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Listing search results for Telegram

Mr. Y, is a takeoff of diplomat George Kennan's 1946 long telegram from Moscow that helped

Mr. Y, is a takeoff of diplomat George Kennan's 1946 long telegram from Moscow

quote, you could send a telegram to the past.

Well, apparently, Eddie, you are making some kind of impact down there in Austin because Star Telegram felt compelled to do an article.

And I would say the article was probably half a page in the biggest newspaper here, Star Telegram and Fort Worth, about how ticket writing was down in Austin.

Yes, and I'll get you that article. I'll have to cut it out of the tar telegram mindset. It's a big enough article. I don't think that I can scan it all in on one page as far as my scanner goes, but I'll get you the entire article.

I've been on these telegram sites and a couple of others listening to these people talk about compliance.

I was on Alphonse, Fagiolo's telegram page and somebody posted the number.

This is my first time because I just got on Alphonse, Alphonse, the telegram.

And then I think I knew Brett because I shared some telegram messages with Brett


I've been researching, doing some stuff. I've been on Alfonso's Telegram page and looking into filing like an affidavit of status and an affidavit of fact and a criminal complaint.

Well, hey, I'm a first-time caller, I've been on the Telegram channel with Alphonse

telegram and the IAM, all phones, those websites.

Okay, we can talk about this on the telegram tomorrow, but you're pretty good to go.

telegram in the morning and we'll set something up okay sounds good okay thank you jane okay now

telegram page she was giving us some interesting sayings from ireland

We'll do that through the week. We'll go on the Telegram forum and I'll kind of use your case as a tool for instructional purposes.

Okay, I will look at it. I was looking at your Telegram group and there was so much in there that it became just absolutely confusing trying to keep up with all of it.

Okay. One thing we haven't talked about is I've set up a telegram channel.

So if anyone is interested, go on to, if you have a telegram account,

Australia. So, yes, we had some people on the telegram site from Ireland. I'd like

So she started teaming up with Alphonse and she's also in the telegram group and her website is

Well, we have the telegram, telegraph.

Okay. A telegram. If you load up the telegram app and look up either Alfonso Fagiglio,

And EJ, we will look up the telegram site and let's talk off the air.

Get to me on telegram and over the weekend I will have time. I'm almost finished with my lawsuit,

Andrew Crowe, I've got just a massive amount of responses, and doing this telegram channel.

The hardest thing, you know, for me, I just was talking on the Telegram channel and someone

about the telegram group and so people are always constantly contacting me and I'm usually

I am. I have spoke with you on your telegram, but do you want to call?

I was speaking with you on telegram a couple of hours ago and I tried it into your shell.

And then I was chatting with you on Telegram, I kind of looked up both things and I saw the victim on Waterbone was they listed society.

Randy Kelton on Telegram.

And we've been doing this telegram site.

I need to look at that. I need to talk to Alphonse. Alphonse also has a telegram site.

I watched the video, his, the video of his trip to Whole Foods is on this telegram site

I have set up a telegram site, Masked Law Society.

My main telegram site is the Law Society.

This is, I put on the telegram site that they're about to find out why I say the best fight

Now, Brett, have you seen all of the sites that I've set up, all of the channels I set up on Telegram?

I will check. We have Brett and I are on a telegram, a channel, and I'll check on the channel to see if we've got somebody in Chicago.

And I'll ask everybody on this telegram site, if anybody's willing to do this, see if we can get you some volunteers.

Send an email, Randy at and I will get the link to a telegram site I set up for this purpose.

Okay, I should be able to find that I'm in your, I'm in the one, I'm in the one telegram Alphonse has and I'm also in your law society one.

can't do and how to back that up and hopefully on the telegram board that we

I'm Jengas Ron on the chat on Telegram. Yes. I'm just putting the pieces together. Wonderful.

is something that in this telegram group where I put the poll out, that's kind of the main thing

our, what do you call it, the telegram. They won't file papers. People work.

you were talking about. I'm going to be continuing with you on that telegram and continue to see what

telegram channel. You might want to post up on there. You've got a lot of people working on

in the Telegram channel the article that came out and it's particularly good for

get that first step. We can handle that. Brett and I have been on a telegram site,

Alphonse Figlio has a telegram site, and I have one. And we talk about these issues. And Alphonse

I posted that on Telegram, but no one really replied.

and what's the fourth one, and that was what I wrote in Telegram.

