08:05.260 --> 01:08:10.260] Well I answered, let me answer the question again and it will be abundantly clear, here we go [01:08:10.260 --> 01:08:16.260] John, yes or no would have been abundantly clear [01:08:16.260 --> 01:08:21.260] These are court, yeah but listen for my answer, I answered it, listen just trust me [01:08:21.260 --> 01:08:33.260] These are court cases which have been arranged in order by someone like you, Brett, or myself to show a specific conclusion [01:08:33.260 --> 01:08:37.260] Are you saying you don't know who put these things together? [01:08:37.260 --> 01:08:45.260] I don't know the identity of the person but I do know it was a person like you, Brett, or myself [01:08:45.260 --> 01:08:48.260] You give me a headache John [01:08:48.260 --> 01:08:50.260] I answered the question [01:08:50.260 --> 01:08:55.260] No you're not, you're dancing around, I don't understand why this is a problem [01:08:55.260 --> 01:09:00.260] And I get this a lot in legal documents [01:09:00.260 --> 01:09:22.260] John, did it refer to these unknown people who gathered these cases together and wrote some dissertation? [01:09:22.260 --> 01:09:33.260] Or did they refer to the opinions, okay that's enough of that [01:09:33.260 --> 01:09:40.260] We're going to go on to Jack in Texas [01:09:40.260 --> 01:09:44.260] Okay hello Jack, we're going to see if I can get you unmuted [01:09:44.260 --> 01:09:47.260] What do you have for us today? [01:09:47.260 --> 01:09:51.260] I've got something a little different for you [01:09:51.260 --> 01:09:54.260] And you're not going to use pronouns on me are you? [01:09:54.260 --> 01:09:58.260] Well she [01:09:58.260 --> 01:10:03.260] Okay let me correct that, you're not going to use unspecified pronouns [01:10:03.260 --> 01:10:11.260] No no no, I promise not to use a single pronoun [01:10:11.260 --> 01:10:28.260] Okay I've got a cousin who is pregnant and is going to have a baby and I warned her that they're trying to force all these pregnant moms to take these jabs [01:10:28.260 --> 01:10:40.260] And she's wondering how, if they try to make her take a jab, how can she avoid it legally? [01:10:40.260 --> 01:10:47.260] Two letter word, no [01:10:47.260 --> 01:10:50.260] They can only do it by consent [01:10:50.260 --> 01:10:56.260] No no no, and no means no [01:10:56.260 --> 01:11:04.260] Is there a written legal thing she can take with her? [01:11:04.260 --> 01:11:22.260] She could make up something, she could make up a notice saying under no circumstances are the doctors or nurses to administer a vaccine to you or to your child [01:11:22.260 --> 01:11:37.260] Someone just sent me a letter from the government in Australia, the medical association, whatever it is that controls doctors in Australia, that warned them [01:11:37.260 --> 01:11:57.260] That they are not indemnified, these doctors, if they give someone an inoculation or the jab without giving them full disclosure [01:11:57.260 --> 01:12:05.260] And when they get the jab and it's got the disclosure sheet and it's blank, that's not full disclosure, that they will be personally liable [01:12:05.260 --> 01:12:17.260] So this was the country, Australia, giving notice to the doctors, when you give this jab, you're the one that's going to be liable [01:12:17.260 --> 01:12:25.260] If you haven't given full disclosure and gotten true consent after full disclosure [01:12:25.260 --> 01:12:41.260] So let these doctors know they don't have your permission to give either the pregnant mom or the child an inoculation of any kind [01:12:41.260 --> 01:12:55.260] Okay, sounds good, that just gave me another idea, what if she had a document that she could like, this is what I've heard about [01:12:55.260 --> 01:13:08.260] I've read a lot of articles and stuff, natural news, all this kind of stuff, and I've heard of cases where they do inoculate people without the consent [01:13:08.260 --> 01:13:18.260] And even a newborn baby without the consent, right, and they take the baby away and poof, all of a sudden, when they're given their bill, there's inoculation [01:13:18.260 --> 01:13:32.260] Mother didn't know anything about it, could she have some kind of a paper drawn up, like a, what do you call it, when you're going to sue somebody, you give notice, what do you call it? [01:13:32.260 --> 01:13:41.260] Yeah, notice and opportunity, yes, she should write up, if she doesn't want inoculation, she needs to write up a notice [01:13:41.260 --> 01:13:49.260] No inoculations under any circumstances unless I have personally been consulted prior [01:13:49.260 --> 01:13:58.260] That acts as a, she's entering into a contract for their services, this becomes a covenant of that contract [01:13:58.260 --> 01:14:02.260] Does she have to get somebody to sign that then? [01:14:02.260 --> 01:14:11.260] No, she can tell the court, I gave this to them [01:14:11.260 --> 01:14:24.260] It wouldn't hurt if you had them initial it and bring two original copies, both of them signed by her hand, and have them initial one of them [01:14:24.260 --> 01:14:29.260] And have your cell phone on at the same time [01:14:29.260 --> 01:14:37.260] Yeah, because more than likely you're going to hand it to them to initial and they're going to back away from it, no I'm not doing that, you'll have to give that to our legal department [01:14:37.260 --> 01:14:48.260] Or something, they're not wanting to sign anything or agree to anything, but you'll at least have recorded that they got it [01:14:48.260 --> 01:15:05.260] Right, you could also have her do like Michael Bannerich did, you bring your needle, I'll bring my 45, we'll see who makes a bigger hole [01:15:05.260 --> 01:15:09.260] That would probably have her give birth in jail [01:15:09.260 --> 01:15:18.260] Everything here goes to notice, well if they come at me with that needle, I consider that aggravated assault [01:15:18.260 --> 01:15:25.260] Well that is true, here's the thought that I just had while you were talking [01:15:25.260 --> 01:15:39.260] What if she had such a piece of paper and she had it sent, what do you call it when you post [01:15:39.260 --> 01:15:41.260] Certified mail? [01:15:41.260 --> 01:15:42.260] Yeah [01:15:42.260 --> 01:15:53.260] Certified return receipt, she's got proof that they were given notice, that would work wonderful, they can't argue against it [01:15:53.260 --> 01:16:02.260] It doesn't matter who signs for it, even if the wrong person signs for it, their problem, not your problem [01:16:02.260 --> 01:16:08.260] Okay, so they're stuck until somebody signs for it [01:16:08.260 --> 01:16:10.260] Yes [01:16:10.260 --> 01:16:13.260] Okay, so that would be a good [01:16:13.260 --> 01:16:24.260] You did not hire the people who signed for their certified mail, they hired that person so they're responsible for them, not you [01:16:24.260 --> 01:16:29.260] Right, okay that sounds good [01:16:29.260 --> 01:16:40.260] Jack I've got a little 2 inch by 3.5 inch document that I print out, it's just the right size for a business card [01:16:40.260 --> 01:16:51.260] And it looks real fancy like a little certificate and it says across the top, my personal policy, and then in giant letters, N, O, period [01:16:51.260 --> 01:16:56.260] Somebody wants to show that [01:16:56.260 --> 01:16:57.260] That's good [01:16:57.260 --> 01:17:24.260] That would be a right Jack [01:17:24.260 --> 01:17:27.260] How to answer letters and phone calls [01:17:27.260 --> 01:17:29.260] How to get debt collectors out of your credit report [01:17:29.260 --> 01:17:33.260] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away [01:17:33.260 --> 01:17:38.260] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors [01:17:38.260 --> 01:17:40.260] Personal consultation is available as well [01:17:40.260 --> 01:17:46.260] For more information please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner [01:17:46.260 --> 01:17:49.260] Or email michaelmears at yahoo.com [01:17:49.260 --> 01:17:57.260] That's ruleoflawradio.com or email michaelmears at yahoo.com [01:17:57.260 --> 01:18:00.260] To learn how to stop debt collectors now [01:18:00.260 --> 01:18:04.260] I love logos, without the shows on this network I'd be almost as ignorant as my friends [01:18:04.260 --> 01:18:08.260] I'm so addicted to the truth now that there's no going back, I need my truth pick [01:18:08.260 --> 01:18:13.260] I'd be lost without logos and I really want to help keep this network on the air [01:18:13.260 --> 01:18:16.260] I'd love to volunteer as a show producer but I'm a bit of a Luddite [01:18:16.260 --> 01:18:20.260] And I really don't have any money to give because I spent it all on supplements [01:18:20.260 --> 01:18:22.260] How can I help logos? [01:18:22.260 --> 01:18:24.260] Well I'm glad you asked [01:18:24.260 --> 01:18:27.260] Whenever you order anything from Amazon you can help logos [01:18:27.260 --> 01:18:29.260] In ordering your supplies or holiday gifts [01:18:29.260 --> 01:18:31.260] First thing you do is clear your cookies [01:18:31.260 --> 01:18:34.260] Now go to logosradio.network.com [01:18:34.260 --> 01:18:37.260] Click on the Amazon logo and bookmark it [01:18:37.260 --> 01:18:43.260] Now when you order anything from Amazon you use that link and logos gets a few pesos [01:18:43.260 --> 01:18:44.260] Do I pay extra? [01:18:44.260 --> 01:18:45.260] No [01:18:45.260 --> 01:18:47.260] Do I have to do anything different when I order? [01:18:47.260 --> 01:18:48.260] No [01:18:48.260 --> 01:18:49.260] Can I use my Amazon Prime? [01:18:49.260 --> 01:18:50.260] No [01:18:50.260 --> 01:18:51.260] I mean yes [01:18:51.260 --> 01:18:56.260] Wow, giving without doing anything or spending any money, this is perfect [01:18:56.260 --> 01:18:57.260] Thank you so much [01:18:57.260 --> 01:18:58.260] We are welcome [01:18:58.260 --> 01:19:15.260] Happy Holidays Logos [01:19:15.260 --> 01:19:30.260] Thank you so much [01:19:30.260 --> 01:19:52.260] Okay, we are back [01:19:52.260 --> 01:19:56.260] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rue La La Radio [01:19:56.260 --> 01:20:01.260] I'm waiting for my music to drop down, there we go [01:20:01.260 --> 01:20:10.260] This is Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rue La La Radio on this the 20th day of January 2023 [01:20:10.260 --> 01:20:14.260] And Jack, where were we? [01:20:14.260 --> 01:20:23.260] We were writing nasty letters and you're going to get one of Brett's no business cards [01:20:23.260 --> 01:20:25.260] I think that's a good idea [01:20:25.260 --> 01:20:31.260] All right, I have another quick, real quick on the traffic ticket subject [01:20:31.260 --> 01:20:38.260] So I had turned in the three criminal complaints to the county attorney [01:20:38.260 --> 01:20:43.260] One on the judge, one on the prosecutor, one on the police officer [01:20:43.260 --> 01:20:48.260] He declined, declined to take any action [01:20:48.260 --> 01:20:53.260] I've got his email where he says I declined to take any action [01:20:53.260 --> 01:20:57.260] So wonderful [01:20:57.260 --> 01:21:00.260] You couldn't ask for a clearer shot at it [01:21:00.260 --> 01:21:03.260] What do you plan to do now? [01:21:03.260 --> 01:21:08.260] Well, I'm working on a criminal complaint against the county attorney [01:21:08.260 --> 01:21:09.260] With who? [01:21:09.260 --> 01:21:17.260] Here's my question, so I heard the Brunson, was it Brunson? [01:21:17.260 --> 01:21:18.260] Brunson, yes [01:21:18.260 --> 01:21:21.260] Yeah, we had Loy on [01:21:21.260 --> 01:21:23.260] Yes, I heard part of that [01:21:23.260 --> 01:21:28.260] And he was talking about oath of office [01:21:28.260 --> 01:21:34.260] So if this county attorney, I mean I know he didn't do his duty [01:21:34.260 --> 01:21:36.260] I forget which section of the code [01:21:36.260 --> 01:21:40.260] 205 [01:21:40.260 --> 01:21:46.260] His duty is to take it to a court, I believe [01:21:46.260 --> 01:21:51.260] Well, he's presented to the court and to some magistrate [01:21:51.260 --> 01:21:55.260] He needs to give notice to some magistrate, I think it's 2.05 [01:21:55.260 --> 01:22:00.260] 2.05 or 2.06, those mixed up [01:22:00.260 --> 01:22:04.260] Right, I was just wondering, is there another part of the code [01:22:04.260 --> 01:22:09.260] about violating your oath of office like the Brunson's were talking about? [01:22:09.260 --> 01:22:17.260] What he did was impersonate a judicial officer by making a determination of probable cause [01:22:17.260 --> 01:22:27.260] Impersonate judicial officer, what section is that? [01:22:27.260 --> 01:22:33.260] 3711, 37.11 [01:22:33.260 --> 01:22:35.260] Penal code or court of criminal procedure? [01:22:35.260 --> 01:22:38.260] Penal code [01:22:38.260 --> 01:22:43.260] He impersonated a judicial officer or a judge [01:22:43.260 --> 01:22:46.260] He is a judicial officer technically in Texas [01:22:46.260 --> 01:22:50.260] But he is not the judicial officer he impersonated [01:22:50.260 --> 01:22:56.260] I'm sorry, not a judge, a magistrate [01:22:56.260 --> 01:23:02.260] Magistrates make determinations of probable cause, not lawyers [01:23:02.260 --> 01:23:04.260] Right [01:23:04.260 --> 01:23:09.260] And all he is is a lawyer hired by the state to represent the state [01:23:09.260 --> 01:23:17.260] He may not commence or end prosecutions in the court system [01:23:17.260 --> 01:23:28.260] If he thinks an issue should not be prosecuted, he can file a motion with the court to dismiss in the interest of justice [01:23:28.260 --> 01:23:31.260] He can't do that all by himself [01:23:31.260 --> 01:23:40.260] And if he is given notice by a verified criminal affidavit that a crime has been committed, he has a duty to give notice to some magistrate [01:23:40.260 --> 01:23:42.260] A duty [01:23:42.260 --> 01:23:46.260] He doesn't get to decide and decline, he has a duty [01:23:46.260 --> 01:23:55.260] So you file that with a magistrate, and I would suggest in this case if it was a misdemeanor or a class B misdemeanor, B or A [01:23:55.260 --> 01:24:06.260] You file a criminal complaint against the prosecuting attorney with the county judge in his capacity as a magistrate [01:24:06.260 --> 01:24:21.260] And order the county judge to issue a warrant forthwith in accordance with his duty under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 15.09 [01:24:21.260 --> 01:24:26.260] I'm sorry, could you repeat the first part? [01:24:26.260 --> 01:24:33.260] 15.09 Texas Code of Criminal Procedure says [01:24:33.260 --> 01:24:54.260] When a complaint is forwarded to a magistrate complete in accordance with 15.05 and 15.05 specifies the requisites of a complaint, the magistrate shall issue a warrant forthwith [01:24:54.260 --> 01:25:04.260] What part of that is hard to understand, and where do you find discretion in that? [01:25:04.260 --> 01:25:14.260] Now, in New York it says the magistrate shall examine into the sufficiency of the complaint [01:25:14.260 --> 01:25:17.260] But Texas does not say that [01:25:17.260 --> 01:25:24.260] It says he's to issue a complaint and when the person and the complaint will say arrest this person [01:25:24.260 --> 01:25:25.260] You mean a warrant [01:25:25.260 --> 01:25:29.260] I'm sorry, you're right, brain dead, brain dead [01:25:29.260 --> 01:25:41.260] A warrant, he must issue a warrant forthwith and the warrant must say arrest this person and bring him before me [01:25:41.260 --> 01:25:45.260] And the reason for that is I issued the warrant [01:25:45.260 --> 01:25:49.260] I issued that warrant ex parte [01:25:49.260 --> 01:25:56.260] Now I bring you in front of me and we do a proper examining trial and then we determine if that warrant is valid or not [01:25:56.260 --> 01:26:03.260] And if it's not, well, dismiss the warrant, dismiss the case and everything goes away [01:26:03.260 --> 01:26:06.260] That's what was intended by statute [01:26:06.260 --> 01:26:19.260] So if the judge does not issue a warrant, send me an email, I'll send you the tort letter and the suit you get to file against him [01:26:19.260 --> 01:26:23.260] I already did that, got it all written out [01:26:23.260 --> 01:26:27.260] Now who did you say I'm going to turn this complaint into? [01:26:27.260 --> 01:26:35.260] To the, if it's a county attorney, you mentioned county attorney, then file with the county judge [01:26:35.260 --> 01:26:46.260] He was commanded to give the county clerk notice of the complaint or send the complaint to the county clerk and to give notice to some magistrate [01:26:46.260 --> 01:26:51.260] Okay, no discretion [01:26:51.260 --> 01:27:01.260] And when the judge is ordered to issue a warrant forthwith, that means no discretion like Brett said [01:27:01.260 --> 01:27:08.260] And no discretion means no official immunity [01:27:08.260 --> 01:27:13.260] It is an administrative act for which they have no immunity [01:27:13.260 --> 01:27:18.260] And by lawsuit, sues the judge in his personal capacity [01:27:18.260 --> 01:27:24.260] It's not what you can prove up that keeps you in court [01:27:24.260 --> 01:27:32.260] It is the nature of your claim, they responded saying the judge had official immunity [01:27:32.260 --> 01:27:38.260] Well, I objected to the response saying that it was off point [01:27:38.260 --> 01:27:43.260] Because I very specifically did not sue the judge in his official capacity [01:27:43.260 --> 01:27:45.260] I sued him in his personal capacity [01:27:45.260 --> 01:27:53.260] They had to argue that I could not sue him in his personal capacity and they didn't do that [01:27:53.260 --> 01:28:00.260] They only argued that he had official immunity [01:28:00.260 --> 01:28:07.260] So you sue the judge for not issuing a warrant against the prosecutor? [01:28:07.260 --> 01:28:14.260] You think the judge is going to be a happy camper? [01:28:14.260 --> 01:28:17.260] And besides, they might write you a check [01:28:17.260 --> 01:28:25.260] And when you do sue the judge, the trial judge will recuse himself immediately [01:28:25.260 --> 01:28:31.260] And then you document my opposition to recusal [01:28:31.260 --> 01:28:38.260] He's under contract, he swore on his oath that he'd do this job [01:28:38.260 --> 01:28:48.260] He took payment in furtherance of that oath and that created a contract between him and myself [01:28:48.260 --> 01:28:51.260] And I expect him to abide by his contract [01:28:51.260 --> 01:29:07.260] If he decides not to abide by his contract, then I want a procedure commenced under Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Chapter 66 [01:29:07.260 --> 01:29:15.260] Removal Quo Warento [01:29:15.260 --> 01:29:16.260] Sound like fun, Jack? [01:29:16.260 --> 01:29:19.260] What was the number of that? [01:29:19.260 --> 01:29:21.260] What was the Quo Warento? [01:29:21.260 --> 01:29:24.260] Oh, it's Chapter 66 [01:29:24.260 --> 01:29:26.260] 66 Chapter [01:29:26.260 --> 01:29:31.260] I have all this in the pleadings [01:29:31.260 --> 01:29:33.260] Awesome [01:29:33.260 --> 01:29:35.260] I can't wait to get it done [01:29:35.260 --> 01:29:37.260] Thank you, gentlemen, I sure appreciate it [01:29:37.260 --> 01:29:39.260] Keep up the great work [01:29:39.260 --> 01:29:41.260] Okay, thank you, Jack [01:29:41.260 --> 01:29:45.260] This is Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Blu La Radio [01:29:45.260 --> 01:29:52.260] We're going to, uh, our sponsors, we've got, uh, ooh, we've got a ton- [01:29:52.260 --> 