[00:00.000 --> 00:07.840] The following use flash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown. Providing your daily [00:07.840 --> 00:15.480] bulletins for the commodities market. Today in history, news updates, and the inside scoop [00:15.480 --> 00:25.720] into the tides of the alternative. Markets for the 22nd of June, 2015 opened up with [00:25.720 --> 00:34.960] gold $1,184.50 an ounce, silver $16.13 an ounce, Texas crude $59.61 a barrel, and Bitcoin [00:34.960 --> 00:47.960] is currently sitting at about $246 US currency. Today in history, Wednesday, June 22nd, 1633, [00:47.960 --> 00:53.280] Galileo Galilei was found vehemently suspect of heresy. By the Catholic Inquisition, he [00:53.280 --> 00:58.120] was ordered on threat of torture by them to abjure, curse, and detest his observational [00:58.120 --> 01:03.160] analysis that the earth orbits the sun. He maintained his denial despite the threat and [01:03.160 --> 01:07.120] on the following day was commuted to house arrest, which he remained under for the rest [01:07.120 --> 01:12.840] of his life. His offending writings were banned. The publication of all his works were forbidden, [01:12.840 --> 01:16.640] including those that he might write in the future. According to popular legend, after [01:16.640 --> 01:22.080] temporarily recanting his theory, Galileo allegedly muttered the rebellious phrase, [01:22.080 --> 01:26.400] it pours semueve, and yet it moves, which was supposedly also scratched on the wall [01:26.400 --> 01:38.080] of his prison cell. The Vatican finally admitted to this wrongdoing, Halloween, 1992. [01:38.080 --> 01:42.240] In recent news, in Charleston, South Carolina, the National Action Network, along with some [01:42.240 --> 01:47.160] local religious and political action committee leaders, convened at the state's General Assembly [01:47.160 --> 01:51.520] to call for the removal of the Confederate flag. They are apparently not pleased with [01:51.520 --> 01:56.160] the fact that the state flag and federal flag were lowered to half staff in response to [01:56.160 --> 02:00.240] the recent shootings at the local historical church there. However, it seems that the Confederate [02:00.240 --> 02:04.200] flag has remained at full staff. The group of organizers announced that there will be [02:04.200 --> 02:13.080] a rally in front of the state capitol tomorrow. General Mills has joined the food industry's [02:13.080 --> 02:17.620] ever-growing move to strip artificial flavors and colors completely from their cereal lineup. [02:17.620 --> 02:22.320] Their chief executive, Jim Murphy, mentioned how consumer demand is something they're responding [02:22.320 --> 02:26.640] to and are aiming to have more than 90% of their cereals free of artificial flavoring [02:26.640 --> 02:40.520] and coloring by the end of next year. The Wellstar Lowdown is currently looking for [02:40.520 --> 02:44.640] sponsors, so if you have a product or a service that you would like to advertise in the Lowdown, [02:44.640 --> 02:53.200] feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. This has been your Lowdown for June 22, 2015. [04:14.640 --> 04:35.360] All right, folks. Good evening. This is the Monday Night Rule of Law radio show with [04:35.360 --> 04:43.320] your host, Eddie Craig. It is June 22, 2015. We are live tonight, and I apologize for the [04:43.320 --> 04:48.200] couple of weeks that we had to run archives, but there was just so much going on with bad [04:48.200 --> 04:52.000] weather and things. We just couldn't risk the equipment, and the other week I was so [04:52.000 --> 04:57.720] busy with some research material that I had going on that if I'd have lost my train of [04:57.720 --> 05:03.840] thought on it, I'd never got it back again. I was so deep into it. However, I would like [05:03.840 --> 05:12.080] to start off tonight with some extra good news for everybody living in Texas. Now, for [05:12.080 --> 05:17.920] those of y'all that have been living here since at least 2007, you know that in 2007, [05:17.920 --> 05:24.200] the Texas legislature implemented Chapter 707 of the Texas Transportation Code, which [05:24.200 --> 05:33.640] is the implementation of an electronic camera red light enforcement system, the one where [05:33.640 --> 05:37.760] they take the picture of your car, claim you ran the light, and so on and so forth. Then, [05:37.760 --> 05:47.880] of course, they send it to you as the registered owner, not to the person behind the wheel. [05:47.880 --> 05:59.520] They have used Chapter 707 to steal huge sums of money from the people of Texas. Now, there [05:59.520 --> 06:05.720] are several problems with Chapter 707 to begin with, and then there are additional problems [06:05.720 --> 06:13.200] with how the municipalities have used Chapter 707. The first thing being that Chapter 707 [06:13.200 --> 06:20.560] is full of so many constitutional invalidities, it's not even funny. And the other is that [06:20.560 --> 06:25.680] it's a complete and total denial of due process and a bill of pains and penalties because [06:25.680 --> 06:32.240] of the way they've set it up. And the third thing is that it is a legislative violation [06:32.240 --> 06:39.120] of the Texas constitution to allow a municipality to convert a subject matter, which is the [06:39.120 --> 06:44.000] running of a red light, which the legislature has defined in the transportation code under [06:44.000 --> 06:50.560] Chapter 544 as a criminal offense. The red light camera program under Chapter 707 allows [06:50.560 --> 06:56.960] a municipality to create an ordinance that makes it a civil offense for which they can [06:56.960 --> 07:05.000] charge and collect money. The problem is, nowhere in Chapter 707 is there any authority [07:05.000 --> 07:14.020] whatsoever for a municipality to issue a citation based upon the photograph taken by the camera. [07:14.020 --> 07:19.520] And there most certainly is no authority in there for any of the camera companies located [07:19.520 --> 07:28.000] in another state to issue a so-called citation, thus claiming the individual who owned the [07:28.000 --> 07:36.800] car in the picture owed anybody any money. Now, you've heard me talk about this before, [07:36.800 --> 07:42.160] if you've listened to the show, hopefully you've heard it. But the fact is, is that [07:42.160 --> 07:45.840] that in and of itself is not the good news and I'm not going to spend the evening repeating [07:45.840 --> 07:54.800] myself. I'm going to throw a new twist into this discussion. Located at 800 West Airport [07:54.800 --> 08:06.720] Freeway Suite 860 in Irving, Texas, zip code 75062, is a professional corporation, i.e. [08:06.720 --> 08:16.040] company's firm, of Bowman and Stella PC. Bowman and Stella has filed a class action lawsuit [08:16.040 --> 08:22.700] against every Texas municipality, or at least the majority of them, that have implemented [08:22.700 --> 08:29.900] red light camera programs. They have also instituted a law, this lawsuit includes the [08:29.900 --> 08:38.220] red light camera companies themselves. Now, the basis for this lawsuit goes this way. [08:38.220 --> 08:42.780] There was a gentleman who lived in a different state and does live in a different state who [08:42.780 --> 08:55.600] loaned his car to someone who apparently took this car somewhere in Texas and got a citation [08:55.600 --> 09:02.560] by the municipality on this red light camera. And the citation was mailed to the owner of [09:02.560 --> 09:11.100] the car in the other state. Well, they threatened him in the letter as they do in all of them. [09:11.100 --> 09:18.140] They threaten you with reporting you to a credit bureau, which chapter 707 specifically [09:18.140 --> 09:29.740] prohibits them to do. It threatens them with prevention of registering their car in whatever [09:29.740 --> 09:40.260] state they're in. And so, they have at least these two threats contained in this citation [09:40.260 --> 09:49.740] that they mail out, neither of which is allowable under chapter 707. In fact, nowhere in chapter [09:49.740 --> 10:00.660] 707 is an offense actually defined against the person who allegedly runs the light. In [10:00.660 --> 10:08.260] the entire chapter, the word offense is related only to actions perpetrated by the people [10:08.260 --> 10:15.560] that operate the camera systems. There's not an offense defined in there anywhere against [10:15.560 --> 10:23.620] an individual in a car. And the only punishments it authorizes is a civil or administrative [10:23.620 --> 10:29.900] penalty. Well, the only people that can be hit up with an administrative penalty are [10:29.900 --> 10:35.640] those that are under the administrative authority of the city in question. That would be its [10:35.640 --> 10:41.980] employees and those that are directly contracted with it. But it wouldn't be the people in [10:41.980 --> 10:49.340] the city. A civil penalty in order for them to assess that would require that they actually [10:49.340 --> 10:58.780] sue you in a court of law, in an actual trial, before an actual jury, and when to get their [10:58.780 --> 11:05.620] $75. Now, you and I both know that since the statute sets the maximum fine in that chapter, [11:05.620 --> 11:12.340] to $75 for that civil penalty, there is no way that they could follow the right of due [11:12.340 --> 11:17.060] process and profit from the red light cameras. And we know that's the only reason they were [11:17.060 --> 11:23.100] put out there in the first place. This lawsuit is proof positive that's the only reason it [11:23.100 --> 11:28.860] was put out there in the first place. Consider how this system is set up to operate. What [11:28.860 --> 11:38.060] is the cost of a first class stamp in good old US of A today? 42 cents, right? But the [11:38.060 --> 11:45.660] letter that is sent to an individual who owns a car anywhere that gets one of these so-called [11:45.660 --> 11:54.740] citations is $75. And if they don't pay it within a certain time period, they change [11:54.740 --> 12:03.760] it to $100. Now, would you like to be able to buy stock in a company knowing that each [12:03.760 --> 12:12.940] piece of stock costs you 42 cents? But when you cash that stock in, it will get you anywhere [12:12.940 --> 12:24.460] between $75 and $100. Wouldn't you love to be able to invest in things like that? Well, [12:24.460 --> 12:32.180] that folks is exactly the purpose of the red light camera program. For the cost of a stamp, [12:32.180 --> 12:39.620] the municipalities and the red light camera companies take in massive amounts of windfall [12:39.620 --> 12:49.060] from these citations illegally. I posted on a blog that I made for those of you that don't [12:49.060 --> 12:59.780] know about it yet. The blog I made is on WordPress. It is tauoflaw.wordpress.com. All of the documents [12:59.780 --> 13:04.540] that have been filed so far in relation to the lawsuit I'm talking about, you will find [13:04.540 --> 13:12.740] there on my latest post about the update on the red light cameras. Now, on the previous [13:12.740 --> 13:18.320] post I did there dealing with the updates on the red light cameras for Texas only is [13:18.320 --> 13:23.500] a video from one of the Texas legislatures in the transportation committee meeting with [13:23.500 --> 13:29.260] a group of police officers and city officials about the law that was going to force them [13:29.260 --> 13:34.260] to get rid of the cameras. And they were begging the legislature not to make them get rid of [13:34.260 --> 13:39.260] the cameras because it so-called protected their people. And that's baloney. It doesn't [13:39.260 --> 13:45.380] protect anybody. In fact, every intersection where they're installed has had an increase [13:45.380 --> 13:51.940] in accidents because there's been a decrease in the light timing to ensure that somebody [13:51.940 --> 13:57.780] runs the light. And then of course there's all the extra citations they get to write [13:57.780 --> 14:03.780] if an accident occurs at that intersection because of the change in the timing of the [14:03.780 --> 14:12.180] lights or the short distance notice that it's a camera controlled intersection. So this [14:12.180 --> 14:20.140] has always been about money, not public safety. But all the documents in this lawsuit, this [14:20.140 --> 14:27.020] legislature to this committee of people are saying, can you point to any statute that [14:27.020 --> 14:35.900] authorizes a municipality to issue a citation in conjunction with a red light camera photo? [14:35.900 --> 14:42.140] And all you hear from this panel is crickets. And the legislature says, I don't believe [14:42.140 --> 14:50.460] you can. And he is right. It's because there isn't one. There never has been. Every single [14:50.460 --> 15:01.900] red light camera ticket ever issued in Texas was absolutely illegal. Bowman and Stella [15:01.900 --> 15:08.540] PC in Irving, Texas have filed this class action lawsuit on behalf of the gentleman [15:08.540 --> 15:14.460] that was sent this citation and he's never even been here, or at least he wasn't here [15:14.460 --> 15:27.100] then. Yet 707 prevents anyone from contesting the ticket because the ticket itself creates [15:27.100 --> 15:32.620] under the statutory scheme the way it's set up by the legislature. And remember who's [15:32.620 --> 15:37.820] in control of the legislature people. It is the fricking attorneys, the same ones that [15:37.820 --> 15:45.060] are sitting as judges in these courts, prosecutors in these courts, and are telling everybody [15:45.060 --> 15:52.260] that this is legal when it isn't. It absolutely isn't. This lawsuit is dead on evidence of [15:52.260 --> 15:59.140] that because they make every single argument except for the lack of citation authority [15:59.140 --> 16:07.380] and the bill of pains and penalties and a couple of other ones that I make in this lawsuit. [16:07.380 --> 16:13.580] I was very happy when a friend of mine emailed me the committee hearing from the city that [16:13.580 --> 16:18.580] got sued over this and was named as the primary party because they're the one that issued [16:18.580 --> 16:24.900] the citation. But I was very glad when Clint sent me this email because this confirms something [16:24.900 --> 16:29.700] and helped me get more information to go with what I've been writing in the new book on [16:29.700 --> 16:36.020] red light camera citations. And this lawsuit is making exactly the same arguments I am [16:36.020 --> 16:44.260] making in my book. So it is nothing less than confirmation by other actual attorneys that [16:44.260 --> 16:49.780] I'm right. So much for needing the law degree to understand the crap they're pulling, huh? [16:49.780 --> 16:53.620] All right, folks, y'all hang on. We're going to talk about this a little bit more. And [16:53.620 --> 17:00.580] after that, we'll start taking calls. We'll be right back. [17:00.580 --> 17:05.180] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area [17:05.180 --> 17:09.880] of nutrition. People feed their pets better than they feed themselves. And it's time we [17:09.880 --> 17:16.020] changed all that. Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment [17:16.020 --> 17:21.180] is good nutrition. In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and [17:21.180 --> 17:27.820] mutilated, Young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. Logos Radio Network gets many requests [17:27.820 --> 17:32.780] to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. We have come to trust Young [17:32.780 --> 17:39.180] Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many [17:39.180 --> 17:45.980] others. When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support [17:45.980 --> 17:51.940] quality radio. As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [17:51.940 --> 17:57.180] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [17:57.180 --> 18:00.500] increase your income. Order now. [18:00.500 --> 18:05.180] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even lawsuits? [18:05.180 --> 18:10.220] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears Proven Method. Michael Mears has won [18:10.220 --> 18:15.820] six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you can win two. You'll get step-by-step [18:15.820 --> 18:21.100] instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal civil rights statutes. [18:21.100 --> 18:25.820] What to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons. How to answer letters and [18:25.820 --> 18:30.300] phone calls. How to get debt collectors out of your credit report. How to turn the financial [18:30.300 --> 18:36.220] tables on them and make them pay you to go away. The Michael Mears Proven Method is the [18:36.220 --> 18:41.300] solution for how to stop debt collectors. Personal consultation is available as well. [18:41.300 --> 18:46.940] For more information, please visit RuleOfLawRadio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner, [18:46.940 --> 18:55.940] or email MichaelMears at Yahoo.com. That's RuleOfLawRadio.com, or email M-I-C-H-A-E-L-M-I-R-R-A-S [18:55.940 --> 19:02.940] at Yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now. [19:25.940 --> 19:32.620] Hi, folks. We are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. All right. We are discussing the lawsuit [19:32.620 --> 19:40.580] on the red light camera tickets. Now, what this Chapter 707 does in relation to these [19:40.580 --> 19:47.260] citations when it creates this irrebuttable presumption that as the owner of the car, [19:47.260 --> 19:55.380] you are the guilty party, and there's no way in the statute for you to refute that. None. [19:55.380 --> 20:02.760] In fact, there are only a couple of people in there that can provide any sort of defense [20:02.760 --> 20:09.180] to the allegation. Now, let's look at how this process works. The first person to determine [20:09.180 --> 20:13.580] that you're guilty is the red light camera company. They're the one that mails the alleged [20:13.580 --> 20:21.540] citation. That is then reviewed by an administrative proceeding before a police agency in the same [20:21.540 --> 20:28.300] municipality that's going to get the money from the ticket. Now, this is also the same [20:28.300 --> 20:34.300] municipality with which the red light camera company is getting paid, and they only get [20:34.300 --> 20:41.820] paid if you're found guilty of the ticket, or at least unless, of course, they have a [20:41.820 --> 20:49.300] contract minimum, which Chapter 707 also says the municipality cannot do, but guaranteed [20:49.300 --> 20:55.220] they have. I'm willing to bet you they have. So the red light camera company, if it can't [20:55.220 --> 21:00.680] be guaranteed a certain amount of money in order to get paid, there has to be convictions [21:00.680 --> 21:05.420] in order for them to get paid, or the municipality is having to pay out of its own coffers for [21:05.420 --> 21:11.740] the cameras in the contract. So the first person that says you're guilty is the camera [21:11.740 --> 21:16.460] company who's getting paid. Then there's the cop whose municipality is getting paid, and [21:16.460 --> 21:21.760] then you're sent before a municipal judge within the same municipality that is getting [21:21.760 --> 21:32.500] paid. That is your only level of appeal is the municipal judge, and you are denied a [21:32.500 --> 21:41.660] jury trial before the judge. It is a strictly administrative hearing. That is the only civil [21:41.660 --> 21:48.500] slash administrative proceeding over which a municipal judge was given any authority [21:48.500 --> 21:58.900] and jurisdiction to hear. Big coincidence, huh? So this is a huge setup for a kangaroo [21:58.900 --> 22:05.060] court because you're going to be found guilty. You're always going to be found, instead of [22:05.060 --> 22:14.820] guilty, they call it liable under the statute. But not only do you not have any way to rebut [22:14.820 --> 22:21.460] their irrebuttable presumption of guilt, you have no way within the context and confines [22:21.460 --> 22:26.740] of the statute through any of the proceedings to challenge the constitutionality of the [22:26.740 --> 22:34.340] ordinance or of Chapter 707 itself. Why? Because you're not allowed to appeal beyond the municipal [22:34.340 --> 22:40.620] court, and the municipal court has absolutely no jurisdictional authority to make a determination [22:40.620 --> 22:49.940] of constitutionality. Everything about Chapter 707, like every other part of the transportation [22:49.940 --> 22:59.180] code, is designed to create an irrebuttable presumption that puts you into a legal capacity [22:59.180 --> 23:05.820] that you are then forced to disprove, rather than the state being required to prove it, [23:05.820 --> 23:11.860] which is how it's supposed to work. Consider how every other citation works. We accuse [23:11.860 --> 23:16.940] you of driving. What evidence do you have that I'm a driver? Oh, well, you were behind [23:16.940 --> 23:22.100] the wheel of a motor vehicle. What evidence do you have that my car was being used as [23:22.100 --> 23:32.060] a motor vehicle? Remember, the statute specifically says use, used upon the highway to do this [23:32.060 --> 23:40.980] or that. They never proved the use as a motor vehicle, and the motor vehicle only applies [23:40.980 --> 23:46.540] when it's for the purpose of engaging in transportation, because that's the subject matter all of the [23:46.540 --> 23:53.180] statements fall under. If you really want to understand the definition of anything in [23:53.180 --> 24:01.420] any statute, read it and add the context of the code in which it's contained, or the chapter [24:01.420 --> 24:10.980] in which it's contained, or the title in which it's contained to the end of the definition. [24:10.980 --> 24:18.500] Transportation is an occupation. It's a job. It's a business. Always has been. That's [24:18.500 --> 24:28.620] why in law, the definition of transportation is very simple. It's one word, commerce. Okay? [24:28.620 --> 24:35.580] When you say drive for the purpose of engaging in transportation to the end of the definition, [24:35.580 --> 24:42.420] motor vehicle as used for the purpose of engaging in transportation, operator as used for the [24:42.420 --> 24:47.380] purpose of engaging in transportation, all you do is add for the purpose of engaging [24:47.380 --> 24:52.700] in transportation to the end of whatever the statutory definition is, and you will now fully [24:52.700 --> 24:58.740] understand how it is to be used and applied. Yet, the irrebuttable presumption created [24:58.740 --> 25:06.140] by the transportation code is that you are those things, and you have no way to disprove [25:06.140 --> 25:15.660] them. You cannot prove or disprove a negative. How do you prove that you're not something [25:15.660 --> 25:20.160] when the state is the one that's supposed to have the burden since they initiated the [25:20.160 --> 25:27.840] contest and the conflict by saying that you are? What is their evidence of that? They [25:27.840 --> 25:36.460] never present any to anyone in any court. The court just presumes everything as does [25:36.460 --> 25:43.940] the prosecution, and therefore, they transfer that directly onto the jury who through indoctrination [25:43.940 --> 25:50.700] and constant bombardment with lies and fraud about the truth, swallow it the whole thing, [25:50.700 --> 25:55.940] hook line and sinker, and get caught up in the exact same presumption. Well, I had to [25:55.940 --> 26:01.500] get a license when I was 16. What makes you think you don't? Who told you you had to get [26:01.500 --> 26:07.460] one? Oh, my mom and dad did. Really? Well, when did the state tell you you had to get [26:07.460 --> 26:13.840] one? Well, I never asked. Right. You went through the same process everybody else did. [26:13.840 --> 26:19.480] You presumed something simply because someone else told you. You never bothered to read [26:19.480 --> 26:26.700] and verify. You never challenged it to determine whether or not it was actually true. You are [26:26.700 --> 26:37.180] the very definition of a dang sheep. Okay. When you do that, never ever trust what you're [26:37.180 --> 26:46.020] told in relation to law process or anything relating to government. If it's done by a [26:46.020 --> 26:53.180] public official or by an attorney, because none of them will have actually read it. And [26:53.180 --> 26:59.020] then if they do read it, they will always apply it from a status perspective in the [26:59.020 --> 27:07.940] belief that it must. It can only apply to everyone when in fact that is absolutely untrue. [27:07.940 --> 27:12.900] We've seen that numerous other areas of law where they keep saying this, this and this, [27:12.900 --> 27:19.660] and yet it isn't true. But anyway, folks, the purpose of what I want to tell you on [27:19.660 --> 27:26.760] this is if you've gotten one of these red light camera tickets, you need to contact [27:26.760 --> 27:32.700] Bowman and Stella PC and get added to the class action suit. The more people that join [27:32.700 --> 27:37.820] this suit, the better. I know. I know. It cuts down on the amount of money you're going [27:37.820 --> 27:43.060] to get. Well, folks, you shouldn't be in this to be getting back money. You should be in [27:43.060 --> 27:49.820] this to destroy an absolutely illegal unconstitutional method of stealing your money in the first [27:49.820 --> 27:57.820] place. Even if you have to write off the $75 you've lost so far, make sure that you and [27:57.820 --> 28:04.920] no one else can ever have it stolen again. Join the class action if you've ever gotten [28:04.920 --> 28:12.820] one of these and make it stop. You want a chance to fight and get it right? Here's a [28:12.820 --> 28:18.940] very simple one. All you got to do is raise your hand. You don't have to file anything. [28:18.940 --> 28:22.740] You just got to sign a couple of pieces of paper for the attorney and they'll take care [28:22.740 --> 28:28.100] of everything else because this is the kind of suit they'll actually work on because it's [28:28.100 --> 28:39.100] big bucks to them. So given that, understand this. They have stolen far more money than [28:39.100 --> 28:44.460] what this lawsuit says they have. The lawsuit is talking in the neighborhood of 128 million [28:44.460 --> 28:52.300] since 2007. I guarantee you that is nowhere near true. That is a drop in the bucket to [28:52.300 --> 29:01.340] how much they've actually stolen. You can bet on it. The nice thing about this is the [29:01.340 --> 29:08.280] lawsuit has a complete list of how much money each of these municipalities has actually [29:08.280 --> 29:17.020] stolen from the people of Texas or at least what they're admitting to have stolen. So [29:17.020 --> 29:22.740] that's just the way it works. But in any case, contact these attorneys. Again, their phone [29:22.740 --> 29:36.740] number is 214-922-0220 and they are at 800 West Airport Freeway, Suite 860, Irving, Texas, [29:36.740 --> 29:45.260] 75062. Let's get rid of the red light cameras in Texas and let's go after every municipality [29:45.260 --> 30:15.020] that ever put one up. Austin's in there. Alright, folks, y'all hang on. We'll be right back. [30:15.020 --> 30:20.380] Privacy is under attack. When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back [30:20.380 --> 30:25.980] again. And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [30:25.980 --> 30:32.140] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. Privacy, [30:32.140 --> 30:37.260] it's worth hanging on to. This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, [30:37.260 --> 30:44.820] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing. Start over with Startpage. [30:44.820 --> 30:48.980] Imagine you're walking down a country road when suddenly you're surrounded by hungry [30:48.980 --> 30:54.700] wolves. Should you play dead, wave your arms, try and fight? Well, I'd probably try to run [30:54.700 --> 30:59.660] and turn into dinner. But let me tell you what 13-year-old Walter Eichram of Rokestad, [30:59.660 --> 31:04.820] Norway did. When he came face to face with four, count them four, big bad wolves on his [31:04.820 --> 31:09.420] way home from school, he aimed his cell phone at them and cranked up the volume. The phone [31:09.420 --> 31:14.220] had been playing hard rock and the wolves apparently were not fans. They cringed and [31:14.220 --> 31:19.040] then trotted away and Walter high-tailed at home without a scratch. It's another kid versus [31:19.040 --> 31:24.700] wolf story, this one with a happy ending. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information [31:24.700 --> 31:26.060] at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:26.060 --> 31:35.540] What are you thinking? Micro plant powder with iodine and probiotics for a total body [31:35.540 --> 31:41.820] detox for around $10 a month. mvusa.org has 12 formulations of micro plant powder for [31:41.820 --> 31:47.100] absorbing and removing toxins from your kidneys, liver, blood, lung, stomach, and colon and [31:47.100 --> 31:52.660] feel better than ever. It alkalizes, oxygenate, kills parasites, does the job of 10 products [31:52.660 --> 31:59.740] that saves you space, time and money. Call 888-910-4367 only at mvusa.org. [31:59.740 --> 32:06.100] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. In today's America, [32:06.100 --> 32:09.100] we live in an us against them society. And if we the people are ever going to have a [32:09.100 --> 32:13.100] free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. Among those [32:13.100 --> 32:16.300] rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own [32:16.300 --> 32:20.300] private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law. Traffic courts [32:20.300 --> 32:24.220] afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights [32:24.220 --> 32:28.060] through due process. Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law [32:28.060 --> 32:31.580] Radio, has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you [32:31.580 --> 32:35.620] understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law. You can get [32:35.620 --> 32:39.700] your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering [32:39.700 --> 32:43.660] your copy today. By ordering now you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation [32:43.660 --> 32:48.260] Code, The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of [32:48.260 --> 32:51.820] research documents and other useful resource material. Learn how to fight for your rights [32:51.820 --> 32:56.460] with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. Order your copy today and together we can [32:56.460 --> 33:00.460] have the free society we all want and deserve. [33:00.460 --> 33:07.460] Live, Free Speech Radio, logosradionetwork.com [33:31.460 --> 33:38.460] This is a race for Mr. Bush. This is a race for the teen. [33:40.460 --> 33:46.460] Well I need a prosecutor to come and help me. Prosecute them wicked leaders, you see. [33:46.460 --> 33:51.460] Them murderers are liars, them tell me. Them are liars, they tell sweet stories. [33:51.460 --> 33:56.460] Me not believe me, say what them tell me. 3% of America vote for Bush. [33:56.460 --> 34:01.460] So how the hell he get the presidency? That's why me have a warrant for him. [34:01.460 --> 34:05.460] Everybody listen carefully, listen to the words of the three shoes passing. [34:05.460 --> 34:09.460] Citizens arrest for Mr. Bush. [34:09.460 --> 34:14.460] I'm a warrant for Nick Cheney. [34:14.460 --> 34:19.460] Citizens arrest for Mr. Bush. [34:19.460 --> 34:24.460] I'm a warrant for Nick Cheney. [34:24.460 --> 34:27.460] Well we not forget Rumsfield, warrant for him. [34:27.460 --> 34:29.460] Nick Cheney, warrant for him. [34:29.460 --> 34:32.460] Fight about the citizens in the country. [34:32.460 --> 34:34.460] Them getting so mad and them getting angry. [34:34.460 --> 34:36.460] We have some warrant we need to solve. [34:36.460 --> 34:39.460] Need a prosecutor to come and help me. [34:39.460 --> 34:43.460] Alright folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. [34:43.460 --> 34:49.460] Now, in conjunction with the red light camera BS that they're cooking up here, [34:49.460 --> 34:55.460] the other thing I wanted to talk about was Austin PD is once again making news. [34:55.460 --> 35:00.460] And they're doing it by harassing people that are still recording them in public. [35:00.460 --> 35:07.460] Now, we've actually had several police incidents last week and over the weekend. [35:07.460 --> 35:12.460] And I mean it's getting ridiculous how often people are getting shot [35:12.460 --> 35:16.460] with these officers claiming to fear for their lives. [35:16.460 --> 35:20.460] But these people are getting shot in the back going the opposite direction [35:20.460 --> 35:24.460] from the police officers and so on and so forth. [35:24.460 --> 35:26.460] This is getting completely out of hand. [35:26.460 --> 35:34.460] You have that president of the police fraternity up there in Pennsylvania or somewhere [35:34.460 --> 35:42.460] threatening the public with retaliation for not supporting his members. [35:42.460 --> 35:46.460] I got news for you dude. You are a giant member. [35:46.460 --> 35:50.460] You'd have probably made a pretty good one until somebody went and glued ears on you [35:50.460 --> 35:53.460] and you ate so many donuts you swelled up the way you did. [35:53.460 --> 35:55.460] You moron. [35:55.460 --> 36:00.460] You're going to threaten the very people that gave you the job you have [36:00.460 --> 36:06.460] and tell them they're in the wrong for demanding your cops stop killing people unnecessarily. [36:06.460 --> 36:11.460] That they stop harassing and injuring people unnecessarily. [36:11.460 --> 36:14.460] And you want to call us out? [36:14.460 --> 36:17.460] You a bigger idiot than anybody would have hoped for. [36:17.460 --> 36:20.460] Get real. [36:20.460 --> 36:27.460] Now, here in Austin we had a young man, yes it was a black man, [36:27.460 --> 36:33.460] he was sitting out doing his thing broad daylight in a public space [36:33.460 --> 36:38.460] sitting at what looks like a picnic table or some sort of table under some trees [36:38.460 --> 36:44.460] and he's recording into the Austin PD, one of the Austin PD lots [36:44.460 --> 36:47.460] where you can see their cop cars and all this [36:47.460 --> 36:50.460] and he's just sitting there cop watching [36:50.460 --> 36:57.460] and four Austin police officers surround him for absolutely no reason. [36:57.460 --> 37:03.460] And then the moron of morons in this group that's got control over the mob [37:03.460 --> 37:07.460] that's coming up to this gentleman's face [37:07.460 --> 37:10.460] starts running his mouth [37:10.460 --> 37:14.460] proving once again that Art Acevedo is either [37:14.460 --> 37:22.460] A. Lying to the public about what their actual policy is off the books [37:22.460 --> 37:30.460] or he is lying to the public about the education and training he's giving to his officers [37:30.460 --> 37:37.460] or the fact that they can't get fired for even committing murder [37:37.460 --> 37:44.460] emboldens them to such a point that they will do anything regardless of policy or anything else. [37:44.460 --> 37:50.460] Because listen to this, this is the verbal exchange as it goes in the video. [37:50.460 --> 37:53.460] The young man's name is Turner that's being harassed [37:53.460 --> 37:56.460] and he asks, am I doing anything illegal? [37:56.460 --> 38:01.460] And since we're not given his name or anything [38:01.460 --> 38:05.460] let's just call him for the sake of argument Sergeant Moron. [38:05.460 --> 38:11.460] Sergeant Moron responds with yes, based on your suspicious activity we're going to ID you. [38:11.460 --> 38:21.460] Now remember, the only suspicious activity is this gentleman is sitting in a public place with his camera recording. [38:21.460 --> 38:25.460] That's it. That's his so-called suspicious activity [38:25.460 --> 38:30.460] which these cops should full well know and actually admit to knowing [38:30.460 --> 38:37.460] is not a crime and is in no way illegal and therefore is in no way suspicious. [38:37.460 --> 38:47.460] But the officer Moron then decides to continue by flapping his gums with this. [38:47.460 --> 38:53.460] I know you're used to this going one way based on the YouTube education you've gotten [38:53.460 --> 38:55.460] but that's not how we do it, okay? [38:55.460 --> 38:59.460] We're going to do this according to our policy and according to law. [38:59.460 --> 39:07.460] Obviously Sergeant Moron doesn't know a dang thing about either. [39:07.460 --> 39:15.460] Because if this is according to policy then Austin deserves to get sued again. [39:15.460 --> 39:21.460] Because that's a direct violation of several very recent United States Supreme Court decisions [39:21.460 --> 39:24.460] telling these idiots to stop doing this. [39:24.460 --> 39:28.460] Yet they continue. [39:28.460 --> 39:35.460] Nowhere in Texas law is there anything saying that it is suspicious activity to record in public. [39:35.460 --> 39:43.460] In fact, the statute this officer is so lamely trying to recite has nothing to do with that. [39:43.460 --> 39:49.460] It has to do with someone found skulking around an empty building in the middle of the night [39:49.460 --> 39:55.460] that where there's evidence that locks have been forced or windows have been broken [39:55.460 --> 40:00.460] or they're carrying something that you wouldn't normally find in a person's possession [40:00.460 --> 40:06.460] in this location at this time of day like a window unit from a window right over your head [40:06.460 --> 40:12.460] that's now wide open with obvious marks on it where the air conditioner in question [40:12.460 --> 40:14.460] used to be bolted to the wall. [40:14.460 --> 40:17.460] And now this dude's got it under his arm. [40:17.460 --> 40:20.460] That's the kind of stuff it's talking about. [40:20.460 --> 40:24.460] Because the officer didn't actually see the guy steal the air conditioner [40:24.460 --> 40:33.460] but the circumstances and conditions give him reasonable suspicion this ain't a kosher deal. [40:33.460 --> 40:39.460] None of that of which is the case here. [40:39.460 --> 40:43.460] So let's see how intelligent this cop really is. [40:43.460 --> 40:48.460] He then orders the other officers to surround Turner [40:48.460 --> 40:57.460] and tells him that the law he is violating is reasonable suspicion. [40:57.460 --> 41:05.460] Somebody please find where the offense of reasonable suspicion is defined anywhere [41:05.460 --> 41:10.460] especially in the code of criminal procedure. [41:10.460 --> 41:15.460] I just told you what reasonable suspicion is in the code of criminal procedure [41:15.460 --> 41:18.460] how it was intended to be used. [41:18.460 --> 41:24.460] But of course when you got IQs that are bordering on single digits [41:24.460 --> 41:30.460] you're not very likely to get a proper interpretation out of a badly written statute to begin with. [41:30.460 --> 41:32.460] And they're written badly for a reason. [41:32.460 --> 41:37.460] So they can be applied as broadly as possible under the broadest range of circumstances [41:37.460 --> 41:47.460] thus enabling truly illiterate individuals to construe them in ways that just should not even be considered. [41:47.460 --> 41:53.460] But because they're on a power trip and want to intimidate it's one of the first ones they go to. [41:53.460 --> 41:58.460] And that's obvious by how this discussion continues. [41:58.460 --> 42:01.460] Officer or Sergeant Moron then goes on to say [42:01.460 --> 42:09.460] you're being detained for investigative purposes right now believe me I know the law better than you. [42:09.460 --> 42:14.460] Dear Father who art in heaven please allow me to be in a public place [42:14.460 --> 42:23.460] and an Austin police officer approach me and these very words escape his ill-informed overfed ignorant mouth [42:23.460 --> 42:28.460] while my video is running. Amen. [42:28.460 --> 42:34.460] I would make this guy eat those words so fast it's not even funny. [42:34.460 --> 42:39.460] Because it's very clear he doesn't know anything that he's talking about. [42:39.460 --> 42:44.460] He couldn't be more wrong if he was specifically educated this way [42:44.460 --> 42:52.460] which if his other claims are true is exactly what's happening via the Austin PD policy and procedure [42:52.460 --> 42:57.460] which he said he's following. [42:57.460 --> 43:04.460] Now he goes on to say when you're stopped by police officers in Texas for reasonable suspicion [43:04.460 --> 43:09.460] you're required to give minimal identifying information that being your name and date of birth. [43:09.460 --> 43:14.460] Again Officer Moron you are dead wrong. [43:14.460 --> 43:21.460] Reasonable detention does not require the production of one piece of identifying information. [43:21.460 --> 43:27.460] Not one. Not a single one. [43:27.460 --> 43:38.460] I can't give you false information but I am not required to give you any information you dipstick. [43:38.460 --> 43:42.460] Hang on folks we'll be right back on the other side of this break. [43:42.460 --> 43:46.460] Call in number 512-646-1984. [43:46.460 --> 43:52.460] Y'all start getting in line I've only got a little bit more of this to rod to go and then we'll start taking calls. [43:52.460 --> 43:59.460] Alright folks y'all hang in there and we'll be right back on the other side of this break. [43:59.460 --> 44:03.460] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [44:03.460 --> 44:06.460] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary. [44:06.460 --> 44:14.460] The affordable easy to understand 4 CD course that will show you how in 24 hours step by step. [44:14.460 --> 44:18.460] If you have a lawyer know what your lawyer should be doing. [44:18.460 --> 44:22.460] If you don't have a lawyer know what you should do for yourself. [44:22.460 --> 44:27.460] Thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too. [44:27.460 --> 44:33.460] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience. [44:33.460 --> 44:38.460] Even if you're not in a lawsuit you can learn what everyone should understand [44:38.460 --> 44:42.460] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. [44:42.460 --> 44:48.460] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [44:48.460 --> 44:51.460] pro se tactics and much more. [44:51.460 --> 45:00.460] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ. [45:03.460 --> 45:07.460] Hello my name is Stuart Smith from naturespureorganics.com [45:07.460 --> 45:12.460] and I would like to invite you to come by our store at 1904 Guadalupe Street Sweet D [45:12.460 --> 45:15.460] here in Austin Texas on Brave New Books and Chase Bank [45:15.460 --> 45:19.460] to see all our fantastic health and wellness products with your very own eyes. [45:19.460 --> 45:23.460] Have a look at our Miracle Healing Clay that started our adventure in alternative medicine. [45:23.460 --> 45:27.460] Take a peek at some of our other wonderful products including our Australian EME oil, [45:27.460 --> 45:31.460] lotion candles, olive oil soaps and colloidal silver and gold. [45:31.460 --> 45:38.460] Call 512-264-4043 or find us online at naturespureorganics.com [45:38.460 --> 45:43.460] That's 512-264-4043 naturespureorganics.com [45:43.460 --> 45:47.460] Don't forget to like us on Facebook for information on events and our products. [45:47.460 --> 46:01.460] Naturespureorganics.com [46:17.460 --> 46:34.460] Alright folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. [46:34.460 --> 46:40.460] Alright, now let's see if we can get back to where I was here with Officer Doofus. [46:40.460 --> 46:52.460] Now, to continue adding IQ point to IQ point in a negative fashion here, [46:52.460 --> 46:59.460] this cop just doesn't know when he's well off because he just keeps talking. [46:59.460 --> 47:10.460] Okay? Now, what this idiot failed to either understand or to articulate in this instance [47:10.460 --> 47:16.460] is that reasonable suspicion doesn't stand all by itself. [47:16.460 --> 47:28.460] He has to have a crime that he has reasonable suspicion of having been or about to be committed. [47:28.460 --> 47:37.460] And he walked up admitting that there wasn't one. There wasn't one. [47:37.460 --> 47:48.460] So what Austin PD did here was nothing short of a homegrown, illegal stop and frisk, [47:48.460 --> 47:53.460] which isn't allowed here. We don't have any laws allowing that here. [47:53.460 --> 48:00.460] But that's what these guys did. And then to top it off, they went so far as to arrest this kid. [48:00.460 --> 48:04.460] They arrested him. They put him in cuffs. [48:04.460 --> 48:10.460] And I hope the payout is so huge that the judge finally rules, [48:10.460 --> 48:18.460] you know what, we're not paying this. You're going to pay it out of your own pocket for being that stupid. [48:18.460 --> 48:23.460] And you know what, folks? That's how it ought to be. [48:23.460 --> 48:28.460] When we sue these officials, the first thing that should be hit is their pocket. [48:28.460 --> 48:34.460] Then whatever the judgment is, when their pocket and their property won't satisfy it, [48:34.460 --> 48:39.460] then the city has to pay the rest of it, or at least the city's insurance policy. [48:39.460 --> 48:44.460] It shouldn't be coming out of the city coffers because that is the people, [48:44.460 --> 48:49.460] that's their tax money going to this, and that shouldn't be allowed either. [48:49.460 --> 48:53.460] The city is supposed to have bond insurance on these officers. [48:53.460 --> 49:00.460] They're supposed to have an indemnity insurance to prevent them from having to pay out the people's money [49:00.460 --> 49:05.460] when they get sued for stupidity and wrongdoing. [49:05.460 --> 49:08.460] We shouldn't be paying for this. [49:08.460 --> 49:15.460] The individuals and the city insurance companies should, but not the people. [49:15.460 --> 49:27.460] But no, the legislators have to put everything that they do off on us as being the reason that has to be paid. [49:27.460 --> 49:30.460] We get sued, oh no big deal, the taxpayers will take care of it. [49:30.460 --> 49:34.460] Oh, you mean we lost a million dollars in the stock market five minutes ago [49:34.460 --> 49:36.460] and we're going to lose another billion over the week? [49:36.460 --> 49:41.460] Oh, okay, no problem, we'll just jack up taxes and take it off the taxpayer. [49:41.460 --> 49:45.460] We're a freaking piggy bank, okay? [49:45.460 --> 49:48.460] We're an ATM, we're a slot machine. [49:48.460 --> 49:52.460] Pick your analogy, it doesn't matter. [49:52.460 --> 49:55.460] It would be really nice to be able to go to Vegas [49:55.460 --> 50:01.460] and arrange for every machine to be a jackpot every time you pull the handle. [50:01.460 --> 50:06.460] You know that? Because that's what the Texas legislature does with the stuff it passes. [50:06.460 --> 50:18.460] It writes laws via the attorneys that makes everything they do a winning gamble for them and a losing gamble for us. [50:18.460 --> 50:27.460] Because none of them are ever held liable and responsible for the acts they perpetrate. [50:27.460 --> 50:33.460] That's not right. Not on any continent is that right. [50:33.460 --> 50:41.460] But in the US of A, of all places, and the greatest liberty state that we're supposed to have on the map, [50:41.460 --> 50:50.460] Texas, of all places, should this ever have been allowed to get this far and to continue. [50:50.460 --> 50:57.460] We should have been up in arms the day after the Alamo fell to put every politician in jail [50:57.460 --> 50:59.460] after reading the Constitution for the state then. [50:59.460 --> 51:05.460] Because if you looked at it, you could have told, this ain't going to bode well over time. [51:05.460 --> 51:12.460] Because there's nothing in here that says they can't come back and change this later. [51:12.460 --> 51:14.460] And look at where we are now. [51:14.460 --> 51:24.460] We've gone from a very few-page instrument for a state constitution