[00:00.000 --> 00:05.720] The following use flash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, providing your daily [00:05.720 --> 00:13.360] bulletins for the commodities market, today in history, news updates, and the inside scoop [00:13.360 --> 00:21.080] into the tides of the alternative. [00:21.080 --> 00:28.680] And markets for the 13th of July, 2015 opened up with gold at $1,158 an ounce, silver $15.47 [00:28.680 --> 00:35.720] an ounce, Texas crude $52.74 a barrel, and Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $289 [00:35.720 --> 00:42.760] U.S. currency. [00:42.760 --> 00:48.240] Today in history, Tuesday, July 13th, 1982, Iran launches its six-year offensive against [00:48.240 --> 00:59.140] Iraq, who had been attacking them since September of 1980, all this during the Iran-Iraq War. [00:59.140 --> 01:03.560] In recent news, Operation Jade Helm 15 will commence this week. [01:03.560 --> 01:08.480] Texas counties will participate in a two-month-long multi-state special operations training exercise [01:08.480 --> 01:11.420] for modern warfare, according to the military. [01:11.420 --> 01:15.080] This operation has put many on watch because documents released from the military place [01:15.080 --> 01:20.400] the states of Texas and Utah as red hostile zones in the exercise. [01:20.400 --> 01:24.560] Many concerns prompted Governor Greg Abbott to order the Texas National Guard to monitor [01:24.560 --> 01:26.280] the operation. [01:26.280 --> 01:31.320] Military insists that people volunteer their properties to be used for the training exercises, [01:31.320 --> 01:40.520] and they ensure that no one's privacy rights or civil liberties will be harmed. [01:40.520 --> 01:45.080] Infamous drug lord Chapo Guzman escaped from Mexico's most secure prison on Saturday night. [01:45.080 --> 01:50.320] A roughly one-mile tunnel 30 feet below the surface, leading right into his personal shower, [01:50.320 --> 01:51.640] was his method. [01:51.640 --> 01:55.520] His escape hole was not far from the military base and penitentiary in the area. [01:55.520 --> 02:00.200] It is estimated that about 379 truckloads of earth would have been needed to clear out [02:00.200 --> 02:01.880] all the dirt from the excavation. [02:01.880 --> 02:06.760] Also, the excavating power tools that would have been required to do the job would have [02:06.760 --> 02:08.400] been loud enough to hear. [02:08.400 --> 02:13.800] Alejandro Hope, a security analysis and former intelligence official in his E1 Universal [02:13.800 --> 02:19.760] Column today, said that the answer is one word, corruption or intimidation, or perhaps [02:19.760 --> 02:21.400] both things. [02:21.400 --> 02:26.160] Because in order to get to Chapo's personal shower, tunnelers would have needed a lot [02:26.160 --> 02:32.560] of luck or detailed knowledge of the layout of the prison, which is a state secret. [02:32.560 --> 02:35.160] This is Chapo Guzman's second vanishing act. [02:35.160 --> 02:40.120] In 2001, corrupt guards played a key role in helping him escape from the Puente Grande [02:40.120 --> 02:44.560] Prison in western state of Jalisco. [02:44.560 --> 02:48.280] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors, so if you have a product or [02:48.280 --> 02:53.640] a service that you would like to advertise here, feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [02:53.640 --> 03:23.280] This has been your Lowdown for July 13, 2015. [03:24.640 --> 03:50.520] the Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors, so if you have a product or [03:50.520 --> 03:53.520] service that you would like to advertise here, feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [03:53.520 --> 04:13.960] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors, so if you have a product or [04:13.960 --> 04:15.920] service that you would like to advertise here, feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [04:15.920 --> 04:27.920] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing Westgate for my men, beer for my horses. [04:27.920 --> 04:29.920] Good morning Vietnam! [04:29.920 --> 04:31.920] Oh, wait a minute, sorry. [04:31.920 --> 04:33.920] Momentarily channeling of Robert Williams there. [04:33.920 --> 04:35.920] Alright, folks, good evening. [04:35.920 --> 04:37.920] This is the Monday Night Rule of Law Radio Show. [04:37.920 --> 04:41.920] It is July 13th, 2015. [04:41.920 --> 04:43.920] We are now beyond the halfway point. [04:43.920 --> 04:45.920] And rolling on through this year. [04:45.920 --> 04:53.920] And so far we have all kinds of bad news, worse news, and worse conditions than ever here in the good ol' US of A. [04:53.920 --> 05:01.920] Pretty much thanks to any number of reasons, excuses, or whatever you want to call them. [05:01.920 --> 05:09.920] On how things are and why they're that way and why it's none of our business or not our problem to worry about it or fix it or... [05:09.920 --> 05:11.920] We'll just take your pick. [05:11.920 --> 05:13.920] Alright? [05:13.920 --> 05:19.920] Now, most of you know that I have absolutely no love of party politics. [05:19.920 --> 05:21.920] I mean, let's think about who we're dealing with here. [05:21.920 --> 05:27.920] You have Democrats, which is nothing more than a group of people too stupid to realize they're communists. [05:27.920 --> 05:32.920] Then you have the Republicans, a group of people too stupid to realize that they're socialists. [05:32.920 --> 05:35.920] None of which are good for us and none of which are supposed to be here. [05:35.920 --> 05:38.920] But they're running the country and destroying it to boot. [05:38.920 --> 05:43.920] And those of us out here looking in and saying, what are you doing? [05:43.920 --> 05:45.920] Why are we doing this? [05:45.920 --> 05:46.920] Fix it! [05:46.920 --> 05:52.920] Instead of doing it ourselves by throwing them out and putting things back in order. [05:52.920 --> 05:54.920] Folks, they're not going to fix it. [05:54.920 --> 05:56.920] They don't even understand the problem. [05:56.920 --> 05:58.920] They don't understand they caused the problem. [05:58.920 --> 06:03.920] They don't understand that all of their ideas do nothing but perpetuate the problem. [06:03.920 --> 06:12.920] So those that see it for the problem that it is and have viable means to do something about it [06:12.920 --> 06:20.920] need to be stepping forward, speaking up, and putting your face and voice out there in the crowd. [06:20.920 --> 06:23.920] Love you, hate you, it doesn't matter. [06:23.920 --> 06:27.920] At least you're trying to do something. [06:27.920 --> 06:33.920] Now, that being said, there are several things that's going to be going on with me before the end of this year. [06:33.920 --> 06:40.920] I've got a possible movie appearance that I've got to do interviews for the first week of August [06:40.920 --> 06:46.920] dealing with documentary stuff on legal issues and politics and all this kind of stuff. [06:46.920 --> 06:54.920] It's going to be in the same vein as like Freedom to Fascism, Gray State, Obama 2016, so on and so on. [06:54.920 --> 06:57.920] So it's going to be in the same thing where they're going to be interviewing all these people [06:57.920 --> 07:00.920] with all this information and talking about it. [07:00.920 --> 07:06.920] And I'm going to be able to participate in this one when they do it. [07:06.920 --> 07:13.920] I've got a whole bunch of things coming up on my plate in August, so it's going to be very, very hectic. [07:13.920 --> 07:18.920] But one of the things that's going to be happening this week is on Thursday night, [07:18.920 --> 07:23.920] I'm going to be making appearance on a talk show Thursday at 8 p.m. [07:23.920 --> 07:30.920] The call in number is going to be 724-444-7444. [07:30.920 --> 07:39.920] Again, the call in number to the talks you show that I will be on is 724-444-7444. [07:39.920 --> 07:44.920] The call ID is 46256. [07:44.920 --> 07:48.920] Again, the call ID is 46256. [07:48.920 --> 07:53.920] And that's going to be 8 p.m. Central Standard Time if you want to call and listen. [07:53.920 --> 07:57.920] The subject matter from what I've been told is basically the same stuff I'm doing here on the show. [07:57.920 --> 08:03.920] People are going to ask me whatever they ask me, I guess, and we'll just talk about it as usual. [08:03.920 --> 08:08.920] Now, since that's out there and the movie thing's out there, [08:08.920 --> 08:18.920] I've got a potential relationship thing that's going to do fruition or crash and burn. [08:18.920 --> 08:20.920] I don't know which one it's going to be yet. [08:20.920 --> 08:24.920] Come August, we'll see how that all pans out. [08:24.920 --> 08:31.920] And I've also been doing a huge amount of study on aquaponics, how to – [08:31.920 --> 08:34.920] I mean everything about it you can possibly imagine. [08:34.920 --> 08:41.920] I've probably become one of the foremost book knowledgeable people on the subject you'd ever run into. [08:41.920 --> 08:47.920] I've never done it yet, but I can talk to it or talk to you about any part of it [08:47.920 --> 08:53.920] and share ideas because I've been researching everything I can find on every body. [08:53.920 --> 08:58.920] So it's a really interesting subject and something I look forward to actually getting in a location where I can try out. [08:58.920 --> 09:05.920] And if things pan out well, I may even be relocating a little outside of where I am now in August. [09:05.920 --> 09:06.920] I don't know yet. [09:06.920 --> 09:09.920] But again, all kinds of things up in the air. [09:09.920 --> 09:18.920] But one thing that has taken root that I've done that isn't so up in the air is my transportation script. [09:18.920 --> 09:22.920] Now, the script has its ups and its downs. [09:22.920 --> 09:32.920] The ups are that its design was based entirely upon what the courts themselves require for you to invoke [09:32.920 --> 09:38.920] and protect your rights from intrusion or violation. [09:38.920 --> 09:46.920] The downs are is too many people don't practice it, then they go out and get in the situation, [09:46.920 --> 09:54.920] and then they completely go off script in ways that turn out to be harmful to their ability to defend whatever the accusations are. [09:54.920 --> 09:58.920] And they weren't prepared for it because they didn't have any working recording devices. [09:58.920 --> 10:01.920] They hadn't checked their batteries. They didn't turn it on. [10:01.920 --> 10:05.920] They just didn't have one, you name it. [10:05.920 --> 10:13.920] Now, let me give you a little piece of advice about getting that script out there to your area. [10:13.920 --> 10:23.920] First and foremost, share it with people, like-minded people, not so like-minded people, whatever. [10:23.920 --> 10:30.920] But the people you really want to try to share it with is your local sheriff and police departments, [10:30.920 --> 10:34.920] especially the chiefs and the sheriff himself. [10:34.920 --> 10:41.920] And what I recommend you do is you ask him what would be your policy and procedures [10:41.920 --> 10:47.920] on dealing with an individual that did the things that are in this script. [10:47.920 --> 10:52.920] And I guarantee you by the answers you get from those people, [10:52.920 --> 11:01.920] you will know exactly how they feel about your rights and their ability to violate them. [11:01.920 --> 11:05.920] You want to know what you'll be up against in your area? There's your jumping off point. [11:05.920 --> 11:10.920] Go talk to them when nothing is at risk and nothing is at stake. [11:10.920 --> 11:13.920] Hand them the script and say, [11:13.920 --> 11:20.920] what would be your policy on dealing with someone that did what this script says? [11:20.920 --> 11:30.920] You're going to find out real quick what the people in your area are really going to be like in that situation. [11:30.920 --> 11:37.920] And I would appreciate if everyone would do this wherever they live. [11:37.920 --> 11:41.920] Wherever you're visiting. And please, email us. [11:41.920 --> 11:52.920] Go to the toweloflaw.wordpress.com web blog that I started temporarily until we get our website up and running. [11:52.920 --> 11:58.920] And post comments there. I'll put up a new post dealing with the transportation script. [11:58.920 --> 12:05.920] And I will link the script up there so that you guys can look at it and download it or whatever you want to do. [12:05.920 --> 12:16.920] But please, comment there and let us know what kind of response you got from your local law enforcement. [12:16.920 --> 12:21.920] Take it to your city council. Take it to your county commissioner's court. [12:21.920 --> 12:30.920] Go in there and ask them, do you see anything in this script that would be wrong for someone to do in order to protect themselves? [12:30.920 --> 12:35.920] Can you tell me what you think is wrong with it and why? [12:35.920 --> 12:44.920] And once again, you're going to see exactly what your local leadership thinks about your rights. [12:44.920 --> 12:51.920] This is the kind of things we need to know on a daily basis about the people that are supposed to be working for us. [12:51.920 --> 13:01.920] How can they be working for us if they cannot see the value of doing everything that's in that script? [13:01.920 --> 13:12.920] Because everything in that script is meant to protect you and the rights you have from intrusion or violation by those very public servants. [13:12.920 --> 13:18.920] So when they look at that and look at you and say, you do this, we're bringing you to jail. [13:18.920 --> 13:25.920] You do this, you're going to get your window broke. You do this, we're arresting you and then we're going to take it to the judge and let him deal with you. [13:25.920 --> 13:29.920] We won't put up with it. You're going to find out. [13:29.920 --> 13:35.920] On the off chance you actually run into one that goes, I can't see that anything in this is wrong. [13:35.920 --> 13:43.920] It would extend the stop. It would, you know, but the person is doing what they have every right to do. [13:43.920 --> 13:51.920] And my officers, according to our policy, should know that they're not doing anything wrong by doing what they're doing. [13:51.920 --> 13:57.920] And that would be true, despite what they want you to believe. [13:57.920 --> 14:03.920] But I wouldn't hold my breath trying to meet up with that one. [14:03.920 --> 14:16.920] But in the meantime, at least you will know the temperature of the water where you're trying to swim. And that might be quite beneficial to know in advance before you go jumping off in there. [14:16.920 --> 14:23.920] Like so many people have called me or posted on Facebook or emailed me about having done. [14:23.920 --> 14:33.920] Well, I saw your video and I believed you were right. So I just took everything off my car and just went tooling down the road and I got stopped. [14:33.920 --> 14:41.920] Well, I followed your script. I told the officer he was wrong. I told him I had a right to travel. I told him he couldn't do this to me. I told him he couldn't arrest me. [14:41.920 --> 14:49.920] I told him he didn't know what he was doing. And I'm like, you followed my script and this is what you said? [14:49.920 --> 15:00.920] Well, yeah. No, sorry. Ain't none of that in my script. In fact, everything you're telling me is don't do that in my script. [15:00.920 --> 15:10.920] So these are the kind of things that folks are doing, not to me, but to themselves by not knowing and understanding what they were getting into from the get go. [15:10.920 --> 15:20.920] And it's not that I'm trying to knock them for it. I appreciate that there are people out there that are so yearning for the freedom they're supposed to have that [15:20.920 --> 15:30.920] when something comes along that is finally believable and provable and solid that they jump right on the bandwagon and get with it. [15:30.920 --> 15:48.920] But just like any other endeavor in life, being ill prepared to handle the consequences associated with that stand is going to turn you into a very unappreciative victim all too quickly. [15:48.920 --> 16:01.920] So, folks, be smart about this. I know you want to exercise your rights. I believe it in my heart that you want to, though most of you are too cowardly to do it without a real big push. [16:01.920 --> 16:11.920] And I'm not trying to say that to be insulting. But in your heart, you know it's true. You don't want to do it because of the associated risk, whatever that may be. [16:11.920 --> 16:23.920] Even if you're not afraid of getting hurt, which is the real reason why a lot of people shouldn't do it because they don't know how to do it in a way that they won't get hurt, [16:23.920 --> 16:30.920] but the fact that they avoid doing it so that nothing