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Listing search results for traffic stop

when a police officer issues a summons at a traffic stop

during a traffic stop for an unrelated matter in 2002.

quote, wholly unrelated to the purpose of the traffic stop and that no one in the vehicle

and, of course, by the time the traffic stop was over, then the dog had actually died,

arms and take blood on the side of the road here at routine traffic stops in Austin, Texas,

So I was right when the policeman, I gave the policeman my ID. He figured out it was an ID and this was on a traffic stop and said, Mr.

in a traffic stop and so on and so forth,

and instructions on do's and do nots during a traffic stop,

the way he was manhandling her and treating her on this simple traffic stop.

You can go out there and do a hundred traffic stops, and nobody even notices, nobody thinks

than they are to be injured by a motorist in a traffic stop.

But how many cops actually get hurt in a traffic stop

was shot point blank range in a traffic stop.

a police officer in a traffic stop. Right. But Jerry, seriously, that's the best thing you can

And, you know, and like I said, traffic stops being pulled over, stopped and detained out in the public domain now

There was a woman who was stopped for a traffic stop

type of traffic stop.

the subject matter jurisdiction for traffic stops and things.

He won't even, here's the more interesting point is that when you're charged at the traffic stop itself, the officer will, you know, he'll attempt to get you to sign the ticket.

Was the arrest incident to a traffic stop or was it something else?

They're not allowed to continue a traffic stop after, uh, the traffic stop has been

taken care of after all the issues concerning the traffic stop has taken care of simply

He, he took care of the traffic stop, ran my license and the insurance and the registration

So does that mean that actually a traffic stop and being detained while I'm being written the ticket,

Basically, during a traffic stop, anything that occurs can be used in court as pursuant

generated during this alleged traffic stop.

officers are doing, but the fact is that this is a traffic stop that has nothing to do with

If they take your automobile after a traffic stop, tow it away and arrest you, that is

before any of these officers have any opportunity to be involved in a traffic stop. Training and

What they did is they were conducting a routine traffic stop, and they were done.

Whether directly with the, let's say it's a traffic stop.

uh, pulling people's blood with syringes at traffic stops on the side of the road and

only allowed at a traffic stop. If you're subject to commercial regulation, that would

traffic stop to begin with.

Hey, I'm calling in reference to my traffic stop. I called you guys about two months ago

Okay, but could he, is there any way to connect a probable cause to thinking that he might be in commerce enough to make a traffic stop?

in terms of those being the facts of the traffic stop.

So what I did is I then went into an accounting of the traffic stop.

you can levy against an officer for initiating a traffic stop.

and video recordings at the time of this traffic stop.

Every time they see me, of course, because of all my traffic stops,

with a border patrolman making an unlawful traffic stop out here oh yeah i heard about

that these are border patrol agents and they don't have the right to engage in traffic stops to

yes it's a traffic stop and he was a border patrol agent that's what i was talking about

That's fine. About the administrative hearing, for somebody who's not licensed, who makes a traffic stop, on somebody who's not normally required to be stopped under a traffic stop, how do we get that individual in front of an administrative hearing and where are these administrative hearings at, especially for West Texas?

In Texas, a traffic stop in accordance with Chapter 543 of the Transportation Code

So a traffic stop in Texas is automatically a custodial arrest.

something else they also do not do on traffic stops.

Well, basically, I just give them my name and my date of birth. And if they ask, then I'll give them an address. But I don't give them a single piece of documentation other than my traffic stop affidavit.

And my idea that I came up with in the last couple of weeks, I'm thinking about the best way to kind of nip the traffic stop in the bud.

Okay. But as far as creating a case file with the clerk and including the information and sending this to the chief of what state and town I live in, does this sound like something that would be helpful or hurtful to me as far as a traffic stop and saying,

once a traffic stop is initiated. Now, in this, when you are first pulled over

I bet it would, now not many people are prepared to bring that up on a traffic stop

we're going to make it where the first thing the officer is presented with during a traffic stop

Thanks for taking my call. I had a traffic stop that went bad the other day. I just wanted

Radio. Okay. Now, where were you when this traffic stop occurred?

Well, this involves a traffic stop somewhat similar to the couple callers ago where things went bad really fast.

I've been kind of going over some of his judicial traffic stop,

Like what to say in motions, free trial motions, or even during the traffic stops

Is a traffic stop considered any kind of arrest, typically or whatever, or otherwise, in every state?

So you don't worry about producing it during a traffic stop or anything like that?

other crime because you are automatically arrested in a traffic stop the moment the

you for the purpose of the traffic stop and now they're saying you have to give

It's just like when they execute an arrest on these traffic stops and everything

officers individually for traffic stops.

is to be produced upon demand by any officer authorized to make a traffic stop.

Now, if the original reason you were pulled over involved a traffic stop,

that he himself did not witness and the fact that a traffic stop in Texas

because they didn't run the dog around my car during the traffic stop that if they had done that then I would take it

I researched some case law regarding traffic stops and drug dog searches, and I'd like

and regulations that I found involving traffic stops on federal land and also drug searches.

of gone over that, but basically they pulled us over for an illegitimate traffic stop,

the scope and duration of the traffic stop by extending the length of time and the intrusiveness

The business of the traffic stop had been completed at this point, he had checked out

changed the character of a traffic stop which may have been lawful at its inception and

as well as other constitutionally protected rights since the business of the traffic stop

unfounded, okay, because it had nothing to do with the original traffic stop, it had

business of the traffic stop was over, okay, so all of this is talked about in these cases

during the traffic stop, okay, and I'm going to pull this up in just a moment, all right,

a drug detection dog to sniff Cabales' vehicle during the traffic stop, okay, and what he

the traffic stop can become unlawful if it is prolonged beyond the time reasonably required

the traffic stop, okay, that was the Kabbalist case.

do anything after the business of the traffic stop is done, okay, so that's where I got

I do think it changes the nature and the scope of a traffic stop.

they ran the dog around during the traffic stop, like while they were checking his papers

a drug detection dog had unreasonably altered the purpose or character of the traffic stop.

all right, there was nothing regarding the original premise of the traffic stop in the

That does change the, it does alter the purpose and character of the traffic stop.

traffic stop that is lawful at its inception and otherwise executed in a reasonable manner,

on what you should do and should not do from the beginning of a traffic stop all the way through.

and writing the ticket or whatever, and while during the course of the traffic stop and

the business of the traffic stop, the other officer was running the dog around the car.

Okay, what happened to us was the traffic stop was done, all right?

has to happen during the traffic stop.

They prolong the duration after the traffic stop business was concluded, okay, and that's

Basically what the law says is that if somebody has already been pulled over for a traffic stop like they ran a red light or they're suspected DUI or whatever

Normal traffic stop

and I can't find the requirements I guess you'd say for officers towing your vehicle after a traffic stop

I was assaulted by the Colorado State Patrol at a traffic stop.