The public records request I reposted this morning on your telegram. So I would really, I have a template that I used and it lists all the California codes in there.

I have a telegram group called mask law society and a lot of people there and we're keeping it pretty tight on researching documents we can put together.

at it, I did post it on the Master Society on the Telegram app. It's called the Living

I think I've seen you on my telegram page.

Here's on the telegram side about it and we'll make up some really artful ones.

I hosted in the Telegram about the LA people saying that they're not going to allow people

My name's Max. Max. Do you guys know me by Mutt royalty on Telegram?

I mentioned to someone on one of these, this telegram sign I have,

I was reading your telegram room and I saw a woman and she had an issue with a vaccine.

Okay, Brett, you were saying that you were doing some surveys on the telegram site and

familiar with our telegram channel? Yeah yes it's been very helpful. Okay good good okay and I will

I started a website, not a website, a telegram channel, Mask Law Society.

Well, that's what I'm saying. But all he has to do is shoot, just go on the telegram.

put together a telegram channel on that subject and asked people to bring us good information,

I'm collecting a lot of information on my telegram channel.

With this channel, this telegram channel, I'm collecting a huge amount of information,

And if anybody hasn't been to it, it's a telegram channel

I have another question where I posted this on telegram

All right. I'll help people learn this, too, you know, on the Telegram group.

You wanted to start, you did a poll on the telegram site and you wanted to start with

And I'm trying to get Olivier to come on to our telegram sites because the people on that site need to hear what he's accomplished.

Okay, are you familiar with our telegram sites?

Go to the mask telegram site, go all the way to the bottom, just before the show I loaded

suit, go to the mask law society site, the channel on Telegram. I just dropped in a document

Are you familiar with our telegram site for masks?

And that's on Telegram.

the eighth day of October, 2021. And we had some requests on our Telegram channel to talk about

You seem to have a way of saying things and explaining things that people respond to. Did you get my link to the telegram site?

I'll email you on those links for Telegram or wherever. I've been wanting to get in there ever since back out funds and some other people got started.

Poor Brett. I've been bugging him on Telegram.

Yeah, I'll tell you on the telegram.

Yes, I asked. I mean, I could send a C on Telegram if you would like.

So are you posting this information on the telegram site?

On Telegram, Brett and I have two channels.

But I have repeatedly tried and I've used the Telegram desktop app and everything.

So I have been unable to get into Telegram.

Okay. If you turn on the Telegram app on your phone, then you turn on the Telegram app on your desktop.

And when it asks you, if you look at your Telegram app, it'll, something will pop up on your Telegram app.

Yes, I never use the telegram on my phone. It makes me crazy. I only use it on the desktop.

You want me to post it on Telegram?

But now I'll PDF it and post it on Telegram in Law Society of Randy.

Okay, I had a question on the Telegram group asking me, what do you do if a prosecutor,

I think it may be my Telegram group itself, and let me close it.

If anybody's on our telegram side, I've posted on the telegram side the documents, the criminal

You're on the telegram with us. Did you see the complaints that I filed?

So, go back on Telegram and look in the files section.

Synopsis, like, I posted on Telegram the timeline. No one really responded. And, you know, I mean, the synopsis, they try to charge me

No, sir. You had processed some stuff on telegram,

I do not believe so. On telegram, I'm under Ralph Kennedy,

of iconography that helps you remember things actually uh dr graves is on my telegram site

because it's Quaker School. Okay. Do you do Telegram at all, the Telegram app?

on the telegram site? Yeah. And I actually used it to start to write the notice of claim

I will post my latest version as soon as I get back on telegram. Okay. That was the introduction.

