[00:00.000 --> 00:05.960] The following newsflash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, providing your jelly [00:05.960 --> 00:08.160] bulletins for the commodities market. [00:08.160 --> 00:21.480] Today in history, news updates and the inside scoop into the tides of the alternative. [00:21.480 --> 00:27.640] Markets for the 29th of June opened up with gold at $1,180.15 an ounce, silver at $15.80 [00:27.640 --> 00:34.960] an ounce, Texas crude, $59.63 a barrel, and Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $255 [00:34.960 --> 00:41.960] U.S. currency. [00:41.960 --> 00:47.440] Today in history, Sunday, June 29th, 1969, the first ever Jewish worship service is held [00:47.440 --> 00:48.440] at the White House. [00:48.440 --> 00:53.000] It was conducted by Dr. Louis Finkelstein, the Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary [00:53.000 --> 00:59.800] of America, at the time. [00:59.800 --> 01:04.720] In recent news, yesterday an estimated crowd of 5,000, consisting mostly of religious leaders [01:04.720 --> 01:09.320] from around the world, led a Many Faiths One Planet march on the Vatican to show support [01:09.320 --> 01:12.920] for Pope Francis' environmental encyclical, released earlier this month. [01:12.920 --> 01:16.480] Many are pointing out that this letter serves as a great uniting force for environmental [01:16.480 --> 01:19.000] NGOs and clergy of all stripes. [01:19.000 --> 01:22.960] It's in time for the U.N. Summit on Climate Action this December. [01:22.960 --> 01:27.600] Rev. Fletcher Harper, executive director at GreenFaith, said there is a spontaneous expression [01:27.600 --> 01:31.320] of support from people of all different faiths for the message of the encyclical. [01:31.320 --> 01:34.040] We want to call for climate action from world leaders. [01:34.040 --> 01:35.240] They need to do their job. [01:35.240 --> 01:39.920] Rabbi Lawrence Troster said the following, quote, It just shows that despite our differences, [01:39.920 --> 01:42.400] we can come together on this universal human crisis. [01:42.400 --> 01:46.000] I think that the pope addressed the encyclical to people from the whole earth, and so many [01:46.000 --> 01:48.680] of the things that he said resonate within my Jewish faith. [01:48.680 --> 01:54.320] Nana Fearman, an Indonesian Muslim from California, said, quote, Based on my tradition in Islam, [01:54.320 --> 01:56.480] taking care of the earth is just part of worship. [01:56.480 --> 02:01.120] Muslim leaders have to step up and do something, engage with world leaders to make a decision [02:01.120 --> 02:04.400] that we are going to have a future for the next generation. [02:04.400 --> 02:09.720] Non-religious groups were in support as well, with Giuseppe Unifrio, executive director [02:09.720 --> 02:14.120] of Greenpeace Italy, saying the following, quote, Greenpeace has for years said that [02:14.120 --> 02:16.960] we have an ethical issue at the center of climate change. [02:16.960 --> 02:21.640] The pope's message is welcoming because it's a moral message that asks everyone to take [02:21.640 --> 02:22.640] a position. [02:22.640 --> 02:26.760] We are very happy to have read the encyclical as a turning point for the climate debate [02:26.760 --> 02:32.360] worldwide. [02:32.360 --> 02:34.920] Pastor Joel Olsteen had to bring out the big guns this weekend. [02:34.920 --> 02:38.040] No, not from the man upstairs, but from the man of the land. [02:38.040 --> 02:42.040] Rebs from his Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, told KHOU-TV that a number of their [02:42.040 --> 02:45.320] volunteer ushers are also armed law enforcement. [02:45.320 --> 02:49.420] They apparently had to escort out and arrest six people after they interrupted Joel with [02:49.420 --> 02:52.480] public shaming and scripture verses during his service. [02:52.480 --> 02:54.320] They are being charged with criminal trespassing. [02:54.320 --> 03:23.440] This has been your Lowdown for June 29th, 2015. [03:23.440 --> 03:52.440] Thank you, Pastor Joel Olsteen, and thank you, Pastor Joel Olsteen, and thank you, Pastor [03:52.440 --> 04:13.040] Joel Olsteen, and thank you, Pastor Joel Olsteen, and thank you, Pastor Joel Olsteen, and thank [04:13.040 --> 04:14.040] you. [04:14.040 --> 04:36.440] All right, folks, good evening, it's the Monday Night Rule of Law Radio Show with your host [04:36.440 --> 04:37.440] Eddie Craig. [04:37.440 --> 04:39.800] I want to thank you all for tuning in and listening. [04:39.800 --> 04:45.640] Tonight I want to discuss something that has been up in arms and in the air here lately [04:45.640 --> 04:49.360] going back and forth between everybody. [04:49.360 --> 04:57.680] And it is the Supreme Court decision on the banning of gay marriage within the states. [04:57.680 --> 05:04.680] Now my discourse tonight will have nothing to do with the gay and lesbian issue at all. [05:04.680 --> 05:10.680] I am going to be talking strictly about the decision of the Supreme Court, the way they [05:10.680 --> 05:18.280] applied the federal constitution and the arguments they used to do so, and some facts that were [05:18.280 --> 05:26.160] pointed out by several other people, including Alan West and someone that wrote an article [05:26.160 --> 05:28.800] for BearingArms.com. [05:28.800 --> 05:36.100] And then I'm going to address a point of disagreement I have with the way that the court applied [05:36.100 --> 05:40.640] its reasoning of the constitution in the first place. [05:40.640 --> 05:49.660] Now as I said, this does not say I support or don't support or in any way judge somebody [05:49.660 --> 05:51.600] for their choice of lifestyle. [05:51.600 --> 05:56.160] That's between you and your creator, not me. [05:56.160 --> 06:02.200] As a Christian individual, I may not agree with what you do, but I am specifically prohibited [06:02.200 --> 06:05.320] in judging you for it. [06:05.320 --> 06:06.320] It's not for me. [06:06.320 --> 06:07.760] I'm not going to engage in it. [06:07.760 --> 06:13.720] But I don't have any right or authority to judge anyone for what they choose to do. [06:13.720 --> 06:20.480] That's what, in my opinion, the grant of free will is all about, the right to choose. [06:20.480 --> 06:23.280] Right or wrong, the right to choose. [06:23.280 --> 06:29.200] And whatever consequences result from that choice are on the one that made it, not on [06:29.200 --> 06:35.040] someone else, unless, of course, the action itself was intended and directed at being [06:35.040 --> 06:36.980] harmful to someone else. [06:36.980 --> 06:41.400] So this has nothing at all to do with your choice of lifestyle. [06:41.400 --> 06:43.640] I don't want to get into that at all. [06:43.640 --> 06:54.400] I want to get into the reasoning that the court used and how it is about to cascade [06:54.400 --> 07:01.320] into some potentially liberal-minded, unintended consequences. [07:01.320 --> 07:06.440] Now going through this, let me point out how this went. [07:06.440 --> 07:12.960] There was a report done by the website, BerrigArms.com, and Colonel Allen West, who is a politician [07:12.960 --> 07:18.400] and should be familiar to you if you read the news or watch TV and watch all these debates. [07:18.400 --> 07:21.680] He's ex-military and so on and so forth. [07:21.680 --> 07:26.440] And he's arguing that there's an unintended flip side to the Supreme Court, and he's calling [07:26.440 --> 07:32.080] it a violation of the US system of federalism, one that will be quite upsetting for the liberal [07:32.080 --> 07:35.680] progressives who celebrated yesterday's decision. [07:35.680 --> 07:41.480] Now on the way to class yesterday, I also had a discussion about this case with a member [07:41.480 --> 07:47.380] of my class, and the way he was arguing it was that once again the Supreme Court has [07:47.380 --> 07:52.640] interfered with the rights of the states to create laws and do their own thing and to [07:52.640 --> 07:55.800] govern their own people and blah, blah, blah. [07:55.800 --> 08:04.680] Well the way the Supreme Court argued this, in essence, is that a right is a right no [08:04.680 --> 08:07.840] matter what state you're in, which is true enough. [08:07.840 --> 08:13.040] I absolutely agree with that statement. [08:13.040 --> 08:18.800] So a right not subject to state regulation was never within their power to be regulated [08:18.800 --> 08:21.120] in the first place. [08:21.120 --> 08:28.500] And you cannot in any reasonable manner argue that the actions of any individual that do [08:28.500 --> 08:38.380] not result in a direct harm to another's person, property, or rights can be restricted simply [08:38.380 --> 08:43.280] because someone else doesn't like their choice. [08:43.280 --> 08:46.240] That's exactly the opposite of freedom and liberty. [08:46.240 --> 08:50.780] It's exactly the opposite of free will. [08:50.780 --> 08:57.540] We were given free will to make our choices right or wrong, provided in the human context [08:57.540 --> 08:58.620] of that. [08:58.620 --> 09:03.040] We do not use that ability to cause harm. [09:03.040 --> 09:10.520] Now you can argue harm to society and all this other stuff all you want to, but the [09:10.520 --> 09:12.800] problem is there is no such thing. [09:12.800 --> 09:15.200] You cannot harm a society. [09:15.200 --> 09:16.200] You can't. [09:16.200 --> 09:18.840] It's an imaginary concept. [09:18.840 --> 09:22.400] It's a legal construct. [09:22.400 --> 09:25.520] Society exists because of individuals. [09:25.520 --> 09:30.000] When you boil all this down, no matter how you do it, eventually you come to the only [09:30.000 --> 09:32.480] conclusion possible. [09:32.480 --> 09:35.960] Every right is an individual right. [09:35.960 --> 09:39.480] Every harm is an individual harm. [09:39.480 --> 09:43.800] It can't be anything else. [09:43.800 --> 09:54.080] We all succeed, suffer, or fail as individuals, not as a society, okay? [09:54.080 --> 10:00.760] We can support each other and work together, or we can do exactly the opposite. [10:00.760 --> 10:03.840] But the fact of the matter is society is a concept. [10:03.840 --> 10:11.440] It's not a real thing, so you can't cause harm to it. [10:11.440 --> 10:20.280] Now that being said, the way they reason this out is they applied the Constitution in this [10:20.280 --> 10:21.280] manner. [10:21.280 --> 10:23.240] This is how the guy put it in the article. [10:23.240 --> 10:28.760] The Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry nationwide in [10:28.760 --> 10:34.440] a historic decision that invalidates gay marriage bans in more than a dozen states. [10:34.440 --> 10:40.440] Gay and lesbian couples already can marry in 36 states and the District of Columbia. [10:40.440 --> 10:46.240] The Court's ruling on Friday means the remaining 14 states in the South and Midwest will have [10:46.240 --> 10:49.880] to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage. [10:49.880 --> 10:54.880] The outcome is the culmination of two decades of Supreme Court litigation over marriage [10:54.880 --> 10:57.480] and gay rights generally. [10:57.480 --> 11:02.160] And then it goes on to say the Court used Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to justify [11:02.160 --> 11:07.880] its argument, and this is how it reads, no state shall make or enforce any law which [11:07.880 --> 11:12.980] shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, which most [11:12.980 --> 11:16.920] of us in the Patriot community knows does not apply to the majority of the people in [11:16.920 --> 11:19.220] America at all. [11:19.220 --> 11:27.400] Nor shall any state deprive any person completely separate from citizens of the United States. [11:27.400 --> 11:28.960] Remember that. [11:28.960 --> 11:34.840] Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process [11:34.840 --> 11:43.400] of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. [11:43.400 --> 11:49.520] Human and citizens of the United States here in the 14th are not the same thing. [11:49.520 --> 11:53.040] They're just not. [11:53.040 --> 11:59.680] On top of that, here's how the guy with the article at BearingArms.com finishes this out. [11:59.680 --> 12:05.400] By using the Constitution in such a manner, the Court argues that the due process clause [12:05.400 --> 12:12.420] extends certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, excepted [12:12.420 --> 12:18.360] in a majority of states across the state lines of a handful of states that still banned the [12:18.360 --> 12:20.120] practice. [12:20.120 --> 12:26.320] The vast majority of states shall issue on the matter of issuing concealed carry permits [12:26.320 --> 12:30.880] and enjoy reciprocity with a large number of other states. [12:30.880 --> 12:36.760] My North Carolina concealed carry permit, for example, was recognized yesterday as being [12:36.760 --> 12:42.440] valid in 36 states, which just so happened to be the number of states in which gay marriage [12:42.440 --> 12:44.740] was legal yesterday. [12:44.740 --> 12:51.280] But 14 states did not recognize my concealed carry permit yesterday. [12:51.280 --> 12:54.560] Today they must. [12:54.560 --> 13:00.240] Now using the same due process clause argument as the Supreme Court just applied to gay marriage, [13:00.240 --> 13:07.460] my concealed carry permit must now be recognized as valid in all 50 states and the District [13:07.460 --> 13:09.760] of Columbia. [13:09.760 --> 13:13.120] In other words, there is a standing right called the Second Amendment, which grants [13:13.120 --> 13:15.520] the right to keep and bear arms. [13:15.520 --> 13:16.800] That's a misnomer. [13:16.800 --> 13:21.240] It does not grant the right to do anything. [13:21.240 --> 13:27.160] It enumerates the right and shields it from infringement from the government. [13:27.160 --> 13:31.600] It didn't create the right, therefore it cannot grant the right. [13:31.600 --> 13:37.920] It can only shield it from government infringement and interference. [13:37.920 --> 13:41.820] And that specifically granted right shall not be infringed. [13:41.820 --> 13:47.120] So the SCOTUS does not need to have a court case and prolonged legal judicial activism. [13:47.120 --> 13:51.040] That right already exists. [13:51.040 --> 13:57.120] As Wes writes, since I have moved from Florida to Texas, my concealed weapons permit is not [13:57.120 --> 14:02.560] only transferable here, but all across the country in all 50 states. [14:02.560 --> 14:09.820] Thanks to the lesbian, gay, and LGBT community for making it very clear, my constitutionally [14:09.820 --> 14:13.560] declared right must be recognized in every state. [14:13.560 --> 14:18.620] Not only is it my right to keep and bear my arms, weapons, but that personal choice is [14:18.620 --> 14:22.320] central to my individual dignity and autonomy. [14:22.320 --> 14:27.720] In line, the Supreme Court of the United States just solidified the right to keep and bear [14:27.720 --> 14:34.120] arms and made it clear with their decision on marriage that no state, including Illinois, [14:34.120 --> 14:37.880] has the right to infringe upon another Second Amendment right. [14:37.880 --> 14:39.160] Notes West. [14:39.160 --> 14:46.040] If the violation of federalism works okay for LGBTs, then it works well for gun owners. [14:46.040 --> 14:54.400] Now let me apply my reasoning to this as to the part that I disagree with. [14:54.400 --> 14:59.360] Again, the fact that the statement was made that the