[00:00.000 --> 00:05.800] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [00:05.800 --> 00:09.240] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [00:09.240 --> 00:10.720] Our liberty depends on it. [00:10.720 --> 00:14.620] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [00:14.620 --> 00:17.520] one of your constitutional rights. [00:17.520 --> 00:19.120] Privacy is under attack. [00:19.120 --> 00:22.720] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [00:22.720 --> 00:27.480] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [00:27.480 --> 00:32.680] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [00:32.680 --> 00:33.680] Privacy. [00:33.680 --> 00:35.240] It's worth hanging on to. [00:35.240 --> 00:39.520] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [00:39.520 --> 00:43.080] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [00:43.080 --> 00:46.400] Start over with Startpage. [00:46.400 --> 00:50.400] Most of us know that taking the fifth means you're choosing to remain silent about a criminal [00:50.400 --> 00:51.400] matter. [00:51.400 --> 00:55.240] It's a good way to remember that the Fifth Amendment spells out what can and can't happen [00:55.240 --> 00:57.760] to you when you're accused of a criminal offense. [00:57.760 --> 01:02.040] The Fifth guarantees due process, prohibits trying someone more than once for the same [01:02.040 --> 01:04.600] crime, and lets you keep your mouth shut. [01:04.600 --> 01:09.720] The Founding Fathers inserted these constitutional provisions to protect citizens from torture. [01:09.720 --> 01:14.160] Back in the day, governments often used painful methods to extract confessions. [01:14.160 --> 01:18.120] The Fifth Amendment also prohibits the government from taking your house and land without paying [01:18.120 --> 01:19.120] you for it. [01:19.120 --> 01:20.360] That used to happen a lot too. [01:20.360 --> 01:22.240] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:22.240 --> 01:32.160] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:32.160 --> 01:35.920] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [01:35.920 --> 01:39.560] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:39.560 --> 01:41.040] Our liberty depends on it. [01:41.040 --> 01:44.920] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [01:44.920 --> 01:47.920] one of your constitutional rights. [01:47.920 --> 01:49.520] Privacy is under attack. [01:49.520 --> 01:53.120] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:53.120 --> 01:57.920] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:57.920 --> 02:03.040] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [02:03.040 --> 02:05.680] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [02:05.680 --> 02:09.960] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [02:09.960 --> 02:13.480] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [02:13.480 --> 02:16.440] Start over with Startpage. [02:16.440 --> 02:19.240] The number 666 reminds me of evil. [02:19.240 --> 02:23.520] I also associate it with the sick feeling one might get when falsely accused of a heinous [02:23.520 --> 02:28.240] crime or when thinking about sickos who actually do commit acts of murder and mayhem. [02:28.240 --> 02:34.040] Either way, the number 666 can help you remember that the Sixth Amendment deals with the constitutionally [02:34.040 --> 02:37.320] guaranteed rights Americans have in a criminal trial. [02:37.320 --> 02:41.600] Those include the right to a speedy public trial, the right to an impartial jury, the [02:41.600 --> 02:45.600] right to full information about the charges, the right to an attorney, and the right to [02:45.600 --> 02:48.400] confront any witnesses face to face. [02:48.400 --> 02:51.920] 666, sick, sickos, and the Sixth Amendment. [02:51.920 --> 02:52.920] Get it? [02:52.920 --> 02:53.920] I'm Dr. Katherine Albrecht. [02:53.920 --> 03:23.040] More news and information at KatherineAlbrecht.com. [03:24.640 --> 03:26.040] Yeah! [03:26.040 --> 03:32.240] Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do? [03:32.240 --> 03:34.680] What you gonna do when they come for you? [03:34.680 --> 03:35.680] Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do? [03:35.680 --> 03:38.560] What you gonna do when they come for you? [03:38.560 --> 03:44.480] When you were eight and you had bad traits You'd go to school and learn the golden rule [03:44.480 --> 03:46.480] So why are you acting like a bloody fool? [03:46.480 --> 03:51.480] If you get high, then you must get cool Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do? [03:51.480 --> 04:06.000] You take it on that one, you take it on this one You took it on your mother, and you took [04:06.000 --> 04:09.720] it on your father You took it on your brother, and you took it [04:09.720 --> 04:13.200] on your sister You took it that one, you took it on me [04:13.200 --> 04:15.680] Bad Boy Bad Boy What you gonna do, what you gonna [04:15.680 --> 04:17.800] do, what you gonna do Bad Boy Bad Boy [04:17.800 --> 04:20.120] You took it on that one, you took it on this one You took it on to your mother, and you [04:20.120 --> 04:21.120] took it on your father, You took it on your brother and you took [04:51.120 --> 04:57.200] and I have a problem starting off today because Brett didn't tell me what what [04:57.200 --> 05:08.520] date it was so being old in the Crippet 2020 no no okay 2021 on this June the [05:08.520 --> 05:20.200] 9th 2020 what the 22 there we go this is this is a two-hour show I am turning the [05:20.200 --> 05:27.200] phones on now so if you have a question or a comment give us a call our call-in [05:27.200 --> 05:37.540] number 512-646-1984 and I'm going to start out talking about the electronic [05:37.540 --> 05:43.800] lawyer project I put the electronic lawyer project on the back burner [05:43.800 --> 05:51.560] partly because of the COVID issue it kind of screwed up everything and I had [05:51.560 --> 05:57.960] a piece of equipment I was designing to take advantage of the paranoia about [05:57.960 --> 06:04.120] infection and disease but I didn't get the piece of equipment developed soon [06:04.120 --> 06:09.920] enough and I missed my window I put all my available funds in it and got it [06:09.920 --> 06:14.640] finished but by the time I got it finished the major scare over COVID had [06:14.640 --> 06:20.760] passed and ran out of funds to market it and something else came along this stem [06:20.760 --> 06:29.480] cell project I've been working on and that gave the gave me the idea that it [06:29.480 --> 06:34.560] might give me my life back because I had been noticing some serious cognitive [06:34.560 --> 06:41.520] decline and so I went into that spent some time on that and it didn't it [06:41.520 --> 06:46.880] worked it didn't give me my life back and it's beginning to move along just [06:46.880 --> 06:52.720] fine and again to actually generate some relatively decent income so now I can [06:52.720 --> 07:00.600] shift gears and go back to the electronic lawyer program it is my [07:00.600 --> 07:09.040] intention to eliminate the profession of lawyer and get lawyers to pay me to do [07:09.040 --> 07:18.000] it I've been working on this project for 15 years and it is ready I have you know [07:18.000 --> 07:23.360] I still have some development to do but it's ready to present and get an active [07:23.360 --> 07:31.160] participating partner and I think I'm in got meetings set up with the law firm [07:31.160 --> 07:36.160] the specific law firm that I selected for this purpose I got a hold of the guy [07:36.160 --> 07:42.920] who originally started the law firm and I have a had a meeting with him this [07:42.920 --> 07:46.280] week but it got we missed each other and so I've got a meeting meeting with him [07:46.280 --> 07:52.560] next week if he likes what I'm presenting I may actually get this thing [07:52.560 --> 08:00.960] started and it won't be long before we'll have the tool available that will [08:00.960 --> 08:13.640] allow us to completely change the way law is done everywhere so anybody who's [08:13.640 --> 08:18.560] frustrated or upset about the legal system the way it's going just hang on [08:18.560 --> 08:28.240] we got stuff coming we're on the verge of being able to change everything you [08:28.240 --> 08:33.840] ready for that Brett I think not just not just me how a lot of people are [08:33.840 --> 08:41.080] ready to see some shift in public officials behavior yeah I'm seeing some [08:41.080 --> 08:50.440] shift because they one thing you woke up mama bear and woke up everybody this [08:50.440 --> 08:57.680] coded thing you know when it started there was a lot of talk about this being [08:57.680 --> 09:03.840] a plan by the Rockefeller Commission and dates and a lot of these big money [09:03.840 --> 09:10.760] people that's been cooking for a long time but it appeared as though Trump [09:10.760 --> 09:16.720] threw a rent monkey wrench in their works and they launched it too soon and [09:16.720 --> 09:24.320] I still believe that's the case because I've been doing this show for 15 years [09:24.320 --> 09:30.960] I've been in this area of legal reform for nearly 30 years and through most of [09:30.960 --> 09:38.320] that time people talked about sheeple and those who were asleep and those who [09:38.320 --> 09:44.760] were awake Brett when was the last time you heard someone mentioned the term [09:44.760 --> 09:51.280] sheeple yeah it's been a while yeah and when is the last time you heard someone [09:51.280 --> 09:56.920] say that someone's asleep yeah I think these criminal actors have brought a [09:56.920 --> 10:04.240] lot of attention to themselves and whether people agree with the concept [10:04.240 --> 10:10.600] that the various agencies and all have our right to be doing what they're [10:10.600 --> 10:14.080] doing doesn't have any basis in law that's a question that's starting to [10:14.080 --> 10:17.000] come up and people are asking these questions where they weren't even [10:17.000 --> 10:24.320] looking at this area at all before I think they made a mistake they woke up [10:24.320 --> 10:31.040] the sleeping right all these people that trusted the system that were from what [10:31.040 --> 10:39.000] for the most part doing well in the system always legal reform has been [10:39.000 --> 10:47.120] boosted and promoted by the disenfranchised and then suddenly they [10:47.120 --> 10:56.680] disenfranchised everybody exactly big business got disenfranchised I'm [10:56.680 --> 11:03.280] relatively certain that most larger businesses felt like the government was [11:03.280 --> 11:08.360] essentially on their side they never imagined the government would just come [11:08.360 --> 11:20.120] in and arbitrarily and capriciously shut them down they scared everybody and woke [11:20.120 --> 11:25.560] everybody up so everybody's paying attention now and I don't do politics [11:25.560 --> 11:29.880] but for the most part I think that by the November elections there has been [11:29.880 --> 11:36.640] so much focus on election fraud that there will be a tremendous amount of [11:36.640 --> 11:45.680] focus on this next election and they have woken up the sleeping right the [11:45.680 --> 11:51.280] middle and upper middle class who just go along and everything's going good [11:51.280 --> 11:54.840] they're making money they're paying their bills everything's fine they don't [11:54.840 --> 11:59.880] want to rock the boat then all of a sudden the government drops the sky on [11:59.880 --> 12:13.080] them and rocked their boat so we you and I brought being people who promote legal [12:13.080 --> 12:20.400] reform and not anarchy but reform it's our purpose to bring the legal system [12:20.400 --> 12:26.880] back to where it was intended to be in the beginning if ever there was a time [12:26.880 --> 12:32.680] to get this done this is that time and this project I've been working on the [12:32.680 --> 12:42.320] last 15 years the time is right and it appears that all of the stars are [12:42.320 --> 12:51.320] aligning the pieces are falling in place and if this if this particular law firm [12:51.320 --> 12:55.760] doesn't pick up my project that's not a big deal there are lots of law firms [12:55.760 --> 13:01.200] out there and primarily my primary target my primary market you know Bart [13:01.200 --> 13:09.000] or law I'm sorry our bargain associations state bar associations if I [13:09.000 --> 13:16.200] get one state bar association to pick this up I'll get them all and what will [13:16.200 --> 13:22.880] happen when I do that is I get all of these lawyers who are members of the bar [13:22.880 --> 13:29.640] association to contribute to the research repository that I am creating [13:29.640 --> 13:34.320] in association with my online interactive questionnaires I've got these [13:34.320 --> 13:38.160] online interactive questionnaires that ask the same questions that a lawyer [13:38.160 --> 13:44.120] would ask you and that's a pretty good tool for prospecting and it's a good [13:44.120 --> 13:50.920] tool for people who have no idea what the law is concerning their situation [13:50.920 --> 13:58.840] they can go to this questionnaire and it will elicit the facts of their case and [13:58.840 --> 14:07.600] present to them the law and the legal ramifications of the law as it applies [14:07.600 --> 14:12.440] to the facts in their case and demonstrate to them the remedy that they [14:12.440 --> 14:16.640] have then produce the documents and pleadings they need to file to secure [14:16.640 --> 14:24.840] that remedy okay it'll do all that but it'll do something much more important [14:24.840 --> 14:32.960] for 800 years at least the someone long time ago came up with the strategy of [14:32.960 --> 14:39.720] how to find all of the case law we've been following case law for at least 800 [14:39.720 --> 14:45.240] years since the signing of the original magna carta how do you organize all this [14:45.240 --> 14:49.920] law how do you find it so this guy's came up with a great idea we'll put [14:49.920 --> 14:57.840] together this legal encyclopedia and and assign the cases keywords that go to [14:57.840 --> 15:03.200] legal issues so you can go to this encyclopedia go to their their glossary [15:03.200 --> 15:08.700] and do a keyword search and that keyword search will reference you to all the [15:08.700 --> 15:16.720] cases that apply to your issue that's a really stupid way of doing things I know [15:16.720 --> 15:20.640] somebody come up with it and seemed like a great idea but it was really a dumb [15:20.640 --> 15:28.600] way of doing things what they should have done is laid out the law that laid [15:28.600 --> 15:36.640] out the facts and the law as the facts led to specific law and then link all [15:36.640 --> 15:44.400] the case law to those particular issues that are enumerated in the law it'd been [15:44.400 --> 15:48.800] a lot more effective they could have done it eight hundred years ago just as [15:48.800 --> 15:56.360] easily easily as they created legal encyclopedias but for 800 years lawyers [15:56.360 --> 16:02.280] have been doing keyword research and that's if you've ever done any keywords [16:02.280 --> 16:08.960] research it really sucks we've built a questionnaire and this [16:08.960 --> 16:15.360] questionnaire isolates all the facts in the case and then based on the facts [16:15.360 --> 16:21.960] determines the motions and pleadings that should be filed there is no in [16:21.960 --> 16:26.760] artificial intelligence no high-tech here this could have all been done with [16:26.760 --> 16:35.720] the pencil 800 years ago there's nobody figured it out we got it figured out and [16:35.720 --> 16:41.560] in the hope I hope in the next few months we'll begin to bring this thing [16:41.560 --> 16:48.760] online and that'll give us the power to change everything we have three callers [16:48.760 --> 16:54.960] on the board so when we come back from visiting our sponsors we'll go to our [16:54.960 --> 16:58.640] callers this is Randy Kelton Brett Fountain Wheel of Law radio we'll be [16:58.640 --> 17:03.400] right back through advances in technology our lives have greatly [17:03.400 --> 17:08.240] improved except in the area of nutrition people feed their pets better than they [17:08.240 --> 17:13.080] feed themselves and it's time we changed all that our primary defense against [17:13.080 --> 17:18.160] aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition in a world [17:18.160 --> 17:21.960] where natural foods have been irradiated adulterated and mutilated [17:21.960 --> 17:25.480] young Jeopardy can provide the nutrients you need [17:25.480 --> 17:29.240] Logos really a network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of [17:29.240 --> 17:34.640] products most of which we reject we have come to trust young Jeopardy so much we [17:34.640 --> 17:39.280] became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones Ben Fuchs and many [17:39.280 --> 17:44.840] others when you order from logos radio network com your health will improve as [17:44.840 --> 17:49.960] you help support quality radio as you realize the benefits of young Jeopardy [17:49.960 --> 17:55.560] you may want to join us as a distributor you can experience improved health help [17:55.560 --> 18:02.200] your friends and family and increase your income order now are you looking to [18:02.200 --> 18:06.640] have a closer relationship with God and a better understanding of his word then [18:06.640 --> 18:11.120] tune in to logos radio network com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. central [18:11.120 --> 18:15.440] time for scripture talk where Nana and her guests discuss the scriptures in [18:15.440 --> 18:21.000] accord with 2nd Timothy 2 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman [18:21.000 --> 18:25.560] that need is not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth starting in [18:25.560 --> 18:29.600] January our first hour studies are in the book of Mark where we'll go verse by [18:29.600 --> 18:34.200] verse and discuss the true gospel message our second hour topical studies [18:34.200 --> 18:38.360] will vary each week with discussions on sound doctrine and Christian character [18:38.360 --> 18:42.680] development we wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to all those [18:42.680 --> 18:46.800] with a hearing ear our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform [18:46.800 --> 18:51.400] ourselves more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus so tune in to [18:51.400 --> 18:56.040] scripture talk live on logos radio network com Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. [18:56.040 --> 19:01.480] to inspire and motivate your studies of the scriptures [19:56.040 --> 20:19.160] okay we are back we're in the Kelton Brett fountain we have our radio and [20:19.160 --> 20:25.040] we're going to go to our callers start out with we have Jason in Florida hello [20:25.040 --> 20:34.600] Jason what do you have for us today yes hi Randy how are you I'm pretty good for [20:34.600 --> 20:46.320] an old fat guy okay so I called in last week and I've been on the telegram with [20:46.320 --> 20:56.160] everybody I have been dealing with a child support order as well as an issue [20:56.160 --> 21:05.080] with regards to the state and my ex placing lean and rich on my inheritance [21:05.080 --> 21:13.080] my homestead property a lot of this was all cured through fraud no due process [21:13.080 --> 21:22.840] no no form of anything no proper notice no proper anything so a couple months [21:22.840 --> 21:32.040] back my ex had filed into my mother's estate claiming a writ of garnishment [21:32.040 --> 21:39.160] from the child support court they had gotten a judgment saying that okay we'll [21:39.160 --> 21:46.200] pay her $63,000 out of the estate of Jason Rhodes is you know mother's estate [21:46.200 --> 21:55.280] and then they attempted to actually interfere with the sale of my homestead [21:55.280 --> 22:02.800] property by claiming the same exact judgment on the homestead property so [22:02.800 --> 22:10.160] what I did was I think we called them on it when they when they sent the title [22:10.160 --> 22:16.400] agent a letter saying Jason owes ninety thousand ninety eight thousand dollars [22:16.400 --> 22:21.880] on this particular judgment they had filed it in the clerk's office claiming [22:21.880 --> 22:26.640] that it was about lean on homestead property I called them on it one of [22:26.640 --> 22:34.360] filing a criminal complaint against them and all of a sudden after four years in [22:34.360 --> 22:38.720] the probate court and then stringing it along stringing along finding different [22:38.720 --> 22:44.720] ways to bill over two hundred thousand dollars in attorney fees as soon as I [22:44.720 --> 22:50.240] filed that criminal complaint the other attorney that represents the estate he [22:50.240 --> 22:56.440] immediately all of a sudden wants to close out the estate well just last week [22:56.440 --> 23:05.680] I filed my objections in the estate and goes way back into basically me filing [23:05.680 --> 23:12.240] notice firing the PR claiming breach of fiduciary duty they just kept stream [23:12.240 --> 23:16.360] rolling and steamrolling and pushing forward pushing forward I couldn't get [23:16.360 --> 23:27.600] any traction finally when they filed the the petition for final discharge of the [23:27.600 --> 23:32.860] estate I then filed my objections and then I filed the declaratory judgment in [23:32.860 --> 23:40.200] a separate county because I couldn't get any traction in Broward and then all of [23:40.200 --> 23:45.480] a sudden okay so now I filed this declaratory judgment yesterday or the [23:45.480 --> 23:51.360] day before yesterday it got approved today but the judge that they assigned [23:51.360 --> 23:55.120] for the declaratory judgment injunctive relief as well as a motion for [23:55.120 --> 24:02.360] temporary restraining order it got assigned to a mental health judge who [24:02.360 --> 24:12.000] has a 20 year history in the child support program enforcement industry the [24:12.000 --> 24:18.400] good part is is that in the estate case they were supposed to close out the [24:18.400 --> 24:24.680] probate on Monday and no order or judgment has been put in when I filed my [24:24.680 --> 24:33.040] objections so I think I did stop that action however I'm a little confused [24:33.040 --> 24:38.320] with regards to having filed the declaratory judgment injunctive relief [24:38.320 --> 24:42.560] where I thought it would actually go to a circuit court judge but instead now [24:42.560 --> 24:48.840] I'm in front of this administrative judge or administrator and I'm a little [24:48.840 --> 24:53.800] confused whether I should have even filed into the state or I should have [24:53.800 --> 25:01.360] just gone straight to federal court what do you say mental health judge so I [25:01.360 --> 25:09.160] looked her up so so the the case I paid the $400 for the summonses and the case [25:09.160 --> 25:15.480] filing for declaratory judgment based on a proof of claim administrative process [25:15.480 --> 25:22.720] that I did against my ex as well as the state attorney basically say listen you [25:22.720 --> 25:28.200] guys claim that I owe you $100,000 okay prove it show me the contract anyways [25:28.200 --> 25:32.280] long story short I did the whole administrative process I'm doing the [25:32.280 --> 25:37.760] first proof of claim notice of fault opportunity to cure notice of default [25:37.760 --> 25:42.840] with an acid david and then a presentment through a notary and then I [25:42.840 --> 25:49.280] use that document to file the declaratory judgment to say hey judge you [25:49.280 --> 25:54.120] know I've exhausted all my administrative remedies I need a final [25:54.120 --> 25:59.480] judgment on this administrative claim where they can't prove that they that [25:59.480 --> 26:05.960] the debt actually exists so that's when I filed the declaratory judgment and what [26:05.960 --> 26:15.400] happened was when I looked up the judge or the alleged judge it's not a real [26:15.400 --> 26:23.200] circuit court judge it's a county clerk or not a county clerk a county from what [26:23.200 --> 26:37.160] I can see from her background a county child support administrator with almost [26:37.160 --> 26:46.920] 15 years working for a large law firm that focused on divorce child support [26:46.920 --> 26:57.000] that type of stuff but I'm straight bizarre and correct me if I'm wrong but [26:57.000 --> 27:00.480] when you file a declaratory judgment especially when I invoked the [27:00.480 --> 27:07.840] Constitution I'm in my pleading I invoke the Constitution I invoked wait a minute [27:07.840 --> 27:18.040] which Constitution which Constitution the Florida Constitution okay before the [27:18.040 --> 27:22.640] Constitution of course the United States Constitution but primarily the Florida [27:22.640 --> 27:26.760] no wait wait wait wait wait you said of course the the United States [27:26.760 --> 27:33.120] Constitution if you invoke the United States Constitution you should I would [27:33.120 --> 27:40.080] suggest that you non-suit the the declaratory judgment in the state and [27:40.080 --> 27:47.480] file it in the Fed okay that was exactly what I was thinking because if I invoke [27:47.480 --> 27:55.960] those right it should go in front of a article 3 judge no that's what I would [27:55.960 --> 28:04.640] want that's exactly what I was thinking okay so so that'll get rid of this [28:04.640 --> 28:13.360] mental health judge yeah I mean basically what it is I caught a lot of [28:13.360 --> 28:20.480] fraud in the probate court in Broward County and I had to figure out a way to [28:20.480 --> 28:23.520] get it out of Broward because I knew I just wasn't going to find justice down [28:23.520 --> 28:32.280] there so I enjoyed the Attorney General of Florida Ashley Moody to try to get a [28:32.280 --> 28:37.840] diversity case where I could file it in a separate county basically the county [28:37.840 --> 28:44.320] that's kind of in the middle of Tallahassee and Broward so that was my [28:44.320 --> 28:48.800] objective wait a minute that didn't make sense to me Tallahassee and [28:48.800 --> 28:57.960] Broward Broward is just north of Miami Fort Lauderdale isn't it precisely [28:57.960 --> 29:08.720] exactly so Tallahassee is way how they these two connected okay so with child [29:08.720 --> 29:20.360] support my ex she hired the assistant state attorney to collect from the [29:20.360 --> 29:25.920] alleged child support debt so once she hires them she basically sells my [29:25.920 --> 29:31.280] children to the state and asked them to collect the alleged child support debt [29:31.280 --> 29:36.020] we were never married so there's no marriage contract so if there's no [29:36.020 --> 29:41.200] marriage contract okay wait wait hang on hang on we're going about to go to our [29:41.200 --> 29:46.280] sponsors Randy Kelton Brett Fountain rule of our radio we've got an empty [29:46.280 --> 29:54.080] space on a cardboard the call-in number is 512-646-1984 do you have a question [29:54.080 --> 30:02.040] or comment give us a call hang on don't touch that dial will be business has [30:02.040 --> 30:05.320] asked you for a lot of personal information and you may trust them to [30:05.320 --> 30:09.160] keep it safe but it turns out that even the most trusted companies may be [30:09.160 --> 30:13.480] unwittingly revealing your secrets I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right [30:13.480 --> 30:18.840] back with details privacy is under attack when you give up