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Dr. Muwayye Abu Hassanin, the director of the emergency department in the hospital,

I sent a copy of the notice that I received directly from IRS

In a dramatic development, at least three rockets hit northern Israel from the direction

and so I directed him to your video, the Fiat Money System, which is on Google Video.

In a dramatic development, at least three rockets hit northern Israel from the direction

directly while he was not represented

because the policeman arrested you and he's commanded to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

Once you start going after them directly,

To take you directly to the nearest magistrate

But directly to the magistrate and explain himself

So he referred me directly after spending 45 minutes with him over to the county attorney.

Well the main site is and on the website you can either call me directly to order but if you're a commercial farmer or something like that we actually have different pricing so we set you up and I can I can email the pricing to anybody who contacts me but that same number 800-579-0580 that's my main business line.

Are you dealing with futures and direct metal delivery, Tim?

group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, that directed Bush administration

illegal. I wouldn't advise them directly of anything that way. Just say don't call

was directing this poll this online poll finally got to the secretary of the

this crap okay you start messing with our sponsors you start going directly to

chairman of the board of directors not the CEO not the vice president those are

board when it comes to corporations the board of directors is who runs the show

and the chairman of the board of directors is the ultimate boss and that's

chewing out the chairman of the board of directors who literally runs the company

And a commercial account would be used for dealing with any kind of, any kind of business transactions related directly to the business, whether it's retail or not?

Send me an email so I have direct contact with you.

You see, even the base commander could not order me to direct my crew to download that aircraft.

An agency of the sovereign created by it directly or indirectly under its authority consisting

So he should prepare criminal complaints and go directly to a grand jury.

In a story in Thursday's Washington Independent, Jessica Montel, executive director of Beats

where we've been intimidated, both subtly and pretty directly,

the wind direction, and the wind direction was a key.

was one of the executive directors of the independent 9-11 commission,

and there's a lot of police hygiene type out of Edmond, Oklahoma that Bob Ricks is directly in charge of.

is directing the rules of engagement in the Denver SWAT team.

They had to get a time to get a story together so they couldn't take her directly to a magistrate.

from JFK airport flying over Long Island, taking off and going to direct flight into

been the lead person in manhandling the Oklahoma city bombing case, talking directly to law

All US Navy warships in the area immediately steered a course directly away from the scene.

Now my boyfriend went directly to the jail, the bail for all these charges was $4,400.

Yes, on my thing and I remember hearing them giving him some direction, the guy, the cop

like they were directing him like what to do.

ordered by the law director of the city

the law director's violating

because the law director told

our listeners to Randy's beer fund goes directly

and directed me and helped me a great deal.

So they have to get service either through direct service on the person of a summons or through the state's constructive service statutes.

and they have their wages garnished directly, and money goes directly to the DRO,

But at any rate, the entire amount that they pay goes directly to the custodial parent.

and the exact amount goes directly to the custodial parent.

So we are going to go directly into your calls.

criminal complaints against the officer that were directed specifically to the magistrate

and a little bit of direction here.

That doesn't go to the crime directly, so you can't commit perjury by lying about any

ISAF commander General David McKernan recently directed NATO troops to show respect for the

directs him to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

Eric Holder was instrumental in covering up this heinous murder, which was directly associated

and directed defendant his attorney if any

To take his research in different direction

I can point this guy in tons of different directions

Are directly related with the CFR

The burger comes directly from the factory

because I would move too far in one direction.

The directive was sent January 5 to Egon Rams, the German leader at NATO command, and David

in 2004, here we go, an internet search revealed Mosley is also the executive director of the

executive director of another entity, the Legal Affairs Council, in 2005 and had endorsed

impact advertising and marketing, end quote, this is directly off their website, their

I also find it quite striking to realize that he holds a position as the executive director

of our ports, which could directly affect the business he's involved in, okay, I still

directed at elderly people, this guy is the scum of the earth, he preys on elderly people

Well, it's hard to start out as an attorney because you can't go directly to your client.

Clients under the baritory statute cannot directly solicit their service, and it specifically

state officer means an elected or appointed officer of a state agency or an executive director

no sense of direction.

Now, I haven't looked at Florida law directly to isolate these issues, but that's why you

However, Mohamed El Baradi, director general of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency,

called the voir dire.

The voir dire in Texas, it's pronounced voir dire, it's not voir dire, the voir dire is

I keep a text file in each sub-director for any case that I'm helping somebody work on,

That's the way because you've got to direct the show because it's your case, right, Randy?

If your attorney fails to do what you direct him to do, he works for you.

I would put everything in the motion itself. That way it files directly in the court.

and an increasingly dire security situation, Obama and Pentagon officials are calling for

And because of her, the nature of her delivery, I didn't feel it was directed at me.

And some BS data processing excuse is they got misdirected in the filing system or the

There's nothing in law that directs criminal complaints to be filed with the clerk.

requires or directs the clerk to give the complaints to a magistrate, because ultimately

Yeah, he admitted that he had documents directly from the magistrate and they weren't filed with the clerk.

There may be influences from those areas, but they're very indirect if they're there at all

That pointed me in the direction of statutory interpretation as far as the canons of it went

they enter into the contract directly with you, doesn't matter because you are a third party

Procedure to take you directly to the nearest magistrate. But if he does that, he can't write

out directly. Say they're driving down a street that is the border and they see you across the

In a cigarette pack in a silver plant though. Okay so they cannot connect the drugs directly

established that you can't be charged with possession unless they can can directly connect

Denis Blair, Director of National Intelligence, told Congress Thursday

I'm looking for a way to sting the judge more directly

the ATCHHISD Director, or the Travis County Sheriff as applicable.

You need to write to the health director or whoever else they've designated

that may appoint somebody else as they direct and ask who they've appointed

So is mine. And I agree with that. But that's just one of the things that's put in the door that is in California and it could be moving in this direction.

of criminal conduct directly to a grand jury of citizens.

is a way to go directly to a grand jury

then direct the prosecuting attorney

evidence of criminal conduct directly to a grand jury of citizens. And, you know, like

The directive is it goes from the United Nations

This isn't just some bubba head you know falling into the trenches, I mean this is specific, it's very directed and it's coming down from global government called the UN

With Agenda 21 and they're directing it through the federal government of not only this country but all the other countries

direction, and it means at that point, we can then go out to additional communities

move in the direction of liberty.

If you're in the Fed, you can pull up state law for anything the Fed hasn't addressed directly.

you can't really go directly at him for that,

And so basically Google records everything that you do and associates it directly with your IP address so they know where you are,

it will induce a current in the direction of rotation.

and the bank gets a direct deposit from the Treasury called a Fedwire,

because they can't directly do it without the militia,

CIA Director Leon Panetta said Thursday the controversial drone attacks against Pakistan

Homeland Security is a direct quote from the German word that they used for Homeland Security

direction of the President.

You can fund them with a direct, I mean, there's lots of ways you can do it.

That certainly looks like that's the direction that it's headed Catherine, I'm sorry to say

and click on Texas protest in the menu bar, and we'll have all the details and directions

direct deposit, but I mean, I closed my Bank of America and Wells Fargo account because

because they will lead me to do things that don't lead me directly toward my outcome.

and they'll talk about the selection of a jury and they'll say voir dire.

And everybody that can look up Black Law Dictionary will know that it's a French word, voir dire.

But they call it voir dire in Texas.

Vandal, you got any comments or questions at this time? Leave me in another direction?

I hope I gave you some direction.

but I actually want to read it directly from...

And of those 45 things, most of them were things that I had bought that you could directly associate with me,

and I did it so that people like you would be able to download it or direct people to it

and in it, direct the clerk to bring this motion to the attention of the court.

And there may be things that I was unaware of. So I went up to the court clerk window and the deputy is kind of, you know, walking in the same direction as me, but she's kind of keeping her distance.

and he will take it directly to the judge.

Going back to kickbacks, if the city council people are not getting kickbacks directly, personally,

So, you know, so often it's not that there's a direct kickback,

You have to confront them directly.

to HR and got the assistant director of HR and, basically, I was treated sort of like

They have a board of directors at the university, right, or...

passed 20 years ago, so there's no real direct chronology to it.

I'll go through the grand jury stuff and start hammering this in a different direction.

If you misdirect a document from the person or department is directed to in Texas, that's

And if what you're about to do won't lead you directly toward that outcome

or even indirectly toward that outcome, don't do it.

they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

because he obviously didn't take you directly to the magistrate.

In 2006, Director of Prisons at the Colorado Department of Corrections, Nolan Renfro helped

They're doing it directly under his supervision

assassination ring, which reported directly to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

they are directed to

if the officer had taken you directly to a

that they take me directly to the nearest magistrate

you must be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

he is to take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself

to take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate

they were taken directly to jail

who was supposed to take you directly to the magistrate

Had they taken me directly to a magistrate, and the magistrate found no probable cause,

If anyone secrets a government document from the person or agency it is directed to,

Directs prosecuting attorney who's made known his crimes,

that people really were brought directly to magistrates when they were arrested.

or what the deal is as far as when this section of the Code of Criminal Procedure was abandoned, okay, as far as taking people directly to magistrates.

Or, if someone informs him that they have just witnessed a felony having been committed and directs him to the person that committed the felony, he can arrest that person if there's reason to believe the person will escape.

It was intended that the police have the rest to empower, but to keep the public from having reason to be afraid of the police, our founders, in their wisdom, directed the policeman to take that person directly to a neutral magistrate and explain himself.

But if he had arrested someone on a warrant, he would still have to bring them directly to the nearest magistrate.

A warrant will always direct the police officer or some officer to arrest this person and bring him before me, bring him before the magistrate who issued the warrant.

After the examining trial, 17.30, Code of Criminal Procedure directs the magistrate to seal all the documents had in the hearing,

As a matter of policy in every state I've been to up until now, if a person is arrested, the person is taken directly to jail as a matter of policy.

And then 14.06 commands that he take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

And Randy, remember also, if they took you directly to a magistrate,

on all these companies if they just took you directly to a magistrate first

I'm sorry. An attorney can't directly promote his service.

He can indirectly.

They acted in accordance with his directions.

Everything any officer did, they did at the direction of the chief of police.

here when I told the reporter that I was going to directly submit criminal charges against

This is what our new DA here said directly to the paper.

Did anyone direct a weapon at your person?

They didn't point the gun directly at me, no.

Did they direct a weapon in your general direction?

Then we can go after him directly.

assassination ring, which reported directly to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

And then you input the information and then either sent by email or you could download directly

That lands on their property directly

And that means more time directed to recycling materials that have already been fabricated

He said he's done it in court when the judge directed him to

So I will take them directly to her and give her the option of not doing it and then slap her with 3805 if she refuses

It's written in the form of an affidavit and it specifically says by virtue of the authority vested in me as Comptroller of Public Accounts and named Susan Combs directly

The panelists will include Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, Mad State Executive Director

and Texans for Accountable Government Executive Director John Bush.

But he doesn't directly compete with us, so he's okay

This is coming directly from the federal government, and they are giving these instructions.

Leading climate scientist James Hansen says protest and direct action could be the only

The panelists will include Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, Mass State Executive Director

and Texans for Accountable Government Executive Director John Bush.

�They are hitting us from every direction they can, whether it's the Missouri deals

for following the direction of the prosecuting attorney, and you sue the mayor as respondent

So I'm going to ask you to direct the defendants to strike their answer and direct them to

I can go directly to the grand jury.

1332, 18 US Code 1332, directs a prosecuting attorney when he receives a complaint.

Mad State Executive Director Karen Housewright,

and Texans for Accountable Government Executive Director John Bush.

that they're directing this activity towards, this enforcement is not me.

whether it's misdirected enforcement activity or effective enforcement activity against the straw man,

and I get it directed where it needs to go and then I'm going to ask the court,

You know, Randall, about my truck, and I told you that I would go directly after the evidence,

Ratification goes directly to standing to sue.

So they're saying, okay, so this appears to go directly to standing.

Mad State Executive Director Karen Housewright, City Councilmember Mike Martinez, ACLU Chapter President Debbie Russell,

and Texans for Accountable Government Executive Director John Bush.

I can pull that case law directly into Texas, and I have nothing to overcome because Texas has nothing.

Okay, and it's in a direct violation of the Uniform Commercial Code.

It's a direct violation of the issues relating to forgery or any false documents.

And we had kind of a little conference between the two of us because it wasn't intended to go this direction

And if you go to, there's a guide there and you click on the link and then it redirects you to

Leading climate scientist James Hansen says protest and direct action could be the only

Mad State Executive Director Karen Housewright, City Councilmember Mike Martinez,

Executive Director John Bush.

He would not come out and speak directly to me.

on an allegation of a felony if he had a witness that directly accused you.

them directly to the nearest magistrate was to ensure that if the policeman was mistaken,

Mark directly to a magistrate, then the police would have said, well, we got a phone call

person goes directly to a magistrate, if somebody said something about somebody saying something,

a firearm in their direction. And if Mark had said, I don't know what you're talking

if the arrested person is brought directly to a magistrate

That's why they told the police to take him directly to the magistrate

if they had taken me directly to the magistrate, never would have happened.

they had to take him directly to the magistrate and explain himself.

And the thing that I'm mostly after is take him directly to a magistrate

If the Alamo is under the direction control of the state and not the city of San Antonio, then you have to deal with state law.

Yeah, it's directly out of the cop's camera.

I don't think we can get it if he doesn't misuse the funds directly.

This question is directed to the chief of police and the lady, Mothers Against Drunk

are directly accountable to the people.

Chief, if I can clarify on your behalf, he actually doesn't work directly for the city

FBI Director Robert Mueller this week urged lawmakers to renew the Patriot Act, saying

Carolyn Fredrickson, director of the ACLU's Washington Legislative Office, said the Patriot

The panelists will include Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, Mad State Executive Director

and Texans for Accountable Government Executive Director John Bush.

I am the state director from Mothers Against Drunk Driving and enjoy being out in public

After his speech to the commission, they fired the director, they put in the director's place

There's something called suspicious activity reports, which there's actually the Director

This is a direct quote from the chief at Oak Hill Area Association of Neighborhoods.

the direction of getting some help in this because I've talked to attorneys locally and

The panelists will include Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, Mad State Executive Director

insurance companies under the direction of government that started making people give

and Texans for Accountable Government Executive Director John Bush.

were talking about all along and I even asked him directly if he thought he could do that

they directly said that involuntary blood withdrawal was unconstitutional?

and the sound man and they piped us in sound directly from the sound man's main board and

and record that all and air it live on our station here good for you and we got direct

I'm the state director for Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

with taking direction from the federal government.

And this is a direct result.

That's very direct.

And they condone blood withdrawals if it were, this is a direct quote, Schmerber v. California

See, 1406 commands the arresting officer to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

He just didn't enter into an interaction directly with him.

Well, it goes directly to liberty.

It goes directly to liberty.

Well, but there can be a direct correlation, Randy, if you consider that because of the way they've made the rules and what they try to do to you for not having the license,

He's going, well, the car moved from this direction to this direction. It turned.

it is shipped directly to Austin, Texas.

In other words, where they do not directly conflict, their meaning is to be merged to

It's not directly related to the motor vehicle the way it's used in other sections of the


And my first direct participation in it was with the amicus brief to the Tenth Circuit

and went beyond that to explain how the thing functioned, and they didn't do it directly.

We weren't Nichols, and we weren't McVeigh, we weren't Nichols, we weren't either one of them directly.

officer, or director of a corporation, joint venture, trust, trustee, agent, or association.

permanently, temporarily, directly, or indirectly, or through a subsidiary or agent by whatever name and office,

against my property came directly from the comptroller.

Now, let's go directly to the term doing business,

the term doing business is directly related to foreign corporations operating in a state

it certainly points in the direction, and it certainly gives us a clue that we need to head that direction.

Therefore, they are automatically unlawful because they are in direct conflict with the

Is there no place where he's either directly or indirectly required to collect all

And I think that's where we stand, and that's why I think we're in a very strong position to move in one direction or another, should we choose to do so.

Well, in state statute here in Texas, it specifically enumerates for citizens to be able to do that and for citizens to be able to go directly to the grand jury.

I like to take these guys on directly with the very laws they use every day and challenge.

That was my only comment. The rest of it, I'm in a Jurassic age. I'm still hanging out with the director right now.

slash 2008 slash 10 slash a-c-o-u dash report dash direct dash Linda dash burt b-u-r-t dot

We're directing the investigator to look at YouTube, sending him videos, sending him

Yeah, in this case, Wray has no direct control over this portion of the agency, so he would

Somehow Springer got her deposed directly.

From a secondary direction

A direction they're not looking

live in that county, even if they haven't necessarily been directly harmed,

directed only at a certain class of people, and we're not of that class of

They're all conspiring that this agent is working under the direction of somebody above her,

Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a cover-up

Did they get there directly or by implication?

That, you know, they send us to school and the school is directed to instill in the child.

But we haven't went in that direction because we're trying to get a court that we can actually use.

which is very direct and forward and the same information I shared with you folks on the sales tax.

was directly involved with a cover-up following the Oklahoma City bombing?

So he made a direct connection with our statutory law to ancient Babylonian law.

Before anybody could give you any reasonable, rational direction,

And I've just been reading as much as I can, and a couple of friends have directed me towards you.

One of the former IRS commissioners on the board of directors, he had signed off on it,

I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.

or you can send me direct if you want to, if it's okay with Randy.

Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a coverup

you come in and you try to do a loan modification with directly with the

Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a cover-up

So I can get to it and research it directly if I need to.

Because otherwise he would have to take you directly to a magistrate

It seems that the officers are trained and directed not to put the statute on the citation

But it does appear to clearly be in direct violation of the constitution

Are there for the majority of keeping the public safe, but their regulatory efforts are directed toward everything commercial, not private

9-11? Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a cover-up

So opening them up to public scrutiny again is certainly a good direction, but, you know,

Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a cover

Well, to get to your, to go directly to your question, take a photograph.

But the stop sign directed traffic exiting a private parking lot.

because he did it in direct violation of the requirements of the offense and the statute

And there are a ton of people working in so many different directions

People waking up and beginning to exert pressure in the other direction

Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a cover-up

others are, nor is it directly searchable, is because of what it would reveal that they're

You cannot directly search it.

Intelligence Committee is having breakfast in DC with the director of the

assistant director of the FBI keep in mind that Nichols has nothing to gain

Klinging an unsung hero in this whole story news director for KFOR came out

strong news director she knew that the FBI was trying to bamboozle her now I'm

news director one of the most popular news stations that part of the country

about in America what purpose to move the American people in which direction or

that too much because what I've seen in inquiries in that direction is I see

or three degrees of separation from someone involved directly involved so

right direction and I think that's what's really helped us out over the years

Oklahoma County, Agent Ricks was asked to resign by FBI director at the time, Louis

building, which is 239 feet, six inches directly to the north of the front door where the mirror

This was on the direct south side.

And we have the marker here where the employees would have gone directly into the mirror building,

yellow earplugs at the end, and he's just nonchalantly looking in the direction of the

mr. Holder was directly involved in those acts of obstruction of justice now

assistant director of corporate ops worldwide he took an apparent demotion

I haven't found anything directly on it, though I found some satellite things dealing with it, and I would agree, they're not allowed to do that

They're the ones that turn corners or seek a different direction to go in

Obama drew sharp criticism from Dick Cheney, former CIA directors and Republicans

Did you know that current Attorney General Eric Holder was directly involved with a cover-up

Now, that's not directly related to transportation, but it is one of those daisy chain things.

That's the only section of the Constitution that gives the federal government the ability to directly write laws that affect the people of the states.

That cannot be the case. If it was, the Constitution would be in conflict with itself because the other provision of the Constitution says that you either have an excise tax or you have an indirect tax.

Or I'm sorry, a direct tax must be in proportion with enumeration of the census. An indirect tax, also called an excise tax, is the only other tax allowed.

So if the 16th Amendment gave them the tax anything and everything, that would put the 16th Amendment in direct conflict with these provisions of the Constitution.

The true owner title is upon first sale to anybody, whoever it may be, sent directly to the State Transportation Department for whatever state you're in.

and they should have been able to transfer it directly to you, but they got defrauded just as you did.

In direct violation of the law, he's not allowed to testify to the evidence or speak to the evidence,

Section 1.001, Purpose of Code, sub-item A, this code is enacted as a part of the state's Continuing Statutory Revision Program, begun by the Texas Legislative Council in 1963 as directed by the legislature in the law codified as Section 323.007, Government Code.

Now, this is an interesting case because this speaks directly to this issue we're talking about where you know the old phrase where if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all, remain silent.

You will get 15 pages of no comment, but you will never ever get a direct answer to your question.

The attorney general has stated in no uncertain terms to the representatives of the legislature that they refuse to respond or reply to direct requests from the public.

through their associations or directly. I mean, they all are big campaign contributors.

So we get someone who's not directly involved to come in and hammer them.

By injecting foreign substances directly into the bloodstream, the human body stands little

That's that that can't fly your, you know, that we have to show direct connection to the company being responsible.

Now, excuse me, but if you were coming in from this direction where you knock down the

At least I'm not in the direct blast.

If there's no will, then the probate goes directly to the discretion of the judge.

Oh, you bought it directly from – you didn't go through a bank for a mortgage?

the one that doesn't, I have a way to go directly at the judge,

They don't get there directly from law

Directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route

And I told him you are to take me directly to the nearest magistrate

You're supposed to take me directly to the nearest magistrate

Then they'll start moving in another direction

Or you can send it directly to the grand jury

And threats pretty much replaced the board of directors

And it turns out if they didn't buy Merrill Lynch Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson were threatening to remove the board of directors

And there was actually an email that the New York State Attorney General got that was circulated between the board of directors

By injecting foreign substances directly into the bloodstream, the human body stands little

First time that federal attorney looks the wrong direction, file a bar agreement on him

And I'll direct the court to the statement of cause against me and in that statement

So I'm going to charge the assistant director of the DPS

There is no director, he's retired

But there is an assistant director

And the judge directs me to give the documents to the prosecuting attorney

Where a complaint is directed to a Justice of the Peace

Any time the prosecutor speaks to me, then I ask the judge to direct the prosecutor

Or instruct the prosecutor to direct his comments to the court

Direct the court to 17.05 Code of Criminal Procedure

you look at the representatives directly in the face you stare at them let them know that you're there that you're paying attention

and the committee was crying after one of the checkpoints that lost their child I think it would have been a step in the wrong direction

do you think that the committee was swayed in either direction strongly

a blanket warrant to force the taking of blood, they're going to arrest you, take you directly to the hospital

What this is saying is it is speaking directly to the acts of a public servant against someone else,

You can't apply to it directly.

briefed on the interrogation tactics. The memo issued by the Director of National Intelligence

So right there you have a direct tie in dealing with certificates of title back to the commerce code because 501.00 is the certificate of title act in the transportation code.

But 501.005 gives you the direct link to the UCC code for Texas, and that direct link leads you right down the yellow brick road of what a certificate of title is, which is also utilized to determine what the term goods is as it ties into the certificate of title as to what it represents.

This is going to be great if that one pans out because the way we get the judge to apply the law is to go directly after the judge himself and make him personally liable, personally responsible.

and we don't see a direct correlation between them drinking fluorinated water

I mean, we would have to prove a direct correlation.

there was a direct correlation to some health issue or some death

unless you're the type of criminal stupid enough to be committing the crime directly in front of them at the moment.

that statutory law does not apply to the people directly

are specifically directed toward the governance of public officials and public affairs.

And for those that missed it, I believe I have successfully tied the Texas Business and Commerce Code, the UCC, directly into vehicle registration in Chapter 501 of the Transportation Code.

Most direct one. Objection assumes facts, not an evidence.

The last I heard wasn't direct.

It was indirect, but the court has thrown out all his pleadings.

allow students to borrow direct from the government.

allow students to borrow direct from the government and cannot be discharged by inner bankruptcy.

They'll come at us from another direction.

They won't come and fight us directly.

Since they can't go directly after the guns

But they won't take it on directly

The director of a forgery gang was arrested in Basra.

dollar price tag on it out there I mean everybody's in dire straits so if if anything's going

then you may need to look at which direction you need to head first yeah this is all about strategy yeah

That's true, but technically they're not going to be able to hold anything against him if he didn't mention the case directly.

directly from the prosecutor.

because it doesn't make sense in direct order.

Get the police officer who does the arrest to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

Was it directed at the teacher?

It's because everybody has their own direction.

He has violated due process procedure by testifying from the bench and speaking to the evidence directly from the bench

You know, I really like people who follow directions. In order to create really good elements for appeal,

Initially, the lady took it in, filed stamped it, and filed stamped all my copies, and then directed me to go across the hall to the Civil Department.

So have we given you a good direction of where to take this from here?

And one thing for certain, if you attack the girls directly,

allow students to borrow direct from the government.

allow students to borrow direct from the government and cannot be discharged by inner bankruptcy.

allow students to borrow direct from the government and cannot be discharged by inner bankruptcy.

allow students to borrow direct from the government and cannot be discharged by inner bankruptcy.

allow students to borrow direct from the government and cannot be discharged by inner bankruptcy.

allow students to borrow direct from the government and cannot be discharged by inner bankruptcy.

Well, see, also the other thing is we can also go at this very directly

Okay. Here's what I suggest, and this is the direction that I've mostly been

symbolic though. And it definitely is a step in the right direction, but not every, and

it's largely symbolic and it is a step in the right direction, but don't think like

financial penalty in 2007, Corpus Christi, Texas, a man got a visit from the FCC direction

a visit from the FCC direction finders after rebroadcasting an AM radio station through

Administrative search powers are not rare, at least as directed against businesses. Fire

They only have one enumerated power that allows them to directly touch the people, and that's the Commerce Clause.

Yeah, I'm sure it carries a lot of weight, but to find a statute that goes to it directly, I'm going to go to Alexis and see what I can do.

and the purchaser is going to sign directly responsible to us, not just you,

I said, no, we don't. They're saying, well, we don't have it directly. We have to imply it.

And I wanted to direct your attention again, once again, to the hour of the times

And he either way told me that I had to do it and I said I would do so under direct

That's a direct contradiction to that Supreme Court decision.

that when they arrest people, they take them directly to a magistrate instead of booking them

but rather to take them directly to a magistrate first.

But there is a major issue, Ben, about the magistrate, taking people directly to magistrate.

And the way we keep this from happening, you arrest the person, take him directly to the magistrate,

the criminal procedure code where police are supposed to take people directly to a magistrate not for a trial,

you are to take him directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

I want the sheriff or the chief of police to direct his officers, if you arrest someone, you do what 14.06 says.

Well, yeah, but I know, but I mean, you could probably directly... I bet if we all got

That said, basically I directed a friend of mine that was there that had a permit to have

I would direct any law enforcement officials who may be listening right now to research

situations, inhibiting a police officer, you can sneeze in the wrong direction and a police

Traffic control signal means a manual electric or mechanical device that alternately directs

If I could get the powers that be to direct the policeman to take the person directly

taking him directly to the magistrate and not one had an objection.

mind if he has to bring people directly to a magistrate upon arrest but it's cumbersome,

lined it out and they do not directly translate.

but I suspect that this case I'm about to bring, when I charged the director of the

department of his, the major, I never did get to the assistant director, I'll just go

Well we hope and pray society will head in that direction.

to head in that direction too okay, so I believe that we can guide the situation, it's not

if they're trained to go that direction then we're in for big problems and we've got to

specific point because it goes directly to something I wanted to talk about

wanted to hear what Randy's direction would be on what to file next okay now

direct also if I couldn't have a roundabout way I did but Randy could he

fairly enough I maybe I'll maybe take you up on that direct directness when

in jail and brought him before a magistrate or if they took him directly to a magistrate.

and we are directly listed, the Medicaid fraud units are directly listed as having an exception.

or where they're supposed to go and they just start aimlessly going off in a direction

but it's like if they have a direction,

Well, that seems to me that's in direct conflict with Miranda that the moment I open my mouth,

It only allows the officer to be able to release you rather than take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

You see, if he arrested you, he was required by 14.06 to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

Then you can go directly for the judge himself. But in this case, he ordered him to do something, and giving the judge his last name would have caused no harm.

In the last two years, Murta has directed $78 million in earmarks to clients of PMA.

a few Texas Rangers, a few Feds, and we got an FBI guy as the director

and it is already heading that direction if not almost already here,

I don't want to talk at you, directly to you.

And had this individual not known me and talked to me directly about this,

that would have a direct and like whether or not the guy was drunk and things of this nature,

Do you still have the directions I sent you?

You still have the directions I sent you how to load it?

Yeah. Yeah. Here in my town, I'm sending my notice of tort against the city directly to the mayor's house.

under the assigned number or director of the accordance to the sub-chapter.

And now we have to capture that energy and that momentum and direct it in a positive


We are here with Joanna Scott, Executive Director of the Parents Guidance Center, doing

They get in office, and all of a sudden they've got stuff coming at them from every direction.

But there's some more really very direct ways of going after this very issue.

We have got for a very special guest tonight Joanna Scott, Executive Director of the Parent

We're here with Joanna Scott, Executive Director of the Parent Guidance Center.

of law radio, we're here with Joanna Scott, executive director of the Parents Guidance

And if you can't, sometimes it's easier to get at them indirectly.

You might want her to direct her to my show and let me know when she's likely to be listening.

He is not doing so at the direction of the commercial entity for whom he works.

At this point, he is not engaged in commerce because he is not under the directive of the commercial entity

And that actually is kind of the direction I was leaning.

That's kind of the direction I was leaning,

It puts a compulsion on the director of whatever agency he works for.

The backlog has become so dire that veterans now wait an average of six months to receive

General, the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety incorporates, by reference,

and we look at what it says, when a property carrying commercial motor vehicle driver at the direction of the motor carrier is traveling

And then right below that, when a passenger carrying commercial motor vehicle driver at the direction of the motor carrier is

Well, what I'm getting at, if there are no, has the state crafted their definition so that there's no direct conflict with federal definitions?

And we can go on with whatever else you all would like to talk about tonight, but I just wanted to make sure that everybody was aware that the Federal Code does add directives to our Transportation Code

number of international troops directly. In many cases, the explosives are used in ambushes.

But again that age limit if you retake it in its direct terminology does not apply to an actual man or woman

You can download it directly from there.


that they're just not in the right and that theology though that slants that direction

I have no direct knowledge of it,

However, he did offer several very good suggestions on how to circumvent the local officials' attempts to bar me from making a presentment directly to the grand jury.

He goes, no, you're not going back in. You can go. More of a direct, you're not doing anything.

We just all need to move in the same direction and I very much agree with your presentation.

We have an incredible storm here coming, headed directly for Austin.

The one part was on driver's license and this was the director of, if I can find it real quick,

Eight lanes of traffic in both directions.

I'm sorry, four lanes in both directions.

ZIM is Linda Latowski, who is the executive director, and ZIM was Gary Wilkerson, who was the general manager.

That's the way they executed and envisioned Central Texas, which is the planning group that we have here in Central Texas, which actually was directly called for in Agenda 21, the 1993 document.

Indigenous leaders say several decrees directly threaten indigenous territories and rights.

Do you think that the feds have any business directing and controlling the training programs

I think we certainly saw some clear direction historically saying that that was inappropriate.

director of Americans for Prosperity which among other things was one of the organizations

It turned out that the executive director was in Benzling Fund and I used to know the

is collected directly from the taxpayers, from the customers, I'll put it that way.

Part of the tax is collected directly from the customers.

they're paying it directly through the tax or the cable company pays it and then passes

himself. And in actuality, to address the directness of your question there, no, you

again, we find the little dirty hand in there that this probably doesn't apply to us directly

Part of the people who were saying they didn't know was the law director of the City Hall.

elected official who would be directly accountable to the public, okay, and so city council is

Here's what your municipal court judge just did in direct violation of Texas law.

we're going to compile all those documents, try to get them included in the final report of these meetings. if not, we're going to go directly to the council and say, hey, we went to your meeting and everybody at this meeting decided that, agrees that we should at least consider these other central cuts.

and that it's made by carbon emissions, because that's where all the money is directed to.

The money is directed to the programs that are saying that.

And mailing directly to them

They've recently allowed attorneys to do direct mailing

mail went. And it seemed that the person in the mail room was directed by the US attorney

have open source code, you know, and direct programming at every level? And I'm like,

directly or you are waiving the grant of subject matter jurisdiction. If you try to argue the facts

it is directed at commercial entities, not us.

Solutions is working under the direct supervision of the law enforcement agency, that they are

that that falls under. So, that doesn't fly. Direct supervision by a law enforcement agency

to, we're going to have a hard time getting traction directly there. However, because this

the government or the city council or the county board of directors or whatever it is,

go to to order Tim Turner's DVDs and please do that you can also go directly

more or less the price that we pay for one of these tickets even if we do a defensive driving it's a waste of time you know I mean I'd rather send it to you you guys direct me as to what to do to get this truck because basically it was a it was a

barriers without posted sign which were open I drove through them and some cop ran up to me and said you crossed that barrier I said I need to know posted site and I knew if I argued it's going to turn out to me so I said just okay give me the ticket so I figured let me call you guys and then how can you direct me using the Texas transportation code and have to deal with this

All process issuing at a municipal court shall be served or shall be served when directed by the court,

Well, there's another thing about that particular section too in the wording there, Randy, and it's when directed by the court.

The court does not have to direct the delivery by an enforcement officer.

But if that enforcement officer, when directed by the court, fails to do it, there's a problem.

and they all seem to agree that it refers to when it is directed by the court

They still have to have an examining trial, and they've never had one, and the court never directed the guy to do it, so they're stuck.

So he can challenge the jurisdiction to the JP directly, and he can also be filing in the district court at the same time or previously, five minutes earlier, a restraining order against the hearing also.

John Stanton, Director of CPB, Office of Air and Marine and State, Provincial and Local Law Enforcement Agencies were quick to take up the offer of added surveillance of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River

No that's not probable cause in and of itself. That's probable cause to believe that you were exerting yourself. There have to be other things like someone on the other end of the terminal just got shot and somebody matching your description ran in the direction that they find you.

it reads internally and takes you directly to that fund number.

Okay, and that's why I think that these people are going in this direction.

And the fact that I'm a journalist goes directly to First Amendment.

They did a direct indictment, which is what they do in South Carolina,

And they did a direct indictment, and I haven't had an arraignment yet.

They did a direct indictment.

I can't just direct you to him unless I've asked his permission first.

and didn't tell her the full direction or the full story or anything.

Okay, wait. Now I cannot get there through speculation. I have to get there directly through law.

I like this guy in Waco. He was tall. He was an older guy. And I told him about 1730, directing the magistrate to seal all the documents in an envelope, put his name across the seal of the envelope, send it to the clerk of the court.

When you file a motion, nothing happens unless you either petition the court directly

In Pennsylvania, you don't have direct access to a grand jury.

The clerk assigns it a cause number and gives it back to you or takes it directly to a judge himself.

and just go for the director of the facility as Respondent Superior

and the tort letter will be addressed to the director of the facility

Yes, and this will give you time to formulate more directed questions.

And when he gets these coming at him from every direction, now you've got his attention.

I'm not going after the officer directly at this point, but I'll get to him.

Well, you're talking about going directly after the judge.

warrant, 14.06 commands the officer to take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

out and jerk me up and take me directly to this magistrate.

Often we can do this by misdirection.

And, you know, he has no access to direct avenues of communication.

Once you are arrested, 1406 commands the officer to take you directly to the nearest magistrate, reason being a police officer is authorized to arrest someone, but he's not authorized to imprison.

A person whose interest will be directly affected by the relief sought is a real party in interest

know, send it to every facility they got and direct it to be given to him so he can sign

it from the person it's directed to.

Okay. So, that goes directly to federal.

The banks of the river direct flow.

In court, the bench directs the flow of the currency.

and he directs the flow of the currency, you're in maritime law.

And the bank is directing the flow of that currency.

I watched a video of a policeman running down the highway and a car is on the opposite side running in the opposite direction against traffic at 90 miles an hour.

And as you may know, Eddie knows I've had some 23 years' experience as a finance director

the finance director for 23 years, yeah, when Gary, when Gary described that purchase order

it as an agent for the director of the dealership's corporation, when he signed the next document

on the front or the back of that document that he signed it as an agent or of the director

certificates of origin, and they just take them directly, and they won't give them to

says on or before, and clearly it directs you to appear before some magistrate, that's

And that's because the police officer who did the arrest was required to take you directly

to the nearest magistrate, 14.06. Since he didn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate,

codes there have to tell them to do that. That's 16.20 Code of Criminal Procedure directs

They just directed the mortgage companies to cut these folks some deals. Well, actually

What she's directed to do instead is prepare a capious warrant for the person's arrest.

Listen, callers, we're going to go directly to your calls on the other side.

There's a more direct way.

thereof, whereas I went directly federal.

Brigadier General Colleen McGuire, director of the Army Suicide Prevention Task Force

In law in Texas, nothing directs a criminal complaint to anyone except a magistrate.

Everything directs it to the magistrate.

What we can find that shows where a pleading can draw directly into maritime is if the jurisdictional statement within the pleading itself references 28 USC 1333 or 1337.

CIA Director Leon Panetta's revelation of a secret program the CIA kept hidden from

None of that speaks directly to maritime.

9 4 4 1 pound and you can also get it direct off the internet at the real

direct interpretation because kill would mean that God could never have sent men

and we're engaging our our government directly and so my my question is is if

have a directory of member and non-member jurisdictions and such well

they have in any given direction at the moment they're running around just as

to trial I went to the court the courtroom was closed and they directed

the impression I got because they are joking between he was directing with the

So whoever the recipient was, was contacted directly.

and of course, that attaches directly to the status records,

Directly into that case with the clerk of the court and then notice the judge and then notice all the gun agencies associated.

If you will send those documents to me, I'll post them on jurisprudence in the C directory.

Well, you would notice the judge separately and directly, obviously,

you still have to direct them to where it's at.

Brigadier General Colleen McGuire, director of the Army's Suicide Prevention Task Force

direction and then if I do find myself in one, how legally to extricate.

I mean, you can send your revocation of power of attorney to them directly without filing

Okay. Nothing directs anyone to present a complaint to a police officer or a prosecuting

attorney. But then there's nothing that says you can't. So you can. And everybody is directed

like that. That's what I like about you, Randy. You think about all the directions. Let me

where the property is and they can give you some direction. County clerk in Texas? Yes.

In El Paso? Yeah, they can give you directions. They can give me directions. Okay. Yeah, because

He's traveling in the opposite direction.

And he was moving in the opposite direction.

You know, I start reading in the traffic code, and of course, they can't pop you while you're moving in the opposite direction while they're moving in the opposite – you know.

But I don't raise that so much directly as indirectly

All you have to do is look at what the federal directives are on the display of the American flag.

You can appeal directly with no reason.

direct this to Eddie real quick.

I don't know if it points us in the direction that we want to go to find the answer to that question,

Otherwise, they won't have a direction.

You have to give them focus and direction.

and we have to direct the curriculum, because they're just going to do whatever they're being trained to do.

I apologize for it because this came directly from Lexus.

you can pull up and do a direct text search on Title 49 and do a search for the word traveling

I have no say so over how you utilize your private property unless that use is directed

So it was clearly directed at public officials.

If he directed the clerk to send it back to you, then file against the clerk,

directing the clerk to file your pleadings and directing the judge to hear the pleadings.

Pass or passing, use the reference to a vehicle means to overtake and proceed, pass, other vehicle, moving in the same direction as the passing vehicle or to attempt to maneuver.

Then when it came back the other direction, pulled me over for that.

An operator, okay, unless otherwise directed.

Four-lane, but two in the direction I was going.

And let's see, an operator, unless otherwise directed, it doesn't address the type of vehicle at all.

start putting the traffic seminar stuff together, I can access that and get to it directly.

Karen Musalo, director of the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies at the University of California,

And whoever the director of the agency is

The director of an agency be it a police department, sheriff's department

The director of the agency is designated the custodian of the record

So you send it to the director of the agency

Sometimes the director will designate someone the custodian

And just anybody in the agency is good enough because they're directed to forward it to the director

Court, she was directly confronted regarding the right to self-defense, okay?

Van Alstyn told that the issue has not come directly before the

He wanted to know directly.

directs the magistrate to make the warrant available for public inspection

It directs the magistrate to make it available.

It has to be where the law directs it to be.

I want to go directly to the judge and say that, you know,

ourselves at the work in the trial of a cause and at the close of the direct examination

and give them absolutely no direction at all concerning what they should be doing.

circumstances indirectly associated with his main narrative.

and asked the judge to direct them not to do so as I had invoked the witnesses.

I asked for a direct verdict from the judge, and I was refused.

government from affecting the people directly.

Do you have any more questions concerning your case so we can go more directly to what you're involved in?

And that's what the case law is for. There are always circumstances that aren't directly addressed in a statute that is deliberately general in its nature.

You send a complaint accusing the U.S. attorney of opening mail directed to the Foreman of

He must show that he has standing either by direct testimony from the principal or a contract

If in their answer it doesn't go directly to the issue that you presented to them

things where, you know, you're trying to interact directly with whatever government

if they have to go directly to a magistrate, this stuff will just go away.

So Eddie, you know, you directed me to go to look up the civil code.

at your wife and trying to punish her, he will tend to trust you and lean in your direction

and we passed another pontoon going in the opposite direction and we waved like we do

And then they give us a direct order that we would load by the book. The reason being anything goes wrong, we're the guy on the bottom.

even though the law directs all arresting officers to bring an arrested person directly

that they're not directly responsible for this tax, that they will stop paying the tax.

And one of the solutions I want to point people in the direction concerning is NYC CAN.

It's worthless as president because it doesn't directly address the issue.

as far as I know, directly towards your birth certificate bond, which is basically your

and you receive income on the investment that's not the direct result of your labor. Am I right

And yes, there's a lot of big money out there pushing in one direction, but there is a tremendous

amount of people with small money pushing in the other direction. And the tremendous

that toolbar that AVG installs as an add-on. That's what's doing that redirect, not Firefox.

does a search for this or directs to this site, Google probably went to this list to

money's created as a checkbooking entry and it goes directly from the bank to the seller.

Every time I ask a direct question, the answer is, oh, it's all fraud.

It was a direct result of the Panic of 1894.

Yeah, we're kind of looking in that direction, aren't we, Charla?

Yeah, we can, but there's something a lot easier to adjudicate, a lot more direct and

So a lot of times what will happen is people can go in and oppose the lender directly.

So you can actually write your criminal complaint up and take it directly to them to show that this guy is abusing his authority.

You can go directly to the grand jury.

General, the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety incorporates by reference the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation,

But right here we can see that everything that the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety does is governed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Title 49.

to Chapter 644. Therefore, he's operated of his own free will in direct violation of his duties

Director means the director of the department or his designee. 28 CFR means 28 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 23.1 at secular as promulgated by the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs.

