[00:00.000 --> 00:09.680] A study released Friday found 92% of Afghans have never heard of 9-11. [00:09.680 --> 00:14.520] The International Council on Security and Development also found 40% believed NATO was [00:14.520 --> 00:21.120] in Afghanistan to destroy Islam, 61% believed Afghan security forces would be unable to [00:21.120 --> 00:29.680] cope without international support, and 56% suspected Afghan police were helping the Taliban. [00:29.680 --> 00:34.440] The Government Accountability Office announced last week raising the retirement age for Social [00:34.440 --> 00:39.040] Security, as recommended by Barack Obama's Deficit Commission, would hurt low-income [00:39.040 --> 00:43.920] workers and minorities, and would mean more disability claims by older people who are [00:43.920 --> 00:46.640] unable to work. [00:46.640 --> 00:52.320] Hyatt Hotels this month posted profits that have jumped 600%, while unions are staging [00:52.320 --> 01:00.080] boycotts and strikes across the US for 45,000 hotel chain workers facing major wage decreases [01:00.080 --> 01:02.000] and cuts to benefits. [01:02.000 --> 01:07.000] A study published by the American Journal of Industrial Medicine ranked Hyatt last in [01:07.000 --> 01:10.240] worker safety of 50 hotel chains studied. [01:10.240 --> 01:16.080] The Corporation has so far refused to make even minimal safety adjustments. [01:16.080 --> 01:21.960] A federal judge in San Francisco last week ordered the CIA to produce records and testimony [01:21.960 --> 01:27.240] about the human experiments the government conducted on thousands of soldiers from 1950 [01:27.240 --> 01:29.240] through 1975. [01:29.240 --> 01:34.840] Three veterans groups and six individual veterans sued the CIA and other government agencies [01:34.840 --> 01:40.400] for using nearly 8,000 soldiers as human guinea pigs to research biological, chemical, and [01:40.400 --> 01:42.400] psychological weapons. [01:42.400 --> 01:46.720] Test subjects were exposed to chemicals, drugs, and electronic implants. [01:46.720 --> 01:51.360] Though the soldiers volunteered, they never gave informed consent because the government [01:51.360 --> 01:53.640] didn't fully disclose the risks. [01:53.640 --> 01:57.200] The soldiers were also required to sign an oath of secrecy. [01:57.200 --> 02:01.880] The veterans filed three sets of document requests to find out who was tested, what [02:01.880 --> 02:05.120] substances they were given, and how it affected them. [02:05.120 --> 02:11.000] The government has produced about 15,000 pages of heavily redacted records, but the CIA has [02:11.000 --> 02:16.080] so far refused to divulge its role, claiming the state's secrets privilege. [02:16.080 --> 02:22.880] The UN's top representative in Haiti says he is taking allegations UN peacekeepers carried [02:22.880 --> 02:28.920] the cholera virus to Haiti from Nepal very seriously after anti-UN riots and inquiries [02:28.920 --> 02:30.400] from health experts. [02:30.400 --> 02:34.680] Brian Con Cannon, director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, said, [02:34.680 --> 02:38.680] if the UN had said from the beginning, we're going to look into this, I think that would [02:38.680 --> 02:41.880] have been the best way in reducing public anger. [02:41.880 --> 02:45.800] Before last month, there had never been a confirmed case of cholera in Haiti, and now [02:45.800 --> 02:50.600] there are more than 1,100 dead, and experts say hundreds of thousands will ultimately [02:50.600 --> 03:16.840] fall ill as the disease haunts Haiti for years. [03:16.840 --> 03:44.560] What are you going to do, what are you going to do, what are you going to do, what are [03:44.560 --> 04:02.960] you going to do, what are you going to do, when they come for you? [04:02.960 --> 04:03.960] All right, folks. [04:03.960 --> 04:04.960] Good evening. [04:04.960 --> 04:05.960] This is the Rule of Law radio. [04:05.960 --> 04:06.960] Eddie Craig, Debra Stevens, Randy Kelton. [04:06.960 --> 04:07.960] Welcome to Monday Night's Show. [04:07.960 --> 04:09.720] It is November 22, 2010. [04:09.720 --> 04:13.480] It is traffic night on this Monday night. [04:13.480 --> 04:18.280] Now, I understand that we've had several phone calls today where there are folks with traffic [04:18.280 --> 04:22.480] issues and they're going to need to be calling in, so if you would please go ahead and start [04:22.480 --> 04:31.160] calling in and get lined up on the board, 512-646-1920, or 84 or 24, Daryl, 1924. [04:31.160 --> 04:33.920] 1984, like George R.R. Wells. [04:33.920 --> 04:34.920] Yeah, okay. [04:34.920 --> 04:35.920] Sorry about that. [04:35.920 --> 04:37.920] I'm kind of dazed as well today. [04:37.920 --> 04:40.920] But in any case, what I would like to talk about for just a couple minutes while we're [04:40.920 --> 04:45.600] getting on callers to call in is we have an upcoming seminar this Saturday at Brave New [04:45.600 --> 04:47.560] Books downtown Austin. [04:47.560 --> 04:55.360] It is from 3 to 6 p.m. and we will be holding a Saturday seminar from here until at least [04:55.360 --> 05:01.640] the first of the year, all except for December 11th, each and every Saturday from 3 to 6 [05:01.640 --> 05:04.020] at Brave New Books. [05:04.020 --> 05:05.920] So folks, you are all welcome. [05:05.920 --> 05:10.040] Please come down with any issues, questions, the things we're going to be talking about [05:10.040 --> 05:16.960] and dealing with are basically the law itself, a lot of it being the traffic law and criminal [05:16.960 --> 05:20.400] procedure and what the courts are supposed to be doing. [05:20.400 --> 05:25.880] We're also going to be going into direct and cross-examinations, should you ever actually [05:25.880 --> 05:33.000] have to go to trial, how to do discovery and what to ask for, how to make motions, how [05:33.000 --> 05:34.680] to move the court. [05:34.680 --> 05:38.680] Basically most of the things people are afraid to do because they just don't think they can [05:38.680 --> 05:40.640] do it correctly. [05:40.640 --> 05:45.480] It's not difficult, it's not hard and once you get used to doing it, it will become second [05:45.480 --> 05:47.960] nature to you just like breathing. [05:47.960 --> 05:52.760] So please, please come down and spend some time with us. [05:52.760 --> 05:56.980] Learn how you're getting raked over the coals because I promise you that's what's happening [05:56.980 --> 06:01.200] to the majority of folks in Texas and the rest of the states of this nation. [06:01.200 --> 06:04.000] Now Eddie, is there a door fee on that or donation fee? [06:04.000 --> 06:10.320] There is a $20 door charge to cover the cost of the room and other things for the time [06:10.320 --> 06:16.680] I'm down there and everything but it's a $20 per person door charge but what you will get [06:16.680 --> 06:21.360] out of it is going to be worth a lot more than $20, I promise you. [06:21.360 --> 06:25.160] In each one of these sessions we'll be going over something that either builds upon the [06:25.160 --> 06:31.380] last session or takes you in a new direction as new discoveries are made in the process. [06:31.380 --> 06:36.720] This is an ongoing thing, you will never ever learn the process in its entirety because [06:36.720 --> 06:39.000] it will always be changing. [06:39.000 --> 06:44.600] As we adapt to the rules they've made and hold them to it, they will be trying to change [06:44.600 --> 06:51.120] the rules so that they can find a way around it, in which case we must relearn some things [06:51.120 --> 06:57.320] and see if they're still abiding by the law when they do these little changes of direction [06:57.320 --> 06:58.640] so to speak. [06:58.640 --> 07:04.360] But the problem is so far they never ever do what the law requires. [07:04.360 --> 07:06.440] That's the biggest problem. [07:06.440 --> 07:10.720] We would not be in the mess we're in, nor would we most likely have as many of these [07:10.720 --> 07:18.800] 99.6% convictions that we have in Texas if the court would actually abide by the law [07:18.800 --> 07:23.440] because if they abided by the law most people would not wind up going to trial and if most [07:23.440 --> 07:27.760] people wound up not going to trial they would not have to be convicted of a crime they didn't [07:27.760 --> 07:29.920] ever commit. [07:29.920 --> 07:35.680] But the way they do it here, the presumption of guilt far exceeds the presumption of innocence [07:35.680 --> 07:41.720] because when you go straight in for the purpose of an arraignment without ever having a probable [07:41.720 --> 07:49.840] cause determination made, anybody with a working brain cell must be able to argue you've already [07:49.840 --> 07:55.680] determined that I'm guilty, otherwise I wouldn't be before an arraignment proceeding. [07:55.680 --> 08:01.280] You're asking me to be arraigned to enter the plea that I want to have so I can be taken [08:01.280 --> 08:04.000] straight to trial. [08:04.000 --> 08:07.560] The problem here is you're always presumed guilty. [08:07.560 --> 08:10.640] You're never presumed innocent until proven guilty. [08:10.640 --> 08:15.220] We need to fix that and we're the only ones that can because the system that's stealing [08:15.220 --> 08:18.140] from us certainly isn't going to do it. [08:18.140 --> 08:24.680] It's way too financially beneficial for them to ignore due process and when they ignore [08:24.680 --> 08:31.240] that due process to rake us over the monetary coals and take every dime from us they can. [08:31.240 --> 08:37.200] This is all about revenue folks, it is not about public safety, it has nothing at all [08:37.200 --> 08:39.440] to do with public safety. [08:39.440 --> 08:46.340] If a little square piece of plastic in your rear pocket or your purse can keep you safe [08:46.340 --> 08:51.180] then I would like for them to just make us all in a little plastic bubble where we never [08:51.180 --> 08:53.600] have to worry about anything. [08:53.600 --> 08:58.240] It's kind of like the old joke of if the black box on the airplane is indestructible why [08:58.240 --> 09:02.320] don't they just make the whole plane out of the same material. [09:02.320 --> 09:05.600] The license is not about safety. [09:05.600 --> 09:11.200] It's about revenue generation and it's about control of the public. [09:11.200 --> 09:13.400] That's all it's about. [09:13.400 --> 09:19.960] If you don't do what we want we'll revoke your license then you can't drive slash travel. [09:19.960 --> 09:25.400] If you don't do what we want we will start doing things like getting your insurance rates [09:25.400 --> 09:31.040] hiked or charging you with all these crimes to accrue excess points on your license so [09:31.040 --> 09:33.640] we can take it in that way. [09:33.640 --> 09:37.440] Just cross us and see if we won't do that. [09:37.440 --> 09:43.200] That's what it's about, limiting the people's liberty, their right to travel upon the roads, [09:43.200 --> 09:48.200] the roads which by the way we own, the state does not own the roads. [09:48.200 --> 09:54.720] They are simply the caretakers we appointed to ensure that our roads are maintained properly [09:54.720 --> 09:56.720] but they do not own them. [09:56.720 --> 10:03.680] The people own them and as the people's property we cannot deny access and use of that road [10:03.680 --> 10:08.400] to each other in any way shape or form. [10:08.400 --> 10:14.880] The only way that the right of the people can be taken away is through due process in [10:14.880 --> 10:17.280] accordance with the law of the land. [10:17.280 --> 10:23.480] If you become such a threat to the public that your rights need to be removed which [10:23.480 --> 10:29.680] is how people wind up in prison, you commit an act so heinous that you must be taken out [10:29.680 --> 10:34.640] of society to protect society from your ways. [10:34.640 --> 10:36.520] That's what it's for. [10:36.520 --> 10:43.320] That's why people go to prison except nowadays it's not because the person did anything inherently [10:43.320 --> 10:49.640] wrong against another member of society, it's simply because they did something the state [10:49.640 --> 10:54.760] itself did not like or did not want them to do. [10:54.760 --> 11:00.400] So they created a statute that prohibits it and now they can send you to prison even though [11:00.400 --> 11:07.520] they cannot produce a single individual on the planet that you've caused harm to. [11:07.520 --> 11:12.720] If you think it's not about money and about control, try thinking about that from a logical [11:12.720 --> 11:18.240] reasonable standpoint from beginning to end. [11:18.240 --> 11:25.520] You've done nothing wrong to anyone, you've hurt no one, you've damaged no property and [11:25.520 --> 11:31.760] yet the state is coming against you and saying that you're guilty of a crime, you owe them [11:31.760 --> 11:36.480] this amount of money in fines, and if you don't pay these fines then we're going to [11:36.480 --> 11:42.120] restrict your other rights in other ways and we're going to keep restricting them until [11:42.120 --> 11:48.360] you pay us the money we're demanding or we're going to also come back and add additional [11:48.360 --> 11:53.480] charges to this and charge you more money on top of that. [11:53.480 --> 12:02.720] Now folks, this sounds like an honest to God, 1920s, 1930s gangster ring that we're dealing [12:02.720 --> 12:03.720] with. [12:03.720 --> 12:05.760] That's because it is. [12:05.760 --> 12:15.600] It's nothing more than legitimized theft and legitimized extortion because those committing [12:15.600 --> 12:21.040] the extortion happen to be acting under the authority of a governmental agent. [12:21.040 --> 12:24.040] Well folks, that's wrong. [12:24.040 --> 12:29.280] I don't have the authority to fine any one of you out there listening for anything you [12:29.280 --> 12:30.320] may do. [12:30.320 --> 12:39.320] I can sue you if you cause a harm to me, but if you don't cause a harm to me, I can't sue. [12:39.320 --> 12:44.520] So if you can't prove, if I cannot prove that you caused a harm to me, then I should not [12:44.520 --> 12:49.920] be able to prevail in any tort action against you for the purpose of getting money out of [12:49.920 --> 12:50.920] you. [12:50.920 --> 13:01.960] Well, why can the state prevail 99.6% of the time when they cannot prove that you harmed [13:01.960 --> 13:08.320] anybody or any property? [13:08.320 --> 13:10.360] How can they do it? [13:10.360 --> 13:15.280] If the people don't have the power to do it to each other, where does our public servants [13:15.280 --> 13:19.480] believe they get the power to do it? [13:19.480 --> 13:22.600] My understanding of government is very simple. [13:22.600 --> 13:27.140] We the people are the ultimate political power holders. [13:27.140 --> 13:31.760] Article 1, Section 2, Texas Constitution says exactly that. [13:31.760 --> 13:35.560] The people hold all political power in Texas. [13:35.560 --> 13:39.000] They do in every state. [13:39.000 --> 13:44.160] We are the true sovereigns because we created the government that exists in the states. [13:44.160 --> 13:48.080] They didn't create us, nor did they create our rights. [13:48.080 --> 13:50.560] The Constitution did not create our rights. [13:50.560 --> 13:54.560] We had them long before the Constitution was ever written. [13:54.560 --> 14:01.360] All the Constitution does is outline the specific things that belong to the people that government [14:01.360 --> 14:06.840] is absolutely forbidden to interfere with. [14:06.840 --> 14:10.960] We have to stand up for those rights, and we have to be willing to fight for and protect [14:10.960 --> 14:11.960] them. [14:11.960 --> 14:14.680] When we don't, they get stolen. [14:14.680 --> 14:16.120] They get abused. [14:16.120 --> 14:19.340] They get stomped on. [14:19.340 --> 14:24.160] And the whole purpose of our show here is to help you understand how that's happening [14:24.160 --> 14:27.280] and how to fight back and prevent it. [14:27.280 --> 14:29.880] It all starts with us, folks. [14:29.880 --> 14:32.880] If we don't do it, no one will. [14:32.880 --> 14:39.200] You cannot expect your neighbor to stand up and fight for rights that belong to you. [14:39.200 --> 14:42.720] Their only concern is the rights that belong to them. [14:42.720 --> 14:47.560] The fact that they're the same rights is irrelevant to most people. [14:47.560 --> 14:54.240] Most people are not willing to risk something they have or they want to help defend the [14:54.240 --> 15:02.280] rights and property of someone else if doing so could affect them in a detrimental fashion. [15:02.280 --> 15:07.320] That's why we get defeated, people, because we won't stand united against what's being [15:07.320 --> 15:08.800] done to us. [15:08.800 --> 15:11.160] It's every man for himself. [15:11.160 --> 15:16.680] The Three Musketeers motto of one for all and all for one does not exist in America [15:16.680 --> 15:18.840] anymore. [15:18.840 --> 15:24.840] We don't act for the better interest of our neighbors, thus we do not act in the better [15:24.840 --> 15:28.160] interest of ourselves. [15:28.160 --> 15:32.360] Because if we don't care about the rights of our neighbors, we don't care about our [15:32.360 --> 15:36.360] own rights. [15:36.360 --> 15:40.080] It's that simple. [15:40.080 --> 15:45.600] Everything we fail or refuse to do will come back on us tenfold over time. [15:45.600 --> 15:52.400] If you don't believe that, look at where America used to be and look at where it is today. [15:52.400 --> 15:54.160] How free are you? [15:54.160 --> 15:55.840] Everybody believes they're free. [15:55.840 --> 16:01.760] Everybody feels and thinks like they can do anything they want, anytime they want, but [16:01.760 --> 16:04.800] everybody got permission to own their car. [16:04.800 --> 16:09.980] Everybody got permission to drive it on the roads and travel in it. [16:09.980 --> 16:14.820] Everybody got permission to have the authority to use that piece of property. [16:14.820 --> 16:19.920] Everyone