Second Amendment grants the right, [14:59.360 --> 15:01.720] I absolutely do not agree with. [15:01.720 --> 15:06.640] It doesn't grant it. [15:06.640 --> 15:15.320] But the problem here is, Wes' argument about the permit itself is not valid. [15:15.320 --> 15:19.680] Because the permit under the Constitution is not a prerequisite. [15:19.680 --> 15:20.800] It's not required. [15:20.800 --> 15:23.280] It can't be required. [15:23.280 --> 15:29.520] The requirement to obtain a license or permit to carry your gun would be an infringement. [15:29.520 --> 15:34.720] In other words, if you don't have the permit or the license, you can't do it. [15:34.720 --> 15:36.840] Well then it's not a right. [15:36.840 --> 15:42.020] Therefore, the permit argument is completely off-kilter. [15:42.020 --> 15:45.660] It has no applicability here. [15:45.660 --> 15:51.840] Then you take some place like New Hampshire, where New Hampshire is open or concealed with [15:51.840 --> 15:56.440] or without a permit, entirely up to you. [15:56.440 --> 15:59.520] So why would Florida be consistent across Texas? [15:59.520 --> 16:03.340] Why isn't New Hampshire consistent across Texas? [16:03.340 --> 16:08.200] The answer here is that none of this argument is correct as far as the permit goes or the [16:08.200 --> 16:10.040] license goes. [16:10.040 --> 16:14.160] Everything has to be transferred, the right never went anywhere. [16:14.160 --> 16:19.920] We just allowed the state to interfere with it, to infringe upon it, and it was never [16:19.920 --> 16:24.120] allowed to do that in the first place. [16:24.120 --> 16:29.320] Now to finish the discussion I was having with one of my classmates there on the way [16:29.320 --> 16:34.560] to class, I'll pick that up on the other side after the break and continue this. [16:34.560 --> 16:38.480] In the meantime, y'all can go ahead and get in line because this won't take very long. [16:38.480 --> 16:45.520] Call in number 512-646-1984, give us a call, get in line, let's talk about whatever you [16:45.520 --> 16:47.040] got going on here. [16:47.040 --> 16:51.200] I'll get the phones turned on and we'll be waiting for y'all to get up there in the queue. [16:51.200 --> 16:55.080] In the meantime, when we return, I'll finish this discussion and start taking your calls. [16:55.080 --> 17:00.720] We'll be right back. [17:00.720 --> 17:05.320] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area [17:05.320 --> 17:06.760] of nutrition. [17:06.760 --> 17:11.480] We feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that. [17:11.480 --> 17:17.200] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [17:17.200 --> 17:23.520] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, young Jevity can [17:23.520 --> 17:25.760] provide the nutrients you need. [17:25.760 --> 17:30.640] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which [17:30.640 --> 17:31.640] we reject. [17:31.640 --> 17:36.840] And we have come to trust young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along [17:36.840 --> 17:39.800] with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [17:39.800 --> 17:46.120] When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support [17:46.120 --> 17:47.760] quality radio. [17:47.760 --> 17:51.760] As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to join us. [17:51.760 --> 17:57.320] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [17:57.320 --> 17:59.320] increase your income. [17:59.320 --> 18:00.660] Order now. [18:00.660 --> 18:05.440] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [18:05.440 --> 18:09.440] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears Proven Method. [18:09.440 --> 18:13.760] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you [18:13.760 --> 18:14.760] can win two. [18:14.760 --> 18:19.600] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal [18:19.600 --> 18:25.480] civil rights statutes, what to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons, how to answer [18:25.480 --> 18:30.000] letters and phone calls, how to get debt collectors out of your credit report, how to turn the [18:30.000 --> 18:34.200] financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [18:34.200 --> 18:39.320] The Michael Mears Proven Method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [18:39.320 --> 18:41.480] Personal consultation is available as well. [18:41.480 --> 18:47.080] For more information, please visit RuleOfLawRadio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner, [18:47.080 --> 18:50.000] or email MichaelMears at yahoo.com. [18:50.000 --> 18:58.960] That's RuleOfLawRadio.com, or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt [18:58.960 --> 19:00.680] collectors now. [19:00.680 --> 19:12.020] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network, m-m-m-m-m-m-LogosRadioNetwork.com. [19:12.020 --> 19:27.020] Look what we've got, who we ask, we're Christians [19:27.020 --> 19:32.020] No wonder why we don't have an answer [19:32.020 --> 19:44.020] Look what we've got, who we ask, we're Christians [19:44.020 --> 19:57.020] Look what we've got, who we ask, we're Christians [19:57.020 --> 20:05.020] Alright folks, we are back, this is Rule of Law Radio, the call at number 512-646-1984 [20:05.020 --> 20:08.020] Alright, real quick, let me wrap this up here [20:08.020 --> 20:23.020] Now, anyway, in the discussion I simply took the statement back on the Supreme Court trying to make federal mandates on the stage to do this, that, or the other, was kind of his argument [20:23.020 --> 20:27.020] And so, the way I addressed it was this [20:27.020 --> 20:56.020] If we are, as most of us that are Christians believe, are granted free will, the right to choose, and the right to exercise that freedom of choice without repercussion, as long as we are not using it to harm the person, rights, or property of another, then we cannot rightfully say that we have the right to dictate the choices others make that do not have a direct effect upon our ability to enjoy it [20:56.020 --> 21:00.020] to enjoy our rights, liberty, and property [21:00.020 --> 21:01.020] Okay? [21:01.020 --> 21:08.020] Nothing they choose to do behind their closed doors is my problem, period [21:08.020 --> 21:11.020] Nor is it yours [21:11.020 --> 21:18.020] No one's asking you to participate, and if they did, all you would have to say is no, if that's your choice [21:18.020 --> 21:21.020] That's what free will is, okay? [21:21.020 --> 21:26.020] You may not agree with what they're doing behind closed doors, but it's still none of your business [21:26.020 --> 21:36.020] You can't say, I'm free to barbecue in my backyard, and they're not free to barbecue in their bedroom, or however you would like to put it [21:36.020 --> 21:44.020] You make the choices about you, they make the choices about them, stop worrying about getting into everybody else's business [21:44.020 --> 21:50.020] We have much bigger problems here, okay? [21:50.020 --> 22:00.020] And like it or not, I don't care what your personal life choice is, you're on the same damn sinking ship I am in case you hadn't noticed [22:00.020 --> 22:09.020] Why are you people running around worried about rearranging the deck chairs on the freaking Titanic? [22:09.020 --> 22:11.020] It's stupid [22:11.020 --> 22:19.020] The Supreme Court didn't mandate anything to the states except what already was [22:19.020 --> 22:24.020] They have the right to choose, it's an individual human right [22:24.020 --> 22:36.020] You, as the states, do not have the power to prevent it, or to treat them and judge them differently because of it [22:36.020 --> 22:45.020] Same argument is made with race, same argument is made with nationality [22:45.020 --> 22:56.020] So the Supreme Court did not create a new state mandate as far as you have a federal program here that you're going to have to do with or without funds [22:56.020 --> 23:08.020] No, instead the Supreme Court said stop wasting your people's funds, running campaigns and passing laws that you can't pass in the first place [23:08.020 --> 23:20.020] Because you're not giving the people that hired you to do the job you're doing their money's worth by doing these things because you have a personal vendetta about what happens [23:20.020 --> 23:34.020] And even if the majority of your people don't like it, they are asking you to legislate an individual right which you cannot do, no matter how many of them ask for it [23:34.020 --> 23:44.020] That should not be a difficult concept, in my mind it shouldn't be, we are commanded not to judge our fellow man [23:44.020 --> 23:49.020] How's it go? Judge not, lest ye be judged, okay? [23:49.020 --> 23:56.020] If you're going to tell your brother about the moat in his eye, cast the beam out of your own first [23:56.020 --> 24:09.020] Alright, he who is without sin, cast the first stone, if you want to throw Christian arguments at it, you're told not to do everything that we're sitting here arguing about doing [24:09.020 --> 24:21.020] And being non-judgmental is not the same thing as supporting an activity you disagree with, it's not the same thing folks, not even close [24:21.020 --> 24:31.020] Supporting it would be, hey, oh, you want to go do that thing there, well let me go buy the lube for you, or here, let me give you a little push and help you out [24:31.020 --> 24:40.020] That's supporting it, okay, here, let me give you the money to buy those things, no, that's supporting it [24:40.020 --> 24:52.020] You don't have to agree with it, but you don't get to judge them and do anything to them because you don't agree with it, as long as they're not trying to force it on you [24:52.020 --> 25:07.020] It astounds me that we want to scream freedom, liberty, rights from the top of our lungs against the government, but we are so willing to accept the abuse of those very things from each other [25:07.020 --> 25:24.020] Why? Why would you do that? Every single atrocity we've committed for religion of any kind was based on that state of mind [25:24.020 --> 25:43.020] The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, okay, you name it, the Muslim holy war, the jihad, okay, it's all about you don't believe as I do, therefore I must kill you [25:43.020 --> 25:53.020] The Christians can't claim we've done it any better than the Muslims because we're asking to do exactly the same thing and have throughout our own history [25:53.020 --> 25:57.020] None of it's right [25:57.020 --> 26:06.020] We were told to go out and spread the gospel, not go out and beat other people into submission to the gospel [26:06.020 --> 26:11.020] Do you not understand the difference? [26:11.020 --> 26:24.020] It's kind of like me saying, folks, two plus two is four, okay, don't take my word for it, please, I'm just here to tell you the truth, the truth is two plus two equals four [26:24.020 --> 26:37.020] Now what you do with that information, you have free will and the right to choose, believe it, not believe it, take it as you will, I've done my part, therefore I leave it in your hands as to what to do with it [26:37.020 --> 26:48.020] That's what we're supposed to be doing, but instead when someone goes, oh, no, two plus two is three or two plus two is five, my math teacher told me so [26:48.020 --> 27:02.020] Instead of going, well, then I challenge you to, you know, contest your math teacher and check it out for yourself, no, we don't do that, we say, no, I told you it's four, you're going to accept that it's four [27:02.020 --> 27:11.020] If you don't accept that it's four, I'm going to beat you to death with a two by four, that's how we do it [27:11.020 --> 27:27.020] We need to change this attitude, folks, because those that know how to manipulate this state of mind and make the most of it are using it against us day in and day out to get their way and to push us off the edge of a cliff into a deep dark hole [27:27.020 --> 27:32.020] And when they get us there, they're going to start kicking in the dirt [27:32.020 --> 27:41.020] And whether or not you are going to be able to do the same thing that the mule did when he fell down the well and the owner decided to try to just bury him in the well and be done with it [27:41.020 --> 27:59.020] When the owner started pushing the dirt off in the well, the mule at first panicked, but he soon realized that all he had to do was just keep climbing up on top of the dirt and packing it down, soon after the owner had shoveled in enough dirt, the mule was able to walk out of the hole [27:59.020 --> 28:11.020] But we're not going to be able to do that if we are so busy at the bottom of that hole pulling each other down that we all get buried, and that is where we're headed, that is what we're doing [28:11.020 --> 28:35.020] Because we allow crap like this to take our minds, our eyes, and our ears off of those that are manipulating us into believing that this is the important part of life, that we don't like what that person is, says, or does, and therefore we must attack them and treat them differently [28:35.020 --> 28:45.020] No. Folks, if that's your lifestyle, that's fine, but please, don't come talk to me about it and describe it in detail because it's not for me and I'm not interested, okay? [28:45.020 --> 29:00.020] I don't want to know. Keep it where it belongs, in your house, I've got no problem with it, just don't be throwing it up in my face and we're fine, and I won't be throwing anything I've got up in your face, you don't want to hear what I've got to say about the Lord and all that, then fine [29:00.020 --> 29:13.020] Just say, look, I appreciate you trying to do that, but I don't believe as you believe, and I'll never believe as you believe, and I'm like, okay, no problem, that again is your exercise of free will, that's your choice [29:13.020 --> 29:33.020] Why can't people do that? Why are we so dead set on the idea that if you can't be like me, then you must be bad, you must be attacked, you must be gotten rid of [29:33.020 --> 29:43.020] We need to stop that mindset, folks, because it works against us in the long run, and it helps those that are trying to subjugate us to what they want [29:43.020 --> 30:01.020] Alright, folks, I've got plenty of callers up on the board, when we get back, I'm going to start taking your calls, 512-646-1984 is the calling number, y'all get in line, and we'll be right back after this message [30:01.020 --> 30:10.020] Talk about California Dream and Berkeley researchers have found a way to reconstruct and play back images recorded in other people's minds [30:10.020 --> 30:16.020] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll have more on this fascinating but creepy technological experiment in a moment [30:16.020 --> 30:26.020] Privacy is under attack, when you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again, and once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too [30:26.020 --> 30:31.020] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself [30:31.020 --> 30:34.020] Privacy, it's worth hanging onto [30:34.020 --> 30:41.020] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing [30:41.020 --> 30:45.020] Start over with Startpage [30:45.020 --> 30:54.020] So you think you're a mind reader? Scientists may one day get a glimpse into people's dreams, memories, and even fantasies by reconstructing their brain images [30:54.020 --> 31:01.020] Berkeley researchers watched video in an MRI machine that had a computer match the images with their brain activity [31:01.020 --> 31:06.020] This