[00:00.000 --> 00:28.240] Okay, we're back special special case of over time all right [00:28.240 --> 00:34.080] because I'm I don't have a client tonight I do have to make a living [00:34.080 --> 00:39.240] sometimes so I do studio work for clients late nights but I don't have a [00:39.240 --> 00:43.280] client tonight so we can do the overtime mode for a little while all right I've [00:43.280 --> 00:50.000] we've got four we've got we've got four callers line okay three callers on the [00:50.000 --> 00:54.800] line we've got Jeff from Maryland Ron from California Jesse from Texas and [00:54.800 --> 00:59.520] another caller that wants to know it looks like he's just listening because [00:59.520 --> 01:08.480] the listener line switches over to Alex Jones replays at midnight so okay so he [01:08.480 --> 01:13.280] wants to he's listening and he wants to know about more about Mike's CD okay so [01:13.280 --> 01:24.280] let's first let's go to Jesse in Texas I'm sorry Jeff from Maryland and says [01:24.280 --> 01:27.200] that when he's one of Mike's friends Jeff thanks for calling in what's your [01:27.200 --> 01:31.840] quote what's your question for our guest well I was you know I had promised Mike [01:31.840 --> 01:38.640] that I would call in oh it's Jeff Sedgwick hey how's it going if I saw [01:38.640 --> 01:42.560] something that didn't get covered that I thought ought to be covered that would [01:42.560 --> 01:47.800] call in and slip a little reminder in there and sure enough just before the [01:47.800 --> 02:00.520] call ended he mentioned overshadowing so I was already locked in but at the same [02:00.520 --> 02:07.720] time I've listened to about 90% of the call or the broadcast but but I I don't [02:07.720 --> 02:13.120] remember if Mike mentioned what the young lady in Oklahoma did to the debt [02:13.120 --> 02:25.200] collector just prior to having launched her suit Mike do you remember hello oh [02:25.200 --> 02:28.760] wait hold on hold on somehow he got muted I don't know how that happened I [02:28.760 --> 02:36.400] didn't I don't see him oh he's gone okay hold on all right well hold on yeah [02:36.400 --> 02:41.520] it's your fault Jeff you called in you didn't kill him with the he saw yeah he [02:41.520 --> 02:45.840] heard your voice and hung up what's the deal [02:45.840 --> 02:54.400] hold on hold on okay well he might do he call in on his mobile because it may [02:54.400 --> 02:59.400] have run out of battery yeah he's he's calling back yeah he called he called [02:59.400 --> 03:04.860] back in he called back okay great yeah okay so he kind of [03:04.860 --> 03:11.840] Mike you there I'm here okay great great you you're just voice and hung up [03:11.840 --> 03:14.720] yeah that's it [03:16.720 --> 03:22.480] how are you I call him he wants he demands to know what it is why I'm [03:22.480 --> 03:31.760] calling what do I want you know you and I it prior to the beginning of broadcast [03:31.760 --> 03:36.880] had a little brief conversation and what you said if I saw any small detail that [03:36.880 --> 03:40.080] I thought was significant that I would call in and remind you of it and I [03:40.080 --> 03:44.160] called in to remind you of overshadowing and just before the end of the call you [03:44.160 --> 03:50.480] handled it yeah yeah exactly and as I was telling [03:50.480 --> 04:01.440] Deborah and Randy and Eddie I was on 90% of the call so I don't know if you [04:01.440 --> 04:07.920] actually handled or spoke to what the young lady in Oklahoma did just prior to [04:07.920 --> 04:15.540] the lead the litigation and no I didn't know about so much but yeah I I could [04:15.540 --> 04:21.680] speak on that if you want me to I think you should because you know it's it goes [04:21.680 --> 04:29.840] to employing just a little bit of ingenuity yeah and and before I surrender [04:29.840 --> 04:38.680] here just to expand on the uses of this yeah Mike and I or it has set up an HOA [04:38.680 --> 04:47.680] attorney to be taken into federal court on the FDCPA at the same time we're [04:47.680 --> 04:53.760] going in on the FDCPA we're dragging state law for felonious slander of title [04:53.760 --> 05:03.800] in with it yeah so it is a it is a multi-pronged multi-faceted way of [05:03.800 --> 05:11.360] dealing with things so just you know just to let your listening audience does [05:11.360 --> 05:15.800] it this has more this more than just say car loans or credit cards this can be [05:15.800 --> 05:20.080] employed in a number of different directions yeah in the meantime yeah go [05:20.080 --> 05:23.320] ahead take it away with the I'm not going to miss your name that's going to [05:23.320 --> 05:28.240] be up to you right right right well the first name is okay her name is Marcy and [05:28.240 --> 05:35.160] she's young lady and I said 35 she's in law school and she's not going to be a [05:35.160 --> 05:43.480] lawyer but she's in law school anyway she loves to research stuff and I would [05:43.480 --> 05:49.000] not want to come up against her arguing because she's pretty aggressive okay and [05:49.000 --> 05:54.640] but