[00:00.000 --> 00:09.520] The far right made sweeping gains in Sweden this weekend, winning seats in parliament [00:09.520 --> 00:11.060] for the first time. [00:11.060 --> 00:15.080] The Sweden Democrats who describe Islam as the greatest threat the country has faced [00:15.080 --> 00:21.880] since World War II won 20 seats, leaving Sweden's two mainstream parties without a majority. [00:21.880 --> 00:28.000] Critics say the SD's victory is part of a growing anti-immigrant tide in Europe. [00:28.000 --> 00:31.720] British members of parliament are delaying any decision regarding the Trident nuclear [00:31.720 --> 00:36.120] system, a hot button issue, until 2015 elections. [00:36.120 --> 00:41.480] Trident consists of four nuclear-armed submarines, one of which is on patrol at all times. [00:41.480 --> 00:46.280] Trident remains one of the main policy differences, dividing Tories and Liberal Democrats who [00:46.280 --> 00:53.680] had agreed to renew the programme as the price for forming the coalition government. [00:53.680 --> 00:58.640] The volume of shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange in August fell 30% from the [00:58.640 --> 00:59.640] year before. [00:59.640 --> 01:04.960] Worldwide, the number of stock offerings was down 15% from this time last year, while bond [01:04.960 --> 01:06.440] issues were down 25%. [01:06.440 --> 01:11.560] One of the few money makers on Wall Street currently are junk bonds, bonds rated below [01:11.560 --> 01:18.000] investment grades that yield high returns despite the high risk of default. [01:18.000 --> 01:23.280] The website Truthout says top Afghanistan commander General David Petraeus' forecasts [01:23.280 --> 01:29.480] of what would happen in Afghanistan in mid-2011 contradicts Barack Obama's intention to begin [01:29.480 --> 01:32.000] a troop withdrawal by that date. [01:32.000 --> 01:37.160] Truthout claims Petraeus' new line is a brazen bait-and-switch manoeuvre by the most powerful [01:37.160 --> 01:40.720] military commander in modern US history. [01:40.720 --> 01:45.200] Truthout adds it represents a new stage in the process by which Petraeus, abetted by [01:45.200 --> 01:50.320] Secretary of Defence Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, has appropriated [01:50.320 --> 01:56.080] much of the power over decisions on war policy that rightly belongs to the commander in chief. [01:56.080 --> 02:01.480] Obama agreed to the troop surge for Afghanistan last November on condition Petraeus and the [02:01.480 --> 02:06.880] Pentagon agreed to begin handing over real responsibility for security to the Afghan [02:06.880 --> 02:13.400] army and begin a real drawdown of US troops by July 2011. [02:13.400 --> 02:18.920] In July 2006, an employee of the Lewis Burger Group, a contractor handling some of the most [02:18.920 --> 02:25.520] important US rebuilding projects in Afghanistan, handed feral investigators explosive evidence [02:25.520 --> 02:28.760] to company with systematically overbilling US taxpayers. [02:28.760 --> 02:34.560] However, neither the whistleblower's computer disk full of incriminating documents nor allegations [02:34.560 --> 02:40.360] of waste, fraud and shoddy construction prevented Lewis Burger from continuing to reap hundreds [02:40.360 --> 02:43.040] of millions of dollars in federal contracts. [02:43.040 --> 02:47.760] In fact, two months after the government learned of the employee's allegations, the Agency [02:47.760 --> 02:54.000] for International Development tapped Lewis Burger to oversee another $1.4 billion in reconstruction [02:54.000 --> 03:21.960] contracts in Afghanistan. [03:21.960 --> 03:27.360] cfrl.com [03:51.960 --> 03:57.960] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [03:57.960 --> 04:02.960] When you were eight and you had bad traits You'd go to school and learn the golden rule [04:02.960 --> 04:08.960] So why are you acting like a bloody fool? If you get high then you might get cool [04:08.960 --> 04:13.960] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [04:13.960 --> 04:19.960] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [04:19.960 --> 04:24.960] You chuck it on that one, you chuck it on this one You chuck it on your mother and you chuck it on your father [04:24.960 --> 04:27.960] You chuck it on your brother and you chuck it on your slither [04:27.960 --> 04:29.960] We chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me! [04:29.960 --> 04:35.960] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [04:35.960 --> 04:41.960] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [04:41.960 --> 04:46.960] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? [04:46.960 --> 04:55.680] Alright folks, good evening. This is Eddie Craig. This is also Rule of Law Radio with [04:55.680 --> 05:00.920] Deborah Stevens. Tonight we're going to be talking about traffic laws and such as we [05:00.920 --> 05:05.200] normally do, but there is some information that I'd like to discuss on there with you [05:05.200 --> 05:10.960] folks because it's something we're hearing an awful lot about right now. And I find it [05:10.960 --> 05:18.760] to be a self-serving distortion by state and local governments in virtually every state [05:18.760 --> 05:25.720] we have. And it has to do with the issue of states' rights. Everybody's heard the term [05:25.720 --> 05:35.280] states' rights, and I just want to clarify exactly what that is and what it isn't, okay? [05:35.280 --> 05:40.240] I really don't think that these people in government understand the term or the context [05:40.240 --> 05:47.040] that it's being used in when they say states' rights. Usually you'll hear it at town hall [05:47.040 --> 05:52.920] meetings and other political gatherings and such where the politicians are saying, well, [05:52.920 --> 05:56.960] the states have the right of this and the states have the right of that, and the government [05:56.960 --> 06:01.840] of the state has the right to, and that's the problem, I do believe, is that they are [06:01.840 --> 06:08.680] equating the term states' rights automatically with the term government rights. And that's [06:08.680 --> 06:15.120] not at all the case. And I'll tell you what I mean here. I've worked out three possible [06:15.120 --> 06:23.280] contexts in which the term states' rights or the state itself even actually exists within. [06:23.280 --> 06:30.280] In the first context, the state is the actual physical land or soil within a specific delineation [06:30.280 --> 06:38.280] of geographical borders. Now, let me ask you, can soil have rights? Does land have rights? [06:38.280 --> 06:45.280] Can land or soil make choices, decisions, or exercise free will? Can it be sold into [06:45.280 --> 06:51.520] slavery or placed in indentured servitude? Does land or soil have consciousness, specifically [06:51.520 --> 06:59.440] is it self-aware? Simple answer to that is no. It cannot and it is not, okay? So right [06:59.440 --> 07:06.840] off the bat, land or soil or the borders of Texas and its physical being as far as that [07:06.840 --> 07:15.000] land or soil goes cannot and does not have rights, okay? So for later reference, we'll [07:15.000 --> 07:22.560] just call that the geographical state, the actual physical land, the geographical state. [07:22.560 --> 07:29.360] Now, in another context, the state is actually nothing more than a political legal entity, [07:29.360 --> 07:35.320] and it's an entity by which a particular people or government is known in the general sense [07:35.320 --> 07:42.680] by the rest of the world. For example, the people in France may refer to Texas, but are [07:42.680 --> 07:46.840] they talking about the people of Texas or are they talking about the government of Texas [07:46.840 --> 07:53.760] or are they talking about the actual geographical state of Texas? It all depends upon the context [07:53.760 --> 07:59.920] of the reference that they're making, but in any case, we'll call that the political [07:59.920 --> 08:07.040] state, okay? And in the political state, can a governmental legal fiction, if we're referring [08:07.040 --> 08:13.000] to it in the government context, can a government that is nothing more than a legal fiction [08:13.000 --> 08:20.240] have rights? I mean, we created it. Where did it get rights from? How would it acquire [08:20.240 --> 08:26.480] rights? Would it get them through birth or through primogeniture, okay? How would it [08:26.480 --> 08:33.960] get rights? And from what supreme source are these rights to be obtained or passed down? [08:33.960 --> 08:39.400] So logically speaking, in this context, a state, which is nothing more than a legal [08:39.400 --> 08:47.480] fiction created by political delegation and assignment by we the people, has powers that [08:47.480 --> 08:54.080] we the people granted, and because we granted them, they are not rights. They are specific [08:54.080 --> 09:00.120] privileges, okay? We granted it. We can take it away. That makes it a privilege, not a [09:00.120 --> 09:08.360] right. Now, we also have the third context, which is a cohesive society of people, and [09:08.360 --> 09:14.920] those people are joined together by not only political bonds, but also by birthplace, assertion, [09:14.920 --> 09:20.640] and most importantly, we're joined together by choice and consent. The people that comprise [09:20.640 --> 09:26.480] Texas, I mean, I'm one of them. I proudly go out and say, hey, I'm a Texan, or some [09:26.480 --> 09:32.360] people refer to themselves as Texians in the old fashioned term, and it's all a matter [09:32.360 --> 09:37.080] of personal preference, but we're proud to be from Texas. We're proud to be where we're [09:37.080 --> 09:45.000] from and who we are, okay? We choose Texas because we want to live here, we want to work [09:45.000 --> 09:50.640] here, we like to play here, we want to raise a family here. It's just where we want to [09:50.640 --> 09:58.000] live, okay? And it's how we choose to be known, and we'll just simply refer to this context [09:58.000 --> 10:02.920] as the people of Texas, simply because that's what we're discussing in that context, is [10:02.920 --> 10:09.080] the people of Texas. Now, one would think that it would be axiomatic that the people [10:09.080 --> 10:15.840] of Texas have all the rights, and only we can grant the various levels of government [10:15.840 --> 10:21.880] within Texas any power and authority whatsoever. We're the only ones that can do it. The government [10:21.880 --> 10:29.440] does not exist without us, okay? We had to create it. It didn't, it was not born of anything [10:29.440 --> 10:35.640] natural. It was not given birth of anything natural in any way, shape, or form. It was [10:35.640 --> 10:41.880] created by the will and the authority of we, the people. Now, that's not just true of Texas. [10:41.880 --> 10:47.520] That's true of every state of the union. That's true of the federal government itself. Without [10:47.520 --> 10:52.640] the will and consent of the people, none of these legal entities, these political states [10:52.640 --> 11:02.880] exist, okay? They just don't. And because they wouldn't, if what we had to do to create [11:02.880 --> 11:08.400] them was to set out the particular rules and authorities that we were going to grant to [11:08.400 --> 11:13.560] them. And we did this through the means of a constitution, right? We all know that. That's [11:13.560 --> 11:20.760] what the constitution does. The constitution does not grant any rights to the people. It [11:20.760 --> 11:29.120] only grants powers and authorities that we, the people, choose and consent to delegate [11:29.120 --> 11:36.800] to the government authority. And the limitation on the government authority within that constitution [11:36.800 --> 11:44.720] is only the authority that we give to them as the people. They are forbidden by the declaration [11:44.720 --> 11:50.600] of the words of the constitution itself to exercise any power and authority that either [11:50.600 --> 11:58.760] A, we did not specifically give them, or B, is not absolutely an ancillary to the powers [11:58.760 --> 12:06.440] we did give them. Now, let's go into an example here real quick. The Texas constitution, after [12:06.440 --> 12:15.320] many amendments, gave the government the authority to incorporate municipalities, okay? And that's [12:15.320 --> 12:22.920] under the general powers in Article 16. Now, through this incorporation of municipalities, [12:22.920 --> 12:28.640] the state attempted to delegate some of the power and authority that we, the people, gave [12:28.640 --> 12:39.360] to it. However, we did not give them the authority to delegate every power or to exercise every [12:39.360 --> 12:46.320] authority that we gave to the state government. We only gave them the specific authority that [12:46.320 --> 12:52.160] the constitution says we gave them for the purpose of incorporating cities. Now, you [12:52.160 --> 12:58.400] will also notice in that section dealing with the incorporation of cities within the constitution [12:58.400 --> 13:05.160] that there is no delegation in there for the creation of extra types of law enforcement [13:05.160 --> 13:11.440] officers such as police departments. There is no authority granted in there for that. [13:11.440 --> 13:17.680] So where did the legislature presume to get it? And how then did they bestow it upon a [13:17.680 --> 13:27.320] lower order of legal entity when they themselves didn't possess the power? You can't give away [13:27.320 --> 13:37.120] something you don't have. You can't delegate something you don't have. So how did the state [13:37.120 --> 13:43.320] grant authority to a municipality to create a type of law enforcement agency other than [13:43.320 --> 13:48.000] the one the people set forth in the constitution such as the Office of Sheriff, Constable and [13:48.000 --> 13:55.000] Deputy Sheriff? That's the only law enforcement that's mentioned in our constitution. Okay? [13:55.000 --> 14:02.960] But that's just one example we're talking about here. Now, needless to say, if the constitution [14:02.960 --> 14:10.160] doesn't grant them the authority, they do not possess it. So my premise for this is [14:10.160 --> 14:17.440] that the government may only do the things that we gave them specific consent to do. [14:17.440 --> 14:25.600] And when it comes to the state's rights, the state is the people. It is that third context [14:25.600 --> 14:33.440] we're talking about. The rights are the individual rights of the people that make up that state [14:33.440 --> 14:42.280] by its physical accountability in its population. Okay? The state's rights are the same rights [14:42.280 --> 14:49.880] that we the people as individuals have. The state itself is not a separate entity with [14:49.880 --> 14:56.200] its own set of rights. It's a political entity that we created and we specifically prohibited [14:56.200 --> 15:01.480] other states from having any direct authority over or the federal government from having [15:01.480 --> 15:09.480] any direct authority over. But the people that comprise the state, it would be idiotic [15:09.480 --> 15:20.680] hence why government espouses it I would suppose, to presume or to assert that the people don't [15:20.680 --> 15:28.160] have any of those individual rights. How could the government get them if we don't have them? [15:28.160 --> 15:34.600] How could we give them away to government? We didn't. They've been stolen. They've been [15:34.600 --> 15:40.600] usurped. Okay? And that's where our current state of oppression is coming from from these [15:40.600 --> 15:47.000] people in the form of the driver's license, the traffic laws, this necessity of having [15:47.000 --> 15:52.520] a business license when you're engaging in an activity that is not regulatable by the [15:52.520 --> 15:59.320] state, something that you can do as a matter of rights such as legal counsel, for instance. [15:59.320 --> 16:05.160] Okay? These are the things that we each and everyone have the proper power and authority [16:05.160 --> 16:12.880] to do in and for ourselves. I don't have the right and authority to act in place of any [16:12.880 --> 16:21.640] one of you for any purpose unless you make a specific grant of such authority to me. [16:21.640 --> 16:27.360] I can't go and sell any man's property without his consent and acknowledgement and without [16:27.360 --> 16:36.560] an empowerment by him to act in his stead to do that sale. Okay, that's the break music. [16:36.560 --> 16:41.200] We will take a short break. This is Eddie Craig, Deborah Stevens, rule of law radio. [16:41.200 --> 17:02.520] It is traffic night. Hang in there, folks, and we will be right back. [17:02.520 --> 17:05.920] Capital Coin and Bullion is your local source for rare coins, precious metals, and coin [17:05.920 --> 17:10.600] supplies in the Austin metro area. We also ship worldwide. We are a family-owned and [17:10.600 --> 17:14.720] operated business that offers competitive prices on your coin and metal purchases. We [17:14.720 --> 17:19.400] buy, sell, trade, and consign rare coins, gold and silver coin collections, precious [17:19.400 --> 17:24.080] metals, and scrap gold. We purchase and sell gold and jewelry items. We offer daily specials [17:24.080 --> 17:29.720] on coins and bullion. We are located at 5448 Burnett Road, Suite 3 at the corner of Burnett [17:29.720 --> 17:34.800] and Schoenmark, and we're open Mondays and Fridays, 10 to 6, Saturdays, 10 to 5. You [17:34.800 --> 17:41.560] are welcome to stop in our shop during regular business hours or call 512-646-6440 with any [17:41.560 --> 17:46.040] questions. Ask for Chad and say you heard about us on rule of law radio or Texas Liberty [17:46.040 --> 17:50.000] Radio. That's Capital Coin and Bullion at the corner of Burnett and Schoenmark, and [17:50.000 --> 17:55.320] we're open Mondays and Fridays, 10 to 6, Saturdays, 10 to 5. That's Capital Coin and Bullion, [17:55.320 --> 18:02.320] 512-646-6440. [18:25.320 --> 18:32.320] Thank you. [18:55.320 --> 19:02.