[00:00.000 --> 00:10.760] Iranian troops Tuesday entered Iraq's semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan after Iranian artillery [00:10.760 --> 00:16.040] killed a 14-year-old girl Sunday. Iranian troops are targeting militants from the Party [00:16.040 --> 00:24.900] for a Free Life in Kurdistan, PJAK, an anti-Iranian Kurdish group. Iran says PJAK has close ties [00:24.900 --> 00:30.120] to the Kurdistan Workers' Party, PKK, and is sheltering in bases in the mountainous [00:30.120 --> 00:36.840] region of northern Iraq. The UN vote on a new round of sanctions against Iran, scheduled [00:36.840 --> 00:42.200] for Thursday, will be postponed because of Israel's commando raid Monday on the Gaza-bound [00:42.200 --> 00:48.320] flotilla. Barack Obama phoned Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in an attempt [00:48.320 --> 00:53.760] to calm tensions between Turkey and Israel. Turkey is angry at the US's tepid response [00:53.760 --> 00:56.880] to the raid in which Turkish citizens were killed. [00:56.880 --> 01:03.880] Ri Jang-gon, North Korea's deputy ambassador in Geneva, said Thursday war could erupt at [01:03.880 --> 01:09.680] any time between North and South Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March. [01:09.680 --> 01:17.040] North Korea, hit with UN sanctions after testing nuclear devices in 2006 and 2009, is under [01:17.040 --> 01:23.520] international pressure to dismantle its nuclear weapons. Doctors in poor areas of Mississippi [01:23.520 --> 01:29.760] are looking to Iran for solutions to the dire healthcare situation. Since the 1980s, rural [01:29.760 --> 01:34.780] Iranians have been able to seek treatment at health houses in formal sites set up in [01:34.780 --> 01:40.840] small communities rather than hospital emergency rooms. They're staffed by citizens, not doctors, [01:40.840 --> 01:46.520] and focus on preventive care. A group of volunteers is traveling to Iran this month to see how [01:46.520 --> 01:53.240] health houses work. Dr. Aaron Shirley is spearheading the effort to transform healthcare in a region [01:53.240 --> 01:58.800] where nearly 3 out of 10 infants die. Residents are plagued by chronic illnesses, especially [01:58.800 --> 02:03.800] diabetes and heart disease, and few have health insurance. The Mississippi Delta's infant [02:03.800 --> 02:08.240] death rate is 10 times higher than Iran's. [02:08.240 --> 02:12.860] Haneen Zoubi, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament who was on board the Gaza-bound [02:12.860 --> 02:18.480] flotilla that was attacked on Monday, accused Israel Wednesday of killing peace activists [02:18.480 --> 02:24.440] as a way to deter future convoys. Zoubi said Israeli naval vessels had surrounded the flotilla's [02:24.440 --> 02:29.880] flagship, the Mavi Maumara, and fired on it a few minutes before commandos absailed from [02:29.880 --> 02:35.080] a helicopter. Zoubi added that within minutes of the raid beginning, three bodies had been [02:35.080 --> 02:39.960] brought to the main room on the upper deck, where she and most other passengers were confined. [02:39.960 --> 02:46.020] Two had gunshot wounds to the head in what she suggested were executions. Two other passengers [02:46.020 --> 02:51.400] slowly bled to death. After Israeli soldiers ignored messages in Hebrew, she held up at [02:51.400 --> 03:17.680] the window calling for medical help. [03:22.400 --> 03:49.400] Bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? [03:49.400 --> 04:18.480] Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when we come for you? Here on the [04:18.480 --> 04:27.480] Rule of Law, Randy Kelton, Eddie Craig, and Deborah Stevens. And folks, if you didn't [04:27.480 --> 04:34.320] catch INN World Report Radio this evening, that's a show from 6 to 8 Central Time right [04:34.320 --> 04:38.720] before hours, definitely go back and listen to the archive. It was an excellent show. [04:38.720 --> 04:46.040] Tom had on Steve White, an activist, a 9-11 activist in New York City, one of the first [04:46.040 --> 04:53.800] individuals to give dust samples to Professor Steve Jones concerning the World Trade Center. [04:53.800 --> 05:00.400] So we thank Steve for his diligence in that matter, and it was just an excellent interview. [05:00.400 --> 05:04.680] So folks, please go back and listen to that. And now for our show, we're going to start [05:04.680 --> 05:10.160] off with Eddie. Eddie has some stuff for us tonight. What you got for us, Eddie? [05:10.160 --> 05:15.520] Well, if y'all remember, a week or so ago, we were having the great debate over law and [05:15.520 --> 05:20.680] religion intermixed and so on and so forth. And while I was doing some research on some [05:20.680 --> 05:25.000] things today, I came across something in the Texas Constitution that you might find very [05:25.000 --> 05:31.440] interesting. And Randy asked the question of, where does the law in Texas and God's [05:31.440 --> 05:36.800] Law intermingle? Well, this doesn't really show that it intermingles, but it leads kind [05:36.800 --> 05:43.480] of to what I was talking about here. This is Article 1, Section 4 of the Texas Constitution. [05:43.480 --> 05:49.880] Religious tests. No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office [05:49.880 --> 05:56.880] or public trust in this state, nor shall anyone be excluded from holding office on account [05:56.880 --> 06:04.000] of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledged the existence of a supreme being. [06:04.000 --> 06:09.040] Now, when was the last time you asked your public official, do you believe in a supreme [06:09.040 --> 06:17.320] being commonly known as God? And listen to what they have to say about it. According [06:17.320 --> 06:23.520] to this article of the Texas Constitution, if he doesn't believe in a supreme being, [06:23.520 --> 06:27.440] then he's subject to, quote, warrant over removal because he can't hold public office. [06:27.440 --> 06:33.880] Wow. This says, provided he acknowledges the existence of a supreme being. We can't test [06:33.880 --> 06:39.720] him for what religion he is or what religion he practices, but he must acknowledge or she [06:39.720 --> 06:42.960] must acknowledge the existence of a supreme being. [06:42.960 --> 06:48.920] And I would venture to say a supreme being as defined other than him or herself in their [06:48.920 --> 06:54.360] own mind. Yeah, well, that would be the case that I would think about. [06:54.360 --> 07:03.280] Darn. Now, I thought I had a loophole. You thought you had a loophole? Now, here's another [07:03.280 --> 07:07.480] interesting thing. I was researching some stuff on red light cameras along with a couple [07:07.480 --> 07:12.560] of other things I've been working on this week. And turns out that back in 2008, there [07:12.560 --> 07:17.600] was a lawsuit filed against the red light camera companies that operate these red light [07:17.600 --> 07:23.120] cameras. The basis of that lawsuit was that an actual attorney was sent one of these red [07:23.120 --> 07:29.640] light camera tickets and he challenged it. The company threatened him with going to the [07:29.640 --> 07:34.480] credit agencies and reporting on his credit because he wouldn't pay the ticket. So he [07:34.480 --> 07:40.880] filed suit against them. Turns out that these companies are subject to occupations code [07:40.880 --> 07:48.680] section 1702.101, investigations company license required. And it specifically says, unless [07:48.680 --> 07:55.640] the person holds a license as an investigations company, a person may not, one, act as an [07:55.640 --> 08:01.680] investigations company, two, offer to perform the services of an investigations company [08:01.680 --> 08:08.040] or three, engage in business activity for which a license is required under this chapter. [08:08.040 --> 08:13.120] That's exactly what these red light camera companies fall under, is an occupations code [08:13.120 --> 08:19.560] requirement that they have this investigator's license. They don't have it. They got sued [08:19.560 --> 08:26.960] and they lost. Now, turns out that these red light camera companies may also be in direct [08:26.960 --> 08:34.040] violation of a little known federal law called the Lanham Act. The Lanham Act specifically [08:34.040 --> 08:43.840] prohibits anyone from using the likeness or likeness of property belonging to anyone else [08:43.840 --> 08:52.000] without their explicit consent for the purpose of generating revenue. A red light camera [08:52.000 --> 08:59.020] ticket captures an image of you and your property when it's going down the road. They use that [08:59.020 --> 09:05.320] image to facilitate the collection of money and to profit from that collection and the [09:05.320 --> 09:10.640] use of that photograph or that video or any of the other materials they use when they [09:10.640 --> 09:18.400] capture your image. It turns out that since they don't have your express permission, they're [09:18.400 --> 09:23.380] very likely in violation of the Lanham Act. Randy, that is that letter I sent you through [09:23.380 --> 09:30.200] Skype a while ago to take a look at that I've drafted up regarding that issue. In your leisure [09:30.200 --> 09:35.040] time, if and when you find any, take a look at that and let me know what you think. [09:35.040 --> 09:42.520] Leisure and time in my life are contradictions of terms. They don't exist together. [09:42.520 --> 09:45.840] That's why I said it was such a smile, Steve. [09:45.840 --> 09:52.640] But I would very much like to look. That is an interesting statute. It leaves the red [09:52.640 --> 09:58.840] light camera issue not in para materia with existing law. [09:58.840 --> 10:00.520] Correct. [10:00.520 --> 10:02.520] The Lanham Act. [10:02.520 --> 10:09.200] But that is the general gist of what I had to present, short, sweet and to the point. [10:09.200 --> 10:18.120] Well, so how do we invoke the Lanham Act? It says an image, a likeness of the person. [10:18.120 --> 10:22.760] The red light camera doesn't capture the likeness of the person. [10:22.760 --> 10:27.640] Sure it does. It can take pictures of parts of the body of whoever is in the car, so on [10:27.640 --> 10:32.280] and so forth. It doesn't necessarily focus on just that. But remember, from what I looked [10:32.280 --> 10:41.040] at in the Act, it says that with any of the person or their property for the purpose of [10:41.040 --> 10:45.400] generating revenue. So they're taking a picture of your car. [10:45.400 --> 10:54.760] Oh, the person or property. That'll work. Oh, we get to have fun with this one. [10:54.760 --> 11:02.400] Yeah. But that's what that draft on that letter deals with, specifically that and a few U.S. [11:02.400 --> 11:08.320] Supreme Court cases stating exactly the same issue. So we should be able to have a lot [11:08.320 --> 11:11.320] of fun with that. [11:11.320 --> 11:15.160] And we have calls already, folks. [11:15.160 --> 11:16.160] Wow. [11:16.160 --> 11:19.400] If you want to go to the calls, unless you have something else? [11:19.400 --> 11:22.120] No, that's all I got to bring up at the moment. [11:22.120 --> 11:27.080] Okay, let's go to the calls. All right, we got Greg in California. Okay, Greg, thanks [11:27.080 --> 11:29.200] for calling in tonight. What's on your mind? [11:29.200 --> 11:36.600] How are you guys doing tonight? I called in previously on how I'm fighting a case for [11:36.600 --> 11:41.240] basically the police came into my house with a search warrant. I have a few questions on [11:41.240 --> 11:48.760] the Fourth Amendment. You know, the police came to my house, but the warrant was it didn't [11:48.760 --> 11:54.520] say, oh, actually, let me back up. I just seen a thing from the Supreme Court that for [11:54.520 --> 12:03.240] the first time in history, they have made a ruling on the Fourth Amendment saying, you [12:03.240 --> 12:09.240] know, that it was an invalid search warrant because every, when I mentioned the invalid [12:09.240 --> 12:13.920] search warrant, no matter if it's a public defender or a lawyer or the judge or whatever, [12:13.920 --> 12:18.920] they say, you know, as long as there was a valid warrant at the time of the search, it [12:18.920 --> 12:25.440] doesn't matter, you know, what warrant they came with. But, you know, as far as I'm concerned... [12:25.440 --> 12:31.680] Actually that is incorrect. Case law from all over the country shows very clearly that [12:31.680 --> 12:36.520] an officer is required to have the warrant in his possession. He doesn't have to have [12:36.520 --> 12:42.880] it on his person, but the officer has to have the valid warrant in his possession, in his [12:42.880 --> 12:49.280] car, in his book, but whatever he comes to you with, that warrant has to be in his possession [12:49.280 --> 12:57.040] before he can exercise it. Okay. See, the warrant that they came to my house with, it [12:57.040 --> 13:02.360] didn't have my name on it or address or anything like that, but it did have, you know, one [13:02.360 --> 13:07.240] of the things on there was a weapon or something. I mean, it described this guy as Hispanic. [13:07.240 --> 13:11.760] Okay, wait, wait, wait. Slow down just a second. It did not have your name. It did not have [13:11.760 --> 13:17.480] your address. It didn't have anything about who was to be searched or seized. [13:17.480 --> 13:28.680] Correct. So, the thing is, you know, that I agree with what you're saying and the thing [13:28.680 --> 13:35.320] that's baffling my mind is, you know, why I need to... I mean, isn't it, like, it's [13:35.320 --> 13:39.920] sad that I'm the one to have to defend myself against something that I shouldn't even be [13:39.920 --> 13:45.200] in court for because, you know, the cop comes to my house and everything like that and he [13:45.200 --> 13:49.600] comes in with everything and I show him, this is not my warrant. This has nothing to do [13:49.600 --> 13:53.880] with me and I didn't consent to him searching or whatever and they still went in the house [13:53.880 --> 14:02.200] and, you know, I know about, you know, complaints and stuff like that, but my question is, on [14:02.200 --> 14:06.400] the complaints filing against the police, do I need to file those complaints because [14:06.400 --> 14:10.520] I have one on your website and I have the complaints? Do I need to file those with the [14:10.520 --> 14:17.200] court or to the district attorney who is touching the charges or how is he doing? [14:17.200 --> 14:20.000] In California, you said you're in California, right? [14:20.000 --> 14:23.200] Correct. You can go straight to the grand jury in California. [14:23.200 --> 14:30.800] You don't have to go through anyone else. The California Constitution and the Constitution [14:30.800 --> 14:36.880] of the United States of America says very clearly that a warrant must specify who is [14:36.880 --> 14:41.560] to be searched or seized and what is to be sought. [14:41.560 --> 14:45.040] Right. It can't be an arbitrary warrant. It can't [14:45.040 --> 14:50.160] be an open-ended warrant. Yeah, the warrant that they came to my house [14:50.160 --> 14:58.520] with, right, okay, I'm white, I'm Caucasian and I live in the city of La Mirada. Well, [14:58.520 --> 15:03.360] the search warrant, there's two residents that are staying down here. One is in La Harbor, [15:03.360 --> 15:08.160] one is in Whittier. I don't live in either of those two cities. The person described [15:08.160 --> 15:12.840] is a Hispanic male driving a Dodge Silver Magnum and whatever. I mean, I don't even [15:12.840 --> 15:18.880] drive that kind of car and it has nothing to do with me. So, like, Randy, what I have [15:18.880 --> 15:23.160] to question is about the grand jury thing, you know, I'm really, I'm kind of like nervous [15:23.160 --> 15:27.080] right now. I'm a little bit stressed out, but, you know, for the last, this happened [15:27.080 --> 15:31.280] eight months ago. You know, in the warrant that they came to my house with, the one that [15:31.280 --> 15:36.800] has some other guy's name on it, that warrant was 17 days, it was signed 17 days before [15:36.800 --> 15:42.520] they even