[00:00.000 --> 00:10.520] The Disney Splash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, providing your daily bulletins [00:10.520 --> 00:17.320] for the commodities market, today in history, news updates, and the inside scoop into the [00:17.320 --> 00:23.840] tides of the alternative. [00:23.840 --> 00:32.480] Today opened up with gold at $1,193.78 an ounce, silver $15.88 an ounce, Texas crude [00:32.480 --> 00:44.280] $57.74 a barrel, and Bitcoin is currently sitting at 231 U.S. currency. [00:44.280 --> 00:49.480] Today in history, Monday, April 24, 1961, then President John F. Kennedy announced his [00:49.480 --> 00:53.120] sole responsibility following the Bay of Pigs incident. [00:53.120 --> 00:57.720] Bay of Pigs was an attempt by U.S. trained and backed Guatemalan guerrilla revolutionaries [00:57.720 --> 01:03.160] just a few days before in invading Cuba and overthrowing Castro regime. [01:03.160 --> 01:12.160] They were, however, neutralized and captured for over a year. [01:12.160 --> 01:18.520] In recent news, California's vaccine mandate bill, SB277, was apparently postponed last [01:18.520 --> 01:24.280] week to allow for Democratic Senator Ben Allen of Santa Monica and Richard Pan of Sacramento [01:24.280 --> 01:29.640] to push to replace seats on the committee with pro-vaccine industry spokespersons. [01:29.640 --> 01:35.780] It was also rescheduled as a vote-only item, which essentially meant that no one in opposition [01:35.780 --> 01:40.320] was allowed to testify on the amendments added to the bill. [01:40.320 --> 01:49.480] SB277 was passed on Wednesday. [01:49.480 --> 01:53.600] The president yesterday took full responsibility for the counter-terrorist efforts of the United [01:53.600 --> 01:59.880] States in the inadvertent murder of Warren Weinstein, 73-year-old of Rockville, Maryland, [01:59.880 --> 02:04.940] who was unfortunately killed alongside an Italian hostage back in January during a drone [02:04.940 --> 02:11.920] strike that was targeting an al-Qaeda compound in Pakistan near the Afghani border. [02:11.920 --> 02:15.040] Warren was four days away from leaving Pakistan alive. [02:15.040 --> 02:25.160] He had spent nearly four years as an al-Qaeda hostage. [02:25.160 --> 02:30.160] Canada is now the first country in the world to require that for every new regulation introduced, [02:30.160 --> 02:32.880] one of equivalent burden must be removed. [02:32.880 --> 02:40.360] The Red Tape Reduction Act, or C-21, has been operating as policy for several years already. [02:40.360 --> 02:45.120] It requires that the cost of new rules and regulations be quantified and that equal or [02:45.120 --> 02:51.280] greater costs and regulations be removed. [02:51.280 --> 02:55.080] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors to give a product or a service [02:55.080 --> 02:57.080] that you would like to advertise on the Lowdown. [02:57.080 --> 03:01.040] Feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [03:01.040 --> 03:04.080] This has been the Lowdown for April 24, 2015. [04:01.040 --> 04:02.040] for all of people to see. [04:02.040 --> 04:03.040] And just as one thing you should always find, you've got to saddle up before you've got [04:03.040 --> 04:04.040] to draw a hard line. [04:04.040 --> 04:05.040] When the gun smoke settles, we'll sing a victory tune, and we'll haul me back at the [04:05.040 --> 04:06.040] local salute. [04:06.040 --> 04:07.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [04:07.040 --> 04:08.040] horses. [04:08.040 --> 04:09.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [04:09.040 --> 04:10.040] horses. [04:10.040 --> 04:38.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [04:38.040 --> 04:41.040] horses. [05:08.040 --> 05:37.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [05:37.040 --> 05:38.040] horses. [05:38.040 --> 05:42.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [05:42.040 --> 05:43.040] horses. [05:43.040 --> 05:47.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [05:47.040 --> 05:48.040] horses. [05:48.040 --> 05:53.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [05:53.040 --> 05:54.040] horses. [05:54.040 --> 05:57.040] We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men, beer for my [05:57.040 --> 05:58.040] horses. [05:58.040 --> 06:00.040] But we'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing, Westgate for my men. [06:00.040 --> 06:07.640] code, which I am currently in the process of trying to pull up here. But while we're doing [06:07.640 --> 06:16.360] that, the call-in number is 512-646-1984. If y'all want to get in line with your calls, [06:16.360 --> 06:22.040] be my guest. Now, while we're waiting on this caller to join us, so I can talk about whatever [06:22.040 --> 06:27.480] the issue is that they specifically have, there is one thing that I would like to go over real quick [06:27.480 --> 06:32.760] that I'm writing into the new book here in relation to the licensing and registration [06:32.760 --> 06:38.200] stuff and all this. Now, when you're talking to people about why driver's licenses and things [06:38.200 --> 06:43.000] shouldn't be mandatory, you're almost always going to run into two types of people. You're [06:43.000 --> 06:48.920] going to run into the people that speak on the subject as if they're some sort of expert on it, [06:48.920 --> 06:54.280] and they're going to say all kinds of things to you. Let's say, for instance, something like, [06:54.280 --> 07:00.760] well, you know, you go down to the DMV or the DPS and you register your automobile, and then when [07:00.760 --> 07:05.320] you do that, you're going to be doing it for commercial purposes, and you have to do that [07:05.320 --> 07:11.160] because they're putting your all-caps name on the paperwork and converting you into a corporation, [07:11.160 --> 07:16.520] and you didn't get a U.S. postmaster stamp stuck to your forehead at the right time of day [07:16.520 --> 07:22.280] on Thursday while wearing the right color of underwear, and so on and so forth, and all these [07:22.280 --> 07:27.960] other things that are only half-true and half-right and lots of idiotic theories with no actual [07:27.960 --> 07:34.680] evidentiary proof to back it all up. And then the other one is the completely uninformed but terribly [07:34.680 --> 07:42.200] insistent and clueless statist individual who says things like, I want the state to require licenses [07:42.200 --> 07:47.400] and make sure everybody has one because if no one had a license, how would we be able to tell if they [07:47.400 --> 07:53.320] had been properly trained on how to handle and operate a car? Without proper training, they'd [07:53.320 --> 07:58.040] just run over everyone and cause tons of accidents, and I just couldn't live with that, knowing that [07:58.040 --> 08:02.760] they didn't have a license, and they would, you know, the only way we know they've been trained [08:02.760 --> 08:07.080] is if they got that license. The state's got to be able to control them through that license. [08:07.960 --> 08:14.360] Folks, let me explain the error in this thinking from either point of view, okay? [08:14.360 --> 08:22.520] First off, the expert that wants to make all these assertions, prove them up. Now, the commercial [08:22.520 --> 08:29.320] aspect of the license, I can prove that up. Absolutely no question whatsoever. But I have [08:29.320 --> 08:35.400] yet to find anything that would allow me to prove up an assertion regarding the postmaster being the [08:35.400 --> 08:41.480] sole power on the face of the planet to do anything anywhere above and beyond anyone else. [08:41.480 --> 08:50.760] Or any evidence that, for the love of Pete, someone putting your name in all caps takes you [08:50.760 --> 08:59.400] from being a living man into being a legal, a fictional corporation. Now, that may be an attempt [08:59.400 --> 09:08.360] to convert your capacity from one of natural to legal, but it's not converting you and it's not [09:08.360 --> 09:17.800] not converting you and it's not making you a corporation. It is simply changing the jurisdictional [09:17.800 --> 09:27.320] venue that they presume to have over you by making you into a legal capacity over which they have [09:27.880 --> 09:35.080] regulatory authority. For instance, they take your all caps name, just for lack of a better way of [09:35.080 --> 09:45.000] stating it, and apply it to the legal term driver. It's not the all caps name that is your problem [09:45.000 --> 09:56.680] here. It is the assertion that your legal capacity is one of being a driver. It's got nothing to do [09:56.680 --> 10:04.200] with the capitalization of your name. Nothing. Same thing goes with operator or any of the rest [10:04.200 --> 10:10.760] of it. That's how they're getting you in there. The only reason they would be using to capitalize [10:10.760 --> 10:17.640] your name that would make any sense to me in relation to those set of facts is so that they [10:17.640 --> 10:27.080] can visually distinguish what capacity they're addressing you in. Since they're not doing it in [10:27.080 --> 10:34.840] the complaint by putting operator in all caps or driver in all caps or in double quotes as a [10:34.840 --> 10:41.720] definitive term defined by law for which no definition has yet been supplied, it's their [10:41.720 --> 10:50.600] visual cue that, hey, we're accusing this guy of operating in a legally regulable capacity. [10:50.600 --> 10:57.560] Here's your visual cue. It's kind of like those white blemishes you see in the movie theater [10:57.560 --> 11:03.160] right on the old film projectors right when they were signaling the projection is to switch the [11:03.160 --> 11:09.720] projector on so that they would seamlessly continue the movie. It's just that little [11:09.720 --> 11:17.960] subliminal signal to make this jump. So one of the things I'd like to address real quick is this [11:17.960 --> 11:27.480] idiotic assertion by the clueless statist that training is what the license proves that you have [11:27.480 --> 11:32.840] in these cases. That's why you have a license. It's for the public safety. We have to make sure [11:32.840 --> 11:39.160] that the person is properly trained. They wouldn't be properly trained if they didn't have this [11:39.160 --> 11:47.000] license, so they shouldn't be in a car. Think back just a little bit, people. Who trained you [11:47.000 --> 11:55.720] to get behind the wheel of a car? Your high school gym teacher? Some other teacher? A parent? Your [11:55.720 --> 12:03.800] older brother? A neighbor? Or did you actually pay some so-called professional in a driving school [12:05.000 --> 12:09.000] to teach you how to get behind the wheel of a car and make it go without bumping into things? [12:09.000 --> 12:17.640] Which one? And then consider which one that trained you, where did they get their training? [12:18.600 --> 12:24.280] And then once you establish where they got their training, where did they get certified to teach [12:24.280 --> 12:33.960] what they had learned to someone else? You, for instance. Newsflash, clueless statist individuals. [12:33.960 --> 12:44.440] There is absolutely no requirement that you have ever set foot behind the wheel or planted butt [12:44.440 --> 12:52.520] behind the wheel of a car before you go down and take the written examination or before you go down [12:52.520 --> 12:59.960] and take the actual physical driving test. You don't have to have ever set foot in a car. [12:59.960 --> 13:06.520] You go down, you pass the test, you are then allowed to take the physical test in a car. [13:07.400 --> 13:10.840] It doesn't have to be your car. It doesn't have to be a car you've ever been in before. [13:11.560 --> 13:17.880] There is no requisite of any kind or any request for proof or evidence that you have been trained [13:17.880 --> 13:23.080] to get into that car or that you have ever set foot in a car before prior to allowing you to [13:23.080 --> 13:25.880] get behind the wheel of the one in which you are taking the driving test. [13:25.880 --> 13:33.160] But if you pass that driving test, you are now given that license, and you are now considered [13:34.200 --> 13:40.120] properly trained. Having never set foot or planted butt behind the wheel of a car before, [13:40.120 --> 13:47.320] those two things were all that prevented you from being so-called legally qualified to be considered [13:47.320 --> 13:56.600] an operator or a driver. No prior experience necessary. No prior training necessary. So for [13:56.600 --> 14:05.560] that statist argument of the license being proof of training, you are an idiot. Because if you think [14:05.560 --> 14:12.600] back to how you got yours, you would know very quickly that is not how you got it. You are an [14:12.600 --> 14:24.360] idiot. You may have had time to practice, but what makes you practicing with your gym teacher [14:24.360 --> 14:31.000] or with your parent or with your older brother any different than somebody else practicing in a field [14:31.000 --> 14:36.600] at home with their dad or their mom or their brother or even going out on the road with them [14:36.600 --> 14:42.280] and doing the same thing? Do you know the first time that I was ever put behind the wheel of a [14:42.280 --> 14:50.120] car? I was 13 years old. And the moron that put me behind the wheel of a car was a drunken slob. [14:51.400 --> 14:54.680] And the drunken slob, when he put me behind the wheel, was drunk. [14:57.080 --> 15:04.280] And my training on getting behind that wheel at that particular moment was pretty much [15:04.280 --> 15:14.440] keeps it between those lines and don't hit nothing. So much for training. [15:16.520 --> 15:26.920] And I had to successfully navigate the road in town at lunchtime in one of the very old and very [15:26.920 --> 15:33.160] large Cadillacs. You know those things that we used to call land yachts. 13 years old. I could [15:33.160 --> 15:39.560] barely see over the dashboard and still reach the pedals. But I managed to successfully get [15:39.560 --> 15:45.000] two and a half miles from the liquor store where we started from all the way back to the house [15:46.280 --> 15:53.000] safely. The only thing I did the entire trip was I stopped right in the middle of a two-lane bridge [15:53.000 --> 15:58.280] in the middle of town while I was waiting for another car to come by because this bridge looked [15:58.280 --> 16:04.280] so narrow to me that I was afraid that any little fudge either direction and I'd either hit the rail [16:04.840 --> 16:10.520] and run off the bridge into the traffic below or I would hit the other car. So I just stopped dead [16:10.520 --> 16:17.080] in the middle of the bridge and waited until they came by and then I continued on. That was the only [16:17.080 --> 16:25.880] training I ever had in a car before I actually controlled one for the first time. I have never [16:25.880 --> 16:35.800] been in an at fault accident in my entire life. Okay so much for that status idea of the license [16:35.800 --> 16:37.960] being proof that someone's qualified. [16:40.280 --> 16:44.040] All right folks y'all hang on. I got a couple of callers on the board. We'll take them right [16:44.040 --> 16:52.120] after we get back from this break. Calling number 512-646-1984. Give us a call. We will be right back [16:52.120 --> 16:56.120] so y'all hold on. [17:00.520 --> 17:06.440] Through advances in technology our lives have greatly improved except in the area of nutrition. [17:06.440 --> 17:11.240] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves and it's time we changed all that. [17:11.240 --> 17:17.560] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [17:17.560 --> 17:22.360] In a world where natural fruits have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, [17:22.360 --> 17:28.520] longevity can provide the nutrients you need. Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse [17:28.520 --> 17:34.920] all sorts of products, most of which we reject. We have come to trust longevity so much we became [17:34.920 --> 17:41.000] a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. When you order from [17:41.000 --> 17:48.440] LogosRadioNetwork.com your health will improve as you help support quality radio. As you realize [17:48.440 --> 17:54.600] the benefits of longevity you may want to join us. As a distributor you can experience improved [17:54.600 --> 18:01.960] health, help your friends and family, and increase your income. Order now. Are you being harassed by [18:01.960 --> 18:07.560] debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even losses? Stop debt collectors now with the [18:07.560 --> 18:13.240] Michael Mears Proven Method. Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors [18:13.240 --> 18:18.600] and now you can win two. You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in [18:18.600 --> 18:24.840] court using federal civil rights statutes, what to do when contacted by phones, mail, or court summons, [18:24.840 --> 18:29.480] how to answer letters and phone calls, how to get debt collectors out of your credit reports, [18:29.480 --> 18:35.400] how to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. The Michael Mears Proven [18:35.400 --> 18:40.760] Method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. Personal consultation is available [18:40.760 --> 18:46.120] as well. For more information please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael [18:46.120 --> 18:56.440] Mears banner or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. That's ruleoflawradio.com or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s [18:56.440 --> 19:05.960] at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now. You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, [19:05.960 --> 19:27.960] logosradio.com. [20:05.960 --> 20:25.320] All right folks, we are back. This is rule of law radio calling number 512-646-1984. [20:26.040 --> 20:30.520] We have a caller on the board. This is Michael in Texas. Michael, what can we do for you? [20:30.520 --> 20:34.920] Hey, how are you doing? Long time listener, first time caller. [20:35.960 --> 20:36.360] Evening. [20:37.800 --> 20:47.000] I had a situation come up here not too long ago where I was recording the police in dealing with [20:47.000 --> 20:53.800] some neighbors and a few moments later I thought of a question that I needed to ask them concerning [20:53.800 --> 21:00.840] something totally separate, took a couple of steps off the curb to flag them down as they came back [21:00.840 --> 21:10.760] by and ended up in cuffs and issued a citation for pedestrian on the roadway and they not only left [21:10.760 --> 21:16.920] me with a citation of about 250 bucks but left me on the side of the road bruised and bleeding [21:16.920 --> 21:26.680] and with no offer to help in any way. Trying to figure out what the heck I can do with that. [21:26.680 --> 21:32.040] I mean I'm 59 years old and have a perfectly clean record not even as much as a parking ticket [21:33.480 --> 21:37.480] yet I'm the one ended up in cuffs and bruised and bleeding. [21:38.600 --> 21:40.520] You did take pictures of all that I hope. [21:40.520 --> 21:47.720] Well, I did but interestingly enough after I got my camera back or my phone back from them after [21:47.720 --> 21:56.040] them hooking me up the video that I had where during that video they had mentioned that two [21:56.040 --> 22:03.640] of the people they were discussing or talking with had warrants and they told them that they [22:03.640 --> 22:12.440] needed to be at their warrants taken care of and then walked away. Interestingly enough after they [22:12.440 --> 22:19.800] unhooked me and I signed the citation for pedestrian and roadway I discovered that the video I had [22:19.800 --> 22:30.600] taken had been deleted from my phone not by me. Okay, how long ago was this? A couple of weeks ago. [22:30.600 --> 22:34.200] I have court next Monday. [22:34.920 --> 22:40.120] Okay but you do know that pictures and video can be recovered off of phones even after they've [22:40.120 --> 22:49.480] been deleted right? I didn't realize that but on the same note you know they never asked me for [22:49.480 --> 22:56.200] my name. They never asked for any ID. They simply jumped out of the car after I stepped off the curb [22:56.200 --> 23:02.920] hooked me up and ran a ticket and they garnered the information for the ticket [23:03.880 --> 23:07.080] by going onto my phone and backtracking the phone number. [23:09.880 --> 23:16.600] And what road is it that you had stepped onto? It's a cul-de-sac in front of my apartment. [23:16.600 --> 23:22.360] There's absolutely no traffic. The only traffic that was on the road was the officers themselves. [23:22.360 --> 23:25.720] Okay, wait, wait, wait. What road? [23:28.280 --> 23:36.440] What do you mean what road? It's Weedemeyer Lane. Okay, so it's a residential area road. [23:36.440 --> 23:41.800] It's a residential area road. I got you. It's a residential area. It's a cul-de-sac. It's right [23:41.800 --> 23:51.000] behind the motor mile here in Austin and there's zero traffic. Okay. So I could understand if I was [23:51.000 --> 23:57.000] blocking traffic or what have you but there was nobody there except the officers and all I had [23:57.000 --> 24:03.240] done was there was some construction equipment sitting alongside the curb. I had to step past [24:03.240 --> 24:09.640] that to be observed by the officers so I could get their attention to ask them a question that [24:09.640 --> 24:14.520] didn't have anything to do with what I was recording. Actually, I was going to commend the [24:14.520 --> 24:21.800] officers for they told these two guys that they had warrants they needed to get it taken care of. [24:21.800 --> 24:28.440] I figured it was something pretty minor and I would have commended them but yet here I am, [24:28.440 --> 24:36.360] a senior citizen, wanted to ask them a question but because I had been recording them they decided I [24:36.360 --> 24:43.640] needed to be hooked up and I have pictures of me being bruised and bleeding and they left me on the [24:43.640 --> 24:51.320] side of the road like that after I signed the citation. No offer for any sanitation or anything. [24:51.320 --> 24:58.840] Who knows where those cuffs have been. Okay, well here's the deal. If we have found the correct [24:58.840 --> 25:07.960] ordinance they're trying to charge you under which appears to be, let's see. It says pedestrian on [25:07.960 --> 25:17.480] roadways. Yeah, there is no specific charge of that nature anywhere. However, in 12-1-26 of the [25:17.480 --> 25:25.480] City Code of Austin there is a section for pedestrians on certain roadways and I'll cover [25:25.480 --> 25:32.040] that here in just a second but let me tell you the most important thing about Title 12 of the Austin [25:32.040 --> 25:42.680] Municipal Code and you will find that in 12-1-3. This title applies to the driver of a vehicle [25:42.680 --> 25:52.040] owned or used by a governmental entity. There is... I'm not a government entity I'm just a [25:52.040 --> 26:02.520] rectangle. Exactly. Everything in Title 12 applies only to them. Can't be applied to anyone else. [26:02.520 --> 26:10.360] Even the term pedestrian cannot be applied to the public when the title says it applies only to [26:10.360 --> 26:16.760] government employees unless the definition of pedestrian is someone walking on the street who [26:16.760 --> 26:22.120] is also a government employee. I mean I could have understood if it would have been a populated [26:22.840 --> 26:29.800] roadway. Well even populated is irrelevant. It's irrelevant whether or not it's populated unless [26:29.800 --> 26:38.360] it is IH 35, it is Loop 1 which is the Mopac Expressway, it is US Highway 290 from I-35 to [26:38.360 --> 26:48.920] the East City Limits or it is US Highway 183 from US Highway 290 to Farm Road 969. Otherwise the [26:48.920 --> 26:56.040] other criteria is a pedestrian may not stand in a roadway to one solicit a ride from a driver of a [26:56.040 --> 27:04.280] vehicle or to linger, loiter or remain on a roadway for any purpose. None of those apply to what you [27:04.280 --> 27:12.840] were doing. All right. Okay. Cool. So. Yeah I have to go to court Monday to try and beat this. [27:13.880 --> 27:19.880] You don't try to beat it, you demand that you dismiss it. You say look you're trying to charge [27:19.880 --> 27:25.160] me under Title 12 which specifically says it applies only to government owned and operated [27:25.160 --> 27:31.800] persons and vehicles and I was not lingering, loitering or remaining on a highway for any [27:31.800 --> 27:39.480] purpose. I was trying to flag down one of your officers. To ask him a question? No to report [27:39.480 --> 27:47.720] a problem. Don't ever say to ask them a question. Oh I got it. Makes perfect sense. [27:49.400 --> 27:55.160] Okay you were going to make a report to them about a car that had been almost invading an [27:55.160 --> 28:02.200] intersection in your area, correct? Oh absolutely. Then you were bringing a problem, a traffic [28:02.200 --> 28:12.200] problem. Yeah you were bringing a traffic issue to their attention and they arrested you for it. [28:13.240 --> 28:19.240] Actually they were quite concise about that. They did not arrest me. No you misunderstand Michael. [28:19.240 --> 28:24.440] The moment they jumped out and laid hands on you to write you that citation, [28:24.440 --> 28:29.480] you were in a custodial arrest according to the case of Aziz v. State. [28:32.920 --> 28:40.600] They had no probable cause to make that arrest or to make that charge. That's malicious prosecution, [28:40.600 --> 28:47.960] that's aggravated assault because they were public servants, they were armed and they were displaying [28:47.960 --> 28:55.960] a deadly weapon and they committed simple assault which is any form of identifiable physical injury [28:55.960 --> 29:03.480] to your person while displaying that deadly weapon thus converting it to aggravated assault [29:03.480 --> 29:10.760] under the penal code. Well they never drew any weapons. No wait, wait, wait, wait. The statute [29:10.760 --> 29:21.000] does not say drew, it said display. Could you see their guns? Oh I got you, I got you. They're [29:21.000 --> 29:27.880] carried openly in a holster, are they not? Yes sir. They are on public display at all times, [29:27.880 --> 29:36.440] are they not? Yes sir. There you go. I got you, okay. I realize that linguistics can make or break [29:36.440 --> 29:42.280] it. Yes, very much so. All right, hang on just a second, we'll wrap this up on the other side. [29:43.000 --> 29:49.720] All right folks, call in number 512-646-1984. Give us a call, give us a holler, give us a [29:49.720 --> 29:54.120] complaint, give us a compliment, we'll take everything. Y'all, we'll be right back. [29:54.120 --> 30:07.400] When it's time to pop the question, creativity can make the engagement memorable but there are [30:07.400 --> 30:12.360] some proposal ideas that go a little too far. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be back with a [30:12.360 --> 30:19.240] stunt that nearly caused the groom to be his job. Privacy is under attack. When you give up data [30:19.240 --> 30:24.280] about yourself, you'll never get it back again and once your privacy is gone, you'll find your [30:24.280 --> 30:30.120] freedoms will start to vanish too. So protect your rights, say no to surveillance and keep your [30:30.120 --> 30:35.720] information to yourself. Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. This public service announcement [30:35.720 --> 30:41.240] is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and [30:41.240 --> 30:49.160] Bing. Start over with Startpage. John Cardin is a poster child for how not to pop the question. [30:49.160 --> 30:54.520] The Baltimore legislator thought a staged SWAT raid would be a romantic backdrop for proposing [30:54.520 --> 30:59.960] to his girlfriend, Megan Homer. So he had Baltimore Marine and helicopter units swarm the boat he was [30:59.960 --> 31:05.800] cruising on with his beloved, pretend to ransack the craft and confiscate a stashed engagement ring. [31:05.800 --> 31:10.600] After scaring the bejeebers out of Megan, Cardin proposed. When the media caught wind of the stunt, [31:10.600 --> 31:16.120] Cardin grudgingly offered to reimburse the city $300 for the elaborate hoax, which is far less than [31:16.120 --> 31:20.920] the enormous sum it actually cost the taxpayers. While his abusive power is shocking, perhaps the [31:20.920 --> 31:26.680] biggest surprise is that Megan said yes. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at [31:26.680 --> 31:34.600] CatherineAlbrecht.com. What are you thinking? Micro plant powder with iodine and probiotics [31:34.600 --> 31:41.720] for a total body detox for around $10 a month. FUSA.org has 12 formulations of micro plant powder [31:41.720 --> 31:46.920] for absorbing and removing toxins from your kidneys, liver, blood, lung, stomach and colon [31:46.920 --> 31:53.000] and feel better than ever. It alkalizes, oxygenate, kills parasites, does the job of 10 products that [31:53.000 --> 31:59.880] saves you space, time and money. Call 888-910-4367 only at FUSA.org. [31:59.880 --> 32:06.040] Okay. Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the rule of law traffic seminar. In today's America, [32:06.040 --> 32:09.880] we live in an us-against-them society. And if we, the people, are ever going to have a free society, [32:09.880 --> 32:14.040] then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. Among those rights are the right to [32:14.040 --> 32:18.040] travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private capacity, and most importantly, [32:18.040 --> 32:22.680] the right to due process of law. Traffic courts afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn [32:22.680 --> 32:27.160] how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process. Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, [32:27.160 --> 32:30.760] in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio, has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool [32:30.760 --> 32:34.840] available that will help you understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of [32:34.840 --> 32:39.480] law. You can get your own copy of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and [32:39.480 --> 32:43.160] ordering your copy today. By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas [32:43.160 --> 32:47.720] Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, [32:47.720 --> 32:51.640] hundreds of research documents and other useful resource material. Learn how to fight for your [32:51.640 --> 32:55.640] rights with the help of this material from ruleoflawradio.com. Order your copy today and [32:55.640 --> 33:04.520] together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. Live, free speech radio, [33:04.520 --> 33:25.480] logosradionetwork.com. Yeah, I got the warrant and I'm going to serve them to the head of government. [33:25.480 --> 33:36.440] Okay. [33:55.480 --> 34:06.760] All right, folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio and we are still talking to Michael in [34:06.760 --> 34:14.280] Texas. All right, Michael. All right. The extra information I got while we were on break. [34:14.280 --> 34:26.760] Okay. Don't ever do what the ticket says do when it comes to going online and going through things. [34:26.760 --> 34:34.600] Don't ever, anyone, anywhere, don't do what it says. It's a trick. [34:34.600 --> 34:38.840] You know, this is the first time in my life I've ever had to deal with anything. [34:38.840 --> 34:44.840] No, I know. I'm just doing this for everybody's edification. This is a trick. It is an attempt [34:44.840 --> 34:51.640] to get you to waive protected rights and they will get away with it if you follow their instructions. [34:52.200 --> 34:58.520] Well, basically the paperwork said that I could head up until April 23rd to pay the fine [35:00.040 --> 35:06.920] or have a warrant issued or I could plead not guilty. What I did was I went online and I pled [35:06.920 --> 35:13.240] not guilty so that I could present my case. Okay. Did they send you paperwork that actually said [35:13.240 --> 35:20.360] if you don't enter a plea we will issue a warrant for you? It's on the back of the ticket. [35:21.000 --> 35:28.760] Okay. But is that what the ticket says on the back? Yes. You're positive that's exactly what [35:28.760 --> 35:35.080] it says. Pretty certain. Does it infer that or does it make you want to believe that or does it [35:35.080 --> 35:41.880] actually say it? What I did was plead not guilty according to their directions and then... [35:44.200 --> 35:52.360] Yeah, but see entering that plea... The court date to actually go plead my case. [35:54.120 --> 35:58.840] The problem with entering that plea is had they served you with a criminal complaint yet? [35:58.840 --> 36:04.040] The only thing I have is this citation that was issued by the... [36:04.040 --> 36:09.080] Right, which is not a criminal complaint no matter what they tell you. For all you know, [36:09.080 --> 36:12.840] you're going to walk into court and they're going to be charging you with murder because you haven't [36:12.840 --> 36:20.120] seen the actual complaint. All right. All right. So you've waived your right to challenge the form [36:20.120 --> 36:26.280] and content of the complaint by entering that plea. I thought that was pleading not guilty. [36:26.280 --> 36:31.560] No, no, no, no, no. Listen up. Listen up. Listen to me just a second. All right. The right you [36:31.560 --> 36:37.800] waived by entering that plea, you waived in personal jurisdiction, you waived the right to notice, [36:37.800 --> 36:41.320] you waived the right to challenge the form and substance of the complaint. [36:42.680 --> 36:48.920] And you have no clue what they actually charged you with or what they charged you under. We don't [36:48.920 --> 36:53.320] know if they charged you under an ordinance in the complaint or if they charged you under a [36:53.320 --> 36:57.320] state statute in the complaint. We don't know. But you pled to it anyway. [36:58.200 --> 37:01.880] I have the ticket in my hand. Okay. Wait a minute. You're not listening. [37:01.880 --> 37:08.040] The ticket is not the complaint. It is not the same thing. What is written on the ticket may [37:08.040 --> 37:14.360] or may not be what is on that complaint. Okay. [37:14.360 --> 37:23.320] Okay. You never enter a plea to a ticket. Never. Or any other thing for that matter. [37:23.320 --> 37:27.000] But especially a ticket. Again, this is the first time in my life [37:27.000 --> 37:35.800] when I'm 59 years old. So what do I do now? Well, that's the problem. Because the things [37:35.800 --> 37:39.720] you've waived are going to be counted against you in what follows next. And here's what they're [37:39.720 --> 37:44.920] going to do. They're going to have you come in and they're going to tell you, well, you go [37:44.920 --> 37:48.280] talk to the prosecutor, see if y'all can come to some agreement. You're going to go talk to [37:48.280 --> 37:52.440] the prosecutor. You're going to attempt to tell the prosecutor what really happened. [37:52.440 --> 37:57.480] The prosecutor is going to go, well, I'll tell you what. Since that is the case, [37:57.480 --> 38:07.400] rather than go in the trial, how about if I just lower the fine to $75 and court costs and that's [38:07.400 --> 38:12.520] that. So instead of paying. See, I don't want to do that. I want a jury trial. I want to plead my [38:12.520 --> 38:19.560] case. Okay. Follow the bouncing ball here. Pretend we're playing karaoke and you can't get ahead of [38:19.560 --> 38:26.920] the ball. Okay. All right. Sorry. I'm telling you what they're going to do. I'm not telling you [38:26.920 --> 38:32.920] what you want to do. I'm telling you what they're going to do. And if they do anything else that [38:32.920 --> 38:41.560] benefits you, I will be the first to be surprised. Okay. This is one of their things. And if you don't [38:41.560 --> 38:46.520] like that deal, well, how about 50 bucks? Because some money from you is better than no money from [38:46.520 --> 38:53.720] you see. Right. So they figure that if they can argue you down to a lower amount of money that [38:53.720 --> 38:58.920] you think you're getting away with something and by paying it, you can just walk away, they win. [38:58.920 --> 39:05.400] However, you have this daydream and I am calling it a daydream about going into court and being [39:05.400 --> 39:11.400] able to actually tell the jury what happened and the jury is going to go, Oh, you're wrongfully [39:11.400 --> 39:19.000] accused. Oh, they shouldn't have done that. You're not guilty. Do you think that's what's going to [39:19.000 --> 39:24.680] happen? Right? Well, that would be nice, but I realize these days that's... Well, granted that I [39:24.680 --> 39:32.680] agree it would be nice, but that ain't how it's going to work. Everything you do is going to [39:32.680 --> 39:38.680] require that you do two things to get that information in the ears of the jury. And that is [39:38.680 --> 39:44.680] if the prosecutor and the judge do not collaborate to prevent you from doing even that. And here's [39:44.680 --> 39:49.640] how that's going to play out. The prosecutor is going to make their opening statement about how [39:49.640 --> 39:55.160] big a criminal you are, and that the ordinance somehow gives them power to make you a criminal. [39:55.880 --> 40:01.800] Then you're going to get your opening statement. Now, the thing is, is you can't discuss specific [40:01.800 --> 40:08.840] facts of the case. You can only discuss, as should the prosecutor, what the evidence in the case [40:08.840 --> 40:14.120] will prove one way or the other. They're going to say the evidence will prove you're guilty. [40:14.120 --> 40:16.600] You're going to say the evidence will prove you're not guilty. [40:16.600 --> 40:22.040] Okay? Right. And you can actually walk right down the requirements in the ordinance. The state can [40:22.040 --> 40:27.480] offer no evidence that I was loitering in the roadway, other than the officers lying about it [40:27.480 --> 40:34.200] under oath. They can not say that I was soliciting a ride, other than the officer lying about it [40:34.200 --> 40:39.240] under oath while he's on the stand, and blah, blah, blah. That's what the evidence will show. [40:39.240 --> 40:44.760] The evidence will show that I was not loitering, unless the officer lies about it. That's what [40:44.760 --> 40:49.320] the evidence will show. Unless the officer lies about it. The evidence will show that I was not [40:49.320 --> 40:56.760] pandering a ride, unless the officer lies about it. Right. Okay? The evidence will show that I [40:56.760 --> 41:03.640] had video of the incident prior to them accosting me that they erased when they seized my phone [41:03.640 --> 41:09.640] illegally, which they did. And you're going to get the cops to admit to all this while you're [41:09.640 --> 41:15.160] cross-examination after the prosecutor, if you know how to do that. And if you don't, I highly [41:15.160 --> 41:19.320] recommend you spend this coming Sunday in my class down at Brave New Books from 2 to 5. [41:20.760 --> 41:24.280] Because that's going to be the only opportunity you get to prepare for Monday. [41:25.240 --> 41:31.880] Where? Brave New Books, 1904, Guadalupe from 2 to 5 p.m. I'll see you there. [41:31.880 --> 41:40.680] Okay? Now, on top of this, you have to know what questions to ask and how to ask them. [41:40.680 --> 41:44.920] Are the prosecutors going to object? The judge is going to sustain? And everything you're trying [41:44.920 --> 41:50.680] to get out into the record is going to get thrown away. Right. Again, linguistics will either make [41:50.680 --> 41:58.520] or break you. Exactly. Especially when it's legalese and legal procedure. Okay? And whether you like [41:58.520 --> 42:03.240] it or not, that's the rules they're forcing you to play by. So you got to learn what they are and how [42:03.240 --> 42:09.000] to use them. Now, the other issue here, of course, is if they're charging you under an ordinance, [42:09.000 --> 42:14.280] ordinances are not state law. They can never be state law. They violate the Constitution every [42:14.280 --> 42:18.600] time they try to tell you they're state law. But that's a much bigger fight than you're prepared [42:18.600 --> 42:25.080] to take on, believe me. So right now, your best bet is to use their own ordinance against them, [42:25.080 --> 42:29.560] assuming that the ordinance is what they're going to use. And it must be because it's the closest [42:29.560 --> 42:35.560] one to having the language alleged on the citation. And that, of course, again, is presuming that [42:35.560 --> 42:41.560] what's on the citation is also what's in the complaint. Gotcha. But it almost never is. [42:41.560 --> 42:49.160] Okay? Right. All right. So given all of that, it is through your cross-examination [42:49.160 --> 42:55.640] and potentially taking the stand yourself as a witness on your own behalf that you may be able [42:55.640 --> 43:02.280] to get any information out to the jury. But you're going to be having to face that prosecutor if you [43:02.280 --> 43:06.440] take the stand. They're going to ask you all kinds of questions meant to trick you into giving the [43:06.440 --> 43:12.760] answers they need. Okay? You're going to have to know how to answer them. And then you're going [43:12.760 --> 43:17.160] to have to know how to counter them on cross-examination of yourself. [43:17.160 --> 43:22.680] Makes sense. Or, I'm sorry, redirect of yourself. Because you are your own witness. So you first [43:22.680 --> 43:27.720] start with direct examination of yourself. They get to cross. Then you get to redirect. [43:28.360 --> 43:32.920] Actually, I do have a witness that saw them handling my phone after they put me up. [43:32.920 --> 43:36.840] Okay. Then you may want to bring that witness for that purpose as well. But they may not let them [43:36.840 --> 43:41.640] testify because they'll say tampering with your phone is not relevant to the charges in this case [43:41.640 --> 43:47.480] because the officers are not on trial. See what I'm saying? All right. Hang on, Michael. We'll be [43:47.480 --> 43:54.120] right back after this break. All right, folks. Call in number 512-646-1984. Give us a call. We'll [43:54.120 --> 44:03.800] be right back. Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? Win your case without an attorney [44:03.800 --> 44:09.960] with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course that will show you [44:09.960 --> 44:17.080] how in 24 hours, step-by-step. If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [44:17.080 --> 44:22.520] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. Thousands have won with our [44:22.520 --> 44:28.440] step-by-step course, and now you can too. Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed [44:28.440 --> 44:35.080] attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn [44:35.080 --> 44:40.200] what everyone should understand about the principles and practices that control our American [44:40.200 --> 44:47.240] courts. You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [44:47.240 --> 44:54.600] pro se tactics, and much more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or [44:54.600 --> 45:07.480] call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. Hello, my name is Stuart Smith from naturespureorganics.com, [45:07.480 --> 45:12.520] and I would like to invite you to come by our store at 1904 Guadalupe Street, Sweet D here [45:12.520 --> 45:16.680] in Austin, Texas, buying Brave New Books and Chase Bank to see all our fantastic health [45:16.680 --> 45:21.400] and wellness products with your very own eyes. Have a look at our Miracle Healing Clay that [45:21.400 --> 45:25.320] started our adventure in alternative medicine. Take a peek at some of our other wonderful [45:25.320 --> 45:30.360] products, including our Australian Emu oil, lotion candles, olive oil soaps, and colloidal [45:30.360 --> 45:38.840] silver and gold. Call 512-264-4043 or find us online at naturespureorganics.com. That's [45:38.840 --> 45:46.280] 512-264-4043, naturespureorganics.com. Don't forget to like us on Facebook for information [45:46.280 --> 45:51.720] on events and our products, naturespureorganics.com. [46:16.280 --> 46:41.400] All right, folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. All right, we're going to wrap [46:41.400 --> 46:47.000] this up with Michael in Texas. All right, Michael, is there any other part of this you want to [46:47.000 --> 46:50.680] talk about before Sunday's class, because that's going to be where you're going to get [46:50.680 --> 46:57.160] the most out of it? No, sir. You pretty well answered most of the questions that I had, [46:57.160 --> 47:01.960] but I hadn't been able to find researching for myself, and I will certainly see you at [47:01.960 --> 47:07.800] class Sunday. All right. Hope to see you there. Thank you so much for your information, and [47:07.800 --> 47:12.520] I'll keep listening. You guys rock. Well, thank you. Appreciate it. All right, [47:13.480 --> 47:17.800] thanks for calling in, Michael. All right, now we're going to go to Scott in Illinois. [47:17.800 --> 47:26.360] Scott, what can we do for you? Mr. Craig? No, I'm Eddie. Mr. Craig is my dad somewhere else. [47:27.720 --> 47:32.760] Okay. Eddie, I'm a first-time caller, so I've never actually done this before. I just got [47:32.760 --> 47:37.960] a real quick question. That's really about it. First of all, what was your take on that Supreme [47:37.960 --> 47:41.960] Court case that was just issued this week, Rodriguez versus the U.S.? Because I know [47:41.960 --> 47:47.800] that's part of your split, where when you're pulled over by the police, you can tell them, [47:47.800 --> 47:51.960] hey, I don't consent to being detained here. Actually, that's not the first time they've [47:51.960 --> 47:57.160] come down with that ruling. That ruling is just a reinforcement of what they have said for many [47:57.160 --> 48:06.040] decades in relation to traffic stops. An officer is not allowed to delay a person for any longer [48:06.040 --> 48:17.240] than is necessary to complete the actual reason for the initial stop. At times, they set that in [48:17.240 --> 48:24.040] the approximate vicinity of the average traffic stop being approximately 20 minutes. So anything [48:24.040 --> 48:29.240] beyond