[00:00.000 --> 00:05.880] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [00:05.880 --> 00:09.560] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [00:09.560 --> 00:10.920] Our liberty depends on it. [00:10.920 --> 00:14.960] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [00:14.960 --> 00:17.060] your First Amendment rights. [00:17.060 --> 00:18.640] Privacy is under attack. [00:18.640 --> 00:22.240] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [00:22.240 --> 00:27.000] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [00:27.000 --> 00:32.160] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [00:32.160 --> 00:34.760] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [00:34.760 --> 00:39.040] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [00:39.040 --> 00:42.600] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [00:42.600 --> 00:44.800] Start over with Startpage. [00:44.800 --> 00:47.880] Spar, it's what fighters do. [00:47.880 --> 00:51.360] It's also how I remember the five guarantees of the First Amendment. [00:51.360 --> 00:54.560] If you plan to take away my rights, I'm going to spar with you. [00:54.560 --> 01:01.720] Spar with an extra P, S for speech, P for press, another P for petition, A for assembly, [01:01.720 --> 01:03.080] and R for religion. [01:03.080 --> 01:07.160] Most Americans are familiar with the First Amendment guarantees of free speech, press, [01:07.160 --> 01:10.640] assembly, and religion, but petition for redress is another matter. [01:10.640 --> 01:14.720] We have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [01:14.720 --> 01:18.240] It means that if we're unhappy with what's going on in our government, we can spell out [01:18.240 --> 01:20.880] the reasons without fear of being thrown into jail. [01:20.880 --> 01:31.240] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31.240 --> 01:34.880] The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 amendments of our Constitution. [01:34.880 --> 01:38.340] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:38.340 --> 01:39.840] Our liberty depends on it. [01:39.840 --> 01:43.720] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [01:43.720 --> 01:46.860] one of your constitutional rights. [01:46.860 --> 01:48.440] Privacy is under attack. [01:48.440 --> 01:52.840] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again, and once your privacy [01:52.840 --> 01:56.840] is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:56.840 --> 02:01.840] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [02:01.840 --> 02:04.600] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [02:04.600 --> 02:08.880] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search [02:08.880 --> 02:12.420] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [02:12.420 --> 02:16.000] Start over with StartPage. [02:16.000 --> 02:20.360] When I think of the Second Amendment, I visualize myself wrapping my two arms around the Bill [02:20.360 --> 02:22.420] of Rights in a big old bear hug. [02:22.420 --> 02:26.920] It's how I remember that the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms, arms [02:26.920 --> 02:30.760] that embrace our freedoms and won't let anyone take them away without a fight. [02:30.760 --> 02:31.760] Get it? [02:31.760 --> 02:34.080] Two arms, bear hug, bear arms? [02:34.080 --> 02:37.680] The late Senator Hubert Humphrey captured the spirit of the Second Amendment so well [02:37.680 --> 02:43.440] when he said, the right of the citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary [02:43.440 --> 02:47.960] marriage, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which [02:47.960 --> 02:50.640] historically has proved to always be possible. [02:50.640 --> 02:52.560] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [02:52.560 --> 03:14.080] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [03:14.080 --> 03:36.080] We are originators and the pathway seems to get straighter every day. [03:36.080 --> 03:55.080] And I can take anything that belongs to me, because it's too good to use, but I was good [03:55.080 --> 03:58.080] for the gander, going to work for the goose. [03:58.080 --> 03:59.080] I know some heart content. [03:59.080 --> 04:00.080] Okay. [04:00.080 --> 04:09.160] I'm Brian Kelly, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio on this Friday, June 17th, 2022. [04:09.160 --> 04:12.960] And we're talking to E.J. in California. [04:12.960 --> 04:16.120] And Brett, you had a comment for E.J. [04:16.120 --> 04:23.280] Yeah, E.J., we had a lot of fun on the break thinking about, we just appreciate that you're [04:23.280 --> 04:29.760] enjoying yourself at this time and not letting these lawyers get to you, but you can kind [04:29.760 --> 04:32.560] of see through them at this point, which is really cool. [04:32.560 --> 04:34.200] We're glad to hear that. [04:34.200 --> 04:43.280] And we were talking about, it just occurs to me, just what Randy was saying about filing [04:43.280 --> 04:48.760] and letting them know that this is frivolous and so forth, but then it occurred to me that [04:48.760 --> 04:57.480] if the client is going to read your pleadings, what if you were to put something in there [04:57.480 --> 05:08.720] so that when the client reads it, there's something along the lines of, this opposing [05:08.720 --> 05:14.880] counsel should consider himself fortunate if his client never learns how to bargrieve [05:14.880 --> 05:21.840] him for the churning of the case and the frivolous and the fraud, waste, and abuse, or whatever [05:21.840 --> 05:27.440] you want to put in there about the bar grievance, because then if the client were to read that, [05:27.440 --> 05:38.440] well, I can bargrieve my lawyer, or like Randy, what you were saying about they should consider [05:38.440 --> 05:42.520] themselves fortunate if the client never learns how to sue for malpractice or ineffective [05:42.520 --> 05:48.680] assistance of counsel. [05:48.680 --> 05:50.400] I think that's great. [05:50.400 --> 06:00.320] I feel that it's necessary to put, this is my time, to put it on the record, you know? [06:00.320 --> 06:04.840] I'm not going to spare any hold back. [06:04.840 --> 06:16.320] I will say what needs to be said, you know, and where was I going, oh, I think we talked [06:16.320 --> 06:23.400] about this maybe two Fridays ago, Brett, I was thinking about putting the CEO as a third [06:23.400 --> 06:33.560] defendant because he's aware of what happened, I'm sure, and he made the call to keep continuing [06:33.560 --> 06:43.160] and pursuing a case, malicious case, because I did subpoena the footage, so I'm sure the [06:43.160 --> 06:46.160] whole hospital knew. [06:46.160 --> 06:52.840] What are my chances of just kind of wanting your opinion on that, the CEO, personally, [06:52.840 --> 06:57.280] I'd like to sue him, adding him as a third defendant. [06:57.280 --> 07:00.280] What do you think, Randy? [07:00.280 --> 07:03.720] Should he include the CEO? [07:03.720 --> 07:04.720] Absolutely. [07:04.720 --> 07:08.720] The CEO is responding as superior. [07:08.720 --> 07:11.120] That's right. [07:11.120 --> 07:21.760] So corporations don't do things, human beings do things, now a corporation can be considered [07:21.760 --> 07:29.200] a person for the purpose of certain rights that a corporation can have, but corporations [07:29.200 --> 07:35.800] can't do anything, only people do things, so the people behind the corporation should [07:35.800 --> 07:37.280] be named personally. [07:37.280 --> 07:43.000] Now, if the corporation wants to indemnify them, that's their business. [07:43.000 --> 07:48.520] Gotcha, so it would be in an individual capacity? [07:48.520 --> 07:49.520] Yes. [07:49.520 --> 08:00.640] For the CEO, okay, I will add him for my case management hearing is continued, that's what [08:00.640 --> 08:06.040] I requested, and the judge continued the case. [08:06.040 --> 08:11.680] It was a commissioner, anyway, I would have the right to continue, because I have the [08:11.680 --> 08:21.760] right to have a judge hear my case, so that's one of the California rules, so they continued [08:21.760 --> 08:29.920] it and I'm going to, one of the questions they ask us is, would you like to add another [08:29.920 --> 08:30.920] defendant? [08:30.920 --> 08:45.600] I'm just laughing, but at least they do ask that, you know, so I'm very happy. [08:45.600 --> 08:51.920] Have you asked for mediation? [08:51.920 --> 08:56.440] Not with the judge, nor with the defendant's attorneys, no. [08:56.440 --> 09:02.640] Okay, you might at some point want to petition the court to order mediation. [09:02.640 --> 09:06.000] Okay, I'll do that. [09:06.000 --> 09:13.360] What this will do, will give the attorneys plausible deniability, if you've been bar [09:13.360 --> 09:21.360] grieving them and beating them up good, they may want this case to go away, so if you ask [09:21.360 --> 09:26.840] the court to order mediation, now they have to come to the table and talk a deal with [09:26.840 --> 09:31.720] you, so they can do that now and not lose face. [09:31.720 --> 09:43.840] Otherwise, they don't want to stoop to the level of a mortal pro se. [09:43.840 --> 09:47.800] They would never deal with a pro se, they would never try to deal out with a pro se [09:47.800 --> 09:52.560] directly, but if you ask the court to order them to, now they can tell all the other lawyers, [09:52.560 --> 09:58.880] well, I didn't have any other choice, the judge ordered me to, so I didn't make us all [09:58.880 --> 09:59.880] look bad. [09:59.880 --> 10:07.360] Okay, so I'll petition for mediation, first I need to do an ex parte, I don't know how [10:07.360 --> 10:10.920] you pronounce it, that's what the judge, I asked her. [10:10.920 --> 10:16.720] Ex parte, you're in a civil suit, you can't do much ex parte. [10:16.720 --> 10:18.960] You can't? [10:18.960 --> 10:21.480] Both sides have a right to notice. [10:21.480 --> 10:31.600] Hmm, oh, maybe she gave me the wrong advice, that was at the case conference two weeks [10:31.600 --> 10:39.400] ago, she said, well then you need to motion for an ex parte for the motion to stay, for [10:39.400 --> 10:46.400] the hearing to be heard prior to summary judgment, that's what she said, it's even in the minutes [10:46.400 --> 10:48.480] for an ex parte. [10:48.480 --> 10:57.160] This is civil, everybody gets an opportunity to respond, judges cannot have ex parte communications [10:57.160 --> 11:00.600] with either party. [11:00.600 --> 11:09.000] Don't go ahead and do that, it's not a good idea, that's what Dr. Dock, the jurisdictionary [11:09.000 --> 11:11.600] said, he said that as well. [11:11.600 --> 11:17.080] Yes, you can't do that, I don't know what to do, there may be some specific context [11:17.080 --> 11:23.320] in which the judge is speaking, but as a general rule, you can't have ex parte communication [11:23.320 --> 11:27.440] with the judge at all, in a civil or criminal case. [11:27.440 --> 11:33.920] Well then would it be appropriate for her in this situation to just ask that the, because [11:33.920 --> 11:42.360] one hearing is going to make the other moot, and that the hearing, they need to be switched, [11:42.360 --> 11:50.720] the order needs to be swapped, because the summary judgment needs to be heard before [11:50.720 --> 11:53.560] this other stuff, right? [11:53.560 --> 11:57.960] Yes, if summary judgment would be dispositive. [11:57.960 --> 12:09.560] Right, so they need to just rearrange their schedule, if they've got one hearing scheduled [12:09.560 --> 12:14.800] for one month, and then the next slot they have available is in October, well then maybe [12:14.800 --> 12:19.800] they just need to swap the order of those, right? [12:19.800 --> 12:22.520] Good idea. [12:22.520 --> 12:27.320] Well the dispositive hearing should absolutely be heard first, because it will dispose of [12:27.320 --> 12:28.320] the case. [12:28.320 --> 12:35.840] Exactly, when she tried to get that done, the court or the administrator told her, well [12:35.840 --> 12:40.840] the next time you have to hear your dispositive motion is going to be after the other one, [12:40.840 --> 12:44.080] so you need to have that heard ex parte. [12:44.080 --> 12:55.040] No, the summary judgment is in August, and my motion to stay is in October, it's after [12:55.040 --> 12:56.040] the summary judgment. [12:56.040 --> 13:02.040] I thought I was supposed to do reverse, to have the summary judgment heard before, I'm [13:02.040 --> 13:09.000] sorry, the motion to stay heard before the summary judgment, because I just want everything [13:09.000 --> 13:15.080] to stay, no discovery, everything stays until the summary judgment is heard. [13:15.080 --> 13:19.440] You're in California, do they use the term abatement? [13:19.440 --> 13:23.160] Yes, we do. [13:23.160 --> 13:26.120] Abatement is the more appropriate term. [13:26.120 --> 13:32.240] You're not asking the judge to rule on anything, just abate everything, hold everything back [13:32.240 --> 13:34.020] until this can be heard. [13:34.020 --> 13:36.800] Have you filed a motion to that effect? [13:36.800 --> 13:43.320] No, I'll do that. [13:43.320 --> 13:46.000] What kind of motion would that be? [13:46.000 --> 13:50.360] There is an abatement, a motion for abatement. [13:50.360 --> 13:56.080] Well, a state of proceedings in abatement are just about the same things. [13:56.080 --> 14:05.800] Just abatement says you're not limiting the other side in any way, in any pleadings that [14:05.800 --> 14:11.000] they would file, you're just asking them to wait a while before they file them. [14:11.000 --> 14:17.000] If you have a dispositive motion, the dispositive motion should definitely be heard before anything [14:17.000 --> 14:20.520] else. [14:20.520 --> 14:24.600] Even having discovery done, because they're trying to do discovery? [14:24.600 --> 14:25.600] Absolutely. [14:25.600 --> 14:32.080] If you have a motion that would dispose of the case, then absolutely everything should [14:32.080 --> 14:35.960] be abated until that motion is heard. [14:35.960 --> 14:44.400] Is this a default judgment or just a summary judgment? [14:44.400 --> 14:50.240] This is just a summary judgment, I waited too long for the... [14:50.240 --> 14:56.440] Okay, for those of you who didn't understand why I asked that, let's say you file suit [14:56.440 --> 15:01.400] against someone and they have until the Monday after the 20th day from the time they were [15:01.400 --> 15:10.000] served, then if they don't file within that time, you have a right to a default judgment. [15:10.000 --> 15:18.480] If after that time, if you file a motion and they don't respond within the statutory time [15:18.480 --> 15:25.000] limit, then like one I have coming up where I filed a subject matter jurisdiction challenge [15:25.000 --> 15:36.960] and I have a hearing Monday and the opposition has not filed a response to my challenge. [15:36.960 --> 15:45.800] When we come to court, I have a right to summary judgment. [15:45.800 --> 15:54.160] If they didn't file a motion timely, they can't come into court at the last minute and [15:54.160 --> 15:58.080] argue with that motion, argue against it. [15:58.080 --> 16:02.800] They had to have filed it beforehand, so otherwise it would constitute surprise. [16:02.800 --> 16:11.560] They can't bushwhack you in court and I guarantee you that's exactly what's going to happen. [16:11.560 --> 16:19.400] I'm going to bargain the snot out of them. [16:19.400 --> 16:26.760] Just for yucks, but that's the difference between summary and default. [16:26.760 --> 16:33.160] Default is where they have a statutory time limit in order to file an opposition. [16:33.160 --> 16:36.960] If they don't, then you can file for a default judgment. [16:36.960 --> 16:44.560] If you're into the case and you file a motion and the only one you get default on is the [16:44.560 --> 16:46.480] original