happens, that's cowardly. [16:30.920 --> 16:48.920] And we can't remain cowards because cowardly and apathetic and distracted and all these other things they've managed to get us into the mindset of is how they've stolen what they've stolen. [16:48.920 --> 16:54.920] We need to fix that and only we can do it individually, collectively, however. [16:54.920 --> 16:59.920] All right, folks, we'll be right back after the break. So y'all hang in there. [16:59.920 --> 17:05.920] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area of nutrition. [17:05.920 --> 17:10.920] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that. [17:10.920 --> 17:16.920] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [17:16.920 --> 17:24.920] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. [17:24.920 --> 17:30.920] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. [17:30.920 --> 17:38.920] We have come to trust young Jevity so much we became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [17:38.920 --> 17:46.920] When you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio. [17:46.920 --> 17:50.920] As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. [17:50.920 --> 17:59.920] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and increase your income. Order now. [17:59.920 --> 18:04.920] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [18:04.920 --> 18:08.920] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Maris proven method. [18:08.920 --> 18:13.920] Michael Maris has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you can win two. [18:13.920 --> 18:20.920] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes. [18:20.920 --> 18:23.920] What to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons. [18:23.920 --> 18:25.920] How to answer letters and phone calls. [18:25.920 --> 18:28.920] How to get debt collectors out of your credit report. [18:28.920 --> 18:33.920] How to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [18:33.920 --> 18:37.920] The Michael Maris proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [18:37.920 --> 18:40.920] Personal consultation is available as well. [18:40.920 --> 18:48.920] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Maris banner, or email michaelmaris at yahoo.com. [18:48.920 --> 18:59.920] That's ruleoflawradio.com, or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now. [18:59.920 --> 19:10.920] If you are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradio.com. [19:10.920 --> 19:31.920] Music [19:31.920 --> 19:35.920] Alright folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. [19:35.920 --> 19:41.920] The call-in number is 512-646-1984. [19:41.920 --> 19:46.920] We need some callers up on the board. Right now we have Johnny in Michigan. [19:46.920 --> 19:49.920] Alright, Johnny, what can we do for you? [19:49.920 --> 19:51.920] Hi, can you hear me? [19:51.920 --> 19:53.920] Yes, sir. [19:53.920 --> 19:54.920] Can you hear me? [19:54.920 --> 19:57.920] Yeah, I can hear you. What's up? [19:57.920 --> 20:01.920] Hi, apologies. I had the mute button. I ended up unmuting it and muting it again. [20:01.920 --> 20:06.920] Well, first I wanted to talk about a case, which is the only more modern case that I've found, [20:06.920 --> 20:12.920] that contains some language, which is characteristic of the more respectable courts of old. [20:12.920 --> 20:15.920] And that case is Papa Christian v. City of Jacksonville. [20:15.920 --> 20:29.920] That's P-A-P-A-C-H-R-I-S-T-O-U v. City of Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156 from 1972. [20:29.920 --> 20:36.920] This is a case that comes out of Florida and involves an alleged violation of some obscure vagrancy ordinance [20:36.920 --> 20:45.920] by Margaret Pappacristiou and seven others, which were charged with vagrancy by proline by auto, among other alleged offenses. [20:45.920 --> 20:52.920] I'm going to read a few things that I think you yourself and our listeners will surely find intriguing and useful. [20:52.920 --> 21:02.920] First, and I quote, the difficulty is that these activities are historically part of the amenities of life, as we have known them. [21:02.920 --> 21:07.920] They are not directly mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights. [21:07.920 --> 21:18.920] These unwritten amenities have been, in part, responsible for giving our people the feeling of independence and self-confidence, the feeling of creativity. [21:18.920 --> 21:28.920] These amenities have dignified the right of dissent and have honored the right to be nonconformist, the right to defy submissiveness, unquote. [21:28.920 --> 21:35.920] And a few pages down, this quote is what I find to be almost bombshell if, you know, used in the proper context and under the right circumstances, [21:35.920 --> 21:42.920] applicable to, like, police conduct or, well, rather misconduct at transportation stops. [21:42.920 --> 21:55.920] So, again, I quote, we allow our police to make arrests only upon probable cause, a Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment standard applicable to the states as well as to federal government. [21:55.920 --> 22:06.920] Arresting a person on suspicion, like arresting a person for investigation, is foreign to our system of government, even when the arrest is for past criminality. [22:06.920 --> 22:08.920] Have you ever heard of that case before, sir? [22:08.920 --> 22:15.920] Not that case, but I've heard that very similar language before. [22:15.920 --> 22:21.920] Yeah, I just thought that was really intriguing that a lot of folks out there would like to check out themselves. [22:21.920 --> 22:29.920] You know, I found, though, you know, in my attempts to educate some folks on these issues, that some of these legal terms, like, you know, transportation, [22:29.920 --> 22:39.920] are terms that some people find almost, like, compelled to use, like, at stops and whatnot, mostly because of, like, you know, the repetivity that is used throughout their everyday life. [22:39.920 --> 22:47.920] You know, I don't know, maybe it's some sort of lack of comprehensive vocabulary, you know. [22:47.920 --> 22:55.920] But I'd like to recommend that in place of the, you know, the legal term transportation, that you folks use the term aspiration. [22:55.920 --> 23:01.920] It's a little similar, but it's more correct, I think, a legal term to use, and it's easier for folks. [23:01.920 --> 23:14.920] Still using some statutes in some states, but I don't think it should be that hard, you know, as the pronunciation is very similar. [23:14.920 --> 23:20.920] You know, you just replace trans with as, and that way you can break the habit of it, you know. [23:20.920 --> 23:21.920] Right. [23:21.920 --> 23:29.920] But, you know, as well, I was listening recently to your June 29th show, and I have some information for a few of your callers. [23:29.920 --> 23:45.920] First, there was a case from Oregon from 2002 in the Court of Appeals, and that is the state of Oregon versus Christine Dahal as C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-E, D-A-H-L, [23:45.920 --> 23:54.920] which might be of use to Truth Writer over there in Oregon, which declares, like, traffic matters and civil infractions are not criminal in nature, [23:54.920 --> 23:56.920] which is what I'm looking for here in Michigan. [23:56.920 --> 23:59.920] I, again, failed to find any case law on that. [23:59.920 --> 24:06.920] Yeah, and also Kev from Michigan was unsure where to send judicial conduct complaints to. [24:06.920 --> 24:27.920] That would be the Judicial Tenure Commission, whose mailing address is 3034 West Grand Boulevard, comma, S-T-E, period, 8-450, Detroit, Michigan, 48200. [24:27.920 --> 24:34.920] And the rules governing that can be found in Michigan court rules 9.200. [24:34.920 --> 24:40.920] I recommend you obtain a copy of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct and Michigan rules of professional conduct, [24:40.920 --> 24:54.920] as well as, like, with the rules of professional disciplinary proceedings, which can be found in Michigan court rules, that's chapter 9.100, [24:54.920 --> 25:02.920] which will find a wealth of information on the Attorney Grievance Commission and Attorney Discipline Board and other related info. [25:02.920 --> 25:12.920] Yeah, so, Truth Raider or Kevin from MISH or any of the folks out there, you don't want to email me and exchange knowledge and network [25:12.920 --> 25:18.920] and possibly get a bit more organized and effective at combating this massive hearing that people don't even really like. [25:18.920 --> 25:23.920] A lot of folks out there, I mean, they're just totally oblivious to everything. It's sickening. [25:23.920 --> 25:29.920] But it's all been voiced upon us, and we've got to do something about it as a whole, as a group like you talk about. [25:29.920 --> 25:39.920] And I just want to do my part. So anybody out there, get a hold of me. I'll do what I can, and we can learn together and grow as a people. [25:39.920 --> 25:41.920] All right. Well, thanks for calling in, Johnny. [25:41.920 --> 25:46.920] And so, yeah, as Sparky the Pig would say, that's all, folks. [25:46.920 --> 25:56.920] All right. All right. Still need some more callers. 512-646-1984 is the call-in number. [25:56.920 --> 26:01.920] Now, back to what I was saying here at the beginning of the show. [26:01.920 --> 26:11.920] We need to be taking individual charge of the situation and not waiting on someone to do it for us. [26:11.920 --> 26:19.920] Now, I know you guys have heard me a couple of times on the show just get kind of upset because of all the number of calls and questions [26:19.920 --> 26:29.920] and everything I get and how frustrated I get with it because at times it seems to me that the person calling and asking that question [26:29.920 --> 26:35.920] isn't doing it because they don't know necessarily. [26:35.920 --> 26:48.920] I'm much more struck by the potential way that they did it as proving that they didn't want to take the time and make the effort to find out for themselves. [26:48.920 --> 26:54.920] They were looking to me to provide the quick fix response. [26:54.920 --> 27:01.920] And the problem with that is it's one thing when you're already know the information and you need a reminder. [27:01.920 --> 27:12.920] It's another thing when you have made no effort to become knowledgeable in this yourself and then you want somebody to do it all for you. [27:12.920 --> 27:18.920] Folks, that's what got us in this mess. And I, for one, do not do that for folks anymore. [27:18.920 --> 27:23.920] I'm not going to do that for folks for anymore. You want help with something? Fine. [27:23.920 --> 27:28.920] I'll help you when you help yourself. Okay. [27:28.920 --> 27:33.920] I will tell you what you need to find and how to go about looking for it. [27:33.920 --> 27:37.920] But you're going to be the one to go find it. I'm not going to do it for you. [27:37.920 --> 27:42.920] Because the next thing you need to find, you may not have me to call on. [27:42.920 --> 27:47.920] You're going to have to make that effort alone or you're going to find somebody else to call. [27:47.920 --> 28:01.920] We've gotten where we've gotten in America today by letting the other guy do it for us by taking no time and making no effort to be responsible for ourselves. [28:01.920 --> 28:09.920] That is a very big mistake, a very big mistake. [28:09.920 --> 28:14.920] So let's not do that. [28:14.920 --> 28:19.920] Now, in case you heard, that was my telephone. For some reason, it's got a voice activation feature. [28:19.920 --> 28:24.920] I don't remember ever turning on and sometimes it just blurbs at me for no good reason. [28:24.920 --> 28:33.920] But in any case, we need to study together. Fine. No problem. We need to organize together again. Fine. No problem. [28:33.920 --> 28:37.920] We need to get active in numbers. Fine. No problem. [28:37.920 --> 28:46.920] But when you actually have to go into a courtroom and make an argument, you're going to be the only one standing there. [28:46.920 --> 29:03.920] And at times you may be the only one around to do the legal research, to locate the statutes you need, to read and understand the statutes you need or the case law that says that statutes completely bogus or being misapplied. [29:03.920 --> 29:06.920] You've got to learn how to do all this stuff, folks. [29:06.920 --> 29:13.920] If you're going to survive in today's world, you have to become better at litigation than the attorneys. [29:13.920 --> 29:19.920] Trust me, that isn't actually all that hard. [29:19.920 --> 29:26.920] The problem here is this, and it shall remain the problem as long as this is the system we allow to stay in place. [29:26.920 --> 29:29.920] And it needs to change. Believe me, it does. [29:29.920 --> 29:36.920] Judicial reform is just a name until action is applied that actually reforms something. [29:36.920 --> 29:40.920] And we don't have any of that right now. We need to change it. [29:40.920 --> 29:43.920] So we need more than just judicial reform. [29:43.920 --> 29:53.920] We need a complete judicial house cleaning, restructuring, and punitive method of enforcement against the public servants that violate it. [29:53.920 --> 29:59.920] All right. 512-646-1984. We'll be right back. [29:59.920 --> 30:11.920] Old enough to remember air raid drills? We all remember fire drills, and being from L.A., I remember earthquake drills, but now kids are getting terror drills. [30:11.920 --> 30:14.920] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, back with details in a moment. [30:14.920 --> 30:20.920] Privacy is under attack. When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [30:20.920 --> 30:25.920] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish, too. [30:25.920 --> 30:30.920] So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [30:30.920 --> 30:33.920] Privacy. It's worth hanging on to. [30:33.920 --> 30:40.920] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [30:40.920 --> 30:43.920] Start over with StartPage. [30:43.920 --> 30:50.920] Believe it or not, kindergarten and first grade students are now required by law to participate in monthly terrorism drills, [30:50.920 --> 30:55.920] including active shooter lockdowns, bomb threats, and evacuation exercises. [30:55.920 --> 30:58.920] Active shooter lockdowns in kindergarten? [30:58.920 --> 31:02.920] Do we really need mock SWAT teams traumatizing a generation of youngsters? [31:02.920 --> 31:08.920] If anything, these drills will just give terrorists a blueprint to increase casualties and plot their escape. [31:08.920 --> 31:13.920] Scaring kids into seeing terrorists under every rock is a bad psychological move for our nation, [31:13.920 --> 31:17.920] but it does ensure funding for the wasteful liberty-stealing war on terror. [31:17.920 --> 31:22.920] It also guarantees that our kids will grow up into fierce, subdued, compliant adults. [31:22.920 --> 31:50.920] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:52.920 --> 32:00.920] That saves you space, time, and money. Call 888-910-4367 only at mqsa.org. [32:00.920 --> 32:04.920] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic seminar. [32:04.920 --> 32:09.920] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society, and if we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, [32:09.920 --> 32:12.920] then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. [32:12.920 --> 32:16.920] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private capacity, [32:16.920 --> 32:19.920] and most importantly, the right to due process of law. [32:19.920 --> 32:24.920] Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process. [32:24.920 --> 32:27.920] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, [32:27.920 --> 32:32.920] has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process is [32:32.920 --> 32:34.920] and how to hold courts to the rule of law. [32:34.920 --> 32:39.920] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today. [32:39.920 --> 32:44.920] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, [32:44.920 --> 32:49.920] video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research documents, and other useful resource material. [32:49.920 --> 32:53.920] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. [32:53.920 --> 32:58.920] Order your copy today, and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [32:58.920 --> 33:11.920] Live Free Speech Radio, logosradionetwork.com [33:28.920 --> 33:31.920] How's that? [33:31.920 --> 33:36.920] Citizens are raised for Mr. Bush. [33:36.920 --> 33:40.920] Citizens are raised for Dick Cheney. [33:40.920 --> 33:43.920] Well, I need a prosecutor to come and help me. [33:43.920 --> 33:46.920] Prosecute them wicked leaders, you see. [33:46.920 --> 33:48.920] Them