that or the time that they actually manage to write the ticket, serve the ticket, [48:29.240 --> 48:35.160] and be done with it, however long that actually is, that's an issue. But what I have seen them [48:35.160 --> 48:42.920] do and do intentionally is take your information, walk back to their car, get on the radio and call [48:42.920 --> 48:50.920] for a drug dog, and sit there and wait as if they're waiting on a return of information they [48:50.920 --> 48:56.680] requested relating to your license or something of that nature. And when they get the call that [48:56.680 --> 49:03.320] the dog is almost on site, then they'll walk back up to you and say, okay, let's go through this real [49:03.320 --> 49:07.880] quick. Everything came back, okay, here's your site. Let me go through this and then I'll give [49:07.880 --> 49:16.520] you the citation. At that point, because he has not given you the citation, the stop is not complete. [49:16.520 --> 49:22.760] But at that point, that's when the dog arrives. Now while he's going through his instructions, [49:22.760 --> 49:29.240] the dog starts making the rounds. The handler gets the dog to alert. Now suddenly they have [49:29.240 --> 49:35.320] their so-called probable cause to go further. That's how they're getting around rulings just [49:35.320 --> 49:42.440] like Rodriguez. Now the difference in this particular case, the officer was the K-9 unit. [49:42.440 --> 49:49.080] He had completed the traffic stop. After he had served the ticket, then he asked the guy [49:49.080 --> 49:56.040] if it was okay to walk his dog around the car. The guy said, no. The officer detained him [49:56.040 --> 50:01.080] long enough to do it anyway and thus discovered the drugs that got him arrested. [50:02.120 --> 50:05.640] Okay. And this was after he signed the citation? [50:05.640 --> 50:12.920] Yes, they did the drug dog after he had already signed the citation. [50:13.960 --> 50:19.960] Okay. The other question I wanted to ask was I drive commercially. I have a commercial [50:19.960 --> 50:24.280] driver's license because I drive an 18-wheeler. I was wondering if I could use it basically [50:24.280 --> 50:29.560] asking that same question. I don't consent to being detained here longer than the stop needs [50:30.120 --> 50:33.480] if I'm in a truck because I know that has a lot of regulations to go with it. [50:33.480 --> 50:42.440] Okay. Well, the problem with the commercial aspect of it is they have more leeway in stopping you. [50:43.720 --> 50:47.960] The reason for that is because they can pull you over to do a load inspection. [50:47.960 --> 50:51.720] They don't have to be pulling you over for an offense. They can simply pull you over [50:51.720 --> 50:56.760] to do a load inspection. They can stop you at a waste station to do a safety inspection. [50:56.760 --> 51:01.800] See, that's the problem. You can't dictate on a commercial motor vehicle like a truck [51:02.440 --> 51:07.080] how long the stop may take. It all depends on what the basis is they're using to stop you in the [51:07.080 --> 51:15.400] first place. But those things don't apply to anyone else. Neither does the citation issuing [51:15.400 --> 51:19.640] process they're doing, but they're doing that part of it. But all the other things, [51:19.640 --> 51:22.200] they're not allowed to do on a non-commercial vehicle. [51:22.200 --> 51:29.640] Okay. Okay. And that makes sense to me. Okay. Anyway, that's really all I wanted to call. [51:29.640 --> 51:35.400] I just wanted to get somebody's opinion on this, if it's something that's been standing for a long [51:35.400 --> 51:40.680] time. Yeah. Well, just from a logical standpoint, Scott, that's the way that I would understand it [51:40.680 --> 51:45.640] would have to work. Because they have more leeway with actual commercial vehicles for those [51:45.640 --> 51:53.640] additional types of inspections and causes to do checks, not necessarily searches or seizures, [51:53.640 --> 52:00.040] but checks. They can inspect cargo. They can weigh it. They can pull you over because they see [52:00.040 --> 52:05.560] something they think is unsafe, or so on and so forth. So there's many more reasons they can [52:05.560 --> 52:09.400] use to come up to someone in a commercial aspect than a non-commercial. [52:09.400 --> 52:15.560] Okay. Okay. Well, thank you for telling me this. I just wanted to, you know, just see how it works [52:15.560 --> 52:18.520] and get somebody else's take on it, not just what I was thinking in my mind. [52:18.520 --> 52:20.200] Well, I hope it was a useful take. [52:21.080 --> 52:23.560] Yes. Thank you very much. And enjoy your evening. [52:23.560 --> 52:24.600] Thank you. You too. [52:25.400 --> 52:26.200] Thanks. Bye. [52:26.200 --> 52:31.000] Bye-bye. All right. Now we're going to go to Jimmy in Maryland. Jimmy, what can we do for you? [52:32.280 --> 52:33.880] Hey, Eddie. How you doing? [52:33.880 --> 52:39.800] I'm doing pretty good, all things considered. That's good. I guess you remember from two weeks [52:39.800 --> 52:44.600] ago the situation I've been going through in down here in Maryland in Charles County. [52:44.600 --> 52:49.880] No, man. I don't remember nothing about you. What were you doing again? Just real quick, though, [52:49.880 --> 52:53.720] so the new listeners or people that hadn't heard you on air before, just give a quick [52:53.720 --> 52:58.760] recap of your situation so they all have context. Okay. I'll try to keep it short. [52:58.760 --> 53:11.080] I had a jury trial. I was tried and convicted of driving on a suspended license, driving without [53:11.080 --> 53:18.440] a license, driving without authorization, and driving a revoked license. They did not move [53:18.440 --> 53:22.280] forward with the driving on a revoked license, but I was found guilty of the other three. [53:22.280 --> 53:32.680] I went to send a scene, and the judge postponed it, basically ordered me to get a lawyer. [53:34.280 --> 53:38.120] When I did get a lawyer from the public defender's office, I made it very clear, [53:38.120 --> 53:43.080] like you suggested, that if she doesn't do what I need to do, then I will bargrieve her. [53:43.960 --> 53:46.520] She did a pretty good job of making sure that my rights weren't violated. [53:46.520 --> 53:55.320] With how the judge ruled it, because the prosecutor who I filed 10 bargrieves is on, [53:55.320 --> 54:01.400] he was ecstatic. It's like he was going crazy. He keeps going here and doing this, [54:01.400 --> 54:03.480] he keeps going here and doing this. This is a third time offense on him, [54:03.480 --> 54:08.040] and he keeps going here and driving on a suspended license, and he needs to be jailed. [54:08.040 --> 54:13.880] Were you convicted of these other offenses? Yes. The other two cases are still in the [54:13.880 --> 54:20.120] impel the process right now as we speak. I'm still appealing that. I turned my license in [54:20.840 --> 54:25.080] back in 1998, and it's like they don't understand when you turn your license in, [54:25.080 --> 54:30.040] it becomes null and void. It's like if you have a job, whatever your job is to you, [54:30.040 --> 54:35.240] when you turn it into that job, it's not issue no more. They have no reason to come after you. [54:36.040 --> 54:40.600] That depends on whether or not you are, for lack of a better way of expressing it, [54:40.600 --> 54:47.880] in good standing. You can turn in your library card, but so what if you still got 15 of the [54:47.880 --> 54:55.320] library's books? So the issue here when you turn your license in, was your record clean? Did you [54:55.320 --> 55:00.360] owe anybody anything, et cetera, et cetera? If they had any of those things that they could [55:00.360 --> 55:06.120] hold over your head, that would be one thing. If they didn't, that's a whole other situation. [55:06.120 --> 55:13.000] Okay. Well, like I told you in the previous case I had some years ago where I was found [55:13.000 --> 55:17.640] not guilty of driving a suspended license in a different county. Same state, just different [55:17.640 --> 55:22.600] county. And I tried to register a card argument, but of course the judge didn't buy into it. [55:24.200 --> 55:29.480] When I did submit my license in, it was already expired, and it was in the suspended status. [55:29.480 --> 55:34.360] But did it expire while it was suspended? Yes. [55:34.360 --> 55:38.600] Okay. So they didn't suspend it after the fact, they suspended it before. [55:40.600 --> 55:47.720] Okay. And generally they have a statute that covers that aspect of it. Now see, my issue comes in [55:48.680 --> 55:55.800] when they suspend a license that's already been expired for God knows how long. [55:55.800 --> 56:06.840] See, that is tampering with a government record. That is also retroactively perpetrating guilt upon [56:06.840 --> 56:12.040] the accused here. See, think about that. They're forbidden to make a retroactive law, right? [56:13.640 --> 56:23.800] They can't make some activity that was not a crime 10 years ago a crime beginning 10 years ago today [56:23.800 --> 56:29.320] so that they can go back and charge everybody for the past 10 years now with a crime when it wasn't [56:29.320 --> 56:34.920] a crime when they did it. Well, that's what they're doing with these administrative suspensions [56:35.400 --> 56:43.480] after a license has already expired. They are reactivating the license as if it was alive and [56:43.480 --> 56:52.120] issued, then they are suspending it and calling it expired while suspended. It's fraud. It's [56:52.120 --> 56:59.480] tampering with a government record. It's retroactively making a criminal act. [57:01.160 --> 57:05.640] They should be in prison when they do that. It should be. This guy should be. [57:07.880 --> 57:19.880] I told you also he submitted a fetishist driving. I was cited on a fetishist driver's license. If [57:19.880 --> 57:23.080] they can't find you in the system, when they cite you, they will make up a number. That's kind of [57:23.080 --> 57:27.800] what happened to me in the past. They move forward and try to use both of them really. [57:29.880 --> 57:37.160] So they use a petition driver's license and the one that both didn't exist. [57:37.160 --> 57:41.640] Well, see that's tampering with a government record also. If they create a false record [57:41.640 --> 57:48.760] just so they can prosecute, that's a crime. Well, that's what they did. Like I said, [57:48.760 --> 57:52.840] I brought all these things up in my case course and the jury still found me guilty [57:52.840 --> 57:57.400] because they don't understand this principle. Well, of course not. That's why they picked [57:57.400 --> 58:05.880] complete idiots for juries. Well, what are you going to do? All right, Jimmy. Well, [58:05.880 --> 58:09.240] hang on just a minute. We're going to take a break and we'll let you finish all this up on [58:09.240 --> 58:17.720] the other side. Okay? Okay. All right, folks, call in number 512-646-1984. This is the Monday [58:17.720 --> 58:22.360] Night Rule of Law Radio Show with your host, Eddie Craig. Give us a call. Get in line. Give [58:22.360 --> 58:27.960] us a complaint. Give us a compliment. Give us a question. Just bring us an issue or just say howdy. [58:27.960 --> 58:50.360] Y'all take care. We will be right back, so hang on. [58:50.360 --> 58:55.960] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, yet countless readers are frustrated [58:55.960 --> 59:01.960] because they struggle to understand it. Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, [59:01.960 --> 59:06.120] but in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the scripture. [59:07.080 --> 59:13.560] Enter the recovery version. First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, [59:13.560 --> 59:17.720] but the real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. [59:18.360 --> 59:23.800] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way, providing an entrance [59:23.800 --> 59:27.480] into the riches of the Word beyond which you've ever experienced before. [59:28.120 --> 59:32.920] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking. [59:33.480 --> 59:43.880] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [59:43.880 --> 59:50.200] or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. That's freestudybible.com. [59:50.200 --> 59:56.360] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, logosradionetwork.com. [01:00:05.000 --> 01:00:11.000] This newsflash is brought to you by the Lone Star Lowdown, providing your daily bulletins for the [01:00:11.000 --> 01:00:18.120] commodities market. Today in history, news updates and the inside scoop into the tides of the [01:00:18.120 --> 01:00:31.800] alternative. Markets today opened up with gold at $1,193.78 an ounce, silver $15.88 an ounce, [01:00:31.800 --> 01:00:39.240] Texas crude $57.74 a barrel, and Bitcoin is currently sitting at 231 US currency. [01:00:39.240 --> 01:00:49.880] Today in history, Monday, April 24th, 1961, then President John F. Kennedy announced his sole [01:00:49.880 --> 01:00:55.720] responsibility following the Bay of Pigs incident. Bay of Pigs was an attempt by US trained and backed [01:00:55.720 --> 01:01:01.640] Guatemalan guerrilla revolutionaries just a few days before in invading Cuba and overthrowing [01:01:01.640 --> 01:01:13.560] Casper regime. They were however neutralized and captured for over a year. In recent news, [01:01:13.560 --> 01:01:19.560] California's vaccine mandate bill, SB277, was apparently postponed last week to allow [01:01:19.560 --> 01:01:25.400] for Democratic Senator Ben Allen of Santa Monica and Richard Pan of Sacramento to push to replace [01:01:25.400 --> 01:01:31.560] seats on the committee with pro-vaccine industry spokespersons. It was also rescheduled as a vote [01:01:31.560 --> 01:01:38.360] only item, which essentially meant that no one in opposition was allowed to testify on the amendments [01:01:38.360 --> 01:01:51.800] added to the bill. SB277 was passed on Wednesday. The president yesterday took full responsibility [01:01:51.800 --> 01:01:56.520] for the counter-terrorist efforts of the United States in the inadvertent murder of Warren [01:01:56.520 --> 01:02:02.120] Weinstein, 73 year old of Rockville, Maryland, who was unfortunately killed alongside an Italian [01:02:02.120 --> 01:02:09.720] hostage back in January during a drone strike that was targeting an Al Qaeda compound in Pakistan [01:02:09.720 --> 01:02:14.360] near the Afghani border. Warren was four days away from leaving Pakistan alive. [01:02:15.000 --> 01:02:18.520] He had spent nearly four years as an Al Qaeda hostage. [01:02:18.520 --> 01:02:23.640] Canada is now the first country in the world to require that for every new regulation introduced, [01:02:23.640 --> 01:02:28.680] one of equivalent burden must be removed. The Red Tape Reduction Act, or C21, has been operating as [01:02:28.680 --> 01:02:33.640] policy for several years already. It requires that the cost of new rules and regulations be [01:02:33.640 --> 01:02:37.880] quantified and that equal or greater costs and regulations be removed. [01:02:37.880 --> 01:02:49.320] The Lone Star Lowdown is currently looking for sponsors to give a product or a service that you [01:02:49.320 --> 01:02:55.320] would like to advertise on the Lowdown. Feel free to give us a call at 210-863-5617. [01:02:55.320 --> 01:03:08.760] This has been the Lowdown for April 24th, 2015. [01:03:25.960 --> 01:03:28.760] Right [01:03:39.000 --> 01:03:42.760] I won't pay for the fun with my body [01:03:45.800 --> 01:03:48.760] Ain't gonna pay for the oil with my body [01:03:48.760 --> 01:03:52.520] I won't pay for the boys with my money [01:03:52.520 --> 01:03:55.480] Ain't gonna pay for the kids with my body [01:03:56.840 --> 01:03:59.320] The whole agenda smells funny [01:03:59.320 --> 01:04:06.040] All right, folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. Caller number 512-646-1984. [01:04:06.040 --> 01:04:12.200] All right, Jimmy, let's continue. All right, now we caught up on where you are. Tell us, [01:04:12.200 --> 01:04:14.760] what is currently going on with where you are? [01:04:14.760 --> 01:04:21.640] Well, what is currently going on is like, you know, I got a fellow defendant and I basically [01:04:21.640 --> 01:04:26.360] gave her the 401-1. She did a pretty decent job, you know, and making sure that, you know, [01:04:26.360 --> 01:04:36.840] my rights wasn't violated. And what the situation is, since I'm a third-time offender, [01:04:36.840 --> 01:04:40.680] the judge said his hands are tied. He has to give me some type of jail time. He said he [01:04:40.680 --> 01:04:45.480] don't feel this be three years. He don't feel this be a year. So he basically sentenced me [01:04:45.480 --> 01:04:50.920] to turn myself in 18 days during the weekdays and with work release. [01:04:53.640 --> 01:04:53.960] Okay. [01:04:55.000 --> 01:05:00.840] No, no, no final fee, you know, just 18 days to turn myself in. And of course, I have, you know, [01:05:01.640 --> 01:05:06.280] I've already had the lawyer put the, you know, the notice of appeal and I'm going to be appealing [01:05:06.280 --> 01:05:12.200] that. Yeah. Well, she needs to also put in a stay for whatever that 18 days and so on and so forth [01:05:12.200 --> 01:05:16.600] is. Yeah. She didn't call it a stay. She called it a security bond. [01:05:18.520 --> 01:05:23.240] Yeah. Well, that's just their way of saying, making fork over some money to make sure that [01:05:23.240 --> 01:05:28.440] he follows through. Yeah. She's saying that never gets granted. I said, I don't put it anywhere. [01:05:28.440 --> 01:05:32.120] I have the right to have it done. Go ahead and do it anyway. So you got to push these people to do [01:05:32.120 --> 01:05:36.600] what you want them to do. So she, what she told me, you know, she went ahead and did all that. [01:05:36.600 --> 01:05:41.080] And so I'm supposed to turn myself in this Thursday, the 30th, you know, for 18 days. She [01:05:41.080 --> 01:05:45.800] said it'd probably be 13, you know, generally you don't do the whole full time that they, [01:05:45.800 --> 01:05:49.080] you know, that they sentence you to do, but, but I'm going to be turning myself in basically [01:05:49.080 --> 01:05:53.000] to spend the night and I got to get up and go to work in the morning. And, you know, my, I got [01:05:53.000 --> 01:05:57.960] somebody that's going to pick me up because they restricted me not to drive in Charles County, [01:05:57.960 --> 01:06:02.920] because that's the only jurisdiction they have. Yeah. And so like I'm telling, I'm telling the [01:06:02.920 --> 01:06:06.280] case. Well, you should have just told him you never proved I was driving in the first place. [01:06:07.240 --> 01:06:12.680] Exactly. But he didn't. Yeah. Well, let me ask you this question though. Did you challenge their [01:06:12.680 --> 01:06:18.600] use of the terminology? Did you ask questions like during your alleged investigation, did you ever [01:06:19.320 --> 01:06:26.120] discover, obtain or otherwise receive from me a bill of lading or a passenger log book or a, [01:06:26.120 --> 01:06:31.720] or I'm sorry, a passenger manifest or a commercial log book or any confession that I was actually [01:06:31.720 --> 01:06:38.120] engaging in commerce on the highways as a place of business? Did you ask any questions like that? [01:06:39.720 --> 01:06:45.000] I'm not exactly like that, but I, but I, you know, like I said, my defense is I'm not engaged in [01:06:45.000 --> 01:06:50.360] commerce. I submitted a affidavit that I'm not engaged in commerce. My witness even testified [01:06:50.360 --> 01:06:56.120] that I wasn't, I was taking him to get some medication and he admitted that I was not, [01:06:56.760 --> 01:07:00.280] I did not pay him. There was no agreement that I was going to pay him or to take him. [01:07:00.280 --> 01:07:05.960] He didn't admit, he testified to. Yeah, he testified to. Yeah, I'm sorry. He testified that I, [01:07:05.960 --> 01:07:10.280] you know, that I, there was no type of agreement that I was, that I was paying and was going to [01:07:10.280 --> 01:07:15.320] pay him. I just take him to the store to get some medication. Yeah. And it plus was a blown [01:07:15.320 --> 01:07:20.520] headlight as much as a press. So I might be bailed just on that type of county there. There was no criminal suspicion. [01:07:23.160 --> 01:07:28.760] Yeah. Especially at that, if the blown headlight is an infraction, [01:07:30.440 --> 01:07:35.640] if it was an infraction, it's not criminal and it infractions are not considered criminal in Maryland. [01:07:35.640 --> 01:07:41.000] I don't know if that's true, but if that's the case, I thought you looked that up, but I'm not positive, [01:07:41.000 --> 01:07:46.280] but if they're not criminal, then you are correct. There would have been no criminal suspicion [01:07:46.280 --> 01:07:51.240] allowing them to go any further. Well, it is. And they just talk about a violation, [01:07:51.240 --> 01:07:54.280] you have a violation and I told them violation is simple, it's not criminal because they don't, [01:07:54.840 --> 01:07:58.840] they, they, they, it's maybe how they twist turns around and talk about my beliefs. [01:07:59.800 --> 01:08:04.200] And the judge trying to tell me that we're traveling, is moving stuff from one place to another, [01:08:04.200 --> 01:08:09.880] you know, and I know that's not right, you know, with, with pay and with pay to that, you know, [01:08:09.880 --> 01:08:13.640] and he's trying to disagree when I was, I was talking about, you know, there's no fair, [01:08:13.640 --> 01:08:18.440] no fee involved here. So it's not commercial. And it was, he's trying to disagree and he got [01:08:18.440 --> 01:08:22.600] kind of quiet because I knew what I was talking about, but they, you know, they're still trying [01:08:22.600 --> 01:08:28.120] to think that it's my beliefs, you know, when they just, you know, they couldn't, you know, [01:08:28.120 --> 01:08:34.120] they couldn't admit anything. I told you about the, the clerk that was from the state attorney office [01:08:34.120 --> 01:08:39.560] that supposed to have be testifying to the authenticity of the driving record, which was [01:08:39.560 --> 01:08:43.960] a printout. And like you said, she has no, she has no, she came through no opportunity because [01:08:43.960 --> 01:08:47.080] she didn't pull, she didn't pull the record or anything into the record. [01:08:47.080 --> 01:08:49.240] Yeah. Challenging the information is hearsay. [01:08:50.200 --> 01:08:55.080] Yeah. Yeah. I did challenge that. I objected that and challenge, and challenge that. And I'm [01:08:55.080 --> 01:08:58.760] really kind of illiterate. I'm thinking I might attempt with the transcript because this judge, [01:08:58.760 --> 01:09:02.600] many occasions, you know, how they would turn a switch to have you come up and talk to him [01:09:02.600 --> 01:09:07.800] and everything is gargled out. I did it a whole lot. But I was objecting, I was challenging, [01:09:07.800 --> 01:09:11.720] I was fighting, he kept having me come up to talk to him, you know, various occasions, [01:09:11.720 --> 01:09:15.000] hand in cup, and I tried to repeat myself over and over, just to make sure that it got in the [01:09:15.000 --> 01:09:15.960] transcript. Right. [01:09:15.960 --> 01:09:19.080] That it got on the record, doing things I was saying I was objecting and fighting what they [01:09:19.080 --> 01:09:22.520] were doing. And they gave me, like, as I told you before, standing objection, because I was [01:09:22.520 --> 01:09:27.240] objecting to every commercial term that came out of that prosecutor's mouth. And so they said, [01:09:27.240 --> 01:09:31.160] we're going to give you standing objection, continued objection, so I don't, so I don't, [01:09:31.160 --> 01:09:34.760] you know, because they can't go anywhere, I'll give you objection, objection, objection. So. [01:09:34.760 --> 01:09:35.800] Right. Stand objection every, [01:09:35.800 --> 01:09:40.840] every five seconds. Yeah. And that's what they're supposed to do. Once they give you [01:09:40.840 --> 01:09:44.520] the standing objection, it becomes easier for you. That's a term you don't have to listen for [01:09:44.520 --> 01:09:46.280] anymore. Yeah. [01:09:47.800 --> 01:09:51.960] And considering you've got eight or more that you've got to pay close attention to, [01:09:52.760 --> 01:09:57.080] then that's something that makes it easier. So you always want to press them to give you [01:09:57.080 --> 01:10:03.080] that standing objection whenever possible. Yeah. Have you gotten a copy of the transcript? [01:10:03.080 --> 01:10:10.520] Not yet. I can't afford it, Eddie. You're talking about. Yeah, but your attorney should be able to [01:10:10.520 --> 01:10:16.200] file for an appeal on this and do everything necessary to get indigency status, which would [01:10:16.200 --> 01:10:20.200] allow you to get it for free. Okay. And yeah, yeah, I'll be able to, [01:10:21.640 --> 01:10:25.160] my, the public defender said that, that doesn't, I'll be getting in touch with other, [01:10:25.160 --> 01:10:29.000] other lawyers. We get in touch with that handle, the appellate process. So I got to look and see [01:10:29.000 --> 01:10:31.960] what they're, what they're doing and see if I can get it, like, if they get a transcript [01:10:31.960 --> 01:10:37.640] and make sure they put the right issues in. Am I fined if I skew the law? The judge wanted [01:10:37.640 --> 01:10:44.040] to go over that, but I noticed this, her defendant, she didn't, you know, she didn't want to go over it [01:10:44.040 --> 01:10:47.880] to really know how to handle it. So everything is filed and she said, we're going to raise [01:10:47.880 --> 01:10:50.440] the issue on the pill. We don't want to go over it now. We go over it, you know, [01:10:50.440 --> 01:10:53.560] bring it up in the appeal process. But he, some reason he wanted, I don't know, [01:10:53.560 --> 01:10:56.040] wanted to go over and try to, try to slam dunk me on that or something. [01:10:56.040 --> 01:11:05.000] I don't know. Then he lied when he said that he granted me the motion for a free, a fair trial. [01:11:05.000 --> 01:11:09.000] I had an order for him to sign. He did not sign that order. And if you don't sign that order, [01:11:09.000 --> 01:11:15.240] for other concerns, you denied it. He doesn't go over it that it was agreed to because you [01:11:15.240 --> 01:11:18.840] did not sign that order. I said, sir, I have an order to sign. He said, just go ahead and sign that. [01:11:18.840 --> 01:11:23.400] So we have a private record and the prosecutor has a private record in case I am convicted. [01:11:23.400 --> 01:11:27.800] He would not sign it. It'll turn around and say that that's not true, that he did agree. [01:11:29.000 --> 01:11:29.240] Yeah. [01:11:29.240 --> 01:11:32.360] So that'd be another issue bringing up. I have several issues to bring up, you know. [01:11:32.360 --> 01:11:37.000] Yeah. But the problem is, is how do you prove them? If the prosecutor, even if they're present, [01:11:37.000 --> 01:11:40.840] is not going to testify if the judge didn't do something, if the judge is denying it, [01:11:42.200 --> 01:11:46.600] they're not going to go at each other like that. They have, that lawyer has to appear in front of [01:11:46.600 --> 01:11:52.520] that judge. Still, there's no way that lawyer is going against that judge. Even if that judge [01:11:52.520 --> 01:11:57.000] broke the law, that lawyer is not going to testify against them. That lawyer had to be [01:11:57.000 --> 01:12:02.840] dead bang certain that judge was never going to hear another one of his cases before he would [01:12:02.840 --> 01:12:09.480] even be willing to do that. Okay. So I have some witnesses that were there with me, you know, [01:12:09.480 --> 01:12:13.720] and we talked about, you know, having them file that for Davis, you know, to things. [01:12:14.760 --> 01:12:18.440] And also I learned from Jeff and, you know, Jeff down here in Maryland, [01:12:18.440 --> 01:12:23.720] I can't, you can, you cannot video, you cannot, you cannot audio tape, you know, bring my phone [01:12:23.720 --> 01:12:27.080] in and audio tape the proceedings. You have to have consent from the other side to do that. [01:12:27.080 --> 01:12:31.160] In Maryland, there's some law that we have that you don't have down there in Texas. [01:12:31.960 --> 01:12:38.440] I would research that myself if I were you, because if that courtroom is considered a public forum, [01:12:39.240 --> 01:12:42.280] then it doesn't matter whether the other side consents or not. [01:12:42.280 --> 01:12:47.880] You know, if we, if the requirement is that that courtroom is considered a public area [01:12:48.440 --> 01:12:53.480] and accessible to the public as a public place, you have the right to record. [01:12:53.480 --> 01:12:55.480] And even that judge can't stop that. [01:12:57.160 --> 01:13:02.040] Okay. Well, I'm looking into that then. So he thought about things with, with the Monica Lewinsky [01:13:02.920 --> 01:13:07.320] taping that, you know, because yeah, you're referring to wiretapping statutes and the [01:13:07.320 --> 01:13:12.600] Supreme Court was very clear that a wiretapping statute cannot be used to get somebody recording [01:13:12.600 --> 01:13:15.320] in a public area. Cannot be done. [01:13:16.680 --> 01:13:20.600] Uh-huh. Okay. Well, let me ask you this. [01:13:20.600 --> 01:13:22.600] I'm pretty sure that's in the Glick case. [01:13:24.600 --> 01:13:28.680] When it, when it comes to, I know you have to give them your name, your date of birth [01:13:28.680 --> 01:13:34.120] and your address. Is there, we need to see if we can find some kind of way. Because, you know, [01:13:34.120 --> 01:13:38.840] I teach classes at a college and I'm into this hacking and still an identity thing. [01:13:39.560 --> 01:13:43.640] If I was a hacker or some type of person, I stole identity. The courthouse is a great place [01:13:43.640 --> 01:13:46.440] for me to go to get people's names, their addresses, their, their- [01:13:46.440 --> 01:13:49.160] Oh, absolutely. Because most of the stuff there is public record. [01:13:50.360 --> 01:13:55.560] Yeah. Because when I was, when he, when I was coming, I would not disclose my date of birth. [01:13:55.560 --> 01:14:01.080] I would write it down. But of course he, because he has control over the lawyer, you know, [01:14:01.080 --> 01:14:05.560] because he has control over the lawyer, you know, she, you know, she had to come out and [01:14:05.560 --> 01:14:09.640] say what it was in front of everybody. I don't, I don't like my, you know, because I teach this [01:14:09.640 --> 01:14:13.960] stuff. I don't want my stuff being broadcast for the whole world to know and to do whatever. [01:14:14.680 --> 01:14:19.400] Yeah. Unfortunately, they can sell all that information. The only thing they can't sell, [01:14:20.600 --> 01:14:25.720] well, they can't outright sell. They can get around it in other ways. But the things that [01:14:25.720 --> 01:14:32.280] they