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [19:25.320 --> 19:32.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [19:55.320 --> 20:02.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [20:25.320 --> 20:32.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [20:55.320 --> 21:02.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [21:25.320 --> 21:32.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [21:55.320 --> 22:02.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [22:25.320 --> 22:32.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [22:55.320 --> 23:02.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [23:02.320 --> 23:09.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [23:09.320 --> 23:16.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [23:16.320 --> 23:26.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [23:26.320 --> 23:33.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [23:33.320 --> 23:50.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [23:50.320 --> 24:07.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [24:07.320 --> 24:24.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [24:24.320 --> 24:41.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [24:41.320 --> 24:54.320] We're open Mondays and Fridays. [24:54.320 --> 24:56.320] All right, folks, we apologize for the extended break. [24:56.320 --> 25:01.320] We're having a little bit of technical difficulty with the connection tonight. [25:01.320 --> 25:03.320] Again, we apologize. [25:03.320 --> 25:08.320] But anyway, to pick the discussion back up on states' rights where we were here, [25:08.320 --> 25:14.320] the government is acting like the rights that it exercises or that the powers [25:14.320 --> 25:23.320] that it exercises are somehow inherently theirs by whatever reason and authority [25:23.320 --> 25:28.320] rather than something that we, the people, delegated to them to exercise [25:28.320 --> 25:33.320] for our protection and our benefit, not for the government's. [25:33.320 --> 25:39.320] The government has now assumed the position that it is somehow a business [25:39.320 --> 25:44.320] that has all the rights and privileges and authorities of any other type [25:44.320 --> 25:49.320] of for-profit business and that we, the people, are just another customer [25:49.320 --> 25:58.320] or, at even worse, a supplier that they can basically lord it over [25:58.320 --> 26:02.320] like Microsoft does the rest of the software industry. [26:02.320 --> 26:08.320] It's time for us to let them know that's not the case. [26:08.320 --> 26:17.320] The people that are sitting in these offices are operating under a fog, [26:17.320 --> 26:23.320] so to speak, because they believe that what they're doing they have every right to do, [26:23.320 --> 26:26.320] and we need to change that perception. [26:26.320 --> 26:32.320] And we need to do that by getting rid of those people that hold such a perception [26:32.320 --> 26:38.320] because right off the bat we're in a hole when we start with somebody that has that attitude. [26:38.320 --> 26:43.320] So we need to consider when the elections come up again, especially here in Texas, [26:43.320 --> 26:48.320] to ensure that nobody that's been in office stays in office. [26:48.320 --> 26:53.320] We need to start doing a clean sweep right down from the local level all the way [26:53.320 --> 26:57.320] through the federal government if we have any hope or prayer [26:57.320 --> 27:02.320] of getting any control back for the people. [27:02.320 --> 27:08.320] If we fail to do that, all is lost because it's coming to the point [27:08.320 --> 27:14.320] where we're not going to be able to do anything without the government insisting [27:14.320 --> 27:22.320] it has the right and the authority to either deny that ability or to take it away at their whim. [27:22.320 --> 27:25.320] We've got to change this. [27:25.320 --> 27:28.320] So that's my diatribe for this evening. [27:28.320 --> 27:34.320] We'll go ahead and open up the phone lines, 512-646-1984 is the call-in number. [27:34.320 --> 27:52.320] Deborah, do we have anybody that's on yet? [27:52.320 --> 27:53.320] Yes, we do. [27:53.320 --> 27:54.320] We have a couple of callers on the line. [27:54.320 --> 27:56.320] We've got Shelly from California. [27:56.320 --> 27:57.320] Shelly, thanks for calling in. [27:57.320 --> 28:02.320] What's on your mind tonight? [28:02.320 --> 28:04.320] Is Shelly there? [28:04.320 --> 28:07.320] Okay, I guess Shelly dropped off the line. [28:07.320 --> 28:09.320] We've got CJ from Texas. [28:09.320 --> 28:11.320] CJ, thanks for calling in. [28:11.320 --> 28:13.320] What's on your mind tonight? [28:13.320 --> 28:18.320] Hi, I'm calling with an update from Friday about the smart meter situation. [28:18.320 --> 28:19.320] Oh, great. [28:19.320 --> 28:21.320] Thanks. [28:21.320 --> 28:26.320] On Saturday, I was working on a temporary restraining order, [28:26.320 --> 28:33.320] and I had the idea to start looking for Encore executives' home phone numbers. [28:33.320 --> 28:42.320] And I found the CEO's phone number first, so I called his home, left three voicemails, [28:42.320 --> 28:49.320] one detailing the whole situation, and about an hour later, [28:49.320 --> 28:56.320] I get a phone call from Encore's regional director, regional manager or something, [28:56.320 --> 29:02.320] and asks, well, he says, I understand you have some concerns about the smart meter, [29:02.320 --> 29:05.320] and I was wondering if I could help you with that. [29:05.320 --> 29:12.320] And so I told him, no, I'm not calling to discuss the smart meter. [29:12.320 --> 29:17.320] I'm calling to discuss the illegal disconnection of electric service. [29:17.320 --> 29:24.320] And quoted him all the PC rules that say that you can only disconnect service for certain reasons. [29:24.320 --> 29:31.320] And he said, well, the bottom line was that my service would not be disconnected on Monday [29:31.320 --> 29:36.320] like they had threatened to do, and I hear the music. [29:36.320 --> 29:41.320] Yep, just hang on the line, CJ, and we'll take this on the other side. [29:41.320 --> 29:43.320] Folks, if you'd like to call in and ask us questions, [29:43.320 --> 29:48.320] 512-646-1984, we will be right back. [30:13.320 --> 30:18.320] If you have a Gmail account, Google reads every message you send or receive [30:18.320 --> 30:21.320] and records the keywords in a profile they keep on you. [30:21.320 --> 30:24.320] I'm Dr. Catherine Albright, and I think that's just plain creepy. [30:24.320 --> 30:26.320] I'll say more in a moment. [30:26.320 --> 30:44.320] Privacy is under attack. [30:44.320 --> 30:49.320] When you give up data about yourself, you'll never get it back again. [30:49.320 --> 30:54.320] And once your privacy is gone, you'll find your freedoms will start to vanish too. [30:54.320 --> 30:59.320] So protect your rights, say no to surveillance, and keep your information to yourself. [30:59.320 --> 31:02.320] Privacy, it's worth hanging on to. [31:02.320 --> 31:05.320] This public service announcement is brought to you by Startpage.com, [31:05.320 --> 31:09.320] the private search engine alternative to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. [31:09.320 --> 31:12.320] Start over with Startpage. [31:12.320 --> 31:18.320] Hey, Gmail users, ever seen an online ad that exactly matches something you discuss in a private email? [31:18.320 --> 31:19.320] It's no coincidence. [31:19.320 --> 31:24.320] See, Google offers you Gmail about a $40 annual value for free, [31:24.320 --> 31:28.320] so they can get inside your head and figure out your interests by reading your mail. [31:28.320 --> 31:32.320] They say reading every message you send or receive helps them better target ads, [31:32.320 --> 31:36.320] but most people have no idea that Google keeps a record of their email contents, [31:36.320 --> 31:38.320] and they'd be pretty upset if they knew. [31:38.320 --> 31:44.320] When Gmail was first released, dozens of privacy experts asked Google to stay out of people's private correspondence. [31:44.320 --> 31:47.320] Unfortunately, Google ignored our request. [31:47.320 --> 31:52.320] I'm Dr. Katherine Albrecht. More news and information at KatherineAlbrecht.com. [32:17.320 --> 32:20.320] How's that? [32:20.320 --> 32:25.320] This person's a race for Mr. Bush. [32:25.320 --> 32:30.320] This person's a race for Dick Cheney. [32:30.320 --> 32:35.320] Well, I need a prosecutor to come and help me prosecute them wicked leaders, you see. [32:35.320 --> 32:38.320] They're murderers, liars, them tell me. [32:38.320 --> 32:40.320] Them are liars, they tell sick stories. [32:40.320 --> 32:42.320] They don't believe me, say what them tell me. [32:42.320 --> 32:45.320] 3% of Americans vote for Bush. [32:45.320 --> 32:47.320] So how the hell you get the presidency? [32:47.320 --> 32:50.320] That's why me have a warrant for him. [32:50.320 --> 32:52.320] Everybody listen carefully. [32:52.320 --> 32:54.320] Listen to the words of the issues passage. [32:54.320 --> 32:58.320] This is a race for Mr. Bush. [32:58.320 --> 33:00.320] Okay, folks, we are back. [33:00.320 --> 33:04.320] We are speaking with CJ in Texas. [33:04.320 --> 33:07.320] Okay, CJ, please continue. [33:07.320 --> 33:12.320] Okay, so I was talking to this regional manager, this district manager, [33:12.320 --> 33:22.320] and the end result of our conversation was that he said that they wouldn't disconnect my service on Monday, [33:22.320 --> 33:31.320] and if anybody did show up to tell them his name, and he gave me his cell phone number and his e-mail address, [33:31.320 --> 33:37.320] and I said, okay, good, and he said we'll talk again. [33:37.320 --> 33:42.320] A little side note, he was at a sporting event when he called me. [33:42.320 --> 33:46.320] He had to tell me that because he had to explain the loud noise in the background. [33:46.320 --> 33:51.320] So somebody had obviously called him and told him, you better take care of this right now. [33:51.320 --> 33:53.320] So I thought that was kind of funny. [33:53.320 --> 34:02.320] But anyway, nobody showed up today, and this manager called me again today [34:02.320 --> 34:09.320] and started asking me why don't I want the smart meter, and I said, you know, we're not going to get into that [34:09.320 --> 34:11.320] because I'm well-educated on the subject. [34:11.320 --> 34:15.320] I know what you're going to say, and it's not a constructive conversation, [34:15.320 --> 34:21.320] but I said the only conversation that would be constructive is a legal one. [34:21.320 --> 34:29.320] I said because I can't find any indication that you have the authority to install these smart meters over my objection. [34:29.320 --> 34:41.320] And so he said, well, I will get you in touch with one of our attorneys and see what you can come up with there. [34:41.320 --> 34:42.320] I said that would be great. [34:42.320 --> 34:44.320] I would really appreciate it. [34:44.320 --> 34:51.320] And also in that conversation, he made a very specific point of telling me if I have any questions [34:51.320 --> 34:57.320] or any problems to be sure and call him, and it hit me later. [34:57.320 --> 34:59.320] He doesn't care about me. I know that. [34:59.320 --> 35:03.320] It hit me later that he doesn't want me calling the CEO's house again. [35:03.320 --> 35:07.320] And that's when I figured out that I had some serious leverage [35:07.320 --> 35:12.320] and that they're probably not going to do anything that upsets me, at least for the short term, [35:12.320 --> 35:14.320] because they know what I'll do. [35:14.320 --> 35:16.320] So that was pretty cool. [35:16.320 --> 35:23.320] And then about four hours later, I got a call from Mrs. Criterion. [35:23.320 --> 35:27.320] She set up a time to talk with their senior counsel. [35:27.320 --> 35:31.320] And so I told them what I expect. [35:31.320 --> 35:37.320] I said, all I want out of this conversation is for your attorney to explain to me, [35:37.320 --> 35:42.320] which will follow statute, PUC rules, legal concepts, [35:42.320 --> 35:48.320] explain to me what gives Encore the authority to install the smart meters over my objection [35:48.320 --> 35:53.320] and so he can be prepared. [35:53.320 --> 35:56.320] So that's where we left it. [35:56.320 --> 36:00.320] That's awesome, CJ. Good for you. [36:00.320 --> 36:02.320] That turned out well this time, didn't it? [36:02.320 --> 36:05.320] Well, and I hope that it ultimately does have a happy ending. [36:05.320 --> 36:08.320] So you don't feel that it's necessary to file any motions, [36:08.320 --> 36:12.320] petitions for temporary restraining order or anything like that at this point? [36:12.320 --> 36:14.320] Not right now. [36:14.320 --> 36:21.320] It sounds like they're really scared that I could call the CEO's house again. [36:21.320 --> 36:26.320] That seems like really powerful leverage at this point. [36:26.320 --> 36:28.320] Well, that's just great. [36:28.320 --> 36:33.320] I mean, and you know, we have to pull maneuvers like this in these types of situations. [36:33.320 --> 36:35.320] This is about our very survival. [36:35.320 --> 36:38.320] And Randy has said in the past, you know, [36:38.320 --> 36:47.320] he had I guess one of his friends had trouble getting a dedicated phone line into his house [36:47.320 --> 36:52.320] at one point out in a rural area and they were on a party line. [36:52.320 --> 36:58.320] Well, the guy had paid for a private line, but they never came and put it. [36:58.320 --> 37:05.320] And so he ended up calling the chairman of the board of directors and speaking with the secretary. [37:05.320 --> 37:10.320] And I think he actually ended up speaking with the chairman of the board of directors at one point [37:10.320 --> 37:12.320] until he chewed the guy out. [37:12.320 --> 37:20.320] And so then it was like two days later there was a team with backhoes [37:20.320 --> 37:27.320] and all kinds of construction equipment in the guy's backyard installing the private line [37:27.320 --> 37:30.320] so that he could get off the party line. [37:30.320 --> 37:35.320] When we start just looking at them as just people like us, [37:35.320 --> 37:40.320] they may live in $700,000 houses, but they're just people. [37:40.320 --> 37:41.320] They live somewhere. [37:41.320 --> 37:42.320] They have a phone number. [37:42.320 --> 37:43.320] They hate being bothered. [37:43.320 --> 37:46.320] And they have minions to carry out their wishes. [37:46.320 --> 37:47.320] Right. [37:47.320 --> 37:50.320] So, you know, why not use that for our advantage? [37:50.320 --> 37:55.320] And if it's helpful, I'd like to give a quick synopsis of what I've come up with for the legalities. [37:55.320 --> 