So, right there, they have blockade. I have a comment on that. Go ahead. I once called Tommy Davis, Director of the Department of Public Safety, and I told him, Colonel Davis, I was just talking to a Captain Hilton in Lubbock, and he tells me that a Texas Ranger cannot take a criminal complaint against a public official without your express permission.

Yeah, and that is actually here. This is actually in Rule 5.2, sub-item C, no officer or member may investigate a public official without proper authorization of the director, the assistant director, or another individual expressly acting in the stead of the director.

Since he violated a very clear directive and directive in the form of a statute directing him to do a certain thing,

That's a direct constitutional violation.

Was that in the capacity of direct examination?

And he directed the witness to answer.

Okay, I know there's this need humans have to confront their adversary directly.

And then they must take you directly to the nearest magistrate

no more control over the grand jury or no direct control over what they do.

Frankly, so if you want to get directly to a grand jury, just send them a certified letter

So that means the only license the Department of Transportation by law can issue directly

And then you can take it and then you just go directly to the district court.

Right. These kinds of things need to be taken up in front of grand juries directly,

I ask for an order directing the county judge and the county prosecutor

so I'm not going to be someone that can really give you a lot of direction other than I know it.

either the bank itself is a direct corresponding bank to the Federal Reserve,

and Frost Bank has a direct account with the Federal Reserve.

or directly out in the form of a check to somebody that's a bond holder.

is that they were going to force people indirectly to put their money back into the banks and create this confidence.

Well, unless you want to spend the next few weeks cringing every time you see a cop headed in your direction,

but having direct deposit, which just went into the bank account,

She, however, directly contradicted my thoughts and exactly what you said,

when directed to do so by the governing body of the taxing unit

They go right directly to the discount window at their bank and make the deposit.

Look who appoints their boards of directors.

The board of directors are from a list of people.

It's not a direct competitor to you guys.

of the economy will be tied directly to some government bureaucrat if this stuff goes through,

And I further direct you and will you to compensate me for x number of dollars in redemption for my

What does a sovereign do a king? He never directed anybody to do anything. He never ordered anybody doing he said it is my will

but i'm i'm wondering if if those are directions to take versus

So you have to go through these certain channels and then they're going to redirect her this way and then if she says well

You're a voir dire.

That comes directly from the Communist Manifesto and from each according to his ability to each according to his need.

That they actually had something by their own admission that could manipulate and change the market's direction

By directly monetizing our debt, they're doing it the David Copperfield way.

and directly ripped off from the American public.

Give me your phone number and I'll call you also and get with you direct.

when the pendulum begins to, again, swing right back in the direction it just came from

We have to do things that move our better cause in the right direction

But there is no liability of a middleman for doing a direct trade between two parties, at least this week

I didn't mean to like, you know, change direction midstream here,

Now I want to consider myself more of like the, you know, director.

or I was talking to a director of one of the largest exchanges in the world.

And this now, you know, he was a director, which is like a high-level minion, okay?

And this director, he now talks to me about his monthly gold

to the programming directors of the stations, of licensed FCC stations.

What happens when all these algorithms all point in the same direction at the same time?

If the guest can't answer this, he can just tell me so and redirect me where to go.

But now what can be done without involving the court directly is to have the one sign over power of attorney for all matters to the other.

Well, he stopped at the gate and told the guy asking for directions, told him he was lost.

And the guy gave him directions.

I don't think it's going to be quite so open and direct as the chip.

He kept on basically insinuating and saying directly that, from what I heard from him,

Then along with the, then with the governor, the governor has direct supervisory authority

The last thing I asked in the prayer is I asked for an order directing the county judge and county attorney to go out behind the courthouse, shoot themselves, and when they meet in hell, explain to each other how stupid all this was.

Not taking me directly to a magistrate is not constitutional.

But not being taken directly to the magistrate doesn't.

In conducting harmless error analysis of constitutional violations in direct appeal on habeas corpus cases,

disruptive behavior during voir dire.

Though Ken will get me for pronouncing voir dire wrong, it's voir dire.

California does not extend to direct appeal stage of criminal case.

That's why 14.06 commands the officer to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

When they can't get a response back directly, drives them crazy.

to begin with, since it came up directly in the sheriff's possession,

Well, and we have Homeland Security right in our town, directly to that office.

If I get more of these kind of calls, I'm going to take him to the director.

Has the law firm produced direct evidence that it is representing the debtor or is it

You don't have to cross, you can directly examine them.

Yes, or you can examine them directly without having to recall.

He's a host on this network and he got elected executive director.

where those people, the constitutions both state directly that in all criminal prosecutions,

And I'm relatively certain his client directed him into how he was to approach this issue.

But then again, the attorney is most often in a case like this following the direction of the client.

Take directly to a magistrate, because they get time to sit down one with the other and carefully calculate how to structure their testimony so that it protects them from any wrongdoing they may perpetrate.

If they were to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself, he wouldn't have time to concoct an effective testimony.

Let me read you the quote directly from the Asian news June 18th

Now, I've heard and read a couple of different opinions and directions that this story could have taken

But there was no follow-up, there was no evidence giving that linked them directly to Japan

unless it's indirectly tied to a precious metals mining company, either a junior or a major

China has been giving blurbs out to the media, either directly or indirectly, that they are

Now, sometimes that's direct and sometimes it's indirect, but these financial derivatives

They're not doing it because they want more power directly.

So this guy, Ted Gunderson, has got a bunch of interesting information about that and it's all – most of what I can recall about what he said is directly in line with what you guys are talking about.

way up the committee and then into being the director of the CIA. It's astonishing to see

that he even served as director of the CIA.

Exactly. You guys want to take a look at that. But anyway, so the march goes on, I guess, as Howard Harmon-Taylor says, onward through the fog. You've just got to keep focused and try to keep a sense of direction.

and they can actually point you in a direction on that.

Now, see, this is one of those things where we have a direct conflict between our state constitution and the federal constitution when it comes to this.

And he said, fair enough. I can do both of those. I direct my case. He is my employee.

get behind the wheel of a motorized piece of equipment and directs it down a street or highway.

question comes out as a statement of fact, which is not a direct question.

The ones in Florida, there were a great number of those, and they were essentially on the same issues where there was no contract or no direct evidence of contract and clear indications of improprieties in the paperwork.

they lose half of their earnings on taxes directly and indirectly at all levels,

That Deborah was directing on the 9-11 thing

Because I'd have had to have eyes in the back of my head to see it if it had come from that direction

Since 2007, George Bush signed PDD 51, a directive that allows the president to take total control

Let's go directly to the roots of Economics 101.

that should be becoming familiar to us beyond all the hype and misdirection?

yeah yes this complaint will go to his chief or his other sheriff or whoever his direct supervisor is and this will absolutely count whether they investigated or not makes no difference it's it's counted against his record yeah and that's the main reason to file it in my opinion

She's not talking about him directly seeing the crime. She's talking about him either seeing the crime or specific evidence pointing to the probable cause to believe there is a crime.

I hereby agree and direct that whatever fine that may be imposed may be deducted from the amount deposited.

In 2007, George Bush signed PDD 51, a directive that allows the President to take

and a bigot whose legacy is mass murder the site stated darwin's half-baked theory directly

in the right direction how old is the ticket well it's one of these that they have to appear on or

uh and it speaks directly to that issue and it also speaks directly to the issue of the required

no all complaints in law are directed to some magistrate and you are that magistrate and i'm

night off tonight we're gonna struggle through without our uh board op uh producer director

well it stands out they remember when they start getting hammered from every direction especially

grounds because it is a direct violation of specific requirements within the constitution

that a person arrested with a warrant be taken directly to the nearest magistrate 15 17 directs

the person arrested on a warrant to take the person directly to the person to the magistrate

you directly to jail and those are in times of extreme emergency it one of the primary cases was

the officer should have to bring you directly to a magistrate he didn't see the great importance

Right when you walk out of the store, there's a directory sign that's right in front of your face,

vaccination, and I think that people should be directed to Dr. Mercola,

So it's hard to move them unless you go after them directly, or just asking for records will seldom do it.

Five current and former directors of Bank of America have been subpoenaed by New York

you just direct certain entities to send certain mail to the PO box and other entities to send

the post office will just direct everything to the post office box no matter how it's

entities are directed to, you know, I give them my residence address.

They copied back and forth both directions to show the employer out there that the authority of the continuous levy is from the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

And especially here in Texas and in Florida, there's nothing to stop you from going directly to a grand jury.

and whether that statute is you know directly on you imposing a tax on you or whether it's a treaty.

So your state income taxes are directly derived from the amount of taxes paid on the federal income tax.

So they had to get those laws passed both directions so that they could tax each other's employees.

We just redirect it through less levels of bureaucracy.

it specifically directs the IRS agent to obey all law in the collection of the taxes.

right direction with it.

Blackwater, now known as ZI, was directly involved in the assassinations of former Pakistani

the past chairman of the board of directors of the Texas Telephone Association, and has

been a director of that organization for over 20 years, all right, so he's involved in the

telephone industry, served on the board of directors of the Texas Statewide Telephone

telecommunications technologies, most recently at TeleGENT, where he was director of engineering,

he worked for Pacific Mobile, okay, so now we've got Gene Crick, executive director,

telecommunity resource center, he's the executive director of the Metropolitan Austin Interactive

project, okay, statewide telehealth network funded by the FCC for $14 million, and director

to join these lobbying organizations, so there's not just the direct lobbying, there's also

for the FCC CAC Working Group on Rural and Underserved Populations, Director of Development

so everybody can read about these people. Okay, director technology policy offer of

Okay, as director of technology policy, wide responsibility for addressing key public policy

for Dell's technology direction investment in areas of security and client virtualization.

he was the guy that was talking about how the direction they're going to take in the

everything's going to be wireless. You know, computers will talk directly to each other

associate professor, Department of Electrical Engineering. Okay, he is the director of wireless

Don Shaver that I've only got like 123 more four more. Okay, Don Shaver, director communications

development R&D organizations. Okay, he Okay, let's see. Director of TI's communications

David Walter, executive director radio technology, AT&T architecture and planning, executive

director of the radio technology group at AT&T labs. All right, so directs a team for

up against. Okay, got two more here Bart bone Bo HN, executive director of the Austin Wireless

Alliance, this is a lobbying group, executive director responsible for identifying promising

partnerships. Okay, last one, Dan cooler, CUELAR, executive director and co founder of the Texas

note into directly into the internet to bypass the ISPs and stuff. That was one website that

That's a direction that I'm looking to take with the FCC in showing that they only have

of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer,

tapped right directly into the internet.

directly into the internet through your DNS server, get a different name server too.

So this is, this is for a community, for a neighborhood to be able to basically tap directly

And, see, our questions weren't directed at the panelists of people that were representing

We were directing our questions at her.

Okay, I will, I know now, I know how to tap into the internet directly.

They're not going to be able to stop us from setting up our own access points directly

was a man from Dell, he's with their technology policy director.

they're not going directly to the highest court.

Yeah, yeah, the public funding thing and the public officer seems to be like that is highly likely to be directly related

to exert official authority rather than acts in accordance with direction,

going directly to the highest court.

like that is highly likely to be directly related, because how could it be a

to exert official authority rather than acts in accordance with direction,

Obama said, �I am concerned that if the direction of the news is all blogosphere,

disillusion in the direction of the government�s strategy.

Obama said the Iranian nuclear program represents a direct challenge to the basic foundation of the non-proliferation regime

I'm sorry, the principal would have to testify either by direct affidavit or direct testimony

But he can claim that he had no direct knowledge, now he can go back and should be able to start again, start at the beginning

You would do that by contacting him and writing directly, maybe registered mail, sending it to the court in his name, asking for a financial statement?

He was an attorney directly for the credit card company

He represented the credit card company directly

So you're saying if he is not an attorney hired directly by the credit card company

So even if he is contracted directly to the credit card company he's still a third party debt collector

Obama said, I'm concerned that if the direction of the news is all blogosphere, you will end

disillusion in the direction of the government's strategy.

My concern here is that even though what your concern is is that you're not directly responsible

That's somebody that's working directly with them.

Oh, they're working directly with them, as Jess said earlier.

�That would be damages though.� �That would equate to damages.� �Direct damage.�

is involved in an act that is a direct violation of a self-enacting clause of the Constitution

to be, but� And it has to be directly associated with

But that would be directly associated with the vehicle though?

Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says H1N1 is spreading widely throughout the US.

which I'll leave that out, you're supposed to go directly to a judge and they're supposed to set bond.

He does try to hand the judge a motion directly, which the statutes in the state in question say you cannot do.

I mean, you know, the arresting officer didn't take him directly to the judge that issued the warrant.

You know, we might be moving in the wrong direction.

Take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

If there's something they need to know, try to let them know by directing,

I'm sorry, Randy. The notice of demand goes directly to the court of my court or the district of my court?

I will talk to Jeff about it and find out how to get to him directly, Jeff knows.

At least my attorney will move in that direction in the judge.

And even then, he's required to be taken directly to the magistrate who issued the warrant.

There was no warrant issued. I was taken directly to jail. I was held in jail for 24 hours and then released without charge.

under 16.17, the magistrate is ordered, is directed to prepare an order stating whether the person was released at their liberty,

take me directly to the nearest magistrate, then shut up.

If he asks you questions, your answer is take me directly to the nearest

Take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

direct questions.

then you just move directly against the creditor itself.

employed in a number of different directions yeah in the meantime yeah go

mainly directed at the debt collectors there's different ways of handling the

Mohammed El-Boradi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency,

he stinks. That's just direct, straight up personal opinion on the subject. Nancy

directed, then there's no way to go after him in that regard.

under Bush that Obama had awareness of and direct knowledge of were torture,

All we would have to do is just, you know, pull the direct quotes from him

office has filed a motion to dismiss the case arguing that Reynolds has not been directly

A well as I understand there there's no indication there's no direct indication that swine flu

There may be important facts that's in her mind that she hasn't paid direct conscious attention to.

If they know very full well that they are using in a statute in a manner other than the way it applies and it is written, they are in direct violation of their duty under the law because they are withholding information that would prove your innocence.

and you have no power directly to pull that person from that other state and deal with him under your state law because they're in another state.

So, you know, basically instead of attacking the issue directly,

You don't have the authority to tell me directly.

they basically came up with some direction that they wanted to take because at that time

I was thinking more of like a directory, not a forum, but a directory of people in different areas with email addresses

I need somebody to set up, like you're saying, a directory list of networking people who listen,

Maybe you could be in charge of the rule of law radio directory.

It would be difficult to do what I'd like to do as far as with a directory.

Once you get the North Carolina case, you can put the North Carolina case in directly and it will pull that case up for you.

Direct questions, the direct questions to be responded to,

Yeah, direct questions, okay.

You know, you've got the people who would want to use the bypass or need to use the bypass because they need to head that direction or whatever.

because the witness profits from your conviction directly.

Hirohoto was directed by the warlords to make war on the

But something that looks like it can, if they keep going in the direction they're going,

either directly in the path of the toll roads or directly in the path of eminent domain

or directly in the path of financial devastation because of restrictive practices.

to give you the direct number for the attorney.

then we go after them directly.

But if the people they're advising have been ordered to take their advice as directives,

We talked about some of it before, about how they have to take you directly to a magistrate and all these things.

You know, the magistrate is required to submit the documents of the examining trial directly to the clerk of the court,

It didn't bring them directly to a judge the whole nine yards.

If you are arrested, first thing you say, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

If they ask you a question, your answer is, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

And I asked him directions and gave him a quarter.

And I was on the phone asking directions and I told him I might be a little late.

I wonder if maybe somebody might be able to direct me in a right direction.

He went directly to my employer.

So he went directly to my boss.

he's the executive director of that political action committee, and huge public hearings,

He gets them directly from the magistrate, which of course is a felony tampering with

Does he need to try to go to the grand jury directly at this point?

Grand jury directly.

to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

where I don't have to take you directly to a magistrate.

in order for us to take arrested people directly to them

and the research repository should just directly go to Randy's

You can sue him directly.

You can file criminal charges against him directly for doing that.

or that they work directly for the company that is attempting to sue for the debt.

They directly represent us, or these guys have no standing to sue.

that involve him directly. As far as what's out there that the rest of the

direct information related to it.

are directly involved in. Okay.

Yes, sue him directly, malpractice

You also need to file charges against him directly for collusion

If anything didn't go right with any of my cases, it's only because I didn't follow the directions given

And I'm doing it in the opposite direction of a motor vehicle and I know I need to get my definitions

522 is directed specifically at the commercial driver's license.

to the extent that direct reading does not produce a desired result.

Now, if you read that directly, this is the way that I came up with that was meant to apply,

that any state passes that directly affects the people,

Any law that directly affects the people.

If it's written and directed at the people,

As a principal, you won't find them directly in the court record.

Instead of going after the system so directly, we make noise about that.

She is the Bureau of Driver Licensing Director that has her electronic signature on it.

tried to find some case law, I couldn't find a case law, but I did find the direct statute.

And then you can go after them directly for impersonating a public servant.

of comments I've gotten today, you know, there's been no one commented directly on the article

make his payment, his rearage payment, directly to the clerk of the court, I believe it's

because he secreted a document from the agency or person it was directed to

code are directly dealt with in the administrative code as a delegated powers for our state troopers

Whether directly with the, let's say it's a traffic stop.

what the lie is. And I, uh, quickly went directly into detail over, uh, the administrative code

to do to get around this is I am going to mail one directly to the Austin chief of police

it to them directly. I didn't, uh, they didn't want me to open the book. I just quoted it

code that the department of public safety is the agency that has direct beginning, highest

means the department of public safety of the state of Texas. Director means the public

safety director. Now when it comes to the drawing of blood for the DNA database system

to do this under the DNA samples. Remember I gave you the definition of director, the

public, the director of public safety. Okay. That's who the director is for this program.

punishable by prison because you caused a direct harm, which is actionable from both

Peter Pronovost, director of critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins said

We function on two levels, one of them is directly conscious and one of them is not

I wanted to go directly to law enforcement officials

So they really needed a conviction here and they made all of these dire threats, but you

their arms they're going to propose dire threats to these horrible things they'll do to you.

Which directly exempted the people's property from taxation by the federal government

Person includes an individual, corporation, partner, partnership, officer or director of a corporation, joint venture, trust, trustee, agent or association

So that means we're going to have to either look directly in a court's archives to find the case law

It's too simple to direct, like the statute earlier that any ad no ad valorem taxes that

but if he didn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate, now you got grounds for

If he took you somewhere else first and he can't show that there was some dire circumstances

here in Texas, or one that's in direct violation of Title 49, which is the

and you are, as a matter of fact, supposed to be brought directly to a magistrate.

direct the prosecutor to call the dispatcher and have the dispatcher route that officer to this court

Peter Pronovost, director of critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins said, �In a country

And we're moving in that direction where, okay, we're going to go now to Igor from New

And what we do is we, in the small claims action, we also direct the person responding

Director Robert Mueller to Senate Judiciary Committee members' questions.

By naming the person or the people directly

I can't find anything that directly addresses it

I do find case law that requires a citizen who makes a citizen's arrest to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate

But I couldn't find anything that directs a police officer to take custody of a prisoner from a citizen

You can't make a direct arrest on the bond, you can make a challenge to the bond

Yeah they're going to say well there's no money coming out of his pocket so that doesn't directly give him an interest and I'm going to say no wait a minute

And that might be less directly confrontational than Mr. Berglund, Greg does it all to me

Kurt Gilroy, the Pentagon's director of accession, says kids are just not able to do push-ups,

Kurt Gilroy, the Pentagon's director of accession, says kids are just not able to do push-ups,

and they will steer you in the right direction.

They assigned the property directly to my wife by name.

Direct claim with the insurance carrier

Client is not directly implicated in the

Okay. It goes to Chapter 7, Code of Criminal Procedure. I'm sorry, Penal Code. Culpability. All of this goes directly to culpability.

So we're moving ahead in that direction.

Even if he did that, then he was required to take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

when he made the probable cause determination go directly to the clerk and nowhere else.

And the judge can give you a direct order to, and if you refuse to, then he can hold you in contempt, I suppose.

we're asking the court to direct the lower courts to simply follow the law as it's already

in every case, the clerk of the court is directed to prepare a capious warrant for his arrest.

he is to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself. When

to take me directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves, they would have never

White House Budget Director Peter Orsak said Friday sending 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan would cost an extra $40 billion a year.

Yeah, that's why we a lot of times go to the grand jury directly so that the prosecutor can't get in the way.

Well, yeah, but if you go to the grand jury directly again

Quite frankly, most grand juries will go whatever way the prosecuting attorneys direct them.

and you go so much direction this way and then you go direction that way and so forth, and it's called meets and bounds.

So you go the direction and the distance and then the direction and the distance back to the point of the beginning,

It's by using the contracts and relations and addressing them directly.

all going to directly address

ties the transportation code directly

paper crimper seal so it doesn't actually have anything you can identify directly, I

a way that folks can go on and enter the information from their mortgage directly into the forms

required to take me directly

obviously there he's not directly taking me in.

But they are directly affected by it because then they're not going to be able to get the information they need.

because your show is going to be taken off the air, which means you are directly affected.

their means of living and their vocation is directly affected whether or not they're on

anything from the listeners is these letters, okay, that are basically directed towards

a direct showing of standing because they're being harmed, their business, their vocation

Radio is not directly associated with the micros. However, we are offering our

situation. He has some information on that. He's not directly associated with

do what the incumbent administration directs them to do. So instead of

The pendulum is beginning to swing back in our direction.

Now, myself and another station may be at direct odds on what's right. That's not the point.

38.123 speaks directly to there being money involved.

In terms of whether it's a civil matter or a criminal, like it's been told to you directly?

There are two other previous rulings that directed them to do that and they still don't

Randy has experience with this directly.

to where it uploads the video directly to the Internet

And whoever the officer's direct supervisor is,

or do I go directly to the district attorney?

Whatever situation with attorney, you've got to call the shots and make sure that you direct the case.

You've got to direct the case as a pro se, whether you have an attorney or not.

the proceedings and the Attorney General or his delegate directs that the

and to seek your direction and guidance.

my success at doing what needs to be done as sheriff is going to be directly related

the population on what is happening, how dire is it or how dire is it not, and then what

in that direction.

they can't make any contributions to the politicians directly.

We have politicians that obviously are in bed one way or another either directly with

the banks or directly through Wall Street or both.

bailouts and the misdirected and misguided fiscal policies the endless

Its people are misguided, are wandering lost like a ship without a direction or a compass.

so far before the act of gravity pulls it back to the other direction.

in so many different directions to hit them from so many different angles.

Direct debt monetization.

The leaked emails appear to show that CRU director Professor Phil Jones and colleagues attempted to manipulate figures

No, I'm talking directly into my phone.

You can refuse to sign and demand to be taken directly to a magistrate.

So this is a condition, a situation where you haven't demanded to be taken directly to a magistrate,

Yes, because if you don't appear, then you get taken directly to the magistrate.

say it's a bunch of rules and regulations and directions of how to run a state.

theoretically represented the will of the people, therefore the people indirectly could

these people represented through the wealth that they held themselves directly and also

from the wealth they controlled indirectly through the investment firms, which they represented

from you in direct taxes, not through your income taxes, but through your loss of purchasing

And so it points us right in the direction we must recapture control of Congress.

And those who are concerned about the direction of our country and the future of our children

more I became concerned about the direction of our country.

So Ayesha of Missouri, she's the executive director of the Liberty Restoration Project

failed to conduct the taping as directed.

Do you know? I don't know directly, but I don't think so, because she was not aware of these

of why the Pentagon failed to conduct the taping as directed.

Well, no, because it came directly out of my actual bank account.

and it signed Dane Director of Operations.

Jamil Jaffa, director of the ACLU's National Security Project,

directly and pay without penalty?

because the phone number on the ticket that was supposed to be directing him

Well, since you've already had a trial, the first thing I'd want to do is formulate the way I'm going to voir dire the police officer on the stand.

Actually, I'll send you a link directly to the PDF and get straight to the site.

The contract with the company now called Zee Services was cancelled this year by CIA Director

complete and ready for download and to be purchased directly at Brave New Books as well.

got a law enforcement folder. These folders will contain complaints directed at that particular

that one was working under the direction of another. So that's what we're going to be

that hot and heavy. Now, the motion that Deborah is speaking of directly is dealing with the

motion attacks that directly. The folder either misses a complaint entirely or misses the

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair says the global economic crisis

in a vast protection racket and indirectly funding the very insurgents

and statutes and municipal codes, but they would probably be better equipped to point you in the direction

in the right direction of where to look to reconcile these issues and how to deal with it.

I actually can't directly sell some of these things, but we're just including them as freebies

the Iraq intercepts at the direction of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and

officer ever get out of your direct line of sight no yeah me I was I was facing

directly to the clerk of the court now but I guess sometimes they don't that's

point one six code of criminal procedure directs the magistrate after a warrant

and 1620 directs him to prepare a warrant if you're arrested without one he

the record for each governmental department or the director of the agency

maybe you have some knowledge you can point me in the right direction

Virtually any alphabet agency directed toward

They're not required to have the license just like the if you look at 521 in a more direct fashion

They can direct traffic on a rural highway

I have a lot of good case law going directly to subject matter, a challenge to subject matter jurisdiction

Now, that's not a crime directly, in this case, you're not, last time I did it, I accused the judge of impersonating a public official

So you can buy it directly from us for $250

Now by the same distinction, 522 does not speak directly to having a motorcycle endorsement

In this state is a direct reference to the corporate entity

that keeps you as a stockholder or an officer from being directly sued

Do I still have a right to do the void dire with the jury trial?

So click on the traffic affidavit and judicial notice link and it will take you directly to the affidavit online itself

The other one, Dennis Carlton, who claims that he is the regional director of the FCC,

goes directly to a constitutional conflict.

I was told directly to my face

You can get it off of the website, but if you want to direct mail it, it is rangerx64 at

I keep one over my visor directly over my head,

we'll deal with it, with the seminar material and going after them directly.

A little bit more when we get back and then we'll start with the cop voir dire.

under the person's control or inside of or directly in route to a motor vehicle that

but the director of the agent who stopped the agency who stopped you because the agent is acting

under the direction of the principal and filed criminally against the principal

well from what I can tell it creates a violation of law in a constitutional sense the law itself that's allowing this now becomes a direct violation of the constitution and is therefore unconstitutional on its face

were the direct cause of the crisis we are in today.

Well, they have the onboard radar, but that's a directional EMF.

And he told them where he wanted to go. They gave him directions.

Be responsible or subject to supervision or direction of an employer agent engaged in the performance of investigative

Who is his supervisor? He's the uh, or uh, alleges to be the regional director of the fcc of the southwest region

because nowhere in law is a complaint directed to a prosecuting attorney.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate.

the financial system, with citizens reclaiming the power to act directly when politicians

No allegations against me, no direct interest other than that I'm the sovereign citizen.

directly from the police officer.

But the first thing I would do is go directly to the officer in question.

In other words, if you don't know who to direct interrogatories to,

wouldn't that discovery be directed at the police department, not at the prosecutor?

how do you direct a motion for discovery to somebody you don't know who it is?

Now, this is not some of the stuff that Randy and I addressed directly today.

you've already gone through jury voir dire in selection, and then they're in the box. They're listening to this.

any probable cause other than a direct order from someone that was not even a superior.

And since the officers admitted that they arrested you because the CIA directed them to,

Once I got into this, I felt like I had so much support and direction.

direction and other people who have been in federal court have been on these phone calls

or respond directly to the company.

Well, I had some direction from you for various places to look, and then I got on the internet

So validation directly to Midland through the lawyer or to each of them and the dispute to HBSC?

Yeah, here on the Texas website, you have the option of downloading it in a PDF or a text file directly.

and all rules and regulations therein are under the direct rulemaking authority of the Texas Department of Transportation.

And all rules and regulations therein are under the direct rulemaking authority of the DPS.

Department means the Department of Public Safety acting directly or through its authorized officers and agents.

An officer authorized to direct traffic or arrest persons who violate traffic regulations.

Now, we've already gone through how to voir dire the officer and proved that a driver's license

It makes it very, very clear how you voir dire the officer to lead him right down the path to testify on your behalf,

There's no way for somebody that's unfamiliar with a commonwealth way that's under Spanish law that's never studied it to tell you that directly.

Ask them directly, what year are the laws of this state that all current statutes are based on, what year were they implemented in the legislature?

you have now given the state direct access to steal your money from that bank account,

because the stuff that I've seen even before I met him led me in that direction.

And then move for quarter point counsel, and when you get counsel, you let him know that you're going to bar-grieve him every time he breathes the wrong direction.

Yeah, the county directly. And the county would still have to put something into the record showing that they have made that offer to cover her bond

Then you can go after the county directly and I bet they tell this guy to cram it.

My personal direct line is not available to the public

Then I would go directly to the district clerk and give the district clerk the same request

Yeah, I just want to let you know, I mean we are going down with a group of concerned citizens to confront the Commissioner's Court directly about this, and we've already done all these records requests, and they're either going to have the records or they're not, and the fact of the matter is they already can't produce them

Now I'm going down with a group of people to confront the commissioners directly, and I'd like the general public to know about this in case they'd like to come down

Executive orders are only directed at employees of the executive branch. You know, the president can tell his employees what to do, but he can't just tell us what to do. He has to enforce law. See, that's the problem I have with all these signing statements.

with the passengers directly,

I go through a very direct questioning of the officer about driver's licenses.

because it gave them a direction to go in they hadn't thought of.

directly to a grand jury would be a really important step in straightening things out

which is made up of citizens so citizens can't present evidence directly to other citizens too

And then the state will go a few years later and pass a law directly in contravention of the U.S. Supreme Court decision.

Seeking to present evidence directly to the statewide grand jury

And he's the one that directed me towards several different things

it's in direct violation of the constitution.

That is a direct violation of Article II,

That is a direct conflict of interest.

It is a direct violation of Division of Powers.

In my information request, because I bumped into that particular thing, is I demand direct

In direct contradiction to the reform that I'm trying to make for Texas and for the country

I directly contact them and I ask them, is it showing that it's being disputed in any way?

You can go after them directly

Iran has accused Western powers of fueling the rage directed at the country's

none of them going directly to the issue of the driver's license

But at the same time, they may also inadvertently point you in a direction to discover something you might have otherwise not known about.

the only way it can all fit together and not be a direct violation of rights

how do we solve that quandary since those particular statutes seem to be in direct opposition to each other?

Larry Nelson is actually working right now to get the actual scanned images of particular acts from the 1925 statutes directly out of the legislature,

there becomes the necessity of there being a direct correlation of what the motor vehicle

And since the license itself is directly based upon the necessity to operate in commerce,

You may not use the information directly or indirectly in his case in, during cross-examination

shouldn't do it. Get someone who's not directly involved who can do it without passion and

people who seemingly have no direct connection to go in and start filing against the judge.

directly with the micros that are suing the FCC and the U.S. government and these agents

under direct order from the judge to stamp denied on every single pleading and motion

It won't transmit 25 miles directly.

that's why I took language directly out of Title 47 when I was helping Honorable Representative

give them up, he just refused, and it got down to a direct confrontation between the

Even if it's high-minded rhetoric, Randy, it still, you know, directs the intention.

recordings I'm assuming from the show, and based upon what it's talking about here, it's got to be the one where I did the voir dire of the

because they are specifically directed to send you to the county court or the statutory county court,

who is then directed to hold an arraignment.

Neither court has jurisdiction to do the thing they are directed to do.

the time I've been on the radio, I have received not one cent in return directly from the radio.

But they collude with each other to prevent that from being introduced to the jury or to be directly examined to the witness

Do you have direct access to the grand juries in your state?

That's a direct violation of your state constitution, but since that document's

The one website that you can go to very directly would be

How do I talk with you directly, not necessarily on the air?

I went to the law library at the direction of some good people

Former managing director of Monsanto India, Tiruvardhi Jagadishan, said Monday

You can be in direct contact with her, and she'd make an interesting segment.

Susan Price, Director of Homeless Services in Long Beach, says some of the floating economic

So I know I'm headed in the right direction.

A business cannot manipulate the people themselves directly.

you can order it directly through the Rule of Law Radio Web site,

So you can order directly from us.

and I'm terrified about giving the wrong direction.

But direction.

On the January 11th, I go over the specifics of exactly how to voir dire an officer

And on February 6th I testified before the whole board about the crimes of its current medical director, not medical director, executive director about which I had personal knowledge.

which means you committed criminal acts in direct proportion to the duties of your office.

When that judge does not follow law, they are acting in direct violation of law.

If you were directed to do that by a superior and you acted in good faith

You're going in too many different directions.

The only manuals or quotations they'll accept are directly out of their own printed books in Arkansas.

Since these courts have been directed to send you to the county court, where do they get the power to hold an arraignment to accept the plea?

document directly. But there isn't much. Bar grievances are real simple. They're not, there's

to hold an arraignment when 1517B specifically directs them to send us to the county court for

better. But in either case, if you were directed and arrested by an officer without a warrant

Oh, I know. None of them are going to be happy because they put the burden directly on their

But anyhow, my question is I was wondering if Eddie could steer me in the right direction

Well, there's actually three donate buttons. You can donate directly to Eddie,

didn't realize that they would indeed be indirectly affected.

And that is directly related to philosophy.

That points directly to the purpose of philosophy.

we wind up going nowhere. We have no direction.

I haven't really said it to him directly, but in all this time together, that's really the one issue I've had with Randy's method

And then how they're going to go through this and put it right for the people of Texas. We want to get on the floor and address these people directly for the things they're trying to do

Okay so anyway my mother knew and heard the stories that the principal was directing the teachers

So that, though, as far as direct in Maryland, is the only real issue I've had

has a minimum of three travel lanes in each direction.

It was two travel lanes in each direction.

So I look in the direction of oncoming traffic to my left.

He looks in the direction of oncoming traffic to his left.

And that had both of us looking in opposite direction

And file suit against them directly

I'm going to come down to a narrow little wedge that'll be in the right direction.

Or not have direct evidence from somewhere where you're obtaining your credit from

It's a direct trade

of exchange to just a direct trade or barter, well, in my particular life, I would be saving

their city prosecutor are in direct violation of the Texas Constitution and state law in

I need to take that to some magistrate, there's nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to a police department

everything in law directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate

No, you can get default judgment in either direction

1406A directs the officer to take you before a magistrate for the purposes of having 1517 done

In the instance of those court cases not a single one of them addressed 2.05 directly.

So 2.05, trying to allow the procedure to continue on complaint alone is in direct violation

I've seen far too many of those opinions that go in direct opposite of what the statutes

you would have to apply the same force in the opposite direction.

they can't be thrown directly into the fire.

You guys are steering in the right direction.

that are cross-braced very often in all four directions

every single piece of metal beam would fit directly onto a flatbed truck the moment it was taken out of the rubble.

okay so what direction do I need to go to see if I can get this dismissed

like say for example maybe this isn't directly related or analogous but one

opposite direction it was actually more of an honor and a trophy so to speak

opposite direction was pretty intense so that would if you are sailor back in

something to go the other direction from that Cape those were the guys going the

The report concluded Lehman died from bad mortgage holdings and, less directly, demands

yeah I would love to see the statute directly so we can hold our feet to the

are both directors of the Illinois Bar Association so we've got a little bit

there was a board of directors governing the insurance policy on Building 7.

and getting our criminal charges directly to the grand juries and empowering the grand juries

let's not break wait a minute let's not go off in this oddball directions look the prosecutor says I can present

World Food Program Director Giancarlo Ciri said, quote, they are in a total poverty trap,

The report concluded Lehman died from bad mortgage holdings and less directly, demands

When he finds probable cause, then he's directed to seal all the documents had in the hearing

Obviously, there are some legislators that listen to our show because they have directly

15.17b used to direct the court to send you to the county or statutory county court for

Now on top of that, that would then put that section in direct conflict with Article 5,

and it's going that direction.

So the Earth is still spinning in the same direction,

and then took off to the east, which is the direction I would have had to have went to go home.

The report concluded Lehman died from bad mortgage holdings and, less directly, demands

When you're done, be very certain that you put a line, a diagonal line, both directions across all remaining lines.

for some direction on that one.

And keep in mind, I'm also one of those guys that's the director of the Illinois Bar Association.

And we do have direct links with Lloyds of London, which is the actual underwriter for

And we're going to start taking in these complaints, you know, via just a copy, and send it directly

You know, it's real simple to click it over and send it directly to claims office.

what the license is directed toward is those engaged in operating in commerce upon the

are directed strictly at commercial vehicles and drivers.

are giving bad direction, the judges are upholding it.

It got the policeman out of a spot, and if you have attorneys directing the police to

Now, I'm not bringing that up, per se, directly, but I'm bringing that up obliquely.

If they arrested you, took you directly to jail, that's due process violation in the

World Food Program Director Giancarlo Thierry said, quote, they are in a total poverty trap,

I found some forms, a number of forms, with Randy's direction, but they're called open

Okay, I was going to say, title 18, 3332 will let us report them directly to an attorney

There wouldn't be any direct authority for doing act of statute like that affecting the

The report concluded Lehman died from bad mortgage holdings and, less directly, demands

Yeah, I was commenting that when we come back the second time at their direction, they're

There's nothing here directing the complaints to anybody but the district attorney.

now, understand this, Article 1, Section 10 is now in direct conflict with the combined

walked him up to my truck and asked him, you know, very, very directly,

You do realize, of course, though, that those guys have no direct law enforcement authority within the state,

Well, a little while back, I had gotten in touch with DirecTV, getting a cable, not cable

Yeah, because generally, the satellite DISH companies now, I had DirecTV once, once and

so I switched a bit over to DirecTV, it took them four trips to get my wireless connections

I couldn't wait to get rid of them, and I will not deal with DirecTV, but anyhow DISH

The report concluded Lehman died from bad mortgage holdings and less directly, demands

So I don't recommend anybody, unless you're in dire straits, trying to take on two or

So she is standing there working directly with you, and she knows I am in this courtroom.

Value stuff directly to the credit card company, who immediately thought it was a dispute,

the law and the facts under the direction of the court as in other cases.

And he will probably get pretty excited about that point and make dire threats against my

It goes out into all directions, into the entire universe through the vacuum.

support charges that the University of East Anglia's climatic research unit's director,

He's the director of an office

Or the director of the particular officer department

The fact that he hasn't met the requirements, that goes directly to court warrant removal

If they did not go ahead and pass this in his favor, so this was a direct duress

That would separate the directors of an office or some office manager from someone who is designated by the government as someone authorized to take oaths

Coley, director of immigration policy for Berkeley Law School's Warren Institute said, quote,

Well, no direct criminal enforcement, but you can shoot the crap out of them and generally it's all about money anyway

that speaks directly to writ power.

The attorney general doesn't deal directly for the most part with a lot of prosecutions

unless that misdemeanor was directly surrounded by the circumstances indicative of a breach of the peace. Now, as Randy puts it, and his understanding of it is that they have simply declared every violation a breach of the peace.

And then we wonder how they get away with coming up with an interpretation that's in direct violation of the language and intent of the Constitution itself.

Let's take, for example, Article 1, Section 10 of the Bill of Rights, where the legislature has saw fit to amend the Constitution to put it in direct conflict with its own provisions under Article 5, Section 12 and Article 5, Section 17.

and hand down an indictment if they find probable cause to do so, is in direct conflict with this amendment to Article 1, Section 10.

Okay? Direct conflict. It is also in direct conflict with Article 5, Section 12B.

that was placed by the common law on police officers and on magistrates trying to direct a police officer to secure an arrest.

because it's in direct violation of the aforementioned constitutional provisions.

but they have not bothered to determine whether or not this piecemeal change results in a direct conflict with everything surrounding it.

Given that, the amendment that they put in Article 1, Section 10 is in direct violation of a vested right under Article 5, Section 17. Therefore, the amendment is null and void as far as the language of states, except in the incarceration in a non-state penitentiary for a period of less than one year.

Okay, this would be beneficial for all listeners is how can someone direct you to a court of

Because the policeman is directing you to a court without jurisdiction.

But he ain't directing you there.

That is a direct violation of Article 2, division of powers.

And anybody that goes into direct competition in the practice of law with the bar association

It's directed to anyone having a person in his custody or under his restraint, commanding

Article 11.02, to whom directed, the writ runs in the name of the state of Texas.

as near as may be the name of the office, if any, of the person to whom it is directed.

For instance, if it's directed to the sheriff, it is directed to the office of the sheriff

has been no indictment, the writ can be returned, in other words, can be ordered to direct the

any court order directing them to seize the property. There was no warrant. There was

them then? You file suit. Okay. But this was sort of an intermediate step in that direction.

If you're using their form and it's directly online,

he stated that he had been instructed that for the last 15 years, and he worked directly

Wife went down and got her money, went directly to OSHA.

When we rescinded the agreement, we went directly to OSHA.

One of my favorite experiences was chewing out the director of the Department of Public Safety

But then I called the director of the Department of Public Safety,

Is there any direct number?

Is there any direct number you have?

then I will get in direct voice communication with you

he is the director of the office.

assuming he directed the person to do it

because they're acting under his direction.

is in direct contradiction to the Texas Constitution.

in direct contradiction of what the Constitution says?

And I'm also willing to bet you that we can have certain sections of these acts declared unconstitutional because they are in direct contradiction to the Constitution,

The legislature is, there's several things I have found that the legislature has gone directly against what the Constitution sets the limit to.

they have to direct you back to a municipal or justice court for your arraignment.

objection witnesses non-responsive, and ask the court to direct the witness

Those attorneys can't advertise, not directly.

That's indirect.

They just can't solicit to you directly, but there are some exceptions to that because every time you get arrested,

But aside from that, he can't come to you directly.

So if he's new, he can't just go out and directly solicit business.

And he said, and that's more of a, it's not so much a direct, that is a bail threat.

Lieutenant General Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency, says the

directed to do.

and he gets his authority from the IRS, wow, got crazy to me, so direct, regressed of the

Such may be public or private, dectatory, mandatory, directory or enabling in nature.

For mandatory and directory statutes, see directory, mandatory statutes, okay.

regulate before they have any direct authority over us as a whole, period.

And both of them require them to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

But it was intended that he take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself

If the policeman knows that on every arrest he has to take you directly to a magistrate and explain himself

and the court must then issue a court order directing the Department of Public Safety to issue such a license.

Well, the first thing you need to do is file criminal complaints against everyone that you have talked to directly.

Then you immediately assess that officer for aggravated assault if he even so much as breeze heavy in your direction.

Yeah, she could go directly to the district attorney and their public officials and district attorney has no discretion.

They created a second-class citizen in the form of a person that is directly

worded and sent to me and then I directly wrote my friend back and this is what

Number two, Congress does not have direct lawmaking powers and authority within

Therefore, no act of Congress may be enacted so as to directly affect the

given direction, even to places that it could never reach before.

