[00:00.000 --> 00:05.920] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [00:05.920 --> 00:09.600] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [00:09.600 --> 00:11.080] Our liberty depends on it. [00:11.080 --> 00:15.000] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [00:15.000 --> 00:17.100] your First Amendment rights. [00:17.100 --> 00:18.680] Privacy is under attack. [00:18.680 --> 00:22.280] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [00:22.280 --> 00:27.080] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish, too. [00:27.080 --> 00:32.240] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [00:32.240 --> 00:33.240] Privacy. [00:33.240 --> 00:34.840] It's worth hanging on to. [00:34.840 --> 00:39.120] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [00:39.120 --> 00:42.640] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [00:42.640 --> 00:44.880] Start over with Startpage. [00:44.880 --> 00:46.700] Spar. [00:46.700 --> 00:47.940] It's what fighters do. [00:47.940 --> 00:51.400] It's also how I remember the five guarantees of the First Amendment. [00:51.400 --> 00:54.640] If you plan to take away my rights, I'm going to spar with you. [00:54.640 --> 01:01.680] Spar with an extra P. S for speech, P for press, another P for petition, A for assembly, [01:01.680 --> 01:03.200] and R for religion. [01:03.200 --> 01:07.160] Most Americans are familiar with the First Amendment guarantees of free speech, press, [01:07.160 --> 01:08.640] assembly, and religion. [01:08.640 --> 01:10.600] But petition for redress is another matter. [01:10.600 --> 01:14.720] We have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [01:14.720 --> 01:18.240] It means that if we're unhappy with what's going on in our government, we can spell out [01:18.240 --> 01:20.960] the reasons without fear of being thrown into jail. [01:20.960 --> 01:22.840] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:22.840 --> 01:31.160] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31.160 --> 01:34.840] The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 amendments of our Constitution. [01:34.840 --> 01:38.280] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:38.280 --> 01:39.720] Our liberty depends on it. [01:39.720 --> 01:43.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [01:43.680 --> 01:46.800] one of your constitutional rights. [01:46.800 --> 01:48.400] Privacy is under attack. [01:48.400 --> 01:52.000] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:52.000 --> 01:56.760] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish, too. [01:56.760 --> 02:01.800] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [02:01.800 --> 02:04.520] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [02:04.520 --> 02:08.820] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [02:08.820 --> 02:12.360] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [02:12.360 --> 02:15.920] Start over with Startpage. [02:15.920 --> 02:20.280] When I think of the Second Amendment, I visualize myself wrapping my two arms around the Bill [02:20.280 --> 02:22.360] of Rights in a big old bear hug. [02:22.360 --> 02:26.840] It's how I remember that the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms, arms [02:26.840 --> 02:30.680] that embrace our freedoms and won't let anyone take them away without a fight. [02:30.680 --> 02:31.680] Get it? [02:31.680 --> 02:34.000] Two arms, bear hug, bear arms? [02:34.000 --> 02:37.600] The late Senator Hubert Humphrey captured the spirit of the Second Amendment so well [02:37.600 --> 02:43.360] when he said, the right of the citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary [02:43.360 --> 02:47.480] government, one more safeguard against the tyranny, which now appears remote in America, [02:47.480 --> 02:50.560] but which historically has proved to always be possible. [02:50.560 --> 02:52.560] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [02:52.560 --> 02:54.840] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [02:54.840 --> 03:24.320] Well, I received my remedy today, came in a box just like they say, I'm a bear, I'm [03:24.320 --> 03:33.800] not a grudge. [03:33.800 --> 03:46.640] I accepted it for value right away, it's not sooner, it's not later. [03:46.640 --> 03:47.760] We are originators and the pathway seems to get straighter every day, and I can take any [03:47.760 --> 03:48.760] thing that belongs to me and put it to good use. [03:48.760 --> 03:56.680] on this Friday the 11th day of March 2022 and we're talking to Jerry grass [03:56.680 --> 04:05.440] police for Pennsylvania you guys yeah Jerry let me give him a kind of a recoup [04:05.440 --> 04:12.200] of where you're at they didn't like his weeds too high so the grass police come [04:12.200 --> 04:17.920] along and they photographed his property and then they went got the police the [04:17.920 --> 04:25.240] sheriff was a sheriff or city police oh they sent like three carloads of police [04:25.240 --> 04:31.440] over here to apprehend me okay so all of these guys come on to his property and [04:31.440 --> 04:37.400] they took photos and they did they search the property property oh yeah they [04:37.400 --> 04:42.280] were returning a lot of stuff they had a real problem when they got to the pile [04:42.280 --> 04:55.080] of lumber when the bees came out there with his hands on his weapon I say it was [04:55.080 --> 05:01.040] I don't think he had his hand on his weapon when the bees came out he was busy fighting the [05:01.040 --> 05:11.360] bees on me because I keep bees you know I'm a beehive keeper and I knew I know [05:11.360 --> 05:21.200] how to handle but they weren't looking at me they were now busy okay he sued [05:21.200 --> 05:27.360] and the court throughout his case he appealed it to the Court of Appeals and [05:27.360 --> 05:35.320] they remanded it back he won the appeal now that's precedent in Pennsylvania if [05:35.320 --> 05:41.240] the grass police come on to your property without a warrant and you have a no [05:41.240 --> 05:48.480] trespass sign you can sue them in court you can hold them in court so well he [05:48.480 --> 05:54.320] changed the law in Texas in Pennsylvania okay now now you're going back after [05:54.320 --> 06:01.960] where are we now well then what to think like I say I took another district [06:01.960 --> 06:06.680] towards once the circuit court circuit court remanded back down to district [06:06.680 --> 06:10.960] court when it got back to down to district the court I filed a summary [06:10.960 --> 06:15.720] judgment and that was three months ago now of course they gave me a schedule [06:15.720 --> 06:23.440] but I wouldn't too much interest in that so I was sitting here wondering would it [06:23.440 --> 06:33.400] be good to file a mandamus rehearing for in bank what else can I do here okay [06:33.400 --> 06:42.320] they they pushed you back to the trial court has you asked the court to okay [06:42.320 --> 06:49.360] you filed a motion for summary judgment have you asked the court to set a date [06:49.360 --> 06:54.240] to hear your summary judgment motion wait wait wait summary judgment did [06:54.240 --> 07:00.440] opposing side respond to your summary judgment filing no they hadn't said [07:00.440 --> 07:06.160] anything since three months ago when I filed a summary judgment that was the [07:06.160 --> 07:13.080] last I heard the from the judge or the lawyers okay file for default judgment [07:13.080 --> 07:20.640] oh is that what you got to do next yeah you file for summary judgment there is [07:20.640 --> 07:26.240] no opposition to your summary judgment motion so you have a right to default [07:26.240 --> 07:31.480] judgment go to the clerk give the motion to the clerk and have the clerk look in [07:31.480 --> 07:38.400] the record you filed a summary judgment motion on this day the opposing party [07:38.400 --> 07:46.120] didn't file a response didn't oppose the summary judgment motion oh yeah we're [07:46.120 --> 07:54.800] supposed to do that bring this brings a question on the original petition when [07:54.800 --> 08:00.760] you first file suit the opposing the defendant has what the general rule is [08:00.760 --> 08:07.880] in most states is the Monday after the 20th day to file a response but when you [08:07.880 --> 08:14.800] file a motion what does Pennsylvania law say about how long you have so the other [08:14.800 --> 08:23.040] party has air to file an answer to the motion well most of these are 20 days [08:23.040 --> 08:29.440] from five or 30 days when they get into the 40 days it gets a little hairy you [08:29.440 --> 08:35.120] know but you know that's okay that's what that you answered the question they [08:35.120 --> 08:44.440] do have statutory time limits on some motions some you know they're like the [08:44.440 --> 08:50.120] justice of the Peace Corps they say you have to file a response at least a day [08:50.120 --> 08:56.680] before hearing but with this summary judgment in the district there should be [08:56.680 --> 09:00.640] a time limit to file a response that's so you can't let a court case just [09:00.640 --> 09:06.000] languish and go on forever so if you're past the statutory time limit then you [09:06.000 --> 09:12.920] have a right to default judgment okay they don't do I'll just they've agreed [09:12.920 --> 09:16.480] to everything everything and generally the way this goes is you give it to the [09:16.480 --> 09:21.600] clerk and show the clerk I filed a motion on this day you look in your [09:21.600 --> 09:28.040] record you'll see that I filed on this day and look up to this dates and say [09:28.040 --> 09:35.720] 30 days if you don't know if I find an answer in there then sign this generally [09:35.720 --> 09:40.240] the clerk can sign the default judgment and then they give it to the judge to [09:40.240 --> 09:47.680] approve it it's done oh okay I figured it was something else I could do but it [09:47.680 --> 09:53.760] wasn't quite sure which one it was okay that's what I'll do then yeah they may [09:53.760 --> 10:01.680] have thrown up their hands and gave up that's what I don't know it's like I [10:01.680 --> 10:06.840] thought it was a little unusual after almost three months and I was a while [10:06.840 --> 10:14.520] maybe I better call you and see what I could do because I was gonna just go [10:14.520 --> 10:20.320] ahead and pick it up to the free hearing in banks back now that's a little higher [10:20.320 --> 10:25.440] than it didn't in the circuit but it's a little higher in the circuit you get a [10:25.440 --> 10:34.600] six pound or a nine pound instead of judges for a final hearing on it so you [10:34.600 --> 10:41.560] may not have you can you go for default they might have just stopped but if they [10:41.560 --> 10:46.480] had 30 days whatever it is right they went over it they've got a hurdle to [10:46.480 --> 10:55.200] climb yeah well that's what they would do normally to a pro se right yeah yeah [10:55.200 --> 11:05.480] they don't expect you won the appeal they should have won't known yeah the [11:05.480 --> 11:11.360] last time I talked to you you said I won the appeal and that's that's what I say [11:11.360 --> 11:17.760] I mean they said it was sent back to the district the federal district judge [11:17.760 --> 11:23.000] there but that's federal district drugs he's pretty well had it with me as I [11:23.000 --> 11:29.480] bargaged her about five or six times and bargaged her husband I judicial conduct [11:29.480 --> 11:36.040] and I think even sending judicial conduct on these three judges that gave [11:36.040 --> 11:42.320] me the judgment because I just keep right on going I'm like that's what [11:42.320 --> 11:48.880] they're probably figuring that out and I want to get rid of you so if they rule [11:48.880 --> 11:56.680] against the other guy who's for you then you stop harassing them well I got five [11:56.680 --> 12:03.080] more cases here and this last one said that they ran I ran out of time but they [12:03.080 --> 12:10.200] sent me the thing here to file in the u.s. Superior Court so I guess that would [12:10.200 --> 12:15.160] be judge the judge Roberts's office so I'm sitting there putting that together [12:15.160 --> 12:27.720] now I guess I can both agree with him too and judicial conduct right I suspect [12:27.720 --> 12:35.560] Tina's prettier oh yeah yeah yeah yeah she was just going yeah or that other lady [12:35.560 --> 12:45.720] what's her name bad grandma Leslie oh my bad grandma you do not want that woman [12:45.720 --> 12:55.520] after you okay you have anything else for us Jerry oh no that was about it [12:55.520 --> 13:00.240] I'll go ahead and follow that and I'll let you know how I make out in the [13:00.240 --> 13:11.320] meantime wonder send Brad over with his tractor cut these weeds will you I might [13:11.320 --> 13:17.840] enjoy your bees okay now we're going to John in New York John what do you have [13:17.840 --> 13:27.280] for us all right hi hi Randy call me back hi Randy how you doing and we're [13:27.280 --> 13:35.840] doing good what do you have for us today well here's what I got DWI not mine not [13:35.840 --> 13:43.280] mine I I don't do that two girls at a party I guess they were drinking they [13:43.280 --> 13:49.640] both get in the car girl number a is driving girl number B is in the front [13:49.640 --> 13:57.360] passenger seat girl a is speeding cop stops them girl a jumps into the back [13:57.360 --> 14:03.320] seat immediately before the cop gets to the window leaving girl B in the front [14:03.320 --> 14:11.120] seat both girls afterwards told the cop girl a was driving they both said yes [14:11.120 --> 14:16.200] girl a was driving didn't make any difference because girl a who was not [14:16.200 --> 14:24.040] driving got the DWI ticket now beside an