[00:00.000 --> 00:09.760] Today in Iraq, the discovery of 18 buried bodies in the Ala province brought the number of reported [00:09.760 --> 00:13.680] Iraqi deaths to 33 and 17 wounded. [00:13.680 --> 00:18.200] The scheduled withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq is being discussed in Washington. [00:18.200 --> 00:23.360] U.S. President Barack Obama met with military and security officials Wednesday to devise [00:23.360 --> 00:26.400] a plan for a swift drawdown. [00:26.400 --> 00:32.000] Three oil companies from Italy, Spain and Japan submitted bids to win a contract that [00:32.000 --> 00:36.320] will allow one of them to develop an oil field near Nazaria. [00:36.320 --> 00:41.440] This news brief brought to you by the International News Net. [00:41.440 --> 00:46.360] As accusations of Israeli war crimes continue to pour in from Gaza, human rights groups [00:46.360 --> 00:49.360] say they face an uphill battle in pressing the cases in court. [00:49.360 --> 00:54.200] In a story in Thursday's Washington Independent, Jessica Montel, executive director of Beats [00:54.200 --> 00:59.160] Salam, a human rights group in Israel that monitors the occupied territories, says that [00:59.160 --> 01:03.560] international law enforcement measures are uneven regarding war crimes. [01:03.560 --> 01:08.080] Montel noted that weaker powers are more likely to be held responsible for violations of the [01:08.080 --> 01:09.880] laws of war than stronger ones. [01:09.880 --> 01:14.520] According to Montel, what matters is not only the gravity of the crimes committed, it's [01:14.520 --> 01:16.600] also your standing in the world. [01:16.600 --> 01:21.240] Montel said that neither Russia or the U.S. are ever going to the International Criminal [01:21.240 --> 01:22.240] Court. [01:22.240 --> 01:27.320] Montel says that when her group criticizes Israeli behavior in Gaza, the automatic response [01:27.320 --> 01:30.240] is, look at what the United States did in Fallujah. [01:30.240 --> 01:35.480] Top of the hour news brought to you by INN World Report. [01:35.480 --> 01:40.120] Ralph Nader's organization sent a letter to President Obama urging him to avoid the [01:40.120 --> 01:44.800] disregard for international legal obligations that condemned his predecessor. [01:44.800 --> 01:48.640] The issue concerns investigating or prosecuting torture. [01:48.640 --> 01:54.960] The letter states that the United States ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, [01:54.960 --> 02:02.160] CAT, in 1994, ensuring that competent authorities will proceed to hold an impartial investigation [02:02.160 --> 02:06.160] wherever there is reasonable ground to believe that an act of torture has been committed [02:06.160 --> 02:09.720] in any territory under its jurisdiction. [02:09.720 --> 02:14.400] Bush and Cheney have both openly conceded that they authorized waterboarding on at least [02:14.400 --> 02:15.400] three prisoners. [02:15.400 --> 02:20.640] In addition, there have been several credible reports about torture at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo [02:20.640 --> 02:23.400] Bay, and other secret locations. [02:23.400 --> 02:29.120] The letter points out that Article 12 of the CAT thus requires that Obama's administration [02:29.120 --> 02:35.080] conduct a prompt and impartial investigation of the individuals and their superiors involved [02:35.080 --> 02:40.560] in waterboarding the prisoners and in interrogating Mohammed al-Qahtani. [02:40.560 --> 02:56.800] If no investigation is forthcoming, President Obama will have violated Article 12. [03:40.560 --> 03:41.160] In addition, there have been several credible reports that the United States has been [03:41.160 --> 03:41.920] conducting a prompt and impartial investigation of the individuals and their superiors involved [03:41.920 --> 04:11.280] in waterboarding the prisoners and in interrogating Mohammed al-Qahtani. [04:11.920 --> 04:31.720] In addition, there have been several credible reports that the United States has been conducting [04:31.720 --> 04:38.720] a prompt and impartial investigation of the individuals and their superiors involved in [04:38.720 --> 04:45.720] waterboarding the prisoners and in interrogating Mohammed al-Qahtani. [05:08.720 --> 05:27.040] I'm going to interview Chris and Holland about their background, how they got into [05:27.040 --> 05:36.880] the movement and the whole issue of the Oklahoma City bombing and the TWA airplane explosion, [05:36.880 --> 05:40.800] which was apparently shot down by our own military and these sorts of things. [05:40.800 --> 05:48.760] We have Randy Kelton is now back from Casino Land, Las Vegas. [05:48.760 --> 05:53.880] Randy, so you- It was tough, I toughed it out, I took one [05:53.880 --> 05:54.880] for the Gipper. [05:54.880 --> 05:56.600] Took one for the Gipper, huh? [05:56.600 --> 06:01.520] Yeah, they brought me out there earlier and I didn't know Monday was a holiday and I got [06:01.520 --> 06:04.360] stuck in the Golden Nugget. [06:04.360 --> 06:06.400] Well did you bring home any Golden Nuggets for me? [06:06.400 --> 06:08.720] I did not put one penny in one of those machines. [06:08.720 --> 06:10.720] That's not what I asked. [06:10.720 --> 06:11.720] No, not yet. [06:11.720 --> 06:15.160] Oh yes, I have a really good Golden Nugget for you. [06:15.160 --> 06:16.160] Oh, okay. [06:16.160 --> 06:23.680] But anybody who hasn't been to Vegas, there was one thing that astounded me on Fremont [06:23.680 --> 06:27.640] Street for two full city blocks. [06:27.640 --> 06:33.600] When I got there, it had this arch, it's about three stories up, that arches from the buildings [06:33.600 --> 06:38.920] on one side of the street, arches up and over, it makes a half circle and comes down to the [06:38.920 --> 06:42.000] buildings on the other side of the street. [06:42.000 --> 06:46.600] And night before last is the only time I was out at night. [06:46.600 --> 06:55.120] That whole thing is one video screen, two city blocks long. [06:55.120 --> 06:57.920] It was incredible. [06:57.920 --> 07:02.080] Anyway, that was great. [07:02.080 --> 07:07.440] I also was doing some research on Nevada law and I'll go through this briefly then we can [07:07.440 --> 07:10.440] go back to Chris. [07:10.440 --> 07:15.600] In Nevada, I couldn't, that's why I have to do more research. [07:15.600 --> 07:21.480] I haven't found where under Nevada law you need an indictment. [07:21.480 --> 07:29.120] It appears that unlike in Texas, the prosecuting attorney files the criminal complaint. [07:29.120 --> 07:33.640] But in reading the law, when a policeman arrests someone, they're supposed to bring them before [07:33.640 --> 07:34.640] a magistrate. [07:34.640 --> 07:40.400] And if they don't bring them before a magistrate, within 48 hours have to release them. [07:40.400 --> 07:46.720] So what it appears they have done is decided, well, heck, this is a great deal. [07:46.720 --> 07:49.640] We'll just arrest people and hold them as long as we want to. [07:49.640 --> 07:56.200] And if it gets to 48 hours, especially the guys who don't have the money to post bail, [07:56.200 --> 07:59.160] we just bump them out. [07:59.160 --> 08:04.040] I couldn't find that anybody's ever brought before a magistrate. [08:04.040 --> 08:13.200] And the records similar to Texas that should be created, like in this case, this woman [08:13.200 --> 08:20.160] claims that they beat her up, broke her thumb, did all kinds of crapola to her and arrested [08:20.160 --> 08:26.500] her and held her and when she wouldn't let them give her a tuberculosis inoculation, [08:26.500 --> 08:32.720] they literally tortured her for 35 hours, held her right up to the last minute, even [08:32.720 --> 08:38.720] though she had posted bail like six hours once after she got in there, as soon as she [08:38.720 --> 08:48.880] could, they still held her up and right up to the 48 hour mark and then let her out. [08:48.880 --> 08:51.320] Hey, Randy, look, Randy, look, okay. [08:51.320 --> 08:57.420] And I've heard about other states like Pennsylvania who don't, you know, doesn't even have grand [08:57.420 --> 08:59.360] jury and all this kind of thing. [08:59.360 --> 09:01.680] I mean, to me, this goes to federal. [09:01.680 --> 09:08.400] I really don't care what the states say about, well, the prosecutor can file a criminal complaint [09:08.400 --> 09:12.840] or they don't have to indict and they can just convict people and throw them in jail [09:12.840 --> 09:13.840] or whatever. [09:13.840 --> 09:14.840] I'm sorry. [09:14.840 --> 09:19.960] They don't have constitution, well, we still have fundamental basic rights that are protected [09:19.960 --> 09:25.400] by the U.S. Constitution and here's the deal with the states, okay? [09:25.400 --> 09:30.840] The states cannot infringe upon our rights. [09:30.840 --> 09:37.160] The states, the state governments cannot take away any of the rights that are protected [09:37.160 --> 09:39.060] by our U.S. Constitution. [09:39.060 --> 09:47.960] They can enumerate additional rights or privileges if they want to, but they cannot say, oh well, [09:47.960 --> 09:52.600] we just don't want to deal with grand juries or just forget the Fourth Amendment, okay? [09:52.600 --> 09:53.600] States can't do this. [09:53.600 --> 09:56.000] This goes to federal, okay? [09:56.000 --> 09:58.680] People have to appeal this into the federal court system. [09:58.680 --> 10:02.600] Yes, and that is precisely where I was going. [10:02.600 --> 10:04.720] You're right on. [10:04.720 --> 10:09.640] They're trying to use state law and they're trying to manipulate state law just like they [10:09.640 --> 10:15.560] do in Texas, but in Nevada, they have different statutes, so they manipulate them differently. [10:15.560 --> 10:18.240] You see, this woman was arrested improperly. [10:18.240 --> 10:23.720] From what I'm listening to, it appears as though they were training this officer in [10:23.720 --> 10:30.860] how to contain people and they just needed somebody, picked the wrong one. [10:30.860 --> 10:32.400] This woman's out here playing slots. [10:32.400 --> 10:37.760] They come and get her and take her in the back because this woman had witnessed them [10:37.760 --> 10:41.080] beating up another woman and her boyfriend commented about it. [10:41.080 --> 10:42.400] She didn't say anything. [10:42.400 --> 10:46.600] They come out and take them both in the back and wind up beating up her and tying her to [10:46.600 --> 10:49.160] a chair just like the other woman. [10:49.160 --> 10:53.320] While the guy's doing it, the other officers are instructing him in the technique. [10:53.320 --> 10:56.320] They didn't instruct him very good because he broke her thumb. [10:56.320 --> 11:01.080] Well, see, the problem is when he arrests the person, he's supposed to take them to [11:01.080 --> 11:04.160] a magistrate and explain himself. [11:04.160 --> 11:06.980] That's the last thing these guys wanted to do. [11:06.980 --> 11:09.940] They needed to get all their stories straight first. [11:09.940 --> 11:13.040] They couldn't take them straight down there and say, oh yeah, we drove her out off the [11:13.040 --> 11:15.920] floor and beat the crap out of her. [11:15.920 --> 11:16.920] They had to make up a story. [11:16.920 --> 11:21.840] They had to get a time to get a story together so they couldn't take her directly to a magistrate. [11:21.840 --> 11:25.000] They didn't take her to one at all. [11:25.000 --> 11:32.400] Now they've had plenty of time to make up their story and the prosecuting attorney must [11:32.400 --> 11:37.400] file a complaint within 15 days after arrest. [11:37.400 --> 11:40.600] This guy waited almost 30 days. [11:40.600 --> 11:43.800] So they're doing everything wrong. [11:43.800 --> 11:48.640] Well, the statutes are unconstitutional in their face to begin with. [11:48.640 --> 11:51.520] Well, no, actually statutes are correct. [11:51.520 --> 11:54.560] They would meet the constitutional muster. [11:54.560 --> 11:55.960] They're supposed to take them to a magistrate. [11:55.960 --> 11:56.960] No, Randy. [11:56.960 --> 12:02.640] You've always said that the prosecutor cannot file the criminal complaint because the state [12:02.640 --> 12:05.280] cannot be the prosecutor and the accuser. [12:05.280 --> 12:06.280] Okay. [12:06.280 --> 12:08.040] That issue, that is an issue. [12:08.040 --> 12:13.480] We have a statute that forbids it in Texas and it's not done anywhere else and that is [12:13.480 --> 12:15.280] a really good issue. [12:15.280 --> 12:16.840] That's why we had the Magna Carta. [12:16.840 --> 12:17.840] Yeah. [12:17.840 --> 12:18.840] You're right about that. [12:18.840 --> 12:24.560] And in Nevada, clearly the state is the accuser and the prosecutor. [12:24.560 --> 12:30.280] It's not a policeman issuing a complaint in his personal capacity. [12:30.280 --> 12:31.480] This is a public official. [12:31.480 --> 12:36.240] This is the state issuing the complaint. [12:36.240 --> 12:40.120] But what they're doing with the magistrate is they're creating it so that they never [12:40.120 --> 12:42.320] have to go before a magistrate. [12:42.320 --> 12:46.640] Well, it sounds to me like we just need to take it to federal. [12:46.640 --> 12:50.520] Well, there's something else I found in there. [12:50.520 --> 12:55.480] I couldn't find where they used indictments for criminal prosecution, but they do have [12:55.480 --> 13:02.200] grand juries and they use grand juries in Nevada similar to the way they use them in [13:02.200 --> 13:08.920] California as investigative grand juries. [13:08.920 --> 13:21.640] And the best part was five registered voters can petition and convene a grand jury in Nevada. [13:21.640 --> 13:24.480] Wonderful. [13:24.480 --> 13:27.600] We are going to have a great time with that. [13:27.600 --> 13:35.640] And even if we can't petition and convene a grand jury to indict particular individuals, [13:35.640 --> 13:44.320] we can convene an examining grand jury to examine into the practices and procedures [13:44.320 --> 13:53.080] of the state of Clark County, Nevada or the state of Nevada once we get all of these improprieties [13:53.080 --> 13:54.080] lined out. [13:54.080 --> 13:55.080] Yeah. [13:55.080 --> 13:57.960] But Randy, you're saying something about there's no indictments. [13:57.960 --> 14:02.440] So what's the point of the grand jury if they don't have indictment power? [14:02.440 --> 14:06.440] Well, the grand jury can lay the complaint after. [14:06.440 --> 14:11.560] They're a private investigatory agency. [14:11.560 --> 14:14.080] This is a real investigative grand jury. [14:14.080 --> 14:17.400] Well, like I said, what is their power? [14:17.400 --> 14:18.400] That I haven't got sorted out yet. [14:18.400 --> 14:19.400] Okay. [14:19.400 --> 14:22.160] They can investigate all they want, but what is the power? [14:22.160 --> 14:27.680] If they can't indict and the indictment isn't enforceable, then it's just a dog and pony [14:27.680 --> 14:28.680] show. [14:28.680 --> 14:29.680] Well, that's what I've got to work out. [14:29.680 --> 14:35.400] You know, that's what it looks like to me, like they're saying, oh yeah, five registered [14:35.400 --> 14:39.480] voters can convene a grand jury, citizens grand jury, oh, we can investigate, we can [14:39.480 --> 14:40.480] do all these things. [14:40.480 --> 14:41.480] Okay. [14:41.480 --> 14:42.480] Yeah. [14:42.480 --> 14:45.920] Tell the cows come home, but if they can't indict and the indictments aren't enforceable [14:45.920 --> 14:50.200] and the prosecutor calling all the shots, then what the heck's the point? [14:50.200 --> 14:52.440] It's just like a play act. [14:52.440 --> 14:54.000] Haven't finished the research yet. [14:54.000 --> 14:55.000] Okay. [14:55.000 --> 14:58.000] Well, get on it. [14:58.000 --> 15:02.840] Okay, that's what I had, tomorrow I'll have more research done and I'll have more to talk [15:02.840 --> 15:03.840] about. [15:03.840 --> 15:05.320] I mean, no, this is good. [15:05.320 --> 15:11.400] This is good because we have to investigate in depth all these states grand juries and [15:11.400 --> 15:21.760] the situation, you know, what their powers are, allegedly that the state grants them [15:21.760 --> 15:26.400] or authorizes them, but really this all goes back to constitution. [15:26.400 --> 15:35.160] I mean, this goes back to fundamental rights, you know, and the states cannot take away [15:35.160 --> 15:42.720] or infringe upon any of the rights that are protected by our US constitution or the bill [15:42.720 --> 15:46.040] of rights or the bill of restrictions is what it really is. [15:46.040 --> 15:47.040] Okay. [15:47.040 --> 15:52.200] They can enumerate additional rights or privileges if they want to, but you know, like Pennsylvania, [15:52.200 --> 15:54.720] I'm surprised this hasn't gone to the Supreme court yet. [15:54.720 --> 15:56.920] They don't use grand juries in Pennsylvania. [15:56.920 --> 15:59.280] I mean, this is ridiculous. [15:59.280 --> 16:01.240] People need to be taken this up to the higher levels. [16:01.240 --> 16:09.920] I've looked at that and how it shakes out is, is the federal government must indict [16:09.920 --> 16:14.360] by grand juries, but the states are not required to, the constitution- [16:14.360 --> 16:15.360] No, that is BS. [16:15.360 --> 16:22.720] It says no one shall be held accountable for a capital or otherwise infamous crime except [16:22.720 --> 16:26.800] on an, upon indictment or presentment of a grand jury. [16:26.800 --> 16:29.240] That is what the constitution says. [16:29.240 --> 16:34.920] It doesn't say, but only of the federal government, but the states can do whatever they want. [16:34.920 --> 16:35.920] Okay. [16:35.920 --> 16:37.400] We're going to break. [16:37.400 --> 16:38.400] All right. [16:38.400 --> 16:41.720] We're going to break and we've got Holland, Ben and Noonoff and Chris Emory on the line [16:41.720 --> 16:43.000] from Radio Free Oklahoma. [16:43.000 --> 16:44.920] We're going to be speaking with them on the other side. [16:44.920 --> 16:45.920] We'll be right back. [16:45.920 --> 16:58.240] Rule of Law on Rule of Law Radio. [16:58.240 --> 17:04.160] Are you looking for an investment that has no stock market risk, has a 100% track record [17:04.160 --> 17:10.920] of returning profits, is not affected by fluctuations in oil prices and interest rates, is publicly [17:10.920 --> 17:15.960] traded and SEC regulated, if this kind of peace of mind is what you have been looking [17:15.960 --> 17:20.720] for in an investment, then life settlements is the investment for you. [17:20.720 --> 17:26.640] Our annual rate of return has been 15.83% for the last 17 years. [17:26.640 --> 17:30.400] Our investments are insurance and banking commission regulated. [17:30.400 --> 17:34.280] Our returns are assured by the largest insurance companies. [17:34.280 --> 17:40.360] Even qualified