37:56.320] Sure. [37:56.320 --> 37:57.320] Absolutely. [37:57.320 --> 37:59.320] For being able to do this. [37:59.320 --> 38:05.320] What I've been able to figure out so far or I think at this point is, okay, [38:05.320 --> 38:09.320] on-court purpose discussion is a private company. [38:09.320 --> 38:13.320] And private company and a private individual, [38:13.320 --> 38:17.320] the first place you look for a relationship is a contract. [38:17.320 --> 38:18.320] Well, we know there's no contract. [38:18.320 --> 38:20.320] They've admitted that to me. [38:20.320 --> 38:23.320] Everything I know about the law says that there is a contract. [38:23.320 --> 38:30.320] The deregulation laws in the electric utilities, they established that, [38:30.320 --> 38:35.320] as far as I can understand, because that's why they established these retail providers. [38:35.320 --> 38:40.320] Use of the contract, the customer has the contract with the retail provider. [38:40.320 --> 38:48.320] So an on-court is the only one who has had anything to do with this smart meter installation. [38:48.320 --> 38:53.320] I called TSU on Saturday, which is my retail provider, and asked them, is my bill paid up? [38:53.320 --> 38:56.320] Do you have any disconnection notices or anything like that? [38:56.320 --> 39:03.320] Just like Randy was talking about, to call them and make them stop it because I had the contract with them. [39:03.320 --> 39:05.320] Well, they refused to do anything. [39:05.320 --> 39:10.320] But they said, no, there's nothing on your account that says to disconnect. [39:10.320 --> 39:12.320] You're all paid up state. [39:12.320 --> 39:16.320] So we'll get back to that contract in a second. [39:16.320 --> 39:21.320] Nothing between on-court and me, on-court and the retail customer, no contract. [39:21.320 --> 39:25.320] So the next thing we go to is the PUC rules. [39:25.320 --> 39:43.320] The PUC, Public Utilities Commission of Texas, is authorized by the legislature to regulate only specific utilities. [39:43.320 --> 39:48.320] They have no authority to regulate our behavior. [39:48.320 --> 39:56.320] So even if there was something in the PUC rules that sounded like we have to take these things, [39:56.320 --> 39:58.320] they're overstepping their authority if they try that. [39:58.320 --> 40:06.320] I haven't found anything that says that, but even if they tried to quote any PUC rules, the PUC cannot regulate our behavior [40:06.320 --> 40:10.320] because telling us we have to take it, we have to let somebody trespass, [40:10.320 --> 40:15.320] we have to let – that's regulating our behavior as far as I can tell. [40:15.320 --> 40:18.320] That's the theory I'm going – that's the concept I'm going with at the moment. [40:18.320 --> 40:23.320] So then we go to the laws, which can't regulate our behavior. [40:23.320 --> 40:30.320] So we go into the utilities code, which covers utilities. [40:30.320 --> 40:38.320] And I haven't read the whole thing in depth, but I have searched and gone through the specific electric company part. [40:38.320 --> 40:44.320] And I can't even find anything in there that says we must allow them access to their equipment. [40:44.320 --> 40:52.320] Now, I thought there was something in there that said that, but I could not find it to save my life, so maybe it's not in there. [40:52.320 --> 40:57.320] I couldn't find anything in there that said anything like that. [40:57.320 --> 41:08.320] Then there's the administrative code, which does have some wording like you must allow them access. [41:08.320 --> 41:12.320] You know, if they don't have access, then blah, blah, blah or whatever. [41:12.320 --> 41:16.320] But that only regulates water and sewage utilities. [41:16.320 --> 41:20.320] So that has nothing to do with this. [41:20.320 --> 41:33.320] And I suspect the electric company may be using those statutes in the administrative code to do some of the things that they do other than the smart meter stuff. [41:33.320 --> 41:37.320] So that's pretty much the entirety of the concept that I've come up with up to this point. [41:37.320 --> 41:41.320] Well, sounds like good research on your part, CJ. Good job. [41:41.320 --> 41:51.320] So let me give out that e-mail address one more time, and then I will get off if anybody needs help or if anybody can contribute, you know, legal concepts and stuff. [41:51.320 --> 41:57.320] It's smartmetersuck at yahoo.com. [41:57.320 --> 41:58.320] All right. [41:58.320 --> 41:59.320] You tear them up, CJ. [41:59.320 --> 42:00.320] I love it. [42:00.320 --> 42:01.320] Thank you. [42:01.320 --> 42:07.320] I appreciate the support from my fellow listeners and you guys for letting me talk on here and helping me out. [42:07.320 --> 42:08.320] You got it. [42:08.320 --> 42:09.320] And keep us updated, please. [42:09.320 --> 42:11.320] Let us know how it goes. [42:11.320 --> 42:12.320] Okay, I sure will. [42:12.320 --> 42:13.320] Thank you so much. [42:13.320 --> 42:14.320] All right. [42:14.320 --> 42:15.320] You're welcome, CJ. [42:15.320 --> 42:16.320] Okay. [42:16.320 --> 42:19.320] We're going to go now to Shelly from California. [42:19.320 --> 42:20.320] Looks like it's called back in. [42:20.320 --> 42:23.320] Shelly, are you there? [42:23.320 --> 42:26.320] Shelly from California, are you there? [42:26.320 --> 42:27.320] Okay. [42:27.320 --> 42:28.320] She's dropped off the line again. [42:28.320 --> 42:29.320] All right. [42:29.320 --> 42:32.320] We are going now to Bill in Texas. [42:32.320 --> 42:34.320] Bill, thanks for calling in. [42:34.320 --> 42:35.320] What's on your mind tonight? [42:35.320 --> 42:36.320] Hi. [42:36.320 --> 42:37.320] This is actually Dennis. [42:37.320 --> 42:42.320] I just wanted to share another success story, actually. [42:42.320 --> 42:53.320] Recently, I was traveling in my car on the way back from dropping a criminal justice class, actually. [42:53.320 --> 42:58.320] And I got pulled over by Leander Petey. [42:58.320 --> 43:05.320] So back in my car, I have my Info Wars, my Republic of Texas stickers. [43:05.320 --> 43:11.320] So I sometimes feel confident when I get pulled over. [43:11.320 --> 43:17.320] I know you guys recommend not causing an incident on the side of the road, [43:17.320 --> 43:24.320] but I felt in this instance at least showing my knowledge of the law might be appropriate. [43:24.320 --> 43:27.320] So he approached my vehicle. [43:27.320 --> 43:34.320] I asked him if I was under arrest, if I was being detained, and if I hear music. [43:34.320 --> 43:35.320] Yes, absolutely. [43:35.320 --> 43:37.320] I can't wait to hear the rest of the story. [43:37.320 --> 43:44.320] And Eddie does have a set of questions that he recommends that people ask as soon as the officer approaches the vehicle. [43:44.320 --> 43:48.320] And it usually has to do with what is the emergency officer and how can I help. [43:48.320 --> 43:51.320] And then you get into the questions about detention later, [43:51.320 --> 43:56.320] because generally they're only supposed to pull you over if they need your help with an emergency. [43:56.320 --> 43:57.320] Okay. [43:57.320 --> 44:00.320] We will be right back. [44:00.320 --> 44:05.320] Attention, an important product from HempUSA.org, Micro Plant Powder, [44:05.320 --> 44:09.320] will change your life by removing all types of positive toxins, [44:09.320 --> 44:16.320] such as heavy metals, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungus from the digestive tract and stomach wall so you can absorb nutrients. [44:16.320 --> 44:25.320] Micro Plant Powder is 89% silica and packed with a negative charge that attracts positive toxins from the blood, organs, spine, and brain. [44:25.320 --> 44:31.320] This product has the ability to rebuild cartilage and bone, which allows synovial fluid to return to the joints. [44:31.320 --> 44:37.320] Silica is a precursor to calcium, meaning the body turns silica into calcium and is great for the heart. [44:37.320 --> 44:43.320] There is no better time than now to have Micro Plant Powder on your shelf or in your storage shelter. [44:43.320 --> 44:46.320] And with an unlimited shelf life, you can store it anywhere. [44:46.320 --> 44:51.320] Call 908-691-2608 or visit HempUSA.org. [44:51.320 --> 44:53.320] It's a great way to change your life. [44:53.320 --> 45:00.320] So call 908-691-2608 or visit us at HempUSA.org today. [45:23.320 --> 45:47.320] All right, folks, we are back. [45:47.320 --> 45:50.320] We're speaking with Dennis in Texas. [45:50.320 --> 45:55.320] Okay, so Dennis, please continue to finish telling us the story. [45:55.320 --> 45:56.320] All right. [45:56.320 --> 46:08.320] So, yeah, I got pulled over and the officer approached my vehicle and I did forget to ask him, sir, what's the emergency? [46:08.320 --> 46:09.320] How can I help? [46:09.320 --> 46:10.320] I forgot to ask that one. [46:10.320 --> 46:15.320] I was a little nervous, I guess. [46:15.320 --> 46:20.320] And so I went on to proceed to ask him, am I under arrest? [46:20.320 --> 46:23.320] Am I being detained? [46:23.320 --> 46:29.320] And he said, you're not under arrest, but you are being detained for speeding violation. [46:29.320 --> 46:39.320] And I asked him what the statute for that was, and he quickly told me the correct statute. [46:39.320 --> 46:54.320] But I asked him that that was under transportation code and he agreed, and I asked him if he agreed that transportation code only applied to those vehicles engaged in commerce. [46:54.320 --> 47:09.320] And he basically went on to tell me about how the speed limit basically stated that the prime aphasia speed applied to all motor vehicles on the public roadways. [47:09.320 --> 47:18.320] And I went on to explain to him that I was not operating a motor vehicle, I'm operating my private automobile. [47:18.320 --> 47:28.320] And he just kind of alluded to the fact that, you know, I should read the transportation code a little more thoroughly. [47:28.320 --> 47:33.320] So he went back to his, he asked me for my driver's license and insurance. [47:33.320 --> 47:51.320] I didn't argue, I handed them both to him and he went back to his cruiser and I was at that point sure he was going to write me a ticket and he comes back up to my vehicle and gives me a written warning. [47:51.320 --> 48:06.320] And he asked me if I, if why I didn't agree with the Texas laws and statutes that, if why I had a driver's license and tags and insurance. [48:06.320 --> 48:11.320] And I explained to him that my job requires me to have them, that's just the stipulation of my job. [48:11.320 --> 48:18.320] And also that I didn't disagree with him, I just wanted to make sure that they were applied correctly. [48:18.320 --> 48:22.320] So he went on about his day and I went on about mine. [48:22.320 --> 48:23.320] Well, that's great, Jason. [48:23.320 --> 48:35.320] And also one thing that Randy does, and I think this is a good idea, I'll probably do that too, is that he's got a Texas ID card in addition to a Texas driver's license. [48:35.320 --> 48:45.320] And so when the, you know, if he gets pulled over, he'll hand the officer an ID card and say, you know, and say, well, officer, here's my ID. [48:45.320 --> 48:48.320] And then the police says, well, this is not a driver's license. [48:48.320 --> 48:59.320] And then Randy will say, well, I do have a driver's license, but I'm not using it right now because I'm not engaged in commerce on the roadways. [48:59.320 --> 49:03.320] But yeah, that's great that you made that clarification that you don't disagree with the laws. [49:03.320 --> 49:06.320] You absolutely understand and agree with the law. [49:06.320 --> 49:10.320] And like you said, just want to make sure that they are applied correctly. [49:10.320 --> 49:12.320] So good job, Jason. [49:12.320 --> 49:13.320] Thanks. [49:13.320 --> 49:14.320] I mean, I'm sorry, good job, Dennis. [49:14.320 --> 49:16.320] Jason is the next caller. [49:16.320 --> 49:18.320] I'm getting confused here looking at the call board. [49:18.320 --> 49:19.320] Good job, Dennis. [49:19.320 --> 49:20.320] All right, thanks. [49:20.320 --> 49:21.320] All right. [49:21.320 --> 49:22.320] Bye. [49:22.320 --> 49:23.320] Bye-bye. [49:23.320 --> 49:26.320] Okay, we're going now to Jason in Texas. [49:26.320 --> 49:28.320] Jason, thanks for calling in. [49:28.320 --> 49:30.320] What's on your mind tonight? [49:30.320 --> 49:31.320] Hello, hello. [49:31.320 --> 49:37.320] I've got two questions, one regarding your intro, Eddie, and the other regarding my case. [49:37.320 --> 49:44.320] In your intro, you were talking about candidates coming up for these elections. [49:44.320 --> 49:49.320] I have a group of friends who listen to this show, and they consider themselves rule of [49:49.320 --> 49:51.320] law, liberty-minded people. [49:51.320 --> 49:55.320] And they've decided to support a candidate here in South Texas. [49:55.320 --> 50:00.320] And I'm not sure that they went through the proper channels to interview this guy and [50:00.320 --> 50:04.320] ask him questions, other than he doesn't fit in with the Republican crowd. [50:04.320 --> 50:08.320] He's not accepted by the establishment, if you will. [50:08.320 --> 50:12.320] So I was thinking about, since I had direct access to him as a candidate, asking him a [50:12.320 --> 50:13.320] question. [50:13.320 --> 50:15.320] You know, he's running for a district judge. [50:15.320 --> 50:18.320] And all the questions I've been able to come up with in my head are, you know, kind of [50:18.320 --> 50:20.320] floaters, kind of softball questions. [50:20.320 --> 50:24.320] You know, for example, where do you see the balance of power between, you know, the people [50:24.320 --> 50:26.320] and the judicial system and all that. [50:26.320 --> 50:30.320] So I was going to see if you could kind of help me formulate a couple of questions for [50:30.320 --> 50:33.320] him, you know, to kind of figure out where he is, other than asking him questions. [50:33.320 --> 50:39.320] Other than asking him point blank, are you going to, you know, read the rule as it's [50:39.320 --> 50:40.320] supposed to be read, you know? [50:40.320 --> 50:43.320] Read the laws as it's supposed to be read. [50:43.320 --> 50:47.320] Well, now, is, you said he's running for the office of county judge? [50:47.320 --> 50:48.320] District judge. [50:48.320 --> 50:51.320] District judge, okay. [50:51.320 --> 50:54.320] He's one of eight in our... [50:54.320 --> 50:59.320] Well, the first thing I would ask him is, regarding the Constitution itself, have you [50:59.320 --> 51:00.320] read it? [51:00.320 --> 51:01.320] Mm-hmm. [51:01.320 --> 51:06.320] The second question is, do you understand it? [51:06.320 --> 51:09.320] Getting the cop to, yeah, I understand it, why do you ask? [51:09.320 --> 51:17.320] Well, then what is your position on ordinances as law? [51:17.320 --> 51:19.320] That's a good one. [51:19.320 --> 51:21.320] Okay. [51:21.320 --> 51:25.320] And let's see what kind of cock and bull story he cooks up as to why an ordinance is [51:25.320 --> 51:27.320] valid law. [51:27.320 --> 51:29.320] Okay, that is a good one. [51:29.320 --> 51:35.320] Okay, you'll find out really quick just by asking basic constitutionally based [51:35.320 --> 51:39.320] questions whether or not this is somebody you want in office. [51:39.320 --> 51:42.320] Ask him about Article 1, Section 29. [51:42.320 --> 51:46.320] When the legislature passes a law that's clearly in violation of the Constitution [51:46.320 --> 51:51.320] or the law is being enforced in a manner that is clearly in violation of the [51:51.320 --> 51:56.320] Constitution, what do you intend to do about it? [51:56.320 --> 51:57.320] Okay. [51:57.320 --> 51:59.320] Good, will you throw the trial out? [51:59.320 --> 52:04.320] Will you sanction the prosecuting attorney and the police officer for doing what [52:04.320 --> 52:09.320] they did in violation of the Constitution or enforcing a law that was clearly [52:09.320 --> 52:12.320] unconstitutional on its face? [52:12.320 --> 52:15.320] And that's exactly what I was trying to get to. [52:15.320 --> 52:18.320] I just couldn't get there in my own mind to make that question. [52:18.320 --> 52:19.320] That's a good one. [52:19.320 --> 52:22.320] I'll have to go back and listen to the archives and get all that in detail, but I [52:22.320 --> 52:26.320] will let you know what the answer is, what