Yes. May I briefly state what happened? I was pulled over at a traffic stop and was

and initiated the traffic stop, you were under arrest, okay?

We're just having a traffic stop.

this is the audio of Eddie's traffic stop this afternoon.

Folks, this is Eddie's traffic stop earlier today.

There's a traffic stop right here.

with more from Eddie's Traffic Stop today,

We're going to play more from Eddie's traffic stop

Now, however, they did take my sheet that I use for every traffic stop.

This is from Eddie's traffic stop earlier today by the game wardens who are not authorized to enforce the Texas Transportation Code.

We just listened to the audio of Eddie's traffic stop by the game wardens of all people.

that any time a traffic stop is initiated in Texas,

exactly what the process is for these traffic stops slash class C misdemeanor cases.

Now, this will apply to more than just a traffic stop, but from what I've been going through,

it's a very good thing that we can use a traffic stop to test this theory because there's no

in relation to the making of a criminal complaint during a traffic stop,

the traffic stop itself, and so on and so forth,

You are not being read your rights at the traffic stop.

Therefore, neither of those was probable cause for the officer to initiate a traffic stop under 543

So there was no probable cause to initiate a traffic stop on either of those possible offenses.

did they bring out the dog during the traffic stop and by that I mean were they

the dog or had they concluded the business of the traffic stop, handed you back

During the business of the traffic stop, the Supreme Court has ruled that it's

where the officers cannot extend the scope or the duration of the traffic stop

during the business, during the situation of the traffic stop, or if the traffic

In other words, the business of the traffic stop has been concluded at this

pulled you over for a traffic stop.

All right, they can run the dog around the car if it's during this traffic stop

they extended the scope and duration of the traffic stop to bring out the dog?

to why they extended the scope and duration of the traffic stop and all the reasons

dog after the traffic stop has been concluded.

what does the law say regarding a traffic stop?

when they initiate a traffic stop?

that they extended the traffic stop beyond a reasonable amount of time

the moment they turn those lights on and initiate that traffic stop,

when the police officer arrests you during a traffic stop.

the moment a police officer in Texas anywhere at any time initiates a traffic stop,

the moment the police officer initiates the traffic stop.

On a traffic stop, you start in 543, Texas Transportation Code.

So on a traffic stop, what's my best?

But when an officer in Texas initiates a traffic stop of any kind for the purpose of issuing

When a traffic stop resulting in a citation comes about, that process begins in Chapter

if and only if it is conducted during the traffic stop. They cannot extend the scope

or the duration of the traffic stop beyond that which is reasonable to issue a warning citation

significantly extended the scope and the duration of the traffic stop which originally had to do

and the duration of the traffic stop far beyond that which was necessary to issue you a warning

Well, also the question becomes, is a traffic stop in Missouri an actual custodial arrest

And I heard you mention it a few days ago about where I was stopped for a traffic stop.

whether it be initiated on a street corner or be initiated at a traffic stop.

authorized by law to conduct traffic stops and so on and so forth.

This has to do with the traffic stop, alright

And the book is titled Texas Traffic Stops.

in a custodial arrest during a traffic stop in Texas.

Attorneys Association wrote a book on traffic stops. Right there in that book says very clearly

I wouldn't want to make a traffic stop, you never know what's going to come out of that

well, any time we make a traffic stop, we have to be aware that that person in that car could kill us,

they are unanimous in the view that traffic stops

a routine traffic stop is more analogous to a so-called Terry

its initiation permissible when applied to traffic stops.

concerns whether the traffic stop was properly initiated.

is often the crucial inquiry concerning traffic stops.

the dog around the car during the traffic stop,

the business of the traffic stop, they said it was OK.

We are discussing traffic stops and the Terry stop

Alright, so concerning this issue of canine intervention at traffic stops, the Cabalus

right, this happened because the dog was ran around the car during the traffic stop while

It says in its analysis of the case, the US Supreme Court noted that a valid traffic stop

traffic stop, the Illinois Supreme Court held that the use of the dog and the subsequent

case, it was over, the business of the initial purpose of the traffic stop had been concluded

or a ticket, one of those three, the business of the traffic stop, the initial purpose had

the traffic stop had been concluded and I was going to ask Randy if he could please

Well here's an interesting twist on this Forest Service traffic stop, in the code concerning

Now, this is exactly why traffic stops are abused to begin with.

They'll fabricate a pretense under a traffic stop even though none exists.

the traffic stop.

even though it's for a traffic stop and does not constitute the same level of custody that

lights for the purpose of issuing you a citation and a traffic stop, does that custodial arrest

during the traffic stop,

during the business of the traffic stop.

is you've all heard the way my traffic stops go,

It's a man who has pulled over in a traffic stop,

Yeah, so basically, regarding this whole situation, what it led me to question was, as a non-CHL but legal handgun owner in the state of Texas, A, am I at any disadvantage in regards to traffic stops with police in terms of transporting my firearm to and from the range, which I do?

Yeah, but now this is exactly one of the reasons why during any traffic stop, I get out of my car, lock my door and put my keys in the front seat.

But long story short, I was aware of my right to step out of the car and lock it during a traffic stop.

while one officer was conducting the business of the traffic stop, simultaneously the other officer was running the dog around the car.

if I were to be harassed by a police officer in a manner that was shown in the video regarding a traffic stop with a legally owned pistol,

He was carrying a handgun with him in the car at the time of the traffic stop,

arrest by initiating the alleged traffic stop pursuant Texas Transportation Code, Section

Craig asserts that it should be self-evident to the court that a traffic stop is only lawfully

police beating Melvin Jones during a 2009 traffic stop sets a dangerous precedent.

And he said, no, there is no emergency. This is just the routine traffic stop.

may not extend the scope and duration of a traffic stop for the purpose of

of the traffic stop which was in the cabalice case it was speeding what is a

the business of the traffic stop the traffic stop had been concluded okay so

The thing is, Texas has tons of case law on traffic stops or let me correct that folks.

Now on, they will not be referred to as traffic stops.

Something, something weird's going on because I think it was like a normal traffic stop.

to do a traffic stop.

All right, so he initiated traffic stop, does he have the authority to enforce traffic

Do you think the police officers don't do that like in the traffic stops because they

Hence the traffic stop itself was illegal to begin with and everything the officer did

We can complete agreement with you in regards to how to treat a traffic stop.

The only other thing is if he gets a drug dog out there while he's doing the traffic stop and they flag the car, then they have to get a warrant to search it anyway.

So what is the prevailing case on how long they have to hold you for a traffic stop before they have to let you go?

Did they bring out the dog during the business of the traffic stop, like while they were processing paperwork?