allowed the computer to later show them what their own brains had just processed [31:06.020 --> 31:12.020] If this imagery could be broadcast, paraplegics might control their environment by imagining movements, cool [31:12.020 --> 31:18.020] Now the creepy part, police could also use this technology to read the memories of unwilling subjects [31:18.020 --> 31:21.020] Eek, I just had a minority report moment [31:21.020 --> 31:26.020] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com [31:51.020 --> 32:00.020] Who does the job of 10 products that saves you space, time, and money? Call 888-910-4367 only at NUSA.org [32:00.020 --> 32:05.020] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar [32:05.020 --> 32:08.020] In today's America, we live in an us-against-them society [32:08.020 --> 32:13.020] If we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights [32:13.020 --> 32:20.020] Among those rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law [32:20.020 --> 32:25.020] The traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process [32:25.020 --> 32:35.020] Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law [32:35.020 --> 32:40.020] You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today [32:40.020 --> 32:47.020] By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, [32:47.020 --> 32:50.020] hundreds of research documents and other useful resource material [32:50.020 --> 32:54.020] Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com [32:54.020 --> 32:59.020] Order your copy today and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve [33:02.020 --> 33:07.020] Live Free Speech Radio, logosradionetwork.com [33:07.020 --> 33:11.020] The Texas Transportation Code [33:37.020 --> 33:41.020] The Texas Transportation Code [33:49.020 --> 33:52.020] Alright folks, we are back, this is Rule of Law Radio [33:52.020 --> 33:55.020] Alright, we're going to start taking your calls [33:55.020 --> 33:58.020] First up appears to be Mark in Florida [33:58.020 --> 34:01.020] Mark, what can I do for you? [34:01.020 --> 34:03.020] Hello, how are you doing? [34:03.020 --> 34:05.020] I'm doing alright [34:05.020 --> 34:09.020] I spoke to you several months ago about a couple of misdemeanors I have [34:09.020 --> 34:10.020] Okay [34:10.020 --> 34:13.020] And I'm moving forward with that [34:13.020 --> 34:19.020] I made a gross error and accepted a public defender for a short time [34:19.020 --> 34:23.020] Who was obviously going to throw me under the bus [34:23.020 --> 34:28.020] So I managed to get rid of her and back in control [34:28.020 --> 34:34.020] Now I filed a motion to depose witnesses on both cases [34:34.020 --> 34:37.020] And it was granted [34:37.020 --> 34:42.020] Now I have a few questions about depositions [34:42.020 --> 34:45.020] Number one, I'm indigent [34:45.020 --> 34:53.020] Does the court have to provide an indigent pro se with a room, court reporter and someone to administer the oath? [34:53.020 --> 34:57.020] I don't know, that depends upon what's available in your particular state [34:57.020 --> 35:02.020] You've got to look and see what an indigent defendant is covered by [35:02.020 --> 35:06.020] Okay, alright [35:06.020 --> 35:11.020] Because I can't find anyone at the county court [35:11.020 --> 35:14.020] Well you won't, the courts can't answer those questions [35:14.020 --> 35:16.020] That would be providing legal advice [35:16.020 --> 35:23.020] You're going to have to look up and see what the rules of procedure for discovery and depositions are in such cases [35:23.020 --> 35:27.020] And see what the case law is on such cases [35:27.020 --> 35:31.020] For that you're going to need a law library [35:31.020 --> 35:37.020] Okay, I've made a trip or two down to the law library [35:37.020 --> 35:42.020] Okay, skip on to the next question [35:42.020 --> 35:49.020] Who was generally present during the depot besides me and the witness? [35:49.020 --> 35:53.020] Their counsel or counsel for the other side [35:53.020 --> 35:59.020] Okay, I assume there's someone there to administer the oath? [35:59.020 --> 36:04.020] There's a court reporter there [36:04.020 --> 36:09.020] Which has to be paid for [36:09.020 --> 36:15.020] But again, if you're indigent and it's one of those things that you're granted as part of your indigency, that's not a point [36:15.020 --> 36:18.020] But the fact is there will be a court reporter [36:18.020 --> 36:26.020] There will be maybe one or two people there for operating the equipment if the court reporter isn't the one that can do all that [36:26.020 --> 36:31.020] There will be counsel for both sides and there will be those that are to be deposed [36:31.020 --> 36:34.020] Whatever the witnesses are that are going to be deposed [36:34.020 --> 36:38.020] That's who will be there at a minimum [36:38.020 --> 36:44.020] In general, is a court reporter able to administer oaths? [36:44.020 --> 36:50.020] It depends on what the state's law says about who may administer oaths [36:50.020 --> 36:52.020] Okay, I have a copy of that [36:52.020 --> 36:58.020] Notaries can do it, I don't know if your state, if court reporters can do it [36:58.020 --> 37:08.020] But I'm pretty sure that if you have a court reporter that is a notary, which most of them are, then that should be fine [37:08.020 --> 37:11.020] Okay, all right, next question [37:11.020 --> 37:20.020] I was at the clerk's office today to find out if my motion to depose was granted or denied [37:20.020 --> 37:24.020] It was granted and I wanted to get a copy of that [37:24.020 --> 37:26.020] They wanted to charge me for it [37:26.020 --> 37:30.020] Now up to this point, I have not paid a dime for any copies [37:30.020 --> 37:32.020] And explain to them, you know, I'm less to this [37:32.020 --> 37:37.020] Do you have an order granting indigency? [37:37.020 --> 37:38.020] Yes, but [37:38.020 --> 37:41.020] Okay, then take that with you [37:41.020 --> 37:43.020] They have it in their file [37:43.020 --> 37:45.020] Okay, then tell them to look at it [37:45.020 --> 37:52.020] You can't charge me for a copy of something if I have certified indigent, lady [37:52.020 --> 37:55.020] Well, we brought the supervisor in on it [37:55.020 --> 38:04.020] The supervisor said I was declared indigent for a public defender, not for free copies [38:04.020 --> 38:08.020] You need to take a look at the order and see what it declares you indigent for [38:08.020 --> 38:10.020] And see, that's the problem [38:10.020 --> 38:13.020] They think that they can nitpick what indigency applies to [38:13.020 --> 38:18.020] Generally, that's not the case, but you need to get the judge to confirm it [38:18.020 --> 38:20.020] All right, I read the copy [38:20.020 --> 38:22.020] Once I got back home, I read the copy closely [38:22.020 --> 38:28.020] And I don't see anything in there where it would specify such a thing [38:28.020 --> 38:34.020] Well, it depends upon what language it has as to what it does specify [38:34.020 --> 38:40.020] If it says indigents for all purposes relating to cause number blah, blah, blah [38:40.020 --> 38:44.020] Then they have no argument against giving you a free copy [38:44.020 --> 38:52.020] However, if it says is declared indigent for the purpose of obtaining legal counsel only [38:52.020 --> 38:55.020] That's a whole other matter, right? [38:55.020 --> 38:56.020] Right [38:56.020 --> 38:59.020] So what it says is what makes the distinction [38:59.020 --> 39:03.020] Read it carefully, and if it's not clear which way it should go [39:03.020 --> 39:08.020] Ask the judge to clarify it in writing with an amended order [39:08.020 --> 39:18.020] Okay, well, they had me file a request for indigent status for copies [39:18.020 --> 39:20.020] That's the other thing [39:20.020 --> 39:24.020] You need to file a written motion for declaration of indigency [39:24.020 --> 39:29.020] To cover any and all costs and expenses associated with the case [39:29.020 --> 39:32.020] And get the judge to issue an order on that [39:32.020 --> 39:35.020] And then you don't need to fill out any more of their paperwork [39:35.020 --> 39:39.020] Nor do they get to sit down and tell you, well, you got it for this and this, but not for that [39:39.020 --> 39:41.020] Or this and this, but not for that [39:41.020 --> 39:46.020] That order then would cover all of it [39:46.020 --> 39:50.020] Okay, on to the last question [39:50.020 --> 39:58.020] In part of my motion to depose or definitions [39:58.020 --> 40:03.020] I looked at the copy, their copy on their computer [40:03.020 --> 40:07.020] And part of it is crossed out [40:07.020 --> 40:13.020] There's part of a line, part of a sentence that is and crossed out [40:13.020 --> 40:20.020] And I challenged them on that, wanted to know who did that [40:20.020 --> 40:23.020] They've altered the document [40:23.020 --> 40:26.020] What is the document? [40:26.020 --> 40:36.020] My motion to depose witnesses and instructions to provide full findings of fact and conclusions of law [40:36.020 --> 40:43.020] And what they crossed out was the last part of that sentence and conclusions of law [40:43.020 --> 40:44.020] Okay [40:44.020 --> 40:51.020] It's lined out, it's lined out obviously with anything because it's not even a straight line [40:51.020 --> 40:55.020] And the copy I gave them was not that way [40:55.020 --> 40:58.020] Somebody has altered this document before [40:58.020 --> 41:05.020] Then file a complaint with the court, file a written complaint, do everything that needs to be done in writing [41:05.020 --> 41:15.020] File a written complaint with the court that your pleadings are being altered after they have been filed by someone other than you [41:15.020 --> 41:16.020] Okay [41:16.020 --> 41:19.020] Which is tampering with the record [41:19.020 --> 41:26.020] Right, tampering with government documents, I believe I have a copy of that Florida law in my file I believe [41:26.020 --> 41:35.020] Yes, because once it's filed and has an official stamp, it's a government document [41:35.020 --> 41:37.020] Right [41:37.020 --> 41:47.020] Would I be better off doing that through the court or would I be better off going to the sheriff and saying hey I need a file a complaint on this [41:47.020 --> 41:49.020] Somebody has broken the law [41:49.020 --> 41:53.020] Well start with the court and see if the court bothers to do anything about it [41:53.020 --> 41:58.020] Then you would know that the court is in on it, right, then you can go to the sheriff and complain about it [41:58.020 --> 42:01.020] And you'll know who to name, won't you [42:01.020 --> 42:06.020] I have a suspicion and mind you it's only a suspicion [42:06.020 --> 42:13.020] I haven't had this happen with any of the documents I filed with the Florida court until now [42:13.020 --> 42:19.020] And I have a sneaking suspicion it was the judge that did it somehow [42:19.020 --> 42:31.020] That's why you want to file it with the court first, if the court does nothing then that's proof that the court is in on it [42:31.020 --> 42:34.020] Right, right [42:34.020 --> 42:45.020] Now my last hearing, my last calendar call the judge said, you know I told her I'd filed the motion and everything and had copies in my hand [42:45.020 --> 42:59.020] And she said I have no problem with proving it but I don't know what the procedure is for you to get a room, you know, a court reporter and all of this [42:59.020 --> 43:11.020] Well again, you can get it anywhere, you can have a deposition in any facility that's got a place big enough to accommodate what needs to be there and who needs to be there [43:11.020 --> 43:16.020] The where doesn't matter as long as it can accommodate the equipment and the people [43:16.020 --> 43:22.020] All that matters is that it can be set up and the deposition can be taken [43:22.020 --> 43:29.020] Okay, are depositions generally video recorded or not necessarily? [43:29.020 --> 43:39.020] It all depends, you would like to have them video recorded especially if you're going to have witnesses testify via the deposition rather than in person at trial [43:39.020 --> 43:45.020] Okay, all right well I hear the music playing, I'll let you go get on to the next one, thanks for all your help Eddie [43:45.020 --> 43:56.020] Yes sir, you have a good night and thanks for calling in, all right folks 512-646-1984 give us a call, get in line, we will be right back so y'all hang in there [44:15.020 --> 44:19.020] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing [44:19.020 --> 44:23.020] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself [44:23.020 --> 44:28.020] Thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too [44:28.020 --> 44:34.020] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience [44:34.020 --> 44:43.020] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles and practices that control our American courts [44:43.020 --> 44:52.020] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics and much more [44:52.020 --> 45:01.020] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ [45:01.020 --> 45:24.020] Music playing [45:24.020 --> 45:48.020] Don't forget to like us on Facebook for information on events and our products [45:48.020 --> 46:14.020] NaturesPureOrganics.com [46:14.020 --> 46:27.020] Music playing [46:27.020 --> 46:30.020] All right folks, we are back, this is rule of law radio [46:30.020 --> 46:37.020] All right, now first one up here is Richard in Louisiana, Richard what can we do for you [46:37.020 --> 46:45.020] Good evening Eddie, I'd like to discuss a couple topics, the first one is the Supreme Court is in the news [46:45.020 --> 46:49.020] And I've been listening to you for months now, thank you for all your efforts [46:49.020 --> 46:55.020] Plus I've been involved in trying to alter my status for years now and I'm still trying to put together [46:55.020 --> 47:03.020] Anyway let me cut to the chase, in regards to the right to travel, is it possible or [47:03.020 --> 47:10.020] You know, I have no idea, I'm asking you for your expertise to create some sort of Rosa Parks case [47:10.020 --> 47:14.020] For the Supreme Court, for the next guy who has his window bashed in [47:14.020 --> 47:20.020] And they start beating and pulled out of his car for exercising his right to travel [47:20.020 --> 47:23.020] Yeah, can you back up off your phone a little bit there Richard [47:23.020 --> 47:27.020] You're really breaking up when you talk too close to it [47:27.020 --> 47:29.020] Is this better? [47:29.020 --> 47:31.020] It's a little better, yeah [47:31.020 --> 47:36.020] Okay, now when you say a Rosa Parks case, what are we talking about here [47:36.020 --> 47:40.020] The right to travel [47:40.020 --> 47:42.020] Yes? [47:42.020 --> 47:46.020] The constitutional right to travel, the unalienable right to travel [47:46.020 --> 47:53.020] When the cop bashes my window in because I followed the script and he's had a bad day [47:53.020 --> 47:57.020] Okay, wait, wait, wait, let me back this up here [47:57.020 --> 48:03.020] The right to travel, as you put it, is not a right that's written, okay, first off [48:03.020 --> 48:09.020] And if you really wanted to call it what it actually is, it is the right of liberty through locomotion [48:09.020 --> 48:14.020] That's how the courts have always ruled upon it as existing, not the right to travel [48:14.020 --> 48:22.020] The right to travel is an exigent circumstance of the right of liberty through locomotion [48:22.020 --> 48:30.020] Okay, liberty through locomotion, all right [48:30.020 --> 48:36.020] So what that in essence is saying is that as a transient type of people [48:36.020 --> 48:43.020] We are free to move about anywhere we want within any state, from state to state, uninhibited, unencumbered [48:43.020 --> 48:49.020] Without requirements from that state or the one we're coming into or leaving out of whatsoever [48:49.020 --> 48:54.020] We can go anywhere within our continental border we want, okay [48:54.020 --> 49:04.020] So the right to travel there as it goes was ruled on as far as things relating to the ability to leave that area [49:04.020 --> 49:07.020] Such as to go overseas to foreign countries [49:07.020 --> 49:13.020] The right to travel is synonymous with issues dealing with passports [49:13.020 --> 49:20.020] The right to locomotion, however, that's the right to go anywhere within the continental U.S. [49:20.020 --> 49:29.020] Or to any other U.S. possession or territory that we want without any form of government permission or approval [49:29.020 --> 49:38.020] Okay, now what I've been told to repeat that was, well, you can walk across the whole nation if you want to with no license [49:38.020 --> 49:43.020] We're giving you the privilege to drive, and that's where we get into this whole mess [49:43.020 --> 49:49.020] No, the problem there is is they are applying a commercial term, which in this case, drive [49:49.020 --> 49:56.020] Which is a privilege under their license to the right of locomotion through private vehicular travel [49:56.020 --> 50:07.020] Which is also a phrase coined by the courts in relation to the right to liberty through locomotion [50:07.020 --> 50:12.020] So how would you bring this case if you could get it to the court, too? [50:12.020 --> 50:16.020] So it doesn't bash my window around and beat me up because I don't want to [50:16.020 --> 50:21.020] Well, the thing is these cases have already been argued and already been settled [50:21.020 --> 50:30.020] Now it becomes the issue of getting the filing suit to get them enforced [50:30.020 --> 50:37.020] It's well-settled case law that the right to travel within the U.S. is the right to liberty through locomotion [50:37.020 --> 50:42.020] The case law on that already exists. It has for decades [50:42.020 --> 50:49.020] What about case law to do all this without regulation or having to have a piece of plastic? [50:49.020 --> 50:54.020] Regulation and a piece of plastic are two different things [50:54.020 --> 51:02.020] Regulation through licensure is different than regulation through traffic control, such as stop signs and red lights [51:02.020 --> 51:05.020] Understand there's a difference [51:05.020 --> 51:14.020] The state can regulate that part of the travel, in other words, intersections with stop signs, lights, things of that nature [51:14.020 --> 51:26.020] What they cannot do is require that you get their consent and permission to use the road that is specifically built for the purpose of private vehicular travel, as the courts have ruled [51:26.020 --> 51:32.020] Now, when you say they have the right to put the stop signs and suggest the traffic laws [51:32.020 --> 51:35.020] No, no, no. Wait a minute. You're adding to what I said [51:35.020 --> 51:44.020] I said they have the right to regulate the flow of traffic through the use of stop signs and lights and things of that nature [51:44.020 --> 51:58.020] That's part of the public safety aspect of it. Nobody goes through a four-way intersection from every direction and survives if they're going through at the same time [51:58.020 --> 52:00.020] Would you agree with that? [52:00.020 --> 52:01.020] I would agree [52:01.020 --> 52:10.020] Okay, so for the interest of public safety, stop signs or lights are put at those kinds of intersections to prevent exactly that [52:10.020 --> 52:26.020] And I agree. However, in order to be charged with a fine for violating that, does that only pertain to people who have requested the privilege? [52:26.020 --> 52:34.020] Yes, because what would be applied to those that were acting in their private capacity is negligence [52:34.020 --> 52:36.020] Right, if they cost the damage [52:36.020 --> 52:39.020] No, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa [52:39.020 --> 52:42.020] It depends upon the circumstances [52:42.020 --> 52:50.020] Let's say, for instance, that you go through an intersection without stopping and it's 2 a.m. and there's absolutely no traffic [52:50.020 --> 52:57.020] And you go through the intersection without stopping at the light or the sign or whatever is there [52:57.020 --> 53:10.020] That is a vastly different set of punitive circumstances from high noon, lunchtime, everybody's at the intersection and everybody's trying to do that [53:10.020 --> 53:17.020] Knowing full well that the result is going to be damage to person or property [53:17.020 --> 53:24.020] That's the difference between negligence and non-negligence, one which is punishable and one which is not [53:24.020 --> 53:31.020] If you took due care at 2 a.m. and knew there was no traffic and crossed the intersection, no problem [53:31.020 --> 53:39.020] But if you go flying through there at lunchtime when it's packed and know that everybody else is liable to try to do the same, you're acting negligently [53:39.020 --> 53:48.020] You're being careless at the risk of harm to another, that's negligence, that can be criminal as well as civil [53:48.020 --> 53:51.020] Uh-huh, even if you weren't [53:51.020 --> 54:02.020] Even if you did not actually cause harm, the likelihood far surpassed the possibility of not doing so or the fact that you didn't [54:02.020 --> 54:07.020] Because you needlessly put others at risk through your actions [54:07.020 --> 54:16.020] And would a private human being be subject to that legislation or that penalty or that fine? [54:16.020 --> 54:24.020] That would, yes, they would be because they recklessly endangered the person or property of another [54:24.020 --> 54:30.020] Okay, I can grasp that concept, Eddie, because it makes sense that you explained [54:30.020 --> 54:42.020] However, let's get back to getting the court to recognize that I don't want a license, I don't need a license [54:42.020 --> 54:48.020] Okay, like I said, that's already been recognized, now we have to make it enforced [54:48.020 --> 54:54.020] The problem is is the federal courts and the state courts keep changing the verbiage of the suits [54:54.020 --> 55:02.020] You argue all the terminology and they convert it right back to their phraseology that makes it illegal [55:02.020 --> 55:04.020] Uh-huh [55:04.020 --> 55:10.020] And that's because the courts are run by a bunch of attorneys that want to change the meaning of the word as it suits them [55:10.020 --> 55:14.020] Despite what the law of the subject matter actually is [55:14.020 --> 55:20.020] So what we need to do is hard to say because what we can do is lots of things [55:20.020 --> 55:29.020] But when the government refuses to answer or address or to handle the case, then how do we enforce it? [55:29.020 --> 55:32.020] You don't, you're living under tyranny [55:32.020 --> 55:35.020] Exactly, so that's the problem [55:35.020 --> 55:40.020] We know what the rights are, the problem is we're a few among many [55:40.020 --> 55:46.020] So until we have more support from the general population that are getting stuck on juries saying we're not going to convict [55:46.020 --> 55:52.020] We're never going to convict for this again, forget it, not going to happen [55:52.020 --> 55:56.020] Then, you know, that's a whole other thing [55:56.020 --> 56:04.020] Now, it's interesting because I was reading a case today dealing with immunity [56:04.020 --> 56:10.020] And this is the kind of situation in which that immunity issue becomes really prevalent [56:10.020 --> 56:16.020] Or not prevalent, what's the word, permeating throughout [56:16.020 --> 56:23.020] In that the Supreme Court ruled on a case dealing with immunity [56:23.020 --> 56:30.020] That immunity is not a subject to be determined by the jury [56:30.020 --> 56:35.020] It must be determined only by the judge and long before trial [56:35.020 --> 56:44.020] Because that would allow their immunity to be in the hands of people who may take it away [56:44.020 --> 56:50.020] Now, understand this, since we didn't give them immunity, they gave it to themselves [56:50.020 --> 56:56.020] I firmly believe that when they do something wrong, just like when they say we do something wrong [56:56.020 --> 57:02.020] Only a jury has the power to decide whether or not they should be immune from it, they don't [57:02.020 --> 57:09.020] But then again, as long as they control the system, they ensure that it insulates and protects them [57:09.020 --> 57:14.020] From liability and responsibility for what they do [57:14.020 --> 57:20.020] They know that what they've done in relation to the transportation code and travel and all that [57:20.020 --> 57:25.020] Is massive, massive fraud [57:25.020 --> 57:33.020] If you went in and were able to enforce this in any court anywhere and get a ruling binding upon the states [57:33.020 --> 57:38.020] Every state would be subject to massive lawsuits for recovery [57:38.020 --> 57:41.020] They would be financially decimated [57:41.020 --> 57:46.020] Federal courts know that, and since this game is always about money, they're not going to do that [57:46.020 --> 57:55.020] Yeah, I see. So it seems that it's the jury notification, the best means that we have, huh? [57:55.020 --> 58:01.020] That would be it in my book, unless we're going to start using lead [58:01.020 --> 58:05.020] I'd like to hold over for just another part, please [58:05.020 --> 58:10.020] Okay, well hang on just a minute, we're going to take a break, and I'll get back to you when we return, okay? [58:10.020 --> 58:11.020] Thank you [58:11.020 --> 58:16.020] Alright folks, this is Rule of Law Radio, we're going to take us a short top of the hour break here [58:16.020 --> 58:20.020] And then we'll be back to continue on with these calls and conversations [58:20.020 --> 58:26.020] In the meantime, call in numbers 512-646-1984, we've got an hour left in the show [58:26.020 --> 58:50.020] So y'all hang in there, and we will be right back after this break [58:50.020 --> 58:58.020] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, yet countless readers are frustrated because they struggle to understand it [58:58.020 --> 59:06.020] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, but in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the scripture [59:06.020 --> 59:09.020] Enter the recovery version [59:09.020 --> 59:18.020] First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, but the real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes [59:18.020 --> 59:28.020] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way, providing an entrance into the riches of the Word beyond which it ever experienced before [59:28.020 --> 59:33.020] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking [59:33.020 --> 59:44.020] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [59:44.020 --> 59:48.020] Or by ordering online at freestudybible.com [59:48.020 --> 59:51.020] That's freestudybible.com [59:51.020 --> 59:54.020] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network [59:54.020 --> 01:00:00.020] Logosradionetwork.com [01:00:00.020 --> 01:00:03.020] The following use flash is brought to you by [01:00:03.020 --> 01:00:05.020] The Lone Star Lowdown [01:00:05.020 --> 01:00:08.020] Providing your daily bulletins for the commodity market [01:00:08.020 --> 01:00:10.020] Today in History [01:00:10.020 --> 01:00:12.020] News Updates [01:00:12.020 --> 01:00:21.020] And the inside scoop into the tides of the alternatives [01:00:21.020 --> 01:00:26.020] Markets for the 29th of June opened up with gold at $1,180.15 an ounce [01:00:26.020 --> 01:00:28.020] Silver, $15.80 an ounce [01:00:28.020 --> 01:00:31.020] Texas crude, $59.63 a barrel [01:00:31.020 --> 01:00:42.020] And Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $255 US currency [01:00:42.020 --> 01:00:45.020] Today in History, Sunday, June 29, 1969 [01:00:45.020 --> 01:00:48.020] The first ever Jewish worship service is held at the White House [01:00:48.020 --> 01:00:59.020] It was conducted by Dr. Louis Finkelstein, the Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America at the time [01:00:59.020 --> 01:01:05.020] In recent news, yesterday an estimated crowd of 5,000, consisting mostly of religious leaders from around the world [01:01:05.020 --> 01:01:12.020] Led a Many Faiths One Planet march on the Vatican to show support for Pope Francis' environmental encyclical, released earlier this month [01:01:12.020 --> 01:01:18.020] Many are pointing out that this letter serves as a great uniting force for environmental NGOs and clergy of all stripes [01:01:18.020 --> 01:01:22.020] Just in time for the UN Summit on Climate Action this December [01:01:22.020 --> 01:01:29.020] Reverend Fletcher Harper, Executive Director at GreenFaith, said there is a spontaneous expression of support from people of all different faiths [01:01:29.020 --> 01:01:35.020] For the message of the encyclical, we want to call for climate action from world leaders, they need to do their job [01:01:35.020 --> 01:01:38.020] Rabbi Lawrence Troster said the following, quote, [01:01:38.020 --> 01:01:42.020] It just shows that despite our differences, we can come together on this universal human crisis [01:01:42.020 --> 01:01:45.020] I think that the Pope addressed the encyclical to people from the whole earth [01:01:45.020 --> 01:01:48.020] And so many of the things that he said resonate within my Jewish faith [01:01:48.020 --> 01:01:52.020] Nana Firman, an Indonesian Muslim from California, said, quote, [01:01:52.020 --> 01:01:56.020] Based on my tradition in Islam, taking care of the earth is just part of worship [01:01:56.020 --> 01:02:04.020] Muslim leaders have to step up and do something, engage with world leaders to make a decision that we are going to have a future for the next generation [01:02:04.020 --> 01:02:12.020] Non-religious groups were in support as well, with Giuseppe Unifrio, Executive Director of Greenpeace Italy, saying the following, quote, [01:02:12.020 --> 01:02:16.020] Greenpeace has for years said that we have an ethical issue at the center of climate change [01:02:16.020 --> 01:02:22.020] The Pope's message is welcoming because it's a moral message that asks everyone to take a position [01:02:22.020 --> 01:02:27.020] We are very happy to have read the encyclical as a turning point for the climate debate worldwide [01:02:32.020 --> 01:02:34.020] Pastor Joel Olsteen had to bring out the big guns this weekend [01:02:34.020 --> 01:02:37.020] No, not from the man upstairs, but from the man of the land [01:02:37.020 --> 01:02:45.020] Reps from his Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, told KHOU-TV that a number of their volunteer ushers are also armed law enforcement [01:02:45.020 --> 01:02:52.020] They apparently had to escort out and arrest six people after they interrupted Joel with public shaming and scripture verses during his service [01:02:52.020 --> 01:02:54.020] They are being charged with criminal trespassing [01:02:54.020 --> 01:03:14.020] They've been here low down for June 29, 2015 [01:03:25.020 --> 01:03:31.020] I won't pay for the war with my body [01:03:31.020 --> 01:03:34.020] Ain't gonna pay for the car with my money [01:03:34.020 --> 01:03:38.020] I won't pay