[00:00.000 --> 00:05.120] Well, here's a story Western media has all but ignored. Turkey shoots down a Syrian fighter [00:05.120 --> 00:10.880] jet saying it violated Turkish airspace. But is there more to the story? Yeah, there is. [00:10.880 --> 00:15.800] I'm Ben Swan with your Truth In Media moment brought to you in part by benswan.com. Turkey's [00:15.800 --> 00:20.240] Air Force has shot down a Syrian aircraft for violating Turkish airspace, an action that [00:20.240 --> 00:25.700] Syria denounced as unprecedented and unjustifiable. The incident happened on Sunday with a plane [00:25.700 --> 00:32.040] crashing near the Syrian town of Qasab on the Turkish border after it was targeted by F-16s. [00:32.040 --> 00:36.280] The Turkish prime minister praised the military for the action saying, quote, a Syrian plane [00:36.280 --> 00:42.000] violated our airspace. Our F-16s took off and hit this plane. Why? Because if you violate [00:42.000 --> 00:47.680] my airspace, our slap after this will be hard, end quote. So what is mainstream media missing [00:47.680 --> 00:55.680] about this story? Actually, some very important context. I'll tell you about it after this. [00:55.680 --> 00:59.720] The destruction of constitutional liberties and endless foreign wars, the voice of the [00:59.720 --> 01:05.040] people silenced while lawmakers simply enrich themselves and the political class. I'm Ben [01:05.040 --> 01:11.480] Swan. Is it about left versus right? No, the real fight is liberty versus tyranny. At benswan.com, [01:11.480 --> 01:15.720] we are breaking the left-right paradigm. We know that the American two-party system is [01:15.720 --> 01:22.640] broken and that to restore American liberty means to restore your rights as an individual. [01:22.640 --> 01:26.800] At benswan.com, we cover stories the national media won't touch. From the National Defense [01:26.800 --> 01:33.560] Authorization Act to nullification, militarization of police, and crony capitalism, we are the [01:33.560 --> 01:42.040] face of new media. Benswan.com, where humanity is greater than politics. The place where [01:42.040 --> 01:46.200] the Syrian fighter jet went down was near the town of Qasab, which is the border crossing [01:46.200 --> 01:51.040] between Syria and Turkey. Over the past few days, there has been a major offensive by [01:51.040 --> 01:56.120] al-Nusra Front, the Syrian wing of al-Qaeda in Iraq, and other Islamist groups such as [01:56.120 --> 02:00.880] Ansar al-Sham. Those groups have been fighting to take that border crossing for days. According [02:00.880 --> 02:05.220] to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, quote, fighters from the al-Qaeda affiliated [02:05.220 --> 02:10.280] al-Nusra Front and other groups have attacked a key northern Syrian crossing and forced [02:10.280 --> 02:15.520] out regime forces and national defense auxiliaries. He added that fierce fighting was still underway [02:15.520 --> 02:19.880] at the Qasab crossing, which was attacked on Friday. The Qasab region is one of the [02:19.880 --> 02:24.720] last crossings between Turkey and Syria that is still under Syrian control. The Syrians [02:24.720 --> 02:29.120] say that Turkey is supporting that action and helping al-Qaeda rebels cross from Turkey [02:29.120 --> 02:33.880] into Syria. What mainstream media once again ignores is that this action by Turkey, shooting [02:33.880 --> 02:39.160] down that Syrian fighter jet, likely wasn't to protect Turkish airspace. More than likely, [02:39.160 --> 02:45.480] it was to help assist al-Qaeda fighters who are trying to overthrow that border crossing. [02:45.480 --> 02:48.680] For stories that affect your liberty here in the US and around the world, you can check [02:48.680 --> 02:55.680] me out online, benswan.com, where humanity is greater than politics. [03:18.680 --> 03:43.680] Okay, the bad boys are back. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens on this Thursday, September, [03:43.680 --> 03:51.200] March the 27th, quarter of the way through the year already, and we do have a very special [03:51.200 --> 03:58.080] guest with me today. Anyone who's been around the community for very long will know about [03:58.080 --> 04:07.280] David Merlin. David Merlin has got him a new book out. He is one of our most knowledgeable [04:07.280 --> 04:16.280] tax experts, and he's going to bring you up to speed on where he's at, what he's doing. [04:16.280 --> 04:17.280] David? [04:17.280 --> 04:18.280] Hello, Randy. [04:18.280 --> 04:23.280] Howdy, howdy. Glad to hear from you. It's been quite a while. [04:23.280 --> 04:26.280] Yeah, you have been very much. [04:26.280 --> 04:29.280] Nice to have you back. [04:29.280 --> 04:30.280] Go ahead. [04:30.280 --> 04:31.280] No, go ahead. I was just... [04:31.280 --> 04:37.280] It's great to be here. I really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you on the air, [04:37.280 --> 04:42.280] and I promise not to disappoint. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that have [04:42.280 --> 04:52.280] been wanting to shake the rafters of the IRS's confidence, and I have a particular manual [04:52.280 --> 05:00.280] that I've resurrected. It's one that I wrote in 1994, and 20 years have gone by, and no [05:00.280 --> 05:06.280] one yet has really even caught on to this particular notion while I've been in and out [05:06.280 --> 05:10.280] of court with it, and the government runs from it every time, and it happens to be... [05:10.280 --> 05:16.280] I'll have to admit, when you first brought up tax code 83, I had never heard anybody [05:16.280 --> 05:18.280] talk about that. [05:18.280 --> 05:23.280] Look around. You won't find it in anybody's work. [05:23.280 --> 05:27.280] So I am interested in hearing the details. [05:27.280 --> 05:35.280] Okay. People can find a couple of quotes from Circuit Court Decisions about Section 83 [05:35.280 --> 05:44.280] on the home page of takefromcesar.us. That's takefromcesar, C-A-E-S-A-R, takefromcesar.us, [05:44.280 --> 05:50.280] is a splash page I've got up, and what I want to tell you right off the mark, there's a [05:50.280 --> 05:59.280] manual for sale on that page when you order the manual. To get a 10% discount, you have [05:59.280 --> 06:06.280] to do this particular entry. You click on the order link. It'll take you to a shopping [06:06.280 --> 06:13.280] cart, and the first thing you do is you enter the coupon code RANDY in honor of our gracious [06:13.280 --> 06:20.280] host. Enter RANDY, and then click on update. Wait a couple seconds, and it'll reset the [06:20.280 --> 06:26.280] price. You'll see that you'll get a 10% discount because you know RANDY. That's how important [06:26.280 --> 06:28.280] he is to everybody. [06:28.280 --> 06:33.280] And then you fill in your personal information and order the book. We're going to have books [06:33.280 --> 06:40.280] in hand by the end of next week. The manual is done. We're ordering it from the printer. [06:40.280 --> 06:47.280] I'm going to get my ISBN number on it, and it's a 1994 manual with an epilogue of over [06:47.280 --> 06:53.280] 30 pages that I just added to bring it up to speed 20 years after I began to write about [06:53.280 --> 06:59.280] Section 83 of the tax code. I'm still the only one in the known universes speaking about [06:59.280 --> 07:06.280] it, when in fact, as you'll see on the home page of takefromcesar.us, the Fifth Circuit [07:06.280 --> 07:14.280] in 1992 says, quote, Section 83A explains how property received in exchange for services [07:14.280 --> 07:26.280] is taxed, end quote. You'll see a quote from 2011 from the Second Circuit in the case of [07:26.280 --> 07:31.280] Goodman versus the United States, quote, at the heart of this case is Internal Revenue [07:31.280 --> 07:37.280] Code, Section 83, which governs the taxation of property transferred in connection with [07:37.280 --> 07:45.280] the performance of services, end quote. It's the owner's manual for compensation for services. [07:45.280 --> 07:50.280] It applies to all property transferred in connection with the performance of services [07:50.280 --> 07:55.280] actually performed by a corporation, a sole proprietor, a self-employed individual, or [07:55.280 --> 08:04.280] an employee. That's Tax Court, 1979, Cone versus Commissioner, 79, USTC 443, comma, [08:04.280 --> 08:10.280] 446, if you must know. Right there in the middle of page 446, it says the legislative [08:10.280 --> 08:16.280] history makes clear that Congress intended it to extend to more than just restricted [08:16.280 --> 08:23.280] stock plans for employees, that the regulations are consistent with statute, and it's universally [08:23.280 --> 08:29.280] applicable to all compensation for services. Nobody is teaching it. Why would you bother [08:29.280 --> 08:34.280] teaching it? I hope you would ask, because there's a lot of people out there that simply [08:34.280 --> 08:41.280] don't know what they're talking about. I happen to not be one of those people. Why teach it? [08:41.280 --> 08:49.280] It doesn't say that the whole paycheck is gross income. It says the excess over the [08:49.280 --> 08:57.280] amount paid is gross income, and it defines the amount paid as the value of any property [08:57.280 --> 09:04.280] that you paid for your compensation. The government can't even go on record with its own interpretation [09:04.280 --> 09:12.280] of Section 83, and this includes five trips to the US Supreme Court by the October term [09:12.280 --> 09:19.280] of 1998. Both were denied. There were two cases that made it past the clerks to the [09:19.280 --> 09:27.280] justices before being denied. One was purely on procedural grounds. It was before I really [09:27.280 --> 09:31.280] ... When you reach the Supreme Court, I don't know how many people out there are familiar [09:31.280 --> 09:38.280] with the fact that when you reach the Supreme Court, you're dealing with an entirely brand [09:38.280 --> 09:45.280] new set of rules that have nothing to do with anything they do on the district court level [09:45.280 --> 09:52.280] or appellate court level or in tax court. Here, I was really very much a beginner. I [09:52.280 --> 10:00.280] had begun litigation in 1994 on tax issues that I discovered over the period of six years [10:00.280 --> 10:05.280] where I analyzed the differences between the tax code and the IRS. I found a whole bunch [10:05.280 --> 10:16.280] of differences in relation to IRS's fundamental authority to assess and impose taxes. I found [10:16.280 --> 10:22.280] a bunch of key regulations that changed the shape of a perfect tax code and turned it [10:22.280 --> 10:28.280] into the IRS. I briefed the heaviest arguments, the ones that do the most damage, the ones [10:28.280 --> 10:32.280] that do the heavy lifting, and took them all the way to the Supreme Court five times. Section [10:32.280 --> 10:40.280] 83 was one of those arguments. In the 90s, I made this much progress. I got tax court, [10:40.280 --> 10:48.280] which was, I think, the Fourth Circuit also articulated the way that they exclude labor [10:48.280 --> 10:56.280] from consideration as a cost. They said that under Section 83, you don't get acknowledgement [10:56.280 --> 11:03.280] of your labor or the value of your labor as a cost because you didn't buy your labor before [11:03.280 --> 11:11.280] you sold it. My argument was always, I have a regulation under Section 83 that defines [11:11.280 --> 11:19.280] the amount paid as the value of any money or property paid. Where is your authority [11:19.280 --> 11:28.280] to exclude labor from the term any property? It penalized you for asking. Any had an invisible [11:28.280 --> 11:34.280] or arbitrary exclusion. We exclude your labor because you didn't buy your labor before you [11:34.280 --> 11:40.280] sold it. Where is your authority to do that? The regulation says any money or property. [11:40.280 --> 11:49.280] They never come up with a statute or other provision that provides they can exclude the [11:49.280 --> 11:57.280] value of labor for that reason. Five trips to the Supreme Court. I'm the biggest loser [11:57.280 --> 12:03.280] in the United States. That was the sole reason that they excluded labor. It was a policy. [12:03.280 --> 12:13.280] In 2003, I discovered four Supreme Court cases. The government won in the Supreme Court now [12:13.280 --> 12:22.280] where the opposing party, the party that opposed the government argued the term says any property. [12:22.280 --> 12:28.280] That doesn't mean all of it. The one in particular, US versus Monsanto. Monsanto was a heroin [12:28.280 --> 12:34.280] manufacturer and distributor. He got busted. Under the drug civil forfeiture statute, they [12:34.280 --> 12:40.280] seized any property. He said, hey, come on. You got to leave me enough to pay for attorneys [12:40.280 --> 12:45.280] out of what you took from my bank account. Come on. I said, no. The statute says we can [12:45.280 --> 12:50.280] seize any property. He took it all the way to the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, [12:50.280 --> 12:55.280] gee, we're very sorry. This happens to all the heroin manufacturers, Mr. Monsanto. [12:55.280 --> 13:05.280] But unless you can show me in the law, show us the court where in the law it excludes [13:05.280 --> 13:12.280] attorney's fees from any property, the government's well within its rights to seize any property. [13:12.280 --> 13:18.280] I got four US Supreme Court cases where the government argues exactly the way I argued [13:18.280 --> 13:23.280] five times to the Supreme Court under section 83 saying, where's your authority to exclude [13:23.280 --> 13:30.280] from any property some property? Here in four Supreme Court cases, the Supreme Court says [13:30.280 --> 13:36.280] there's no exception in the law. Any means all of it. It's all inclusive. I warmed up [13:36.280 --> 13:41.280] the brief on this. I enhanced it with a bunch of quotes and excerpts from these four Supreme [13:41.280 --> 13:50.280] Court cases and made it look real nice. This was October of 2005 because in the spring [13:50.280 --> 13:58.280] of 2005, the IRS, after many dormant years concerning my file, sent me a notice. Notice [13:58.280 --> 14:04.280] of change to your account. We're penalizing you. And there's something about this that [14:04.280 --> 14:12.280] it's funny, but it hurts. They sent me a notice in like, let's say early May of 05 and said, [14:12.280 --> 14:19.280] notice of change to your account. We've penalized you for promoting abusive tax shelters. We've [14:19.280 --> 14:25.280] penalized you. Listen closely. We've penalized you under statute that allows us to penalize [14:25.280 --> 14:33.280] you either a thousand dollars or 20% of what we think you would have made off of your venture. [14:33.280 --> 14:38.280] Notice of change to your account. Amount of penalty, one penny. Credit to your account, [14:38.280 --> 14:44.280] one penny. Amount you owe, zero. Please don't send a payment. If you want to challenge this [14:44.280 --> 14:49.280] penalty, you can take us to federal district court within 60 days. Now, before we go on [14:49.280 --> 14:55.280] to, there's no incentive to sue over a penalty of zero. Well, let's look at this first. We [14:55.280 --> 15:00.280] could have penalized you a thousand dollars, but we chose rather to penalize you 20% of [15:00.280 --> 15:04.280] what we think you would have made, one penny. You think I'm going to make a nickel off my [15:04.280 --> 15:09.280] efforts. What are you trying to tell me here? So, you know, it's a gross insult, but at [15:09.280 --> 15:14.280] the same time, it's a funny peculiarity. I don't know. But anyway, they took away the [15:14.280 --> 15:20.280] incentive for me