[00:00.000 --> 00:08.520] The Electronic Frontier Foundation has sued the Pentagon, the Justice Department, and [00:08.520 --> 00:13.920] the CIA for refusing to release information about the methods used to spy on social networks [00:13.920 --> 00:17.880] such as Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. [00:17.880 --> 00:22.800] Documents obtained recently by the American Civil Liberties Union, Bush White House officials [00:22.800 --> 00:29.160] met CIA operatives to discuss the agency's torture tapes that were later destroyed on [00:29.160 --> 00:35.120] February 2003, email reveals a meeting was called to discuss how the CIA should respond [00:35.120 --> 00:42.440] to a letter from Representative Jane Harman advising the agency to not destroy the tapes. [00:42.440 --> 00:47.640] Bank of America plans to repay the entire $45 billion it owes the U.S. Treasury as it [00:47.640 --> 00:51.120] aims to move out from under the government's control. [00:51.120 --> 00:57.240] The expected move leaves Citigroup as the only major U.S. bank still in hawk to the [00:57.240 --> 01:01.320] government. [01:01.320 --> 01:04.640] It was the deadliest industrial accident in history. [01:04.640 --> 01:11.320] On December 3, 1984, clouds of poisonous gas leaked from a pesticide factory in Bhopal, [01:11.320 --> 01:14.200] India killing 4,000 people. [01:14.200 --> 01:17.360] Over the next few years, countless more died. [01:17.360 --> 01:23.880] 25 years later, the factory still leaks toxins into the groundwater and soil. [01:23.880 --> 01:29.400] Activists and residents of Bhopal marked the anniversary Thursday with protests for accountability [01:29.400 --> 01:31.240] and justice. [01:31.240 --> 01:36.560] Conservative estimates hold that 15,000 people died of illnesses caused by the leak within [01:36.560 --> 01:38.520] a few years. [01:38.520 --> 01:42.680] Activists say the health of at least 200,000 has been damaged. [01:42.680 --> 01:47.440] The factory was run by Union Carbide in a joint venture with Indian businesses. [01:47.440 --> 01:54.760] 20 years ago, Union Carbide paid $470 million to the Indian government for the victims. [01:54.760 --> 02:00.640] In 1999, the company was acquired by Dow Chemical, which says the settlement resolved all existing [02:00.640 --> 02:05.680] and future claims against the company. [02:05.680 --> 02:10.400] Senator Bernard Sanders said Wednesday he would try to block the Senate from confirming [02:10.400 --> 02:14.880] Ben Bernanke to a second term as Federal Reserve Chairman. [02:14.880 --> 02:19.720] The move is unlikely to derail Bernanke's reappointment, but could buy the Fed's critics [02:19.720 --> 02:22.360] time to press their case. [02:22.360 --> 02:27.880] It also means Senate Democratic leaders will have to line up 60 votes in favor of Bernanke [02:27.880 --> 02:32.280] rather than the simple majority at a time when the Fed is being increasingly attacked [02:32.280 --> 02:35.240] by lawmakers on the right and the left. [02:35.240 --> 02:40.440] Bernanke will testify Thursday at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Banking Committee. [02:40.440 --> 02:46.760] He is expected to face criticism for not doing more to prevent the financial crisis and calls [02:46.760 --> 02:52.320] by some lawmakers for a sharply reduced regulatory role in the future. [02:52.320 --> 02:56.280] Sanders has frequently accused the Fed of bailing out Wall Street at the expense of [02:56.280 --> 02:57.280] ordinary citizens. [02:57.280 --> 03:02.280] This news brief brought to you by the International News Net. [03:02.280 --> 03:11.960] You are listening to the Rule of Law Radio Network at ruleoflawradio.com, live free speech [03:11.960 --> 03:41.320] talk radio at its best. [03:41.960 --> 04:11.760] All right, bad boys, bad boys. [04:11.760 --> 04:14.300] What are you going to do when we come for you? [04:14.300 --> 04:22.960] We are coming for you, Randy Kelton, Eddie Craig, special guest Lou Watson, Deborah Stevens, [04:22.960 --> 04:28.800] Sherri Jackson, John Bush, Charles Key. [04:28.800 --> 04:29.800] We are not giving in. [04:29.800 --> 04:36.480] We're going to do a show on the IRS tonight, tax issues. [04:36.480 --> 04:40.080] And we have very special guest Lou Watson who's going to speak on IRS issues. [04:40.080 --> 04:46.000] So before we do, I really want to address this Sherri Jackson case. [04:46.000 --> 04:54.160] Many of you may have gotten the email concerning her status, her situation, her, she's dying [04:54.160 --> 04:55.160] in prison. [04:55.160 --> 05:01.280] If folks out there don't know who Sherri Jackson is, excuse me, if folks out there do not know [05:01.280 --> 05:09.080] who Sherri Jackson is, she was a former IRS agent who used to prosecute people who were [05:09.080 --> 05:19.400] tax protesters until she read the code, read the law and decided that there is no law requiring [05:19.400 --> 05:20.680] people to pay taxes. [05:20.680 --> 05:24.320] So she stood up for what she believed was right. [05:24.320 --> 05:27.480] She decided to stop filing her tax returns. [05:27.480 --> 05:34.160] She was interviewed in the documentary, Freedom to Fascism, that was made by Aaron Russo. [05:34.160 --> 05:39.160] G. Edward Griffin was also in that documentary. [05:39.160 --> 05:44.080] G. Edward Griffin is going to be in town here, by the way, next Thursday. [05:44.080 --> 05:50.400] Brave New Books is hosting the event at 1900 University Avenue at the AT&T Executive Conference [05:50.400 --> 05:53.240] Center two blocks east of the bookstore. [05:53.240 --> 05:56.720] And we are going to be broadcasting live from that event. [05:56.720 --> 06:02.040] We are going to broadcast G. Edward Griffin's speech live on the air starting at 7 p.m. [06:02.040 --> 06:07.360] We're going to, Tom Kiley has graciously agreed to allow us to preempt his show. [06:07.360 --> 06:12.920] He's going to still be with us on the show so that we can broadcast live G. Edward Griffin's [06:12.920 --> 06:18.400] talk at this major event here in Austin, Texas. [06:18.400 --> 06:24.680] But anyway, back to the IRS situation, Sherri Jackson, she was in the documentary. [06:24.680 --> 06:27.760] Randy and I personally know Sherri Jackson. [06:27.760 --> 06:37.360] We have met her in person and she is a wonderful woman, full of integrity, full of the spirit. [06:37.360 --> 06:45.480] She stands up for what she believes in and she was punished severely for it. [06:45.480 --> 06:55.400] And as all of us know, it could just as easily be us inside that prison as her, okay? [06:55.400 --> 07:00.680] So we have to stand up for our sister, we have to stand up for our sisters and brothers. [07:00.680 --> 07:03.960] We're trying to kill her in prison through neglect. [07:03.960 --> 07:13.600] I mean, who knows if they didn't inflict this medical condition on her in the first place. [07:13.600 --> 07:24.460] It's been released in declassified documents, FOIAed, that the CIA had the ability to give [07:24.460 --> 07:30.840] anyone, any human being, cancer with a penprick, not even a syringe of substances, through [07:30.840 --> 07:38.140] a penprick that you couldn't even feel in 1953, people. [07:38.140 --> 07:42.220] The government had the ability to give people cancer with a penprick in 1953. [07:42.220 --> 07:43.880] So imagine what they could do now. [07:43.880 --> 07:46.040] Anyway, I don't want to get into the conjecture. [07:46.040 --> 07:51.580] The point is Sherri Jackson has a serious medical condition, she's dying in prison right [07:51.580 --> 07:53.920] now and she needs our help. [07:53.920 --> 07:58.120] I want, she's being punished for standing up for what she believes in and standing up [07:58.120 --> 08:04.260] for the truth, standing up for the law, standing up for the rule of law and we have to stand [08:04.260 --> 08:06.300] by our fellow patriots. [08:06.300 --> 08:13.280] So I want to just take a few moments here to read this letter that she wrote from prison [08:13.280 --> 08:21.380] a few days ago to her congressman, her state representative in treating for help. [08:21.380 --> 08:28.080] So if you will bear with me here, she's in federal prison in Florida. [08:28.080 --> 08:34.480] She writes this letter to her congressman, Congressman Johnson, Hank Johnson. [08:34.480 --> 08:39.100] All right, so here it goes. [08:39.100 --> 08:42.280] I am Sherri Peale Jackson, your former CPA. [08:42.280 --> 08:46.440] I'm writing you because I'm concerned about my health and my life. [08:46.440 --> 08:52.280] Prior to becoming a political prisoner, I was the picture of health in late June, all [08:52.280 --> 08:54.200] right, hold on, let me stop, let me back up. [08:54.200 --> 09:01.200] Sherri Jackson was convicted on four counts of willful failure to file tax returns. [09:01.200 --> 09:05.120] She was sentenced in February of 2008 for four years. [09:05.120 --> 09:08.960] All right, so now it's November 2009. [09:08.960 --> 09:15.040] She's been in prison for a year and a half and at this rate, she's not going to make [09:15.040 --> 09:17.760] it alive in the four years. [09:17.760 --> 09:21.720] Okay, so I just wanted to give you guys a timeline here. [09:21.720 --> 09:24.920] Okay, let me continue. [09:24.920 --> 09:31.080] In late June 2009, I started experiencing a rapid heartbeat on an irregular basis. [09:31.080 --> 09:40.000] Since this had happened infrequently in the past, I did not think much of it. [09:40.000 --> 09:44.000] I'm sorry, hold on one moment, okay, I did not think much of it. [09:44.000 --> 09:50.280] I did, in mid July, it started happening on a regular basis and I became concerned. [09:50.280 --> 09:55.920] I went to the medical staff twice in mid July, only to be given a one minute EKG and powerful [09:55.920 --> 09:58.360] meds without proper diagnosis. [09:58.360 --> 10:02.880] I did not take them because I had not been seen by a specialist. [10:02.880 --> 10:08.920] One week later, on July 21st at 1245, I felt I left the dorm in flip flops to go tell the [10:08.920 --> 10:11.760] officers that I was having a heart attack. [10:11.760 --> 10:16.240] The officers on duty called the ambulance and the ambulance checked my heart on their [10:16.240 --> 10:18.120] portable EKG. [10:18.120 --> 10:21.520] It was beating at 150 beats per minute. [10:21.520 --> 10:27.600] They took me to Leesburg Hospital where I remained until Friday, July 24th at 1130 p.m. [10:27.600 --> 10:31.480] During the hospital stay, it was determined my heart was healthy but that my thyroid was [10:31.480 --> 10:35.120] producing too much hormone speeding up my heart. [10:35.120 --> 10:38.480] This is called hyperthyroidism or Gray's disease. [10:38.480 --> 10:45.760] I was given two medications by the hospital, mezzol, which is an anti-thyroid agent used [10:45.760 --> 10:51.160] to reduce the amount of thyroid hormone produced by the body, and metaprolol, which is a beta [10:51.160 --> 10:53.040] blocker used to slow the heart. [10:53.040 --> 10:59.440] The hospital doctor told me that in four weeks, approximately August 21st, the prison medical [10:59.440 --> 11:05.160] unit was to do blood tests to determine how the thyroid medication was affecting my body. [11:05.160 --> 11:09.480] The blood test was taken in late August and I was told that I would be placed on appointment [11:09.480 --> 11:11.800] schedule to come over and review the results. [11:11.800 --> 11:14.520] I was never called. [11:14.520 --> 11:20.680] I went over in early September and inquired of Dr. De Leon as to how to get blood test [11:20.680 --> 11:21.680] results. [11:21.680 --> 11:27.760] He told me to put in a request to staff, so I did that on September 15th. [11:27.760 --> 11:31.440] It simply asked me to see the results of the test. [11:31.440 --> 11:36.520] Sometime after September 23rd, I received a response in writing from Ms. Marich that [11:36.520 --> 11:41.240] stated I could either make a sick call, come over early in the morning, wait in line and [11:41.240 --> 11:45.080] fill out forms, or come to Open House to see the results. [11:45.080 --> 11:49.240] Open House is held only on Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. [11:49.240 --> 11:53.900] I went to Open House Thursday, September 30th and was told by Ms. Marich that she could [11:53.900 --> 11:55.560] not find the results. [11:55.560 --> 12:00.640] I watched her look through and around several piles of folders in her office, but at no [12:00.640 --> 12:03.160] time did she look on the computer for them. [12:03.160 --> 12:05.520] She told me to check back later. [12:05.520 --> 12:13.200] On Wednesday, October 28th, I passed out around 4 p.m. and was taken to medical and cleared. [12:13.200 --> 12:21.160] On Friday, October 30th, my lips started turning black as if I had been a lifelong smoker. [12:21.160 --> 12:24.980] By Sunday, November 1st, my lips were fully black. [12:24.980 --> 12:30.800] My boss, the chaplain, called medical and a male nurse was sent over from the medium [12:30.800 --> 12:33.680] security men's prison on this complex. [12:33.680 --> 12:38.920] There are two maximum security, one medium and one low, men's prisons on this complex [12:38.920 --> 12:40.560] with the women's camp. [12:40.560 --> 12:44.840] He took my blood pressure and oxygen and said there was nothing else he could do. [12:44.840 --> 12:49.560] He told me to go to sick call Monday morning, which I did. [12:49.560 --> 12:54.280] I showed Mr. Cucho my lips and told him there was something wrong with my blood. [12:54.280 --> 12:56.960] I could tell. [12:56.960 --> 13:00.280] I am leaving out gross details here. [13:00.280 --> 13:05.880] He said I would be put and, okay, let me, Sherry said I am leaving out gross details [13:05.880 --> 13:06.880] here. [13:06.880 --> 13:07.880] Deborah Stevens is not saying that. [13:07.880 --> 13:08.880] That's in her letter. [13:08.880 --> 13:09.880] All right. [13:09.880 --> 13:10.880] Let me continue. [13:10.880 --> 13:12.480] He said I would be put on the schedule. [13:12.480 --> 13:16.680] However, the very next day, Tuesday morning, November 3rd, I found blood in my stool, so [13:16.680 --> 13:22.600] I rushed over to medical because I am smart enough to know that this is a major problem. [13:22.600 --> 13:28.080] I was chewed out for coming over to medical without a staff member telling me to come. [13:28.080 --> 13:32.880] I told Charlie, the female nurse, and Mr. Cucho, the PA, that I was in the hospital [13:32.880 --> 13:39.680] in July, never got the blood work results and that something was terribly wrong. [13:39.680 --> 13:42.560] I am 46 years old and I know my body. [13:42.560 --> 13:47.840] I finally convinced them that I was not playing and was not stupid, so they quote treated [13:47.840 --> 13:50.480] me with a packet for a stool sample test. [13:50.480 --> 13:56.640] Mr. Cucho looked on the computer for the blood test results from August and found them there. [13:56.640 --> 14:01.560] The blood test showed a problem with the thyroid way back then. [14:01.560 --> 14:06.280] He said I would be put on schedule for new blood work later that week because these results [14:06.280 --> 14:07.440] were too old. [14:07.440 --> 14:12.440] He had short conversation with Dr. De Leon in Spanish and then said the thyroid count [14:12.440 --> 14:13.440] was off. [14:13.440 --> 14:14.720] This was November 3rd. [14:14.720 --> 14:19.920] I administered the stool test and returned him to nurse Charlie on Friday, November 6th. [14:19.920 --> 14:22.240] Today is November 26th, Thanksgiving. [14:22.240 --> 14:25.040] I have not received the results of the stool test. [14:25.040 --> 14:27.260] I have not been given any new blood tests. [14:27.260 --> 14:31.200] My neck is swelling up like a blowfish and I'm having trouble talking. [14:31.200 --> 14:34.040] I have been feeling very ill for the last two weeks. [14:34.040 --> 14:37.520] Congressman, I do not want them to kill me in here. [14:37.520 --> 14:41.320] As you well know, I'm being punished for exposing government fraud. [14:41.320 --> 14:46.520] However, millions of people don't file tax returns and I was just used as an example [14:46.520 --> 14:52.280] by the Department of Justice for their new program called the Tax to Fires Initiative. [14:52.280 --> 14:54.920] I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. [14:54.920 --> 14:59.560] I've already spent 21 months in prison for a non-crime and I refuse to come out dead [14:59.560 --> 15:00.560] or maimed for life. [15:00.560 --> 15:03.440] I have not caused these people any problems. [15:03.440 --> 15:06.720] This is no threat but just for your information. [15:06.720 --> 15:09.040] I also wrote the warden today. [15:09.040 --> 15:14.480] Things can't go on this way as I languish in here for someone's political gain. [15:14.480 --> 15:18.920] God doesn't like ugly and he is the ultimate judge and vindicator. [15:18.920 --> 15:30.040] Sherry Peel Jackson, 59085-019, FCI Coleman Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, [15:30.040 --> 15:35.840] P.O. Box 1032, Coleman, Florida, 33521. [15:35.840 --> 15:47.800] Okay, folks, that's what's going on with Sherry Jackson and let me tell you what. [15:47.800 --> 15:52.720] These rogues will stop at nothing to punish anyone that gets in their way. [15:52.720 --> 15:59.200] If you don't know the story of George Hanson, Congressman George Hanson back in the 60s [15:59.200 --> 16:06.840] who was dieseled for years, a congressman set up for similar issues for speaking out [16:06.840 --> 16:09.360] against tyranny like this. [16:09.360 --> 16:16.560] He was disappeared into the federal prison system and even the Supreme Court ordered [16:16.560 --> 16:23.000] their own marshals to bring him to the courts and they said they couldn't find him. [16:23.000 --> 16:32.200] It took six months to find Congressman George Hanson. [16:32.200 --> 16:33.200] This is back in the 60s. [16:33.200 --> 16:34.800] We finally made it out alive. [16:34.800 --> 16:37.000] We've got to help Sherry Jackson. [16:37.000 --> 16:45.000] All right, when we come back, we're going to take Randy, Eddie and Lou's comments on [16:45.000 --> 16:46.000] this issue. [16:46.000 --> 17:00.720] This is the rule of law. [17:00.720 --> 17:04.200] You feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? [17:04.200 --> 17:05.200] Sorry. [17:05.200 --> 17:08.040] Are you confused by words like the Constitution or the Federal Reserve? [17:08.040 --> 17:09.040] What? [17:09.040 --> 17:13.040] If so, you may be diagnosed with the deadliest disease known today, stupidity. [17:13.040 --> 17:18.440] Hi, my name is Steve Holt and like millions of other Americans, I was diagnosed with stupidity [17:18.440 --> 17:19.640] at an early age. [17:19.640 --> 17:23.640] I had no idea that the number one cause of the disease is found in almost every home [17:23.640 --> 17:25.720] in America, the television. [17:25.720 --> 17:30.760] Unfortunately, that puts most Americans at risk of catching stupidity, but there is hope. [17:30.760 --> 17:34.520] The staff at Brave New Books have helped me and thousands of other foxaholics suffering [17:34.520 --> 17:39.440] from sports zombieism recover and because of Brave New Books, I now enjoy reading and [17:39.440 --> 17:44.320] watching educational documentaries without feeling tired or uninterested, so if you or [17:44.320 --> 17:51.560] anybody you know suffers from stupidity, then you need to call 512-480-2503 or visit them [17:51.560 --> 17:55.160] at 1904Guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com. [17:55.160 --> 17:58.560] Side effects from using Brave New Books products may include discernment and enlarged vocabulary [17:58.560 --> 18:10.200] and an overall increase in mental functioning. [18:10.200 --> 18:30.320] For more information, visit www.bravenewbookstore.com or visit www.bravenewbookstore.com. [18:30.320 --> 18:56.320] Okay, look what we get. [18:56.320 --> 19:00.480] We asked the questions and they don't give us the answers. [19:00.480 --> 19:03.920] This is the story of Sherry Jackson. [19:03.920 --> 19:07.280] Randy, everyone has comments here. [19:07.280 --> 19:08.280] Randy wants to go first. [19:08.280 --> 19:09.280] Go ahead, Randy. [19:09.280 --> 19:10.280] Yes. [19:10.280 --> 19:16.440] I read this earlier today and I was trying to figure out what's the best way to get some [19:16.440 --> 19:17.440] action. [19:17.440 --> 19:23.000] Now, I've gotten action before and I will do this Monday where I call in and told them [19:23.000 --> 19:32.440] I was a reporter, a radio show host, and I called up to Minnesota and told the judge's [19:32.440 --> 19:37.740] clerk that I hear a judge there is trying to murder a woman in court by forcing her [19:37.740 --> 19:46.400] to represent herself so that her rich husband will win the contentious divorce and he wouldn't [19:46.400 --> 19:51.580] give her a continuous so she could get an attorney, and the clerk said, oh, I don't [19:51.580 --> 19:52.580] think that's the case. [19:52.580 --> 19:53.580] Oh, I don't care. [19:53.580 --> 19:54.640] Heck, this is a great story. [19:54.640 --> 19:56.960] You guys are going to make me famous. [19:56.960 --> 19:59.520] Monday she got a 90-day continuous. [19:59.520 --> 20:08.540] So I'll call down there in the morning and kind of work them over, but what I would like [20:08.540 --> 20:16.440] to suggest that anyone out there who cares about Sherry's life, call down and ask about [20:16.440 --> 20:23.080] this Dr. Leon, and more people we get to call the better. [20:23.080 --> 20:30.440] Find out who he is and we start filing complaints with the American Medical Association against [20:30.440 --> 20:36.840] the doctor, accusing him of trying to kill this woman by withholding medical treatment [20:36.840 --> 20:39.520] from her. [20:39.520 --> 20:42.440] Guarantee you that will get their attention. [20:42.440 --> 20:46.480] Well, I agree with you 100%. [20:46.480 --> 20:53.080] Something needs to be done because what they're trying to do is to prevent people that have [20:53.080 --> 21:00.480] knowledge of the truth from getting the truth out, and in this time that people wake up [21:00.480 --> 21:07.840] and remember what you found is for the benefit of those that are serving it. [21:07.840 --> 21:13.080] Yeah, and they're also trying to punish people who are actually standing up for something [21:13.080 --> 21:18.760] and getting the truth out there, and make an example out of them and try to show us [21:18.760 --> 21:23.840] that, see, if you stand up, we're going to do this to you too. [21:23.840 --> 21:34.460] Well, you know, lack of knowledge breeds fear, and I think it is incumbent upon everyone [21:34.460 --> 21:42.640] to be knowledgeable of the law, to know what the truth is, and not be afraid to speak up. [21:42.640 --> 21:45.160] Don't be a couch potato. [21:45.160 --> 21:47.800] Let's get out here and do the right thing. [21:47.800 --> 21:52.920] Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington said it in the very beginning and [21:52.920 --> 21:55.560] found in this country. [21:55.560 --> 22:06.920] Not question the government because it is your right, and I think what they're doing [22:06.920 --> 22:13.800] with Sherry Jackson is what they do, that they learn what the law really says, and that [22:13.800 --> 22:19.760] is to suppress them and keep them from getting the truth out so that people understand what [22:19.760 --> 22:27.960] their rights are, what the truth is, because we are a country founded on laws. [22:27.960 --> 22:35.080] You know, animals follow their instincts every day, but we have to have laws to control what [22:35.080 --> 22:36.080] we do. [22:36.080 --> 22:42.400] Now, if the law is there, let's follow it because that law should be your protection. [22:42.400 --> 22:47.640] And don't you think for once, by you going into a courtroom, that that court is going [22:47.640 --> 22:51.280] to protect your rights because they're not there to do that. [22:51.280 --> 23:00.320] They're there to fill their coffers and to go up the ladder to benefit themselves politically [23:00.320 --> 23:02.240] and got to stop. [23:02.240 --> 23:08.520] Sherry Jackson is a prime example of what we've got to stop in this country. [23:08.520 --> 23:14.320] And if we just stop it, then we're no better than a third world country. [23:14.320 --> 23:18.640] And I don't want to see this country go that way because I fought for it, I almost died [23:18.640 --> 23:19.640] for it. [23:19.640 --> 23:24.200] And if you think for once you're going to take the right that I have away from me because [23:24.200 --> 23:29.720] of what I fought for, you've got a heck of a fight on your hands. [23:29.720 --> 23:33.320] That's what we've got to stand up for. [23:33.320 --> 23:38.960] And before we finish the show, I have a prayer that I'm going to read that one of the most [23:38.960 --> 23:44.760] marvelous ministers wrote that tells a story like it is. [23:44.760 --> 23:52.920] I'm praying for Sherry Jackson, we should all do, and we should step up to the plate [23:52.920 --> 23:55.480] and do the right thing to help her. [23:55.480 --> 23:59.880] I don't care if I have to sit and write every congressman in this country. [23:59.880 --> 24:05.320] I don't care if I have to tell them what we won't vote for the next time they come around [24:05.320 --> 24:07.940] if they don't have Sherry Jackson. [24:07.940 --> 24:10.320] That's what we've got to do. [24:10.320 --> 24:16.960] Folks, listen folks, we have to stand up for Sherry Jackson. [24:16.960 --> 24:21.120] Jerry and I were just discussing just now when we were listening to Lou, it could just [24:21.120 --> 24:27.920] as easily be me, it could just as easily be Randy, it could just as easily be any one [24:27.920 --> 24:34.440] of us in that prison right now, dying from neglect, okay? [24:34.440 --> 24:39.020] She is our sister in arms, all right? [24:39.020 --> 24:41.360] We have to help her. [24:41.360 --> 24:42.360] We have to. [24:42.360 --> 24:43.360] I'm sorry. [24:43.360 --> 24:44.360] Go ahead folks. [24:44.360 --> 24:51.640] I just got an email from a nurse friend of mine, and what she's saying is that you can [24:51.640 --> 25:00.760] file on the nurses, see complaints against nurses go further as the doctors are shielded [25:00.760 --> 25:05.040] and the nurses are generally held more accountable than doctors. [25:05.040 --> 25:14.360] Let's see, back up to denying treatment or information about her results, they can have [25:14.360 --> 25:20.560] a complaint filed against them with the nursing board of the state and ask for doctors. [25:20.560 --> 25:27.020] Now I have a friend who's a psychologist here in Austin, and he had an altercation with [25:27.020 --> 25:32.900] someone who stole a bunch of money from him, and the guy threatened to file a complaint [25:32.900 --> 25:42.040] against him, and that was really serious business because just the fact that the complaint is [25:42.040 --> 25:46.680] filed paints your career. [25:46.680 --> 25:51.440] So we have a doctor, I suspect he's a doctor in a prison because he can't make it in the [25:51.440 --> 25:56.560] hospital, but even so he probably already has a few complaints, so a couple more may [25:56.560 --> 26:04.640] end his career, and if we can get everybody out here listening filing complaints, that [26:04.640 --> 26:07.600] will get their attention. [26:07.600 --> 26:13.680] We probably won't do any good with the warden because they feel like they're protected. [26:13.680 --> 26:18.760] The guys down on the bottom don't, and we start going after them and ending their careers, [26:18.760 --> 26:20.240] they'll get a lot more careful. [26:20.240 --> 26:29.240] Now I again read this letter as it was being read, and this is total neglect, this is purposely [26:29.240 --> 26:36.160] done, and it would be different if it was done out of lack of knowledge of her situation, [26:36.160 --> 26:37.160] but they know her situation. [26:37.160 --> 26:44.880] Yes, see that was my point too, they knew, they knew back in August what was going on. [26:44.880 --> 26:52.960] I say we go after them for attempted murder through neglect because they knew, this isn't [26:52.960 --> 26:58.840] just a matter of mistreatment in a prison, they knew, they knew and they did nothing [26:58.840 --> 27:08.400] about it, in fact they tried to hide the evidence, this is intentional murder through neglect. [27:08.400 --> 27:12.600] Well if they can take care of people that harm this country at Gitmo, they can certainly [27:12.600 --> 27:14.600] take care of this lady. [27:14.600 --> 27:19.240] I think, I think she needs to be released. [27:19.240 --> 27:21.440] Yes ma'am. [27:21.440 --> 27:24.760] I was just going to ask Eddie for his comments. [27:24.760 --> 27:26.680] Believe me, you don't want to hear my comments. [27:26.680 --> 27:33.680] Like I say, I'm familiar with the way they do things, it's one of the reasons why I quit [27:33.680 --> 27:37.840] being a deputy sheriff because they don't do things like that just at the federal level [27:37.840 --> 27:44.320] in some cases, but the fact of the matter is this is a common federal practice, those [27:44.320 --> 27:50.320] that are most vocal at exposing what they do are the ones that will suffer the severest [27:50.320 --> 27:59.040] once they've got them in their control and that's exactly what they're doing. [27:59.040 --> 28:05.040] So we who are not under their control need to go after them. [28:05.040 --> 28:08.000] We better before they get us under their control. [28:08.000 --> 28:14.720] Yes, with every legal means we have available and we have considerable, we start going after [28:14.720 --> 28:20.040] the doctors and nurses, we're going to get their attention and then when the higher ups [28:20.040 --> 28:24.440] instruct them they're going to tell the higher ups, yeah you try that Bubba, they're going [28:24.440 --> 28:27.120] to get me put in jail for it and end my career. [28:27.120 --> 28:32.840] Okay, well Randy I think that that is a very good strategy, but I want to keep in mind [28:32.840 --> 28:40.760] here our sister may die within days, okay. [28:40.760 --> 28:46.360] We have to, do we need to file some kind of injunction, a petition for an injunction