he comes up with. [52:26.320 --> 52:29.320] Great, I would love to know. [52:29.320 --> 52:30.320] All right, you too. [52:30.320 --> 52:34.320] I hope not, but the next question I had was regarding my case with that coming [52:34.320 --> 52:35.320] up. [52:35.320 --> 52:39.320] I've called the show a couple of times. [52:39.320 --> 52:40.320] I was arrested in front of my house. [52:40.320 --> 52:44.320] A cop said that my pistol that I had was in plain view when it wasn't. [52:44.320 --> 52:46.320] Right. [52:46.320 --> 52:52.320] On that deal, I've been reset six times, and I haven't had my pretrial yet, [52:52.320 --> 52:57.320] which I will have later on this week, and it will be before your next show. [52:57.320 --> 53:00.320] The third reset was due to my lawyer. [53:00.320 --> 53:05.320] I've got a lawyer in this whole deal, and I'm learning how to watch him through [53:05.320 --> 53:06.320] listening to you guys. [53:06.320 --> 53:11.320] But anyways, I've got him through this whole pretrial hearing, and like I say, [53:11.320 --> 53:14.320] the third one reset was his deal because he couldn't make it to court. [53:14.320 --> 53:16.320] The rest have all been because the court wanted to reset. [53:16.320 --> 53:20.320] As a matter of fact, the last time I showed up, the judge wasn't even there. [53:20.320 --> 53:21.320] He was doing some training. [53:21.320 --> 53:25.320] So it told me that they didn't intend to have the pretrial hearing. [53:25.320 --> 53:30.320] So my question is, it immediately occurred to me to move to dismiss that [53:30.320 --> 53:34.320] because they summoned me to court and didn't intend to conduct business. [53:34.320 --> 53:40.320] So if I were to move to dismiss, would I need to set a motion for the judge [53:40.320 --> 53:42.320] at his next sitting to hear? [53:42.320 --> 53:43.320] Who issued the summons? [53:43.320 --> 53:46.320] Who requested you to be summoned to court? [53:46.320 --> 53:51.320] Well, whenever I went and I got reset, it was the court and I guess the coordinator [53:51.320 --> 53:55.320] who gave me the next date, and I signed it there in her office. [53:55.320 --> 53:57.320] And as soon as I got to the truck in the parking lot, I thought, [53:57.320 --> 54:00.320] wait a minute, I shouldn't have done that. [54:00.320 --> 54:04.320] So it's just the court coordinator who's resetting these dates. [54:04.320 --> 54:07.320] So my question is, if they do that again, which I'm pretty sure I've got a feeling [54:07.320 --> 54:13.320] they will, do I set a motion for the judge's next hearing of motions, [54:13.320 --> 54:18.320] or do I find somebody else in that courthouse and do it right away? [54:18.320 --> 54:23.320] I would file the motion to dismiss for failure to prosecute right away. [54:23.320 --> 54:24.320] Okay. [54:24.320 --> 54:27.320] And is that something I'd file with the clerk or is that something I need to find? [54:27.320 --> 54:31.320] Yes, file with the clerk and get a date from the clerk to hold a motions hearing. [54:31.320 --> 54:36.320] Make sure you serve the opposing counsel and set a motions hearing [54:36.320 --> 54:39.320] for immediate dismissal with prejudice. [54:39.320 --> 54:40.320] Don't forget that. [54:40.320 --> 54:42.320] That's very important. [54:42.320 --> 54:43.320] Right. [54:43.320 --> 54:44.320] Okay. [54:44.320 --> 54:48.320] And real quick also, I know that you're looking for material for your meetup [54:48.320 --> 54:50.320] with the legislature coming up. [54:50.320 --> 54:54.320] I've scanned and sent you, I guess, probably about three weeks ago, [54:54.320 --> 54:57.320] a handbook for Texas jurors, which does go through this. [54:57.320 --> 55:00.320] You know, it's a basic kindergarten education for jurors, [55:00.320 --> 55:04.320] but at the end it does say, note, not all of these rules apply in justice [55:04.320 --> 55:06.320] or in municipal court. [55:06.320 --> 55:07.320] So I've taxed that. [55:07.320 --> 55:09.320] I think I've seen that. [55:09.320 --> 55:11.320] I do believe I've seen that. [55:11.320 --> 55:12.320] Okay. [55:12.320 --> 55:16.320] That was actually out of a specific court, was it not? [55:16.320 --> 55:19.320] It was for, it was just for here in Nueces County. [55:19.320 --> 55:23.320] It covers, on the back it's got the district judges and the county court of law judges, [55:23.320 --> 55:28.320] but it's just a general handbook for Nueces County jurors, I guess. [55:28.320 --> 55:29.320] Okay. [55:29.320 --> 55:32.320] But anyways, that's all I got. [55:32.320 --> 55:33.320] All right. [55:33.320 --> 55:37.320] I'll call back and hopefully we can get this thing dismissed and move on. [55:37.320 --> 55:38.320] All right. [55:38.320 --> 55:39.320] Thanks, Jason. [55:39.320 --> 55:40.320] Thank you. [55:40.320 --> 55:41.320] Okay. [55:41.320 --> 55:42.320] Okay. [55:42.320 --> 55:44.320] We're going now to Boris in Texas. [55:44.320 --> 55:46.320] Boris, thanks for calling in. [55:46.320 --> 55:48.320] What is on your mind tonight? [55:48.320 --> 55:55.320] You know, first I want to say that I'm really grateful that all three of you have the amazing courage [55:55.320 --> 55:58.320] that you do because I'm sure you've kept a lot of plaque. [55:58.320 --> 56:06.320] But I want to bring up just a couple of things and then let you all just maybe throw back whatever you'd like. [56:06.320 --> 56:15.320] First of all, I'd like to know what you think of the whole UCC redemption and straw man movement [56:15.320 --> 56:23.320] that I see so often on YouTube and across the Internet with Tim Turner and a whole host of other people. [56:23.320 --> 56:27.320] There's a whole genre of people who teach this and everything. [56:27.320 --> 56:31.320] I'd like to know if you think of that as being valid. [56:31.320 --> 56:40.320] And then also I have heard a lot about the whole mortgage fraud issue with Merce and all of that kind of stuff. [56:40.320 --> 56:45.320] But I seldomly hear anyone mention anything about real estate property taxes. [56:45.320 --> 56:54.320] And so I'd like to know if there's, you know, I don't know, people who know much about that [56:54.320 --> 57:02.320] and whether or not that has, you know, fraud involved or, you know, [57:02.320 --> 57:08.320] I'd just like to know if someone knows much about that. [57:08.320 --> 57:09.320] All right. [57:09.320 --> 57:11.320] Is that the question you want to ask then? [57:11.320 --> 57:15.320] Yes, sir, if you could just kind of, you know, whatever you're saying. [57:15.320 --> 57:16.320] All right. [57:16.320 --> 57:20.320] Then to answer your first one, no, no credibility would I give it. [57:20.320 --> 57:24.320] Say it's worked for some in some cases, it's landed others in jail. [57:24.320 --> 57:29.320] It's really kind of a shot in the dark, if you ask me, [57:29.320 --> 57:37.320] mainly because it works on a lot of presumptions that aren't based in any black-letter law that I could actually find. [57:37.320 --> 57:43.320] And it works on a whole lot of hypothetical what-ifs and for-instances and examples, [57:43.320 --> 57:46.320] but again, no hard supporting anything. [57:46.320 --> 57:53.320] Now, I'm not saying it's invalid as far as the reasoning behind it, [57:53.320 --> 57:59.320] but you know as well as I do that without black-letter law sitting directly under it, [57:59.320 --> 58:03.320] it's not going to hold water in court. [58:03.320 --> 58:04.320] All right. [58:04.320 --> 58:07.320] Questions you asked on the other side of the break, just hang in there. [58:07.320 --> 58:08.320] Yeah. [58:08.320 --> 58:12.320] Rule of Law Radio, Eddie Craig, Debra Steven, Debra, you had something to say? [58:12.320 --> 58:16.320] No, I was just going to say I'll respond to some of that on the other side as well. [58:16.320 --> 58:17.320] Okay. [58:17.320 --> 58:22.320] All right, Boris, hang on the line, Boris, and we also have open phone lines at this point. [58:22.320 --> 58:43.320] So callers, if you'd like to call in 512-646-1984, we will be back on the other side of the news break. [58:52.320 --> 59:20.320] Thank you. [59:20.320 --> 59:47.320] All right. [59:47.320 --> 01:00:03.320] This news break brought to you by the International News Net. [01:00:03.320 --> 01:00:08.320] A U.S. airstrike Saturday left 70 people dead in southeastern Afghanistan [01:00:08.320 --> 01:00:11.320] after a Taliban convoy came under attack. [01:00:11.320 --> 01:00:17.320] Local officials said the victims were all militants, but eyewitnesses said civilians were also killed. [01:00:17.320 --> 01:00:21.320] The loss of civilian lives has dramatically increased anti-U.S. sentiment, [01:00:21.320 --> 01:00:28.320] causing thousands of Afghans to protest against the U.S.-led military presence. [01:00:28.320 --> 01:00:33.320] Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he's open to diplomatic discussions with the U.S. [01:00:33.320 --> 01:00:36.320] on the subject of the Taliban in Afghanistan. [01:00:36.320 --> 01:00:43.320] Ahmadinejad told CNN, if the U.S. administration truly wishes to alter its policies in Afghanistan and Iraq [01:00:43.320 --> 01:00:47.320] and to move in a direction that serves the interests of the people of those two countries, [01:00:47.320 --> 01:00:52.320] we are always open to cooperation. [01:00:52.320 --> 01:00:57.320] On Iraq Sunday, 56 Iraqis were killed and 171 wounded. [01:00:57.320 --> 01:01:02.320] In Baghdad, 21 people were killed and 70 wounded in a suicide car bombing. [01:01:02.320 --> 01:01:09.320] In Mansour, a car bomb killed 19 Iraqis and wounded 58. [01:01:09.320 --> 01:01:16.320] U.K. police are asking motorists in a pilot scheme to spy on each other for examples of poor driving. [01:01:16.320 --> 01:01:22.320] Detailed reports are submitted to the police, who log extensive details on a huge database. [01:01:22.320 --> 01:01:29.320] Anybody who is reported twice in 12 months faces police action, despite never being caught breaking the law. [01:01:29.320 --> 01:01:34.320] Reports are made online with the accused driver never knowing who has reported him. [01:01:34.320 --> 01:01:41.320] Critics have likened the scheme to the East German Stasi, which encouraged residents to inform of one another. [01:01:41.320 --> 01:01:47.320] If successful, the so-called Operation Crackdown is likely to be rolled out nationwide. [01:01:47.320 --> 01:01:54.320] Dylan Sharp, campaign director of Big Brother Watch, said the whole process is based on unfounded accusations [01:01:54.320 --> 01:02:00.320] by untrained and possibly prejudiced members of the public, adding, this scheme is wide open to abuse, [01:02:00.320 --> 01:02:09.320] ranging from people with minor grudges against neighbors to busybody drivers who think they know what constitutes bad driving. [01:02:09.320 --> 01:02:15.320] Almost as quickly as the international community praised Saturday's parliamentary elections in Afghanistan, [01:02:15.320 --> 01:02:21.320] complaints of widespread irregularities began pouring in, echoing the protracted wrangle [01:02:21.320 --> 01:02:26.320] over vote-reading that returned President Hamid Karzai to power last year. [01:02:26.320 --> 01:02:32.320] Representatives from the US, UN and EU hailed the bravery of Afghans for heading to the polls, [01:02:32.320 --> 01:02:38.320] despite pre-election violence and Taliban attacks on polling day that killed 18 people. [01:02:38.320 --> 01:02:47.320] However, evidence was mounting of polling stations opening late, intimidation of voters and the widespread use of fake voting cards. [01:02:47.320 --> 01:02:52.320] There were also reports that there were not enough ballot papers and that children had cast ballots. [01:03:17.320 --> 01:03:31.320] All right, folks, we are back. [01:03:31.320 --> 01:03:36.320] This one goes out to the Almighty. [01:03:36.320 --> 01:03:41.320] These warmongers come by that term rightly, the unsightly. [01:03:41.320 --> 01:03:45.320] That's what we're fighting against here on the rule of law. [01:03:45.320 --> 01:03:47.320] All right, we're talking with Boris in Texas. [01:03:47.320 --> 01:03:48.320] Okay, Eddie, go ahead. [01:03:48.320 --> 01:03:53.320] You are answering Boris's questions and then I have some comments as well. [01:03:53.320 --> 01:04:00.320] Okay, Boris, go ahead and ask the second part or your second question again for the listeners out there, please. [01:04:00.320 --> 01:04:09.320] Okay, in regards to property taxes, I've heard a lot of mention recently about the mortgage fraud situation, [01:04:09.320 --> 01:04:13.320] but I seldomly hear anyone mention property taxes. [01:04:13.320 --> 01:04:28.320] So I'd like to know if that's generally done in a squeaky clean manner or whether there's a dark side to the whole pursuit of property tax collection. [01:04:28.320 --> 01:04:36.320] All right, well, initially when you worded the question, you used the term real estate property taxes. [01:04:36.320 --> 01:04:37.320] That's right. [01:04:37.320 --> 01:04:41.320] Real estate property taxes are 100% legal and valid. [01:04:41.320 --> 01:04:44.320] Do you know why? [01:04:44.320 --> 01:04:46.320] No, no. [01:04:46.320 --> 01:04:53.320] Because real estate property is property that's owned for commercial purposes by corporations. [01:04:53.320 --> 01:04:59.320] Real property is what's owned for commercial purposes and profit by corporations. [01:04:59.320 --> 01:05:03.320] Private property is not. [01:05:03.320 --> 01:05:12.320] Well, maybe I misworded that. I do mean just a personal residence. [01:05:12.320 --> 01:05:16.320] Well, again, words mean everything. [01:05:16.320 --> 01:05:19.320] A personal residence is not a home. [01:05:19.320 --> 01:05:21.320] It is not a domicile. [01:05:21.320 --> 01:05:23.320] It is not private property. [01:05:23.320 --> 01:05:30.320] Residence in law means temporary, not permanent. [01:05:30.320 --> 01:05:35.320] Well, I mean a home. [01:05:35.320 --> 01:05:42.320] Your home, as far as a private home is concerned, is private property. [01:05:42.320 --> 01:05:51.320] The Texas Constitution specifically forbids ad valorem taxes on private property, period. [01:05:51.320 --> 01:05:59.320] And that is go ask any tax assessor in Texas what type of tax is the Texas property tax. [01:05:59.320 --> 01:06:02.320] They will tell you it is an ad valorem tax. [01:06:02.320 --> 01:06:05.320] It's a by-value tax. [01:06:05.320 --> 01:06:10.320] And the Constitution says that on private property they are illegal. [01:06:10.320 --> 01:06:19.320] Yes, but what's going on is that people's private properties are classified as real estate or real property [01:06:19.320 --> 01:06:25.320] with the county appraiser's office, the tax collector, the tax assessor appraiser's office. [01:06:25.320 --> 01:06:29.320] And so we've discussed this some on the show before. [01:06:29.320 --> 01:06:36.320] What you have to do is in order to get your property, your private property, off of the tax roll [01:06:36.320 --> 01:06:43.320] is you have to have your property reclassified and declared private property by the courts [01:06:43.320 --> 01:06:48.320] instead of real property or real estate. [01:06:48.320 --> 01:06:50.320] And I've talked to somebody about this before. [01:06:50.320 --> 01:06:54.320] I'd been trying to get them on the show, but I hadn't been able to get in contact with them for months. [01:06:54.320 --> 01:06:59.320] Someone who's done this process and teaches others how to do this, but it sounds pretty simple. [01:06:59.320 --> 01:07:01.320] You just now have to know how to file the lawsuit. [01:07:01.320 --> 01:07:08.320] What you do is first you ask, you write a certified letter to the county appraiser's office, [01:07:08.320 --> 01:07:15.320] the appraisal district's office, which would be TCAD in this case in Travis County, [01:07:15.320 --> 01:07:20.320] and you would ask them for a list of all the public properties. [01:07:20.320 --> 01:07:25.320] This would be like schools, government buildings, libraries, things like this. [01:07:25.320 --> 01:07:28.320] And then your property's not going to be on the list. [01:07:28.320 --> 01:07:35.320] And so then you write them a second letter certified asking them to confirm in writing to you [01:07:35.320 --> 01:07:39.320] that your property is not on this list of public property. [01:07:39.320 --> 01:07:41.320] And they'll say, well, no, it's not. [01:07:41.320 --> 