[00:00.000 --> 00:05.800] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [00:05.800 --> 00:09.460] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [00:09.460 --> 00:10.880] Our liberty depends on it. [00:10.880 --> 00:14.860] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [00:14.860 --> 00:16.960] your First Amendment rights. [00:16.960 --> 00:18.560] Privacy is under attack. [00:18.560 --> 00:22.160] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [00:22.160 --> 00:26.920] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [00:26.920 --> 00:32.000] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [00:32.000 --> 00:34.560] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [00:34.560 --> 00:38.980] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [00:38.980 --> 00:42.520] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [00:42.520 --> 00:44.720] Start over with Startpage. [00:44.720 --> 00:47.800] Spar, it's what fighters do. [00:47.800 --> 00:51.280] It's also how I remember the five guarantees of the First Amendment. [00:51.280 --> 00:54.480] If you plan to take away my rights, I'm going to spar with you. [00:54.480 --> 01:01.600] Spar with an extra P, S for speech, P for press, another P for petition, A for assembly, [01:01.600 --> 01:02.600] and R for religion. [01:02.600 --> 01:07.000] Most Americans are familiar with the First Amendment guarantees of free speech, press, [01:07.000 --> 01:10.520] assembly, and religion, but petition for redress is another matter. [01:10.520 --> 01:14.600] We have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [01:14.600 --> 01:18.120] It means that if we're unhappy with what's going on in our government, we can spell out [01:18.120 --> 01:20.800] the reasons without fear of being thrown into jail. [01:20.800 --> 01:31.160] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31.160 --> 01:34.800] The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 amendments of our Constitution. [01:34.800 --> 01:38.240] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:38.240 --> 01:39.680] Our liberty depends on it. [01:39.680 --> 01:43.640] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [01:43.640 --> 01:46.760] one of your constitutional rights. [01:46.760 --> 01:48.360] Privacy is under attack. [01:48.360 --> 01:51.960] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:51.960 --> 01:56.720] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:56.720 --> 02:01.880] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [02:01.880 --> 02:04.480] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [02:04.480 --> 02:08.780] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search [02:08.780 --> 02:12.320] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [02:12.320 --> 02:15.920] Start over with StartPage. [02:15.920 --> 02:20.280] When I think of the Second Amendment, I visualize myself wrapping my two arms around the Bill [02:20.280 --> 02:22.360] of Rights in a big old bear hug. [02:22.360 --> 02:26.840] It's how I remember that the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms, arms [02:26.840 --> 02:30.680] that embrace our freedoms and won't let anyone take them away without a fight. [02:30.680 --> 02:31.680] Get it? [02:31.680 --> 02:34.000] Two arms, bear hug, bear arms? [02:34.000 --> 02:37.600] The late Senator Hubert Humphrey captured the spirit of the Second Amendment so well [02:37.600 --> 02:43.360] when he said, the right of the citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary [02:43.360 --> 02:47.920] conduct, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which [02:47.920 --> 02:50.560] historically has proved to always be possible. [02:50.560 --> 02:52.520] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [02:52.520 --> 03:16.280] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [03:22.520 --> 03:51.080] Okay, howdy, howdy, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain on this Thursday, the 24th of March, 2022. [03:51.080 --> 03:57.280] And we're starting off with a whole board full of callers. [03:57.280 --> 04:00.080] My call board shows to be off. [04:00.080 --> 04:03.560] I don't know if we will be able to get to you. [04:03.560 --> 04:10.520] Sometimes if you call in before we start the show and turn on the call bridge, then those [04:10.520 --> 04:15.400] who are on the bridge, we can't get to them, but we're going to give it a try. [04:15.400 --> 04:20.440] We have what appears to be a first time caller. [04:20.440 --> 04:25.240] If you are in the 9-1-7 area code, talk to us. [04:25.240 --> 04:29.680] Hi, can you hear me? [04:29.680 --> 04:33.680] Give us a name, just a first name and a state. [04:33.680 --> 04:36.680] Yes, Gina Golo-Virgida. [04:36.680 --> 04:42.240] Oh, I know who you are. [04:42.240 --> 04:43.240] And what state? [04:43.240 --> 04:44.240] Pennsylvania. [04:44.240 --> 04:45.240] Pennsylvania. [04:45.240 --> 04:46.240] Okay. [04:46.240 --> 04:50.680] What do you have for us today? [04:50.680 --> 04:53.760] Well, I have a question. [04:53.760 --> 05:00.200] I guess it may be too detailed, but this is a divorce case where I had an agreement with [05:00.200 --> 05:07.160] my husband, but his attorneys disqualified our agreement and forced me to sign something [05:07.160 --> 05:11.480] that they prepared, calling marital settlement agreement. [05:11.480 --> 05:14.520] And I was not allowed to make any changes into it. [05:14.520 --> 05:22.880] So I claimed in a motion to the court where I'm asking to remove or amend some of the [05:22.880 --> 05:27.920] unconscionable clauses from the marital settlement agreement. [05:27.920 --> 05:37.880] We had a hearing on March 11th and judge was trying to determine if I was coerced or under [05:37.880 --> 05:43.200] economic duress when I signed that agreement as a whole. [05:43.200 --> 05:49.560] Even though my motion was very specific that I did not want to invalidate the whole agreement, [05:49.560 --> 05:52.440] just certain clauses. [05:52.440 --> 05:55.640] But the judge said that's not how it works. [05:55.640 --> 06:02.840] If he determines I was under duress or coerced, then potentially the whole agreement goes [06:02.840 --> 06:07.440] away and then we're back to zero. [06:07.440 --> 06:14.800] The hearing was just like in a court, meaning I was put under the seat and I was sworn in [06:14.800 --> 06:19.400] and then I was examined and cross-examined and I was able to do something similar to [06:19.400 --> 06:20.400] my husband. [06:20.400 --> 06:27.880] But anyway, at the end of it, the judge decided that I was not coerced and that I was not [06:27.880 --> 06:35.040] on economic duress, even though it's very clear from the evidence presented that I was [06:35.040 --> 06:37.160] not allowed to make any changes to it. [06:37.160 --> 06:42.720] And if I did not sign it, I would lose a lot of money because then everything reverts back [06:42.720 --> 06:48.440] to our existing or then existing prenuptial agreement. [06:48.440 --> 06:53.880] Okay, so it sounds like you were under economic duress. [06:53.880 --> 06:54.880] Exactly. [06:54.880 --> 07:02.520] And the judge decided to rule that you weren't and that's okay because your only purpose [07:02.520 --> 07:08.840] in the trial court is to set the record for appeal. [07:08.840 --> 07:18.080] The judge was asking for duress that would give, he is essentially limited in the things [07:18.080 --> 07:21.160] that he can do. [07:21.160 --> 07:29.160] He can't go in and pick and choose what covenants of a contract to strike. [07:29.160 --> 07:35.880] This is what I'm getting from what you're saying, he's indicating that he can either [07:35.880 --> 07:40.360] strike the contract or not strike the contract. [07:40.360 --> 07:46.520] It's unclear to me if you're saying that there was a contract and then you started out saying [07:46.520 --> 07:54.040] that the attorneys forced you to, they invalidated, I believe is the words you use, they invalidated [07:54.040 --> 07:59.320] the contract and forced you to sign some new contract which had unconscionable clauses [07:59.320 --> 08:00.880] in it. [08:00.880 --> 08:02.240] What was that like? [08:02.240 --> 08:08.400] How did they invalidate the previous one when they weren't a party to it? [08:08.400 --> 08:18.400] Okay, so it was my husband asked for a divorce and he verbally told me that he is going to [08:18.400 --> 08:26.680] change the existing pre-nation agreement and give me one lump sum and increase it if I [08:26.680 --> 08:33.920] give him a quick divorce, within 45 days move out of the house and few other, under condition [08:33.920 --> 08:38.920] was that the divorce had to happen in 2021. [08:38.920 --> 08:43.680] He put that also in writing their email, we have back and forth emails between August [08:43.680 --> 08:52.640] 21 and August 25 and he signed each email and then we amended it within these few days [08:52.640 --> 09:01.600] adding few more things and by August 25 we were in total agreement what the little changes [09:01.600 --> 09:07.200] are going to be and what conditions and I sent back an email with acceptance signing [09:07.200 --> 09:19.960] my name and email is considered a document so it was all spelled out for numerous times. [09:19.960 --> 09:27.480] And then he hired the law firm that is on his retainer for business purposes as well [09:27.480 --> 09:35.480] and he even emailed the attorney that was first docketed into the case that there is [09:35.480 --> 09:41.760] nothing for him to do that his wife is going to send in our agreement that is going to [09:41.760 --> 09:53.120] be put into writing by me and so a day or two later he claims that he made a mistake, [09:53.120 --> 10:01.840] he does cannot perform and promise what he promised me and I have to take back my agreement [10:01.840 --> 10:11.760] with his offer to change the terms and I said oh I am not going to do that, we had a solid [10:11.760 --> 10:19.920] agreement and then he contacted me via email saying that my husband made a big mistake, [10:19.920 --> 10:27.600] he did not know that this increase would be not tax deductible for him. [10:27.600 --> 10:36.080] And you told that attorney to go take a hike, suck socks, pile coconuts on the hill. [10:36.080 --> 10:40.920] I actually did not say anything to him, I did not communicate with the attorney at all [10:40.920 --> 10:53.080] only with my husband and that was early September now and I actually filed a bridge of contract [10:53.080 --> 10:58.200] lawsuit against my husband for breaching our agreement. [10:58.200 --> 11:06.600] He seemed to understand I filed it on September 9th, I took it out on September 14th because [11:06.600 --> 11:14.760] my husband agreed that yes he made a mistake, he is going to hold his part of the agreement [11:14.760 --> 11:27.440] and his attorney, the first one, still wanted me to have a lesser amount but then all of [11:27.440 --> 11:34.720] a sudden there was a change in his attorney, the new one came on board and completely rewrote [11:34.720 --> 11:43.240] the premarital agreement and she is calling that no marital settlement agreement with [11:43.240 --> 11:46.320] all the clauses issued and that cannot be to do with it. [11:46.320 --> 11:48.520] Wait, rewrote the premarital agreement? [11:48.520 --> 11:49.520] Correct. [11:49.520 --> 11:50.520] How convenient. [11:50.520 --> 11:51.520] Totally. [11:51.520 --> 11:54.920] She has a time travel machine now I guess. [11:54.920 --> 12:02.720] Yes and I listening to Alfonso on your telegram channel that you do not have to deal with [12:02.720 --> 12:08.800] attorneys at all, you just deal with a party which was my husband and I said I am not going [12:08.800 --> 12:14.520] to renegotiate our premarital agreement because that would mean that when we got married over [12:14.520 --> 12:20.320] 10 years ago what we paid for the lawyers to have that agreement done, we paid for garbage [12:20.320 --> 12:21.320] material right? [12:21.320 --> 12:24.720] That is what your lawyers are telling you. [12:24.720 --> 12:32.560] So I said I am not going to play that game and I was able to convince him to seek other [12:32.560 --> 12:41.080] lawyers, other law firms advice, two law firms kind of conked out, maybe they thought that [12:41.080 --> 12:46.240] he has an attorney on the record, I do not know what happened there but then he contacted [12:46.240 --> 12:54.520] his good friend over 50 years who is an attorney, practicing attorney and who is also a co-trustee [12:54.520 --> 13:00.280] of his estate so this is not just somebody that he does not know. [13:00.280 --> 13:07.560] And I was allowed by my husband to be in direct contact with that attorney and that attorney [13:07.560 --> 13:13.400] said yeah there is no problem you know this is just a very simple amendment to your existing [13:13.400 --> 13:16.440] prenuptial agreement, I will draft it. [13:16.440 --> 13:22.880] He drafted the first draft based upon what I had drafted and the emails my husband sent [13:22.880 --> 13:23.880] to him. [13:23.880 --> 13:29.200] Once the first draft was finished he sent it to my husband, my husband sent it to his [13:29.200 --> 13:34.720] other lawyers and my husband sent me the email that they responded to him, they all just [13:34.720 --> 13:41.560] like we suspected this is not enough to protect your interest so that was dropped, that was [13:41.560 --> 13:49.720] November 18th and remember I needed to get a divorce in 2021 so it was in order to get [13:49.720 --> 14:00.520] a divorce in 2021 the last day to put the documents into the some kind of like two forms [14:00.520 --> 14:06.600] that you had to fill out on contested divorce had to be filed and we signed them on November [14:06.600 --> 14:17.000] 24th and the but okay so the 18th was when his attorney friend was disqualified so then [14:17.000 --> 14:24.120] I was all right now I have to go to his attorneys and try to negotiate with them take out the [14:24.120 --> 14:29.600] clauses that are unconscionable and should not be there so I sent my first draft with [14:29.600 --> 14:34.840] changes to my husband because they had blocked my email account when I sent them bar agreements [14:34.840 --> 14:42.840] so they blocked my email account so anyway yes so my husband forwards that email to his [14:42.840 --> 14:49.520] attorney and the next day comes back and saying oh no the attorney is refusing to make any [14:49.520 --> 14:54.720] changes to it especially because you stated it's your first draft which makes no sense [14:54.720 --> 15:01.920] right the first draft you know tell me something take out something but no so they refused [15:01.920 --> 15:12.040] to do any changes whatsoever and they're for me to do bar grievance for that I bar grieve [15:12.040 --> 15:19.640] them for lying to to their client misrepresenting the contract law facts the bar is a bunch [15:19.640 --> 15:33.480] of things and where was I okay so the because okay so I had to it was November 23rd was [15:33.480 --> 15:39.080] the date deadline that his attorneys have said by that time I have to sign the marital [15:39.080 --> 15:47.080] settlement agreement and these two documents I refuse to do that but on the November 22nd [15:47.080 --> 15:55.200] I notarized and signed the amendment that reflected hundred percent what my husband [15:55.200 --> 16:01.880] and I had agreed upon myself notarized and sent original copies three of them to the [16:01.880 --> 16:09.920] management of his law firm and in there I put an affidavit where I attest said on the [16:09.920 --> 16:16.560] jurors that two attorneys in that law firm one of them was the vice chair of perpetrating [16:16.560 --> 16:25.360] fraud and legal malpractice in this particular case and it's their duty to take action nothing [16:25.360 --> 16:33.240] happened so that's why when you put in an affidavit something that sounds conclusive [16:33.240 --> 16:40.320] and you might be absolutely right but when you put in an affidavit you have to put the [16:40.320 --> 16:46.320] facts that lead somebody to believe that you know a bunch of facts that led you to believe [16:46.320 --> 16:51.400] that it was we're going to have to continue this on the other side of the sponsors but [16:51.400 --> 16:56.480] you know the facts that led you to that so you have to state those facts that will lead [16:56.480 --> 17:01.840] other people to believe it all right we'll be right back are you being harassed by debt [17:01.840 --> 17:07.160] collectors with phone calls letters or even lawsuits stop debt collectors now with the [17:07.160 --> 17:12.160] Michael Mears proven method Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against [17:12.160 --> 17:17.440] debt collectors and now you can win too you'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English [17:17.440 --> 17:22.240] on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes what to do when contacted [17:22.240 --> 17:27.760] by phone mail or court summons how to answer letters and phone calls how to get debt collectors [17:27.760 --> 17:32.440] out of your credit report how to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay [17:32.440 --> 17:38.680] you to go away the Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors [17:38.680 --> 17:44.480] personal consultation is available as well for more information please visit ruleoflawradio.com [17:44.480 --> 17:49.800] and click on the blue Michael Mears banner or email michaelmears at yahoo.com that's [17:49.800 --> 17:59.280] ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors [17:59.280 --> 18:05.600] now are you looking to have a closer relationship with God and a better understanding of his [18:05.600 --> 18:11.600] word then tune in to logosradionetwork.