to a 280-some-odd, if not over and over 300-page instrument by now. [51:24.460 --> 51:31.460] Because they keep changing it. They keep changing the Constitution to look like statute and to read like statute. [51:31.460 --> 51:33.460] And it's not supposed to do that. [51:33.460 --> 51:39.460] And it's not supposed to be limiting on us the people. It's supposed to be limiting on them the government. [51:39.460 --> 51:47.460] We have reversed everything. And they are taking us to the cleaners with that reversal. [51:47.460 --> 51:51.460] That, we've got to stop it. We've just got to stop it. [51:51.460 --> 51:55.460] This red light camera lawsuit, that's one way we can stop it, at least part of it. [51:55.460 --> 52:04.460] But folks, how many times do I have to get on this show and prove to you in black and white [52:04.460 --> 52:10.460] that the transportation code itself is absolutely unconstitutional in every possible way? [52:10.460 --> 52:19.460] How many times do I have to teach a class on your rights and the law to show you that the justice system is not just? [52:19.460 --> 52:26.460] And as long as it is controlled by attorneys for profit, it will never be just. [52:26.460 --> 52:39.460] As long as attorneys are allowed to hold a monopoly on the defense of the public against accusations of wrongdoing, it will never be just. [52:39.460 --> 52:45.460] It will be just them and the money they take from us. [52:45.460 --> 52:52.460] Every time a legislature puts an unconstitutional, unlawful, illegal bill in to be voted on [52:52.460 --> 53:01.460] and isn't called on it the moment it hits the floor, we're letting them get away with something we shouldn't. [53:01.460 --> 53:12.460] Where is our will to be free, to have liberty, to fight back, to be the independent individuals [53:12.460 --> 53:19.460] living free and taking care of ourselves that we were intended to be? [53:19.460 --> 53:27.460] Society is a wonderful thing in a lot of ways and it is the downfall of man and so many others. [53:27.460 --> 53:35.460] And it is one of the foremost justifications for everything wrong with society as a whole [53:35.460 --> 53:41.460] when it's focused on destroying those of which it does not approve [53:41.460 --> 53:52.460] or those that don't have the financial means or the political influence to prevent it from doing so. [53:52.460 --> 53:59.460] This is not America and it damn sure isn't Texas, not anymore. [53:59.460 --> 54:05.460] We have become a haven for liberal ideas that don't belong. [54:05.460 --> 54:12.460] We have become a haven for socialist and communist ideas that don't belong [54:12.460 --> 54:22.460] because none of them are compatible with individual rights and liberty, none of them. [54:22.460 --> 54:27.460] I'm starting to wonder if a constitutional republic is compatible, [54:27.460 --> 54:32.460] if the constitution can be used as a tool against those that created it [54:32.460 --> 54:38.460] to subjugate them to the will of the ones that created it as their servant. [54:38.460 --> 54:45.460] How can we let this continue? [54:45.460 --> 54:49.460] I'll tell you one way, you just keep sitting there listening to everything I tell you [54:49.460 --> 54:53.460] and doing absolutely nothing about it or with it. [54:53.460 --> 54:58.460] You don't share it, you don't discuss it, you keep being afraid of how others will see you, [54:58.460 --> 55:02.460] how others will receive the information, how they'll belittle you, [55:02.460 --> 55:06.460] how they'll ostracize you, how they'll isolate you. [55:06.460 --> 55:12.460] You keep worrying about those things instead of right, wrong, and freedom [55:12.460 --> 55:17.460] and see how much longer we keep our head above water. [55:17.460 --> 55:25.460] Every one of you that is doing that, you are a cinder block to the feet of those treading water. [55:25.460 --> 55:28.460] You're a lead overcoat. [55:28.460 --> 55:39.460] You're everything that is wrong with what we stand for when we talk about our individual rights. [55:39.460 --> 55:45.460] Individual rights and liberty come with great responsibility, [55:45.460 --> 55:53.460] and they also should always have personal consequences when you fail to uphold them. [55:53.460 --> 55:58.460] As Jefferson said, if you wish to ensure your own liberties, [55:58.460 --> 56:05.460] you must first protect and hold in just as high regard those of your neighbor. [56:05.460 --> 56:12.460] The only way you can be sure that your freedoms remain is to protect the freedoms of others, [56:12.460 --> 56:17.460] because you must rely on them to protect yours as well. [56:17.460 --> 56:22.460] How sad it is that we have forgotten that ideal. [56:22.460 --> 56:27.460] We have let this continue for so long and in such an egregious fashion, [56:27.460 --> 56:35.460] we cannot possibly survive not only as a republic, but even as a nation, [56:35.460 --> 56:38.460] if we could even ever be called a nation, [56:38.460 --> 56:47.460] considering that we're supposed to be independent nation states unified together for a common good. [56:47.460 --> 56:50.460] We're not actually even supposed to be a nation, [56:50.460 --> 56:54.460] but that's become the common nomenclature for us. [56:54.460 --> 57:02.460] Folks, we should not be letting those that are supposed to serve us rule us and control us. [57:02.460 --> 57:04.460] It needs to stop. [57:04.460 --> 57:07.460] But we can't do that till we understand the problem, [57:07.460 --> 57:13.460] and part of understanding the problem is understanding that the power of man over other men is limited, [57:13.460 --> 57:21.460] and it only exists in special situations that require the protection of individual rights, [57:21.460 --> 57:24.460] not rights of society, because there is no such thing. [57:24.460 --> 57:27.460] Society doesn't have rights. [57:27.460 --> 57:30.460] A society has no right to exist. [57:30.460 --> 57:38.460] The individuals in it that make it and form it and are part of it are the ones with the rights. [57:38.460 --> 57:44.460] And by letting any one of them suffer, you will all suffer. [57:44.460 --> 57:48.460] Because if you can allow this to be applied to one, [57:48.460 --> 57:55.460] then somewhere there is someone that will believe it can be applied to all. [57:55.460 --> 57:59.460] Right now, that's the attorneys. [57:59.460 --> 58:04.460] Our country has fallen apart at the seams because of the justice system [58:04.460 --> 58:12.460] and the way it strangulates every department of our government, at every level of government. [58:12.460 --> 58:14.460] Okay? [58:14.460 --> 58:15.460] Attorneys are our problem. [58:15.460 --> 58:16.460] Believe me, they're our problem. [58:16.460 --> 58:22.460] I could go back and prove every legislative enactment that we've got that's caused the problems we've got, [58:22.460 --> 58:25.460] attorneys are responsible for it. [58:25.460 --> 58:31.460] Because if they didn't write it, they darn sure had the final approval to get it in there. [58:31.460 --> 58:35.460] All right, folks, call at number 512-646-1984. [58:35.460 --> 58:37.460] Give us a call, get on the board. [58:37.460 --> 58:39.460] I'm waiting for callers. [58:39.460 --> 58:50.460] We will be right back, so y'all hang in there. [58:50.460 --> 58:53.460] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, [58:53.460 --> 58:58.460] yet countless readers are frustrated because they struggle to understand it. [58:58.460 --> 59:01.460] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, [59:01.460 --> 59:06.460] but in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the scripture. [59:06.460 --> 59:09.460] Enter the recovery version. [59:09.460 --> 59:13.460] First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, [59:13.460 --> 59:18.460] but the real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. [59:18.460 --> 59:22.460] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way, [59:22.460 --> 59:27.460] providing an entrance into the riches of the word beyond which you've ever experienced before. [59:27.460 --> 59:32.460] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking. [59:32.460 --> 59:43.460] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [59:43.460 --> 59:47.460] or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. [59:47.460 --> 59:50.460] That's freestudybible.com. [59:50.460 --> 59:58.460] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradionetwork.com. [01:00:21.460 --> 01:00:28.460] Markets for the 22nd of June, 2015, opened up with gold at $1,184.50 an ounce, [01:00:28.460 --> 01:00:33.460] silver $16.13 an ounce, Texas crude $59.61 a barrel, [01:00:33.460 --> 01:00:38.460] and Bitcoin is currently sitting at about $246 US currency. [01:00:43.460 --> 01:00:47.460] Today in history, Wednesday, June 22, 1633, [01:00:47.460 --> 01:00:51.460] Galileo Galilei was found vehemently suspect of heresy. [01:00:51.460 --> 01:00:55.460] By the Catholic Inquisition, he was ordered on threat of torture by them [01:00:55.460 --> 01:01:00.460] to abjure, curse, and detest his observational analysis that the earth orbits the sun. [01:01:00.460 --> 01:01:05.460] He maintained his denial despite the threat and on the following day was commuted to house arrest, [01:01:05.460 --> 01:01:08.460] which he remained under for the rest of his life. [01:01:08.460 --> 01:01:10.460] His offending writings were banned. [01:01:10.460 --> 01:01:14.460] The publication of all his works were forbidden, including those that he might write in the future. [01:01:14.460 --> 01:01:18.460] According to popular legend, after temporarily recanting his theory, [01:01:18.460 --> 01:01:21.460] Galileo allegedly muttered the rebellious phrase, [01:01:21.460 --> 01:01:24.460] it pours se mueve, and yet it moves, [01:01:24.460 --> 01:01:27.460] which was supposedly also scratched on the wall of his prison cell. [01:01:27.460 --> 01:01:29.460] The Vatican finally admitted to this wrongdoing. [01:01:29.460 --> 01:01:31.460] Halloween, 1992. [01:01:37.460 --> 01:01:41.460] In recent news, in Charleston, South Carolina, the National Action Network, [01:01:41.460 --> 01:01:44.460] along with some local religious and political action committee leaders, [01:01:44.460 --> 01:01:49.460] convened at the state's General Assembly to call for the removal of the Confederate flag. [01:01:49.460 --> 01:01:55.460] They are apparently not pleased with the fact that the state flag and federal flag were lowered to half staff [01:01:55.460 --> 01:01:58.460] in response to the recent shootings at the local historical church there. [01:01:58.460 --> 01:02:01.460] However, it seems that the Confederate flag has remained at full staff. [01:02:01.460 --> 01:02:06.460] The group of organizers announced that there will be a rally in front of the state capitol tomorrow. [01:02:06.460 --> 01:02:09.460] General Mills has joined the food industry's ever-growing move [01:02:09.460 --> 01:02:13.460] to strip artificial flavors and colors completely from their cereal lineup. [01:02:13.460 --> 01:02:18.460] Their chief executive, Jim Murphy, mentioned how consumer demand is something they're responding to [01:02:18.460 --> 01:02:37.460] and are aiming to have more than 90% of their cereals free of artificial flavoring and coloring by the end of next year. [01:02:37.460 --> 01:02:40.460] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors, [01:02:40.460 --> 01:02:43.460] so if you have a product or a service that you would like to advertise in the Lowdown, [01:02:43.460 --> 01:02:48.460] feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [01:02:48.460 --> 01:03:16.460] This has been your Lowdown for June 22, 2015. [01:03:18.460 --> 01:03:36.460] Alright folks, we are back. [01:03:36.460 --> 01:03:43.460] This is Rule of Law Radio, the call in number 512-646-1984. [01:03:43.460 --> 01:03:45.460] Give us a call, let's talk. [01:03:45.460 --> 01:03:47.460] Alright, real quick. [01:03:47.460 --> 01:03:51.460] The way this continues here with Sergeant Moron [01:03:51.460 --> 01:03:53.460] is that after they get through arresting this guy, [01:03:53.460 --> 01:03:59.460] they could not have made this any worse for themselves. [01:03:59.460 --> 01:04:03.460] In all the ways this could have gone wrong, [01:04:03.460 --> 01:04:06.460] this kid's going to have a major lawsuit against the city, [01:04:06.460 --> 01:04:09.460] and once again we're going to get saddled with it. [01:04:09.460 --> 01:04:11.460] We need to get rid of Acevedo. [01:04:11.460 --> 01:04:14.460] If he can't control his officers any better than this [01:04:14.460 --> 01:04:16.460] and teach them any better than this, [01:04:16.460 --> 01:04:22.460] they shouldn't be officers and you shouldn't be chief. [01:04:22.460 --> 01:04:30.460] I really wish that I could get Alex to get Acevedo to agree [01:04:30.460 --> 01:04:34.460] to be on the show at the same time [01:04:34.460 --> 01:04:39.460] and let he and I have a debate over the failure to ID statutes, [01:04:39.460 --> 01:04:42.460] the reasonable suspicion statutes, [01:04:42.460 --> 01:04:44.460] the transportation statutes, [01:04:44.460 --> 01:04:50.460] and all the other crap they use to illegally interfere [01:04:50.460 --> 01:04:55.460] with the people of this city, or anywhere else for that matter. [01:04:55.460 --> 01:04:57.460] I would enjoy it. [01:04:57.460 --> 01:05:00.460] And unlike you, Art, I don't need somebody holding my hand [01:05:00.460 --> 01:05:03.460] and I don't need a year's preparation time [01:05:03.460 --> 01:05:09.460] to get ready to talk to you on the air about these facts. [01:05:09.460 --> 01:05:11.460] Got it? [01:05:11.460 --> 01:05:14.460] All right, that being said, let's start taking some calls. [01:05:14.460 --> 01:05:16.460] Right now I've got Max in Texas. [01:05:16.460 --> 01:05:20.460] Max, what can we do for you? [01:05:20.460 --> 01:05:24.460] Oh, good evening, Eddie. [01:05:24.460 --> 01:05:26.460] Glad you were able to get to my call, sir. [01:05:26.460 --> 01:05:32.460] Yeah, I downloaded the, what was it, [01:05:32.460 --> 01:05:37.460] the plaintiff's first amended original petition [01:05:37.460 --> 01:05:43.460] of the red light camera suit, the class action that's going on. [01:05:43.460 --> 01:05:45.460] Right. [01:05:45.460 --> 01:05:52.460] And I was wondering with your knowledge of my mother's case [01:05:52.460 --> 01:05:57.460] if some of the similar language in there, [01:05:57.460 --> 01:06:02.460] if she could be enjoined in the class or not because hers is not... [01:06:02.460 --> 01:06:04.460] In this particular case, no. [01:06:04.460 --> 01:06:06.460] I know where you're going with this. [01:06:06.460 --> 01:06:10.460] If her situation would fit in with the subject matter of this class action, [01:06:10.460 --> 01:06:12.460] the answer is no. [01:06:12.460 --> 01:06:19.460] However, the lawsuit does reference the specific violations [01:06:19.460 --> 01:06:26.460] and the case law that you needed to show that the city cannot legislate [01:06:26.460 --> 01:06:30.460] in the same area where the state already has. [01:06:30.460 --> 01:06:31.460] I know. [01:06:31.460 --> 01:06:33.460] That's why I intend to plagiarize the crap out of it. [01:06:33.460 --> 01:06:37.460] Yeah, it actually has the stuff that you need to show that. [01:06:37.460 --> 01:06:41.460] I'm really liking the fact that they're addressing a lot of the very same issues [01:06:41.460 --> 01:06:43.460] that you bring up. [01:06:43.460 --> 01:06:46.460] Some of them that they've left out kind of disappoint me. [01:06:46.460 --> 01:06:48.460] But if I'm going to... [01:06:48.460 --> 01:06:52.460] But I notice that this lawsuit is, if I'm not mistaken, [01:06:52.460 --> 01:06:55.460] this is in a Texas district court? [01:06:55.460 --> 01:06:57.460] No, this is filed in a federal court. [01:06:57.460 --> 01:07:00.460] This is a federal district court. [01:07:00.460 --> 01:07:02.460] Oh, it's a federal district court? [01:07:02.460 --> 01:07:03.460] Yeah. [01:07:03.460 --> 01:07:04.460] Why don't... [01:07:04.460 --> 01:07:05.460] Well, that's weird. [01:07:05.460 --> 