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Listing search results for executive orders

that I would like to see some action to eliminate these executive orders that were passed

and then a whole slew of executive orders.

That is in the presidential executive orders that deals with the display of the American flag.

and there's claims about it being in executive orders and blah, blah, blah,

and I've read those executive orders, and I've yet to find any reference.

I've looked at the executive orders and not found anything.

Not to mention the fact that executive orders do not apply to we the people.

The thing about that continuity, Deborah, is that I don't care how many signing statements he makes or how many executive orders he issues,

Exactly. Now if the state law affects one of its political subdivisions, such as a municipal employee, then the cop can enforce that law, but he cannot enforce it against the people. Right. It's kind of like with executive orders at the federal level. It doesn't apply to we the people.

Executive orders are only directed at employees of the executive branch. You know, the president can tell his employees what to do, but he can't just tell us what to do. He has to enforce law. See, that's the problem I have with all these signing statements.

Pulled up the executive orders that are now out there to seize control of the Internet

Yeah, it's kind of like the principle regarding executive orders.

You know, everybody gets all bent out of shape about executive orders,

but I really don't get bent out of shape about presidential executive orders

You know, if they try to enforce those executive orders on we the people,

well, now we've got a problem, but just the fact that he's handing down these executive orders,

Well, then Harmon, concerning all these executive orders, and from my understanding,

But there's executive orders concerning continuity of government, which is basically another

Certain executive orders essentially going

In 2009, Obama signed executive orders making the operation of secret prisons for those

like executive orders to surrender our sovereignty.

I mean, a perfect example is the last four presidents have used executive orders to sign

Also, we're going to need people who are going to be bold enough to take on repealing executive orders from at least the last 30 years that have empowered this and given this opportunity.

I can get all of the executive orders repealed. I can get us out of the U.N.

Now there's lots of executive orders that have been signed over the years and are still in effect, but they haven't done them.

The government can take control of all means of communication. They can, they can act that these are executive orders that are in place.

If there's nobody, that's why it's important to educate the police and the military that these are unconstitutional laws, executive orders being passed.

And I agree with you 100%. You know, there's nothing that the administration is doing, nothing at all, with their executive orders that's going to stop any of the shootings, you know, especially the one that happened in Connecticut.

and enforcing these executive orders that they are blowing hot air about,

Second, Executive Orders are not and never have been laws.

So anyway, as I go through them and I'm hearing things you say tonight, I'm about executive orders and they don't apply to us and everything else.

Because the new executive orders is going to be affecting the importation of this kind of stuff.

Unfortunately, for the last 100 years, Randy, all we've got are laws and executive orders

President Barack Obama stated today concerning executive orders touching upon increased gun controls that,

President Barack Obama stated today concerning executive orders touching upon increased gun

President Barack Obama stated today concerning executive orders touching upon increased gun controls that,

President Barack Obama stated today concerning executive orders touching upon increased gun controls that,

No, as far as I know, presidents, as a rule, do not do away with Executive Orders.

That's a problem with Executive Orders.

we need to get rid of these Executive Orders that were filed mostly in states of emergency,

So those Executive Orders need to be trashed.

Well, but Executive Orders, I believe, the whole purpose is to run the federal government, right?

And executive orders are one thing.

Yeah, but take a look at the Obama administration, all his executive orders and his attempts and the Bush administration

Okay, I haven't read that, but executive orders only apply to the executives.

So the federal executive orders don't trickle down to local police.

An executive order works a constitutional deprivation than the executive orders to essentially void

I'm putting together a plan. I have been looking at a couple of executive orders that Trump put out.

for donations to help us set up the SEC so we can sue them to force them to comply with Trump's two executive orders.

And the deal is you abide by the requirements of these two executive orders issued by Trump.

They have been a thorn in his side and if you read these executive orders, clearly they were written to neuter the SEC.

It would seem like in reading these executive orders that this would likely be more onerous to the CFPB than it is for the SEC.

This is precisely what both of these executive orders go to. They are ordering the agencies to comply with this.

the president. And on October the 9th, this year, he put out two executive orders that

been planning. What these executive orders say is that government agencies can no longer

these executive orders and he can do that because all of these agencies work for the

them to abide by the provisions of the executive orders that Trump just signed because I guarantee

write policy that implements the executive orders. Hang on, go into break, call in number

This sounds very much like an issue for President Trump's two executive orders goes right to this issue.