retirement plans such as 401Ks and IRAs are eligible for transfer. [17:40.360 --> 17:42.400] We charge absolutely no commissions. [17:42.400 --> 17:45.720] 100% of your investment goes to work for you. [17:45.720 --> 17:55.560] Please visit sleepwellinvestment.com or call Bill Schober at 817-975-2431. [17:55.560 --> 18:24.320] Look what we've got in the arts, the Christian, no wonder why they don't have the answer. [18:24.320 --> 18:43.320] Look what we've got in the arts, the Christian, no wonder why they don't have the answer. [18:43.320 --> 19:08.320] Look what we've got in the arts, the Christian, no wonder why they don't have the answer. [19:08.320 --> 19:26.320] Look what we've got in the arts, the Christian, no wonder why they don't have the answer. [19:26.320 --> 19:30.920] Words of wisdom from my singer, Pat Patterson Martin. [19:30.920 --> 19:36.640] Okay, we have Chris Emery and Holland Van Noenhove, very special guests tonight. [19:36.640 --> 19:40.840] All of you would please just hold on for a few segments. [19:40.840 --> 19:47.320] I wanted to interview Chris and Holland tonight about their background and how they got into [19:47.320 --> 19:52.400] researching the Oklahoma City bombing, definitely inside job, precursor to 9-11. [19:52.400 --> 19:55.520] All the same people were involved. [19:55.520 --> 20:01.840] How you guys met and everything, and Chris, you were telling me at one point, you basically [20:01.840 --> 20:08.720] got introduced into all of this and your eyes were open when you uncovered the reality of [20:08.720 --> 20:14.760] what happened with the TWA commercial airline explosion over the Atlantic Ocean. [20:14.760 --> 20:19.040] So if you could just set the tone for us and give us a little background here and then [20:19.040 --> 20:20.040] we'll bring in Holland. [20:20.040 --> 20:22.680] Well, I'm flattered to be back on, Deb. [20:22.680 --> 20:28.500] Thank you for inviting us on the show and I'm glad to have my great friend and research [20:28.500 --> 20:32.000] partner and co-host Holland Van Noenhove on the line with us. [20:32.000 --> 20:36.520] I'll just try to get to the chase as quick as I can here. [20:36.520 --> 20:41.680] Back in January of 2000, I just happened to step into a Half Vice bookstore. [20:41.680 --> 20:46.520] I was living in Arlington, Texas, about two, three miles from the ballpark down there. [20:46.520 --> 20:52.920] I was on just a casual shopping trip with my wife at the time and I picked up a book [20:52.920 --> 20:56.520] called The Secret Life of Bill Clinton and there were three chapters in that book dealing [20:56.520 --> 21:01.600] with the Oklahoma City bombing, Ambrose Evans Pritchard, who is now working out of the Brussels [21:01.600 --> 21:08.720] Bureau for the London Telegraph and is their financial guru there, was actually working [21:08.720 --> 21:12.800] out of the Washington Bureau at the time that he was writing this book and was not making [21:12.800 --> 21:16.760] many friends, if at all, at the White House during the Clinton administration. [21:16.760 --> 21:22.080] He did a very thorough research of the case and laid it out in very beautiful fashion [21:22.080 --> 21:29.840] in the book and so it really piqued my interest on the Oklahoma City bombing. [21:29.840 --> 21:34.560] At the time, I was about six months into the research on the downing of TWA 800, which [21:34.560 --> 21:41.920] was the flight that was shot down over Long Island in the third week of July of 1996. [21:41.920 --> 21:45.880] I believe it was within a week in Holland, you could correct me on this, within a week [21:45.880 --> 21:54.960] of the Atlanta Olympics, so there was a lot of political tension to make sure in retrospect [21:54.960 --> 21:58.480] a few years later to find out why it was covered up, that they didn't want the truth on this [21:58.480 --> 22:02.640] to come out because it would have been a complete PR disaster for the Clinton administration [22:02.640 --> 22:07.200] as well as the Olympics and there's way too many people focusing on the United States [22:07.200 --> 22:10.200] at the time. [22:10.200 --> 22:16.960] Anyway, long story short, I had the opportunity to actually start working on a film for that [22:16.960 --> 22:22.440] and later on, Jack Cashel and several others involved with the research of that case did [22:22.440 --> 22:27.360] a beautiful job and I'm glad they went ahead and did their own project, they turned out [22:27.360 --> 22:30.400] a real nice piece of work. [22:30.400 --> 22:34.780] But getting back to my interest in Oklahoma City, it came to the point of actually choosing [22:34.780 --> 22:39.000] to work on that film and traveling back and forth from Dallas to Long Island and interviewing [22:39.000 --> 22:44.080] a lot of the victims' family members, there were no survivors, so it would have been pretty [22:44.080 --> 22:48.520] much just from their perspective and then of course the NTSB was shutting me out, they [22:48.520 --> 22:52.840] didn't want me to get any objective view of what had happened, it was either their way [22:52.840 --> 22:58.800] or the highway and then the opportunity came up to look at the Oklahoma City case and like [22:58.800 --> 23:02.840] I said, I just bought that book a few weeks later, just out of, I had some spare time [23:02.840 --> 23:07.040] on my hands and I got on the internet and found out there was a gentleman in Fort Worth [23:07.040 --> 23:11.040] that actually lived about 12 miles from me by the name of Jerry Longspaugh, he actually [23:11.040 --> 23:16.160] put a, at the time it was a great piece of work, a two and a half hour video compilation [23:16.160 --> 23:21.840] of all of the uncut raw footage that was shot by the boots on the ground camera crew so [23:21.840 --> 23:28.400] to speak, the stringers and was fed to CNN, all of the flagship stations for the major [23:28.400 --> 23:32.720] networks through Tulsa and Oklahoma City, this stuff was shot within 20 minutes after [23:32.720 --> 23:38.240] the bombing, I mean there was debris everywhere, a lot of graphic video that the in-studio [23:38.240 --> 23:46.560] crews had no chance to even edit, I mean it was really graphic stuff and it was actually [23:46.560 --> 23:50.720] in retrospect you look at it, the government didn't have a chance to even edit any of that, [23:50.720 --> 23:54.120] they didn't have a chance to put the official line through, fire department, heat of the [23:54.120 --> 24:02.160] moment, the dispatch tapes for instance, all that stuff was just running live on this footage, [24:02.160 --> 24:06.760] halfway through the tape I turned the VCR off, I called Jerry up and I remember we talked [24:06.760 --> 24:10.440] for nearly three hours, I didn't know him, he didn't know me but we had a common interest [24:10.440 --> 24:17.400] right there and we struck a semi-cord, so it was fun, I never looked back and that was [24:17.400 --> 24:22.920] in let's see here, January of 2000, I met Charles Key, my first trip to Oklahoma City [24:22.920 --> 24:30.440] would have been in June of 2001 and then I actually moved here in January of 2003, two [24:30.440 --> 24:34.640] weeks ago was six years ago, it would have marked the sixth year anniversary and I don't [24:34.640 --> 24:36.280] regret a minute of it. [24:36.280 --> 24:42.520] To jump forward to meeting Holland, we met at a Holland, I think it was at an anti-war [24:42.520 --> 24:49.180] demonstration or an anti-war festival, a peace fair, okay, it's at the Memorial Park here [24:49.180 --> 24:56.120] in Oklahoma City and it was actually mentioned by Bob Bowman, the Air Force captain who actually [24:56.120 --> 25:01.280] has claimed the fame was the 9-11 tour and then he ran for the congressional seat in [25:01.280 --> 25:06.840] Florida, he mentioned that particular peace fair in a lot of his travels and his speeches. [25:06.840 --> 25:10.640] Holland came up to me and I had a small table at the peace fair selling copies of the final [25:10.640 --> 25:18.240] report and if I may just give a shameless plug for the website, www.okcbombing.net, [25:18.240 --> 25:23.600] Holland's very familiar with the book and he ended up buying a copy of it, that December [25:23.600 --> 25:29.120] Jack Blood from Austin Radio Fame, Jack is actually a very good friend of Holland and [25:29.120 --> 25:33.960] I and we really are indebted to him just to kind of go off on a quick tangent here for [25:33.960 --> 25:38.760] getting us on the radio, he'd encourage us for several years myself and then got Holland [25:38.760 --> 25:42.400] and he guided us so Jack if you're listening we want to thank you again for everything [25:42.400 --> 25:49.520] you've done, continue to do for us but anyway, we had met at that fair, he bought the book [25:49.520 --> 25:54.400] that December about three and a half months later we were asked to speak at the Conspirathon, [25:54.400 --> 26:00.120] one of the I think three or four that were held and it was Conspirathon 05, Jack drove [26:00.120 --> 26:04.680] up from Austin to join us in Oklahoma City the following year we had, my gosh Holland [26:04.680 --> 26:08.880] I think we needed an agent to control all of our booking and travels and everything [26:08.880 --> 26:14.760] we've done, we went to Tulsa together to speak on the case, we had let's see in January [26:14.760 --> 26:20.040] there we spoke at OU put together the Oklahoma City Truth Convergence, Oklahoma Truth Convergence [26:20.040 --> 26:26.640] then it was on to Tulsa, then I flew to Chicago, then to New York, to Denver, to Boulder, back [26:26.640 --> 26:33.440] to Oklahoma City in December so 06 was an incredible year and so anyway having said [26:33.440 --> 26:37.680] that Holland if you want to take it from there. [26:37.680 --> 26:43.440] Well when I started I guess the seeds of I guess we call alternative thinking were planted [26:43.440 --> 26:48.120] in my head early on when I was 14 years old I picked up a book out of the science fiction [26:48.120 --> 26:55.160] rack at the book store called Illuminatus by Robert Anton Wilson, of course it's fiction [26:55.160 --> 27:02.600] but it planted the seeds of there could be a hidden history behind events, behind politics [27:02.600 --> 27:07.880] that we the people, we the masses are not, are purposely being kept from, I just kind [27:07.880 --> 27:13.080] of planted the seed and as I got older and I started looking, digging behind some things [27:13.080 --> 27:18.320] I started seeing that this fictional book Illuminatus was actually making more sense [27:18.320 --> 27:22.760] than what was presented to us as the news, as history especially what was presented to [27:22.760 --> 27:23.760] me in school. [27:23.760 --> 27:29.600] When I was 19 years old I joined the Marine Corps mainly just out of boredom, I really [27:29.600 --> 27:38.600] didn't want to get a job and it was, that was 1995, later that year I was at a mess [27:38.600 --> 27:45.760] hall eating breakfast and I look up the TV monitor and I see Dilkulm City bombing taking, [27:45.760 --> 27:52.800] well not taking place but the immediate aftermath and of course I immediately, I was still in [27:52.800 --> 28:02.680] a state of shock and the tidbits of you know hidden facts started coming out pretty early [28:02.680 --> 28:08.640] out of that and even though I was stationed 2,000 miles away in California and didn't [28:08.640 --> 28:12.840] have access to the computer, I was still able to pick up tidbits through the alternative [28:12.840 --> 28:19.240] press, through some of the book stores I forget in California and I pretty much came to the [28:19.240 --> 28:24.920] exclusion pretty early that something was iffy with Dilkulm City bombing and in fact [28:24.920 --> 28:31.880] there was one incident, it was after I was cleaning my weapon after shooting at the firing [28:31.880 --> 28:35.960] range and I was talking to a couple of other Marines and I was telling them about the Dilkulm [28:35.960 --> 28:40.280] City bombing, some of the stuff I picked up like the seismograph picking up two different [28:40.280 --> 28:50.200] explosions, other facts going on and of course General Benton Parton's reports on the effects [28:50.200 --> 28:55.120] of interior explosives versus the official story of a ammonium nitrate truck bomb doing [28:55.120 --> 28:56.120] the damage. [28:56.120 --> 29:01.960] Anyways, these two Marine Corps officers were cleaning their rifles at a table nearby and [29:01.960 --> 29:07.640] they heard me and they came over and they immediately started laying down the line and [29:07.640 --> 29:12.400] you know pretty much making me shut up and really the fact is I couldn't argue with them, [29:12.400 --> 29:13.400] they were officers. [29:13.400 --> 29:18.800] I was risking insubordination so I just basically had to shut my mouth and just let them say [29:18.800 --> 29:25.040] their spiel and let them go away but I really planted the seed that incident of never again [29:25.040 --> 29:29.880] at least until when I get out of the Marine Corps am I going to shut up, once I'm a free [29:29.880 --> 29:35.400] man I don't have to shut up anymore, I can say what I want and I don't have to worry [29:35.400 --> 29:36.400] about consequences, hopefully. [29:36.400 --> 29:41.160] Alright, I love it, I'm not going to shut up anymore, neither are we. [29:41.160 --> 29:46.240] Holland, Chris, hold on until the next segment, we're going to break, this is the rule of [29:46.240 --> 29:57.880] law on ruleoflawradio.com. [29:57.880 --> 30:01.900] The prices are at historic highs and with the recent pull back this is a great time [30:01.900 --> 30:02.900] to buy. [30:02.900 --> 30:07.400] With the value of the dollar, risks of inflation, geopolitical uncertainties and instability [30:07.400 --> 30:10.920] in rural financial systems, I see gold going up much higher. [30:10.920 --> 30:14.200] Hi, I'm Tim Fry at Roberts and Robert Brokerage. [30:14.200 --> 30:17.920] Everybody should have some of their assets in investment grade precious metals. [30:17.920 --> 30:21.880] At Roberts and Robert Brokerage you can buy gold, silver and platinum with confidence [30:21.880 --> 30:26.880] from a brokerage that specialized in the precious metals market since 1977. [30:26.880 --> 30:30.600] If you are new to precious metals we will happily provide you with the information you [30:30.600 --> 30:35.280] need to make an informed decision whether or not you choose to purchase from us. [30:35.280 --> 30:39.400] Also Roberts and Robert Brokerage values your privacy and will always advise you in the [30:39.400 --> 30:42.740] event that you would be required to report any transaction. [30:42.740 --> 30:46.840] If you have gold, silver or platinum you'd like to sell we can convert it for immediate [30:46.840 --> 30:47.840] payment. [30:47.840 --> 30:51.640] Call us at 800-874-9760. [30:51.640 --> 31:18.200] We are Roberts and Robert Brokerage, 800-874-9760. [32:21.640 --> 32:50.200] We are Roberts and Robert Brokerage, 800-874-9760. [32:50.200 --> 33:03.600] All right, Julie, she well gully. [33:03.600 --> 33:06.280] She only wants helicopter Bernanke. [33:06.280 --> 33:12.080] That's a little twisted love song Pat and I wrote about helicopter Bernanke. [33:12.080 --> 33:15.120] Okay, at any rate, a little bit off topic there. [33:15.120 --> 33:20.560] I wanted to go back Chris to the TWA explosion. [33:20.560 --> 33:25.400] We've got Dan Reel from Connecticut on the line and he just told me on the break that [33:25.400 --> 33:33.720] his wife saw the explosion, saw the plane explode and so Chris, I wanted you to start [33:33.720 --> 33:38.120] off and just explain to our listeners just what's the deal with the TWA. [33:38.120 --> 33:41.640] I mean it's a vague memory in my mind. [33:41.640 --> 33:49.360] It happened so long ago, this was long before I started getting into false flag ops or government [33:49.360 --> 33:53.960] conspiracies or 9-11 or anything and so when you told me about it the first time I was [33:53.960 --> 33:55.800] just flabbergasted. [33:55.800 --> 34:01.860] So if you could just please give us an overview for our listeners who may have no idea what [34:01.860 --> 34:07.640] happened with this TWA commercial airliner that apparently our US military shot down [34:07.640 --> 34:14.400] as it was an accident because they were running some drill or something and then they tried [34:14.400 --> 34:15.400] to cover it up. [34:15.400 --> 34:20.040] So can you please explain and then we'll go to Dan in Connecticut because his wife was [34:20.040 --> 34:21.040] an eyewitness. [34:21.040 --> 34:23.480] Sure, thank you Deb. [34:23.480 --> 34:26.960] The best that I got out of the research that I did and I was on it for about a year and [34:26.960 --> 34:31.320] a half and then I had to switch gears and pretty much make a clean cut for the most [34:31.320 --> 34:36.240] part to start to put a screenplay together for the Oklahoma City Bombing documentary [34:36.240 --> 34:40.040] film that we continue to work on to today. [34:40.040 --> 34:44.240] Anyway I pulled up my email list and there are five names on here that I think the folks [34:44.240 --> 34:49.760] should if you really want a good concise review of what happened the very first website I [34:49.760 --> 34:57.320] would recommend would be www.raylair.com. [34:57.320 --> 35:02.200] If you log on to that it will give you pretty much a synopsis all the way from day one on [35:02.200 --> 35:09.120] the official story and what was actually observed by both civilian and military government employees [35:09.120 --> 35:16.440] and including Air Italia pilots, National Guard helicopter pilots, there were Aerolingus [35:16.440 --> 35:19.680] I believe from Ireland was having an inbound flight coming in. [35:19.680 --> 35:25.200] What it was, it was an outbound flight, it was on I believe July 21, 1996, was outbound [35:25.200 --> 35:31.160] from JFK airport flying over Long Island, taking off and going to direct flight into [35:31.160 --> 35:35.760] Charles de Gaulle, it was actually going to Paris and it was shot down I believe about [35:35.760 --> 35:40.920] eight minutes into the flight and it was climbing at about 400 miles an hour and it was on ascent [35:40.920 --> 35:41.920] versus descent. [35:41.920 --> 35:48.600] So there were over 280 witnesses seeing that there were actually two objects going up ascending [35:48.600 --> 35:52.520] toward the plane which is clearly two different projectiles. [35:52.520 --> 35:58.480] What we have surmised and from a retired Air Force General he actually designed the ordnance [35:58.480 --> 36:02.760] that took down the plane, he was empowered with it, he had top secret clearance of the [36:02.760 --> 36:09.400] Pentagon, he worked for the armament lab at the Pentagon so this guy knew what actually [36:09.400 --> 36:12.080] took the plane down to the best of his knowledge. [36:12.080 --> 36:19.000] There was a