for [28:46.360 --> 28:51.040] immediate medical treatment or something, I mean we obviously need to make this into [28:51.040 --> 28:57.440] a political issue, you know, and jump up and down about it and get the politicians involved [28:57.440 --> 29:04.720] and the medical board and all these things, but what can we do to force the hand of the [29:04.720 --> 29:13.560] system to extract her from this death situation and give her medical treatment. [29:13.560 --> 29:18.040] We need a court injunction here or something, I mean help, what do we need to do to get [29:18.040 --> 29:22.520] her her medical treatment right now? [29:22.520 --> 29:25.120] Don't know yet, I have to research. [29:25.120 --> 29:30.800] This is a prison system and it's different, they don't, a person in prison doesn't have [29:30.800 --> 29:34.880] the same rights, but they certainly have a right to survive the prisons in. [29:34.880 --> 29:41.280] Yes and remember what I said earlier about Hanson, even the Supreme Court could not get [29:41.280 --> 29:51.080] their own US Marshals to bring him before the Supreme Court for months, this is a serious [29:51.080 --> 29:57.000] problem, we've got to, we've got to do something, we have to do something, all right, we'll [29:57.000 --> 30:00.880] be back in just a moment. [30:00.880 --> 30:04.040] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [30:04.040 --> 30:10.800] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4 CD course [30:10.800 --> 30:17.200] that will show you how in 24 hours, step by step, if you have a lawyer, know what your [30:17.200 --> 30:22.880] lawyer should be doing, if you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself, [30:22.880 --> 30:28.720] thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too, Jurisdictionary was [30:28.720 --> 30:34.760] created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience, even if you're [30:34.760 --> 30:39.880] not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the principles and [30:39.880 --> 30:45.560] practices that control our American courts, you'll receive our audio classroom, video [30:45.560 --> 30:52.760] seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics and much more, please visit [30:52.760 --> 30:59.080] ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ. [30:59.080 --> 31:22.760] Yeah, Mr. Office, I've been taking you like a hat, won't you follow the law of the land? [31:22.760 --> 31:51.320] Yeah, Mr. Office, I've been taking you like a hat, won't you follow the law of the land? [31:51.320 --> 32:19.880] Yeah, Mr. Office, I've been taking you like a hat, won't you follow the law of the land? [32:19.880 --> 32:48.440] Yeah, Mr. Office, I've been taking you like a hat, won't you follow the law of the land? [32:48.440 --> 33:11.080] Okay, Mr. Officer, stop abusing the power, we can't take it anymore, this has got to [33:11.080 --> 33:15.600] stop, we're not going to, we can't handle it, it's not going to happen anymore, Eddie, [33:15.600 --> 33:20.960] you were saying that this is why you want to run for sheriff because you've seen this [33:20.960 --> 33:25.760] kind of thing in your experience in law enforcement. [33:25.760 --> 33:32.240] Yeah, it's, you know, I'm fully aware of the sheriff is most assuredly the most powerful [33:32.240 --> 33:37.400] law enforcement individual in his county and that he has the power and authority to block [33:37.400 --> 33:41.760] the federal government from coming into the county and exercising any authority there [33:41.760 --> 33:42.760] whatsoever. [33:42.760 --> 33:50.840] I plan, as I said before, when I discuss this, my plan is to turn this back into a Mayberry [33:50.840 --> 33:52.840] style event. [33:52.840 --> 33:57.880] Basically I am going to know the people of my county, they're going to know me because [33:57.880 --> 34:03.240] my success at doing what needs to be done as sheriff is going to be directly related [34:03.240 --> 34:06.880] to the people's desire to keep me as sheriff. [34:06.880 --> 34:13.720] So by seeing that I'm there to serve them and not the whims of a few that want to rule [34:13.720 --> 34:19.280] over them, then I think I stand a much better chance of getting the support I need to do [34:19.280 --> 34:21.120] the things that need to be done. [34:21.120 --> 34:22.120] Lou? [34:22.120 --> 34:27.120] Well, I'll tell you one thing, you have my support because I understand exactly where [34:27.120 --> 34:32.280] you're coming from and that's what is not being done. [34:32.280 --> 34:38.520] The sheriffs across this country are not standing up and utilizing the authority that they have. [34:38.520 --> 34:42.440] They're letting the federal government come in and dictate to them. [34:42.440 --> 34:48.320] Jurisdiction, and that's the one thing that nobody wants the scene to stand up for is [34:48.320 --> 34:58.280] that they do not have jurisdiction in the counties of this state. [34:58.280 --> 35:01.320] That's exactly the way I intend to treat it too. [35:01.320 --> 35:03.040] You would be absolutely right. [35:03.040 --> 35:09.280] You know, I was in California in law enforcement and whenever the internal revenue would come [35:09.280 --> 35:16.120] in and want to see someone's property, the first words out of my mouth is number one, [35:16.120 --> 35:19.600] do you have a court order? [35:19.600 --> 35:21.920] Number two, you do not have jurisdiction. [35:21.920 --> 35:26.720] Have you gone through the sheriff's department to get authorization to be here? [35:26.720 --> 35:33.120] Now, if you don't have those two things, there will be no seizure of any property. [35:33.120 --> 35:39.320] Yes, Lou, we wanted to ask you, how did you get, can you give us a little background on [35:39.320 --> 35:43.000] how you got into this movement in the first place? [35:43.000 --> 35:44.000] What inspired you? [35:44.000 --> 35:49.360] Was there some event to get you into battling the IRS and these things? [35:49.360 --> 35:53.280] Can you just give us a little background and let us know what is going on with you and [35:53.280 --> 35:55.840] the court cases you've won and these kinds of things? [35:55.840 --> 36:00.080] The thing that got me into this, I was the vice president of an electronics company here [36:00.080 --> 36:01.560] in Texas. [36:01.560 --> 36:03.600] They sold that company and moved me to Colorado. [36:03.600 --> 36:08.440] While I was in Colorado, we manufactured electronic total stations. [36:08.440 --> 36:12.000] This is after getting out of law enforcement. [36:12.000 --> 36:14.440] I went to New York to sell a couple of instruments. [36:14.440 --> 36:20.360] I come back and the internal revenue had locked the doors to the business. [36:20.360 --> 36:27.160] The thing that bothered me was that all of these people now don't have a job. [36:27.160 --> 36:35.240] I got thinking, wait a minute, where is the due process in all of this? [36:35.240 --> 36:43.640] What gave them the authority to come into a privately owned business, shut it down and [36:43.640 --> 36:48.160] treat everyone like they had that authority? [36:48.160 --> 36:53.840] What it made me do after being in law enforcement, I knew number one, I can't seize anything [36:53.840 --> 37:00.840] unless I do an affidavit, the court approves it, I have a court order to seize the property. [37:00.840 --> 37:01.840] That was none of that. [37:01.840 --> 37:09.600] I decided I'm going to start studying the law and that's what I started doing. [37:09.600 --> 37:17.320] The more I studied, the more I came up confirming what I already knew. [37:17.320 --> 37:27.080] To give you an example, if I look at Title 28, Section 3201, United States Code, the [37:27.080 --> 37:30.920] state has jurisdiction. [37:30.920 --> 37:36.080] Everything should be done through the state court because the status of the property is [37:36.080 --> 37:39.080] in the state. [37:39.080 --> 37:48.120] Under Title 28, Section 3201, it says there has to be a civil hearing, an abstract of [37:48.120 --> 37:55.600] judgment has to be issued to comply with paragraphs one and two of Section 6323F of the Internal [37:55.600 --> 37:59.680] Revenue Code of 1986. [37:59.680 --> 38:05.040] That told me there they have to get a court order. [38:05.040 --> 38:11.840] Then I started studying what our county clerks were doing and I met with the commissioners [38:11.840 --> 38:19.400] here, showing them that the county clerks are committing security fraud by taking a [38:19.400 --> 38:28.680] notice of levy which has no court order with it and they file it in a lien index. [38:28.680 --> 38:34.440] By filing it in a lien index, they're giving it authority of something that it doesn't [38:34.440 --> 38:35.440] have. [38:35.440 --> 38:42.600] Now, they're saying that a notice of lien is a lien when it isn't because there is [38:42.600 --> 38:45.640] no court order attached to that notice of levy. [38:45.640 --> 38:52.320] What I did is I put together a procedure that I presented to the county commissioners on [38:52.320 --> 38:58.360] how the county clerks, for the procedure they should use before they file a notice of levy [38:58.360 --> 39:06.720] in a lien index and they've ignored me, but I'm not through with them. [39:06.720 --> 39:11.160] I still have a copy of that and Randy, I'll give you a copy of what I presented to them [39:11.160 --> 39:13.560] and it is thorough. [39:13.560 --> 39:16.480] The other thing that bothered me too is this. [39:16.480 --> 39:25.220] No one, not attorneys, never in a courtroom challenge jurisdiction. [39:25.220 --> 39:29.080] They go ahead and go along with it. [39:29.080 --> 39:34.040] You see, the code, Title 26 is the Internal Revenue Code. [39:34.040 --> 39:39.000] It has never been passed as a positive law. [39:39.000 --> 39:46.720] Out of the 50 titles of laws that we have in this country, 23 of them have never been [39:46.720 --> 39:49.160] passed as positive laws. [39:49.160 --> 39:50.920] It is public policy. [39:50.920 --> 39:54.000] Public policy is not law. [39:54.000 --> 39:58.120] We have judges that legislate the law from the bench. [39:58.120 --> 39:59.440] They don't follow the law. [39:59.440 --> 40:07.520] They incorrectly tell the juror or advise the jurors on what's what. [40:07.520 --> 40:13.160] The key to me is that everyone should study the laws. [40:13.160 --> 40:19.960] It's incumbent upon them to understand the laws, question. [40:19.960 --> 40:25.560] A judge is a human being and puts his pants on like anybody else does. [40:25.560 --> 40:28.440] That doesn't mean he's smarter than you. [40:28.440 --> 40:32.040] Attorneys, I found most of them don't know crap. [40:32.040 --> 40:36.720] Excuse me for saying it that way, but that's what I found. [40:36.720 --> 40:40.400] They sell you down the river. [40:40.400 --> 40:41.840] The bottom line is this. [40:41.840 --> 40:47.640] If I'm a judge, what I'm going to do is base my decision on the preponderance of evidence [40:47.640 --> 40:53.280] that is presented and that evidence has to be based on the law. [40:53.280 --> 40:58.360] If it's not based on the law, I'm not going to allow it. [40:58.360 --> 41:02.920] The bottom line here is real simple to me. [41:02.920 --> 41:10.960] If I'm going to fight this issue, number one, I want jurisdiction challenged and it has [41:10.960 --> 41:14.040] to be proven on the record. [41:14.040 --> 41:21.600] I want them to produce their authority and I want them to produce the statute at large [41:21.600 --> 41:25.360] that makes that individual liable. [41:25.360 --> 41:29.320] You will not find it in Title 26. [41:29.320 --> 41:35.240] The other thing I got to looking at, because of jurisdiction, when I started looking at [41:35.240 --> 41:41.120] Title 4, Section 72, Flag Seals Seed of Government. [41:41.120 --> 41:45.080] I'm speaking of the federal government now. [41:45.080 --> 41:50.200] Title 4 says that the Flag Seals Seed of Government shall remain in the District of Columbia and [41:50.200 --> 41:57.360] not elsewhere unless expressly provided by law. [41:57.360 --> 42:00.480] Why is that ignored? [42:00.480 --> 42:07.000] Texas never sees its land to the federal government. [42:07.000 --> 42:11.600] Now where is your jurisdiction? [42:11.600 --> 42:13.600] That is overseen. [42:13.600 --> 42:18.840] You submit something into the state district court and they pull it over to the federal [42:18.840 --> 42:19.840] court. [42:19.840 --> 42:24.360] What authority did they have for doing that? [42:24.360 --> 42:28.200] I tell you, this gentleman that's going to run for sheriff, he's got my vote, I'll tell [42:28.200 --> 42:30.600] you that. [42:30.600 --> 42:38.280] Those laws are there to protect us and they're not following them. [42:38.280 --> 42:40.120] They're not obeying the law. [42:40.120 --> 42:45.000] The canons of office of a judge are violated every day because I've got all of the canons [42:45.000 --> 42:48.600] of law and I study it every day. [42:48.600 --> 42:52.920] The bottom line to me is very simple. [42:52.920 --> 42:57.520] If you do not have jurisdiction, the court has no jurisdiction. [42:57.520 --> 43:02.160] So there is no case to proceed. [43:02.160 --> 43:06.160] But that's being violated every day. [43:06.160 --> 43:12.440] Notices of lee levies are given to employers and they are taking people's money. [43:12.440 --> 43:17.400] They are stealing people's money is what they're doing. [43:17.400 --> 43:21.480] And it's time that we stand up and make them face the law. [43:21.480 --> 43:26.480] I can assure you of this, if the founding fathers of this country were living today, [43:26.480 --> 43:30.360] I know without any doubt in my mind they're turning over in their grave of what's happening [43:30.360 --> 43:34.480] to this country that they thought they formed. [43:34.480 --> 43:39.360] I'm sure of that and hopefully they're also jumping up and down cheering us on for doing [43:39.360 --> 43:41.240] something about it. [43:41.240 --> 43:48.840] You know, back then none of the founding fathers they were called patriots, today that's a [43:48.840 --> 43:49.840] bad word. [43:49.840 --> 43:51.440] It would seem so. [43:51.440 --> 43:55.400] Lou, hold that thought because we're going to break, we'll be right back and we'll continue [43:55.400 --> 44:00.880] with Lou Watson. [44:00.880 --> 44:03.720] Special Roast Hemp Coffee from HempUSA.org. [44:03.720 --> 44:08.160] Our coffee grows in the dense volcanic rich soil, herbicide and pesticide free and in [44:08.160 --> 44:12.760] the high altitudes of Guatemala, in conditions that are ideal for natural growth of this [44:12.760 --> 44:14.120] high quality coffee. [44:14.120 --> 44:19.400] Try our mellow cup of coffee that is ground and roasted with 25% hemp seed from Canada. [44:19.400 --> 44:24.760] With a wonderful nutty flavor that contains 18% protein, our roasters bring a unique flavor [44:24.760 --> 44:28.160] that makes this the best cup of coffee you'll ever have. [44:28.160 --> 44:33.120] Try our new Special Roast Hemp Coffee from HempUSA.org and wake up your brain without [44:33.120 --> 44:34.240] the jitters. [44:34.240 --> 44:37.120] Our customers