came to my house. So, I know a warrant requires 10 days, so it wasn't even, I mean, [15:42.520 --> 15:47.840] it was an illegal search, but I got to go back in two weeks and I'm just trying to find [15:47.840 --> 15:52.360] out what is the quickest and best remedy. Have you been charged with anything? [15:52.360 --> 15:58.640] Yeah, I've been charged with possession of a firearm, possession of an assault rifle, [15:58.640 --> 16:02.480] possession of a deadly weapon, basically stuff like that. [16:02.480 --> 16:09.080] Then you need to, have you prepared a motion to quash the evidence? [16:09.080 --> 16:15.480] I'm just, to be honest with you, like, my mind is so wound up from being in research [16:15.480 --> 16:20.520] and trying to find this out and find that out. It's like I can't even get my mind going [16:20.520 --> 16:25.680] to even process the information, what I need to do. I mean, this, I mean, like I actually, [16:25.680 --> 16:30.120] my mistake, but you know, I had to clean up my bank account. I withdrew all my savings [16:30.120 --> 16:33.760] to get a lawyer, paid $5,000 to the lawyer. He told me he can't represent anymore, so [16:33.760 --> 16:36.800] I lost my place to stay. I lost my home of 10 years over this. [16:36.800 --> 16:42.000] Wait a minute, you paid a lawyer $5,000 and he's not still, he's not representing you? [16:42.000 --> 16:46.640] No, he told me he cannot represent me anymore because of conflict of interest. [16:46.640 --> 16:48.760] He has to give you back your money? [16:48.760 --> 16:52.560] Well, according to him, he's not going to, and I know I need to file a bar grievance [16:52.560 --> 16:54.160] against him, but I need to- [16:54.160 --> 16:57.120] Okay, wait, hold on, hold on. We're going to break, Greg. Stay on the line. We'll be [16:57.120 --> 16:58.120] right back. [16:58.120 --> 16:59.120] Okay. Okay. [17:03.120 --> 17:07.920] Capital Coin and Bullion is your local source for rare coins, precious metals, and coin [17:07.920 --> 17:13.480] supplies in the Austin metro area. We also ship worldwide. We are a family-owned and [17:13.480 --> 17:18.080] operated business that offers competitive prices on your coin and metals purchases. [17:18.080 --> 17:23.560] We buy, sell, trade, and consign rare coins, gold and silver coin collections, precious [17:23.560 --> 17:29.000] metals, and scrap gold. We will purchase and sell gold and jewelry items as well. We offer [17:29.000 --> 17:35.800] daily specials on coins and bullion. We're located at 5448 Barnett Road, Suite 3, and [17:35.800 --> 17:41.360] we're open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You're [17:41.360 --> 17:48.880] welcome to stop in our shop during regular business hours or call 512-646-6440 with any [17:48.880 --> 17:54.560] questions. Ask for Chad and say you heard about us on Rule of Law Radio or 90.1 FM. [17:54.560 --> 18:11.560] That's Capital Coin and Bullion, 512-646-6440. [18:24.560 --> 18:49.560] We're open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, [18:49.560 --> 19:12.560] 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, [19:12.560 --> 19:18.360] point to the next and it's a little bit difficult for us to follow. Eddie, you had a question [19:18.360 --> 19:19.360] for Greg? [19:19.360 --> 19:25.840] No, no, no. Not at the moment. Let him finish what he's saying. [19:25.840 --> 19:31.560] Like the Ninth Circuit Court, does the Supreme Court have anything to do with the District [19:31.560 --> 19:36.960] Court? Like if the Supreme Court's ruling, will that hold in the District Court, which [19:36.960 --> 19:37.960] I'm going to? [19:37.960 --> 19:42.800] Of course. Are you talking United States Supreme Court or are you talking a state Supreme Court? [19:42.800 --> 19:52.360] I believe it's the... Well, I have right here... What does it say? [19:52.360 --> 20:03.920] Okay, let me address this. We can handle this. Any appeals court or Supreme Court, if the [20:03.920 --> 20:09.600] Supreme Court is federal and it addresses a state law, all of this will go back to the [20:09.600 --> 20:18.040] trial judge. It rules him. It governs him. The trial judge must apply the law as it comes [20:18.040 --> 20:25.080] to him from the appeals, the supreme, the federal appeals, the federal supreme. He must [20:25.080 --> 20:31.920] apply that law to the facts in the case. So yes, if it's a higher court ruling on the [20:31.920 --> 20:36.200] issue, yes, it would apply to this judge, and he must follow it. [20:36.200 --> 20:44.400] Okay. So what I was saying was, it says, if law enforcement officers use a search warrant [20:44.400 --> 20:47.880] that does not describe the items thought, but is approved by a mandatory judge and the [20:47.880 --> 20:51.560] items are described in the application for the warrant, does the search violate the force [20:51.560 --> 20:56.240] amendment? Probation of unusual searches and seizures. If such a warrant is unconstitutional, [20:56.240 --> 21:00.680] can law enforcement officers be sued for executing the warrant, despite the fact that no court [21:00.680 --> 21:07.240] had previously held such a search unconstitutional? And then they said yes and yes. That Justice [21:07.240 --> 21:11.000] John Paul Stevens delivered the court's opinion holding that a search wasn't reasonable under [21:11.000 --> 21:14.840] the Fourth Amendment. Graz's warrant wasn't valid because it did not meet the Fourth Amendment [21:14.840 --> 21:19.800] required that a warrant particularly describe the person or things to be seen. So the fact [21:19.800 --> 21:24.520] of the matter is they didn't have a reason to come into my house then, correct? Because [21:24.520 --> 21:26.600] that's what they presented to me, right? [21:26.600 --> 21:33.040] Question. Yes. What did the warrant authorize them to search for? The one that they came [21:33.040 --> 21:39.680] to my house with that said, um, they authorized them at, um, you are therefore commanded to [21:39.680 --> 21:44.320] search. There's two addresses there. I don't live at either one. I mean, it's not even [21:44.320 --> 21:51.080] in the same city. No, stop, stop. What did they ask, authorized them to search for? Um, [21:51.080 --> 21:57.680] there was cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and firearms. Okay. Then that part of the [21:57.680 --> 22:05.280] search warrant, they were authorized to do if they can get past the validity of the warrant. [22:05.280 --> 22:11.560] What I was looking for, if they were authorized to search for persons and they open a drawer, [22:11.560 --> 22:17.080] unless the person is awfully small, they can't search the drawer. They can only search where [22:17.080 --> 22:21.160] a person could be. But if they're authorized to search for something like cocaine, they [22:21.160 --> 22:27.640] can essentially look everywhere. Right. So, so. Yeah, but the issue still remains that [22:27.640 --> 22:31.920] there still must be a designation as to where they're allowed to search. And he said that [22:31.920 --> 22:37.820] his address and none of the information on the warrant were specific to him or the location [22:37.820 --> 22:43.120] in which they came. Okay. Is that correct? Yeah. See, like I'm, I'm, I'm a white Caucasian. [22:43.120 --> 22:47.280] I'm about 170 pounds and I have blond hair. Wait, wait, wait, wait. That's, that's not [22:47.280 --> 22:53.480] my question. Okay. Did the warrant cover specifically where they were to go to perform the search [22:53.480 --> 22:58.480] and who was to be searched? Was the address correct? There was an individual, um, his [22:58.480 --> 23:03.960] name is Javier Rodriguez, and there is, um, two addresses. Um, one was in the city of [23:03.960 --> 23:09.480] La, was it the same address at which you were located? No, it's not even in the same city [23:09.480 --> 23:17.360] where I live in. Okay. So they have a severe problem. Right. If, if neither, if no address [23:17.360 --> 23:24.800] matched your address, then they had no warrant. Well, they're claiming there was a valid one, [23:24.800 --> 23:29.680] but they just didn't have it at the time. Okay. Then they must have, they produced [23:29.680 --> 23:35.880] a valid warrant. Well, it's in my, it's in the, I mean, this happened like eight months [23:35.880 --> 23:39.800] ago, you know, and that like the first time I went to court, my name was on the roster. [23:39.800 --> 23:45.880] They said, come back in two weeks. Stop, stop. Did you go to the court clerk and look in [23:45.880 --> 23:54.320] the court record? I did. Did you find a warrant in there? No. Then there is no warrant. Go [23:54.320 --> 24:02.600] back to the clerk of the court, make a written request for a, for the warrant authorizing [24:02.600 --> 24:08.560] the search of your property on this certain date. Give it to the clerk and the clerk will [24:08.560 --> 24:12.520] tell you what you don't have one. And then ask the clerk to simply write you an answer [24:12.520 --> 24:20.240] stating you have no records responsive to my request. Okay. You take that evidence from [24:20.240 --> 24:26.840] the clerk. You file a motion to dismiss for lack of valid warrant, the motion to strike [24:26.840 --> 24:32.360] all the evidence for lack of a valid warrant. And the only place the judge can look is in [24:32.360 --> 24:37.200] the court record. And there is, if there is no warrant in the court record, there's no [24:37.200 --> 24:42.760] other place for the court to look. Well, we'll see. Like, let me just back up a little bit. [24:42.760 --> 24:47.560] Like when I first got out of jail, I called the, I called the detective up and I asked [24:47.560 --> 24:51.560] him for paperwork with my name on it. He says, come in and I'll give it to you. Well, he, [24:51.560 --> 24:55.800] you know, we need the warrant. We came to your house with to get yours. I said, I'm [24:55.800 --> 24:59.440] not going to do that. So he go down to the orange County court and that's where we got [24:59.440 --> 25:03.360] our warrant out of, you know, it's a righteous warrant. So I immediately went there and I [25:03.360 --> 25:08.640] actually have a signature from that, the clerk, the supervisor, the clerk that said, um, you [25:08.640 --> 25:13.560] know, that there's no warrant issued out of this court. Well, I said, can you call a detective? [25:13.560 --> 25:17.600] She called a detective and she come back and says, Oh, the detective made a mistake. It's [25:17.600 --> 25:21.000] in Whittier court. I went to Whittier court. There's no warrant. I went to every quarter. [25:21.000 --> 25:25.520] There's no one, but now there is a valid warrant. And this is, you know, like, like, [25:25.520 --> 25:31.280] okay, stop, stop. Wait, you're running too fast. You went to these courts. Did you get [25:31.280 --> 25:36.240] anything in writing from them? I got, I got one thing in writing from the, from the North [25:36.240 --> 25:39.760] court where the officers actually said the warrant came out of, but now he's saying it [25:39.760 --> 25:44.560] came out of another court. I mean, they're like giving me the run around and like this. [25:44.560 --> 25:48.680] Okay. Which court are they saying it actually came out of? [25:48.680 --> 25:59.800] Um, I believe it is, um, uh, it's out of, um, Downey court or something like that. So [25:59.800 --> 26:04.200] I take it from the fact you're not too familiar. Everywhere I went to, everywhere I went to [26:04.200 --> 26:12.600] find a warrant, I couldn't find one. Have you been to that court? Yes. Did they produce [26:12.600 --> 26:18.640] a warrant? At the time I went, well, actually this whole case happened about eight months [26:18.640 --> 26:22.960] ago, but at that time, eight months ago, no, they, they didn't. And I did not get anything [26:22.960 --> 26:30.800] in writing, but now all of a sudden, go back to that court and ask for that warrant. Okay. [26:30.800 --> 26:35.720] If they can't produce it, give them a written request for the warrant and ask them to give [26:35.720 --> 26:42.560] you an answer stating they have no document, no records responsive to your request. Now [26:42.560 --> 26:48.480] you can prove they don't have it. And they go, well, there is one now it's in the case [26:48.480 --> 26:52.720] file. They do have a valid one now, but this is after eight months, you know, and go to [26:52.720 --> 26:58.000] the court that should have, that was supposed to have produced the warrant and make sure [26:58.000 --> 27:08.160] they have it. Okay. A couple of questions. Like, you know, I was also contemplating like, [27:08.160 --> 27:13.200] you know, when the affidavit is getting brought before a judge, the police are under the impression [27:13.200 --> 27:17.280] that there is probable cause that a crime has been committed, was committed, or is in [27:17.280 --> 27:21.280] the process of being committed. And if the police take that affidavit to the judge and [27:21.280 --> 27:26.080] the judge also signs and granting a warrant, I believe the judge also was under the impression [27:26.080 --> 27:30.480] that a crime has been committed, was committed, or is being committed. Correct? Correct. He [27:30.480 --> 27:35.920] must have that probable cause before him in the form of an affidavit. Right. So when the [27:35.920 --> 27:40.640] police come to my house and, you know, draw guns on me and invade my parts and do whatever [27:40.640 --> 27:45.440] they did and they arrest me. Well, the first time, second time I went to court when my [27:45.440 --> 27:49.000] name wasn't on the list, the first time my bell was exonerated and they said possible [27:49.000 --> 27:53.800] D reject, you know, do you have up to two years to file? Well, five months later down [27:53.800 --> 27:57.680] the road, I get something again from the court saying they filed a complaint. I went in the [27:57.680 --> 28:01.280] court again and I said, I'm here right now. They're all, you got to come back. We don't [28:01.280 --> 28:05.200] have your case file. I'm like, hold on a minute. I said, it says right here in this complaint [28:05.200 --> 28:09.080] that you filed a complaint. That means you have enough evidence to file a complaint against [28:09.080 --> 28:12.560] me. It's logged into the court of law. He's all, we don't have a case file yet, but I've [28:12.560 --> 28:17.040] seen it. So that's kind of fishy too. But I mean, here it is eight months down the road [28:17.040 --> 28:21.520] that you saw the press charges. I think if there was enough probable cause that the cop [28:21.520 --> 28:25.120] brought an affidavit and the judge signed a warrant, they should have had me the first [28:25.120 --> 28:29.440] time I went to court. You know what I'm saying? Starting these charges against me or whatever, [28:29.440 --> 28:33.080] not dismissing the bell and exonering the bell and not filing charges. And five months [28:33.080 --> 28:39.680] later come up with this warrant all of a sudden. You know, you need to go to the court and [28:39.680 --> 28:47.240] secure a copy of the warrant from, from the court, from which the warrant issued and a [28:47.240 --> 28:53.680] copy of the statement of probable cause in support of the warrant. There must be an affidavit. [28:53.680 --> 28:58.480] Request them both. I've seen the affidavit too. I actually read the affidavit and there [28:58.480 --> 29:03.400] was something about there saying that someone's seen some pictures or something. The thing [29:03.400 --> 29:08.080] is it wasn't even my gun. It was my father's gun. That's separate. That's separate. You're, [29:08.080 --> 29:13.560] you're, you're going in too many directions. We can't keep up. Sorry. Okay. Only what's [29:13.560 --> 29:23.400] relevant, the warrant and the affidavit. What did the affidavit state? The affidavit state [29:23.400 --> 29:27.320] that there was a person that came in and they said they had knowledge about guns and they [29:27.320 --> 29:32.680] knew about guns. Came in where? And they seen a gun in my house. Okay. Wait a minute. Okay. [29:32.680 --> 29:37.120] This warrant has your correct address on it. Do you have the name of the person who made [29:37.120 --> 29:42.960] the statement? No, they, they didn't show that. But I do have a right to confront that [29:42.960 --> 29:48.320] person don't I? What was the date on the warrant? The date on the warrant was on the 20th, one [29:48.320 --> 29:52.640] day before they came to my house. All right guys, we're about to go to break. Y'all hang [29:52.640 --> 30:04.800] on. We'll pick it up on the other side. It is so enlightening to listen to 90.1 FM but [30:04.800 --> 30:09.280] finding things on the internet isn't so easy and neither is finding like-minded people [30:09.280 --> 30:14.360] to share it with. Oh, well I guess you haven't heard of Brave New Books then. Brave New Books? [30:14.360 --> 30:19.000] Yes. Brave New Books has all the books and DVDs you're looking for by authors like Alex [30:19.000 --> 30:23.960] Jones, Ron Paul and G. Edward Griffin. They even stock inner food, murky products and [30:23.960 --> 30:29.360] Calvin Soaps. There's no way a place like that exists. Go check it out for yourself. [30:29.360 --> 30:35.720] It's downtown at 1904 Guadalupe Street just south of UT. By UT, there's never anywhere [30:35.720 --> 30:40.480] to park down there. Actually, they now offer a free hour of parking for paying customers [30:40.480 --> 30:47.280] at the 500 MLK parking facility just behind the bookstore. It does exist but when are [30:47.280 --> 30:53.320] they open? Monday through Saturday, 11 AM to 9 PM and 1 to 6 PM on Sundays. So give [30:53.320 --> 31:02.040] them a call at 512-480-2503 or check out their events page at bravenewbookstore.com. Are [31:02.040 --> 31:08.480] you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? Win your case without an attorney with JurisDictionary, [31:08.480 --> 31:15.160] the affordable, easy to understand, 4 CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step by [31:15.160 --> 31:20.800] step. If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. If you don't have [31:20.800 --> 31:26.520] a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. Thousands have won with our step by step course [31:26.520 --> 31:33.520] and now you can too. JurisDictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case [31:33.520 --> 31:39.040] winning experience. Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should [31:39.040 --> 31:44.800] understand about the principles and practices that control our American courts. You'll receive [31:44.800 --> 31:52.080] our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics and [31:52.080 --> 31:58.360] much more. Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll free [31:58.360 --> 32:23.600] 866-LAW-EASY. [32:28.360 --> 32:45.360] All right, we are back. We're speaking with Greg in California Metta. We see you. Just [32:45.360 --> 32:52.360] hang on one moment while we finish up with Greg. Okay, so Greg, they finally managed [32:52.360 --> 32:58.360] to produce a warrant and the date was the date prior to when they came in. Randy, you [32:58.360 --> 33:05.520] had a question or statement for Greg? Yes. The first thing you need to do obviously is [33:05.520 --> 33:12.440] sit down when nobody's around to bother you, start at the beginning, write down the first [33:12.440 --> 33:19.560] thing that happened, then the next thing that happened and then the next thing that happened. [33:19.560 --> 33:27.880] Write a story telling who, what and when. Do not tell why, do not tell how, just who, [33:27.880 --> 33:34.600] what, when, just the facts of what occurred in the order they occurred. Right. And then [33:34.600 --> 33:39.400] once you've finished it, go back and go back through it and as you go through it, it'll [33:39.400 --> 33:43.440] trigger memories of things you missed the first time. Go through it two or three times [33:43.440 --> 33:49.480] and let it set a day or two and go back through it. This gets your thinking very well organized. [33:49.480 --> 33:55.160] You're feeling anxious and frustrated and you don't know where to go and that's because [33:55.160 --> 34:02.240] you don't have all this organized. You're inside it and you're reacting to it. You [34:02.240 --> 34:06.160] think of something and you have a reaction and you feel bad and that makes you think [34:06.160 --> 34:12.840] of something else and that makes you feel bad and it just cascades. Sit down and write [34:12.840 --> 34:19.960] a narrative. First write a complete outline. Once you have an outline written, now you [34:19.960 --> 34:25.480] have something to look at to keep yourself organized and you will be amazed how much [34:25.480 --> 34:30.280] that will clarify what is going on. You know, like Randy, I have been doing that [34:30.280 --> 34:35.800] for like eight months and what got me so, gets me so upset at this whole thing is how [34:35.800 --> 34:40.000] my rights were totally violated and I'm having to defend myself against someone that was [34:40.000 --> 34:46.320] clearly wrong. Okay, suggestion. For the moment, set aside [34:46.320 --> 34:52.840] all your self-righteous indignation. Yeah, you were picked on. Join the club. We've [34:52.840 --> 34:56.200] all been picked on. Just think about how much fun you're going [34:56.200 --> 35:00.760] to have suing them later and all the money you'll get out of them. That'll help calm [35:00.760 --> 35:03.320] you down. Yeah, that's exactly where I was going. Now [35:03.320 --> 35:05.960] is the time to get met. That sounds great, but like I said, you know, [35:05.960 --> 35:10.560] I know how the courts work and I know they don't really care about our rights or anything. [35:10.560 --> 35:13.960] They're going to do what they want to do and it seems like I'm a convicted felon. [35:13.960 --> 35:19.800] Okay, stop. Stop. You're feeling bad about that. Stop feeling bad about it. Start kicking [35:19.800 --> 35:26.560] them in their teeth. You're pro se. You've got powers and ability beyond those of normal [35:26.560 --> 35:33.040] attorneys. You can do things attorneys can't do. You can follow judicial conduct complaint [35:33.040 --> 35:36.320] at the drop of a hat. Bar grievances every time they squeak. [35:36.320 --> 35:39.800] Yes, speaking of attorneys, you need to go after that attorney for not giving you your [35:39.800 --> 35:44.600] money back if he admitted he had a conflict of interest. He has to return your money. [35:44.600 --> 35:49.320] I also have a little thing I just wrote real quick as far as like a complaint against the [35:49.320 --> 35:54.200] police. Can I read it to you and just see if this would be approved by you guys? Just [35:54.200 --> 35:56.720] real quick? Yes, but we need to go quickly. Meta's been [35:56.720 --> 36:00.280] holding a long time. Okay, it says, I guess it is human nature [36:00.280 --> 36:05.360] to try and get out of doing one's job yet. No, no, no, no, no, no. [36:05.360 --> 36:12.240] That's not a complaint. That's a letter. Yeah, okay. When you write a complaint, the [36:12.240 --> 36:18.600] best way to think of how to write a complaint is to go to the federal. In the federal, when [36:18.600 --> 36:28.520] you write a complaint, you write it in the language of the statute itself. On this day, [36:28.520 --> 36:33.720] this person, the way the complaint should start is I have reason to believe and do believe [36:33.720 --> 36:40.240] based on the following. On this day, this person committed this act and he stated very [36:40.240 --> 36:45.520] cleanly and no opinion, no argument. No emotion. [36:45.520 --> 36:54.800] Yes, who, what, when, and then state very clearly what statute you maintain it violated. [36:54.800 --> 36:59.720] That's what's in the complaint itself. If you'll send me an email off of our website, [36:59.720 --> 37:04.600] I'll send you an example of how I write a complaint here in Texas. Just make sure you [37:04.600 --> 37:09.200] match it up to what the statutes in California require a complaint to have. [37:09.200 --> 37:14.560] Just look at the complaint against you or any complaint against anyone and then look [37:14.560 --> 37:17.920] at the form of it. Okay. [37:17.920 --> 37:24.800] Look how concisely they write it. The person did this, did this, did this, did this, therefore [37:24.800 --> 37:31.960] they're in violation of the statute. Now you can attach to that an affidavit in support. [37:31.960 --> 37:39.640] What, my, turn my little stories in? Yeah, but don't, try to avoid argument. [37:39.640 --> 37:46.600] Okay. Try to keep it in terms of this, this person [37:46.600 --> 37:51.440] did this fact and if there's some mitigating circumstances, you can add the mitigating [37:51.440 --> 37:59.340] circumstances. If you try to explain, the magistrate will look at that and he'll feel [37:59.340 --> 38:05.120] like you're patronizing him. Okay. [38:05.120 --> 38:10.320] All he needs are the facts of the case. He can figure out if these facts add up to the [38:10.320 --> 38:12.600] crime or not. Okay. [38:12.600 --> 38:19.240] Read a few complaints. Look how the police do it and then read their affidavits and try [38:19.240 --> 38:26.240] to write it the way they write it because the judge or whoever reads it is going to [38:26.240 --> 38:31.560] expect it to be a certain way. If they don't see it that way, it triggers [38:31.560 --> 38:36.080] in their mind that, you know, this guy don't know what he's talking about. So you lose [38:36.080 --> 38:38.700] credibility. Okay. [38:38.700 --> 38:43.720] Another question real quick. What does DP mean in as far as like if someone's DP in [38:43.720 --> 38:47.960] court terms, does that mean disposition? I have no idea. [38:47.960 --> 38:54.120] Okay. Because last time I went to court, they kind of tricked me. They told me, I told them [38:54.120 --> 38:58.080] I wanted to represent myself and go pro-state in these two forms of paperwork, but then [38:58.080 --> 39:01.760] the public defender says, I go, I want to show you this warrant. And then she says, [39:01.760 --> 39:05.480] well, in order for us to even talk to you, you have to show out this little flow about [39:05.480 --> 39:08.880] how much money you make financially. So I filled out and gave it to her. And then we [39:08.880 --> 39:12.720] went in an office and I wanted to just show her the public, the warrant that they came [39:12.720 --> 39:18.600] to my house with. And she says, well, if you want us to represent you, we got to do, we [39:18.600 --> 39:22.160] got to go by what the law says. And I told her this is like, look, I'm not looking for [39:22.160 --> 39:27.160] conviction. I just want a dismissal. And then she was telling me about how there's no judgment [39:27.160 --> 39:30.920] center that the warrant, you know, they don't have to have it with them in this and that [39:30.920 --> 39:35.560] in order. Do I need to file a motion to go pro se or? [39:35.560 --> 39:41.800] I'm going to suggest you don't go pro se. I'm going to suggest every time your public [39:41.800 --> 39:47.960] defender does something you don't like, file a bar grievance against them. Okay. And then [39:47.960 --> 39:51.960] when the judge, when they asked to be removed, go to the judge and tell them, don't you dare [39:51.960 --> 39:59.560] remove that attorney from my case. That's my attorney. You leave him alone and you'll [39:59.560 --> 40:04.960] put the judge in a position to where he has to protect the attorney from you. [40:04.960 --> 40:09.220] So you're saying to keep that public defender? Yeah. Kick that public offenders behind every [40:09.220 --> 40:14.880] way from Sunday. You're a pro se. You can do that. There's nothing they can do about [40:14.880 --> 40:18.760] it. You file a bar grievance against her. If she goes and tells the judge, you file [40:18.760 --> 40:23.760] a bar grievance against her for that. If the judge removes her, you file a judicial conduct [40:23.760 --> 40:29.360] complaint against the judge. You need to talk to Rick. If Rick is listening, please call [40:29.360 --> 40:37.760] in. We'd like you to talk to Greg. Rick is the master. When it comes to this, he is absolutely [40:37.760 --> 40:40.880] the master. Yeah. And Randy, about this attorney situation, [40:40.880 --> 40:45.560] does he need to file a lawsuit to get his money back? Or, I mean, certainly a bar grievance. [40:45.560 --> 40:50.560] I mean, how, I mean, this is ridiculous. The attorney tells him that he's got a conflict [40:50.560 --> 40:53.560] of interest, but he won't give the money back. So what's the solution there? [40:53.560 --> 41:00.080] Absolutely. Bar grievance first, then a notice to the attorney of your intent to sue if he [41:00.080 --> 41:05.320] doesn't pay you back all your money in triplicate. You know what? Like two court dates ago when [41:05.320 --> 41:09.000] the judge ordered the attorney back at the next court date, the attorney didn't even [41:09.000 --> 41:12.760] show up. So we had to put off the court until 1.30, and then the judge said he wanted to [41:12.760 --> 41:16.560] put out a warrant for the public defender, the attorney, because he didn't show up when [41:16.560 --> 41:23.560] he was supposed to. You know what I mean? Then charge the attorney for your time. [41:23.560 --> 41:28.560] Yeah. I mean, I even tried to call this guy. He won't even return my calls or nothing. [41:28.560 --> 41:34.360] You don't have to talk to him. You start filing bar grievances against him, that'll get his [41:34.360 --> 41:35.360] attention. Yeah. [41:35.360 --> 41:39.240] You file bar grievance against him for him not talking to you. You file a bar grievance [41:39.240 --> 41:48.720] against him for taking your money and not representing your case. That you'd file theft, [41:48.720 --> 41:49.720] file against him for theft. [41:49.720 --> 41:57.360] Okay. I just got one more question real quick. I don't know how you would feel about this, [41:57.360 --> 42:04.080] but you know, I've been doing other research and this person said this, if I were to go [42:04.080 --> 42:12.320] to the court and talk to the public defender or something, and it's upon whose authority [42:12.320 --> 42:16.880] was this order issued, upon whose authority you are relying to make the legal determination [42:16.880 --> 42:20.960] that I have anything to do with the settlement of the affairs of this account, you're failing [42:20.960 --> 42:23.920] to provide evidence of authority or claim you need to believe that you may be acting [42:23.920 --> 42:28.960] as far as of nature with the intent of committing sedition against the events of interest in [42:28.960 --> 42:32.560] the United States. Please be advised in the event this matter progresses, you will be [42:32.560 --> 42:36.080] summoned forth to produce the evidence of authority and claim you have been. [42:36.080 --> 42:40.520] Okay. Don't do that unless you understand the underlying law. [42:40.520 --> 42:41.520] Right. [42:41.520 --> 42:49.480] That's not a magic bullet. You need to understand what claim you're making, what duty you're [42:49.480 --> 42:53.080] holding the attorney to. All that'll do is cause you more trouble. [42:53.080 --> 42:58.600] Well, I do kind of understand it a lot, actually. You know, I know that, you know, they're on [42:58.600 --> 43:05.600] their property, you know what I'm saying? And, you know, like, I know a lot about that. [43:05.600 --> 43:08.400] I'm just, I mean, I'm just... [43:08.400 --> 43:12.880] Okay. It's going to be hard for us to get to that because we'd have to spend a lot of [43:12.880 --> 43:16.960] time figuring out exactly what they're referring to. [43:16.960 --> 43:22.400] Okay. So basically you said just file some complaints and look at the affidavit and that's [43:22.400 --> 43:23.400] the first step, right? [43:23.400 --> 43:27.800] Yeah. You start bar grieving them and judicial conduct complaints against the judges. They're [43:27.800 --> 43:28.800] likely to get a lot more... [43:28.800 --> 43:31.800] And send a tort letter to that attorney that took your money and didn't give it back. [43:31.800 --> 43:34.480] And then when we come back, we're going to go to MEDA, please. [43:34.480 --> 43:37.400] We're going to go, yeah. MEDA has been hanging on the line for a while. [43:37.400 --> 43:41.520] I appreciate you guys this time. Sorry to sound so confused. [43:41.520 --> 43:43.160] I know