fleet both surface and subsurface boats, submarines doing an exercise off of [36:19.000 --> 36:25.480] the coast of New York that evening and it was a security perimeter that miscommunication [36:25.480 --> 36:29.720] between air traffic control out of Boston and the various air traffic control offices [36:29.720 --> 36:33.000] up and down the East Coast and the US Navy. [36:33.000 --> 36:37.800] They had failed to give the air traffic control the correct ordnance of where the civilian [36:37.800 --> 36:39.960] aircraft could fly in and out of. [36:39.960 --> 36:43.680] This particular TWA flight breached that security perimeter. [36:43.680 --> 36:49.160] It was taken by the radar that we found out from the best of our knowledge now, we don't [36:49.160 --> 36:52.640] have this from the US Navy, God forbid that they give us the truth. [36:52.640 --> 37:00.040] But what we surmise is that the US Navy detected the TWA-800 as a blip on the radar screen [37:00.040 --> 37:06.760] as one of their drone missiles that were supposed to be launched from a submarine and then the [37:06.760 --> 37:10.440] surface boats were to shoot it down and vice versa. [37:10.440 --> 37:14.760] And it was a horrific, horrific mistaken identity situation. [37:14.760 --> 37:21.760] The plane was full of passengers including I believe 37 to 38 TWA employees flying to [37:21.760 --> 37:26.640] called Deadhead as non-ref passengers and their children going to Paris. [37:26.640 --> 37:30.360] There were several field trip, high school field trip groups on there and then of course [37:30.360 --> 37:34.640] some government officials from the French government were going back home. [37:34.640 --> 37:39.920] So anyway, the really peculiar thing about this is that Ray Lair was able to obtain under [37:39.920 --> 37:46.160] Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, the radar tapes from the air traffic control offices [37:46.160 --> 37:53.400] showing the naval vessels both on the surface and below were leaving, not going toward but [37:53.400 --> 37:56.360] leaving the scene of the crime. [37:56.360 --> 37:57.360] Very peculiar. [37:57.360 --> 38:02.720] Yeah because they were trying to get the hell away from there as fast as they could so they [38:02.720 --> 38:05.920] wouldn't get the blame. [38:05.920 --> 38:10.200] And there was actually civilian watercraft coming toward the scene doing whatever they [38:10.200 --> 38:15.000] could on search and rescue, trying to rescue debris, no survivors of course. [38:15.000 --> 38:20.040] And at the time I was dating, my ex-wife and I were actually dating at the time. [38:20.040 --> 38:25.160] She was working for TWA and she sat me down shortly after it started working on the case [38:25.160 --> 38:29.960] and said look, a lot of my co-workers were either transferred to the Dallas station where [38:29.960 --> 38:30.960] she worked. [38:30.960 --> 38:32.640] There were only two gates of DFW at TWA at the time. [38:32.640 --> 38:35.560] Of course they're no longer business, they were bought by American. [38:35.560 --> 38:39.120] But at the time she said that the people she was working with came from the service hangar [38:39.120 --> 38:45.520] in Kansas City and let's see, Lambert Field which is the St. Louis hub for TWA and they [38:45.520 --> 38:47.120] were told pretty much to shut up. [38:47.120 --> 38:53.000] Now there's a really odd confluence of the political as well as the employee powers wanting [38:53.000 --> 38:54.400] to get the truth on this. [38:54.400 --> 39:00.000] You had the airline pilots association, you had the flight attendants union and then you [39:00.000 --> 39:01.680] had the mechanics union. [39:01.680 --> 39:04.400] The mechanics especially knew what happened to that plane. [39:04.400 --> 39:09.240] They were under 47, I believe at the time, 42 or 43 747s in the fleet. [39:09.240 --> 39:11.320] So these mechanics knew these planes inside and out. [39:11.320 --> 39:15.720] They had to dismantle them literally from the wheels up and go through them and overhaul [39:15.720 --> 39:18.400] them so they knew the capabilities of that plane. [39:18.400 --> 39:19.960] They knew it was shot down. [39:19.960 --> 39:25.760] The official story of a center fuel tank explosion is complete garbage from A to Z that simply [39:25.760 --> 39:27.680] doesn't hold water. [39:27.680 --> 39:34.040] And even the pilots that flew that plane in from Greece, Athens, Greece the night before [39:34.040 --> 39:38.480] and it was sitting on the tarmac at JFK said there was only 10% fuel in that tank when [39:38.480 --> 39:39.480] it took off. [39:39.480 --> 39:44.080] They were supposed to refuel in Ireland and then go over that part of the globe into Paris. [39:44.080 --> 39:47.640] So anyway there was a servo pump that emptied that tank out, 10% fuel. [39:47.640 --> 39:50.960] So there's no way that it could have exploded, plus there's a temperature control in there [39:50.960 --> 39:54.040] to keep it around 52 to 58 degrees. [39:54.040 --> 39:58.760] The jet A fuel that they have in there is a consistency of jelly when it burns. [39:58.760 --> 40:05.160] It can't go any hotter than that because it would literally be combustible to the point [40:05.160 --> 40:06.160] of beyond safety. [40:06.160 --> 40:09.040] Anyway, there's a lot of safety measures put into that. [40:09.040 --> 40:11.940] That particular center fuel tank did not explode. [40:11.940 --> 40:17.360] The projectile that hit first that came into that plane, and this is bona fide by FBI agents, [40:17.360 --> 40:22.640] good FBI agents that came forward later, it saw the debris that was brought up from the [40:22.640 --> 40:23.640] floor of the ocean. [40:23.640 --> 40:26.640] And by the way, I'm not going to try to get off on a tangent, I just want to give you [40:26.640 --> 40:31.240] some bullet points and then we can take your comments from your caller. [40:31.240 --> 40:36.480] The initial crack team from the FBI and the NTSB that came in to map the debris field [40:36.480 --> 40:40.320] on the bottom of the ocean actually mapped it in reverse. [40:40.320 --> 40:41.320] They were lying. [40:41.320 --> 40:43.400] They started lying from the get-go. [40:43.400 --> 40:47.240] What they mapped out was showing the plane coming in from Paris as opposed to outbound [40:47.240 --> 40:48.240] to Paris. [40:48.240 --> 40:49.240] Huge lie right there. [40:49.240 --> 40:51.760] Well, what kind of a boondoggle is that? [40:51.760 --> 40:55.720] Well, you know, history, they're repeating history, so to speak, because we found out [40:55.720 --> 40:58.400] later that's exactly what they did to the local and the city, and they were just lying [40:58.400 --> 40:59.400] from the word go. [40:59.400 --> 41:03.360] I'm not saying all of the FBI agents did that, but the ones in charge did that. [41:03.360 --> 41:05.160] So that was a huge red flag right there. [41:05.160 --> 41:08.960] The second part was that when it was rebuilt at the Calverton hangar, it was an abandoned [41:08.960 --> 41:12.400] air hangar in Calverton, New Jersey, when they were putting this thing together, you [41:12.400 --> 41:16.520] could clearly see an entrance hole between rows 17 and 19. [41:16.520 --> 41:20.640] On engine number two, if you look on the, you count from right to left, one would be [41:20.640 --> 41:25.200] the outboard, two next to the fuselage, three on the left side of the fuselage, four out [41:25.200 --> 41:27.440] in the outboard on the left side. [41:27.440 --> 41:31.680] Just below the calling where number two engine was next to the fuselage, the projectile came [41:31.680 --> 41:38.960] up and it actually pushed a thousand gallon drinking of water, looked like an excelling [41:38.960 --> 41:43.600] torch canister, except it was stainless steel, was strapped to the side of the fuselage. [41:43.600 --> 41:47.760] That was pushed through the fuselage, cut the plane in half like a meat cleaver. [41:47.760 --> 41:50.760] Whoever was in those rows had absolutely no idea what had hit them. [41:50.760 --> 41:52.040] Now that isn't bad enough. [41:52.040 --> 41:56.000] Their engines, the computers are still telling the engines to full thrust forward, that's [41:56.000 --> 41:57.000] ascending. [41:57.000 --> 42:01.200] The front of the plane is going down, the second missile that came out, and this particular [42:01.200 --> 42:05.480] general called it a backstop, the first one doesn't take it down, the second one will. [42:05.480 --> 42:09.960] Went through the wheel calling and the, it pushed the wheel housing up between the first [42:09.960 --> 42:11.840] class cabin and into the cockpit. [42:11.840 --> 42:13.560] That's what finished off the plane. [42:13.560 --> 42:17.080] So for a center fuel tank explosion to take place, it's garbage. [42:17.080 --> 42:20.080] And I'm going to call out one gentleman in particular, James Kahlstrom, who was with [42:20.080 --> 42:25.200] the NTSB at the time, last I heard he's the head of the Homeland Security in New York [42:25.200 --> 42:28.880] State and Hillary Clinton had a lot to do with his appointment. [42:28.880 --> 42:34.080] Mr. Kahlstrom, you, and I'm going to refrain from using any foul language on this, but [42:34.080 --> 42:36.760] this guy is the lowest of the low. [42:36.760 --> 42:42.480] He lied through his teeth, he obfuscated and he obstructed every single measure of objective [42:42.480 --> 42:44.560] investigation on this case. [42:44.560 --> 42:49.240] And he should be indicted on corruption charges covering up a murder on that. [42:49.240 --> 42:52.000] And why he is holding an office yesterday. [42:52.000 --> 42:55.800] So anyway, I can go on and on, but I'm going to, Colin, you want to make some comments [42:55.800 --> 42:56.800] on that? [42:56.800 --> 42:57.800] Colin, what was that? [42:57.800 --> 43:04.320] A point on FBI agent, special agent in charge Kahlstrom was the initial assumption was terrorism [43:04.320 --> 43:10.880] was some kind of shoot down because the initial report coming out of TW 800 indicated a missile [43:10.880 --> 43:15.400] attack, which is a lesson learned, you should always try to pay attention to the first eyewitness [43:15.400 --> 43:18.240] reports before it gets manhandled. [43:18.240 --> 43:22.120] The initial assumption was a terrorist attack. [43:22.120 --> 43:30.720] Once the department of justice lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, met with Kahlstrom after that, immediately [43:30.720 --> 43:36.920] after that meeting, it changed towards focusing the investigation on some kind of mechanical [43:36.920 --> 43:37.920] accident. [43:37.920 --> 43:43.520] Now I mentioned that because Jamie Gorelick later on, actually before that in 1995 had [43:43.520 --> 43:51.040] been the lead person in manhandling the Oklahoma city bombing case, talking directly to law [43:51.040 --> 43:57.800] enforcement and investigative officials here in Oklahoma, trying to steer that story towards [43:57.800 --> 43:58.800] lies and obfuscation. [43:58.800 --> 44:03.720] So I mean, they tend to use these same people over and over and they tend to rise in the [44:03.720 --> 44:10.000] ranks as they gain, you know, basically they gain credence through their skills at cover [44:10.000 --> 44:11.000] up. [44:11.000 --> 44:17.600] So Chris, this all was because of a war game, okay? [44:17.600 --> 44:19.640] Some kind of a military drill. [44:19.640 --> 44:20.640] Yes, yes. [44:20.640 --> 44:25.640] So that's the best that we can surmise and this is not coming from just me as a, you [44:25.640 --> 44:28.560] know, civilian amateur filmmaker at the time. [44:28.560 --> 44:33.480] I mean, we're talking the top military officers, they were actually a rear admiral that came [44:33.480 --> 44:35.720] forward and said, look, we know what happened. [44:35.720 --> 44:40.320] I mean, these guys are trained to sense these accidents, they're trained to do search and [44:40.320 --> 44:45.960] rescue and recover later on after they know that, you know, there's only deceased to recover. [44:45.960 --> 44:50.960] So they know how to call the shots on this and every one of them, we were told to shut [44:50.960 --> 44:52.620] up or they were ignored. [44:52.620 --> 44:54.760] So I mean, we're talking well over 300 people. [44:54.760 --> 44:59.560] If you get onto that website and I do have a couple other names here, folks can Google [44:59.560 --> 45:03.640] these names and like I said, I don't want to belabor the point, I know you've got callers [45:03.640 --> 45:04.640] here. [45:04.640 --> 45:07.400] Let me get on, let me see my screen here real quick. [45:07.400 --> 45:13.240] Well, Chris, while you're looking that up, I just have to say this is absolutely absurd [45:13.240 --> 45:14.240] and disgusting. [45:14.240 --> 45:24.280] I mean, we're supposedly the most powerful, you know, technologically sophisticated military [45:24.280 --> 45:34.000] in the world and they can't tell the difference between a blip from a drone and a commercial [45:34.000 --> 45:36.200] airline jet. [45:36.200 --> 45:40.120] I just can't, I'm sorry, I just can't believe that. [45:40.120 --> 45:46.960] I just cannot believe that something inside me says this was not an accident. [45:46.960 --> 45:50.360] There were some people on that plane that they were trying to murder. [45:50.360 --> 45:59.800] I just can't believe that they cannot and were not tracking every single flight that [45:59.800 --> 46:06.120] was going in and out of the whole East Coast on that morning and every single passenger [46:06.120 --> 46:10.120] on every single plane, come on. [46:10.120 --> 46:14.480] It was in the evening and it was dark out, of course, there were no visual sights, it [46:14.480 --> 46:17.680] was all pretty much radar and then of course, you have the tail lights and the aft and the [46:17.680 --> 46:19.040] wing lights to work with. [46:19.040 --> 46:22.960] But when you have air lingus, you have Air Italia, you have National Guard helicopters [46:22.960 --> 46:23.960] coming in and out. [46:23.960 --> 46:29.120] I mean, it's like a major highway except you're 18 to 22,000 feet up in the air. [46:29.120 --> 46:32.520] And what we found out, even James, and I'm going to give a couple of other names out [46:32.520 --> 46:37.400] here if your listeners want to Google these names, James Sanders, TWA 800, if you Google [46:37.400 --> 46:41.640] that, it was his wife, she was actually a flight attendant with TWA at the time. [46:41.640 --> 46:47.440] They were brought into court and charged with obstruction of an investigation, but what [46:47.440 --> 46:52.880] they did is they recovered the seat covers from those particular rows between 17 and [46:52.880 --> 46:53.880] 19. [46:53.880 --> 46:57.200] This is the first class cabin on a huge airship. [46:57.200 --> 47:01.640] And they found out that the seat covers had, they were burned and on that was the rocket [47:01.640 --> 47:06.880] propellant from the missiles, which Teledyne mistakenly faxed, they were thinking they [47:06.880 --> 47:11.800] were sending it to a government office near Calverton Hangar and it ended up having a [47:11.800 --> 47:16.040] civilian receive it by mistake in his office, in his house. [47:16.040 --> 47:18.000] They mixed up the fax machine number. [47:18.000 --> 47:24.000] So anyway, this document from Teledyne out in California, which designed these missiles, [47:24.000 --> 47:27.160] was a clear indictment to show, look, you know, not only do we know [47:27.160 --> 47:31.120] what hit the plane, the residues on the back of the seat covers. [47:31.120 --> 47:36.520] Now, those seat covers were found in the dumpster behind the Calverton Hangar, clearly a destruction [47:36.520 --> 47:39.400] of critical evidence in a crime scene. [47:39.400 --> 47:43.400] And like I said, the initial group of FBI agency, they were ordered where they took [47:43.400 --> 47:46.480] it upon themselves to just have free will. [47:46.480 --> 47:48.520] They were running fast and loose with this information. [47:48.520 --> 47:50.080] It was atrocious. [47:50.080 --> 47:53.560] James Sanders wrote, I believe, one of not two excellent books on the case. [47:53.560 --> 47:55.960] He co-produced this very good video. [47:55.960 --> 48:01.160] If you want to Google YouTube, his name, you'll find out a great treasure trove of information [48:01.160 --> 48:02.640] between him and Ray Lair. [48:02.640 --> 48:05.120] John Clark was Ray Lair's attorney. [48:05.120 --> 48:08.880] Ray sued the CIA, the NTSB and the FBI. [48:08.880 --> 48:12.640] And Holland, it reminds me a lot of what Jesse Trenet is going through on his brother's murder. [48:12.640 --> 48:14.760] You have the same cast of characters. [48:14.760 --> 48:19.240] Ray is doing it out of the federal court in L.A., Jesse is doing it out of federal court [48:19.240 --> 48:20.240] in Salt Lake City. [48:20.240 --> 48:24.440] In fact, they corresponded over the emails together and I put them together and I believe [48:24.440 --> 48:28.760] they were able to compare notes to save each other a lot of grief and a lot of court time [48:28.760 --> 48:32.160] to figure out what to do with these folks. [48:32.160 --> 48:36.280] Now I do have to, there's one caveat I want to say that there were a lot of very good, [48:36.280 --> 48:40.040] a lot, a very good FBI agency came forward and helped Mr. Sanders with this case. [48:40.040 --> 48:44.320] So please don't take me saying that the entire force is wrong. [48:44.320 --> 48:47.280] There were some people that were very upset on how that case was handled, just like there [48:47.280 --> 48:49.280] were with Oklahoma City. [48:49.280 --> 48:54.560] And then Robert Donaldson, who continued the research, his brother was a former commander [48:54.560 --> 48:56.080] in the Navy. [48:56.080 --> 48:59.760] And if it wasn't for Commander Donaldson, who had since passed away of cancer and his [48:59.760 --> 49:05.240] family to take up the torch, so to speak, and run with this case, James Sanders and [49:05.240 --> 49:06.680] Ray would not be where they are today. [49:06.680 --> 49:08.960] So those are five of the key people. [49:08.960 --> 49:12.080] And then like I said, there's, if you were to line these people up, there would be several [49:12.080 --> 49:15.520] hundred standing in line wanting to get the truth out on these from retired to active [49:15.520 --> 49:16.640] military officers. [49:16.640 --> 49:25.760] Well, well, Chris and, and, and Holland and, and Randy has, has kind of signed off for [49:25.760 --> 49:26.760] the evening. [49:26.760 --> 49:27.760] He's been traveling. [49:27.760 --> 49:32.520] He's very, very tired and a little bit under the weather, but if he's listening, I want [49:32.520 --> 49:36.360] him to consider this and I will bring this up to him. [49:36.360 --> 49:42.720] You started talking about Teledyne and you know, we are, you know, Randy and I tried [49:42.720 --> 