look forward to their next cup of hemp coffee. [44:37.120 --> 44:48.440] Visit us at HempUSA.org or call 908-691-2608, that's 908-691-2608 and see if you'll change [44:48.440 --> 44:51.160] your mind about drinking coffee again. [44:51.160 --> 44:55.320] Make the difference, feel the difference at HempUSA.org today. [45:21.160 --> 45:50.920] Alright, Watch the Sparks Fly, yeah it would seem that they're trying to make page the [45:50.920 --> 45:58.320] page, the word patron into a bad word these days but it's a beautiful blessing in my book. [45:58.320 --> 46:04.840] On the break we're starting to get into the matter of the fact that there is no lean under [46:04.840 --> 46:05.840] Title 26. [46:05.840 --> 46:08.360] Am I understanding that correctly Lou? [46:08.360 --> 46:15.400] You're absolutely right, you see what creates the lean is the court order. [46:15.400 --> 46:18.080] Without a court order you have no lean. [46:18.080 --> 46:24.720] Okay and not only that we were talking about, I was asking you on the break concerning the [46:24.720 --> 46:29.760] issue of the procedure of filing the lean, the federal agents. [46:29.760 --> 46:36.400] We have come across some groups or individuals, you know various groups in the legal reform [46:36.400 --> 46:41.920] movement who are challenging the IRS and other government entities about this lean issue [46:41.920 --> 46:48.600] saying on the basis that they're not following the proper procedure for filing the lean and [46:48.600 --> 46:55.360] all the documents are required based on their state statutes but Randy and I had found that [46:55.360 --> 47:02.520] there is basically a uniform statute in every state that allows for the federal government [47:02.520 --> 47:09.080] and federal government entities to have basically more leniency regarding what they're required [47:09.080 --> 47:15.800] to do as far as filing the liens but then Eddie was saying and you guys were saying [47:15.800 --> 47:20.160] that none of that matters anyway because if it's a federal lien they have to follow the [47:20.160 --> 47:22.680] federal statute and that's what they're not doing. [47:22.680 --> 47:23.680] Is that correct? [47:23.680 --> 47:24.680] They're not following that. [47:24.680 --> 47:31.240] If you look at the federal tax lien registration act, there is where the procedure is and they're [47:31.240 --> 47:33.280] not following that. [47:33.280 --> 47:45.840] Similarly, Texas in 1997 passed a law, a Texas state tax lien law that prohibits a notice [47:45.840 --> 47:52.720] of levy or a notice of lien and what they did in the state law. [47:52.720 --> 47:57.560] They pointed the motions that you file in court because I've used them. [47:57.560 --> 48:03.160] Yeah, that's government code chapter 51 and it's any lien, it's just a tax lien, it's [48:03.160 --> 48:04.160] any lien. [48:04.160 --> 48:05.160] It's any lien. [48:05.160 --> 48:06.160] You absolutely right now. [48:06.160 --> 48:07.160] Wait, any federal lien? [48:07.160 --> 48:08.160] That's right. [48:08.160 --> 48:14.600] No, any lien that does not have an accompanying court order is invalid in Texas by law. [48:14.600 --> 48:23.800] By law and I'm going to send you the entire Texas law that the legislature passed. [48:23.800 --> 48:29.200] They did that in order to stop the Republic of Texas from filing the liens for officials. [48:29.200 --> 48:30.520] Yes, that's where it started. [48:30.520 --> 48:33.280] Now we get to use it back against them. [48:33.280 --> 48:36.760] And these federal liens are not exempt from these certain technicalities? [48:36.760 --> 48:37.760] No. [48:37.760 --> 48:38.760] Okay. [48:38.760 --> 48:39.760] No. [48:39.760 --> 48:40.760] Now here's the deal though. [48:40.760 --> 48:45.280] The judges of Texas don't want to use that law to invalidate the federal liens. [48:45.280 --> 48:47.280] Well, I'll tell you what I did. [48:47.280 --> 48:48.280] I used it. [48:48.280 --> 48:52.600] I did in Bee County. [48:52.600 --> 48:53.600] Which county? [48:53.600 --> 48:56.520] Bee County down in Beeville, Texas. [48:56.520 --> 48:57.880] Okay. [48:57.880 --> 49:01.240] And the judge agreed and signed it. [49:01.240 --> 49:07.840] And in his statement, he stated, which is in the Texas law, he said there was no judgment [49:07.840 --> 49:15.720] on file to substantiate the paperwork that I had attached as exhibits, which were the [49:15.720 --> 49:17.800] Notice of Lien and Notice of Levy. [49:17.800 --> 49:18.800] Right. [49:18.800 --> 49:21.240] Now here's the other thing about that federal law. [49:21.240 --> 49:28.120] Now what I'm doing in the other counties is I am filing that same deal and attaching that [49:28.120 --> 49:37.280] court's ruling as an appendix A because it had never been done in the state. [49:37.280 --> 49:38.280] Right. [49:38.280 --> 49:42.240] Well, the other thing about that Notice of Tax Lien from the federal government is you'll [49:42.240 --> 49:49.320] notice on the back when it says what the lien's being applied as, it does not start with subsection [49:49.320 --> 49:50.320] A. [49:50.320 --> 49:53.480] It does start with subsection B as to the reason for the lien. [49:53.480 --> 49:54.480] That is correct. [49:54.480 --> 50:04.360] Now if you look at Title 26, Section 6331A, it tells you who they can file that lien against. [50:04.360 --> 50:10.640] But even if I was a government employee, I have to agree to that. [50:10.640 --> 50:12.160] Yep. [50:12.160 --> 50:16.760] I have a cousin that works for the federal government and I ask her this question. [50:16.760 --> 50:22.160] If they, the Internal Revenue, file a Notice of Lien against you to seize your money, can [50:22.160 --> 50:24.760] they just file the lien and take your money? [50:24.760 --> 50:29.960] She says, no, I have to agree to it. [50:29.960 --> 50:34.960] And there has to be a court order attached to that Notice of Lien. [50:34.960 --> 50:38.920] Without a court order, it is not a lien. [50:38.920 --> 50:43.040] I don't care what state you're in. [50:43.040 --> 50:48.800] The point is, a lien is not something you can hold in your hand or touch or look at. [50:48.800 --> 50:49.800] That's correct. [50:49.800 --> 50:52.520] It's something that exists as a matter of law. [50:52.520 --> 50:53.520] That is right. [50:53.520 --> 50:59.440] What the agent files is notice of the existence of that lien. [50:59.440 --> 51:01.720] And there is no existence of it. [51:01.720 --> 51:04.360] There never was one in the first place, so there was a lien. [51:04.360 --> 51:05.840] That is correct. [51:05.840 --> 51:12.160] The only existence comes, the existence of a lien comes about when the court issues the [51:12.160 --> 51:15.280] abstract of judgment and then the lien. [51:15.280 --> 51:21.680] Now, to enforce that lien, even though you got a court order, to enforce that lien, you [51:21.680 --> 51:29.760] got to go back to court to enforce it. [51:29.760 --> 51:36.840] And this is what happens to it and it's because nobody knows and everybody's afraid to do [51:36.840 --> 51:37.840] something about it. [51:37.840 --> 51:47.440] But Lou, when the IRS and these other federal entities file these notices of liens that [51:47.440 --> 51:51.680] are totally fraudulent, they don't go to court to enforce them. [51:51.680 --> 51:54.920] They just come and take your stuff. [51:54.920 --> 51:55.920] That's right. [51:55.920 --> 51:57.920] And that's why the sheriff comes in. [51:57.920 --> 52:01.920] But the sheriff does it, so what are we supposed to do? [52:01.920 --> 52:04.680] That's because we have the wrong kinds of sheriffs. [52:04.680 --> 52:05.680] That is correct. [52:05.680 --> 52:10.160] That's got the wrong kind of sheriff. [52:10.160 --> 52:13.520] You know what the word sheriff means? [52:13.520 --> 52:18.000] It means protector. [52:18.000 --> 52:22.200] And that's what a sheriff should be for the citizens of the county that he is in. [52:22.200 --> 52:24.800] He is there to protect them. [52:24.800 --> 52:31.900] Now, granted, if they violate a law, he's there to enforce it also. [52:31.900 --> 52:39.680] But remember this, if I were to arrest you for violating a law, here's where due process [52:39.680 --> 52:42.880] starts. [52:42.880 --> 52:46.320] You got to know what law you violated. [52:46.320 --> 52:50.200] If you don't know the law that you violated, how can you defend yourself? [52:50.200 --> 52:55.680] Okay, Lou, I'm glad you brought that up because I want to ask you something here. [52:55.680 --> 53:03.400] Entities like the IRS and the FCC, which we're having to deal with right now, have been given [53:03.400 --> 53:11.720] quasi adjudicatory authority, administrative adjudicatory authority under statute by the [53:11.720 --> 53:13.840] US legislature. [53:13.840 --> 53:21.040] And so they come up with their own administrative rulings, which carry as much weight as a ruling [53:21.040 --> 53:23.800] in a federal circuit court. [53:23.800 --> 53:31.480] And so how do you deal with that then when these administrative rulings come down? [53:31.480 --> 53:35.880] Because when you try to appeal within their administrative process, of course, they're [53:35.880 --> 53:36.880] never going to listen to you. [53:36.880 --> 53:38.360] They're going to do whatever they want. [53:38.360 --> 53:41.180] Then go after them. [53:41.180 --> 53:45.640] But then what they end up doing, see, this is the crux of the issue here that Randy [53:45.640 --> 53:50.320] and I have been discussing for the last couple of days regarding these administrative rulings, [53:50.320 --> 53:54.960] final orders by entities like the IRS and the FCC, okay? [53:54.960 --> 54:05.200] They enforce their final orders before they go to federal courts to get an order from [54:05.200 --> 54:10.440] the court and the US marshal service and all these kinds of things. [54:10.440 --> 54:19.120] So how do you fight these rulings of these administrative bodies at that federal level [54:19.120 --> 54:21.640] or do you fight it at the local level? [54:21.640 --> 54:28.200] And how do you appeal in order of these administrative bodies when the order hasn't even been filed [54:28.200 --> 54:30.480] to be enforced yet with the federal court? [54:30.480 --> 54:33.040] I'm not a citizen of the United States. [54:33.040 --> 54:36.800] I am a citizen of the Republic of Texas. [54:36.800 --> 54:39.520] That's where the jurisdiction is for me. [54:39.520 --> 54:40.520] Yeah. [54:40.520 --> 54:43.680] And the other issue here is division of powers. [54:43.680 --> 54:44.680] That's right. [54:44.680 --> 54:49.080] They cannot instill a judicial function in an executive branch. [54:49.080 --> 54:50.080] That is correct. [54:50.080 --> 54:51.080] Okay. [54:51.080 --> 54:55.040] So we can go after it on division of powers doctrine alone and give it in that respect. [54:55.040 --> 54:57.920] I've been trying to get people to understand that for years. [54:57.920 --> 55:03.840] The IRS cannot have a judicial side because it's an executive branch office. [55:03.840 --> 55:04.840] Well then, now you're talking- [55:04.840 --> 55:06.880] So, more or less speaking, it's a treasury office. [55:06.880 --> 55:07.880] So it is executive. [55:07.880 --> 55:14.160] Well, now you're talking about abolishing the whole FCC altogether and the IRS too based [55:14.160 --> 55:15.160] on that and- [55:15.160 --> 55:16.160] What do we need them for? [55:16.160 --> 55:20.000] Well, I agree, but I don't see how the courts are going to grant us that. [55:20.000 --> 55:21.000] Well, it does- [55:21.000 --> 55:26.160] I'm not saying that about abolishing them, but they certainly cannot hold a judicial [55:26.160 --> 55:27.640] review of anything. [55:27.640 --> 55:34.440] Well, see, I'm not so concerned about their own administrative internal quasi-judicial [55:34.440 --> 55:35.440] reviews. [55:35.440 --> 55:39.080] I'm concerned about their own enforcement of such- [55:39.080 --> 55:43.040] Let me- wait, let's stop here one minute. [55:43.040 --> 55:45.480] Stop here one minute. [55:45.480 --> 55:49.200] Take the internal revenue for an example. [55:49.200 --> 55:55.280] What jurisdiction does the internal revenue have over you? [55:55.280 --> 55:56.280] It's zero. [55:56.280 --> 55:57.280] Zero. [55:57.280 --> 55:58.280] None. [55:58.280 --> 56:06.400] Now, if I looked at their own book, now I'm going to quote something to you that's in [56:06.400 --> 56:08.840] their handbook. [56:08.840 --> 56:12.760] Section 342.12 says this. [56:12.760 --> 56:17.360] You know, you hear people talking about an audit, that they want you to summons your [56:17.360 --> 56:19.560] books and records. [56:19.560 --> 56:22.680] I want to preface this by asking you one question. [56:22.680 --> 56:27.680] Can you name me the law that says you got to tell me what you did so I can use it against [56:27.680 --> 56:28.680] you? [56:28.680 --> 56:29.680] Doesn't exist. [56:29.680 --> 56:30.680] Violation of- [56:30.680 --> 56:31.680] It doesn't exist. [56:31.680 --> 56:36.880] Now, here's what their own books say. [56:36.880 --> 56:42.720] That the individual taxpayer is not required to exhibit his or her book and to compel them [56:42.720 --> 56:49.880] to do so would violate their Fifth Amendment right, create an unreasonable search and seizure [56:49.880 --> 56:58.720] under the Fourth Amendment, Boyd versus the U.S., Vatner versus the U.S. [56:58.720 --> 57:05.120] But absence of you claiming that right, see, that's where the problem lies. [57:05.120 --> 57:07.120] People don't claim their right. [57:07.120 --> 57:10.040] People don't stand up for their right. [57:10.040 --> 57:13.720] And the gentleman that I'm talking to here, I'll tell you what, I'm so proud to hear [57:13.720 --> 57:19.320] your voice and talk to you because you are right on point. [57:19.320 --> 57:24.120] The bottom line is real simple, and he knows, have been in law enforcement. [57:24.120 --> 57:31.000] If he arrests someone, the first thing he's got to do is admonish them. [57:31.000 --> 57:37.080] You don't have to answer any questions that I ask you now or at any time. [57:37.080 --> 57:41.760] But anything that you do say can and will be used against you in a court of law. [57:41.760 --> 57:48.160] Now, you have the right to have an attorney, and if you can't afford one, of course, the [57:48.160 --> 57:51.160] state will appoint one for you. [57:51.160 --> 57:56.760] Now, how does the internal revenue get around that? [57:56.760 --> 57:57.760] They can't. [57:57.760 --> 58:03.880] And it's because of people's ignorance, because they don't know the law, that they get away [58:03.880 --> 58:09.160] with it. [58:09.160 --> 58:12.000] And it's because they have people terrified. [58:12.000 --> 58:13.000] That's right. [58:13.000 --> 58:15.280] We've heard a lie for 86 years. [58:15.280 --> 58:20.560] And also because they are controlling the state governments and the sheriffs, too. [58:20.560 --> 58:21.560] That is correct. [58:21.560 --> 58:24.320] When they're all in the same bed together, what do you expect? [58:24.320 --> 58:28.800] Well, see, this is what I want to address, if you would please, when