data about [30:18.840 --> 30:23.040] yourself you'll never get it back again and once your privacy is gone you'll [30:23.040 --> 30:27.880] find your freedoms will start to vanish too so protect your rights say no to [30:27.880 --> 30:32.880] surveillance and keep your information to yourself privacy it's worth hanging [30:32.880 --> 30:37.360] on to this public service announcement is brought to you by startpage.com the [30:37.360 --> 30:42.360] private search engine alternative to Google Yahoo and Bing start over with [30:42.360 --> 30:48.880] start page data privacy is a big deal so nearly every company has a policy [30:48.880 --> 30:52.720] explaining how they handle your personal information but what happens if it [30:52.720 --> 30:57.440] escapes their control it's not an idle question according to a recent survey a [30:57.440 --> 31:02.860] shocking 90% of US companies admit their security was breached by hackers in a [31:02.860 --> 31:06.720] last year that's one more reason you should trust your searches to start [31:06.720 --> 31:11.600] page.com unlike other search engines start page doesn't store any data on [31:11.600 --> 31:15.240] you they've never been hacked but even if they were there would be nothing for [31:15.240 --> 31:19.760] criminals to see the cupboard would be bare too bad other companies don't treat [31:19.760 --> 31:24.560] your data the same way I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht more news and information at [31:24.560 --> 31:35.480] CatherineAlbrecht.com I lost my son my uncle my son on September 11th 2001 most [31:35.480 --> 31:39.800] people don't know that a third tower fell on September 11th World Trade Center [31:39.800 --> 31:44.080] 7 a 47-story skyscraper was not hit by a plane although the official [31:44.080 --> 31:49.280] exclamation is that fire brought down building 7 over 1,200 architects and [31:49.280 --> 31:52.640] engineers has looked into the evidence and believe there is more to the story [31:52.640 --> 31:58.320] bring justice to my son my uncle my nephew my son go to building what or why [31:58.320 --> 32:03.800] it fell why it matters and what you can do rule of law radio is proud to offer [32:03.800 --> 32:07.240] the rule of law traffic seminar in today's America we live in an us against [32:07.240 --> 32:10.440] them society if we the people are ever going to have a free society then we're [32:10.440 --> 32:13.960] going to have to stand and defend our own rights among those rights are the [32:13.960 --> 32:17.000] right to travel freely to place a place the right to act in our own private [32:17.000 --> 32:20.640] capacity and most importantly the right to due process of law traffic courts [32:20.640 --> 32:23.880] to afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and [32:23.880 --> 32:27.560] preserve our rights through due process former sheriff's deputy a Craig in [32:27.560 --> 32:30.520] conjunction with rule of law radio has put together the most comprehensive [32:30.520 --> 32:33.880] teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process is and [32:33.880 --> 32:36.880] how to hold courts to the rule of law you can get your own copy of this [32:36.880 --> 32:40.520] invaluable material by going to rule of law radio.com and ordering your copy [32:40.520 --> 32:43.440] today by ordering now you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book the Texas [32:43.440 --> 32:47.520] transportation code the law versus the lie video and audio of the original 2009 [32:47.520 --> 32:50.920] seminar hundreds of research documents and other useful resource materials [32:50.920 --> 32:53.640] learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from rule of [32:53.640 --> 32:58.040] law radio.com order your copy today and together we can have free society we all [32:58.040 --> 33:18.640] want and deserve live free speech radio logos radio network.com [33:58.040 --> 34:21.680] okay we are back Randy Kelton Brett Fountain rule of law radio and talking [34:21.680 --> 34:33.280] Jason in Florida okay Jason where were we had a busy break okay so so try to [34:33.280 --> 34:43.360] clarify Broward County I grew up there they've been messing with me since I was [34:43.360 --> 34:50.240] 19 years old I'm 43 years old now almost 20 years it's just constant constant [34:50.240 --> 35:03.640] corruption and abuse so my mother passed away in 2018 the act the mother of my [35:03.640 --> 35:10.960] children used multiple reasons to attack the estate having no standing the judge [35:10.960 --> 35:16.960] has actually ruled that she had no standing anyway long story short when I [35:16.960 --> 35:21.960] wanted to file my declaratory judgment I wanted to file it in a county outside of [35:21.960 --> 35:28.360] Broward so what I did was I enjoined the Attorney General that being Ashley Moody [35:28.360 --> 35:35.320] up in Tallahassee all of these issues occurred in Broward County and I reside [35:35.320 --> 35:43.160] in kind of the middle area in the st. Lucie County so kind of in the middle of [35:43.160 --> 35:47.840] the two so I chose Martin County to file my [35:47.840 --> 35:56.680] declaratory judgment okay hold on a second in Texas jurisdiction lies in the [35:56.680 --> 36:06.680] county where any of any one of the litigants reside or any county in [36:06.680 --> 36:13.960] between is it essentially the same in Florida precisely so Broward is in the [36:13.960 --> 36:18.640] south part of the coast of the East East Coast of Florida Tallahassee is the [36:18.640 --> 36:23.240] northern part of the East Coast of Florida and I chose the county in the [36:23.240 --> 36:30.640] middle basically okay so you got it in this different county yes sir exactly [36:30.640 --> 36:37.760] and did and this is where you got this judge that's essentially not really a [36:37.760 --> 36:48.720] judge but something peculiar something very peculiar and I had filed it two [36:48.720 --> 36:56.280] days ago it finally got up hold on hold on are you familiar with a Daubert's [36:56.280 --> 37:03.640] hearing I'm so sorry say that one more time are you familiar with a Daubert's [37:03.640 --> 37:11.360] hearing D-A-U-B-E-R-T-S. Daubert's hearing. Daubert's hearing is a [37:11.360 --> 37:18.480] hearing for the purpose of testing the expertise of an expert you might [37:18.480 --> 37:24.560] consider challenging the qualifications of this judge of this whatever she is to [37:24.560 --> 37:31.160] sit in this particular case yes sir and I was thinking exactly that and that was [37:31.160 --> 37:40.680] to because the case was just assigned today in the state of Florida we have I [37:40.680 --> 37:46.640] believe 10 days to file an affidavit to recuse a judge due to conflicts of [37:46.640 --> 37:55.880] interest okay in okay hold on in Texas if and if they assign a new judge you [37:55.880 --> 38:04.080] can object to the first assignment out of hand without cause do you have the [38:04.080 --> 38:15.080] same thing in Florida yes I do within a 10-day period time so you got this judge [38:15.080 --> 38:22.000] you got one strike that's essentially free yes sir I believe double check it [38:22.000 --> 38:27.080] with the statutes and everything but I believe that you can file an affidavit [38:27.080 --> 38:32.000] to recuse within 10 days of them being assigned and then wait wait wait that's [38:32.000 --> 38:39.520] different I'm not saying a recusal when a judge is a new judge is assigned to [38:39.520 --> 38:47.520] your case in Texas you have one free strike you can strike the first judge [38:47.520 --> 38:53.560] out of hand you don't have to recuse the judge I can just strike them right out [38:53.560 --> 39:04.960] okay yes see if you can do that in Florida okay if I what is the what is [39:04.960 --> 39:10.320] this statute or what is the rule for Texas to see if I can find something [39:10.320 --> 39:19.920] very similar breath the rule on recusal is it 18 rules of civil procedure what [39:19.920 --> 39:27.680] is the Texas rules of civil procedure in its rule 18 a 18 a is the process and [39:27.680 --> 39:32.400] 18b talks about the grounds and there's a difference between recusal and [39:32.400 --> 39:38.600] disqualification it's not different in every jurisdiction but in Texas is [39:38.600 --> 39:43.680] different so you might take a look and just see there in Florida if what the [39:43.680 --> 39:50.560] differences are if there are because in Texas if you move for judicial recusal [39:50.560 --> 39:55.600] then the judge can decide if he feels like it or not they can right keep on [39:55.600 --> 40:01.800] going whatever if you disqualify him it's for bias and he does not have the [40:01.800 --> 40:07.920] option to decide that blow you off and I'm just going to preside anyway he has [40:07.920 --> 40:15.120] three days three business days and he only has option a or B he either backs [40:15.120 --> 40:21.440] away gracefully steps down off the bench or B he refers the matter to an [40:21.440 --> 40:27.280] administrative judicial region judge and the judge will decide about whether he [40:27.280 --> 40:33.000] needs to be disqualified or not but disqualification in Texas is [40:33.000 --> 40:39.920] constitutional yeah level two they're very specific things for which you can [40:39.920 --> 40:47.200] just you can disqualify a judge and they are strictly constitutional so it's [40:47.200 --> 40:53.080] limited you can't disqualify a judge because you believe the judge is biased [40:53.080 --> 40:59.600] oh yes you can you can recuse you can move to recuse you're not guaranteed an [40:59.600 --> 41:05.040] unbiased judge what do you mean we've got case law on that [41:05.040 --> 41:12.560] Gary not guaranteed unbiased yeah he can be biased now he he's supposed to give [41:12.560 --> 41:19.080] the impression that he's not but he can't be recused for that reason but he [41:19.080 --> 41:23.400] could be disqualified for that well he can know he can only be disqualified for [41:23.400 --> 41:33.360] a conflict of interest or if let's see if he's incompetent by reason of [41:33.360 --> 41:43.120] insanity or the drugs or alcohol or if he is related to a litigant within three [41:43.120 --> 41:51.920] degrees of co-sanguinity mm-hmm second cousins but I've been relating bias to [41:51.920 --> 41:58.840] him being interested yeah he has a leaning and when I say interested the [41:58.840 --> 42:02.800] the tendency is to look at that as financial interest but I quickly will [42:02.800 --> 42:07.680] connect the dots and say he has an interest in this case because I have [42:07.680 --> 42:12.060] reported his crimes that particular judge just happens to be somebody that [42:12.060 --> 42:15.640] I've reported him for felonies so there's no way he's going to treat me [42:15.640 --> 42:20.240] fair and impartial he can't be neutral and detached that you need to get a [42:20.240 --> 42:24.960] different judge that will not go to disqualification it will go to recusal [42:24.960 --> 42:31.640] and but not disqualification if you move to recuse and the judge refuses to then [42:31.640 --> 42:38.440] you can appeal that refusal and have a hearing based on the fact that he is [42:38.440 --> 42:45.000] biased and you that but what I was saying was really good luck with getting [42:45.000 --> 42:50.200] them disqualified for that exact reason yeah they don't know if there's maybe I [42:50.200 --> 42:56.160] shouldn't have I was just lucky yeah they didn't challenge the the specificity [42:56.160 --> 43:00.680] of disqualification they they use the two terms in interchangeably [43:00.680 --> 43:10.200] disqualification if you look it up it's it's it's real restricted well it I have [43:10.200 --> 43:14.840] found nothing where does it give you a you know I've never found anything on [43:14.840 --> 43:20.840] bias and I actually had case law that says you're not guaranteed an unbiased [43:20.840 --> 43:28.480] judge you're only guaranteed a neutral judge you can have a judge who's [43:28.480 --> 43:33.520] how can that be well you can be neutral if he is biased he could be neutral in a [43:33.520 --> 43:40.760] bigot he can have no interest in the case no disqualifying firing interest in [43:40.760 --> 43:47.760] the case but just be a bigot or a misogynist and that's going to make him [43:47.760 --> 43:54.640] biased you could hate kids you're not guaranteed one you just guaranteed that [43:54.640 --> 44:01.000] he followed applies law to the facts hang on we'll be right back I love logos [44:01.000 --> 44:05.120] without the shows on this network I'd be almost as ignorant as my friends I'm so [44:05.120 --> 44:08.960] addicted to the truth now that there's no going back I need my truth fix I'd be [44:08.960 --> 44:13.480] lost without logos and I really want to help keep this network on the air and [44:13.480 --> 44:16.880] love to volunteer as a show producer but I'm a bit of a Luddite and I really [44:16.880 --> 44:20.880] don't have any money to give because I spent it all on supplements how can I [44:20.880 --> 44:25.560] help logos well I'm glad you asked whenever you order anything from Amazon [44:25.560 --> 44:29.800] you can help logos and order new supplies or holiday gifts first thing you [44:29.800 --> 44:35.760] do is clear your cookies now go to logos radio network com click on the Amazon [44:35.760 --> 44:40.840] logo and bookmark it now when you order anything from Amazon you use that link [44:40.840 --> 44:45.720] and logos gets a few pesos do I pay extra no do you have to do anything [44:45.720 --> 44:52.720] different when I order can I use my Amazon Prime no wow giving without doing [44:52.720 --> 44:59.360] anything or spending any money this is perfect thank you so much happy holidays [44:59.360 --> 45:05.600] logos are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit win your case without an [45:05.600 --> 45:10.600] attorney with jurisdiction the affordable easy to understand for CD [45:10.600 --> 45:16.560] course that will show you how in 24 hours step-by-step if you have a lawyer [45:16.560 --> 45:21.520] know what your lawyer should be doing if you don't have a lawyer know what you [45:21.520 --> 45:25.200] should do for yourself thousands have won with our step-by-step [45:25.200 --> 45:30.560] course and now you can too jurisdictionary was created by a licensed [45:30.560 --> 45:35.800] attorney with 22 years of case winning experience even if you're not in a [45:35.800 --> 45:40.120] lawsuit you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles [45:40.120 --> 45:44.680] and practices that control our American courts you'll receive our audio [45:44.680 --> 45:51.720] classroom video seminar tutorials forms for civil cases pro se tactics and much [45:51.720 --> 45:57.400] more please visit rule of law radio calm and click on the banner or call toll [45:57.400 --> 46:22.800] free 866-LAW-EASY [46:22.800 --> 46:27.520] okay we are back Randy Kelton Brett Fountain rule of law radio we're talking [46:27.520 --> 46:33.560] to Jason in Florida and frankly we were going to talk about this on break but I [46:33.560 --> 46:40.520] didn't want to because these are exactly the kinds of interactions I really like [46:40.520 --> 46:48.080] to have I like to talk to someone who's knowledgeable on a subject about fine [46:48.080 --> 46:55.360] details of law this is how we really come to understand how it actually works [46:55.360 --> 47:05.080] and we were talking about the difference between disqualification and recusal if [47:05.080 --> 47:11.000] you file up for disqualification at least in Texas the judge does not have [47:11.000 --> 47:20.080] discretion to deny the disqualification if you file for recusal then he can deny [47:20.080 --> 47:26.840] the recusal but you can do an interlocutory appeal on the the recusal [47:26.840 --> 47:32.760] so the important thing to understand is what you can disqualify for and [47:32.760 --> 47:40.280] disqualify is strictly a statutory and constitutional there are specific things [47:40.280 --> 47:46.800] for which you can disqualify a judge and being biased is not one of them and [47:46.800 --> 47:52.240] whatever and when I first read that it was frustrating and it took me a while [47:52.240 --> 47:59.360] to wrap my head around it and saying because essentially everybody is biased [47:59.360 --> 48:05.040] to one degree or another whether we want to be or not so to ask for a human being [48:05.040 --> 48:13.320] who has no bias good luck with that and then the courts understand that it is [48:13.320 --> 48:21.480] the judge's duty to properly apply the law to the facts in that regard bias is [48:21.480 --> 48:27.600] irrelevant if his bias causes him not to properly apply the law to the facts then [48:27.600 --> 48:36.160] you have recourse but if he has a personal interest in the case if you're [48:36.160 --> 48:45.960] suing for foreclosure and the judge holds the mortgage well that's not going [48:45.960 --> 48:54.400] to work too good or if the judges niece holds the mortgage that's not going to [48:54.400 --> 49:00.240] work either and the way I've approached it though is that he if the judge [49:00.240 --> 49:07.680] demonstrates that he is willing to do crimes that harm one party to the [49:07.680 --> 49:13.520] benefit of the other party I call that that he has an interest in the case [49:13.520 --> 49:21.040] there's another way to go for that one that's cold warrento well warrento is [49:21.040 --> 49:27.680] the remedy for that one that's good that the remedy is not in [49:27.680 --> 49:33.920] disqualification or recusal does that make sense [49:33.920 --> 49:41.280] yeah so disqualification is very specific in law everything else goes to [49:41.280 --> 49:47.320] recusal but you still have your remedy the judge can we can deny it but your [49:47.320 --> 49:58.320] recusal motion but then you can file an interlocutory appeal because the case [49:58.320 --> 50:05.720] was just filed for declaratory judgment I filed a new action against these [50:05.720 --> 50:16.200] parties and I'm already in the appointment of a specific type of judge [50:16.200 --> 50:22.040] knowing that it's an administrative judge when you file a declaratory [50:22.040 --> 50:35.800] judgment isn't that a a court a circuit court or a district court that okay this [50:35.800 --> 50:42.360] is for both Brett and I this was odd because yes a declaratory judgment you're [50:42.360 --> 50:52.520] asking for a ruling on a finely focused point of law yeah to file a judge who is [50:52.520 --> 51:01.160] not necessarily qualified seems absolutely inappropriate so the first [51:01.160 --> 51:09.320] thing I would want to do is disqualify the judge as incompetent incompetent has [51:09.320 --> 51:17.280] a a unreasonably bad connotation to it it doesn't mean that the judge is [51:17.280 --> 51:24.080] mentally incompetent in this case it means that she's incompetent to rule in [51:24.080 --> 51:31.920] this specific capacity so you could file to recuse the judge for [51:31.920 --> 51:39.800] incompetence then there's more ways to get to incompetence if you know if a [51:39.800 --> 51:48.160] judge is unnecessarily or unreasonably biased then you can claim that the judge [51:48.160 --> 51:56.240] is incompetent if the judge lacks the necessary legal knowledge and expertise [51:56.240 --> 52:00.840] then the judge is incompetent to rule and that's why I was mentioning a [52:00.840 --> 52:08.800] Daubert's hearing you want to test the ability of the judge to competently rule [52:08.800 --> 52:21.800] in the case okay okay my my my my other question would be because I just filed [52:21.800 --> 52:26.880] this case it's so brand new unfortunately I spent the $400 for the [52:26.880 --> 52:34.720] filing fees and the summonses and all that they all have all those all these [52:34.720 --> 52:38.120] different parties that being the state attorney's office the assistant state [52:38.120 --> 52:45.560] attorney the ex-curr attorney everybody they'll have 21 days to respond however [52:45.560 --> 52:53.200] if they're doing funny business with a funky judge I already feel like it's [52:53.200 --> 53:00.600] gonna be a whole nother process okay okay hold on hold on take a mental step [53:00.600 --> 53:12.000] back yes remember the rules your only purpose in the trial court is to set the [53:12.000 --> 53:17.960] record for appeal at the end of the day you really don't care what the judge [53:17.960 --> 53:26.840] rules the worst rulings you get the better for you no lawyer worth his salt [53:26.840 --> 53:32.600] expects to win in the trial court if he wins in the trial court that's nice [53:32.600 --> 53:39.740] that's a benefit that's a Benny but that's not why he's there his only [53:39.740 --> 53:45.080] purpose is to set the record for appeal you get a judge you don't believe is [53:45.080 --> 53:50.160] competent you challenge the competency of the judge not that the judge is [53:50.160 --> 53:56.560] mentally incompetent but is incompetent by lack of experience or education to [53:56.560 --> 54:02.320] rule in these circumstances you don't care what the judge rules you're just [54:02.320 --> 54:10.040] putting the facts and law on the record yeah and quote warrant oh is puts the [54:10.040 --> 54:17.600] onus on the person who is being challenged it's just like a challenge to [54:17.600 --> 54:23.040] jurisdiction you don't have to prove anything you just raise the issue and [54:23.040 --> 54:29.760] then the respondent has the burden of proof but the court oh it's different [54:29.760 --> 54:35.560] in every state so look up court oh in Florida in Texas [54:35.560 --> 54:45.200] cool wanto is available if you can show that a judge or a public official for [54:45.200 --> 54:52.640] some reason does not legally hold their position and one of those reasons is if [54:52.640 --> 55:01.320] the official commits a crime related to their office for instance denying you in [55:01.320 --> 55:09.080] procedural due process would be in Texas a act of official misconduct or official [55:09.080 --> 55:16.520] oppression and official misconduct exists in most states so if a public [55:16.520 --> 55:20.680] official fails to perform a duty they're required to perform it in the process [55:20.680 --> 55:26.160] denies you in the full and free access to or enjoyment of a right that can be [55:26.160 --> 55:31.320] construed as official misconduct and official misconduct in office is a [55:31.320 --> 55:39.120] criminal act that exceeds the scope of the authority of the officer and [55:39.120 --> 55:48.000] subjects them to court or removal did that make sense okay it does but my [55:48.000 --> 55:59.520] question really lies with if I decide to go forward with this particular judge [55:59.520 --> 56:08.440] you know and again it was just filed and completed today so if if I'm not feeling [56:08.440 --> 56:14.040] confident at this particular moment in time with this judge should I withdraw [56:14.040 --> 56:24.000] the case and refile in a federal court to try to find some semblance of normalcy [56:24.000 --> 56:30.200] or some semblance of a normal court I would suggest that you give the court [56:30.200 --> 56:35.440] the opportunity to do the right thing when you go to the Fed you're going to [56:35.440 --> 56:41.960] want to say to be able to say to the Fed that I exercised all reasonable remedy [56:41.960 --> 56:53.360] in the state before coming to the Fed so a challenge to the ability of the judge [56:53.360 --> 57:01.560] to properly rule in a petition for declaratory judgment is not a challenge [57:01.560 --> 57:08.520] to her personally but a challenge to her level of education and expertise and [57:08.520 --> 57:16.280] that would go to Adalbert's hearing or they may have some other name for it in [57:16.280 --> 57:22.360] Florida where you want to test the knowledge the capacity of the judge to [57:22.360 --> 57:27.440] properly rule on a declaratory judgment declaratory judgments unusual it's and [57:27.440 --> 57:33.520] and what we have found is every time we've filed a declaratory judgment the [57:33.520 --> 57:37.640] courts didn't didn't understand what it was and the lawyers didn't understand [57:37.640 --> 57:44.440] what it was it's a relatively new remedy and most of the time they don't get it [57:44.440 --> 57:51.440] when I filed one in a federal court in here in Texas the lawyer on the other [57:51.440 --> 57:58.040] side moved to dismiss under rule 12b6 12b6 does not apply to declaratory [57:58.040 --> 58:03.520] judgment suit he didn't understand what it was the judge dismissed it under 12b6 [58:03.520 --> 58:09.600] he didn't understand what it was so filed criminal charges with him that was [58:09.600 --> 58:16.640] great fun but declaratory judgment is an unusual filing for the most part and it [58:16.640 --> 58:21.240] requires a very specific knowledge base and you might challenge the fact that [58:21.240 --> 58:25.240] you don't believe this judge has the requisite knowledge to properly rule on [58:25.240 --> 58:29.840] the case I do at least do that first if they rule against you then you can [58:29.840 --> 58:37.600] always get a non-suit and refile in the Fed hang on Randy Kelton Brett Fountain [58:37.600 --> 58:42.080] rule of our radio I'm not going to give out to call in numbers we have a full [58:42.080 --> 58:49.040] board in one hour left hang on we'll be right back [58:49.520 --> 58:55.320] the Bible remains the most popular book in the world yet countless readers are [58:55.320 --> 58:59.640] frustrated because they struggle to understand it some new translations [58:59.640 --> 59:04.360] try to help by simplifying the text but in the process can compromise the [59:04.360 --> 59:10.160] profound meaning of the scripture enter the recovery version first this new [59:10.160 --> 59:15.080] translation is extremely faithful and accurate but the real story is the more [59:15.080 --> 59:20.360] than 9,000 explanatory footnotes difficult and profound passages are [59:20.360 --> 59:25.000] opened up in a marvelous way providing an entrance into the riches of the word [59:25.000 --> 59:29.920] beyond which you've ever experienced before Bibles for America would like to [59:29.920 --> 59:34.640] give you a free recovery version simply for the asking this comprehensive yet [59:34.640 --> 59:40.120] compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at one eight eight [59:40.120 --> 59:46.840] eight five five one zero one zero two or by ordering online at free study Bible [59:46.840 --> 59:55.040] dot com that's free study Bible dot com you're listening to the logos radio [59:55.040 --> 01:00:03.880] network at logos radio network the bill of rights contains the first ten [01:00:03.880 --> 01:00:08.120] amendments of our Constitution they guarantee the specific freedoms Americans [01:00:08.120 --> 01:00:10.880] should know and protect our liberty depends on it [01:00:10.880 --> 01:00:14.520] I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to [01:00:14.520 --> 01:00:19.760] remember one of your constitutional rights privacy is under attack when you [01:00:19.760 --> 01:00:24.080] give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again and once your privacy [01:00:24.080 --> 01:00:28.680] is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too so protect your [01:00:28.680 --> 01:00:33.640] rights say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself privacy [01:00:33.640 --> 01:00:37.520] it's worth hanging on to this public service announcement is brought to you [01:00:37.520 --> 01:00:42.400] by start page comm the private search engine alternative to Google Yahoo and [01:00:42.400 --> 01:00:48.400] Bing start over