For all of those, for everybody else who's listening, we have a telegram site that's

And Madeline is on the telegram site. And she's one of those remarkable people

I'll talk. Can you get on the Telegram channel? Yeah. Let's talk on the Telegram channel. We've

So, let's talk on the Telegram channel. We can find some really interesting

section. We'll talk to you on Telegram. Yes. Okay. Thank you so much. Okay. Bye-bye.

You sent me links for Telegram, and I'm trying to get into those websites

I finally managed to get into Telegram and make a little progress

Okay, hold on a moment. Hold on a moment. Are you familiar with our telegram site?

We do this telegram site, Brett and I, and we have a site called Masque Law Society.

Are you familiar with our Telegram channel?

meaning only telegram where I'm on mask law.

to a telegram site we have up that has over 1,000 members in it dedicated to this particular

And I hope this is something I can't do on the Telegram channel.

I think I did when I first sat on the Telegram Channel. But at that point, I didn't know what I was reading. So I should probably look again.

Yeah, this is actually Madeline from the forum, from Telegram.

If you're on the Telegram group, you've got this guy recently who's went into somebody's house and took it over because some patriot mythology crackpot told him he could.

And I get on your, he's got a telegram channel as well that's associated with that. And I

get on that telegram channel anytime I want to be insulted and abused. And Scott's real

I still can't make the good use out of Telegram and the Alphonse site.

and ask for introduction to Alphonse, I will get you a link to his telegram site

Okay, would you prefer via telegram or just...

No, not telegram. Email.

Okay, because that's how you respond to me in the past. I'm under Ralph Kennedy on telegram.

I could point you to a telegram group where there's a lady

So t like telegram dot me.

I'm already on that telegram channel.

things that you had been asked on telegram, I guess, and you were addressing on rule of

I mean, I listen to people speaking videos, and I belong to a telegram chat.

I'm in your telegram group and I've talked to...

I just got a video on one of my telegram channels of Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of England,

So, there are four causes of action, and I can upload that to your telegram.

Good. Are you familiar with our telegram site?

I'm on you guys' Telegram channels, too.

Are you familiar with our telegram site on that issue?

Well, I have seen it, but I have a really hard time navigating telegram.

What I've found is when I go to Telegram, and I put something in, and I don't see any

unless they dug really deep and got on our telegram channel

And I've been studying a jurisdiction area and I've been on your telegram chat. You've definitely

and talk to Tina on a telegram. Hang on, go into our sponsors. We will be right back.

and only three segments. Are you ready? Thank you. I'm ready. I will be on your telegram chat

are you familiar with our telegram sites? I'm pretty sure I can find them.

in Ohio. And Joel, have you looked at any of the documents that I have posted on the Telegram site?

But the thing I'm working on right now, and I've been talking to a few people on Telegram about it, Alphonse and Randy and more and Andonia.

I will, and I'll send a criminal complaint to the Mass Law Society telegram group

Have you looked up on the telegram channel the criminal complaint I filed against the governor in Texas?

Oh, I have quite a story with a lot going on, and I've been interacting with folks on telegram

And I know you'd said on a telegram, Randy, that, you know, the statute of limitations was two years.

You know, it's on the telegram side.

I don't know, on telegram.

She's thinking about somebody that is normally participating on these groups in telegram.

I just got a really disturbing message on one of my telegram channels about that.

Brett and I have a Mask Law Society Telegram channel

So let's do this on Telegram

You mentioned once on the Telegram channel about your neighbors

Tom, I think we should do this on the Telegram channel.

Yeah, let's do this on the Telegram channel.

Okay, well I've previously contacted you on telegram

frustrating for me because yeah you know I have a a website tele a telegram

It might be better suited for telegram rather than to take up more time.

Okay, let's do the rest of this on telegram.

Send us a chat on telegram, and we'll do this on telegram.

And if people are telegrammed, if they're interested, I'll post my fee schedule.

Yes and I listening to Alfonso on your telegram channel that you do not have to deal with

on the Telegram channel.

on the telegram channel

with how well these telegram

But we do this on the telegram site

at the Telegram site.