gets permission from the state to own their house or to build a room on it or [16:19.920 --> 16:25.760] to even mow their lawn in some cases or to water their yard. [16:25.760 --> 16:33.360] Every single thing we do requires some sort of permission from a public servant. [16:33.360 --> 16:34.480] That's ridiculous. [16:34.480 --> 16:38.560] We don't ask permission of our servants for anything. [16:38.560 --> 16:41.760] All right, folks, we're about to go on break. [16:41.760 --> 16:45.200] This is Rule of Law Radio, Eddie Craig, Debra Stevens, Randy Kelton. [16:45.200 --> 16:47.200] We will be back in just a moment. [16:47.200 --> 17:02.200] Please stay with us. [17:02.200 --> 17:05.600] Capital Coin and Bullion is your local source for rare coins, precious metals, and coin [17:05.600 --> 17:07.600] supplies in the Austin metro area. [17:07.600 --> 17:08.600] We also ship worldwide. [17:08.600 --> 17:13.000] We are a family-owned and operated business that offers competitive prices on your coin [17:13.000 --> 17:14.000] and metal purchases. [17:14.000 --> 17:19.080] We buy, sell, trade, and confine rare coins, gold and silver coin collections, precious [17:19.080 --> 17:20.080] metals, and scrap gold. [17:20.080 --> 17:22.760] We purchase and sell gold and jewelry items. [17:22.760 --> 17:25.320] We offer daily specials on coins and bullion. [17:25.320 --> 17:30.400] We are located at 5448 Burnett Road, Suite 3, at the corner of Burnett and Showmark, [17:30.400 --> 17:34.480] and we're open Mondays and Fridays, 10 to 6, Saturdays, 10 to 5. [17:34.480 --> 17:39.160] You are welcome to stop in our shop during regular business hours or call 512-646-6440 [17:39.160 --> 17:40.160] with any questions. [17:40.160 --> 17:46.680] Ask for Chad and say you heard about us on Rule of Law Radio or Texas Liberty Radio. [17:46.680 --> 17:50.360] That's Capital Coin and Bullion, at the corner of Burnett and Showmark, and we're open Mondays [17:50.360 --> 17:53.760] and Fridays, 10 to 6, Saturdays, 10 to 5. [17:53.760 --> 18:00.360] That's Capital Coin and Bullion, 512-646-6440. [18:00.360 --> 18:05.680] Are you being harassed by debt collectors with phone calls, letters, or even losses? [18:05.680 --> 18:09.120] Stop debt collectors now with the Michael Mears Proven Method. [18:09.120 --> 18:13.480] Michael Mears has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors, and now you [18:13.480 --> 18:14.480] can win too. [18:14.480 --> 18:19.400] You'll get step-by-step instructions in plain English on how to win in court using federal [18:19.400 --> 18:25.200] civil rights statutes, what to do when contacted by phone, mail, or court summons, how to answer [18:25.200 --> 18:29.720] letters and phone calls, how to get debt collectors out of your credit report, how to turn the [18:29.720 --> 18:33.960] financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away. [18:33.960 --> 18:38.760] The Michael Mears Proven Method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors. [18:38.760 --> 18:41.000] Personal consultation is available as well. [18:41.000 --> 18:46.840] For more information, please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue Michael Mears banner, [18:46.840 --> 18:49.760] or email michaelmears at yahoo.com. [18:49.760 --> 18:58.720] That's ruleoflawradio.com, or email m-i-c-h-a-e-l-m-i-r-r-a-s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt [18:58.720 --> 19:01.720] collectors now. [19:01.720 --> 19:20.280] All right, folks, we are back at Rule of Law Radio. [19:20.280 --> 19:23.040] This is Eddie Craig, Deborah Stevens, Randy Kelton. [19:23.040 --> 19:30.840] As I said, folks, we are ready for callers, 512-646-1984 is the call-in number. [19:30.840 --> 19:34.840] Please feel free to call in with any questions or issues that you have. [19:34.840 --> 19:36.520] Tonight is normally our traffic night. [19:36.520 --> 19:40.320] I am not a mortgage specialist, so if you have a mortgage question, please save that [19:40.320 --> 19:41.800] for Thursday or Friday. [19:41.800 --> 19:47.480] Also, I'd like to once again remind you that this upcoming Saturday from 3 to 6 at Brave [19:47.480 --> 19:53.400] New Books in downtown Austin, we will be conducting another seminar dealing with court procedure [19:53.400 --> 19:54.400] and due process. [19:54.400 --> 20:00.760] It is a $20 door charge, but you will find that it's a lot more valuable than $20 when [20:00.760 --> 20:01.760] you get in there. [20:01.760 --> 20:06.520] We're going to teach you how to go into court, how to make your arguments, how to cross-examine, [20:06.520 --> 20:11.120] how to do direct examination, what the difference between questioning and leading questions [20:11.120 --> 20:13.200] are and so on and so forth. [20:13.200 --> 20:14.480] These are going to be ongoing. [20:14.480 --> 20:21.200] We're going to have them on every Saturday from 3 to 6 except for the date of December [20:21.200 --> 20:22.200] 11th. [20:22.200 --> 20:26.560] There is already an event scheduled for that particular Saturday at that time, but we do [20:26.560 --> 20:31.920] right now plan on having them for every Saturday up until at least the first of the year, so [20:31.920 --> 20:34.720] please come down and visit with us. [20:34.720 --> 20:36.240] Come down and learn. [20:36.240 --> 20:40.880] We need to get control of what's going on in our lives and in our courts because our [20:40.880 --> 20:46.880] courts are so corrupt and so willing to just run roughshod over the people these days. [20:46.880 --> 20:49.200] It's just not even funny. [20:49.200 --> 20:53.640] The only way we're going to do this is to stand united and to work together. [20:53.640 --> 20:58.320] This means supporting your neighbor by being a witness in court or being an observer in [20:58.320 --> 21:04.680] court, just watching how these people behave when they think that their victim is unable [21:04.680 --> 21:07.240] to defend themselves. [21:07.240 --> 21:11.240] That's what they're looking for, is for the people to remain ignorant of what's being [21:11.240 --> 21:13.100] done to them. [21:13.100 --> 21:16.720] You can be a warrior or you can be a sheep. [21:16.720 --> 21:21.880] Remember it's the warrior who gets fed the sheep. [21:21.880 --> 21:27.080] Right now they're the warriors because they're the ones that are taking advantage of us, [21:27.080 --> 21:32.360] those of us that don't fight back or won't learn to fight back or are just willing to [21:32.360 --> 21:34.700] go along to get along. [21:34.700 --> 21:39.200] We have been inundated with this behavior for far too long. [21:39.200 --> 21:44.560] We're more willing to just say, oh, okay, take my money, leave me alone, I got better [21:44.560 --> 21:50.280] things to do than to stand up for ourselves and say, you know what, you're not taking [21:50.280 --> 21:55.040] my money, you're not going to do this to me, you're not going to do it to any other member [21:55.040 --> 21:56.540] of my family. [21:56.540 --> 22:01.340] This is a lie, this is a sham, and I'm fed up. [22:01.340 --> 22:09.440] We need to do that as a society, as a population, as a group of people that are sick and tired [22:09.440 --> 22:18.580] of having our livelihoods stolen by the public fees that work for us. [22:18.580 --> 22:23.560] If anybody out there, which I doubt, but if there are any wealthy individuals listening [22:23.560 --> 22:30.040] to this that have actually ever had any type of servant around the house or gardener or [22:30.040 --> 22:37.360] anybody that works for them on a regular basis as a permanent employee or worker around their [22:37.360 --> 22:42.120] house, I want to ask you some questions here. [22:42.120 --> 22:46.480] Let's just use as an example, you have a butler. [22:46.480 --> 22:50.560] If you're wealthy enough to have a butler or even several folks that work around your [22:50.560 --> 22:53.120] house, let's look at how this works. [22:53.120 --> 22:54.660] The butler is your servant. [22:54.660 --> 23:00.260] You may make him the chief servant so that he's in charge of all the other servants, [23:00.260 --> 23:03.640] but he is still your servant. [23:03.640 --> 23:06.260] He runs the house in your absence. [23:06.260 --> 23:10.840] Your expectations of the butler is that he keeps the house in good order, he keeps the [23:10.840 --> 23:17.440] other workers and servants in line, that he delegates their duties to them, and that he [23:17.440 --> 23:24.640] sees the duties are properly performed within the authority and powers granted to that servant. [23:24.640 --> 23:26.000] Okay? [23:26.000 --> 23:29.100] But he does not own the house. [23:29.100 --> 23:35.240] He does not make any rule for the house that applies to you as the owner and as the master [23:35.240 --> 23:37.720] of the house. [23:37.720 --> 23:42.720] Anything the servant attempts to do, you can override and supersede. [23:42.720 --> 23:47.000] You can do away with and tell them, no, you're not allowed to do it that way. [23:47.000 --> 23:48.580] Don't do it that way. [23:48.580 --> 23:51.680] This is how I want it done. [23:51.680 --> 23:53.040] Okay? [23:53.040 --> 23:54.600] Same thing with the rest of the servants. [23:54.600 --> 23:59.480] Each one of them has a delegated duty, but that duty does not give any of them the power [23:59.480 --> 24:06.720] to presume they own the property or the premises where they work, does it? [24:06.720 --> 24:12.200] Why then do we allow these individuals that we elect to a public office to presume they [24:12.200 --> 24:22.520] own it and to presume that we work for them instead of the other way around? [24:22.520 --> 24:31.160] Why do we allow them to even get that conception of what their job is anywhere near their head? [24:31.160 --> 24:36.920] It's the dumbest thought they could possibly have, and we don't call them on it. [24:36.920 --> 24:41.400] You are not in control, public servants. [24:41.400 --> 24:47.500] Your job is to ensure the protection of my rights as an individual. [24:47.500 --> 24:52.680] If you want to regulate something or you want to administrate something, you do it to the [24:52.680 --> 25:00.640] things over which I gave you authority, like the other servants, and ensure that they take [25:00.640 --> 25:10.080] care of my property and perform my needs in conjunction with my rules and in accordance [25:10.080 --> 25:16.400] with the things that I say I want done and how I want them done. [25:16.400 --> 25:21.200] The neighbors do not get to come over and control my servants. [25:21.200 --> 25:25.700] I don't get to go over and control the neighbor's servants. [25:25.700 --> 25:32.320] But if me and all my neighbors get together and hire one set of servants that then go [25:32.320 --> 25:39.720] either from house to house or work on specific community property that me and all of my neighbors [25:39.720 --> 25:48.040] decided to go in together on, that does not give any one of the neighbors or myself the [25:48.040 --> 25:53.040] right and authority to take full control of those servants that demand they do something [25:53.040 --> 25:59.520] different with the property or they somehow create the property the way I want it done [25:59.520 --> 26:04.120] adversely affecting the other neighbors. [26:04.120 --> 26:12.800] I can't order the servants to in any way interfere, derogate, abrogate, or destroy property or [26:12.800 --> 26:15.280] rights of any of my neighbors. [26:15.280 --> 26:18.240] They can't do it to me. [26:18.240 --> 26:27.720] So how does a majority vote in the legislature on any issue come to the conclusion under [26:27.720 --> 26:35.120] any frame of mind that it has the right to revoke my rights or to affect my property [26:35.120 --> 26:44.440] without my consent or your property without your consent or your life without your consent? [26:44.440 --> 26:47.740] That right does not exist, folks. [26:47.740 --> 26:54.200] The Texas Constitution, the Constitution for the United States of America, neither of them [26:54.200 --> 27:02.680] give any public servant the power and authority to regulate and control the people in any [27:02.680 --> 27:10.980] way shape or form other than when and if the actions of an individual or group of people [27:10.980 --> 27:19.000] interfere with the right or property or liberty of any of the other people. [27:19.000 --> 27:25.400] As long as I'm not interfering with anybody or anything that doesn't belong to me, then [27:25.400 --> 27:34.040] the government has no cause of action against me, criminal or civil, for any reason. [27:34.040 --> 27:36.000] It's really that simple. [27:36.000 --> 27:42.200] They can't hold me accountable to a rule that can't be made to apply to me to begin with. [27:42.200 --> 27:44.600] They can't do it to you. [27:44.600 --> 27:50.880] But we presume that because we made these people responsible for overseeing our public [27:50.880 --> 27:56.880] property and our public interest, that they have somehow acquired the power to affect [27:56.880 --> 28:01.800] our private property and our private interest. [28:01.800 --> 28:04.320] And they haven't. [28:04.320 --> 28:08.960] But we act as if they can and they have. [28:08.960 --> 28:11.440] It just doesn't work that way. [28:11.440 --> 28:15.040] The servant does not control the master. [28:15.040 --> 28:20.600] They simply protect the property that belongs to them. [28:20.600 --> 28:28.440] They protect the master from bodily harm if it's called for, but they do not control the [28:28.440 --> 28:35.840] master to the point of regulating every aspect of the master's life. [28:35.840 --> 28:39.340] They can interfere with me attempting to go in and kill one of my neighbors. [28:39.340 --> 28:43.120] They can jump in and prevent me from doing that. [28:43.120 --> 28:45.400] That's just good moral issue right there. [28:45.400 --> 28:52.480] I'm not going to be allowed to harm someone else for any reason other than self-defense [28:52.480 --> 28:59.800] or the protection of somebody else or their property or my property. [28:59.800 --> 29:05.720] But I cannot just arbitrarily go and harm another. [29:05.720 --> 29:13.820] Our public servants are required to ensure that no other person or me or anyone else [29:13.820 --> 29:19.480] can go out and arbitrarily harm somebody else. [29:19.480 --> 29:28.640] But they certainly have no authority to keep me from doing whatever I want with my property [29:28.640 --> 29:35.160] as long as my use of that property or purpose for doing what I'm doing is not the cause [29:35.160 --> 29:39.720] of direct harm to somebody or some property. [29:39.720 --> 29:41.720] It's a very, very simple equation. [29:41.720 --> 29:45.760] All right, we're about to go to break. [29:45.760 --> 29:47.760] Folks, rule of law radio, y'all hang in there. [29:47.760 --> 29:49.520] We'll be right back on the other side. [29:49.520 --> 29:52.520] Now, 512-646-1984. [29:52.520 --> 29:53.520] Please call in. [29:53.520 --> 30:03.680] Top 10 Reasons to Question the Official Story of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Reason Number [30:03.680 --> 30:07.920] 5, as witnessed by millions of viewers, the rescue efforts were interrupted several times [30:07.920 --> 30:10.360] due to the presence of other explosives. [30:10.360 --> 30:14.180] Government log entries indicate and witnesses report that after the initial devastating [30:14.180 --> 30:19.120] blast, a bomb complete with timer was discovered and removed from wreckage by the bomb squad. [30:19.120 --> 30:22.720] Yet we are told it's all due to baseless bomb scares or other contrivances. [30:22.720 --> 30:27.000] So while officials try to sort out their stories, all we ask is who planted these bombs and [30:27.000 --> 30:28.920] why is the government lying about them? [30:28.920 --> 30:33.800] For more information, go to okcbombingtruth.com. [30:33.800 --> 30:37.400] Bill Gates is infamous for the bugs in his Microsoft products. [30:37.400 --> 30:41.680] Now he's associated with a different kind of bug, genetically modified mosquitoes with [30:41.680 --> 30:42.680] killer properties. [30:42.680 --> 30:47.840] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be back with a buzz on this story in just a moment. [30:47.840 --> 30:49.420] Privacy is under attack. [30:49.420 --> 30:53.040] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [30:53.040 --> 30:57.800] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [30:57.800 --> 31:02.880] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [31:02.880 --> 31:05.560] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [31:05.560 --> 31:09.840] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, the private search [31:09.840 --> 31:13.400] engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [31:13.400 --> 31:16.960] Start over with Startpage. [31:16.960 --> 31:20.940] Genetically modified food is bad enough, but now we may have to contend with genetically [31:20.940 --> 31:22.680] modified insects. [31:22.680 --> 31:27.480] The Bill Gates Foundation is helping fund a United Nations plan to eradicate dengue fever [31:27.480 --> 31:31.600] and other tropical diseases using genetically modified mosquitoes. [31:31.600 --> 31:36.360] The insects would contain an inserted bacterium or genetic alteration to make them sterile [31:36.360 --> 31:38.600] or unable to transmit disease. [31:38.600 --> 31:42.640] Critics worry these mosquitoes could multiply and escape control of their handlers, much [31:42.640 --> 31:45.920] like killer bees, but the UN calls these concerns alarmist. [31:45.920 --> 31:50.920] Given the mosquitoes transmit germs directly to the human bloodstream, do we really want [31:50.920 --> 31:55.040] clouds of Frankenbugs full of genetically modified bacteria on the loose? [31:55.040 --> 31:59.200] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, more news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [32:25.040 --> 32:53.760] All right, folks, this is Rule of Law Radio, Eddie Craig, Deborah Stevens, Randy Kelton. [32:53.760 --> 32:56.060] We do have some callers on the board