49:48.440] to bring public officials before the court in front of grand juries and hold them to [49:48.440 --> 49:50.960] task and make them be responsible. [49:50.960 --> 49:55.880] But I'm starting to get to the point that, especially in situations like this, I want [49:55.880 --> 50:04.360] to start holding the contractors responsible, the defense contractors, the corporation that [50:04.360 --> 50:10.680] made the bombs, that made the missile, that cut those planes in half, that plane in half [50:10.680 --> 50:12.360] and kill all those people. [50:12.360 --> 50:18.160] I want to hold them responsible in addition to the government officials, if possible, [50:18.160 --> 50:23.720] and sue the living crap out of Teledyne and all these other defense contractors, because [50:23.720 --> 50:28.960] they're the ones that are making these weapons that are destroying people. [50:28.960 --> 50:32.880] Well, here's an interesting twist to that whole thing and I'm glad you brought that [50:32.880 --> 50:33.880] up. [50:33.880 --> 50:39.360] When I talked to my ex about this, she says that TWA did not have, they weren't sued at [50:39.360 --> 50:43.880] all, there was not one suit filed against the airline, because immediately after this [50:43.880 --> 50:49.120] happened the legal counsel and the engineers, the top engineers from TWA and Boeing, who [50:49.120 --> 50:55.360] is the manufacturer of the plane, got together, TWA flew their top people up to Seattle and [50:55.360 --> 50:58.840] they sat down for a good two weeks and they went through this thing and they went from [50:58.840 --> 51:02.080] the back of the plane to the front and they said there's absolutely no way this thing [51:02.080 --> 51:03.460] could have happened. [51:03.460 --> 51:07.040] And even with the limited information they were getting from the FBI, these guys aren't [51:07.040 --> 51:08.040] dumb, they're professionals. [51:08.040 --> 51:11.160] I mean, it's their mandate, every day they show up for work, they've got to know what's [51:11.160 --> 51:15.240] going on on those planes, and it's the welfare of the crew and the passengers, it's the sake [51:15.240 --> 51:16.240] here. [51:16.240 --> 51:20.080] Boeing was never sued, TWA was never sued, because they knew that they weren't liable [51:20.080 --> 51:21.080] for this. [51:21.080 --> 51:23.680] Well, did anyone ever get sued? [51:23.680 --> 51:24.680] What's that now? [51:24.680 --> 51:28.080] Did anyone ever get sued or criminally prosecuted over this? [51:28.080 --> 51:32.400] I don't know, I believe there were certain lawsuits that were filed against the US government, [51:32.400 --> 51:34.880] but I have no idea on the progress on that. [51:34.880 --> 51:38.960] James Sanders would be the one to contact on that, but I know for sure that the manufacturer [51:38.960 --> 51:40.720] and the airline never got sued. [51:40.720 --> 51:43.520] That is very peculiar when you have a certain fuel tech explosion. [51:43.520 --> 51:47.520] I mean, they could have been held for billions and billions of dollars in liability and they [51:47.520 --> 51:50.040] weren't because they knew that they were in the right. [51:50.040 --> 51:53.760] So this is clearly a criminal investigation that all the arrows, as they see, are pointing [51:53.760 --> 51:57.480] back to the US Navy and the NTSB. [51:57.480 --> 52:01.880] And I know that there were certain, this particular maneuver that evening, the shots were being [52:01.880 --> 52:05.040] called out of the situation room in the White House. [52:05.040 --> 52:06.040] Well, of course. [52:06.040 --> 52:10.040] That's a whole other level of nefarious activity. [52:10.040 --> 52:15.200] They knew immediately what had happened, like you said, as soon as TWA 800 exploded, was [52:15.200 --> 52:16.480] shot down. [52:16.480 --> 52:21.400] All US Navy warships in the area immediately steered a course directly away from the scene. [52:21.400 --> 52:24.360] They knew immediately that they had messed up. [52:24.360 --> 52:25.360] Oh my gosh. [52:25.360 --> 52:28.560] Listen, at this point, I want to bring up Dan in Connecticut. [52:28.560 --> 52:30.160] His wife was an eyewitness. [52:30.160 --> 52:35.240] Can you please either put your wife on the phone or relay the story? [52:35.240 --> 52:40.880] Apparently, your wife was an eyewitness to this horrific event of our own military shooting [52:40.880 --> 52:47.760] down a passenger aircraft in mistake over some dumb war game. [52:47.760 --> 52:51.480] I'm going to relay the story here. [52:51.480 --> 52:56.960] I just want to mention, I would like to give you some contact information off here concerning [52:56.960 --> 53:02.160] the case I was calling in about that I didn't email to you yet. [53:02.160 --> 53:08.920] But aside from that, Plainfield, Connecticut is approximately 35 to 40 miles north of New [53:08.920 --> 53:15.440] London, which is on the shoreline of Long Island Sound. [53:15.440 --> 53:23.560] Her and I'm told her father also witnessed a bright orange explosion toward south southwest [53:23.560 --> 53:31.680] of here, which was just a little bit over the horizon, which a bright orange explosion, [53:31.680 --> 53:35.560] that's somebody shooting at something. [53:35.560 --> 53:42.040] The only reason that's keyed up is because he used to be somebody that was on a sub. [53:42.040 --> 53:47.520] When you're on a sub, you know what high explosive weapons do when you fire, say, a missile or [53:47.520 --> 53:49.320] something or something like that. [53:49.320 --> 53:50.320] Okay. [53:50.320 --> 53:58.120] So it was visible from here, and by the way, where I am right now, they lived at a house [53:58.120 --> 54:03.840] that is probably about 100 feet higher in elevation than it is from here. [54:03.840 --> 54:12.400] And about how far are, about how far was she from the actual explosion to see this? [54:12.400 --> 54:14.400] Probably about 40 miles. [54:14.400 --> 54:15.400] 40 miles. [54:15.400 --> 54:16.400] Okay, Chris, 40. [54:16.400 --> 54:19.400] And it was bright orange. [54:19.400 --> 54:20.400] 40 miles. [54:20.400 --> 54:23.280] I'm sorry, a little bit of jet fuel. [54:23.280 --> 54:27.880] I don't see how it could make an explosion that could be seen for 40 miles. [54:27.880 --> 54:29.280] It just don't make no sense. [54:29.280 --> 54:30.280] Just like kerosene. [54:30.280 --> 54:33.520] Oh yeah, a little bit of kerosene and bring down the World Trade Center. [54:33.520 --> 54:34.520] Give me a break. [54:34.520 --> 54:40.440] I mean, it wasn't that, you know, I mean, you got to consider Connecticut is not exactly [54:40.440 --> 54:42.320] high up. [54:42.320 --> 54:48.540] We are really low in elevation with the exception of northern Connecticut, which is pretty much [54:48.540 --> 54:50.040] where we are. [54:50.040 --> 54:56.640] The highest elevation around this area is Jeremoth Hill, which is Rhode Island. [54:56.640 --> 54:59.320] And that's maybe like a thousand feet up. [54:59.320 --> 55:03.200] So we're really low, you know, concerning sea level. [55:03.200 --> 55:04.760] Right, right. [55:04.760 --> 55:08.400] One of the key things that we have folks to work with is not only eyewitness testimony, [55:08.400 --> 55:12.520] but what was actually entered into the record by the FBI and how they distorted and witness [55:12.520 --> 55:13.520] after witness. [55:13.520 --> 55:18.280] And we're talking, like I said, over 210, the last count that we have. [55:18.280 --> 55:21.140] Your FBI 302 witness statements were completely distorted. [55:21.140 --> 55:25.800] They found out later after the fact when the NTSB had their dog and pony official hearings [55:25.800 --> 55:26.800] on this. [55:26.800 --> 55:32.480] They went back and asked for their statements and they found out number one, their testimony [55:32.480 --> 55:37.040] was completely adulterated and their signatures in some cases were forged or the 302 statements [55:37.040 --> 55:39.520] were completely destroyed or never to be seen again. [55:39.520 --> 55:42.040] So there is no objectivity there. [55:42.040 --> 55:43.040] That's right. [55:43.040 --> 55:48.040] Standard SOP, the FBI forbids agents from recording witness interviews. [55:48.040 --> 55:53.440] They rely upon 302 statements that are entirely written by the agent, his interpretation of [55:53.440 --> 55:54.440] the conversation. [55:54.440 --> 55:58.360] They actually forbid recording of eyewitness statements. [55:58.360 --> 56:02.640] So that leaves a lot of room for manhandling evidence. [56:02.640 --> 56:03.640] We saw that time and time again. [56:03.640 --> 56:04.640] They'll go to city bombing. [56:04.640 --> 56:09.080] I mean, the FBI manhandling 302 statements goes all the way back to the War Commission. [56:09.080 --> 56:10.080] Wait a minute. [56:10.080 --> 56:16.540] Holland, am I to understand that whatever goes on record as far as FBI investigation [56:16.540 --> 56:25.520] is all up to the interpretation, Capri's discretion of the agent and not by witness testimony [56:25.520 --> 56:31.600] recording of either vocal testimony or factual statements? [56:31.600 --> 56:38.840] If the 302 statement is rendered, which is an agent interview of a witness, FBI will [56:38.840 --> 56:41.200] state they cannot record it in any means. [56:41.200 --> 56:43.400] It is entirely written by the agent. [56:43.400 --> 56:47.120] In fact, that's one of the recommendations coming out of the final report was to require [56:47.120 --> 56:52.760] the FBI to start recording witness statements because there were so many discrepancies. [56:52.760 --> 56:55.640] The interesting fact to that is, I'm glad you mentioned that, Holland, it is in the [56:55.640 --> 57:00.760] Terry Nichols federal trial, one thing that the forewoman, or the forewoman, let's see, [57:00.760 --> 57:06.400] Nikki Deutschman, the head of the jury said in a post trial after the verdict was rendered, [57:06.400 --> 57:13.800] she says that the FBI had come across over 4,000 minutes of tape, of audio tape that [57:13.800 --> 57:17.560] was given on eyewitness testimony that was given to the FBI and the defense team had [57:17.560 --> 57:18.640] been a discovery. [57:18.640 --> 57:22.840] Not one minute of those audio tapes of the witnesses was entered into the minutes of [57:22.840 --> 57:24.360] the trial. [57:24.360 --> 57:29.080] This is a huge terrorism case at the time and that's what made the jury was only two [57:29.080 --> 57:33.240] votes away from acquitting Nichols of all charges because the prosecution refused to [57:33.240 --> 57:37.240] enter those audio tapes, which clearly shows, and this is right in line with what Holland [57:37.240 --> 57:42.400] is saying, your 302 witness statements can be completely forged, it can be altered, whatever [57:42.400 --> 57:43.400] they want. [57:43.400 --> 57:47.440] It's at the discretion of the FBI agent and that's simply, it's unacceptable. [57:47.440 --> 57:49.840] And then the prosecutor won't enter it in anyway. [57:49.840 --> 57:55.400] Well, if they do, chances are it will be bogus. [57:55.400 --> 57:57.640] Can I interrupt here? [57:57.640 --> 57:58.640] Go ahead. [57:58.640 --> 58:03.680] I'm kind of glad that I called in today, even though we weren't able to get to the case [58:03.680 --> 58:10.760] or anything, but something like what is being described here is very visible from this part [58:10.760 --> 58:11.760] of Connecticut. [58:11.760 --> 58:13.200] I don't know if you guys have been here. [58:13.200 --> 58:17.600] Yes, I have a couple of times and I tried to make it to go up to the memorial, but you're [58:17.600 --> 58:18.600] right. [58:18.600 --> 58:19.600] There's a memorial out on the shore. [58:19.600 --> 58:26.840] It's very, I mean, you know, screw the shore, I mean, if you're talking even like Norwich, [58:26.840 --> 58:30.400] I don't know if you're in front of Google Maps right now, but you can get an idea of [58:30.400 --> 58:36.000] how like concerning the elevation, how easily it is you could see something like that. [58:36.000 --> 58:37.000] Yes, well, sorry. [58:37.000 --> 58:38.000] Well, yeah. [58:38.000 --> 58:46.640] And Dan, what you're, the story you're relaying, your wife's eyewitness account certainly concurs [58:46.640 --> 58:51.360] with all the evidence that Chris has been mentioning above. [58:51.360 --> 58:52.640] All right, listen, we're going to break. [58:52.640 --> 58:54.760] We're at the top of the hour at this point. [58:54.760 --> 58:58.200] When we go into the next segment, I want to transition and segue into the Oklahoma City [58:58.200 --> 59:03.400] bombing case and bring Holland in for his take on the whole thing as well. [59:03.400 --> 59:04.400] So we'll be right back. [59:04.400 --> 59:22.160] This is a rule of law on rule of law radio. [59:22.160 --> 59:25.360] Are you the plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit? [59:25.360 --> 59:32.080] Win a case without an attorney with Jurisdictionary, the affordable, easy to understand, 4-CD course [59:32.080 --> 59:35.920] that will show you how in 24 hours, step by step. [59:35.920 --> 59:39.880] If you have a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing. [59:39.880 --> 59:44.160] If you don't have a lawyer, know what you should do for yourself. [59:44.160 --> 59:49.000] Thousands have won with our step-by-step course, and now you can too. [59:49.000 --> 59:54.720] Jurisdictionary was created by a licensed attorney with 22 years of case winning experience. [59:54.720 --> 01:00:00.280] Even if you're not in a lawsuit, you can learn what everyone should understand about the [01:00:00.280 --> 01:00:04.560] principles and practices that control our American courts. [01:00:04.560 --> 01:00:10.760] You'll receive our audio classroom, video seminar, tutorials, forms for civil cases, [01:00:10.760 --> 01:00:13.160] pro se tactics, and much more. [01:00:13.160 --> 01:00:20.160] Please visit wtprn.com and click on the banner or call toll free 866-LAW-EZ. [01:00:43.160 --> 01:00:50.760] Thank you. [01:01:13.160 --> 01:01:20.160] Thank you. [01:01:43.160 --> 01:01:50.160] Thank you. [01:02:13.160 --> 01:02:20.160] All right, this is the rule of law, the rule of law, ruleoflawradio.com. [01:02:26.760 --> 01:02:33.600] All right, we are interviewing Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff and Chris Emery. [01:02:33.600 --> 01:02:40.600] We're discussing the TWA, just tragedy, how our own military shot down passenger aircraft [01:02:40.600 --> 01:02:47.600] and just complete buffoonery, which I still suspect perhaps it wasn't, but at any rate, [01:02:49.720 --> 01:02:54.720] stupid war games causing the deaths of all these people. [01:02:54.720 --> 01:02:57.720] Now we're transitioning into the Oklahoma City bombing. [01:02:57.720 --> 01:03:00.720] It was an inside job, all the same people were involved. [01:03:00.720 --> 01:03:02.720] Chris and Holland have been researching this for years. [01:03:02.720 --> 01:03:04.720] I'm just starting to scratch the surface of it. [01:03:04.720 --> 01:03:10.720] Holland, can you bring us up to speed on the whole Oklahoma City bombing thing and how [01:03:10.720 --> 01:03:12.720] you got into this and your research? [01:03:12.720 --> 01:03:19.720] You've actually even been out to the property, the federal land, where the officer was murdered. [01:03:22.720 --> 01:03:23.720] Yeah, Terrence Yakey. [01:03:23.720 --> 01:03:26.720] Terrence Yakey, I'm sorry, I forgot his name for a moment. [01:03:26.720 --> 01:03:31.720] If you could just please give us your background on this and how you came to understand all [01:03:31.720 --> 01:03:32.720] these things. [01:03:32.720 --> 01:03:39.720] Well, like I said, I started becoming aware fairly early on. [01:03:39.720 --> 01:03:46.720] About year 2004, 2005, I started writing and distributing a hand bill of my own writing, [01:03:47.720 --> 01:03:52.720] just trying to wake people up to the Oklahoma City bombing, 9-11, other issues and so forth. [01:03:52.720 --> 01:03:58.720] Like Chris mentioned, I ran into Chris at a peace fair in Oklahoma City in late, I believe, [01:03:58.720 --> 01:04:05.720] September of 2005 and we exchanged literature and he asked me to speak at the Conspirathon [01:04:05.720 --> 01:04:13.720] and not a long time after that, I came to a dinner meeting with Charles Key who, if you [01:04:13.720 --> 01:04:21.720] don't know, was the Oklahoma State Representative in 1995 who spearheaded the independent investigation [01:04:21.720 --> 01:04:22.720] into the bombing. [01:04:22.720 --> 01:04:27.720] Charles Key was a personal hero of mine, so it was literally a dream come true for me [01:04:27.720 --> 01:04:31.720] that he's sitting across the dinner table from someone who had laid everything on the [01:04:31.720 --> 01:04:32.720] line. [01:04:32.720 --> 01:04:36.720] He had lost his political career, he had lost his business, just for the truth, just trying [01:04:36.720 --> 01:04:37.720] to do the right thing. [01:04:37.720 --> 01:04:44.720] His name had been smeared by the press, the media here in Oklahoma is highly controlled [01:04:44.720 --> 01:04:48.720] and basically they were masquerading as a lynch mob, running editorials against Charles [01:04:48.720 --> 01:04:52.720] Key, asking any questions about the Oklahoma City bombing. [01:04:52.720 --> 01:04:59.720] Anyways, soon after that, we organized the Oklahoma Truth Convergence on OU campus and [01:04:59.720 --> 01:05:04.720] then we got involved in Low Power FM Radio to try to reach out to as many people as possible. [01:05:04.720 --> 01:05:10.720] Speaking about these cases, me and Chris came into this after the fact. [01:05:10.720 --> 01:05:11.720] We were talking about Final Report. [01:05:11.720 --> 01:05:15.720] Final Report was issued by the Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee, which was [01:05:15.720 --> 01:05:24.720] composed of Charles Key, George Wallace, B.Z. Laudin, and Dale Phillips. [01:05:24.720 --> 01:05:32.720] But they had a lot of help from investigators, policemen, rescue personnel, survivors, eyewitnesses. [01:05:32.720 --> 01:05:38.720] There's a whole support network here in Oklahoma who are striving for the truth. [01:05:38.720 --> 01:05:43.720] As I got involved with Chris, helping him with research, and in studying past cases [01:05:43.720 --> 01:05:50.720] like TWA 800, even going back to JFK, and I'm sure it goes way past that, you see the [01:05:50.720 --> 01:05:53.720] same pattern of cover-up. [01:05:53.720 --> 01:05:57.720] You see the FBI manhandling the 302 statements. [01:05:57.720 --> 01:06:03.720] You see these tangible pieces of evidence being unearthed by independent investigators [01:06:03.720 --> 01:06:07.720] being reported in the press initially, then the government, their standard SOP, is to [01:06:07.720 --> 01:06:11.720] offer some kind of lame excuse and then the media just bites and doesn't look into it. [01:06:11.720 --> 01:06:18.720] For