murderers are liars, them tell we. [33:48.920 --> 33:51.920] Them are liars, they tell sweet stories. [33:51.920 --> 33:53.920] Me not believe me, say what them tell we. [33:53.920 --> 33:56.920] 3% of America vote for Bush. [33:56.920 --> 33:58.920] Who the hell you get the presidency? [33:58.920 --> 34:01.920] That's why me have a warrant for you. [34:01.920 --> 34:03.920] Everybody listen carefully. [34:03.920 --> 34:05.920] Listen to the words of the three shoes passing by. [34:05.920 --> 34:13.920] Alright folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio, calling number 512-646-1984. [34:13.920 --> 34:22.920] Alright, now, let me tell you some of the projects that I want to be trying to accomplish here before too much longer, [34:22.920 --> 34:25.920] if things work out okay, one way or the other. [34:25.920 --> 34:32.920] I'm trying to get enough information and cost and everything together so I can actually do, [34:32.920 --> 34:41.920] try to do something on crowdfunding to get the equipment necessary to be able to do live audio video streaming [34:41.920 --> 34:53.920] of not only my Sunday classes, but actual video presentations and seminars that I can do from right here. [34:53.920 --> 35:00.920] Which would be really nice considering that it would allow me to do a lot without having to actually go anywhere. [35:00.920 --> 35:05.920] It would allow me to go out there and help people learn what they need to learn on a hands on basis [35:05.920 --> 35:07.920] without ever actually having to leave here. [35:07.920 --> 35:14.920] So I'm going to try and plus it will benefit the website, Tile of Law, when it finally launches [35:14.920 --> 35:20.920] that will have all of the stuff in place to do almost everything we would need to do [35:20.920 --> 35:26.920] with the site after the fact and without the site as we're doing now. [35:26.920 --> 35:32.920] But it would give us a whole host of platform capabilities that we don't currently have here. [35:32.920 --> 35:36.920] The radio show is great, please don't get me wrong, don't want to stop doing this. [35:36.920 --> 35:46.920] But at the same time, this will allow us to facilitate a much larger method of spreading the word. [35:46.920 --> 35:53.920] Now, this is also what makes this movie project that's coming up in August, [35:53.920 --> 35:57.920] as far as the interview part of the process, so interesting. [35:57.920 --> 36:03.920] They like the stories I've got about the jobs I've had, the things I've done, the things I know and worked with [36:03.920 --> 36:06.920] and things when it comes to the government. [36:06.920 --> 36:11.920] Some of the projects I worked on as a computer consultant and how those ended up and why. [36:11.920 --> 36:14.920] They found this information rather interesting. [36:14.920 --> 36:18.920] So we'll see how this all pans out when they actually get this put together. [36:18.920 --> 36:22.920] Now, in the meantime, we've got some other callers up on the board here. [36:22.920 --> 36:24.920] So we're going to start in with them. [36:24.920 --> 36:29.920] All right. First, we have Jimmy in Maryland or women. [36:29.920 --> 36:32.920] Yeah, Jimmy in Maryland. Oh, no, Jimmy's gone. [36:32.920 --> 36:37.920] Hang on just a second. Who do we have? Mike in Indiana. [36:37.920 --> 36:40.920] Mike, what can we do for you? [36:40.920 --> 36:48.920] Hey, Eddie. I have a question for you regarding creating a record of the fact that a license has expired [36:48.920 --> 36:51.920] and not suspended or anything of that nature. [36:51.920 --> 36:52.920] Okay. [36:52.920 --> 36:57.920] So the goal being so if you get into any issues in the future, [36:57.920 --> 37:05.920] I have proof that they haven't gone back in and retroactively suspended it or something after the fact. [37:05.920 --> 37:08.920] Or you have proof that they did. [37:08.920 --> 37:12.920] Yes. Okay. [37:12.920 --> 37:15.920] How do you do it? [37:15.920 --> 37:21.920] Yes. Okay. Who is in charge of licensing in Indiana? [37:21.920 --> 37:23.920] The Department of Motor Vehicles. [37:23.920 --> 37:27.920] When does it expire? [37:27.920 --> 37:30.920] It did about two months ago. [37:30.920 --> 37:35.920] What was interesting to me is upon looking on their automated website, [37:35.920 --> 37:43.920] that they have the license listed as valid even though it is clearly past the expiration date. [37:43.920 --> 37:49.920] Well, you'd have to determine what they actually consider valid to mean. [37:49.920 --> 37:53.920] Valid could simply mean it's not currently suspended. [37:53.920 --> 37:58.920] Any other status is irrelevant to its validity. [37:58.920 --> 38:00.920] You see what I mean? [38:00.920 --> 38:01.920] Yes. [38:01.920 --> 38:10.920] So what you need to do is do whatever constitutes an Open Records or Freedom of Information Act [38:10.920 --> 38:15.920] request for your specific driving record [38:15.920 --> 38:23.920] and any and all records relating to the current status of your license as of this date. [38:23.920 --> 38:28.920] So request for specific driving record. [38:28.920 --> 38:31.920] Sorry, I'm just trying to write. [38:31.920 --> 38:33.920] Yeah, no problem. [38:33.920 --> 38:41.920] So whatever the state or DMV specific version of FOIA is for the driving record up to this date? [38:41.920 --> 38:42.920] Correct. [38:42.920 --> 38:44.920] Okay. [38:44.920 --> 38:50.920] As well as anything dealing specifically with the status of the license? [38:50.920 --> 38:57.920] Yes. [38:57.920 --> 38:59.920] All right. [38:59.920 --> 39:03.920] Okay. [39:03.920 --> 39:06.920] Yep, sounds good. [39:06.920 --> 39:07.920] All right. [39:07.920 --> 39:09.920] Well, I wish you luck with it then. [39:09.920 --> 39:10.920] All right. [39:09.920 --> 39:10.920] Thank you, Eddie. [39:10.920 --> 39:11.920] You're very welcome. [39:11.920 --> 39:12.920] Bye. [39:12.920 --> 39:13.920] Bye-bye. [39:13.920 --> 39:14.920] All right. [39:14.920 --> 39:15.920] Now we're going to go to Jimmy in Maryland. [39:15.920 --> 39:17.920] Jimmy, what do you got? [39:17.920 --> 39:19.920] Hey, Eddie. [39:19.920 --> 39:20.920] How you been? [39:20.920 --> 39:21.920] I've been good. [39:21.920 --> 39:22.920] And you? [39:22.920 --> 39:25.920] Well, I've been hanging in there, you know, still fighting the fight. [39:25.920 --> 39:27.920] All right. [39:27.920 --> 39:28.920] Well, so far so good then. [39:28.920 --> 39:29.920] Yeah. [39:29.920 --> 39:30.920] Yeah. [39:30.920 --> 39:34.920] I want to update you on, I haven't talked to you in a few months, but I'm going to update [39:34.920 --> 39:36.920] you with my progress. [39:36.920 --> 39:37.920] Okay. [39:37.920 --> 39:44.920] A few weeks ago, I had a, what's it called, a violation probation hearing on two, you know, [39:44.920 --> 39:49.920] two different court cases that don't appeal. [39:49.920 --> 39:54.920] The judge would not, you know, have a motion to, you know, for continuous, because the [39:54.920 --> 39:59.920] case is set up on appeal, the judge refused to do that. [39:59.920 --> 40:02.920] And so I had called the defender. [40:02.920 --> 40:12.920] You know, she negotiated with the judge that, you know, basically if I, if I, if I were [40:12.920 --> 40:19.920] to admit to a violation of probation, that I have, they gave me six months to go get [40:19.920 --> 40:20.920] a driver's license. [40:20.920 --> 40:24.920] And I'm still waiting for the courts to make a decision. [40:24.920 --> 40:30.920] Now she, she, she, she assured me if the, if the court overturned the decision, then [40:30.920 --> 40:33.920] everything that they did here would be vacated. [40:33.920 --> 40:37.920] So that's kind of like what I'm banking on. [40:37.920 --> 40:38.920] Yeah. [40:38.920 --> 40:42.920] Well, that would be true if they overturn it, if they wouldn't have a choice. [40:42.920 --> 40:43.920] Right. [40:43.920 --> 40:44.920] All right. [40:44.920 --> 40:46.920] Well, I wish you luck with that. [40:46.920 --> 40:49.920] Yeah, but I don't want to, you know, I don't want to get a, you know, I don't want to [40:49.920 --> 40:54.920] redo what I did back in 1998. [40:54.920 --> 40:59.920] And I, and I told her some things and, you know, she didn't feel like she fully understood [40:59.920 --> 41:01.920] that they didn't have a cause of action. [41:01.920 --> 41:06.920] That when I, when I term a license then it was already expired. [41:06.920 --> 41:14.920] And, you know, and they didn't want to acknowledge that I, you know, that I was still appealing [41:14.920 --> 41:20.920] the case, you know, cause now I feel that I did a writ of habit corpus in the U S district [41:20.920 --> 41:21.920] court. [41:21.920 --> 41:22.920] Right. [41:22.920 --> 41:23.920] And they didn't want to acknowledge that. [41:23.920 --> 41:25.920] Well, that really isn't surprising. [41:25.920 --> 41:32.920] And also this judge, I did file a judicial misconduct on her concerning the case. [41:32.920 --> 41:33.920] Good. [41:33.920 --> 41:34.920] And I was... [41:34.920 --> 41:35.920] How'd she take that? [41:35.920 --> 41:37.920] She wouldn't do it. [41:37.920 --> 41:41.920] Well, it ain't like she has to do it. [41:41.920 --> 41:45.920] But you filed a judicial conduct complaint, regardless of what she wants. [41:45.920 --> 41:46.920] Right. [41:46.920 --> 41:50.920] But I'm wondering if that has something to do with the animosity she had and why she [41:50.920 --> 41:53.920] just, you know, undo what she wants. [41:53.920 --> 41:57.920] Well, that may be, but if that is the case, then she's retaliating. [41:57.920 --> 42:00.920] And now she has a whole new problem. [42:00.920 --> 42:01.920] Okay. [42:01.920 --> 42:05.920] Let's go ahead and look at it. [42:05.920 --> 42:07.920] All right. [42:07.920 --> 42:14.920] So basically all I do is hang with some wait for the decision of the higher court, I guess. [42:14.920 --> 42:16.920] For the moment, that's what it sounds like. [42:16.920 --> 42:17.920] Okay. [42:17.920 --> 42:19.920] One more, one more second. [42:19.920 --> 42:25.920] I have a case coming up next few weeks where, you know, I did 18 days for, you know, for [42:25.920 --> 42:27.920] conviction, you know, there's 18 days. [42:27.920 --> 42:32.920] And in that process, I was dragged into court for another court case. [42:32.920 --> 42:35.920] They have a completely different date of birth. [42:35.920 --> 42:38.920] Like 30 years younger than what I'm supposed to be. [42:38.920 --> 42:40.920] Completely wrong date of birth. [42:40.920 --> 42:44.920] And when I brought that to the court's attention, I thought they dismissed it. [42:44.920 --> 42:45.920] But they didn't dismiss it. [42:45.920 --> 42:50.920] Sheet that the judge wrote another bench for it, which I went and appeared the following [42:50.920 --> 42:51.920] day. [42:51.920 --> 42:52.920] And it's another court date. [42:52.920 --> 43:00.920] So they're saying that that driver license number on the citations is the one that I [43:00.920 --> 43:01.920] had. [43:01.920 --> 43:03.920] So this is what the girl that served me said. [43:03.920 --> 43:09.920] But it has a completely different address and completely different date of birth. [43:09.920 --> 43:11.920] All right. [43:11.920 --> 43:16.920] What you should have done was move to quash the complaint or whatever the charging instrument [43:16.920 --> 43:20.920] was in writing because it identified an improper individual. [43:20.920 --> 43:22.920] It wasn't you. [43:22.920 --> 43:24.920] Okay. [43:24.920 --> 43:27.920] See, this is why the admonishment exists. [43:27.920 --> 43:32.920] Do everything in writing. [43:32.920 --> 43:33.920] Okay. [43:33.920 --> 43:34.920] All right, Jimmy. [43:34.920 --> 43:35.920] We're going to take a break. [43:35.920 --> 43:36.920] Hang on just a minute. [43:36.920 --> 43:39.920] We'll pick you up on the other side to finish up. [43:39.920 --> 43:40.920] Okay. [43:40.920 --> 43:41.920] Okay. [43:41.920 --> 43:42.920] All right, folks. [43:42.920 --> 43:45.920] Call in number 512-646-1984. [43:45.920 --> 43:46.920] Give us a call. [43:46.920 --> 43:47.920] Get in line. [43:47.920 --> 43:51.920] If you get a busy signal, keep trying because we have limited spaces on the board for callers. [43:51.920 --> 43:53.920] So just keep trying us back till you get in. [43:53.920 --> 43:54.920] All right, folks. [43:54.920 --> 43:55.920] We'll be right back. [43:55.920 --> 44:02.920] So hang on. [44:25.920 --> 44:32.920] We'll be right back. [44:55.920 --> 45:10.920] We'll be right back. [45:10.920 --> 45:29.920] We'll be right back. [45:40.920 --> 46:07.920] We'll be right back. [46:07.920 --> 46:26.920] We'll be right back. [46:26.920 --> 46:38.920] We'll be right back. [46:38.920 --> 46:39.920] All right, folks. [46:39.920 --> 46:40.920] We are back. [46:40.920 --> 46:42.920] This is Rule of Law Radio and we're going to finish up with Jimmy in Maryland. [46:42.920 --> 46:43.920] All right, Jimmy. [46:43.920 --> 46:44.920] Okay. [46:44.920 --> 46:48.920] You're saying I should do a motion to squash the citation? [46:48.920 --> 46:50.920] No, no, no. [46:50.920 --> 46:55.920] Is the citation what they're using as the complaint and charging instrument there? [46:55.920 --> 46:56.920] Yes, they are. [46:56.920 --> 46:57.920] Okay. [46:57.920 --> 47:00.920] And it's what contained the erroneous information? [47:00.920 --> 47:01.920] Yes. [47:01.920 --> 47:02.920] Yes. [47:02.920 --> 47:06.920] Then it's a motion to quash, not squash. [47:06.920 --> 47:07.920] Squash. [47:07.920 --> 47:11.920] Squash is a vegetable or a game. [47:11.920 --> 47:12.920] Okay. [47:12.920 --> 47:19.920] Well, you know I did that before in another case and it was denied. [47:19.920 --> 47:20.920] Just to let you know. [47:20.920 --> 47:21.920] I went down that trail before. [47:21.920 --> 47:24.920] Yeah, but we don't care if it's denied. [47:24.920 --> 47:28.920] We have to have a record for the appeals court to look at. [47:28.920 --> 47:32.920] We know the trial court's going to deny everything, right or wrong. [47:32.920 --> 47:33.920] Okay. [47:33.920 --> 47:40.920] But the appeals court will never know it happened if you don't have it in writing in the record. [47:40.920 --> 47:42.920] Okay. [47:42.920 --> 47:48.920] And if that's the case, they can't go back and say, hey, the guy made a proper motion. [47:48.920 --> 47:52.920] You should have quashed it and you didn't. [47:52.920 --> 47:56.920] Well, now we have grounds to say you're a moron. [47:56.920 --> 48:00.920] We hereby remand and overturn. [48:00.920 --> 48:02.920] Okay. [48:02.920 --> 48:04.920] But until that's in there, they won't see it. [48:04.920 --> 48:09.920] They will file an amended petition. [48:09.920 --> 48:17.920] Well, they can either file an amended or they can dismiss and refile if they're within the statute of limitations. [48:17.920 --> 48:20.920] Sure, they can fix it. [48:20.920 --> 48:21.920] Okay. [48:21.920 --> 48:25.920] But the question is, do they? [48:25.920 --> 48:28.920] Mm hmm. [48:28.920 --> 48:30.920] Okay. [48:30.920 --> 48:31.920] All right. [48:31.920 --> 48:32.920] I'll get on that then. [48:32.920 --> 48:33.920] All right. [48:33.920 --> 48:34.920] All right. [48:34.920 --> 48:35.920] Thanks a lot, Eddie. [48:35.920 --> 48:36.920] You're welcome, man. [48:36.920 --> 48:37.920] Bye bye. [48:37.920 --> 48:38.920] Bye bye. [48:38.920 --> 48:39.920] All right. [48:39.920 --> 48:41.920] Now we're going to go to Buddy in Tennessee. [48:41.920 --> 48:46.920] Buddy, what can we do for you? [48:46.920 --> 48:48.920] Hey, buddy, check your mute button. [48:48.920 --> 48:49.920] I got you, Ned. [48:49.920 --> 48:50.920] No, I got you. [48:50.920 --> 48:51.920] I did. [48:51.920 --> 48:52.920] All right. [48:52.920 --> 48:57.920] Eddie, in Tennessee, we have these Tennessee code annotated. [48:57.920 --> 49:00.920] Is a code a law? [49:00.920 --> 49:01.920] No. [49:01.920 --> 49:12.920] A code is the statute based upon an underlying law, or at least it is supposed to be based upon the underlying law. [49:12.920 --> 49:14.920] Mm hmm. [49:14.920 --> 49:17.920] Well, they base everything on codes. [49:17.920 --> 49:18.920] Well, every state does. [49:18.920 --> 49:20.920] I started doing your... [49:20.920 --> 49:21.920] No, I'll do okay. [49:21.920 --> 49:23.920] I started doing that little rabbit trail you were talking about. [49:23.920 --> 49:24.920] Yes, sir. [49:24.920 --> 49:29.920] And I went into what they do, just their definition of driver. [49:29.920 --> 49:32.920] You found the briar patch, didn't you, Brer Rabbit? [49:32.920 --> 49:33.920] Oh, Lord. [49:33.920 --> 49:35.920] They say a driver is every person... [49:35.920 --> 49:37.920] They covered their butts real good. [49:37.920 --> 49:41.920] Every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. [49:41.920 --> 