with start page most people think of seven as the more [01:00:48.400 --> 01:00:52.840] civilized number than six think about the number six is implicated in evil as [01:00:52.840 --> 01:00:57.120] in the biblical 666 so it would fit right in that the seventh amendment [01:00:57.120 --> 01:01:02.240] would be about civil trials civil seven civil trials get it civil trials are [01:01:02.240 --> 01:01:06.000] ones where people sue instead of beating each other up over a dispute like the [01:01:06.000 --> 01:01:09.800] dividing line between properties they take their dispute to a courthouse and [01:01:09.800 --> 01:01:13.360] settle matters civilly without the fisticuffs the seventh amendment [01:01:13.360 --> 01:01:17.000] guarantees that Americans have the right to a jury in certain civil matters [01:01:17.000 --> 01:01:21.760] instead of having a lone judge rule on the case I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht more [01:01:21.760 --> 01:01:26.200] news and information at Catherine Albrecht calm [01:01:31.560 --> 01:01:36.360] the Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution they [01:01:36.360 --> 01:01:39.960] guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect our [01:01:39.960 --> 01:01:43.760] liberty depends on it dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an [01:01:43.760 --> 01:01:48.760] unforgettable way to remember one of your constitutional rights privacy is [01:01:48.760 --> 01:01:53.160] under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again [01:01:53.160 --> 01:01:57.520] and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish [01:01:57.520 --> 01:02:02.440] too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep your information [01:02:02.440 --> 01:02:07.400] to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on to this public service announcement [01:02:07.400 --> 01:02:11.620] is brought to you by startpage.com the private search engine alternative to [01:02:11.620 --> 01:02:18.280] Google Yahoo and Bing start over with start page remember the scene in George [01:02:18.280 --> 01:02:23.320] Orwell's novel 1984 when Winston is threatened with his worst fear that fear [01:02:23.320 --> 01:02:27.380] was having a cage of hungry rats unleashed on his face but one of his [01:02:27.380 --> 01:02:31.760] worst fear was spiders eight-legged spiders to be exact getting a face full [01:02:31.760 --> 01:02:35.560] of spiders would be pretty cruel and unusual that image of eight-legged [01:02:35.560 --> 01:02:38.960] spiders will help you remember the Eighth Amendment our founding fathers [01:02:38.960 --> 01:02:42.960] added the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution to protect us from creepy [01:02:42.960 --> 01:02:47.000] crawly eight-legged punishments and other cruel and unusual prison practices [01:02:47.000 --> 01:02:50.880] that were common in their day the Eighth Amendment also prohibits the government [01:02:50.880 --> 01:02:55.200] from requiring excessive bail and charging excessive fines I'm Dr. [01:02:55.200 --> 01:03:02.200] Catherine Albrecht more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com [01:03:55.200 --> 01:04:03.880] I'm back ready to count Brett Fountain rule of law radio on this Thursday the what day [01:04:03.880 --> 01:04:10.720] ninth day of June I'm getting it I'm getting it hold on I'm old it takes a [01:04:10.720 --> 01:04:19.820] while 2022 and we're talking to Jason in Florida okay Jason where were we when we [01:04:19.820 --> 01:04:28.600] went out okay so one thing that I did want to point out that was interesting [01:04:28.600 --> 01:04:40.440] when I looked up this judge he belongs to a special unit for resolving problems [01:04:40.440 --> 01:04:47.120] supposedly according to her profile in her bio in this segment that they work [01:04:47.120 --> 01:04:56.120] with in the court my my positive thought was she was assigned to this case [01:04:56.120 --> 01:05:03.320] because it is a title 4d child support case and it's also probate case and they [01:05:03.320 --> 01:05:07.040] were all caught in a bunch of fraud and all bunch of stuff that I caught them [01:05:07.040 --> 01:05:14.360] all all doing a bunch of illegal activities did they assign me this judge [01:05:14.360 --> 01:05:20.360] to see if we could all come to a settlement agreement or if you just [01:05:20.360 --> 01:05:26.480] another child support shill that's going to cover up or attempt to cover up what [01:05:26.480 --> 01:05:31.600] they've already done that was exactly what I was thinking when you started [01:05:31.600 --> 01:05:43.340] that when you said she's a dare to to hand to fix problems well here this is [01:05:43.340 --> 01:05:48.760] declaratory judgment there is no problem so that makes her absolutely [01:05:48.760 --> 01:05:54.560] inappropriate all of those issues of things these other folks have done wrong [01:05:54.560 --> 01:06:06.800] are not before this court the only thing before this court is point of law good [01:06:06.800 --> 01:06:12.800] guys bad guys who's right who's wrong who has the better position who doesn't [01:06:12.800 --> 01:06:20.000] none of that has anything to do with this so her expertise is it sounds like [01:06:20.000 --> 01:06:27.400] they put this judge in there to schmooze things oh it's smooth schmooze as how do [01:06:27.400 --> 01:06:37.320] you spell that Brett this you know you see she wants to schmooze everybody and [01:06:37.320 --> 01:06:45.480] get them all to come together and and find a a solution well this is [01:06:45.480 --> 01:06:52.440] declaratory judgment it may be that they really don't understand what it is but [01:06:52.440 --> 01:07:00.200] merely specifically a point facts in law nothing else go ahead exactly it's purely [01:07:00.200 --> 01:07:07.280] based on the validity of the alleged debt and contract and because I was the [01:07:07.280 --> 01:07:15.680] petitioner when I first when the whole child support case opened almost we're [01:07:15.680 --> 01:07:21.560] talking 2009 trying to keep my ex from leaving the state with my children or my [01:07:21.560 --> 01:07:29.800] childhood time or my offspring as they say the point of it was that I opened [01:07:29.800 --> 01:07:39.360] the case I got railroaded and now I have basically knowing that it is a title for [01:07:39.360 --> 01:07:44.840] the case because there was no marriage contract therefore my ex doesn't have a [01:07:44.840 --> 01:07:50.120] contract with me the only people that allegedly have a contract is title for [01:07:50.120 --> 01:08:01.640] the child support program because in order for in order for a contract to [01:08:01.640 --> 01:08:11.360] exist where the mother or the wife and collect on an alleged debt of either [01:08:11.360 --> 01:08:17.480] child support or or alimony there needs to be a marriage contract in place if [01:08:17.480 --> 01:08:20.720] there isn't a marriage contract in place when they when they go through these [01:08:20.720 --> 01:08:27.080] administrative courts the title for D attorney comes in creates this fantasy [01:08:27.080 --> 01:08:30.880] judgment then they put means on your property and they do all these things [01:08:30.880 --> 01:08:40.240] without any due process whatsoever so the alleged debt only exists with the [01:08:40.240 --> 01:08:46.760] state not my ex but yet my ex was able to move judgment into my family's or my [01:08:46.760 --> 01:08:53.960] mother's the state and to try to claim risk of garnishment on the estate when [01:08:53.960 --> 01:08:58.960] there was no due process there was no money judgment then they filed means in [01:08:58.960 --> 01:09:03.600] the court in the clerk of court and then they tried to keep me from selling the [01:09:03.600 --> 01:09:14.760] condo it was it was a big okay hold on hold on you're going into all of the [01:09:14.760 --> 01:09:19.800] merits and we've been an hour here we don't have time to go through all of [01:09:19.800 --> 01:09:26.960] those details yes it's a problem you have when you're too deep in the in the [01:09:26.960 --> 01:09:33.920] process as you get kind of caught up in all of it from the detail yeah back to [01:09:33.920 --> 01:09:41.520] the issue of declaratory judgment my suggestion is first you challenge the [01:09:41.520 --> 01:09:46.760] qualifications of this judge if they don't give you a properly qualified [01:09:46.760 --> 01:09:52.960] judge then non-suit and refiling the feds and there you'll get a properly [01:09:52.960 --> 01:09:59.640] qualified judge okay all right that's what I was thinking yeah and I and I [01:09:59.640 --> 01:10:04.360] know I've been on the on the line for a minute so I'm going to leave it up to you [01:10:04.360 --> 01:10:10.560] guys to continue on with other callers but I really do appreciate it and we'll [01:10:10.560 --> 01:10:16.160] continue on down the path to the next step I guess okay thank you very much [01:10:16.160 --> 01:10:25.440] Jason now we're going to go to what appears to be a first-time caller if oh [01:10:25.440 --> 01:10:35.800] gone Brett where'd my first-time caller go well it still looks to me like this [01:10:35.800 --> 01:10:40.840] person is still sitting there eight one eight I don't see an eight one eight I see a six five [01:10:40.840 --> 01:10:44.280] seven four one nine three one oh if you're in the eight one eight area oh [01:10:44.280 --> 01:10:51.200] mine just disappeared yeah I think he dropped off okay whoever was in the eight [01:10:51.200 --> 01:10:57.480] one eight area code waiting all this time I hope you'll call back okay if you [01:10:57.480 --> 01:11:03.640] call back we'll take you next okay now we're going to EJ in California EJ what [01:11:03.640 --> 01:11:13.040] do you have for us today hi just an update I had my first case conference [01:11:13.040 --> 01:11:24.960] hearing this past Monday and they continued it to September so I was [01:11:24.960 --> 01:11:32.360] thinking about first adding effect a third defendant which would be the CEO [01:11:32.360 --> 01:11:39.400] last week's call with Brett we're talking about adding the CEO as a as a [01:11:39.400 --> 01:11:48.160] defendant because I sent him my fee schedule but I blindly just filed it [01:11:48.160 --> 01:11:55.440] without like adding it to a motion you know it's just kind of sitting there so [01:11:55.440 --> 01:12:03.440] I just got I sent it to the CEO as well the affidavit of fee schedule so I was [01:12:03.440 --> 01:12:08.080] thinking with the fee schedule just kind of by itself it's not supporting a [01:12:08.080 --> 01:12:19.640] motion can can I add it to my okay so like there's a lot of pieces right now [01:12:19.640 --> 01:12:29.520] my motion to stay that is scheduled for October okay hold on let's back up to [01:12:29.520 --> 01:12:38.480] fee schedule okay if if you have a fee schedule which you give them notice of [01:12:38.480 --> 01:12:45.840] first you're going to have to adjudicate the responsibility of the other party [01:12:45.840 --> 01:12:54.920] to acknowledge and abide by your fee schedule right and and then you you [01:12:54.920 --> 01:13:02.560] would have to file an amended pleading to include your claims under the fee [01:13:02.560 --> 01:13:10.200] schedule oh wait a minute let me step back did the nature of are you the [01:13:10.200 --> 01:13:17.200] plaintiff in this matter yes I'm the plaintiff against the hospital that came [01:13:17.200 --> 01:13:28.240] after me in your original pleading did you claim fines and fees for your time [01:13:28.240 --> 01:13:35.040] and trouble that you had in adjudicating case is this something that's claimed [01:13:35.040 --> 01:13:44.760] in your petition yes since yes since the incident the date of incident which is [01:13:44.760 --> 01:13:53.320] two years ago starting that date there is an hourly charge so per day would be [01:13:53.320 --> 01:14:02.800] about 6k the more they prolong this that that's what my fee schedule is and you [01:14:02.800 --> 01:14:07.960] know just going to court each time I pop in the car each time I get on the phone [01:14:07.960 --> 01:14:13.280] talking with the court with the court things like that I have it broken down [01:14:13.280 --> 01:14:22.840] broken down as a fee schedule okay most states do not allow for fees from a [01:14:22.840 --> 01:14:29.960] pro se litigant they allow they allow lawyers to to charge costs and fees but [01:14:29.960 --> 01:14:36.120] not pro se litigants you can claim this if you have it claimed in your [01:14:36.120 --> 01:14:41.960] petition they'll have to address it and rule on it but I can pretty well assure [01:14:41.960 --> 01:14:50.600] you that the courts will rule against that since you're pro se okay they did [01:14:50.600 --> 01:14:59.280] it close it the day before the hearing I do have to read it here they're just [01:14:59.280 --> 01:15:06.120] they're just saying that they shouldn't grant it that's all but should I just [01:15:06.120 --> 01:15:14.140] kind of let go of it of the opposition that the if you if you have it in there [01:15:14.140 --> 01:15:21.480] absolutely do not let go of it okay okay make them fight for it if they don't [01:15:21.480 --> 01:15:28.280] want to pay those fees make them fight at the end of the day did you request a [01:15:28.280 --> 01:15:38.560] jury yes I did at the end of the day it doesn't matter what these guys say what [01:15:38.560 --> 01:15:47.640] matters is what the jury thinks and if you have a large fee schedule in there [01:15:47.640 --> 01:15:52.120] that is essentially commensurate with what lawyers are charging you're likely [01:15:52.120 --> 01:15:58.080] to have people on the jury to say well she's got a right to that so whatever [01:15:58.080 --> 01:16:05.560] the award is they were likely to increase the award to recoup to allow [01:16:05.560 --> 01:16:11.440] you to recoup your costs so regardless of what the law says the jury can do [01:16:11.440 --> 01:16:17.720] anything you want to okay great my only thing is I was a little bit [01:16:17.720 --> 01:16:24.280] cumbersome and not filing I'm sorry servicing them when I filed it I waited [01:16:24.280 --> 01:16:46.720] about a month and then I I sent it to I sent I sent the fee schedule in a letter [01:16:46.720 --> 01:16:52.840] but you know okay hold on going to our sponsors Randy Kelton Brett Fountain [01:16:52.840 --> 01:16:56.720] we live our radio they're not gonna give out the calling number we've got a full [01:16:56.720 --> 01:17:02.600] bulk board of callers we'll be right back are you looking to have a closer [01:17:02.600 --> 01:17:07.000] relationship with God and a better understanding of His Word then tune in [01:17:07.000 --> 01:17:11.560] to LogosradioNetwork.