attorney any magic that you can do this [14:24.040 --> 14:36.680] county both 90% DWI conviction rate this calls for a affidavit an affidavit yes [14:36.680 --> 14:43.880] witness affidavit have the person who was actually driving prepare a written [14:43.880 --> 14:48.240] statement just both of them prepare a written statement file it to the in the [14:48.240 --> 14:57.560] court with a motion to dismiss okay oh okay now any particular wording or just [14:57.560 --> 15:01.720] in your own words and then take it to a notary public yeah yeah yeah this this [15:01.720 --> 15:05.520] doesn't take you might look up some case law if you need you I don't think you'll [15:05.520 --> 15:11.160] need to in this case that if those persons in the car the ones who would [15:11.160 --> 15:17.680] have firsthand knowledge testify that one particular person was driving and [15:17.680 --> 15:23.600] that they told the police this at the time the police knew and they wrote the [15:23.600 --> 15:29.640] other person anyway this will be easy enough to get them to drop but girl [15:29.640 --> 15:37.800] girl number a John did you really say number a okay okay girl number a is [15:37.800 --> 15:47.240] likely to get charged with you I suggest this right did they do a survivor test [15:47.240 --> 15:55.360] on girl a I don't mean I that information I didn't get that that's very [15:55.360 --> 16:00.480] important is a lot of information that I didn't get it's very important yeah so [16:00.480 --> 16:06.320] tell them don't worry about what the trial court does you know file the [16:06.320 --> 16:13.120] affidavits and move to dismiss the trial court doesn't dismiss then [16:13.120 --> 16:19.080] immediately file for writ of mandamus now what's that I've heard you say it [16:19.080 --> 16:26.720] many times rid of mandamus is you this this kind of ruling would be [16:26.720 --> 16:34.400] dispositive it would dispose of the case and you maintain that the judge fails to [16:34.400 --> 16:42.520] properly apply the law to the facts and you ask the trial the appeals court to [16:42.520 --> 16:48.920] order the trial judge to properly apply the law to the facts and it'll make the [16:48.920 --> 17:00.800] case go away okay well after the music the sunrise everything seems are you [17:00.800 --> 17:05.720] being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls letters or even losses stop [17:05.720 --> 17:10.000] debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method Michael Mears has [17:10.000 --> 17:14.360] won six cases in federal court against debt collectors and now you can win too [17:14.360 --> 17:18.600] you'll get step-by-step instructions in slaying English on how to win in court [17:18.600 --> 17:23.640] using federal civil rights statutes what to do when contacted by phones mail or [17:23.640 --> 17:27.720] court summons how to answer letters and phone calls how to get debt collectors [17:27.720 --> 17:31.480] out of your credit report how to turn the financial tables on them and make [17:31.480 --> 17:37.000] them pay you to go away the Michael Mears proven method is the solution for [17:37.000 --> 17:41.280] how to stop debt collectors personal consultation is available as well for [17:41.280 --> 17:45.400] more information please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue [17:45.400 --> 17:50.500] Michael Mears banner or email Michael Mears at yahoo.com that's rule of law [17:50.500 --> 17:58.360] radio.com or email m i c h a e l m i r r a s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop [17:58.360 --> 18:04.440] debt collectors now rule of law radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic [18:04.440 --> 18:07.960] seminar in today's America we live in an us against them society if we the people [18:07.960 --> 18:11.080] are ever going to have a free society and we're going to have to stand and [18:11.080 --> 18:14.560] defend our own rights among those rights are the right to travel freely from [18:14.560 --> 18:17.280] place to place the right to act in our own private capacity and most [18:17.280 --> 18:21.040] importantly the right to due process of law traffic courts afford us the least [18:21.040 --> 18:24.400] expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through [18:24.400 --> 18:27.040] due process former sheriff's deputy Eddie Craig in [18:27.040 --> 18:29.680] conjunction with rule of law radio has put together the most comprehensive [18:29.680 --> 18:33.360] teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process is and [18:33.360 --> 18:36.320] how to hold courts to the rule of law you can get your own copy of this [18:36.320 --> 18:39.960] invaluable material by going to rule of law radio.com and ordering your copy [18:39.960 --> 18:42.960] today by ordering now you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book the Texas [18:42.960 --> 18:47.000] transportation code the law versus the lie video and audio of the original 2009 [18:47.000 --> 18:50.400] seminar hundreds of research documents and other useful resource material [18:50.400 --> 18:53.160] learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from rule of [18:53.160 --> 18:57.280] law radio.com order your copy today and together we can have the free society [18:57.280 --> 19:00.280] we all want and deserve [19:00.280 --> 19:12.280] you are listening to the logos radio network logosradio network.com [19:12.280 --> 19:17.280] well don't let nothing get to you only the father can deliver you [19:17.280 --> 19:23.280] don't let bad-minded people hurt you until safe and get behind [19:23.280 --> 19:30.280] you know what I mean my friend [19:53.280 --> 19:58.280] he's everything he's everything to me [20:24.280 --> 20:27.280] telling you [20:29.280 --> 20:35.280] okay we are back with Randy Kelty from Brent Fountain rule of law radio and [20:35.280 --> 20:44.120] talking to John and do these women have a lawyer no they don't it's probably [20:44.120 --> 20:52.000] best so yeah now will they appoint one they'll appoint a useless one of course [20:52.000 --> 21:00.720] but will they appoint one no try this first motion to dismiss both of them [21:00.720 --> 21:09.720] file a verified affidavit stating the facts of the case and move to dismiss [21:09.720 --> 21:16.480] and they deny it this is a motion to dismiss so it's a dispositive you can [21:16.480 --> 21:22.480] either file a mandamus or an interlocutory appeal an interlocutory [21:22.480 --> 21:34.480] appeal is an appeal on a ruling that is is lost the word breath of it [21:34.480 --> 21:44.320] dispositive it will dispose of the case so it would be judicially inefficient to [21:44.320 --> 21:52.000] go through the whole case when this rule would stop would save the judge the time [21:52.000 --> 21:58.600] of having to adjudicate the whole thing and save the state the cost of it so in [21:58.600 --> 22:06.160] this case you can do an interlocutory appeal appeal that particular ruling if [22:06.160 --> 22:11.400] you win that one the case stops and nobody spends any extra money but mainly [22:11.400 --> 22:20.200] the interlocutory what it does is it gets the facts and law out of the hands [22:20.200 --> 22:25.520] of the trial court and into the hands of the appellate court who will give it a [22:25.520 --> 22:31.920] whole different reading than the trial court will now why why take it out of [22:31.920 --> 22:36.360] the trial court what happened in the trial court to make that necessary the [22:36.360 --> 22:43.720] trial court failed to properly apply the law to the facts another word they [22:43.720 --> 22:51.920] denied the motion and there wasn't even a hearing no no that's you coming up [22:51.920 --> 22:58.800] with some whole different scenario I'm saying file a motion to dismiss and they [22:58.800 --> 23:04.520] can have a hearing if the judge rules against these this girl then file an [23:04.520 --> 23:10.800] interlocutory appeal because this is a dispositive motion it disposes of the [23:10.800 --> 23:16.080] case the case stops right there okay instead of adjudicating out the whole [23:16.080 --> 23:22.000] case and coming up with half a dozen other appellate issues this one would [23:22.000 --> 23:29.360] cause the case to go away so appeal that individually and if the Court of Appeals [23:29.360 --> 23:34.760] agrees with you boom the case stops but it gets it out of the hands of the judge [23:34.760 --> 23:41.760] the judge has discretion he can decide what he wants to rule on how he wants [23:41.760 --> 23:46.520] to rule on them the appellate court doesn't get to do that you go to the [23:46.520 --> 23:54.480] appellate court the appellate court must carefully apply facts to law what they [23:54.480 --> 24:04.280] rule becomes new law if they rule against standard law the law changes they [24:04.280 --> 24:12.540] don't care about the case itself they care about maintaining the the integrity [24:12.540 --> 24:19.280] of the body of law the corpus juris so they want to make sure the rulings that [24:19.280 --> 24:25.600] come out of the court coincide with the law as this court as the appeal [24:25.600 --> 24:32.960] appellate court and the Supreme Court has laid it down right that part I [24:32.960 --> 24:43.280] understand can you spell interlocutor interlocutor I don't know okay [24:43.280 --> 24:55.160] interlocutory like a you are locutory l-o-c-u-t-o-r-y I would have never got [24:55.160 --> 25:02.880] that right okay yeah I can spell it right G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O-E [25:02.880 --> 25:09.440] Siri how do you spell Google I've got three screens up here and the screen to [25:09.440 --> 25:17.440] my left I keep a browser open so that when I'm typing and I get a misspelling [25:17.440 --> 25:21.880] and I can't fix it quickly I jump over to the other screen put the name in and [25:21.880 --> 25:30.400] it'll tell me how to spell it if God had meant for man to spell he would not have [25:30.400 --> 25:40.080] created spell check okay let's see if I can fit a verified verified affidavit [25:40.080 --> 25:44.880] that means you take it to a notary public verified right yes okay so [25:44.880 --> 25:49.040] verified means you take it to a notary public we swear it's the truth and in it [25:49.040 --> 25:55.520] you explain the fact and now I don't remember if they said the girl a said [25:55.520 --> 26:01.760] she was driving first and then they said no I wasn't now attack that that's [26:01.760 --> 26:07.280] probably going to change something yes if that if that was true if I write these [26:07.280 --> 26:13.800] girls when you ask for an affidavit it'll put them on the dime so just tell [26:13.800 --> 26:18.760] whatever happened yes can you get a recording from either one of them did [26:18.760 --> 26:23.000] they capture this or do you have a body cam or something that you can see in [26:23.000 --> 26:29.200] order what happened we said what for real they were drunk there must be a [26:29.200 --> 26:36.120] camera if we don't know if they if the cop was wearing a body cam or not [26:36.120 --> 26:42.560] this is DUI they had to be wearing a body cam these girls are drunk however [26:42.560 --> 26:47.680] they could remember everything what they said in which order so have them state [26:47.680 --> 26:53.680] what they you know their position and if the other side objects to it say well [26:53.680 --> 27:04.080] this is easy enough to resolve produce the body cams yeah yeah okay and tell [27:04.080 --> 27:08.400] these girls that that's what you're going to ask the police to do that will [27:08.400 --> 27:20.640] encourage them to be more candid in their affidavits he's saying to be more [27:20.640 --> 27:23.840] candid candid in their affidavits knowing that the cops are going to be [27:23.840 --> 27:29.840] producing the cameras so also when they write this out they can knowing this [27:29.840 --> 27:35.480] they can write it in a way that says I believe this is what happened or to the [27:35.480 --> 27:40.680] best of my recollection or qualifiers like that right that way they're not [27:40.680 --> 27:47.800] her during themselves right supposing girl a when the cop came over to the [27:47.800 --> 27:51.800] window I'm just saying supposing supposing she said well I was driving [27:51.800 --> 27:56.680] yeah yeah I was driving and then later they told the cop two minutes later no [27:56.680 --> 28:03.000] that's not what happened is that going to change anything yes that'll change [28:03.000 --> 28:12.200] everything now she becomes a list incredible witness yeah I got it okay [28:12.200 --> 28:16.920] okay got it all right I think I understand now and then you file the [28:16.920 --> 28:23.220] interlocutory appeal with the appeals court because the judge did not apply [28:23.220 --> 28:31.920] the fact did not properly apply the law to the facts right in other words we [28:31.920 --> 28:38.840] have a I have a good case in Texas you can probably find similar cases in New [28:38.840 --> 28:46.880] York if you run this case for New York you might find a New York statute what [28:46.880 --> 28:55.600] Whacker Walker V Packer says is a judge has no discretion in properly applying [28:55.600 --> 29:04.280] the law to the facts a failure to do so is an abuse of discretion and it goes [29:04.280 --> 29:13.360] on to say that the only thing you can appeal is an abuse of discretion so use [29:13.360 --> 29:19.880] this case and claim that the judge failed to properly apply the law to the [29:19.880 --> 29:27.800] facts and he did so because he did so because they asked of the verified [29:27.800 --> 29:34.360] affidavit said the story and then he didn't follow that affidavit that's [29:34.360 --> 29:41.560] warranty absolutely the affidavit must be accepted as true unless it is we [29:41.560 --> 29:52.920] rebutted