You know, so we really can't go that direction, unfortunately.

the little mom-and-pop mortgage companies around here can't call the appraiser directly.

Without permission from the director of the agency.

more positive rulings and it appears as though things are moving the direction I expected

a situation to where everybody loses except them and every direction you go they make

Since the legislature directed the courts in the case of a violation of Respitee La Joppa, the real estate settlement procedures act,

So we make it directly, accuse them of violating a very specific canon, then they don't get

So how do they direct somebody with jurisdiction in the county where the offense occurred

They can't direct you to a magistrate anywhere else with jurisdiction because there is no other magistrate

They cannot, without violating the Constitution, direct you to a different county to go to trial

Okay, it's direct and it's right here.

Now, the officer was required to direct you to a magistrate having jurisdiction of the

The legislature screwed this one up big time because they directed him to send you to a

But both of them say you must take them directly to a magistrate, then make indifference with or without a warrant.

and it can only track one target at a time in each kind of direction.

And we're moving in that direction.

to file to go directly after the officer and the prosecutor and the judge to show that

The authorities in charge of the prison answered directly to Maliki who has

I must be missing something or maybe need a little direction or help on how or where

This is a call, I guess, mostly directed to Randy.

county attorney, or directly with the grand jury.

Now, we all know that you can't turn any direction without somebody telling you

The judge acted in clear and direct violation of Constitution and statute.

Now, had he known that if he arrested me for any reason, he would have to take me directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself,

He could arrest, but he was required to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

If the police officer is commanded to take you directly to a magistrate and the magistrate is commanded to do an examining trial, we cannot have a police state.

Well, are they still taking people directly to jail and then holding them while the prosecutor tries to make a plea bargain?

The very laws written are in direct conflict with the constitution that they are supposed

Yes, I've heard of him, but I've never spoken to him directly.

So I just need to get some direction in terms of what documents I should file

The problem with the train coming down the track at you, trains go in both directions.

But the courts have it rigged in their favor where you must be directly harmed in their eyes

So this is directly from the court record from the clerk.

So this would appear to be directly applicable to the municipal or justice court

The only thing I tell the police officers, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

sometimes when we start telling our stories, we drift off in one direction or another.

and if you drift off in one direction or another,

you paid attention and you came back with good, clear, directed questions.

And I've taken some of that direction already

Or you can write it directly to the attorney for that purpose

though California is even more direct and upfront about it.

Therefore, their ordinances and their resolutions would once again be binding only over those over whom they have direct authority,

anomaly of direction has come from in regard to the term register.

My only question is fill out that data input page and look at it directly now, and that'll

I can consult with you directly on that and see what I can do to help you.

that they're able to have a citizen initiate a complaint directly before the grand jury.

Well, maybe the legislation should be directed at the district and county attorneys.

because I don't have direct access to Supreme Court cases to do that.

It's not directly associated with me and any governmental record.

We would find out was the person taken directly to a magistrate when they were arrested.

former chairman and other former directors, shareholders and third parties

investigation, the statute therefore is directed not at the public at large,

Because it would appear to me that that is directly in conflict with the Federal Constitution

Dennis Blair announced Thursday he is stepping down as Director of National Intelligence.

about the Director of National Intelligence's role.

Officials say Blair locked horns with CIA Director Leon Panetta when he sought White

So let's like, you know, turn the tide towards the direction of laissez-faire and free market,

To speak directly with my state representative here today, Wayne Christian

That are in direct conflict with specific provisions of the state constitution

and get lawsuits coming at the city or at least the threat of lawsuits coming at the cities and counties from every direction

as Director of National Intelligence.

because of questions about the Director of National Intelligence's role.

Officials say Blair locked horns with CIA Director Leon Panetta

I just recently received a tax lien notice and I wanted to find out if you guys would be able to direct me in the proper manner to deal with this or if you can refer me to somebody else.

But when I asked them to stand up and step directly into the line of fire, they all ducked and run for cover.

And let's see, the oversight of this shall be by the board of directors of the state bar

and you were suggesting that we start heading in that direction.

which is in other ways a direct violation of the Texas Constitution.

and being learned in the law, they of all people should know this is a direct violation of the Constitution.

Right, well, maybe we should start heading in that direction.

Kevin Sanders, director of the War and Peace Foundation,

Elizabeth Birnbaum, director of the Federal Minerals Management Service

reports National Security Adviser James Jones and CIA Director Leon Panetta have told Pakistan

violated because he wasn't taken directly to the magistrate when he was arrested.

Well, yes. The federal suit won't directly stop the situation at hand. It depends on

Actually anybody who's harmed by it directly or indirectly would have standing.

Well I don't know about the indirectly at all depends on where you file it.

Here in Texas they won't let you get away with the indirectly.

So we're also going to deal directly with the denial of an examining trial to those

No citizen or inhabitant of Texas or any other state for that matter should be directly prosecutable

The 2.05 is the one that goes directly to public officials and then 4 and 5 go to all

My practice went in another direction, but I probably, early in my career, gave about


There is no direct allocation of authority to enforce traffic laws in Texas to local

It just, it's hard to get everybody to all go in the same direction even when everybody's


kinds of extenuating circumstances, they gave me directions that were contrary to other

directions I'd been given and taken MMPIs before.

Sarah Colborne, director of campaigns and operations

are looking to Iran for solutions to the dire healthcare situation. Since the 1980s, rural

we've had people on the show come on and say that the judge directed the clerk not to allow them to

you go directly to the judge himself he's going to be more careful right right okay i see where

and they lost. Now, turns out that these red light camera companies may also be in direct

you're, you're going in too many directions. We can't keep up. Sorry. Okay. Only what's

I called the director of the Department of Public Safety and spoke to Colonel Adams

What commission or agency would I contact? Is there anybody out there that could point me in the right direction?

I can tell you right now there are some people who have threatened me that worked indirectly and directly with Art Oslovedo

directly affect US strategic interests in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

I will call you and speak with you directly about this

because I have not researched New Hampshire statutes directly on this.

then I will be able to speak with you directly and intelligently about what we need to be doing.

This is, I guess, directly directed to Eddie about the traffic code.

I say we just file them directly with the insurance carrier.

and that comes under secreting a document from the person or department it's directed to,

So it would seem that sticking a needle in me against my will goes directly to corruption of blood.

Doctors in poor areas of Mississippi are looking to Iran for solutions to the dire health care situation.

directly affect U.S. strategic interests in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

person's own premises or premises under the person's control, or inside of or directly

then please feel free to email back directly at this address.

and you are directly soliciting to the public

and the public would be paying you directly for your services,

hold the police chief accountable to them directly and we hold City Council

for a few minutes, we're going to have a special guest, Robert Butler, the executive director

their executive director for two years, and I was brought down to Texas a year and a half

Director of the Texas Libertarian Party, talking about the convention this weekend.

thereof to be made in the same manner as by the law of the state he or they shall be directed

statutory revision program, begun by the Texas Legislative Council in 1963 as directed by

eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, but it leans in that direction, you know, you put

about this and we were saying no because the police chief is not directly

the police chief. The city manager is not directly accountable to you. You need to

direction the flow of power is from we the people to the states and from the states to

When they get a tort letter, that's going directly to their attorneys,

In the amounts they're using, it's not directly killing people.

If it's killing people, it's indirectly.

and the city's the one that charges the tax, yes, but they do so under the direction, supervision,

Now, what I did not find is I did not find a statute that directed that oath to be filed anywhere.

for representation and direct taxation to be apportioned among the several states which

direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within

Let me take you directly to a Supreme Court decision. It's 97-174. It was argued in February

Has this affected your life directly? Actually, this oil spill hasn't. We haven't seen the

Please do. Please let us know. Take pictures, upload it directly with your iPods,

and bear up against you. But when you don't shake your fist directly in their

challenge them directly. In the county I live in, the word is that if I come

You also have to understand the difference between a directory and a compulsory statute

A directory statute is just that

It gives direction if you're going to do something as to how it has to be done

And thus the directions don't apply to you if you are not participating

Well when it comes to the traffic statutes on the people of Texas they are directory

but do you have any kind of guidance or direction you can send me and what I can find from the research?

Abdol Rauf Adibzadeh, the Red Crescent's director of international affairs, said the ships were

And it's only a couple of minutes to break, so I will not be going directly into the details

Well, that is a direct constitutional violation of the Due Process Clause

You just file it directly.

the state essentially has no jurisdiction, but if the state filed a state law, then the state could prosecute him directly.

If I get the opportunity to stand in front of them, I'm going to be able to hit them with a book the size of the Houston telephone director.

and Bush prior to this have attempted to do that would be in direct violation of this as we speak.

to the IRS directly, whether through withholding or just writing them a check at the end of the

a direct tax or an excise tax form of taxation. Those are the only two authorized by the Constitution.

either through an enumerated tax where it's a direct tax where everyone has to pay the

directly attached and are in existence because of the federal laws on the same subject, but you

with the producers and directors, if you guys and gals out there want to learn about some real remedies

Because as long as we have a centralized bank that is not under the Treasury directly, that you cannot audit without a flash crash that is answerable to no one elected by no one and private,

Give it 20 miles, you'll change direction.

versus having any more negative attention directed at ourselves, a perfect example of

actually point you directly to different people who will buy it from you at virtually spot

Because when the mass turns, when that flock of birds heads directly for the vault,

Advocates for the petroleum industry in Alaska have told the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service the agency's polar bear critical habitat plan is flawed. Marilyn Crockett, director of the Alaska Oil and Gas Association, says additional consultations because of polar bears plus the cost of development projects being delayed or tied up in litigation would be huge for the petroleum industry.

This isn't just directed at Bill.

By whose directive is this done?

You're going to wind up with scratches and blows coming from every direction.

And they tried to follow the directions that would give me conflicting orders or

conflicting directions, whatever you want to say.

it was slow in coming, Cornyn blocked Senate confirmation of Michael Huerta as deputy director

guys so that you can get in touch with me directly.

Otherwise, all complaints are directed to some magistrate.

If somebody brings a complaint to the prosecuting attorney, 205 directs him to present it to

Everything directs it to a magistrate.

Melanie Sloan, executive director of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics,

and you were required to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

So this gives you, you can make accusations not so much specifically directed at the individuals,

Their policy directives are in violation of law.

and they're directed to take you immediately to the nearest magistrate.

So that will give them indication of where you're going as if you're not going after these officers directly,

instead of taking you directly to a magistrate, when there were plenty of magistrates available at the time,

Now, that judge has nothing to do directly with the criminal case against you

All complaints, criminal complaints, are directed to a magistrate.

No, he's going to direct you to a municipal judge,

And it's not directly related to the case,

but you haven't made any threat to him directly.

You're not doing a direct attack on anyone.

And if they have a third party company, the director of whatever agency is keeping it,

Well, a fraud is a fraud is a fraud no matter the consequences inducing you to participate in it other than force and direct coercion under threat.

So you have no direct personal knowledge, there's official documentation supporting those presumptions.

or else you're going to be harassed and pulled over and such and that's why I directed you

Some senior officers believe former Commander Stanley McChrystal's directives were too rigid.

and that's why I directed you to that archive where we thoroughly address that issue and

And the way I did it is I didn't put it out there by contacting any one of them directly.

Any credible person, any credible citizen has the right to present charges directly

Now you have the record you can bring into a direct suit back against them.

CIA Director Leon Panetta says there are probably only 50 to 100 al-Qaeda

Afghan intelligence agency's National Directorate of Security facility in

This is mostly directed to Eddie, but anyone could answer.

to go directly after government officials for everything they do, basically.

and or restrictions directly upon we the people or our rights,

and that because it exists it has the right to subjugate the people through its own mechanisms and devices, the people and the union are in dire peril.

of a direct and palpable harm and detriment to any other member of the public,

only where the exercise of those rights would constitute a direct and palpable harm

which is in direct violation of state law

and that like I say is a direct violation of the state law

So anyway, they sent the jury out and they told me – the attorney stood up and asked for a directed verdict in his favor.

I mean, they didn't ask – they just dismissed the jury and she gave him the directed verdict.

So anyway, I did, and the thing is, after the directed order,

Now, I don't know if I completely buy that or not, but if the bill comes directly from the government,

I will forward that to Kevin, and I will get him directly in touch with you.

it can turn into something very serious and spiral way out of your control in directions

The statute directs them that on an accusation of family violence, they must arrest.

direct contact with the performer to bypass the booking agent for future bookings

We insist that the client sign directly responsible to us as far as payment and

not directly with a DJ or performer themself.

at the rules of engagement. At issue is a tactical directive issued by General Stanley

than for this guy who sounds like quite the swindler to give it back to you directly.

The client can't pay the money directly to the performer

He couldn't sue the videographer directly.

And then go to the credit card company or try to go to the credit card company directly

tenant said Frank Flores, director of development for Madison Park, the building's leasing agent.

They are going directly to the municipal governments and the county commissioners and especially

some guidance on what direction to go.

for jury duty, anyone else that's not directly associated with this case, out of the courtroom,

an hour and a half in one direction to this attorney's office in Charlotte, North Carolina,

They transferred her from my home an hour and a half north of 2 Charlotte to the federal courthouse, and they badged her and continued to try to get her to make testimony into the direction that they were required.

each person or each direction would have equal right or right of way, it's pretty much been

And Eddie is saying that because the plaintiff's direction, the road that the plaintiff was

business owner into the suit and get the suit redirected at them instead of your daughter.

that they film the bushes, the street, and the view of the street from the direction

Well, in this case, that's a direct violation of law.

question to answer. Otherwise, they're going to kind of go in all sorts of different directions

It is only binding upon those over which the city has direct authority

and assuming he's a judge. And you have direct criminal charges to make and a suit against

The nominee for director of national intelligence has warned North Korea's thinking of a South

and external political goals through direct attacks.

In July 2009, the DHS issued a directive requiring a wide range of public records requests to

They are under the direction of abiding by that Constitution.

But you can't take those portions of the Constitution that are directed specifically at the federal

was given direct authority.

you directly out of the Texas Constitution, where it tells you very clearly, let me see

see a need to make a direct declaration of it.

The nominee for director of national intelligence has warned North Korea's thinking of a South

and external political goals through direct attacks.

and so you're indirectly affecting interstate commerce, and we can regulate you. I mean, is that a joke?

This amendment provides for senators to be elected the way members of the House are by direct election of the people.

So for what it's worth, I completely agree that the 17th Amendment was an in-run around the people's ability to have direct representation.

The nominee for director of national intelligence has warned North Korea's sinking of a South Korean warship

James Clapper told a Senate hearing Tuesday Pyongyang might seek to advance its internal and external political goals through direct attacks

In July 2009, the DHS issued a directive requiring a wide range of public records requests to

You would have to be harmed you would have to have some standing or show of harm directly to yourself in order to proceed with a civil case like if you're saying

Yeah, and it seems like this is a smoke screen to try and direct me back to these tickets,

then you go direct to the grand jury.

directly addressing these issues with our legislators.

Former CIA director Michael Hayden says military action against Iran now seems more likely

or magistrate rather, or to take them directly to the grand jury yourself, but if you go through anyone, you're going to get stalemated, roadblocked, or threatened

I would have sought to bring Obama directly to the courtroom

And take it directly to the grand jury and take criminal charges against the DA along with it

And you can take them directly, your parents will have to of course

And you would go directly to the grand jury

Now, make sure you send me an email so that I can send you the updated motions directly so you can get those filed immediately.

How to contact his direct assistant, Representative Charlie Garand

He should have said move for directed verdict.

The nominee for director of national intelligence has warned North Korea's thinking of a South

and external political goals through direct attacks.

Well, a tort letter, you can file a tort letter directly with any official body

That certainly would be some evidence leaning strongly in that direction.

The police officer is required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

I want to know who the director of the agency is that has that code in there

I would really appreciate any kind of direction that you could point me to for a good resource

where it directs all notices of federal liens to be filed with the county recorder.

And it directs that the county recorder must file the notice of lien,

constitutional when it seems to be in direct conflict with the 13th Amendment, which abolished

It certainly looks like they're trying to push it in that direction, and it also seems

All questions in which they are concerned are so directly connected with the public

direct conflict with the Constitution and is therefore null and void and grants this

for it directly or indirectly, so to speak. It's not being paid for through either excise

taxes or direct taxes. It's being paid for by inflation, through them just borrowing

Well, let's also consider that when you actually ask a direct and pointed question to a politician,

The nominee for director of national intelligence has warned North Korea's thinking of a South

might seek to advance its internal and external political goals through direct attacks.

I am simply managing that association on the direction of being appointed as the treasurer,

We have a few people who gather together, and as the board of directors,

They are operating on the directions of the association

You can do it on the direction of the association and we can meet.

You're only appointed and you're doing it on the direction of the association.

faith and actions directly into the format as the common law has it. In other words,

be burned out into the air, which means that they were going directly out into the air,

one direction. So when the officer stopped me, I was going down the sidewalk because

you going in the wrong direction in the turn lane.

so you are, go directly to the district attorney and report that that has happened and immediately

a direct violation of state constitution and state law.

In Texas, the statutory requirements are that they take them directly to a magistrate as

convenient for the magistrate to see you, instead of taking you to the magistrate directly

the filing entity directed to accept criminal complaints but she wouldn't take them anyway.

If the clerk is actually saying the judge dismissed it, then the judge directed the

So again, I send that to the judge and I send one to the prosecutor just directly to the

Goldberg says the results might be dire as Hezbollah will probably retaliate against

that it's typically where you've got one of these direct record electronic machines

The bosses give me directions to rule against the lender.

Undoubtedly, you asked them a question that pointed so directly at their weakness.

Borrowers are in default on federally family education loans, FFEL, or FFEL, on direct loans if they fail to make required payments for 270 days for loans,

In direct relation to your question, if the question is centered around a timeline since you've only got two years left in the home, the whole process could start and end within 90 to 120 days.

instead of going directly to the municipal court,

is go directly to the district attorney with a criminal complaint for assault

It can be turned into a directed prosecution.

directed question toward one particular statute.

So we're reporting it directly.

So that could be a vice president, president, director.

The judge orders them to answer, and God help them if they refuse the direct order of a federal court judge to answer these questions.

either by directly contacting the bureaus or through one of these services, can you get

My understanding is that if you contact the credit bureau directly, that they can provide

of law, big time. Likely, they didn't take you directly to a magistrate, which I'm sure

they still have to take you directly to a magistrate first

because they didn't take you directly to the magistrate.

He basically absconds with it directly from the magistrate,

and all the evidence directly from the magistrate,

law is, directly to your grand jury.

of those bar grievances directly to them. But also make sure you send them to the Bar

republic is at right now. Because if we can't present directly to our grand juries, it's

present criminal charges directly to the grand jury. And folks, we do have the right to

do have grand juries. We do have the right to present criminal charges directly to the

get our criminal complaints directly to the grand jury because it's the only way that

before. Sometimes you don't want to go directly to the grand jury first. Sometimes you want

Right. Kevin, listen, suing these public servants directly, that is absolutely, you know, righteous.

because somebody misdirected the paperwork from the clerk of the court

from the person or office it's directed to, that's a violation.

they're directed to.

And over time, after a lot of mistries and wrong directions, I finally worked out how to do it.

this is the first one that gives the prosecuting attorney a specific directive.

They take the person arrested directly to jail.

He will take you directly to jail as a matter of policy.

Anyway, okay, if the officer fails to take you directly to a magistrate who's

being forwarded directly to the prosecuting attorney

and that criminal complaint is always directed to some magistrate.

Nowhere is a criminal complaint directed to the police department.

And when we come back, I'll go directly into the strategy of how to use a grand jury

in every direction.

And to go after him directly.

I said, and it's enough evidence to go after the officer directly for his actions.

against the last month, and she's in dire straits, but she's doing whatever the website

Every time he sneezes in the direction of your table, file a sanction for trying to get you sick to get you out of court

What it says is that is a direct statement saying that this contract is void

At this stage, no direct contact has been made with Taliban leader Mullah Omar,

denied because NIST director, Dr. Shyam Sunder, determined that the release

So I asked the director how in the director's judgment is the release of

from the FOIA officer, Catherine Fletcher, through the director of NIST, Dr. Shyam Sunder,

so I strongly encourage the NIST director to reconsider his decision to withhold analysis data.

that this triaxial stress state condition applied to any force on a deformable body in any direction.

that basically he'll use it in a way that is an approved manner by the NIST director, a pretty strong condition.

What authority does the director of NIST have to dictate open records, and what remedy is there against his decisions?

Folks, if you would go to, you'll see a nine-second video direct from

It's not going to flow in the direction unless it's being forced.

The NIST director, that is Dr. Sunder, determined that the release of these

U.S. aid director Christopher Crowley said many in the U.S. believe Iraq has the means

and had them sign for it directly, and then that day all this stuff happened.

And I can see the possibility that the folks who were directly affected,

But the people who were directly affected may have to pick up the ball and run with it

Directly affected by the building.

They would have to be people directed directly by the building.

times at the seminars and such and on the show here, that these are directly tied as

That's two things now that they've managed to violate directly out of the Bill of Rights,

and I'm going to try to make it more brief but still very direct in what it says

This would land them directly, squarely under the same penalties

Well, it shields their assets and them from direct liability.

without direct evidence that they did something involved in it.

They have their own network of servers, of proxy servers, and the proxy servers do the searching directly to the search engines.

But your IP address isn't directly interacting with those major search engines.

That's like TXU and Direct Energy and all those are retail providers.

then your connection is redirected through proxy servers to access the website,

You can't establish a secure socket layer encrypted connection directly

So for folks who want to do live video streaming directly to the internet,

I've had many direct personal conversations with Charlie before he passed away.

and to move in a direction that serves the interests of the people of those two countries,

Dylan Sharp, campaign director of Big Brother Watch, said the whole process is based on unfounded accusations

There's a lot of evidence pointing in that direction, especially Sam Kennedy.

is regarding the writing of these bonded promissory notes directly off the Treasury.

you cannot write bonded promissory notes off of the U.S. Treasury directly

unless you have direct written permission from the Secretary of the Treasury, period,

other states from having any direct authority over or the federal government from having

any direct authority over. But the people that comprise the state, it would be idiotic

I get a phone call from Encore's regional director, regional manager or something,

And so he ended up calling the chairman of the board of directors and speaking with the secretary.

And I think he actually ended up speaking with the chairman of the board of directors at one point

So I was thinking about, since I had direct access to him as a candidate, asking him a

but you know as well as I do that without black-letter law sitting directly under it,

Anatoly Dervienko, director of Russia's Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, said it is

And the problem is, they're generally attorneys, so they're real good at obfuscation and misdirection, especially when they have someone who's not as sophisticated as they are.

number of militiamen directly under its control has never been revealed.

Well, you can talk to the judge directly.

This is directly out of statute.

Police officer means an officer authorized to direct traffic or arrest persons who violate traffic regulations.

rather than specifically a police officer authorized to direct traffic or arrest persons who violate traffic regulations.

This goes directly to 42 U.S. Code 1983.

We received information directly from them via email several weeks later,

But Congress must also pass an authorization bill that directs exactly how the money will

In other words, it is a direct cross-reference

Notice vehicles is plural there. Section 146, it is unlawful for the owner, or any other person, employing or otherwise directing the driver of any vehicle to require or knowingly to permit the operation of such vehicle upon a highway in any manner contrary to law

And what the area specifically means in the way that it's written is that if you own a vehicle or if you employ somebody that owns a vehicle or if you just happen to be directing somebody in the operation of a vehicle

And it reads exactly as follows, a person who owns a vehicle or employs or otherwise directs the operator of a vehicle

It is unlawful for the owner employing or otherwise directing the driver of any vehicle to require or knowingly to permit the operation of such vehicle upon a highway in any manner contrary to law

Okay, notice it goes directly to, it is unlawful for the owner employing or otherwise directing, okay

And then it goes any other person employing or otherwise directing, whereas the new one doesn't say that at all

The new one simply says if you own it or you employ someone or you otherwise direct

and said department is hereby directed to erect and maintain on the highways and roads of Texas

and you go directly to the grand jury.

and it's almost impossible to get directly to the grand jury.

Once the men were infected, they were given direct inoculations either on their sexual

because they don't take the arrested person directly to a magistrate.

They have to take you directly to a magistrate, not to the jail to get booked in the orange suit

They have to take you directly to a magistrate.

of all the evidence against you directly to the prosecutor.

The facts to the case will point the law typically in one direction or the other.

So a lot of times when I can't get something directly on point, I can get something close

If it's old case, then I go directly to shepherds and they bring me up to new cases.

And I spoke to them directly, and still nothing.

Okay, the order directs that you're to keep both policies in effect.

Every single thing you're referring to ties directly back to the requirement

through a direct misinterpretation

directly to the grand jury. I did get her to snap her head around as she was walking

nothing in the law that directs a criminal complaint to any law enforcement. It's directed

complaint goes directly to a district judge in the case of a felony or to any other magistrate

Before I stamp anything or file, I need to direct you around until the sheriff's office

The clerks take their direction from the judge.

But still she broke the law because the Code of Criminal Procedure directs the

Yes, and that's why complaints are also directed to magistrates so that the

Criminal complaints are directed towards magistrates

They're not directed towards any law enforcement entity.

Okay, I have been directed to go speak with the sheriff.

is directed to some magistrate of the state.

no time at all does the sheriff ever directly state they are not commercial.

there was no direct rebuttal of the stipulation that these are commercial statutes.

if the code gives specific direction as to what is to be done

A new White House report says the Pakistani military is avoiding direct conflict with

it in direct conflict with Afghan Taliban or Al-Qaeda forces in North Waziristan.

They start with a law enforcement agency to investigate and then to direct.

2.03 gives specific directives to it specifically deals with an attorney for the state but it

Everything in the code says that all complaints are directed to magistrates.

right, and that right is enumerated in statute, to go directly to the grand jury and that

I wasn't actually intending to ask to talk to you today, but the judge directed me over

law that criminal complaints are directed to magistrates.

That's why the law directs that criminal complaints be filed with a magistrate or grand jury.

That is directed at the magistrate, so it's kind of-

are to be directed to some magistrate or the grand jury because it's up to them to decide

that all criminal complaints shall be directed to some magistrate or to a state attorney

or directly to the grand jury, okay, because if it were up to law enforcement to interpret

Now the time has come for that complaint to be directed to some magistrate and that's

They started altering the law and the direct application of the law.

hazard in and of itself, it caved in, the bridge washed out, anything, those are directly

you're going to run directly afoul of that law.

right as you were telling the clerk these need to be forwarded directly

for secreting documents from the department or person they're directed to.

Black's law specifically says a citation is a directive or order under process of the court

Well, I agree with that, but in doing so, they direct you to the small claims

Right, and that was done intentionally, and that's why they direct you to those courts instead of the county court.

I mean, that's what they're doing anyway. They're directing you to the wrong court.

So no matter which direction out of balance your body may be,

That's why criminal complaints are not directed towards law enforcement.

They are directed towards magistrates or the grand jury

or your court appearance you are going directly to an arraignment.

a conversation, but my call is directed to Randy. Randy, being from California, and I

Okay, this is in direct violation of recent case law, namely the Kabbalist

of where they can go when that subtitle gives specific direction as to how it's to be enforced.

says that criminal complaints are to be directed to the magistrate or the grand jury or the

complaints are to be directed to some magistrate or directly to the grand jury and in the case

to be directed to some magistrate or the state attorney or the grand jury and so yeah, obviously

I mean, we have the fact that it says that there'll be no direct taxes and so on.

And I'm in dire straits and I'll still send them money.

We would not be in these dire straits right now.

She'll just have to file it directly with the magistrate.

Well, first off, that is a direct violation of freedom of association.

It was some very interesting conversation, and hopefully we learn something in both directions.

But I know what I have to do and I know the direction that I have to go.

I'm Director Catherine Albrecht

McCord urged the public to direct its anger toward the system rather than the individual

We're going directly after the attorney who's doing the foreclosure and nobody else.

but they're not going to have a clear and direct chain of title back to the original land grant.

and we take a shot directly at the attorney himself.

directing the plaintiff to remove all references to criminal accusations or face sanctions.

McCord urged the public to direct its anger toward the system rather than the individual soldiers.

Wolfstrom heard directly from villagers and UN peacekeepers in the place where killings,

That she received direction on the service from them to deny the service being done

In a direct line back to the lender who originated the note,

same shall be filed by him. Now this originally allowed anybody to go directly to a Justice

shall be directed to the proper sheriff, constable, or some other person specifically named therein.

the complaining because the officer never signs it. You then go directly to a trial

necessarily in violation of statute. Not directly. That's the problem. Well I agree

He's getting beat up in the courts in every direction.

The second one was against MERS directly. MERS was trying to do the foreclosure, and the court ruled that MERS absolutely had zero standing because MERS never owned the note.

And certainly any time anyone is arrested and taken directly to jail,

know, you directly support things like the radio network, or you, you know, support the

somebody, when they get arrested and they're taken directly to jail instead of taken directly

When someone is arrested, they have to be brought directly to a magistrate.

I keep getting redirected. It comes up mortgage crimes not crimes and I don't know what's

some other public servant that does not work for the courts, then you direct that to the civil grand jury.

in in texas criminal complaints are directed to be filed with magistrates or with state attorneys

well i mean were they ever charged any offense directly related to carrying the weapons no see

on Iraqis, stating, quote, no further investigation will be required unless directed by headquarters.

go someone needs to file a suit against both this da and this chief of police directly for violations

the issue here becomes to you directly were you responsible for the accident

But I told him that if it was me, I would go directly after this statute for

The only person who works for me in a public office is the director of the

presume that the mayor specifically directed him to do so as respondeet

The only guy who works for me is the director.

All the people who work under him work at his behest and under his direction.

of the director.

The director of the Department of Public Safety used to recognize my voice.

I used to regularly call the director of the Department of Public Safety.

Any time a DPS officer gave me a problem, I assumed that the director himself

sent that person to do that to me personally, because it was the director

He put them in their place, directed them, trained them. They're working under his direction and guidance.

official oppression and obstruction of justice. So now we'll be going after Judge Dietz directly

jury will do. The prosecutor, the judge, no one has any direct control over the grand

He can't advertise directly.

and that was a direct competitor to hemp in the textile and cordage industry.

the cases that are in it, but there's a motion I've just finished that goes directly to this

And that would get you directly to somebody

He's going to have to take you directly to a magistrate that you elected

Mohammed Al-Sabahd, Air Cargo Director for Yemiyah Airways,

Now, the reason that was implemented was so they didn't have to take you directly to a magistrate.

Well, do the constituents ever get to address him directly?

and respond directly to citizens.

Michael McDonnell is directly over the police department under the charter.

Part of that problem is it's written directly into the statute that way.

It is in direct violation of Texas law.

About 8 o'clock, cut from his lane directly in front of her car

from me sitting directly behind him,

Otherwise, she wouldn't be in such a dire situation right now.

he's in direct violation of Texas law.

and that's why California dropped the use of the direct record electronic machines.

And first of all, with the direct record electronic machines that we use here in Travis County

But that appears to be in direct violation of the Texas constitutional requirements of how an amended or revised act must be published

Well I would like to look at the articles of the incorporation and see who the listed officers are, the shareholders, as far as the board of directors and stuff like that, if it's necessarily the same as the officers of the court or not.

If they are also large shareholders or officers or on the board of directors or have strong vested interests,

If this starts to turn the other direction,

if we don't have a direct chain of custody of the security instrument

Tom Malinowski, an advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, said, the fact that none of

unless it dramatically changes its fiscal direction.

A review conducted for the director of national intelligence

that supply these fluoridating chemicals directly from the fertilized industry.

He's the director of the Fluoride Action Network.

Every state has a health department, every health department has a dental director,

and usually that dental director is actually paid by the CDC.

If we took that $700,000 that they're frishing away on these poisonous chemicals and help those low-income families directly with education,

but one of them is directly or indirectly offers, undertakes,

to allow this to go in, and all of this falls directly on his head.

the city council members themselves are directly responsible

All of them need to be on the co-defendant list as well as the director

A directives in the law that says what shall be the remedy.

He's the director of the Fluoride Action Network.

He's the director of the Fluoride Action Network.

He is actually the director of the Fluoride Action Network.

He is the director of the Fluoride Action Network,

My next question was directed for Eddie,

directly from the voting machine companies.

One bag is labeled elections equipment, and you can buy it directly from them.

So I get to go directly there, and it gets to be directly high profile all over again.

It's moving in our direction.

And he will either direct the bailiff to come and retrieve it

They are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

Okay on direct solicitation by lawyers

And they can send them a direct mailing

Yes this is directed there to Randy thank you folks for your service there appreciate it

And the only way someone can be a valid holder is to have the note transferred to them by a valid holder all the way back in a direct uninterrupted line to the original lender

analysis of their ability to withstand a direct hit by a jet aircraft. The head of Britain's

For instance, there is no direct civil cause of action for a denial of due process.

You need to be finding out because most likely there's going to be a direct correlation.

Is a court or a judge directed to investigate jurisdiction or lack of jurisdiction

The fact that it does not get challenged directly as far as subject matter goes does not vest the court with jurisdiction.

first direct talks in over a year, but U.S. officials are pessimistic a deal can be reached.

transmit germs directly to the human bloodstream, do we really want clouds of frankenbugs full

speeches, maybe they're indirectly aiding, you know, the enemy, the terrorist, they would

When known a harder, executive director of WFF said quote,

As a sovereign, you should assume that everything that was done by these officers were done and at the direct request of Chief Acevedo.

Brian Con Cannon, director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, said,

We're also going to be going into direct and cross-examinations, should you ever actually

last session or takes you in a new direction as new discoveries are made in the process.

and see if they're still abiding by the law when they do these little changes of direction

how to do direct examination, what the difference between questioning and leading questions

of direct harm to somebody or some property.

Given the mosquitoes transmit germs directly to the human bloodstream, do we really want

intents and purposes that statute is dealing strictly and directly with the office of sheriff

Given the mosquitoes transmit germs directly to the human bloodstream,

There are some really direct things you can do, especially if you want to take a good

Open up the blood vessel and then pass all the poison in one direction through one vessel

So things are moving along in our direction.

We'll be talking about cross-examination, direct examination, types of questions, basically

So I've got the document already written for sending to the Executive Director

and to the Deputy Director of the Division of Driver License.

Get redirections.

And you will get lots of redirection.

Which directs the magistrate to do everything in 1517 as if the officer had brought you directly before him with an arrest warrant.

We can take it more directly.

A classified directive issued to U.S. diplomats by its Secretary of State,

which is a direct violation of 543, Transportation Code.

But long story short, it is far from established in either direction whether the citizens do

as I can tell, clearly, but to answer you directly, I mean, I have not actually gone

what we are discussing and doing as it bears directly upon the issues that you are having

It does not identify itself as either a complaint or an information, which has a direct bearing

attorney and the accused to cut a deal that directly violates the requirements

Then everything that I've been talking about so far this evening directly applies to you.

And all proceeds go directly to Eddie on that one, and a portion goes to Brave New Books.

Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics said, quote,

Next step for me was to complain to the director of operations after this processor number

The director of operations was aware that she had been somewhat slow and had agreed

I spoke to the director of operations personally about this, explained to her, look, you know,

You know, I wrote a very long email to the director of operations as well as other representatives

I mean, the director of operations was well aware of what was going on.

All of the processors plus the director of operations.

Could they sue the director of operations as well?

In a May 2009 cable, Colin Roberts, the Foreign Office Director of Overseas Territories, told U.S. diplomats,

But I'm not so sure the best thing for you to do is to not handle it directly in court.

Because that's who she's been directed to as the sergeant.

I've been directed to contact the sergeant

citizens will visit directly with a sergeant,

I haven't talked directly to the sergeant at this point, but only to the police monitor,

One, the court clerks are being directed by these magistrates not to allow people to make

officer, and they're doing it under the direct order of the judge.

543 of the Transportation Code, where the officer is given specific directives as to

Now under those directives, any individual that receives a citation but won't sign it

They are instead taken and hauled to a jail cell in direct violation of the statute and

And they are directed in subsection B to create an order

then everything in 1517 must be done as if the person had been brought directly to the magistrate

All of these are direct due process violations on an individual appearing before the court.

I'm not really the appropriate person to deal directly with.

She's directly below us on that side of the building.

So the police department reports directly to this department, I believe, doesn't it?

The police chief, fire chief, the EMS director, director of the community court,

director of the municipal court, all of that.

He reports directly to you guys?

that citizens could call directly.

I think they report directly to the city manager.

You can contact the Human Resources Director.

Shaquille Sayed, director of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California said, quote,

But yeah, at this point, you definitely have cannon fodder to fire in their general direction.

Because I do get calls and emails from several people in that direction needing help.

I can't read the signature very well, but then I realized, well, if I search through the staff directory,

maybe someone in the court signed it on that staff directory, and it's definitely the City of Round Rock.

I put on my UCC, chief occupant, executive, financial director,

Sub-Item 1, a medical power of attorney or other advanced directive under Chapter 166 Health and Safety Code,

They should be prosecuting them, which their job requires them to do, but they can't direct them, they can't administer them, because they're in a different branch of government.

Yeah, and it's going directly to you.

I mean, the only way to get around that is you're just going to have to deal with the IRS directly.

The lawsuit came from the fact that we, you know, as a Mudd Director,

and then it got appealed directly to the Supreme Court from there.

When I served on my utility district as a mud director, we were under Open Meetings Act,

Now, there's two ways to respond to this, really, two directions you can take.

One direction is to attempt to get people to follow the rules, the people that are breaking the rules,

in 2011. If Wall Street pumped this money directly into the economy instead of paying it to its

named Bass said, we're going after the agencies that were directly involved in the censorship of

the cop directed him to go stand in the field. When he was directed to move away from his vehicle

actual or impending, to a legally protected interest directly resulting from the enforcement

So, how do we transfer that directly to municipal police officers?

Microphone section facing in the direction you want, it'll get virtually everything

to the podcast or you can go to the archive page and download the mp3s directly to your

But I looked at one today when I was going over this with Randy, and they are directly

I want the board of directors names.

Organization the TMCA board of directors also serves as the Texas Municipal Courts

Education Center board of directors meaning both 501 3 C's are controlled by the same people

Randy I did post a link into skype for you dealing with who the board of directors is in the 10 regions that are set up for these

Board of Directors is necessary to disassociate TMCEC and TMCA functions now

They just said that the same board of directors exists for both entities now. They're saying they're separate

Let's see, even though the boards of direct and then they're saying it again

Even though the boards of directors for both TMCA and TMCEC are comprised of the same people

So the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is directly funding this misapplication and intentional miseducation of the law to these lower court prosecutors and judges

Thank you, Debra. I wanted to direct a couple of questions to Eddie.

They directed me to the municipal police department.

They did that under the direct orders of the judge.

But the bailiff takes his directions from the judge and the judge is respondeet superior, not respondent, R-E-S-P-O-N-D-E-A-T superior.

had the name and the direction and I figured I'd have to go to Pacers up and try to trace

and then to either pay the fine there directly or enter a plea of not guilty.

that you be brought directly before a magistrate?

I can put you directly in touch with Rick. He's giving me permission to give out a phone

you his phone number so you can contact him directly.

for direct and intentionally knowing violation of that particular statute.

You would only be able to ask direct questions.

So that's direct examination.

My husband's sister's boyfriend, he's a real estate broker and he was directly involved

Eddie's right, you need to go directly to the grand jury and in California, y'all have

working on a direct cross-examination, basically question and answer checklist to go through

Even though such a statute would be a direct violation of Texas Constitution Article 1,

and direct examination of a police officer on the stand in a speeding citation case.

of Law Radio. We are talking about speeding cases and direct examination and we will be

going over the cross examination and direct examination questions of an officer in a speeding

this on the record. Okay, that is the culmination of direct and cross-examination of a police

to directly access all the documents,

It would be a wonderful gift for someone and then you can have it mailed directly to them.

Aftenposten has become the only media organization in the world to directly access all the documents, allowing them to dodge WikiLeaks' current strategy

because it's going to be taken directly from the statute

This could take us directly to the federal court with a RICO.

Yes, because this violates both federal and state constitution directly.

And what they need more than anything now is direction.

Go to the librarian in charge of that section. I'm willing to bet you they can take you directly to it.

or who can be commissioned as an officer, and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.

Now, before I get to that directly, there's something else I would like to point out,

So that would mean that a justice or a municipal judge is directed by 1517 to forward the request

Now, let's go to 26.04 and see how the legislature attempted to create a direct unconstitutional statute.

is a direct violation of the Texas Constitution.

It is straight cross and direct examination of the police officer on the stand in a speeding citation case.

Afton Poston has become the only media organization in the world to directly access all the documents,

The problem with bar grievances as prosecutors is not that the bar grievance harms them directly

Yes, and if you try to go directly to the grand jury,

what direction to go in.

but at least hopefully we're trying to point you in the right direction

They ran my name once and got a hit directly on that document.

There was no way to find the document directly, but if you ran my name, you'd find it.

line of holdership from them directly back to the borrower at closing. The

You have to be able to show that he used his discretion to commit a direct violation of law.

whoever issues the hunting licenses directly, don't go to a convenience store and get it.

Go directly to the agency and attempt to get the license.

The lender will only pay direct attention to the appraiser they hire.

That keeps you from being directly involved.

That if you secret a government document from the person or office it's directed to, that's a felony in Texas

Primarily what I would like to see changed is this requirement to bring a person directly to the nearest magistrate

He was certain that I had some acts to grind against this attorney, and I thought, no, I don't have any complaint against him directly

under 1406 code of criminal procedure to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

He is directed if he does so to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain him

legal so a policeman is required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

when they don't follow these laws that are very clearly written to direct them in their

When in fact the Code clearly directs a magistrate who's not allowed to appoint counsel to send

to do by 14.06 quota code procedure and instead follows policy and takes you directly to jail,

had to walk or ride a horse, he would take you directly to the nearest magistrate because

He had to take him directly to the nearest magistrate, Heath Boyd is still good law.

The requirement to take a person directly to the magistrate is still in law.

Now according to the case law, the officer has a duty to take you directly to the nearest

blah blah blah and I said take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

but take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

I looked up in the video camera and I said take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

He said okay, every person I talk to, first words out of my mouth take me directly to

And the fact they failed to take you directly to the nearest magistrate also violates a

doesn't respond, then you petition the court for an order directing them to respond.

a little bit better information and actually got directed to E City Court that the ticket

What if I took a different direction on this?

