[00:00.000 --> 00:07.760] The following use flash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, providing your deli [00:07.760 --> 00:09.960] bulletins for the commodities market. [00:09.960 --> 00:23.280] Today in history, news updates and the inside scoop into the tides of the alternative. [00:23.280 --> 00:27.400] Markets for Wednesday, the 10th of August, 2016, are currently trading with gold at $1,346 [00:27.400 --> 00:34.600] an ounce, silver at $20.13 an ounce, Texas crude at $42.70 a barrel, and Bitcoin is currently [00:34.600 --> 00:43.240] sitting at about $596 U.S. currency. [00:43.240 --> 00:49.920] Today in history, the year 1920, following World War I, Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI representatives [00:49.920 --> 00:54.360] signed the Treaty of Sèvres, which divided up the Ottoman Empire between the Allies, [00:54.360 --> 00:58.680] who then basically mapped out the Middle East as it is today, the surrender and division [00:58.680 --> 01:05.080] of the Ottoman Empire today in history. [01:05.080 --> 01:08.900] In recent news, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement opened up an investigation [01:08.900 --> 01:14.000] after Tuesday's tragic shooting of Mary Knowlton, 73-year-old who was taking part in a shoot-don't-shoot [01:14.000 --> 01:18.360] exercise with the Punta Gorda Police Department in Florida when she was accidentally struck [01:18.360 --> 01:19.640] by a live round. [01:19.640 --> 01:23.560] The police officer who accidentally shot Mary was identified as Lee Cole, who has been with [01:23.560 --> 01:28.080] the department since March 17th, 2014, has been placed on administrative leave while [01:28.080 --> 01:30.000] the investigation is underway. [01:30.000 --> 01:33.400] Police Chief Tom Lewis stated that nobody in their wildest dreams thought there was [01:33.400 --> 01:34.720] live ammunition in there. [01:34.720 --> 01:38.080] We were unaware that any live ammunition existed for this kind of weapon. [01:38.080 --> 01:39.760] We thought only blanks were available. [01:39.760 --> 01:44.200] The fatal bullet was fired from a revolver that the officer had used before in earlier [01:44.200 --> 01:45.600] exercises. [01:45.600 --> 01:49.520] Chief Lewis did assure that the department has protocols in place in order to prevent [01:49.520 --> 01:59.200] accidental shootings, but he declined to go into the details citing the ongoing probe. [01:59.200 --> 02:03.560] WikiLeaks is offering a $20,000 reward for information on the Democratic National Committee [02:03.560 --> 02:04.560] staff members. [02:04.560 --> 02:09.040] Seth Richard, a 27-year-old data analyst for the DNC, who was shot and killed early on [02:09.040 --> 02:13.080] Sunday morning last month in what police are saying was a robbery gone wrong. [02:13.080 --> 02:17.760] Julian Assange in an interview with a Dutch news program implied Seth Rich was the source [02:17.760 --> 02:22.600] of the DNC emails, which showed an apparent bias in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie [02:22.600 --> 02:24.600] Sanders in the Democratic primary. [02:24.600 --> 02:28.160] When asked about the reward, WikiLeaks said in the statement, quote, we treat threats [02:28.160 --> 02:32.440] towards any suspected source of WikiLeaks with extreme gravity and should not be taken [02:32.440 --> 02:36.800] to imply that Seth Rich was a source to WikiLeaks or to imply that his murder is connected to [02:36.800 --> 02:37.800] our publications. [02:37.800 --> 02:42.800] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors. [02:42.800 --> 02:49.800] If you're applying for a service you'd like to advertise with us, feel free to give me [02:49.800 --> 02:50.800] a call at 210-363-2257. [02:50.800 --> 03:14.280] We've been Rick Roady with the Lowdown for August 10th, 2016. [03:20.800 --> 03:49.720] If you're applying for a service you'd like to advertise with us, feel free to give me [03:49.720 --> 04:00.460] Bad boys, bad boys Good boys Bad boys Bad boys [04:00.460 --> 04:04.340] You chuck it on that one, you chuck it on this one, you chuck it on your mother and [04:04.340 --> 04:05.340] you chuck it on your father. [04:05.340 --> 04:06.340] You chuck it on your brother and you chuck it on your sister. [04:06.340 --> 04:11.340] You chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me. [04:11.340 --> 04:12.340] Okay. [04:12.340 --> 04:13.340] Howdy, howdy. [04:13.340 --> 04:26.220] Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, Rule of Law Radio on this Thursday, the 11th day of July, 2016. [04:26.220 --> 04:27.980] And we actually have Debra in the background. [04:27.980 --> 04:34.900] I might drag her onto the air kicking and screaming before this is over. [04:34.900 --> 04:39.820] I do finally have my bar grievance site up. [04:39.820 --> 04:43.460] I lost bargrievance.net. [04:43.460 --> 04:47.780] Someone picked it up and was going to transfer it to me and it kind of fell through the cracks. [04:47.780 --> 04:53.180] So I do have bargrievance.website. [04:53.180 --> 05:00.260] So bargrievance.website is up and working, it's not polished yet, I'm working on some [05:00.260 --> 05:08.260] of the polish, but it has the links to the questionnaire, which was the big deal. [05:08.260 --> 05:12.980] People who've listened for a long time knows that I've been working on a technology that [05:12.980 --> 05:18.060] turned out to be rather complex. [05:18.060 --> 05:25.820] And I built it for bargrievance, frankly, I don't know how many people out there have [05:25.820 --> 05:32.620] gotten the American Bar Association Model Standards and read them. [05:32.620 --> 05:40.220] It appears as though when you pull the standards that there's a lot of stuff there, but there's [05:40.220 --> 05:53.740] really not, because 90% of what is in the model standards that go to professional ethics [05:53.740 --> 05:59.780] are really specific to lawyers and what lawyers do with other lawyers and how lawyers interact [05:59.780 --> 06:01.660] with judges. [06:01.660 --> 06:06.260] Most of that doesn't have anything to do with lawyer-client relationships. [06:06.260 --> 06:13.460] And in terms of us filing bargrievances, most of what we care about is contained in just [06:13.460 --> 06:16.660] a couple of sections. [06:16.660 --> 06:27.900] So what this questionnaire does is allow you in about four or five questions to get to [06:27.900 --> 06:32.380] any grievance in the whole code. [06:32.380 --> 06:38.580] It's kind of like playing 20 questions. [06:38.580 --> 06:46.780] I can ask you 20 questions and get to just about anything, because the first question [06:46.780 --> 06:54.340] is going to isolate 99% of all of the possibilities in the world. [06:54.340 --> 07:01.140] It's going to focus me on one particular issue. [07:01.140 --> 07:02.140] What's your issue about? [07:02.140 --> 07:04.860] You're going to say, well, law, okay. [07:04.860 --> 07:07.340] I got all the other stuff in the world eliminated. [07:07.340 --> 07:09.740] Well, what area of law? [07:09.740 --> 07:14.100] Now I've got another 99% of what's left eliminated. [07:14.100 --> 07:18.020] In 20 questions, you can get to about anything. [07:18.020 --> 07:26.180] So we've taken that 20 questions concept and applied it to codes. [07:26.180 --> 07:29.700] You know, we suggested people read the code. [07:29.700 --> 07:41.140] I went to Australia, did some seminars down there, and they were complaining that when [07:41.140 --> 07:48.820] they would file a criminal complaint in Australia, it was called a TAN, a criminal appearance [07:48.820 --> 07:59.060] notice, because in Australia, unlike here, you have standing in that every citizen is [07:59.060 --> 08:03.980] considered a common law public official. [08:03.980 --> 08:11.220] So as a common law public official, you could literally initiate a prosecution and issue [08:11.220 --> 08:15.260] a summons, and that's what the criminal appearance notice was. [08:15.260 --> 08:21.980] Well, if a private citizen filed one, since they're not necessarily knowledgeable in law, [08:21.980 --> 08:31.380] the county registrar had to sign off on the criminal appearance notice to make sure that [08:31.380 --> 08:34.340] it met all the requirements of law. [08:34.340 --> 08:40.260] So I'm in a seminar in Sydney, and I got about 30 of the premier legal researchers [08:40.260 --> 08:49.140] in Australia there, and I told them, guys, I'm just a bloody yank, and I'm not going [08:49.140 --> 08:53.660] to pretend to know more about Australian law than you do. [08:53.660 --> 09:04.140] So tell me, under the New South Wales Act of 19, I think it was 96, what is an element [09:04.140 --> 09:06.220] of a crime? [09:06.220 --> 09:11.660] And everybody just started with a physical element of a crime, and everybody just sat [09:11.660 --> 09:18.060] there and looked at me with their mouths hanging open, and I said, okay, okay, what is a fault [09:18.060 --> 09:22.780] element that renders a physical element criminal? [09:22.780 --> 09:24.700] And they just sat there. [09:24.700 --> 09:34.700] That's the way the elements of a crime were referenced in Australian law. [09:34.700 --> 09:39.140] The physical elements were essentially the facts, and the fault elements were how the [09:39.140 --> 09:41.340] code applied to the facts. [09:41.340 --> 09:46.820] And I said, guys, read the code. [09:46.820 --> 09:52.180] Every reason you're not getting your criminal appearance notice assigned is you hadn't read [09:52.180 --> 09:53.940] the code. [09:53.940 --> 10:00.620] So I got the code out for the purpose of reading, and I had already looked at how to file criminal [10:00.620 --> 10:04.700] complaints, but I hadn't really looked at the code. [10:04.700 --> 10:13.220] Our, the penal code for the state of Texas is somewhere around 100 pages. [10:13.220 --> 10:19.340] The penal code for Australia was 500 pages. [10:19.340 --> 10:24.500] Our section on intoxication offenses is about a half a page. [10:24.500 --> 10:32.620] The Australian section on intoxicated, intoxicated offenses was over 30 pages. [10:32.620 --> 10:38.020] Holy mackerel, no wonder these guys hadn't read this code. [10:38.020 --> 10:41.580] And that's when I sat down and said, we have to do something. [10:41.580 --> 10:44.500] There has to be a way to make this code available. [10:44.500 --> 10:53.900] And then from those considerations, this process of taking the code and where the code makes [10:53.900 --> 11:01.940] a proactive assertion, it is a crime for a person to hold himself out as a lawyer. [11:01.940 --> 11:10.980] I'm speaking to 38.123 Texas penal code, something I just got shoved at me a couple of weeks [11:10.980 --> 11:18.260] ago while I was in court helping somebody else, 38.123 said, it is a crime for a person [11:18.260 --> 11:26.220] to hold himself out as a lawyer and represent someone in a personal injury or property damage [11:26.220 --> 11:27.220] case. [11:27.220 --> 11:35.780] So I turned that around and say, did the person represent themselves as a lawyer? [11:35.780 --> 11:44.580] I click on that and behind that, I will list every question that could go to someone representing [11:44.580 --> 11:45.580] themselves as a lawyer. [11:45.580 --> 11:55.020] And in this case for this statute, did they represent someone in court in a personal injury [11:55.020 --> 11:56.020] or property damage case? [11:56.020 --> 11:59.340] And you say, no, I'm done with that. [11:59.340 --> 12:08.020] Now that's a real simple example, some of these crimes, cases and claims and issues [12:08.020 --> 12:15.340] have a lot more elements than that, but you just simply ask for the presence of what needs [12:15.340 --> 12:18.340] to be available in the bar grievance section. [12:18.340 --> 12:28.300] If you go to bargrievance.website, then you can click a link there to go to the questionnaire [12:28.300 --> 12:31.540] link that has a little bit of instructions, just a little clunky. [12:31.540 --> 12:37.300] I've got it up and working, but I haven't worked out all of the fancy-snancy formatting. [12:37.300 --> 12:42.940] I'll be working on that to make it look prettier in bubbles and beads. [12:42.940 --> 12:46.900] But you click on a plus sign and it opens a question. [12:46.900 --> 12:55.260] The first one is, is this about your lawyer or a prosecutor? [12:55.260 --> 12:58.140] That isolates out two different codes. [12:58.140 --> 13:02.460] What I suggest everybody do is go in there and look at this thing. [13:02.460 --> 13:11.500] It's not completely dynamic yet in that I will be building a backside output report [13:11.500 --> 13:18.300] depending on which of the text boxes in the questionnaire you fill out, because as you [13:18.300 --> 13:22.980] answer these questions, it'll take you to one particular text box. [13:22.980 --> 13:31.300] It's the grievance or the standard that you want to file a complaint about, and then you [13:31.300 --> 13:32.660] fill out that text box. [13:32.660 --> 13:42.060] I will be working on this to get it to take what you put in and pull up the form for your [13:42.060 --> 13:50.260] state and insert this into the form where this dissertation would go. [13:50.260 --> 13:53.700] And also, you could fill out the form online. [13:53.700 --> 13:58.020] Then you can download it and just sign and send. [13:58.020 --> 14:00.500] Well, look at it. [14:00.500 --> 14:01.500] Go through it. [14:01.500 --> 14:04.460] You can go forward and go back. [14:04.460 --> 14:06.200] Kind of bounce around in there. [14:06.200 --> 14:12.740] You will be surprised at the things you can bargain with a lawyer for, but more important [14:12.740 --> 14:24.060] than that, you will be surprised at how sophisticated this is in that it was written by lawyers [14:24.060 --> 14:31.020] for lawyers, and it addresses all of the things that lawyers do and should do that you may [14:31.020 --> 14:34.860] or may not know about, so you should look at this. [14:34.860 --> 14:41.620] It'll tell you all of the things your lawyers should be doing, and you will be surprised [14:41.620 --> 14:45.340] at how many of those things she is not doing. [14:45.340 --> 14:56.140] Now, in these standards, what I have modeled here are the American Bar Association model [14:56.140 --> 14:57.140] standards. [14:57.140 --> 15:02.740] All but three states have adopted these model standards, and then they made their own adjustments [15:02.740 --> 15:03.740] to them. [15:03.740 --> 15:09.300] The three states that didn't adopt these model standards have a set of standards that's [15:09.300 --> 15:14.220] very close to this. [15:14.220 --> 15:18.060] You might look at your state, but in the end, it doesn't matter, because what the courts [15:18.060 --> 15:27.780] say is a violation of one of these standards does not create a cause of action. [15:27.780 --> 15:32.660] You can't sue a lawyer because he violated these standards. [15:32.660 --> 15:37.220] That is song and dance and seltzer down your pants. [15:37.220 --> 15:43.500] Oh, yes, you can, and here's how you do that. [15:43.500 --> 15:50.140] You don't sue because he violated the standard. [15:50.140 --> 16:02.840] You sue for the harm that was caused because he violated what is construed as normal procedure [16:02.840 --> 16:05.540] and good faith service. [16:05.540 --> 16:11.700] So the standard will tell you where the lawyer does something that could be construed as [16:11.700 --> 16:15.380] a lead to harm to you, and based on that, you can sue him. [16:15.380 --> 16:22.860] What we will be adding to this page is a tool to develop a malpractice suit. [16:22.860 --> 16:29.740] This whole page and everything is going to be part of the lawsociety.net paralegal site. [16:29.740 --> 16:36.740] We'll be building a bunch of these tools so that you'll have a place where you can find [16:36.740 --> 16:39.500] just about everything you need. [16:39.500 --> 16:46.940] This is Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Rule of