So contact us on the Telegram site.

So contact us on Telegram

And you can go to our Telegram site,

cutting out the commercials, and posting them on our Telegram sites.

Did you have any others on the line? Because I was supposed to be on the telegram.

Cuz I was posted on the telegram, on the call.

Just one more question before we go. In Telegram, I did bring it up about the default judgment and I amended my complaint.

You know, I followed you on Telegram, but not all the time.

Um, no, I think it would be on telegram

We had someone on the telegram channel ask that question recently.

And I did download it. So if anybody wants it, I could try to post it on Telegram.

Post it on Telegram and email it to me.

I'm on Telegram, and Randy as well, and all these Telegram pages,

This is why we do the Telegram channel.

I don't know if you saw on Telegram.

I've been on the Telegram site and in my email I've gotten a lot of people asking about that.

You are on the Telegram channel, correct?

I'll send you a link to our Law Society Telegram page.

So we'll send you a link to the Telegram channel.

With sending email, I'll give you a link to the telegram site. They will help you tremendously.

We have these two telegram channels, the Law Society of Randy Kelton and Mask Law Society,

telegram site is getting much, much better at understanding the legal ramifications of

And those ways are what I try to demonstrate on the show I do and on the telegram site.

Amazing, the things we take for granted sometimes, huh? Well, if you're on Telegram, you can get on Telegram with your computer, with your phone and your computer, and there's a – you can listen to some of the recent recordings.

beginning of this show. We have been on the telegram channels. I am surprised at

I replied to one of your telegram posts and I attached my amended complaint

You were on telegram. Okay.

She's even had an answer to that on the Telegram channel.

I thought she was on Telegram.

People call me for help, and even on the telegram channels, I tell them I need a timeline.

had a couple of people from the telegram group look at it.

On the Telegram channel, you will find me getting really kind of nasty sometimes over acronyms.

Are you on one of our telegram channels?

the first, actually, before I got involved in the telegram chats and stuff,

He actually responded to my Telegram message, I don't know, maybe about two days ago.

Have you written...are you familiar with our telegram channels?

getting it out of Broward County, I recall seeing we've talked about this on telegram.

the Texas Administrative Code, or citing. I just sent those to you in telegram, but

thank you so much you are most welcome and you are on the telegram site right

lot of those actually all right are you on the telegram site channels I am but

an old fat guy okay so I called in last week and I've been on the telegram with

and with the tools that you guys have provided, being everybody else on Telegram and all the rest of the crew.

I'm looking at the telegram chat and people are waiting.

Now I'm going back to the LegalEarth project. On the Telegram site I posted my white paper

and I'm hoping that all of the listeners who also use the Telegram channels will look on

I was busy this whole week. Sorry, I was on telegram. Didn't answer your question regarding the hearing that's coming up.

and you'll notice on the telegram site how excited Brett and me and Alphonse get

on the telegram site someone just posted a video where they're doing a first amendment

them what I want to do, what I want them to do. And we had someone on the telegram side

It's on the telegram, P. Oh, it's on the telegram.

If you will email it to me, I don't do well with the telegram because I get so many tells

No, I'm saying I can email it to Randy so I can hold it up here off the telegram.

I just got it this morning, actually. So that's all my questions. That helped me out and I really appreciate it. All your help, you guys' help on Telegram and everything. So thank you.

forward i think i have them both posted on the telegram site if i've done my job right

or I may even talk to you on Telegram or something.

Well, we do some of that on our telegram.

We've got a chat group on telegram where we do some of that.

and you could ask him about the telegram brick, too, if you want.

I'm trying to get on the telegram thing.

If anybody has been on Telegram and have looked at some of the documents that I've been posting lately,

Have you put this up on the telegram channel?

I am hoping that with this radio program and with the telegram channels that we have that go with it that we can get a number of people around the country doing this. You have no idea how much effect you can have.

And Jane, I've been listening to you for a while, reading your posts on the Telegram channel.

I do this show, I do this telegram channel, I do all this to find people just like you.