01:07:08.460] They don't seem to address the 12b6 and things like that. [01:07:08.460 --> 01:07:14.460] But anyway, so I've been trying to get a hold of everybody I know [01:07:14.460 --> 01:07:19.460] who's gotten a red light camera citation here in Texas [01:07:19.460 --> 01:07:25.460] and trying to get them the information to get a hold of this law firm, [01:07:25.460 --> 01:07:29.460] these three lawyers that have apparently drafted this petition. [01:07:29.460 --> 01:07:35.460] It looks like they've probably been listening to you. [01:07:35.460 --> 01:07:43.460] And trying to get them to join themselves as members of the plaintiff class. [01:07:43.460 --> 01:07:49.460] And I'll bet you there's a lot of people out there listening who this applies to. [01:07:49.460 --> 01:07:53.460] And apparently, in this case, they go all the way back to 2013. [01:07:53.460 --> 01:07:57.460] So anybody listening, if I'm not mistaken, [01:07:57.460 --> 01:07:59.460] with the statute of limitations, [01:07:59.460 --> 01:08:02.460] it sounds like anybody who's gotten a red light camera... [01:08:02.460 --> 01:08:04.460] There wouldn't be any statute of limitations. [01:08:04.460 --> 01:08:07.460] This is a jurisdictional issue. [01:08:07.460 --> 01:08:11.460] The jurisdictional issue, the court and the cops [01:08:11.460 --> 01:08:14.460] and the red light camera company never had it. [01:08:14.460 --> 01:08:16.460] Never had it. [01:08:16.460 --> 01:08:22.460] Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time, past, present, or future. [01:08:22.460 --> 01:08:26.460] The theft of the money was illegal from the very beginning. [01:08:26.460 --> 01:08:29.460] Once you are aware that the fraud has occurred, [01:08:29.460 --> 01:08:33.460] then your statute of limitations starts to toll. [01:08:33.460 --> 01:08:36.460] Ah, gotcha, gotcha, okay. [01:08:36.460 --> 01:08:41.460] Now, you are correct that this says that it was filed in the 153rd Judicial District, [01:08:41.460 --> 01:08:45.460] but I believe the original article that I got it from [01:08:45.460 --> 01:08:50.460] says that it has been refiled or moved to a federal court. [01:08:50.460 --> 01:08:52.460] And the reason for that would have to be, [01:08:52.460 --> 01:08:57.460] the gentleman that's doing the suing is from a different state. [01:08:57.460 --> 01:09:03.460] So he wouldn't have standing to sue here in Texas. [01:09:03.460 --> 01:09:09.460] Yeah, he's from Louisiana, Mr. James A. Watson, apparently. [01:09:09.460 --> 01:09:11.460] Okay, okay. [01:09:11.460 --> 01:09:17.460] But I largely, in addition to the chapter two of your book [01:09:17.460 --> 01:09:22.460] that you're putting out about ordinance not being law, [01:09:22.460 --> 01:09:28.460] that information plus some of the information in this petition. [01:09:28.460 --> 01:09:29.460] Oh, absolutely. [01:09:29.460 --> 01:09:33.460] It would be very pertinent because everything about the red light camera program [01:09:33.460 --> 01:09:38.460] is created via ordinance under chapter 707. [01:09:38.460 --> 01:09:40.460] Exactly. [01:09:40.460 --> 01:09:43.460] And so I just, I couldn't believe it when I read it. [01:09:43.460 --> 01:09:50.460] And when you said that, I hope you enjoy reading it because I know I did. [01:09:50.460 --> 01:09:54.460] And when I finally read it, I was like, oh my God, this is awesome. [01:09:54.460 --> 01:09:58.460] If we can get enough people to join in on this. [01:09:58.460 --> 01:10:03.460] Now, I know Rural Radio and Eddie Craig, [01:10:03.460 --> 01:10:06.460] Mr. Eddie Craig is not in the business of recommending lawyers [01:10:06.460 --> 01:10:09.460] or funding them in any way. [01:10:09.460 --> 01:10:14.460] But I think that cost aside, you know what I'm saying? [01:10:14.460 --> 01:10:18.460] And I think that if we can get this properly adjudicated, [01:10:18.460 --> 01:10:24.460] it's worth it not getting any money out of it. [01:10:24.460 --> 01:10:27.460] Yeah, well, the fact that this has already been filed by someone else, [01:10:27.460 --> 01:10:32.460] there shouldn't be any cost to anybody else joining the suit. [01:10:32.460 --> 01:10:34.460] You shouldn't have to pay a penny for this. [01:10:34.460 --> 01:10:36.460] You may get money back. [01:10:36.460 --> 01:10:39.460] But even if you don't... [01:10:39.460 --> 01:10:42.460] You have to split a certain percentage with the attorney. [01:10:42.460 --> 01:10:45.460] Well, that depends on whether or not they get legal fees in addition to. [01:10:45.460 --> 01:10:50.460] If they get legal fees in addition to, then they will be separate awards. [01:10:50.460 --> 01:10:57.460] Yeah, I think that the prayer of this did say that they be awarded legal fees as well. [01:10:57.460 --> 01:11:02.460] Yeah, I don't know how attorneys can actually do that lawfully, double dip. [01:11:02.460 --> 01:11:09.460] Say, okay, we're going to sue for our legal fees and we get 35%. [01:11:09.460 --> 01:11:12.460] But it's possible they could do that. [01:11:12.460 --> 01:11:18.460] But then again, it's because the attorneys wrote the law that lets themselves do that. [01:11:18.460 --> 01:11:20.460] Right. [01:11:20.460 --> 01:11:25.460] I mean, when you actually read Chapter 82 of the Government Code for the State Bar Act, or 81 rather, [01:11:25.460 --> 01:11:31.460] you find out really quickly exactly how that was written by an attorney. [01:11:31.460 --> 01:11:37.460] There's no one else that could have possibly have written this act, the State Bar Act, with a straight face. [01:11:37.460 --> 01:11:47.460] Because the State Bar Act specifically states that if you pay an attorney a retainer's fee, it's a gift. [01:11:47.460 --> 01:11:54.460] They're not required to do one second's worth of work for that retainer fee, regardless of the amount. [01:11:54.460 --> 01:12:00.460] Yeah, yeah, the retainer has nothing to do with the cost of the actual service. [01:12:00.460 --> 01:12:01.460] Right. [01:12:01.460 --> 01:12:07.460] And on top of that, if an attorney gets in trouble for drugs or DUI or anything like that, [01:12:07.460 --> 01:12:12.460] the bar is required to protect his license at all costs. [01:12:12.460 --> 01:12:18.460] Now imagine someone else that that happens to. [01:12:18.460 --> 01:12:22.460] Okay, now let's move away from the red light camera thing if we may. [01:12:22.460 --> 01:12:23.460] All right. [01:12:23.460 --> 01:12:33.460] I have a family member who has recently gotten a speeding ticket, an alleged citation, [01:12:33.460 --> 01:12:42.460] and apparently they additionally tacked on a failure to show financial responsibility. [01:12:42.460 --> 01:12:50.460] And apparently, even though my relative was attempting to hand the officer— [01:12:50.460 --> 01:12:54.460] and I know this is completely against the Royal Royal Radio Method and the Eddie Craig Method— [01:12:54.460 --> 01:12:57.460] but she was attempting to hand the officer her proof of insurance, [01:12:57.460 --> 01:13:02.460] and apparently the officer told her she did not produce it quick enough. [01:13:02.460 --> 01:13:09.460] Therefore, he charged her with failure to produce evidence of financial responsibility. [01:13:09.460 --> 01:13:13.460] Good. Now she's got a malicious prosecution suit for sure against the cop. [01:13:13.460 --> 01:13:15.460] I thought so. I thought so. [01:13:15.460 --> 01:13:24.460] And she was also—at that very same transportation stop was issued a speeding citation, [01:13:24.460 --> 01:13:29.460] which of course naturally I asked her, well, who did you hit? [01:13:29.460 --> 01:13:31.460] Were you involved in a collision? [01:13:31.460 --> 01:13:33.460] And she said, no. [01:13:33.460 --> 01:13:41.460] So I told her, well, that should be no problem for us to challenge the speeding citation on the medics. [01:13:41.460 --> 01:13:47.460] And because she was properly insured and commercial ready, [01:13:47.460 --> 01:13:53.460] she had to probably pay a $10 dismissal fee to dismiss that one. [01:13:53.460 --> 01:13:56.460] No, if they dismiss it, they can't charge her a penny. [01:13:56.460 --> 01:14:01.460] She's innocent if it's dismissed. They can't charge her a penny. [01:14:01.460 --> 01:14:08.460] Really? Okay. I thought if you submitted it in any kind of jurisdiction in person— [01:14:08.460 --> 01:14:13.460] The statute says that they can charge you an administrative fee to dismiss it. [01:14:13.460 --> 01:14:16.460] That's baloney. [01:14:16.460 --> 01:14:23.460] How can they charge you a fee for an act that you were never guilty of in the first place just to get them to drop it [01:14:23.460 --> 01:14:25.460] because they never should have made it? [01:14:25.460 --> 01:14:29.460] See, that's another one of those issues, just like that red light camera ticket. [01:14:29.460 --> 01:14:31.460] Before you've been adjudicated as guilty. [01:14:31.460 --> 01:14:35.460] Exactly. We should be suing the crap out of them for that statute. [01:14:35.460 --> 01:14:37.460] It is absolutely unconstitutional. [01:14:37.460 --> 01:14:41.460] They started the ruckus. They had to admit they were wrong. [01:14:41.460 --> 01:14:46.460] And now we got to pay them anyway? I don't think so. [01:14:46.460 --> 01:14:54.460] Okay. And it's fighting on the medics, the speeding charge. [01:14:54.460 --> 01:15:02.460] I would just properly use your suggestions in Part B of the speeding statute and say, [01:15:02.460 --> 01:15:07.460] how can you prove up Part B? [01:15:07.460 --> 01:15:10.460] Yeah. How are they going to prove Part B? [01:15:10.460 --> 01:15:16.460] How are they going to prove that there was a collision when there's no report of a collision in the police report? [01:15:16.460 --> 01:15:20.460] And no person there saying that they were involved in one with you? [01:15:20.460 --> 01:15:24.460] Correct. Okay. Okay. So that sounds like that should be pretty easy to fight. [01:15:24.460 --> 01:15:28.460] Okay. I think that's all my family's problems. [01:15:28.460 --> 01:15:30.460] Okay. [01:15:30.460 --> 01:15:33.460] And I guess I'll let you go and let you jump to other colors. [01:15:33.460 --> 01:15:40.460] But I think that this class action lawsuit regarding the red light cameras is huge. [01:15:40.460 --> 01:15:43.460] It's huge news. And anybody out there, you know, [01:15:43.460 --> 01:15:47.460] if you think that you may have been a victim and they've been taken advantage of. [01:15:47.460 --> 01:15:50.460] Or know someone who has. [01:15:50.460 --> 01:15:52.460] Yeah. Give them a call. Let them know. [01:15:52.460 --> 01:15:57.460] Let them know that they could potentially have been taken advantage of by their public servants. [01:15:57.460 --> 01:16:01.460] And they need to pay. [01:16:01.460 --> 01:16:03.460] They deserve remedy. [01:16:03.460 --> 01:16:11.460] Absolutely. There is a maximum in law that says that he who creates the conflict must provide the remedy. [01:16:11.460 --> 01:16:17.460] And yet when these so-called public servants create a conflict, [01:16:17.460 --> 01:16:23.460] the judges give them immunity and thus deny us our remedy. [01:16:23.460 --> 01:16:28.460] So they're violating their own maximums of law to protect each other. [01:16:28.460 --> 01:16:31.460] See, this is how crooked the system is, folks. [01:16:31.460 --> 01:16:35.460] And in our face, as if we're stupid. [01:16:35.460 --> 01:16:36.460] Exactly. [01:16:36.460 --> 01:16:41.460] We need to be able to read from Spooner and understand basic maximums of law. [01:16:41.460 --> 01:16:44.460] Yep. All right, Max, thanks for calling in, man. We're about to hit a break. [01:16:44.460 --> 01:16:47.460] You take care and I'll see you all back on Facebook. [01:16:47.460 --> 01:16:51.460] All right, folks, call in number 512-646-1984. [01:16:51.460 --> 01:16:55.460] Give us a call. Get in line. Let's talk. We'll be right back. [01:17:21.460 --> 01:17:24.460] We're the top accredited metals dealers and journalists. [01:17:24.460 --> 01:17:27.460] If we don't have what you're looking for, we can find it. [01:17:27.460 --> 01:17:32.460] In addition, we carry popular Young Jevity products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine and Pollen Burst. [01:17:32.460 --> 01:17:35.460] We also offer One World Way, Mountain House Storable Foods, [01:17:35.460 --> 01:17:39.460] Berkey Water Products, ammunition at 10% above wholesale, and more. [01:17:39.460 --> 01:17:43.460] We broker metals IRA accounts and we also accept Bitcoins as payment. [01:17:43.460 --> 01:17:46.460] Call us at 512-646-6440. [01:17:46.460 --> 01:17:51.460] We're located at 7304 Burnett Road Suite A, about a half mile south of Anderson. [01:17:51.460 --> 01:17:54.460] We're open Monday through Friday 10 to 6, Saturdays 10 to 2. [01:17:54.460 --> 01:18:00.460] Visit us at capitalcoin and bullion.com or call 512-646-6440. [01:18:00.460 --> 01:18:06.460] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in the area of nutrition. [01:18:06.460 --> 01:18:11.460] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves, and it's time we changed all that. [01:18:11.460 --> 01:18:17.460] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [01:18:17.460 --> 01:18:22.460] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, [01:18:22.460 --> 01:18:25.460] Young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. [01:18:25.460 --> 01:18:31.460] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. [01:18:31.460 --> 01:18:36.460] We have come to trust Young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor [01:18:36.460 --> 01:18:40.460] along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [01:18:40.460 --> 01:18:47.460] When you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support quality radio. [01:18:47.460 --> 01:18:51.460] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [01:18:51.460 --> 01:18:58.460] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and increase your income. [01:18:58.460 --> 01:19:00.460] Order now. [01:19:00.460 --> 01:19:10.460] This is the Logos Radio Network. [01:19:30.460 --> 01:19:46.460] Alright, folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio, calling number 512-646-1984. [01:19:46.460 --> 01:19:51.460] Alright, now we've got Rob in Illinois. Rob, what can we do for you? [01:19:51.460 --> 01:19:58.460] Hi, Eddie. I have just a couple of things, just two things actually, that are kind of leads. [01:19:58.460 --> 01:20:05.460] And I don't know if you've told the people on the call, but I think everybody should hold on to the outside [01:20:05.460 --> 01:20:13.460] and the inside envelopes, or the outside envelope as well as the inside piece of paper, whatever, [01:20:13.460 --> 01:20:21.460] ticket infraction, red light camera that they get, and make copy at least of the inside infraction that they get [01:20:21.460 --> 01:20:24.460] so that they can hold it as their evidence. [01:20:24.460 --> 01:20:29.460] Yeah, the first thing I tell people is you don't ever throw away a single piece of paper, [01:20:29.460 --> 01:20:34.460] especially the envelope that something was mailed in. Don't ever do that. [01:20:34.460 --> 01:20:43.460] That postmark has significant legal value most of the time. [01:20:43.460 --> 01:20:44.460] Go ahead. [01:20:44.460 --> 01:20:47.460] I agree. Yeah, that's it. Exactly. [01:20:47.460 --> 01:20:54.460] And the other thing is that these people have run such a sophisticated criminal enterprise [01:20:54.460 --> 01:20:57.460] that don't you think they would have covered every base? [01:20:57.460 --> 01:21:02.460] No, because they know how stupid the public's become. [01:21:02.460 --> 01:21:06.460] It's kind of like getting careless. They don't really care about covering all the bases [01:21:06.460 --> 01:21:09.460] because nobody's willing to fight anymore. [01:21:09.460 --> 01:21:15.460] And even if they are, the system's designed to shut them down whether they know what they're doing or not. [01:21:15.460 --> 01:21:23.460] I mean, it's really these statutory, irrebuttable presumptions make fighting it virtually impossible [01:21:23.460 --> 01:21:29.460] without a knowledgeable jury. And that's