we get back on the [58:28.800 --> 58:30.720] other side. [58:30.720 --> 58:32.640] We all know they don't have jurisdiction. [58:32.640 --> 58:35.200] We all know they're not following the law. [58:35.200 --> 58:43.280] But with their bogus jurisdiction and their pretend rulings, they'll still come and take [58:43.280 --> 58:45.160] you away and take all your stuff away, too. [58:45.160 --> 58:50.440] So how do we stop that, really? [58:50.440 --> 58:51.880] What court do we file? [58:51.880 --> 58:52.880] What motion's in? [58:52.880 --> 58:54.560] I mean, what do we really do about it? [58:54.560 --> 59:15.720] We'll be back on the other side. [59:15.720 --> 59:33.320] All right. [59:33.320 --> 01:00:03.240] This news brief brought to you by the Internet of the World is brought to you by the Internet [01:00:03.240 --> 01:00:05.360] International News Network. [01:00:05.360 --> 01:00:11.440] Barack Obama Tuesday, justified sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan because of the [01:00:11.440 --> 01:00:13.320] al-Qaeda cancer. [01:00:13.320 --> 01:00:18.640] However, in an October interview with CNN, Obama's national security advisor, General [01:00:18.640 --> 01:00:24.600] James Jones, put the number of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan at fewer than a hundred. [01:00:24.600 --> 01:00:30.000] The Taliban vowed Wednesday to boost attacks against U.S. forces in Afghanistan following [01:00:30.000 --> 01:00:36.520] Barack Obama's pledge to deploy more U.S. troops. Taliban spokesman Yusuf Ahamdi said, [01:00:36.520 --> 01:00:42.000] this is a strategy which is securing the colonizing interests of American investors and it shows [01:00:42.000 --> 01:00:48.220] that America has dirty plans, not only for Afghanistan but for the region. UN Assistant [01:00:48.220 --> 01:00:54.520] Mission in Afghanistan says up to 32,000 Afghan civilians have been killed as a result of [01:00:54.520 --> 01:01:01.520] the war since the U.S. led invasion in 2001. Private contractors employed by the Pentagon [01:01:04.600 --> 01:01:10.440] in Afghanistan will continue to outnumber the size of the American troop presence even after [01:01:10.440 --> 01:01:17.380] Barack Obama sends 30,000 more soldiers. A spokesman for U.S. Central Command said Monday [01:01:17.380 --> 01:01:24.380] the latest figure is 104,000 and expected to grow. There are currently 68,000 U.S. troops [01:01:25.000 --> 01:01:31.860] in Afghanistan. The army of contractors provides food, transport, construction, security and [01:01:31.860 --> 01:01:37.640] other services. The lack of discussion about private contractors warps perception of the [01:01:37.640 --> 01:01:43.600] size of the American commitment in Afghanistan. Obama made no mention of contractors in his [01:01:43.600 --> 01:01:50.600] address Tuesday. Of the 104,000 contractors, 9,000 are U.S. citizens, 78,000 are Afghans [01:01:52.800 --> 01:01:59.800] and 16,000 from other countries. As of June the number of contractors was 73,900 so the [01:02:00.040 --> 01:02:06.080] new figure is a considerable increase. Critics say this data should be viewed skeptically. [01:02:06.080 --> 01:02:13.080] A commission investigating contracting created by Congress has complained about widely varying [01:02:13.080 --> 01:02:20.080] contract accounts and lack of good data. North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has imposed a shock [01:02:21.880 --> 01:02:28.360] currency devaluation that has reportedly sparked panic, chaos and protests in the isolated [01:02:28.360 --> 01:02:35.360] Stalinist state. Monday's devaluation of Pyongyang's nearly worthless currency from 100 to a single [01:02:35.680 --> 01:02:41.560] one has wiped out the savings of impoverished North Koreans and generated a scramble for [01:02:41.560 --> 01:02:48.560] dollars and Chinese yuan. South Korean intelligence services report army bases are on standby [01:02:48.880 --> 01:02:54.960] against possible riots. Officials are bracing themselves for a furious reaction to news [01:02:54.960 --> 01:03:01.960] that a deposit of 200,000 yuan will yield just 1,100 in the new currency. [01:03:24.960 --> 01:03:31.960] Okay, we're chanting down Babylon. Chanting down Babylon. We've had such an incredible [01:03:36.920 --> 01:03:41.360] conversation on the break. We're going to try to repeat as much of it as we can for [01:03:41.360 --> 01:03:47.360] your listeners talking about God-given rights and such and Lou before I turn the floor over [01:03:47.360 --> 01:03:54.360] to you something I was just about to tell you on the break regarding family and our [01:03:54.360 --> 01:03:58.440] beliefs and standing up for what we believe in and what really matters and you were talking [01:03:58.440 --> 01:04:05.280] about you never see a U-Haul being dragged by a hearse on the way to the cemetery because [01:04:05.280 --> 01:04:08.840] what you come in with is what you leave with which is nothing. [01:04:08.840 --> 01:04:12.080] You came in this world with nothing. That's right. [01:04:12.080 --> 01:04:15.880] You're going to leave this world with nothing. And Lou, I wanted to tell you. [01:04:15.880 --> 01:04:19.680] Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I'm going to something [01:04:19.680 --> 01:04:25.560] here. I wanted to say something that's very important to me. The most important lesson [01:04:25.560 --> 01:04:32.280] I have ever been taught in my life, which I admit I still haven't learned yet, two lessons [01:04:32.280 --> 01:04:39.280] taught to me by my grandfather, my father's father. They told me repeatedly as I was growing [01:04:39.560 --> 01:04:46.560] up till the day that he died, he said, there's two things you need to know. Don't ever be [01:04:46.560 --> 01:04:53.560] enslaved to the interest man. Don't give your money to the interest man and make sure your [01:04:57.280 --> 01:05:04.280] heart is right with God, the father, before you leave this earth. Two most important things. [01:05:05.440 --> 01:05:12.360] And I have to admit, I'm still trying to complete both of those lessons. So anyway, go ahead, [01:05:12.360 --> 01:05:17.800] Lou. All I got to say about it is if I can't take [01:05:17.800 --> 01:05:24.520] it with me, it just ain't going. Oh, come on, Randy. Anyway, go ahead, Lou. [01:05:24.520 --> 01:05:31.240] You know, as I was saying before, you know, God gives us our right. The first law was [01:05:31.240 --> 01:05:37.920] God's law. And what I loved about our founding father is the laws that they wrote, they wrote [01:05:37.920 --> 01:05:44.920] it based on God's law. You see, I can't violate a law in this land if I don't violate God's [01:05:44.920 --> 01:05:50.000] law. So my most important thing that I like for [01:05:50.000 --> 01:05:56.000] people to understand is that what we do on this earth is what God is going to judge us [01:05:56.000 --> 01:06:00.960] by. I don't care what position you've got on this earth. I don't care how much money [01:06:00.960 --> 01:06:09.720] you have. None of that means nothing. And what we have to do is remember this. Let's [01:06:09.720 --> 01:06:16.000] put God in the forefront of what we're doing and we can't lose. You see, God will open [01:06:16.000 --> 01:06:22.440] doors and doors will be closed, but He'll open another one that's going to be better. [01:06:22.440 --> 01:06:26.000] And I'm not saying everybody's got to believe that way, but that's the way I believe. I [01:06:26.000 --> 01:06:32.840] believe God is in control. And I think He puts us through things to test our faith. [01:06:32.840 --> 01:06:37.960] Because when we leave this earth, we're not taking anything with us. We're going to leave [01:06:37.960 --> 01:06:48.320] like we came in. We get older going back to where we were when we were a baby. And the [01:06:48.320 --> 01:06:56.720] bottom line is this. The laws are there to protect us, but what we got to do is to get [01:06:56.720 --> 01:07:06.360] everybody on the same page, because our judicial system ain't on the same page with the law. [01:07:06.360 --> 01:07:14.480] And we want our law enforcement officers to go out and enforce the law. I don't have a [01:07:14.480 --> 01:07:21.400] problem with that, because laws are made there to protect us. Don't violate them. But what [01:07:21.400 --> 01:07:30.960] we have now is a society that could care less about laws. You know, if we have laws, let's [01:07:30.960 --> 01:07:39.000] follow them. And judicial side, let's not forget that from the bench, you can't legislate [01:07:39.000 --> 01:07:45.120] a law. Congress can legislate. The legislature can legislate a law, but they can't enforce [01:07:45.120 --> 01:07:54.200] it. And as long as those laws are there, let's learn them. But you know what they do? They [01:07:54.200 --> 01:08:04.880] tell you, well, you know, ignorance of the law is no defense. In taxes, that is not true. [01:08:04.880 --> 01:08:16.800] In Title 26, Section 7491, burden of proof, if in any court proceeding a taxpayer or anyone [01:08:16.800 --> 01:08:24.560] introduces credible evidence with respect to a factual issue relevant to ascertaining [01:08:24.560 --> 01:08:31.480] the liability of the taxpayer for any tax imposed by subtitle A or B, the secretary [01:08:31.480 --> 01:08:41.000] shall have the burden of proof with respect to such issue. But they don't do that. The [01:08:41.000 --> 01:08:47.240] DOJ dictates to the judge what the judge does, and the judge just signs it. That is not due [01:08:47.240 --> 01:08:56.160] process of law. Due process of law is hearing both sides, knowing what the evidence is, [01:08:56.160 --> 01:09:02.280] using the discovery to find out what the other side has so you can properly defend yourself. [01:09:02.280 --> 01:09:06.280] And the judge should be impartial to all of that. He should be sitting in the middle of [01:09:06.280 --> 01:09:12.840] it, listening to the evidence, instructing the jurors the proper way. And jurors should [01:09:12.840 --> 01:09:19.680] be incumbent upon them to know what the laws are. I was reading a case or looking at a [01:09:19.680 --> 01:09:26.680] video of a case the other day where this one juror stood up. And here is, these people [01:09:26.680 --> 01:09:36.800] are in this case. Here is an ex-IRS agent. Here is a CEO of a company, two attorneys, [01:09:36.800 --> 01:09:46.840] a police officer, the juror, and here is the victim. I mean, here is the plaintiff. [01:09:46.840 --> 01:09:55.640] And this juror asks one of the most important questions. Judge, can you give us the law [01:09:55.640 --> 01:10:04.840] that makes him liable? The judge writes back to her, I have given you what you need. She [01:10:04.840 --> 01:10:11.240] comes back to the judge and says, Judge, I want to see the law that makes him liable. [01:10:11.240 --> 01:10:21.240] He sends a note back to the juror saying, your request has been denied. And she started [01:10:21.240 --> 01:10:26.920] thinking, wait a minute, if the judge can't give us the law that makes him liable, maybe [01:10:26.920 --> 01:10:35.600] we ain't got to do this either. So they voted 12 to nothing in favor of the plaintiff. Not [01:10:35.600 --> 01:10:42.360] guilty. I'd like for them to stop using the word not guilty and come back with innocent. [01:10:42.360 --> 01:10:47.660] Because not guilty doesn't mean you didn't violate the law. Not guilty simply means they [01:10:47.660 --> 01:10:57.080] didn't have a proponents of evidence to find you guilty. This is what's wrong in this country. [01:10:57.080 --> 01:11:05.200] The bottom line to me is real simple. If you violate the law, you need to know what law [01:11:05.200 --> 01:11:13.280] you violated. The Internal Revenue Code only has penalty statutes in it. Section 7401, [01:11:13.280 --> 01:11:26.760] 7201, 7202, 0304, 0506, 0707. A penalty statute. Any person liable. Well, wait a minute, who [01:11:26.760 --> 01:11:33.640] is the person and what makes that person liable? That's never presented. And everybody takes [01:11:33.640 --> 01:11:39.640] it and runs with it as though you are liable. But they never present the law that made you [01:11:39.640 --> 01:11:46.640] liable. So this is how we have to fight. I don't want to fight the code. Because I go [01:11:46.640 --> 01:11:54.400] in fighting the code, I'm putting myself in their jurisdiction. I just want three things. [01:11:54.400 --> 01:12:03.440] Use your jurisdiction, your authority, and the statute at large that makes me liable. [01:12:03.440 --> 01:12:11.480] And that's the bottom line. You may say I may sound like a hardcore patriot. I love [01:12:11.480 --> 01:12:17.960] this country. I love every law enforcement officer I see. I still find myself wanting [01:12:17.960 --> 01:12:23.720] to stop to cover them. And I know I can't do that because they don't know me. But I [01:12:23.720 --> 01:12:32.400] like to watch their back. But the bottom line is to educate people. Educate people to what [01:12:32.400 --> 01:12:36.400] the laws are. Make a policeman's job easier. If I know what the law is, then I know what [01:12:36.400 --> 01:12:44.720] I shouldn't do. And don't look at a police officer out there, or a sheriff, or anyone [01:12:44.720 --> 01:12:48.320] else in law enforcement. Don't look at them as if to say, well, I better watch myself [01:12:48.320 --> 01:12:53.280] because if I don't, he's out to get me. He's not out to get you. Just don't violate the [01:12:53.280 --> 01:13:02.480] law, and it makes his job easier. I was adamant about that when I was in law enforcement. [01:13:02.480 --> 01:13:11.520] And I was a good police officer. I know how to investigate. I know how to testify. And [01:13:11.520 --> 01:13:20.360] the bottom line here is real simple. If you know the law, then I can't say anything to [01:13:20.360 --> 01:13:25.800] you. I can't get you to go along with what I want. Because all the Internal Revenue wants [01:13:25.800 --> 01:13:30.640] to do is to go ahead and get you to voluntarily give them what they want. There is no law [01:13:30.640 --> 01:13:40.520] that says you have to. And if people would read the back of a summons, section 74-21-27, [01:13:40.520 --> 01:13:45.560] section 74-20, has nothing to do with you. It has to do with fuels used on farms, fuels [01:13:45.560 --> 01:13:50.400] used for highway purposes. It has nothing to do with you. That's an excise tax. And [01:13:50.400 --> 01:13:57.720] nowhere in the Internal Revenue Code can you find a law that says anything about income [01:13:57.720 --> 01:14:06.600] tax. It all covers excise tax. Let's go back to the Constitution, section 1, article 1, [01:14:06.600 --> 01:14:12.600] section 8. Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes. And then it tells us what they [01:14:12.600 --> 01:14:27.400] are. Excise import and duties. Now, you tell me how what you work for becomes federal. [01:14:27.400 --> 01:14:38.240] It doesn't. But because of our ignorance, when we were kids growing up, we were taught [01:14:38.240 --> 01:14:43.800] this is what you have to do. Not knowing the law, but that's what was done, doesn't make [01:14:43.800 --> 01:14:52.600] it right. And I would give anything in the world to see some of our congressmen and senators [01:14:52.600 --> 01:14:58.720] stand up for the law. I've written our president. I got the green card back, but I never got [01:14:58.720 --> 01:15:07.040] a response back. I have written congressmen. I've never gotten a response back from them. [01:15:07.040 --> 01:15:18.000] Now, you tell me that's being transparent. That's how I feel. I don't want to violate [01:15:18.000 --> 01:15:25.600] a law. I don't want to hurt this country in any way, fashion, or form. But stop and think [01:15:25.600 --> 01:15:34.880] about this. If we had no income tax, they're still going to collect taxes because everything [01:15:34.880 --> 01:15:39.800] you go buy, you pay a tax on. I'm going to use three things here, and then I'm going [01:15:39.800 --> 01:15:49.440] to shut up. When you go buy gasoline, there's a state and a federal tax in that price. Let's [01:15:49.440 --> 01:15:55.240] say there are 30 million people that live in the state of Texas. And let's say out of [01:15:55.240 --> 01:16:06.200] that 30 million, only 15 million have two cars. And they buy 10 gallons of gas a month, [01:16:06.200 --> 01:16:16.160] not every week, a month, worth $10. I mean, 10 gallons. That's, say, 38 and a half cents [01:16:16.160 --> 01:16:30.600] for the state, times 15 million. That's a lot of money, isn't it? Are you still there? [01:16:30.600 --> 01:16:35.200] Oh, yeah. It sure is. Then. Wait, wait, hold on. Hold on. We're about to go to break. About [01:16:35.200 --> 01:16:41.400] to go to break. Let's continue this on the other side. Where's my sheriff buddy at? He's [01:16:41.400 --> 01:16:47.600] right here. He's here. He's not going anywhere. I really like him. And Lou, I want to get [01:16:47.600 --> 01:16:56.200] into some of the nuts and bolts of this court case that you've won so we can outline a procedural [01:16:56.200 --> 01:16:59.200] remedy for the listeners. We'll be right back. OK, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm [01:16:59.200 --> 01:17:04.200] going to give it. Hello, Austin. My name is Harlan Dietrich, owner of Brave New Books, [01:17:04.200 --> 01:17:08.200] a local independent bookstore here in town. Many of you are familiar with the bookstore [01:17:08.200 --> 01:17:12.200] and have attended some of our events. We've been proud to host speakers like Alex Jones, [01:17:12.200 --> 01:17:17.200] Ron Paul, Jim Mars, Catherine Albert, Webster Carpley, G. Edward Griffin, and many other [01:17:17.200 --> 01:17:22.200] heroic figures in the patriot movement. But now Brave New Books needs your help. In order [01:17:22.200 --> 01:17:27.200] to continue to provide a space for these events and be an outlet for hard-to-find materials, [01:17:27.200 --> 01:17:31.200] we're going to need you, Austin, to help spread the word about the bookstore. Please tell your [01:17:31.200 --> 01:17:36.200] friends and family about the wide variety of materials we offer. We also have DVD duplication [01:17:36.200 --> 01:17:41.200] capabilities for all you activists. Also, if you haven't visited us yet, please come [01:17:41.200 --> 01:17:45.200] down and show your support. It is so easy to support the big corporate chain stores [01:17:45.200 --> 01:17:50.200] that do nothing to further our message. Remember, you vote with your dollars. We're counting [01:17:50.200 --> 01:17:57.200] on you, Austin. If you need any information, please call 512-480-2503 or visit us at 1904 [01:17:57.200 --> 01:18:07.200] Street. Thank you, everyone. [01:18:27.200 --> 01:18:37.200] Thank you. [01:18:57.200 --> 01:19:22.200] Okay, we are back. All right, Lou, so if you would please, could you go over your court [01:19:22.200 --> 01:19:28.200] case, the case that you won, and how you structured your pleadings, the points that you argued, [01:19:28.200 --> 01:19:33.200] how you made your arguments, what were the basis of your arguments, and this type of [01:19:33.200 --> 01:19:39.200] thing. What was the structure of your case and how did you win it? Could you please give [01:19:39.200 --> 01:19:41.200] us an overview and some specifics? [01:19:41.200 --> 01:19:50.200] Okay, I'll give you an overview. The property that was in the truck, that was leaned by [01:19:50.200 --> 01:20:01.200] the Internal Revenue was in a trust. It was in an irrevocable trust of which the party [01:20:01.200 --> 01:20:09.200] was not the trustee. So you can't be a nominee if you're not the trustee. But the Internal [01:20:09.200 --> 01:20:18.200] Revenue seized the property and filed a paperwork as though he and his wife were the nominees. [01:20:18.200 --> 01:20:24.200] They weren't. I was one of the trustees along with another gentleman that's a trustee. So [01:20:24.200 --> 01:20:30.200] what I had to do was go to Beeville because that's where the property is. Now here we [01:20:30.200 --> 01:20:37.200] go back to the status of the property again. So what I did was filed in the State District [01:20:37.200 --> 01:20:50.200] Court. I took the motions that are in the Texas law is what I used. And it was filed [01:20:50.200 --> 01:20:59.200] ex parte. There were no witnesses. The judge had to make a ruling based on the law if this [01:20:59.200 --> 01:21:10.200] was a vital lien. And that's how I presented it. There were no filing fees either because [01:21:10.200 --> 01:21:16.200] in the state law it says there are no filing fees if it is file ex parte. And that marvelous [01:21:16.200 --> 01:21:20.200] gentleman that's running for sheriff hit the nail right on the head. Property code, [01:21:20.200 --> 01:21:23.200] government code was what you used. [01:21:23.200 --> 01:21:27.200] Okay, so Lou, you filed this as a plaintiff, is that correct? [01:21:27.200 --> 01:21:29.200] Yes. [01:21:29.200 --> 01:21:31.200] And I didn't use another attorney. [01:21:31.200 --> 01:21:39.200] Was there also an action against you, like an administrative action by the IRS that you [01:21:39.200 --> 01:21:46.200] were trying to adjudicate or did you just decide to go after them because they're fraudulent? [01:21:46.200 --> 01:21:54.200] As a trustee I never received anything. I never got any notices, no paperwork, no nothing. [01:21:54.200 --> 01:21:59.200] And then the next thing I know here comes a notice of seizure. [01:21:59.200 --> 01:22:03.200] You were the trustee on the trust they were trying to take, so that gave you standing [01:22:03.200 --> 01:22:04.200] to go after them. [01:22:04.200 --> 01:22:12.200] That's correct. So what I did is I drove to Beeville. I had my paperwork, had it all [01:22:12.200 --> 01:22:18.200] in order. And the clerks there looked at me and said, well, we don't know anything about [01:22:18.200 --> 01:22:28.200] filing anything like this. So I said, well, here's the Texas law. And I used the [01:22:28.200 --> 01:22:35.200] excerpts from the Texas law with those motions. So there was no filing fee and I got it [01:22:35.200 --> 01:22:40.200] filed. Then they called me back and told me they gave it a case number. [01:22:40.200 --> 01:22:46.200] Then I get a phone call. He tells, the clerk tells me what the judge doesn't know [01:22:46.200 --> 01:22:51.200] whether he wants to make a ruling on this because he's not familiar with the law. [01:22:51.200 --> 01:22:55.200] So I told her, I said, what you need to do is let me talk to the judge because if he [01:22:55.200 --> 01:22:59.200] doesn't know where the law is he better know where to go find it. Because if he [01:22:59.200 --> 01:23:05.200] doesn't I'm coming after him. [01:23:05.200 --> 01:23:14.200] Two weeks later I get the court ruling. And in the Texas law there are two places [01:23:14.200 --> 01:23:24.200] that he checks as well as signs. And on his civil paperwork he had written on that [01:23:24.200 --> 01:23:32.200] what's in the body of the motion and that was there are no judgments on file for [01:23:32.200 --> 01:23:37.200] the paperwork that is filed here. In other words, the notice of liens, the notice of [01:23:37.200 --> 01:23:45.200] levies, there was no court order with them. So there was no judgment. And that's [01:23:45.200 --> 01:23:48.200] the way he ruled. [01:23:48.200 --> 01:23:52.200] So today what I wanted to do was give Randy a copy of it. I'm also going to give [01:23:52.200 --> 01:23:59.200] him a copy of the court order, the ruling. So if people have a notice of levy or a [01:23:59.200 --> 01:24:04.200] notice of lien, file what's in the state law in the state district court, get the [01:24:04.200 --> 01:24:13.200] state court to rule on it. And the state court is to send the agent a copy of it [01:24:13.200 --> 01:24:15.200] because that's what the state law says. [01:24:15.200 --> 01:24:22.200] Another thing I did, if a lien is filed the secretary of state should have a copy [01:24:22.200 --> 01:24:39.200] of it. So I had them do a search. It cost me $30. They could find no lien filed. [01:24:39.200 --> 01:24:47.200] So that shows what Ed was saying, they don't follow any procedure. [01:24:47.200 --> 01:24:55.200] Lou, let me ask you something. If you have any experience, if you know, what would [01:24:55.200 --> 01:25:00.200] be, what do you think would be the best plan of action or what would you do if [01:25:00.200 --> 01:25:07.200] there was an order that came down like through one of their administrative [01:25:07.200 --> 01:25:16.200] rulings but they haven't filed in the court system yet to enforce that forfeiture [01:25:16.200 --> 01:25:24.200] order or that lien yet, do you, would someone have to wait until they file in [01:25:24.200 --> 01:25:31.200] federal court to enforce the forfeiture order before you could start filing [01:25:31.200 --> 01:25:32.200] motions against it? [01:25:32.200 --> 01:25:34.200] Administratively you cannot have a forfeiture order. [01:25:34.200 --> 01:25:43.200] Or can you, is there any way that you could file appeals or motions in court [01:25:43.200 --> 01:25:49.200] against a forfeiture order before they actually bring the forfeiture order to [01:25:49.200 --> 01:25:50.200] court? [01:25:50.200 --> 01:25:56.200] Yeah, you could do that. But what I would be doing is not, don't go to the [01:25:56.200 --> 01:25:58.200] Fox Garden in the hen house. [01:25:58.200 --> 01:25:59.200] Okay. [01:25:59.200 --> 01:26:04.200] Okay, because you're not going to get anywhere doing that. I would go the other [01:26:04.200 --> 01:26:08.200] way and Randy is pretty thorough. I like Randy a lot because he's pretty darn [01:26:08.200 --> 01:26:17.200] thorough. I would fight it the other way and file in the state court. If they [01:26:17.200 --> 01:26:24.200] kick it to the federal, I have the procedure that shows what can be moved [01:26:24.200 --> 01:26:26.200] from the state court to the federal court. [01:26:26.200 --> 01:26:31.200] And the only way it can is if it is a federal issue. [01:26:31.200 --> 01:26:39.200] If I'm suing a federal employee as an employee, that's got to go federal. But [01:26:39.200 --> 01:26:44.200] if I sue that person as an individual, that's not federal. [01:26:44.200 --> 01:26:45.200] Yes. [01:26:45.200 --> 01:26:52.200] So there are procedures to go through that I want to get with you. And I'll [01:26:52.200 --> 01:27:02.200] give you everything I got. I got another book that has been put together showing [01:27:02.200 --> 01:27:08.200] all the procedures of the Internal Revenues based on their own manual that [01:27:08.200 --> 01:27:19.200] they violate. But if we don't know it, then they get away with it. [01:27:19.200 --> 01:27:24.200] So, Lou, is your case finished now? [01:27:24.200 --> 01:27:29.200] No, I'm going back. But now what I want to do is I want to get the agent. [01:27:29.200 --> 01:27:34.200] Because see what I did in that motion? I listed the agent's name because the [01:27:34.200 --> 01:27:38.200] agent is the one that signed all this paperwork, so they're acting as though [01:27:38.200 --> 01:27:46.200] they're a judicial officer or a court. And they're not. [01:27:46.200 --> 01:27:56.200] Section Title 26, Section 7608 is very plain and clear that an agent [01:27:56.200 --> 01:28:02.200] administratively does not have the authority. I'm going to read it to you. [01:28:02.200 --> 01:28:08.200] I'm going to pull it up here just a second and read it to you because this is [01:28:08.200 --> 01:28:15.200] so important. And nobody ever knows this. And it's important that you know the [01:28:15.200 --> 01:28:32.200] law. Let me just type this in right quick. [01:28:32.200 --> 01:28:36.200] I like what you're saying about going after the agent personally. [01:28:36.200 --> 01:28:37.200] That's right. [01:28:37.200 --> 01:28:38.200] In state court. [01:28:38.200 --> 01:28:45.200] Now, here is the authority of an internal revenue enforcement. [01:28:45.200 --> 01:28:48.200] And this is what it says. [01:28:48.200 --> 01:28:56.200] Enforcement of Sub Title E and other laws pertaining to liquor, tobacco, [01:28:56.200 --> 01:28:59.200] and firearms. [01:28:59.200 --> 01:29:05.200] An investigator agent of internal revenue officer by whatever term designated [01:29:05.200 --> 01:29:11.200] by the secretary charges with the duty of enforcing any of the criminal seizure [01:29:11.200 --> 01:29:16.200] of forfeiture provisions of Sub Title E or of any other law of the United [01:29:16.200 --> 01:29:22.200] States pertaining to commodities subject to tax under Sub Title for the [01:29:22.200 --> 01:29:28.200] enforcement of which the secretary is responsible. [01:29:28.200 --> 01:29:29.200] Which secretary? [01:29:29.200 --> 01:29:30.200] You're following me? [01:29:30.200 --> 01:29:32.200] Yes, yes. [01:29:32.200 --> 01:29:37.200] Where does an agent under Sub Title A have any authority? [01:29:37.200 --> 01:29:43.200] Is there case law? Is there annotations on this statute? [01:29:43.200 --> 01:29:46.200] I'll do better than that. [01:29:46.200 --> 01:29:47.200] Okay. [01:29:47.200 --> 01:29:50.200] Let's go to the parallel table of authority. [01:29:50.200 --> 01:29:51.200] Okay. All right. [01:29:51.200 --> 01:29:52.200] Hold that thought. [01:29:52.200 --> 01:29:53.200] We're going to break. [01:29:53.200 --> 01:29:54.200] Okay. [01:29:54.200 --> 01:29:55.200] We'll be right back. [01:29:55.200 --> 01:30:01.200] This is the rule of law. [01:30:01.200 --> 01:30:05.200] If you're a plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit, win your case without an [01:30:05.200 --> 01:30:10.200] attorney with Juris Dictionary, the affordable, easy-to-understand 4-CD [01:30:10.200 --> 01:30:15.200] course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [01:30:15.200 --> 01:30:19.200] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [01:30:19.200 --> 01:30:23.200] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [01:30:23.200 --> 01:30:28.200] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [01:30:28.200 --> 01:30:32.200] Juris Dictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of [01:30:32.200 --> 01:30:34.200] case-winning experience. [01:30:34.200 --> 01:30:38.200] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should [01:30:38.200 --> 01:30:42.200] understand about the principles and practices that control our