example, in TWA 800, the explosive residue that was found on the cushion seats was reported [01:06:18.720 --> 01:06:24.720] in the press, and the government came back and said, well, that was from a previous bomb [01:06:24.720 --> 01:06:29.720] handling drill that the plane had been involved in where a dog handler who was training his [01:06:29.720 --> 01:06:34.720] dog to sniff for explosives had accidentally left some residue on the plane. [01:06:34.720 --> 01:06:36.720] That's where that residue came from. [01:06:36.720 --> 01:06:42.720] But that's their excuse, but then the same dog handler comes forward and says, hey, that [01:06:42.720 --> 01:06:44.720] wasn't the plane I was on. [01:06:44.720 --> 01:06:46.720] But that doesn't get reported in the media. [01:06:46.720 --> 01:06:51.720] They just buy that lame excuse, case closed, end of story. [01:06:51.720 --> 01:06:58.720] They may as well say a pink elephant marauded through the plane and just brushed it off [01:06:58.720 --> 01:06:59.720] on the seats or something. [01:06:59.720 --> 01:07:05.720] I mean, how much lies can they cook up and then people will believe it? [01:07:05.720 --> 01:07:07.720] This is outrageous. [01:07:07.720 --> 01:07:11.720] And we're relying upon a compliant mainstream media, the lame stream media. [01:07:11.720 --> 01:07:16.720] Their job is not to inform, it's to maintain the status quo and to make money. [01:07:16.720 --> 01:07:24.720] And upsetting the people and fomenting a grassroots revolution of any kind, peaceful or [01:07:24.720 --> 01:07:28.720] whatever, that would change the form of government to one that is more conducive to our needs [01:07:28.720 --> 01:07:31.720] is not in the best interest of our corporate media. [01:07:31.720 --> 01:07:34.720] So they're going to play along and they're going to be well rewarded. [01:07:34.720 --> 01:07:40.720] So that's why it relies upon us and the alternative media, internet, low power FM, other FM [01:07:40.720 --> 01:07:45.720] stations, AM stations, shortwave, to inform the people. [01:07:45.720 --> 01:07:50.720] I mean, we don't have the truth, I mean, but we have a truth that's different from the [01:07:50.720 --> 01:07:53.720] government and our truth makes a whole lot more sense than theirs. [01:07:53.720 --> 01:07:55.720] So that's our job. [01:07:55.720 --> 01:07:57.720] Holland and I speak from firsthand experience. [01:07:57.720 --> 01:08:02.720] And with the story that Jack was good enough to help us break this last July 18th, Andrew [01:08:02.720 --> 01:08:06.720] Griffin, myself and Holland worked on that, as well as there's some other key witnesses [01:08:06.720 --> 01:08:08.720] that prefer to remain nameless at this time. [01:08:08.720 --> 01:08:13.720] But we sat in the office of one of the top writers for the independent counterpart to [01:08:13.720 --> 01:08:20.720] The Oklahoman, actually once in, I think it was in early August, about three weeks after [01:08:20.720 --> 01:08:21.720] the story broke. [01:08:21.720 --> 01:08:24.720] And he was all gung-ho, his editor made sure that we got there in time. [01:08:24.720 --> 01:08:29.720] And they sat in with probably a good 45 minutes and we never heard from them again. [01:08:29.720 --> 01:08:32.720] They did some follow-ups, they came up with some lame excuse of personal reasons and so [01:08:32.720 --> 01:08:33.720] forth. [01:08:33.720 --> 01:08:36.720] But we see, you know, these guys are looking in the fire, so to speak. [01:08:36.720 --> 01:08:41.720] And when they have the opportunity to quench that or completely put out the fire and actually [01:08:41.720 --> 01:08:43.720] look at the story, they run away from it. [01:08:43.720 --> 01:08:48.720] And so Holland and Andrew and I, just like several dozen of our colleagues and several [01:08:48.720 --> 01:08:50.720] hundred around the country are left holding the bag on us. [01:08:50.720 --> 01:08:51.720] We have the proof. [01:08:51.720 --> 01:08:52.720] It's right there. [01:08:52.720 --> 01:08:55.720] It just, you need somebody in the media to help us get the word out. [01:08:55.720 --> 01:08:56.720] So you know what? [01:08:56.720 --> 01:09:00.720] We're becoming the media and that's through the good graces of your network, Deb. [01:09:00.720 --> 01:09:02.720] We're able to get the word out. [01:09:02.720 --> 01:09:03.720] And that's what we have to do. [01:09:03.720 --> 01:09:05.720] We've got to take charge of this if we can. [01:09:05.720 --> 01:09:09.720] Well, I mean, we're all in this together, Chris. [01:09:09.720 --> 01:09:16.720] And you know, I'm certainly going to do everything I can to help you produce your film because [01:09:16.720 --> 01:09:19.720] this has to get out. [01:09:19.720 --> 01:09:23.720] I mean, people have to learn about this. [01:09:23.720 --> 01:09:24.720] They just have to. [01:09:24.720 --> 01:09:31.720] I mean, you know, Tom and I, Tom, Kylie and I were talking earlier on the previous show [01:09:31.720 --> 01:09:34.720] about, you know, just people being asleep. [01:09:34.720 --> 01:09:42.720] And I was recounting last week about a computer that Randy had given me where somebody had [01:09:42.720 --> 01:09:45.720] left some e-mails and their tax records and stuff. [01:09:45.720 --> 01:09:49.720] And you know, I didn't even want to look at it because I don't want to pry into people's business. [01:09:49.720 --> 01:09:53.720] And you know, when I get a computer come to me, I just generally just format the heart of it. [01:09:53.720 --> 01:09:54.720] I don't want to look at it. [01:09:54.720 --> 01:09:57.720] But you know, a friend said, no, you need to look at it because what if it's a plan, [01:09:57.720 --> 01:10:00.720] a government plan or something, find out what it's all about. [01:10:00.720 --> 01:10:04.720] Well, it was just some guy who was a very old computer, very old tax records and e-mails. [01:10:04.720 --> 01:10:10.720] But you know, e-mails dating back to 2003 where, you know, these people are bashing France [01:10:10.720 --> 01:10:18.720] and calling them, you know, just hypocrites and evil people because they spoke out against [01:10:18.720 --> 01:10:25.720] the U.S. invasion of Iraq and how un-Christian they were and un-thankful they were [01:10:25.720 --> 01:10:30.720] because 50,000 plus soldiers died in World War II to defend France. [01:10:30.720 --> 01:10:34.720] And now how dare they speak out against us invading Iraq. [01:10:34.720 --> 01:10:38.720] And I was just like, oh my God, it was horrifying. [01:10:38.720 --> 01:10:42.720] I mean, this is the mindset of so many people. [01:10:42.720 --> 01:10:44.720] We've got to break through. [01:10:44.720 --> 01:10:45.720] It was just awful. [01:10:45.720 --> 01:10:47.720] I mean, we have to get the word out. [01:10:47.720 --> 01:10:49.720] There's, you know, and speaking of... [01:10:49.720 --> 01:10:52.720] I put my head up against people like that of my own family. [01:10:52.720 --> 01:10:55.720] I mean, try to talk to them about these issues. [01:10:55.720 --> 01:11:00.720] I mean, we're dealing with, you know, people psychologically, [01:11:00.720 --> 01:11:02.720] they don't think of themselves as bad people. [01:11:02.720 --> 01:11:06.720] So the views they hold, they think that that's what good people think. [01:11:06.720 --> 01:11:08.720] So when you're telling them that they're wrong, [01:11:08.720 --> 01:11:10.720] you're also telling them that they're a bad person. [01:11:10.720 --> 01:11:12.720] You're not really, but that's what they're reading. [01:11:12.720 --> 01:11:16.720] So somehow we have to circumvent that, planting seeds of truth [01:11:16.720 --> 01:11:20.720] that they can nurture themselves to the fruition that has, [01:11:20.720 --> 01:11:22.720] in my experience, that has a little success. [01:11:22.720 --> 01:11:24.720] But it's an uphill battle. [01:11:24.720 --> 01:11:26.720] We're dealing with so many paradigms. [01:11:26.720 --> 01:11:29.720] People are locked into these paradigms that, you know, [01:11:29.720 --> 01:11:31.720] basically as long as we're killing little brown-skinned people, [01:11:31.720 --> 01:11:33.720] you know, everything's fine. [01:11:33.720 --> 01:11:34.720] You know what I mean? [01:11:34.720 --> 01:11:38.720] It's like it's a gladiatorial attitude towards the world. [01:11:38.720 --> 01:11:43.720] Instead of us being one human race, it's us versus them. [01:11:43.720 --> 01:11:48.720] It's the Christians versus the Muslims, those Islam people, you know. [01:11:48.720 --> 01:11:52.720] I mean, I was talking to some of my family the other day who should know better, [01:11:52.720 --> 01:11:57.720] and he just made an off-the-cuff remark about how all Muslims want to cut our heads off. [01:11:57.720 --> 01:11:59.720] And I said, hey, hold on right there. [01:11:59.720 --> 01:12:00.720] That's stereotype. [01:12:00.720 --> 01:12:03.720] I've talked to a lot of Muslim people in this state, [01:12:03.720 --> 01:12:07.720] and none of them want anything to do with terrorism. [01:12:07.720 --> 01:12:08.720] They're not different from you or me. [01:12:08.720 --> 01:12:09.720] They want to raise their kids. [01:12:09.720 --> 01:12:10.720] They want a good job. [01:12:10.720 --> 01:12:11.720] They want freedom. [01:12:11.720 --> 01:12:13.720] They want security. [01:12:13.720 --> 01:12:15.720] And they don't want to cut your head off. [01:12:15.720 --> 01:12:16.720] I'm telling you that right now. [01:12:16.720 --> 01:12:20.720] Yeah, they practice Islam because that's the way they were raised. [01:12:20.720 --> 01:12:23.720] And I'm telling you, if you grew up in Syria, you'd be Muslim, [01:12:23.720 --> 01:12:26.720] and you would be locked into that paradigm. [01:12:26.720 --> 01:12:29.720] People just need to think outside what they were born into, [01:12:29.720 --> 01:12:34.720] think for themselves, and come to their own conclusion instead of what's being pumped into their head. [01:12:34.720 --> 01:12:38.720] You have to differentiate between a thought that originates within yourself [01:12:38.720 --> 01:12:41.720] and a thought that's planted in your head by an outside source. [01:12:41.720 --> 01:12:51.720] Yeah, and we have to realize, too, that it's very systematic and planned and deliberate and insidious. [01:12:51.720 --> 01:12:53.720] It's not just happenstance. [01:12:53.720 --> 01:13:00.720] I mean, this all started way before even Bernays, who wrote the book Propaganda. [01:13:00.720 --> 01:13:06.720] And now it's gone light years beyond what Bernays even conceived of. [01:13:06.720 --> 01:13:12.720] So I think we've got all the factual evidence in the world. [01:13:12.720 --> 01:13:18.720] We've got to start studying some of this psychology that they use against us so we can combat it. [01:13:18.720 --> 01:13:25.720] And I'm certainly not the expert on that, but all I know to do is just tell people the truth [01:13:25.720 --> 01:13:29.720] and just lay it out how it is because you can't deny it. [01:13:29.720 --> 01:13:31.720] You just can't deny it. [01:13:31.720 --> 01:13:32.720] Yes, you can. [01:13:32.720 --> 01:13:36.720] Well, they can if they want to keep their head in the sand, you know, [01:13:36.720 --> 01:13:44.720] and let the government come take away everything they have, everything they are. [01:13:44.720 --> 01:13:48.720] Getting back to the case, Deb, one thing that, and Helen and I, after a while, [01:13:48.720 --> 01:13:55.720] you look at a case like this or 9-11, and you build up a veneer, not so much of disdain or disgust, [01:13:55.720 --> 01:13:59.720] but of like, wow, you know, does it get any bigger? [01:13:59.720 --> 01:14:01.720] How big are the whopping lies? [01:14:01.720 --> 01:14:07.720] It just amazes me that the folks that are trying to whip this up and perpetuate these stories [01:14:07.720 --> 01:14:13.720] and the fakery and the machinations, you know, it's like we're not stupid. [01:14:13.720 --> 01:14:15.720] I mean, please don't insult our intelligence. [01:14:15.720 --> 01:14:19.720] And it's just a weird confluence of, okay, you really got to keep your eye on the ball. [01:14:19.720 --> 01:14:22.720] You got to stay focused on the facts of the case, and you go with the facts. [01:14:22.720 --> 01:14:26.720] You go with what you can prove, and you set aside what you can't prove. [01:14:26.720 --> 01:14:31.720] And, Helen, you can interject any time here, but we've gained more respect for each other [01:14:31.720 --> 01:14:36.720] in the fact that it's not so much the fear of exposing these people. [01:14:36.720 --> 01:14:41.720] It's the, I don't know, it's really the disappointment [01:14:41.720 --> 01:14:46.720] and of knowing that we're continuing to be lied to, and we know better. [01:14:46.720 --> 01:14:49.720] It's like, just stop, you know, just stop the tape. [01:14:49.720 --> 01:14:52.720] Just tell us the truth, and quit making up this stuff. [01:14:52.720 --> 01:14:57.720] I mean, you can't even pass a fifth grader, you know, they can see through this. [01:14:57.720 --> 01:15:00.720] Why do you expect us as adults to be faked by this? [01:15:00.720 --> 01:15:03.720] But as a filmmaker, yeah, go ahead. [01:15:03.720 --> 01:15:07.720] I don't see how many of these people can look themselves in the mirror, honestly, [01:15:07.720 --> 01:15:11.720] because studying the case, seeing the law enforcement agents that have lied, [01:15:11.720 --> 01:15:16.720] knowing, they know from what they've seen, what they've been told by witnesses, [01:15:16.720 --> 01:15:18.720] that what they're doing is a lie. [01:15:18.720 --> 01:15:23.720] And they're helping cover up the deaths here in Oklahoma City of 169 people who were murdered. [01:15:23.720 --> 01:15:28.720] I mean, the ATF office was empty that day, on a Tuesday morning, 9 o'clock in the morning. [01:15:28.720 --> 01:15:31.720] I mean, there was no, there wasn't even anyone answering phones. [01:15:31.720 --> 01:15:35.720] They emptied their office, and they let all those people in the Social Security office, [01:15:35.720 --> 01:15:38.720] in the Ag Department, in the HUD Department, they let those people die. [01:15:38.720 --> 01:15:40.720] I don't know how they live with themselves. [01:15:40.720 --> 01:15:44.720] And it's frankly, it's kind of scary that human beings like that live among us, [01:15:44.720 --> 01:15:46.720] apparently in great numbers. [01:15:46.720 --> 01:15:50.720] For myself, I mean, there have been times, and Chris can corroborate this, [01:15:50.720 --> 01:15:55.720] where we've been intimidated, both subtly and pretty directly, [01:15:55.720 --> 01:15:58.720] by people not wanting us to dig too much deeper. [01:15:58.720 --> 01:16:00.720] And there's elements of fear sometimes. [01:16:00.720 --> 01:16:02.720] But you know what, I just, I don't care. [01:16:02.720 --> 01:16:07.720] I want, I don't want to live in a country where our government kill, terrorizes us, [01:16:07.720 --> 01:16:09.720] and gets away with it. [01:16:09.720 --> 01:16:12.720] And I'm not going to sit by and just let it help without doing anything. [01:16:12.720 --> 01:16:16.720] I just don't, I mean, I just don't want to live that way. [01:16:16.720 --> 01:16:21.720] I think that's a basic human right that people have, not to be terrorized by their government. [01:16:21.720 --> 01:16:22.720] I mean, that's very simple. [01:16:22.720 --> 01:16:23.720] Sure. [01:16:23.720 --> 01:16:26.720] And that's what we're fighting for. [01:16:26.720 --> 01:16:28.720] Looks like we're going to come up on break here pretty soon. [01:16:28.720 --> 01:16:29.720] Yeah, we're going to come up on break. [01:16:29.720 --> 01:16:35.720] When we get back from break, I want to, I want you guys to lay it all out, [01:16:35.720 --> 01:16:40.720] the facts of the Oklahoma City bombing, what really happened. [01:16:40.720 --> 01:16:42.720] Okay, we'll be right back. [01:16:42.720 --> 01:16:59.720] This is the Rule of Law on ruleoflawradio.com. [01:16:59.720 --> 01:17:03.720] Are you looking for an investment that has no stock market risk, [01:17:03.720 --> 01:17:06.720] has a 100% track record of returning profits, [01:17:06.720 --> 01:17:11.720] is not affected by fluctuations in oil prices and interest rates, [01:17:11.720 --> 01:17:14.720] is publicly traded and SEC regulated? [01:17:14.720 --> 01:17:18.720] If this kind of peace of mind is what you have been looking for in an investment, [01:17:18.720 --> 01:17:21.720] then life settlements is the investment for you. [01:17:21.720 --> 01:17:27.720] Our annual rate of return has been 15.83% for the last 17 years. [01:17:27.720 --> 01:17:31.720] Our investments are insurance and banking commission regulated. [01:17:31.720 --> 01:17:35.720] Our returns are assured by the largest insurance companies. [01:17:35.720 --> 01:17:41.720] Even qualified retirement plans such as 401Ks and IRAs are eligible for transfer. [01:17:41.720 --> 01:17:43.720] We charge absolutely no commissions. [01:17:43.720 --> 01:17:46.720] 100% of your investment goes to work for you. [01:17:46.720 --> 01:17:56.720] Please visit sleepwellinvestment.com or call Bill Schober at 817-975-2431. [01:17:56.720 --> 01:18:03.720] That's sleepwellinvestment.com or call 817-975-2431. [01:18:03.720 --> 01:18:21.720] Music [01:18:21.720 --> 01:18:23.720] Can't fool me. [01:18:23.720 --> 01:18:27.720] Ain't gonna fool me with the same old lies. [01:18:27.720 --> 01:18:29.720] Same old tricks again. [01:18:29.720 --> 01:18:33.720] Song by Jerry Stevens, my husband. [01:18:33.720 --> 01:18:36.720] Okay, very appropriate for this conversation. [01:18:36.720 --> 01:18:38.720] All right, Holland, I wanted to go to you. [01:18:38.720 --> 01:18:42.720] Can you basically lay out some facts for us, [01:18:42.720 --> 01:18:46.720] what the government so-called official story is regarding the Oklahoma City bombing [01:18:46.720 --> 01:18:50.720] and what your research has shown to be the real truth? [01:18:50.720 --> 01:18:56.720] Okay, well, the official story is that shortly after 9 a.m., [01:18:56.720 --> 01:19:01.720] April 19th, 1995, a disgruntled ex-army soldier named Tim McVeigh pulled up a [01:19:01.720 --> 01:19:04.720] rider truck outside the Alfred P. Murrah Building, [01:19:04.720 --> 01:19:08.720] which is the federal building in downtown Oklahoma City, [01:19:08.720 --> 01:19:11.720] walked away from it, and shortly thereafter it exploded, [01:19:11.720 --> 01:19:17.720] and the explosion from the truck bomb brought down a third of the federal building, [01:19:17.720 --> 01:19:19.720] killing 169 people. [01:19:19.720 --> 01:19:25.720] McVeigh was later apprehended, speeding north on I-35 without a license plate, [01:19:25.720 --> 01:19:28.720] he was pulled over by a state trooper. [01:19:28.720 --> 01:19:32.720] Tim McVeigh had a Glock 21.45 caliber pistol and a shoulder holster [01:19:32.720 --> 01:19:36.720] that allowed himself to be arrested after killing 169 people. [01:19:36.720 --> 01:19:40.720] While he was waiting