Law Radio, our call in number 512-646-1984. [16:46.940 --> 16:47.940] Call lines are open. [16:47.940 --> 16:48.940] They'll be open all night. [16:48.940 --> 16:49.940] We have Jeff in Mississippi. [16:49.940 --> 16:52.460] Jeff will pick you up when we come back. [16:52.460 --> 16:57.900] Oh, my goodness, I'm out of time before I fell off the cliff. [16:57.900 --> 16:58.900] We'll be right back. [16:58.900 --> 17:06.660] Through advances in technology our lives have greatly improved, except in the area of nutrition. [17:06.660 --> 17:11.380] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that. [17:11.380 --> 17:17.020] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [17:17.020 --> 17:23.420] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, young Jevity can [17:23.420 --> 17:25.700] provide the nutrients you need. [17:25.700 --> 17:30.620] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which [17:30.620 --> 17:31.620] we reject. [17:31.620 --> 17:36.900] We have come to trust young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with [17:36.900 --> 17:39.740] Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [17:39.740 --> 17:46.020] When you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support [17:46.020 --> 17:47.020] quality radio. [17:47.020 --> 17:51.700] As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. [17:51.700 --> 17:57.260] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [17:57.260 --> 17:59.220] increase your income. [17:59.220 --> 18:02.020] Order now. [18:02.020 --> 18:06.420] Did you know that the Logos Radio Network is a truly listener-supported radio network? [18:06.420 --> 18:10.820] On top of the on-air talents, producers, and other hardworking individuals working behind [18:10.820 --> 18:14.980] the scenes, Logos Radio Network is kept on the air by the generous support of listeners [18:14.980 --> 18:15.980] like you. [18:15.980 --> 18:20.580] And we appreciate our loyal listeners making contributions every year in our annual fundraisers, [18:20.580 --> 18:23.620] which help keep the lights on and Logos Radio Network on the air. [18:23.620 --> 18:27.620] Head on over to logosradionetwork.com to make your contribution. [18:27.620 --> 18:32.740] Every $25 donation enters you for a chance to win prizes from Central Texas Gunworks. [18:32.740 --> 18:35.580] First prize being a Spiked Skull Lower Receiver. [18:35.580 --> 18:37.220] Second prize being a Taurus Curve. [18:37.220 --> 18:39.340] Ten winners will receive gift cards from All About Vapor. [18:39.340 --> 18:44.060] And if you donate your $25 contribution early enough, you will also receive a complimentary [18:44.060 --> 18:46.020] jar of My Magic Mud. [18:46.020 --> 18:50.460] Donations by all major credit cards are accepted, as well as contributions by Bitcoin. [18:50.460 --> 18:55.380] To Logos Radio Network Fundraiser, head on over to logosradionetwork.com for more information [18:55.380 --> 19:22.260] and to donate to keep Logos Radio Network on the air. [19:22.260 --> 19:34.900] Okay, we are back, Randy Calton, Deborah Stevens, Rule of Law Radio, and we're talking to Jeff [19:34.900 --> 19:35.900] in Mississippi. [19:35.900 --> 19:36.900] Hello, Mr. Jeff. [19:36.900 --> 19:37.900] Hi, Randy. [19:37.900 --> 19:40.900] Thanks for having me on. [19:40.900 --> 19:41.900] Glad to have you. [19:41.900 --> 19:44.020] What are you up to lately? [19:44.020 --> 19:45.020] Okay. [19:45.020 --> 19:54.180] Last time we talked, the judge had dismissed my case, so we were going to do a motion for [19:54.180 --> 20:02.180] reconsideration, and I believe that's Rule 60 of the federal rules. [20:02.180 --> 20:07.740] That was my first question that I wanted to ask, is Rule 59 asks for a new trial, but [20:07.740 --> 20:13.420] Rule 60 asks for relief of the judgment. [20:13.420 --> 20:14.420] So is this under Rule 50? [20:14.420 --> 20:18.380] No, you're not going under Rule 60, you're going under 59. [20:18.380 --> 20:24.460] A motion for reconsideration is a request for a new trial. [20:24.460 --> 20:27.460] Oh, it is? [20:27.460 --> 20:28.460] Yes. [20:28.460 --> 20:29.460] Oh, okay. [20:29.460 --> 20:30.460] Okay. [20:30.460 --> 20:36.100] Well, last time we spoke, I was going to email you and you were going to send me an example [20:36.100 --> 20:38.860] that you had done for that motion. [20:38.860 --> 20:41.460] I saw your email. [20:41.460 --> 20:42.740] I thought I had done that. [20:42.740 --> 20:45.180] I must have got distracted and not. [20:45.180 --> 20:49.300] Well, I'll check it again, too, maybe you can send it. [20:49.300 --> 20:55.300] I've got one I can send you that Rick just sent me in his case where they did a motion [20:55.300 --> 21:01.780] for reconsideration to the Court of Appeals in California. [21:01.780 --> 21:08.340] A motion for reconsideration will essentially be your appeal appellate brief. [21:08.340 --> 21:09.340] Okay. [21:09.340 --> 21:15.740] You say, Your Honor, you made some mistakes. [21:15.740 --> 21:18.780] These are the mistakes you made in your appellate brief. [21:18.780 --> 21:24.340] You'll claim these are the errors the court made and these are the questions and thus [21:24.340 --> 21:26.660] the questions we will bring. [21:26.660 --> 21:30.660] Then you brief out those issues. [21:30.660 --> 21:35.500] About the only difference is you just changed the headache. [21:35.500 --> 21:36.500] Okay. [21:36.500 --> 21:38.500] Can I read you my short introduction? [21:38.500 --> 21:39.500] Yes. [21:39.500 --> 21:40.500] Okay. [21:40.500 --> 21:42.820] This is how I do a motion. [21:42.820 --> 21:48.860] I do a motion very simple, almost like a caveman, so introduction and this is going to sound [21:48.860 --> 21:53.580] pretty crude, but this is the way I correct me if I'm wrong. [21:53.580 --> 22:01.900] This court's July 28, 2016 order improperly granted Holmes' motion to dismiss and Morrell's [22:01.900 --> 22:07.500] motion for summary judgment because no competent evidence existed establishing grounds to grant [22:07.500 --> 22:13.340] a motion to dismiss or summary judgment for the defendant. [22:13.340 --> 22:17.820] Instead of ruling on the evidence, the court made the following false statements to base [22:17.820 --> 22:19.180] its ruling. [22:19.180 --> 22:24.060] These statements need clarification and then I just go one, two, three, you lied here, [22:24.060 --> 22:27.420] you lied there, you lied there, three, four, five, six. [22:27.420 --> 22:28.420] Perfect. [22:28.420 --> 22:31.420] Is that okay? [22:31.420 --> 22:32.420] That's perfect. [22:32.420 --> 22:33.420] Okay. [22:33.420 --> 22:39.820] Keep in mind, the judge don't have to be your buddy. [22:39.820 --> 22:48.540] You don't have to stroke his ego and the judge understands that a motion for reconsideration [22:48.540 --> 22:51.820] is your appellate brief. [22:51.820 --> 22:58.980] So he reads this and thinks, this is what the guy's going to tell the court of appeals. [22:58.980 --> 23:06.020] But when I was being prosecuted in Cherokee County, the trial judge referenced the court [23:06.020 --> 23:16.260] of appeals and he referred to them as the gods in Tyler indicating he was not happy [23:16.260 --> 23:17.260] with these guys. [23:17.260 --> 23:23.500] If he felt like these guys thought they were gods and they just tromped all over him, your [23:23.500 --> 23:26.260] judge is likely to feel the same way. [23:26.260 --> 23:27.460] Okay. [23:27.460 --> 23:29.460] I'm pretty brute. [23:29.460 --> 23:38.860] So when you're going to them, telling them that this judge lied on his order in order [23:38.860 --> 23:48.060] to justify an improper dismissal, he is not likely to be happy about that. [23:48.060 --> 23:56.420] And there's no certain form, the judge basically lied on when he cited some case law, he totally [23:56.420 --> 23:58.060] got it backwards. [23:58.060 --> 24:05.580] So my way of arguing is the first state that judge said this, this and this, Fred Flintstone [24:05.580 --> 24:11.900] Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, but case law, and then I'll come back and say, I'll [24:11.900 --> 24:16.340] even quote some of it and then say that the case law actually says the reverse. [24:16.340 --> 24:19.500] And it's okay to use that style? [24:19.500 --> 24:20.500] Absolutely. [24:20.500 --> 24:21.500] Okay. [24:21.500 --> 24:28.460] So that's exactly what it's for and it seems like every time I take apart an order, I find [24:28.460 --> 24:31.420] exactly that kind of problem. [24:31.420 --> 24:41.580] I just prepared an appellate brief for a guy in New York and I looked at the order and [24:41.580 --> 24:46.980] when you've, when you're preparing an appellate brief, your order, the order from the judge [24:46.980 --> 24:52.060] of the points and authorities is your friend. [24:52.060 --> 24:57.900] You don't have to figure out how to structure your brief, just follow that, the order. [24:57.900 --> 25:03.180] I just walked down the order, pulled the case law the judge referred to and primarily the [25:03.180 --> 25:10.820] case law where he referred to were district court cases, really obscure district court [25:10.820 --> 25:11.820] cases. [25:11.820 --> 25:21.700] He didn't refer to appellate court or Supreme court cases, which would have been law. [25:21.700 --> 25:26.620] He referred to district court cases that were just some district judge issued this ruling [25:26.620 --> 25:32.740] and he got it all wrong. [25:32.740 --> 25:37.900] He asserted in his order exactly what you said. [25:37.900 --> 25:44.580] He said the case said this and when I looked at it, it didn't say that at all. [25:44.580 --> 25:54.220] So you can generally just follow down his order and address what he stated wrong and [25:54.220 --> 25:56.900] ask the court to rule correctly on it. [25:56.900 --> 25:59.420] So you're in good shape. [25:59.420 --> 26:00.420] Great. [26:00.420 --> 26:12.660] So next is the judge claimed that I did not declare or ask for declarative relief or injunctive [26:12.660 --> 26:13.660] relief. [26:13.660 --> 26:18.220] Now, this is the case where I sued the court reporter for not giving me my transcripts [26:18.220 --> 26:23.300] and I asked for money and I did state that I was damaged from due process. [26:23.300 --> 26:27.340] So what does he mean when he says that I didn't ask for injunctive or declarative relief? [26:27.340 --> 26:35.540] Okay, okay, look up 28 USC 2201. [26:35.540 --> 26:40.620] That's the declaratory judgment statute in the Fed. [26:40.620 --> 26:51.940] And in a declaratory judgment issue, you ask the court to declare the rights of the parties. [26:51.940 --> 27:02.220] And since I don't know you sued, have you asked the court to rule on the duty of the [27:02.220 --> 27:08.580] court reporter to provide those documents in a timely manner and your right to receive [27:08.580 --> 27:11.500] those documents in a timely manner? [27:11.500 --> 27:15.900] I claim that I did have those rights, but I did not ask the court to rule. [27:15.900 --> 27:22.660] I just said rule in favor and give me money. [27:22.660 --> 27:33.000] Then technically you did not answer for declaratory relief, but so what? [27:33.000 --> 27:36.940] What does that have to do with the claims that you did make? [27:36.940 --> 27:37.940] Okay. [27:37.940 --> 27:48.340] Now I'm backing up, how did, under what circumstances did he make the claim that you didn't ask [27:48.340 --> 27:50.420] for declaratory relief? [27:50.420 --> 27:53.580] He didn't say, he just, it was just one sentence. [27:53.580 --> 27:54.580] Okay. [27:54.580 --> 27:57.580] Here's why he went there. [27:57.580 --> 28:06.140] Because in a request for declaratory relief, then you're not making a claim for which relief [28:06.140 --> 28:08.820] can be had. [28:08.820 --> 28:16.620] You're asking the court to declare the rights of the parties. [28:16.620 --> 28:23.100] Had you made a request for declaratory judgment, they couldn't dismiss it under 12b6. [28:23.100 --> 28:24.100] Okay. [28:24.100 --> 28:27.260] Could you say that one more time? [28:27.260 --> 28:29.260] I got confused. [28:29.260 --> 28:30.520] Okay. [28:30.520 --> 28:38.860] If you did not make, if you asked the court to rule on the rights of the parties, that [28:38.860 --> 28:46.540] that's one of the, if that's an issue in the case, that's a 2201 issue. [28:46.540 --> 28:50.140] And that issue can't be dismissed under 12b6. [28:50.140 --> 28:55.220] 12b6 says that you failed to state a claim on which relief can be had. [28:55.220 --> 29:04.780] Well, you're not asking for relief in a 2201, you're asking for a declaration of rights. [29:04.780 --> 29:10.780] So what he was saying there is I can dismiss this because he failed to state a claim in [29:10.780 --> 29:18.340] which recovery can be had, and he did not have a request for declaratory judgment. [29:18.340 --> 29:26.460] The declaratory judgment would have stopped it, the dismissal. [29:26.460 --> 29:27.460] Okay. [29:27.460 --> 29:28.780] Is there anything I can do about that? [29:28.780 --> 29:37.940] Not at this point, except you can file a action specifically requesting declaratory judgment [29:37.940 --> 29:43.820] and asking the court to declare your statutory rights. [29:43.820 --> 29:45.380] That's something they won't be able to toss. [29:45.380 --> 29:50.020] So just hold that in the back so you can use that later. [29:50.020 --> 29:51.020] You can give back to them. [29:51.020 --> 29:58.420] Hang on, about to go to break, Randy Kelton, we'll radio, call in number 512-646-1984, [29:58.420 --> 29:59.420] we'll be right back. [29:59.420 --> 30:03.780] Are you a Facebook fiasco just waiting to happen? [30:03.780 --> 30:07.380] There's a downside to posting everything on your social network, and it just might leave [30:07.380 --> 30:08.380] you a sitting duck. [30:08.380 --> 30:12.220] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll tell you more in just a moment. [30:12.220 --> 30:17.540] Your search engine is watching you, recording all your searches and creating a massive database [30:17.540 --> 30:19.620] of your personal information. [30:19.620 --> 30:20.620] That's creepy. [30:20.620 --> 30:22.620] But it doesn't have to be that way. [30:22.620 --> 30:25.740] Startpage.com is the world's most private search engine. [30:25.740 --> 30:29.860] Startpage doesn't store your IP address, make a record of your searches, or use tracking [30:29.860 --> 30:32.140] cookies, and they're third-party certified. [30:32.140 --> 30:36.620] If you don't like big brother spying on you, start over with Startpage. [30:36.620 --> 30:39.220] Great search results and total privacy. [30:39.220 --> 30:42.740] Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [30:42.740 --> 30:46.460] Social networking sites may seem like a good way to keep up with friends, relatives, and [30:46.460 --> 30:49.300] colleagues, but beware, enemies are watching too. [30:49.300 --> 30:53.700] Citizens of Nashua, New Hampshire, learned this the hard way when the Facebook bandits [30:53.700 --> 30:57.220] timed break-ins based on their victims' Facebook posts. [30:57.220 --> 31:01.660] Local police reported that 50 homes were broken into by tech-savvy criminals. [31:01.660 --> 31:05.700] They used Facebook posts to see when victims would be away from home, and they timed their [31:05.700 --> 31:06.700] strikes accordingly. [31:06.700 --> 31:11.380] To avoid falling prey to Facebook bandits, or worse, use this rule of thumb. [31:11.380 --> 31:14.700] If you wouldn't reveal your activities and whereabouts to hardened criminals or total [31:14.700 --> 31:17.660] strangers, you shouldn't put them on your social network page either. [31:17.660 --> 31:19.500] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [31:19.500 --> 31:49.340] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:49.500 --> 32:12.980] We're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [32:12.980 --> 32:16.020] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act [32:16.020 --> 32:19.740] in our own private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law. [32:19.740 --> 32:23.860] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve [32:23.860 --> 32:25.220] our rights through due process. [32:25.220 --> 32:29.220] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the [32:29.220 --> 32:32.980] most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process [32:32.980 --> 32:35.380] is and how to hold the courts to the rule of law. [32:35.380 --> 32:39.380] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to RuleOfLawRadio.com and [32:39.380 --> 32:40.700] ordering your copy today. [32:40.700 --> 32:44.020] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, [32:44.020 --> 32:48.500] The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research [32:48.500 --> 32:50.420] documents and other useful resource material. [32:50.420 --> 32:54.060] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from RuleOfLawRadio.com. [32:54.060 --> 33:02.420] Order your copy today and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [33:02.420 --> 33:06.020] Live free speech radio, LogosRadioNetwork.com. [33:06.020 --> 33:29.500] Okay, we are back, Randy Kelton, David Stevens, Rule of Law Radio and we're talking to Jeff [33:29.500 --> 33:30.500] in Mississippi. [33:30.500 --> 33:31.500] Okay, Jeff. [33:31.500 --> 33:38.300] I ordered on two more things that I wanted to get through to you. [33:38.300 --> 33:47.700] I had filed some motions for sanctions against these lawyers twice for completely lying about [33:47.700 --> 33:54.580] case law and he did not explain why he ruled on the motions. [33:54.580 --> 33:59.700] He just simply put it in one sentence that all other motions from Jeffrey Hill, motions [33:59.700 --> 34:04.420] for sanctions against the defendants are dismissed and that's it. [34:04.420 --> 34:13.780] Okay, then there essentially is no wing it, those are motions, they're not a part of the [34:13.780 --> 34:14.780] pleading itself. [34:14.780 --> 34:15.780] Yeah. [34:15.780 --> 34:22.260] So, if they were part of the pleading, they would have to be, he would have had to given [34:22.260 --> 34:24.620] you points and authorities. [34:24.620 --> 34:32.580] So, for those motions, you put in a request for findings of fact and conclusions of law. [34:32.580 --> 34:33.580] Okay. [34:33.580 --> 34:41.020] Now, that's a little more complex since you're already in the appeals court. [34:41.020 --> 34:42.460] Okay. [34:42.460 --> 34:49.740] And finally, I put in a request for admissions and a request for production of documents [34:49.740 --> 34:57.180] and he sent his order back dismissing my case before the defendants returned the discovery. [34:57.180 --> 34:58.180] Okay. [34:58.180 --> 35:07.340] He can do that, Suis Ponte, if he determines that you failed to make state of claim which [35:07.340 --> 35:08.460] recovery can't be had. [35:08.460 --> 35:11.420] That's the point of a rule 12. [35:11.420 --> 35:23.260] If someone files a suit, like we had someone file a debt collection suit and fail to include [35:23.260 --> 35:29.860] an accounting on the credit card which was a statutory requirement for jurisdiction. [35:29.860 --> 35:40.980] So, we found a dispositive motion, a motion to dismiss and that has to be considered before [35:40.980 --> 35:49.740] we could be required to go to all of the time, trouble and expense of providing discovery [35:49.740 --> 36:00.180] because if the suit itself wasn't sufficient on its face, then there's no need to cause [36:00.180 --> 36:04.820] the defendant to have to produce all this discovery since the suit is no good on its [36:04.820 --> 36:05.820] face anyway. [36:05.820 --> 36:06.820] Okay. [36:06.820 --> 36:09.420] And that's what the rule 12 is saying. [36:09.420 --> 36:15.260] There's no need to go to discovery because the suit was insufficient on its face. [36:15.260 --> 36:16.860] All right. [36:16.860 --> 36:17.860] Okay. [36:17.860 --> 36:20.860] So, he could do those two things. [36:20.860 --> 36:21.860] Yes. [36:21.860 --> 36:22.860] Okay. [36:22.860 --> 36:31.940] So, but I still having caught red-handed completely lying about case law, can I still move with [36:31.940 --> 36:38.140] my motion for reconsideration or have I just pretty much lost this case and need to move [36:38.140 --> 36:39.140] on? [36:39.140 --> 36:41.820] Well, you only had like 10 days to move. [36:41.820 --> 36:48.300] If you're already in the appeals court, no and you only got 10 days to move for a reconsideration. [36:48.300 --> 36:50.500] Oh, okay. [36:50.500 --> 36:53.500] Well, all right. [36:53.500 --> 36:58.020] Have you filed a notice of intent to appeal? [36:58.020 --> 36:59.020] Okay. [36:59.020 --> 37:02.020] That's the next? [37:02.020 --> 37:07.860] That had to be filed within I think 14 days. [37:07.860 --> 37:12.220] The notice with intent to appeal has to be filed within 14 days. [37:12.220 --> 37:13.220] Yes. [37:13.220 --> 37:14.220] Okay. [37:14.220 --> 37:18.660] So, I pretty much blown my motion for reconsideration. [37:18.660 --> 37:20.140] Just go for notice of appeal. [37:20.140 --> 37:22.100] Wait a minute. [37:22.100 --> 37:25.340] When did you get the order? [37:25.340 --> 37:28.340] The 28th. [37:28.340 --> 37:29.340] Of this month? [37:29.340 --> 37:30.340] Of July. [37:30.340 --> 37:31.340] Oh, July. [37:31.340 --> 37:32.340] So, it's been... [37:32.340 --> 37:36.980] You didn't file a notice of appeal? [37:36.980 --> 37:38.380] No. [37:38.380 --> 37:41.020] When I called you, we had talked about motion for reconsideration. [37:41.020 --> 37:45.100] Yeah, but you only had 14 days. [37:45.100 --> 37:46.100] Okay. [37:46.100 --> 37:47.100] You're close. [37:47.100 --> 37:48.100] Wait a minute. [37:48.100 --> 37:49.100] This is the 11th. [37:49.100 --> 37:50.100] 28th. [37:50.100 --> 37:53.100] 1, 2, 3, 2, 1. [37:53.100 --> 37:54.100] Monday. [37:54.100 --> 37:55.100] Okay. [37:55.100 --> 38:01.580] Get a motion for reconsideration in Monday. [38:01.580 --> 38:04.100] Oh, the reconsideration. [38:04.100 --> 38:05.100] Yes. [38:05.100 --> 38:06.100] Okay. [38:06.100 --> 38:08.100] What about the notice of appeal? [38:08.100 --> 38:10.780] Just do the reconsideration first? [38:10.780 --> 38:12.140] Yes. [38:12.140 --> 38:18.180] That stops the appeal, the notice, the clock on filing a notice of appeal. [38:18.180 --> 38:19.180] Okay. [38:19.180 --> 38:20.180] Okay. [38:20.180 --> 38:21.180] 14 days was yesterday. [38:21.180 --> 38:22.180] It was tomorrow. [38:22.180 --> 38:23.180] Okay. [38:23.180 --> 38:24.180] So, get it in tomorrow. [38:24.180 --> 38:25.180] Okay. [38:25.180 --> 38:26.180] Even if it's incomplete, get it in. [38:26.180 --> 38:27.180] Just get it in. [38:27.180 --> 38:28.180] Okay. [38:28.180 --> 38:29.180] Yeah. [38:29.180 --> 38:30.180] That gets the clock stopped. [38:30.180 --> 38:41.420] Now you got time to get to work on your appeal because you knew he's going to deny this. [38:41.420 --> 38:48.740] So even though I did not declare my declaratory rights for the parties, like you'd said, just [38:48.740 --> 38:53.020] the fact that he's completely lying about the case law, I can still get him on that. [38:53.020 --> 38:54.020] Oh, yeah. [38:54.020 --> 38:55.020] Okay. [38:55.020 --> 38:56.020] Good. [38:56.020 --> 38:58.460] So I have life left in this case. [38:58.460 --> 38:59.460] Absolutely. [38:59.460 --> 39:05.340] But just make sure you get that motion for reconsideration in tomorrow. [39:05.340 --> 39:06.340] Got it. [39:06.340 --> 39:07.340] Yeah. [39:07.340 --> 39:09.340] I'm pretty much done with it. [39:09.340 --> 39:10.340] Okay. [39:10.340 --> 39:11.340] All right. [39:11.340 --> 39:15.460] Last thing I wanted to say is I'm so sorry to hear about Jeff Cedric. [39:15.460 --> 39:18.460] Oh, that was a bummer. [39:18.460 --> 39:22.580] I was actually on holding when you came out with that. [39:22.580 --> 39:25.220] So I wanted to say that. [39:25.220 --> 39:28.580] And he's gotten on there and taught me quite a few lessons. [39:28.580 --> 39:29.580] Yeah. [39:29.580 --> 39:30.580] He was great. [39:30.580 --> 39:35.180] The last time I talked to him, he indicated he was dealing with cancer, but he didn't [39:35.180 --> 39:38.620] indicate how serious it was. [39:38.620 --> 39:41.580] It kind of breaks my heart to lose Jeff. [39:41.580 --> 39:45.540] He used to come on the air and work me over. [39:45.540 --> 39:47.580] He's worked me over a couple of times. [39:47.580 --> 39:49.580] Well, I needed it. [39:49.580 --> 39:51.580] Forget the lessons. [39:51.580 --> 39:52.580] Okay. [39:52.580 --> 39:53.580] Well, I appreciate that. [39:53.580 --> 39:56.580] And we're certainly going to miss Jeff. [39:56.580 --> 39:57.580] Okay. [39:57.580 --> 39:58.580] Thank you. [39:58.580 --> 40:00.580] And I'll call you next week. [40:00.580 --> 40:01.580] All righty. [40:01.580 --> 40:02.580] Okay. [40:02.580 --> 40:05.580] Now we're going to go to Sonny in Georgia. [40:05.580 --> 40:06.580] Hello, Sonny. [40:06.580 --> 40:07.580] Good evening, Randy. [40:07.580 --> 40:10.580] How are you doing? [40:10.580 --> 40:12.580] I'm doing good. [40:12.580 --> 40:14.580] What do you have for us today? [40:14.580 --> 40:21.580] Well, I wanted to see if there are any special tools for extracting the boots of judges out [40:21.580 --> 40:22.580] of your backside. [40:22.580 --> 40:30.580] Yes, there are a lot of tools for that, and Jeff was just talking about a few of them. [40:30.580 --> 40:33.580] So I take it that you went to a traffic court yesterday. [40:33.580 --> 40:34.580] I did. [40:34.580 --> 40:35.580] Was it yesterday? [40:35.580 --> 40:36.580] Yes. [40:36.580 --> 40:37.580] Okay. [40:37.580 --> 40:43.580] How did that go, as if I didn't know already? [40:43.580 --> 40:55.580] It was, I was challenging subject matter jurisdiction, and he just, it was supposed to be a status [40:55.580 --> 41:02.580] hearing along with these motions, and he sort of switched things around by dealing with [41:02.580 --> 41:09.580] all the status hearings things first, and I was just curious as to whether you thought [41:09.580 --> 41:15.580] that was one of those judges' tricks to sort of bypass subject matter jurisdiction, but [41:15.580 --> 41:24.580] if I didn't object to going ahead with the status hearing and that sort of thing, am [41:24.580 --> 41:30.580] I in a way sort of giving him jurisdiction to continue? [41:30.580 --> 41:31.580] Okay. [41:31.580 --> 41:33.580] I have a suggestion. [41:33.580 --> 41:41.580] I want you to appoint me as the judge in your case. [41:41.580 --> 41:42.580] Right. [41:42.580 --> 41:45.580] You can't do that. [41:45.580 --> 41:52.580] You can't give me subject matter jurisdiction if I don't have it. [41:52.580 --> 41:58.580] So there is nothing you can do to give that judge subject matter jurisdiction if he doesn't [41:58.580 --> 41:59.580] have it. [41:59.580 --> 42:09.580] Now, you can give him jurisdiction or impersonal jurisdiction, jurisdiction over yourself, but [42:09.580 --> 42:12.580] you can't give him subject matter jurisdiction, period. [42:12.580 --> 42:19.580] So there's no trick or shenanigan he can pull that will give him subject matter jurisdiction [42:19.580 --> 42:22.580] if he doesn't have it. [42:22.580 --> 42:23.580] Okay. [42:23.580 --> 42:33.580] Can you challenge, if he rules against me on this challenge of subject matter jurisdiction, [42:33.580 --> 42:39.580] can I challenge it again or appeal his decision? [42:39.580 --> 42:45.580] You can definitely appeal, and you can sue the judge. [42:45.580 --> 42:52.580] This is the only time you can sue a judge where he has no immunity is when he acts with [42:52.580 --> 42:55.580] no subject matter jurisdiction. [42:55.580 --> 43:01.580] If he doesn't have subject matter jurisdiction, he is not a judge. [43:01.580 --> 43:08.580] He's just some dude up there huffing and a puffing. [43:08.580 --> 43:09.580] Yeah. [43:09.580 --> 43:19.580] I've got a, I think a pretty good duty of a judicial notice and challenge to subject [43:19.580 --> 43:23.580] matter jurisdiction, which will lay all this out that I want to go file in. [43:23.580 --> 43:33.580] But one of the first things that he did was he lied when I asked him if he had read the [43:33.580 --> 43:35.580] documents in the case. [43:35.580 --> 43:42.580] He said that he did, but he didn't, and he admitted it later when one of the documents [43:42.580 --> 43:43.580] came in. [43:43.580 --> 43:44.580] Wonderful. [43:44.580 --> 43:45.580] Hang on. [43:45.580 --> 43:48.580] We're about to go to break, but we would definitely want to pick this up when we come [43:48.580 --> 43:49.580] back. [43:49.580 --> 43:52.580] This is Randy Kelton, Dervin Stevens, Rule of Law Radio. [43:52.580 --> 43:56.580] Our call in number 512-646-1984. [43:56.580 --> 44:01.580] We'll be right back. [44:01.580 --> 44:02.580] Hello. [44:02.580 --> 44:07.580] My name is Stuart Smith from naturespureorganics.com, and I would like to invite you to come by [44:07.580 --> 44:11.580] our store at 1904 Guadalupe Street, Suite D here in Austin, Texas. [44:11.580 --> 44:15.580] I'm Brave New Books and Chase Payne to see all our fantastic health and wellness products [44:15.580 --> 44:17.580] with your very own eyes. [44:17.580 --> 44:21.580] Have a look at our miracle healing clay that started our adventure in alternative medicine. [44:21.580 --> 44:25.580] Take a peek at some of our other wonderful products, including our Australian emu oil, [44:25.580 --> 44:29.580] lotion candles, olive oil soaps, and colloidal silver and gold. [44:29.580 --> 44:36.580] Call 512-264-4043 or find us online at naturespureorganics.com. [44:36.580 --> 44:42.580] That's 512-264-4043, naturespureorganics.com. [44:42.580 --> 44:46.580] Don't forget to like us on Facebook for information on events and our products. [44:46.580 --> 45:00.580] Naturespureorganics.com. [45:00.580 --> 45:03.580] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [45:03.580 --> 45:09.580] Win your case without an attorney with Juris Dictionary, the affordable, easy-to-understand [45:09.580 --> 45:15.580] 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [45:15.580 --> 45:18.580] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [45:18.580 --> 45:22.580] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [45:22.580 --> 45:27.580] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [45:27.580 --> 45:33.580] Juris Dictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [45:33.580 --> 45:38.580] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [45:38.580 --> 45:42.580] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [45:42.580 --> 45:48.580] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [45:48.580 --> 45:51.580] pro se tactics, and much more. [45:51.580 --> 46:01.580] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [46:01.580 --> 46:29.580] Okay, we are back. [46:29.580 --> 46:38.580] Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Rule of Law Radio, and we're talking to Sonny in Georgia. [46:38.580 --> 46:41.580] I'm a little bit slow because I just picked up another duty, [46:41.580 --> 46:44.580] so I'm having to make sure I get everything done right. [46:44.580 --> 46:48.580] Okay, Sonny, where were we? [46:48.580 --> 46:51.580] I was busy on the break and I lost where we were at. [46:51.580 --> 46:55.580] Oh, the judge lied. Oh, that's wonderful. [46:55.580 --> 47:00.580] Now you need to file a judicial conduct complaint against the judge [47:00.580 --> 47:08.580] and a petition to disqualify for judicial incompetence. [47:08.580 --> 47:14.580] Oh, that'll hurt his feelings. [47:14.580 --> 47:21.580] They are not used to, especially a pro se, taking them to task. [47:21.580 --> 47:29.580] Have you looked at the canons of judicial ethics for Georgia? [47:29.580 --> 47:31.580] No. [47:31.580 --> 47:33.580] You need to dig those out. [47:33.580 --> 47:37.580] You will be