I just mentioned on the telegram site the other day a Mary Carter agreement.

I'm in the telegram group, but we did, they acquitted the, you know, the document that

You've probably, if you're on telegram, you've probably seen some chatter about title 42

Chris, keep us appraised how this goes, are you on our telegram channel, what is the name

Alphonse and I are telegram channels.

Brad and I have a couple of telegram channels,

Uh, Tina and I have been talking through our telegram connection.

I just got through posting on Telegram that you were live, so I don't know.

I'm suffering from Zoom court, basically, and I actually posted it on your telegram.

So everything, my question is basically on your telegram with my supporting documents and exactly like that.

Okay. On the telegram and on the show, I've talked about O'Connor's litigation guides.

I set up a channel on Telegram and I called it Slycology.

to your show, Randy and Brent, and why I'm always active in the telegram groups with

times on Telegram, you and I as well as Brett, I am better known as James the Patriot on


The first was, and thanks to Brett for his wonderful video on Telegram for showing people

This is, okay, you're on the telegram side.

We can do this on telegram.

I had the court watchers from Telegram.

Are you familiar with our Telegram channel?

I think we need to do a Zoom call with you and Brett, and maybe we can get some more folks off of the Telegram channel

I'll get on Telegram, ask you these specific questions.

I'm not too sure about that, but I'll start researching on telegram to see if there's

If you send me an email, I'll send you links to the telegram sites.

Yeah, the telegram group that he's talking about, you can go to, slash, mask, underscore, law, underscore, society.

It'll let you download the telegram app, and you can do it on your phone.

Are you familiar with our telegram channels?

We have a telegram channel called Mask Law Society.

I could actually put them on the Telegram group, but I can post them again if you want.

and me and some other people in the telegram group are looking at the statute

from Brett on these telegram sites that we have,

I believe I pulled the zip file off the telegram, but.

I will send you a link to our telegram site for the mask and COVID issues.

Get on the Telegram site and put together a lawsuit against them.

I was on the telegram.

And this, you know, Brett and I, we deal with this all the time on our telegram channels.

I'm on the Telegram group.

And so if you'd like to follow along with that, it's on the Telegram site.

Randy has The Law Society. And it's on Telegram. It's slash The Law Society.

And there's some examples of all this on that telegram site.

it'll jump you into downloading the telegram app if you don't have it already.

And I tried to put this out on Telegram, but I don't think it was actually getting disseminated.

Are you on our telegram site, our mask telegram site?

I'll send you a link to our telegram group.

And I put it in the telegram, and there's some, our first donation has been made to you

Okay, and Jane, once you get through that book, you need to come on the telegram site and teach it

listening. Or we may even have someone on our telegram site who's downloading the recording

If you don't mind, I'm going to post it on Telegram as well.

So I'm going to try to advertise that, if you don't mind, on your telegram.

Yes, there is one, and I'll post that on Telegram tonight.

So I was pretty pleased, and I'm going to be – I took a hiatus this week, just stopped Telegram for four days, five days,

you know, on telegram and on the call.

And for everyone on telegram, I apologize.

There are a couple of things that we've seen bounced around on telegram and especially concerning Mr. B situation.

I listened to the last hearing that he recorded and put on telegram.

telegram channels?

I've spoken to you a little bit through telegram, so I don't know if you're remembering me or

Last night on Telegram, the Law Society, I posted my motion to recuse Judge and I guess

Yeah, I've been listening to you and Brett for a while, and in your telegram group,

If we didn't get to everything, we'll see if we can't reach out to you on Telegram,

the Telegram groups there, the Law Society.

Oh, well then maybe you can get your daughter to jump on Telegram

how to win a court and these groups in Telegram just in the last couple of weeks.

Give us, I saw some on the Telegram channel about what happened

We just talked about it yesterday, Brett, not on the telegram side, the unconstitutional

So- Okay, John, have you looked at our telegram channel,

I'll say that again, the telegram channel.

Do you have telegram?