This was in Illinois. And while there was a, they double-teamed him. While one officer was conducting the business of the traffic stop, in other words, running the guy's license, seeing he had any warrants, doing a background check, you know, processing the papers, you know, checking out his insurance, all that kind of good stuff.

And so that set the precedent, and this was in 2005, very recent case, that set the court precedent that if they're going to bring out the dog, they have to do it during the traffic stop, period.

Okay, well wait a minute. Back up because, all right, it was a traffic stop? It was a normal traffic stop?

And then the last caller, you were talking about the e-verify and the traffic stop.

I'm sorry, talking about the e-verify, but then you're also talking about the traffic stops.

Yes, it was back to the traffic stops and you were saying a while ago, Sue the police officer.

Yes, just real shortly, back to the traffic stop. If you need someone to do a volunteer run a red light camera, I'll be glad to do that and set this thing up.

By the time the traffic stop itself is over the officer has

that a police officer commits in a traffic stop.

The officer said, you are being detained right now for a traffic stop.

Okay, so Jerry, the prosecutor never gives you the discovery, which basically is in writing. He was supposed to put down, he was supposed to give you something in writing saying that they had no audio or video of the traffic stop.

of trying to drill into people the process that occurs during an actual traffic stop.

Now I give people three things to say and three things to do at an initial traffic stop.

When an officer performs a traffic stop at an arrest, if the individual is inside the

Now let's finish this up here on the traffic stop so we'll know where to go from there.

I wanted to ask you to send me a copy of your traffic stop material.

Now, immediately when a traffic stop occurs, the officer has invoked Chapter 543 of the Transportation Code, which is his power to arrest without warrant any person found committing a violation of this subtitle,

Okay. You go from the 543 situation under the traffic stop to the 15.17G section of the Code of Criminal Procedure if you appear in compliance with the notice to appear on the citation.

Okay. Okay. I will do that then. Yeah, I got that bookmark. Okay. Next question. So you're at traffic stop and if the officer asks you to get, say, he says, please get out of the vehicle.

I did not have anything to do with the traffic stops.

a traffic stop that somehow attracts a dozen cops in less than five minutes.

Now what this is, is it deals with traffic stops in general, what I've come to call

today more than 90% of traffic citations issued and the majority of traffic stops have no factual foundation from a safety perspective.

For instance, we start out with we are at the traffic stop.

Well, what's the authorization for the traffic stop?

This goes exactly to what I was talking about, about that illegal search of your car during a traffic stop. Okay, this is what they're doing. They're looking for evidence. They're not inventorying the car.

Now, if we go on, if filthy to the statutory language of the transportation code requires that the detention involved in a traffic stop be labeled an arrest, it is not the sort of custodial arrest that subjects the person to the incidental searches allowed by Fourth Amendment law.

But does the arrest associated with a traffic stop equate with being under arrest for purposes of the definition of custody in section 38.011A of the penal code such that a motorist who is released from custody under the provisions of the transportation code,

So you've got to learn how to handle these traffic stops and hold on to your rights, invoking your rights,

Then what I would do is I would say, officer, it seems like you're asking me a lot of questions that are not related to this traffic stop, and so I am choosing to remain silent at this time, and I'm not going to answer any more questions until I speak with my attorney.

As you say, officer, you're asking a lot of questions that are not related to this traffic stop, and it's concerning to me, so I'm not going to answer any more questions until I speak with my attorney.

But he managed to get all the way through the traffic stop without having to produce the license at all.

to stop you or detain you or arrest you, then the custodial arrest of a traffic stop.

Expired registration is not a valid reason for a traffic stop.

I came across a case related to a traffic stop breathalyzer and one of the accused party

That's another way, by the way, the moment you produce that license without qualification and give it to the officer at the traffic stop.

And if you get that whole conversation recorded, which you should always record every traffic stop anyway, then you can use that down the line in your lawsuit that you were definitely not in transportation.

It was a traffic stop and my mother was not drunk and not leaving

This, some person claims, okay, through hearsay that, you know, being do this one here upon, if I have good reason to believe and do believe that the above mentioned here, and it's all about the traffic stop.

Nothing here says bring him before a magistrate. Just like the traffic stop with the cop.

has committed a minimum of five due process violations before the end of the traffic stop,

It's what I keep trying to get people in class to understand. I may get arrested at a traffic stop and the whole time I'm sitting in jail, I'm keeping track of the time going one minute, thousand dollars, two minutes, thousand dollars, three minutes, thousand dollars.

So I'm working. They haul me to jail in a traffic stop. I'm actually working. And I'm all for that. I get paid a lot better that way than I would dig in a ditch somewhere, trust me.

the show does that book happen to cover the traffic stop itself or more

beginning with the traffic stop itself and going all the way through the appeals process.

and the things to not say and do during your traffic stop, during your pretrial, and so on and so forth.

So we're just going to basically going to step through the script relating to a traffic stop.

So we're going to start from the point of an actual traffic stop.

That folks can sum up a traffic stop so well because these officers are making constant mistakes and they will make many.

And I can say for a fact that there will always be a minimum of five due process violations that occurs in any given traffic stop, even if the officer lets you go and doesn't write a ticket.

The new book I'm doing is going to be directed specifically at these types of cases, misdemeanor cases, the traffic stop, and generally the reason we do traffic is because you can get class A, B, or C misdemeanors in traffic.

By entering that plea, you are surrendering the last viable defense you have in these cases when you fail to properly set them up at the traffic stop as being not in transportation.

So right there at the traffic stop, you hang yourself on the transportation issue the moment you produce any of that documentation.

for the qualifications of a DPS officer to make a traffic stop on a public highway.

As for me, any of my situations, I listen to your show for one reason. I hope to diffuse the situation at the traffic stop, but I am not going to go speak through the school zone to try to test that logic, because I know it would be a no win situation.

him that, you know, I wanted to inform him that this traffic stop was, was going to cost

Let's walk through the traffic stop.

Something these officers never do on a traffic stop, even if they place you under arrest.

The demand for the production of these documents that he's using to incriminate you at the traffic stop

And every time they're stopped by a police officer and the officer arrests them for a traffic stop, they can confess till they're blue in the face and none of that can be used against them in a court of law for the murders.

with the scenario of what to say and do when you're pulled over in a traffic stop.

That is not limited to a traffic stop.

So if the officer is at least 65 feet away and he is initiating a traffic stop for a license plate he can't read at 65 feet, then the stop is illegal.

So when he initiates a traffic stop at the 65 feet and says that he couldn't see your tail lamp, he wants your license registration and proof of financial responsibility, the stop is illegal.

Therefore, his evidence of probable cause to initiate the traffic stop doesn't exist,

Make it where you don't have to read it during the traffic stop.

We're going to augment the seminar with the website. Then the actual live classes will be practical application time. We will actually go through what's going on at a traffic stop, what statutes are being invoked.

and that's how to deal with the traffic stop.

