[00:00.000 --> 00:09.240] According to whistleblowers, security guards employed by the Armour Group at the U.S. Embassy [00:09.240 --> 00:12.520] in Kabul were pressured to perform sex acts. [00:12.520 --> 00:18.160] A guard told ABC News it was mostly young guys fresh from the military who were told [00:18.160 --> 00:22.600] they had to participate, adding, they were not gay, but they knew what it took to get [00:22.600 --> 00:23.600] promoted. [00:23.600 --> 00:29.020] A branch of the Bank of America in Tampa, Florida refused to cash a check for an armless [00:29.020 --> 00:32.400] man because he could not provide a thumbprint. [00:32.400 --> 00:37.600] Steve Valdez said his treatment by the bank violated the U.S. Americans with Disabilities [00:37.600 --> 00:44.280] Act, requiring institutions to provide reasonable accommodation to disabled persons. [00:44.280 --> 00:49.640] NATO Secretary General Anders Fogg Rasmussen said Wednesday the alliance will remain committed [00:49.640 --> 00:54.800] to Afghanistan and must step up its effort there regardless of the outcome of contested [00:54.800 --> 00:56.720] presidential elections. [00:56.720 --> 01:05.880] Rasmussen said it was for Afghans to judge whether elections were credible. [01:05.880 --> 01:10.920] The conspiracy theory naming Israel as the mastermind behind the mysterious hijacking [01:10.920 --> 01:16.760] of the Russian freighter Arctic Sea in July appears to be gaining traction. [01:16.760 --> 01:22.500] The European Union's rapporteur on piracy, Admiral Tom Okutz, said the ship's disappearance [01:22.500 --> 01:27.920] before being retrieved by the Russian Navy bore the marks of an Israeli operation. [01:27.920 --> 01:32.440] Admiral Okutz said, as a sailor with years of experience, I can tell you that the official [01:32.440 --> 01:34.760] versions are not realistic. [01:34.760 --> 01:39.880] According to the official Russian explanation, the boat was hijacked by pirates who originally [01:39.880 --> 01:41.840] claimed to be environmentalists. [01:41.840 --> 01:48.200] However, numerous papers quoting various experts claim there was far more to the story. [01:48.200 --> 01:54.120] These experts cite the ship's not-sending-out-of-distress signal, President Shimon Peres' surprise [01:54.120 --> 01:59.200] visit to Russia shortly after the incident, and the length of time it took the Russian [01:59.200 --> 02:03.600] Navy to track down the freighter. [02:03.600 --> 02:08.040] Physicians for Human Rights says doctors and psychologists the CIA employed to monitor [02:08.040 --> 02:14.840] its enhanced interrogation of terror suspects may have committed unlawful human experimentation. [02:14.840 --> 02:20.800] PHR accuses doctors of being far more involved than hitherto understood. [02:20.800 --> 02:25.920] The group says health professionals participated at every stage in what it calls the CIA's [02:25.920 --> 02:27.960] secret torture program. [02:27.960 --> 02:34.120] The PHR's latest report, Aiding Torture, says doctors actively monitored the CIA's [02:34.120 --> 02:39.680] interrogation techniques with a view to determining their effectiveness using detainees without [02:39.680 --> 02:40.680] their consent. [02:40.680 --> 02:47.800] The report concludes that such data gathering was a practice that approaches unlawful experimentation. [02:47.800 --> 02:53.320] Human experimentation without consent has been prohibited since 1947 when the Nuremberg [02:53.320 --> 02:57.120] Code set down sacrosanct principles. [02:57.120 --> 03:04.280] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [03:04.280 --> 03:10.640] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy-to-understand 4-CD court [03:10.640 --> 03:14.280] course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step. [03:14.280 --> 03:18.800] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [03:18.800 --> 03:23.080] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [03:23.080 --> 03:27.880] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course and now you can too. [03:27.880 --> 03:33.720] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience. [03:33.720 --> 03:39.120] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about [03:39.120 --> 03:43.520] the principles and practices that control our American courts. [03:43.520 --> 03:49.720] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [03:49.720 --> 03:52.200] pro se tactics and much more. [03:52.200 --> 03:59.720] Please visit WTPRN.com and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ. [03:59.720 --> 04:08.560] You are listening to the Rule of Law Radio Network at RuleOfLawRadio.com. [04:08.560 --> 04:15.560] Live free speech talk radio at it's best. [05:08.560 --> 05:15.560] What are you going to do when they come for you? [05:38.560 --> 05:51.920] Bad boys, bad boys, what are you going to do when they come for you? [05:51.920 --> 05:57.920] Talking about those bad boys, the international banksters, guys that pulled off 9-11 and Oklahoma [05:57.920 --> 06:01.280] City bombing. [06:01.280 --> 06:05.200] They're causing great damage and harm, but we're doing something about it. [06:05.200 --> 06:09.840] Mandy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, Eddie Craig and we have a very special guest tonight. [06:09.840 --> 06:14.320] I'm turning the phones off so listeners, just so you know, we have a very special guest [06:14.320 --> 06:20.800] tonight, Steve, the financial analyst we had on a couple of weeks ago, actually last Friday. [06:20.800 --> 06:25.360] And he is going to be presenting some more material tonight and giving us an update on [06:25.360 --> 06:33.200] the financial status of basically the global economy, global economic system. [06:33.200 --> 06:35.760] And Steve, thank you very much for joining us again. [06:35.760 --> 06:37.880] We really appreciate having you back. [06:37.880 --> 06:45.680] And you wanted to start off with talking about confidence in the monetary system and new [06:45.680 --> 06:49.640] things that have been happening, recent developments on the international front. [06:49.640 --> 06:53.800] So can you please give us a little background here and lay it out for us? [06:53.800 --> 06:55.080] I'd be happy to. [06:55.080 --> 06:59.400] Thank you, Deborah, and thanks for having me back, by the way. [06:59.400 --> 07:05.560] Well, you know, everything that we deal with in the economy, our day-to-day transactions, [07:05.560 --> 07:10.640] when we save up our money to buy a house, when we buy a car, when we go to the grocery [07:10.640 --> 07:15.800] store, everything that we do inadvertently comes back to confidence. [07:15.800 --> 07:20.640] And a lot of times people don't see it that way because, you know, you swipe out your [07:20.640 --> 07:25.000] little card and swipe it through the machine, you write a check, you pay somebody with some [07:25.000 --> 07:31.600] little coupons, and you get to walk into a store and walk out with things, and there's [07:31.600 --> 07:35.280] no, you know, visible exchange of value. [07:35.280 --> 07:41.360] You might recognize, well, I just swiped out so many credits out of my debit account, which [07:41.360 --> 07:43.960] is kind of a weird way to say it. [07:43.960 --> 07:48.560] So in your mind, there's been some kind of an exchange. [07:48.560 --> 07:56.040] But the confidence really comes back to you believe that if I went to your store, you [07:56.040 --> 08:01.840] believe that if I give you those little green coupons that you're going to be able to cash [08:01.840 --> 08:06.080] them, that you're going to be able to turn around maybe that evening, maybe in a week, [08:06.080 --> 08:12.000] maybe in a month, maybe a year later, and use those little green coupons somewhere else [08:12.000 --> 08:15.080] to obtain something that you need for yourself. [08:15.080 --> 08:21.760] And the confidence you have in those coupons or in your debit card or whatever checks or [08:21.760 --> 08:28.360] whatever else you're using, that's what allows everybody to just, you know, wake up in the [08:28.360 --> 08:33.720] morning, go do their thing, do their work, come home, you know, live your life with your [08:33.720 --> 08:37.480] family, and keep everything efficient. [08:37.480 --> 08:43.720] If people were constantly questioning what the value of their currency, or in our case, [08:43.720 --> 08:48.680] our little green coupon, if everybody was constantly questioning that, it would be almost [08:48.680 --> 08:51.840] impossible to get anything done. [08:51.840 --> 08:56.200] And one of the things I really want to dwell upon tonight is there has been a boatload [08:56.200 --> 09:03.360] of just historic information and news that has come out in the last couple of days. [09:03.360 --> 09:08.480] And it's been almost two, it'll be like two weeks Friday since I was on your show. [09:08.480 --> 09:15.760] And to me, the entire economic landscape has changed since I spoke here last. [09:15.760 --> 09:20.440] And you know, I was thinking over and over again, how do I want to go about describing [09:20.440 --> 09:22.320] what I've seen? [09:22.320 --> 09:28.160] And you know, honestly, this stuff is sometimes complicated and boring, you know, sometimes [09:28.160 --> 09:33.640] it would be more exciting to go paint a ceiling somewhere and sit back and watch it dry than [09:33.640 --> 09:37.200] having to deal with all this economic stuff. [09:37.200 --> 09:41.640] The reason that I'm willing to do these shows, the reason I'm willing to always get up on [09:41.640 --> 09:46.720] a soapbox somewhere and talk is because I cannot stand watching people, especially good [09:46.720 --> 09:51.440] people, being ripped off on a constant basis. [09:51.440 --> 09:59.320] And going back to that confidence thing, I can't believe how bad everybody, including [09:59.320 --> 10:03.800] myself, you guys on the show, every person listening, and every person that they have [10:03.800 --> 10:09.200] ever met, how badly they are getting ripped off right now tonight. [10:09.200 --> 10:14.440] We're constantly told, like if you've been watching the media this week, we're constantly [10:14.440 --> 10:17.120] told how things are picking up. [10:17.120 --> 10:22.760] The markets are up over 56% since their bottom in March. [10:22.760 --> 10:29.200] We see all these wonderful things going on, and it comes down to confidence. [10:29.200 --> 10:35.240] People saw the market really sell off in the beginning of the year, and it did not collapse [10:35.240 --> 10:36.560] the system. [10:36.560 --> 10:41.480] People are still going to the store, people are still getting car loans, things are still [10:41.480 --> 10:45.200] happening, things are still working. [10:45.200 --> 10:51.240] But the odd thing is, like last time on the show, we discussed what happens when everybody [10:51.240 --> 10:54.240] runs to one side of the boat. [10:54.240 --> 11:00.200] You don't want to necessarily be along with the herd on every movement you make. [11:00.200 --> 11:05.040] If everybody you know is buying houses, it might not be a good time to buy a house. [11:05.040 --> 11:09.240] If everybody you know is investing in Internet stocks, it might not be a good time to do [11:09.240 --> 11:11.320] that as well. [11:11.320 --> 11:16.760] I know those are kind of passe examples, but they're examples that everybody in the last [11:16.760 --> 11:21.280] eight years has lived through, both of those. [11:21.280 --> 11:26.160] In the confidence, it seems to be eroding on a daily basis. [11:26.160 --> 11:30.160] In my mind, it went into hyperdrive just this very week. [11:30.160 --> 11:34.640] Two of the biggest stories that I want to talk about. [11:34.640 --> 11:42.040] China has been giving blurbs out to the media, either directly or indirectly, that they are [11:42.040 --> 11:46.840] going to begin reneging on over-the-counter derivative contracts. [11:46.840 --> 11:49.840] These are called OTC derivatives. [11:49.840 --> 11:55.680] These derivatives could be something simple, like going to the New York Mercantile Exchange [11:55.680 --> 12:04.480] or the Chicago Board of Exchange and using futures or options to purchase or to sell [12:04.480 --> 12:10.320] gold or silver or soybeans or whatever else you can think of. [12:10.320 --> 12:14.640] A lot of these over-the-counter derivatives are done without regulation. [12:14.640 --> 12:20.320] They're done between private companies, between companies and governments, between governments [12:20.320 --> 12:22.400] and governments. [12:22.400 --> 12:29.600] In a lot of these over-the-counter derivatives, nobody has any idea what's really going on [12:29.600 --> 12:31.320] in these agreements. [12:31.320 --> 12:37.640] Now, just like any issue, it has a, you know, like a coin, it has a head and a tail. [12:37.640 --> 12:41.360] There's always two sides to every story. [12:41.360 --> 12:44.400] If you look at the derivatives and what they're supposed to do. [12:44.400 --> 12:52.360] They're supposed to give two parties an equal opportunity to offset risk, which is a fancy [12:52.360 --> 12:59.840] way of saying they're both going to the casino, and one of the two is going to wind up in [12:59.840 --> 13:02.640] a better financial position than the other. [13:02.640 --> 13:08.680] Now, sometimes that's direct and sometimes it's indirect, but these financial derivatives [13:08.680 --> 13:15.360] again, using the casino analogy, whenever somebody walks up to the table in places of [13:15.360 --> 13:22.160] bet, confidence is what allows them to walk up to the table in the first place. [13:22.160 --> 13:26.480] They believe that if they go and enter into one of these positions or enter into one of [13:26.480 --> 13:32.160] these contracts, that there will be a fair price, a timely exchange. [13:32.160 --> 13:39.880] If the counterparty, in one fashion or another, will be guaranteed to be able to pay whatever [13:39.880 --> 13:43.960] might come up through the contract or through the agreement. [13:43.960 --> 13:48.680] Now, I've read a couple different takes. [13:48.680 --> 13:53.440] I've read a couple different takes on this China derivative story. [13:53.440 --> 14:01.200] And in one story that I read on, I think it was the AP Newswire, they made it sound like [14:01.200 --> 14:09.320] China, the nation, had come out and said, we're going to allow these contracts to default, [14:09.320 --> 14:19.040] which means individual companies within China have purchased OTC derivatives from New York [14:19.040 --> 14:25.600] banks, or from United States banks, and that these positions in China are underwater, which [14:25.600 --> 14:30.720] means our bankers are winning, their people are losing. [14:30.720 --> 14:35.520] In the Chinese, in this one example, they've said, we're going to allow these companies [14:35.520 --> 14:41.080] to default and not punish them, because we suspect something isn't right with the contract, [14:41.080 --> 14:47.600] they weren't explained, the risk wasn't really explained well and told in its entirety. [14:47.600 --> 14:52.760] So there's some contract issues there. [14:52.760 --> 14:59.680] Another way I've heard that story reported was that China as a country is giving the chin [14:59.680 --> 15:05.440] flip, so to speak, to individual companies and entities, like sovereign wealth funds [15:05.440 --> 15:12.000] and the like, to also be able to renege on derivative contracts. [15:12.000 --> 15:19.720] Again, confidence is the name of the game, and when confidence begins to erode, you start [15:19.720 --> 15:23.760] having some very serious problems in the economic world. [15:23.760 --> 15:32.280] Now, when China, being our largest creditor, being our chief country of import, when we [15:32.280 --> 15:37.840] go to the store