cannot actually sell without following certain other rules are information relating to [01:14:32.280 --> 01:14:37.480] your social security number, your criminal record and things of that nature. [01:14:37.480 --> 01:14:41.880] If I, but if I have your name, your date of birth and your address, I probably can get your, [01:14:41.880 --> 01:14:43.400] your social security number some kind of way too. [01:14:43.400 --> 01:14:46.360] Oh yeah. You most certainly can. I can do it. I have done it. [01:14:47.960 --> 01:14:51.880] Not for the purpose of committing a crime, but just to see if I could locate the information. [01:14:51.880 --> 01:14:56.920] I managed to find people that people swore couldn't be found, not with the information I had. [01:14:56.920 --> 01:15:02.040] All right. Well, let's find out. Start off by looking this up. You actually find their face [01:15:02.040 --> 01:15:07.560] in a picture and even though there was no name, you got them wearing some sort of alma mater [01:15:07.560 --> 01:15:13.640] t-shirt. Fine. You go look up their photograph online for the student advisory or the annual [01:15:13.640 --> 01:15:18.840] or whatever at that educational facility. Now you've got their name. Now you look and see [01:15:18.840 --> 01:15:23.640] if anyone living in a particular area under that name, what's their address. Now you use [01:15:23.640 --> 01:15:27.000] that address and name to run a credit history on them. Blah, blah, blah. [01:15:27.960 --> 01:15:33.800] Exactly. Exactly. I don't know if you noticed that, but there's a young lady that they had [01:15:33.800 --> 01:15:39.320] this thing called Feather Crush Friday that they do polls on online of pictures of people [01:15:39.320 --> 01:15:45.960] mug shots that they found attractive. With one young lady in Florida, she got so popular. [01:15:45.960 --> 01:15:52.840] I think it was drunk and driving, but she got to be so popular that I saw a YouTube video where [01:15:52.840 --> 01:15:58.360] she claimed that people, they tried to a picture to a photo and it said, when you're arrested [01:15:58.360 --> 01:16:02.840] across all years, Mexico's public. She had people get in a plane and fly to Florida, [01:16:02.840 --> 01:16:06.600] different parts of the nation, knocking on her door, asking her out for a date. She's a divorced [01:16:06.600 --> 01:16:13.480] mother with young children. This thing is getting... What was important was she was a DUI young mother [01:16:13.480 --> 01:16:20.280] with children. If we can get her DUI again, that's the way a lot of these people are thinking. [01:16:21.000 --> 01:16:25.080] I was not a girl that did hard time. I was only locked up for eight terrible hours and that was [01:16:25.080 --> 01:16:30.680] all because I used her... Not these companies, I used her photograph and she's supposed to be suing [01:16:30.680 --> 01:16:33.640] these companies for using her photo without her consent. [01:16:33.640 --> 01:16:39.320] Yeah. Well see, they're not supposed to be... When you get booked in and that information goes [01:16:39.320 --> 01:16:44.520] public, that's where the problem begins and I'll cover that real quick when we get back, so hang on. [01:16:44.520 --> 01:16:53.000] All right, folks, 512-646-1984. We got three segments to go, so y'all hang on. We will be right back. [01:17:01.080 --> 01:17:05.400] At Capital Coin and Bullion, our mission is to be your preferred shopping destination by delivering [01:17:05.400 --> 01:17:10.280] excellent customer service and outstanding value at an affordable price. We provide a wide assortment [01:17:10.280 --> 01:17:13.960] of your favorite products featuring a great selection of high quality coins and precious [01:17:13.960 --> 01:17:18.760] metals. 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Visit us at capitalcoinandbullion.com [01:17:56.520 --> 01:18:04.760] or call 512-646-6440. Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, [01:18:04.760 --> 01:18:09.720] except in the area of nutrition. People feed their pets better than they feed themselves [01:18:09.720 --> 01:18:15.560] and it's time we changed all that. Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic [01:18:15.560 --> 01:18:20.760] environment is good nutrition. In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, [01:18:20.760 --> 01:18:26.920] adulterated, and mutilated, young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. Logos Radio [01:18:26.920 --> 01:18:32.600] Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. We have come [01:18:32.600 --> 01:18:38.680] to trust young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, [01:18:38.680 --> 01:18:45.400] Ben Fuchs, and many others. When you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve [01:18:45.400 --> 01:18:51.400] as you help support quality radio. As you realize the benefits of young Jevity, you may want to [01:18:51.400 --> 01:18:57.480] join us. As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, [01:18:57.480 --> 01:19:15.400] and increase your income. Order now. This is the Logos Radio Network. [01:19:15.400 --> 01:19:31.560] ain't gonna blame me don't bore me [01:19:31.560 --> 01:19:41.560] ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again i was blindsided but now i can see your plan [01:19:41.560 --> 01:19:49.720] you put the fear in my pocket took the money from my hand ain't gonna fool me with that same old [01:19:49.720 --> 01:19:51.720] trick again [01:19:58.280 --> 01:20:03.240] all right folks we are back this is rule of law radio all right jimmy give me that last [01:20:03.240 --> 01:20:09.960] thing we were saying right before winter break uh about the first friday with a young lady uh [01:20:09.960 --> 01:20:16.120] she was she was uh arrested for about eight hours and uh she's now suing these companies [01:20:16.120 --> 01:20:21.800] for using her photo you know to advertise and you know she's not getting paid for it and [01:20:21.800 --> 01:20:26.120] right you know the big thing that didn't end that about that well see this is exactly the reason why [01:20:26.120 --> 01:20:33.640] police officers are not allowed to incarcerate you prior to a commitment order from a judge [01:20:33.640 --> 01:20:39.400] and here's the way the process currently works the cop takes you directly to jail the jail does [01:20:39.400 --> 01:20:45.480] the booking process including taking your photograph your personal information fingerprinting you the [01:20:45.480 --> 01:20:51.800] moment that happens by law that information all becomes public record but you have not been [01:20:51.800 --> 01:21:00.440] convicted of anything yet in fact you were never put in that jail by a proper magistrate issuing a [01:21:00.440 --> 01:21:06.760] proper commitment order that's the only way you're supposed to ever wind up at that jail [01:21:06.760 --> 01:21:14.440] barring there being some sort of natural disaster or public safety problem with the officer taking [01:21:14.440 --> 01:21:21.720] you anywhere but to the jail cell for safekeeping like a riot or a hurricane or tornado or something [01:21:21.720 --> 01:21:28.120] of that nature otherwise they are required to take you directly to a magistrate rather than the jail [01:21:28.120 --> 01:21:35.560] cell that use of information is exactly why if the magistrate determines that you should not be in [01:21:35.560 --> 01:21:43.400] jail that booking record never gets made therefore that information never goes public and it never [01:21:43.400 --> 01:21:51.880] gets used and it's not accessible the whole reason they're doing this is because they [01:21:53.320 --> 01:22:00.920] they can use that they can make money off of it that's why we should be suing every cop that [01:22:00.920 --> 01:22:06.600] takes us directly to a jail cell for false arrest or false imprisonment whichever it is in your [01:22:06.600 --> 01:22:14.440] state because they are not allowed to be both the accuser and the determiner of incarceration [01:22:14.440 --> 01:22:25.480] that's just wrong wow wow yeah yeah you know your seminar you you talk about are you supposed to [01:22:25.480 --> 01:22:31.320] they have to send you to a commissioner or i'll tell you we have a commissioner down there you have [01:22:31.320 --> 01:22:37.240] a commissioner is not a judge though are they they're not a judicial officer are they no that's [01:22:37.240 --> 01:22:45.160] exactly right and a judge acting in their magisterial capacity is the only person most laws [01:22:45.160 --> 01:22:51.880] even would consider authorizing to let someone be put in jail and signing an order in fact find out [01:22:51.880 --> 01:22:57.000] if there's something in maryland called a commitment order find out who has the lawful authority to [01:22:57.000 --> 01:23:03.720] issue and sign such an order i'm willing to bet you it's not a commissioner well in the in the [01:23:03.720 --> 01:23:09.160] in the code it does say commissioner or judge in the in the does the commissioner have to be an [01:23:09.160 --> 01:23:17.000] attorney i don't know about that see that's what you don't want bob the butcher who's never [01:23:17.000 --> 01:23:23.800] taken a law study course in his life being the person says oh you arrested them they did what [01:23:23.800 --> 01:23:30.600] oh sure put them in jail with no clue of how to validate what the cop is telling them and what [01:23:30.600 --> 01:23:36.200] constitutes the offense to see if the cop is telling them correctly yeah i got it in my friend [01:23:36.200 --> 01:23:40.680] the fact inclusion law that i was not speedily taken to a to a commissioner about thing to hold [01:23:40.680 --> 01:23:47.240] themselves overnight for this thing so yeah they you know these things you're going to book you [01:23:47.240 --> 01:23:53.240] before you know before you see the uh the commissioner or magistrate yeah and that's the problem [01:23:58.600 --> 01:24:01.640] it needs to be fixed but it's going to take some time and some fighting i guess [01:24:01.640 --> 01:24:04.840] they've been doing it so long they think that what it's okay it's right because they've been doing it [01:24:04.840 --> 01:24:20.120] so long yep yeah this is my problem with attorneys in general and i don't think that i would actually [01:24:20.120 --> 01:24:25.320] have too big a problem if we suddenly had hunting season for attorneys [01:24:27.320 --> 01:24:31.560] okay uh i would turn it into elmer fudd day as far as that's concerned [01:24:31.560 --> 01:24:37.640] uh i'm hunting a 20 yeah this thing again right to the defendant she was trying to get me to [01:24:37.640 --> 01:24:43.000] apologize for what i did and i said i apologize for any burden or strain i caused on the court [01:24:43.000 --> 01:24:46.600] i'm not going to apologize what i did when i'm going to appeal and fight it i don't understand [01:24:46.600 --> 01:24:52.840] the logic behind i'm going to go up here oh yeah i'm not wrong but i'm sorry i did it yeah [01:24:54.520 --> 01:24:56.360] that that's attorney logic for you [01:24:56.360 --> 01:24:59.640] that's the one thing she did she did that i did not totally agree with you know i'm going to [01:24:59.640 --> 01:25:03.320] apologize i'm going to i'm playing the pill this thing you talking about apologizing and you [01:25:03.320 --> 01:25:07.480] claimed that and she also claimed i did a good job i filed things that that she wouldn't have filed [01:25:07.480 --> 01:25:10.600] and you know commended me don't forget i'm going to put her on and apologize [01:25:12.200 --> 01:25:15.400] i didn't get that no i don't i don't understand understand something like that something i'm [01:25:15.400 --> 01:25:21.480] going to sit make a make a firm stand on we got them in the process i'm going to apologize [01:25:21.480 --> 01:25:26.200] oh come on now surely ball this time you can't consider yourself to still be in the right for [01:25:26.200 --> 01:25:30.120] all the stuff you're here doing ain't you seeing these people tell you over and over just how wrong [01:25:30.120 --> 01:25:36.920] you are oh yeah my beliefs yeah these are my beliefs they're trying to say like to be you know [01:25:36.920 --> 01:25:42.120] this like any that's your belief instead of just showing you you're wrong it's just your belief [01:25:42.120 --> 01:25:50.040] instead of just showing you you're wrong it's just your belief exactly well judge it's your [01:25:50.040 --> 01:25:56.040] belief that you can do what you're doing right but you rely on that black and white paper to say that [01:25:56.040 --> 01:26:01.480] you can do what you're doing and i've told you i'm relying on the black and white paper that i'm [01:26:01.480 --> 01:26:07.320] using to do what i do and it comes from the same place your paper does why is your paper valid [01:26:07.320 --> 01:26:18.920] and mine's not why is mine only a presumption and yours is a fact exactly exactly [01:26:21.240 --> 01:26:27.640] so i'm moving forward um let me ask you something that i've heard um um when i listened to um to to [01:26:27.640 --> 01:26:32.280] randy craig a couple weeks ago a guy called it and said wait wait wait you spoke to who [01:26:32.280 --> 01:26:36.680] no i didn't speak to him i heard it on the show when i was at the show of who did you hear [01:26:36.680 --> 01:26:42.600] um uh this is something that i just want to just clarify what what your take is on on something [01:26:42.600 --> 01:26:48.280] that uh was was discussed on randy's show a couple weeks ago about bar grievances okay [01:26:49.400 --> 01:26:57.480] he uh somebody asked uh uh randy about bar grieving the uh the lawyer that denied the bar grievance [01:26:57.480 --> 01:27:02.440] yeah what do you think that's feasible to bargory because i'm getting some of my bar grievances [01:27:02.440 --> 01:27:07.560] back well you're assuming that it was actually a lawyer that denied it is it what evidence is [01:27:07.560 --> 01:27:12.360] coming back on the bar grievance that says it was even reviewed by a lawyer i have to look and see [01:27:12.360 --> 01:27:17.320] if it was if it is a lawyer i'm undefined that it is but i have to look and see that's good that's [01:27:17.320 --> 01:27:21.800] a good point yeah would it would it be a conflict of interest for the person that reviewed it to be [01:27:21.800 --> 01:27:23.560] reviewing one against themselves [01:27:23.560 --> 01:27:32.280] exactly see that this is the thing about the bar grievances okay uh for lack of a better way of [01:27:32.280 --> 01:27:38.520] putting it you may as well be peeing straight up a rope okay the bar grievance is done in my [01:27:38.520 --> 01:27:46.120] opinion only so the insurance company has a way of raising their rates that's all because you are [01:27:46.120 --> 01:27:51.880] never going to get justice on a bar grievance from another attorney against an attorney it's not going [01:27:51.880 --> 01:27:57.880] to happen okay it's the same thing with asking the police to conduct an internal investigation on [01:27:57.880 --> 01:28:03.800] their own criminal activities no one's ever guilty and if they are guilty it was only to such a [01:28:03.800 --> 01:28:10.280] degree that we suspended them for a day without pay it's never because they're a career criminal [01:28:10.280 --> 01:28:14.760] and we found out that they've actually been doing this for the past 15 years to the tunes of hundreds [01:28:14.760 --> 01:28:20.760] of thousands if not millions of dollars but we're not going to say that and we're not going to [01:28:20.760 --> 01:28:29.560] prosecute that because we're doing the same thing you know so