petition. [16:46.480 --> 16:50.640] After that, if you file a motion and they don't respond to it, then there's no opposition. [16:50.640 --> 16:53.640] You file for summary judgment. [16:53.640 --> 16:54.640] Hang on. [16:54.640 --> 17:00.360] Brett Fountain, Ruvalo Radio, we'll be right back. [17:00.360 --> 17:05.080] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [17:05.080 --> 17:09.200] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [17:09.200 --> 17:13.480] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors and now you [17:13.480 --> 17:14.480] can win too. [17:14.480 --> 17:19.400] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal [17:19.400 --> 17:20.400] civil rights statutes. [17:20.400 --> 17:24.560] What to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons? [17:24.560 --> 17:26.320] How to answer letters and phone calls? [17:26.320 --> 17:29.200] How to get debt collectors out of your credit report? [17:29.200 --> 17:33.920] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away? [17:33.920 --> 17:38.720] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [17:38.720 --> 17:40.960] Personal consultation is available as well. [17:40.960 --> 17:46.720] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner [17:46.720 --> 17:49.480] or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [17:49.480 --> 17:59.200] That's ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-m at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt [17:59.200 --> 18:00.200] collectors now. [18:00.200 --> 18:04.840] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. [18:04.840 --> 18:08.640] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society and if we, the people, are ever going [18:08.640 --> 18:12.440] to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [18:12.440 --> 18:15.800] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act [18:15.800 --> 18:19.840] in our own private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law. [18:19.840 --> 18:23.680] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve [18:23.680 --> 18:25.040] our rights through due process. [18:25.040 --> 18:29.040] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the [18:29.040 --> 18:32.800] most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process [18:32.800 --> 18:35.200] is and how to hold courts to the rule of law. [18:35.200 --> 18:39.200] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and [18:39.200 --> 18:40.520] ordering your copy today. [18:40.520 --> 18:43.880] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, [18:43.880 --> 18:48.320] The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research [18:48.320 --> 18:50.280] documents and other useful resource material. [18:50.280 --> 18:54.600] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. [18:54.600 --> 19:09.600] Order your copy today and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [19:09.600 --> 19:14.160] Worth it? [19:14.160 --> 19:18.240] Yeah. [19:18.240 --> 19:28.240] back my people hurt you. And tell Satan get behind you. Know what I mean? My friend, Nala Jackson. [19:48.240 --> 20:10.680] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rula Radio, and we're talking to EJ in California. [20:10.680 --> 20:25.680] And we were talking about the difference between default and summary judgments. So you have a summary judgment coming up and you're concerned that you're asking for a stay. [20:25.680 --> 20:48.680] Well, is the stay for discovery? Oh, wait a minute. Someone had you muted. Let me turn my teapot off. It's making noise in the background. Okay. You wanted to stay on discovery. Was that it? [20:48.680 --> 20:55.680] Yes. Just stay all the proceedings until the summary judgment is heard. Because what we... [20:55.680 --> 21:04.680] Well, okay. Have they filed for discovery and you didn't? Did you respond to their filing for discovery? [21:04.680 --> 21:07.680] No, I did not. [21:07.680 --> 21:15.680] But their request for discovery was after your motion for summary judgment, right? [21:15.680 --> 21:19.680] That was... Oh, gosh. [21:19.680 --> 21:33.680] No, it makes no difference because if they ask for discovery and you tell them go scratch in order to get discovery, they have to file a motion with the court asking the court to order discovery. [21:33.680 --> 21:34.680] Yeah. [21:34.680 --> 21:44.680] And if you already have a summary judgment motion set, if they file another motion, it'll be set after your summary judgment motion so it won't make any difference. [21:44.680 --> 21:49.680] Okay. That's beautiful. [21:49.680 --> 21:51.680] You don't have to worry about it. [21:51.680 --> 21:55.680] Yeah. It lines up nicely. [21:55.680 --> 22:05.680] Okay, great. I have one more question before you throw a lot of callers to get help. I have just one more question because... [22:05.680 --> 22:09.680] No, it's fine. We don't have a lot of callers for whatever reason it looks like. [22:09.680 --> 22:10.680] Okay. [22:10.680 --> 22:13.680] There are not too many people tonight. [22:13.680 --> 22:15.680] Oh, great. [22:15.680 --> 22:26.680] Then with the state and the objectives, what was the abatement? [22:26.680 --> 22:33.680] I can do the abatement then, the motion for the proceedings to be abated. I can do that. [22:33.680 --> 22:37.680] Yeah, but wait. You mean I have to? [22:37.680 --> 22:43.680] Your summary judgment motion is the next motion on the calendar, isn't it? [22:43.680 --> 22:44.680] Yes, it is. [22:44.680 --> 22:50.680] You don't need an abatement. Just for discovery, tell them go scratch. [22:50.680 --> 22:51.680] Okay. [22:51.680 --> 22:58.680] I'm not going to give you squat. And then object to all the discovery and then they have to file a motion with the court. [22:58.680 --> 23:06.680] And if they file a motion with the court, it'll get set after your summary judgment motion so the abatement is not necessary. [23:06.680 --> 23:13.680] Okay. So this objection, I can just leave it as it is then, filed. [23:13.680 --> 23:22.680] I don't need to...what is it? Clarification to clarify? [23:22.680 --> 23:24.680] I would do that just to annoy them. [23:24.680 --> 23:33.680] You would do it? Okay. I can do that. [23:33.680 --> 23:38.680] I think that's all my questions, but I have a misdemeanor case coming up. [23:38.680 --> 23:47.680] My hearing is in July. My traffic ticket was gone. It was like a right away at an intersection. [23:47.680 --> 23:52.680] He was not even near my car. Couldn't have seen me. I just made a right. [23:52.680 --> 24:03.680] Coming on the other side, about like a quarter of a mile and then he wrapped around, did a U-turn, pulled me over. [24:03.680 --> 24:10.680] I refused to give him my license and that's what he caught me on. So it's a misdemeanor. [24:10.680 --> 24:16.680] But the traffic ticket went poof. So there's no probable cause, right? [24:16.680 --> 24:22.680] I mean, I still have my driver's license. I mean, I don't know. [24:22.680 --> 24:29.680] I think I have to attack the procedure, right? [24:29.680 --> 24:37.680] Okay. You're in California. I'm not sure of the right to travel to law in California, [24:37.680 --> 24:50.680] but you can maintain that at the time that the officer demanded your license, you weren't using it. [24:50.680 --> 24:55.680] I did that in Austin once. A policeman pulled me over and I gave him an ID. [24:55.680 --> 24:59.680] At the time, you could get an ID and a license. So I handed him my ID. [24:59.680 --> 25:04.680] The ID looks just like a driver's license, except instead of DL, it has ID on it. [25:04.680 --> 25:09.680] The cop caught it and he said, well, Mr. Kelton, this is an ID. Don't you have a driver's license? [25:09.680 --> 25:15.680] I said, yes, I do, but I'm not using it right now. [25:15.680 --> 25:23.680] He said, are you one of those guys? Yes, I am. Here, have a nice day. [25:23.680 --> 25:27.680] So the point is you had one, but you weren't using it. [25:27.680 --> 25:37.680] So while if you were acting under the scope of the commercial driving statutory scheme, [25:37.680 --> 25:43.680] you had contractionally agreed to present the license on demand. [25:43.680 --> 25:51.680] But since you were not operating under that statutory scheme, the promise didn't apply. [25:51.680 --> 25:55.680] Did you otherwise identify yourself? [25:55.680 --> 25:58.680] No, I didn't. [25:58.680 --> 26:01.680] That can get to be a problem. [26:01.680 --> 26:09.680] Oh, no. Yeah, see, they have body cams and they put it under protective order. [26:09.680 --> 26:16.680] I looked it up. It was under protective order. [26:16.680 --> 26:21.680] So they had me refusing to identify myself. [26:21.680 --> 26:25.680] But they said, are you in something? And I was like, yeah. [26:25.680 --> 26:31.680] But I did. I did say yes to him when he asked, is this your name? [26:31.680 --> 26:32.680] And I said, yes. [26:32.680 --> 26:34.680] Then you identified yourself. [26:34.680 --> 26:38.680] I did. It's in the body cam. Sure, he did. [26:38.680 --> 26:44.680] But they, you know, I probably didn't have my license. [26:44.680 --> 26:51.680] And I said, I didn't do what you said. [26:51.680 --> 26:56.680] Well, okay, he asked you if your name was a certain thing and you said it was, [26:56.680 --> 27:03.680] and he charged you with failure to identify, that should get aggravated perjury. [27:03.680 --> 27:05.680] Okay. Yeah. [27:05.680 --> 27:11.680] One of his minions came and he asked me, are you, he tried to pronounce my name. [27:11.680 --> 27:15.680] I said, yeah. You something. [27:15.680 --> 27:17.680] I said, yeah. [27:17.680 --> 27:20.680] You identified yourself. That's enough. [27:20.680 --> 27:23.680] They knew who you are. That's all they needed. [27:23.680 --> 27:25.680] Okay. [27:25.680 --> 27:28.680] Turn it back on them. [27:28.680 --> 27:32.680] Charge them with tampering with the government document, aggravated perjury, [27:32.680 --> 27:38.680] official oppression or official misconduct in California. [27:38.680 --> 27:43.680] And see how it works for them. [27:43.680 --> 27:45.680] I see. [27:45.680 --> 27:50.680] There's no way I can still amend federal or no probable cause. [27:50.680 --> 27:52.680] Why would they just, you know? [27:52.680 --> 28:01.680] No, this doesn't rise to the level of federal that I, unless something else occurred. [28:01.680 --> 28:10.680] You don't have a federal right to travel. You have a state right to travel. [28:10.680 --> 28:15.680] Yeah. The three elements are very easy to prove. [28:15.680 --> 28:18.680] There has to be a reason why they stopped you. [28:18.680 --> 28:20.680] Second, they ask for your ID. [28:20.680 --> 28:22.680] Third, you refuse. That's it. [28:22.680 --> 28:24.680] Those are the three elements. [28:24.680 --> 28:27.680] I'm just paraphrasing it pretty clear. [28:27.680 --> 28:31.680] So I'm like, oh, no. [28:31.680 --> 28:33.680] But I did say yes when he asked, are you this? [28:33.680 --> 28:34.680] And I said, yes. [28:34.680 --> 28:37.680] I did identify myself. [28:37.680 --> 28:41.680] And things to go after them. [28:41.680 --> 28:46.680] When you said something about ID, what can I do with the ID? [28:46.680 --> 28:49.680] Like I didn't give them my ID. [28:49.680 --> 28:56.680] I refused probably because I didn't have it, but I just said, you know, no. [28:56.680 --> 29:01.680] Well, generally that's not a fine I have. [29:01.680 --> 29:07.680] Technically, well, at least in Illinois, I'm sorry, at least in Texas, [29:07.680 --> 29:17.680] you have to be arrested before you have a duty to identify yourself. [29:17.680 --> 29:23.680] Check failure ID in California, very likely it's going to be the same. [29:23.680 --> 29:28.680] The police can't just stop anyone and ask for ID. [29:28.680 --> 29:30.680] They have to have articulatable probable cause, [29:30.680 --> 29:38.680] and they have to have them at least under a custodial arrest. [29:38.680 --> 29:41.680] Even during a traffic stop? [29:41.680 --> 29:42.680] Yes. [29:42.680 --> 29:46.680] Well, a traffic stop is a custodial arrest. [29:46.680 --> 29:47.680] Custodial arrest. [29:47.680 --> 29:48.680] He said that. [29:48.680 --> 29:49.680] Didn't you see? [29:49.680 --> 29:50.680] You didn't even stop. [29:50.680 --> 29:56.680] I just ran into a car, I said, no, I didn't. [29:56.680 --> 29:58.680] I said, where's the evidence? [29:58.680 --> 30:00.680] Show me the evidence. [30:00.680 --> 30:03.680] Everyone knows that walking is a great exercise, [30:03.680 --> 30:08.680] but you might not know that the way you walk could predict how long you're going to live. [30:08.680 --> 30:09.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, [30:09.680 --> 30:14.680] and I'll be back to tell you more about walking prognostication in just a moment. [30:14.680 --> 30:16.680] Privacy is under attack. [30:16.680 --> 30:19.680] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [30:19.680 --> 30:24.680] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish, too. [30:24.680 --> 30:29.680] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [30:29.680 --> 30:32.680] Privacy, it's worth hanging onto. [30:32.680 --> 30:35.680] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [30:35.680 --> 30:39.680] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [30:39.680 --> 30:43.680] Start over with StartPage. [30:43.680 --> 30:47.680] New research shows how fast you walk could predict how long you're going to live. [30:47.680 --> 30:51.680] The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that older adults [30:51.680 --> 30:55.680] who walk one meter per second or faster live longer than expected. [30:55.680 --> 30:59.680] In case you're wondering, one meter per second is about two and a quarter miles per hour. [30:59.680 --> 31:04.680] A senior's age, gender, and walking speed were as good at predicting life expectancy [31:04.680 --> 31:06.680] as more traditional statistical measures. [31:06.680 --> 31:09.680] Generally speaking, faster walkers live longer. [31:09.680 --> 31:12.680] Measuring walking speed is quick and inexpensive. [31:12.680 --> 31:15.680] It only takes a stopwatch, some space to walk, and a few minutes. [31:15.680 --> 31:20.680] Researchers say it could help doctors identify older patients who need special care. [31:20.680 --> 31:29.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:29.680 --> 31:34.680] I lost my son, my nephew, my uncle, my son on September 11, 2001. [31:34.680 --> 31:38.680] Most people don't know that a third tower fell on September 11. [31:38.680 --> 31:42.680] World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper, was not hit by a plane. [31:42.680 --> 31:46.680] Although the official explanation is that fire brought down Building 7, [31:46.680 --> 31:50.680] over 1,200 architects and engineers have looked into the evidence [31:50.680 --> 31:52.680] and believe there is more to the story. [31:52.680 --> 31:55.680] Bring justice to my son, my uncle, my nephew, my son. [31:55.680 --> 31:57.680] Go to buildingwatch.org. [31:57.680 --> 32:01.680] Why it fell, why it matters, and what you can do. [32:01.680 --> 32:04.680] Are you looking to have a closer relationship with God [32:04.680 --> 32:06.680] and a better understanding of His Word? [32:06.680 --> 32:12.680] Then tune in to LogosRadioNetwork.