01:29:55.260] John, you need to drop off, I'm not going back to you [01:29:55.260 --> 01:30:01.260] Uh, hang on, we'll be right back [01:30:01.260 --> 01:30:05.260] Sorry, soft drink lovers, even diet drinks can make you fat [01:30:05.260 --> 01:30:10.260] A new study shows that diet soda drinkers gain much more weight than people who avoid the stuff [01:30:10.260 --> 01:30:16.260] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be back in a moment with a scoop on supposedly skinny sodas [01:30:16.260 --> 01:30:18.260] Privacy is under attack [01:30:18.260 --> 01:30:21.260] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again [01:30:21.260 --> 01:30:26.260] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish, too [01:30:26.260 --> 01:30:31.260] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself [01:30:31.260 --> 01:30:34.260] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to [01:30:34.260 --> 01:30:37.260] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com [01:30:37.260 --> 01:30:41.260] The private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing [01:30:41.260 --> 01:30:45.260] Start over with StartPage [01:30:45.260 --> 01:30:50.260] Artificial sweeteners cut the calories and help you lose weight, right? Wrong [01:30:50.260 --> 01:30:55.260] Researchers at UT San Antonio followed hundreds of diet soda drinkers for nearly a decade [01:30:55.260 --> 01:31:02.260] They found that regularly drinking diet soda expanded people's waistlines five times more than no soda at all [01:31:02.260 --> 01:31:09.260] The study's authors say artificial sweeteners trigger the appetite, but unlike regular sugars, don't deliver anything to squelch it [01:31:09.260 --> 01:31:15.260] Waking up hunger without satisfying it leads to cravings, which can result in a larger overall calorie intake [01:31:15.260 --> 01:31:23.260] So use natural sweeteners to maintain a healthy weight, and if you need to shed some pounds, avoid the sweet stuff altogether and drink water instead [01:31:23.260 --> 01:31:29.260] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com [01:31:29.260 --> 01:31:35.260] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11 [01:31:35.260 --> 01:31:37.260] The government says that fire brought it down [01:31:37.260 --> 01:31:42.260] However, 1,500 architects and engineers have concluded it was a controlled demolition [01:31:42.260 --> 01:31:45.260] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives [01:31:45.260 --> 01:31:48.260] And thousands of my fellow first responders are dying [01:31:48.260 --> 01:31:49.260] I'm not a conspiracy theorist [01:31:49.260 --> 01:31:50.260] I'm a structural engineer [01:31:50.260 --> 01:31:52.260] I'm a New York City correction officer [01:31:52.260 --> 01:31:53.260] I'm an Air Force pilot [01:31:53.260 --> 01:31:54.260] I'm a father who lost his son [01:31:54.260 --> 01:31:57.260] We're Americans, and we deserve the truth [01:31:57.260 --> 01:32:00.260] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today [01:32:02.260 --> 01:32:05.260] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic center [01:32:05.260 --> 01:32:07.260] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society [01:32:07.260 --> 01:32:12.260] And if we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights [01:32:12.260 --> 01:32:15.260] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place [01:32:15.260 --> 01:32:19.260] The right to act in our own private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law [01:32:19.260 --> 01:32:25.260] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process [01:32:25.260 --> 01:32:31.260] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available [01:32:31.260 --> 01:32:35.260] That will help you understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law [01:32:35.260 --> 01:32:40.260] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today [01:32:40.260 --> 01:32:45.260] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie [01:32:45.260 --> 01:32:47.260] Video and audio of the original 2009 seminar [01:32:47.260 --> 01:32:50.260] Hundreds of research documents and other useful resource material [01:32:50.260 --> 01:32:54.260] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com [01:32:54.260 --> 01:32:59.260] Order your copy today, and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve [01:32:59.260 --> 01:33:14.260] Looking for some truth? You found it! LogosRadioNetwork.com [01:33:29.260 --> 01:33:46.260] The wicked come with temptation They're trying to buy the whole place [01:33:46.260 --> 01:33:57.260] They want to force the nation Because they've fallen from grace [01:33:57.260 --> 01:34:01.260] I will not break the law [01:34:01.260 --> 01:34:05.260] Okay, we are back, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio [01:34:05.260 --> 01:34:09.260] And we're going to Jane in Texas [01:34:09.260 --> 01:34:12.260] Hello Jane, what do you have for us today? [01:34:12.260 --> 01:34:14.260] Hi, how are you doing? [01:34:14.260 --> 01:34:16.260] Hi, how are you tonight? [01:34:16.260 --> 01:34:20.260] I am not doing so good, I just took some turpentine [01:34:20.260 --> 01:34:23.260] It's about to choke me to death [01:34:23.260 --> 01:34:26.260] He's tried another home run [01:34:26.260 --> 01:34:34.260] See, John was on the show and he was annoying me [01:34:34.260 --> 01:34:38.260] And he's like a parasite [01:34:38.260 --> 01:34:43.260] And turpentine gets rid of parasites [01:34:43.260 --> 01:34:46.260] But I think maybe you should make you some moonshine [01:34:46.260 --> 01:34:49.260] Didn't you say you were choking on turpentine? [01:34:49.260 --> 01:34:53.260] Yeah, moonshine, that will help you out [01:34:53.260 --> 01:34:57.260] Yeah, my brother made some moonshine [01:34:57.260 --> 01:35:02.260] It would gag my dog [01:35:02.260 --> 01:35:04.260] I'll put it on the screen, that's where Jory tells me [01:35:04.260 --> 01:35:06.260] He knows that he has a steel on his neck [01:35:06.260 --> 01:35:09.260] He says it's a 99 proof [01:35:09.260 --> 01:35:12.260] Jane, are you on a speaker phone or a Bluetooth? [01:35:12.260 --> 01:35:15.260] Yeah, I'll take y'all the speaker, okay, hang on, hang on [01:35:15.260 --> 01:35:17.260] Thank you [01:35:17.260 --> 01:35:22.260] Okay, wait, are you off now? [01:35:22.260 --> 01:35:24.260] Yeah, I couldn't understand you [01:35:24.260 --> 01:35:27.260] Okay, yeah, I can see you're off the speaker [01:35:27.260 --> 