she's to the she's to the facts of things that's what I like about her she [05:54.640 --> 06:00.560] just you know why are you doing this why are you doing it that way anyway she [06:00.560 --> 06:04.600] went after I talked about this case earlier they she had a claim in her [06:04.600 --> 06:08.640] credit report for two hundred and sixty eight dollars for a year for a loan she [06:08.640 --> 06:15.240] never had at some school she never went to and this credit card just debt [06:15.240 --> 06:21.440] collector was calling her corner out of Illinois and just harassing her not [06:21.440 --> 06:25.640] getting out of her credit report she took them into court and just before she [06:25.640 --> 06:29.160] took them into federal court she pulled a real fast one you know there's a lot [06:29.160 --> 06:33.760] of strategies you use and when you're up against these guys and you learn them [06:33.760 --> 06:37.440] and they really work she really pulled the fast one and the fast one she pulled [06:37.440 --> 06:44.800] was that she called every law firm in the surrounding Oklahoma City area where [06:44.800 --> 06:49.720] she lives that represents debt collectors and talk to them about her [06:49.720 --> 06:59.000] case and the point the point is is that is called a conflict of interest so the [06:59.000 --> 07:03.600] debt collector called them up and said I want you to handle this case for me and [07:03.600 --> 07:07.240] they brought him on she could immediately say he can't handle that [07:07.240 --> 07:13.520] case it's conflict of interest I thought that guy a couple of weeks ago so I [07:13.520 --> 07:18.120] don't know how many she called but she she was pretty focused on doing that to [07:18.120 --> 07:21.760] kind of stipend who they're going to get to represent them in the federal court I [07:21.760 --> 07:34.120] thought that was pretty neat so did I so now they have to hire someone out of the [07:34.120 --> 07:41.520] area she just increased their expenses exponentially yep yep and and no they [07:41.520 --> 07:45.360] got this and she's got a guy that don't even want to talk to her the lawyer [07:45.360 --> 07:53.280] doesn't even want to talk to her however he told her last week that his client is [07:53.280 --> 07:58.480] willing to settle and he should have a settlement offer in about two weeks [07:58.480 --> 08:12.880] and you know I walked her through some of the stuff she learned it and once you [08:12.880 --> 08:16.480] learn actually once you learn how to do this it's a lot of fun because you know [08:16.480 --> 08:19.280] you're here you just know what they're going to do and you know what they're [08:19.280 --> 08:26.640] going to say and and when you know that you can be prepared and it's like [08:26.640 --> 08:29.800] rolling out of bed in the morning you put your two feet on the floor that's it [08:29.800 --> 08:35.680] nothing gets simpler I'm a very aggressive person when it comes to this [08:35.680 --> 08:40.080] I suggest the people when you come up against these guys to go investigate them [08:40.080 --> 08:44.240] and see who you're coming up against debt collectors don't look at them in [08:44.240 --> 08:48.760] pacer and see how many times they've been sued now you really know who you're [08:48.760 --> 08:53.480] coming up against go check the lawyer that they hire go check him or her out [08:53.480 --> 09:00.120] in pacer and see if he's ever been in federal court a lot of stuff you can [09:00.120 --> 09:08.160] know and I put it very simply very old old saying know thy enemy know thy enemy [09:08.160 --> 09:11.440] and you know who you're coming up against this is the strategy that you [09:11.440 --> 09:27.080] use okay good we have a couple more call yeah do you have anything else Jeff no that's it okay great thank you thanks for calling in Jeff okay we are now [09:27.080 --> 09:33.840] going to Ron in California and I'm having a little bit of trouble here with [09:33.840 --> 09:45.400] my mouse Randy can you can you punch Ron in Randy yeah I'm punching him in okay [09:45.400 --> 09:49.600] great where'd he go for a second turn I was thinking your mouse is not the only [09:49.600 --> 09:55.640] problem you were having here somebody muted my mic and okay I got it I got it [09:55.640 --> 09:59.240] I got it Ron thanks for calling in what's your question for our guest Mike [09:59.240 --> 10:05.640] thanks everybody you're doing a great job the the 72 point ladder that you [10:05.640 --> 10:10.680] talked about for a notice of lawsuit yeah what else is in that what's the [10:10.680 --> 10:18.140] second part of that well it just basically says you know it's the open [10:18.140 --> 10:22.400] document says on the very top the notice of pending lawsuit nice and you know [10:22.400 --> 10:27.400] Roman style letters and 72 point then it drops down the bottom and it says you [10:27.400 --> 10:32.360] have until such-and-such a date to respond to this I will entertain your [10:32.360 --> 10:37.280] settlement agreement barring lack of response from you in this matter we will [10:37.280 --> 10:42.840] proceed to the