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underneath his legs and he said mr. Calvin you would grieve me frankly in a

He said, Mr. Colton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

Yeah, so we need to grieve them.

Did you grieve the law firm?

Good, good. Grieve the crap out of those guys. That would be great.

you would grieve me, I said in a heartbeat and frankly I liked him so I would have hated

And I was so aggrieved by how they treated people and what they did to people, and knowing that they didn't have an OSIP office.

and I don't see any aggrieved party other than the district attorney.

So we bar grieve him in any case because we're going to do our best to get him fired.

We bar grieve the prosecuting attorney.

and who is aggrieved by a final decision in a contested case is entitled to judicial review under this chapter.

And then move for quarter point counsel, and when you get counsel, you let him know that you're going to bar-grieve him every time he breathes the wrong direction.

Bar grieve?

No, I didn't tell him bar grieve yet, but he is looking at me.

It was later that night I told him I was going to bar grieve him, and it terrified him.

However, since you're the aggrieved party, you have opportunity to repurchase at current value, current interest

A penalty goes to the aggrieved party.

So we could bargrieve him and judicial conduct complain against him and go to the city council

So what I like to do is bar-grieve the attorney.

And when I first saw that video, I was just grieved because I was kind of picturing in my mind

So that the aggrieved party does not have to show harm

A penalty goes to the aggrieved party

And a fine or a fee goes to the agency, but a penalty goes to the aggrieved party.

And what the legislature said is that the aggrieved party does not have to show harm.

if he mentions the bar grievances, grieve him for that.

If you bar grieve him, they'll just about double it the first time if they don't cancel.

First opportunity, grieve her.

And then bargrieve the attorney just for the heck of it.

First thing you tell that public defender, you take one step I don't like, I bar grieve you.

Every step you take, I don't like, I bar grieve you.

You fight – you try to get removed from this case, I bar grieve you.

You bar grieve him, he can't get malpractice insurance, and he can't do that.

one of my rights, I'll bargrieve you for it.

every time he does anything you don't like you can grieve him and almost certainly if

I don't have to be my lawyer to bar grieve?

So that'll get his attention and if you bar grieve him every chance you get, then you'll

The attorney's going to have a fit when you grieve him, and you let him know if he does

The only way he's going to find out is when he just noticed that I grieved him.

And I like to grieve them over the smallest things.

So every move they make, they're afraid I'm going to grieve them again.

A fine or a fee would go to the agency, a penalty goes to the aggrieved individual.

Britain's Attorney General Dominic Grieve will examine important new evidence

Grieve said last week he would consider requesting a hearing

between Grieve and Justice Secretary Ken Clarke

I like the idea that a penalty for a criminal act go to the aggrieved party

You should file a motion for sanctions against counsel and absolutely bargrieve them

Bargrieve them

They're not used to that, that's why they hate procès, because procès grieve them

Right, okay, now how do I go about filing the bargrieve?

Every time you show up in court, grieve him

If he says a word about it in court, grieve him for that

And then tomorrow he gets a notice from the state bar that you've grieved him.

imperfections in the prior law and to cure a wrong where an aggrieved party had an ineffective

Make sure you bar-grieve him.

or bar grieve him for not doing it.

Yeah, bar grieve him, and then demand

The positive was my bark grieved the judge because I was actually not a judge. I was a magistrate.

So I bark grieved her and hadn't gotten around to judicial complaining her yet.

Typically, you know, what I heard from the judges I bar-grieved was that they are just unilaterally...

Okay and you just grieved the attorney

So did he bar grieve this guy?

Just grieve him

Then grieve the attorney

You can bar grieve him for anything

and it says the aggrieved who is made hereby serves statement of good faith, reliance on the law,

but I'd grieve the crap out of those attorneys.

You mean, yeah, you can bar grieve an attorney if you want.

And then, like I said in the email, he magically called within two hours after I told him I was going to bar-grieve him.

And my question is, can I bar grieve against the union attorney?

Well, you can bar grieve them any time you want to for anything.

Yeah, you can technically bar grieve them for breathing the air but you haven't given,

while we suggest that you can bar grieve them for anything, it's not always appropriate just

to bar grieve them just for bar grieving.

Can I bargrieve her for that?

Okay. So he can bar grieve this attorney now at this point.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me?

But you still could bar grieve against the guy because you don't like the way his hair parted.

So essentially, you can grieve them for everything.

But I would still bargrieve him because if he actually represents that client

I bar grieved an attorney that's representing somebody I'm in a lawsuit with,

He complained to the judge that I bar grieved against him

I think I would grieve the SO whatever.

That's great to grieve for.

Now what I'm wondering is, I know I can't go back and grieve them with the courts, don't

You walk away from it, I'll grieve you for that, then I'll sue you for malpractice

Go tell the attorney, go tell the judge I'm going to sue you and bar grieve you

You can bar grieve them for every act they did that was a violation of law.

So yeah, grieve him for it. Don't say anything to him about it. Just grieve him. It's just like you walk up to him, look him in the eye and smile real big and then slap the snot out of him.

If they inhale through one nostril because of a head cold, bar, grieve them and judicial

If they spit on the sidewalk going to lunch, bar, grieve them and judicial conduct complaint

and bar grieve them.

how no attorney ever gets bar grieved successfully

Bar grieve that attorney every opportunity you get,

First time you screw up, I'll bar grieve you.

I would bargrieve the crapola out of them.

Especially if you're a bar griever.

We will be able to tell who's been bargrieved how and why and what the issues were.

It's basically it says having appeared especially under threat duress coercion only to protect aggrieved

and bar grieve them just for the heck of it. Oh, I already did. Oh my God. I got every partner

So we judicial conductor, complainer, if it's a municipal court, we griever with the bar grievance and that'll sting her good.

And is it appropriate to also bar grieve my own attorney?

conduct complaint the judge as well as bar-grieve the prosecuting attorney. And as far as your

defense counsel that you did say that you used, I'd bar-grieve him for being an idiot

Did you bargrieve the attorney every time he failed to notify you?

Okay. Anytime they don't, if you feel like they haven't given you proper notice, just bar-grieve them.

You and your husband can both bargrieve him independently.

And bar-grieve them in the process for filing the contract

Then you bargrieve the prosecuting attorney and then you also file a motion

or you will bargrieve him for everyone he does not.

or I will bargrieve you into having no career at all.

Barr grieved the Crapola out of this guy.

and I say bar-grieve him too.

so bar-grieve him anyway, and that will make sure he never practices again.

They bar grieve the public defender.

You need to find out what he's required to do in these other states, but bar grieve him for not making the effort to assist his clients out of jail.

Every time he does something you don't like, bar grieve him.

If he says a word about the bar grievance, grieve him for that.

especially if you bar grieve him.

And if you've already bar-grieved them before that,

Bar grieve, bar grieve, bar grieve.

Now you grieve them.

So if he can be sued if he doesn't, I'm gonna assume we can grieve him for it as well under the standard of, for instance, communication.

you can sue him for it, so therefore you should also be able to grieve him for it.

And then once we have the grievances up with all of the issues we can find to grieve them and sue them for,

Once you look at this site when I get it up and you see all of the things you could grieve the attorney for,

They look at these bar grievances and all of them have done what people are being grieved about and sanctioned for.

you'll grieve him for it,

you'll grieve him for that and sue him for that,

My question is, now that I've grieved them and the case is done and I don't have any problem with them, I want to sue them under FDCPA.

Well, again, I'd bar grieve every one of them for Prosecutoral Miss Conduct that attempted to

Well, if you can't bar grieve the law firms, you have to bar grieve the lawyers in it.

Once you got your ruling then you can grieve them all you want to.

Yeah, if you grieve them first it will give the prosecutor reason to vigorously object

issue concerning two different parties who both want to bar grieve the same attorney

It gave excellent information on how to bar grieve your own attorney.

Okay, I can't say like, I'm going to bar grieve if you don't do something or anything like that.

Bad strategy. Just bar grieve it.

There's generally a separate set of standards for him and yeah, grieve him.

So I just, I have to, I can't even tell him I would grieve him.

I just got to go grieve if I did something wrong.

As Norway grieved Monday for the victims of twin attacks that killed at least 75 people

dismiss this case based on lack of evidence or else I'm going to bar grieve you into oblivion

The first thing you do is bar grieve her attorney.

She needs to bar grieve the attorney, send the attorney a tort letter, tell him to get

true. She needs to have already been bar or grieved. Yeah, he's probably not going to

And if your attorney does anything but say, okay, I'll do it tomorrow, bar grieve his behind

Think of every single thing that was violated in your husband's case and bar grieve is court

And he was saying, you really need to get this, your side up, and my bar grieve insights

No, it's not. Oh, okay. So you, the attorney was representing your wife and you grieved him.

don't want another one. And if you petition to be removed from the case, you should grieve him for

then we'll grieve you for that. You get in there and do your job. And then you force the court

letter. All right. So just, so just go ahead and grieve him and then get ready to go after his ass. Okay. Oh, sorry. Sorry. His dairy hair. Okay. Point taken. Yes. All right. Well, thank you, gentlemen. Thank you, Deborah. Okay. I'll give you the heads up next week on what's going on.

Maybe it was last night. Do you remember we talked to someone who had bar grieved their

Okay. Do you have your bar grieve inside? Is that finished yet?

So don't forget to bar grieve him at the same time.

The last time I talked to you, the court appointed attorney is basically, I bar-grieved him and

then he said that he wrote me back and says, I'm not going to talk to you because you bar-grieved

Well, what I did is after I bar-grieved him, I went ahead and filed in by criminal complaints

Then they bar grieve the attorney, file criminally against the attorney for acting in concert and collusion. In California, you have a good grand jury system.

And now you have proof, then file criminal charges against the judge and the attorney bar grieve, the attorney judicial conduct complaint the judge and just run the routine on your local prosecutor.

If he cannot get insurance because he was bar grieved three times in a year and the insurance company dropped him in flagging as high risk,

Bar grieve him for doing that and then yes it is malpractice because he is not acting

Absolutely, bar grieve him for parting his hair wrong.

They obtained counsel for several different reasons. I bar-grieved that counsel.

Basically, they've put up with enough of my lip, and I've gone so far as to bar-grieve their attorney, and if I say anything else about this particular matter, or bar-grieve their attorney anymore, that I will be fired.

But I wanted to ask you about that lawyer and him telling them that I bar grieved him.

I thought bar grieves weren't supposed to be a private thing.

You should bar grieve him for that.

And they told me if I bar grieved their attorney that they were going to give me the boot immediately.

So if I wanted to bar grieve the assistant district attorney, could I do that?

What are you going to bar grieve him for, not telling you what the law is?

Have they bar grieved this firm on a regular basis?

So just bar grieve, bar grieve, and bar grieve.

What a attorney can be grieved for

attorney, which if this is a municipal court of record he has to be, bar grieve him on

Of course it's denied, did you bar grieve them?

burden. Now, it may not be easy. Sometimes medicine's bitter. So, we grieve this attorney.

government document from me. Have you grieved the prosecutor? Not yet, and the only reason

politics. Wrong politics? Yeah, here's the thing. You grieve him, and it's like ever when he's going

them are. You grieve them. When they get out of the prosecutor's office and have to buy their own

grieved years ago? You're talking about Mr. Lipscomb? Yes. I was more than just grieving him. It was

to go to

So grieve the prosecutor.

Okay. So and bar grieve the prosecutor.

If he does that, you can grieve him for it.

If I think he failed to exercise sound discretion, I can grieve him for it.

Anytime somebody fails to do what they're supposed to do, we can assume they weren't properly trained and grieve the prosecutor for that.

Standard three dash three dash point nine. Okay, proper disposition of criminal charges. Did the prosecutor fail to act with reasonable diligence and propness in prosecuting and accused? I suspect we could grieve every prosecutor on every criminal prosecution on this one.

You can bar grieve the attorney every time he spits.

Go ahead and grieve him, and then you say, now you want to mess with me, the next one

So have a look in there. I think you'll be surprised at what you can grieve an attorney for.

That'll give him, then he can go to the prosecutor and say, hey, look what she sent me. She's going to grieve me. You got to protect me.

The worst part about it is one of the plaintiffs actually barred grieve the attorney doing all the tax foreclosures,

Alright, because, well, and behold, I'm looking at the many different ways in which I might be able to grieve this particular lawyer.

The problem this new lawyer has is one bar grieve in cell counts is malpractice insurance.

Okay, grieve him for that and then when he attempts to be removed from the case, you object to his removal.

I demand that they appoint you counsel again and go ahead and bar grieve him, file a malpractice suit against him for ineffective assistance of counsel.

You sue them, and the first time they respond to your suit, you bar grieve them for the response, you move for sanctions, when the judge gives you a garbage ruling, you judicial conduct complaint to judge, just you get the opportunity to make a total nuisance of yourself.

grieve him. When the lawyer moves to be removed from the case, grieve him for that and object

and you will be surprised at what you can grieve a lawyer for. I have a book on legal malpractice.

them for everything. And just about anything you can sue them for, you can grieve them for. And here's

grieve your attorney, what's going to happen is, if it is his first year, they'll cancel,

grieve him each time. Okay. And if he petitions the court to be removed from the case, the case law

bar association standards. So first time you grieve him, he's going to want to talk to you

you might ought to bar grieve her for not moving to dismiss because the prosecution wasn't ready.

Now, you grieve her and then you threaten her with a malpractice suit.

Withdraw that agreement. Bar grieve the counsel. Let the counsel know I'm fixing to file a malpractice suit against you.

Bar grieve his attorneys, accuse him of insurance fraud and failure to speak to the candidate

No, no, you've got two attorneys, direct them to file it and when they don't, bar grieve

And when you bar grieve them, they're going to double that because they're not practicing insurance just doubled. So these guys are trying to collect a few extra bucks, and now they've got this lawsuit where money's pouring out by the bucket full.

Well, the bar grievance does work because a few years ago, a couple years ago, you gave me advice to do exactly that. And I did go to that attorney and I did tell him I was going to bar grieve him.

and bar grieve the crap out of them.

You bar grieve them, you double their malpractice insurance.

I haven't grieved all of them, no.

I should grieve them all.

You will be chuckling at the things you can grieve the prosecutor for.

You can grieve that jerk for everything.

or cause the moving party to be personally aggrieved.

So it's always my first suggestion is that you'd be grieve them if I barred grievances against them.

You can grieve that guy every time he turns around.

And then you grieve the attorney every time they file something.

Okay, you might want to make sure you have grieved this attorney before you go back.

If he fails to perform his duty, the first thing you do is bar grieve him.

Okay. The second thing is, is bar grieve the judge, and I'm sorry, judici condo complained the judge for issuing a false warrant. Also bar grieve whatever prosecuting idiot asked for it.

That's why you bar grieve the judge, or I'm sorry, you judicial conduct complain the judge.

You also bar grieve the prosecuting attorney for impersonating an attorney for the state.

Have you barred grieve to the lawyers?

already forgiven him. Okay. It shouldn't be hard to find something to grieve for out being facetious

That's why we bar grieve them so quickly.

Here, if they did not move to dismiss the action, then you should bar grieve them for that.

Once they have knowledge, you bar grieve the individual attorney, any attorney who touched this tar baby should get a bar grieve us.

I initially thought bar grieve all of them and then put in the bar grieve and said, I'm more than happy to withdraw this if this document turns up.

So that's okay, but we can use him as a liaison between him and his client unless he files a stupid pleading, in which case we'll bar grieve him just for the heck of it.

So if the lawyer comes into court and complains to the judge that you've grieved him, that gets a grievance.

You should bar grieve them and judicial conduct complain them because you don't like the way they part their hair.

So you might consider going on the attack a little bit. Bar grieve that lawyer.

It works the same here. This is the political aspect. You grieve this guy and set him up to grieve it.

When he knows you set him up so that you could bar grieve it, if you can get him mad and get him to speak to you in a disrespectful tone,

complaint and bar grieve both the judge and the attorney and we are also going to file

And especially if you grieve him.

Stay on his butt, bar grieve him when he doesn't do what he's supposed to.

Bar grieves.

have you bar grieved him yet

and they got a bar card grieved him

bar grieve them and that and I will put them on bard and I will make their

If your lawyer doesn't do his job and adjudicate your case, you can always grieve him.

Can I grieve the judge and my ex's attorney as well?

May I? Can I grieve the judge and my ex's attorney as well?

Oh yeah, you should grieve your ex's attorney just because you don't like the way he parts his hair.

You bar-grieve the attorney one time, it'll double his malpractice insurance.

So, about the third time you grieve that attorney, your husband's likely to have to get another attorney.

And then when he finds out that you've bar-grieved the other attorney, he's going to say,

Generally, a fine goes to the agency, a penalty generally goes to the aggrieved party.

So anything that's something you can grieve for in the standard American Bar Association

model standards, you can grieve for in any state.

If you're filing one against the prosecutor, if you look on, if he's put

Did you bar grieve the lawyers for filing the non-monetary status in a federal court?

as far as bar grievance, well you can grieve these guys with the Texas Real Estate Commission too,

And you'll say, I didn't know I could grieve him for that.

I said Russell, did you grieve him for that?

So you grieve him and it'll double the malpractice insurance.

because all of the state bars forbid lawyers who are grieved from raising the issue with

And for them to go to the person that grieves them would be to take unfair advantage of

adjudicate even one of my due process rights and I will grieve you for every one of them.

And I'd already told him that if he failed to properly adjudicate one due process right, I'd bar grieve him for it.

And when you drop these motions on the defense counsel, the first one he doesn't file, you bar grieve him for it.

Tell your lawyer move to dismiss for lack of evidence or I will grieve you out of business.

Bar grieve everybody else but him.

However, if the aggrieved party can show that there was a magistrate available or was a

who I bar grieved, but unfortunately was afraid to bar grieve him more than once

well, what did she leave after he complained that I bar grieved him?

And I certainly, you know, I'm up on bar grievances, but while I say you can grieve one for partners

However, if he lied to you, that's something you can bar grieve him for, which may be even

you might grieve him for that that's in the america that's in the prosecutoral standards that

surprised at what you can grieve

Kathy, probably you don't want to bar grieve your lawyer yet.

You bar grieve the prosecutor, and your lawyer's going to consider if she knows enough to file under the American Bar Association

So grieve the lawyer.

You can grieve the judge with impunity.

Call your lawyer and say, look, if you don't get that surveillance tape and get it quickly, I'm going to bar grieve you every other day until you get it.

It doesn't matter what you grieve them for.

Lawyers do not grieve other lawyers.

They don't grieve other lawyers because they don't want to be grieved back,

And I'll bar grieve you for each one.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

You're going to do your job or I will grieve you right out of business.

If he thinks you're going to bar grieve him, then he will run to the judge and run to the prosecutor and tell him that he has an unruly client that he cannot control.

So, bargrieve him.

You bargrieve that prosecutor and he will have a connection.

And if he says one word to you or to the court about you bargrieving him, you bargrieve him for that.

Now, what most people don't know is you can grieve the prosecutor just as quickly as you can grieve your defense counsel.

But go to that, look through that, and bar grieve the prosecutor.

If you bar grieve the prosecutor, the prosecutor's going to come to your lawyer and say, what the heck is going on?

And the lawyer's going to say, holy crap, she's bar grieving him, she's going to bar grieve me next.

I wouldn't. Well, I don't know. You have to weigh that. If you have mentioned bar grievances to him and he has asked you not to grieve the other attorney, there's a very good chance that he's using that as leverage.

So if your lawyer is actually doing his job, I would... You can rail and write us indignation and you can want to grieve them and get your attorney to talk you out of it.

If in the process he causes, because he's grieves bodily injury, that's first degree felony.

but if I don't, this guy's going to bar grieve me out of business.