This is not a question I could answer directly, I'd have to, you know, it's kind of an arcane,

Mike was able to do his direct testimony last night, and that's where they closed.

they associated us with the defendant, so they didn't want to make any direct comments

So this just goes to show you that through the order that the court directs to the jury,

even though they tell them the presumption of innocence exists, they directly tell the

He has several direct issues with the judge proceeding to trial, absent jurisdiction,

Now over the course of these two days, Judge Statman made a direct order to everyone in

that I believe it is Evelyn McKee that's made this directorate that the media is to be excluded

In fact, before the jury returned, she reiterated that order again while staring me directly

But in any case, she looks directly at me and says, if any media personnel remained

blocked by a city marshal upon direct order of the judge to, officer, place that man under

part for the directives that she had given.

these four city marshals and I'm going to say, do you recall the directives you were

direct order from the magistrate, Judge Statman, and I know they're going to say yes, that's

She has just taken the directive she's given you, pinned it to your forehead and pushed

that specifically heard this directive on both days.

By not allowing due process violations to be addressed, that is upon its face a direct

He can simply go directly to a district judge and demand a void judgment.

The situation's getting dire.

discuss when I speak to you directly off air. Okay?

Secretary as directed by him. Secretary here means Secretary of the Treasury. Okay. Now.

tons of case law and the specific code citations listed, highlighted, and annotated directly in it.

one of these little PIN recorders or a digital recorder that records and also goes directly

to the Internet or a receiver. Well, going directly to the Internet, that's on a smartphone,

especially if she is presiding over individuals or other things that have a direct association

with her particular law firm. Granted the law firm says that it is involved directly

direct, very clear and specific orders on both dates of Mike's trial that absolutely

staring directly at me that if there is any media present in my courtroom, you run the

Hay Rodriguez, I believe his name is, upon direct order of the judge prior to this, asked

directly what they think about being put up on the sacrificial altar by this judge after

the traffic issues. So he could probably point you in the right direction better than I at

in direct touch with him as well because I know from his postings back that he does read

Volker Pertes, director of the Institute for Security and International Affairs,

That is a criminal complaint that directly invokes his duty.

There's a way to make money that is not tied directly to the lender.

so you're directly responsible for it.

that draws a direct line on what they're either trying to get away with

because everything on that application relates directly to being credit worthy

I mean, I may as well be. I'm certainly responding to direct personal attacks.

That would go directly toward making it more in your favor that there was no reason to actually tow it.

The wrecker company is going to argue that they were called properly and did only what they were directed by a peace officer to do and were acting on that necessity alone.

Churches and state are going the opposite directions,

and you should go directly after them.

Somebody I can get in contact with directly.

So when we come back over to the other side, if you have a question or a direct comment, move as quickly as we can.

HRW Executive Director Kenneth Roth says the fundamental error made by U.N. Secretary General

directed verdict in favor of the defendant.

I demand a directed verdict.

and that those people are to report directly to the sheriff's office.

information and what the ticket directed them to as far as the court is

That is a direct denial of your right to face your accuser in court.

The clerk, as a part of their official duties, is being directed to do the process of completing

They've been directed to create the complaint by either their superiors or whoever's trained

And it's all being done directly in violation of the due process rights of the individual.

If these clerks are being paid to do this and they are being directed to do it by a

directed by a police officer, shall vacate the lane closest to the emergency vehicle

when driving on a highway with two or more lanes traveling in the direction of the emergency

when driving on a highway with two or more lanes traveling in the direction of the emergency

Two going in the direction you were going?

You need to know how to couch the questions to directly get the officer in the position

Volker Pertes, director of the Institute for Security and International Affairs

Yes, send it to the director

Because the only one in the Highway Patrol that works for you is the director

It's either dictated to the clerk by the police officer directly, it's taken directly from the citation,

or it's taken directly from the police report, or possibly a combination of the citation and the police report.

One, they've been directed either as a matter of their job training or by their boss or a peer that this is what you're going to be doing.

were they directed to do it as a part of their job?

Were they directed to do this as a part of their job description?

And so they initiated the prosecution, which is a direct denial of due process.

practicable upon said affidavit as directed in section 4, 5, or 5, 4, 5, 2, 4, oh, and

to seek assistance from you more directly on that.

they were setting up rules and times and no direct contract

car was up and he was already moving in my direction when I

should advise and direct peace officers in preparing criminal cases.

but not directly to the court.

No one is directed by Texas law

directly from the police officer.

directly from a citation.

directly from a police report.

Or five, they're getting it directly

or he directs them to do it.

were there and prepared to go to trial as you were directed.

Netanyahu called Suleiman, who is also Director of Egypt's General Intelligence Service,

but I'm referring this to them directly.

Nothing in law directs a criminal complaint to a policing agency.

Nothing in law directs a criminal complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate.

The statute doesn't direct you to write anything down.

It directs her to.

Everything directs a complaint to some magistrate.

And so what they can't collect in direct taxes from the people, they're going to take through

And that's a direct violation of the division of powers doctrine.

Everything applies with taking you directly to a jail cell, does it not, Randy?

This is what I was talking about earlier about where they have multiple parts of law that conflict directly with other parts of law

and in some cases, lots of cases, directly with the mandates of the Texas Constitution.

didn't take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

because it orders the officer, unless that officer takes an arrested person directly to a magistrate,

and 15.17 is directly invoked in relation to citations through 15.17G,

That's a crime directly.

is acting in BP's interest. Judge Barbier noted Feinberg's $850,000 monthly fees are paid directly

Well, if the section has in it what direction at the fork in the road I should take,

Now, that particular statute has to do directly with due process as director to issue notice

mentioned, this is at any time after the issuance of an order under this section, the director

the director may, okay, well, it says may, and we know how public officials are.

You might want to ask the director of child support enforcement if they would go ahead

But guess what, director of child support enforcement is receiving a criminal complaint

But so yeah, I just sent in my criminal complaint and now on director, but I sent in the others

one, just like Randy said, I sent my criminal complaints against the director and other

So really, they have to come up with something substantial in order to hold my license if they were to proceed in that direction, correct?

All right, so you challenge it as a directed verdict in your favor, because the state failed to prove anything against you in court.

I move the court for a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

You don't have to ask the first question during trial and you can still get the directed verdict

If the judge asks you why you believe you're entitled to a directed verdict, tell him.

So we're going to start attacking the complaints directly.

We're going to start attacking the charge directly.

Now, by doing that, we will be able to put the law itself directly in front of the jury.

We will be able to put a direct explanation for that section of law directly in front

because even if they try to rebut it in testimony, they haven't directly addressed the affidavit.

14.06 Texas Code of Criminal Procedure authorizes a police officer to release you on a misdemeanor and also that's the one that directs the is that right Eddie?

so it's not a statute it's directly but it denies you in other rights does that make sense

As much as we don't like the police they get flack from every direction so you know these cops weren't they didn't get abusive or anything

These cops get flack from every direction because they're taking the same trend

Yeah they get flack from every direction and for the most part the policeman on the street is following policy

Directorate of Security said another suicide bomber cell recruited young men from religious

Directorate spokesman Luftullah Mashal said Thursday most of the suicide attacks in Kabul

Now, when a statute gives specific direction

Because equitable estoppel operates directly on the defendant

With the exception of, rather than being directed to a peace officer to place someone under arrest and bring them before the court

It's directed to the individual themselves, telling them that they are required to make an appearance before the court

The National Directorate of Security said another suicide bomber cell

National Directorate spokesman Luftullah Mashal said Thursday most of

So I'm hoping that maybe you can help me and give me some direction on where I should turn and how to proceed from here

There's probably a Veterans Affairs organization in California someplace that you might be able to get some help directly

But the statute specifically directs them to the nearest

indirectly. Actually, the heads of all of the agencies work directly for me.

democracy translates into worker power. CIA Director Leon Panetta warns the U.S. faces cyber

could very well be a cyber attack. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the

I will send a copy of it directly to their insurance company.

You never make connection with the webpages you visit directly,

I will send you the voir dire questions for the cop on the stand.

you're going to voir dire them with on the stand.

but any citizen can bring the criminal complaint directly to that grand jury

Well, if the bailiff was talking directly to the judge, that's a problem. If the bailiff was only

Doesn't make any difference. You have the one that's accusing you communicating directly with

It's all you need to understand. Did he send this directly to you, or did he file this in the court?

or the military has to be directly involved.

The main problem that we have is that our public officials have been lying to us from every direction.

You never make connection with the webpages you visit directly,

If the dealer says that he was directed by the state to do that, you tell the dealer, your problem, not my problem.

CIA Director Leon Panetta when asked Wednesday what the government would do if Osama Bin

Let's go that direction, rather than imagine that there's some completely new thing.

crushed the winter gardens, and there had to have been a force in the X direction to

So obviously, there had to be a force in the X direction to blow this 100 ton chunk of

What kind of force could push such heavy metal that far, almost in a horizontal direction?

I'm directing my attention to the 90% out there who have been convinced by this evidence

And air would exhaust in all directions.

And if you look at the photos, the air expands in all directions.

which at that point is a three or four lane in each direction highway

the first nine elections were done in direct application of article two section one which is

But they're exported across the state line so that was very upsetting from the beginning wasn't a whole lot of opportunity to participate at the trial first direct opportunity to participate was an amicus brief in the 10th circuit on direct appeal and amicus briefs appellate matters at the federal appellate court aren't really that significant

And in that exchange of information out on the website there were people directly related to the murder building bombing incident who read the letter and they got in touch with me and communications got around and a couple of the survivors

search that page for taylor you'll go directly to the top of the set of pdf links that are

visit directly so they can't see your personal information like your ip address or your location

direct connection between oklahoma and indiana would you like to know what it is sure the facility

so that's how the stay happened it was administrative it wasn't judicial but it was a direct result to

it because the the law of the sea issue is directly tied to this place so i put this state

in the air to make the direct connection between the law of the sea which covers

to make that direct connection so in in this state there's just one there's just one state

municipal court was to direct you to a county or statutory County Court for the

those types of offenses so they were directed to send you to a county or

are personally liable for that. So even though we can't really get a direct review of the

Two, they are directed to sign these complaints

and being directed to do it as a part of their job.

Number two, directed.

direction at these intersections usually.

passed it, but he was coming in that direction.

You can move for a directed verdict.

stand up and demand a directed verdict in your favor

You never make connection with the webpages you visit directly,

If you go to Wise County, Texas, and you get arrested, they're going to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

So then in the time, you can appeal to a judge directly now.

I've had direct meetings with high level leaders

fleeing in the same direction away from the forest fire.

One directed towards you, Randy, I mean towards Eddie

You're directing the prosecutor to do a certain thing

You never make connection with the webpages you visit directly, so they can't see your personal information, like your IP address or your location

Now, in some states you're not allowed to go directly to the grand jury, Pennsylvania is one of those

So you file with a different district judge if you can't go directly to a grand jury

Do you have a direct grand jury in Massachusetts?

And then just open it in any browser and print it or you can print it directly from online

And in California, the bar grievances are public anyway, but what they're not is available directly

The fine underscored Oscar-winning director Charles Ferguson's contention Sunday that

or some other member of the board of directors or something, they have to hire an attorney.

In fact, she directly threatened me because someone brought it to her attention that I, in fact,

where I'd be directly behind him when he was there at his table,

Don't start running off in 20 directions, we can't even get oriented on where we're at.

In Pennsylvania, they don't have the grand jury directly accessible the way they do in

So even though we don't have the grand jury directly in Pennsylvania, we do have other

then you stand up when he's done talking and say, I move the court for a directed verdict

So you call in and ask who the major is for this particular area and they'll direct you

I thought maybe she was questioning you or directing statements to you.

When I go in the court, if the prosecutor directs a statement to me,

If he has something to say, please instruct him to direct his comments to the court.

Well, again, the reason I say this is, is because since this does not directly involve

that was their board of directors,

It's already been posted directly to the Internet.

they can do it, well the Constitution doesn't forbid them from directly murdering the people

of Texas, does that mean they can do it? It doesn't directly prevent them from committing

a full stop, and what it said on the picket was, it said, charge based on officer's direct

So there is a direct benefit to the homeowner. I personally had my house up for sale a couple

was about a guy that would send out direct mail letters to small business owners

And what he was doing, he was sending out these direct mail letters

A spokeswoman for National Intelligence Director James Clapper says Clapper stands by remarks he made Thursday that Muammar Gaddafi's regime would prevail over rebels seeking to oust him from power.

Oh, I'm going to move in that direction.

I didn't move in that direction on the other ones because I was just learning the system

But I'm more than willing and happy to move in that direction on these this time.

Well, I think he was facing the opposite direction, so he would have been having to use his rearview

it for you, but we definitely want to help people and get them started in the right direction

They will basically take on a direct training premise of this is what you do in court, the

he could be taken directly to that grand jury

And the sword aspect of it is when the grand juries and the citizens initiate a prosecution by going directly to the grand jury.

They directed you to City Hall?

Because if you were directed to appear anywhere other than a location that contains a proper magistrate having jurisdiction of the offense is located,

because the law under 543, specifically, 543 Texas Transportation Code, specifically directs that officer to tell you where to appear

and they were actually trying to get him to violate the law directly.

of Public Safety this time, so now he's finally dealing directly with some public servants

And she points in my direction.

Yet, when it comes to the various state constitutions, the courts of the states have taken a directly

You're coming directly out from under an overpass to make that left and if they've got those

If we simply made this amendment to point directly to the conditions and precedents of the provisions of 2204

Then he's just as guilty under that method of assault using this statute as he would be if he directly committed assault

Because it's already directed straight at the prosecuting attorney who is refusing to obey it

And then we get them to the grand jury directly

And we can directly access them

That's targeted directly at complaints

Directly accessible to the people

That would be taken care of directly

Where we directly take

Access the grand jury directly

Directly to the grand jury because there are

The grand jury directly it's just

Directs the grand jury to

Says that we can directly sue a

but fails to direct you to any other rule of procedure

it's not enough that you just jump directly to some other rule of procedure

from others from a state and also calling it an unincorporated territory places it places it directly under congressional control

where like Eddie was saying directly under the legislative federal legislative authority

We hold him directly for his action that he took last month

So it's not limited to government but it is directed at government

does not directly point you to the rules of civil procedure,

So they can direct the court.

Call us with questions and comments and we will go directly to your calls when we come back.

Well the warrant will have directed them to take you immediately before some magistrate

What we need to work on doing is getting individuals in their particular areas going directly to

Now tell me how it was possible for these people to vote on an act that created a direct

Now the State Bar is governed by a board of directors that receive no compensation and

avoided ruling on it, on his points directly, because he hadn't brought them up in the lower

it's directed at the prosecuting attorney when it's a city attorney, and it goes through

Stop listening all the time unless it's just to enforce what you're doing and seek direction.

direct you to a phone number to call them and discuss your bar grievance problem with

We'll look at how the bar is directing people to process the complaints, and then we'll

look at the rules and see how the rules say they're supposed to direct complaints to make

I will need a way to point the attorney directly at the person who filed the grievance so that

Okay, the right to travel in and of itself is not directly a right, the way it's stated.

Everything I just read you just now was a direct quote from this article, except my

This is specifically directed at Chad and Becky.

Okay in his book Nodhouse writes that the Liberty Dollar is in quote direct competition

Here is direct quote from his book, when the Federal Reserve notes are mixed with the silver

The one thing I found to be very powerful is when you go after someone and not confront them directly.

I can send him a copy of it directly.

And she said, oh, no, no, this is what I received directly from the judge.

If you secret a government document from the person or office it's directed to, that's a felony in Texas.

Because that involves a member of the court directly in the prosecution as the accuser.

Plus it also means a member of the court has directly interfaced with the prosecution to make that complaint.

I would recommend you put every issue that's not directly related to another issue in its own

a link is emailed with directions on how to watch and download the video.

got to go listen to that. And Eddie, I'll send you a direct link to it.

Okay. And in the driveway where he's sitting, what direction, according to where you were, would his car be pointing from you?

his mirror or something of that nature unless he had it angled where he could see directly at the street you were on.

What direction was your cruiser facing?

it comes directly out of the Texas Administrative Code, Title 37, Rule 4.13,

It directs him only to a court

Oh, oh, a speech communication where you had directed them not to contact you directly?

What direction should I take to clear my name at least?

because that's who those laws are directed at

intended to accomplish is a noble goal absolutely headed in the correct direction it's it's down

that associates this directly into the law is a thing called choice of law

matters and what you can do a unicef director once said if you really want to change the world you

direction it doesn't matter which party is control of this house or that house or the white house and

issued by the Treasury, direct from the Treasury as opposed to the Fed. Where does that put

direction, strapped to a rocket jet sled. And it creates some problems. So anyway, no,

build on them. And that's where we end up going the other direction on the rocket sled.

with them just to make sure that that gets started. We just start that direction.

language indicates he hopes to stabilize Libya under indirect U.S. dominion through a kind

Certain things and entities, yes, but not the people directly.

that the Department of Public Safety must directly delegate to local law enforcement.

stating this is the information received directly from the horse's mouth.

that instead of dealing with the Pete police directly first,

Go directly to the prosecuting attorney for the county or the district, whoever currently is handling the charges.

But to answer – further answer your question, Charlie, it does make a difference because donations to Eddie go directly to Eddie.

Before you try to hold him responsible, I'm not trying to misdirect you or thwart what you're doing,

and find the law that tells them that they're required to do what you're asking them to do and then directly invoke that.

I copied and pasted it directly from the Web site.

The course fees were to be paid directly to the college and the material fees were to be paid to the instructor.

My problem is I called the college, I called the executive director of the program.

Evangeline, we need to get directly to the point.

and whoever the director of this agency is is going to get real excited.

I'll try to be as direct as I can. Well, I'm first time caller, so it's a pleasure to meet you.

The funeral of Juliano Merkamis, internationally renowned actor, director and political activist,

professionals. And they could trust them because they were under the direction and control of a

Do your job or we'll add you to the list and take it directly to the grand jury.

I will go through this and be contacting you more directly and with more reasoning about here is what we do next

So I contacted the college and I told the executive director who hired him my concerns

would he be making the checkout to the community college and not him directly?

then drive off in the opposite direction.

According to a March 24, 2011 article in USA Today, Barbara Harsha, executive director

enforcement entities to directly accept federal funds for any reason whatsoever, not even

They can only take money from the tax base, either from the state directly, from the state

And we don't need to move in that direction.

directly to a jail cell, booking him in,

Now, that's a direct violation of Texas law.

to 14.06B and C directly

That order must direct the accused

and that's the one that directed me over here.

they are required by law to take it directly to a grand jury.

even gone up to dinner with him afterwards to discuss some direct issues of my own.

All the cases I'm citing to you, I get directly, I have a complete set of Vernon's.

whole other issue of that being a direct violation of the Texas Constitution to begin with.

That puts every bar card-carrying attorney directly into the judicial branch as a judicial officer.

Well, the judge removes her ankle bracelet because they're supposed to be doing jury voir dire that day.

Then after they finally decided they were not going to get the jury voir dire, he turns to Carolyn Barnes

No, he didn't make any direct recommendations,

Observers believe insurgents are shifting their focus from direct engagements

as in George, which directs the magistrate to do everything that is in

they cannot go directly to trial and skip the due process proceedings

Among the casualties were photojournalist Chris Hondros and Tim Hetherington, director of the Oscar-nominated war documentary Restrepo.

that they be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

Okay, forthwith, black sixth edition, immediately, without delay, directly,

forthwith means immediately, without delay, directly, within reasonable time

Just a written order directing the lower court judge to issue a written order denying your

So you OK, so you file a motion to the next higher court to issue a written order directing

She said she denied the ruling, asked the higher court to direct her to give you the

questions about each one of these because I got these ideas directly from New Jersey

We've got a new set of issues. They're not exactly new, but in the new suit we go directly after the

There's nothing directly in any of this that I can find that deals with it specifically.

A couple of weeks ago in this 60 Minutes program, right at the end they had the director of

What kind of hearing were you in that the officer was directing the prosecution?

And so they just deal directly with the officer.

and I'll get back with you and direct you where you should be headed next.

This is a phrase which comes directly from 5 U.S.C. Section 7, Rule 6, judicial review of agency action.

Is there any particular law or citation you guys can direct me to, to perhaps do a little

they are sued directly while acting in their official capacities.

The judge has gone directly from the initial appearance, skipped over the examining trial,

and without performing any of the necessary steps mandated by law, moved directly to arraignment

that has even indirect knowledge can file the criminal complaint, now there has to be

and then what we do is we go directly to the grand jury with charges against the district

and maybe if you could point me in the right direction as to who, you know, specializes in that kind of thing.

This case, we're going directly after the judge,

So I would let it continue to come directly out of the bank account,

That's a direct cause of action in Texas.

You have a supplier that you don't have a direct contract with Lowe's.

and then we can give you some more directed advice or opinions.

CIA and Pakistan's inter-services intelligence directorate,

Send notice to him directly and then you can put a little $25 ad in the paper doing public

Now, concerning the case, which none of us are involved with directly whatsoever, nor is the

the legal research, but he is not directly on the team of assistants of counsels, but I am. The legal

Anyway, going after the guy directly, that tends to be what we want to do, but it's seldom a good idea.

CIA Director Leon Panetta admitted Wednesday there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound.

Thus, they're directed to examine into all criminal complaints that come to their knowledge.

By what they did to Article 1, Section 10, they put it in direct conflict with Article 5, Section 17.

That puts it at direct odds with the indictment requirement of Article 5, Section 17.

Okay, we can directly accuse the sponsor of supporting the molestation

then I will email the updated document directory to you.

a large amount of radioactive tritium directly into the Mississippi River.

you will be directed to the police department,

Criminal complaints are never directed to police officers.

They are always directed to some magistrate.

So file the complaint with a magistrate because that's what they're always directed to.

Well, February 1st, 2010, the new director of the Texas Department of Public Safety,

He said, this is what the department director said, his name's Steve McCrawl.

The Texas DPS has agreed to comply, and that is through the director, his name is Stephen

We have a director, the DPS, who's an ex-FBI agent.

Who would have standing to sue the directors or the heads of these agencies

So at this point, the director has implemented rules that are in violation of statute.

Yes, we go in and claim that the Department of Public Safety through its director is conspiring to commit bribery by accepting bribes from a foreign government.

directly to the shoulders of the person being accused.

released a large amount of radioactive tritium directly into the Mississippi River.

Well, generally, when you're directed to come to court, the court has a duty to be prepared

and we're going to go directly to the grand jury with criminal charges

and save as, and you can download it directly from the archive page, the website.

because he directly violated his oath of office to uphold the Constitution.

State Corrections Director Charles Ryan said using inmate labor wouldn't be a problem.

Okay. Now, explain how far on this street you traveled in the wrong direction.

And when you turned to get into this spot, you were facing opposite the direction of travel of the other automobiles that are parked there.

Okay. So, my next question would be, if it was that close to the intersection, why not turn onto the street in the proper direction and then back up as if you're parallel parking?

Because they can't write you a ticket for parallel parking in the proper direction.

the heightened security, as well as direct efforts to hunt him down.

because they can make the argument that what you did directly endangered the public.

not dealing with them directly because that's not going to get you anywhere.

Where did the constable direct you to appear?

he must direct you to the nearest

You'll need to read it, but what it is, it's a directed

then I fail to see how they would have any arbitrary authority to redirect traffic in such a manner

as to cause the problem you're dealing with, which is a change in traffic direction that's not announced.

That was the direct quote in the newspaper.

I don't believe that the case number is actually linked directly to a mutual fund.

from investigating any public servant without approval of the director.

I mean, do you think that these court clerks are being directed

and he should go directly to the security, the head of security,

is that the motions that were filed went directly to jurisdiction and due process violations,

and you can make the argument that you deserve a directed verdict,

as a cone would in that direction,

if there's another car going in the opposite direction

and in the direction the defendant was traveling,

The other problem is that the prosecutor, while he was doing his jury voir dire,

in direct contrast to that we're getting the education of a lifetime in every single opinion

okay working back down the the generic system from that way in that way and in that direction

to be taken up to the next level the answer is yes both both direct experience and hearing stories

of your family members? Indirectly, we get to that in the Heller case. There's the D.C. case,

something that's passed, passive or passing. It's got to be a direct nexus. So there's a little bit

and transport it directly into other systems

If we lose, or I should technically say they, I'm not directly involved, they lose, then

or a choir member of this house of God to pay a direct tax of any kind.

then as the employee, you've been directed to do what the company asks.

We're going to set this up to frame these issues headed directly to the appeals courts

director of continuing education, and that she didn't seem to be concerned at all.

and he's acting in direct contravention there, too.

But 27.004 goes directly to magistrate courts and anything goes to a magistrate court, I mean a justice court,

We have a statute that goes directly to that

So they can't force you to testify by granting you immunity directly

The people don't elect him directly.

the direct employee of the particular agency, or are they hired specifically for the purpose

Your payment companies won't ask you to, and it's best to enter a website address directly

Once the accused is arrested, they must be brought directly to the magistrate for the

And now we've got the issue that the prosecutor has directed the clerk of the court to sign

The prosecutor is directing her to file a criminal complaint.

of the question, not really a direct answer.

And of course, that's in direct conflict with what a statute says that or Chapter 45 of the

there with my hand on the hood of the car and one of the deputies telling me directly

direction that it's pointing. I've been doing that all day. It hasn't helped. All right. Okay.

attorney. So if an attorney gets sued in Australia, they take the money from the law society directly.

direct amendment. So if someone is being required to testify and his testimony can be used against

No, not directly. Only under federal law.

Foreign Ministry Director General Rafael Barak sent out classified cables

And in the past, we just had mechanical, you know, check the lights and the directionals,

information goes directly to the state, the Department of Transportation, and it's all logged

directly to the state of Texas, but it's also being shared with the federal government through

Okay. But one of the questions you ask when you select that jury is, is anyone directly employed,

tell her when she calls you, but you have to communicate that to her directly.

You're supposed to be brought directly to a magistrate for the examining trial right then

The police are supposed to bring arrested persons directly to a magistrate for the purpose of an

Well, if you read a code for a purpose other than to gather its direct meaning, if you

I suggest you send a letter to the attorneys directing them to cease and desist and file

You can go directly after him for that because that becomes threatening and harassment on

The lower courts cannot directly assign you counsel, okay?

Moama Gaddafi's regime is in direct talks with Libya's rebels.

I was assured direct contacts between Benghazi and Tripoli are already underway.

That's the imperimateria argument between the limitation to arrest without warrant for a traffic offense that was established by the legislature directly in the code versus the general provisions of the code of criminal procedure.

Oh no, did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

who's competing directly with the company I work for and, you know, with my company. And

from them or whatnot. Correct, because the employee came to you directly. The only way

of two people in one lane. Going opposite directions? Same direction or what? Same direction.

Right. Okay. Federal means federal. It is only the area where the federal has direct

The direct action has been organized on the Women to Drive Facebook page, where women

Campaigners say the direct action will continue until a royal decree reverses the ban.

we're claiming it because the company has no direct interest in the property but every time

vicarious liability fiduciary duty it goes directly to them for their particular actions

Goes to the same thing. If I have a policy, if I'm the director of the library and I decide on a policy of no partner hair on the left,

arguing against recognition foreign ministry director general Rafael Barak sent out classified

and address it directly then okay the rest of the callers out there on the board i am so sorry

And he'll direct you to the prosecuting attorney

Does it have to do directly with the forest service?

are sort of done at his direction.

that direction.

If a guy has just murdered somebody and he's walking away in the direction you went, you

law side of the court, served the judge directly with a notice in my private capacity, touching

If he really wants to say something to somebody, go to his safety service director, his town,

service MI6 and France's directorate general or external security

Once the arrest is made, the policeman has a duty to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

He was given the power to arrest, but he was required to take the person directly to a neutral magistrate and explain himself.

And if you seek a government document from the person or office it is directly to, that's a felony in Texas.

Now if you go to the police, the police, well if you go to the prosecutor or anyone, they'll direct you to the police department to file a complaint.

and directly direct you to the police department with your complaint.

and the district judge will likewise direct you to the police department.

I tend not to like to cite a case directly if I can avoid it.

And ask a more directed question. Did they do this? Did they do this? Did they do this? Did they do this? So it will go more directed, and then we'll have sanctioned attorney records to support the complaint.

National Nurses United executive director Roseanne DiMauro said people understand the

You direct your verbiage toward the court.

You direct your motions.

Everything you say, you are directing it towards the court.

is it my understanding correctly from prior comments that I can in fact demand to be taken directly to a magistrate or would I have to check Maryland rules and code for that as well?

I guess that's all I have if indeed I can't reasonably rely on a court giving due respect to either of those two documents in terms of being taken directly to a magistrate.

for anybody other than those that have something to do directly with the bills in the special

So that being said, I haven't got to talk to them lately directly.

And then they've done direct mailings to the individuals there.

Of course, you're saying he's not a third-party debt collector, that he's collecting directly for the holder.

Outgoing CIA director Leon Panetta was sworn in as Defense Secretary Friday.

Outgoing CIA director Leon Panetta was sworn in as Defense Secretary Friday.

as possible to turn it into the question so it's clear that this question came directly

issues but they went to those issues from different directions and in different contexts

when I came to him, I was in dire financial straits in the verge of filing Chapter 7 because

So that there's questions that actually go directly to sanctions that have actually been filed.

And as it moves in that direction the banks are going to be a lot more amenable to try to find a way to make a lawsuit go away rather than fight it

The House voted to deny funding for direct help to the rebels, although a proposal to

That makes you a serious threat to them because they can't deal directly with you.

So the only recourse we have left is to go directly after them for that.

Actually, if you go to, I have links to Respa, Tila, and FDCPA right on the root directory.

Well you make up criminal complaints against the officers if they didn't follow procedure take or two directly to the nearest magistrate and file that with the prosecutor when he refuses to accept and go after him.

The House voted to deny funding for direct help to the rebels,

If they've done something that's improper, if they've acted totally within their rights and within the law, no, there's nothing you can do. But if they acted outside of their rights and interfered, directly interfered with your rights, absolutely you can take action.

So having a history of one person instilling faith in the other person... You can't sue someone because they do something you don't like. You can only sue someone if they violated right or they injure you directly.

They are. They're written directly in the statute that way.

Armor Group Director of Operations James Gordon, who will collect $1.3 million of the settlement

agency that's not directly contracted under statute by that government agency, then you

party entity that's directly contracted by a governmental entity, that entity is also

debt collector that has picked up the account through sale, not through direct contract

you say, can you direct me to a case that has a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction?

I do want to direct him to his state's judicial website because believe it or not a lot of

Well he could be in contempt by failing to do what a prior order may have directed him

39.06 unwritten interrogatories is really directed at the opposing party correct unwritten

interrogatories are when unwritten written it says yeah written interrogatories are directed

just initiate the suit in county court directly okay and you had mentioned a gentleman's name

that whole thing what is it called the voir dire voir dire is when you're talking well

the case you won you can go after them directly with no profit it wouldn't profit me would

word forums forward slash the word directory dot php.

When you go there, you'll get a list of the judge's directory.

That's what I've got this page set to right now is the judge directory.

can look up judge directories for a given state or for a given federal judge in a given

Because it directly violates the Texas Constitution in Article 5 Section 12B which specifically

It directly violates Article 1 Section 10 of the Texas Constitution and as such it automatically

my charges directly into the hands of the Fulton County grand jury.

and prosecution, that it will be directly declared a crime for a prosecuting attorney

attorney for the state, whether it be the individual going directly to him and doing

this is kind of directed towards you. I was going to ask you to let, I could talk with you

This is a clear indication that the magistrate became directly involved in issuing this warrant

In order to do that, you have to give me a chain of custody directly back to the original lender

a determination not to release you immediately, he must, in my statute, take you directly

is take me directly to the nearest magistrate, never happens.

of jurisdiction, he misdirects the government document from the person or department is

directed to and under 3710 penal code that's a felony in the state of Texas.

He'll direct you to the police department.

that he may be the one that's directing this uniform.

not making a direct accusation of what they did back then, we're making an accusation

the board of directors of 90.1 have a big surprise for everyone

What has to happen here is once you know what court did this, you address that court directly

If people need to understand that, you need to make the challenge to it directly on those grounds and sue them under your state constitution under those grounds if they persist.

Arkeem Steiner, director of the UN Environment Programme, said Wednesday climate change could

sea level rose one meter over the next 100 years. The director said a myriad of climate-induced

that they were not going to advise the board of directors of 90.1 to shut down the station

Would it be okay if I gave my email over the air if anyone would like to send an email to me in hopes to give me extra direction in this?

So if you have a headset or something, just kind of move your mic just to your chin, or if you're using a handset, try not to talk directly into the mic.

in anybody else's business? Unless they're doing something that directly impacts me and

fuck, fuck, fuck. That doesn't cost nothing. It doesn't cost you anything directly. Well,

Okay, we're going to go to the top of the hour break. When we come back, we'll be taking questions, and I'm going to ask Ken to talk just a little bit about the clerk because that's the one individual that most people who have court issues interact with directly.

They don't apply to anybody else because there's nobody else that falls under the direct jurisdictional authority of a municipality.

The judge is attempting to deprive you of a protected right that is written directly

You have to be able to lay a proper foundation through either direct or cross examination

You know, if you sue a state, you sue them directly in the Supreme Court.

directs me the same direction I should go in.

If the words would have direct meaning saying that a criminal proceeding is civil, then

They can only make policy and rules, in which case they can only be suggestory, not directory.

Yes, they go directly after the judge. Go directly after the judge. You can file a motion

diversity jurisdiction. You're removed from wherever you normally would be into the direct

It was somewhat ambiguous to move forward in this direction with the NDIs, new dietary

sweeter than sugar, but it's a direct competitor with the powers to be big supporters.

that direction.

No, first, what you need to do is get a hold of your other guys who were directed off campus.

In fact, my sleep deprivation is directly related to an update to a motion in the seminar

The ability to do something is not directly related to the existence of the office just

unless otherwise expressly directed by law and give legal advice in writing to the governor

seek a judicial forfeiture of such Charters unless otherwise expressly directed by law

at the direction of and in support of local law enforcement.

Former director of national intelligence, Dennis Blair, Thursday strongly criticized

So even though this is Texas law, it will almost all of it will translate directly into

unusual. Okay. And absolutely what Ken said, direct the clerk to bring this to the attention

The problem is the statute can't supersede the Constitution, where the Constitution makes a directive, assigns a duty, or conveys a power or authority.

But, where the Constitution makes a direct statement about what they will do, or what they can have, or what they can be,

He can't file it directly with the grand jury, he must file it in the county court.

inaccurate information, but you don't want to go directly to suing the credit bureaus first

Okay. Well, I really appreciate the direction and keep up the good work, you guys.

Debra advertises my email address. You can contact me directly with questions and or

What is all this thing, this unjust enrichment you were talking about? Could you go in that direction

That's almost a direct quote. I've practically memorized this case because I'm using it in one of my cases.

to provide by law for an appeal direct to the Supreme Court of this state from an order of any trial court

And not only is it unconstitutional, it directly violates the subject matter of the statute.

And under that, you have subsection C, an appeal may be taken directly to the supreme court from an order of a trial court,

In which case, we should be able to take an appeal on that directly to the state supreme court.

Okay, good thing I called you. I was going to go a different direction.

Well, we're going to go this direction, I guess, through the routine.

But while we're waiting on another caller, I'm going to go ahead and look some more at what we're talking about here on the constitutionality of a statute and the ability to directly appeal to the Supreme Court of the state.

Well, the problem here is he can file, he can sue this magistrate directly because they have no protection.

And even if the statute said it, it's in direct conflict with Article 5, Section 12b of the Texas Constitution.

When they deny it, file a petition directly with the state supreme court basing everything we're talking about as the reason why the injunction should be granted.

directly into your child's veins.

I know, but what I'm trying to say is, and I know that that wasn't a direct answer to your question, Randy, but the point is, if it doesn't work 99% of the time, then that would seem like a capricious decision on the part of the employer to require that of employees.

for, I'm not sure if it was summary judgment or directed verdict here, now it's not directed

I was hoping y'all could give me some direction on which way to go.

directly from the transportation code, and they cover virtually any type of offense that

Craig moves the court to direct and so order whomever is purporting to act as the attorney

Such usages would include, but not be limited to, jury voir dire, opening statements, direct

I'd like to get your ideas on the best approach to being hit with unending child support through direct withdrawals through my employer, even though the child I was importing has been living with me for almost a year now.

Paying a payment ahead comes directly off the principal.

customer, and just precisely how did it manage to do that without some operator directing

And that's a third party collecting a debt who has no direct connection to the original

The head of the military judicial authority, Major General Mahmoud Morsi, said there will be no tolerance to insults directed at the armed forces.

So if you're showing up on a citation, or if you're brought in directly by a peace officer, this is supposed to get done.

But Gary and Georgia is quite knowledgeable in this area and he will probably be able to help you more directly than I can.

It says the police office required to take you directly to the magistrate and the magistrate

They never do this in its complete totality like they're directed to do.

The officer has either brought you directly to the magistrate within the very last few minutes

We are responsible for our own worst problems in this area because we are not demanding that they do what we gave them directions to do in the bodies of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Remember, this is taken directly out of the Bill of Rights, what they're supposed to do in this regard.

Now, after the magistrate has been directed by the statute to forward all forms requesting assistance of counsel to one of the

And when you don't do the things that our law directs you to do to protect our rights, both in procedure and in application, you commit a crime.

It also goes hand in hand with being brought directly before a magistrate under 1406 B and C of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

I would definitely consider filing a lawsuit directly against that clerk, the Austin Municipal

And I, fortunately, you know, I went the right direction.

Or you file it with a district attorney or you go directly to the grand jury.

You can't take it directly to the court of federal claims.

They are a state facility. So they're operating supposedly directly under state law written

That will almost always take you directly to whatever website is the official website for

The only difference is that rather than being made out as being directed to a peace officer

If you were directed by an officer to do something that violates the law or suffer consequences

to give me a direct order in a loud, demanding, and agitated voice while displaying a deadly weapon.

Yeah, what authority would he have to have in order to give me a direct order?

Authorized to direct traffic or arrest for traffic offenses?

That's what I mean. There was no traffic to direct as I was parked.

And I think if anybody listened to Richard Reeves' interview earlier, they should focus in that direction.

And you know what, I'll say that I agree with that statement, but I will also say this. I believe that if there is a way to do it within the Republican Party, the listeners of the rule of law radio won't be the people that are, you know, directing the grassroots effort.

Depending on how many delegates represent your precinct or allowed to represent your precinct, if there's a certain number or over, then the delegates, the precinct is allowed to elect the delegates that will go to State directly.

In other words, you kind of bypass the convention and you directly elect the delegates from your precinct that go to State.

There's just too many precincts for every precinct to be represented directly.

So, if you don't have enough delegates from your precinct in order to directly elect a certain number of delegates to go to State, then what happens is your delegates from your precinct get put into a pool called the at-large delegate pool.

Or if this is an attorney firm acting at the direction of a servicer

Or at the direction of anyone who cannot prove up

because the issue goes directly to standing and nothing else

I just need some direction or guidelines to- Okay, first question I got is, whose name

Well, I don't have it directly, but it's in the next week.

Brave New Books is in the basement of the Chase Bank building right there, directly across from Slotski's, which is on Guadalupe.

You would be basically directly across the street from the front door.

But in any case, the difference there is going to be one that's directly a horrible day-to-day business like the taxi cabs are versus the limousines.

Now, like I say, if you're actually using it, you know, to generate money directly by its use, such as delivering people or property, things of that nature,

And it was, you know, it's all pieces and lies, you know, that I have to put together to show manipulate, you know, to show malice versus, you know, the direct, you know, more implied malice versus the specific instances of actual malice.

Working hour reductions and a corresponding growth of corporate profits led directly to the economic downturn.

You can send them directly to collect that amount.

not provide the number the law specifically directs the bank what they are to do and that

it but it's both big companies, this was Dish and they said even Direct TV will not take

I don't think they know that... I don't think they've ever made that decision yet, although that's kind of the direction I'm going.

You want to pick it up for us and make sure I'm not going off in the wrong direction.

The transportation code in 543 directs the officer to take the individual before a magistrate.

is you are supposed to be taken directly to a magistrate but in lieu of that what they

because when you hit record, it live streams directly to the internet. It's too late. It

reading directly from the ruling here, verbatim. Okay, here it goes. The filming of government

of verbal criticism and challenge directed at police officers, end quote. Indeed, quote,

directly say that they would strike down this Massachusetts law, if the issue got in

even though the Commission directed the archives to make most of the material public in 2009.

international donors of indirectly funding forced labor in Vietnam's drug rehabilitation

if you hadn't have left, they would have probably directed you to.

Okay. And direct the court that he, the court has no power to interfere with the contract.

Now this is transcribed directly from a recording of what transpired in the court that day.

But what I wish to address here directly is her attack on the facts stated in these motions.

It directs the magistrate who issued the warrant immediately after execution to make the warrant

And I want to see a copy of the warrant and all associated documents as is directed by

We direct that inquiry directly to the magistrate's office?

Well, when we file the criminal complaint tomorrow, we're going to direct, I guess we're

going to direct the felonies to the district attorney and the misdemeanors to the...

Well, you know, I'd have some high-minded rhetoric, but it really doesn't direct him to do anything

Article 2.03, very first statute that gives a specific directive to the district attorney,

these people. Lead them. Lead them either directly or indirectly and from my part it's

better to lead them indirectly. Do what you're going to do through the mail if it's at all

any involvement with the police officer without anything happening to them. I was directed

we're talking about. Now direct complaints, far grievances, judicial

conduct complaints and criminal complaints, they are a very direct way of creating politics.

They had, under 1406, a duty to take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

So, if whatever judge they sign into, what I generally do when I file a writ is I take it to the clerk and I ask the clerk, are you going to take this directly to the judge or shall I take it myself?

So I directed them out to YouTube to look at your videos and do you have your contact information in your videos?

I've had several people call in from California and I've tried to refer them to you because you have more direct knowledge of California statute than I do.

I don't know so much that the crew would be lazy as it would be under direct order not to move.

It's the direct order. You're exactly right. And we have to look at all the aspects and pull them out, like pulling teeth and show them in front of everybody.

U.S. District Judge Rosemary Caller rejected the ACLU's argument that former CIA director Leon Panetta had previously acknowledged the agency's use of drones

Okay. So it's directly across the street on the same right on the right hand side then?

And the people all were going to an apartment complex that is down that street so people wouldn't have actually been crossing the street. They would be approaching that corner to turn right to go in the same direction I was going in.

Earlier regarding the court cases, if you do want to donate to us, there is a place on the Rule of Law website where you can make donations directly to me.

But I'm not personally directly familiar with how he does everything he does or what he does.

The question of whether the dire warnings are warranted or overblown became more acute

Everything relating to the certificate of title directly goes to the fact that there

And simply directed the police officer on what to fill out on the paperwork

And the problem he has is he made a bigger boo boo based upon a direct order by a superior officer

to the website you can make a donation directly to me you can make it the rule

Chris's Chris would have one directly against them for what they're doing to

namely yellow cats because they would have to get evidence they're directly

words you can't show a direct link between their actions and the incentives

Huge crowds marched from Tagir Square, a focal point of protests, to the directorate of security to protest against the violence and shelling in the city.