surprised at what you'll find in there. [47:37.580 --> 47:51.580] And then file a judicial conduct complaint against him and do it in the verbiage of the canons that he violated. [47:51.580 --> 48:02.580] And him specifically lying to you about a direct question that goes to the adjudication of the case, that's a pretty big deal. [48:02.580 --> 48:07.580] It's a bigger deal for these lower courts. [48:07.580 --> 48:10.580] Ken Magnuson, he's on the air on occasion. [48:10.580 --> 48:18.580] His brother was a municipal court judge for a while, his brother's an attorney. [48:18.580 --> 48:36.580] And he complained that the state commission on judicial conduct never punished elected judges or judges that weren't inferior court judges, that weren't lawyers. [48:36.580 --> 48:51.580] That the only time the state commission on judicial conduct disciplined a judge was if it was a justice of the peace or municipal court judge, which were judges of inferior courts which weren't necessarily lawyers. [48:51.580 --> 48:57.580] He felt like they used these judges for cannon fodder. [48:57.580 --> 49:03.580] And then did everything they could to protect the county and district court judges. [49:03.580 --> 49:06.580] And he was exactly correct. [49:06.580 --> 49:11.580] That's precisely what they do. [49:11.580 --> 49:19.580] Now it hurts a higher level elected judge if he gets judicial conduct complaints. [49:19.580 --> 49:28.580] But they're not as afraid of them as the municipal and justice of the peace court judges are. [49:28.580 --> 49:30.580] It kind of terrifies them. [49:30.580 --> 49:35.580] Because these are guys way further up the ladder than them. [49:35.580 --> 49:41.580] And they feel like they're used for cannon fodder anyway. [49:41.580 --> 49:47.580] So you definitely need to file a judicial conduct complaint against them. [49:47.580 --> 49:49.580] Okay. [49:49.580 --> 49:55.580] To your knowledge, does this guy have a bar card? [49:55.580 --> 49:57.580] Probably so. [49:57.580 --> 50:03.580] Bar grievance as well. [50:03.580 --> 50:04.580] Okay. [50:04.580 --> 50:07.580] Check, run his name on your local bar site. [50:07.580 --> 50:10.580] See if you can find a bar card number. [50:10.580 --> 50:15.580] And go to bargrievance.website. [50:15.580 --> 50:17.580] I've got it up. [50:17.580 --> 50:20.580] And it has the cannons there. [50:20.580 --> 50:25.580] I'm working on a model set of judicial conduct, the judicial cannons. [50:25.580 --> 50:29.580] I don't have those converted to a questionnaire yet. [50:29.580 --> 50:30.580] It's kind of time consuming. [50:30.580 --> 50:35.580] And one of the commodities I have the least of is time. [50:35.580 --> 50:39.580] But I'll try to get that up before long. [50:39.580 --> 50:44.580] And then you can mine through the cannons and make it a lot easier. [50:44.580 --> 50:51.580] But go to bargrievance.website and just go through the questionnaires. [50:51.580 --> 50:57.580] And you'll find while he's acting in the capacity of a judge, [50:57.580 --> 51:06.580] if he's a lawyer, he's probably only got that position because he did have a bar card. [51:06.580 --> 51:14.580] So treat him as if he's acting like a lawyer for the state and stinging good. [51:14.580 --> 51:20.580] A bar grievance and judicial conduct complaint will give him apoplexy. [51:20.580 --> 51:24.580] Okay, that may not win your case for you. [51:24.580 --> 51:34.580] But it's our job to do this so that it might win the case for the next guy. [51:34.580 --> 51:41.580] But, okay, and also you might look at filing a civil action against him. [51:41.580 --> 51:48.580] This is the one thing they probably won't see coming. [51:48.580 --> 51:55.580] Yeah, most of the judges have no idea that they have no judicial immunity [51:55.580 --> 52:00.580] when they lack subject matter jurisdiction. [52:00.580 --> 52:07.580] What was the nature of your claim concerning subject matter jurisdiction? [52:07.580 --> 52:21.580] It was that the United States Code definition of motor vehicle included commerce [52:21.580 --> 52:23.580] as part of the definition, [52:23.580 --> 52:30.580] and the state code definition did not include the definition of commerce. [52:30.580 --> 52:37.580] And so I was saying they did not have subject matter jurisdiction because the officer, [52:37.580 --> 52:43.580] there was just no subject because the officer, since I wasn't in commerce, [52:43.580 --> 52:46.580] he didn't even have probable cause. [52:46.580 --> 52:51.580] Wait a minute, what you said to me contradicted that. [52:51.580 --> 53:06.580] What does the Georgia, okay, did Georgia adopt the Model Federal Transportation Code? [53:06.580 --> 53:08.580] I don't know. [53:08.580 --> 53:10.580] Most all states did. [53:10.580 --> 53:13.580] You'd be pretty sure that they did. [53:13.580 --> 53:22.580] But you may not get to subject matter jurisdiction based on the definition of the term. [53:22.580 --> 53:29.580] You get to subject matter jurisdiction based on your right to travel [53:29.580 --> 53:43.580] as opposed to using the highways for commerce, for commercial purposes. [53:43.580 --> 53:48.580] And I would have to see the pleading to see if I thought it could actually get there, [53:48.580 --> 53:52.580] but it doesn't matter, and that's the good part. [53:52.580 --> 54:06.580] Your pleading essentially challenges the authority of the state of Georgia to regulate a right. [54:06.580 --> 54:11.580] I take it in your pleading you claimed that travel was a right, [54:11.580 --> 54:15.580] and you made the distinction between traveling on the public thoroughfares [54:15.580 --> 54:20.580] and using the public thoroughfares for commerce. [54:20.580 --> 54:24.580] Yes, I had a judicial notice and a brief in support with that. [54:24.580 --> 54:27.580] Okay, so you made that argument. [54:27.580 --> 54:31.580] Sue the judge. [54:31.580 --> 54:34.580] It's relatively easy. [54:34.580 --> 54:38.580] One of the things I'm trying to get to on these sites like bar grievance, [54:38.580 --> 54:46.580] the next thing I'll add to bar grievance, is a tool to build a malpractice suit. [54:46.580 --> 54:51.580] Because it's relatively easy to sue these guys. [54:51.580 --> 54:58.580] And just filing suit stings them big time. [54:58.580 --> 55:04.580] We have some other folks on here who have been sued. [55:04.580 --> 55:09.580] We got Oliver from Tennessee when he filed suit against the city. [55:09.580 --> 55:15.580] And prior to that, as far as they were concerned, he was just a huffing and a puffing. [55:15.580 --> 55:17.580] They were not concerned. [55:17.580 --> 55:24.580] But when he filed suit against them, all of a sudden everybody snapped to attention. [55:24.580 --> 55:28.580] That's when you'll make this serious. [55:28.580 --> 55:31.580] So it's easier than you think. [55:31.580 --> 55:34.580] You know, if you file suit against a judge, [55:34.580 --> 55:41.580] every judge who sees your suit is going to do everything he can to protect that judge [55:41.580 --> 55:45.580] from the effect of your lawsuit. [55:45.580 --> 55:47.580] Maybe. [55:47.580 --> 55:55.580] If he was a county or district judge, that would probably be 100% true. [55:55.580 --> 55:57.580] But this guy's not. [55:57.580 --> 55:59.580] He's cannon fodder. [55:59.580 --> 56:05.580] And there's a chance they'll use him to make it look like they're actually doing their jobs [56:05.580 --> 56:09.580] and just throw him right under the bus. [56:09.580 --> 56:11.580] So... [56:11.580 --> 56:14.580] It's the Superior Court, Judge. [56:14.580 --> 56:19.580] Oh, this wasn't a traffic court? [56:19.580 --> 56:23.580] I've requested a jury trial. [56:23.580 --> 56:29.580] And so since they don't have those in the Superior Court, [56:29.580 --> 56:32.580] they transferred it up to the Superior Court. [56:32.580 --> 56:34.580] Oh, and you had... [56:34.580 --> 56:38.580] Okay, what are the courts in Georgia? [56:38.580 --> 56:42.580] In Texas, we have Municipal and Justice of the Peace. [56:42.580 --> 56:44.580] Those are inferior courts. [56:44.580 --> 56:49.580] Then we have a county court and district court. [56:49.580 --> 56:50.580] Okay. [56:50.580 --> 56:55.580] In Georgia, we have a magistrate court, [56:55.580 --> 57:02.580] which they don't have jury trials and they don't have any type of record or anything. [57:02.580 --> 57:05.580] And it's pretty much a small claims court. [57:05.580 --> 57:12.580] And then the Superior Court has the general jurisdiction over just about... [57:12.580 --> 57:14.580] over everything. [57:14.580 --> 57:15.580] So do you... [57:15.580 --> 57:20.580] Okay, then you don't have two Superior Courts. [57:20.580 --> 57:23.580] You just have one. [57:23.580 --> 57:24.580] Just one. [57:24.580 --> 57:25.580] Yeah, here we've got two. [57:25.580 --> 57:28.580] Okay, so that's even better. [57:28.580 --> 57:31.580] He knew better. [57:31.580 --> 57:33.580] He's just being arrogant. [57:33.580 --> 57:36.580] He probably hates to have to hear tickets, [57:36.580 --> 57:40.580] and he's going to hate it even more when you land on him like a ton of bricks. [57:40.580 --> 57:44.580] Now, if you file suit against this Superior Court judge, [57:44.580 --> 57:49.580] everybody's going to do everything they can to protect it. [57:49.580 --> 57:52.580] Who cares? [57:52.580 --> 57:58.580] Force them to have to do everything they can to protect it. [57:58.580 --> 58:01.580] And they are not going to be happy about it, [58:01.580 --> 58:07.580] because you're going to raise his bond rating dramatically. [58:07.580 --> 58:08.580] So even... [58:08.580 --> 58:13.580] Okay, what we did when we sued a judge claiming he didn't have such a bad jurisdiction, [58:13.580 --> 58:16.580] and he got the county to write his answer, [58:16.580 --> 58:20.580] we sued the county attorney for misappropriation of public funds. [58:20.580 --> 58:28.580] So if the county tries to fall in behind the judge to provide him with legal representation, [58:28.580 --> 58:33.580] you file an amended pleading naming the county for misappropriating public funds, [58:33.580 --> 58:36.580] and that will make things a whole lot more fun. [58:36.580 --> 58:41.580] Hang on, Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, Rule of Law Radio. [58:41.580 --> 58:44.580] I'll call it number 512-646-1984. [58:44.580 --> 58:50.580] We'll be right back. [58:50.580 --> 58:54.580] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, [58:54.580 --> 58:58.580] and religious readers are frustrated because they struggle to understand it. [58:58.580 --> 59:02.580] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, [59:02.580 --> 59:07.580] but in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the Scripture. [59:07.580 --> 59:09.580] Enter the recovery version. [59:09.580 --> 59:13.580] First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, [59:13.580 --> 59:18.580] but the real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. [59:18.580 --> 59:22.580] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way, [59:22.580 --> 59:27.580] dividing an entrance into the riches of the Word beyond which you've ever experienced before. [59:27.580 --> 59:33.580] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking. [59:33.580 --> 59:43.580] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [59:43.580 --> 59:47.580] or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. [59:47.580 --> 59:50.580] That's freestudybible.com. [59:50.580 --> 59:59.580] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com. [59:59.580 --> 01:00:06.580] The following use flash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, [01:00:06.580 --> 01:00:09.580] providing the daily bulletins for the commodities market. [01:00:09.580 --> 01:00:17.580] Today in history, news updates, and the inside scoop into the tides of the alternative. [01:00:17.580 --> 01:00:28.580] Markets for Wednesday, the 10th of August, 2016, are currently trading with gold at $1,346 an ounce, [01:00:28.580 --> 01:00:32.580] silver at $20.13 an ounce, Texas crude at $42.77 a barrel, [01:00:32.580 --> 01:00:42.580] and Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $596 U.S. currency. [01:00:42.580 --> 01:00:47.580] Today in history, the year 1920, following World War I, [01:00:47.580 --> 01:00:51.580] Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI representatives signed the Treaty Sevres, [01:00:51.580 --> 01:00:54.580] which divided up the Ottoman Empire between the Allies, [01:00:54.580 --> 01:00:57.580] who then basically mapped out the Middle East as it is today, [01:00:57.580 --> 01:01:04.580] the surrender and division of the Ottoman Empire, today in history. [01:01:04.580 --> 01:01:08.580] In recent news, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement opened up an investigation [01:01:08.580 --> 01:01:12.580] after Tuesday's tragic shooting of Mary Knowlton, a 73-year-old who was taking part [01:01:12.580 --> 01:01:16.580] in a shoot-don't-shoot exercise with the Punta Gorda Police Department in Florida [01:01:16.580 --> 01:01:19.580] when she was accidentally struck by a live round. [01:01:19.580 --> 01:01:22.580] The police officer who accidentally shot Mary was identified as Lee Cole, [01:01:22.580 --> 01:01:25.580] who has been with the department since March 17, 2014, [01:01:25.580 --> 01:01:29.580] who has been placed on administrative leave while the investigation is underway. [01:01:29.580 --> 01:01:32.580] Police Chief Tom Lewis stated that nobody in their wildest dreams [01:01:32.580 --> 01:01:34.580] thought there was live ammunition in there. [01:01:34.580 --> 01:01:37.580] We were unaware that any live ammunition existed for this kind of weapon. [01:01:37.580 --> 01:01:39.580] We thought only blanks were available. [01:01:39.580 --> 01:01:43.580] The fatal bullet was fired from a revolver that the officer had used before [01:01:43.580 --> 01:01:45.580] in earlier exercises. [01:01:45.580 --> 01:01:48.580] Chief Lewis did assure that the department has protocols in place [01:01:48.580 --> 01:01:50.580] in order to prevent accidental shootings, [01:01:50.580 --> 01:01:58.580] but he declined to go into the details citing the ongoing probe. [01:01:58.580 --> 01:02:01.580] WikiLeaks is offering a $20,000 reward for information [01:02:01.580 --> 01:02:04.580] on the Democratic National Committee staff members. [01:02:04.580 --> 01:02:07.580] Seth Richard, a 27-year-old data analyst for the DNC, [01:02:07.580 --> 01:02:10.580] who was shot and killed early on Sunday morning last month [01:02:10.580 --> 01:02:12.580] in what police are saying was a robbery gone wrong. [01:02:12.580 --> 01:02:15.580] Julian Assange in an interview with a Dutch news program [01:02:15.580 --> 01:02:18.580] implied Seth Rich was the source of the DNC emails, [01:02:18.580 --> 01:02:21.580] which showed an apparent bias in favor of Hillary Clinton [01:02:21.580 --> 01:02:24.580] over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. [01:02:24.580 --> 01:02:26.580] When asked about the reward, WikiLeaks said in a statement, [01:02:26.580 --> 01:02:29.580] quote, we treat threats towards any suspected source of WikiLeaks [01:02:29.580 --> 01:02:32.580] with extreme gravity and should not be taken to imply [01:02:32.580 --> 01:02:34.580] that Seth Rich was a source of two WikiLeaks [01:02:34.580 --> 01:02:40.580] or to imply that his murder is connected to our publications. [01:02:40.580 --> 01:02:43.580] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently done for sponsors. [01:02:43.580 --> 01:02:45.580] Still applying for a service you'd like to advertise with us, [01:02:45.580 --> 01:02:50.580] feel free to give me a call at 210-363-2257. [01:02:50.580 --> 01:03:00.580] This has been Rick Roady with the Lowdown for August 10, 2016. [01:03:00.580 --> 01:03:23.580] Okay. [01:03:23.580 --> 01:03:25.580] We are back. [01:03:25.580 --> 01:03:29.580] Randy Kelton, Debbie Stevens, we need a lot of radio. [01:03:29.580 --> 