Oh, bar grieve the judge.

That one arrived just after I had bar grieved him and the state said, no, nothing had happened.

So you accuse him of fomenting litigation and definitely grieve him for that.

I would bar grieve the attorneys on the other side every time they breathed.

If you grieve that lawyer, because the dirty rotten petty fogger shister parts his hair

and his insurance company that he got grieved, he doesn't have insurance.

I'll grieve him again.

Look through that one. You'll be surprised at what you can grieve that prosecutor for.

Grieve them every time they move. They use dirty tricks against us. They cheat.

But I'm not a lawyer and you're not a lawyer. So you can bar grieve the lawyer every time he

Well, have you grieved any of the lawyers for violating minor little restrictions?

to grieve me every time I breathe.

because if the prosecutor fails to perform a duty, we can not only grieve the prosecutor

that took the action or failed to take the action, we can grieve every other prosecutor

accusation against the judge and grieve the attorney for not objecting himself to the improper

This thing of requesting a evaluation, first thing I would do is bar grieve the lawyer,

You failed to adjudicate a single one of those, I'll bar grieve you then I'll sue you.

Get a complaint with them, and then accuse, I would bar grieve that lawyer, send a tort

The lawyer is not going to bar grieve the lawyer on the other side at the drop of a hat

The best way to make him aware that you know about bar grievances and how to use them is to bar grieve the lawyer on the other side

You bar grieve the lawyer on the other side and if you go to bar

That's why we need to grieve them every time they move and sue them at every opportunity and give the defense counsel plausible deniability.

Have you bar grieved him yet?

Now, is this a position where I can not only sue the attorney but bar grieve them as well

You can bar grieve that attorney if you don't like the way he parted his hair.

And I'm not suggesting that you bar grieve an attorney without good grounds.

Have you grieved him yet?

Because I bargrieved him.

Every element, OK, when you grieve an attorney,

But that's OK, you grieved him.

you can grieve him for.

Have you bar grieved your attorney yet?

And I have received a name where I bar grieved her in prison.

I did bar grieving and I grieved him.

ask him to make everything in writing, and bar-grieve him every time you get a chance.

You bar-grieve them for that.

agent for the aggrieved party. Now, the way it's supposed to work is the servicer doesn't

wonderful because now the lawyer can talk to you without losing face. So you bar grieve

a document, bar grieve him. He's forbidden to mention that, but now he can come to you

My family has been so aggrieved.

You let them know it's going to cost them money and make sure you bar grieve the lawyer.

I said, Russell, did you bar grieve him for that? Once you grieve him, he's forbidden to mention it. Now, you can bar grieve him because he parts his hair on the left. I don't suggest you do that.

Very quickly, you can go through the code and the American Bar Association model standards, and you will be surprised at all the stuff you can grieve them for.

prosecutorial function. And you can grieve prosecutors for everything. So file bar grievances

Go to and grieve the crap out of him.

I could always grieve them again. It's been less than two years.

I gave my lawyer plausible deniability so he could fight my case. He went to the judge and said, Your Honor, I'm sorry I have to do my job, but this lousy SOB is going to bar grieve me out of business if I don't.

grieve him for that. And all judges, judges are all bonded. And that's insurance. You

And if the judge is an attorney, which I'm sure he is, you've bar grieved the judge too

Bar grieve the judge

So bar grieve them both

You bar-grieve him every time he moves

So what you might do is just bar grieve the prosecutor

Like if you grieve the prosecutor, he comes into court and says a word about that grievance

Okay, if you look at the American Bar Association model standards, that's something you can grieve them for

Not giving you a completing accounting, you can grieve them for

Not giving you all your records back, you can grieve them for

And for withdrawing from your case you can grieve them for it

Lawyers do not bar grieve other lawyers, because they don't want it done to them.

But proceeds, we can bar grieve them all we want to.

You start costing them a lot of money and every time you get a filing from a lawyer, you bar grieve him for the doc for the filing, even if it's a letter.

You don't have to be the one aggrieved.

Have you bar-grieved the prosecutor's judicial conduct, complaining to judge?

What I would do is bar grieve her attorney.

Other than bar grieve her attorney, what if any contact might possibly be beneficial to me

And if the lawyer doesn't relent, if you've already bargrieved the lawyer,

especially if you've already bar-grieved him. That's going to help.

So are you asking what you can grieve him for?

It's in the model standards that just being rude is enough to get you grieved.

These guys are not used to having somebody grieve them for that.

Now you can hammer your lawyer, you know, acquire that he do some things and when he refuses, you bargrieve him and he's going to want to withdraw.

And then you bargrieve him for trying to withdraw and breach a contract.

Right, you're going to bar-grieve the crap out of them.

Now, the first thing you do is bar-grieve them.

Every time they move, you bar-grieve them.

grieve his lawyer filing a pretty frivolous pleading for fomenting

then use this lawyer to sue her for the situation that he created and bar grieve

the lawyer when you bar grieve the lawyer the lawyer is going to get

when your lawyer finds out that you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side

grieves the lawyer for not giving her sufficient notice that'll make her nuts

That's after you grieve him.

You can bar grieve them as well.

Did you bargrieve the prosecutor?

I'm on right now as we speak.

Good. You will like it. You will find things you can grieve them for that you didn't expect.

But I'm trying to think of what I would grieve her for, for not answering your question.

Bargrieve the lawyer every time they move.

When you grieve an attorney or you file a complaint against a judge

and inform his insurance underwriter, his malpractice carrier, that he's just been grieved.

Did you need to bargrieve him first? Did you ask for a complete accounting of all of his charges?

And I listened to your thing earlier, so I'm going to file the malpractice, do the bargrieve, it's in the malpractice because I listened to what you said that noticed I'd been harmed.

You grieve the lawyer every time the lawyer moves. He's going to have a fit.

So one, you need to be bar grieved for a conflict of interest, the second is being bar grieved

Okay, and I take it you have grieved them?

I have bargrieved them.

notice him, if he don't do what you tell him to, you're going to bar-grieve him.

You bar-grieve a lawyer, it's going to double his malpractice insurance. You

bar-grieve him twice, they're going to cancel. You tell your lawyer, if you try

You will be surprised what you can grieve the lawyer for.

So what you want to do is not only bar grieve the attorney, but you want to sue his corporation

Malpractice suit, if you've already bar grieved him, they'll probably cancel his malpractice

If you bar grieve him first and then give him a tort letter, he might pay you to keep

The best way to do that is to bar-grieve the crap out of that other lawyer.

It's all about the money, and the lawyer on the other side, when you grieve him, he is

So you grieve the other lawyer, or you force your lawyer to file issues.

Okay. You've bargrieved him or did you just call the Florida Bar?

If they do remove, we suggest you bar grieve the lawyers.

If you're a pro se, grieve them every time they move, it's in the same vein as them filing

A penalty goes to the aggrieved party.

When he doesn't, you bar-grieve the lawyer

And then when the bar-grieve, the lawyer moves to request to be removed from the case

Did you bar grieve your lawyer?

When I was in court today, the lawyer there, the guy I was with had already bargrieved her

And she was absolutely terrified that we were going to bargrieve her again

She mentioned to David the fact that he had bargrieved her

We'll bargrieve her for that

Number one, you bar grieve them into oblivion until they can't get malpractice

Did you bar grieve him yet?

Bar grieve him, that'll really give him apoplexy.

And when she isn't doing that, you need to bar grieve her.

Somebody needs to be grieved.

I can still bar-grieve them over it and, you know, kick up some dirt.

Oh, yeah, you can always bar-grieve them just for yucks,

just because when you bar-grieve them you get to watch them dance

If the lawyer is rude to you, you can bar grieve him.

Did you bargrieve your lawyer?

I've bargrieved my attorney and I was going to bargrieve her again.

The Mississippi State Bar requires for them to send you the original forms to bargrieve.

If you fail to adjudicate a single due process issue, a bar grieve year.

You bar grieve a lawyer?

If you grieve the attorney from the wrong side, it won't make any difference.

And you should bar grieve him for filing a frivolous pleading.

That's our, this remedy. We just bar grieve the attorney a time or two and he'll want to find a

Should I bar grieve them first?

Yeah, bar grieve them at the same time, but get the complaints filed.

and when she isn't doing that, you need to bargrieve her.

Somebody needs to be grieved.

If you bar-grieve that lawyer a time or two

Bar-grieve these judicial conduct complaints, criminal complaints

Bar-grieve the lawyer, the judge

You get that and the grieved attorney gets that.

I could bargrieve a lawyer because he parted his hair on the left.

grieve these guys for. If they part their hair on the wrong side, you can grieve them.

If you grieve them, the state bar is not going to do anything, but their insurance company

never say anything to you about it. If they do, you grieve them for that because they're

Either produce the law or I'm going to bar grieve you.

So, bar grieve him.

At that point, it would probably be a good time to bargrieve the prosecutor and do a

When we have a court date set, I will bar grieve you.

You make sure you are there, I'll bar grieve you every time.

You fail to adequately adjudicate a single one and I'll bar grieve you for it.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

First decision he makes without consulting with you, you bar-grieve him.

Well, I've already bar-grieved the prosecutor for falsifying the indictment.

Bar grieve them every time they squeak.

Have you bar grieved her for not communicating with you?

Well, then the first thing I would do is I would bargrieve this attorney, whoever it was.

Did you bar-grieve the law firm?

Oh, you got to bar-grieve the law firm.

And on my own, I think I learned how to bargrieve somebody.

But the opposing attorney, I was scared to bargrieve him more than once

You are slipping. Grieve them for filing a frivolous pleading. Introduce these guys to

at what you can bar-grieve a lawyer for. Kind of go through some of the links.

ahead and grieve the bar, the two things to remember is the Bar Association is going to

You'll bar-grieve him immediately.

I'll bar-grieve you.

You failed to adequately adjudicate a single one, I'll grieve you for each one.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

I also bar-grieved the attorney who made the claims,

that you could grieve them for.

But if you grieve them, send me a copy.

Grieve them for not responding to your communications.

you can grieve them for everything.

So they'll act like it wasn't a big deal that you grieved them

Then for some bizarre reason, they state two facts. The attorney you grieved was

but they drew them in there. The attorney that I grieved says he says that I didn't

could help me perfect getting the idea. One of the wires I want to bar grieve

You will get this charge dismissed. And if you don't do that, then not only am I going to bar grieve you, I'm going to sue you for malpractice.

I still write him a tort letter, bar grieve, and then go ahead and sue him.

and I bar grieve the lawyer over it, and of course the bar grievance people came back and said,

Okay, and the prosecutor bar, grieve the prosecutor, judicial conduct complaint to judge.

If you bar grieve a lawyer, even if he's a prosecutor, if he's a municipal prosecutor, he probably has a private practice.

court, you would definitely go straight to the ABA, but I would also, if I was to grieve

an attorney, I would grieve him not only at the ABA if he's practiced, licensed or admitted

So yeah, it would be great fun to bar grieve an attorney for what he didn't do, like Elf

i'm giving you i'm going to bar grieve you for being a moron and if you fail to defend

me and get this thrown out the way it should be i'm going to bar grieve you for being

You can't bar grieve the judge in his hat as a judge.

You can only bar grieve him if he's a bar card carrying attorney acting in the capacity of an attorney.

What goes to the aggrieved or injured party is through a civil action for recovery for damages

I bar-grieved him.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

The lawyer who calls you, who sends you a threatening letter, and you grieve him,

By all means, bar grieve the lawyer.

with his malpractice carrier to notice his carrier that he's been grieved if he has malpractice

make an assertion like this. Bar grieve the lawyers. If the lawyers get too out of line,

song and dance and seltzer down your pants. And if you bar grieve them every time they

So bargrieve that lawyer every time he moves

If the citizen bar-grieves them

Well, bargrieve the lawyer first before you get back

then bargrieve him

waiting for him to call me, which anyway, and they brought up that I had bar-grieved a bunch of accreditor

and of course I bargrieved him for taking money and being bribed and all that,

From what Randy knows and what I know of this, the only prohibition for an attorney who has been grieved is to speak to opposing counsel in regard to the same.

And, and bar grieve quick and bar grieve often.

So he's goofed up and definitely the lawyer who made up the mechanics lean, make sure you bar grieve the lawyer. That'll give him apoplexy.

I will bar grieve you for everything you fail to do to protect her rights and interests.

And she will bar grieve you as well.

You will not believe how many things you can grieve a lawyer for. And while the standards say

Uh-huh. That'll really hurt her feelings. And then bar grieve the lawyer.

pushing you to bar grieve her? Well, if I bar grieve her, she's gonna walk

about bar complaints, so it's okay to bar grieve her now?

how you grieve her and your grieving her does not create a conflict of interest.

barred grieve the lawyers.

Next Bradley says liability to answer to everyone who might feel himself aggrieved by the action of the judge would be inconsistent with the possession of this freedom and would destroy that independence without which no judiciary can be either respectable or useful.

Check the premise, subject to liability for violations of constitutional rights is not liability to answer everyone who might feel himself aggrieved by the actions of the judge.

And then when she refuses, bar griever.

And you know, I would look at, certainly, bar griever for having you arrested.

So just bar griever for forcing you to come there, and you might look at billing your

Bar grieve the prosecutor, and you may actually be able to sue the prosecutor.

Every time they do this stuff, they should bar grieve them.

So in the case, I was threatening to my lawyer because he's afraid I was going to bar-grieve

I know from experience, if you grieve an attorney,

Now, if you've got multiple things that you can grieve him on,

When you bar grieve him, he's going to move the court to be, he's going to ask the court to be removed from your case.

That's how, and every time your lawyer doesn't do something you want him to, bar grieve him.

Bar grieve him, right.

then you bar-grieve him.

And as soon as you bar-grieve him,

Can I judicial conduct grieve my judge also?

You failed adequately adjudicate a single one of them, I'll bar grieve you.

Mr. Cowden, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

one and I'll bar grieve you and the lawyer said Mr. Kelton you would grieve me in a heartbeat

I'd want to round up any communications in support of. I bar grieved you because here's the email that

grieved you. That hurt me when you didn't do that. That's the way I would have handled it.

was confusing was I bar grieved my attorney several times for not giving me paperwork

Have you bargrieved him yet?

You grieve them into oblivion.

For anyone he doesn't, you'll bar-grieve him.

Grieve him for it.

Well, I want to sue him for it. I'll grieve him for it and then I'll sue him for it.

Yeah, grieve him first and let him know that you plan to sue him.

Just grieve him.

without standing to assert it. For standing, a plaintiff must be personally aggrieved and

personally aggrieved, end quote, because she is at risk of losing her house.

I'm trying to give you some clarity on when you bar-grieve an attorney, the reasons you

bar-grieve an attorney, and how much time for it do you have that you can do this.

Okay, the primary reason you bar-grieve an attorney is because he breathes.

Understand that when you bar-grieve the attorney, you sting him good.

you, but if you're going to bar grieve your lawyer, if he doesn't beat this other guy,

you bar grieve him, so what?

It's also going to make him not want to get you to bar grieve him again.

So in your circumstance, do you have a lawyer that you want to bar grieve?

Oh, that's great, bar grieve the crap out of him.

Never threaten to bar grieve your lawyer or the other lawyer and one of the ways to use

the bar grievance is bar grieve the other lawyer and that you can use that to help control

So you want to get your lawyer's attention, bar grieve the other one, then he knows you

bar grieve him for it.

Well, actually what you may want to do on that is to grieve him

Grieve them for aggravated perjury.

When you grieve an attorney and you get that form letter back that says, well, we've looked

that's been grieved because he's got to take time out of his day to defend himself before

So when you do grieve an attorney and you get that letter, just know that it's not over.

Bar grieve him, and in the bar grievance you're going to state that he perpetrated fraud upon the court

He's bar-grieved them.

Actually, we have, we have bar grieved attorney, the general attorneys before.

like you suggested, that if she doesn't do what I need to do, then I will bargrieve her.

With how the judge ruled it, because the prosecutor who I filed 10 bargrieves is on,

You can bargrieve the lawyers, you can judicial conduct, complaint the judge, you can file criminal charges against all of them.

So you definitely need to have you bargrieved your counsel.

bar grieve them yes i haven't got a response back just got that in the middle of a few days ago

Have you bargrieved this attorney?

Bargrieve fast, bargrieve often.

And the way to bring money in is bargrieve the other guy's attorney.

Oh, well, the opposing party bargrieved the crap out of my attorney and he questioned what's going to happen.

Well, my attorney jumped ship and I bargrieved him and put a judicial complaint against the judge, but he still jumped ship.

And I'll bar grieve you.

I counted one, two, three, four, five, Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me and a heartbeat.

Oh, okay. Have you bar grieved the lawyers on the other side?

So I delivered that one, two, three, four, five, Mr. Kelton, you would bargrieve me in

It's when he wasn't doing what clearly he should be doing, then I told him, you either do this or I'll bar grieve you.

You can tell him about this jerk on the radio that was suggesting I bar grieve you for parting your hair on the left.

And okay, you should bar grieve him for parting his hair on the left.

Judge, you're appointing this guy to just bar grieve my buddy over here?

So because he, then he bargrieved the lawyer.

He can be bar grieved for that.

And you need to let him know that not only do you grieve him,

The county prosecutor, if you bargrieve him, if you have a number of the people from the group bargrieve him.

If you have a number of the members of your group bargrieve this attorney, while he's the prosecutor, that doesn't hurt him too bad.

aggrieved party. So is this a fine that the IRS would levy? Hang on, we're about to go

awfully whitewashy. I just didn't like it. I bargrieved her, and she wrote me back a

SmartEllic letter saying that I could bargrieve her as many times as I wanted. So, that just

The one you both bargrieved your attorney over?

That one, what was interesting, when I bar grieved him, I got a much better response

then you bargrieve him for that,

because once you bargrieve a lawyer, he is forbidden to address the issue with you.

And then we'll bar-grieve him because he's a lawyer.

Did he bar-grieve his lawyer at all?

Did he bar-grieve his lawyer?

You got to bar-grieve your lawyer a couple of times just to get his attention.

So, I guess we would have to bar-grieve him, huh?

They had already bargrieved him.

She had bargrieved her own lawyer.

His own client grieved him.

of us, a public court. And then we will walk through the code with Tony and bar grieve

them on everything. Every place they stepped out of line, we bar grieve them. Failing to

immunity when there is no original subject matter jurisdiction. Okay. Bar grieve them

Have you bar grieved the lawyer yet?

if you bar grieve him?

So, if you want to get a lawyer's attention, grieve him.

And once you grieve him, if he says one word

about being grieved, either you or the court,

you'll grieve him for that.

I have no problem being, you know, grieve him now.

They had already bar grieved him once.

bar grieve them at collecting law firm. They've done nothing to me. That's even better and not

Well, did you bar grieve them for filing a frivolous pleading?

So turn it back on them. Every time they do sharp practice, bar grieve them.

You bar-grieve the lawyers. You conduct a complaint to judge.

He was afraid I was going to bargrieve him and get his malpractice insurance canceled.

these other lawyers said. And you should bar Grieve and both of those lawyers and

They have bar-grieved you.

and the lawyer was certain I was going to bar-grieve him out of business,

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

I barg grieve the lawyer.

you might want to bargrieve him a time or two.

All right, I bar-grieved the attorney in this Class D misdemeanor failure to identify

You didn't have that guy bar grieve, did you?

Did you bargrieve them?

He just bar grieved our attorneys and they quit

And he bar grieved and he did us a conduct complaint

Lawyers don't grieve one another

So I'm afraid he's going to bar-grieve me if I'm not careful

You bar grieve him, he's going to try to get removed and you object to the removal

Where they bar grieve the lawyer twice because he wouldn't file documents

And if you bar grieve the last one, whoever they appoint is going to know that you bar grieve the last one

You bar grieve them, their malpractice insurance starts between 25 and 40 grand a year

Bar grieves make them crazy

In this case I wouldn't bargrieve your attorney

to you because he's forbidden to. You bar grieve the lawyers, you'll double the malpractice insurance,

Have you barged and grieved them a few times?