01:35:30.260] Okay, hold on, let me get out of the phone [01:35:30.260 --> 01:35:32.260] Thank you, appreciate that [01:35:32.260 --> 01:35:40.260] Yeah, sometimes we can notice in the audio that it's not quite as good as it could be, so thank you [01:35:40.260 --> 01:35:45.260] Okay, yeah, I know, because I know it sounds funny when somebody's on the speaker [01:35:45.260 --> 01:35:58.260] Well, so tomorrow is my 30th day anniversary of filing my petition of motion to review my writ of mandamus and motion for career consideration [01:35:58.260 --> 01:36:02.260] And they're just ignoring it [01:36:02.260 --> 01:36:05.260] Not there, I'm sorry, I'm sorry [01:36:05.260 --> 01:36:13.260] The County Court of Criminal Bill 1, the judge is just ignoring it [01:36:13.260 --> 01:36:22.260] Then you can consider it to be denied, but also file a judicial conduct complaint against the judge [01:36:22.260 --> 01:36:30.260] Well, can I not file a petition for review in the Texas Supreme Court, or is that too early, or will they just ignore it? [01:36:30.260 --> 01:36:35.260] No, they'll ignore it, you need to file a notice of intent to appeal [01:36:35.260 --> 01:36:39.260] Well, how can I file a notice of intent to appeal? [01:36:39.260 --> 01:36:41.260] Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute [01:36:41.260 --> 01:36:48.260] Okay, I can't find any information about this, because normally whenever I've been searching, it says [01:36:48.260 --> 01:36:55.260] Normally whenever you file a motion for consideration and you're looking to see what happens next after that [01:36:55.260 --> 01:37:01.260] It's always in the court from the original jurisdiction that you file a motion for reconsideration [01:37:01.260 --> 01:37:12.260] And I can't find it anywhere where somebody already is in the appeals court and they appeal, they're trying to do a motion for reconsideration there [01:37:12.260 --> 01:37:18.260] I can't find any rules or anything about that [01:37:18.260 --> 01:37:25.260] Every single thing, every possibility is not written into the rules [01:37:25.260 --> 01:37:29.260] Some of it is just general common sense [01:37:29.260 --> 01:37:39.260] If you have asked the court of appeals for reconsideration, you would give your notice to the court of appeals [01:37:39.260 --> 01:37:43.260] You wouldn't give it to some court that's not involved in what's going on [01:37:43.260 --> 01:37:50.260] Yeah, I did give it to them, they did get it, and also the criminal court got it [01:37:50.260 --> 01:37:55.260] They ignored it, so give them your notice of intent to appeal to the Supreme [01:37:55.260 --> 01:38:06.260] Okay, but how much time do they have, like 45 days you think? I don't know how to find out [01:38:06.260 --> 01:38:09.260] I'm not sure, you'd have to look at the appellate rules [01:38:09.260 --> 01:38:19.260] I think in the appellate court, you have to give notice within a shorter time, but you generally have 30 to 45 days [01:38:19.260 --> 01:38:27.260] If you're appealing from the court of appeals to the Supreme, I don't remember how long you have to do that [01:38:27.260 --> 01:38:34.260] But it's longer because generally you have to develop briefs and such, but you have to give notice early [01:38:34.260 --> 01:38:38.260] So if your clock just ran out, go ahead and give them notice [01:38:38.260 --> 01:38:44.260] If you give notice too soon, then the notice sits in the record until it's right [01:38:44.260 --> 01:38:57.260] Okay, the other thing is on a petition for notice to appeal, and this is all just about them hearing [01:38:57.260 --> 01:39:04.260] because the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure says that they have to hear my proper affidavit [01:39:04.260 --> 01:39:10.260] to cure the defect that I didn't file in the municipal court [01:39:10.260 --> 01:39:23.260] But since Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure are not law, they're only rules, then I guess I don't know if they have to abide by those [01:39:23.260 --> 01:39:28.260] Okay, I really don't know what you're talking about [01:39:28.260 --> 01:39:37.260] Well, I'm saying that the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure, they're rules, they're not laws, they're not statutes [01:39:37.260 --> 01:39:45.260] Go to people, these people that are following those rules have to follow those rules [01:39:45.260 --> 01:39:51.260] For them it's just as good as a law, it would be a crime for them to not follow the rules [01:39:51.260 --> 01:39:57.260] Okay, that's where I thought you were going, but I tried not to assume [01:39:57.260 --> 01:40:05.260] When you're dealing in a particular court, in order to invoke the duty of that court [01:40:05.260 --> 01:40:09.260] you have to follow that court's rules [01:40:09.260 --> 01:40:15.260] Granted, they're not laws, laws are written by the legislature to apply to the general public [01:40:15.260 --> 01:40:22.260] But when you enter into these courts, these courts get to make their own rules approved by the Supreme [01:40:22.260 --> 01:40:27.260] and you have to follow their rules just as if they were law [01:40:27.260 --> 01:40:32.260] Well, it's not their rules, it's like the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure [01:40:32.260 --> 01:40:36.260] You can argue that all you want to [01:40:36.260 --> 01:40:37.260] Okay [01:40:37.260 --> 01:40:42.260] But you are not going to get the court rules ignored or thrown out [01:40:42.260 --> 01:40:45.260] That's not going to happen, there are fights you can have [01:40:45.260 --> 01:40:51.260] I guess I'm confused, because I don't think, the court actually has anything about this [01:40:51.260 --> 01:40:56.260] that I've seen about the appeals, I thought you had to go by the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure [01:40:56.260 --> 01:41:00.260] You know, that's a general thing, but the Supreme Court for that [01:41:00.260 --> 01:41:03.260] You're confusing me [01:41:03.260 --> 01:41:09.260] I'm coming at it from the other side, like instead of saying, she's not trying to say that the rules don't apply [01:41:09.260 --> 01:41:14.260] or that the rules are not enforceable with the weight of law [01:41:14.260 --> 01:41:23.260] She seems to be coming from the other side, like isn't there something that can be enforced with the weight of law? [01:41:23.260 --> 01:41:26.260] Isn't there something that they can be held to do? [01:41:26.260 --> 01:41:31.260] Wait a