If that hasn't sinked in by now, well, then you're the folks that come to me and ask for help after you've already dug your own grave by doing the wrong thing at the traffic stop.

of the transportation statute, but we also practiced how to do things at a traffic stop,

Another thing too, you can call it at a traffic stop. I would recommend when you get pulled over,

of the traffic stop. Same thing could happen if you're going to deal with the public official

This is kind of like a mini version of what Eddie is setting up as far as a notification system for people when they get pulled over by the police, traffic stops, et cetera, et cetera.

How would you discern the difference between a traffic stop and a carry stop?

Yes, we're still going to need to learn what's in the transportation code and how it applies, but we really, really need to be working on how to take this to court, how to handle the traffic stops,

Okay, well, you need to be coming to the classes to learn what you're talking about. That's where we do the mock court and mock traffic stops and everything else.

During the traffic stop, he was inquiring about my wife's marital status.

And of course, the fines accrued. I got $4,000 worth of fines on this traffic stop.

a traffic stop.

There was no traffic stop, there was no probable cause to approach the car.

the encounter was based on a traffic stop that never happened.

the citation, fabricated a presumed traffic stop, conducted an illegal search, discovered

began as a traffic stop which gave them probable cause to go further.

Now given that, one of the things that I've been teaching you is how to protect yourself during a traffic stop

And folks, you need to understand, every single traffic stop is aimed at doing one of two things and one of two things only

Every cop out there is attempting to escalate every single traffic stop to a DUI or drug enforcement stop

They had no more probable cause to detain her, the traffic stop itself had concluded, and they held her for another 40 plus minutes anyway

Trying to escalate this from a simple traffic stop to a DUI

But I've heard you say that before on a traffic stop, you're saying for sure that you don't have to and you don't want to

Another subject that I'd like to go to is I called in at the time and talked to you about a traffic stop that was made upon me from automating cameras and perigating my license plate.

of what occurs in a traffic stop occurs every time. Or even in the prosecution, they get so many of

And for 20 bucks a class, where else are you going to get trained to do what you need to do when it comes to these traffic stops and fighting the cases in court?

Well again the thing I try to teach you folks is every traffic stop is intentionally designed to be escalated to a DUI or drug bus without exception.

And it starts at the first encounter, i.e. the traffic stop or wherever you are when you encounter this public servant that suddenly decides he wants to charge you with something.

It's not just for traffic stops.

And during traffic stops, I'm completely compliant. Don't give them any back talk, do everything they ask for.

I mean, is it just about traffic stops?

No, it's not just traffic stops, it's about law in general.

We also do practical applications so that you learn how to handle yourself at a traffic stop

And we teach you how to handle yourself in court, whether it be for a traffic stop or anything else.

how to use it at a traffic stop or any other public servant encounter for that matter.

And I downloaded all of his traffic stop scripts and all that kind of stuff and studied it over and had a copy of it in my car.

This incident, and this is the guy getting arrested for filming the traffic stop

I was requesting information pertaining to the arrest of an individual who was filming a traffic stop.

Can he pull you over for a traffic stop and demand that you incriminate yourself with drinking or drugs or anything else?

You really went into depth as far as what to do in court, how to handle a traffic stop and that sort of thing.

Can they take you straight from the roadside traffic stop, straight to a hospital and draw blood?

What did I tell you the three things were and everything that comes out of your mouth when it comes to the traffic stop

Especially when you've already used the transportation script during a traffic stop and you've got a copy of the video

hold on. We're going to go to Jerry in California. He is involved in a traffic stop as we speak.

I'm not going to that place because of a stupid traffic stop, all right?

You have to say all the right things at the traffic stop.

And that's why I say it's very crucial what you do at the traffic stop and at trial to

which is helpful when you're dealing with the traffic stop or any other public servant encounter.

about, it's got me considering putting into the transportation or the traffic stop script,

they did, to make the traffic stop in the first place.

traffic stop he was engaged in. The excessive force resulted in the woman losing two teeth

Officer James Palermo, who was arrested for assault, is accused of slamming a Texas State University student to the ground as she walked into a traffic stop he was engaged in.

You have five minutes to four and five minutes after a traffic stop.

Every single traffic stop is engineered from the beginning to be escalated to a DUI or drug bust.

and be involved in any and every way I possibly can, certainly when it comes to traffic stops,

I had a first traffic stop the other day while trying to implement the script, and I didn't do so well, and there was a couple of reasons.

to screw things up at the time of like a traffic stop, for example,

some of your personal encounters during traffic stops?

My second question, if you don't mind, the traffic stop script that you have at a federal

Let's take the argument of excessive force and apply it to an arrest made at a traffic stop

To make traffic laws or to make traffic stops.

than in what should be the calmest form of interaction, a traffic stop.

He's telling you that when you get pulled over for a routine traffic stop, speeding, going through a red light, that the officer really had ulterior motives.

about, you know, you were saying your traffic stopped, you know, your script about, you

And it's rights in relation to traffic stops and so on and so forth, all these kind of things,

But my question is, I was involved in a traffic stop and the police arrested me for previous warrants.

Because you need to know what to do and what to say at the time of the traffic stop

You've got to know what to do and what to say at the time of the traffic stop

And it's kind of hard to understand or to foretell what you're getting yourself into unless you've actually been doing this and, you know, regularly applying this at a traffic stop.

Yes sir, before I learned about your traffic stop script, I was in court a few months ago

And this has to do with some advice that has been handed out regarding traffic stops that I've got to address.

If the law does not require you to actually provide them with a physical license during a traffic stop or anything of that nature,

For DUI or this is for all traffic stops?

But why you think you would have a separate set of rights at a DUI checkpoint than you do on a traffic stop would be beyond me.

I had a quick question on your traffic stop practice script.

But for just a traffic stop or anything of that nature where no drugs or other contraband

I was just curious. If you're arrested in a traffic stop and they haul you into jail, what's the legality or the rule on being fingerprinted?

Police officers would have little guidance before they made a traffic stop in judging

uh both the in court and at the traffic stop

no in fact uh i'm dealing with the traffic stop in connecticut

as your basis for initiating this traffic stop of my car?

Practice mock traffic stops.

where people are trying to practice how to handle a traffic stop, how to go to court, and so on and so forth,

to engage either the officer if it's a traffic stop situation scenario, your first appearance,

I have a comment about lowering your window at a traffic stop.

I listened to your, I just printed your how to deal with the traffic stop thing, and I find it very intriguing,

we're going through several things regarding the traffic stops, for instance.

when we're doing traffic stops.

It does go into the traffic stop script, trying to teach you what's happening at the traffic

I've seen it, and I watched it through, and I know what to do in case of a traffic stop.

I have no tickets or anything. I have not been stopped or traffic stopped, whatever you want to call it, illegally encountered or however you want to call it.