and buy something, 60, 80% of all the product you're ever going to see [15:37.840 --> 15:46.760] on the shelves are made in Asia or China specifically, regardless of how junky they are. [15:46.760 --> 15:52.080] If we have a country that's as large as China, who has as much money on hand as China, who [15:52.080 --> 15:59.440] buys as much of our debt and helps us finance our budget deficit, helps buy our treasury [15:59.440 --> 16:07.560] bonds and bills and notes, it's not a good idea for us as a citizenry or heaven forbid [16:07.560 --> 16:12.640] for our government to come out and start poking our number one bank or our biggest creditor [16:12.640 --> 16:14.700] in the eye. [16:14.700 --> 16:22.040] So when our biggest creditor starts announcing whether it's the country by itself and giving [16:22.040 --> 16:27.820] sanction to the people who live there, or whether it's giving the okay or the nod for [16:27.820 --> 16:35.000] individual companies or entities or wealth funds to renege on contracts, we're talking [16:35.000 --> 16:41.680] about setting up a precedent we don't really even want to have to deal with, but I think [16:41.680 --> 16:44.560] we're about to. [16:44.560 --> 16:51.720] Within 48 hours of this story breaking, gold and silver have been on a tear ever since. [16:51.720 --> 16:58.640] On the last call we had, we talked about silver and gold, gold in particular, having a kind [16:58.640 --> 17:05.280] of like a sideways tightened coil spring formation where the price kept moving in narrower and [17:05.280 --> 17:13.140] narrower bands in a smaller and smaller trading range, and we discussed that these precious [17:13.140 --> 17:19.640] metals prices could, if the powers that be wanted it to, they could easily be manipulated [17:19.640 --> 17:21.960] to the downside. [17:21.960 --> 17:27.280] We also talked about, you know, safe ways of dealing with that, and I'd like to refresh [17:27.280 --> 17:32.400] on that later, but I want to stay on this confidence theme as long as I can. [17:32.400 --> 17:34.560] Sure, go ahead. [17:34.560 --> 17:39.680] When the government decided to, the Chinese government decided to start playing this game, [17:39.680 --> 17:47.120] within 48 hours we saw gold over the last 48 hour period go up almost $50 an ounce. [17:47.120 --> 17:50.600] We saw silver up about $1.65. [17:50.600 --> 17:56.560] These are huge moves, but I think this might be just the tip of the iceberg. [17:56.560 --> 18:02.680] When China decides to shake things up, I don't think this is a coincidence and I don't think [18:02.680 --> 18:06.400] this was a random act. [18:06.400 --> 18:12.440] Unlike the government in the United States of America, China has long term objectives. [18:12.440 --> 18:17.520] They don't think in what is this quarter's numbers going to look like? [18:17.520 --> 18:22.680] What will this two year cycle for the election cycle or the four year presidential cycle, [18:22.680 --> 18:28.000] what is that going to look like so we can gear everything up to look as good as possible [18:28.000 --> 18:29.000] for the election? [18:29.000 --> 18:36.760] As an example, in the United States we have the bailout money, something like north of [18:36.760 --> 18:43.880] $700 billion was supposed to be appropriated to help boost the economy and to get people [18:43.880 --> 18:50.360] working and to get commerce going again after the massive shake up in confidence that occurred [18:50.360 --> 18:56.520] when we saw the banks just disintegrating before our eyes from the middle of last year [18:56.520 --> 18:59.400] to about March of this year. [18:59.400 --> 19:05.840] It's really funny that the bulk of the stimulus plan was penned from the day it was conceived [19:05.840 --> 19:12.960] to not really kick into gear until after 2010 had begun which just happens to coincide with [19:12.960 --> 19:16.680] another major election cycle. [19:16.680 --> 19:22.280] So when China makes a statement, believe me folks, they don't just come out and give [19:22.280 --> 19:29.240] a little news blurb or a sound bite to try to sway public opinion for a couple of days. [19:29.240 --> 19:36.240] These people are master chess players and frankly they leave our politicians in the [19:36.240 --> 19:43.360] dust as far as their candor, their stature, how they go about running a country and even [19:43.360 --> 19:49.400] though they're not American and they don't have a democratic republic like we do, they're [19:49.400 --> 19:53.920] communists, for one reason or another they seem to be doing a little bit better of a [19:53.920 --> 19:57.360] job as of late than we are. [19:57.360 --> 20:03.040] And the part that really gets me is this whole confidence thing of them doing this right [20:03.040 --> 20:07.540] now at this period of time, again, is no coincidence. [20:07.540 --> 20:09.960] What are they really trying to do? [20:09.960 --> 20:14.600] I think that they're trying to employ the art of war mentality. [20:14.600 --> 20:20.600] It's a great book for any of the few people I'm sure who are listening tonight who haven't [20:20.600 --> 20:22.640] read it or heard about it. [20:22.640 --> 20:28.200] It's Sun Tzu, The Art of War. [20:28.200 --> 20:35.560] They're using tactics that our people, our politicians, don't really see because they're [20:35.560 --> 20:41.440] done very slowly, they're done with a tactician's grace. [20:41.440 --> 20:44.920] And when they came out and said that they're not going to be backing up these derivatives [20:44.920 --> 20:52.400] or that they would even allow it to occur, this is a major shakeup that won't play out [20:52.400 --> 20:59.240] necessarily in the public reality realm, maybe for a month, maybe for up to six months. [20:59.240 --> 21:05.600] But what it has done without one shadow of a doubt, it has rocked the entire global confidence [21:05.600 --> 21:07.600] game. [21:07.600 --> 21:14.760] Now just a few days ago, and I actually came across this by accident, on August the 29th, [21:14.760 --> 21:25.520] or I'm sorry, August the 28th, the International Monetary Fund said it had pumped $250 billion [21:25.520 --> 21:31.880] into a foreign exchange reserves worldwide, acting on an April call from leaders of the [21:31.880 --> 21:36.000] group of 20 nations to boost global liquidity. [21:36.000 --> 21:41.520] All right, let that sink in for a second. [21:41.520 --> 21:45.640] The IMF just created money. [21:45.640 --> 21:48.920] The IMF was supposed to be a clearing agency. [21:48.920 --> 21:54.320] This was supposed to be an international bank of exchange. [21:54.320 --> 22:02.160] I was never aware up until seeing this article in Bloomberg that the IMF actually had the [22:02.160 --> 22:06.840] money to create global currency. [22:06.840 --> 22:15.560] I think on the 28th day of August, we have seen the birth of the global central bank. [22:15.560 --> 22:22.400] Now maybe this isn't Goliath running into your front room, but Goliath sure as heck [22:22.400 --> 22:26.120] did just stick his big toe in your front door. [22:26.120 --> 22:31.720] And once that door is jammed, you're not getting enclosed again. [22:31.720 --> 22:36.800] On the last show, we spoke a lot about inflation, and inflation and confidence kind of go hand [22:36.800 --> 22:38.400] in hand. [22:38.400 --> 22:43.200] The more people believe that their currency, that the little green coupons we exchange [22:43.200 --> 22:48.920] back and forth in America that hold a constant value, as long as they believe that those [22:48.920 --> 22:56.840] numbers will be relatively the same six months or a year from now, commerce acts normally. [22:56.840 --> 23:03.600] The funny thing is, though, there is so much more money created than the value of all the [23:03.600 --> 23:04.600] goods. [23:04.600 --> 23:10.200] And I know that sounds really funny, but if you think about it, I've heard estimates [23:10.200 --> 23:19.680] that all the real estate in the United States is worth somewhere between $50 and $60 trillion. [23:19.680 --> 23:29.880] But the banks, the five largest banks in the United States, hold $500 trillion worth of [23:29.880 --> 23:34.080] derivatives in notional value on their books. [23:34.080 --> 23:42.120] So how can you have five banks that have 10 times the amount of liquidity just created [23:42.120 --> 23:43.120] out of thin air? [23:43.120 --> 23:48.960] And these digits are floating around between one business's account and another business's [23:48.960 --> 23:55.680] account and your account, Deborah, and my accounts and whomever. [23:55.680 --> 23:59.960] And nobody really believes that all of a sudden they're going to wake up one day and their [23:59.960 --> 24:05.000] money will be extremely devalued, or there will be a banking holiday, or there's going [24:05.000 --> 24:10.520] to be an emergency, because right now, tonight, confidence is still there. [24:10.520 --> 24:13.160] Why it is, I'm not really sure. [24:13.160 --> 24:17.440] I could speculate on a host of different things, and frankly, I don't even want to go there [24:17.440 --> 24:22.000] because I don't want to start throwing insults around. [24:22.000 --> 24:29.320] But if people don't have confidence in their currency, they do what you hear about being [24:29.320 --> 24:32.040] done in Banana Republic countries. [24:32.040 --> 24:35.040] They get their paycheck and they don't put it in the bank. [24:35.040 --> 24:40.960] They run to the bank, they cash their check, they spend every penny as fast as humanly [24:40.960 --> 24:41.960] possible. [24:41.960 --> 24:46.880] And they do it because they have no idea what the value of their coupons are going to be [24:46.880 --> 24:47.880] by tomorrow. [24:47.880 --> 24:56.440] And this brings up some very strange things, because we owe the Chinese through the Treasury's [24:56.440 --> 24:59.640] bonds, bills, and notes. [24:59.640 --> 25:07.680] They have over $2 trillion worth of our paper debt products on their books, and if China [25:07.680 --> 25:14.200] suddenly walks in and starts shattering everybody's confidence, this, to me, only means one of [25:14.200 --> 25:15.200] two things. [25:15.200 --> 25:20.080] China has either completely lost their mind and are just freaking out and they're being [25:20.080 --> 25:29.440] run by a bunch of renegade leaders, or they've initiated the first money shot heard around [25:29.440 --> 25:32.000] the world. [25:32.000 --> 25:37.960] If the latter is true, that means we could very well possibly be entering into a financial [25:37.960 --> 25:40.800] war. [25:40.800 --> 25:47.840] And frankly, we're in no position to fight any more wars of any kind, let alone a financial [25:47.840 --> 25:57.480] war, while our financial system has deep scars in it, while the average consumer is strapped, [25:57.480 --> 26:05.680] maxed out, our manufacturing is collapsing, and we have a host of other problems. [26:05.680 --> 26:14.480] And if China has elected to use economics as bullets or bombs, then Sun Tzu's art of [26:14.480 --> 26:18.840] war is indeed taking place right before our very eyes. [26:18.840 --> 26:23.680] And if they could shake up our country, if they could dismantle the confidence that we [26:23.680 --> 26:31.200] have in our own currency, in each other, in each other's ability to pay and honor contracts [26:31.200 --> 26:37.920] and obligations already laid out, they will get us to fight each other and bicker amongst [26:37.920 --> 26:43.320] ourselves and not be bickering and fighting them. [26:43.320 --> 26:49.760] That's one of the key objectives in the art of war. [26:49.760 --> 26:52.200] The divide and conquer. [26:52.200 --> 26:54.240] Absolutely divide and conquer. [26:54.240 --> 26:58.720] If they can keep us divided, we don't speak with one voice. [26:58.720 --> 27:03.240] We speak with two, and two voices never get heard. [27:03.240 --> 27:06.280] It's only the one. [27:06.280 --> 27:12.080] So one of the things that really makes me say, you know, how real is this? [27:12.080 --> 27:16.040] You know, I was watching these things and really getting into stuff. [27:16.040 --> 27:21.480] My wife and I rarely ever watch TV, but we do like to rent some movies once in a while. [27:21.480 --> 27:26.040] And I just, you know, felt a little mentally burdened by some of the stuff I was picking [27:26.040 --> 27:33.360] up in the news this week, like just the two stories I've mentioned more to get into. [27:33.360 --> 27:38.480] I ran over to a movie rental place and picked up a movie for us to watch. [27:38.480 --> 27:42.360] My wife and I kind of liked suspense thriller stuff. [27:42.360 --> 27:48.080] We picked up a really interesting movie called The International with Clive Owen and Naomi [27:48.080 --> 27:50.880] Watts. [27:50.880 --> 27:52.440] And I'll tell you something, folks. [27:52.440 --> 27:57.680] I was just sitting on the edge of my seat about halfway through the movie till the end, [27:57.680 --> 28:04.040] almost giggling, because one of the things I've noticed is the powers that be will take [28:04.040 --> 28:10.400] what they're about to do to you, and they will put it right in your face. [28:10.400 --> 28:11.560] They will tell you about it. [28:11.560 --> 28:13.800] They will give you hints about it. [28:13.800 --> 28:19.320] And then once the event occurs, they'll deny up and down a blue streak that they ever knew [28:19.320 --> 28:22.400] anything like that could have ever happened. [28:22.400 --> 28:27.080] And even though the evidence is already out there, people turn on the regular mainstream [28:27.080 --> 28:33.200] news, they see and hear about the cover story or the excuse of the day, and then they go [28:33.200 --> 28:37.960] right back to sleep and say, well, of course, that can't happen here. [28:37.960 --> 28:45.360] One of the greatest things that I heard in this movie, The International, was the main [28:45.360 --> 28:50.600] character was receiving from a guy he was interviewing who was supposed to be the head [28:50.600 --> 28:52.600] of a major bank. [28:52.600 --> 28:56.320] And he was trying to find, and I don't want to give too much of this away. [28:56.320 --> 29:00.200] That's why I'm being kind of coy about it, just in case nobody else has seen it. [29:00.200 --> 29:04.960] Well, one of the things he got out of this guy he was interviewing to try to get to the [29:04.960 --> 29:13.040] bottom of his case, the banker said, you know, you're trying to find little minutia here [29:13.040 --> 29:15.760] to make your case. [29:15.760 --> 29:21.880] And the reality is none of it matters at all, because the people who are driving these things, [29:21.880 --> 29:27.600] the people who are making the rules, aren't necessarily doing it for fame. [29:27.600 --> 29:31.720] They're not doing it because they want more power directly. [29:31.720 --> 29:33.920] They just want to control everything. [29:33.920 --> 29:37.640] They're going to break already? [29:37.640 --> 29:38.640] Yep. [29:38.640 --> 29:40.680] They definitely want to control everything. [29:40.680 --> 29:42.160] All right. [29:42.160 --> 29:44.200] We are going to break, a short break. [29:44.200 --> 29:46.720] Steve, just hang on there. [29:46.720 --> 29:52.420] Listeners, we're not going to take calls right now because we want our guest to lay out his [29:52.420 --> 29:54.480] information and his material. [29:54.480 --> 29:56.280] So we'll be right back. [29:56.280 --> 30:01.320] This is the rule of law, Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, and our special guest, Steve. [30:01.320 --> 30:05.160] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [30:05.160 --> 30:11.880] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course [30:11.880 --> 30:15.800] that will show you how in 24 hours, step by