in jail, the FBI put two and two together, [01:19:40.720 --> 01:19:46.720] and apparently McVeigh used identification to rent the truck. [01:19:46.720 --> 01:19:51.720] They quickly found out it was McVeigh, and they detained him and charged him with the bombing. [01:19:51.720 --> 01:19:55.720] His accomplice Terry Nichols, who was later charged also, [01:19:55.720 --> 01:19:57.720] was also spending the rest of his life in jail. [01:19:57.720 --> 01:20:01.720] Michael Fortier, who was a companion of McVeigh's in Arizona, [01:20:01.720 --> 01:20:03.720] turned state's evidence along with his wife, [01:20:03.720 --> 01:20:05.720] and they spent a short time in jail and are now out, [01:20:05.720 --> 01:20:09.720] if they spent any time in jail at all, which is kind of up in the air, [01:20:09.720 --> 01:20:11.720] and therefore case closed. [01:20:11.720 --> 01:20:15.720] Nothing more to it, just a disgruntled army soldier who had affiliations [01:20:15.720 --> 01:20:19.720] with some right-wing patriot movement people, [01:20:19.720 --> 01:20:23.720] and because he hated the government, he decided to kill all these innocent people. [01:20:23.720 --> 01:20:28.720] Well, from day one, people in Oklahoma started seeing things [01:20:28.720 --> 01:20:34.720] that were not congruent with the government's story. [01:20:34.720 --> 01:20:36.720] The fact is that people in the building, [01:20:36.720 --> 01:20:39.720] we have over a dozen, I believe 15 or 16 witnesses, [01:20:39.720 --> 01:20:42.720] who report that two explosions happened that day. [01:20:42.720 --> 01:20:50.720] First the explosion in the building from interior charges placed inside the building, [01:20:50.720 --> 01:20:53.720] and then shortly thereafter the truck bomb outside, [01:20:53.720 --> 01:20:56.720] which we believe basically just served to destroy the truck [01:20:56.720 --> 01:20:59.720] and did almost no damage to the building itself. [01:20:59.720 --> 01:21:02.720] It may have blown in the buildings, brought down some of the front of the spot, [01:21:02.720 --> 01:21:07.720] but in no way is an ammonium nitrate explosive, which is a low explosive, [01:21:07.720 --> 01:21:09.720] not a high explosive, by the way, [01:21:09.720 --> 01:21:14.720] it's used for blowing stumps and clearing out ponds because it is a low explosive. [01:21:14.720 --> 01:21:17.720] It doesn't cut through steel and concrete. [01:21:17.720 --> 01:21:20.720] Parts away from the building was able to bring down a third of the building. [01:21:20.720 --> 01:21:25.720] This is corroborated by the work of Air Force General Benson K. Parkton, [01:21:25.720 --> 01:21:28.720] and he ran the Air Force Armaments Laboratory for several years. [01:21:28.720 --> 01:21:30.720] He invented the smart bomb. [01:21:30.720 --> 01:21:37.720] He tested, had a hand in designing and tested every major piece of ordnance [01:21:37.720 --> 01:21:39.720] in our military's inventory, [01:21:39.720 --> 01:21:44.720] and he issued his report shortly thereafter the bombing saying [01:21:44.720 --> 01:21:47.720] there is no way ammonium nitrate would have done that damage to the building. [01:21:47.720 --> 01:21:53.720] Several points are, one, that there were support columns closer to the truck bomb [01:21:53.720 --> 01:21:58.720] that stayed intact while support columns inside the building [01:21:58.720 --> 01:22:01.720] farther away from the truck were completely disintegrated, [01:22:01.720 --> 01:22:03.720] and he analyzed the damage to these support columns [01:22:03.720 --> 01:22:08.720] and concluded that they were blown up by contact charges [01:22:08.720 --> 01:22:11.720] because the concrete had been dissolved, [01:22:11.720 --> 01:22:16.720] had been rendered into its base components of sand and lime. [01:22:16.720 --> 01:22:17.720] It was gone. [01:22:17.720 --> 01:22:22.720] The rebar was sticking out indicating it had been sheared off. [01:22:22.720 --> 01:22:24.720] It wasn't a blast damage. [01:22:24.720 --> 01:22:28.720] Blast damage tends to break things, not cut things. [01:22:28.720 --> 01:22:35.720] So, Holland, the evidence is showing that the damage was much more extensive [01:22:35.720 --> 01:22:42.720] and far-reaching and obliterating inside the building rather than outside. [01:22:42.720 --> 01:22:43.720] Is that correct? [01:22:43.720 --> 01:22:44.720] Yes, definitely. [01:22:44.720 --> 01:22:46.720] There was a man, Chris, I think you can corroborate this. [01:22:46.720 --> 01:22:50.720] There was a man smoking a cigarette about 15 foot away from the truck who survived. [01:22:50.720 --> 01:22:56.720] I actually sat next to him at the victim's impact statement phase of the Nichols State Trial. [01:22:56.720 --> 01:22:58.720] He continues to this day. [01:22:58.720 --> 01:23:09.720] I think he still works for the GSA. [01:23:09.720 --> 01:23:11.720] Chris. [01:23:11.720 --> 01:23:14.720] Chris, I think we're losing you. [01:23:14.720 --> 01:23:15.720] Can you hear me? [01:23:15.720 --> 01:23:17.720] Yes, I can hear you, Holland. [01:23:17.720 --> 01:23:18.720] Okay, well, I'll continue then. [01:23:18.720 --> 01:23:19.720] Okay. [01:23:19.720 --> 01:23:24.720] Chris, call into the guest bridge, Chris. [01:23:24.720 --> 01:23:27.720] I think we're having a problem with Skype. [01:23:27.720 --> 01:23:28.720] Okay. [01:23:28.720 --> 01:23:29.720] It's the bad guys. [01:23:29.720 --> 01:23:31.720] The bad guys don't want us to talk about this. [01:23:31.720 --> 01:23:32.720] Obviously. [01:23:32.720 --> 01:23:35.720] And then not only do we have the bomb damage analysis, [01:23:35.720 --> 01:23:39.720] which has been corroborated by other studies, independent studies, [01:23:39.720 --> 01:23:42.720] and also just throwing the fact that the same people who investigated [01:23:42.720 --> 01:23:45.720] the Oklahoma City bombings for the government concluded that it was a truck bomb [01:23:45.720 --> 01:23:48.720] later also worked on 9-11, but I'll move beyond that. [01:23:48.720 --> 01:23:52.720] Anyways, we also have eyewitness testimony, for example, [01:23:52.720 --> 01:23:55.720] that McVeigh did not drive up to that building by himself. [01:23:55.720 --> 01:23:58.720] Everyone who saw McVeigh that morning saw him with another person. [01:23:58.720 --> 01:24:02.720] This is contrary to the government's position, and in fact, [01:24:02.720 --> 01:24:07.720] they couldn't even prove in the court of law that McVeigh was in Oklahoma City that day [01:24:07.720 --> 01:24:10.720] because no one was willing to say they saw him alone. [01:24:10.720 --> 01:24:12.720] They brought forth one witness, Dana Bradley, [01:24:12.720 --> 01:24:14.720] who lost I believe two of her children in the bombing. [01:24:14.720 --> 01:24:16.720] She was at the Social Security office. [01:24:16.720 --> 01:24:21.720] Under cross-examination, she admitted that she saw McVeigh with another person. [01:24:21.720 --> 01:24:23.720] This is mysterious John Doe, number two. [01:24:23.720 --> 01:24:26.720] And there's a lot of eyewitness testimony to that. [01:24:26.720 --> 01:24:30.720] McVeigh running to a car full of two dark-complected men [01:24:30.720 --> 01:24:33.720] and speeding away, which is contrary to the government's position. [01:24:33.720 --> 01:24:35.720] That's been corroborated. [01:24:35.720 --> 01:24:39.720] We also have eyewitness testimony of the rescue workers on the scene. [01:24:39.720 --> 01:24:42.720] The ATF showed up right after the bombing in riot gear [01:24:42.720 --> 01:24:44.720] like they had been waiting for something. [01:24:44.720 --> 01:24:47.720] They weren't in their off-duty clothes or in their plain clothes. [01:24:47.720 --> 01:24:49.720] They were in riot gear. [01:24:49.720 --> 01:24:52.720] And one of the rescue workers asked the ATF agent, [01:24:52.720 --> 01:24:53.720] were you in the building this day? [01:24:53.720 --> 01:24:55.720] Because their office is in the Murrah Building. [01:24:55.720 --> 01:25:01.720] And he said, no, we were paged by Pager not to come into work this morning. [01:25:01.720 --> 01:25:03.720] That's not the only statement to that effect. [01:25:03.720 --> 01:25:08.720] Several ATF agents were asked if they were in the building that day by rescue workers [01:25:08.720 --> 01:25:10.720] because they were familiar with the building, with the layout, [01:25:10.720 --> 01:25:14.720] and more than once said, no, we were told not to come into work this morning. [01:25:14.720 --> 01:25:19.720] And who told them not to come into work? [01:25:19.720 --> 01:25:20.720] I don't know. [01:25:20.720 --> 01:25:22.720] The FBI knew also. [01:25:22.720 --> 01:25:24.720] Thirty minutes before the Oklahoma City bombing, [01:25:24.720 --> 01:25:26.720] thirty minutes before the truck bomb went off, [01:25:26.720 --> 01:25:32.720] the FBI office in Oklahoma City, which was located at 50 Penn Place, [01:25:32.720 --> 01:25:35.720] a half hour before the explosion, [01:25:35.720 --> 01:25:40.720] there was a radio station just below the FBI headquarters. [01:25:40.720 --> 01:25:42.720] It's in a skyscraper. [01:25:42.720 --> 01:25:48.720] And they had a Playboy playmate on air interviewing her. [01:25:48.720 --> 01:25:52.720] All of a sudden, her handler rushes in, pulls her off the air. [01:25:52.720 --> 01:25:55.720] And the DJs are looking at it, so they're like, what is going on? [01:25:55.720 --> 01:25:58.720] Five minutes later, the FBI comes out and says, get out of the building now. [01:25:58.720 --> 01:26:00.720] They evacuated the building. [01:26:00.720 --> 01:26:05.720] So obviously, they knew something was going down. [01:26:05.720 --> 01:26:08.720] Incredible. [01:26:08.720 --> 01:26:09.720] Can you guys hear me? [01:26:09.720 --> 01:26:10.720] Yeah, Chris, go ahead. [01:26:10.720 --> 01:26:12.720] Okay. That's all right. [01:26:12.720 --> 01:26:13.720] Yeah, it was amazing. [01:26:13.720 --> 01:26:19.720] And that particular piece of information came off the Oklahoma Broadcasters Association. [01:26:19.720 --> 01:26:24.720] One of their heads calling in to either it was Channel 9 or Channel 4 [01:26:24.720 --> 01:26:28.720] and saying this about 25 minutes after the bombing, he said, look, you know, [01:26:28.720 --> 01:26:34.720] our studios were on the FBI occupied the top four floors at 50 Penn Place. [01:26:34.720 --> 01:26:38.720] It was the fifth floor down that the Oklahoma Broadcasters Association occupied. [01:26:38.720 --> 01:26:42.720] And it was on that floor that Playboy Bunny, her bodyguards, [01:26:42.720 --> 01:26:44.720] and the DJs were talking to her. [01:26:44.720 --> 01:26:45.720] It was a rock station. [01:26:45.720 --> 01:26:47.720] And it was really bizarre behavior. [01:26:47.720 --> 01:26:50.720] And then less than 30 minutes later, all hell breaks loose, [01:26:50.720 --> 01:26:54.720] about two miles south of the building, at the Marifetto Building. [01:26:54.720 --> 01:26:59.720] I'm looking at the report that General Parton put together, his bomb damage analysis, [01:26:59.720 --> 01:27:01.720] and it just lays out clearly. [01:27:01.720 --> 01:27:05.720] As a filmmaker, as an engineer, you have to look at things black and white [01:27:05.720 --> 01:27:08.720] if you really want a good objective view of what's going on. [01:27:08.720 --> 01:27:10.720] If you just look at the pure science of this [01:27:10.720 --> 01:27:14.720] and you go back to the National Weather Service records on what the weather was like that day, [01:27:14.720 --> 01:27:17.720] the wind direction, and the wind direction was a key. [01:27:17.720 --> 01:27:19.720] And a lot of folks are saying, why would you care about that? [01:27:19.720 --> 01:27:24.720] Well, to recreate that morning what happened, you have to look at weather conditions, [01:27:24.720 --> 01:27:26.720] if there was rain, precipitation, wind. [01:27:26.720 --> 01:27:31.720] There was evidence that was found a good block and a half to two blocks north of the Murr Building. [01:27:31.720 --> 01:27:36.720] When you had a headwind going into the Murr Building from the north at over 42 miles an hour, [01:27:36.720 --> 01:27:38.720] that's a pretty stiff wind. [01:27:38.720 --> 01:27:43.720] And to have particulate and granulated evidence on a building to the north, [01:27:43.720 --> 01:27:46.720] a good 400 to 450 linear feet away, [01:27:46.720 --> 01:27:53.720] I mean, that's a huge amount of force and blast wave attenuation to launch that residue, [01:27:53.720 --> 01:27:56.720] unexploded ordnance residue on top of another building. [01:27:56.720 --> 01:27:59.720] So you're triangulating all of this stuff is what you're doing. [01:27:59.720 --> 01:28:03.720] And that's the best way to do it, and you're approaching it on the engineer's standpoint. [01:28:03.720 --> 01:28:07.720] Yeah, and we've done, yeah, I mean, the independent investigators have done better work [01:28:07.720 --> 01:28:09.720] than the government itself, than the FBI itself. [01:28:09.720 --> 01:28:13.720] Apparently, no one in the FBI thought to run a tape measure across the bomb crater [01:28:13.720 --> 01:28:15.720] because there is no official estimate of the bomb crater. [01:28:15.720 --> 01:28:18.720] The official estimate kept on getting bigger and bigger and bigger. [01:28:18.720 --> 01:28:23.720] So, I mean, they were running a shoddy investigation on purpose. [01:28:23.720 --> 01:28:28.720] Well, yeah, that's just, yeah, that's par for the course. [01:28:28.720 --> 01:28:31.720] Of course they're going to run a shoddy investigation on purpose [01:28:31.720 --> 01:28:36.720] because they're trying to cover up what really happened because they're the perps. [01:28:36.720 --> 01:28:41.720] And it's ridiculous that, you know, you got this particulate matter [01:28:41.720 --> 01:28:47.720] that y'all are talking about going against the wind hundreds of feet away, [01:28:47.720 --> 01:28:55.720] and then you got a guy standing, you know, 10, 20 feet away from the alleged explosion point [01:28:55.720 --> 01:28:58.720] smoking a cigarette. That's not harm. [01:28:58.720 --> 01:29:01.720] He's standing next to a USA Today paper box. [01:29:01.720 --> 01:29:05.720] We did, looking at the blueprints, where the sidewalk was, the photographs, [01:29:05.720 --> 01:29:08.720] old photographs taken about three months before the bombing, [01:29:08.720 --> 01:29:12.720] we figured he was no more than 18 feet away and as close as 15 feet away from the truck bomb, [01:29:12.720 --> 01:29:14.720] and he survived. [01:29:14.720 --> 01:29:15.720] And I'm sitting next to this guy. [01:29:15.720 --> 01:29:19.720] He had five reconstructive surgeries on his upper torso from the waist on up. [01:29:19.720 --> 01:29:22.720] I went home that, I drove back from McAllister that evening, [01:29:22.720 --> 01:29:23.720] got on the phone with General Parton, [01:29:23.720 --> 01:29:26.720] and General Parton says they should have been carrying him out in a shovel and pieces. [01:29:26.720 --> 01:29:28.720] There's no way that he could have survived that. [01:29:28.720 --> 01:29:30.720] They wouldn't have found hardly any part of him. [01:29:30.720 --> 01:29:35.720] If that blast was powerful enough from the truck bomb to destroy interior columns, [01:29:35.720 --> 01:29:40.720] to shear off concrete and very thick rebar, he would have been disintegrated. [01:29:40.720 --> 01:29:41.720] Absolutely. [01:29:41.720 --> 01:29:43.720] Okay, listen, we're going to break. [01:29:43.720 --> 01:29:46.720] When we get back on the other side, I want to talk about the who's. [01:29:46.720 --> 01:29:47.720] Who was involved? [01:29:47.720 --> 01:29:48.720] Same people as 9-11. [01:29:48.720 --> 01:29:57.720] We'll be right back. [01:29:57.720 --> 01:30:00.720] Gold prices are at historic highs, and with the recent pullback, [01:30:00.720 --> 01:30:02.720] this is a great time to buy. [01:30:02.720 --> 01:30:06.720] With the value of the dollar, risks of inflation, geopolitical uncertainties, [01:30:06.720 --> 01:30:10.720] and instability in rural financial systems, I see gold going up much higher. [01:30:10.720 --> 01:30:13.720] Hi, I'm Tim Fry at Roberts & Roberts Brokerage. [01:30:13.720 --> 01:30:17.720] Everybody should have some of their assets in investment-grade precious metals. [01:30:17.720 --> 01:30:20.720] At Roberts & Roberts Brokerage, you can buy gold, silver, [01:30:20.720 --> 01:30:23.720] and platinum with confidence from a brokerage that's specialized [01:30:23.720 --> 01:30:26.720] in the precious metals market since 1977. [01:30:26.720 --> 01:30:29.720] If you are new to precious metals, we will happily provide you [01:30:29.720 --> 01:30:32.720] with the information you need to make an informed decision [01:30:32.720 --> 01:30:34.720] whether or not you choose to purchase from us. [01:30:34.720 --> 01:30:37.720] Also, Roberts & Roberts Brokerage values your privacy [01:30:37.720 --> 01:30:40.720] and will always advise you in the event that we would be required [01:30:40.720 --> 01:30:42.720] to report any transaction. [01:30:42.720 --> 01:30:45.720] If you have gold, silver, and platinum you'd like to sell, [01:30:45.720 --> 01:30:47.720] we can convert it for immediate payment. [01:30:47.720 --> 01:30:51.720] Call us at 800-874-9760. [01:30:51.720 --> 01:31:18.720] We are Roberts & Roberts Brokerage, 800-874-9760. [01:31:21.720 --> 01:31:25.720] Keep the boat machine away [01:31:25.720 --> 01:31:28.720] Everybody come over and see the story [01:31:28.720 --> 01:31:31.720] They build the boat machine and then rob away [01:31:31.720 --> 01:31:34.720] They put a list of which state elections can be [01:31:34.720 --> 01:31:37.720] You can see what happened in the Ohio State, you see [01:31:37.720 --> 01:31:41.720] Them gang used to hack us and gone hack me [01:31:41.720 --> 01:31:44.720] Two ladies get a little rest for me [01:31:44.720 --> 01:31:47.720] Now three years later them a tell me [01:31:47.720 --> 01:31:52.720] Four years later they tell me [01:31:52.720 --> 01:31:57.720] This is the rule of law in Kelton and Deborah Stevens. [01:31:57.720 --> 01:32:01.720] We're here tonight with Holland Van Nuwenhoff, Chris Emery. [01:32:01.720 --> 01:32:06.720] We're discussing the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up, inside job, [01:32:06.720 --> 01:32:08.720] and we've discussed some of the evidence, [01:32:08.720 --> 01:32:11.720] and now we're going to talk about the who's, who was involved, [01:32:11.720 --> 01:32:15.720] a lot of the same people that were involved with 9-11. [01:32:15.720 --> 01:32:19.720] So, Holland, take it away. You had some comments. [01:32:19.720 --> 01:32:22.720] Yeah, well, like I said, they tend to use the same people [01:32:22.720 --> 01:32:25.720] over and over for good reasons, I guess. [01:32:25.720 --> 01:32:29.720] Jamie Grelick, like I said, was involved with the TWA 800 cover-up. [01:32:29.720 --> 01:32:32.720] She's the one who had the meeting with the FBI agent in charge of that, [01:32:32.720 --> 01:32:34.720] telling him to steer the case towards an accident. [01:32:34.720 --> 01:32:38.720] She was also in charge of manhandling the case in Oklahoma City. [01:32:38.720 --> 01:32:40.720] Her name was Jamie Grelick, [01:32:40.720 --> 01:32:46.720] and she was the one who was basically telling Oklahoma City District Attorney Bob Macy [01:32:46.720 --> 01:32:48.720] not to dig too deep into this, [01:32:48.720 --> 01:32:52.720] and she later served on the 9-11 Commission. [01:32:52.720 --> 01:32:55.720] In fact, she was one of the executive members, [01:32:55.720 --> 01:32:59.720] one of two members allowed to view top secret documents, [01:32:59.720 --> 01:33:04.720] and in fact, it was her, she wrote a memo in March of 1995, [01:33:04.720 --> 01:33:06.720] the infamous wall memo. [01:33:06.720 --> 01:33:08.720] This is the one Jamie Grelick wrote, [01:33:08.720 --> 01:33:12.720] and it was used as an excuse by the FBI not to investigate the activities [01:33:12.720 --> 01:33:16.720] of known Al-Qaeda personnel in this country prior to 9-11. [01:33:16.720 --> 01:33:19.720] They said this wall memo prevented them from investigating [01:33:19.720 --> 01:33:23.720] what would later become the hijackers in 9-11. [01:33:23.720 --> 01:33:25.720] This memo was not enshrined in law. [01:33:25.720 --> 01:33:31.720] It's a DOJ memo that stopped the FBI from looking into these Al-Qaeda people. [01:33:31.720 --> 01:33:34.720] Jamie Grelick wrote that in March of 1995, [01:33:34.720 --> 01:33:37.720] and that was a month before the Oklahoma City bombing, [01:33:37.720 --> 01:33:39.720] because we have developed evidence. [01:33:39.720 --> 01:33:41.720] I'm not implicating. [01:33:41.720 --> 01:33:45.720] When we talk about Arab personnel involved in the Oklahoma City bombing in 9-11, [01:33:45.720 --> 01:33:48.720] I'm not trying to say that the government of Iraq did it [01:33:48.720 --> 01:33:51.720] or it was because the Islamists did it. [01:33:51.720 --> 01:33:53.720] I mean, they were dupes, [01:33:53.720 --> 01:33:56.720] and there were some Arab personnel involved in Oklahoma City, [01:33:56.720 --> 01:34:00.720] and in fact, McVeigh got in a truck with two of them right after the bombing, [01:34:00.720 --> 01:34:03.720] and I'm not going to get too deep into that because some of them are still here, [01:34:03.720 --> 01:34:08.720] but anyways, the wall memo was reissued in the summer of 2001, [01:34:08.720 --> 01:34:10.720] right before 9-11, [01:34:10.720 --> 01:34:12.720] and once again, [01:34:12.720 --> 01:34:15.720] preventing the FBI from looking into known Al-Qaeda activity in this country, [01:34:15.720 --> 01:34:19.720] and then Jamie Grelick, involved in TWA 800, [01:34:19.720 --> 01:34:21.720] Oklahoma City, and 9-11, [01:34:21.720 --> 01:34:27.720] was one of the executive directors of the independent 9-11 commission, [01:34:27.720 --> 01:34:30.720] and many observers opined that she should have been on the witness stand, [01:34:30.720 --> 01:34:33.720] not judging evidence, [01:34:33.720 --> 01:34:36.720] so that just proves from day one, [01:34:36.720 --> 01:34:39.720] I mean, that they are not interested in the truth. [01:34:39.720 --> 01:34:41.720] They are interested in covering things up. [01:34:41.720 --> 01:34:43.720] They tend to use same people over and over, [01:34:43.720 --> 01:34:45.720] and Jamie Grelick is still around. [01:34:45.720 --> 01:34:49.720] Her name was batted around to be head of the Justice Department. [01:34:49.720 --> 01:34:51.720] Before Eric Holder got the nomination, [01:34:51.720 --> 01:34:55.720] Jamie Grelick's name was being batted around, [01:34:55.720 --> 01:34:56.720] so she's still a player. [01:34:56.720 --> 01:34:58.720] A lot of people are still involved. [01:34:58.720 --> 01:35:03.720] The special agent in charge of Oklahoma City was Bob Ricks. [01:35:03.720 --> 01:35:05.720] He was, if you don't remember, [01:35:05.720 --> 01:35:09.720] the spokesman for the Waco siege in 1993, [01:35:09.720 --> 01:35:14.720] the man who was on TV every day telling us what bad people the Branch Davidians were, [01:35:14.720 --> 01:35:16.720] and then after the FBI torched them, [01:35:16.720 --> 01:35:18.720] saying that they had committed suicide [01:35:18.720 --> 01:35:22.720] and that the FBI had done everything in their power to try to save the children, [01:35:22.720 --> 01:35:26.720] when we know from infrared camera technology [01:35:26.720 --> 01:35:29.720] that they had surrounded the underground tornado shelter [01:35:29.720 --> 01:35:34.720] where those kids were and shot machine gun rounds into the entrances, [01:35:34.720 --> 01:35:36.720] not allowing them to escape. [01:35:36.720 --> 01:35:37.720] He took part in that cover-up, [01:35:37.720 --> 01:35:42.720] and he was later in charge of the Oklahoma City Office of the FBI during the bombing, [01:35:42.720 --> 01:35:44.720] helped cover it up. [01:35:44.720 --> 01:35:47.720] Bob Ricks also helped cover up the murder of Oklahoma City police officer Terrence Yakey, [01:35:47.720 --> 01:35:50.720] who had information on the bombing, [01:35:50.720 --> 01:35:55.720] and he later went on to become a police chief of a suburb here in Oklahoma City. [01:35:55.720 --> 01:35:59.720] But, I mean, the same people tend to be used again and again and again. [01:35:59.720 --> 01:36:00.720] Oh, how about that? [01:36:00.720 --> 01:36:01.720] By naming names. [01:36:01.720 --> 01:36:02.720] How about that? [01:36:02.720 --> 01:36:06.720] He covers up the murder of a police officer, [01:36:06.720 --> 01:36:09.720] and later he gets rewarded by becoming police chief. [01:36:09.720 --> 01:36:10.720] How about that? [01:36:10.720 --> 01:36:12.720] Well, to make matters worse, [01:36:12.720 --> 01:36:15.720] our former governor, Frank Heating, felt sorry for him. [01:36:15.720 --> 01:36:18.720] Louis Free promptly summarily fired Bob Ricks [01:36:18.720 --> 01:36:23.720] because he did a completely dreadful job of any pre-intelligence on this case, [01:36:23.720 --> 01:36:28.720] and then, of course, muddled his way through whatever part of the investigation he chose to take part in. [01:36:28.720 --> 01:36:31.720] So he's hired as the head of the DPS for the state of Oklahoma. [01:36:31.720 --> 01:36:34.720] After that, the city of Edmond brings him on as a police chief. [01:36:34.720 --> 01:36:39.720] I mean, this guy has, it's like he has impunity that is endless, [01:36:39.720 --> 01:36:42.720] and it really makes you think, go ahead. [01:36:42.720 --> 01:36:47.720] Yeah, and he immediately turns the Edmond police force into a fascist little police state, [01:36:47.720 --> 01:36:52.720] gave them black uniforms and gave them orders to pull over anyone who has an older car [01:36:52.720 --> 01:36:58.720] and there's a lot of police hygiene type out of Edmond, Oklahoma that Bob Ricks is directly in charge of. [01:36:58.720 --> 01:37:02.720] So, I mean, he took that mindset with him. [01:37:02.720 --> 01:37:06.720] Now, guys, I wanted to ask you, too, what about the Patsies? [01:37:06.720 --> 01:37:09.720] Apparently, some of these Patsies that were involved with 9-11 [01:37:09.720 --> 01:37:15.720] stayed in the same hotels with each other right before the Oklahoma City bombing, [01:37:15.720 --> 01:37:19.720] so what's up with that? These are CIA operatives, apparently. [01:37:19.720 --> 01:37:22.720] Yeah, there's a motel in Oklahoma City. I'm not going to name it [01:37:22.720 --> 01:37:26.720] because the people who own it, they aren't responsible for what happened there. [01:37:26.720 --> 01:37:29.720] But it's a cash-only place. It's off the beaten path. [01:37:29.720 --> 01:37:33.720] It's still close to the city, but it's in a portion of the city where there's nothing around. [01:37:33.720 --> 01:37:36.720] It's basically a hideout, you know. [01:37:36.720 --> 01:37:40.720] There's a lot of long-term people who take cash. I don't know if they take IDs or not. [01:37:40.720 --> 01:37:43.720] But I believe it was the day before the Oklahoma City bombing, [01:37:43.720 --> 01:37:49.720] Tim McVeigh was spotted staying in this motel with some Arab personnel. [01:37:49.720 --> 01:37:54.720] And when he drove out of the parking lot of the motel that morning of April 19th, [01:37:54.720 --> 01:38:00.720] one of the employees described it as a convoy, not a lone rider truck, a convoy. [01:38:00.720 --> 01:38:05.720] Now, that's only significant in the fact that later on, in August of 2001, [01:38:05.720 --> 01:38:12.720] right before 9-11, immediately before 9-11, lead 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, [01:38:12.720 --> 01:38:17.720] another hijacker, and another hijacker, met with Zakris Masawi, [01:38:17.720 --> 01:38:22.720] the supposed 20th hijacker who was taking flight lessons in Oklahoma, in northern Oklahoma. [01:38:22.720 --> 01:38:26.720] They met in the same motel. Why? [01:38:26.720 --> 01:38:30.720] Well, obviously, because a good place to hideout is off the beaten path, [01:38:30.720 --> 01:38:34.720] and obviously someone in the city told them, [01:38:34.720 --> 01:38:38.720] this is a good place to carry out your activities, to carry out your meetings. [01:38:38.720 --> 01:38:42.720] And there was also, I can also go into CIA agent David Edger, who was involved, [01:38:42.720 --> 01:38:47.720] who was, I have implicated in the hijack activities of 9-11. [01:38:47.720 --> 01:38:53.720] David Edger is a CIA officer in residence at the University of Oklahoma. [01:38:53.720 --> 01:38:55.720] He teaches political science. [01:38:55.720 --> 01:39:02.720] And prior to that, in the 80s, actually even prior to that, he made his bones in Chile. [01:39:02.720 --> 01:39:10.720] In 1973, September 11, 1973, David Edger was involved in the coup that deposed Allende, [01:39:10.720 --> 01:39:14.720] the Democratic elected president of Chile, at the behest of ITT. [01:39:14.720 --> 01:39:17.720] He was later killed. Edger made his bones there. [01:39:17.720 --> 01:39:23.720] He later became head of covert operations worldwide for the CIA, the head jackal. [01:39:23.720 --> 01:39:29.720] This guy is not, you know, your basic white-gloves analyst. He is a jackal. [01:39:29.720 --> 01:39:34.720] Then he took an apparent demotion from being head of covert ops worldwide [01:39:34.720 --> 01:39:38.720] to watching the Hamburg Cell, [01:39:38.720 --> 01:39:44.720] which was composed of Mohammed Atta and several other 9-11 hijackers. [01:39:44.720 --> 01:39:48.720] He observed this Hamburg Cell and by his own admission [01:39:48.720 --> 01:39:53.720] says that he observed nothing of interest while he was surveilling the premises. [01:39:53.720 --> 01:39:56.720] This, when we know when people in Hamburg talked [01:39:56.720 --> 01:40:01.720] and have told the newspapers about these guys talking about committing terror attacks in the U.S., [01:40:01.720 --> 01:40:03.720] David Edger says nothing of interest happened. [01:40:03.720 --> 01:40:08.720] David Edger later came on, was appointed to OU just prior to 9-11, [01:40:08.720 --> 01:40:13.720] and he was in town here in Oklahoma when Mohammed Atta, [01:40:13.720 --> 01:40:17.720] the man he had been monitoring in Germany, had his meeting in Oklahoma City [01:40:17.720 --> 01:40:19.720] at the same hotel Tim McVeigh stayed in. [01:40:19.720 --> 01:40:21.720] Unbelievable. [01:40:21.720 --> 01:40:26.720] And that's been reported in the LA Times, the O'Reilly Factor reported it. [01:40:26.720 --> 01:40:29.720] It's not just weird, it's more than coincidence. [01:40:29.720 --> 01:40:36.720] Obviously, Edger was monitoring the meeting in Oklahoma City like he had done in Hamburg. [01:40:36.720 --> 01:40:40.720] I called one of the administration buildings down at OU last August, [01:40:40.720 --> 01:40:43.720] right after the school year started, and David Edger was working. [01:40:43.720 --> 01:40:47.720] I talked to one of his secretaries, so he still is a bona fide employee at the University of Oklahoma. [01:40:47.720 --> 01:40:52.720] Yeah, and my brother infiltrated his class, it wasn't that hard, it's an open university class, [01:40:52.720 --> 01:40:59.720] but he openly talked about subverting elections overseas, toppling governments, doing these black ops, [01:40:59.720 --> 01:41:01.720] and when someone asked me, you know, how can you do this? [01:41:01.720 --> 01:41:05.720] These are governments that people elect, he said, well, they were the bad guys. [01:41:05.720 --> 01:41:09.720] Well, define bad guys, you know, in whose eyes. [01:41:09.720 --> 01:41:13.720] And just as a side note to close out David Edger, his side business, [01:41:13.720 --> 01:41:18.720] he advises corporations on agricultural terrorism. [01:41:18.720 --> 01:41:24.720] So if something happens to our food supply, I think we know at least one figure to point at. [01:41:24.720 --> 01:41:28.720] But getting back to your question, Deb, as far as, you know, who done it, [01:41:28.720 --> 01:41:33.720] there's a lot of individuals, some that are still living here in Oklahoma City, gainfully employed, [01:41:33.720 --> 01:41:39.720] some that are actually very wealthy, that were indicted and sent to federal prison many years before the bombing had happened. [01:41:39.720 --> 01:41:43.720] So we're not talking about, you know, angels here or choir boys. [01:41:43.720 --> 01:41:48.720] These guys were dirty snakes even before the Oklahoma City bombing happened, and they're still wearing their ugly heads. [01:41:48.720 --> 01:41:53.720] One of them is a, well, I can't say the name or his profession, but he's very wealthy, [01:41:53.720 --> 01:41:59.720] and he does live here in Oklahoma City, and it's shocking to see him walk in the streets free. [01:41:59.720 --> 01:42:02.720] I mean, it is. This is what it is. [01:42:02.720 --> 01:42:06.720] Like Stephen Jones says, you have to call this former defense counsel from McBey, [01:42:06.720 --> 01:42:12.720] quote, during a brief meeting I had with him, he says, you've got to look at this case for what it is and what it's not. [01:42:12.720 --> 01:42:15.720] And when you have people still walking free that are unindicted, [01:42:15.720 --> 01:42:21.720] that can get up and, you know, live a free life with blood on their hands, this is absolutely despicable. [01:42:21.720 --> 01:42:28.720] What we're trying to do, and Holland and myself, and, you know, the number is around 65 people, it's not just me. [01:42:28.720 --> 01:42:31.720] I'm kind of like, as Mel Gibson would say, the traffic cop. [01:42:31.720 --> 01:42:36.720] I'm trying to keep order to the chaos and trying to get this film together. [01:42:36.720 --> 01:42:40.720] But it's the consensus of what everybody has worked on and what they found out. [01:42:40.720 --> 01:42:43.720] Some, in this case, a heck of a lot longer than I have been, [01:42:43.720 --> 01:42:48.720] and we're trying to just present it in an objective and factual and very respectful manner. [01:42:48.720 --> 01:42:49.720] We're not here to say anti-government. [01:42:49.720 --> 01:42:53.720] We're not here to say, you know, you're a slimeball for doing this, that, and the other thing. [01:42:53.720 --> 01:42:58.720] No, as a filmmaker, you've got to present the facts as they are, overwhelmingly, without an absolute doubt. [01:42:58.720 --> 01:43:02.720] There's no doubt at all that the official story simply doesn't hold water, and never will. [01:43:02.720 --> 01:43:04.720] It's a fantasy. [01:43:04.720 --> 01:43:06.720] Yeah, and like I said, we're not anti-government. [01:43:06.720 --> 01:43:12.720] Actually, we're pro-government, a government being defined as that organization which secures our liberties. [01:43:12.720 --> 01:43:14.720] But unfortunately, that's not what we live under. [01:43:14.720 --> 01:43:21.720] We live under a terrorist state, and we have to somehow overcome that through action of the people, [01:43:21.720 --> 01:43:25.720] refusing to obey, you know, refusing to pay into the system. [01:43:25.720 --> 01:43:26.720] I mean, they work on money. [01:43:26.720 --> 01:43:29.720] I mean, there's a lot of solutions we can discuss, and I don't know if any of them will work. [01:43:29.720 --> 01:43:35.720] But I mean, all we're doing is laying out the facts and letting people decide. [01:43:35.720 --> 01:43:38.720] We don't know who the ultimate perpetrators are. [01:43:38.720 --> 01:43:40.720] All right, well, listen, we're going to break. [01:43:40.720 --> 01:43:42.720] We've got a caller, Doug, from Texas, on the line. [01:43:42.720 --> 01:43:46.720] I want to take his call and get back on the other side and also discuss the Jesse Trinidad case [01:43:46.720 --> 01:43:51.720] and how that whole situation relates to the Oklahoma City bombing. [01:43:51.720 --> 01:43:56.720] We'll be right back. [01:44:21.720 --> 01:44:27.720] Some of the world's leading financial analysts believe that silver is one of the world's most important commodities [01:44:27.720 --> 01:44:31.720] with unparalleled investment opportunities for the future. [01:44:31.720 --> 01:44:37.720] Now is the time to buy silver before it heads for $75 an ounce, [01:44:37.720 --> 01:44:42.720] and the yellow metal roars back past $1,000 an ounce to new highs. [01:44:42.720 --> 01:44:53.720] Call Maximus Holdings now at 407-608-5430 to find out how you can turn your IRA and 401K [01:44:53.720 --> 01:44:58.720] into a solid investment, silver, without any penalties for early withdrawal. [01:44:58.720 --> 01:45:04.720] Even if you don't have a retirement account yet, we have fantastic investment opportunities for you. [01:45:04.720 --> 01:45:14.720] Call Maximus Holdings at 407-608-5430 for more information. [01:45:14.720 --> 01:45:35.720] Hello? Oh, man, in jail? You got something to do? Oh, man, I'm broke, dude. [01:45:35.720 --> 01:45:44.720] Some things in this world I will never understand. Some things I realize fully. [01:45:44.720 --> 01:45:52.720] Somebody's gonna police that policeman. Somebody's gonna police the bully. [01:45:52.720 --> 01:45:59.720] There's always a room at the top of the hill. I hear through the grapevine. [01:45:59.720 --> 01:46:06.720] All right, this is the Rule of Law on Rule of Law Radio. We're talking with Chris Emory and Holland Bannon-Neuwenhoff [01:46:06.720 --> 01:46:11.720] of Radio Free Oklahoma, hosts on this network on Wednesday evenings, [01:46:11.720 --> 01:46:14.720] and we are discussing the Oklahoma City bombing. [01:46:14.720 --> 01:46:18.720] We do have a caller, Doug from Texas, who wants to take his call, [01:46:18.720 --> 01:46:24.720] and then we want to move on to discuss the Jesse Trinity case and how that relates to the Oklahoma City bombing. [01:46:24.720 --> 01:46:29.720] Doug, what is your question for our guests? [01:46:29.720 --> 01:46:37.720] Hi, gentlemen. I just wanted you to know that Jamie Gorelick goes back all the way back to the government [01:46:37.720 --> 01:46:43.720] when they first started