by a another affidavit actually was a cop file another affidavit they [29:52.920 --> 30:01.960] could but if this happens the cops probably won't care everyone knows that [30:01.960 --> 30:06.080] walking is great exercise but you might not know that the way you walk could [30:06.080 --> 30:09.920] predict how long you're going to live I'm dr. Katherine Albrecht and I'll be [30:09.920 --> 30:14.120] back to tell you more about walking prognostication in just a moment [30:14.120 --> 30:19.040] privacy is under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never get it [30:19.040 --> 30:23.640] back again and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to [30:23.640 --> 30:28.160] vanish too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep your [30:28.160 --> 30:33.360] information to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on to this public service [30:33.360 --> 30:37.280] announcement is brought to you by start page comm the private search engine [30:37.280 --> 30:44.240] alternative to Google Yahoo and Bing start over with start page new research [30:44.240 --> 30:48.160] shows how fast you want could predict how long you're going to live the [30:48.160 --> 30:51.800] journal of the American Medical Association reports that older adults [30:51.800 --> 30:56.320] who walk one meter per second or faster live longer than expected in case you're [30:56.320 --> 31:00.320] wondering one meter per second is about two and a quarter miles per hour a [31:00.320 --> 31:04.080] seniors age gender and walking speed were as good at predicting life [31:04.080 --> 31:08.240] expectancy as more traditional statistical measures generally speaking [31:08.240 --> 31:12.880] faster walkers live longer measuring walking speed is quick and inexpensive [31:12.880 --> 31:17.360] it only takes a stopwatch some space to walk in a few minutes researchers say it [31:17.360 --> 31:22.080] could help doctors identify older patients who need special care I'm dr. [31:22.080 --> 31:29.600] Katherine Albrecht more news and information at Katherine Albrecht com I [31:29.600 --> 31:35.840] lost my son my nephew my uncle my son on September 11th 2001 most people don't [31:35.840 --> 31:39.840] know that a third tower fell on September 11th World Trade Center 7 a [31:39.840 --> 31:44.680] 47-story skyscraper was not hit by a plane will be official exclamation is [31:44.680 --> 31:49.520] that fire brought down building seven over 1,200 architects and engineers and [31:49.520 --> 31:52.560] looked into the evidence and believe there is more to the story bring [31:52.560 --> 31:57.960] justice to my son my uncle my nephew my son go to building watch dot org why it [31:57.960 --> 32:02.920] fell why it matters and what you can do are you looking to have a closer [32:02.920 --> 32:07.320] relationship with God and a better understanding of his word then tune in [32:07.320 --> 32:12.280] to logosradio.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Central Time for scripture [32:12.280 --> 32:16.560] talk where Nana and her guests discuss the scriptures in accord with 2nd [32:16.560 --> 32:21.560] Timothy 2 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that need [32:21.560 --> 32:26.520] is not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth starting in January our [32:26.520 --> 32:30.400] first hour studies are in the book of Mark where we'll go verse by verse and [32:30.400 --> 32:34.840] discuss the true gospel message our second hour topical studies will vary [32:34.840 --> 32:38.520] each week with discussions on sound doctrine and Christian character [32:38.520 --> 32:42.840] development we wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to all those [32:42.840 --> 32:47.000] with a hearing ear our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform [32:47.000 --> 32:51.600] ourselves more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus so tune in to [32:51.600 --> 32:57.360] scripture talk live on logosradio.com Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. to inspire [32:57.360 --> 33:01.480] and motivate your studies of the scriptures [33:01.480 --> 33:22.480] live free speech radio logosradio.com [33:31.480 --> 33:50.920] okay we are back Brandon Kelton Brett Fountain rule of law radio and we're [33:50.920 --> 33:57.480] talking to John in New York one thing I need to tell you John you're helping [33:57.480 --> 34:08.160] other people and you have to be warned people never tell you everything oh I [34:08.160 --> 34:13.840] know I know okay it's not always intentional but you have to be careful [34:13.840 --> 34:23.400] you have to ask them hard questions right okay I just want you and it's not [34:23.400 --> 34:29.200] because they mean to it's because they're trying to find a way to get you [34:29.200 --> 34:35.280] to want to help them so they tend not to tell you the bad stuff so we have to [34:35.280 --> 34:42.080] listen to them really careful got it got it I understand and I want to thank both [34:42.080 --> 34:47.400] of you for that Brett and Randy both now I'm just going to ask you one more [34:47.400 --> 34:51.600] question and that pertains to something else and then I'm just going to leave it [34:51.600 --> 34:57.240] at that did I send you enough material that you need yet to do what you got to [34:57.240 --> 35:07.760] do no no what you see me with good material but you're sending me stuff [35:07.760 --> 35:15.000] that goes to vaccines and such what John's talking about is I'm trying to [35:15.000 --> 35:24.120] craft a criminal complaint against doctors who treated people with the [35:24.120 --> 35:32.440] standard COVID procedure knowing that it's not working the client is dying and [35:32.440 --> 35:40.120] the clients family tries to bring alternative treatments and they refuse [35:40.120 --> 35:44.920] to allow them you even use guards with guns to prevent them from giving [35:44.920 --> 35:52.680] medicines that would save their lives I'm calling that depraved heart murder [35:52.680 --> 35:58.520] you're giving me good information about the vaccines and about the the you know [35:58.520 --> 36:03.240] the shenanigans that they're pulling there but that doesn't help me when I'm [36:03.240 --> 36:09.280] trying to take a doctor and say your treatments are not working and you know [36:09.280 --> 36:13.800] full well this client's going to die with the treatment that you're giving [36:13.800 --> 36:21.460] him and the Trump passed into law signed into law a bill authorizing alternative [36:21.460 --> 36:27.200] treatments that's right I know you you chastise me about using that term but I [36:27.200 --> 36:34.040] use that term because that was the verbiage of the law right alternative in [36:34.040 --> 36:38.720] this case and that alternative to the standard treatments that the doctor was [36:38.720 --> 36:44.320] using but not that they are alternative in their own right they're not [36:44.320 --> 36:49.720] alternative they've been used forever the doctor should have known that he had [36:49.720 --> 36:56.800] a duty to know that but the hospital gets what $39,000 if they put someone on [36:56.800 --> 37:03.480] a ventilator with COVID that's right so they're murdering I'm calling this my [37:03.480 --> 37:10.240] first-degree murder they knew well this woman would die but in order to protect [37:10.240 --> 37:15.120] their license and their relationship with the hospital they were working with [37:15.120 --> 37:22.680] they killed this woman you don't get to do that even if you're a doctor what I [37:22.680 --> 37:25.760] said yeah they deal with life and death all the time but you don't get to murder [37:25.760 --> 37:33.240] people so the information I need needs to go to that issue the refusal of the [37:33.240 --> 37:40.600] doctor to allow the use of medicines that are not necessarily paid for by [37:40.600 --> 37:47.520] insurance or approved by their hospital okay that's why I've been in the [37:47.520 --> 37:52.880] nation that I did I sent you proof positive that Ivermectin and [37:52.880 --> 37:57.120] hydroxychloroquine was safe and effective I did send you that to prove [37:57.120 --> 38:04.800] okay yeah I got that one that was I think the last email you sent me but [38:04.800 --> 38:09.760] I've been buried with other stuff I haven't had time to shift gears and get [38:09.760 --> 38:14.400] back into that so I think and you're right I think in that case you did give [38:14.400 --> 38:19.440] me what I needed right and if there's anything else just just call you know [38:19.440 --> 38:25.960] you know just ask okay but I actually sent you all the information over the [38:25.960 --> 38:31.480] last several months or set it right on the air but at the time you weren't you [38:31.480 --> 38:37.080] know I don't blame you you the story that I was telling sounded like the [38:37.080 --> 38:46.960] Twilight Zone and it sounded like it couldn't happen but I agree with you the [38:46.960 --> 38:54.360] problem is is I have to have verifiable information and I was getting I was [38:54.360 --> 38:59.520] getting the right story but you know when you go before the judge the judge [38:59.520 --> 39:07.080] must properly apply the law to the facts I can't get a judge apply apply the law [39:07.080 --> 39:12.160] to your conclusions about the fact even if I agree with your conclusions that's [39:12.160 --> 39:19.120] not something I can bring to court but your last your last email had no [39:19.120 --> 39:31.160] hyperbole no exaggeration no general conclusions but you gave me what I needed [39:31.160 --> 39:42.000] you gave me the the statute the studies that I needed I hope it's clear what we [39:42.000 --> 39:45.000] need you know it's one thing to just get out here and talk about this stuff but [39:45.000 --> 39:50.240] when you get to court yeah you can't make any proactive statement out of your [39:50.240 --> 39:57.040] own mouth oh I understand that you have okay if you were the last good and I [39:57.040 --> 40:02.560] appreciate it right well if you were to go back what I'm saying is if you were [40:02.560 --> 40:06.320] to go back and listen to your own archives I know you haven't got time to [40:06.320 --> 40:12.200] do that but if you were and if you went back and read the previous emails you'd [40:12.200 --> 40:17.560] find that in there was all the proof that you needed at the time now more [40:17.560 --> 40:23.120] proof is coming to the surface it's going to be easier to send it because [40:23.120 --> 40:31.120] the CDC the NIH and a lot of people like Pfizer are admitting a lot of these [40:31.120 --> 40:35.040] things because they can't hide the elephant under the bed any longer and [40:35.040 --> 40:40.040] people are getting wise so now they got to change their story they got to agree [40:40.040 --> 40:47.080] let me explain what I think we can do I think we're in a perfect position to do [40:47.080 --> 40:55.880] Deborah the producer her sister is a physician she was so frustrated dealing [40:55.880 --> 41:02.800] with the insurance companies because she could not treat her patients the way [41:02.800 --> 41:07.760] they needed to be treated because the insurance companies wouldn't pay for it [41:07.760 --> 41:16.760] that's right dr. Joe I have dr. Joe on the guest bridge and he can speak to [41:16.760 --> 41:27.320] this dr. Joe when you tell us about your experience with insurance insurance [41:27.320 --> 41:32.120] they look at their numbers and when the numbers are down they just simply send [41:32.120 --> 41:38.080] out a request for supporting documentation in the form of practice notes by [41:38.080 --> 41:43.680] doing that they can stall and delay and obfuscate and they just end up not [41:43.680 --> 41:50.720] paying a lot of their really valid claims so they have their way of delaying [41:50.720 --> 41:56.320] things you were a chiropractor and you were in business right and you were [41:56.320 --> 42:02.560] treating people and then insurance came along will you explain how that worked [42:02.560 --> 42:08.600] oh it was an absolute disaster and continues to be a disaster to this day [42:08.600 --> 42:15.000] before insurance we took minimal practice notes we concentrated on helping [42:15.000 --> 42:20.740] the client because our reputation the community depended on getting sick [42:20.740 --> 42:27.640] people well and when insurance came in it became a race to find out the best [42:27.640 --> 42:32.560] way to file insurance forms and and what you had to fill out in order to get paid [42:32.560 --> 42:40.440] it changes to the tonus of the entire industry overnight we went from a an [42:40.440 --> 42:44.920] intent to get sick people well to an intent to get as much money as possible [42:44.920 --> 42:56.120] out of the insurance companies and it was and still is a disaster John yep [42:56.120 --> 43:01.720] this is from someone who was actually in the trenches this is this is what we [43:01.720 --> 43:06.640] need to fight and what I'm looking to do is I want to take a couple of doctors [43:06.640 --> 43:13.920] who were for the most part well-meaning but trapped inside this system who were [43:13.920 --> 43:19.160] in a position to where they could not properly treat their patients and charge [43:19.160 --> 43:25.880] them with depraved heart murder right I don't want these doctors prosecuted [43:25.880 --> 43:32.760] don't want to ruin their career but sometimes the best medicine is bitter [43:32.760 --> 43:46.360] if I can get one doctor for what the insurance companies instead of doing [43:46.360 --> 43:52.720] what his knowledge and education tells him was the right thing to do then [43:52.720 --> 44:01.360] every doctor in the country will have plausible deniability through advances [44:01.360 --> 44:06.160] in technology our lives have