This may be a great opportunity to invoke President Trump's new executive orders that he just passed.

So you might demand clarification in accordance with Trump's executive orders.

executive orders that are president signed October the 9th and those

executive orders 13 891 and 13 892 891 is entitled promoting the rule of law

executive orders that orders all agencies to define their enforcement the

Trump and his two executive orders did not command them to do so when they

we see this all the time but uh are you familiar with the two executive orders trump

read these executive orders before he sent that to me all government agencies now i send him an

People are being prosecuted on bogus laws that don't exist because all they are is executive orders that have no lawful legal impact upon the public.

jumps any executive orders that could come out.

But, gosh, you know, Twitter, the enemy act, the power act, the bug act, all the executive orders.

But in Texas, our governor Abbott has put out a couple more executive orders.

As far as the class action lawsuit, in order for class action to carry, it would have to be enough people that could show that they were harmed by the executive orders by either being prosecuted,

the executive orders are not law. Right. But that's for the Texas Supreme Court and the Attorney

Yeah, the thing about these executive orders

executives again executive orders okay now now that he's been bringing out all these executive

The officials that have put out these mandates and executive orders, it seems like they have, for the most part, been careful to, in the way they say things, they address, here's what is required, but they require it of businesses.

I'm concerned about suits we have now against governors for these executive orders they're

the goose chase and rabbit trails and this and that, and it's like all of these executive orders

Hold on. The executive orders. Yes, the executive orders. Okay, it's like with a court case with

his executive orders is that he'll say at the bottom, he has these little disclaimers that will

and such previous executive orders, but notwithstanding these other sections of these other

such and such executive orders I issued, and this executive order does not override this other one,

of these like plethora of executive orders. I happened to notice, okay, on the governor's blog

by the way, speaking of executive orders and powers and authorities, okay, getting to the strict

and in the interest of all the public, have issued certain executive orders,

mostly against governors for filing these executive orders that exceeded their authority.

out all of these executive orders to build my own timeline because he's issued so many

code itself under these executive orders, emergency powers, does authorize legitimately

under constitution for the governor to be able to issue executive orders.

But nowhere does it say in the Constitution that those executive orders shall have the

Executive orders, when it comes to the general citizenry, is basically just a recommendation.

All other executive orders that are binding by the power of the governor have to be upon

executive orders that carry full force and effect and weight of law, only Congress can

and actions and executive orders even under emergency powers are not beyond judicial review,

However, she's not here tonight, and instead of talking about 9-11, I'm gonna talk about these executive orders.

I've been researching executive orders, and before I get to that, let me turn the phones on.

Deborah did a show on these executive orders last night, and after her show, I wanted to discuss some research I've been doing.

I've got a spreadsheet with about 700 lawsuits based on these executive orders around the country.

The governors issued these executive orders. Now, these executive orders had the effect of denying citizens and the full and free access to or enjoyment of certain rights.

He just shut it down in apparently in panic and in this case in Texas. Governor Abbott passed a large number of executive orders, one after the other.

And in these executive orders, portions of one executive order would supersede portions of another executive order and back and forth and in and out and up and down so that it was similar to the SEC where the codes are so convoluted,

These are things he's not allowed to do. And it appears as though he's passing these executive orders so as to justify the sweetheart deal contracts he's signing with private companies.

These executive orders have put lots and lots of people out of work and forced them to shelter in place.

All right, he can deal with these regulatory schemes. It has nothing to do with us as individuals telling us what to do, or what we can and cannot do in our own homes, which, by the way, when I'm sorting through all this plethora of dozens of executive orders that the guy has issued,

Okay, at first that was a separate paragraph in one of his executive orders, and then it lasted for one or two more orders, and then all of a sudden he took that paragraph and he moved it underneath the section where it had to do with regulating businesses.

Nowhere does it say in the Constitution that those executive orders shall have the full force and effect of law.

So executive orders, when it comes to the general citizenry, is basically just a recommendation.

All other executive orders that are binding by the power of the Governor have to be upon businesses that are regulated through some kind of bureaucratic agency, namely, like TABC, for example, or restaurant licenses, or things like that, or if you have to participate in the sales tax scheme,

under constitution and statute to do what he did with these executive orders,

and issue executive orders in certain situations, all right, ordering certain things,

executive orders that passed this strict scrutiny test.