to sue by penalizing me zero, which I don't think they have the right to [15:20.280 --> 15:27.280] do in the first place. But I know and I recognized on its face, they never do something without [15:27.280 --> 15:32.280] a reason. A month and a half later, they did the same thing over again. Another new penalty [15:32.280 --> 15:43.280] of zero. And I cogitated and came to the conclusion that what they wanted to do later was go to [15:43.280 --> 15:48.280] a grand jury and say, you know, we penalized him twice and he didn't even complain. And [15:48.280 --> 15:53.280] I didn't want to remain on record as somebody that failed to complain. So I warmed up the [15:53.280 --> 15:59.280] brief of section 83, touched it up really nice. It was one of several arguments briefed [15:59.280 --> 16:07.280] in a 58 page memorandum. I put a 33 page racketeering and extortion criminal complaint on top of [16:07.280 --> 16:13.280] it and put a cover letter with it with the two one penny penalties attached as an exhibit [16:13.280 --> 16:19.280] to the cover letter. And exhibit A to the memorandum and criminal complaint was a protective [16:19.280 --> 16:26.280] order that the judge in Austin, Texas, Lee Yeekel, issued against a client of mine asking [16:26.280 --> 16:36.280] questions about the law and filed a 180 page filing with Congress. Is that a break coming [16:36.280 --> 16:43.280] up? That's a break coming up. This is Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens here with our special [16:43.280 --> 16:52.280] guest, David Merlin, and we will be opening the phones in the second hour. So we'll probably [16:52.280 --> 16:57.280] won't, we've got phones open, but we won't be taking any calls quite yet. Hang on. We'll [16:57.280 --> 17:04.280] be right back. Through advances in technology, our lives have greatly improved, except in [17:04.280 --> 17:09.280] the area of nutrition. People feed their pets better than they feed themselves. And it's [17:09.280 --> 17:15.280] time we changed all that. Our primary defense against aging and disease in this toxic environment [17:15.280 --> 17:21.280] is good nutrition. In a world where natural foods have been irradiated, adulterated, and [17:21.280 --> 17:27.280] mutilated, Young Jevity can provide the nutrients you need. Logos Radio Network gets many requests [17:27.280 --> 17:33.280] to endorse all sorts of products, most of which we reject. We have come to trust Young [17:33.280 --> 17:39.280] Jevity so much, we became a marketing distributor along with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, and many [17:39.280 --> 17:46.280] others. When you order from logosradionetwork.com, your health will improve as you help support [17:46.280 --> 17:51.280] quality radio. As you realize the benefits of Young Jevity, you may want to join us. [17:51.280 --> 17:57.280] As a distributor, you can experience improved health, help your friends and family, and [17:57.280 --> 18:03.280] increase your income. Order now. Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, [18:03.280 --> 18:09.280] letters, or even lawsuits? Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears proven method. [18:09.280 --> 18:13.280] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you [18:13.280 --> 18:19.280] can win two. You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using [18:19.280 --> 18:24.280] federal civil rights statutes, what to do when contacted by phones, mail, or court summons, [18:24.280 --> 18:28.280] how to answer letters and phone calls, how to get debt collectors out of your credit [18:28.280 --> 18:34.280] report, how to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. The [18:34.280 --> 18:39.280] Michael Mears proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. Personal [18:39.280 --> 18:44.280] consultation is available as well. For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com [18:44.280 --> 18:50.280] and click on the blue Michael Mears banner, or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. That's [18:50.280 --> 18:59.280] ruleoflawradio.com, or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors [18:59.280 --> 19:09.280] now. [19:29.280 --> 19:45.280] Okay, we are back on this Thursday, the 27th of March, 2014. And we are live with our [19:45.280 --> 19:52.280] special guest, David Merton, talking about how to beat the tax guy. Okay, David, you [19:52.280 --> 19:58.280] were talking about one of our great friends here in Austin, Mr. Yackel. We're very familiar [19:58.280 --> 20:02.280] with him here. Okay, go ahead. [20:02.280 --> 20:10.280] Yes. Again, I didn't want to be on record as somebody that didn't complain about a [20:10.280 --> 20:18.280] zero penalty, so I filed that 180-page composite with 80 members of Congress. It cost me almost [20:18.280 --> 20:31.280] $6,000, and didn't hear from them again. But the protective order, I'm glad you brought [20:31.280 --> 20:38.280] that up during the break there. The protective order was in response to something else in [20:38.280 --> 20:45.280] the spring of 2005, where a gentleman from Texas called me up and he said, I just heard [20:45.280 --> 20:49.280] your name. I never heard of you before. I heard you do good work. I might be indicted [20:49.280 --> 20:54.280] for failure to file tax returns. Got any ideas? And the first thing I told him was, how would [20:54.280 --> 20:57.280] you like an exhibit that proves you sued the United States for proof of the tax that applies [20:57.280 --> 21:01.280] to Americans, and they can't even debate you on three or four statutes? He says, let's [21:01.280 --> 21:08.280] go for it. So I wrote up a Rule 27 civil lawsuit of seven or eight pages maybe, an action [21:08.280 --> 21:14.280] to perpetuate testimony. It's not for damages. It's not for declaratory judgment. It was [21:14.280 --> 21:19.280] for discovery rights. That's what an action of that sort gets you. [21:19.280 --> 21:34.280] In Texas, it's Rule 202. What do you call it? I hate it when I lose words. Go ahead. It's [21:34.280 --> 21:43.280] the action to perpetuate testimony. Civil procedure code. I'm going to shut up now. [21:43.280 --> 21:50.280] Federal Rule Civil Procedure 27, action to perpetuate testimony. There's not a controversy [21:50.280 --> 21:55.280] yet, but I don't need to involve the court, Your Honor, and so I'd really like to have [21:55.280 --> 22:04.280] rights to subpoena, request for admissions, interrogatories, depositions, so forth. And [22:04.280 --> 22:11.280] he filed behind that complaint a briefing of three tax issues from my treatise of 1994, [22:11.280 --> 22:18.280] which was the result of six years' analysis, which I don't know of anybody else who's [22:18.280 --> 22:26.280] done that in depth of research on the tax code in the IRS. And all I want, if I'm mistaken [22:26.280 --> 22:32.280] with my three conclusions about these several statutes, I want answers to the questions [22:32.280 --> 22:36.280] for review under each of those issues. I have issues A, B, and C. I have three, four, and [22:36.280 --> 22:41.280] five questions, a total of 12, and those are the answers I want if the conclusions are [22:41.280 --> 22:49.280] mistaken. And instead of disproving my conclusions with a counter memorandum, U.S. Attorney, [22:49.280 --> 22:55.280] Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Bass asks the court for a protective order against the [22:55.280 --> 23:01.480] 12 questions, and Judge Lee Yeagle issues the protective order. So that was exhibit [23:01.480 --> 23:05.280] number one when I filed with 80 members of Congress was, if going gets tough, they'll [23:05.280 --> 23:11.280] just take Congress out of the equation and make statutes off limits. So I filed this [23:11.280 --> 23:17.280] with 80 members of Congress, and one of the briefed issues was Section 83. Then in 2007, [23:17.280 --> 23:25.280] I was asked by a gentleman here in Seattle who was facing an indictment imminently for [23:25.280 --> 23:32.280] a tax evasion to accompany him and his attorney to the Department of Justice and sit in on [23:32.280 --> 23:36.280] a meeting where I was going to listen to the prosecutor threaten him for a couple hours [23:36.280 --> 23:41.280] with the indictment of his wife if he didn't plead guilty by the end of the week. And during [23:41.280 --> 23:48.280] that meeting, I listened intently after I produced my ID and everything, so they knew [23:48.280 --> 23:53.280] who I was. They knew long before that, but here he is in person, everybody, David Merlin. [23:53.280 --> 24:00.280] So I listened for two hours and caught on. I'm a pretty sharp guy, and I figured out [24:00.280 --> 24:07.280] exactly what the grand jury doesn't know to ask the prosecution when the prosecution [24:07.280 --> 24:20.280] is seeking an indictment. And the posture of the DOJ when they go before the grand jury [24:20.280 --> 24:25.280] is a very specific one, and I know certain things about the tax code that place me on [24:25.280 --> 24:33.280] the offense. Well, when that attorney in the trial, I went to U.S. District Court in Seattle [24:33.280 --> 24:42.280] a couple of days for testimony, and he gets 20-year IRS officer Sue Besson on the stand. [24:42.280 --> 24:49.280] She's an IRS officer, meaning as opposed to an agent, she, in fact, can recommend [24:49.280 --> 24:58.280] prosecutions. And he asks her how long you've been an IRS, an investigating accountant, [24:58.280 --> 25:03.280] whatever, 20 years. In your 20 years, how many investigations have you done? She says [25:03.280 --> 25:09.280] about 500. And he says, how does Section 83 of the tax code operate in your conclusion [25:09.280 --> 25:18.280] that Mr. Goodbauer owes taxes on his compensation? And she says, I am unfamiliar with Section [25:18.280 --> 25:30.280] 83. Here's an officer, 20 years experience, 14 years after I started hitting the IRS with [25:30.280 --> 25:37.280] Section 83, stating on the record under oath, she's unfamiliar with it rather than get into [25:37.280 --> 25:43.280] it. She could not have been telling the truth. She had to be lying. You aren't on the job [25:43.280 --> 25:48.280] for 20 years, and you don't know anything about the statute that explains whether or [25:48.280 --> 25:57.280] not somebody owes a tax on their compensation. So going back to how I introduced the issue [25:57.280 --> 26:05.280] to your audience, it's fundamental. It explains how to tax your pay. And here's an IRS officer [26:05.280 --> 26:11.280] of 20 years saying she doesn't know anything about it rather than get into the argument [26:11.280 --> 26:19.280] despite the fact I've been hammering with it since 1993. So I'm not here to tell you [26:19.280 --> 26:24.280] you're going to get your money back. I'm not here to tell you file a certain return, [26:24.280 --> 26:30.280] take a deduction. Pete Henderson did that, however, incompetently under Section 1341. [26:30.280 --> 26:36.280] He didn't have any case law that said Section 1341 explains how property received in exchange [26:36.280 --> 26:44.280] for services is taxed like I do about Section 83. And so he was off in more ways than one. [26:44.280 --> 26:49.280] First and most importantly, he was negligent. I've seen the trick of getting people's money [26:49.280 --> 26:57.280] back from the IRS backfire five times since 1992. You think back, I'm done with my treatise [26:57.280 --> 27:04.280] in 1994. If I were in fact part of the anti-tax movement, which I am not, I'd be one of the [27:04.280 --> 27:16.280] grandfathers, one of the oldest people with the oldest curriculum available. Now I'm not [27:16.280 --> 27:20.280] here to tell you you're going to get your money back. I'm not here to tell you you can [27:20.280 --> 27:25.280] win anything with this argument. But when the government has to run from the statute [27:25.280 --> 27:31.280] that explains whether or not the government is correct when they say you owe an income [27:31.280 --> 27:37.280] tax on your compensation for services, can you hear that you've gotten further from an [27:37.280 --> 27:45.280] indictment than you were had you no knowledge of Section 83? If the government can't, and [27:45.280 --> 27:49.280] I'm getting to the end of the manual here. There's a trick in the end of the book, Randy. [27:49.280 --> 27:55.280] I swear you're going to, it'll keep you up at night. If they can't deny that they're [27:55.280 --> 28:02.280] depriving you of Section 83 to steal your money, and it's over your state threshold [28:02.280 --> 28:11.280] for the value of grand larceny like $1,500, how are they not felons, each and all of them? [28:11.280 --> 28:17.280] How have they not conspired against your rights? That's 10 years in federal prison, 18 USC [28:17.280 --> 28:27.280] 241. If two or more persons conspire to threaten, injure or oppress somebody in the exercise [28:27.280 --> 28:33.280] of a privilege immunity or constitutional right, 10 years. That's a felony. Do you know [28:33.280 --> 28:39.280] what you can do to a felon? You can arrest them and take them to the authorities. Case [28:39.280 --> 28:46.280] law across the United States says so. I did a search on LexisNexis on a circuit by circuit [28:46.280 --> 28:56.280] district court by district court basis and found a whole trench full of cases about citizens' [28:56.280 --> 29:01.280] rest on the federal level. There's a million more on the state level, and I put them in [29:01.280 --> 29:05.280] the back of the manual along with a bunch of federal statutes I think they're violating [29:05.280 --> 29:11.280] when they tax the fair market value of compensation because I think Section 83 acknowledges all [29:11.280 --> 29:16.280] properties at cost, including my labor. If they're committing felonies, I don't want [29:16.280 --> 29:21.280] to just say you're a felon. I want to tell them what laws they're in violation of when [29:21.280 --> 29:29.280] they take my money, when they send me a threatening communication, when they indict me for a tax [29:29.280 --> 29:36.280] crime and I don't owe any money. How are they not in violation of some of these statutes? [29:36.280 --> 29:46.280] Is that a break? That's a break. Okay, hang on. We will be back on the other side. Our [29:46.280 --> 29:53.280] call in number is 512-646-1984. We may start taking calls a little earlier if we get some [29:53.280 --> 29:58.280] good questions on point. So if you have a question for David, give us a call and we'll [29:58.280 --> 30:05.280] be right back. [30:28.280 --> 30:34.280] So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance and keep your information to yourself. Privacy, [30:34.280 --> 30:39.280] it's worth hanging on to. This message is brought to you by StartPage.com, the private [30:39.280 --> 30:46.280] search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo and Bing. Start over with StartPage. [30:46.280 --> 30:51.280] People who care about animal welfare are crowing over Burger King's promise to phase out breeding [30:51.280 --> 30:57.280] cages and crates for its chickens and pigs by 2017. It's the most sweeping pledge yet [30:57.280 --> 31:02.280] in the multi-billion dollar fast food industry. For years, animal rights groups have called [31:02.280 --> 31:08.280] for changes in the way livestock are treated, like confining animals in tiny pens with concrete [31:08.280 --> 31:14.280] floors covered in manure. With mad cow disease plus undercover investigations into these inhumane [31:14.280 --> 31:19.280] conditions, the public wants a change. Isn't it great that consumer pressure can have an [31:19.280 --> 31:25.280] impact even on the king of fast food? I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht for StartPage.com, [31:25.280 --> 31:31.280] the world's most private search engine. [31:31.280 --> 31:37.280] This is Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell on the afternoon of September 11. [31:37.280 --> 31:42.280] The government says that fire brought it down. However, 1,500 architects and engineers concluded [31:42.280 --> 31:46.280] it was a controlled demolition. Over 6,000 of my fellow service members have given their [31:46.280 --> 31:51.280] lives. Thousands of my fellow first responders are dying. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm [31:51.280 --> 31:55.280] a structural engineer. I'm a New York City correctional. I'm an Air Force pilot. I'm [31:55.280 --> 32:01.280] the father who lost his son. We're Americans, and we deserve the truth. Go to RememberBuilding7.org [32:01.280 --> 32:02.280] today. [32:02.280 --> 32:07.280] Rule of Law Radio is proud to offer the Rule of Law traffic seminar. In today's America, [32:07.280 --> 32:10.280] we live in an us-against-them society, and if we, the people, are ever going to have [32:10.280 --> 32:14.280] a free society, then we're going to have to stand and defend our own rights. Among those [32:14.280 --> 32:17.280] rights are the right to travel freely from place to place, the right to act in our own [32:17.280 --> 32:21.280] private capacity, and most importantly, the right to due process of law. Traffic courts [32:21.280 --> 32:25.280] afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights [32:25.280 --> 32:29.280] through due process. Former Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig, in conjunction with Rule of Law [32:29.280 --> 32:32.280] Radio, has put together the most comprehensive teaching tool available that will help you [32:32.280 --> 32:36.280] understand what due process is and how to hold courts to the rule of law. You can get [32:36.280 --> 32:40.280] your own copy of this invaluable material by going to RuleOfLawRadio.com and ordering [32:40.280 --> 32:44.280] your copy today. By ordering now, you'll receive a copy of Eddie's book, The Texas [32:44.280 --> 32:48.280] Transportation Code, The Law Versus the Lie, video and audio of the original 2009 seminar, [32:48.280 --> 32:52.280] hundreds of research documents, and other useful resource material. Learn how to fight [32:52.280 --> 32:56.280] for your rights with the help of this material from RuleOfLawRadio.com. Order your copy [32:56.280 --> 33:15.280] today and together we can have the free society we all want and deserve. [33:15.280 --> 33:27.280] Mr. Officer, you're taking the line ahead. Won't you follow the law of the land? I don't [33:27.280 --> 33:53.280] know what you're talking about, Mr. Officer. Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, [33:53.280 --> 33:58.280] here with our special guest, David Merland, and we're talking about Section 83, the Income [33:58.280 --> 34:08.280] Tax Code. And I did have a question. I'm reading excess over the amount paid and I have no [34:08.280 --> 34:15.280] idea what that is. That's fine. I want to mark where we were when the break came up [34:15.280 --> 34:20.280] and that was if I'm going to call somebody a felon, I want to be able to cite exactly [34:20.280 --> 34:24.280] which laws I claim they're in violation of. We'll get right back to that after we answer [34:24.280 --> 34:33.280] your question. Section 83 is a lengthy conjunctive sentence and paragraph that can be difficult [34:33.280 --> 34:37.280] to get through until you've read it a few times. When you've read it a few times, a [34:37.280 --> 34:43.280] few things will stand out as germane and other things will fall away. It's called, first [34:43.280 --> 34:53.280] off, it's not called anything advanced or nebulous or strange. It's called property [34:53.280 --> 34:58.280] transferred in connection with the performance of services. You tell me how an entire quote [34:58.280 --> 35:05.280] unquote movement missed Section 83. The only way you miss Section 83 is if you don't bother [35:05.280 --> 35:12.280] to read the code. I started at page one, I started reading the tax code, and when you [35:12.280 --> 35:18.280] do that, you come to Section 83. If you don't read the tax code, you don't know about Section [35:18.280 --> 35:23.280] 83, and I'm the only one in the known universe who's teaching it. What does that say about [35:23.280 --> 35:28.280] the rest of the people that are willing to experiment with your marriage, your mortgage, [35:28.280 --> 35:36.280] your cars, your bank account, your reputation, years of your life in prison when here am [35:36.280 --> 35:42.280] I? I read the code, I came to Section 83, and when I found it, I said, if this applies [35:42.280 --> 35:49.280] to me, it's not being enforced, and everything came to a halt. I went right to the law library [35:49.280 --> 35:55.280] at the University of Washington, and I looked up about 80 cases under Section 83 in the [35:55.280 --> 36:01.280] U.S. Code annotated and photocopied all those cases, went through it, and I found a host [36:01.280 --> 36:07.280] of appellate cases and a couple of tax court cases that say Section 83 applies to all compensation [36:07.280 --> 36:12.280] for services. The reason my jaw dropped open was because it didn't say the whole paycheck's [36:12.280 --> 36:20.280] gross income, like the IRS says, like Section 61A says. 61A is the definition of gross income. [36:20.280 --> 36:26.280] It says, except as otherwise provided, gross income means all income from whatever source [36:26.280 --> 36:31.280] derived, including but not limited to the following items. They got a list of, I don't [36:31.280 --> 36:37.280] know, 15 or 17 items there, fees, tips, commissions, salaries, alimony, gains derived from using [36:37.280 --> 36:42.280] property, stock, dividends, a whole bunch of other stuff, but it starts by saying, except [36:42.280 --> 36:47.280] as otherwise provided. That means if I find it as otherwise provided, I found an exception. [36:47.280 --> 36:51.280] When I look at Section 83, and it doesn't say the whole paycheck's gross income, it [36:51.280 --> 36:57.280] says, if in connection with the performance of services properties transferred, the excess [36:57.280 --> 37:03.280] for the value of that property over the amount, if any, paid for such property shall be included [37:03.280 --> 37:09.280] in gross income. The excess over the amount paid. You can't deduct labor. You have to [37:09.280 --> 37:14.280] deduct a value from dollars. It's math. It's not as if you got a bunch of pieces of property [37:14.280 --> 37:19.280] sitting on a table in front of you. When you exclude something from gross income, it's [37:19.280 --> 37:26.280] math. It says the value of any money or property paid. The first thing to understand about [37:26.280 --> 37:33.280] Section 83 is that they're talking about two different items of property. One is the compensation [37:33.280 --> 37:38.280] property transferred in connection with the performance of services. The other property [37:38.280 --> 37:45.280] is the services themselves. You have the case of Butcher's Union Company versus Crescent [37:45.280 --> 37:58.280] City, and the slaughterhouse cases from the 1800s after like 1880. These are cases where [37:58.280 --> 38:03.280] it was prior to the invention of refrigeration, and the government said there are so many [38:03.280 --> 38:12.280] people getting sick off of bad beef that we ought to regulate the slaughterhouse industry. [38:12.280 --> 38:15.280] They were sued a couple of times all the way to the Supreme Court saying this violates [38:15.280 --> 38:21.280] our rights to free labor. In the process of telling the litigants that the government [38:21.280 --> 38:28.280] has the right to regulate when people's health is at stake here, in the course of those proceedings, [38:28.280 --> 38:35.280] the Supreme Court said labor being the foundation of all other property, it is therefore the [38:35.280 --> 38:42.280] most sacred and inviolable property. It's the most sacred and inviolable property of [38:42.280 --> 38:51.280] man. It's the first picture. If you didn't have labor, you wouldn't even have loin cloths [38:51.280 --> 38:59.280] or spears. You'd have rocks to kill grasshoppers and eat them raw. Labor is the basis of the [38:59.280 --> 39:06.280] foundation of all other property. Without labor, you have no other property, not even [39:06.280 --> 39:16.280] a loin cloth. That's how fundamental the Supreme Court said labor is. It's the most [39:16.280 --> 39:23.280] sacred property. Not only is it property, it is the most sacred property of man, the [39:23.280 --> 39:30.280] most sacred and inviolable. There are two different sorts of property Section 83 speaks [39:30.280 --> 39:36.280] of. One is the property that you earn with your labor. The other is your labor itself. [39:36.280 --> 39:44.280] It defines the amount paid as the value of any money or property paid for property 83 [39:44.280 --> 39:51.280] applies to. That's the value of labor paid for the compensation. When you translate, [39:51.280 --> 39:56.280] the value of property is determined through the terms of an arms length transaction. Set [39:56.280 --> 40:01.280] of a transaction negotiated between two unrelated parties acting in their own best interest [40:01.280 --> 40:06.280] under no compulsion to buy or sell, all relevant facts disclosed. Black's Law Dictionary, [40:06.280 --> 40:13.280] sixth edition, page 109, U.S. Supreme Court, 1973, U.S. versus Cartwright, and Tax Court, [40:13.280 --> 40:19.280] Robinson, Pledger, a couple of other decisions. The value of my labor is what my employer, [40:19.280 --> 40:24.280] my customer is willing to pay me for it. It's going to include my pension, my sick pay, [40:24.280 --> 40:32.280] vacation pay, my medical benefits, did I say pension already? It's going to include everything [40:32.280 --> 40:40.280] my employer deems to be includeable in what I contract for. Now, if somebody came to me [40:40.280 --> 40:45.280] and said, you know, Dave, great to have you here at the company. You sold more vacuum [40:45.280 --> 40:49.280] cleaners than anybody else in the country in the first quarter of the year. Here's a [40:49.280 --> 40:56.280] $4,000 bonus. I didn't contract for that, did I? That's extra contractual. It's above [40:56.280 --> 41:02.280] and beyond the value of my labor. I think I now have gross income. What you think is [41:02.280 --> 41:06.280] your business, nothing you'll ever hear me say is intended as legal advice. Anything [41:06.280 --> 41:09.280] that sounds like that, you just consider it something somebody else might do on a planet [41:09.280 --> 41:14.280] far, far away where the law matters. It doesn't matter here. I prove it on a daily basis. [41:14.280 --> 41:21.280] Now what you think of Section 83 is your business. It's your affair. I'm not telling you you'll [41:21.280 --> 41:27.280] get anywhere with this. When I say citizens arrest, this is not about arresting them. [41:27.280 --> 41:37.280] It's about having the right to. So nothing in this, in what I have to say is to urge [41:37.280 --> 41:44.280] you to act in any way, shape or form. Now back to Section 83, knowing that labor is property [41:44.280 --> 41:52.280] and knowing that the Section 83 is something they can't deny, they're depriving you of [41:52.280 --> 41:56.280] it. It's tax your pay because it says only the excess is included in gross income. And [41:56.280 --> 42:05.280] they say, oh no, everything's gross income. Well, that's felonious. First and easiest, [42:05.280 --> 42:12.280] 18 USC 241. If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate [42:12.280 --> 42:17.280] any person in any state, territory, Commonwealth possession or district in the free exercise [42:17.280 --> 42:21.280] or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws of the [42:21.280 --> 42:27.280] United States, they shall be fined under this title or in prison, not more than 10 years [42:27.280 --> 42:36.280] or both. That's a felony. And under all the case law about felons at large, citizens have [42:36.280 --> 42:40.280] the right to arrest them. So I'm going to say that's the least of it right here. Did [42:40.280 --> 42:49.280] you deprive me of my rights? 18 USC 242. Are you extorting money from me? 18 USC 872. All [42:49.280 --> 42:58.280] of these are 18 USC unless stated otherwise. 876, mailing threatening communications. 880, [42:58.280 --> 43:02.280] receiving proceeds of extortion. 1201, kidnapping. I've been indicted. They put me in prison [43:02.280 --> 43:10.280] on a tax crime. 1341, mail fraud. 1343, fraud by wire radio or television. Hey friends, [43:10.280 --> 43:17.280] this is Como TV down here. I'm in front of the mailbox in front of the post office down [43:17.280 --> 43:23.280] here. We got a line of people waiting to put their tax returns into this receptacle for [43:23.280 --> 43:29.280] mail here. It's April 14th. Better get those returns filed. How's that not? Fraud by wire [43:29.280 --> 43:40.280] radio or television if you didn't own anything. 1621, perjury. Commercially interrupted. [43:40.280 --> 43:48.280] For sure. This is Randy Kelton. Deborah Stevens here with our special guest David Merlin, [43:48.280 --> 43:54.280] our culprit number 512-646-1984. Give us a call. We'll start taking calls here pretty [43:54.280 --> 44:06.280] soon. We'll be right back. Hello. My name is Stuart Smith from naturespureorganics.com [44:06.280 --> 44:10.280] and I would like to invite you to come by our store at 1904 Guadalupe Street, Suite [44:10.280 --> 44:15.280] D here in Austin, Texas, buying brave new books and Chase Bank to see all our fantastic [44:15.280 --> 44:19.280] health and wellness products with your very own eyes. Have a look at our Miracle Healing [44:19.280 --> 44:23.280] Clay that started our adventure in alternative medicine. Take a peek at some of our other [44:23.280 --> 44:28.280] wonderful products including our Australian Eme oil, lotion candles, olive oil, soaps, [44:28.280 --> 44:37.280] and colloidal silver and gold. Call 512-264-4043 or find us online at naturespureorganics.com. [44:37.280 --> 44:45.280] That's 512-264-4043, naturespureorganics.com. Don't forget to like us on Facebook for information [44:45.280 --> 45:04.280] on our events and our products, naturespureorganics.com. Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [45:04.280 --> 45:10.280] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, poor [45:10.280 --> 45:17.280] CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step by step. If you have a lawyer, know what [45:17.280 --> 45:22.280] your lawyer should be doing. If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for [45:22.280 --> 45:28.280] yourself. Thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too. Jurisdictionary [45:28.280 --> 45:34.280] was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience. Even if [45:34.280 --> 45:40.280] you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles [45:40.280 --> 45:46.280] and practices that control our American courts. You'll receive our audio classroom, video [45:46.280 --> 45:53.280] seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more. Please visit [45:53.280 --> 46:08.280] RuleOfLawRadio.com and click on the banner or call toll free, 866-LAW-EZ. [46:08.280 --> 46:23.280] If you did not have any problems, where are you going to look for one? If you could not [46:23.280 --> 46:38.280] find one, would your purpose be done? Such a sentiment, a soldier, a warrior of love, scuffling [46:38.280 --> 47:02.280] in the spotlight. Why do the spots fly? Why do the spots fly? Why do the spots fly? [47:02.280 --> 47:16.280] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens here with our special guest, David Merlin. [47:16.280 --> 47:21.280] When we went out, we were talking, you were going through a number of statutes, some of [47:21.280 --> 47:25.280] our favorites here, the criminal statutes. Will you continue? [47:25.280 --> 47:30.280] Yeah, if you're going to call somebody a felon, you better have a law that makes it a felony [47:30.280 --> 47:37.280] to do what they did. I was up to 18 USC 1621 perjury. They have an oath to hold the Constitution [47:37.280 --> 47:43.280] when they don't. Not more than five years, I believe that's a felony right there. Section [47:43.280 --> 47:49.280] 1951, interference with commerce by threats or violence. Well, they raided my bank account. [47:49.280 --> 47:57.280] 1957, engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity. [47:57.280 --> 48:04.280] 1961, racketeering. 