01:07:48.320] And so then you write them a third letter and demand that they remove your property from the tax roll [01:07:48.320 --> 01:07:53.320] because you are hereby declaring that your property is private property. [01:07:53.320 --> 01:07:54.320] It's not public property. [01:07:54.320 --> 01:07:56.320] And then they're not going to do it. [01:07:56.320 --> 01:08:04.320] And so then what you have to do at that point is you have to sue the appraisal district and district court [01:08:04.320 --> 01:08:10.320] and get the judge to reclassify your property from real property to private property. [01:08:10.320 --> 01:08:16.320] And once you get your property reclassified as being private property in the courts, [01:08:16.320 --> 01:08:20.320] then you take that court order to the appraisal district [01:08:20.320 --> 01:08:23.320] and then you can get your property removed from the tax roll. [01:08:23.320 --> 01:08:30.320] That's the only way that I know of that is proper and legal remedy to get your property off of the tax roll. [01:08:30.320 --> 01:08:35.320] But you can't just go bawling out that your property is private property [01:08:35.320 --> 01:08:41.320] and that your rights are being violated because as long as it's technically classified as real estate or real property, [01:08:41.320 --> 01:08:42.320] you're not going to get anywhere. [01:08:42.320 --> 01:08:46.320] You have to get it formally reclassified as private property in the courts [01:08:46.320 --> 01:08:50.320] and then you have standing to demand that your property be taken off the tax roll. [01:08:50.320 --> 01:08:54.320] So that is another area of research that I have not had a chance to completely vet out yet, [01:08:54.320 --> 01:08:58.320] but maybe some who are listening out there can answer that question. [01:08:58.320 --> 01:09:05.320] And as far as the taxes in general are concerned, I can tell you for sure here in Travis County, [01:09:05.320 --> 01:09:09.320] they are committing fraud upon property owners. [01:09:09.320 --> 01:09:15.320] This started a few years back when the whole neighborhood, it was a neighborhood-wide thing, [01:09:15.320 --> 01:09:20.320] actually it was pretty much every neighborhood in the city of Austin, not just our neighborhood, [01:09:20.320 --> 01:09:27.320] where all of a sudden, usually you'll see on the appraisal districts, appraisal of your property, [01:09:27.320 --> 01:09:30.320] there will be a breakdown between the building and the land, all right. [01:09:30.320 --> 01:09:37.320] And typically the land will be about 25 to 35 percent of the property value [01:09:37.320 --> 01:09:42.320] and the building will be like, you know, two-thirds to three-quarters of the property value. [01:09:42.320 --> 01:09:49.320] Let's just say, for example, a typical home, you know, in our neighborhood is like $200,000, all right, property value. [01:09:49.320 --> 01:09:55.320] So typically the building structure will be worth 150 and the land would be worth about 50. [01:09:55.320 --> 01:09:59.320] All right, this continued on in our neighborhood for years and years. [01:09:59.320 --> 01:10:08.320] And all of a sudden, three years ago, or maybe it was four years ago, on our appraisal note [01:10:08.320 --> 01:10:15.320] that we got from the notification, that is, that we got from the appraisal district, the numbers were switched. [01:10:15.320 --> 01:10:22.320] All of a sudden the land is worth 150 and the building is worth 50. [01:10:22.320 --> 01:10:27.320] And I thought it was a typo, but the overall property value remained the same. [01:10:27.320 --> 01:10:31.320] So I just kind of didn't think about it for a few weeks until there was a big brouhaha [01:10:31.320 --> 01:10:35.320] on the Neighborhood Association forum, email forum list. [01:10:35.320 --> 01:10:37.320] It happened to everyone else. [01:10:37.320 --> 01:10:40.320] And then it starts turning out it happened all over the city. [01:10:40.320 --> 01:10:42.320] Well, we protested it. [01:10:42.320 --> 01:10:49.320] Everyone protested it because what happens in that situation is that it's a setup, [01:10:49.320 --> 01:10:54.320] it's what we call developer bait because most banks, [01:10:54.320 --> 01:11:00.320] if somebody wanted to buy a piece of property in a neighborhood where something like that's going on, [01:11:00.320 --> 01:11:04.320] a bank will not give a mortgage on a piece of property to buy a piece of property [01:11:04.320 --> 01:11:08.320] if the land is worth that much more than the building. [01:11:08.320 --> 01:11:10.320] They consider it a risk. [01:11:10.320 --> 01:11:11.320] All right? [01:11:11.320 --> 01:11:17.320] And so you can't get a line of equity for equity credit line on your property [01:11:17.320 --> 01:11:22.320] if the land is worth that much more than the building because the banks consider it a risk. [01:11:22.320 --> 01:11:29.320] And so the only entities that can purchase properties in areas like that are developers. [01:11:29.320 --> 01:11:34.320] And so what they do is they buy the properties, they knock down the buildings. [01:11:34.320 --> 01:11:36.320] Perfectly good houses, I might add. [01:11:36.320 --> 01:11:39.320] We live in central Austin, all right? [01:11:39.320 --> 01:11:40.320] I mean, this is ridiculous. [01:11:40.320 --> 01:11:43.320] We're like literally two miles from downtown. [01:11:43.320 --> 01:11:48.320] And so these buildings, these homes are very nice, I would say. [01:11:48.320 --> 01:11:52.320] I mean, they're not, we don't live in a rich neighborhood, but it's not like, you know, [01:11:52.320 --> 01:11:55.320] the third ward in Houston either, okay? [01:11:55.320 --> 01:12:00.320] I mean, perfectly fine buildings, but it's on the chopping block. [01:12:00.320 --> 01:12:03.320] It's like our neighborhood is like a stake on a chopping block for the developers [01:12:03.320 --> 01:12:06.320] and the appraisal district because they want to jack it up. [01:12:06.320 --> 01:12:10.320] They want to jack up the property values so they can get more taxes out of us. [01:12:10.320 --> 01:12:13.320] So this is called gentrification, all right? [01:12:13.320 --> 01:12:14.320] It's an older neighborhood. [01:12:14.320 --> 01:12:18.320] Most of the people that own their homes here bought their homes when the homes were built [01:12:18.320 --> 01:12:20.320] in the 40s and 50s. [01:12:20.320 --> 01:12:21.320] They're retired. [01:12:21.320 --> 01:12:23.320] Their children are grown and have moved on. [01:12:23.320 --> 01:12:25.320] They're actually grandparents, most of them. [01:12:25.320 --> 01:12:26.320] They're on fixed incomes. [01:12:26.320 --> 01:12:28.320] They've paid off their mortgages. [01:12:28.320 --> 01:12:32.320] And so the banks are not making a dime off of this neighborhood because nobody has a mortgage. [01:12:32.320 --> 01:12:34.320] Everyone's paid them off, all right? [01:12:34.320 --> 01:12:40.320] The tax offices are making any money because the property values were not increasing that much. [01:12:40.320 --> 01:12:45.320] And so what they did was they just all of a sudden decided to switch the land and the building values. [01:12:45.320 --> 01:12:50.320] And so when everyone complained about it, the appraisal district said, [01:12:50.320 --> 01:12:57.320] well, you know, we've been slowly increasing your property appraisal values, [01:12:57.320 --> 01:13:01.320] but we hadn't been increasing the land value enough. [01:13:01.320 --> 01:13:04.320] And so this year we decided to catch up. [01:13:04.320 --> 01:13:11.320] And so we were telling them, well, excuse me, you appraised our building at $150,000 last year. [01:13:11.320 --> 01:13:16.320] How did my building lose $100,000 of value in one year? [01:13:16.320 --> 01:13:24.320] I mean, if you're going to catch up on the land value and jack it up from 50 to 150, well, that's one thing, [01:13:24.320 --> 01:13:30.320] but that would mean that our overall property should now be 300, not 200. [01:13:30.320 --> 01:13:35.320] And they're like, well, yeah, we know, but we couldn't jack up everyone's overall property value that much [01:13:35.320 --> 01:13:41.320] because the properties are not selling for that much in your area. [01:13:41.320 --> 01:13:42.320] Totally illogical. [01:13:42.320 --> 01:13:44.320] Makes no sense at all. [01:13:44.320 --> 01:13:46.320] They're trying to say the land is worth that much. [01:13:46.320 --> 01:13:54.320] And we came with recent sales of empty lots, which there are very few in this area, okay? [01:13:54.320 --> 01:13:59.320] But we did come with some and in surrounding areas, and there was no way any of these lots [01:13:59.320 --> 01:14:01.320] were worth that much money. [01:14:01.320 --> 01:14:05.320] And so we had reasonable ground to protest. [01:14:05.320 --> 01:14:11.320] However, because of the way the property tax protest laws are written in the property code, [01:14:11.320 --> 01:14:18.320] you cannot protest the individual breakdown of the land versus the building value. [01:14:18.320 --> 01:14:22.320] You cannot protest what they appraised your building at, [01:14:22.320 --> 01:14:29.320] and you cannot protest what they appraised your land at specifically as two separate protests [01:14:29.320 --> 01:14:33.320] or even protest those numbers at all for that matter. [01:14:33.320 --> 01:14:39.320] You can only protest their overall property value that they've appraised at. [01:14:39.320 --> 01:14:47.320] And so we contacted attorneys at the time who did cases like this pro bono and property tax advocates, [01:14:47.320 --> 01:14:49.320] and nobody wanted to help us. [01:14:49.320 --> 01:14:53.320] Nobody wanted to help anyone in the neighborhood, not even in a class action lawsuit. [01:14:53.320 --> 01:15:01.320] Nobody wanted to help at all because the appraisal district did not increase the overall property value. [01:15:01.320 --> 01:15:04.320] The overall property values remain the same. [01:15:04.320 --> 01:15:10.320] And so there is no formal method under statute to protest the individual breakdown [01:15:10.320 --> 01:15:12.320] of what they've appraised the land and the building. [01:15:12.320 --> 01:15:15.320] You can only protest the overall property value. [01:15:15.320 --> 01:15:19.320] And so there was no administrative remedy. [01:15:19.320 --> 01:15:24.320] There was no judicial remedy under the property tax code. [01:15:24.320 --> 01:15:29.320] The only remedy is to sue the Travis County appraisal district for fraud, [01:15:29.320 --> 01:15:34.320] which is what it comes down to and which we still intend to do. [01:15:34.320 --> 01:15:36.320] It's just something that's been on the back burner. [01:15:36.320 --> 01:15:38.320] So that's what's going on in Travis County. [01:15:38.320 --> 01:15:42.320] So folks out there listening in other areas, be wary. [01:15:42.320 --> 01:15:46.320] Look at what they do with the breakdown between the land and the building values [01:15:46.320 --> 01:15:50.320] because then what will happen if they pull what they pulled with us, [01:15:50.320 --> 01:15:54.320] then the developers move in and as people sell their homes, [01:15:54.320 --> 01:15:59.320] they knock the building down, perfectly good building, and build a brand new house. [01:15:59.320 --> 01:16:06.320] And then they have a reasonable cause to jack up the property value to like $350,000, $400,000 [01:16:06.320 --> 01:16:12.320] to gentrify the neighborhood and run out people who have basically lived here their whole lives [01:16:12.320 --> 01:16:14.320] and can't afford the taxes anymore. [01:16:14.320 --> 01:16:17.320] I mean, it's getting pretty bad around here, really. [01:16:17.320 --> 01:16:19.320] And there's no reason to gentrify this neighborhood. [01:16:19.320 --> 01:16:21.320] It's just straight up greed. [01:16:21.320 --> 01:16:23.320] And they're trying to do the same thing with the school. [01:16:23.320 --> 01:16:27.320] They want to remove the elementary school in the neighborhood [01:16:27.320 --> 01:16:32.320] and make it so that the little children have to cross busy streets [01:16:32.320 --> 01:16:36.320] or that parents have to drive or bus their kids to neighboring neighborhoods [01:16:36.320 --> 01:16:42.320] to go to elementary school because the property tax office, the TCAD, wants to make money. [01:16:42.320 --> 01:16:45.320] They want to make money off of that property where the elementary school is [01:16:45.320 --> 01:16:47.320] instead of having to fund it. [01:16:47.320 --> 01:16:51.320] All right, it's total, it's just absolute evil to the max. [01:16:51.320 --> 01:16:54.320] So that's my rant on the real estate issue. [01:16:54.320 --> 01:16:56.320] I'll address the other issue on the other side. [01:16:56.320 --> 01:16:59.320] Folks, call in 512-646-1984. [01:16:59.320 --> 01:17:02.320] It is so enlightening to listen to 90.1 FM, [01:17:02.320 --> 01:17:05.320] but finding things on the Internet isn't so easy, [01:17:05.320 --> 01:17:08.320] and neither is finding like-minded people to share it with. [01:17:08.320 --> 01:17:11.320] Oh, well, I guess you haven't heard of Brave New Books, then. [01:17:11.320 --> 01:17:12.320] Brave New Books? [01:17:12.320 --> 01:17:15.320] Yes, Brave New Books has all the books and DVDs you're looking for [01:17:15.320 --> 01:17:19.320] by authors like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, and G. Edward Griffin. [01:17:19.320 --> 01:17:23.320] They even stock inner food, Berkey products, and Calvin Soaps. [01:17:23.320 --> 01:17:25.320] There's no way a place like that exists. [01:17:25.320 --> 01:17:27.320] Go check it out for yourself. [01:17:27.320 --> 01:17:31.320] It's downtown at 1904 Guadalupe Street, just south of UT. [01:17:31.320 --> 01:17:35.320] By UT, there's never anywhere to park down there. [01:17:35.320 --> 01:17:37.320] Actually, they now offer a free hour of parking [01:17:37.320 --> 01:17:41.320] for paying customers at the 500 MLK parking facility, [01:17:41.320 --> 01:17:43.320] just behind the bookstore. [01:17:43.320 --> 01:17:46.320] It does exist, but when are they open? [01:17:46.320 --> 01:17:51.320] Monday through Saturday, 11 AM to 9 PM, and 1 to 6 PM on Sundays. [01:17:51.320 --> 01:17:55.320] So give them a call at 512-480-2503, [01:17:55.320 --> 01:17:58.320] or go to their events page at bravenewbookstore.com. [01:18:25.320 --> 01:18:29.320] I was blindsided but now I can see your plans [01:18:29.320 --> 01:18:32.320] You put the fear in my pocket [01:18:32.320 --> 01:18:34.320] Took the money from my hands [01:18:34.320 --> 01:18:39.320] Ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:18:39.320 --> 01:18:59.320] Ain't gonna fool me, ain't gonna fool me [01:18:59.320 --> 01:19:03.320] Ain't gonna drive me with that same old sucker punch [01:19:03.320 --> 01:19:06.320] Okay folks, would you like to call in? [01:19:06.320 --> 01:19:13.320] We do have open phone lines, 512-646-1984. [01:19:13.320 --> 01:19:15.320] Okay, I ranted about the property taxes [01:19:15.320 --> 01:19:20.320] and the highly corrupt Travis County Appraisal District, [01:19:20.320 --> 01:19:24.320] who did a bait and switch, a little old switcheroo, [01:19:24.320 --> 01:19:27.320] you might say, of the land and building values a few years ago, [01:19:27.320 --> 01:19:30.320] and it's causing great difficulty. [01:19:30.320 --> 01:19:35.320] So we do at some point plan on suing the TCAD for fraud [01:19:35.320 --> 01:19:39.320] because there's no way to formally protest [01:19:39.320 --> 01:19:43.320] the breakdown between the land and building values, [01:19:43.320 --> 01:19:47.320] which is a little loophole, I would say, [01:19:47.320 --> 01:19:50.320] that they used to pull what they pulled. [01:19:50.320 --> 01:19:55.320] And honestly, I don't think the legislature intended anything nefarious. [01:19:55.320 --> 01:19:57.320] I think that that's something that they just overlooked [01:19:57.320 --> 01:19:59.320] because actually when you read the property code [01:19:59.320 --> 01:20:04.320] and the protest mechanism procedures set up in place, [01:20:04.320 --> 01:20:06.320] it's pretty good, it really is pretty decent. [01:20:06.320 --> 01:20:10.320] There's ways that you can appeal into district court and things like that. [01:20:10.320 --> 01:20:14.320] So it's a very well set up procedure. [01:20:14.320 --> 01:20:16.320] I think they just overlooked that fact. [01:20:16.320 --> 01:20:19.320] So