Everybody takes the deal. And everybody takes the deal because the prosecutors, the legislature in their wisdom directed prosecutors to provide legal advice to the police in lower courts.

either directly to me, to the show and ear market for that, or whatever you need to do,

or if you wish you can send me a postal money order directly and if you'll send me an email

Our officers, when they arrested this poor slob, didn't take him directly to the nearest

Huge crowds marched from Tagir Square, a focal point of protests, to the directorate of security to protest against the violence and shelling in the city.

That is a little too complex for me to answer directly.

They're just saying you can't sue nears directly because nears didn't directly harm you.

I seriously doubt that there's anything direct if the information he...

Andrew Stathner, Deputy Director of the National Employment Law Project said,

But we're all focused in different directions.

I was making criminal accusations against the district attorney to the bailiff because the high sheriff of the county had directed me to and he came in and threatened me for the purpose of interrupting my access to a public building.

Thank you for directly answering my question.

When in fact they're in direct contrast to each other and they make it virtually impossible to get a true meaning of something.

We announced that we are moving forward with two federal lawsuits on issues that I have directly with the game wardens over in Nacodotus County

We're going to have to start going directly after those involved in this fraud

Anything written in it is directed squarely at transportation.

The government can regulate those activities that have a direct impact on the health safety and welfare of the general public.

Not every activity, just those that are in commerce or if they're private, they would have to have a direct derogatory effect on the public health and welfare.

So again, only where they can show a direct effect on the public health and welfare can they do it at all. And they cannot make the argument that reasonable regulation means licensing of the right to use your car.

So I started basically carrying a digital recorder and trying to have it available for any aspect of the enforcement of this bogus ordinance and any threats, intimidation directed towards me and also to capture any kind of evidence of crimes being committed.

In this instance there was no tow truck that got involved directly because I had voluntarily, not necessarily voluntarily, I removed the cars from my mother's property to keep them from being able to actually come on the property and seize them.

But he was required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

They are to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

If they don't take you directly to the nearest magistrate,

legal action in the U.S. against directors of the news of the world's parent company,

Lewis said he'll seek depositions from the company's directors, including Hubert Murdoch

He said, I can't tell it as long as you can get out a different direction.

Yes. And Terry Means tried to remand the case back down to the state and wouldn't accept the non-payment of fees. However, the appellate court gave me direct access to their court and has put my case on docket.

Yeah. And so the appellate court gave me direct access to their court.

Oh, hi. Katherine Albrecht here, giving driving directions that involve left turns.

And so what happens is if, according to state code, if this is a specific private entity that is working in contract directly with the government agency,

It won't work against governmental entities or entities that are directly contracted with the state.

then because those are managed by city ordinance, once again, we get the issue of laws being directory versus required.

I've seen many websites and videos explaining the UCC-1 document and the Treasury Direct Account.

And so by doing that, you are actually filing the criminal complaint directly with the grand jury,

In most states, there is nothing prohibiting a citizen from being able to access the grand jury directly,

And then I need to send that directly to a grand jury and ask them if I can appear before a grand jury session.

Well, first and foremost, I would direct your guest to a case that, believe it or not, was pointed out to one of your previous guests by the name of Mark Adams,

The other thing, and after I hang up, I want to hear Randy comment on this, I would direct the guests.

I would also direct your guests toward what's called the Daubert Trilogy, which goes to scientific evidence.

In Robert Stein, the medical director of Cook County Medical Examiner at the time said that it could have taken days

This is a very, very dire situation.

much power coming at us from all directions and us filing one grievance isn't going to

He especially redoubled his efforts when they directed their views at him to retaliate for his trying to expose what they were doing.

And now we have a perfect example of exactly the same thing directed at Randy Kelton,

I pray it's nothing dire.

Texas law says the habeas corpus for a misdemeanor can only be directed

You're giving them evidence to use against you at a court of law in direct violation

But right now, we're in dire need.

Well, you know, let me know when you're heading that direction. I'd like to ride along.

And that's part of what the chemtrails do, is lay out where the grid is going, the direction of the movement of the storm, how big the storm is going to be, how much rain is let down, how quickly it moves along.

research and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.

And that was the beginning of these directed energy weapons

That's why they can't regulate every kind of business, only those that have a direct

It directly violates the Texas Constitution.

direction on where to go about this.

In a personal capacity, you're going directly after the individual themselves, their assets,

But if you sue them in their official capacity, then that directly and necessarily involves

That's a direct violation of the entire purpose of government, which is to protect us from

You have to be harmed directly.

You'd swear it was lifted directly from the Southern Poverty Law Center, where basically

Bill Allison, editorial director at the Sunlight Foundation,

And so as a weatherman, I want to know where the high clouds are because that directly impacts my forecast for the afternoon high

But we were actually doing it to get direct measurements.

for weather modification research and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.

They have to maintain separation from traffic on the opposite direction,

planes flying directly over,

You can do a 1983 action against these individuals for attempting to update the state constitution in a manner that directly violates the federal constitution.

Not that they're not real to the people going through them, but the fact is, is they're neither tangible nor directly provable.

Let the employer try to explain this. If you don't have a contract authorizing him to take money out of your paycheck, so far as I know the courts have no authority to direct him to take that out of your paycheck.

Now, they do have authority to direct you to ask him to do that.

And the only way they're going to get there is in a direct uninterrupted line of ownership from the original holder to them.

He's collecting directly for me. But if I sell the note to him, and then he's collecting for in his own behalf, now he's a debt collector.

If if I can get a, you know, I need one to pick up this lawsuit against these judges and the state and primarily Perry, if we hold Perry responsible for the mess that is occurring under his directorship, this is on his watch.

You won't get to congressman or representative or the senator directly.

and that directly violates the Texas Constitution.

is any record the court generates that is not directly related

Let's talk about what that prosecuting attorney is supposed to do when he is directed by law to do it.

But in any case, they go through, they seize him, arrest him, take him directly to jail, held him for 18 hours.

then you send a complaint directly to the grand jury,

20.09, which we talked about earlier, directs the grand jury.

in direct conflict with the judge saying that there is no statute that allows

and turned them over to these two assistant district attorneys in direct violation of the judge's order.

may have violated the judge's orders and the directives of the grand jury,

meaning the grand jury's, directive for the DA's office to stay out of the secret proceedings.

According to a new book, self-control is directly linked to how much sugar and sleep we get.

And that came directly from the town.

Yeah, I would help point some of them in the right direction and say like, hey, you know, I can't give you legal advice, but check this out.

So I chose that code because it relates to a direct personal freedom requirement I have.

I moved the court for a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

Therefore, you are entitled to that directed verdict.

and follow up with, defense has a written motion and order for the court to sign granting the motion for directed verdict.

You move for directed verdict.

First of all, would you restate the statement that you made related to the directed verdict?

I moved the court for a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

Otherwise, if it's not a law, it's a rule and a rule can only be directory on the people.

Now, I don't know if it's a direct order or anything, but we were just told.

I just wanted to clarify what he said about the directed verdict earlier.

The whole purpose of the directed verdict is before it ever goes to the jury.

You make the directed verdict motion to the court as soon as the state rests.

That defeats the purpose of a directed verdict.

A directed verdict requires the judge to take the decision out of the jury's hands and give an acquittal to the defense.

I think they're just trying to handle it in the background, not directly representing anybody formally.

Anything else is just a rule. And as a rule, it can only be directory.


I recommended that she find some other activity to direct her energy to.

You could ask, go to the American Medical Association and ask the director what the single most important thing is to protect a human against disease.

Indirect correlation with the other law surrounding their use

Directed verdict in

Write one yourself and take it directly to the grand jury in your area and file it directly with them yourself

And a rule can only be directory on the people it cannot be mandatory

Directed specifically at misrepresentation of law

Or thing that you're directing them to do

You can file your claim directly with their insurance company having in your hand written

If that tow company took it somewhere other than where you directed, they stole the car.

That's what I directed them to.

their tow yard rather than where you directed them, as Randy noted, that is theft.

U.S. banks have only moderate exposure to the European countries currently seeking bailout relief, but adding exposure to wounded economies in Italy and Spain, indirect exposure through European banks, and credit default swaps, the total tops $4 trillion.

They are the only witnesses that they try to make direct quotes from in here. And there's problems with that. They misrepresented what he said according to him.

I moved the court for a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

written an affidavit as to exactly what transpired when I requested the directed verdict,

The fence has a written motion in order for the court to sign granting the motion for direct...

directed by...

It's a very short one-page motion on the motion to give me the directed verdict for the defense.

If you get it directly from me at the moment, yes.

Yeah, and it also appears maybe she's taking direction from somebody else too.

Yeah, not to mention when the reporter that was barred from the room and she looked directly at me because prior to coming back into the court, I'd been down in the lobby interviewing with these guys on camera about what was going on.

Because Mary Krenick was in direct contact with the reporter in question and he informed her of the email that he had received from Judge Statman in relation to this.

Occupy Wall Street movement, yet federal agencies answering directly to the president coordinated

I stood up and asked asked for the court to rule in my favor, directed verdict in my favor,

Well, it's a it's a motion for a directed verdict, not a dismissal. But hang on just

court. I did say it was a directed verdict in favor of the defense because the state failed

co-directs of a private corporation, well, they can't produce a contract, at best there may be a

yet federal agencies answering directly to the president coordinated the nationwide crackdowns on Occupy camps behind the scenes.

Rupert Murdoch's son James has resigned as director of the companies that published the UK Times, Sunday Times and The Sun.

Yeah, but again, that's presuming direct taxation power of the people within the states, which

directly after the individuals.

Reserve doesn't really buy them directly. The key bonds are sold to what are called primary dealers,

of directly from our Treasury department. It's just a ruse. But anyway, I don't want to get too

as director of the companies that published the UK Times,

Well, they take them directly to jail instead of went to a magistrate.

Did they take him directly to the nearest magistrate?

then taking them directly to the magistrate is a very serious fine letter of law.

then I direct you to enforce the ordinances of the municipality, the county, and the laws of the state.

It speaks directly to what they call a bill of attainder.

Some court in the state had to do it. Find out who did it. If they're directing you to a particular court, file a civil suit against that judge, the court, and the city it's located in.

And I have to just go there directly and pay the fee, I guess, to a clerk. There's been no court date or anything like that.

Anything else is a rule and a rule can only be directory, which means we recommend you

You are required to know what constitutes proper cross and proper direct.

I would even go so far as to say these documents are being produced in direct violation of

When you saw him and he saw you, were you going toward each other or going the same direction

Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said, quote,

Well obviously because of all this Occupy stuff, they're protesting directly against

But Eddie had suggested that in the trial that he asked that once the state had rested that he asked the court do a motion for a directed verdict.

And what we do is we plug directly into the modem.

of Santa Ana, California, directed their employees to forge foreclosure documents, notarize the

Directly at the, in this case, both of them were in Delaware at their agent of record in Delaware.

to accept service on behalf of Dr. Levitt by either showing direct authority or implied authority.

More than nine months into the crisis, workers are still unable to gauge the damage directly because of dangerously high levels of radiation inside the reactor building.

So in any case, right now we seem to have some momentum. We have the pendulum swinging in our direction as a necessity.

TEPCO wouldn't comment on the exact position of the molten fuel or on how much of it is exposed to water being pumped in to cool the reactor. More than nine months into the crisis, workers are still unable to gauge the damage directly because of dangerously high levels of radiation inside the reactor building.

So they just made an error in their pleading. And I call this an unspore talk. The other guy screwed up and asked the court to direct them to go in and correct their error.

I've been, I've said it's just a matter of directing it

flies directly in the face of Article 5 of the Texas Constitution.

I'm sorry, was that actually directed at me?

or you can buy the documents directly from Eddie.

of this section that the peace officer's order or direction or duty being

The officers had no authority to direct them to move across the street and take

He is willing to wage war on the American people themselves directly if we in

You would directly go down like this.

Actually, what the law says is that if they arrest you, they have to bring you directly to a Magistrate before they bring you anywhere else, no matter if they want to call it jail or downstairs or anything.

Hey, look, I had to give you some directions on discovery and their collection practice.

No, it was, it was, if the bank directly, they report an inequality report, it was charged off account that was charged off.

And you're giving that notice directly to the officer, rather than filing it in the public record.

More than nine months into the crisis, workers are still unable to gauge the damage directly because of dangerously high levels of radiation inside the reactor building.

Just a bunch of rules that are directory not mandatory.

It simply isn't possible because the ordinance cannot be anything to me but directory.

but the political pendulum is again swinging in the opposite direction and the doctrine of governmental inactivity and economical matters is attacked daily with increasing vehemence.

And as I pulled out and went in there, up comes the state trooper coming in the opposite direction.

workers are still unable to gauge the damage directly

Most everything that I'm putting into this questionnaire goes directly to remedy.

So if you've got your formula put together for this question, this direction, this question leads to that direction.

The increase gives the Pentagon a total of $518 billion to cover everything except direct war spending.

It would be a crying shame to finally get this kicked off in a direction where we can start being more capable of helping and reaching more people just to have it shut down

You didn't get your 10 days or seven days, kind of like what happened to John and Matt when they were directed to report three days later.

something I deal with directly in every case is drug issues. However, I will be willing

email or whatever, I will do my best to try to point you in the right direction and see

in the right direction, I am being detoured from way too regularly. I find it very hard

If he knowingly fails or refuses to comply with an order or direction of a peace officer that is given by a visible or audible signal,

is an affirmative defense to prosecution for violation of this section that the peace officer's order or direction or duty being performed is unlawful, which it was.

They need to file criminal charges against the director of the jail.

you promise to appear from time to time as the court directs.

Because, you know, for $3.95 a month, you get to chat directly with the other people that are listening

You can connect directly with the host and ask questions directly to their personal account.

we're going to release the director's cut, which is going to be slightly longer,

and on the director's cut we're going to be releasing the full-length interviews of all the interviews,

no evidence of direct contact between the two.

And I had a book on how to remember names, but the crux of it was a mental discipline that caused you to focus directly on the name.

Yeah, I was directed to pay it to this guy.

that would direct the grand jury to sit once a month to hear complaints from private citizens,

local police officers when they arrest someone to them taking them directly to the nearest

he was he was very good at not directly answering my questions but I stayed after him and finally

citizen can go directly to the grand jury right now we have prosecutors some of them

may actually think that we can't go directly to the grand jury because you know they've

directly for failing to abide by, failing to perform a duty they're required to perform.

That's not unbuildable time for him and has the potential of affecting him directly.

That's why I'm pushing for this legislation so we can go down and present to them directly.

Did you give them any kind of communication directing them not to contact you by phone?

And one of the more interesting facets of that was that the prosecutor openly stated in Bourdire that he was not a county attorney.

In Bourdire, you stated that you're not a county attorney.

You're saying that a government official can't give any direction to the church.

Okay, so you're saying any direction at all.

We send a letter to each of the credit reporting agencies directing them to remove any references

So you don't have that direct remedy against them.

Now that I know that I'm not personal property, either tangible or intangible, as I've now read the definition of, and see that the Constitution only allows that that can be taxed, I fully plan on going that direction, sir.

and network with people directly in your area.

If you can't produce the harm that is directly related to you, you have no suit.

If what the judge did, according to other judges anyway, is directly related to his judicial functions,

for my cooperation during the incorrectly stated and misdirected 2003 to 2005 recycling fraud investigation of the Watts area neighborhood recycling center that I founded in 1997.

Chris Townsend political action director of the United Electrical Workers Union described

criminal procedure, which specifically directs him to give them to the grand jury.

person who was directed to, that's defined as tampering with the government

Now, they won't have any direct effect

All communication is to be directed to the agent,

and any attempts to contact the principal directly after being duly notified and sworn with a cease and desist notice

or exercising ownership, direction or control over a person is a criminal offence that carries terms of imprisonment.

Can you move the mic out from directly in front of your mouth or give it some distortion?

Yeah, well, exercising ownership, direction and control over you.

We have direct discussion over individual issues that are up and about.

You can order it directly through me or through the rule of law radio website, either one.

Yes, it's Prince Charles. He's directly descended from Dracula through his great-grandmother, Queen Mary.

or make a direct donation to me on the website stating that it's for the expense of the federal lawsuit.

then they can just run out and charge the guy that's directing traffic at the intersection of 10th Street and whatever for violating the deadly license belonging to that guy.

Okay. You got that? 1406A immediately directs everybody to 15.17 to perform the registration that's written into 15.17.

the examining trial, and have gone directly to arraignment.

CCR legal director Bahair Azmi said the story of Muhammad al-Katani summarizes everything

Some of those bombs were placed directly in the area where the daycare center was.

It expanded equally in all directions, and you can see the blast moving past the buildings

lateral direction, you know, it's going to pressure in all directions, spherically.

The programming director was fired.

Our director of photography, Devin Winner, he is a professional, he shoots for every

The reason that I chose not to do that is because you've got former CIA director Woolsey

And to go ahead and redirect and have a completely different perspective of what was going on.

single, you know, that's the way to go, encouragement when we're down, just wondering what direction

That relates directly to what happened in Oklahoma City, Eric Holder was directly in

Yes, it's Prince Charles. He's directly descended from Dracula through his great-grandmother, Queen Mary.

And then I highly suggest that if you find that, that there is no direct line to the ones that did the foreclosure.

of action from, you know, the remake doesn't necessarily have anything directly to do with

law and which is under direct Israeli control.

In Area C, a sector that includes all 124 Jewish settlements illegal under international law and which is under direct Israeli control. It comprises 62% of the West Bank, including the most fertile and resource-rich land.

So we don't have direct access to the old common law.

So that when he turned it loose, the side closer to the disk would pull in that direction

that Randy talks about when it comes to not taking an individual after an arrest directly before the closest magistrate and instead punishing them in jail.

program came about with the texas legislature directed the texas departments of insurance

law and which is under direct Israeli control.

using are in direct violation of 708.105 of the transportation code.

off the land is a direct result of their having a private property interest in that

I do not counsel folks to go that direction

That's directly in the Texas statute.

If the owner of the property direction to leave, then they have a duty to leave.

And if the owner directs me to leave, then I have a duty to leave.

Well, I take that as a direct threat or notice that they are prepared to use that loaded pistol.

the claim is directly against him for his action and not for generically just because he is the appointed trustee. And that should negate that dumping him out of the suit anyway.

then they have somebody to deal with that they can't directly deal with

to get them to replace the executive director, Margaret Reeves. Unfortunately, her replacement,

did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate? If it's yes, then I jump to

then did they take you to directly to jail? And if they say yes, then that goes to booking.

Yeah, did they take you to a magistrate directly? No, negative, negative.

have to look into it. He went directly to the city manager who, interesting tidbit of information,

That was your fault. It might be. It might be. And then it went directly to the police,

he doesn't have to deal with it directly. He can say, well, you know, I reexamine the evidence

As far as the procedure of Illinois for taking one directly before a judge, can I read the

Does that seem to jive with you in the same way that they have to take you directly before a judge without delay?

Well, I'm trying to preserve the fact that I don't consent to be here and that I did specifically say to her many times I wish to be taken directly before a judge or magistrate.

And last thing, what's the best way to find a case on point in your state about the procedure of not being taken directly before a judge?

There is no one Section 10 notwithstanding because it's a direct conflict with Article 5, Section 17, which says the grand jury shall check into misdemeanors and hand down indictments therefore.

They're acting illegally as a court of record, and it directly violates Chapter 30 of the government code.

There was some more interesting stuff kind of running out of time here. Decision to charge. Did the prosecutor take reasonable care to ensure that the investigators working at their direction or under their authority are adequately trained in the standards governing the issuance of arrest and search warrants?

An attorney cannot directly solicit business from you.

I would maintain that the prosecutor trained that jaylor in those policies and directed him to act in that matter to hold that ex parte hearing with the judge where an evidence was presented to the court

That should get a grievance every time. Did the prosecutor fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction known to the prosecutor to be directly adverse to the prosecutor's position and not disclosed by defense counsel?

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, said Thursday the U.S.

came down and gave those hillbillies directions

can only be directory meaning

I was wondering if there's a different direction that he may go that might provide him a better opportunity.

Yeah, but it's not directly the company. It's with the collections.

Okay, so it's a city-issued ticket, which means they most likely directed you to the municipal court.

The police department will no longer have direct authority on your property. So you'll have to contract with them for their services.

sheeple out there because for the most part, those sheeple are focused in other directions on other

things on issues that are important in their life and they need someone to give them direction in an

When we had a director of the Department of Public Safety several years ago, his name was

every DPS officer who does something, does so at the direction of the Colonel.

The director sent him out here to do that to us. We did not hire that officer. We hired the director.

The director asked answers to us. Everybody else answers to him. And this goes to military

department. Normally, all complaints are directed to some magistrate. Now that's where the law directs

does, it directs him to take that complaint and present it to some magistrate. So always criminal

She had to pay it no matter what. And the lawyer can't go out and advertise their services directly

to a client. They can do indirect advertising, and they can do general mailings, but it's not

Anchor Diane Sawyer, Echo Director of National Intelligence, Jane Clapper's claim, Iran

My question is, could you guide me in the right direction?

No, really. Well, how are you going to come after me without forcing my unpaid involuntary performance, causing me to enter into debt bondage, exercising ownership direction or control over me by the way which are all high jurisdictional laws and criminal offences,

He's got some good case law on the issue. P and H take those directly to forced labor.

Now, you can't spend in any given direction and not have one drive through the mist.

We need to change direction.

And that is, I am going to go directly to the merits of the case.

But in the meantime, I'm going directly to merits.

So given that, there are a set of things that I'm going to directly in relation to this issue regarding transportation.

Question one, under direct examination, at the time of the stop, did I present you?

Short, simple, to the point, all directed at transportation and the officer's knowledge of the difference between transportation and travel.

That's when you move for directed verdict.

And then when they deny that, then I move the court for a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

Okay, and it's best to go to all these authorities that would be directly above the particular court that you're in.

Josh Fox, director of the Oscar-nominated documentary Gasland, blasted the House Science

Anchor Diane Sawyer, Echo Director of National Intelligence,

Nothing in law directs a criminal complaint to an investigating agency. Nothing.

Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate.

All complaints are directed to magistrates.

any public official without direct authority from the director of the department.

But not directly.

Here was a direct enforcement of criminal laws that's beyond

but it did point me in directions to come up with things

even if the information it cited directly was useless.

region and conceivably more directly with terrorism aimed at Western countries.

Egyptian authorities have charged the directors of the International Democratic Institute

Not happening, dude. The sheriff can care less about your paperwork. It's got nothing to do with him unless it's directed to him by a judge.

or shoves me in a direction I do not wish to go.

specifically directed at Texas and the screwed up court process that these idiots that don't

It was addressing directly the Texas court's failure to provide proper due process, but

Joe Stork, Deputy Middle East Director at Human Rights Watch said,

Okay, but is this an issue that goes directly to the tax sale or just to the amount of the

They did the same thing, direct print pro out in Georgetown.

and he definitely needs to go after that judge directly.

direction we really need change you can't afford to make the same mistakes we've made

written directly into our special appearance motion that we had filed weeks ago.

You've got to count it as a violation of a protected right under such and such, and then you have to go to the law and the case law on it. If you go directly to a constitutional article, they will throw you out of court.

Simply showing that they did that thing and it caused you harm either direct or indirect. That's enough to make the due process claim.

The paperwork first has to be filed, okay? Until it's filed, it doesn't exist. Then after it's filed, it has to be served. Until it's served on the party that it's directed toward in the case, it has no purpose.

By agency, the clerk directly involves the court. Would you believe there are court cases that actually mealy mouth this process by saying it's okay because traffic tickets don't have an injured party.

that, hey, you've been scheduled for trial, has to constitute a date of a proceeding, in which case the court's in really deep doo-doo because the complaint didn't exist at that time when they scheduled me directly for trial.

I was entitled to a dismissal to prejudice or a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

And since only laws are mandatorily binding upon the people, if they apply to the people at all, then by that definition alone, a rule can only be directory.

It's exactly, they're directing you to go talk to these people and spend your time with these people against your real or personal intent.

It's not as much fun directly because you don't get the self satisfaction of telling this guy how to carry it to cabbage.

program director said quote, as economic powers shifting from west to east,

Or if it doesn't go directly to the title, you can go into court and ask the court to correct the records

We need to change direction

I'd kind of like to get into the structure and direction that our company goes

And Steve, will you go into the structure and direction of your company?

Gratton's school education program director said quote,

that somehow the board of directors, if you have one and everybody else is going to absolutely refuse

Just because you own it, for instance, a board of directors.

I think I'm in the right direction.

I'm in the right direction.

I'm in the right direction.

that should be easier to do than win the case directly once you've got that done then you

And it's best to enter a website address directly,

program director said quote, as economic power is shifting from west to east,

Legitimate companies won't ask you to and it's best to enter a website address directly rather than clicking on an email link to check an account or make a purchase

Go that direction

Overspending. We need to change direction. We really need change. You can't afford to make the same mistakes

So it's dangerous in both directions in my opinion

Principal cannot do through agency with the principal cannot do directly

So the court can't get by with indirectly being the complaining witness and presiding over those cases

even more directly related even more directly related is

America is in trouble. Washington is a disgrace. Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction. We really need to change.

camp in Kenya, aid groups warn the situation remains dire.

For instance, delivery of the complaint or charging instrument the day of trial on the merits is not proper sufficient and timely notice to the defense and therefore constitutes a direct due process violation.

camp in Kenya, aid groups warn the situation remains dire.

So they had been published to publicly publish so that the public would have direct access to them.

the trustee making you the managing director of the trust, but that contract is private.

And there is a direct link on the homepage where it says 90% of traffic citations issued have no factual foundation in a safety perspective.

That's just the person who directs their actions.

I don't have any individual case, but I would like to shove a little money in your directions.

What direction of travel were you in comparison to my direction of travel?

Were we passing each other in opposite directions?

America is in trouble. Washington is a disgrace. Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overstanding. We need to change direction. We really need to change. You can't afford to make the same mistakes we've made in the past.

We need to change direction.

And the estate goes directly into a trust.

They have to name an agent according to this, which can be a director, officer, employee, or other person authorized to act on behalf of a corporation or association.

the direction. We really need change. You can't afford to make the same mistakes we've made

making you the managing director, essentially taking away all the power of the trustee.

just because the lender can't foreclose on the property doesn't mean he can't sue you directly

And we can do it by looking in the court record and directing the court to the court record.

And the only way he can do that is to show that he holds the security instrument in a direct line of negotiation.

From him all the way back to the original lender in a direct uninterrupted line.

Now we have a direct personal threat.

He spoke to me and... He's gone after him because of phone calls that were directed at her, even though she wasn't involved in the debt. This is pretty much like what Deborah and Jerry were going through.

Actually, it has a lot to do with civil, but not only indirectly.

Okay, well then, as long as they have it, their job is simply to do what the will directs them to do in that capacity.

And the way to do that is write a private contract with the trustee that will make you the managing director of the trust

The trooper that he arrested me and he took me directly to more county jail and then that's when he wanted to give me the citation.

Uh, right here, it says directly in, uh, section four of the rules, responsibility, okay?

We need to change direction.

He couldn't. The reason is, is the county sheriff is the only officer directly responsible for enforcing the Constitution.

It's a direct violation of giving, you know, incriminating evidence against yourself, verbal or otherwise, and we'll force you to take the breathalyzer.

That should pull you up a website that you can go directly to and peruse all of the statutes online.

We need to change direction.

directly there. Right, right, basically what most likely will happen in Travis County in

One of the parents making that step is enough to get the ball rolling in that direction.

We need to change direction.

where he participated in killings, sometimes directed by Drummond employees. Tabares was

So if you do a search, you do a search for 120 days around the time you wrote the note so that you catch a full three months in both directions.

And while I haven't been able to find hard data to support this presumption of what we think is going on, there is a lot of evidence pointing in that direction.

And I find that kind of disheartening in so many ways. Now I'm not directing that at everyone.

become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction. We really need

Seems unlikely, but Rand Corporation director John Pericini suggested otherwise in recent news stories about the Bin Laden capture.

Now you're going to question the witness directly about their personal knowledge of the meaning of the term they used.

Also being investigated are former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani, ex-FBI Director

We have to win the appeal so that we have a direct cause of action against the prosecutor and the judge as well.

America is in trouble. Washington is a disgrace. Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction. We really need to change. You can't afford to make the same mistakes we've made in the past.

in Pennsylvanian West Virginia really close together, like I said, I've never been in direct before

I have a situation with a small claims action where the March 19th, the lawyer for the defendant, wrote the commissioner directly to reopen the case based on the default judgment entered against the defendant for inadvertence excusable neglect.

Seems unlikely, but Rand Corporation director John Pericini suggested otherwise

People being investigated are former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani, ex-FBI Director

America is in trouble. Washington is a disgrace. Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction. We really need to change. We can't afford to make the same mistakes we've made in the past. Mitt Romney's reputation is a flip-flopper.

Also being investigated are former Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani, ex-FBI Director Louis Free, and former Chairman of Joint Chiefs, General Hugh Shelton.

The fight with the FCC doesn't have anything to do directly with Rufa Radio.

we have direct TV here and it's a two-year contract, I believe.

Okay, here's the deal. You have invoked her duty as a magistrate. There's a good chance she's going to refuse to perform her duty and direct you to someone else.

And when you don't find it, that's a reasonable, probable cause to believe that the magistrate secreted government documents from the person or office it is directed to, and that's a felony in the state of Texas.

without the written permission of the director.

So the director has to specifically authorize it. The DPS cannot enforce any law without our criminal law without the request of assistance from the locals.

Well, if there's anybody out there that's got some spare change they can throw in this direction, it's been very difficult because the city and the county, they have tons of money and I don't.

Oh, hi! Catherine Albert here, giving driving directions that involve left turns. Well, I still can. Details coming up.

America is in trouble. Washington is a disgrace. Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction.

Yeah, so they'll do that. When I was trying to testify back in 2003 about the State Bar of Texas before the State Senate Committee on the Judiciary, they allowed 28 minutes of testimony by the bar chairman, the director of the State Bar of Texas.

And we're not sending letters directly to the chairman of this committee because,

which is the courts are just right with corruption. So any changes to the agency needs to be towards the direction of allowing more public scrutiny,

I did, I did. I was pleased to see you going in that direction.

Well, you know, I've been pleased to watch them go in any direction, so round and round

that in case law and such. That's sort of semi on point. So if this would get me directly on

Jack, these two judges on this commission acted in clear and direct violation of standing law

bar and state commission on judicial conduct, that they were acting under his ultimate direction

Oh, hi! Catherine Albrecht here, giving driving directions that involve left turns.

These guys are trying to collect on the mortgage. You have a mortgage. These guys claim a direct connection to the lender who gave you the mortgage.

and you say, is that a fact? Jack? Because nowhere in the code is a complaint directed to the police

department. Everywhere in the code complaints are directed to some magistrate. And the district

Catherine Albrecht here giving driving directions that involve left turns.

attorney to bring criminal charges that I have the right to approach the grand jury directly.

So you can actually, you will be able to learn a whole lot more because your hands aren't really tied in any direction.

Well, they had no direct employees. And that is a good question.

And then when that gets you nowhere, you can go to the director of the department.

there as a criminal trespass warning, and it is directed at you.

Well, I appreciate the direction that you're sending them in, most assuredly.

If you'll let me know what he's there for, I'll do what I can to get him headed in the right direction.

That will allow you to directly view the structure of the markups for citations and table of authorities and so on and so forth.

If they violate 45.018b, for instance, the right to notice, we have to have a motion to dismiss based entirely on lack of notice, which of course directly addresses several issues at once as a necessity.

Government has become too big. It's over-taxing, over-spending. We need to change direction.

Now, if you dispute with the credit agency directly, then they can put marked by a subscriber.

It's your right. It doesn't belong to the government. It's not up to them to determine when and how you can use it, how they can regulate it or restrict it or direct it or manage it or cause you to do any of those things.

Now, see, that opinion right there went directly to the issue of the courts.

Okay, when they start becoming directly affected for these crimes, things are going to change. But for now, at least the tide is turning and it looks like things are on the way to being changed.

Well, the city of Boston was sued. I don't think he sued these officers directly.

If you want to become a sponsor, you can buy the products directly.

File them directly with the prosecuting attorney.

Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction.

and the precincts that were large enough to be able to choose representatives to go to state directly.

Texas Administrative Code says that the Department of Public Safety may not investigate any public official without express approval by the director of the Department of Public Safety.

You petition for findings of fact and conclusions at law and when he doesn't produce it, then you file against him directly.

We need to change direction.

Anyway, we got into the hearing and it started out with the assistant director, a chairman, and the chairman of the Judicial Conduct Commission spoke first.

And they grilled her for about 45 minutes and the chairman was sitting next to her, the director.

This was the director of the agency.

The director of the agency was saying that the Constitution said that their deliberations would be confidential.

And this director was saying that the confidentiality meant that it all stayed only with him and his agency to his staff.

So the director was trying to get everything within the same context of client lawyer privilege.

And that's what when I was sitting there and the Director of the Agency told the House representatives that, yes, we act as judicial officers.

Once Commission's in a position to where they say, just like this Director said, this is what the law says I must do.

Now this Director got up there and told these House representatives, the Constitution forbids me from doing this.

We need to change direction.

For the precincts that don't have enough delegates to actually elect among themselves representatives to go directly to the state convention, there's a committee that decides which at-large delegates are going to go to state because there's too many precincts,

And so like you're saying, Richard, the larger precincts, they can basically elect their own delegates to go directly to state, but the smaller precincts, it's not that way.

Well, not only that, in this particular case, they stated that there was a direct violation of the terms of their mortgage. The mortgage clearly states the way it was supposed to be taken out and applied as a direct violation.

Right. What the court has said is that the way they applied the money paid was direct violation of the contract, of the mortgage contract itself.

If that's the case, why is nobody going after the servicer who's making the, who's doing the charges and suing them directly? Or even filing criminally against them for fraud?

directly aware that you're operating from.

We need to change direction.

And he breached the deed of trust in a way that would place a permanent cloud on the title, knowing that his actions would be in direct violations of tenets of the trust intended to prevent precisely that outcome.

Ginny May does not back the notes directly.

and MERS would direct them to San Antonio.

Now, an employer employee law being what it is, we can prove that she was not an employee because she was free from control and direction. She provided her own transportation.

I think that would open you up to an opportunity to sue the Bar directly for incompetence,

You just walk down through them. You may find some that's more directly on point.

and inter-apply is a direct violation of your due process rights.

Yeah, when they make that threat, that's a direct violation of your right of due process.

We need to change direction.

Two, it must show that the accused has committed some offense against the laws of the state either directly or that the affian has good reason to believe

And even though Texas law says you have to give him these things, that would make Texas law a direct violation of your unalienable rights to have those rights protected,

We need to change direction.

because again, you have to either be a delegate or a candidate, somebody specific withstanding who is directly harmed as a result of this voter machine fraud.

Is that a jurisdictionary, folks? Yeah, and that's a very good course and I direct people toward that.

The director of that department is personally, so he is lost.

Well, whatever the rules established by the board of directors are, is your limit.

interactivity, interstate foreign commerce to participate directly or indirectly in the conduct of an enterprise affairs to a pattern of racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt.

So basically, I had a public defender assigned to my case and I spoke with him directly and explained the details of my case and he told me I wouldn't have you stay in drug court.

you have a direct claim against the property they can't take it, even the IRS can't take

To get that from the judge, if he gives you quiet title, what he does is take away a direct

However, you get a private contract with the trustee making you the managing director.

ask the court to directly reflect your exception to the ruling.

In section nine of this statute, it specifies that the information may be in the form of an oral directive or a written bulletin.

The contradiction is, you know, obviously there was no oral directive.

I just, I've heard you talk in the past about, you know, the officer pointing his vehicle directly at the jail and not taking the person to a magistrate is being aggravated kidnapping.

In Texas, we have Article 3.03 which directs the prosecuting attorney in a matter of a complaint against a public official to reduce the complaint to an information submitted to the grand jury.

Is it giving you an idea of a direction to take?

That's directly out of the federal court case.

district caucuses all across the state. Nothing but Ron Paulers are going directly to the RNC.

judge and started asking Mike questions that went directly to mental competence.

directly without having to go before the Darth Vader committee.

We need to change direction.

to state directly. And we know for fact that most of that list was not going to include

precinct caucuses to make sure you vote for me to be a delegate to go directly to state

directly to the national convention. And guess what? Our very own Kay Beach, host of

and they are sending pretty much nothing but Ron Paul delegates directly to the RNC, including

under somebody else's idea of how things should be rather than the idea that is put directly

of the United States and this state are you guys not getting, when you were given a directive

The federal government was never designed to regulate or to write law that directly

We need to change direction.

So I have a question about direct selection.

You have to look at the state statute because if it's an entity that is employed by the government statutorily under state law or somehow otherwise connected with the government directly regarding a particular issue, you cannot run the Mike Meares routine on them.

Now, say, for example, this private entity that was hired directly by text dots to collect surcharges, say they decided to, say you didn't pay them and they decided to write it off and sell it to another private entity.

Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction.

Because of the mortgage, you grant him a privilege in that you grant him a direct claim against the property.

So he can sue directly for a claim against the property.

Yet, we can go directly to the instrument.

We can go directly to breach of contract.

He does not have a direct claim against the property.

But he no longer has a claim against the property directly.

If there's a lien directly on the property, then they can't liquidate.

My question is, have you taken any direct action against these judges who have failed to perform their duty?

That's a crime directly, and that should go directly to a grand jury.

This was mailed directly to him and they diverted it. The foreman was not a happy camper.

We need to change direction.

Now I have absolute concrete evidence of direct criminal fraud.

He says, I'm taking you directly to jail. You ain't pass and go.

overspending. We need to change direction. We really need change. We can't afford to

So it's not always a good idea to confront people directly.

Do you have direct evidence that there's corruption or is that your impression from the way they have dealt with the issue?

Where one of the members present during that meeting was actually the marketing director for BB&T.

If I go down through your statement of facts and you put in a fact that doesn't directly follow from what's before it,

enter a order of dismissal, and the court said they can't do that. They can't direct the judicial decision.

We need to change direction.

No, no, you've got two attorneys, direct them to file it and when they don't, bar grieve

and directed him to examine into them.

In article 2.10, which directs the magistrate to keep peace in the county by all peaceful means, by all legal means,

And we tried talking with them directly to see if they would let me pay a lease termination fee.

And fighting them directly is very difficult.

The way to fight them is indirectly, like we're doing. We fight them from outside their system.

This may be an indirect way of getting his attention.

We need to change direction.

directly to our municipalities to implement it.

And it is a great concern that they seem to be bypassing the state governments and somewhat even the federal government and going directly to the municipalities.

Federal preemption directly and federal preemption by the influx of federal money.

he had proposed some legislation at the state level for the state of Oklahoma basically which said that as far as the citizen's federal income tax money that normally goes directly to the IRS,

a good explanation and some rational direction on how to secure remedy.

so that when they get a filing, taxes actually directs you not to lose case law.

If you go and directly research case law, and you find case law that's directly on point with regards to the kind of case you're involved

So if she took the child somewhere else and there is no divorce decree directing you to pay child support, there is no child support.

or disability, you now have to get direct deposit

and we don't have direct deposit,

we have to get direct deposit or we don't get our money.

she recommended that I get my direct deposit with Wells Fargo,

So I opened up my direct deposit three months ago,

you need to get a whole lot more indirect.

And Social Security doing direct deposit,

is because they required me to get direct deposit.

Before I got my direct deposit a few days or a week before that,

and that's why I don't like doing direct deposit

my automatic bill pay and my direct deposit

accept these direct

is the direct deposit screws up.

is contrived. My problem is everything seems to point back in that direction as much as I don't

want it to point in that direction. It does. Well, Randy, I think probably the main issue

property, not just you. But the lender could file a claim directly against the property. He can go

second to a separate party in direct violation of the specific covenant in the note in either

servicer. This is in direct violation of the provisions of the contract. If a party to a

and then ask the court to liquidate your property. But he can't go directly against

We need to change direction.

at 50 to 70 miles per hour, landing 600 feet away in every direction.

Richard, I wanted to ask you what got you headed in this direction of pursuing 9-11 truth in the first place?

What caused you as a successful professional architect to pursue this direction and basically even put your career on the line

How did you get going in this direction?

And he agrees with me on most of my positions, but he cannot find it in himself to directly support what I'm doing because it would interfere with his ability to move forward in his career.

And this is something that Mr. Gage alluded to, but didn't address directly, is cognitive dissonance.

And you're not being paid for that time, you are indirectly

But in order to be in commerce, you have to be paid directly

That's not in commerce, you're not being paid directly to haul the wheat

For a clear and direct violation of 2.03 Texas Code of Criminal Procedure

The one place where the attorney failed to give him information was in the fact that he can take them directly to a grand jury.

We need to change direction.

When I first started this quite a while ago, the director of

the one who reports directly to me, everybody under him

Because that sounds like those types of weapons that are directly regulated by statute.

because you're able to do things that they can't have direct control over.

while at the same time assigning the note to a servicer in direct violation of most

deed of trust is attached directly to the note and there are no claims other than this

Now they can go directly against the property.

good news, apparently the director of the film festival has told us don't miss the

We need to change direction, we really need change, we can't afford to make the same mistakes

if it does or even if indirectly and it doesn't appear to be there but you're basically

thing about being in Austin is I have direct access to the state archives, I have direct

Okay. All right. I've got another direction to go in.

Government has become too big. It's overtaxing, overspending. We need to change direction.

they wrote the wrong address. That's going to be so they can misdirect the paperwork

politics is moving in our direction and both Steve and I have a lot of

directly against the property.

I can prove that hands down in every piece of the statute that it is engineered in directly by the legislature.

Everything the bailiff does, he does directly at the behest of the JP and I will hold the JP responsible, not the flunky.

Residucata is indirect, but you have a judicial determination that they repudiated the deed of trust by fraud.

This says it's this standard form and it has this inclusion in it, well here's the standard form directly from Fannie Mae and it doesn't have that inclusion in it.

This is not a provocative decision, he doesn't have to rule against any longstanding law, he doesn't have to rule against the banks directly.

you're only asking the court to direct the other side to stop whatever they're doing.

And while it will be treated as that, even if it doesn't say that, it should actually directly address the fact that the party who made the filing

And then on a separate page, not directly connected to the other pages, was a second juror at.

The moving party has to have sustained a direct injury.

They have to prove that there is a direct relationship

I needed a good direction.

And then the DPS, I called the director of the DPS and was just chewing him out big time.

can give a good showing to the directors of the film festival and Chris said last

Wednesdays the director of the San Antonio film festival told Chris Emery

you're bringing in the Constitution where it has no direct reference that's

Transport is a direct relation to commercial activity, okay?

