[00:00.000 --> 00:05.840] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [00:05.840 --> 00:09.520] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [00:09.520 --> 00:10.920] Our liberty depends on it. [00:10.920 --> 00:14.920] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [00:14.920 --> 00:17.040] your First Amendment rights. [00:17.040 --> 00:18.640] Privacy is under attack. [00:18.640 --> 00:22.240] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [00:22.240 --> 00:27.000] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [00:27.000 --> 00:32.080] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [00:32.080 --> 00:34.760] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [00:34.760 --> 00:39.040] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [00:39.040 --> 00:42.600] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [00:42.600 --> 00:44.800] Start over with Startpage. [00:44.800 --> 00:47.880] Spar, it's what fighters do. [00:47.880 --> 00:50.840] It's also how I remember the five guarantees of the First Amendment. [00:50.840 --> 00:54.560] If you plan to take away my rights, I'm going to spar with you. [00:54.560 --> 01:01.640] Spar with an extra P, S for speech, P for press, another P for petition, A for assembly, [01:01.640 --> 01:03.160] and R for religion. [01:03.160 --> 01:07.080] Most Americans are familiar with the First Amendment guarantees of free speech, press, [01:07.080 --> 01:08.600] assembly, and religion. [01:08.600 --> 01:10.600] But petition for redress is another matter. [01:10.600 --> 01:14.660] We have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. [01:14.660 --> 01:18.200] It means that if we're unhappy with what's going on in our government, we can spell out [01:18.200 --> 01:20.880] the reasons without fear of being thrown into jail. [01:20.880 --> 01:22.800] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:22.800 --> 01:31.160] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31.160 --> 01:34.800] The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 amendments of our Constitution. [01:34.800 --> 01:38.280] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:38.280 --> 01:39.760] Our liberty depends on it. [01:39.760 --> 01:43.640] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way to remember [01:43.640 --> 01:46.780] one of your constitutional rights. [01:46.780 --> 01:48.360] Privacy is under attack. [01:48.360 --> 01:51.960] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:51.960 --> 01:56.720] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:56.720 --> 02:01.720] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [02:01.720 --> 02:04.480] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [02:04.480 --> 02:08.760] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [02:08.760 --> 02:12.320] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [02:12.320 --> 02:15.880] Start over with Startpage. [02:15.880 --> 02:20.240] When I think of the Second Amendment, I visualize myself wrapping my two arms around the Bill [02:20.240 --> 02:22.320] of Rights in a big old bear hug. [02:22.320 --> 02:26.880] It's how I remember that the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms, arms [02:26.880 --> 02:30.680] that embrace our freedoms and won't let anyone take them away without a fight. [02:30.680 --> 02:31.680] Get it? [02:31.680 --> 02:33.960] Two arms, bear hug, bear arms? [02:33.960 --> 02:37.560] The late Senator Hubert Humphrey captured the spirit of the Second Amendment so well [02:37.560 --> 02:43.320] when he said, the right of the citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary [02:43.320 --> 02:47.440] government, one more safeguard against the tyranny, which now appears remote in America, [02:47.440 --> 02:50.480] but which historically has proved to always be possible. [02:50.480 --> 02:52.480] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [02:52.480 --> 03:18.680] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [03:18.680 --> 03:36.920] Thank you. [03:48.680 --> 04:01.440] Okay, we are back, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Root of Law Radio, and we're talking to Ted [04:01.440 --> 04:03.440] in California. [04:03.440 --> 04:16.520] And Ted, I'm sitting here contemplating giving you all of this sage advice, but I suspect [04:16.520 --> 04:24.120] you are way ahead of me in this area. [04:24.120 --> 04:33.840] So you have the court doing everything they can to get one of their stooges placed in [04:33.840 --> 04:39.440] front of you. [04:39.440 --> 04:47.160] So what are you doing to this last lawyer to make him want to go somewhere else? [04:47.160 --> 04:59.320] Well, this one is going to really get the sting because first off, I'm not falling into [04:59.320 --> 05:04.360] the trap of a Marsden hearing because I don't accept his representation. [05:04.360 --> 05:12.360] And keep in mind, I had a single page contract that in October I told the court and on the [05:12.360 --> 05:19.600] record and for the record, no one represents me unless they sign this one page contract. [05:19.600 --> 05:27.560] And basically it has three paragraphs and the center paragraph is that they agree to [05:27.560 --> 05:34.600] protect all my constitutional rights and they won't sign it for that reason. [05:34.600 --> 05:39.680] So I made it clear on the court record that nobody represents me without signing this [05:39.680 --> 05:40.680] contract. [05:40.680 --> 05:48.800] I don't have a contract with this lawyer and I will start filing bar complaints against [05:48.800 --> 05:49.800] him. [05:49.800 --> 05:51.800] He's a private lawyer. [05:51.800 --> 05:57.640] He only puts himself out to the independent counsel to get work, you know, to fill in [05:57.640 --> 06:02.280] the gaps in his calendar and make more money. [06:02.280 --> 06:05.960] So he's got Yelp reviews. [06:05.960 --> 06:09.200] So I'm going to start hitting him on Yelp. [06:09.200 --> 06:10.200] I'm going to file bar complaints. [06:10.200 --> 06:13.880] I'm going to get my friends to file bar complaints. [06:13.880 --> 06:20.180] And because he's a private lawyer, it's going to hurt real quick. [06:20.180 --> 06:29.840] And it's clear to me that he is exactly what you just described him to be. [06:29.840 --> 06:37.440] And I actually asked him in the initial meeting, which was in the, you know, court just outside [06:37.440 --> 06:39.680] the courtroom, I said, what did they offer you? [06:39.680 --> 06:40.920] You want to be a judge? [06:40.920 --> 06:43.480] Is that why you're doing this? [06:43.480 --> 06:45.600] I already had an inkling. [06:45.600 --> 06:55.120] And they want to put a lawyer on me, and this is for everyone, when a lawyer is on you, [06:55.120 --> 06:56.680] they speak for you. [06:56.680 --> 06:59.720] They own you. [06:59.720 --> 07:02.520] You don't get to speak. [07:02.520 --> 07:05.680] And they don't want me speaking in court. [07:05.680 --> 07:10.760] I don't sound, the last couple of times I've called in, I haven't sounded great and I've [07:10.760 --> 07:13.760] kind of sounded scatterbrained. [07:13.760 --> 07:17.800] And part of it was I had my brain on vacation for a while. [07:17.800 --> 07:25.200] But when I get in court, I speak pretty crisp and clear and I think pretty quick on my feet. [07:25.200 --> 07:31.960] And again, I always want to remind that what Deborah has brought up, these lawyers do this [07:31.960 --> 07:32.960] every day. [07:32.960 --> 07:33.960] They're professionals. [07:33.960 --> 07:36.480] We're amateurs. [07:36.480 --> 07:41.680] And the rules of court and all this, they're going to beat you nine ways from Sunday every [07:41.680 --> 07:43.200] time. [07:43.200 --> 07:50.400] And what I have found out in the criminal justice system is there is no justice. [07:50.400 --> 07:55.520] And we don't get a fair hearing. [07:55.520 --> 08:03.960] The district attorneys do not turn over all evidence, especially evidence that lends itself [08:03.960 --> 08:10.360] to proving you're innocent, and you are not innocent until proven guilty in a court of [08:10.360 --> 08:17.680] law in this country anymore, especially in California. [08:17.680 --> 08:24.880] So take all those notions aside, this is a street fight. [08:24.880 --> 08:29.480] Don't make it, don't mistake it for anything else other than that. [08:29.480 --> 08:36.840] You gave me a great compliment earlier in this that I fought and I keep fighting. [08:36.840 --> 08:40.920] But there's been times that I haven't fought hard enough. [08:40.920 --> 08:45.480] And I want to be clear, they backed me into a corner. [08:45.480 --> 08:53.200] I'm a law-abiding citizen, I'm an ex-IDM executive, I'm a pilot. [08:53.200 --> 08:55.760] I owned my home for 32 years. [08:55.760 --> 09:00.160] I coached Little League and didn't even have any kids of my own. [09:00.160 --> 09:03.400] I formed a neighborhood association. [09:03.400 --> 09:09.160] I was a model citizen. [09:09.160 --> 09:15.640] And they came in and helped somebody steal my home. [09:15.640 --> 09:17.400] And that wasn't good enough for them. [09:17.400 --> 09:23.520] And then they put this fake criminal charge on me and damn near killed me. [09:23.520 --> 09:26.360] So I know you didn't mean it earlier, Randy. [09:26.360 --> 09:33.960] But I take it to heart a little more when you talk about the joking side of killing [09:33.960 --> 09:34.960] me. [09:34.960 --> 09:41.680] But remember, the public defender, when I told him on the street that I was wise to [09:41.680 --> 09:48.840] him meeting behind my back with the judge, his response was to scream at me, why don't [09:48.840 --> 09:52.780] I have another heart attack and die? [09:52.780 --> 09:59.960] So it wasn't lost on me that they've been discussing all along, that hopefully I die. [09:59.960 --> 10:06.000] So that they don't have to, so that this little problem of theirs goes away. [10:06.000 --> 10:11.560] They put a fake charge or a false charge on somebody, they never had an arrest warrant. [10:11.560 --> 10:18.560] They drug me out of my home, put machine guns in my face and threw me in a jail cell for [10:18.560 --> 10:23.680] three days while somebody cleaned out the contents of my home of 32 years, then dumped [10:23.680 --> 10:28.880] me into the street with no money, nothing. [10:28.880 --> 10:34.520] And I went around twisted in the head for about eight, nine months thinking that I had [10:34.520 --> 10:37.920] done something wrong. [10:37.920 --> 10:43.560] So I didn't pick this fight. [10:43.560 --> 10:50.680] And this Santa Clara County and Jeffrey Francis Rosen, the district attorney, they need to [10:50.680 --> 10:51.680] be exposed. [10:51.680 --> 10:56.800] I'm not the only one they're doing this to, okay? [10:56.800 --> 11:00.000] So this isn't all about me. [11:00.000 --> 11:04.360] I know several other people just for being critics of the district attorney, they found [11:04.360 --> 11:07.400] themselves with criminal charges on them. [11:07.400 --> 11:18.120] They're going after our sheriff, because the sheriff tried to protect constitutional rights. [11:18.120 --> 11:23.600] So they're out of control. [11:23.600 --> 11:24.600] They're out of control. [11:24.600 --> 11:27.840] And this district attorney is out of control. [11:27.840 --> 11:34.200] Folks, the politicians know what's going on, especially here in California. [11:34.200 --> 11:37.900] We have a criminal legislature, okay? [11:37.900 --> 11:41.460] The judges are being bribed by counties. [11:41.460 --> 11:48.800] And the legislature has tried several times to enact new legislation to protect the judges [11:48.800 --> 11:53.380] retroactively for their crimes of receiving these monies. [11:53.380 --> 11:59.680] And some of them have received over $400,000 over time from the county. [11:59.680 --> 12:06.640] And then the county goes into a case as a plaintiff or defendant and looks like, you [12:06.640 --> 12:10.560] think you're going to get a fair hearing? [12:10.560 --> 12:13.680] The county owns the judges. [12:13.680 --> 12:20.360] The most corrupt judge of the county has received the most money from the county. [12:20.360 --> 12:28.320] So California and the Silicon Valley, they need to wake up, okay? [12:28.320 --> 12:33.560] And I'm not, this isn't about me right now, this is what is going on. [12:33.560 --> 12:43.400] And the people in this county and this state need to wake up because they could be next. [12:43.400 --> 12:47.240] And again, yeah, I'm Irish, I'm Scottish Irish. [12:47.240 --> 12:52.240] If you ask my grandma, no, no, you're not Irish, you're Scottish. [12:52.240 --> 12:58.080] But oh, yeah, I don't know. [12:58.080 --> 13:04.280] It's just something my dad was a Marine, he wasn't a good Marine, but something he drove [13:04.280 --> 13:05.720] in me. [13:05.720 --> 13:11.460] And at the time I grew up and believing in our constitution and believing what is right [13:11.460 --> 13:12.460] is right. [13:12.460 --> 13:16.840] And it's always, it's just recently I was going to have a private conversation with [13:16.840 --> 13:22.700] Brandy about why is there politics in criminal law? [13:22.700 --> 13:25.640] Why is a district attorney a politician? [13:25.640 --> 13:32.400] Isn't the law black and white, especially criminal law? [13:32.400 --> 13:35.480] Isn't it black and white? [13:35.480 --> 13:36.480] And it's not. [13:36.480 --> 13:38.200] Sure ought to be. [13:38.200 --> 13:39.360] It should be. [13:39.360 --> 13:47.680] If we want to have a just and fair system, it must be. [13:47.680 --> 13:49.360] And that's what we need to get back to. [13:49.360 --> 13:57.720] We, what is most shocking to me more than ever now is that we have innocent people sitting [13:57.720 --> 14:04.080] in prison because we have district attorneys and deputy district attorneys that don't follow [14:04.080 --> 14:05.920] the law. [14:05.920 --> 14:12.080] And they, by oath, are supposed to protect both sides of the law. [14:12.080 --> 14:19.000] It was set up a system that we were supposed to, some of our guilty were supposed to actually [14:19.000 --> 14:28.280] get off to ensure that the innocent never ended up in prison. [14:28.280 --> 14:30.360] But that's not what we have today. [14:30.360 --> 14:35.440] And we haven't had it for a long time, unfortunately. [14:35.440 --> 14:45.000] So come back to my situation, it's just a matter of me, this guy's wrong. [14:45.000 --> 14:52.800] Patrick Coughlin is wrong and I may even use subpoena power because ultimately the county [14:52.800 --> 14:54.320] is paying him. [14:54.320 --> 14:56.320] I'm suing the county. [14:56.320 --> 15:00.080] I'm suing an entity of the county, the Public Defender's Office. [15:00.080 --> 15:07.720] And they think they can get one of their agents to be your agent too. [15:07.720 --> 