for the fun with my body [01:03:38.020 --> 01:03:41.020] The plans wicked and the logic shoddy [01:03:41.020 --> 01:03:44.020] Ain't gonna pay for the oil with my body [01:03:44.020 --> 01:03:48.020] I won't pay for the boys with my money [01:03:48.020 --> 01:03:51.020] Ain't gonna pay for the kids with my body [01:03:51.020 --> 01:03:55.020] The whole agenda smells funny [01:04:21.020 --> 01:04:28.020] Here's the thing, when I listen to you and call I know so little that I sound like a fool [01:04:28.020 --> 01:04:31.020] So I'm trying to learn and I've got so much information [01:04:31.020 --> 01:04:33.020] It's so hard to digest [01:04:33.020 --> 01:04:37.020] It's so hard to spin it back in the right terms [01:04:37.020 --> 01:04:42.020] The statutory term is reside or residence or resident [01:04:42.020 --> 01:04:44.020] I'm none of those things [01:04:44.020 --> 01:04:47.020] Residence is transient [01:04:47.020 --> 01:04:50.020] I am not that [01:04:50.020 --> 01:04:56.020] Okay, to cut to it, what is your status as far as the government is concerned? [01:04:56.020 --> 01:05:00.020] Well, I guess that really depends on what aspect we're talking about [01:05:00.020 --> 01:05:15.020] I mean in regard to U.S. Code 8, U.S.C. Section 1101, parentheses small a, parentheses 21, U.S.C. Code 8, number 1452 [01:05:15.020 --> 01:05:20.020] Okay, well I don't have those codes memorized, what are they about? [01:05:20.020 --> 01:05:28.020] They're about your nationality, your domicile and your residence are what they're about and your tax liability [01:05:28.020 --> 01:05:34.020] Well, I don't know what the government considers me, I only know what I consider me [01:05:34.020 --> 01:05:39.020] All right, let me ask you this, have you gone through, do you have a driver's license? [01:05:39.020 --> 01:05:39.020] No [01:05:39.020 --> 01:05:40.020] Social Security number? [01:05:40.020 --> 01:05:41.020] No [01:05:41.020 --> 01:05:47.020] Okay, what type of procedure did you have to go through to establish that? [01:05:47.020 --> 01:05:55.020] I sent a letter to the Social Security number or Social Security Administration rescinding any claim and use of the Social Security number [01:05:55.020 --> 01:06:03.020] I let the license expire naturally of its own accord and never got another one [01:06:03.020 --> 01:06:09.020] I stopped filing false paperwork with the government saying that I was a taxpayer when I wasn't [01:06:09.020 --> 01:06:16.020] Yeah, I'm going through this Vanguard material that I've been looking at for years [01:06:16.020 --> 01:06:27.020] and I mean this is endless what they have and it goes through all of this about U.S.C. 1101, U.S.C. 1452, U.S.C. 7701 [01:06:27.020 --> 01:06:38.020] the Federal Court of Regulations and various statutes, you want to be a national but not a citizen as defined by U.S.C. Section 81101 [01:06:38.020 --> 01:06:45.020] Well, there are dozens upon dozens of definitions for any given term you're using [01:06:45.020 --> 01:06:46.020] Yeah [01:06:46.020 --> 01:06:52.020] And which one applies depends upon which code they're attempting to apply [01:06:52.020 --> 01:07:00.020] What most people fail to look at first and foremost is what the limits of federal jurisdiction are from the very beginning [01:07:00.020 --> 01:07:06.020] They want to make the appearance of that federal law is supreme over state law [01:07:06.020 --> 01:07:08.020] No, it isn't [01:07:08.020 --> 01:07:17.020] Not in every respect, it is only supreme within the area of the 18 enumerated powers given to the federal government [01:07:17.020 --> 01:07:27.020] Anything else they do has nothing to do with the states and has no authority within the states and is not superior to anything the state does [01:07:27.020 --> 01:07:32.020] Because the state didn't give it the power it's claiming to exercise [01:07:32.020 --> 01:07:39.020] It's very much like the crap that cities and counties try to pull with ordinances [01:07:39.020 --> 01:07:49.020] They're trying to exercise a power they were never given and cannot be given [01:07:49.020 --> 01:07:55.020] Okay, when you contacted the social security number, did you use any forms that they provide? [01:07:55.020 --> 01:07:57.020] No, I didn't [01:07:57.020 --> 01:08:03.020] All right, so again, I was referring to this FamilyGuard [01:08:03.020 --> 01:08:05.020] Are you talking about FamilyGuardian? [01:08:05.020 --> 01:08:12.020] Yeah, FamilyGuardian, and I mean I have a whole stack of about 500 pages that they want me to [01:08:12.020 --> 01:08:18.020] Well, be careful because not everything on FamilyGuardian is correct [01:08:18.020 --> 01:08:23.020] I'm not saying it's all not, I'm saying a lot of it's not [01:08:23.020 --> 01:08:28.020] I am very familiar with that site and it has been a great source of information [01:08:28.020 --> 01:08:33.020] It has also been a great source of disinformation [01:08:33.020 --> 01:08:40.020] All right, so basically if I just state my own affidavit and send it to the social security [01:08:40.020 --> 01:08:45.020] Saying hey, I'm out of here in other terms, is that sufficient? [01:08:45.020 --> 01:08:51.020] As long as you also waive any claim to any future monies in the account, yeah [01:08:51.020 --> 01:08:53.020] Would that be included in my affidavit? [01:08:53.020 --> 01:08:54.020] Yes, it would [01:08:54.020 --> 01:08:56.020] Yes, okay [01:08:56.020 --> 01:09:02.020] All right, again, I know so little but it's only frustrating sometimes to speak with you [01:09:02.020 --> 01:09:04.020] But nothing against you, you've been great [01:09:04.020 --> 01:09:10.020] And I listen all the time and hope to be a part of one of your students when the finances allow me [01:09:10.020 --> 01:09:12.020] All right, well, appreciate it [01:09:12.020 --> 01:09:13.020] Thank you [01:09:13.020 --> 01:09:15.020] Yes, sir, thanks for calling in [01:09:15.020 --> 01:09:18.020] All right, now we're going to go to Kev in Michigan [01:09:18.020 --> 01:09:20.020] Kev, what can we do for you? [01:09:20.020 --> 01:09:25.020] Hey, Eddie, got good news and bad news [01:09:25.020 --> 01:09:26.020] All right [01:09:26.020 --> 01:09:34.020] Good news is I've been found indigent by the court, but the bad news is I'm indigent [01:09:34.020 --> 01:09:44.020] Now that's a bad joke, but this indigent, I was found indigent from the district court [01:09:44.020 --> 01:09:49.020] First the circuit court, the circuit court is where I'm doing my appeal at [01:09:49.020 --> 01:09:50.020] Right [01:09:50.020 --> 01:09:57.020] So I was found indigent at the circuit court, it was an in-and-out process, they granted my indigency [01:09:57.020 --> 01:10:00.020] I had to go file my court [01:10:00.020 --> 01:10:08.020] First I wanted to get my transcript because I couldn't afford it [01:10:08.020 --> 01:10:16.020] So I filed my paperwork with the original judge that heard the case and asked for my transcript [01:10:16.020 --> 01:10:25.020] Stating that I was indigent and I needed the transcript, so could he grant me indigency status [01:10:25.020 --> 01:10:34.020] So he sat on it for a while because I had to do it within seven days, I had to order my transcript within seven days [01:10:34.020 --> 01:10:38.020] So I put that in the motion and I just filed that in the court [01:10:38.020 --> 01:10:49.020] So after that seven days, I had 21 days to go file with the circuit court in order to have my appeal heard [01:10:49.020 --> 01:10:55.020] So I went to the circuit court, I found my indigency status and they granted it right on the spot [01:10:55.020 --> 01:11:04.020] So there's the other judge, the judge that heard my case, he sat on my indigency form for about two or three weeks [01:11:04.020 --> 01:11:07.020] Probably longer than that, probably about a month [01:11:07.020 --> 01:11:11.020] In violation of the higher court's order? [01:11:11.020 --> 01:11:18.020] No, the higher court granted me indigency to file my appeal [01:11:18.020 --> 01:11:27.020] So the lower court, the only thing I needed the indigency granted for was to get my transcript [01:11:27.020 --> 01:11:31.020] But why didn't you ask the higher court for that at the same time? [01:11:31.020 --> 01:11:37.020] I didn't know I had to do it like that, but the lower court... [01:11:37.020 --> 01:11:41.020] It's not that you have to do it, but it would be better to do it, don't you think? [01:11:41.020 --> 01:11:46.020] If the higher court said give it to him, the lower court wouldn't have had a choice and wouldn't have been able to sit on it [01:11:46.020 --> 01:11:58.020] Okay, so what's going on right now is I just got back from my mailbox and the lower court just ruled on my indigency status [01:11:58.020 --> 01:12:07.020] And they said I was indigency indigent, but only for the purpose of paying the fines and doing community service [01:12:07.020 --> 01:12:12.020] So I'm thinking what would be my next... [01:12:12.020 --> 01:12:18.020] Give me some advice on what should be my next move [01:12:18.020 --> 01:12:22.020] Well, if the higher court has mandamus power, then here's what I would try to do [01:12:22.020 --> 01:12:28.020] Since you're on appeal for this, you can't do the appeal without the transcript [01:12:28.020 --> 01:12:36.020] So what the lower court is attempting to do is to base your ability to appeal on your ability to pay [01:12:36.020 --> 01:12:43.020] And did they do a new indigency hearing on your inability to pay for the transcript? [01:12:43.020 --> 01:12:44.020] No [01:12:44.020 --> 01:12:46.020] Did you request one? [01:12:46.020 --> 01:12:48.020] No [01:12:48.020 --> 01:12:55.020] Okay, try that first, and if that doesn't, then immediately file with the higher court and ask for that as well [01:12:55.020 --> 01:13:00.020] Because you're time constrained on when to get that record in [01:13:00.020 --> 01:13:10.020] Yes, I just did it last week, but it's in writing that I've ordered the transcript [01:13:10.020 --> 01:13:19.020] And I asked for it within a lot of time that was granted me to get this transcript [01:13:19.020 --> 01:13:26.020] You can take what you receive from the lower court and file a new request for indigency from the higher court like I suggested [01:13:26.020 --> 01:13:30.020] And see if they'll hear it and grant it [01:13:30.020 --> 01:13:42.020] Okay, because I was just thinking that maybe this guy's trying to run out the clock on me and force me to have to dig up some money and pay for it [01:13:42.020 --> 01:13:51.020] So I don't know, because like you said, the time is ticking, and I'm in the process of getting my briefs done [01:13:51.020 --> 01:14:07.020] So I don't want to be stuck with the situation where I'm just struggling, not struggling, but trying to get these $175, but that's the money I can use to feed my kids [01:14:07.020 --> 01:14:16.020] So I'm thinking that hopefully I'll try that route, which you suggested, and see if the higher court [01:14:16.020 --> 01:14:23.020] So what would you do with this judge saying that, okay, I'm indigent, but only for the purposes of paying this [01:14:23.020 --> 01:14:26.020] I would get him overruled by the higher court [01:14:26.020 --> 01:14:28.020] Okay, okay [01:14:28.020 --> 01:14:41.020] And I would file a judicial conduct complaint just for good measure that the judge is attempting to not be fair and impartial and deprive you of access to the courts, knowing full well you have an inability to pay [01:14:41.020 --> 01:14:45.020] Okay, okay [01:14:45.020 --> 01:14:54.020] Now they're not going to do anything, but it'll make you feel better, and it may make it where you don't have to appear before this judge in the future [01:14:54.020 --> 01:15:06.020] Because you can simply say, look, I'm sorry, I can't let you hear this case, you're prejudiced against me because I filed a complaint against you because you refused to grant my indigency knowing I couldn't pay for my transcript [01:15:06.020 --> 01:15:13.020] You tried to deny me access for my appeal, and he'll have to recuse himself [01:15:13.020 --> 01:15:17.020] Okay, so that complaint, who would that complaint be? [01:15:17.020 --> 01:15:24.020] Whoever you're supposed to send judicial conduct complaints to in Michigan, I don't know who that would be called [01:15:24.020 --> 01:15:31.020] Here is the judicial conduct committee, there I don't know, but there will be one [01:15:31.020 --> 01:15:36.020] Okay, okay [01:15:36.020 --> 01:15:44.020] Was the motion to waive fees and costs for the transcript, was that enough for me to seek? [01:15:44.020 --> 01:15:59.020] Because what I did, Eddie, I had two forms with me at the time, my indigency form and my motion to, because it's a pre-written form for indigency [01:15:59.020 --> 01:16:07.020] But the motion to obtain a transcript was a different, a motion, it was actually a motion [01:16:07.020 --> 01:16:16.020] Well, the thing is, is lots of these courts pre-make forms for these purposes to make you think you have to give them a bunch of information [01:16:16.020 --> 01:16:28.020] When in fact, all you should do is read the statutes there in the state dealing with submitting a motion for the granting of indigency and see what's actually required in a motion [01:16:28.020 --> 01:16:44.020] Because technically all that's required for an indigency request is for you to file a sworn affidavit that paying this money or whatever would cause a financial hardship on you and your family [01:16:44.020 --> 01:16:53.020] That's generally all that's required, and their forms are just to get extra information out of you so they can come up with a reason not to grant it [01:16:53.020 --> 01:16:59.020] But hang on just a second, we'll be right back. Alright folks, y'all hold on, we'll be right back with more college [01:17:23.020 --> 01:17:27.020] If we don't have what you're looking for, we can find it [01:17:53.020 --> 01:17:59.020] Visit us at capitalcoinandbullion.com or call 512-646-644-0 [01:18:23.020 --> 01:18:26.020] Young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need [01:18:26.020 --> 01:18:32.020] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject [01:18:32.020 --> 01:18:40.020] We have come to trust Young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs and many others [01:18:40.020 --> 01:18:48.020] When you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio [01:18:48.020 --> 01:18:52.020] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us [01:18:52.020 --> 01:18:59.020] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and increase your income [01:18:59.020 --> 01:19:22.020] Order now! [01:19:30.020 --> 01:19:36.020] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:19:36.020 --> 01:19:41.020] I was blindsided but now I can see your plan [01:19:41.020 --> 01:19:46.020] You put the fear in my pocket, took the money from my hand [01:19:46.020 --> 01:19:51.020] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:19:51.020 --> 01:19:55.020] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:19:55.020 --> 01:19:59.020] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:19:59.020 --> 01:20:06.020] Alright folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio calling number 512-646-1984 [01:20:06.020 --> 01:20:08.020] We're talking to Kev in Michigan [01:20:08.020 --> 01:20:11.020] Alright Kev, what can we wrap it up with here? [01:20:11.020 --> 01:20:16.020] Alright, I got one more question and I got a suggestion for you [01:20:16.020 --> 01:20:24.020] What would you call that motion for the higher courts to overrule