greatly improved except in the area of nutrition [44:06.160 --> 44:10.560] people feed their pets better than they feed themselves and it's time we changed [44:10.560 --> 44:15.240] all that our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic [44:15.240 --> 44:20.240] environment is good nutrition in a world where natural foods have been irradiated [44:20.240 --> 44:25.440] adulterated immutilated young Jeopardy can provide the nutrients you need [44:25.440 --> 44:30.560] logos radio network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products most of [44:30.560 --> 44:35.040] which we reject we have come to trust young Jeopardy so much we became a [44:35.040 --> 44:40.440] marketing distributor along with Alex Jones Ben Fuchs and many others when you [44:40.440 --> 44:45.920] order from logos radio network comm your health will improve as you help support [44:45.920 --> 44:50.960] quality radio as you realize the benefits of young Jeopardy you may want [44:50.960 --> 44:55.800] to join us as a distributor you can experience improved health help your [44:55.800 --> 45:02.200] friends and family and increase your income order now are you the plaintiff [45:02.200 --> 45:07.240] or defendant in a lawsuit win your case without an attorney with Juris Dictionary [45:07.240 --> 45:13.160] the affordable easy to understand for CD course that will show you how in 24 [45:13.160 --> 45:19.400] hours step-by-step if you have a lawyer know what your lawyer should be doing if [45:19.400 --> 45:23.920] you don't have a lawyer know what you should do for yourself thousands have [45:23.920 --> 45:29.680] won with our step-by-step course and now you can to jurisdictionary was created [45:29.680 --> 45:35.200] by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience even if you're [45:35.200 --> 45:39.480] not in a lawsuit you can learn what everyone should understand about the [45:39.480 --> 45:44.240] principles and practices that control our American courts you'll receive our [45:44.240 --> 45:51.280] audio classroom video seminar tutorials forms for civil cases pro se tactics and [45:51.280 --> 45:57.320] much more please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll [45:57.320 --> 46:24.280] free 866-LAW-EASY [46:27.320 --> 46:45.240] okay we are back and we're talking John in New York okay John that was what I [46:45.240 --> 46:52.800] wanted dr. Joe to bring up is this is the problem doctors have they're they [46:52.800 --> 46:59.480] can't treat their patients so I think we can do something to give them back their [46:59.480 --> 47:05.600] ability to treat patients now we may have a couple doctors to do it but life [47:05.600 --> 47:13.560] is tough go ahead John well that's why I sent you all those lawyers that are [47:13.560 --> 47:20.600] working on the cases Robert F Kennedy jr. is a very good example [47:20.600 --> 47:27.640] dr. Vladimir Zelenko is another expert he is the first doctor in the country to [47:27.640 --> 47:33.440] use ivermectin to successfully treat his COVID patients and he lost almost [47:33.440 --> 47:38.480] nobody whether they were 90 years old or whether they were 10 years old or [47:38.480 --> 47:43.640] whatever he lost almost nobody and he got the Nobel Prize he was nominated I [47:43.640 --> 47:49.160] think he got the Nobel Prize I know he was nominated for treating every one of [47:49.160 --> 47:55.600] his patients with ivermectin and saving virtually all of them almost all of so [47:55.600 --> 48:00.600] he would be a that is that is exactly the kind of information we need to put [48:00.600 --> 48:04.880] before a jury well yeah I guess that's right that's why I said if you several [48:04.880 --> 48:08.960] times you're probably too busy see I know you're busy with a lot of things [48:08.960 --> 48:14.840] and you might and okay I appreciate what you're sending me but you're sending me [48:14.840 --> 48:20.440] a lot of stuff and I don't have time to go through all of it and it's [48:20.440 --> 48:27.320] frustrating for me because yeah you know I have a a website tele a telegram [48:27.320 --> 48:32.640] channel and people are posting this kind of information all the time and I've [48:32.640 --> 48:41.280] built a a mind map with just hundreds and hundreds of different posts of [48:41.280 --> 48:47.040] information and it frustrates me that I can't get to all of it right you're [48:47.040 --> 48:52.760] sending you massive amounts yeah and I appreciate that yeah I'm saving all of [48:52.760 --> 49:03.920] it go ahead John well I figured you'd probably miss some of it because it was [49:03.920 --> 49:10.520] really really important information so go back I'll try to well go back and see [49:10.520 --> 49:15.040] what I what I've sent and you'll you'll see that it's the old yeah it's now you [49:15.040 --> 49:21.840] remember that it is great information but I have to study it to figure out [49:21.840 --> 49:27.440] which of these pieces of information fit what I need and it is so much [49:27.440 --> 49:31.720] information I have massive amounts of information right right and it takes [49:31.720 --> 49:36.760] incredible amount of time to sort all through all this oh tell me about it [49:36.760 --> 49:44.520] tell me about it it's taking me 63 years right now I'm having a focused issue I [49:44.520 --> 49:50.600] want to be able to make a good case against a doctor for not using [49:50.600 --> 49:59.320] ivermectin how do we build a game ironclad case against a doctor who let [49:59.320 --> 50:05.600] his patient die because he wouldn't use ivermectin well on the CDC his own [50:05.600 --> 50:11.200] website it said we don't have time to do this here we're going to run out of time [50:11.200 --> 50:17.040] can you give me an email and make sure I already did if you can help me get yeah [50:17.040 --> 50:23.320] what your emails are so filled with information and I got got to read reams [50:23.320 --> 50:28.280] and reams and reams and reams and reams a dog of information I don't have time [50:28.280 --> 50:33.640] to do all that can you help me break it down into the argument we could bring [50:33.640 --> 50:44.760] before a grand jury consider a third 24 or 12 or 24 13 year olds how do we [50:44.760 --> 50:53.720] convince them oh that's our audience yep all right well I'll send it again I'll [50:53.720 --> 51:02.720] send it again well see if you can sort it for me because I did but you see you [51:02.720 --> 51:06.680] know what maybe I maybe I looked at it with the expectation that it would be [51:06.680 --> 51:10.440] more complex than it was because you generally send me some really complex [51:10.440 --> 51:16.480] stuff and I'll go back and relook at your emails all right here's the problem [51:16.480 --> 51:23.360] you do law I do medical you see you see what I'm saying yeah yeah I understand [51:23.360 --> 51:29.200] that and that's where we're having the disconnect because to me to me the [51:29.200 --> 51:35.680] interlocutory judgment or case I have no idea what that is and you've got it [51:35.680 --> 51:39.760] you've got to explain it to me and then in the other way around there's a [51:39.760 --> 51:44.000] medical thing and I understand it perfectly but then I've got to take it [51:44.000 --> 51:50.040] apart and explain it to you so you can see how you can use it and it's see [51:50.040 --> 51:54.000] each of us does one thing and not the other that's the best that's really the [51:54.000 --> 52:04.400] problem here what we have here is a failure to communicate we need to fix [52:04.400 --> 52:11.200] that okay I need to move on John I'll go back and look at your emails and see if [52:11.200 --> 52:16.200] I can look at them and ask you some more focused questions I've been trying to [52:16.200 --> 52:22.720] ask you more focused questions okay email all right just one email the the [52:22.720 --> 52:27.560] video with the bald-headed guy and his blonde wife sitting next to the Dr. [52:27.560 --> 52:35.160] Martin I went through that video I watched that video Dr. Martin has [52:35.160 --> 52:38.400] produced some good stuff I've looked at his criminal complaint but it was [52:38.400 --> 52:46.280] horribly flawed so I want to use his information I'll go back and look at [52:46.280 --> 52:51.600] that let's do this all right I'm running out of time I have a bunch of callers [52:51.600 --> 52:58.400] okay go ahead so yeah okay and thank you thank you for your all the work you've [52:58.400 --> 53:04.480] done and I'll try to contact you offline okay that sounds good have a good night [53:04.480 --> 53:12.040] thank you Brett okay thank you okay good night John okay now we're going to we're [53:12.040 --> 53:17.160] going to go to EJ but I got Olivia in Tennessee and hang on Olivia I really [53:17.160 --> 53:22.360] want to get to you he's always got good stuff but EJ's been on since the show [53:22.360 --> 53:31.240] started whoops it's right one yeah EJ what do you have for us today [53:33.480 --> 53:42.240] hello EJ are you there oh bummer I think we might have put her to sleep she was [53:42.240 --> 53:48.800] on right at the beginning yeah she dropped off and called back yeah oh well [53:48.800 --> 53:54.360] I hate that that happened okay we're going to go to Olivier in Tennessee what [53:54.360 --> 53:58.040] have you been up to [53:58.920 --> 54:07.040] trying to keep my head on underwater but I got a question I got a well I got a [54:07.040 --> 54:14.560] statement to make first I went to court today and as I was in court we went to [54:14.560 --> 54:19.240] the procedure but did you know you come to court everyone's sitting outside as [54:19.240 --> 54:25.960] the I don't know what they are public the offenders assistant are calling you [54:25.960 --> 54:32.720] up you know talking to you and then sending you home so they finally call my [54:32.720 --> 54:36.920] name and you know just telling me oh you know they're going to be scared of the court [54:36.920 --> 54:42.560] that's it now I need to talk to my attorney in this way I say is the Miss [54:42.560 --> 54:45.560] Whitehouse in there well Miss Whitehouse your attorney to get in [54:45.560 --> 54:51.400] okay wait wait wait wait wait hold on give us some background so we know what [54:51.400 --> 54:59.040] the context of this is what is the case this sounds like a cattle call so what [54:59.040 --> 55:03.960] is the nature of the case you have now the nature of the case is a suspended [55:03.960 --> 55:15.360] license case is this your first appearance no no no this is okay I've [55:15.360 --> 55:21.240] already went to trial on this case but I sued the judge and the prosecutors so [55:21.240 --> 55:25.800] they had to recuse themselves and remove the case and put it in front of [55:25.800 --> 55:35.120] another judge is this your first appearance before this judge no this is [55:35.120 --> 55:44.040] like the fifth fourth bit oh okay so what is the purpose of this particular [55:44.040 --> 55:53.240] appearance I don't I don't really know I'm a calendar call it was just a show [55:53.240 --> 55:57.840] up before I don't know what they call it but they do that's exactly why I was [55:57.840 --> 56:03.920] asking these questions when they probably are somehow not realizing that [56:03.920 --> 56:10.840] you're not cut of the same mold of 99% of the people this sounds like your [56:10.840 --> 56:15.120] standard cattle call where they force everybody to come into court and then [56:15.120 --> 56:20.600] instead of having a hearing they send them to talk to an attorney who tries to [56:20.600 --> 56:25.360] make a deal with them right is that what happened [56:25.360 --> 56:34.920] yeah exactly what happened so they summoned you to come to court to have a [56:34.920 --> 56:41.800] meeting with a prosecutor no I'm not the prosecutor it's uh it was [56:41.800 --> 56:51.160] someone representing the public defender like a system wait a minute you were [56:51.160 --> 56:57.200] summoned to court to meet with a public defender [56:57.600 --> 57:07.560] okay let's take a step back Wow in Texas we have 28.01 Texas Code of Criminal [57:07.560 --> 57:17.840] Procedure and that statute specifies all of the things a judge can order you to [57:17.840 --> 57:27.440] come to court for do you have something similar in Florida I haven't taken to it [57:27.440 --> 57:40.320] check into how would you say that look for the authority of the judge to summon [57:40.320 --> 57:45.600] you to court 28.01 in Texas says that they can summon you to court for an [57:45.600 --> 57:56.200] arraignment hearing and an arraignment hearing can only be held for a class B [57:56.200 --> 58:02.440] misdemeanor or above and then there are eleven other things you can be summoned [58:02.440 --> 58:09.240] to court for and all of those things go to motions or pleadings of different [58:09.240 --> 58:16.640] types I was right summoned into court and they didn't tell me why so when I [58:16.640 --> 58:27.640] come to the bridge she said you rent go ahead let run off the bridge oh okay I'm [58:27.640 --> 58:33.880] not I've run off the bridge every time so far so might as well this time [58:33.880 --> 58:39.880] Brett is back there he's supposed to warn me but he's gonna warning me he's [58:39.880 --> 58:44.560] trying to push me off the cliff so I'll get in trouble with Deborah this is what [58:44.560 --> 58:53.760] I have to do would you like to make more definite progress in your walk with God [58:53.760 --> 58:59.380] Bibles for America is offering a free study Bible and a set of free Christian [58:59.380 --> 59:03.240] books that can really help the New Testament recovery version is one of the [59:03.240 --> 59:07.040] most comprehensive study Bibles available today it's an accurate [59:07.040 --> 59:11.160] translation and it contains 