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Central Time for [01:17:11.560 --> 01:17:15.880] scripture talk where Nana and her guests discuss the scriptures in accord with [01:17:15.880 --> 01:17:21.240] 2nd Timothy 2 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that need [01:17:21.240 --> 01:17:26.200] is not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth starting in January our [01:17:26.200 --> 01:17:30.080] first hour studies are in the book of Mark where we'll go verse by verse and [01:17:30.080 --> 01:17:34.520] discuss the true gospel message our second hour topical studies will vary [01:17:34.520 --> 01:17:38.200] each week with discussions on sound doctrine and Christian character [01:17:38.200 --> 01:17:42.520] development we wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to all those [01:17:42.520 --> 01:17:46.680] with a hearing ear our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform [01:17:46.680 --> 01:17:51.200] ourselves more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus so tune in to [01:17:51.200 --> 01:17:55.480] scripture talk live on LogosradioNetwork.com Wednesdays from 8 to [01:17:55.480 --> 01:18:01.480] 10 p.m. to inspire and motivate your studies of the scriptures through [01:18:01.480 --> 01:18:06.120] advances in technology our lives have greatly improved except in the area of [01:18:06.120 --> 01:18:10.600] nutrition people feed their pets better than they feed themselves and it's time [01:18:10.600 --> 01:18:15.840] we changed all that our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic [01:18:15.840 --> 01:18:20.840] environment is good nutrition in a world where natural foods have been irradiated [01:18:20.840 --> 01:18:26.760] adulterated and mutilated Yongevity can provide the nutrients you need Logos [01:18:26.760 --> 01:18:31.200] Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products most of [01:18:31.200 --> 01:18:36.320] which we reject we have come to trust Yongevity so much we became a marketing [01:18:36.320 --> 01:18:41.440] distributor along with Alex Jones Ben Fuchs and many others when you order [01:18:41.440 --> 01:18:46.840] from LogosradioNetwork.com your health will improve as you help support [01:18:46.840 --> 01:18:51.640] quality radio as you realize the benefits of Yongevity you may want to [01:18:51.640 --> 01:18:56.440] join us as a distributor you can experience improved health help your [01:18:56.440 --> 01:19:02.000] friends and family and increase your income order now [01:19:02.000 --> 01:19:19.280] this is the Logos Logos Radio Network [01:19:32.000 --> 01:19:57.920] okay we are back Randy Kelton Brett Fountain Rue La Radio and we've got [01:19:57.920 --> 01:20:03.480] Jason in Florida Jason will you drop off so you'll free up that line because we [01:20:03.480 --> 01:20:08.040] can only hold four on the board at a time I'm hoping our first-time caller [01:20:08.040 --> 01:20:14.840] will try to call back in okay now we're going to back to we were talking to EJ [01:20:14.840 --> 01:20:23.280] in California okay you were talking about your fees that you were assessing [01:20:23.280 --> 01:20:31.640] these guys so you give them notice that you will be claiming fees for your time [01:20:31.640 --> 01:20:39.200] and that raises an interesting question generally the courts don't allow fees [01:20:39.200 --> 01:20:48.000] for pro se litigants but this it would be interesting to see when you give them [01:20:48.000 --> 01:20:57.440] notice what what the courts will say and in any case the lawyers are going to [01:20:57.440 --> 01:21:05.560] have to argue these issues and brief them out so you'll increase their fees [01:21:05.560 --> 01:21:18.520] by trying to get them to pay your fees I just love the irony of it I love it yeah [01:21:18.520 --> 01:21:23.560] this is just getting fun for me for every yeah if say if you're charging 50 [01:21:23.560 --> 01:21:28.560] bucks an hour they're paying a lawyer 200 bucks an hour to argue against your [01:21:28.560 --> 01:21:38.760] 50 bucks an hour right okay okay okay let's let's go ahead what else do you [01:21:38.760 --> 01:21:45.320] have for us okay so it's just a notice to the court to the judge saying that [01:21:45.320 --> 01:21:52.880] please allow this it's just a notice is it a petition or a notice that I need to [01:21:52.880 --> 01:21:58.880] give to the judge because I there's an opposition that they just filed against [01:21:58.880 --> 01:22:08.640] it and it's just a notice right or should I just add it to to a motion to [01:22:08.640 --> 01:22:12.320] my next motion which is motion to strike [01:22:14.120 --> 01:22:19.560] because of the nature of what it is I would want that in a separate motion all [01:22:19.560 --> 01:22:27.240] by itself because if it's hard if it's a difficult issue and you have more than [01:22:27.240 --> 01:22:34.360] one issue in a motion they'll pick the issue they want to deal with rule on [01:22:34.360 --> 01:22:40.440] that issue and ignore all the rest of them so when they ignore all the rest of [01:22:40.440 --> 01:22:44.640] them now you have to come back and and whine and gripe and complain about them [01:22:44.640 --> 01:22:51.640] ignoring all the rest of them but if you put each issue in a separate motion then [01:22:51.640 --> 01:22:58.640] each motion has to be addressed separately it keeps them from bundling [01:22:58.640 --> 01:23:04.920] everything up picking out the one they want and then ignoring the rest that [01:23:04.920 --> 01:23:10.560] makes sense yes that makes sense what kind of motion would that be it'd be a [01:23:10.560 --> 01:23:14.960] motion to reconsider it's not a reconsideration right because they [01:23:14.960 --> 01:23:23.920] haven't ruled anything yet you should put in a motion for for assessment of [01:23:23.920 --> 01:23:31.160] fees okay I'll warn you those work out these things into individual motions [01:23:31.160 --> 01:23:38.080] like that and I've done that and it is effective for these reasons however they [01:23:38.080 --> 01:23:44.280] tend to complain about that they get fussy and they whine about numerous [01:23:44.280 --> 01:23:52.000] documents have been filed and we have had to respond to whatever that tends to [01:23:52.000 --> 01:23:59.720] make the opposing counsel fussy and whiny oh my goodness you should follow [01:23:59.720 --> 01:24:09.120] where whiny whiny motion motion to sanction opposing counsel for whining yes [01:24:10.960 --> 01:24:21.640] life is tough deal with it that's the whole point so you know you the statement [01:24:21.640 --> 01:24:31.800] that you made indicates that it works if they were smart they would never say [01:24:31.800 --> 01:24:39.880] that you know it's like like the guy that is gonna get in a fight with you [01:24:39.880 --> 01:24:43.680] he's got a really injured shoulder and he said now look what you see this [01:24:43.680 --> 01:24:49.560] shoulder here whatever you do don't hit this shoulder well what are you gonna [01:24:49.560 --> 01:25:00.040] do whack so if it if it annoys them having to answer each motion separately [01:25:00.040 --> 01:25:08.760] file more motions separately but but this yeah this does keep the court you [01:25:08.760 --> 01:25:13.320] know we had problems with the judge looking at what he wants to deal with and [01:25:13.320 --> 01:25:20.400] ignoring the rest and we did this to avoid that if the lawyer doesn't like [01:25:20.400 --> 01:25:31.040] it life is tough deal with it and if the lawyer raises this as an issue object to [01:25:31.040 --> 01:25:38.640] it for relevance it was yeah what does that have to do anything show me some [01:25:38.640 --> 01:25:45.400] facts and law the only thing that goes before the court is facts and law if [01:25:45.400 --> 01:25:51.000] they bring anything other than facts and law before the court object to it no [01:25:51.000 --> 01:26:02.040] judge she's picking on me objection relevance okay I did serve them pretty [01:26:02.040 --> 01:26:07.960] late after a month I I filed so that is it is correct but I just waited it was [01:26:07.960 --> 01:26:12.400] kind of like a strategy for myself not not like to hide it from them because [01:26:12.400 --> 01:26:18.520] it's in the record you know but it's I did wait can I just do a notice of [01:26:18.520 --> 01:26:26.360] errata saying that I did wait too long I actually I did a three-day mail [01:26:26.360 --> 01:26:32.080] express so can I wait wait wait wait hold on take a step back you waited too [01:26:32.080 --> 01:26:41.240] long to give notice yeah I filed it and then I waited like maybe like wait wait [01:26:41.240 --> 01:26:48.720] wait it to a hate pronouns you filed what specifically sorry you're still [01:26:48.720 --> 01:26:57.480] talking about the notice of your cost yes the fee schedule I filed it on day [01:26:57.480 --> 01:27:05.720] one and then I just let it sit didn't didn't send a copy of the the fee [01:27:05.720 --> 01:27:12.720] schedule until like after 20 days I think when I nailed a letter saying that [01:27:12.720 --> 01:27:21.720] your your interrogatories were not sent properly with a little bit [01:27:21.720 --> 01:27:29.200] insufficient inefficient service process of service so I mailed it with that and [01:27:29.200 --> 01:27:34.600] they said that it's defective because you filed it on day one but we didn't [01:27:34.600 --> 01:27:43.320] get it until day 20 which is true I mean I don't I don't I don't deny that but to [01:27:43.320 --> 01:27:51.840] counter that can I just say yes here's my notice of errata why say anything about [01:27:51.840 --> 01:28:00.360] it don't say anything about it no I'm asking why why is there something if [01:28:00.360 --> 01:28:06.080] you don't if you're not needing to oppose their position if your whole [01:28:06.080 --> 01:28:10.640] purpose to file is to say yeah you're right well then why not just leave it [01:28:10.640 --> 01:28:18.000] alone only issues that you care about I'm just wondering I mean what do you [01:28:18.000 --> 01:28:23.640] think Randy is there a reason that she would need to say specifically yes I [01:28:23.640 --> 01:28:31.400] made a mistake no absolutely if they raise an issue and you don't oppose it [01:28:31.400 --> 01:28:41.960] then they win the issue you do not need to admit to any errors always a bad idea [01:28:41.960 --> 01:28:51.760] oh I'm glad I talked with you okay sounds good all right I have a lot more [01:28:51.760 --> 01:28:55.880] questions but I'm going to let you go to your next call so only 30 minutes left [01:28:55.880 --> 01:29:03.000] so I really appreciate talking with you guys tonight and yeah I feel good I feel [01:29:03.000 --> 01:29:11.160] good after my first hearing on Monday yeah and a lot of people support it so [01:29:11.160 --> 01:29:20.280] thank you so much you are most welcome and you are on the telegram site right [01:29:20.280 --> 01:29:28.840] yes Randy okay good good good keep us up to date okay we've only got 30 seconds [01:29:28.840 --> 01:29:39.120] to the next break so Jason can you drop off you're logging up our caller lines [01:29:39.120 --> 01:29:46.280] don't you tell him to go to TXLR.net there's a listen line I think there [01:29:46.280 --> 01:29:51.960] might even be two listen lines listed there TXLR.net yeah I was just going to [01:29:51.960 --> 01:30:07.640] say that TXL what okay okay reality TV sugar obesity jet lag the list of things [01:30:07.640 --> 01:30:11.960] that makes us dumber just keeps on growing but now researchers say we can [01:30:11.960 --> 01:30:16.560] stress to the list I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht back with details in a moment [01:30:16.560 --> 01:30:21.800] privacy is under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never get it [01:30:21.800 --> 01:30:26.400] back again and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to [01:30:26.400 --> 01:30:31.200] vanish too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep your [01:30:31.200 --> 01:30:36.280] information to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on to this message is [01:30:36.280 --> 01:30:40.560] brought to you by startpage.com the private search engine alternative to [01:30:40.560 --> 01:30:47.640] Google Yahoo and Bing start over with startpage are you always on the go in [01:30:47.640 --> 01:30:52.080] juggling multiple projects if so you might think that multitasking proves [01:30:52.080 --> 01:30:57.280] you're smart but think again all that stress might be eating your brain a new [01:30:57.280 --> 01:31:01.240] study finds stress reduces the number of connections between neurons which [01:31:01.240 --> 01:31:05.600] actually makes it harder for people to manage problems researchers at Yale [01:31:05.600 --> 01:31:09.440] University found that stressed out people have less gray matter in their [01:31:09.440 --> 01:31:13.720] prefrontal cortex that's the part of the brain that helps us away conflicting [01:31:13.720 --> 01:31:19.160] ideas and regulate