15:08.720] Right. [15:08.720 --> 15:09.720] Right. [15:09.720 --> 15:15.480] And so, you know, look, I'm not a lawyer. [15:15.480 --> 15:18.320] I don't think I'm smart as these lawyers. [15:18.320 --> 15:20.160] I don't think I read as well as these lawyers. [15:20.160 --> 15:30.280] I don't have the training to understand how to read legal publishings and so on. [15:30.280 --> 15:36.080] That's where I'm really weak is in the research area and reading opinions and stuff. [15:36.080 --> 15:42.600] The more you read them though, the more you catch on, especially appellate court ruling, [15:42.600 --> 15:49.200] you really start to get down to what, how they're thinking and it teaches you how to [15:49.200 --> 15:50.200] think. [15:50.200 --> 15:57.600] So that you don't go filing stupid lawsuits and going after things that you never have [15:57.600 --> 16:00.520] a chance of winning. [16:00.520 --> 16:09.240] And as you go through the process, you find out that you were off base from step one. [16:09.240 --> 16:16.680] You learn to read this stuff and it'll also teach you what they're looking for. [16:16.680 --> 16:22.160] And when you do line up and have an actual valid case. [16:22.160 --> 16:26.400] We got 30 seconds. [16:26.400 --> 16:32.480] I'll just say that it's all about studying and listening. [16:32.480 --> 16:39.080] You know, Randy several times mentioned about delaying tonight, but I don't mind listening [16:39.080 --> 16:44.120] to other people and because we learn, we're all learning. [16:44.120 --> 16:47.320] Brett, take us out. [16:47.320 --> 16:48.320] Very true. [16:48.320 --> 16:49.320] All right. [16:49.320 --> 16:55.960] Well, this is the rule of law radio and we're going to go to our sponsors. [16:55.960 --> 17:00.240] If you've got a question or a comment, we'll be right back after the break. [17:00.240 --> 17:04.920] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [17:04.920 --> 17:09.080] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [17:09.080 --> 17:13.360] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors and now you [17:13.360 --> 17:14.360] can win too. [17:14.360 --> 17:19.280] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal [17:19.280 --> 17:20.280] civil rights statutes. [17:20.280 --> 17:24.520] What to do when contacted by phone, mail or court summons. [17:24.520 --> 17:26.240] How to answer letters and phone calls. [17:26.240 --> 17:29.160] How to get debt collectors out of your credit report. [17:29.160 --> 17:33.800] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [17:33.800 --> 17:38.920] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [17:38.920 --> 17:41.040] Personal consultation is available as well. [17:41.040 --> 17:46.600] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner [17:46.600 --> 17:48.960] or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [17:48.960 --> 17:59.000] That's ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt [17:59.000 --> 18:00.000] collectors now. [18:00.000 --> 18:04.600] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic seminar. [18:04.600 --> 18:08.480] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society and if we, the people, are ever going [18:08.480 --> 18:12.440] to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [18:12.440 --> 18:15.640] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act [18:15.640 --> 18:19.360] in our own private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law. [18:19.360 --> 18:23.520] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve [18:23.520 --> 18:24.880] our rights through due process. [18:24.880 --> 18:28.880] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the [18:28.880 --> 18:32.640] most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process [18:32.640 --> 18:35.040] is and how to hold the courts to the rule of law. [18:35.040 --> 18:39.040] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and [18:39.040 --> 18:40.120] ordering your copy today. [18:40.120 --> 18:43.560] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, [18:43.560 --> 18:48.120] The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research [18:48.120 --> 18:50.440] documents and other useful resource material. [18:50.440 --> 18:54.400] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. [18:54.400 --> 18:59.400] Order your copy today and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [18:59.400 --> 19:14.400] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, the LogosradioNetwork.com. [19:14.400 --> 19:32.740] Thank you! [19:44.400 --> 19:51.320] All right, we are back. This is the Rule of Law Radio, Randy Kelton. I'm Brett Fountain. [19:51.320 --> 20:01.360] And we're here on this 28th of January, 2022, talking with Ted in California. All right, [20:01.360 --> 20:03.160] Ted. [20:03.160 --> 20:11.800] So basically, at this point, I sent, I scanned these three letters and sent them to Randy [20:11.800 --> 20:20.440] earlier today. And I would like to get an example of a tort letter. And what I'm actually, [20:20.440 --> 20:27.600] I'm going to send, I want to send him this Patrick Coughlin, a cease and desist and notice [20:27.600 --> 20:35.960] of tort. So I don't have a tort letter example. And that would help me. And then I think I'm [20:35.960 --> 20:46.160] just going to go ahead and file a federal lawsuit against him. And we'll see where it [20:46.160 --> 20:47.160] goes from there. [20:47.160 --> 20:56.680] It's about time we took them to the Fed. Because the Fed, although they're no good rotten criminals, [20:56.680 --> 21:03.600] they have a different agenda than the state. And when you take the state to the Fed, they're [21:03.600 --> 21:10.000] going to get real excited. Especially when you show you've been held in court for seven [21:10.000 --> 21:11.000] years. [21:11.000 --> 21:19.260] Exactly. And you know, Randy, I don't know that I brought this up to you, but at some [21:19.260 --> 21:26.080] point, I got ahold of their insurance. And we sent notice to their insurance company. [21:26.080 --> 21:34.200] And the insurance company actually responded to one of my motions. And so I have that contact [21:34.200 --> 21:39.800] information. So I'm going to copy them on everything. I'm going to sue this lawyer in [21:39.800 --> 21:43.720] federal court, and I'm going to sue the county executive. [21:43.720 --> 21:49.200] Okay. What is the county executive? [21:49.200 --> 21:59.680] He is responsible for the daily operations of the county. He reports to the County Board [21:59.680 --> 22:11.640] of Supervisors. He serves at the pleasure of the County Board of Supervisors. [22:11.640 --> 22:13.200] That doesn't help me much. [22:13.200 --> 22:19.880] Let me explain. The county executive is absolutely aware that they're giving payments to the [22:19.880 --> 22:20.880] judges. [22:20.880 --> 22:27.600] Oh, I see where you're going with that. [22:27.600 --> 22:36.280] See, guys, there's so many, and for everybody listening, there's so many moving parts to [22:36.280 --> 22:44.320] my case. There are so many cases that these people don't realize that they have left their [22:44.320 --> 22:50.640] fingerprints on everything. There's been a couple of federal lawsuits. There's been an [22:50.640 --> 22:57.840] eviction case in the state court. There's been a title, a quiet title lawsuit in the [22:57.840 --> 23:02.760] state court. There's been an appellate court at the Sixth District Court of Appeals. There's [23:02.760 --> 23:10.560] two women judges in the Sixth District Court of Appeals. One has a husband that was a state [23:10.560 --> 23:17.240] court judge that started all this, Manukian. He's the one that got ticked off because I [23:17.240 --> 23:24.120] named him in the federal suit. And then you have Judge Davila in the federal court who's [23:24.120 --> 23:30.680] married to the Sixth District Court of Appeals, Justice Greenwood. Okay. And Davila in the [23:30.680 --> 23:37.720] fed court for some reason won't touch my stuff anymore. He had my case one time, the one [23:37.720 --> 23:42.640] that he dismissed my case against Manukian. But I had another case come through there. [23:42.640 --> 23:49.320] No sooner did it land on his desk, he sent it back out to another judge. So he don't [23:49.320 --> 23:56.800] want nothing to do with me, which tells me he's got a big dirty closet. Okay. But anyway, [23:56.800 --> 24:01.480] coming back down to this, I'll name a couple people and take them into federal court, the [24:01.480 --> 24:12.840] county executive, because he oversees the wholesale bribery of these state court judges. [24:12.840 --> 24:24.560] And let them play with that for a while. And like you said, Randy, seven years. Okay. And [24:24.560 --> 24:29.480] the fact that Goldman, his response to me was, why don't you have another heart attack [24:29.480 --> 24:35.560] and die? Which tells me in their secret meeting, they're discussing, hopefully the guy dies [24:35.560 --> 24:45.920] and all this goes away. Yeah. And so they've rolled me into court 130 times, 130 hearings. [24:45.920 --> 25:01.800] Outrageous. They've gotten... Would you say that 130 was excessive? I'd say more than [25:01.800 --> 25:10.320] about 10, 12 hearings before a trial. Okay. And I've read a lot of appellate court opinions [25:10.320 --> 25:16.480] where after three and a half years, it's too much. There was a justice talking about it's [25:16.480 --> 25:21.000] torture and detrimental to people's health to have these kinds of things hanging over [25:21.000 --> 25:28.840] their head. And yeah, I've got some cases on that too. Absolutely. Time is important. [25:28.840 --> 25:35.920] Right now, because of this lawyer and what he's done and having his private investigator [25:35.920 --> 25:42.480] harass me and call me and stuff. I didn't answer any of their calls. I now have sores [25:42.480 --> 25:55.200] all over my forearm. Open bleeding sores. Sores? Why? It's stress and it's a condition [25:55.200 --> 26:03.400] and stress is one of the known ways that it's brought on. And it's called, I think it's [26:03.400 --> 26:12.240] PN. PN. I could probably bring it up real quick. It's a condition. They don't really [26:12.240 --> 26:24.480] have any treatment for it. And it's called... I can't pronounce it. It's P-R-U-R-I-G-O. [26:24.480 --> 26:33.440] That word is N-O-D-U-L-A-R-I-S. And if you read about it, it's a type two, level two [26:33.440 --> 26:41.320] inflammation and basically you have little volcano eruptions out of your skin. And they're [26:41.320 --> 26:51.400] extremely itchy and they drive people nuts. You read all about it. And it's caused because [26:51.400 --> 26:58.840] of this. It's because it all started, it all triggered from the judge violating my rights [26:58.840 --> 27:08.120] again, interfering with my rights. And remember that judge, Nishigaya, I disqualified him [27:08.120 --> 27:16.680] for cause because he's received over $350,000 from the county so far. And I disqualified [27:16.680 --> 27:24.400] him because of his conflict of interest. And he went ahead and now he's retaliated with [27:24.400 --> 27:31.440] making this order, putting this lawyer on me. And then the lawyer starts bugging me. [27:31.440 --> 27:37.320] Then the private investigator calls me. And the next thing you know, my arms look like [27:37.320 --> 27:49.400] hamburgers. So I went, I got a doctor's appointment, you know, nowadays to do everything over phone [27:49.400 --> 27:56.640] or FaceTime over. And so I did all that. I've got it documented. I've got treatment, both [27:56.640 --> 28:04.960] pills and cream to put on it, but it's not fun. But all they do, all they do is tick [28:04.960 --> 28:13.600] me off. And look, this is my reputation. And I already expressed some of my background [28:13.600 --> 28:22.080] and this is just not right. And let's not forget 20 some years ago, I took the county [28:22.080 --> 28:33.760] on for George Panzer. They had taken his priceless Bowie PT-17 Stearman. I got him $50,000 and [28:33.760 --> 28:42.720] I got him another $60,000 in free rent for his airplane at the airport. They never forgot [28:42.720 --> 28:43.720] that. [28:43.720 --> 28:54.400] Yeah, I guess not. Did he keep the Stearman? Until he passed away. And the Stearman was [28:54.400 --> 29:01.360] priceless because it was original, not restored, but original as it left the Bowie factory. [29:01.360 --> 29:03.960] It belonged in the Smithsonian. [29:03.960 --> 29:17.560] The Stearman is an incredible aircraft. I would love to get my hands on one of them. [29:17.560 --> 29:26.960] I made the county look really bad. The man was 85 years old and they had taken his airplane [29:26.960 --> 29:38.560] and nobody, if I hadn't come to his aid, they would have got away with it. [29:38.560 --> 29:47.960] Well, okay. You need to contact me off the air. I've got something else I want to talk [29:47.960 --> 29:48.960] to you about. [29:48.960 --> 29:57.960] And thank you. I'm ready to sign off tonight. Well, thanks so much for calling. Really good [29:57.960 --> 30:00.960] to hear from you. [30:00.960 --> 30:05.720] Everyone knows that walking is great exercise, but you might not know that the way you walk [30:05.720 --> 30:09.960] could predict how long you're going to live. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be back [30:09.960 --> 30:14.760] to tell you more about walking prognostication in just a moment. [30:14.760 --> 30:19.120] Privacy is under attack. When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back [30:19.120 --> 30:24.520] again. And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [30:24.520 --> 30:30.200] So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. Privacy, [30:30.200 --> 30:36.040] it's worth hanging on to. This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, [30:36.040 --> 30:43.600] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Start over with Startpage. [30:43.600 --> 30:48.040] New research shows how fast you walk could predict how long you're going to live. The [30:48.040 --> 30:52.600] Journal of the American Medical Association reports that older adults who walk one meter [30:52.600 --> 30:57.860] per second or faster live longer than expected. In case you're wondering, one meter per second [30:57.860 --> 31:02.720] is about two and a quarter miles per hour. A senior's age, gender, and walking speed [31:02.720 --> 31:07.640] were as good at predicting life expectancy as more traditional statistical measures. [31:07.640 --> 31:13.080] Generally speaking, faster walkers live longer. Measuring walking speed is quick and inexpensive. [31:13.080 --> 31:17.440] It only takes a stopwatch, some space to walk, and a few minutes. Researchers say it could [31:17.440 --> 31:22.960] help doctors identify older patients who need special care. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [31:22.960 --> 31:30.440] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:30.440 --> 31:35.800] I lost my son, my nephew, my uncle, my son on September 11th, 2001. Most people don't [31:35.800 --> 31:41.560] know that a third tower fell on September 11th. World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper [31:41.560 --> 31:46.160] was not hit by a plane. Although the official explanation is that fire brought down Building [31:46.160 --> 31:51.120] 7, over 1,200 architects and engineers have looked into the evidence and believe there [31:51.120 --> 31:57.800] is more to the story. Bring justice to my son, my uncle, my nephew, my son. Go to buildingwhat.org. [31:57.800 --> 32:01.600] Why it fell, why it matters, and what you can do. [32:01.600 --> 32:05.600] Are you looking to have a closer relationship with God and a better understanding of His [32:05.600 --> 32:11.600] Word? Then tune in to LogosRadioNetwork.com on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Central Time [32:11.600 --> 32:16.840] for Scripture Talk, where Nana and her guests discuss the Scriptures in accord with 2 Timothy [32:16.840 --> 32:22.880] 2.15. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, [32:22.880 --> 32:27.760] rightly dividing the word of truth. Starting in January, our first hour studies are in [32:27.760 --> 32:32.720] the Book of Mark, where we'll go verse by verse and discuss the true Gospel message. [32:32.720 --> 32:37.360] Our second hour topical studies will vary each week with discussions on sound doctrine [32:37.360 --> 32:42.240] and Christian character development. We wish to reflect God's light and be a blessing to [32:42.240 --> 32:47.480] all those with a hearing ear. Our goal is to strengthen our faith and to transform ourselves [32:47.480 --> 32:52.720] more into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus. So tune in to Scripture Talk live on [32:52.720 --> 32:58.800] LogosRadioNetwork.com, Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. to inspire and motivate your studies [32:58.800 --> 33:05.800] of the Scriptures. [33:28.800 --> 33:49.800] I won't, I won't, I won't let you pull the wool over my eyes. They must refuse your [33:49.800 --> 34:01.800] news, also come in lies. It seems you like to spend, but please take some time. [34:01.800 --> 34:08.760] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Root of Our Radio, and we're going to our [34:08.760 --> 34:17.200] callers. We have a caller from the 206 Area Code, Washington State. If you are from the [34:17.200 --> 34:25.560] 206 Area Code, you appear to be a first-time caller. Talk to us, give us a first name that [34:25.560 --> 34:28.000] we can refer to you as. [34:28.000 --> 34:32.720] This is Kirk, Kirk from Washington. [34:32.720 --> 34:38.360] Kirk. Okay, Kirk, what do you have for us today? [34:38.360 --> 34:42.200] Well, I'm a goose in a big pile of shit. [34:42.200 --> 34:49.200] No, no, you can't say shit on a radio. You have to say poop or caca or doo-doo. [34:49.200 --> 34:52.200] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. [34:52.200 --> 35:01.200] Oh my goodness, Deborah is going to skin us alive. He said shit. Did you hear that, Brett? [35:01.200 --> 35:05.200] Oh my goodness. [35:05.200 --> 35:07.200] My innocent ears haven't heard anything. [35:07.200 --> 35:17.200] Oh, I know. Okay, we're having too much fun here. Okay, Kirk, what do you have for us today? [35:17.200 --> 35:24.200] Well, so my situation is I have all these municipal court cases in Seattle where I got [35:24.200 --> 35:29.200] charged for trespass for shopping without a mask. [35:29.200 --> 35:32.200] You did what? [35:32.200 --> 35:33.200] I know. [35:33.200 --> 35:37.200] You didn't what? Oh my God. [35:37.200 --> 35:40.200] He's one of these breathers. [35:40.200 --> 35:46.200] You actually want to get oxygen to your brain? [35:46.200 --> 35:48.200] Yeah, I'm one of those people. [35:48.200 --> 35:53.200] Good. Are you familiar with our telegram site? [35:53.200 --> 35:55.200] Yeah, I'm on there. I'm there. [35:55.200 --> 35:57.200] Okay, good, good. [35:57.200 --> 36:06.200] Yep, I'm that guy. So it started back in September of 2020 and the municipal court, [36:06.200 --> 36:16.200] when I went to try to appear, they were denying my entrance. At the time they set me up in [36:16.200 --> 36:24.200] the lobby with a Zoom computer call. But then I was running into situations where I tried to speak [36:24.200 --> 36:30.200] and then the judge would silence me. So clearly I wasn't getting access to the court. [36:30.200 --> 36:36.200] Did you file criminal charges against the judge? [36:36.200 --> 36:43.200] I've only put the criminal charges into the Seattle Municipal Court record and moved the [36:43.200 --> 36:51.200] court a couple of weeks ago to take judicial notice of the criminal complaints that I filed. [36:51.200 --> 37:04.200] This is an important issue. The courts are moving into technology that has not been [37:04.200 --> 37:07.200] contemplated in the Constitution. [37:07.200 --> 37:08.200] Right. [37:08.200 --> 37:13.200] Our constitutional founders never imagined such a thing as Zoom. [37:13.200 --> 37:17.200] Right, or being able to mute an accused. [37:17.200 --> 37:28.200] Yeah, you're in court and it's like at will the judge can have the beta front over and [37:28.200 --> 37:37.200] stick a piece of masking tape over your mouth. This was not contemplated by our founders. [37:37.200 --> 37:45.200] And it absolutely needs to be addressed. You can't raise objections. [37:45.200 --> 37:52.200] You can't protect your rights or your position because the judge can simply press a button [37:52.200 --> 37:56.200] and you're excluded from the hearing. [37:56.200 --> 38:06.200] Yeah, they've even gone so far as to cut the link off. So I had to actually call back in. [38:06.200 --> 38:13.200] Yeah, it's basically harder than getting into your queue on your radio show to speak to a judge here. [38:13.200 --> 38:25.200] So to fast forward, I have some trials coming up in July of 2021 and I was zooming in and [38:25.200 --> 38:30.200] they said, well, you have to come appear in person, but you have to either put a face mask on [38:30.200 --> 38:36.200] or you have to provide medical exemption. So I went back and forth with them on that. [38:36.200 --> 38:40.200] They issued a failure to appear, $10,000 bench warrant. [38:40.200 --> 38:47.200] I ended up getting a day in the bench warrant and getting a medical exemption from a professional. [38:47.200 --> 38:56.200] In September of last year, they accepted that I was able to go in and appear in one of my trials. [38:56.200 --> 39:01.200] But it was funny, of course, because the prosecution, after I got in there, then tried to argue that I [39:01.200 --> 39:08.200] shouldn't be in the court because I would prejudice the jury into believing that I didn't have to wear a mask. [39:08.200 --> 39:13.200] So from September of last year on up... [39:13.200 --> 39:19.200] Wait a minute. Did you bargrieve the prosecutor? [39:19.200 --> 39:25.200] Oh, yeah. Oh, I bargrieved and judicial complained to them all the yahoos. [39:25.200 --> 39:30.200] You know, I even spoke to the investigator for the Judicial Complaint Commission. [39:30.200 --> 39:35.200] And, you know, she said that they were well aware of all the complaints because I filed like [39:35.200 --> 39:39.200] 1% of all the complaints for the state of Washington last year. [39:39.200 --> 39:42.200] Only 1%? [39:42.200 --> 39:45.200] I know. I'm the 1%. [39:45.200 --> 39:48.200] Why did you hold back? [39:48.200 --> 39:51.200] Well, I got a lot on my plate. [39:51.200 --> 39:55.200] Okay. That's great. [39:55.200 --> 40:01.200] And you got to know we understand a lot on your plate. [40:01.200 --> 40:08.200] So from September of last year on up through the end of the year, I was able to go in and out of court. [40:08.200 --> 40:11.200] You know, I'm in great terms with the security. [40:11.200 --> 40:14.200] I was able to access court records. [40:14.200 --> 40:22.200] But then when I tried to go in for a hearing a couple of weeks ago, you know, went in, waited for 25 minutes, [40:22.200 --> 40:28.200] and then the court marshal forced me out saying that the chief presiding judge said I had to wear a mask [40:28.200 --> 40:35.200] and that my medical exemption was no longer valid because Omicron. [40:35.200 --> 40:40.200] So I tried to address this. [40:40.200 --> 40:51.200] The chief judge said that my medical exemption was only valid for the one case that they adjudicated in September, [40:51.200 --> 40:53.200] which is totally retroactive. [40:53.200 --> 40:57.200] That's not what they said, you know, back in September. [40:57.200 --> 41:11.200] And then the chief judge asserted that the mask issue was a disability and that he was denying it under ADA. [41:11.200 --> 41:17.200] And I tried to address it on the record with the trial judge a couple of weeks ago, [41:17.200 --> 41:26.200] and I cited specifically State Constitution Article 1, Section 22 that says I have a right to appear in person. [41:26.200 --> 41:29.200] And, you know, they're denying it. [41:29.200 --> 41:33.200] I tried calling the cops from the precinct parking lot. [41:33.200 --> 41:35.200] No one would, you know, I waited there an hour. [41:35.200 --> 41:37.200] People, cops walked by me, nothing. [41:37.200 --> 41:41.200] I tried calling the FBI, nothing. [41:41.200 --> 41:47.200] So I guess first question is what's your advice on dealing with a warrant? [41:47.200 --> 41:55.200] Because I got $30,000 in warrants out right now, and whenever the mailman comes to the door, I get scared. [41:55.200 --> 42:00.200] Because I, you know, my first thought, of course, was motion to quash, but if they're just... [42:00.200 --> 42:01.200] Okay, wait, wait, wait. [42:01.200 --> 42:02.200] A warrant. [42:02.200 --> 42:11.200] A warrant will always say arrest this person and bring him before me. [42:11.200 --> 42:17.200] You go down and go before that magistrate who ever issued the warrant. [42:17.200 --> 42:22.200] And the warrant becomes moot. [42:22.200 --> 42:28.200] If they take you from the magistrate to the jail, now you have a great false imprisonment suit. [42:28.200 --> 42:39.200] And there's one thing that jurisdictions waive their official immunity for, and that's false imprisonment. [42:39.200 --> 42:44.200] Well, I've already got enough of those cases to keep me busy for a while. [42:44.200 --> 42:49.200] Like, one of my concerns is they don't care about the law, clearly. [42:49.200 --> 42:56.200] And the warrant specifically says no PR. [42:56.200 --> 42:58.200] Wait, the warrant says what? [42:58.200 --> 42:59.200] No PR. [42:59.200 --> 43:01.200] No personal recognition. [43:01.200 --> 43:02.200] No personal recognition. [43:02.200 --> 43:05.200] In other words, show me the money. [43:05.200 --> 43:06.200] Yes. [43:06.200 --> 43:07.200] No, no. [43:07.200 --> 43:11.200] Bail, bond is not a right. [43:11.200 --> 43:16.200] Bond is an option to bail. [43:16.200 --> 43:18.200] Bail is a right. [43:18.200 --> 43:22.200] Bail does not involve money. [43:22.200 --> 43:26.200] Do you own any property in Washington? [43:26.200 --> 43:31.200] No. [43:31.200 --> 43:41.200] Do you have anyone who owns property in Washington who would put up that property as security for bail? [43:41.200 --> 43:44.200] Bail does not involve money. [43:44.200 --> 43:46.200] We're about to go to our sponsors. [43:46.200 --> 43:47.200] Hang on. [43:47.200 --> 43:49.200] I'll address this when we come back. [43:49.200 --> 43:50.200] Okay. [43:50.200 --> 43:52.200] These guys have forgotten what bail really is. [43:52.200 --> 43:56.200] They think bail is bond, and bail is not bond. [43:56.200 --> 43:58.200] Hang on, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountainhead. [43:58.200 --> 44:00.200] We'll be right back. [44:00.200 --> 44:06.200] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area of nutrition. [44:06.200 --> 44:11.200] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that. [44:11.200 --> 44:17.200] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [44:17.200 --> 44:22.200] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, [44:22.200 --> 44:25.200] young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. [44:25.200 --> 44:31.200] Logos Relial Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. [44:31.200 --> 44:36.200] We have come to trust young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor, [44:36.200 --> 44:40.200] along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [44:40.200 --> 44:47.200] If you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio. [44:47.200 --> 44:51.200] As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. [44:51.200 --> 44:58.200] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and increase your income. [44:58.200 --> 45:00.200] Order now. [45:00.200 --> 45:03.200] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [45:03.200 --> 45:07.200] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary. [45:07.200 --> 45:15.200] The affordable, easy-to-understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [45:15.200 --> 45:19.200] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [45:19.200 --> 45:23.200] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [45:23.200 --> 45:28.200] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [45:28.200 --> 45:34.200] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [45:34.200 --> 45:43.200] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [45:43.200 --> 45:52.200] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more. [45:52.200 --> 46:04.200] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [46:22.200 --> 46:30.200] Yeah, always, I must be careful what I'm wishing for. [46:30.200 --> 46:35.200] When I'm hungry, I like to know just what I'm fishing for. [46:35.200 --> 46:41.200] I ain't asking for much, I ain't trying to be no glutton. [46:41.200 --> 46:47.200] I'm just here making my living pushing buttons. [46:47.200 --> 46:52.200] Okay, we are back. [46:52.200 --> 47:02.200] Randy Kelton, Brett Salton, Rule of Law Radio, and we're talking to Kirk in Washington. [47:02.200 --> 47:05.200] And we're over the break. [47:05.200 --> 47:09.200] We were discussing how to handle this. [47:09.200 --> 47:15.200] This sounds like it needs a petition for writ of mandamus. [47:15.200 --> 47:21.200] You're trying, you have a charge of failure to appear. [47:21.200 --> 47:27.200] It appears as though the courts have created a condition to where you cannot appear. [47:27.200 --> 47:34.200] You're trying to, but the court itself is not making itself available. [47:34.200 --> 47:49.200] You might consider petitioning the Court of Appeals for writ of