[00:00.000 --> 00:08.000] This is The Liberty Beat, your daily source for Liberty news and activist updates, online [00:08.000 --> 00:09.760] at TheLibertyBeat.com. [00:09.760 --> 00:13.680] I'm Brian Hagan with your Liberty Beat for Thursday, March 5th, 2015. [00:13.680 --> 00:23.120] Gold is trading at $1,203, silver at $16.22, and Bitcoin is trading around $267.61. [00:23.120 --> 00:28.680] Today's Bitcoin price brought to you by Expresscoin, the fastest, most reliable way to buy Bitcoin. [00:28.680 --> 00:31.480] Buy Bitcoin today at Expresscoin.com. [00:31.480 --> 00:36.240] In the news, an effort to override President Obama's recent veto of the Keystone XL pipeline [00:36.240 --> 00:38.440] failed in the Senate on Wednesday. [00:38.440 --> 00:43.800] The Senate voted 62 in favor of overriding the veto and 37 in favor of the veto, short [00:43.800 --> 00:48.120] of the two-thirds needed. [00:48.120 --> 00:51.820] Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing arguments in the second major [00:51.820 --> 00:55.680] challenge to President Obama's Affordable Care, health care law. [00:55.680 --> 01:00.720] The justices listened to 85 minutes of arguments from conservative opponents of the measure. [01:00.720 --> 01:04.760] The latest challenge hinges on the phrase, established by the state, and whether or not [01:04.760 --> 01:08.760] the phrase has been correctly interpreted by the administration to allow subsidies or [01:08.760 --> 01:15.360] tax credits for those who cannot afford medical insurance. [01:15.360 --> 01:20.340] On Thursday, March 12th, indigenous activists with the Pitt River, Wintu, Karoo, Shasta, [01:20.340 --> 01:24.800] and Modoc nations will rally outside of a federal appeals court as arguments begin in [01:24.800 --> 01:27.840] a battle to protect the sacred medicine lake highlands. [01:27.840 --> 01:33.480] The lands have been used for generations as centers for healing, ceremony, and gatherings. [01:33.480 --> 01:37.760] Indigenous communities say for the last 25 years, the Calpine Energy Corporation, Bureau [01:37.760 --> 01:42.120] of Land Management, and United States Forest Service have worked to destroy the lands through [01:42.120 --> 01:45.000] proposed geothermal power projects. [01:45.000 --> 01:50.200] On July 30th, 2013, a lower court ruled in favor of Calpine and the government and allowed [01:50.200 --> 01:52.040] the plans to move forward. [01:52.040 --> 01:56.040] The communities say the projects will threaten the aquifer and inject toxins into the air [01:56.040 --> 02:01.400] and waters, as well as deeply affect their religious practices and traditional values. [02:01.400 --> 02:06.280] On March 12th, representatives of several nations will hold a sunrise prayer and gathering [02:06.280 --> 02:10.320] on March and a press conference outside the courthouse. [02:10.320 --> 02:14.280] The Liberty Beat is brought to you by Silver Botanicals, producing innovative, all-natural, [02:14.280 --> 02:17.600] high-quality collodial silver and gold personal care products. [02:17.600 --> 02:21.080] Experience the power of collodial silver with their silver shield deodorant and silver tongue [02:21.080 --> 02:22.360] oral disinfectant. [02:22.360 --> 02:27.120] Visit silverbotanicals.com for more information or buy their products at Brave New Books. [02:27.120 --> 02:33.080] Support also comes from the Texas Bitcoin Conference, March 28th and 29th at ACL Live [02:33.080 --> 02:34.440] at the Moody Theater. [02:34.440 --> 02:39.640] Join scores of Bitcoin experts and enthusiasts from around the world for talks, networking, [02:39.640 --> 02:42.640] and a million-dollar Bitcoin 2.0 hackathon. [02:42.640 --> 02:46.120] Tickets on sale now at texasbitcoinconference.com. [02:46.120 --> 02:50.400] Use coupon code LIBERTYBEAT for $25 off your ticket. [02:50.400 --> 02:53.000] That's coupon code LIBERTYBEAT. [02:53.000 --> 02:57.080] This is the Liberty Beat for Thursday, March 5th, 2015. [02:57.080 --> 03:22.920] Check out the website at thelibertybeat.com. [03:27.080 --> 03:51.880] Check out the website at texasbitcoinconference.com. [03:51.880 --> 04:19.880] Check out the website at texasbitcoinconference.com. [04:19.880 --> 04:27.320] Okay, howdy, howdy, Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Root of Law Radio on this Thursday, [04:27.320 --> 04:33.120] the fifth day of March, 2015. [04:33.120 --> 04:34.120] Can you believe it? [04:34.120 --> 04:40.760] We're almost a quarter of the way through the whole year. [04:40.760 --> 04:42.960] That is downright scary. [04:42.960 --> 04:51.120] Okay, tonight I wanted to start talking about some research I've been doing, and it's [04:51.120 --> 04:53.480] a rather surprising research. [04:53.480 --> 05:01.800] I've been looking into, I'm helping someone build a brief on an appeal to the Court of [05:01.800 --> 05:08.320] Appeals in California on standing issues. [05:08.320 --> 05:14.920] And in researching standing, I came across something very interesting about a deed of [05:14.920 --> 05:17.080] trust. [05:17.080 --> 05:26.880] And what I came across on that is case law stating that a deed of trust is an adhesion [05:26.880 --> 05:29.880] contract. [05:29.880 --> 05:40.400] It kind of frustrates me sometimes that about the time I think I've got it figured out, [05:40.400 --> 05:46.760] somebody dropped something on me that I had never considered. [05:46.760 --> 06:00.440] And in researching out the standing issue of a lender or a lender's purported agent, [06:00.440 --> 06:12.080] which essentially is MERS, I came across this issue of adhesion contracts. [06:12.080 --> 06:17.480] And they addressed the deed of trust as an adhesion contract. [06:17.480 --> 06:21.280] And when I heard the argument, it made perfect sense. [06:21.280 --> 06:25.200] And before I go too far into that, I'm going to open the phone line. [06:25.200 --> 06:31.080] So if you have any questions or comments on this topic or any other, it doesn't make any [06:31.080 --> 06:32.080] difference. [06:32.080 --> 06:39.240] Give us a call, 512-646-1984, I'm going to keep the phone, it's open all night. [06:39.240 --> 06:44.800] Just initially, I wanted to start talking about an adhesion contract and how the deed [06:44.800 --> 06:50.720] of trust can be construed as an adhesion contract. [06:50.720 --> 07:01.880] And what the case law says is, is that if someone is presented a contract, the presumption [07:01.880 --> 07:11.240] is, is that you read the contract and that you are imputed to understand the contract [07:11.240 --> 07:16.640] as you have a duty to read it before you sign it and you're held responsible for what you [07:16.640 --> 07:18.240] read in the contract. [07:18.240 --> 07:29.800] Well, what the case law says is, is if you are put in a position such that, it is, that [07:29.800 --> 07:39.800] you have, you do not have a free and open access to the potential contract prior to [07:39.800 --> 07:49.200] the time you would be expected to affirm the contract, such that you do not have time or [07:49.200 --> 07:58.000] opportunity to seek alternatives, alternatives to the contract presented to you. [07:58.000 --> 08:08.920] And that at the time the contract is presented, the opposing party has engineered pressures [08:08.920 --> 08:22.520] and influences that would leave you reasonable, leave you little, what's the right word, that [08:22.520 --> 08:29.240] would leave you no reasonable way of avoiding signing the contract. [08:29.240 --> 08:38.440] And as to a deed of trust, this is a perfect situation to explain an adhesion contract. [08:38.440 --> 08:42.760] You go to a real estate agent to purchase a property and they take you and show you [08:42.760 --> 08:46.040] this property and you just love it, it's perfect. [08:46.040 --> 08:51.320] And they say, okay, we need to check your credit and check your income and all that [08:51.320 --> 08:55.320] and they do a loan application and they look at your loan application, they come to you [08:55.320 --> 08:57.720] and say, oh, this is great. [08:57.720 --> 09:00.120] You absolutely qualify for this loan. [09:00.120 --> 09:02.320] You can get this property. [09:02.320 --> 09:07.880] So you're living in a property now and you want to upgrade to another property. [09:07.880 --> 09:11.360] And the real estate agent just told you absolutely no problem. [09:11.360 --> 09:15.720] You can get this property, you can get approved for it, not a problem. [09:15.720 --> 09:22.120] So you're in a position to where you have a mortgage already and in order to upgrade [09:22.120 --> 09:25.040] to another property, you have to sell this property. [09:25.040 --> 09:29.320] So you have to put this property up for sale based on what the real estate agent told you [09:29.320 --> 09:37.320] that you absolutely will qualify for this mortgage, well, you put yourself for sale. [09:37.320 --> 09:45.480] The real estate agent is going to go to great lengths to ensure that you do not get to closing [09:45.480 --> 09:54.440] until you're in a position to where you have no option but to close on the deal. [09:54.440 --> 09:58.280] They're going to encourage you to sell your current property and they're going to give [09:58.280 --> 10:03.960] you all kinds of alternatives you can do where you can put your property in storage or you [10:03.960 --> 10:09.320] can agree to sell the property and lease it back for a month or two or three, whatever [10:09.320 --> 10:15.080] it takes to close this other deal so that you don't have to worry about not having a [10:15.080 --> 10:17.960] place to live. [10:17.960 --> 10:23.080] So then as you get closer to closing, they're going to have a little problem, a little snag, [10:23.080 --> 10:26.080] it's not a big deal. [10:26.080 --> 10:32.360] We need this document, we need that document, we need this confirmation, blah, blah, blah. [10:32.360 --> 10:37.560] And then they set it up again and you get a little closer and they delay it again. [10:37.560 --> 10:42.360] It's like they're holding a carrot out for you and then they draw it back. [10:42.360 --> 10:48.880] And in the meantime, they're pushing you into a position to where you have a contract on [10:48.880 --> 10:52.360] your property and then a delay again. [10:52.360 --> 10:58.960] Now you have a closing on the property that you're in and you need to close this property [10:58.960 --> 11:04.600] so that when the one you're in closes, you have a place to go to. [11:04.600 --> 11:09.600] And they're going to stall you and they're going to delay to the point to where you come [11:09.600 --> 11:15.560] to closing, you have no option, you have to make this deal because you don't have a place [11:15.560 --> 11:17.560] to go. [11:17.560 --> 11:25.960] So you sit down and the lender puts in front of you a contract you've never seen before. [11:25.960 --> 11:34.760] And you can read the contract, but what if the contract doesn't make sense? [11:34.760 --> 11:44.760] Of all of the people listening, if any of you have a mortgage, how many of you have [11:44.760 --> 11:49.600] read your deed of trust? [11:49.600 --> 11:57.680] And of those who have read the deed of trust, how many of you think you fully understand [11:57.680 --> 12:00.160] what you have read? [12:00.160 --> 12:10.720] Now that's a loaded question because I have probably read 500 deeds of trust. [12:10.720 --> 12:17.960] I've read them, I've analyzed them, I've taken them apart piece by piece. [12:17.960 --> 12:28.000] And I can tell you, I do not understand the deed of trust. [12:28.000 --> 12:36.360] There are so many confluted contradictions that I have come to the conclusion that whoever [12:36.360 --> 12:44.200] wrote this document was high on coke when he wrote it. [12:44.200 --> 12:48.440] This is such a screwed up mess. [12:48.440 --> 12:53.540] And I'm not talking about just some document that some lawyer put together, I'm talking [12:53.540 --> 12:58.960] about Fannie Mae Freddie Mac uniform instruments. [12:58.960 --> 13:04.760] They're all the same instrument, they vary slightly by state. [13:04.760 --> 13:13.800] But the basic tenets and covenants of the contract are the same for all states. [13:13.800 --> 13:21.160] I look at that Fannie Mae Freddie Mac uniform instrument and I wonder, was the guy who wrote [13:21.160 --> 13:30.920] this high on coke, it just does not make sense. [13:30.920 --> 13:40.080] And when reasonable persons of ordinary prudence can look at a document and come to different [13:40.080 --> 13:48.640] conclusions, the document is ambiguous to the point of being unenforceable. [13:48.640 --> 13:55.560] And this goes to the adhesion contract. [13:55.560 --> 14:05.120] Now I'm writing a document for someone who is in foreclosure, who's been given a notice [14:05.120 --> 14:10.120] of foreclosure back in 2013, then he sued Delinder. [14:10.120 --> 14:25.240] And they're going to an appeals court on the issue of standing and in trying to determine [14:25.240 --> 14:32.600] who actually has a right to make a claim against the property. [14:32.600 --> 14:41.200] When reading the deed of trust, you simply cannot tell if anybody here has a mortgage. [14:41.200 --> 14:46.720] And that mortgage includes mortgage electronic registration systems. [14:46.720 --> 14:53.720] First thing you need to do is look at that document. [14:53.720 --> 15:06.400] What you need to understand about that document is according to the court, that's your document. [15:06.400 --> 15:08.160] You created it. [15:08.160 --> 15:10.400] You created it with your signature. [15:10.400 --> 15:16.940] Now you didn't write it, you didn't put all the pieces together, Delinder did that. [15:16.940 --> 15:21.880] But they brought it to you and asked you to sign it. [15:21.880 --> 15:25.560] And you'll notice they didn't sign it. [15:25.560 --> 15:35.880] They didn't sign it because the lender was not granting any concession in the contract. [15:35.880 --> 15:43.160] The only one that was granting any concession or privilege in the contract was you. [15:43.160 --> 15:48.520] So apparently the only one who had to sign it was you. [15:48.520 --> 15:56.760] And what the Uniform Commercial Code says is that a contract is created when something [15:56.760 --> 16:01.240] of value changes hands. [16:01.240 --> 16:11.520] And the contract was created when the lender gave to you a warranty deed to the property. [16:11.520 --> 16:15.020] They essentially gave you the property. [16:15.020 --> 16:24.140] They trade that property to you for a note, promissory note, a promise to pay, and a security [16:24.140 --> 16:27.960] instrument, a deed of trust in this case. [16:27.960 --> 16:34.080] This is a non-judicial state, so it's