suing for fraud it is, but at any rate, [01:20:19.320 --> 01:20:25.320] to address Boris' other question concerning the remedies, [01:20:25.320 --> 01:20:29.320] the UCC remedies and redemption, I have seen it work. [01:20:29.320 --> 01:20:34.320] Like sometimes, like Eddie says, a lot of times it has not worked. [01:20:34.320 --> 01:20:39.320] Honestly, Randy and I believe that people like Sam Kennedy [01:20:39.320 --> 01:20:43.320] and Tim Turner are highly likely federal agents. [01:20:43.320 --> 01:20:48.320] There's a lot of evidence pointing in that direction, especially Sam Kennedy. [01:20:48.320 --> 01:20:56.320] Now, you know, I'm not going to for sure say that we know that, but we are suspicious. [01:20:56.320 --> 01:20:59.320] And as far as the Tim Turner process goes, [01:20:59.320 --> 01:21:05.320] this is a process that the Agenda 21 talk show crew used to highly endorse [01:21:05.320 --> 01:21:11.320] until they discovered that there was some things lacking in Tim Turner's methods. [01:21:11.320 --> 01:21:16.320] And they have been working with other people to basically fill in the gaps, [01:21:16.320 --> 01:21:21.320] so to speak, in his methods and his procedures. [01:21:21.320 --> 01:21:24.320] And one of the things that's lacking for sure that I know of [01:21:24.320 --> 01:21:30.320] is regarding the writing of these bonded promissory notes directly off the Treasury. [01:21:30.320 --> 01:21:35.320] That's where the Tim Turner process ultimately leads to. [01:21:35.320 --> 01:21:40.320] And folks, I'll tell you, you know, it came to light a few months ago [01:21:40.320 --> 01:21:45.320] from one of the guests that the Agenda 21 crew had on their show. [01:21:45.320 --> 01:21:52.320] You cannot, no matter what kind of process, UCC redemption process you go through, [01:21:52.320 --> 01:21:57.320] you cannot write bonded promissory notes off of the U.S. Treasury directly [01:21:57.320 --> 01:22:04.320] unless you have direct written permission from the Secretary of the Treasury, period, [01:22:04.320 --> 01:22:07.320] who right now is Geithner. [01:22:07.320 --> 01:22:10.320] All right, and there are ways to get that done. [01:22:10.320 --> 01:22:15.320] There are ways to file the proper liens on the strawman name and all these kinds of things, [01:22:15.320 --> 01:22:19.320] but it is an extremely complicated process. [01:22:19.320 --> 01:22:23.320] And I have not thoroughly researched out the whole thing. [01:22:23.320 --> 01:22:26.320] The Agenda 21 crew would know a little bit more about that [01:22:26.320 --> 01:22:28.320] or a lot more about that than I would, [01:22:28.320 --> 01:22:34.320] but I would just say that sometimes these things work and sometimes they don't. [01:22:34.320 --> 01:22:38.320] It depends on what you're trying to do with the commercial remedies. [01:22:38.320 --> 01:22:40.320] What are you trying to do? [01:22:40.320 --> 01:22:42.320] Are you trying to find a traffic ticket with it? [01:22:42.320 --> 01:22:45.320] Are you trying to get out of a lawsuit? [01:22:45.320 --> 01:22:49.320] Are you trying to get out of felony criminal charges [01:22:49.320 --> 01:22:52.320] that the feds have against you with it? [01:22:52.320 --> 01:22:55.320] I mean, it depends on what you're trying to do [01:22:55.320 --> 01:22:59.320] with this commercial remedy redemption so-called process [01:22:59.320 --> 01:23:06.320] that has a very great bearing on whether or not it's going to work for you, really. [01:23:06.320 --> 01:23:11.320] And as far as the name in all caps, what we have found, what we've discussed, [01:23:11.320 --> 01:23:18.320] at least what I've discussed with the Agenda 21 crew, is that there is something about all caps, [01:23:18.320 --> 01:23:21.320] name being in all caps, in Black's law. [01:23:21.320 --> 01:23:23.320] There is something about that. [01:23:23.320 --> 01:23:30.320] And as far as the all caps name, well, I know that there was a host on this show a while back. [01:23:30.320 --> 01:23:32.320] He's not on this network anymore. [01:23:32.320 --> 01:23:33.320] He's not doing talk radio anymore. [01:23:33.320 --> 01:23:35.320] His name is Michael Beider. [01:23:35.320 --> 01:23:39.320] And he abated, he has an abatement procedure. [01:23:39.320 --> 01:23:44.320] He did an abatement regarding the name in all caps all the way up to the Supreme Court. [01:23:44.320 --> 01:23:48.320] He was being sued, I don't know, by credit card company or something. [01:23:48.320 --> 01:23:51.320] I don't remember what it was, what exactly the situation is. [01:23:51.320 --> 01:23:52.320] You can look it up on Pacer. [01:23:52.320 --> 01:24:00.320] He was being sued and he did the abatement, which is where basically at the beginning of the lawsuit, [01:24:00.320 --> 01:24:06.320] he told his adversary and told the court through certain documents, this is not me. [01:24:06.320 --> 01:24:08.320] You're calling me Michael Beider in all caps. [01:24:08.320 --> 01:24:09.320] That's not me. [01:24:09.320 --> 01:24:11.320] I'm Michael David Beider, Jr. [01:24:11.320 --> 01:24:14.320] Upper case, lower case, of course. [01:24:14.320 --> 01:24:15.320] That was his mantra. [01:24:15.320 --> 01:24:16.320] All right? [01:24:16.320 --> 01:24:23.320] And so he basically told his adversary, the plaintiff, you need to re-file the legal documents [01:24:23.320 --> 01:24:25.320] with my name in upper and lower case. [01:24:25.320 --> 01:24:28.320] And then I will respond to the suit. [01:24:28.320 --> 01:24:30.320] But right now you're suing the wrong entity. [01:24:30.320 --> 01:24:33.320] You need to, you know, if you're looking for a Michael Beider in all caps, [01:24:33.320 --> 01:24:36.320] you've got the wrong address basically. [01:24:36.320 --> 01:24:43.320] And so this went on and he, it went, it made its way up to the federal court system. [01:24:43.320 --> 01:24:49.320] And eventually he abated his case all the way to the Supreme Court. [01:24:49.320 --> 01:24:57.320] And the Supreme Court told the plaintiff who was suing Beider, the Supreme Court told the plaintiff, [01:24:57.320 --> 01:25:02.320] look, this guy is not who you think he is. [01:25:02.320 --> 01:25:08.320] If you are trying to sue him, you need to re-file your papers with upper and lower case. [01:25:08.320 --> 01:25:12.320] That's what the Supreme Court ruled in Beider's case. [01:25:12.320 --> 01:25:18.320] They ordered the plaintiff to re-file the documents, to re-file the whole suit from the get-goat from scratch [01:25:18.320 --> 01:25:20.320] with his name in upper and lower case. [01:25:20.320 --> 01:25:25.320] And the plaintiff would not do it. [01:25:25.320 --> 01:25:26.320] Okay? [01:25:26.320 --> 01:25:31.320] So that's, so the upper lower case thing does have some bearing. [01:25:31.320 --> 01:25:39.320] Now what Greg from Agenda 21 has had to say about that is that yes, it does in federal court, [01:25:39.320 --> 01:25:43.320] but it's not for the reason that we think it is. [01:25:43.320 --> 01:25:51.320] Yes, in Black's law it says something about, you know, names written or entities written in all caps [01:25:51.320 --> 01:25:54.320] or supposedly commercial entities. [01:25:54.320 --> 01:25:55.320] Yeah, it does say that in Black's law. [01:25:55.320 --> 01:26:01.320] As Eddie was saying earlier, we haven't seen anything about it specifically in statute, [01:26:01.320 --> 01:26:03.320] but that's what it says in Black's law. [01:26:03.320 --> 01:26:07.320] So it's just kind of like a premise, an idea more than anything. [01:26:07.320 --> 01:26:09.320] And yes, apparently it works. [01:26:09.320 --> 01:26:10.320] It worked in Beider's case. [01:26:10.320 --> 01:26:15.320] It's worked in other people's cases who have abated issues like this when they're being sued. [01:26:15.320 --> 01:26:16.320] Okay? [01:26:16.320 --> 01:26:22.320] But the reason that Greg says that it works in the court system, especially in the federal court system, [01:26:22.320 --> 01:26:25.320] and apparently especially in the criminal court system, [01:26:25.320 --> 01:26:30.320] but just in the federal court system altogether is because there are computer, [01:26:30.320 --> 01:26:38.320] the computer systems that are set up to manage all the documents in the federal court system [01:26:38.320 --> 01:26:43.320] that generate the documents and do all the docketing and all these things. [01:26:43.320 --> 01:26:48.320] It has to do with the interaction of the form on the computer. [01:26:48.320 --> 01:26:56.320] When you go to enter, when the user goes to enter in the name or the names in the cases, [01:26:56.320 --> 01:27:05.320] it's by the software, by the design of the software, you can only enter the names as all uppercase. [01:27:05.320 --> 01:27:08.320] That's just the way the software is set up. [01:27:08.320 --> 01:27:12.320] And Greg said that he knows for sure because he worked on some of the software [01:27:12.320 --> 01:27:17.320] and he helped install some of the software in some of the federal court systems in Alabama. [01:27:17.320 --> 01:27:22.320] And it's not like a company who can just upgrade their systems. [01:27:22.320 --> 01:27:26.320] This all has to be approved by the legislature. [01:27:26.320 --> 01:27:33.320] I mean, you have to get, like, they would have to pass new laws to set up new computer systems in the courts. [01:27:33.320 --> 01:27:35.320] And so that's just the way it is. [01:27:35.320 --> 01:27:37.320] And I asked Greg, why did they do that? [01:27:37.320 --> 01:27:39.320] Did they do that because the courts are all commercial? [01:27:39.320 --> 01:27:44.320] And he said, no, it's just a simple matter of user interface. [01:27:44.320 --> 01:27:52.320] It's to prevent user error because operators will make mistakes. [01:27:52.320 --> 01:27:53.320] They'll make typos. [01:27:53.320 --> 01:28:03.320] And when you're typing a name, you don't want the user to make a mistake of having someone's name in all lowercase, you know? [01:28:03.320 --> 01:28:10.320] And then there'll be cases where people will have upper and lowercase letters within their name, [01:28:10.320 --> 01:28:18.320] like McNamara or something like that, where the M and there's capital M and then lower C and then capital N. [01:28:18.320 --> 01:28:22.320] And so then people will get all bent out of shape if the N isn't capitalized. [01:28:22.320 --> 01:28:26.320] And so the way the software was designed is that when it comes to entering names in the field, [01:28:26.320 --> 01:28:30.320] the software is programmed so that it has to be in all uppercase. [01:28:30.320 --> 01:28:36.320] And it's a very simple explanation, and this is the way it is. [01:28:36.320 --> 01:28:45.320] And so if you abate based on the all uppercase premise, then likely you will win. [01:28:45.320 --> 01:28:47.320] That's what happened with BIDR. [01:28:47.320 --> 01:28:50.320] But it's not for the reasons that we think it is. [01:28:50.320 --> 01:28:54.320] And so there's a way to use the system to our favor in this method. [01:28:54.320 --> 01:29:00.320] And then sometimes it doesn't work, like people trying to use bonded promissory notes and going to jail and stuff like that. [01:29:00.320 --> 01:29:02.320] So sometimes it works. [01:29:02.320 --> 01:29:03.320] Sometimes it doesn't. [01:29:03.320 --> 01:29:04.320] You have to be very wary. [01:29:04.320 --> 01:29:08.320] The Tim Turner process from our research is not complete. [01:29:08.320 --> 01:29:12.320] There's a lot more that needs to be dealt with. [01:29:12.320 --> 01:29:17.320] And I would certainly not recommend trying to write bonded promissory notes off the Treasury [01:29:17.320 --> 01:29:24.320] unless you have studied commercial law for a long time and have a letter from Geithner yourself. [01:29:24.320 --> 01:29:29.320] So that's my little rant about the UCC redemption process. [01:29:29.320 --> 01:29:34.320] I still think it has potential to be valid, but it's very complicated. [01:29:34.320 --> 01:29:37.320] So it's kind of a murky area. [01:29:37.320 --> 01:29:39.320] Anyway, we still have open phone lines. [01:29:39.320 --> 01:29:41.320] So come on, folks. [01:29:41.320 --> 01:29:46.320] We've got a half an hour left, 512-646-1984. [01:29:46.320 --> 01:29:48.320] Call on in. [01:29:48.320 --> 01:30:00.320] We'll be right back. [01:30:18.320 --> 01:30:34.320] Have you ever fed your family cornflakes or sent your kid off to school with a juice box? [01:30:34.320 --> 01:30:35.320] If so, look out. [01:30:35.320 --> 01:30:38.320] You might be sending them off to a lifetime of health problems. [01:30:38.320 --> 01:30:42.320] I'm Dr. Catherine Albrecht, and I'll identify the culprit in just a moment. [01:30:42.320 --> 01:30:49.320] Google is watching you, recording everything you've ever searched for and creating a massive database of your personal information. [01:30:49.320 --> 01:30:50.320] That's creepy. [01:30:50.320 --> 01:30:52.320] But it doesn't have to be that way. [01:30:52.320 --> 01:30:55.320] Startpage.com is the world's most private search engine. [01:30:55.320 --> 01:31:02.320] Startpage.com doesn't store your IP address, make a record of your searches or use tracking cookies, and they're third-party certified. [01:31:02.320 --> 01:31:06.320] If you don't like big brother spying on you, start over with Startpage. [01:31:06.320 --> 01:31:09.320] Great search results and total privacy. [01:31:09.320 --> 01:31:12.320] Startpage.com, the world's most private search engine. [01:31:12.320 --> 01:31:17.320] Many breakfast cereals, juice drinks, and other products contain high fructose corn syrup. [01:31:17.320 --> 01:31:25.320] While it's no secret that too much sugar will expand your waistline, when that sweetener is in the form of high fructose corn syrup, you put your body at risk for disease. [01:31:25.320 --> 01:31:34.320] We're talking high blood pressure, obesity, especially in children, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance that can lead to Type 2 diabetes, and that's just part of it. [01:31:34.320 --> 01:31:40.320] Food manufacturers have to list their ingredients on all packaging, and fortunately, many are now providing alternatives. [01:31:40.320 --> 01:31:44.320] So the next time you reach for the cookies, ketchup, or barbecue sauce, check the label. [01:31:44.320 --> 01:31:47.320] The life you save may be your child's. [01:31:47.320 --> 01:32:01.320] This is Dr. Catherine Albrecht. More news and information at CatherineAlbrecht.com. [01:32:01.320 --> 01:32:26.320] Okay, we are back, folks, and I just also wanted to comment that on the Agenda 21 Talk website, those guys are hosts at 8 p.m. on Tuesday nights here on Rule of Law Radio Network. [01:32:26.320 --> 01:32:32.320] They have a book CD on their website concerning the all-caps issue. [01:32:32.320 --> 01:32:39.320] It's called Cracking the Code Not to be Confused with the Book on the IRS of the Same Name. [01:32:39.320 --> 01:32:43.320] So you might want to go to Agenda21Talk.com to check that out. [01:32:43.320 --> 01:32:46.320] And I'm going to take this opportunity now to plug our sponsors. [01:32:46.320 --> 01:32:49.320] Folks, please support our sponsors. [01:32:49.320 --> 01:32:51.320] We need you to support our sponsors. [01:32:51.320 --> 01:32:56.320] When you support our sponsors, you support Rule of Law Radio Network. You support this radio show. [01:32:56.320 --> 01:33:02.320] You keep us on the air, and we desperately need you to support our sponsors and to support us through donations. [01:33:02.320 --> 01:33:10.320] We are mostly doing this on our own time, and it can be very expensive to run these radio shows and these radio networks. [01:33:10.320 --> 01:33:15.320] So, folks, we are doing this for you, and we need your support. [01:33:15.320 --> 01:33:18.320] We are not being supported by the Ford Foundation. [01:33:18.320 --> 01:33:23.320] We're not being supported by Merck. We're not supported by the big oil companies. [01:33:23.320 --> 01:33:27.320] We're not supported by Big Pharma, all right, the pharmaceutical industries. [01:33:27.320 --> 01:33:29.320] We are supported by you. [01:33:29.320 --> 01:33:33.320] So if you find this information valuable, please support this network. [01:33:33.320 --> 01:33:45.320] We are gearing up to expand, hire a webmaster, hire some staff to help with the production of the shows and screening calls and such like that so we can add more