49:42.920] Now, wait a minute. [49:42.920 --> 49:43.920] Wait a minute. [49:43.920 --> 49:44.920] So... [49:44.920 --> 49:48.920] In that definition alone, how many other rabbit trails are there? [49:48.920 --> 49:50.920] Well, I went to vehicle. [49:50.920 --> 49:52.920] No, not just vehicle. [49:52.920 --> 49:57.920] How many different rabbit trails are in what you just read? [49:57.920 --> 50:03.920] Person, drives, and vehicle that I saw. [50:03.920 --> 50:04.920] Okay. [50:04.920 --> 50:05.920] Now, read it again. [50:05.920 --> 50:13.920] Every person who drives or in every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. [50:13.920 --> 50:17.920] Physical control is one you're missing also. [50:17.920 --> 50:18.920] Physical control? [50:18.920 --> 50:21.920] Yep. [50:21.920 --> 50:26.920] Well, I went to vehicle to see what they said about that. [50:26.920 --> 50:27.920] Right. [50:27.920 --> 50:29.920] And under vehicle, they have... [50:29.920 --> 50:30.920] Let me get down here. [50:30.920 --> 50:31.920] It's a long list. [50:31.920 --> 50:42.920] It means in every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway. [50:42.920 --> 50:44.920] Transported or drawn. [50:44.920 --> 50:46.920] Drawn means trailer, right? [50:46.920 --> 50:47.920] Or pulled. [50:47.920 --> 50:48.920] Right. [50:48.920 --> 50:49.920] Okay. [50:49.920 --> 50:52.920] Transported means what? [50:52.920 --> 50:53.920] See, I got to look. [50:53.920 --> 50:55.920] They don't see anything on that yet. [50:55.920 --> 50:59.920] Because transported is from transportation. [50:59.920 --> 51:02.920] It's the same thing. [51:02.920 --> 51:03.920] Okay. [51:03.920 --> 51:06.920] And the difference there also is used. [51:06.920 --> 51:11.920] Use will not be defined. [51:11.920 --> 51:19.920] Device in upon which by any person or property is or may be transported or drawn. [51:19.920 --> 51:20.920] Okay. [51:20.920 --> 51:26.920] Except devices used exclusively upon stationary rails and tracks because they put that in there. [51:26.920 --> 51:27.920] Okay. [51:27.920 --> 51:34.920] So then I went back to person because that was in there. [51:34.920 --> 51:35.920] Okay. [51:35.920 --> 51:43.920] Individual, corporation, association or any other legal entity, right? [51:43.920 --> 51:46.920] But they added every natural person. [51:46.920 --> 51:48.920] Ah, but here's the thing. [51:48.920 --> 51:52.920] Firm, corporation, association or corporation. [51:52.920 --> 51:53.920] All right. [51:53.920 --> 51:54.920] Hold right there. [51:54.920 --> 51:55.920] Every natural person. [51:55.920 --> 51:56.920] Okay. [51:56.920 --> 51:59.920] Does it say means or includes? [51:59.920 --> 52:00.920] No. [52:00.920 --> 52:01.920] Means. [52:01.920 --> 52:02.920] Means. [52:02.920 --> 52:05.920] Yeah, person means every natural person. [52:05.920 --> 52:10.920] And then the rest of the things that are listed are legal entities, right? [52:10.920 --> 52:14.920] Firm, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation. [52:14.920 --> 52:15.920] Okay. [52:15.920 --> 52:17.920] Now let me ask you a question. [52:17.920 --> 52:24.920] Can any of the things that follow every natural person in that list actually be in physical [52:24.920 --> 52:28.920] control of anything including a vehicle? [52:28.920 --> 52:29.920] No. [52:29.920 --> 52:34.920] No, because they don't exist in reality. [52:34.920 --> 52:43.920] Therefore, in order for any of them to be in control, what must happen? [52:43.920 --> 52:49.920] Well, as far as the corporation, giving them a driver's license. [52:49.920 --> 52:53.920] The corporation doesn't get a driver's license. [52:53.920 --> 53:00.920] They may get an operator's license, but they don't get a driver's license. [53:00.920 --> 53:02.920] Right, but my straw man identity did. [53:02.920 --> 53:04.920] No, there ain't no such thing. [53:04.920 --> 53:06.920] Listen carefully to what I'm asking you here. [53:06.920 --> 53:07.920] Okay. [53:07.920 --> 53:19.920] You have legal entities that can do absolutely nothing until what takes place? [53:19.920 --> 53:21.920] I give up my rights. [53:21.920 --> 53:22.920] No. [53:22.920 --> 53:30.920] One of those natural persons you're speaking of assumes responsibility and acts on its [53:30.920 --> 53:33.920] behalf in some capacity. [53:33.920 --> 53:35.920] Okay? [53:35.920 --> 53:37.920] All right. [53:37.920 --> 53:49.920] This is exactly what happens when a corporation like Roadway, a trucking company, hires drivers. [53:49.920 --> 53:52.920] The corporation can't get behind the wheel and drive, can it? [53:52.920 --> 53:53.920] No. [53:53.920 --> 54:03.920] It must hire a natural person to assume the legal capacity of driver to get behind the [54:03.920 --> 54:13.920] wheel of that vehicle to be in physical control in order to transport or draw on a highway. [54:13.920 --> 54:14.920] Right? [54:14.920 --> 54:19.920] Well, I love you, I love you. [54:19.920 --> 54:22.920] Isn't that how it works? [54:22.920 --> 54:23.920] Yeah. [54:23.920 --> 54:24.920] Okay. [54:24.920 --> 54:31.920] So when it says every natural person and puts it in line with a bunch of nothing naturals, [54:31.920 --> 54:36.920] what is that telling us? [54:36.920 --> 54:37.920] I don't know. [54:37.920 --> 54:43.920] It's telling us that that natural person has to be acting in some capacity associated with [54:43.920 --> 54:49.920] because those things can't do it by themselves. [54:49.920 --> 54:50.920] All right. [54:50.920 --> 54:55.920] What puts that person in that place, that natural person, that natural... [54:55.920 --> 54:58.920] Hey, I'd like a job as one of your drivers. [54:58.920 --> 54:59.920] Okay. [54:59.920 --> 55:02.920] But if you're just traveling... [55:02.920 --> 55:06.920] Then you're not a driver, are you? [55:06.920 --> 55:07.920] No. [55:07.920 --> 55:09.920] Exactly. [55:09.920 --> 55:12.920] And you're not a person because... [55:12.920 --> 55:13.920] Okay. [55:13.920 --> 55:17.920] What code is this in up there where you're at? [55:17.920 --> 55:20.920] Tennessee annotated code 55-8. [55:20.920 --> 55:23.920] Well, that's a title or chapter. [55:23.920 --> 55:26.920] What is the name of the code? [55:26.920 --> 55:29.920] Tennessee code annotated, that's all it is? [55:29.920 --> 55:31.920] It's not a motor vehicle code? [55:31.920 --> 55:34.920] It's not a transportation code? [55:34.920 --> 55:39.920] Well, title 55, motor and other vehicles. [55:39.920 --> 55:41.920] Motor and other vehicles. [55:41.920 --> 55:42.920] Okay. [55:42.920 --> 55:46.920] And is title 55 part of a larger code? [55:46.920 --> 55:50.920] Is it one title out of several? [55:50.920 --> 55:51.920] No. [55:51.920 --> 55:54.920] Listen, the code is 55-8-101. [55:54.920 --> 56:00.920] Break that down to title 55, which is motor and other vehicles, chapter 8, operation of [56:00.920 --> 56:07.920] vehicles, rules of the road, part 101, which is operation of vehicles, rules of the road. [56:07.920 --> 56:09.920] That's what they have listed. [56:09.920 --> 56:10.920] Right. [56:10.920 --> 56:13.920] Every state's got a rules of the road. [56:13.920 --> 56:18.920] But let me try to simplify this here just a little bit. [56:18.920 --> 56:19.920] Okay. [56:19.920 --> 56:28.920] As an American with inherent unalienable rights, do your rights change because of what geographical [56:28.920 --> 56:39.920] location you are standing in within any of the several states of the union? [56:39.920 --> 56:41.920] I don't know. [56:41.920 --> 56:47.920] Therein lies your problem. [56:47.920 --> 56:48.920] Well, I just started. [56:48.920 --> 56:49.920] I just found you on YouTube yesterday. [56:49.920 --> 56:53.920] Well, I can appreciate that, but this is not about finding me. [56:53.920 --> 56:58.920] This is about understanding what your rights are without somebody having to point them [56:58.920 --> 57:01.920] out to you. [57:01.920 --> 57:07.920] As an American, your rights are inherent and unalienable, not just American, but any being, [57:07.920 --> 57:08.920] okay? [57:08.920 --> 57:14.920] But here is where they specifically must recognize that fact. [57:14.920 --> 57:20.920] Your rights are the same whether you're in Florida, Texas, Indiana, Tennessee, you name [57:20.920 --> 57:21.920] it. [57:21.920 --> 57:23.320] They're identical across the board. [57:23.320 --> 57:26.920] They don't change. [57:26.920 --> 57:35.920] If California, Rhode Island, Washington, Texas, Louisiana, Florida all have laws that say [57:35.920 --> 57:42.120] your rights over here are this, your commercial entity over here has to do this, that doesn't [57:42.120 --> 57:47.320] change from state to state just because of how they wrote the code, because the rights [57:47.320 --> 57:49.920] are not subject to the codes. [57:49.920 --> 57:51.920] You follow? [57:51.920 --> 57:55.920] Yeah, I'm still here. [57:55.920 --> 57:56.920] Okay. [57:56.920 --> 57:59.000] So that's the situation. [57:59.000 --> 58:07.200] Do not dwell so much on the definition as the code itself, dwell upon it from this aspect. [58:07.200 --> 58:12.440] How can this affect something that predates it such as my rights? [58:12.440 --> 58:18.280] If my rights say I can do this whenever I want, how can this code come back and retroactively [58:18.280 --> 58:20.680] prevent me from doing it now? [58:20.680 --> 58:22.680] It can't. [58:22.680 --> 58:24.960] You follow? [58:24.960 --> 58:28.960] So everything you read, you have to take it in the context of how would this affect my [58:28.960 --> 58:32.960] rights if it was allowed to operate on me the way they're trying to make it appear to. [58:32.960 --> 58:33.960] All right? [58:33.960 --> 58:34.960] All right. [58:34.960 --> 58:35.960] Well, thank you so much, sir. [58:35.960 --> 58:36.960] I will be listening. [58:36.960 --> 58:37.960] All right. [58:37.960 --> 58:38.960] Thanks for calling in. [58:38.960 --> 58:39.960] All right, folks. [58:39.960 --> 58:40.960] All right. [58:40.960 --> 58:41.960] Thank you. [58:41.960 --> 58:42.960] We're about to take a break. [58:42.960 --> 58:43.960] Top of the hour. [58:43.960 --> 58:44.960] So y'all hang in there. [58:44.960 --> 58:45.960] 512-646-1984. [58:45.960 --> 58:55.720] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, yet countless readers are frustrated [58:55.720 --> 58:58.520] because they struggle to understand it. [58:58.520 --> 59:03.900] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, but in the process can compromise [59:03.900 --> 59:07.160] the profound meaning of the scripture. [59:07.160 --> 59:08.960] Enter the recovery version. [59:08.960 --> 59:14.840] First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, but the real story is the more [59:14.840 --> 59:18.600] than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. [59:18.600 --> 59:23.600] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way, providing an entrance [59:23.600 --> 59:28.280] into the riches of the word beyond which you've ever experienced before. [59:28.280 --> 59:33.440] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking. [59:33.440 --> 59:43.880] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [59:43.880 --> 59:47.960] or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. [59:47.960 --> 59:48.960] That's freestudybible.com. [59:48.960 --> 01:00:00.680] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradionetwork.com. [01:00:00.680 --> 01:00:05.760] The following use flash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, providing your daily [01:00:05.760 --> 01:00:13.480] bulletins for the commodities market, Today in History, News Updates, and the inside scoop [01:00:13.480 --> 01:00:21.200] into the tides of the alternative. [01:00:21.200 --> 01:00:28.840] And markets for the 13th of July, 2015 opened up with gold at $1,158 an ounce, silver $15.47 [01:00:28.840 --> 01:00:35.800] an ounce, Texas crude $52.74 a barrel, and Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $289 [01:00:35.800 --> 01:00:42.720] U.S. currency. [01:00:42.720 --> 01:00:48.320] Today in History, Tuesday, July 13, 1982, Iran launches its six-year offensive against [01:00:48.320 --> 01:00:59.220] Iraq who had been attacking them since September of 1980, all this during the Iran-Iraq War. [01:00:59.220 --> 01:01:03.440] In recent news, Operation Jade Helm 15 will commence this week. [01:01:03.440 --> 01:01:07.760] Texas counties will participate in a two-month long multi-state special operations training [01:01:07.760 --> 01:01:11.520] exercise for modern warfare, according to the military. [01:01:11.520 --> 01:01:15.160] This operation has put many on watch because documents released from the military place [01:01:15.160 --> 01:01:20.480] the states of Texas and Utah as red hostile zones in the exercise. [01:01:20.480 --> 01:01:24.640] Many concerns prompted Governor Greg Abbott to order the Texas National Guard to monitor [01:01:24.640 --> 01:01:26.380] the operation. [01:01:26.380 --> 01:01:31.240] Military insists that people volunteer their properties to be used for the training exercises [01:01:31.240 --> 01:01:40.600] and they ensure that no one's privacy rights or civil liberties will be harmed. [01:01:40.600 --> 01:01:45.160] Infamous drug lord Chapo Guzman escaped from Mexico's most secure prison on Saturday night. [01:01:45.160 --> 01:01:50.240] A roughly one-mile tunnel 30 feet below the surface leading right into his personal shower [01:01:50.240 --> 01:01:51.740] was his method. [01:01:51.740 --> 01:01:55.600] His escape hole was not far from the military base and penitentiary in the area. [01:01:55.600 --> 01:02:00.280] It is estimated that about 379 truckloads of earth would have been needed to clear out [01:02:00.280 --> 01:02:02.000] all the dirt from the excavation. [01:02:02.000 --> 01:02:06.840] Also, the excavating power tools that would have been required to do the job would have [01:02:06.840 --> 01:02:08.480] been loud enough to hear. [01:02:08.480 --> 01:02:13.900] Alejandro Hope, a security analysis and former intelligence official in his E1 Universal [01:02:13.900 --> 01:02:20.240] Column today said that the answer is one word, corruption or intimidation or perhaps both [01:02:20.240 --> 01:02:21.520] things. [01:02:21.520 --> 01:02:26.280] Because in order to get to Chapo's personal shower, tunnelers would have needed a lot [01:02:26.280 --> 01:02:32.660] of luck or detailed knowledge of the layout of the prison, which is a state secret. [01:02:32.660 --> 01:02:35.240] This is Chapo Guzman's second vanishing act. [01:02:35.240 --> 01:02:41.040] In 2001 corrupt guards played a key role in helping him escape from the Puente Gran prison [01:02:41.040 --> 01:02:44.640] in western state of Jalisco. [01:02:44.640 --> 01:02:48.400] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors so if you have a product or a [01:02:48.400 --> 01:02:53.760] service that you would like to advertise here, feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [01:02:53.760 --> 01:03:22.000] This has been your Lowdown for July 13, 2015. [01:03:23.760 --> 01:03:43.760] Alright folks, we are back. [01:03:43.760 --> 01:03:49.040] This is Rule of Law Radio, caller number 512-646-1984. [01:03:49.040 --> 01:03:52.600] We got about an hour to go and a few callers up on the board. [01:03:52.600 --> 01:03:55.120] Alright we're going to go to Carol in Maine. [01:03:55.120 --> 01:03:57.160] Carol, what can we do for you? [01:03:57.160 --> 01:04:02.840] Hi, I'm sure in Texas and I have been unable to find this court. [01:04:02.840 --> 01:04:08.200] I was wondering if you know anything about a court called the International Common Law [01:04:08.200 --> 01:04:13.440] Court of Justice, supposedly an offshoot of the World Court. [01:04:13.440 --> 01:04:19.120] I was told that they were planning to have one in New York, Chicago, but that the one [01:04:19.120 --> 01:04:23.440] in Texas is up and running, except I can't find it. [01:04:23.440 --> 01:04:24.440] You and me both. [01:04:24.440 --> 01:04:25.440] Okay. [01:04:25.440 --> 01:04:32.200] No, I thought because you're in Texas, maybe you've heard of it, maybe it really isn't [01:04:32.200 --> 01:04:33.920] up and running yet. [01:04:33.920 --> 01:04:43.160] Well, I will say this, there seems to be a lot of searches for it up here on the internet [01:04:43.160 --> 01:04:50.120] and let's see, ITCCS.org, International Common Call, there we go. [01:04:50.120 --> 01:04:56.680] This seems to be its own organization and it doesn't have anything at all to do with [01:04:56.680 --> 01:04:57.680] the government. [01:04:57.680 --> 01:05:02.360] Well, that's a good thing. [01:05:02.360 --> 01:05:11.720] It is, it's founded as Lawful Citizens Tribunal of Conscience in Brussels, which means they're [01:05:11.720 --> 01:05:15.800] not going to give one iota of credence