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Central Time for Scripture Talk, [32:12.680 --> 32:17.680] where Nana and her guests discuss the Scriptures in accord with 2 Timothy 2.15. [32:17.680 --> 32:22.680] Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, [32:22.680 --> 32:24.680] rightly dividing the Word of Truth. [32:24.680 --> 32:28.680] Starting in January, our first-hour studies are in the Book of Mark, [32:28.680 --> 32:32.680] where we'll go verse by verse and discuss the true Gospel message. [32:32.680 --> 32:37.680] Our second-hour topical studies will vary each week with discussions on sound doctrine [32:37.680 --> 32:39.680] and Christian character development. [32:39.680 --> 32:44.680] We wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to all those with a hearing ear. [32:44.680 --> 32:47.680] Our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform ourselves [32:47.680 --> 32:50.680] more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus. [32:50.680 --> 32:54.680] So tune in to Scripture Talk live on LogosRadioNetwork.com [32:54.680 --> 33:03.680] on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. to inspire and motivate your studies of the Scriptures. [33:24.680 --> 33:49.680] I want, oh I want, I won't let you pull the wool over my eyes. [33:49.680 --> 33:55.680] Okay, we are back. [33:55.680 --> 33:57.680] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain. [33:57.680 --> 34:04.680] We will have radio and talk to Brett over the break about where you're going, E.J. [34:04.680 --> 34:14.680] and you're going to the merits of the case when you go to this issue of failure to identify. [34:14.680 --> 34:27.680] Have you addressed the authority of the officer to interfere with your freedom of movement from the beginning? [34:27.680 --> 34:29.680] Yes, I said I was, I'm not a commercial driver. [34:29.680 --> 34:31.680] This is not a commercial vehicle. [34:31.680 --> 34:35.680] Have you filed a motion to dismiss based on that? [34:35.680 --> 34:38.680] Lack of something, we had a jurisdiction. [34:38.680 --> 34:45.680] That's what I'll be doing tomorrow and then sending it to the court on Monday, file it on Monday. [34:45.680 --> 34:49.680] That's enough time. [34:49.680 --> 34:55.680] Have you done any research on right to travel in California? [34:55.680 --> 34:58.680] No, I have not. [34:58.680 --> 35:01.680] You're going to need some case law. [35:01.680 --> 35:09.680] You might contact, well it's a little late to contact Eddie Craig. [35:09.680 --> 35:15.680] Go online and look for, do a search for right to travel California. [35:15.680 --> 35:16.680] Okay. [35:16.680 --> 35:18.680] See if you can find a brief or pleading on the subject. [35:18.680 --> 35:22.680] There should be a bunch of them out there. [35:22.680 --> 35:29.680] But then also take a look at the documents that they've brought because they very well might not have what California [35:29.680 --> 35:33.680] calls a legit charging instrument. [35:33.680 --> 35:40.680] They might very well have only a citation and that's just not going to cut it. [35:40.680 --> 35:46.680] According to California, you need to take a look at what does California say is a legit charging instrument [35:46.680 --> 35:48.680] and match that up to what's in the record. [35:48.680 --> 35:55.680] If you've got a certified copy of the record and it does not contain what they're saying, [35:55.680 --> 36:01.680] what California criminal code says is required, then they haven't started a case. [36:01.680 --> 36:08.680] They're just doing criminal simulation, simulating legal process. [36:08.680 --> 36:11.680] The first one is a complaint. [36:11.680 --> 36:14.680] They do have a complaint filed. [36:14.680 --> 36:17.680] Okay, is that enough in California? [36:17.680 --> 36:18.680] Okay. [36:18.680 --> 36:19.680] Is it enough? [36:19.680 --> 36:22.680] It's not enough in Texas. [36:22.680 --> 36:27.680] They do it all the time, but they're not following the law. [36:27.680 --> 36:29.680] Okay. [36:29.680 --> 36:32.680] I'll do that. [36:32.680 --> 36:40.680] Yeah, I'll follow the motion to dismiss the lack of specific jurisdiction, the right to travel. [36:40.680 --> 36:43.680] And then I think there's another one. [36:43.680 --> 36:47.680] Isn't it the wrong venue because... [36:47.680 --> 36:52.680] Yeah, there can't be a right venue if there's no jurisdiction. [36:52.680 --> 36:54.680] Right, exactly. [36:54.680 --> 37:02.680] I have a document so I can start working on that tomorrow and file it by Monday. [37:02.680 --> 37:06.680] I have to send it to the DA as well. [37:06.680 --> 37:08.680] That's very important. [37:08.680 --> 37:13.680] But it just doesn't seem kind of, it seems a little bit backwards. [37:13.680 --> 37:20.680] Aren't you supposed to be prosecuted first by whatever cause they stopped you for [37:20.680 --> 37:27.680] and not just go directly without directly charging you for a misdemeanor? [37:27.680 --> 37:30.680] I thought they're doing it. [37:30.680 --> 37:31.680] I don't know. [37:31.680 --> 37:39.680] I don't see any reason that they would have to prosecute every item that they had on their ticket [37:39.680 --> 37:45.680] as long as what they pulled you over for was a good enough reason to pull somebody over. [37:45.680 --> 37:54.680] Then they could decide to not prosecute that and they could prosecute you for what happened that you did after. [37:54.680 --> 38:06.680] So you could charge, you could attack the stop as being not legitimate. [38:06.680 --> 38:10.680] And once that's settled that it wasn't legitimate, [38:10.680 --> 38:14.680] then everything else that happened after that would hinge off of it. [38:14.680 --> 38:18.680] But if you don't attack it, then it's still going to stand. [38:18.680 --> 38:22.680] Yeah, and the problem with that is anytime you go to the merits, [38:22.680 --> 38:29.680] it will go to the discretion of the judge and the judge will always rule against you. [38:29.680 --> 38:41.680] Whereas, by contrast, if you deal with it in terms of documents that are required by law to exist and they don't exist, [38:41.680 --> 38:45.680] well, that's not up to the judge's discretion. [38:45.680 --> 38:53.680] Right. [38:53.680 --> 38:59.680] And when you go into subject matter jurisdiction, the judge is vulnerable [38:59.680 --> 39:07.680] because if he rules that he does have it and you think he doesn't, you can sue him personally. [39:07.680 --> 39:11.680] Okay, that's a good one. [39:11.680 --> 39:21.680] This is another reason why I'm in this position to go through it again [39:21.680 --> 39:25.680] because, you know, like you said, this is another study. [39:25.680 --> 39:31.680] I see it as a study and I'll go through it. [39:31.680 --> 39:35.680] I thought I had the right not to, for some reason, not to show ID. [39:35.680 --> 39:38.680] I had no idea where I got that from. [39:38.680 --> 39:42.680] But you have to show some form of ID, right? [39:42.680 --> 39:46.680] Well, you might have got it from someone from some other state. [39:46.680 --> 39:52.680] In Texas, I don't have to show ID unless I have been arrested. [39:52.680 --> 39:55.680] Lawfully arrested. [39:55.680 --> 39:57.680] Lawfully arrested. [39:57.680 --> 39:59.680] Wow, it is different. [39:59.680 --> 40:08.680] In California, it says specifically if you're asked for ID when you're after traffic stop, [40:08.680 --> 40:16.680] shell, they use the word shell, show the ID. [40:16.680 --> 40:22.680] But this traffic stop presupposes commercial nexus. [40:22.680 --> 40:24.680] Oh, got it. [40:24.680 --> 40:26.680] Yeah, that's right. [40:26.680 --> 40:35.680] If there's no commercial nexus, the traffic statutory scheme does not apply. [40:35.680 --> 40:39.680] Even though I have a driver's license, because they'll say you have a driver's license. [40:39.680 --> 40:41.680] That means that you adhere to all the... [40:41.680 --> 40:44.680] You know, I have a driver's license. [40:44.680 --> 40:48.680] I also have a pilot's license. [40:48.680 --> 40:50.680] So you're always flying, obviously. [40:50.680 --> 40:59.680] Yeah, I'm not using either one of them right now. [40:59.680 --> 41:02.680] And that's the argument on right to travel. [41:02.680 --> 41:07.680] I'm traveling, I'm not operating in commerce. [41:07.680 --> 41:12.680] So while I have a driver's license, and I can operate in commerce if I want to, [41:12.680 --> 41:16.680] and this particular vehicle has license plates on it, [41:16.680 --> 41:23.680] so I can use this vehicle to operate in commerce if I choose to. [41:23.680 --> 41:27.680] But at this point, I'm not. [41:27.680 --> 41:33.680] I remember Eddie, sometimes I listen to his shows, he wasn't live this Monday, [41:33.680 --> 41:35.680] because I wanted to call in. [41:35.680 --> 41:42.680] He did say California has the right to travel freely on the highways. [41:42.680 --> 41:45.680] It's very clear, that's what he said. [41:45.680 --> 41:52.680] And I'm going to start doing his courses. [41:52.680 --> 41:54.680] But he wasn't live. [41:54.680 --> 41:56.680] Is Eddie okay? [41:56.680 --> 42:01.680] Eddie's in the process of moving from Austin to Dallas, [42:01.680 --> 42:07.680] so he hasn't done the show in a while because he's been in too much upheaval. [42:07.680 --> 42:09.680] Oh, okay. [42:09.680 --> 42:11.680] Yeah, that's what he said. [42:11.680 --> 42:17.680] I remember a few months ago, California is one of those states that you can travel, [42:17.680 --> 42:21.680] the right to travel freely. [42:21.680 --> 42:27.680] It's right in the coast, but it's a lot of coast to go through, you know? [42:27.680 --> 42:32.680] Yeah, it is, and that's why I pick my battles real careful. [42:32.680 --> 42:34.680] I see why you say that. [42:34.680 --> 42:43.680] I never fought the traffic issue until recently, until I had done the research on it. [42:43.680 --> 42:48.680] Do your homework before you get in those fights. [42:48.680 --> 42:51.680] Go pick a fight you can win easily. [42:51.680 --> 42:54.680] Get used to beating, you know, like what you're doing now. [42:54.680 --> 42:58.680] You pick that fight real careful. [42:58.680 --> 43:01.680] Huh. [43:01.680 --> 43:04.680] This is not going to be easy then, it seems like. [43:04.680 --> 43:13.680] I know it might be if I do the right to travel freely, [43:13.680 --> 43:18.680] and if I'm not traveling in a commercial fashion. [43:18.680 --> 43:23.680] It's a fight to have, and I'm building a tool for that kind of thing. [43:23.680 --> 43:31.680] I had a traffic site up for a while and took it down and then got my domain name crashed, [43:31.680 --> 43:33.680] but my underlying software is down. [43:33.680 --> 43:37.680] I had some Russians build that for me, and now I can't contact them. [43:37.680 --> 43:45.680] It's pretty dark since all this Ukraine stuff, but I have a whole bunch of motions. [43:45.680 --> 43:48.680] If you want to see my traffic motions, send me an email, [43:48.680 --> 43:54.680] Randy at reallongradio.com, and ask for the traffic motions, [43:54.680 --> 43:57.680] and I'll send you a whole stack of them. [43:57.680 --> 44:00.680] Hang on, we'll be right back. [44:00.680 --> 44:04.680] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, [44:04.680 --> 44:06.680] except in the area of nutrition. [44:06.680 --> 44:09.680] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, [44:09.680 --> 44:11.680] and it's time we changed all that. [44:11.680 --> 44:17.680] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [44:17.680 --> 44:22.680] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, [44:22.680 --> 44:25.680] young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. [44:25.680 --> 44:29.680] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, [44:29.680 --> 44:31.680] most of which we reject. [44:31.680 --> 44:34.680] We have come to trust young Jevity so much, [44:34.680 --> 44:39.680] it became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [44:39.680 --> 44:44.680] When you order from logosradio.com, your health will improve [44:44.680 --> 44:47.680] as you help support quality radio. [44:47.680 --> 44:51.680] As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. [44:51.680 --> 44:56.680] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, [44:56.680 --> 44:58.680] and increase your income. [44:58.680 --> 45:00.680] Order now. [45:00.680 --> 45:03.680] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [45:03.680 --> 45:07.680] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, [45:07.680 --> 45:15.680] the affordable, easy-to-understand 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [45:15.680 --> 45:19.680] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [45:19.680 --> 45:22.680] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [45:22.680 --> 45:27.680] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [45:27.680 --> 45:30.680] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney [45:30.680 --> 45:33.680] with 22 years of case-winning experience. [45:33.680 --> 45:38.680] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [45:38.680 --> 45:42.680] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [45:42.680 --> 45:48.680] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [45:48.680 --> 45:51.680] pro se tactics, and much more. [45:51.680 --> 45:55.680] Please visit lulavlogradio.com and click on the banner [45:55.680 --> 46:01.680] or call toll-free 866-LAW-EZ. [46:01.680 --> 46:26.680] worst-in-the-house music [46:26.680 --> 46:34.680] What I'm wishing for When I'm hungry I like to know just what I'm fishing for [46:34.680 --> 46:40.680] I ain't asking for much I ain't trying to be no glutton [46:40.680 --> 46:43.680] I'm just here making my living pushing by [46:43.680 --> 46:48.680] Okay, we are back, Randy Kelton-Brett out on Google R radio and we're finishing up with E.J. [46:48.680 --> 46:51.680] E.J., do you have any other questions for us? [46:51.680 --> 46:56.680] No, thank you so much for tonight. Thank you. [46:56.680 --> 47:02.680] Okay, thank you, E.J. Now we're going to go back to Tina in California. [47:02.680 --> 47:09.680] Tina, are you awake this time? [47:09.680 --> 47:12.680] Hello, Tina. [47:12.680 --> 47:19.680] Do you have yourself muted? We can't hear you, Tina. [47:19.680 --> 47:24.680] Maybe she's probably still asleep, you know, with her at the end stage. [47:24.680 --> 47:27.680] Oh my. [47:27.680 --> 47:29.680] Can you hear me? [47:29.680 --> 47:30.680] Hey, there she is. [47:30.680 --> 47:31.680] That got her. [47:31.680 --> 47:34.680] She's going to get you now. [47:34.680 --> 47:37.680] You didn't hear that, did you? [47:37.680 --> 47:41.680] No, I didn't hear that last part. I was trying to go into the other room. [47:41.680 --> 47:44.680] Don't worry, don't worry. It doesn't matter. [47:44.680 --> 47:45.680] Don't worry. [47:45.680 --> 47:56.680] I think we're going to have to figure out a better word for him for that one. [47:56.680 --> 48:01.680] Okay, what do you have for us today? [48:01.680 --> 48:11.680] Well, I was just getting ready for my next hearing, which is next Wednesday. [48:11.680 --> 48:16.680] I don't remember when we did not have the court reporter available. [48:16.680 --> 48:28.680] And, you know, I've been rereading the judges' tentative rulings where she still rules that it's all barred by rescue decada. [48:28.680 --> 48:48.680] And I've made my notes up. I've tried to perfect them, but I still cannot get my head around how they can claim it's all barred by rescue decada when this is a completely different party and different claims. [48:48.680 --> 48:54.680] And I don't know what I'm missing here. [48:54.680 --> 49:09.680] Thinking about how to do this, you had something happen within a case that did not go to the merits of the case at bar. [49:09.680 --> 49:22.680] And you filed a separate action based on what occurred within that case that didn't have anything to do with the issues brought before the court. [49:22.680 --> 49:32.680] However, it does have something to do with the integrity of the people who don't want their integrity scrutinized. [49:32.680 --> 49:38.680] Yes, and this really needs to get to the Supreme. [49:38.680 --> 49:40.680] Okay. [49:40.680 --> 49:56.680] I can't imagine the Supreme Court of any state saying that it's okay for lawyers to outright lie, knowingly and deliberately lie to mislead a litigate. [49:56.680 --> 50:00.680] It seems California says it's okay. [50:00.680 --> 50:13.680] Well, just because