Can you bar-grieve a judge?

And I was prompted by that because when I bargrieved the law firm, they wrote back and said,

no, you can't bargrieve a law firm. You can only bargrieve lawyers.

So I figured it was appropriate to bargrieve the CEO.

who have bar-grieved these lawyers out of business.

And then they'll have to hire another law firm because the first law firm got bar-grieved out of business

lawyer filed it, you need to bar-grieve him immediately. Unless, unless. I shouldn't pick

Have you bargrieved him yet?

You bar grieve your attorney.

You bar grieve him a second time, they'll cancel.

If you bar grieve the attorney, he has to notify his insurance carrier.

you should also bar grieve them.

So you send a notice of tort to the lawyer and we'll bar-grieve the lawyer.

We may bar-grieve the lawyer a couple of times.

You can bar grieve the prosecutor for not telling the judge when he's screwing up.

So you bar grieve the lawyer for that.

And you bar grieve them when they get out.

because the lawyer was afraid I was going to bar grieve him.

If I bar grieved him, he's a new lawyer, he would lose his malpractice insurance immediately, then he couldn't practice.

Good, have you bargrieved him?

Bar grieve the crap out of him, and when he files a motion to withdraw, object to the withdrawal

I will grieve you every time you spit

What you need to do tomorrow morning is bar grieve your lawyer

When you bar grieve your lawyer, he is going to have a conniption

But he can't say anything to you about it because if he does, you bar grieve him for that

Because we've bar grieved people in the past and nothing ever came of it

If you fail to adequately adjudicate one issue, I'll bar grieve you for that

She bar grieved him two or three times, all of a sudden she gets a good ruling in the bankruptcy case

He either does what he's supposed to do or if you've grieved him and then you file a malpractice suit against him

Well, I mean, bar grieve there, or attorney for filing the stupid pleading.

If you do anything, then bar grieve the lawyer for filing it, but leave the judge out of

put me there. So when I walk in the room, I've bar-grieved both attorneys about 20

knowing your intended outcome. So I thought that, you know, I mean, Jeff has been aggrieved.

You should grieve him.

And what do you think is going to happen when you bar-grieve that prosecutor?

The judge, he's most likely, you know, check, make sure he's got a bar card and grieve him too.

So every issue for which you can grieve, grieve separately.

Then you should bar grieve the lawyer and give notice to the court that you should ask for summary judgment to dismiss because you were never properly served.

And then bar grieves the lawyer for filing the frivolous pleading.

Did you also bar grieve your public offender?

Bar grieve her and send her a notice of tort.

A bar grieve is a stingum but not near as bad as a malpractice suit will.

I'll grieve his attorney.

You and I, we can grieve them for anything.

And if you read through the standards, you'll be amazed at what you can grieve them for.

Grieve them because they part their hair the wrong way.

The point is you can bar grieve them for anything you don't like.

And unfortunately, as far as the bar is concerned, it doesn't matter what you grieve them for.

And the worst part for the lawyer is when they're grieved, they have to notify their

So you can bar grieve them for anything.

I mean, you could bar grieve the lawyer and even if the bar grievance is out of time for

And you know, lawyers complain about that, that I can bar grieve them because they part

And I'm going to bargrieve the lawyer.

And this guy asked for 800 bucks in attorney fees, so I'll just bargrieve him.

And the person serving or executing or causing it to be served or executed is liable to the party aggrieved for damages,

You bar-grieve him and then when he tries to get removed from the case you object to it

You start stinging their bar cards, make them crazy, you grieve him and then file a malpractice

Then I bargrieved the deputy prosecutor because she sat at the table behind me

Okay, you know, I bargrieved the deputy prosecutor.

Bar grieve them both

And I tell everybody, bar grieve your lawyers.

Bar grieve them every time they move.

Bar grieve them because they part their hair on the wrong side.

Okay, it's unfair that if you bar grieve a lawyer, even if you file a worthless, invalid

So I'm advising that people bar grieve you lawyers every chance they get.

And if the lawyer says anything about you bar grieving him, you bar grieve him for that.

So point is, you grieve that lawyer, it's going to sting him big time.

And have you bar grieved the prosecutor yet?

Then bar-grieve him and sue him for malpractice. That would be a whole lot more effective.

Yeah, you might bar grieve the lawyers.

You can bar grieve the lawyers, just land on them with both feet.

against the prosecutor, bar grieve them both, because this is a municipal court, the judge also

You bar grieve that judge and his malpractice insurance is going to double.

Make sure you bar grieve the prosecutor, you have to understand these guys are not the

Did you bargrieve him?

Lawyers really get excited when you grieve them.

Penalties go to the person aggrieved. Fines and fees go to the government.

They send you a demand letter, just bar-grieve them.

I wasn't sure if I should proceed with a bar grieve against, you know.

And then you could bar grieve the county attorney

Ooh, and you've already grieved him?

Oh, he's already been bar-grieved.

If you're going to bargrieve attorneys, do that first and then sue them if you've got

To bargrieve, it kind of gives them notice.

Grieve him.

So if I bar-grieve that lawyer because you're claiming that the shyster

So I can bar-grieve you for anything.

Because then the attorney filed the motion, made no effort to schedule a hearing on the motion until he got bargrieved.

Nope, nope, the public defender got bargrieved by his own.

And the first thing you tell counsel is you will adequately adjudicate every issue or anyone you don't, I'll bargrieve you for.

then threaten to bargrieve the lawyer and the lawyer is going to go to these guys and say,

As much as I grieve for the loss of human life of those officers in Dallas, the only real surprise about Dallas is that it took this long for that to begin to happen.

Oh yeah. I've already sent a judicial conduct and bargrieved her and all kinds of stuff. Oh yeah. And the little city attorney, she done been bargrieved already too. And she wouldn't even come out of her little room. She didn't even come into the courtroom. She was like, I ain't going near him.

You bar grieve one of them, and the lawyer is going to have a fit, and he's going to quit,

First time you bargrieve their prosecutor, he's going to get a coronary.

When you bargrieve him, he won't be able to do anything else because he can't get malpractice insurance.

Have you bar-grieved the prosecutor?

I bar-grieved the original one, but the day of court, I got a different one.

So I got to put a bar-grieve on that wall man.

You need to bar-grieve them because they're right down there at the bottom.

And I know it's hard on attorneys when you bar-grieve them, but life is tough.

He's going to do this, I'm not going to do that, blah, blah, blah. Did you bar-grieve him immediately?

Don't tell him you're going to bar-grieve him, just bar-grieve him. But go ahead and do it.

When the client objects to it. So now the lawyer has got an unruly client. Now you bargrieve the lawyer on the other side.

And he's going to tell her, don't complain to me. She bargrieved me, too.

and we got her to bargrieve the lawyers and judicial conduct complaint the judge.

He bar-grieved him.

that this lawyer Ken grieved was trying to become a partner in the firm.

You bar-grieve him, and then when he tries to withdraw from the case,

So she bar-grieved him, her own lawyer.

You fail to adjudicate one of them, and I'll bar grieve you for each one.

That is until you bargrieve the first one and he quits.

Bargrieve him, file malpractice suit against him,

judge so you bar grieve the lawyer you send the lawyer a tort letter and he's going to

grieve your attorney for now when you bar grieve your attorney or any attorney the state

over again so the first thing you do is you bar grieve the lawyers going to double his

They're going to say, I'm not your lawyer. You can't grieve me.

You will be surprised at what you will be able to find that you can bargrieve these lawyers for.

Bargrieve the prosecuting attorney for colluding with the judge to deprive you of the right of notice and blah, blah, blah.

grieve the lawyer it affects his bond ratings bond rating goes up and he'll reach a point to work

exactly but have you bar grieved him yet who your attorney not yet i got so much going on it's too

website right but but one thing to go there for is not in not necessarily to bar grieve them

off the dime then you bar grieve him when you bar grieve him he's going to go to the court and

And this is after you bargrieve him, have you bargrieved that lawyer yet?

he is the senior partner according to the perfect bar grieve him he is going to be so unhappy

you still there hello yeah I got you now okay yeah bar grieve the the manager of the law firm

and you're likely to find some really cool stuff you can grieve them for

bar-grieve that prosecutor for being a chump.

Well, I was going to bar-grieve... In the way in which I filed paperwork, I stated that

So I can bar-grieve this gal then.

If somebody bar grieves the lawyer every time they pull some garbage like that, that'll

The first thing you want to do is bar-grieve the attorneys.

We bargrieve him and double his malpractice insurance.

So if he fails to respond in writing before the motions hearing, then you have something to grieve.

You know what happens if you bar grieve a lawyer?

If you bar grieve a lawyer, you're going to get a letter back from the state bar association saying, we examined into your accusation, find it does not rise to the level of misconduct.

If a guy's been practicing 20 years and you grieve him, they're going to double his malpractice insurance.

If you're a bar griever lawyer, if he says one word about it, you're bar grieving for that.

We can bar grieve their lawyers so the lawyer quits

Big long pause and the lawyer, Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me?

So in either case, he is going to be real sensitive, he is not going to want to be bar grieved

So now he can go to the courts and say, this guy's going to grieve me out of business

And then the first thing you want to do is bar-grieve the lawyer.

When you bar-grieve the lawyer, he's going to have a conniption fit.

And you can bar-grieve him because you don't like the way he parts his hair.

They'll throw the bar-griever out,

Fire the lawyer and file a motion for a new trial for lack of adequate counsel, bar-grieve

And bar grieve the prosecutor first and judicial conduct complaint the judge second, and then

You should bar grieve the lawyer.

But bar grieve the lawyer, and judicial conduct complaint the judge.

And he's going to bar-grieve them, and he's going to make their life a living hell.

So you sue the lawyer or at least have you bar grieved your attorney?

If you'd have bargrieved every one of those prosecutors

When you bar grieve this attorney, that's going to put a mark on his chart.

conduct complaint the judge bar grieve the lawyer you've got to know they're

You bargrieved the judge and judicial conduct complaint, I'm sorry, judicial conduct complaint to judge, bargrief the lawyer for that first hearing.

So have you bar grieved him?

Bar grieve her for avoidance of service and then prepare a criminal complaint and file

So I can then use that as the basis to bar-grieve him

Have you bar grieve?

Bar grieve and judicial conduct, two times, and one for the appeal, fell in the... Let

bar grieve and filed judicial complaints on that judge, as me as a third party, and him

I bar grieved a heck out of him.

Jody bar grieved him too, sorry.

Well, do yourself a favor, bargrieve the attorney for calling you a kook.

Go ahead and bargrieve the attorney over that.

and to bar grieve him for being that way.

You bar grieve the lawyer and you file a professional conduct complaint with the real estate board against the realtor.

You grieve that lawyer, it stings him good.

If he says one word about it, you grieve him for that.

Oh, I've bar-grieved everybody I could back to the Stone Age.

When is it appropriate to go ahead and bargrieve in the county attorney for...

Bargrieve them quick, bargrieve them often.

So you hammer him big time, and you bar grieve the lawyer.

I bar grieved him over it.

And you should bar-grieve the crapola out of him.

I'm not sure of him because he's the attorney of record. Did you bar-grieve this guy?

They didn't bar-grieve him. And you might consider just for yucks looking at a malpractice suit against the attorney, the lawyer.

When you bar grieve her, her malpractice insurance will double.

Oh, he wouldn't be filing that. Have you bar-grieved him?

And here you should bar-grieve the lawyer for trying to use sanctions as a way to obstruct justice.

And that prosecutor that I bar-grieved to death out of, and he's one of those – he's got his own firm and all that stuff, so he's in the process.

And I bar-grieved him and his firm, and he's just a deputy assistant, so I'm also going after the – or the deputy attorney.

Your client bargrieved me.

And when you grieve a lawyer, that goes on his record and stays there forever.

Bar grieve her and she doesn't have malpractice insurance?

You grieve her a couple of times and she won't have it.

You will be amazed at what you can grieve them for.

But if you bar grieve the judge, if you judicial conduct complaint the judge,

When you bar grieve a lawyer, the lawyer is forbidden to address the grievance with you.

can grieve those guys for that you can keep up with. Finding a grievance is easy. But

but you either file it or I'll bar-grieve you for it, for each one.

You want to file them or am I going to grieve you for each one?

And I'll grieve you once a week until we get old.

First, tell him, give him an opportunity to keep from getting grieved.

You bar grieve a lawyer goes on his record forever.

you bar grieve him for that and ask the court for sanctions.

So I can bar-grieve him for that because I have every right to write any legal statement in my own handwriting.

If the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals will accept the habeas corpus on toilet paper, bar-grieve the lawyer for frivolous arguments.

You've bargrieved some of these lawyers, haven't you?

If he's a new attorney, if this is his first year and you bargrieve him, his malpractice insurance is history.

You bargrieve him, and this is his first year as a lawyer, he'll lose his malpractice insurance immediately.

Have you bar grieved the lawyer on the other side?

Have you bar grieved your attorney?

There's a, you start going through those standards, there is a whole stack of things you can grieve

So if you bar grieve your attorney for something that to him seems minor, like hitting with

And he said, Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

Do you bar grieve him?

If you bar grieve him, he'll get real receptive.

When you bar grieve him, it'll double his malpractice insurance and he's going to want

or I'll bar grieve you tomorrow because a bar griever doesn't really hurt him.

He can't even mention it to you because if he mentions it to you, you can grieve him

And when you grieve the lawyer or even threaten to grieve the lawyer, you give him plausible

You don't respond to me, I bargrieve you.

If you grieved him twice and then he left the county, you screwed it.

Tim, tell about the lawyer you grieved years ago

You bar grieved a lawyer and you thought it didn't do anything

Right. What it was was there was an attorney that I grieved

Now this guy, well both of these are, I haven't bargrieved them in five judicial condo complaints

You tell the lawyer what he's going to do, and when he doesn't, you bar-grieve him.

When you bar-grieve him, he's going to have a conniption fit, and he's going to run to

We had a woman in a bankruptcy recently, and the judge, she bar-grieved the lawyer because

Even in judicial conduct, complain them, bar grieve their lawyers, just make their lives miserable.

You haven't bargrieved him yet.

But if the court fails to get him off the dime, then bargrieve him.

When you bargrieve him, he is going to get real excited

because if he's already had a bargrieve,

Your lawyer, he files a pleading that has a frivolous argument in it, you bargrieve him.

You file a bargrieve against the lawyer and it is absolutely devastating.

One bargrieve is your first year of practice.

Two bargrieve is any one year of practice, few big cracks in 20 years, they'll cancel.

you file a bargrieve against him for that because he's forbidden to do that.

complaint the judge and bar grieve the prosecutor for not properly instructing the judge.

First thing you do is bar-grieve him.

well. I have bar grieve lawyers. He looked, blinked and said, yeah, you're right. Walked

Did you bargrieve this guy?

And I got this radio show and I tell everybody, bar grieve lawyers, bar grieve them because they part their hair on the wrong side.

Is it possible to bar grieve against an attorney slash judge if, even though you're not being

You cannot bar grieve a judge because when a judge is elected to the bench, they generally

He knew that if I bar grieved my lawyer,

where I bar grieved a bunch of these attorneys just for non-compliant on the Brady,

And you might ask the attorney general to sanction it and go ahead and bar grieve him anyway.

Well, sure. I've already bar grieved the den VA. I think I've bar grieved him a lot.

ahead and bar grieve him again, because that's just good practice. And then, like I say,

So how does that work for you? Have you grieved this lawyer?

If I grieve that lawyer for parting his hair on the left of dirty Rochester,

and the reason for all the judicial complaints was to soften up the judge. Plus, we far grieve that the district attorney to the stone age.

So if he misstates law to the court, if he misstates the fact of the court, you grieve him.

Like when we bar grieve them, man, that stings them big time.

Then the first, okay, first thing to do is bar grieves the both of them.

They're both lawyers that if you bar grieve them first and then file a malpractice suit,

When you bar grieve them, it's going to double that.

When you file suit against them after bar grieve them, it's likely they'll represent the suit,

So another thing is, let's see, we bar grieve that DA back to the Stone Age.

doesn't know he's been grieved then if you ultimately sue him the insurance

companies gonna you're gonna tell the insurance company that you grieved him

says is when you when you grieve that lawyer he is forbidden to speak to you

or now yeah if if you grieve opposing counsel and he tells his client that's

improper influence on the judge and the lawyer would know that so you grieve him

of everything and the last thing they're going to do is grieve a fellow

Let's make a deal and make this go away, especially if you're a bar griever.

But if she says one word about the bar grievance, you're a bar griever for that.

And I can almost assure you when you sue that lawyer and bar grieve the lawyer,

Grieve the lawyer for not returning your calls.

So just grieve her.

Grieve her for filing a false less pendants.

And bar griever.

You'll be giggling and laughing. You will not believe all of the things that you can grieve a lawyer for.

and will grieve them that they will sanction them at the drop of a hat.

And if you file suit, the first thing you want to do is bar grieve their lawyers.

When you bar grieve their lawyers, their lawyers are going to quit and they're going to have to hire new lawyers and the new lawyers are going to be triple the price of the first ones.

And when you bar grieve the second one, they're all going to get apoplexy and that'll probably be time for them to come to the table and make a deal.

So you're saying that if I file a suit, you're saying I can bar grieve the other lawyers and other clients?

Yeah, you've got so many things you could bar grieve those guys for.

And lawyers don't bar grieve each other.

The first time you grieve their attorney, their attorney is going to get apoplectic.

So you're a pro se. You can do that kind of stuff. Lawyers don't grieve each other because it's so serious.

If these lawyers, if they put a statement in a document that's not true, man, you should bar grieve them.

Every time they put a statement in there that you think is improper, bar grieve them.

Don't forget the bar griever in the process.

Well, I think it's a law firm that they have. That'd work. You sting them good. You bargrieve them,

we bar-grieve him. And we go after the prosecutor on the other side. I went to Southlake with a guy

Did you bar grieve the lawyer?

Then bar grieve the lawyer.

Like you saw over there in Rockwall, those guys were, I had beat them up to the stone age just judicial conducts, bar grieve in the county attorney.

to do. And then bar grieve him on top of it. That'll make him really, really unhappy.

Have you bar grieved your lawyer for this delay?

Yeah, I don't want to bar grieve his boss, too.

I'm sure you can bar grieve anybody.

a level of misconduct no matter what you charge, so sure, bar grieve them all.

And have you bar grieved the prosecutor?

But if I've got a prosecutor to give me a problem, I'm just going to bar grieve him.

I will bar grieve her.

Then you're likely to get a call from her saying, hey, let's make a deal. Have you bar grieved her based on this improper lien?

Have you not sent the grievance in? Have you grieved her at all?

And they will file a T-close complaint in line with what we do to lawyers. We bar-grieve

So you ask him to do something when he doesn't, you bar-grieve him.

to a move from this case, I'll bar-grieve you for that.

Yeah, but judges can be bar grieved, can't they?

I've heard that in the past, judges can be bar grieved.