yeah we're not going to get justice [01:28:29.560 --> 01:28:35.720] from the same system that's dishing out the injustice that that's that's the only thing that [01:28:35.720 --> 01:28:41.240] we're going to get justice from the same system that's dishing out the injustice that that that [01:28:41.240 --> 01:28:51.880] would be stupid to expect that to be the way it works right so this comes back to one of my few [01:28:52.760 --> 01:28:59.560] john f kennedy quotes that i firmly believe in and very much agree with he who makes peaceful [01:28:59.560 --> 01:29:11.160] possible makes a violent revolution inevitable and that's exactly the corner they're attempting to [01:29:11.160 --> 01:29:16.200] force us into with everything they're doing that's what they're pushing us for and they're [01:29:16.200 --> 01:29:21.240] accelerating the rate at which they're doing the pushing every time they make a decision about [01:29:21.240 --> 01:29:29.880] something okay so my next step is to start doing the criminal complaint now one after that uh lawyer [01:29:29.880 --> 01:29:31.800] yeah the state's attorney [01:29:34.920 --> 01:29:39.560] all right well is there anything else you got i got a few other callers and two segments left [01:29:40.600 --> 01:29:44.440] okay let me let you go appreciate appreciate your work adi keep it up all right jimmy thanks for [01:29:44.440 --> 01:29:50.520] calling in have a week with us okay you too man good luck all right bye thanks all right folks [01:29:50.520 --> 01:29:54.760] this is rule of law radio i see the rest of you up there so y'all hang on and i'll try to get [01:29:54.760 --> 01:30:03.560] everyone taken care of before we're off there so we'll be right back what's black and white and [01:30:03.560 --> 01:30:09.560] has eyes all over it's the latest creepy addition to the ogden utah police force and it has frightening [01:30:09.560 --> 01:30:14.920] powers to observe and track citizens while itself going undetected i'm dr katherine albrecht and i'll [01:30:14.920 --> 01:30:21.080] tell you more in just a moment privacy is under attack when you give up data about yourself you'll [01:30:21.080 --> 01:30:26.280] never get it back again and once your privacy is gone you'll find your freedoms will start to [01:30:26.280 --> 01:30:32.600] vanish too so protect your rights say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself [01:30:32.600 --> 01:30:37.560] privacy it's worth hanging on to this public service announcement is brought to you by start [01:30:37.560 --> 01:30:44.600] page.com the private search engine alternative to google yahoo and bing start over with start page [01:30:46.040 --> 01:30:52.280] it's a bird it's a plane no it's big brother and he's gotten mighty fat in fact he's turned into [01:30:52.280 --> 01:30:57.160] an unmanned surveillance blimp and he's scheduled to track and monitor the citizens of ogden utah [01:30:57.160 --> 01:31:02.520] when he takes to the sky next year the 52 foot long airship will be equipped with high-tech cameras [01:31:02.520 --> 01:31:07.560] that can watch people like a hawk day and night for only a hundred dollars a month the helium filled [01:31:07.560 --> 01:31:13.320] blimp is cigar shaped and moves silently at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour at an altitude of 400 [01:31:13.320 --> 01:31:18.520] feet it's huge it's cheap and it's stealthy the police department couldn't be prouder of their [01:31:18.520 --> 01:31:23.800] cool new spying tool but personally i think it's full of hot air i'm dr katherine albrecht more [01:31:23.800 --> 01:31:34.200] news and information at katherinealbrecht.com this is building seven a 47 story skyscraper that fell [01:31:34.200 --> 01:31:39.400] on the afternoon of september 11 the government says that fire brought it down however 1500 [01:31:39.400 --> 01:31:44.120] architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition over 6 000 my fellow [01:31:44.120 --> 01:31:48.440] service members have given their lives and thousands of my fellow first responders are dying [01:31:48.440 --> 01:31:52.280] i'm not a conspiracy theorist i'm a structural engineer in new york city correction office [01:31:52.280 --> 01:31:57.720] i'm an air force pilot i'm a father who lost his son we're americans and we deserve the truth go [01:31:57.720 --> 01:32:03.400] to rememberbuildingseven.org today hey it's danny here for hill country home improvements did your [01:32:03.400 --> 01:32:07.800] home receive hail or wind damage from the recent storms come on we all know the government caused [01:32:07.800 --> 01:32:12.040] it with their kim trails but good luck getting them to pay for it okay i might be kidding about [01:32:12.040 --> 01:32:16.440] the kim trails but i'm serious about your roof that's why you have insurance and hill country [01:32:16.440 --> 01:32:21.160] home improvements can handle the claim for you with little to no out-of-pocket expense and we [01:32:21.160 --> 01:32:26.440] accept bitcoin as a multi-year a plus member of the better business bureau with zero complaints [01:32:26.440 --> 01:32:31.320] you can trust hill country home improvements to handle your claim and your roof right the first [01:32:31.320 --> 01:32:39.400] time just call 512-992-8745 or go to hill country home improvements.com mention the crypto show and [01:32:39.400 --> 01:32:43.880] get a hundred dollars off and we'll donate another hundred dollars to the logos radio network to help [01:32:43.880 --> 01:32:50.200] continue this programming so if those out of town roofers come knocking your door should be locking [01:32:50.200 --> 01:32:57.480] that's 512-992-8745 or hill country home improvements.com discounts are based on [01:32:57.480 --> 01:33:00.680] full roof replacement may not actually be kidding about kim trails [01:33:00.680 --> 01:33:17.480] you're listening to the logos radio network at logosradionetwork.com [01:33:30.680 --> 01:33:50.200] all right folks we are back this is rule of law radio and we have colono in hawaii colono what [01:33:50.200 --> 01:33:58.760] can we do for you hey how's that going um remember that program they had where they issued those [01:33:58.760 --> 01:34:05.320] citations to my parked automobile and and uh dealing with the dui roadblocks and [01:34:06.680 --> 01:34:13.720] battery dealing with the dui roadblock no no this is the park at the airport unattended [01:34:13.720 --> 01:34:21.480] oh okay yeah that was a few months ago anyway i got a notice in the mail i don't get mail up [01:34:21.480 --> 01:34:26.760] at home because i don't i live in a forest in the middle of nowhere so when i come to olaju [01:34:26.760 --> 01:34:35.240] i'll get my mail at my mailing address and there's a court that ruled in favor of the state [01:34:36.520 --> 01:34:41.800] on these citations that don't even apply to me because i'm not in commerce [01:34:43.960 --> 01:34:54.120] remember the hrs 286-207 yeah exempt now right now they're writing me letters and they're telling [01:34:54.120 --> 01:35:01.480] me that if i don't post a bond for a hearing or whatever and they said i can't post a bond [01:35:01.480 --> 01:35:09.640] because then i can't have an appeal if i if i don't win it so my question is should i just [01:35:09.640 --> 01:35:16.600] ignore them and just write them a letter sue them sue them for fraudulent conversion [01:35:18.600 --> 01:35:23.640] fraudulent conversion so well it's conversion that they're doing [01:35:23.640 --> 01:35:30.360] okay but here in texas conversion is no longer a separate thing it's now here in texas it's [01:35:30.360 --> 01:35:36.440] fraud and you just specify that the fraud was committed by the conversion of and that's what [01:35:36.440 --> 01:35:42.840] they're attempting to do they're trying to convert your privacy facilitate the conversion [01:35:42.840 --> 01:35:47.800] of your private status and compel you to engage in commerce against your will [01:35:47.800 --> 01:35:57.080] that's a federal rights violation yeah because um i got notified by a collection agency trying to [01:35:57.080 --> 01:36:03.000] collect the oh don't don't pay any attention to a collection agency in fact if you got something [01:36:03.000 --> 01:36:08.280] from a collection collection agency you need to start studying up on the fdcpa [01:36:08.280 --> 01:36:16.040] because if they didn't do everything 100 percent in compliance with the fdcpa and the current rulings [01:36:16.040 --> 01:36:24.520] on the fdcpa oh it's a very very big payday for you because every single violation under that act [01:36:24.520 --> 01:36:31.160] is a civil rights violation and the minimum fine for each of them is a thousand bucks [01:36:31.160 --> 01:36:40.360] fine for each of them is a thousand bucks per instance yeah yeah because i never responded [01:36:40.360 --> 01:36:46.200] because i didn't know about it first of all and by the time i found out about it wrote a letter they [01:36:46.200 --> 01:36:55.640] said no we're not going to go for that um that none yeah but see there may be several offenses [01:36:55.640 --> 01:37:01.320] in each communication they've had with you because there is a whole list of things they're [01:37:01.320 --> 01:37:08.280] required to do and every single communication every one of them they don't do is a separate [01:37:08.280 --> 01:37:14.360] violation you could have a ten thousand dollar letter in the first one and a six thousand dollar [01:37:14.360 --> 01:37:22.600] in the second one and a 25 in the third one now tell me this though because i didn't respond [01:37:22.600 --> 01:37:29.560] within 30 days they ruled against me but how can i respond when i don't know about it first [01:37:30.280 --> 01:37:38.680] and i'm not in violation in the first place my automobile is parked not in commerce so [01:37:40.120 --> 01:37:44.760] my question is should i panic and go shoot out a letter before they go and [01:37:44.760 --> 01:37:53.000] applies the uh the collection agency applies is the the credit bureau or okay if they report [01:37:53.000 --> 01:37:59.960] you to the credit bureau that's an even bigger violation okay stop worrying about what they're [01:37:59.960 --> 01:38:07.480] going to do and listen to what i'm telling you you need to do sue them for federal rights violations [01:38:08.200 --> 01:38:13.720] not the collection agency per se you can do them as well if you can show they violated the fdcpa [01:38:13.720 --> 01:38:20.520] but sue these other so-called governmental entities in federal court that are illegally [01:38:20.520 --> 01:38:26.760] converting your right to not engage in commerce into a compelled act of commerce [01:38:28.040 --> 01:38:33.960] because that is what they're doing they are converting your private status into a commercial [01:38:33.960 --> 01:38:42.520] status for monetary gain yeah okay that sounds like a like a plan because you know i'm not going [01:38:42.520 --> 01:38:46.920] you know i'm not going to rush to go to get this done because i'm not in violation in the first [01:38:46.920 --> 01:38:54.760] place so when i get home i'm going to uh face them in person and say look this is what's happening [01:38:55.720 --> 01:38:58.120] and and uh see what happens there [01:39:00.280 --> 01:39:04.440] because we're crying out loud is a registration and a safety sticker what [01:39:04.440 --> 01:39:10.040] did sound like it's like an act of congress uh well yeah that's what i'm saying they try to [01:39:10.040 --> 01:39:16.920] make you look like a big old gangster like al capone yeah okay well i just wanted to know [01:39:16.920 --> 01:39:21.720] because i'm working here at alahu and i'm not going to go rush over there to take care of this [01:39:21.720 --> 01:39:29.400] because they said so i'm just going to ignore them until i get time to uh to face them in person now [01:39:29.400 --> 01:39:34.840] one more question i'll have i know you got other callers i'll be quick but i'm here in alahu and [01:39:34.840 --> 01:39:42.200] they have these seat metal places making uh private plates i'm about ready to take off my [01:39:42.200 --> 01:39:49.960] plates and return them to the dmv and get my car i mean my automobile unregistered so [01:39:50.920 --> 01:39:55.800] does that sound like a plan that depends on how prepared you are for the fight that'll come behind [01:39:55.800 --> 01:40:03.640] it well i'm not everything sounds like a plan until you start executing it and nothing's going [01:40:03.640 --> 01:40:13.400] according to plan and so i'm the only reason i kept my plates on there as your uh they were [01:40:13.400 --> 01:40:21.640] issued is because i just kind of be low key but now i'm not afraid to be you know noticed already [01:40:21.640 --> 01:40:30.040] because i know i'm safe the hrs says so so i'm just going to go ahead and turn my place in and get a [01:40:30.040 --> 01:40:36.040] uh private plate yeah but okay but listen carefully what i'm telling you i'm not saying that you're [01:40:36.040 --> 01:40:42.520] wrong nor am i saying that you don't have a legal leg to stand on what i'm saying is is you better [01:40:42.520 --> 01:40:47.880] make darn sure that you are fully capable of bringing that case to court and winning [01:40:49.160 --> 01:40:55.720] by getting it all in the proper way so that they can't deny it and prevent you from doing it that's [01:40:55.720 --> 01:41:01.400] the difference between training and preparing for a fight and just going out and picking one [01:41:01.400 --> 01:41:09.080] without doing anything else yeah i've been kind of preparing for a while all right well how how [01:41:09.080 --> 01:41:16.680] prepared you are is your determination not mine i'm just making you aware to choose wisely yeah [01:41:16.680 --> 01:41:21.960] and you know police in in hawaii are pretty laid back compared to everybody else but still [01:41:21.960 --> 01:41:28.520] i'm i want to be prepared and my license plate will say hrs 286 [01:41:31.080 --> 01:41:37.240] i love it so anyway i almost can't wait to get pulled over i'm not going to make trouble or [01:41:37.240 --> 01:41:45.640] anything but i almost can't wait to be pulled over and kind of educate some of these people on what [01:41:45.640 --> 01:41:51.400] they don't know yet well don't educate them on the side of the road that could have repercussions you [01:41:51.400 --> 01:41:59.080] don't want to suffer through either and and i'm not afraid of that because as long as you're not [01:41:59.080 --> 01:42:07.240] doing anything wrong you know that's a presumption somebody that's a presumption not necessarily a [01:42:07.240 --> 01:42:14.920] fact you never know what kind of steroid junkie you're dealing with yeah just the fact that you [01:42:14.920 --> 01:42:20.360] you look you squint into the sunshine while he's staring you down could be enough to set him off [01:42:20.360 --> 01:42:25.800] you don't even have to open your mouth he just doesn't like to look on your face because you're [01:42:25.800 --> 01:42:38.760] squinting at him yeah anyway um never got a traffic citation in my life and now here i am [01:42:39.720 --> 01:42:46.280] uh dealing with all of this uh coercion that's why that's what i call it is coercion but [01:42:46.280 --> 01:42:53.240] but thank you for your answer and i'll keep you posted still yet all right well good luck [01:42:53.240 --> 01:43:01.160] not over yet it's not over yet so thank you for your time and i'll be making a donation again [01:43:01.160 --> 01:43:07.240] because it's so worth it all right well i appreciate that for sure you listen up everybody [01:43:07.240 --> 