I'm writing criminal charges against the governor for passing for the executive orders

was the path of research that I was set on, so I pulled down all of the executive orders

the governor has signed, and during his tenure he has signed 31 executive orders, he signed

issuing these executive orders, the first thing he did, well this was before the Colvoy

And he's arguing about the reasonableness of these executive orders.

You and I, the ordinary individual, I have a section in there where one of his executive orders,

executive orders and he's issued these executive orders in a horrendous violation of Constitution

these executive orders as the highest political official in the state of texas i'm going to

zero authority to issue the executive orders that he issued and the consequences of issuing

executive orders that he was abolishing those laws that allowed a judge in the form of a magistrate

official oppression complaints, and sedition. I'm looking at the executive orders that the

the state of Texas, Greg Abbott, he has issued 31 executive orders, seven of which appear to fall

we've got to do something to protect our people so they issued all of these executive orders

protect us poor mindless minions from the effects of this corona virus issued executive orders in

Executive orders.

Now, the, where is the governor of a state authorized to issue executive orders that

he has authority to write executive orders.

The president can issue executive orders, but they don't apply to me.

In his executive orders, he starts out...

His first two executive orders were just administrative stuff.

We don't care if it's the law, we don't care about executive orders, we're not going to be the police of this

so far with our governor, okay, and all these executive orders.

However, it is very clear that some of these executive orders, the things that he's done,

of constitution, things like in government code it says that his executive orders shall

policy and they are in violation of local and the Governor's executive orders and that's

And he's got 30, right now he has 32 executive orders

Executive orders that the governor put out in response to the COVID issue. I

Third executive order of the prayer of the governor the governor issued about five executive orders that were not

Executive orders

And we're talking about the governor and the executive orders that he issued

Okay, let's talk about the governor of California and his executive orders.

Right, okay, if you get that material on the executive orders, is that helpful at all?

Well, what I got from you were general statements about executive orders.

he did in his executive orders.

and filed against the governor of the state of Texas because of his executive orders.

That all of these executive orders by the governor

That said that all of the executive orders

And I'm saying that the executive orders

Over his executive orders

Don't say anything about COVID or executive orders, let them bring those up.

So any executive orders, the governor or the city that I live and give,

Have you read through all of his, the governor's executive orders, looking for criminal violations,

the public. His executive orders, they only go to the executive branch.

What kind of, are you going after him over executive orders?

against him in the same week that the grand jury got it. He dropped all of those executive orders.

Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Bret Fountain. We're on radio and we're talking to John in New York and okay, John, we're in Texas and the governor here has rescinded all of his executive orders and we're not having a COVID epidemic.

The governor, he issues all of these executive orders.

all of his executive orders. I don't know that he overturned them because of the likelihood

of his executive orders the same week that criminal complaint against him went to the

rescinded all of his executive orders the same week my complaints went to the

Well, he repealed all of his executive orders.

The top part, I'm not sure where it's at, the whole gist of that is the executive orders

the executive orders were not a good idea or possibly even necessary.

executive orders, and immediately 20 other states did the same thing, including Rhode

Well, when the first governor filed the executive orders, they said, well, if he can do it,

And there he asked me, do you think that these other 20 states who dropped their COVID executive orders,

So one state, and I believe it was California, issued these a bunch of executive orders.

And they all in, I'm losing the word, they all created or initiated these executive orders, issued.

That's the one I was looking for, issued these executive orders.

And the executive orders dramatically interfered with the local economies.

So the Texas governor resends all of his executive orders and that gives them an excuse to do the same thing.

One of the governors passed a bunch of draconian measures as executive orders, and all of the others said, well, that's something I can do.

They're blaming me for causing all these governors to drop their restrictions, their executive orders.

Executive orders.

The president can issue executive orders because he is the head of the executive branch.

The governor issued all of these executive orders

all of his executive orders.

the governor rescinded all of his executive orders.

I really address that issue of executive orders.

He's primarily relying on the governor's executive orders, and I have a big section

executive orders at gunpoint.

All of the executive orders that the governor issued had the governor intended those orders

Depending on the nature of the executive orders that he issued, did he issue executive orders

the governor rescinded all of his executive orders.

He's passing new executive orders that forbid anybody to require masks, others to show that

So if you sue him now and accuse him of issuing executive orders and applying them to the

They were executive orders by the governor, and suggestions or recommendations from the

he treated the executive orders and the CDC recommendations as if they were law, and he

executive orders executive orders only apply to the members of the judicial i'm sorry executive

responsibility out of that spot, he had all these executive orders that was running his chance of getting re-elected

all of his executive orders.