It is directly addressed in the constitutions any constitution as a bill of attainder or

That is a directly unconstitutional.

a little bit more. Let's go directly into article one of the Bill of Rights. Now, very

And then when you start going after them directly with judicial conduct complaints and criminal accusations,

So at this point, now since you're getting the do-over, now would be a good time to start coming to the classes to learn the way to go directly after the,

So we still have avenue for redress. It's just not the direct one that we expect.

The director of the Department of Public Safety used to recognize my voice.

If it's a large organization, you often can't get directly to the head.

So if you know those big money people out there that got nothing better to do except throw parties, see if you can talk to them and get them to direct at least a small percentage of that our way.

even get the 7-Eleven video directly from 7-Eleven themselves that's also another option Antonio

No magistrate through administrative rules, regulations or directives can require a nonjudicial officer to act at a judicial function.

The application of it is, in general, not exactly headed in the right direction.

the directors wanted to pay the voluntary two percent deal Pollack said no and the whole

discussion there is on direct and indirect taxation well the decision is made in the

discussion that isn't nothing directly to do with the decision at any rate the thought

are they not the income is derived from the source barely talking about direct and indirect

as direct as it needs to be, but they go hand in glove.

like direct on this turns out to being a wicked boomerang because why?

And so that's about as much as I want to talk about that because we get into the direct course of study.

a rough outline of how you want to do something, especially when it comes to your own direct

may have to do during the opposition's direct examination, so you have to be listening to

law dire to ascertain personal knowledge.

motion to disqualify your brother as a witness, or some such other purpose not directly related

Yeah, this would go back, and you could say they were indirectly responsible for the laceration.

Can you point me in the right direction if that's ever codified anywhere, if that even

I was moving in that direction in addressing the false fees in these mortgage issues.

we brought this directly out of the county record. That county record is there because

this is what i've been working on is how to go at them much more directly than what we have been

is wrongful foreclosure in in a judicial state you would have that direct challenge to the court

then you could go after the judge but in a nonjudice of state you couldn't go directly after the

code criminal procedure and then of course that directs you to the fact that an information must

This would appear under this subtitle to be specifically directed at attorneys.

directly or indirectly any compensation for all or any part of the preparation of a legal

other than a person described in section b may not charge or receive either directly

or indirectly any compensation for all the report of the preparation of a legal instrument

And he directed you to these records for that reason. He couldn't give you legal advice, but he pointed you to where you needed to go.

And here you direct the court to the record.

So we're the CEO. We go in and direct our employees to do what they're required to do by law.

Or we can file the complaint with the District Attorney and direct the District Attorney to appoint an attorney pro Tim to stand in his stead.

But they use this in corporate law where... I'm sorry, in corporate law where the agent has to do whatever the superior directs.

Great change has always happened because a few people focused in a certain direction gave the masses direction.

It's not that we lead them around like sheep. They're not sheeple. They all have their own focuses and they need those of us who are focused in this direction to give them the tools they need so they can do what we're doing.

They know I'm not, you know, a director or anything. I didn't do anything at all.

Not. There is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to a police officer.

Nothing. Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate.

And 2.11 directs the states that when a magistrate sits for the purpose of examining into a criminal accusation,

he's going to very politely direct you to the police department.

2122 directs the grand jury.

2022, it's better if I read it directly.

I took that directly out of O'Connor's forms.

that traces all of our problems directly to that.

but direct line from one place to another.

that blank directs them that if they make a request, if after examination of the record,

Her direct lieutenant.


We understand there are warrants, the warrants directly be brought before the magistrate.

Now, I found the case in another state that has a direct asset on the issue that I'm raising,

Yes. Okay. So where you'd need to see on that ticket, where you were directed to report,

going either direction, if there is reason to believe that the person has been threatened

completely and mentally deficient or those that are directly related through blood or

be a lawyer, which I don't do. And the unauthorized practice of law written directly into the penal

going to go directly after the complaint because the complaint is falsely alleging facts that

Because, okay, there's a lot to this that even though you're wanting to go in the right direction,

DPS, you do director to DPS. Or if the DPS has a designated custody to the record.

They can't do that directly.

MERS has no power to change the trustee directly because if MERS does have power to change the trustee directly, then it's not a trust.

MERS would have to direct the trustee to do it.

memorialize or evidence an act or order or directive or process of a purported court,

address of the person against the purported judgment act or directive or process is rendered

evidence and memorialize or evidence an act, an order or directive or process of a purported court

Now, Randy was talking about this subject matter jurisdiction, or this direct challenge to the subject matter jurisdiction, I was wondering,

And when he refuses, ask for always you want to talk to the director.

You want the director to talk to his boss.

The director is the only one that works for you.

Everybody else works for him. So you cheat out, not the director, but the director secretary.

The director has to exercise a certain amount of professional decorum, dignity, and caution with his underlings.

And I can tell you a whole lot of things not to do. And I'm beginning to move in a direction of things that are far more likely to bring positive outcomes and that have been bringing positive outcomes.

Well, Randy, I'm close to responding to the clerk of the court. Should I send her another copy of my land patent with directions that this court has no jurisdiction, unless it's the federal court anyway?

have to be able to draw a direct line back to the original lender.

their claims, all we're saying is, is they don't have a claim, a direct claim against

They may have an indirect claim against the property because they can come in and file

did not have to invoke the courts in adjudicating a foreclosure, but could code directly to foreclosure.

By the way, people of America, I highly recommend you start traveling around in your car wearing Halloween masks or putting a dark strip across the top of your windshield down to the point where they cannot get a direct line of sight shot into your face.

And if you already bought it with the original, then you will get just the price difference for the new book to go with the court documents. So it'll work out great that way. Nobody's paying any more than anybody else for a new version of the seminar and you get a direct education on the court procedures and the documents and how to use them.

It would have to list the criminal act of which I'm accused, the date and place and time to appear before the court, the reason I'm being required to appear before the court, and it would have to be directed to me as the accused individual that I am required to appear in said court.

Okay. You work for me. You don't get to steal from me. You don't get to abuse me. You don't get to ignore my directives to you to leave me alone.

Right, wait for the Chief Justice to send you his polite and pleasant letter directing you

A court under Chapter 45, Chapter 45 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is specifically directed

ask the judge to issue an order directing the attorney general to respond to your bill of particulars.

But most of the time, going through directly after them, it just doesn't work well.

into one, the only one address will tend to direct mailings to the property. You may have a couple

nothing directs a criminal complaint to a prosecutor or a policing agency.

Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate. When a prosecuting attorney

And submit it to some magistrate. Everything directs complaints to some magistrate. And the

who sits at a position directly below your position. And as far as the court system is

Director Catherine Albrecht for, the world's most private search engine.

And here, the ATF is going exactly in the opposite direction and allowing known individuals that should never be allowed to purchase these guns

It's as if we accept out of hand that these agents were just following orders. Now, I thought we handled that in the Nuremberg trials, that the individual operators or actors who acted in accordance with directions from their boss

Well, they acted under the secondary agreement which gave the holder of the note a direct claim against the property

that they wouldn't have to sue me directly, they would sue in rem against the property.

I had called the director of the Department of Public Safety seven years ago, and when Colonel Adams was the director, he knew the sound of my voice,

So I come and see you on Sunday. I'll invest in the $250 seminar. Would you be able to help me on Sunday get pointed in the right direction so I know how to behave in court appropriately?

very direct line from the front to the back and it will appear to be very simple because

You could sign up under your dad or you could sign up directly under us, under Logos?

If he's just a customer, then you could sign up under, directly under me, under Logos.

And in this particular section, his directives are in 14-06, and it's subdivided into particular authorizations within 14-06.

That's what 15.17G directs him to do under a 14-06, B or C offense.

That commitment order can only be directed to the sheriff of the county, not to a municipal jailer.

This is important to understand because if you have a complaint you want to file, you're going to be directed to the police.

There is nothing in law that directs a complaint to the police.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate, whether the complaint be filed by a private citizen directly,

Everything directs a complaint to a magistrate, not to any police department.

Now in every state where there is no deed of trust, they have what they call a mortgage and a mortgage transfers the property directly to the lender.

or if a court gave you direct orders to do certain things and you didn't do what the court told you to,

Sue the cop directly and everybody above the cop

That went directly into the city coffers.

So this was a nice step in the right direction.

is to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

that's going to say you must take them directly to the magistrate.

so you could be taken directly to there.

and that's always the director of an agency or a designee,

So this is not something we can look at directly from law.

All right. Well, I was just wondering what I needed to do to help point her in the right direction because she's just freaking out about it, about that she got three tickets and one of them's for no license.

I am trying to find as many places as possible around town that will let us post signs relating to the class, what we do, why we do it, and also directing them to the rule of law radio shows so that they can become regular listeners.

This is not about anything directly personal to us.

Yeah, and the Logos Radio Network is not directly associated with 90.1 either.

or any of the other people of Texas in their private capacities in direct violation of the constitutional prohibition of bills of attainer and bills of pains and penalties.

falls directly squarely under that because this is a transportation code offense, civil

and this stands in direct opposition to your opponent the incumbent is that correct?

Do you have any information that we can point directly at companies or countries where the

I would think I would have a very direct claim and cause of action in that issue.

And we were directly connected with that suit from start to the continued drafting of it.

I would like you to give him a brief update on your situation and see what he could suggest that we might be able to produce to help lose things in your direction.

He secreted a document from the department or person it was directed to.

And we need to be prepared for that. So any information that gets you thinking is good information as long as it gets you thinking in the right direction.

laterally at 60 miles an hour in every direction from the Twin Towers, landing up to 600 feet away. Explosions going off up to 60 stories down below this so-called pancaking collapse.

But the point being exactly what he's saying, that the legislature only has the authority when it comes to the people and the general laws to write laws that are directed specifically at the protection of the rights and property of the individuals in that state.

Yeah, that's a bad, I like that because that way you're not going after the foreman directly.

And he can give you some tips and directions too.

procedure and it specifically directs the magistrate who issued the warrant to make

clerk there is no reference to this entity at all, and that goes directly to the definition

So even calling in and talking about it is a start in the right direction.

directly personally on the people that are the president and vice presidents

And those do probably put out, apparently, perhaps more RF than the rest of them, because it's really, everything's heading its direction.

herself, but you really want to read thoroughly and make sure you follow all the directions

Well, I will also say that there was a former CIA director, James Woolsey, who actually did

but put in any of those, you'll be directed to

via audio and video each of the participants, but you will have direct chat capabilities, everything.

Okay. The right to property is to be able to use property that you've bought and paid for and you rightfully own for any purpose for which it was originally intended and designed as long as that use is not directed at the harm of another person or their property.

If you want the URL to the direct stream, it is forward slash

and prohibitions, both written and unwritten, and whether directly stated or implied.

And when, by a direct and plain reading of its language, a law fails to do that very

Do you have direct access to the grand jury in Minnesota?

Then you can give it to the grand jury directly because it's already signed and sworn.

Now, what the courts are failing to do begins with the Magistration, which is the 15.17 hearing. In that section, you are specifically directed to 15.17G.

They can be the same proceeding if all the evidence and witnesses to the act are available right then for both parties to access and present, then they can go directly from the 15.17 directly into the examining trial.

They ignore that. Here's their problem. Article 45.017 of Chapter 45, criminal docket, Section A, the justice or judge of each court or if directed by the justice or judge, the clerk of the court shall keep a docket containing the following information.

And that came directly out of their pocket. Now they don't give a crap.

In this case, you sued them under FDCPA and all you're asking is that you show that you actually have agency to represent a principal who has standing in that the principal is the holder or the direct representative of the holder of the note.

If their response does not go directly to the issue, it is non responsive.

you have no frame of reference me to even point you in a direction to go look at this and do this, this and this,

because I told Dr. Wieth Mark is always intelligent and insightful and will have us a very pointed question directly on topic.

but the Lakota people have a bank doing with gold and silver directly, and they are part of Rob Gray's open source currency project,

if it could be converted directly than a human being pedaling.

Barter could become, we haven't done barter directly.

direction things are going and the speed of events right now is accelerating and I'm

If I were to stop accepting payment directly, but do all my business as barter, as trading in gold and silver,

Yes, sir. My question, dealing with me directly, is there a long choice that if you could, I guess, caught or convicted or driving without insurance,

We can, we can talk to you about due process and what the courts are supposed to do, but going directly to family law, family laws are really difficult area.

And then you'll have a good general overview of what the law is, how they all fit together. Then you can better look at where the judge exceeded their authority and then go after the judge directly.

But first, read the code and then come back and you can ask us more specific questions you will. You will be asking a lot more directed questions and just reading it will tell you a whole lot you can do to correct your situation.

17.30 code of criminal procedure. If he fails to do that, then jurisdiction never moves from the magistrate to the court of jurisdiction, and he has in effect secreted documents from the person or entity is directed.

The document is directed to an under 37.10 Texas penal code. That is tampering with the government document and it's felled in Stas, Texas.

nobody that directly can testify.

To quote him directly, the cloud computing trend is horrendous.

the mail. We charge the US attorney directly

have any really real power to directly change things.

She got one that was being directed by Ken Magnuson and he filed a complaint, he had the guy file a complaint against her in affidavit form.

To quote him directly, the cloud computing trend is horrendous.

At least he gave the sentence of doing it. He ordered me to get, he directed me to give him to the clerk.

who will go to your COSC, who will go to your direct supervisor.

The mayor is responding at superior. Blame the mayor for directing these guys to do this stuff and just call all over the mayor.

So, going to exhibit B which is her FOIA request directly to the town

Their objection said that neither of the defendants that is the board of Ed and the superintendent have direct knowledge control or possession of that information

Normally the custodian of the record is the director of an agency

They're the custodian, but they don't have direction or control over those instruments

The attorney from the other side admonished me that I am not to talk to the defendants directly

Goes directly to commercial law

And they reverse the case and remand it with direction to issue the writ of Coal Warranty

Time for us to be the sovereign, the parent, the director of the agency and go in there

some agreement or through a negligent act that caused direct harm.

This absolutely goes directly to contract.

except at the behest of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

The ordinance, if it directly applied to you would be a law.

I am looking forward to them coming to me and giving me some crapola about something so that I can take on this issue directly.

And his direct words were, well, you're not in commerce, therefore, you won't have to stop.

Well, again, the DOJ has a department specially directed at this,

Okay. Now, you can also complain directly to the Department of Justice. There's a website they have for that.

Do a search for Department of Justice official misconduct. And that should pull up a reference to the DOJ website where you can file criminal complaints against these officers directly.

That's the other thing. You have to be able to plug directly into a router. You can't use Wi-Fi.

directly contracted by a government entity or against a government entity itself.

Your power to issue citations in lieu of arrest is discretionary, meaning you can choose to use that power to violate my rights, which will also make you directly responsible and liable for those violations.

They're acting only on what their own thought processes and what little bit they have been taught is directing them to do so it is not entirely their fault.

The new book I'm doing is going to be directed specifically at these types of cases, misdemeanor cases, the traffic stop, and generally the reason we do traffic is because you can get class A, B, or C misdemeanors in traffic.

Well, yeah, you could, okay, but at least then he would have stepped out of the direct line of the door, or he would have exited the porch in order to put distance between him and the door in case you opened it to surprising.

upon its merits and direct the defendant and his attorney if any record and the state's

capacity, there is no direct official

that's the right direction to go.

You click that and it'll give you a directory.

In the instant case, it was necessary to go directly to the grand jury as Cherokee County District Attorney

Beckworth acted in clear and direct violation of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure article 2.03a

And when I did, they directed me to the district attorney's office and said that they don't keep things like that.

attorney which member of the grand jury directed you to contact me.

Actually, in this one, I need to send it directly to the grand jury and ask for, you know, I'll do the registered return receipt and see who signs for it.

so that it would make one accusation that led directly to the next accusation that led to the next.

For the most part, that is a directing word.

He can make a claim directly against the property.

case. He refused. So I asked him a direct question when he allowed me to call in. And I said to him,

individuals that are responsible for its operation cannot be directly prosecuted because

So what we're going to do now is we're going directly after this judge and this prosecutor on several grounds and we're going to use this section or this sub chapter of the government code to do that.

So we're going to use this particular chapter, subchapter, to go directly after the judge and the prosecutor in my girlfriend's case. And we are going to make it in such a way where the administrative judge is not going to have any choice but to agree with us and disqualify this judge.

as in directed. Two, to supervise and regulate commercial and for hire traffic, regulation

and pay his office expenses with until he got known. See, lawyers can't advertise directly.

With a mortgage, he can do an in-room suit and sue against the property directly.

And one of the complaints I thought when I read it sounded like it was directed exactly at what we're doing

They're going to think they're going to get these coming out of a forever direction

This is, for me, has been a great show. These are issues I can take into court and not take them in directly, but take them in obliquely.

So how would we ask a question that would point directly at this issue?

And then ask questions that point at that issue, especially if it goes to, like this one, a felony, if it goes to criminal without actually addressing it directly, that gives us great politics.

So you have to go at the direction the law does not apply to that.

I haven't got to speak to anybody directly to verify it,

Every single piece is directly dependent on the successful process of the other.

No, if he's directly parallel with you, yes. But if you pull up even slightly even and turn that car to the left, then your two rear terror lights will misalign and he will see them both.

Everything, all of the procedures direct the note

And what the direction said,

or was at least in the paperwork directed to,

Brazil's government is taking a jackbooted stomp in the wrong direction, mandating locator

What power would I have to direct the benefit of the bargain to someone other than the original

Brazil's government is taking a jackbooted stomp in the wrong direction, mandating locator spy chips for every vehicle in the country.

Those two aren't necessarily directly connected.

I realize I didn't give you the direct answer that you were looking for. And the reason I didn't is after talking to you, it was clear that you didn't have enough background to be able to use the direct answer.

The direct answer is, if you file a challenge subject matter jurisdiction, wherein you claim that you weren't, or your brother claims that you were not engaged in commerce, although you had the capacity to do so, at the time you were not engaged in commerce, you did not have a passenger in your car.

Now you have enough information that we can answer your question directly.

This does not go to the stamp. This goes to directly how the 121.008 goes to directly to how it is supposed to look.

To quote him directly, the cloud computing trend is horrendous.

And a motion, you know, asking for whatever, that the Arita, for instance, Arita Mandamus, directing the trial court to get the records in immediately.

Question. Well, I've been going through your course and unfortunately you didn't have anything in there about Minnesota directly.

I can't find any direct connection to the, you know, I'm looking for phrases like transportation of persons or properties or compensation.

All direct appeals therefrom are exhausted or the prosecution of such offenses is barred by law.

Not to mention the fact that they don't do it during the time of the arrest. They don't take you directly to the magistrate 99% of the time so that the magistrate can do it before they are allowed to question you about anything. Now, remember, the Miranda has to proceed any questioning.

It has to proceed any type of statement unless that statement goes directly to the discovery of factual evidence and circumstances that prove a crime occurred.

He's not always direct the way we expect it to be.

We are accustomed to having a problem, finding a solution and going directly to the solution.

it's not necessarily direct, it's kind of like flying an airplane.

If I'd have went directly to this guy's captain, I'd have just got a song and dance and sells

It's coming from every direction you see.

And I suggested on the break, instead of going directly after the violations based on the limitations of the rulemaking power,

this. But this is really the most powerful thing we can understand. Let's not go after them directly.

your input because it gives you a different direction to go. I would like to say one more

if the title company calls you directly they'll pay you upwards of $200, $250 to sit down for 30 minutes of your time and sign documents with someone

there to protect the public officials we appeal their bad behavior directly to a grand jury that

It says you are hereby directed to provide for my inspection or copying all of the following,

Yeah, provided no wrong directional or wrong headed ideas have crept into the mix since last time y'all agreed about something, I would say that's true.

You can never say never, but from what I've watched with Captain Rob, he's like me in the fact that he is not going to just fly off the hand on any direction spouting all kinds of statements that he can't substantiate.

I've spoken directly with Thomas, but I don't know if I've ever actually met Thomas.

Now since this is a speedy trial motion, this goes directly to the court's jurisdiction.

Because our administrative public servants and our legislature can't arbitrarily separate us as the people from our protected rights simply by redirecting us into an administrative process that acts to deprive us of those rights.

This state does not have the power to regulate we the people in our private travel and in the use of our private property in so far as we do not act or use that property to intentionally and directly cause harm to others.

Now 1.04 and 1.05 are direct statutory codifications of the Bill of Rights out of the Texas Constitution.

Now remember this verb is just taken directly out of Article 1, Section 10, which also says in all criminal prosecutions.

That spoke directly to curing cancer with ingestion of baking soda,

And so the whole idea of sticking a needle into your arm or into your muscle or whatever to inject a pathogen, a dead one or whatever, plus all the other toxins directly into your bloodstream,

So folks, we really are in dire straits right now.

So folks, really we are in desperate dire need of your help right now.

The first issue directly dealing with the vaccines is the safety of vaccines.

And actually, just a slight aside here, as ongoing research they come directly under the philosophical auspices at least of the Nuremberg Code.

Thank God that she directed me here tonight

then it is possible to start moving in the direction of really being free.

Well, I like Michael's books. They're aimed in the same direction we all want to go.

People will talk about the Constitution and then their actions are in direct opposition to the things they say they want.

Your best job is going to be to jump the heck out of the way as people start, you know, traveling in the direction of Washington, D.C. with their, you know, pitchforks and machetes.

And until the American people wake the hell up and realize that our current economic problems are directly related to the illegal unconstitutional Federal Reserve,

It is not Congress. It is not the underlings in the basement. They simply shuffle the money around as they are directed.

And I guarantee you that direction from the information I've gotten, the things that I saw the time I was working on this project, the Federal Reserve is the one that's controlling this.

Because the Federal Reserve controls all the money no matter where it's at, no matter how it's being allocated, they direct it or they don't print it.

Alright Chris, let's wrap this up man. We got a full caller board and we got several of them that's got something directly to do with Michael's appearance tonight.

to access the data to market to them directly.

and all of the law that was ignored that gave you the right to claim a verdict a directed verdict or

Well, I know they came underneath the Banking Act of 1938, and then still they have bylaws and they have board of directors.

normally before I went to this step, then we would go directly to the grand jury.

I have spent my whole life with no direction.

But it seems like everything in my life directed me toward this place at this time, talking to you as I am right now.

Almost never directly.

Indirectly by the will of the masses.

They forget your directions or don't understand your directions when they think they do.

Then you file criminal complaints directly with the attorney general because he has concurrent jurisdiction.

The statute opened the door for a citizen to complain directly to the attorney general?

trying to push somebody in a direction they need to go, I fully understand how difficult this is.

directly, we challenge him indirectly by the things that we do. We want him to think,

So, rather than accuse him directly, accuse him indirectly.

Now, the argument of not in transportation goes toward standing by state, not directly

I direct them into what they're to do. And they hate that. Good. Get slim agitated.

and encompasses a range of conduct related to the gathering and dissemination of information. This is a direct quote from the ruling.

I will go directly to you when we come back on the other side.

Nothing in law directs you to a police department to file a criminal complaint.

Everything directs you to some magistrate.

So, if you hear Deborah giving me directions on the air, don't feel like she's picking

the criminal code except under the request after request of and under the direction of

I think the Director, I think.

I suggest you send a message to the Director.

Since he's the director of traffic, and you mentioned earlier that police officers are

the express permission of the director himself.

If you give Eddie a call tomorrow or just email him, he will send that directed to you.

directors also with DPS, and I think they need to get complained also because their

And this makes it pretty easy. You always put your table of authorities directly below your table of contents.

Everyone who works for the district attorney does exactly what the district attorney directs

If they're too direct, people tend to resist.

to access the data to market to them directly.

But with the Glick decision, that door has been opened and I am seriously considered going to Parker County and taking on this judge directly.

Apparently at the same time he looked behind him, so we were looking in opposite directions

Were there any cars coming in either direction?

If you don't directly challenge it, then if you don't ever bring up the issue, they'll

So let's get motivated, head in the direction we need to, and let's change where we're going.

and that we can't violate by directing them to violate it

Okay, it's actually, we got this information directly out of the CAFR report,

Let's get focused in one direction.

But that's that's where I actually got the copy was directly from prosecuting attorney prior to walking into the room.

We need to stop having opposing goals and get unified in one direction.

So let's get together and start working in that direction. That is one of my main goals with Tau of Law is to make it where people understand, yes, there are multitudes of issues, but that is not what we have to fight.

And you have direct evidence that the owner has a felonies background

And this is something you can push directly to a grand jury.

the privilege of making a claim directly against the property,

See, in a mortgage state, you have to go to court and you can sue the property directly.

I see nothing in there that directs the complaint

and I got the director to ask me why I wanted to see them

Go directly to jail.

donate directly to each of us individually or to the show in general, whatever you want

If it's not commercial related and regulable under that capacity, they don't have any real authority to do anything to anybody. You have to be engaged in the business of doing something that has a direct and potentially adverse effect on the public.

So this has evolved over time to be more comprehensive, more thorough, and more directed at the protection of specific rights

Make him, them, or her aware that they are being directly associated with any unlawful and illegal acts or violations of your fundamentally protected rights in which they might otherwise engage during this encounter.

Alright, last note. It is important that the only things you say to the officer or officers are specifically directed at the reservation and protection of your fundamentally protected rights and nothing else.

You need to control the flow of information and the direction of the discourse.

I spoke only and directly to the protection and reservation of my fundamentally protected rights.

If she's a court employee under the direction of the judge,

Do not pass go. Go directly to jail. That's what lawbreakers normally hear from courts.

I have to give the link to it, and what I may just do is redirect or to

there where the site didn't give you good, clear direction?

No, it was much more concise as to the direction you were supposed to be going. With this one,

business directly. You see these TV shows where a guy hands someone a card and says,

a felony. It's baritry and no licensed professional can promote their business directly. They're

direction of really being free. So the the book is the answer it is not the

They're aimed in the same direction we all want to go.

You know, people will talk about the Constitution, and then their actions are in direct opposition

year, we intend to push for legislation. I'm pushing for legislation that would direct

a pointer to a URL and then we direct the domain name to something that says that this

Maybe not on a directly conscious deliberate level, but on some level they know. We're like,

Worse, it may well be that you're being manipulated from a level of mind outside your direct awareness.

that you are in direct conscious control, but that's an illusion. That's a trick the mind

I maintain that is not true. I suggest we use it all while only being directly aware

all while only being directly aware of about 10% of what is going on. The following presentation

on a subliminal level and you can do it in a direct conscious awareness. You can do this because

of mind and directly decide how we will think about the things we think about. If you haven't,

then act from a directed intent. While you and I can do that, for the most part, we don't.

Go directly to jail.

is naive. Well, of course, he knows if confronted directly, he would probably,

without any direct awareness of its presence and things work out very well. We've all had the

as you begin to notice more and more the provocations others are directing at you,

from the directed context. When someone throws their ball up against your psyche,

against the property so that he could sue the property directly and this mortgage by granting

You are going to talk to the officer what you say has one direction and one purpose only.

The direction is protect myself.

My brother's the one that pointed me a direction and we both kind of did a little research on common law.

If you get arrested and you go down to the jail, which it was illegal for them to take you directly to the jail, especially in a traffic case, but it's what they do 99% of the time, then what they do is they either hold you in your cell while some magistrate comes by to conduct a semi 15.17 in secret.

If this were an actual criminal case, then both Judge Wagner and Lemkel are specifically required and directed to follow the provisions of Chapter 45 code of criminal procedure and other related provisions elsewhere within the code of criminal procedure in all criminal prosecutions, or in all criminal cases.

Article 45.02 code of criminal procedure requires and directs that all criminal proceedings in the justice and municipal courts shall be conducted in accordance with this chapter, including any other rules of procedure specifically made applicable to those proceedings by this chapter.

Furthermore, Article 45.02 code of criminal procedure clearly requires and directs that if this chapter does not provide a rule of procedure governing any aspect of a case, the justice or judge shall apply the other general provisions of this code to the extent necessary to achieve the objectives of this chapter.

requirements and rights belonging to Rodriguez, and he did so in direct violation of the laws of this state and the United States.

and shall not knowingly permit staff, court officials, and other subject to the judge's direction and control to do so.

Sub-item 2, a justice of the peace or municipal court judge, except as authorized by law, shall not directly or indirectly initiate, permit,

Well, gee, the judge is directed to shall do not do this or shall do this and didn't do any of it, and in fact violated it,

Furthermore, Rodriguez requests that head administrative judge Billy Ray Stubblefield direct the court to dismiss this case of prejudice for lack of subject matter and impersonal jurisdiction.

But once I want to ask you about... In these courts, the judges are notorious for asking questions directly, and they will do that.

Now, the thing is, is if you actually prevail on this, they're going to have a really big problem with that malicious prosecution because now that charge is going to work directly against them.

get passed in direct violation of even the current 1876 version of the Texas Constitution,

Do you have any directions or somebody who might have a passion?

It's another thing to direct people to do it or how to do it.

If we had lawful government and one of the states wanted to secede from that lawful government, then the way we're using the term secede would be directly accurate.

Well, can I follow up on that? Sure. You know, I'm in a position, I'm an over the road truck driver, I get paid direct deposit. I have to use the funding money system to a large degree. I know who I am, I know where I am.

Go directly to jail.

the crime constitutes a felony, even if he did not directly see the offense, if he has

always directs the arresting officer to arrest that person and bring him before me, or if

directly to the nearest magistrate, and it was the intention that the policeman do that

He was required to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

be taken directly to the magistrate who issued the warrant or some other magistrate of the

procedure requires the magistrate to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and

if the arresting officer fails to take you directly to the nearest magistrate, his only

But anyway, when a person's arrested, they're required to be taken directly to the nearest

The arrest may still be valid, but if the officer does not take you directly to a magistrate

person directed to the nearest magistrate.

as a matter of course, find probable cause, that goes directly against the purpose of

Go directly to jail.

and the system will direct you where you need to go to find the law you need.

Let me get my direction straight on the southeast corner of 183 and Burnett from 7 to 9.

you take you white directly to the standard that reflects your issue.

And a discovery from the clerk is not enforceable directly.

Yeah, I think it is my job. And I think this is a nice lady. I'm not doing it directly to her. I'm just trying to get her attention to where she quits list of those crazy attorneys.

No law shall ever be passed to curtail the liberty of speech or of the press, and in all prosecutions for libel, the truth may be given in evidence, and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and fact under the direction of the court.

Regardless of how difficult it is, we didn't create our society to make things easy for government. We created our society to ensure that government protected the rights of the people, period, not to simplify their job to oppress us, which is exactly the direction all the court's opinions are taking.

There's lots of information about them, or at least there used to be when I first became familiar with them. I have actually spoken with them directly and shared ideas and everything with them.

false presumption and headed off like a house of fire in the wrong direction in

and it happens to fit into the succession thing actually rather directly

happened when the silver went out this is directly related to the question what

how does that really get us out of of their system okay not directly but

indirectly it does as just take a small community as an example as a small

And when the state exercises the duty to say, oops, this is really going the wrong direction, we can no longer support this union, then that is an act of war against the other members of that union.

On the concept of the people, the people have never acted, and this is directly related to why what we have is a commercial system.

They actually submitted documents to the people for direct vote by those who could participate by voting.

trust her intuition and her skill. So I feel like it's the right direction to complete healing,

more to other people, but you've given me a new direction, and I appreciate that.

or the direct conscious aspect.

to very directly reprogram those internal patterns

and give us a set of tools that we can go in and directly reprogram the inner mind

But this is something a little bit more mechanical, more direct.

It's a tool that will allow you to directly go in and adjust your internal reactions and responses in a way that you prefer so that when these influences occur later,

And if she is putting statements in a government document that are not true for the purpose of harming someone, you can sue her directly.

You can't sue them for making the complaint, but you can certainly sue them for what they did to you directly that they had no authority to do.

But hopefully we'll see you down there and get you going in the right direction for it.

patriot unification organization and directive website on the entire planet.

We will have our own distance learning software that will be hosted and run directly through the site, customized to our needs and specifications.

There's nothing on the web like it. Absolutely nothing and this is something the Patriot community sorting needs, a way to get unified and going in the same direction. Like I said, we have far too many groups fighting far too many individual issues.

We need to start going after these people directly where they live as far as serving us in public office. Get rid of one person that creates 10 bad things and we solve those 10 bad things.

Okay. Because we can go back and pressure the rest of our representatives to stop doing this. It's time we started working in one direction as a Patriot community, not a bunch of Patriot groups.

When we made the argument that they were asking for illegal search and seizures without warrant by instituting these drunk driving checkpoints, this legislator had the aneurysm thought, that's the best way I can describe it because it's a dysfunction of the brain to even begin to approach this argument from the direction he did.

You can either make contributions directly to the network or you can make contributions directly to individuals on the network.

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about tools that will allow you to take direct conscious control of your internal actions and reactions that will allow you to catch yourself when you're being manipulated.

One of the things that I tend to do sometimes is underestimate my audience, and I'm going to try not to do that here in the future, so I'm going to start talking about some things that I haven't talked about directly.

I won't add them in directly, but I think my audience meets my experience of my audience based on the questions I get and the comments that I get. You guys have become pretty sophisticated.

Apparently, it's going to be, I don't know if it's going to be a prosecutor there tomorrow or if it's the officer that's going to be there. I'm led to believe that the officer and I are to reach a settlement, which is a quote, a direct quote from the clerk that I spoke to last Thursday.

But when they start to try and direct that belief towards us who do wish to carry a gun in order to protect not only, you know, ourselves, but even them, the ones who don't want to carry a gun.

though the lawsuit was directed to them only, I had to petition the appellate court judge

he went down. It was like hyponatremia almost, but in that direction, but he was completely

dietary supplement and direct marketing companies.

petroleum products, and all the other ones weren't attacked directly, but they dried

be something that would cure it, which would be a change in direction for the Muscular

that was a direct result of an accident.

I'll go directly to that and Debbie was going to whack me for that.

The Malacca gang's alleged brokering of the illegal financial are tied directly to activities

of Mark Galazela, aka Mark Zella Hollywood, sometimes B-movie actor and pornography director

it was obvious no one that was sitting in that room had not answered something directly

There was absolute clear intent that legal title is the only place legal title is mentioned directly.

You basically went the opposite direction and stayed over there for a while, so brings

at least, you know, with some director, indirect capacity on some of those projects.

that they were to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate, and the arresting officer,

So they wanted them close. Point is, complaints are always directed to some magistrates.

Anyway, this one applies all law directly to the contract.

So anyone that's not fully answered, then you filed a petition for a court order directing

And here in Texas, the Administrative Code very clearly states the Department of Public Safety may not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of as and under the direction of local law enforcement.

There are factions out there that are trying to lead us in one direction or another.

I used to call the director of the department of public safety on a regular basis and chew

We have a problem, and consciously we frame the problem and we take that problem and give it to another aspect of mind that's not directly in conscious awareness.

And he didn't say as agent for anybody, it was a direct outright like it was a bank.

something special. In this case, if you direct someone to remove a document, that is fraudulent.

The first thing the cover letter should say is direct the clerk to bring these motions

That if you want your motions brought before the court, you have to direct the clerk to

You put your cover letter in there and the first thing you do is direct the clerk to

into Texas, and asked for directions, and the guy said, are you moving to Texas?

But I didn't realize that I had unleashed something under common law by referring to it directly as a murder, because it was a murder,

Wonderful. That is good news. I'd like the fact that you communicated directly and gave the judge opportunity to grant you remedy.

Now, I can use those hard drives to rebuild other machines here that do need to be rebuilt, but the bottom line is, folks, we really are in a dire situation.

I'm sorry to make it sound so dire, but it really is.

A public information request is sent directly to the agency that possesses the information you want. But you do a motion if you're going to go after whoever is on the other side to get what they currently hold in their hands.

Oh, yeah. That's what the writer of this article was almost completely directing was that due to the lack of ticket writing and enforcement, it was a direct result of fatalities being up.

What he knows is what he's been directed to do for however long he's been a JP by his arrogance and his tone of voice.

So let's get together and aim in one direction and shoot the right people while we're doing this. And I do not mean that literally, folks.

The last thing you want to do is engage anybody directly.

you want to be able to just point in a general direction and pull the trigger

I remember I had been telling y'all that, you know, things are in such a dire situation and everything's falling apart at the seams.

Now I have here in the studio, I've got an inkjet printer that prints directly onto CDs

a different law that directly conflicts with that.

it's not a directly in breach of a covenant it's ultra vires it's beyond what's authorized by the

forecourt because it goes right directly to very simple very basic contract law 101 probably the

And once the judge ruled against me, I directed him to the back of the document, to the attachments,

as a, it thinks that malware has done a redirect on the page.

it says there is no malware, they can't find anything wrong with it, but it's still misdirecting

slash forensicanalysis.html, and that will take you directly to the first page.

It goes in a lot of different directions.

directed at doing one of three things, protecting or

else, that's all it's directed toward. Now what you could

his name. Tie him directly to the abuse of his authority.

The investment of jurisdiction in the court comes directly from Article 5, Section 12B.

Now 1.05 is a direct statutory incorporation of Article 1, Section 10 of the Texas Constitution's

So folks, that is one of the directions I would like to see Dowell Law go into.

And we've got to put that directly within the Texas Constitution.

So I want to switch directions here a little bit first.

Nowhere in law is a criminal complaint directed to a prosecuting attorney or a police officer.

A prosecuting attorney is generally authorized to accept a criminal complaint, but nowhere is one directed to him.

Criminal complaints are always directed to some magistrate, and every judge is a magistrate.

The temporary strain order is not void if they're responded as admitted into a dwelling that the order directs him or her to avoid.

but he's supposed to contact the county court of law for direction on what a proceeding is. He

And all complaints are directed to some magistrates.

My problem, my only problem with doing that is, you know, being on the road all the time and state court being so direct rather than everything.

It goes directly to Gerstein Pugh.

Well, I took the tax statement directly to the assessor, and I asked him by what the

We're going to change this with numbers, all going in the same direction instead of pulling

in separate directions.

But it's imperative that she does not address anything directly related to the charge or

So that was actually a step in the reverse direction for our right to bear arms.

And we've only got a few minutes left. Michael, we did have one of the questions come in. They, Lisa wants me to ask you if there's a place on your website or if you can direct people where to go to see the Texas gun laws and also possibly where folks can go to find out what the gun laws are in their state.

you can go into the map and it will be created in the form of a questionnaire or just a set of directions.

What's happening in this country is there's a direct attack on lawful gun ownership, and we need to stop that.

We need to say we have had enough of this direct attack of lawful gun owners in this country.

So you'll call that tampering with the government document because the magistrate secreted that government document from the person or office it was directed to.

And never have I seen in any state, any statute, that directed a criminal complaint to a policing agency or prosecuting attorney.

All criminal complaints are directed toward some magistrate.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate, not to police departments, not to prosecutors, but to magistrates.

I'm beginning to change my direction.

and direct them towards some real remedies.

2.03, which directs the prosecuting attorney in the matter of a complaint against a public

you with mail directed to a grand jury member. So if you don't get that letter back within a week,

documents, that's probably another one you could charge from the person or office is directed to.

I never have heard anybody raise that issue, but that's directly to corruption of blood.

This is being directly donated by these firearms dealers, so you do have to go through the FFL

in all different directions.

You don't have to put everything in an exact lateral direction where everything falls underneath

showing me the direct line from the root folder all the way down to where this one's at.

is it makes connections. It doesn't make connections in a direct line. It makes lateral

connections. It makes vertical connections. It connects in all directions. And we were trying

I don't have them all yet, but do have a positive direction to go in to get them all.

The projection is based on the latest analysis of recoverable assets available in MF Global's bankruptcy versus pending claims the trustee former FBI director Louis French said in a court filing on Saturday.

Your motion for discovery then not only is directed to those agencies through the court, it's also directed to the attorney for the state to produce whatever is in their possession.

bankruptcy versus pending claims the trustee former FBI director Louis French said in a

How would you direct your cross examination in order to prove that the officer fabricated

train of thought so that if you have to deviate in multiple directions, those lines of thought

Okay, well, before the federal government gets direct jurisdiction over that, it has

And Black and Yellow Pages, an online business directory where free people and free markets meet.

And once Ryan has been released, then we will turn our focus obviously in a different direction.

And they did that. I think 47 of 50 adopted it directly.

business directory where free people and free markets meet. Online at

opposed to one year on the federal level. I'm thinking of going after him directly

bypass the DA and go directly to the grand jury. So should I pick one of the judges

but when you follow a questionnaire like this, they tend to point very clearly in a direction

this direction and we'll find that thing. Over all the time that I've been doing all

directly. So how do you get around that? That's, he, he breached the code. He, he,

Sure. The mind generally says you are hereby directed to take judicial notice of whatever,

but be careful what you direct to judicial notice of.

No, I think that was it, except to mention the flag that was hanging directly opposite the magistrate's desk in his office.

He had a big, I would say it was probably about five by eight, it was big, a big gatsun flag hanging directly across from his desk so they'd see it every time he looked up.

sponsored by black and yellow pages dot biz an online business directory where

That's a waste. We should be working in a concerted effort, organized effort, as a Patriot community, to go directly to the source and cause of all those individual issues.

I'm in agreement, but we've got to get everybody going in the same direction first.

And I want to use it to make the Patriot community much stronger, much more powerful, much more organized, much more directed.

I want to get us all for once swimming in the same direction, looking for the same place on the bank to get out, so on and so forth.

We really, really stand a good chance of changing things, people, but we can't do it if we're fighting each other or going in different directions.

Celebrity Beat is sponsored by, an online business directory where free

directed to two or more persons or the officer executes more than one writ in a

doing it as a business and that business can be directly associated with the

will win is that your work has a direct impact on public health and welfare

When you look at this, it is, I've done it in a special format where you can see all the different directions this takes

And all complaints are directed to some magistrate, there's nothing restricting you from filing

are you directed to do that?

And by material, it would have to go directly to the adjudication of an issue.

This is a first big step in that direction.

anyone presenting an ID and clearing a warrant check will be released directly from the precinct with the desk appearance ticket to return to court.

Directing the education of a child is one of the most basic of parental rights. Persecuting parents for controlling their own kids' education is a violation of their human rights. It's probably just as well those parents left those countries.

one, on the person's own premises or premises under the person's control or two, inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned by the person or under the person's control.

On the person's own premises or premises under the person's control inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle.

So two covers you inside of or directly in route two.

anyone presenting an ID and clearing a warrant check will be released directly from the precinct

directly. But if you do, that's your claim

If the policeman did an improper arrest and didn't take you directly to a magistrate,

Oh, it's going to be interesting. Like I said, I was just hoping I could go in both directions because I do want to make sure that...

When you open Windows Explorer, it'll open up with the root directory, the main directory

merely directors they lead from one point to the next and don't necessarily

in regards to approaching a grand jury directly and let me see you asked

letter yes I did directing asking the foreman to send that letter back to you

directed to that's a very pointed and very specific allegation tampering with

in the least the mail was directed to to these individuals he interfered with

it inside that mail were government documents directed to a grand jury he

out and makes a direct threat or even a veiled threat within any state why that's

then you don't necessarily have to attack that directly, but you start asking questions that point directly at that.