step. [30:15.800 --> 30:19.640] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [30:19.640 --> 30:23.760] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [30:23.760 --> 30:28.760] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [30:28.760 --> 30:34.640] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience. [30:34.640 --> 30:40.080] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the [30:40.080 --> 30:43.920] principles and practices that control our American courts. [30:43.920 --> 30:50.520] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [30:50.520 --> 30:53.160] pro se tactics, and much more. [30:53.160 --> 31:00.160] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ. [32:53.360 --> 33:04.200] the law instead of abusing the power. [33:04.200 --> 33:09.380] You know they act like they're judging jewelry, but Mr. Officer, you're supposed to protect [33:09.380 --> 33:15.380] me, uphold the law and do it properly, and the citizens of this country wouldn't be so [33:15.380 --> 33:16.380] angry. [33:16.380 --> 33:23.380] They beat the man for nothing So officer, don't you realize [33:23.380 --> 33:28.380] People are tired of your lies So when you're gonna stop abuse [33:28.380 --> 33:34.380] You're power When you're gonna stop abuse [33:34.380 --> 33:39.380] You're power When you're gonna stop abuse [33:39.380 --> 33:45.380] You're power When you're gonna stop abuse [33:45.380 --> 33:50.380] You're power So hey officer, stop abusing your power [33:50.380 --> 33:56.380] Your job is to uphold the law But hey officer, you're not doing your job [33:56.380 --> 34:01.380] You're abusing the citizens every hour They say you have the right to be silent [34:01.380 --> 34:07.380] So silence, I'm gonna stay, sir I wanna speak to the lawyer [34:07.380 --> 34:12.380] Mr. Officer You're acting like you're the judge [34:12.380 --> 34:15.380] I feel like you're the jury [34:43.380 --> 34:47.380] Well, technically they can't ever stop abusing the power [34:47.380 --> 34:51.380] Because it's kind of like a Ponzi scheme [34:51.380 --> 34:55.380] Once you begin the lies, once you begin telling a falsehood [34:55.380 --> 34:59.380] You have to tell two more falsehoods to cover the first one [34:59.380 --> 35:02.380] And then it just becomes a vicious cycle [35:02.380 --> 35:06.380] And in the movie, like we were describing before the break [35:06.380 --> 35:12.380] This person that the head character was interviewing [35:12.380 --> 35:15.380] You know, he brought up this whole thing about the banks [35:15.380 --> 35:18.380] And really the bottom line of what he said was [35:18.380 --> 35:23.380] The banks just want to control all the debt [35:23.380 --> 35:26.380] They don't care who's fighting whom [35:26.380 --> 35:29.380] They don't care what the outcome is [35:29.380 --> 35:37.380] They get all the control whether somebody wins or somebody loses by controlling all the debt [35:37.380 --> 35:45.380] Because like we talked about in the last show that you guys have on the archives [35:45.380 --> 35:49.380] All the debt that we have is created out of thin air [35:49.380 --> 35:54.380] Because we don't have a gold standard or constitutional money to fall back on [35:54.380 --> 35:59.380] We use this joke today called legal tender and try walking into a court [35:59.380 --> 36:04.380] And bringing up the money issue and watch how fast that just gets blown to pieces [36:04.380 --> 36:07.380] Because legal tender is legally accepted law [36:07.380 --> 36:11.380] And until the people of this country get off the couch [36:11.380 --> 36:15.380] And start realizing how badly they're being ripped off and lied to [36:15.380 --> 36:17.380] You're never going to have any change [36:17.380 --> 36:20.380] There is no change you can believe in [36:20.380 --> 36:25.380] And you keep getting fed the exact same lies day after day [36:25.380 --> 36:28.380] And the amount of control that these bankers have [36:28.380 --> 36:32.380] Is one of the most insidious and evil I could ever imagine [36:32.380 --> 36:37.380] Because if you had somebody break into your home, Deborah [36:37.380 --> 36:42.380] You might actually get to see the assailant or the person coming into your home [36:42.380 --> 36:45.380] They actually have to have some guts [36:45.380 --> 36:48.380] And they have to take the risk of breaking in and making noise [36:48.380 --> 36:52.380] And getting caught or shot or whatever [36:52.380 --> 36:57.380] There's a risk involved and they physically have to do something [36:57.380 --> 36:59.380] When a banker wants to rip you off [36:59.380 --> 37:01.380] All he has to do is break out the keyboard [37:01.380 --> 37:05.380] I always have this vision in my head of little Timmy Geithner [37:05.380 --> 37:08.380] The head of the treasury [37:08.380 --> 37:10.380] Going into a little cave of evil [37:10.380 --> 37:14.380] And sitting down at the typewriter and hitting little buttons and giggling [37:14.380 --> 37:17.380] And some like Yoda-like laugh [37:17.380 --> 37:22.380] And wiping out the value of everything that we've worked for [37:22.380 --> 37:24.380] And they make money out of thin air [37:24.380 --> 37:27.380] But the key to all of this [37:27.380 --> 37:30.380] And I really mean it, it's just this simple [37:30.380 --> 37:34.380] When the central bank and now the global central bank [37:34.380 --> 37:36.380] Creates money out of thin air [37:36.380 --> 37:39.380] They do it always through a debt instrument [37:39.380 --> 37:45.380] There's an interest penalty applied to it somewhere [37:45.380 --> 37:49.380] Remember if I create money and loan it to you at interest [37:49.380 --> 37:52.380] At like 10% a year and I give you a note for 10 years [37:52.380 --> 37:56.380] That means if you borrowed $1,000 from me tonight [37:56.380 --> 38:01.380] 10 years and one day later you owe me double [38:01.380 --> 38:06.380] But if I never created the money to pay the interest [38:06.380 --> 38:12.380] How exactly are you ever going to pay me back without defaulting? [38:12.380 --> 38:17.380] Exactly, I like to use the analogy of like the monopoly money [38:17.380 --> 38:20.380] Okay, if I'm printing the money [38:20.380 --> 38:23.380] If I'm the Federal Reserve and I'm printing the money [38:23.380 --> 38:25.380] And loaning it to the government [38:25.380 --> 38:27.380] And I print up a $20 bill [38:27.380 --> 38:29.380] Okay, now you've got to pay me back 25 [38:29.380 --> 38:33.380] Where is the government going to get the other five bucks from? [38:33.380 --> 38:36.380] Out of your hide [38:36.380 --> 38:40.380] Yeah, I'd have to print it another five and lend it to them [38:40.380 --> 38:44.380] So they could pay that back and it just never ends [38:44.380 --> 38:47.380] Exactly, it ends up coming out of your hide, it's peonage [38:47.380 --> 38:50.380] Well, the insidious part [38:50.380 --> 38:56.380] I'm kind of focused on this IMF [38:56.380 --> 39:01.380] Could you speak to that a little further? [39:01.380 --> 39:07.380] We've had the Federal Reserve creating this paper debacle [39:07.380 --> 39:13.380] Or not even a paper debacle, just this fiat currency [39:13.380 --> 39:19.380] Now what are really the implications of the IMF [39:19.380 --> 39:24.380] Essentially becoming the central bank of the planet? [39:24.380 --> 39:28.380] Well, you know, there's a couple ways to look at this, Randy [39:28.380 --> 39:32.380] And my first reaction to your question [39:32.380 --> 39:37.380] Is going to tick off anybody that has a secular worldview [39:37.380 --> 39:40.380] To me this is biblical [39:40.380 --> 39:45.380] This really comes down to following the path of mass control [39:45.380 --> 39:49.380] And mass problems or enslavement [39:49.380 --> 39:53.380] And when you have a global central bank [39:53.380 --> 40:00.380] By definition you have to be dealing somewhere down the road with a global currency [40:00.380 --> 40:05.380] A one-world currency, use whatever catchphrase you want [40:05.380 --> 40:10.380] But if this story and this concept does not send a chill up your spine [40:10.380 --> 40:15.380] Immediately disconnect your computer and go to the hospital and get an EKG [40:15.380 --> 40:18.380] Because you might already be dead [40:18.380 --> 40:21.380] This is spooky stuff [40:21.380 --> 40:28.380] And the fact that it's happening and go turn on CNBC, go turn on any news outlet [40:28.380 --> 40:31.380] You're not going to hear about it [40:31.380 --> 40:38.380] Because in this country you're not supposed to know anything until after it's happened [40:38.380 --> 40:42.380] The news, when I was a kid, used to actually have reporters [40:42.380 --> 40:45.380] They would go out, they would dig up a story [40:45.380 --> 40:48.380] They would track it down, they would get information [40:48.380 --> 40:55.380] And then they would actually release or publish or broadcast an investigative story [40:55.380 --> 41:01.380] Today, go ask Connie Chung, she got fired for saying this on national TV [41:01.380 --> 41:08.380] But somebody had asked Connie Chung, well, how do you guys go about getting your information? [41:08.380 --> 41:12.380] You're not out there digging these things up and investigating Connie [41:12.380 --> 41:16.380] You're kind of just a teleprompter reader [41:16.380 --> 41:21.380] And she said, well, we say whatever the government tells us to say [41:21.380 --> 41:23.380] She said that on the air? [41:23.380 --> 41:26.380] Two years later, she had no job [41:26.380 --> 41:28.380] I'm surprised it took that long [41:28.380 --> 41:33.380] Well, you can't fire her immediately, it would have drawn attention [41:33.380 --> 41:39.380] But needless to say, it's still a confidence game, really, isn't it? [41:39.380 --> 41:44.380] Because like we were talking about the monopoly money that you brought up [41:44.380 --> 41:47.380] Going back to that quote that came out of the movie [41:47.380 --> 41:52.380] It's all about debt control and the debt control being your power [41:52.380 --> 41:55.380] Let's say right now, Debra, you had lost your job [41:55.380 --> 42:01.380] And your mortgage payment still stayed the same [42:01.380 --> 42:05.380] But your income dropped by, say, 50% or more [42:05.380 --> 42:10.380] And let's not get in all the semantics about unemployment and coverage and all that [42:10.380 --> 42:12.380] Let's just try to keep it simple [42:12.380 --> 42:14.380] Your income drops 50% [42:14.380 --> 42:18.380] And you know, because of the friends and family that you've heard [42:18.380 --> 42:21.380] That have been looking for work for quite some time [42:21.380 --> 42:26.380] You're not exactly going to jam back into a job tomorrow or next week [42:26.380 --> 42:28.380] This could be a protracted thing [42:28.380 --> 42:32.380] Well, try telling the bank you're only going to give them half [42:32.380 --> 42:34.380] Try doing that for three months in a row [42:34.380 --> 42:39.380] And you'll be dealing with lawyers and courthouses and sheriff's sales [42:39.380 --> 42:48.380] But one of the things that these bankers can do is they can restore your confidence in them and the system [42:48.380 --> 42:54.380] Actually, their benevolence, how wonderful and kind and beautiful they are [42:54.380 --> 42:58.380] By them saying, you know what, Debra, we'll renegotiate your loan [42:58.380 --> 43:03.380] We know because we set it up that it's impossible for you to really pay us back [43:03.380 --> 43:06.380] Without basically bankrupting somebody else [43:06.380 --> 43:09.380] Because the system is a Ponzi scheme [43:09.380 --> 43:16.380] That it has a mathematical 100% certitude of failure [43:16.380 --> 43:22.380] The only question that's really up in the air is when does the failure occur? [43:22.380 --> 43:24.380] When does the confidence get shaken? [43:24.380 --> 43:31.380] Because the moment that really begins in earnest, now you're looking at the financial arm again [43:31.380 --> 43:35.380] Now you're looking at people really losing it [43:35.380 --> 43:38.380] Right, okay, well, listen, we're going to break [43:38.380 --> 43:40.380] We've got one more segment and then we'll start taking calls [43:40.380 --> 43:44.380] So callers, you can call in towards the end of this live segment [43:44.380 --> 43:48.380] 512-646-1984 [43:48.380 --> 43:51.380] We'll be right back with our special guest, Steve [44:01.380 --> 44:04.380] Special Roast Hemp Coffee from HempUSA.org [44:04.380 --> 44:08.380] Our coffee grows in the dense volcanic rich soil, herbicide and pesticide free [44:08.380 --> 44:10.380] And in the high altitudes of Guatemala [44:10.380 --> 44:14.380] In conditions that are ideal for natural growth of this high quality coffee [44:14.380 --> 44:19.380] Try our mellow cup of coffee that is ground and roasted with 25% hemp seed from Canada [44:19.380 --> 44:23.380] With a wonderful nutty flavor that contains 18% protein [44:23.380 --> 44:28.380] Our roasters bring a unique flavor that makes this the best cup of coffee you'll ever have [44:28.380 --> 44:32.380] Try our new special roast hemp coffee from HempUSA.org [44:32.380 --> 44:34.380] And wake up your brain without the jitters [44:34.380 --> 44:37.380] Our customers look forward to their next cup of hemp coffee [44:37.380 --> 44:44.380] Visit us at HempUSA.org or call 908-691-2608 [44:44.380 --> 44:48.380] That's 908-691-2608 [44:48.380 --> 44:51.380] And see if you'll change your mind about drinking coffee again [44:51.380 --> 45:08.380] Taste the difference, feel the difference at HempUSA.org today [45:21.380 --> 45:24.380] Such a staff member, soldier, or warrior up close [45:24.380 --> 45:27.380] Scuffling their keys to the piece [45:27.380 --> 45:30.380] All they're taking is a misunderstanding [45:30.380 --> 45:32.380] If somebody calls the police [45:32.380 --> 45:35.380] Watch them the sparks fly [45:38.380 --> 45:41.380] Watch them the sparks fly [45:44.380 --> 45:47.380] Watch them the sparks fly [45:47.380 --> 45:50.380] Okay, watch them the sparks fly [45:50.380 --> 45:53.380] Some Route 1 music for you [45:53.380 --> 45:57.380] Okay, Randy, you had a question for Steve concerning China [45:57.380 --> 46:03.380] Yes, this thing about what is China doing [46:03.380 --> 46:10.380] Combined with what is the International Monetary Fund doing printing its own money [46:10.380 --> 46:20.380] I assume that the Chinese don't do anything haphazardly or without careful consideration [46:20.380 --> 46:25.380] And certainly the International Monetary Fund didn't just decide yesterday [46:25.380 --> 46:29.380] That they were going to start creating their own fiat currency [46:29.380 --> 46:32.380] Which it sounds like what they're doing [46:32.380 --> 46:38.380] And it sounds to me like there's a dramatic shift of power in the world [46:38.380 --> 46:42.380] Dramatic shift of power in the works [46:42.380 --> 46:51.380] Where the power to create and control currencies moving out of the hands of the United States [46:51.380 --> 46:56.380] Through the International Monetary Fund to the Chinese [46:56.380 --> 46:57.380] Yes [46:57.380 --> 46:59.380] How close am I? [46:59.380 --> 47:04.380] I think you're just about dead center on the target [47:04.380 --> 47:12.380] Folks, this is something that, you know, I don't have a crystal ball that's in the shop, okay? [47:12.380 --> 47:14.380] I can't tell you the future [47:14.380 --> 47:20.380] But I'll tell you what, I know a why and I know Pramola the second I hear it [47:20.380 --> 47:27.380] When I hear that the IMF has decided to assist lovingly, benevolently [47:27.380 --> 47:31.380] To assist in spreading global liquidity [47:31.380 --> 47:34.380] Every hair on the back of my neck goes up [47:34.380 --> 47:41.380] Because no banker does anything without a motive of profit and