Okay? So these courts have already rigged this system, and from the very moment the traffic stop begins,

And unfortunately, I had a traffic stop about a month ago and I was calling for your advice.

How do I get around that if I'm stopped at a traffic stop?

Yeah, well, it's more a traffic stop, a roadblock.

Well, a roadblock is not for a traffic stop.

this traffic stop.

They know that their ability to just stop cars under the pretense of a traffic stop

the purpose of making traffic stops.

So that was the traffic stop, of course, I was taken to the jailhouse, you know, before the magistrate there.

Okay. Yeah, there's plenty of case law in the books that says very clearly a guest in a car doesn't have to provide an officer anything at a traffic stop.

of five rights violations that occur at every traffic stop and the list that I read at the

beginning here covers those they exist at every traffic stop and then there's a couple that

of your rights get violated at a traffic stop.

Your rights are violated from the moment that traffic stop starts until all the way through

are inherent in every single traffic stop okay so listen closely you are automatically

Unfortunately for him, he did not follow the script during his traffic stop. He did not record. He handed over his license. He basically did everything wrong.

We're doing practical application exercises where you actually act out scenarios of handling a traffic stop or going to court,

Are they talking about at the time of the traffic stop or are they talking about the court appearance?

And even in the traffic stop, unless they arrested you, you're not required to give them any information identifying yourself.

So this, unlike a traffic stop, gives me an enormous opportunity to get things into the court record

That I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to do like I would on a traffic stop

In a traffic stop they're not gonna let you hand stuff to the cop

That stuff isn't really relevant because I never ended up going to jail regarding the traffic stop

The entire traffic stop, from the time that he was lit up, almost up until the time he

get a mechanic certification that looked at the car prior to the traffic stop and never

you know, I think I'm gonna try to raise enough doubt to say that this traffic stop should

traffic stop altogether by saying it's not a valid stop.

So I've been doing some research and I got your vocabulary that you have in case of a traffic stop how to handle, shut up, shut up some more and all of that stuff

If you're subject to a traffic stop, if the policeman doesn't, it does not have a dash cam and is not recording the stop, he must make a report about the stop.

concerning the traffic stop.

It requires it for every single traffic stop.

The case centers on a traffic stop, April 29th of 2009, in Surrey County, North Carolina,

It is well established that a police traffic stop of an automobile constitutes a Fourth

He argued the traffic stop would never have taken place had not the officer made a mistake,

basis of this case begins with a traffic stop.

And I doubt if any of them are actually making any traffic stops.

after November the 15th. And at the time I do get traffic stopped

if I happen to get a traffic stop, that's the correct verbiage to use.

No. I have not been traffic stopped for 15 years.

But it's been more than 15 years since I've even been traffic stopped.

You have to treat every encounter with them like it's a traffic stop.

According to traffic stop, et cetera, and things that they find over time.

So I was wondering if I should come up with something that shows evidence and proof to an officer if I happen to get traffic stop,

Yeah, and that's why I try not to limit this show strictly to traffic because traffic stops the, it's the most common way we get embroiled with our public servants. That's why I chose it, because it's a jumping off point that virtually everyone will have some level of experience with.

Typically, usually it's, I guess it's traffic stops or fishing expeditions, fabrications of facts.

Now, well I can tell you for a fact that every cop commits no less than five at every traffic stop.

for a traffic stop under the Fourth Amendment.

traffic stop.

Add issue in hind versus North Carolina was a 2009 traffic stop for a single busted brake

traffic stop because it was not a crime to drive around with a single busted brake light.

And even the County and District Attorney Association's books on Texas traffic stops,

and audio from traffic stops.

Well, I was talking about as far as traffic stops specifically.

Well, again, that also depends on exactly what's going on at the traffic stop.

It's always a lie when it involves a traffic stop, and here's why.

I could be traffic stopped someday because my tags would have expired because I'm not

rarely anymore see much traffic stops or much activity by police involving people traveling

but it was for apparent infractions for the traffic stopping, something they didn't do.

They got traffic stopped. They just got a ticket and they apparently let them travel on their way

case and this happened at a traffic stop and i'd like to just run through all the steps all the way

or any citations or anything else in relation to a traffic stop, supposedly,

Well, what I did was I signed a... We had at the traffic stop location itself, border patrol, then 12 of them,

starting with the traffic stop all the way through final appeal.

but before I got into that, I wanted to talk about a little traffic stop I got,

decades in relation to traffic stops. An officer is not allowed to delay a person for any longer

the approximate vicinity of the average traffic stop being approximately 20 minutes. So anything

He had completed the traffic stop. After he had served the ticket, then he asked the guy

traffic stopping about 10 o'clock p.m. at night,

I was traffic stopped one week ago, traveling eastbound on a roadway in a neighboring town,

particularly in traffic stops?

See, the issue here is still the fact that you were pulled over in a traffic stop, okay?

During the traffic stop, he decided not to charge you with anything related to traffic.

during a routine traffic stop, took place this weekend. Hundreds gathered in southeast

dead in her jail cell, days after her arrest during a routine traffic stop, took place

of a crime happening during traffic stops and during incidents where forces use,

of a crime happening during traffic stops and during incidents where force is used.

NYPD officers are trained to turn on their cameras only when there's reasonable suspicion of a crime happening during traffic stops and during incidents where force is used.

of a crime happening during traffic stops and during incidents where force is used.

of a crime happening during traffic stops and during incidents where force is used,

of a crime happening during traffic stops and during incidents where force is used,

days after her arrest during a routine traffic stop, took place this weekend. Hundreds gathered

dead in her jail cell, days after her arrest during a routine traffic stop, took place

that when the traffic stops, or whatever you want to call it, I don't know what you call

working with the force no more, but he got stopped on a traffic stop.

to do on a traffic stop.

My situation started three years ago on a traffic stop.

No, I had a recording going at the time, and I could always record every traffic stop,

Eddie Craig's traffic stop script and the officer had absolutely no idea what I was

to that kind of thing okay they want to turn every single traffic stop in the state of

Okay, time to get a cruiser recording from a traffic stop.

and specifically talking about traffic stops.

Well, like I said, they asked her for her name and, you know, I understand, you know, when you're during a traffic stop and they ask you to identify yourself, you know,

traffic case one i just want to make it clear that it was a traffic stop and i like said i was not in

uh you were pulled over in a traffic stop the officer arrested you for whatever

I had my traffic stop script with me because my memory isn't that great

A traffic stop.

A traffic stop is an arrest if you're not free to go, isn't it?

I sent you the information on the most recent traffic stop.

Do you remember that thing about what happens at the traffic stop when you don't have a

And one of my questions is I'm helping a friend with a traffic stop

And the most apparent, I was the conspiracy of the officers who conducted the illegal traffic stop.

is to establish that you're not in transportation at the time of the traffic stop.