now. [32:56.060 --> 32:58.360] We have Mike, Elizabeth, and Sheldon. [32:58.360 --> 33:02.760] Mike, you are our first caller tonight, so please, what's your issue? [33:02.760 --> 33:05.760] Okay, well, good evening, everybody. [33:05.760 --> 33:12.720] While I'm not from West Virginia, I'm living in West Virginia, and I'm not totally unfamiliar [33:12.720 --> 33:18.200] with law as a former law enforcement officer in Ohio, but as I go through West Virginia, [33:18.200 --> 33:23.440] it seems because maybe they're a younger state than Texas, they've learned from you guys [33:23.440 --> 33:26.200] to plug holes and hide things better. [33:26.200 --> 33:34.720] I've never seen this before, except in this state, they do not refer to anything as far [33:34.720 --> 33:42.240] as commercial in their motor vehicle code when it comes to you and I traveling upon [33:42.240 --> 33:45.160] their highway or our highway. [33:45.160 --> 33:51.920] Do you have any knowledge of the way West Virginia has done things in the past, so you're [33:51.920 --> 33:56.600] familiar with some other states, they've really hidden things well here, and some things, [33:56.600 --> 34:02.640] it seems like they don't even exist in relation to what you guys talk about? [34:02.640 --> 34:08.160] Well, I am not readily familiar with West Virginia law specifically by no means. [34:08.160 --> 34:13.000] However, what I would highly recommend you do is stop looking at the statutes. [34:13.000 --> 34:17.440] Go find the original session laws from the legislature. [34:17.440 --> 34:19.800] That would be my first step. [34:19.800 --> 34:23.800] Find out if what's in the statute actually matches what's in the session law because [34:23.800 --> 34:28.440] most of the time, it's not. [34:28.440 --> 34:33.400] The other thing you may want to do is find out whether or not there is a baseline law [34:33.400 --> 34:36.840] that all of your statutory revisions actually come from. [34:36.840 --> 34:43.640] For instance, here in Texas, all the current statutory revisions come from the 1925 legislative [34:43.640 --> 34:47.600] session laws. [34:47.600 --> 34:52.300] They are not by any means as current as they would like you to believe on what they're [34:52.300 --> 34:54.960] actually saying in these statutes. [34:54.960 --> 35:01.360] These statutes have been rewritten, revamped, rebuilt, and recodified so many times that [35:01.360 --> 35:07.320] they have been completely distorted from the original enactments of 1925. [35:07.320 --> 35:12.480] What they do is they'll take the original enactments, they'll recodify them into a standing [35:12.480 --> 35:16.160] code and enact the standing code. [35:16.160 --> 35:24.720] But the code still is based entirely upon the actual original session law. [35:24.720 --> 35:29.760] That says something wholly different than what the revised statute will say if you go [35:29.760 --> 35:30.760] back far enough. [35:30.760 --> 35:31.760] All right. [35:31.760 --> 35:39.120] I got that impression just from listening to the big, long dissertation with you and [35:39.120 --> 35:45.160] the magistrate and the sheriff about your wildlife people. [35:45.160 --> 35:48.600] Where would one normally find stuff like that or where are some clues I could- [35:48.600 --> 35:53.720] I would start to see if there is a university somewhere near you that is a federal book [35:53.720 --> 35:54.720] repository. [35:54.720 --> 35:59.000] They will have virtually every law book you can think of. [35:59.000 --> 36:02.960] The other is go to your state's state law library. [36:02.960 --> 36:09.320] We actually have access to that through a West Virginia legal resource center. [36:09.320 --> 36:16.080] Well, be aware that what they put online through those is not necessarily what you want. [36:16.080 --> 36:17.080] Sanitized. [36:17.080 --> 36:18.080] Okay. [36:18.080 --> 36:19.080] Yeah. [36:19.080 --> 36:22.800] You will find a wealth of information in the pages of the actual book that may be kept [36:22.800 --> 36:25.600] hidden for exactly the reasons that we speak of. [36:25.600 --> 36:26.600] Sure. [36:26.600 --> 36:27.600] All right. [36:27.600 --> 36:28.600] Yeah. [36:28.600 --> 36:36.360] I will have to relearn everything that I learned earlier because of the slight and the bias [36:36.360 --> 36:39.600] that is put on the law enforcement officers and it is amazing. [36:39.600 --> 36:40.600] Right. [36:40.600 --> 36:41.600] It is amazing. [36:41.600 --> 36:45.560] Some of the stuff I was doing out there, you know, the liability I was putting myself, my [36:45.560 --> 36:47.560] family and just doing it. [36:47.560 --> 36:48.560] Okay. [36:48.560 --> 36:49.560] That is all I had. [36:49.560 --> 36:50.560] Appreciate it. [36:50.560 --> 36:51.560] All right. [36:51.560 --> 36:52.560] Thanks, Mike. [36:52.560 --> 36:53.560] Thanks, Eddie. [36:53.560 --> 36:54.560] All right. [36:54.560 --> 36:55.560] We are now going to Elizabeth in Texas. [36:55.560 --> 36:56.560] Good evening, Elizabeth. [36:56.560 --> 36:57.560] How can we help you? [36:57.560 --> 36:58.560] Hi there. [36:58.560 --> 37:09.200] Well, I noticed in the Austin paper on Friday that there was a notice for what is called [37:09.200 --> 37:19.840] an open house on the MOPAC Improvement Project coming up December 1st at O'Henry Middle School [37:19.840 --> 37:26.720] and December 2nd on a Thursday at Murkerson Middle School. [37:26.720 --> 37:35.280] And I am not up to snuff on where they are on this and I have a hunch that this is the [37:35.280 --> 37:45.240] conversion of MOPAC partially anyway into a tollway which I would view as a theft of [37:45.240 --> 37:55.760] an already paid road by the taxpayers to figure out a way to charge more money. [37:55.760 --> 38:02.840] And I do not know enough about what the project is and I was wondering if you could speak [38:02.840 --> 38:03.840] to that. [38:03.840 --> 38:14.320] And if you guys know what is going on, what can we do to stop them from doing this? [38:14.320 --> 38:23.000] Because all I had heard about it was that a three-lane thoroughfare, one-way, would [38:23.000 --> 38:31.000] be turned into a four-lane with the very left lane being the toll lane. [38:31.000 --> 38:41.200] And with traffic as difficult as it is on MOPAC and it does get backed up because of [38:41.200 --> 38:48.040] the twists and turns as it is already laid out, I cannot see anything but a nightmare [38:48.040 --> 38:53.760] if they try to go in and just simply restripe and create a tollway. [38:53.760 --> 38:57.720] Elizabeth, do you know if they are planning on doing construction to actually physically [38:57.720 --> 38:59.200] add another lane? [38:59.200 --> 39:04.440] No, and I do not know, that is what I was hoping. [39:04.440 --> 39:08.280] I have not had time to research this because I have been researching other legal issues [39:08.280 --> 39:15.960] a lot lately but I am on MOPAC quite a bit and I can tell you right now, especially they [39:15.960 --> 39:22.200] just restriped MOPAC already over the bridge, over the river, because it would narrow down [39:22.200 --> 39:26.760] to two lanes and then it would expand out again and it was a huge traffic jam. [39:26.760 --> 39:31.560] And they have already taken away almost all of the shoulder and it is currently three [39:31.560 --> 39:32.560] lanes. [39:32.560 --> 39:34.800] So I do not see how they are even going to add a fourth lane. [39:34.800 --> 39:38.880] I mean there is not going to be any shoulder at all and how are people going to get on [39:38.880 --> 39:41.800] and off of MOPAC if they intend to use a toll road. [39:41.800 --> 39:47.240] I mean I can just imagine all of the cutting across traffic and lane changing to get in [39:47.240 --> 39:52.680] and out of the toll lane which they are planning on making the far left lane to get on and [39:52.680 --> 39:53.680] off the freeway. [39:53.680 --> 39:55.680] I mean this is ridiculous. [39:55.680 --> 40:03.440] Well, what concerns me more than anything about what they are trying to do is just simply [40:03.440 --> 40:11.600] the fact that they would take a road that we have already paid for and try to charge [40:11.600 --> 40:17.480] us for a special use to be able to get in one particular lane. [40:17.480 --> 40:18.480] Absolutely. [40:18.480 --> 40:19.480] There is no question about it. [40:19.480 --> 40:21.280] That is the biggest issue. [40:21.280 --> 40:30.200] And I would certainly consider demanding town hall meetings and other public venues to air [40:30.200 --> 40:31.200] that out in. [40:31.200 --> 40:33.800] So which step do we have to find out who is behind this? [40:33.800 --> 40:34.800] Is this text dot? [40:34.800 --> 40:38.400] Is it the state that we need to be fighting over this or is this city council because [40:38.400 --> 40:40.880] I do not really know anything about it yet. [40:40.880 --> 40:43.240] I do not know much about it either. [40:43.240 --> 40:50.840] What this notice says and I can scan it and send it to you guys, it was in Friday's paper [40:50.840 --> 41:00.920] page B3 and it is about a quarter page size deal and it says that the Texas Department [41:00.920 --> 41:08.080] of Transportation in cooperation with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority. [41:08.080 --> 41:09.080] Campo. [41:09.080 --> 41:10.080] Okay. [41:10.080 --> 41:14.160] Which I am wondering where in the heck they came from. [41:14.160 --> 41:17.280] Well Campo does not have any lawful authority. [41:17.280 --> 41:19.240] We have talked about that on the show before. [41:19.240 --> 41:20.240] Okay. [41:20.240 --> 41:23.840] But they are exercising it anyway. [41:23.840 --> 41:26.560] Of course. [41:26.560 --> 41:32.840] But those are the two entities that they say and then there is a website MopacExpress.com. [41:32.840 --> 41:39.000] All right well we will have to do some research on it. [41:39.000 --> 41:41.360] We can talk about it some more on Thursday. [41:41.360 --> 41:42.360] Okay. [41:42.360 --> 41:50.120] Well the dates for this open house I see are the 1st and the 2nd of December and they start [41:50.120 --> 42:02.560] from 6 and go to 8 and supposedly you can give input okay well I did not know much about [42:02.560 --> 42:09.040] it and it just did not seem to make any sense with an internal road to the city. [42:09.040 --> 42:12.560] No they are always trying to pull this kind of thing and I have heard rumblings about [42:12.560 --> 42:16.920] it over the last few weeks but I have not done any research on it yet. [42:16.920 --> 42:21.080] Well the meetings are until next week so we have some time to organize and maybe get some [42:21.080 --> 42:24.680] PSAs up on the air or something so we will talk about this some more on Thursday. [42:24.680 --> 42:25.680] Okay. [42:25.680 --> 42:29.720] Give out those websites again where they are going to give information about it. [42:29.720 --> 42:37.400] The website mentioned in this is www.mopacexpress.com. [42:37.400 --> 42:41.080] All right. [42:41.080 --> 42:48.480] And let's see they have got a deadline after the 1st and the 2nd for mailed in comments [42:48.480 --> 42:53.360] also for December 13th. [42:53.360 --> 42:56.080] I can scan this thing and send it to you. [42:56.080 --> 42:57.080] All right. [42:57.080 --> 42:58.080] Would that help? [42:58.080 --> 43:02.360] Yes I am on the MOPAC Express website right now. [43:02.360 --> 43:03.360] Okay. [43:03.360 --> 43:08.120] So yes you do not need to scan it and mail it to me I will find out what is going on. [43:08.120 --> 43:09.120] Okay. [43:09.120 --> 43:10.120] Okay. [43:10.120 --> 43:11.120] Thank you Elizabeth. [43:11.120 --> 43:12.120] Thank you so much. [43:12.120 --> 43:14.720] Okay we will talk about this some more on Thursday. [43:14.720 --> 43:15.720] Okay cool. [43:15.720 --> 43:19.520] Hopefully we will be able to stop this because this is ridiculous. [43:19.520 --> 43:25.960] I mean I can only imagine how much of a traffic nightmare is going to be created if they try [43:25.960 --> 43:28.360] to put toll lane on MOPAC. [43:28.360 --> 43:32.880] I mean it is just going to be totally outrageous. [43:32.880 --> 43:36.520] I mean the principle of the matter like you said we have already paid for these roads [43:36.520 --> 43:40.920] and what they want to re-stripe it and cram everybody into these little tiny lanes. [43:40.920 --> 43:45.920] It is going to make traffic so dangerous and all the lane changing to get on and off the [43:45.920 --> 43:46.920] freeway. [43:46.920 --> 43:47.920] Give me a break. [43:47.920 --> 43:50.920] Well they do not have a right to charge us again to use the toll lane. [43:50.920 --> 43:51.920] No they do not. [43:51.920 --> 43:52.920] All right we are going to break. [43:52.920 --> 43:53.920] We will be right back folks. [43:53.920 --> 43:54.920] This is ruleoflawradio.com. [43:54.920 --> 44:06.120] Attention an important product from hempusa.org micro plant powder will change your life by [44:06.120 --> 44:11.640] removing all types of positive toxins such as heavy metals, parasites, bacteria, viruses [44:11.640 --> 44:16.400] and fungus from the digestive tract and stomach wall so you can absorb nutrients. [44:16.400 --> 44:21.720] Micro plant powder is 89% silica and packed with a negative charge that attracts positive [44:21.720 --> 44:25.020] toxins from the blood, organs, spine and brain. [44:25.020 --> 44:29.840] This product has the ability to rebuild cartilage and bone which allows synovial fluid to return [44:29.840 --> 44:31.320] to the joints. [44:31.320 --> 44:36.000] Silica is a precursor to calcium meaning the body turns silica into calcium and is great [44:36.000 --> 44:37.000] for the heart. [44:37.000 --> 44:41.920] There is no better time than now to have micro plant powder on your shelf or in your storage [44:41.920 --> 44:46.240] shelter and with an unlimited shelf life you can store it anywhere. [44:46.240 --> 44:51.520] Call 908-691-2608 or visit hempusa.org. [44:51.520 --> 44:53.600] It is a great way to change your life. [44:53.600 --> 45:01.960] So call 908-691-2608 or visit us at hempusa.org today. [45:01.960 --> 45:08.480] Power energy, stronger immune power, improved sense of well-being. [45:08.480 --> 45:11.480] How many supplements have you heard boast of these benefits? [45:11.480 --> 45:17.800] The team behind Shentrition believes that supplements should over deliver on their promises [45:17.800 --> 45:21.920] and Shentrition does just that. [45:21.920 --> 45:26.480] Shentrition utilizes the ancient healing wisdom of Chinese medicine in conjunction with the [45:26.480 --> 45:32.480] science of modern nutrition, adaptogenic herbs serve as the healing component and organic [45:32.480 --> 45:38.320] hemp protein in greens and superfoods act as a balanced nutrient base. [45:38.320 --> 45:42.480] Plus Shentrition tastes great in just water. [45:42.480 --> 45:48.280] This powder supplement is everything you'd want in a product and it's all natural. [45:48.280 --> 45:56.680] Visit Shentrition.com to order yours or call 1-866-497-7436. [45:56.680 --> 46:21.480] After you use Shentrition, you'll believe in supplements again. [46:27.680 --> 46:31.680] Alright folks, this is Rule of Law Radio, Eddie Craig, Debra Stevens, Randy Kelton. [46:31.680 --> 46:33.680] Tonight is traffic night. [46:33.680 --> 46:38.680] Alright, we have two other callers on the board, Steven and Brooke, both first time callers. [46:38.680 --> 46:40.680] We're going to go to Steven. [46:40.680 --> 46:42.680] Alright Steven, this is Eddie. [46:42.680 --> 46:43.680] What can we do for you? [46:43.680 --> 46:46.680] Hey Eddie, first of all I just want to say you guys did a great job. [46:46.680 --> 46:48.680] I listened to you all the time. [46:48.680 --> 46:49.680] Well thank you. [46:49.680 --> 46:58.680] I, last month, were speeding in a school zone right by my house on South 1st Street. [46:58.680 --> 47:07.680] I live in the 4500 block and I think it was on the 4300 section, which the flashing, you [47:07.680 --> 47:11.680] know they have the pole that has the flashing yellow lights that announce that you're entering [47:11.680 --> 47:12.680] a school zone. [47:12.680 --> 47:18.680] It's right about kind of in front of my house, but that had been obstructed by an RV. [47:18.680 --> 47:21.680] South 1st Street was pretty backed up. [47:21.680 --> 47:28.680] So I got a ticket for doing, I pulled over for doing 33 miles an hour. [47:28.680 --> 47:33.680] And the cop, when he did pull me over, said did you notice you were in a school zone? [47:33.680 --> 47:38.680] I said I didn't see anything flashing and I didn't notice it at all. [47:38.680 --> 47:40.680] And he said well I'll give you, you know, I'll make it easy on you. [47:40.680 --> 47:47.680] I will just say that you're going five over instead of 33 miles an hour so that the fine will be left. [47:47.680 --> 47:52.680] So I just kind of, I have a court ticket here in about two days on the 24th. [47:52.680 --> 47:56.680] I just kind of wondered what my next step should be when I go to court. [47:56.680 --> 48:02.680] The next step should be is read 545.351 Texas Transportation Code if you actually intend to [48:02.680 --> 48:05.680] fight it on the merits, which I do not recommend. [48:05.680 --> 48:08.680] But if you do, you need to be familiar with that section. [48:08.680 --> 48:13.680] That section says specifically what the elements of a speeding charge are. [48:13.680 --> 48:18.680] And if you can show that you did not violate any one of those elements, [48:18.680 --> 48:22.680] the speeding charge cannot stand, okay? [48:22.680 --> 48:30.680] However, there are several things that you need to do prior to even getting that far. [48:30.680 --> 48:34.680] And if you don't have it, I highly recommend you get the traffic seminar with the court motions [48:34.680 --> 48:39.680] made for exactly that purpose because it contains all the paperwork we're talking about filing [48:39.680 --> 48:45.680] in order to ensure things go as they're supposed to go even when they don't. [48:45.680 --> 48:50.680] And