control, period [47:41.380 --> 47:45.380] That is the only thing that makes these people get out of bed in the morning [47:45.380 --> 47:51.380] And if you think anything different of them, you know, wait for Santa, he's coming in a few months [47:51.380 --> 47:56.380] As far as the IMF goes, they have never had the power [47:56.380 --> 48:01.380] This is brand new, this is a brand new chapter in global history [48:01.380 --> 48:08.380] Pay attention because it's going to slip right past you if you don't bring the issue to the forefront [48:08.380 --> 48:14.380] The IMF is changing right before our very eyes [48:14.380 --> 48:26.380] From a rather benign public stance to a very, very diabolical public stance of creating a one world currency [48:26.380 --> 48:31.380] You cannot change everything overnight all at once [48:31.380 --> 48:35.380] Or you will shatter confidence, possibly forever [48:35.380 --> 48:40.380] And the bankers don't want to allow anybody to be able to have time to really think for themselves [48:40.380 --> 48:44.380] Most people in this country, most of the people I've ever met [48:44.380 --> 48:45.380] Why don't we put it that way [48:45.380 --> 48:54.380] Most of the people I've ever met, 80% of what I hear come out of them is parroted news [48:54.380 --> 49:00.380] There's no original thinking, there's no questioning, there's no scratching your head saying [49:00.380 --> 49:04.380] Well gee whiz, that doesn't make any darn sense at all, does it? [49:04.380 --> 49:08.380] They just believe what they're told [49:08.380 --> 49:13.380] And what they're being told is that in the international community [49:13.380 --> 49:18.380] There's a couple big international players which the Bloomberg article [49:18.380 --> 49:24.380] Let me see if I can call this up really quick [49:24.380 --> 49:26.380] Okay I can't do it fast enough [49:26.380 --> 49:33.380] The article from Bloomberg talked about these supplier or surplus countries [49:33.380 --> 49:38.380] Well let's think for a minute, what countries on earth are in a surplus position right now? [49:38.380 --> 49:45.380] China, Russia, and some South American countries [49:45.380 --> 49:52.380] Mostly because they either produce or actually make stuff that the world is willing to buy [49:52.380 --> 49:58.380] Or they are chalked up to the eyeballs in natural resources [49:58.380 --> 50:06.380] If these people are getting money created for them, what's the outcome? [50:06.380 --> 50:11.380] Follow the money, that's where you find out what the crime is [50:11.380 --> 50:14.380] The IMF is creating this $250 billion [50:14.380 --> 50:16.380] Now keep something else in mind [50:16.380 --> 50:22.380] If the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air and calls it reserves [50:22.380 --> 50:30.380] That means that's the root capital that the fractional reserve system functions from [50:30.380 --> 50:38.380] So if they created $250 billion, they can immediately say, hey Debra, would you like a loan? [50:38.380 --> 50:43.380] Hey Randy, would you like a loan? Cool, come on in and sign the paperwork [50:43.380 --> 50:46.380] Now they never had anything [50:46.380 --> 50:53.380] The money gets put into your account by you signing it, it just came into thin air, right? [50:53.380 --> 51:02.380] Where it gets really weird though is that $250 billion will actually become $2.5 trillion [51:02.380 --> 51:07.380] Because of about 10 to 1 fractional reserve banking [51:07.380 --> 51:14.380] So we already knew, at least from the conversation we had last time, that inflation is definitively in the pipe [51:14.380 --> 51:19.380] We are going to be looking at inflation that will boggle the mind [51:19.380 --> 51:27.380] And unfortunately maybe one or three people per every 100,000 actually knows it [51:27.380 --> 51:32.380] And I don't mean believes it or thinks about it, I mean they know it, they live it, they feel it [51:32.380 --> 51:36.380] And every fiber they're being knows the truth [51:36.380 --> 51:40.380] Because the rest of the public is watching the news [51:40.380 --> 51:47.380] They're watching American Idol, they're watching whatever gobbledygook can be put in front of their eyes [51:47.380 --> 51:49.380] To keep them entertained and asleep [51:49.380 --> 51:55.380] Think Bread and Circuses from the Roman Coliseum times [51:55.380 --> 51:59.380] And if you can be kept asleep, you're under control [51:59.380 --> 52:06.380] And if I can rip you off, and you don't see me, that was the analogy I was trying to make before the last break [52:06.380 --> 52:10.380] If somebody breaks into your home, they actually had to physically be there [52:10.380 --> 52:18.380] The bankers rip you off from another land, from another county, from another state, from another country [52:18.380 --> 52:25.380] You don't see them, they didn't even do anything, they never even got out of their air cushioned chair [52:25.380 --> 52:27.380] But they ripped you off [52:27.380 --> 52:33.380] And the inflation is the end result of the Ponzi scheme [52:33.380 --> 52:35.380] Everything keeps going up and up and up [52:35.380 --> 52:40.380] And if you are at the end of the spigot, like right where the money comes out [52:40.380 --> 52:43.380] You actually get paid in real money [52:43.380 --> 52:50.380] If you're the eighth or ninth or tenth person down the chain that received the original money created out of thin air [52:50.380 --> 52:53.380] You're looking at massive devaluation [52:53.380 --> 53:04.380] And when somehow people got accustomed in this country to believing that 2 or 3% inflation per year is acceptable [53:04.380 --> 53:07.380] It's an outrage [53:07.380 --> 53:14.380] Right now you go to put money in a certificate of deposit at a bank and if you're lucky you could get 2 or 3% [53:14.380 --> 53:19.380] So the statistics are telling you, and that's the one that the government releases, right [53:19.380 --> 53:23.380] Which we all know would be a comedy show if it wasn't real [53:23.380 --> 53:31.380] But the inflation that we're told is actually greater than the amount of money you could earn in interest [53:31.380 --> 53:36.380] By taking whatever you've been able to save, putting it aside [53:36.380 --> 53:42.380] Now the IMF, by creating this fund and using this arcane thing [53:42.380 --> 53:49.380] I think created like 1963 or 1967 called special drawing rights [53:49.380 --> 53:56.380] The IMF is sitting on a ton of currency, a little bit from every country, a big chunk of it from us [53:56.380 --> 54:00.380] Because we're the world's reserve currency [54:00.380 --> 54:05.380] Let me spend a minute on this, Dev and Randy, because I think this is something else we really need to touch on [54:05.380 --> 54:12.380] To show people just how volatile and how serious this change of events really is [54:12.380 --> 54:18.380] In the United States we have the power that we do because ever since the end of World War II [54:18.380 --> 54:26.380] The dollar has been used as the medium of exchange across the planet for international commerce [54:26.380 --> 54:33.380] When I wake up, I'm going into fall in the middle of Illinois here [54:33.380 --> 54:40.380] Well, it's going to get cold, so I want to start thinking about putting away stocks for heating my home [54:40.380 --> 54:48.380] If I had an oil-burning furnace, I would have to purchase oil, heating oil from somebody [54:48.380 --> 54:54.380] But we don't make a whole lot of heating oil, we import it, we import most of our energy [54:54.380 --> 55:05.380] But if I go over to Saudi Arabia to purchase oil, I'm not taking dollars in changing it for renimbi or whatever it is [55:05.380 --> 55:09.380] Sorry, I lost the term there, up there, local currency [55:09.380 --> 55:19.380] If I go to take dollars and put it into their money and then take that foreign capital and then purchase the local oil [55:19.380 --> 55:29.380] I'm going to lose my shirt because if we had to do that, we're playing on an even playing field like every other country on earth [55:29.380 --> 55:33.380] As Americans, we have a very unique situation [55:33.380 --> 55:42.380] Our Treasury, our Federal Reserve, our government literally just makes a call to the Treasury and says, hey, print up another $20 billion [55:42.380 --> 55:47.380] We need to go order this month's crude oil [55:47.380 --> 55:58.380] And out of thin air, poof, with no accountability, no auditing, no anything, money is created out of thin air and given to people in the Middle East [55:58.380 --> 56:08.380] And they dutifully accept their little green coupons and they pour all this oil into a ship and send it over across the ocean [56:08.380 --> 56:16.380] When the IMF decided that they were now going to start issuing credit, the world changed [56:16.380 --> 56:24.380] The entire system has changed right before our eyes and completely and totally unreported in the United States [56:24.380 --> 56:31.380] Except for a handful of obvious sleuths out there who are mostly Internet-based [56:31.380 --> 56:36.380] Because obviously you can't put this information on mainstream TV [56:36.380 --> 56:41.380] Most people aren't going to get it, unfortunately, and the ones who do get it are going to be a little ticked off [56:41.380 --> 56:45.380] How is this being allowed to happen? Who voted for these people? [56:45.380 --> 56:51.380] Oh yeah, that's right. The IMF is unaccountable. You think the Fed is bad? [56:51.380 --> 56:57.380] At least we know who Ben Bernanke is. At least we know where these banks are [56:57.380 --> 57:07.380] The IMF is separated between us by an ocean. It's in its own little economic district. It's untouchable [57:07.380 --> 57:11.380] If you have an issue with the IMF, good luck. You're screwed [57:11.380 --> 57:16.380] Because you would have to file a complaint in international court [57:16.380 --> 57:21.380] And if you ever think our court system is screwed up, you haven't seen nothing yet [57:21.380 --> 57:29.380] So in essence, we have this centralized, unaccountable, nobody voted for these people [57:29.380 --> 57:32.380] They were placed into position [57:32.380 --> 57:39.380] I don't want to get too far off the deep end on conspiracy theory, but nothing is a coincidence [57:39.380 --> 57:42.380] Everything is planned out [57:42.380 --> 57:47.380] If you think the people that are running the world's largest corporations and banks [57:47.380 --> 57:53.380] And are at the driver's seat of moving trillions of dollars around [57:53.380 --> 57:56.380] These people are rocket scientists, folks [57:56.380 --> 58:01.380] I mean, gifted, brilliant, devious [58:01.380 --> 58:05.380] And they have all the money and all the brains to pull it off [58:05.380 --> 58:09.380] And again, they're doing it right under your nose [58:09.380 --> 58:12.380] All right, listen, we're going to break at the top of the hour [58:12.380 --> 58:15.380] We're here with our very special guest, Steve, financial analyst [58:15.380 --> 58:20.380] Callers, if you'd like to call in 512-646-1984, please be on point [58:20.380 --> 58:24.380] We're not going to answer questions about traffic, tickets, and stuff like that [58:24.380 --> 58:30.380] So call in if you have a question for our guest, Steve, or us on this topic [58:30.380 --> 58:35.380] We'll be right back after this short break [59:01.380 --> 59:04.380] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [59:04.380 --> 59:08.380] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary [59:08.380 --> 59:15.380] The affordable, easy-to-understand 4-CD course that will show you how in 24 hours, step-by-step [59:15.380 --> 59:19.380] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing [59:19.380 --> 59:23.380] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself [59:23.380 --> 59:28.380] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too [59:28.380 --> 59:34.380] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case-winning experience [59:34.380 --> 59:39.380] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [59:39.380 --> 59:43.380] about the principles and practices that control our American courts [59:43.380 --> 59:52.380] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, pro se tactics, and much more [59:52.380 --> 01:00:01.380] Please visit wtprn.com and click on the banner or call toll-free, 866-LAW-EZ [01:00:02.380 --> 01:00:06.380] This news brief brought to you by the International News Net [01:00:06.380 --> 01:00:12.380] A judge in Miami has ordered the Cuban government to pay $27 million to the mother of a journalist [01:00:12.380 --> 01:00:15.380] jailed in Cuba since 2003 [01:00:15.380 --> 01:00:20.380] Omar Rodriguez Saludez is serving 27 years in prison [01:00:20.380 --> 01:00:26.380] He was among dozens of journalists and Cuba critics arrested during a crackdown on dissent [01:00:26.380 --> 01:00:33.380] Opium production in Afghanistan has fallen for a second year, with poppy cultivation down 22% [01:00:33.380 --> 01:00:40.380] The war-torn country produces 90% of the world's opium, with profits helping to bankroll the Taliban [01:00:40.380 --> 01:00:45.380] 45 militants were killed Wednesday in Pakistan's northwestern tribal region [01:00:45.380 --> 01:00:50.380] 41 bodies, mostly of Taliban fighters, were also found in the Swat Valley [01:00:50.380 --> 01:00:54.380] Authorities said the bodies were the result of revenge attacks by local residents [01:00:54.380 --> 01:00:57.380] who suffered atrocities at the hands of the Taliban [01:00:57.380 --> 01:01:01.380] This news brief brought to you by the International News Net [01:01:01.380 --> 01:01:06.380] Federal prosecutors hit FISA with $2.3 billion in fines Wednesday [01:01:06.380 --> 01:01:12.380] and called the world's largest drugmaker a repeating corporate cheat for illegal drug promotions [01:01:12.380 --> 01:01:17.380] that plied doctors with free golf, massages and resort junkets [01:01:17.380 --> 01:01:21.380] Announcing the penalty as a warning to all drug manufacturers, [01:01:21.380 --> 01:01:26.380] Justice Department officials said the overall settlement is the largest ever paid by a drug company [01:01:26.380 --> 01:01:29.380] for violations of federal rules [01:01:29.380 --> 01:01:34.380] Authorities called FISA a repeat offender, noting it is the company's fourth such settlement [01:01:34.380 --> 01:01:37.380] of government charges in the last decade [01:01:37.380 --> 01:01:45.380] The allegations surround the marketing of 13 different drugs, including Viagra, Zoloft and Lipitor [01:01:45.380 --> 01:01:51.380] FISA invited doctors to meetings at resort locations, paying their expenses and providing perks [01:01:51.380 --> 01:01:58.380] To prevent backsliding, FISA will be monitored by the Health and Human Services Department for five years [01:01:58.380 --> 01:02:02.380] Attorney General Eric Holder did not participate in the settlement [01:02:02.380 --> 01:02:07.380] because he represented FISA while in private practice [01:02:07.380 --> 01:02:14.380] Children in Punjab, a state in India bordering Pakistan, are increasingly being born with birth defects [01:02:14.380 --> 01:02:21.380] Researchers believe this is due to depleted uranium carried by winds from Afghanistan and Iraq [01:02:21.380 --> 01:02:27.380] Children are being born with abnormally large or small heads, disproportionately short arms and legs, [01:02:27.380 --> 01:02:31.380] cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and other complications [01:02:31.380 --> 01:02:39.380] There are also increasing instances of infertility among women and is spurred in cases of lung cancer and intestinal ulcers [01:02:39.380 --> 01:02:44.380] Winds from Afghanistan may have carried a large quantity of highly toxic depleted uranium [01:02:44.380 --> 01:02:48.380] used