American [01:30:42.200 --> 01:30:43.200] courts. [01:30:43.200 --> 01:30:48.200] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for [01:30:48.200 --> 01:30:52.200] civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more. [01:30:52.200 --> 01:30:57.200] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner, or call toll [01:30:57.200 --> 01:31:01.200] free, 866-LAW-EZ. [01:31:01.200 --> 01:31:18.200] Okay, we're back with very special guest, Lou Watson. [01:31:18.200 --> 01:31:23.200] Lou, you were just about to tell us about the Parallel Table of Authority. [01:31:23.200 --> 01:31:26.200] What is this, and how can we use it in our favor? [01:31:26.200 --> 01:31:28.200] Now, here's why that's so important. [01:31:28.200 --> 01:31:33.200] Remember we read what the SEC code section 7608 said? [01:31:33.200 --> 01:31:38.200] So let's go to the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts for which 26 USC [01:31:38.200 --> 01:31:42.200] 7608 provides authority. [01:31:42.200 --> 01:31:46.200] This is a list of parts within the Code of Federal Regulations for which [01:31:46.200 --> 01:31:51.200] the U.S. Code section provides rulemaking authority. [01:31:51.200 --> 01:31:57.200] It is taken from the Parallel Table of Authorities, and it only pertains to [01:31:57.200 --> 01:32:05.200] Title 27, see it, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 296, and Title 27, [01:32:05.200 --> 01:32:09.200] Code of Federal Regulations, Part 70. [01:32:09.200 --> 01:32:12.200] That has to do with alcohol, tobacco, firearms. [01:32:12.200 --> 01:32:20.200] It has nothing to do with what you work for. [01:32:20.200 --> 01:32:26.200] Now, if I didn't know that, they say they got authority, right? [01:32:26.200 --> 01:32:28.200] They say that anyway. [01:32:28.200 --> 01:32:29.200] They say that anyway. [01:32:29.200 --> 01:32:31.200] Yeah, they're going to try to do whatever they want. [01:32:31.200 --> 01:32:33.200] But here's what it says. [01:32:33.200 --> 01:32:41.200] Now, if you look at 27 CFR 296 and Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 70, [01:32:41.200 --> 01:32:54.200] that has to do with liquor, cigarettes, cigars, vellum, and alcoholic beverages. [01:32:54.200 --> 01:33:01.200] That's where their authority is, but that is for an excise tax. [01:33:01.200 --> 01:33:09.200] The manufacturer is taxed because of the stamp. [01:33:09.200 --> 01:33:17.200] If you go to Title 26 and read the section pertaining to that, [01:33:17.200 --> 01:33:22.200] it will tell you that it is for a stamp tax. [01:33:22.200 --> 01:33:29.200] If I manufacture liquor or firearms or cigarettes and I purchase that stamp, [01:33:29.200 --> 01:33:34.200] I am liable to pay the tax on it. [01:33:34.200 --> 01:33:38.200] So I have a liability. [01:33:38.200 --> 01:33:44.200] I'm going to give you every section in Title 26 that makes a person liable, [01:33:44.200 --> 01:33:50.200] and none of it has to do with what you work for every day. [01:33:50.200 --> 01:33:51.200] Okay, hold on, Neal. [01:33:51.200 --> 01:33:52.200] I'm sorry. [01:33:52.200 --> 01:33:53.200] Hold on, Lou. [01:33:53.200 --> 01:33:57.200] One side issue. [01:33:57.200 --> 01:34:00.200] Does this still apply, what you just said, [01:34:00.200 --> 01:34:03.200] does that still apply to institutes that would manufacture liquor, [01:34:03.200 --> 01:34:10.200] tobacco, firearms strictly within the boundaries of a state, [01:34:10.200 --> 01:34:15.200] like one of the 50 states of the union? [01:34:15.200 --> 01:34:16.200] Actually, no, it does not. [01:34:16.200 --> 01:34:17.200] It doesn't, no. [01:34:17.200 --> 01:34:24.200] It really doesn't because how is what's done in the state federally connected? [01:34:24.200 --> 01:34:29.200] Okay, that's what I wanted to know if that statute applied in that situation. [01:34:29.200 --> 01:34:33.200] You see, here's what people got to understand, [01:34:33.200 --> 01:34:36.200] and I'm going to give you the best example I can give you. [01:34:36.200 --> 01:34:39.200] If you walked up to the average individual and asked them, well, [01:34:39.200 --> 01:34:45.200] where do you live, they would tell you the United States. [01:34:45.200 --> 01:34:54.200] Well, if I look at Title 26, Section 3121E, it defines the United States as being [01:34:54.200 --> 01:35:00.200] the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, [01:35:00.200 --> 01:35:04.200] the Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. [01:35:04.200 --> 01:35:08.200] Now, you remember in 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii were territories [01:35:08.200 --> 01:35:12.200] and then they became part of the union state? [01:35:12.200 --> 01:35:18.200] When they became one of the 50 states of the union, [01:35:18.200 --> 01:35:25.200] they said in the Internal Revenue Code to amend Title, Section 3121E, [01:35:25.200 --> 01:35:36.200] by deleting Alaska and Hawaii from the United States. [01:35:36.200 --> 01:35:39.200] You see, there are three definitions for United States. [01:35:39.200 --> 01:35:41.200] Right. [01:35:41.200 --> 01:35:48.200] But the United States of America is what the 50 states make up. [01:35:48.200 --> 01:35:53.200] Ask Randy how many different ways there is to define the word state. [01:35:53.200 --> 01:35:58.200] Yeah, Randy, how many ways are there? [01:35:58.200 --> 01:36:00.200] He's putting me on that dime. [01:36:00.200 --> 01:36:06.200] What Eddie does is definitions of terms. [01:36:06.200 --> 01:36:10.200] He's very, very big on that. [01:36:10.200 --> 01:36:11.200] Well, that's good. [01:36:11.200 --> 01:36:12.200] How many are there, Eddie? [01:36:12.200 --> 01:36:14.200] I don't remember. [01:36:14.200 --> 01:36:16.200] It really depends. [01:36:16.200 --> 01:36:19.200] According to the way they use it, it can be up to five different definitions [01:36:19.200 --> 01:36:21.200] for the term state. [01:36:21.200 --> 01:36:25.200] Any time they're using one with a capital S, [01:36:25.200 --> 01:36:30.200] you can bank that it is not referring to any of the states of the union. [01:36:30.200 --> 01:36:32.200] That is correct. [01:36:32.200 --> 01:36:36.200] That is correct. [01:36:36.200 --> 01:36:40.200] So, Lou, I wasn't trying to get you off topic. [01:36:40.200 --> 01:36:41.200] That's okay. [01:36:41.200 --> 01:36:47.200] You were leading into how does this apply to average Americans who are not [01:36:47.200 --> 01:36:48.200] producing— [01:36:48.200 --> 01:36:52.200] Yeah, who are not manufacturing alcohol and tobacco firearms. [01:36:52.200 --> 01:36:57.200] Are you doing business in commerce? [01:36:57.200 --> 01:36:59.200] Not as one of those entities. [01:36:59.200 --> 01:37:00.200] That's correct. [01:37:00.200 --> 01:37:01.200] Right. [01:37:01.200 --> 01:37:03.200] Not as one of those entities. [01:37:03.200 --> 01:37:06.200] And certainly not on an interstate level at that. [01:37:06.200 --> 01:37:08.200] That's correct. [01:37:08.200 --> 01:37:15.200] Now, I'm going to give you something else that I want proof of thought. [01:37:15.200 --> 01:37:23.200] I'm going to give you another section, Title 26, Section 7401. [01:37:23.200 --> 01:37:27.200] 7401. [01:37:27.200 --> 01:37:31.200] And we talk about authority. [01:37:31.200 --> 01:37:36.200] You remember you were talking about authority a few minutes ago? [01:37:36.200 --> 01:37:41.200] Here's what Title 26, Section 7401 says. [01:37:41.200 --> 01:37:50.200] No civil action for collection of recovery of taxes or of any fine penalty [01:37:50.200 --> 01:37:59.200] of forfeiture shall be commenced unless the Secretary authorizes or sanctions [01:37:59.200 --> 01:38:06.200] the proceedings and the Attorney General or his delegate directs that the [01:38:06.200 --> 01:38:08.200] action be commenced. [01:38:08.200 --> 01:38:13.200] Now, let's go. [01:38:13.200 --> 01:38:16.200] Lou? [01:38:16.200 --> 01:38:19.200] Lou, are you there? [01:38:19.200 --> 01:38:20.200] I'm here. [01:38:20.200 --> 01:38:23.200] If there is any authority there. [01:38:23.200 --> 01:38:26.200] Well, when I go to the parallel table of authority and I look up, go to [01:38:26.200 --> 01:38:33.200] Federal Regulations Part for which 26 U.S.C. Section 7401 provides authority. [01:38:33.200 --> 01:38:43.200] It's Title 27, Part 70, Alcohol, Tobacco. [01:38:43.200 --> 01:38:49.200] There is no authority for what you work for because income, your earnings, [01:38:49.200 --> 01:38:55.200] the Supreme Court said earnings are not taxable. [01:38:55.200 --> 01:38:58.200] I didn't say that, the Supreme Court said it. [01:38:58.200 --> 01:39:02.200] Another thing people got to understand, too, is this. [01:39:02.200 --> 01:39:07.200] All moral court rulings, even if they rule against, does not supersede the [01:39:07.200 --> 01:39:16.200] Supreme Court decision. [01:39:16.200 --> 01:39:20.200] Now, what do you do with that? [01:39:20.200 --> 01:39:26.200] What happens to a court or a judge if he violates a Supreme Court decision? [01:39:26.200 --> 01:39:30.200] He has performed a criminal act. [01:39:30.200 --> 01:39:31.200] That is correct. [01:39:31.200 --> 01:39:34.200] Now we go after him. [01:39:34.200 --> 01:39:43.200] A trial judge has the duty to generate the facts in the case and apply the [01:39:43.200 --> 01:39:48.200] law as it comes to him to those facts in the case. [01:39:48.200 --> 01:39:55.200] He has no authority to decide what the law means. [01:39:55.200 --> 01:39:58.200] I've always been taught if you violate a Supreme Court decision, [01:39:58.200 --> 01:40:03.200] you committed treason. [01:40:03.200 --> 01:40:08.200] Well, one thing, if you violate a decision in the court, you're screwed. [01:40:08.200 --> 01:40:10.200] You're darn right you are. [01:40:10.200 --> 01:40:13.200] Screws versus U.S. [01:40:13.200 --> 01:40:18.200] It was a 1945 case. [01:40:18.200 --> 01:40:21.200] It has never been overturned. [01:40:21.200 --> 01:40:27.200] Where if a public official violates ruling in this court, can he be saying, [01:40:27.200 --> 01:40:31.200] he may not be heard to say he knows not what he does? [01:40:31.200 --> 01:40:34.200] Therefore, he knows that there are no excuses. [01:40:34.200 --> 01:40:39.200] To the rule of law or to knowledge of the Supreme Court decisions, [01:40:39.200 --> 01:40:43.200] most certainly should be the judges. [01:40:43.200 --> 01:40:48.200] So this is how we have to use the law to accomplish what we want, [01:40:48.200 --> 01:40:53.200] but we also have to remember this. [01:40:53.200 --> 01:41:00.200] I have a case that shows that judges, agents, [01:41:00.200 --> 01:41:08.200] and DOJs get paid for every 1040 case they prosecute. [01:41:08.200 --> 01:41:14.200] Wow, that's huge. [01:41:14.200 --> 01:41:23.200] Now we can establish the fact that there is a conflict of interest. [01:41:23.200 --> 01:41:26.200] Well, it's the same thing like what they do with traffic tickets here in the states. [01:41:26.200 --> 01:41:31.200] If the attorney wins, then he only gets $350, [01:41:31.200 --> 01:41:38.200] but if he loses and you get convicted, he gets $3,500. [01:41:38.200 --> 01:41:42.200] You'd rather see the person lose and go to jail. [01:41:42.200 --> 01:41:47.200] So tell us about this case, Lou. [01:41:47.200 --> 01:41:50.200] Tell us about the case. [01:41:50.200 --> 01:41:51.200] Oh, which case? [01:41:51.200 --> 01:41:54.200] The case that you were just saying. [01:41:54.200 --> 01:41:55.200] Oh, that's the case. [01:41:55.200 --> 01:41:57.200] I have a copy of it. [01:41:57.200 --> 01:42:03.200] I don't know if I've got a copy here handy in front of me here. [01:42:03.200 --> 01:42:05.200] I'm trying to remember the name. [01:42:05.200 --> 01:42:12.200] It's Logrin versus the U.S. [01:42:12.200 --> 01:42:14.200] I'll get you guys a copy of it. [01:42:14.200 --> 01:42:16.200] Okay. [01:42:16.200 --> 01:42:19.200] And I'll tell you another thing. [01:42:19.200 --> 01:42:22.200] I use this also. [01:42:22.200 --> 01:42:26.200] In Tebow versus the U.S., [01:42:26.200 --> 01:42:29.200] Richardson, who is a DOJ attorney, [01:42:29.200 --> 01:42:40.200] testified under oath that internal revenue is not a part of the government. [01:42:40.200 --> 01:42:43.200] Now, their money is often for the Federal Reserve. [01:42:43.200 --> 01:42:45.200] That is correct. [01:42:45.200 --> 01:42:47.200] That is what they are. [01:42:47.200 --> 01:42:52.200] If you look at the United States government organizational chart, [01:42:52.200 --> 01:43:02.200] you will not see the internal revenue in that chart as any organization that has any enforcement. [01:43:02.200 --> 01:43:12.200] They're actually created under the same branch authority as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. [01:43:12.200 --> 01:43:15.200] But they can't enforce Title 27. [01:43:15.200 --> 01:43:16.200] Correct. [01:43:16.200 --> 01:43:26.200] Only Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, ATF, can do that. [01:43:26.200 --> 01:43:31.200] So this is why I say the education of the laws is so important, [01:43:31.200 --> 01:43:36.200] because if you don't have all your ducks in a row, [01:43:36.200 --> 01:43:40.200] then you come out on the losing end. [01:43:40.200 --> 01:43:51.200] Because most judges will tell you, oh, this is frivolous. Well, produce the law that makes it frivolous. [01:43:51.200 --> 01:43:53.200] All right. We'll be right back. [01:43:53.200 --> 01:44:06.200] We've got to make these judges rule correctly according to law. [01:44:06.200 --> 01:44:18.200] Aerial spray, chemtrails, the modified atmosphere, heavy metals and pesticides, carcinogens and chemical fibers all falling from the sky. [01:44:18.200 --> 01:44:21.200] You have a choice to keep your body clean. [01:44:21.200 --> 01:44:31.200] Detoxify with micro plant powder from hempusa.org or call 908-691-2608. [01:44:31.200 --> 01:44:35.200] It's odorless and tasteless and used in any liquid or food. [01:44:35.200 --> 01:44:39.200] Protect your family now with micro plant powder. [01:44:39.200 --> 01:44:43.200] Cleaning out heavy metals, parasites, and toxins. [01:44:43.200 --> 01:44:48.200] Order it now for daily intake and stock it now for long-term storage. [01:44:48.200 --> 01:45:07.200] Visit hempusa.org or call 908-691-2608 today. [01:45:07.200 --> 01:45:21.200] Hello? Oh, man, you're in jail. You got problems with that? Oh, man, I'm broke, dude. [01:45:21.200 --> 01:45:30.200] Some things in this world I will never understand. Some things I realize fully. [01:45:30.200 --> 01:45:38.200] Somebody's gonna police that policeman. Somebody's gonna police the bully. [01:45:38.200 --> 01:45:48.200] There's always a room at the top of the hill. I hear through the grapevine and it's lonely there, too. [01:45:48.200 --> 01:45:56.200] They're wishing it was more than opposition to fail. They know that if they don't do it, somebody will. [01:45:56.200 --> 01:46:04.200] Some things in this world I will never understand. Some things I realize fully. [01:46:04.200 --> 01:46:12.200] Somebody's gonna police that policeman. Somebody's gonna police the bully. [01:46:12.200 --> 01:46:17.200] I know they will. Yeah, they're gonna put the