our emotions so take a deep breath and chill out it'll help [01:31:19.160 --> 01:31:23.720] keep your mind as sharp as a tack I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht first start [01:31:23.720 --> 01:31:28.480] page.com the world's most private search engine [01:31:30.800 --> 01:31:36.440] this is building 7 a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September [01:31:36.440 --> 01:31:41.240] 11 the government says that fire brought it down however 1,500 architects and [01:31:41.240 --> 01:31:45.040] engineers have concluded it was a controlled demolition over 6,000 of my [01:31:45.040 --> 01:31:48.520] fellow service members have given their lives and thousands of my fellow first [01:31:48.520 --> 01:31:51.720] responders are dying I'm not a conspiracy theorist I'm a structural [01:31:51.720 --> 01:31:54.680] engineer I'm a New York City correction officer I'm an Air Force pilot I'm a [01:31:54.680 --> 01:31:59.680] father who lost his son we're Americans and we deserve the truth go to remember [01:31:59.680 --> 01:32:05.720] building 7.org today rule of law radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic [01:32:05.720 --> 01:32:09.140] seminar in today's America we live in an us-against-them society and if we the [01:32:09.140 --> 01:32:11.840] people are ever going to have a free society then we're going to have to [01:32:11.840 --> 01:32:15.400] stand and defend our own rights among those rights are the right to travel [01:32:15.400 --> 01:32:18.560] freely from place to place the right to act in our own private capacity and most [01:32:18.560 --> 01:32:22.280] importantly the right to due process of law traffic courts afford us the least [01:32:22.280 --> 01:32:25.680] expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through [01:32:25.680 --> 01:32:29.280] due process former sheriff's deputy Eddie Craig in conjunction with rule of law [01:32:29.280 --> 01:32:32.200] radio has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available [01:32:32.200 --> 01:32:35.600] that will help you understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the [01:32:35.600 --> 01:32:39.000] rule of law you can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to [01:32:39.000 --> 01:32:42.560] rule of law radio dot-com and ordering your copy today by ordering now you'll [01:32:42.560 --> 01:32:45.920] receive a copy of Eddie's book the Texas transportation code the law versus the [01:32:45.920 --> 01:32:50.120] lie video and audio of the original 2009 seminar hundreds of research documents [01:32:50.120 --> 01:32:53.200] and other useful resource material learn how to fight for your rights with the [01:32:53.200 --> 01:32:56.800] help of this material from rule of law radio dot-com order your copy today and [01:32:56.800 --> 01:33:01.640] together we can have the free society we all want to end to serve [01:33:01.640 --> 01:33:09.800] you are listening to the logos radio network logos radio network dot-com [01:33:12.800 --> 01:33:18.520] yeah who you want to check who you take me for we told it I want you know [01:33:18.520 --> 01:33:32.040] free to me you can check me when you go computer you can hide me from nobody [01:33:32.040 --> 01:33:38.040] your mom your daddy your grandpa and the grammy [01:33:38.040 --> 01:33:44.280] you baby your family your dog and the cat around me [01:33:44.280 --> 01:33:51.280] tip in at the beef and you still got EP tip in at the fish them all in the sea tip in at the shark and the whale around me [01:33:51.280 --> 01:33:58.000] you must be mankind gone tip crazy okay we are back we're in Kelton Brett Fountain [01:33:58.000 --> 01:34:04.280] rule of law radio we're interrupting Pat Pat was the lead singer in Deborah our [01:34:04.280 --> 01:34:14.240] producer and Jerry's band he was from Nice really interesting guy okay we're [01:34:14.240 --> 01:34:25.720] going to Joel in Ohio hello Joel what is happening in Ohio pretty much same stuff [01:34:25.720 --> 01:34:32.320] is everywhere else I believe wait a minute are you saying there is corruption [01:34:32.320 --> 01:34:39.680] in Ohio actually I think it's one of the worst states for it you know that's odd [01:34:39.680 --> 01:34:48.080] because everybody tells me that their county is the worst county in the nation [01:34:48.080 --> 01:34:54.960] and you know everybody says their state is the worst state in the nation well I [01:34:54.960 --> 01:35:01.560] believe Tina on that you know I do too I believe California is the worst state [01:35:01.560 --> 01:35:11.960] in the nation probably the most blue state in the nation the most most liberal [01:35:11.960 --> 01:35:21.800] state in the nation and you absolutely the most corrupt of all Ohio is in the [01:35:21.800 --> 01:35:29.520] breadbasket it's a primarily conservative Joel I think it's a matter [01:35:29.520 --> 01:35:35.640] of perspective what do you have for us and let's see if Ohio is as bad as [01:35:35.640 --> 01:35:45.160] everywhere else I I feel better about it now the reason I say it's corrupt I I [01:35:45.160 --> 01:35:52.000] think I do have somewhat of a good argument for it is there's a lot of I [01:35:52.000 --> 01:35:57.880] don't know how much you guys talk about this or aware of it or care about it but [01:35:57.880 --> 01:36:07.880] there's a whole lot of Masonic secret societies inside our court systems here [01:36:07.880 --> 01:36:21.200] yes going on over here to Texas yes I've heard that and that goes to some of the [01:36:21.200 --> 01:36:31.440] the bias that will be in the courts that we can't fix it is the nature of the [01:36:31.440 --> 01:36:37.120] human animal people gather together in groups and the Masonic Lodge is one of [01:36:37.120 --> 01:36:45.000] them my father was a Mason but he never talked to us about it we I never knew [01:36:45.000 --> 01:36:52.440] anything about I don't think he ever did anything in the Masons there may be a [01:36:52.440 --> 01:36:58.920] lot of that but at the end of the day it's really about not what they do but [01:36:58.920 --> 01:37:08.520] what we do it corruptions everywhere it's always been everywhere yeah for [01:37:08.520 --> 01:37:18.280] always in the whole history of the human animal we've always we have groups that [01:37:18.280 --> 01:37:25.640] are vying for their particular interest to the detriment of others people have [01:37:25.640 --> 01:37:32.120] always had to fight against corruption in one form or another and often you [01:37:32.120 --> 01:37:41.000] have groups that all believe they're doing what is best for everybody in the [01:37:41.000 --> 01:37:52.240] overall scheme of things excuse me but their perspectives are different and you [01:37:52.240 --> 01:37:56.760] know the most most people who listen to this program know I'm not particularly [01:37:56.760 --> 01:38:07.760] religious but I do respect the scriptures as cultural wisdom people [01:38:07.760 --> 01:38:12.920] will always be at odds with one another people will always be doing what they [01:38:12.920 --> 01:38:20.360] believe is best from their perspective and when they see people operating from [01:38:20.360 --> 01:38:28.440] different perspectives we tend to consider them as corrupt or evil they [01:38:28.440 --> 01:38:34.720] may that may be there may be such a thing as evil but in the overall scheme [01:38:34.720 --> 01:38:42.080] of things it's a really bad strategy to think in those terms and the Bible [01:38:42.080 --> 01:38:46.200] addresses this really well therefore judge not that you be not judged before [01:38:46.200 --> 01:38:52.080] by that judgment which he judged so shall you be judged instead of judging [01:38:52.080 --> 01:39:03.440] someone is evil better to say they're mistaken they're wrong if I say well he's [01:39:03.440 --> 01:39:10.760] evil then I get to wash my hands of him you know he's just evil so I'll cast him [01:39:10.760 --> 01:39:15.920] into the the pit and not worry about him anymore but what if he's not really [01:39:15.920 --> 01:39:26.640] evil what if he's just wrong if he's wrong then that triggers in me the duty [01:39:26.640 --> 01:39:33.640] to demonstrate to him how he's wrong and bring him back into right does that [01:39:33.640 --> 01:39:43.840] make sense so absolutely I couldn't agree any more and honestly listening to you [01:39:43.840 --> 01:39:51.040] guys and the more I've been diving into this I used to be scared of the whole [01:39:51.040 --> 01:39:57.520] court system here because of that kind of stuff and then yeah more the more I [01:39:57.520 --> 01:40:00.960] figured out the wall and [01:40:00.960 --> 01:40:17.600] okay hold on hold on my bad I intended to mute myself and I muted you okay when [01:40:17.600 --> 01:40:26.400] did I mutated breath right there during the sloshing of ice yeah you weren't [01:40:26.400 --> 01:40:35.840] supposed to hear the sloshing device you're supposed to hear Joe he's [01:40:35.840 --> 01:40:45.920] responding to I'm not a bad person ready to make a good point I think for [01:40:45.920 --> 01:40:52.080] everybody listening okay back back up and make that again I'll mute the right [01:40:52.080 --> 01:40:59.520] one this time I used to be intimidated but I'm not anymore and most of that's [01:40:59.520 --> 01:41:10.600] because of you guys all I've figured out now is they're not following the law and [01:41:10.600 --> 01:41:17.040] you gotta learn what that is and the only reason it looks so bad and so evil [01:41:17.040 --> 01:41:21.920] and so corrupt and that you can't get anything out of it is because they're [01:41:21.920 --> 01:41:26.480] playing their little game and you don't know what the rules are once you see the [01:41:26.480 --> 01:41:32.080] rules and know how the game is played then they're not this scary evil [01:41:32.080 --> 01:41:38.540] opposition anymore yeah I think it's it's really the way what [01:41:38.540 --> 01:41:42.760] Randy said just a moment ago where he phrased it it's not so much about what [01:41:42.760 --> 01:41:51.320] they do but what we do I take that to mean in as a response to what we see [01:41:51.320 --> 01:41:58.160] them doing how do we how do we respond to that what do we do with it and that [01:41:58.160 --> 01:42:03.520] makes a lot of sense yes if you look at the things that I that I tend to do with [01:42:03.520 --> 01:42:10.600] public officials I never consider public officials is evil okay some of them may [01:42:10.600 --> 01:42:17.520] be but that is such a small percentage of the population that they're in [01:42:17.520 --> 01:42:24.760] significance the real problem and the more difficult problem are otherwise [01:42:24.760 --> 01:42:33.280] well intended and right-minded individuals who are acting in it in [01:42:33.280 --> 01:42:43.440] furtherance of flawed policy that's the real problem so how do we fix it well [01:42:43.440 --> 01:42:49.360] while I understand that this policeman who turned his lights on me and pulled [01:42:49.360 --> 01:42:56.960] me over is acting in the best of faith in accordance with his training and what [01:42:56.960 --> 01:43:02.080] he believes is his duty but at the end of the day what he's doing is [01:43:02.080 --> 01:43:09.840] horrendously illegal so how do we handle it do we say oh mr. policeman I [01:43:09.840 --> 01:43:14.520] understand that you're just stupid and ignorant no no no that's not the way I [01:43:14.520 --> 01:43:23.280] do it I sting him good but it's not out of anger it's not out of meanness I [01:43:23.280 --> 01:43:31.200] sting him good to demonstrate to him that what he's doing is is not correct [01:43:31.200 --> 01:43:37.080] it's the wrong thing like a spanking yeah like my grandkids I love them dearly [01:43:37.080 --> 01:43:44.560] but if one of them runs out in the road I'm fixing to tan his hide when we back [01:43:44.560 --> 01:43:49.400] up and think of public officials from this perspective it keeps us from doing [01:43:49.400 --> 01:43:54.000] stupid stuff and losing our perspective hang on Randy Kelton Brett Fountain [01:43:54.000 --> 01:43:57.440] we'll be right back [01:43:59.640 --> 01:44:04.280] are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls letters or [01:44:04.280 --> 01:44:09.160] even losses stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method [01:44:09.160 --> 01:44:13.120] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors [01:44:13.120 --> 01:44:17.160] and now you can win too you'll get step-by-step instructions in plain [01:44:17.160 --> 01:44:21.640] English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statute what to do [01:44:21.640 --> 01:44:26.280] when contacted by phones mail or court summons how to answer letters and phone [01:44:26.280 --> 01:44:30.080] calls how to get debt collectors out of your credit report how to turn the [01:44:30.080 --> 01:44:34.960] financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away the Michael Mears [01:44:34.960 --> 01:44:39.400] proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors personal [01:44:39.400 --> 01:44:43.480] consultation is available as well for more information please visit rule of [01:44:43.480 --> 01:44:48.080] law radio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner or email Michael [01:44:48.080 --> 01:44:55.200] Mears at yahoo.com that's rule of law radio.com or email M I C H A E L M I R [01:44:55.200 --> 01:45:02.080] R R A S at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now are you the [01:45:02.080 --> 01:45:06.600] plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit win your case without an attorney with [01:45:06.600 --> 01:45:12.120] jurisdictionary the affordable easy to understand for CD course that will show [01:45:12.120 --> 01:45:18.200] you how in 24 hours step-by-step if you have a lawyer know what your lawyer [01:45:18.200 --> 01:45:22.360] should be doing if you don't have a