by US forces on the casings of artillery shells [01:02:48.380 --> 01:02:54.380] This apprehension was raised five months ago by a team of the Baba Farid Center for Special Children, [01:02:54.380 --> 01:03:01.380] a non-governmental organization where some of the affected children have been undergoing treatment [01:03:24.380 --> 01:03:47.380] OK, chant down Babylon, chant for justice and peace, chant for all wars to cease, for justice, [01:03:47.380 --> 01:03:51.380] can't have peace without justice [01:03:51.380 --> 01:03:59.380] So, Steve, you were telling me a very interesting tidbit of information earlier this afternoon [01:03:59.380 --> 01:04:08.380] about a very large movement of some Barabans over in Europe at the border of Italy [01:04:08.380 --> 01:04:13.380] So can you please go into this? This is pretty heavy stuff here [01:04:13.380 --> 01:04:17.380] And what are the implications of this? What does this actually mean? [01:04:17.380 --> 01:04:24.380] Well, like I started off the show, I wanted to talk about confidence tonight [01:04:24.380 --> 01:04:31.380] And I think one of the other stories that's really received a shockingly small amount of attention [01:04:31.380 --> 01:04:38.380] Somewhere in about the middle of June, say June 15th to June 18th, somewhere in there, [01:04:38.380 --> 01:04:43.380] a very interesting story broke out in the Asian news [01:04:43.380 --> 01:04:49.380] Let me read you the quote directly from the Asian news June 18th [01:04:49.380 --> 01:05:01.380] Quote, Italy's financial police has seized U.S. bonds worth a total of $134.5 billion [01:05:01.380 --> 01:05:08.380] from two Japanese nationals, Icheaso, which is 40 kilometers from Milan, [01:05:08.380 --> 01:05:13.380] on the border between Italy and Switzerland [01:05:13.380 --> 01:05:21.380] They include 249 U.S. Federal Reserve bonds worth $500 million each, [01:05:21.380 --> 01:05:29.380] plus 10 Kennedy bonds and other U.S. government securities worth a billion dollars each [01:05:29.380 --> 01:05:34.380] Italian authorities have not yet determined whether they are real or fake [01:05:34.380 --> 01:05:39.380] But if they are real, the attempt to take them into Switzerland [01:05:39.380 --> 01:05:43.380] would be the largest financial smuggling operation in history [01:05:43.380 --> 01:05:48.380] If they are fake, the matter would be even more mind-boggling [01:05:48.380 --> 01:05:57.380] because of the quality of the counterfeit work is such that the fake bonds are undistinguishable from the real one [01:05:57.380 --> 01:06:04.380] Now, you talk about confidence, we talk about the banks in control, [01:06:04.380 --> 01:06:10.380] we talk about Sun Tzu and the art of war, and what the hell is China doing right now? [01:06:10.380 --> 01:06:15.380] I brought this up as something that I wanted to talk about when we spoke earlier today, Debra, [01:06:15.380 --> 01:06:22.380] because I've had this story gnawing at me since the middle of June [01:06:22.380 --> 01:06:27.380] and I saw it and I only heard little bits of sketchy information [01:06:27.380 --> 01:06:31.380] and then poof, the entire thing just disappeared [01:06:31.380 --> 01:06:35.380] I think just along the lines of the other two stories we brought up tonight [01:06:35.380 --> 01:06:40.380] about China reneging on the contract with over-the-counter derivatives [01:06:40.380 --> 01:06:47.380] and then the IMF creating money and turning into a global central bank [01:06:47.380 --> 01:06:54.380] I don't know where, but I can almost guarantee that this story falls in the middle somewhere [01:06:54.380 --> 01:06:59.380] It's one of those lines that connect the dots [01:06:59.380 --> 01:07:08.380] Now, I've heard and read a couple of different opinions and directions that this story could have taken [01:07:08.380 --> 01:07:12.380] For me, the biggest one is, it doesn't matter [01:07:12.380 --> 01:07:19.380] It doesn't matter if these were frauds and it doesn't matter if they were legitimate bonds [01:07:19.380 --> 01:07:23.380] because either way, the story is enormous [01:07:23.380 --> 01:07:27.380] As you read more about it or search on it on the internet, [01:07:27.380 --> 01:07:32.380] you find out some really, really odd information about this [01:07:32.380 --> 01:07:35.380] The inconsistencies are glaring [01:07:35.380 --> 01:07:40.380] The two people that were caught were Japanese nationals [01:07:40.380 --> 01:07:45.380] That's what was reported on the news or in the news wires [01:07:45.380 --> 01:07:51.380] But there was no follow-up, there was no evidence giving that linked them directly to Japan [01:07:51.380 --> 01:07:56.380] Most people can't distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese citizen [01:07:56.380 --> 01:08:00.380] on just giving them the once-over visually [01:08:00.380 --> 01:08:06.380] It could have been anybody of Asian descent and who knows what that even means [01:08:06.380 --> 01:08:09.380] We have Asian citizens in the United States [01:08:09.380 --> 01:08:12.380] There's Asian citizens all over the place [01:08:12.380 --> 01:08:22.380] However, an Asian in Italy stands out a little bit more than an Asian would in Asia, obviously [01:08:22.380 --> 01:08:33.380] Now, the area of Gordia, this is kind of like a blue-collar mining area or blue-collar area [01:08:33.380 --> 01:08:40.380] The people, these two guys that were caught were taken by a train [01:08:40.380 --> 01:08:50.380] that was specifically geared up for physical laborers to go from Italy across the border right into Switzerland [01:08:50.380 --> 01:08:54.380] because they do contract work in Switzerland and there's a lot of it [01:08:54.380 --> 01:08:59.380] So you have a lot of manual laborers getting on trains, kind of like in Chicago [01:08:59.380 --> 01:09:07.380] We have people taking the trains in and out of Chicago, it makes the mass transit easier, quicker, more efficient [01:09:07.380 --> 01:09:17.380] Well, the story said that here on this think blue-collar train is here's two Asian descent people [01:09:17.380 --> 01:09:20.380] with briefcases and suits on [01:09:20.380 --> 01:09:24.380] Gee whiz, you don't think they stood out at all, do you? [01:09:24.380 --> 01:09:32.380] Whether these people were moving real bonds or fake bonds, this was a plan [01:09:32.380 --> 01:09:40.380] Somebody wanted to shake up confidence, somebody was trying to tell a message to somebody else [01:09:40.380 --> 01:09:47.380] And we're not talking about the general public, we're talking about the players, the big people at the top of the food chain [01:09:47.380 --> 01:09:56.380] Because it's impossible that these two guys would have gotten across the border, especially on a blue-collar train dressed up as executives [01:09:56.380 --> 01:10:00.380] I mean, this is about as improbable as it could ever get [01:10:00.380 --> 01:10:06.380] It also gets a little more strange when you think about the amount of money that they were moving [01:10:06.380 --> 01:10:12.380] $134.5 billion [01:10:12.380 --> 01:10:19.380] What's kind of ironic is right around the time that this story broke, just a few days prior [01:10:19.380 --> 01:10:28.380] The government released information about the TARP, Troubled Asset Relief Program, funds that were still available [01:10:28.380 --> 01:10:36.380] Hey Debra, take a guess, how much money did the TARP program have left in the coffers before this story broke? [01:10:36.380 --> 01:10:39.380] Take a guess [01:10:39.380 --> 01:10:45.380] Let me see, let me take a guess, $130-some-odd billion? [01:10:45.380 --> 01:10:53.380] $134.5 billion, the exact same number [01:10:53.380 --> 01:11:02.380] That was the question I was thinking, where could this amount of money or value have came from? [01:11:02.380 --> 01:11:04.380] So you answered that question [01:11:04.380 --> 01:11:14.380] There's a lot of inconsistencies as well, like in the original story, they're talking about Kennedy bonds [01:11:14.380 --> 01:11:22.380] I did a little homework on this, there's never been a Kennedy bond worth a billion dollars before [01:11:22.380 --> 01:11:28.380] Now, doesn't it seem kind of odd that somebody, whether it's real or not, let's say it's real [01:11:28.380 --> 01:11:37.380] You have 249 pieces of paper with little perforated attachments to them, the coupons from the bond [01:11:37.380 --> 01:11:48.380] You have 249 pieces of paper that have been exquisitely produced, just like a brand new $100 bill [01:11:48.380 --> 01:11:54.380] There's all sorts of little markings and secret squirrel crap on the piece of paper that makes it obvious [01:11:54.380 --> 01:11:59.380] that this is either the real deal or a fake [01:11:59.380 --> 01:12:08.380] Well, if these were real, why would you have 249 of them and then a handful of fraud with it? [01:12:08.380 --> 01:12:11.380] What's the point? [01:12:11.380 --> 01:12:18.380] If these were completely counterfeits, why would you go through the trouble of making one of these bearer bonds [01:12:18.380 --> 01:12:28.380] that are so perfectly counterfeited that the governments couldn't tell if they were real or not? [01:12:28.380 --> 01:12:33.380] And so unique that it would clearly raise a question [01:12:33.380 --> 01:12:41.380] Yes, and then out of the blue you throw in 10 Kennedy bonds that are supposed to be worth a billion dollars [01:12:41.380 --> 01:12:46.380] Why not just include 20 more of the original counterfeit? [01:12:46.380 --> 01:12:50.380] Why would you do that? What's the message being portrayed? [01:12:50.380 --> 01:12:56.380] To me, it's another rifle shot to the head of confidence [01:12:56.380 --> 01:13:05.380] And I think somebody out there, and in my opinion now, I have no proof of this, it's pure speculation [01:13:05.380 --> 01:13:10.380] I have the feeling that the Chinese were trying to tell our Treasury [01:13:10.380 --> 01:13:18.380] If you guys don't start cleaning up your act and monetizing your debt and printing money with reckless abandon [01:13:18.380 --> 01:13:26.380] and not getting your financial house in order, we will destroy your currency [01:13:26.380 --> 01:13:29.380] And they don't have to send over an army [01:13:29.380 --> 01:13:34.380] They don't have to use rifles and bombs and planes and missiles [01:13:34.380 --> 01:13:42.380] All it takes is a handful of geeks sitting in a control room somewhere with keyboards and poof, it's all over [01:13:42.380 --> 01:13:46.380] And without a shot, without any bloodshed [01:13:46.380 --> 01:13:54.380] And if we've been lying and deceiving, which come on folks, you know we have, at least our leaders have [01:13:54.380 --> 01:14:00.380] If we've been lying and deceiving, at some point every liar gets caught [01:14:00.380 --> 01:14:04.380] You can't lie and get away with it [01:14:04.380 --> 01:14:10.380] And if these tacticians over in Asia are really looking at us saying, well, let's give them a little more rope [01:14:10.380 --> 01:14:14.380] and let's give them a little more rope and let's give them a little more rope [01:14:14.380 --> 01:14:18.380] until they get fat, happy and lazy [01:14:18.380 --> 01:14:24.380] All they have to do one day is put the rope around our neck and lead us around like a puppy [01:14:24.380 --> 01:14:28.380] And I don't think we got the message [01:14:28.380 --> 01:14:33.380] Again, it's almost irrelevant whether this was a fake or a real transaction [01:14:33.380 --> 01:14:37.380] I would tend to believe that it's a fraud [01:14:37.380 --> 01:14:44.380] Now, there's a guy on the internet, his name is Benjamin Fullford [01:14:44.380 --> 01:14:53.380] B-E-N-J-M-J-A-M-I-N, first name, last name, F-U-L-F-O-R-D [01:14:53.380 --> 01:14:57.380] Now Benjamin has come out and said that he has proof that these are real bonds [01:14:57.380 --> 01:15:05.380] That he has seen actual markings, even notes made by both Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan [01:15:05.380 --> 01:15:16.380] within the documents that was in some little secret panel in one of the briefcases of the person carrying these bonds [01:15:16.380 --> 01:15:20.380] It's kind of like a mystery novel, isn't it? [01:15:20.380 --> 01:15:30.380] So even if they were real, I have my suspicion that they're not, regardless of who's saying what [01:15:30.380 --> 01:15:37.380] Because a bearer bond by its definition is a debt security [01:15:37.380 --> 01:15:45.380] And I'm just using this definition off the top of my head, but feel free to look it up in Wikipedia or a host of other sources [01:15:45.380 --> 01:15:52.380] A bearer bond is basically a debt instrument that can be traded between corporations [01:15:52.380 --> 01:15:57.380] Or in between corporations and governments or government to government [01:15:57.380 --> 01:16:07.380] And one of the things that makes the bearer bond so appealing is that you don't have to register a name or a number behind it [01:16:07.380 --> 01:16:16.380] You can purchase a bearer bond and the whole idea is anybody who bears the note or bears the paper, which means it's in their possession [01:16:16.380 --> 01:16:20.380] Is entitled to the coupon face on the bond [01:16:20.380 --> 01:16:30.380] So if I have a bearer bond denominated at $500 million, I have a blank certified check, if you want to use the example [01:16:30.380 --> 01:16:34.380] Of a half a billion dollars on one sheet of paper [01:16:34.380 --> 01:16:38.380] Talk about anonymity [01:16:38.380 --> 01:16:51.380] Well, nobody's going to carry around, you know, one-thirteenth of a trillion dollars on an underground subway with a bunch of roughnecks around them [01:16:51.380 --> 01:16:52.380] Never going to happen [01:16:52.380 --> 01:16:56.380] All right, listen, hold that thought, Steve, we're going to break, we'll be right back [01:16:56.380 --> 01:16:59.380] Callers, if you'd like to call in, 512-646-1984 [01:16:59.380 --> 01:17:05.380] Do you feel tired when talking about important topics like money and politics? [01:17:05.380 --> 01:17:09.380] Are you confused by words like the Constitution or the Federal Reserve? [01:17:09.380 --> 01:17:14.380] If so, you may be diagnosed with the deadliest disease known today, stupidity [01:17:14.380 --> 01:17:21.380] Hi, my name is Steve Holt and like millions of other Americans, I was diagnosed with stupidity at an early age [01:17:21.380 --> 01:17:27.380] I had no idea that the number one cause of the disease is found in almost every home in America, the television [01:17:27.380 --> 01:17:32.380] Unfortunately, that puts most Americans at risk of catching stupidity, but there is hope [01:17:32.380 --> 01:17:38.380] The staff at Brave New Books have helped me and thousands of other poxaholics suffering from sports zombieism recover [01:17:38.380 --> 01:17:45.380] And because of Brave New Books, I now enjoy reading and watching educational documentaries without feeling tired or uninterested [01:17:45.380 --> 01:17:56.380] So if you or anybody you know suffers from stupidity, then you need to call 512-480-2503 or visit them at 1904Guadalupe or bravenewbookstore.com [01:17:56.380 --> 01:18:02.380] Side effects from using Brave New Books products may include discernment and enlarged vocabulary and an overall increase in mental functioning [01:18:02.380 --> 01:18:30.380] I was blindsided but now I can see your plans [01:18:30.380 --> 01:18:42.380] You put the fear in my pocket, took the money from my hands, ain't gonna fool me with that same old trick again [01:18:42.380 --> 01:19:02.380] Ain't gonna fool me [01:19:02.380 --> 01:19:22.380] Ain't gonna drop me with that same old sucker punch [01:19:22.380 --> 01:19:26.380] Alright, not gonna fool us with the same old tricks again [01:19:26.380 --> 01:19:32.380] Here at the Rule of Law, Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens, we're