it's a difficult situation. [43:43.160 --> 43:44.720] Yeah. Okay, you guys. [43:44.720 --> 43:46.720] Okay. Thanks, Greg. Keep us updated. [43:46.720 --> 43:47.720] Okay. Thanks. [43:47.720 --> 43:53.200] All right. When we get back, we're going to go to MEDA in Texas. And then we've got Pat [43:53.200 --> 44:00.200] from Texas. We will be right back. [44:23.200 --> 44:30.200] Okay. [44:53.200 --> 45:00.200] All right. [45:24.200 --> 45:31.200] Okay. We are back. We're taking your calls. We've got the callers lining up on the callboard [45:35.520 --> 45:40.680] here tonight. We've got MEDA, Pat and Brady. We're going to go to MEDA first. MEDA, thanks [45:40.680 --> 45:42.800] for calling in. What's on your mind tonight? [45:42.800 --> 45:49.800] Well, actually I have two things. One's a traffic question and the other one, you would [45:49.800 --> 45:54.480] have to see the humor in it. I think Eddie would see the humor in it, but it's pathetic. [45:54.480 --> 45:59.840] So I'll do the joke first. And it's not a joke. It's an actual incident. [45:59.840 --> 46:04.520] We had a gentleman come out to our property yesterday. He's a VA rep, you know, does site [46:04.520 --> 46:11.520] visits all over the state for 100% disabled vets. And he said he was in Uvalde recently, [46:11.520 --> 46:18.520] stuck at the border patrol stop. He was stuck there for an hour and a half. And they finally [46:18.520 --> 46:25.120] told him they were searching his vehicle and searching him. And their reason for it was [46:25.120 --> 46:31.560] on his government issue vehicle that he was driving with government license plate, he [46:31.560 --> 46:37.400] did not have a state inspection or state registration. And that was the reason they held him up and [46:37.400 --> 46:43.160] harassed him for an hour and a half. I figured Eddie could see the humor in that. [46:43.160 --> 46:46.480] Yeah. Especially considering they're not required to have it. [46:46.480 --> 46:48.640] Well, and even if they were... [46:48.640 --> 46:54.880] No, no, no. Government vehicles are exempt. They're specifically exempted in law. All [46:54.880 --> 46:59.880] government vehicles are specifically exempted from any and all state registration requirements. [46:59.880 --> 47:06.560] Oh, I know. But I thought you would see the humor in this. The guy was upset. He's a retired [47:06.560 --> 47:13.560] sergeant major, 30 years. He works for the VA. And well, like Randy says, would you recognize [47:13.560 --> 47:20.560] a police state if you see one? Now, to the traffic question. Today, as I was heading [47:21.440 --> 47:28.440] towards Sheffield, I saw the police officer. I was not speeding. I want you to know this. [47:28.600 --> 47:32.600] And I saw him. He was on the opposite... He was on my side of the road, facing toward [47:32.600 --> 47:38.120] me. I drove past and I looked in my mirror and I could see him pull out and turn around [47:38.120 --> 47:44.640] and start following me. And as I got into town, he pulled me over. And his reasoning [47:44.640 --> 47:50.720] was that my trailer... I normally don't carry a trailer, but I had a little four foot wide, [47:50.720 --> 47:55.720] eight foot long trailer I was towing. And he said the light didn't work on one of the [47:55.720 --> 48:01.720] things. Now, I understand I'm driving a full-size van. This trailer's empty. You can see all [48:01.720 --> 48:08.720] the light on my van from this little flatbed. He claimed that it doesn't matter that you [48:11.400 --> 48:16.880] see the vehicle light. He says they both have to work on the trailer. Like I said, this [48:16.880 --> 48:23.120] is a four foot wide, eight foot long flatbed trailer and it was empty. And when I sat there [48:23.120 --> 48:28.360] and I said, when did they change the law? Because before I pulled out of my driveway, [48:28.360 --> 48:32.320] both Mike and another gentleman told me, don't worry about it because as long as they can [48:32.320 --> 48:39.320] see the taillights on the vehicle, you're legal. So I asked him, when did the law change? [48:39.320 --> 48:43.440] And he said, well, it's always been that way. But I think because I made the comment, he [48:43.440 --> 48:48.280] said, well, I'm just going to give you a warning this time. But I'm very interested in knowing [48:48.280 --> 48:51.960] because this is not the first time I've heard somebody say, as long as you can see the light. [48:51.960 --> 48:55.720] I've heard other people say it. So what's the law? [48:55.720 --> 49:00.800] I would actually have to look it up as far as the towed trailers are concerned. But from [49:00.800 --> 49:07.640] what I remember seeing on the subject matter, the original hypothesis is correct. If they [49:07.640 --> 49:13.120] can see the warning lights of the vehicle and it's in daytime, there is no requirement [49:13.120 --> 49:18.200] that the trailer even have lights if it's being used in the daytime. As long as they [49:18.200 --> 49:22.920] can see the lights on the vehicle that's pulling the trailer. [49:22.920 --> 49:26.520] Do you have a farm use tag on the trailer? [49:26.520 --> 49:35.520] No, I have disabled vets and the van has a wheelchair lift on the back. It's not a farm [49:35.520 --> 49:42.840] truck. This is a handicapped vehicle, disabled vet tag with a wheelchair on the tag. [49:42.840 --> 49:43.840] What about the trailer? [49:43.840 --> 49:45.920] Now the trailer has a farm tag. [49:45.920 --> 49:52.840] A farm tag trailer does not have to have lights, period. [49:52.840 --> 49:57.920] That's all I need to know. Do you know exactly where I can find that? Because being me, I'm [49:57.920 --> 50:03.400] not just a person that I am. And afterwards I made him stand there for 20 minutes while [50:03.400 --> 50:06.720] I told him that I was running for office and why he should vote for me. But that's another [50:06.720 --> 50:07.720] story. [50:07.720 --> 50:15.040] So that you can come back later and show him exactly where he's screwed up. [50:15.040 --> 50:17.200] And I wanted to ask, how is your campaign going? [50:17.200 --> 50:26.120] What I want to do is send a letter out to the commissioners, to the sheriff, because [50:26.120 --> 50:31.920] obviously it's a training issue. He's required to read the law and know it better than I [50:31.920 --> 50:36.440] am. And it's obviously a training issue, if you're a respondent, because the sheriff [50:36.440 --> 50:40.000] should have ensured that he was trained to know these things. [50:40.000 --> 50:43.000] Was this a sheriff's deputy? [50:43.000 --> 50:44.000] Yep. [50:44.000 --> 50:50.000] Okay, well as long as he's a sheriff's deputy and not a DPS officer, because I had a sergeant [50:50.000 --> 50:58.960] on the DPS personally tell me that his officers were too stupid to read the penal code and [50:58.960 --> 51:05.800] he thought I was too. He told me, he asked me where I got something and I pulled out [51:05.800 --> 51:11.680] the penal code, the Code of Criminal Procedure. And he said, well, since you're not an attorney, [51:11.680 --> 51:16.760] I don't consider my officers sufficiently sophisticated in legal matters so as to make [51:16.760 --> 51:21.600] it profitable for them to attempt to read and understand everything that is in the penal [51:21.600 --> 51:27.840] code. And since you're not an attorney, I don't consider you sophisticated enough either. [51:27.840 --> 51:31.560] I called the director of the Department of Public Safety and spoke to Colonel Adams [51:31.560 --> 51:36.960] himself and said, Colonel Adams, what do you mean I'm too stupid to read the penal code? [51:36.960 --> 51:42.760] Who is this? Mr. Randall Kelton, why did you send Sergeant Rankin out to tell me that your [51:42.760 --> 51:47.400] officers are too stupid to read the penal code and you think I am too? I spent 30 minutes [51:47.400 --> 51:51.360] crawling down his throat. I think I'm the reason Sergeant Rankin... [51:51.360 --> 51:53.360] Okay, I'm a little more subtle. [51:53.360 --> 51:58.080] Well, I think that I'm the reason Sergeant Rankin retired as a sergeant. But that's [51:58.080 --> 52:04.600] what the DPS told me themselves, that they're too stupid to read it. So this is a sheriff's [52:04.600 --> 52:08.080] deputy. Maybe he's not. [52:08.080 --> 52:15.000] But, you know, Eddie has said they still have to take the training, traffic training, and [52:15.000 --> 52:20.240] I don't remember if it's annually or every other year, they have to renew. And obviously [52:20.240 --> 52:25.440] he's missing something and he doesn't know this. A superior respondent, the sheriff should, [52:25.440 --> 52:29.520] and I think we all should send a copy besides to the county judge, the county attorney, [52:29.520 --> 52:35.320] the county commissioner, and the sheriff. And I want to send a copy to Excellence in [52:35.320 --> 52:37.320] Law Enforcement, those people. [52:37.320 --> 52:44.120] And what you also want to do, Meta, is get a copy of the video from his car. [52:44.120 --> 52:48.680] And Eddie, do you know where it is in the traffic code that says that a trailer that's [52:48.680 --> 52:52.120] marked for farm use doesn't need to have lights? [52:52.120 --> 52:54.600] No, but I can find it. I can find it in short order. [52:54.600 --> 52:57.320] Okay, because Meta was asking a few minutes ago where that was. [52:57.320 --> 53:01.720] Meta, you've got my email address. If you'll send me an email, I'll reply back to that [53:01.720 --> 53:02.720] specific section. [53:02.720 --> 53:08.320] Yeah, frankly, when I found that, I was astounded. If it has farm tags... [53:08.320 --> 53:10.120] This is a farm trailer. [53:10.120 --> 53:13.320] Yeah, if it has farm tags, it needs no lights whatsoever. [53:13.320 --> 53:19.720] Yeah, the presumption is anything with a farm tag is only going to be operated during daylight [53:19.720 --> 53:22.920] hours anyway. That's the presumption. [53:22.920 --> 53:26.320] Well, knowing me, that's the only time I drive most times. [53:26.320 --> 53:33.320] If it has a farm tag, it could be a manure spreader or equipment that's used in the field [53:33.320 --> 53:37.320] or it's pulled behind a tractor. It's not amenable to a lighting system. [53:37.320 --> 53:43.820] Well, yeah, and like Eddie says, mainly, it's going to be for daytime use because it's for [53:43.820 --> 53:48.320] use on the farm. So, it's another reason. [53:48.320 --> 53:49.920] Any of those will work. [53:49.920 --> 53:55.920] If this guy was in the middle of Austin, maybe you could understand him not knowing that. [53:55.920 --> 53:58.320] But he wasn't in the middle of Austin. [53:58.320 --> 54:01.320] No, this is Sheffield, just north of Dryden. [54:01.320 --> 54:04.320] And that's unacceptable. [54:04.320 --> 54:06.320] Well, I appreciate it. I know you got other callers. [54:06.320 --> 54:07.920] Okay, Metta, before you go... [54:07.920 --> 54:09.920] Okay, I'll send you an email. [54:09.920 --> 54:13.920] Wait, Metta, how is your campaign going? [54:13.920 --> 54:19.320] I don't have money for a big campaign. I'm not rich. [54:19.320 --> 54:20.320] Get on there. [54:20.320 --> 54:25.320] The only thing I'll tell you is I believe in property rights and that I believe in the rule of law [54:25.320 --> 54:28.320] and I liked that one night you had a show. [54:28.320 --> 54:32.320] He later didn't impress me, but when he called in, he talked about how all the students, [54:32.320 --> 54:39.320] high school students, should have a class on law and how to file forms and do pro se. [54:39.320 --> 54:40.320] I thought that was great. [54:40.320 --> 54:45.320] I think that would be a great thing to be working with for all students. [54:45.320 --> 54:51.320] We would like you to come on the show and talk about your campaign. [54:51.320 --> 54:52.320] We need people like you in office. [54:52.320 --> 54:57.320] Well, it has to be when I'm up here because you heard how bad the phone reception is up there now [54:57.320 --> 55:01.320] since AT&T took over. [55:01.320 --> 55:03.320] Okay, let the other callers go in. Thank you. [55:03.320 --> 55:06.320] All right, thank you, Metta. [55:06.320 --> 55:09.320] Okay, we're going now to Pat in Texas. [55:09.320 --> 55:12.320] Pat, thanks for calling in. What's on your mind tonight? [55:12.320 --> 55:14.320] Well, hi. Hello, everybody. [55:14.320 --> 55:18.320] I'm a first-time caller and I have several questions. [55:18.320 --> 55:27.320] My son just recently got arrested for a second-degree felony with the fault with a deadly weapon. [55:27.320 --> 55:30.320] There's some issues with that. [55:30.320 --> 55:37.320] The guy that he was fighting with hit him from behind, and so he was defending himself, [55:37.320 --> 55:40.320] and it happened in front of his kids. [55:40.320 --> 55:50.320] The problem is we're not 100% sure, but it's questionable that the guy was high on something, [55:50.320 --> 55:55.320] and so my son ended up stabbing him about 14 times just trying to get him to stop hitting him [55:55.320 --> 56:01.320] because he had some kind of a bat-type object, and he almost killed him. [56:01.320 --> 56:08.320] He hit him right above the temple, and his head was just swollen, [56:08.320 --> 56:11.320] and the guy ended up going to the hospital, of course, because he got stabbed, [56:11.320 --> 56:17.320] and his wife was also hitting him too, and all this happened in front of the kids. [56:17.320 --> 56:22.320] Well, my son, like I said, he ended up getting arrested for a second-degree felony, [56:22.320 --> 56:24.320] but they didn't arrest the other guy. [56:24.320 --> 56:29.320] Is that legal that they didn't arrest him since the other guy started the fight, [56:29.320 --> 56:32.320] and he happened to be on the property. [56:32.320 --> 56:37.320] My son was on his property, but just prior to all that going on, they were good friends. [56:37.320 --> 56:45.320] My son said just out of the blue, he attacked him, and he didn't know what was going on. [56:45.320 --> 56:54.320] Okay, if he was on the other person's property, both parties were injured. [56:54.320 --> 56:59.320] Almost certainly, the party who went to the hospital got the police called [56:59.320 --> 57:06.320] and made allegations against your son, so stand in the police's position. [57:06.320 --> 57:11.320] They have a guy stabbed 14 times on his own property, [57:11.320 --> 57:15.320] and he's making an accusation against someone else, [57:15.320 --> 57:21.320] and he's claiming he used a bat to defend himself against a knife. [57:21.320 --> 57:24.320] Well, the problem is the guy hit my son first. [57:24.320 --> 57:28.320] Well, I understand, but he didn't tell the police that. [57:28.320 --> 57:29.320] I'm sure he didn't. [57:29.320 --> 57:35.320] So he told the police some information, and based on their information, [57:35.320 --> 57:42.320] a reasonable person of ordinary prudence would have reason to believe [57:42.320 --> 57:46.320] that a crime had been committed and that this person had committed it. [57:46.320 --> 57:49.320] So they come and arrest him. [57:49.320 --> 57:52.320] The thing is they didn't arrest him that night. [57:52.320 --> 57:55.320] They just arrested him. This happened two months ago. [57:55.320 --> 57:58.320] Well, this probably because they looked at this [57:58.320 --> 58:01.320] and considered the totality of the circumstances and said, [58:01.320 --> 58:05.320] well, there's probably more to this story. [58:05.320 --> 58:06.320] It is. There's a lot more. [58:06.320 --> 58:09.320] And that's why it took them a while, [58:09.320 --> 58:14.320] and they may have got enough information to give them reason to arrest your son, [58:14.320 --> 58:19.320] but your son shouldn't lay down and roll over. [58:19.320 --> 58:24.320] You should fight back. You can win in court if you don't just kill him. [58:24.320 --> 58:28.320] He's not going to lay down and roll over because this happened in front of his kids, [58:28.320 --> 58:31.320] and he was telling the guy, you know, stop. [58:31.320 --> 58:34.320] This is my kids, and these are young kids. These are not my kids. [58:34.320 --> 58:36.320] Hold on. We're about to go to break. [58:36.320 --> 58:39.320] Hold on. We'll