what we've got to make is a knowledgeable jury. [01:21:29.460 --> 01:21:37.460] Right. And I want to make the point clear is that people may think that these guys have insulated themselves [01:21:37.460 --> 01:21:41.460] so well from the fraud that they're committing, but they haven't. There's no way they can. [01:21:41.460 --> 01:21:46.460] So here's another thing for people to check out and to look at. [01:21:46.460 --> 01:21:53.460] When they look at that outset envelope, they will notice that most of the time there's no postage on the outside. [01:21:53.460 --> 01:21:56.460] It's just a square with a permit number. [01:21:56.460 --> 01:22:02.460] So they have no firsthand knowledge of when they mailed it out or when the person received it. [01:22:02.460 --> 01:22:05.460] Also, they're using those permit numbers. [01:22:05.460 --> 01:22:12.460] So if these guys are committing fraud with the red light cameras, also they're looking at mail fraud. [01:22:12.460 --> 01:22:14.460] Yeah. And that's part of the lawsuit. [01:22:14.460 --> 01:22:18.460] The lawsuit specifically accuses both the red light camera companies [01:22:18.460 --> 01:22:23.460] and the municipalities of fraud under the United States mail statutes [01:22:23.460 --> 01:22:29.460] because they are sending a notice claiming that someone owes money they do not actually owe. [01:22:29.460 --> 01:22:37.460] That's mail fraud. That's the other significant factor in that stamp. [01:22:37.460 --> 01:22:42.460] Right. And that's huge. And that grows across the board with everything, not just the red light cameras. [01:22:42.460 --> 01:22:44.460] Right. [01:22:44.460 --> 01:22:45.460] So that's very- [01:22:45.460 --> 01:22:49.460] Yeah. Most of these municipalities, if the Fed does what it should do, [01:22:49.460 --> 01:22:53.460] the Fed could come down on these municipalities like a ton of bricks. [01:22:53.460 --> 01:22:57.460] I would love to see them try to claim immunity for that. [01:22:57.460 --> 01:22:59.460] I would love to, too. [01:22:59.460 --> 01:23:02.460] Because I've learned that from another website. [01:23:02.460 --> 01:23:05.460] They get into this end of the debt thing, and they said to hang on to those envelopes. [01:23:05.460 --> 01:23:07.460] And that's what brought this to my attention. [01:23:07.460 --> 01:23:10.460] When I see these envelopes, there's no postage on the outside. [01:23:10.460 --> 01:23:12.460] So it really does not constitute mail. [01:23:12.460 --> 01:23:17.460] There's just this pre-stamped square little box with their permit number. [01:23:17.460 --> 01:23:24.460] Those permit numbers can be revoked if it's found out that these people are committing fraud by using them. [01:23:24.460 --> 01:23:26.460] That's true. [01:23:26.460 --> 01:23:34.460] Yeah. As well as all the other punishments that can come down on them for committing fraud via the mail. [01:23:34.460 --> 01:23:36.460] So I just want to throw that out there. [01:23:36.460 --> 01:23:42.460] And I'm sure that you are aware, but I don't know how many of the listeners are aware of it. [01:23:42.460 --> 01:23:46.460] Yeah. I'm hoping they'll actually read the lawsuit and see all the little tidbits in there. [01:23:46.460 --> 01:23:48.460] And that's just one of them. [01:23:48.460 --> 01:23:51.460] Right. And you know the ups and downs of the class action, too. [01:23:51.460 --> 01:24:00.460] Is there a possibility some people can stay back and come on as a jointer or look and see what they've done and then enter their own lawsuit? [01:24:00.460 --> 01:24:01.460] Those are other possibilities. [01:24:01.460 --> 01:24:10.460] I don't know that the municipality could be made to pay a second time for the same thing once they've announced a class action status for that subject. [01:24:10.460 --> 01:24:13.460] I don't know. [01:24:13.460 --> 01:24:21.460] Because if they sign on as a class action, if somebody makes a mistake, that throws everything out from what I gather. [01:24:21.460 --> 01:24:28.460] Well, it throws out that suit, but it doesn't necessarily prevent somebody from coming back and filing one independently. [01:24:28.460 --> 01:24:29.460] That's what I'm getting at. [01:24:29.460 --> 01:24:46.460] But as long as the class action is in place and the class action concludes, I don't see how they're going to allow anyone to come back and sue for the same thing unless it's done after the fact. [01:24:46.460 --> 01:24:48.460] Yeah, I agree. [01:24:48.460 --> 01:24:59.460] And ever since I've been listening to you, Eddie, I've been telling not everybody I know, but quite a few people that every red light camera, you said it tonight, is a fraud, especially at least on Texas. [01:24:59.460 --> 01:25:00.460] Yep. [01:25:00.460 --> 01:25:03.460] You hit the nail right on the head. [01:25:03.460 --> 01:25:05.460] Well, I appreciate that. [01:25:05.460 --> 01:25:08.460] Yeah. You must be a carpenter. [01:25:08.460 --> 01:25:12.460] I wish I was as good of one of those as I am at just yelling. [01:25:12.460 --> 01:25:16.460] Right. Yeah, yeah. The first hour was phenomenal on this. [01:25:16.460 --> 01:25:18.460] I'm going to send it out to everybody. They got to listen. [01:25:18.460 --> 01:25:20.460] All right. Well, I appreciate that, too. [01:25:20.460 --> 01:25:22.460] Yeah. Thank you for everything you do. [01:25:22.460 --> 01:25:25.460] And I'll wrap it up so that the other callers can get in there. [01:25:25.460 --> 01:25:27.460] All right, Rob. Thanks for calling. [01:25:27.460 --> 01:25:28.460] Okay. Thank you, Eddie. [01:25:28.460 --> 01:25:30.460] All right. Bye-bye. [01:25:30.460 --> 01:25:32.460] All right. Now we're going to go to Brad in Texas. [01:25:32.460 --> 01:25:35.460] Brad, what do you got? [01:25:35.460 --> 01:25:38.460] Hello, Eddie. Thank you for having me on. [01:25:38.460 --> 01:25:39.460] Sure. [01:25:39.460 --> 01:25:45.460] I am in your class at Brave New Books every Sunday from 2 to 6. [01:25:45.460 --> 01:25:47.460] I try to tell everybody they're in my class. [01:25:47.460 --> 01:25:51.460] Don't say you can't do something. Just do it. [01:25:51.460 --> 01:25:54.460] Yeah, good point. [01:25:54.460 --> 01:25:58.460] You were talking about the lawsuit on the red light cameras, [01:25:58.460 --> 01:26:03.460] and you mentioned something about the RICO laws coming into play. [01:26:03.460 --> 01:26:08.460] Correct. The suit itself brings up the issue of RICO. [01:26:08.460 --> 01:26:18.460] And the RICO works because we have a criminal conspiracy between the municipalities, [01:26:18.460 --> 01:26:23.460] the red light camera companies, and the municipal courts and police departments [01:26:23.460 --> 01:26:26.460] to perpetrate this fraud against the public. [01:26:26.460 --> 01:26:31.460] And there's no way for them to deny that that's not the case [01:26:31.460 --> 01:26:35.460] because the municipality created an ordinance [01:26:35.460 --> 01:26:38.460] authorizing themselves to do something. [01:26:38.460 --> 01:26:43.460] The state law that they were basing everything on did not authorize them to do. [01:26:43.460 --> 01:26:47.460] They then contracted with the red light camera companies [01:26:47.460 --> 01:26:54.460] to issue these citations knowing full well there was no lawful authority for the citation. [01:26:54.460 --> 01:26:59.460] They knew the red light camera company was going to send out these illegal notices [01:26:59.460 --> 01:27:04.460] for the purpose and with the result of committing mail fraud. [01:27:04.460 --> 01:27:07.460] There's no way they can say they didn't know that. [01:27:07.460 --> 01:27:12.460] And then if and when any of the notices were challenged, [01:27:12.460 --> 01:27:17.460] it was pre-arranged and pre-ordained that the challenge would fail [01:27:17.460 --> 01:27:24.460] via the police department review and the municipal judge review. [01:27:24.460 --> 01:27:29.460] The irrebuttable presumption was there and it could not be gotten rid of. [01:27:29.460 --> 01:27:33.460] You were going to lose no matter what. [01:27:33.460 --> 01:27:37.460] And you had no remedy for it whatsoever. [01:27:37.460 --> 01:27:43.460] And none of these parties can claim not to have known that. None of them. [01:27:43.460 --> 01:27:50.460] Well, the RICO action would have to be a federal action, right? [01:27:50.460 --> 01:27:54.460] That depends. If you do federal RICO, yes. [01:27:54.460 --> 01:27:57.460] But here it's called organized criminal activity. [01:27:57.460 --> 01:28:02.460] There's a state RICO under Chapter 71 of the penal code. [01:28:02.460 --> 01:28:06.460] Oh, good. That's interesting. I'm glad I asked that. [01:28:06.460 --> 01:28:11.460] I was thinking federal because of the U.S. Post Office being used to... [01:28:11.460 --> 01:28:14.460] Yeah, the Fed could go after them for that for sure. [01:28:14.460 --> 01:28:17.460] Not only the mail fraud, but federal RICO. [01:28:17.460 --> 01:28:24.460] And the RICO that I believe this law firm is using is the federal one, not the state one. [01:28:24.460 --> 01:28:29.460] But the state does have one in Chapter 71 for organized criminal activity. [01:28:29.460 --> 01:28:33.460] And there is no question about how this works. [01:28:33.460 --> 01:28:40.460] Two or three or more persons gathered together on a regular basis with a recognizable command structure, [01:28:40.460 --> 01:28:47.460] a logo that shows that they are partners and blah, blah, blah, or the same group or whatever. [01:28:47.460 --> 01:28:50.460] The statute's very, very simple as to how it works. [01:28:50.460 --> 01:28:58.460] In fact, the description in the statute would identify every police department in the country. [01:28:58.460 --> 01:29:10.460] Well, would it be possible to use that state statute and also involve abuse of official capacity? [01:29:10.460 --> 01:29:12.460] Because I think you've covered that in class. [01:29:12.460 --> 01:29:16.460] Yeah, but you couldn't use that against the red light camera company. [01:29:16.460 --> 01:29:24.460] I honestly think we would have better results from the Fed here because we have the ability to get the Fed in the ballgame. [01:29:24.460 --> 01:29:31.460] The mail fraud, we have the ability to sue for that fraud as well. [01:29:31.460 --> 01:29:34.460] And we have federal law to use for that purpose. [01:29:34.460 --> 01:29:38.460] The state can't claim immunity under that law. [01:29:38.460 --> 01:29:41.460] Not when it engages, not when a municipality can. [01:29:41.460 --> 01:29:46.460] But not when they engage in the activity knowingly and willingly and have no jurisdiction to do it. [01:29:46.460 --> 01:29:49.460] They can't claim immunity for that. That was a crime. [01:29:49.460 --> 01:29:52.460] All right, hang on, Brad. We'll pick you up on the other side of the break. [01:29:52.460 --> 01:29:57.460] 512-646-1984. We'll be right back. [01:30:22.460 --> 01:30:24.460] Freedoms will start to vanish, too. [01:30:24.460 --> 01:30:29.460] So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. [01:30:29.460 --> 01:30:32.460] Privacy. It's worth hanging on to. [01:30:32.460 --> 01:30:39.460] This public service announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing. [01:30:39.460 --> 01:30:43.460] Start over with StartPage. [01:30:43.460 --> 01:30:45.460] Why are Americans overweight? [01:30:45.460 --> 01:30:50.460] We're often told it's because fattening junk food is the only thing low-income families can afford. [01:30:50.460 --> 01:30:52.460] But let's set the record straight. [01:30:52.460 --> 01:30:56.460] Processed food is actually way more expensive than food cooked at home. [01:30:56.460 --> 01:31:01.460] Example, feeding a family of four at Mickey D's costs about 30 bucks. [01:31:01.460 --> 01:31:05.460] At home, a roasted chicken with potatoes and a salad costs less than half that. [01:31:05.460 --> 01:31:07.460] Plus, it's a lot healthier. [01:31:07.460 --> 01:31:10.460] Truth is, most people are able to afford real food. [01:31:10.460 --> 01:31:13.460] It's the cooking we don't like, because we view it as backbreaking work. [01:31:13.460 --> 01:31:20.460] We need to start appreciating the pleasures of a warm, savory kitchen and the closeness that comes from nourishing our families. [01:31:20.460 --> 01:31:25.460] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31:30.460 --> 01:31:35.460] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11. [01:31:35.460 --> 01:31:37.460] The government says that fire brought it down. [01:31:37.460 --> 01:31:42.460] However, 1,500 architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition. [01:31:42.460 --> 01:31:45.460] Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their lives. [01:31:45.460 --> 01:31:48.460] And thousands of my fellow first responders are dying. [01:31:48.460 --> 01:31:49.460] I'm not a conspiracy theorist. [01:31:49.460 --> 01:31:50.460] I'm a structural engineer. [01:31:50.460 --> 01:31:52.460] I'm a New York City correction officer. [01:31:52.460 --> 01:31:53.460] I'm an Air Force pilot. [01:31:53.460 --> 01:31:54.460] I'm a father who lost his son. [01:31:54.460 --> 01:31:57.460] We're Americans, and we deserve the truth. [01:31:57.460 --> 01:32:00.460] Go to RememberBuilding7.org today. [01:32:00.460 --> 01:32:02.460] Hey, it's Danny here for Hill Country Home Improvements. [01:32:02.460 --> 01:32:05.460] Did your home receive hail or wind damage from the recent storms? [01:32:05.460 --> 01:32:10.460] Come on, we all know the government caused it with their chemtrails, but good luck getting them to pay for it. [01:32:10.460 --> 01:32:14.460] Okay, I might be kidding about the chemtrails, but I'm serious about your roof. [01:32:14.460 --> 01:32:20.460] That's why you have insurance, and Hill Country Home Improvements can handle the claim for you with little to no out-of-pocket expense. [01:32:20.460 --> 01:32:26.460] And we accept Bitcoin as a multiyear A-plus member of the Better Business Bureau with zero complaints. [01:32:26.460 --> 01:32:31.460] You can trust Hill Country Home Improvements to handle your claim and your roof right the first time. [01:32:31.460 --> 01:32:38.460] Just call 512-992-8745 or go to hillcountryhomeimprovements.com. [01:32:38.460 --> 01:32:45.460] Mention the crypto show and get $100 off, and we'll donate another $100 to the Logos Radio Network to help continue this programming. [01:32:45.460 --> 01:32:50.460] So if those out-of-town roofers come knocking, your door should be locking. [01:32:50.460 --> 01:32:56.460] That's 512-992-8745 or hillcountryhomeimprovements.com. [01:32:56.460 --> 01:32:58.460] Discounts are based on full roof replacement. [01:32:58.460 --> 01:33:00.460] May not actually be kidding about chemtrails. [01:33:03.460 --> 01:33:06.460] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network. [01:33:06.460 --> 01:33:10.460] At logosradionetwork.com. [01:33:37.460 --> 01:33:40.460] All right, folks, we are back. [01:33:40.460 --> 01:33:44.460] This is Rule of Law Radio, and we are talking to Brad in Texas. [01:33:44.460 --> 01:33:46.460] All right, Brad, go ahead. [01:33:46.460 --> 01:33:57.460] Well, what I was trying to get at with the abuse of official capacity was just to find a way to make this lawsuit bigger, you know, [01:33:57.460 --> 01:34:10.460] because I think you've touched on what is involved in abuse of official capacity in class and all the things that come into play there in determining, you know, a dollar amount. [01:34:10.460 --> 01:34:23.460] And I was just wondering if that might be a way to make it an even bigger lawsuit and, you know, really sting the people in government and the red light camera. [01:34:23.460 --> 01:34:34.460] Yeah, the only problem we have there is that's I don't know that we could use that at the federal level under the state code. [01:34:34.460 --> 01:34:37.460] Now, there is something similar to that at the federal level. [01:34:37.460 --> 01:34:41.460] It's called misconduct in office. [01:34:41.460 --> 01:34:46.460] But whether or not we can actually sue for it rather than just be a criminal charge, I don't know. [01:34:46.460 --> 01:34:48.460] I