it's in the code, the code cannot be interpreted in a way that would deny a constitutional right. [50:13.680 --> 50:18.680] Plus it's a violation of their rules, the state bar rules. [50:18.680 --> 50:38.680] What if they deny you your right to a fair and impartial court? If the court is being unduly influenced by lying lawyers, you can maintain that's a constitutional violation as it denies you equal protection. [50:38.680 --> 50:41.680] Okay. [50:41.680 --> 50:49.680] I'm going to re-read and re-read the, because the other thing they talk about is the anti-slap and litigation privilege. [50:49.680 --> 51:00.680] So I'm going to re-read that again and see if I can find any nuggets in there because, you know, I still can't see how they can have a privilege to outright lie. [51:00.680 --> 51:05.680] It's so easy to practice law. [51:05.680 --> 51:21.680] Okay. There may be a way that the litigation privilege can be exercised such that it does not deny a citizen in a constitutional right to equal protection of the laws. [51:21.680 --> 51:28.680] So you can't necessarily say that this particular statute is unconstitutional on its face. [51:28.680 --> 51:57.680] But what you can say is if you apply this law in a way that allows a lawyer to misrepresent the truth to a tribunal and that misrepresentation of the truth denies the citizen in equal protection, then that's an unconstitutional application of the law. [51:57.680 --> 52:01.680] Okay. [52:01.680 --> 52:12.680] So in this case, the litigation privilege law as enforced in this case is unconstitutional. [52:12.680 --> 52:13.680] Okay. [52:13.680 --> 52:16.680] You're not saying that the law is unconstitutional on its face. [52:16.680 --> 52:24.680] There may be a possibility that it can be enacted and not be unconstitutional, but in this case it is. [52:24.680 --> 52:29.680] And how about that void for vagueness that we got from Olivier. [52:29.680 --> 52:31.680] He brought up void for vagueness. [52:31.680 --> 52:50.680] If it can be interpreted by two different reasonable people, can be interpreted in two different ways and one of them violates your rights, well then that's, it's not necessarily unconstitutional, but it's void for vagueness. [52:50.680 --> 52:55.680] Tina, do you have the statute in front of you so you can read it to us? [52:55.680 --> 53:01.680] No, I don't because I'm in a public toilet room. [53:01.680 --> 53:06.680] Are you talking about the statute? [53:06.680 --> 53:11.680] Which one are you talking about? [53:11.680 --> 53:15.680] Which statute are you talking about? [53:15.680 --> 53:26.680] I think this one, if I remember what it said was it's kind of essentially unconstitutional on its face. [53:26.680 --> 53:30.680] But it's hard to argue that issue. [53:30.680 --> 53:39.680] It would be less difficult to argue that in this instance it works a constitutional deprivation. [53:39.680 --> 53:51.680] So in this particular instance to apply that law, then the law would be unconstitutional because it would deny you legal protection. [53:51.680 --> 53:54.680] And that's exactly what I believe it does. [53:54.680 --> 54:03.680] And it appears to me that they just keep throwing this under the bus and it's the easiest way for them to throw it away. [54:03.680 --> 54:15.680] If they say, oh, it's all barred by rescue decada, oh, oh no, they have litigation privilege, because that's the only thing they ever come up with to put me down is it's all barred by rescue decada. [54:15.680 --> 54:17.680] That's all they can say. [54:17.680 --> 54:27.680] Yeah, Tina, you're probably not going to believe this, but they're criminals. [54:27.680 --> 54:29.680] Yeah. [54:29.680 --> 54:35.680] They don't care what the law says. And the appeals court is not where the real action is. [54:35.680 --> 54:42.680] This is an issue for the Supreme and for the Fed. [54:42.680 --> 54:53.680] If the Supreme rules against you, you can take this to the Fed because it goes to a constitutional violation of the right to equal protection of the laws. [54:53.680 --> 54:55.680] And that's what I will have to do. [54:55.680 --> 55:10.680] I am putting into my speaking on to the record about this and saying, you know, they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars denying me what they promised to give me. [55:10.680 --> 55:14.680] Does not that constitute the fact that they have something to hide? [55:14.680 --> 55:19.680] Because any person of reasonable prudence would say, well, why don't you just send it to you? [55:19.680 --> 55:21.680] There's nothing to hide. [55:21.680 --> 55:23.680] Why don't you just send it to the originals? [55:23.680 --> 55:28.680] Why did they spend hundreds of thousands stopping you from getting what they promised? [55:28.680 --> 55:31.680] Because if they don't have it, they can't produce it. [55:31.680 --> 55:37.680] And if they can't produce it, then they lose the case. [55:37.680 --> 55:41.680] But the judge is just letting them away with, oh, it's all barred by rescue decada. [55:41.680 --> 55:43.680] She's just a vexatious litigant. [55:43.680 --> 55:45.680] She needs to stop litigating this. [55:45.680 --> 55:48.680] It's time for her to stop is what they're saying. [55:48.680 --> 55:49.680] Well, no. [55:49.680 --> 55:50.680] This is California. [55:50.680 --> 55:53.680] They're criminals. [55:53.680 --> 55:56.680] Trying to consider them not criminals. [55:56.680 --> 56:00.680] Just work its room to the feds. [56:00.680 --> 56:03.680] Okay. [56:03.680 --> 56:07.680] You might get a good case with your name on it. [56:07.680 --> 56:09.680] Well, I can keep trying. [56:09.680 --> 56:15.680] That's all I can do is, you know, keep going because they want me to stop. [56:15.680 --> 56:19.680] They are ready to file vexatious litigants against me. [56:19.680 --> 56:28.680] They are ready to have that field court follow through on their promise to sanction me if I keep litigating, [56:28.680 --> 56:32.680] but you can't sanction, you know, a constitutional right. [56:32.680 --> 56:40.680] And I have a constitutional right to fight for what is truth and to bring grievance before the court. [56:40.680 --> 56:42.680] Yeah, exactly. [56:42.680 --> 56:43.680] I agree. [56:43.680 --> 56:45.680] I'm not afraid of. [56:45.680 --> 56:54.680] I just wish I had that magic bullet that would make the judge say, okay, let's go to trial here. [56:54.680 --> 56:59.680] Let me, I will give you the chance to get limited discovery, [56:59.680 --> 57:04.680] but she has blocked my chance to get even the limited discovery. [57:04.680 --> 57:05.680] She will not. [57:05.680 --> 57:09.680] She just denied everything. [57:09.680 --> 57:11.680] Okay. [57:11.680 --> 57:18.680] You keep going to the same place like you're saying that the judges are criminals. [57:18.680 --> 57:19.680] Yeah, great. [57:19.680 --> 57:20.680] They are. [57:20.680 --> 57:27.680] Hey, Randy, is there anything that I can, as an amicus, is there something that I can do to follow up? [57:27.680 --> 57:34.680] I would like to find out if the judge took this into account or did it get round filed? [57:34.680 --> 57:36.680] You know what I mean? [57:36.680 --> 57:38.680] I'm not sure how to do that. [57:38.680 --> 57:41.680] Like just a dead end, like a blind drop box. [57:41.680 --> 57:46.680] Yeah, I think the place to go is the Supreme. [57:46.680 --> 57:51.680] I don't think you had, I don't know of any other remedy below the, [57:51.680 --> 57:58.680] when the Court of Appeals is ruling it properly, the place to go is the Supreme. [57:58.680 --> 58:03.680] And the California Supreme only has 5% of anything that's built before them. [58:03.680 --> 58:05.680] So how do you, you know, see that? [58:05.680 --> 58:09.680] It's a step you need to take to get to the Fed. [58:09.680 --> 58:11.680] Okay. [58:11.680 --> 58:15.680] Well, we'll see what happens on Wednesday. [58:15.680 --> 58:21.680] You know, if I get a chance I'll send you my note so that I'm trying to sort of organize [58:21.680 --> 58:25.680] and so I can finish with a good quote. [58:25.680 --> 58:29.680] And then we'll see what happens from there. [58:29.680 --> 58:34.680] By the way, I don't know if you had a chance to look at my criminal complaint against this judge [58:34.680 --> 58:41.680] because I'm ready to file that whenever I think I've got it as perfect as I can be. [58:41.680 --> 58:45.680] I saw it but I didn't get time to get to it. [58:45.680 --> 58:49.680] This has been an especially busy week. [58:49.680 --> 58:53.680] Would you like to make more definite progress in your walk with God? [58:53.680 --> 58:56.680] Bibles for America is offering a free study Bible [58:56.680 --> 59:00.680] and a set of free Christian books that can really help. [59:00.680 --> 59:05.680] The New Testament Recovery Version is one of the most comprehensive study Bibles available today. [59:05.680 --> 59:09.680] It's an accurate translation and it contains thousands of footnotes [59:09.680 --> 59:12.680] that will help you to know God and to know the meaning of life. [59:12.680 --> 59:17.680] The free books are a three-volume set called Basic Elements of the Christian Life. [59:17.680 --> 59:23.680] Chapter by chapter, Basic Elements of the Christian Life clearly presents God's plan of salvation, [59:23.680 --> 59:27.680] growing in Christ, and how to build up the Church. [59:27.680 --> 59:33.680] To order your free New Testament Recovery Version and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, [59:33.680 --> 59:40.680] call Bibles for America toll free at 888-551-0102. [59:40.680 --> 59:44.680] That's 888-551-0102. [59:44.680 --> 59:49.680] Or visit us online at bfa.org. [59:49.680 --> 59:59.680] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com. [59:59.680 --> 01:00:05.680] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [01:00:05.680 --> 01:00:08.680] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:00:08.680 --> 01:00:10.680] Our liberty depends on it. [01:00:10.680 --> 01:00:13.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way [01:00:13.680 --> 01:00:16.680] to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:00:16.680 --> 01:00:19.680] Privacy is under attack. [01:00:19.680 --> 01:00:22.680] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:00:22.680 --> 01:00:27.680] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:00:27.680 --> 01:00:29.680] So protect your rights. [01:00:29.680 --> 01:00:32.680] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:00:32.680 --> 01:00:35.680] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:00:35.680 --> 01:00:38.680] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [01:00:38.680 --> 01:00:42.680] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:00:42.680 --> 01:00:45.680] Start over with StartPage. [01:00:45.680 --> 01:00:48.680] Imagine your mom and dad are getting ready for bed. [01:00:48.680 --> 01:00:51.680] They pull back the covers and find a third party there. [01:00:51.680 --> 01:00:54.680] He announces, I'm with the military and I'm sleeping here tonight. [01:00:54.680 --> 01:00:57.680] That shocking image of a third party in my parents' bed reminds me [01:00:57.680 --> 01:01:00.680] what the Third Amendment was designed to prevent. [01:01:00.680 --> 01:01:03.680] It protects us from being forced to share our homes with soldiers, [01:01:03.680 --> 01:01:06.680] a common demand in the days of our founding fathers. [01:01:06.680 --> 01:01:09.680] Third party, Third Amendment? Get it? [01:01:09.680 --> 01:01:12.680] So if you answer a knock at your door and guys in fatigues demand lodging, [01:01:12.680 --> 01:01:16.680] tell them to dust off their copy of the Bill of Rights and reread the Third Amendment. [01:01:16.680 --> 01:01:21.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:01:31.680 --> 01:01:35.680] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [01:01:35.680 --> 01:01:38.680] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:01:38.680 --> 01:01:40.680] Our liberty depends on it. [01:01:40.680 --> 01:01:43.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way [01:01:43.680 --> 01:01:46.680] to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:01:46.680 --> 01:01:48.680] Privacy is under attack. [01:01:48.680 --> 01:01:52.680] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:01:52.680 --> 01:01:56.680] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:01:56.680 --> 01:01:58.680] So protect your rights. [01:01:58.680 --> 01:02:02.680] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:02:02.680 --> 01:02:04.680] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:02:04.680 --> 01:02:08.680] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [01:02:08.680 --> 01:02:12.680] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:02:12.680 --> 01:02:15.680] Start over with StartPage. [01:02:15.680 --> 01:02:19.680] Imagine four eyes staring at you through binoculars, a magnifying glass, [01:02:19.680 --> 01:02:21.680] or a pair of x-ray goggles. [01:02:21.680 --> 01:02:25.680] That imagery reminds me that the Fourth Amendment guarantees Americans freedom [01:02:25.680 --> 01:02:27.680] from unreasonable search and seizure. [01:02:27.680 --> 01:02:30.680] Fourth Amendment, four eyes staring at you, get it? [01:02:30.680 --> 01:02:33.680] Unfortunately, the government is trampling our Fourth Amendment rights [01:02:33.680 --> 01:02:35.680] in the name of security. [01:02:35.680 --> 01:02:39.680] At this point, TSA airport scanners that peer under your clothing. [01:02:39.680 --> 01:02:43.680] When government employees demand a peep at your privates without probable cause, [01:02:43.680 --> 01:02:46.680] I say it's time to sound the constitutional alarm bells. [01:02:46.680 --> 01:02:49.680] Join me in asking our representatives to dust off the Bill of Rights [01:02:49.680 --> 01:02:53.680] and use their googly eyes to take a gander at the Fourth. [01:02:53.680 --> 01:03:06.