01:03:32.580] And we're talking to Sonny in Georgia. [01:03:32.580 --> 01:03:37.580] Okay, Sonny, this is only a traffic ticket. [01:03:37.580 --> 01:03:45.580] And this is the best place to learn how to navigate through the legal system. [01:03:45.580 --> 01:03:48.580] It's the cheapest education you can get. [01:03:48.580 --> 01:03:54.580] And suing a district, a superior court judge, [01:03:54.580 --> 01:04:00.580] I guarantee you, when you do that, everybody will snap to attention. [01:04:00.580 --> 01:04:06.580] Good chance you won't be getting any more tickets. [01:04:06.580 --> 01:04:16.580] Well, one of the things that I was wondering is him lying when I asked him [01:04:16.580 --> 01:04:18.580] if he had read the documents and he said yes. [01:04:18.580 --> 01:04:24.580] He later admitted that when the district attorney brought up a motion to strike, [01:04:24.580 --> 01:04:26.580] and he said, oh, I haven't seen that. [01:04:26.580 --> 01:04:28.580] And I confronted him on it right there. [01:04:28.580 --> 01:04:31.580] And I said, well, hey, you said you read all the documents in the file. [01:04:31.580 --> 01:04:35.580] He said, well, what I meant was I just scanned them. [01:04:35.580 --> 01:04:40.580] I just scanned them over. [01:04:40.580 --> 01:04:46.580] Okay, if this is a superior court, it will be a court of record. [01:04:46.580 --> 01:04:49.580] Yes. [01:04:49.580 --> 01:04:51.580] Oh, wonderful. [01:04:51.580 --> 01:04:56.580] You need to request a transcript. [01:04:56.580 --> 01:04:58.580] I already ordered the transcript. [01:04:58.580 --> 01:05:00.580] I'll have it on Monday. [01:05:00.580 --> 01:05:04.580] Oh, wonderful. [01:05:04.580 --> 01:05:08.580] You may change law in Georgia, at least in this area. [01:05:08.580 --> 01:05:11.580] I'll tell you, this is a big deal. [01:05:11.580 --> 01:05:18.580] For a judge to lie on the stand and admit that he didn't bother to read a document, [01:05:18.580 --> 01:05:23.580] you might ask some municipal or inferior court judges, [01:05:23.580 --> 01:05:29.580] how often do you get a challenge to subject matter jurisdiction filed in your court? [01:05:29.580 --> 01:05:33.580] And most of them are going to say, well, I've never heard one, [01:05:33.580 --> 01:05:37.580] or it's going to be extremely rare. [01:05:37.580 --> 01:05:44.580] So you almost never get anything like this, and you get one, you don't bother to even read it? [01:05:44.580 --> 01:05:48.580] Are you kidding me? [01:05:48.580 --> 01:05:54.580] Oh, this is, I love it when they feed themselves to you. [01:05:54.580 --> 01:05:59.580] This judge served himself up to you on a platter. [01:05:59.580 --> 01:06:03.580] Well, I'm also curious as to whether this is a due process violation [01:06:03.580 --> 01:06:07.580] because I was relying on his answer not to, [01:06:07.580 --> 01:06:11.580] because I would have read all the documents into the record right there. [01:06:11.580 --> 01:06:16.580] He denied you in your right to petition the court for redress of grievance. [01:06:16.580 --> 01:06:20.580] This is definitely a procedural due process issue. [01:06:20.580 --> 01:06:27.580] You file this in the federal court, and they are going to get apoplexy. [01:06:27.580 --> 01:06:32.580] Now they have to go to the federal, this judge has to go to the federal court and explain himself. [01:06:32.580 --> 01:06:40.580] Plus, since your challenge was to subject matter jurisdiction, [01:06:40.580 --> 01:06:48.580] and the court failed to even read the pleading, much less provide a proper rebuttal to it, [01:06:48.580 --> 01:06:52.580] then the federal case law is clear. [01:06:52.580 --> 01:06:57.580] He doesn't have any subject matter jurisdiction. [01:06:57.580 --> 01:07:02.580] Okay, you understand how that works, the presumption. [01:07:02.580 --> 01:07:08.580] Let me explain how the presumption of subject matter jurisdiction works. [01:07:08.580 --> 01:07:15.580] This court is sitting here, and it has absolute subject matter jurisdiction over certain kinds of issues. [01:07:15.580 --> 01:07:28.580] However, it only has subject matter jurisdiction if the plaintiff is able to invoke that subject matter jurisdiction. [01:07:28.580 --> 01:07:36.580] When a case is brought to a court, let's say you go down and you file suit in a court, [01:07:36.580 --> 01:07:45.580] if the court has general subject matter jurisdiction over the particular type of subject matter, [01:07:45.580 --> 01:07:51.580] the presumption is that the court has subject matter jurisdiction. [01:07:51.580 --> 01:08:00.580] But it is only a presumption, and the price of presumption will stand until the presumption is challenged. [01:08:00.580 --> 01:08:08.580] Once the presumption of jurisdiction is challenged, jurisdiction is lost and must be proven. [01:08:08.580 --> 01:08:15.580] And it's not the defendant or the plaintiff who must prove subject matter jurisdiction. [01:08:15.580 --> 01:08:17.580] It is the judge. [01:08:17.580 --> 01:08:31.580] Now, the judge can rely on the plaintiff to prove up jurisdiction for him, but it's not the plaintiff's duty. [01:08:31.580 --> 01:08:33.580] It's the judge's duty. [01:08:33.580 --> 01:08:41.580] We had a judge summon this guy to court over a credit card debt collection issue, [01:08:41.580 --> 01:08:47.580] and this is the one where they didn't file the necessary documentation that was statutorily required. [01:08:47.580 --> 01:08:55.580] So we maintained that the plaintiff was unable to invoke the subject matter jurisdiction of the court. [01:08:55.580 --> 01:09:04.580] In your case, you will maintain that the plaintiff was unable to challenge the subject matter jurisdiction of the court. [01:09:04.580 --> 01:09:11.580] I'm sorry. The plaintiff was unable to invoke the subject matter jurisdiction of the court [01:09:11.580 --> 01:09:20.580] because the complaint did not demonstrate all the elements of the crime. [01:09:20.580 --> 01:09:29.580] One of the elements is that you fell within the statutory scheme of operating in commerce on the public surface. [01:09:29.580 --> 01:09:34.580] So while the judge may have general subject matter jurisdiction, [01:09:34.580 --> 01:09:40.580] the judge does not have the legal competence to rule in this instance. [01:09:40.580 --> 01:09:49.580] He doesn't have the legal competence because the plaintiff was unable to invoke his jurisdiction. [01:09:49.580 --> 01:09:53.580] Does that make sense? [01:09:53.580 --> 01:09:55.580] Sort of. [01:09:55.580 --> 01:10:03.580] Okay. When I come to the court, I have to be able to bring a genuine controversy. [01:10:03.580 --> 01:10:13.580] I can go to the court and say, Your Honor, I asked this guy to wash my windows, and he didn't wash my windows, [01:10:13.580 --> 01:10:19.580] and then I pulled out on the street and whacked into a truck because I couldn't see where I was going. [01:10:19.580 --> 01:10:28.580] And the judge is going to say, Huh? Okay. What duty did he have to wash your windows? [01:10:28.580 --> 01:10:30.580] Well, I just wanted him to. [01:10:30.580 --> 01:10:35.580] And the judge is going to say, You can't invoke my subject matter jurisdiction. [01:10:35.580 --> 01:10:42.580] You failed to state a claim on which recovery can be had. [01:10:42.580 --> 01:10:45.580] Okay. That makes sense. [01:10:45.580 --> 01:10:46.580] Yes. [01:10:46.580 --> 01:10:50.580] The other party failed to state a claim on which recovery can be had. [01:10:50.580 --> 01:10:59.580] Failed to bring evidence to show that you fell within the regulatory scheme. [01:10:59.580 --> 01:11:11.580] So the judge cannot exercise his subject matter jurisdiction because it was never invoked. [01:11:11.580 --> 01:11:12.580] Got it. [01:11:12.580 --> 01:11:15.580] Got it. [01:11:15.580 --> 01:11:18.580] And I had judges say, Well, this is ridiculous. [01:11:18.580 --> 01:11:23.580] Of course, I have exclusive subject matter jurisdiction over these issues. [01:11:23.580 --> 01:11:25.580] I had a JP in an eviction hearing. [01:11:25.580 --> 01:11:28.580] I have exclusive jurisdiction over this. [01:11:28.580 --> 01:11:30.580] And he didn't understand. [01:11:30.580 --> 01:11:33.580] Yeah, you do have exclusive jurisdiction over that. [01:11:33.580 --> 01:11:41.580] But your jurisdiction hasn't been properly invoked, so you don't have it yet. [01:11:41.580 --> 01:11:48.580] That is exactly what your claim was in your challenge subject matter jurisdiction. [01:11:48.580 --> 01:11:50.580] That it hadn't been invoked. [01:11:50.580 --> 01:11:55.580] Now, it was the judge's responsibility to prove it up. [01:11:55.580 --> 01:11:56.580] He did not. [01:11:56.580 --> 01:11:59.580] He didn't bother to read your pleading. [01:11:59.580 --> 01:12:07.580] He knew he had some general subject matter jurisdiction over all of this kind of thing. [01:12:07.580 --> 01:12:09.580] So he didn't even bother. [01:12:09.580 --> 01:12:13.580] He provided you with your right to petition the court for redress of grievance. [01:12:13.580 --> 01:12:17.580] And that is a federal due process violation. [01:12:17.580 --> 01:12:21.580] And under Brady, you can sue him. [01:12:21.580 --> 01:12:22.580] Is it Brady? [01:12:22.580 --> 01:12:24.580] Brady's not the one. [01:12:24.580 --> 01:12:26.580] Yeah. [01:12:26.580 --> 01:12:28.580] Hayfer Melo, I think it is. [01:12:28.580 --> 01:12:36.580] Hayfer Melo is the one that says that you can sue a public official when he acts outside his jurisdiction. [01:12:36.580 --> 01:12:39.580] This is five IRS agents who went after this guy. [01:12:39.580 --> 01:12:41.580] And he sued them. [01:12:41.580 --> 01:12:45.580] And they whined that they couldn't be sued because they were public officials. [01:12:45.580 --> 01:12:50.580] And what they did was outside of scope. [01:12:50.580 --> 01:12:54.580] And the court said, absolutely, you can sue them when they act outside of scope. [01:12:54.580 --> 01:13:04.580] In this case, the judge was outside of scope because his jurisdiction had not been invoked. [01:13:04.580 --> 01:13:08.580] Okay. Am I still just rambling or does that make sense? [01:13:08.580 --> 01:13:10.580] Yes, it does. [01:13:10.580 --> 01:13:12.580] It does make sense. [01:13:12.580 --> 01:13:21.580] There was another interesting thing that the next thing that I asked the judge was whether he was under his oath. [01:13:21.580 --> 01:13:28.580] And he just flat out told me he wasn't going to tell me whether he was under his oath. [01:13:28.580 --> 01:13:31.580] And I would just think that... [01:13:31.580 --> 01:13:37.580] That gives you reason to believe that he's not under his oath. [01:13:37.580 --> 01:13:38.580] Yes. [01:13:38.580 --> 01:13:43.580] So have you requested his oath of office? [01:13:43.580 --> 01:13:48.580] Well, he has an oath of office. [01:13:48.580 --> 01:14:05.580] But if he's in an administrative or a military tribunal or martial law court of some type, then he's not going to be under his oath. [01:14:05.580 --> 01:14:10.580] Because if he was, then he would be committing treason. [01:14:10.580 --> 01:14:22.580] Well, this was a case that would normally fall within his statutory jurisdiction. [01:14:22.580 --> 01:14:24.580] So he was under his oath. [01:14:24.580 --> 01:14:27.580] If he has one file, that's really not an issue. [01:14:27.580 --> 01:14:30.580] I wouldn't bring it unless that... [01:14:30.580 --> 01:14:33.580] Well, I wouldn't bring it that way. [01:14:33.580 --> 01:14:36.580] He's under contract to you. [01:14:36.580 --> 01:14:39.580] That's how you get to sue him. [01:14:39.580 --> 01:14:41.580] He's under contract to protect all your rights. [01:14:41.580 --> 01:14:43.580] That's the first thing. [01:14:43.580 --> 01:14:46.580] That upholds the Constitution. [01:14:46.580 --> 01:14:53.580] And you have a procedural due process you're taking to the federal Constitution on this. [01:14:53.580 --> 01:14:55.580] So he's under contract with you. [01:14:55.580 --> 01:14:58.580] Everything essentially is contracted. [01:14:58.580 --> 01:15:06.580] We need Harmon Tater to handle the specifics of how everything's contracted. [01:15:06.580 --> 01:15:11.580] The judge was under contract, and the Constitution is not his contract. [01:15:11.580 --> 01:15:15.580] The oath of office is his contract. [01:15:15.580 --> 01:15:22.580] So he didn't have to answer your question, but he's definitely under it, whether he swore to it or not. [01:15:22.580 --> 01:15:33.580] Because he's acting in the capacity of someone who would have to be bound by their oath in order to stand in those shoes. [01:15:33.580 --> 01:15:37.580] So you can hold him to the oath in any case. [01:15:37.580 --> 01:15:42.580] And in this case, he failed to abide by that oath. [01:15:42.580 --> 01:15:46.580] So you can take him to task for that. [01:15:46.580 --> 01:15:51.580] You sound like you have a great case to sue a judge. [01:15:51.580 --> 01:15:56.580] Oh, there's more. [01:15:56.580 --> 01:16:05.580] Well, once he got on this roll of denying me, he just said that he denied my motion that subject matter jurisdiction. [01:16:05.580 --> 01:16:08.580] And then he just started going through documents in the file. [01:16:08.580 --> 01:16:12.580] You know, motion to strike denied discovery. [01:16:12.580 --> 01:16:14.580] Okay, hold on, hold on. [01:16:14.580 --> 01:16:22.580] Now what you do is you file a motion for reconsideration, like we talked about with Jeff. [01:16:22.580 --> 01:16:31.580] And you do a brief and show where he erred, especially show where he erred in not reading the pleadings. [01:16:31.580 --> 01:16:34.580] And ask him to reconsider. [01:16:34.580 --> 01:16:46.580] And if he fails to reconsider, you know, if he denies that, then you petition for findings of fact and conclusions of law. [01:16:46.580 --> 01:16:49.580] That in order to be able to appeal. [01:16:49.580 --> 01:16:53.580] Okay, hang on. About to go to break. [01:16:53.580 --> 01:16:57.580] I called in number 512-646-1984. [01:16:57.580 --> 01:17:00.580] We'll be right back. [01:17:00.580 --> 01:17:05.580] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters or even lawsuits? [01:17:05.580 --> 01:17:09.580] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [01:17:09.580 --> 01:17:14.580] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you can win too. [01:17:14.580 --> 01:17:20.580] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes. [01:17:20.580 --> 01:17:24.580] What to do when contacted by phone, mail or court summons. [01:17:24.580 --> 01:17:26.580] How to answer letters and phone calls. [01:17:26.580 --> 01:17:28.580] How to get debt collectors out of your credit report. [01:17:28.580 --> 01:17:33.580] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [01:17:33.580 --> 01:17:38.580] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [01:17:38.580 --> 01:17:40.580] Personal consultation is available as well. [01:17:40.580 --> 01:17:46.580] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner. [01:17:46.580 --> 01:17:49.580] Or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [01:17:49.580 --> 01:17:51.580] That's ruleoflawradio.com. [01:17:51.580 --> 01:17:57.580] Or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com. [01:17:57.580 --> 01:18:01.580] To learn how to stop debt collectors now. [01:18:01.580 --> 01:18:06.580] Did you know that the Logos Radio Network is a truly listener-supported radio network? [01:18:06.580 --> 01:18:11.580] On top of the on-air talents, producers and other hardworking individuals working behind the scenes. [01:18:11.580 --> 01:18:15.580] Logos Radio Network is kept on the air by the generous support of listeners like you. [01:18:15.580 --> 01:18:20.580] And we appreciate our loyal listeners making contributions every year in our annual fundraisers. [01:18:20.580 --> 01:18:23.580] Which help keep the lights on and Logos Radio Network on the air. [01:18:23.580 --> 01:18:27.580] Head on over to logosradionetwork.com to make your contribution. [01:18:27.580 --> 