the lower courts in this matter? [01:20:24.020 --> 01:20:28.020] Mandamus, rid of mandamus [01:20:28.020 --> 01:20:31.020] If that court has mandamus powers, it may not [01:20:31.020 --> 01:20:36.020] You have to look and see in the rules of procedure which courts have it and which ones don't [01:20:36.020 --> 01:20:41.020] Because here in Texas, some have it, some don't, some have habeas powers, some don't [01:20:41.020 --> 01:20:44.020] So you got to find out what they can do [01:20:44.020 --> 01:20:54.020] Okay, and my only comment is to you is you guys should probably put up a Bitcoin tip tab on your website [01:20:54.020 --> 01:21:00.020] Yeah, well send that suggestion to Deborah because she's the one in control of that aspect of the network [01:21:00.020 --> 01:21:09.020] Yeah, and also with the website that you're trying to set up with what you're trying to do [01:21:09.020 --> 01:21:16.020] There's this other alternative currency called Swarm, like a B-Swarm coin [01:21:16.020 --> 01:21:22.020] And yeah, you should probably look into that because you can actually set up your own coin, Eddie [01:21:22.020 --> 01:21:30.020] Whatever you want to call it and people buy your coin and basically it works on like a [01:21:30.020 --> 01:21:36.020] They buy your coin and you use your coin, I guess if you make a profit or whatever [01:21:36.020 --> 01:21:40.020] They can just use their coin to speak to you about certain things [01:21:40.020 --> 01:21:48.020] So you probably should look into Swarm coins and yeah, I'll probably let Deborah know about that Bitcoin idea [01:21:48.020 --> 01:21:49.020] Okay [01:21:49.020 --> 01:21:52.020] All right, Eddie, y'all, we bless you, man. You have a nice night [01:21:52.020 --> 01:21:53.020] Thanks, you too [01:21:53.020 --> 01:21:59.020] All right, now we're going to go to Ralph in Texas [01:21:59.020 --> 01:22:01.020] Ralph, what can we do for you? [01:22:01.020 --> 01:22:06.020] Hello, Ralph [01:22:06.020 --> 01:22:14.020] All right, not getting anything out of Ralph, let's try Keith in West Virginia [01:22:14.020 --> 01:22:16.020] Keith, what can we do for you? [01:22:16.020 --> 01:22:19.020] Thank you for taking my call, Eddie [01:22:19.020 --> 01:22:26.020] I've got a question that I'm sure you've answered a million times, but I'm kind of new here in deep water [01:22:26.020 --> 01:22:36.020] I've got a traffic ticket, several of them, five of them for driving on suspended license, which they are [01:22:36.020 --> 01:22:43.020] Seatbelt violation, registration violation, vehicle inspection violation and seatbelt violation [01:22:43.020 --> 01:22:48.020] I rode into the courts in West Virginia [01:22:48.020 --> 01:22:52.020] Okay, just want to make sure that was accurate [01:22:52.020 --> 01:22:57.020] Yeah, it was by a county sheriff, I guess, if that makes a difference [01:22:57.020 --> 01:23:04.020] But anyways, rode an affidavit to the court, basically he's saying that I do several points [01:23:04.020 --> 01:23:09.020] But basically asking for moving for, however you want to say it, moving for habeas quipus [01:23:09.020 --> 01:23:14.020] And demanding actually the wording, demand they show jurisdiction over me [01:23:14.020 --> 01:23:21.020] And basically went to court and reiterated that before they got started to ask for any motions [01:23:21.020 --> 01:23:25.020] And they literally stumbled over themselves several times [01:23:25.020 --> 01:23:30.020] And there was prosecuting attorneys in the back there in the witness [01:23:30.020 --> 01:23:35.020] And they even, they got in on it and basically came down to the prosecuting attorney and said [01:23:35.020 --> 01:23:40.020] It was in the county, so they had jurisdiction [01:23:40.020 --> 01:23:44.020] And the magistrate said he agreed with that and we went on [01:23:44.020 --> 01:23:49.020] But basically, like I said, there was all kinds, there was a circuit [01:23:49.020 --> 01:23:51.020] Okay, fine, but you got to understand something [01:23:51.020 --> 01:23:55.020] There are three parts to jurisdiction, not one [01:23:55.020 --> 01:24:00.020] The fact that it's in the county is irrelevant if the other two don't exist [01:24:00.020 --> 01:24:03.020] Either of the other two don't exist [01:24:03.020 --> 01:24:06.020] County is the venue, okay? [01:24:06.020 --> 01:24:10.020] Venue is the only one that is transferable [01:24:10.020 --> 01:24:15.020] In other words, you can actually be tried for an offense somewhere other than where it occurred [01:24:15.020 --> 01:24:19.020] If there's a request for change of venue [01:24:19.020 --> 01:24:23.020] Venue and in personam can both be waived [01:24:23.020 --> 01:24:29.020] Subject matter cannot be waived and the court either has it or it doesn't [01:24:29.020 --> 01:24:36.020] So they don't get to establish that they have jurisdiction just because of where it happened [01:24:36.020 --> 01:24:40.020] They also have to show that they have jurisdiction over the subject matter [01:24:40.020 --> 01:24:45.020] And that the subject matter has jurisdiction over the individual accused [01:24:45.020 --> 01:24:50.020] So as to give them jurisdiction over the individual accused [01:24:50.020 --> 01:24:52.020] You follow? [01:24:52.020 --> 01:24:53.020] Yes, sir [01:24:53.020 --> 01:24:54.020] Okay [01:24:54.020 --> 01:24:58.020] And my basic question is just that as far as from this point [01:24:58.020 --> 01:25:03.020] Because they pushed it through and fined me a bunch of funds [01:25:03.020 --> 01:25:10.020] But as far as moving forward on I would imagine that that was not [01:25:10.020 --> 01:25:16.020] Because I actually requested something in writing afterwards to establish jurisdiction [01:25:16.020 --> 01:25:23.020] And I was abruptly told to leave and get out and all that I got was paperwork of the funds [01:25:23.020 --> 01:25:29.020] But as far as next step because I spoke to the clerk about getting an appeal [01:25:29.020 --> 01:25:35.020] Of course cost some money but she mentioned that it had to be signed off by the same magistrate [01:25:35.020 --> 01:25:41.020] Which I'm highly unlikely to get an appeal if it has to go through the same guy [01:25:41.020 --> 01:25:48.020] What type of offense is it considered in West Virginia that you were charged with? [01:25:48.020 --> 01:25:51.020] Well, I was charged with four out of this [01:25:51.020 --> 01:25:54.020] No, no, no, I'm not asking what you were charged with [01:25:54.020 --> 01:26:01.020] I asked you what type of offense or infraction or violation is it? [01:26:01.020 --> 01:26:10.020] Is it civil? Is it criminal? Is it an infraction? Is it a misdemeanor? What is it? [01:26:10.020 --> 01:26:12.020] I would imagine criminal [01:26:12.020 --> 01:26:15.020] Don't imagine, find out [01:26:15.020 --> 01:26:22.020] How do you go to court and argue a case without knowing what the hell you're arguing over and why? [01:26:22.020 --> 01:26:26.020] Well, I was attempting to rest my hat on the jurisdiction [01:26:26.020 --> 01:26:33.020] Well, how do you know what the jurisdiction is if you don't know those things? [01:26:33.020 --> 01:26:39.020] You're simply asking them to prove up something without telling them what it is you want them to prove [01:26:39.020 --> 01:26:44.020] Just like they're not telling you what it is they want you to defend against [01:26:44.020 --> 01:26:48.020] It's the blind leading the blind here [01:26:48.020 --> 01:26:52.020] I am admittedly blind in this manner [01:26:52.020 --> 01:26:57.020] So the problem here is you don't know what the hell you went there to argue because you don't know why you're there [01:26:57.020 --> 01:27:04.020] You don't know what the venue is. You don't know what the actual accusation is and what level it is [01:27:04.020 --> 01:27:09.020] Those are all related to jurisdiction [01:27:09.020 --> 01:27:13.020] If you don't know them, then you don't understand the jurisdiction [01:27:13.020 --> 01:27:20.020] Therefore, you would not understand the challenge being them or the answer being you [01:27:20.020 --> 01:27:23.020] Right? [01:27:23.020 --> 01:27:25.020] I would agree [01:27:25.020 --> 01:27:37.020] So basically you tell me to look up what's the nature of the charges and where would you suggest to go from there? [01:27:37.020 --> 01:27:43.020] Well, the first thing is you read the statutes they're alleging that you violated [01:27:43.020 --> 01:27:47.020] Find out what the statute says it is [01:27:47.020 --> 01:27:50.020] That'd be a good place to start, don't you think? [01:27:50.020 --> 01:27:53.020] Yes, sir [01:27:53.020 --> 01:28:00.020] Always go with the first bit of information that seems relevant and build upon it from there [01:28:00.020 --> 01:28:04.020] Well, you're saying I violated this statute. Where do I find it? [01:28:04.020 --> 01:28:08.020] Okay, well I go look at it. It says it's an infraction. What's an infraction? [01:28:08.020 --> 01:28:13.020] Well, you go find the piece of information that says what an infraction is in West Virginia [01:28:13.020 --> 01:28:21.020] And if it says an infraction is considered to be civil in nature, then suddenly they've developed a problem with jurisdiction [01:28:21.020 --> 01:28:27.020] Because the initial stop by the officer was a bad arrest [01:28:27.020 --> 01:28:33.020] A civil infraction he has no authority to arrest for without a warrant [01:28:33.020 --> 01:28:41.020] And if he pulled you over on the side of the highway and ceased your forward progress, you were illegally arrested by the officer [01:28:41.020 --> 01:28:47.020] That would have been a real problem for their jurisdiction. You follow? [01:28:47.020 --> 01:28:49.020] Yes, sir [01:28:49.020 --> 01:28:56.020] So until you figure out all the pieces of the puzzle so you can put it together the right way to make the proper picture [01:28:56.020 --> 01:29:05.020] You can't get an answer to your question because you're not even asking the right question [01:29:05.020 --> 01:29:09.020] Sir, I'm left with not much to say on this [01:29:09.020 --> 01:29:12.020] That depends on, again, what the rules are in your state [01:29:12.020 --> 01:29:21.020] For instance, here in Texas, in a case like yours, if it had happened in a court of no record, then what you have is an appeal de novo [01:29:21.020 --> 01:29:28.020] Which means it's a do-over. You start everything from ground zero in a higher court, in an actual court of record [01:29:28.020 --> 01:29:32.020] And it's as if everything starts from the beginning [01:29:32.020 --> 01:29:41.020] If that's not the case in West Virginia, then you've already created a problem for yourself by not having a proper record to proceed with your appeal [01:29:41.020 --> 01:29:44.020] That's a separate issue [01:29:44.020 --> 01:29:51.020] So until you know how this progresses through the system in Virginia, you're not going to know what to do with it [01:29:51.020 --> 01:29:55.020] Hang on just a second. We've got to take a break and come back and finish this up [01:29:55.020 --> 01:30:01.020] All right, folks, this is Rule of Law Radio. Y'all hang in there. We've got a half an hour to go [01:30:01.020 --> 01:30:05.020] There must be 50 ways to leave your lover [01:30:05.020 --> 01:30:11.020] Paul Simon once said there must be 50 ways to leave your lover, but what if it's smoking you want to quit? [01:30:11.020 --> 01:30:15.020] I'll be right back with 10 ways to leave your cigarettes [01:30:15.020 --> 01:30:20.020] Privacy is under attack. When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again [01:30:20.020 --> 01:30:25.020] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too [01:30:25.020 --> 01:30:30.020] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself [01:30:30.020 --> 01:30:33.020] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to [01:30:33.020 --> 01:30:40.020] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing [01:30:40.020 --> 01:30:44.020] Start over with Startpage [01:30:44.020 --> 01:30:51.020] Quitting smoking, it's one of the hardest things for people to do, but here are some cheap and easy ways to stay on the wagon [01:30:51.020 --> 01:30:58.020] First, set a quitting date and stick to it. Keep your mind busy with projects and ditch the things that remind you of smoking like ashtrays [01:30:58.020 --> 01:31:02.020] Stay away from alcohol and avoid places where you used to light up [01:31:02.020 --> 01:31:07.020] Drink plenty of fluids and munch on low-calorie snacks like raw fruits and veggies to avoid weight gain [01:31:07.020 --> 01:31:12.020] Exercise can boost your morale, and yoga or hypnosis can help with the jitters [01:31:12.020 --> 01:31:18.020] Finally, take all that money you're saving on cigarettes and get yourself a massage. You've earned it [01:31:18.020 --> 01:31:23.020] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com [01:31:30.020 --> 01:31:36.020] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11 [01:31:36.020 --> 01:31:43.020] The government says that fire brought it down. However, 1,500 architects and engineers have concluded it was a controlled demolition [01:31:43.020 --> 01:31:46.020] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives [01:31:46.020 --> 01:31:48.020] And thousands of my fellow first responders are dying [01:31:48.020 --> 01:31:50.020] I'm not a conspiracy theorist [01:31:50.020 --> 01:31:51.020] I'm a structural engineer [01:31:51.020 --> 01:31:52.020] I'm a New York City correction officer [01:31:52.020 --> 01:31:53.020] I'm an Air Force pilot [01:31:53.020 --> 01:31:55.020] I'm a father who lost his son [01:31:55.020 --> 01:31:58.020] We're Americans, and we deserve the truth [01:31:58.020 --> 01:32:07.020] RememberBuilding7.org today [01:32:29.020 --> 01:32:32.020] To handle your claim and your roof right the first time [01:32:32.020 --> 01:32:38.020] Just call 512-992-8745 or go to hillcountryhomeimprovements.com [01:32:38.020 --> 01:32:41.020] Mention the crypto show and get $100 off [01:32:41.020 --> 01:32:45.020] And we'll donate another $100 to the Logos Radio Network to help continue this programming [01:32:45.020 --> 01:32:50.020] So if those out of town roofers come knocking, your door should be locking [01:32:50.020 --> 01:32:56.020] That's 512-992-8745 or hillcountryhomeimprovements.com [01:32:56.020 --> 01:32:58.020] Discounts are based on full roof replacement [01:32:58.020 --> 01:33:01.020] May not actually be kidding about chemtrails [01:33:01.020 --> 01:33:28.020] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradio.com [01:33:31.020 --> 01:33:36.020] All right, folks, we are back [01:33:36.020 --> 01:33:38.020] This is Rule of Law Radio [01:33:38.020 --> 01:33:41.020] Right now we are talking to Keith in West Virginia [01:33:41.020 --> 01:33:43.020] All right, Keith, go ahead [01:33:43.020 --> 01:33:50.020] Well, before we get to the break there, you were talking about if it was not a quarter record, I believe [01:33:50.020 --> 01:33:54.020] Yeah, here in Texas, if it's not a quarter record, you get what's called a trial de novo [01:33:54.020 --> 01:33:56.020] It's basically a do-over [01:33:56.020 --> 01:34:00.020] I don't know if West Virginia has that or not coming from the court you were in [01:34:00.020 --> 01:34:03.020] That's what you've got to look at the procedure and find out [01:34:03.020 --> 01:34:08.020] But you don't know what procedure to look in until you know the nature of the cause [01:34:08.020 --> 01:34:14.020] What type of alleged offense, violation, or infraction is it? [01:34:14.020 --> 01:34:16.020] All