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:03:23.680 --> 01:03:35.680] Okay, we are back. [01:03:35.680 --> 01:03:39.680] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rue de la Radio, and we're talking to Tina in California. [01:03:39.680 --> 01:03:44.680] Tina, have you finished your rant today? [01:03:44.680 --> 01:03:49.680] No, I have yet. [01:03:49.680 --> 01:03:52.680] Now it's time. You're just following the routine. [01:03:52.680 --> 01:03:56.680] These guys are a little against you, and then you fight it with the Supreme, [01:03:56.680 --> 01:03:59.680] and they'll likely not even pick it up. [01:03:59.680 --> 01:04:03.680] Then you get to go to the feds. Then it should get interesting. [01:04:03.680 --> 01:04:09.680] That will be interesting. I shall look forward to that part. [01:04:09.680 --> 01:04:12.680] Okay, do you have anything else? [01:04:12.680 --> 01:04:18.680] No, I will just go to other callers, and I'll see if that listen-only line is working yet. [01:04:18.680 --> 01:04:20.680] Okay, thank you, Tina. [01:04:20.680 --> 01:04:28.680] Now we're going to go to – I have Jason in California. [01:04:28.680 --> 01:04:32.680] Hello, Jason. [01:04:32.680 --> 01:04:34.680] Okay, I think it's Jason. [01:04:34.680 --> 01:04:38.680] This is the first time caller and caller ID came up as Jason. [01:04:38.680 --> 01:04:42.680] If you're in the 818 area code, talk to us. [01:04:42.680 --> 01:04:45.680] Right now. [01:04:45.680 --> 01:04:49.680] Wow, I can really hear you better since I unmuted you. [01:04:49.680 --> 01:04:51.680] Hey, thanks. [01:04:51.680 --> 01:04:54.680] Funny how that works. [01:04:54.680 --> 01:04:58.680] Okay, are you in California? [01:04:58.680 --> 01:05:00.680] Yes. [01:05:00.680 --> 01:05:03.680] Okay, so is Jason the right first name? [01:05:03.680 --> 01:05:05.680] Yes. [01:05:05.680 --> 01:05:07.680] Okay, we've got Jason in California. [01:05:07.680 --> 01:05:10.680] Okay, what do you have for us today? [01:05:10.680 --> 01:05:14.680] Well, a few things. [01:05:14.680 --> 01:05:19.680] I have just a bunch of – I'm reading and learning and studying so much, [01:05:19.680 --> 01:05:25.680] and as I learn new things, then I just have more questions. [01:05:25.680 --> 01:05:36.680] And I still don't know exactly – I don't have a game plan with these stores that I'm dealing with. [01:05:36.680 --> 01:05:44.680] I did – one of the stores – I don't remember our last conversation exactly at the moment, [01:05:44.680 --> 01:05:55.680] but the lawyer from the grocery store sent me a threatening letter that they were going to sue me. [01:05:55.680 --> 01:05:58.680] Sue you for what? [01:05:58.680 --> 01:06:02.680] Oh, nothing real. [01:06:02.680 --> 01:06:07.680] That's the thing. Let me see. [01:06:07.680 --> 01:06:15.680] If I do not stop my activities, they will notify law enforcement, file a lawsuit for damages, [01:06:15.680 --> 01:06:16.680] and then – [01:06:16.680 --> 01:06:17.680] Activities? [01:06:17.680 --> 01:06:21.680] Yeah, like shopping. [01:06:21.680 --> 01:06:33.680] Yeah, I've had employees freak out at me because I'm filming them, because I film when I shop. [01:06:33.680 --> 01:06:35.680] This whole thing has evolved. [01:06:35.680 --> 01:06:39.680] So I got denied service. [01:06:39.680 --> 01:06:43.680] I got majorly harassed last year. [01:06:43.680 --> 01:06:49.680] I sent affidavits and a notice to claim. [01:06:49.680 --> 01:07:00.680] I heard from their insurance company, and I started going back after they defaulted on my notices. [01:07:00.680 --> 01:07:10.680] And it was good for a few months, and then I started getting harassed again by different employees and security. [01:07:10.680 --> 01:07:21.680] So this new crew, they absolutely have been horrible because I'm filming, and they don't understand. [01:07:21.680 --> 01:07:25.680] I mean, I told them I have a right to film, and I film. [01:07:25.680 --> 01:07:27.680] You know, I just film my shopping there. [01:07:27.680 --> 01:07:32.680] Anyway, so that turned into me harassing. [01:07:32.680 --> 01:07:42.680] In the notice from the lawyer, he throws this hearsay out that I have been harassing, [01:07:42.680 --> 01:07:48.680] been ongoing for the last year, their customers and employees. [01:07:48.680 --> 01:07:55.680] In particular, they've received multiple complaints from employees and customers describing incidences [01:07:55.680 --> 01:08:03.680] where I videotaped individuals without their consent and became verbally aggressive toward multiple individuals [01:08:03.680 --> 01:08:06.680] at the store without provocation. [01:08:06.680 --> 01:08:26.680] So there's so many errors in this letter that I've got like six grievances that are going to be going this lawyer's way. [01:08:26.680 --> 01:08:29.680] Yeah, that sounds perfect. [01:08:29.680 --> 01:08:30.680] I would definitely agree. [01:08:30.680 --> 01:08:32.680] It sounds like you're on the right track. [01:08:32.680 --> 01:08:35.680] Bar grief and then reply. [01:08:35.680 --> 01:08:40.680] I would like reply to him. [01:08:40.680 --> 01:08:42.680] Yeah, I would reply to say something like, who are you? [01:08:42.680 --> 01:08:43.680] I don't know who you are. [01:08:43.680 --> 01:08:47.680] Get out of my face. [01:08:47.680 --> 01:08:49.680] All right, Don. [01:08:49.680 --> 01:08:51.680] All right, Don. [01:08:51.680 --> 01:09:04.680] So I have another grocery store that has evolved the same way, evolved very similarly. [01:09:04.680 --> 01:09:06.680] So they've handled things differently. [01:09:06.680 --> 01:09:18.680] So what the other store has done is, again, I flipped things that I'm harassing their customers and employees. [01:09:18.680 --> 01:09:30.680] I had one incident last year when this guy shut the doors on me and stood in front of the door so I couldn't enter the store. [01:09:30.680 --> 01:09:34.680] And I was like, well, hold on. [01:09:34.680 --> 01:09:39.680] I mean, that's a whole other conversation, but we'll wait on that. [01:09:39.680 --> 01:09:41.680] Well, no, I don't want to wait on that. [01:09:41.680 --> 01:09:47.680] What they've done is they're just holding a position that I'm not allowed to shop there. [01:09:47.680 --> 01:09:49.680] And they haven't done anything. [01:09:49.680 --> 01:09:57.680] They haven't, you know, tried to send me a notice or, you know, trespass me officially. [01:09:57.680 --> 01:10:03.680] I've called the police a couple of times who didn't do anything. [01:10:03.680 --> 01:10:08.680] The last time I had an incident there, I walked in. [01:10:08.680 --> 01:10:09.680] I'm shopping. [01:10:09.680 --> 01:10:14.680] Then I got approached and surrounded like, you know, you're not allowed to shop here. [01:10:14.680 --> 01:10:16.680] And it's always the same conversation. [01:10:16.680 --> 01:10:18.680] I'm like, why not? [01:10:18.680 --> 01:10:23.680] And they say because you're harassing our customers and employees. [01:10:23.680 --> 01:10:25.680] And I'm like, what evidence do you have of that? [01:10:25.680 --> 01:10:28.680] They don't have anything because it's never happened. [01:10:28.680 --> 01:10:30.680] Well, you know, one thing happened. [01:10:30.680 --> 01:10:37.680] So when the guy shut the door on me, customers outside started yelling at me, you know, [01:10:37.680 --> 01:10:39.680] that I can't go in without a mask. [01:10:39.680 --> 01:10:42.680] And I'm just like, you don't know what's going on here. [01:10:42.680 --> 01:10:44.680] I'm allowed to go in. [01:10:44.680 --> 01:10:47.680] This guy is breaking the law by shutting the doors. [01:10:47.680 --> 01:10:59.680] And anyway, so I wound up just, you know, yelling back at some ladies that they were using that as me harassing customers. [01:10:59.680 --> 01:11:04.680] There was one other incident where I called some lady a retard. [01:11:04.680 --> 01:11:09.680] The manager was like, you know, you can't be calling people retards. [01:11:09.680 --> 01:11:19.680] And I'm like, you know, meanwhile, they are insulting me and yelling at me yet if I respond, I'm the bad guy. [01:11:19.680 --> 01:11:29.680] But it's all like retaliation because I sent them notices and, you know, people disappeared from the notices. [01:11:29.680 --> 01:11:35.680] But the new crew has been told to harass and deny me. [01:11:35.680 --> 01:11:50.680] So anyway, the last experience when I called the police, they were taking the groceries out of my basket, took my basket. [01:11:50.680 --> 01:11:52.680] Then I got another one. [01:11:52.680 --> 01:11:56.680] I started just opening and eating all this food. [01:11:56.680 --> 01:11:58.680] And I'm like, I'd like to pay for these. [01:11:58.680 --> 01:12:01.680] I'm like, you can't, you know, you're not allowed. [01:12:01.680 --> 01:12:10.680] So I called for harassment and they called on me saying I was stealing. [01:12:10.680 --> 01:12:19.680] So my question is, I mean, they're so similar yet they're handling it differently. [01:12:19.680 --> 01:12:24.680] What I just recently learned about was about an injunction. [01:12:24.680 --> 01:12:37.680] Now is that something, as far as having a game plan with that particular store, is an injunction the correct move? [01:12:37.680 --> 01:12:45.680] And are criminal complaints like imperative to help with an injunction? [01:12:45.680 --> 01:12:50.680] Are we still there? [01:12:50.680 --> 01:12:55.680] Yeah, I'm here. I thought Randy might be answering that. [01:12:55.680 --> 01:13:01.680] What comes to my mind is why don't you just stop shopping at that store for now? [01:13:01.680 --> 01:13:12.680] You're adding on more and more layers of complication to that particular store when you haven't yet adjudicated what they already did. [01:13:12.680 --> 01:13:25.680] You sent them notices and you sent them an affidavit or something, but they don't have any, there's no end result to that. [01:13:25.680 --> 01:13:34.680] So there's no teeth. So now that even can, you know, maybe even strengthen them to feel more bold, to keep doing more things to you. [01:13:34.680 --> 01:13:43.680] And, you know, meanwhile you could be shopping in peace at some other store on the other side, you know, two blocks away that's not going to treat you badly. [01:13:43.680 --> 01:13:51.680] And sitting down to adjudicate these issues that they've already done, certain things that are inappropriate. [01:13:51.680 --> 01:13:58.680] And once that's finished, then, you know, then you won't have to have any more of those kind of issues. [01:13:58.680 --> 01:14:08.680] After you deal with this, then they will realize that there is some teeth behind it and they're not going to want to mess with you again. [01:14:08.680 --> 01:14:14.680] I hear you on that. It's just the wrong, there's two things. [01:14:14.680 --> 01:14:20.680] It's like both of these places have been my local stores for 15 years. [01:14:20.680 --> 01:14:29.680] I can walk there, I can ride my bike, like it's super convenient. [01:14:29.680 --> 01:14:40.680] And the wrongness of what's happening is just like, it just drives me insane that I would, it feels like they win if I go shop somewhere else. [01:14:40.680 --> 01:14:46.680] You know what I mean? [01:14:46.680 --> 01:14:57.680] But so as the one I just told you about, what wound up happening is they checked me out after 45 minutes. [01:14:57.680 --> 01:15:02.680] And me just filling my cart up with food and opening everything. [01:15:02.680 --> 01:15:06.680] So they checked me out. [01:15:06.680 --> 01:15:13.680] I went there one other time and as soon as I walked in someone said, you know, you're not allowed to shop here. [01:15:13.680 --> 01:15:17.680] And I said, I'm going to shop and I don't want to be harassed. [01:15:17.680 --> 01:15:22.680] And he's like, okay, well, find me and I'll check you out. [01:15:22.680 --> 01:15:28.680] So it's just this weird, just crazy thing that's going on. [01:15:28.680 --> 01:15:33.680] But I mean, so. [01:15:33.680 --> 01:15:37.680] I don't know, what do you think, Randy? Injunctive relief he's asking about? [01:15:37.680 --> 01:15:45.680] I think he should get a burka. [01:15:45.680 --> 01:15:49.680] Actually wear a mask so they can't identify me. [01:15:49.680 --> 01:15:55.680] Yes, or there was a guy that went into Walmart, I heard a news story they were trying to find him. [01:15:55.680 --> 01:16:00.680] He had a Ku Klux Klan hat on for his mask. [01:16:00.680 --> 01:16:10.680] And if you're, I'm not sure what you're doing. Is this just because this is where you want to shop? [01:16:10.680 --> 01:16:11.680] Right. [01:16:11.680 --> 01:16:15.680] Or are you setting them up so you can go after them? [01:16:15.680 --> 01:16:18.680] Well, I mean, I should have enough to go after them. [01:16:18.680 --> 01:16:22.680] It's been, I mean, I could have gone after, I've had enough for a year. [01:16:22.680 --> 01:16:30.680] It's just me not knowing what I'm doing and having to learn all this stuff. [01:16:30.680 --> 01:16:34.680] The only way you're going to learn is to do it. [01:16:34.680 --> 01:16:42.680] Just pick one of them and file against them for one of the issues and let them throw up all their objections they want to. [01:16:42.680 --> 01:16:50.680] And they will teach you how to adjudicate these cases by the way they respond to you. [01:16:50.680 --> 01:16:53.680] Yeah, because they'll say rule this and encode that. [01:16:53.680 --> 01:17:00.680] And you go look it up and you figure out how they're wrong in applying it and so forth. [01:17:00.680 --> 01:17:05.680] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters or even lawsuits? [01:17:05.680 --> 01:17:09.680] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [01:17:09.680 --> 01:17:14.680] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors and now you can win two. [01:17:14.680 --> 01:17:20.680] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes. [01:17:20.680 --> 01:17:24.680] What to do when contacted by phone, mail or court summons. [01:17:24.680 --> 01:17:26.680] How to answer letters and phone calls. [01:17:26.680 --> 01:17:28.680] How to get debt collectors out of your credit report. [01:17:28.680 --> 01:17:33.680] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [01:17:33.680 --> 01:17:38.680] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [01:17:38.680 --> 01:17:40.680] Personal consultation is available as well. [01:17:40.680 --> 01:17:49.680] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [01:17:49.680 --> 01:17:59.680] That's ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now. [01:17:59.680 --> 01:18:00.680] I love logos. [01:18:00.680 --> 01:18:04.680] Without the shows on this network, I'd be almost as ignorant as my friends. [01:18:04.680 --> 01:18:07.680] I'm so addicted to the truth now that there's no going back. [01:18:07.680 --> 01:18:08.680] I need my truth fake. [01:18:08.680 --> 01:18:10.680] I'd be lost without logos. [01:18:10.680 --> 01:18:13.680] And I really want to help keep this network on the air. [01:18:13.680 --> 01:18:16.680] I'd love to volunteer as a show producer, but I'm a bit of a Luddite. [01:18:16.680 --> 01:18:20.680] And I really don't have any money to give because I spent it all on supplements. [01:18:20.680 --> 01:18:22.680] How can I help logos? [01:18:22.680 --> 01:18:24.680] Well, I'm glad you asked. [01:18:24.680 --> 01:18:27.680] Whenever you order anything from Amazon, you can help logos. [01:18:27.680 --> 01:18:31.680] When ordering your supplies or holiday gifts, first thing you do is clear your cookies. [01:18:31.680 --> 01:18:34.680] Now, go to logosradionetwork.com. [01:18:34.680 --> 01:18:37.680] Click on the Amazon logo and bookmark it. [01:18:37.680 --> 01:18:43.680] Now, when you order anything from Amazon, you use that link and logos gets a few pesos. [01:18:43.680 --> 01:18:44.680] Do I pay extra? [01:18:44.680 --> 01:18:45.680] No. [01:18:45.680 --> 01:18:47.680] Do I have to do anything different when I order? [01:18:47.680 --> 01:18:48.680] No. [01:18:48.680 --> 01:18:49.680] Can I use my Amazon Prime? [01:18:49.680 --> 01:18:50.680] No. [01:18:50.680 --> 01:18:51.680] I mean, yes. [01:18:51.680 --> 01:18:52.680] Wow. [01:18:52.680 --> 01:18:54.680] Giving without doing anything or spending any money. [01:18:54.680 --> 01:18:55.680] This is perfect. [01:18:55.680 --> 01:18:57.680] Thank you so much. [01:18:57.680 --> 01:18:58.680] We are welcome. [01:18:58.680 --> 01:19:00.680] Happy holidays, logos. [01:19:00.680 --> 01:19:10.680] This is the Logos Logos Radio Network. [01:19:30.680 --> 01:19:45.680] Thank you so much. [01:19:45.680 --> 01:20:00.680] Thank you. [01:20:00.680 --> 01:20:28.680] Okay, we are back. [01:20:28.680 --> 01:20:34.680] Ready to count and Brett Fountain, we were on our radio and Brett and I talked about this over the break, Jason. [01:20:34.680 --> 01:20:39.680] And yeah, you're just annoying these people. [01:20:39.680 --> 01:20:43.680] You ought to be ashamed of yourself. [01:20:43.680 --> 01:20:46.680] Take one issue and sue them. [01:20:46.680 --> 01:20:48.680] Yeah, I know you don't know how to sue them. [01:20:48.680 --> 01:20:50.680] Who cares? [01:20:50.680 --> 01:20:53.680] Just pick one issue and go to the county court. [01:20:53.680 --> 01:20:56.680] They're generally cheaper. [01:20:56.680 --> 01:21:00.680] And you file a suit against them and they'll bring back all their arguments. [01:21:00.680 --> 01:21:05.680] What's likely to happen when you sue, actually sue one of them? [01:21:05.680 --> 01:21:09.680] They'll quit harassing you immediately. [01:21:09.680 --> 01:21:13.680] There's one that's the oldest you can that's inside the statute of limitations. [01:21:13.680 --> 01:21:15.680] There's a certain time frame. [01:21:15.680 --> 01:21:18.680] You can't complain about things that happened back when you were little. [01:21:18.680 --> 01:21:24.680] But you can go, it might be one year or two years, take a look and see what your local codes