a deed of trust where you promise to pay a certain [16:34.080 --> 16:40.080] amount over a certain time and if you didn't do that, this security instrument would allow [16:40.080 --> 16:44.880] the lender to foreclose on your property. [16:44.880 --> 16:49.560] If they gave you a warranty deed, you gave them a promise to pay the security instrument. [16:49.560 --> 16:53.040] A contract was created and we'll address that when we come back. [16:53.040 --> 17:00.720] Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, Real Well Radio, we'll be right back. [17:00.720 --> 17:06.160] Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved except in the area of [17:06.160 --> 17:07.160] nutrition. [17:07.160 --> 17:11.480] People feed their pets better than they feed themselves and it's time we changed all that. [17:11.480 --> 17:17.040] Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment is good nutrition. [17:17.040 --> 17:23.480] In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and mutilated, Young Jevity can [17:23.480 --> 17:25.960] provide the nutrients you need. [17:25.960 --> 17:30.600] Logos Radio Network gets many requests to endorse all sorts of products, most of which [17:30.600 --> 17:31.720] we reject. [17:31.720 --> 17:36.960] We have come to trust Young Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with [17:36.960 --> 17:39.760] Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many others. [17:39.760 --> 17:46.160] When you order from LogosRadioNetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support [17:46.160 --> 17:47.160] quality radio. [17:47.160 --> 17:51.680] As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [17:51.680 --> 17:57.320] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [17:57.320 --> 17:59.280] increase your income. [17:59.280 --> 18:00.600] Order now. [18:00.600 --> 18:05.320] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even losses? [18:05.320 --> 18:09.440] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [18:09.440 --> 18:13.720] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you [18:13.720 --> 18:14.720] can win too. [18:14.720 --> 18:19.560] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal [18:19.560 --> 18:25.000] civil rights statutes, what to do when contacted by phones, mail, or court summons, how to [18:25.000 --> 18:29.520] answer letters and phone calls, how to get debt collectors out of your credit report, [18:29.520 --> 18:34.160] how to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [18:34.160 --> 18:39.280] The Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [18:39.280 --> 18:41.080] Additional consultation is available as well. [18:41.080 --> 18:47.040] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner, [18:47.040 --> 18:49.920] or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [18:49.920 --> 18:58.920] That's ruleoflawradio.com, or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt [18:58.920 --> 18:59.920] collectors now. [18:59.920 --> 19:10.240] You are listening to the Logos Radio Network, the LogosRadioNetwork.com. [19:10.240 --> 19:38.240] The Logos Radio Network, the Logos Radio Network, the Logos Radio Network, the Logos [19:38.240 --> 20:05.160] Radio Network, the Logos Radio Network, the Logos Radio Network, the Logos Radio Network, [20:05.160 --> 20:26.480] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Rule of Law Radio. And we have a couple callers [20:26.480 --> 20:33.720] on but before I go to that, I'm going to kind of caption out and he's in contract. Anybody [20:33.720 --> 20:42.240] who has a mortgage should understand the concept of adhesion contract because this gives you [20:42.240 --> 20:47.720] some great claims you can use against the lender. If you have a mortgage and you wind [20:47.720 --> 20:55.320] up in economic difficulty and the banks coming after you trying to foreclose on your property [20:55.320 --> 21:03.640] and MERS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems is included in the security instrument. [21:03.640 --> 21:10.060] This will give you some very powerful claims that you can bring against the lender that [21:10.060 --> 21:15.640] are gaining traction around the country. This is something we've been working on for five [21:15.640 --> 21:25.440] years, for about seven years now and the tide is beginning to turn. The contract is an adhesion [21:25.440 --> 21:34.480] contract because you are put in a position to where you have no reasonable option but [21:34.480 --> 21:44.320] to sign the contract as it is. That's what makes the Deed of Trust an adhesion contract. [21:44.320 --> 21:49.840] Now if you had a lender who came to you and brought you the Deed of Trust and said, here's [21:49.840 --> 21:56.000] what I'm going to want you to sign when we get to closing and you have time to look it [21:56.000 --> 22:05.580] over and if you don't like it, you have time to seek out a different lender or propose [22:05.580 --> 22:12.160] your own contract, then that would not be an adhesion contract. But when you're put [22:12.160 --> 22:18.640] into a position to where you have no reasonable alternative but to accept the contract as [22:18.640 --> 22:27.880] it is, regardless of whether or not the contract contains unconscionable provisions, then that [22:27.880 --> 22:36.640] is an adhesion contract. Even if it does not contain unconscionable provisions, it is still [22:36.640 --> 22:49.840] an adhesion contract. I was studying for California case law and one of the things I've talked [22:49.840 --> 23:01.640] about is when you start preparing a defense to a case, the first place you want to go [23:01.640 --> 23:11.840] is to the pattern jury charges. Because pattern jury charges, that's where the action is. [23:11.840 --> 23:20.120] A pattern jury charge is what you have to prove. When you get to court, the only thing [23:20.120 --> 23:27.480] you have to prove is what's in the pattern jury charge. Now let me read the pattern jury [23:27.480 --> 23:36.840] charge in California concerning an adhesion contract. I'm sorry, this actually goes to [23:36.840 --> 23:48.280] ambiguity. I missed my place. Okay, I won't read it. Let me read this anyway. This goes [23:48.280 --> 23:56.440] to ambiguity and it kind of addresses an adhesion contract. In this case, we're stating that [23:56.440 --> 24:08.880] the deed of trust, the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac uniform instrument, if you've ever read it [24:08.880 --> 24:17.240] and you can make sense of it, call me because I've read about a hundred of them and I can't [24:17.240 --> 24:24.600] make sense of it. So why on earth would you sign this contract that does not make sense? [24:24.600 --> 24:31.200] You can read this contract all you want to and it does not make sense. No matter how [24:31.200 --> 24:36.540] many times you read it. Why on earth would you sign it? You would only sign it because [24:36.540 --> 24:45.640] you have no viable option. That makes it an adhesion contract. And let me read you that [24:45.640 --> 24:52.480] the reason that the contract is not enforceable, the reason you can't understand it is that [24:52.480 --> 25:04.920] it is so ambiguous. MERS is listed as the beneficiary and nominee for the lender. Well, [25:04.920 --> 25:16.720] what does that mean? Beneficiary. In the common tongue, in ordinary English, beneficiary means [25:16.720 --> 25:26.280] someone who has a right to the benefit of a contract. And in the case of a mortgage [25:26.280 --> 25:34.120] contract, the benefit of the contract is the payment stream, the payments that you make [25:34.120 --> 25:40.640] based on the contract. That's the benefit. So the person who has the right to receive [25:40.640 --> 25:50.760] that benefit is the beneficiary. Well it names MERS as the beneficiary. Well, that's a problem [25:50.760 --> 25:56.680] because MERS is not the one that gave you a warranty deed. The lender was the one that [25:56.680 --> 26:05.320] gave you the warranty deed and they traded the warranty deed for the note and the deed [26:05.320 --> 26:14.040] of trust. So when you look at the deed of trust, it claims MERS as the beneficiary. [26:14.040 --> 26:22.840] As nominee for the lender and his successors and his signs. Beneficiary for the lender, [26:22.840 --> 26:32.400] I'm sorry, beneficiary as nominee for the lender and his successors and his signs. What [26:32.400 --> 26:47.560] in the heck does that mean? Now if I said that the beneficial interest was granted to [26:47.560 --> 26:59.040] the two MERS acting as an agent for the lender, then you'd understand what the situation was [26:59.040 --> 27:06.080] because we understand what an agent is. An agent is someone who acts in the name of someone [27:06.080 --> 27:17.760] else but what is a nominee and how is a nominee also a beneficiary? If you look up the definition [27:17.760 --> 27:28.680] of beneficiary and the definition of nominee, that will give you no clue. Obviously, when [27:28.680 --> 27:37.680] the contract uses the term nominee, it uses that as a term of art because if you look [27:37.680 --> 27:44.660] up nominee in Webster's, it means someone that's nominated for some position. Not someone [27:44.660 --> 27:51.440] who's received the position but someone who's been nominated to receive the position. There [27:51.440 --> 27:58.920] could be a number of nominees. Now an agent, now if you're a nominee for the position of [27:58.920 --> 28:09.040] agent, that's understandable. Now it's clear what MERS is. As a nominee, he has no power, [28:09.040 --> 28:14.640] no authority at all but he's just one of many who could be nominated to be an agent. If [28:14.640 --> 28:23.280] he was an agent, then he could act in the name of the lender. But they very deliberately [28:23.280 --> 28:31.320] did not use the term agent. They used the term nominee. So since that doesn't fit either [28:31.320 --> 28:36.880] the Webster's definition or the legal, the Black's Law Dictionary definition, which is [28:36.880 --> 28:45.480] both the same, it must be a term of art. A special term used in a special circumstances. [28:45.480 --> 28:54.920] Problem, they did not define the term of art. So what the heck does it mean? If you cannot [28:54.920 --> 29:04.080] determine what it means, the contract is ambiguous to the point of being unenforceable. Well, [29:04.080 --> 29:13.200] maybe it means it's something concerning the contract itself. You see where MERS is listed [29:13.200 --> 29:22.520] in your deed of trust, it's in the definition section where it calls, it defines MERS as [29:22.520 --> 29:31.400] a beneficiary and nominee for the lender. It doesn't appoint MERS as a beneficiary [29:31.400 --> 29:37.840] and nominee for the lender. It defines them as that. That's just definitions. When you [29:37.840 --> 29:43.720] get down to, I think I'm running out of time here. I'll finish this up real quickly on [29:43.720 --> 29:47.760] the other side and then I'll go to callers. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, The Rule of [29:47.760 --> 30:02.360] Law Radio. I call in number 512-646-1984. Give us a call and we'll be right back. [30:02.360 --> 30:07.120] Coffee might not be so bad after all. In fact, researchers say drinking a cup of Joe every [30:07.120 --> 30:11.600] day can help keep the doctor away. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht and I'll be back in a moment [30:11.600 --> 30:17.080] to talk about the health benefits of coffee. Privacy is under attack. When you give up [30:17.080 --> 30:21.960] data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. Once your privacy is gone, you'll [30:21.960 --> 30:27.680] find your freedoms will start to vanish too. Protect your rights. Say no to surveillance [30:27.680 --> 30:33.360] and keep your information to yourself. Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. This public service [30:33.360 --> 30:38.760] announcement is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, [30:38.760 --> 30:46.720] Yahoo and Bing. Start over with StartPage. For years, coffee has gotten a bad rap. True, [30:46.720 --> 30:51.420] it can be addictive and even spike blood pressure. But researchers now say coffee could actually [30:51.420 --> 30:55.560] be good for you. Did you know that regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of type [30:55.560 --> 31:01.640] 2 diabetes? Coffee may also prevent colon cancer, gallstones, liver damage and Parkinson's [31:01.640 --> 31:05.320] disease. And anyone who's said to pull an all-nighter can tell you that coffee improves [31:05.320 --> 31:10.080] alertness and increases endurance. Coffee has many perks, but doctors caution against [31:10.080 --> 31:15.160] overconsumption. Two cups a day is generally okay, but more can cause jitters, insomnia [31:15.160 --> 31:20.400] and other health risks. As with most things in life, moderation is the key. I'm Dr. Catherine [31:20.400 --> 31:23.800] Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [31:23.800 --> 31:35.280] Did you know there are 3 million edible food plants on earth and none have the nutritional [31:35.280 --> 31:40.520] value of the hemp plant? HempUSA.org offers you hemp protein powder. It does not contain [31:40.520 --> 31:47.680] chemicals or THC, is non-GMO and is 100% gluten-free. Hemp protein powder burns fat, builds muscle, [31:47.680 --> 31:54.800] contains 53% protein and feeds the body the nutrients it needs. Call 888-910-4367 and [31:54.800 --> 32:00.200] see what our powder, seeds and oil can do for you. Only at HempUSA.org. [32:00.200 --> 32:06.440] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. In today's America, [32:06.440 --> 32:09.640] we live in an us-against-them society and if we the people are ever going to have a free [32:09.640 --> 32:13.720] society then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. Among those rights [32:13.720 --> 32:16.960] are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own private [32:16.960 --> 32:20.920] capacity and most importantly, the right to due process of law. Traffic courts afford [32:20.920 --> 32:24.800] us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through [32:24.800 --> 32:28.760] due process. Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig in conjunction with Rule of Law Radio [32:28.760 --> 32:32.480] has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you understand [32:32.480 --> 32:36.480] what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law. You can get your own copy [32:36.480 --> 32:41.360] of this invaluable material by going to ruleoflawradio.com and ordering your copy today. By ordering [32:41.360 --> 32:44.920] now you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas Transportation Code, The Law Versus [32:44.920 --> 32:49.360] the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, hundreds of research documents and [32:49.360 --> 32:52.600] other useful resource material. Learn how to fight for your rights with the help of [32:52.600 --> 32:57.040] this material from ruleoflawradio.com. Order your copy today and together we can have the [32:57.040 --> 33:01.080] free society we all want and deserve. [33:01.080 --> 33:08.080] Live, free speech radio, logosradionetwork.com. [33:31.080 --> 33:46.560] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Debra Steven, Rule of Law Radio on this March the 5th, 2015. [33:46.560 --> 33:53.120] And I'm going to finish up on this. The point of that discussion earlier, if you have a [33:53.120 --> 34:03.880] contract that you're put in a position such that you don't have the time and the essential [34:03.880 --> 34:13.080] freedom to sign the contract solely based on the covenants of the contract, but rather [34:13.080 --> 34:23.760] you're influenced by forces created by the opposing party that put you under undue stress [34:23.760 --> 34:32.440] to sign the contract regardless of the problems with it. That's an adhesion contract. And [34:32.440 --> 34:39.280] what I was talking about on the Deed of Trust, I could spend about four hours ripping apart [34:39.280 --> 34:47.120] the Deed of Trust. Whoever wrote that thing had to be high on coke. A Deed of Trust, Fannie [34:47.120 --> 34:52.080] Mae, Freddie Mac, Uniform, Instrument does not create a Deed of Trust, it creates a mortgage. [34:52.080 --> 34:57.680] It is such a mess, it's almost unbelievable. But you sign those things because you're under [34:57.680 --> 35:03.920] such pressure you have no alternative. That makes it an adhesion contract. If you have [35:03.920 --> 35:13.320] questions or comments about adhesion contracts, call in 512-646-1984. Right now, I'm going [35:13.320 --> 35:18.800] to go to callers. If we run out of callers, I'll go back to this issue later on and we'll [35:18.800 --> 35:23.480] talk some more about what a piece of trash the Deed of Trust is. Okay, we're going to [35:23.480 --> 35:25.520] Jeff in Mississippi. Hello, Jeff. [35:25.520 --> 35:29.480] Hi, Randy. Thanks for having me on the show. [35:29.480 --> 35:35.480] Glad to have you. What has been going on in Hillbilly land? [35:35.480 --> 35:46.400] Okay, well, I am wanting to know about an affidavit. I put in an affidavit six months [35:46.400 --> 35:57.000] ago. And then I've been doing some research and the research is telling me that when that [35:57.000 --> 36:03.560] I'm supposed to take the stand and testify and then while I'm testifying to actually [36:03.560 --> 36:12.040] read that affidavit in the microphone. The problem that I had with the affidavit, or [36:12.040 --> 36:18.760] I want to find out if it is a problem, is that I stated the facts. However, I did not [36:18.760 --> 36:24.000] attach any examples because I didn't know that I had to do that and I just never thought [36:24.000 --> 36:28.440] about it. So I have an affidavit in there without examples. That's the first. [36:28.440 --> 36:35.920] And then the second is when I take the witness stand to testify, last time I got up and testified [36:35.920 --> 36:41.820] in court, all I did was just defend myself against crazy questions. So do I want to testify [36:41.820 --> 36:50.520] to that affidavit and, you know, kind of give me the ins and outs on that and that's it. [36:50.520 --> 37:00.240] Okay. That is an interesting question. You have, is it case law or statute that says [37:00.240 --> 37:07.760] that you have to testify to the affidavit? Okay. Let me, let me back up and frame why [37:07.760 --> 37:16.120] I asked that question that way. Normally, if you file a verified affidavit into the [37:16.120 --> 37:28.280] record, the court will accept the affirmations and statements of fact as true until such [37:28.280 --> 37:40.080] time as they are challenged. So the first question is, has the other side in a written [37:40.080 --> 37:51.320] motion or objection challenged your statement of facts in the affidavit? No. Then the affidavits, [37:51.320 --> 37:58.800] if they're not challenged and if they're filed in the record and they haven't been challenged, [37:58.800 --> 38:11.040] then as far as I know in every other state, they must be accepted as true. Okay. What [38:11.040 --> 38:19.240] did you find that said that you had to weed the affidavit into the record? There was a [38:19.240 --> 38:24.760] little class on YouTube and I'm not trying to pit people against each other. It's just [38:24.760 --> 38:30.200] the person that was given the class stated that you would want to take the witness stand [38:30.200 --> 38:38.160] and actually read that affidavit into the microphone. Because until you're sworn in [38:38.160 --> 38:48.440] and until you're testifying, nothing else exists. Okay. When you file an affidavit, [38:48.440 --> 38:56.160] does the affidavit you filed a verified affidavit? Well, I swore to it and notarized it. Then [38:56.160 --> 39:03.520] you were sworn in Bubba. Okay. That's what I want to know. Exactly. That's sworn testimony [39:03.520 --> 39:11.440] and it's sworn written testimony, which is better than sworn verbal state testimony. [39:11.440 --> 39:16.160] That's in the record. If it's in the record unchallenged, then it can't be challenged. [39:16.160 --> 39:22.760] And if they try to challenge the facts in the affidavit at trial, then that comes as [39:22.760 --> 39:29.400] surprise. If they had an objection to the facts you stated in the affidavit, they had [39:29.400 --> 39:37.920] a duty to raise their objections prior to trial so that you had time to prepare a response [39:37.920 --> 39:46.520] to their objection. Got it. No surprise. In criminal and civil, there's no surprise on [39:46.520 --> 39:55.240] either side. You can't come into court and say, oh, your honor, I got this witness. The [39:55.240 --> 40:01.040] other side's going to say, object, object, object. I have no notice. That's surprise. [40:01.040 --> 40:08.160] I had no opportunity to test the veracity of this witness. I had no opportunity to depose [40:08.160 --> 40:17.600] this witness. And in civil trials, they want everybody to have all the information so that [40:17.600 --> 40:23.760] both sides can raise all the appropriate objections and then the judge can make a proper decision. [40:23.760 --> 40:33.160] In criminal, there's somewhat different. In criminal, the prosecution cannot surprise. [40:33.160 --> 40:39.880] The defense can. Oh. You can come up with a witness at the spur of the moment. Now they're [40:39.880 --> 40:46.160] going to ask you to show cause as to why the witness is brought in at a late date, but [40:46.160 --> 40:52.920] essentially you don't have to disclose your defense to the prosecution. Prosecution has [40:52.920 --> 40:59.720] to disclose its evidence to you. Okay. So the slight difference between criminal and [40:59.720 --> 41:10.360] civil, but in either case, surprise is not acceptable. So if you file a verified affidavit [41:10.360 --> 41:17.440] and the other side does not raise a timely objection to any purported facts in the affidavit, [41:17.440 --> 41:26.720] then the court must accept the affidavit is true. And that goes to reasonableness. You [41:26.720 --> 41:38.480] file a petition and you say, my name is whatever. And the other side, if they don't come in [41:38.480 --> 41:42.720] and say, Oh, his name is not really that the court is going to say, okay, I accept your [41:42.720 --> 41:53.200] name is that. So that the other side doesn't have to object to every single thing and that [41:53.200 --> 42:02.080] the court doesn't have to put up with objections to things that are nonsense. So the way they [42:02.080 --> 42:11.200] did that, you know, if you five makes affidavits of fact, their statements of fact, and the [42:11.200 --> 42:15.840] other side doesn't have to object to everything you say, they only have to object to something [42:15.840 --> 42:23.560] you say that is they have reason to believe is not true. So, okay, what I'm getting to [42:23.560 --> 42:32.440] is, is the court does not have to prove up every single fact. If you state something [42:32.440 --> 42:38.040] and nobody objects to it, the court will accept it is true. That allows the court to move [42:38.040 --> 42:45.840] along reasonably, but it also creates landmines because if somebody says something is not [42:45.840 --> 42:54.200] true and you don't object to it, then the court accepts it. And you can't come along [42:54.200 --> 43:01.720] and complain later because you have an opportunity to object. And that's why we do all this in [43:01.720 --> 43:11.880] writing because in the heat of the moment, in the ebb and flow of a trial, verbal communication [43:11.880 --> 43:20.840] can be subtle and can be, you can be distracted and the court does not want you to be denied [43:20.840 --> 43:27.220] your remedy because you were distracted and you missed a minor objection. So there's no [43:27.220 --> 43:33.360] sneaking up on somebody, no bringing in something somebody's never heard of before and they [43:33.360 --> 43:39.280] haven't had time to research out a good objection. So you can't do that kind of stuff. If you're [43:39.280 --> 43:42.480] going to bring something up, you got to do it in writing first. Give it to the other [43:42.480 --> 43:47.800] side so they can look at it and they can do the research and come up with objections. [43:47.800 --> 43:54.200] So there's no surprise. Okay. Well, that's all I have. So I will call next week. Okay. [43:54.200 --> 44:01.200] Thank you, Jeff. This is Randy Kelton. We'll be right back. [44:01.200 --> 44:08.320] Hello, my name is Stuart Smith from naturespureorganics.com and I would like to invite you to come by our [44:08.320 --> 44:13.640] store at 1904 Guadalupe Street, Sweet D here in Austin, Texas. I'm Brave New Books and [44:13.640 --> 44:17.680] Chase Payne to see all our fantastic health and wellness products with your very own eyes. [44:17.680 --> 44:22.800] Have a look at our Miracle Healing Clay that started our adventure in alternative medicine. [44:22.800 --> 44:26.800] Take a peek at some of our other wonderful products, including our Australian Emu oil, [44:26.800 --> 44:34.920] lotion candles, olive oil, soaps, and colloidal silver and gold. Call 512-264-4043 or find [44:34.920 --> 44:43.360] us online at naturespureorganics.com. That's 512-264-4043, naturespureorganics.com. Don't [44:43.360 --> 45:01.440] forget to like us on Facebook for information on events and our products, naturespureorganics.com. [45:01.440 --> 45:06.760] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? Win your case without an attorney with Juris [45:06.760 --> 45:14.160] Dictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, [45:14.160 --> 45:20.040] step by step. If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. If you don't [45:20.040 --> 45:25.000] have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. Thousands have won with our step [45:25.000 --> 45:31.280] by step course and now you can too. Juris Dictionary was created by a licensed attorney [45:31.280 --> 45:37.080] with 22 years of case winning experience. Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can [45:37.080 --> 45:41.880] learn what everyone should understand about the principles and practices that control [45:41.880 --> 45:48.520] our American courts. You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms [45:48.520 --> 45:55.560] for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and [45:55.560 --> 46:02.560] click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ. [46:25.560 --> 46:32.560] Okay, we are back. Randy Coutt and Deborah Stevens are with us today. We're going to [46:56.560 --> 47:02.560] go to Stephen in Texas. Hello, Stephen. What do you have for us tonight? [47:02.560 --> 47:09.560] Well, sir, I had a question or two about if I wanted to file a criminal complaint in a [47:09.560 --> 47:15.480] federal, on the federal side for something that came out of one of their little agencies [47:15.480 --> 47:24.480] in Austin, Texas. I found the federal rule number three. It tells you what their criminal [47:24.480 --> 47:29.480] complaint consists of. It's very short and simple, nothing like what we have here in [47:29.480 --> 47:35.480] Texas. And I found a couple of examples as to what they've used in other places, nothing [47:35.480 --> 47:41.480] out of the ordinary, a couple of ones that have been used in cases. But my problem is, [47:41.480 --> 47:51.480] where in the world do I go to get one? I said you have to go to a certain... In order to [47:51.480 --> 48:00.480] file it, you'd have to go to either a magistrate judge, which they call a federal judge definition, [48:00.480 --> 48:06.480] or none is reasonably available before state or local judicial officer. When you go to [48:06.480 --> 48:10.480] the definition of that, it pretty much leaves you with any state or local officer, as far [48:10.480 --> 48:14.480] as I can tell. Okay. Well, essentially the judicial officer [48:14.480 --> 48:25.480] is going to be a US attorney. Here's how I suggest you do that. As I read the code, there [48:25.480 --> 48:36.480] is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to anyone other than a magistrate. [48:36.480 --> 48:51.480] And all judges are magistrates. So the officials, especially the US attorney, they adopt these [48:51.480 --> 49:01.480] procedures, and they impose these procedures on the federal enforcement officials, the [49:01.480 --> 49:09.480] US marshals, and the FBI and all the others, that say you give a complaint to the FBI, [49:09.480 --> 49:15.480] generally that's where they refer them, the FBI will investigate into it. And then they [49:15.480 --> 49:19.480] will present the complaint to the US attorney, and the US attorney will present it to the [49:19.480 --> 49:29.480] grand jury. Well, it doesn't work that way. Problem is, I know if there's any FBI agents [49:29.480 --> 49:35.480] listening, this will hurt their feelings, and I apologize for that, but life is tough. [49:35.480 --> 49:44.480] You can equate the FBI with Hitler's brown shirts. The FBI has the appearance of being [49:44.480 --> 49:52.480] a law enforcement agency, and to some degree it is, but to a greater degree, the Federal [49:52.480 --> 50:00.480] Bureau of Investigation is a political arm of the president, just like the brown shirts [50:00.480 --> 50:11.480] were a political arm of Hitler. The FBI is not going to do anything that is not