01:18:32.580] Every $25 donation enters you for a chance to win prizes from Central Texas Gunworks. [01:18:32.580 --> 01:18:37.580] First prize being a Spiked Skull Lower Receiver, second prize being a Taurus Curve. [01:18:37.580 --> 01:18:39.580] Ten winners will receive gift cards from All About Paper. [01:18:39.580 --> 01:18:45.580] And if you donate your $25 contribution early enough, you will also receive a complimentary jar of My Magic Mud. [01:18:45.580 --> 01:18:50.580] Donations by all major credit cards are accepted as well as contributions by Bitcoin. [01:18:50.580 --> 01:18:52.580] The Logos Radio Network Fundraiser. [01:18:52.580 --> 01:19:02.580] Head on over to logosradionetwork.com for more information and to donate to keep the Logos Radio Network on the air. [01:19:22.580 --> 01:19:35.580] Well, ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again. [01:19:35.580 --> 01:19:40.580] I was blindsided but now I can see your plan. [01:19:40.580 --> 01:19:45.580] You put the fear in my pocket, took the money from my hand. [01:19:45.580 --> 01:19:53.580] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again. [01:19:53.580 --> 01:19:56.580] Ain't gonna fool me. [01:19:56.580 --> 01:19:58.580] Okay, we are back. [01:19:58.580 --> 01:20:04.580] Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, Root of La Radio, and we're talking to Sonny in Georgia. [01:20:04.580 --> 01:20:08.580] And I do need to move along because we've got three more callers and we're running out of time. [01:20:08.580 --> 01:20:15.580] I spent a lot of time on this because this is one of the issues that's, in my estimation, [01:20:15.580 --> 01:20:25.580] some of the most powerful things we as ordinary individuals can do to repair the system. [01:20:25.580 --> 01:20:29.580] We need to remind them that we're the baddest motor scooter in the building. [01:20:29.580 --> 01:20:31.580] They forget that sometimes. [01:20:31.580 --> 01:20:40.580] Sonny, if you stick these guys with a federal lawsuit against a judge, he is going to get apoplexy. [01:20:40.580 --> 01:20:45.580] Okay, you had a couple other things but we need you to move quickly. [01:20:45.580 --> 01:20:46.580] Yes. [01:20:46.580 --> 01:20:51.580] If he just, one of the things that he did was he just flat out, I asked him for a finding a fact [01:20:51.580 --> 01:20:57.580] and conclusion at all at the end and he just flat out said no. [01:20:57.580 --> 01:21:00.580] Wonderful. [01:21:00.580 --> 01:21:06.580] Okay, always never interfere with someone when they're screwing up. [01:21:06.580 --> 01:21:14.580] Since he said no, now you petition the appeals court for writ of mandamus, [01:21:14.580 --> 01:21:19.580] ordering him to provide points and authorities. [01:21:19.580 --> 01:21:27.580] Otherwise, he will be denying you and your right to an effective appeal. [01:21:27.580 --> 01:21:34.580] That makes sense to why I'm asking that, why I'm saying it that way. [01:21:34.580 --> 01:21:37.580] Well, I was just curious if I should... [01:21:37.580 --> 01:21:39.580] Okay, here, let me explain. [01:21:39.580 --> 01:21:48.580] If you don't know precisely why he ruled the way he ruled, how are you going to prepare an appeal? [01:21:48.580 --> 01:21:49.580] I can't. [01:21:49.580 --> 01:21:54.580] Without findings of fact, you're being denied in your right to appeal. [01:21:54.580 --> 01:22:02.580] So you ask the court, the higher court to order him to give you his findings of fact. [01:22:02.580 --> 01:22:07.580] He thinks this is just a ticket and you'll just walk away. [01:22:07.580 --> 01:22:14.580] And since he is an elected judge, this has really hurt him big time. [01:22:14.580 --> 01:22:20.580] That he thinks your minor traffic ticket, bottom of the barrel, [01:22:20.580 --> 01:22:25.580] there is nothing better to hammer one of these guys with. [01:22:25.580 --> 01:22:28.580] Now, if it's a major case, he can expect some blowback, [01:22:28.580 --> 01:22:32.580] but he doesn't expect it from a traffic ticket. [01:22:32.580 --> 01:22:42.580] That's the best one, where he looks around him and he says, I didn't see that coming. [01:22:42.580 --> 01:22:43.580] Okay. [01:22:43.580 --> 01:22:46.580] He threatened to sentence me to jail. [01:22:46.580 --> 01:22:50.580] I think he was trying to discourage me from going to the jury trial. [01:22:50.580 --> 01:22:56.580] And he just said that he could sentence me to 36 months in jail if I was found guilty. [01:22:56.580 --> 01:22:59.580] It doesn't concern me as much as my wife. [01:22:59.580 --> 01:23:04.580] That sort of terrifies her, since we have a bunch of kids. [01:23:04.580 --> 01:23:06.580] Okay, wait a minute. [01:23:06.580 --> 01:23:09.580] Did you consider that... [01:23:09.580 --> 01:23:17.580] Okay, I take it this wasn't a Class C misdemeanor then? [01:23:17.580 --> 01:23:19.580] It was. [01:23:19.580 --> 01:23:21.580] I think they were all misdemeanors. [01:23:21.580 --> 01:23:28.580] I didn't produce my license as soon as the officer wanted, so he arrested me. [01:23:28.580 --> 01:23:32.580] And then it was not having enough change on a trailer, [01:23:32.580 --> 01:23:39.580] on a piece of equipment, and not having enough tread on a tire. [01:23:39.580 --> 01:23:44.580] These are all traffic citations. [01:23:44.580 --> 01:23:50.580] How could he sentence you to 36 months? [01:23:50.580 --> 01:23:51.580] I don't know. [01:23:51.580 --> 01:23:57.580] He just said, he said, I can sentence you to 36 months in jail. [01:23:57.580 --> 01:24:00.580] He said, I'm not saying I'm going to do that, but he said... [01:24:00.580 --> 01:24:04.580] Witness tampering. [01:24:04.580 --> 01:24:08.580] That's witness tampering. [01:24:08.580 --> 01:24:09.580] Okay. [01:24:09.580 --> 01:24:16.580] He's attempting to deny you your access to the courts by threatening you with what he could possibly do. [01:24:16.580 --> 01:24:19.580] It makes no difference what he can or cannot do. [01:24:19.580 --> 01:24:25.580] If he uses that to try to prevent you from testifying before the court to seek justice, [01:24:25.580 --> 01:24:31.580] that's witness tampering. [01:24:31.580 --> 01:24:32.580] Okay. [01:24:32.580 --> 01:24:37.580] You need to figure out how he got to 36 months in jail. [01:24:37.580 --> 01:24:39.580] That is a big deal. [01:24:39.580 --> 01:24:43.580] That's like a police officer pulling his pistol on me. [01:24:43.580 --> 01:24:49.580] That is a big deal. [01:24:49.580 --> 01:24:50.580] Okay. [01:24:50.580 --> 01:24:52.580] You really need to research that. [01:24:52.580 --> 01:24:54.580] How did he get to 36 months in jail? [01:24:54.580 --> 01:24:58.580] These all sound like traffic issues. [01:24:58.580 --> 01:25:00.580] Yes. [01:25:00.580 --> 01:25:02.580] I'm pretty sure that they're just misdemeanors. [01:25:02.580 --> 01:25:06.580] I think he even said that in court. [01:25:06.580 --> 01:25:07.580] That's a big deal. [01:25:07.580 --> 01:25:10.580] That is a really big deal. [01:25:10.580 --> 01:25:16.580] If I point my gun at you and tell you I can shoot you, that's a big deal. [01:25:16.580 --> 01:25:21.580] He pointed his legal gun at you and told you he could shoot you and how hard he could shoot you. [01:25:21.580 --> 01:25:25.580] That is a big deal. [01:25:25.580 --> 01:25:27.580] I would think it's a threat. [01:25:27.580 --> 01:25:31.580] That's exactly what I would consider it. [01:25:31.580 --> 01:25:33.580] Obstruction of justice. [01:25:33.580 --> 01:25:37.580] You're bound to have an obstruction of justice statute and witness tampering. [01:25:37.580 --> 01:25:40.580] You're generally right together. [01:25:40.580 --> 01:25:47.580] In Texas, it's 3605, 3606, tampering obstruction. [01:25:47.580 --> 01:25:52.580] You should definitely look those up. [01:25:52.580 --> 01:25:53.580] Okay. [01:25:53.580 --> 01:25:55.580] Look them up. [01:25:55.580 --> 01:25:56.580] Let us know. [01:25:56.580 --> 01:25:59.580] If you have time, call back tomorrow night. [01:25:59.580 --> 01:26:05.580] This is a big deal. [01:26:05.580 --> 01:26:06.580] I need to get moving. [01:26:06.580 --> 01:26:09.580] I've got three more calls and I'm going to run out of time. [01:26:09.580 --> 01:26:10.580] Okay. [01:26:10.580 --> 01:26:11.580] Thanks so much, Randy. [01:26:11.580 --> 01:26:12.580] Okay. [01:26:12.580 --> 01:26:14.580] Call us back tomorrow night. [01:26:14.580 --> 01:26:15.580] Okay. [01:26:15.580 --> 01:26:16.580] All right. [01:26:16.580 --> 01:26:17.580] Okay. [01:26:16.580 --> 01:26:17.580] Bye-bye. [01:26:16.580 --> 01:26:17.580] Good night, Sonny. [01:26:17.580 --> 01:26:18.580] Okay. [01:26:18.580 --> 01:26:19.580] Now we're going to go to Larry in Arizona. [01:26:19.580 --> 01:26:20.580] Hello, Larry. [01:26:20.580 --> 01:26:22.580] What do you have for us tonight? [01:26:22.580 --> 01:26:24.580] How are you doing, Randy? [01:26:24.580 --> 01:26:29.580] I just have a few more questions about filing this federal lawsuit. [01:26:29.580 --> 01:26:38.580] I was reading a lot of cases and I read one a couple of nights ago where they were suing [01:26:38.580 --> 01:26:46.580] the officer personally and officially, plus the department, all in the same suit. [01:26:46.580 --> 01:26:49.580] Yeah, you can do that. [01:26:49.580 --> 01:26:55.580] But are you actually stinging the officer personally by doing that? [01:26:55.580 --> 01:26:56.580] Yes. [01:26:56.580 --> 01:26:59.580] Are you going to take money out of his pocket? [01:26:59.580 --> 01:27:00.580] Yes. [01:27:00.580 --> 01:27:01.580] You are? [01:27:01.580 --> 01:27:02.580] Okay. [01:27:02.580 --> 01:27:07.580] I mean, I don't know how the award is divvied up if you get an award. [01:27:07.580 --> 01:27:12.580] The jury will tend to do that. [01:27:12.580 --> 01:27:17.580] It depends on how egregious the claim is. [01:27:17.580 --> 01:27:21.580] The jury has ultimate control over how they do this. [01:27:21.580 --> 01:27:30.580] They can say, well, yeah, the officer acted improperly, but we're not going to gig him [01:27:30.580 --> 01:27:31.580] very hard. [01:27:31.580 --> 01:27:35.580] We're going to assign him, say, 1% liability. [01:27:35.580 --> 01:27:37.580] And that's generally what they'll do. [01:27:37.580 --> 01:27:42.580] They'll assign percentages of liability. [01:27:42.580 --> 01:27:50.580] So if you really don't want to sting the lawyer real hard, I mean, the officer real hard, [01:27:50.580 --> 01:27:58.580] you make the claim against him and then don't adjudicate it well. [01:27:58.580 --> 01:27:59.580] Okay. [01:27:59.580 --> 01:28:04.580] You can adjust that, but we have a due to you and I. [01:28:04.580 --> 01:28:07.580] I'm going after the city that I live in and I don't want to. [01:28:07.580 --> 01:28:12.580] I know all those guys and for the most part, I like those people. [01:28:12.580 --> 01:28:18.580] But they got a Scheister lawyer and the Scheister lawyer screwed it up really bad. [01:28:18.580 --> 01:28:22.580] And I told them, you know, I don't mind having this kind of fight, but I don't want to have [01:28:22.580 --> 01:28:24.580] it here. [01:28:24.580 --> 01:28:30.580] And I'm in a quandary because this is my job. [01:28:30.580 --> 01:28:36.580] I don't get to not have this fight just because I don't want to. [01:28:36.580 --> 01:28:40.580] That's exactly what I complain about with the government officials. [01:28:40.580 --> 01:28:41.580] Do your job. [01:28:41.580 --> 01:28:44.580] I don't care what you think about it. [01:28:44.580 --> 01:28:46.580] So now it's your turn, Larry. [01:28:46.580 --> 01:28:48.580] Do your job. [01:28:48.580 --> 01:28:49.580] Okay. [01:28:49.580 --> 01:28:52.580] Let the jury decide how much liability the officer should have. [01:28:52.580 --> 01:28:54.580] And I'm being presumptuous here. [01:28:54.580 --> 01:28:58.580] I don't know if that was really your concern. [01:28:58.580 --> 01:28:59.580] Okay. [01:28:59.580 --> 01:29:02.580] I was just curious how it got divvied up. [01:29:02.580 --> 01:29:06.580] The jury will split that up however they want to. [01:29:06.580 --> 01:29:07.580] Okay. [01:29:07.580 --> 01:29:11.580] When I was arrested and, you know, I went through asking them if I was going to the [01:29:11.580 --> 01:29:16.580] magistrate and things, I also asked this guy if I could take my prescription drugs with [01:29:16.580 --> 01:29:17.580] me. [01:29:17.580 --> 01:29:21.580] And he said, absolutely not. [01:29:21.580 --> 01:29:24.580] Now, is that worth mentioning in my suit? [01:29:24.580 --> 01:29:26.580] Absolutely. [01:29:26.580 --> 01:29:27.580] Hang on. [01:29:27.580 --> 01:29:32.580] Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Rue La Radio will pick this up on the other side. [01:29:32.580 --> 01:29:37.580] But if these are drugs that you need on a regular basis, that can be a really, [01:29:37.580 --> 01:29:40.580] really big deal. [01:29:40.580 --> 01:29:41.580] So hang on. [01:29:41.580 --> 01:29:43.580] Oliver, Mike, I see you there. [01:29:43.580 --> 01:29:45.580] I'll try to get to everybody. [01:29:45.580 --> 01:30:00.580] You'll be right back. [01:30:00.580 --> 01:30:01.580] Pain in the neck? [01:30:01.580 --> 01:30:03.580] It's ginger to the rescue. [01:30:03.580 --> 01:30:07.580] The same herb that puts a zing in your tea and the snap in your ginger snaps can [01:30:07.580 --> 01:30:09.580] actually zap your painful muscle aches too. [01:30:09.580 --> 01:30:13.580] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be back in a moment to tell you more. [01:30:13.580 --> 01:30:17.580] Your search engine is watching you, recording all your searches and creating a [01:30:17.580 --> 01:30:20.580] massive database of your personal information. [01:30:20.580 --> 01:30:21.580] That's creepy. [01:30:21.580 --> 01:30:23.580] But it doesn't have to be that way. [01:30:23.580 --> 01:30:26.580] Startpage.com is the world's most private search engine. [01:30:26.580 --> 01:30:30.580] Startpage doesn't store your IP address, make a record of your searches or use [01:30:30.580 --> 01:30:33.580] tracking cookies and they're third party certified. [01:30:33.580 --> 01:30:37.580] If you don't like big brother spying on you, start over with Startpage. [01:30:37.580 --> 01:30:40.580] Great search results and total privacy. [01:30:40.580 --> 01:30:43.580] Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:30:43.580 --> 01:30:46.580] Got a nagging ache that just won't go away? [01:30:46.580 --> 01:30:48.580] You might want to head for the produce aisle. [01:30:48.580 --> 01:30:52.580] Ginger, the herb used in gingerbread cookies and Indian curry, can also put an [01:30:52.580 --> 01:30:53.580] end to pain. [01:30:53.580 --> 01:30:57.580] Medical studies show ginger relieves pain and inflammation like aspirin and [01:30:57.580 --> 01:31:00.580] ibuprofen do, but without the worrisome side effects. [01:31:00.580 --> 01:31:04.580] Big pharma remedies can trigger stomach upset, gastrointestinal bleeding and [01:31:04.580 --> 01:31:05.580] ulcers. [01:31:05.580 --> 01:31:06.580] Ginger? [01:31:06.580 --> 01:31:07.580] Well, it just tastes great. [01:31:07.580 --> 01:31:11.580] Researchers say one or two teaspoons of ginger daily, raw or heated, can provide [01:31:11.580 --> 01:31:15.580] natural relief for even the deep pain of osteoarthritis. [01:31:15.580 --> 01:31:17.580] So put down the aspirin bottle and reach for the ginger. [01:31:17.580 --> 01:31:21.580] It's natural, it's delicious and it works wonders. [01:31:21.580 --> 01:31:22.580] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:31:22.580 --> 01:31:30.580] More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31:30.580 --> 01:31:35.580] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of [01:31:35.580 --> 01:31:36.580] September 11. [01:31:36.580 --> 01:31:38.580] The government says that fire brought it down. [01:31:38.580 --> 01:31:42.580] However, 1,500 architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled [01:31:42.580 --> 01:31:43.580] demolition. [01:31:43.580 --> 