federal courts to resolve and I might get a little wise essay in [10:42.840 --> 10:47.900] there excuse my English I'm sorry don't make the mistake of ignoring this the [10:47.900 --> 10:52.480] ball is in your court cure or be sued and I just sign it with my contact [10:52.480 --> 10:58.000] information underneath that's it and lay that over the top of the pin of the [10:58.000 --> 11:02.600] actual complaint and then they can decide what they want to do okay so what [11:02.600 --> 11:07.400] you're just doing is noticing them and then giving them what how many days [11:07.400 --> 11:15.760] secure 10 days 10 days and on the 11th day I go down a federal court and file [11:15.760 --> 11:24.200] okay and then now if they have to respond to you on the 11th day and they [11:24.200 --> 11:27.800] saw geez you know we were just you know okay well no problem you only only the [11:27.800 --> 11:32.040] court costs now so plus you know whatever settlement agreement we come to [11:32.040 --> 11:37.440] well you don't want to do it you know no problem we'll just move ahead in the [11:37.440 --> 11:40.480] federal court why would they be calling you up wanting to settle if they didn't [11:40.480 --> 11:43.920] want to do it you know that's their problem that they didn't respond in time [11:43.920 --> 11:48.480] not you mm-hmm in other words they're showing good faith at that point that [11:48.480 --> 11:52.400] they're serious about doing something about getting rid of the the issue [11:52.400 --> 11:57.200] exactly and and you're in one of the best federal court areas in the country [11:57.200 --> 12:04.760] the 10th Circuit out there is very very sympathetic to consumers really yeah [12:04.760 --> 12:11.240] well yeah I'm going to all the details but this entails my parents who's 91 [12:11.240 --> 12:17.360] years old and I thought my god I think that's going to elucidate some sympathy [12:17.360 --> 12:23.120] from oh yeah from the whole situation oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah banksters [12:23.120 --> 12:27.520] praying on elderly people yeah man that's not going to go over well at all [12:27.520 --> 12:33.560] well that's that's what I'm thinking so anyway I thank you folks and it's been a [12:33.560 --> 12:37.920] wonderful program and you guys are getting better and better and better and [12:37.920 --> 12:42.480] better oh thank you we appreciate that and have a good evening all right thank [12:42.480 --> 12:47.360] you right good night good night okay we got one more caller here on the line [12:47.360 --> 12:51.760] Jesse from Texas okay Jesse thanks for calling in what's your question for our [12:51.760 --> 12:59.600] guest well excellent show tonight and I just wanted to the correct spelling for [12:59.600 --> 13:07.800] the website on your remedy your remedy is in the law that's what just everything [13:07.800 --> 13:15.720] run together your remedy is in the law dot-com okay could you spell remedy for [13:15.720 --> 13:29.440] me R E M E D Y R E M E D Y remedy yep R E M E D Y remedy your remedy is [13:29.440 --> 13:34.560] in the law and when you go and sign up there there's no cost or anything [13:34.560 --> 13:41.280] involved they just they'll ask you your email address to register and then you'll [13:41.280 --> 13:45.760] get an email notice back saying you're all set to go and you'll be able to [13:45.760 --> 13:52.600] access the site and they do a lot there like we do here not as you know many [13:52.600 --> 13:58.520] hours but they do mortgage stuff they do fair credit that collection they do [13:58.520 --> 14:03.840] traffic tickets all that kind of stuff so the purpose of the email is that what [14:03.840 --> 14:08.240] once you get signed up there you'll get an email of the next show that's coming [14:08.240 --> 14:11.920] up but it just tells you hey we're going to be discussing this tonight if you're [14:11.920 --> 14:16.400] interested tune in and you know you're under no obligation to tune in but it's [14:16.400 --> 14:19.960] nice to know sometimes you get stuff in there that you're interested in real [14:19.960 --> 14:25.280] simple absolutely thank you and when you when you go in there you just go under [14:25.280 --> 14:29.400] information providers you'll see the button and you click on that you'll see [14:29.400 --> 14:34.040] all the names come up and I'm in that list I think there's about 10 or 15 names [14:34.040 --> 14:38.280] and there's information providers and you'll see my name you click on that [14:38.280 --> 14:46.880] you'll see the disk okay Mike what is your last name Mike M I R R A S [14:46.880 --> 14:56.680] Muris M I R R A S okay thank you all right thank you Jesse okay that's all [14:56.680 --> 15:00.880] the callers for tonight except there was one of the caller who didn't want to go [15:00.880 --> 15:05.920] in the air he just wanted more basically just more information about your CD yeah [15:05.920 --> 15:15.440] and I guess I had a question too is that can people pay with PayPal I don't know [15:15.440 --> 15:21.320] I think so I forgive me I don't know okay I guess I should