shows. [01:33:45.320 --> 01:33:57.320] We are gearing up to get on satellite so we can have a satellite feed for everyone and to try to get on syndicated our shows on major AM and FM stations. [01:33:57.320 --> 01:33:59.320] But this all costs money. [01:33:59.320 --> 01:34:07.320] So if you want to see Rule of Law Radio flourish and grow and get the word out to more people, to help more people, because we are here to help people, [01:34:07.320 --> 01:34:11.320] then we really need you to support our sponsors and to support us through donations. [01:34:11.320 --> 01:34:17.320] And our newest sponsor, of course, is Centrition. Feel more energy and less stress. [01:34:17.320 --> 01:34:24.320] You can click on the big green banner right underneath the pictures of all the hosts on the Web site, ruleoflawradio.com, [01:34:24.320 --> 01:34:27.320] and you can order a portion of the proceeds of the sales. [01:34:27.320 --> 01:34:29.320] Go to support Rule of Law Radio Network. [01:34:29.320 --> 01:34:31.320] And I'll tell you, I love this stuff. [01:34:31.320 --> 01:34:34.320] I've been taking it for almost a week now, and I can definitely feel the difference. [01:34:34.320 --> 01:34:43.320] It's jam-packed with herbs and superfoods, and, of course, as the Bible says, Jehovah has made all good herbs for food. [01:34:43.320 --> 01:34:45.320] And these are definitely good herbs, folks. [01:34:45.320 --> 01:34:47.320] You've got to get some Centrition. [01:34:47.320 --> 01:34:57.320] Capital Coin and Bullion, 5448 Burnett Road at the corner of Burnett and Shulmont, 512-646-6440. [01:34:57.320 --> 01:34:59.320] Give them a call. Stop by if you're in Austin. [01:34:59.320 --> 01:35:06.320] They do ship worldwide, so even if you're out there in radio-listening land in other areas, [01:35:06.320 --> 01:35:12.320] Capital Coin and Bullion is the source for you for all your precious metals needs. [01:35:12.320 --> 01:35:17.320] They buy and sell, so if you're looking to get some silver, looking to get some gold, [01:35:17.320 --> 01:35:25.320] you might want to do that before the manipulation stops and the prices of the metals go up the roof. [01:35:25.320 --> 01:35:29.320] I mean, folks, it was only a few years ago. Gold was $250 an ounce. [01:35:29.320 --> 01:35:32.320] Now, look, it's $1,250 an ounce. [01:35:32.320 --> 01:35:39.320] Analysts, the experts are saying it's going to go to $3,000, $4,000 within the next couple of years. [01:35:39.320 --> 01:35:41.320] And then imagine what's going to happen with silver. [01:35:41.320 --> 01:35:49.320] Silver is one of the best investments right now because exponentially it stands to grow more than gold. [01:35:49.320 --> 01:35:55.320] It's not even at the historical ratio right now of 15 to 1 or 16 to 1. [01:35:55.320 --> 01:36:03.320] Once silver reclaims its natural historic ratio, if it was at its historical ratio to gold right now, [01:36:03.320 --> 01:36:08.320] silver would be like $70, $80 an ounce. It's only barely $20 an ounce right now. [01:36:08.320 --> 01:36:10.320] So get some silver, get some gold. [01:36:10.320 --> 01:36:14.320] Capital Coin and Bullion, there's a banner link for that on the website. [01:36:14.320 --> 01:36:21.320] Also, jurisdictionary, the ABCs of the judicial system. [01:36:21.320 --> 01:36:24.320] Get your jurisdictionary portion of the proceeds, support the show. [01:36:24.320 --> 01:36:29.320] The Mike Maris method for fighting debt collectors and creditors. [01:36:29.320 --> 01:36:31.320] Of course, Jerry Stevens Piano Service. [01:36:31.320 --> 01:36:34.320] Click on the banner even if you don't have a piano. [01:36:34.320 --> 01:36:42.320] Folks, we need to drive some traffic to Jerry's Piano Service website so that we can get his rankings up in the search engines. [01:36:42.320 --> 01:36:46.320] Okay, that is my rant now on the sponsors. [01:36:46.320 --> 01:36:47.320] We do need your help. [01:36:47.320 --> 01:36:49.320] We're going to go to some of your phone calls now. [01:36:49.320 --> 01:36:51.320] We've got some phone calls coming in. [01:36:51.320 --> 01:36:53.320] We've got Stephen in Montana. [01:36:53.320 --> 01:36:55.320] Stephen, thanks for calling in. [01:36:55.320 --> 01:36:57.320] What is on your mind tonight? [01:36:57.320 --> 01:36:59.320] Hi, guys. How are you guys doing? [01:36:59.320 --> 01:37:02.320] Good. [01:37:02.320 --> 01:37:09.320] I want to ask about the discovery violation. [01:37:09.320 --> 01:37:15.320] I haven't received any of my discovery violations, and it's been mostly compel and got that denied. [01:37:15.320 --> 01:37:23.320] I've got every single one of my motions denied except for two motions to continue. [01:37:23.320 --> 01:37:26.320] And I'm not sure. [01:37:26.320 --> 01:37:34.320] My public defender, I finally decided to give the public defender to see what he would do, but she hasn't done anything. [01:37:34.320 --> 01:37:40.320] There was a videotape of me at the book encounter, and I don't know what happened to it. [01:37:40.320 --> 01:37:42.320] Nobody is claiming anything for it. [01:37:42.320 --> 01:37:49.320] I filed criminal complaints to Stanford with evidence on it. [01:37:49.320 --> 01:37:55.320] Of course, all those are just being overlooked, all the criminal complaints. [01:37:55.320 --> 01:37:58.320] There's a Brady violations grounds for dismissal. [01:37:58.320 --> 01:38:01.320] I mean, I'm sure it will have to go on appeal. [01:38:01.320 --> 01:38:09.320] I did file a findings of facts and conclusions of law on why the judge denied the motions. [01:38:09.320 --> 01:38:12.320] Okay. [01:38:12.320 --> 01:38:14.320] Yeah, I was just thinking about that. [01:38:14.320 --> 01:38:21.320] I just got your update with that in there the other day from Deborah. [01:38:21.320 --> 01:38:26.320] And what are some of the issues that you think I would raise in the findings of facts? [01:38:26.320 --> 01:38:28.320] If you read the one that's there, you'll see. [01:38:28.320 --> 01:38:35.320] It gives you specifics about, okay, you denied this motion, though the motion was unopposed by the other side. [01:38:35.320 --> 01:38:38.320] The other side submitted nothing in writing. [01:38:38.320 --> 01:38:40.320] Why did you deny it, Judge? [01:38:40.320 --> 01:38:44.320] You're supposed to be neutral is basically what it stipulates. [01:38:44.320 --> 01:38:50.320] But if you look at it, it will give you for each motion you filed that was denied, [01:38:50.320 --> 01:38:57.320] there's a separate section stipulating what the motion was, whether or not it was opposed or unopposed, [01:38:57.320 --> 01:39:08.320] and requesting the judge give findings of facts and conclusions of law for the denial when it was unopposed by the opposing counsel. [01:39:08.320 --> 01:39:14.320] In other words, you're going to put the judge on the dime to explain themselves about why are you making the determination [01:39:14.320 --> 01:39:20.320] about these motions when they're not opposed by the other side. [01:39:20.320 --> 01:39:24.320] He's acting on behalf of the prosecution is what he's doing. [01:39:24.320 --> 01:39:29.320] And he can't do that. [01:39:29.320 --> 01:39:39.320] Well, yeah, I was reading some case law, though, and Montana says that it still is up to the discretion of a judge [01:39:39.320 --> 01:39:46.320] that they can even deny a motion if it hasn't been responded to by the other side. [01:39:46.320 --> 01:39:55.320] And you want the findings of facts and conclusions of law on what the judge relied on for his reason to deny it. [01:39:55.320 --> 01:39:57.320] He can't deny it just out of hand. [01:39:57.320 --> 01:40:03.320] There has to be a lawful, substantial reason why the motion was denied. [01:40:03.320 --> 01:40:06.320] He doesn't get to make it up as he goes along. [01:40:06.320 --> 01:40:17.320] Well, in all actuality, the judge is supposed to bring the findings of facts and conclusions of law [01:40:17.320 --> 01:40:24.320] on all the issues you raised in your motion, right, or just unless they're completely frivolous or erroneous. [01:40:24.320 --> 01:40:31.320] But I cite statute, case law, everything, and they just say nothing. [01:40:31.320 --> 01:40:37.320] And even when the prosecutor does respond, they don't bring up anything. [01:40:37.320 --> 01:40:41.320] They don't controvert any of the issues I bring up. [01:40:41.320 --> 01:40:45.320] They just come up with something stupid. [01:40:45.320 --> 01:40:53.320] And then the judge just says in their findings of facts and conclusions of law basically what the prosecutor says in their motion. [01:40:53.320 --> 01:41:01.320] That's their fighting of facts on everything is just what the prosecutor responded to. [01:41:01.320 --> 01:41:10.320] So another thing I was wondering, if I do go to get railroaded to trial and all that, [01:41:10.320 --> 01:41:15.320] is there a 1983 lawsuit there for discovery violations? [01:41:15.320 --> 01:41:17.320] Nobody gives me any? [01:41:17.320 --> 01:41:18.320] Yes, denial of due process. [01:41:18.320 --> 01:41:22.320] That's a 1983 violation. [01:41:22.320 --> 01:41:25.320] Okay. [01:41:25.320 --> 01:41:28.320] That's what I was thinking. [01:41:28.320 --> 01:41:29.320] All right. [01:41:29.320 --> 01:41:30.320] Well, I'll get over this. [01:41:30.320 --> 01:41:34.320] I'll try to look at the findings of facts over and get something written up. [01:41:34.320 --> 01:41:35.320] I got court in a couple weeks. [01:41:35.320 --> 01:41:37.320] So I'll let you guys move on. [01:41:37.320 --> 01:41:38.320] I just got more callers. [01:41:38.320 --> 01:41:39.320] All right. [01:41:39.320 --> 01:41:40.320] Thanks, Stephen. [01:41:40.320 --> 01:41:41.320] Thanks. [01:41:41.320 --> 01:41:42.320] Okay. [01:41:42.320 --> 01:41:43.320] You have a good night. [01:41:43.320 --> 01:41:44.320] All right. [01:41:44.320 --> 01:41:46.320] Yes, we've got a full call board now, so we're going to blaze through the calls as quickly as possible, [01:41:46.320 --> 01:41:51.320] try to – everyone try to keep it succinct and efficient calls so that we can get to everyone. [01:41:51.320 --> 01:41:52.320] We've got David in Texas. [01:41:52.320 --> 01:41:53.320] David, thanks for calling in. [01:41:53.320 --> 01:41:56.320] What is your question for us tonight? [01:41:56.320 --> 01:42:02.320] Yes, I received a notice of foreclosure on my house, [01:42:02.320 --> 01:42:12.320] and I was wondering what are the chances of being able to do something about it where I can keep it? [01:42:12.320 --> 01:42:16.320] Well, you're going to need to talk to Randy in that aspect. [01:42:16.320 --> 01:42:22.320] Go to his website, remediesinrealestate.com, and there will be instructions on there [01:42:22.320 --> 01:42:26.320] about who you need to get in touch with and what you need to start doing right now. [01:42:26.320 --> 01:42:27.320] Yes, absolutely. [01:42:27.320 --> 01:42:30.320] And I was going to say his website is under reconstruction right now. [01:42:30.320 --> 01:42:32.320] They're reorganizing a little bit. [01:42:32.320 --> 01:42:38.320] So send an email to randy at remediesinrealestate.com, [01:42:38.320 --> 01:42:43.320] R-E-M-E-D-I-E-S-N-I-N realestate.com. [01:42:43.320 --> 01:42:47.320] And that email will actually go to one of his assistants. [01:42:47.320 --> 01:42:50.320] I believe Chris is responding to those emails right now. [01:42:50.320 --> 01:42:55.320] But you need to get in, you're going to need to get in a qualified written request [01:42:55.320 --> 01:43:00.320] and some other documents to stop the foreclosure, and they can help you out. [01:43:00.320 --> 01:43:01.320] Okay, thanks, guys. [01:43:01.320 --> 01:43:02.320] Let me show. [01:43:02.320 --> 01:43:05.320] Okay, thanks, David. [01:43:05.320 --> 01:43:11.320] Okay, we're going now to Chris in Texas. [01:43:11.320 --> 01:43:12.320] Chris, thanks for calling in. [01:43:12.320 --> 01:43:14.320] What is your question for us tonight? [01:43:14.320 --> 01:43:19.320] Yeah, I got a speeding ticket in Texas, and I had a witness in the car. [01:43:19.320 --> 01:43:23.320] The policeman was sitting on private property while he was radaring people, [01:43:23.320 --> 01:43:29.320] laser radar, and I had a meeting with the guy later this week [01:43:29.320 --> 01:43:34.320] to see if he gave him permission to shoot radar. [01:43:34.320 --> 01:43:35.320] Okay, hang on, Chris. [01:43:35.320 --> 01:43:38.320] We're about to go to break, and we'll hear more about this [01:43:38.320 --> 01:43:41.320] and Eddie will respond on the other side. [01:43:41.320 --> 01:43:43.320] Julio, Josh, just hang tight. [01:43:43.320 --> 01:43:45.320] We'll get to everyone's calls. [01:43:45.320 --> 01:43:48.320] On the other side, final segment, this is the rule of law. [01:43:48.320 --> 01:43:50.320] Randy Kelton, Eddie Craig, Deborah Stevens. [01:43:50.320 --> 01:44:06.320] We'll be back in a bit. [01:44:06.320 --> 01:44:11.320] Aerial spraying, chemtrails, the modified atmosphere, [01:44:11.320 --> 01:44:13.320] heavy metals and pesticides, [01:44:13.320 --> 01:44:18.320] carcinogens and chemical fibers all falling from the sky. [01:44:18.320 --> 01:44:21.320] You have a choice to keep your body clean. [01:44:21.320 --> 01:44:26.320] Detoxify with micro plant powder from hempusa.org [01:44:26.320 --> 01:44:31.320] or call 908-691-2608. [01:44:31.320 --> 01:44:35.320] It's odorless and tasteless and used in any liquid or food. [01:44:35.320 --> 01:44:39.320] Protect your family now with micro plant powder. [01:44:39.320 --> 01:44:43.320] Cleaning out heavy metals, parasites, and toxins. [01:44:43.320 --> 01:44:48.320] Order it now for daily intake and stock it now for long-term storage. [01:44:48.320 --> 01:45:00.320] Visit hempusa.org or call 908-691-2608 today. [01:45:00.320 --> 01:45:27.320] Okay, folks, we are back. [01:45:27.320 --> 01:45:30.320] We're speaking with Chris in Texas. [01:45:30.320 --> 01:45:34.320] Somebody is going to police the police man. [01:45:34.320 --> 01:45:37.320] Somebody is going to bully the bully. [01:45:37.320 --> 01:45:42.320] We know Ja will, and that's what we aim to do as well. [01:45:42.320 --> 01:45:44.320] Okay, with the Lord's help, of course. [01:45:44.320 --> 01:45:46.320] All right, Chris, so go ahead. [01:45:46.320 --> 01:45:47.320] Finish your story. [01:45:47.320 --> 01:45:51.320] You're talking about the police sitting on the private property. [01:45:51.320 --> 01:45:52.320] What's going on? [01:45:52.320 --> 01:45:54.320] Well, after he was sitting on the private property, [01:45:54.320 --> 01:45:57.320] he pulled me over and then he started writing me the speeding ticket. [01:45:57.320 --> 01:45:59.320] And then he came back up to the car. [01:45:59.320 --> 01:46:04.320] This was on a Friday, and he had it for about a month out. [01:46:04.320 --> 01:46:06.320] And I said, that's not the date I want. [01:46:06.320 --> 01:46:07.320] I want it for Monday. [01:46:07.320 --> 01:46:10.320] He said, we only have court once a month. [01:46:10.320 --> 01:46:11.320] I said, I don't care. [01:46:11.320 --> 01:46:13.320] It's not my problem. [01:46:13.320 --> 01:46:15.320] And then he started saying, what do you do for a living? [01:46:15.320 --> 01:46:16.320] I just told him none of your business. [01:46:16.320 --> 01:46:20.320] And I demanded three times to have the court date set for Monday [01:46:20.320 --> 01:46:23.320] as I have that right in state law. [01:46:23.320 --> 01:46:24.320] So then should I? [01:46:24.320 --> 01:46:26.320] Well, hold on just a second. [01:46:26.320 --> 01:46:29.320] You don't have that right in state law. [01:46:29.320 --> 01:46:31.320] I mean, you can go any time. [01:46:31.320 --> 01:46:35.320] But the officer by law cannot write an appearance date [01:46:35.320 --> 01:46:38.320] less than 10 days from the date the ticket is issued. [01:46:38.320 --> 01:46:45.320] But it also says in state law, unless the person demands an earlier date. [01:46:45.320 --> 01:46:48.320] But you demand that with the court, not with the officer. [01:46:48.320 --> 01:46:54.320] His mandate is it has to be greater than 10 days. [01:46:54.320 --> 01:46:58.320] You can appeal to the court and say I need it at a different date. [01:46:58.320 --> 01:47:00.320] But it's not up to the officer's discretion. [01:47:00.320 --> 01:47:04.320] The statute is very specific in that regard. [01:47:04.320 --> 01:47:11.320] He has no discretion in that. [01:47:11.320 --> 