their reign of terror with Randy Weaver and then murdered his wife [01:46:43.720 --> 01:46:52.720] and his 14-year-old son, Sammy, and terrorized those people for a couple weeks. [01:46:52.720 --> 01:47:04.720] Jamie Gorelick was right there testifying at the Senate hearings, and they put on their little show. [01:47:04.720 --> 01:47:14.720] And then when they came to Waco and murdered 80-some-odd people or probably 100 people in the church in Waco, [01:47:14.720 --> 01:47:22.720] they branched the city, and Jamie Gorelick was right to speak of that, too. [01:47:22.720 --> 01:47:26.720] He was standing there for our government, whatever. [01:47:26.720 --> 01:47:31.720] She seems to be a real professional at her job. [01:47:31.720 --> 01:47:33.720] Are you going to tell me? [01:47:33.720 --> 01:47:37.720] Yeah, they'll probably nominate her for Supreme Court justice next. [01:47:37.720 --> 01:47:41.720] One of the monikers that we have for these characters, these snakes, [01:47:41.720 --> 01:47:44.720] is that at least they're consistent with what they do. [01:47:44.720 --> 01:47:46.720] Unfortunately, they're consistent in the wrong manner. [01:47:46.720 --> 01:47:48.720] There was some research material, Deb and Holland. [01:47:48.720 --> 01:47:50.720] I'm not going to belabor this point. [01:47:50.720 --> 01:47:52.720] I want you to interject, too. [01:47:52.720 --> 01:47:56.720] Down in Austin, when we were researching through the defense team notes, [01:47:56.720 --> 01:48:00.720] Wendy and I stumbled across a Dallas Morning News article that McVeigh actually saved [01:48:00.720 --> 01:48:06.720] and gave to the defense team, and it's among the several dozen boxes of material that's left over. [01:48:06.720 --> 01:48:11.720] In that particular page, McVeigh didn't realize it was unrelated to the article that he circled, [01:48:11.720 --> 01:48:16.720] but there was a small column article about Eric Holder recusing himself [01:48:16.720 --> 01:48:20.720] on the investigation of the Ruby Ridge investigation. [01:48:20.720 --> 01:48:25.720] Now, mind you, this is in August of 1995. [01:48:25.720 --> 01:48:31.720] Of course, Kenny Trinidad was murdered two days after this article was written, [01:48:31.720 --> 01:48:36.720] but Eric Holder recused himself because it says as early as 1988 in the article [01:48:36.720 --> 01:48:41.720] that he and Larry Potts had gone back and worked together in the Justice Department of various capacities. [01:48:41.720 --> 01:48:44.720] Pretty much Holder at the time was just a water boy. [01:48:44.720 --> 01:48:47.720] He was a lackey attorney with the Justice Department, worked his way up. [01:48:47.720 --> 01:48:51.720] In 1995, he says, I can't be part of this investigation. [01:48:51.720 --> 01:48:53.720] I know Larry Potts too well. [01:48:53.720 --> 01:48:56.720] Larry Potts' name came up in that case, of course, [01:48:56.720 --> 01:49:01.720] is directing the rules of engagement in the Denver SWAT team. [01:49:01.720 --> 01:49:04.720] He says, not only no, but hell no, we're not going to be part of this. [01:49:04.720 --> 01:49:06.720] He had to call in a team from Philadelphia to shoot at him. [01:49:06.720 --> 01:49:10.720] Yeah, the caller brought up Jay McGrellick working with Larry Potts. [01:49:10.720 --> 01:49:15.720] Yeah, Larry Potts issued orders in the Ruby Ridge case to shoot anyone on site who was carrying a weapon, [01:49:15.720 --> 01:49:19.720] and those orders were so outrageous that the Denver SWAT team refused, [01:49:19.720 --> 01:49:23.720] and they had to bring up a trained assassin, Lon Haruchi, to do it. [01:49:23.720 --> 01:49:28.720] But Larry Potts was also later named by Terry Nichols, and I believe it was January 2007. [01:49:28.720 --> 01:49:29.720] Am I correct, Chris? [01:49:29.720 --> 01:49:30.720] Yes. [01:49:30.720 --> 01:49:36.720] In his deposition, he named Larry Potts as the one heading the Oklahoma City operation, [01:49:36.720 --> 01:49:41.720] not the investigation, the actual bombing, the guy who was Tim McVeigh's handler. [01:49:41.720 --> 01:49:46.720] And keep in mind, Terry Nichols has nothing to gain by naming names. [01:49:46.720 --> 01:49:47.720] He is in federal prison. [01:49:47.720 --> 01:49:51.720] He is at the mercy of anyone who wants to kill him, [01:49:51.720 --> 01:49:56.720] and we have seen the fate of others who have talked about the Oklahoma City bombing being murder. [01:49:56.720 --> 01:49:58.720] So Terry Nichols is in a very delicate position, [01:49:58.720 --> 01:50:04.720] and takes the brave position of naming Larry Potts as Tim McVeigh's handler. [01:50:04.720 --> 01:50:11.720] Then Tim McVeigh told him, Terry Nichols, that he worked for the FBI, that he worked for Larry Potts. [01:50:11.720 --> 01:50:14.720] And this is consistent with a whole lot of information we've uncovered on Tim McVeigh, [01:50:14.720 --> 01:50:19.720] him being exposed by militia groups he was trying to implicate in crimes. [01:50:19.720 --> 01:50:28.720] We have Tim McVeigh on tape taking U.S. Army training a couple years after he left the Army, [01:50:28.720 --> 01:50:32.720] after he has been going to gun shows and passing out anti-government literature [01:50:32.720 --> 01:50:36.720] and showing up in Waco and giving an interview about how anti-government he is. [01:50:36.720 --> 01:50:42.720] Then he shows up later after that in U.S. Army uniform at a National Guard base [01:50:42.720 --> 01:50:45.720] that also has a explosives and demolition school. [01:50:45.720 --> 01:50:49.720] I'm looking at that right now as we speak, and it was that Hustler magazine article, [01:50:49.720 --> 01:50:52.720] brought up October, what, 06, I believe. [01:50:52.720 --> 01:51:03.720] Yes, the Bill Bean tape, which was confirmed by visual and audio technology to be Tim McVeigh. [01:51:03.720 --> 01:51:08.720] The test was conducted by Professor Blomgren, I think his name was, out of Utah, [01:51:08.720 --> 01:51:15.720] which has a famed school for audio technology for analyzing voice. [01:51:15.720 --> 01:51:21.720] This professor said that all his data indicates that it's Tim McVeigh on this tape [01:51:21.720 --> 01:51:28.720] in U.S. Army uniform taking training after he's been spotted frequenting anti-government circles. [01:51:28.720 --> 01:51:31.720] This was within the two-and-a-half to three-month time frame. [01:51:31.720 --> 01:51:33.720] The FBI completely lost track of McVeigh. [01:51:33.720 --> 01:51:34.720] The black hole. [01:51:34.720 --> 01:51:36.720] They had no idea where he was. [01:51:36.720 --> 01:51:40.720] People in Tim McVeigh's life, we filled in, Bill Bean filled in, Hustler magazine, [01:51:40.720 --> 01:51:46.720] which despite their pornographic content, they do have an impressive investigative journalist team. [01:51:46.720 --> 01:51:48.720] They filled in that black hole for the FBI. [01:51:48.720 --> 01:51:50.720] Yes, anybody questions even the writer? [01:51:50.720 --> 01:51:51.720] We know him. [01:51:51.720 --> 01:51:53.720] He used to work for the Wall Street Journal. [01:51:53.720 --> 01:51:57.720] Larry Flynn Productions hires good people away from other newspapers. [01:51:57.720 --> 01:51:59.720] It was actually a step up for this guy. [01:51:59.720 --> 01:52:04.720] Holland and I had a chance to communicate with him on various capacities several times. [01:52:04.720 --> 01:52:09.720] Keep in mind, Larry Flynn may have been shot because he offered that reward for information on the JFK assassination. [01:52:09.720 --> 01:52:16.720] So he, Larry Flynn himself, despite his personal picadillios, does have a mind for the truth. [01:52:16.720 --> 01:52:21.720] Getting back to the caller's statement, though, yeah, Jarellic, you've got Larry Potts, you've got Eric Holder. [01:52:21.720 --> 01:52:23.720] It's like these guys, these people are bobbing their bells. [01:52:23.720 --> 01:52:26.720] They keep popping up in all of these cases. [01:52:26.720 --> 01:52:29.720] And it's like Holland and I lamented many times, you get a checklist, [01:52:29.720 --> 01:52:33.720] a punch list of how these guys are going to handle not only the planning, the commission, [01:52:33.720 --> 01:52:36.720] and the cover-up of the case, but the overall scheme of, OK, [01:52:36.720 --> 01:52:39.720] what happens when you have credible witnesses come forward? [01:52:39.720 --> 01:52:40.720] It's scary. [01:52:40.720 --> 01:52:43.720] I mean, you can almost call the shots verbatim. [01:52:43.720 --> 01:52:45.720] And we know it sometimes better than they do. [01:52:45.720 --> 01:52:46.720] It's unbelievable. [01:52:46.720 --> 01:52:51.720] And so your caller is right on the mark about that. [01:52:51.720 --> 01:52:52.720] Unbelievable. [01:52:52.720 --> 01:52:58.720] It just astounds me, the gall, that they keep using these same people over and over. [01:52:58.720 --> 01:52:59.720] And it's so obvious. [01:52:59.720 --> 01:53:01.720] It's like they don't care. [01:53:01.720 --> 01:53:07.720] They don't care that they're just, yeah, we did it, yeah, and we're covering it up. [01:53:07.720 --> 01:53:08.720] What are you going to do about it? [01:53:08.720 --> 01:53:12.720] I mean, so, OK, well, we're going to do something about it then. [01:53:12.720 --> 01:53:18.720] They gain strength through our apathy because anyone who digs into this [01:53:18.720 --> 01:53:20.720] discovers that the government's lying. [01:53:20.720 --> 01:53:23.720] And when no action is taken, they gain strength from that. [01:53:23.720 --> 01:53:24.720] And they continue to do it. [01:53:24.720 --> 01:53:25.720] They're like a serial killer. [01:53:25.720 --> 01:53:27.720] Literally, it's a serial government killer. [01:53:27.720 --> 01:53:31.720] A serial killer doesn't stop, he keeps on killing until he dies or goes insane [01:53:31.720 --> 01:53:33.720] or commits suicide. [01:53:33.720 --> 01:53:38.720] And the Oklahoma City bombing, 9-11, TWA, I mean, all of these things matter [01:53:38.720 --> 01:53:42.720] even though they're in the past because it's going to keep on happening, people. [01:53:42.720 --> 01:53:45.720] It's going to keep on happening unless we put a stop to it. [01:53:45.720 --> 01:53:47.720] They must be stopped. [01:53:47.720 --> 01:53:51.720] Oh, yeah, it's going to keep – go ahead, Chris. [01:53:51.720 --> 01:53:56.720] The good agents that do step forward, and Colin and I know of a handful here in [01:53:56.720 --> 01:54:00.720] Oklahoma City, once again, got to qualify that the local, the county, the state [01:54:00.720 --> 01:54:04.720] and the federal, there are a lot of very good law enforcement officers, both [01:54:04.720 --> 01:54:07.720] civilian and carrying the badge and the sidearm, that really wanted the truth [01:54:07.720 --> 01:54:08.720] on this case to come out. [01:54:08.720 --> 01:54:11.720] Yeah, some of our best friends have been LEOs, law enforcement officers, [01:54:11.720 --> 01:54:13.720] and even some FBI agents. [01:54:13.720 --> 01:54:16.720] I just read Sandra Hicks' book, The Big Wedding, and he interviewed some FBI [01:54:16.720 --> 01:54:21.720] agents, and a lot of them said that they prefer not to get promoted because if [01:54:21.720 --> 01:54:24.720] they stay as field double agents, they can still do good work. [01:54:24.720 --> 01:54:28.720] Because if you get promoted to DC, no agent wants to go to DC because of the [01:54:28.720 --> 01:54:30.720] commute and all you're doing is shuffling paper. [01:54:30.720 --> 01:54:34.720] They say the only reason an FBI agent goes to DC is because he wants the power, [01:54:34.720 --> 01:54:36.720] because there's nothing else in there for it. [01:54:36.720 --> 01:54:41.720] So basically the scum rises to the top, and you have a lot of good agents on [01:54:41.720 --> 01:54:44.720] the ground doing good work, but once again, they're in a paramilitary [01:54:44.720 --> 01:54:45.720] organization. [01:54:45.720 --> 01:54:48.720] They still have to follow orders when they're told to ignore something. [01:54:48.720 --> 01:54:52.720] So, I mean, we still have friends in law enforcement who have helped us out [01:54:52.720 --> 01:54:56.720] with situations in the past, who have provided us information, firefighter [01:54:56.720 --> 01:55:00.720] personnel, law enforcement officers on the ground at Oklahoma City who found [01:55:00.720 --> 01:55:02.720] other explosives in the building. [01:55:02.720 --> 01:55:06.720] These are from bomb squad personnel who found other explosives in the building. [01:55:06.720 --> 01:55:09.720] So, I mean, there are a lot of good cops out there. [01:55:09.720 --> 01:55:13.720] And retired Army CID officers, that's the military version of the FBI. [01:55:13.720 --> 01:55:14.720] These guys are sharp. [01:55:14.720 --> 01:55:18.720] You know, a 20-year veteran in the CID, he's kicked off the crime scene two [01:55:18.720 --> 01:55:22.720] hours after he's on there, yank his ID badge in his heart out and tell him to [01:55:22.720 --> 01:55:23.720] get the hell out of there. [01:55:23.720 --> 01:55:24.720] He knew what had happened. [01:55:24.720 --> 01:55:27.720] I mean, that's what he did for his 20 years. [01:55:27.720 --> 01:55:31.720] So, you know, so you see the disdain and disrespect of the people that [01:55:31.720 --> 01:55:33.720] actually wanted the truth to come out. [01:55:33.720 --> 01:55:37.720] It's really, it's going to be a, we know it's going to be a great film. [01:55:37.720 --> 01:55:40.720] The issue right now is just the funding issue, but we're slowly working around [01:55:40.720 --> 01:55:45.720] that, but the content is there, the quality, the length, and, you know, we [01:55:45.720 --> 01:55:47.720] already have the distributors lined up. [01:55:47.720 --> 01:55:51.720] So let's, Deb, you wanted to get, to finish up, I guess, the segment on the [01:55:51.720 --> 01:55:52.720] Trentadou case, right? [01:55:52.720 --> 01:55:53.720] Well. [01:55:53.720 --> 01:55:55.720] And Eric Holder is a perfect segue to that. [01:55:55.720 --> 01:55:56.720] Sure. [01:55:56.720 --> 01:55:57.720] Go ahead, Chris. [01:55:57.720 --> 01:56:02.720] Well, Holland, why don't you go ahead and give a review of Kenny's demise. [01:56:02.720 --> 01:56:03.720] Okay. [01:56:03.720 --> 01:56:04.720] Yeah. [01:56:04.720 --> 01:56:05.720] Okay. [01:56:05.720 --> 01:56:08.720] Kenny Trentadou was a convicted bank robber. [01:56:08.720 --> 01:56:13.720] He was, perhaps was involved with the Midwest Bank Robbers Gang, which was a [01:56:13.720 --> 01:56:17.720] white supremacist gang operating in the early 90s that turned out later to be [01:56:17.720 --> 01:56:22.720] thoroughly infiltrated by FBI personnel and, as it turns out, possibly one CIA [01:56:22.720 --> 01:56:24.720] asset. [01:56:24.720 --> 01:56:30.720] Anyways, he was serving a short jail term for a parole violation. [01:56:30.720 --> 01:56:33.720] I think he'd gone down to Mexico without asking permission or something. [01:56:33.720 --> 01:56:37.720] I believe he was two months away from being released, and he was found in a [01:56:37.720 --> 01:56:39.720] cell at the Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center. [01:56:39.720 --> 01:56:43.720] I believe, actually, I think it's in El Reno, the El Reno Federal Transfer [01:56:43.720 --> 01:56:44.720] Center outside Oklahoma City. [01:56:44.720 --> 01:56:48.720] He was found in a cell in August, I believe, of 1995. [01:56:48.720 --> 01:56:51.720] Shortly after the bombing, he had been tortured to death. [01:56:51.720 --> 01:56:55.720] He had been bruised all over his body, bruised on the soles of his feet. [01:56:55.720 --> 01:56:57.720] He had been cut all over his body. [01:56:57.720 --> 01:57:02.720] His sword had been cut, and he was found hanging by a flimsy ligament, his feet [01:57:02.720 --> 01:57:03.720] still hanging on the ground. [01:57:03.720 --> 01:57:07.720] And he was ruled a suicide, despite the fact that the prisoner across the way [01:57:07.720 --> 01:57:11.720] reported that the Bureau of Prison Personnel had entered that cell. [01:57:11.720 --> 01:57:14.720] The sounds of a struggle emerged, and when they left, they had blood on their [01:57:14.720 --> 01:57:18.720] uniforms, and there was a sound of moaning coming from the cell. [01:57:18.720 --> 01:57:22.720] This prisoner was later found hung in his own cell before he could give [01:57:22.720 --> 01:57:24.720] deposition on those facts. [01:57:24.720 --> 01:57:30.720] As it turns out, Tim McVeigh, before he was executed, sent word to [01:57:30.720 --> 01:57:34.720] Trentadou's brother, Jesse Trentadou, a lawyer out of Utah, sent word to [01:57:34.720 --> 01:57:40.720] Jesse that his brother, Kent, had been killed because of his resemblance to [01:57:40.720 --> 01:57:44.720] a man named Guthrie, who was involved with the Midwest Bank Robbers Gang, [01:57:44.720 --> 01:57:47.720] who bore a very striking resemblance to Trentadou. [01:57:47.720 --> 01:57:51.720] They both had the same tattoo, the same build, the same mustache, and [01:57:51.720 --> 01:57:54.720] apparently it was some kind of case of mistaken identity and interrogation [01:57:54.720 --> 01:57:56.720] that somehow went wrong. [01:57:56.720 --> 01:57:59.720] We've got about a minute left, Paul, and I've got the color board up here. [01:57:59.720 --> 01:58:00.720] Think about it. [01:58:00.720 --> 01:58:04.720] The web spec for any of the listeners that want a really good encapsulation [01:58:04.720 --> 01:58:09.720] of what happened, it's kmtreward.com. [01:58:09.720 --> 01:58:12.720] You can email me at okctruth.cox.net. [01:58:12.720 --> 01:58:16.720] I will send them the PDF documents of Jesse, beautiful summation of the [01:58:16.720 --> 01:58:20.720] case, the letter and the 34-page document he sent to every single member [01:58:20.720 --> 01:58:24.720] of the Senate Judiciary Committee asking that Eric Holder not be approved on [01:58:24.720 --> 01:58:30.720] the nomination for our Attorney General because Holder was complicit in [01:58:30.720 --> 01:58:32.720] cover-up of Kenny Trentadou's murder. [01:58:32.720 --> 01:58:33.720] All right. [01:58:33.720 --> 01:58:36.720] And if people want to get the final report, where do they get that, Chris? [01:58:36.720 --> 01:58:39.720] www.okcbombing.net. [01:58:39.720 --> 01:58:40.720] All right. [01:58:40.720 --> 01:58:41.720] Excellent. [01:58:41.720 --> 01:58:42.720] Okay. [01:58:42.720 --> 01:58:43.720] We're at the end of the show. [01:58:43.720 --> 01:58:46.720] Holland, Chris, thank you so much for laying it all out for us. [01:58:46.720 --> 01:58:48.720] I really, really, really appreciate it. [01:58:48.720 --> 01:58:50.720] I'm sure our listeners appreciate it as well, too. [01:58:50.720 --> 01:58:51.720] It's always an honor. [01:58:51.720 --> 01:58:52.720] Thank you, Deb. [01:58:52.720 --> 01:58:54.720] All right, we'll be back tomorrow night. [01:59:22.720 --> 01:59:23.720] Thank you, Deb. [01:59:52.720 --> 01:59:59.720] Thank you, Deb.