minute, they, again [01:41:31.260 --> 01:41:34.260] I was assuming, Jane, that you filed this [01:41:34.260 --> 01:41:41.260] At first I assumed you filed it in the trial court, but then because you referenced the appellate court [01:41:41.260 --> 01:41:46.260] then I assumed that you filed this motion for reconsideration in the Court of Appeals [01:41:46.260 --> 01:41:48.260] Yes, I did [01:41:48.260 --> 01:41:57.260] Okay, so the rules you'd have to follow would be the Court of Appeal rules, and they do apply [01:41:57.260 --> 01:42:02.260] Yeah, I know, but I can't find any rules that they have that applies [01:42:02.260 --> 01:42:12.260] I mean, what I'm saying is, I don't see the appellant rules, but I think, because it references the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure [01:42:12.260 --> 01:42:15.260] Okay, that's the rules [01:42:15.260 --> 01:42:16.260] Okay [01:42:16.260 --> 01:42:23.260] And then you'll have the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure, and then you'll have local rules of the individual court [01:42:23.260 --> 01:42:25.260] Right, right, I agree [01:42:25.260 --> 01:42:36.260] But what I'm saying is, the Texas Rules of Appellant Procedure don't go into the details as far as what to do after the [01:42:36.260 --> 01:42:40.260] I think we talked about this before, after the appeals court denies your motion [01:42:40.260 --> 01:42:46.260] because remember we were saying that you didn't know, and I said I didn't know whether or not that it went through actually [01:42:46.260 --> 01:42:54.260] you know, whenever you turn to appeal a decision on the mandamus, does it go to that court? [01:42:54.260 --> 01:42:56.260] Because I mean [01:42:56.260 --> 01:43:11.260] Yes, if you appeal, excuse me, if you appeal from that court, you give that court notice of your intent to appeal [01:43:11.260 --> 01:43:16.260] and then you file the appeal with the next court, I don't understand why this is difficult [01:43:16.260 --> 01:43:19.260] I don't either, I don't either, because I guess [01:43:19.260 --> 01:43:24.260] No wait, what are you, wait a minute, I mean, what are you asking? [01:43:24.260 --> 01:43:27.260] I'm asking because I can't find anything [01:43:27.260 --> 01:43:34.260] No, what, what are you asking? Do I file a notice of appeal in the appellate court that I'm in? [01:43:34.260 --> 01:43:40.260] Do I file a notice of appeal with someone else? Do I file my appeal in this court? What are you asking? [01:43:40.260 --> 01:43:44.260] Hang on, we'll pick this up on the other side [01:43:44.260 --> 01:43:54.260] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Wheel of Law Radio, call in number 512-646-1984, I shouldn't give that up, we've got a full board of callers [01:43:54.260 --> 01:43:56.260] Hang on, we'll be right back [01:44:00.260 --> 01:44:06.260] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area of nutrition [01:44:06.260 --> 01:44:11.260] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that [01:44:11.260 --> 01:44:17.260] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition [01:44:17.260 --> 01:44:25.260] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, Young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need [01:44:25.260 --> 01:44:31.260] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject [01:44:31.260 --> 01:44:39.260] We have come to trust Young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others [01:44:39.260 --> 01:44:47.260] When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio [01:44:47.260 --> 01:44:51.260] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us [01:44:51.260 --> 01:44:58.260] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and increase your income [01:44:58.260 --> 01:45:00.260] Order now [01:45:00.260 --> 01:45:03.260] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:03.260 --> 01:45:14.260] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy-to-understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step [01:45:14.260 --> 01:45:18.260] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing [01:45:18.260 --> 01:45:22.260] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself [01:45:22.260 --> 01:45:27.260] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too [01:45:27.260 --> 01:45:33.260] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience [01:45:33.260 --> 01:45:42.260] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles and practices that control our American courts [01:45:42.260 --> 01:45:51.260] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more [01:45:51.260 --> 01:46:00.260] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EASY [01:46:21.260 --> 01:46:23.260] It's the reality [01:46:31.260 --> 01:46:38.260] As we sow, so shall we reap [01:46:38.260 --> 01:46:46.260] So many fruits, so many words to put on the whole of the seed [01:46:46.260 --> 01:46:53.260] As we sow, so shall we reap [01:46:53.260 --> 01:47:01.260] As we sow, so shall we reap [01:47:01.260 --> 01:47:09.260] As we sow, so shall we reap [01:47:09.260 --> 01:47:17.260] As we sow, so shall we reap [01:47:17.260 --> 01:47:20.260] One by one, we friend, tell everybody [01:47:20.260 --> 01:47:24.260] Pass on the words of Almighty [01:47:24.260 --> 01:47:28.260] Lend a helping hand, we say, as you go along [01:47:28.260 --> 01:47:30.260] No leg come up [01:47:30.260 --> 01:47:34.260] Okay, we are back, Brenda Kelton, Brett Chountain, Rule of Law Radio [01:47:34.260 --> 01:47:37.260] And we're talking to Jane in Texas, and Jane [01:47:37.260 --> 01:47:42.260] I pretty well know what you were talking about [01:47:42.260 --> 01:47:45.260] But we're on radio [01:47:45.260 --> 01:47:52.260] And if you're on Telegram where your posts are up and we can back up and read your posts [01:47:52.260 --> 01:47:56.260] We can pretty well find referential index [01:47:56.260 --> 01:47:59.260] But when you're on radio, we have a lot of people listening [01:47:59.260 --> 01:48:01.260] They don't know your background [01:48:01.260 --> 01:48:06.260] They don't know the context of the issues that you're in [01:48:06.260 --> 01:48:10.260] And it's part of the reason I hate acronyms and pronouns so much [01:48:10.260 --> 01:48:14.260] Because it's hard enough for people to figure these things out [01:48:14.260 --> 01:48:18.260] Without us using unspecified language [01:48:18.260 --> 01:48:22.260] And here you're talking about something very sophisticated [01:48:22.260 --> 