She's the bar president of the Denton County Bar Association. Now she's getting bar grieved

can deal with it. So now you bar grieve the lawyer for not, you might even file obstruction

i haven't barred grieved him yet but i'll get to that i have the email here if you want me to read

american bar association standards for the prosecutor function so you bar grieve him well

most likely yeah then you bar grieve him he's he's not allowed by the cannons to commit a crime

i can yes i see where he's at and also we bar grieve the assistant district attorney

oh oh my my first bar grieve darn well i will i'll try to i've got scott coming out tomorrow

The information, the requester, the bar griever, the judicial conduct complainer.

set of complaints too, and bar grieves him, and judicial conduct complaint, and his wife

grieve them and get their insurance up pretty good. So you bar grieve them a couple of times

I'll bar grieve you into the Stone Age.

a bar grieve the attorney you know what happens when you bar grieve an attorney okay this is

so I'm all in the trash by the numbers if you bar grieve the lawyer for parting his hair

complaint they they sure well scott richardson's already softened him up he has bar grieved

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me?

Oh, did you bar grieve him for that?

And so I went back and I guess I grieved them again or something.

So I wrote up a criminal complaint on it so I could bar grieve him, so I immediately set out, just took him about 15 minutes to top that up.

So talk about just going right after a bar grieve and to crud out of these people.

you bar grieve him for that because he's forbidden to.

You bar grieve him.

Without taking on the police, bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

What will happen is, the second time you bar grieve the law firm, another law firm will show up.

And then you bar grieve them every time they move.

If you bar grieve a lawyer, the state bar is going to get your grievance and throw it in the trash.

When you bar grieve a lawyer and you go back into court, it's like you come into court

And then when they find out you know how to handle them, if I had bar grieved that young

You grieve the lawyer for part of his hair on the left, it doesn't make any difference.

know I know enough to just call and complain, and bar grieve them, so it'll be interesting

You bar grieve him or threaten to bar grieve him. You tell him what you want him to do, and he either does it or you'll bar grieve him.

No lawyer in his right professional mind will bar grieve a judge.

When you bar grieve the attorney, first thing he's going to do is run to the judge and ask

So you grieve the lawyer, now he wants to run like a rabbit.

You will not believe all of the things you can grieve this lawyer for.

It gives you standing to grieve him.

So when you grieve an attorney, he has to give notice.

I'll bar grieve him every time. So what that tells the court is this poor mistreated lawyer

Oh, they bar grieve him, huh? His price goes way up.

The first thing you do to counsel is you let the counsel know that you're going to adjudicate every single one of my rights. If you fail to adequately adjudicate a single right, I will bar grieve you for it.

I told that to my lawyer and he said, Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me? And a heart beat. Now he's terrified. What I told him to start with, I had these 19 due process issues that are already filed in the court.

And Bar Grieve the lawyer of course, that's a given.

Tooley out of turtle co rock wall, Texas, I'm going to bar grieve him to donate.

Did you bar grieve that a lawyer?

I didn't get any of the information, but I did bar grieve him, but I still have not had the original motion answered for me.

And then when the lawyer responds to the suit, the first thing he does is bar grieve the

First thing you should do is bar grieve the attorney.

If you grieve your lawyer for part of his hair on the left, the state bar is going to

You don't have to bar grieve him.

One good thing you can do is bar grieve the prosecutor on the other side, you'll be unhappy.

bar grieve him for that.

And you bar grieve the lawyer, just for yucks.

You bar grieve him, he's going to get apoplexy.

time a lawyer files a pleading that I can find one error in, we bar grieve him.

So you're going to have to start getting that prosecutor really wound up, my bar grieve in his butt to the stone age. And then once you start getting in on that, then really start just winding up on these guys.

Great. Yeah. Take you go after these guys and don't let up. You take you file criminal. You bar grieve this guy. I mean, you don't bar grieve him once you don't bar grieve him twice.

The elected prosecutor's not going to be happy for getting grieved over something he didn't do.

You might check and see in Bar Griever.

And if it is, the judge is absolutely going to be a lawyer, a bar griever.

And that makes it proper to grieve her under her bar card.

district attorney, bar grieve him to the stone age, just start writing up about three or

Well I have bar grieved him.

have you barred grieved him or has your the guy barred grieved him well got got the forms printed

a private contract so once the lawyer knows he can't withdraw and you're going to bar grieve him

things you can grieve them for and when you write the grievance write it in the verbiage of the

And then we bar grieve the municipal lawyer

And then we bar grieve the lawyers.

But even if he is, you bar grieve him.

to adequately adjudicate a single one of them, I'll margrieve you. Mr. Kelton, you would

grieve me and a heartbeat. Now he's terrified that I'm going to end his career. They dismissed

he'll have to adjudicate and that I'll bar grieve him for every single one he does in

he knows to bar grieve.

If you have a reason to bar grieve them, you should already have them grieved.

You don't actually want to tell him you're going to bar grieve him.

You want him to figure out that you're going to bar grieve him.

And just to help motivate him to make the correction, you might bar grieve him at the

But I could just go ahead and grieve the judge

as an attorney for having not grieved the attorney

then you bar bar grieve the judge for allowing the prosecutor

but uh you can certainly bar grieve the the lawyer and judicial conduct point the judge

bar grieve every other attorney that they're not monitoring this attorney and i'm not planning

does not create a cause of action so you can sue them for that you can you can grieve them but

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

Once you've bar grieved him, you'll double his malpractice insurance.

you don't like bar-grieving. That drives up their costs. After you bar-grieve that lawyer

What do you think the rest of that law firm is going to do when we grieve all of them?

If you bar grieve a lawyer for part in his hair on the left, to no good rotten shyster,

By the numbers makes no difference what you bar grieve a lawyer for.

If he doesn't seem to be concerned that you will sue him, have you bar grieved him yet?

We grieved her for that and now she's going to find out that you've also filed criminal

you bar-grieve the lawyer.

Bar-grieve them. And that was the reason why they let him off. He mentioned it in court

saying that he wanted to get out because of a bar-grievement.

one and the court took that counsel away from you. You bar grieve the lawyer for moving

for taking your retainer in the first place and you bar grieve the lawyer for mentioning

grieve him for that. Then you sue your lawyer and then ask them to appoint you new counsel.

to be sued and bar grieved and he is not going to be a happy camper. He's going to go to

who wrote the exemption and bar grieve the lawyer who wrote the exemption.

I probably did. I was pretty good about bar grieve and all of these guys back to the

we bar grieve the prosecutor.

you bar grieve him for it.

If you bar grieve your lawyer for part of his hair on the left, the state bar is going

Or bar grieve them. That'll get them hopping and jumping. Give them a reason to get out

bar i can bar grieve the guy uh let's see both her and this alexander gordon assistant council

against the judge bar grieve the prosecutor look in the American Bar

not acting in accordance with law so you bar grieve the lawyer the prosecutor

And I'll move for sanctions and bar grieve them if they got bad case law and relatively certain they will.

So you grieve him for what he didn't do.

And then, first thing you do is bar grieve the lawyer.

And then once you've bar-grieved him, now you've stung him good.

You send an email to the lawyer, if he doesn't respond back, you bar-grieve him for that.

And the first time he does something you don't like, bar-grieve him.

If he complains to you, bar-grieve him for that.

bar grieve him, but he's gone now and the governor has appointed a new district judge.

So you bar grieve him.

If you file a bar grieve against that lawyer,

If you grieve that lawyer for parting his hair on the left,

And Mike bar grieved him into the stone age.

In addition, since they were bar grieved over their conduct, the CEO had to know about it.

And you could go back in bar griever and also malpractice suit against her.

And they said, oh, yeah, sure. You have to remind us tomorrow. I'm like, well, I shouldn't have to remind you. So I just bar grieve the, um, well, before I did that, I wrote the email to them and they didn't respond to the email.

So I just bar grieve the city prosecutor, you know, allowing the paralegal to just, you know, not take care of business like that.

the judge just clearly has some kind of weird attitude and then always just grieve them beat

and he is not going to be happy. You also make sure you bar grieve him.

Yeah, bar, bar, grieve him anyway.

Well, what am I trying to, what am I grieve in the municipal judge for? I haven't got my finger on that.

And when he doesn't, you, you're bar grieve him for it. Now he's going to say that doesn't apply.

And you're going to say, sorry, okay, no problem. Doesn't matter what a bar grieve you for anyway.

the judge for not throwing the case out it's a nice excuse would it also help to bar grieve

You should bar grieve this lawyer.

in the federal courts, then you bar grieve them in the stone age.

bar grieved and just make them miserable is what they did to you.

And every place you bar grieve the judge, you should also bar grieve the prosecutor.

You bar grieve that lawyer and he's going to lose his lunch.

You want to get a lawyer's attention, bar grieve him.

He will bar grieve you every time you sneeze, cost you your malpractice insurance.

I do suggest that you bar grieve the prosecutor and file a judicial conduct complaint against the judge

If he speaks to you about it, you grieve him.

judge and grieve him for that.

Have you bar-grieved him yet?

So you might bar grieve this attorney for failure to speak with candor to the court

He got his bar grieve coming anyway, I just did some conduct complaint that judge too, I just did that

If he doesn't, he breaches it and you should grieve him for it.

I'm gonna suggest not pro se, but bar grieve your lawyer.

So, you bar grieve him now

Because you bar grieve him and he's going to get his malpractice insurance cancelled and he's likely to hit the road

About two months ago I bar grieved a judicial conduct against a judge and I never got a response

The prosecutor refused to tell him his name because he didn't want to get bar grieved.

He bar grieved. He bar grieved. He said he bar grieved the first one into the Stone Age and the second one wouldn't reveal his name.

Let's grieve.

you, you go right for his throat. You bar grieve him. If the lawyer is down at the municipal

And when you bar grieve him, if it's his first year in practice, they'll cancel his malpractice

him and he says a word to anybody about it, you grieve him for that.

So first thing to do is bar grieve the county attorney.

You can bar grieve the attorney every time he files a document.

you know, I already filed against her and bar grieved her

No, okay, that's good, bar grieve him.

And then you judicial court to complain to judge and you bar grieve the lawyer, just

And we'll bar grieve them for that.

And he read it to me. I don't have it here, the context of it, but he essentially said that anybody aggrieved by an officer can sue the officer directly against his bond in any court in the state that has jurisdiction over these issues.

Actions on bonds of public officers authorized. Actions on bonds taken from public officers may be brought by any person aggrieved by the official misconduct of the officer in his own name in any court in this state having jurisdiction thereof without an order for that purpose.

Actions on bonds taken from public officers shall be brought in the name of the governor and by his written consent or by the written consent of the obligee named in such bond for the use of such aggrieved person, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Make sure you bar grieve the prosecutor into the stone age to quote Scott Richardson.

And how much would it cost the bank per hour if the first law firm quit because I bar grieved them out of business?

You might as well bar grieve them for partying their hair on the left.

So, I'm coming to having far grieved the head or the chief legal counsel for the corporation

Got bar grieved for that, that particular incident, and then later continued to represent

So we'll grieve the prosecutor a couple of times. The judicial conduct complained to the judge. And when they get toward the end of the case, even if it's after the case is over, we'll move to disqualify the judge for judicial incompetence.

makes sense now what are some of the things that you can grieve the bank's lawyers for

can they be grieved because they're taking part you know in in defending the bank against the

wrongful foreclosure you would have to show the the best way to grieve lawyers is based on

like the pleadings or dirty rotten practices grieve them because they essentially part their

hair on the left you can do that the end of the day doesn't matter what you grieve them for because

like a comic book if a lawyer misstates case law to the court you grieve him for it if the lawyer

are going to happen is they're going to get bar-grieved and they're going to lose the

You don't want to get bar-grieved, follow the law, follow the codes, follow the standards

Well, actually you will, because we'll bar-grieve in many ways, just for yucks, because we can

Well, what I'm going to do is take these things that have happened in this case and bar grieve each and every shareholder of the law firm.

Didn't the aggrieved party have a claim against the bank for loss of funds?

mediation and good chance the lawyer will be happy, especially if you've bar grieved

him every time he squeak, every time he does anything, you bar grieve him.

Now we can go to him and say, hey guys, you want me to all bar grieve you again?

And then he bar-grieved his lawyer so the lawyer put in a request to withdraw.

Well, this lawyer hadn't called him back so he's going to grieve him too.

So now he's in trouble. You grieve him again and his malpractice insurance is going to get cancelled.

And then when the lawyer doesn't do it, you bar grieve him.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

And then the first thing you do is bar grieve their lawyer, and the lawyer will get apoplexy

So grieve their lawyers, double their malpractice insurance, and they'll quit immediately.

The previous lawyer they assigned, he bar-grieved him and got him sanctioned.

and when he doesn't file it, he's going to grieve this one.

and then we bar grieve the lawyer every time the lawyer squeaks

barred grieved me or sued me up up to this point

So they might file it and if they do, I would suggest the first thing you do is bar, grieve

So I have a mind to bar grieve the prosecutor.

So it's probably a good strategy to bar grieve him in every opportunity.

You bar grieve him.

Then the next time he talks to you, you bar grieve him again.

And I said, Morris, did you bar grieve him for that?

So bar grieve, excuse me, bar grievances are very powerful, but they're not going to tell you how powerful they are.

And the lawyer was such a scoundrel that he bar grieved him.

And he figured out who the lawyer was and told him about this guy and that he bar grieved him, but it didn't have any effect.

What? Did you bar grieve the prosecutor?

she doesn't even see a lawyer yet. No, did you bar grieve the prosecutor?

charge him with witness tampering. Bar grieve him and then he'll get

stop doing this, you should bar grieve him for witness tampering.

And they're lawyers so they're have you bar grieved them for it yet?

So between the two of you, you might be able to bar grieve that firm out of business.

can challenge it because the bar grieve is forbidden to mention it.

While I say you can bar grieve a lawyer for anything, it doesn't matter. It hurts them.

And with that said, yes, I did bar grieve a lawyer for part of his hair on the left.

And the lawyer said, what is going on? You bar grieve me for part of my hair on the left.

I said, well, I didn't want to bar grieve you for what you had actually done.

You will not believe all of the things you can grieve them for.

And just bar grieve in claiming that he committed an act that if he was a lawyer would have been in violation of the standard.

Because they do that to grieve him for that.

of four inches thick, at the least amount, and I still had some over here, I bar grieved

Oh yeah, I bar grieve these guys all the way, six ways from Sunday.

And I bar grieve that judge, that guy back to the Stone Age, and I guarantee he's sitting around going, you know what, this is not worth it.

Have you bar-grieved the prosecutor yet?

Okay, well that's okay. You can bar-grieve them all.

these lawyers. First thing we're going to do is charge them criminally. Bar grieve them

And when you bar grieve a lawyer, you contact the licensing agency, I tried that and I couldn't find it.

And then bar grieve your lawyer, file a petition for declaratory judgment in the federal court.

Have you barred grieved this attorney?

And then you bar grieve them both

You bar grieve them, the judge, and the prosecutor because the judge is going to be a lawyer

You may not actually bar-grieve the prosecutor.

When you're in plea bargaining, don't bar-grieve the prosecutor, do not poke that bear.

I bar grieve these liars, I mean, lawyers every time this happens.

Maybe you should get a hold of the chief counsel and bar grieve from me.

Oh, I will bar grieve them into the Stone Age.

I want to stomp all over them, drag them into court, filed complaints against the director, bar grieve their lawyers into the stone age.

That's the first time they file an action trying to collect you bar grieve them.

And tell him, you either pay this or I'll bar grieve you.

You bar grieve him.

Ah, just bar grieve them.

If you bar grieve them and sting them big time,

I said, Russell, did you bar grieve him for that?

If the lawyer thinks you're going to bar grieve him into the stone age or sue him for malpractice,

the judge that I was preparing to bar grieve him into the Stone Age, and they dismissed

One thing to do is bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

Prosecutors, when they get bar-grieved for every move they make, they're going to find

And grieve them

grieved a lawyer, and this was relatively recently, for parting his hair on the left.

any difference on a file. The bar is not going to do anything unless I had grieved you for what

And if the lawyer says one word about it, you bar grieve him for that. He's forbidden to mention

bar grieve or judicial conduct complaint against a judge because they are terrified that the judges

And then he hammers those and bar grieves those.

At the end of the bankruptcy, the first law firm came in and said that Mr. Mortland bar grieved me three times.

I said, Russell, did you bar grieve them for that?

Have you bar grieved her yet?

Have you bar grieved her for being impolite?

And you might tell, you know, if you've already bar grieved her, okay, hold on.

But first you might want a bar griever again.

How many times do you have a bar griever?

And then griever for that.

is to bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

But if he bar grieves his lawyer,

But if he bar grieves the opposing cat lawyer,

If you actually bar grieve somebody and you have a reason, I guess it doesn't matter whether...

I mean, from your point of view, it's a reason to bar grieve.

Well, not in a bar grieve, it's a bar grieve.

Have you bar grieved this attorney yet? Yes, she's been bar grieved twice.

look, I'm getting tired of this woman, and if she earns another bar grieve, I'm going to bar

grieve the partners and cited the rule that says the partners must control their attorneys.

the other lawyer. It goes to man in glass glass house issue. Lawyers tend not to bar grieve other

Okay. Let me think about this. In regards to getting the federal judge bar grieved and indicted with

Well, you might file a complaint with the judge asking the judge to sanction the attorney for bringing a frivolous issue before the court if you don't want to bar grieve him.

And we do have ways of doing that. You bar grieve the lawyer every time he moves, you follow him, you conduct complaints against the judge, and you hold him in court and just beat him up and badger him until the judge orders the other side to make a deal with you to get you to stop beating up the judge.

I bar grieved our attorney, our local attorney here, that represented the township. He was giving me a hard time about, you know, about a lawsuit.

He coined the term barg, grieve them into the stone age. Okay, let me take Taylor from Texas and call it tomorrow night.

You need to bar grieve him for failure to speak with candor to the court.

when the lawyer objected claiming that you were stating hearsay, did you bar grieve him?

to bar-grieve him, you're just going to be absolutely miserable to him.

And there's nothing they can do about it. I once grieved the lawyer for parting his hair on the left.

And any prestigious firm is not going to touch him because he's been bar grieved. It stains him.

Every prosecutor involved should be bar-grieved in the stone age.

If the judge did something that was improper, according to the American Bar Association standards for the prosecution function, the ADA had a duty to inform the judge that he was screwing up. If he didn't, grieve him for it.

Actually, grieve him just for yucks. I once grieved a lawyer for Portney Farrell on the left.

Oh, he was furious and asked me why I did that, and I told him, well, if I'd have grieved you for what you've really done, that'd probably disbarge you.

And shark, it doesn't matter what you grieve him for, has the same effect. Because no matter what you grieve them for, you're going to get a letter from the Bar Association saying that we examined into your accusation,

So bar grieve him.

And in your bar grieve, it's charging with official misconduct.

Did you bar grieve the lawyer for...

Bar grieve his butt off for everything you can think of.

By the numbers, if you bar grieve the lawyer

Well, first thing I want to, before we talk about the law, stew and the governor and all that good stuff, when anybody wants to take on all this stuff, you want to start fighting your tickets, get very familiar with T-clothes, bar grieves, and judicial conduct, and you file as many as you can, as often as you can, and you don't let up, you just go after them full bare.

Or grieve them at every opportunity. It is clear this judge is going to rule against you out of hand at every turn.

I once grieved a lawyer for part of his hair on the left.

They'll make the lawyers look bad, give you a reason to bar grieve them for each time

Oh, he really needs to be bar grieved.

I've already bar grieved him three times, I've put up some complaints on him with the

grieved, I've used a conduct complaint, I've done it all.

I said, well, maybe we should bar grieve you again because we'd already bar grieve you.

And make sure you move for sanctions against him, and bar grieve him again, have you bar grieved him lately?

No, I'm pregnant this way. You need to bar grieve him again just for yucks. Didn't they all cancel his law firm's malpractice insurance?

And then Barb grieve the lawyer again

She wanted to address the Barb grieve inside

So every time they do it, bar grieve them, that'll pay them back.

Okay, so if they do that in the courtroom, I can bar grieve them.

You can bar grieve them.