01:43:13.960] so worth it donate hint hint hint thank you no this is not a paid advertisement by eddie craig [01:43:13.960 --> 01:43:22.680] or rule of law all right bye all right thanks for calling in caudon all right now we have what [01:43:22.680 --> 01:43:30.200] appears to be jason in california jason i've got about 30 seconds before i go uh to a break so if [01:43:30.200 --> 01:43:35.480] you'll hang on i'll pick you up on the other side all right folks we are coming up on our last [01:43:35.480 --> 01:43:39.960] segment if you're on the board stay on the board i will try to get to everybody before we're done [01:43:39.960 --> 01:43:44.840] if you're not on the board it's too late to get on there now unless somebody's in a real [01:43:44.840 --> 01:43:48.920] hurry to get off so y'all hang on and we'll be right back to wrap this up [01:44:00.200 --> 01:44:05.080] you feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics are you confused [01:44:05.080 --> 01:44:09.720] by words like the constitution or the federal reserve what if so you may be diagnosed with [01:44:09.720 --> 01:44:15.800] the deadliest disease known today stupidity hi my name is steve holt and like millions of other [01:44:15.800 --> 01:44:21.320] americans i was diagnosed with stupidity at an early age i had no idea that the number one cause [01:44:21.320 --> 01:44:26.520] of the disease is found in almost every home in america the television unfortunately that puts [01:44:26.520 --> 01:44:31.720] most americans at risk of catching stupidity but there is hope the staff at brave new books have [01:44:31.720 --> 01:44:36.440] 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to be Jason in California Jason what can we do for you hey how you doing i uh here's the deal is my [01:46:41.320 --> 01:46:48.120] father had a trust created i am the sole beneficiary my sister was she was the trust the successor [01:46:48.120 --> 01:46:57.640] whatever after my father died in 06 now she just died August 18th Wells Fargo was named to take [01:46:57.640 --> 01:47:04.520] over the trust for me because my father had it put into all sorts of names they declined so upon [01:47:04.520 --> 01:47:09.240] that i had to hire an attorney to figure out what i can do and i asked them who i could name the [01:47:09.240 --> 01:47:16.040] beneficiary and they said anybody other than me now the problem is is they're taking the lady [01:47:16.040 --> 01:47:22.840] that's doing this is now selling she's already paid me for what was considered my stuff $10,000 [01:47:22.840 --> 01:47:29.560] but i'm saying my stuff now sold on craigslist i'm in california the trust is in oregon and i [01:47:29.560 --> 01:47:34.920] can't i've asked her numerous times to resign she's given me no money for the last nine months but [01:47:34.920 --> 01:47:43.960] she's paid herself over a hundred thousand and i don't know what to do uh you can sue her for [01:47:43.960 --> 01:47:51.480] uh uh failure to perform her fiduciary duties how can she be collecting money from the trust without [01:47:51.480 --> 01:47:58.440] uh as a trust administrator how's it set up what is her power in the trust i had to hire her that's [01:47:58.440 --> 01:48:04.760] the whole thing is i had to hire her to basically what i was yeah but how did you hire her what do [01:48:04.760 --> 01:48:11.000] you mean by hire what are you paying her how are you paying her it's being paid out of the trust [01:48:11.000 --> 01:48:17.400] she's agreed to take the job out of the pay of the trust and seven years of my sister the seven [01:48:17.400 --> 01:48:23.400] the seven years of my sister was in charge of my trust she never separated anything and she died [01:48:23.400 --> 01:48:32.840] bankrupt with spending my money so now i now well fargo has declined and i asked the attorney what [01:48:32.840 --> 01:48:38.840] you know who why can't i why can't i assign myself because you can't be a beneficiary of a [01:48:38.840 --> 01:48:47.480] trust of which you are also an administrator oh okay see this is i'm not understanding [01:48:49.400 --> 01:48:54.840] yeah i'm lost now because i'm the last person it's like you trying to put yourself in charge [01:48:54.840 --> 01:48:58.040] of your own wallet and still claiming to be separate from the wallet [01:48:58.040 --> 01:49:09.240] it yeah now but here's the deal is my father was burbank fire captain and at 15 years old my sister's [01:49:09.240 --> 01:49:17.480] husband had punched me and put me blind he was an adult at the time it put me blind now i feel that [01:49:17.480 --> 01:49:21.560] this whole trust issue has been a big negative effect in my life i've kept my mouth shut all my [01:49:21.560 --> 01:49:28.200] life here's the deal is when i went to tell my father a month later after the guy had punched me [01:49:28.200 --> 01:49:36.200] and begged me not to tell i went to tell my father and he said screw you jason i'm going to go tell [01:49:36.200 --> 01:49:41.400] him and he did well the the meeting went with him my sister my dad my stepmother at the time who was [01:49:41.400 --> 01:49:46.840] former burdego hills fire dispatcher they went into the kitchen i was told to stay outside i stayed [01:49:46.840 --> 01:49:52.440] outside they came out my dad looked at me and told me that i deserved it that my alligator mouth got [01:49:52.440 --> 01:50:00.040] my hummingbird ass in trouble and from then on i've been designated the black sheep at 16 they [01:50:00.040 --> 01:50:05.880] took my surgery away from my eyes to be straightened because they didn't like my attitude and i'm not [01:50:05.880 --> 01:50:12.440] understanding i've done nothing about going blind in my eye but nobody can statue the limitations [01:50:12.440 --> 01:50:16.920] and everything else it was ran out is what everybody tells me and i'm i don't i don't think that's fair [01:50:16.920 --> 01:50:23.640] or and i don't think that's right now that this trust my sister was able to waste her money my [01:50:23.640 --> 01:50:30.760] father is now declined mentioning the fact that he's a mandatory reporter child abuse same as my [01:50:30.760 --> 01:50:37.240] stepmother and i'm left holding those cards with this lady that she's giving me twenty five hundred [01:50:37.240 --> 01:50:43.320] dollars in nine months and that dear my attorney before i fired it she wouldn't even mail me the [01:50:43.320 --> 01:50:53.160] check okay well one i'm not a trust law expert i'm not a trust expert trust is not my area that's [01:50:53.160 --> 01:51:03.560] don terry on agenda 21 tomorrow night okay uh but based upon what you're telling me legally speaking [01:51:03.560 --> 01:51:11.080] you cannot be both the trust administrator and the beneficiary like i said that's like you handling [01:51:11.080 --> 01:51:18.280] your own wallet but claiming not to be associated with the wallet just it isn't going to work okay [01:51:18.280 --> 01:51:24.360] yes now what happens if i die and i'm not allowed to since i can't take it over and there's no one [01:51:24.360 --> 01:51:29.640] left i have no issue i have no kids i have nothing left well what you do with what's left in it is [01:51:29.640 --> 01:51:35.560] and it depends entirely on what the terms of the trust are are there terms in the trust that says [01:51:35.560 --> 01:51:41.160] if something happens to you the trust is then allocated somewhere else if there isn't then [01:51:41.160 --> 01:51:47.560] anything that's if the trust is supposed to be perpetual to you your heirs and your assigns then [01:51:47.560 --> 01:51:54.680] you can do what you want with it in your own will and testament okay but that'll be based upon [01:51:54.680 --> 01:52:01.480] whatever law is operative in whatever state you're in in relation to trust and trust accounts and the [01:52:01.480 --> 01:52:07.480] beneficiaries of that and how the trust is established and directed to be governed in the [01:52:07.480 --> 01:52:17.080] rules governing its establishment the terms of the trust will dictate okay because the only the terms [01:52:17.080 --> 01:52:26.200] of the basic benefit you know any any what is it uh any extra any extra that is well again telling [01:52:26.200 --> 01:52:30.680] me what it says is it going to help it would be somebody that knows what they're reading having [01:52:30.680 --> 01:52:40.040] to read it because words you think mean something in law are going to mean something else yeah and [01:52:40.040 --> 01:52:46.280] well here's and here's the deal too is knowing that the trust now my father had a house my sister [01:52:46.280 --> 01:52:51.560] according to the document had first right to buy me out of the house upon his death that's the house [01:52:51.560 --> 01:52:58.040] was to be sold with her having first right to buy me out since she took over the trust i never argued [01:52:58.040 --> 01:53:01.720] with her i never said anything i let her do what she would she wanted to keep the house and not buy [01:53:01.720 --> 01:53:08.920] my portion out until supposedly the market got better now she's died and i know the reason that [01:53:08.920 --> 01:53:14.920] my father wanted the house sold is because he did not want two kids fighting over it so he gave the [01:53:14.920 --> 01:53:19.960] then why didn't he sell it and put the money in the trust and not worry about it if that was truly [01:53:19.960 --> 01:53:25.400] his intent that would have been the smarter thing to do that's where my sister was supposed to do [01:53:25.400 --> 01:53:31.560] she was supposed to buy my my 30 share out and she never did well no no no no will no nothing she [01:53:31.560 --> 01:53:39.960] wasn't required to do it she just had by the decree in the trust she had the rightful first [01:53:39.960 --> 01:53:46.840] first ability to do it nothing made it mandatory where she had to buy it from you is there [01:53:48.840 --> 01:53:56.040] it just said that if you if it was to be sold to be sold then upon her death then if she wanted [01:53:56.040 --> 01:54:01.880] to sell her part she had to give you first crack at it nothing said she had to buy you out [01:54:01.880 --> 01:54:08.680] it may have said that you had to reciprocate and offer her first crack to buy you out [01:54:09.880 --> 01:54:14.280] but nothing could have made either one of you obligated to buy the other one out [01:54:16.600 --> 01:54:23.560] no no well my father made sure that he gave her option to buy my share out first thinking that [01:54:23.560 --> 01:54:29.960] i would not have the money instead of it being sold outright the money you know the 30 percent [01:54:29.960 --> 01:54:37.880] you know the 30 percent he gave her option to to buy my half of the share yeah i understand all that [01:54:38.440 --> 01:54:42.920] i'm not sure how why that changes what i'm talking about here as far as how you're trying to explain [01:54:42.920 --> 01:54:50.600] it i understand the option as far as the way you described it but you said that she was obligated [01:54:50.600 --> 01:54:57.560] or required to buy it and she's not because you said she was supposed to buy you out [01:54:57.560 --> 01:55:05.400] right no she had option to buy my share of the house out yeah just like you did hers right [01:55:06.840 --> 01:55:14.040] uh i don't believe so so you're saying that you had to let her have first crack to buy it [01:55:14.040 --> 01:55:20.840] but you did not have to give she didn't have to give you first crack to uh to buy out the other [01:55:20.840 --> 01:55:26.440] her hand to sell it she just had to sell it she just had to sell it okay and now that it's been [01:55:26.440 --> 01:55:33.400] and my fiduciary also told me that the house was she had an offer on the house for 320,000 dollars [01:55:33.400 --> 01:55:39.240] and her latest accounting shows that 220,000 dollars was paid for the house [01:55:41.080 --> 01:55:46.680] okay well it sounds to me like your fiduciary is stealing from the trust in which case suing [01:55:46.680 --> 01:55:55.320] is what you're going to have to do okay okay do you know any if you're going to ask me anything [01:55:55.320 --> 01:56:02.200] about attorneys the answer is no i don't recommend them i don't know any of them i do not refer them [01:56:02.200 --> 01:56:09.960] no no no no and i agree with you 100% after what my attorney has advised me of so is there any [01:56:09.960 --> 01:56:18.200] recommendation of documents that i need to file or ways to go about this again i do not know [01:56:18.200 --> 01:56:24.760] california trust law i do not know what you would need to file in relation to a suit over dispute [01:56:24.760 --> 01:56:31.320] of a trust by a beneficiary against a fiduciary and this is in oregon the trust is held i am in [01:56:31.320 --> 01:56:37.080] california yeah but that just means that you've got diversity jurisdiction to go into the fed in [01:56:37.080 --> 01:56:42.680] this case or if there's a stipulation that everything has to be handled in relation to [01:56:42.680 --> 01:56:49.000] the trust under oregon law then you will have to do it under oregon law and well and that's the [01:56:49.000 --> 01:56:56.760] deal is the uniform trust code they have adopted which is 2003 and i my attorney told me that i'm [01:56:56.760 --> 01:57:01.320] presumed to know the law and i said well i never got this in the mail first off i don't remember [01:57:01.320 --> 01:57:06.520] voting board and i don't remember getting okay well first off that's just attorney smoke screen [01:57:06.520 --> 01:57:11.160] for why you have to pay me so much money because i don't know the law either but at least to have [01:57:11.160 --> 01:57:16.840] access to the means to research it that's all that stupid statement by judges and attorneys mean [01:57:16.840 --> 01:57:23.640] because they don't know what the law is themselves none of them do they just go look it up when they [01:57:23.640 --> 01:57:32.120] need it maybe no one on the planet knows the 65 million laws in existence so i could care less [01:57:32.120 --> 01:57:38.200] for what the attorney says as far as being presumed to know anything but this is a case and it's [01:57:38.200 --> 01:57:43.960] always a case in legal land when you don't know the rules the rules will be used to hurt you [01:57:43.960 --> 01:57:51.320] and you've got to find some way to figure this out for wherever the trust says the laws are [01:57:51.320 --> 01:57:57.480] controlling and i cannot tell you without looking at the trust whether that's going to be california [01:57:57.480 --> 01:58:03.000] oregon or you can get diversity jurisdiction through the fed because of the two locations [01:58:03.000 --> 01:58:09.880] you're going to have to read the the rules of the trust and find out okay okay thank you all right [01:58:09.880 --> 01:58:14.920] thanks for calling in all right folks this has been the monday night rule of law radio show [01:58:14.920 --> 01:58:19.080] i want to thank you all for listening i want to thank you for calling in i want to thank [01:58:19.080 --> 01:58:24.440] y'all for the financial support y'all please have a great week keep us in your prayers keep [01:58:24.440 --> 01:58:40.440] us in your finances where you're able y'all have a great week good night god bless [01:58:40.440 --> 01:58:48.440] me [01:58:50.360 --> 01:58:56.840] bibles for america is offering absolutely free a unique study bible called the new testament [01:58:56.840 --> 01:59:02.280] recovery version the new testament recovery version has over 9 000 footnotes that explain [01:59:02.280 --> 01:59:08.680] what the 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