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01:00:12.640] liberty depends on it I'm dr. Katherine Albrecht and I'll be [01:00:12.640 --> 01:00:16.400] right back with an unforgettable way to remember one of your constitutional [01:00:16.400 --> 01:00:21.600] rights privacy is under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never [01:00:21.600 --> 01:00:26.200] get it back again and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will [01:00:26.200 --> 01:00:30.960] start to vanish too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep [01:00:30.960 --> 01:00:35.960] your information to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on to this public [01:00:35.960 --> 01:00:40.240] service announcement is brought to you by start page.com the private search engine [01:00:40.240 --> 01:00:47.040] alternative to Google Yahoo and Bing start over with start page imagine your [01:00:47.040 --> 01:00:50.840] mom and dad are getting ready for bed they pull back the covers and find a [01:00:50.840 --> 01:00:54.640] third party there he announces I'm with the military and I'm sleeping here [01:00:54.640 --> 01:00:58.760] tonight that shocking image of a third party in my parents bed reminds me what [01:00:58.760 --> 01:01:02.560] the third amendment was designed to prevent it protects us from being forced [01:01:02.560 --> 01:01:06.360] to share our homes with soldiers a common demand in the days of our founding [01:01:06.360 --> 01:01:11.200] fathers third party third amendment get it so if you answer a knock at your door [01:01:11.200 --> 01:01:14.960] and guys and fatigues demand lodging tell them to dust off their copy of the [01:01:14.960 --> 01:01:19.080] Bill of Rights and reread the Third Amendment. I'm Dr. Katherine Albrecht more [01:01:19.080 --> 01:01:33.440] news and information at KatherineAlbrecht.com the Bill of Rights contains [01:01:33.440 --> 01:01:36.640] the first 10 amendments of our Constitution they guarantee the [01:01:36.640 --> 01:01:40.720] specific freedoms Americans should know and protect our liberty depends on it [01:01:40.720 --> 01:01:44.480] I'm Dr. Katherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to [01:01:44.480 --> 01:01:49.520] remember one of your constitutional rights privacy is under attack when you [01:01:49.520 --> 01:01:53.840] give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again and once your privacy [01:01:53.840 --> 01:01:58.480] is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too so protect your [01:01:58.480 --> 01:02:03.400] rights say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself privacy [01:02:03.400 --> 01:02:07.280] it's worth hanging on to this public service announcement is brought to you [01:02:07.280 --> 01:02:12.200] by startpage.com the private search engine alternative to Google Yahoo and [01:02:12.200 --> 01:02:18.640] Bing start over with startpage imagine four eyes staring at you through [01:02:18.640 --> 01:02:23.240] binoculars a magnifying glass or a pair of x-ray goggles that imagery reminds [01:02:23.240 --> 01:02:26.920] me that the Fourth Amendment guarantees Americans freedom from unreasonable [01:02:26.920 --> 01:02:31.120] search and seizure Fourth Amendment four eyes staring at you get it [01:02:31.120 --> 01:02:34.400] unfortunately the government is trampling our Fourth Amendment rights in [01:02:34.400 --> 01:02:39.360] the name of security case in point TSA airport scanners that peer under your [01:02:39.360 --> 01:02:42.960] clothing when government employees demand a peep at your privates without [01:02:42.960 --> 01:02:47.600] probable cause I say it's time to sound the constitutional alarm bells join me [01:02:47.600 --> 01:02:51.040] in asking our representatives to dust off the Bill of Rights and use their [01:02:51.040 --> 01:02:55.600] googly eyes to take a gander at the fourth. I'm Dr. Katherine Albrecht more [01:02:55.600 --> 01:03:10.320] news and information at KatherineAlbrecht.com [01:03:25.600 --> 01:03:54.080] okay howdy howdy Randy Kelton Brett Fountain [01:03:54.080 --> 01:04:03.320] radio on this the 11th day of March 2022 and we're talking to Olivier in [01:04:03.320 --> 01:04:11.760] Florida Olivier when you started talking both Brett and I got the same thing this [01:04:11.760 --> 01:04:16.920] is something's not right here this is not some guy that got a ticket and was [01:04:16.920 --> 01:04:24.920] called into court this was Olivier Martiché or Martiché Olivier yeah this [01:04:24.920 --> 01:04:29.080] guy's been kicking their behinds and they call him into a cattle call you're [01:04:29.080 --> 01:04:39.440] kidding me Olivier what are we missing I don't I don't know um it's funny how you [01:04:39.440 --> 01:04:43.000] you said that without I'm trying to tell you something and you keep on [01:04:43.000 --> 01:04:49.360] interrupting but it's kind of like it's kind of a lining up I think I think is [01:04:49.360 --> 01:04:55.880] lining it's lining up on the same tone or the same subject that I'm and it's [01:04:55.880 --> 01:04:59.120] kind of scary because you you just interrupted with this stuff and I'm [01:04:59.120 --> 01:05:05.360] trying to tell you the story and it's okay I'm gonna interrupt you to tell you [01:05:05.360 --> 01:05:10.120] that I'm not gonna interrupt you go ahead and give us the whole story and I'll [01:05:10.120 --> 01:05:15.120] keep my mouth shut what what type of chapter what chapter should we be [01:05:15.120 --> 01:05:23.120] looking at in our state to find that section where is it court procedures or [01:05:23.120 --> 01:05:30.560] the criminal procedure code criminal procedure code okay I'll take I'll take [01:05:30.560 --> 01:05:35.440] mine I'll find it in Florida and see what it says in almost every state I've [01:05:35.440 --> 01:05:42.280] looked at in the codes you'll have the penal code and either first or second [01:05:42.280 --> 01:05:48.080] and the criminal procedure code next there you always come right together [01:05:48.080 --> 01:05:54.720] okay criminal procedure code all right so there there was doing a little song [01:05:54.720 --> 01:06:01.120] and then and I let you know I had a bad experience with the last dance partner I [01:06:01.120 --> 01:06:10.160] need I need my public defender he was like well there she's getting promoted [01:06:10.160 --> 01:06:13.560] and another I don't care what it is I need to speak to whoever it is who's [01:06:13.560 --> 01:06:16.920] gonna be my public defender because I have important information to give them [01:06:16.920 --> 01:06:22.880] and it needed to get to them directly so there won't be any misunderstanding [01:06:22.880 --> 01:06:27.120] all right well okay he brought me he's like well go ahead into the room and in [01:06:27.120 --> 01:06:32.320] my head I'm like nobody nobody really went into the courtroom so he like go [01:06:32.320 --> 01:06:37.800] ahead in the courtroom will be one minute so I come in I sit down okay wait [01:06:37.800 --> 01:06:46.120] wait I'm sorry I'm confused okay something there's a context I'm missing [01:06:46.120 --> 01:06:55.400] here you have a public defender and you can't talk to a public defender yeah she [01:06:55.400 --> 01:07:01.040] was no one in there talked to the public defender until they was agreed on a deal [01:07:01.040 --> 01:07:04.880] and then they walked in the courtroom if you agree on the deal they sent you on [01:07:04.880 --> 01:07:11.840] home no one talked to this is the White House unless they was making a deal [01:07:11.840 --> 01:07:20.720] coming to the does Florida have a public public defender that's there for anyone [01:07:20.720 --> 01:07:26.880] who comes I take it this is traffic citations so do they have a public [01:07:26.880 --> 01:07:35.480] defender they're available to everybody who gets a ticket yes oh that is now [01:07:35.480 --> 01:07:44.480] this is making more sense so Florida has that public defender but nobody talks to [01:07:44.480 --> 01:07:50.680] him until the prosecutor has squeezed a deal out of them then they bring in [01:07:50.680 --> 01:07:55.600] the public defender to make sure that they don't have grounds for appeal no [01:07:55.600 --> 01:08:02.080] the public defender is given to you from Jump Street what they give you the [01:08:02.080 --> 01:08:06.080] public defender now they bring you to court and then the public defender just [01:08:06.080 --> 01:08:11.160] keeps on throwing deals at you then like what deals did you look at the video oh [01:08:11.160 --> 01:08:17.280] well oh well what are we talking about if you ain't luck that no video no [01:08:17.280 --> 01:08:21.280] evidence why are you talking about a deal is this what you're doing to [01:08:21.280 --> 01:08:29.760] everybody you see it's been it's been almost a year and three months and no [01:08:29.760 --> 01:08:33.120] one has looked at a video yet [01:08:34.960 --> 01:08:40.520] and now this is making sense you you just saw the video and you said [01:08:40.520 --> 01:08:47.200] yourself that you saw no evading arrest at all you I actually slowed down [01:08:47.200 --> 01:08:51.120] so after we got in the conversation he finally admit me like mr. Libby it looks [01:08:51.120 --> 01:08:55.600] like you were driving while black I said thank you I said now we're getting [01:08:55.600 --> 01:09:04.600] somewhere now go go so they know deal you talk about deal like what ain't no [01:09:04.600 --> 01:09:11.280] deal that the original charters been dismissed the failure to maintain lane [01:09:11.280 --> 01:09:17.120] has been dismissed there is no there they have no leg to stand on not only [01:09:17.120 --> 01:09:22.440] that did you watch the video was I evading arrest you know I saw the video [01:09:22.440 --> 01:09:26.560] all right okay so did she see the video like no she didn't so what come on a [01:09:26.560 --> 01:09:34.040] deal you didn't watch the videos this is how you run your court so that's how [01:09:34.040 --> 01:09:41.480] they they do but that was another that was just yeah you asked him this is how [01:09:41.480 --> 01:09:48.640] you were going to court this is how you in court you you asked me a deal and no [01:09:48.640 --> 01:09:54.800] machine and watch the video yet it's been a year and a half [01:09:56.560 --> 01:10:02.400] so and you know they know that I'm the one who sued the judges and stuff so he [01:10:02.400 --> 01:10:07.880] is his head his eyes popped up he and he was about to leave now once once we had [01:10:07.880 --> 01:10:12.600] this conversation he was about to leave the court but because he's so many [01:10:12.600 --> 01:10:16.440] people lined up in a way waiting to go in so they call all the people who were [01:10:16.440 --> 01:10:20.960] right down on the names they just call people on the names and I'm in a I was [01:10:20.960 --> 01:10:23.520] waiting for him but he didn't notice me but he's about to leave I'm like are [01:10:23.520 --> 01:10:28.040] you leaving well what's going on well he called my name and oh we got to you [01:10:28.040 --> 01:10:32.720] first and you got to me first so I've been sitting there the whole time like [01:10:32.720 --> 01:10:37.240] yeah well okay and then I went back and had the conversation then I told him [01:10:37.240 --> 01:10:43.760] like the only deal that she has is to fix it or she's going to see me in [01:10:43.760 --> 01:10:49.640] federal court and then he turned right around in that courtroom and shot right [01:10:49.640 --> 01:10:55.160] back in there and he was about to leave suitcase prepped up everything smiling [01:10:55.160 --> 01:10:59.840] packed up like he's about to go to lunch after having that conversation with him [01:10:59.840 --> 01:11:08.120] he turned red eyes big ran back in the courtroom like we got a problem but [01:11:08.120 --> 01:11:14.920] today as I went into the courtroom I went in the courtroom I sat down he [01:11:14.920 --> 01:11:20.120] asked me to sit down sat down and there was an older gentleman sitting at a [01:11:20.120 --> 01:11:26.960] podium with the public defender and the judge came in they proceeded to do a [01:11:26.960 --> 01:11:33.000] shambles and she asked the older gentleman black gentleman do you agree [01:11:33.000 --> 01:11:40.880] with you know the deal like yes are you sure that you understand everything you [01:11:40.880 --> 01:11:48.520] know yeah no and I'm like I'm looking at the judge because like the way that [01:11:48.520 --> 01:11:53.160] the way that they're doing this system is just something ain't right and I'm [01:11:53.160 --> 01:11:59.800] looking at judge and the judge is so nervous she's like glancing like she's [01:11:59.800 --> 01:12:05.000] talking to the DA and talking to him trying to get the client to say do they [01:12:05.000 --> 01:12:12.120] understand everything and as they're answering she is staring at me she knows [01:12:12.120 --> 01:12:15.240] that you're going to hold them accountable if you know if it's not your [01:12:15.240 --> 01:12:23.640] place now now she's the attorney is trying to get the gentleman to finish [01:12:23.640 --> 01:12:29.880] you know the contract and the judge is like you know looking at the attorney [01:12:29.880 --> 01:12:35.000] like what's he doing like hold on wait wait let me wait let me do this sir are [01:12:35.000 --> 01:12:43.440] you and he's like I don't think I think we need to continue this and then she [01:12:43.440 --> 01:12:50.320] called a sidebar right but you know the the microphones would go to blurry and [01:12:50.320 --> 01:12:54.560] everything and in my head I'm like something I'm like this judge is very [01:12:54.560 --> 01:12:59.880] nervous right now she's looking yeah they turn on the mic so we can hear the [01:12:59.880 --> 01:13:04.600] conversations and everything and they she called the public defenders up there [01:13:04.600 --> 