You can bar grieve them.

Maybe you'll get him to say something stupid in court, something you can bar grieve him

That'll sting him good. You bar grieve him as well so that when he gets out of the prosecutor's office, he's got this mark on his chart.

And then grieve the lawyers.

Grieve the lawyers at every opportunity.

Even if you don't have an opportunity, grieve them anyway.

Brandy, when you grieve your, your attorneys, what, if you don't mind me asking what exactly do you focus on the statement?

Bar grievance, grieve them often.

They've been bar grieved to the stone age by the end, the judge was even on his best

He got a bar card. You can bar grieve him at the same time.

So you want to bar grieve him every time he moves.

He says one word you don't like, bar grieve him.

Bar grieve them into the stone age.

Did you bar grieve the lawyer for filing it?

If he bar grieves his lawyer a time or two, the lawyer is going to have a conniption fit.

Because if you bar grieve a lawyer, it stings him big time. And once he starts bar grieving the lawyer, then the lawyer can go to the judge and opposing counsel and say, Hey, guys, I've been throwing everybody under the bus for you. You owe me one.

Prosecuting Attorney Barr grieved him into the Stone Age.

So when they hire an attorney to represent them, you're going to bar grieve the attorney into the stone age and they know that. You're going to cost them a lot of money.

It doesn't take much, you bar grieve a lawyer once or twice and they disappear and they get replaced with a different lawyer

You do one thing I don't like, and I will bar grieve you into the stone age

You bar grieve the prosecutor, you file judicial conduct complaints against the judge

And then bar grieve each one of those prosecutors

All the better to bar grieve you with, my dear.

So you filed criminally against the lawyer for violating the act and then bar grieve him.

So I far, I far grieved him for it.

I far grieved him out of the, out of the APA for being dishonest and, and deceptive.

We're going to bar-grieve everybody.

And I think all of those partners and supervisors ought to get bar-grieved too under Rule 501.

So I have bar-grieved line-bar-ger and I've accused him of conspiring with municipality to send out these focused letters,

What we're going to do in Georgia is bar grieve in a city attorney because the city didn't respond to an information request.

when you grieve them or file a judicial conduct complaint against a judge

And he was so excited about thinking that my friend had bar grieved him.

You bar grieve the lawyer immediately and he's going to have a fit.

a vague threat that he might be bar grieved.

It is a big deal to bar grieve a lawyer.

I'll bar grieve you for each one.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

law is misstated or the reasoning of the court is misstated, bar grieve them.

Bar grieve them into what Scott Richardson says into the Stone Age.

If you hammer their lawyers, as you bar grieve the lawyers, one lawyer will quit and they'll

You need to bar grieve that lawyer.

you to know that. So bar grieve the prosecuting attorney. That'll make him crazy. He doesn't

a lot more for this guy. Have you bar grieved him into the Stone Age?

to say, or Randy, you've mentioned before that you can bar grieve somebody for parting

saying we've thrown your complaint in the trash. I've already bar grieved and that doesn't

And then bar grieve every single one of them.

No, it was a different higher judge because I probably because I bar grieve the judge in the municipal court so much

no i did not bar grieve that judge i did a judicial conduct complaint one i believe i'm

And he's saying, I'm working on this case. Definitely should grieve him for it.

rules. So they can be disciplined for that. That's a reason to get bar grieved. Yes, and that's called

you can ask for it, that's private. But you can look at rule in the, as for bar grieve,

that's reasons you can bar grieve them and use rule 1.04 and look at subsection A

He started trying to tell the judge, Hey, this guy has bar grieved me. This is not going to work out.

understand what's going on. I didn't bar grieve him. I think he's lying. If he's saying I bark,

ironic that when the lawyer lied to the judge and said, my client here has barred grieved me

and you can hear him stammering and stuttering and everything. My client barred grieved me

you wanted into, then you bar grieve the first lawyer? So that's where this is going.

Have you grieved him for failing to speak with candor to the court?

Or bar grieves are the partner of the firm.

who thought his client might grieve him?

And in the meantime, I bar grieve them every time they squeak.

And he's saying, what? And then what? If I don't put a paperclip in the right place, you're going to grieve me?

And then you go to the judge and has to be removed from the case, I'll grieve you for that.

Well, the question is that Brett said something about that the wasn't he bar grieved a lawyer because the lawyer was running interference with a public official.

appeal well I'm considering since you have bar grieved was it your lawyer you

grieved no the other side's lawyer for a group in twice now once for hiring the

something in writing and he's able to do it so I think I'll have to bar grieve him

judge will file criminal charges against the SEC lawyers we will bar grieve the

when you bar grieve him the first time? He's going to up chuck. And likely the next time

don't like, you bar grieve them. And I know you're thinking, well, what can I bar grieve

the same time. Oh, and they'll just have a hissy fit madam. If you bar grieve a lawyer

And have you bar grieved the prosecutor a time or two or three?

So you bar grieve her a time or two and then sue her.

If you file for inability to pay and if they deny it, you appeal that take them all the way to the Supreme and bar grieve them every time they move.

So when you bar grieve him a time or two, he gets his malpractice insurance canceled.

have been grieved, and he wasn't sure whether it would happen or not, but he lied, and he told the

judge that he had been bar-grieved, and my buddy's wife heard him lying to the judge and decided he

So, has he grieved the lawyer yet? No, he has not. I have encouraged him to do that.

to bar grieve that girl for lying to the court. Well, what did the judge, did the judge tell

He just, he just bar grieved his lawyer in Alabama. And he sent me this letter he got

and use the lawyer against the court. So he accepted the lawyer and then bar grieved him.

uh, malpractice against the lawyer, bar grieve the lawyer, judicial conduct against the judge,

wanted him to do. The lawyer refused. He barred, grieved him. Now the lawyer ran down and filed

getting bar grieved but there's another side to this aside where i was going in as a records

defender on me oh Ted they can't do that I said Dennis I'm on a bar grieve all of

you and out here we don't call it bar grieve I said I'm gonna make a bar

lawyer and bar bar grieve away you know but you know whatever we called it we

This is my friend calling that lawyer after the lawyer had lied to the judge and said he had been bar grieved when actually all he did was he saw the word grievance in the margin of a document.

That lawyer, after he lied to the judge and said that he had been bar grieved,

to bar grieve her I'll play you the recording so the please defense lawyer

going to do or I'll bar grieve you the lawyer who didn't do said he wasn't

going to do any of these things so don't bar grieve him and he called me

And then when they file a motion to dismiss for failure state of claim in a declaratory judgment suit, then you bar grieve them.

Well, first thing I did before I responded is I went ahead and bar-grieved him

This lawyer is going to look at this and the fact that you bar-grieved him and filed criminal charges

the documents the filings it has to be a lawyer on it right bar grieve that lawyer

bar grieve quick bar grieve often every time they file a pleading grieve them for something

Because he's required not to say anything about that. That was an improper attempt to, it was an attempt to improperly influence the court, so you should grieve him for that.

So, did you bar grieve him each time you did that?

So, so Tina, you might consider bar grieving the partners of that law firm and bar grieve the other lawyers who are involved if they have some supervisors you can find from their website.

What is going to happen when you bar grieve that lawyer is like...

When you bar grieve that lawyer, you're going to get another lawyer.

When you start with saying this earlier, they bar grieve him and then they go away and they get another one.

And you bar grieve him.

I had one guy, a lawyer, sent me a letter and I bar grieved him.

And he sent me a second letter and I bar grieved all the partners of his law firm.

If they say no, bar grieve them.

then finally really, then bar grieve, let's see,

And I especially love bar grieve, the whole attorney, the whole, you know what I'm saying?

The rule is grieve quick, grieve awesome.

You should bar grieve him quick, bar grieve him awesome.

Opportunity, bar grieve him even if you don't have an opportunity.

Well, I just, I've seen it to be very effective when lawyers get bar grieved.

The replacement lawyer already knows that the previous lawyer was bar grieved and so he costs more.

helped someone with a bankruptcy issue and she bar grieves some lawyers and

So the only way I know to do this is bar grieve them until they squeal.

Bar grieve them every time they move and never ever say a word about the bar grievance.

you bar-grieve them, the more they feel like they have to fight you and beat you.

Like I coined that little phrase, bar-grieve them into the Stone Age and don't stop.

I mean, you bar-grieve them for everything and then start filing tea clothes on the cops,

I mean, shoot, Randy saw this stack of bar-grieve and says, I did.

That stack of bar-grieve, as you said me, was only three inches high.

I couldn't believe how many bar-grieves just are there, but did they ever back up?

Just don't come back, basically, and I bar-grieved them after that, too.

then when he doesn't bar grieve him and when you bar grieve the lawyer the lawyer is going to go to

going to say well you bar grieve him but yeah i know that's just to get his attention well how can

you work with him if if you bar grieve him well that's how i could work with him now he'll do what

i'm telling you if you don't i'll bar grieve him again but the judge the judge will remove him

counsel says i'm not messing with those i'm not doing anything with those so he bar grieve him

going to bar grieve that one so how's this going to work for you guys hang on go into our sponsors

improper attempt to, is his attempt to improperly influence the court. So, you should grieve him

decision. Not him. That's what he does to people. Yeah. Okay. So did you bar grieve him each time

legal aid who would actually know what happens if you get bar grieved what

said that I have to be in contract with him before I can can bar grieve him no

only bar grieve me if you're in contract with me no that's not true where did you

ever come up with that idea I can bar grieve you because I don't like the way

you part your hair I can bar grieve you because I saw you berating your client

in a public place I can bar grieve you for anything anytime I want now you may

We can bar grieve them into the Stone Age and they'll still fight us like a tiger.

So this lawyer certainly knows that he has barred grieved the previous lawyer.

The lawyer wanted to be removed because he's afraid he would be barred grieved, but he got removed, but he got barred grieved anyway.

Absolutely. This new lawyer knows the last one was barred grieved.

Yeah. What the heck is going on? I don't understand it. I know I've been doing this show for a long time. I don't understand that mentality. You can bar grieve these guys into the stone age and they will not back up one half inch.

In California, if you bar grieve an attorney and they provide a written response, you are not allowed to see that written response.

Yes, and he assumed he was going to get bar grievance grieved and just freaked out.

So apparently he ultimately did get grieved because of that.

Right. What happened was, and this is, I think, perfect irony, what happened was he prematurely, before he got bar grievance, he went in and told the judge, my client bar grieved me.

Now, Randy, I understand from what you tell us that they're not allowed to do that. They're not even allowed to talk about having been bar grieved.

But anyway, that's what he did. He went to the judge and he told the judge, my client bar grieved me.

He says, have you actually seen anything from that? Oh, yeah, yeah, he's bar grieved me for sure.

And she's the one that bar grieved the lawyer for lying.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat. It dismissed the case to keep me from bar-grieving my attorney.

a new lawyer. Well, I'm going to have her bar grieve that lawyer seven times for not

single one and I'll bar grieve you. Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat. So now

he's terrified I'm going to bar grieve him. So we're in court. He come to me and the prosecutor

was first year. If I'd have bar grieved him, they would have canceled his malpractice insurance

different lawyer. If you bar grieve him a time or two, you'll get another one because

You grieved, your wife grieved, for the rest of his career that mark will be on his record.

No, the once we've got to grieve the lawyers, when they objected, the judge said, well you're

I ask you after the break, did you, have you bar grieved?

Yeah, that's a perfect thing to bar-grieve the attorney for under the rules of official

lacked candor toward the tribunal, you can bar-grieve him for that.

Unfortunately, we're in California and the state bar protects the attorney, I have bar-grieve

Well, you can bar grieve all of those.

So has the client barred grieved court of pointing counsel yet?


What, as in bar grieve him more quickly?

So wait, let me get this straight, you've got, the lawyer that you bar grieved is squealing

response to, I don't know, can you bar grieve someone who's been called in?

Bar grieve him into the stone age.

You fail to adjudicate a single one and I'll bar grieve you for it.

He said, you would bar, you would bar grieve me in a heartbeat.

in the hearing bar grieve the ad a uh i hadn't gotten around to that yet i had only judicial

bar grieve the lawyer if he is if the lawyer is a lawyer in a classy misdemeanor court

prosecutor have a day job and that day job needs a bar card bar grieve them both look up the judge's

name you'll probably find a bar card under his name and bar grieve him that'll push his insurance

If it starts impacting their career, bar grieve that prosecutor every time he moves.

You bar grieve the first one, and then I'll wind up with the second one.

and you tell him what he's to do and when he doesn't do it, you bar grieve him.

You fail to adjudicate a single claim and I'll bar grieve you.

He said, Mr. Keltum, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

Once he inherits it, then you can threaten to bar grieve him into the Stone Age.

I didn't bar grieve my lawyer, but I told him, you fail to adjudicate one single issue

and I'll bar grieve you for it.

When he said, Mr. Kelton, did you grieve me in a heartbeat?

So, you know, you're, you're prepared to hammer him. He needs another one and then grieve the prosecutors and a set of criminal complaints.

grieved him, solved criminal charges for impersonating a judge. He kept on trying.

So then I bar grieved all five of the partners of his law firm. And then, boom,

does because I've bar grieved. No, first I sent a tort letter to all 13 of the new

And then if they object to something and their objection is frivolous, then you bar grieve

Bar grieve them for frivolous objections.

So bar grieve them for it.

I should actually bar grieve them for the fact that it's never too late to bar grieve

Oh, they bar grieved him.

And that's because she had bar grieved all of the other lawyers into the stone age, to

He switched to another law firm that's much larger, has a lot more bosses to bar grieve.

If they mention the bar grievance, you grieve them for that

How can I steam the lawyer big time, bar grieve him.

Bar grieve him every time he moves.

I once bar grieved the lawyer because he parted his hair on the left, and he was furious

I said, one, if I bar grieved you for what you really did, you might have gotten this

You bar grieve that lawyer, his malpractice insurance is going to double.

Second time you bar grieve into the lawyer, the lawyer is going to disappear and another

So the best thing to do is bar grieve your own attorney.

that the lawyer wouldn't act in his behalf so he bar grieved him or the lawyer thought

he was going to bar grieve him and he went to the judge and asked the judge to remove

Have you, has he bar grieved the lawyer?

Have him bar grieve the lawyer every time she squeaks.

the judge, I got bar grieved, I got bar grieved, I got bar grieved, I got

bar grieved. Why would he do a thing like that? Just shut up about it.

Apparently, the first two, when they got all bar-grieved and ran off squealing, Wood County

And then you bar grieve the regulator every time he moves.

You bar grieve him once. They're going to put another one in place. You bar grieve that one.

Mr. Colton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

ain't about right or wrong never has been it's all about the money so you bar grieve the lawyers

guess what they'll have to do is hire a lawyer to to represent them when you bar grieve them in

he don't you did you bar grieve him for that i think i did i i look i i know i bar grieve

like four of them there was like four people different people that we bar grieve and i i

lawyer did you bar grieve the lawyer for him mouthing at you uh it was the judge who had

Bart grieved him. Bart grieved everybody in the law firm. He's on the third law firm now.

And you ought to look at the law firm and bar grieve every one of those partners.

This is back to you were saying about respondent superior bar grieve every one of the partners

She was upset that I had bar grieved her and all of her firms' partners.

just because they'd all gotten bar grieved.

he they had uh there was some mention of the fact he he barred grieve me is that the one

We generally use that to bar, to bar grieve all of them.

make sure you bar grieve the lawyers okay these public defenders they're public defenders because

making the big bucks when you grieve them that's going to sting them big time tell them Brett yeah they love it the

you can grieve him anyway uh i want to save my first uh judicial conduct complaint and um bar

information back then you'll know exactly who to bar grieve no no but we will we're reluctant to give

grieve use the rule 5.1 to bar grieve the partners of whatever law firm they've hired or if it's

i can bar grieve him for this oh you'll love it it is so sanctimonious they don't do any of that

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

Has he barred grieves these guys?

He's barred grieves, and, well, I have for him, he's barred grieves them twice, and

Well, he's been through four so far, and every time we bar grieve them, they've changed

that one have you bar grieved him yeah I'm pretty sure everybody got at least one I can't remember

but you need to talk to Brett about that when he bar grieves one lawyer he bar grieves everybody

well, he only got bar grieve

which case all you need to do is turn around and bar grieve the one who made

welfare. So have you bar-grieved him for that yet? No, but that's coming down the pipe. I've

already, I've already grieved him three times in the last eight months, I guess. I've been

Once you beat them up and bar grieve the lawyers into oblivion,

You bar grieve them every time they move. You file judicial conduct complaints. You file criminal

So you bar grieve at every opportunity.

If you bar grieve a lawyer and he says anything to you about it or anything to the judge about

it, you bar grieve him for that.

have you bar grieved her?

So now I'm gonna bar grieve that lawyer for sending me that threat that they're gonna

files a motion, we bar grieve him, maybe two or three times. It won't be long before the

issues that mark my career forever going to bar grieve me into the stone age

We bark, we grieve that guy into the stone age.

So you bar grieve him.

Well, I was feeling it might be more than once because if looks could kill, and I thought that when you bar grieved them, they couldn't discuss that with anyone.

and bar grieves the lawyers the system will spit out a bar grievance against the lawyers

Wow, how many people do you think should bar grieve him for that?

every time he screws up you can bar grieve the prosecutor and potentially

you bar grieved return my eat well I've done that and that I've actually bar

grieved everyone in his office but they don't want to answer any emails or

Have you bar grieved him yet?

Okay, my last lawyer, I didn't bar grieve him, but I told him I intended to.

You will adequately adjudicate every single one of them. You fail to adjudicate a single issue, I'll bar grieve you for it.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

You need to bar grieve the prosecutor.

that you'll bar grieve him into the Stone Age?

So, what we'll do is we'll raise a large claim, hammer them a while, bar-grieve their lawyers into the Stone Age, reduce or conduct the complaints to the judge until they vomit,

complaint and bar grieved her but they brought in a retired judge and he's the one that did this to

grieve the district attorney for letting her do it yeah well go ahead and file your complaints with

You need to bar grieve these lawyers.

Lawyers for sanctions from the judge mean why I bar-grieve them. Lawyer disappears. Almost every time the lawyer disappears and a new lawyer pops up in its place.

You know, you don't have to, but if you do, then they have no excuse for throwing the trash and then you can bar-grieve them.

I was grieved a lawyer in Austin for partying his hair on the left.

And when I came into court, he asked me why I did that. I said, well, if I had grieved you for what you actually did, that would probably disbarge you.

So go ahead and grieve them. The bar is going to tell you, we examine into your accusation by the does not rise to the level of misconduct.

It really hurts a lawyer to grieve it.

I had a traffic ticket in a totally different city, different county, other end of Texas, but it was the law firm, the same law firm that I had bar-grieved everybody in the law firm because of that one lawyer's indiscretions.

So look up his bar card and bar grieve him, too.

Of course, if you bar grieve him, if you part his hair on the wrong side, you're quite out of loud.

And then we bar grieve him

And we bar grieve the whole

Respond to my suit, I'll bar grieve

I'll bar grieve the whole law firm

grieve her for her statement and letter.

And when you bar grieve one of them, it is a really, really big deal.

I think I might bar grieve him twice. Once for the fact that he's butting in where he doesn't belong. That's baratory, trying to get paid.

Hourly fees for something that's worthless waste. And maybe I bar grieve him too for incompetence, because he made a bunch of grammar errors in his B-man team, so that's incompetence.

So I was trying to get a lawyer on the phone, so I could either bar grieve him or do something.

Could I bar grieve that general attorney, Barr?

Barr grieve what?

I could bar grieve him over this?

complaint or when i get a response to my tort letter first thing i do is bar grieve the lawyer

So we got him to bar grieve his lawyer and file a motion.

the court, then you bar, grieve him and get your son to bar, grieve him. Bar grievances.