what I mean by that is you're going to file the paperwork that argues that they have denied you [48:50.680 --> 48:53.680] your due process rights, which I guarantee you they have. [48:53.680 --> 48:57.680] For instance, the officer wrote you a citation, is that correct? [48:57.680 --> 48:59.680] That's correct. [48:59.680 --> 49:02.680] Did he tell you that you were in a custodial arrest? [49:02.680 --> 49:04.680] No, he did not. [49:04.680 --> 49:06.680] Did he read you your Miranda rights? [49:06.680 --> 49:08.680] No, he did not. [49:08.680 --> 49:09.680] No, he did not. [49:09.680 --> 49:13.680] Did he demand a license, registration, and proof of insurance from you? [49:13.680 --> 49:14.680] Yes, he did. [49:14.680 --> 49:18.680] Yes, he did, violation of your Fifth Amendment rights. [49:18.680 --> 49:21.680] All that information can be used against you in a court of law. [49:21.680 --> 49:29.680] In a custodial interrogation, he is required by law to inform you that you are in a custodial arrest [49:29.680 --> 49:34.680] and that any information provided can and will be used against you in a court of law. [49:34.680 --> 49:36.680] And that's all there is to it. [49:36.680 --> 49:37.680] And he didn't do that. [49:37.680 --> 49:44.680] Now, the one caveat to that is Texas law says that the officer isn't the one responsible for that. [49:44.680 --> 49:47.680] The officer must take you to a magistrate to do that. [49:47.680 --> 49:48.680] Well, guess what? [49:48.680 --> 49:51.680] The magistrate's never going to do it either. [49:51.680 --> 49:58.680] Another due process violation, because the magistrate is not going to do what the law requires him to do, [49:58.680 --> 50:08.680] is to pursue it, Section 543 of the Transportation Code in that entire Chapter 543.001 through 543.010. [50:08.680 --> 50:15.680] Then they're going to ignore the due process procedure of Article 14.06 Code of Criminal Procedure [50:15.680 --> 50:19.680] and Article 1517 Code of Criminal Procedure. [50:19.680 --> 50:21.680] They will do none of those things. [50:21.680 --> 50:27.680] And the prosecution will try their best to argue that you were never under any type of arrest. [50:27.680 --> 50:29.680] Well, that's a lie. [50:29.680 --> 50:34.680] 543 specifically says you were in a custodial arrest. [50:34.680 --> 50:40.680] So this is what I mean by you have to set this up to show that your due process rights were violated, [50:40.680 --> 50:44.680] which is what the majority of the paperwork we have goes to challenging. [50:44.680 --> 50:50.680] Jurisdiction of the court for violations of due process rights. [50:50.680 --> 50:53.680] Okay. [50:53.680 --> 50:57.680] And if you don't have it, you can get the seminar off of the Rule of Law website. [50:57.680 --> 51:01.680] Just go down to the little gold button beneath the information regarding the seminar [51:01.680 --> 51:06.680] and click on the Buy Now button, and we'll be able to take care of you from that point on. [51:06.680 --> 51:08.680] The seminar is updated regularly. [51:08.680 --> 51:10.680] It's kept current. [51:10.680 --> 51:14.680] You never have to buy it again, no matter how often it's updated or changed. [51:14.680 --> 51:20.680] You are notified by email when there are updates that you need to download. [51:20.680 --> 51:26.680] And once you've got it, you just need to read it and learn it and take it to heart. [51:26.680 --> 51:27.680] Okay. [51:27.680 --> 51:29.680] Yeah, I've been on the website before. [51:29.680 --> 51:31.680] I just haven't made the purchase yet. [51:31.680 --> 51:32.680] Okay. [51:32.680 --> 51:42.680] That's what it's geared for is to fight issues like this because they are stealing from us. [51:42.680 --> 51:43.680] All right. [51:43.680 --> 51:44.680] Well, I definitely appreciate your help. [51:44.680 --> 51:48.680] This is my first ticket in Texas, so I have a perfect record. [51:48.680 --> 51:49.680] Never been. [51:49.680 --> 51:51.680] I'm available for questions, too. [51:51.680 --> 51:55.680] You send me an email, and as soon as I'm able, I'll be more than happy to respond to it [51:55.680 --> 51:59.680] and let you know here's what you need to do next. [51:59.680 --> 52:00.680] Okay. [52:00.680 --> 52:02.680] Well, I do appreciate that particular call. [52:02.680 --> 52:03.680] All right. [52:03.680 --> 52:04.680] No problem. [52:04.680 --> 52:07.680] Thank you for calling in, Stephen. [52:07.680 --> 52:08.680] All right. [52:08.680 --> 52:09.680] Brooke, good evening. [52:09.680 --> 52:11.680] How are you and how can we help you? [52:11.680 --> 52:12.680] I'm doing good. [52:12.680 --> 52:15.680] I didn't actually have a traffic question. [52:15.680 --> 52:18.680] Can I ask a question that's unrelated to traffic issues? [52:18.680 --> 52:19.680] Sure. [52:19.680 --> 52:20.680] Okay. [52:20.680 --> 52:23.680] I'm having a landlord tenant issue. [52:23.680 --> 52:26.680] I recently moved out of a property. [52:26.680 --> 52:33.680] I was the tenant, and my landlord's now coming after me for damages on the property [52:33.680 --> 52:39.680] and refusing to return any of the deposit. [52:39.680 --> 52:46.680] I guess I'm just trying to figure out what he can legally come after me for [52:46.680 --> 52:48.680] and what he can't. [52:48.680 --> 52:49.680] Okay. [52:49.680 --> 52:53.680] First thing is when you rent an apartment, you should always get a checklist [52:53.680 --> 52:57.680] that allows you to inspect the apartment before renting it [52:57.680 --> 53:03.680] and to make note of any damages that preexist your entry into the dwelling. [53:03.680 --> 53:06.680] Did you do one of those? [53:06.680 --> 53:07.680] I did do one of those. [53:07.680 --> 53:10.680] It's a house, and I don't have a copy of it. [53:10.680 --> 53:11.680] He had a copy of it. [53:11.680 --> 53:15.680] He took the... [53:15.680 --> 53:22.680] But most of the issues that are coming up are not in regard to that. [53:22.680 --> 53:23.680] How so? [53:23.680 --> 53:30.680] Well, one of the things he's saying that he had to replace the carpet in the house [53:30.680 --> 53:36.680] after we moved out because of an odor. [53:36.680 --> 53:40.680] Replace the carpet so he didn't even try to clean it? [53:40.680 --> 53:45.680] No, he's saying that we have to replace the carpet, and he's also sent me a bill [53:45.680 --> 53:48.680] for the cleaning of it, both actually. [53:48.680 --> 53:51.680] Well, did you have a pet that wasn't allowed or something? [53:51.680 --> 53:56.680] No, we had a couple pets, but we also had $900 worth of pet deposit. [53:56.680 --> 53:58.680] And he's keeping that too? [53:58.680 --> 54:05.680] Yeah, there was a $1,600 deposit, a $900 pet deposit, so he got $2,500. [54:05.680 --> 54:10.680] And he's saying that we owe him $5,000 on top of that. [54:10.680 --> 54:15.680] Oh, and he's planning on suing you for $5,000 for new carpet? [54:15.680 --> 54:18.680] By any chance, is the landlord an attorney? [54:18.680 --> 54:22.680] No, he's a realtor. [54:22.680 --> 54:24.680] Okay. [54:24.680 --> 54:27.680] Well, here's the problem. [54:27.680 --> 54:32.680] The first thing is when you fill out paperwork of any kind with another party [54:32.680 --> 54:37.680] that calls a contractual obligation, you don't ever not get a copy of it. [54:37.680 --> 54:39.680] I have a copy of the lease. [54:39.680 --> 54:41.680] I just don't have a copy. [54:41.680 --> 54:45.680] Right, but that other thing affects your liability under that lease, [54:45.680 --> 54:49.680] so it's just as good as an attachment to the lease in that regard. [54:49.680 --> 54:51.680] Right. [54:51.680 --> 54:55.680] And you don't ever not get the whole contract. [54:55.680 --> 54:56.680] Right. [54:56.680 --> 54:57.680] Okay? [54:57.680 --> 55:01.680] I know that's too little too late, but just be aware of that for future reference. [55:01.680 --> 55:02.680] Right. [55:02.680 --> 55:05.680] Now, the problem is, is if he's got a copy of this, [55:05.680 --> 55:10.680] then he could destroy it and you're no better off than you were. [55:10.680 --> 55:11.680] Right. [55:11.680 --> 55:13.680] But of course, neither is he. [55:13.680 --> 55:18.680] He has to then prove that you did do the damage that was there. [55:18.680 --> 55:19.680] Right. [55:19.680 --> 55:21.680] Well, in this case, it might not matter that much [55:21.680 --> 55:23.680] what was actually on that other piece of paper, Eddie, [55:23.680 --> 55:28.680] because unless she put down that the carpet was old and had a bad odor, [55:28.680 --> 55:31.680] then she wouldn't be indemnified under this current issue. [55:31.680 --> 55:35.680] I agree, and I was going to get to that issue here in a second. [55:35.680 --> 55:39.680] But the point of this being that without that documentation, [55:39.680 --> 55:42.680] he's not limited to coming after you for just the carpet. [55:42.680 --> 55:44.680] He can come after you for anything. [55:44.680 --> 55:46.680] He can walk through the house with a hammer [55:46.680 --> 55:49.680] and bust the walls all to pieces and say you did it. [55:49.680 --> 55:50.680] Right. [55:50.680 --> 55:54.680] Because you don't have a copy of the document that says, [55:54.680 --> 55:58.680] this is the damage that we show was here when we arrived. [55:58.680 --> 56:00.680] Right. [56:00.680 --> 56:01.680] Okay? [56:01.680 --> 56:04.680] That's the problem. [56:04.680 --> 56:09.680] And most likely, he is not going to give you a copy of it now. [56:09.680 --> 56:11.680] Right. [56:11.680 --> 56:16.680] You can try, but there's no guarantee that what you get [56:16.680 --> 56:18.680] is what you actually originally signed. [56:18.680 --> 56:20.680] Right, yeah. [56:20.680 --> 56:22.680] Okay? [56:22.680 --> 56:24.680] Einstein. [56:24.680 --> 56:25.680] Yeah, exactly. [56:25.680 --> 56:26.680] That's the problem. [56:26.680 --> 56:27.680] Okay. [56:27.680 --> 56:32.680] Whether, if she does or not, just dealing with the carpet issue, [56:32.680 --> 56:34.680] I mean, what is the best way to handle this, Eddie? [56:34.680 --> 56:37.680] Should she just say, well, sue me? [56:37.680 --> 56:38.680] Let's see about it. [56:38.680 --> 56:39.680] And there's a few different others. [56:39.680 --> 56:41.680] There's a couple other things. [56:41.680 --> 56:45.680] The carpet is the main thing, and then on top of the carpet, [56:45.680 --> 56:50.680] like he's trying to charge us for mulching, putting new mulch in, [56:50.680 --> 56:52.680] getting the trees trimmed. [56:52.680 --> 56:53.680] What? [56:53.680 --> 56:56.680] Were you responsible for trimming the trees while you lived there? [56:56.680 --> 57:00.680] Well, while we lived there, we were responsible to take care of the yard. [57:00.680 --> 57:03.680] But does it say on the lease that you had to get the trees trimmed? [57:03.680 --> 57:06.680] I mean, it sounds like he's trying to do a bunch of home improvement, [57:06.680 --> 57:08.680] you know, a bunch of improvements to the property. [57:08.680 --> 57:13.680] I mean, unless it says somewhere specifically that you have to trim the trees, [57:13.680 --> 57:16.680] I don't see how he can go back and charge you for that. [57:16.680 --> 57:20.680] Let's go back to the carpet issue before we get to the trees, though. [57:20.680 --> 57:23.680] When you moved out of the house, did you clean the house? [57:23.680 --> 57:24.680] Yes. [57:24.680 --> 57:26.680] The one thing he's not charging me for is the cleaning bill. [57:26.680 --> 57:27.680] That place was immaculate. [57:27.680 --> 57:28.680] I cleaned fans. [57:28.680 --> 57:30.680] Right, but when you say immaculate, [57:30.680 --> 57:36.680] did that include you steaming or cleaning the carpets? [57:36.680 --> 57:37.680] No, I didn't. [57:37.680 --> 57:38.680] No. [57:38.680 --> 57:41.680] I mean, I cleaned them with my carpet cleaner, [57:41.680 --> 57:44.680] but I didn't get them professionally cleaned. [57:44.680 --> 57:47.680] Okay, but even if you didn't get them professionally cleaned, [57:47.680 --> 57:51.680] if you had rented a carpet cleaner that you had a receipt for that you could show, [57:51.680 --> 57:55.680] we cleaned the carpets, and there was no odor when we left the house. [57:55.680 --> 57:58.680] I own a carpet cleaner, so I didn't rent one. [57:58.680 --> 58:01.680] Right, and you can make that argument. [58:01.680 --> 58:04.680] It's going to be preponderance of evidence in this case. [58:04.680 --> 58:06.680] If you'll hang on to the other side of the break here, Brooke, [58:06.680 --> 58:09.680] we'll cover some more of this for a couple minutes, okay? [58:09.680 --> 58:10.680] Okay, thank you. [58:10.680 --> 58:13.680] Yes, ma'am, just hold on, and we will be right back. [58:13.680 --> 58:17.680] This is Rule of Law Radio, Eddie Craig, Deborah Stevens, Randy Kelton. [58:17.680 --> 58:19.680] We will be back on the other side of the break. [58:19.680 --> 58:22.680] So, folks, after Brooke, we've got nobody on the board. [58:22.680 --> 58:23.680] Please give us a call. [58:23.680 --> 58:26.680] We'll be happy to talk to you about whatever you've got an issue with, [58:26.680 --> 58:27.680] long as it's not mortgages. [58:27.680 --> 58:29.680] That's not my forte. [58:29.680 --> 58:34.680] All right, and that call-in number is 512-646-1984, folks. [58:34.680 --> 58:37.680] We've got another hour here on Monday night edition, [58:37.680 --> 58:40.680] November 22nd of Rule of Law Radio. [58:40.680 --> 58:43.680] We'll be back after the news. [59:10.680 --> 59:12.680] We'll be back after the news. [59:40.680 --> 01:00:09.680] ...former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt in a 2007 deathbed confession to his son, [01:00:09.680 --> 01:00:13.680] St. John Hunt, said the following individuals were among the key participants [01:00:13.680 --> 01:00:16.680] in the assassination of President John Kennedy. [01:00:16.680 --> 01:00:22.680] Former President Lyndon Johnson, former CIA agent Cord Meyer, David Attlee Phillips, [01:00:22.680 --> 01:00:26.680] William Harvey, Antonio Vecciana, and Frank Sturgis. [01:00:26.680 --> 01:00:34.680] Kennedy was killed in crossfire in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963. [01:00:34.680 --> 01:00:38.680] WikiLeaks announced Monday its next release of unauthorized U.S. military documents [01:00:38.680 --> 01:00:44.680] will be seven times larger than the 400,000 Iraq war documents it published last month. [01:00:44.680 --> 01:00:49.680] WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is wanted in Sweden on charges of sexual molestation, [01:00:49.680 --> 01:00:53.680] which he says are an attempt to discredit him. [01:00:53.680 --> 01:00:56.680] Four people have been killed in campaign-related violence [01:00:56.680 --> 01:00:59.680] in Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections. [01:00:59.680 --> 01:01:02.680] The Muslim Brotherhood has accused the government of interfering with the vote [01:01:02.680 --> 01:01:07.680] by stopping its candidates from campaigning and arresting 250 supporters. [01:01:07.680 --> 01:01:12.680] U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak has been president of Egypt since 1981, [01:01:12.680 --> 01:01:16.680] following the assassination of President Anwar al-Sadat. [01:01:16.680 --> 01:01:21.680] Ireland will make a formal application for a bailout loan of tens of billions of euros [01:01:21.680 --> 01:01:24.680] from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. [01:01:24.680 --> 01:01:27.680] Finance Minister Brian Linehan said, [01:01:27.680 --> 01:01:31.680] quote, the key issue is to ensure we do not have a collapse of the banking sector. [01:01:31.680 --> 01:01:36.680] The Irish government has been warned by some of the biggest U.S. companies in Ireland. [01:01:36.680 --> 01:01:41.680] It faces a mass exodus if the country's low corporation tax rate is raised. [01:01:41.680 --> 01:01:46.680] The warning from Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and Intel [01:01:46.680 --> 01:01:51.680] spoke of the damaging impact on Ireland's ability to win and retain investment [01:01:51.680 --> 01:01:55.680] should the country's corporation tax be raised from 12.5 percent, [01:01:55.680 --> 01:01:58.680] the lowest in the eurozone. [01:01:58.680 --> 01:02:02.680] Twenty-six people were arrested Saturday in Fort Benning, Georgia [01:02:02.680 --> 01:02:07.680] during a peaceful protest outside the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Operations, [01:02:07.680 --> 01:02:10.680] a notorious combat training school for Latin American soldiers, [01:02:10.680 --> 01:02:13.680] formerly called the School of the Americas. [01:02:13.680 --> 01:02:17.680] Critics have christened the school, whose graduates have helped stage numerous coups [01:02:17.680 --> 01:02:22.680] and targeted dissidents in Latin America, the School of Assassins. [01:02:22.680 --> 01:02:25.680] Critics charge that over the past 59 years, [01:02:25.680 --> 01:02:28.680] hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, [01:02:28.680 --> 01:02:32.680] assassinated and disappeared by the School of America's graduates. [01:02:32.680 --> 01:02:36.680] Some of the most notorious were the Atla Cattle Battalion in El Salvador, [01:02:36.680 --> 01:02:41.680] which killed over a thousand civilians in the El Mosote Massacre of 1981 [01:02:41.680 --> 01:02:45.680] and assassinated six Jesuit priests in 1989. [01:02:45.680 --> 01:02:59.680] Critics say the recent coup attempt in Ecuador was perpetrated by graduates of the school. [01:03:15.680 --> 01:03:26.680] It's all according to the will of the Almighty [01:03:26.680 --> 01:03:33.680] I read his book and it says he cares not for the unsightly [01:03:33.680 --> 01:03:42.680] These warmongers come by that term rightly [01:03:42.680 --> 01:03:45.680] I won't pay for the war with my life [01:03:45.680 --> 01:03:48.680] Alright folks, we are back, Rule of Law Radio. [01:03:48.680 --> 01:03:51.680] We have Brooke on the line and Hondo. [01:03:51.680 --> 01:03:55.680] Hondo, if you'll please hang on, we'll go back to Brooke and