Even in a traffic stop, they can't demand you to present an ID?

an invasion of considerable proportion. Even routine traffic stops made by the state trooper

Nothing not a zip it's gone their ability to illegally enforce the drug war through traffic stops in Texas is gone

They use the traffic code to fabricate probable cause to make a traffic stop upon the public

In a malum prohibitum regulatory action such as this when it relates to a traffic stop, the whole purpose is to get him to admit that he is attempting to use a commercial regulation code against someone that is not engaged in the regulated commercial activity.

and they don't have any authority over us at all to be able to even traffic stop us or anything like that.

he didn't have any probable cause to be able to initiate the traffic stop in the first place for a civil infraction.

while publicly videoing a traffic stop by police officers.

no witnesses, nothing to have the basis to initiate the traffic stop in the first place.

So, it was part of that same traffic stop, all inclusive in the same traffic stop for the two alleged violations of driving while uninsured and driving without a license.

It was the same stop though, all part of the same traffic stop. And as you said last week, anything in that traffic stop is all inclusive and subsequent to dismissal as well.

I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop, a regular traffic checkpoint or a license checkpoint.

And, you know, when they did that, they did what you said, and they escalated it to something more severe than just the traffic stop.

On the traffic stop?

Initiating an illegal traffic stop, making the presumption that I'm engaged in commerce and in transportation because I have plates and expired tags on my so-called vehicle.

Well, what he says on tape is, well, it's a traffic stop.

No, it's a civil infraction. Traffic stop or not, it's a civil infraction,

And since this was a traffic stop, as a person in the back seat, that would not be the case.

The statute that requires you to produce information at a traffic stop if it can be used against you in a court of law.

Initiating an illegal traffic stop.

Now, well, what he says on tape is, well, it's a traffic stop.

Traffic stop or not, it's a civil infraction.

And you have to remember that they can fabricate a traffic stop for anything.

Remember the three rules of every traffic stop.

traffic stopped. Is that, is that a violation? Okay, wait a minute.

Pull me over, unmarked unit, traffic stop, unmarked unit with just regular state plates,

conduct traffic stops, they must conduct them in marked units.

Okay, and that is likely, oh, wait a minute. Okay, this is a traffic stop.

I got another traffic stop just a few days ago.

And be very careful about letting anyone anywhere near your car that you don't know. You get out of a car at a traffic stop, you lock it

At least I thought I was recording, but I missed the first part of the traffic stop.

site date or the first part of the traffic stop was not recorded, apparently the recorder

and everything that transpired during that traffic stop.

I mean, this is kind of annoying because I tried using Eddie Craig's chip at the traffic stop

it was an illegal traffic stop because it's categorized as a civil infraction in California.

traffic stop. And anything that resulted from that. And then he just interrupted me and said

He asked me when did the traffic stop happen,

What they have one is something about traffic stop.

Texas County and District Attorney Association's Texas Traffic Stops.

And here's why. Because in Texas, a traffic stop is an arrest. It is not a detention. Okay. Correct. In order to do that, they would have to have probable cause, not reasonable suspicion.

So it's an interesting thing. But my personal thing is tonight, Eddie, since you're an expert, I remember seeing your video on the traffic stop or transportation stop, as you call it, several years ago.

There are three articles on my blog site dealing with lack of probable cause in a traffic stop and civil infractions, what to do if your state has them, and fruit of the poison tree doctrine.

or they produced one of the accouterments at the traffic stop or they go directly to the

In fact, every traffic stop is an arrest without a warrant. I know that.

And they're going to have both of the officers from both traffic stops.

going to combine a trial for both of those traffic stops and citations, which is a common

So here's my thing. I did everything as well as I possibly could with traffic stop.

You know, I won't repeat it right here, but it says basically, in essence, it says an officer that has no authority to initiate a traffic stop on anything that is not part of being, unless it's a breach of peace,

I might be getting off-subject, I don't know, but I've been looking at some of your descriptors as far as a traffic stop.

Okay. Does having an affidavit of truth help you at all in a traffic stop?

Well, let me ask you this. How would a roll of toilet paper help you in a traffic stop?

So there are ways to put notices out there, but an affidavit of truth in your hands at a traffic stop or filed with a county clerk

I'm like, dude, why are you pulling the gun on the traffic stop?

Guns drawn on me on a traffic stop and everything.

Basically, they're saying, okay, if you're in a car and a cop fabricates the reason for a traffic stop so that he can do a prelim stop for other purposes,

A traffic stop for improperly worn seatbelt.

Okay. Well, their probable cause to make the traffic stop doesn't exist, provided you're

oh, hey, it's a traffic stop. He's already admitted he was subjected to a traffic stop,

I was arrested and charged with failure to identify. So how can a traffic stop be relevant

And it's called the Motion to Suppress Non-Criminal Traffic Stop Officers Testimony.

to arrest, detain, any individual for a civil infraction, traffic stop, or tarry stop.

The traffic stop by the officer in this case was illegal.

as previous to the current one I have now, there was also a traffic stop in April.

The officer has no vested authority to make a traffic stop in the first place without a criminal offense of any kind.

all these traffic stops are all considered civil infraction violations.

and where the officer had no authority in jurisdiction to initiate a traffic stop,

or the traffic stop in the first place, making the traffic stop invalid.

I'll bring in these specific statutes because it seems to me that when you do get the traffic stopped,

Okay. Motion to suppress non-criminal traffic stop and officer's testimony.

There is no authority granted to a peace officer, law enforcement officer, to arrest, detain any individual for a civil infraction, traffic stop or Terry stop.

The traffic stop by the officer in this case was illegal.

it is a civil infraction, any of these traffic stops are civil infractions.

But the officer, this particular officer in this particular traffic stop that just happened

Well, as what Eddie always says, civil infractions in your state, the traffic stop in itself

for a traffic violation, but the traffic stop is a custodial arrest of itself.

if your traffic stops are considered to be civil infractions,

thousands of times a day across America, a traffic stop for allegedly speeding.

of the police officer's traffic stop and his ability to have jurisdiction

to initiate the traffic stop in the first place without a warrant.

challenging the officer's jurisdiction to be able to even the traffic stop

and you tell them traffic stop and it will call everybody in your network.

So I think this is a textbook case of what not to do as far as the troopers in a traffic stop,

they have no authority to facilitate a traffic stop, period.

in the case you get traffic stops and things to handle.

And yet within those statistics, they have traffic stops. They have less than a quarter gram possession charges for people that are Americans, not illegals.

which is the officer sitting there by the side of the road and having this ample opportunity to pull behind me and initiate another illegal traffic stop.

citation? It's at the traffic stop of course when you say something like I'm not going to pay that

But mainly they were just basic traffic stop signs here.

is prove the illegality of the warrantless arrest being the traffic stop

Well, I followed the public records request because I want to see if he's certified by the Department of Public Security to conduct traffic stops.