with our special guest Steve, financial analyst [01:19:32.380 --> 01:19:38.380] Randy, you had a question for Steve on the break, let's talk about this on the air, so what's your question? [01:19:38.380 --> 01:19:44.380] Yes, I kind of feel like I'm listening to a James Bond movie [01:19:44.380 --> 01:19:54.380] Where they're giving us, and a really good written thriller where they're giving us all these pieces [01:19:54.380 --> 01:20:03.380] And it's clear the pieces have import, but it's like a box with puzzle parts in it [01:20:03.380 --> 01:20:12.380] And from what I know of the Chinese, they are extremely methodical and careful [01:20:12.380 --> 01:20:26.380] So I have to assume that everything here has purpose and in consideration of Sun Tzu and the art of war [01:20:26.380 --> 01:20:40.380] What is going on? How would these different pieces be of value in figuring out what's going on and how they fit together [01:20:40.380 --> 01:20:51.380] Like this stash of bearer bonds, it's got to be more than just waving all of this money in our faces [01:20:51.380 --> 01:20:58.380] And showing that, yeah, people are stealing it and moving it around, so you think it's stable but it's not [01:20:58.380 --> 01:21:01.380] It's got to be something else going on [01:21:01.380 --> 01:21:04.380] It's a confidence game [01:21:04.380 --> 01:21:07.380] The whole thing, it's a confidence game [01:21:07.380 --> 01:21:11.380] Again, let's take the story and go back to the fork in the road [01:21:11.380 --> 01:21:19.380] Because we have a story, information broke, and just like on 9-11 when the events were actually taking place [01:21:19.380 --> 01:21:27.380] I remember seeing live footage of reporters with right behind them the impact zone of the Pentagon [01:21:27.380 --> 01:21:33.380] And you could clearly look at it and say, what hit that building? It wasn't a commercial jetliner [01:21:33.380 --> 01:21:37.380] Where's the big scar marks in the building, right? [01:21:37.380 --> 01:21:41.380] Because when you're a liar, you can't cover every single lie [01:21:41.380 --> 01:21:46.380] You can't possibly predict the future with 100% accuracy [01:21:46.380 --> 01:21:49.380] You'll get it close, but things will slip by [01:21:49.380 --> 01:21:54.380] Little clues, like forensic clues, that kind of thing [01:21:54.380 --> 01:21:57.380] Well, to me, we're at that fork in the road [01:21:57.380 --> 01:22:04.380] Didn't shut down the story because in Italy, when this story broke, it was all over the place [01:22:04.380 --> 01:22:06.380] For like a day or two, it's all over [01:22:06.380 --> 01:22:10.380] Oh my gosh, there's this huge scandal, what does this mean, what's going on? [01:22:10.380 --> 01:22:13.380] And then, poof, off like a light switch [01:22:13.380 --> 01:22:19.380] Never really discussed in this country of any meaning at all [01:22:19.380 --> 01:22:23.380] A couple blogs, a couple little things that anybody could look up about this [01:22:23.380 --> 01:22:26.380] And it's basically everything I've already told you [01:22:26.380 --> 01:22:31.380] And I scoured looking for this, and I haven't found anything of merit [01:22:31.380 --> 01:22:34.380] Because the story has been assassinated [01:22:34.380 --> 01:22:40.380] So when you see a story just get shut down like that, pay attention [01:22:40.380 --> 01:22:44.380] Because something's trying to be covered up, like I talked about last time [01:22:44.380 --> 01:22:48.380] It's like David Copperfield, you're doing your trick with your left hand [01:22:48.380 --> 01:22:51.380] Is you're setting it up with your right hand [01:22:51.380 --> 01:22:55.380] And nobody can see the right hand because you have their attention with the left [01:22:55.380 --> 01:22:59.380] So we're at the fork in the road, we have a story that's been released [01:22:59.380 --> 01:23:04.380] And to me, the real issue and the answer to your question would come down to this [01:23:04.380 --> 01:23:06.380] Is it fake or is it real? [01:23:06.380 --> 01:23:13.380] If it's fake, nobody moves that kind of money into Switzerland [01:23:13.380 --> 01:23:16.380] Unless they're planning on moving it or doing something with it [01:23:16.380 --> 01:23:23.380] That's what the secrecy and banking secrecy laws in Switzerland are all about, okay? [01:23:23.380 --> 01:23:27.380] Somebody was trying to move, let's go with the fake thing again [01:23:27.380 --> 01:23:31.380] Somebody's trying to move fake or fraudulent bonds into Switzerland [01:23:31.380 --> 01:23:34.380] Well, with the setup and the way it was done [01:23:34.380 --> 01:23:43.380] It was either an absolutely desperate or completely naive and stupid operation [01:23:43.380 --> 01:23:50.380] Because if they're fake, you have basement level criminals with access to a good printing press [01:23:50.380 --> 01:23:54.380] And they completely drop the ball [01:23:54.380 --> 01:23:59.380] They develop these exquisite documents [01:23:59.380 --> 01:24:05.380] And then all of a sudden get incredibly stupid and really drop the ball [01:24:05.380 --> 01:24:08.380] What's wrong with that story? [01:24:08.380 --> 01:24:11.380] Well, it could have been a desperation move [01:24:11.380 --> 01:24:14.380] I mean, let's stay with the fake theme for a minute, okay? [01:24:14.380 --> 01:24:16.380] It's a desperation move [01:24:16.380 --> 01:24:23.380] You're in the middle of committing a crime, a handful of your accomplices or whatever [01:24:23.380 --> 01:24:29.380] Somebody did something wrong, somebody got caught, something happened [01:24:29.380 --> 01:24:34.380] But the game is already afoot, so they have to run through the operation anyway [01:24:34.380 --> 01:24:36.380] And maybe at the last minute somebody said, you know what? [01:24:36.380 --> 01:24:39.380] Why don't we jump on this train? It's just full of blue collar guys [01:24:39.380 --> 01:24:44.380] We get across the border and the operation continues [01:24:44.380 --> 01:24:52.380] If it's not that scenario, there's only one other plausible scenario in my eyes or my mind that works [01:24:52.380 --> 01:25:03.380] In World War II, there were several examples of the Nazis counterfeiting something like 15% of all the British pounds in circulation [01:25:03.380 --> 01:25:06.380] And the notes were done exquisitely [01:25:06.380 --> 01:25:10.380] You couldn't tell the difference between which one was real and which one was fake [01:25:10.380 --> 01:25:14.380] And the Nazis did that to try to shatter confidence [01:25:14.380 --> 01:25:21.380] If nobody really knows how many of these frauds are in existence, it makes everybody wonder what their money actually worth, what not [01:25:21.380 --> 01:25:26.380] So on some level, I could see that game being played out here [01:25:26.380 --> 01:25:34.380] Somebody was going to war with the confidence of the American public or the world in general [01:25:34.380 --> 01:25:41.380] With the safety and security of the United States' money supply and its debt supply [01:25:41.380 --> 01:25:46.380] It's like a psy-op, a psychological op [01:25:46.380 --> 01:26:00.380] So if China or one of the Asian bloc was behind it, does the United States have enough control to completely shut down the media? [01:26:00.380 --> 01:26:02.380] Of course they do [01:26:02.380 --> 01:26:08.380] As you said, it's barely on the Internet and they don't have control of that [01:26:08.380 --> 01:26:09.380] Right [01:26:09.380 --> 01:26:11.380] So how did it all get closed off? [01:26:11.380 --> 01:26:15.380] They actually are trying to take control of that right now [01:26:15.380 --> 01:26:17.380] They've been doing that a long time [01:26:17.380 --> 01:26:25.380] Well, there's a couple of brand new bills that are being passed to create an information czar [01:26:25.380 --> 01:26:29.380] When the hell do we have czars? Isn't that a Russian thing? [01:26:29.380 --> 01:26:37.380] Whatever happened to like the head of, the CEO of, the president of, you know, the chairman of? [01:26:37.380 --> 01:26:40.380] What the hell is an information czar? [01:26:40.380 --> 01:26:44.380] That kind of sounds like a stormtrooper, doesn't it? [01:26:44.380 --> 01:26:45.380] Yeah, I've never liked that [01:26:45.380 --> 01:26:46.380] I've never liked that term [01:26:46.380 --> 01:26:51.380] That's been going on I think even since the Reagan era and before [01:26:51.380 --> 01:26:53.380] They call them czars [01:26:53.380 --> 01:26:55.380] I don't get that [01:26:55.380 --> 01:27:09.380] And to me that's just another psyop to try to condition us into this ideology that the government, you know, is all, you know, omnipotent and that they're above us [01:27:09.380 --> 01:27:11.380] Well, wouldn't that come down to confidence? [01:27:11.380 --> 01:27:13.380] Exactly [01:27:13.380 --> 01:27:19.380] You believe, kind of like in The Matrix, what makes you believe there's a spoon? [01:27:19.380 --> 01:27:25.380] Remember when Neo saw the little kid and he's sitting there bending spoons by touching them? [01:27:25.380 --> 01:27:29.380] He's like, wow, how do you do that? Well, what makes you think there's a spoon? [01:27:29.380 --> 01:27:36.380] What makes you think these people have any control of any kind whatsoever? They don't [01:27:36.380 --> 01:27:42.380] You go to any prison in the United States, you got a thousand inmates, you got five guards [01:27:42.380 --> 01:27:49.380] Any second those inmates uniformly want the prison, it's theirs, poof, done [01:27:49.380 --> 01:27:52.380] There's going to be casualties for sure [01:27:52.380 --> 01:27:57.380] But without a shadow of a doubt, the inmates will run the asylum [01:27:57.380 --> 01:28:03.380] And the same thing here, what makes you think these people have any control over you or us at all? [01:28:03.380 --> 01:28:13.380] It's all confidence. You believe they do. You believe they're omnipresent, omnipotent, powerful, rocket scientists [01:28:13.380 --> 01:28:21.380] white lab coat wearing professional Christians who can't do any harm [01:28:21.380 --> 01:28:26.380] And if they did and something was going wrong, they would never let it happen [01:28:26.380 --> 01:28:31.380] I know they don't know you, but they love you so much that they would never let personal gain get in their way [01:28:31.380 --> 01:28:36.380] or bribery or extortion to do what they're told [01:28:36.380 --> 01:28:41.380] Or maybe once they get the job they go, holy crap, I didn't know it was this bad [01:28:41.380 --> 01:28:46.380] We can't tell anybody about this, it'll crash the whole system, checkmate [01:28:46.380 --> 01:28:51.380] It's all about confidence, the whole blasted thing [01:28:51.380 --> 01:28:57.380] You know, Debra, you had asked me when we spoke today, you know, Steve, this is some pretty heavy stuff [01:28:57.380 --> 01:29:03.380] We can't leave people just hanging with this. What are the remedies? What are the things you can do about it? [01:29:03.380 --> 01:29:11.380] Well, I can't give anybody advice because I don't have a license to give financial advice [01:29:11.380 --> 01:29:19.380] You know, this whole show, this is for your edification and it's for entertainment, okay? [01:29:19.380 --> 01:29:26.380] But I can tell you or share things with, you know, you and Randy about things that I've done for myself [01:29:26.380 --> 01:29:31.380] I have no faith on any level in the system that we use every day [01:29:31.380 --> 01:29:34.380] We had a caller, I think his name was Randy [01:29:34.380 --> 01:29:38.380] Oh, here we go, remind me where I'm at, we'll go [01:29:38.380 --> 01:29:40.380] Okay, yep, you had a caller, his name was Randy [01:29:40.380 --> 01:29:43.380] And actually speaking of callers, we have a caller on the line right now [01:29:43.380 --> 01:29:47.380] So you can talk about the caller, Randy, when we get back on the other side [01:29:47.380 --> 01:29:49.380] And then we'll take Joe from Illinois [01:29:49.380 --> 01:29:56.380] Okay, we'll be right back, this is the rule of law [01:30:02.380 --> 01:30:05.380] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [01:30:05.380 --> 01:30:12.380] Win your case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course [01:30:12.380 --> 01:30:16.380] That will show you how in 24 hours, step by step [01:30:16.380 --> 01:30:20.380] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing [01:30:20.380 --> 01:30:24.380] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself [01:30:24.380 --> 01:30:29.380] Thousands have won with our step by step course and now you can too [01:30:29.380 --> 01:30:35.380] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience [01:30:35.380 --> 01:30:40.380] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand [01:30:40.380 --> 01:30:44.380] About the principles and practices that control our American courts [01:30:44.380 --> 01:30:51.380] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:30:51.380 --> 01:30:53.380] Pro se tactics, and much more [01:30:53.380 --> 01:31:02.380] Please visit ruleoflawradio.com and click on the banner or call toll free, 866-LAW-EZ [01:31:03.380 --> 01:31:06.380] Yeah, and who you want to chip? Who you take me for? Free Tully? [01:31:06.380 --> 01:31:10.380] Who you want to chip? I'm not free Tully, you can't chip me [01:31:10.380 --> 01:31:15.380] I'm free, all of them chip you in the morning, chip you in the evening [01:31:15.380 --> 01:31:19.380] Put a chip in your body, and then when you go computer reading [01:31:19.380 --> 01:31:22.380] You can't hide me from nobody, what me say? [01:31:22.380 --> 01:31:27.380] Chip in your mom, chip in your daddy, chip in your grandpa and the granny [01:31:27.380 --> 01:31:31.380] Chip in me, chip in your baby, chip in your family, whole family [01:31:31.380 --> 01:31:36.380] Chip in your dog and the cat around me, chip in the beef and you still go eat it [01:31:36.380 --> 01:31:41.380] Chip in the fish, them all in the sea, chip in the stock and the wheel around me [01:31:41.380 --> 01:31:46.380] You see mankind gone too crazy, they're connecting and they want to read it [01:31:46.380 --> 01:31:50.380] Social security, they go tell me, number they give me, they repeat up you see [01:31:50.380 --> 01:31:53.380] I'm chip you in the morning, chip you in the evening [01:31:53.380 --> 01:31:57.380] All right, we are back, the rule of law, Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens [01:31:57.380 --> 01:32:02.380] We're here with our very special guest, Steve, the financial analyst, good friend Steve [01:32:02.380 --> 01:32:07.380] We've got Joe from Illinois, Joe, just sit tight because Steve wants to talk about [01:32:07.380 --> 01:32:12.380] the caller Randy last time he was on the air, go ahead [01:32:12.380 --> 01:32:16.380] All right, thank you, Deborah, and thanks for waiting, Joe, we'll get to you in a minute [01:32:16.380 --> 01:32:22.380] One of the things that really struck me last week or the last time I was on [01:32:22.380 --> 01:32:28.380] was we had a caller call in Randy and we talked to him for a few moments during the break [01:32:28.380 --> 01:32:33.380] And you could tell this guy was on the ball, I mean, if nothing else [01:32:33.380 --> 01:32:39.380] he had all the right phrases, all the right, you know, data to share and to give an opinion, okay? [01:32:39.380 --> 01:32:44.380] The thing that really struck me though was his absolute confidence in, you know, [01:32:44.380 --> 01:32:47.380] like staying long the stock market [01:32:47.380 --> 01:32:51.380] This week we had one day where we were down almost 200 points [01:32:51.380 --> 01:32:55.380] right out of the blue like nothing happened [01:32:55.380 --> 01:33:01.380] The point that I wanted to make with this other caller, Randy, not your co-producer here [01:33:01.380 --> 01:33:06.380] is that we never