You'll read like a comic book. You'll be chuckling and laughing about all the things you can grieve

and when he doesn't, then you bar grieve the lawyer. And if he still doesn't,

that relationship. By threatening to bar grieve my lawyer, I had him terrified. I was going to ruin

help me out here. This guy's going to end my career. He's going to bar grieve me into the stone age.

that to the judge and you can say, knock yourself out. I'll bar grieve you for each one of them.

California um should bar grieve an attorney if he does wrong what what's that wording uh Brett

done that bar grieve an attorney if he does wrong say that again the thing you found for me um

needs to go bar grieve the attorney or take some kind of appropriate action if he thinks that the

not to bar grieve him but to go sign him up for some drug rehab or something but he needs to take

The big deal is to get them into court. And then when their lawyer responds to you, bar grieve them. Bar grieve them in the Stone Age, then they push their litigation costs up.

that you don't like, then you bar grieve him

So go after them, bark, grieve them and get them to call you when you told them my letter

And then every time he files a motion or a pleading, bar grieve him for it.

They have to start doing little research and every time they do, I bar grieve them and

bar grieve, to file a judicial conduct complaint against the judge, against the prosecutor,

What I want to do is I want to hit, I'm going to do this to Wise County as soon as they hire an attorney because I don't think either prosecutor will touch it with a 10 foot pole. I will pull a bread on them and bar grieve the attorney into the stone age.

my student that I'm being abusive to this attorney. Bar, Bar grieve, Bar grieve the attorney.

But he has to, he has to be polite to you. Don't bar grieve him for not talking to you.

Bar grieve him for not talking to your son.

you grieve. That's why you talk about fraud and accuse the lawyer of the fraud. And so like this

Okay. We got that. We got that. Grieve him today. Grieve your, grieve his attorney for it.

it, then that will be construed as him attempting to improperly influence a witness and you bargrieve

that's improper, you can't file a bargrieve, just be for that. You grieve him for telling you that.

So now we can build out a pretty good second response where you bar grieve the lawyers,

If the judge is a lawyer, you bar grieve the judge as well.

If they did not provide these discoveries immediately, then how late is it to bar grieve

If you bar grieve the attorneys and it's too late by statute, let them argue that.

unless you bar grieve him and then sue him for acting outside of scope.

lawyer that butts in and says, well, you can't have it because blah, blah, blah, I bar grieve him,

You're harassing me and you bar grieve them. Okay. All right. If you're a lawyer, what do you do?

Okay, then all of them need to get bar grieved just for yucks. But you put the request into the governor, unless your state's different than most every other state.

You file an action against them. They file a response. You bar grieve all the lawyers.

Just a bar grieve and then move on to the motion for sanctions.

It is frivolous and he's just trying to get at me, so he's going to get a nice bar grieve

He should get a bar grieve, that should get a bar grieve, it's for failure to speak with

You bar grieve them into the stone age.

Have you bar-grieved them yet?

That lets him know that when you're talking to him, you're setting him up so you can grieve

Well, yeah, as far as bar grieving, you can bar grieve the lawyer for a number of ways that he violated his rules of professional conduct.

And when he doesn't, then you bar grieve him.

Don't give him fair warning, just bar grieve him.

Then go ahead and bar grieve him.

So you bar grieve the lawyer.

I said, I'll bar grieve you then you'll move to withdraw and I will tell the judge.

Make sure he's bar grieved first or at least he knows you're going to bar grieve him.

You might just go ahead and bar grieve him because of what he's already done.

And then when he objects, then you let him know you'll bar grieve him for that.

Okay, stop filing motions to get rid of him, you got him, he's got you, he's stuck, far grieve him instead

So what you do is you bar grieve your lawyer, and then your lawyer will whine and complain because one bar grievance doubles malpractice insurance, two bar grievances will likely get it cancelled, three will get his law firms malpractice insurance cancelled

So they've got to tell on themselves, so you grieve them, the lawyer will have to notice their insurance carrier, and the insurance carrier is going to double their malpractice insurance

for lack of jurisdiction, I'm going to bar-grieve him.

because his countenance OB is going to bar-grieve him unless they file a motion to dismiss with the court

So every court appointed attorney that did not raise this issue, I'm going to bar grieve

You shouldn't have fired the lawyer. You should have bar-grieved the lawyer.

bar-grieve him and then pressure him, if you bar-grieve him, he will move to withdraw.

hey that's something I can bar grieve him for. What do you say, Randy? Oh, I'm waiting, I'm waiting.

And you get to bar grieve all of them for it.

That's when you get the bar grieve, whoever signs it,

And if nobody signs it, then you can bar grieve everybody in that office,

By trouble, are you saying that you bar grieve all the members of the firm

So if he bar grieves all the lawyers and they got more than three,

well what i kind of had in mind was yeah bar grieve the new attorney attorney number two the

We like to first crack out of the hat and bar grieve your own attorney, but not do anything,

Because Brett will bar grieve them into the Stone Age. We have tools. And if you're feeling really frustrated, one of the great ways of getting over that frustration is to go in there and kick the judge and the lawyers on the other side in their professional paths, take the fight back to them.

Then we stick Brad on them. Every time a lawyer files a document, you bar grieve the lawyer.

One bar grieve is your first year of practice. They cancel your malpractice insurance immediately.

If the lawyer did not move to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction, then we bar grieve the lawyer.

I don't even need to do with you and bar grieve them.

He just expects her to suddenly fend for herself in that shark tent, and I consider that as a reason to bar grieve him, the judge, for denying her rights, such as the right to assistance of counsel. That's a due process right.

So I started to bar grieve him, and I wrote it up, and then I said, well, you know what?

Well, all of the partners of her law firm, her supervisor, and all the partners, they've all been bar grieved, at least once each. And this guy's new to the party. He hasn't gotten to join in on all that stuff yet, so I think it's his turn.

I'm sitting here trying not to chuckle into the mic. So bar grieve well earned.

And then Garcia's boss, who's already been bar grieved for the previous underling, is now getting bar grieved again because she didn't train her underling well enough to be able to call out the judge. That's obviously a rule.

Well, she didn't do that either, so I got me for another bar grieve for that. Then there's another rule. It's 803 that says any attorney that knows about another attorney's misconduct, i.e. violating these rules, if the attorney knows about it, then the attorney has a responsibility to bar grieve that other attorney.

So this supervisor failed or refused to bar grieve her underling.

But she didn't do either one, so I bar grieved her for that. What do you think, Randy? Do you think there'll be happy campers this weekend?

So you bar grieve him.

But don't make any difference. If he is a lawyer, he's got a bar card, but I bar grieve him.

You know what happens when you bar grieve a lawyer?

You want to bar grieve him at every opportunity.

And then when the lawyer on the other side doesn't correct the judge when he does something wrong, why you bar grieve him, too? Just for yucks. Hang on. Randy Kelton, Wreck Fountain, rule of law radio.

And if he's a lawyer, you bar grieve him and file criminal charges against him.

letting them know you're supposed to bar grieve anybody who's violated the law and they're not

So I'm going to take that opportunity to help Patty bar grieve this attorney again

thinking Brett would bar grieve the law firm into oblivion okay that's the first thing you do

you bar grieve the the lawyer who contacted you and he will have had his law firm the name on the

lawyers who are part of the law firm bar grieve every one of them yeah we can look right now what's

grieve everybody in there the law firm they may have to reform again that's not going to make them

because he thought my friend was going to bar grieve him.

He told the judge that my friend had already bar grieved him.

So he lied to the judge, he told the judge that he had been bar grieved,

Have you bar-grieved him yet?

You should have bar-grieved him the next day.

He can't come to me and say, hey, why did you bar grieve me?

Professional conduct complaints and I'm going to bar grieve the lawyers

And that is going out tomorrow, as well as bar complained against this attorney. And now I wanted to ask if, if I bar grieve the whole firm, because they should be responsible for this attorney as he's a partner.

And I bar grieve them for both. The first part says they facilitated, they somehow permitted this bad behavior. And the second part says they didn't do any kind of reasonable remedial action to mitigate the harm that was caused by that other attorney's violation of the rules.

If you have knowledge that another attorney violated the rules, you either have to bar grieve that attorney or if you suspect that the reason that that attorney is violating rules is because he has a drug problem,

well, you can not bar grieve him, but you could refer him to some kind of drug rehab program instead. That's rule 8.03.

Are you saying you bar grieve some random person? Yeah, wrong one on purpose. Oh, my bad. I

meant to bar grieve this other mark, whatever. Sorry about that. Okay, Christy, you know

what happens when you bar grieve a lawyer? It goes a mark against them for their instruments.

So we bar grieve them at every opportunity. This prosecutor have to understand a prosecutor

But I didn't bar grieve her because she's brand new and I didn't want to ruin her career.

He said, if you want to get control of your lawyer, then bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

Now I've got 70 cases, I've got about 40 lawyers that I'm going to bar grieve.

Well, bar grieve in the lawyer seems to be a fun thing to do. The prosecutors come in there and they're so embarrassed and they keep switching out and you get a different prosecutor

And if the attorney did not file a motion to dismiss, I'm going to bar grieve the attorney.

Well, the staff may or may not be an attorney. If they're not an attorney, you can't bar grieve them, but you can file criminal charges for unauthorized practice of law.

So how was I to know? So I bar grieved you. I stung your career. You should have put the right name on it.

Okay, so we'll ask the meeting to confer tomorrow. I'll let you know what was said and we'll talk about what I can bar-grieve him for without giving away my strategy.

I've only got a minute left. You got Shane and Shane filed bar grievances against some lawyers and the lawyers complained about it to the court and he grieved them for that.

And they're forbidden to do that. So he grieved them for giving notice and two of them and the bar actually sanctioned them.

And I used to say bar grieve your own lawyer, but I like the idea of bar grieving the lawyer on the other side.

But if he's got a couple bar grieves on his record, nobody's going to hire him.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me in a heartbeat.

going to bar grieve him up the yin yang too good for you this is this is this is where we can take you

lean holders was going to foreclose on my place so we immediately bar grieve the attorney

and we waited about two weeks and i bar grieve the attorney again i bar grieved his partners

grieved the attorney a couple times too so i think the attorney has five bar the five bar

grieves and the partners have two each okay so you're in arizona is there in sona a mortgage state

Have you bar grieved this attorney yet?

So I use that as an opportunity to just kind of walk through the process of how do you do a bar grievance. And I've never bar grieved anybody in Florida before.

lot of happy if you start bar-grieving those lawyers. I just bar-grieved 35.

to bar grieve him and Mary Critic's going to bar grieve him. He tried to get the bailiff to throw

me out of the building. I'm going to bar grieve him for not being nice to me. And then I'm going

to bar grieve him for trying to get me thrown out of the building.

grieve the DA. So anyway, we're having too much fun. Scott wanted to come up first. He's got

but you know these guys all carry a bar card so it's my intention that they should be grieved

good chance they're likely to take that out but we don't really care we'll bar grieve them anyway

that's right and even if they try to wiggle around and do whatever we just bar grieve them all the

of them, I'll bar-greave you. Mr. Cousin, you would grieve me and a heartbeat? Well,

I'm like, you're an attorney. And she was furious at me because I'd already bar-grieved her.

well, if the first lawyer who had gotten bar-grieved was just gone already, poof, doesn't even

to either A, bar grieve Garcia, or B, turn Garcia into the drug rehab, if he thinks maybe

that was because of drug addiction, he doesn't have to bar grieve, he could have turned him

grieve them.

to bar grieve.

He called into my show, and he had this idea to bar grieve politicians who had bar cards.

So I bar-grieved him because I didn't like the way he talked to me.

And the hallway was yelling outside of our room for quite a bit, so I bar-grieved him yesterday.

to prove that they belong in the middle of everything, well, you can bar grieve them

When they come back a second time, then you bar grieve them.

And when you bar grieve them, the next communication you will get will be from a different law

Have you heard us talk about what happens when you bar grieve lawyers?

If you look at all of the things you can grieve them for, you won't believe it.

When you do go to bar grieve somebody in Ohio, you have to reference the Ohio rules, even

So I bar grieved one in Houston.

How did I get bar-grieved?

And what am I getting bar-grieved for?

But if you bar grieve her lawyer and he runs like a rabbit,

126 of them how many bar grieves

burgrieved me and he burgrieved me for

I knew I did that what you grieved him

one I'll grieve the wrong one with the

that i deliberately bar grieve the wrong

and when i bar grieve ever one of them one of them they referred me to to contact him and i called

run amok and commit crimes and all that so then they're all getting bar grieved and and the next

and if you wanted to, you could bar grieve the attorney who told you that because you were very clear in the first one,

So you can turn around and bar grieve that person for rule 1.01, incompetence.

And bar grieve them?

Oh, I bar grieve them like crazy.

He's very bar grieve several, but at least a half a dozen times.

Then you bring in your lawyer and, you know, you bar grieve them. You just conduct complain them. You just be the pro se from hell.

The lawyer was afraid I was going to bar grieve him and that would cost him his malpractice insurance to get him fired from the law firm he worked for and he couldn't practice.

And if you bar-grieved him, he's going to charge them way more money, and what's likely

This guy's going to bar-grieve me into the stone age, especially if you grieve him on

Even when they're right, I rip them to shreds, and ask for sanctions, and bar-grieve them

And if they're aware of a lawyer's violation of the rules of professional conduct that attorneys have to follow, well, then they have to bar grieve the lawyer.

Or if they think that it might be because he has a drug problem, then they don't have to bar grieve and they can send him to drug rehab.

was, oh, I know what, there was a... I had just happened to have already bar grieved one of those

dismissed. But in the process, I had needed to bar grieve that lawyer in that other city.

And then he'll get bar grieved and then you'll bar grieve the boss and, yeah, it just tends to not work out very well for him

Once you have bar grieved them, the lawyers, they will tell the code enforcement, leave that person alone

grieve him for budding in you can hit him for baritry and you can hit him for

secretary of state. I'm going to bar griever for that. But we, I got a service agent to find her

you can bar grieve an attorney who's in the middle of a situation like that because he took on the

bar grieved their underling. That's what it says. It's actually not just for their underling. It's

he has a responsibility to bar grieve that other lawyer. Or if he suspects that the only reason

And then I bar grieved all of the partners of the firm and they all disappeared and you ended

and then file a judicial complaint. I mean, a bar, bar, grieve them. And do they report back

when you bar, bar grieve somebody? Do they give you the outcome? They're not supposed to, but at

Oh, yeah, I've been in that spot where I didn't bar grieve the lawyer in South Lake.

But if I had a bar grieve, does that have really hurt her?

So I suggest you bar grieve her boss or his boss.

Yeah, you bar grieve any one of them and that'll send a shot across their bow.

So to bar grieve his boss.

And the judge will know you bar grieve the boss to keep from damaging the young lawyer.

I can bar grieve the assistant to the attorney direct, the one that's on my case.

Pleading from a lawyer I bar grieve them

Doesn't matter what you bar grieve them for the state bar is going to get that and they're going to throw in a trash

What happens is you bar grieve the first law firm about the second or third time they hit the road

So he ups his price you bar you bar grieve this guy a couple of times because the lawyers always think they can schmooze you

And get you not to grieve them. They don't know that the yet that the grieving is a stat is a strategy

So Randy, would you suggest that if somebody doesn't want to irritate the judge, but does need to make a point, would you say that this is an appropriate moment to bar grieve

Well, what that does for them is it triggers their ethical duty to bar grieve him, unless

And then what, if I don't put a paperclip in the right place, you're going to grieve

All right, so to write up a bar-grieve, you go and look at these rules.

They put out these model rules, but you're not going to bar-grieve based on the model

You're going to bar-grieve based on your local state rules, and you're going to bar-grieve

You'll be giggling and laughing, I can't grieve him for that, oh goody.

so they categorized it as an inquiry and dismissed it, well then I have to bar grieve the one

I'm going to have to bar grieve him about that.

Now you haven't bar grieved your lawyer.

And you only haven't bar grieved him apparently because you hadn't figured out how he's been screwing you.

I suggest you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

Bar grieve him because you don't like to weigh Kong's hair.

This is all about letting your lawyer know that you know how to bar grieve.

If you want to find out if your lawyer is really your lawyer, bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

I guarantee you when you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side, your lawyer is going to move to withdraw immediately

When you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side, your lawyer is going to say,

Then part of what we're doing is giving them what's much difficult as you can. Now, if I was an attorney, I could be bar grieved for saying that.

Bar grieve them into the Stone Age.

The lawyer was furious because we'd bar grieved her.

You bar grieve the lawyer on the other side and the lawyer is going to have a fit.

wrong with it and bar grieve them. It's not going to matter what you complain about. They're going

and they're subsequently sued, they're not covered. So if they get bar grieved,

lawyer and then I bar grieve them and they just disappear and the second one will come in. This

the firm, got bar grieved. They all went away and a lawyer number 10 that wasn't even, he wasn't

grieved. He was being so respectful. I'm going to pay with his words. I bet he was a new hire.

probate. That'll be two bar grieve inches, right? And you know when a lawyer that works for a law

firm does something wrong, you can bar grieve not only that lawyer, but bar grieve the supervisor

for facilitating that kind of behavior. And then you can also bar grieve the supervisor for,

in the firm bar grieved. They are not going to be happy cameras. Problem with bar grievances

Has she bar-grieved him?

We bar-grieved him almost 10 times now.

the attorney and he said the attorney went off. That's the guy that bar grieved me. And

that bar grieves are a good deal. My point is, any arrest in Texas where you're taken

I just have a lot of reasons why I'm going to, I guess, need to bar grieve and criminal complaint and try to figure it all out.

So I called him and told him, you know, I'm the guy that bar grieved you.

You can bar grieve them just for budding in, that's called baritry.

but you could bar grieve them and call it baritry, and they're going to throw it away anyway, so that dings his cowbell.

Yeah, but that's not even given. And on the second email, she had a CC, I guess it's her boss, so I'm going to bar grieve him.

they have a responsibility to bar grieve that other attorney.

bar grieve an attorney for being unethical. Well, where is this attorney a bar member?

Should I go and bar grieve her right now anyway just for the fun of it?

You can bar grieve her because the sun came up this morning.

And that's why I bar grieved a lawyer once for partners hair on the left.

I wanted him to understand that I understood I can bar grieve you for anything.

If he's never gotten grieved, well, then that's one level of risk. But then when he receives a grievance, then they crank his rates up.

You grieve him. The state bar throws it in the trash. His insurance agent hammers him big time.

And if he says one word to you about the grievance, you bar grieve him for that.

let her prove it up. But grieve her anyway. I didn't think about that. That's actually

You know, maybe you need to bar grieve the person or maybe you're going to file a criminal

So, you know, I bar grieve the people that are doing that by name.

two or three law firms because you'll bar grieve them into the stone age you'll make criminal

Have you bar grieved her attorney?

I know, and I really hate to bar grieve her.

I'm going to bar grieve you into the stone age.

When another party contacts you, it'll be a lawyer and bar-grieve him.

Now you get to play strategy. How do you get the judge to do stupid stuff so you can bar grieve the lawyer for not instructing the judge that he's doing stupid stuff?

But they have attorney rules that they have to follow and the judge has to know those rules and has to be able to recognize when an attorney doesn't follow the rules and he has to bar grieve the attorney.

And every time they do, you get to bar grieve them for it.