politically [50:11.480 --> 50:24.480] advantageous to the president, period. So inasmuch as there is nothing in law that directs [50:24.480 --> 50:32.480] a complaint to the FBI, as far as I'm concerned, they can go scratch. I'm not going to waste [50:32.480 --> 50:43.480] my time with a public official who is motivated strictly by political concerns. I was in [50:43.480 --> 50:50.480] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and went to the FBI and told them I had complaints I needed [50:50.480 --> 50:55.480] to file. And they asked me if I had ever filed complaints before, and I was going to file [50:55.480 --> 51:00.480] some complaints against some federal magistrates. They asked me if I had ever filed any [51:00.480 --> 51:07.480] complaints before, and I said yes, I have. Well, with the FBI, and I said, where did [51:07.480 --> 51:13.480] you file him? And I told them in Forest, Texas. Well, what happened? They said nothing. Well, [51:13.480 --> 51:21.480] what was the nature of the complaints? I filed allegations of an incredibly brutal murder [51:21.480 --> 51:29.480] by jail guards in Bexar County. And you could see this real young FBI agent. You could see [51:29.480 --> 51:38.480] his eyes light up. He thought, holy mackerel, wonderful. I get a career-making case. And [51:38.480 --> 51:46.480] he said, well, do you have the complaint? I said, yes, I do. Well, who was the person [51:46.480 --> 51:53.480] murdered? I said, wait a minute. Before I give you this complaint, I need to make sure [51:53.480 --> 51:58.480] it's going to be acted in accordance with the law. I don't see a name tag on you. What [51:58.480 --> 52:08.480] is your name? And he ducked his head and looked down at the desk and he kind of mumbled, we're [52:08.480 --> 52:18.480] not allowed to identify ourselves. I said, and Deborah was in the room with me, and she [52:18.480 --> 52:28.480] is in a black dress. She is looking hot. And she's sitting behind me. And he ducks his [52:28.480 --> 52:37.480] head and says, we're not allowed to identify ourselves. Say what? We have secret police [52:37.480 --> 52:44.480] now? So what do I call you? And he had on this garish blue tie. So what do I call you? [52:44.480 --> 52:51.480] Secret agent blue tie? And the guy just glowed red. And he looked up at Deborah, and she's [52:51.480 --> 53:01.480] almost falling out on the floor laughing at this guy. To the agent's credit, he was clearly [53:01.480 --> 53:12.480] mortified that he had been ordered by his superiors not to identify himself. And I said, [53:12.480 --> 53:21.480] with all due respect, there is no way I'm going to give this complaint to some secret [53:21.480 --> 53:29.480] agent so he can slip it under the rug. That's not going to happen. [53:29.480 --> 53:30.480] Hey, Randy. [53:30.480 --> 53:31.480] Yes. [53:31.480 --> 53:36.480] I think the real reason he was mortified is because I was laughing at him. [53:36.480 --> 53:45.480] She was back there. She looked up at this hot babe back there. Deb was in one of those [53:45.480 --> 53:48.480] little black outfits. She looked good. [53:48.480 --> 53:50.480] Oh, thanks, Randy. [53:50.480 --> 53:55.480] He was incredibly embarrassed. But he couldn't reveal himself. [53:55.480 --> 54:01.480] Yeah, we were singing, me on the way back, Randy and I were singing that song. Secret [54:01.480 --> 54:09.480] agent man, they're giving you a blue tie and they're take away your name. [54:09.480 --> 54:19.480] So the point is, don't take it to the FBI. I don't care what they say. You give it to [54:19.480 --> 54:28.480] some magistrate. Now, we were in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and I went into a magistrate court. [54:28.480 --> 54:35.480] And this is to kind of demonstrate what you can do. Most of us, when we have interaction [54:35.480 --> 54:43.480] with the courts, we do so when we're summoned into the court. So we're being charged with [54:43.480 --> 54:50.480] something. It's a whole other animal when you're the one going and starting the fight. [54:50.480 --> 54:57.480] So I went into a federal court in Fort Lauderdale and went up to the magistrate is having these [54:57.480 --> 55:04.480] cattle call hearings, the bail hearings and such. And I went up to the call the US Marshal [55:04.480 --> 55:08.480] over who's the bailiff. And I said, My name is Randall Kelton instruct the judge that [55:08.480 --> 55:13.480] I have business with the court. And the bailiff said, May I tell the judge the nature of the [55:13.480 --> 55:17.480] business? No, you may not. I have business with the court and it's none of yours. You're [55:17.480 --> 55:25.480] dismissed. Well, the magistrate, the marshal didn't take that well. So he didn't tell [55:25.480 --> 55:31.480] the judge that I had business because the judge finished the hearing and was closing [55:31.480 --> 55:37.480] down the hearing. And I stood up in the courtroom and said, Your Honor, my name is Randall [55:37.480 --> 55:44.480] Kelton. I have business with the court. And oh, the marshals were just doing a dance, [55:44.480 --> 55:48.480] came charging at me like they were going to jump over the bar and tackle me. But they [55:48.480 --> 55:56.480] didn't. They stopped. And the judge asked me, Who are you? I said, My name is Randall [55:56.480 --> 56:01.480] Kelton and I have business with the court. And the magistrate said, Well, in that case, [56:01.480 --> 56:07.480] Mr. Prosecutor, will you stay? And the clerk and court reporter, will you stay? And Mr. [56:07.480 --> 56:11.480] Kelton, come on up to the podium. And as soon as everything's ready, you can tell me what [56:11.480 --> 56:18.480] your business is. So I did. I came up to the podium when they were ready. I told them [56:18.480 --> 56:26.480] that I was a radio talk show host out of Austin, Texas, and I do a show on legal reform. [56:26.480 --> 56:32.480] And I get calls from all over the country telling me about how corrupt the federal [56:32.480 --> 56:42.480] courts are. And I'm getting calls claiming that the federal courts are changing the [56:42.480 --> 56:49.480] transcripts so they can hide the shenanigans that they do. And frankly, she said, Well, [56:49.480 --> 56:53.480] why are you telling me this? I said, Well, frankly, Your Honor, I get more calls out [56:53.480 --> 57:03.480] of this court than any other. Okay, I lied to her. This was about filming in a federal [57:03.480 --> 57:08.480] courthouse. I said, She said, Well, Mr. Kelton, why are you telling me this? I said, Well, [57:08.480 --> 57:15.480] Your Honor, I'm here with a film crew. And I would like to bring in my film crew and [57:15.480 --> 57:21.480] videotape your court proceedings. And then I'd like to secure the transcripts from your [57:21.480 --> 57:27.480] court proceedings and compare them to my videos so I could show that all of these rumors [57:27.480 --> 57:33.480] about the courts changing the grant transcripts are just simply not true. She said, Well, [57:33.480 --> 57:40.480] Mr. Kelton, we have a rule against video cameras in the courtroom. I said, Yes, Your [57:40.480 --> 57:48.480] Honor, I'm familiar with that rule. But you have a rule and I have a constitution. And [57:48.480 --> 57:55.480] as far as I'm concerned, you can use that rule for toilet paper. She said, Well, I'm [57:55.480 --> 58:01.480] sorry, I can't help you, Mr. Kelton, but you will not be able to videotape my courtroom. [58:01.480 --> 58:06.480] I said, Well, thank you very much, Your Honor. You have helped me. You gave me just what [58:06.480 --> 58:19.480] I need. Thank you very much. Now the judge was absolutely furious with me. You go to [58:19.480 --> 58:24.480] a federal court. You tell the bailiff to instruct the judge to do have business with the court. [58:24.480 --> 58:29.480] He's going to ask you what the nature of the business is. Give him a sealed folder. Give [58:29.480 --> 58:34.480] him this. It has your verified criminal affidavits in it. When we come back to the other side, [58:34.480 --> 58:41.480] I'll explain what that does to the judge. You would like it. They will not. This is [58:41.480 --> 58:48.480] Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Rue La Radio. I call it number 512-646-1984. We'll be right [58:48.480 --> 58:55.480] back. The Bible remains the most popular book in the world, yet countless readers are frustrated [58:55.480 --> 59:00.480] because they struggle to understand it. Some new translations try to help by simplifying [59:00.480 --> 59:07.480] the text, but in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the scripture. Enter [59:07.480 --> 59:13.480] the recovery version. First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, but the [59:13.480 --> 59:19.480] real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. Difficult and profound passages [59:19.480 --> 59:25.480] are opened up in a marvelous way, providing an entrance into the riches of the word beyond [59:25.480 --> 59:30.480] which you've ever experienced before. Bibles for America would like to give you a free [59:30.480 --> 59:36.480] recovery version simply for the asking. This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours [59:36.480 --> 59:47.480] just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. [59:47.480 --> 01:00:03.480] That's freestudybible.com. You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com. [01:00:03.480 --> 01:00:07.480] This is the Liberty Beat, your daily source for Liberty news and activist updates, online [01:00:07.480 --> 01:00:13.480] at thelibertybeat.com. I'm Brian Hagan with your Liberty Beat for Thursday, March 5, 2015. [01:00:13.480 --> 01:00:23.480] Gold is trading at $1,203, silver at $16.22, and Bitcoin is trading around $267.61. Today's [01:00:23.480 --> 01:00:28.480] Bitcoin price brought to you by Express Coin, the fastest, most reliable way to buy Bitcoin. [01:00:28.480 --> 01:00:33.480] Buy Bitcoin today at expresscoin.com. In the news, an effort to override President Obama's [01:00:33.480 --> 01:00:38.480] recent veto of the Keystone XL pipeline failed in the Senate on Wednesday. The Senate voted [01:00:38.480 --> 01:00:47.480] 62 in favor of overriding the veto and 37 in favor of the veto, short of the two-thirds needed. [01:00:47.480 --> 01:00:51.480] Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing arguments in the second major [01:00:51.480 --> 01:00:56.480] challenge to President Obama's Affordable Care health care law. The justices listened [01:00:56.480 --> 01:01:01.480] to 85 minutes of arguments from conservative opponents of the measure. The latest challenge [01:01:01.480 --> 01:01:05.480] hinges on the phrase established by the state and whether or not the phrase has been correctly [01:01:05.480 --> 01:01:10.480] interpreted by the administration to allow subsidies or tax credits for those who cannot [01:01:10.480 --> 01:01:18.480] afford medical insurance. On Thursday, March 12, indigenous activists with the Pitt River, [01:01:18.480 --> 01:01:23.480] Wintu, Karuk, Shasta, and Modoc nations will rally outside of a federal appeals court as [01:01:23.480 --> 01:01:28.480] arguments began in a battle to protect the sacred medicine lake highlands. The lands have [01:01:28.480 --> 01:01:33.480] been used for generations as centers for healing, ceremony, and gatherings. Indigenous [01:01:33.480 --> 01:01:38.480] communities say for the last 25 years, the Calpine Energy Corporation, Bureau of Land [01:01:38.480 --> 01:01:42.480] Management, and United States Forest Service have worked to destroy the lands through proposed [01:01:42.480 --> 01:01:48.480] geothermal power projects. On July 30, 2013, a lower court ruled in favor of Calpine and [01:01:48.480 --> 01:01:53.480] the government and allowed the plans to move forward. The communities say the projects [01:01:53.480 --> 01:01:57.480] will threaten the aquifer and inject toxins into the air and waters, as well as deeply [01:01:57.480 --> 01:02:03.480] affect their religious practices and traditional values. On March 12, representatives of several [01:02:03.480 --> 01:02:08.480] nations will hold a sunrise prayer and gathering on March and a press conference outside the [01:02:08.480 --> 01:02:13.480] courthouse. The Liberty Beat is brought to you by Silver Botanicals, producing innovative, [01:02:13.480 --> 01:02:17.480] all-natural, high-quality collodial silver and gold personal care products. Experience [01:02:17.480 --> 01:02:21.480] the power of collodial silver with their silver shield deodorant and silver tongue oral disinfectant. [01:02:21.480 --> 01:02:26.480] Visit silverbotanicals.com for more information or buy their products of Brave New Books. [01:02:26.480 --> 01:02:32.480] Support also comes from the Texas Bitcoin Conference, March 28 and 29 at ACL Live at [01:02:32.480 --> 01:02:37.480] the Moody Theater. Join scores of Bitcoin experts and enthusiasts from around the world [01:02:37.480 --> 01:02:43.480] for talks, networking, and a million dollar Bitcoin 2.0 hackathon. Tickets on sale now [01:02:43.480 --> 01:02:49.480] at texasbitcoinconference.com. Use coupon code LIBERTYBEAT for $25 off your ticket. [01:02:49.480 --> 01:02:56.480] That's coupon code LIBERTYBEAT. This is the Liberty Beat for Thursday, March 5, 2015. [01:02:56.480 --> 01:03:20.480] Check out the website at thelibertybeat.com. [01:03:26.480 --> 01:03:51.480] Check out the website at thelibertybeat.com. [01:03:51.480 --> 01:04:04.480] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Root of Our Radio, and we're going to change [01:04:04.480 --> 01:04:16.480] our bumper music to Secret Agent Blue Tie. Taking away your... How did that go, Deborah? [01:04:16.480 --> 01:04:27.480] It goes, secret agent man, they've given you a blue tie and they take away your name. [01:04:27.480 --> 01:04:36.480] We had way too much fun at this agent's expense. Okay, Steven, where were we? [01:04:36.480 --> 01:04:38.480] Randy, I got to tell you. [01:04:38.480 --> 01:04:41.480] Oh, hold on a second, Steve. [01:04:41.480 --> 01:04:46.480] I'm sorry, that guy had the most god-awful blue tie I have ever seen in my life. Really, [01:04:46.480 --> 01:04:50.480] it was the stupidest looking tie I ever saw. I mean, I was nearly falling out of my chair [01:04:50.480 --> 01:04:54.480] anyway just looking at him because he was such a dork. [01:04:54.480 --> 01:05:01.480] He was a young kid. He couldn't have been more in his mid-20s. It had to be his first assignment [01:05:01.480 --> 01:05:06.480] and then for us to land on him that way, it was great fun. [01:05:06.480 --> 01:05:12.480] Sorry, enough sidebar here. Okay, go ahead with your caller. [01:05:12.480 --> 01:05:14.480] Go ahead, Steve. [01:05:14.480 --> 01:05:19.480] Oh, I'm sorry. You were about to... Oh, boy, you were about to get into something after [01:05:19.480 --> 01:05:24.480] you just got over why you led the judge down the path that you did. I'm sorry. [01:05:24.480 --> 01:05:29.480] Oh, why would you take it to the FBI? [01:05:29.480 --> 01:05:39.480] Oh, okay. It's about the judge as a magistrate. Every judge is a magistrate. [01:05:39.480 --> 01:05:49.480] I went into the head criminal district judge for Travis County. His name was Bob Perkins. [01:05:49.480 --> 01:05:56.480] And guy was really a personable individual. He was probably the most personable judge [01:05:56.480 --> 01:06:03.480] that I ever come across. And he's having hearings. He's having motion hearings. [01:06:03.480 --> 01:06:09.480] You know, when I present criminal complaints to a court, I always want to catch them [01:06:09.480 --> 01:06:16.480] when they're doing motion hearings because for the most part, when lawyers present motions, [01:06:16.480 --> 01:06:22.480] there's only really one issue in the motion. And this is a good piece of information [01:06:22.480 --> 01:06:30.480] for pro se litigants to understand. All of these lawyers use the local litigation [01:06:30.480 --> 01:06:37.480] guide. And the litigation guides will have forms for motions. And the form will have [01:06:37.480 --> 01:06:45.480] all of the obligatory sections along with the case law supporting those sections. [01:06:45.480 --> 01:06:52.480] So they pull out the fill in the blanks form from the litigation guide, fill in all the [01:06:52.480 --> 01:07:00.480] obligatory stuff that's standard, and then add a section for their particular issue. [01:07:00.480 --> 01:07:07.480] So when the judge gets the motion or pleading, he looks at it and 90% of what's in there [01:07:07.480 --> 01:07:13.480] is obligatory stuff. And it's the same in every one that he gets. So he doesn't have to [01:07:13.480 --> 01:07:18.480] pay attention to it. And then when a pro se comes along and they write their motion from [01:07:18.480 --> 01:07:23.480] scratch, it really gives him a headache because he has to read all this stuff. [01:07:23.480 --> 01:07:30.480] So in this case, we have a bunch of lawyers with motions and the judge picks up the motion [01:07:30.480 --> 01:07:37.480] and he recognizes it as the standard form. So he only goes to the section that's [01:07:37.480 --> 01:07:43.480] appropriate for this hearing. And in doing that, that means that the judge can walk [01:07:43.480 --> 01:07:50.480] through these motions very quickly. Minute, minute and a half per motion. He's got a [01:07:50.480 --> 01:07:55.480] whole line of lawyers lined up in front of the bench. They were inside the bar. They [01:07:55.480 --> 01:08:00.480] weren't even out in the gallery and having to come up because it took too long. [01:08:00.480 --> 01:08:03.480] So they all lined up in front of him. They go up in front of him, the judge looks at [01:08:03.480 --> 01:08:10.480] them and says, okay, granted, denied, 10, 20 seconds per motion. It's just kind of [01:08:10.480 --> 01:08:15.480] a perfunctory thing. So you always want to catch your judge when he's doing motion [01:08:15.480 --> 01:08:19.480] hearings. So the judge is up there doing motion hearings. I walk up to the bar, I [01:08:19.480 --> 01:08:26.480] point at the bailiff, you, come here. They hate that. They hate being summoned. They're [01:08:26.480 --> 01:08:32.480] used to lawyers who come in dangling by their bar cards. And the lawyers are afraid [01:08:32.480 --> 01:08:38.480] of everybody. They're not accustomed to someone who's not afraid of anybody. And [01:08:38.480 --> 01:08:44.480] they don't have any tools for dealing with you. And this is something we talk [01:08:44.480 --> 01:08:55.480] about a lot in terms of understanding who you are. You are the master. All of [01:08:55.480 --> 01:09:02.480] these public officials, they are public servants. You are the master. So when you [01:09:02.480 --> 01:09:07.480] go in there with the concept of you as the master, it changes everything. For [01:09:07.480 --> 01:09:15.480] these guys, it's a psychological reframe. They don't know how to act and react to [01:09:15.480 --> 01:09:21.480] you because you're not reacting to them the way they expect. And it tends to cause [01:09:21.480 --> 01:09:28.480] what in psychology we call a pattern interruption. They expect certain patterned [01:09:28.480 --> 01:09:34.480] interactions. And then somebody comes in and interrupts all those patterns. Like I [01:09:34.480 --> 01:09:40.480] walk up to the bar and I point at the bailiff, you, come here. They're thinking, [01:09:40.480 --> 01:09:46.480] who the heck is this guy ordering me around? I did that to this bailiff and he [01:09:46.480 --> 01:09:52.480] come over and he said, may I help you? They always say the same thing. And I [01:09:52.480 --> 01:09:59.480] said, yes, you may. My name is Randall Kelton. You always give them your name [01:09:59.480 --> 01:10:06.480] because you don't want them asking you questions. Does Randall Kelton instruct [01:10:06.480 --> 01:10:12.480] the judge that I have business with the court? And the bailiff will always say, [01:10:12.480 --> 01:10:19.480] or almost always, may I tell the judge the nature of the business? And depending [01:10:19.480 --> 01:10:25.480] on what I want to do, I've got two ways of answering. One way is I say, yes, you [01:10:25.480 --> 01:10:33.480] may. And I hand him a sealed envelope addressed to the judge. The other way is [01:10:33.480 --> 01:10:40.480] the way I used in this instance is he said, may I help you? They said, may I [01:10:40.480 --> 01:10:45.480] tell the judge the nature of the business? No, you may not. I have business with [01:10:45.480 --> 01:10:51.480] the judge and it's none of yours. That was very specifically designed as a [01:10:51.480 --> 01:10:59.480] pattern interruption. It was my purpose to give the bailiff a response that he [01:10:59.480 --> 01:11:10.480] did not anticipate and had no reactive responses available for dealing with it. [01:11:10.480 --> 01:11:17.480] Pattern interruption is the most psychologically effective thing you can do [01:11:17.480 --> 01:11:22.480] to a human being. You can do something really horrible to someone if they [01:11:22.480 --> 01:11:27.480] expect it. It's not psychologically devastating. But when you give someone a [01:11:27.480 --> 01:11:32.480] reaction or a response that they have that they absolutely do not expect and [01:11:32.480 --> 01:11:37.480] have no way of dealing with, that is a very powerful experience. And I gave [01:11:37.480 --> 01:11:43.480] this bailiff one. He said, may I tell the judge the nature of the business? No, [01:11:43.480 --> 01:11:47.480] you may not. I have business with the court and it's none of yours. You're [01:11:47.480 --> 01:11:54.480] dismissed. And I flicked my fingers at him. As you can see that he wanted to [01:11:54.480 --> 01:12:01.480] pull out his pistol and shoot me. But he couldn't because it wasn't his court. [01:12:01.480 --> 01:12:06.480] It was the judge's court. And in the overall scheme of things, he was not [01:12:06.480 --> 01:12:13.480] very important. Now everybody else treated him as though he was important. [01:12:13.480 --> 01:12:18.480] But when I treated him as though he wasn't important and he thought about [01:12:18.480 --> 01:12:23.480] jerking me over the bar and squeezing me until my eyes bugged out, he also [01:12:23.480 --> 01:12:28.480] considered what the judge would say about that. So he's kind of caught in a [01:12:28.480 --> 01:12:33.480] quandary. And he ran up to the judge and whispered in the judge's ear and the [01:12:33.480 --> 01:12:39.480] judge looked up at me. And I'm sitting here holding up this red folder. And the [01:12:39.480 --> 01:12:44.480] judge just cannot help himself. He has to know what's in it. And when he [01:12:44.480 --> 01:12:49.480] finishes the motion hearings, he said, Mr. Kelton, I understand that you have [01:12:49.480 --> 01:12:53.480] business with the court. Yes, your honor, I do. And I hold up the folder and I [01:12:53.480 --> 01:13:00.480] say, may I approach? That means can I give you this folder? And he said, well, [01:13:00.480 --> 01:13:06.480] come on up because he was having hearings right at the bench. So I walked [01:13:06.480 --> 01:13:13.480] up to the bench and laid the folder on the bench. This is a trap. The judge [01:13:13.480 --> 01:13:18.480] opens the folder and he's looking at criminal charges against the district [01:13:18.480 --> 01:13:26.480] clerk, accusing the district clerk of secreting criminal complaints against [01:13:26.480 --> 01:13:33.480] the district attorney from the grand jury. The look on his face was [01:13:33.480 --> 01:13:43.480] absolutely priceless. That's when he realized he was in deep water because [01:13:43.480 --> 01:13:51.480] now he's dealing with the master. And he's dealing with the master who knows [01:13:51.480 --> 01:13:56.480] that he is the master. So Stephen, if you have criminal complaints you want to [01:13:56.480 --> 01:14:05.480] file, you almost certainly have to do it in your capacity as the master of your [01:14:05.480 --> 01:14:14.480] public servants. And that's how you do it. They won't like it. They will have [01:14:14.480 --> 01:14:22.480] an attitude about it. But once you do that, you have put yourself in a special [01:14:22.480 --> 01:14:30.480] position. Because even though you're in a federal courthouse, if you are in [01:14:30.480 --> 01:14:36.480] Texas and you're in a federal courthouse, that federal courthouse does not belong [01:14:36.480 --> 01:14:44.480] to the federal government. Neither is it a federal enclave. The federal [01:14:44.480 --> 01:14:50.480] courthouse is rented from the state of Texas. There's only two federal enclaves [01:14:50.480 --> 01:14:56.480] in Texas and those are two federal prisons. Isn't that right, Deb? Deb, look [01:14:56.480 --> 01:15:03.480] this up. The federal prisons are enclaves so that the feds can use their own [01:15:03.480 --> 01:15:08.480] guards in the prison and they don't have to use state guards. The federal [01:15:08.480 --> 01:15:17.480] courthouse is rented from the state. So the judge is acting within the state. So [01:15:17.480 --> 01:15:21.480] if they do anything to interfere with you, so you go in to file a criminal [01:15:21.480 --> 01:15:29.480] complaint, that makes you a witness. If the judge, debate it, the prosecuting [01:15:29.480 --> 01:15:36.480] attorney, anyone says anything to you that would tend to frighten or intimidate [01:15:36.480 --> 01:15:43.480] you, 3605 Texas Penal Code, tampering with a witness, 3606 Penal Code, [01:15:43.480 --> 01:15:51.480] obstruction of justice, those are both felonies. Then you take those to a state [01:15:51.480 --> 01:15:58.480] grand jury and see what they think about these jerk feds playing fast and loose [01:15:58.480 --> 01:16:06.480] with law. If we are going to get criminal complaints prosecuted, we have to run [01:16:06.480 --> 01:16:13.480] the routine. And when I come back, I'll talk about the routine. We're about to [01:16:13.480 --> 01:16:18.480] go to break here in a few minutes, in a few seconds. But there is a routine for [01:16:18.480 --> 01:16:26.480] doing this and it's based on the premise that you never ask a public official to [01:16:26.480 --> 01:16:33.480] do anything you actually want them to do because you never ask a public official [01:16:33.480 --> 01:16:37.480] to do anything to the law, just not specifically. You require them to do so [01:16:37.480 --> 01:16:43.480] that you can kick them right in their professional behinds when they don't. [01:16:43.480 --> 01:17:00.480] Hang on, Randy Kelvin, Deborah Stevens, we'll be right back. [01:17:00.480 --> 01:17:04.480] Chances are you've heard of My Magic Mud, but have you used it? Thousands of [01:17:04.480 --> 01:17:08.480] people are blown away by the clean and healthy feeling they experience after [01:17:08.480 --> 01:17:12.480] just one use. Here's what Harlan Dietrich, owner of Brave New Books, has to say [01:17:12.480 --> 01:17:13.480] about the product. [01:17:13.480 --> 01:17:16.480] Hey everybody, this is Harlan Dietrich, owner of Brave New Books. Just want to [01:17:16.480 --> 01:17:20.480] tell everybody about My Magic Mud. I use the product and it makes my teeth feel [01:17:20.480 --> 01:17:24.480] clean and healthy. I think it makes them stronger. I've got lots of customers that [01:17:24.480 --> 01:17:27.480] come in and say the same thing. You can pick yours up at Brave New Books. [01:17:27.480 --> 01:17:31.480] If that wasn't enough, Dr. Griffin Cole, DDS, who's been featured on the Alex Jones [01:17:31.480 --> 01:17:32.480] show, loves it too. [01:17:32.480 --> 01:17:36.480] Hi, I'm Dr. Griffin Cole, and I've got to tell you, I really love this Magic Mud [01:17:36.480 --> 01:17:40.480] product. Because charcoal is so absorbent, it's very effective at taking off all the [01:17:40.480 --> 01:17:43.480] sticky plaque and debris that gets stuck on our teeth every day. I highly recommend [01:17:43.480 --> 01:17:44.480] My Magic Mud. [01:17:44.480 --> 01:17:48.480] If you haven't yet experienced My Magic Mud, it's never too late to brighten your [01:17:48.480 --> 01:17:50.480] smile and strengthen your teeth. [01:17:50.480 --> 01:17:54.480] Get your jar of My Magic Mud today at Brave New Books, located at 1904 [01:17:54.480 --> 01:17:59.480] Guadalupe Street, or order online today at MyMagicMud.com. [01:17:59.480 --> 01:18:04.480] At Capital Coin and Bullion, our mission is to be your preferred shopping [01:18:04.480 --> 01:18:08.480] destination by delivering excellent customer service and outstanding value at an [01:18:08.480 --> 01:18:12.480] affordable price. We provide a wide assortment of favorite products featuring a [01:18:12.480 --> 01:18:16.480] great selection of high quality coins and precious metals. We cater to beginners in [01:18:16.480 --> 01:18:20.480] coin collecting as well as large transactions for investors. We believe in [01:18:20.480 --> 01:18:24.480] our customers with resources from top accredited metals dealers and journalists. [01:18:24.480 --> 01:18:28.480] If we don't have what you're looking for, we can find it. In addition, we carry [01:18:28.480 --> 01:18:32.480] popular Young Jeopardy products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine and Polymbers. [01:18:32.480 --> 01:18:36.480] We also offer One World Way, Mountain House Storable Foods, Berkey Water [01:18:36.480 --> 01:18:40.480] Products, ammunition at 10% above wholesale, and more. We broker metals IRA [01:18:40.480 --> 01:18:46.480] accounts