haven't looked into that that deeply. [01:34:48.460 --> 01:35:00.460] But we have more teeth at the federal level than we do at the state because the state will do everything within its power to stop this suit. [01:35:00.460 --> 01:35:04.460] They always have. [01:35:04.460 --> 01:35:06.460] OK, well, that was all I had. [01:35:06.460 --> 01:35:09.460] And I appreciate you taking my call. [01:35:09.460 --> 01:35:12.460] All right, Brad, thanks for calling in, man. [01:35:12.460 --> 01:35:14.460] Thank you, sir. [01:35:14.460 --> 01:35:18.460] All right, now we're going to go to Scott in Texas. [01:35:18.460 --> 01:35:21.460] Scott, what can we do for you? [01:35:21.460 --> 01:35:25.460] Hey, Eddie, I was just wanting to make a couple of points. [01:35:25.460 --> 01:35:27.460] I believe I got the right one. [01:35:27.460 --> 01:35:29.460] The Bowman and Spilla PC. [01:35:29.460 --> 01:35:36.460] I think their phone number is two one four nine two two zero two two zero in case anybody was curious. [01:35:36.460 --> 01:35:38.460] I believe that's the right one. [01:35:38.460 --> 01:35:40.460] Yeah, that's the one I read out on the air. [01:35:40.460 --> 01:35:44.460] Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear it. [01:35:44.460 --> 01:35:55.460] And I was just kind of going to go over the what people get once you get one of these things from the MSB, the Municipal Service Bureau out of Austin. [01:35:55.460 --> 01:35:59.460] It doesn't it doesn't have any postage on it or anything. [01:35:59.460 --> 01:36:02.460] It's just like that guy was saying pre resorted first class. [01:36:02.460 --> 01:36:03.460] And then. [01:36:03.460 --> 01:36:05.460] Well, it does have postage. [01:36:05.460 --> 01:36:07.460] It's just a metered stamp. [01:36:07.460 --> 01:36:10.460] The metered stamp is paid postage. [01:36:10.460 --> 01:36:12.460] It's prepaid postage. [01:36:12.460 --> 01:36:14.460] But that is not the issue. [01:36:14.460 --> 01:36:17.460] The issue is the date. [01:36:17.460 --> 01:36:19.460] That's it. [01:36:19.460 --> 01:36:25.460] That prepaid postage has a date in it that it was actually stamped on the machine. [01:36:25.460 --> 01:36:28.460] The stamp came from. [01:36:28.460 --> 01:36:30.460] This one doesn't have no it does. [01:36:30.460 --> 01:36:33.460] You can't read it, but their scanner can. [01:36:33.460 --> 01:36:37.460] Oh, OK. [01:36:37.460 --> 01:36:42.460] And I was kind of reading through this thing because I've never really paid attention to it. [01:36:42.460 --> 01:36:45.460] The first time I got it, I was just like, yeah, whatever. [01:36:45.460 --> 01:36:51.460] If anybody that pays by credit card, you get charged 10 bucks right off the bat. [01:36:51.460 --> 01:36:55.460] So yeah, that's their additional processing fee. [01:36:55.460 --> 01:36:59.460] It's a convenience fee is what they call it. [01:36:59.460 --> 01:37:00.460] Convenient. [01:37:00.460 --> 01:37:03.460] Anyhow, that's all I really had. [01:37:03.460 --> 01:37:05.460] And keep up the good job, sir. [01:37:05.460 --> 01:37:06.460] All right. [01:37:06.460 --> 01:37:08.460] Well, thanks for calling in, Scott. [01:37:08.460 --> 01:37:10.460] All right. [01:37:10.460 --> 01:37:11.460] All right. [01:37:11.460 --> 01:37:15.460] Now we're going to go to Pat in Texas. [01:37:15.460 --> 01:37:18.460] Pat, what can we do for you? [01:37:18.460 --> 01:37:21.460] Oh, I'd love 50 kilos, 100 dollar bills. [01:37:21.460 --> 01:37:23.460] Let's split it with the cities, right? [01:37:23.460 --> 01:37:24.460] Yeah. [01:37:24.460 --> 01:37:25.460] Well, split it with them. [01:37:25.460 --> 01:37:27.460] I'd like to take it away from them. [01:37:27.460 --> 01:37:32.460] 80% us, 10% them, and let them handle the paper. [01:37:32.460 --> 01:37:36.460] Anyway, what they're doing is a false presentment. [01:37:36.460 --> 01:37:41.460] Joyce Reader, she is the county clerk over in Comal County. [01:37:41.460 --> 01:37:47.460] She got that passed as a state felony a number of years back. [01:37:47.460 --> 01:37:56.460] Any time you have something that comes in the mail like that and you have no contract [01:37:56.460 --> 01:38:04.460] with them, whatever, and you're being charged a fee fine, whatever, and somebody's saying [01:38:04.460 --> 01:38:10.460] that you owe them that money and you haven't been adjudicated, that's a false presentment. [01:38:10.460 --> 01:38:11.460] Yeah. [01:38:11.460 --> 01:38:12.460] Well, it's one other thing. [01:38:12.460 --> 01:38:21.460] It's a criminal penalty in Texas, too, because it is, what do they call it? [01:38:21.460 --> 01:38:22.460] Shoot. [01:38:22.460 --> 01:38:27.460] Well, the false presentment falls under the criminal code. [01:38:27.460 --> 01:38:29.460] Yeah, so does this one. [01:38:29.460 --> 01:38:36.460] The other charge is, I cannot believe, I can't remember what the heck it's called. [01:38:36.460 --> 01:38:42.460] Anyway, it's a false legal process is what it is. [01:38:42.460 --> 01:38:43.460] Yeah. [01:38:43.460 --> 01:38:45.460] And that is a crime also. [01:38:45.460 --> 01:38:52.460] When they issue this as a citation, they're also using it as the complaint, and a complaint [01:38:52.460 --> 01:38:54.460] is specifically dealt with. [01:38:54.460 --> 01:38:57.460] I went over it in class on the statute. [01:38:57.460 --> 01:39:01.460] In fact, that's actually in the posting that I made on the subject. [01:39:01.460 --> 01:39:03.460] It's in the red light camera letter that I did. [01:39:03.460 --> 01:39:04.460] Yeah. [01:39:04.460 --> 01:39:05.460] Yeah. [01:39:05.460 --> 01:39:06.460] I was reading that. [01:39:06.460 --> 01:39:07.460] Yeah. [01:39:07.460 --> 01:39:11.460] It is absolutely illegal in every possible way that they're doing this. [01:39:11.460 --> 01:39:15.460] And I am so glad to see that somebody finally said, you know what? [01:39:15.460 --> 01:39:19.460] Let's do something about this. [01:39:19.460 --> 01:39:22.460] And that there was actually a law firm that said, you know what? [01:39:22.460 --> 01:39:23.460] I think we can. [01:39:23.460 --> 01:39:25.460] And they did it correctly. [01:39:25.460 --> 01:39:27.460] That was a surprising thing. [01:39:27.460 --> 01:39:29.460] Yeah, that's what's surprising. [01:39:29.460 --> 01:39:36.460] Anyway, in mine, just remember, don't believe what they're putting out on TV and radio about [01:39:36.460 --> 01:39:38.460] going to a safe spot. [01:39:38.460 --> 01:39:41.460] You're going to get arrested. [01:39:41.460 --> 01:39:42.460] Yeah. [01:39:42.460 --> 01:39:43.460] Definitely. [01:39:43.460 --> 01:39:46.460] I never said they wouldn't arrest you in the safe spot. [01:39:46.460 --> 01:39:53.460] All I said was that the way they arrest you will potentially be different than it would [01:39:53.460 --> 01:39:54.460] be without it. [01:39:54.460 --> 01:39:55.460] Yeah. [01:39:55.460 --> 01:39:56.460] Oh yeah. [01:39:56.460 --> 01:39:58.460] Well, I never made it to the safe spot. [01:39:58.460 --> 01:39:59.460] Yeah. [01:39:59.460 --> 01:40:02.460] That's the only problem with a particular area you're in. [01:40:02.460 --> 01:40:07.460] The safe spots are several dozen miles between. [01:40:07.460 --> 01:40:08.460] Yeah. [01:40:08.460 --> 01:40:16.460] And if you don't have any witnesses or cameras on your side, let's just say that you're up [01:40:16.460 --> 01:40:20.460] that unsanitary tributary without your spoon. [01:40:20.460 --> 01:40:21.460] Yeah. [01:40:21.460 --> 01:40:22.460] That would be a fact. [01:40:22.460 --> 01:40:23.460] All right. [01:40:23.460 --> 01:40:24.460] That's all I got, Eddie. [01:40:24.460 --> 01:40:25.460] Thank you. [01:40:25.460 --> 01:40:26.460] All right. [01:40:26.460 --> 01:40:27.460] Thanks for calling in, Pat. [01:40:27.460 --> 01:40:28.460] Yeah. [01:40:28.460 --> 01:40:31.460] It's a 32.48 penal code simulating legal process. [01:40:31.460 --> 01:40:33.460] That's what they're doing with this. [01:40:33.460 --> 01:40:37.460] Let me give you a quick rundown here of the statute on how this works. [01:40:37.460 --> 01:40:42.580] Simulating legal process 32.48A, and I'm going to read just the parts as I have them underlined [01:40:42.580 --> 01:40:46.260] here so that they will make sense in the way that I'm applying it. [01:40:46.260 --> 01:40:53.300] A person commits an offense if any document that simulates a complaint or other court [01:40:53.300 --> 01:41:00.940] process with the intent to induce payment of a claim from another person or cause another [01:41:00.940 --> 01:41:08.100] to submit to the punitive authority of the document or take any action or refrain from [01:41:08.100 --> 01:41:13.860] taking any action in response to the document or compliance with the document or on the [01:41:13.860 --> 01:41:17.100] basis of the document. [01:41:17.100 --> 01:41:22.380] Proof that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be forwarded [01:41:22.380 --> 01:41:27.900] to the intended recipient is a sufficient showing that the document was delivered. [01:41:27.900 --> 01:41:33.420] It is not a defense to prosecution under this section that the simulating document states [01:41:33.420 --> 01:41:36.900] that it is not a legal process. [01:41:36.900 --> 01:41:43.420] That folks is a class A misdemeanor in Texas, and that's exactly what the red light camera [01:41:43.420 --> 01:41:50.340] people and the municipal employees did when they sent out those notices. [01:41:50.340 --> 01:41:56.820] They simulated a complaint, said, you need to pay us money, and if you don't, here's [01:41:56.820 --> 01:41:59.500] what we're going to do to you. [01:41:59.500 --> 01:42:03.260] That falls squarely within the parameters of this statute. [01:42:03.260 --> 01:42:04.260] Every time. [01:42:04.260 --> 01:42:08.300] Was that about cover, Pat? [01:42:08.300 --> 01:42:10.900] Yeah, about covers it. [01:42:10.900 --> 01:42:11.900] All right. [01:42:11.900 --> 01:42:12.900] All right. [01:42:12.900 --> 01:42:13.900] Well, have you got nothing else? [01:42:13.900 --> 01:42:14.900] I'll take the next one in line. [01:42:14.900 --> 01:42:15.900] Thanks for calling in, sir. [01:42:15.900 --> 01:42:16.900] Yeah. [01:42:16.900 --> 01:42:17.900] You have a good night. [01:42:17.900 --> 01:42:18.900] You too. [01:42:18.900 --> 01:42:19.900] Bye bye. [01:42:19.900 --> 01:42:20.900] All right. [01:42:20.900 --> 01:42:23.420] Now we're going to go to truth Raider Raider. [01:42:23.420 --> 01:42:24.420] What can we do for you? [01:42:24.420 --> 01:42:25.420] Good evening, Eddie. [01:42:25.420 --> 01:42:27.100] I hope you're having a good evening. [01:42:27.100 --> 01:42:28.620] I'm not having such a great one myself. [01:42:28.620 --> 01:42:33.180] I'm going to be going on an unscheduled enforced camping trip in about a week or so. [01:42:33.180 --> 01:42:37.980] So not too happy, not happy campers, they say, or won't be a happy camper if that does [01:42:37.980 --> 01:42:38.980] occur. [01:42:38.980 --> 01:42:39.980] Okay. [01:42:39.980 --> 01:42:45.660] I sent an email, but I can appreciate that you probably get at least 100 emails a week, [01:42:45.660 --> 01:42:53.660] if not 100 emails a day concerning cases of jurisprudence, everything from traffic, civil, [01:42:53.660 --> 01:42:56.340] everything that you can imagine probably. [01:42:56.340 --> 01:42:58.580] So I'll try to repeat it to you again. [01:42:58.580 --> 01:43:01.420] But first of all, would you please, since it's not in the archive, the archives from [01:43:01.420 --> 01:43:05.340] last week show is not up and available yet. [01:43:05.340 --> 01:43:09.220] That's Deborah's arena on the archives and she's been kind of pressed for time here lately [01:43:09.220 --> 01:43:10.440] too. [01:43:10.440 --> 01:43:13.580] So I don't, I don't have any control or say over the archives. [01:43:13.580 --> 01:43:15.780] No, no, no, no, no worries. [01:43:15.780 --> 01:43:18.180] I'm not, I'm not, I totally appreciate what she does. [01:43:18.180 --> 01:43:22.620] I'm sure she's completely swamped as you guys are growing bigger and as I'm spreading the [01:43:22.620 --> 01:43:27.420] word a little bit more, I, I at least two to three days a week, I try to get the information [01:43:27.420 --> 01:43:30.500] out to people out there, the people who that will listen. [01:43:30.500 --> 01:43:33.900] I'm not one of those who's just going to sit around, play around and listen to be entertained [01:43:33.900 --> 01:43:34.900] by the information. [01:43:34.900 --> 01:43:39.260] I'm going to try to gather that information and try to share it with others. [01:43:39.260 --> 01:43:41.620] That's what we're supposed to do as citizens and as patrons. [01:43:41.620 --> 01:43:42.620] Okay. [01:43:42.620 --> 01:43:43.620] All right. [01:43:43.620 --> 01:43:44.620] Well hang on Raider. [01:43:44.620 --> 01:43:45.620] I got a break to take. [01:43:45.620 --> 01:43:47.620] All right folks, call that number. [01:43:47.620 --> 01:43:52.060] Well, actually nevermind, I've only got one segment left. [01:43:52.060 --> 01:43:55.980] So y'all hang on and we'll be right back to hopefully get all this all wrapped up in the [01:43:55.980 --> 01:43:58.500] next 15. [01:43:58.500 --> 01:44:03.820] Do you feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? [01:44:03.820 --> 01:44:04.820] Boring. [01:44:04.820 --> 01:44:07.620] Are you confused by words like the constitution or the federal reserve? [01:44:07.620 --> 01:44:08.620] What? [01:44:08.620 --> 01:44:12.380] If so, you may be diagnosed with the deadliest disease known today, stupidity. [01:44:12.380 --> 01:44:17.980] Hi, my name is Steve Holt and like millions of other Americans, I was diagnosed with stupidity [01:44:17.980 --> 01:44:19.180] at an early age. [01:44:19.180 --> 01:44:23.140] I had no idea that the number one cause of the disease is found in almost every home [01:44:23.140 --> 01:44:25.300] in America, the television. [01:44:25.300 --> 01:44:30.300] Unfortunately, that puts most Americans at risk of catching stupidity, but there is hope. [01:44:30.300 --> 01:44:34.060] The staff at Brave New Books have helped me and thousands of other foxaholics suffering [01:44:34.060 --> 01:44:36.340] from sports zombieism recover. [01:44:36.340 --> 01:44:40.580] And because of Brave New Books, I now enjoy reading and watching educational documentaries [01:44:40.580 --> 01:44:43.220] without feeling tired or uninterested. [01:44:43.220 --> 01:44:50.620] So if you or anybody you know suffers from stupidity, then you need to call 512-480-2503 [01:44:50.620 --> 01:44:54.660] or visit them in 1904 Guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com. [01:44:54.660 --> 01:44:58.100] Side effects from using Brave New Books products may include discernment and enlarged vocabulary [01:44:58.100 --> 01:45:01.180] and an overall increase in mental functioning. [01:45:01.180 --> 01:45:04.340] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:45:04.340 --> 01:45:11.140] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course [01:45:11.140 --> 01:45:14.180] that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:45:14.180 --> 01:45:18.860] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:45:18.860 --> 01:45:23.620] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:45:23.620 --> 01:45:28.860] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [01:45:28.860 --> 01:45:34.780] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [01:45:34.780 --> 01:45:39.380] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the [01:45:39.380 --> 01:45:43.540] principles and practices that control our American courts. [01:45:43.540 --> 01:45:49.740] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:45:49.740 --> 01:45:52.540] pro se tactics, and much more. [01:45:52.540 --> 01:46:20.700] Please visit RuleOfLawRadio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:20.700 --> 01:46:39.020] All right, folks, we are back. [01:46:39.020 --> 01:46:40.940] This is Rule of Law Radio. [01:46:40.940 --> 01:46:43.100] Right now, we are talking to Truth Raider. [01:46:43.100 --> 01:46:45.140] All right, Raider, go ahead. [01:46:45.140 --> 