Bar grieve them.

here schlepping around in the municipal courts so bar grieves the snot out of him

up and if he didn't he gets bar grieved for each time

considerably to the point that immediately $20,000, if you bar grieve that lawyer,

sunday i'm going to bar grieve your lawyers into the stone age i'm going to cost you 10

the district court just crank it on up there let them argue it and bar grieve them every time they

move bar grieve their lawyers into the stone age uh brett miss patty's case what lawyer are you on

bar grieve them judicial conduct complaint the judge if you follow judicial conduct

You bar grieve them, you file judicial conduct complaints

In administrative, civil, criminal, they're going to give you reasons to bar grieve them and judicial conduct complaints

I can grieve them for this, I can grieve them for that, there's so much stuff you can grieve them for

But if they're really good and they do, then you can do like I did in one case and grieve them for partners higher on the left

So I bar-grieved him for part of his hair on the left and he was furious after the case he'd come to

I told him, what if I bar-grieved you for what you really did, then it probably disbarred you

Can you bar grieve him for that, Randy? You know that rule 1.1 incompetence?

I did bar grieve, but I also found out that one, the district attorney, she had just stepped into the DA position from an assistant because she took her boss's job.

little uh bar grieve the lawyers yeah that that is so much fun they can't even complain to you

about bar grieve in them if they say anything about it you bar grieve them for that

Like in your case, you can bar grieve the attorney. Bar grieving the attorneys is extremely

powerful. If you bar grieve an attorney, the state bar is gonna get that bar grievance,

Randy, does he get the bar grieve of somebody along with that, just as a little side note, little, you know, side band thing going on just for fun?

You could bar grieve them if they part their hair on the left, but you absolutely, you should bar grieve those lawyers for filing a frivolous pleading.

I'm going to bar grieve him for his answer, essentially he answered for the defendants and when he didn't know an answer, he just said without knowledge, even though the defendant knew.

They refuse to give discovery, or grieve them into the stone age, and then ask the court to order the other side, the lawyer who said he has no knowledge, to find the knowledge.

how he doesn't have a conflict, and then immediately bar grieve him, and I'll also send him a cease

This guy has margrieved all our lawyers into the stone age. He's costing us a fortune. We're trying to collect chump change in taxes and this guy's costing us a fortune.

And then make a deal. Especially if you've already got criminal complainer, bar grieved him or done something that made him hate life.

to which you get to bar-grieve them into the Stone Age and do all that.

like you normally are going to do and bar-grieve everybody, do all that other good stuff,

Oh, I bar grieved these guys.

I said, I'm going to bar grieve these guys smooth into the Stone Age.

Unlike the bar griever's case.

all the blah, blah, blah, then he's going to get bar-grieved and he's going to get told

but I started to think that maybe I'm going to bar-grieve either my lawyer,

well, I'm definitely possibly going to bar-grieve my lawyer,

or I'm going to bar-grieve the insurance company's lawyer, but it's a little complicated.

If you have problems with your lawyer being straight with you, just bar-grieve him.

And when you bar-grieve him, they generally want to run from the case,

and bar-grieve their lawyer first, and then tell my lawyer,

And when you don't get them timely, you bar-grieve him.

Don't tell him you're going to bar-grieve him, just bar-grieve him.

If you don't get them within a week, just bar-grieve him.

And when you bar-grieve him, he'll know that you know how.

Right, so don't bar-grieve the lawyer

Yeah, go ahead and bar-grieve him just for the heck of it.

Will it be a waste of time to bar-grieve the other lawyer?

Is it a waste of time to bar-grieve that lawyer

It doesn't matter what you grieve them.

If they so much as blink, bargrieve them.

I mean, like, bargrieve them before I get the, you know, request the records,

because I mean, I feel like I could bargrieve them for signing without me signing.

But you can imagine that they have signed a bargrieve anyway and let them explain that they didn't.

So, yeah, you could bargrieve them anyway.

Bargrieve them for delay, because you're waiting all of this time and nobody's talking to you.

And when you bar-grieve that lawyer and the first time, second time he responds, you bar-grieve

We're talking to Iona in Rhode Island, and so go ahead and bar-grieve them, that'll get

Okay, so just to clarify, I'm going to bar-grieve him before even requesting the records, and

when he sent me the email saying that I just got the package today, do I bar-grieve the

if you request these records and give him a few days to drag his feet and then bar-grieve

That way it's not like you just bar-grieved him just to be bar-grieving him.

how do I bar-grieve them?

doing it right, and while I really like to bar-grieve lawyers, if we get one that's actually

So, if you have a real compulsion to bar-grieve somebody, bar-grieve the lawyer on the other

The second question is that, wouldn't I want to bar-grieve him for supposedly working on

That'd be a good reason to bar-grieve him, been waiting for 10 years for him to settle

Bar-grieve him for that, if you're annoyed with him.

If you think he may actually be conducting himself appropriately, then I wouldn't bar-grieve

and I'll look at them, and if I find they're not complete, then you bar-grieve him.

The bar grieve just turned—

So he's familiar with being bar grieved.

How many times have you bar grieved?

I've bar grieved him three times so far.

The attorney I bar grieved is a father and two sons in private practice,

and I bar grieved one of the sons.

So you bar-grieve him for lying and then you come back and ask him at you.

Okay, well, he's retired, so that doesn't do me any good to bar-grieve him.

Wait a minute. Did you bargrieve the prosecutor?

Oh, yeah. Oh, I bargrieved and judicial complained to them all the yahoos.

And, you know, one of the things I suggest with lawyers is bargrieve him or bargrieve the lawyer on the other side.

So now the lawyer is terrified of getting bargrieved himself.

She just bargrieved that guy on the other side.

He is low-hanging fruit. Have you bar-grieved him?

you bar grieve your husband is going to double his malpractice insurance.

And so now I'm sitting in my head thinking, do I bargrieve her, then talk to her? Because you know what I mean?

We do like to bargrieve lawyers at the drop of a hat, but we always want them to have done something to bargrieve them for.

It is important. You know, Brett and I, we bar-grieve lawyers all the time, and we joke about it.

So they won't really see it coming when you bargrieve them.

And when he does, you bar-grieve him

And when you bar-grieve him, he's going to get apoplexy

And you bar-grieve him, and that's going to give him apoplexy

Did you bar grieve him?

Yeah, I've been looking to want to bar grieve him now

Bar grieve him because he parted his hair on the left

It doesn't matter what you bar grieve him for

If you bar grieve him, that'll make him feel like he's being mistreated and put upon.

funds. Yeah, right on. And sue the lawyer. Yeah, of course, the standard bar grieve the

to do any changes whatsoever and they're for me to do bar grievance for that I bar grieve

us about how you had bar grieves and let's see one thing I have a question for you in

Any time you get an opportunity, bargrieve them.

If a lawyer does something inappropriate, first thing you do is bar-grieve them.

Has she bargrieved her own attorney yet?

I started listening about halfway through a story of Brett telling how he managed to bargrieve an entire lawyer firm

And his incompetence violated that rule, so you bargrieve him for that

And once they have been made aware of that first guy's indiscretions and rule violations, now that invokes their duty under Rule 8.03 to go bar grieve the first guy

Of course, they're not going to do that, so then they're going to violate Rule 8.03, so then you could bar grieve them for not bar grieving the first guy

If you feel like you want to bar grieve everybody whose first name is Dave, well then you make all the guys, all the lawyers whose first name is Dave in any law firm

They swore to the state bar they were going to follow this Rule 8.03 and bar grieve him, so if they don't, then they get bar grieved

So I just went down all of the cases that were filed and everyone that had a lawyer, I bar grieved the lawyer for not filing the 1617 order

I think it's the guy in Fort Worth, so I bar grieved the guy in Fort Worth, just for yucks

That guy found a bar griever against me and it wasn't even my case

I laughed till I hurt, and then I called the lawyer and I said, oh, Robert told me that I bar grieved you and you weren't the right lawyer, oh, my bad, I'm so sorry

I will contact the state bar and tell them, oh, you were the wrong guy, I should have bar grieved this other lawyer and I'll bar grieve that one

Okay, so one is a bar grieve due to them just, you know, conjuring up a feeding, Orange County versus me, in a declaration of one of the shysters and the hospital's IT, IT guy

So their names are in the title. In order to grieve the shyster and the law firm, I can say that I have no, I don't have a contract with the attorneys, right? They're just making things up to scare me

Yeah, so I'm ready to do the bar grieves that happened in December 2020, you know, longer than a year. But now the students attorneys are now presently the attorneys for the Scheißers are for the hospital now that I have a suit against

The first time you bar-grieve a set of lawyers, they're going to drop the case,

I once stood in court and we'd already bar grieved the lawyer on the other side.

She was afraid she might say something else and get her bar grieved again.

If the other side's got a lawyer, you want to bar-grieve him.

And when you bar-grieve him, most likely you're going to double his malpractice insurance

He's going to charge you a lot of money because he can expect to get bar-grieved.

And we're going to bar grieve this one for not doing that, that he is not going to be

I was ready to bar grieve a second time because they told me not to communicate with the defendant,

Yeah, well, you know, first I'll bar grieve them and then I'll hit reply and kind of just poke them, make them feel like they're unimportant.

And next thing you know, by the time they found out that they got bar grieved, there's also a criminal complaint involved. They pretty much don't want to talk to you at that point.

Am I a bar griever lawyer?

You want to bar-grieve him

It doesn't matter if you did anything wrong or not, bar-grieve him anyway

And if you bar-grieve this lawyer, he's probably not very happy

Have you bar-grieved him a second time?

If he does, he's obviously a shyster and you bar-grieve him for that

So can you bar-grieve your lawyer? Absolutely

Now, I don't suggest you bar-grieve your lawyer for barting his hair on the left

Bar-grieve him a second time, he's going to hit the road

Yeah, and the lawyer who's bar grieved is forbidden to tell anyone

When I'm bar grieved a lawyer for parting his hair on the left,

Can I still bar grieve this lawyer?

But I don't want to reply to their email until after I've bar grieved them.

And by the time they have found out that I bar grieved them,

I bar grieve my lawyer when I'm happy, I bar grieve my lawyer when I'm sad.

There's nothing that tells you what you can grieve them for.

We do suggest that you grieve them in the terms and using the terms of the bar grievance standards, which is by no means necessary.

I did bar-grieve a lawyer once for parting his hair on the left.

And I was making the point, I can bar-grieve you for anything I want.

Are you going to bargrieve John Smith?

So which one should I grieve?

That's the guy that grieved me. It wasn't even my client.

And I called him, oh, my bad. I bargrieved you for a mistake.

I was contacted to the bar and told them, it's my bad, and then I'll bargrieve the right one.

Oh, and one thing about a bargriever is if you grieve a lawyer,

If anybody mentions it, say the judge mentions that you bargrieved this guy,

And they just bargrieve him because the judge mentioned it.

And typically what happens is once they've been bargrieved, they immediately want to run away.

He did try to, but right before that, he actually ended up getting bar-grieved.

why did you lie to the judge and tell the judge that I bar-grieved you?

And it's just ironic that she ended up being the one to bar-grieve him

for lying to the judge, for telling the judge that my friend had bar-grieved him

You fail to adjudicate a single one, and I'll bar-grieve you.

Mr. Kelton, you would grieve me?

I touched on three points when I bar grieved him today on the fact that he had never once

I bar grieved him on the fact that I never received any copies of any type of correspondence

I'm trying to remember what the other point was that I bar grieved him on and I'm drawing

I don't know, but if they've done something wrong, it sounds like bar grieve it's time

I think you want to go ahead and bar grieve the lawyer for what they've done wrong

Rather than bar grieve the lawyer at this time, have you noticed the law firm of the problem they caused you?

Every time their lawyer responds to something, you read it and if it doesn't look right to you, you bar-grieve them

If you bar-grieve them, you accuse them of misrepresenting a fact and you don't have to make up reasons to bar-grieve lawyers

And we're going to say you can bar-grieve them every time they move

So bar-grieve the crap out of them and they won't ever be able to get malpractice insurance or have shut down a law firm

Bar-grieve every lawyer in the firm for not telling the first lawyer not to do something stupid

And then bar grieve him

Every time he says something you don't like, go bar grieve him again

And you bar-grieve him for each one

I would bar-grieve that some other lawyer

and then the low man on the total poll is the one who's getting bar-grieved,

They don't want to get bar grieved.

The first thing she has to do is bog-grieve the lawyer.

I said, you'll tell him you'll bar grieve him under the Stone Age.

So I bar grieved for rule, I think it was 5.4.1, truthfulness to others, which he violated.

And I also bar grieved the supervisor for allowing his underling to state untruths.

Have you bar grieved the new lawyer yet?

and I don't hear anything back, do I then bargrieve each of those three lawyers that I notified

or do I just put it all together as bargrieve the whole entire law firm?

Bargrieve each one of them individually

You can't actually bargrieve the law firm because the law firm doesn't have a bar card

It's a fictional entity, you can only bargrieve the lawyers in the firm

I mean, this is so difficult for me, but I did it in the hopes of them telling me not to contact the defendant so I could bar-grieve them.

and trying to find a way to bar grieve for a second time when the time comes,

So would that be a bar grieve then?

You come in as the aggrieved party.

He's going to get bar-grieved.

then you've triggered their duty under rule 8.3 to bargrieve him.

I can just pick and choose when to bargrieve the partners.

It's in alphabetical order, and they can see that tomorrow they're going to get bargrieved.

Yesterday Bob got bargrieved, and now Charlie gets it.

So just bar-grieve him.

And if he says one word to you about the bar grievance, you bar-grieve him for that because

If you bar-grieve the lawyer and the lawyer comes to you, he can use his position to threaten

If the court finds out he's been bar-grieved, you bar-grieve the lawyer for that.

Do you know what happens when you bar-grieve a lawyer?

Well, for everybody else, when you bar-grieve a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that

We bar-grieve the lawyer.

And then the first thing your lawyer is going to do when you bar-grieve him is he's going

And the way we do it is we bargrieve him and then you run to the court and ask the court

Which means the lawyer that you just bargrieved is now trapped.

Now when you bar grieve a lawyer, he's not going to say a word to you about it.

The bar association says if someone bar grieves a lawyer, the lawyer is not to address that

bar grieve the lawyer for that.

When he tells me he's not going to file that with the court, that's when I bar grieve.

really good at being quick to bar grieve and quick to file a criminal complaint,

long story short... Have you bar-grieved this attorney? Yes. So, I haven't bar-grieved him yet,

but I did bar-grieve his former associate, which actually represents my ex, who had a claim for

felony. But they have 21 days and then they're criminal. So you can bargrieve, you can file a

Then you tell him what he's to do and when he doesn't do it, you bar-grieve him.

And when you bar-grieve him, he's going to run to the judge with a motion to

Now I'm going to have him bar-grieve the lawyer.

We'll bar-grieve you if you don't.

and about the third time you bar grieve your opponent's lawyer,

and I'll bargrieve you every time you move.

Have you bargrieved them, and have you sued them personally?

You should bar grieve them every time they squeak.

and you bar-grieve the lawyers.

Who cares what for, just bar-grieve them.

And the second time you bar-grieve the lawyer, he's going to bail

counsel should consider himself fortunate if his client never learns how to bargrieve

well, I can bargrieve my lawyer, or like Randy, what you were saying about they should consider

So I figured, what the heck, I'll just bar-grieve them both and file criminal charges against both of them and let God sort it out.

And here's what I bar-grieve them for.

You bargrieve the lawyer a time or two, and you file.

Generally, municipal judges are also lawyers, so you bargrieve them too.

It made no sense. I suspect that he got tired of being bar-grieved.

And I'll bar-grieve the prosecutor two or three times

Well, that means I'm going to have to bar-grieve both of them

I'll bargrieve this lawyer two or three times

I'll bargrieve her for not notifying the judge that the hearing was set for a motion hearing

So I'll bargrieve her for that

No, not right now, but we've done a judicial complaint, in Kansas it's official misconduct, and we also bar-grieved the judge, and we've bar-grieved the hell out of these guys, the prosecutors

So beat it, and then bargrieve him.

Every time he sends you a document, bargrieve him again.

You bargrieve them if they mention one word about it,

then you bargrieve them for that.

When you bargrieve a lawyer, he's forbidden to talk about it

So if he tells the judge, you bargrieve him for that.

What do we have a list of what we can bargrieve them for?

You can bargrieve them because they parted their hair on the left.

the record okay so the lawyer refused so we bar he bar grieved him and he filed the another

he wouldn't file the motion yeah he wouldn't file the motion but he did after he bar grieved

a law firm and Dan bar grieved him he filed another motion to withdraw and that backed

lawyer so we'll bar grieve the second lawyer and send a notice of intent to sue to the

second lawyer and bar grieve the first lawyer for abandoning him and move for sanctions

that the judge would say that you should bar grieve and it occurs to me that the judge

him over and because the judge told him to bar grieve him I think the judge may have

are needing to be grieved or if he is starting up his own practice that's what i would want

and you bar-grieve that lawyer, their cost just went up dramatically.

So how do I bar-grieve an attorney if they do send me a letter?

Any aggrieved person may appeal to any superior court in the state to seek relief for an alleged violation of the FOAA.

So then you bar-grieve the lawyer.

Bar-grieve the lawyer one time for not being willing to impeach a witness who obviously needs to be impeached for perjury.

And then bar-grieve the lawyer again for not being willing to get that transcript.

And did you bargrieve the lawyer who filed the response?

good did you bar grieve the lawyer I did previously before not this time again

we will bar-grieve the attorneys for failing to file a motion to dismiss

And we'll bar-grieve the prosecutor for not notifying the judge

she did join both of their answers. How many times have you bar grieved these guys?

So I'll file criminally against her for that, then bar griever for that, bar griever for

And I was thinking, how about I bar grieve the guy who filed the wrong...

How about I bar grieve the lawyer for not taking the time to actually do due

grieve him. And, oh, he will have a conniption. And if he says one word to you, or one word to

the court about it, you bar grieve him for that. Now you've got his attention. And if you bar

grieve the lawyer on the other side, and you have a lawyer, even if he's court appointed to counsel,

when you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side, you got your lawyer's attention big time.

So we give them a new awakening. Once you bar grieve them,

want to bargrieve all of them, so you've got to take a list of their names and merge it

he bargrieved his lawyer, but first the lawyer, he wouldn't pay him, he paid him part of it,

Yeah, absolutely not, he doesn't get to go anywhere, the boy grieved this guy.

Did you bar grieve the lawyer for lying to failure to speak with Tender to the court?

I did. I did. He just got, he got bar grieved. And I just sent one out for the original lawyer, just for being his carrier.

Charge that lawyer with aggravated perjury, the bar griever, actually bar grieve, if it

was a different lawyer, then bar grieve the whole farm.

you can bar grieve them into the stone age, there's nothing they can do.

And then when the lawyer responds, bargrieve the lawyer.

I will far grieve him for disparaging me.

Then I'll bargrieve your guys, you bargrieve my guys.

We've got Dr. Joe on, and he'll bargrieve all of them, too, just for yucks.

Spend your time, obviously read the law, craft pleadings that fall within the law, but your real purpose there is find a reason to bar grieve the lawyer.

If you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side and the lawyer says anything about it to you or the court, bar greeting for that.

I already bar grieved all 54 of them.

Should I bar grieve them again?

It would be good if there was something to bar-grieve them again about, I guess.

Well, I don't know who bar grieved yet.

And the first thing you want to do is bar-grieve the lawyers.

I bar-grieved them both, and one of them, I entered it into the case.

Now, you have to hire appellate lawyers, and then you bar-grieve those appellate lawyers.

Now, I could have bar grieved her 58 times, but that would have ended her career.

Okay, who did you bargrieve?

So I'm going to grieve him for lying under the judge.

I didn't tell what I was going to bargrieve the lawyers for.

So I'm going to bargrieve him for that.

And the young lawyer who sat there and kept his mouth shut, I'm going to bargrieve him for not telling his boss that he was screwing up.

If he doesn't, I will bar-grieve you into the Stone Age.