finish with her issue. [01:03:55.680 --> 01:03:58.680] Okay Brooke, we were talking a little bit on the break [01:03:58.680 --> 01:04:04.680] and it sounds like the issue here is this gentleman wants to do a lot of improvements to the house [01:04:04.680 --> 01:04:08.680] so he can possibly rent it for more money and have you pay for them. [01:04:08.680 --> 01:04:13.680] Right, exactly and what we were talking about on the break concerning the trees [01:04:13.680 --> 01:04:15.680] and we're going to finish up with the carpet first [01:04:15.680 --> 01:04:17.680] but I just want to make this comment about the trees. [01:04:17.680 --> 01:04:22.680] I have never seen a lease or in any kind of situation ever [01:04:22.680 --> 01:04:26.680] where a tenant is expected to maintain the trees on the property. [01:04:26.680 --> 01:04:28.680] That is the responsibility of the landlord. [01:04:28.680 --> 01:04:35.680] Now, maintenance of the yard just in general means keeping it maintained basically in general [01:04:35.680 --> 01:04:39.680] the way it was when you got there and that pretty much just means mowing the lawn. [01:04:39.680 --> 01:04:45.680] I mean if a landlord has a bunch of exotic fancy landscaping that takes two hours a day to maintain, [01:04:45.680 --> 01:04:48.680] no certainly the tenant is not responsible for that. [01:04:48.680 --> 01:04:52.680] They have to hire their own gardener but trimming the trees, no I don't think so [01:04:52.680 --> 01:04:57.680] unless it specifically says in the lease that you are required to maintain the trees, [01:04:57.680 --> 01:05:00.680] they can't hold you for that. [01:05:00.680 --> 01:05:05.680] Right, there's a specific part about maintaining the lawn in there [01:05:05.680 --> 01:05:07.680] but I don't know about that. [01:05:07.680 --> 01:05:11.680] I mean it's more about like the trees not overhanging on the roof and stuff like that. [01:05:11.680 --> 01:05:13.680] That's his responsibility. [01:05:13.680 --> 01:05:16.680] That's part of the maintenance of the property. [01:05:16.680 --> 01:05:17.680] Okay. [01:05:17.680 --> 01:05:22.680] Yeah, no way unless it specifically says in the lease that you have to maintain the trees. [01:05:22.680 --> 01:05:27.680] If the trees start to grow and overhang and brush on the roof [01:05:27.680 --> 01:05:32.680] to possibly be causing damage to the shingles, that's his responsibility. [01:05:32.680 --> 01:05:35.680] It's just like if the roof got damaged from hail, he has to fix it. [01:05:35.680 --> 01:05:38.680] Okay, he can't hold the tenant responsible for that. [01:05:38.680 --> 01:05:41.680] That's part of the responsibility of being a property owner. [01:05:41.680 --> 01:05:42.680] Right. [01:05:42.680 --> 01:05:47.680] So anyway back to the carpet issue and Eddie was making a comment on the break [01:05:47.680 --> 01:05:51.680] that this is why when he rents places he always takes pictures on the way out the door [01:05:51.680 --> 01:05:54.680] and I can't take pictures of a smell unfortunately [01:05:54.680 --> 01:06:01.680] but you could have taken pictures showing that the carpet at least looks immaculate when you left. [01:06:01.680 --> 01:06:03.680] Eddie, you want to make more comments about the carpet? [01:06:03.680 --> 01:06:08.680] Yeah, that's just always been my preference having been as mobile as I've had to be [01:06:08.680 --> 01:06:13.680] through the years of my life in the military and just in general, [01:06:13.680 --> 01:06:18.680] always trying to, you know, better place to live and all that kind of thing. [01:06:18.680 --> 01:06:24.680] I've always made it a habit ever since the first time that I rented and had a similar issue [01:06:24.680 --> 01:06:25.680] with the landlord in that case. [01:06:25.680 --> 01:06:29.680] I mean the place I originally lived in, I came home one day [01:06:29.680 --> 01:06:32.680] and the cockroaches were moving out with my furniture, okay, [01:06:32.680 --> 01:06:38.680] and yet they were going to try to tell us the place wasn't clean and it was that way when we moved in. [01:06:38.680 --> 01:06:39.680] Right. [01:06:39.680 --> 01:06:43.680] But when we left, we cleaned it immaculately as you stated [01:06:43.680 --> 01:06:46.680] and I took pictures for exactly that reason [01:06:46.680 --> 01:06:49.680] and I've made that a lifelong habit ever since. [01:06:49.680 --> 01:06:51.680] And it will be from now on, trust me. [01:06:51.680 --> 01:07:00.680] But that being said, I mean the issue of us moving out, it was kind of under stress. [01:07:00.680 --> 01:07:04.680] I had moved into the house, friends had lived there with me [01:07:04.680 --> 01:07:10.680] and they had to move out and move back to Arizona due to my friend's mother getting cancer. [01:07:10.680 --> 01:07:13.680] So he agreed to put the house back on the market. [01:07:13.680 --> 01:07:17.680] He already has new renters because I stayed in the house until he got new renters. [01:07:17.680 --> 01:07:21.680] So he had five days to make the house better. [01:07:21.680 --> 01:07:25.680] He had five days to get the house ready for them to move in. [01:07:25.680 --> 01:07:33.680] And so everything he's going after me for is paying to get the carpets cleaned, brand new carpeting, [01:07:33.680 --> 01:07:37.680] and he didn't decide to change the carpet out until the new renters asked for it [01:07:37.680 --> 01:07:39.680] because I've already talked to their realtor. [01:07:39.680 --> 01:07:43.680] They already moved in before he decided that he needed to change the carpet. [01:07:43.680 --> 01:07:44.680] Oh, really? [01:07:44.680 --> 01:07:48.680] When you spoke to the realtor, did the realtor say why they requested it? [01:07:48.680 --> 01:07:51.680] Because of an odor. [01:07:51.680 --> 01:07:54.680] But they didn't specify any more than that? [01:07:54.680 --> 01:07:55.680] No. [01:07:55.680 --> 01:07:58.680] The realtor said there was an odor in one or two of the rooms, [01:07:58.680 --> 01:08:06.680] and this was a five-bedroom house with carpet around down the stairs and throughout the hallway. [01:08:06.680 --> 01:08:07.680] Okay. [01:08:07.680 --> 01:08:15.680] And then he's also saying that we have to pay for a listing commission. [01:08:15.680 --> 01:08:20.680] Not if he's already found renters, and you stayed there until he did find renters. [01:08:20.680 --> 01:08:25.680] Yeah, he's saying that we have to pay for the listing commission because he had to get new renters. [01:08:25.680 --> 01:08:28.680] Is that in your lease? [01:08:28.680 --> 01:08:40.680] I guess I'm unclear about whether the part that's in our lease is for, what do you call it, when you jump out on a lease, for breaking the lease. [01:08:40.680 --> 01:08:42.680] For an early termination. [01:08:42.680 --> 01:08:45.680] Generally, if you terminate a lease early, if you're the tenant, [01:08:45.680 --> 01:08:51.680] and the landlord has to put listings to find a new tenant to replace you, [01:08:51.680 --> 01:08:56.680] even if you stay there, then generally, yeah, you're going to have to pay for that if you didn't stay until the end of the lease. [01:08:56.680 --> 01:09:01.680] And lots of places, that's considered part of the fundamental procedure of having to rent the house to begin with. [01:09:01.680 --> 01:09:04.680] He would have to do that whether she was there or not. [01:09:04.680 --> 01:09:11.680] Yeah, but he wouldn't have to do that for another six months or however long if she didn't terminate the lease early. [01:09:11.680 --> 01:09:15.680] Right, but the problem is, is that that is not specifically spelled out in the lease. [01:09:15.680 --> 01:09:17.680] He cannot hold her liable for that. [01:09:17.680 --> 01:09:18.680] Well, yeah, that's what I was asking. [01:09:18.680 --> 01:09:22.680] I mean, a lot of times, it is specifically spelled out. [01:09:22.680 --> 01:09:26.680] Yeah, I'm a little unclear about what the lease says on that. [01:09:26.680 --> 01:09:29.680] I've read it, but I'm a little confused. [01:09:29.680 --> 01:09:34.680] Because it's more written for somebody who breaks the lease, not necessarily an agreement. [01:09:34.680 --> 01:09:45.680] And, you know, I mean, he's trying to go after me for the power that he had to turn on after I moved out until the new renters came in. [01:09:45.680 --> 01:09:47.680] Wait a minute. [01:09:47.680 --> 01:09:50.680] You had the power turned off when you moved out. [01:09:50.680 --> 01:09:54.680] Why didn't the new tenants have the power turned back on? [01:09:54.680 --> 01:09:59.680] They did when they moved in, but he had to have the power turned on for the five days in between. [01:09:59.680 --> 01:10:02.680] Again, something he would have had to have done anyway. [01:10:02.680 --> 01:10:07.680] Yeah, unless there's something that specifically says that in the lease. [01:10:07.680 --> 01:10:14.680] It says I have to maintain the power during my term of the lease, but my lease should have been up the day that I moved out. [01:10:14.680 --> 01:10:16.680] I mean, he agreed on the day that I moved out. [01:10:16.680 --> 01:10:26.680] And I can get a copy of that from where I live now because they had to get his okay before I was able to rent the place that I'm in now. [01:10:26.680 --> 01:10:27.680] Okay. [01:10:27.680 --> 01:10:32.680] Rule number one, just FYI, don't make any agreements that aren't written down. [01:10:32.680 --> 01:10:33.680] Yes. [01:10:33.680 --> 01:10:35.680] Okay. [01:10:35.680 --> 01:10:37.680] Rule of life these days. [01:10:37.680 --> 01:10:38.680] Yes. [01:10:38.680 --> 01:10:48.680] Well, also I would say if there's another written agreement agreeing upon your move out date, then that is like a renegotiation of the original lease. [01:10:48.680 --> 01:10:49.680] I don't see how he could. [01:10:49.680 --> 01:10:52.680] It's not another written agreement. [01:10:52.680 --> 01:10:57.680] I have a new landlord, and my landlord checked my references. [01:10:57.680 --> 01:11:05.680] And so there is a paper that he filled out saying that I was okay to move out, that I wasn't breaking my lease. [01:11:05.680 --> 01:11:08.680] Okay. [01:11:08.680 --> 01:11:12.680] And, you know, I mean, and then it's like $100 here, $100 here. [01:11:12.680 --> 01:11:13.680] Now, wait. [01:11:13.680 --> 01:11:17.680] You said that he signed an agreement that said you were not breaking your lease. [01:11:17.680 --> 01:11:18.680] Yes. [01:11:18.680 --> 01:11:31.680] He signed a paper to my realtor or to my landlord now saying that I was clear to move out of my house, I wasn't breaking my lease, that I was... [01:11:31.680 --> 01:11:32.680] Okay. [01:11:32.680 --> 01:11:33.680] That's all you need right there. [01:11:33.680 --> 01:11:34.680] Yes. [01:11:34.680 --> 01:11:40.680] He cannot show that you have violated any provision of your lease whatsoever. [01:11:40.680 --> 01:11:46.680] He's already agreed in writing, in fact, that you did not violate any provision of your lease. [01:11:46.680 --> 01:11:48.680] Can you get a copy of that, Brooke? [01:11:48.680 --> 01:11:49.680] I'm... [01:11:49.680 --> 01:11:50.680] It's coming to me right now. [01:11:50.680 --> 01:11:51.680] Good. [01:11:51.680 --> 01:11:52.680] I already requested it. [01:11:52.680 --> 01:11:53.680] Good. [01:11:53.680 --> 01:11:54.680] Okay. [01:11:54.680 --> 01:11:56.680] That's going to be what you're going to be using. [01:11:56.680 --> 01:12:11.680] He's already agreed to a renegotiation of your lease based upon your situation, and he gave written notice to you and another party that you were not going to be violating any portion of the renegotiation by moving out. [01:12:11.680 --> 01:12:14.680] Okay. [01:12:14.680 --> 01:12:27.680] So at this point, you can either let him try to sue you or you can simply inform him that if he does, you will countersue for malicious prosecution. [01:12:27.680 --> 01:12:33.680] Well, is there anything that she could do to try to recover any of her deposit that this person is keeping? [01:12:33.680 --> 01:12:54.680] Sure. If he cannot show a valid claim that you are responsible for what he's talking about after saying that she violated no provision of her lease and he did not make any issue of her moving out or bring that to her attention within the time she was moving out, he should have done an inspection immediately. [01:12:54.680 --> 01:13:02.680] If he did an inspection and did not inform her of any discrepancies in the property, then he's acquiesced that none existed. [01:13:02.680 --> 01:13:09.680] Yeah. I find it odd that he didn't happen to notice this odor on his own before these new people moved in. [01:13:09.680 --> 01:13:16.680] And how come the new people didn't notice it when they were checking out the place before they moved in? [01:13:16.680 --> 01:13:20.680] Oh, they noticed it after? Like how long after? [01:13:20.680 --> 01:13:24.680] Maybe within a week. I mean, I moved out on the 27th of September. [01:13:24.680 --> 01:13:34.680] They moved in October 3rd and they got the carpet replaced the 27th of October, which was exactly a month after I moved out. [01:13:34.680 --> 01:13:36.680] And so they started complaining. [01:13:36.680 --> 01:13:40.680] Yeah, there could have been anything that had happened to that carpet since they moved in. [01:13:40.680 --> 01:13:53.680] Yeah, no kidding. I mean, if the odor was all that offensive, you would think that the prospective new tenants before they signed the lease would have noticed it when they were in the house. [01:13:53.680 --> 01:13:56.680] They were just, you know, making an inspection of the place. [01:13:56.680 --> 01:14:00.680] Like they walk in one room, oh man, it smells in here. I mean, come on. [01:14:00.680 --> 01:14:02.680] Well, yeah. I mean, they moved from California. [01:14:02.680 --> 01:14:06.680] I was there when they came and looked at the house because I was showing the house so that I could get out of it. [01:14:06.680 --> 01:14:12.680] And they didn't make any comment whatsoever about that it smells in this room or that room? [01:14:12.680 --> 01:14:14.680] Not until they moved in. [01:14:14.680 --> 01:14:16.680] Okay. Yeah. [01:14:16.680 --> 01:14:21.680] And you don't know exactly how long after they moved in when that complaint was lodged, right? [01:14:21.680 --> 01:14:23.680] I do not. [01:14:23.680 --> 01:14:31.680] Okay. That would be something I would try to find out because that odor could have produced itself due to something they did after they moved in. [01:14:31.680 --> 01:14:32.680] Right. Right. [01:14:32.680 --> 01:14:38.680] Well, it was an issue that the realtor had brought up with me before I moved out. [01:14:38.680 --> 01:14:46.680] Or the landlord brought up with me before I moved out because when they were showing the house, he said that there was a realtor that had complained to him about an odor in one of the rooms. [01:14:46.680 --> 01:14:47.680] Oh, okay. [01:14:47.680 --> 01:14:50.680] A realtor? Was it their realtor, the people that actually went into the house? [01:14:50.680 --> 01:14:54.680] No, it wasn't. As far as I know, it was him because he showed the house. [01:14:54.680 --> 01:14:57.680] But see, I had a cat box. I had a litter box in the room next to it. [01:14:57.680 --> 01:15:05.680] And I told him, and he never returned my phone call, but I told him that, you know, I have a litter box in the next room, which could be the other. [01:15:05.680 --> 01:15:09.680] There could be a fresh whatever in there. [01:15:09.680 --> 01:15:12.680] Okay. Well, yeah. [01:15:12.680 --> 01:15:20.680] Then it certainly sounds like there's nothing for him to have a leg to stand on if you argue this correctly with the documentation at hand. [01:15:20.680 --> 01:15:25.680] Yeah, really pushing the envelope, I'd say. [01:15:25.680 --> 01:15:28.680] So those are the arguments that I would work on right there. [01:15:28.680 --> 01:15:36.680] That one, the odor, if they were showing an occupied house at the time, that this odor allegedly manifested itself, [01:15:36.680 --> 01:15:47.680] and you have a proper explanation as to why it would have existed at that time, but that it did not exist when you did move out, I'd say that's a problem for him. [01:15:47.680 --> 01:15:53.680] Yeah, and it was a different realtor also. It wasn't the realtor of the new tenants. [01:15:53.680 --> 01:15:58.680] It's family, everything. So, you know, that I would say is a problem. [01:15:58.680 --> 01:16:10.680] And they didn't happen to notice it. Those people that moved in and their realtor, nobody noticed it when they were showing the property, you know, as a basis for making decisions. This is ridiculous. [01:16:10.680 --> 01:16:19.680] Right. I mean, and then like there was one night where a window broke in the middle of the night, and I actually called the police out because it woke me up. [01:16:19.680 --> 01:16:27.680] And now he's trying to get me to pay for that. But I'm going to the court to get a copy of that record. [01:16:27.680 --> 01:16:31.680] Right. Okay, what broke the window, or did they ever find out? [01:16:31.680 --> 01:16:39.680] They don't know. Basically, they felt like the window was stressed and it just shattered on its own. But they called it criminal mischief. [01:16:39.680 --> 01:16:43.680] Okay. All right. Well, hang on, Brooke. Anything else? [01:16:43.680 --> 01:16:44.680] No, that's it. [01:16:44.680 --> 01:16:45.680] Okay. [01:16:45.680 --> 01:16:46.680] Okay. [01:16:46.680 --> 01:16:51.680] All right. Well, thank you, Brooke. Keep us posted. Let us know when you get that document. [01:16:51.680 --> 01:16:52.680] Thanks. [01:16:52.680 --> 01:16:59.680] All right. When we get back, we're going to go to Hondo. We've also got Stephen and Chuck coming up. We'll be right back. [01:16:59.680 --> 01:17:08.680] It is so enlightening to listen to 90.1 FM, but finding things on the Internet isn't so easy, and neither is finding like-minded people to share it with. [01:17:08.680 --> 01:17:11.680] Oh, well, I guess you haven't heard of Brave New Books, then. [01:17:11.680 --> 01:17:12.680] Brave New Books? [01:17:12.680 --> 01:17:23.680] Yes. Brave New Books has all the books and DVDs you're looking for by authors like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, and G. Edward Griffin. They even stock inner food, Berkey products, and Calvin Soaps. [01:17:23.680 --> 01:17:25.680] There's no way a place like that exists. [01:17:25.680 --> 01:17:31.680] Go check it out for yourself. It's downtown at 1904 Guadalupe Street, just south of UT. [01:17:31.680 --> 01:17:35.680] By UT, there's never anywhere to park down there. [01:17:35.680 --> 01:17:43.680] Actually, they now offer a free hour of parking for paying customers at the 500 MLK parking facility just behind the bookstore. [01:17:43.680 --> 01:17:46.680] It does exist, but when are they open? [01:17:46.680 --> 01:18:01.680] Monday through Saturday, 11 AM to 9 PM, and 1 to 6 PM on Sundays. So give them a call at 512-480-2503, or check out their events page at bravenewbookstore.com. [01:18:01.680 --> 01:18:08.680] Capital Coin and Bullion is your local source for rare coins, precious metals, and coin supplies in the Austin metro area. [01:18:08.680 --> 01:18:16.680] We also ship worldwide. We are a family-owned and operated business that offers competitive prices on your coin and metals purchases. [01:18:16.680 --> 01:18:27.680] We buy, sell, trade, and consign rare coins, gold and silver coin collections, precious metals, and scrap gold. We will purchase and sell gold and jewelry items as well. [01:18:27.680 --> 01:18:39.680] We offer daily specials on coins and bullion. We're located at 5448 Burnett Road, Suite 3, and we're open Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 6 PM, Saturdays, 10 AM to 5 PM. [01:18:39.680 --> 01:18:48.680] You are welcome to stop in our shop during regular business hours or call 512-646-6440 with any questions. [01:18:48.680 --> 01:18:59.680] As for Chad, and say you heard about us on Rule of Law Radio, or 90.1 FM, that's Capital Coin and Bullion, 512-646-6440. [01:18:59.680 --> 01:19:23.680] Alright folks, we are back, Rule of Law Radio. We have callers on the line, and if you want to call in, the number is 512-646-1984. [01:19:23.680 --> 01:19:28.680] And right now we're on the line with Hondo in Texas. Hondo, how you doing? How can we help? [01:19:28.680 --> 01:19:36.680] Good, good. I called I think last Thursday maybe, anyway, and I was talking to y'all. [01:19:36.680 --> 01:19:48.680] But my main thing that I want to ask is, understand right, there are two reasons for the lack of jurisdiction whenever you receive a traffic violation citation. [01:19:48.680 --> 01:19:57.680] And one is that it's not an administrative court, and the other is generally there's no complaint filed, right? [01:19:57.680 --> 01:20:04.680] There's actually more than that. Depending upon what the issue is, technically speaking you are correct. [01:20:04.680 --> 01:20:15.680] The Department of Public Safety having authority over the issuance of traffic citations and delegating that authority to other law enforcement officials is, [01:20:15.680 --> 01:20:23.680] as an administrative agency, subject to the Administrative Procedures Act. However, the court tends to ignore that. [01:20:23.680 --> 01:20:32.680] The other issue is that depending upon the court, there usually is no criminal complaint signed and verified of any kind, [01:20:32.680 --> 01:20:43.680] nor is there usually an information accompanying the criminal complaint, which must appear in the court record pursuant Article 5, Section 12B, Texas Constitution, [01:20:43.680 --> 01:20:57.680] and 27.01 Code of Criminal Procedure, which specifically states that the indictment or information is the primary pleading of the state in any criminal action. [01:20:57.680 --> 01:21:08.680] Now, how that can be the primary pleading and then them not be required to file it is beyond me, but that's what they like to say. [01:21:08.680 --> 01:21:13.680] But in regards to that, there's at least three and usually more. [01:21:13.680 --> 01:21:23.680] There's usually lack of jurisdiction because they have yet to abide by their ministerial duty under the Code of Criminal Procedure. [01:21:23.680 --> 01:21:38.680] Okay, so whenever you show on your citation a promise to appear, you appear, and that's going to be your primary argument at that point. [01:21:38.680 --> 01:21:51.680] Well, if you have it, the seminar material, that is, the initial complaint or the initial paperwork that we file now consists of a single motion and a constructive notice. [01:21:51.680 --> 01:21:58.680] That motion addresses the fact that there was no proper summons served on you. [01:21:58.680 --> 01:22:11.680] It addresses the fact that there's no valid complaint in the alleged summons that was served upon you, even though that was improperly served to begin with because it is not done in accordance with law. [01:22:11.680 --> 01:22:15.680] So right off the bat, we challenge jurisdiction on several grounds. [01:22:15.680 --> 01:22:29.680] There are six sections to this motion. Each one addresses the issue of why the court lacks jurisdiction and why you cannot be required to make this first appearance. [01:22:29.680 --> 01:22:31.680] I see. [01:22:31.680 --> 01:22:50.680] Okay, and I've been, the seminar materials I've listened to and I got the email and downloaded all the files and stuff and I've been going through them and there's just a massive amount of files. [01:22:50.680 --> 01:22:52.680] Yeah, there is a specific set, though. [01:22:52.680 --> 01:22:58.680] In the Remedies folder, you'll see another folder called Steps of Process. [01:22:58.680 --> 01:23:08.680] Okay, inside of that folder is section number three, which is your pre-trial motions. [01:23:08.680 --> 01:23:14.680] That contains the majority of the paperwork that you will start filing in court as you progress. [01:23:14.680 --> 01:23:29.680] Okay, so you actually have Remedies, then you have Stages of Process, and then you have six folders, Stop and Citation, Get Your Records, Pre-Trial Motions, Discovery, Trial Briefs and Orders, and Countersuit. [01:23:29.680 --> 01:23:33.680] The majority of what you file will be in pre-trial motions. [01:23:33.680 --> 01:23:42.680] Okay, right now there are several, there are 13 different motions or documents in that particular folder. [01:23:42.680 --> 01:23:49.680] All you're worried about right at the beginning is 01 and 01A. [01:23:49.680 --> 01:23:50.680] Okay. [01:23:50.680 --> 01:23:55.680] Now, if you don't have those, then you did not get the latest document updates. [01:23:55.680 --> 01:24:04.680] If you will forward me the email you got for downloading the seminar material, I will reply back with the updated document folder. [01:24:04.680 --> 01:24:06.680] Okay. [01:24:06.680 --> 01:24:07.680] We'll do that. [01:24:07.680 --> 01:24:10.680] And that's eddie at rule of lawradio.com. [01:24:10.680 --> 01:24:17.680] Now, Hondo, I remember you purchasing the seminar, and when I sent you the email, I did send you an attachment with the most recent updates. [01:24:17.680 --> 01:24:21.680] Right, so that's the most recent, what was in that email. [01:24:21.680 --> 01:24:24.680] Well, actually, I believe I've made a couple of changes since then. [01:24:24.680 --> 01:24:28.680] I know I've added the constructive notice since I last updated Deborah on these. [01:24:28.680 --> 01:24:29.680] Okay. [01:24:29.680 --> 01:24:33.680] So go ahead and send me an email, and then I will also make sure that Deborah gets the updated stuff as well. [01:24:33.680 --> 01:24:35.680] All right, thanks. [01:24:35.680 --> 01:24:37.680] Okay. [01:24:37.680 --> 01:24:40.680] That's what I was saying earlier about this is an ongoing process. [01:24:40.680 --> 01:24:48.680] Just because you got them two days ago doesn't necessarily mean they're the most current because I spend a lot of time finding new stuff [01:24:48.680 --> 01:24:59.680] and reintegrating these documents and everything to the subject matter and trying to get them as honed as possible to hold these people's feet to the fire to obey the law. [01:24:59.680 --> 01:25:04.680] So this is by far no fault of Deborah's that your documents aren't current. [01:25:04.680 --> 01:25:09.680] I've just got so much of this going on that I'm not always able to update her as quickly as I get them done. [01:25:09.680 --> 01:25:10.680] Right. [01:25:10.680 --> 01:25:11.680] That's fine. [01:25:11.680 --> 01:25:12.680] That's fine. [01:25:12.680 --> 01:25:13.680] Well, it sounds good. [01:25:13.680 --> 01:25:16.680] I'll look through those. [01:25:16.680 --> 01:25:19.680] Yeah, but I'm sure you had a question in there before I got off on this. [01:25:19.680 --> 01:25:22.680] You were going to ask a question, or did I address that? [01:25:22.680 --> 01:25:23.680] Yes, you addressed it. [01:25:23.680 --> 01:25:24.680] Okay. [01:25:24.680 --> 01:25:34.680] Just the lack of jurisdiction and why they don't have jurisdiction, and that addresses that. [01:25:34.680 --> 01:25:41.680] And also I was reading on the prima facie statute, the law in the text. [01:25:41.680 --> 01:25:42.680] Yeah, speed limit. [01:25:42.680 --> 01:25:43.680] Right. [01:25:43.680 --> 01:25:48.680] And it says it gives a long list of guidelines, too, and it calls it evidence. [01:25:48.680 --> 01:26:00.680] So basically it says you can only go 70 on such and such roads and 65 on these roads and 30 if you're in the town. [01:26:00.680 --> 01:26:09.680] So based on that, if they write you a ticket for violation of prima facie speed limit, [01:26:09.680 --> 01:26:16.680] then it has to be in compliance with those guidelines, right? [01:26:16.680 --> 01:26:21.680] Well, it has to be in compliance with 545.351. [01:26:21.680 --> 01:26:29.680] And if you look at that and read it carefully, there are several elements there that each one of them must have resulted [01:26:29.680 --> 01:26:34.680] in something the officer can articulate as being the reason you got the ticket. [01:26:34.680 --> 01:26:38.680] In other words, the questions you're asking, did I cause an accident? [01:26:38.680 --> 01:26:40.680] Did I have an accident? [01:26:40.680 --> 01:26:44.680] Did I damage property or cause someone else to damage property? [01:26:44.680 --> 01:26:50.680] Did I lose control of my automobile in any way at any time? [01:26:50.680 --> 01:26:56.680] If the answer to any of those and all of those is no, [01:26:56.680 --> 01:27:02.680] then a prima facie speed limit falls flat on its face under the elements of 545.351 [01:27:02.680 --> 01:27:10.680] because one of the elements requires that you cannot operate your automobile at a speed that is greater [01:27:10.680 --> 01:27:15.680] than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing. [01:27:15.680 --> 01:27:22.680] Well, if you didn't cause harm to anybody or anything or lose control of your automobile, [01:27:22.680 --> 01:27:29.680] then obviously you were traveling at a speed that was reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing. [01:27:29.680 --> 01:27:32.680] Otherwise, something would have happened. [01:27:32.680 --> 01:27:37.680] So first there has to be some proof that you were enacting reasonable and prudent, [01:27:37.680 --> 01:27:42.680] and then he can say, okay, here's the evidence that says... [01:27:42.680 --> 01:27:46.680] Right, and the evidence has to be something that resulted from one of the things I just mentioned. [01:27:46.680 --> 01:27:48.680] That's the only kind of evidence he can have. [01:27:48.680 --> 01:27:54.680] Otherwise, it is simply the officer's opinion that you were going too fast, [01:27:54.680 --> 01:27:58.680] and his opinion is not one of the elements stated in the statute. [01:27:58.680 --> 01:28:02.680] Right. I see. [01:28:02.680 --> 01:28:06.680] So hiding behind a tree with a radar gun, that's always what gets me. [01:28:06.680 --> 01:28:14.680] Just lets him play Davy Crockett for a while, as far as I'm concerned. [01:28:14.680 --> 01:28:21.680] Okay. Well, there's lots of questions, but I can't think of them right now. [01:28:21.680 --> 01:28:26.680] I don't have them all written down, but as I listen to the seminar materials, [01:28:26.680 --> 01:28:31.680] I'm writing them down if I have a pen and paper at the time. [01:28:31.680 --> 01:28:34.680] So I'll be calling back from time to time with different questions. [01:28:34.680 --> 01:28:37.680] That's fine. That's what we're here for. [01:28:37.680 --> 01:28:40.680] All right. Well, sounds good. I appreciate it. [01:28:40.680 --> 01:28:42.680] And, you know, keep up the good work. [01:28:42.680 --> 01:28:53.680] It just amazes me at how much, I don't know if you call it fraud or what, or how ridiculous... [01:28:53.680 --> 01:28:56.680] Oh, that's exactly what I'd call it is fraud. [01:28:56.680 --> 01:29:10.680] It just amazes me. And I'm also similarly involved in researching taxes, income taxes, et cetera. [01:29:10.680 --> 01:29:12.680] Well, when it gets to the income taxes, [01:29:12.680 --> 01:29:15.680] be extremely careful what you use for reference sources there, [01:29:15.680 --> 01:29:22.680] because there is a lot of stuff that just does not hold water, legally speaking. [01:29:22.680 --> 01:29:28.680] If you really, really want to get as many facts under your belt as possible about what it is or isn't, [01:29:28.680 --> 01:29:32.680] then I highly recommend you get Dave Champion's new book. [01:29:32.680 --> 01:29:33.680] Dave Champion? [01:29:33.680 --> 01:29:34.680] Yep. [01:29:34.680 --> 01:29:35.680] Okay. [01:29:35.680 --> 01:29:37.680] All right. Is that all you got? [01:29:37.680 --> 01:29:38.680] Yes, sir. Appreciate it. Thank you. [01:29:38.680 --> 01:29:39.680] Thanks, Hunter. [01:29:39.680 --> 01:29:41.680] All right. [01:29:41.680 --> 01:29:43.680] Okay, folks, this is Rule of Law Radio. [01:29:43.680 --> 01:29:47.680] Please give us a call, 512-646-1984. [01:29:47.680 --> 01:29:49.680] Chuck, Stephen, we'll get to you on the other side of the break. [01:29:49.680 --> 01:29:53.680] Just hang in there with us, and we will be right back. [01:30:19.680 --> 01:30:22.680] It's Friday and Saturday. We got late night with Emperor Sound Crew. [01:30:22.680 --> 01:30:24.680] Still a $5 place. [01:30:24.680 --> 01:30:31.680] Jerk chicken and vegetarian place to beat One Love Kitchen, Austin, Texas. [01:30:31.680 --> 01:30:35.680] San Francisco is taking the happy out of McDonald's Happy Meals. [01:30:35.680 --> 01:30:40.680] New legislation prohibits the company from including toys with kids' meals until the food gets healthier. [01:30:40.680 --> 01:30:45.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll be back with a scoop on unhappy meals in just a moment. [01:30:45.680 --> 01:30:52.680] Your search engine is watching you, recording all your searches and creating a massive database of your personal information. [01:30:52.680 --> 01:30:53.680] That's creepy. [01:30:53.680 --> 01:30:55.680] But it doesn't have to be that way. [01:30:55.680 --> 01:30:58.680] Startpage.com is the world's most private search engine. [01:30:58.680 --> 01:31:05.680] Startpage doesn't store your IP address, make a record of your searches or use tracking cookies, and they're third-party certified. [01:31:05.680 --> 01:31:09.680] If you don't like Big Brother spying on you, start over with Startpage. [01:31:09.680 --> 01:31:12.680] Great search results and total privacy. [01:31:12.680 --> 01:31:15.680] Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:15.680 --> 01:31:20.680] San Francisco says McDonald's has to shape up its kids' meals or ship out the toys. [01:31:20.680 --> 01:31:26.680] Unless the company reduces the fat, sugar, and calories, it can no longer serve happy meals with a tempting toy. [01:31:26.680 --> 01:31:35.680] While the move is aimed at reducing childhood obesity, it always worries me when the government tells companies what they can and can't sell, especially when it comes to food. [01:31:35.680 --> 01:31:39.680] Leaving out the toys designed to make unhealthy food less appealing. [01:31:39.680 --> 01:31:42.680] But think about it, there are plenty of ways to do that. [01:31:42.680 --> 01:31:44.680] Today it's no toy to go with a happy meal. [01:31:44.680 --> 01:31:48.680] Tomorrow it could be that juicy sirloin steak served without a fork. [01:31:48.680 --> 01:31:53.680] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:31:53.680 --> 01:32:10.680] Music [01:32:10.680 --> 01:32:13.680] Alright folks, we are back. This is Rule of Law Radio. [01:32:13.680 --> 01:32:15.680] Eddie Craig, Debra Stevens, Randy Kelton. [01:32:15.680 --> 01:32:17.680] It is Monday night, traffic night. [01:32:17.680 --> 01:32:20.680] We have a couple callers still up on the board. [01:32:20.680 --> 01:32:23.680] Chuck, it turns out to be Becky. [01:32:23.680 --> 01:32:26.680] So Becky, how can we help you? [01:32:26.680 --> 01:32:28.680] Yeah, I was just calling to find out. [01:32:28.680 --> 01:32:31.680] TSA, there's a lot of stuff going on with TSA. [01:32:31.680 --> 01:32:33.680] I do a lot of traveling. [01:32:33.680 --> 01:32:36.680] I'd prefer not to get the full body scans. [01:32:36.680 --> 01:32:39.680] Is there any way I can avoid doing that? [01:32:39.680 --> 01:32:47.680] Sure, you can tell them you don't want to go through the scanner, but do be prepared to be hand held and molested while you don't go there. [01:32:47.680 --> 01:32:50.680] Yeah, they're putting their hands down people's pants now. [01:32:50.680 --> 01:32:53.680] I know, that's my question. Is there anything I can legally do about it? [01:32:53.680 --> 01:32:59.680] Well, we had a big, we had a show on TSA on Friday night, and basically this is the deal. [01:32:59.680 --> 01:33:06.680] You tell them that you, see you don't know that you're going to get pulled out of line to do the enhanced measures. [01:33:06.680 --> 01:33:08.680] I love their euphemisms, okay? [01:33:08.680 --> 01:33:11.680] But at any rate, you don't know that that's going to happen to you. [01:33:11.680 --> 01:33:17.680] But if they do pull you out of line, you can say you opt out of the scanners and then