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. central time [18:11.600 --> 18:16.440] for scripture talk where Nana and her guests discuss the scriptures in accord with second [18:16.440 --> 18:22.000] Timothy 2 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be [18:22.000 --> 18:27.600] ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth starting in January our first hour studies [18:27.600 --> 18:32.680] are in the book of Mark where we'll go verse by verse and discuss the true gospel message [18:32.680 --> 18:37.400] our second hour topical studies will vary each week with discussions on sound doctrine [18:37.400 --> 18:42.280] and Christian character development we wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to [18:42.280 --> 18:47.520] all those with a hearing ear our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform ourselves [18:47.520 --> 18:52.760] more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus so tune in to scripture talk live on [18:52.760 --> 18:58.880] logosradionetwork.com Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. to inspire and motivate your studies [18:58.880 --> 19:05.880] of the scriptures you are listening to the logos radio network logosradionetwork.com [19:28.880 --> 19:53.320] okay we are back this is the rule of law radio Randy Kelton I'm Brett Fountain and we are [19:53.320 --> 20:00.600] talking with Gina in Pennsylvania and Gina when we went out you were you were just telling [20:00.600 --> 20:12.760] us about how you had bar grieves and let's see one thing I have a question for you in [20:12.760 --> 20:21.520] in this court hearing where the judge was trying to determine the validity of I guess [20:21.520 --> 20:28.760] one of the most recent the most recent contract and it sounds like you had a bunch of lawyers [20:28.760 --> 20:36.960] in there that were testifying and I'm wondering if you were objecting in that situation to [20:36.960 --> 20:44.360] observe to preserve that error or if that's just needs to be done still yeah I said the [20:44.360 --> 20:50.760] word object several times but I mostly did not use that particular word and disagreed [20:50.760 --> 20:56.760] and said I'll take it further something to that extent also I had hired a private court [20:56.760 --> 21:02.280] reporter for that event but it was the judge that from the very beginning said I cannot [21:02.280 --> 21:08.880] use my court reporter I did have a that's the one yes I remember you saying something [21:08.880 --> 21:16.280] about that exactly so I did have a secret recording and I purchased the transcripts [21:16.280 --> 21:22.600] from the court and they are some discrepancies they're not a lot of them but some two or [21:22.600 --> 21:32.560] three completely are hundred and eighty degrees of what I said it only takes me one exactly [21:32.560 --> 21:39.600] so I would have to contest that somehow which I'm going to get to it I would have to say [21:39.600 --> 21:46.720] that it was illegal like you guys said they violated my due process right to have it recorded [21:46.720 --> 21:57.040] as witness so that I would have pressure of my memory so I have to get to that one but [21:57.040 --> 22:06.960] now the thing is is it right for the judge to that's why I'm a little confused the judge [22:06.960 --> 22:16.320] decided that I was not on the coercion or economic duress now he claimed if he decides [22:16.320 --> 22:20.720] that I was in a whole agreement goes away even though I never asked for the whole agreement [22:20.720 --> 22:28.880] to go away only certain clauses is the judge right or no well listen this new agreement [22:28.880 --> 22:35.720] regardless of whether it has the clauses in there you don't like this new agreement the [22:35.720 --> 22:40.320] judge doesn't get to just choose pick and choose that would be impairing the obligations [22:40.320 --> 22:48.000] of the contract and that's not his place but what he can do is is say that you're under [22:48.000 --> 22:54.400] duress for accepting this one and you're not under duress for the one that you already [22:54.400 --> 23:00.600] agreed with your husband there is one and you came to it together you hashed it out [23:00.600 --> 23:05.600] over email it's all very well documented and that one there's no duress involved it's [23:05.600 --> 23:14.240] completely legitimate these lawyers are buttoning and you know muddying the waters yes invalidated [23:14.240 --> 23:19.440] that one they put into this marital settlement agreement that I signed no they didn't invalidate [23:19.440 --> 23:24.120] anything else goes away no they're trying to invalidate it because they're injecting [23:24.120 --> 23:28.440] themselves to make a lot of trouble but they they're trying to and it's only invalidated [23:28.440 --> 23:35.640] so this you accept it as invalidated well okay so there's a technicality I had to sign [23:35.640 --> 23:40.840] that marital settlement agreement in order to get the lump sum and more than what the [23:40.840 --> 23:47.320] marital settlement agreement premarital settlement agreement was so I had to submit otherwise [23:47.320 --> 23:53.440] my husband was reneging on his promise because remember it was contingent that I get divorced [23:53.440 --> 24:00.720] in 2021 well I don't know Randy maybe you can see if you agree but it sounds to me like [24:00.720 --> 24:10.600] the the agreement that Gina reached with her ex via email was a done deal that was already [24:10.600 --> 24:16.960] a contract and doesn't need a court to authenticate it or anything it's done and this whole mess [24:16.960 --> 24:21.280] about the attorneys bringing in this extra stuff and trying to say this is not valid [24:21.280 --> 24:29.840] and interests are not covered and so forth and that's all extra fluff and that is the [24:29.840 --> 24:37.720] part that was agreed to under duress that's what it sounds like to me that's what do you [24:37.720 --> 24:51.240] think but but at the same time I can't hear you ready your voice is really low your audio [24:51.240 --> 25:00.880] level you might have bumped a knob okay is that any better yes okay we can hear you now [25:00.880 --> 25:11.600] go ahead no I still cannot very well a point earlier but this has gotten so many moving [25:11.600 --> 25:16.840] parts and I'm having trouble keeping up with all you have an original prenuptial agreement [25:16.840 --> 25:23.440] that was prenuptial before you were married yes and then after you're married your husband [25:23.440 --> 25:28.920] decides he doesn't like the prenuptial agreement he wants to change it just one clause which [25:28.920 --> 25:43.240] was beneficial to me and he makes threats or it applies pressure to coerce you to agree [25:43.240 --> 25:51.600] to make a change and no the problem was that his lawyers were telling that the agreement [25:51.600 --> 25:57.560] that we have that I had put in writing and which was confirmed via email back and forth [25:57.560 --> 26:04.000] was not valid they insisted to my husband that any agreement has to be drafted by an [26:04.000 --> 26:13.800] attorney has to be signed by an orderly has to be approved by the family court judge then [26:13.800 --> 26:19.520] and only then is it valid and my husband believes that and you told them it starts with a B [26:19.520 --> 26:26.080] it ends with an S it's all yours I know the problem is that my husband he's a very smart [26:26.080 --> 26:30.760] man but I'm actually surprised how the hell he made his money because he doesn't seem [26:30.760 --> 26:38.240] to understand this very simple context that they're lying to him right and that the weakest [26:38.240 --> 26:51.040] link here is my husband and that was the reason why his attorneys were able to force or coerce [26:51.040 --> 26:56.160] me to sign this marital settlement agreement because if I didn't do that my husband will [26:56.160 --> 27:01.360] I would have to sue him like I did initially I sued him for breach of contract then he [27:01.360 --> 27:10.160] seemed to see the light I took it back and then again he maybe he lied I don't know but [27:10.160 --> 27:15.920] right now the situation is this the marital settlement agreement does provide me the financial [27:15.920 --> 27:22.000] benefit okay it's good it has the good cause there the bad causes in there are what I am [27:22.000 --> 27:28.920] contesting now there's another little bit of a development here because some of the [27:28.920 --> 27:36.880] causes in this marital settlement agreement one of them is blanket generalized release [27:36.880 --> 27:43.560] that neither party would ever sue each other or each other's representative well I'm sure [27:43.560 --> 27:48.880] the attorneys would really like that but really do you think she could in this particular [27:48.880 --> 27:56.640] situation do you think she could bring in the issue of the validity of the original [27:56.640 --> 28:04.200] contract that they had via email because that's the one they really need to stick to that [28:04.200 --> 28:12.200] absolutely I'm still trying to put together how we got away from the original from the [28:12.200 --> 28:19.200] original because their husband believed it wasn't valid it doesn't matter what he believes [28:19.200 --> 28:25.880] it only matters what he put in the contract well the only way for me to get it was to [28:25.880 --> 28:31.200] sue him again or not take that first lawsuit about breach of contract out okay but because [28:31.200 --> 28:39.400] he seemed to understand I removed it now the problem is that I did sign the marital settlement [28:39.400 --> 28:45.600] agreement that overrode everything else specifically stating that there is no other agreement this [28:45.600 --> 28:55.040] overrides everything I signed it but that's the one that was under duress correct and [28:55.040 --> 29:01.640] so now that I was trying to remove some of the clauses from it the judge was deciding [29:01.640 --> 29:08.200] on a whole no or none of it no there's not any way for a judge to go cherry picking clauses [29:08.200 --> 29:12.760] arranging your your audio level is still a little low so when you tried to speak just [29:12.760 --> 29:21.040] now I barely heard you okay much better oh that was something in the background that [29:21.040 --> 29:25.800] just fell down I don't know what that was okay can you hear me all right now yes then [29:25.800 --> 29:32.920] we've got 30 seconds okay well I have completely lost the question I was trying to ask I'm [29:32.920 --> 29:40.680] still having trouble getting to the second contract I would think that you could file [29:40.680 --> 29:46.880] a recension of your signature on the second contract claiming that it was under duress [29:46.880 --> 29:54.760] and demand that the court to revert to the original contract yes hold on we'll be right [29:54.760 --> 30:05.560] back businesses ask you for a lot of personal information and you may trust them to keep [30:05.560 --> 30:10.480] it safe but it turns out that even the most trusted companies may be unwittingly revealing [30:10.480 --> 30:16.520] your secrets I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with details privacy is [30:16.520 --> 30:21.600] under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again and once your [30:21.600 --> 30:27.360] privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too so protect your rights [30:27.360 --> 30:33.080] say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on [30:33.080 --> 30:38.120] to this public service announcement is brought to you by startpage.com the private search [30:38.120 --> 30:46.040] engine alternative to Google Yahoo and Bing start over with startpage data privacy is [30:46.040 --> 30:51.480] a big deal so nearly every company has a policy explaining how they handle your personal information [30:51.480 --> 30:56.440] but what happens if it escapes their control it's not an idle question according to a [30:56.440 --> 31:02.680] recent survey a shocking 90% of US companies admit their security was breached by hackers [31:02.680 --> 31:08.000] in the last year that's one more reason you should trust your searches to startpage.com [31:08.000 --> 31:13.280] unlike other search engines startpage doesn't store any data on you they've never been hacked [31:13.280 --> 31:17.320] but even if they were there would be nothing for criminals to see the cupboard would be [31:17.320 --> 31:23.040] bare too bad other companies don't treat your data the same way I'm Dr. Katherine Albrecht [31:23.040 --> 31:50.960] more news and information at KatherineAlbrecht.com [31:53.040 --> 31:59.320] justice to my son my uncle my nephew my son go to buildingwatch.org why it fell why it [31:59.320 --> 32:05.000] matters and what you can do rule of law radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic [32:05.000 --> 32:08.680] seminar in today's america we live in an us against them society and if we the people [32:08.680 --> 32:12.200] are ever going to have a free society then we're going to have to stand and defend our [32:12.200 --> 32:16.120] own rights among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place the right [32:16.120 --> 32:20.120] to act in our own private capacity and most importantly the right to due process of law [32:20.120 --> 32:24.320] traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve [32:24.320 --> 32:28.360] our rights through due process former sheriff's deputy Eddie Craig in conjunction with rule [32:28.360 --> 32:32.040] of law radio has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you [32:32.040 --> 32:35.920] understand what due process is and how to hold the courts to the rule of law you can [32:35.920 --> 32:40.120] get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to rule of law radio.com and ordering [32:40.120 --> 32:44.080] your copy today by ordering now you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book the Texas transportation [32:44.080 --> 32:48.920] code the law versus the lie video and audio of the original 2009 seminar hundreds of research [32:48.920 --> 32:52.440] documents and other useful resource material learn how to fight for your rights with the [32:52.440 --> 32:56.840] help of this material from rule of law radio.com order your copy today and together we can [32:56.840 --> 33:06.120] have the free society we all want and deserve live free speech radio logos radio network [33:06.120 --> 33:19.880] dot com [33:19.880 --> 33:37.640] won't you follow the law of the land [34:19.880 --> 34:49.080] okay we are back randy kelton brett fountain rule of law radio and we're talking to Gina [34:49.080 --> 34:55.320] in pennsylvania and it sounds like the lawyers are trying to manipulate the case so they [34:55.320 --> 35:04.960] can extract as much of your estate as possible and keep the parties from communicating with [35:04.960 --> 35:12.280] each other do you have a lawyer no i don't i'm doing everything