bill. [01:46:17.200 --> 01:46:27.200] I know they will. I know they will. I know they will. I know they will. I know they will. [01:46:27.200 --> 01:46:30.200] We are back with Lou Watson. [01:46:30.200 --> 01:46:40.200] Okay, so Lou, I wanted to ask you, we were discussing on the break concerning these issues that you're bringing up [01:46:40.200 --> 01:46:44.200] about these federal statutes and showing that they don't have authority. [01:46:44.200 --> 01:46:50.200] Now, earlier we were discussing suing these agents personally in state court [01:46:50.200 --> 01:46:59.200] because if you want to argue these issues regarding these statutes, you would have to sue them as agents. [01:46:59.200 --> 01:47:01.200] That means you'd have to sue them in the federal court. [01:47:01.200 --> 01:47:08.200] But then you're saying that you use these arguments to show that they went outside of the authority. [01:47:08.200 --> 01:47:11.200] Yes, to show that they didn't have authority, they didn't have jurisdiction. [01:47:11.200 --> 01:47:19.200] So that way you're able to bring in these federal statutes to argue in the state court. [01:47:19.200 --> 01:47:24.200] Yeah, but you're not arguing the federal statutes in the state court. [01:47:24.200 --> 01:47:30.200] What your argument is going to be is they went outside of their authority. [01:47:30.200 --> 01:47:31.200] Okay. [01:47:31.200 --> 01:47:35.200] So now if you're outside of the authority, I'm suing you as an individual. [01:47:35.200 --> 01:47:42.200] You all have immunity and you don't have the support of the government to protect you. [01:47:42.200 --> 01:47:44.200] Right. [01:47:44.200 --> 01:47:51.200] If I file a lawsuit against that agent and I go into the federal court, [01:47:51.200 --> 01:48:02.200] and I'm suing him as an internal revenue agent, then that has to be in the federal court. [01:48:02.200 --> 01:48:11.200] But we want to keep this on the state court. [01:48:11.200 --> 01:48:16.200] We want to keep it on the state level because that's where the violation occurred. [01:48:16.200 --> 01:48:19.200] Your property is in the state. [01:48:19.200 --> 01:48:22.200] Your jurisdiction is in the state. [01:48:22.200 --> 01:48:29.200] Anytime that you can show that a public official acted beyond the scope of their authority, [01:48:29.200 --> 01:48:33.200] they have no immunity from suit of any kind, [01:48:33.200 --> 01:48:39.200] and committing criminal acts is not within the scope of authority of any public official. [01:48:39.200 --> 01:48:42.200] So criminally or civilly. [01:48:42.200 --> 01:48:46.200] Right. [01:48:46.200 --> 01:48:50.200] So, and that's been my approach all along. [01:48:50.200 --> 01:48:54.200] I've been trying to get people to go after the agent himself. [01:48:54.200 --> 01:48:55.200] That is correct. [01:48:55.200 --> 01:49:00.200] Let's say the IRS, they're my buds. [01:49:00.200 --> 01:49:01.200] The IRS is okay. [01:49:01.200 --> 01:49:02.200] It's not the IRS. [01:49:02.200 --> 01:49:03.200] It's a problem. [01:49:03.200 --> 01:49:10.200] It's this rogue agent over here that's violating all the rules of the IRS and they're picking on us. [01:49:10.200 --> 01:49:14.200] I'll tell you something else I did. [01:49:14.200 --> 01:49:19.200] We ordered our individual master file. [01:49:19.200 --> 01:49:26.200] That individual master file has so many lies in it that it's unbelievable. [01:49:26.200 --> 01:49:39.200] If I look at Title 26, Section 7852E, this has nothing to do with the, what's the word I want, [01:49:39.200 --> 01:49:45.200] under 552, the Privacy Act. [01:49:45.200 --> 01:49:53.200] If something is wrong on the individual master file, you have the right to correct it, get it corrected. [01:49:53.200 --> 01:49:58.200] That's what that Section 7852E says. [01:49:58.200 --> 01:50:03.200] But you have to have it decoded. [01:50:03.200 --> 01:50:11.200] So I had a gentleman that worked for him, that used to work for him, decode it, paid him for it. [01:50:11.200 --> 01:50:20.200] It comes back showing that, hey, you are a citizen of the Virgin Islands and you're dealing business in drugs. [01:50:20.200 --> 01:50:23.200] I've never been there. [01:50:23.200 --> 01:50:26.200] Don't know who doesn't about it. [01:50:26.200 --> 01:50:33.200] And in most cases, it will show that your Social Security number has been frozen [01:50:33.200 --> 01:50:42.200] and they've issued you a federal ID number. [01:50:42.200 --> 01:50:47.200] And when you call them to talk to them or write them to talk to them about wanting to correct it, [01:50:47.200 --> 01:50:52.200] they don't want to talk to you. [01:50:52.200 --> 01:50:53.200] Right. [01:50:53.200 --> 01:50:55.200] Well, I don't want to ask them to correct it. [01:50:55.200 --> 01:51:05.200] I want to charge them with fraud for doing it wrong this time. Because it's all fraud on it anyway. [01:51:05.200 --> 01:51:11.200] You see, I guess where I come from is I'll support this country. [01:51:11.200 --> 01:51:12.200] That's not what I'm about. [01:51:12.200 --> 01:51:16.200] I'm not about not supporting this country. [01:51:16.200 --> 01:51:17.200] I believe in this country. [01:51:17.200 --> 01:51:27.200] I want to support this country. But I also want to preserve the rights that the good Lord gave me [01:51:27.200 --> 01:51:33.200] to live on this earth until He decides it's time for me to leave it. [01:51:33.200 --> 01:51:37.200] And only He has control over that. [01:51:37.200 --> 01:51:38.200] Right. [01:51:38.200 --> 01:51:41.200] Well, you know, you and I were both in the military. [01:51:41.200 --> 01:51:46.200] And when we went in the military, we swore on our oath that we would protect this country. [01:51:46.200 --> 01:51:48.200] That's right. I still feel that way. [01:51:48.200 --> 01:51:51.200] From all means, foreign and domestic. [01:51:51.200 --> 01:51:54.200] That's right. [01:51:54.200 --> 01:51:55.200] We're just doing our jobs. [01:51:55.200 --> 01:51:58.200] That's correct. [01:51:58.200 --> 01:52:05.200] You know, and I sit and think of places I put my body from being shot at and lucky to be here. [01:52:05.200 --> 01:52:11.200] I'll be darned if you're going to take the rights that I thought I was over that fighting for. [01:52:11.200 --> 01:52:17.200] And everybody else that's in this country, that's what it was done for. [01:52:17.200 --> 01:52:18.200] Precisely. [01:52:18.200 --> 01:52:22.200] We've got about six minutes left and we have some callers who've been hanging on. [01:52:22.200 --> 01:52:24.200] Okay. Go ahead. [01:52:24.200 --> 01:52:25.200] Let's go to the callers. [01:52:25.200 --> 01:52:29.200] Did you have something else you wanted to address before we go to callers? [01:52:29.200 --> 01:52:30.200] No. [01:52:30.200 --> 01:52:36.200] I just had something I wanted to say to all the callers from Billy Graham, a prayer that he had, [01:52:36.200 --> 01:52:39.200] and it's very short, but I'd like for everyone to hear it. [01:52:39.200 --> 01:52:40.200] Okay. [01:52:40.200 --> 01:52:45.200] He says, Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness [01:52:45.200 --> 01:52:48.200] and to seek your direction and guidance. [01:52:48.200 --> 01:52:57.200] We know your word says, woe to those who call evil good, but that is exactly what we have done. [01:52:57.200 --> 01:53:03.200] We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. [01:53:03.200 --> 01:53:07.200] We have exploited the poor and call it the lottery. [01:53:07.200 --> 01:53:12.200] We have rewarded laziness and call it welfare. [01:53:12.200 --> 01:53:16.200] We have killed our unborn and call it choice. [01:53:16.200 --> 01:53:21.200] We have shot abortionists and call it justifiable. [01:53:21.200 --> 01:53:27.200] We have neglected the discipline of our children and call it building self-esteem. [01:53:27.200 --> 01:53:31.200] We have abused power and call it politics. [01:53:31.200 --> 01:53:36.200] We have coveted our neighbors' possessions and call it ambition. [01:53:36.200 --> 01:53:42.200] We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and call it freedom of expression. [01:53:42.200 --> 01:53:49.200] We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and call it enlightenment. [01:53:49.200 --> 01:53:54.200] Search us, O God, and know our hearts today. [01:53:54.200 --> 01:53:59.200] Cleanse us from every sin and set us free. [01:53:59.200 --> 01:54:00.200] Amen. [01:54:00.200 --> 01:54:02.200] Amen to that. [01:54:02.200 --> 01:54:03.200] All right. [01:54:03.200 --> 01:54:04.200] Let's go to some calls. [01:54:04.200 --> 01:54:07.200] I want to take a first-time caller first. [01:54:07.200 --> 01:54:09.200] We've got Ricky from Missouri. [01:54:09.200 --> 01:54:11.200] He's been holding for quite a while. [01:54:11.200 --> 01:54:13.200] Ricky, thanks for calling. [01:54:13.200 --> 01:54:16.200] What is your question for our guest? [01:54:16.200 --> 01:54:19.200] Well, I just wanted to talk to everybody and stuff. [01:54:19.200 --> 01:54:27.200] I wanted to warn everybody that when you're fighting this system, you know, [01:54:27.200 --> 01:54:31.200] it gets the mortgages and stuff because that's what I do. [01:54:31.200 --> 01:54:34.200] And in my own deal, I've been fighting for four years, [01:54:34.200 --> 01:54:38.200] and the banks are actually paying the prosecutors and the judges and stuff. [01:54:38.200 --> 01:54:41.200] I've been through like six or seven judges in my case. [01:54:41.200 --> 01:54:48.200] Now they've got a judge and stuff that just will not listen to anything I do or say or anything. [01:54:48.200 --> 01:54:52.200] I mean, they're just trying every way in the world they can to railroad me. [01:54:52.200 --> 01:54:53.200] Indeed. [01:54:53.200 --> 01:54:54.200] That's what they do. [01:54:54.200 --> 01:54:59.200] So we need to mount an attack on the judge himself. [01:54:59.200 --> 01:55:05.200] The judge is just as bound to law as you, if not more so. [01:55:05.200 --> 01:55:09.200] This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. [01:55:09.200 --> 01:55:18.200] It was by H.G. Wells in his outline of history on speaking to the corruption of the popes during the Dark Ages. [01:55:18.200 --> 01:55:21.200] He very aptly observed, [01:55:21.200 --> 01:55:29.200] The giver of the law most owes the law allegiance, he of all beings should behave as though the law compels him. [01:55:29.200 --> 01:55:39.200] But it is the universal failing of mankind that what we are given to administer, we promptly presume we own. [01:55:39.200 --> 01:55:43.200] And you and I, we need to change that perspective. [01:55:43.200 --> 01:55:44.200] Absolutely. [01:55:44.200 --> 01:55:52.200] Let me explain that, you know, what I did was I actually did an administrative remedy against a bank. [01:55:52.200 --> 01:55:59.200] And everything when they tried to do a wrongful foreclosure, I did do a wrongful foreclosure and I undid a lot of stuff back in 2004. [01:55:59.200 --> 01:56:09.200] And I did an administrative process against them for the wrongful actions under 28 U.S.C. 1333 and 1337 under Admiralty Maritime. [01:56:09.200 --> 01:56:11.200] I got a $52 million lien against them. [01:56:11.200 --> 01:56:14.200] But I recorded it under UCC 1. [01:56:14.200 --> 01:56:17.200] There was no problem in Washington State. [01:56:17.200 --> 01:56:20.200] I got it up off the field in the state of Missouri, had no problems. [01:56:20.200 --> 01:56:22.200] I actually issued it. [01:56:22.200 --> 01:56:23.200] Okay. [01:56:23.200 --> 01:56:24.200] I actually issued it. [01:56:24.200 --> 01:56:28.200] Ricky, Ricky, listen, we literally have about one minute left. [01:56:28.200 --> 01:56:33.200] So can you help us wrap it up here? [01:56:33.200 --> 01:56:37.200] I would like to also just get a comment from Mike from Austin who's also calling in. [01:56:37.200 --> 01:56:42.200] And you're also welcome to call back in and explain this whole situation further. [01:56:42.200 --> 01:56:46.200] But anyway, I'm just letting you know we're very short on time here. [01:56:46.200 --> 01:56:49.200] So please help us wrap it up. [01:56:49.200 --> 01:57:01.200] Well, what I'm trying to figure out is how a person doing a private administrative process and everything can be in violation of statute law. [01:57:01.200 --> 01:57:04.200] Okay, we don't have time to get to that on this show. [01:57:04.200 --> 01:57:08.200] Yeah, that's going to be a huge conversation. [01:57:08.200 --> 01:57:12.200] We need to talk about that at like the beginning of the show. [01:57:12.200 --> 01:57:15.200] We've got about 45 seconds left. [01:57:15.200 --> 01:57:17.200] Rick, please call back in. [01:57:17.200 --> 01:57:20.200] I'm going to go to Mike in Austin now. [01:57:20.200 --> 01:57:23.200] Mike, you've got about 30 seconds. [01:57:23.200 --> 01:57:26.200] Do you have any question or comment for our guests quickly? [01:57:26.200 --> 01:57:28.200] No, unfortunately I don't have a question or comment. [01:57:28.200 --> 01:57:36.200] I saw about five years in the federal system for cultivation of marijuana back from 1996 to about 2000. [01:57:36.200 --> 01:57:41.200] I saw rampant neglect and abuse in the medical system. [01:57:41.200 --> 01:57:46.200] I saw one man die for sure, but I saw many even in my own situation. [01:57:46.200 --> 01:57:53.200] I saw them giving injections of what they call flu vaccine in Fort Dix, New Jersey. [01:57:53.200 --> 01:57:56.200] And I didn't get one, but everybody told me they were all dirty. [01:57:56.200 --> 01:57:57.200] They were outdated. [01:57:57.200 --> 01:58:01.200] The food in this system is old food bought from McDonald's and places like that. [01:58:01.200 --> 01:58:03.200] It's out of code. [01:58:03.200 --> 01:58:07.200] I mean, it's a terrible, horrible when you're in there and you're sick. [01:58:07.200 --> 01:58:08.200] I know. [01:58:08.200 --> 01:58:10.200] That's why we have to do something about Sherry. [01:58:10.200 --> 01:58:11.200] Okay, listen, I'm sorry. [01:58:11.200 --> 01:58:12.200] We're at the end of the show. [01:58:12.200 --> 01:58:14.200] Endless fraud detection. [01:58:14.200 --> 01:58:18.200] Steve and Neil are coming up right after this. [01:58:18.200 --> 01:58:21.200] Lou, do you have any closing comments for us, please? [01:58:21.200 --> 01:58:23.200] And certainly we want you back. [01:58:23.200 --> 01:58:30.200] The first thing I would say to people is to do the best you can to educate yourself to the law. [01:58:30.200 --> 01:58:37.200] And by doing that, and don't listen to people that have their own theory. [01:58:37.200 --> 01:58:41.200] If it doesn't fit in the law, stay away from it. [01:58:41.200 --> 01:58:42.200] Wonderful. [01:58:42.200 --> 01:58:43.200] Wonderful. [01:58:43.200 --> 01:58:44.200] Perfect. [01:58:44.200 --> 01:58:47.200] All right, Lou, definitely want to have you back on again. [01:58:47.200 --> 01:58:48.200] Okay, love. [01:58:48.200 --> 01:58:58.200] All right, well, listeners, stay tuned for endless fraud detection, Steve Skidmore and Neil Switkowski coming up right after this. [01:59:48.200 --> 01:59:52.200] Thank you. [01:59:52.200 --> 02:00:19.200] Thank you.