So he sees all of these executive orders. Well, the problem with those orders is they are horrendously illegal.

And just heard that right after he filed those, the governor in Vermont removed his executive orders.

I filed a criminal complaint against the Texas governor because of all of his executive orders.

executive orders and 20 other states immediately followed suit. One guy in Vermont took my criminal

On the governor's executive orders

rescinded all of his executive orders, 20 other states did the same thing, and it may

governor rescinded all of his executive orders in 20 states followed suit almost immediately

I filed a complaint against the governor in Texas, and the week they went before the grand jury, the governor rescinded all of his executive orders.

Filed it, the governor rescinded his executive orders. Isaac, you have more power than you realize. It's not about law, it's about politics.

code reads, executive orders. Under this chapter, the governor may issue executive orders,

proclamations and regulations and amend or rescind them. Executive orders, proclamations

convert any executive orders issued therefrom in the binding public law rather than the

that Governor Abbott's executive orders during the demonstrably fictitious COVID pandemic slash

with all of these horrible executive orders one person filed a criminal complaint against the

executive orders. 20 states followed suit. Alessandra you could have done that.

When I filed a criminal complaint against the governor because it didn't like all his executive orders.

Okay, Section 5, there shall be published in the Federal Register all presidential proclamation and executive orders except as have no general applicability and no legal effect or effective only against federal agencies or persons in their capacity as officers, agents, or employees thereof.

If they're purporting to be enforcing the executive orders of the governor, they have just thrown the governor under the bus for you.

I don't even think he's got executive orders on this anymore. I think it's just coming from the municipality, but I'd have to look it up.

and he immediately rescinded all of his executive orders.

Hillbilly, Texas. One person in 29 million. And he rescinded all his executive orders.

against him, he didn't rescind all of his executive orders because I filed a criminal

They got the governor to drop all of his executive orders. I'm getting a reputation of really

If they're purporting to be enforcing the executive orders of the governor,

I don't even think he's got executive orders on this anymore.

I filed a criminal complaint against the governor for these executive orders that were horrendously

His executive orders apply only to the executive officials and agencies of the federal government and no one else.

Because none of them are constitutionally legal executive orders.

And he issued all these draconian executive orders.

Our governor in Texas, when the COVID thing started, issued 21 executive orders.

rid of those proclamations and those executive orders that they had issued

Our governor issued a whole bunch of executive orders after it ordered us all to do all these things.

One guy filed a criminal complaint against the governor for these executive orders.

when it goes to executive orders.

Remember all this stuff about masks and vaccinations and executive orders?

Those executive orders could only apply to those individuals who fell within the statutory scheme,

And as soon as it went to the grand jury, he rescinded all of his executive orders, all at one time

He filed all these executive orders thinking it was his duty to protect everybody from this unprecedented apocalypse that was coming

There's a 150-page criminal complaint against our governor for his executive orders.

As far as I was concerned, he could use his executive orders for toilet paper.

all of these executive orders. I filed a hundred and fifty page criminal

branch and he can take his executive orders and use them for toilet paper. I

exit. He can file these executive orders, but they don't apply to you. They apply

his COVID executive orders, and he removed them all.

And I was telling them, you know, like the governor rescinded all those executive orders from my complaint.

Charge them criminally. When I filed a hundred-page criminal complaint against the governor for his executive orders, he dropped them immediately.

and dictate to them the issues he wanted them to address these 21 executive orders he could have

And if you all been listening a while, you know, I filed a hundred and fifty page criminal complaint against the governor for issuing those executive orders that included the mask issue.

But when I filed the criminal complaints against the governor, he immediately rescinded all of his executive orders.

So they're telling you that you have to wear a mask, and they're doing that because did the governor of Missouri issue some executive orders?

Really, what I think happened is the governor was beginning to realize that these executive orders were not such a good idea and Joe Sixpack was not a happy camper.

He also complained about my assertion that the sheriff enforced these executive orders

by the governor and he made it clear that those executive orders were law until they

Laws get declared unconstitutional, not executive orders.

rid of those executive orders, everybody was complaining about them.

just outrageously and patently illegal executive orders?

veteran. Get the governor to drop all of these executive orders. We are the most powerful motor

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