support. [01:21:24.680 --> 01:21:30.680] And then go to the oldest evidence you have that's inside that and complain about that issue. [01:21:30.680 --> 01:21:32.680] Okay. [01:21:32.680 --> 01:21:34.680] Yeah, file a suit against them. [01:21:34.680 --> 01:21:37.680] It don't matter if you win or not. [01:21:37.680 --> 01:21:40.680] There's the cheapest legal education you can get. [01:21:40.680 --> 01:21:47.680] You file a suit against them and they'll come back and say, your honor, this suit's a piece of crap-ola. [01:21:47.680 --> 01:21:59.680] And the judge will spend another six, the first guy will take about 30 days and they'll file this motion to dismiss because it's a bunch of crap. [01:21:59.680 --> 01:22:05.680] And then the judge will take three to six months to make a ruling and then he'll rule it's a bunch of crap. [01:22:05.680 --> 01:22:07.680] So you file an amended plea. [01:22:07.680 --> 01:22:13.680] You look at what they complained about and adjust it and file an amended plea. [01:22:13.680 --> 01:22:16.680] And they'll come back and run the same routine again. [01:22:16.680 --> 01:22:21.680] But in the process, you'll learn how to adjudicate issues in court. [01:22:21.680 --> 01:22:24.680] It is the cheapest legal education you can get. [01:22:24.680 --> 01:22:32.680] And once you've been through that one, next time you know beforehand what they're going to argue. [01:22:32.680 --> 01:22:40.680] I have suits that I work on that I keep adjusting based on the kinds of feedback I get, kind of arguments I get. [01:22:40.680 --> 01:22:45.680] After a while, you'll get bulletproof. [01:22:45.680 --> 01:22:50.680] I hear you on that and it makes sense. [01:22:50.680 --> 01:23:03.680] I mean, the fantasy was I sue them in federal court for a large sum of money and have them settle because my pleading's so good. [01:23:03.680 --> 01:23:04.680] Okay. [01:23:04.680 --> 01:23:10.680] In order to get there, you have to run through a few courts. [01:23:10.680 --> 01:23:16.680] The first time you stand in front of the judge, you're going to be shaking in your boots. [01:23:16.680 --> 01:23:19.680] We all did. [01:23:19.680 --> 01:23:22.680] You're going to feel like you've been sent to the principal. [01:23:22.680 --> 01:23:26.680] You're a fourth grader and been sent to the principal. [01:23:26.680 --> 01:23:29.680] They count on that. [01:23:29.680 --> 01:23:33.680] So pick a fight. [01:23:33.680 --> 01:23:34.680] It's a whole different thing. [01:23:34.680 --> 01:23:38.680] Most people are used to going to court because they've been summoned. [01:23:38.680 --> 01:23:50.680] They got a ticket or they got sued or charged with some crime and they're summoned in order to go to the court and they feel under the thumb of the court. [01:23:50.680 --> 01:24:02.680] But when you file suit against them, when you pick the fight, now you're the one everybody has to answer to, including the judge. [01:24:02.680 --> 01:24:11.680] Once you've done this a time or two, you'll see that every case goes almost exactly the same. [01:24:11.680 --> 01:24:18.680] You'll know what they're going to do before they do it and then you'll be able to have some good results. [01:24:18.680 --> 01:24:20.680] So sue them. [01:24:20.680 --> 01:24:21.680] Okay. [01:24:21.680 --> 01:24:25.680] Well, why did you say county court? [01:24:25.680 --> 01:24:34.680] Because it only costs about $100 to sue in the county court and it costs about $250 to $300 to sue in a district court. [01:24:34.680 --> 01:24:38.680] So the place to learn is in the lower courts. [01:24:38.680 --> 01:24:42.680] And that would be the amount of damages? [01:24:42.680 --> 01:24:53.680] Yeah, you could sue them for $10,000 and do that in a JP court. [01:24:53.680 --> 01:24:56.680] And great education. [01:24:56.680 --> 01:24:58.680] Okay. [01:24:58.680 --> 01:24:59.680] I hear you on that. [01:24:59.680 --> 01:25:05.680] So here's a couple of questions I have about. [01:25:05.680 --> 01:25:13.680] So if the damages, like how does someone prove emotional damage? [01:25:13.680 --> 01:25:15.680] It's almost impossible to prove it. [01:25:15.680 --> 01:25:23.680] You just have to convince the jury, you can claim anything you want to. [01:25:23.680 --> 01:25:31.680] And the detail is when you go into court, primarily this is for a jury. [01:25:31.680 --> 01:25:35.680] When you go before the jury, you're going to ask for a certain amount. [01:25:35.680 --> 01:25:40.680] The opposing side is going to say, oh my goodness, that's frivolous, that's outrageous. [01:25:40.680 --> 01:25:42.680] And they're going to lowball you. [01:25:42.680 --> 01:25:48.680] And you're going to ask for $20,000, they're going to offer you five. [01:25:48.680 --> 01:25:50.680] That's how it works. [01:25:50.680 --> 01:25:55.680] And then they'll file a motion, they'll file an answer to your pleading [01:25:55.680 --> 01:25:58.680] and you bar-grieve the lawyers. [01:25:58.680 --> 01:26:00.680] Right. [01:26:00.680 --> 01:26:03.680] Who cares what for, just bar-grieve them. [01:26:03.680 --> 01:26:05.680] And then the lawyers will have a hissy fit. [01:26:05.680 --> 01:26:08.680] And the second time you bar-grieve the lawyer, he's going to bail [01:26:08.680 --> 01:26:11.680] and they're going to have to get another lawyer. [01:26:11.680 --> 01:26:13.680] So figure out how it all works. [01:26:13.680 --> 01:26:15.680] Follow the judicial conduct complaints against the judge [01:26:15.680 --> 01:26:19.680] and see what the state commission says about it. [01:26:19.680 --> 01:26:21.680] It is great practice. [01:26:21.680 --> 01:26:27.680] And it's actually fun when you're the one leading the charge. [01:26:27.680 --> 01:26:29.680] When they're coming after you, it's different. [01:26:29.680 --> 01:26:35.680] But when you're the one leading, then it's a lot more fun. [01:26:35.680 --> 01:26:37.680] And it is extremely educational. [01:26:37.680 --> 01:26:42.680] It's the cheapest legal education you can get. [01:26:42.680 --> 01:26:50.680] A question about, so the injunction, that's not the right move? [01:26:50.680 --> 01:26:52.680] Wait, say that again. [01:26:52.680 --> 01:26:55.680] An injunction? [01:26:55.680 --> 01:26:57.680] No. [01:26:57.680 --> 01:27:02.680] They can't issue an injunction unless you file a suit against them. [01:27:02.680 --> 01:27:08.680] It takes the suit to give the court jurisdiction. [01:27:08.680 --> 01:27:09.680] So you do both. [01:27:09.680 --> 01:27:13.680] It's two separate things, the suit and then an injunction? [01:27:13.680 --> 01:27:15.680] Yes. [01:27:15.680 --> 01:27:17.680] You only file those together. [01:27:17.680 --> 01:27:20.680] You ask for, actually, not an injunction. [01:27:20.680 --> 01:27:24.680] An injunction is an adverse ruling. [01:27:24.680 --> 01:27:32.680] Do you want to ask for a restraining order? [01:27:32.680 --> 01:27:34.680] I mean, sort of. [01:27:34.680 --> 01:27:39.680] I mean, there's people that I've never seen before harass me. [01:27:39.680 --> 01:27:46.680] It's like they know who I am because my notices have my affidavit [01:27:46.680 --> 01:27:49.680] and status have my picture on. [01:27:49.680 --> 01:27:53.680] So all these people wearing masks that I can't identify, [01:27:53.680 --> 01:27:56.680] they all know who I am, like they do. [01:27:56.680 --> 01:27:58.680] Now that they're not wearing masks, [01:27:58.680 --> 01:28:02.680] I'm just seeing a bunch of strangers that know who I am. [01:28:02.680 --> 01:28:03.680] That's okay. [01:28:03.680 --> 01:28:06.680] Are you taking videos and pictures? [01:28:06.680 --> 01:28:08.680] Yes. [01:28:08.680 --> 01:28:15.680] If they come up to you, the first thing you do is you smile, click. [01:28:15.680 --> 01:28:23.680] And then when you sue, you can subpoena their names. [01:28:23.680 --> 01:28:25.680] Who is this person? [01:28:25.680 --> 01:28:27.680] Yeah. [01:28:27.680 --> 01:28:29.680] And then name them in the suit. [01:28:29.680 --> 01:28:35.680] When you start naming employees in the suit, oh, are they going to get unhappy? [01:28:35.680 --> 01:28:40.680] But the first one, you want to pick one you don't care about. [01:28:40.680 --> 01:28:44.680] Just go pick a fight. [01:28:44.680 --> 01:28:47.680] I mean, I care about all of them. [01:28:47.680 --> 01:28:51.680] Well, pick the one you care least about. [01:28:51.680 --> 01:28:54.680] The kinds of issues you're bringing, [01:28:54.680 --> 01:28:59.680] you can get more issues than you could ever possibly get to. [01:28:59.680 --> 01:29:03.680] So pick a minor one and sue them, take them on. [01:29:03.680 --> 01:29:06.680] They'll teach you how to do the next one. [01:29:06.680 --> 01:29:13.680] And by the fourth one, you'll be kicking behind. [01:29:13.680 --> 01:29:15.680] Oh, so. [01:29:15.680 --> 01:29:17.680] That's my story and I'm sticking to it. [01:29:17.680 --> 01:29:19.680] We do have to move on. [01:29:19.680 --> 01:29:24.680] We've only got one segment left and we've got three callers on the board. [01:29:24.680 --> 01:29:25.680] Oh, wow. [01:29:25.680 --> 01:29:26.680] All right. [01:29:26.680 --> 01:29:29.680] Well, thank you both very much again. [01:29:29.680 --> 01:29:31.680] You're awesome. [01:29:31.680 --> 01:29:32.680] Okay. [01:29:32.680 --> 01:29:33.680] Thank you, Jason. [01:29:33.680 --> 01:29:34.680] Okay. [01:29:34.680 --> 01:29:37.680] Now we're going to go to Angela in Wyoming. [01:29:37.680 --> 01:29:40.680] Hello, Angela. [01:29:40.680 --> 01:29:43.680] Okay, what do you have for us today? [01:29:43.680 --> 01:29:44.680] Hi. [01:29:44.680 --> 01:29:49.680] I'm Angela from Wyoming and I called before about the school board. [01:29:49.680 --> 01:29:55.680] I took her, you know, to the court under Title 141983. [01:29:55.680 --> 01:29:57.680] Hold that thought. [01:29:57.680 --> 01:30:00.680] We're going to go to our sponsor. [01:30:00.680 --> 01:30:04.680] A top cybersecurity expert has a warning for America. [01:30:04.680 --> 01:30:08.680] If you build an electrical smart grid, the hackers will come [01:30:08.680 --> 01:30:11.680] and they could cause a catastrophic blackout. [01:30:11.680 --> 01:30:12.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:30:12.680 --> 01:30:15.680] Back with the shocking details in a moment. [01:30:15.680 --> 01:30:17.680] Privacy is under attack. [01:30:17.680 --> 01:30:21.680] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:30:21.680 --> 01:30:26.680] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:30:26.680 --> 01:30:27.680] So protect your rights. [01:30:27.680 --> 01:30:31.680] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:30:31.680 --> 01:30:34.680] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:30:34.680 --> 01:30:41.680] This message is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:30:41.680 --> 01:30:45.680] Start over with Startpage. [01:30:45.680 --> 01:30:52.680] Governments love power, so it's only natural they'd want to control the power going into your home too with a smart grid. [01:30:52.680 --> 01:30:59.680] So they're installing a national network of smart meters to remotely monitor electric use for efficiency and avoid grid failure. [01:30:59.680 --> 01:31:06.680] But cybersecurity expert David Chalk says not so fast if we make the national power grid controllable through the web, [01:31:06.680 --> 01:31:08.680] hackers will have a field day. [01:31:08.680 --> 01:31:14.680] Working remotely, they could tap in and black out the entire nation, leaving us vulnerable to our enemies. [01:31:14.680 --> 01:31:18.680] I've long opposed smart meters for privacy and health reasons. [01:31:18.680 --> 01:31:21.680] The catastrophic failures caused by hackers? [01:31:21.680 --> 01:31:23.680] There's nothing smart about that. [01:31:23.680 --> 01:31:30.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht for Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:30.680 --> 01:31:36.680] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11. [01:31:36.680 --> 01:31:38.680] The government says that fire brought it down. [01:31:38.680 --> 01:31:43.680] However, 1,500 architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition. [01:31:43.680 --> 01:31:46.680] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives. [01:31:46.680 --> 01:31:49.680] Thousands of my fellow first responders are dying. [01:31:49.680 --> 01:31:50.680] I'm not a conspiracy theorist. [01:31:50.680 --> 01:31:51.680] I'm a structural engineer. [01:31:51.680 --> 01:31:52.680] I'm a New York City correction office. [01:31:52.680 --> 01:31:53.680] I'm an Air Force pilot. [01:31:53.680 --> 01:31:55.680] I'm a father who lost his son. [01:31:55.680 --> 01:31:57.680] We're Americans, and we deserve the truth. [01:31:57.680 --> 01:32:01.680] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today. [01:32:01.680 --> 01:32:05.680] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. [01:32:05.680 --> 01:32:07.680] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society. [01:32:07.680 --> 01:32:12.680] And if we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [01:32:12.680 --> 01:32:17.680] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private capacity, [01:32:17.680 --> 01:32:19.680] and most importantly, the right to due process of law. [01:32:19.680 --> 01:32:25.680] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process. [01:32:25.680 --> 01:32:28.680] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, [01:32:28.680 --> 01:32:33.680] has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process is [01:32:33.680 --> 01:32:35.680] and how to hold courts to the rule of law. [01:32:35.680 --> 01:32:40.680] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today. [01:32:40.680 --> 01:32:45.680] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, [01:32:45.680 --> 01:32:50.680] video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research documents, and other useful resource material. [01:32:50.680 --> 01:32:54.680] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. [01:32:54.680 --> 01:32:59.680] Order your copy today, and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [01:32:59.680 --> 01:33:12.680] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradionetwork.com. [01:33:29.680 --> 01:33:49.680] Okay, we are back, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio, and we're talking to Angela in Wyoming. [01:33:49.680 --> 01:33:51.680] Okay, Angela, go ahead. [01:33:51.680 --> 01:33:53.680] Hi, how are you guys doing? [01:33:53.680 --> 01:33:57.680] Doing really good for an old fat guy. [01:33:57.680 --> 01:34:03.680] We were talking about on the break about my PSTD. [01:34:03.680 --> 01:34:08.680] I went to the veterans, and they always test you for PTSD, [01:34:08.680 --> 01:34:14.680] and she asked me if I'd had any traumatic experiences lately, and I told her, yes, ma'am, I have. [01:34:14.680 --> 01:34:15.680] Well, what happened? [01:34:15.680 --> 01:34:19.680] I said, well, I was taking care of my mom, and she's 98. [01:34:19.680 --> 01:34:24.680] She couldn't get in the bathtub, so I tore it out and put her in a shower stall, and I had to test it out. [01:34:24.680 --> 01:34:31.680] And when I was getting in the shower stall above her vanity, she had this six-foot mirror, [01:34:31.680 --> 01:34:36.680] and I accidentally saw myself naked. [01:34:36.680 --> 01:34:38.680] She said, was it that bad? [01:34:38.680 --> 01:34:41.680] Oh, it was bad. [01:34:41.680 --> 01:34:44.680] But they didn't give me a disability for it. [01:34:44.680 --> 01:34:46.680] Oh, dang it. [01:34:46.680 --> 01:34:49.680] Life is filled with little disappointments. [01:34:49.680 --> 01:34:52.680] Okay, where were we? [01:34:52.680 --> 01:35:00.680] Oh, well, I called already and let you know that I was filing a federal thing [01:35:00.680 --> 01:35:04.680] with the school board president requiring masks. [01:35:04.680 --> 01:35:08.680] Five months later, I got a