If you haven't attacked it directly yet, then the bank still has possible deniability. They don't have to defend it yet.

So they're just pushing you out of the home in direct violation of the investor's guideline.

they work for me directly because I am a citizen in a republic and that makes me the baddest

Directing the education of a child is one of the most basic of parental rights.

and clearing a warrant check will be released directly from the precinct with a desk appearance ticket to return to court

That's a direct conflict of interest

No, there is no such loophole, that would be a direct violation of the rules of evidence and procedure in any court anywhere in America

And he can help you more directly with that because he is in California and he's doing this quite regularly there

All right, is there a donation specific for Tile of Law? Would that be directed to you?

It'll have to be directed to me

The police are now in possession of the car and they assumed the towing charges for my vehicle and I am to pay the police department directly

presenting an ID and clearing a warrant check will be released directly from the precinct

It's a direct conflict of interest for them to even try to do that

He was going in the opposite direction down a divided highway, so he was not in direct line of sight with her where radar would have actually worked anyway

So the first question is, how did he even begin to gauge her alleged speed to determine she was speeding when they were going in opposite directions on a divided highway

And since he was going the opposite direction, he couldn't have been pacing her either

Then they came back and tried to redirect it

In any case, she continued to stand on her rights. They kept trying to redirect this down some other path, and the one they chose next was

boards of directors or heavily invested in some of these RFID companies as well.

directors themselves. But we've got a lot of callers. Chris, do you have anything else?

They will not allow direct public input. They place what's called facilitators and these plants

and these other people out in the audience and they break people up into groups and they direct

the outcome of the meeting before it even starts and they will not allow direct questions. Okay.

husband who has direct connection with Mike Wade from Wade's Garcia. She rolls her eyes,

board. Can ask the board to direct the interrupter to cease his interruptions as it's in violation

Right. Yes. That I do know because I was on the board of directors here in my community.

directly and say, oh, well, we have their consent.

there a trend amongst the students? Which direction does it seem to be going?

said during direct examination and then there's re-examination where basically we start over

but yeah oh one thing you forgot to mention in direct testimony and direct examination

I mean, direct them to different things, but they can't give advice, but they might know people.

directing the education of a child

Yes, I've heard Rod. I've talked with Rod and several people associated with Rod. And Rod does a lot of good stuff, though I can't say I always agree with the direction he's trying to take an argument or how he's trying to get there.

Yes, I do. The state shall have, the department shall have the authority to direct speed signs on the highways for the purpose of regulating commercial motor vehicles, trucks, tractors, tractor trailers, and commercial motor vehicles for the

But anyway, the judge again entered a plea at the direction of the prosecutor that a not guilty plea.

blaming you guys for misunderstanding her directives.

at any time when they are being directed at the activity you're engaged in or you're defending yourself in court from the accusation having been made.

On direct examination, which is what you do when the witness is your witness and your witness is somebody that you called to appear in court, not that the other side called to appear.

Now it is possible that you can call a witness as your witness, but you can ask the court to declare them as a hostile witness, in which case you can treat it as a cross examination rather than a direct examination.

In a direct examination, you are not allowed to ask leading questions.

Anytime the answer can be given in one or two words, it's a leading question as long as it is done during direct examination of your own witness.

Now on cross examination, that is when you are asking questions of the other side's witness after they have been under direct examination by the other party.

Now on redirect, however, what the prosecutor cannot do and redirect allows them to question the witness again after you have done your examination on cross.

Redirect allows them to bring up any facts that you raised during your cross examination.

Supposedly they're not allowed to bring up any new facts on a redirect.

A bill of lading relates directly to the transporting of goods or property for compensation or hire.

Done. Every single one of them is issued to somebody who is selling some service or good in a manner that directly affects the public health and welfare or they could not issue a permit or license for it.

That's the only way they can issue a permit or license for it is because it directly affects the public health and welfare.

No, I'm not sure where that falls into play with this conversation, but I was hoping maybe you can either point me in the right direction in my...

Okay. I don't really know how to go about proceeding any kind of legal action towards them. Well, there is no legal action unless you can show that their policy or determination or directive somehow caused you a harm. Did it?

It's a public body. It's a public body. It will approach them directly, which they're not allowing me to do.

He was to take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself. And the magistrate decided whether he went to jail or not.

Acting in direct contravention to very clearly stated law is not within scope.

They couldn't do it directly because the strategy was to take a set of real estate mortgages and combine them into an investment pool.

I showed up, they directed me to the clerk of the court, and I brought the stamp that the Postal Service gave me when I was making those 23 packets for the federal grand jury.

And I go, well, yeah, those are two options, but another option is just mail, you know, mailing them directly to the grand jury.

and I told the person who, I guess, is behind the glass at his office if he could hand it directly to the attorney.

i.e. a prosecutor in a court of law and direct violation of the separation of powers doctrine in your constitution?

That's what it directs him to do.

Okay, go on Remedies and Readestate and it has all the directions in there.

a board of that member was making way too many noises in a positive direction.

proving control and direction that goes when the employer-employer relationship.

go and advertise his profession. Any licensed professional is forbidden to directly solicit

this website, it will direct you to a place where you can pull down a fill-in-the-blank

Of course they will. They're criminals, and there's directions on the site that tell you,

That's a direct violation of the Privacy Act of 1974.

Well, I didn't know if it was the director of that agency at the time.

Now, what they have done is they've tried to convert all the Texas transportation statutes into criminal actions when, in fact, when you check the administrative code under Title 37 and you see that every chapter of the Texas transportation code is under the direct authority of only one of two administrative agencies,

And the ones who asked you generally interesting, thoughtful questions and provoked your brain into asking more questions were the ones that finally steered you in the direction to become awake.

Okay, wait a minute. Is the check from them directly or are they from this guy?

You can sue Awkwin, sue them directly, claiming that, claiming fraud on their part.

You can sue them directly.

sent in separate envelopes material directed to the federal grand jury, we are returning

Look it up. It will give, it gives you a medical directive, in case you're incarcerated,

So she has a website called Crazy Free, and it provides medical directives

I did a search on policing power. I did not look directly at the Constitution and I did not find a direct answer other than it appears that the code gives policing powers to different agencies, but I don't have a clear and concise answer

directly from the Constitution.

may not enforce the criminal laws except under the direction of and at the request

But I think they have been directed to leave me the heck alone because they're pretty sure

And then they came down and gave a direct order that we would load by the book.

this is a pattern, then we can establish that the bank is either directly responsible for

No, directly from the seller.

You know, I send that directly to him or does that something I file?

the lender a year and a half before the assignment of mortgage directly from the lender to Bank

So what should be my primary directive in this statement on appeal?

I was hoping that you would have information that could point us in the right direction

I said credit that, you know, goes to, you know, I just pointed you in the right direction.

the collision was a direct result of their inability to operate at the lawful speed and control their vehicle.

a warrant, they're required to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

So far, Texas is the only one that I have seen that has a statute that goes directly

Therefore, the legislature in their wisdom directed these municipal judges and police

They directed these guys to act in ways that made their life easier.

And I find it much more effective to sting somebody for not performing a professional function that does not directly affect them.

Well, while we couldn't directly address these, if we advise the grand juror of the impropriety of these acts, we may well get the grand juror to take some action or at least give us the information to where we could.

They took out those terms, they don't directly call it unethical conduct, but the purpose

do it because you didn't directly authorize him.

was directly adverse to another client?

A prosecutor should take reasonable care to ensure that investigators working at their direction or under their authority are adequately trained in the standards governing the issuance of arrest and search warrants and should inform investigators that they should seek the approval of a prosecutor in close or difficult cases.

A prosecutor should not engage in plea discussions directly with an accused who is represented by defense counsel except with defense counsel's approval.

Okay, prosecutor should comply promptly with all orders and directives of the court, but the prosecutor has a duty to have the record reflect adverse rulings or judicial conduct, which the prosecutor considers prejudicial.

The judge should not direct court personnel to engage in conduct on the judge's behalf

director or trustee of a party, acting as a lawyer in the proceeding, is known by the

as director, advisor or other active participant in the affairs of a party except that ownership

Organizations, a judge may participate in and serve as a member, officer, director,

A judge may participate in and serve as an officer, director, trustee, or non-legal advisor

board of directors or trustees even though it has responsibility for approving investment

director, or trustee.

A judge may serve as an officer, director, active partner, manager, advisor, or employee

and judicial conference regulations and directives.

So they elected the expediency of directing prosecuting attorneys to render legal advice to the police and inferior courts.

me directly. And you have to come to the court and say, I was harmed in order to have a controversy.

Well, I have another, I have another direction I need to go in with you because you brought

and direct violation of law. It took, I guess I'm still in the process, but it took 15 years or so

to figure out what to do about it. You know, I evolved from confronting them directly and

directly. So I take these issues. And like I suggested to Jay in the last segment on the

Well, not with Mississippi directly, but again, once you learn how to read a statute, you can pretty much read any statute.

No, I did that. That as soon as I left the stop, I went directly to the court and I went directly to the police station.

They are bill of pains and penalties and direct violation of constitutional prohibitions.

And put us directly under the thumb of the British army

Nobody's working together. Everybody's got their own little pet peeve. They're going off in a thousand different directions instead of focusing on the source of the problem, which is, what, 200 and some odd, 300 and some odd people?

Why do we have to go chasing our tails in every different direction rather than going to the source of the problem?

There's a lot of headlines since their executive director claimed confidentiality as the attorney for the commissioners and they got into a war with the Sunset Commission. I was down there and I testified last April about the problems with the agency and there was a recommendation report that came out

Cargill recently spoke against an Austin City Council resolution which directs the

Cargill recently spoke against an Austin City Council resolution which directs the

to the assertion that the Milbrook ruling ensures the government now has a direct pocketbook

So you sue the individuals directly under Bivens and you sue the US government under

They can't testify in any direction because they weren't sitting in the room, they didn't

But that said child was in fear as Sandra drove the vehicle in his direction.

the heavily redacted documents show that the DHS Threat Management Division, directed by regional intelligence analysts

Division, directed by regional intelligence analysts to provide daily intelligence briefings

Elect these members for staggered four year terms and have them appointed appointed director for six years.

18 commission and director shall issue under oath an annual report.

one of the executive directors of the agency at that time had been asleep at the switch,

actually pay any attention to it. So I set up the agency director with a series of requests

she was replaced by the now executive director of the agency, Shawna Willing. Now for about

was a difference of opinion between the Sunset Commission and the agency. The agency director,

were thin in facts were used by the executive director as argument to the commissioners to

When a magistrate has reasonable, has someone present a criminal affidavit to him, he's directed to hold a, sit for an examining court.

Division, directed by regional intelligence analysts, to provide daily intelligence briefings

except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

What it says is, you're hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or copying all records collected simply maintained by your department to include the following evidence of authority to enforce the provisions of Texas traffic laws chapter 644 for all officers so authorized by the city of

Okay. Then here's what you need to do when you go in there. Whoever it is, they direct you to.

There's nothing in Texas law that sends the directive to investigate crime to a law enforcement agency.

Okay. If he stopped using the terms, he failed to prove his case. And you should have asked for some re-judgment or a directed verdict.

Well, the thing is, in order for it to constitute harassment, you would have to show a repetitive pattern and a directed purpose. You'd have to read the specific statute regarding harassment in order for it to apply.

may not maintain an action suit or proceeding in a court in this state brought either directly

lawyer to be directly adverse to the position, to your position and not disclosed by opposing

Or not cutting the umbilical cord of a newborn directly after birth

Okay. So I filed criminal complaints against all the people up to that point, including the Chief Justice of the Third Court, into and directed to Keller.

Patty Robinson, who had directed her officers to threaten and intimidate me, you know, etc. All in all, you're recording for them, you're shown.

cord non-servants or not cutting the umbilical cord of a newborn directly after birth.

includes board of directors own meeting minutes supporting my allegations that

The association may realize that they suffer damages directly to the attorney's inability to have performed a vigorous due diligence in testing the veracity of the association's claim prior to filing a complaint

Directly to the nearest magistrate

cord non-servants, or not cutting the umbilical cord of a newborn directly after birth.

general then we'll file directly with the grand jury or it depends on how much how much

cord non-servants, or not cutting the umbilical cord of a newborn directly after birth. According

mean, part of my 18 page was directed from the American Law Review, and it goes to the

Yeah, that goes directly to collateral estoppel. They cannot take a position in one case and

and you're cross referenced with a tab, you can turn directly to it. You don't have to

And then if you send somebody a demand for payment or a demand to produce an instrument or something like that, you can actually write up your request, give that to the notary and have the notary send it on your behalf and direct the recipient to direct his or her response back to the notary.

Maybe somebody could send me in the correct direction to get a letter started to protest this.

I'd like to know if there was a more direct way to get something to them that can't be thrown in the trash, so to speak. Well, no, because you could hand deliver it and they throw it in the trash.

Nowhere in Texas law does it say we're directed to file criminal complaints with any form of law enforcement.

Here in Texas, the law specifically directs criminal complaints to be made in front of three particular official capacities.

you know, mention that, haven't even really directly threatened it. I've just casually

hear them, he will have done that at the direction of the prosecuting attorney. And his only defense

But that's just a repository of research and then I've got some pages that direct you in the steps you need to take and the things you need to do to set the bankers up.

Directly to him, I would suggest registered restricted.

And they were to take that person directly to the magistrate and explain themselves.

If you get lawyers on both sides they probably get together with one another either directly or tacitly

Then you can land on him like a ton of bricks if he even looks in the wrong direction

So, I wouldn't suggest threatening your lawyer directly

She didn't receive any notice directly to her

Now, on my way there, I did tell him that he needed to take me to, directly to the magistrate, which of course he didn't. I told him that probably three or four times.

You weren't lawfully arrested because the officer's guilty of false imprisonment because he took you directly to jail instead of to a magistrate.

If it does any of those three things, the laws invalid. In Texas, we wrote a clause directly into our Constitution Article 1, Section 29 that says exactly that.

That is a good question and it would go directly to Wisconsin law. I can't see... They're treating that like some sort of emotion in the court.

And if he's done it according to our directions, he did it certified mail return receipt.

1730 code criminal procedure directs a magistrate after an examining trial to seal all documents had in this hearing causes name to be written across the seal of the envelope

But if you click on the center note of this map, it'll give you directions of precisely what I'm talking about here.

That document with Merge in it is directly in violation of state law and I'm relatively certain you'll find a similar law in Nevada.

We don't get the direct relief that we would like.

Because if you look at them, you'll find some that are just direct,

give us direction and we can support each other, the sky is the limit.

You have the right to use that property as long as its use is not directed or intended

actually directly conspiring with one another, will look at the case at the estate and try

book where she paid it off. And we went, she went to the funeral director.

wasn't directly on the case.

It is in direct violation of state law and is void on its face.

And the directions, one of the first places it'll take you to is the section where I have a PDF notary request you fill in the blanks on and you can download.

a big map there. If you click on the center part of the map, it will give you directions

whether or not this meeting that we have with the funeral director at the funeral home

They, like I said, this corporate officer contacted the funeral home directly

So we have a meeting with the funeral director, my mother, father, and I,

They can get hold of me through you. You know how to get hold of me, or I can be reached direct at 512-761-1007.

the distinction because that is a filing that goes directly to title.

So it, you know, it radiates in all directions, and you know, I just, I think that's pretty arrogant.

However, no shielding, huh? That means if I had a pretty good size CB radio, and I happened to set it up on the other side of the walls where that meter was, and I had myself a directional antenna that you can make real easy with a Pringles can.

If you take a whip antenna, a whip antenna will radiate in all directions, but it will radiate more straight out the top of it than any other direction.

Click on the free forensic analysis and it will direct you to go down to the record and

This is mainly directed at those of you who are not in

The the rundown on why this particular message is directed at folks that are not in

Let's go further. I'm much honestly guys. We we you know, there's the anger side of this which we can all direct the Kirk Watson

In California, explains one criminal lawyer in Mojave, an arrest warrant is a court order directing officers to arrest a certain person if and when they locate him or her for Penal Code 816.

Because you can take everything that's in the county record and direct the court to take judicial notice

If you can find that, your deed of trust is in direct violation of state law and is void on its face

Okay. Hello, everyone. My name is Glenn Beck. I'm the director of the National Rifle Association.

when one question doesn't lead directly from the other so I can get this thing honed. Then

case, it's a cemetery and like I said, I was directed by the Texas Funeral Services Commission

Thursday and getting it resolved as far as the prepaid burial service agreement, the director

I'm certain I do, and you pointed me in the right direction. I'm pretty good at doing research.

right direction. This was the one of them refresh your memory, but where the lawyers from

because the lawyer lied to you. And the lie was in direct contradiction to 3-501

Right. So she lied directly about that. So now you have reason to believe she lied about

successful resolution to that yesterday. We had a meeting with the funeral director of that

If they lead you on a cross examination or direct examination they give you particular pieces of information or during a process with a clerk when you're trying to file documents

Right, okay, well I'm glad I got some direction from you, I do look forward to some feedback on the execution of the script that you do here

of a direct foreign development project in which foreign investors have poured in $21

And those are people that know how to direct what they want

In the direction they need and want it to go

And became a method of controlling the masses through misdirection and misperception

But you have to be able to control what direction you flow

particular things in relation to what can be said or done during your cross or direct examinations

And also turn the case in the direction you need and want it to go

The size of the gift is directly relevant to the circumstances surrounding the response that is given

The script you will need before that, however, you're going to need a script for your jury voir dire, you're going to need a script for your opening statement

You're going to need a script for what you say and do when the prosecutor is doing their initial line of questioning, what they call direct examination

Okay, you don't just put the train on it, turn on the power and watch it go that direction

And you have to know how to flip it to get it to go which direction you want it to go

You take that as seriously in whatever direction you need to at the time

We only need one more and the two that we are looking at that are leaning in our direction are Senator Uresti,

Yes, we want to temper our emotions, I would say, from both directions.

is both in court, in hearing, and on paper, they will direct their communications to the opposing party.

People will get goaded into addressing the other side directly,

or if the attorney addresses you directly in court and you're not on the witness stand,

but you always direct your communications directly at the judge,

directly, we want to get the notary to admit that, oh, I'm sorry, what he did is ask

director of the trust. You transfer the property to a trust for whom you are not the benefactor.

you have been made managing director at the trust. So you transfer the property to that

that either by direct action or reason of ownership, I had allegedly committed some

impartial trial? How would it be possible to conduct either direct or cross-examination

evidence of my direct or knowing involvement or participation in this alleged crime, or

such evidence, proving my direct or knowing involvement or participation in this alleged

in. This letter is universal because it goes directly to fundamentally protected rights

Given the mosquitoes transmit germs directly to the human bloodstream, do we really want

an odd thing about peripheral vision. While we may look directly at something, everything

to pay direct attention to those things that are familiar. We can pay attention to the

like following a map into town, following a set of directions, following a set of landmarks.

and the smallness causes it to tend to recede and if you're not looking directly at it,

the street from where I'm sitting and focus directly on the house across the street or

a part of the mind that is not involved in mentation, in figuring things out, in direct

thinking, in direct attention. When you first see the map, it will look somewhat novel but

do direct embedding into a website, the only way I can get the map to show on the web is

to build what Department of Homeland Security Director Giordano Napolitano calls the culture of One DHS.

It bounces very steady in one direction all the time.

And I would greatly appreciate it if you would show the same respect in my direction.

After that, your power is limited to general laws that are equally applicable to all, but must always be geared to that specific provision when it's directed at us in the private capacity.

in Oklahoma to coordinate the best effort possible. The goal is to go directly to those

volunteers in Oklahoma to coordinate the best effort possible. The goal is to go directly

same direction. With what we do, we struggle with that all the time.

globalists. That's what our government run education is. And that's a direct quote from

school board's senior director of support services, says the program is an effort to

and where they get off. Rob Davis, the school board's senior director of support services,

facie. You know, I'm kind of shy and away from the bifurcation issue directly, taking

Rob Davis, the school board's senior director of support services, says the program is an effort to enhance student safety and claims the I-SWIPE nano is an ideal replacement for the card since your child won't be responsible for having to carry an ID.

where they get off. Rob Davis, the school board's senior director of support services

You look good for your age, or you look great after losing all that weight are indirect insults.

and secreted it from the person it was directed to.

The trustees did that I work for and come to find out the board of directors are over 35

OK, go ahead now. The company I used to work for their board of directors are over 35

If you work for someone and you work the hours they direct you to work and you use their tools and equipment, you are not contract labor.

Right. If you do that in the state court, that lets them know that they got bigger problems if they don't make this go away without you threatening them directly.

I never like direct threats anyway. They're being investigated by the federal DOT.

And see, here's the problem. An ordinance that declares something a crime is in direct violation of Article three, section twenty nine through thirty five of the Texas Constitution.

See, and that's the problem. If the ordinance has declared a crime, the ordinance is in direct violation of the Texas Constitution.

And I'm wondering if you could point me in the direction, because I just want to get clarification, I'm no expert, can you point me in a direction that will, maybe a treatise, because I know there's a lot of treatises that get written, I tried to look online, but I didn't find anything before I got on the call with you.

My appeal has been sitting in the county court at law under the direction of Judge Dip Phillips

Well, we we lost that in the jury trial. I filed there had her file the notice of appeal and I misdirected her,

And when the judge steps down off that bench, he may be the CEO or the directing manager of

used by the National Security Agency to allow direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook,

And now the news. A secret document obtained by The Guardian reveals information about a previously undescrossed program called PRISM that's being used by the National Security Agency to allow direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple, and other U.S. internet giants.

used by the National Security Agency to allow direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook,

Agency to allow direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other U.S.

Let's see, we need to send him a letter directing him not to call.

Well, I can maybe direct you to the recording that covers that if that would help you.

If it's not a common law crime, all right, directly affecting you, then basically everything

I asked the officer some questions that went directly to points of law, things that I would need to bring back later.

and direct violation of the constitution?

board's senior director of support services, says the program is an effort to enhance student

and where they get off. Rob Davis, the school board's senior director of support services,

send those directly to the judge, one of the judges there in their capacity as a magistrate.

can file these complaints. And nothing in law directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

Everything directs a complaint to some magistrate. And you've walked through the magistrates

Rob Davis, the school board's senior director of support services, says the program is an

and where they get off. Rob Davis, the school board's senior director of support services,

can get in touch directly with Howard Greswold's group and get all their background documentation.

But if you get hold of Michael, he can contact me and I'll put him in touch directly with

your parole. That'll be an agency or a group where they have no direct influence on you.

So, okay, so I'm going in the right direction.

Informants would get a cut deposited into their bank accounts or they could direct the cash to their favorite charities.

they could direct the cash to their favorite charities. The Spot Squad app co-founder Chris

that everybody participates in, that right there ties that code directly into Title 49

the legal entity directly, but you can dang sure sue those responsible for running it.

knew you could tell what direction you were traveling in the woods because moss only grew

Well, I was arrested for failure to obey a lawful order or direction of police officer and or crossing guard.

and after the Director of National Intelligence

information regarding the PRISM software, and after the Director of National Intelligence

the robot surrogate turns in that direction.

The public requests have only come about in light of recently leaked information regarding the PRISM software and after the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged that the service providers have received Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act requests.

they could direct the cash to their favorite charities. The Spot Squad app co-founder Chris

Okay, I can tell you from experience what's likely to happen is the judge is going to direct the bailiff to throw your behind out of the courtroom.

and after the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged that the service providers have received Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act requests.

And so the executive director of the state commission on judicial conduct wrote a letter back to my attorney

And so the executive director said that although she misled you,

their bank accounts or they could direct the cash to their favorite charities. The Spot

Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed and directed the Court to enter summary

could direct the cash to their favorite charities.

they could direct the cash to their favorite charities. The SpotSquad app co-founder Chris

He's the king's attorney general and he's the executive department. And so because our attorney general in the state is properly elected, that changes the whole complexion of everything. And all of the attorneys are supposed to be, all the prosecuting attorneys are supposed to be under his direct supervision.

a binding legal duty on the person it's directed to? It can't. Exactly. Exactly. But here it's

and rather than being directed to a peace officer of the state to seize and present bodily the individual,

Now, to answer your previous question in more detail, let's look directly at the statute.

Not one, even though that statute is written specifically and directed right at public servants carrying guns.

And after the Director of National Intelligence

If we have more questions, either give me a call tomorrow night or call me directly.

the PRISM software and after the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged that

Yeah, and I find that quite amazing really because there is nothing in statute that directs a sheriff or sheriff's deputy or police officer to accept a criminal complaint or act upon it whatsoever

But nothing directs or assigns a duty to accepting the filing of a criminal complaint or acting upon it to law enforcement, not even elected law enforcement

Even if there's not a case, it's just not the appropriate thing to do, you address the court directly as an entity

And so you would file documents with the clerk of the court, you don't have communication directly with a judge

could direct the cash to their favorite charities.

that weren't represented in direct conscious awareness.

and after the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged that the service providers have received Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act requests.

There is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to a sheriff.

Everything in law directs a complaint to some magistrate.

authorizes a prosecuting attorney to take a criminal complaint and directs him in what he's to do with it.

But nothing directs a criminal complaint to the prosecuting attorney

But there's nothing directing you to give it to him.

And after the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged that the service providers

The question is, how do you set up the city to bring them directly to this legal point or their county

could direct the cash to their favorite charities.

This is for people who are in dire straits and they're in the 30 foot deep end and you can't reach out to help them

All complaints in North Carolina are directed to a magistrate and all the judges are magistrates.

Okay. There's another more direct issue concerning those signatures.

Okay, turn around and think the other direction now.

Well, OK, the argument that I have made with this and I haven't found any case law directly

You never make connection with the web pages you visit directly, so they can't see your

This is kind of the direction we've been going in, Leslie, did you get the set of documents

directly because, you know, the court's going to say, okay, so they did all this, how were

own documents, and I state the verbiage directly on my charts, all right?

And he starts trying to, I got the penal code with me, which Randy had kind of given me some direction on which way to go on that

And I said, hey, you can take me directly before Magistrate. And he said, well, no, I don't have to. I just want to complain to the Magistrate, you know, whatever.

Their third option that they exercise the majority of the time of taking you directly to jail, that is a fatal option as far as any ability to deny false imprisonment.

direct authority upon the people of the several states. Never, ever had it. Never. The laws

of the state function and subject to direct law by the legislature? See, it's a catch-22

So, 62 has a direct relation to the suspension of the three-day reading rule, okay?

So, the emergency must be the direct result of a disaster caused by enemy attack.

It is only in the case of an emergency specifically and directly related to a disaster caused by an enemy attack

Right there, number three says that the condition of enemy attack or a disaster directly resulting from an enemy attack is the only way that specific rule can be suspended.

directly address the issue. House Republicans, politically emboldened by President Barack

If anyone secrets a document from the person or department is directed to, that's tampering

And if you direct a document to the grand jury and the prosecutor attorney intercepts,

Now, we can go into that a whole lot, but that doesn't go directly to the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act

Because it will cause what you do to be more consistent, more specific and directed

Except they don't know where it's directed at

You can be misdirected into a dozen different directions and you're not even gonna know it

Yeah, we're basically just trying to find the direction that we need to be taking

Would you please comment on and or direct them to provide the information requested

The State Office of Administrative Hearings is who you're directed to petition

But they're not directly associated with the warrant

you send them a debt validation letter and in the debt validation letter, you direct them to make

We're in a changing direction somewhat.

You can always ask them that. That tends to get them nervous and it tends to make them more careful because the issue here is to file very pointed and directed complaints.

We're having, we're getting some really dire predictions of the next three to six months.

I don't see a hit directly on Georgia.

You don't want to go file it directly because we're getting the clerks doing a little song and dance and seltzer down your pants.

So if someone's arrested, they're to be taken directly to the magistrate and the magistrate will make a determination of probable cause to decide whether the person's to be held or released.

Are you sure this is directed at you since they've got all the other information wrong?

Are you sure this is directed at you at all?

I said since none of this identifies you in any way, shape, or form, are you sure this is directed at you at all?

And that's how it's directed, but there's no actual information that is directed towards me.

and the Director of the Department of Public Safety.

And B, the Board of Directors of the Ector County Hospital District

That's in my presence or directly in my view.

That goes directly to the heart of this licensing BS they pull with the

Well, he never brought up like Prince Mack versus the Brady bill that states are not subject to a direction of the federal government.

sue the director of the DPS for all sorts of stuff. But I wanted to have your opinion

Okay. What I would do is I would sue the director of the DPS for all sorts of stuff. That's

director. They work for him as respondee at Superior. The director works for you. So absolutely

sue the director. He is not going to be happy. Before you sue him, send him a tort letter.

stress. Look what you've done, you scoundrels. But when the director gets this and you accuse

behavior. Accused the director of doing it. The director is not going to like being accused.

director and the administrative judges involved in this conspiracy in the county constitutional

Well I'm breaking them apart and I will be making theirs directly available. I'll be

realm against the property. They would simply have to sue you to recover the debt directly.

within 30 days, and the director will take a look at this.

gosh, you know, I'm the director, and if they don't like what I'm doing,

Well, the director, because, I mean, this is why I sent the letter to the investigator,

also to the director, and he's the one that makes the, quote, final decision on this.

So while he can sue the borrower directly, he cannot make a claim against the property.

Four items being evidence the prosecution may have in their possession, regardless of their intent to make or use of such evidence, proving my director knowing involvement or participation in this alleged crime and in all maintenance records for the camera involved.

in a whole new way with a whole new direction.

A UNICEF director once said, if you really want to change the world, you must begin with children.

It needs some direction.

So the lender says, heck with that, I want to be able to sue the property directly.

But you get a private contract with the trustee making you managing director,

If it's been filed in the public record, they have full knowledge of it, either direct full knowledge or imputed full knowledge.

You can just click on it directly.

A UNICEF director once said,

That's iffy, whether you can get there from that direction.

Do you want me to ask you direct questions where I believe my rights are violated

and petition the court directly for an audit.

Do you have some direct evidence that he had nothing to do with it?

Not directly, no.

Can you first prove that that is the direct link to your health issues?

And one of the things that he's plying the jury with during his voir dire is he's asking them questions like, does everyone understand why you have to have a license? Does everyone understand why you have to do this, that, or the other?

So how do you counter questions like that from a prosecutor to a jury during voir dire? Well, you ask a series of questions of your own. Basically, he'll go through the rig and roll. He'll ask that type of question.

There is no way in God's green earth this would be considered a moral and ethical way to manage such a case. But this is the way that your legislators, paid for by the insurance companies and everything else, the lobby groups and everything, protect them from being named in these suits and thus being directly responsible for their refusal to pay.

The officer's oath of office is sworn to – was sworn by and certified by the director of finance.

And I didn't see the director of finance listed in there.

Well, anyway, the oath is signed off on by the director of finance.

And how do I give her to try to help point her down a direction that will lead her to a positive outcome?

That's how I wanted going directly to the contractors.

When he wrote directly, when he wrote the checks, it was directly saying a bank.

direction, I would be incompetent to represent it because I'm too emotionally

Well, yeah. Now I want to beat up on the director of the officer lawyer regulation.

I've got recommendations from him from different directions.

So those work in both directions.

Well, I've been doing a lot of research not just directly on the mortgage issue,

or what actually directly involved this note.

He directed the bailiff to secure the folder and give it to him.

Nothing in law ever directs a complaint to a police officer, never.

You can't sue his insurance company directly.

he was to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

it's always directed to some magistrates.

I have never seen a complaint directed to anyone

Rather than us taking that pet peeve and going in this direction with it or that direction

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S.

Then instead of going directly at them

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury

and the object itself was rotating in the opposite direction of all the other planets.

they blamed directly on OPEC and Sharia-influenced investments, which they implied included factions

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S. intelligence.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S. intelligence.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict after it became clear that the prosecution did not have any evidence showing that an order was actually given by UT police.

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S. intelligence. Congressional committees are expected to be briefed on evidence by conference call on Thursday.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 430 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict after it became clear that the prosecution did not have any evidence showing that an order was actually given by UT police.

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury

best direction, but we need to be careful that we're not misunderstanding what you're

Will you define without recourse? And that goes directly to my personal ignorance.

Issues concerning the fact that any time anyone's arrested, they have to be taken to a magistrate first directly

Then they arrested you, did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

They're to be taken directly before a magistrate, the magistrate to hold an examining trial

And looking like it's starting to become directed his direction, his way

You have to be taken directly to a magistrate before you are taken to the jail

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury

And it pointed directly to us with the responsibility of ensuring that all of our employees, those

He gives me directions."

And then more specific to my case, they said that the defendant's direct supervisor had access, claimed it had viewed video

recording of plaintiff's arrest, defendant's direct supervisor tolerated, continues to tolerate misconduct of Travis County

Sheriff's deputies, defendant's direct supervisor encourages misconduct by failing to adequately supervise, discipline or

direct violation of individual's constitutional rights.

Well, this dismissal was in direct response to a joiner motion that I had placed.

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S. intelligence.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict

And just contact me directly.

The general statute that directs a prosecuting attorney concerning criminal accusations is that he's to reduce complaint to an information and submit it to the clerk of the court of jurisdiction.

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S. intelligence.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a report detailing gaps in the U.S. intelligence.

Trial lasted from 9 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. and ended when Judge Herb Evans directed the jury to deliver a not guilty verdict

One, a governmental body means, I, a board, commission, department, committee, institution, agency, or office that is within or is created by the executive or legislative branch of state government and that is directed by one or more elected or appointed members.

When the dispatcher is the one that sends them to the incident scene, then they will all be listed on the same CAD report for each officer that is directly dispatched to the scene.

Okay? They're a board of directors of a corporation.

If he assaulted you, threatened you, rather than just look hostilely in your direction, then, yeah, that could be a potential problem.

No law passed by the legislature except the General Appropriation Act, shall take effect or go into force until ninety days after the adjournment of the section at which it was enacted, unless the legislature shall, by a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to each house, otherwise direct

if not directly indirectly both lawyers who look at their client and try to

They called the dramatic increases in oil prices by the OPEC nations in 2007 as a direct attack on the U.S. economy

He basically said that. That's almost a direct quote.

So they talked directly back and forth.

Yeah, I started to say telling the truth generally leads directly to the remedy.

What I'm hearing, I'm not going to go directly to the issues.

See if every assignment is in a direct line.

Where the lawyer through discovery got a memo or a directive from Fannie Mae

Essentially directing Wells Fargo Bank of America to do a fraudulent filing in the record

And I'm now paying directly to my ex-wife, the child support, instead of going through the state.

And so they put me on with her and I explained to her, I said, look, the judge's orders specifically state that I will pay directly to my child support.

And I will talk to the child dispersal unit directly, immediately and have them close out your account.

Well, you know, the nothing in the law specifically states that every person shall pay directly through the child dispersal unit.

Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate.

and were giving him directions of what to do, trying to get these guards to beat him

if they try to call you, then you send a letter to the county commissioner's court, directing

methods of crafting an idea in an image that's not necessarily directly related.

While the homeowner is not directly affected by the goings on, again, yes.

Consideration doesn't really have anything directly to do with what was actually sold.

What will have a lot more political effect is if you sue the judge directly.

The suit will go directly to his bond.

You are hereby directed to cancel said note or note and this deed of trust,

If you secret a government document from the person or department it's directed to,

The other two options were speak directly to the judge or to the prosecutor.

Well, granted, but the question that that becomes is if they're making the rules binding in only one direction, does that do you any good?

and go onto the donations page and click the gold donate button directly below, make a donation to Eddie.

and click the donate button directly underneath my name.

page and click the gold donate button directly below my name and please donate whatever you

But it also says that you have to notify the director of the applicable exemption.

not Republican form of government, which puts it at direct odds with the mandate that that's

proper way to argue both during voir dire for picking your jury, opening statements

and you actually played a direct role in it.

and I just put it on like 100 police department pages, and I'll also send a direct message as well,

Now, most likely this was not Facebook that was directly responsible.

And then that is directed to the sheriff, not a municipal police officer.

and we'll direct that issue at that point.

Now, that do you get the feeling he knows something you don't yet was directed at this new prosecutor they've got sitting over there,

they advertise in the states whether it's in the phone book or whether it's direct mail advertising

They're very reluctant to change direction

When the judges change directions quickly we accuse them of adjudicating from the bench

When they refuse to change direction we accuse them of being corrupt

But the law doesn't cover everything directly

There would be a really good reason to manipulate the price of silver, because the value of the dollar would not be directly related to the price of gold.

It's directly related to the price of silver.

I'm not sure what you mean by silver is directly involved with the dollar.

Silver is going in the other direction.

And I like the focus of it because we often don't pay direct attention to the content.

I have no direct complaint, if that's what you're talking about. I just have the indictment.

it. It's kind of like the way I do business now, most of the income I receive goes directly into

To the court or directly?

To the court or directly?

To the court case or directly to the person?

Directly to the person, not to the court case. Okay.

it's directed to the person being summoned and telling them to appear before the court

So please, folks, if you can, go to the rule of law website and make a donation directly to me to help with the computer replacement.

which is a direct violation of 45.018B.

that tend to lead directly to the conclusions we want the reader to come to.

So now we're going to start taking them on directly.

heard his definition directly, then this issue would be clear.

tender while it can be bartered right okay okay it's not money directly but

to the degree that a statute does not directly address a specific set of

has been thought of in 1911 the director of the United States packed office

A statement was released from the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper,

A statement was released from the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, explaining

productivizer evidence, and they will grab somebody that's being louder or more direct than they're used to.

The legislature cannot give it to them because it violates the direct assignment of that authority by the Texas Constitution to the county and district attorney's office.

They closed in about 2010, and now they've been widening in the opposite direction.

Now, what, 10 years later, it's changed 20% in both directions.

So researchers in Spain injected THC directly into the glioma tumor in human beings, and what they found is that the THC actually dissolved the tumor and protected the healthy cells.

That gives you a direct claim against them, regardless of whether they foreclose, don't foreclose. You have that claim.

Nothing in law anywhere directs a complaint to a police officer

but nothing directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

Everything directs a complaint to some magistrate.

Here's where the law is. Nothing directs a complaint to a police department, anywhere, ever.

Send it certified mail. For that particular purpose, you need to send it registered restricted. It'll cost you a little bit more, but under registered restricted, the judge himself has to sign for it if it's sent to him directly.

Okay, you are beyond a time at which you can claim hope with Taylor Respa directly.

The claim would have to go in a direct chain of title from the original lender

It's not a particular issue that I have researched directly.

We need to have something more direct,

they have to be brought directly to a magistrate.

then that arresting servant has to take that defendant directly to a magistrate.

It's basic. Go look in the county registrar's records and see if there is a direct uninterrupted chain of holdership from the original lender to the claimant.

Now, when notice is given, the official receiving that notice has a duty invoked and always a complaint is directed to some magistrate.

Every complaint in law is directed to a magistrate,

Oh, hi, Catherine Albrecht here, giving driving directions that involve left turns, while

directed. It has to be because we outnumber them 50 to 1. But what happens when we keep

Once you have that answer, then you can proceed in whatever direction you need to.

directly in an interim action.

Do you have a direct email, Joe, I'm going to give?

thing you will remember in your direct conscious awareness is what the inner mind has marked

The other details there, you just can't get them directly.

It starts out, you are hereby directed to provide for inspection or copying all of the

This is a different way to skin that cat rather than sue them directly.

Oh, hi. Catherine Albert here, giving driving directions that involve left turns.

You can't use what you have in direct rebuttal to what he's asserting.

versus what level of government you have to deal with directly versus indirectly.

Federal is always indirect for the people,

But when you pay attention to what's being done and how it's being done, which you can only do if you know the rules of the game in both directions.

It will record everything from every direction, audio, video, the whole nine

It will allow you to stream audio and video directly after our server over your phone.

Between the tangible and the intangible pursuant to local law's jurisdiction under Article 9-312, where directly from the PEB report, which is the permanent editorial board for the Uniform Commercial Code.

Now, if you have any learned ability at all as to follow directions,

In 15.17g, it speaks directly to failure to appear on the notice to appear under the provisions of 14.06c, which are A and B misdemeanors.

But really my main question was what statutes that you just directed me to.

presence and at his direction even though the arrest or search is unlawful unless the

at his direction uses or attempts to use greater force than necessary to make the arrest or

Just address it directly to Greg Abbott.

and under the direction of local law enforcement.

And when I come out the backside, this one guy said, oh, yeah, we just had a talk by the director.

That's the feeling I got from talking at him that that the director had been all over these guys because these guys were there was no bravado here at all.

except at the direction, at the request of and under direction of local law enforcement.

was start a fund to raise money and the money would go directly into the hands

buzzy sound. Do you have a handset that's direct and not wireless? Not at the

directly to the people who need it, and won't wind up filtering through some

major charity organization, where the directors get outrageous salaries, and

them directly, contact me, send me an email, I will get you the correct

I thank you for the opportunity, and also if anybody wanted to reach me directly,

administration fee, this is going directly to the Filipino people, this

and keep some, a little bit of this or a little bit of that, this is directly to

is acting under the direction of and at the behest of the judge.

making the copies directly from the originals, or they would have had to have been present

that seek change through peaceful, post-political, direct action.

There's nothing in the Texas Constitution that allows for direct taxation

Yeah. Well, again, that's all we've ever given them the right to directly tax. Even in Illinois,

change through peaceful, post-political, direct action.

Direct domain, direct taxation of the people in any form.

The people of the several states were never intended to have direct contact with the federal government for any reason, never, ever, ever.

They don't and cannot pass laws that directly affect the people of the several states. Federal jurisdiction in that area does not exist.

Congress cannot pass a law that directly affects the people of the several states.

The state cannot be compelled to allow the federal legislation to have direct access to the people, but they've chosen to sell you out in the interest of the federal funds.

In other words, your so-called representatives are bought and paid for extensions of the federal government and thus betrayed you and their oath of office the moment they voted on any bill supported by federal funds that implemented a federal law that had direct effect upon you and me.

Congress cannot pass laws that affect themselves the same way it does the American people because they cannot pass laws that directly affect the American people.

be administered by the foreman or under the foreman's direction to each

truthfully the questions asked of you by the grand jury or under its direction,

jury direct, I don't know if there's anything in here for that or not.

Now, there's tons of case law, state and federal, that makes it very clear that simply touching or crossing the line in the highway is not a direct indication of being under the influence,

nor is it a direct indication of there actually being a crime in progress.

It is. As a direct...

So now you shift the burden directly to MERS or to whoever is trying to claim hold of status to foreclose,

I wound up calling Colonel Adams, who was the director of the Department of Public Safety at the time.