lawyer know what you should do for [01:45:22.360 --> 01:45:28.080] yourself thousands have won with our step-by-step course and now you can too [01:45:28.080 --> 01:45:33.160] jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case [01:45:33.160 --> 01:45:38.160] winning experience even if you're not in a lawsuit you can learn what everyone [01:45:38.160 --> 01:45:42.920] should understand about the principles and practices that control our American [01:45:42.920 --> 01:45:48.760] courts you'll receive our audio classroom video seminar tutorials forms [01:45:48.760 --> 01:45:54.520] for civil cases pro se tactics and much more please visit rule of law radio.com [01:45:54.520 --> 01:46:23.640] and click on the banner or call toll-free 866 law easy [01:46:24.520 --> 01:46:29.000] okay we are back Randy Kelton Brett fountain wheel of our radio and we're [01:46:29.000 --> 01:46:35.280] talking to Joel in Ohio and Joel what I was talking about earlier may not be true [01:46:35.280 --> 01:46:43.160] it it may be that these public officials are actually violent evil but I find in [01:46:43.160 --> 01:46:50.560] my experience that if I treat them as if they are not violent evil but are merely [01:46:50.560 --> 01:46:57.160] mistaken that triggers in me the responsibility of helping them [01:46:57.160 --> 01:47:06.320] understand why they're mistaken and it keeps me from feeling so oppressed by [01:47:06.320 --> 01:47:15.520] my public officials does that make sense Joel yeah Randy I'm sorry to beat you up [01:47:15.520 --> 01:47:22.800] on this but that really wasn't my concern I could care less about them at [01:47:22.800 --> 01:47:35.720] this point I I know how corrupt they are it's a big old club around here but that [01:47:35.720 --> 01:47:38.720] I'm not worried about that anymore and I'm probably not even going to bring [01:47:38.720 --> 01:47:42.440] this up at the state level it's probably going to be brought in the federal level [01:47:42.440 --> 01:47:52.200] oh now you're gonna hurt my feelings if I had one you would hurt no okay yeah go [01:47:52.200 --> 01:47:58.640] ahead it it doesn't matter whether they're really corrupt or not I present [01:47:58.640 --> 01:48:06.280] this as a way for us to keep our perspective yeah and and that's all you [01:48:06.280 --> 01:48:09.120] know I don't care how corrupt they are and the more corrupt they are the more I [01:48:09.120 --> 01:48:19.080] love beating them up but if I treat them as if I'm merely trying to correct them [01:48:19.080 --> 01:48:26.120] and get them to follow the proper path they don't get a shot at me it's all [01:48:26.120 --> 01:48:34.960] technique strategy okay go ahead I'll stop interrupting you maybe I'm like on [01:48:34.960 --> 01:48:39.560] the spectrum or something slightly autistic I don't know but I my [01:48:39.560 --> 01:48:46.800] perspective is I'm not even looking at them as an individual or that they're [01:48:46.800 --> 01:48:51.880] even there the only thing I'm concerned with is what the law says that I've read [01:48:51.880 --> 01:48:59.360] and how it applies to my case I could care less what who they are what their [01:48:59.360 --> 01:49:05.840] opinion is what gender they are I don't care about any of it I know what the law [01:49:05.840 --> 01:49:12.520] says and I can care less what they think about it you are already at the place [01:49:12.520 --> 01:49:20.080] that that I'm trying to bring everybody else who's listening most most of these [01:49:20.080 --> 01:49:27.280] techniques that I present are all about how to detach yourself so that what they [01:49:27.280 --> 01:49:35.320] do doesn't doesn't affect you personally so that you can keep yourself outside of [01:49:35.320 --> 01:49:39.600] what's going on you don't wind up getting angry and frustrated and doing [01:49:39.600 --> 01:49:45.440] dumb stuff that gets you in trouble it sounds like you're already at that point [01:49:45.440 --> 01:49:52.640] yeah and I think I'm just naturally that way but I don't know if you guys can [01:49:52.640 --> 01:50:00.280] recall I've called twice before I don't know if you guys need me to remind you [01:50:00.280 --> 01:50:06.320] what the calls were about or not it was about hospital situation with the bill [01:50:06.320 --> 01:50:11.840] and they're not following the laws and whatnot I'm not sure which one we get a [01:50:11.840 --> 01:50:20.960] lot of those actually all right are you on the telegram site channels I am but [01:50:20.960 --> 01:50:26.760] yeah the last time I called in you were reviewing the comments I was making on [01:50:26.760 --> 01:50:32.800] it and I called in two three weeks ago and you were telling me about the [01:50:32.800 --> 01:50:40.880] universal commercial code or something like that and but anyway to make it [01:50:40.880 --> 01:50:51.200] simple there I keep redoing my complaint because I keep finding stronger stuff to [01:50:51.200 --> 01:50:58.960] put in the one I originally had the more I read the walls and well welcome to [01:50:58.960 --> 01:51:07.520] welcome to my home I do that every time I go through one of my pleadings I have [01:51:07.520 --> 01:51:11.760] make adjustments just like that and that that's when we're that's when we're [01:51:11.760 --> 01:51:21.000] really getting it together so I don't know so this is my first law suit done [01:51:21.000 --> 01:51:27.800] by me ever and I don't recommend this to other people maybe and you probably [01:51:27.800 --> 01:51:33.640] wouldn't either but at the point I'm at I'm almost waiting for them to sue me [01:51:33.640 --> 01:51:39.480] and take me to court for a certain reason [01:51:41.480 --> 01:51:48.240] that's okay if they sue you they have to pay all the bills right and the reason [01:51:48.240 --> 01:51:55.440] is well first of all this isn't something anybody covers you guys don't [01:51:55.440 --> 01:52:01.760] cover a lot so I don't want to spend too much time on it but the basically what [01:52:01.760 --> 01:52:09.520] they've been violating is a technical civil right of ours the rules are [01:52:09.520 --> 01:52:13.320] supposed to follow being a nonprofit hospital which everybody should take [01:52:13.320 --> 01:52:19.520] notes on this most of them are nonprofit hospitals the Affordable Care Act was [01:52:19.520 --> 01:52:26.240] passed through Congress as a law what we made what what act say that again the [01:52:26.240 --> 01:52:32.800] Affordable Care Act oh Affordable Care Act okay yeah so that's that was passed [01:52:32.800 --> 01:52:39.320] through Congress right it was made a law well that's a right now so now if a [01:52:39.320 --> 01:52:45.800] hospital violates what that stipulates for them to do as their duty as a [01:52:45.800 --> 01:52:54.520] nonprofit those are rights given to you by our federal government so now they're [01:52:54.520 --> 01:53:05.000] violating your rights if they don't follow it right yes okay so this [01:53:05.000 --> 01:53:12.320] hospital they're aware of it because in their own written policies they use the [01:53:12.320 --> 01:53:21.720] wording in there that reflects what the IRS and the Affordable Care Act makes [01:53:21.720 --> 01:53:27.000] them have to follow but in reality they don't practice any of it they don't [01:53:27.000 --> 01:53:36.320] follow any of it and I have them documented violating all of it then you [01:53:36.320 --> 01:53:45.800] have a duty to hammer them big time for all of those people all the guys who [01:53:45.800 --> 01:53:53.520] have a mortgage two car payments three kids in school more debt than he can [01:53:53.520 --> 01:54:00.000] service works two jobs he don't have time to fight these issues for all of [01:54:00.000 --> 01:54:06.480] those people that's why I do this I'm a grandpa my house is paid for my car is [01:54:06.480 --> 01:54:10.640] paid for my kids are grown and out of the house I can afford to do this those [01:54:10.640 --> 01:54:18.360] of us who can afford to do this it's our job and you sound like you're in that [01:54:18.360 --> 01:54:27.280] position where you have the knowledge you have the nature it's not in the [01:54:27.280 --> 01:54:35.480] nature of most people to be an alpha most people are stuck in taking care of [01:54:35.480 --> 01:54:41.680] all their obligations if you're able to do this then you're a benefit to [01:54:41.680 --> 01:54:49.200] everyone can I spend my time on this show looking for guys just like you guys [01:54:49.200 --> 01:54:54.840] and girls just like you and that the girls aren't girls aren't just like you [01:54:54.840 --> 01:55:00.320] they're a lot meaner than you I'm being reserved right now because I'm on the on [01:55:00.320 --> 01:55:06.280] the phone with you but there's so many rules they're supposed to be doing and [01:55:06.280 --> 01:55:11.440] they don't follow a lick of them like they're supposed to notify you when you [01:55:11.440 --> 01:55:18.440] come into the emergency room that there they have this financial assistance [01:55:18.440 --> 01:55:24.880] program and they're supposed to have literature on signs and brochures in [01:55:24.880 --> 01:55:29.600] the office and and and they're supposed to give it to you when you come in or [01:55:29.600 --> 01:55:32.840] do when you leave they don't do any of it and I don't think any other hospitals [01:55:32.840 --> 01:55:41.160] do either and also when they send it to their collections department most of [01:55:41.160 --> 01:55:50.040] them are in house owned by the hospital typically if you get a letter saying [01:55:50.040 --> 01:55:55.600] they're taking you to court because you owe this hospital bill and they're a [01:55:55.600 --> 01:56:03.200] non-profit hospital and they didn't send you a 30-day notice prior to filing it [01:56:03.200 --> 01:56:10.360] in the court and in that notice they didn't tell you that there's a [01:56:10.360 --> 01:56:16.520] financial assistance program that they have to follow they broke the wall again [01:56:16.520 --> 01:56:23.560] because it says that right in the code that they have to do that okay if you [01:56:23.560 --> 01:56:31.960] are knowledgeable in this code I may want to talk to you off the air I am you [01:56:31.960 --> 01:56:36.920] know at the beginning of the show I spoke to the fact that I was [01:56:36.920 --> 01:56:43.840] reinvigorating the Legal Earth program I need people like you who are [01:56:43.840 --> 01:56:52.720] knowledgeable in specific areas and we can create tools where I can extract [01:56:52.720 --> 01:56:56.120] your knowledge on the subject and make it available to someone who's not [01:56:56.120 --> 01:57:04.920] knowledgeable so that everybody can understand what you understand and [01:57:04.920 --> 01:57:11.000] begin to take these people to task the guy who has two mortgages and three kids [01:57:11.000 --> 01:57:16.360] and there has a mortgage and three kids and two car payments he can go online [01:57:16.360 --> 01:57:20.800] and answer this set of questions and it'll spit him out the documents he [01:57:20.800 --> 01:57:27.440] needs to address these issues I would like to talk to you offline about [01:57:27.440 --> 01:57:35.000] creating some tools in Ohio it's not just Ohio it's the whole country man oh [01:57:35.000 --> 01:57:40.000] I understand that but I got people and we have people all over the country I [01:57:40.000 --> 01:57:46.680] have very few people from Ohio I'm that guy though that you're talking about I [01:57:46.680 --> 01:57:50.600] got two kids and a mortgage and car payments and everything and I don't make [01:57:50.600 --> 01:57:57.000] a whole lot of money but I'm so stubborn and determined that these people screwed [01:57:57.000 --> 01:58:03.120] me over before the last time I had a big bill with them and I learned my lesson [01:58:03.120 --> 01:58:11.600] that's enough enough is enough you are the guy that I need I can take your [01:58:11.600 --> 01:58:16.000] knowledge and your experience and make it available to a whole bunch of other [01:58:16.000 --> 01:58:20.920] people we get a hundred people hammering on them hammering these guys they'll [01:58:20.920 --> 01:58:26.240] stop doing this crapola and start doing it right I am sorry for everyone else on [01:58:26.240 --> 01:58:31.840] the call board we are out of time Tina oh Tina dropped off all of you who called [01:58:31.840 --> 01:58:35.720] in if you'll call back tomorrow night we have a four-hour show we should get to [01:58:35.720 --> 01:58:40.840] everyone I'm sorry I didn't get to all of you this is Randy Kelton Brett [01:58:40.840 --> 01:58:46.240] fountain wheel of our radio we'll be back tomorrow night on our four-hour info [01:58:46.240 --> 01:58:50.040] marathon thank you all for listening [01:58:50.040 --> 01:58:55.480] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible [01:58:55.480 --> 01:58:59.400] called the New Testament recovery version the New Testament recovery [01:58:59.400 --> 01:59:04.320] version has over 9,000 footnotes that explain what the Bible says verse by [01:59:04.320 --> 01:59:09.280] verse helping you to know God and to know the meaning of life order your free [01:59:09.280 --> 01:59:17.600] copy today from Bibles for America call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us [01:59:17.600 --> 01:59:24.120] online at bfa.org this translation is highly accurate and it comes with over [01:59:24.120 --> 01:59:29.840] 13,000 cross references plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of [01:59:29.840 --> 01:59:34.640] the Bible this is truly a Bible you can understand to get your free copy of the [01:59:34.640 --> 01:59:41.640] New Testament recovery version call us toll free at 888-551-0102 that's [01:59:41.640 --> 01:59:53.800] 888-551-0102 or visit us online at BFA dot o RG you're listening to the logos [01:59:53.800 --> 02:00:08.800] to radio network at logos radio network.com