01:13:11.880] to speak to them and then they they call the recess for after like two o'clock [01:13:11.880 --> 01:13:20.240] for everybody to come back and they wanted to get me out of the court the [01:13:20.240 --> 01:13:25.400] judge was ner and I don't know what I know I filed a you know appeal I saw [01:13:25.400 --> 01:13:35.360] the appeal and I thought most appeal but you have to file a you have to file a [01:13:35.360 --> 01:13:42.080] not nothing that's the fire paperwork to get the appeal granted to put an [01:13:42.080 --> 01:13:51.240] indigency or order some type of order so I took my time to submit the order so [01:13:51.240 --> 01:13:57.520] then I submit the order a week ago which is pretty late but the clerk told me [01:13:57.520 --> 01:14:02.240] that my case was still active everything is still good so now that is going to [01:14:02.240 --> 01:14:07.000] appeal appeals court I don't know if they're kind of feeling some type of way [01:14:07.000 --> 01:14:13.040] but it was very obvious today that there was a problem and she the judge could [01:14:13.040 --> 01:14:23.560] not take her eyes off me and she made he read she turned she gave the gentleman [01:14:23.560 --> 01:14:29.320] another court date like you know I don't I'm not feeling secure about this and [01:14:29.320 --> 01:14:34.040] you need more time to talk to your attorney and I think they have a low [01:14:34.040 --> 01:14:38.080] court date but I definitely knew something was wrong and it was because of [01:14:38.080 --> 01:14:40.280] me [01:14:48.840 --> 01:14:56.280] well I for one thing that's pretty cool that was I think you're right on with [01:14:56.280 --> 01:15:05.160] the way you're characterizing yeah she knows nobody's watching right but that's [01:15:05.160 --> 01:15:09.360] something it felt like she was ashamed of what she was doing like I'm just [01:15:09.360 --> 01:15:15.840] sitting there watching it felt like she was very ashamed like you know she read [01:15:15.840 --> 01:15:22.560] my documents and you know and and it was a driver's license issue it was a [01:15:22.560 --> 01:15:30.080] driver's license issue where he accepted to get adjudication guilty and and I [01:15:30.080 --> 01:15:33.600] don't give him a year to pay off the payments but you know that's all they [01:15:33.600 --> 01:15:41.160] want the money and you know it's an old man I mean the old you not old like [01:15:41.160 --> 01:15:49.600] frail insane and I'm just sitting there watching and he was almost as old as me [01:15:49.600 --> 01:15:57.160] he was brittle if I pushed him down something was definitely was gonna break [01:15:57.160 --> 01:16:06.000] like old slavery off the off the off the field old that I mean you know like [01:16:06.000 --> 01:16:10.920] ancient like the slavery days type ancient so she's just I'm just sitting [01:16:10.920 --> 01:16:16.120] there watching like wow this is what y'all doing to our elders you you want [01:16:16.120 --> 01:16:22.960] me to pay and for a suspended license this is the old this I'm just looking at [01:16:22.960 --> 01:16:27.200] her and she's I mean it's she's just because obviously everybody had to read [01:16:27.200 --> 01:16:33.160] my document so now they sitting here looking at the repercussions of you [01:16:33.160 --> 01:16:38.000] suspending someone's license of elder age and now they they're going through [01:16:38.000 --> 01:16:44.360] all these fees and having to go get locked up and now you're going to [01:16:44.360 --> 01:16:52.320] legally sentence them to adjudication with guilt and fines in peace [01:16:52.320 --> 01:16:56.880] hang on we're about to go to our sponsors Randy Teltin, Brett Fountain, [01:16:56.880 --> 01:17:02.600] view of our radio, we'll be right back are you being harassed by debt collectors with [01:17:02.600 --> 01:17:07.640] phone calls letters or even lawsuits stop debt collectors now with the Michael [01:17:07.640 --> 01:17:12.160] Mears proven method Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against [01:17:12.160 --> 01:17:16.440] debt collectors and now you can win too you'll get step-by-step instructions [01:17:16.440 --> 01:17:21.080] in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes what [01:17:21.080 --> 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truth now that there's no going back I need my truth pick I'd be [01:18:09.040 --> 01:18:13.560] lost without logos and I really want to help keep this network on the air I'd [01:18:13.560 --> 01:18:17.000] love to volunteer as a show producer but I'm a bit of a Luddite and I really [01:18:17.000 --> 01:18:20.960] don't have any money to give because I spent it all on supplements how can I [01:18:20.960 --> 01:18:25.680] help logos well I'm glad you asked whenever you order anything from Amazon [01:18:25.680 --> 01:18:29.920] you can help logos with ordering your supplies or holiday gifts first thing you [01:18:29.920 --> 01:18:35.440] do is clear your cookies now go to logosradionetwork.com click on the [01:18:35.440 --> 01:18:40.680] Amazon logo and bookmark it now when you order anything from Amazon you use that [01:18:40.680 --> 01:18:45.840] link and logos gets a few pesos do I pay extra no do you have to do anything [01:18:45.840 --> 01:18:52.060] different when I order can I use my Amazon Prime no I mean yes Wow giving [01:18:52.060 --> 01:18:57.240] without doing anything or spending any money this is perfect thank you so much [01:18:57.240 --> 01:19:08.760] you're welcome happy holidays logos this is the logosradionetwork.com [01:19:27.240 --> 01:19:48.720] that was odd okay Randy Kelton Brett fountain radio when it came in I didn't [01:19:48.720 --> 01:19:59.520] hear the music but heard somebody laughing was that you Olivier hello are [01:19:59.520 --> 01:20:11.160] you there yeah okay yeah I can hear you okay where were we oh yeah it was just [01:20:11.160 --> 01:20:22.520] about I guess the judge getting the judge getting the conscious of what was [01:20:22.520 --> 01:20:28.080] going on I guess she must have read my lawsuit or and you know because she's a [01:20:28.080 --> 01:20:38.760] judge that my case got moved to okay so she knows that I'm not a one I'm not the [01:20:38.760 --> 01:20:45.280] one to play with so if she if the case got moved to it and I got sued or if [01:20:45.280 --> 01:20:49.360] they and they got sued over issue she definitely she definitely read the [01:20:49.360 --> 01:20:55.920] lawsuit after you read the lawsuit and you clearly understand the deception [01:20:55.920 --> 01:21:00.440] that's going on now they have to come to work and continue sitting on the bench [01:21:00.440 --> 01:21:05.440] you can't say you don't know it no more and then in front of me because everybody [01:21:05.440 --> 01:21:08.840] who walked in the court today if you walked in the court you cleared it out [01:21:08.840 --> 01:21:13.960] you took a deal I'm the only one who walked through those doors and did not [01:21:13.960 --> 01:21:25.120] take a deal you're like one tenth of a percent actually four tenths of a [01:21:25.120 --> 01:21:32.640] percent ninety nine point six percent take the deal so I can understand that [01:21:32.640 --> 01:21:40.240] the judge is concerned she's used to just screwing everybody over that comes [01:21:40.240 --> 01:21:44.680] in front of her now she's got someone that's actually knows exactly what [01:21:44.680 --> 01:21:51.520] she's doing and she sounds like she's embarrassed about it right but do you [01:21:51.520 --> 01:21:57.360] think but I'm starting to think like maybe they didn't know because if you're [01:21:57.360 --> 01:22:02.520] not educated if you're not educated to understand that you're saying you're [01:22:02.520 --> 01:22:08.760] educated to operate within the system you're not going to know it's a normal [01:22:08.760 --> 01:22:12.280] everyday thing you wake up every day you think you're eating eggs and you're [01:22:12.280 --> 01:22:17.760] making this healthy it's not going to be until you get of age or adult you start [01:22:17.760 --> 01:22:26.000] doing your own research you realize hey this is not healthy well and so what do [01:22:26.000 --> 01:22:33.880] you what can you do to give the judge plausible deniability so that the judge [01:22:33.880 --> 01:22:42.360] can do the right thing well the case in the case I supplied my attorney all the [01:22:42.360 --> 01:22:48.480] information with the that just came out was not just came out but the courts [01:22:48.480 --> 01:22:53.760] reiterated in 2020 against Tennessee about the right to livelihood and the [01:22:53.760 --> 01:22:58.120] due process and everything like that I explained it to him he understood it [01:22:58.120 --> 01:23:03.480] very well he were like look this is very interesting he said the only thing that [01:23:03.480 --> 01:23:07.000] I'm having the issue with because I haven't looked at the information is [01:23:07.000 --> 01:23:11.720] because you know it might be a federal issue and sometimes it's tricky when [01:23:11.720 --> 01:23:16.360] the federal issues and state issue I said I like that I said what I said no [01:23:16.360 --> 01:23:26.000] no no I said the federal courts don't read don't register licenses I said [01:23:26.000 --> 01:23:30.400] federal don't register with license so that's an automatic state state issue [01:23:30.400 --> 01:23:36.080] the state issue license federal has nothing to do with licensing so I [01:23:36.080 --> 01:23:41.120] understand what you're saying but there is there is none of that every every [01:23:41.120 --> 01:23:46.320] part of the issues all every part of the issue that I'm giving you all part of [01:23:46.320 --> 01:23:50.520] the information I'm giving you is a state issue from the south from the [01:23:50.520 --> 01:23:54.520] from the federal court because the federal don't have anything with [01:23:54.520 --> 01:24:03.720] distributing licenses and he just looked at me like okay all right I'm going to [01:24:03.720 --> 01:24:08.680] go research this and can and you know get an understanding of us I say thank [01:24:08.680 --> 01:24:19.960] you so that was real pleasant that's what happened today okay I wanted to go [01:24:19.960 --> 01:24:34.520] I wanted to ask you about the USC 242 242 18 US code 242 right okay can you [01:24:34.520 --> 01:24:45.440] give me a quick yes I can if a public official exerts or purports to exert an [01:24:45.440 --> 01:24:51.760] authority they do not expressly have or fails to perform a duty they are [01:24:51.760 --> 01:24:57.000] required to perform and in the process denies you in the full and free access [01:24:57.000 --> 01:25:05.160] to or enjoyment of a right that's a crime under 18 US code 242 okay so it's [01:25:05.160 --> 01:25:13.320] also a crime under state statutes in almost every state that exactly reflects [01:25:13.320 --> 01:25:23.040] 18 US code 242 oh okay well then all right until help me work this out right [01:25:23.040 --> 01:25:28.880] quick we already went we already applied the declaratory judgment to my arguments [01:25:28.880 --> 01:25:33.680] about the right to livelihood and right to use the automobile and everything [01:25:33.680 --> 01:25:41.520] right now we understand that the thing that is by the constitutional point [01:25:41.520 --> 01:25:50.040] that is violated is to do process right because they needed to give you a [01:25:50.040 --> 01:25:56.000] determination hearing before they suspended your license which is a right [01:25:56.000 --> 01:26:01.720] or privilege who cares the right or privilege it doesn't matter but it is [01:26:01.720 --> 01:26:12.320] protected by the Constitution as a right well if it is a statutory requirement [01:26:12.320 --> 01:26:20.560] then you have a right to a reasonable expectation that your public officials [01:26:20.560 --> 01:26:29.240] will abide by the law as it's written if they fail to do so and deny you in a [01:26:29.240 --> 01:26:37.240] right in the process that's a denial of procedural due process and one of the [01:26:37.240 --> 01:26:44.400] tricks they try to pull is especially with preliminary hearings is they want [01:26:44.400 --> 01:26:52.040] to say that you don't have a right to a preliminary hearing and that is true [01:26:52.040 --> 01:26:58.360] what you do have is a right to procedural due process and the law in [01:26:58.360 --> 01:27:04.400] most every state the procedural due process directs a policeman if he [01:27:04.400 --> 01:27:12.160] arrests someone to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and cause an [01:27:12.160 --> 01:27:20.680] examining trial to be commenced that is due is procedural due process and that [01:27:20.680 --> 01:27:28.240] is something you do have a right to does that make sense right right yes it does [01:27:28.240 --> 01:27:33.560] make sense so that's why I was trying to I was looking at it well we did we made [01:27:33.560 --> 01:27:40.760] a vehicle we made an understanding with a vehicle for the the care the [01:27:40.760 --> 01:27:47.280] territory the territory act right I mean the territory suit but now I was looking [01:27:47.280 --> 01:27:54.640] at two I mean yes the territory judges I was looking at 242 and looking at the [01:27:54.640 --> 01:28:02.880] under the color of law well in this situation your license which is a which [01:28:02.880 --> 01:28:10.480] is part of your livelihood a right that you have was violated by the public [01:28:10.480 --> 01:28:15.360] officials by not providing you due process and having a determination [01:28:15.360 --> 01:28:24.840] hearing to determine if they can suspend your license or not and they didn't do [01:28:24.840 --> 01:28:31.560] that and they suspended your license which maybe caused you to go to jail if [01:28:31.560 --> 01:28:36.760] not it doesn't matter today they still suspended your license