pick back up on the other side. [58:39.320 --> 58:46.320] This is Randy Kelton, Eddie Stevens, and the Deborah Stevens. [58:46.320 --> 58:49.320] I think it's Eddie Craig, Randy. [58:49.320 --> 58:51.320] Yeah, that would be me to say. [58:51.320 --> 58:53.320] Wait a minute. You call me Randy Stevens. [58:53.320 --> 58:55.320] Okay. We'll be right back. [58:55.320 --> 58:59.320] Hang on the line, Pat. Hang on the line. We'll be right back. [59:25.320 --> 59:27.320] Let's go. [59:55.320 --> 01:00:02.320] The website Global Research says the real motive behind the Israeli assault on the Gaza [01:00:02.320 --> 01:00:08.320] peace flotilla was to scuttle substantive peace talks with the Palestinians and Syrians [01:00:08.320 --> 01:00:13.320] and repay the Turks for negotiating a nuclear fuel swap deal with Iran, [01:00:13.320 --> 01:00:18.320] significantly setting back Israel's case for military intervention. [01:00:18.320 --> 01:00:25.320] George Bush admitted Wednesday Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, so-called mastermind of 9-11, [01:00:25.320 --> 01:00:29.320] was waterboarded by the U.S. and said he would, quote, do it again to save lives. [01:00:29.320 --> 01:00:34.320] Bush also defended the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, [01:00:34.320 --> 01:00:38.320] saying al-Singh Saddam Hussein was, quote, the right thing to do, [01:00:38.320 --> 01:00:41.320] and the world is a better place without him. [01:00:41.320 --> 01:00:48.320] The BP oil slick is expected to hit Florida panhandle beaches by the weekend. [01:00:48.320 --> 01:00:53.320] Scientists are alarmed by the threat to the fragile coral reefs of the Florida Keys, [01:00:53.320 --> 01:00:58.320] the world's third-longest barrier reef, and a crucial wildlife habitat. [01:00:58.320 --> 01:01:01.320] Oil will smother and kill tiny coral polyps, [01:01:01.320 --> 01:01:05.320] and chemical dispersants being used extensively by BP [01:01:05.320 --> 01:01:08.320] will cause oil droplets to sink onto the reef. [01:01:08.320 --> 01:01:13.320] BP's failure to plug the massive oil leak has prompted forecasts [01:01:13.320 --> 01:01:16.320] it may continue gushing until Christmas. [01:01:16.320 --> 01:01:19.320] BP's attempts to cap the well haven't worked, [01:01:19.320 --> 01:01:23.320] while the start of the hurricane season this week will inevitably slow relief efforts. [01:01:23.320 --> 01:01:28.320] Dan Pickering, head of research at Energy Investor Tudor Pickering Holt, says, [01:01:28.320 --> 01:01:31.320] quote, the worst-case scenario is Christmas. [01:01:31.320 --> 01:01:35.320] Harry Roberts, professor of coastal studies at Louisiana State University, [01:01:35.320 --> 01:01:39.320] says the millions of barrels of escaped crude will wipe out marine life [01:01:39.320 --> 01:01:43.320] deep at sea and along hundreds of miles of coastline. [01:01:43.320 --> 01:01:48.320] Mark Sato, associate scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, [01:01:48.320 --> 01:01:52.320] says so much crude pouring into the ocean may alter the sea's chemistry [01:01:52.320 --> 01:01:54.320] with unforeseeable results. [01:01:54.320 --> 01:01:58.320] Dave Rensink, president-elect of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, [01:01:58.320 --> 01:02:01.320] said the relief wells could miss their mark, [01:02:01.320 --> 01:02:05.320] requiring more time for a second, third or fourth try. [01:02:05.320 --> 01:02:09.320] This news brief brought to you by the International Newsnet. [01:02:09.320 --> 01:02:12.320] British activists who took part in the Gaza aid flotilla [01:02:12.320 --> 01:02:16.320] allege they were abused, humiliated and beaten by Israeli troops [01:02:16.320 --> 01:02:18.320] after the raid on their ship. [01:02:18.320 --> 01:02:21.320] Sarah Colborne, director of campaigns and operations [01:02:21.320 --> 01:02:23.320] at the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, [01:02:23.320 --> 01:02:26.320] insisted Thursday no passengers were armed [01:02:26.320 --> 01:02:29.320] and called the attack on Israel as a threat. [01:02:29.320 --> 01:02:34.320] The passengers were armed and called the attack an act of piracy and a massacre. [01:02:34.320 --> 01:02:35.320] Colborne recounted, quote, [01:02:35.320 --> 01:02:38.320] I saw an injured person being tended to by a doctor [01:02:38.320 --> 01:02:40.320] and someone who was trained in first aid. [01:02:40.320 --> 01:02:42.320] He was shot in the head. [01:02:42.320 --> 01:02:44.320] Colborne insisted we had no weapons. [01:02:44.320 --> 01:02:46.320] We knew there might be problems with the Israelis [01:02:46.320 --> 01:02:49.320] because of the way they treated previous convoys. [01:02:49.320 --> 01:02:50.320] Colborne went on, [01:02:50.320 --> 01:02:55.320] we never considered they would murder so many people on a humanitarian mission. [01:02:55.320 --> 01:02:59.320] This news brief brought to you by the International Newsnet. [01:03:25.320 --> 01:03:27.320] They're operating in Iraq. [01:03:27.320 --> 01:03:30.320] I'm afraid we probably can't demonstrate, man. [01:03:30.320 --> 01:03:34.320] They say we might choose, but we don't do it. [01:03:34.320 --> 01:03:36.320] What the fuck do we want? [01:03:41.320 --> 01:03:43.320] What do we say? [01:03:44.320 --> 01:03:46.320] I just need to tell them. [01:03:47.320 --> 01:03:49.320] What do you want? [01:03:49.320 --> 01:03:53.320] Can't hold justice, can't bar this man. [01:03:53.320 --> 01:03:55.320] Can't have room in the chapel. [01:03:55.320 --> 01:04:00.320] Can't pour our words, can't pour our lives in vain. [01:04:00.320 --> 01:04:03.320] None of them will be chanted with me. [01:04:03.320 --> 01:04:07.320] See, all man was created equally. [01:04:07.320 --> 01:04:10.320] Chant on Babylon and do it daily. [01:04:10.320 --> 01:04:13.320] And when night come, pray for everybody. [01:04:13.320 --> 01:04:17.320] So one by one, we have to chant them, man. [01:04:17.320 --> 01:04:46.120] Okay, we are back. We're taking your calls. We're speaking with Pat in Texas. Okay, Pat, [01:04:46.120 --> 01:04:53.600] continue. Okay. You know, what I had a problem with, the guy had just come over our house. [01:04:53.600 --> 01:04:59.280] This happened like on a Thursday. Well, Sunday, prior to this happening, he had been over to the [01:04:59.280 --> 01:05:03.200] house. You know, my son had been talking with this guy for a while. You know, they were real good [01:05:03.200 --> 01:05:09.800] friends. You know, he's taken the kids over to the guy's house. They'd eaten dinner over there [01:05:09.800 --> 01:05:15.400] several times, you know. And, you know, they're really good friends. And he just happened to go [01:05:15.400 --> 01:05:21.680] over there one day. And it was like out of the blue, he just jumped up and started hitting him. [01:05:21.680 --> 01:05:28.160] And so, you know, my son was in the process of leaving the property. And that's when he [01:05:28.160 --> 01:05:35.600] clocked him from behind. And so, you know, like I said, you know, I know he's your son and you're [01:05:35.600 --> 01:05:43.960] probably not going to like this, but it has been my experience that oftentimes people don't tell [01:05:43.960 --> 01:05:50.280] you the whole story. Oh, I know. I know. I mean, I'm just now finding out it was 14 times, so. [01:05:50.280 --> 01:05:59.600] Yeah, so they're, but even so, if he was leaving the property, even if the other guy had really [01:05:59.600 --> 01:06:05.480] good reason to be PO'd at your son, hitting him from behind with a baseball bat is not [01:06:05.480 --> 01:06:14.120] acceptable behavior. And the problem the other two will have, it's real easy when you're the one [01:06:14.120 --> 01:06:21.000] making the allegation and telling the story to tell any story you want to. But when you get on [01:06:21.000 --> 01:06:29.160] the stand under oath, under cross-examination, that gets a whole lot harder. And liars never [01:06:29.160 --> 01:06:34.160] get the facts straight. Oh, I know. Well, one thing I do know about my son, the only way you're going [01:06:34.160 --> 01:06:38.520] to take him down like that is you have to get him from behind. Because if he sees you coming, [01:06:38.520 --> 01:06:45.560] you'll be ready for it. Yeah, so. And so, you know, I'm, I know my son and I'm pretty sure, [01:06:45.560 --> 01:06:51.120] I'm 99.9% sure the guy got him from behind. That's the only way he could have got him. [01:06:51.120 --> 01:06:57.120] Yeah, but. We're talking ex-military. Well, he should have, did he take, [01:06:57.120 --> 01:07:01.360] have somebody take pictures of the back of his head to prove that he was hit in the back of the [01:07:01.360 --> 01:07:06.640] head? I mean. He, he eventually that night, later on that night, he called the police. They came out. [01:07:06.640 --> 01:07:11.920] I mean, wherever he was, he didn't come home. So, but wherever he was, he called them. The police [01:07:11.920 --> 01:07:18.200] took pictures of him too. So this, this will probably mitigate itself. You know, this guy [01:07:18.200 --> 01:07:23.920] is probably going to say, well, he said he had a gun in the car and he was going to get it. [01:07:23.920 --> 01:07:29.040] Well, he walked over there because we, you know, he just was down the street from us. [01:07:29.040 --> 01:07:35.360] Well, the problem, the concern, you know, before, you know, we like to pick on the police. [01:07:35.360 --> 01:07:38.400] Yeah. Because we think they're a bunch of chumps. However. [01:07:38.400 --> 01:07:44.080] I won't say what I think about it, but let's. However, if in order to address an issue [01:07:44.960 --> 01:07:51.680] reasonably, we can't assume that the police are always the problem. And in this case, [01:07:51.680 --> 01:07:59.360] you have two individuals with the, who actually obviously were not able to handle their differences [01:07:59.360 --> 01:08:08.000] in a civil manner and resorted to extraordinary measures. So we have to be, [01:08:10.160 --> 01:08:14.400] and it's not a matter of who's right or who's wrong in order, in order to help somebody. [01:08:14.400 --> 01:08:19.680] First, we have to understand what the real story is. And when people come to me for help, [01:08:19.680 --> 01:08:26.560] I tell them, first thing I need, if you screwed up, tell me. I can't help you if you don't tell me. [01:08:26.560 --> 01:08:31.600] You gotta tell me everything. Then we'll know how to do it. If we have to do damage control, [01:08:31.600 --> 01:08:36.320] we have to do damage control. Well, I think the issue was the guy had [01:08:36.320 --> 01:08:43.040] taken, he had, he had some, my son was, had some property that he went over to get [01:08:43.040 --> 01:08:50.640] it. And that belonged to my husband. We found out later the guy had sold it. [01:08:52.640 --> 01:08:57.200] And so I guess when he asked him for it, you know, he just went ballistic. [01:08:59.040 --> 01:09:07.280] Well, did your son make any threat against? No, not the, not to my knowledge, he didn't. [01:09:07.280 --> 01:09:15.840] And just because the son asked for property and this guy didn't want to give the property back, [01:09:15.840 --> 01:09:21.520] he hit your son from behind with the bat? Yes. I mean, you know, he told him to get off [01:09:21.520 --> 01:09:24.640] his property and my son turned around, you know, he had the kids, so he turned around [01:09:25.200 --> 01:09:29.920] and he was leaving. And even the kids told me, you know, he was cussing and going on, [01:09:29.920 --> 01:09:33.200] the guy, and they, the kids say, you know, the guy went after him first. [01:09:33.200 --> 01:09:37.760] The kids will be the salvation. Okay. [01:09:38.480 --> 01:09:41.440] But now wait a minute, he said the kids are fairly young. [01:09:42.000 --> 01:09:45.680] Well, they're eight and six. That's enough. [01:09:47.760 --> 01:09:54.560] Eight and six, those are good ages because you can't convince them to lie to a judge. So [01:09:55.200 --> 01:09:59.440] they will, they won't pay any attention to what your son says. They won't pay any attention to [01:09:59.440 --> 01:10:03.440] what the other people say. They will pay attention to what those children say. [01:10:05.920 --> 01:10:11.280] So if there's no issues, you know, what we did generally deal with is due process. [01:10:12.880 --> 01:10:16.800] As long as, okay, your son was obviously arrested. [01:10:19.600 --> 01:10:22.720] Are you there? You're cutting out on me. Yeah. Was your son arrested? [01:10:22.720 --> 01:10:30.320] Yes, just this weekend. And they came over here. He called them on a child support issue. [01:10:31.760 --> 01:10:37.120] They came over here and he was trying to get, you know, he was really trying to get his ex, [01:10:37.120 --> 01:10:44.000] well, not his wife to give him custody. You know, we were having problems getting custody of the kids. [01:10:44.960 --> 01:10:48.720] And so, you know, they were trying to straighten it out. He does have a court order for visitation [01:10:48.720 --> 01:10:52.160] and all that stuff. And so, you know, he was just trying to get that straightened out. Well, [01:10:52.160 --> 01:10:56.720] they ended up arresting him. They didn't have, to my knowledge, they didn't have a warrant. [01:10:57.520 --> 01:11:01.040] I mean, they said they had a warrant, but they never showed proof of a warrant. [01:11:01.760 --> 01:11:04.560] They told them they'd let him see it when they got back to the jail. [01:11:04.560 --> 01:11:14.320] Okay. In Texas, the statute says, 1516, that the magistrate who issued the warrant must make the [01:11:14.320 --> 01:11:24.480] warrant available for inspection immediately after execution. So if it's Austin and it was the Travis [01:11:24.480 --> 01:11:30.960] County, most likely the warrant was issued by Herb Evans. No, it was a different county, [01:11:30.960 --> 01:11:36.240] but real close to Austin. Okay, then find out who issued the warrant. [01:11:36.880 --> 01:11:43.120] Okay. And go to that magistrate's office. He is required to have it, make it available immediately. [01:11:43.120 --> 01:11:46.560] Okay. And then you can look at the warrant, see if they actually had one. [01:11:47.680 --> 01:11:52.720] I don't think they did. I think they were just saying that they did, so, you know. [01:11:52.720 --> 01:11:56.400] Well, what reason, you know, did they want to arrest him anyway? [01:11:57.520 --> 01:12:05.040] Probably, because he, what happened prior to that Friday is we had gone, I went with them to go to [01:12:05.040 --> 01:12:09.920] the school where the kids go to school. And his wife had been withholding the kids from [01:12:09.920 --> 01:12:16.640] visitation for two months. And so he finally went, he went to the school and they called the wife, [01:12:16.640 --> 01:12:21.200] they called the sheriff's department, they called CPS. They cleared it with everybody [01:12:21.200 --> 01:12:27.280] for him to pick up the kids. Okay. We came home and, you know, he was a little upset about all [01:12:27.280 --> 01:12:32.320] this stuff that he had to go through to get them. And so he called the cops out here to talk to them [01:12:32.320 --> 01:12:38.640] about getting, because he had, we only had two kids and he has three with this particular lady. [01:12:38.640 --> 01:12:43.680] And we were trying to get the third child. Well, she didn't want to give us the third child. [01:12:44.640 --> 01:12:51.760] And so she was given the runaround and, you know, avoiding it, avoiding all the issues and stuff. [01:12:51.760 --> 01:12:55.440] How did that get to his arrest? Did they want to arrest him? [01:12:55.440 --> 01:12:58.880] Well, when he called them out here, that's when they arrested him. They said, [01:12:58.880 --> 01:13:04.320] oh, we were going to arrest you anyway. You know, but they didn't have a warrant or anything. [01:13:04.320 --> 01:13:10.720] And he's the one that called them. Yeah. Okay. He didn't agitate the police or... [01:13:10.720 --> 01:13:14.720] No, no, no, they weren't agitated. He cooperated with them and everything. [01:13:14.720 --> 01:13:19.760] So then they probably already had the warrants. You know, the first thing they did when he called [01:13:19.760 --> 01:13:24.560] is run around some warrants. So they probably knew when they walked out there, they were going [01:13:24.560 --> 01:13:30.080] to arrest him. So, and it doesn't sound like it was acrimonious that they were just, they had the [01:13:30.080 --> 01:13:35.440] warrant and they had to do it. Yeah. No, they just, you know, I'm sure they [01:13:35.440 --> 01:13:40.240] were waiting for him and I'm sure pretty sure it stemmed from the child support issue, you know, [01:13:40.240 --> 01:13:45.200] because they couldn't charge him with kidnapping because when he went to the school, he had his [01:13:45.200 --> 01:13:48.080] court papers with him stating that he has visitation rights. [01:13:48.080 --> 01:13:55.040] Yeah, that probably had nothing to do with it. Police hate interfering in family issues because [01:13:55.040 --> 01:13:59.680] that's the most dangerous thing they ever get into. Well, in this particular instance, [01:13:59.680 --> 01:14:04.480] dealing with this particular county, nothing, I mean, we're dealing with the good old boy system. [01:14:04.480 --> 01:14:09.120] We're not dealing with real justice. Well, okay. Don't feel singled out. [01:14:10.320 --> 01:14:14.960] It's the same everywhere and family law is the most corrupt. [01:14:14.960 --> 01:14:18.880] Yeah. Well, I can imagine, you know, it stresses everybody out really. [01:14:18.880 --> 01:14:23.680] Okay. Callers are really stacking up. Can I ask you one more question? [01:14:24.560 --> 01:14:28.400] I'm just going to ask now, when they did come out and they asked me who, [01:14:28.400 --> 01:14:33.920] they asked me to identify myself. I told them what my name was and I didn't say my first name. [01:14:33.920 --> 01:14:38.240] I just said my last name. I'm Mrs. So-and-so. And they said, well, what's your name? I said, [01:14:38.240 --> 01:14:43.680] why do you want to know? And there was two cops and the female cop said, well, you know, [01:14:43.680 --> 01:14:47.600] I can arrest you. And I told her, I said, I gave you my name. You asked me. I didn't, [01:14:47.600 --> 01:14:51.360] just because I didn't tell you my first name didn't mean I didn't identify myself. [01:14:51.360 --> 01:14:55.840] I said, I'm the owner of the house and I wouldn't give her the first name. She said, [01:14:55.840 --> 01:14:59.360] well, let me have your license. I'm going to run warrants on you. [01:14:59.360 --> 01:15:02.960] And you're not required to give them any information about yourself, [01:15:02.960 --> 01:15:06.000] unless you have already been lawfully arrested for something else. [01:15:06.880 --> 01:15:09.600] And I have not ever been arrested in my life. [01:15:10.640 --> 01:15:11.520] Did they pursue? [01:15:12.480 --> 01:15:16.240] No, they didn't pursue. I just, because see, I had just gotten out of the hospital and I was [01:15:16.240 --> 01:15:21.280] stressed out and I was, you know, I was politically, I wouldn't say that. [01:15:21.280 --> 01:15:26.160] The police can ask you anything they want to, but her telling you she could arrest you. [01:15:27.360 --> 01:15:30.000] That should get a complaint against her. Okay. [01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:36.080] In the real world we live in, you're probably, if your son is skating on thin ice anyway, [01:15:36.080 --> 01:15:38.320] you probably don't want to create any more fights yet. [01:15:39.120 --> 01:15:41.520] Yeah, I know. Save that fight for later. [01:15:42.960 --> 01:15:46.880] Okay. We really need to move along. The calls are really stacking up. [01:15:46.880 --> 01:15:53.280] Yeah. People do need to know, however, that the crime of failure to ID only applies if you have [01:15:53.280 --> 01:15:58.160] already been arrested. Police can't just come up to you and ask you for your ID. [01:15:58.160 --> 01:16:02.320] And then if you don't give it, then they arrest you because of failure to ID. [01:16:02.320 --> 01:16:05.680] You have to have already been arrested for something else. [01:16:05.680 --> 01:16:09.520] There already has to be probable cause that you've committed some crime [01:16:09.520 --> 01:16:17.360] and you have to be already arrested for it before they can charge you with failure to identify [01:16:17.360 --> 01:16:23.520] yourself if you refuse to ID. So, I mean, depending on the situation, like Randy's saying, [01:16:23.520 --> 01:16:27.760] may not be a fight you want to get into right now, but people do need to realize [01:16:27.760 --> 01:16:31.200] this isn't a show your paper society. At least not yet. [01:16:31.200 --> 01:16:35.600] We're trying to keep it that way. So, all right. Thank you very much, Pat. [01:16:35.600 --> 01:16:36.800] Thank you. Okay. [01:16:36.800 --> 01:16:39.760] We're going to break. And when we get back, we've got Brady. We've got [01:16:40.320 --> 01:16:45.040] first time caller Charles from Texas. We're going to take Charles after Brady. [01:16:45.040 --> 01:16:51.440] So Charles, excuse me, hang on the line. We've got Ken, Dan, Bad Bob. We've got a lot of callers. [01:16:51.440 --> 01:16:56.480] So we're going to try to keep everybody efficient, short and sweet. We'll be right back. [01:16:56.480 --> 01:17:01.920] Capital Coin and Bullion is your local source for rare coins, precious metals, and coin supplies in [01:17:01.920 --> 01:17:08.080] the Austin Metro area. We also ship worldwide. We are a family owned and operated business that [01:17:08.080 --> 01:17:13.840] offers competitive prices on your coin and metals purchases. We buy, sell, trade and consign rare [01:17:13.840 --> 01:17:19.920] coins, gold and silver coin collections, precious metals and scrap gold. We will purchase and sell [01:17:19.920 --> 01:17:25.440] gold and silver coins in the Austin Metro area. We are a family owned and operated business [01:17:25.440 --> 01:17:30.720] and sell gold and jewelry items as well. We offer daily specials on coins and bullion. [01:17:30.720 --> 01:17:38.320] We're located at 5448 Burnett Road Suite 3 and we're open Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 6 PM, [01:17:38.320 --> 01:17:44.560] Saturdays 10 AM to 5 PM. You are welcome to stop in our shop during regular business hours or call [01:17:44.560 --> 01:17:52.560] 512-646-6440 with any questions. As for Chad, and say you heard about us on Rule of Law Radio [01:17:52.560 --> 01:17:59.440] or 90.1 FM, that's Capital Coin and Bullion 512-646-6440. [01:18:22.720 --> 01:18:31.440] me with that same old trick again i was blindsided but now i can see your plans [01:18:31.440 --> 01:18:53.440] you put the fear in my pocket took the money from my hand ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:19:01.600 --> 01:19:09.440] ain't gonna drop me with that same old sucker punch i get it now but then i must have it now [01:19:11.520 --> 01:19:15.920] back then you had room to move but now you're feeling the crunch [01:19:15.920 --> 01:19:31.920] ain't gonna get me with that same old sucker punch [01:19:31.920 --> 01:19:39.600] so [01:19:51.840 --> 01:19:58.880] it was a weak moment for me but i had the power all along ain't gonna please me with [01:19:58.880 --> 01:20:06.240] okay we are back we're taking your calls we're going to brady in texas brady thanks for calling [01:20:06.240 --> 01:20:11.920] in what's on your mind tonight well i stumbled across something that i've been researching in [01:20:11.920 --> 01:20:18.000] i was digging back in the texas and u.s constitutions and i was searching for [01:20:20.160 --> 01:20:27.520] another category that i formerly had not learned about and stumbled across [01:20:27.520 --> 01:20:33.200] uh the constitutional prohibition against outlawry so i thought well i need to dig [01:20:33.200 --> 01:20:40.880] off into that and find out what it really means what did it mean back then and uh what it appears [01:20:40.880 --> 01:20:48.240] to uh for example uh what had happened to robert fox in his arrests out in jacksonville texas [01:20:49.120 --> 01:20:54.400] and what they have consequently both at that time and and afterwards been trying to do to others who [01:20:54.400 --> 01:21:01.440] uh were either there present uh with robert or who have uh attempted to come to his aid by [01:21:02.160 --> 01:21:07.440] looking into matters um it appears that they are committing what's called outlawry [01:21:08.720 --> 01:21:17.360] uh if i may i'll briefly read what i've learned that that outlawry is and uh see if uh y'all can [01:21:17.360 --> 01:21:25.360] uh y'all can bounce it across and around your uh um uh information board there and see if [01:21:25.360 --> 01:21:30.480] see if it doesn't ring true it says the term outlawry referred to a formal procedure of [01:21:30.480 --> 01:21:35.440] declaring someone an outlaw as in putting him outside of the sphere of legal protection [01:21:36.800 --> 01:21:41.760] in the common law of england a judgment of criminal outlawry was one of the harshest [01:21:41.760 --> 01:21:46.800] penalties of the legal system since the outlaw could not use the legal system to protect him [01:21:46.800 --> 01:21:51.760] if needed he couldn't protect himself in other words to be declared an outlaw was to suffer a [01:21:51.760 --> 01:21:59.600] form of civil death the outlaw was debarred from all civilized society it further says that no one [01:21:59.600 --> 01:22:04.000] was allowed to give him food shelter or any other sort of support to do so was to commit the crime [01:22:04.000 --> 01:22:11.200] of aiding and abetting and to be in danger of the ban itself an outlaw might be killed with impunity [01:22:11.200 --> 01:22:16.880] and it was not only lawful but meritorious to kill someone fleeing from justice to do so was not [01:22:16.880 --> 01:22:24.400] murder this is under the former england common law because the outlaw had defied civil society [01:22:24.400 --> 01:22:30.400] the society was free of any obligations to the outlaw outlaws had no civil rights could not sue [01:22:30.400 --> 01:22:37.040] any court or any cause of action though they were themselves personally liable in effect criminal [01:22:37.040 --> 01:22:43.280] outlaws were criminals on the run who were wanted dead or alive by the rules of criminal law criminal [01:22:43.280 --> 01:22:47.760] outlawed a criminal outlaw did not need to be guilty of the crime he was outlawed for [01:22:49.200 --> 01:22:53.600] if a man was accused of a crime and instead of appearing in court and defending himself from [01:22:53.600 --> 01:22:57.920] accusation if he fled from justice he was committing the serious contempt of court which was [01:22:57.920 --> 01:23:03.120] itself a capital crime so even if he were innocent of the crime he was originally accused of he was [01:23:03.120 --> 01:23:10.320] still guilty of evading justice there's also a lesser form called civil outlawry and it did not [01:23:10.320 --> 01:23:15.360] carry the capital punishment with it and it was imposed on defendants who fled or evaded justice [01:23:15.360 --> 01:23:22.480] when sued for civil actions like debts or torts the punishments for civil outlawry was nevertheless [01:23:22.480 --> 01:23:27.840] harsh including confiscation of your channels that's movable property left behind by the outlaw [01:23:28.880 --> 01:23:32.720] on a defendant in civil or criminal case that could not be found the reason would not always [01:23:32.720 --> 01:23:38.800] be clear the person might depart from perfectly innocent reasons and be completely unaware that [01:23:38.800 --> 01:23:43.280] the criminal accusation of civil suit might be brought against him after his departure [01:23:45.040 --> 01:23:51.840] at any rate in in regard to this if you wikipedia outlawry you will find a massive amount of [01:23:51.840 --> 01:24:00.240] information in regards to the nuances of outlawry for instance when randy kelton came to robert's [01:24:00.240 --> 01:24:06.800] aid and started investigating the crimes that had been committed against him and then when he filed [01:24:06.800 --> 01:24:16.640] criminal charges against the individuals that he did they turned it around and charged mr kelton [01:24:16.640 --> 01:24:24.800] with the outrageous charge of operating an unlicensed private investigation firm and so [01:24:24.800 --> 01:24:30.640] um what they have attempted to do and are apparently continuing to try to do is to see [01:24:30.640 --> 01:24:35.040] to it that people do not come to the aid protection or defense of robert fox [01:24:36.720 --> 01:24:44.800] um so that's what i i wanted to share with the listening audience today and um and get [01:24:44.800 --> 01:24:56.080] jaw's feedback in regards to this so if a court would tell the clerk not to allow me to file any [01:24:56.080 --> 01:25:03.680] motions in the court that would be tantamount to outlawry it seems it seems to me that it would [01:25:03.680 --> 01:25:11.200] and by the way i also filed criminal complaints against the judge and in doing so ordered my [01:25:11.200 --> 01:25:18.240] documents to be stripped out of the record as well so you're an outlaw as well apparently so [01:25:19.280 --> 01:25:28.880] and uh these uh these uh outlaw there was under english common law the judge would actually [01:25:28.880 --> 01:25:35.120] declare them to be an outlaw but since we have a constitutional prohibition then it has to be done [01:25:35.120 --> 01:25:40.800] clandestinely a clandestine outlawry would be a judgment of outlawry passed against the defendant [01:25:40.800 --> 01:25:47.360] without giving the legal action proper publicity and the defendant adequate opportunity to be [01:25:47.360 --> 01:25:52.800] notified and answer the charges so it appears that's what they have done in practice whether [01:25:52.800 --> 01:25:59.200] that whether they've ever actually declared him to be an outlaw and anyone else as aiding and [01:25:59.200 --> 01:26:06.080] abetting but you know it seems like then that would also apply randy if they are allowing [01:26:06.080 --> 01:26:13.600] the court to block legal counsel access to assist someone in court they're preventing them from using [01:26:13.600 --> 01:26:20.080] the legal system to assist themselves that's what i thought when i first heard this all of these [01:26:20.080 --> 01:26:27.040] things the courts seem to be doing goes to outlawry or it could be pointed to outlawry [01:26:27.040 --> 01:26:36.400] outlawry and since that's addressed in the constitution we can bring the like here in austin [01:26:36.400 --> 01:26:46.080] where they just rule against someone without reading the pleading then that's not just denying [01:26:46.080 --> 01:26:52.480] you the right to petition the court for redress of grievance that's our already and this is found [01:26:52.480 --> 01:26:57.920] in texas constitution article 1 section 20 in the bill of rights of the texas constitution [01:27:00.960 --> 01:27:05.600] can you read that do you have that handy i don't have that handy the the but it just says uh [01:27:06.480 --> 01:27:07.120] which section [01:27:11.920 --> 01:27:16.560] go ahead it's which section that's article 1 section 20 [01:27:16.560 --> 01:27:20.080] okay [01:27:23.920 --> 01:27:27.520] you have to hang on just a second the texas government website's being awful slow for some [01:27:27.520 --> 01:27:33.040] reason when i heard this uh it really got my attention because this is has been a problem [01:27:33.040 --> 01:27:40.800] we've had people on the show come on and say that the judge directed the clerk not to allow them to [01:27:40.800 --> 01:27:46.320] file motions and i've heard of this happening all over the country and it's been a problem [01:27:46.320 --> 01:27:52.160] how do we address it denying you the right to petition for redress of grievance kind of goes [01:27:52.160 --> 01:28:01.120] there but outlawry seems to hit it much better okay section 20 outlawry or transportation for [01:28:01.120 --> 01:28:07.280] offense no citizen shall be outlawed no person shall be transported out of the state for any [01:28:07.280 --> 01:28:11.760] offense committed within the same there's that federal jurisdiction problem we've talked about [01:28:11.760 --> 01:28:17.040] randy this section does not prohibit an agreement with another