to it here. [01:05:15.800 --> 01:05:19.520] I mean, you may as well be sitting in your living room deciding who goes to jail and [01:05:19.520 --> 01:05:21.520] then trying to enforce it. [01:05:21.520 --> 01:05:22.520] Okay. [01:05:22.520 --> 01:05:26.520] Well, I was told, again, I don't know if it's true. [01:05:26.520 --> 01:05:31.360] I was told there's 121 countries that signed on, including the US. [01:05:31.360 --> 01:05:36.360] Well, I didn't see anything like that on what I just saw. [01:05:36.360 --> 01:05:47.200] Let me show you what, tell you what was here, the website is ITCCS.org and you can go there [01:05:47.200 --> 01:05:54.000] and see who they say is where, what and why, but I would recommend anything you read there, [01:05:54.000 --> 01:05:58.320] you verify very, very carefully and well. [01:05:58.320 --> 01:05:59.320] Yeah. [01:05:59.320 --> 01:06:03.320] Well, I couldn't even find them, so you're doing better than me. [01:06:03.320 --> 01:06:07.240] The other thing I wanted to bring up, and you probably know about this, I don't know [01:06:07.240 --> 01:06:15.160] if your call is due, Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, on May the 21st and [01:06:15.160 --> 01:06:23.640] this year, had put forth a bill, Estes and Sands Period 1418. [01:06:23.640 --> 01:06:30.540] It calls for a department under the US Inspector General's Office to investigate court corruption [01:06:30.540 --> 01:06:37.400] in every type of judge in the United States except US Supreme Court. [01:06:37.400 --> 01:06:44.120] Supposedly, they can subpoena these people, they can do depositions. [01:06:44.120 --> 01:06:50.080] I believe it said the FBI can be sent to investigate the corruption. [01:06:50.080 --> 01:06:52.080] I don't know about anybody there. [01:06:52.080 --> 01:06:56.720] Well, who's going to investigate the corruption in the FBI before they start investigating [01:06:56.720 --> 01:07:00.680] the judges that give them the corrupt powers they have? [01:07:00.680 --> 01:07:02.680] Yeah, well, that's true. [01:07:02.680 --> 01:07:09.160] However, since we have nothing, I sent them my case with 90 pages of proof and asked them [01:07:09.160 --> 01:07:13.960] to put it up as the first case that they look at if this bill passes. [01:07:13.960 --> 01:07:19.000] Meanwhile, I'm in Maine, which is totally without law. [01:07:19.000 --> 01:07:24.360] I filed a jurisdictional challenge, which was defaulted on. [01:07:24.360 --> 01:07:32.880] However, the state is continuing on a removed case that was already dismissed by the federal [01:07:32.880 --> 01:07:33.880] court. [01:07:33.880 --> 01:07:39.440] They are continuing, although they have no jurisdiction, to have me arrested and brought [01:07:39.440 --> 01:07:41.960] into their fictional court. [01:07:41.960 --> 01:07:47.600] I don't know if you're familiar, but there's no, quote, judge in the state of Maine. [01:07:47.600 --> 01:07:51.680] None of them have a commission, which is required under the Maine Constitution. [01:07:51.680 --> 01:07:56.240] So they're all just hearing officers in this administrative court. [01:07:56.240 --> 01:08:05.040] Nonetheless, I have filed every kind of paperwork, certified documents showing that, you know, [01:08:05.040 --> 01:08:10.960] I don't come under their jurisdiction and they are retaliating against me and continuing [01:08:10.960 --> 01:08:12.800] as if I never did anything. [01:08:12.800 --> 01:08:20.400] So meanwhile, I filed a case in federal court in D.C. against approximately 40 of them, [01:08:20.400 --> 01:08:25.960] and now I have to bother to file a second case against a whole bunch more. [01:08:25.960 --> 01:08:33.840] Luckily, I came across Millbrook v. U.S., which says I get to sue their supervisors [01:08:33.840 --> 01:08:36.760] for lack of training, lack of oversight. [01:08:36.760 --> 01:08:44.120] So not only do I get the person who wronged me, I get the supervisor as well. [01:08:44.120 --> 01:08:46.960] But it's like a nightmare. [01:08:46.960 --> 01:08:53.040] What do you suggest, if anything, when a jurisdictional challenge is defaulted on, on a case that [01:08:53.040 --> 01:08:58.200] was already looked at by the federal court and dismissed, which was a criminal contempt [01:08:58.200 --> 01:09:05.400] of court charge on me, how do you stop these people that are this criminal? [01:09:05.400 --> 01:09:11.880] Well, I don't know what you would have meant by defaulted on in this respect, because the [01:09:11.880 --> 01:09:16.760] jurisdictional challenge, I'm not really sure how it could be defaulted on. [01:09:16.760 --> 01:09:20.520] The only thing that could happen is that the statute of limitations could expire before [01:09:20.520 --> 01:09:24.680] a ruling is made on the jurisdiction and the challenge to it. [01:09:24.680 --> 01:09:25.680] But... [01:09:25.680 --> 01:09:30.000] The challenge was answered by the plaintiff, and the plaintiff is the only one that can [01:09:30.000 --> 01:09:32.160] answer it. [01:09:32.160 --> 01:09:34.240] And I filed one last year. [01:09:34.240 --> 01:09:40.920] I filed one earlier this year, and I filed one again about two months ago. [01:09:40.920 --> 01:09:44.880] So I have filed three jurisdictional challenges into the case. [01:09:44.880 --> 01:09:48.440] Plaintiff has never answered on any of them. [01:09:48.440 --> 01:09:52.720] Yeah, but you're not listening to what I'm telling you. [01:09:52.720 --> 01:09:57.160] Show me where they're required to answer it as long as they're not proceeding. [01:09:57.160 --> 01:09:59.960] No, they are proceeding. [01:09:59.960 --> 01:10:02.360] How are they proceeding? [01:10:02.360 --> 01:10:07.400] They have issued bench warrants when I didn't show up for a hearing because they didn't [01:10:07.400 --> 01:10:08.400] have jurisdiction. [01:10:08.400 --> 01:10:12.760] Well, what were they having a hearing on? [01:10:12.760 --> 01:10:13.760] They were having... [01:10:13.760 --> 01:10:18.600] They're having a hearing because they're trying to pick a jury and go forward with [01:10:18.600 --> 01:10:28.080] this case, which was removed under 28 U.S.C. 1441 and 1443 last year. [01:10:28.080 --> 01:10:36.560] The judge, the state judge, actually changed my court document, which was a notice to remove, [01:10:36.560 --> 01:10:40.320] and he then dismissed U.S.C. codes. [01:10:40.320 --> 01:10:47.000] He abolished U.S.C. codes made by congressional acts, which is very interesting because I've [01:10:47.000 --> 01:10:49.680] never heard that a state judge can do that. [01:10:49.680 --> 01:10:52.720] That's because he can't. [01:10:52.720 --> 01:10:53.720] I know. [01:10:53.720 --> 01:10:54.720] I know. [01:10:54.720 --> 01:10:55.720] I'm being... [01:10:55.720 --> 01:10:56.720] Yeah. [01:10:56.720 --> 01:10:59.040] But, yeah, so he went ahead and did. [01:10:59.040 --> 01:11:05.960] Now, I found out that in the D.C. federal court, they have a rule and I don't have the [01:11:05.960 --> 01:11:12.240] number of it, but it's right in their Rules of Procedure, and it says that even a magistrate [01:11:12.240 --> 01:11:18.480] judge can issue a warrant for the arrest or a summons to bring forward any person who [01:11:18.480 --> 01:11:21.000] violates U.S.C. codes. [01:11:21.000 --> 01:11:29.360] So I'm going to be asking, since I filed on the 22nd of June into their court against [01:11:29.360 --> 01:11:34.760] approximately 40 people, I'm going to be asking them to issue an arrest warrant on [01:11:34.760 --> 01:11:36.360] this judge. [01:11:36.360 --> 01:11:44.160] Meanwhile, approximately three judges after him went right ahead and aided and abetted [01:11:44.160 --> 01:11:45.680] the fact that he did this. [01:11:45.680 --> 01:11:53.080] Just keep in mind, this case already went to federal court under 1441, 1443, and was [01:11:53.080 --> 01:12:01.040] dismissed, but they're continuing as if they have...if they could abolish U.S.C. codes [01:12:01.040 --> 01:12:07.920] and they can actually give themselves jurisdiction, which, of course, they can't, because that's [01:12:07.920 --> 01:12:11.960] treason under U.S. versus will. [01:12:11.960 --> 01:12:20.280] So I'm not sure how you stop somebody who is abolishing federal codes that they have [01:12:20.280 --> 01:12:21.280] to follow—not me. [01:12:21.280 --> 01:12:22.640] I don't have to follow them. [01:12:22.640 --> 01:12:27.320] They have to follow them, but they're violating them—that a federal court can arrest them [01:12:27.320 --> 01:12:32.800] for violating, but here we are, continuing. [01:12:32.800 --> 01:12:36.480] I run out of suggestions of what to do with these people. [01:12:36.480 --> 01:12:40.560] Did you file a complaint with the DOJ? [01:12:40.560 --> 01:12:41.560] I did. [01:12:41.560 --> 01:12:47.880] Actually, the DOJ, I'm suing for the simple fact that I have—it's endless—there were [01:12:47.880 --> 01:12:55.440] three agents under 1986, 42 U.S.C., 1986, that as soon as this case started, I gave [01:12:55.440 --> 01:12:56.440] them chapter and verse. [01:12:56.440 --> 01:12:57.440] Here's what's going to happen. [01:12:57.440 --> 01:13:02.480] It's a violation of 42 U.S.C., 1985, that's about to happen. [01:13:02.480 --> 01:13:09.040] You are required to stop it or aid in stopping it or I get to sue you for damages. [01:13:09.040 --> 01:13:12.880] They failed to do anything, so they're on the lawsuit. [01:13:12.880 --> 01:13:19.200] Now, federal court in D.C. threw this lawsuit back to Maine, but I'm suing three federal [01:13:19.200 --> 01:13:25.760] judges in Maine who have actually written that they will not allow anyone to file a [01:13:25.760 --> 01:13:32.080] case against any person who works for the state or any case involving animals. [01:13:32.080 --> 01:13:35.000] They actually put it in writing for me. [01:13:35.000 --> 01:13:42.320] So I sued them for violation of rights and I put it back in D.C., but the federal corporation, [01:13:42.320 --> 01:13:50.120] as their supervisor under Millbrook v. U.S., that says I get to sue the federal corporation [01:13:50.120 --> 01:13:55.760] for hiring these judges with no training, no oversight, and here's the result of the [01:13:55.760 --> 01:13:57.400] lack of training, lack of oversight. [01:13:57.400 --> 01:14:03.600] So I'm trying to keep it in D.C., in other words. [01:14:03.600 --> 01:14:10.560] So I don't know that they're going to do too much at DOJ, but yes, they have everything. [01:14:10.560 --> 01:14:13.640] I sent it to the new one there, Leslie Lynch. [01:14:13.640 --> 01:14:18.400] So we'll see, you know, but I don't know what else. [01:14:18.400 --> 01:14:23.160] I've filed everything I can think of to file, but I don't know the law that well, and I [01:14:23.160 --> 01:14:25.920] thought maybe you might have a suggestion. [01:14:25.920 --> 01:14:31.840] Well, without knowing more specific details as to how this is working and exactly what [01:14:31.840 --> 01:14:36.280] you're after, I'm not really sure how to proceed about making a suggestion. [01:14:36.280 --> 01:14:38.440] I need more details than I've got. [01:14:38.440 --> 01:14:42.480] Yeah, I'm trying to put a stop to this after my property. [01:14:42.480 --> 01:14:47.040] They just break into my house whenever they'd like. [01:14:47.040 --> 01:14:51.760] And they're continuing with a case that doesn't exist. [01:14:51.760 --> 01:14:55.600] And I don't know how to stop. [01:14:55.600 --> 01:15:02.960] The weird thing was, when they brought me into court this last time, they have to bring [01:15:02.960 --> 01:15:06.800] you in within 48 hours, they didn't. [01:15:06.800 --> 01:15:09.200] I told them everything I needed to tell them. [01:15:09.200 --> 01:15:14.600] I had 10 different things that I needed to put on the record, and I did. [01:15:14.600 --> 01:15:21.520] And then the judge, excuse me, turned to the prosecutor, and the prosecutor said, I guarantee [01:15:21.520 --> 01:15:25.360] that this is a plenary case, which I knew instantly they were trying to put me into [01:15:25.360 --> 01:15:31.200] public rights, which, of course, can't fly because I have certified copies of my status [01:15:31.200 --> 01:15:37.400] of standing already filed with the U.S. Secretary of State and with this court and with the [01:15:37.400 --> 01:15:40.440] federal court in D.C. and the DOJ. [01:15:40.440 --> 01:15:43.160] Nonetheless, they have ignored it. [01:15:43.160 --> 01:15:47.920] They have ignored everything. [01:15:47.920 --> 01:15:53.040] And they're going right ahead as if I was a straw man, even though I've shown I'm [01:15:53.040 --> 01:15:58.240] not, and have documented proof that I'm not. [01:15:58.240 --> 01:16:00.200] Okay. [01:16:00.200 --> 01:16:06.680] Well, I don't really have a suggestion for you at the moment. [01:16:06.680 --> 01:16:08.520] Keep plugging away at what you've done. [01:16:08.520 --> 01:16:11.160] Keep trying to force somebody to do what they're supposed to do. [01:16:11.160 --> 01:16:15.560] Get other parties to reach out to that have power over any of them you're working with [01:16:15.560 --> 01:16:20.120] or against, and try to get them moving. [01:16:20.120 --> 01:16:26.620] And even more so, try to organize the people around you and in your community to help do [01:16:26.620 --> 01:16:27.960] something about it. [01:16:27.960 --> 01:16:28.960] Yeah. [01:16:28.960 --> 01:16:31.160] Well, we're all in the same boat. [01:16:31.160 --> 01:16:32.160] These people are criminals. [01:16:32.160 --> 01:16:36.360] Well, that's exactly why you should find it fairly easy to motivate them. [01:16:36.360 --> 01:16:37.360] Okay. [01:16:37.360 --> 01:16:38.360] Thank you. [01:16:38.360 --> 01:16:39.360] All right. [01:16:39.360 --> 01:16:40.360] Thanks for calling in. [01:16:40.360 --> 01:16:41.360] Yep. [01:16:41.360 --> 01:16:42.360] Bye-bye. [01:16:42.360 --> 01:16:43.360] Bye-bye. [01:16:43.360 --> 01:16:44.360] All right, folks. [01:16:44.360 --> 01:16:46.040] This is Rule of Law Radio. [01:16:46.040 --> 01:16:49.040] I've got Terry, Scott, Alex up on the board. [01:16:49.040 --> 01:16:52.040] We'll take the calls when we get back, so y'all hang in there. [01:16:52.040 --> 01:16:53.040] All right, folks. [01:16:53.040 --> 01:16:54.040] 512-646-1984. [01:16:54.040 --> 01:16:55.040] We'll be right back. [01:16:55.040 --> 01:17:04.720] At Capital Coin and Bullion, our mission is to be your preferred shopping destination [01:17:04.720 --> 01:17:08.800] by delivering excellent customer service and outstanding value at an affordable price. [01:17:08.800 --> 01:17:13.000] We provide a wide assortment of your favorite products featuring a great selection of high-quality [01:17:13.000 --> 01:17:14.560] coins and precious metals. [01:17:14.560 --> 01:17:18.480] We cater to beginners in coin collecting as well as large transactions for investors. [01:17:18.480 --> 01:17:23.160] We believe in educating our customers with resources from top accredited metals dealers [01:17:23.160 --> 01:17:24.160] and journalists. [01:17:24.160 --> 01:17:27.040] If we don't have what you're looking for, we can find it. [01:17:27.040 --> 01:17:31.400] In addition, we carry popular young Jevity products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine and [01:17:31.400 --> 01:17:32.400] Pollen Burst. [01:17:32.400 --> 01:17:37.240] We also offer One World Way, Mountain House Storable Foods, Berkey Water Products, ammunition [01:17:37.240 --> 01:17:39.440] at 10% above wholesale, and more. [01:17:39.440 --> 01:17:43.040] We broker metals IRA accounts, and we also accept Bitcoins as payment. [01:17:43.040 --> 01:17:46.400] Call us at 512-646-6440. [01:17:46.400 --> 01:17:51.360] We're located at 7304 Burnett Road Suite A, about a half mile south of Anderson. [01:17:51.360 --> 01:17:54.480] We're open Monday through Friday 10 to 6, Saturdays 10 to 2. [01:17:54.480 --> 01:18:01.000] Visit us at capitalcoinandbullion.com or call 512-646-6440. [01:18:01.000 --> 01:18:06.040] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area [01:18:06.040 --> 01:18:07.040] of nutrition. [01:18:07.040 --> 01:18:10.880] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all [01:18:10.880 --> 01:18:11.880] that. [01:18:11.880 --> 01:18:17.480] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [01:18:17.480 --> 01:18:23.800] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, young Jevity can [01:18:23.800 --> 01:18:26.040] provide the nutrients you need. [01:18:26.040 --> 01:18:30.880] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which [01:18:30.880 --> 01:18:31.880] we reject. [01:18:31.880 --> 01:18:37.320] But we have come to trust Young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with [01:18:37.320 --> 01:18:40.120] Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [01:18:40.120 --> 01:18:48.080] When you order from logosradio.