I think I've listened to both of them, but I'll make them available on the telegram

I did – I asked in the Telegram channel,

I've been posted a little bit on the Telegram site about the judges and their oath of office

When I'm looking at, you know, your telegram group and your file, and the challenges, the subject matter challenges,

jurisdiction program. He was on the telegram site and he said,

book. I've heard different things on telegram. Some people say, oh no, don't

telegram, in fact it was on your mask, telegram site, was that someone seems to

And we have a telegram channel, Brett and I, where I post a lot of documents,

He's on our telegram channel.

For those of you who don't know, we have a telegram channel with a couple thousand people

So that's when I was first really getting into the telegram group.

Yeah, Fred, knowing the story, on Telegram, if you come up with any type of discovery questions

I think I know who you are on Telegram.

I haven't been on Telegram as much lately because I've been so swamped.

There is another, I had two other hearings that I didn't publicly shoot out on telegram because it was a fee waiver.

There's a lot of deficiencies, and I haven't posted this up on Telegram.

So whoever was it posted that rebuttal on Telegram hadn't read Huckabee's comments yet.

We've got some guys on Telegram that record these shows, and then they take out all of the ads,

Nancy, did you know I put up a channel on the Telegram channel called Slycology?

So I'm going to tell everybody on the telegram channel that you stuck your tongue in my ear.

Are you familiar with our Mass Flaw Society Telegram channel?

Alan, are you the guy that I was just seeing on Telegram that you had your van taken?

Okay. What I understood, Randy, from Telegram is that he had his van taken. There were more than 14 officers.

Are you the guy that's on the Telegram channel?

And if you're on Telegram where your posts are up and we can back up and read your posts

I'll give you a quick one, I've heard you mention your telegram group

Once I get it finished, I'll give you a copy, but when I get to go on that radio show to talk about California absolute litigation privilege, I am going to post on Telegram.

And I'm doing that through the processes that I'm learning here and on Telegram and through Jurisdictionary, which is exactly the same thing that Brett's doing.

Are you familiar with our telegram channel?

Make sure you go on that telegram channel and tell Dr. Graves what you just told us.

I know Carabelle is on the telegram channel and she's talking about a school out on the border just outside of Austin

And I even put it on Telegram it's Randy at Rule of Law Radio dot com

But was it in that case for Ms. Bell or somebody that you had on Telegram once?

This guy has been haunting our telegram channel.

I just called in because someone posted on Telegram,

And Ivermectin would be in order, but are you familiar with my telegram channels?

Okay, are you familiar with telegram?

Make sure you go on the Telegram channel and do a little crowing there.

She's on the Telegram channel.

I saw your comment on the Telegram channel.

do. But he gave me one paragraph to put in, and I did post it on Telegram, and I thought

and I'd really kind of just woken up to, you know, your group and others and Telegram.

um i've been on telegram in a few different forums and i'm trying to learn and do and

I just had a guy on a telegram channel say that it's all contract and that's a fact.

We'll get on telegram and see if we can stir up a few more interested people.

The last guy on the Telegram channel said the courts are under contract and that's a fact.

Wait, are you familiar with our telegram channels?

If anybody has issues of this nature, we have a telegram channel with a bunch of really

I mean, on the Telegram channel, you were chomping us.

Anyway, I'll post this stuff about the California and the American rule in the telegram site,

So I will get a few details put together and send to you, and then we can maybe put them together and then post it on Telegram for other people to print out and send in, so we can get a barrage of them going for this guy who's still in jail and for my case and do it for anything.

Well, we have the Telegram channel. Maybe we can get a bunch of people to do that. What do you think, Brett?

You know on this show I ask people, well not on the show, I've got a telegram channel that I post some of my

Somebody on my Telegram channel accused Eddie of stealing my stuff.

on our telegram channel. Yep. And you warned us, this is about foreclosure?

I'll probably call back next week or put it on telegram to see when the timing is and

I can't get on Telegram or Twitter.

So Brett, if you could look her up on Telegram or Twitter and just let her know that, you

And—but I can't get on Telegram.