myself okay then the [35:12.280 --> 35:19.600] lawyers have this agreement where's the agreement that you can't sue your lawyers how are you [35:19.600 --> 35:30.360] bound to that yeah well because right now the question is still open because i'm contesting [35:30.360 --> 35:37.080] those clauses so what i figured that the judge is going to decide against me and not taking [35:37.080 --> 35:46.040] these causes out so before march 11th or march 10th i literally filed a lawsuit against my [35:46.040 --> 35:55.120] husband's attorneys i like this woman well because i wasn't taking a chance i will be [35:55.120 --> 36:00.400] denied which i think i will be so i needed to get it in before the divorce and everything [36:00.400 --> 36:06.880] is final boom it doesn't apply right uh well and i think it's actually right for that to [36:06.880 --> 36:13.200] be denied i mean the judge should not be allowed to to just challenge one particular clause [36:13.200 --> 36:18.080] and say oh well actually let's change this number let's do this differently that's not [36:18.080 --> 36:26.320] the judge's place i think it's right for him to be looking at this issue as a matter of [36:26.320 --> 36:31.000] were you under duress or not and you were under duress you're being pushed into doing [36:31.000 --> 36:35.760] this thing that's got unconscionable clauses in it correct correct what is correct and [36:35.760 --> 36:40.840] right is for them to stick with the the last thing that you guys did by email you agreed [36:40.840 --> 36:46.080] on all the details look at the last time and date stamp on the last email that's the contract [36:46.080 --> 36:52.600] yes but the problem is for me to enforce it it's going to have to i have to sue my husband [36:52.600 --> 36:59.400] which i do not want to do so that's why i did it for emphatically by suing his attorneys [36:59.400 --> 37:06.080] contesting these clauses to the attorneys and i also filed uh criminal complaints against [37:06.080 --> 37:10.760] attorneys and one of them uh on behalf of myself and my husband because i understand [37:10.760 --> 37:18.040] that you have standing to do that uh and one of the major ones that's great you know they're [37:18.040 --> 37:24.200] not going to like you very much oh no they hate me and i served these criminal complaints [37:24.200 --> 37:30.040] in a motion that was denied but they got on the record on march 11 in front of the judge [37:30.040 --> 37:35.080] oh it was very wonderful to see his attorney jumping out and trying to kick it out from [37:35.080 --> 37:43.480] the record so that was a very you know kind of showy move and i loved it but yeah so that's [37:43.480 --> 37:50.720] uh and tomorrow i have to submit my brief in support why the unconscionable clauses [37:50.720 --> 37:55.920] that i claim are unconscionable why they have to come out so that goes in tomorrow so i [37:55.920 --> 38:00.880] think i played it right rather than because i thought that i think the unconscionable [38:00.880 --> 38:06.320] clauses there were uh in specifically because the lawyers were thinking i will not sign [38:06.320 --> 38:11.360] it and will sue my husband again like i did once so that they can charge billable hours [38:11.360 --> 38:15.920] for him right for romantic litigation what would be better than that i think that's what [38:15.920 --> 38:23.520] they intended to do so i decided to turn the tables on them and not allow that and uh you [38:23.520 --> 38:30.160] know sign uh say that it was under duress these clauses are unconscionable have to come out [38:30.160 --> 38:33.920] and before that is decided file a lawsuit against them so that's what i did i think [38:33.920 --> 38:42.320] strategically was a smarter move i don't know has the judge ruled that the clauses were not [38:42.320 --> 38:48.720] that that there was no duress has he ruled there was no duress he has ruled that there [38:48.720 --> 38:54.240] was no duress but he has not ruled okay okay hold stop stop stop uh if he's ruled that [38:54.240 --> 39:02.320] there's no duress that is a ruling that will affect dramatically affect the rest of the [39:02.320 --> 39:10.960] litigation that's grounds for an interlocutory appeal okay you might consider an interlocutory [39:10.960 --> 39:22.480] appeal of that ruling because it is critical okay look at the interlocutory appeal stops everything [39:24.480 --> 39:32.080] then they have to go to did the judge properly apply the law to the facts in determining that [39:32.080 --> 39:39.680] where there was no duress when you alleged that there was duress and the other side alleges there [39:39.680 --> 39:48.560] was no duress this is a serious issue and it dramatically changes your position before the [39:48.560 --> 39:59.520] court so consider interlocutory appeal and that goes to the superior court right yes you go to [39:59.520 --> 40:06.960] the court of appeals yeah and the court of appeals they live in a different world than the trial court [40:06.960 --> 40:19.680] does the trial court there is trying to adjudicate the cases so that justice is served the appellate [40:19.680 --> 40:26.960] court don't care about justice they care about the proper administration of the law [40:26.960 --> 40:39.040] law they care about rulings that are consistent with standing law they don't want to make any [40:39.040 --> 40:49.200] rulings that will change the way the law stands today whole different perspective you will get a [40:49.200 --> 40:57.120] whole different read from the court of appeals so let me ask if i file the interlocutory appeal [40:58.400 --> 41:03.360] then the superior court the appeals court will say yes she was under duress the whole [41:03.360 --> 41:10.880] agreement is invalidated correct that's what you asked you you asked what you asked the court of [41:10.880 --> 41:20.880] appeals to do is rule that the contract was entered into under duress then remand it back [41:20.880 --> 41:30.800] to the trial court to revisit this issue based on the fact that it was under duress [41:32.080 --> 41:39.520] do you think do you think it would be worth phrasing it such that the valid contract [41:39.520 --> 41:46.640] was replaced by and this other version under duress oh that's not the issue here [41:47.280 --> 41:55.520] an important issue of important understanding of the separation of powers between these two levels [41:55.520 --> 42:05.520] of government the court of appeals can't issue a ruling in this directly they can only issue a [42:05.520 --> 42:16.160] ruling on what you asked them was this under duress or was it not they can only say yes it [42:16.160 --> 42:22.400] was under duress no it wasn't under duress they can't say yes it's under duress therefore you [42:22.400 --> 42:29.280] have to do these things they say yes it's under duress remand it back to the trial court and have [42:29.280 --> 42:36.560] the trial court proceed to adjudicate the case based on the fact that it was under duress [42:37.920 --> 42:44.000] and whatever else you want from the court you will have to get the trial court to rule that [42:44.560 --> 42:51.920] am i making sense here yes but that would actually in a way be shooting myself in my foot [42:51.920 --> 43:03.440] because i would invalidate this agreement then i would have to go back and force my husband [43:04.720 --> 43:11.680] to agree that what we agreed upon in that email is valid his lawyers will say it's not valid they're [43:11.680 --> 43:16.080] going to push back it's going to get into litigation and it's going to be a lot of billable [43:16.080 --> 43:20.960] hours and my husband will have a case against me saying well you know what you and i had an [43:20.960 --> 43:28.800] agreement that divorce happened to be uh have uh you know happened in 2021 but it didn't happen [43:28.800 --> 43:33.600] oh by the way which is very interesting uh when we signed the marital settlement agreement and [43:33.600 --> 43:40.080] when we signed the two papers that had to go in november 24 his attorney filed it in a wrong [43:40.080 --> 43:50.240] docket number in a wrong docket number it is not filed it exactly it was to file so i come back [43:50.240 --> 43:56.240] from vacation in january and there is no divorce there is no record anything being filed so i filed [43:56.240 --> 44:02.080] the motion uh i thought uh you know we found the mistake i love logos without the shows on this [44:02.080 --> 44:06.720] network i'd be almost as ignorant as my friends i'm so addicted to the truth now that there's no [44:06.720 --> 44:12.640] going back i need my truth pick i'd be lost without logos and i really want to help keep this network [44:12.640 --> 44:16.720] on the air and i'd love to volunteer as a show producer but i'm a bit of a luddite and i really [44:16.720 --> 44:22.800] don't have any money to give because i spent it all on supplements how can i help logos well i'm [44:22.800 --> 44:28.240] glad you asked whenever you order anything from amazon you can help logos in ordering your supplies [44:28.240 --> 44:34.640] or holiday gifts first thing you do is clear your cookies now go to logos radio network dot com [44:34.640 --> 44:41.040] click on the amazon logo and bookmark it now when you order anything from amazon you use that link [44:41.040 --> 44:46.480] and logos gets a few pesos do i pay extra no do you have to do anything different when i [44:46.480 --> 44:53.760] order no can i use my amazon prime no i mean yes wow giving without doing anything or spending any [44:53.760 --> 45:02.160] money this is perfect thank you so much we are welcome happy holidays logos are you the plaintiff [45:02.160 --> 45:08.480] or defendant in a lawsuit win your case without an attorney with jurisdictionary the affordable [45:08.480 --> 45:16.160] easy to understand four cd course that will show you how in 24 hours step by step if you have a [45:16.160 --> 45:21.680] lawyer know what your lawyer should be doing if you don't have a lawyer know what you should do [45:21.680 --> 45:28.880] for yourself thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too jurisdictionary [45:28.880 --> 45:35.520] was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience even if you're not in [45:35.520 --> 45:41.040] a lawsuit you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles and practices [45:41.040 --> 45:47.920] that control our american courts you'll receive our audio classroom video seminar tutorials [45:47.920 --> 45:55.120] forms for civil cases pro se tactics and much more please visit ruleoflawradio.com [45:55.120 --> 46:11.920] and click on the banner or call toll-free 866-LAW-EZ [46:25.600 --> 46:33.920] do [46:47.920 --> 46:55.040] oh jeana jeana jeana uh toad breath when we went on to break i cannot believe [46:55.040 --> 46:59.240] Gina actually ran off the cliff. [46:59.240 --> 47:00.640] That's not like I would ever run [47:00.640 --> 47:02.560] off the cliff. [47:02.560 --> 47:04.160] Any time I run off the cliff, [47:04.160 --> 47:06.960] Brett did push me off. [47:06.960 --> 47:08.400] OK, we're guys. [47:08.400 --> 47:10.160] Guys never take responsibility [47:10.160 --> 47:11.280] for anything. [47:11.280 --> 47:14.640] Gina, this is much too complex [47:14.640 --> 47:16.440] for radio. [47:16.440 --> 47:17.600] OK. [47:17.600 --> 47:19.800] This is much better done [47:19.800 --> 47:22.600] on the Telegram channel. [47:22.600 --> 47:25.000] Yes, I'm trying to do that, yes. [47:25.000 --> 47:26.600] Too many moving parts. [47:26.600 --> 47:28.000] And Brett and I, in that first [47:28.000 --> 47:30.520] segment, we were both confused [47:30.520 --> 47:33.520] trying to keep up with everything. [47:33.520 --> 47:35.840] And this is also a problem [47:35.840 --> 47:36.880] with presentation [47:36.880 --> 47:39.440] before the court. [47:39.440 --> 47:40.680] You've got a judge here. [47:40.680 --> 47:44.160] While he's been with this case, [47:44.160 --> 47:46.000] he's been with probably 50 [47:46.000 --> 47:48.560] other cases. [47:48.560 --> 47:51.400] And when he comes to a hearing [47:51.400 --> 47:53.880] on this case, they try to come up [47:53.880 --> 47:55.080] to speed, but at the end [47:55.080 --> 47:57.480] of the day, they're human beings. [47:57.480 --> 47:59.920] And with all this complication, [47:59.920 --> 48:01.920] it's a struggle for them [48:01.920 --> 48:03.760] to get all the details sorted out. [48:03.760 --> 48:06.920] So we have to be very careful [48:06.920 --> 48:09.120] in how we present [48:09.120 --> 48:11.280] our documentation [48:11.280 --> 48:13.240] so that the first thing we do [48:13.240 --> 48:15.960] is reorient the court [48:15.960 --> 48:18.200] or your listener to precisely [48:18.200 --> 48:20.360] where you're at. [48:20.360 --> 48:22.360] And when you have a lot [48:22.360 --> 48:24.760] of moving parts here, [48:24.760 --> 48:27.160] you have to try to focus things [48:27.160 --> 48:30.240] down to those issues [48:30.240 --> 48:32.440] that are most critical. [48:32.440 --> 48:34.000] Because Brett and I are listening [48:34.000 --> 48:35.240] to all these details, [48:35.240 --> 48:38.920] and we don't know which ones [48:38.920 --> 48:41.640] are really important. [48:41.640 --> 48:43.560] I do neuro-linguistic programming. [48:43.560 --> 48:45.640] And one of the techniques in NLP [48:45.640 --> 48:48.520] is reality stacking. [48:48.520 --> 48:49.720] I start giving you [48:49.720 --> 48:52.000] a bunch of information. [48:52.000 --> 48:53.960] The brain can only hold [48:53.960 --> 48:54.880] on the average, [48:54.880 --> 48:56.520] research shows seven plus [48:56.520 --> 48:58.040] or minus two pieces [48:58.040 --> 48:59.640] of information at once. [48:59.640 --> 49:03.080] Beyond that, it gets saturated. [49:03.080 --> 49:05.200] And we really got saturated. [49:05.200 --> 49:08.760] So we should you and Brett [49:08.760 --> 49:10.000] and I should do this [49:10.000 --> 49:13.640] on a private chat. [49:13.640 --> 49:15.920] OK, so that when you [49:15.920 --> 49:16.960] put something down, [49:16.960 --> 49:19.200] if you have to type it out, [49:19.200 --> 49:20.560] then you tend to be a lot [49:20.560 --> 49:21.920] more careful and critical [49:21.920 --> 49:23.360] about how you do it. [49:23.360 --> 49:25.360] And we can go back and reference [49:25.360 --> 49:29.440] and keep our focus [49:29.440 --> 49:30.840] on where we're at. [49:30.840 --> 49:32.040] So let's do this [49:32.040 --> 49:33.240] on the telegram channel [49:33.240 --> 49:36.280] on a private chat. [49:36.280 --> 49:38.040] OK. [49:38.040 --> 49:39.120] That sounds good. [49:39.120 --> 49:40.920] Yeah, there are many moving parts. [49:40.920 --> 49:42.720] And I'm taking up a lot of time. [49:42.720 --> 49:43.760] I can see that already. [49:43.760 --> 49:45.600] Yes. [49:45.600 --> 49:48.280] You have. [49:48.280 --> 49:50.760] We have Masked Law Society [49:50.760 --> 49:53.480] and the Law Society. [49:53.480 --> 49:55.040] If anybody wants links to them, [49:55.040 --> 49:56.720] just send us an email. [49:56.720 --> 49:58.360] Send me an email. [49:58.360 --> 50:02.160] Randy at rule of law radio dot com. [50:02.160 --> 50:04.480] And I'll send you links to them. [50:04.480 --> 50:07.080] We have between twelve, [50:07.080 --> 50:08.440] fifteen hundred people [50:08.440 --> 50:09.560] on each one of them. [50:09.560 --> 50:10.840] Yeah, I am the member there. [50:10.840 --> 50:12.440] So, yes. [50:12.440 --> 50:12.920] Yes, yeah. [50:12.920 --> 50:14.840] And I remember you from there. [50:14.840 --> 50:17.120] And we have people like Gina [50:17.120 --> 50:18.240] and a lot of other people [50:18.240 --> 50:19.520] who are very good [50:19.520 --> 50:21.080] at what they're doing. [50:21.080 --> 50:23.200] You have a lot of resources [50:23.200 --> 50:26.080] beyond just Brett and I. [50:26.080 --> 50:27.720] People actually come up [50:27.720 --> 50:29.680] with stuff we never considered. [50:29.680 --> 50:32.520] It is I am cannot tell you [50:32.520 --> 50:33.880] how pleased I am [50:33.880 --> 50:35.840] with how well these telegram [50:35.840 --> 50:38.880] channels have worked out. [50:38.880 --> 50:40.920] We pretty got pretty well [50:40.920 --> 50:42.920] got rid of all the trolls [50:42.920 --> 50:44.560] and the chumps. [50:44.560 --> 50:46.400] And we've got a group [50:46.400 --> 50:49.240] that brings very good information, [50:49.240 --> 50:50.240] the kind of information [50:50.240 --> 50:51.240] we bring on the show. [50:51.240 --> 50:54.120] But we do this on the telegram site [50:54.120 --> 50:56.840] and it's every day. [50:56.840 --> 50:58.200] Do you think it was a good move [50:58.200 --> 51:00.120] for me to file the lawsuit [51:00.120 --> 51:02.200] against the lawyers? [51:02.200 --> 51:05.080] Oh, yeah, that was great. [51:05.080 --> 51:07.560] Yeah, I think I can hash out [51:07.560 --> 51:08.760] all the issues there [51:08.760 --> 51:11.120] that they intervene [51:11.120 --> 51:13.640] with our rights to contract, [51:13.640 --> 51:17.520] et cetera, et cetera and make them pay. [51:17.520 --> 51:19.480] This almost never happens [51:19.480 --> 51:21.360] to lawyers. [51:21.360 --> 51:23.040] So you've probably got lawyers [51:23.040 --> 51:24.680] out there wondering what in the heck [51:24.680 --> 51:26.520] is going on here? [51:26.520 --> 51:29.000] This doesn't happen to us. [51:29.000 --> 51:30.680] And I got the whole management. [51:30.680 --> 51:33.040] I have the the what you call [51:33.040 --> 51:34.480] the managing director. [51:34.480 --> 51:36.520] I have the [51:36.520 --> 51:38.520] chairman emeritus and the chairman [51:38.520 --> 51:39.600] and the two lawyers. [51:39.600 --> 51:42.720] I was able to hook them all in. [51:42.720 --> 51:44.520] So the whole man. [51:44.520 --> 51:47.080] I am sure you've got everybody [51:47.080 --> 51:49.120] there in an uproar. [51:49.120 --> 51:50.640] And frankly, this is [51:50.640 --> 51:52.280] this is a kind of a technique [51:52.280 --> 51:55.240] that Brett really originated. [51:55.240 --> 51:56.560] This is his baby. [51:56.560 --> 52:00.160] He recommended me that exactly. [52:00.160 --> 52:01.640] He recommended it to me. [52:01.640 --> 52:03.600] He brought this up. [52:03.600 --> 52:07.080] How to neutralize a lawyer. [52:07.080 --> 52:08.400] Mm hmm. [52:08.400 --> 52:09.840] This make them [52:09.840 --> 52:12.280] when a lawyer contacts you, [52:12.280 --> 52:13.560] get lost. [52:13.560 --> 52:14.240] Who are you? [52:14.240 --> 52:16.520] I don't want to talk to you. [52:16.520 --> 52:19.400] You didn't hire these lawyers. [52:19.400 --> 52:21.400] Or they're and these lawyers [52:21.400 --> 52:23.000] are accustomed to [52:23.000 --> 52:24.360] contract contracts [52:24.360 --> 52:26.160] with their clients [52:26.160 --> 52:27.720] where the client agrees [52:27.720 --> 52:30.680] only to talk through the lawyers. [52:30.680 --> 52:32.240] They generally have both client [52:32.240 --> 52:33.760] both sides doing that. [52:33.760 --> 52:35.160] But when you have a pro sale [52:35.160 --> 52:36.560] on the other side, [52:36.560 --> 52:39.080] while his he may [52:39.080 --> 52:40.720] your husband may have agreed [52:40.720 --> 52:42.600] only to speak to you [52:42.600 --> 52:44.160] through their lawyers. [52:44.160 --> 52:46.320] You haven't agreed to that. [52:46.320 --> 52:47.040] You don't have to talk [52:47.040 --> 52:47.760] to these lawyers. [52:47.760 --> 52:50.240] Those lawyers will scratch. [52:50.240 --> 52:51.800] No, what do you tell them? [52:51.800 --> 52:53.800] What do you tell them, Brett? [52:56.320 --> 52:58.160] I can't hear Brett. [52:58.160 --> 53:00.920] Oh, sorry, I was muted. [53:00.920 --> 53:02.800] Yeah, yeah, I just don't. [53:02.800 --> 53:04.200] I think Randy's favorite thing [53:04.200 --> 53:06.760] that I say to him is shoe. [53:07.520 --> 53:08.720] Go away. [53:08.720 --> 53:10.320] They go away, boy. [53:10.320 --> 53:11.720] You bother me. [53:13.880 --> 53:16.640] They never had that happen to us. [53:16.640 --> 53:18.240] All of a sudden, I guess [53:18.240 --> 53:19.240] they don't have anything [53:19.240 --> 53:20.920] they can do. [53:21.440 --> 53:23.560] No, I think I have checkmated them [53:23.560 --> 53:24.960] with all the more. [53:24.960 --> 53:27.120] And that's why I don't think [53:27.120 --> 53:28.480] the interlocutor appeal [53:28.480 --> 53:30.080] would be a smart move for me, [53:30.080 --> 53:31.400] because right now I'm getting [53:31.400 --> 53:32.760] everything I want [53:32.760 --> 53:34.400] in a marital settlement agreement, [53:34.400 --> 53:36.480] even if the judge does not take away [53:36.480 --> 53:38.920] exception, the clauses. [53:38.920 --> 53:41.720] Later on, I can appeal that. [53:41.720 --> 53:43.680] But I have the lawsuit [53:43.680 --> 53:45.160] against the lawyers [53:45.160 --> 53:47.440] where I have evidence [53:47.440 --> 53:48.600] against them [53:48.600 --> 53:49.920] that they have lied, [53:49.920 --> 53:52.120] committed fraud, abused [53:52.120 --> 53:53.920] their fiduciary duty. [53:53.920 --> 53:56.480] And by the way, that law firm [53:56.480 --> 53:57.920] are also court trustees [53:57.920 --> 53:58.800] of his estate. [53:58.800 --> 54:01.920] And I'm literally throwing shade [54:01.920 --> 54:04.200] at the lawyers [54:04.200 --> 54:06.200] in my motion papers [54:06.200 --> 54:09.480] that I basically tell them [54:09.480 --> 54:12.120] that after the divorce, [54:12.120 --> 54:13.880] they can, somebody can proclaim [54:13.880 --> 54:15.720] that my husband is incompetent [54:15.720 --> 54:17.640] due to his age or whatever [54:17.640 --> 54:20.280] and start administering his estate. [54:20.280 --> 54:22.440] And these clauses that they put in [54:22.440 --> 54:23.800] are to keep me away [54:23.800 --> 54:26.040] from investigating, [54:26.040 --> 54:26.880] because my husband and I [54:26.880 --> 54:28.880] have a very amicable relationship [54:28.880 --> 54:30.760] regardless of the divorce. [54:30.760 --> 54:32.200] And I would help him. [54:32.200 --> 54:33.760] So these clauses they put in [54:33.760 --> 54:36.000] was to not have me to [54:36.000 --> 54:37.960] go in and figure it out [54:37.960 --> 54:38.640] and help him, [54:38.640 --> 54:40.200] because obviously I have balls [54:40.200 --> 54:42.280] and I'm not afraid of anybody. [54:42.280 --> 54:47.040] So putting that out there [54:47.040 --> 54:48.520] through the shade of them, [54:48.520 --> 54:50.200] which is really something [54:50.200 --> 54:51.160] they don't like either. [54:51.160 --> 54:53.280] That is also in a criminal complaint [54:53.280 --> 54:56.080] and in the lawsuit against them. [54:56.080 --> 54:58.320] So I think I'm going to eliminate [54:58.320 --> 55:00.680] these lawyers in a different way. [55:00.680 --> 55:01.560] You know what I'm saying? [55:01.560 --> 55:08.560] That's my, that's how I see it. [55:08.560 --> 55:09.720] It sounds like you're trying [55:09.720 --> 55:12.360] to move the case from your husband [55:12.360 --> 55:13.240] to the lawyers, [55:13.240 --> 55:14.920] and that's wonderful. [55:14.920 --> 55:16.400] Yes, make them. [55:16.400 --> 55:18.480] This is how we get them [55:18.480 --> 55:21.160] under control and how you [55:21.160 --> 55:23.240] get them so that they allow [55:23.240 --> 55:24.760] other couples to have [55:24.760 --> 55:27.080] an amiable relationship [55:27.080 --> 55:28.160] and not give up [55:28.160 --> 55:31.160] their entire estate to the lawyers. [55:31.160 --> 55:34.200] So I absolutely applaud this, [55:34.200 --> 55:35.560] but it is too complex [55:35.560 --> 55:37.200] for this radio. [55:37.200 --> 55:38.760] Yeah, I understand. [55:38.760 --> 55:39.840] Last one, even though I see [55:39.840 --> 55:40.760] that they're trying to turn [55:40.760 --> 55:42.120] my husband against me, [55:42.120 --> 55:43.760] I never give that opportunity. [55:43.760 --> 55:45.920] I'm on a record protecting him [55:45.920 --> 55:47.520] and saying that he's their victim [55:47.520 --> 55:49.040] and I'll never blame him, [55:49.040 --> 55:51.160] not in any way, shape or form. [55:51.160 --> 55:51.920] It's very- [55:51.920 --> 55:52.520] Wonderful. [55:52.520 --> 55:54.440] That has to make them crazy. [55:54.440 --> 55:55.160] Yeah. [55:55.160 --> 55:57.040] Yes, it does, yes. [55:57.040 --> 55:58.000] But it's also true, [55:58.000 --> 55:58.840] he is their victim. [55:58.840 --> 56:00.760] So yeah, this is what can be seen [56:00.760 --> 56:02.440] at the Telegram site. [56:02.440 --> 56:05.240] So contact us on the Telegram site. [56:05.240 --> 56:07.320] We have a whole board full of callers [56:07.320 --> 56:08.920] and we've only got one hour left. [56:08.920 --> 56:10.160] Thank you, I understand. [56:10.160 --> 56:11.480] We do have at least one more [56:11.480 --> 56:12.360] first-term caller. [56:12.360 --> 56:14.120] I want to make sure I get to him. [56:14.120 --> 56:16.800] So contact us on Telegram [56:16.800 --> 56:18.200] and we'll work this out [56:18.200 --> 56:19.960] in a private- [56:19.960 --> 56:21.480] Will do. [56:21.480 --> 56:23.720] Thank you guys very much. [56:23.720 --> 56:25.240] Thank you. [56:25.240 --> 56:27.440] Okay, now we're going to go to [56:27.440 --> 56:28.520] what appears to be [56:28.520 --> 56:30.560] another first-time caller. [56:30.560 --> 56:35.040] If you are in the 320 area code, [56:36.840 --> 56:37.880] talk to us. [56:39.800 --> 56:41.040] Hello? [56:41.040 --> 56:41.880] Can you hear me? [56:41.880 --> 56:42.720] Hello. [56:42.720 --> 56:45.360] Yes, give us a first name and a state. [56:47.080 --> 56:49.360] Sandra, Minnesota. [56:50.840 --> 56:52.760] Sandra in Minnesota. [56:52.760 --> 56:53.600] Is that correct? [56:53.600 --> 56:55.320] Did I hear that right? [56:55.320 --> 56:57.440] Yep, you got it. [56:57.440 --> 57:01.000] Okay, what do you have for us today? [57:02.640 --> 57:05.640] I have a contract for deed question for you. [57:06.800 --> 57:08.400] We've been purchasing this house [57:08.400 --> 57:12.240] by contract for deed for about 12 years now. [57:12.240 --> 57:14.920] And we've always paid our payments. [57:14.920 --> 57:16.920] We've got all the receipts and everything. [57:16.920 --> 57:19.000] And in December, [57:19.000 --> 57:21.160] the gentleman passed away [57:21.160 --> 57:23.880] and nobody's contacted us [57:23.880 --> 57:25.960] or anything to- [57:25.960 --> 57:27.080] Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. [57:27.080 --> 57:28.760] The gentleman passed away, [57:28.760 --> 57:31.520] the person with whom you have the contract. [57:32.920 --> 57:34.040] Yes. [57:34.040 --> 57:35.840] Okay, so not your gentleman, [57:35.840 --> 57:37.400] but the other guy. [57:37.400 --> 57:38.720] Right, yep. [57:38.720 --> 57:42.880] Do you know who the executor of his estate is? [57:44.560 --> 57:46.120] No, that's the problem. [57:46.120 --> 57:47.760] We know very little about him. [57:47.760 --> 57:50.560] We always just dealt right with him and- [57:52.360 --> 57:55.520] I would suggest that you take [57:55.520 --> 57:58.680] the payments that you would be paying [57:58.680 --> 58:02.400] and put them in an account for this purpose [58:02.400 --> 58:04.800] so that you have all those funds available. [58:06.400 --> 58:07.240] Okay. [58:07.240 --> 58:08.080] He's done that? [58:08.080 --> 58:09.000] Yep. [58:09.000 --> 58:13.200] To your knowledge, did this person have family? [58:14.880 --> 58:15.720] Yeah. [58:15.720 --> 58:18.880] Or, okay, has the family probated? [58:19.920 --> 58:21.320] Do you know if he had a will? [58:22.680 --> 58:24.360] We know nothing. [58:24.360 --> 58:28.120] Nobody's contacted us at all. [58:29.080 --> 58:31.520] Ooh, that is an issue. [58:31.520 --> 58:34.080] Well, we're probably gonna consider that issue some more [58:34.080 --> 58:36.840] here after we come back from our sponsors. [58:39.560 --> 58:40.680] Pratt. [58:40.680 --> 58:43.480] You didn't push me off the cliff that time. [58:43.480 --> 58:45.320] Oh, I'm touched. [58:45.320 --> 58:46.520] I forgot, I forgot. [58:46.520 --> 58:47.840] Okay, go ahead. [58:47.840 --> 58:48.920] We'll be right back. [58:50.480 --> 58:54.200] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, [58:54.200 --> 58:56.080] yet countless readers are frustrated [58:56.080 --> 58:58.600] because they struggle to understand it. [58:58.600 --> 59:02.160] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, [59:02.160 --> 59:04.360] but in the process can compromise [59:04.360 --> 59:07.120] the profound meaning of the scripture. [59:07.120 --> 59:09.560] Enter the recovery version. [59:09.560 --> 59:12.640] First, this new translation is extremely faithful [59:12.640 --> 59:14.720] and accurate, but the real story [59:14.720 --> 59:18.400] is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. [59:18.400 --> 59:21.000] Difficult and profound passages are opened up [59:21.000 --> 59:23.880] in a marvelous way, providing an entrance [59:23.880 --> 59:25.280] into the riches of the word [59:25.280 --> 59:28.240] beyond which you've ever experienced before. [59:28.240 --> 59:30.560] Bibles for America would like to give you [59:30.560 --> 59:33.560] a free recovery version simply for the asking. [59:33.560 --> 59:36.360] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible [59:36.360 --> 59:39.160] is yours just by calling us toll-free [59:39.160 --> 59:44.000] at 1-888-551-0102, [59:44.000 --> 59:48.000] or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. [59:48.000 --> 59:50.480] That's freestudybible.com. [59:50.480 --> 59:55.480] You're listening to the Logos to Radio Network [59:55.480 --> 59:59.480] at logosradionetwork.com. [59:59.480 --> 01:00:04.880] The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 amendments [01:00:04.880 --> 01:00:06.080] of our Constitution. [01:00:06.080 --> 01:00:07.880] They guarantee the specific freedoms [01:00:07.880 --> 01:00:09.480] Americans should know and protect. [01:00:09.480 --> 01:00:11.080] Our liberty depends on it. [01:00:11.080 --> 01:00:12.480] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, [01:00:12.480 --> 01:00:14.480] and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way [01:00:14.480 --> 01:00:17.080] to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:00:17.080 --> 01:00:19.280] Privacy is under attack. [01:00:19.280 --> 01:00:21.080] When you give up data about yourself, [01:00:21.080 --> 01:00:22.880] you'll never get it back again. [01:00:22.880 --> 01:00:24.680] And once your privacy is gone, [01:00:24.680 --> 01:00:27.680] you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:00:27.680 --> 01:00:29.080] So protect your rights. [01:00:29.080 --> 01:00:30.680] Say no to surveillance [01:00:30.680 --> 01:00:32.880] and keep your information to yourself. [01:00:32.880 --> 01:00:35.480] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:00:35.480 --> 01:00:36.880] This public service announcement [01:00:36.880 --> 01:00:39.080] is brought to you by StartPage.com, [01:00:39.080 --> 01:00:40.880] the private search engine alternative [01:00:40.880 --> 01:00:43.080] to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:00:43.080 --> 01:00:46.480] Start over with StartPage. [01:00:46.480 --> 01:00:49.080] Imagine your mom and dad are getting ready for bed. [01:00:49.080 --> 01:00:52.280] They pull back the covers and find a third party there. [01:00:52.280 --> 01:00:53.880] He announces, I'm with the military [01:00:53.880 --> 01:00:55.280] and I'm sleeping here tonight. [01:00:55.280 --> 01:00:58.080] That shocking image of a third party in my parents' bed [01:00:58.080 --> 01:01:01.080] reminds me what the Third Amendment was designed to prevent. [01:01:01.080 --> 01:01:04.480] It protects us from being forced to share our homes with soldiers, [01:01:04.480 --> 01:01:07.280] a common demand in the days of our founding fathers. [01:01:07.280 --> 01:01:09.680] Third party, Third Amendment, get it? [01:01:09.680 --> 01:01:11.280] So if you answer a knock at your door [01:01:11.280 --> 01:01:13.480] and guys in fatigues demand lodging, [01:01:13.480 --> 01:01:15.680] tell them to dust off their copy of the Bill of Rights [01:01:15.680 --> 01:01:17.680] and reread the Third Amendment. [01:01:17.680 --> 01:01:19.080] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:01:19.080 --> 01:01:22.280] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:01:32.280 --> 01:01:34.680] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments [01:01:34.680 --> 01:01:36.080] of our Constitution. [01:01:36.080 --> 01:01:37.680] They guarantee a specific freedom [01:01:37.680 --> 01:01:39.480] so Americans should know and protect. [01:01:39.480 --> 01:01:41.080] Our liberty depends on it. [01:01:41.080 --> 01:01:42.280] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht [01:01:42.280 --> 01:01:44.480] and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way [01:01:44.480 --> 01:01:47.280] to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:01:47.280 --> 01:01:49.280] Privacy is under attack. [01:01:49.280 --> 01:01:51.080] When you give up data about yourself, [01:01:51.080 --> 01:01:52.880] you'll never get it back again. [01:01:52.880 --> 01:01:54.680] And once your privacy is gone, [01:01:54.680 --> 01:01:57.680] you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:01:57.680 --> 01:01:59.080] So protect your rights. [01:01:59.080 --> 01:02:02.880] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:02:02.880 --> 01:02:05.480] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:02:05.480 --> 01:02:08.880] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [01:02:08.880 --> 01:02:12.880] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing. [01:02:12.880 --> 01:02:16.480] Start over with StartPage. [01:02:16.480 --> 01:02:19.480] Imagine four eyes staring at you through binoculars, [01:02:19.480 --> 01:02:22.280] a magnifying glass or a pair of x-ray goggles. [01:02:22.280 --> 01:02:24.480] That imagery reminds me that the Fourth Amendment [01:02:24.480 --> 01:02:28.080] guarantees Americans freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. [01:02:28.080 --> 01:02:31.280] Fourth Amendment, four eyes staring at you, get it? [01:02:31.280 --> 01:02:34.280] Unfortunately, the government is trampling our Fourth Amendment rights [01:02:34.280 --> 01:02:35.680] in the name of security. [01:02:35.680 --> 01:02:40.280] Case in point, TSA airport scanners that peer under your clothing. [01:02:40.280 --> 01:02:42.680] When government employees demand a peep at your privates [01:02:42.680 --> 01:02:44.080] without probable cause, [01:02:44.080 --> 01:02:47.280] I say it's time to sound the constitutional alarm bells. [01:02:47.280 --> 01:02:50.680] Join me in asking our representatives to dust off the Bill of Rights [01:02:50.680 --> 01:02:54.280] and use their googly eyes to take a gander at the Fourth. [01:02:54.280 --> 01:02:55.480] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:02:55.480 --> 01:03:24.480] There's more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:03:26.480 --> 01:03:27.480] I want to say [01:03:27.480 --> 01:03:29.480] chant more of words [01:03:29.480 --> 01:03:31.080] I'll let me tell them [01:03:31.080 --> 01:03:32.880] chant on violence [01:03:32.880 --> 01:03:34.480] chant on violence [01:03:34.480 --> 01:03:36.280] chant for justice [01:03:36.280 --> 01:03:38.080] chant for justice man [01:03:38.080 --> 01:03:39.880] chant of rubies [01:03:39.880 --> 01:03:41.680] chant of rubies [01:03:41.680 --> 01:03:43.280] chant more of words [01:03:43.280 --> 01:03:45.280] chant more of words [01:03:45.280 --> 01:03:48.480] And most of them when me chant when me see [01:03:48.480 --> 01:03:52.080] say all man was created equally [01:03:52.080 --> 01:03:55.680] chant don't got me lying I do it daily [01:03:55.680 --> 01:03:58.080] when I come kiss it every night [01:03:58.080 --> 01:03:59.880] Okay, we are back. [01:03:59.880 --> 01:04:01.280] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain. [01:04:01.280 --> 01:04:05.080] We have a radio on this March the 24th, [01:04:05.080 --> 01:04:09.280] Thursday, March the 24th, 2022. [01:04:09.280 --> 01:04:13.280] And we're talking to [01:04:13.280 --> 01:04:14.680] Sherry? [01:04:14.680 --> 01:04:17.680] You got Sandra in Minnesota. [01:04:17.680 --> 01:04:19.480] Sylvia. [01:04:19.480 --> 01:04:20.680] No, Sandra. [01:04:20.680 --> 01:04:25.280] Sandra. Okay, I'm having a little trouble with my new VA hearing aids. [01:04:25.280 --> 01:04:27.680] I'm having a little trouble with them. [01:04:27.680 --> 01:04:31.280] Not to mention my memory, but it's getting better. [01:04:31.280 --> 01:04:33.080] Okay, Sylvia. [01:04:33.080 --> 01:04:34.480] Sylvia, the reason I've got that. [01:04:34.480 --> 01:04:36.480] I've got your hand on my screen. [01:04:36.480 --> 01:04:38.480] Sandra. [01:04:38.480 --> 01:04:38.880] Yes. [01:04:38.880 --> 01:04:42.680] And it says Nicholas R. [01:04:42.680 --> 01:04:46.280] So the next time you call in, [01:04:46.280 --> 01:04:48.680] then you'll come up in our database correctly. [01:04:48.680 --> 01:04:51.280] Okay, Sandra. [01:04:51.280 --> 01:04:54.680] While I was talking to Brett about on the break, [01:04:54.680 --> 01:04:57.680] there may be no problem here [01:04:57.680 --> 01:05:03.280] in that the family, whoever is handling the estate, [01:05:03.280 --> 01:05:09.680] they're probably in something of confusion trying to get things straightened out. [01:05:09.680 --> 01:05:14.680] How long has it been since the individual passed away? [01:05:14.680 --> 01:05:17.480] He died in December. [01:05:17.480 --> 01:05:18.680] Oh, okay. [01:05:18.680 --> 01:05:25.080] I suggest that you make up complete payments up to date, [01:05:25.080 --> 01:05:31.280] send it to his address, certified mail, return receipt. [01:05:31.280 --> 01:05:33.880] We don't have his address. [01:05:33.880 --> 01:05:35.880] Say that again. [01:05:35.880 --> 01:05:37.480] We don't have his address. [01:05:37.480 --> 01:05:45.480] He had just moved not too long ago and we never got his address. [01:05:45.480 --> 01:05:55.680] There is a good chance that the post office has a forwarding address. [01:05:55.680 --> 01:05:57.080] Okay. [01:05:57.080 --> 01:05:58.480] Most people when they move, [01:05:58.480 --> 01:06:01.880] they register a forwarding address with the post office. [01:06:01.880 --> 01:06:03.080] Check the post office. [01:06:03.080 --> 01:06:07.680] What you want to do is show good faith. [01:06:07.680 --> 01:06:14.280] You cannot be held responsible for an impossibility. [01:06:14.280 --> 01:06:17.680] You can't be held responsible for not paying for this property [01:06:17.680 --> 01:06:21.480] if it was impossible for you to do so. [01:06:21.480 --> 01:06:26.880] By sending payments to his old address, [01:06:26.880 --> 01:06:30.880] you will get those back undeliverable. [01:06:30.880 --> 01:06:32.080] But you have those. [01:06:32.080 --> 01:06:33.480] You have the green card. [01:06:33.480 --> 01:06:36.080] You have the tracking. [01:06:36.080 --> 01:06:38.880] You can prove that you sent these in good faith, [01:06:38.880 --> 01:06:44.080] but were unable to deliver them to the right place. [01:06:44.080 --> 01:06:45.280] So when the other side says, [01:06:45.280 --> 01:06:49.880] well, you had paid your payment in all this time, blah, blah, blah, [01:06:49.880 --> 01:06:54.280] then you can show good faith in effort to pay it. [01:06:54.280 --> 01:06:55.680] So they'll have no claim against you. [01:06:55.680 --> 01:06:58.280] Does that make sense? [01:06:58.280 --> 01:06:59.480] That does make sense. [01:06:59.480 --> 01:07:04.880] But what if I can't find his address? [01:07:04.880 --> 01:07:06.680] He moved around a lot. [01:07:06.680 --> 01:07:13.280] And what if I can't find his address anymore? [01:07:13.280 --> 01:07:15.680] We never mailed in our payment. [01:07:15.680 --> 01:07:18.680] We always met him and paid him. [01:07:18.680 --> 01:07:20.080] That's easy enough. [01:07:20.080 --> 01:07:23.080] Just go to the, to your knowledge, [01:07:23.080 --> 01:07:26.080] do you have a driver's license? [01:07:26.080 --> 01:07:26.480] Yes. [01:07:26.480 --> 01:07:27.680] Or did he drive? [01:07:27.680 --> 01:07:32.080] Just go to the driver's license people and say, [01:07:32.080 --> 01:07:34.080] you know, you owe this guy. [01:07:34.080 --> 01:07:36.080] You can't find him. [01:07:36.080 --> 01:07:38.880] Or contact the policeman and ask the policeman to run, [01:07:38.880 --> 01:07:43.080] you know, tell him that you're trying to find a way to send this guy money, [01:07:43.080 --> 01:07:45.280] but you can't get to him and ask. [01:07:45.280 --> 01:07:46.480] Oh, even better. [01:07:46.480 --> 01:07:50.280] Call a private investigator. [01:07:50.280 --> 01:07:51.480] Private investigator can find him. [01:07:51.480 --> 01:07:56.280] They charge you about 25, 50 bucks. [01:07:56.280 --> 01:07:58.680] And you can also go online. [01:07:58.680 --> 01:08:05.880] There are some services online that you can use that. [01:08:05.880 --> 01:08:11.480] Some, if you don't join the service, it costs you about four or five bucks. [01:08:11.480 --> 01:08:17.280] And they'll run a public record search and give you who he is, [01:08:17.280 --> 01:08:21.880] who his family is, they'll give you everything. [01:08:21.880 --> 01:08:22.480] Okay. [01:08:22.480 --> 01:08:27.880] And find what appears to be a valid address. [01:08:27.880 --> 01:08:34.480] Doesn't matter if it is or not, just so long as you can show due diligence and good faith [01:08:34.480 --> 01:08:41.080] in an attempt to pay this bill, but you are unable to. [01:08:41.080 --> 01:08:46.080] That will protect you from any, it should protect you from any liability or any, [01:08:46.080 --> 01:08:54.680] any attempt to try to take the property for failure to pay. [01:08:54.680 --> 01:09:00.880] Yeah, my husband actually called the funeral home that took care of his services [01:09:00.880 --> 01:09:06.480] and their secretary called his daughter to have them call us [01:09:06.480 --> 01:09:11.680] because nobody's called us and she still hasn't called us. [01:09:11.680 --> 01:09:19.880] Ask the funeral home for a name and address of the daughter [01:09:19.880 --> 01:09:28.480] and send an inquiry to the daughter asking for a place to send payment. [01:09:28.480 --> 01:09:30.080] Okay. [01:09:30.080 --> 01:09:31.280] That will protect you. [01:09:31.280 --> 01:09:38.880] The only claim they can bring against you is refusal to pay. [01:09:38.880 --> 01:09:42.880] Inability to pay is not something you can be held responsible for. [01:09:42.880 --> 01:09:46.080] Yeah, you can't control that. [01:09:46.080 --> 01:09:49.880] You can never, you can never be held responsible for an impossibility, [01:09:49.880 --> 01:09:56.480] but you need to be able to show due diligence effort in an effort to pay. [01:09:56.480 --> 01:10:00.480] Yeah, so what that means is making that request in writing. [01:10:00.480 --> 01:10:05.480] When you talk to the people at the funeral home or the daughter, [01:10:05.480 --> 01:10:09.080] do that in writing instead of just on the phone [01:10:09.080 --> 01:10:14.280] because then you don't have the same way of having a record of it that you can show [01:10:14.280 --> 01:10:17.480] and get it to the daughter. [01:10:17.480 --> 01:10:19.280] I don't know, he passed away. [01:10:19.280 --> 01:10:23.480] I was sending him text messages asking him, you know, [01:10:23.480 --> 01:10:26.080] because we couldn't get through on the phone or anything [01:10:26.080 --> 01:10:29.480] and I was asking him how I was supposed to make these payments [01:10:29.480 --> 01:10:34.480] and so I've got all my texts and everything still. [01:10:34.480 --> 01:10:36.080] Yeah, that's good. [01:10:36.080 --> 01:10:40.880] As long as you have a record, as long as you can show due diligence, [01:10:40.880 --> 01:10:44.480] you shouldn't have a, I say you shouldn't have a problem, but you could. [01:10:44.480 --> 01:10:50.480] When you get into probate issues, you get dirty rotten shyster lawyers. [01:10:50.480 --> 01:10:53.280] But if you've been listening to this show, [01:10:53.280 --> 01:10:58.680] you'll know how to handle dirty rotten shyster lawyers. [01:10:58.680 --> 01:11:03.080] Yeah, they're low-hanging fruit. [01:11:03.080 --> 01:11:04.680] I like Gina. [01:11:04.680 --> 01:11:08.280] She knew how to handle dirty rotten shyster lawyers. [01:11:08.280 --> 01:11:10.080] Just threw the crapota out of them. [01:11:10.080 --> 01:11:11.480] Yeah. [01:11:11.480 --> 01:11:15.480] Yep, she did good. [01:11:15.480 --> 01:11:18.080] All right, well, thank you very much for all your help. [01:11:18.080 --> 01:11:20.280] I will do that. [01:11:20.280 --> 01:11:22.880] I may be calling you back. [01:11:22.880 --> 01:11:25.480] Okay, we'll be here. [01:11:25.480 --> 01:11:27.480] Okay, thank you for calling. [01:11:27.480 --> 01:11:32.080] Now we're going to go to Rocky in Colorado. [01:11:32.080 --> 01:11:33.680] Hello, Rocky. [01:11:33.680 --> 01:11:37.480] What do you have growing for us today? [01:11:37.480 --> 01:11:43.480] I'll just give you like a quick refresher on my situation. [01:11:43.480 --> 01:11:50.280] October 2020, I got searched and seized upon at my home [01:11:50.280 --> 01:11:54.480] and no arrests or charges were filed. [01:11:54.480 --> 01:12:02.080] I think about 10 or 11 months later, a warrant for my arrest was issued, [01:12:02.080 --> 01:12:06.280] unbeknownst to me, of course, and then another five or six months later, [01:12:06.280 --> 01:12:12.080] I was arrested and have had, you know, a few preliminary appearances, [01:12:12.080 --> 01:12:16.480] but we're not even, haven't even scheduled preliminary hearing yet. [01:12:16.480 --> 01:12:24.680] So it's very early in the process, but I recently obtained my discovery [01:12:24.680 --> 01:12:29.480] and wanted to run a couple of things by you based off of that [01:12:29.480 --> 01:12:35.480] because it was the first that I got a look of the affidavit [01:12:35.480 --> 01:12:41.080] that supported the search warrant, which I was suspicious of from the get-go. [01:12:41.080 --> 01:12:46.680] And so basically what I noticed was that A, [01:12:46.680 --> 01:12:55.280] B, some anonymous witness accessed my property from a neighboring property, [01:12:55.280 --> 01:13:00.080] which is licensed out for some commercial use by the county, [01:13:00.080 --> 01:13:02.080] but it's still private property. [01:13:02.080 --> 01:13:06.080] And what I noticed is that he trespassed. [01:13:06.080 --> 01:13:08.680] Okay, stop here. [01:13:08.680 --> 01:13:13.680] Did you have no trespass signs up? [01:13:13.680 --> 01:13:16.080] I did not. [01:13:16.080 --> 01:13:23.080] Okay, I want you to take the phone and beat yourself around the eyes and the ears. [01:13:23.080 --> 01:13:28.280] If you had had no trespass signs up, then you could argue they could not use the evidence [01:13:28.280 --> 01:13:33.680] because the evidence was secured in violation of law. [01:13:33.680 --> 01:13:40.880] But since there were no trespass signs up, let's move here. [01:13:40.880 --> 01:13:46.680] Okay, well, so regardless of the signs, [01:13:46.680 --> 01:13:53.680] he did trespass onto the property to take the pictures or what have you. [01:13:53.680 --> 01:13:58.480] And then, you know, he remains anonymous. [01:13:58.480 --> 01:14:01.480] His name isn't anywhere on the affidavit. [01:14:01.480 --> 01:14:09.680] But then the police then, you know, accessed by that same neighboring property to have a look-see, [01:14:09.680 --> 01:14:15.680] and that was the basis of their, you know, probable cause or what have you. [01:14:15.680 --> 01:14:16.480] Okay, hold on. [01:14:16.480 --> 01:14:18.080] A look-see. [01:14:18.080 --> 01:14:20.680] Did the officers claim that they could look [01:14:20.680 --> 01:14:27.880] and see what they needed to see from the neighbor's property? [01:14:27.880 --> 01:14:35.280] Well, there's a privacy fence up, and that was actually put up by the request of the same... [01:14:35.280 --> 01:14:37.080] No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. [01:14:37.080 --> 01:14:46.280] The privacy fence, would they have been able to get high enough to see over the privacy fence? [01:14:46.280 --> 01:14:48.480] I mean, they would have to do... [01:14:48.480 --> 01:14:51.280] There's like a three- or four-foot bluff. [01:14:51.280 --> 01:14:52.680] You know, it's not... [01:14:52.680 --> 01:14:55.880] It would take a little bit of effort, but they could do it. [01:14:55.880 --> 01:15:03.480] Okay, if they could do it, and they testified that they did do it, that's going to be a problem. [01:15:03.480 --> 01:15:07.080] Okay, I'm just stepping on the issues as you come to them. [01:15:07.080 --> 01:15:09.680] Go ahead. [01:15:09.680 --> 01:15:14.480] And just the other detail that was interesting is in the affidavit, you know, [01:15:14.480 --> 01:15:19.480] like after the last line that, you know, gives them probable cause, [01:15:19.480 --> 01:15:21.880] it says, you know, because of the facts stated above, [01:15:21.880 --> 01:15:27.080] we believe that so-and-so is this or that, [01:15:27.080 --> 01:15:32.280] but they stated an entirely wrong address at that point, [01:15:32.280 --> 01:15:39.480] not like by a number off or a letter off, like an address in a different area code. [01:15:39.480 --> 01:15:43.280] So I know that's like just a clerical error, but it is, you know, [01:15:43.280 --> 01:15:46.080] an affidavit, a sworn statement of fact, so... [01:15:46.080 --> 01:15:47.480] Yeah, okay. [01:15:47.480 --> 01:15:52.480] I'm trying to address the things that you should fight and the things you shouldn't fight. [01:15:52.480 --> 01:15:57.880] Did they sufficiently describe the property [01:15:57.880 --> 01:16:02.880] so that it would be clear that this was the correct property, [01:16:02.880 --> 01:16:09.880] even though there were clerical errors in the pleading? [01:16:09.880 --> 01:16:12.280] Yeah, I mean, probably so. [01:16:12.280 --> 01:16:14.280] Okay, so you won't win that one. [01:16:14.280 --> 01:16:15.680] Okay, go ahead. [01:16:15.680 --> 01:16:22.880] It wasn't a pleading though, this was the affidavit that supported the search warrant [01:16:22.880 --> 01:16:27.080] that gave them established their probable cause. [01:16:27.080 --> 01:16:30.680] Okay, the affidavit will probably stand. [01:16:30.680 --> 01:16:35.280] Hang on, we're about 30 seconds to go to the sponsors. [01:16:35.280 --> 01:16:41.680] I'm trying to be pedantic here in addressing all the issues I see [01:16:41.680 --> 01:16:45.280] so that you make sure you have them covered when you get to court. [01:16:45.280 --> 01:16:49.680] And you fight the ones that you have a chance of winning, [01:16:49.680 --> 01:16:53.080] and don't fight the ones that are going to go nowhere, [01:16:53.080 --> 01:16:57.280] because they'll fight you real hard on the ones that go nowhere to keep you distracted. [01:16:57.280 --> 01:17:01.080] Hang on, we'll be right back. [01:17:01.080 --> 01:17:06.280] Are you looking to have a closer relationship with God and a better understanding of His Word? [01:17:06.280 --> 01:17:12.480] Then tune in to LogosRadioNetwork.