which interferes [01:28:36.760 --> 01:28:44.280] with your right to livelihood with all these facts we can press this issue or [01:28:44.280 --> 01:28:52.000] issues in that are similar to this under 242 even and from what I was reading it [01:28:52.000 --> 01:29:00.080] says that even if they had the authority even if the act was under under their [01:29:00.080 --> 01:29:06.680] authority like they had authority to to commit the act and the act violated [01:29:06.680 --> 01:29:15.160] someone's rights we can still sue them even if this was underneath their legal [01:29:15.160 --> 01:29:17.560] authority [01:29:18.480 --> 01:29:25.240] that's why I understand no one has a legal has a legal authority to violate a [01:29:25.240 --> 01:29:30.280] constitutional right no I understand that I'm someone as far as that legal [01:29:30.280 --> 01:29:34.680] duty but it's my it's my league as a judge I'm supposed to litigate these [01:29:34.680 --> 01:29:40.760] cases and I'm suspending your license because you failed to pay a fine but I [01:29:40.760 --> 01:29:45.560] failed to have a determination here you just that judge has just violated your [01:29:45.560 --> 01:29:53.800] right okay determination held up talking about a preliminary hearing no [01:29:53.800 --> 01:30:02.480] determination here and to see if you can pay the fees or not a top cyber [01:30:02.480 --> 01:30:07.080] security expert has a warning for America if you build an electrical smart [01:30:07.080 --> 01:30:11.280] grid the hackers will come and they could cause a catastrophic blackout [01:30:11.280 --> 01:30:16.920] I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht back with the shocking details in a moment privacy is [01:30:16.920 --> 01:30:21.440] under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll never get it back again [01:30:21.440 --> 01:30:25.800] and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish [01:30:25.800 --> 01:30:31.000] too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep your information [01:30:31.000 --> 01:30:36.040] to yourself privacy it's worth hanging on to this message is brought to you by [01:30:36.040 --> 01:30:40.840] start page comm the private search engine alternative to Google Yahoo and [01:30:40.840 --> 01:30:47.640] Bing start over with start page governments love power so it's only [01:30:47.640 --> 01:30:51.760] natural they'd want to control the power going into your home too with a smart [01:30:51.760 --> 01:30:55.840] grid so they're installing a national network of smart meters to remotely [01:30:55.840 --> 01:31:00.840] monitor electric use for efficiency and avoid grid failure but cyber security [01:31:00.840 --> 01:31:04.960] expert David chalk says not so fast if we make the national power grid [01:31:04.960 --> 01:31:09.360] controllable through the web hackers will have a field day working remotely [01:31:09.360 --> 01:31:14.040] they could tap in and black out the entire nation leaving us vulnerable to [01:31:14.040 --> 01:31:18.680] our enemies I've long opposed smart meters for privacy and health reasons [01:31:18.680 --> 01:31:23.360] the catastrophic failures caused by hackers there's nothing smart about that [01:31:23.360 --> 01:31:28.120] I'm dr. Catherine Albrecht first start page comm the world's most private [01:31:28.120 --> 01:31:35.640] search engine this is building seven a 47 story skyscraper that fell on the [01:31:35.640 --> 01:31:39.240] afternoon of September 11 the government says that fire brought it down however [01:31:39.240 --> 01:31:44.840] 1,500 architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition over 6,000 [01:31:44.840 --> 01:31:48.120] my fellow service members have given their lives and thousands of my fellow [01:31:48.120 --> 01:31:51.640] first responders are dying I'm not a conspiracy theorist I'm a structural [01:31:51.640 --> 01:31:55.440] engineer New York City correctional I'm an Air Force pilot I'm a father who lost [01:31:55.440 --> 01:32:00.320] his son we're Americans and we deserve the truth go to remember building seven [01:32:00.320 --> 01:32:06.400] org today rule of law radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic seminar in [01:32:06.400 --> 01:32:09.640] today's America we live in us against them society if we the people are ever [01:32:09.640 --> 01:32:12.760] going to have a free society and we're going to have to stand and defend our [01:32:12.760 --> 01:32:16.120] own rights among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to [01:32:16.120 --> 01:32:19.320] place right to act in our own private capacity and most importantly the right [01:32:19.320 --> 01:32:23.280] to do process of law traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity [01:32:23.280 --> 01:32:26.880] to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process former [01:32:26.880 --> 01:32:29.760] sheriff's deputy Eddie Craig in conjunction with rule of law radio has [01:32:29.760 --> 01:32:32.560] put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help [01:32:32.560 --> 01:32:36.520] you understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law you [01:32:36.520 --> 01:32:39.720] can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to rule of law radio [01:32:39.720 --> 01:32:43.320] calm and ordering your copy today by ordering now you'll receive a copy of [01:32:43.320 --> 01:32:46.760] Eddie's book the Texas transportation code the law versus the lie video and [01:32:46.760 --> 01:32:50.360] audio of the original 2009 seminar hundreds of research documents and other [01:32:50.360 --> 01:32:53.440] useful resource material learn how to fight for your rights with the help of [01:32:53.440 --> 01:32:57.240] this material from rule of law radio.com order your copy today and together we [01:32:57.240 --> 01:33:04.280] can have free society we all want and deserve. You are listening to the Logos [01:33:04.280 --> 01:33:31.520] Radio Network. Logosradionetwork.com [01:33:34.280 --> 01:34:00.520] Logosradionetwork.com [01:34:00.520 --> 01:34:11.200] okay we are back from Felt and Brett Felt and Rule of Law radio and we're talking to Olivier in Florida. Go ahead Olivier. [01:34:11.200 --> 01:34:18.000] You questioned me earlier. No it's a determination hearing. [01:34:19.000 --> 01:34:23.480] Determination. What's it trying to determine? That's like the equivalent of an [01:34:23.480 --> 01:34:28.440] examination trial. Examining trial or some people call it preliminary inquiry. [01:34:28.440 --> 01:34:33.320] That's what I've known. He's making something different. Gerstein-Pew is the [01:34:33.320 --> 01:34:38.760] controlling case and it's a Florida case and it calls an examining trial a [01:34:38.760 --> 01:34:45.480] preliminary hearing. So you're talking about a determination hearing. What are [01:34:45.480 --> 01:34:50.880] they trying to determine? It's a determination hearing okay. Once you get [01:34:50.880 --> 01:34:57.280] your license, once you acquire a license, is a license either going to be [01:34:57.280 --> 01:35:01.840] for personal or for commercial. Of course they said that it doesn't matter. [01:35:01.840 --> 01:35:09.560] Once you acquire it, it becomes part of your livelihood. So [01:35:09.560 --> 01:35:14.360] when something becomes part of your livelihood, it is [01:35:14.360 --> 01:35:24.640] protected by certain measures and due processes okay. So they say that if a [01:35:24.640 --> 01:35:35.120] person gets fines and fees on their license, before that license can be [01:35:35.120 --> 01:35:43.720] suspended for fines and fees, because it is protected by the Constitution, that [01:35:43.720 --> 01:35:52.440] there must be a determination hearing to determine if that individual has the [01:35:52.440 --> 01:36:01.760] ability to pay and willfully is not paying and before they suspend the [01:36:01.760 --> 01:36:10.200] license. Now if the individual is indigent, they cannot suspend the [01:36:10.200 --> 01:36:17.160] license because there's another one, they have the right to livelihood. Two, [01:36:17.160 --> 01:36:25.400] there's another rule that they use which is called rational basis review, where [01:36:25.400 --> 01:36:32.040] they look at the state's actions and see does it have a legitimate [01:36:32.040 --> 01:36:39.280] purpose and does it make sense. So the court have ruled that it does not [01:36:39.280 --> 01:36:45.800] have that action suspending the license of an indigent defendant because they [01:36:45.800 --> 01:36:50.800] cannot pay fines and fees because they caught a ticket and they couldn't pay [01:36:50.800 --> 01:36:59.080] court costs, conviction fees, any of those type of fees. If you suspend the indigent [01:36:59.080 --> 01:37:04.400] license because of those fees, it's unlawful. It does not pass [01:37:04.400 --> 01:37:09.640] rational basis review because you suspend their license, it makes it harder [01:37:09.640 --> 01:37:14.920] for them to get to work, they can't do what they do and it's not going to [01:37:14.920 --> 01:37:22.000] make them have the ability to pay, it's not going to make them, it's not [01:37:22.000 --> 01:37:26.640] going to put them in a better position to pay the fees. [01:37:26.640 --> 01:37:38.680] You're talking counter-prediction. Yeah, actually worse. Right. So are you speaking specifically to Florida law or is this federal law? [01:37:38.680 --> 01:37:50.080] This is federal law, but the rational basis review is both in state and federal. [01:37:50.080 --> 01:37:57.960] The determination is both in state and federal. I've read it, I've seen it in the [01:37:57.960 --> 01:38:06.320] state courts, the federal, I'm using the recent federal case that [01:38:06.320 --> 01:38:11.880] occurred that addresses all these things, but they relate other cases, other state [01:38:11.880 --> 01:38:17.480] cases, other US cases, you know, but I'm using a federal case right now. But this [01:38:17.480 --> 01:38:24.040] rational basis review, I went and researched it in state courts, [01:38:24.040 --> 01:38:30.640] just the state court documents, and I find it everywhere. I didn't find it [01:38:30.640 --> 01:38:34.360] until I learned about it in the federal document. Then I took that [01:38:34.360 --> 01:38:37.640] information and I went and searched the state document and I found it inside [01:38:37.640 --> 01:38:42.760] the state document. So they have the same view. I really appreciate you bringing [01:38:42.760 --> 01:38:48.320] that up. I think that's going to really help a lot of people. Yeah, so I'm thinking now [01:38:48.320 --> 01:38:54.960] because this is, isn't this like a stronger, more pressure? Because this is [01:38:54.960 --> 01:39:03.480] like a 242 suit, so whoever authorized them to spend my license, I would go after [01:39:03.480 --> 01:39:09.600] them. I would sue them and then still everybody would be put on notice [01:39:09.600 --> 01:39:15.120] because after you sue them and the federal courts say, hey, yeah, you [01:39:15.120 --> 01:39:18.920] shouldn't have did that. There wasn't no determination hearing and you couldn't [01:39:18.920 --> 01:39:24.520] do that before that. You know, then they have to [01:39:24.520 --> 01:39:27.640] reinstate your license. [01:39:27.640 --> 01:39:32.800] After they reinstate your license, you know, I don't know if they're [01:39:32.800 --> 01:39:44.280] going to, you know, make the state start employing determination hearings. But I [01:39:44.280 --> 01:39:48.880] was looking at that 242 and it just kept on, it just, everything just fit [01:39:48.880 --> 01:39:55.240] perfectly and I was trying to see if I was going down the right path with this [01:39:55.240 --> 01:40:02.880] one. Well, I don't know if I could say right path. It sure sounds good. I mean, [01:40:02.880 --> 01:40:11.200] it's one more layer in what these public officials are not doing right. When you [01:40:11.200 --> 01:40:17.240] say rational basis review, man, that just makes a lot of sense. I appreciate that [01:40:17.240 --> 01:40:22.960] extra layer. I think that can be useful to help a lot of people. And I can think [01:40:22.960 --> 01:40:28.680] of two people in particular who will benefit by that. I know two people who [01:40:28.680 --> 01:40:36.520] got a ticket in the same tiny little town in North Texas that this will be [01:40:36.520 --> 01:40:45.560] very useful for. You know what that time is, Brett? Are you talking about you and me and [01:40:45.560 --> 01:40:54.280] Cumbie? Yes, I am. They didn't do any license suspension on me for that. They [01:40:54.280 --> 01:40:58.880] have me. They put something, they put a ding on my record so they wouldn't let [01:40:58.880 --> 01:41:04.960] me renew. Yeah, that's what I got. Until I pay their court and they didn't seem to care about the fact [01:41:04.960 --> 01:41:13.880] that they don't have a court. And before I let you go, one more issue that I was [01:41:13.880 --> 01:41:18.040] going through when I went to the DMV was speaking to the lady and she told me how [01:41:18.040 --> 01:41:24.000] they operate with the licenses and the insurance and how they just suspend your [01:41:24.000 --> 01:41:30.080] license if the insurance hasn't, if Tallahassee hasn't got a confirmation [01:41:30.080 --> 01:41:36.880] from insurance. That's a big violation right there, isn't it? Because doesn't [01:41:36.880 --> 01:41:47.840] that sound like a fine or a fee? Hmm, I'm not sure I understand that question there. [01:41:47.840 --> 01:41:53.300] There's something missing there. Without the insurance, they're not going to let you have a [01:41:53.300 --> 01:42:02.000] license. Let's say you have a car and you have to have insurance in order [01:42:02.000 --> 01:42:07.600] to get the plate. Now you lost your job, you can't pay the insurance, the [01:42:07.600 --> 01:42:15.920] insurance cancels