1962, prohibited activities, that's racketeering or contributing to somebody [48:04.280 --> 48:11.280] else's racketeering. And 2235, obtaining search warrants maliciously. That's only one year, [48:11.280 --> 48:20.280] so that's a misdemeanor. 2381, treason, could be the death penalty. 2383, rebellion or insurrection. [48:20.280 --> 48:28.280] 2384, seditious conspiracies. And 3282, offense is not capital, except as otherwise expressly [48:28.280 --> 48:33.280] provided by law. No person shall be prosecuted, try to punish for any offense, not capital, [48:33.280 --> 48:39.280] unless the indictment is found or the information is instituted within five years next after [48:39.280 --> 48:45.280] such offense shall have been committed. They're a felon at large for five years. Then the [48:45.280 --> 48:50.280] statute of limitations is run up and citizens arrest wouldn't apply then, would it? [48:50.280 --> 48:57.280] So with regards to IRS agents, this statute has a nice twist to it. Tax code section, [48:57.280 --> 49:04.280] that's 26 USD, 7214. Unlawful acts of revenue officers or agents, any officer or employee [49:04.280 --> 49:08.280] of the United States acting in connection with any revenue law of the United States, [49:08.280 --> 49:13.280] one, who is guilty of any extortion or willful oppression under cover law, two, who knowingly [49:13.280 --> 49:19.280] demands other or greater sums than are authorized by law, three, who with intent to defeat [49:19.280 --> 49:26.280] the application of any provision of this title, seven, who makes or signs any fraudulent entry [49:26.280 --> 49:31.280] in any book or makes or signs any fraudulent certificate return or statement, shall be [49:31.280 --> 49:39.280] dismissed from office or discharged from employment. And they haven't gotten to the point where [49:39.280 --> 49:46.280] they say, if convicted, okay, even without a conviction, they shall be dismissed from [49:46.280 --> 49:52.280] office or discharged from employment. So what I would do is sue for a declaratory judgment [49:52.280 --> 49:59.280] under the Administrative Procedures Act for a declaratory judgment that this IRS agent [49:59.280 --> 50:05.280] shall be, I want a court order that instructs the Department of Treasury and Commissioner [50:05.280 --> 50:12.280] of IRS to discharge this agent from employment. And upon conviction thereof, shall be fined [50:12.280 --> 50:15.280] or imprisoned not more than five years. So... [50:15.280 --> 50:19.280] Okay. Doesn't that go to court warrant? [50:19.280 --> 50:25.280] Oh, yes. But it's the nature of court warrant, but the Administrative Procedures Act is so [50:25.280 --> 50:34.280] much better understood. I'd probably go there first to find my remedy, 5 USC 76. But the [50:34.280 --> 50:39.280] main thing is they can be discharged from, shall be discharged from employment, whether [50:39.280 --> 50:45.280] or not they're convicted. And so just to make them uncomfortable, institute a lawsuit against [50:45.280 --> 50:54.280] them, try to get them fired. Anyway, right after I touch on a, here's a citizens arrest [50:54.280 --> 51:00.280] statute, Washington State, 9A, 16, 020, use of force when lawful. The attempt or offer [51:00.280 --> 51:05.280] to use force upon or toward the person of another is not unlawful in the following cases. [51:05.280 --> 51:09.280] Number two, whenever necessarily used by a person arresting one who has committed a felony [51:09.280 --> 51:14.280] and delivering him or her to a public officer, covenant to receive them into custody. There's [51:14.280 --> 51:23.280] not a lot of, I don't have a lot of questions about that one, let's say. Now, here's, I'm [51:23.280 --> 51:29.280] going to quote to you from a citizens arrest case, and then we'll get to a couple of questions, [51:29.280 --> 51:36.280] which I promised Randy we'd do during the break there. This is a state case out of Washington. [51:36.280 --> 51:43.280] The rule seems to be similar when an arrest is a so-called citizens arrest, made by one [51:43.280 --> 51:47.280] not a law enforcement officer. It requires reasonable cause to believe the arrested party [51:47.280 --> 51:53.280] guilty of a felony before the rest will support a search and seizure of evidence to the crime. [51:53.280 --> 51:59.280] Neat, I can arrest them and I can seize evidence. Here's one from Arizona, a federal case, [51:59.280 --> 52:05.280] Shelburne versus City of Scottsdale, 2010. In Arizona, statutes that are in derogation [52:05.280 --> 52:09.280] of the common law are strictly construed, see Foundation Development Court versus Lowman's, [52:09.280 --> 52:14.280] 1990. In the case of misdemeanors such as shoplifting, there is no common law privilege [52:14.280 --> 52:20.280] of arrest. This Arizona statute is in derogation of the common law because it allows private [52:20.280 --> 52:25.280] individuals to detain persons suspected of shoplifting, just a misdemeanor. Therefore, [52:25.280 --> 52:32.280] it must be strictly construed to only permit detentions of persons suspected of shoplifting. [52:32.280 --> 52:38.280] And here we get into, and this is right in the manual, all the federal cases I found [52:38.280 --> 52:43.280] that did the most, the heaviest lifting in support of the right to arrest a felon at [52:43.280 --> 52:52.280] large are listed here in the manual. On Section 83, you'll find it, TakeFromCaesar.us. TakeFromCaesar.us, [52:52.280 --> 53:00.280] when you click on the order link, type in the coupon code, Randy, and then click on [53:00.280 --> 53:06.280] update, and you'll see that it will amend the price down 10%. You save 10% because you [53:06.280 --> 53:12.280] know important people like Randy Kelton. TakeFromCaesar.us, order the manual there. It's [53:12.280 --> 53:17.280] about Section 83. Now back to citizen's arrest. I'm going to pick one real juicy here. It's [53:17.280 --> 53:22.280] off the 9th Circuit. I'm on the 9th Circuit. I'm looking for Jack versus Ray. It's a [53:22.280 --> 53:30.280] 1966 case. Under all of the facts, it is established to my satisfaction that the arrest was lawful [53:30.280 --> 53:35.280] and the search incident to it. This made the evidence admissible. Reasonable cause to believe [53:35.280 --> 53:40.280] that felony has been committed and the arrested person committed it are sufficient to legalize [53:40.280 --> 53:46.280] the arrest, even if made by private citizens. And then he cites a whole bunch of circuit [53:46.280 --> 53:54.280] cases. I'm in the clear. So if a felony is committed, you have every right to arrest [53:54.280 --> 54:01.280] the felon. This is not about going out and arresting it. The law doesn't count in America, [54:01.280 --> 54:08.280] but you can come as close to it as proving to the IRS agent standing in front of you [54:08.280 --> 54:13.280] that you have every bit of authority it requires under the law to put them in cuffs as they [54:13.280 --> 54:19.280] speak. And that's as far as I'm going to go on that. Go ahead, Randy. [54:19.280 --> 54:25.280] One of the things that we talk about on the air here and what I do all the time is if [54:25.280 --> 54:32.280] I can get a public official to exert or purport to exert an authority he doesn't expressly [54:32.280 --> 54:39.280] have, or to fail to perform a duty he's required to perform, there's nothing I'd like better [54:39.280 --> 54:44.280] than taking out my cell phone, dial 9-1-1 right in front of him and ask the police to [54:44.280 --> 54:49.280] come out and arrest him. Well, you have a bad attitude. [54:49.280 --> 54:55.280] Yeah. Well, I fixed that. The way I handle the attitude is when the officer comes out [54:55.280 --> 55:03.280] to arrest me, to answer my 9-1-1 call, that what they want to accuse you of is being [55:03.280 --> 55:12.280] agitated. So when the officer starts to do his little double talk, oh, well, you see [55:12.280 --> 55:18.280] it's like this. I tell him, come on, come on, come on. Take your chicken suit off. [55:18.280 --> 55:23.280] A friend of mine, Kid Magnuson's brother, is the city attorney for City of Mansfield [55:23.280 --> 55:29.280] and one of his police officers told him that I was creating a disturbance and I was agitated [55:29.280 --> 55:37.280] when I'm trying to get him to arrest the local JP. And I said, Ken, ask Craig to ask the [55:37.280 --> 55:43.280] officer if I got agitated before I asked him to take his chicken suit off or after I asked [55:43.280 --> 55:47.280] him to take his chicken suit off. [55:47.280 --> 55:52.280] Or ask him to prove that you weren't in fact the victim of a felony. [55:52.280 --> 55:58.280] First things first, agitated for nothing is one thing. [55:58.280 --> 56:08.280] We have a special felony in Texas. And, you know, if you assault a police officer in the [56:08.280 --> 56:14.280] performance of his duty while you are prominently displaying a dead weapon, that's first degree [56:14.280 --> 56:22.280] felony. And when I did a search on it, I found thousands of hits on it. [56:22.280 --> 56:32.280] But that's 2202B2B. 2202B2A comes before that one. [56:32.280 --> 56:37.280] Says that if a person commits simple assault while displaying a deadly weapon, that's second [56:37.280 --> 56:47.280] degree felony unless the person is a public official acting under color of official authority, [56:47.280 --> 56:51.280] in which case it is a felony of the first degree. [56:51.280 --> 56:57.280] I did a search on Westlaw and Lexus and got zero hits. [56:57.280 --> 57:04.280] Never, ever has a prosecutor in Texas prosecute a public official under that statute. [57:04.280 --> 57:10.280] But I'm working on it. I file it all the time. [57:10.280 --> 57:16.280] Sure. And I have to tell you that I never got any respect until I started filing citizens [57:16.280 --> 57:21.280] criminal complaint. We got a court rule here in Washington that tells you how to do it. [57:21.280 --> 57:25.280] And when I hit on that, I was sitting over on the other side of the courtroom wondering all [57:25.280 --> 57:30.280] these times that how, you know, here I am playing it straight. I write and I write. [57:30.280 --> 57:34.280] I draft memorandums and I do all my case law research and court rule research. [57:34.280 --> 57:40.280] And I look over there and the prosecutor can put somebody in jail with two pages of paper. [57:40.280 --> 57:43.280] How do they do that? I started studying the prosecutor's job. [57:43.280 --> 57:48.280] And then I found that court rule on citizens criminal complaints in limited jurisdiction [57:48.280 --> 57:53.280] courts. I thought I started studying the criminal code. [57:53.280 --> 57:55.280] I said this is where the government lives all this time. [57:55.280 --> 57:59.280] I was wondering how they do this. It's because they're committing crime. [57:59.280 --> 58:03.280] And if you've got a public servant doesn't look like they can do what they're doing. [58:03.280 --> 58:06.280] You go to the criminal code first. [58:06.280 --> 58:11.280] Yes. And we have my my prosecuting attorney gave me the key. [58:11.280 --> 58:14.280] I went in one day and he's all upset. [58:14.280 --> 58:20.280] And he said, those darn grand jurors, you never know what they're going to do. [58:20.280 --> 58:26.280] And I thought, bingo. Did I ever find your weakness? [58:26.280 --> 58:31.280] Hang on. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens here with our special guest, Dave Merlin. [58:31.280 --> 58:33.280] We're going to start taking calls when we come back. [58:33.280 --> 58:37.280] Our call in number 512-646-1984. [58:37.280 --> 58:39.280] Give us a call. [58:39.280 --> 58:43.280] We're going into our second hour and we'll be taking calls for the rest of the show. [58:43.280 --> 58:50.280] We'll be right back. [58:50.280 --> 58:53.280] The Bible remains the most popular book in the world. [58:53.280 --> 58:58.280] Yet countless readers are frustrated because they struggle to understand it. [58:58.280 --> 59:01.280] Some new translations try to help by simplifying the text, [59:01.280 --> 59:06.280] but in the process can compromise the profound meaning of the scripture. [59:06.280 --> 59:09.280] Enter the recovery version. [59:09.280 --> 59:13.280] First, this new translation is extremely faithful and accurate, [59:13.280 --> 59:18.280] but the real story is the more than 9,000 explanatory footnotes. [59:18.280 --> 59:22.280] Difficult and profound passages are opened up in a marvelous way, [59:22.280 --> 59:28.280] providing an entrance into the riches of the Word beyond which you've ever experienced before. [59:28.280 --> 59:33.280] Bibles for America would like to give you a free recovery version simply for the asking. [59:33.280 --> 59:43.280] This comprehensive yet compact study Bible is yours just by calling us toll free at 1-888-551-0102 [59:43.280 --> 59:47.280] or by ordering online at freestudybible.com. [59:47.280 --> 59:52.280] That's freestudybible.com. [59:52.280 --> 01:00:01.280] You're listening to the Logos Radio Network at logosradionetwork.com. [01:00:01.280 --> 01:00:05.280] You're listening to the Liberty Beat, your daily source for Liberty news [01:00:05.280 --> 01:00:09.280] and activist updates online at thelibertybeat.com. [01:00:09.280 --> 01:00:11.280] This is Justin Armand. [01:00:11.280 --> 01:00:13.280] And this is Jessica Armand. [01:00:13.280 --> 01:00:17.280] Here with your Liberty Beat for March 27, 2014. [01:00:17.280 --> 01:00:20.280] Gold opened today at $1,296. [01:00:20.280 --> 01:00:23.280] Silver at $19.67. [01:00:23.280 --> 01:00:26.280] And Bitcoin is trading at $546. [01:00:26.280 --> 01:00:29.280] Support for the Liberty Beat comes from GrowYourOwnGroceries.org, [01:00:29.280 --> 01:00:33.280] now offering an eight-week course where you can learn to treat the most common family ailments [01:00:33.280 --> 01:00:36.280] with simple medicines you can grow or find easily. [01:00:36.280 --> 01:00:39.280] Learn more at GrowYourOwnGroceries.org. [01:00:39.280 --> 01:00:44.280] And from BitmainTech, creators of the newly released Ant Miner S2 Bitcoin Miner, [01:00:44.280 --> 01:00:47.280] one tera hash and only 1,000 watts. [01:00:47.280 --> 01:00:50.280] Order yours online today at bitmaintech.com. [01:00:50.280 --> 01:00:56.280] And from Affordable Sound, CD and DVD duplication along with posters and promotional material, [01:00:56.280 --> 01:01:02.280] online at affordablesound.com or give them a call at 512-459-5253. [01:01:02.280 --> 01:01:04.280] And now the news. [01:01:04.280 --> 01:01:10.280] On Wednesday, an Oklahoma judge ruled that the state's execution protocol was unconstitutional [01:01:10.280 --> 01:01:16.280] for denying inmates access to information regarding the types of drugs used in lethal injections. [01:01:16.280 --> 01:01:20.280] District Court Judge Patricia Parrish declared that the state had violated [01:01:20.280 --> 