dismissal. [01:35:08.680 --> 01:35:14.680] Funny thing is the judge never mentioned any of my opposition of dismissal, [01:35:14.680 --> 01:35:18.680] my memorandum, or any of my exhibits, or anything. [01:35:18.680 --> 01:35:24.680] It's almost like he ignored me, like I didn't do nothing. [01:35:24.680 --> 01:35:29.680] He mirrored that whatever in his final judgment, all he did was mirror [01:35:29.680 --> 01:35:32.680] what the defense lawyer said. [01:35:32.680 --> 01:35:37.680] So anyways, I'm going to do a motion to reconsider. [01:35:37.680 --> 01:35:41.680] I'm just wondering how much it cost to appeal. [01:35:41.680 --> 01:35:42.680] Wait a minute. [01:35:42.680 --> 01:35:46.680] Okay, you sued them and they dismissed your suit? [01:35:46.680 --> 01:35:47.680] Yes. [01:35:47.680 --> 01:35:48.680] And it wasn't very fair. [01:35:48.680 --> 01:35:53.680] It's like the judge didn't even look at my case. [01:35:53.680 --> 01:35:54.680] Okay. [01:35:54.680 --> 01:35:55.680] Okay, wait, wait. [01:35:55.680 --> 01:36:00.680] Did you ask the judge for findings of fact and conclusions at law? [01:36:00.680 --> 01:36:02.680] Oh, yeah, I'm doing that right now. [01:36:02.680 --> 01:36:03.680] Good. [01:36:03.680 --> 01:36:04.680] I'm going to. [01:36:04.680 --> 01:36:05.680] I'm excited. [01:36:05.680 --> 01:36:07.680] Okay, here's the rule. [01:36:07.680 --> 01:36:11.680] You don't care what they do in the trial court. [01:36:11.680 --> 01:36:17.680] According to Dr. Graves, your only purpose in the trial court is to set [01:36:17.680 --> 01:36:20.680] the record for appeal. [01:36:20.680 --> 01:36:22.680] So who cares what he does? [01:36:22.680 --> 01:36:28.680] The more horrible his rulings, the better for you. [01:36:28.680 --> 01:36:30.680] I know. [01:36:30.680 --> 01:36:33.680] And you're just setting a record. [01:36:33.680 --> 01:36:36.680] So ask him for findings of fact and conclusions at law. [01:36:36.680 --> 01:36:40.680] What I did here in Texas is we asked the district judge for findings of [01:36:40.680 --> 01:36:43.680] fact and he didn't produce them and would file criminal charges against him [01:36:43.680 --> 01:36:46.680] with the grand jury. [01:36:46.680 --> 01:36:48.680] That was fun. [01:36:48.680 --> 01:36:50.680] Oh. [01:36:50.680 --> 01:36:58.680] Well, what the code says in Texas is that under Rule 297, you can request [01:36:58.680 --> 01:37:03.680] findings of fact and conclusions at law and the judge shall produce findings [01:37:03.680 --> 01:37:08.680] of fact and conclusions at law within 20 days. [01:37:08.680 --> 01:37:14.680] If he fails to, you can file a notice of late filing and he has 10 more days. [01:37:14.680 --> 01:37:16.680] Well, we waited the 20 days. [01:37:16.680 --> 01:37:22.680] On the 21st day, we filed a notice for late filing and we filed criminal [01:37:22.680 --> 01:37:26.680] charges against him with the grand jury. [01:37:26.680 --> 01:37:31.680] Because the law said the judge shall produce findings of fact. [01:37:31.680 --> 01:37:34.680] It didn't say he may, might, or can't if he wants to. [01:37:34.680 --> 01:37:40.680] And under the official oppression statute in Texas, which is probably [01:37:40.680 --> 01:37:47.680] official misconduct in Wyoming, that one says if a public official fails to [01:37:47.680 --> 01:37:52.680] perform a duty he is required to perform and in the process denies uniform [01:37:52.680 --> 01:37:56.680] free access to enjoyment of right, that's class A misdemeanor. [01:37:56.680 --> 01:38:04.680] He denied us in the right to appeal because the only thing you can appeal is [01:38:04.680 --> 01:38:05.680] errors by the judge. [01:38:05.680 --> 01:38:11.680] But we couldn't document an error because we don't know what facts and [01:38:11.680 --> 01:38:16.680] what law the judge used to render his determination. [01:38:16.680 --> 01:38:19.680] So he denied us in our right to appeal. [01:38:19.680 --> 01:38:23.680] That's class A misdemeanor in the states of Texas. [01:38:23.680 --> 01:38:29.680] And official misconduct is class A misdemeanor everywhere I've seen it. [01:38:29.680 --> 01:38:32.680] So file criminally against the judge. [01:38:32.680 --> 01:38:38.680] Well, look at Wyoming criminal procedure code. [01:38:38.680 --> 01:38:44.680] Look for warrants and see what the section on warrants says. [01:38:44.680 --> 01:38:53.680] In Texas it says under Chapter 15 at 15.09, when a complaint is forwarded [01:38:53.680 --> 01:39:01.680] to a magistrate, the magistrate shall issue a warrant for threat. [01:39:01.680 --> 01:39:04.680] See what it says in Wyoming. [01:39:04.680 --> 01:39:08.680] What you want to do is ask a public official to do something that you [01:39:08.680 --> 01:39:13.680] really don't want him to do. [01:39:13.680 --> 01:39:16.680] See, we have a rule, never ask a public official to do anything you [01:39:16.680 --> 01:39:21.680] actually want them to do because you never ask a public official to do [01:39:21.680 --> 01:39:26.680] anything that the law does not compel them to do. [01:39:26.680 --> 01:39:29.680] So when they don't do it, then you go to the next guy and try to get him [01:39:29.680 --> 01:39:31.680] to your arrest magistrate. [01:39:31.680 --> 01:39:33.680] And I've already done that. [01:39:33.680 --> 01:39:36.680] I'm working on Victoria County in Texas. [01:39:36.680 --> 01:39:39.680] I gave four complaints to the JP. [01:39:39.680 --> 01:39:42.680] He asked me if I was a lawyer and I told him, no, I sleep well and I [01:39:42.680 --> 01:39:44.680] keep hives in my own pockets. [01:39:44.680 --> 01:39:45.680] Did you talk to the lawyer? [01:39:45.680 --> 01:39:47.680] No, I don't waste my time with those shysters. [01:39:47.680 --> 01:39:50.680] Well, if you're not a lawyer, I'm not going to take these and threw them [01:39:50.680 --> 01:39:53.680] down on the counter and stormed out. [01:39:53.680 --> 01:39:57.680] Well, Bubba, we'll see how that works out for you. [01:39:57.680 --> 01:40:00.680] I took out my cell phone and dialed 911. [01:40:00.680 --> 01:40:07.680] Oh gosh, that was so much fun. [01:40:07.680 --> 01:40:10.680] You got the school board. [01:40:10.680 --> 01:40:15.680] Now if you file criminal charges against them and their magistrate or [01:40:15.680 --> 01:40:21.680] whoever you file with refuses to act, then you file against that person. [01:40:21.680 --> 01:40:22.680] And you work your way up. [01:40:22.680 --> 01:40:25.680] Always complaints are directed to some magistrate. [01:40:25.680 --> 01:40:29.680] When the magistrate doesn't do his job, you go after him. [01:40:29.680 --> 01:40:34.680] When I filed against the governor of the state of Texas, I also filed a [01:40:34.680 --> 01:40:41.680] copy of the criminal complaints with the chief justice of the Texas Supreme. [01:40:41.680 --> 01:40:49.680] In Texas, 2.09 says, it's titled Who Are Magistrates? [01:40:49.680 --> 01:40:55.680] First one listed justices of the Supreme courts. [01:40:55.680 --> 01:40:57.680] So I sent him one. [01:40:57.680 --> 01:40:59.680] He didn't issue a warrant. [01:40:59.680 --> 01:41:03.680] Said, now I'm going to sue him personally. [01:41:03.680 --> 01:41:08.680] But first I'm going to sue this little JP down here at the bottom. [01:41:08.680 --> 01:41:11.680] I'll make up my suit and file it with them and they'll hire a fancy [01:41:11.680 --> 01:41:17.680] whiz bang law firm and they'll jump right on it and file an answer. [01:41:17.680 --> 01:41:22.680] And I'll bargain the snot out of them and we'll fight back and forth. [01:41:22.680 --> 01:41:27.680] And they will tell me all of the law relating to suing a judge. [01:41:27.680 --> 01:41:30.680] They'll do it in their pleadings. [01:41:30.680 --> 01:41:34.680] And I'll get a feel for all of the stuff they file, what they object to, [01:41:34.680 --> 01:41:36.680] what they don't object to. [01:41:36.680 --> 01:41:43.680] And when I'm ready for the next one, I'm loaded for bear. [01:41:43.680 --> 01:41:48.680] And then the next one, and then the next one, you start beating up those [01:41:48.680 --> 01:41:50.680] public officials. [01:41:50.680 --> 01:41:53.680] They're going to come back to the school board and say, you better do [01:41:53.680 --> 01:41:59.680] something to get this woman off my case or I'm going to kick your behind. [01:41:59.680 --> 01:42:07.680] Now that may not be right, but that's how it works in the world we live in. [01:42:07.680 --> 01:42:10.680] At the end of the day, it's all political. [01:42:10.680 --> 01:42:17.680] You start getting judges and prosecutors upset because you're filing [01:42:17.680 --> 01:42:21.680] professional conduct and criminal complaints against them. [01:42:21.680 --> 01:42:24.680] They're going to go to that school board and tell them, you guys better [01:42:24.680 --> 01:42:27.680] get this fixed. [01:42:27.680 --> 01:42:32.680] Does that make sense? [01:42:32.680 --> 01:42:34.680] Okay, look, one thing. [01:42:34.680 --> 01:42:40.680] When you go down there, you pretty well know what they're going to do. [01:42:40.680 --> 01:42:41.680] So set them up. [01:42:41.680 --> 01:42:44.680] Give them the opportunity to do something wrong. [01:42:44.680 --> 01:42:48.680] And make sure that before you go down there, make up the criminal complaint [01:42:48.680 --> 01:42:52.680] you're going to file when they do it wrong. [01:42:52.680 --> 01:42:57.680] So you dial 911, you just put their name in the blank and give it to the [01:42:57.680 --> 01:42:58.680] officer. [01:42:58.680 --> 01:43:03.680] And they're going to look at that and say, she set me up. [01:43:03.680 --> 01:43:05.680] Yeah, as a matter of fact, we did. [01:43:05.680 --> 01:43:11.680] How does it feel to be played like a cheap fiddle? [01:43:11.680 --> 01:43:15.680] And then when the police come and they don't take a criminal complaint, you [01:43:15.680 --> 01:43:19.680] take out your next complaint you've got and ask for a supervisor so you can [01:43:19.680 --> 01:43:24.680] file this against the officer for shielding from prosecution. [01:43:24.680 --> 01:43:28.680] Once you've done this a time or two, you'll have it down to an arch form [01:43:28.680 --> 01:43:33.680] and you will become a force to reckon with. [01:43:33.680 --> 01:43:37.680] That's my story and I'm sticking to it, but only because I'm running out of [01:43:37.680 --> 01:43:41.680] time in this segment. [01:43:41.680 --> 01:43:44.680] Deborah gets asked after me for saying segment. [01:43:44.680 --> 01:43:52.680] In this segment, we'll have the sponsors shortly and we've got one more. [01:43:52.680 --> 01:43:54.680] What have we got one more of? [01:43:54.680 --> 01:43:56.680] Bread. [01:43:56.680 --> 01:44:00.680] One more section when we come back. [01:44:00.680 --> 01:44:04.680] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in [01:44:04.680 --> 01:44:06.680] the area of nutrition. [01:44:06.680 --> 01:44:09.680] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves. [01:44:09.680 --> 01:44:11.680] And it's time we changed all that. [01:44:11.680 --> 01:44:15.680] The primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is [01:44:15.680 --> 01:44:17.680] good nutrition. [01:44:17.680 --> 01:44:20.680] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, [01:44:20.680 --> 01:44:25.680] and mutilated, Young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. [01:44:25.680 --> 01:44:29.680] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, [01:44:29.680 --> 01:44:31.680] most of which we reject. [01:44:31.680 --> 01:44:35.680] We have come to trust Young Jevity so much we became a marketing distributor [01:44:35.680 --> 01:44:39.680] along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [01:44:39.680 --> 01:44:42.680] When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, [01:44:42.680 --> 01:44:47.680] your health will improve as you help support quality radio. [01:44:47.680 --> 01:44:51.680] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [01:44:51.680 --> 01:44:54.680] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, [01:44:54.680 --> 01:44:58.680] help your friends and family, and increase your income. [01:44:58.680 --> 01:45:02.680] Order now. [01:45:02.680 --> 01:45:05.680] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:05.680 --> 01:45:09.680] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, [01:45:09.680 --> 01:45:14.680] the affordable, easy-to-understand 4-CD course that will show you how [01:45:14.680 --> 01:45:17.680] in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:45:17.680 --> 01:45:21.680] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:45:21.680 --> 01:45:24.680] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:24.680 --> 01:45:29.680] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [01:45:29.680 --> 01:45:34.680] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years [01:45:34.680 --> 01:45:36.680] of case-winning experience. [01:45:36.680 --> 01:45:40.680] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [01:45:40.680 --> 01:45:45.680] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [01:45:45.680 --> 01:45:49.680] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, [01:45:49.680 --> 01:45:54.680] forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more. [01:45:54.680 --> 01:45:58.680] Please visit RuleOfLawRadio.com and click on the banner, [01:45:58.680 --> 01:46:03.680] or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:03.680 --> 01:46:08.680] Music [01:46:08.680 --> 01:46:13.680] Music [01:46:13.680 --> 01:46:18.680] Music [01:46:18.680 --> 01:46:23.680] Music [01:46:23.680 --> 01:46:28.680] Music [01:46:28.680 --> 01:46:33.680] Music [01:46:33.680 --> 01:46:35.680] Okay, we are back. [01:46:35.680 --> 01:46:37.680] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rule Of Law Radio, [01:46:37.680 --> 01:46:40.680] and it looks like our Wyoming caller dropped off. [01:46:40.680 --> 01:46:44.680] So now we're going to go to Mary in Texas. [01:46:44.680 --> 01:46:46.680] Hello, Mary. [01:46:46.680 --> 01:46:48.680] Good evening. How are y'all? [01:46:48.680 --> 01:46:51.680] We are good. I've only got about a half segment. [01:46:51.680 --> 01:46:55.680] I've got Shane on and haven't talked to him in a while. [01:46:55.680 --> 01:46:58.680] So what do you have for us today? [01:46:58.680 --> 01:47:00.680] A quick question. [01:47:00.680 --> 01:47:06.680] I had sued a former employer for a dangerous work environment about three months ago. [01:47:06.680 --> 01:47:15.680] And last week, the judge in district court, which I followed in as an indigent, [01:47:15.680 --> 01:47:19.680] suggested and ruled that he did not have jurisdiction [01:47:19.680 --> 01:47:27.680] because all the laws in Texas basically should have told me [01:47:27.680 --> 01:47:33.680] that I needed to go to administrative court with OSHA and other kind of agencies. [01:47:33.680 --> 01:47:36.680] So I want to appeal this, and I don't know how many days I have. [01:47:36.680 --> 01:47:39.680] This was about eight days ago now. [01:47:39.680 --> 01:47:42.680] So I'm thinking of working on an appeal tomorrow. [01:47:42.680 --> 01:47:45.680] And I'm wondering how many days do I have to appeal this? [01:47:45.680 --> 01:47:48.680] I think, Brett, is it 10 or 15 days? [01:47:48.680 --> 01:47:54.680] 15 days to give a notice of intent to appeal? [01:47:54.680 --> 01:47:58.680] I don't know, but I know that if you're asking, [01:47:58.680 --> 01:48:02.680] you do a motion for reconsideration or a motion of some kind to correct [01:48:02.680 --> 01:48:08.680] or reform the bad judgment at the trial court level, then it bumps up to 90 days. [01:48:08.680 --> 01:48:10.680] Oh, thank God. Okay. [01:48:10.680 --> 01:48:13.680] Yeah, because that's what I have to work on tomorrow. [01:48:13.680 --> 01:48:19.680] It's company. And by the way, Jason, your former caller, is really smart. [01:48:19.680 --> 01:48:21.680] I think he can