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Central Time for Scripture Talk, [01:17:12.480 --> 01:17:17.680] where Nana and her guests discuss the Scriptures in accord with 2 Timothy 2.15. [01:17:17.680 --> 01:17:22.280] Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, [01:17:22.280 --> 01:17:24.680] rightly dividing the word of truth. [01:17:24.680 --> 01:17:28.280] Starting in January, our first hour studies are in the Book of Mark, [01:17:28.280 --> 01:17:32.280] where we'll go verse by verse and discuss the true Gospel message. [01:17:32.280 --> 01:17:35.080] Our second hour topical studies will vary each week [01:17:35.080 --> 01:17:39.280] with discussions on sound doctrine and Christian character development. [01:17:39.280 --> 01:17:43.680] We wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to all those with a hearing ear. [01:17:43.680 --> 01:17:50.280] Our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform ourselves more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus. [01:17:50.280 --> 01:17:54.080] So tune in to Scripture Talk live on LogosRadioNetwork.com, [01:17:54.080 --> 01:18:00.680] Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. to inspire and motivate your studies of the Scriptures. [01:18:00.680 --> 01:18:05.880] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [01:18:05.880 --> 01:18:09.480] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears Proven Method. [01:18:09.480 --> 01:18:15.080] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors and now you can win two. [01:18:15.080 --> 01:18:21.280] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes, [01:18:21.280 --> 01:18:27.080] what to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons, how to answer letters and phone calls, [01:18:27.080 --> 01:18:29.680] how to get debt collectors out of your credit report, [01:18:29.680 --> 01:18:34.280] how to turn your financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [01:18:34.280 --> 01:18:39.080] The Michael Mears Proven Method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [01:18:39.080 --> 01:18:41.480] Personal consultation is available as well. [01:18:41.480 --> 01:18:49.880] For more information, please visit RuleOfLawRadio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner or email MichaelMears at yahoo.com. [01:18:49.880 --> 01:19:00.680] That's RuleOfLawRadio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now. [01:19:00.680 --> 01:19:10.880] This is the Logos Radio Network. [01:19:30.880 --> 01:19:35.880] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again. [01:19:35.880 --> 01:19:40.880] I was blindsided but now I can see your plans. [01:19:40.880 --> 01:19:45.880] You put the fear in my pocket, took my hip from my head. [01:19:45.880 --> 01:19:50.880] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again. [01:19:50.880 --> 01:19:57.880] Okay, we are back. [01:19:57.880 --> 01:20:00.880] Randy Kelkin, Brett Fountain, RuleOfLawRadio. [01:20:00.880 --> 01:20:06.880] We were talking rock in Colorado and I told Brett on the break, this is kind of like playing chess with them. [01:20:06.880 --> 01:20:10.880] Check every move. [01:20:10.880 --> 01:20:15.880] What I'm looking for is a whole improbable cause. [01:20:15.880 --> 01:20:27.880] Even if they found all kind of stuff to charge you with, if they had a hole in the procedure getting there, then you can move to toss it all. [01:20:27.880 --> 01:20:42.880] And if you get any way you can effectively move to toss it all, while you may not win in the end, what you may be able to do is get them to give you a... [01:20:42.880 --> 01:20:46.880] Randy, you kind of cut out there. [01:20:46.880 --> 01:20:47.880] Did we lose you, Randy? [01:20:47.880 --> 01:20:52.880] My phone might die here in a second too. [01:20:52.880 --> 01:20:54.880] I'm sorry? [01:20:54.880 --> 01:20:58.880] My phone might die also. I thought it was me at first. [01:20:58.880 --> 01:21:02.880] No, Randy's having trouble with his mic cable. [01:21:02.880 --> 01:21:06.880] Was having a little issue earlier. [01:21:06.880 --> 01:21:07.880] Sure. [01:21:07.880 --> 01:21:11.880] Randy, we're not hearing you there. [01:21:11.880 --> 01:21:13.880] Okay, Rocky, can you hear me? [01:21:13.880 --> 01:21:15.880] There you are. [01:21:15.880 --> 01:21:17.880] Very faintly. [01:21:17.880 --> 01:21:22.880] Okay, what we're doing is playing chess here. [01:21:22.880 --> 01:21:25.880] We're trying to make some pawn moves. [01:21:25.880 --> 01:21:37.880] If any of the information they use to secure the warrant is unusable by them, it invalidates everything that follows. [01:21:37.880 --> 01:21:46.880] And in the real world where we live, the courts are going to screw you around if they can. [01:21:46.880 --> 01:21:51.880] So what we're looking for is a way to screw them back. [01:21:51.880 --> 01:21:57.880] So if they don't have enough information, you indicated they issued a warrant and didn't tell you about it. [01:21:57.880 --> 01:22:05.880] They never tell you about a warrant when they issue it, because they're concerned that if they give you notice that the warrant's been issued, [01:22:05.880 --> 01:22:09.880] you will skip town and they won't be able to find you. [01:22:09.880 --> 01:22:13.880] So if they ask for a search warrant, if they try to tell you that they've got a search warrant, [01:22:13.880 --> 01:22:18.880] then you're just going to hide whatever it is that they were going to look for. [01:22:18.880 --> 01:22:22.880] The warrant that I was referring to that they didn't tell me about was the arrest warrant, [01:22:22.880 --> 01:22:27.880] which came subsequently to the search warrant, of course. [01:22:27.880 --> 01:22:31.880] Yeah, that's kind of normal procedure, what they did. [01:22:31.880 --> 01:22:37.880] They don't have a duty to notify you that they issued a warrant. [01:22:37.880 --> 01:22:40.880] And that's pretty standard in all the states. [01:22:40.880 --> 01:22:45.880] Once they arrest you, then you have standing to challenge the warrant. [01:22:45.880 --> 01:22:57.880] But you can't find warrants unless you're a police officer or a private investigator until the person has been arrested. [01:22:57.880 --> 01:23:01.880] So that won't be an issue you can break. [01:23:01.880 --> 01:23:06.880] But how they got the information can be an issue. [01:23:06.880 --> 01:23:18.880] You mentioned the no trespassing signs, but I've gone over the statute in my state and it doesn't really mention anything like that. [01:23:18.880 --> 01:23:27.880] It just says, you know, like unlawfully enters, it remains on the premises, which are enclosed to a reasonable degree or fenced and what have you. [01:23:27.880 --> 01:23:30.880] And that is certainly the case here. [01:23:30.880 --> 01:23:41.880] And I had a policeman tell me once, a friend of mine brought a propane tank and asked if he could leave it on my property while he was moving into this new place. [01:23:41.880 --> 01:23:42.880] And then the police showed up. [01:23:42.880 --> 01:23:43.880] They wanted the propane tank. [01:23:43.880 --> 01:23:46.880] It belonged to this guy's father. [01:23:46.880 --> 01:23:47.880] And I said, you can't have it. [01:23:47.880 --> 01:23:49.880] He said, yes, I can. [01:23:49.880 --> 01:23:52.880] You don't have a fence. [01:23:52.880 --> 01:23:58.880] If you had a fence six inches tall, I could not step over it. [01:23:58.880 --> 01:24:16.880] If you had any marker that indicated the boundary of your property and a reasonable person would look at that marker and have reason to believe that it was intended to mark out the boundary of the property, I could not pass it. [01:24:16.880 --> 01:24:30.880] But if I could stand from outside that marker and see something on your property that I had reason to believe was subject to my search, then I could enter the property and take it. [01:24:30.880 --> 01:24:31.880] I said, wait right here. [01:24:31.880 --> 01:24:33.880] I got some string and some sticks. [01:24:33.880 --> 01:24:36.880] He said, no, too late. [01:24:36.880 --> 01:24:43.880] And he told me that because he was the chief of police in the town I lived in and we were personally good friends. [01:24:43.880 --> 01:24:46.880] But he gave me good information. [01:24:46.880 --> 01:24:48.880] You have to have some kind of barrier. [01:24:48.880 --> 01:25:00.880] And in order to secure the information for probable cause, the person would have to cross that barrier. [01:25:00.880 --> 01:25:04.880] You said you had a privacy fence and a three-foot bluff. [01:25:04.880 --> 01:25:27.880] Well, if I had a ladder that would bring me up 10 or 15 feet and I could climb up that ladder and look over your bluff and privacy fence from outside, even though I would have had to know exactly precisely where to look, if I could see it, that's sufficient. [01:25:27.880 --> 01:25:39.880] Now, even if it took someone having to illegally enter your property and figure out where that spot was, that person couldn't bring the issue. [01:25:39.880 --> 01:25:48.880] But if they told somebody else and somebody else got in the exact position where they could see it, they can use it. [01:25:48.880 --> 01:25:51.880] Does that make sense, Rocky? [01:25:51.880 --> 01:25:52.880] It does. [01:25:52.880 --> 01:25:58.880] It's an eight-foot privacy fence that's up in the middle of absolutely nowhere. [01:25:58.880 --> 01:26:07.880] It just seems to me like there's a reasonable location of privacy and that he did trespass upon it. [01:26:07.880 --> 01:26:18.880] There is, but your privacy fence would have to be tall enough that they could not see past it. [01:26:18.880 --> 01:26:39.880] And this happens with informants all the time where the informant goes in illegally and finds the information he needs so that if you knew exactly where to look, you could find it legally. [01:26:39.880 --> 01:26:47.880] Then I go and look in exactly the right place and find it legally uncleaned. [01:26:47.880 --> 01:27:04.880] Now, we know that they actually came on your property and figured out where it was first and then got outside the property and said, okay, how could we see this from outside the property and worked out how they could do that. [01:27:04.880 --> 01:27:10.880] But they pretty well get away with that because you can't prove otherwise. [01:27:10.880 --> 01:27:13.880] The system is not perfect. [01:27:13.880 --> 01:27:14.880] Right. [01:27:14.880 --> 01:27:25.880] But if they could have done that, they would have just taken the photographs from that side of the fence and they didn't do that because they couldn't. [01:27:25.880 --> 01:27:32.880] Oh, so they came on. [01:27:32.880 --> 01:27:36.880] When did they take photographs from your side of the fence? [01:27:36.880 --> 01:27:39.880] Was this after the warrant? [01:27:39.880 --> 01:27:42.880] No, before. [01:27:42.880 --> 01:27:46.880] So you can show that they actually did trespass on your property. [01:27:46.880 --> 01:27:50.880] Oh, interesting. That's different. [01:27:50.880 --> 01:27:56.880] This is how we play chess, motion to strike. [01:27:56.880 --> 01:28:16.880] Yeah, that's exactly where I was going with this because they had to enter onto the property, photograph the property from my side of the property line and then use that to give to the police, which they then used and then trespassed onto my neighbor's property. [01:28:16.880 --> 01:28:19.880] I don't believe they had permission to enter there. [01:28:19.880 --> 01:28:22.880] Oh, wait a minute. [01:28:22.880 --> 01:28:26.880] Is there a fence? [01:28:26.880 --> 01:28:27.880] Okay. [01:28:27.880 --> 01:28:41.880] If a bad guy, if an informant goes onto your property and gets information illegally and then gives it to the police, the police did not get it illegally. [01:28:41.880 --> 01:28:44.880] The person who gave it to them did. [01:28:44.880 --> 01:28:48.880] And the police are covered. [01:28:48.880 --> 01:28:54.880] Ken, you need to request access to the original photographs. [01:28:54.880 --> 01:28:59.880] I've got them. Well, I don't have copies of them. [01:28:59.880 --> 01:29:06.880] You need access to the original. You need to hire an expert who can look at those original and extract the metadata from them. [01:29:06.880 --> 01:29:10.880] They were almost certainly taken with digital cameras. [01:29:10.880 --> 01:29:14.880] Yeah, they were. I know that. Perfect. [01:29:14.880 --> 01:29:19.880] Take him to a photo expert and have them extract the metadata. [01:29:19.880 --> 01:29:26.880] The metadata will tell you what camera that was taken with. If it's a police camera, they got a problem. [01:29:26.880 --> 01:29:33.880] There, you can look at yourself as tools to look at the access. [01:29:33.880 --> 01:29:44.880] Sorry. I know that it's not a police camera. I know that it was this gentleman's camera. [01:29:44.880 --> 01:29:54.880] Oh, so you know who the informant was. So it really was an informant. Now you've got a big problem. Hang on. [01:29:54.880 --> 01:30:02.880] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio, we'll be right back. [01:30:02.880 --> 01:30:09.880] Reality TV, sugar, obesity, jet lag, the list of things that makes us dumber just keeps on growing. [01:30:09.880 --> 01:30:15.880] But now researchers say we can add stress to the list. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, back with details in a moment. [01:30:15.880 --> 01:30:21.880] Privacy is under attack. When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:30:21.880 --> 01:30:26.880] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:30:26.880 --> 01:30:32.880] So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:30:32.880 --> 01:30:41.880] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. This message is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:30:41.880 --> 01:30:45.880] Start over with StartPage. [01:30:45.880 --> 01:30:52.880] Are you always on the go and juggling multiple projects? If so, you might think that multitasking proves you're smart. [01:30:52.880 --> 01:30:56.880] But think again. All that stress might be eating your brain. [01:30:56.880 --> 01:31:03.880] A new study finds stress reduces the number of connections between neurons, which actually makes it harder for people to manage problems. [01:31:03.880 --> 01:31:10.880] Researchers at Yale University found that stressed out people have less gray matter in their prefrontal cortex. [01:31:10.880 --> 01:31:15.880] That's the part of the brain that helps us weigh conflicting ideas and regulate our emotions. [01:31:15.880 --> 01:31:21.880] So take a deep breath and chill out. It'll help keep your mind as sharp as a tack. [01:31:21.880 --> 01:31:31.880] This is Dr. Catherine Albrecht for StartPage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:31.880 --> 01:31:36.880] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11. [01:31:36.880 --> 01:31:43.880] The government says that fire brought it down. However, 1,500 architects and engineers have concluded it was a controlled demolition. [01:31:43.880 --> 01:31:46.880] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives. [01:31:46.880 --> 01:31:49.880] And thousands of my fellow force responders are dying. [01:31:49.880 --> 01:31:54.880] I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a structural engineer. I'm a New York City correction officer. I'm an Air Force pilot. [01:31:54.880 --> 01:31:58.880] I'm a father who lost his son. We're Americans, and we deserve the truth. [01:31:58.880 --> 01:32:02.880] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today. [01:32:02.880 --> 01:32:06.880] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. [01:32:06.880 --> 01:32:08.880] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society. [01:32:08.880 --> 01:32:13.880] And if we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [01:32:13.880 --> 01:32:18.880] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private capacity, [01:32:18.880 --> 01:32:20.880] the right to due process of law. [01:32:20.880 --> 01:32:25.880] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process. [01:32:25.880 --> 01:32:31.880] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available [01:32:31.880 --> 01:32:35.880] that will help you understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law. [01:32:35.880 --> 01:32:40.880] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today. [01:32:40.880 --> 01:32:45.880] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, [01:32:45.880 --> 01:32:50.880] video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research documents, and other useful resource material. [01:32:50.880 --> 01:32:54.880] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. [01:32:54.880 --> 01:33:01.880] Order your copy today, and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [01:33:01.880 --> 01:33:12.880] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradionetwork.com. [01:33:12.880 --> 01:33:16.880] Yeah, who you want to chip? Could you take me for free, Tony? [01:33:16.880 --> 01:33:20.880] Who you want to chip? I'm not free, Tony. You can't chip me. [01:33:20.880 --> 01:33:26.880] All of them chip you in the morning, chip you in the evening, put a chip in your body. [01:33:26.880 --> 01:33:30.880] And then when you go computer reading, you can't hide me from nobody. [01:33:30.880 --> 01:33:36.880] When you say, chip in your mom, chip in your daddy, chip in your grandpa and the granny, [01:33:36.880 --> 01:33:41.880] chip in me, chip in your baby, chip in your family, whole family, [01:33:41.880 --> 01:33:45.880] chip in your dog and the cat around me, chip in the beef and you still go eat it, [01:33:45.880 --> 01:33:50.880] chip in the fish, them all in the sea, chip in the shark and the whale around me, [01:33:50.880 --> 01:33:55.880] you see mankind, you ain't chip crazy, they're the cleanest thing, man, they want to read it, [01:33:55.880 --> 01:34:00.880] social security, they go tell me, number when they give me, they rip it up, you see. [01:34:00.880 --> 01:34:04.880] I'm chip you in the morning, chip you in the evening, chip you all the dinner time, [01:34:04.880 --> 01:34:09.880] experiment on mankind, but man, you know, say them lie. [01:34:09.880 --> 01:34:12.880] Well, we don't want no chip, man, you have your body. [01:34:12.880 --> 01:34:15.880] Freedom or something, man, you have to fight for it. [01:34:15.880 --> 01:34:19.880] You should tell them, if you read it, Constitution set us free. [01:34:19.880 --> 01:34:24.880] Can't let them put no chip in your body, put no chip in you, dog, or cat, you see. [01:34:24.880 --> 01:34:26.880] Okay, we are back. [01:34:26.880 --> 01:34:28.880] Randy Kelton, Brett Felton, Lula Blah Radio. [01:34:28.880 --> 01:34:30.880] We're talking to Rocky in Colorado. [01:34:30.880 --> 01:34:34.880] And Rocky, I kind of hijacked you. [01:34:34.880 --> 01:34:40.880] I was wanting to play chess, trying to find some way to leverage under these guys. [01:34:40.880 --> 01:34:44.880] It sounds like they've been real careful. [01:34:44.880 --> 01:34:49.880] Okay, where are you at this point? [01:34:49.880 --> 01:34:56.880] About a month away from another appearance where they're going to schedule the preliminary, [01:34:56.880 --> 01:35:03.880] you know, evidentiary hearing, probable cause, et cetera. [01:35:03.880 --> 01:35:07.880] They're actually going to have a probable cause hearing. [01:35:07.880 --> 01:35:11.880] They're coming after you. [01:35:11.880 --> 01:35:22.880] You need to find something you can give them to make somebody else more important than you. [01:35:22.880 --> 01:35:28.880] It sounds like they're crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's. [01:35:28.880 --> 01:35:32.880] Yeah, they don't normally take the time and effort to do everything right according to the law. [01:35:32.880 --> 01:35:38.880] It sounds like they're trying to make that effort now. [01:35:38.880 --> 01:35:45.880] And I know you probably don't like to hear that, but that's the impression I'm getting. [01:35:45.880 --> 01:35:51.880] What kind of growing are you doing? [01:35:51.880 --> 01:35:57.880] I'm not asking you to have this kind of a rhetorical question. [01:35:57.880 --> 01:36:04.880] There are lots of plants that look alike. [01:36:04.880 --> 01:36:06.880] Say that again? [01:36:06.880 --> 01:36:11.880] You called it a T plantation the last time we spoke. [01:36:11.880 --> 01:36:17.880] A T? Yeah, a T. Yeah, it's a T. [01:36:17.880 --> 01:36:23.880] There are a number of different varieties of T. [01:36:23.880 --> 01:36:28.880] Some of those varieties of T are illegal. [01:36:28.880 --> 01:36:31.880] Some of them are not. [01:36:31.880 --> 01:36:38.880] Visually, they all look pretty much alike. [01:36:38.880 --> 01:36:47.880] How visually different is the legal T from the illegal T? [01:36:47.880 --> 01:36:53.880] In saying that, it probably doesn't matter because if they both look alike, [01:36:53.880 --> 01:36:59.880] they would still be enough for the court to consider probable cause. [01:36:59.880 --> 01:37:06.880] But the first thing they would have to do, did they come in and confiscate any of it? [01:37:06.880 --> 01:37:10.880] Yeah, that's what they got the search warrant for. [01:37:10.880 --> 01:37:16.880] So that's why I've already been arrested and been to jail and all that sort of stuff. [01:37:16.880 --> 01:37:23.880] Did they have an analysis of the product? [01:37:23.880 --> 01:37:26.880] Yes. [01:37:26.880 --> 01:37:28.880] Man, they're really coming after you. [01:37:28.880 --> 01:37:30.880] They're not leaving any doors open. [01:37:30.880 --> 01:37:32.880] It's more complicated, though. [01:37:32.880 --> 01:37:37.880] It might be better suited for telegram rather than to take up more time. [01:37:37.880 --> 01:37:48.880] I mean, I had permits to be in possession of these plants. [01:37:48.880 --> 01:37:52.880] I've had this same sheriff's department and the county zoning people... [01:37:52.880 --> 01:37:53.880] Wait a minute. [01:37:53.880 --> 01:37:56.880] You had a permit. [01:37:56.880 --> 01:38:04.880] How did they have reason to believe that you were doing something illegal? [01:38:04.880 --> 01:38:11.880] That's where I'm trying to figure out because I think there's something, [01:38:11.880 --> 01:38:17.880] or not something, but a lot that doesn't add up on their end. [01:38:17.880 --> 01:38:23.880] So you were legally growing T? [01:38:23.880 --> 01:38:24.880] I know. [01:38:24.880 --> 01:38:30.880] You had the same county sheriff on the very same property to view it. [01:38:30.880 --> 01:38:36.880] The zoning people trespass onto the property to take the photographs [01:38:36.880 --> 01:38:41.880] are the same zoning people who told me to put up that privacy fence [01:38:41.880 --> 01:38:44.880] to begin with a couple years back. [01:38:44.880 --> 01:38:51.880] So it seems like they just kind of chose which laws [01:38:51.880 --> 01:38:57.880] or which statutes they wanted to throw at me and did so. [01:38:57.880 --> 01:39:05.880] Did they give notice to the magistrate that you had a permit to grow? [01:39:05.880 --> 01:39:10.880] No, they should have come and asked me for that like they did the last time. [01:39:10.880 --> 01:39:11.880] No, no, no, no. [01:39:11.880 --> 01:39:13.880] They don't have to ask you a darn thing. [01:39:13.880 --> 01:39:17.880] If you have a permit to grow, it's a public record and they know about it. [01:39:17.880 --> 01:39:22.880] They have a statutory duty to know about it. [01:39:22.880 --> 01:39:24.880] So they knew about it when they came in there. [01:39:24.880 --> 01:39:35.880] According to affidavit, they didn't know who was living on the property. [01:39:35.880 --> 01:39:37.880] Do you own the property? [01:39:37.880 --> 01:39:41.880] No, I rent. [01:39:41.880 --> 01:39:47.880] Did they contact the owner of the property to find out who was on it? [01:39:47.880 --> 01:39:53.880] Not this time, but for the fence when he wanted me to put the fence. [01:39:53.880 --> 01:39:54.880] Nonsense. [01:39:54.880 --> 01:39:57.880] They knew exactly who was renting the property. [01:39:57.880 --> 01:40:00.880] There is no way they came on that property [01:40:00.880 --> 01:40:06.880] not knowing exactly who was in legal possession of the property. [01:40:06.880 --> 01:40:09.880] It doesn't appear so in their documents. [01:40:09.880 --> 01:40:15.880] Well, otherwise they would drag in the other person into court and not you. [01:40:15.880 --> 01:40:23.880] Why did they come to you instead of the owner of the property? [01:40:23.880 --> 01:40:25.880] Well, they just served the search warrant. [01:40:25.880 --> 01:40:26.880] They didn't care who was... [01:40:26.880 --> 01:40:28.880] No, no, listen. [01:40:28.880 --> 01:40:29.880] They're lying. [01:40:29.880 --> 01:40:31.880] They are lying. [01:40:31.880 --> 01:40:33.880] They knew you had a permit. [01:40:33.880 --> 01:40:40.880] They are presumed to know because you had a legal permit. [01:40:40.880 --> 01:40:42.880] They can't say they didn't know. [01:40:42.880 --> 01:40:45.880] You can't be blissfully ignorant. [01:40:45.880 --> 01:40:52.880] They knew full well you had a permit. [01:40:52.880 --> 01:40:53.880] There's your loophole. [01:40:53.880 --> 01:41:00.880] There's your way to go back after them. [01:41:00.880 --> 01:41:03.880] Does that make sense? [01:41:03.880 --> 01:41:04.880] Yeah, no. [01:41:04.880 --> 01:41:10.880] Believe me, I'm going over this with the counsel that I'm interviewing and all that. [01:41:10.880 --> 01:41:17.880] It's just these laws and statutes and ordinance all kind of get a little gray, [01:41:17.880 --> 01:41:21.880] and they just chose to go for the big one. [01:41:21.880 --> 01:41:24.880] So you had a permit to grow, [01:41:24.880 --> 01:41:29.880] and they came in and claimed they didn't know you had a permit to grow, [01:41:29.880 --> 01:41:32.880] and they gave you all this grief. [01:41:32.880 --> 01:41:35.880] You should file criminal charges against them [01:41:35.880 --> 01:41:40.880] and file civil suit against each of the actors. [01:41:40.880 --> 01:41:48.880] That is one of the things or one of the aspects I'm looking into, certainly. [01:41:48.880 --> 01:41:53.880] Yeah, they want to fight, give them one. [01:41:53.880 --> 01:41:58.880] There's a good chance you can make them go away. [01:41:58.880 --> 01:42:00.880] Yeah, agreed. [01:42:00.880 --> 01:42:04.880] Okay, let's do the rest of this on telegram. [01:42:04.880 --> 01:42:06.880] We've got one more segment left. [01:42:06.880 --> 01:42:10.880] We've got another caller who's been hanging on from the beginning. [01:42:10.880 --> 01:42:12.880] This is getting interesting. [01:42:12.880 --> 01:42:19.880] These are the kinds of analyses I really like to do. [01:42:19.880 --> 01:42:22.880] We take it apart piece by piece. [01:42:22.880 --> 01:42:27.880] This is how you're supposed to think about legal issues. [01:42:27.880 --> 01:42:32.880] The devil is absolutely in the details. [01:42:32.880 --> 01:42:35.880] Okay, thank you, Rocky. [01:42:35.880 --> 01:42:37.880] Thank you, gentlemen. [01:42:37.880 --> 01:42:42.880] Send us a chat on telegram, and we'll do this on telegram. [01:42:42.880 --> 01:42:44.880] All right, thanks, guys. You have a good one. [01:42:44.880 --> 01:42:46.880] Okay, thank you. [01:42:46.880 --> 01:42:48.880] Okay, now we're going to E.J. [01:42:48.880 --> 01:42:54.880] E.J., what is up with your case with the hospital [01:42:54.880 --> 01:43:04.880] where you went to visit a relative with COVID and the security guard arrested you? [01:43:04.880 --> 01:43:10.880] In 54 seconds or less. [01:43:10.880 --> 01:43:16.880] We've only got that in this segment. [01:43:16.880 --> 01:43:20.880] Quickly, what are you going to talk about on the other side? [01:43:20.880 --> 01:43:24.880] Okay, it's a proof of service. [01:43:24.880 --> 01:43:32.880] The hospital's attorneys sent me a demand for documents and things pursuant to blah, blah, blah, [01:43:32.880 --> 01:43:38.880] and then form an oracle for you as well. [01:43:38.880 --> 01:43:40.880] Okay, hold on, hold on. [01:43:40.880 --> 01:43:44.880] This is discovery song and dance and seltzer down your pants. [01:43:44.880 --> 01:43:45.880] Hang on. [01:43:45.880 --> 01:43:49.880] We will talk about this when we get on the other side. [01:43:49.880 --> 01:43:51.880] They can ask you for anything you want. [01:43:51.880 --> 01:43:52.880] They want to. [01:43:52.880 --> 01:43:54.880] You can give them to them or not. [01:43:54.880 --> 01:43:57.880] If you don't, they have to go judge them and have them make you do it. [01:43:57.880 --> 01:43:59.880] Hang on. We'll be right back. [01:43:59.880 --> 01:44:00.880] Dang, Cookie. [01:44:00.880 --> 01:44:02.880] Cookie? Me love cookies. [01:44:02.880 --> 01:44:03.880] Oh, hi, Cookie Munchers. [01:44:03.880 --> 01:44:05.880] No, these are yucky cookies. [01:44:05.880 --> 01:44:08.880] Cookies? Yucky? No, no bad cookies. [01:44:08.880 --> 01:44:10.880] You can't even eat these cookies. [01:44:10.880 --> 01:44:11.880] These are cyber cookies. [01:44:11.880 --> 01:44:13.880] No, can't eat any? [01:44:13.880 --> 01:44:16.880] No, they are cyber cookies, and they clog up your computer. [01:44:16.880 --> 01:44:17.880] Me have apple. [01:44:17.880 --> 01:44:18.880] Really? [01:44:18.880 --> 01:44:20.880] That's an actual apple. [01:44:20.880 --> 01:44:22.880] Yummy apple. [01:44:22.880 --> 01:44:26.880] I'm going to throw away these yucky cookies in the trash. [01:44:26.880 --> 01:44:32.880] I click control, shift, delete, and then scroll down to cookies and clear them. [01:44:32.880 --> 01:44:34.880] Bye-bye, yucky cookies. [01:44:34.880 --> 01:44:40.880] Now I go to logosradio.network.com and I click on the Amazon box on the upper right-hand side, [01:44:40.880 --> 01:44:46.880] bookmark the link, and I can go to Amazon through this link and order you some yummy new cookies. [01:44:46.880 --> 01:44:48.880] New cookies? For me? [01:44:48.880 --> 01:44:52.880] Consider it an early Christmas present, and every time I order on Amazon, [01:44:52.880 --> 01:44:56.880] I go through this link and I give a little present to this radio network, too. [01:44:56.880 --> 01:44:57.880] C is for Cookie. [01:44:57.880 --> 01:44:59.880] C is for classified. [01:44:59.880 --> 01:45:03.880] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:03.880 --> 01:45:06.880] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, [01:45:06.880 --> 01:45:14.880] the affordable, easy-to-understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:45:14.880 --> 01:45:18.880] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:45:18.880 --> 01:45:22.880] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:22.880 --> 01:45:27.880] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can, too. [01:45:27.880 --> 01:45:33.880] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [01:45:33.880 --> 01:45:38.880] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [01:45:38.880 --> 01:45:42.880] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [01:45:42.880 --> 01:45:48.880] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:45:48.880 --> 01:45:51.880] pro se tactics, and much more. [01:45:51.880 --> 01:46:00.880] Please visit lulavlogradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:00.880 --> 01:46:22.880] Hello. Oh, man. She in jail. She got busted, man. Oh, man, I'm broke, man. [01:46:22.880 --> 01:46:30.880] Some things in this world I will never understand. Some things I realize fully. [01:46:30.880 --> 01:46:39.880] Somebody's gonna police that policeman. Somebody's gonna police the police. [01:46:39.880 --> 01:46:48.880] There's always a room at the top of the hill. I hear through the grapevine and it's lonely left, too. [01:46:48.880 --> 01:46:52.880] They're wishing me welcome on an opposition to fail. [01:46:52.880 --> 01:46:54.880] Okay. We are back. [01:46:54.880 --> 01:46:59.880] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, the wheel of our radio, and we're talking to E.J. in Florida. [01:46:59.880 --> 01:47:04.880] Okay. E.J., where are we in your case? [01:47:04.880 --> 01:47:15.880] I filed the motion for summary judgment on Friday so that the next hearing date is August [01:47:15.880 --> 01:47:18.880] for the summary judgment. [01:47:18.880 --> 01:47:26.880] And now I'm kind of stuck on my next step, which is they sent me all these, oh, you know, [01:47:26.880 --> 01:47:30.880] demands for documents and we want to have... [01:47:30.880 --> 01:47:35.880] Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. There's a dispositive motion before the court. [01:47:35.880 --> 01:47:36.880] Yes. [01:47:36.880 --> 01:47:40.880] Screw their discovery request. [01:47:40.880 --> 01:47:50.880] Heck with that crap, Ola. You asked the court to set a hearing on your summary judgment motion. [01:47:50.880 --> 01:47:52.880] Okay. That's that. [01:47:52.880 --> 01:47:57.880] And ignore their request for discovery. [01:47:57.880 --> 01:48:04.880] Here's how discovery works. Discovery is not between you and the court and the other party. [01:48:04.880 --> 01:48:08.880] Discovery is between you and the other party. [01:48:08.880 --> 01:48:13.880] The other party says, hey, you got all this information. I want to look at it. [01:48:13.880 --> 01:48:17.880] And you say, yeah, I'll let you see this part of it, but I don't want you to see the rest of it. [01:48:17.880 --> 01:48:19.880] Heck with you. [01:48:19.880 --> 01:48:25.880] And then they have to file a motion with the court to compel discovery. [01:48:25.880 --> 01:48:28.880] And the judge will say, okay, you got to give them all this stuff. [01:48:28.880 --> 01:48:34.880] And you'll say, oh, I don't want to. You file an interlocutory appeal. [01:48:34.880 --> 01:48:39.880] And it takes them a long time to get through discovery. [01:48:39.880 --> 01:48:49.880] This is why when you go after public officials, the last thing they want to happen is to get to discovery. [01:48:49.880 --> 01:48:54.880] Discovery is a pain in the rear, and it takes a lot of time. [01:48:54.880 --> 01:49:03.880] So what they're trying to do is trick a pro se litigant into thinking that discovery means something. [01:49:03.880 --> 01:49:06.880] You've got a summary judgment motion before the court. [01:49:06.880 --> 01:49:09.880] You guys don't have anything to discover. [01:49:09.880 --> 01:49:13.880] You've already admitted to everything. [01:49:13.880 --> 01:49:17.880] So just ignore the discovery. [01:49:17.880 --> 01:49:35.880] One of the letters that they sent me to say we need to apply by April 28, we're going to have a deposition that is going to be making... [01:49:35.880 --> 01:49:38.880] No, you respond to them. [01:49:38.880 --> 01:49:46.880] You're not going to have a deposition until the summary judgment motion is adjudicated. [01:49:46.880 --> 01:49:48.880] Okay. [01:49:48.880 --> 01:49:52.880] And final bar grievance for even saying that to you. [01:49:52.880 --> 01:49:54.880] Okay, wonderful. [01:49:54.880 --> 01:49:59.880] That'll sting them good. [01:49:59.880 --> 01:50:05.880] In face of a summary judgment motion, they're asking, duh. [01:50:05.880 --> 01:50:14.880] Summary judgment means there are no issues of fact in disagreement. [01:50:14.880 --> 01:50:20.880] So discovery becomes irrelevant at this point. [01:50:20.880 --> 01:50:25.880] If there's no argument on the facts, what's the point of discovery? [01:50:25.880 --> 01:50:35.880] Unless it's to embarrass, annoy, or delay, harass, all those things that they're promising they're not going to use discovery for. [01:50:35.880 --> 01:50:44.880] Yeah, this is just...this doesn't make sense. [01:50:44.880 --> 01:50:50.880] When you file the summary judgment as, okay, did they answer your original pleading? [01:50:50.880 --> 01:50:52.880] Yes, they did. [01:50:52.880 --> 01:50:55.880] But it was completely a different case. [01:50:55.880 --> 01:51:01.880] Okay, that's where they answered the original pleading and they argued all kind of stuff that wasn't in your pleading. [01:51:01.880 --> 01:51:02.880] Is that correct? [01:51:02.880 --> 01:51:03.880] Correct. [01:51:03.880 --> 01:51:06.880] Yes, even the...what do you call it? [01:51:06.880 --> 01:51:12.880] The rules were for like malpractice and me submitting to a procedure. [01:51:12.880 --> 01:51:16.880] It's like, where is all this coming from? [01:51:16.880 --> 01:51:19.880] These arrogant jerks. [01:51:19.880 --> 01:51:25.880] They think you're a pro se so you don't know squat. [01:51:25.880 --> 01:51:28.880] You're so funny. [01:51:28.880 --> 01:51:29.880] So wonderful. [01:51:29.880 --> 01:51:31.880] Now you get to sting them. [01:51:31.880 --> 01:51:32.880] Okay. [01:51:32.880 --> 01:51:37.880] Just completely ignore their discovery request like they didn't even send them. [01:51:37.880 --> 01:51:38.880] Okay. [01:51:38.880 --> 01:51:46.880] And contact the court coordinator and ask the court coordinator to set a date for a hearing on your summary judgment motion. [01:51:46.880 --> 01:51:47.880] Okay. [01:51:47.880 --> 01:51:55.880] Nothing else gets to happen in the case until your summary judgment motion is heard because it is dispositive. [01:51:55.880 --> 01:52:03.880] Dispositive, meaning it will dispose of all the issues. [01:52:03.880 --> 01:52:10.880] Any notion of going to discovery is moot before summary judgment. [01:52:10.880 --> 01:52:11.880] Wonderful. [01:52:11.880 --> 01:52:13.880] Wow. [01:52:13.880 --> 01:52:15.880] Brilliant. [01:52:15.880 --> 01:52:18.880] It sounds like they're desperate. [01:52:18.880 --> 01:52:22.880] They screwed up. [01:52:22.880 --> 01:52:26.880] And now they're trying to suck you in to argue with them. [01:52:26.880 --> 01:52:27.880] Oh, I see. [01:52:27.880 --> 01:52:28.880] Yeah, you're right. [01:52:28.880 --> 01:52:40.880] Because the court says they think we're, you know, dumb phones or something, but not anymore. [01:52:40.880 --> 01:52:44.880] We're not battling and we're marching forward. [01:52:44.880 --> 01:52:47.880] We're getting very smart, Randy. [01:52:47.880 --> 01:52:51.880] Really, I see it now because they're scared. [01:52:51.880 --> 01:52:52.880] I can tell. [01:52:52.880 --> 01:52:56.880] They're scared. [01:52:56.880 --> 01:53:00.880] We empower each other through this radio station. [01:53:00.880 --> 01:53:02.880] So thank you so much. [01:53:02.880 --> 01:53:12.880] I'm going to do another, what do you call that, when I go online and send proceeds. [01:53:12.880 --> 01:53:14.880] So I will do that. [01:53:14.880 --> 01:53:17.880] I really, really appreciate this so much. [01:53:17.880 --> 01:53:24.880] And I'm sure all the callers appreciate so much because, you know, I was kind of like at a crossroads. [01:53:24.880 --> 01:53:32.880] Am I supposed to, you know, like send them, do you want my social security number? [01:53:32.880 --> 01:53:33.880] What? [01:53:33.880 --> 01:53:35.880] Are you kidding? [01:53:35.880 --> 01:53:42.880] They just, you know, they send out all these different things hoping they'll get it, but they're not going to get it. [01:53:42.880 --> 01:53:49.880] And then I, Randy, I'm doing a, what's that, a fee schedule. [01:53:49.880 --> 01:53:54.880] When I'm finished with it, I'll probably file it tomorrow. [01:53:54.880 --> 01:54:00.880] And if people are telegrammed, if they're interested, I'll post my fee schedule. [01:54:00.880 --> 01:54:01.880] It's rude. [01:54:01.880 --> 01:54:03.880] I think it's pretty nicely written. [01:54:03.880 --> 01:54:11.880] It's an affidavit, a fee schedule, because they put a totally different affirmative defense for another case. [01:54:11.880 --> 01:54:13.880] Wait, how could they do that? [01:54:13.880 --> 01:54:14.880] Oh, my goodness. [01:54:14.880 --> 01:54:16.880] They think we're that stupid? [01:54:16.880 --> 01:54:20.880] Copy and paste, epic fail. [01:54:20.880 --> 01:54:21.880] Epic fail. [01:54:21.880 --> 01:54:24.880] Yeah, really, shoot. [01:54:24.880 --> 01:54:26.880] Oh, my goodness. [01:54:26.880 --> 01:54:28.880] Yeah. [01:54:28.880 --> 01:54:33.880] They really totally, I would say, screwed up major. [01:54:33.880 --> 01:54:37.880] So they are, I think they're scared. [01:54:37.880 --> 01:54:39.880] We're on the rise. [01:54:39.880 --> 01:55:03.880] I do believe at this point, without you and Randy, I don't think we have gone this far up to go against their, what do you call it when they're just, you know, going after you and thinking that you can't do anything. [01:55:03.880 --> 01:55:07.880] You're totally against the wall. [01:55:07.880 --> 01:55:09.880] They have a gun pointed to your head. [01:55:09.880 --> 01:55:10.880] Seriously. [01:55:10.880 --> 01:55:14.880] It does feel really discouraging. [01:55:14.880 --> 01:55:18.880] I call it, I call it hubris. [01:55:18.880 --> 01:55:19.880] Hubris? [01:55:19.880 --> 01:55:21.880] Hubris. [01:55:21.880 --> 01:55:29.880] Confidence, let's see, overconfidence to the point of arrogance. [01:55:29.880 --> 01:55:30.880] We got it. [01:55:30.880 --> 01:55:32.880] Yeah. [01:55:32.880 --> 01:55:38.880] They can't imagine that a pro se can come in there and kick their behinds. [01:55:38.880 --> 01:55:44.880] They don't understand that they are low hanging fruit. [01:55:44.880 --> 01:55:45.880] Yeah. [01:55:45.880 --> 01:55:56.880] So hopefully calling in, everyone listening to the case, my case, you get, you know, this sense of urgency and you fight. [01:55:56.880 --> 01:55:58.880] You fight for your case. [01:55:58.880 --> 01:55:59.880] You go after them. [01:55:59.880 --> 01:56:00.880] That's the only way. [01:56:00.880 --> 01:56:02.880] You hit their pockets. [01:56:02.880 --> 01:56:05.880] Like you said, Randy, that's the end of the day. [01:56:05.880 --> 01:56:09.880] You do have to hit them financially because then they'll stop. [01:56:09.880 --> 01:56:14.880] Because they're motivated by money, purely, you know, by greed, whatever. [01:56:14.880 --> 01:56:16.880] So I really appreciate it. [01:56:16.880 --> 01:56:27.880] I'm going to keep going on and on because I just feel, wow, you just lifted this whole, you know, this dragging cement off my shoulders. [01:56:27.880 --> 01:56:30.880] Oh, that's good. [01:56:30.880 --> 01:56:35.880] But the summary judgment is scheduled in August. [01:56:35.880 --> 01:56:36.880] It's already scheduled. [01:56:36.880 --> 01:56:38.880] It's calendared. [01:56:38.880 --> 01:56:41.880] But then I have my conference. [01:56:41.880 --> 01:56:43.880] Is that the conference call? [01:56:43.880 --> 01:56:45.880] That is in June. [01:56:45.880 --> 01:56:47.880] So is that still okay? [01:56:47.880 --> 01:56:51.880] Or should I try to move the summary judgment prior? [01:56:51.880 --> 01:56:52.880] I don't think that's going to happen. [01:56:52.880 --> 01:56:54.880] I forget that I asked that. [01:56:54.880 --> 01:57:01.880] I don't think that's going to happen, but I do so much appreciate the guys. [01:57:01.880 --> 01:57:05.880] And you can get more people to fight and hit their pockets. [01:57:05.880 --> 01:57:06.880] It's the only way. [01:57:06.880 --> 01:57:10.880] Yeah, it's the only way. [01:57:10.880 --> 01:57:16.880] For example, in Santa Ana here, I fought for that red light camera. [01:57:16.880 --> 01:57:17.880] Okay. [01:57:17.880 --> 01:57:21.880] It was in Santa Ana where all the courts are. [01:57:21.880 --> 01:57:25.880] So I fought that with other people and we won. [01:57:25.880 --> 01:57:28.880] Okay. [01:57:28.880 --> 01:57:36.880] So as people fight more, they can't keep that up or they'll lose, you know, money, revenue on their end. [01:57:36.880 --> 01:57:37.880] Guess what? [01:57:37.880 --> 01:57:40.880] All the red light cameras are gone. [01:57:40.880 --> 01:57:41.880] They're gone. [01:57:41.880 --> 01:57:42.880] Okay. [01:57:42.880 --> 01:57:43.880] We fought. [01:57:43.880 --> 01:57:44.880] Congratulations. [01:57:44.880 --> 01:57:47.880] Yes, yes. [01:57:47.880 --> 01:57:48.880] So I appreciate it. [01:57:48.880 --> 01:57:49.880] Thank you so much. [01:57:49.880 --> 01:57:51.880] You're so neat. [01:57:51.880 --> 01:57:52.880] Thank you. [01:57:52.880 --> 01:57:58.880] It's people like you that make these things worthwhile when we spend all this time talking with people [01:57:58.880 --> 01:58:01.880] and helping people see the next step or something or other. [01:58:01.880 --> 01:58:03.880] You would have found it anyway because that's who you are. [01:58:03.880 --> 01:58:10.880] That's the kind of person that you're the ones that take it and run with it and make something happen with it [01:58:10.880 --> 01:58:13.880] like you've been sharing with other people, too. [01:58:13.880 --> 01:58:14.880] That's great. [01:58:14.880 --> 01:58:19.880] So thanks for encouraging feedback about that as well. [01:58:19.880 --> 01:58:21.880] Yeah, this is why we do this show. [01:58:21.880 --> 01:58:25.880] This is what keeps us going. [01:58:25.880 --> 01:58:30.880] The idea that we can get other people beaten up public officials. [01:58:30.880 --> 01:58:35.880] There's just something so enjoyable about that. [01:58:35.880 --> 01:58:36.880] Okay. [01:58:36.880 --> 01:58:37.880] Thank you all for listening. [01:58:37.880 --> 01:58:39.880] We are out of time. [01:58:39.880 --> 01:58:41.880] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Wheel of Law Radio. [01:58:41.880 --> 01:58:45.880] We'll be back tomorrow night for our four-hour info marathon. [01:58:45.880 --> 01:58:50.880] Until then, good night. [01:58:50.880 --> 01:58:57.880] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible called the New Testament Recovery Version. [01:58:57.880 --> 01:59:03.880] The New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes that explain what the Bible says, [01:59:03.880 --> 01:59:08.880] verse by verse, helping you to know God and to know the meaning of life. [01:59:08.880 --> 01:59:11.880] Get your free copy today from Bibles for America. [01:59:11.880 --> 01:59:20.880] Call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:20.880 --> 01:59:25.880] This translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 cross references, [01:59:25.880 --> 01:59:29.880] plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of the Bible. [01:59:29.880 --> 01:59:32.880] This is truly a Bible you can understand. [01:59:32.880 --> 01:59:40.880] To get your free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version, call us toll free at 888-551-0102. [01:59:40.880 --> 01:59:51.880] That's 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:51.880 --> 02:00:02.880] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com.