01:46:48.980] All right, Eddie, thank you very much for taking my call this evening. [01:46:48.980 --> 01:46:53.580] I am Carl, the Truth Raider of Northwest Truth, on with Eddie Craig of Rule of Law Radio. [01:46:53.580 --> 01:46:55.180] Here's my questions for you, Eddie. [01:46:55.180 --> 01:46:57.260] Let's go over this one more time. [01:46:57.260 --> 01:47:00.100] Last week, I was not feeling very well, and I did the best I could. [01:47:00.100 --> 01:47:05.340] I was kind of nervous, but you gave me a set of specific instructions what to do first [01:47:05.340 --> 01:47:09.900] concerning my traffic ticket that I sent to you last week. [01:47:09.900 --> 01:47:12.660] Let's go over those steps one more time. [01:47:12.660 --> 01:47:18.140] What's the first thing I should do now in my process of my defense? [01:47:18.140 --> 01:47:23.260] Well, the first thing you want to do is read the statutes themselves to see what you're [01:47:23.260 --> 01:47:25.580] being charged with. [01:47:25.580 --> 01:47:30.440] Then you want to check on the records of the court to see what was actually filed in relation [01:47:30.440 --> 01:47:31.440] to that. [01:47:31.440 --> 01:47:35.500] Now, in addition to the statute on the charge, you need to start reading the statutes on [01:47:35.500 --> 01:47:41.500] procedure for whatever type of case it is in your particular state, whether it be civil [01:47:41.500 --> 01:47:44.140] or criminal, however they dub it. [01:47:44.140 --> 01:47:49.780] Now, you're in Oregon, if I recall correctly, and you're saying Oregon defines it as an [01:47:49.780 --> 01:47:53.660] infraction. [01:47:53.660 --> 01:47:58.980] But what I haven't seen is a statute that shows that that's the case or a case law [01:47:58.980 --> 01:48:01.300] that says that's the case. [01:48:01.300 --> 01:48:06.940] Where in Oregon is an infraction deemed civil and not criminal? [01:48:06.940 --> 01:48:14.060] Several of the states, it is that way, but based upon the last discussion we had, that's [01:48:14.060 --> 01:48:17.900] what's going on in Oregon is that allegedly infractions are civil. [01:48:17.900 --> 01:48:19.980] So where is that? [01:48:19.980 --> 01:48:23.500] Is that in statute or is that a case law determination? [01:48:23.500 --> 01:48:24.500] Okay. [01:48:24.500 --> 01:48:33.300] The question remains, where does it state that it is civil in the state? [01:48:33.300 --> 01:48:34.300] Okay. [01:48:34.300 --> 01:48:35.300] All right. [01:48:35.300 --> 01:48:40.800] Now, you had mentioned I needed to send something to whoever's in charge of this. [01:48:40.800 --> 01:48:47.420] The municipal court, I believe is what we discovered, that should be sent a motion for [01:48:47.420 --> 01:48:49.540] discovery certified mail. [01:48:49.540 --> 01:48:53.620] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not discovery, not yet. [01:48:53.620 --> 01:49:00.060] There are four documents you file in the beginning and whether or not you file any more depends [01:49:00.060 --> 01:49:04.500] on your particular case and the circumstances of the stop proceeding the case. [01:49:04.500 --> 01:49:10.540] Now, again, until we know whether or not an infraction is criminal, this may not be a [01:49:10.540 --> 01:49:16.100] proper procedure because if it's not criminal, it's definitely not a proper procedure because [01:49:16.100 --> 01:49:21.100] the rules are different for civil and criminal, virtually everywhere. [01:49:21.100 --> 01:49:27.180] But what we have is the four primary documents, if it's criminal, is the special appearance [01:49:27.180 --> 01:49:34.860] motion to dismiss, the waiver of counsel, the affidavit of not engaging in transportation, [01:49:34.860 --> 01:49:37.260] and the declination to plea. [01:49:37.260 --> 01:49:45.260] Those are your four primary filings regardless of the state, if it's criminal. [01:49:45.260 --> 01:49:50.620] But the one you want to file first and foremost is the affidavit of not engaging in transportation [01:49:50.620 --> 01:49:52.340] or commerce. [01:49:52.340 --> 01:49:56.420] That deals specifically with the commercial implication associated with the statute in [01:49:56.420 --> 01:50:09.820] every state, affidavit, not engaged in transportation or commerce, transportation or commerce. [01:50:09.820 --> 01:50:15.580] Okay, got it. [01:50:15.580 --> 01:50:17.260] Okay. [01:50:17.260 --> 01:50:24.380] And then from this point forward, you're going to check your record at least once a week. [01:50:24.380 --> 01:50:28.980] And anytime you have to make an appearance, you want to check it once a week and at least [01:50:28.980 --> 01:50:31.380] the day before. [01:50:31.380 --> 01:50:35.700] You want to keep track of anything that's put into that folder that is not served on [01:50:35.700 --> 01:50:42.300] you prior to it being used on you in a court proceeding because that's a violation of your [01:50:42.300 --> 01:50:45.340] right to notice and your right of due process. [01:50:45.340 --> 01:50:46.340] Okay. [01:50:46.340 --> 01:50:52.300] Like I've stated before, there's been an adjustment on the date of the court appearance. [01:50:52.300 --> 01:50:59.380] It's going to be on July the 15th at 11 a.m., so I need to get this affidavit of transportation [01:50:59.380 --> 01:51:03.220] and or commerce written. [01:51:03.220 --> 01:51:08.860] It's already in the seminar material, which you have, correct? [01:51:08.860 --> 01:51:11.580] No, I don't have the seminar yet. [01:51:11.580 --> 01:51:12.580] Okay. [01:51:12.580 --> 01:51:15.380] Yeah, you're going to have to write it. [01:51:15.380 --> 01:51:16.380] Okay. [01:51:16.380 --> 01:51:22.540] Remember, affidavits cannot contain any conditional or provisional language. [01:51:22.540 --> 01:51:32.140] Facts only, person, place, dates, times, and facts associated therewith, nothing more. [01:51:32.140 --> 01:51:37.780] In this case, you're simply stating for the fact that at the time of the stop, I was not [01:51:37.780 --> 01:51:42.300] engaged in any form of transportation or other commercial use of the highways for any purpose. [01:51:42.300 --> 01:51:46.460] I was traveling viaductly in my own private capacity for my own personal business and [01:51:46.460 --> 01:51:48.460] pleasure, blah, blah, blah. [01:51:48.460 --> 01:51:50.420] Those are the facts. [01:51:50.420 --> 01:51:56.420] Make no conclusions and don't put in any qualifying language just as I have reason to believe [01:51:56.420 --> 01:51:57.940] or do believe. [01:51:57.940 --> 01:52:02.060] The language you use is I have direct personal knowledge that can testify to the following [01:52:02.060 --> 01:52:06.660] facts in the court of law if and when necessary. [01:52:06.660 --> 01:52:10.780] And I write that out and I make two copies, send them at least one of the copies, and [01:52:10.780 --> 01:52:13.820] I keep the original and I send it certified mail. [01:52:13.820 --> 01:52:19.380] No, you need to take it in and file it so that you have a stamp on it that shows you [01:52:19.380 --> 01:52:24.100] complied with the appearance date on the citation. [01:52:24.100 --> 01:52:25.100] Take it in person. [01:52:25.100 --> 01:52:30.220] Unless, of course, Oregon says that you can send in your paperwork by mail and never have [01:52:30.220 --> 01:52:31.220] to appear. [01:52:31.220 --> 01:52:36.580] But why would they make you sign the citation promising to appear if that was the case? [01:52:36.580 --> 01:52:38.860] Well, they did not. [01:52:38.860 --> 01:52:42.820] This is a computerized ticket that looks like a ticket, you know, receipt that you got from [01:52:42.820 --> 01:52:45.260] Best Buy from buying some appliances or something like that. [01:52:45.260 --> 01:52:46.780] So there's no signature on it? [01:52:46.780 --> 01:52:50.660] Does it have anything on it that says you agree to appear in such and such place at [01:52:50.660 --> 01:52:52.380] such and such time? [01:52:52.380 --> 01:52:53.380] No. [01:52:53.380 --> 01:52:56.180] It just has a list of the court on the bottom. [01:52:56.180 --> 01:53:02.100] It has a signature of the officer making the allegations, but nowhere on there on the ticket [01:53:02.100 --> 01:53:06.580] anywhere to sign, and IE didn't request me to sign. [01:53:06.580 --> 01:53:07.580] Okay. [01:53:07.580 --> 01:53:09.380] All right. [01:53:09.380 --> 01:53:12.260] If that's the case, then you can do this by mail. [01:53:12.260 --> 01:53:17.540] Just make sure everything you send is certified mail return receipt requested. [01:53:17.540 --> 01:53:18.540] Right. [01:53:18.540 --> 01:53:22.540] And I only send the copies and I keep my own original. [01:53:22.540 --> 01:53:28.660] Of the affidavit on any other pleadings, you file the original with the court after you've [01:53:28.660 --> 01:53:29.820] made your copies. [01:53:29.820 --> 01:53:35.700] But again, anything you do, you want to be able to prove they've got and that it was [01:53:35.700 --> 01:53:37.180] filed. [01:53:37.180 --> 01:53:43.260] The reason for wanting the documents stamped by them is that it shows that it's the same [01:53:43.260 --> 01:53:46.100] document that was filed. [01:53:46.100 --> 01:53:49.900] That may or may not be true when you send it certified mail. [01:53:49.900 --> 01:53:50.900] Okay. [01:53:50.900 --> 01:53:52.900] Two questions here. [01:53:52.900 --> 01:53:57.020] Let me get these out of the way because we're running out of time. [01:53:57.020 --> 01:54:00.820] What are the five things that you can run down really quickly that an officer does at [01:54:00.820 --> 01:54:05.620] least, at least five, as you say, the minimum offenses and violations of due process when [01:54:05.620 --> 01:54:07.400] an officer pulls you over? [01:54:07.400 --> 01:54:09.700] That depends upon the state. [01:54:09.700 --> 01:54:14.220] But for the most part, there's going to always be at least five. [01:54:14.220 --> 01:54:18.380] One is the presumption of guilt over innocence, which he does when he makes the allegation [01:54:18.380 --> 01:54:21.060] because he hasn't ever read the statute. [01:54:21.060 --> 01:54:23.420] He doesn't know the parameters of the charge. [01:54:23.420 --> 01:54:28.180] If he doesn't know the elements that are in those parameters, how can he make the allegation [01:54:28.180 --> 01:54:29.980] in the first place? [01:54:29.980 --> 01:54:33.500] So he had to have already make a false presumption to begin with. [01:54:33.500 --> 01:54:37.300] He doesn't know if you're in violation of the statute because he's never read it. [01:54:37.300 --> 01:54:40.140] He's just presuming it. [01:54:40.140 --> 01:54:47.120] He makes a warrantless arrest, which is unreasonable under the circumstances. [01:54:47.120 --> 01:54:52.020] The fact that the legislature attempted to create a special statute and authorize a warrantless [01:54:52.020 --> 01:54:59.860] arrest isn't in and of itself unconstitutional when the arrest itself is unreasonable. [01:54:59.860 --> 01:55:09.340] And anything that is malum prohibitum is on its face unreasonable to seize a person in [01:55:09.340 --> 01:55:10.760] their liberty. [01:55:10.760 --> 01:55:14.300] That's how I would argue it every single time. [01:55:14.300 --> 01:55:20.380] It's not reasonable to rob me of my liberty for something that you couldn't even do that [01:55:20.380 --> 01:55:23.060] with if you convicted me of it. [01:55:23.060 --> 01:55:24.060] Okay. [01:55:24.060 --> 01:55:29.340] Unlawful detention then or arrest. [01:55:29.340 --> 01:55:32.060] It's any number of ways in any given state. [01:55:32.060 --> 01:55:34.060] In Texas, it's false imprisonment. [01:55:34.060 --> 01:55:37.100] There it may be false arrest or detention. [01:55:37.100 --> 01:55:40.460] It could be anything depending upon how the particular state defines it. [01:55:40.460 --> 01:55:43.180] The fact is it's wrong in any of them. [01:55:43.180 --> 01:55:44.180] Okay. [01:55:44.180 --> 01:55:45.180] Okay. [01:55:45.180 --> 01:55:49.980] Now the other one is he demands that you provide evidence and information he can use against [01:55:49.980 --> 01:55:51.180] you in a court of law. [01:55:51.180 --> 01:55:53.980] Thus, he violates your right to remain silent. [01:55:53.980 --> 01:55:59.420] He violates your right not to self-incriminate. [01:55:59.420 --> 01:56:04.900] Then he creates a due process violation when he charges you with additional crimes for [01:56:04.900 --> 01:56:09.560] not waiving those rights. [01:56:09.560 --> 01:56:16.100] And then he may compound those crimes by falsely arresting you for invoking your rights and [01:56:16.100 --> 01:56:22.100] falsely taking your property for invoking those rights. [01:56:22.100 --> 01:56:26.380] Under any constitutional republic, each and every one of these acts that the constitution [01:56:26.380 --> 01:56:31.180] was being abided by and the rights of the individual were being protected could not [01:56:31.180 --> 01:56:41.020] possibly be anything other than unlawful, unconstitutional, and illegal on their face. [01:56:41.020 --> 01:56:45.060] And then by declaring an emergency by activating the morgue system. [01:56:45.060 --> 01:56:46.660] Don't even go there. [01:56:46.660 --> 01:56:50.740] Find the law that says that they commit a crime by doing that. [01:56:50.740 --> 01:56:54.380] Don't presume it that's patronet BS. [01:56:54.380 --> 01:56:57.700] Okay. [01:56:57.700 --> 01:57:04.460] Unless there is a specific law within the state that forbids them to use those lights, [01:57:04.460 --> 01:57:08.780] except in those cases, that argument will never float. [01:57:08.780 --> 01:57:09.780] Okay. [01:57:09.780 --> 01:57:12.780] I should disregard that. [01:57:12.780 --> 01:57:13.780] Okay. [01:57:13.780 --> 01:57:21.980] After this is all done, Eddie, is there any damages that I could litigate for or any type [01:57:21.980 --> 01:57:22.980] of compensation? [01:57:22.980 --> 01:57:26.180] It depends on if and when they dismiss it or you win. [01:57:26.180 --> 01:57:32.340] It has to be resolved in your favor after Jeopardy has attached before that answer could [01:57:32.340 --> 01:57:34.980] even possibly be yes. [01:57:34.980 --> 01:57:36.860] Okay. [01:57:36.860 --> 01:57:41.620] That's depending after the outcome of my trial. [01:57:41.620 --> 01:57:47.340] Now here in Texas, that wouldn't necessarily be true because here they're required to take [01:57:47.340 --> 01:57:51.300] you immediately before a magistrate and usually do not. [01:57:51.300 --> 01:57:57.700] So you have a cause of action for false imprisonment, regardless of the outcome of your citation, [01:57:57.700 --> 01:58:00.380] because it's a completely separate issue. [01:58:00.380 --> 01:58:03.420] You'd have to check and see if that's the case in Oregon. [01:58:03.420 --> 01:58:04.420] Okay. [01:58:04.420 --> 01:58:06.220] Very good, Eddie. [01:58:06.220 --> 01:58:07.220] All right. [01:58:07.220 --> 01:58:09.180] That being said, we are out of time. [01:58:09.180 --> 01:58:10.740] All right, folks. [01:58:10.740 --> 01:58:13.420] I appreciate all the callers and all the listeners. [01:58:13.420 --> 01:58:17.940] I hope it's been a show that will bring you back for more next Monday night. [01:58:17.940 --> 01:58:22.020] I want to thank you all for calling in, for all of your support. [01:58:22.020 --> 01:58:26.060] Please keep us in your prayers and if and when you can, keep us in your finances because [01:58:26.060 --> 01:58:31.220] we live off the donations you make and the way that we help you because we got bills [01:58:31.220 --> 01:58:32.220] to pay too. [01:58:32.220 --> 01:58:36.860] We can't do this for free despite what everybody out there would like to think. [01:58:36.860 --> 01:58:40.060] So please folks, keep us alive out here. [01:58:40.060 --> 01:58:42.460] I hope you all have a great and blessed week. [01:58:42.460 --> 01:58:43.460] Good night. [01:58:43.460 --> 01:58:50.460] God bless. [01:58:50.460 --> 01:58:56.540] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible called the New Testament [01:58:56.540 --> 01:58:57.740] Recovery Version. 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