01:47:16.320] Which one would that be, 543-007-006? [01:47:16.320 --> 01:47:19.320] Because I'm looking at 0010 right now. [01:47:19.320 --> 01:47:22.320] 543 deals with the issuance of the citation [01:47:22.320 --> 01:47:26.320] and whether or not you demand to be taken before a magistrate. [01:47:26.320 --> 01:47:33.320] It doesn't have anything to do with the court date. [01:47:33.320 --> 01:47:41.320] Okay, the ticket I signed, what should I do from there? [01:47:41.320 --> 01:47:45.320] Because it ain't actually I still have time before I have to. [01:47:45.320 --> 01:47:48.320] Even though they require you, from what I've been listening to you all, [01:47:48.320 --> 01:47:52.320] even though they require people to come back to the court for a second time, [01:47:52.320 --> 01:47:54.320] that's really not what's supposed to happen. [01:47:54.320 --> 01:48:01.320] Well, if you look at the ticket, it will say on or before the date the officer wrote in. [01:48:01.320 --> 01:48:07.320] Yes, which means I can go in Saturday or Sunday. [01:48:07.320 --> 01:48:13.320] Well, no, you are expected and required to go on dates when the court is actually open for business. [01:48:13.320 --> 01:48:17.320] Now, the Supreme Court says that's 24 hours a day, seven days a week. [01:48:17.320 --> 01:48:20.320] But you and I know the state courts are not going to abide by that, [01:48:20.320 --> 01:48:26.320] nor are they going to honor the fact that they weren't available. [01:48:26.320 --> 01:48:31.320] It's wrong, but it's what they're doing. [01:48:31.320 --> 01:48:35.320] So I can guarantee you if you pull a Saturday or Sunday no-show, [01:48:35.320 --> 01:48:37.320] you're going to get a warrant issued. [01:48:37.320 --> 01:48:42.320] Now, you may or may not care about that, but the fact is it's going to be issued. [01:48:42.320 --> 01:48:46.320] Okay, then how shall I proceed now? [01:48:46.320 --> 01:48:53.320] Well, if you wanted to go in Monday, go in Monday. [01:48:53.320 --> 01:48:59.320] And basically state your case that you appeared as required by the statute. [01:48:59.320 --> 01:49:04.320] And basically what you really need to do is just take a couple of motions in and file them in the case. [01:49:04.320 --> 01:49:07.320] Just file a motion for a fair and impartial trial [01:49:07.320 --> 01:49:12.320] and a motion demanding that they follow the Code of Criminal Procedure. [01:49:12.320 --> 01:49:13.320] File those. [01:49:13.320 --> 01:49:18.320] Then you've got file stamp proof that you appeared on Monday, right? [01:49:18.320 --> 01:49:20.320] No, yeah. [01:49:20.320 --> 01:49:21.320] Okay. [01:49:21.320 --> 01:49:26.320] And the clerk at that time is not going to give you a different date to appear again. [01:49:26.320 --> 01:49:31.320] They can only legally issue a warrant for failure to appear [01:49:31.320 --> 01:49:36.320] if you were required to appear on a given date and did not. [01:49:36.320 --> 01:49:40.320] You did appear on or before the date on the ticket, [01:49:40.320 --> 01:49:45.320] and the clerk did not give you any other date to appear by. [01:49:45.320 --> 01:49:49.320] So unless they actually send you something in the mail with a new date on it, [01:49:49.320 --> 01:49:52.320] you're done unless they do otherwise. [01:49:52.320 --> 01:49:54.320] If they issue a warrant for your arrest, [01:49:54.320 --> 01:50:04.320] now you have probable cause to go after the judge of the court for acting without jurisdiction. [01:50:04.320 --> 01:50:11.320] Okay. [01:50:11.320 --> 01:50:13.320] All right, does that answer your questions, Chris? [01:50:13.320 --> 01:50:14.320] Yes. [01:50:14.320 --> 01:50:16.320] Okay, great. [01:50:16.320 --> 01:50:17.320] Bye-bye. [01:50:17.320 --> 01:50:18.320] Okay, thank you, bye. [01:50:18.320 --> 01:50:23.320] And folks out there, make sure you get Eddie's Traffic Seminar. [01:50:23.320 --> 01:50:26.320] Get Eddie's Traffic Seminar off of our Web site. [01:50:26.320 --> 01:50:28.320] Scroll down right where the banners are and you can order it there. [01:50:28.320 --> 01:50:31.320] Okay, we're going now to Julio in Texas. [01:50:31.320 --> 01:50:32.320] Julio, thanks for calling in. [01:50:32.320 --> 01:50:34.320] What's your question for us tonight? [01:50:34.320 --> 01:50:36.320] No, I have no question. [01:50:36.320 --> 01:50:41.320] All I have to say is that we went to Comal County on our deal. [01:50:41.320 --> 01:50:45.320] We're trying to get the land for Francis, and we won. [01:50:45.320 --> 01:50:46.320] It's simple as that. [01:50:46.320 --> 01:50:47.320] We win. [01:50:47.320 --> 01:50:50.320] We appear as one of the people of the state of Texas. [01:50:50.320 --> 01:50:52.320] The judge didn't want to hear that. [01:50:52.320 --> 01:50:57.320] We set up some complaints against the judge, [01:50:57.320 --> 01:51:02.320] and then we sent the opposing party instruments to cure the stains, [01:51:02.320 --> 01:51:07.320] and they went ahead and signed for it, and we just got the land. [01:51:07.320 --> 01:51:11.320] That's how we won it, and that's how we got it. [01:51:11.320 --> 01:51:15.320] So to me, it's real simple. [01:51:15.320 --> 01:51:19.320] You appear as one of the people of the state of Texas, upper and lower cases. [01:51:19.320 --> 01:51:21.320] They come up in all upper cases, [01:51:21.320 --> 01:51:27.320] and you ask for financial facts to see what law they're using. [01:51:27.320 --> 01:51:33.320] They don't answer you, and that's just put a rug buck on their case. [01:51:33.320 --> 01:51:37.320] At the same time that you start putting complaints against the attorneys [01:51:37.320 --> 01:51:45.320] and the judge, you go ahead and try to settle with the opposing party. [01:51:45.320 --> 01:51:49.320] They don't like what's coming down, and they always agree with you. [01:51:49.320 --> 01:51:57.320] So we just won our case without even being to court. [01:51:57.320 --> 01:51:58.320] Well, that's great, Julio. [01:51:58.320 --> 01:52:00.320] Congratulations. [01:52:00.320 --> 01:52:02.320] Well, thanks a lot. [01:52:02.320 --> 01:52:04.320] We'll be coming later on to see. [01:52:04.320 --> 01:52:08.320] We need some assistance in how to talk to federal court. [01:52:08.320 --> 01:52:13.320] The judge has said I cannot talk to them at all because I'm not an attorney, [01:52:13.320 --> 01:52:15.320] and I could appreciate that. [01:52:15.320 --> 01:52:17.320] I'm not an attorney. [01:52:17.320 --> 01:52:21.320] But then again, whenever a judge has knowledge of something being done, [01:52:21.320 --> 01:52:23.320] he doesn't do anything. [01:52:23.320 --> 01:52:29.320] He's just committing fraud. [01:52:29.320 --> 01:52:35.320] We had a case where this lady was in a car that had drugs. [01:52:35.320 --> 01:52:41.320] So the parties already plead guilty, and they wanted for her to plead guilty, [01:52:41.320 --> 01:52:45.320] and she's been in jail for three months, no attorney. [01:52:45.320 --> 01:52:52.320] And I went and sent them on the rule 201. [01:52:52.320 --> 01:53:00.320] I sent them some information, you know, and they said, well, what is this? [01:53:00.320 --> 01:53:03.320] I said, well, that's enough for David. [01:53:03.320 --> 01:53:07.320] That says who we are and who you are. [01:53:07.320 --> 01:53:11.320] I don't know what this is, and we're not going to pay any attention to this [01:53:11.320 --> 01:53:12.320] because you're not an attorney. [01:53:12.320 --> 01:53:13.320] You cannot talk to my court. [01:53:13.320 --> 01:53:16.320] I said, well, I'm a party, and on the rule 201, [01:53:16.320 --> 01:53:21.320] any party can enter documents into this case. [01:53:21.320 --> 01:53:23.320] And that's where we are right now. [01:53:23.320 --> 01:53:26.320] We've been there for three particular days, and it goes through the same thing. [01:53:26.320 --> 01:53:29.320] You know, when there's someone here sitting that's not an attorney, [01:53:29.320 --> 01:53:32.320] wants to talk to them, we cannot let them talk to them, [01:53:32.320 --> 01:53:35.320] and they could say anything they want to. [01:53:35.320 --> 01:53:38.320] They're not talking about me because they're talking about people [01:53:38.320 --> 01:53:42.320] that are in the corporation, and I'm not in the corporation. [01:53:42.320 --> 01:53:46.320] But there's going to be a way where I can talk to the judge or to the attorney, [01:53:46.320 --> 01:53:48.320] but they don't want to talk to me. [01:53:48.320 --> 01:53:52.320] I'm sure they'll check me out, and they know that I've gone to court, [01:53:52.320 --> 01:53:55.320] and every time I go to court, I'll win. [01:53:55.320 --> 01:53:59.320] But I really don't know how to approach this deal. [01:53:59.320 --> 01:54:03.320] Any ideas, Teddy? [01:54:03.320 --> 01:54:08.320] Well, if they're trying to avoid you, Julio, I don't. [01:54:08.320 --> 01:54:16.320] Basically, you don't have any real standing to address the issues on her behalf [01:54:16.320 --> 01:54:20.320] except in the case of a habeas corpus. [01:54:20.320 --> 01:54:22.320] Okay. [01:54:22.320 --> 01:54:25.320] If they've got her locked up without good cause [01:54:25.320 --> 01:54:28.320] or without any charges or anything of that nature, [01:54:28.320 --> 01:54:33.320] then you have the full authority to file a habeas corpus on her behalf. [01:54:33.320 --> 01:54:40.320] But as far as the particular issues, even though the law does not prohibit you [01:54:40.320 --> 01:54:45.320] from representing her as legal counsel in a criminal matter, [01:54:45.320 --> 01:54:48.320] they're not going to let you do it. [01:54:48.320 --> 01:54:50.320] You and I both know that. [01:54:50.320 --> 01:54:51.320] Okay. [01:54:51.320 --> 01:54:56.320] So what I would do is if your objective is to get her out of jail, [01:54:56.320 --> 01:55:01.320] I would file a writ of habeas corpus with a district judge. [01:55:01.320 --> 01:55:03.320] Okay. [01:55:03.320 --> 01:55:05.320] I guess we're going to have to go to federal court [01:55:05.320 --> 01:55:10.320] because we're in the local district court of the United States in Laredo, [01:55:10.320 --> 01:55:15.320] and I guess we're going to have to go to Houston to file there. [01:55:15.320 --> 01:55:18.320] There's not a federal court in Laredo? [01:55:18.320 --> 01:55:21.320] Yeah, she's in federal court in Laredo, yeah. [01:55:21.320 --> 01:55:23.320] Well, then why would you have to go to Houston? [01:55:23.320 --> 01:55:27.320] Because the head of the court is in Houston. [01:55:27.320 --> 01:55:33.320] The fifth court of appeals, their headquarters are in Houston. [01:55:33.320 --> 01:55:35.320] All these other courts that they've been created, [01:55:35.320 --> 01:55:38.320] they come from that court. [01:55:38.320 --> 01:55:41.320] Well, is the case in front of the appeals court right now? [01:55:41.320 --> 01:55:42.320] No, no, no. [01:55:42.320 --> 01:55:47.320] It's trying to get started on the statute in Laredo. [01:55:47.320 --> 01:55:50.320] You should not have to file a petition for writ of habeas corpus [01:55:50.320 --> 01:55:52.320] with the appeals court. [01:55:52.320 --> 01:55:54.320] You file the petition for writ of habeas corpus [01:55:54.320 --> 01:55:58.320] with whichever court the case is in currently. [01:55:58.320 --> 01:55:59.320] Okay. [01:55:59.320 --> 01:56:03.320] Well, you know, we gave the court the name of an attorney. [01:56:03.320 --> 01:56:05.320] We've been trying to get in touch with him. [01:56:05.320 --> 01:56:08.320] He will be just too busy. [01:56:08.320 --> 01:56:14.320] You can, a petition for writ of habeas corpus is one of the only documents [01:56:14.320 --> 01:56:18.320] that we as citizens can file on behalf of other citizens [01:56:18.320 --> 01:56:20.320] without needing a bar card. [01:56:20.320 --> 01:56:21.320] Okay. [01:56:21.320 --> 01:56:22.320] So you don't need the attorney. [01:56:22.320 --> 01:56:26.320] And you can download Randy's petition for writ of habeas corpus [01:56:26.320 --> 01:56:28.320] off of jurisimprudence.com. [01:56:28.320 --> 01:56:29.320] Okay. [01:56:29.320 --> 01:56:30.320] So download that. [01:56:30.320 --> 01:56:32.320] It's about a 50-page document, [01:56:32.320 --> 01:56:36.320] and you'll need to tailor it to your friend's situation. [01:56:36.320 --> 01:56:37.320] Okay. [01:56:37.320 --> 01:56:38.320] I'll look into it. [01:56:38.320 --> 01:56:39.320] All right. [01:56:39.320 --> 01:56:40.320] Thanks a lot. [01:56:40.320 --> 01:56:41.320] I appreciate it. [01:56:41.320 --> 01:56:42.320] All right. [01:56:42.320 --> 01:56:43.320] Thank you, Julio. [01:56:43.320 --> 01:56:44.320] Bye-bye. [01:56:44.320 --> 01:56:45.320] Okay. [01:56:45.320 --> 01:56:46.320] We did have Josh from Georgia on the line. [01:56:46.320 --> 01:56:47.320] Josh from Georgia dropped off the line, [01:56:47.320 --> 01:56:49.320] but we only have two minutes left in the show. [01:56:49.320 --> 01:56:51.320] So, Josh, we apologize about that. [01:56:51.320 --> 01:56:53.320] Call back in on Thursday night. [01:56:53.320 --> 01:56:55.320] So, Eddie, just to close up, [01:56:55.320 --> 01:56:58.320] did you want to briefly go over the three questions [01:56:58.320 --> 01:57:01.320] that you first ask an officer when you get pulled over [01:57:01.320 --> 01:57:04.320] and what the reasoning is behind that? [01:57:04.320 --> 01:57:05.320] Yeah. [01:57:05.320 --> 01:57:08.320] There is a specific legal reason for the three questions, [01:57:08.320 --> 01:57:14.320] and it's based upon the way the courts treat what they call [01:57:14.320 --> 01:57:16.320] an investigative stop. [01:57:16.320 --> 01:57:21.320] Basically, you want to know if the officer is acting within [01:57:21.320 --> 01:57:23.320] the law and why he pulled you over. [01:57:23.320 --> 01:57:25.320] You haven't violated anything in your mind, [01:57:25.320 --> 01:57:27.320] so you're innocent, right? [01:57:27.320 --> 01:57:28.320] So your first question is, [01:57:28.320 --> 01:57:30.320] what is the emergency and how can I help? [01:57:30.320 --> 01:57:34.320] There's no other reason the officer should be engaging you [01:57:34.320 --> 01:57:37.320] at all other than to be asking for your assistance. [01:57:37.320 --> 01:57:43.320] The second one is to clarify, am I under arrest? [01:57:43.320 --> 01:57:47.320] Well, if the officer says, no, you're not under arrest, [01:57:47.320 --> 01:57:49.320] that proves two things. [01:57:49.320 --> 01:57:53.320] One, the officer is incompetent because in Texas, [01:57:53.320 --> 01:57:56.320] the law is very clear that the moment he turned on the lights [01:57:56.320 --> 01:58:00.320] and initiated the traffic stop, you were under arrest, okay? [01:58:00.320 --> 01:58:06.320] And the last question basically is, am I free to go? [01:58:06.320 --> 01:58:08.320] When the officer says no, [01:58:08.320 --> 01:58:11.320] then you are no longer in a detentional stop. [01:58:11.320 --> 01:58:14.320] You are under arrest from that point [01:58:14.320 --> 01:58:17.320] because you are not at your liberty to leave. [01:58:17.320 --> 01:58:20.320] And the courts have said when your liberty is seized [01:58:20.320 --> 01:58:24.320] to the point that you do not have the choice not to engage, [01:58:24.320 --> 01:58:27.320] you are under arrest. [01:58:27.320 --> 01:58:30.320] So that's the specific reasons for the three questions. [01:58:30.320 --> 01:58:33.320] Keep that in mind and use them wisely. [01:58:33.320 --> 01:58:34.320] All right, excellent. [01:58:34.320 --> 01:58:36.320] Thanks, Eddie. [01:58:36.320 --> 01:58:39.320] Okay, folks, we will be back Thursday night. [01:58:39.320 --> 01:58:42.320] Don't forget to tune in to Tom Colley's I&N World Report [01:58:42.320 --> 01:58:44.320] Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. [01:58:44.320 --> 01:58:47.320] Agenda 21 Talk, Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. [01:58:47.320 --> 01:58:49.320] These are all Central Times. [01:58:49.320 --> 01:58:51.320] Of course, Outside the Box Politics with Richard Reeves, [01:58:51.320 --> 01:58:53.320] Wednesdays at 8. [01:58:53.320 --> 01:58:56.320] And our brand new show, Fremont Report, Wednesdays at 8. [01:58:56.320 --> 01:58:58.320] We'll see y'all on Thursday. [01:58:58.320 --> 01:59:10.320] We'll see y'all on Thursday. [01:59:28.320 --> 01:59:48.320] We'll see y'all on Thursday. [01:59:48.320 --> 01:59:58.320] We'll see y'all on Thursday.