01:48:29.260] Without being very abundantly clear on what it is you're talking about [01:48:29.260 --> 01:48:33.260] Okay, I'm sorry, I was a little bit distracted [01:48:33.260 --> 01:48:36.260] I didn't expect to get on the radio so quick [01:48:36.260 --> 01:48:39.260] And I was at my storage and so I just now got home [01:48:39.260 --> 01:48:42.260] Oh, Brett and I saw, oh my, Jane's on [01:48:42.260 --> 01:48:44.260] We got to skip everybody else and go to Jane [01:48:44.260 --> 01:48:46.260] Because we do enjoy having Jane on there so much [01:48:46.260 --> 01:48:48.260] Didn't we, Brett, didn't we? [01:48:48.260 --> 01:48:50.260] Let me turn down the radio [01:48:50.260 --> 01:48:52.260] I thought we just went to the next one in order [01:48:52.260 --> 01:48:54.260] I don't see that [01:48:54.260 --> 01:48:57.260] Right, right, that's it [01:48:57.260 --> 01:48:59.260] Let me turn you off on the radio [01:48:59.260 --> 01:49:02.260] Y'all can't hear the background radio? [01:49:02.260 --> 01:49:04.260] Yeah, it's irritating [01:49:04.260 --> 01:49:06.260] Okay, I'm putting it on pause [01:49:06.260 --> 01:49:12.260] Okay, I guess maybe I didn't ask the right question [01:49:12.260 --> 01:49:17.260] I'm trying to figure out what to even call the thing that I'm going to file [01:49:17.260 --> 01:49:19.260] It's not notice of appeal [01:49:19.260 --> 01:49:23.260] Because if they didn't rule on it, then it's not really [01:49:23.260 --> 01:49:26.260] They didn't rule on it [01:49:26.260 --> 01:49:29.260] Did they rule on your appeal? [01:49:29.260 --> 01:49:34.260] They rule, no, because they never have gotten to see my appeal [01:49:34.260 --> 01:49:37.260] I mean, the appeals court is just [01:49:37.260 --> 01:49:42.260] They denied the writ of mandamus, petition for a writ of mandamus [01:49:42.260 --> 01:49:43.260] Okay, they denied it [01:49:43.260 --> 01:49:46.260] And so I thought that I'd be able to have it [01:49:46.260 --> 01:49:51.260] Okay, so you asked them to reconsider their denial [01:49:51.260 --> 01:49:53.260] And they refused [01:49:53.260 --> 01:50:01.260] And now you give them notice of your intent to refuse your appeal [01:50:01.260 --> 01:50:03.260] That you intend to appeal that to the Supreme [01:50:03.260 --> 01:50:06.260] It's the same procedure [01:50:06.260 --> 01:50:08.260] But it's not called [01:50:08.260 --> 01:50:19.260] So I notice of intent to appeal that you didn't rule on my motion for reconsideration of my original petition for [01:50:19.260 --> 01:50:21.260] Oh my gosh [01:50:21.260 --> 01:50:29.260] No, you're not appealing their failure, their refusal to reconsider [01:50:29.260 --> 01:50:31.260] That's not appealable [01:50:31.260 --> 01:50:39.260] You're appealing their ruling, their determination, their decision not to accept your appeal [01:50:39.260 --> 01:50:41.260] Okay, okay [01:50:41.260 --> 01:50:45.260] You're moving the appeal from the original court since they refused to hear it [01:50:45.260 --> 01:50:48.260] Now you're moving to the Supreme [01:50:48.260 --> 01:50:50.260] Okay, all right [01:50:50.260 --> 01:50:52.260] That chance, they'll hear it [01:50:52.260 --> 01:50:55.260] But I can try [01:50:55.260 --> 01:50:56.260] You know [01:50:56.260 --> 01:50:57.260] Well, that's what you have to do [01:50:57.260 --> 01:50:58.260] That's how it's done [01:50:58.260 --> 01:51:01.260] If you don't want to hear my case, I'll go to the next level [01:51:01.260 --> 01:51:05.260] And you're notifying them that you're going to the next level [01:51:05.260 --> 01:51:08.260] It's just a procedural step [01:51:08.260 --> 01:51:10.260] Okay [01:51:10.260 --> 01:51:13.260] And I have to be able to back this up with law though [01:51:13.260 --> 01:51:16.260] So I'll be looking for that [01:51:16.260 --> 01:51:20.260] I mean, it's not a writ of certiori or however you say it, it's not [01:51:20.260 --> 01:51:22.260] Yes, this is a cert [01:51:22.260 --> 01:51:24.260] Okay, that's what I was getting to [01:51:24.260 --> 01:51:26.260] That's what I was trying to figure out, okay [01:51:26.260 --> 01:51:31.260] But I don't write the cert right now, I just do the notice of appeal, correct? [01:51:31.260 --> 01:51:35.260] Well, all the notice of appeal is is I hereby give notice of my intent to appeal [01:51:35.260 --> 01:51:36.260] That's it [01:51:36.260 --> 01:51:38.260] Okay, okay [01:51:38.260 --> 01:51:40.260] And then the cert is your appeal [01:51:40.260 --> 01:51:43.260] Okay, all right, that sounds good [01:51:43.260 --> 01:51:46.260] Okay, well, I'll let you go and I got this little bit bored and everything [01:51:46.260 --> 01:51:49.260] So y'all keep plugging [01:51:49.260 --> 01:51:50.260] Okay, thank you, Jane [01:51:50.260 --> 01:51:51.260] Appreciate it [01:51:51.260 --> 01:51:52.260] Thanks, everybody [01:51:52.260 --> 01:52:01.260] Okay, now we're going to Mike in Arizona [01:52:01.260 --> 01:52:03.260] Is that the right one, Brett? [01:52:03.260 --> 01:52:04.260] Yes [01:52:04.260 --> 01:52:09.260] Okay, first time caller, what do you have for us today? [01:52:09.260 --> 01:52:13.260] I'll give you a quick one, I've heard you mention your telegram group [01:52:13.260 --> 01:52:17.260] I'm just curious how I access that [01:52:17.260 --> 01:52:23.260] Send me an email, Randy at ruleoflawradio.com [01:52:23.260 --> 01:52:26.260] And I will send you a link to it [01:52:26.260 --> 01:52:29.260] All right, well thank you very much, that's all [01:52:29.260 --> 01:52:32.260] Wait, that didn't take enough time [01:52:32.260 --> 01:52:40.260] You need to ask a really insightful and intelligent complex question [01:52:40.260 --> 01:52:42.260] I'm just not prepared this evening, unfortunately [01:52:42.260 --> 01:52:45.260] I do have one for you though, I'm just not [01:52:45.260 --> 01:52:50.260] Well, Mike, let me tell you the link and then just for any other listeners as well [01:52:50.260 --> 01:53:03.260] If you will go to t.me, t.me forward slash the law society [01:53:03.260 --> 01:53:07.260] That'll take you right into the group [01:53:07.260 --> 01:53:12.260] Cool, right on, well I appreciate it [01:53:12.260 --> 01:53:19.260] Okey doke, I was just trying to put you on the dime [01:53:19.260 --> 01:53:23.260] There's no free rides around here [01:53:23.260 --> 01:53:27.260] Okay, check out the group and thank you for calling [01:53:27.260 --> 01:53:30.260] It looks like we've got another first time caller [01:53:30.260 --> 01:53:33.260] And