01:01:25.280] constitutionally protected due process rights by refusing to provide the company [01:01:25.280 --> 01:01:30.280] who produced the drug, the specific chemicals involved or the amount used in the injection. [01:01:30.280 --> 01:01:36.280] Lawyers for the inmates involved in the case argue that the drug cocktails remain secret and untested. [01:01:36.280 --> 01:01:41.280] They believe chances of suffering exist, thereby violating the constitution's protection [01:01:41.280 --> 01:01:45.280] against cruel and unusual punishment. [01:01:45.280 --> 01:01:50.280] The interim government of Ukraine has agreed to raise the price of gas by more than 50% [01:01:50.280 --> 01:01:54.280] as a part of a new deal with the International Monetary Fund. [01:01:54.280 --> 01:01:59.280] Beginning May 1st, prices will more than double for domestic consumers within Ukraine, [01:01:59.280 --> 01:02:03.280] as the state energy company, Naftogaz, works out a fixed timetable. [01:02:03.280 --> 01:02:12.280] The Ukrainian Prime Minister is expected to announce an aid package for around $15 to $20 billion. [01:02:12.280 --> 01:02:16.280] Three different city and state politicians were arrested throughout the nation on Wednesday. [01:02:16.280 --> 01:02:21.280] California State Senator Leland Yee was arrested by FBI agents for suspicion [01:02:21.280 --> 01:02:24.280] of taking bribes from a San Francisco area gang. [01:02:24.280 --> 01:02:30.280] In New York, Assemblyman Bill Scarborough was questioned and his office is searched by the FBI. [01:02:30.280 --> 01:02:35.280] Reports claim the investigation is focused on Scarborough's use of travel vouchers. [01:02:35.280 --> 01:02:37.280] Scarborough maintains his innocence. [01:02:37.280 --> 01:02:41.280] Charlotte, North Carolina Mayor Patrick Cannon was arrested and charged with [01:02:41.280 --> 01:02:46.280] theft and bribery concerning programs, receiving federal funds, honest services, [01:02:46.280 --> 01:02:50.280] wire fraud and extortion under color of official right. [01:02:50.280 --> 01:02:55.280] A federal complaint was filed accusing Cannon of collecting bribes. [01:02:55.280 --> 01:02:57.280] You've been listening to the Liberty Beat. [01:02:57.280 --> 01:03:21.280] Remember, freeing your mind is freeing our world. [01:03:27.280 --> 01:03:29.280] Shank for our world. [01:03:29.280 --> 01:03:31.280] Shank for our world. [01:03:31.280 --> 01:03:33.280] Shank for our world. [01:03:33.280 --> 01:03:38.280] Shank for justice and for all that's good. [01:03:38.280 --> 01:03:40.280] Shank for brotherhood. [01:03:40.280 --> 01:03:42.280] Shank for our world. [01:03:42.280 --> 01:03:44.280] Shank for our world. [01:03:44.280 --> 01:03:46.280] Shant for our world. [01:03:46.280 --> 01:03:48.280] All of them when we chant, when we see, [01:03:48.280 --> 01:03:52.280] say that all man was created equally. [01:03:52.280 --> 01:03:55.280] Chant from Babylon and do it daily. [01:03:55.280 --> 01:04:07.920] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens here with our special guest, David Merlin. [01:04:07.920 --> 01:04:14.200] And David Merlin, when I first started doing radio shows, I was hearing about David Merlin. [01:04:14.200 --> 01:04:18.880] So he's been around quite a while. And he's one of the few around that do the same thing [01:04:18.880 --> 01:04:24.640] that we talk about. He actually takes him to task. And if we're going to beat this system, [01:04:24.640 --> 01:04:31.600] if we're going to change this system, we have to remember that we are not the sovereigns. [01:04:31.600 --> 01:04:38.420] We are the masters and they are the servants and they are not to forget it. Julius, tell [01:04:38.420 --> 01:04:43.960] me your own point because I've got my finger on my mic taser in case you're not. [01:04:43.960 --> 01:04:55.080] Well, I'm on this point, taking it to task to, I've found fraudulent orders of the court [01:04:55.080 --> 01:05:01.320] in the municipal court filed for my impeding traffic case. I made it to the third court [01:05:01.320 --> 01:05:08.600] of appeals, Randy. I have made it to the third court of appeals. [01:05:08.600 --> 01:05:15.680] And while I was in that process, some dummy clerk acting as a judge issued a warrant for [01:05:15.680 --> 01:05:23.360] my arrest. While I was in the appeals process and didn't know because I filed a motion for [01:05:23.360 --> 01:05:28.960] a new trial in the county court of law. And I just filed it in the municipal court just [01:05:28.960 --> 01:05:34.640] to let them know that I'm continuing the appeal. And I guess the clerk didn't know that and [01:05:34.640 --> 01:05:40.040] fraudulently signed an order of the court and a warrant for my arrest. Put out the warrant. [01:05:40.040 --> 01:05:43.920] I filed an affidavit of fraudulent warrant, fraudulent claim. [01:05:43.920 --> 01:05:53.160] Okay. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 3249, penal code, securing and executing a document [01:05:53.160 --> 01:06:04.920] by deception. 3703, aggravated perjury. 3711, tampering with the government document. Did [01:06:04.920 --> 01:06:10.480] you file all of those? No, I'm going to in 32.48. How about that [01:06:10.480 --> 01:06:15.840] one? That's simulating a legal process. I'm sorry. That's the one that securing and [01:06:15.840 --> 01:06:22.320] executing it. Oh no, no, no, no. That's not reread that simulating legal process. That's [01:06:22.320 --> 01:06:31.740] really written for the Republic of Texas. And it specifically goes to simulating a order [01:06:31.740 --> 01:06:39.280] or a subpoena from a non-existent court, from a court that's not recognized. You probably [01:06:39.280 --> 01:06:41.320] won't get to that one. Okay. [01:06:41.320 --> 01:06:46.640] We got enough. I got enough. Now listen to this. I found, [01:06:46.640 --> 01:06:52.960] I dug through the court file records and I found a motion for a new trial that was denied [01:06:52.960 --> 01:06:59.520] by a judge a year and a half, two years ago. And that's where they took the judge's signature [01:06:59.520 --> 01:07:08.520] and they robo-signed that signature by superimposing it on new orders of the court for two different [01:07:08.520 --> 01:07:14.320] orders of the court denying two motions. And one was one I submitted on March the 3rd, [01:07:14.320 --> 01:07:23.240] 2014. And then they re-denied my June 20th, 2012 motion with the same judge's signature. [01:07:23.240 --> 01:07:27.960] So the same judge's signature is now on three documents. And I have- [01:07:27.960 --> 01:07:32.560] Wait a minute. Did you superimpose the signatures on top of each other? [01:07:32.560 --> 01:07:35.520] No, I didn't. They didn't. [01:07:35.520 --> 01:07:41.800] Well, no, do that to make sure they're the same. Now, if I'm going to do that, I'm going [01:07:41.800 --> 01:07:45.720] to bring it up in Photoshop and stretch it a little bit, move it around a little bit [01:07:45.720 --> 01:07:51.200] so it won't match the other one. Do these, you're saying that they use the same signature? [01:07:51.200 --> 01:07:52.200] Exactly. [01:07:52.200 --> 01:07:55.680] Or the same judge signed the document? [01:07:55.680 --> 01:08:03.160] No, the same judge that signed the document one time, that same signature is now on two [01:08:03.160 --> 01:08:09.280] other orders of the court. So that exact same signature, and I've looked at it, it is identical. [01:08:09.280 --> 01:08:11.280] At what country was this then? [01:08:11.280 --> 01:08:22.040] This was in the United States, I believe, of America. [01:08:22.040 --> 01:08:23.040] This was in Texganistan. [01:08:23.040 --> 01:08:33.240] Yes, Texganistan. These yokels down there, they just don't care. And get this, they denied, [01:08:33.240 --> 01:08:39.520] this is how dumb they are. They denied a motion that I submitted on June 20th, 2012, and they [01:08:39.520 --> 01:08:47.200] denied it twice. They denied it first. The first order of the court was June 27, 2012. [01:08:47.200 --> 01:08:53.200] They denied it again on March the 7th, 2014, only this time they have a different processing [01:08:53.200 --> 01:09:00.760] clerk than the first time they denied it. But it's got the same judge's signature on [01:09:00.760 --> 01:09:07.560] both documents. So now I have two denials of a motion I submitted. And it's like, you [01:09:07.560 --> 01:09:08.560] know- [01:09:08.560 --> 01:09:13.760] Wait, hold on. You didn't submit this motion twice, did you? This is the one submission, [01:09:13.760 --> 01:09:14.760] two denials? [01:09:14.760 --> 01:09:20.880] Right. I submitted it once, and they had two denials now in the court record. So they're [01:09:20.880 --> 01:09:24.960] corrupting my file record, because if you go looking in my file record, well, when did [01:09:24.960 --> 01:09:31.160] they deny that? Oh, they denied it in 2014. But I thought they denied it in 2012. Oh, [01:09:31.160 --> 01:09:33.840] yeah, look, they denied it in 2012. [01:09:33.840 --> 01:09:40.640] Well, they probably have a new clerk, and they're practicing forging documents. [01:09:40.640 --> 01:09:48.920] Yeah. Oh, to them, it looks like it's systematic. It's beyond me. It's comical. [01:09:48.920 --> 01:09:54.480] You need to- criminal charges is the only way to do it. You know, right now, I'm up [01:09:54.480 --> 01:10:01.880] here in Dallas, Fort Worth area, and I went to a lot of trouble to ensure that the JPs [01:10:01.880 --> 01:10:08.120] know that when I come in there and ask them to do something, I really don't want them [01:10:08.120 --> 01:10:15.480] to do what I'm asking them to do, because I'm setting them up. My favorite one was a [01:10:15.480 --> 01:10:23.600] Judge Hayes in Mansfield, Texas. David, a friend of mine, had a hearing in front of [01:10:23.600 --> 01:10:29.920] me. These were eviction hearings, and I had one behind him. And while David's hearing [01:10:29.920 --> 01:10:35.840] was going on, I went and stood up by the bar, and the judge finally saw me standing there [01:10:35.840 --> 01:10:39.840] and said, can I help you? I said, yes, Your Honor, my name is Randall Kelton, and I have [01:10:39.840 --> 01:10:44.640] a hearing issue. Well, Mr. Kelton, what's wrong with your hearing? Oh, well, Judge, [01:10:44.640 --> 01:10:49.720] I was down in Mexico the other day, and my teeth worked on, and I had a drink too much, [01:10:49.720 --> 01:10:55.240] said cheap tequila, and I lost my hearing aid. The judge said, well, Mr. Kelton, why [01:10:55.240 --> 01:10:58.480] are you telling me this? I said, well, Your Honor, do you have accommodation for the hearing [01:10:58.480 --> 01:11:04.160] impaired? No, Mr. Kelton, I do not. We have sound system in here. We turn it up. No, I [01:11:04.160 --> 01:11:09.280] will not. Well, then, will you speak up? And he did. He told the bailiff, I didn't sound [01:11:09.280 --> 01:11:14.440] shut up, and he just threw me out of the courtroom. Well, I had my hearing, and when I left, I [01:11:14.440 --> 01:11:18.960] told the bailiff, you come with me. We get out in the hall, and he said, well, what could [01:11:18.960 --> 01:11:25.000] I do for you? I want you to arrest the judge. Well, why would I arrest the judge? For failure [01:11:25.000 --> 01:11:30.480] to provide accommodation for the hearing impaired, failed to perform a duty he was required to [01:11:30.480 --> 01:11:39.480] perform in the process, denied me in a right, in violation of 39.03 Petal Code. Well, he [01:11:39.480 --> 01:11:44.880] said, well, Mr. Kelton, why didn't you tell them about the Americans with Disabilities [01:11:44.880 --> 01:11:50.960] Act? Oh, if I had told them that, they might have turned the sound system up. And they [01:11:50.960 --> 01:11:57.080] kind of stepped back and said, well, you set him up. Yeah. Matter of fact, I did. I gave [01:11:57.080 --> 01:12:09.520] him opportunity, and he was very accommodating. Shirk. So they need to think, you know, we [01:12:09.520 --> 01:12:16.760] talk about David, we talk about this on the show all the time, that my ultimate outcome [01:12:16.760 --> 01:12:23.360] is to put every judge in the country in a position such that when they step up behind [01:12:23.360 --> 01:12:29.600] the bench and look out across the bar at the gallery, we want them wondering which one, [01:12:29.600 --> 01:12:34.160] which one of those jacklegs sitting out there in the gallery are waiting for me to render [01:12:34.160 --> 01:12:42.400] a ruling so he can run down to the grand jury and try to get me indicted. Exactly. We don't [01:12:42.400 --> 01:12:49.760] have to get any judges indicted. We just want them to consider the prospect. And the way [01:12:49.760 --> 01:12:58.840] we do this is, you know, when I go into the court, as far as I'm concerned, I'm nobody. [01:12:58.840 --> 01:13:02.440] And then I tell people on the show, you know, I walk in the courthouse, I'm the baddest [01:13:02.440 --> 01:13:06.840] motor scooter in the building. There's only one reason I'm the baddest motor scooter in [01:13:06.840 --> 01:13:14.440] the building. Because I'm nobody. I'm not a judge, I'm not a prosecutor, a lawyer, a [01:13:14.440 --> 01:13:25.520] bailiff, a clerk. I'm not a public official. I'm not a public servant. I am the master. [01:13:25.520 --> 01:13:32.680] And they are not to forget it. If they do, I'm the guy to remind them. What I'm going [01:13:32.680 --> 01:13:36.920] to do is I'm going to ask them to do stuff that I don't want them to do so that I can [01:13:36.920 --> 01:13:41.160] clobber them when they don't do it. Just like I asked the bailiff to arrest the judge. Oh, [01:13:41.160 --> 01:13:46.200] I can't arrest the judge. I sure can. Just go in there and throw the cuffs on him and [01:13:46.200 --> 01:13:50.520] drag him off to jail. That can be fun. You stand around here doing nothing all day is [01:13:50.520 --> 01:13:55.520] boring. Oh, I'm not going to arrest the judge. And I always say, come on, come on, take your [01:13:55.520 --> 01:14:01.560] chicken suit off. That one recently was walking away and I said, Mr. Bailiff, I need your [01:14:01.560 --> 01:14:09.560] chicken suit off. And he stopped, just froze in his tracks, spun around and said, Mr. Tuckton, [01:14:09.560 --> 01:14:15.160] that was uncalled for. Yes, it was called for. It's your duty to keep the peace in the [01:14:15.160 --> 01:14:20.040] courtroom makes no difference who breezes it. You get in there and keep the peace you [01:14:20.040 --> 01:14:28.400] coward. And he was fuming. But he good. I was pleased he didn't lose his cool beat me [01:14:28.400 --> 01:14:34.640] into unconsciousness. I get tired of that stuff. I'd have said uncalled for uncalled [01:14:34.640 --> 01:14:45.560] for my eye. I just called for it. Weren't you listening? It works. And we're I'm right [01:14:45.560 --> 01:14:54.960] now I'm filing a whole stack of criminal charges. I've redone the way I think about things we're [01:14:54.960 --> 01:14:59.080] going in. We're helping people with foreclosure issues. And I go in on a person that's being [01:14:59.080 --> 01:15:05.080] foreclosed on they wrote me a quick a quick claim. So I've got standing. I go in and file [01:15:05.080 --> 01:15:09.120] a challenge subject matter jurisdiction. I used to go in and say, Your Honor, this was [01:15:09.120 --> 01:15:12.840] a project foreclosure. They didn't have the authority to do the foreclosure. So they don't [01:15:12.840 --> 01:15:19.000] have standing to prosecute this eviction. And the judge would exercise his discretion [01:15:19.000 --> 01:15:26.240] rule against us every time. So now I say, I'm here at arm's length to this court. This [01:15:26.240 --> 01:15:32.360] court does not have subject matter jurisdiction as the plaintiff lacked the legal capacity [01:15:32.360 --> 01:15:38.040] to invoke the subject matter jurisdiction of the court. This does not go to the judges [01:15:38.040 --> 01:15:48.360] discretion. He doesn't have any here. This judge refused to read my pleading issued the [01:15:48.360 --> 01:15:54.600] order of eviction. They threw out this woman who had lived in this house for 30 years. [01:15:54.600 --> 01:15:58.920] They had foreclosed on her four years ago. They had two years to evict. They didn't get [01:15:58.920 --> 01:16:04.600] it done. They looked back at it and say, Oh, we screwed up. So they had a bogus company [01:16:04.600 --> 01:16:09.800] do an assignment of substitute trustee and they foreclosed again and we sold it to Fannie [01:16:09.800 --> 01:16:15.720] Mae. They sold it to Fannie Mae first time. So I filed a challenge subject matter jurisdiction. [01:16:15.720 --> 01:16:22.320] The judge without ruling on subject matter had the bailiffs come out with loaded pistols [01:16:22.320 --> 01:16:29.280] and it forcibly evict this woman from the house. I called that first degree felony aggravated [01:16:29.280 --> 01:16:34.520] assault. The officers didn't commit first degree felony aggravated assault as they acted [01:16:34.520 --> 01:16:41.200] in good faith compliance on cognitive authority. The justice of the peace did. And I'm going [01:16:41.200 --> 01:16:46.320] to file an appeal. I'm going to appeal it to our grand jury of my peers and see what [01:16:46.320 --> 01:16:53.480] they think of that garbage. Hang on. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens here with David Merlin. [01:16:53.480 --> 01:17:00.880] Call in number 512-646-1984. We'll be right back. [01:17:00.880 --> 01:17:05.640] My name is Jessica Arman. I'm an activist, a GCN listener and mother of three. Our drinking [01:17:05.640 --> 01:17:09.520] water and food are filled with fluoride and other contaminants that harm our teeth and [01:17:09.520 --> 01:17:14.280] gums. To protect my family, I created My Magic Mud, an all-natural teeth brightening and [01:17:14.280 --> 01:17:19.400] strengthening remedy. My Magic Mud is a soft powder that polishes your teeth, reduces sensitivity [01:17:19.400 --> 01:17:23.480] and removes harmful toxins from deep inside your mouth. You deserve a bright, healthy [01:17:23.480 --> 01:17:27.880] smile. Visit MyMagicMud.com and get yours today. That's MyMagicMud.com. [01:17:27.880 --> 01:17:32.440] Hi, this is Kurt Hildebrand. I've been using Magic Mud for a while now and I just can't [01:17:32.440 --> 01:17:35.840] believe how much healthier my teeth and gums feel. I love the product. [01:17:35.840 --> 01:17:40.800] This is Anna Martin, the libertarian homeschooler. I homeschool, so I drink coffee. And I drink [01:17:40.800 --> 01:17:45.240] coffee, so I use Magic Mud. It gets my teeth really clean. Give it a try. [01:17:45.240 --> 01:17:49.040] This is John Bush of the Liberty Beat. My wife and I use My Magic Mud because it brightens [01:17:49.040 --> 01:17:53.440] our smile and our daughter uses it because it makes brushing fun. To get your can of [01:17:53.440 --> 01:18:01.600] My Magic Mud, go to Brave New Books or order it online at MyMagicMud.com. [01:18:01.600 --> 01:18:05.160] At Capital Coin and Bullion, our mission is to be your preferred shopping destination [01:18:05.160 --> 01:18:09.080] by delivering excellent customer service and outstanding value at an affordable price. [01:18:09.080 --> 01:18:13.080] We provide a wide assortment of your favorite products featuring a great selection of high [01:18:13.080 --> 01:18:17.320] quality coins and precious metals. We cater to beginners in coin collecting as well as [01:18:17.320 --> 01:18:21.720] large transactions for investors. We believe in educating our customers with resources [01:18:21.720 --> 01:18:26.520] from top accredited metals dealers and journalists. If we don't have what you're looking for, [01:18:26.520 --> 01:18:29.680] we can find it. In addition, we carry popular young Jeopardy [01:18:29.680 --> 01:18:34.760] products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine and Polynburst. We also offer One World Way, Mountain [01:18:34.760 --> 01:18:39.880] House Storable Foods, Berkey Water Products, ammunition at 10% above wholesale and more. [01:18:39.880 --> 01:18:44.000] We broke through Metals IRA accounts and we also accept Bitcoins as payments. Call us [01:18:44.000 --> 01:18:51.000] at 512-646-6440. We're located at 7304 Burnett Road, Suite A, about a half mile south of [01:18:51.000 --> 01:18:57.000] Anderson. We're open Monday through Friday 10 to 6, Saturdays 10 to 2. Visit us at CapitalCoinandBullion.com [01:18:57.000 --> 01:19:00.000] or call 512-646-6440. [01:19:00.000 --> 01:19:07.000] This is the Logos Mapogos Radio Net. [01:19:30.000 --> 01:19:37.000] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton and Debbie Stevens here with David Merlin. And Julius, [01:19:42.520 --> 01:19:49.520] you're off point. Don't you have an IRS question? Or were you not listening to our show? [01:19:51.560 --> 01:19:55.160] If you weren't listening to our show, before you called in, you would have taken your phone [01:19:55.160 --> 01:20:02.160] and beat yourself around the eyes and ears. [01:20:11.320 --> 01:20:18.320] What I want you to do is go to the college parking lot and call from there. Then when [01:20:18.320 --> 01:20:25.320] security shows up, let me talk to them. I'll help you out. [01:20:25.320 --> 01:20:28.320] You know that I'm not to do that. [01:20:28.320 --> 01:20:34.320] Yeah, we tried to get you beaten into unconsciousness last time. Maybe we'll do better this time. [01:20:34.320 --> 01:20:36.320] That's right. I think so. [01:20:36.320 --> 01:20:43.320] Okay. Thank you, Julius. We think we may have someone on point. Okay, we're going to Brian [01:20:43.320 --> 01:20:48.320] in Illinois. Hello, Brian. What do you have for us? [01:20:48.320 --> 01:20:51.320] Good evening, Randy. How are you today? [01:20:51.320 --> 01:20:52.320] I'm good. [01:20:52.320 --> 01:20:55.320] I'm on a call. [01:20:55.320 --> 01:21:01.320] Yeah. I talked to you about a month ago about an attorney that I had hired and I had some [01:21:01.320 --> 01:21:08.320] problems with him. To refresh you, the incident that I had with the attorney was that he was [01:21:08.320 --> 01:21:15.320] billing me excessively. In Illinois, if you have an intern that's working for you, that [01:21:16.320 --> 01:21:23.320] intern is not allowed to individually bill you as an associate. That particular attorney [01:21:23.320 --> 01:21:26.320] did that to me. [01:21:26.320 --> 01:21:33.320] Then there was an instance where I came into his office to show him some items of mine. [01:21:33.320 --> 01:21:40.320] We took some pictures of those items. After we removed the items, I asked for some Windex [01:21:40.320 --> 01:21:47.320] and some paper towels. I got filled labor times for providing the paper towels and the [01:21:51.320 --> 01:21:52.320] Windex. [01:21:52.320 --> 01:21:57.320] Okay. Did you ask him for an itemized billing? [01:21:57.320 --> 01:22:00.320] Yes, he did provide me with one. [01:22:00.320 --> 01:22:07.320] Did the itemized billing accurately reflect work done and did he charge you a reasonable [01:22:10.320 --> 01:22:13.320] amount for the work done? [01:22:13.320 --> 01:22:18.320] As a matter of opinion, I would say no. [01:22:18.320 --> 01:22:21.320] Then sue him for malpractice. [01:22:21.320 --> 01:22:28.320] Well, this is what's interesting, Randy, is I decided to hire a private investigator. [01:22:28.320 --> 01:22:35.320] In doing the investigation, one of the reasons I did the investigation is he came up with [01:22:35.320 --> 01:22:42.320] the pretty ingenious idea, I thought, at the time. He said, well, let's set a trap for [01:22:42.320 --> 01:22:48.320] these people that are leaving you deftly, leaving the defamation and leaving the statements [01:22:48.320 --> 01:22:54.320] about you. Let's get them to buy something from you and then I'll examine the item and [01:22:54.320 --> 01:23:01.320] then I'll send that item to a process server. We'll have him examine it and then we'll [01:23:02.320 --> 01:23:07.320] get an affidavit from him and then we'll have the process server deliver the item. That [01:23:07.320 --> 01:23:13.320] way, if they say something was wrong with your item, we'll have clarification that [01:23:13.320 --> 01:23:14.320] they're wrong. [01:23:14.320 --> 01:23:21.320] I thought that was an ingenious idea and he had done that for me, but I later found out [01:23:21.320 --> 01:23:28.320] that the person who bought the item from me and he charged me to do all this work, that [01:23:28.320 --> 01:23:34.320] person that bought the item from me is a friend of his daughter's. [01:23:34.320 --> 01:23:39.320] Oh, so you've got everybody trying to screw you. [01:23:39.320 --> 01:23:41.320] Well, yeah, that's what I don't understand. [01:23:41.320 --> 01:23:48.320] Okay, okay. Here's the deal. Everybody needs to understand that all of these professions [01:23:48.320 --> 01:23:55.320] have oversight agencies. Now, the Bar Association is next to worthless, but we've got a way [01:23:55.320 --> 01:24:05.320] around that. If you file a complaint against his professional license, that is a big deal [01:24:05.320 --> 01:24:11.320] for everybody but lawyers. Well, it's a big deal for lawyers, but for a different reason. [01:24:11.320 --> 01:24:17.320] I have a friend who's a clinical psychologist and he got into an investment scheme with [01:24:17.320 --> 01:24:22.320] some guy who invested a bunch of money for him in silver and then stole all the money. [01:24:22.320 --> 01:24:29.320] Well, when he demanded the money back, the guy went to the Board of Psychology and filed [01:24:29.320 --> 01:24:34.320] a complaint against him claiming that he was a patient of this guy. He wasn't. [01:24:34.320 --> 01:24:35.320] Right. [01:24:35.320 --> 01:24:41.320] But Bill was terrified. He said, these guys have put you out of business. They get a [01:24:41.320 --> 01:24:46.320] complaint, man, they're when you see the ringer. He was afraid they were going to ruin his [01:24:46.320 --> 01:24:53.320] practice over a totally bogus complaint. I mean, that's a big deal for these guys. [01:24:53.320 --> 01:24:54.320] Right. [01:24:54.320 --> 01:25:03.320] Lawyers, if you file a bar grievance against a lawyer, the state bar will get that grievance [01:25:03.320 --> 01:25:07.320] and they'll throw it in the trash and they'll send you this letter back that said, we examined [01:25:07.320 --> 01:25:13.320] into your accusation, find it does not rise to the level of misconduct. I sent in 38 felonies [01:25:13.320 --> 01:25:21.320] and misdemeanors on lawyers to the Commission on Judges to the State Commission on Judicial [01:25:21.320 --> 01:25:25.320] Conduct. All of them got the same letter back. We examined into your accusation, find it [01:25:25.320 --> 01:25:30.320] does not rise to the level of misconduct. Who cares? [01:25:30.320 --> 01:25:36.320] Because when I called him out on it, he basically said, there's nothing you can do to me. [01:25:36.320 --> 01:25:47.320] Is that a fact? He's not going to tell you about malpractice insurance. One bar grievance. [01:25:47.320 --> 01:25:53.320] Okay. One thing you need to know, never ever threaten anybody. [01:25:53.320 --> 01:25:54.320] Correct. [01:25:54.320 --> 01:26:01.320] And that goes to the adage in law, never give fair warning. [01:26:01.320 --> 01:26:02.320] Okay. [01:26:02.320 --> 01:26:10.320] If you tell someone what you're planning to do, they'll accuse you of threatening them. [01:26:10.320 --> 01:26:17.320] Never give fair warning. Set them up to do something that you know they won't do that [01:26:17.320 --> 01:26:23.320] they're required to do and then hammer them for it. Ask the lawyer to do something he's [01:26:23.320 --> 01:26:30.320] required to do. Read the bar association standards. Most states have adopted the model American [01:26:30.320 --> 01:26:37.320] Bar Association standards. They vary slightly, but not much. My bargrievance.net site is [01:26:37.320 --> 01:26:42.320] down at the moment, but I'm trying to get it back up. I've got a format on there where [01:26:42.320 --> 01:26:47.320] in four questions you can get to any particular grievance and you'll be amazed what you can [01:26:47.320 --> 01:26:53.320] grieve these guys for. If they part their hair on the wrong side, you can grieve them. [01:26:53.320 --> 01:27:00.320] If you grieve them, the state bar is not going to do anything, but their insurance company [01:27:00.320 --> 01:27:01.320] is. [01:27:01.320 --> 01:27:02.320] Right. [01:27:02.320 --> 01:27:06.320] One bar grievance your first year of practice, they'll cancel immediately. Two bar grievances, [01:27:06.320 --> 01:27:11.320] any one year of practice, if you've been practicing 20 years, they cancel. Three, they'll cancel [01:27:11.320 --> 01:27:18.320] your law firm's malpractice insurance. Bar grievances really hurt lawyers, but they will [01:27:18.320 --> 01:27:25.320] never say anything to you about it. If they do, you grieve them for that because they're [01:27:25.320 --> 01:27:33.320] forbidden to. That's their Achilles heel. If you file a malpractice suit against them, [01:27:33.320 --> 01:27:41.320] their malpractice insurance carrier will indemnify them on the suit and then cancel. When they [01:27:41.320 --> 01:27:48.320] go to get new insurance, it's going to at least double. It starts between 35 and 40 [01:27:48.320 --> 01:27:53.320] grand a year. Everybody has their weak side. [01:27:53.320 --> 01:27:59.320] Hey, Randy. Is there a chance to get you back to tax law anytime tonight? [01:27:59.320 --> 01:28:12.320] I'm hoping to. We're not getting anybody on point. Hang on, Brian. Let me see if Andy's [01:28:12.320 --> 01:28:17.320] on point. I don't want to hold David if we're not going to have any questions on point. [01:28:17.320 --> 01:28:19.320] Go for it. Thank you. [01:28:19.320 --> 01:28:30.320] Okay. Thank you. Thank you, Brian. Hello, Andy. Yeah. Hey, guys. I am on point. I'm [01:28:30.320 --> 01:28:35.320] not the one involved in the suit, but I've got a good friend of mine who in 2008 had [01:28:35.320 --> 01:28:41.320] to shut down his stone business here in the Austin area. He was selling the ornamental [01:28:41.320 --> 01:28:49.320] rock for the exterior of homes and for the boulevards in the subdivisions out west of [01:28:49.320 --> 01:28:55.320] the city. He is now being audited on that year, and they're saving the others like $160,000. [01:28:55.320 --> 01:29:01.320] It's out of the blue. Unfortunately, he's good at building things and good at selling [01:29:01.320 --> 01:29:08.320] rock, but he's not so up to speed on these kinds of things, and he doesn't have an accountant. [01:29:08.320 --> 01:29:17.320] He is a sharp guy. Is this material that you have something that you think he may be able [01:29:17.320 --> 01:29:25.320] to get some use out of? Well, I'll tell you, first off, his accountant doesn't know either [01:29:25.320 --> 01:29:31.320] that Section 83 governs the taxation, the compensation. He's out in the cold, and where [01:29:31.320 --> 01:29:39.320] I found my materials applied gravity, we're going to have to hold on until after the break. [01:29:39.320 --> 01:29:43.320] Yeah, I'll hold until the break, because I really want to hear what you think. Okay, [01:29:43.320 --> 01:29:49.320] I'll be here. Okay, this is Randy Kelton, David Stevens here with David Merlin. Call [01:29:49.320 --> 01:29:56.320] in number 512-646-1984. Give us a call. We need some questions on point. We'll be right [01:29:56.320 --> 01:30:06.320] back. Japan is number one in life