mandamus, ordering the court to convene a hearing on, [47:49.200 --> 47:58.200] a preliminary hearing based on the complaints that resulted in the warrant. [47:58.200 --> 48:04.200] Get it out of their local court and get a higher court to look at it. [48:04.200 --> 48:13.200] Yeah, because that was my concern about a petition for declaratory judgment in the County Superior is because they're doing the same thing to me. [48:13.200 --> 48:15.200] No, no, no, not declaratory. [48:15.200 --> 48:19.200] Look at writ of mandamus. [48:19.200 --> 48:20.200] Yep. [48:20.200 --> 48:28.200] Go to the appellate court and say to the appellate court, you have made good faith effort to adjudicate this issue, [48:28.200 --> 48:35.200] but the appellate courts has not made themselves available to give you due process. [48:35.200 --> 48:45.200] And ask the appellate court to order the lower court to make itself available so that you can adjudicate these issues. [48:45.200 --> 48:47.200] Okay. [48:47.200 --> 48:55.200] And before the break, you were talking about trying to educate the municipal court on the difference between bail and bond. [48:55.200 --> 49:04.200] But my concern about going in in person is they're looking for every loophole to squish me with. [49:04.200 --> 49:10.200] And I think it's likely that if I walk in there, or it's, I don't know, likely, [49:10.200 --> 49:20.200] but it's a concern that they're going to use the recently passed Washington Administrative Code empowerment of the Department of Health to basically say [49:20.200 --> 49:29.200] any public servant has the authority to stick me in quarantine without due process for up to 30 days. [49:29.200 --> 49:32.200] Wow, that's false imprisonment. [49:32.200 --> 49:33.200] That's out of control. [49:33.200 --> 49:39.200] Well, yeah, but obviously they don't care because they've already done that to me four times. [49:39.200 --> 49:48.200] Have you filed, that gets a petition for writ of mandamus to the appellate court. [49:48.200 --> 49:59.200] Ask the appellate court to order the lower court to follow state law. [49:59.200 --> 50:03.200] When you move it out of their court, then it gets more difficult for them. [50:03.200 --> 50:07.200] If you keep trying to fight them within their court, [50:07.200 --> 50:11.200] they'll pretty much do whatever they want to. [50:11.200 --> 50:14.200] Yes, I've come to that conclusion. [50:14.200 --> 50:18.200] I have found the appellate court to be very powerful. [50:18.200 --> 50:23.200] Mandamus is very powerful if you can get it in front of them. [50:23.200 --> 50:27.200] And it doesn't have to be 200 pages, right, like yours? [50:27.200 --> 50:29.200] Say that again. [50:29.200 --> 50:33.200] It doesn't have to be a 200 page mandamus, right? [50:33.200 --> 50:35.200] Oh, no, no, it can be very short. [50:35.200 --> 50:44.200] I've had just a handwritten one standing in front of a clerk who wouldn't take it if it had this one label on it. [50:44.200 --> 50:49.200] So I sat there, I said, okay, give me some paper, and I wrote one up right then. [50:49.200 --> 50:52.200] Okay. [50:52.200 --> 50:58.200] Yeah, and I did find the, I found the court rules for Washington that there's, [50:58.200 --> 51:07.200] that I can't be arrested if I'm trying to go into court to address something, but I don't know that I trust them on that. [51:07.200 --> 51:11.200] Oh, and should I, so in the petition for writ of mandamus, [51:11.200 --> 51:20.200] should I request in there that it's on bonk or however you pronounce that so that I don't just get one appellate judge? [51:20.200 --> 51:26.200] I don't think you can, okay, that goes very specifically to the rules of court. [51:26.200 --> 51:34.200] Whether you can request unbonk or not, that's absolutely, for those of you who don't know what that means, [51:34.200 --> 51:40.200] generally you do the petition for writ of mandamus and it'll go before one of the judges. [51:40.200 --> 51:47.200] In bonk means you want it to go before all of the judges in a panel. [51:47.200 --> 51:59.200] But that is so technical and sophisticated, it will go to the rules of civil procedure or the rules of appellate procedure in the particular state you're dealing with. [51:59.200 --> 52:00.200] Okay. [52:00.200 --> 52:04.200] Not something we could effectively address here. [52:04.200 --> 52:07.200] Yeah, well, it might be above me as well. [52:07.200 --> 52:09.200] Cool. [52:09.200 --> 52:13.200] No, not necessarily above you, just something to be looked at. [52:13.200 --> 52:18.200] Yeah, well, I mean above me for a second, but yeah, I'll research it. [52:18.200 --> 52:19.200] Cool. [52:19.200 --> 52:23.200] Well, I will let you guys go because I think you've got nine more minutes. [52:23.200 --> 52:25.200] Maybe you can squeeze in another caller. [52:25.200 --> 52:30.200] I just wanted to see what you had to say on my case. [52:30.200 --> 52:31.200] Okay. [52:31.200 --> 52:32.200] Thank you very much. [52:32.200 --> 52:33.200] Thank you for calling. [52:33.200 --> 52:35.200] And keep us up to speed. [52:35.200 --> 52:39.200] Okay, Joe. [52:39.200 --> 52:47.200] Okay, now we're going to go to Rebel in Texas. [52:47.200 --> 52:49.200] Hello, Rebel. [52:49.200 --> 52:53.200] What do you have for us today? [52:53.200 --> 52:54.200] Hey, guys. [52:54.200 --> 52:56.200] Appreciate it. [52:56.200 --> 53:09.200] What I have for you is a murder trial that occurred, a man who was in prison for almost 40 years. [53:09.200 --> 53:12.200] It happened real quickly. [53:12.200 --> 53:15.200] Pretty simple case. [53:15.200 --> 53:33.200] It appears that he was in the neighborhood near in Texas, and he had a young, I think the kid was like 16 years old, [53:33.200 --> 53:48.200] and he was riding his ATV around the neighborhood on the sidewalk and stuff, and it aggravated this gentleman in prison. [53:48.200 --> 53:59.200] And what happened was that he went to their house in order to direct the police to that house so that the police could talk to him [53:59.200 --> 54:12.200] and tell him to quit, tell the young man, the young teenager not to ride his ATV on the sidewalk and around the neighborhood. [54:12.200 --> 54:33.200] And so the father of the teenager saw him and aggravated at the, I guess, the instigation. [54:33.200 --> 54:50.200] And so he came at him, and the guy was, the man was in his yard, and there was a friend there in the yard. [54:50.200 --> 54:53.200] His neighbor was right there with him. [54:53.200 --> 55:07.200] And so what happened was the young man and his father pulled up a pickup truck, and the father got out and was really angry [55:07.200 --> 55:21.200] and started running right toward the guy in his yard, and he pulled out his gun and he shot him. [55:21.200 --> 55:31.200] And my understanding was that the guy was running right at him and didn't have a weapon. [55:31.200 --> 55:49.200] But my experience with martial arts and such is that that was a deadly proposition to have a man running at you if you were to kick someone. [55:49.200 --> 55:56.200] Okay, okay. In Texas, you have a right to protect your property and your person. [55:56.200 --> 56:02.200] You have the right to use force. You have the right to use deadly force. [56:02.200 --> 56:08.200] You also have the right to protect property of the person of another as if he is your own. [56:08.200 --> 56:17.200] If this guy's on his own property and someone who is approaching him aggressively, [56:17.200 --> 56:25.200] the person, you have no duty to withdraw. [56:25.200 --> 56:30.200] So it sounds like from what you said, the person was perfectly within his rights. [56:30.200 --> 56:37.200] So what happened as a result of that? [56:37.200 --> 56:48.200] My understanding was that a real quick trial and the sentence to prison and he's in prison right now, [56:48.200 --> 57:01.200] I suppose this guy's knowledgeable about the law enough to know that he has a grounds for appeal. [57:01.200 --> 57:04.200] Okay, hold on. Step back. There's something we missed. [57:04.200 --> 57:08.200] So he has been prosecuted for murder? [57:08.200 --> 57:13.200] Yes, and he is in prison. [57:13.200 --> 57:16.200] How long? [57:16.200 --> 57:21.200] He's been in prison for going on six months. [57:21.200 --> 57:28.200] Okay, six months. So does he have an appeal in place? [57:28.200 --> 57:31.200] I do not know. [57:31.200 --> 57:40.200] Okay, what is the question you have for us? [57:40.200 --> 57:48.200] Well, it sounds to me that the gist of it was that he instigated it to some extent. [57:48.200 --> 57:54.200] I mean, he probably should have just gone and talked to the manager. [57:54.200 --> 57:57.200] What I would have done, I would have just gone and talked to him. [57:57.200 --> 58:02.200] You can kill your kid to lay off, but instead of that, he's kind of a bug. [58:02.200 --> 58:06.200] But the guy came after him on his own plot. [58:06.200 --> 58:15.200] Okay, hold on, hold on. Are you intimately knowledgeable of the facts in the case, [58:15.200 --> 58:22.200] or are you hearing these facts from someone else? [58:22.200 --> 58:32.200] I read a couple of pages that they wrote out as to what happened [58:32.200 --> 58:36.200] and the whole incident and everything that led up to it. [58:36.200 --> 58:39.200] Okay, let me make a suggestion. [58:39.200 --> 58:43.200] Anytime you're trying to help someone [58:43.200 --> 58:50.200] and they're telling you all these bad things that have been done to them, you must... [58:50.200 --> 58:54.200] Would you like to make more definite progress in your walk with God? [58:54.200 --> 58:57.200] Bibles for America is offering a free study Bible [58:57.200 --> 59:01.200] and a set of free Christian books that can really help. [59:01.200 --> 59:06.200] The New Testament Recovery Version is one of the most comprehensive study Bibles available today. [59:06.200 --> 59:09.200] It's an accurate translation and it contains thousands of footnotes [59:09.200 --> 59:13.200] that will help you to know God and to know the meaning of life. [59:13.200 --> 59:18.200] The free books are a three-volume set called Basic Elements of the Christian Life. [59:18.200 --> 59:21.200] Chapter by chapter, Basic Elements of the Christian Life [59:21.200 --> 59:24.200] clearly presents God's plan of salvation, [59:24.200 --> 59:27.200] growing in Christ and how to build up the church. [59:27.200 --> 59:30.200] To order your free New Testament Recovery Version [59:30.200 --> 59:33.200] and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, [59:33.200 --> 59:40.200] call Bibles for America toll free at 888-551-0102. [59:40.200 --> 59:44.200] That's 888-551-0102. [59:44.200 --> 59:49.200] Or visit us online at bfa.org. [59:49.200 --> 59:59.200] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com. [59:59.200 --> 01:00:05.200] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [01:00:05.200 --> 01:00:09.200] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:00:09.200 --> 01:00:11.200] Our liberty depends on it. [01:00:11.200 --> 01:00:14.200] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way [01:00:14.200 --> 01:00:17.200] to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:00:17.200 --> 01:00:19.200] Privacy is under attack. [01:00:19.200 --> 01:00:22.200] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:00:22.200 --> 01:00:27.200] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:00:27.200 --> 01:00:29.200] So protect your rights. [01:00:29.200 --> 01:00:32.200] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:00:32.200 --> 01:00:35.200] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:00:35.200 --> 01:00:38.200] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [01:00:38.200 --> 01:00:42.200] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:00:42.200 --> 01:00:46.200] Start over with StartPage. [01:00:46.200 --> 01:00:48.200] Imagine your mom and dad are getting ready for bed. [01:00:48.200 --> 01:00:52.200] They pull back the covers and find a third party there. [01:00:52.200 --> 01:00:55.200] He announces, I'm with the military and I'm sleeping here tonight. [01:00:55.200 --> 01:00:58.200] That shocking image of a third party in my parents' bed reminds me [01:00:58.200 --> 01:01:01.200] what the Third Amendment was designed to prevent. [01:01:01.200 --> 01:01:04.200] It protects us from being forced to share our homes with soldiers, [01:01:04.200 --> 01:01:07.200] a common demand in the days of our founding fathers. [01:01:07.200 --> 01:01:09.200] Third party, Third Amendment, get it? [01:01:09.200 --> 01:01:13.200] So if you answer a knock at your door and guys in fatigues demand lodging, [01:01:13.200 --> 01:01:17.200] tell them to dust off their copy of the Bill of Rights and reread the Third Amendment. [01:01:17.200 --> 01:01:32.200] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:01:32.200 --> 01:01:35.200] The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments of our Constitution. [01:01:35.200 --> 01:01:39.200] They guarantee the specific freedoms Americans should know and protect. [01:01:39.200 --> 01:01:41.200] Our liberty depends on it. [01:01:41.200 --> 01:01:44.200] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be right back with an unforgettable way [01:01:44.200 --> 01:01:47.200] to remember one of your constitutional rights. [01:01:47.200 --> 01:01:49.200] Privacy is under attack. [01:01:49.200 --> 01:01:52.200] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:01:52.200 --> 01:01:57.200] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:01:57.200 --> 01:01:59.200] So protect your rights. [01:01:59.200 --> 01:02:02.200] Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:02:02.200 --> 01:02:05.200] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:02:05.200 --> 01:02:08.200] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, [01:02:08.200 --> 01:02:12.200] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:02:12.200 --> 01:02:16.200] Start over with StartPage. [01:02:16.200 --> 01:02:20.200] Imagine four eyes staring at you through binoculars, a magnifying glass, [01:02:20.200 --> 01:02:22.200] or a pair of x-ray goggles. [01:02:22.200 --> 01:02:25.200] That imagery reminds me that the Fourth Amendment guarantees Americans freedom [01:02:25.200 --> 01:02:28.200] from unreasonable search and seizure. [01:02:28.200 --> 01:02:31.200] Fourth Amendment, four eyes staring at you, get it? [01:02:31.200 --> 01:02:34.200] Unfortunately, the government is trampling our Fourth Amendment rights [01:02:34.200 --> 01:02:35.200] in the name of security. [01:02:35.200 --> 01:02:40.200] Keys and points, TSA airport scanners that peer under your clothing. [01:02:40.200 --> 01:02:44.200] When government employees demand a peep at your privates without probable cause, [01:02:44.200 --> 01:02:47.200] I say it's time to sound the