this one I don't have a name for [01:53:33.260 --> 01:53:42.260] If you are in the 816 area code, talk to us [01:53:42.260 --> 01:53:45.260] Well, that's not working out so good [01:53:45.260 --> 01:53:53.260] If you just called in, talk to us, sometimes the call screener thing we have gets the wrong number [01:53:53.260 --> 01:53:54.260] Can you hear me? [01:53:54.260 --> 01:53:55.260] Oh [01:53:55.260 --> 01:54:00.260] Hey, all right, we need a first name and a state [01:54:00.260 --> 01:54:04.260] My name is Sean and I'm calling out of Missouri [01:54:04.260 --> 01:54:11.260] Okay, is this 816 number the correct number? [01:54:11.260 --> 01:54:12.260] Yes [01:54:12.260 --> 01:54:15.260] Okay, then we'll get that in our database [01:54:15.260 --> 01:54:18.260] Okay, what was your first name again? [01:54:18.260 --> 01:54:21.260] My name is Sean and I'm calling out of Missouri [01:54:21.260 --> 01:54:25.260] Sean in Missouri, what do you have for us today? [01:54:25.260 --> 01:54:29.260] I have a jurisdiction question [01:54:29.260 --> 01:54:40.260] If a judge makes a ruling, if a state or county judge makes a ruling on a federal tax issue [01:54:40.260 --> 01:54:49.260] It was my understanding that it would, it could not be enforced because only tax court could rule on this particular issue [01:54:49.260 --> 01:54:58.260] Meaning the issue is currently not collectible and joint several liability [01:54:58.260 --> 01:55:04.260] That is a bit complex on a, what kind of issue? [01:55:04.260 --> 01:55:12.260] Is the IRS, at the end of the day, the IRS is telling the defendant that he doesn't have to pay his federal taxes right now [01:55:12.260 --> 01:55:18.260] But a state or county judge is saying, yes, you do have to pay your federal taxes right now [01:55:18.260 --> 01:55:24.260] But when you look at the federal law, it says only federal tax court has that jurisdiction [01:55:24.260 --> 01:55:30.260] In terms of who's going to be responsible to pay a tax debt, a federal IRS tax debt [01:55:30.260 --> 01:55:38.260] That sounds like it would take a subject matter jurisdiction challenge [01:55:38.260 --> 01:55:41.260] Yes [01:55:41.260 --> 01:55:47.260] So the tax court is clearly federal, the reason I ask the question is [01:55:47.260 --> 01:55:59.260] If you have a case where there are state issues implicated and federal issues implicated and you file in the state [01:55:59.260 --> 01:56:05.260] The other side can remove to the federal, but they don't have to [01:56:05.260 --> 01:56:15.260] If the opposing party doesn't remove it to the fed, then the state can rule on both the state and the federal issues [01:56:15.260 --> 01:56:23.260] The federal, if there is a state and federal issue and the opposing party removes to the fed [01:56:23.260 --> 01:56:29.260] Then the fed can hear both the state and the federal issues [01:56:29.260 --> 01:56:37.260] I think the only question that I see is that the judge has already ruled on the federal piece [01:56:37.260 --> 01:56:43.260] And the feds are already saying that you are not to pay on that debt [01:56:43.260 --> 01:56:58.260] Okay, then that would definitely get a subject matter jurisdiction challenge to the state court and would that go to a habeas? [01:56:58.260 --> 01:57:16.260] If not a habeas, at least a petition for writ of mandamus from the federal court ordering the state court to stop interfering with federal business [01:57:16.260 --> 01:57:19.260] Does that make sense, Sean? [01:57:19.260 --> 01:57:21.260] Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking to the other gentleman [01:57:21.260 --> 01:57:29.260] Yes, that does make sense. I just seen some things online where it would say that if you rule on something outside of your jurisdiction [01:57:29.260 --> 01:57:34.260] Then it would be automatically void and I was trying to get a better understanding of that [01:57:34.260 --> 01:57:43.260] Well, we are not lawyers here, we are citizens, so we tend to take a little bit of a different view [01:57:43.260 --> 01:57:44.260] Gotcha [01:57:44.260 --> 01:57:52.260] What I'm hearing is a state judge pretending to be a federal judge [01:57:52.260 --> 01:57:59.260] And the way I read the code, that's impersonating a public official and it's a crime in the fed [01:57:59.260 --> 01:58:04.260] Except for the magistrate. A magistrate should be able to do that, right? [01:58:04.260 --> 01:58:08.260] A magistrate can hear state and federal criminal complaints [01:58:08.260 --> 01:58:10.260] And determine probable cause [01:58:10.260 --> 01:58:14.260] But that's all he can take up the role of a judge [01:58:14.260 --> 01:58:21.260] If we have a state judge ruling on federal law, then he's impersonating a federal judge [01:58:21.260 --> 01:58:25.260] And that's generally a pretty serious crime in every state [01:58:25.260 --> 01:58:27.260] You might file a criminally against him [01:58:27.260 --> 01:58:31.260] Hang on, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio [01:58:31.260 --> 01:58:42.260] We've got one empty slot. Call it number 512-646-1984. Hang on, we'll be right back [01:58:42.260 --> 01:58:46.260] If I don't fall off the cliff first [01:58:46.260 --> 01:58:53.260] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world [01:58:53.260 --> 01:58:57.260] Yet countless readers are frustrated because they struggle to understand it [01:58:57.260 --> 01:59:01.260] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text [01:59:01.260 --> 01:59:05.260] But in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the scripture [01:59:05.260 --> 01:59:08.260] Enter the recovery version [01:59:08.260 --> 01:59:12.260] First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate [01:59:12.260 --> 01:59:17.260] But the real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes [01:59:17.260 --> 01:59:21.260] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way [01:59:21.260 --> 01:59:27.260] Providing an entrance into the riches of the Word beyond which you've ever experienced before [01:59:27.260 --> 01:59:32.260] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking [01:59:32.260 --> 01:59:43.260] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [01:59:43.260 --> 01:59:47.260] Or by ordering online at freestudybible.com [01:59:47.260 --> 01:59:50.260] That's freestudybible.com [01:59:50.260 --> 01:59:53.260] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network [01:59:53.260 --> 02:00:21.260] logosradionetwork.com