Every time they get a lawyer, every time the lawyer sends you a bill or a letter, bar grieve

If you bargrieve a lawyer, the state bar is going to get that grievance and they're going

The attorney, I even bar grieved her husband.

Because if you know that I want this so that I can bar grieve the elected district attorney and this assistant district attorney into the Stone Age, and then I have trouble getting that bar card number, then I'll have reason to believe you deliberately secreted that from me.

Have you bar-grieved any attorneys lately?

since you won't give me his bar card I'll just bar credo bar grieve all three

I'm gonna bar grieve all three and one of them is in New Mexico the other ones in

grieve all three of them oh yeah there's no telling you gotta be sure yeah I gotta

bar grieved her boss times three on the things that she needed bar grieving for

So I filed criminal charges against the clerk, and now I'm going to bar-grieve the lawyers.

that Mr. Mortland bargrieved me three times,

did you bargrieve him for saying that to the court?

Because if you bargrieve them, they can't say anything to anybody about it.

they have to take time in order to be able to schedule everything in, is every time you get a ruling you don't like, bar-grieve the lawyers on the other side just for yucks.

If the lawyer, if the judge does something wrong, bar-grieve the lawyer for not correcting the judge.

If the lawyer says something to you you don't like, bar-grieve him for it.

You know, there are so many tools to be annoying and you can bar-grieve them every time they move.

So I bar grieved the young lawyer for not correcting his boss.

I bar grieved this lawyer and I bar grieved the head lawyer's son and bar grieved both of them for what the father did.

grieved, well, I bar grieved all three different law firms, but the one that hasn't responded

Have you bar grieved your lawyer yet?

Just bar grieve the prosecutor.

You just bar grieve them.

But you only bar grieve her if you have to.

So you bar grieve the lawyer on the other side.

And then if your lawyer doesn't get off the dime, bargrieve him.

And if he says anything about it, bargrieve him again.

And when you bargrieve him, what he's going to do is file a motion with the court to withdraw.

If you bargrieve your lawyer, the first thing he's going to do is go to the court and file a motion to withdraw.

Then you tell him what he needs to do, and if he doesn't do it, bargrieve him.

If he doesn't do it again, you bargrieve him again.

He never actually bargrieved the lawyer.

He went into court and he bargrieved the lawyer.

The second lawyer, he should have bargrieved him and give him a notice of intent to sue

Just let your lawyer know, you either do this or I'll bargrieve you until you do.

Have you bargrieved him?

And bar grieve him. Yeah.

And bar grieve him.

Well, now when they work for the county, you are aware when you bar grieve an attorney or a deputy district attorney work for the county, it's the county that who pays more insurance.

I bargrieved both of them.

I bargrieved one of them.

And the older one, I bargrieved his son for what he did, so he was clearly furious.

Yes, because he's afraid I was going to bargrieve him again.

First, I'm going to bargrieve him.

So I'm going to bargrieve him for not noticing the judge that he had a duty under Walker v. Packer

So right there, you've got another reason to bargrieve him.

I've bargrieved him again already because I've bargrieved him twice now.

So what can I bargrieve the prosecutor for?

and did a really bad job. So I bar-grieved both of them. Well, what I bar-grieved them for was in

and bad. So I bar-grieved the lead attorney for not correcting the interloper, and I didn't

I bar-grieve? Sometimes you can't be too sure about those boy and girl names anymore, so you

might as well just cover all your bases. Yeah, well, I didn't want to bar-grieve them all for

to do something stupid like that, so I bar-grieved Baby Cullen. When I went back down there, Papa

Cullen was in the courtroom, not Baby Cullen. Oh my goodness, I bar-grieved the wrong one. My bad.

trial. Man, that is damning. Not good. Who told him to do that? You know, you bargrieved this

And I've already grieved them.

Every time they move, bar grieve them.

Have you bar-grieved him into the Stone Age?

He's getting bar-grieved, and as far as I know, off the check is correct,

he's bar-grieved every lawyer in that law firm.

He's bar-grieved every lawyer in that law firm as well.

I can't believe he's bar-grieved.

Have you already bargrieved him?

One of his assistants probably got bargrieved.

is what kind of good reasons can we use to bargrieve his lawyers?

Well, they just lied to the court, so you can bargrieve them for that.

So remotely, can I bargrieve them for something?

Bargrieve them from Australia if you want to.

I bargrieve lawyers all the time that I've never seen, never heard of me before.

One question, in Wisconsin, when we bar grieve, it doesn't go to the bar.

So did you bargrieve him into the Stone Age?

No, I haven't bargrieved him, but the judge, the Superior Court judge, he's claiming that I have bombarded the court with useless paper.

him. I got a guy in San Marcos that bar grieved his attorney once. The lawyer, his attorney

moved to withdraw and he bar grieved him for it. The judge denied it, wouldn't allow

the lawyer to withdraw. After he wouldn't allow him to withdraw, he bar grieved the

lawyer for filing his motion to withdraw and then he bar grieved him and then they filed

freaked out. He bar grieved me and it wasn't even my client. It was another lawyer with

Fort Worth. So I bar grieved the one in Fort Worth. Robert told me about this. He mentioned

told me I bar grieved the wrong guy. Oh, I'm sorry. My bad. I'll notice the bar that that

was found by mistake. And then I bar grieved the other guy and the lawyer said, no, no,

if this guy has a bar card and that's another lawyer with the same name and you bar grieved

Have you bargrieved them into the Stone Age?

Grieve them quick, grieve them often.

Bar grieve him a couple of times, and that'll give him apoplexy.

you to bar grieve him.

If the judge has a bar card and we want to bar-grieve them, we still have to find a rule of professional conduct to do that, right?

Your judicial conduct complaint, the judge, the lawyers in this case, have you bargrieved them?

You need to bargrieve them again for what they did in this last hearing.

When he drags his feet, bargrieve him.

When you bargrieve him,

When he doesn't file it, you bar-grieve him.

the lawyer himself that you've bargrieved him?

you talk to him so he should be able to talk to you, you grieve him for it.

And then Brett grieved him and he really hurt his feelings.

Oh, I've never been grieved before.

it really hurt his feelings that he got bar grieved.

I mean, then I should automatically bargrieve whoever that is, but I need to find it.

and then I'll bargrieve the other guy.

I actually never bar grieved and so that's what I kind of know I really dropped.

You didn't bar grieve them? Oh, I can't believe this.

They're struggling to make a living and bar grieve them into the stone age.

And then every time they do something I don't like I'll bargrieve them again.

I bargrieved the son for what the father did.

So I knew Papa Cullen was too smart to do something this stupid, so I bargrieved Baby Cullen.

But that may be a way to help. Have you bargrieved the lawyers?

So I'm going to bargrieve him for what is it, unsolicited legal advice?

And then bar grieve them.

We can bar grieve twice every 31 days.

You bar grieve them. The wife bar grieves them.

And then every time they try to talk to you, you bar grieve them.

what's going to happen when you grieve them into this stone age?

You bar-grieve their lawyers into the Stone Age.

I've bar-grieved your lawyers into the Stone Age.

Bargrieve him, threaten to sue him, just beat him up horrible.

So grieve them at your whim.

So I grieved the son for what the father did.

And I grieved the young lawyer because he didn't correct his boss.

Well, you bargrieve the lawyer into the Stone Age. That'll make them crazy.

You bargrieve all the lawyers for the jurisdiction.

Bargrieve all of them.

And bargrieve the judge because he's almost certainly a lawyer in his day job.

But bargrieve him as you look him up, he's going to have a bar card. He almost has to preside over a court of record.

So you get his bar card number and bargrieve him.

Well, we're talking about everybody we're going to bargrieve.

Their own rules that they need to follow will say that they have to bargrieve their boss

or they have to bargrieve their colleague.

If they don't bargrieve him, then they get to bargrieve themselves.

It has to do with you are – when you say bar grieve,

You'll start reading it, and you'll say, holy crap, I can grieve him for this?

I can grieve him for that?

And what happens when you grieve the attorney?

You could bar grieve him for parting his hair on the left, and they'll cancel his insurance.

And I'm just trying to figure out like, do you bar and grieve them too?

Well, what's that lawyer going to do when you bar-grieve him into the Stone Age?

And you bar-grieve him into the Stone Age.

Have you bargrieved the prosecutor?

The prosecutor. So there are two prosecutors. Should I just bargrieve the one who first heard it? He's like fresh off of college, I think, fresh off of law school, whatever, Scheister School.

The second one, she dismissed it. So I don't need to bargrieve her. No, I haven't. That's my answer. I have not yet. But I need to do that.

And in this case, the first thing I would do is bar-grieve both those attorneys, since the case is already dropped, especially the young one.

You bar-grieve him, it's going to sting him good. And then you bar-grieve his boss for getting him bar-grieved.

And you bar-grieve the lawyer they put on you for allowing your license to be suspended and not forcing them to fix it.

Because that will pretty well clobber his insurance. It's one thing to bar-grieve him, it's a whole different matter to sue him.

then in either case, after this hearing, file an amended pleading and name the officer and your lawyer and bar-grieve everybody.

and when they hire lawyers, you bar grieve the lawyers.

So you bargrieve – either bargrieve your public defender or bargrieve the prosecutor.

that no good rascal bargrieved me.

Or it could be one of your deals where you, you know, accidentally bargrieved somebody

But yeah, so you want your public defender to be afraid you're going to bargrieve him or her.

They're going to bargrieve us early on.

I would just quietly bargrieve her and then let her figure out what she wants to do about it.

So I'm going to bar grieve him for insulting me.

And when you bar grieve them, they tend to get overwhelmed.

You may have to grieve the lawyer a time or two to get their attention.

Because if they're dealing with someone who grieved them, they want them warned right away, you know, be careful, back up.

If he doesn't, you can grieve him.

If he fails to speak with candor to the court, you can bar grieve him.

Bar grieve them.

If you bar grieve the law firm and they say anything to the judge about it, you bar grieve them for that.

So did you bar grieve the special referee?

Because when you bar grieve him, invalid makes no difference. His insurance carrier has an insurance agent whose job it is to find a reason to increase the premiums.

If you grieve the lawyer and he tells the judge you grieved him, you immediately ask for a mistrial.

As a traffic issue, if he bar-grieves the prosecutor or the judge

If not, then sting them, then bar-grieve them a time or two and beat them up a little bit

on this show and asked what to do and I said well bar grieve him. So he had called the

sheriff about it and got no response so he bar grieved him and then he didn't

Because if it was an attorney, I'm going to bar grieve his butt.

And you did bar grieve the attorney, didn't you?

I did, I bar grieved and I put in a criminal complaint for a baritry.

Well, did you go ahead and bar grieve them for that?

So you could just bar grieve the last attorney they had.

So he's getting a bar grieve, but that's in the criminal.

bar grieve them. Are these requirements in your contract? Yeah. What do you mean? No, no, they

grieve them, barg grieve the whole firm, they'll get apoplexy, and they'll want this thing

And when he says bar grieve the whole firm, what he means is you can't actually bar grieve

firm, and bar grieve them individually, all of them.

to tell them and fix it, and if they don't, you bar grieve them for it.

I bar grieve, I sued a judge in Victoria County, and they filed a, they got this young

Who do I bar grieve?

I bar grieved the young kid, and he didn't do it.

So I bar grieved him for what his daddy did.

Anyway, yeah, bar grieve, bar grieve will make them crazy.

You know what happens when you bar grieve them?

I'll think of his name in a minute, and he bar grieved the lawyer three times in this

Mr. Morrison bar grieved me three times, and the next year our law firm couldn't get malpractice

And I ask him, did you bar grieve him for that?

That should kind of bar grieve him.

She's wanting to know how she can bar grieve.

fulfilling her 50 percent uh so she did not agree with this he got a lawyer i bar grieved the lawyer

the lawyer for take it you have uh bar grieved them uh into the stone age well i'm a little

to want to go complaining to his boss that he's being bar grieved if that's his business he's

going to say wait do your job right you won't get bar grieved so don't worry about the lawyer too

Bargrieve him for failure to train and properly train and supervise.

So Bargrieve her boss or-

Did you bar grieve these attorneys?

And I get to bar grieve them. We'll see how that ends up

I'm not only going to bar grieve these two, I'm going to bar grieve the heads of the firm

So they're just going to get bar grieved a lot from here on out

So tell that lawyer, you should bar grieve the lawyer and file against him for malpractice

And make sure you bargrieve him and his whole firm

I'll bar-grieve everybody.

And I was showing the check marks next to the names of the ones that I've already bar grieved

Now, you should bar-grieve everybody, but you can't sue everybody, so you got two.

When you, what you can, if you intend to sue the lawyer, you can ask for discovery of the lawyer's, the amount of insurance that he has. Okay. Especially if you bar grieve him, he will take that as fair warning that you're fixing to sue him for malpractice.

Yeah, and when he doesn't do it, all your buddies out here will bar-grieve him again.

So you sue them, bar-grieve the lawyers, get their first answer to your suit, and rip it to shreds and ask for, if they made a mistake at all, ask for sanctions against them, bar-grieve the lawyers, and once you really knock them around a bit, then send in a stowage request

And bar grieve the lawyer, that'll be a surprise.

We can bar-grieve the opposition into the stone age.

Yeah, I bar grieved the lawyers who were actually the defendants, even though they weren't the

And I bar grieved the representatives.

have you bar grieve the lawyer yes i just mailed one out uh

So they have to tell on themselves. So grieve them quick, grieve them often, except space

against the lawyers? Well, one way is to bar grieve the lawyers. And then when the judge

The bar grieve the lawyer for misrepresenting the truth about the discovery to the court.

bar grieve there, but then we got this new guy is from Minnesota. And so he's answering

bosses how valuable he is to them. So Bargrieve.

Well, I plan to, and I plan to Bargrieve his bosses that he mentioned in here too, or some

from previous who are going to get Bargrieve, but he just reminded me who they were. These

to basically bar grieve the bar grieving committee themselves and send them letters of intent

so I bar grieved him.

You want the judge upset at them. You want them, you wanna bar-grieve both of them, any

lawyers just over there bar-grieve them. Bar-grieve the whole law firm. Just start laying it on

And bar grieve them.

He's going to grieve me again.

absolute and he lied and said it didn't happen. So I'm going to bar group and grieve him and

I got a solution for that. Just bar grieve all of them and let God sort them out.

So I bar grieved him for what the one in Decatur did. And serendipity.

He's a lot of bar grieve. It wasn't even my client.

I bar grieved the wrong one. I'll send a letter to the bar and tell him, oh, this was just a big mistake.

And then I'll bar grieve the other guy. Oh, no, don't do that.

And I asked her which of these five, if she doesn't answer me, then later, if I bar grieve all of the other ones and tell,

And when he doesn't do it then you bargrieve your lawyer

And when you bargrieve the lawyer he's going to file a motion to withdraw and you're going to file an objection

Yeah and if you bargrieve your lawyer and he files a motion to withdraw bargrieve him for that

should grieve the attorney general for producing such a piece of garbage for all the highest

So I'm going to bar-grieve them for it.

I've got several bar grievances, but I'm going to bar-grieve them one at a time.

So every week, while we're waiting for the Rule 12, I'm going to bar-grieve them something

invoked that second attorney's duty to bar-grieve the first attorney.

Of course, they're not going to want to bar-grieve each other, of course.

Have you bar grieved the prosecutor and Judiciary Conduct complaint the judge?

Bar grieve somebody, they'll figure it out.

Oh, bar grieve the wrong one.

I can bar grieve the presiding judge, like, you know,

Yeah, bar grieves the wrong guy.

So I bar grieved the one in Fort Worth.

He was the guy I bar grieved.

He bar grieved me, and it wasn't even my client.

So I called him and told him, oh, Robert tells me I bar grieved you by mistake.

and then I'll bar grieve this other guy.

Okay, so bar grieving, if you bar grieve the wrong one, it's even better.

And I said, oh, she's somebody I haven't bar grieved yet.

I just have bar-grieved her about four or five times, separate bar grievance for each

The first thing I do is I bar grieve them all.

And one thing you can do, Ralph, is bar grieve everybody.

So I bar grieved all of them.

Yes. So the point is I bar grieved everybody.

So the point is I bar grieved everybody. For each individual for whom they filed a response,

every separate document they filed, and bar grieved them all for each document.

the attorney general's office, and four more high level guys after that, and I grieved them all.

Grieve them all and let God sort them out. Well, let the bar sort them out.

So when you need verbiage for your bar agreements, I bar grieve them for failure to speak with candor

and then I bar grieve them for not bringing it up.

I bar grieve themselves for not screwing themselves. Oh, gosh, that was so much fun.

it doesn't matter what you bar grieve them for. And they're going to throw it all down the drain.

It doesn't matter what you bar grieve them for. And they're going to throw it all in the trash

And you and Brett talked about this before, and you said bar grieve the bar grieving committee.

So I just bar grieve the president for not training them properly, I think is the words you used

So I was just asking about the, it's my understanding that when we bar-grieve somebody for violation

But not until I had and then grieved them for not addressing it, then they decided to

And every time somebody answers, I bar-grieve them.

And then when they try to respond to us and they're generally inept, then we bar-grieve

I did bar grieve the first law firm, but actually they didn't get the bar agreements until they after they left the case.

And the new people that are in the new the new firm have not bar grieve them yet, but I've been preparing everything.

And the answer was so bad, I bar grieved the attorney general lawyers for filing it.

Then you bar-grieve the lawyer right away

about five other offices and for each one of them I grieved them I put

each official they filed an answer for I grieved them so I suspect they're pretty

federal offense so I bar grieved him and in his all the documents that he filed

You should bar-grieve these lawyers for filing a frivolous, did they file it in the motion

Make sure you bar grieve.

Make sure you bar grieve the lawyer for that.

so we can get her husband's place of work. And then I'm going to bar grieve the attorneys

other attorneys in the firm. So I'll just grieve them all.

we have this little attorney. I bar grieved all of them. A bunch of, for every document

they filed, I bar grieved every one of them. So that's about eight or nine bar grievances

reamed really big time when all his bosses got bargrieved into the Stone Age, to quote

themselves, I intend to go after all of them. And that's what you should do. Bargrieve

and ridiculed it as totally inept. And I bar grieved the lawyer for not mentioning the young

doctor. But I didn't just bar grieve the lawyer. On the document that he filed, there were five

to be the levels of the supervision, the hierarchy of the attorney general's office. So I bar grieved

them all. Had to look up their bar card numbers. They filed one for Judge Hetch. So I bar grieved

them all for that. They filed one for Sharon Keller. So I bar grieved them for that. They

fought for eight of the other eight judges of the court of criminal appeals. I bar grieved them for

that. I bar grieved them each one of about eight or 10 times. 296 pages. That was so much fun.

grieving. I've bar grieved all five of these for each one they filed. It was 296 pages. It was

You file a pleading, and this jerk, pro se litigant, bar grieves you into oblivion.

You and all your bosses, I bar grieved all of them, probably 8 or 10 times, I think, maybe 13 times.

first lawyer came back and complained to the court that, Mr. Mortland bar-grieved me three times,

did you bar-grieve him for that? Because he said, no, I didn't. He said, no, I didn't.

the bar. We had others that we bar-grieved them a whole bunch, and they don't go away.

Is I bargrieved the attorneys

So bargrieve them for that

When their lawyer files a response, you find a reason to bar-grieve him, maybe two or three

thing like that I would get sanctions from the court and I'd get bar grieved.

Their Rule 12-B motion was trash to the point that I bar-grieved them for filing such a

And then what you want to do is get them in court, and the first thing you do is bar-grieve

I bar grieved them for not notifying the court of Ex Parte Young that said they didn't have

Now, I just bar grieved him for doing that with Ex Parte Young and he does it again.

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