01:31:46.580] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives. [01:31:46.580 --> 01:31:48.580] Thousands of my fellow first responders are dying. [01:31:48.580 --> 01:31:50.580] I'm not a conspiracy theorist. [01:31:50.580 --> 01:31:51.580] I'm a structural engineer. [01:31:51.580 --> 01:31:52.580] I'm a New York City correctional. [01:31:52.580 --> 01:31:53.580] I'm an Air Force pilot. [01:31:53.580 --> 01:31:55.580] I'm a father who lost his son. [01:31:55.580 --> 01:31:57.580] We're Americans and we deserve the truth. [01:31:57.580 --> 01:32:07.580] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today. [01:32:27.580 --> 01:32:42.580] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. [01:32:42.580 --> 01:33:04.580] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, [01:33:04.580 --> 01:33:26.580] LogosRadioNetwork.com. [01:33:26.580 --> 01:33:27.580] Okay. [01:33:27.580 --> 01:33:28.580] We are back. [01:33:28.580 --> 01:33:35.580] Randy Kalten, Denver Stevens, Radio, and we're talking to Larry in Arizona. [01:33:35.580 --> 01:33:38.580] Okay, Larry, where were we? [01:33:38.580 --> 01:33:43.580] The officer denying me having my prescription drugs. [01:33:43.580 --> 01:33:51.580] Oh, you know, I had a grandfather-in-law when I first got married. [01:33:51.580 --> 01:33:59.580] My wife's grandfather was arrested for driving while under the influence. [01:33:59.580 --> 01:34:02.580] And they threw him in jail. [01:34:02.580 --> 01:34:04.580] He almost died. [01:34:04.580 --> 01:34:12.580] Somebody walked in there and noticed that he had a sweet smell to him. [01:34:12.580 --> 01:34:17.580] And they said, holy crap, this is a diabetes coma. [01:34:17.580 --> 01:34:22.580] And they got him to the hospital and they managed to save his life, but he almost died. [01:34:22.580 --> 01:34:32.580] If you have prescription drugs that you need to take and these officers, you know, [01:34:32.580 --> 01:34:37.580] they've got this war on drugs thing going on and no matter what they are, [01:34:37.580 --> 01:34:38.580] they consider them illegal. [01:34:38.580 --> 01:34:48.580] I would consider that putting my life in unnecessary jeopardy. [01:34:48.580 --> 01:34:49.580] Okay. [01:34:49.580 --> 01:34:56.580] But it depends on what the drugs are, if there's something that you have to take. [01:34:56.580 --> 01:34:58.580] Blood pressure medication. [01:34:58.580 --> 01:35:00.580] Pardon me? [01:35:00.580 --> 01:35:02.580] Blood pressure medication. [01:35:02.580 --> 01:35:11.580] Oh, then it's not like it's a controlled substance that the other inmates [01:35:11.580 --> 01:35:15.580] will want to steal from you and get high on. [01:35:15.580 --> 01:35:22.580] I mean, they may get high, but they're just blow a gasket. [01:35:22.580 --> 01:35:29.580] Would not taking the blood pressure medicine cause an acute problem? [01:35:29.580 --> 01:35:32.580] I'd have to check with an MD for sure. [01:35:32.580 --> 01:35:36.580] But yeah, I mean, it keeps it down so you don't have a stroke or something. [01:35:36.580 --> 01:35:38.580] Depends on how acute it is. [01:35:38.580 --> 01:35:48.580] If it's not something that's immediate, I wouldn't take on an issue just because I can. [01:35:48.580 --> 01:35:49.580] Okay. [01:35:49.580 --> 01:35:50.580] That's what I wanted to ask you. [01:35:50.580 --> 01:35:52.580] I'll pass on that one. [01:35:52.580 --> 01:35:53.580] Okay. [01:35:53.580 --> 01:35:56.580] One last question here. [01:35:56.580 --> 01:36:03.580] This officer testified that no law enforcement in this county abides by the law [01:36:03.580 --> 01:36:06.580] of taking you to the magistrate. [01:36:06.580 --> 01:36:09.580] Besides going after the sheriff's department, [01:36:09.580 --> 01:36:14.580] do I want to list the county board of supervisors in this case? [01:36:14.580 --> 01:36:19.580] Well, the question to the officer would be, and this is a question I just asked a clerk today [01:36:19.580 --> 01:36:23.580] when she told me that a ticket falls under the Open Records Act. [01:36:23.580 --> 01:36:29.580] I said, who told you that? [01:36:29.580 --> 01:36:32.580] And she took a big step back. [01:36:32.580 --> 01:36:37.580] Well, tickets, it's not in court yet, so it falls under Open Records. [01:36:37.580 --> 01:36:40.580] Who told you that? [01:36:40.580 --> 01:36:50.580] Will she talk to the attorney general and to some association for municipalities? [01:36:50.580 --> 01:36:53.580] Who specifically did you talk to? [01:36:53.580 --> 01:36:58.580] And she looked like a deer in the headlights. [01:36:58.580 --> 01:37:05.580] She didn't know yet who I was since she was doing song and dance and seltzer down your pants. [01:37:05.580 --> 01:37:12.580] I want to know who trained this officer to act improperly. [01:37:12.580 --> 01:37:14.580] I don't care what his opinion is about. [01:37:14.580 --> 01:37:19.580] I don't care how long he's been doing his job wrong. [01:37:19.580 --> 01:37:26.580] That practice may take on the appearance of law, but it never takes on the authority of law. [01:37:26.580 --> 01:37:32.580] If he didn't bring you to the magistrate, you want to know who told him not to. [01:37:32.580 --> 01:37:36.580] Specifically, not some vague general, oh, blah, blah, blah. [01:37:36.580 --> 01:37:37.580] This is how we do things. [01:37:37.580 --> 01:37:41.580] Who told you that specifically? [01:37:41.580 --> 01:37:47.580] I want that guy because I'm going to fight against him. [01:37:47.580 --> 01:37:53.580] And if he doesn't tell you, it's either if he's a sheriff's deputy, it's sheriff. [01:37:53.580 --> 01:37:57.580] If he's a municipal officer, it's chief of police. [01:37:57.580 --> 01:38:01.580] So you make the specific accusation against the chief of police. [01:38:01.580 --> 01:38:03.580] Okay. [01:38:03.580 --> 01:38:06.580] How would you construe this? [01:38:06.580 --> 01:38:22.580] They continuously violate law and use their activities to generate revenue for the county. [01:38:22.580 --> 01:38:24.580] Smacks of Rico to me. [01:38:24.580 --> 01:38:30.580] Predicate acts in furtherance of an ongoing criminal conspiracy. [01:38:30.580 --> 01:38:38.580] How else do you spice that up? [01:38:38.580 --> 01:38:40.580] This is a criminal conspiracy to commit. [01:38:40.580 --> 01:38:50.580] Does that change the format that I would sue under instead of going under Title 83 when I go into Rico? [01:38:50.580 --> 01:38:52.580] Rico is much more powerful. [01:38:52.580 --> 01:39:02.580] It's more difficult to file, but in looking at how local governments do what they do, [01:39:02.580 --> 01:39:07.580] Rico always seems more appropriate. [01:39:07.580 --> 01:39:15.580] Because in Texas, we have our Rico statute is essentially a street gang statute [01:39:15.580 --> 01:39:27.580] where you have a recognizable hierarchy in a group of people who participated in ongoing criminal conspiracy. [01:39:27.580 --> 01:39:30.580] It's exactly what this is. [01:39:30.580 --> 01:39:34.580] Now, the fact that one of them has been elected as a sheriff and another as a judge, [01:39:34.580 --> 01:39:39.580] that doesn't have anything to do with them acting outside the scope of their authority. [01:39:39.580 --> 01:39:43.580] And violating law is not within scope. [01:39:43.580 --> 01:39:50.580] So you could make the same claim in a 1983 suit, [01:39:50.580 --> 01:39:58.580] but Rico opens the door to coming back at them criminally. [01:39:58.580 --> 01:40:01.580] We had a federal judge in Oklahoma tell us, [01:40:01.580 --> 01:40:06.580] when you file a Rico suit, it's like dropping an atomic bomb. [01:40:06.580 --> 01:40:09.580] You scare everybody. [01:40:09.580 --> 01:40:16.580] But then it is a lot more difficult to prepare an adjudicated Rico suit. [01:40:16.580 --> 01:40:17.580] Okay. [01:40:17.580 --> 01:40:20.580] Well, I'll let you get onto your other callers, and I'll give you a call tomorrow. [01:40:20.580 --> 01:40:24.580] Because this is, I mean, if I do this as a private attorney general, [01:40:24.580 --> 01:40:31.580] I ran the numbers, and the numbers come out to over $5 billion. [01:40:31.580 --> 01:40:36.580] That'll work. [01:40:36.580 --> 01:40:40.580] But let me talk to you tomorrow, and I'll let you get onto your last two callers here tonight. [01:40:40.580 --> 01:40:41.580] Okay. [01:40:41.580 --> 01:40:42.580] Thank you, Larry. [01:40:42.580 --> 01:40:43.580] Okay. [01:40:43.580 --> 01:40:44.580] Now we're going to go to Oliver in Tennessee. [01:40:44.580 --> 01:40:45.580] Hello, Oliver. [01:40:45.580 --> 01:40:48.580] And sorry to get to you so late. [01:40:48.580 --> 01:40:49.580] It's all right. [01:40:49.580 --> 01:40:53.580] I know how it is. [01:40:53.580 --> 01:40:56.580] When I was a, remember, remember? [01:40:56.580 --> 01:40:57.580] Okay. [01:40:57.580 --> 01:41:10.580] I went to go see my public defender again, and I got him on tape warning me [01:41:10.580 --> 01:41:19.580] about what the DBA is thinking about doing about filing perjury charges against me. [01:41:19.580 --> 01:41:20.580] Oh, wonderful. [01:41:20.580 --> 01:41:21.580] Okay. [01:41:21.580 --> 01:41:25.580] Here's the way I look at that. [01:41:25.580 --> 01:41:34.580] If you have reasonable probable cause to believe that I have committed a crime, [01:41:34.580 --> 01:41:37.580] file a complaint. [01:41:37.580 --> 01:41:41.580] Don't come stand in front of me huffing and puffing and waving your arms [01:41:41.580 --> 01:41:48.580] and railing righteous indignation, because I take that as a threat. [01:41:48.580 --> 01:41:56.580] So it sounds like someone is threatening you with malicious prosecution in order [01:41:56.580 --> 01:42:00.580] to prevent you from exercising your rights. [01:42:00.580 --> 01:42:03.580] Is that the way you see this? [01:42:03.580 --> 01:42:05.580] Okay. [01:42:05.580 --> 01:42:06.580] That's retaliation. [01:42:06.580 --> 01:42:10.580] That's a felony in every state. [01:42:10.580 --> 01:42:11.580] Right. [01:42:11.580 --> 01:42:18.580] You know, if I go to court and I go in there and I do something, [01:42:18.580 --> 01:42:22.580] and then I have somebody say to me, oh, man, you really have to be careful. [01:42:22.580 --> 01:42:25.580] You can really get in trouble with this. [01:42:25.580 --> 01:42:27.580] 911. [01:42:27.580 --> 01:42:29.580] 911 immediately. [01:42:29.580 --> 01:42:31.580] You're not giving me fair warning. [01:42:31.580 --> 01:42:37.580] You're threatening me, and I don't take threats lately. [01:42:37.580 --> 01:42:42.580] When I'm threatened in order to prevent me from adjudicating my rights, [01:42:42.580 --> 01:42:44.580] that's obstruction of justice. [01:42:44.580 --> 01:42:49.580] Every state has a law against obstruction of justice. [01:42:49.580 --> 01:42:51.580] Right. [01:42:51.580 --> 01:42:56.580] Who told you this? [01:42:56.580 --> 01:42:57.580] Say that again? [01:42:57.580 --> 01:43:04.580] Who told you that the prosecuting attorney was considering aggravated [01:43:04.580 --> 01:43:07.580] perjury charges? [01:43:07.580 --> 01:43:09.580] It's my public defender. [01:43:09.580 --> 01:43:12.580] I'm going to wrap it up, though, because my situation has taken up a lot of [01:43:12.580 --> 01:43:15.580] time, and I'm going to call you tomorrow so we can get into it. [01:43:15.580 --> 01:43:18.580] But I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be seeing you. [01:43:18.580 --> 01:43:21.580] Oh, you public defender. [01:43:21.580 --> 01:43:23.580] How wonderful. [01:43:23.580 --> 01:43:25.580] Wait, Randy, wait. [01:43:25.580 --> 01:43:26.580] Don't go too far. [01:43:26.580 --> 01:43:29.580] I'm going to call you tomorrow to go over all of it. [01:43:29.580 --> 01:43:31.580] I just want to give you some bombs right quick. [01:43:31.580 --> 01:43:32.580] So he told me that. [01:43:32.580 --> 01:43:34.580] So I told him, I said, okay, you want to stay with me? [01:43:34.580 --> 01:43:36.580] I said, you're playing with the wrong one. [01:43:36.580 --> 01:43:40.580] I said, I'm filing another lawsuit tomorrow anyway. [01:43:40.580 --> 01:43:46.580] So what I did was I went and filed another lawsuit, and now everybody's going, [01:43:46.580 --> 01:43:47.580] like, what? [01:43:47.580 --> 01:43:48.580] It was 48. [01:43:48.580 --> 01:43:49.580] Okay, wait. [01:43:49.580 --> 01:43:50.580] Hold on. [01:43:50.580 --> 01:43:51.580] About to go to break. [01:43:51.580 --> 01:43:54.580] Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Real Law Radio. [01:43:54.580 --> 01:44:00.580] We'll be right back. [01:44:00.580 --> 01:44:03.580] At Capital Coin and Bullion, our mission is to be your preferred shopping [01:44:03.580 --> 01:44:07.580] destination by delivering excellent customer service and outstanding value at [01:44:07.580 --> 01:44:08.580] an affordable price. [01:44:08.580 --> 01:44:12.580] We provide a wide assortment of favorite products featuring a great selection of [01:44:12.580 --> 01:44:14.580] high quality coins and precious metals. [01:44:14.580 --> 01:44:17.580] We cater to beginners in coin collecting as well as large transactions for [01:44:17.580 --> 01:44:18.580] investors. [01:44:18.580 --> 01:44:22.580] We believe in educating our customers with resources from top accredited metals [01:44:22.580 --> 01:44:23.580] dealers and journalists. [01:44:23.580 --> 01:44:26.580] If we don't have what you're looking for, we can find it. [01:44:26.580 --> 01:44:30.580] In addition, we carry popular Young Jeopardy products such as Beyond Tangy [01:44:30.580 --> 01:44:31.580] Tangerine and Polymbers. [01:44:31.580 --> 01:44:35.580] We also offer One World Way, Mountain House Storable Foods, Berkey Water [01:44:35.580 --> 01:44:38.580] Products, ammunition at 10% above wholesale, and more. [01:44:38.580 --> 01:44:42.580] We broker metals, IRA accounts, and we also accept Bitcoins as payment. [01:44:42.580 --> 01:44:45.580] Call us at 512-646-6440. [01:44:45.580 --> 01:44:49.580] We're located at 7304 Burnett Road, Suite A, about a half mile south of [01:44:49.580 --> 01:44:50.580] Anderson. [01:44:50.580 --> 01:44:53.580] We're open Monday through Friday 10 to 6, Saturdays 10 to 2. [01:44:53.580 --> 01:45:00.580] Visit us at capitalcoinandbullying.com or call 512-646-6440. [01:45:00.580 --> 01:45:03.580] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:03.580 --> 01:45:07.580] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, [01:45:07.580 --> 01:45:13.580] easy to understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, [01:45:13.580 --> 01:45:14.580] step by step. [01:45:14.580 --> 01:45:18.580] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:45:18.580 --> 01:45:22.580] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:22.580 --> 01:45:27.580] Thousands have won with our step by step course, and now you can too. [01:45:27.580 --> 01:45:32.580] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case [01:45:32.580 --> 01:45:33.580] winning experience. [01:45:33.580 --> 01:45:37.580] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should [01:45:37.580 --> 01:45:42.580] understand about the principles and practices that control our American [01:45:42.580 --> 01:45:43.580] courts. [01:45:43.580 --> 01:45:48.580] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for [01:45:48.580 --> 01:45:52.580] civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more. [01:45:52.580 --> 01:45:57.580] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free [01:45:57.580 --> 01:46:00.580] 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:00.580 --> 01:46:23.580] Okay. [01:46:23.580 --> 01:46:24.580] We are back. [01:46:24.580 --> 01:46:28.580] Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens with Rule of Law Radio, and we're talking to [01:46:28.580 --> 01:46:30.580] Oliver in Tennessee. [01:46:30.580 --> 01:46:31.580] Hello, Oliver. [01:46:31.580 --> 01:46:32.580] Okay. [01:46:32.580 --> 01:46:34.580] You're having way too much fun, Oliver. [01:46:34.580 --> 01:46:36.580] I'm telling you, man, he threatened me. [01:46:36.580 --> 