of that relates to jurisdiction [01:34:16.020 --> 01:34:26.020] All of that relates to the process and procedure that has to be followed by them and by you [01:34:26.020 --> 01:34:32.020] So if you didn't go through that procedure, there's no telling whether or not you've even made a record [01:34:32.020 --> 01:34:36.020] that would be of any use to you at all on appeal [01:34:36.020 --> 01:34:38.020] Yeah, that's okay [01:34:38.020 --> 01:34:44.020] I got forms, really not much information to go on [01:34:44.020 --> 01:34:52.020] and they said it was not a quarter record when I requested a copy of the trial [01:34:52.020 --> 01:34:59.020] Okay, so you need to see what happens when you appeal a case from a court of no record in West Virginia [01:34:59.020 --> 01:35:05.020] So that's the procedure of the court I need to get after that went through [01:35:05.020 --> 01:35:14.020] and find out the nature of the charges and research them deeper to find out what jurisdiction it falls under [01:35:14.020 --> 01:35:20.020] What type of offense it is so you know who has jurisdiction over it, yes [01:35:20.020 --> 01:35:26.020] And like I say, it can be an offense, it can be an infraction, it can be a violation [01:35:26.020 --> 01:35:34.020] and then you have to find out how those things are defined as far as the nature of the allegation itself [01:35:34.020 --> 01:35:39.020] Understood, understood, well I appreciate your time and I appreciate what you do, everybody [01:35:39.020 --> 01:35:41.020] Alright, thanks Keith, appreciate you calling in [01:35:41.020 --> 01:35:42.020] Thank you [01:35:42.020 --> 01:35:49.020] Alright, now we're going to go to John in New Mexico. John, what can we do for you? [01:35:49.020 --> 01:35:53.020] Alright Eddie, I'm calling and I appreciate you taking my call too by the way [01:35:53.020 --> 01:35:57.020] and I'm calling because what I have here is kind of an unusual situation [01:35:57.020 --> 01:36:02.020] I was out with my wife and we're traveling around doing our errands, we're on our way home [01:36:02.020 --> 01:36:07.020] I hop on the interstate highway and it happens to be backed up with traffic [01:36:07.020 --> 01:36:16.020] Traveling along, there's a local city police unit in one of, I guess it would be considered [01:36:16.020 --> 01:36:21.020] the right-hand lane facing the opposite direction as everybody else [01:36:21.020 --> 01:36:27.020] I have a medical condition, I pulled over onto the emergency side shoulder [01:36:27.020 --> 01:36:32.020] up by the police officer's car, he was behind his car, it was just him [01:36:32.020 --> 01:36:36.020] his car was just facing the wrong direction in the middle of the road in one lane [01:36:36.020 --> 01:36:38.020] and he was about 50 feet behind it [01:36:38.020 --> 01:36:43.020] I pulled over to the side because I needed to stop, I wanted to feel somewhere where I could be safe [01:36:43.020 --> 01:36:47.020] at the same time, deal with what I had to deal with and then move on [01:36:47.020 --> 01:36:52.020] but when I pulled over, he went off, this guy ran at me, he's a sergeant by the way [01:36:52.020 --> 01:36:56.020] he runs at me, he's yelling at me, he runs up into my car and actually bangs into my car [01:36:56.020 --> 01:37:00.020] and scratches it with a bolster of his equipment and starts yelling at me [01:37:00.020 --> 01:37:04.020] telling me that I broke the law and I didn't understand, I'm saying what law? [01:37:04.020 --> 01:37:08.020] I pulled over because I needed to talk to you, he's yelling at me telling me I broke the law [01:37:08.020 --> 01:37:12.020] I'm like what law? He says you avoided a police unit [01:37:12.020 --> 01:37:16.020] and I'm like there's no such a law, I said what are you talking about, I didn't break any law [01:37:16.020 --> 01:37:21.020] I know why I pulled over but he was yelling at me and I said look, your behavior is out of control [01:37:21.020 --> 01:37:26.020] buddy, I need you to call your supervisor, so he brought his arm band in there [01:37:26.020 --> 01:37:30.020] to show me his stripes and yelled in my face and told me he was the supervisor [01:37:30.020 --> 01:37:34.020] and I told him, I said look, can I leave? I said your behavior is out of control [01:37:34.020 --> 01:37:38.020] I need to just stop for some other reason but you're obviously, you know, you've got issues [01:37:38.020 --> 01:37:43.020] I'm just going to go and he's like no you're not, you broke the law, I'm going to write you a citation [01:37:43.020 --> 01:37:48.020] I said show me what law it is that I broke and you can write me a citation for it [01:37:48.020 --> 01:37:53.020] but I want to see the law, he didn't do it, he actually kept me and my wife [01:37:53.020 --> 01:37:59.020] on the side of the highway for over an hour trying to figure out what he was going to write it up for [01:37:59.020 --> 01:38:04.020] then to call his supervisor, actually I asked him to call his supervisor because of his behavior [01:38:04.020 --> 01:38:09.020] he called a subordinate officer that was I guess further up the highway there must have been an accident [01:38:09.020 --> 01:38:15.020] I don't know, I couldn't see it, I just know all of a sudden another officer, an underlying officer [01:38:15.020 --> 01:38:21.020] comes running down from the other side and starts, and then runs down by him and just stands there staring at me [01:38:21.020 --> 01:38:28.020] like, I can only relate it to the scriptures where in Proverbs it says a man lying in wait for another man's blood [01:38:28.020 --> 01:38:32.020] that's the look the guy gave me, you know, so I just felt terrorized by these guys [01:38:32.020 --> 01:38:36.020] he helped me there for over an hour and then when he comes up the sergeant walks up and says [01:38:36.020 --> 01:38:40.020] I want your driver's license and everything and I said look, I'm going to exercise my rights [01:38:40.020 --> 01:38:43.020] I videotaped it, I said I'm going to exercise my rights right now [01:38:43.020 --> 01:38:47.020] I said what you're doing, obviously you detained me this long, I must be under some kind of arrest [01:38:47.020 --> 01:38:50.020] of some kind, I said I don't know what it is that you're doing [01:38:50.020 --> 01:38:54.020] but I'm not, I'm going to stand on my fifth, the fifth amendment [01:38:54.020 --> 01:38:59.020] I'm going to exercise my inalienable right guaranteed by the Constitution [01:38:59.020 --> 01:39:02.020] I'm going to exercise the fifth amendment and I'm not saying anything to you [01:39:02.020 --> 01:39:05.020] and my fourth amendment I'm not providing you with any papers [01:39:05.020 --> 01:39:08.020] I'm going to be secured in my papers by a person of my property [01:39:08.020 --> 01:39:12.020] now are you going to injure me in any way, you know, something I remember from your script [01:39:12.020 --> 01:39:14.020] you know, I hadn't learned it yet but I remember that [01:39:14.020 --> 01:39:18.020] and I said to him are you going to injure me in any way for exercising my right [01:39:18.020 --> 01:39:22.020] he just turned around and walked off, didn't say a word, came back [01:39:22.020 --> 01:39:28.020] threw suicide intentions into my window with actually written up with my vice name on them [01:39:28.020 --> 01:39:32.020] because he must have looked at the license plate because I still had plates on the vehicle [01:39:32.020 --> 01:39:41.020] he took her name off of it and wrote these citations for, he wrote it out as traffic crash [01:39:41.020 --> 01:39:47.020] and he also claimed that I went around a state police unit and there was no other unit besides his [01:39:47.020 --> 01:39:50.020] there was no state police unit whatsoever at the scene [01:39:50.020 --> 01:39:56.020] so it would be easy to prove I had videotaped the shows where I was and it was only him, nobody else [01:39:56.020 --> 01:40:00.020] but he says I went around a state police unit and then I went around his [01:40:00.020 --> 01:40:05.020] and it's really hard to read what he wrote [01:40:05.020 --> 01:40:09.020] he went around these things failing to obey his lawful command [01:40:09.020 --> 01:40:17.020] and there was something, I can't even read the rest of it [01:40:17.020 --> 01:40:21.020] but then he wrote another one that said tags were expired on my vehicle [01:40:21.020 --> 01:40:27.020] wrote these out in my wife, I contacted a lawyer that I'm supposed to be meeting with this week [01:40:27.020 --> 01:40:33.020] because I was going to file a suit against him for the things that he did against me and my wife by holding us there [01:40:33.020 --> 01:40:37.020] but at the same time I'm not really sure how, that's why I want to talk to somebody [01:40:37.020 --> 01:40:43.020] I just got a criminal summons in the mail with my name on it now, not my wife [01:40:43.020 --> 01:40:47.020] the citation is written out with her name and the criminal summons is written out to me [01:40:47.020 --> 01:40:53.020] from the state of New Mexico near the defendant and it says they're charging me with [01:40:53.020 --> 01:41:00.020] a complaint's been filed against me, charging that I submitted the offense of failure to obey a police officer [01:41:00.020 --> 01:41:03.020] and improper display of registration face [01:41:03.020 --> 01:41:08.020] and I'm ordered to appear in court and it's a magistrate court and it's a criminal summons [01:41:08.020 --> 01:41:12.020] so I'm just trying to figure out what would be the best course of action [01:41:12.020 --> 01:41:17.020] one of the things I need to get my ducks in a row so I can do it before it even starts [01:41:17.020 --> 01:41:21.020] well you're not going to stop it before it starts, get that through your head [01:41:21.020 --> 01:41:27.020] you don't ever go into these to win them at trial because the trial court doesn't care [01:41:27.020 --> 01:41:31.020] they don't care what the law is, they don't care what the procedure is [01:41:31.020 --> 01:41:36.020] your job is to document when they violate your rights and the rules, that's it [01:41:36.020 --> 01:41:43.020] so your job is pretty much the same as what I described to the last gentleman I had up here, Keith from West Virginia [01:41:43.020 --> 01:41:48.020] you need to find out exactly what the nature and cause is you've been charged with [01:41:48.020 --> 01:41:53.020] what jurisdiction it plays into, who has jurisdiction of everything [01:41:53.020 --> 01:41:58.020] whether or not it applies to you for impersonal jurisdiction and so on and so forth [01:41:58.020 --> 01:42:06.020] okay so I have to find out what jurisdiction the offense falls under [01:42:06.020 --> 01:42:16.020] well for instance if it's an infraction and in New Mexico, if in New Mexico they have infractions [01:42:16.020 --> 01:42:24.020] and an infraction in New Mexico happens to be defined as non-criminal, civil only [01:42:24.020 --> 01:42:32.020] then the officer would not have had any authority to detain you and arrest you to write you the ticket [01:42:32.020 --> 01:42:37.020] would he? because he didn't have a warrant, right? [01:42:37.020 --> 01:42:38.020] okay [01:42:38.020 --> 01:42:46.020] now you say this is a criminal summons, the problem is do the offenses that they list constitute crimes in New Mexico [01:42:46.020 --> 01:42:49.020] that's the stuff you've got to find out [01:42:49.020 --> 01:42:57.020] okay and do I, where is it that I go to look for that, is that in the motor vehicles? [01:42:57.020 --> 01:43:06.020] well I don't know what the code the charges would be in but they sound, at least one of them is related to vehicles [01:43:06.020 --> 01:43:08.020] is it not? the registration [01:43:08.020 --> 01:43:19.020] well the registration and there is a number on the citation for the one where he says that I disobeyed an officer [01:43:19.020 --> 01:43:25.020] and I looked it up before so I hadn't seen it but it says disobeying an officer but he's saying I disobeyed [01:43:25.020 --> 01:43:29.020] because I pulled along the side by his car and pulled up his feet [01:43:29.020 --> 01:43:35.020] well what does the statute say constitutes disobeying an officer regardless of what he says [01:43:35.020 --> 01:43:42.020] okay, okay, fine, I will have to look into those things so I'm trying to find out [01:43:42.020 --> 01:43:43.020] well very good, thank you Eddie [01:43:43.020 --> 01:43:45.020] okay, thanks for calling in John [01:43:45.020 --> 01:43:51.020] alright folks, this is rule of law radio, we've got one segment left, a couple callers to go [01:43:51.020 --> 01:43:54.020] we will be right back after this so y'all hang in there [01:44:00.020 --> 01:44:04.020] you feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? [01:44:04.020 --> 01:44:07.020] are you confused by words like the constitution or the federal reserve? [01:44:07.020 --> 01:44:08.020] what? [01:44:08.020 --> 01:44:12.020] if so you may be diagnosed with the deadliest disease known today, stupidity [01:44:12.020 --> 01:44:19.020] hi, my name is Steve Holt and like millions of other Americans I was diagnosed with stupidity at an early age [01:44:19.020 --> 01:44:25.020] I had no idea that the number one cause of the disease is found in almost every home in America, the television [01:44:25.020 --> 01:44:30.020] unfortunately that puts most Americans at risk of catching stupidity but there is hope [01:44:30.020 --> 01:44:36.020] the staff at Brave New Books have helped me and thousands of other Foxaholics suffering from sports zombieism recover [01:44:36.020 --> 01:44:43.020] and because of Brave New Books I now enjoy reading and watching educational documentaries without feeling tired or uninterested [01:44:43.020 --> 01:44:55.020] so if you or anybody you know suffers from stupidity then you need to call 512-480-2503 or visit them in 1904guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com [01:44:55.020 --> 01:45:00.020] side effects from using Brave New Books products may include discernment and enlarged vocabulary and an overall increase in mental functioning [01:45:00.020 --> 01:45:04.020] are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:04.020 --> 01:45:15.020] win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand 4CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step by step [01:45:15.020 --> 01:45:19.020] if you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing [01:45:19.020 --> 01:45:23.020] if you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself [01:45:23.020 --> 01:45:28.020] thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too [01:45:28.020 --> 01:45:34.020] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience [01:45:34.020 --> 01:45:43.020] even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles and practices that control our American courts [01:45:43.020 --> 01:45:52.020] you'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics and much more [01:45:52.020 --> 01:46:01.020] please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ [01:46:22.020 --> 01:46:29.020] please visit ruleoflawradio.com for more information [01:46:52.020 --> 01:47:16.020] please visit ruleoflawradio.com for more information [01:47:22.020 --> 01:47:25.020] we're going to try one more time for Ralph in Texas [01:47:25.020 --> 01:47:27.020] Ralph, are you there? [01:47:27.020 --> 01:47:29.020] hello, yes I am [01:47:29.020 --> 01:47:31.020] okay, now I can hear you [01:47:31.020 --> 01:47:36.020] great, you're breaking up a little bit, I don't know what is with the reception tonight [01:47:36.020 --> 01:47:43.020] but anyway, I'm still working on an arrest for failure to identify, I'm defending that [01:47:43.020 --> 01:47:48.020] I have two issues right now and a few questions, so whatever you have time for, I appreciate [01:47:48.020 --> 01:47:50.020] well, start and let's see [01:47:50.020 --> 01:47:57.020] today I went to the sheriff's office to file aggravated kidnapping and assault charges [01:47:57.020 --> 01:48:05.020] on a DPS trooper, sheriff's deputies and city police, six in total [01:48:05.020 --> 01:48:11.020] the sheriff told me he was absolutely refusing to accept my complaint [01:48:11.020 --> 01:48:19.020] he said that I had to go through the DPS because that was another governmental body and that man went through the DPS [01:48:19.020 --> 01:48:22.020] he said he did not work for the DPS when he kidnapped me [01:48:22.020 --> 01:48:26.020] I am pressing charges on him as a person, not as a DPS officer [01:48:26.020 --> 01:48:30.020] he says I will not accept that complaint [01:48:30.020 --> 01:48:33.020] okay, then you need to complain to the DOJ about the sheriff [01:48:33.020 --> 01:48:37.020] because the sheriff is advocating his duty [01:48:37.020 --> 01:48:42.020] right, well I told the sheriff I'm not threatening you, but are you familiar with 204? [01:48:42.020 --> 01:48:49.020] 2.04, neglect, and I showed him a piece of paper and he shoved it right back at me, I'm familiar with that [01:48:49.020 --> 01:48:53.020] okay, so DOJ, that's Federal Department of Justice, okay [01:48:53.020 --> 01:49:02.020] I did go from there to the district attorney and the district attorney's employees are shielding her from me as they have in the past [01:49:02.020 --> 01:49:08.020] I left a message that I wanted to talk to her about filing a complaint that the sheriff would not accept [01:49:08.020 --> 01:49:11.020] and they took my information, I don't expect to hear from them [01:49:11.020 --> 01:49:12.020] and you won't? [01:49:12.020 --> 01:49:15.020] should I go ahead and pursue the district attorney? [01:49:15.020 --> 01:49:22.020] go to the Department of Justice, file charges on all of them for conspiracy and RICO [01:49:22.020 --> 01:49:27.020] well they're definitely conspiring, I think I got plenty of proof of that [01:49:27.020 --> 01:49:32.020] I've had a court-appointed attorney for the last six months, I've talked to him once [01:49:32.020 --> 01:49:37.020] he called me because I was pressuring the district attorney to take some action [01:49:37.020 --> 01:49:43.020] and he called me that same day, within a few minutes of talking to the district attorney on the phone [01:49:43.020 --> 01:49:47.020] he talked to me for over an hour and said absolutely nothing [01:49:47.020 --> 01:49:53.020] I gave him instructions on what to do, I told him not to do anything without checking with me first [01:49:53.020 --> 01:49:56.020] three months later he has done nothing [01:49:56.020 --> 01:50:02.020] my statute of limitations is running out, I was arrested on August 5th of 2014 [01:50:02.020 --> 01:50:07.020] as I understand it, and I have not done as much homework as I would like to have, I admit [01:50:07.020 --> 01:50:13.020] I was off of it for over two months, I'm back into it and I'm going to stay on it for a while now [01:50:13.020 --> 01:50:20.020] but as I understand it, my statute of limitations on filing a criminal complaint against these actors is one year [01:50:20.020 --> 01:50:21.020] which would be August- [01:50:21.020 --> 01:50:29.020] no, not true, if the crimes are, every crime has its own statute of limitations [01:50:29.020 --> 01:50:33.020] all of them in Texas have a minimum of two that I'm aware of [01:50:33.020 --> 01:50:41.020] now a lawsuit against them, yeah, you've got a year, but the criminal charges, no [01:50:41.020 --> 01:50:48.020] wait a minute, you're telling me that my civil lawsuit is only a year, I thought civil lawsuit was two years [01:50:48.020 --> 01:50:51.020] that all depends on what it is [01:50:51.020 --> 01:50:59.020] if you file it in Texas courts, it's a year, if you file it in the federal courts, it's two [01:50:59.020 --> 01:51:04.020] yeah, I think that's accurate anyway, verify that, but I think that's accurate [01:51:04.020 --> 01:51:07.020] well I'm not sure how to verify it, so there's something else I've got to do [01:51:07.020 --> 01:51:14.020] but I have no intention of suing them in the state court, I am suing everyone from now in the federal court [01:51:14.020 --> 01:51:21.020] well then what you've got to do is make sure that your Title 42 lawsuit is properly drafted [01:51:21.020 --> 01:51:30.020] if you don't draft it properly, they will throw it out, if they throw it out, they have the opportunity to do it with prejudice and it's over [01:51:30.020 --> 01:51:41.020] well I have been paying some attention to the Title 42s, but if it's one year, I'm in trouble because I will not be able to catch up with where I was [01:51:41.020 --> 01:51:47.020] like you said recently yourself, if you get away from it, trying to come back to it, there's a lot of catch up [01:51:47.020 --> 01:51:52.020] and I am not nearly as familiar with this as someone like you who spends a lot more time on it [01:51:52.020 --> 01:52:01.020] well, okay, DOJ on the sheriff and anyone else who is denying my due process and my rights [01:52:01.020 --> 01:52:09.020] they have a duty to take these complaints of criminal allegations, they don't get to shield each other, but that is what they're doing [01:52:09.020 --> 01:52:13.020] right, so I take that to the DOJ that they're shielding each other [01:52:13.020 --> 01:52:23.020] yes, you do direct charges against the DPS officer with the DOJ for official oppression, official misconduct, all those things [01:52:23.020 --> 01:52:29.020] and then you say, and I have RICO charges against the district attorney and the sheriff's office [01:52:29.020 --> 01:52:34.020] for protecting this individual and shielding him from prosecution and violation of state law [01:52:34.020 --> 01:52:40.020] okay, okay, that's the missing pieces to the puzzle [01:52:40.020 --> 01:52:44.020] that's what at least makes sense to me, what you're saying right now, that makes sense [01:52:44.020 --> 01:52:47.020] well, everything the DA and the sheriff are doing is criminal [01:52:47.020 --> 01:52:54.020] they don't get to make the choices, despite what a district attorney or a county attorney tells you [01:52:54.020 --> 01:53:01.020] nowhere are they given the power to decide who gets prosecuted, that's not within their purview [01:53:01.020 --> 01:53:10.020] their discretionary power is limited to cases where they don't have enough evidence to go to trial [01:53:10.020 --> 01:53:17.020] but until they actually conduct an investigation on the allegations, they don't know if they got enough evidence to go to trial [01:53:17.020 --> 01:53:26.020] so what they're attempting to do is to avoid their responsibility to protect the public from such officers for their own benefit [01:53:26.020 --> 01:53:32.020] and to the detriment of the rest of us, and that needs to stop [01:53:32.020 --> 01:53:39.020] I understand, I had a witness with me, I was with the sheriff for less than five minutes, he absolutely refused [01:53:39.020 --> 01:53:44.020] I tried to talk him into it, he refused, so I just got up and left, I told my witness, he's refusing, I left [01:53:44.020 --> 01:53:50.020] they're telling me I refused to identify myself, whereas I declined, here they are refusing to uphold the law [01:53:50.020 --> 01:53:56.020] well, let me move on to another thing, this is very interesting, I'm still working on my public information request [01:53:56.020 --> 01:54:02.020] they are still yanking my chain on this, so let me read this to you, I'm going to have a little fun with it as well [01:54:02.020 --> 01:54:09.020] I, Florence Nightingale, as officer of the public information for Newton County, certified that [01:54:09.020 --> 01:54:18.020] Madam Curie made available to Ralph the requester all existing responsive information [01:54:18.020 --> 01:54:26.020] how can Florence make a statement saying that Madam Curie did something for me? [01:54:26.020 --> 01:54:30.020] that's like an oxymoron, I mean isn't that like you're saying? [01:54:30.020 --> 01:54:32.020] what is this in? [01:54:32.020 --> 01:54:36.020] this is public information act request certification [01:54:36.020 --> 01:54:41.020] that's not a request for anything, that's not a request for anything Ralph [01:54:41.020 --> 01:54:45.020] how do you think that even fits into a public information request? [01:54:45.020 --> 01:54:48.020] no, no, no, this is their answer [01:54:48.020 --> 01:54:54.020] they're telling, I complained to the officer of the attorney general that they did not answer my request [01:54:54.020 --> 01:55:02.020] they are saying, yeah I answered his request and what this girl is saying, what this woman is saying [01:55:02.020 --> 01:55:09.020] is that I certify that another woman answered the requester's information [01:55:09.020 --> 01:55:12.020] I guess you're not picking that up because it's... [01:55:12.020 --> 01:55:15.020] no I didn't pick that up but let me answer that question [01:55:15.020 --> 01:55:22.020] all she has to do is look at what the other woman responded with to be able to answer that [01:55:22.020 --> 01:55:29.020] and for instance if you're talking to a county clerk, the chief clerk is the one that's going to make that response [01:55:29.020 --> 01:55:33.020] even if a subclerk did the actual thing [01:55:33.020 --> 01:55:37.020] as the chief clerk, she's ultimately responsible [01:55:37.020 --> 01:55:44.020] therefore she's the one certifying that my subordinate did do this [01:55:44.020 --> 01:55:46.020] that's one of the things I like about it [01:55:46.020 --> 01:55:50.020] even if it doesn't please people, you're going to say what makes sense [01:55:50.020 --> 01:55:52.020] so I like that, okay [01:55:52.020 --> 01:55:55.020] I disagree with what it's stating because I'm looking at it [01:55:55.020 --> 01:55:59.020] but I see your point of view, yeah she's saying that somebody else did it [01:55:59.020 --> 01:56:04.020] the thing about it is, since I've been asking for these public information requests [01:56:04.020 --> 01:56:08.020] I've gone through three public information officers [01:56:08.020 --> 01:56:14.020] and so one public information officer, the current one, which is the third one [01:56:14.020 --> 01:56:17.020] is stating that the first one sent me the information [01:56:17.020 --> 01:56:19.020] and I'm going how does she know that? [01:56:19.020 --> 01:56:22.020] she's not stating when she did it or how she did it [01:56:22.020 --> 01:56:24.020] and so I never got the information [01:56:24.020 --> 01:56:27.020] can I do this? I know we're running out of time here [01:56:27.020 --> 01:56:33.020] can I do this? can I give out the email address for the sheriff's department [01:56:33.020 --> 01:56:35.020] and ask anybody that's energetic [01:56:35.020 --> 01:56:40.020] to ask these people for their policy manual [01:56:40.020 --> 01:56:43.020] the sheriff's department is not sending me their policy manual [01:56:43.020 --> 01:56:47.020] but they are saying that they have [01:56:47.020 --> 01:56:48.020] and that is [01:56:48.020 --> 01:56:51.020] how are you requesting it? [01:56:51.020 --> 01:56:54.020] I am requesting it with a public information request [01:56:54.020 --> 01:56:58.020] I asked for any, well I've had to have it written [01:56:58.020 --> 01:57:01.020] which policy manual did you request? [01:57:01.020 --> 01:57:04.020] I didn't, I never asked for a policy manual [01:57:04.020 --> 01:57:06.020] they're just saying they sent me one [01:57:06.020 --> 01:57:10.020] I asked for the information that controlled [01:57:10.020 --> 01:57:14.020] when and how they turned on their audio, video, recording equipment [01:57:14.020 --> 01:57:18.020] I said what is your policy for turning on and turning off [01:57:18.020 --> 01:57:20.020] who turns it on, when is it turned off [01:57:20.020 --> 01:57:24.020] is it automatic, is it done by a person or done by a machine [01:57:24.020 --> 01:57:27.020] when is the recording equipment in the jail turned off and on [01:57:27.020 --> 01:57:31.020] and they just said we've already sent you the policy manual [01:57:31.020 --> 01:57:34.020] that's the first I ever heard of [01:57:34.020 --> 01:57:39.020] okay, then file a complaint with the attorney general's office [01:57:39.020 --> 01:57:44.020] that's what you do when they make false statements about an information request [01:57:44.020 --> 01:57:47.020] well, I did that and they just [01:57:47.020 --> 01:57:51.020] well, that's the way it works see, they all cover for each other [01:57:51.020 --> 01:57:56.020] nobody that's supposed to be working for us is actually working for us [01:57:56.020 --> 01:58:00.020] that's the part we need to fix [01:58:00.020 --> 01:58:03.020] well, I'm going to get on the 30J thing [01:58:03.020 --> 01:58:05.020] but I would like to call you next Monday [01:58:05.020 --> 01:58:07.020] and get called up on a few things [01:58:07.020 --> 01:58:09.020] okay, that'll be fine [01:58:09.020 --> 01:58:11.020] I appreciate you [01:58:11.020 --> 01:58:13.020] alright Ralph, thanks for calling in [01:58:13.020 --> 01:58:15.020] okay, goodnight [01:58:15.020 --> 01:58:19.020] alright folks, this has been the Monday Night Rule of Law Radio Show [01:58:19.020 --> 01:58:21.020] I want to thank all the callers and all the listeners [01:58:21.020 --> 01:58:24.020] I hope I didn't offend too many tonight [01:58:24.020 --> 01:58:28.020] my intention, but life has its way of doing that [01:58:28.020 --> 01:58:31.020] alright folks, I hope everybody has a great week [01:58:31.020 --> 01:58:34.020] goodnight, and God bless [01:58:34.020 --> 01:58:38.020] if you are a bully, a bully [01:58:38.020 --> 01:58:42.020] I beg you, treat me good [01:58:42.020 --> 01:58:44.020] I'm like a stepped in grave [01:58:44.020 --> 01:58:46.020] I don't want my size [01:58:46.020 --> 01:58:50.020] I'm dangerous, dangerous [01:58:50.020 --> 01:58:53.020] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free [01:58:53.020 --> 01:58:57.020] a unique study Bible called the New Testament Recovery Version [01:58:57.020 --> 01:59:01.020] the New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes [01:59:01.020 --> 01:59:04.020] that explain what the Bible says verse by verse [01:59:04.020 --> 01:59:08.020] helping you to know God and to know the meaning of life [01:59:08.020 --> 01:59:11.020] order your free copy today from Bibles for America [01:59:11.020 --> 01:59:16.020] call us toll free at 888-551-0102 [01:59:16.020 --> 01:59:20.020] or visit us online at bfa.org [01:59:20.020 --> 01:59:26.020] this translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 cross references [01:59:26.020 --> 01:59:30.020] plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of the Bible [01:59:30.020 --> 01:59:33.020] this is truly a Bible you can understand [01:59:33.020 --> 01:59:36.020] to get your free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version [01:59:36.020 --> 01:59:41.020] call us toll free at 888-551-0102 [01:59:41.020 --> 01:59:45.020] that's 888-551-0102 [01:59:45.020 --> 01:59:50.020] or visit us online at bfa.org [01:59:50.020 --> 01:59:53.020] looking for some truth? [01:59:53.020 --> 01:59:55.020] you found it! [01:59:55.020 --> 02:00:00.020] go to grossradionetwork.com