say, [01:33:17.680 --> 01:33:21.680] and also I'm not going to allow you to touch me inappropriately. [01:33:21.680 --> 01:33:24.680] You can't touch my breasts and you cannot touch my genital area. [01:33:24.680 --> 01:33:27.680] You can't touch my buttocks, all right? [01:33:27.680 --> 01:33:34.680] And then they'll probably call the police and try to kick you out of the airport or try to tell you that you have to do it. [01:33:34.680 --> 01:33:37.680] Are you familiar with the John Tyner story? [01:33:37.680 --> 01:33:39.680] Which one was that? [01:33:39.680 --> 01:33:42.680] This happened last week. This is big all over the place. [01:33:42.680 --> 01:33:45.680] This is on mainstream media all over Infowars and everything else. [01:33:45.680 --> 01:33:50.680] He refused to go to the scanner and he refused to be sexually assaulted either. [01:33:50.680 --> 01:33:58.680] And so they basically, after a big, long brouhaha, they had the police escort him out to the ticket counter to get a refund. [01:33:58.680 --> 01:34:01.680] And the American Airlines refunded his non-refundable ticket. [01:34:01.680 --> 01:34:07.680] So that was at least some kind of condolence on their part. [01:34:07.680 --> 01:34:14.680] At any rate, as he's about to leave, then some goon in a sports coat tells him that he has to go back to the screening area [01:34:14.680 --> 01:34:18.680] because you can't leave the screening area without completing the screening process. [01:34:18.680 --> 01:34:20.680] And it turned out to be a false detention. [01:34:20.680 --> 01:34:24.680] And finally he said, look, I've been cleared to go. [01:34:24.680 --> 01:34:26.680] So are you going to have me arrested by trying to leave? [01:34:26.680 --> 01:34:31.680] And they're like, no, but you could be liable for a $10,000 fine and a lawsuit. [01:34:31.680 --> 01:34:33.680] And so he said, you bring that suit. [01:34:33.680 --> 01:34:38.680] And he left the airport and now TSA is making this big stink in the meat about how they're going to go after him. [01:34:38.680 --> 01:34:45.680] And somehow I really doubt they're actually going to spend the money on lawyers to try to get a blood out of a turnip over something like this. [01:34:45.680 --> 01:34:48.680] But we just all have to stand up and fight this. [01:34:48.680 --> 01:34:56.680] And you just have to be prepared that when you refuse both, you're going to get escorted out of the airports at the least. [01:34:56.680 --> 01:34:59.680] And you may get sued at the most. [01:34:59.680 --> 01:35:06.680] And you just have to, this is, we all have to make this stand and you'll have to prepare your work schedule and stuff [01:35:06.680 --> 01:35:11.680] because if they do it to you on the way back home, then you'll have to take a train back home [01:35:11.680 --> 01:35:16.680] or you'll have to rent a car and drive, you know, or you can maybe try to board the plane the next day. [01:35:16.680 --> 01:35:19.680] I mean, this is the way that we have to travel now. [01:35:19.680 --> 01:35:24.680] I mean, making a stand for what's right is not always very convenient. [01:35:24.680 --> 01:35:29.680] Right. I just thought there was something more legal that I could be doing other than just... [01:35:29.680 --> 01:35:34.680] No, no, you just have to refuse both when you get to the airport and then try to sue them later [01:35:34.680 --> 01:35:42.680] and possibly defend yourself in a lawsuit later and be prepared to travel to get back home some other way. [01:35:42.680 --> 01:35:47.680] Or maybe even be prepared to not go on the trip at all if it happens on the way out. [01:35:47.680 --> 01:35:53.680] Yeah, if they actually do, you don't really have a claim of harm until they prevent you from completing your trip [01:35:53.680 --> 01:35:57.680] and harm you financially or physically about what they're doing. [01:35:57.680 --> 01:36:00.680] Until then, you wouldn't have any standing to do anything at all. [01:36:00.680 --> 01:36:08.680] I recently traveled and I refused to go through the standards because prior to this, I mean, I'm an attractive woman. [01:36:08.680 --> 01:36:09.680] I'm an attractive lady. [01:36:09.680 --> 01:36:14.680] So when I went through there, I mean, it was like even before this, I had trouble with guys checking me out. [01:36:14.680 --> 01:36:19.680] So why would I want to show my naked body now, the same pervert that was looking at me prior to this? [01:36:19.680 --> 01:36:26.680] And not only that, they admit that it's not just the women, TSA agents that search women. [01:36:26.680 --> 01:36:28.680] They're having men search women. [01:36:28.680 --> 01:36:34.680] And in fact, Jerry read some story about some goon that was pawing all over a 14-year-old girl. [01:36:34.680 --> 01:36:42.680] And then this other passenger who was unrelated, wasn't even traveling with this 14-year-old, [01:36:42.680 --> 01:36:48.680] just stepped out of the line and said, you know what, if you touch her breasts one more time, I'm going to kick your ass. [01:36:48.680 --> 01:36:52.680] And the guy and the TSA agent pulled out a taser like he was going to tase the guy, [01:36:52.680 --> 01:36:55.680] and then he just turned red in the face and then just took off from the security area. [01:36:55.680 --> 01:36:56.680] This is a TSA guy. [01:36:56.680 --> 01:37:00.680] So now we just have to make a stand, and that's all there is to it. [01:37:00.680 --> 01:37:04.680] We have to sacrifice traveling to see our families if necessary. [01:37:04.680 --> 01:37:07.680] We have to put our jobs on the line if necessary. [01:37:07.680 --> 01:37:11.680] It's either that or they're going to own us, folks. [01:37:11.680 --> 01:37:16.680] Right, but basically what you're saying, though, is just because they have an airport, if we fight them now, [01:37:16.680 --> 01:37:19.680] you're not going to later put them in the malls and the courthouses? [01:37:19.680 --> 01:37:24.680] I think if we stand up now that we can prevent them from putting them in the malls and the courthouses, [01:37:24.680 --> 01:37:27.680] there's already big trouble of them putting them in the courthouses. [01:37:27.680 --> 01:37:35.680] In fact, there was some district court, state district court in Denver that was sued over having the naked body scanners there [01:37:35.680 --> 01:37:37.680] because they violated state pornography laws. [01:37:37.680 --> 01:37:40.680] And so they're already taking them out of the courthouses there. [01:37:40.680 --> 01:37:47.680] Now we have to stand up, and we have to stand up now, or they're going to have the roaming, roving backscatter machines [01:37:47.680 --> 01:37:50.680] just driving up and down the streets, seeing into our houses. [01:37:50.680 --> 01:37:56.680] They're going to have iris scanners on the street corners, biometric data everywhere, [01:37:56.680 --> 01:37:59.680] taking our biometric data, tracking every move we make. [01:37:59.680 --> 01:38:05.680] They're not even going to need RFID anymore because your body itself is going to be your ID tag [01:38:05.680 --> 01:38:09.680] with all the advanced, extremely sophisticated biometric data that they've got now. [01:38:09.680 --> 01:38:12.680] And then they admit that they're trying to make people go through the naked body scanners [01:38:12.680 --> 01:38:16.680] because they want to establish this massive biometric database. [01:38:16.680 --> 01:38:18.680] So no, we have to say no. [01:38:18.680 --> 01:38:19.680] We have to put everything on the line. [01:38:19.680 --> 01:38:21.680] If we lose a job, we lose a job. [01:38:21.680 --> 01:38:23.680] If we don't get to see our family, we don't get to see our family. [01:38:23.680 --> 01:38:26.680] Okay, we have to say no, and we have to say no now. [01:38:26.680 --> 01:38:27.680] We have to be prepared not to travel. [01:38:27.680 --> 01:38:30.680] We have to be prepared to take extra time off of work if necessary. [01:38:30.680 --> 01:38:35.680] We have to be prepared for alternate travel means or just don't go. [01:38:35.680 --> 01:38:36.680] Okay. [01:38:36.680 --> 01:38:39.680] We have to be prepared to learn how to file lawsuits on our own [01:38:39.680 --> 01:38:42.680] and defend ourselves against the lawsuits on our own with jurisdictionary [01:38:42.680 --> 01:38:43.680] and these kinds of things. [01:38:43.680 --> 01:38:47.680] I mean, it's all coming down right now. [01:38:47.680 --> 01:38:51.680] This is the kind of stand we have to make, not playing games. [01:38:51.680 --> 01:38:52.680] Okay. [01:38:52.680 --> 01:38:53.680] All right, Becky? [01:38:53.680 --> 01:38:54.680] Thank you so much. [01:38:54.680 --> 01:38:55.680] Okay, Becky, thank you. [01:38:55.680 --> 01:38:58.680] And go back and listen to that archive with Sebel Edmonds from this past Friday. [01:38:58.680 --> 01:38:59.680] It was excellent. [01:38:59.680 --> 01:39:00.680] Yes, I will. [01:39:00.680 --> 01:39:01.680] I just thought there was more I could be doing. [01:39:01.680 --> 01:39:03.680] Not really, no, no. [01:39:03.680 --> 01:39:04.680] Okay. [01:39:04.680 --> 01:39:05.680] Okay, thanks. [01:39:05.680 --> 01:39:06.680] Thanks, Aaron. [01:39:06.680 --> 01:39:07.680] Thanks, Becky. [01:39:07.680 --> 01:39:08.680] Bye-bye. [01:39:08.680 --> 01:39:11.680] Okay, we have more callers on the board. [01:39:11.680 --> 01:39:14.680] We've got Tim in Texas. [01:39:14.680 --> 01:39:16.680] We're going to go to Tim. [01:39:16.680 --> 01:39:17.680] Thanks for calling in. [01:39:17.680 --> 01:39:19.680] What is on your mind tonight? [01:39:19.680 --> 01:39:20.680] Well, good evening, y'all. [01:39:20.680 --> 01:39:22.680] Eddie, forgive me for jumping off the traffic for a minute, [01:39:22.680 --> 01:39:26.680] but I just want to let you guys know on that TSA regulations, [01:39:26.680 --> 01:39:32.680] I spent about an hour the other night looking through the statutes online under TSA [01:39:32.680 --> 01:39:34.680] and looking under the Code of Federal Regulations, [01:39:34.680 --> 01:39:41.680] and I couldn't find anything that was prescribing a penalty to a passenger. [01:39:41.680 --> 01:39:47.680] Now, it wasn't obviously a very, I'm sure, a very comprehensive and totally thorough look, [01:39:47.680 --> 01:39:53.680] but I couldn't find anything where they actually were prescribing a penalty for us. [01:39:53.680 --> 01:40:00.680] There was penalties for TSA officials and for people who work at the airport. [01:40:00.680 --> 01:40:06.680] So maybe what we need to do is take a look and get them to produce what regulation [01:40:06.680 --> 01:40:10.680] or what statute would we be violating if we left the airport. [01:40:10.680 --> 01:40:14.680] Well, you know what, that's what John Tyner wants to know, [01:40:14.680 --> 01:40:17.680] and it wasn't for leaving the airport, it's for leaving the security area. [01:40:17.680 --> 01:40:19.680] That's what John Tyner wants to know. [01:40:19.680 --> 01:40:27.680] TSA did not mention any specific rule or regulation in their CFR concerning this 10,000, [01:40:27.680 --> 01:40:30.680] which is now they're going to say it's 11,000. [01:40:30.680 --> 01:40:34.680] I think it could just be making this up, who knows, but even John Tyner doesn't know. [01:40:34.680 --> 01:40:38.680] He hasn't been sued yet, but it could be a whole lot of hot air, [01:40:38.680 --> 01:40:41.680] and I haven't had time to research it yet, but thanks for looking into that, Tim. [01:40:41.680 --> 01:40:49.680] Yeah, we need to do a FOIA on the statute itself and the TSA's procedures manual, procedures and policies. [01:40:49.680 --> 01:40:53.680] Well, on Cornell University, you can look up CFRs and statutes. [01:40:53.680 --> 01:40:57.680] Well, I understand that, but we don't know what section we're looking for. [01:40:57.680 --> 01:40:59.680] We've got 65 million laws to look through. [01:40:59.680 --> 01:41:03.680] We need a FOIA to tell them specifically, or tell us specifically, [01:41:03.680 --> 01:41:07.680] what statute allows this action to take place. [01:41:07.680 --> 01:41:11.680] Right, but here's the other thing that I think we need to look at on this. [01:41:11.680 --> 01:41:15.680] The Congress passed the laws, which are codified in the statute, [01:41:15.680 --> 01:41:19.680] and then they assigned rulemaking authority to the TSA [01:41:19.680 --> 01:41:23.680] or the Secretary of Transportation to promulgate rules and regulations. [01:41:23.680 --> 01:41:28.680] And so we would need to look under the CFR to the corresponding title for that. [01:41:28.680 --> 01:41:31.680] Well, actually, we need to go to the Federal Register and find out what they published there, [01:41:31.680 --> 01:41:34.680] because the CFR is an abstract that puts in the Federal Register. [01:41:34.680 --> 01:41:40.680] Well, see, actually, when it comes to the CFR, depending on which title it is and what agency it is, [01:41:40.680 --> 01:41:43.680] like with the FCC, that has nothing to do with the Federal Registry. [01:41:43.680 --> 01:41:49.680] I mean, their Code of Federal Regulations sees the FCC was established under Title 47, [01:41:49.680 --> 01:41:54.680] and they were granted authority by Congress to establish their own Code of Regulations [01:41:54.680 --> 01:41:57.680] as a regulatory entity, as a regulatory body. [01:41:57.680 --> 01:42:02.680] And the FCC itself makes up a Code of Federal Regulations. [01:42:02.680 --> 01:42:04.680] It's called 47 CFR. [01:42:04.680 --> 01:42:06.680] It has to be in compliance with Title 47. [01:42:06.680 --> 01:42:08.680] It has nothing to do with the Federal Registry. [01:42:08.680 --> 01:42:11.680] You can just go look up 47 CFR and find their regulations. [01:42:11.680 --> 01:42:14.680] You know, the same thing might be with TSA. [01:42:14.680 --> 01:42:20.680] But would you agree that the FCC is an agency of the government? [01:42:20.680 --> 01:42:26.680] What is getting at is what we're talking about with the session laws versus the statutes. [01:42:26.680 --> 01:42:31.680] The Federal Register contains the actual session law registration [01:42:31.680 --> 01:42:34.680] that was enrolled and done by Congress when it passed. [01:42:34.680 --> 01:42:40.680] Then all the regulations that come after that have to be based upon the criteria of that law, [01:42:40.680 --> 01:42:42.680] including the CFR sections we're talking about. [01:42:42.680 --> 01:42:43.680] Right. [01:42:43.680 --> 01:42:47.680] And so what you can do is you can look into their CFR. [01:42:47.680 --> 01:42:55.680] First we need to find in their rules and regulations if the TSA even has a rule in their own CFR [01:42:55.680 --> 01:43:00.680] that says that they will charge people $11,000 if they leave the security area. [01:43:00.680 --> 01:43:04.680] First we have to even see if TSA even has such a rule because they may not. [01:43:04.680 --> 01:43:06.680] And then once we find that rule, [01:43:06.680 --> 01:43:11.680] then we need to cross-check that rule with the corresponding title or statutes [01:43:11.680 --> 01:43:14.680] to see if they have the authority to make such a rule. [01:43:14.680 --> 01:43:15.680] Because there's two different issues. [01:43:15.680 --> 01:43:16.680] They may not even have the rule. [01:43:16.680 --> 01:43:18.680] They may just be blowing hot air. [01:43:18.680 --> 01:43:19.680] Okay. [01:43:19.680 --> 01:43:28.680] But what I'm trying to get at here is that if Congress delegated rule-making authority to the agency, [01:43:28.680 --> 01:43:32.680] then they have to publish in the Federal Register under the Federal Register Act [01:43:32.680 --> 01:43:34.680] and under the Administrative Procedures Act. [01:43:34.680 --> 01:43:36.680] This is what Gary and Georgia talk about a lot. [01:43:36.680 --> 01:43:37.680] Yeah. [01:43:37.680 --> 01:43:38.680] Right. [01:43:38.680 --> 01:43:43.680] But, I mean, to me that's like deeper layers of the onion that we eventually get to. [01:43:43.680 --> 01:43:46.680] I mean, we have to start unpeeling the outer layers first. [01:43:46.680 --> 01:43:50.680] We don't even know if TSA even has such a rule. [01:43:50.680 --> 01:43:53.680] We don't even know what the statute or the code says right now [01:43:53.680 --> 01:43:55.680] because we haven't had a chance to research it yet. [01:43:55.680 --> 01:43:58.680] And then we start digging into the Register like you're saying. [01:43:58.680 --> 01:43:59.680] We'll be right back. [01:43:59.680 --> 01:44:06.680] More energy, stronger immune power, improved sense of well-being. [01:44:06.680 --> 01:44:10.680] How many supplements have you heard boast of these benefits? [01:44:10.680 --> 01:44:16.680] The team behind Centrition believes that supplements should over-deliver on their promises. [01:44:16.680 --> 01:44:19.680] And Centrition does just that. 