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio. [01:18:48.080 --> 01:18:52.400] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [01:18:52.400 --> 01:18:57.640] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [01:18:57.640 --> 01:18:59.600] increase your income. [01:18:59.600 --> 01:19:02.520] Order now. [01:19:02.520 --> 01:19:32.200] This is the Logos Radio Network. [01:19:33.200 --> 01:19:39.880] All right, folks. [01:19:39.880 --> 01:19:40.880] We are back. [01:19:40.880 --> 01:19:41.880] This is Rule of Law Radio. [01:19:41.880 --> 01:19:42.880] Right now, we are going to talk to Terry in Michigan. [01:19:42.880 --> 01:19:43.880] Terry, what can we do for you? [01:19:43.880 --> 01:19:44.880] Hi, Eddie. [01:19:44.880 --> 01:19:45.880] Howdy. [01:19:45.880 --> 01:20:00.280] I've got a Fair Credit Reporting Act complaint going, and I've got four questions, so I'll [01:20:00.280 --> 01:20:03.720] give you a little background here. [01:20:03.720 --> 01:20:09.400] After I filed the complaint, the defendant filed a motion to dismiss and or compel arbitration. [01:20:09.400 --> 01:20:18.160] They're claiming that there was an arbitration agreement in the contract with this loan, [01:20:18.160 --> 01:20:24.200] and they want to take it to binding arbitration outside of the court. [01:20:24.200 --> 01:20:35.680] Now, in my response to their motion to dismiss, what specifically in the agreement does binding [01:20:35.680 --> 01:20:40.720] arbitration state that it applies to? [01:20:40.720 --> 01:20:49.960] It's kind of weird because it says everything, all disputes between borrower and certain [01:20:49.960 --> 01:20:54.480] other persons, or a lender and certain other persons. [01:20:54.480 --> 01:20:57.080] Well, they have a problem. [01:20:57.080 --> 01:21:06.840] A Fair Debt Collection Practices Act issue is not a dispute between you and the borrower [01:21:06.840 --> 01:21:09.120] and the entity. [01:21:09.120 --> 01:21:11.560] It's between the third party debt collector. [01:21:11.560 --> 01:21:14.320] Right, but this isn't a debt collection. [01:21:14.320 --> 01:21:15.320] Oh, okay. [01:21:15.320 --> 01:21:16.320] All right. [01:21:16.320 --> 01:21:17.320] Reporting Act. [01:21:17.320 --> 01:21:18.320] Okay. [01:21:18.320 --> 01:21:19.320] So you're going on the Reporting Act. [01:21:19.320 --> 01:21:20.320] Correct. [01:21:20.320 --> 01:21:21.320] Okay. [01:21:21.320 --> 01:21:29.560] And they do go through and mention a few different things, and the judge, you know, that are, [01:21:29.560 --> 01:21:40.200] I don't know, to me, it seems vague and ambiguous, but the judge seems to agree that she thinks [01:21:40.200 --> 01:21:46.880] that this pertains to Fair Credit Reporting Act, and they've stated a lot of different [01:21:46.880 --> 01:21:52.720] case law that says that it does apply to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. [01:21:52.720 --> 01:22:00.800] So I've tried to, well, two of my arguments are that I deny signing the arbitration agreement [01:22:00.800 --> 01:22:06.320] that I don't recall seeing it, and that I didn't sign it, is what I'm saying. [01:22:06.320 --> 01:22:13.520] And one of the other things is a move to strike out-of-time filing, because when they filed [01:22:13.520 --> 01:22:25.840] their motion, it wasn't within the time limits of when the complaint was filed. [01:22:25.840 --> 01:22:31.120] And I had put that in my responses, but the judge didn't address that. [01:22:31.120 --> 01:22:35.360] And well, and then I have two other things. [01:22:35.360 --> 01:22:40.400] When the judge dismissed it, because the judge said, for the following reasons, it's recommended [01:22:40.400 --> 01:22:46.440] that the defendant's renewed motion to dismiss and or compel arbitration be granted, arbitration [01:22:46.440 --> 01:22:50.680] be compelled, and that this case be dismissed without prejudice. [01:22:50.680 --> 01:22:53.160] So that kind of caught my eye there, without prejudice. [01:22:53.160 --> 01:22:55.680] I don't know if that means I can go back and reopen it. [01:22:55.680 --> 01:22:59.040] Well, you can if arbitration isn't binding. [01:22:59.040 --> 01:23:01.120] Is it binding arbitration or not? [01:23:01.120 --> 01:23:04.880] Yeah, they are calling it binding arbitration. [01:23:04.880 --> 01:23:12.440] Okay, then if the arbitration is binding and one party doesn't comply with the arbitration [01:23:12.440 --> 01:23:20.160] that lost, then they would be able to sue after that was why the without prejudice exists. [01:23:20.160 --> 01:23:23.440] Well, that would be in their favor. [01:23:23.440 --> 01:23:26.800] Well, that's only if they win. [01:23:26.800 --> 01:23:27.800] If they win. [01:23:27.800 --> 01:23:33.640] Okay, so then they come back and sue for costs and stuff, is what you're saying. [01:23:33.640 --> 01:23:36.400] Potentially, yes. [01:23:36.400 --> 01:23:39.760] Okay, okay. [01:23:39.760 --> 01:23:46.520] One of the other things that I was concerned about also is that when I filed this, I filed [01:23:46.520 --> 01:23:54.040] it November of 2014, and the statute of limitations ran out in December of 2014. [01:23:54.040 --> 01:23:59.960] So I'm wondering if maybe if the judge turns it over, because this is just a recommendation [01:23:59.960 --> 01:24:04.000] right now, still got to go to the judge. [01:24:04.000 --> 01:24:09.680] If they do turn it over to arbitration, the first thing they might say is the statute [01:24:09.680 --> 01:24:14.600] of limitations ran out, or if the statute of limitations have been met by me filing [01:24:14.600 --> 01:24:16.680] in the federal courts anyway. [01:24:16.680 --> 01:24:21.880] Well, as far as your lawsuit, you've told the statute of limitations, but if the judge [01:24:21.880 --> 01:24:28.720] dismisses it with or without prejudice, the statute of limitations starts again. [01:24:28.720 --> 01:24:33.360] And so if you're out of time already when they dismiss this, that's going to end it [01:24:33.360 --> 01:24:38.800] one way or the other, as far as you being able to refile and sue for the violation you're [01:24:38.800 --> 01:24:40.600] talking about. [01:24:40.600 --> 01:24:46.160] But now, what is under the statute of limitations? [01:24:46.160 --> 01:24:54.000] The violation of the Fair Debt Credit Reporting Act or something dealing with the agreement? [01:24:54.000 --> 01:25:02.240] The Fair Credit Reporting Act states that you got to file within two years of when you [01:25:02.240 --> 01:25:04.240] discovered the violation. [01:25:04.240 --> 01:25:05.240] Okay. [01:25:05.240 --> 01:25:09.440] Well, you filed it in 2014, how have you hit two years? [01:25:09.440 --> 01:25:20.360] Well, because I sent them a dispute letter two years ago in December that was a dispute [01:25:20.360 --> 01:25:23.720] about the information they're putting in my credit report. [01:25:23.720 --> 01:25:26.440] So that was when I discovered it. [01:25:26.440 --> 01:25:27.440] Okay. [01:25:27.440 --> 01:25:30.920] Well, it's two years from the date of discovery, right? [01:25:30.920 --> 01:25:32.640] Not date of the act. [01:25:32.640 --> 01:25:33.640] Correct. [01:25:33.640 --> 01:25:34.640] Okay. [01:25:34.640 --> 01:25:39.320] Well, if you discovered it, well, you discovered it two years before 2014. [01:25:39.320 --> 01:25:40.320] Correct. [01:25:40.320 --> 01:25:41.320] Okay. [01:25:41.320 --> 01:25:42.320] All right. [01:25:42.320 --> 01:25:47.360] So, yeah, they dismissed this, you're not going to be able to bring that back. [01:25:47.360 --> 01:25:55.920] But then again, have you looked at the case law they cited on the binding arbitration [01:25:55.920 --> 01:25:58.920] issue? [01:25:58.920 --> 01:26:01.720] You mean like the statute of limitations under... [01:26:01.720 --> 01:26:09.360] No, what the case law actually says why binding arbitration was allowed in those cases and [01:26:09.360 --> 01:26:13.840] why it was attached to it. [01:26:13.840 --> 01:26:23.240] Don't ever trust the way that an attorney tries to construe a case, read the case. [01:26:23.240 --> 01:26:29.440] Because that case may provide you with ammunition to say, I'll move the court to be aware of [01:26:29.440 --> 01:26:33.480] the fact that opposing counsels attempted to perpetrate fraud upon the court with that [01:26:33.480 --> 01:26:36.480] case they've cited for this position. [01:26:36.480 --> 01:26:42.680] Because right here, the case says very clearly that this is not the way it shall be done [01:26:42.680 --> 01:26:44.300] in this opinion. [01:26:44.300 --> 01:26:45.920] You know what I'm saying? [01:26:45.920 --> 01:26:50.840] The opinion itself may actually have gone into a foray of an argument that someone was [01:26:50.840 --> 01:26:53.440] making, but that was not the actual opinion. [01:26:53.440 --> 01:26:55.960] I've seen attorneys do that. [01:26:55.960 --> 01:27:00.580] They just lie. [01:27:00.580 --> 01:27:04.740] So don't trust it without reading the case yourself to see if it supports how they're [01:27:04.740 --> 01:27:08.500] trying to use it. [01:27:08.500 --> 01:27:12.800] And if it doesn't, take that back to the judge. [01:27:12.800 --> 01:27:14.480] All right. [01:27:14.480 --> 01:27:18.000] I've got till the 23rd so I can go back and read those cases over. [01:27:18.000 --> 01:27:30.400] But I'm still wondering in my response to their motion and then the magistrate's recommendation, [01:27:30.400 --> 01:27:34.720] because in the federal court, a magistrate cannot dismiss a case, they have to turn it [01:27:34.720 --> 01:27:38.840] over to the district judge to dismiss a case. [01:27:38.840 --> 01:27:41.040] And so that's what's going on right now. [01:27:41.040 --> 01:27:49.920] But in my response to their motion, this magistrate only addressed a couple of things in there [01:27:49.920 --> 01:27:55.240] and skipped over a bunch of stuff that I brought in there like denying, signing the arbitration [01:27:55.240 --> 01:28:01.760] and that I moved to strike out of time filing because they filed it, didn't file it within [01:28:01.760 --> 01:28:05.120] the court rules. [01:28:05.120 --> 01:28:10.760] And she didn't even, she didn't even address any either of those. [01:28:10.760 --> 01:28:13.840] Did you bring it up? [01:28:13.840 --> 01:28:20.320] I'm going to bring it up in my objection to the magistrate's report and recommendations. [01:28:20.320 --> 01:28:21.320] Okay. [01:28:21.320 --> 01:28:29.480] I haven't had a chance to because it was a nonverbal argument and in fact, when I gave [01:28:29.480 --> 01:28:36.600] my responses, because this was actually the second time because I had filed an amended [01:28:36.600 --> 01:28:39.280] complaint, which reset everything. [01:28:39.280 --> 01:28:42.200] So they had to refile again. [01:28:42.200 --> 01:28:48.240] And in the first time that I did it, they came back with objections to my responses [01:28:48.240 --> 01:28:50.200] and this time they didn't come back with anything. [01:28:50.200 --> 01:28:51.840] I just got the judge's report. [01:28:51.840 --> 01:28:55.640] They never even objected or anything. [01:28:55.640 --> 01:29:00.320] So that's kind of got me confused, but I don't know what that means. [01:29:00.320 --> 01:29:05.440] Well, all right. [01:29:05.440 --> 01:29:07.040] Hmm. [01:29:07.040 --> 01:29:11.480] So give them hell. [01:29:11.480 --> 01:29:19.760] The first time that we did this, they came up with their arguments against my responses [01:29:19.760 --> 01:29:27.000] and to say that, well, no, this doesn't hold water because of blah, blah, blah, whatever. [01:29:27.000 --> 01:29:29.000] But the second time around, they didn't come up with anything. [01:29:29.000 --> 01:29:32.480] The only one that responded was the judge. [01:29:32.480 --> 01:29:34.280] Okay. [01:29:34.280 --> 01:29:43.760] Well, again, I take it then you were not before the judge that did this in paperwork only? [01:29:43.760 --> 01:29:44.760] Correct. [01:29:44.760 --> 01:29:45.760] Okay. [01:29:45.760 --> 01:29:50.040] Then yeah, get it into your written pleadings and get it filed. [01:29:50.040 --> 01:29:53.280] All right, folks, this is rule of law radio. [01:29:53.280 --> 01:29:54.280] We're about to take a break. [01:29:54.280 --> 01:29:55.280] Terry, hang on. [01:29:55.280 --> 01:29:56.280] We'll finish this up on the other side. [01:29:56.280 --> 01:29:57.280] We'll be right back. [01:29:57.280 --> 01:30:03.480] So y'all hold on. [01:30:03.480 --> 01:30:08.240] Britain has nearly 2 million surveillance cameras in public places, but a new camera [01:30:08.240 --> 01:30:11.880] that barks out orders has privacy activists shouting big brother. [01:30:11.880 --> 01:30:17.560] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, back with details on the new breed of talking cameras next. [01:30:17.560 --> 01:30:19.280] Privacy is under attack. [01:30:19.280 --> 01:30:22.880] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [01:30:22.880 --> 01:30:27.860] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [01:30:27.860 --> 01:30:33.080] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:30:33.080 --> 01:30:35.640] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [01:30:35.640 --> 01:30:41.240] This message is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, [01:30:41.240 --> 01:30:42.960] Yahoo and Bing. [01:30:42.960 --> 01:30:45.600] Start over with StartPage. [01:30:45.600 --> 01:30:47.460] Stop. [01:30:47.460 --> 01:30:51.200] This is a restricted area and your photograph is being taken. [01:30:51.200 --> 01:30:55.960] It will be sent for processing if you do not leave the area now. [01:30:55.960 --> 01:31:00.560] That message came from a closed circuit TV camera intimidating pedestrians at London's [01:31:00.560 --> 01:31:01.960] Walker House. [01:31:01.960 --> 01:31:05.840] It's a government surveillance camera that not only watches law abiding citizens, but [01:31:05.840 --> 01:31:08.160] apparently threatens them too. [01:31:08.160 --> 01:31:12.520] Police claimed the Orwellian cameras would put the kibosh on street crime, but the public [01:31:12.520 --> 01:31:13.520] saw it differently. [01:31:13.520 --> 01:31:18.800] And after a few heated protests, big brothers switched off the camera's robo-cop-like audio [01:31:18.800 --> 01:31:19.800] warnings. [01:31:19.800 --> 01:31:23.240] So now the all-seeing eye is back to watching silently. [01:31:23.240 --> 01:31:31.460] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht for StartPage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:31.460 --> 01:31:36.840] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11. [01:31:36.840 --> 01:31:38.920] The government says that fire brought it down. [01:31:38.920 --> 01:31:43.880] However, 1,500 architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition. [01:31:43.880 --> 01:31:46.680] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives. [01:31:46.680 --> 01:31:49.320] Thousands of my fellow first responders are dying. [01:31:49.320 --> 01:31:50.800] I'm not a conspiracy theorist. [01:31:50.800 --> 01:31:51.800] I'm a structural engineer. [01:31:51.800 --> 01:31:53.160] I'm a New York City correction officer. [01:31:53.160 --> 01:31:54.160] I'm an Air Force pilot. [01:31:54.160 --> 01:31:55.800] I'm a father who lost his son. [01:31:55.800 --> 01:31:58.400] We're Americans and we deserve the truth. [01:31:58.400 --> 01:32:00.440] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today. [01:32:00.440 --> 01:32:03.720] Hey, it's Danny here for Hill Country Home Improvements. [01:32:03.720 --> 01:32:06.960] Did your home receive hail or wind damage from the recent storms? [01:32:06.960 --> 01:32:10.600] Come on, we all know the government caused it with their chemtrails, but good luck getting [01:32:10.600 --> 01:32:11.600] them to pay for it. [01:32:11.600 --> 01:32:15.240] Okay, I might be kidding about the chemtrails, but I'm serious about your roof. [01:32:15.240 --> 01:32:19.040] That's why you have insurance and Hill Country Home Improvements can handle the claim for [01:32:19.040 --> 01:32:21.800] you with little to no out-of-pocket expense. [01:32:21.800 --> 01:32:22.800] And we accept Bitcoin. [01:32:22.800 --> 01:32:27.400] As a multi-year A-plus member of the Better Business Bureau with zero complaints, you [01:32:27.400 --> 01:32:31.840] can trust Hill Country Home Improvements to handle your claim and your roof right the [01:32:31.840 --> 01:32:32.840] first time. [01:32:32.840 --> 01:32:39.160] Just call 512-992-8745 or go to hillcountryhomeimprovements.com. [01:32:39.160 --> 01:32:43.880] Mention the crypto show and get $100 off and we'll donate another $100 to the Logos Radio [01:32:43.880 --> 01:32:46.120] Network to help continue this programming. [01:32:46.120 --> 01:32:51.240] So if those out of town roofers come knocking, your door should be locking. [01:32:51.240 --> 