do this. [01:48:21.680 --> 01:48:24.680] I think he can really do what he's wanting to do. [01:48:24.680 --> 01:48:29.680] And my suggestion for Jason is that he watch Boston Legal. [01:48:29.680 --> 01:48:32.680] I'm sorry, it's probably the worst advice I've given anybody, [01:48:32.680 --> 01:48:35.680] but get all those theories of Boston Legal [01:48:35.680 --> 01:48:39.680] and watch how these guys play around with these judges. [01:48:39.680 --> 01:48:44.680] Watch how the judges and defendants, once we become the aggressor as the plaintiff, [01:48:44.680 --> 01:48:49.680] watch how they counterbalance it with aggressive measures [01:48:49.680 --> 01:48:52.680] and how you got to get ready to argue. [01:48:52.680 --> 01:48:57.680] And, of course, in general, you know, get jurisdictionary. [01:48:57.680 --> 01:49:00.680] I'm interested in the legal shield also. [01:49:00.680 --> 01:49:02.680] Jason needs a law library card. [01:49:02.680 --> 01:49:04.680] I don't know where there's a law library where he lives. [01:49:04.680 --> 01:49:09.680] Sometimes the county courts have them, sometimes the state court areas have them. [01:49:09.680 --> 01:49:15.680] And I know you're asexual when it comes to parties, Randy, [01:49:15.680 --> 01:49:20.680] but I suggest Jason start going to Republican Party-County meetings. [01:49:20.680 --> 01:49:23.680] And with Tina, I want to say real quick, [01:49:23.680 --> 01:49:27.680] is that Tina is ready for a political action committee, and I'm willing to help her. [01:49:27.680 --> 01:49:30.680] This lady needs her own political action committee. [01:49:30.680 --> 01:49:34.680] Great advice tonight, Randy. I really appreciate it. [01:49:34.680 --> 01:49:36.680] And, you know, I want to appeal. [01:49:36.680 --> 01:49:39.680] These guys are – I'm working again. [01:49:39.680 --> 01:49:43.680] I was employed with them right before COVID, and they furloughed me. [01:49:43.680 --> 01:49:46.680] And I wasn't sure if I was going to go back to work for them. [01:49:46.680 --> 01:49:48.680] Well, these guys are from California. [01:49:48.680 --> 01:49:51.680] They're a 150-year-old construction company, [01:49:51.680 --> 01:49:55.680] and they got their money dealing with the fires of San Francisco. [01:49:55.680 --> 01:50:04.680] And now every major computer corporation in the world – Facebook, Amazon, Apple – [01:50:04.680 --> 01:50:06.680] wants these guys to build their buildings. [01:50:06.680 --> 01:50:07.680] And guess what? [01:50:07.680 --> 01:50:11.680] They don't think having fresh air is important on the second floor. [01:50:11.680 --> 01:50:12.680] And guess what? [01:50:12.680 --> 01:50:16.680] They have tons of illegal immigrants working for them through temporary agencies. [01:50:16.680 --> 01:50:17.680] And guess what? [01:50:17.680 --> 01:50:19.680] I experience sexual discrimination also. [01:50:19.680 --> 01:50:23.680] So I'm going to add anything I can think of to the claim, not just one, [01:50:23.680 --> 01:50:25.680] but I'm going through a dangerous work environment. [01:50:25.680 --> 01:50:29.680] And the judge agreed that she didn't have jurisdiction [01:50:29.680 --> 01:50:35.680] because I'm supposed to go talk to all these small, unelected tribunals here, there, and yonder. [01:50:35.680 --> 01:50:39.680] And I had all these time dates I was supposed to answer by, [01:50:39.680 --> 01:50:45.680] including during riots, political assassinations, and every business lockdown, [01:50:45.680 --> 01:50:48.680] and being forced to be locked down in my house. [01:50:48.680 --> 01:50:50.680] So I've got a lot of good arguments here. [01:50:50.680 --> 01:50:57.680] And, you know, a company that services Facebook and Apple and doesn't provide fresh air, [01:50:57.680 --> 01:51:00.680] I think I need to, you know – [01:51:00.680 --> 01:51:07.680] Well, for appeal, we can only appeal what is already before the court. [01:51:07.680 --> 01:51:08.680] Yeah. [01:51:08.680 --> 01:51:10.680] Well, I have all these mentioned. [01:51:10.680 --> 01:51:11.680] Yeah. [01:51:11.680 --> 01:51:12.680] Okay. [01:51:12.680 --> 01:51:16.680] First thing is finding the fact and conclusion to the law. [01:51:16.680 --> 01:51:18.680] That stops your appeal at clock. [01:51:18.680 --> 01:51:23.680] Okay. [01:51:23.680 --> 01:51:29.680] Call me tomorrow and we'll talk about how to put that together. [01:51:29.680 --> 01:51:32.680] Yeah, and take a look at your Texas Rules Appellate Procedure. [01:51:32.680 --> 01:51:38.680] Look at 26.1. [01:51:38.680 --> 01:51:40.680] I think that'll help you with your deadlines there. [01:51:40.680 --> 01:51:42.680] Okay. [01:51:42.680 --> 01:51:45.680] 30 days, bump it to 90 days. [01:51:45.680 --> 01:51:50.680] That's what I want to do right now because I don't care if these take five years. [01:51:50.680 --> 01:51:55.680] But I also implore Tina to join the Republican Party, go to her county meetings, [01:51:55.680 --> 01:52:01.680] get to know other like-minded individual freedom folks. [01:52:01.680 --> 01:52:05.680] And I respect people's right to stay apolitical. [01:52:05.680 --> 01:52:08.680] But I'm a brute on the ground here. [01:52:08.680 --> 01:52:11.680] I can't – I don't have a radio show once a week. [01:52:11.680 --> 01:52:15.680] I have to go to my local political meetings. [01:52:15.680 --> 01:52:16.680] All right. [01:52:16.680 --> 01:52:17.680] I love you guys. [01:52:17.680 --> 01:52:18.680] Great show. [01:52:18.680 --> 01:52:21.680] Thank you, Mary. [01:52:21.680 --> 01:52:22.680] Okay. [01:52:22.680 --> 01:52:25.680] Now we're going to go to Shane in New York. [01:52:25.680 --> 01:52:26.680] Hello, Shane. [01:52:26.680 --> 01:52:29.680] What do you have for us today? [01:52:29.680 --> 01:52:30.680] Hi, Randy. [01:52:30.680 --> 01:52:31.680] Haven't heard from you in a long time. [01:52:31.680 --> 01:52:35.680] I was hoping you were going to be on tonight. [01:52:35.680 --> 01:52:36.680] Yeah, I'm on. [01:52:36.680 --> 01:52:39.680] I kind of crashed last night, but I'm doing better today. [01:52:39.680 --> 01:52:43.680] Yeah, I hope you get better. [01:52:43.680 --> 01:52:48.680] I was talking, I think maybe about a – I think about three or maybe about a month ago it's been now. [01:52:48.680 --> 01:52:49.680] Time just flies. [01:52:49.680 --> 01:52:54.680] It's just the planet's moving quicker and quicker and quicker, I think, Randy. [01:52:54.680 --> 01:52:59.680] Anyways, my New York state lawsuit against KeyBank has been filed. [01:52:59.680 --> 01:53:04.680] The hearing's been set for July 29th next month. [01:53:04.680 --> 01:53:06.680] And I'll – this is real interesting. [01:53:06.680 --> 01:53:10.680] My federal lawsuit – I filed a Fair Debt Collection Practices lawsuit against KeyBank [01:53:10.680 --> 01:53:14.680] and all the officers, by the way, including the law firm. [01:53:14.680 --> 01:53:20.680] And that motion to respond back to them, they had that motion – they filed a motion to dismiss [01:53:20.680 --> 01:53:23.680] for my Fair Debt Collection Practices lawsuit. [01:53:23.680 --> 01:53:29.680] And I attached the proof of claim they filed in the bankruptcy court I had from three years ago. [01:53:29.680 --> 01:53:33.680] I used that as a evidence that they're trying to collect a debt that doesn't even exist. [01:53:33.680 --> 01:53:36.680] I don't have – they have no loan from KeyBank. [01:53:36.680 --> 01:53:41.680] And that motion for extension of time was granted, so my answer's not due until late August now. [01:53:41.680 --> 01:53:46.680] But here's the reason why I brought those two cases up. [01:53:46.680 --> 01:53:56.680] The New York state judge sealed my – my request by counsel to seal my exhibit where David P. Case, [01:53:56.680 --> 01:54:02.680] the attorney for Rochester, got reprimanded by the bar grievance, okay, [01:54:02.680 --> 01:54:08.680] because he waived confidentiality by bringing up my bar complaint in open court in the federal bankruptcy court. [01:54:08.680 --> 01:54:09.680] The same – [01:54:09.680 --> 01:54:11.680] Oh, that is good. [01:54:11.680 --> 01:54:18.680] The same motion by another attorney in the same law firm was filed in the federal lawsuit. [01:54:18.680 --> 01:54:26.680] And what I did, I responded back and I printed the entire document I sent into the bar association. [01:54:26.680 --> 01:54:32.680] And the ruling, in my favor, stating that he has a permanent mark against his record [01:54:32.680 --> 01:54:36.680] and he apologized for his behavior because he talked – once again, [01:54:36.680 --> 01:54:42.680] he talked about me filing lawsuits and grievances about his other attorneys in the law firm. [01:54:42.680 --> 01:54:46.680] And since he waived confidentiality, my response back to federal court, [01:54:46.680 --> 01:54:50.680] John Sinatra Jr. here in Buffalo that was appointed by President Trump, [01:54:50.680 --> 01:54:56.680] has been – he has not – he has not ruled on it. [01:54:56.680 --> 01:55:02.680] But the reason why I brought those two things up is the state judge, Emilio Colacchio, [01:55:02.680 --> 01:55:05.680] he sealed it within 12 hours. [01:55:05.680 --> 01:55:10.680] John Sinatra, the federal court, same motions now, hasn't touched it. [01:55:10.680 --> 01:55:13.680] It's been sitting there for approximately two and a half weeks. [01:55:13.680 --> 01:55:21.680] And my response, basically my response in federal court, I put more fuel to the fire [01:55:21.680 --> 01:55:25.680] by actually printing the entire document that I sent into the bar association, [01:55:25.680 --> 01:55:30.680] which was roughly 50 pages long, Granny, and all the fraud he's been doing since 2015. [01:55:30.680 --> 01:55:34.680] So I thought it was interesting. [01:55:34.680 --> 01:55:37.680] Oh, yeah, that's another – we're running out of time here. [01:55:37.680 --> 01:55:41.680] But the federal judge has not touched it. [01:55:41.680 --> 01:55:45.680] But the state judge didn't even give me a time – an opportunity to even respond, [01:55:45.680 --> 01:55:48.680] and he sealed it within 12 hours. [01:55:48.680 --> 01:55:50.680] I mean, he filed it like at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. [01:55:50.680 --> 01:55:54.680] He sealed it the next day, right around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. [01:55:54.680 --> 01:55:57.680] So it was like 12 hours. [01:55:57.680 --> 01:56:01.680] So I just want to let you know that the state court did it without even hearing, [01:56:01.680 --> 01:56:05.680] didn't even give me a time to respond with the federal court. [01:56:05.680 --> 01:56:10.680] You know, I responded within a couple days, and I printed out the behavior. [01:56:10.680 --> 01:56:12.680] Did you want time to respond? [01:56:12.680 --> 01:56:17.680] Did you want to challenge that and say, hey, I need time to weigh in on this? [01:56:17.680 --> 01:56:21.680] I raised an exception to judicial error, not allowing notice. [01:56:21.680 --> 01:56:24.680] Did you want to address that, or are you good with it as is? [01:56:24.680 --> 01:56:25.680] I already did. [01:56:25.680 --> 01:56:26.680] I already did in federal court. [01:56:26.680 --> 01:56:28.680] State court didn't even have a chance. [01:56:28.680 --> 01:56:34.680] It was like it was done as soon as the counsel that represents the law firm, [01:56:34.680 --> 01:56:37.680] Fine Such and Crane in Rochester, he sealed it. [01:56:37.680 --> 01:56:38.680] I didn't even get a chance. [01:56:38.680 --> 01:56:40.680] I didn't even get a chance to even read it. [01:56:40.680 --> 01:56:43.680] By the time he sealed it, I just, because everything was e-filed, [01:56:43.680 --> 01:56:45.680] and they had to mail it to us. [01:56:45.680 --> 01:56:47.680] I didn't even have a chance to even do anything about it. [01:56:47.680 --> 01:56:49.680] So it was already done. [01:56:49.680 --> 01:56:53.680] So I'm saying they would like you to think that that's over, [01:56:53.680 --> 01:56:58.680] but if you object to it or you raise an exception to judicial error, [01:56:58.680 --> 01:57:02.680] then you have that decision reviewed. [01:57:02.680 --> 01:57:06.680] Yeah, you also filed a mandamus. [01:57:06.680 --> 01:57:11.680] Yeah, what I did is the court's given me until July 19th [01:57:11.680 --> 01:57:14.680] to respond to their motion to dismiss the failure to state a claim [01:57:14.680 --> 01:57:16.680] which relief can be granted. [01:57:16.680 --> 01:57:18.680] And what was fascinating about it, Randy, [01:57:18.680 --> 01:57:21.680] now remember I'm suing KeyBank in state court, [01:57:21.680 --> 01:57:25.680] and their answer is they brought all my mom's stuff in, [01:57:25.680 --> 01:57:29.680] granting summary judgment, favorite KeyBank back in 2018, [01:57:29.680 --> 01:57:31.680] and all this other stuff, nothing. [01:57:31.680 --> 01:57:34.680] There was not one thing in their answer [01:57:34.680 --> 01:57:37.680] that didn't answer any of my complaint whatsoever. [01:57:37.680 --> 01:57:40.680] They didn't talk about, I mean, we don't, [01:57:40.680 --> 01:57:43.680] there was like 30 things that I brought up. [01:57:43.680 --> 01:57:45.680] They didn't answer one. [01:57:45.680 --> 01:57:50.680] Then you should file for either summary or default judgment. [01:57:50.680 --> 01:57:52.680] Right, that's what I plan on doing. [01:57:52.680 --> 01:57:55.680] But what do you think about the judge in federal court? [01:57:55.680 --> 01:57:56.680] He hasn't touched it. [01:57:56.680 --> 01:57:57.680] It's just sitting on a docket sheet. [01:57:57.680 --> 01:57:59.680] He hasn't made a ruling or anything, just sitting there. [01:57:59.680 --> 01:58:02.680] So I thought that was kind of interesting. [01:58:02.680 --> 01:58:04.680] That's probably because they're really busy. [01:58:04.680 --> 01:58:07.680] Every time I filed anything in the federal court, [01:58:07.680 --> 01:58:10.680] it always took me a long time to get to it. [01:58:10.680 --> 01:58:13.680] Well, I brought up the whole point that, you know, [01:58:13.680 --> 01:58:15.680] you talk about a bar grievance in open court, [01:58:15.680 --> 01:58:22.680] you waive your confidentiality. [01:58:22.680 --> 01:58:24.680] Wait, did I lose you? [01:58:24.680 --> 01:58:26.680] Yes. [01:58:26.680 --> 01:58:29.680] My question was is that when you bring up a bar complaint [01:58:29.680 --> 01:58:32.680] in open court, you waive your confidentiality, [01:58:32.680 --> 01:58:35.680] and I believe they have to produce all the records if you ask for it, [01:58:35.680 --> 01:58:40.680] all his bar complaints that he's had since he's been in office. [01:58:40.680 --> 01:58:41.680] Okay, wait, wait, wait. [01:58:41.680 --> 01:58:42.680] I'm sorry. [01:58:42.680 --> 01:58:43.680] We are out of time. [01:58:43.680 --> 01:58:45.680] This is Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Ruevla Radio. [01:58:45.680 --> 01:58:47.680] Thank you all for listening. [01:58:47.680 --> 01:58:49.680] Good night. [01:58:49.680 --> 01:58:53.680] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free [01:58:53.680 --> 01:58:57.680] a unique study Bible called the New Testament Recovery Version. [01:58:57.680 --> 01:59:01.680] The New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes [01:59:01.680 --> 01:59:04.680] that explain what the Bible says verse by verse, [01:59:04.680 --> 01:59:08.680] helping you to know God and to know the meaning of life. [01:59:08.680 --> 01:59:11.680] Order your free copy today from Bibles for America. [01:59:11.680 --> 01:59:20.680] Call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:20.680 --> 01:59:24.680] This translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 [01:59:24.680 --> 01:59:27.680] cross references, plus charts and maps, [01:59:27.680 --> 01:59:29.680] and an outline for every book of the Bible. [01:59:29.680 --> 01:59:32.680] This is truly a Bible you can understand. 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