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[01:45:45.680 --> 01:45:51.680] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:45:51.680 --> 01:45:54.680] pro se tactics, and much more. [01:45:54.680 --> 01:46:04.680] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:46:04.680 --> 01:46:16.680] MUSIC [01:46:16.680 --> 01:46:22.680] Maybe there's not a problem Where you're gonna put the law [01:46:22.680 --> 01:46:28.680] If you could not reach any battle would you put the fast-speed line [01:46:28.680 --> 01:46:31.680] Such a sentiment, a soldier, a warrior of love [01:46:31.680 --> 01:46:34.680] Scaffolding and keeping his ease [01:46:34.680 --> 01:46:37.680] All they're taking is a misunderstanding [01:46:37.680 --> 01:46:39.680] Somebody calls the police [01:46:39.680 --> 01:46:42.680] Watching the sparks fly [01:46:45.680 --> 01:46:48.680] Watching the sparks fly [01:46:51.680 --> 01:46:54.680] Watching the sparks fly [01:46:54.680 --> 01:46:57.680] Watching the sparks fly [01:47:00.680 --> 01:47:02.680] The friction is in the section [01:47:02.680 --> 01:47:05.680] The hard work can leave you cold as nails [01:47:05.680 --> 01:47:08.680] The man's hot to the deep, touch and quickly [01:47:08.680 --> 01:47:11.680] Heavy loads of tape and unscathed [01:47:11.680 --> 01:47:14.680] The time is coming with the guns in [01:47:14.680 --> 01:47:16.680] You find out how to walk [01:47:16.680 --> 01:47:19.680] Alright folks, we are back, Roll of Law Radio [01:47:19.680 --> 01:47:22.680] Okay, Stephen in the studio [01:47:22.680 --> 01:47:25.680] Okay, Stephen in Montana [01:47:25.680 --> 01:47:27.680] What do you have for us tonight? [01:47:27.680 --> 01:47:29.680] Oh, hi guys [01:47:29.680 --> 01:47:34.680] I have a question on a judgment I guess [01:47:34.680 --> 01:47:39.680] I sued a prosecutor a little while back [01:47:39.680 --> 01:47:41.680] I don't know if I have time to really get over [01:47:41.680 --> 01:47:43.680] what the cause of action was about [01:47:43.680 --> 01:47:44.680] Just short and sweet [01:47:44.680 --> 01:47:47.680] Just give me a cause of action [01:47:47.680 --> 01:47:48.680] You sued him for? [01:47:48.680 --> 01:47:51.680] Well, there's something I got off from David Merland [01:47:51.680 --> 01:47:55.680] What it is was an unlawful detainer of personal property [01:47:55.680 --> 01:47:59.680] And what it was is they called me a paper terrorist [01:47:59.680 --> 01:48:02.680] And so I sued him for the definition of it [01:48:02.680 --> 01:48:04.680] And I wanted to know what it was [01:48:04.680 --> 01:48:07.680] so that I could refrain from being a paper terrorist [01:48:07.680 --> 01:48:11.680] Well, they call anybody that files an excessive amount [01:48:11.680 --> 01:48:14.680] of motions or paperwork in any type of proceeding [01:48:14.680 --> 01:48:18.680] or they act in paper and writings to affect [01:48:18.680 --> 01:48:21.680] the way government operations are being handled [01:48:21.680 --> 01:48:25.680] Once they get the idea that your intent is to make them [01:48:25.680 --> 01:48:27.680] do something they don't normally do [01:48:27.680 --> 01:48:29.680] even if it means complying with law [01:48:29.680 --> 01:48:32.680] they will try to get you declared a paper terrorist [01:48:32.680 --> 01:48:34.680] so they can criminally charge you and come after you for that [01:48:34.680 --> 01:48:38.680] so they can prevent you from filing anything else through injunction [01:48:38.680 --> 01:48:40.680] True, correct, I understand that [01:48:40.680 --> 01:48:42.680] And so to counteract that was what I did [01:48:42.680 --> 01:48:44.680] is I wanted to know what it was [01:48:44.680 --> 01:48:47.680] and I wanted them to tell me how I was outside of the law [01:48:47.680 --> 01:48:49.680] So I sued them for it [01:48:49.680 --> 01:48:54.680] And the definition of property are your rights [01:48:54.680 --> 01:48:56.680] So I told them I had a right to know what it meant [01:48:56.680 --> 01:48:59.680] so that I could not be one [01:48:59.680 --> 01:49:02.680] So as a fair warning doctrine or whatever [01:49:02.680 --> 01:49:05.680] I need to know because it's not in law anywhere [01:49:05.680 --> 01:49:07.680] So I sued them for it, tried to do it [01:49:07.680 --> 01:49:10.680] and then they didn't get it [01:49:10.680 --> 01:49:15.680] They came back with prosecutorial immunity defense [01:49:15.680 --> 01:49:17.680] Anyways, the judge dismissed [01:49:17.680 --> 01:49:20.680] Now in his conclusion or his order [01:49:20.680 --> 01:49:22.680] after he reviewed the two motions [01:49:22.680 --> 01:49:25.680] or my complaint and their motion and my response [01:49:25.680 --> 01:49:29.680] he ordered the case to be dismissed with prejudice [01:49:29.680 --> 01:49:31.680] and then he said the defendants, which is the prosecutors, [01:49:31.680 --> 01:49:34.680] are awarded their costs [01:49:34.680 --> 01:49:37.680] That was in that case, that was after all [01:49:37.680 --> 01:49:39.680] It says, well here's what it says [01:49:39.680 --> 01:49:40.680] It says, now therefore it is hereby ordered [01:49:40.680 --> 01:49:42.680] the defendant's motion to be dismissed as granted [01:49:42.680 --> 01:49:44.680] and the case is dismissed with prejudice [01:49:44.680 --> 01:49:46.680] The defendants are awarded their costs [01:49:46.680 --> 01:49:48.680] That was dated November 16th [01:49:48.680 --> 01:49:50.680] And then all of a sudden I just got in the mail today [01:49:50.680 --> 01:49:52.680] After that came up [01:49:52.680 --> 01:49:54.680] I put a big old stink on the website [01:49:54.680 --> 01:49:56.680] in the Farrer Lincoln County or Farrer County [01:49:56.680 --> 01:49:59.680] I put a big old stink about how I didn't have a right to know [01:49:59.680 --> 01:50:02.680] and I told them how it was a reciprocal [01:50:02.680 --> 01:50:05.680] It was a reciprocal ruling that if they don't have a duty to tell me [01:50:05.680 --> 01:50:08.680] call me names, then it's a reciprocal obligation [01:50:08.680 --> 01:50:10.680] I can call them anything I want to [01:50:10.680 --> 01:50:12.680] and I don't have to tell them what I mean [01:50:12.680 --> 01:50:16.680] So I went on to that and I just made a stink online on a blog [01:50:16.680 --> 01:50:19.680] Then today I came back and they ordered, it says, a judgment [01:50:19.680 --> 01:50:22.680] It says, on November 16th, 2010, the court issued an order [01:50:22.680 --> 01:50:24.680] granting defendants' motion to dismiss [01:50:24.680 --> 01:50:27.680] and dismissing plaintiffs' complaint with prejudice [01:50:27.680 --> 01:50:30.680] It is hereby ordered a judge to decree that plaintiffs take [01:50:30.680 --> 01:50:34.680] for nothing from defendant and that this case be dismissed with prejudice [01:50:34.680 --> 01:50:38.680] So does that mean, now since they submitted that second judgment [01:50:38.680 --> 01:50:42.680] and it didn't state that I had to pay them their costs? [01:50:42.680 --> 01:50:43.680] That's not a second judgment [01:50:43.680 --> 01:50:48.680] If you were the plaintiff, what the judge said is that [01:50:48.680 --> 01:50:51.680] if they incurred any cost in defending against your suit [01:50:51.680 --> 01:50:53.680] you're going to have to pay it to them [01:50:53.680 --> 01:50:57.680] and he dismissed it with prejudice so that you cannot refile it [01:50:57.680 --> 01:50:59.680] Right [01:50:59.680 --> 01:51:04.680] But then he sent another judgment just two days after the first judgment [01:51:04.680 --> 01:51:06.680] and then he says that I just don't owe them nothing [01:51:06.680 --> 01:51:08.680] but he never said nothing about the cost that I have to pay them [01:51:08.680 --> 01:51:09.680] Well, now wait a minute [01:51:09.680 --> 01:51:12.680] How do you get that he says that you owe them nothing? [01:51:12.680 --> 01:51:14.680] It said, plaintiffs shall take nothing from defendant [01:51:14.680 --> 01:51:16.680] Isn't that what you just read? [01:51:16.680 --> 01:51:17.680] Yeah [01:51:17.680 --> 01:51:18.680] You're the plaintiff [01:51:18.680 --> 01:51:21.680] In other words, you're not going to collect anything from them [01:51:21.680 --> 01:51:26.680] but that they are allowed to collect from you [01:51:26.680 --> 01:51:30.680] Oh [01:51:30.680 --> 01:51:34.680] So the second one doesn't overrule the first one? [01:51:34.680 --> 01:51:38.680] It sounds more like a reaffirmation if he messed up on the first one or something [01:51:38.680 --> 01:51:44.680] but in any case, they now get to take money from you for defending the suit that you filed [01:51:44.680 --> 01:51:45.680] Right [01:51:45.680 --> 01:51:49.680] The problem here is you already know the judge is hosing you over by what he did [01:51:49.680 --> 01:51:51.680] Mm-hmm [01:51:51.680 --> 01:51:52.680] Okay [01:51:52.680 --> 01:51:55.680] On what grounds did the judge dismiss the suit would be my first question [01:51:55.680 --> 01:51:58.680] I would file a findings of facts and conclusions of law [01:51:58.680 --> 01:52:04.680] demanding why you dismissed this and what law you're relying on to give you grounds to do so [01:52:04.680 --> 01:52:09.680] Well, it's three pages brief and it's basically prosecutorial immunity [01:52:09.680 --> 01:52:13.680] saying that the prosecutors, when they called me a paper terrorist [01:52:13.680 --> 01:52:17.680] that they were acting within the scope of their duties [01:52:17.680 --> 01:52:18.680] Really? [01:52:18.680 --> 01:52:21.680] Where's paper terrorism defined in law? [01:52:21.680 --> 01:52:22.680] Exactly [01:52:22.680 --> 01:52:24.680] Well, that's what I wanted to know what the whole suit was about [01:52:24.680 --> 01:52:27.680] Give me the definition, where is it? [01:52:27.680 --> 01:52:30.680] I need to know so I don't be one [01:52:30.680 --> 01:52:31.680] Right [01:52:31.680 --> 01:52:34.680] Yeah, but right now it's against you [01:52:34.680 --> 01:52:36.680] Mm-hmm, exactly [01:52:36.680 --> 01:52:39.680] So I'm not sure what to do about it [01:52:39.680 --> 01:52:42.680] Keep reading and researching [01:52:42.680 --> 01:52:46.680] What you can do, I don't know what you can do when it's dismissal prejudice [01:52:46.680 --> 01:52:52.680] other than demand a motion for rehearing or a motion of mandamus [01:52:52.680 --> 01:52:56.680] or determination based upon the immunity argument [01:52:56.680 --> 01:53:04.680] I don't see how they can have immunity for defamation of character even under an official capacity [01:53:04.680 --> 01:53:08.680] They came up with a restatement second of torts section in there [01:53:08.680 --> 01:53:12.680] where it said prosecutors were immune from defamation [01:53:12.680 --> 01:53:19.680] I can't remember what section the restatement second of torts is in [01:53:19.680 --> 01:53:26.680] Because they said that communication within pleadings are privileged [01:53:26.680 --> 01:53:31.680] And is that how he defines you in the pleading? [01:53:31.680 --> 01:53:32.680] Yeah [01:53:32.680 --> 01:53:34.680] Well, then make the accusation back to them [01:53:34.680 --> 01:53:39.680] that they're paper terrorists filing false complaints against people for the sake of revenue generation [01:53:39.680 --> 01:53:41.680] Play their game [01:53:41.680 --> 01:53:43.680] Yeah, that's what I was just planning on doing [01:53:43.680 --> 01:53:46.680] I'll just go on my next pleading and just say [01:53:46.680 --> 01:53:49.680] Defendants are plaintiffs here and after paper terrorists [01:53:49.680 --> 01:53:52.680] and I'll just call them paper terrorists all the way through the whole document [01:53:52.680 --> 01:53:53.680] Right [01:53:53.680 --> 01:53:55.680] If they can call me one, then I can call them one [01:53:55.680 --> 01:54:00.680] If I don't have no recourse or even know what it is, then neither do they [01:54:00.680 --> 01:54:01.680] Right [01:54:01.680 --> 01:54:02.680] Okay, is there anything else? [01:54:02.680 --> 01:54:03.680] Nope, thanks [01:54:03.680 --> 01:54:04.680] Alright, thank you [01:54:04.680 --> 01:54:05.680] Okay, thanks Stephen [01:54:05.680 --> 01:54:08.680] Alright, and I want to make another comment on this TSA stuff [01:54:08.680 --> 01:54:13.680] and like how to research this stuff and relating it with the FCC [01:54:13.680 --> 01:54:19.680] Okay, in some cases it's not really necessary to go digging into the registry [01:54:19.680 --> 01:54:24.680] into the Federal Register like that because like with the FCC [01:54:24.680 --> 01:54:26.680] there's only one statute that applies [01:54:26.680 --> 01:54:28.680] There's only one enactment that applies [01:54:28.680 --> 01:54:30.680] Title 47, that's it [01:54:30.680 --> 01:54:31.680] Nothing else applies [01:54:31.680 --> 01:54:34.680] You can go to Cornell University and you can read through Title 47 [01:54:34.680 --> 01:54:40.680] There's not a bunch of legislative enactments that have been conglomerated together in some code [01:54:40.680 --> 01:54:44.680] and then you have to go into the Federal Register to research [01:54:44.680 --> 01:54:50.680] and actually read all these Congressional enactments that were used to comprise this code [01:54:50.680 --> 01:54:53.680] Okay, that's not the way it is with the FCC in Title 47 [01:54:53.680 --> 01:54:56.680] There's one enactment, Title 47, that's it [01:54:56.680 --> 01:55:01.680] It created the FCC and then the FCC was granted authority by Title 47 [01:55:01.680 --> 01:55:08.680] the only enactment that gives them the authority to do certain things and to set certain rules [01:55:08.680 --> 01:55:12.680] and then the FCC makes rules and regulations [01:55:12.680 --> 01:55:18.680] and it's called the Code of Federal Regulations, it's called the 47 CFR [01:55:18.680 --> 01:55:22.680] It's the Code of Federal Regulations that the FCC makes up [01:55:22.680 --> 01:55:25.680] that they are authorized to do under Title 47 [01:55:25.680 --> 01:55:29.680] Now their rules and regulations have to be in compliance with Title 47 [01:55:29.680 --> 01:55:32.680] They can't step outside the boundaries of the authority granted to them [01:55:32.680 --> 01:55:36.680] Now it looks like with TSA, it looks like it's a similar situation [01:55:36.680 --> 01:55:41.680] I just got an email from someone saying that on November 19th of 01 [01:55:41.680 --> 01:55:47.680] Congress enacted the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, ATSA [01:55:47.680 --> 01:55:54.680] which created TSA and transferred authority for enforcement of civil aviation security [01:55:54.680 --> 01:55:57.680] from the FAA to TSA [01:55:57.680 --> 01:56:00.680] Okay, so it looks like with the TSA it's the same thing [01:56:00.680 --> 01:56:05.680] I don't think it's going to be necessary for us to go digging through a bunch of, you know [01:56:05.680 --> 01:56:10.680] enactments that have been comprised into some code [01:56:10.680 --> 01:56:12.680] and we need to go back and read all these enactments [01:56:12.680 --> 01:56:15.680] It looks like it's a similar situation as with the FCC [01:56:15.680 --> 01:56:19.680] There's one enactment, this Aviation and Transportation Security Act [01:56:19.680 --> 01:56:21.680] so we need to read through that [01:56:21.680 --> 01:56:28.680] We need to find out if there's a corresponding Code of Federal Regulations that has been set up by TSA [01:56:28.680 --> 01:56:33.680] because TSA may have never written up a Code of Federal Regulations [01:56:33.680 --> 01:56:36.680] I mean the FCC wrote up 47 CFR [01:56:36.680 --> 01:56:41.680] but I don't know if TSA even has a specific set of rules and regulations [01:56:41.680 --> 01:56:44.680] they could just be doing whatever they want all the time [01:56:44.680 --> 01:56:47.680] and so that's where we need to research there [01:56:47.680 --> 01:56:51.680] so I just wanted to make that announcement there concerning the research [01:56:51.680 --> 01:56:55.680] It doesn't look like it's going to be necessary to go dig into the, you know [01:56:55.680 --> 01:56:58.680] tracing down and hunting down a bunch of different enactments [01:56:58.680 --> 01:57:01.680] It looks like there's only one similar with the FCC [01:57:01.680 --> 01:57:06.680] Okay, we've got Mike from Texas coming up [01:57:06.680 --> 01:57:09.680] We've only got a minute and 50 seconds left [01:57:09.680 --> 01:57:11.680] Mike, thanks for calling in [01:57:11.680 --> 01:57:14.680] We don't have much time, what have you got? [01:57:14.680 --> 01:57:20.680] Well, I went to the Police Department and got an APD press report for my case [01:57:20.680 --> 01:57:23.680] and I just wanted to put this out in the air for my safety [01:57:23.680 --> 01:57:29.680] It appears from this cause number that the complaintant was Patty Robinson [01:57:29.680 --> 01:57:32.680] She's Assistant Chief of Police for City of Austin [01:57:32.680 --> 01:57:40.680] and she made a report at 3 in the morning the day of my trial [01:57:40.680 --> 01:57:46.680] and so I don't know what this means but it looks like they were making the complaint [01:57:46.680 --> 01:57:49.680] She made a report or a complaint? [01:57:49.680 --> 01:57:53.680] Well, they say something occurred at 3 in the morning [01:57:53.680 --> 01:57:55.680] It was reported at 3 in the morning [01:57:55.680 --> 01:58:01.680] The offense was check welfare so it sounds like that's an immediate command [01:58:01.680 --> 01:58:06.680] and it originated from the Assistant Chief of Police [01:58:06.680 --> 01:58:10.680] and I just wanted to put that out there [01:58:10.680 --> 01:58:13.680] Okay, we're going to talk about this tomorrow on Thursday [01:58:13.680 --> 01:58:15.680] Alright, Mike, hang in there [01:58:15.680 --> 01:58:16.680] Yeah, hang in there, Mike [01:58:16.680 --> 01:58:18.680] You're doing some good work [01:58:18.680 --> 01:58:19.680] Thank you [01:58:19.680 --> 01:58:21.680] Okay, sorry folks, we're out of time [01:58:21.680 --> 01:58:24.680] Doug from Texas, you'll have to call back in on Thursday [01:58:24.680 --> 01:58:27.680] This is the Rule of Law, ruleoflawradio.com [01:58:27.680 --> 01:58:30.680] Folks, don't forget Eddie's seminar this Saturday [01:58:30.680 --> 01:58:35.680] Brave New Books, 3 to 6, every Saturday till the end of the year, right Eddie? [01:58:35.680 --> 01:58:37.680] Yes ma'am, other than December 11th [01:58:37.680 --> 01:58:39.680] Other than December 11th, okay, wonderful [01:58:39.680 --> 01:58:41.680] Alright folks, we'll see you on Thursday [01:58:41.680 --> 01:58:55.680] Y'all have a very blessed night [01:59:11.680 --> 01:59:12.680] I'm dangerous [01:59:12.680 --> 01:59:15.680] If you are a Chucky [01:59:15.680 --> 01:59:20.680] It's no matter Chucky from me [01:59:20.680 --> 01:59:23.680] If you are a Chucky from Chucky [01:59:23.680 --> 01:59:28.680] It's no matter Chucky from me [01:59:28.680 --> 01:59:30.680] I'm like a stepping razor [01:59:30.680 --> 01:59:31.680] Watch my sides [01:59:31.680 --> 01:59:33.680] I'm dangerous [01:59:33.680 --> 01:59:35.680] I'm dangerous [01:59:35.680 --> 01:59:37.680] I'm like a stepping razor [01:59:37.680 --> 01:59:39.680] Watch my sides [01:59:39.680 --> 01:59:41.680] I'm dangerous [01:59:41.680 --> 01:59:42.680] I'm dangerous [01:59:42.680 --> 01:59:45.680] If you eat out of my balls [01:59:45.680 --> 01:59:49.680] It's the truth, it's the truth [01:59:49.680 --> 01:59:53.680] It's the truth, let's move [01:59:53.680 --> 02:00:09.680] Feel better, feel good