Your telegram group where she actually has a crowd of people around her that can help her.

You know, say we have a law telegram group and please come tell your story, you know.

exactly what they're learning on Telegram,

Alphonse's telegram was administrative courts and there's a term that was thrown around

But I had a development occur today just following the template that Brad had laid out on Telegram.

Well, I listened to your rule of law radios via the telegram channel and then I figured,

Yeah, and everywhere I go, I have someone on the Telegram channel talking about all

I just wanted to say that I've been in the telegram group

we also have archives on our website these we have someone on telegram

and a lot of other folks out here just like me we have on the telegram channel

in georgia and karen i think i know about your your case from the telegram channel

You've already helped me more than you know through the telegram sites and just I've learned

Now I wrote on this, I wrote on Telegram about this and somebody said, just, you know, just

I posted this five page document on my telegram channel.

Go to the Telegram channel.

I posted the response to the Rule 12 on the Telegram channel, and in there I have a section

And the next thing I just wanted to mention, I think I posted it in Telegram is, and this

But anyway, I'll post this again on Telegram so that if anyone else wants to utilize this

The Patriot mythology guys, Dr. Graves, I'm sure you've noticed on my telegram channel

Like in some states in Maine, we had someone on the Telegram channel talking about that

But I want to know, I mean, I put something on Telegram about Catherine Cryer, a former Texas judge and prosecutor.

No, you're not the guy on Telegram channel, the junkyard lawyer or something like that?

Yeah, so I'm John. I'm John and my handle deal on Telegram is junkyard law.

And Alphonse's argument when I quoted him that stuff in a telegram group said that that wording is deliberately crafted to be misleading.

Yeah, well, Alphonse's lawsuit that he filed, he's got a copy of it on his Telegram channel and that's exactly what he's doing.

Are you on our Telegram channel?

OK. Send me an email. I'll send you a link to the Telegram channel and I'll send you a copy of that complaint.

Are you familiar with our Telegram channel?

Are you familiar with our Telegram channel?

Oh, okay, because we have a, on the app Telegram, we have a channel and on there we have Alphonse

Send me an email and I'll send you a link to the Telegram channel and you'll find Alphonse

I was on the Telegram channel today and had this standard guy on there complaining that

I just sent Brett on the telegram the three things that I find unconstitutional.

Because I do, there's one guy on the Telegram channel that I chastised for only citing cases from 16, 17, 1800s

We have a telegram channel where we've been talking a lot and I've been really frustrated with her. It took me quite a while to realize why I'm having these internal negative responses.

Yeah, we've got a guy on the telegram channels, has his own channel, Alphonse.

Do you have telegram?

As a matter of fact, I was on telegram with Brett telling him, oh my God, she's not coming

Well, I have written you a question on Telegram, but now I think I've found the answer.

ask you to address this on the Telegram channel.

Jane, it would be all right with you if we do this on the Telegram.

As long as you're going to help me on the Telegram, because I'm running out of time.

We will help you on the Telegram.

Jane first started talking to us on the Telegram chattel.

I filed this suit, and someone on the Telegram channel is complaining about year 12, but

I'm looking at the Telegram channel and Bonnie was straight.

Do you have a Telegram account?

Well, go on your phone and download Telegram.

reference to you on the Telegram channel.

And are you familiar with our Telegram channel?

Are you able to get on Telegram, because I'm sure when he gets his power back on, even

if the show is over, he will be able to join in on Telegram?

It's called the Law Society, and that's the name of the Telegram group.

Well yeah, see if you can get onto Telegram and you'll find the Law Society.

coming out. Are you familiar with our Masked Law Society channel on Telegram?

now. I'll quit preaching. Okay, so I should go to the law group in the telegram and just chat with

I got 10,000. We've got a guy on our telegram channel who keeps quoting very old law.

This is not hard to do. We have a telegram channel where we talk about how to do legal

different strategy because Brett and I were doing this telegram channel and this show.

Well, they can send a little message on telegram or send us a text

I think it was someone on the Telegram channel.

Put that in on the Telegram channel.

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