know what is going to happen [01:33:06.380 --> 01:33:13.380] Before the break I was trying to share with folks that, you know, with my own personal money [01:33:13.380 --> 01:33:18.380] I don't believe in the system anymore, I don't have any faith in it at all [01:33:18.380 --> 01:33:23.380] I don't care how tough times ever got for me, I would never go get my license [01:33:23.380 --> 01:33:29.380] and then go, you know, establish myself with a major broker, clearing house [01:33:29.380 --> 01:33:33.380] or, you know, heaven forbid, one of the top banks [01:33:33.380 --> 01:33:41.380] which basically nowadays are all synonymous anyways, just one big, you know, bastard organization [01:33:41.380 --> 01:33:44.380] I don't have any confidence in it [01:33:44.380 --> 01:33:48.380] I don't have a dollar of my own money in stock anymore [01:33:48.380 --> 01:33:55.380] unless it's indirectly tied to a precious metals mining company, either a junior or a major [01:33:55.380 --> 01:34:06.380] I don't believe in the system because everything I see just gleams and beams out at me as being an illusion [01:34:06.380 --> 01:34:13.380] Maybe I was one of the first casualties in the war on confidence, but that's where my head's at [01:34:13.380 --> 01:34:18.380] Hey, Deborah, why don't we take the caller, Joel, let's get his question on the table [01:34:18.380 --> 01:34:20.380] Sure [01:34:20.380 --> 01:34:23.380] Joel, thanks for calling in, what is your question for our guest? [01:34:23.380 --> 01:34:28.380] Yes, Deborah, thank you again for letting us listen to Steve's thoughts [01:34:28.380 --> 01:34:33.380] I was just wanting to pass some thoughts of mine into the mix [01:34:33.380 --> 01:34:39.380] where he says what the bonds and where they came from and why they're paired [01:34:39.380 --> 01:34:47.380] He spoke about the MIF and how they're playing the game and how they have geniuses running it [01:34:47.380 --> 01:34:55.380] and could possibly this be part of their game to ruin the confidence in the green dollar or the coupons [01:34:55.380 --> 01:35:04.380] as he says, to draw us into a whole new coupon they have us ready to go into for the world coupon [01:35:04.380 --> 01:35:09.380] Joel, I think you're right on target, brother, okay? I think this is what they did [01:35:09.380 --> 01:35:14.380] I tried to get into it, but I must have sidetracked myself [01:35:14.380 --> 01:35:19.380] You can't make a movement that large in one big bite [01:35:19.380 --> 01:35:28.380] Do you ever hear the old analogy? You can't eat an entire log of salami, but you can if you do it one slice at a time [01:35:28.380 --> 01:35:38.380] And the global transition from let's get away from the dollar, the dollar will no longer be the sole reserve currency [01:35:38.380 --> 01:35:48.380] We're going to use special drawing rights, which is a really fancy way of saying like a combined pool of assets as the reserve currency [01:35:48.380 --> 01:36:02.380] That would allow Russia and China or any of the other quote surplus nations unquote to also have the right to just print money with reckless abandon like we do [01:36:02.380 --> 01:36:08.380] So my whole topic of bringing any of that stuff up is it's confidence [01:36:08.380 --> 01:36:20.380] If you have another shattering of confidence with inflation, we have the IMF creating 250 billion upfront and for lack of a better way to put it, seed money [01:36:20.380 --> 01:36:27.380] By the time that goes fractional, it'll be two and a half trillion, okay? [01:36:27.380 --> 01:36:44.380] On top of that, you're now allowing China and Russia and some South American countries to now recklessly print money and use it with the special drawing rights as kind of being the umbrella to international currency [01:36:44.380 --> 01:36:51.380] It's a foot stuck in the door allowing the one world currency to go [01:36:51.380 --> 01:37:00.380] You know, the best analogy I could give you, Joe, would be that's the inception [01:37:00.380 --> 01:37:07.380] You know, that's the actual event that's fertilized the egg that creates the super beast [01:37:07.380 --> 01:37:16.380] Because now the IMF is going into unchartered territory and trying to just picture for a minute, where the hell is our nukes? [01:37:16.380 --> 01:37:24.380] Where the hell is any – where's the outrage? Who gives a crap? Does anybody? Does anybody see it? Does anybody care? [01:37:24.380 --> 01:37:30.380] Maybe your grandmother, your grandfather, your mom and dad, really depends on how old you are [01:37:30.380 --> 01:37:39.380] But people that you've known that have always kept their notes clean, always played by the rules, wouldn't hurt a fly, never missed a service, nothing [01:37:39.380 --> 01:37:46.380] They did nothing wrong and they're getting ripped off in broad daylight day after day after day after day [01:37:46.380 --> 01:37:53.380] And why does it seem like we have an entire House of Representatives, a House of Congress, a president with a cabinet [01:37:53.380 --> 01:37:58.380] and none of these people are fit to flip a hamburger at McDonald's? [01:37:58.380 --> 01:38:04.380] Because if you ever let them in there, they would run the place into the ground, rip it off blind [01:38:04.380 --> 01:38:09.380] and there'd be nothing but a boarded up building that used to say, fast food [01:38:09.380 --> 01:38:16.380] Where's the outrage? I know you've got some outrage. You wouldn't have picked up the phone if you did [01:38:16.380 --> 01:38:20.380] You wouldn't still be listening to, what, an hour and a half of my rambling [01:38:20.380 --> 01:38:28.380] unless there was something else inside of you going, yeah, where is this stuff? Why isn't anybody talking about it? [01:38:28.380 --> 01:38:34.380] How did we spend two and a half weeks talking about Michael Jackson? Now, I don't mean to degrade the man [01:38:34.380 --> 01:38:42.380] He was a superstar, okay? But isn't there more important stuff going on? [01:38:42.380 --> 01:38:50.380] Couldn't that be like a blurb of once in a while to keep remembering, you know, kind of like a respectful way of paying [01:38:50.380 --> 01:38:56.380] and some kind of dues or respects for being, you know, world or globally famous? [01:38:56.380 --> 01:39:01.380] How could you have two and a half weeks of that? The three stories I brought up just tonight [01:39:01.380 --> 01:39:07.380] I've got sheets in front of me with bullet points on them in case I ran into like a, you know, a dead spot [01:39:07.380 --> 01:39:10.380] so I could keep talking about things [01:39:10.380 --> 01:39:16.380] Well, sure, Steve, that's why they went on and on about Michael Jackson for weeks and weeks and even months [01:39:16.380 --> 01:39:23.380] because it's a distraction. They don't want us to see the real story. They don't want us to know what's going on [01:39:23.380 --> 01:39:29.380] It's David Copperfield. Absolutely. And all the bills as you say, they keep pushing through [01:39:29.380 --> 01:39:38.380] That's the mainstream media for you. It's nothing but lies. Cover up. My husband wrote a song. Cover up. What's up? [01:39:38.380 --> 01:39:44.380] Cat got your tongue? All right, it's nothing but cover up and lies. That's why we're doing what we're doing [01:39:44.380 --> 01:39:48.380] We're telling the truth on the air because people need to know [01:39:48.380 --> 01:39:54.380] I can't even tell you how much you could have, I wish you could have changed tonight's music, you know, the lead-in [01:39:54.380 --> 01:39:57.380] from Stevie Nicks' Sweet Little Lies [01:39:57.380 --> 01:40:02.380] Oh, yeah. Well, hey, just send me some requests ahead of time and I'll program it in [01:40:02.380 --> 01:40:12.380] There we go. Because that's really what it all is. And, you know, for me, Joe, the only thing I can do for myself [01:40:12.380 --> 01:40:21.380] to protect myself, and obviously there's no magic bullet. There's no, like, superhero shield I can put in front of my family [01:40:21.380 --> 01:40:34.380] Okay? But one thing I know, the system I see in front of me is beyond broken. It's beyond corrupt. And it is evil [01:40:34.380 --> 01:40:44.380] Because when you can make senior citizens eat cat food, because this year, by the way, for, like, the last 70 years [01:40:44.380 --> 01:40:51.380] since Social Security has been up and running, this will be the first year that Congress is already asking for a [01:40:51.380 --> 01:40:55.380] zero-cola adjustment for Social Security [01:40:55.380 --> 01:40:59.380] You talk about the inflation coming down the pipe [01:40:59.380 --> 01:41:04.380] Joe, look at the infliction that's in the pipe right now. It's ridiculous [01:41:04.380 --> 01:41:16.380] You know, oil, even though that there's all this supply disruption and you demand destruction that you keep hearing about [01:41:16.380 --> 01:41:25.380] Why is oil basically the same price as it was at the peak of crisis during Hurricane Katrina? And this is a bottom [01:41:25.380 --> 01:41:32.380] This is the low end of the cycle. God himself had better help the average American and the average person in this world [01:41:32.380 --> 01:41:37.380] on the next super-cycle leg up in crude oil [01:41:37.380 --> 01:41:42.380] Because we're not looking at 130 this time. We'll be looking at 300 this time [01:41:42.380 --> 01:41:46.380] Yes, spot prices of metals haven't moved much in the last year or so, too [01:41:46.380 --> 01:41:54.380] Well, you know what's the funny thing is, during this entire crisis, gold and silver have been the best-performing asset classes [01:41:54.380 --> 01:42:00.380] basically for the last eight years non-stop. Nothing can hold a candle to them [01:42:00.380 --> 01:42:06.380] Maybe it's because historically it's been money for 10,000 years [01:42:06.380 --> 01:42:17.380] And let's not get into some semantics and mumbo-jumbo. It's real. It's been used as a medium of exchange for 10,000 years [01:42:17.380 --> 01:42:23.380] Because it's a real pain in the ass to get. It's heavy and it's actually tangible [01:42:23.380 --> 01:42:25.380] And it has intrinsic value [01:42:25.380 --> 01:42:36.380] Yeah, it has and it always will. You know, in the days of the Roman Empire, a gold coin would buy you a brand new toga [01:42:36.380 --> 01:42:40.380] a brand new pair of leather sandals, and a good belt [01:42:40.380 --> 01:42:49.380] And today, an ounce of gold will get you a nice suit, a good pair of shoes, and a fine belt [01:42:49.380 --> 01:42:55.380] There's been no inflation if you price everything in gold [01:42:55.380 --> 01:43:02.380] Now go on the internet and pull up a chart of the S&P 500 priced in gold [01:43:02.380 --> 01:43:12.380] Or anything else of the debt markets priced in gold, and you will see a horrific-looking chart [01:43:12.380 --> 01:43:20.380] that makes gold basically the only option that I see for me and for my family [01:43:20.380 --> 01:43:27.380] And before anybody out there runs into it, I really recommend you go talk to a certified financial advisor [01:43:27.380 --> 01:43:32.380] A lot of them are actually decent people. They're not rude, evil, okay? [01:43:32.380 --> 01:43:38.380] Then you might just get some good insight and some good information before you go start throwing your money around [01:43:38.380 --> 01:43:44.380] Absolutely, and contrary to what a lot of people think, money is not the root of all evil [01:43:44.380 --> 01:43:47.380] It's the love of money that is the root of all evil [01:43:47.380 --> 01:43:48.380] Right on [01:43:48.380 --> 01:43:53.380] Okay, and we also have Mark from Wisconsin. He's one of our affiliates in Madison [01:43:53.380 --> 01:43:55.380] He's broadcasting us on the FM's in Madison [01:43:55.380 --> 01:44:08.380] Joe, hang on the line if you have any more comments, and then we're going to go to Mark when we get back on the other side [01:44:08.380 --> 01:44:13.380] Aerial spray, chemtrails, the modified atmosphere [01:44:13.380 --> 01:44:20.380] Heavy metals and pesticides, carcinogens and chemical fibers all falling from the sky [01:44:20.380 --> 01:44:28.380] You have a choice to keep your body clean. Detoxify with micro plant powder from hempusa.org [01:44:28.380 --> 01:44:37.380] Or call 908-691-2608. It's odorless and tasteless and used in any liquid or food [01:44:37.380 --> 01:44:41.380] Protect your family now with micro plant powder [01:44:41.380 --> 01:44:45.380] Cleaning out heavy metals, parasites and toxins [01:44:45.380 --> 01:44:50.380] Order it now for daily intake and stock it now for long-term storage [01:44:50.380 --> 01:44:58.380] Visit hempusa.org or call 908-691-2608 today [01:44:58.380 --> 01:45:23.380] Hello? Oh, man, in jail? You got busted, man? Oh, man, I'm broke, dude [01:45:23.380 --> 01:45:28.380] Some things in this world I will never understand [01:45:28.380 --> 01:45:32.380] Some things I realize foolish [01:45:32.380 --> 01:45:36.380] Somebody's gonna police the policeman [01:45:36.380 --> 01:45:39.380] Somebody's gonna police the policeman [01:45:39.380 --> 01:45:42.380] Alright, somebody's gonna police the policeman [01:45:42.380 --> 01:45:44.380] Somebody's gonna bully the bully [01:45:44.380 --> 01:45:46.380] That would be us [01:45:46.380 --> 01:45:48.380] That's some Route 1 music for you [01:45:48.380 --> 01:45:51.380] My husband's band, longtime band, 15 years [01:45:51.380 --> 01:45:53.380] I'm a member of the band as well [01:45:53.380 --> 01:45:59.380] Okay, we're going to finish up with Joe. Mark from Wisconsin, our affiliate, just hang tight [01:45:59.380 --> 01:46:04.380] We're gonna go to you real quick, so go ahead, Steve [01:46:04.380 --> 01:46:07.380] You had some comments for Joe [01:46:07.380 --> 01:46:13.380] Basically, I just wanted to say, hey, Joe, do you feel like I addressed your question? [01:46:13.380 --> 01:46:16.380] Yeah, I do. I feel like you did address that [01:46:16.380 --> 01:46:21.380] And I just wanted to say it's really great to hear your opinion on things [01:46:21.380 --> 01:46:25.380] And when you're speaking, one little thing from the 21st when you were on there last [01:46:25.380 --> 01:46:29.380] You had spoke of the doubling of the money [01:46:29.380 --> 01:46:34.380] And after a certain point, it kind of starts to get to me as to how that happens [01:46:34.380 --> 01:46:40.380] And I see with the Wall Street games they play, that's where you start to get into, as I like to say, the gambling [01:46:40.380 --> 01:46:44.380] And the Vegas style of doubling money and that point of risk [01:46:44.380 --> 01:46:48.380] And the shell game of where you put yourself on the line of losing everything [01:46:48.380 --> 01:46:52.380] But, you know, that's why I enjoy listening to you [01:46:52.380 --> 01:46:56.380] Because it really provokes me into, you know, getting to think about different things that way [01:46:56.380 --> 01:46:59.380] Well, you know what, Joe? Thank you so much [01:46:59.380 --> 01:47:03.380] And I couldn't ask for a better compliment than what you just said [01:47:03.380 --> 01:47:04.380] Thank you, bro [01:47:04.380 --> 01:47:10.380] Okay, great show, and Deborah, I love the three shoe posse on the segues in and out [01:47:10.380 --> 01:47:11.380] Thank you [01:47:11.380 --> 01:47:13.380] You keep that going, too [01:47:13.380 --> 01:47:14.380] Thank you, Joe, thank you [01:47:14.380 --> 01:47:15.380] Have a good night, guys [01:47:15.380 --> 01:47:16.380] Bye-bye [01:47:16.380 --> 01:47:17.380] Good night [01:47:17.380 --> 01:47:20.380] Deborah, before we take Mark from Madison, can I ask [01:47:20.380 --> 01:47:23.380] Can I have 30 seconds here to just make a comment? [01:47:23.380 --> 01:47:24.380] Sure, of course, go ahead [01:47:24.380 --> 01:47:28.380] You know, folks, I'm not sure if you're aware of this [01:47:28.380 --> 