01:32:57.640] That's 512-992-8745 or hillcountryhomeimprovements.com. [01:32:57.640 --> 01:32:59.520] Discounts are based on full roof replacement. [01:32:59.520 --> 01:33:04.600] May not actually be kidding about chemtrails. [01:33:04.600 --> 01:33:09.840] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com. [01:33:09.840 --> 01:33:14.480] Yeah, who you want to chip? [01:33:14.480 --> 01:33:15.480] Who you take me for? [01:33:15.480 --> 01:33:16.480] Free Tully? [01:33:16.480 --> 01:33:17.480] Who you want to chip? [01:33:17.480 --> 01:33:18.480] Me no free Tully. [01:33:18.480 --> 01:33:19.480] You can't chip me. [01:33:19.480 --> 01:33:20.480] Homicide. [01:33:20.480 --> 01:33:21.480] Don't let them chip you in the morning. [01:33:21.480 --> 01:33:22.480] Chip you in the evening. [01:33:22.480 --> 01:33:23.480] Put the chip in your body. [01:33:23.480 --> 01:33:30.480] And then when you go computer reading, you can't hide me safe from nobody. [01:33:30.480 --> 01:33:31.480] What me say? [01:33:31.480 --> 01:33:32.480] Chip in your mom. [01:33:32.480 --> 01:33:33.480] Chip in your daddy. [01:33:33.480 --> 01:33:34.480] Chip in your grandpa and the granny. [01:33:34.480 --> 01:33:35.480] Chip in on me. [01:33:35.480 --> 01:33:36.480] Chip in on your baby. [01:33:36.480 --> 01:33:37.480] All right, folks, we are back. [01:33:37.480 --> 01:33:44.480] This is Rule of Law Radio and we are going to finish up with Terry in Michigan. [01:33:44.480 --> 01:33:47.480] All right, Terry, what else you got on it? [01:33:47.480 --> 01:33:54.440] I'm just looking at this where they're saying is arbitration agreement and it's saying [01:33:54.440 --> 01:34:01.620] that the governing laws of the arbor disagreement is governed by federal law and by state laws [01:34:01.620 --> 01:34:07.560] of the state where the closing of the credit transaction took place. [01:34:07.560 --> 01:34:09.720] So they're going by the federal law. [01:34:09.720 --> 01:34:14.040] So it would appear that would be the same statute of limitations with those. [01:34:14.040 --> 01:34:19.400] So like I say, I don't know if that would still be an extension of the first filing [01:34:19.400 --> 01:34:26.480] that I made or if it would be a whole new, you know, where the statute would have ran [01:34:26.480 --> 01:34:27.480] out. [01:34:27.480 --> 01:34:33.480] Well, generally, if they dismiss the case and the statute of limitations is expired, [01:34:33.480 --> 01:34:34.480] it's done. [01:34:34.480 --> 01:34:35.480] Okay. [01:34:35.480 --> 01:34:41.520] Can they still come back at me for attorney fees and stuff? [01:34:41.520 --> 01:34:48.880] Well, that's hard to say. [01:34:48.880 --> 01:34:54.920] For anything that was filed prior to that, I'm sure they could because that's a separate [01:34:54.920 --> 01:34:55.920] issue. [01:34:55.920 --> 01:35:02.720] It's not tied to the limitations of the credit agreement that's the original cause of action [01:35:02.720 --> 01:35:06.280] or the fraud that they perpetrated, not the original cause of action. [01:35:06.280 --> 01:35:11.840] It's a separate issue for them. [01:35:11.840 --> 01:35:14.360] Okay. [01:35:14.360 --> 01:35:16.320] Okay. [01:35:16.320 --> 01:35:24.400] So I guess the thing is just in my objections to the magistrate's recommendations, just [01:35:24.400 --> 01:35:31.280] to bring all that stuff up about their out of time filing and not signing the arbitration [01:35:31.280 --> 01:35:33.680] agreement, see if that gets anywhere. [01:35:33.680 --> 01:35:34.680] Yeah. [01:35:34.680 --> 01:35:40.920] Well, I mean, is the arbitration agreement part of anything you did sign? [01:35:40.920 --> 01:35:43.720] I don't recall actually signing it. [01:35:43.720 --> 01:35:48.840] They came up with a copy that they said that I signed, but it's a copy. [01:35:48.840 --> 01:35:50.120] It's not an original. [01:35:50.120 --> 01:35:58.240] And I asked in my original response, I told them that I denied signing it. [01:35:58.240 --> 01:36:05.600] And I talked to Randy about it prior to me getting that magistrate's report. [01:36:05.600 --> 01:36:10.520] And I had put down in it originally that I had demanded to see the original and Randy [01:36:10.520 --> 01:36:14.000] said I didn't need that, that they'll know what I mean, but they didn't even address [01:36:14.000 --> 01:36:15.000] it. [01:36:15.000 --> 01:36:16.720] So I don't know. [01:36:16.720 --> 01:36:17.720] Yeah. [01:36:17.720 --> 01:36:22.400] Well, you can always challenge its validity as a copy. [01:36:22.400 --> 01:36:27.000] That's what I'm trying to do, if the judge will actually look at that. [01:36:27.000 --> 01:36:31.360] You know, if I have it in the record, wouldn't that mean that I would have a case for appeals [01:36:31.360 --> 01:36:32.360] if it's in the record? [01:36:32.360 --> 01:36:36.560] Well, the appeal is a different issue than the case being dismissed. [01:36:36.560 --> 01:36:45.480] If it's dismissed, you know, you can still take it up on appeal, maybe. [01:36:45.480 --> 01:36:52.480] But alleging that the dismissal was improper, that would prevent it from dying. [01:36:52.480 --> 01:36:57.200] But who knows? [01:36:57.200 --> 01:37:00.200] Okay. [01:37:00.200 --> 01:37:01.200] All right, Eddie. [01:37:01.200 --> 01:37:02.200] Thanks a lot. [01:37:02.200 --> 01:37:03.200] I appreciate it. [01:37:03.200 --> 01:37:04.200] All right. [01:37:04.200 --> 01:37:05.200] Have a good night. [01:37:05.200 --> 01:37:06.200] Me too. [01:37:06.200 --> 01:37:07.200] All right. [01:37:07.200 --> 01:37:08.800] Now we're going to go to Scott in Texas. [01:37:08.800 --> 01:37:10.280] Scott, what do you got? [01:37:10.280 --> 01:37:12.280] Well, hi, Eddie. [01:37:12.280 --> 01:37:16.680] I come down to your classes on Sundays, so I'm up here in Dallas. [01:37:16.680 --> 01:37:19.480] You recognize me, I'm sure. [01:37:19.480 --> 01:37:24.680] For everybody that's out there listening, everybody should try to donate to Eddie and [01:37:24.680 --> 01:37:31.920] help him out to get the Sunday thing where he taught him, or just, I got his program. [01:37:31.920 --> 01:37:38.000] It is so, all the information is completely astounding. [01:37:38.000 --> 01:37:43.200] And everybody really, I know I sit and listen to it like two or three times a week. [01:37:43.200 --> 01:37:49.760] You got to really inculcate this stuff into your vocabulary if you want to really kind [01:37:49.760 --> 01:37:51.320] of start getting good. [01:37:51.320 --> 01:37:55.520] I'm feeling like I'm starting to really get a little bit better at a lot of stuff. [01:37:55.520 --> 01:38:00.040] And so this Sunday, I definitely want to be down there and I'd like to do my little mock [01:38:00.040 --> 01:38:01.040] trial. [01:38:01.040 --> 01:38:04.720] And that's what's so good about this is if you could ever get that thing up and going [01:38:04.720 --> 01:38:11.240] and people will tip in and help out when they can see these mock trials live in action, [01:38:11.240 --> 01:38:12.240] it's really empowering. [01:38:12.240 --> 01:38:18.680] But I do have one question that's on this case that I got going on. [01:38:18.680 --> 01:38:25.000] When I put in all those motions and stuff, the judge wrote me back and he wants full [01:38:25.000 --> 01:38:33.480] copies including any dissent of all authority cited in each motion and do not include any [01:38:33.480 --> 01:38:36.840] comments or emphasis that the court did not provide. [01:38:36.840 --> 01:38:41.840] That was wanting to ask, can I get all that stuff and put it on a flash drive? [01:38:41.840 --> 01:38:46.560] No, you're going to print out copies and supply it to the judge but now be aware that [01:38:46.560 --> 01:38:54.000] some of the case law may be in the research folder or resource folder. [01:38:54.000 --> 01:38:59.520] In the resource folder of the seminar material, there is a folder called cases and the cases [01:38:59.520 --> 01:39:05.740] are broken down by subject matter and some of the cases actually deal with multiple points. [01:39:05.740 --> 01:39:11.240] So you may find several copies of the same case scattered throughout the folders so that [01:39:11.240 --> 01:39:15.480] you don't miss a case associated with something. [01:39:15.480 --> 01:39:20.280] But the case law that you need might be in there and if it's not, then you can go on [01:39:20.280 --> 01:39:23.040] Google or Google Scholar and pull it up. [01:39:23.040 --> 01:39:25.080] Oh really? [01:39:25.080 --> 01:39:26.080] Yeah. [01:39:26.080 --> 01:39:27.080] Okay. [01:39:27.080 --> 01:39:35.080] So when I come down this weekend, I'm going to do some research, if I can put some of [01:39:35.080 --> 01:39:39.080] this stuff together and then let you kind of look at it to make sure it's going to correct [01:39:39.080 --> 01:39:44.680] order or however because, you know, this guy, I'm sure he's going to, even though I've [01:39:44.680 --> 01:39:50.200] got all my teeth or got all my teeth, I'm sure he's going to reject every warning and [01:39:50.200 --> 01:39:51.480] not bring any of them. [01:39:51.480 --> 01:39:52.600] Yeah, but that's okay. [01:39:52.600 --> 01:39:54.280] We expect that. [01:39:54.280 --> 01:39:58.200] But at least we've got everything filed in writing. [01:39:58.200 --> 01:39:59.720] Correct. [01:39:59.720 --> 01:40:07.120] Okay, well, just keep up the good work my man and like I say, everybody out there listening [01:40:07.120 --> 01:40:13.880] from New Zealand to Delaware, y'all really need to support this man because he is, he's [01:40:13.880 --> 01:40:18.720] really helping us out and it's just going to be upon all of us to kick in and do what [01:40:18.720 --> 01:40:19.720] we've got to do. [01:40:19.720 --> 01:40:22.480] So I appreciate it Eddie and I'll see you Sunday. [01:40:22.480 --> 01:40:25.040] Well, I appreciate the call and the call out. [01:40:25.040 --> 01:40:26.040] All right. [01:40:26.040 --> 01:40:27.040] All right. [01:40:27.040 --> 01:40:28.040] Take care getting up there. [01:40:28.040 --> 01:40:29.040] All right. [01:40:29.040 --> 01:40:31.640] Now we're going to go to Alex in New York. [01:40:31.640 --> 01:40:34.240] Alex, what can we do for you? [01:40:34.240 --> 01:40:35.240] Hi. [01:40:35.240 --> 01:40:36.240] Hi. [01:40:36.240 --> 01:40:37.240] How are you? [01:40:37.240 --> 01:40:38.240] I'm good. [01:40:38.240 --> 01:40:39.240] And you? [01:40:39.240 --> 01:40:40.240] I'm very good. [01:40:40.240 --> 01:41:01.040] Yeah, I, I was, they gave me a ticket for, for dumping into the, into the creek. [01:41:01.040 --> 01:41:02.040] Okay they who? [01:41:02.040 --> 01:41:08.800] The, the warden. [01:41:08.800 --> 01:41:09.800] Okay. [01:41:09.800 --> 01:41:10.800] A game warden? [01:41:10.800 --> 01:41:11.800] Yeah. [01:41:11.800 --> 01:41:13.800] One of those game wardens. [01:41:13.800 --> 01:41:14.800] Yeah. [01:41:14.800 --> 01:41:15.800] Okay. [01:41:15.800 --> 01:41:19.840] Gave you a ticket for dumping in the creek. [01:41:19.840 --> 01:41:24.200] Can you cleanly define dumping? [01:41:24.200 --> 01:41:40.000] Well, what they do, they have a, they have this one guy, he, he made an affidavit about [01:41:40.000 --> 01:41:42.720] me dumping in the creek. [01:41:42.720 --> 01:41:47.280] Who has, who has a guy? [01:41:47.280 --> 01:41:51.840] The guy's name is Mayor. [01:41:51.840 --> 01:41:55.960] And he's a neighbor. [01:41:55.960 --> 01:41:58.240] And he's your neighbor? [01:41:58.240 --> 01:41:59.240] Yeah. [01:41:59.240 --> 01:42:00.240] Yeah. [01:42:00.240 --> 01:42:01.240] Okay. [01:42:01.240 --> 01:42:05.080] And he swore out a complaint that you were dumping something in the creek. [01:42:05.080 --> 01:42:06.560] Yeah. [01:42:06.560 --> 01:42:08.920] Okay. [01:42:08.920 --> 01:42:09.920] So what's your question? [01:42:09.920 --> 01:42:22.040] So I was, I was wondering if, if you can come over or like call on the, to the, to the, [01:42:22.040 --> 01:42:26.960] the public defender and talk to him. [01:42:26.960 --> 01:42:32.000] And what is my calling the public defender and talking to him going to do for you? [01:42:32.000 --> 01:42:34.000] Because I don't trust them. [01:42:34.000 --> 01:42:37.600] They're, they're a bunch of criminals. [01:42:37.600 --> 01:42:44.920] Well be that as it may, how do I have any information relating, you're in New York, [01:42:44.920 --> 01:42:45.920] right? [01:42:45.920 --> 01:42:46.920] Yes. [01:42:46.920 --> 01:42:47.920] Okay. [01:42:47.920 --> 01:42:51.960] One, I don't know whether you were dumping in the creek or not, or what constitutes dumping [01:42:51.960 --> 01:42:55.360] in New York or what law that even is. [01:42:55.360 --> 01:43:01.320] Two, I don't have any of the information relating to this case whatsoever. [01:43:01.320 --> 01:43:05.440] The complaint, the statutes, nothing. [01:43:05.440 --> 01:43:10.840] Uh, three, what makes you think a public defender is going to talk to me in the first place? [01:43:10.840 --> 01:43:18.320] Oh, I'm just going to put you on the, on the, on the, on the phone and I haven't talked [01:43:18.320 --> 01:43:19.320] to you. [01:43:19.320 --> 01:43:20.320] Yeah. [01:43:20.320 --> 01:43:26.800] But like I said, what is that going to help talk to him about what the weather? [01:43:26.800 --> 01:43:28.840] I don't know. [01:43:28.840 --> 01:43:29.840] Okay. [01:43:29.840 --> 01:43:34.000] Hang on just a second, Alex, I got a break and then we'll be back. [01:43:34.000 --> 01:43:35.000] Okay. [01:43:35.000 --> 01:43:41.320] All right folks, call in number 512-646-1984. [01:43:41.320 --> 01:43:46.360] I got one segment left and as you can see, that's not going to go well if I don't have [01:43:46.360 --> 01:43:47.360] someone to talk to. [01:43:47.360 --> 01:43:48.960] You all hang in there. [01:43:48.960 --> 01:44:00.280] We will be right back. [01:44:00.280 --> 01:44:03.800] You feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? [01:44:03.800 --> 01:44:04.800] Boring. [01:44:04.800 --> 01:44:07.640] I'm confused by words like the constitution or the federal reserve. [01:44:07.640 --> 01:44:08.640] What? [01:44:08.640 --> 01:44:12.520] If so, you may be diagnosed with the deadliest disease known today, stupidity. [01:44:12.520 --> 01:44:17.960] Hi, my name is Steve Holt and like millions of other Americans, I was diagnosed with stupidity [01:44:17.960 --> 01:44:19.160] at an early age. [01:44:19.160 --> 01:44:23.160] I had no idea that the number one cause of the disease is found in almost every home [01:44:23.160 --> 01:44:25.240] in America, the television. [01:44:25.240 --> 01:44:30.280] Unfortunately, that puts most Americans at risk of catching stupidity, but there is hope. [01:44:30.280 --> 01:44:34.040] The staff at Brave New Books have helped me and thousands of other Foxaholics suffering [01:44:34.040 --> 01:44:36.360] from sports zombie-ism recover. [01:44:36.360 --> 01:44:40.560] And because of Brave New Books, I now enjoy reading and watching educational documentaries [01:44:40.560 --> 01:44:43.240] without feeling tired or uninterested. [01:44:43.240 --> 01:44:50.600] So if you or anybody you know suffers from stupidity, then you need to call 512-480-2503 [01:44:50.600 --> 01:44:54.640] or visit them in 1904 Guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com. [01:44:54.640 --> 01:44:58.080] Side effects from using Brave New Books products may include discernment and enlarged vocabulary [01:44:58.080 --> 01:44:59.920] and an overall increase in mental functioning. [01:44:59.920 --> 01:45:04.440] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:04.440 --> 01:45:09.680] Win your case without an attorney with Juris Dictionary, the affordable, easy to understand [01:45:09.680 --> 01:45:14.480] for CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:45:14.480 --> 01:45:19.000] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:45:19.000 --> 01:45:23.680] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:23.680 --> 01:45:28.080] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course and now you can too. [01:45:28.080 --> 01:45:34.840] Juris Dictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [01:45:34.840 --> 01:45:39.320] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about [01:45:39.320 --> 01:45:43.680] the principles and practices that control our American courts. [01:45:43.680 --> 01:45:49.840] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:45:49.840 --> 01:45:52.640] pro se tactics, and much more. [01:45:52.640 --> 01:45:59.640] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:22.640 --> 01:46:37.560] All right, folks. [01:46:37.560 --> 01:46:38.560] We are back. [01:46:38.560 --> 01:46:40.040] This is Rule of Law Radio. [01:46:40.040 --> 01:46:43.500] We are now in our last segment of the Monday night show. [01:46:43.500 --> 01:46:48.520] We are sort of talking to Alex in New York and we're going to try to finish