Doesn't he have to be certified by the Department of Public Security to conduct a traffic stop?

Everyone else is defined as a police officer under Chapter 541 who must be specifically authorized and certified to make those traffic stops.

Okay, so that's upon the traffic stop and the custodial arrest from that point.

Some folks email me and say that when they brought up some of the issues on a traffic stop or in a courtroom,

that is because if you take it to the state with these cases, traffic stops and such with

The traffic stop itself is a custodial arrest subsequent to the custodial arrest by being

You said that somewhat similar, that I can use as an example, because it falls under being a traffic stop, a civil...

particular traffic stop over the weekend, that's also considered part of the commercial

I was wondering, you know, you've got your script that you use for traffic stops. You happen to have one that you would use in court?

Sure enough, but I had a question about when it comes to traffic stops at one point, at what point if they had to, if they chose to want to write you a citation for, you know, failure to, you know, produce a driver's license.

getting it. He wrote an amended pleading based on a traffic stop and prosecution,

And asked the dispatcher to send an officer out to arrest him. Oh, that was so much fun. Then I had two cruisers behind him. The officer that was a dispatch never made it, but it seems that when they do a traffic stop that ever caught in the neighborhood shows up

Got in my conveyance and went up the street and the next thing you know within a couple of seconds, his supervisor was in his unit following me and initiated an additional traffic stop.

Well, no, it was very peaceful in exchange with him, but he was one of the assisting officers on the traffic stop two days prior.

felony aggravated assault. And whenever there's a traffic stop, every cop in the

Now you will only use the ones for the DPS and whichever local agency was involved in your traffic stop.

you're sitting in your own car at a traffic stop they can kill you because they have you in their

specific to that function, i.e. the traffic stop.

The 78-80% of all of the arrests occur as a result of a traffic stop.

Now, at the beginning of this, I have an entire list of criminal offenses that every single unauthorized officer in Texas commits legally, point by point, the moment they initiate a traffic stop without lawful authority.

to performing a transportation or traffic stop.

throughout the state of Texas and without it, this traffic stop by these officers was

traffic stops. I see them all the time. And they're drawing their guns. And I've seen them

traffic stop script i've watched it about 15 times over the last two months i've uh

That's why they're fabricating pretense traffic stops so that they can let the border patrol practice their drug interdiction and dog snippet.

They were trying to conduct an illegal traffic stop for speeding.

Yeah. I got pulled over for a traffic stop a couple of years ago, 2014, actually. And so I, you know, I fought it and I filed a federal lawsuit for rights violation.

began to escalate, the traffic stopped, hang on, we're about to go to break, ready to

543.006 requires the officer at a traffic stop to accept your signature on promise to appear before a magistrate, not a trial judge.

Yeah, it was a traffic stop. They stopped me. Yeah, I claim false arrest, but the other attorney saying there was a detention because they actually didn't take me to jail.

things such as the actual traffic stop, pre-first appearance, post-first

a probable cause and the traffic stop was illegal. He was warrantless. There wasn't

we denied a search and then he extends the traffic stop in order to call a city cop ten

At what point does it become an issue you're willing to make a sacrifice for that might actually mean something instead of just getting murdered in cold blood at your very next traffic stop?

Go to court. Got the two state troopers. What they did is they combined two traffic stops

So I'm in the middle of the lawsuit right now, involving the sheriff deputy for my traffic stop.

Did you give it to him? And then we develop out failure to identify. Each issue related to a traffic stop we develop separately.

When I go through these and I do probable costs, flight to evade, failure to identify, in a traffic stop, before we get to the merits to whatever this particular charge is, there are a number of issues.

traffic stop? By on the traffic stop it would be implicated if at the time that they stopped you

the traffic stop was illegal.

And trying to get the case dismissed on the basis of the officer did not establish personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction to initiate the traffic stop in the first place.

this doesn't have anything to do with the traffic stop you know now you're acting as a

The officer who made the stop was the officer who made the traffic stop a member of the

No, I said earlier today, I read your entire traffic stop along with most of the links and everything.

really don't. In your material, the traffic stop transcript, you say give

And they were conducting interdiction drills and using the members of the public as test subjects for facilitating traffic stops that were going to be elevated to drug dog sniffs automatically.

It sent me from the traffic stop on March 18, 2018

assault, felony murder when they've killed someone at one of these illegal traffic stops,

Every single traffic stop in the state of Texas is a laundry list of felonies and high

he has to make a trick to turn his lights on in a traffic stop, or that's the only

Once it's registered as part of the traffic stop, should I cover the Venn number on the dash?

Are you saying that you got them in court over a traffic stop?

Yes, Randy, you would ask whether I had him in court through a traffic stop. It wasn't by traffic stop.

This has to do with the traffic stop.

And that's because a traffic stop is much different than a policeman coming and investigating

For a traffic stop

Was because at the traffic stop

or nature of the case this was a illegal traffic stop for expired

And usually when they tow cars from these traffic stops, it's retaliatory.

And we were before sunrise and I wasn't, you know, they're not peace officers. They're not allowed to make traffic stops. That's been adjudicated before in federal court.

And everybody knows that in all 50 states, even if they did have authority to make a traffic stop, a suspicious vehicle is not grounds to make a stop.

They're arguing about how the cops use traffic stops as a pretext to do other things and

other than a traffic stop, period, okay?

Texas law is very clear that you are under arrest in every single traffic stop.

And then the cop automatically in the other three traffic stops,

traffic stops are just like dc they're civil infraction well they've been civil infractions

Now, granted in Texas, every traffic stop is automatically an arrest, okay?

set a traffic stop in Texas,

Well, but even say with a traffic stop, a simple traffic stop or a parking ticket or something where the officer in Texas is required to take you before a magistrate for a probable cause hearing.

It authorizes a police officer to initiate a traffic stop based on observation of a violation of traffic law.

Okay, so in California with any of the civil infraction traffic stops, can you still argue your motion, the questions there for the cop proving that he acted outside the law?

He was searching my wife's purse for her driver's license so he could find out who everybody was, which we all know that the recent ruins on passengers not having to identify themselves during traffic stop is clear as day is not.

I ended up giving him the paperwork just to get the traffic stop over with.

So anyways, I was looking through some records and it appears that this time, three years ago, okay, I had a traffic stop

and this would go to a hypothetical traffic stop.

I was arrested back in March on a traffic stop and the traffic stop.

You're going to ask for the departmental policy on traffic stops and how they're supposed to execute them and blah, blah, blah.

You have conducted more than just a few of these traffic stops in your XX years career. Yes or no. Yes.

You have discovered drugs on some of the traffic stops you've conducted in your career. Yes or no.

So please answer the question. You have discovered drugs in some of the traffic stops you've conducted in your career. Yes or no. Yes.