01:47:34.380] When I did the show last time, one of the things that really bothers me about the Internet [01:47:34.380 --> 01:47:41.380] Is when you have maybe a website or a group of people that are trying to disseminate news [01:47:41.380 --> 01:47:44.380] And tell the truth and wake other people up [01:47:44.380 --> 01:47:49.380] Because of the nature of the Internet, you know, you popped onto the website [01:47:49.380 --> 01:47:55.380] And you jump onto a normal streaming feed of information that's available for anywhere [01:47:55.380 --> 01:47:58.380] And it's all, you know, it's the Internet, so it's unregulated and all that [01:47:58.380 --> 01:48:06.380] But for you, it's easy, because you just turn on the computer, you boot up, you go to the URL and presto [01:48:06.380 --> 01:48:09.380] You know, you're listening to Deborah, you're listening to Randy [01:48:09.380 --> 01:48:14.380] You know, the host of other people that they have on the radio law show [01:48:14.380 --> 01:48:17.380] So, rule of law, sorry about that [01:48:17.380 --> 01:48:25.380] One thing a lot of folks don't understand is the amount of money and time and energy [01:48:25.380 --> 01:48:31.380] That these folks put into getting these shows up, this information out [01:48:31.380 --> 01:48:37.380] I would beg you if I thought it would make a difference [01:48:37.380 --> 01:48:43.380] But I'm not asking for me, I'm actually going to ask all of you this for you [01:48:43.380 --> 01:48:50.380] Please, dig into your pocket, grab, you know, your PayPal account, send a check [01:48:50.380 --> 01:48:55.380] You know, tape a couple dollars to a pigeon and fly it off, whatever you have to do [01:48:55.380 --> 01:48:59.380] Please support people like Deborah and Randy [01:48:59.380 --> 01:49:05.380] Please support this radio show, because without it, it's never going to grow [01:49:05.380 --> 01:49:08.380] It'll never get bigger and more sophisticated [01:49:08.380 --> 01:49:13.380] Because the people who are doing this are giving all they have already [01:49:13.380 --> 01:49:16.380] How are they supposed to give their money, too? [01:49:16.380 --> 01:49:25.380] I appreciate that, Steve, because I have to say I haven't gone into my day job for almost three weeks [01:49:25.380 --> 01:49:28.380] So that I can do this radio network [01:49:28.380 --> 01:49:33.380] So basically, listeners, I'm relying on you for my means of living right now [01:49:33.380 --> 01:49:39.380] I really am, and I do appreciate the donations [01:49:39.380 --> 01:49:42.380] Because a lot of donations have come in this last week [01:49:42.380 --> 01:49:48.380] And basically, that's what's paying my bills right now [01:49:48.380 --> 01:49:50.380] That's all I have to say about it [01:49:50.380 --> 01:49:54.380] And I don't want to... I mean, my husband works, too [01:49:54.380 --> 01:49:58.380] I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not... I mean, he supports us [01:49:58.380 --> 01:50:04.380] But I mean, in this economy, it takes... it's a two-income household these days [01:50:04.380 --> 01:50:10.380] And especially if you want to run an enterprise like this, it costs a lot of money [01:50:10.380 --> 01:50:13.380] It really, really does, so I really appreciate the help [01:50:13.380 --> 01:50:18.380] Well, it's a two-income economy because of inflation [01:50:18.380 --> 01:50:21.380] Which is the whole Ponzi scheme rip-off thing [01:50:21.380 --> 01:50:26.380] Folks, a great donation or a great investment you could make [01:50:26.380 --> 01:50:31.380] My dad used to say the best investment you'll ever make, Stephen, is invest in your own mind [01:50:31.380 --> 01:50:32.380] Indeed [01:50:32.380 --> 01:50:35.380] Invest in your education and expand your horizon [01:50:35.380 --> 01:50:41.380] Because if you don't know history, you'll never know what happened when you're doomed to repeat it [01:50:41.380 --> 01:50:47.380] And when anybody sends this show money, all you're doing is making it easier [01:50:47.380 --> 01:50:53.380] For the people who are doing all the work for you to go on for the next day [01:50:53.380 --> 01:50:57.380] Deborah was telling me she desperately needs a webmaster [01:50:57.380 --> 01:51:00.380] She can't do all this stuff by herself [01:51:00.380 --> 01:51:02.380] It's going to take some money [01:51:02.380 --> 01:51:06.380] And for somebody to volunteer, that would be really cool [01:51:06.380 --> 01:51:09.380] But it's not sustainable [01:51:09.380 --> 01:51:16.380] Somebody who is very talented at being a webmaster would be willing to totally dedicate themselves [01:51:16.380 --> 01:51:19.380] To working on this website [01:51:19.380 --> 01:51:21.380] Is going to cost some decent money [01:51:21.380 --> 01:51:29.380] And so the listenership costs up a dollar once in a while from each and every one of you [01:51:29.380 --> 01:51:32.380] Maybe even twice a year, so what, two bucks? [01:51:32.380 --> 01:51:35.380] Make it five dollars, pretend it's a pack of cigarettes [01:51:35.380 --> 01:51:40.380] And send that in one time a year voluntarily [01:51:40.380 --> 01:51:43.380] It's not that hard, just do it [01:51:43.380 --> 01:51:44.380] I appreciate that [01:51:44.380 --> 01:51:49.380] And we need to support Mark from Wisconsin, survivorseeds.com [01:51:49.380 --> 01:51:51.380] He's our affiliate, he's a big supporter [01:51:51.380 --> 01:51:53.380] Mark, thanks for holding for so long [01:51:53.380 --> 01:51:55.380] What's on your mind tonight? [01:51:55.380 --> 01:51:57.380] Oh, I looked up Tsar for you, Deborah [01:51:57.380 --> 01:52:02.380] It means a male monarch or emperor, especially of Russia prior to 1917 [01:52:02.380 --> 01:52:05.380] Or a person having great power [01:52:05.380 --> 01:52:12.380] Now that's not surprising since the UN says that the new world order is to be modeled on the Soviet Union [01:52:12.380 --> 01:52:14.380] And Soviet means rule by councils [01:52:14.380 --> 01:52:18.380] And the councils are to be nongovernmental organizations [01:52:18.380 --> 01:52:22.380] Not just into the NGOs, they're all banker funded [01:52:22.380 --> 01:52:24.380] I just wanted to make that point [01:52:24.380 --> 01:52:28.380] And I also wanted to say that the Chinese are a creation of the capitalists [01:52:28.380 --> 01:52:33.380] Our government turned their backs on the Chinese patriots when the commies took over [01:52:33.380 --> 01:52:40.380] Nixon gave them most favored nation status [01:52:40.380 --> 01:52:43.380] And the UN says China is to be the factory of the world [01:52:43.380 --> 01:52:46.380] What I'm trying to say is all the world is a stage here [01:52:46.380 --> 01:52:48.380] We can't get into the minutiae of it all [01:52:48.380 --> 01:52:54.380] But we know from reading about Agenda 21 and what the bigwigs of SEDS wrote history is [01:52:54.380 --> 01:52:57.380] The plan is a new world order [01:52:57.380 --> 01:53:00.380] And so we can be waiting at the finish line [01:53:00.380 --> 01:53:04.380] The biggest thing is our right to contract, Deborah says it all the time [01:53:04.380 --> 01:53:07.380] We need our right to contract back [01:53:07.380 --> 01:53:13.380] And we wouldn't have to worry about these centralized currencies anymore [01:53:13.380 --> 01:53:16.380] One of the things that I'd like to see really worked on [01:53:16.380 --> 01:53:24.380] And Deborah has offered me a spot on the radio show to start doing this on a regular basis [01:53:24.380 --> 01:53:29.380] And one of the things that I want to drill home to everybody [01:53:29.380 --> 01:53:32.380] If you want to defeat these people [01:53:32.380 --> 01:53:38.380] If you think you're going to pick up a gun and you're going to go revolt and survive [01:53:38.380 --> 01:53:40.380] You're tripping, okay? [01:53:40.380 --> 01:53:43.380] They have a monopoly on violence [01:53:43.380 --> 01:53:46.380] They're gearing up, expecting that you're going to be so ticked off [01:53:46.380 --> 01:53:49.380] You'll freak out and go do something violent [01:53:49.380 --> 01:53:51.380] They're prepared for that [01:53:51.380 --> 01:53:53.380] They've taken all this phony baloney money [01:53:53.380 --> 01:53:58.380] Hired people in our own country to build weapons, build active denial systems [01:53:58.380 --> 01:54:03.380] Build chemical weapons, build all sorts of devious stuff [01:54:03.380 --> 01:54:09.380] Only if we freak out, they get to use it with impunity [01:54:09.380 --> 01:54:14.380] If you want to defeat these people and you want them to shrivel up and die [01:54:14.380 --> 01:54:19.380] Like you took a tomato plant and put a tarp over the thing [01:54:19.380 --> 01:54:23.380] Give it a week and that will no longer be a viable plant [01:54:23.380 --> 01:54:26.380] Do the same thing with these people [01:54:26.380 --> 01:54:33.380] Why does every transaction you make have to involve a green coupon? [01:54:33.380 --> 01:54:36.380] I make a couple dollars, I'm subject to tax [01:54:36.380 --> 01:54:40.380] I have to pay my tax, I get a little bit of scrub left over [01:54:40.380 --> 01:54:43.380] Hey Mark, I'm going to come over to your website [01:54:43.380 --> 01:54:47.380] I'm going to buy some of those fantastic seeds you offer [01:54:47.380 --> 01:54:50.380] And then you receive money, my money [01:54:50.380 --> 01:54:53.380] And then you have to pay tax on it [01:54:53.380 --> 01:54:57.380] You do that like five times in a row and all the money's gone [01:54:57.380 --> 01:55:00.380] It went straight into the tax coffers [01:55:00.380 --> 01:55:05.380] How many times do you have to tax the same damn dollar? [01:55:05.380 --> 01:55:08.380] Why? Where does it stop? [01:55:08.380 --> 01:55:13.380] It stops when we have lost all control [01:55:13.380 --> 01:55:19.380] You know Mark, I would love to come up with your name or your phone number [01:55:19.380 --> 01:55:25.380] So I could talk to you about some viable way of you receiving a trade from me [01:55:25.380 --> 01:55:27.380] To purchase your seed [01:55:27.380 --> 01:55:30.380] Where you don't receive one of my little green coupons [01:55:30.380 --> 01:55:32.380] Because I don't frankly want to give it to you [01:55:32.380 --> 01:55:35.380] You work too hard, you're too smart and you're too nice [01:55:35.380 --> 01:55:40.380] To have to settle for something that much of garbage [01:55:40.380 --> 01:55:43.380] For your receipt of payment [01:55:43.380 --> 01:55:45.380] You and I could work out a trade [01:55:45.380 --> 01:55:49.380] I don't have any liability, you don't have any liability [01:55:49.380 --> 01:55:53.380] We both get exactly what we want and there is no middleman [01:55:53.380 --> 01:55:58.380] We cut him out of the picture, we put a tarp over him [01:55:58.380 --> 01:56:00.380] Maybe tie up the tarp and punch it a few times [01:56:00.380 --> 01:56:04.380] But still, you get the idea [01:56:04.380 --> 01:56:07.380] Right, another thing that comes to mind too is [01:56:07.380 --> 01:56:11.380] Patriots must re-infiltrate their local governments [01:56:11.380 --> 01:56:15.380] Because whenever there is anyone coming against the government [01:56:15.380 --> 01:56:18.380] If they're on the outside of that, they're in big trouble [01:56:18.380 --> 01:56:22.380] Even when Germany was taken over [01:56:22.380 --> 01:56:27.380] They had terrorist squads that were trying to take back their local governments [01:56:27.380 --> 01:56:29.380] And the local governments and the people turned them in [01:56:29.380 --> 01:56:33.380] Because they were getting fed by their captors [01:56:33.380 --> 01:56:38.380] So if you're not on the inside of local government when the stuff hits the fan [01:56:38.380 --> 01:56:41.380] You're the enemy if you're trying to change things [01:56:41.380 --> 01:56:44.380] Well Mark, if I really want to change it [01:56:44.380 --> 01:56:49.380] All of their actions take energy [01:56:49.380 --> 01:56:52.380] Whether it's financial, spiritual, whatever [01:56:52.380 --> 01:56:57.380] It's energy, they're vampires, they suck [01:56:57.380 --> 01:57:03.380] The only way you can actually defeat them is to shut them off [01:57:03.380 --> 01:57:08.380] If you and I did nothing again but trade amongst our friends and family [01:57:08.380 --> 01:57:10.380] And we used no little green coupons [01:57:10.380 --> 01:57:13.380] What happens to the tax receipts? [01:57:13.380 --> 01:57:16.380] I would imagine they would plummet [01:57:16.380 --> 01:57:18.380] If enough of that happens [01:57:18.380 --> 01:57:23.380] Well all of a sudden all these deadbeat, lowlife, talentless people [01:57:23.380 --> 01:57:27.380] Have to get a job [01:57:27.380 --> 01:57:30.380] They have to get off the couch or out of their limo [01:57:30.380 --> 01:57:36.380] Or maybe they don't get to fly on the G550 $50 million airplane [01:57:36.380 --> 01:57:40.380] As our public servant [01:57:40.380 --> 01:57:42.380] They have to get a job because you know what? [01:57:42.380 --> 01:57:47.380] There's no more money in the state, local, or federal budget [01:57:47.380 --> 01:57:51.380] That allows them to have their deadbeat position [01:57:51.380 --> 01:57:57.380] Do you remember the Republican takeover right after Clinton was elected on the first term? [01:57:57.380 --> 01:57:59.380] And they had this big thing [01:57:59.380 --> 01:58:03.380] Oh man, if this doesn't get resolved and we don't raise the budget ceiling [01:58:03.380 --> 01:58:05.380] America's going to shut down [01:58:05.380 --> 01:58:07.380] They're going to shut down government [01:58:07.380 --> 01:58:11.380] And oh my gosh, there's going to be puppies running loose in the streets [01:58:11.380 --> 01:58:13.380] And guess what? [01:58:13.380 --> 01:58:17.380] They shut down the government and nobody could even tell [01:58:17.380 --> 01:58:19.380] All right, listen, we're at the end of the show, Steve [01:58:19.380 --> 01:58:21.380] This has been awesome [01:58:21.380 --> 01:58:22.380] Mark, thanks for calling in [01:58:22.380 --> 01:58:23.380] Thank you, Mark [01:58:23.380 --> 01:58:25.380] All right, Steve, we've got to have you back again [01:58:25.380 --> 01:58:28.380] We'd like to have you back on a regular basis on Thursday nights for a while [01:58:28.380 --> 01:58:31.380] So you got me all bummed out, I was hoping we could go OT [01:58:31.380 --> 01:58:33.380] We do overtime on Friday nights [01:58:33.380 --> 01:58:34.380] All right [01:58:34.380 --> 01:58:36.380] All right, we'll be back tomorrow night [01:58:36.380 --> 01:58:37.380] This is the rule of law [01:58:37.380 --> 01:58:39.380] All right, good night, Deborah, good night [01:58:39.380 --> 01:58:40.380] Good night [01:58:40.380 --> 01:58:42.380] Good night, all [01:58:42.380 --> 01:58:52.380] I'm dangerous, dangerous, if you are a bully, treat me good [01:58:52.380 --> 01:59:00.380] If you are a bully, a bully, I beg you, treat me good [01:59:00.380 --> 01:59:04.380] I'm like a stepping graze, I don't want my size [01:59:04.380 --> 01:59:10.380] I'm dangerous, dangerous, I'm like a stepping graze [01:59:10.380 --> 01:59:12.380] I don't want my size [01:59:12.380 --> 01:59:15.380] I'm dangerous, dangerous [01:59:15.380 --> 01:59:22.380] If you are a chucky, somebody chucky from me [01:59:22.380 --> 01:59:30.380] If you are a chucky, chucky, somebody chucky from me [01:59:30.380 --> 01:59:34.380] I'm like a stepping graze, I don't want my size [01:59:34.380 --> 01:59:40.380] I'm dangerous, dangerous, I'm like a stepping graze [01:59:40.380 --> 01:59:42.380] I don't want my size [01:59:42.380 --> 01:59:45.380] I'm dangerous, dangerous [01:59:45.380 --> 01:59:48.380] If you eat out of my balls [01:59:48.380 --> 01:59:52.380] It's a dream, let's go [01:59:52.380 --> 01:59:56.380] It's a dream, let's go [01:59:56.380 --> 02:00:04.380] It's a dream, let's go