have asked that [15:21.320 --> 15:29.400] question before I'm guessing they can but there's enough contact information [15:29.400 --> 15:34.280] there to you know to find out from the host of that site so on and so forth I [15:34.280 --> 15:40.000] never looked I never thought about it okay well I'm sure there's different [15:40.000 --> 15:44.920] payment options there's credit cards and I'm guessing that knowing the guy that [15:44.920 --> 15:50.280] runs this I'm pretty sure that he would have PayPal in there okay so do you want [15:50.280 --> 15:55.760] to give us any more information about your CD for our listener well it's [15:55.760 --> 16:01.600] available it's a step-by-step way of doing this stuff so obviously doesn't [16:01.600 --> 16:05.280] have everything we discussed in there because it would be a Bible by the time [16:05.280 --> 16:10.160] you got done with it but this gets you started it gets your feet wet it's [16:10.160 --> 16:15.960] mainly directed at the debt collectors there's different ways of handling the [16:15.960 --> 16:21.120] creditors as opposed to just debt collector versus just the creditor and [16:21.120 --> 16:25.640] then there's ways of handling the credit bureaus which we haven't even gotten [16:25.640 --> 16:30.240] into okay how do you sue the credit bureau how do you get them to do stuff [16:30.240 --> 16:36.920] and it's a little different all basically violations of fair credit a [16:36.920 --> 16:45.360] little bit different approach but that might be a call for another night and the [16:45.360 --> 16:51.320] document is very easy to read very easy to understand takes you through some [16:51.320 --> 16:55.360] situations it shows you the complaints what they look like it shows you the [16:55.360 --> 17:01.000] business plan to prepare for 26f even out the stuff in there for default [17:01.000 --> 17:05.480] judgment so if they don't answer in 20 days that document is there you could [17:05.480 --> 17:14.120] see what that looks like and also the competency document that you add to your [17:14.120 --> 17:18.680] default judgment that the point that the defendant is competent it's not a child [17:18.680 --> 17:24.280] etc etc and prepare all that stuff and you take it into the court and if they [17:24.280 --> 17:28.680] don't answer well you get yourself a default judgment that's in there what [17:28.680 --> 17:32.640] can you do with a default judgment is in there you know you can you can seize [17:32.640 --> 17:36.640] their bank accounts you can seize their their trucks if they got them you can [17:36.640 --> 17:41.320] seize furniture the best part I like about it what I would do if I got a [17:41.320 --> 17:46.080] default judgment the first thing I would do is I would contact Dun and Bradstreet [17:46.080 --> 17:51.480] and put the judgment in their credit report because you're the only one who [17:51.480 --> 17:56.360] can remove it there you go and I'll close on that note what's good for the [17:56.360 --> 18:00.960] goose is good for the gander for real yep all right well Mike thank you so [18:00.960 --> 18:04.920] very much and I just want to encourage all the listeners again to get Mike CD [18:04.920 --> 18:08.400] by the way we're not getting a cut off of this we just believe it's good [18:08.400 --> 18:14.400] information and you know for it's like $300 I mean most people will have at [18:14.400 --> 18:18.920] least that much headroom on their credit card so use up some of that headroom [18:18.920 --> 18:25.160] before you stop making the payment and get Mike CD and you know and for ours as [18:25.160 --> 18:30.080] well the seminar the webcast the we're gonna you know hopefully we'll be able [18:30.080 --> 18:33.520] to do the webinar if we have enough interest we certainly will be recording [18:33.520 --> 18:38.660] it and selling that after the fact and you know people for the cost of a [18:38.660 --> 18:42.160] speeding ticket and you know one speeding ticket and one failure to show [18:42.160 --> 18:48.320] proof of insurance you can learn how to basically never be harassed by these [18:48.320 --> 18:52.400] traffic issues again here at least in the state of Texas for sure and I'm sure [18:52.400 --> 18:58.040] this information will carry over to other states as well the print the basic [18:58.040 --> 19:02.600] principles surely will so I guarantee you the case law can be used in other [19:02.600 --> 19:06.920] states once we get done with it absolutely absolutely all right well [19:06.920 --> 19:12.960] thank you Mike very much for for joining us tonight we really really appreciate [19:12.960 --> 19:19.360] it and I guess that's that's all for this evening we will be back Monday night [19:19.360 --> 19:24.880] and folks definitely tune in Monday night we'll be having attorney Gary Crete [19:24.880 --> 19:31.440] join us to discuss the hearing the hearing that he's going to be attending [19:31.440 --> 19:36.280] on Monday representing his clients regarding the eligibility of Obama or [19:36.280 --> 19:58.280] the lack thereof to be president of the United States we'll see y'all Monday