01:46:37.580] I looked at him. [01:46:37.580 --> 01:46:40.580] I said, you don't know who you're talking to, do you? [01:46:40.580 --> 01:46:44.580] I said, I would have everybody in their momma in court. [01:46:44.580 --> 01:46:47.580] I said, tell him, good luck. [01:46:47.580 --> 01:46:48.580] Try it. [01:46:48.580 --> 01:46:51.580] As a matter of fact, I'm going to finish up this lawsuit tonight and file it [01:46:51.580 --> 01:46:52.580] tomorrow. [01:46:52.580 --> 01:46:53.580] And I looked at him. [01:46:53.580 --> 01:46:54.580] He was like, huh? [01:46:54.580 --> 01:46:56.580] I said, yeah, I'm on page 36. [01:46:56.580 --> 01:46:57.580] He said, page 36. [01:46:57.580 --> 01:47:00.580] I said, yeah, page 36 of my lawsuit. [01:47:00.580 --> 01:47:02.580] His eyes went up and went down. [01:47:02.580 --> 01:47:04.580] He just turned red. [01:47:04.580 --> 01:47:06.580] I said, you like another one? [01:47:06.580 --> 01:47:08.580] He said, yeah, I have another one. [01:47:08.580 --> 01:47:10.580] I'm like, you want to threaten? [01:47:10.580 --> 01:47:12.580] I'm like, you think threats mean anything? [01:47:12.580 --> 01:47:13.580] Watch what happened tomorrow. [01:47:13.580 --> 01:47:14.580] I filed it today. [01:47:14.580 --> 01:47:17.580] When I went in there and filed it today, all the clerks in the back were like, [01:47:17.580 --> 01:47:18.580] wow. [01:47:18.580 --> 01:47:20.580] You know, they never had nothing this big. [01:47:20.580 --> 01:47:22.580] You know what I mean? [01:47:22.580 --> 01:47:24.580] They all looking at each other like, wow. [01:47:24.580 --> 01:47:28.580] You know, they remember me coming up, they're talking about filing these papers [01:47:28.580 --> 01:47:31.580] for don't need no license and everything. [01:47:31.580 --> 01:47:32.580] And they're looking at me crazy. [01:47:32.580 --> 01:47:33.580] Like, everybody need a license. [01:47:33.580 --> 01:47:36.580] I'm like, listen, man, okay, just file my paperwork or whatever. [01:47:36.580 --> 01:47:37.580] I'm going to take care of this. [01:47:37.580 --> 01:47:41.580] So eventually, going through the court system, they see me beat the charges. [01:47:41.580 --> 01:47:49.580] They say, now I'm on the other side of the hat, filing $200,000 lawsuits against [01:47:49.580 --> 01:47:51.580] the city and officers. [01:47:51.580 --> 01:47:52.580] They are passing out. [01:47:52.580 --> 01:47:53.580] They're like, wow, what is going on? [01:47:53.580 --> 01:47:55.580] You know, I'm a black man, dreadlocked. [01:47:55.580 --> 01:47:59.580] They see us going in and out of jail a lot of times just paying fines. [01:47:59.580 --> 01:48:01.580] But this one's getting paid. [01:48:01.580 --> 01:48:03.580] This is how we do it. [01:48:03.580 --> 01:48:05.580] This is how we change the system. [01:48:05.580 --> 01:48:10.580] And you're probably the best one because it's the one they least expected to see [01:48:10.580 --> 01:48:12.580] it from. [01:48:12.580 --> 01:48:17.580] So how do they figure out which one's going to sting them good? [01:48:17.580 --> 01:48:24.580] And I'm going to send you an email of the two lawsuits I got for you to play with. [01:48:24.580 --> 01:48:27.580] I know how you do. [01:48:27.580 --> 01:48:28.580] Wonderful. [01:48:28.580 --> 01:48:29.580] I'd like to see them. [01:48:29.580 --> 01:48:30.580] Okay. [01:48:30.580 --> 01:48:31.580] I'll see you tomorrow. [01:48:31.580 --> 01:48:32.580] Okay. [01:48:32.580 --> 01:48:33.580] Call back tomorrow night. [01:48:33.580 --> 01:48:35.580] I'd very much like to go over this. [01:48:35.580 --> 01:48:36.580] All right. [01:48:36.580 --> 01:48:37.580] Okay. [01:48:37.580 --> 01:48:38.580] Thank you, Oliver. [01:48:38.580 --> 01:48:39.580] Okay. [01:48:39.580 --> 01:48:40.580] Now we're going to go to Mike in Texas. [01:48:40.580 --> 01:48:41.580] Hello, Mike. [01:48:41.580 --> 01:48:46.580] And I'm sorry we have only got 10 minutes left, but what do you have for us? [01:48:46.580 --> 01:48:47.580] Oh, hey, Randy. [01:48:47.580 --> 01:48:49.580] It's Mike from Texas. [01:48:49.580 --> 01:48:50.580] Let's see. [01:48:50.580 --> 01:48:59.580] I guess I'm trying to still sue the sheriff in Travis County for video evidence of an [01:48:59.580 --> 01:49:04.580] arrest and just filed a simple written mandamus. [01:49:04.580 --> 01:49:11.580] They tried to dismiss the case for want of prosecution just because they would put visiting [01:49:11.580 --> 01:49:13.580] judge upon visiting judge on me. [01:49:13.580 --> 01:49:21.580] They refused to acknowledge any of the complaints that I've made. [01:49:21.580 --> 01:49:28.580] This has gone from the county declaring that they destroyed the evidence where I decided [01:49:28.580 --> 01:49:34.580] that that's a felony offense in each county to where they say it exists and to where now [01:49:34.580 --> 01:49:39.580] they claim that they would like to have a quarter of a million dollars in excess of [01:49:39.580 --> 01:49:41.580] that for me to have that evidence. [01:49:41.580 --> 01:49:46.580] A quarter of a million dollars to produce a video? [01:49:46.580 --> 01:49:47.580] Yeah. [01:49:47.580 --> 01:49:50.580] $259,000 plus. [01:49:50.580 --> 01:49:57.580] Is this for one video or did you ask for a whole bunch of videos? [01:49:57.580 --> 01:50:04.580] These are the videos of my arrest, my booking. [01:50:04.580 --> 01:50:05.580] Wow. [01:50:05.580 --> 01:50:09.580] So what is the claim you have? [01:50:09.580 --> 01:50:13.580] Have you filed a claim against them based on this particular charge? [01:50:13.580 --> 01:50:16.580] I haven't done that yet. [01:50:16.580 --> 01:50:21.580] I went to the attorney general and said that this is extortion for them to demand this [01:50:21.580 --> 01:50:26.580] money and the attorney general asked and said, no, we agree with this. [01:50:26.580 --> 01:50:27.580] This is fine. [01:50:27.580 --> 01:50:32.580] So have you sued the attorney general? [01:50:32.580 --> 01:50:37.580] Not yet, but I just had notification today. [01:50:37.580 --> 01:50:39.580] I have a new judge. [01:50:39.580 --> 01:50:41.580] I don't know who she is. [01:50:41.580 --> 01:50:43.580] She's probably another visiting judge. [01:50:43.580 --> 01:50:51.580] She's not associated with any court that I'm aware of, but they're trying to change the [01:50:51.580 --> 01:50:57.580] process from just a simple writ of mandamus where I'm asking the judge, which is after [01:50:57.580 --> 01:51:05.580] I've exhausted all remedy and they refuse to produce to where I'm allowed to sue them [01:51:05.580 --> 01:51:10.580] in district court for writ of mandamus just to produce the evidence, now that the judge [01:51:10.580 --> 01:51:15.580] is trying to change things to where it's a full blown suit. [01:51:15.580 --> 01:51:26.580] So we're supposed to give a schedule where we want discovery to occur pre-trial hearings, [01:51:26.580 --> 01:51:28.580] depositions, things like that. [01:51:28.580 --> 01:51:35.580] And I think it's kind of interesting that they're trying to permute my case from a [01:51:35.580 --> 01:51:40.580] simple writ of mandamus to a full blown lawsuit. [01:51:40.580 --> 01:51:42.580] Wait, who is doing this? [01:51:42.580 --> 01:51:46.580] This would be, who did you file the mandamus with? [01:51:46.580 --> 01:51:53.580] I filed the mandamus with a district court clerk and they assigned a judge. [01:51:53.580 --> 01:51:57.580] I've never had that judge in that court. [01:51:57.580 --> 01:52:00.580] They've already produced different judges. [01:52:00.580 --> 01:52:07.580] I've been bounced around about five or six times and now I'm being ruled upon by someone [01:52:07.580 --> 01:52:19.580] else and she is changing it from a writ of mandamus to a full blown lawsuit. [01:52:19.580 --> 01:52:21.580] Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense. [01:52:21.580 --> 01:52:25.580] I'm not sure what you're saying to me. [01:52:25.580 --> 01:52:29.580] They're treating this as an original petition? [01:52:29.580 --> 01:52:32.580] They're not treating it as an original petition. [01:52:32.580 --> 01:52:37.580] They're treating it as a plaintiff's complaint where I would be opening up suit against the [01:52:37.580 --> 01:52:40.580] county and that's not what I'm trying to do. [01:52:40.580 --> 01:52:47.580] I'm just trying to get some video evidence. [01:52:47.580 --> 01:52:56.580] If you will send me date and time of the video, I'll send an information request for it. [01:52:56.580 --> 01:52:58.580] Okay. [01:52:58.580 --> 01:53:02.580] And this won't have anything to do with court because I don't have anything to do with the [01:53:02.580 --> 01:53:07.580] court and we'll see what they do with that. [01:53:07.580 --> 01:53:09.580] Okay, that'd be very interesting. [01:53:09.580 --> 01:53:14.580] I'd be interested to hear what that response would be. [01:53:14.580 --> 01:53:22.580] On July 1st, a couple years ago, after the district judge announced that I probably knocked [01:53:22.580 --> 01:53:28.580] it on the park after he effectively was guilty of witness tampering because he had threatened [01:53:28.580 --> 01:53:37.580] me pretty severely in court and actually ordered the sheriff deputy to stand by my side and [01:53:37.580 --> 01:53:45.580] ordered him to arrest me if I tried to object to anything that the county attorney was saying. [01:53:45.580 --> 01:53:50.580] He denied me due process and my witnesses actually got fairly scared. [01:53:50.580 --> 01:53:52.580] Some of them wanted to flee. [01:53:52.580 --> 01:53:54.580] They thought they were going to get arrested too. [01:53:54.580 --> 01:53:56.580] Did you charge the... [01:53:56.580 --> 01:53:57.580] Okay. [01:53:57.580 --> 01:54:05.580] I had my local district judge have a bailiff come over and put his hand on my arm. [01:54:05.580 --> 01:54:12.580] I now have first degree felony aggravated assault charges against that district judge [01:54:12.580 --> 01:54:16.580] in the hands of the district attorney and we're going to meet next week and he's going [01:54:16.580 --> 01:54:21.580] to explain to me why he hasn't given them to the grand jury yet. [01:54:21.580 --> 01:54:23.580] Oh, that's awesome. [01:54:23.580 --> 01:54:26.580] First degree felony aggravated assault. [01:54:26.580 --> 01:54:33.580] Our legislature, when they authorized public officials to strap loaded pistols on their [01:54:33.580 --> 01:54:43.580] hip, they placed on them an incredibly serious responsibility and they said if you abuse [01:54:43.580 --> 01:54:51.580] this authority while you're displaying that deadly weapon, that's a felony of the first [01:54:51.580 --> 01:54:55.580] degree, 20 to life. [01:54:55.580 --> 01:55:02.580] Nobody has ever been prosecuted under that statute ever. [01:55:02.580 --> 01:55:09.580] That's because public officials are trying to protect themselves. [01:55:09.580 --> 01:55:22.580] Well, if a judge sends a bailiff over to me, I see that loaded pistol, that's a big deal. [01:55:22.580 --> 01:55:26.580] Last week I spent 10 minutes in handcuffs. [01:55:26.580 --> 01:55:32.580] The judge is going to get first degree felony aggravated assault because I told him I was [01:55:32.580 --> 01:55:38.580] recording his proceedings and now I'm going to get that issued before the court, but when [01:55:38.580 --> 01:55:44.580] he sends the bailiff over with that pistol, they need to understand that is a really, [01:55:44.580 --> 01:55:46.580] really big deal. [01:55:46.580 --> 01:55:49.580] Give me the date of the arrest. [01:55:49.580 --> 01:55:53.580] I'm sure I have it somewhere in my records, but I have to do it out. [01:55:53.580 --> 01:55:59.580] Give me the date and time and I will put in an information request for all video recordings [01:55:59.580 --> 01:56:03.580] over this time period. [01:56:03.580 --> 01:56:06.580] Let me see how they respond to it. [01:56:06.580 --> 01:56:13.580] They'd like to say that the record for the court is the court reporter, but I have a [01:56:13.580 --> 01:56:24.580] number of opinions throughout the US, including Texas, that it is not the stenographer's or [01:56:24.580 --> 01:56:30.580] court reporter's recording or court reporter's transcription that is the record of the court. [01:56:30.580 --> 01:56:34.580] It is the actual audio recording. [01:56:34.580 --> 01:56:38.580] That is the record of the court. [01:56:38.580 --> 01:56:41.580] The unredacted audio recording. [01:56:41.580 --> 01:56:47.580] Unredacted audio recording is the record of the court, not the transcription, but they [01:56:47.580 --> 01:56:55.580] want to say it's the transcription, but I dug those up last night and I'm going to [01:56:55.580 --> 01:56:58.580] prepare to use those again. [01:56:58.580 --> 01:57:00.580] Okay. [01:57:00.580 --> 01:57:05.580] Can you call in tomorrow night because I would like to talk about this. [01:57:05.580 --> 01:57:07.580] Sure, I'd be happy to. [01:57:07.580 --> 01:57:11.580] I tend to play chess, not checkers. [01:57:11.580 --> 01:57:15.580] Mike, how can we set these guys up? [01:57:15.580 --> 01:57:18.580] You're in a contentious fight with them. [01:57:18.580 --> 01:57:25.580] Okay, let's take a step back and see if we can't develop some res judicata. [01:57:25.580 --> 01:57:37.580] Let's take a meaningless nothing case and go in and ask for the actual recording in [01:57:37.580 --> 01:57:39.580] a case that doesn't really mean anything. [01:57:39.580 --> 01:57:45.580] This way we get a clean ruling and I can go in and ask for it so I don't appear to be [01:57:45.580 --> 01:57:47.580] connected with you. [01:57:47.580 --> 01:57:53.580] And then we bring up these issues and let the courts rule on these issues where they [01:57:53.580 --> 01:57:56.580] don't see any mitigating circumstances. [01:57:56.580 --> 01:57:59.580] We should get a good clear ruling. [01:57:59.580 --> 01:58:06.580] And if we can get a local court, a recent court to rule that this case law is [01:58:06.580 --> 01:58:11.580] accurate, that this is the actual record of the court, now you can come back to [01:58:11.580 --> 01:58:18.580] them with res judicata current case and ask them to produce these records or I [01:58:18.580 --> 01:58:22.580] can go to that court and ask them to produce the record. [01:58:22.580 --> 01:58:25.580] Okay, call us back tomorrow night. [01:58:25.580 --> 01:58:32.580] We are out of time tonight, but this sounds like it could be a lot of fun. [01:58:32.580 --> 01:58:34.580] Okay, thank you, Mike. [01:58:34.580 --> 01:58:38.580] This is Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Rule of Law Radio. [01:58:38.580 --> 01:58:42.580] We'll be back tomorrow night with our four-hour info marathon. [01:58:42.580 --> 01:58:49.580] Thank you all for listening and good night. [01:58:49.580 --> 01:58:55.580] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible called the [01:58:55.580 --> 01:58:57.580] New Testament Recovery Version. [01:58:57.580 --> 01:59:02.580] The New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes that explain what the [01:59:02.580 --> 01:59:07.580] Bible says verse by verse, helping you to know God and to know the meaning of [01:59:07.580 --> 01:59:08.580] life. [01:59:08.580 --> 01:59:11.580] Order your free copy today from Bibles for America. [01:59:11.580 --> 01:59:20.580] Call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:20.580 --> 01:59:25.580] This translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 cross references, [01:59:25.580 --> 01:59:29.580] plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of the Bible. [01:59:29.580 --> 01:59:32.580] This is truly a Bible you can understand. [01:59:32.580 --> 01:59:36.580] To get your free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version, call us toll [01:59:36.580 --> 01:59:41.580] free at 888-551-0102. [01:59:41.580 --> 01:59:52.580] That's 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:52.580 --> 02:00:07.580] Thanks for listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com.