that up. [01:46:48.520 --> 01:46:51.760] Johnny, I see you called back in, so hang on just a minute and let me see what I can [01:46:51.760 --> 01:46:52.760] do here. [01:46:52.760 --> 01:47:00.280] All right, Alex, again, I'm not at all understanding what it is you hope to accomplish by having [01:47:00.280 --> 01:47:03.560] me talk to your public defender. [01:47:03.560 --> 01:47:07.400] I don't want to talk to him. [01:47:07.400 --> 01:47:11.280] No, you want me to talk to him. [01:47:11.280 --> 01:47:17.760] And I'm still trying to figure out why. [01:47:17.760 --> 01:47:28.120] Because the Meyer guy, he was talking to somebody else in the vet club and the guy has something [01:47:28.120 --> 01:47:32.600] to do with all these problems I'm having. [01:47:32.600 --> 01:47:33.600] Okay. [01:47:33.600 --> 01:47:35.180] In what way? [01:47:35.180 --> 01:47:37.240] Is it the guy that reported you? [01:47:37.240 --> 01:47:39.240] Well, no. [01:47:39.240 --> 01:47:41.400] I have this... [01:47:41.400 --> 01:47:46.920] These secret agents are following me. [01:47:46.920 --> 01:47:47.920] Okay. [01:47:47.920 --> 01:47:51.680] Well, I can see how that would be a problem, but let me ask you a question. [01:47:51.680 --> 01:47:54.160] If they're secret, how do you know about them? [01:47:54.160 --> 01:47:57.200] Because I see them. [01:47:57.200 --> 01:47:59.280] Then I guess they ain't so secret. [01:47:59.280 --> 01:48:01.080] Yeah, I know. [01:48:01.080 --> 01:48:04.880] So what makes you think they're agents? [01:48:04.880 --> 01:48:13.240] Well, I drew a picture of Obama. [01:48:13.240 --> 01:48:20.520] He's like flying on a pig with a needle and like there's a FEMA camp in the background [01:48:20.520 --> 01:48:32.200] and barbed wire fences and like people watching Gone with the Wind. [01:48:32.200 --> 01:48:33.200] Okay. [01:48:33.200 --> 01:48:35.680] And I guess that's his tomorrow. [01:48:35.680 --> 01:48:41.680] I doubt very seriously if that was enough to get secret agents to follow you around, [01:48:41.680 --> 01:48:45.760] especially considering some of the Obama memes that I've put together and put out there on [01:48:45.760 --> 01:48:46.760] the internet. [01:48:46.760 --> 01:48:51.840] I don't think this sounds so bad at all, unless of course, was there a death threat attached [01:48:51.840 --> 01:48:52.840] to it? [01:48:52.840 --> 01:48:55.760] Yes, there was. [01:48:55.760 --> 01:48:58.880] So you drew a picture with a death threat on it? [01:48:58.880 --> 01:49:03.600] No, I didn't draw a picture with a death threat on it. [01:49:03.600 --> 01:49:07.840] Then somewhere we're not connecting at all points in this conversation because that's [01:49:07.840 --> 01:49:11.760] what I just asked you if you did and you said yes. [01:49:11.760 --> 01:49:13.760] No, I didn't make any death threats. [01:49:13.760 --> 01:49:14.760] Okay. [01:49:14.760 --> 01:49:18.080] They made death threats against me. [01:49:18.080 --> 01:49:19.080] Who did? [01:49:19.080 --> 01:49:24.200] They killed somebody in the Obama organization. [01:49:24.200 --> 01:49:28.880] And how do you know it was somebody in the Obama organization? [01:49:28.880 --> 01:49:33.440] Because Obama visited my area three times wherever I went. [01:49:33.440 --> 01:49:34.440] I went to- [01:49:34.440 --> 01:49:37.600] Okay, that does not answer my question. [01:49:37.600 --> 01:49:39.380] Obama could visit a latrine. [01:49:39.380 --> 01:49:44.840] That doesn't mean someone in his organization called you because of it. [01:49:44.840 --> 01:49:51.040] How do you know someone in the Obama organization has called you and made death threats? [01:49:51.040 --> 01:49:53.640] Did they tell you they were from Obama's organization? [01:49:53.640 --> 01:50:00.280] No, they didn't tell me they were from Obama's organization, but I can see. [01:50:00.280 --> 01:50:03.120] You can see over the telephone that they are? [01:50:03.120 --> 01:50:07.440] No, I see them and I saw like 30. [01:50:07.440 --> 01:50:11.320] So someone made this death threat against you in person? [01:50:11.320 --> 01:50:13.800] No, they killed somebody. [01:50:13.800 --> 01:50:20.320] They killed, they used the devil's dust. [01:50:20.320 --> 01:50:21.320] All right. [01:50:21.320 --> 01:50:24.400] Well, Alex, let me tell you something else they killed. [01:50:24.400 --> 01:50:26.880] Let me tell you one other thing they've killed. [01:50:26.880 --> 01:50:27.880] This conversation. [01:50:27.880 --> 01:50:32.560] Man, whatever you're on or been drinking, dilute it better. [01:50:32.560 --> 01:50:33.800] I can't help you, man. [01:50:33.800 --> 01:50:34.800] I'm sorry. [01:50:34.800 --> 01:50:36.760] All right, folks. [01:50:36.760 --> 01:50:39.280] Now we're going to go back to Johnny in Michigan. [01:50:39.280 --> 01:50:46.880] All right, Johnny, please tell me you haven't been hitting the hooch in the last half hour. [01:50:46.880 --> 01:50:50.400] Check your mute button, Johnny. [01:50:50.400 --> 01:50:56.080] Well, this night's going well all the way around at this point. [01:50:56.080 --> 01:50:57.640] All right. [01:50:57.640 --> 01:51:01.280] Well, that being said, I need some more callers. [01:51:01.280 --> 01:51:07.440] 512-646-1984, if anybody's out there and listening. [01:51:07.440 --> 01:51:12.320] But in the meantime, while I'm waiting on someone else to show up that is speaking coherently [01:51:12.320 --> 01:51:19.600] and hopefully sensibly, I'll go back to what I was talking about at the beginning of this. [01:51:19.600 --> 01:51:25.600] And that is that it's time for us to get better organized and more motivated than we have [01:51:25.600 --> 01:51:30.240] been in the last few decades, folks. [01:51:30.240 --> 01:51:38.400] We are running downhill at a rapid rate with no brakes and a stone wall looming up in front [01:51:38.400 --> 01:51:39.400] of us. [01:51:39.400 --> 01:51:48.680] And we're going to hit it full bore if we don't do something to slow the descent. [01:51:48.680 --> 01:51:50.480] It's time to wake up. [01:51:50.480 --> 01:51:52.240] It's time to wake others. [01:51:52.240 --> 01:52:01.560] It's time to no longer take the unacceptable answer or allow the unacceptable position [01:52:01.560 --> 01:52:09.560] that takes anything else away from you and fails to start giving it back. [01:52:09.560 --> 01:52:10.960] We've got to change this. [01:52:10.960 --> 01:52:13.200] We don't have a choice. [01:52:13.200 --> 01:52:14.560] All right. [01:52:14.560 --> 01:52:17.160] I appear to have someone else up on the board. [01:52:17.160 --> 01:52:20.320] Let's see how this goes. [01:52:20.320 --> 01:52:22.320] Decarlo. [01:52:22.320 --> 01:52:24.320] Hello? [01:52:24.320 --> 01:52:26.520] Yeah, that's me. [01:52:26.520 --> 01:52:27.520] That's you. [01:52:27.520 --> 01:52:28.520] All right. [01:52:28.520 --> 01:52:29.520] Somehow you got my last name. [01:52:29.520 --> 01:52:30.520] Okay. [01:52:30.520 --> 01:52:31.520] But that's fine. [01:52:31.520 --> 01:52:36.120] Well, it says Decarlo Christie, but who knows what order that is. [01:52:36.120 --> 01:52:40.200] Yeah, that's my wife. [01:52:40.200 --> 01:52:45.480] I called you about a couple of years back and I talked to you a little bit about my [01:52:45.480 --> 01:52:46.480] chickens. [01:52:46.480 --> 01:52:49.760] I had some chickens in Cedar Park. [01:52:49.760 --> 01:52:53.200] In your backyard and code enforcement was giving you a hard time about coming on the [01:52:53.200 --> 01:52:54.200] property and all that. [01:52:54.200 --> 01:52:55.200] Do I have it correct? [01:52:55.200 --> 01:52:56.200] All right. [01:52:56.200 --> 01:52:57.200] Okay. [01:52:57.200 --> 01:53:06.880] And they just showed back up and then they finally issued me a citation and I've read [01:53:06.880 --> 01:53:16.160] everything about it as much as I can and the definitions of what they used. [01:53:16.160 --> 01:53:20.840] It appears to me that, you know, cause there's no arrest or anything like that. [01:53:20.840 --> 01:53:28.240] So it appears to me that I don't have much to go on except for maybe a jurisdiction if [01:53:28.240 --> 01:53:30.640] I can somehow work that. [01:53:30.640 --> 01:53:33.840] And I was wondering if you had any suggestions on... [01:53:33.840 --> 01:53:43.160] I do go to taloflaw.wordpress.com and look at the blog post I did on ordinances are not [01:53:43.160 --> 01:53:46.120] law in Texas. [01:53:46.120 --> 01:53:52.760] There is a 40 plus page document right up on there all about how the legislature has [01:53:52.760 --> 01:53:58.720] tried to allow this to happen, but the Texas constitution forbids it. [01:53:58.720 --> 01:54:01.680] Okay, great. [01:54:01.680 --> 01:54:05.920] I'll get that on the, on the archives and I'll, I'll read that. [01:54:05.920 --> 01:54:06.920] I appreciate it. [01:54:06.920 --> 01:54:07.920] Sure. [01:54:07.920 --> 01:54:08.920] That's all I needed. [01:54:08.920 --> 01:54:09.920] Not a problem. [01:54:09.920 --> 01:54:10.920] Thank you. [01:54:10.920 --> 01:54:11.920] You're welcome. [01:54:11.920 --> 01:54:12.920] All right. [01:54:12.920 --> 01:54:13.920] Now let's try this again. [01:54:13.920 --> 01:54:14.920] Johnny in Michigan. [01:54:14.920 --> 01:54:16.320] Are you there? [01:54:16.320 --> 01:54:17.440] Okay. [01:54:17.440 --> 01:54:18.440] You can hear me, right? [01:54:18.440 --> 01:54:19.440] I can now. [01:54:19.440 --> 01:54:20.440] Awesome. [01:54:20.440 --> 01:54:21.440] All right. [01:54:21.440 --> 01:54:27.120] I just called back in cause I realized that after hearing Terry from Michigan, that I [01:54:27.120 --> 01:54:29.920] didn't actually give out my email address this time. [01:54:29.920 --> 01:54:33.520] So I figured I'd add that on there for folks that actually want to email me. [01:54:33.520 --> 01:54:41.440] That's johnny, J-O-N-N-Y, Jaffa, J-A-F-F-A at mail.com. [01:54:41.440 --> 01:54:47.140] And also, you know, I, I called, when I called in earlier, I just had a conflict with one [01:54:47.140 --> 01:54:49.200] of the trustees of the local village down here. [01:54:49.200 --> 01:54:54.880] So I was like seriously heightened with adrenaline, but that's why I wanted to get off right [01:54:54.880 --> 01:54:55.880] quick. [01:54:55.880 --> 01:55:01.560] But yeah, Terry out there and Joshua and Vanessa and all those folks that I've already talked [01:55:01.560 --> 01:55:08.300] to you from rule of law and whatnot, I got your numbers in a little lock box and whatnot. [01:55:08.300 --> 01:55:10.760] So I put the key in there and locked it in there. [01:55:10.760 --> 01:55:13.200] My only other key is in a storage unit. [01:55:13.200 --> 01:55:19.360] So if you folks want to go ahead and give me a call back or email me or whatnot, I can't [01:55:19.360 --> 01:55:20.800] quite get to your numbers right now. [01:55:20.800 --> 01:55:24.760] So yeah, that's all I wanted to say. [01:55:24.760 --> 01:55:30.280] Oh, also in addition, I got like, I got seven different cars and whatnot here. [01:55:30.280 --> 01:55:37.960] I got these violation notices on unlicensed, disabled or inoperable motor vehicle. [01:55:37.960 --> 01:55:41.560] They did this a long time ago and I fought it beforehand, but I'm looking forward to [01:55:41.560 --> 01:55:42.560] getting that document. [01:55:42.560 --> 01:55:50.320] You just, uh, talked about now, what is that again, uh, towel of law dot wordpress.com [01:55:50.320 --> 01:55:54.160] and that's, that's a site for the meantime until you get tile law off the ground. [01:55:54.160 --> 01:55:55.160] Yeah. [01:55:55.160 --> 01:55:59.320] That site is strictly for blogging and making posts larger than what I want to try to deal [01:55:59.320 --> 01:56:01.400] with on Facebook. [01:56:01.400 --> 01:56:07.080] I'll I'll write them on the blog and then I'll link the blog into a Facebook post. [01:56:07.080 --> 01:56:08.080] Okay. [01:56:08.080 --> 01:56:09.080] Awesome. [01:56:09.080 --> 01:56:10.080] All right, everybody. [01:56:10.080 --> 01:56:11.080] Take it easy. [01:56:11.080 --> 01:56:12.080] I got to get going. [01:56:12.080 --> 01:56:13.080] I got a lot of stuff. [01:56:13.080 --> 01:56:14.080] I got to go on. [01:56:14.080 --> 01:56:19.280] I just made sure I could call in today and I've been trying to call in since I last was [01:56:19.280 --> 01:56:20.280] on. [01:56:20.280 --> 01:56:21.280] So, all right. [01:56:21.280 --> 01:56:22.280] Well, thanks for calling in. [01:56:22.280 --> 01:56:23.280] All right. [01:56:23.280 --> 01:56:24.280] All right. [01:56:24.280 --> 01:56:25.280] Bye. [01:56:25.280 --> 01:56:26.280] All right. [01:56:26.280 --> 01:56:27.280] Buddy in Tennessee has called back in buddy. [01:56:27.280 --> 01:56:31.280] What can we do for you in the last couple of minutes we got here? [01:56:31.280 --> 01:56:34.280] Hello buddy. [01:56:34.280 --> 01:56:38.280] All right. [01:56:38.280 --> 01:56:40.280] Everybody's got mute button issues tonight. [01:56:40.280 --> 01:56:41.280] It seems. [01:56:41.280 --> 01:56:42.280] All right. [01:56:42.280 --> 01:56:45.480] Since I got two and a half or actually two minutes left now, I'm just going to go ahead [01:56:45.480 --> 01:56:47.960] and close out the show with what I got folks. [01:56:47.960 --> 01:56:51.400] If you're up on the board, uh, we're out of time to take any more callers. [01:56:51.400 --> 01:56:52.680] So sorry about that. [01:56:52.680 --> 01:56:55.760] We'll have to catch you next Monday or you have to call in Thursday and Friday and talk [01:56:55.760 --> 01:56:59.560] to Randy and whatever other crew members are on. [01:56:59.560 --> 01:57:04.260] But again, folks, we we've got to get things changed. [01:57:04.260 --> 01:57:07.500] We are rapidly deteriorating here. [01:57:07.500 --> 01:57:11.760] We cannot stop where we're headed the way we've been doing it. [01:57:11.760 --> 01:57:12.760] Okay. [01:57:12.760 --> 01:57:15.560] It's like trying to paddle a canoe back up a waterfall. [01:57:15.560 --> 01:57:20.380] It just is not going to work. [01:57:20.380 --> 01:57:26.400] So now we have to take where we're at, at the bottom of the waterfall, canoe or no canoe [01:57:26.400 --> 01:57:32.360] and get to shore and make a change in our mode of travel. [01:57:32.360 --> 01:57:35.560] And we have to do it in a way that benefits us and not hurts us. [01:57:35.560 --> 01:57:39.980] And we can't do it sitting on our thumbs and waiting on somebody else to do it for us. [01:57:39.980 --> 01:57:47.520] It's time to take some initiative, some responsibility and some motivation to our friends, our neighbors, [01:57:47.520 --> 01:57:49.720] to all of them. [01:57:49.720 --> 01:57:55.280] Get in the face of your representatives, organize your community to be in their office. [01:57:55.280 --> 01:57:59.080] Every time they show up in your district, your precinct or whatever they call it in [01:57:59.080 --> 01:58:05.880] your particular state, get in their face and demand that this stuff stop, that it be changed. [01:58:05.880 --> 01:58:10.640] And if they can't do it, start blackballing their businesses. [01:58:10.640 --> 01:58:13.160] Don't allow them to do business with you. [01:58:13.160 --> 01:58:21.920] Make their life as barren of any type of living as you possibly can, just like they've tried [01:58:21.920 --> 01:58:25.480] to do to you through politics. [01:58:25.480 --> 01:58:26.480] Time to change it, people. [01:58:26.480 --> 01:58:30.120] Shake it, mix it up, and make it work the way it was intended. [01:58:30.120 --> 01:58:31.120] All right. [01:58:31.120 --> 01:58:33.800] This has been my latest Monday Night to Rod. [01:58:33.800 --> 01:58:50.600] Y'all have a great week, good night, and God bless. [01:58:50.600 --> 01:58:56.680] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible called the New Testament [01:58:56.680 --> 01:58:57.880] Recovery Version. [01:58:57.880 --> 01:59:02.840] The New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes that explain what the Bible [01:59:02.840 --> 01:59:08.520] says verse by verse, helping you to know God and to know the meaning of life. [01:59:08.520 --> 01:59:11.800] Order your free copy today from Bibles for America. [01:59:11.800 --> 01:59:20.760] Call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:20.760 --> 01:59:26.280] This translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 cross references plus [01:59:26.280 --> 01:59:30.320] charts and maps and an outline for every book of the Bible. [01:59:30.320 --> 01:59:32.840] This is truly a Bible you can understand. [01:59:32.840 --> 01:59:41.240] To get your free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version, call us toll free at 888-551-0102. [01:59:41.240 --> 01:59:51.920] That's 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:51.920 --> 01:59:53.520] Looking for some truth? [01:59:53.520 --> 02:00:13.520] You found it, LogosRadioNetwork.com.