constitutional alarm bells. [01:02:47.200 --> 01:02:50.200] Join me in asking our representatives to dust off the Bill of Rights [01:02:50.200 --> 01:02:54.200] and use their googly eyes to take a gander at the Fourth. [01:02:54.200 --> 01:03:01.200] Look after Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:03:01.200 --> 01:03:29.200] Music [01:03:29.200 --> 01:03:33.200] Okay, we are back. [01:03:33.200 --> 01:03:35.200] Rule of Law Radio. [01:03:35.200 --> 01:03:36.200] Randy Kilton. [01:03:36.200 --> 01:03:41.200] I'm Brett Fountain on this 28th day of January, 2022. [01:03:41.200 --> 01:03:44.200] And we're talking with Rebel in Texas. [01:03:44.200 --> 01:03:49.200] Rebel, we were over the break trying to just kind of rehash, [01:03:49.200 --> 01:03:52.200] get the story straight. [01:03:52.200 --> 01:03:54.200] Tell me if I've got this right. [01:03:54.200 --> 01:04:00.200] So you've got this kid was running around on his ATV all through the neighborhood [01:04:00.200 --> 01:04:02.200] making a ruckus. [01:04:02.200 --> 01:04:06.200] And so this one guy, neighbor, is irritated. [01:04:06.200 --> 01:04:09.200] And he follows the kid over to the kid's house. [01:04:09.200 --> 01:04:13.200] Irritated guy is standing in the kid's yard. [01:04:13.200 --> 01:04:20.200] And the dad of that kid comes up in a truck. [01:04:20.200 --> 01:04:29.200] And in the street, he comes out of his truck charging at the irritated guy [01:04:29.200 --> 01:04:33.200] whose yard he's standing in. [01:04:33.200 --> 01:04:35.200] Is that right? [01:04:35.200 --> 01:04:40.200] The guy that was convicted has returned home. [01:04:40.200 --> 01:04:44.200] Oh, to his own house. [01:04:44.200 --> 01:04:47.200] The irritated guy went back to the irritated guy's house. [01:04:47.200 --> 01:04:49.200] Oh, okay. [01:04:49.200 --> 01:04:52.200] Is in his own yard at his own house. [01:04:52.200 --> 01:04:53.200] Got you. [01:04:53.200 --> 01:04:54.200] Okay, that's different. [01:04:54.200 --> 01:04:56.200] Not expecting any trouble. [01:04:56.200 --> 01:05:00.200] And they come to his, they come from their house. [01:05:00.200 --> 01:05:06.200] The man and the teenager go through the convicted man's house [01:05:06.200 --> 01:05:10.200] where he's standing in his yard watering his yard with a neighbor. [01:05:10.200 --> 01:05:16.200] And he gets out of his pickup and runs into the convicted man's yard [01:05:16.200 --> 01:05:24.200] and runs toward him and he shoots him one shot. [01:05:24.200 --> 01:05:29.200] And he falls right there on the convicted man's property. [01:05:29.200 --> 01:05:32.200] Yeah, wow. [01:05:32.200 --> 01:05:35.200] Castle, castle position. [01:05:35.200 --> 01:05:39.200] It sounds like a good case for a crime. [01:05:39.200 --> 01:05:46.200] And my thought is the worst he could have got was like 10 years probation or something, [01:05:46.200 --> 01:05:55.200] but not prison for protecting his own life on his own property. [01:05:55.200 --> 01:06:00.200] Yeah, that's different than I was understanding the first time through. [01:06:00.200 --> 01:06:03.200] I thought that the kid and the dad, [01:06:03.200 --> 01:06:09.200] that the irritated guy was doing the shooting from the kid and dad's yard [01:06:09.200 --> 01:06:12.200] into the street where the dad was coming from. [01:06:12.200 --> 01:06:15.200] So now I'm getting a different picture here. [01:06:15.200 --> 01:06:18.200] The way you're saying, let me see if I've got this right. [01:06:18.200 --> 01:06:25.200] So there was no real altercation over at the kid's house. [01:06:25.200 --> 01:06:27.200] They just probably saw him and didn't like it. [01:06:27.200 --> 01:06:28.200] Maybe they had words or something. [01:06:28.200 --> 01:06:35.200] But then the irritated guy came back to his own house and was watering his yard, right? [01:06:35.200 --> 01:06:42.200] And that's when the dad came back in the truck and ran at him. [01:06:42.200 --> 01:06:43.200] Yes. [01:06:43.200 --> 01:06:44.200] Okay. [01:06:44.200 --> 01:06:52.200] Yes, the convicted man has returned home and they followed him and found out where he was. [01:06:52.200 --> 01:06:53.200] Right. [01:06:53.200 --> 01:06:58.200] And he's going to go teach him a lesson, I guess he's going to say, we can do what we want, [01:06:58.200 --> 01:07:00.200] so I'm going to show you. [01:07:00.200 --> 01:07:04.200] I guess so. [01:07:04.200 --> 01:07:07.200] So what do you think, Randy? [01:07:07.200 --> 01:07:09.200] Castle doctrine? [01:07:09.200 --> 01:07:10.200] Yeah. [01:07:10.200 --> 01:07:14.200] The irritated guy is defending himself in his own yard? [01:07:14.200 --> 01:07:20.200] Yeah, you don't get to go to somebody else's property and be aggressive. [01:07:20.200 --> 01:07:23.200] You just don't get to do that. [01:07:23.200 --> 01:07:30.200] If I'm on my property, I have a right to protect my property and my person. [01:07:30.200 --> 01:07:32.200] I have the right to use force. [01:07:32.200 --> 01:07:35.200] I have the right to use deadly force. [01:07:35.200 --> 01:07:41.200] And I have no duty to withdraw. [01:07:41.200 --> 01:07:55.200] So when, at least in Texas, when you go to someone else's property at odds, you must be very careful. [01:07:55.200 --> 01:08:05.200] When you step across that property line, you lose a lot of your, you leave a lot of your rights outside that property. [01:08:05.200 --> 01:08:12.200] So what I'm hearing is, this guy's on his own property. [01:08:12.200 --> 01:08:20.200] Someone else comes to his property, takes an aggressive posture, [01:08:20.200 --> 01:08:30.200] takes an act the person can consider as threatening, and the person drops him in his tracks. [01:08:30.200 --> 01:08:36.200] Under Texas law, you can do that. [01:08:36.200 --> 01:08:46.200] Well, the district attorney and I suppose his advisors, I don't know, [01:08:46.200 --> 01:08:58.200] maybe he by himself decided that he didn't like the law in Texas and he was going to prosecute. [01:08:58.200 --> 01:09:04.200] Well, the district, okay, this gets into a whole other argument. [01:09:04.200 --> 01:09:07.200] The district attorney has to prosecute. [01:09:07.200 --> 01:09:09.200] He does not have an option. [01:09:09.200 --> 01:09:17.200] And I'm going after the Travis County district attorney for that right now, where he decided not to prosecute. [01:09:17.200 --> 01:09:21.200] So the district attorney is required to. [01:09:21.200 --> 01:09:29.200] If there is what, if you have what's considered an affirmative defense, you must plead it. [01:09:29.200 --> 01:09:38.200] But when someone comes to a third party's property in anger [01:09:38.200 --> 01:09:54.200] and enters that property in a way that is a reasonable person of ordinary prudence can construe to be aggressive or threatening, [01:09:54.200 --> 01:09:59.200] that person can drop you in your tracks. [01:09:59.200 --> 01:10:08.200] Rebel, do you see what he's saying when he says affirmative defense and you've got to plead it, you know what he means by that? [01:10:08.200 --> 01:10:13.200] Going to trial and. [01:10:13.200 --> 01:10:17.200] So got to plead it just means you've got to put it out there. [01:10:17.200 --> 01:10:27.200] It can be in writing or it can be in open court said verbally, but it has to be put out there. [01:10:27.200 --> 01:10:33.200] The fact and affirmative defense means, yeah, normally it would be a crime to kill somebody. [01:10:33.200 --> 01:10:35.200] But that's true. [01:10:35.200 --> 01:10:36.200] Normally it would be. [01:10:36.200 --> 01:10:40.200] But affirmative defense allows for an exception. [01:10:40.200 --> 01:10:42.200] I was being attacked. [01:10:42.200 --> 01:10:44.200] I feared for my life. [01:10:44.200 --> 01:10:47.200] So you got to put that out there. [01:10:47.200 --> 01:10:52.200] And that fact changes everything. [01:10:52.200 --> 01:11:02.200] Part of the problem I'm seeing here is this person went from his property to a third person's property [01:11:02.200 --> 01:11:08.200] and attempted to attack the third person on the third person's property. [01:11:08.200 --> 01:11:12.200] Did I get that right? [01:11:12.200 --> 01:11:20.200] Yes, yes, the man on his property. [01:11:20.200 --> 01:11:23.200] Who's in jail right now? [01:11:23.200 --> 01:11:26.200] I can go ahead. [01:11:26.200 --> 01:11:35.200] I can tell you if you come on to my property and a posture that would give a reasonable person [01:11:35.200 --> 01:11:45.200] of ordinary prudence cause to believe that you intended harm, I'll drop you in your tracks. [01:11:45.200 --> 01:11:53.200] And I have absolutely statutory right to do just exactly that. [01:11:53.200 --> 01:11:55.200] There may be some other states where you can't do that. [01:11:55.200 --> 01:11:59.200] But in Texas, you have the right to protect your property and your person. [01:11:59.200 --> 01:12:01.200] You have the right to use force. [01:12:01.200 --> 01:12:03.200] You have the right to use deadly force. [01:12:03.200 --> 01:12:08.200] And you have no duty to withdraw. [01:12:08.200 --> 01:12:16.200] Anybody out there, when you go to somebody else's property, you have to be very careful. [01:12:16.200 --> 01:12:20.200] Your rights diminish dramatically. [01:12:20.200 --> 01:12:23.200] Keep yourself off their property. [01:12:23.200 --> 01:12:33.200] If you are there in anger or at odds, stay off their property. [01:12:33.200 --> 01:12:37.200] Texas has very strong laws in this matter. [01:12:37.200 --> 01:12:40.200] From all I've heard, this guy has himself a problem. [01:12:40.200 --> 01:12:44.200] He got himself shot. [01:12:44.200 --> 01:12:50.200] And he has no recourse. [01:12:50.200 --> 01:12:56.200] Now, if I were in Illinois, Illinois is absolutely insane. [01:12:56.200 --> 01:13:03.200] If you can't prove that someone is trying to kill you, you can't protect yourself. [01:13:03.200 --> 01:13:09.200] It's not that way in Texas. [01:13:09.200 --> 01:13:13.200] Have I missed something here? [01:13:13.200 --> 01:13:23.200] Well, I'll tell you, I really think that the jury must have thought that he's instigated. [01:13:23.200 --> 01:13:35.200] He instigated the whole thing and they forgot the law of self-defense and especially on your own property. [01:13:35.200 --> 01:13:41.200] Yeah, if you're on your own property and somebody else comes onto your property. [01:13:41.200 --> 01:13:51.200] Okay, but then again, the one thing I have to warn you about is when people bring stuff to you, [01:13:51.200 --> 01:13:57.200] we do this radio show and we have people bringing their issues to us all the time. [01:13:57.200 --> 01:14:01.200] They never tell you everything. [01:14:01.200 --> 01:14:04.200] And it's not always intentional. [01:14:04.200 --> 01:14:06.200] Randy didn't tell me everything either. [01:14:06.200 --> 01:14:12.200] He didn't warn me that everybody was going to not tell me everything. [01:14:12.200 --> 01:14:14.200] Yeah, they don't tell you. [01:14:14.200 --> 01:14:19.200] I'm coming to you and I want you to support my position. [01:14:19.200 --> 01:14:28.200] So I tell my inner mind, feed up to me the information I need to get this person to support my position. [01:14:28.200 --> 01:14:36.200] The inner mind is not going to feed up the information that doesn't look good for me. [01:14:36.200 --> 01:14:48.200] If you consider this particular case, there was no confrontation between these two men that they had never met. [01:14:48.200 --> 01:14:54.200] And so the whole thing, it's really pretty simple as I stated. [01:14:54.200 --> 01:15:02.200] And the interesting thing is that his neighbor was there in the front yard. [01:15:02.200 --> 01:15:04.200] He was watering his yard. [01:15:04.200 --> 01:15:10.200] He returned home and was watering his yard and his neighbor was there talking to him. [01:15:10.200 --> 01:15:18.200] And when the guy got out of the pickup, he turned to his neighbor and said, this is not going to be good. [01:15:18.200 --> 01:15:23.200] And the guy got out and started running right at him. [01:15:23.200 --> 01:15:31.200] And the only thing I'm not completely sure about, and he didn't say anything about it. [01:15:31.200 --> 01:15:33.200] Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait. [01:15:33.200 --> 01:15:38.200] You're saying this guy pulls up on another guy's property and... [01:15:38.200 --> 01:15:41.200] Pulls up on the street, on the street. [01:15:41.200 --> 01:15:45.200] And runs right at him. [01:15:45.200 --> 01:15:47.200] Does that make sense to you? [01:15:47.200 --> 01:15:49.200] And runs right toward him. [01:15:49.200 --> 01:15:50.200] He's going to beat him up. [01:15:50.200 --> 01:15:52.200] I guess he's going to beat him up or something. [01:15:52.200 --> 01:16:00.200] So technically on the surface, the person watering his lawn has the right to use force. [01:16:00.200 --> 01:16:02.200] He has the right to use deadly force. [01:16:02.200 --> 01:16:06.200] But I want to say, wait a minute. [01:16:06.200 --> 01:16:10.200] We are grownups. [01:16:10.200 --> 01:16:20.200] People don't drive up to your property and jump out of the truck and run over and try to kill you with no reason. [01:16:20.200 --> 01:16:24.200] What have they not told you? [01:16:24.200 --> 01:16:36.200] Well, the way I perceived in his mind was that this guy was playing, you know, taking the law, playing police. [01:16:36.200 --> 01:16:37.200] Wait, wait, wait. [01:16:37.200 --> 01:16:40.200] I'm telling you, this doesn't make sense. [01:16:40.200 --> 01:16:44.200] They're not telling you everything. [01:16:44.200 --> 01:16:50.200] Like an hour before, this guy tried to run over my son with his car. [01:16:50.200 --> 01:17:00.200] He comes home, starts watering his lawn, and I come over there and I want to rip his lungs out for trying to kill my son. [01:17:00.200 --> 01:17:05.200] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [01:17:05.200 --> 01:17:09.200] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [01:17:09.200 --> 01:17:14.200] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you can win two. [01:17:14.200 --> 01:17:20.200] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes. [01:17:20.200 --> 01:17:24.200] What to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons. [01:17:24.200 --> 01:17:26.200] How to answer letters and phone calls. [01:17:26.200 --> 01:17:28.200] How to get debt collectors out of your credit reports. [01:17:28.200 --> 01:17:33.200] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [01:17:33.200 --> 01:17:38.200] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [01:17:38.200 --> 01:17:40.200] Personal consultation is available as well. [01:17:40.200 --> 01:17:49.200] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [01:17:49.200 --> 01:18:00.200] That's ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now. [01:18:00.200 --> 01:18:01.200] I love logos. [01:18:01.200 --> 01:18:04.200] Without the shows on this network, I'd be almost as ignorant as my friends. [01:18:04.200 --> 01:18:07.200] I'm so addicted to the truth now that there's no going back. [01:18:07.200 --> 01:18:08.200] I need my truth pick. [01:18:08.200 --> 01:18:10.200] I'd be lost without logos. [01:18:10.200 --> 01:18:13.200] And I really want to help keep this network on the air. [01:18:13.200 --> 01:18:16.200] I'd love to volunteer as a show producer, but I'm a bit of a Luddite. [01:18:16.200 --> 01:18:20.200] And I really don't have any money to give because I spent it all on supplements. [01:18:20.200 --> 01:18:22.200] How can I help logos? [01:18:22.200 --> 01:18:24.200] Well, I'm glad you asked. [01:18:24.200 --> 01:18:27.200] Whenever you order anything from Amazon, you can help logos. [01:18:27.200 --> 01:18:29.200] You can order new supplies or holiday gifts. [01:18:29.200 --> 01:18:31.200] First thing you do is clear your cookies. [01:18:31.200 --> 01:18:34.200] Now, go to logosradionetwork.com. [01:18:34.200 --> 01:18:37.200] Click on the Amazon logo and bookmark it. [01:18:37.200 --> 01:18:43.200] Now, when you order anything from Amazon, you use that link and logos gets a few pesos. [01:18:43.200 --> 01:18:44.200] Do I pay extra? [01:18:44.200 --> 01:18:45.200] No. [01:18:45.200 --> 01:18:47.200] Do I have to do anything different when I order? [01:18:47.200 --> 01:18:48.200] No. [01:18:48.200 --> 01:18:49.200] Can I use my Amazon Prime? [01:18:49.200 --> 01:18:50.200] No. [01:18:50.200 --> 01:18:51.200] I mean, yes. [01:18:51.200 --> 01:18:52.200] Wow. [01:18:52.200 --> 01:18:54.200] Giving without doing anything or spending any money. [01:18:54.200 --> 01:18:55.200] This is perfect. [01:18:55.200 --> 01:18:57.200] Thank you so much. [01:18:57.200 --> 01:18:58.200] You're welcome. [01:18:58.200 --> 01:19:00.200] Happy holidays, logos. [01:19:00.200 --> 01:19:10.200] This is the Logos Lafogos Radio Network. [01:19:10.200 --> 01:19:36.200] Oh, come on. [01:19:36.200 --> 01:19:58.200] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. [01:19:58.200 --> 01:20:14.200] Okay. [01:20:14.200 --> 01:20:15.200] We are back. [01:20:15.200 --> 01:20:17.200] Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rue Glow Radio. [01:20:17.200 --> 01:20:18.200] We're talking to Rebel in Texas. [01:20:18.200 --> 01:20:23.200] And Rebel, this is a difficult issue. [01:20:23.200 --> 01:20:27.200] You have someone that you know, you trust, you believe, [01:20:27.200 --> 01:20:31.200] telling you a story. [01:20:31.200 --> 01:20:33.200] And you want to help them. [01:20:33.200 --> 01:20:36.200] You want to be on their side. [01:20:36.200 --> 01:20:41.200] But you have to be extremely careful. [01:20:41.200 --> 01:20:46.200] People never tell you everything. [01:20:46.200 --> 01:21:09.200] Even if they want to, people come to you and they go inside and look for information that they can give you that will get you to agree with them and help with them with their difficult situation. [01:21:09.200 --> 01:21:20.200] The brain delivers up to them the information they need that will tend to get you to accept their position. [01:21:20.200 --> 01:21:21.200] Yeah. [01:21:21.200 --> 01:21:29.200] And then invariably you find out later some key point that's like, seriously, why did you not tell me that up front, too? [01:21:29.200 --> 01:21:30.200] And she does everything. [01:21:30.200 --> 01:21:32.200] Why did you not say that? [01:21:32.200 --> 01:21:33.200] Well, I don't know. [01:21:33.200 --> 01:21:34.200] I think it mattered. [01:21:34.200 --> 01:21:42.200] And that's because the inner mind, you've directed the inner mind to give you what you need to convince this person to take your side. [01:21:42.200 --> 01:21:46.200] So the inner mind doesn't deliver up the negative stuff. [01:21:46.200 --> 01:21:47.200] You have to ferret that out. [01:21:47.200 --> 01:21:50.200] I had someone, Ken Magnuson came to me. [01:21:50.200 --> 01:22:03.200] He had this pastor who was helping people in jail and child protective services were trying to steal this couple's children from them. [01:22:03.200 --> 01:22:09.200] And I said, Ken, your client never tells you everything. [01:22:09.200 --> 01:22:27.200] Tell this pastor, before he assumes that child protective services are just mean child stealing of people with absolutely no compassion at all, go talk to him. [01:22:27.200 --> 01:22:30.200] Ask him their position. [01:22:30.200 --> 01:22:35.200] A week later, Ken called me and he said, you know, you're not as stupid as you look. [01:22:35.200 --> 01:22:38.200] I said, well, thanks a lot. [01:22:38.200 --> 01:22:41.200] Is that a compliment? [01:22:41.200 --> 01:22:54.200] Child protective services told him that they were trying to get these children away from these two parents because they were drug addicts and they weren't taking care of the children. [01:22:54.200 --> 01:23:02.200] They went there and the children were in diapers they had been in for it looked like a day or two. [01:23:02.200 --> 01:23:05.200] They both had really bad diaper rash. [01:23:05.200 --> 01:23:07.200] It was in the winter. [01:23:07.200 --> 01:23:08.200] It was cold. [01:23:08.200 --> 01:23:11.200] There was no food in the house. [01:23:11.200 --> 01:23:17.200] And both of the parents were passed out on drugs. [01:23:17.200 --> 01:23:19.200] The pastor came to Ken. [01:23:19.200 --> 01:23:25.200] Ken came to me and he said, well, maybe you're not as dumb as your peer. [01:23:25.200 --> 01:23:34.200] And that's because this family, these two individuals, they don't take responsibility for their behavior. [01:23:34.200 --> 01:23:42.200] And anybody who disagrees with them is just being mean to them. [01:23:42.200 --> 01:23:44.200] You need to look at both sides carefully. [01:23:44.200 --> 01:23:49.200] If something doesn't seem right, they're not telling you everything. [01:23:49.200 --> 01:23:54.200] And I'm saying they don't do that on purpose. [01:23:54.200 --> 01:23:56.200] It's the way the brain works. [01:23:56.200 --> 01:23:59.200] They only give you the information that looks good for them. [01:23:59.200 --> 01:24:02.200] They don't give you the information for the other side. [01:24:02.200 --> 01:24:10.200] I had a friend who worked for child protective services, tried three times to take these two children away from their parents. [01:24:10.200 --> 01:24:16.200] And the judge was absolutely reluctant to do that. [01:24:16.200 --> 01:24:26.200] Two days after the judge refused to take these children from the parents, the parents were passed out on drugs. [01:24:26.200 --> 01:24:30.200] The two-year-old got out on the porch in subzero weather. [01:24:30.200 --> 01:24:34.200] The three-year-old went to get the two-year-old back in. [01:24:34.200 --> 01:24:36.200] The door locked behind him. [01:24:36.200 --> 01:24:40.200] Two babies froze to death on that porch. [01:24:40.200 --> 01:24:52.200] Annie, this woman, big heavy woman, everybody's grandmother, it just killed her soul. [01:24:52.200 --> 01:24:56.200] She did everything she could to save these children. [01:24:56.200 --> 01:25:03.200] And they froze to death on the porch while the parents were passed out on drugs. [01:25:03.200 --> 01:25:06.200] It was horrible. [01:25:06.200 --> 01:25:19.200] And I have no doubt the judge, who wouldn't take the children from the parents, is probably haunted by that to this day. [01:25:19.200 --> 01:25:23.200] I could not work for child protective services. [01:25:23.200 --> 01:25:29.200] It's just too horrible. [01:25:29.200 --> 01:25:33.200] They never assume that they're telling you everything. [01:25:33.200 --> 01:25:35.200] They won't tell you everything. [01:25:35.200 --> 01:25:37.200] It's not intentional. [01:25:37.200 --> 01:25:51.200] But if you're outside, if you don't have a dog in the haunt, you're what both parties need, you're that third party who can see clearly. [01:25:51.200 --> 01:26:00.200] If someone tells you something that doesn't sound right, it probably isn't. [01:26:00.200 --> 01:26:03.200] Be careful who you go to bat for. [01:26:03.200 --> 01:26:08.200] I would just go by 30 years of law abiding behavior. [01:26:08.200 --> 01:26:14.200] I've never seen any indication of any outrageous behavior. [01:26:14.200 --> 01:26:22.200] Yeah, and you're assuming what these people are telling you is absolutely true, and it probably is. [01:26:22.200 --> 01:26:27.200] The problem is, it's not complete. [01:26:27.200 --> 01:26:29.200] Well, you're certainly right. [01:26:29.200 --> 01:26:30.200] You're certainly right. [01:26:30.200 --> 01:26:33.200] What you're saying is probably right. [01:26:33.200 --> 01:26:39.200] The only confession that you shouldn't try that on is with God. [01:26:39.200 --> 01:26:42.200] Yeah, so check both sides. [01:26:42.200 --> 01:26:50.200] I'm on my property, somebody pulls up to my property, angry at me, gets out of his truck and charges at me. [01:26:50.200 --> 01:26:57.200] If I have the capability, I'm going to drop him in his tracks. [01:26:57.200 --> 01:26:59.200] That's the end of it. [01:26:59.200 --> 01:27:02.200] I have the right to protect my property, my person. [01:27:02.200 --> 01:27:04.200] I have the right to use force. [01:27:04.200 --> 01:27:06.200] I have the right to use deadly force. [01:27:06.200 --> 01:27:09.200] I have no duty to withdraw. [01:27:09.200 --> 01:27:13.200] So that's what this other person is facing. [01:27:13.200 --> 01:27:31.200] He has to show that there was some mitigating circumstances that negated the property owner's authority to protect his property and his person. [01:27:31.200 --> 01:27:33.200] Did they give you that? [01:27:33.200 --> 01:27:39.200] Well, we sure covered this topic, I think. [01:27:39.200 --> 01:27:45.200] I think we probably should let you go for a feel if you have the possibility of doing that. [01:27:45.200 --> 01:27:46.200] Yeah, okay. [01:27:46.200 --> 01:27:51.200] And I'm not trying to be cold and impersonal. [01:27:51.200 --> 01:28:02.200] I'm just saying that if someone comes to you for help, you owe it to them to be dispassionate. [01:28:02.200 --> 01:28:11.200] And by dispassionate, you don't get passionately involved in their story or the other side's story. [01:28:11.200 --> 01:28:21.200] You need to be the third party who can look over the top and give both sides good information. [01:28:21.200 --> 01:28:40.200] Often, in these circumstances, if you handle yourself well, you can dramatically and quickly de-escalate situations that could lead to what you're dealing with, murder and death. [01:28:40.200 --> 01:28:44.200] So at this point, he's talking about how does he appeal? [01:28:44.200 --> 01:28:48.200] Are you wondering how? [01:28:48.200 --> 01:28:51.200] Wait a minute, hold on, I missed something. [01:28:51.200 --> 01:28:54.200] Appeal for what? [01:28:54.200 --> 01:28:58.200] Well, I don't know, but that's what it sounded like he's wanting to set up. [01:28:58.200 --> 01:29:01.200] Appeal the conviction. [01:29:01.200 --> 01:29:08.200] The conviction was against Texas law. [01:29:08.200 --> 01:29:17.200] So you're saying the guy that was convicted is the one who did the killing. [01:29:17.200 --> 01:29:23.200] And he was on his property and had every right to defend himself on his property. [01:29:23.200 --> 01:29:35.200] And he has a right to appeal because they didn't abide by Texas law that you have a right to defend yourself on your property. [01:29:35.200 --> 01:29:40.200] But that was six months ago he had his trial, right? [01:29:40.200 --> 01:29:48.200] So he's had plenty of time to probably work up an appeal. [01:29:48.200 --> 01:29:52.200] Has he filed a notice of intent to appeal? [01:29:52.200 --> 01:29:54.200] Hang on, we'll pick this up on the other side. [01:29:54.200 --> 01:29:57.200] Randy Kellenbrecht, Founding Rule of Law Radio. [01:29:57.200 --> 01:30:01.200] We'll be right back. [01:30:01.200 --> 01:30:11.200] A top cybersecurity expert has a warning for America. If you build an electrical smart grid, the hackers will come and they could cause a catastrophic blackout. [01:30:11.200 --> 01:30:15.200] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, back with the shocking details in a moment. [01:30:15.200 --> 01:30:21.200] Privacy is under attack. When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:30:21.200 --> 01:30:26.200] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:30:26.200 --> 01:30:31.200] So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:30:31.200 --> 01:30:34.200] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:30:34.200 --> 01:30:41.200] This message is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:30:41.200 --> 01:30:45.200] Start over with Startpage. [01:30:45.200 --> 01:30:52.200] Governments love power, so it's only natural they'd want to control the power going into your home too with a smart grid. [01:30:52.200 --> 01:30:59.200] So they're installing a national network of smart meters to remotely monitor electric use for efficiency and avoid grid failure. [01:30:59.200 --> 01:31:08.200] But cybersecurity expert David Chalk says not so fast. If we make the national power grid controllable through the web, hackers will have a field day. [01:31:08.200 --> 01:31:15.200] Working remotely, they could tap in and black out the entire nation, leaving us vulnerable to our enemies. [01:31:15.200 --> 01:31:18.200] I've long opposed smart meters for privacy and health reasons. [01:31:18.200 --> 01:31:23.200] The catastrophic failures caused by hackers? There's nothing smart about that. [01:31:23.200 --> 01:31:31.200] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht for Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:31.200 --> 01:31:36.200] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11. [01:31:36.200 --> 01:31:38.200] The government says that fire brought it down. [01:31:38.200 --> 01:31:43.200] However, 1,500 architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition. [01:31:43.200 --> 01:31:49.200] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives, and thousands of my fellow first responders are dying. [01:31:49.200 --> 01:31:54.200] I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a structural engineer. I'm a New York City correction officer. I'm an Air Force pilot. [01:31:54.200 --> 01:31:58.200] I'm a father who lost his son. We're Americans, and we deserve the truth. [01:31:58.200 --> 01:32:02.200] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today. [01:32:02.200 --> 01:32:06.200] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. [01:32:06.200 --> 01:32:08.200] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society. [01:32:08.200 --> 01:32:13.200] And if we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [01:32:13.200 --> 01:32:18.200] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private capacity, [01:32:18.200 --> 01:32:20.200] and most importantly, the right to due process of law. [01:32:20.200 --> 01:32:26.200] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process. [01:32:26.200 --> 01:32:29.200] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, [01:32:29.200 --> 01:32:34.200] has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process is [01:32:34.200 --> 01:32:36.200] and how to hold courts to the rule of law. [01:32:36.200 --> 01:32:41.200] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today. [01:32:41.200 --> 01:32:46.200] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, [01:32:46.200 --> 01:32:51.200] video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research documents, and other useful resource material. [01:32:51.200 --> 01:32:55.200] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. [01:32:55.200 --> 01:33:02.200] Order your copy today, and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [01:33:02.200 --> 01:33:08.200] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradionetwork.com. [01:33:32.200 --> 01:34:01.200] Okay, we are back. [01:34:01.200 --> 01:34:09.200] I'm Randy Pelton, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio, and we're running low on time, but this is such an important issue. [01:34:09.200 --> 01:34:14.200] I've got a full board of callers. I hate to short-circuit this issue. [01:34:14.200 --> 01:34:22.200] But Rebel, you need to go to the person who actually lost his dad [01:34:22.200 --> 01:34:29.200] and find out what his dad was doing on someone else's property. [01:34:29.200 --> 01:34:34.200] Wait, wait. I'm not sure I'm getting this right. [01:34:34.200 --> 01:34:44.200] The one who shot the dad is the one that is in jail. Is that correct? [01:34:44.200 --> 01:34:49.200] Yeah, and he was watering his lawn when the dad came to attack. [01:34:49.200 --> 01:34:52.200] Okay, think about it, Rebel. [01:34:52.200 --> 01:35:01.200] The guy comes to you and says, I was just here watering my lawn, and this guy came along and tried to kill me, and I killed him. [01:35:01.200 --> 01:35:06.200] How did this guy kill him? With a weapon? [01:35:06.200 --> 01:35:13.200] Right. He shot him with a semi-automatic 9-millimeter. [01:35:13.200 --> 01:35:20.200] So the guy is watering his lawn with a 9-millimeter. [01:35:20.200 --> 01:35:29.200] So why has this guy got a 9-millimeter with him when he's out watering his lawn? [01:35:29.200 --> 01:35:33.200] What have we not been told? [01:35:33.200 --> 01:35:41.200] Yeah, and probably this dad didn't expect it to be anything more than just throw a few punches and impress his son. [01:35:41.200 --> 01:35:47.200] It wasn't going to be like a death duel or something. [01:35:47.200 --> 01:35:55.200] That's what I was thinking. He's going to teach his son to have a stand-up for your rights. [01:35:55.200 --> 01:36:02.200] Yeah, you've got a right to stand up for your rights, but you don't have a right to just kill somebody. [01:36:02.200 --> 01:36:07.200] This guy is standing there watering his lawn with a 9-millimeter. [01:36:07.200 --> 01:36:15.200] And this other guy comes and wants to have a fight with him. This guy drops him in his tracks. What are we missing here? [01:36:15.200 --> 01:36:21.200] What is wrong with this picture? And then he gets convicted for doing it. [01:36:21.200 --> 01:36:30.200] It takes 12 people, 12 essentially reasonable human beings, to convict him. [01:36:30.200 --> 01:36:35.200] They didn't convict him for no reason. You're not being told everything. [01:36:35.200 --> 01:36:45.200] I told him in a brief conversation that if he had a hung jury, he might get acquitted. [01:36:45.200 --> 01:36:50.200] I was very concerned that he would be convicted. [01:36:50.200 --> 01:37:02.200] I don't know why, because I just had this feeling that if it goes that way, I don't know anything about it. [01:37:02.200 --> 01:37:12.200] And you know, we do a show on legal reform, and we're here to look for, to find justice. [01:37:12.200 --> 01:37:18.200] But when Brett and I hear this story, both of us are saying, hold on here. Wait, wait, wait, wait. [01:37:18.200 --> 01:37:25.200] Yeah, the courts may be corrupt, but they're not corrupt this way. [01:37:25.200 --> 01:37:35.200] This is not big pharma or big banks against little guy. This is little guy against little guy. [01:37:35.200 --> 01:37:44.200] And you've got a jury of 12 people. They're relatively neutral. [01:37:44.200 --> 01:37:51.200] There may be factions to both sides in a jury, but there's 12 of them. [01:37:51.200 --> 01:37:56.200] In order to get this conviction, it had to be unanimous. [01:37:56.200 --> 01:38:02.200] Somebody's not telling you everything, or something's been hidden. [01:38:02.200 --> 01:38:07.200] And you may be right, the guy may be innocent. [01:38:07.200 --> 01:38:15.200] But whoever's feeding you this information didn't give you enough information to be able to establish that [01:38:15.200 --> 01:38:20.200] or to give Brett and I, who have no dog in this hunt, [01:38:20.200 --> 01:38:25.200] reason to say, wait a minute, something's wrong here. [01:38:25.200 --> 01:38:30.200] Well, given none of the details, if you only had the actual incident, [01:38:30.200 --> 01:38:38.200] a man standing in his yard with his neighbor and a gentleman, [01:38:38.200 --> 01:38:44.200] the guy's been carrying a firearm for 30 years, [01:38:44.200 --> 01:38:50.200] concealed handgun license issued by the state of Texas. [01:38:50.200 --> 01:38:57.200] He's been carrying that gun with him. He probably takes it everywhere except to the shower. [01:38:57.200 --> 01:39:02.200] So because he is just one of these guys that just carries a gun. [01:39:02.200 --> 01:39:09.200] Okay, okay. I got that. And if he's someone who just always had it on his hip anyway, [01:39:09.200 --> 01:39:14.200] still, people just don't go around driving up to somebody's house, [01:39:14.200 --> 01:39:18.200] jumping out of the car and running over and trying to kill somebody. [01:39:18.200 --> 01:39:23.200] Well, he wasn't trying to kill him. I assume he's just going to beat him up. [01:39:23.200 --> 01:39:27.200] Even that, what are we missing? [01:39:27.200 --> 01:39:29.200] I don't know. [01:39:29.200 --> 01:39:37.200] To the point that a jury would convict him, what did the jury hear? [01:39:37.200 --> 01:39:43.200] We can't assume that the jury of 12 ordinary people in a state [01:39:43.200 --> 01:39:47.200] where you're absolutely allowed to carry this concealed weapon [01:39:47.200 --> 01:39:52.200] and where you have no duty to withdraw, that they would find him guilty. [01:39:52.200 --> 01:39:57.200] Yeah, you're onto something. I can't imagine why they would ignore the law. [01:39:57.200 --> 01:40:00.200] He's on his own property. [01:40:00.200 --> 01:40:04.200] Yeah, you just haven't heard everything. [01:40:04.200 --> 01:40:10.200] Now, you know, we pick on public officials and we cause the system corrupt. [01:40:10.200 --> 01:40:14.200] But the system is not absolutely corrupt. [01:40:14.200 --> 01:40:17.200] It's corrupt when it comes to politics and money. [01:40:17.200 --> 01:40:25.200] And this is one of those cases where neither politics nor money is involved here. [01:40:25.200 --> 01:40:32.200] These are ordinary people at odds with each other. [01:40:32.200 --> 01:40:36.200] I went to talk to his neighbor, and if I went to talk to his neighbor, [01:40:36.200 --> 01:40:42.200] the neighbor would only give me that last details of what happened. [01:40:42.200 --> 01:40:47.200] And you can't blame the neighbor. This is hard. [01:40:47.200 --> 01:40:55.200] You know, you're kind of a, you're the best person to look at it because you're a third party. [01:40:55.200 --> 01:41:01.200] But both sides are going to be cagey. This takes a lot of work on your part. [01:41:01.200 --> 01:41:07.200] And if I can get anything across, as much as we pick on public officials, [01:41:07.200 --> 01:41:12.200] the system is not absolutely, totally corrupt. [01:41:12.200 --> 01:41:19.200] Yes, it's corrupt when big pharma or big banks are involved because they can buy the judges. [01:41:19.200 --> 01:41:30.200] But in these kinds of cases, neither party can buy the judges or buy the grand jury. [01:41:30.200 --> 01:41:35.200] So be real careful. You know, I understand your position. [01:41:35.200 --> 01:41:42.200] I get called all the time by people wanting me to help them out of problems like this. [01:41:42.200 --> 01:41:49.200] And most of the time when I dig deep and look at what's actually going on, [01:41:49.200 --> 01:41:58.200] I don't find the horrible injustice they claim. [01:41:58.200 --> 01:42:02.200] Does that make sense, Rebel? [01:42:02.200 --> 01:42:03.200] Certainly it does. [01:42:03.200 --> 01:42:09.200] I think you helped me to realize something that from my position, [01:42:09.200 --> 01:42:20.200] there's no way that I can find out that perhaps going to the court document, [01:42:20.200 --> 01:42:29.200] the reading of the actual goings on and kind of discern from that as to what happened. [01:42:29.200 --> 01:42:31.200] At some point... [01:42:31.200 --> 01:42:40.200] So you might just try to talk with the kid, too, the kid that lost his dad right there in that yard. [01:42:40.200 --> 01:42:44.200] You said the kid was in the truck, right? I'm sure the kid was watching. [01:42:44.200 --> 01:42:51.200] So maybe you as a stranger asking the kid, hey, can you tell me your story? [01:42:51.200 --> 01:42:55.200] What the hell was the dad doing going to somebody else's property [01:42:55.200 --> 01:43:00.200] and trying to beam up on his own property? That's friggin' insane. [01:43:00.200 --> 01:43:12.200] Well, I thought about that and I thought I would never, ever even think of doing that. Never. [01:43:12.200 --> 01:43:22.200] So it could be that the dad had an issue and he overreacted and he paid a price for overreacting. [01:43:22.200 --> 01:43:26.200] That doesn't mean that the neighbor is a bad guy. [01:43:26.200 --> 01:43:32.200] If you came onto my property that way, I had a guy come onto my property once [01:43:32.200 --> 01:43:36.200] and he was a next door neighbor and he had an issue [01:43:36.200 --> 01:43:42.200] and he reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife and was fumbling with it to open it. [01:43:42.200 --> 01:43:47.200] And I liked the guy. I knew the guy was older and he had some issues. [01:43:47.200 --> 01:43:51.200] But he's trying to open this knife and stab me with it. [01:43:51.200 --> 01:43:58.200] I stepped back and set my foot back. I was going to knock him out. [01:43:58.200 --> 01:44:00.200] But hang on. [01:44:00.200 --> 01:44:04.200] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved [01:44:04.200 --> 01:44:06.200] except in the area of nutrition. [01:44:06.200 --> 01:44:09.200] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves. [01:44:09.200 --> 01:44:11.200] And it's time we changed all that. [01:44:11.200 --> 01:44:17.200] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [01:44:17.200 --> 01:44:22.200] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, [01:44:22.200 --> 01:44:25.200] young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. [01:44:25.200 --> 01:44:31.200] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. [01:44:31.200 --> 01:44:34.200] We have come to trust Young Jevity so much. [01:44:34.200 --> 01:44:40.200] We became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [01:44:40.200 --> 01:44:43.200] When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, [01:44:43.200 --> 01:44:47.200] your health will improve as you help support quality radio. [01:44:47.200 --> 01:44:52.200] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [01:44:52.200 --> 01:44:55.200] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, [01:44:55.200 --> 01:44:59.200] help your friends and family, and increase your income. [01:44:59.200 --> 01:45:03.200] Order now. [01:45:03.200 --> 01:45:06.200] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:06.200 --> 01:45:10.200] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, [01:45:10.200 --> 01:45:18.200] the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:45:18.200 --> 01:45:21.200] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:45:21.200 --> 01:45:25.200] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:25.200 --> 01:45:30.200] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [01:45:30.200 --> 01:45:36.200] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [01:45:36.200 --> 01:45:41.200] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [01:45:41.200 --> 01:45:45.200] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [01:45:45.200 --> 01:45:51.200] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:45:51.200 --> 01:45:58.200] pro se tactics, and much more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner, [01:45:58.200 --> 01:46:22.200] or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:28.200 --> 01:46:56.200] Okay, we are back, Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, Rule of Law Radio, [01:46:56.200 --> 01:47:01.200] and we're talking to Rebel in Texas, and we've used up a lot of time on this, [01:47:01.200 --> 01:47:06.200] but this is an important issue. [01:47:06.200 --> 01:47:11.200] People come to you for help, and they never tell you everything. [01:47:11.200 --> 01:47:13.200] I had two or three issues like this. [01:47:13.200 --> 01:47:18.200] I had someone I bought my property from who had sold it four or five times [01:47:18.200 --> 01:47:21.200] to people who couldn't pay for it, and he got it back. [01:47:21.200 --> 01:47:23.200] He sold it to me, and I could pay for it. [01:47:23.200 --> 01:47:27.200] And he was struggling trying to get the property back. [01:47:27.200 --> 01:47:31.200] But he was older, and he was in bad health, and he'd come over one day, [01:47:31.200 --> 01:47:35.200] and we'd send his wife over, and he talked to my wife. [01:47:35.200 --> 01:47:38.200] My wife was five foot two, a hundred pounds, [01:47:38.200 --> 01:47:44.200] just sweetest, nicest person you'd ever meet until you pissed her off. [01:47:44.200 --> 01:47:47.200] And this woman pissed her off, and the wife sent her packing. [01:47:47.200 --> 01:47:52.200] So the husband came over, and he's wanting to have attitude, [01:47:52.200 --> 01:47:56.200] but he's an older guy, and he's not in good health. [01:47:56.200 --> 01:48:03.200] He reached in his pocket and pulled out this knife, and he's trying to open the knife. [01:48:03.200 --> 01:48:10.200] And, you know, I don't want to hurt this guy, but I can't let him stick me. [01:48:10.200 --> 01:48:14.200] So I turned 45 degrees to him, set my right leg