and we also accept Bitcoins as payment. Call us at 512-646-6440. [01:18:46.480 --> 01:18:50.480] We're located at 73-04 Burnett Road, Suite A, about a half mile south of [01:18:50.480 --> 01:18:54.480] Anderson. We're open Monday through Friday 10 to 6, Saturdays 10 to 2. [01:18:54.480 --> 01:19:00.480] Visit us at CapitalCoinandBullion.com or call 512-646-6440. [01:19:00.480 --> 01:19:08.480] This is the Logos, the Logos Radio Network. [01:19:08.480 --> 01:19:36.480] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton's, Deborah Stevens, [01:19:36.480 --> 01:19:44.480] Rue Blah Radio. And the thing I really need to get to, Steve, is the routine. [01:19:44.480 --> 01:19:50.480] Never ask a public official to do anything you actually want them to do. [01:19:50.480 --> 01:19:54.480] And the reason you never ask a public official to do anything you actually [01:19:54.480 --> 01:20:00.480] want them to do is that you never ask a public official to do anything that the [01:20:00.480 --> 01:20:08.480] law does not specifically require them to do. And when they fail to do that, [01:20:08.480 --> 01:20:15.480] that goes to 39.03 Texas Penal Code. If a public official acting under the [01:20:15.480 --> 01:20:20.480] color, meaning pretense, of his authority exerts or purports to exert an [01:20:20.480 --> 01:20:27.480] authority he does not expressly have or fails to perform a duty he is required [01:20:27.480 --> 01:20:32.480] to perform and in the process denies a citizen in the full and free access to [01:20:32.480 --> 01:20:38.480] or enjoyment of a right, well, that's a crime in the state of Texas. [01:20:38.480 --> 01:20:44.480] It's also a crime in the Fed. In Texas, it's 39.03 Penal Code official [01:20:44.480 --> 01:20:51.480] oppression. In the Fed, it's 18 U.S. Code 242 official misconduct. [01:20:51.480 --> 01:20:57.480] And 18 U.S. Code 242 is part of the Ku Klux Klan Act passed in 1871, [01:20:57.480 --> 01:21:04.480] so this is not new law. Most people who are familiar with the Ku Klux Klan [01:21:04.480 --> 01:21:12.480] Act interpret it as providing a citizen in the right to sue a public official [01:21:12.480 --> 01:21:17.480] when a public official fails to perform a duty or exerts an authority he does [01:21:17.480 --> 01:21:22.480] not have. That is the second half of the Ku Klux Klan Act. [01:21:22.480 --> 01:21:27.480] The first half of the Ku Klux Klan Act makes it a criminal act, [01:21:27.480 --> 01:21:35.480] and that is much more powerful. You won't get FBI agents to do their job [01:21:35.480 --> 01:21:40.480] unless it's politically advantageous to the president. [01:21:40.480 --> 01:21:47.480] The way to make it politically advantageous is to create difficulty, [01:21:47.480 --> 01:21:53.480] and you are the one that can do that. You can't ask a lawyer to do it [01:21:53.480 --> 01:21:58.480] because he goes into court dangling by his bar card. You can't ask a police [01:21:58.480 --> 01:22:06.480] officer to do it because his career is at stake. You are the one who can do it. [01:22:06.480 --> 01:22:13.480] You go in. The thing I like to do most is bushwhack the judge in his own court [01:22:13.480 --> 01:22:21.480] and drop a criminal complaint on him. And in the federal venue, [01:22:21.480 --> 01:22:26.480] you do this by going to some federal magistrate, any judge actually, [01:22:26.480 --> 01:22:30.480] whether he's a district judge or a magistrate judge, it doesn't make any [01:22:30.480 --> 01:22:40.480] difference. They're all magistrates under law. And the least offensive way [01:22:40.480 --> 01:22:44.480] of doing this is to go to the bailiff, call the bailiff up, while the judge [01:22:44.480 --> 01:22:49.480] is in the courtroom having a hearing and you tell the bailiff your name [01:22:49.480 --> 01:22:53.480] and instruct the judge that I have business with the court. And I suggest [01:22:53.480 --> 01:22:58.480] you always do this in a nice suit and tie or a nice business dress if you're [01:22:58.480 --> 01:23:07.480] a female so that you look professional. Do not offer explanation. You are [01:23:07.480 --> 01:23:13.480] the master. They are the servants. You do not owe them explanation. [01:23:13.480 --> 01:23:18.480] You direct them in their behavior. If they fail to perform their duty, [01:23:18.480 --> 01:23:24.480] not a problem, Bubba. You don't want to do what the law requires you to do? [01:23:24.480 --> 01:23:31.480] I come back with a complaint against you. What happens when you do this is [01:23:31.480 --> 01:23:37.480] they get the impression that you're deliberately setting them up. We need to [01:23:37.480 --> 01:23:42.480] do that. If you have complaints against public officials, you need to set [01:23:42.480 --> 01:23:48.480] them up. You understand they're all going to try to gather up behind this [01:23:48.480 --> 01:23:55.480] thin blue line. If we are to take our system back, we have to erase that [01:23:55.480 --> 01:24:01.480] thin blue line. So before I go any further, Stephen, what is the nature of [01:24:01.480 --> 01:24:06.480] the complaint that you have? [01:24:06.480 --> 01:24:16.480] Well, the certain agency I was referring to at Austin was the Infernal Revenue. [01:24:16.480 --> 01:24:24.480] But when I sent something in during the last season, we'll call it, [01:24:24.480 --> 01:24:29.480] I attached an affidavit explaining it. I filled it out, yada, yada, [01:24:29.480 --> 01:24:35.480] based on X, Y, Z, X, and adherence of law in accordance with all case law. [01:24:35.480 --> 01:24:40.480] And if they know of something that I should have done different, then they [01:24:40.480 --> 01:24:44.480] are to inform me because I certainly don't understand it. So basically, [01:24:44.480 --> 01:24:48.480] even though they didn't title it a four-year request, it was basically a [01:24:48.480 --> 01:24:53.480] four-year request with an affidavit. So sent that off, and their standard [01:24:53.480 --> 01:24:58.480] procedure nowadays is to send you a threatening letter. They call those [01:24:58.480 --> 01:25:04.480] frivolous. So they send you the frivolous ones, and then all of a sudden, [01:25:04.480 --> 01:25:08.480] they go through their other routine, which I'm used to. I know what to expect, [01:25:08.480 --> 01:25:10.480] and I know where I'm going to get. [01:25:10.480 --> 01:25:14.480] Okay, that case, take them to a state grand jury. [01:25:14.480 --> 01:25:20.480] No, that's fine. I finally got somebody to attach their name to a form, [01:25:20.480 --> 01:25:27.480] and now I've got somebody's name to use for all these things. And amazingly, [01:25:27.480 --> 01:25:33.480] I should have called it a four-year request in the title in addition to, [01:25:33.480 --> 01:25:37.480] because when I did that the second time, I'm amazed at how better of a response [01:25:37.480 --> 01:25:41.480] I got. But in the background, they chose that. [01:25:41.480 --> 01:25:46.480] Okay, okay, hold on, hold on. Let me address an issue before we pass it. [01:25:46.480 --> 01:25:47.480] Sure, sure. [01:25:47.480 --> 01:25:57.480] When you make a request, this is a thing that signals you out as a pro se. [01:25:57.480 --> 01:26:07.480] Proseis tend to think that they have to invoke the law for the law to apply. [01:26:07.480 --> 01:26:13.480] Not true. When I do an information request, I simply demand the information [01:26:13.480 --> 01:26:20.480] that I want. I don't give them legal advice. If they want legal advice, [01:26:20.480 --> 01:26:23.480] they can go to the prosecuting attorney. He can give them all the legal advice [01:26:23.480 --> 01:26:31.480] they want to. I send them a request for information. I don't cite the statute [01:26:31.480 --> 01:26:36.480] under which I demand the information. And when I request information, [01:26:36.480 --> 01:26:40.480] I hope they don't grant, don't provide it so that I can file criminally [01:26:40.480 --> 01:26:49.480] against them. Okay, does that make sense? Why would you do that? [01:26:49.480 --> 01:26:56.480] Yes, that makes perfect sense. I just never tried it with a federal agent. [01:26:56.480 --> 01:27:00.480] I've tried it in the state. Your information works perfect in the state. [01:27:00.480 --> 01:27:05.480] I've used it before. This was the first go around with this. [01:27:05.480 --> 01:27:12.480] We as the sovereigns, as the masters of the servants, we have to stop being [01:27:12.480 --> 01:27:21.480] reasonable and start being demanding. They hate that. They don't know how [01:27:21.480 --> 01:27:26.480] to deal with it. If we're going to change their behavior, this is how we do it. [01:27:26.480 --> 01:27:30.480] Okay, I interrupted you again. Go ahead. [01:27:30.480 --> 01:27:36.480] No, no, that's fine. So my retaliation was one because I asked the question, [01:27:36.480 --> 01:27:43.480] I said, I want to know what the correct procedure is, if this is not correct. [01:27:43.480 --> 01:27:49.480] And again, I don't have to make, if I'm the master, I don't have to ask it [01:27:49.480 --> 01:27:51.480] on a perfect form. I don't. [01:27:51.480 --> 01:28:00.480] Okay, hold on. Here's a problem. You're asking them to give you legal advice. [01:28:00.480 --> 01:28:04.480] No, I was asking for an interpretation of their own code. I didn't ask them [01:28:04.480 --> 01:28:07.480] for legal advice. [01:28:07.480 --> 01:28:11.480] That's a gray area. [01:28:11.480 --> 01:28:16.480] It says in several areas that they're required to give out. It's on their own stuff. [01:28:16.480 --> 01:28:23.480] Okay, do you have code that requires them to give you the interpretation? [01:28:23.480 --> 01:28:26.480] Not in front of me, but it exists. [01:28:26.480 --> 01:28:33.480] Okay, it exists if you can find it. Okay, then here's the deal. If there's code [01:28:33.480 --> 01:28:38.480] that requires to give you this interpretation, then you ask for the [01:28:38.480 --> 01:28:46.480] interpretation and hope they don't give it to you. Because 18 U.S. Code 242 [01:28:46.480 --> 01:28:58.480] and in Texas, 32, I mean, 39.03 penal code. They both say that if a public [01:28:58.480 --> 01:29:02.480] official fails to perform a duty, he's required to perform it and the process [01:29:02.480 --> 01:29:06.480] denies uniform for access to or enjoyment of rights. That's a crime in the [01:29:06.480 --> 01:29:13.480] state. It's a crime in the Fed. But the rule is take the Fed to the state and [01:29:13.480 --> 01:29:22.480] the state to the Fed. So if the agent doesn't perform a duty, he's required to [01:29:22.480 --> 01:29:28.480] perform. While he may be working for the federal government, he is not in [01:29:28.480 --> 01:29:35.480] Washington, D.C., Guam or one of the territories. Correct. He is in the state [01:29:35.480 --> 01:29:43.480] of Texas and subject to the state penal code filed with him against a grand [01:29:43.480 --> 01:29:48.480] jury and see what they think about his behavior. Hang on, Randy Kelton, Debra [01:29:48.480 --> 01:29:55.480] Stevens, Riverville Radio. I'll call in number 512-646-1984. We'll be right [01:29:55.480 --> 01:29:59.480] back. [01:29:59.480 --> 01:30:05.480] Few people realize today's cameras encode precise GPS location data into your [01:30:05.480 --> 01:30:09.480] photos. That means an online creep could use your birthday pictures to pinpoint [01:30:09.480 --> 01:30:14.480] your home. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. Details in a moment. Your search engine [01:30:14.480 --> 01:30:18.480] is watching you, recording all your searches and creating a massive database [01:30:18.480 --> 01:30:22.480] of your personal information. That's creepy. But it doesn't have to be that [01:30:22.480 --> 01:30:27.480] way. Startpage.com is the world's most private search engine. Startpage doesn't [01:30:27.480 --> 01:30:31.480] store your IP address, make a record of your searches or use tracking cookies [01:30:31.480 --> 01:30:35.480] and they're third-party certified. If you don't like Big Brother spying on you, [01:30:35.480 --> 01:30:41.480] start over with Startpage. Great search results and total privacy. Startpage.com, [01:30:41.480 --> 01:30:45.480] the world's most private search engine. These days, smartphones with built-in [01:30:45.480 --> 01:30:49.480] cameras are all the rage. But I bet you don't know the information hidden in the [01:30:49.480 --> 01:30:53.480] photos' digital files could invade your privacy. Many new smartphone cameras [01:30:53.480 --> 01:30:57.480] geotag photographs and videos with the exact coordinates where the images were [01:30:57.480 --> 01:31:01.480] taken. Not only are the latitude and longitude numbers recorded, but many [01:31:01.480 --> 01:31:05.480] include a mapping feature that's like putting a pin on a map. The next time you [01:31:05.480 --> 01:31:09.480] want to upload a picture of your kids in the pool to Facebook or Twitter, think [01:31:09.480 --> 01:31:13.480] twice. If you don't want strangers knowing where your children live, review your [01:31:13.480 --> 01:31:17.480] manufacturer's instructions and disable the geotagging application on your [01:31:17.480 --> 01:31:21.480] camera. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at [01:31:21.480 --> 01:31:25.480] CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31:29.480 --> 01:31:34.480] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of [01:31:34.480 --> 01:31:38.480] September 11. The government says that fire brought it down. However, 1,500 [01:31:38.480 --> 01:31:43.480] architects and engineers concluded it was a controlled demolition. Over 6,000 of [01:31:43.480 --> 01:31:47.480] my fellow service members have given their lives. But thousands of my fellow [01:31:47.480 --> 01:31:50.480] first responders are dying. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a structural [01:31:50.480 --> 01:31:53.480] engineer. I'm a New York City correction officer. I'm an Air Force pilot. I'm a [01:31:53.480 --> 01:31:57.480] father who lost his son. We're Americans, and we deserve the truth. Go to [01:31:57.480 --> 01:32:03.480] RememberBuilding7.org today. After work, I'm so tired that I want to be left [01:32:03.480 --> 01:32:08.480] alone to sleep. Hey, listen to me. Who are you? I knew you years ago when you [01:32:08.480 --> 01:32:12.480] felt healthy and young and everything worked on your body. Do you remember that? [01:32:12.480 --> 01:32:16.480] Yes. I wish I felt like that now. You can feel like that again with a new [01:32:16.480 --> 01:32:21.480] micro-plant powder formulation called Iodine Now. It cleans the entire body [01:32:21.480 --> 01:32:25.480] from head to toe and feeds the body what it really needs. You'll be in a better [01:32:25.480 --> 01:32:29.480] mood, and you'll find more drive in your romantic life. Really? I got to try [01:32:29.480 --> 01:32:33.480] iodine now and feel good again. It also protects you from radiation, heavy [01:32:33.480 --> 01:32:37.480] metals, fluoride, chlorine, and bromine, including cancer and most major [01:32:37.480 --> 01:32:41.480] diseases. You'll be amazed. You can be your own doctor. I want to keep you out [01:32:41.480 --> 01:32:46.480] of the hospital and off pharmaceuticals. Wow. Why are you so nice to me? Because [01:32:46.480 --> 01:32:52.480] I'm you. You're out of shape, and I need a better-looking future. Call 888-910-4367. [01:32:52.480 --> 01:32:58.480] That's 888-910-4367. Or visit microplantpowder.com. [01:32:58.480 --> 01:33:04.480] microplantpowder.com. You are listening to the Logos Radio Network. [01:33:04.480 --> 01:33:11.480] Logosradionetwork.com. [01:33:34.480 --> 01:33:58.480] Okay, we are back with Andy Kalten and Deborah Stevens. We have our radio. [01:33:58.480 --> 01:34:03.480] Steve, we really need to move along. Do we have anything else I need to [01:34:03.480 --> 01:34:09.480] do? Do you have any questions I didn't answer? No, sir. I'm pretty sure I know. [01:34:09.480 --> 01:34:14.480] I want to go for the state action this time. Like you said, I should always do [01:34:14.480 --> 01:34:20.480] the opposite. And since they're obviously within the state of Texas, that's where [01:34:20.480 --> 01:34:25.480] I think I want to take that option. And that's fine. Okay. You're a 254. [01:34:25.480 --> 01:34:31.480] Which side of Waco are you on? Are you in Waco? I'm actually at the [01:34:31.480 --> 01:34:35.480] Stephen in Hillsboro. I've talked with you several times over the past few years. [01:34:35.480 --> 01:34:42.480] Okay, Hillsboro. Then you might go to take your complaints to Tarrant County. [01:34:42.480 --> 01:34:47.480] We have a new district attorney there that might actually act on the complaints [01:34:47.480 --> 01:34:54.480] even if they're out of the county. There's that. I'm working near, I'm working [01:34:54.480 --> 01:35:01.480] down in Barrett County, and I've got an office also up in Tarrant, excuse me, in [01:35:01.480 --> 01:35:05.480] Travis. So I'll pass up and down on the other end of the line. Okay, Travis. [01:35:05.480 --> 01:35:12.480] Okay. I've got Tarrant County where they will let me take the complaint [01:35:12.480 --> 01:35:17.480] directly to the grand jury. I don't have that in Travis or Barrett yet. [01:35:17.480 --> 01:35:22.480] But call in tomorrow night. I'll have more time. This is my favorite subject. [01:35:22.480 --> 01:35:28.480] We'll talk about how to get them to force, so you can force access to a grand [01:35:28.480 --> 01:35:34.480] jury. That'll have more effect than anything. No problem. You have a good night. [01:35:34.480 --> 01:35:38.480] I appreciate your time. Okay. Thank you, Steve. Okay. Now we're going to go to [01:35:38.480 --> 01:35:45.480] Mark in Texas. Hello, Mark. What do you have for us? I love your show, man. [01:35:45.480 --> 01:35:53.480] Just a quick question about strategy. I have filed a motion very recently for [01:35:53.480 --> 01:35:59.480] summary judgment. This is following my winning motion for summary judgment [01:35:59.480 --> 01:36:04.480] based on the statute of limitations being completely expired based on the [01:36:04.480 --> 01:36:09.480] face value of the complaint in a foreclosure lawsuit. And then the [01:36:09.480 --> 01:36:14.480] plaintiff's attorneys... Wait, wait. Hold on. You won the hearing? The judge [01:36:14.480 --> 01:36:21.480] ruled in your favor? Judge ruled in my favor. It was unopposed. And then they [01:36:21.480 --> 01:36:29.480] filed a motion subsequent to that to reopen the case. And in this motion, [01:36:29.480 --> 01:36:34.480] they actually basically gave a bold-faced lie. They said the date of [01:36:34.480 --> 01:36:40.480] acceleration was in 2010, whereas on the original complaint, they say it was [01:36:40.480 --> 01:36:46.480] in 2007. And then they also said that they were including three exhibits, [01:36:46.480 --> 01:36:52.480] and they didn't include any of the exhibits. I wasn't invited to a hearing [01:36:52.480 --> 01:36:56.480] of any sort. The judge simply ruled on that. I suppose there was a potential [01:36:56.480 --> 01:37:01.480] question there or something. But the judge ruled on that. After this, I'm [01:37:01.480 --> 01:37:06.480] prosaic in this whole thing, and I'm definitely a greenhorn, maybe even an [01:37:06.480 --> 01:37:12.480] idiot. But I'll tell you, with respect to the situation, I didn't respond to [01:37:12.480 --> 01:37:21.480] that motion in time. I didn't respond to oppose it. And I didn't do that [01:37:21.480 --> 01:37:25.480] because I was talking to an attorney who was supposed to be great at this. But [01:37:25.480 --> 01:37:28.480] he turned out to be something of a dullard, and he didn't look at the case, [01:37:28.480 --> 01:37:31.480] and he never did what he said he would do. And I just told him I couldn't work [01:37:31.480 --> 01:37:39.480] with him. And that was the end of it. Wait a minute. You were talking to an [01:37:39.480 --> 01:37:45.480] attorney. Did you ever engage this attorney? No. I never retained him. I [01:37:45.480 --> 01:37:51.480] simply gave him a PDF of my case, 160-something pages, and put it in front [01:37:51.480 --> 01:37:56.480] of him. He never really looked at it. So it kind of slowed me down, and I ended [01:37:56.480 --> 01:38:00.480] up missing my opportunity, thinking that he would end up probably being the way [01:38:00.480 --> 01:38:05.480] to go. But it turned out not to necessarily be that big of a deal. After [01:38:05.480 --> 01:38:12.480] this, I filed a motion noting that any subsequent payments which they were [01:38:12.480 --> 01:38:18.480] suggesting I had made after the original acceleration date. We've talked about [01:38:18.480 --> 01:38:22.480] this on your show. You may remember it may not. But I filed a motion just [01:38:22.480 --> 01:38:28.480] saying that their complaint notes, the date of acceleration was in 2007, and [01:38:28.480 --> 01:38:31.480] any payments made, should there have been any payments made to a third-party [01:38:31.480 --> 01:38:38.480] servicer in that state, had to have been actually filed with the Circuit [01:38:38.480 --> 01:38:43.480] Court's office or something to that effect. There's no record of anything. So [01:38:43.480 --> 01:38:47.480] they don't have anything that opposes the statute of limitations being run [01:38:47.480 --> 01:38:55.480] here. And what's very interesting is I noted in my motion that they have [01:38:55.480 --> 01:38:59.480] failed the state of cause of action upon which relief can be granted. You know, [01:38:59.480 --> 01:39:04.480] all the things that you might advise, perhaps, well, most of them. And then [01:39:04.480 --> 01:39:13.480] before the time has run for them to respond, the plaintiff has actually [01:39:13.480 --> 01:39:17.480] fired the law firm, and they have a new attorney, a much more experienced [01:39:17.480 --> 01:39:23.480] attorney. And so now I have them asking for an extension of time for another [01:39:23.480 --> 01:39:29.480] couple of weeks. And I'm just curious as I try to formulate a question here, [01:39:29.480 --> 01:39:36.480] what do you think would be the best thing for me to do? Do I need to oppose [01:39:36.480 --> 01:39:40.480] that? Or should I just wait since I don't think they have any way that they [01:39:40.480 --> 01:39:45.480] can legally argue against the statutes which win my case? Should I be worried [01:39:45.480 --> 01:39:49.480] that they might be trying to move it to federal court, which I hear is not a [01:39:49.480 --> 01:39:53.480] good thing? Do you have any questions? [01:39:53.480 --> 01:40:02.480] I don't have enough information. I'm kind of confused as to exactly where you're [01:40:02.480 --> 01:40:11.480] at here. You had a motion granted for summary judgment, and they came back to [01:40:11.480 --> 01:40:18.480] reopen. How long between the granting of the motion to summary judgment until [01:40:18.480 --> 01:40:23.480] the motion to reopen? [01:40:23.480 --> 01:40:27.480] I don't know the exact number of days, but they were within the time frame that [01:40:27.480 --> 01:40:29.480] would allow them to do it. [01:40:29.480 --> 01:40:35.480] Did they show, okay, the fact that you didn't respond to it, you should file [01:40:35.480 --> 01:40:40.480] for a, how long ago was that? [01:40:40.480 --> 01:40:46.480] That was back in September, actually. [01:40:46.480 --> 01:40:51.480] Okay, then it's too late to address that issue. But you still have the issue of [01:40:51.480 --> 01:40:59.480] the time limitation. And they filed a second notice of acceleration. Did they [01:40:59.480 --> 01:41:02.480] rescind the first one? [01:41:02.480 --> 01:41:06.480] No. No, there was nothing ever done there. That was just a lie. [01:41:06.480 --> 01:41:13.480] Then that should get a motion for sanctions. And you might look at sending a [01:41:13.480 --> 01:41:20.480] tort letter to the original, to the law firm who did that, and then move for [01:41:20.480 --> 01:41:24.480] sanctions against this law firm. [01:41:24.480 --> 01:41:25.480] Okay. [01:41:25.480 --> 01:41:28.480] These guys want to fight, take the fight back to them. [01:41:28.480 --> 01:41:30.480] Okay. [01:41:30.480 --> 01:41:37.480] Okay. How is this in court? I mean, we're a non-judicial state. Is this a [01:41:37.480 --> 01:41:41.480] HELOC loan, a home equity loan? [01:41:41.480 --> 01:41:47.480] Oh, no, this was just a mortgage, original loan. There's no home equity [01:41:47.480 --> 01:41:48.480] issue. [01:41:48.480 --> 01:41:52.480] Okay. How did it get into court? [01:41:52.480 --> 01:41:59.480] It ended up getting into court because they filed a complaint in 2013, just [01:41:59.480 --> 01:42:05.480] noting that I was in foreclosure. They stated the original acceleration was in [01:42:05.480 --> 01:42:11.480] 2007, six years past that date. So they were passed the statute of limitations. [01:42:11.480 --> 01:42:16.480] I filed a response. In my response, I noted that I had attempted to make [01:42:16.480 --> 01:42:21.480] payments as late as 2010, but they were not to the original lender. And as I [01:42:21.480 --> 01:42:26.480] look at the statute, it clearly states that with third parties, that wouldn't [01:42:26.480 --> 01:42:30.480] hold the statute of limitations unless that had been filed. [01:42:30.480 --> 01:42:36.480] And they're claiming that the attempt to pay the third party lender told the [01:42:36.480 --> 01:42:39.480] reset the time limit. [01:42:39.480 --> 01:42:40.480] Right. [01:42:40.480 --> 01:42:46.480] Okay. That's a frivolous complaint. Okay. Keep in mind, you don't care what the [01:42:46.480 --> 01:42:49.480] trial court does. You're just setting the record for appeal. [01:42:49.480 --> 01:42:52.480] Sure. If I have, I need to. [01:42:52.480 --> 01:42:57.480] So then the thing to do is barguing these lawyers for filing a frivolous [01:42:57.480 --> 01:42:58.480] pleading. [01:42:58.480 --> 01:43:00.480] Okay. [01:43:00.480 --> 01:43:04.480] And just sting them. And the judge is going to rule in their favor no matter [01:43:04.480 --> 01:43:11.480] what they file. But judges are bought and paid for it. That's just how it works. [01:43:11.480 --> 01:43:19.480] So let them. And then you just file your motion, set the record for appeal, and [01:43:19.480 --> 01:43:24.480] hammer the lawyers with bar grievances. You might even want to sue them for [01:43:24.480 --> 01:43:32.480] malpractice just for yucks. And you'll make your case in the court of appeals. [01:43:32.480 --> 01:43:36.480] But we're real busy tonight. Call back tomorrow night. We've got more time, and [01:43:36.480 --> 01:43:41.480] Steve will be on. And I'd like to look at this in more detail. [01:43:41.480 --> 01:43:43.480] I'll be on it. Thank you. [01:43:43.480 --> 01:43:47.480] Wonderful. Thank you. This is Randy Kelton's, Debra Stevens, Rule of Law [01:43:47.480 --> 01:43:55.480] Radio. I call him number 512-646-1984. And we got this, Wendy from Tennessee [01:43:55.480 --> 01:44:00.480] and Ruby from Texas. We'll pick you up on the other side and we'll be right. [01:44:00.480 --> 01:44:03.480] You feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? [01:44:03.480 --> 01:44:04.480] Sorry. [01:44:04.480 --> 01:44:07.480] Are you confused by words like the Constitution or the Federal Reserve? [01:44:07.480 --> 01:44:08.480] What? [01:44:08.480 --> 01:44:11.480] If so, you may be diagnosed with the deadliest disease known today, [01:44:11.480 --> 01:44:16.480] stupidity. Hi, my name is Steve Holt. And like millions of other Americans, [01:44:16.480 --> 01:44:20.480] I was diagnosed with stupidity at an early age. I had no idea that the number [01:44:20.480 --> 01:44:24.480] one cause of the disease is found in almost every home in America, [01:44:24.480 --> 01:44:28.480] the television. Unfortunately, that puts most Americans at risk of catching [01:44:28.480 --> 01:44:32.480] stupidity. But there is hope. The staff at Brave New Books have helped me and [01:44:32.480 --> 01:44:36.480] thousands of other foxaholics suffering from sports zombieism recover. And [01:44:36.480 --> 01:44:40.480] because of Brave New Books, I now enjoy reading and watching educational [01:44:40.480 --> 01:44:44.480] documentaries without feeling tired or uninterested. So if you or anybody you [01:44:44.480 --> 01:44:50.480] know suffers from stupidity, then you need to call 512-480-2503 or visit them [01:44:50.480 --> 01:44:54.480] at 1904Guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com. [01:44:54.480 --> 01:44:57.480] Side effects from using Brave New Books products may include discernment and [01:44:57.480 --> 01:45:00.480] enlarged vocabulary and an overall increase in mental functioning. [01:45:00.480 --> 01:45:05.480] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? Win your case without an [01:45:05.480 --> 01:45:09.480] attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, [01:45:09.480 --> 01:45:16.480] 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. If you have a [01:45:16.480 --> 01:45:20.480] lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. If you don't have a lawyer, [01:45:20.480 --> 01:45:24.480] know what you should do for yourself. Thousands have won with our [01:45:24.480 --> 01:45:29.480] step-by-step course and now you can too. Jurisdictionary was created by a [01:45:29.480 --> 01:45:35.480] licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience. Even if you're not [01:45:35.480 --> 