expectancy, right? Well, maybe not. Recent discoveries [01:30:06.320 --> 01:30:12.320] have people wondering if those famous 100-year-old Japanese aren't just a scam. I'm Dr. Catherine [01:30:12.320 --> 01:30:18.320] Albrecht, back with the bizarre details next. Privacy is under attack. When you give up [01:30:18.320 --> 01:30:23.320] data about yourself, you'll never get it back again, and once your privacy is gone, you'll [01:30:23.320 --> 01:30:29.320] find your freedoms will start to vanish, too. So protect your rights. Say no to surveillance [01:30:29.320 --> 01:30:35.320] and keep your information to yourself. Privacy, it's worth hanging onto. This message is brought [01:30:35.320 --> 01:30:41.320] to you by Startpage.com, the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [01:30:41.320 --> 01:30:49.320] Start over with Startpage. For Japanese investigators, it was a gruesome discovery. The bones of [01:30:49.320 --> 01:30:54.320] an elderly woman thought to be alive were found in a backpack belonging to her son. [01:30:54.320 --> 01:30:59.320] Why had he stashed his mother's remains instead of giving her a decent burial? Well, the [01:30:59.320 --> 01:31:04.320] sordid truth was more about money than gruesomeness. As it happens, he never reported his mother's [01:31:04.320 --> 01:31:10.320] death back in 2001 and had been collecting her benefits ever since. The discovery is [01:31:10.320 --> 01:31:15.320] just one of many suggesting the Japanese may not live as long as we thought. In a nationwide [01:31:15.320 --> 01:31:21.320] search, more than 200,000 so-called centenarians or 100-year-olds have turned up to be dead [01:31:21.320 --> 01:31:27.320] or missing. I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht for Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:31.320 --> 01:31:37.320] I lost my son. My nephew. My uncle. My son. On September 11, 2001. Most people don't know [01:31:37.320 --> 01:31:42.320] that a third tower fell on September 11. World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper, was [01:31:42.320 --> 01:31:46.320] not hit by a plane. Although the official explanation is that fire brought down Building [01:31:46.320 --> 01:31:51.320] 7, over 1,200 architects and engineers have looked into the evidence and believe there [01:31:51.320 --> 01:31:57.320] is more to the story. Bring justice to my son. My uncle. My nephew. My son. Go to buildingwhat.org [01:31:57.320 --> 01:32:03.320] why it fell, why it matters, and what you can do. Nutritious food is real body armor. [01:32:03.320 --> 01:32:09.320] It builds muscle, burns fat, improves digestion, and feeds the entire body the nutrients it [01:32:09.320 --> 01:32:13.320] needs. Did you know the U.S. government banned the hemp plant from growing in the United [01:32:13.320 --> 01:32:18.320] States and classified it as a Schedule I drug to hide it behind a marijuana plant? People [01:32:18.320 --> 01:32:23.320] have been confused about this plant for over 80 years, and many still don't know what [01:32:23.320 --> 01:32:29.320] hemp is. So now you know hemp is not marijuana, and marijuana is not hemp. They are different [01:32:29.320 --> 01:32:34.320] varieties of the same species. HempUSA.org wants the world to know these basic facts [01:32:34.320 --> 01:32:39.320] and to help people understand that hemp protein powder is the best kept health secret you [01:32:39.320 --> 01:32:45.320] need to know about. Remember, hemp protein powder contains 53% protein, is gluten free, [01:32:45.320 --> 01:32:54.320] anti-inflammatory, non-GMO, and is loaded with nutrients. Call 888-910-4367. 888-910-4367 [01:32:54.320 --> 01:33:02.320] and see what our powder, seeds, and oil can do for you. Only at HempUSA.org. You are [01:33:02.320 --> 01:33:07.320] listening to the Logos Radio Network. LogosRadioNetwork.com. [01:33:33.320 --> 01:33:38.320] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, here with our special guest, David Merlin, [01:33:38.320 --> 01:33:43.320] and we're talking to Andy in Texas. [01:33:43.320 --> 01:33:52.320] Yeah, Andy asked if his friend who is a sole proprietor of a business that makes ornamental [01:33:52.320 --> 01:33:59.320] stone decorations and carvings, who is having trouble with the, he's either in or facing [01:33:59.320 --> 01:34:07.320] an IRS audit. There's a difference between civil and criminal. In a civil matter, such [01:34:07.320 --> 01:34:15.320] as when the IRS is after your money through lean or levy, they are up against the Fifth [01:34:15.320 --> 01:34:21.320] Amendment. You have rights to due process before they can seize property. But in a criminal [01:34:21.320 --> 01:34:32.320] case, they're up against the Sixth and Seventh Amendment as well. In a civil matter, my materials [01:34:32.320 --> 01:34:40.320] won't even make them bat an eye at it. They'll ignore you and they always get your money. [01:34:40.320 --> 01:34:45.320] In a criminal matter, when you have rights of the accused in the Sixth and Seventh Amendment, [01:34:45.320 --> 01:34:55.320] such as right to face your accuser, right to depose and examine witnesses, rights to [01:34:55.320 --> 01:35:05.320] a trial by jury, rights to counsel, and a right to a unanimous verdict, it puts an additional [01:35:05.320 --> 01:35:13.320] burden on the government, my findings do, that they don't seem able to surmount. And [01:35:13.320 --> 01:35:22.320] so, in probably upwards of 15 instances, Criminal Investigations Division of the IRS has dropped [01:35:22.320 --> 01:35:30.320] the investigation. One man in Florida, the publisher who happens to be handling this [01:35:30.320 --> 01:35:39.320] manual on Section 83 that you see at TakeFromCaesar.us, he went before a grand jury in January 2007 [01:35:39.320 --> 01:35:45.320] and told them, I coached him a great deal, he says, I'm not here as a defendant today. [01:35:45.320 --> 01:35:49.320] I'm here as a criminal counter-compliant. They should be in prison. They don't deny [01:35:49.320 --> 01:35:55.320] a word of this. And he held up my 2006 filing with 80 members of Congress, gave it to the [01:35:55.320 --> 01:36:00.320] grand jury, and in the cover letter to that, it has a list of things the grand jury doesn't [01:36:00.320 --> 01:36:05.320] know to ask the prosecution. He never heard from the grand jury again, and so he asked [01:36:05.320 --> 01:36:11.320] to become my promoter. And he says the 58-pager memorandum that I filed with Congress is basically [01:36:11.320 --> 01:36:19.320] a second Bible. In the instance of a criminal prosecution, preferably before the indictment [01:36:19.320 --> 01:36:26.320] even comes down, because once the indictment comes down from the grand jury, they steamroll. [01:36:26.320 --> 01:36:32.320] So beforehand, there's been many instances where people armed with my findings have been [01:36:32.320 --> 01:36:40.320] able to avert a criminal investigations division investigation in the IRS, and they still lose [01:36:40.320 --> 01:36:44.320] their money. They are leaned and levied. There's nobody that can help you with that unless [01:36:44.320 --> 01:36:50.320] you're going to play totally within the box. And for that, you want H&R Block, Ronny Deutsch, [01:36:50.320 --> 01:36:58.320] J.K. Harris, tax masters, a few choice attorneys out there that simply know the IRS and what [01:36:58.320 --> 01:37:07.320] they're able to get when the IRS exercises its own discretion. I operate between IRS [01:37:07.320 --> 01:37:16.320] and the legislation in the tax code. I do not put on knee pads for the client and help [01:37:16.320 --> 01:37:24.320] them through a tax matter. I only work really with this material in criminal cases. So no, [01:37:24.320 --> 01:37:29.320] my stuff will not help him at all. Even though the government cannot deny for one moment, [01:37:29.320 --> 01:37:37.320] they deprived him of Section 83 to even allege that he owes a tax on the value of his labor. [01:37:37.320 --> 01:37:43.320] That's very, very interesting information that you just gave. That's disgusting. You [01:37:43.320 --> 01:37:48.320] know, the Inland Revenue Service, I mean, the IRS, I mean, yeah, goes back to the Queen. [01:37:48.320 --> 01:37:52.320] Well, good show, Randy. I'll let you guys go. Thank you very much. [01:37:52.320 --> 01:37:54.320] Thank you, sir. [01:37:54.320 --> 01:38:01.320] Okay. Thank you, Andy. Okay. Now we're going to go to Terry in Michigan. Hello, Terry. [01:38:01.320 --> 01:38:04.320] I understand you have a question on point. [01:38:04.320 --> 01:38:07.320] Yeah. Hi, Randy and David. [01:38:07.320 --> 01:38:08.320] Hi there. [01:38:08.320 --> 01:38:19.320] This has to do with, I got two 1099s in the mail from two credit card companies and they're [01:38:19.320 --> 01:38:22.320] stating a cancellation of debt. [01:38:22.320 --> 01:38:25.320] Wait, 1099 what? [01:38:25.320 --> 01:38:31.320] There were 1099s that they sent into the IRS telling the IRS that there was a cancellation [01:38:31.320 --> 01:38:35.320] of debt on my part. [01:38:35.320 --> 01:38:39.320] I forget which one that is. Do you remember which one that is, David? [01:38:39.320 --> 01:38:44.320] Not at all, but that's kind of a good news, bad news scenario. Good news is your debt [01:38:44.320 --> 01:38:49.320] was canceled. Bad news is the IRS wants you to pay taxes on the money that you now don't [01:38:49.320 --> 01:38:51.320] owe. [01:38:51.320 --> 01:38:58.320] Right. I understand what my tax account told me. And that's what I was wondering because [01:38:58.320 --> 01:39:05.320] now the first one was for $30,000, which is one that I used in the Michael Mears method, [01:39:05.320 --> 01:39:14.320] got that taken care of in 2011. But just now they sent me the 1099 telling me that they [01:39:14.320 --> 01:39:24.320] sent it into the IRS from 2011. And then the second one was for $4,000. And that was something [01:39:24.320 --> 01:39:29.320] that I never did anything to, but I looked and it's still in my credit report. Yep, [01:39:29.320 --> 01:39:34.320] they told the IRS they forgave the debt. [01:39:34.320 --> 01:39:42.320] Yeah, your question comes from inside the box and you're better served by one of all [01:39:42.320 --> 01:39:49.320] of the many certified tax professionals out there. They'll know the quickest route to [01:39:49.320 --> 01:39:56.320] resolution and the very least, you'll end up having to pay to get the IRS out of your [01:39:56.320 --> 01:40:03.320] life right off the top of their head. Whereas I deal with certain conclusions, certain findings [01:40:03.320 --> 01:40:10.320] that came to the top of my research that proves the IRS is overtly illegal in everything they [01:40:10.320 --> 01:40:17.320] do. And so I simply don't operate in the box. You have a life to protect. You're not under [01:40:17.320 --> 01:40:21.320] the gun with an indictment. You don't have a jury trial ahead of you. And so there's [01:40:21.320 --> 01:40:26.320] really nothing I bring to your party other than to tell you, get a licensed professional [01:40:26.320 --> 01:40:31.320] between you and the IRS. And I think, and I'll be teaching this forever, the best you [01:40:31.320 --> 01:40:38.320] can do here to keep the IRS out of your life is to start a home business and consult with [01:40:38.320 --> 01:40:44.320] people in the industry to find out exactly what the IRS will and won't permit and establish [01:40:44.320 --> 01:40:51.320] all of the allowable deductions you can possibly gather and you deem or you view the amount [01:40:51.320 --> 01:40:56.320] you pay at the end of the year to the IRS as your price of admission to the shouting [01:40:56.320 --> 01:41:01.320] match with your Congressman over the conclusions in my work that they can't refute. It's the [01:41:01.320 --> 01:41:03.320] best you can do. [01:41:03.320 --> 01:41:12.320] Terry, if you will send me an email to Randy at ruleoflawradio.com. I've got a couple [01:41:12.320 --> 01:41:17.320] people I can send them to that may be able to help you. [01:41:17.320 --> 01:41:25.320] I hope you sense in this that I have a responsible approach to this. I'm not here to sell something [01:41:25.320 --> 01:41:35.320] I'm not here to sell snake oil. I've now seen two women die because of IRS enforcement, [01:41:35.320 --> 01:41:42.320] stressed to death. And this is as serious as your second heart attack to me. I'm not [01:41:42.320 --> 01:41:47.320] going to tell you, Oh, have I got, I'm not in this for ego. Oh, do I have the prescription [01:41:47.320 --> 01:41:52.320] for you here? Just file two of these and call me in the morning type crap that you get, [01:41:52.320 --> 01:41:59.320] excuse me, from the anti-tax movement. All it is is a bunch of BS and there are victims [01:41:59.320 --> 01:42:04.320] out there by the hundreds, if not thousands, they've lost their house, they've lost their [01:42:04.320 --> 01:42:10.320] cars, their bank accounts. I talked with one man here in Washington had a $400,000 home [01:42:10.320 --> 01:42:19.320] and he paid one of these gurus to write his Ninth Circuit appeal of his tax case. And [01:42:19.320 --> 01:42:24.320] the brief went on and on about what the courts have to do with avoid judgment. The judgment's [01:42:24.320 --> 01:42:28.320] void. Here's what you got to do, your honor. And failed to even argue why the judgment [01:42:28.320 --> 01:42:35.320] was void to begin with when there's a $400,000 house on the line. And so I've worked after [01:42:35.320 --> 01:42:40.320] everybody has gotten in trouble following these other prescriptions, trying to get them [01:42:40.320 --> 01:42:47.320] out of trouble. And I've never been the one to recommend anything that got them in trouble. [01:42:47.320 --> 01:42:57.320] So I'm a true advocate. I only recommend people who keep you inside the box and have never [01:42:57.320 --> 01:43:06.320] seen anybody win fighting the IRS. Now that may not be right, but that's how it works [01:43:06.320 --> 01:43:11.320] in the world you and I live in. Right. And the best you can do is when you have rights [01:43:11.320 --> 01:43:16.320] to a jury trial, then you might have your day in court and not be found willful, but [01:43:16.320 --> 01:43:23.320] I'd rather not be indicted in the first place. Personally, wouldn't that be great? Exactly. [01:43:23.320 --> 01:43:30.320] And I'm not going to send you to people preaching pace with patriot mythology. You won't hear [01:43:30.320 --> 01:43:42.320] much of that. Absolutely. Some information he could use. Okay. Hang on. This is Randy [01:43:42.320 --> 01:43:46.320] Stanton, Debbie Stevens, Wheel of Law Radio here with David Merlin, and that was Eddie [01:43:46.320 --> 01:44:00.320] Craig in the background. We will be right back on the other side. [01:44:00.320 --> 01:44:04.320] You feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? Are you confused [01:44:04.320 --> 01:44:09.320] by words like the constitution or the federal reserve? What? If so, you may be diagnosed [01:44:09.320 --> 01:44:15.320] with the deadliest disease known today, stupidity. Hi, my name is Steve Holt, and like millions [01:44:15.320 --> 01:44:20.320] of other Americans, I was diagnosed with stupidity at an early age. I had no idea that the number [01:44:20.320 --> 01:44:25.320] one cause of the disease is found in almost every home in America, the television. Unfortunately, [01:44:25.320 --> 01:44:30.320] that puts most Americans at risk of catching stupidity, but there is hope. The staff at [01:44:30.320 --> 01:44:34.320] Brave New Books have helped me and thousands of other foxaholics suffering from sports [01:44:34.320 --> 01:44:39.320] zombieism recover, and because of Brave New Books, I now enjoy reading and watching [01:44:39.320 --> 01:44:44.320] educational documentaries without feeling tired or uninterested. So if you or anybody [01:44:44.320 --> 01:44:51.320] you know suffers from stupidity, then you need to call 512-480-2503 or visit them in [01:44:51.320 --> 01:44:56.320] 1904 Guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com. Side effects from using Brave New Books products [01:44:56.320 --> 01:45:01.320] may include discernment and enlarged vocabulary and an overall increase in mental functioning. [01:45:01.320 --> 01:45:07.320] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? Win your case without an attorney with JurisDictionary, [01:45:07.320 --> 01:45:15.320] the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:45:15.320 --> 01:45:20.320] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. If you don't have a lawyer, [01:45:20.320 --> 01:45:26.320] know what you should do for yourself. Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and [01:45:26.320 --> 01:45:33.320] now you can too. JurisDictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning [01:45:33.320 --> 01:45:38.320] experience. Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [01:45:38.320 --> 01:45:44.320] about the principles and practices that control our American courts. You'll receive our audio [01:45:44.320 --> 01:45:51.320] classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much [01:45:51.320 --> 01:46:01.320] more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:22.320 --> 01:46:31.320] Some things in this world I will never understand. Some things I realize fully. [01:46:31.320 --> 01:46:39.320] Somebody's gonna police that policeman. Somebody's gonna police the bully. [01:46:39.320 --> 01:46:47.320] There's always a room at the top of the hills. I hear through the grapevine in this lonely [01:46:47.320 --> 01:46:54.320] field. They're wishing it was more than our position to fill. They know that if they don't [01:46:54.320 --> 01:47:03.320] do it, somebody will. Some things in this world I will never understand. Some things I realize [01:47:03.320 --> 01:47:14.320] fully. Somebody's gonna police that policeman. Somebody's gonna go to the police. I know [01:47:14.320 --> 01:47:22.320] they will. Yeah, they're gonna put the bill. Cause I've seen so much and got to say it. [01:47:22.320 --> 01:47:29.320] I know they will. Never fail to get back that scale. I know they will. Never fail to get [01:47:29.320 --> 01:47:30.320] back that scale. [01:47:30.320 --> 01:47:35.320] Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Debbie Stevens here with David Merlin, and we're talking [01:47:35.320 --> 01:47:45.320] to Terry in Michigan. Okay, you had credit card issues. [01:47:45.320 --> 01:47:46.320] Correct. [01:47:46.320 --> 01:47:52.320] Yeah, send me an email. I've got a couple people that, they're not outside the box. [01:47:52.320 --> 01:47:59.320] They're inside the box. And they will show you how to file where you can get your best [01:47:59.320 --> 01:48:06.320] return without doing anything that'll get you in trouble. And a lot of these people [01:48:06.320 --> 01:48:12.320] get into these fights and we have to pick our fights really careful. I had a friend [01:48:12.320 --> 01:48:21.320] who helped people with tax issues and she finally quit doing, quit working with most [01:48:21.320 --> 01:48:29.320] of the Patriot community because her complaint was is they forget what their purpose is. [01:48:29.320 --> 01:48:34.320] And it all becomes about the fight. A friend of hers sent her to a neighbor who had some [01:48:34.320 --> 01:48:39.320] IRS liens that she wanted, they wanted to get rid of. And she went and looked at it [01:48:39.320 --> 01:48:42.320] and looked at the liens and said, you want to get rid of these? And they said, yes. So [01:48:42.320 --> 01:48:46.320] she ripped them up and threw them in the trash and said, okay, they're gone. And they were [01:48:46.320 --> 01:48:52.320] abrogated. She said they expired two years ago and the IRS didn't renew them. So what [01:48:52.320 --> 01:49:02.320] do these people do? They write a skating letter to the IRS. So they reinstated the tax liens. [01:49:02.320 --> 01:49:09.320] We have to decide what our outcome is. What is it do you want to achieve? And will what [01:49:09.320 --> 01:49:15.320] you're going to do bring you to the outcome you want or will you run into the law of unintended [01:49:15.320 --> 01:49:27.320] consequences? Right. Go ahead. I never suggest that people fight with the IRS. It's the elephant [01:49:27.320 --> 01:49:37.320] in the corner and it will roll over you, find a way to deal with them. Go ahead. I was going [01:49:37.320 --> 01:49:45.320] to get to the comment made during the break by Eddie that maybe Joe Bannister would be [01:49:45.320 --> 01:49:51.320] able to help. I'm not sure what he does as a practitioner. He did practice in tax court [01:49:51.320 --> 01:49:57.320] at one time. I know he lost that. I'm not straight on whether or not he was reinstated, [01:49:57.320 --> 01:50:03.320] but he did step outside the box with a lot of what he was doing, teamed up with Sherry [01:50:03.320 --> 01:50:09.320] Jackson, Bob Schultz, and we the people was out there in public saying, we got experts. [01:50:09.320 --> 01:50:14.320] We got this former IRS agent, this former IRS agent. We got this accountant, this lawyer. [01:50:14.320 --> 01:50:21.320] We got a bunch of experts and we got 537 questions. And I have yet to meet somebody that goes [01:50:21.320 --> 01:50:36.320] to experts for questions. Oops. We met, Deborah and I did a seminar with Sherry Jackson in [01:50:36.320 --> 01:50:43.320] upstate Pennsylvania just before she went to jail. Sherry Jackson is a wonderful, nice [01:50:43.320 --> 01:50:49.320] lady. I really liked her a lot. I got to talk with her for several hours when I was at a [01:50:49.320 --> 01:50:58.320] symposium in Mexico representing a certain tax advocacy organization. But anyway, I looked [01:50:58.320 --> 01:51:08.320] at their questions and my 1994 treatise on the tax code answers the first 250 questions. [01:51:08.320 --> 01:51:15.320] The answers to the first 250 questions render the remaining 287 questions moot. And I don't [01:51:15.320 --> 01:51:22.320] know anybody that goes to experts for questions. I go to experts for answers and I don't have [01:51:22.320 --> 01:51:28.320] any questions that don't arise from the conclusions that I make. I make conclusions first and [01:51:28.320 --> 01:51:33.320] if I'm wrong, then you can answer me these questions that drag them right back into the [01:51:33.320 --> 01:51:39.320] findings. So I'm in an entirely different camp than everybody else out there. Joe Bannister [01:51:39.320 --> 01:51:45.320] may have stepped back inside the box to make a living helping people but at one point I [01:51:45.320 --> 01:51:51.320] remember being shocked and quite frankly repulsed by the amount of money he was asking to appear [01:51:51.320 --> 01:51:56.320] as an expert witness. When he's not an expert, an expert isn't somebody that sits there and [01:51:56.320 --> 01:52:02.320] says I have no clue about the statute that explains whether or not you even owe a tax [01:52:02.320 --> 01:52:10.320] on your paycheck, section 83. So you have to be careful and you have to work hard when [01:52:10.320 --> 01:52:14.320] you're in certain circles just to keep from stepping in a hoop that somebody's got laying [01:52:14.320 --> 01:52:18.320] out there on the ground that's going to drag you into trouble with the IRS. You just have [01:52:18.320 --> 01:52:25.320] to be very careful. And I am that careful. I work after the damage is done for folks [01:52:25.320 --> 01:52:30.320] and most of it was for free, five times all the way to the Supreme Court by October of [01:52:30.320 --> 01:52:37.320] 2008. Now there's another thread in the tax code that's a more primary argument than [01:52:37.320 --> 01:52:43.320] is section 83. It might be hard right off the bat to say what's more fundamental than [01:52:43.320 --> 01:52:48.320] the statute that explains how to tax you, acknowledging all property is a cost. The [01:52:48.320 --> 01:52:54.320] other thread that's more fundamental is a thread of statutory provisions that when placed [01:52:54.320 --> 01:53:01.320] side by side prove to you the tax code is never applied to America, not because the [01:53:01.320 --> 01:53:06.320] federal government has limited jurisdiction. It's not a jurisdictional argument. It's [01:53:06.320 --> 01:53:12.320] a statutory scope argument. Even if the federal government did have the jurisdiction to tax [01:53:12.320 --> 01:53:17.320] me here, and I'm not arguing they didn't, I'm just arguing Congress hasn't enacted [01:53:17.320 --> 01:53:25.320] statute, the tax code, in a way that reaches the citizen of the United States, me and you [01:53:25.320 --> 01:53:31.320] as they call us, in the 50 states. It hasn't reached us with an income tax. So I'm arguing [01:53:31.320 --> 01:53:36.320] statutory scope. Get a blank piece of paper in front of you. You've got one minute. Get [01:53:36.320 --> 01:53:41.320] a blank piece of paper. And I can describe this rather quickly. But in the meantime, [01:53:41.320 --> 01:53:49.320] I want to tell you if you go to TakeFromCaesar.us, TakeFromCaesar, C-A-E-S-A-R, dot U-S, there's [01:53:49.320 --> 01:53:54.320] an advertisement there for the Section 83 manual. It's called Code Breaker, the Section [01:53:54.320 --> 01:54:01.320] 83 equation. You click to order, and then you want to enter promo code, Randy, or coupon [01:54:01.320 --> 01:54:07.320] code, Randy. That'll get you 10% off the price of the book. You enter Randy, click on update, [01:54:07.320 --> 01:54:13.320] and you'll see the price change right in front of your eyes there. Now, on your blank piece [01:54:13.320 --> 01:54:18.320] of paper in front of you, turn it sideways so it's long, left to right, and draw a line [01:54:18.320 --> 01:54:23.320] right down the middle. You got two columns. Now draw a line right down the middle of both [01:54:23.320 --> 01:54:32.320] of those columns. This is the key to the tax code here. You're left with four columns. [01:54:32.320 --> 01:54:36.320] When you've paid all your taxes, when you've done everything the IRS says you have to, [01:54:36.320 --> 01:54:40.320] and they got no reason to come after you, and you sell your labor, there's four chapters [01:54:40.320 --> 01:54:46.320] they apply to you. Those are those four columns. On the far right, Chapter 24, the W-4 form. [01:54:46.320 --> 01:54:54.320] I hope you're right and like the devil. Chapter 24, the W-4 form. Next one over, the third [01:54:54.320 --> 01:55:00.320] one from the left is Chapter 21, FICA, Federal Insurance Contributions Act. That's Social [01:55:00.320 --> 01:55:07.320] Security for the employee. Chapter 2, second one from the left, is Social Security [01:55:07.320 --> 01:55:14.320] Self-Employed, and Chapter 1 is the one at the far left. Section 1 of Chapter 1, the [01:55:14.320 --> 01:55:20.320] tax code is Section 1 through 9999, so it goes numerically through the tax code left [01:55:20.320 --> 01:55:27.320] to right. Chapter 1, Section 1, married individual, filing jointly, separately, head of household, [01:55:27.320 --> 01:55:32.320] surviving spouse, single individual, trust, and capital gain in Section 1H. It's where [01:55:32.320 --> 01:55:40.320] we have all the brackets. Now, I'm not the citizen in Chapter 21. They say I'm a citizen [01:55:40.320 --> 01:55:47.320] of the United States. I'm going to say, okay, so I'm not the citizen in Chapter 21. Section [01:55:47.320 --> 01:55:55.320] 3121E, as in everybody, 3121E expressly excludes citizens of the United States, so I'm going [01:55:55.320 --> 01:56:04.320] to ignore Chapter 21. Chapter 2, 1402B, as in boy, 1402B defines citizen. It doesn't [01:56:04.320 --> 01:56:10.320] tell you who is a citizen. It tells you who is not a non-resident alien, and it says a [01:56:10.320 --> 01:56:15.320] citizen of the possessions is not a non-resident alien, and it expressly excludes citizens [01:56:15.320 --> 01:56:20.320] of the United States. So I'm going to ignore Chapters 2 and 21. The reason I started in [01:56:20.320 --> 01:56:25.320] Chapter 21 instead of 24 on the far right is that the Form W-4 Chapter, Chapter 24, [01:56:25.320 --> 01:56:31.320] doesn't even impose a tax. It imposes a withholding method. There's no rate of tax imposed by [01:56:31.320 --> 01:56:37.320] Chapter 24. So I'm left only with Chapter 1. That's the only one left, because I'm [01:56:37.320 --> 01:56:47.320] not Chapter 2 and 21. Chapter 1 has no statutory definition of citizen, and I went case by [01:56:47.320 --> 01:56:51.320] case court by circuit court, district court by district court on LexisNexis and collected [01:56:51.320 --> 01:56:57.320] all the cases that mention Section 1 of the tax code. When federal jurisdiction is challenged, [01:56:57.320 --> 01:57:04.320] they say everyone owes the tax, Section 1 and 26 CFR 1.1-1. That's the regulation under [01:57:04.320 --> 01:57:10.320] Section 1 that names the U.S. citizen as a subject of the tax code. I say, okay, that's [01:57:10.320 --> 01:57:16.320] my citizenship. Do you have something more than just a regulation that names me as a [01:57:16.320 --> 01:57:21.320] subject? Because Section 1 of the code is just a table of different tax brackets. It [01:57:21.320 --> 01:57:28.320] doesn't even mention the term citizen. You have named me in regulation alone in violation [01:57:28.320 --> 01:57:35.320] of the 16th Amendment that says only Congress can lay and collect this tax. There. Wasn't [01:57:35.320 --> 01:57:40.320] that easy. I'm only named in a regulation, or you couldn't speak to me about the tax [01:57:40.320 --> 01:57:48.320] code. How in the world is that not a preservation of the idea of federalism, a limited federal [01:57:48.320 --> 01:57:53.320] government? When the tax code was written to not even apply to Americans, they had to [01:57:53.320 --> 01:57:59.320] write a regulation to apply to Americans in violation of the 16th Amendment, and this [01:57:59.320 --> 01:58:05.320] is one of the arguments they needed a protective order against in 2005. [01:58:05.320 --> 01:58:12.320] Interesting. So the regulation is not law, and where the regulation doesn't comport [01:58:12.320 --> 01:58:15.320] with law, you can use your poor toilet paper. [01:58:15.320 --> 01:58:16.320] Amen. [01:58:16.320 --> 01:58:22.320] Hang on. Hang on, Randy Kelton, Debra Stevens, Rule of Law Radio, here with David Merlin. [01:58:22.320 --> 01:58:34.320] I call it number 512-646-1984. Wait a minute. We're out of time. Thank you all for listening. [01:58:34.320 --> 01:58:41.320] We were having too much fun. We'll be back tomorrow night on our 4-Hour Info Marathon. [01:58:41.320 --> 01:58:43.320] Thank you all, and good night. [01:58:43.320 --> 01:58:46.320] Thanks, Randy. [01:58:46.320 --> 01:58:50.320] Thank you for being here. [01:58:50.320 --> 01:58:57.320] Bibles for America is offering absolutely free a unique study Bible called the New Testament [01:58:57.320 --> 01:59:02.320] Recovery Version. The New Testament Recovery Version has over 9,000 footnotes that explain [01:59:02.320 --> 01:59:08.320] what the Bible says verse by verse, helping you to know God and to know the meaning of [01:59:08.320 --> 01:59:16.320] life. Order your free copy today from Bibles for America. Call us toll free at 888-551-0102, [01:59:16.320 --> 01:59:24.320] or visit us online at bfa.org. This translation is highly accurate, and it comes with over [01:59:24.320 --> 01:59:30.320] 13,000 cross references, plus charts and maps and an outline for every book of the Bible. 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