back, [01:48:14.200 --> 01:48:19.200] and when he opens that knife blade, I'm going to knock him out. [01:48:19.200 --> 01:48:24.200] And he saw what I was doing, and he put the knife away and left. [01:48:24.200 --> 01:48:27.200] I was glad of that. [01:48:27.200 --> 01:48:33.200] But had he opened that knife, I would have knocked him out. [01:48:33.200 --> 01:48:36.200] A friend of my wife, she was a friend of this couple, [01:48:36.200 --> 01:48:40.200] the husband came over, they're having difficulties, the wife shows up. [01:48:40.200 --> 01:48:44.200] She pulls out a knife and is going to stab her husband. [01:48:44.200 --> 01:48:47.200] Same thing, I reached and grabbed the hand with the knife in it, [01:48:47.200 --> 01:48:50.200] and I come over the top, and the husband grabbed my arm. [01:48:50.200 --> 01:48:53.200] He says, that's okay, I'll handle her, I'll handle her. [01:48:53.200 --> 01:48:59.200] Yes, she was a woman, and I realized she was in emotional distress, [01:48:59.200 --> 01:49:02.200] but I was going to knock her out. [01:49:02.200 --> 01:49:07.200] She wasn't going to stab me, she wasn't going to stab him in my house. [01:49:07.200 --> 01:49:09.200] And that's what this sounds like. [01:49:09.200 --> 01:49:13.200] Something else is going on, they haven't told you everything, [01:49:13.200 --> 01:49:18.200] and people will drag you into horrible situations. [01:49:18.200 --> 01:49:24.200] We must not assume that the courts are populated by human beings, [01:49:24.200 --> 01:49:27.200] they're not always the bad guys. [01:49:27.200 --> 01:49:32.200] Okay, I do need to move on, I've got three callers and only one segment. [01:49:32.200 --> 01:49:34.200] Thank you very much. [01:49:34.200 --> 01:49:39.200] Do your research, call us back next week and tell us what you find. [01:49:39.200 --> 01:49:40.200] Okay. [01:49:40.200 --> 01:49:43.200] Thank you very much. [01:49:43.200 --> 01:49:46.200] Okay, now we're going to go to Chris in Colorado. [01:49:46.200 --> 01:49:49.200] Chris, what do you have for us? [01:49:49.200 --> 01:49:51.200] Hey, Randy. [01:49:51.200 --> 01:49:56.200] One quick thing for Ted, you know, he was going through so much stuff, [01:49:56.200 --> 01:49:59.200] those foils on his arm, that's just from, he's just so stressed out, [01:49:59.200 --> 01:50:02.200] he's backing up with acid, it's just lymphatic. [01:50:02.200 --> 01:50:05.200] You're talking about Ted? [01:50:05.200 --> 01:50:06.200] Yeah. [01:50:06.200 --> 01:50:07.200] Lymphatic? [01:50:07.200 --> 01:50:10.200] That's the thing, I got, not as extreme, but since the accident, [01:50:10.200 --> 01:50:12.200] I've been so stressed, I've lost half my hair, [01:50:12.200 --> 01:50:15.200] and I've literally got these things popping up on my legs and my arms, [01:50:15.200 --> 01:50:17.200] they just itch and bleed, [01:50:17.200 --> 01:50:21.200] and it's just from all these backed up lymphatic kidneys and fear [01:50:21.200 --> 01:50:23.200] and all that kind of stuff. [01:50:23.200 --> 01:50:27.200] I don't know if it helps them, but I do know a little bit about that. [01:50:27.200 --> 01:50:32.200] Send me an e-mail offline, send me an e-mail about that, [01:50:32.200 --> 01:50:35.200] and I will get you and Ted together. [01:50:35.200 --> 01:50:39.200] Ted has really been a trooper. [01:50:39.200 --> 01:50:47.200] He had a heart attack in court, and the judge refused to stop the hearing. [01:50:47.200 --> 01:50:50.200] It was the paramedics, when the paramedics got there, [01:50:50.200 --> 01:50:55.200] they threw everybody out of the courtroom and stopped the hearing themselves. [01:50:55.200 --> 01:51:01.200] I was really proud of the paramedics, but the court would have let him die in there. [01:51:01.200 --> 01:51:07.200] And Ted has not backed up from him, he's a real trooper. [01:51:07.200 --> 01:51:11.200] Send me an e-mail, and I will get you and Ted together. [01:51:11.200 --> 01:51:13.200] Okay, yeah. [01:51:13.200 --> 01:51:15.200] I trained with a doc down in Florida a couple years ago, [01:51:15.200 --> 01:51:17.200] and we learned all about that stuff. [01:51:17.200 --> 01:51:19.200] But yeah, happy to help. [01:51:19.200 --> 01:51:21.200] So I'll try to make my question pretty quick, [01:51:21.200 --> 01:51:23.200] because we're almost at the end of the night, [01:51:23.200 --> 01:51:26.200] but it's real technical, Randy, [01:51:26.200 --> 01:51:32.200] and I'm wondering where to go to get some answers for this state actor thing. [01:51:32.200 --> 01:51:39.200] I think I've figured out kind of the baseline for it in Illinois. [01:51:39.200 --> 01:51:44.200] Before 1983, a tow company has been ruled by a Supreme Court [01:51:44.200 --> 01:51:48.200] to not be a state actor because of a lien process. [01:51:48.200 --> 01:51:56.200] However, in 1983, they passed this act in Illinois that makes it automatic. [01:51:56.200 --> 01:51:59.200] When you tow a vehicle, [01:51:59.200 --> 01:52:04.200] you automatically get a lien against it for a payment for your services. [01:52:04.200 --> 01:52:06.200] And it's an across-the-board act. [01:52:06.200 --> 01:52:09.200] It's like a small fee act for many different services, [01:52:09.200 --> 01:52:12.200] like plumbing or anything you can imagine. [01:52:12.200 --> 01:52:14.200] So I found some... [01:52:14.200 --> 01:52:18.200] It's like a mechanics or a material means lien. [01:52:18.200 --> 01:52:23.200] Yeah, yeah, for small business, small activity thing. [01:52:23.200 --> 01:52:26.200] And so in the Supreme Court of the United States, [01:52:26.200 --> 01:52:29.200] they have basically said when there's a lien against something, [01:52:29.200 --> 01:52:34.200] if I read it correctly, that makes this a state activity. [01:52:34.200 --> 01:52:41.200] And therefore, that's how a private entity can become a state actor. [01:52:41.200 --> 01:52:46.200] And I'm wondering if I'm off-base on that or if I can dig deeper. [01:52:46.200 --> 01:52:49.200] The reason I'm calling back in is because I try to get the answer. [01:52:49.200 --> 01:52:53.200] No lawyer even can come close to fathoming this stuff that I've talked to. [01:52:53.200 --> 01:52:57.200] So I try to get in touch with some professors from universities [01:52:57.200 --> 01:53:03.200] who specialize in constitutional law, haven't had much luck. [01:53:03.200 --> 01:53:07.200] And you will find that's not uncommon. [01:53:07.200 --> 01:53:12.200] You're dealing with a highly focused legal issue. [01:53:12.200 --> 01:53:21.200] And no lawyer in his right mind will say something off the cuff. [01:53:21.200 --> 01:53:28.200] He will want to go in and do his legal research to make sure he's dead on point. [01:53:28.200 --> 01:53:35.200] So with general issues, it's easy enough, but this is highly specific. [01:53:35.200 --> 01:53:37.200] You'll have to do the research on this. [01:53:37.200 --> 01:53:46.200] But on the other hand, the lawyer on the other side is in no better position than you are. [01:53:46.200 --> 01:53:49.200] Actually, you're probably in a better position than he is [01:53:49.200 --> 01:53:56.200] because you don't have 50 clients you're trying to keep up with. [01:53:56.200 --> 01:54:01.200] You have one issue and you can study it more carefully. [01:54:01.200 --> 01:54:03.200] It sounds like you're at a really good spot [01:54:03.200 --> 01:54:07.200] because the lawyer is not going to be able to argue any better than you are. [01:54:07.200 --> 01:54:09.200] Well, the lawyer never even brought it up. [01:54:09.200 --> 01:54:13.200] He just went for the statute of limitations in a 12-B-6. [01:54:13.200 --> 01:54:17.200] And I think I got that because my case is about fraud. [01:54:17.200 --> 01:54:21.200] I didn't even know fraud existed until the city of Chicago made that judgment. [01:54:21.200 --> 01:54:22.200] That was over a year later. [01:54:22.200 --> 01:54:25.200] That started the accrual date. [01:54:25.200 --> 01:54:26.200] Okay, hold on. [01:54:26.200 --> 01:54:29.200] Let me make one comment. [01:54:29.200 --> 01:54:36.200] If the issue you were speaking to earlier has not been brought up, [01:54:36.200 --> 01:54:39.200] you might not want to bring it up. [01:54:39.200 --> 01:54:46.200] Well, I'm going to have to because the judge probably will see it that I missed it. [01:54:46.200 --> 01:54:49.200] I did make many, many other claims. [01:54:49.200 --> 01:54:50.200] I never had any case law. [01:54:50.200 --> 01:54:54.200] I actually plagiarized this from another federal lawsuit in another state. [01:54:54.200 --> 01:54:59.200] And they did their homework, and that's how I figured I could probably apply a lot of it to Illinois, [01:54:59.200 --> 01:55:02.200] but I couldn't find a case law. [01:55:02.200 --> 01:55:13.200] If you have case law from the other state, put the case name in and then space and put Illinois in. [01:55:13.200 --> 01:55:25.200] And that should help you find cases in Illinois that reference this particular case. [01:55:25.200 --> 01:55:26.200] Okay. [01:55:26.200 --> 01:55:27.200] I do that all the time. [01:55:27.200 --> 01:55:31.200] That gets me my first case on point. [01:55:31.200 --> 01:55:32.200] Okay. [01:55:32.200 --> 01:55:35.200] And once you get the case on point, because the judges go in [01:55:35.200 --> 01:55:38.200] and they tell you all the cases leading up to it, [01:55:38.200 --> 01:55:43.200] they tell you all the cases leading away from it, and then they take the center position. [01:55:43.200 --> 01:55:47.200] Well, those cases leading up to and away from, those are the ones that, [01:55:47.200 --> 01:55:52.200] if you have a case that's not exactly on point but close, [01:55:52.200 --> 01:55:59.200] those peripheral cases are likely to lead you exactly to your point. [01:55:59.200 --> 01:56:03.200] That's the best way to do legal research. [01:56:03.200 --> 01:56:07.200] Don't go look for a case straight up. [01:56:07.200 --> 01:56:13.200] Look for the issue, and then the issue will give you all these cases. [01:56:13.200 --> 01:56:14.200] Does that make sense? [01:56:14.200 --> 01:56:15.200] Okay. [01:56:15.200 --> 01:56:21.200] Yeah, we've kind of done that through Westlaw down at the law library a couple times, [01:56:21.200 --> 01:56:22.200] but I'm new to this. [01:56:22.200 --> 01:56:26.200] I'm literally just finding these tools this past week. [01:56:26.200 --> 01:56:30.200] You guys talked about finding up-to-date case law. [01:56:30.200 --> 01:56:32.200] I didn't even know that term existed. [01:56:32.200 --> 01:56:33.200] You know, I forgot. [01:56:33.200 --> 01:56:34.200] Shepardizing. [01:56:34.200 --> 01:56:37.200] Yeah, I love it. [01:56:37.200 --> 01:56:38.200] It's awesome. [01:56:38.200 --> 01:56:41.200] So I've been using that a lot for the stuff I'm doing, [01:56:41.200 --> 01:56:45.200] but I just want to make sure the judge knows that I'm not just making stuff up [01:56:45.200 --> 01:56:48.200] and that I'm aware of my errors and my admissions and things like that, [01:56:48.200 --> 01:56:53.200] even though the opposing counsel has no clue kind of what you just said. [01:56:53.200 --> 01:56:57.200] They really don't yet. [01:56:57.200 --> 01:57:01.200] And from the homework you've done, [01:57:01.200 --> 01:57:05.200] it'll be clear to the judge that you've done your homework and the lawyer hasn't. [01:57:05.200 --> 01:57:10.200] He's going to want to lean toward the lawyer anyway because he's a lawyer. [01:57:10.200 --> 01:57:15.200] But if you do your work well, you generate respect from the court, [01:57:15.200 --> 01:57:17.200] and they can give you some good rulings, [01:57:17.200 --> 01:57:23.200] and they don't want to be overturned on appeal. [01:57:23.200 --> 01:57:26.200] True, yeah, true. [01:57:26.200 --> 01:57:28.200] So I'm definitely trying to set it up for appeal. [01:57:28.200 --> 01:57:33.200] I do Dr. Gray's stuff, and I just want to get good points in there. [01:57:33.200 --> 01:57:36.200] So ultimately, like you said, it's about the money. [01:57:36.200 --> 01:57:38.200] It costs them a lot of money. [01:57:38.200 --> 01:57:40.200] Yes, that's the deal. [01:57:40.200 --> 01:57:41.200] Okay, let me move on. [01:57:41.200 --> 01:57:44.200] I've got one minute, and I've got two callers. [01:57:44.200 --> 01:57:45.200] Okay. [01:57:45.200 --> 01:57:46.200] All right, Randy, thank you. [01:57:46.200 --> 01:57:47.200] Thank you. [01:57:47.200 --> 01:57:51.200] Okay, Bob in California, we are not going to make it to you. [01:57:51.200 --> 01:57:52.200] I am sorry. [01:57:52.200 --> 01:57:55.200] But we've got Mary in Texas. [01:57:55.200 --> 01:57:56.200] Hello, Mary. [01:57:56.200 --> 01:57:59.200] What do you have for us today? [01:57:59.200 --> 01:58:01.200] Oh, gosh, so much is going on. [01:58:01.200 --> 01:58:04.200] What is a private attorney general suit? [01:58:04.200 --> 01:58:11.200] A private attorney general suit is a suit where you sue for an issue [01:58:11.200 --> 01:58:18.200] that's generally a small number, dollar amount suit, [01:58:18.200 --> 01:58:24.200] like you get a ticket and the court acts improperly. [01:58:24.200 --> 01:58:30.200] Well, you got a $300 ticket, and it'll cost you $5,000 to file a lawsuit. [01:58:30.200 --> 01:58:35.200] So what the courts have said, you can sue in your own behalf [01:58:35.200 --> 01:58:40.200] and on the behalf of others similarly situated. [01:58:40.200 --> 01:58:44.200] And then if you collect damages, you can collect all the damages [01:58:44.200 --> 01:58:47.200] so it funds your suit. [01:58:47.200 --> 01:58:50.200] So you can seek remedy, but we are out of time. [01:58:50.200 --> 01:58:55.200] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible [01:58:55.200 --> 01:58:58.200] called the New Testament Recovery Version. [01:58:58.200 --> 01:59:01.200] The New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes [01:59:01.200 --> 01:59:04.200] that explain what the Bible says verse by verse, [01:59:04.200 --> 01:59:08.200] helping you to know God and to know the meaning of life. [01:59:08.200 --> 01:59:11.200] Order your free copy today from Bibles for America. [01:59:11.200 --> 01:59:20.200] Call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:20.200 --> 01:59:25.200] This translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 cross references, [01:59:25.200 --> 01:59:30.200] plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of the Bible. [01:59:30.200 --> 01:59:32.200] This is truly a Bible you can understand. [01:59:32.200 --> 01:59:35.200] To get your free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version, [01:59:35.200 --> 01:59:41.200] call us toll free at 888-551-0102. [01:59:41.200 --> 01:59:49.200] That's 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:49.200 --> 02:00:06.200] Looking for some truth? You found it, LogosRadioNetwork.com.