01:45:39.480] in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles [01:45:39.480 --> 01:45:44.480] and practices that control our American courts. You'll receive our audio [01:45:44.480 --> 01:45:50.480] classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, [01:45:50.480 --> 01:45:56.480] and much more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or [01:45:56.480 --> 01:46:01.480] call toll free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:01.480 --> 01:46:21.480] Music. [01:46:21.480 --> 01:46:26.480] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, Rule of Law Radio, and we're [01:46:26.480 --> 01:46:30.480] going to our callers. We have Ruby in Texas who's a first-time caller. Hello, [01:46:30.480 --> 01:46:33.480] Ms. Ruby. [01:46:33.480 --> 01:46:35.480] Hello. [01:46:35.480 --> 01:46:40.480] What do you have for us? [01:46:40.480 --> 01:46:46.480] Well, this is my problem. I'm dealing with municipal court and actually it's a [01:46:46.480 --> 01:46:57.480] dog court. They call it animal court. And I went and got my case file because I [01:46:57.480 --> 01:47:01.480] needed to see what was going on and exactly, you know, the complaint letters [01:47:01.480 --> 01:47:06.480] and how they were going to go about doing what they were going to do to me. [01:47:06.480 --> 01:47:11.480] And I come across something that I probably wouldn't have seen if I'd just [01:47:11.480 --> 01:47:17.480] never gotten my case file. But on the complaint letter, where the affiant [01:47:17.480 --> 01:47:27.480] signs, okay, the signature is a computer-generated signature that's the same. [01:47:27.480 --> 01:47:34.480] But that's not the problem so much as there's the same affiant a few months [01:47:34.480 --> 01:47:41.480] later does another ticket because I have said numerous, numerous tickets because [01:47:41.480 --> 01:47:47.480] like dogs not wearing their tag inside their yard and things of that nature, [01:47:47.480 --> 01:47:49.480] which I find ridiculous. [01:47:49.480 --> 01:47:56.480] Okay. I guess my first question is, is how did you enter into a contract with [01:47:56.480 --> 01:47:59.480] the municipality? [01:47:59.480 --> 01:48:07.480] Well, okay, yeah, I didn't enter into a contract. They're mad because they've [01:48:07.480 --> 01:48:15.480] been pushing me to get a permit for more than five dogs. Well, all my dogs are [01:48:15.480 --> 01:48:19.480] fixed. I'm a responsible pet owner. I've had them 10 years. That's not the [01:48:19.480 --> 01:48:26.480] problem. But what happened was they had a dog they were fixing to take to the [01:48:26.480 --> 01:48:30.480] town that I kind of rescued from the neighborhood and I just had it fixed. [01:48:30.480 --> 01:48:34.480] And I saw them at the corner of my street. I didn't want them taking her to [01:48:34.480 --> 01:48:37.480] the town. I walked outside and said something and they followed me back to my [01:48:37.480 --> 01:48:42.480] house and after that it was on. They called the police on me. I had failure to [01:48:42.480 --> 01:48:49.480] ID. I was taken to jail for failure to ID because I asked the officer to come [01:48:49.480 --> 01:48:50.480] to my house. [01:48:50.480 --> 01:48:56.480] Hold on, hold on, hold on. Failure to ID. Who charged you with failure to ID? [01:48:56.480 --> 01:49:01.480] Oh, it was the police officer. They're run by the police, you know, the animal [01:49:01.480 --> 01:49:05.480] control unit or so. Okay, no, no, hold on, hold on. Don't run too far ahead of [01:49:05.480 --> 01:49:13.480] me. Were you under arrest at the time? No, no, sir. No, no, no, no. Were you on [01:49:13.480 --> 01:49:19.480] your property? In fact, yes, sir. I was in my gated yard and he pulled me through [01:49:19.480 --> 01:49:25.480] my gate and I had an audio recording of the whole incident and two witnesses. [01:49:25.480 --> 01:49:32.480] And he charged, okay, how did he get to failure to ID? Did he come onto your [01:49:32.480 --> 01:49:37.480] property? No, he was standing on the sidewalk and I have a gate that separates [01:49:37.480 --> 01:49:43.480] my carport from my sidewalk and it's about waist high. Okay, were you inside [01:49:43.480 --> 01:49:52.480] the gate? Yes, I was. Did he charge you with a crime? Yeah, he charged me with [01:49:52.480 --> 01:49:57.480] failure to ID, but I've already been tackled. No, no, no. Before he can charge [01:49:57.480 --> 01:50:06.480] you with failure to ID. You have to be under arrest. Yeah, you're correct. [01:50:06.480 --> 01:50:12.480] So did he charge you with some other crime? Oh, no, no, no. As a matter of [01:50:12.480 --> 01:50:21.480] fact, he... Did you charge him with official oppression? Yes, exactly. [01:50:21.480 --> 01:50:25.480] Now that was a question. Did you charge him with official oppression? No, I [01:50:25.480 --> 01:50:30.480] haven't charged him and that's exactly what I need to do. That's exactly what [01:50:30.480 --> 01:50:34.480] you need to do. These guys want to play hardball? Introduce them to the deep [01:50:34.480 --> 01:50:40.480] end of the pool. Now let me back up and was he a municipal police officer? [01:50:40.480 --> 01:50:48.480] He was a city police officer. And in fact, from what I found out, I think he's [01:50:48.480 --> 01:50:56.480] hired now. Everyone in the neighborhood knew him. And when they said, [01:50:56.480 --> 01:51:01.480] oh, is that officer so-and-so? He's the one and they're like, oh, yeah. [01:51:01.480 --> 01:51:08.480] Okay, the thing is you start filing complaints against them, they really get [01:51:08.480 --> 01:51:18.480] excited. And... Okay. Okay, let me back up. Deborah said that you had been [01:51:18.480 --> 01:51:25.480] talking to Eddie. Yeah, yeah. Okay, has Eddie talked about the authority of a [01:51:25.480 --> 01:51:33.480] municipality to enforce law against you? Well, explain to me, what do you mean [01:51:33.480 --> 01:51:42.480] by that? Okay, the Constitution authorizes the legislature to make law. [01:51:42.480 --> 01:51:49.480] There's nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the legislature to delegate [01:51:49.480 --> 01:51:55.480] their authority to make law to a municipal corporation. Thank you. This is a [01:51:55.480 --> 01:52:04.480] private company or even a public company, it's a company. And they can make law [01:52:04.480 --> 01:52:16.480] that the municipality calls an ordinance. It should be called a corporate rule. [01:52:16.480 --> 01:52:26.480] How did you enter into a contract with the corporation that put you under the [01:52:26.480 --> 01:52:34.480] corporate authority? Well, actually, I didn't enter the contract. Every time [01:52:34.480 --> 01:52:39.480] they've asked me to... Have you filed a challenge to subject matter [01:52:39.480 --> 01:52:47.480] jurisdiction on the charges against you? Oh, on the... Yes, I did. But there's [01:52:47.480 --> 01:52:52.480] two separate courts dealing with that. In fact... Okay, okay, hold on. And I'm [01:52:52.480 --> 01:52:58.480] sorry to put you off, but we're about to run out of time. I do a four-hour show [01:52:58.480 --> 01:53:01.480] tomorrow night. Would you call in tomorrow night? Yours is a little too [01:53:01.480 --> 01:53:08.480] complex for us to do quickly. Yes, and I'm very grateful. Thank you. [01:53:08.480 --> 01:53:15.480] Okay, before you call in tomorrow night, write me out a timeline. What happened [01:53:15.480 --> 01:53:19.480] first? What happened second? No explanations or anything, just a timeline [01:53:19.480 --> 01:53:24.480] of what happened and when, and then we've got something to work with. Perfect. [01:53:24.480 --> 01:53:29.480] Thank you. Then call in tomorrow night, and I'd like to go over this. I'll show [01:53:29.480 --> 01:53:34.480] you how to run the routine on your municipality and make them never, ever [01:53:34.480 --> 01:53:39.480] want to mess with you again. Well, thank you so much, Randy. I appreciate it, [01:53:39.480 --> 01:53:45.480] and talk to you tomorrow night then. Okay, thank you. Okay. Thank you, Debra. Bye-bye. [01:53:45.480 --> 01:53:51.480] Okay, Debra. Now we're going to go to my sweetheart, Ms. Wendy in Texas. How are [01:53:51.480 --> 01:53:57.480] you, Ms. Wendy? I'm doing fine, Randy, but I'm in Tennessee. Are you starting [01:53:57.480 --> 01:54:03.480] trouble again? Well, no. No, I just needed some little information on how to [01:54:03.480 --> 01:54:11.480] enforce a visitation order. I have a couple here who are married. He was [01:54:11.480 --> 01:54:16.480] married before, and the wife constantly gives him problems about not visiting [01:54:16.480 --> 01:54:20.480] his daughter, not seeing her. She wants to change the parenting plan for [01:54:20.480 --> 01:54:28.480] whatever she wants it to be. That's always the case in family law, and [01:54:28.480 --> 01:54:33.480] both sides, there's something about family law that seems to be somewhat [01:54:33.480 --> 01:54:40.480] different than everything else. The man and woman, they have children, and then [01:54:40.480 --> 01:54:46.480] they have issues between one another, and they seem to lose their [01:54:46.480 --> 01:54:52.480] perspective. They forget that the child is the only one that really matters [01:54:52.480 --> 01:55:00.480] here, and they wind up using the child to beat each other up with. With that [01:55:00.480 --> 01:55:10.480] said, there are procedures for this. If you have someone coming to you asking [01:55:10.480 --> 01:55:19.480] you for assistance in this matter, first thing you have to consider is they [01:55:19.480 --> 01:55:25.480] will never tell you everything. I once went to Australia, did some seminars [01:55:25.480 --> 01:55:30.480] down there, and the guy who paid me to come to Australia paid me to come to [01:55:30.480 --> 01:55:39.480] Australia to get me to go after a family law judge. When I got down there, he [01:55:39.480 --> 01:55:44.480] told me all the horrible things the judge was doing. I've been through this [01:55:44.480 --> 01:55:51.480] before, and I said, now hold on a minute. If a family law judge does his job [01:55:51.480 --> 01:55:57.480] right, nobody will be happy, because neither side will get everything they [01:55:57.480 --> 01:56:03.480] want. The way I know the judge is doing a good job is both sides are unhappy [01:56:03.480 --> 01:56:10.480] with him. I know I could not be a family law judge. It's just too difficult. [01:56:10.480 --> 01:56:20.480] Before you do anything, see if you can get both sides of the story. This is [01:56:20.480 --> 01:56:26.480] the male who's trying to get visitation with the child who's in the custody of [01:56:26.480 --> 01:56:28.480] the wife, is that correct? [01:56:28.480 --> 01:56:37.480] Yeah, well, yes. He supposedly must get her 13 days a month. Then this ex-wife [01:56:37.480 --> 01:56:42.480] has decided that she wants him to get him every weekend now, and that she's in [01:56:42.480 --> 01:56:48.480] control of the whole situation, and he don't have to say so. She has known to [01:56:48.480 --> 01:56:54.480] keep the child from him before, and he has filed police reports on her before. [01:56:54.480 --> 01:57:02.480] My suggestion was to file a contempt charge on her to make her a believer. She [01:57:02.480 --> 01:57:04.480] is hard to deal with. [01:57:04.480 --> 01:57:14.480] Okay, first thing I want to say is be real careful about family issues. I don't [01:57:14.480 --> 01:57:22.480] know what your relationship is with the person who's with the male side, but [01:57:22.480 --> 01:57:27.480] keep in mind they will never tell you everything, and it's not always [01:57:27.480 --> 01:57:32.480] intentional. They're not going to tell you anything that doesn't suit their [01:57:32.480 --> 01:57:33.480] position. [01:57:33.480 --> 01:57:35.480] Randy, can I interject here? [01:57:35.480 --> 01:57:36.480] Please do. [01:57:36.480 --> 01:57:43.480] Okay, Wendy, look up in the penal code in whatever state this is going on in, [01:57:43.480 --> 01:57:49.480] because in Texas it is a crime to withhold visitation. It's not just a civil [01:57:49.480 --> 01:57:54.480] matter, and I don't remember what the statute is, but I know it's in the penal [01:57:54.480 --> 01:58:00.480] code, and if I'm remembering properly, it's a Class A misdemeanor in Texas. So [01:58:00.480 --> 01:58:04.480] not every state has that as part of their penal code, but I know for sure Texas [01:58:04.480 --> 01:58:10.480] does, and that may be a lot easier to deal with than to try to take it into the [01:58:10.480 --> 01:58:15.480] civil court and try to get contempt and all of that kind of stuff, because if the [01:58:15.480 --> 01:58:19.480] judge has ordered that he have certain visitation per month and the wife isn't [01:58:19.480 --> 01:58:26.480] giving it, then you have to go for contempt. But if it's in the criminal code, [01:58:26.480 --> 01:58:30.480] if it's in the penal code, then a lot of times these district attorneys are [01:58:30.480 --> 01:58:33.480] starting to take this withholding of visitation issue pretty seriously. So I'd [01:58:33.480 --> 01:58:36.480] suggest looking in the penal code. That might be the easiest way to go in this [01:58:36.480 --> 01:58:37.480] matter. [01:58:37.480 --> 01:58:40.480] And it's 10 days in jail for it. [01:58:40.480 --> 01:58:44.480] Oh, wait a minute. We are out of time. Could you call back tomorrow, Wendy? [01:58:44.480 --> 01:58:46.480] Yeah, I sure will. [01:58:46.480 --> 01:58:49.480] Okay, thank you. Randy, can I help you with that, Steven? [01:58:49.480 --> 01:58:50.480] Thank you. [01:58:50.480 --> 01:58:55.480] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible called [01:58:55.480 --> 01:58:59.480] the New Testament Recovery Version. The New Testament Recovery Version has [01:58:59.480 --> 01:59:04.480] over 9,000 footnotes that explain what the Bible says verse by verse, helping [01:59:04.480 --> 01:59:09.480] you to know God and to know the meaning of life. Order your free copy today from [01:59:09.480 --> 01:59:17.480] Bibles for America. Call us toll free at 888-551-0102 or visit us online at [01:59:17.480 --> 01:59:24.480] bfa.org. This translation is highly accurate and it comes with over 13,000 [01:59:24.480 --> 01:59:29.480] cross references, plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of the [01:59:29.480 --> 01:59:34.480] Bible. This is truly a Bible you can understand. To get your free copy of the [01:59:34.480 --> 01:59:41.480] New Testament Recovery Version, call us toll free at 888-551-0102. That's [01:59:41.480 --> 01:59:49.480] 888-551-0102 or visit us online at bfa.org. [01:59:49.480 --> 01:59:59.480] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com.