state providing for the confinement [01:28:17.040 --> 01:28:23.040] of inmates of this state in the penal or correctional facilities of that state so right there you've got [01:28:23.040 --> 01:28:28.960] two issues in section 20 transportation for an offense committed within the state can't be [01:28:28.960 --> 01:28:33.680] transferred to the fed or any other state according to our constitution well there was a problem and [01:28:33.680 --> 01:28:40.160] the reason this went in there is the states were taking their habitual criminals to the state line [01:28:40.160 --> 01:28:47.440] and telling them hit the road and don't come back and then the other states were inheriting [01:28:47.440 --> 01:28:53.440] the people the incorrigible from their surrounding states and that's why most of the constitutions [01:28:53.440 --> 01:28:59.440] have this in it they keep your own if you've got scoundrels you deal with them don't push them off [01:28:59.440 --> 01:29:06.480] on us but that was the second part of what you just read the first part was outlawry [01:29:06.480 --> 01:29:14.240] outlawry was separate and when i read it i read that to be the same but clearly that's not because [01:29:14.240 --> 01:29:23.200] they're separated and outlawry is clearly what the courts are doing when they deny us proper access [01:29:24.160 --> 01:29:26.480] when the when the [01:29:26.480 --> 01:29:36.240] when the when the the texas court of criminal appeals denied my motion for leave to file a [01:29:36.240 --> 01:29:41.920] writ of habeas corpus that was outlawry i charged him with the wrong thing i need to be charged [01:29:41.920 --> 01:29:46.800] okay so i guess he's saying that outlawry is outlawed [01:29:46.800 --> 01:29:52.240] that's true good point and we're going to break to be charged with violating hold on [01:29:52.240 --> 01:29:57.200] we got to go we'll be right back on the other side okay [01:30:01.040 --> 01:30:06.800] it is so enlightening to listen to 90.1 fm but finding things on the internet isn't so easy [01:30:06.800 --> 01:30:11.200] and neither is finding like-minded people to share it with oh well i guess you haven't heard [01:30:11.200 --> 01:30:17.120] of brave new books then brave new books yes brave new books has all the books and dvds you're looking [01:30:17.120 --> 01:30:22.400] for by authors like alex jones ron paul and george griffin they even stock inner food [01:30:22.400 --> 01:30:28.240] burkey products and calvin soaps there's no way a place like that exists go check it out for [01:30:28.240 --> 01:30:35.520] yourself it's downtown in 1904 guadalupe street just south of ut by ut there's never anywhere to [01:30:35.520 --> 01:30:41.040] park down there actually they now offer a free hour of parking for paying customers at the 500 [01:30:41.040 --> 01:30:48.480] mlk parking facility just behind the bookstore it does exist but when are they open monday through [01:30:48.480 --> 01:30:56.400] saturday 11 a.m to 9 p.m and 1 to 6 p.m on sundays so give them a call at 512-480-2503 [01:30:56.400 --> 01:31:02.800] or check out their events page at brave new bookstore.com are you being harassed by debt [01:31:02.800 --> 01:31:08.160] collectors with phone calls letters or even lawsuits stop debt collectors now with the [01:31:08.160 --> 01:31:13.840] michael mires proven method michael mires has won six cases in federal court against debt collectors [01:31:13.840 --> 01:31:19.200] and now you can win too you'll get step-by-step instructions in plain english on how to win in [01:31:19.200 --> 01:31:25.440] court using federal civil rights statutes what to do when contacted by phone mail or court summons [01:31:25.440 --> 01:31:30.080] how to answer letters and phone calls how to get debt collectors out of your credit report [01:31:30.080 --> 01:31:35.600] how to turn the financial tables on them and make them pay you to go away the michael mires [01:31:35.600 --> 01:31:41.440] proven method is the solution for how to stop debt collectors personal consultation is available [01:31:41.440 --> 01:31:46.400] as well for more information please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the blue [01:31:46.400 --> 01:31:53.520] michael mires banner or email michael mires at yahoo.com that's ruleoflawradio.com or email [01:31:53.520 --> 01:32:00.640] m i c h a e l m i r r a s at yahoo.com to learn how to stop debt collectors now [01:32:00.640 --> 01:32:30.560] okay we're speaking with brady in texas talking about outlawry and randy you had some [01:32:30.560 --> 01:32:38.640] comments yes i would like to see a lot more research in this area because it's it's sort [01:32:38.640 --> 01:32:45.760] of a weak spot we've been having my primary purpose is to go after judges and this looks [01:32:45.760 --> 01:32:53.280] like a really great tool to go after judges with us in looking at it it's for the most part judges [01:32:53.280 --> 01:33:00.640] are about the only ones who could actually outlaw someone and it looks like that's what [01:33:00.640 --> 01:33:06.800] they're doing all the time exactly so this is going to be a real good tool to beat up [01:33:06.800 --> 01:33:13.120] the judges with yeah good research brady thank you brady you're all right i don't care what [01:33:13.120 --> 01:33:20.080] everybody says about you i'll take it as a compliment all right brady thanks for calling in [01:33:20.080 --> 01:33:26.720] thank you god bless okay bye bye okay we're going now to charles in texas first time caller [01:33:27.680 --> 01:33:32.800] charles thanks for calling in what's on your mind tonight good evening gentlemen and ladies [01:33:33.360 --> 01:33:38.720] um my name is charles terry i'm actually don terry's son he has a show on y'all's radio oh [01:33:38.720 --> 01:33:43.840] yes agenda 21 talk exactly it's actually i've been a long time listener but this is the first time [01:33:43.840 --> 01:33:51.280] i've ever called in okay if you're don terry's son i'm not going to hold that against you yes [01:33:51.280 --> 01:33:59.040] at any rate um last year i was arrested for a um i was one years old and i was arrested for a minor [01:33:59.040 --> 01:34:10.800] dui um i blew a 0.04 and um once i was released i filed some paperwork as far as requesting the [01:34:10.800 --> 01:34:17.120] information or indictment when i had the trial um the judge of course ignored my request i would [01:34:17.120 --> 01:34:26.000] deny it um i then appealed he found me guilty i then appealed it under article 4.03 of the code [01:34:26.000 --> 01:34:36.080] of criminal procedures um and he then denied my request or he then denied my appeal as well [01:34:36.080 --> 01:34:45.040] and but he also told me to put up a bond so i put up a sorority bond and now he's having me come back [01:34:46.640 --> 01:34:54.960] um for a show cause hearing as to why i haven't paid um my question is what do i do now i've [01:34:54.960 --> 01:35:02.720] already filed um about four complaints against him with by way of the da's office here in tennant [01:35:02.720 --> 01:35:09.840] here in tennant county um i got a letter back from the tennant county da saying that [01:35:10.640 --> 01:35:16.960] they're presenting to the grand jury and then i wrote a letter back requesting the minute for [01:35:16.960 --> 01:35:22.560] the grand jury a letter back saying that they're not allowed to give me that information and i'm [01:35:22.560 --> 01:35:30.400] just not really sure as to where to go from here okay liar liar pants on fire they are required to [01:35:30.400 --> 01:35:37.520] make the minutes available go to he doesn't have them the clerk of the court has go to the clerk [01:35:37.520 --> 01:35:42.400] and request them for the clerk from the clerk the county clerk yes i've looked at the minutes in [01:35:42.400 --> 01:35:49.520] tarrant county before okay the clerk has a book on the minutes and generally the clerk will [01:35:50.160 --> 01:35:57.520] make them available to you see i sent a letter actually to the tennant county district district [01:35:57.520 --> 01:36:03.760] clerk um through a public information request and i got a letter back quoting a bunch of [01:36:04.320 --> 01:36:10.080] quoting two things from the Texas attorney general ordinance saying that they are not [01:36:10.800 --> 01:36:16.560] privileged to give me that information through the information uh public information act [01:36:17.440 --> 01:36:20.640] and i knew that was gibberish oh actually it was true [01:36:20.640 --> 01:36:30.560] what's that it's true so how should i have gone about that requested under article 1.24 [01:36:31.920 --> 01:36:38.320] code of criminal procedure and what texas constitution article 1 paragraph 10 [01:36:38.320 --> 01:36:49.920] all courts shall be public that's the one it falls under it doesn't the courts don't fall under the [01:36:49.920 --> 01:36:57.680] open records act and that's where that's where the district clerk was doing a song and dance i suggest [01:36:57.680 --> 01:37:05.680] you file a criminal charge against the district clerk for secreting government records and denying [01:37:05.680 --> 01:37:10.720] government records and denying you a public court because it doesn't make any difference [01:37:11.680 --> 01:37:20.800] under what you request them the law doesn't only apply if you stipulate what the law is [01:37:22.640 --> 01:37:30.000] if something is a crime it's a crime whether somebody comes in and says this is a crime [01:37:30.000 --> 01:37:37.360] under this statute so now you send a tort letter to the county commissioners [01:37:39.920 --> 01:37:44.880] notifying them that you've been harmed by the clerk the clerk acting in criminal violation of [01:37:44.880 --> 01:37:52.560] state law and they won't be happy about that and then you file criminal charges with the district [01:37:52.560 --> 01:38:01.920] attorney against the district clerk and then how do we go after the minutes [01:38:04.320 --> 01:38:11.840] you might try going down to the district clerk's office and request the minutes or [01:38:11.840 --> 01:38:22.000] find a tarrant county has more than one grand jury so find out which judges which judge had the grand [01:38:22.000 --> 01:38:28.080] juries when this these complaints were supposedly presented to the grand jury [01:38:29.520 --> 01:38:38.480] and then go to that judge's clerk and ask for records of the mead dates that the grand jury met [01:38:38.480 --> 01:38:42.960] and for the the court's records of the minutes of the grand jury [01:38:44.320 --> 01:38:53.920] you go directly to the judge himself he's going to be more careful right right okay i see where [01:38:53.920 --> 01:39:02.240] i went wrong with that okay what that what that minute is is the indictment is not presented [01:39:02.240 --> 01:39:08.400] until it's read into the court record if it's not read into the court record it doesn't exist [01:39:09.200 --> 01:39:17.840] and so when a a complaint is presented to the grand jury the grand jury sits [01:39:22.160 --> 01:39:28.480] excuse me i had a little cough there the grand jury sits they vote to true bill or no bill [01:39:28.480 --> 01:39:36.000] they vote to true bill or no bill and then they come into the court and read in open court [01:39:37.680 --> 01:39:45.520] onto the record whether they true billed or no billed so i have absolutely no doubt [01:39:46.640 --> 01:39:53.760] that this attorney lied to you right i've had experience with travis county a friend of mine's [01:39:53.760 --> 01:39:58.800] son worked for the sheriff's department and was sergeant on the sheriff's department and [01:39:58.800 --> 01:40:04.560] he went to gym and he said uh what is randy kelton's picture doing hanging up in the grand [01:40:04.560 --> 01:40:12.160] jury room with a note that says if you see this person call security because i had been down [01:40:12.160 --> 01:40:20.000] there trying to get to the grand jury and they just had themselves a fit that's hilarious yeah [01:40:20.000 --> 01:40:26.240] so there's no way he voluntarily went to the grand jury with that so i suggest you go down [01:40:26.240 --> 01:40:34.320] with criminal charges against him for the grand jury if you go to the district attorney's office [01:40:34.320 --> 01:40:39.120] and ask for a prosecutor to take a criminal complaint they're going to send out an investigator [01:40:41.040 --> 01:40:47.360] and here's how you handle the investigator you tell him you ask him are you an attorney he's [01:40:47.360 --> 01:40:52.720] going to say no i'm an investigator for the district attorney's office then in that case [01:40:52.720 --> 01:40:58.160] you're a certified police officer he's going to say yes i am good here verify these complaints [01:40:58.160 --> 01:41:03.440] and hand him a criminal complaint that's not signed or verified against the district attorney [01:41:05.680 --> 01:41:11.120] and he's not going to want to do it and you tell him right he's a you're certified police officer [01:41:11.120 --> 01:41:16.000] you're authorized to verify criminal complaints generally what they do then is go back and talk [01:41:16.000 --> 01:41:23.200] to the district attorney now you have the district attorney in a position what does he do with criminal [01:41:23.200 --> 01:41:31.840] complaints against himself what he's required to do is recuse himself and calls to be appointed [01:41:31.840 --> 01:41:39.680] an attorney pro tem to consider the complaints but he won't he'll come back and give you some [01:41:39.680 --> 01:41:47.440] huff and puff right right and then you get the investigator's name and take criminal charges [01:41:47.440 --> 01:41:52.960] against the investigator and the district attorney and you go into one of the district courts [01:41:54.800 --> 01:42:00.720] and you go over to the bailiff you want to find a court while they're having motion hearings [01:42:00.720 --> 01:42:08.720] and you go excuse me do i want to granger to be in session at this time no no not at this time [01:42:09.280 --> 01:42:15.200] now all we want to do is bushwhack a judge okay so you find out which judge is having motion [01:42:15.200 --> 01:42:20.560] hearings generally every day some judge is going to have motion hearings and generally i like to [01:42:20.560 --> 01:42:29.200] find the meanest low-downest most rotten cantankerous judge on the place you hammer him and you skewer [01:42:29.200 --> 01:42:34.960] everybody so you go in there and you call the bailiff over and you don't have to be polite i [01:42:34.960 --> 01:42:42.960] like to go in and i'm always in a nice suit i walk up to the bar and i point at him are you the bailiff [01:42:43.920 --> 01:42:50.960] and if he says yes come here and i'm not polite about it then he comes over yes can i help you [01:42:50.960 --> 01:42:56.480] instructed my name is always tell them your name first you don't want any questions my name is [01:42:56.480 --> 01:43:00.720] randall kelton instruct the judge that i have business with the court he'll always say may [01:43:00.720 --> 01:43:04.960] i tell the judge the nature of the business no you may not i have business with the court and [01:43:04.960 --> 01:43:11.120] it's none of yours you're dismissed and he goes sit down he's going to be real unhappy [01:43:12.640 --> 01:43:19.600] and every time i've done this they run up to the judge and the judge and they look at it you sit [01:43:19.600 --> 01:43:25.520] in there holding this folder and the judge always wants to know what's in it so generally he'll [01:43:25.520 --> 01:43:30.480] finish a motion hearing and then call you up and say i understand you have business with the court [01:43:30.480 --> 01:43:34.320] you hold up that folder and say yes your honor may i approach that means going to give you this [01:43:34.320 --> 01:43:40.800] folder and as soon as we get back from break i'll explain to you why you're doing that you're going [01:43:40.800 --> 01:43:47.520] to like this all right okay will you take us out i'm about to cough okay we will be right back and [01:43:47.520 --> 01:43:53.120] the calls are really stacking up so we want to finish up quickly on the other side with charles [01:43:53.120 --> 01:43:57.840] we've got richard from texas chad from texas gary and ken we'll be right