And when you make your first traffic stop, your heart pounded because you've been told about how people can pull guns on you.

So it doesn't matter if it's a traffic stop.

Well, I actually, especially on a traffic stop, sometimes that's the only time somebody sees a policeman.

And that guy actually was arrested two or three times, went to the penitentiary and one day I was on a traffic stop and a guy had knocked me down and we were tussling fat dead warrants.

But, you know, just say it's a traffic stop and I got called out and they said, well, the officer scared me and I want you to arrest him or I think he threatened me.

They're not allowed to make traffic stops.

Yeah, of course this was started from a traffic stop, but when I went to court, the prosecutor

All right, several years ago I had a traffic stop, a couple of cops, and I had the law

Shooting people in the back, killing people at traffic stops for having a headlight out, throwing them in jail for multiple days until they die or hang themselves for a turn signal.

for damages on these traffic stops, these traffic

sir, begin the traffic stop as Eddie Craig says, what is the emergency and how may I help you, officer?

And here's a white man, a Caucasian in Chattanooga, saying he can free black people from traffic stops.

presumptively alleged to be involved in in the traffic stop is what? It's transportation, right?

the police, the traffic stop as we call it, the traffic arrest with this very low threshold of

which is the engine behind the traffic stop,

The traffic stop protocol has to have a new question at the very beginning.

So your car is commerce ready, but a particular traffic stop, especially if you're like me and I never do commerce,

a particular traffic stop will generate a no answer.

No, the most dangerous encounter for police is the traffic stop with a traffic arrest.

a traffic stop is an arrest.

Traffic stops are the most dangerous for officers.

Again, working bottom up, working cop by cop at the traffic stops

We're trying to solve the police, the traffic stop problem, one town at a time

Is to make traffic stops end in Chattanooga

But here I am, this journalist trying to make these traffic stops come to an end

You took a note before God to respect my rights and the rights of all the people here, and you're not doing it with these traffic stops

subject to a harassing traffic stop by a white officer or maybe a black officer.

initiated from a traffic stop.

and my readers at my website so that they can stop traffic stops.

I'm trying to make traffic stops end in my town and my county first

I've highlighted the fact that traffic stops are the most dangerous kind of a counter

to make a traffic stop

This helps working people with their, you know, the immigrant with his, his old pickup truck full of bricks going to the job site who gets stopped in traffic stops.

but the traffic stop is on september 26 and it's so-called trial it's on february 26

So I don't know what you mean by avoiding a traffic stop.

expedition and to initiate the traffic stop. Mm-hmm. That's exactly what he did. Mm-hmm.

when the traffic stop was performed. They can always say they didn't look you up until after

It says that he was lawfully for discharging official duty to wit traffic stop.

had stopped me about two months prior for it was irrelevant of a traffic stop.

Just do the same thing as any other traffic stop.

Is there some reason you think that what you're talking about is any different than any other traffic stop?

Was your first encounter with the officer related to a traffic stop? If you click yes, then on the box it's kind of grayed out.

A sentence will appear in there. Defendant's first encounter with the officer was the result of a traffic stop. Boom.

Well, you just had a quick question. I had a case five years ago, traffic stop.

Was your first encounter with the officer related to a traffic stop?

Defendant's first encounter with the officer was the result of a traffic stop. Boom.

other persons or property and no such harm has taken have taken place. The time of traffic stop

well but don't tell Eddie I said that. At the time of the traffic stop and warrantless West Josh

somebody to do traffic stops. So pulled us over and I popped out of the passenger side. I didn't

Get that? Your car. You know the thing the courts say they can search without a warrant just because they arrested you at a traffic stop.

They can seize without a warrant at a traffic stop rather than having someone else come pick it up or take it home.

to ask or you know i watched your traffic stop seminar i mean that uh a bunch of times but anyway

there how I got there how anybody's going to get there I've written an entire traffic stop script

on how to deal with the traffic stop I've described on this show numerous times I used to deal with

traffic stops I've even recorded a couple of them and played them on the show about me in a traffic

This is not a traffic stop. This is a towing situation and moving through kind of a legal system.

instance when a police officer initiates a traffic stop there are portions of the

The reason I said that going out is Olivier sent me a video of a traffic stop where him

Ah, yes. If the original contact was based on a traffic stop by a sheriff's deputy who has not been appointed by the county commissioners court as a traffic control officer.

On these grounds alone, the officer's traffic stop for speeding or registration, had he

the most difficult traffic stop of my entire career.

for it uh citation about a piece of property what does that qualify as it's not like a traffic stop

Even something as simple as a traffic ticket. In the state of Texas, every traffic stop is an

got 48 hours. But a traffic stop is an arrest. Absolutely. They arrested your freedom of

the traffic stop, but you'll see these things.

He didn't ask me for a license. He didn't use it for a traffic stop.

If we just think about what happens in a typical traffic stop,

And assuming that the deposition is all legal and it's all correct, even though they issued a deposition at the traffic stop,

Now, at one point, what happens if you go to court and they say, well, we gave you the deposition at the time of the traffic stop?

I got a question. Must a deposition issued at the time of the traffic stop be signed by the cop to be a legal paper?

Yeah, he issued a deposition at the time of the traffic stop, along with...

It was during a traffic stop.

How does he know what was said in a traffic stop?

I had an incident here in Texas where I was filming these police officers at a traffic stop.

You, in that first video, you were videotaping a Denton police officer who had made a traffic stop.

Tell me, where did that Denton police officer get authority to make a traffic stop?

a traffic stop.

Okay, so in other words, everything I've told you about that traffic stop,

and it says here that the officer initiated a traffic stop

It says if an officer asks you for your ID during a traffic stop and any kind of stop and you don't, then it is a crime.

Even during a traffic stop?

Well, a traffic stop is a custodial arrest.

In California, it says specifically if you're asked for ID when you're after traffic stop,

But this traffic stop presupposes commercial nexus.

due to the fact that the officer arrested the defendant on this date at this time by initiating a warrantless traffic stop and seizure of her person and property

June 1st was my traffic stop.

The book is called District and County Association Skies to Traffic Stop

or in the thing that I filed that says there's a book called District and County Association Skies to Traffic Stop

All right, so June 1st, I was involved in a traffic stop,

as a result of his traffic stop.

Which is whatever the purpose of the traffic stop is to write the citation

They just decided they were going to search your car for a traffic stop from a stop sign,

Okay, back in June I had a traffic stop where I was issued a ticket for unsafe cutting while

All right, so back in June, I was in a traffic stop,

authorizes him to make a traffic stop for issues under section C.

They think every one of us out there is a heinous murderer and every traffic stop they make their likely to die.

And I don't mean like you see on these YouTube videos at traffic stops or people shoving cameras in front of police officers faces when they're trying to do their job.

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