your insurance. The state capital gets word a couple [01:42:15.920 --> 01:42:23.040] weeks later, they check, your plate is still hasn't been turned in, you have no [01:42:23.040 --> 01:42:27.000] insurance, they suspend your license. [01:42:27.000 --> 01:42:33.920] That is not something I've heard of before. What's next, they come and shoot [01:42:33.920 --> 01:42:44.080] your dog? So now I'm sitting here like, yo, it's starting to feel like I was [01:42:44.080 --> 01:42:50.800] positioned here in Florida. The more and more I start to scratch open [01:42:50.800 --> 01:42:58.240] these legal issues away, this is the gold. I got all the research already and now [01:42:58.240 --> 01:43:04.280] you're telling me you suspend automatically with no determination [01:43:04.280 --> 01:43:13.360] hearing, no courts, no nothing, you just DHS doing your own thing. So that's what [01:43:13.360 --> 01:43:21.280] happened to me, so I think I'm asleep underneath 242. Well, the insurance part [01:43:21.280 --> 01:43:25.440] didn't happen to me, but you know, I'm just going to write it up for people so [01:43:25.440 --> 01:43:31.120] they can understand, okay, when this happens, you can use this. But it's just [01:43:31.120 --> 01:43:37.080] I'm going over all these issues and I'm rereading the code and the codes are [01:43:37.080 --> 01:43:54.040] standing out more now. Um, you about to go on break? Hello, somebody muted my [01:43:54.040 --> 01:43:57.080] mic. Hang on, we'll be right back. [01:44:00.600 --> 01:44:05.080] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in [01:44:05.080 --> 01:44:08.560] the area of nutrition. People feed their pets better than they feed [01:44:08.560 --> 01:44:13.200] themselves, and it's time we changed all that. Our primary defense against [01:44:13.200 --> 01:44:18.000] aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. In a [01:44:18.000 --> 01:44:22.040] world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated and mutilated, [01:44:22.400 --> 01:44:27.560] young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. Logos Radio Network gets many [01:44:27.560 --> 01:44:31.960] requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. We [01:44:31.960 --> 01:44:37.040] have come to trust young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along [01:44:37.040 --> 01:44:42.080] with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs and many others. When you order from Logos Radio [01:44:42.080 --> 01:44:48.080] Network.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio. As you [01:44:48.080 --> 01:44:52.360] realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. As a [01:44:52.360 --> 01:44:57.520] distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family and [01:44:57.520 --> 01:45:05.520] increase your income. Order now. Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a [01:45:05.520 --> 01:45:10.160] lawsuit? Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the [01:45:10.160 --> 01:45:15.560] affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 [01:45:15.560 --> 01:45:20.920] hours, step by step. If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be [01:45:20.920 --> 01:45:24.920] doing. If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:24.920 --> 01:45:29.920] Thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too. [01:45:29.920 --> 01:45:34.920] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case [01:45:34.920 --> 01:45:39.920] winning experience. Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone [01:45:39.920 --> 01:45:44.920] should understand about the principles and practices that control our American [01:45:44.920 --> 01:45:50.920] courts. You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms [01:45:50.920 --> 01:45:56.920] for civil cases, pro se tactic and much more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com [01:45:56.920 --> 01:46:21.920] and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:26.920 --> 01:46:49.920] Okay, we are back. [01:46:49.920 --> 01:46:57.920] Olivia, do you have anything else for us? We need to move kind of quickly. We got [01:46:57.920 --> 01:47:05.920] one segment and three callers. Yeah, quick question. Can I sue, let's say, [01:47:05.920 --> 01:47:10.920] the person who ever suspended the license, but can you sue the state also [01:47:10.920 --> 01:47:18.920] under this because they authorized the statute which allowed them to have the [01:47:18.920 --> 01:47:25.920] legal authority to commit that? Okay, suing the state is very difficult [01:47:25.920 --> 01:47:33.920] because the state maintains sovereign immunity. They almost cannot be sued [01:47:33.920 --> 01:47:40.920] unless they have waived their sovereign immunity. So the way to sue is to make [01:47:40.920 --> 01:47:49.920] a claim against a state actor and claim that the state actor acted outside the [01:47:49.920 --> 01:48:00.920] scope of his authority. Okay. And generally, if you have a state actor who [01:48:00.920 --> 01:48:06.920] is commanded to do a certain thing and they fail to do that thing, then that is [01:48:06.920 --> 01:48:12.920] an administrative act and not judicial. This is one of the ways you can get a [01:48:12.920 --> 01:48:20.920] judge. I'm filing a criminal complaint against a public official and under [01:48:20.920 --> 01:48:25.920] 15.09 it says that when a complaint is forwarded to a magistrate, the [01:48:25.920 --> 01:48:32.920] magistrate shall issue a warrant. That is not me, Matt, or Ken if he wants to. [01:48:32.920 --> 01:48:38.920] He is commanded to do a certain thing. If they do not do a thing they are [01:48:38.920 --> 01:48:43.920] commanded to do, that is administrative and not judicial. You can sue them for [01:48:43.920 --> 01:48:50.920] that. If they have some discretion as to whether or not they do this thing, then [01:48:50.920 --> 01:48:57.920] you can't sue them. All right. Thanks very much. Okay. Thank you, Olivier. [01:48:57.920 --> 01:49:09.920] Okay. Now we're going to go to EJ. EJ, are you there? Hello, EJ. Hi. Oh, man. [01:49:09.920 --> 01:49:17.920] Hello. Got it. Okay. We tried you earlier and couldn't get a response. Okay. [01:49:17.920 --> 01:49:29.920] What do you have for us? Yes. I got a response, an answer back from the [01:49:29.920 --> 01:49:41.920] hospital attorney and the affirmative defenses, all of it, all 12 is irrelevant. [01:49:41.920 --> 01:49:51.920] Looks like they just dropped in my name and my address. My telephone is [01:49:51.920 --> 01:50:06.920] incorrect. My email is incorrect. So I was going to do a summary judgment due to [01:50:06.920 --> 01:50:18.920] the whole thing is I think for a different case. I wanted to get your opinion [01:50:18.920 --> 01:50:28.920] on if it's an appropriate way for summary judgment. Okay. I don't have any [01:50:28.920 --> 01:50:35.920] information about what's going on here to get to summary judgment. Give us a [01:50:35.920 --> 01:50:48.920] quick synopsis on where the case stands. It's been over 30 days after I served [01:50:48.920 --> 01:50:59.920] them with the summons. So they dropped in a response and answer on the 37th [01:50:59.920 --> 01:51:11.920] day. The 32nd day? 37th. Oh, seventh. Okay. 32nd day. Is there a 30-day [01:51:11.920 --> 01:51:20.920] requirement? Yes. It's even on the summons. They need to respond in 30 days. [01:51:20.920 --> 01:51:26.920] Okay. Absolutely move for summary judgment. Wonderful. Even though they did [01:51:26.920 --> 01:51:34.920] respond. Move to strike their response as untimely and move for summary judgment. [01:51:34.920 --> 01:51:47.920] Wonderful. Okay. For the move for the strike, the laws here say that I would [01:51:47.920 --> 01:52:01.920] need to either write him a meeting confer prior to filing a moving for a strike. [01:52:01.920 --> 01:52:07.920] So I would need to write, draft a letter or ask him to meet and confer before [01:52:07.920 --> 01:52:15.920] I strike. Well, you can certainly do the meeting confer by phone. And that's [01:52:15.920 --> 01:52:25.920] not likely to go very far. What they want you to do is make a deal. I don't [01:52:25.920 --> 01:52:32.920] know what the purpose of a meeting confer would be in a default judgment. If [01:52:32.920 --> 01:52:36.920] you filed your pleading and they didn't respond timely, am I getting this right? [01:52:36.920 --> 01:52:42.920] No. They responded on the 32nd day, then you moved to strike their pleading [01:52:42.920 --> 01:52:49.920] first and then you move for summary judgment. I don't see how that would entail [01:52:49.920 --> 01:52:57.920] any conversation. For the move to strike, any kind of move to strike, [01:52:57.920 --> 01:53:10.920] California law says I must ask them to meet and confer before I motion to [01:53:10.920 --> 01:53:19.920] strike. That's what it says in the letter. You filed a motion to strike. [01:53:19.920 --> 01:53:31.920] You filed a motion for summary judgment. Did I hear you say that? Yes. [01:53:31.920 --> 01:53:39.920] Was the summary judgment based on a failure to answer or respond to a [01:53:39.920 --> 01:53:52.920] motion? It would be a failure to timely respond. What was the nature of the [01:53:52.920 --> 01:54:00.920] motion or pleading to which they did not respond? Oh, no. It was just a [01:54:00.920 --> 01:54:12.920] complaint. Wait a minute. The original petition? Amended. I'm sorry. Yes, [01:54:12.920 --> 01:54:20.920] I amended it before I sent them the summons. Okay. We keep getting more [01:54:20.920 --> 01:54:25.920] information. You filed an original complaint and then before they answered [01:54:25.920 --> 01:54:32.920] it, you filed an amended. Correct. Okay. Have they not responded to the [01:54:32.920 --> 01:54:43.920] amended? They did respond, but it was the affirmative defenses were all [01:54:43.920 --> 01:54:51.920] irrelevant. It was supposed to be totally for a different... Okay. Here's [01:54:51.920 --> 01:54:57.920] the deal. When you file a petition, generally they will always file a [01:54:57.920 --> 01:55:03.920] response denying all of your claims, but the courts have ruled that that's [01:55:03.920 --> 01:55:11.920] not sufficient, a general denial of everything. The defendant has to [01:55:11.920 --> 01:55:17.920] address each of your claims independently and deny them independently. [01:55:17.920 --> 01:55:25.920] Oh, okay. Did they do that? No, they did not. So then the complaints that [01:55:25.920 --> 01:55:31.920] they did not individually deny or address, move for default judgment on [01:55:31.920 --> 01:55:36.920] those. I'm sorry. We can't move for default. Move for summary judgment on [01:55:36.920 --> 01:55:42.920] the claims they did not respond to. Are the claims that they didn't respond [01:55:42.920 --> 01:56:00.920] to sufficient to give you remedy? Can you say that again, please? The issues, [01:56:00.920 --> 01:56:05.920] sometimes if they fail to respond to an issue, but the issue doesn't make any [01:56:05.920 --> 01:56:10.920] difference, it won't matter. We won't be able to get default judgment. But if [01:56:10.920 --> 01:56:16.920] the issues are dispositive, if they would finalize the case and they didn't [01:56:16.920 --> 01:56:23.920] respond to it, then you can ask for default judgment. Any claim they did not [01:56:23.920 --> 01:56:29.920] respond to, you can ask for default judgment on. Even though they responded? [01:56:29.920 --> 01:56:34.920] Oh, yeah. I just started to say, wait, there was a response. I'm getting this [01:56:34.920 --> 01:56:44.920] switched around. So there was a response. When they filed the response, [01:56:44.920 --> 01:56:51.920] any issue in your pleading that was not addressed in the response was not [01:56:51.920 --> 01:57:00.920] objected to, that becomes the subject of a summary judgment motion. So are there [01:57:00.920 --> 01:57:09.920] any critical issues to which the other side did not specifically file a response [01:57:09.920 --> 01:57:18.920] to? No. It was absolutely, it was totally irrelevant. The whole thing, they had [01:57:18.920 --> 01:57:26.920] to file a summary judgment. Each issue they did not directly respond to, you [01:57:26.920 --> 01:57:31.920] file a petition for default judgment on that, or I'm sorry, a petition for [01:57:31.920 --> 01:57:37.920] summary judgment on that. Summary judgment. Okay. Since there's no [01:57:37.920 --> 01:57:42.920] opposition, they didn't oppose to it, they agreed to it. Don't address all the [01:57:42.920 --> 01:57:47.920] stuff that was irrelevant, because it is irrelevant. You only ask the court to [01:57:47.920 --> 01:57:54.920] give you a ruling on the issues they did not object to. Okay. Does that make [01:57:54.920 --> 01:58:02.920] sense? Yes, that makes sense. Okay. We are about out of time. I have Shane in New [01:58:02.920 --> 01:58:10.920] York and Iona in Rhode Island. I will not get to you folks. I am sorry, but we [01:58:10.920 --> 01:58:15.920] just don't have enough time to take up a new issue. If you have something you [01:58:15.920 --> 01:58:20.920] really need, send me an email and ask me about it, and I'll respond to it off the [01:58:20.920 --> 01:58:27.920] air. We are almost out of the show. Thank you all for listening. Hope you all will [01:58:27.920 --> 01:58:32.920] be back next week. We will be back next Thursday and Friday on our regular show [01:58:32.920 --> 01:58:39.920] at 8 o'clock. And we do have Eddie Craig, who does a traffic show on Monday nights [01:58:39.920 --> 01:58:45.920] at 8 o'clock Central. So check him out. Thank you all for listening, and good [01:58:45.920 --> 01:58:50.920] night. [01:59:15.920 --> 01:59:20.920] . [01:59:45.920 --> 01:59:50.920] . [01:59:50.920 --> 01:59:55.920] . [01:59:55.920 --> 02:00:00.920] . [02:00:00.920 --> 02:00:05.920] . [02:00:05.920 --> 02:00:10.920] .