back on the other side [01:44:07.040 --> 01:44:14.240] aerial spring chemtrails the modified atmosphere heavy metals and pesticides [01:44:14.240 --> 01:44:21.360] carcinogens and chemical fibers all falling from the sky you have a choice to keep your body clean [01:44:21.360 --> 01:44:33.200] detoxify with micro plant powder from hemp usa.org or call 908-691-2608 it's odorless and tasteless [01:44:33.200 --> 01:44:40.560] and used in any liquid or food protect your family now with micro plant powder cleaning out heavy [01:44:40.560 --> 01:44:48.320] metals parasites and toxins water it now for daily intake and stock it now for long-term storage [01:44:48.320 --> 01:44:57.760] visit hempusa.org or call 908-691-2608 today [01:45:18.320 --> 01:45:43.200] okay we're back we're going to take as many of your calls as we can in this final segment [01:45:43.200 --> 01:45:48.400] okay randy you wanted to close out with charles and then we're going to go to other calls yeah [01:45:48.400 --> 01:45:53.200] charles this is you touched on one of my favorite subjects so i could get carried away on this [01:45:54.800 --> 01:45:58.720] you might want to call back tomorrow night and we can discuss this you can have a lot of fun with [01:45:58.720 --> 01:46:03.680] this and if you do it and do it right they'll recognize the procedure they've seen it before [01:46:03.680 --> 01:46:09.680] and they really really hate it and your picture will wind up in their next to mine but it really [01:46:09.680 --> 01:46:14.960] gets their attention we don't have time to go into we've only got one segment so and there's [01:46:14.960 --> 01:46:20.080] way too much information so if you'll call back tomorrow night we will spend a lot more time on [01:46:20.080 --> 01:46:26.880] this will do all right i appreciate it mr krausen okay well let me i was supposed to finish one [01:46:26.880 --> 01:46:32.880] little thing the judge will uh will ask you to come ask you i understand you have some business [01:46:32.880 --> 01:46:37.840] with the court and you say yes your honor i do and you hold up this motion this your this folder [01:46:37.840 --> 01:46:43.360] and you say may i approach that means can i give you this document he'll either send the bailiff to [01:46:43.360 --> 01:46:48.960] retrieve it we'll see jimmy due in tarrant county or he'll call you up so you can give it to him [01:46:49.760 --> 01:46:56.400] because you you've jerked his bailiff around and he wants to know what's going on here and when he [01:46:56.400 --> 01:47:00.480] opens it up he's looking at criminal charges against the district attorney and the district [01:47:00.480 --> 01:47:07.680] and the district attorney's investigator accusing them of shielding the prosecutor of shielding [01:47:07.680 --> 01:47:14.480] himself from prosecution and then he's going to know you bushwhacked it and he's not going to be [01:47:14.480 --> 01:47:21.920] happy yeah there's nothing he can do about it he's got a problem and we'll we'll go into that more [01:47:21.920 --> 01:47:26.480] tomorrow evening we're kind of running out of time tonight yeah call back in tomorrow charles [01:47:26.480 --> 01:47:31.760] awesome thank you okay great thanks okay we're going to try to take as many of your calls as we [01:47:31.760 --> 01:47:37.840] can this final segment we're going to go to chad and then richard chad thanks for calling in what's [01:47:37.840 --> 01:47:44.320] on your mind tonight hi um in municipal court if the defendant pleads not guilty the complaint [01:47:44.320 --> 01:47:53.120] serves as a charging instrument right wrong um that's what i read in uh annotated code criminal [01:47:53.120 --> 01:47:59.840] procedure i know sir they must have an information or an indictment they cannot move on complaint [01:47:59.840 --> 01:48:09.280] alone what section of code of criminal procedure are you referring to article 21.22 information [01:48:09.280 --> 01:48:18.240] based upon complaint and then that was um an information based upon a complaint an information [01:48:18.240 --> 01:48:23.920] is the charging instrument not the complaint okay okay let me explain in this instant the word [01:48:23.920 --> 01:48:32.400] information is a word term of art it means a specific legal document not just general [01:48:32.400 --> 01:48:38.800] information based on a complaint but a specific document if there was an information and she [01:48:39.920 --> 01:48:45.920] looked dumbfounded right that's that's because they don't use them and it's illegal [01:48:45.920 --> 01:48:54.880] okay and in the um in the complaint uh is that the the affidavit that uh should be made by some [01:48:54.880 --> 01:49:00.880] credible person charging the defendant with an offense that is correct 21.22 okay well how can [01:49:00.880 --> 01:49:06.400] this person be credible if they were not a witness they can't that's the problem they have no [01:49:06.400 --> 01:49:11.360] firsthand knowledge but here's the deal wait wait wait isn't that a fatal i'm going to address that [01:49:11.360 --> 01:49:18.960] a fatal i'm going to address that randy anyone can make a criminal complaint okay if they have [01:49:18.960 --> 01:49:24.080] reason to believe a crime has been committed by someone else they can make the complaint [01:49:25.360 --> 01:49:32.480] what they cannot do is testify at trial nor can the complaint be used as the charging instrument [01:49:32.480 --> 01:49:38.880] at trial because there's nobody with firsthand knowledge making the complaint in order to proceed [01:49:38.880 --> 01:49:45.040] to trial but the complaint is enough to make a determination of probable cause in an examining [01:49:45.040 --> 01:49:51.440] trial and the examining trial is what you use to determine whether or not there is enough evidence [01:49:52.080 --> 01:50:00.720] to go to an actual trial so it has to be done in a pre-trial objection to that is that what you're [01:50:00.720 --> 01:50:06.000] telling me one has to be done in a pre-trial objection no this goes to subject matter [01:50:06.000 --> 01:50:11.760] jurisdiction it can be raised at any time but it's always better to bring it beforehand [01:50:12.720 --> 01:50:19.440] the thing i was going to say is about credible person credible person simply means a person [01:50:19.440 --> 01:50:26.080] over 18 who's never been convicted of a felony the person can be a credible person [01:50:27.200 --> 01:50:31.120] and they can make the complaint based on information and belief [01:50:31.120 --> 01:50:38.080] but that's not sufficient at trial that's only sufficient for the purpose of examining trial [01:50:38.640 --> 01:50:50.560] not at a trial on the merits but petty trial you understand the difference yes so uh so would i [01:50:50.560 --> 01:50:56.080] how would i object to that challenge subject matter jurisdiction [01:50:56.080 --> 01:51:05.520] jurisdiction improper charging instrument based on no accuser you demand to be faced by your [01:51:05.520 --> 01:51:10.560] accuser and they must be in the complaint no i'm sorry no proper charging instrument [01:51:11.840 --> 01:51:17.520] isn't the accuser the officer yeah no did the officer sign the complaint [01:51:19.360 --> 01:51:25.760] no the accuser the accuser is whoever has firsthand knowledge of the crime [01:51:25.760 --> 01:51:33.120] no whoever makes the accusation that's what i'm saying the accuser in order for it to be to stand [01:51:33.120 --> 01:51:38.320] up in the trial the the person has to have firsthand information firsthand knowledge [01:51:39.040 --> 01:51:43.680] right that's why this nonsense of having a third party as a matter of course issue to [01:51:43.680 --> 01:51:51.360] complain it denies your your right to be faced by your accuser and they're they want to treat [01:51:51.360 --> 01:51:58.160] the officer as is if he is simply a witness but he's not he's he has to be the accuser [01:52:00.240 --> 01:52:06.000] because he's the only one that has a competent fact he's the only competent fact witness [01:52:08.160 --> 01:52:10.960] and there's a real strain on the competent part [01:52:12.400 --> 01:52:18.160] okay we need to move quickly we've got several more calls okay thank you okay does that all make [01:52:18.160 --> 01:52:26.960] sense yes okay thank you all right you're welcome okay we are moving on now we're going to richard [01:52:26.960 --> 01:52:31.760] in texas first on caller richard thanks for calling in what's on your mind tonight okay well [01:52:31.760 --> 01:52:36.320] i hope this is the right show format to ask this question and no nobody's looking for me i'm not [01:52:36.320 --> 01:52:42.960] in any trouble i follow the constitution periodically and i've had a quick constitutional [01:52:42.960 --> 01:52:48.400] question of reference i know that under article six it says the treaty is one side and ratified [01:52:48.400 --> 01:52:53.680] become the supreme law of the land what i was trying to find a research is how does that [01:52:54.880 --> 01:53:02.000] affect the rights of citizens as far as violations or conflicts between a treaty and the constitution [01:53:02.000 --> 01:53:08.240] itself the constitution is the supreme law of the land any treaty has got to be subordinate to it [01:53:08.240 --> 01:53:14.160] it cannot amend or alter our constitution simply because it's a treaty right but does it state that [01:53:14.160 --> 01:53:19.920] anywhere in the constitution yeah the constitution says up in uh i believe it's in article one that [01:53:19.920 --> 01:53:25.280] it is the supreme law of the land okay so so then then the second part of that is it's my understanding [01:53:25.280 --> 01:53:30.000] that the treaties can only be signed between nations and not for instance the united nations [01:53:30.880 --> 01:53:36.960] correct okay well that's what i need to know so i'm an avid targets shooter and i'm very concerned [01:53:36.960 --> 01:53:42.560] about the second amendment and this new supreme court nominee who apparently has no use for you [01:53:42.560 --> 01:53:50.320] the first or the second amendment and i was out of iron no kegan elena kegan no elena kegan uh [01:53:50.320 --> 01:53:55.600] we came right out and said that the federal government has the right to curtail free speech [01:53:55.600 --> 01:54:01.440] as long as it's uh motives are pure of heart oh yeah she wants to ban books she's outrageous [01:54:01.440 --> 01:54:06.320] she's the worst she's the worst yet and so there's a bunch of us and sit around have lively [01:54:06.320 --> 01:54:10.320] discussions about this at night and then we write our letters accordingly but we try to make sure [01:54:10.320 --> 01:54:15.760] our letters are factual we don't rant and rave and we reach you know people and in a right and [01:54:15.760 --> 01:54:21.600] proper manner and hope it works but other than pitchforks and torches i don't quite know what [01:54:21.600 --> 01:54:27.760] else to do i think that's well i was it i appreciate your help all right thanks richard [01:54:30.320 --> 01:54:35.600] okay moving right along we're going to gary in georgia all right gary thanks for calling [01:54:35.600 --> 01:54:40.960] in what's on your mind tonight all right i have a question for adi since that time is short of [01:54:40.960 --> 01:54:46.400] course i have other things as far as evidence that's why i have been thinking but have less [01:54:46.960 --> 01:54:54.480] i like to comment on the private uh privacy of these private cops and municipal corporations [01:54:54.480 --> 01:55:03.360] i'll hang up and listen thank you comment on the privacy uh yes you and you and uh randy had a good [01:55:03.360 --> 01:55:09.200] uh last part of the show i think was friday he did a good dissertation about the counties [01:55:09.200 --> 01:55:16.080] and drivers licensing and how they the say the commissioner of driver services in my state [01:55:16.880 --> 01:55:25.040] can delegate uh his duties to a private cop known as a municipal corporation policeman [01:55:25.040 --> 01:55:33.040] uh okay yeah um here in texas uh what i've brought up before is the issue that in the texas [01:55:33.040 --> 01:55:38.400] constitution only allows for the creation of one form of law enforcement officer and that is the [01:55:38.400 --> 01:55:44.480] sheriff the deputy sheriff and the constables here in texas there is no authority in the [01:55:44.480 --> 01:55:53.520] constitution for municipal meaning corporate slash private police forces um so what we've got is we've [01:55:53.520 --> 01:55:58.320] have these corporations uh that are being deemed political subdivisions of government but they're [01:55:58.320 --> 01:56:05.120] still corporations and they create a private police force to enforce the corporate statutes [01:56:05.120 --> 01:56:13.120] and the state laws but the problem is is there's no authority for the legislature to delegate [01:56:14.000 --> 01:56:20.400] uh the creation of a law enforcement branch of government other than what the constitution [01:56:20.400 --> 01:56:27.760] creates itself which again is sheriff constable and deputy sheriff so that that's a problem uh [01:56:27.760 --> 01:56:33.920] it's it's my suggestion that the corporation police officers are nothing more than corporation [01:56:33.920 --> 01:56:40.400] security guards who can enforce no rules other than the city ordinances against the city employees [01:56:40.400 --> 01:56:47.200] and against the contractors that are part of that employment system uh they just are not allowed to [01:56:47.200 --> 01:56:52.080] act against the people now a lot of people going oh well but who would protect us well if you go [01:56:52.080 --> 01:56:58.000] by what the constitution says that means instead of city policemen getting paid 14 15 dollars an [01:56:58.000 --> 01:57:03.520] hour because the city steals money hand over fist it means that the county officers instead of getting [01:57:03.520 --> 01:57:10.880] paid minimum wage now would have more officers and more money in order to protect the county [01:57:10.880 --> 01:57:17.440] including the cities within the county as the constitution intended that's the reason why the [01:57:17.440 --> 01:57:24.560] sheriff is supposed to be the highest law officer now notice i did not say law enforcement because [01:57:24.560 --> 01:57:30.880] law enforcement is an executive branch function and here in texas the sheriff is under the judicial [01:57:30.880 --> 01:57:37.200] branch of government he stands between the legislature and the executive as a defender [01:57:37.200 --> 01:57:44.720] of the people's rights just like the courts are supposed to be so that's the dissertation i got [01:57:44.720 --> 01:57:49.280] gary if there's something more you want me to add to that let me know uh no sir you did it is [01:57:49.280 --> 01:57:55.920] excellent because uh here in georgia they they say that they cannot take judicial notices [01:57:55.920 --> 01:58:00.880] notice of ordinance unless the person's got to copy the ordinance with it so i'll hang up let's [01:58:00.880 --> 01:58:07.520] go thank you sir bye bye yes sir thank you all right thank you gary all right the rest of the [01:58:07.520 --> 01:58:11.920] callers i'm sorry we didn't get a chance to get to you but we'll be on the air for four hours [01:58:11.920 --> 01:58:17.760] tomorrow night on our four-hour info marathon and of course i just want to remind everyone once again [01:58:17.760 --> 01:58:24.080] for those of you in austin out there listening on 90.1 uh if you're in dead zones or can you [01:58:24.080 --> 01:58:29.360] pick up the signal very well please go to ruleoflawradio.com we want everyone to go to [01:58:29.360 --> 01:58:36.800] ruleoflawradio.com anyway even if you are listening uh on 90.1 in a strong signaled area because we [01:58:36.800 --> 01:58:41.760] need to get our numbers up on shoutcast we need to boost up our numbers so we can start getting [01:58:41.760 --> 01:58:49.680] more sponsors so that we can expand our transmission so please go to ruleoflawradio.com and pull the [01:58:49.680 --> 01:59:02.560] string from there we will be back tomorrow night this is the rule of law [01:59:19.680 --> 01:59:22.560] if you are [01:59:49.680 --> 01:59:58.560] interested