So he went to the director of transportation and it just kind of trickles downhill.

I haven't taken on that issue directly yet where I was denied access to a courtroom in Austin because I had a phone with me and they wouldn't allow one in the building

I purchased a home from First Bank and Trust, and it was directly sold to Trustmark.

This will go directly to them.

Well, the first thing is I like to work with a homeowner directly.

So I like to work with the homeowners directly.

is the self-directed IRA course because most people have an IRA or 401k with their company

be funneling money into a self-directed Roth, 401k or IRA which then it could grow tax free.

they can self-direct a retirement plan or funnel money into a tax free structure so

There's even ways to have to sign up children for self-directed IRAs and be able to funnel

You make a profit, you make a direct profit on the sale instead of, so you're just buying

So different private and hard money lending strategies, raising capital using self-directed IRA and 401Ks.

The United States Congress was never given the authority to create any law that is directly applicable

That's the only place Congress has lawmaking power that directly affects the people that live there.

And the legal meaning of posterity is all of direct descendants and the direct bloodline.

even though that's not what they're directed to do or authorized to do,

Anyway, the point of it is to sell that skill as a service and that service has a direct impact upon the health and welfare of the people to whom it's sold.

And I did that and then the prosecutor tried listening to Haley's show insurance, which I feel like is a direct violation of what happened.

I know which direction I took, and it's always a personal thing that usually gets me going in a direction,

Now, this, of course, is in direct contradistinction to how they're arguing that an animal object can commit an offense in a civil forfeiture that allows them to seize it and arrest it and take it from its rightful owner.

I've already gone the state's direction with criminal trespass, but I've got the other things –

You hit him in every direction all at the same time.

Please don't forget to support us financially, donations, direct to me, to the show, whatever.

As long as what I'm doing does not have ill effects directly upon somebody else in the moment, then I'm not backing out of it when I know I'm right and I know I'm doing the right thing.

And then all the rules and regulations that follow relate directly to that subject of that blue car.

So from the direction he was coming, could he see the registration?

He approached me from behind – directly behind me.

You were in your neighbor's driveway directly at the end of a street?

And the driveway is directly across from where the officer was coming from?

Chapter 14, 1403, if you're arrested, you're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

When the officer fails to take you before that magistrate and does anything else with you physically, it's a direct violation of the mandate of law.

the arrested person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself that was the

The government doesn't need that much taxes from us. They don't need any taxes from us. All right, in fact, I think everything needs to be, we need to start moving in the direction to set ourselves up to remove ourselves from these agreements, okay, these taxation agreements because it's ridiculous.

And this brings me to another topic. If you're going to be an activist or a willing victim, go ahead and get a medical directive.

Jim Bruce is a producer, director, writer, and editor, who worked to bring numerous experts

Jim Bruce is the producer, director, writer, and editor, who worked to bring numerous experts

Otherwise, it would be total anarchy, the mayors, the sheriffs, and gave them new directives.

federal decisions that are in direct odds with the state decision.

Jim Bruce is the producer, director, writer, and editor, who worked to bring numerous experts

Jim Bruce is the producer, director, writer, and editor who worked to bring numerous experts in front of the camera, including current and former Fed officials.

Willpower. If we had enough of it, we could conquer the world, earn that big promotion, stay away from gooey cupcakes and always do the right thing. Too bad we don't always stay the course. But willpower may be about more than just saying no to things. According to a new book, self-control is directly linked to how much sugar and sleep we get.

do their job basically. Yeah. A writ of mandamus is an order by a higher court directing a lower court

So they don't sue you directly, they sue the property. It's essentially an interim claim

suffers some dire consequences for either their actions or lack to take action.

If ever there was a judge that needed some dire action, it's McBride.

One direction.

then you can sue the trustee directly.

You will only win your case if the politics is on your side and the politics is moving in your direction.

I did, but you were directing your question, too, Randy, so I wasn't really

He either has direct knowledge or he has imputed knowledge and he cannot claim

and I will direct you to more information on how to go about this.

So this section right here directly addresses the suspension of the rules enumerated in 29 through 39.

That has to be directly stated in the proclamation.

I won't be looking directly at my microphone here, but

Yeah, it goes too well hand in hand with the mentality of if it doesn't directly affect me right now,

by its board of directors or its creator that was filing the paperwork

and hopefully all geared to go in the same direction for a change.

If you say or do anything that is not directed at one of those three things, it is the wrong

earlier this year by James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence.

After Director Clapper told the Senate Select Committee that the NSA did not collect data

requesting an investigation into lies told to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence earlier this year by James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence.

After Director Clapper told the Senate Select Committee that the NSA did not collect data on hundreds of millions of Americans,

earlier this year by James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence.

After Director Clapper told the Senate Select Committee that the NSA did not collect data on hundreds of millions of Americans,

It didn't come for me to file it directly because I have to put a whole bunch of things together.

Intelligence earlier this year by James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence.

After Director Clapper told the Senate Select Committee that the NSA did not collect data

And a dead person can't direct their agent to transfer the deed of trust.

I don't know if I can give a true, direct answer to that.

I don't remember any limitations, indirectly it would go to jurisdiction

Well, you do want to manipulate him, but not directly.

You want to manipulate him indirectly.

In everyday life, if you want me to know something, you have to tell me pretty well directly.

writing always has in it, kind of little directing words.

was you need that as a directing word in the spoken language, because we talk about 200

expect to this kind of a change in direction. That's what the letter from the

Direct presentation of complaints to the grand jury

You want to say that South Africa or these other countries, Somalia and all this, are in dire straits because of all these fights and all this stuff that's going on.

These are little trailer mounted where they have a big mast that comes on with cameras that face both directions.

They cannot testify to the product of that machine unless they have direct personal knowledge of everything about it,

beat this by going after the judges for what they're doing directly. We need to find something

or if not so much directly taught,

but what I'm suggesting does not go directly to the content of what we're doing.

Okay, maybe they don't know on a directly conscious volitional level, but at some level

Randall County, when I asked to see the records and was directed to the computer and I said

annoyed and that will begin to move the politics in your direction instead of their direction

The director of the FBI can't understand any praise for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden,

The director of the FBI can't understand any praise for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden,

or direct testimony of payment of a fee or fare.

You have no direct power to force him to comply.

If you just follow the sound of my voice and keep going in this direction and you do everything exactly the way I tell you,

Granted, a lot of them are still looking in the wrong direction,

then you do want to be able to direct where it goes and how it, you know, makes it to where it needs to be.

He's directly descended from Dracula through his great-grandmother, Queen Mary.

So science could say, well, see there, yeah, they were moving in that direction anyway

And he is formerly the director of an estate planning and asset protection business

That's directly connected to

or go directly to

Send any of your inquiries or emails directly to the radio email,

He's directly descended from Dracula through his great-grandmother Queen Mary.

If they did not have direct knowledge, they had imputed knowledge

But she said pretty much you need to respond and note something directly to the points that they're making and then add something additional.

I'm trying to speak directly into the mic, Randy.

He may have sent it directly to the DMV in Minnesota, and the child support agency isn't going to know a thing about it.

emailed to you direct.

Well, I'm raising that as an issue because the unintended but direct effect of that method

You got to go after her directly, but don't forget to keep handling the stuff on your

Can I write them a direct letter and get her malpractice canceled? is the latest to announce acceptance of the cryptocurrency, with the is the latest to announce acceptance of the cryptocurrency, includes a video explaining the currency as well as directions on how to use it.

Calling Bitcoin an innovative payment network and a new kind of money, includes

a video explaining the currency, as well as directions on how to use it. is the latest to announce acceptance of the cryptocurrency, with the is the latest to announce acceptance of the cryptocurrency, includes a video explaining the currency,

as well as directions on how to use it.

Calling Bitcoin an innovative payment network and a new kind of money, includes

a video explaining the currency, as well as directions on how to use it.

And this is why it kind of changed our direction somewhat.

Well, that's the direction I'm going in.

Next week, I'll hopefully have an email so everybody can just contact me directly.

It's a direct order from the court that handed down the judgment that says,

That doesn't, well, but they will have cars parking in all kinds of directions that's why

and desist at certain things but he cannot direct their actions because police officers

But everything in that script was specifically directed at ensuring that that's the only argument that will ever come out on the video.

and your lawyer is refusing to present it and directed you to file it yourself.

So you have no direct action.

But where you have no direct access to the grand jury, there are other remedies.

For instance, in Pennsylvania, where you can't go directly to a grand jury, in the filing

But I have no direct standing to raise an issue unless I can show where the prosecutor

Well, in Texas, the courts have ruled that essentially, not directly, but that once you've had an indictment, you no longer have a right to an examining trial because the indictment takes the place of that.

That's the case, and the jury is acting as a quasi magistrate, and any grand jury could hear any complaint, felony or misdemeanor, in or outside their direct jurisdiction.

appears to be in direct contravention to the clearly stated letter of law?

Other retailers accept Bitcoin directly.

How do we help them to change directions?

File a petition for writ of mandamus with the court of appeals, ask them to direct the court, the clerk to accept new evidence into the record.

Well, that could also go to a mandamus and ask the court of appeals to direct.

a direct violation of Canada's constitution.

as well as a policy of indirect racial profiling.

Internet security experts are calling the sweep a direct violation of Canada's constitution.

Last August, Judge Shira A. Scheinlin of Federal District Court in Manhattan ruled on the unconstitutionality of the programs, as well as a policy of indirect racial profiling.

I have something I wanted to pass by you to see if you could direct me in the right direction as an accordance with law on this.

No, that's fine. You were going right in the right direction.

Internet security experts are calling the sweep a direct violation of Canada's Constitution.

unconstitutionality of the programs, as well as a policy of indirect racial profiling.

How the bank got that deed of trust is not the borrower's business directly unless there

When we start taking the chief justice of the supreme directly to a grand jury, we will

And when we're going after the director and the chief justice of the supreme because he

Technically, the attorney general has concurrent, but when you go directly to the attorney general,

Internet security experts are calling the sweep a direct violation of Canada's constitution.

unconstitutionality of the programs, as well as a policy of indirect racial profiling.

When you get documents from the banks or another party, and they give you directions, you can

follow the direction if you want to, but that imposes no obligation on you unless it's in

OK, so a direct response to the question would be in the negative.

They're not going to want to point you in that direction.

But traditionally, it has been the alpha male who rises up and directs everyone else.

with or without a warrant, he must take you directly

the police officer is required by statute to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

with or without a warrant, they were to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate,

It thinks it is a virus program redirecting the user to some malicious page, and it blackballs.

just like you. And in Texas, there is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to a policing

agency. Absolutely nothing. The only things that direct criminal complaints to any individual or

any entity are magistrates. All complaints are directed to magistrates. It is their duty to

discretion. So you don't have direct access to a grand jury like you do at most states. But where

Officer in charge would go to my NCOIC. My NCOIC would go to my OIC, or my direct supervisor.

before Merge act as an agent for the person, how did the person direct Merge to act in his benefit

be wired directly to that account. And in November, that payment went through and it

I said well then they are under your direction in some regard

12 of them directly related to the City of Austin charge and then another 8 that are effectively retaliation

If we can get a prosecutor, I believe, who would simply insist that the policeman, if he arrest somebody for any reason, take him directly to the nearest magistrate, ask the magistrate to do, to hold an examination.

Your positions were created, JP's were created and they were placed around the county so that if anybody's arrested for any reason, the arresting officer was to take them directly to you and explain himself and you decide if they go to jail or go home.

He signed it. And in the Magna Carta, there was the provision that if a policeman, if a sheriff or any officer arrested someone for any reason, they were to take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

80, and if you need directions, you can look it up on the internet at Three Dudes Winery.

accused of being an al-Qaeda facilitator who has been directly responsible for deadly attacks

But in the case law in Texas, a police officer is required to take a person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate.

Every party to the proceedings has either direct knowledge of what is in the public record

In this case, indirectly, the eviction hearing party will either be the defendant

cause you a direct harm,

Other retailers accept Bitcoin directly.

if I can't actually help directly.

what we perceive as an authority in any direction so it goes hand in hand with what you were

He may have sent it directly to the DMV in Minnesota, and the child support agency isn't

you direct.

Well, I'm raising that as an issue because the unintended but direct effect of that method

You got to go after her directly, but don't forget to keep handling the stuff on your

Can I write them a direct letter and get her malpractice canceled?

And this is why we kind of changed our direction somewhat.

Then do directed service.

Direct it to a specific named individual if you know one.

Okay, directed service.

to unravel what should be a step-by-step, straightforward process specifically directed

exactly the same but in opposite direction.

and the directing of traffic, which is in all the other chapters, and the

All right. In the form of a complaint, that must be simple, concise and direct, as well as positive, precise and as concise as possible.

And you're not going to do that in a direct correspondence to him. So I keep cutting you off and I'm sorry. Let me give you back the floor.

Some states require that you write a letter to them or that you contact them directly and they'll send you one.

Well, because we spent five years now going directly and trying to contact the various signers.

First off, the HOA fees are directly integrated into your mortgage contract as far as you accepting that there will be some.

They take you directly to a jail cell, which is unlawful on its face.

Other retailers accept bitcoin directly.

Well, I know who he is. I've never talked to him directly or anything, and I didn't know about him until after I began all this.

You're directly asserting, I'm not playing your game because you don't have any authority to compel me to do so.

and skill level so we can have a class directed specifically at them and know exactly what we need to cover.

And that was directly correlated with the plain view.

The judge can do that. The judge can levy fines directly against them for doing what he did if the attorney is the one responsible for this.

All right. Well, good luck and stay on your toes because it sounds like you're going in the right direction.

All complaints are always directed to some magistrate.

they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

And the trustee maintains that Northern Star directed the trustee to sell the property and sold the property to the Federal Home Loan Works Corporation.

If you didn't have direct control over the money when it came from the place

Anything anyone has claimed must be supported by direct evidence.

And so one thing is if the two company names are not exactly the same, there must be a direct line from one to the other.

If you go through this and you find what appears to be a direct line from one to the other, I can assure you that's a bunch of crapola.

We had Ken Tucker, who was the deputy director of FHA, and he was a representative for FHA.

It is not a direct obligation of an underlying real property mortgage loan, okay?

You know, what they ended up filing was papers that came directly from the opposing party

the nominee would have to be directed by the principal to take the action.

How is Merge taking direction from a dead guy?

Okay. Wait a minute. You're not getting it. This is not making sense. In order for anyone to be a holder, there has to be a direct line. You have an assignment from FTC to Fremont.

appointed officers to sign an oath wherein they swear that they have not directly or

indirectly paid, offered, promised to pay, contributed, or promised to contribute any

director of the Department of Public Safety, they are not public officers subject to article

is subject to hiring and firing by the director is not a public officer.

In felony prosecutions on indictment, the clerk of the court is directed to make a certified

Why are you coming to us directly?

And then he issued an order directing the sheriff to go take this woman who had been in this house

There is nothing in law that directs a criminal accusation to a policing agency.

Everything in law directs a complaint to some magistrate.

If you can't draw that direct line, if it skips over an empty space,

And over time in doing this, I found the best way to beat them up is not to confront them directly.

Confronting them directly is something they are very good at.

And then we go back through there and see which facts go directly to points of law and due process.

And now we're going to go ahead and file directly either with the grand jury in Austin

or my attorney, she said to the judge, I would direct Mr. Hill for a mistrial.

but we know who it is and this and that, I would also direct Mr. Hill for a mistrial.

It may not be a direct response, but that alone would, I think, help.

standing in front of the grand jury room and direct him to give it to the foreman.

you know your business, and you offer direction in court,

Jeff will take the direction if he agrees with it.

So, how did the dead person direct MERS to do an assignment?

and that is he's supposed to take them directly to a magistrate

and not take them directly to jail and assist in the booking paperwork

retailers accept bitcoin directly you can buy a new laptop on bitcoin's

do you have any direct personal knowledge of how it's entered into that

of my license plate into your computer is data that you have direct personal

testimony again you said you have no direct personal

Mae direct or they could deal with Freddie Mac direct so they would sell the Countrywide

All complaints in law are directed to some magistrate.

Nothing in law directs a criminal complaint to a police officer.

Nothing directs one to a prosecuting attorney.

is a complaint directed to one of these public official jerks that have a vested interest

or incidental, so that the principle thing cannot take one direction, and that is which

is incident to it another direction.

Now they assigned it directly into a closed trust

It just went directly into the trust

Because it was directly into a trust number one and number two

or a directive, which sometimes you might be able to do through a writ of mandamus rather

And so I have a letter that was directed to, you know, a flight, but it's from the surgeon

Other retailers accept Bitcoin directly.

your pretrial, your trial, your jury voir dire, your opening statement, your closing statement,

your cross-examination, your direct examination, whatever the stages we're practicing.

because I'm getting the information directly from them at the powers that be as the source.

But I can't think of any state anywhere that allows a judge that has a direct interest in the outcome or is in a direct conflict with one of the parties that can't be considered a conflict of interest that would disqualify them.

Okay, then you should be able to file a complaint that you're being denied access to the court and to the court records that are directly relating to your case.

And I know, according to the Missouri Supreme Court rules, that a summons has to have a judge's signature or a clerk's signature at the direction of a judge.

Official misconduct by virtue of a direct violation of 2.03, Code of Criminal Procedure.

Texas attorney general, that's right because he's got direct jurisdiction, doesn't he?

Such is that filed directly in the public record?

The engineer gave U.S. aid access to thousands of Cuban citizens' cell phone numbers in the hopes that U.S. officials could directly communicate messages to the Cuban citizens.

but for now I guess that's where I'm going unless you can guide me in another direction.

is if they send you a notice to appear directly from the court at some other point,

So depending upon how it's set up in Nevada, that's going to have a direct effect on this.

without your consent, to waive those rights to comply with a Directorate of the State?

then the only requirement is the officer's directive, correct?

and the problem is that it tells the direction she was traveling.

She was going the exact opposite direction at a P intersection.

Other retailers accept Bitcoin directly.

one directly behind it, one facing front, one facing each side, you name it.

the hopes that U.S. officials could directly communicate messages to the Cuban citizens.

You can't even make the things you need directly from the gold and silver.

Why can't I just exchange my labor directly for those goods rather than have to go out

directed to you and wanted to get your opinion on these issues.

serious and I quote, that you get used to it, and another direct quote, it doesn't really

serious, and I quote, that you get used to it, and another direct quote, it doesn't really

asking the prosecuting attorney to direct the comptroller to produce the records.

You can go back and rewrite it so that each thing leads directly to the next.

But that's the only one that I know of directly that forbids you from recording someone

Well, let's use this, to use your idea as an example, instead of doing it directly, you may do it indirectly.

If a person's arrested, they're to be taken directly to that magistrate.

Yes, you helped me get moving in the right direction.

part of a verified criminal complaint directly to a grand jury, wouldn't it have made things

tremors have been directly associated with fracking.

directly from case law surrounding the rights that that request or demand by

the officer directly affects or potentially affects.

over any direction and length of subject where you don't know if providing it

And so, the book I'm doing is specifically directed at the court process.

And every single document in there is going to be directly attached to specific parts of what you learned in this new book.

The discovery is being touted as the first time tremors have been directly associated with fracking.

or you can order it directly off the Rule of Law Radio website.

But very few of them have ever actually built something, designed something, grown something, or even directly managed it for that matter.

you'd get a tad bit frustrated with it at times too. But I am not directing my comments at any particular person or individual or group of people.

because I'm not directing personal attacks at anyone. If I was doing that, I would be naming names, and I'm not doing that.

serious, and I quote, that you get used to it, and another direct quote, it doesn't really

You got that ball rolling about that whole story about CIA Director John Brennan sneaking

others to hold then-CIA director John Deutch's feet to the fire and have them come out to

But I don't know, I can't say that I really experienced it directly there, but I certainly

Just in the last couple of days, our CIA directors snuck over there to do what, right?

Our CIA director went to the Ukraine to meet with the illegitimate government there that

Have you directly challenged their jurisdictional authority to assess the tax on private property?

and I've dealt with the insurance company directly. And that's what I was thinking about doing and engaging myself with the insurance company.

And that will usually, if it's not the correct address, will redirect you to the one that is.

and does that directly correlate with the taxi service being private,

You get a self-managed, self-directed, secure website with no website fees.

They're one of the top, if not the top, self-directed IRA companies in the country.

Carrot Bars did have nothing to do with it directly, but we came up with a proper plan

to roll over an IRA, excuse me, a 401K or establish a self-directed IRA in a three-step

Okay, now this goes directly to the sufficiency of the indictment, did you challenge the sufficiency

are the master the master does not deal with the employees the clerk is your direct employee

It will open up a whole subdirectory on PDF files,

the executive director, Shawna Willing, essentially tried to claim attorney-client privilege,

So if you ask them a real direct question, they'll probably give you a real direct answer

intended but it was foreseeable versus a direct intent to cause the harm, which would make

The problem is Article 1, Section 10 is now in direct conflict with Article 5, Section

and the direct complaint file.

saying there are no minutes to the grand jury and there is no direct complaint.

The city's water utilities director believes the substance is corroding water pipes.

And if you understand that foundation, now, let me go back and directly address what seems

overturning or redirecting the courts, telling them that since the Illinois Constitution

The city's water utilities director believes the substance is corroding water pipes.

case, however I was directly affected and I was the one that the process server alleged

The city's water utilities director believes the substance is corroding water pipes.

However, your Respa claims lead to another cause of action and I would direct you to,

The city's water utilities director believes the substance is corroding water pipes.

I wouldn't want you to know if you catch my direct Eddie.

court documents, since those are the two things that are directly related.

calls directly, but please remember the rules if you have or have not called in before.

complaint is made against a public official, that the complaint be made directly

complaints against public officials go directly to the grand jury.

It's just an aspect of mind we don't pay direct attention to

You give that behavioral set to that other aspect of mind that runs it out of direct awareness

that he followed directions, did what he was told.

And that's where that question that I asked the judge directly,

Every state has that domain name purchased, even though it may redirect you to something completely different.

As well as whoever you spoke to, if you spoke to an individual directly.

county, depending upon who the officer works for, or you do it directly

after state has performed its direct examination.

But the two scripts that I'm working on at the moment are jury voir dire and pretrial issues with the judge.

But anyway, back to this script of pretrial issues and due process violations and the jury voir dire.

And which provision I believe and assert would directly apply to this alleged matter, is that correct?

in which case we're going to document that as a direct denial of due process for failure of the court

but as far as I got in that, real quick I want to go over a couple things dealing with the jury voir dire.

And during voir dire, the judge can't go back and say strike that.

directed to get the same answer over and over again, that yes,

how did the principal direct the agent to take an action?

direct authority themselves or power of attorney

for someone who does have direct authority.

your direction, and went to the grand jury,

In his opinion, the AG said, because they can be hired and fired outside of the electoral process by the director of the Department of Public Safety, they are mere employees and not officers of the state and have no requirement for an oath of office.

I've read a lot of his stuff, but I've never got to speak with him directly like I have

Everything in that definition you read ties directly to the assertion that is performed by a carrier for a fee.

It looks like I may have to go a different direction because my situation strictly involves civil matter.

or in direct courtroom partnership with judges for their whole career,

Furthermore, the entire accusation and claim process is initiated, directed, prosecuted, and presided over

have direct personal financial benefits involved in achieving a specific outcome at the end of this entire process,

In the news, a move in the wrong direction.

In the news, a move in the wrong direction.

It very clearly directs the documents to a document custodian, which is almost always the servicer.

That's not vague suggestions or insightful directions like you may have in art.

Now you take this element and apply it directly into your memory of the circumstance.

You take your memory of the incident and attach it directly to the elements of the incident.

And nowhere in the directions could I find how to load a file into Jamula, or Jamula, however it's pronounced.

To quote him directly, the cloud computing trend is horrendous.

Breach of contract is a direct harm because you have a written agreement.

You might ask the court to direct the other side to let you examine that document.

it very directly, it said absolutely not, MERS cannot be the beneficiary on that note.

When they did these transfers, that did not harm you directly, but what it did do is breach

You're not going to get them in control directly.

directly because he is way better on that than me, and he can tell you more specifically

directly. Okay. Because, you know, they may just made this up. They may have just saw

sue the lawyers directly, a separate civil suit against the lawyers. And I'm trying to

Whoever it is, whether you be the plaintiff or the defendant, if you object timely and you direct

and our servants to act like the masters, give them the direction they so badly need.

There is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to a police officer or a policing

There's nothing in law that directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

The only thing in law that directs a complaint to any place always directs a complaint to

So the real estate associations in Indiana are tied directly to Pennsylvania law under

You cannot recommend him directly, but I can.

In the news, the director of the National Security Agency has denied the agency is collecting

director of the National Security Agency has denied the agency is collecting

okay, let's see, direct liability. This person is liable as defendant. Under

direct liability, the defendant who actually committed the assault is liable.

directly from and was done in furtherance of the business that the employee

solicited, encouraged, directed, aided, or attempted to aid another to commit

who commands, directs, advises, encourages, procures, controls aides, or

the purpose of case law is because these are issues that are not directly

the lead ins, the lead outs, the pronouns that are in there and the directing

life. That was a direct threat on his life from the prosecuting attorney. That

And one of their directors was trying to censor 9-11 issues and also having

You can take action against them directly to recover government funds,

Bring the body, the great rib, this goes directly to Habeas corpus.

Yes, against the director of that location.

more toward giving up the notions that we're going to win directly in a corrupt

you would have to do a direct buy from the...

What are you going to direct the jury to pay attention to

Okay. Now after we had that hearing where I stated that it was required to have an evidentiary hearing, three days later I get this letter that the plaintiff filed a motion to direct the clerk to issue a certificate of title on that sale.

Now, the court has issued an order to or a directive of some sort to the court clerk to make a declaration of title.

And the trustee's deed is the harm the wrongful foreclosure would go directly to the validity of the trustee's deed.

The order will direct the Secretary of Education to ensure more students

The order will direct the Secretary of Education to ensure more students will be allowed to

every piece of traffic going a certain direction, right?

And you're not required to follow any of their directions

But they can't direct you to go over here and park here.

So see if you can get it by going down there directly and requesting it.

The designation should be concise and direct.

to comply with a lawful order, direction, or signal, and then it says or lawful inspection

the statute states it says failure to comply with a chief officer's lawful order, direction,

What was the lawful order, direction, or signal?

It is unlawful to willfully fail or refuse to comply with a lawful order, signal or direction

Okay I don't directly but I can check some of my sources

File suit against them directly for the damage to the property

E5 is very close to actually directly applying where it says threatening or threatened to take any action that cannot legally be taken or that is not intended to be taken

Right, and see, the thing that's nice about this, if this particular action will fly, is unlike suing them just out of direct out for casualty damages, you do not have to prove intent

I see these cases and they tend to indicate that the worm is turning somewhat, the politics is moving somewhat in our direction

take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

demand to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

they still must take you directly to the nearest magistrate

the officer is directed to take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

by way of the most direct route.

He sued him for false imprisonment, for not taking him directly

First thing that should happen is you should be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

So you could be taken directly to a magistrate

They must take you directly to the nearest magistrate

He is to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself

Every time someone's arrested they should go directly to the nearest magistrate

With a police officer arresting a person and taking that person directly to the nearest magistrate

And take you directly to the nearest magistrate

If you're arrested and not taken directly to a magistrate

He has a duty to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

But on committing official oppression by not taking you directly to the nearest magistrate

I say, here, Mr. Policeman, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

Okay, that's what I'm saying. The ordinance is a fire ban, and it shows no direct jurisdiction.

So how did the dead person direct the agent to act as agent for the dead guy?

and that will be pointed directly at the live blogs. You can follow us there.

Brazil's government is taking a jackbooted stomp in the wrong direction, mandating locator spy chips for every vehicle in the country.

has no direct personal firsthand knowledge of is hearsay and they cannot testify to it

When he testifies, he has no direct personal knowledge of any of the information, then

the URL and that will be pointed directly at the live blog so you

a lawful order, signal, direction of a peace officer as defined in Chapter 4.5.

That is not the same as I have direct personal knowledge and hereby accuse.

to take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate, then they became

They did not take her directly to a magistrate.

They had a duty to take her directly to a nearest magistrate.

is of such a dire and timely importance

Emergency restraining order is the one that's so dire

Okay, let me tell you this. Right after she was taken by the contracted agency for child protective service, the director of that agency said to me, she'll be back when she's 18. They all go home when they're 18.

Yeah, they also say Boredire in Texas.

I am not without organizational fighting power because I am on the board of directors of a large organization both on Facebook and locally within the state of Michigan.

This is my root directory.

and find out why they're directing me to the root directory.

But it's supposed to be redirected to slash Jerusalemprudence.

Is this the case in which you're directly involved?

Brazil's government is taking a jackbooted stomp in the wrong direction, mandating locator

Okay. Then if you have statute that would direct the court in a specific way and the

Now I've exhausted it with the director of the ITD, the US,

So I'm wondering, I haven't got to talk to him directly about it.

All of this came directly down to us from the Magna Carta.

lies, misdirection, failed investigations, and even one woman testified as to the fact that

directly to a magistrate and explain themselves. They don't want to go to the magistrate and have

requirement that a person arrested be taken directly to the nearest magistrate,

Paragraph B says, a peace officer may arrest an offender without a warrant for any offense committed in his presence or within his view. That is in direct contradiction to the paragraph above.

And I did not take that issue on yet because at least they are taking the people directly to the nearest magistrate.

I've already had my, you know, check forwarded from work directly to him, so it just

But that's a good piece, directly around me, it's all public, I keep saying public, it's

As long as you avoided any issue directed to transportation, that's not going to hurt

I needed to get some direction here and what would be the best way to handle this?

efforts because you're not going to change the direction of that river.

of the record is clear. Under the Open Records Act, the director of an agency is the custodian

you don't care. You don't need it. You file a criminal accusation against the director

Yeah, but that's not what my question. My question is directed at in the case of your investigation, you are testifying that it's your belief this is part of the campus.

So because his job has a direct and imminent impact upon the well-being of those that he

are direct violations of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Texas constitutional requirement

So he as a real party has hired us to do direct representation for him.

Where in such lie I fear in before directed for other deeds.

or years unless such deed be acknowledged or approved and recorded within six months after the date thereof where such land lies is herein directed for such other good deeds.

It's specific. It says it must be acknowledged, proved, and recorded. And it says as herein before directed for other deeds and in other places, it's very specific.

The last sentence of that statute says, as herein before directed by other deeds, for other deeds, I mean, as herein before directed for other deeds.

Okay, so it's saying it has to be filed as herein before directed.

And then I'll go directly to the grand jury with complaints against the prosecuting attorney.

And in Wise County, Texas, if you get arrested, the Sheriff's Department will take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

And I'm looking at that, and that's because these guys know if they arrest somebody, they got to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

The only one I could find that went directly to that.

It was a state case and it was the only one I could find that went directly to that issue.

All right. See, that was that thing I was talking about earlier in the show that a law or statute cannot be used to harm a right or to perpetrate a harm against an individual directly.

Is acted to cause direct violent actions

So in New York statute or law, what type of offense directly is a citation related to?

them several letters directly to the complex demanding what they've done,

in that direction.

And they've got a lot of influences, pressures coming at them from different directions to fix all sorts of problems.

Recently he's been given concurrent jurisdiction with the prosecutor in matters of complaints against public officials. In other states like New York, the prosecutor has direct prosecutorial power so he can go out and initiate and prosecute prosecutions without the permission of the local prosecuting attorney.

Everything is political and all politics is local. And once you understand the power of your position as the prosaic or as the client, then you can help to shift the politics in your direction.

So that would at least be a step in the right direction. Now they can only arrest for a breach of the peace.

These officers, when they arrest someone, they know they're going to have to take them directly to a magistrate and explain themselves.

there, just to cover my losses behind, because there are so many different directions that

for your rights because most of the things they do are direct violations of your rights.

your mouth that is not specifically directed at invoking a right, demanding a right or

you spraying stuff inside your car you can say something very directly into the camera

evidence directly contrary to this officer's testimony and you want to be able to bring

Direct to the point.

Okay, I'll go ahead and send that information, that email out, and direct you to this question

If this would not be limited to overt acts, it would be directed toward any act that did or had the potential to directly violate a provision of the said constitution

And in such cases the acts are to be directly punishable by the people of the state themselves without any governmental involvement except maintaining the incarceration and care after conviction

It then specifies in Rule 308 how to serve upon an individual and that's where the three methods come in. The first thing was they could hand the copy to the defendant directly

If you also check to see what the particular form that notice is required to have under the statutes. For instance, here in Texas, a summons has to have the exact same format as a warrant except that in the body of it, it is directed to the individual commanding their appearance rather than to an officer to seize an arrest.

It's not directly part of the appeal. You can attach it to what you're doing to show that there is evidence supporting your complaint against that judge for illegally entering a judgment without proper notice.

requesting the stay of judgment. They sent another notice saying that an appeal of summary conviction does not stay the Department's actions directly resulting from that conviction.

There's nothing that says to me that the county attorney is actually representing them. They failed to show a move for a directed verdict.

and then charge companies to access the data to market to them directly.

It wasn't the plaintiff who threatened the client with dire deeds and circumstances.

jury voir dire, opening statements, closing statements, cross-examination, direct examination.

Does your warrant specifically direct you to take me before the magistrate or to place me in a jail cell?

While the focus is directed by these emotions,

that you're not looking right at or listening directly to.

to refer directly back to them.

then you redirect your focus to finer detail

or the facts that relate directly to the case,

And any of the complaints that don't lead directly to my story, I set those aside

accusing you of acting in clear and direct violation of this statute when you had to know that it existed.

I forget which direction those terms go into, is very clear that where there are state

CIA Director John Brennan apologized for the lapse, and Senator Dianne Feinstein said her

CIA Director John Brennan apologized for the lapse,

Get closer to the phone, speak more directly into the handset

In a civil case, they would have to plead it directly into the pleadings.

We were going to, I told him, I gave him a motion to dismiss just like you had directed

Yes, I've actually spoken with her directly, Nancy Becker.

So no, they're directly a party to it.

And she has standing for the quiet title because she's named in it directly,

The politics is moving in that direction.

Do you have direct evidence?

Do we have to have direct evidence in each case or do we have collateral evidence?

While they're not directly instructing the banks to accept a short sale, they are pressuring

And what I'm leaning toward in dealing with people, and I'm sure Steve will agree with this, it is in our nature to object directly to wrongs perpetrated against us.

And that is as much a lie as a direct misstatement.

And what you're doing is probably the most powerful thing we can do in that direction,

An old English practice or a short order or warrant of judge or magistrate directing some

bring, go directly to the issues you bring in before the court.

Okay let me I don't know where Randy's telling you that from and I'm not going to say is wrong till I understand his reasoning by talking to Randy directly but let me put something in your ear just in case he didn't

I can take it and have it delivered directly to the issuing officer

He was in the opposite direction, and when he turned around he slipped on his lights, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was after them

There has to be a direct chain of holder status filed in the record.

to access the data to market to them directly.

Can I ask you something quickly regarding my direction for...

Anyway, he passed the clock on the opposite direction, and the clock turned around, and

We recommend that both borrower and realtor follow up on files as directed by the script

is faxed directly to the servicer's bankruptcy area.

Local police will operate under the direction of the FBI.

Local police will operate under the direction of the FBI.

you and pick one place to get them to weasel in one direction, another place to get them

to weasel in another direction and put some stuff in between that will distract them so

that they don't directly connect the two together.

the director and founder of Texans for Public Justice, the group that filed the original

This is absolutely blatantly in direct violation of Article 2.03 Code of Criminal Procedure.

I think it's time we start presenting these officials directly to a grand jury.

Local police will operate under the direction of the FBI.

police will operate under the direction of the fbi governor nixon said the police should

cliff here we'll be right back do not pass go go directly to jail that's what lawbreakers normally

It seems that I remember some code that directs a misdemeanor to the county attorney rather

This directs the prosecutor to take a complaint and reduce it to an information and file it

no jurisdiction to write a law of any kind directly affecting the people within the actual

a law directly impacting the people of the states is in the commerce clause itself at

If that, if whatever's given to you didn't come directly from the judge or signed by

for non-merits, and if you're asking one directly to the merits of speeding, you're using the

the state where if someone is arrested, they're taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

I talk to him directly, I don't want to touch any of the roof, yeah.

You have a right to a competent jurist in the first instance and he's obviously incompetent because he's making rulings that are in direct contravention to law and the facts.

And in the end it is the politics that will have the greatest effect and if we can anticipate the politics and then imply the political solution without stating it directly.

A warrant of arrest is a written order from the magistrate directed to a peace officer

for the state and the accused or his counsel may question the witnesses on direct or cross

directly to the magistrate. He's the accuser.

by or under the direction of the magistrate and shall then be read over to the witnesses.

direct and he shall then sign the same by affixing hereto his name or mark. And we'll

this is real specific stuff that doesn't go directly to due process. We're going

someone, to take them directly to the nearest magistrate. And it turns out they're doing

directly to a magistrate. This situation indicated, demonstrated what the problem is. A prosecuting

duty as a prosecutor. Well, the legislature also directed the prosecuting attorneys to

So now we have a prosecutor directing a police officer to do something that can place the

Okay. Let me tell you a quick story. Fort Worth, woman took direction, filed Chapter

and simply we, you know, insist that, or not insist, but direct our public officials to

Uh, I don't know. You'd have to look. I don't do much with the indigency stuff directly, so...but I know what's in there.

the political channels altogether and taking direct action.

Others are circumventing the political channels altogether and taking direct action.

In one video that I saw, that was a direct result of somebody not somebody paying more

Others are circumventing the political channels altogether and taking direct action.

Some groups are calling for political action to deal with the issue others are circumventing the political channels altogether and taking direct action

direct employees.

And your NCOIC is going to call your direct supervisor and say, what is your problem?

You are the CEO, you're the director of the department, you're the boss, you go to the

director of the department and crawl down his throat and let him explain to them what

And when they do, they don't understand it. The sovereign doesn't argue with his servants. The sovereign directs his servants.

I treat what a subordinate does as a direct act of the elected official. And I hold the elected official responsible.

Justin Armand, executive director of Texans for Accountable Government, is one said supporter.

Justin Armand, executive director of Texans for Accountable Government, is one said supporter.

I do appreciate my my private life, but if anybody wants to contact me, I can be contacted directly at 512.

An examining court is directed by chapter 16, and this is the first one.

Now why would he specifically be directed to do that only in the case of a felony?

So he's a district attorney, there's nothing in here that directs him to give a complaint

And that's because they didn't do what 1406 and 1516 requires them to do. They did not take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

justin armand executive director of texans for accountable government is one set supporter

because due process would go directly to vote to failing to perform a duty required to perform

out of his orderly life which some of the other codes go to but he wasn't taken directly to that

Justin Armand, executive director of Texans for Accountable Government, is one said supporter.

the master directs the servants and when the servants don't do what they tell them to

they take everybody directly to the magistrate and we actually have that I was uh

Move for a directed verdict in your favor

Yeah, you were saying something about a directed verdict in my favor

Move for a directed verdict

Direct a verdict, um

Direct a verdict

Yeah, you can either get the directed verdict or you can get him to dismiss and drop the charges for tampering with everything

As directed by him. Now that is Secretary of the Treasury by the way

And so that's, and all the structure was going in both directions.

It wasn't just in one span from one side all the way to the other in one direction.

All the structure was going in both directions.

As were Yeshua, was a direct threat.

Because he is a direct threat to our scheme.

this from. This is a direct quote. And I'll give you a hint, Patrick. This is organic

Under 51903(c) for the purpose of this section, a document or instrument is presumed to be fraudulent if the document is a purported judgment or other document purported to memorialize or evidence an act, an order, a directive or process of a purported court or purported judicial entity, a purported judicial officer of a purported court.

So let me back up again. For purposes of this section, a document or instrument is presumed to be fraudulent if the document is purported judgment or other document purporting memorialized evidence, an act, an order, a directive or process of a purported court, a purported judicial officer or a purported judicial officer.

Or if I acted based on a high level of abstraction, I can back up, back down the levels of abstraction and show you how each level leads directly from the one before it.

And do you have any other just directions or suggestions on which way?

However, well, you can try to file something in a higher court directly to provide you

And I want to show you exactly where the constitutional amendment is now in direct conflict not only

Furthermore, Articles 21, 26, 27, 28, and 29, Code of Criminal Procedure, directly address

which created an immediate and direct conflict with Article 5, Section 21.

together with all the papers relating to each case to the proper court or justice as directed

But it's going to be mostly directed towards Eddie's portion of the seminar material

The FBI director on Thursday criticized the decision by Apple and Google

as an important step in the right direction.

The FBI director on Thursday criticized the decision by Apple and Google to encrypt smartphone data

privacy advocates are heralding the moves by the cell phone giants as an important step in the right direction.

But I'd like to take this one on directly. It has to do with my own experience with the court system,

And one of the things that you do if you directly attack the lawyer,

But you haven't told him directly, so he doesn't have to lose space.

The FBI director on Thursday criticized the decision by Apple and Google to encrypt smartphone data

privacy advocates are heralding the moves by the cell phone giants as an important step in the right direction.

The FBI director on Thursday criticized the decision by Apple and Google to encrypt smartphone data

When you've got death coming at you from all directions, you can't afford to screw around.

Well, I know because I need direction. I need an attorney.

privacy advocates are heralding the moves by the cell phone giants as an important step in the right direction.

directly to me to help pay the bills on the development server

I left the car, a trooper zipped into the parking lot here, glanced in my direction

That's the direction I think I want to go in this matter because I need to challenge

later I get a direction to appear and it's the 14th of this month. And, uh, so I went

my challenge, and then the judge assigning the court to direct me to appear. But there

maybe that's the judge's order, no entering my plea and directing. I said, okay, I need

you say, the better. Ask for what you want, direct them in what they're to do. And when

it's all pretty well covered in there. And it starts out with, you are hereby directed

The Texas administration code sets up the DPS, says the DPS may not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Now that goes to the Fed, you sue them directly in the Fed.

Well, try taking them directly to the grand jury instead.

The case law in Texas, in fact, makes that very clear that if an officer takes you directly

Because to do that creates a direct conflict with your rights

Without worrying about anything else, you may have a false imprisonment claim directly against them.

they had dropped the directives that said, don't mess with the states that have medical marijuana

A person is arrested, he is to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate, and the magistrate is to hold an examining trial.

For the prosecuting attorney to go directly to the grand jury, there is no statutory authority to do that.

And the director of the department of public safety, he works for me.

The director, chief of police, actually the chief of police works for the mayor.

And thinking in terms of not fighting with them, but directing them, changes everything.

Now, there is nothing in law that directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

He's directed to give it to a magistrate if a police officer has knowledge that a crime has been committed.

He is directed by Article 2.13 to present that complaint to some magistrate of the county.

Everything directs the complaint to some magistrate.

You see, we don't have some of the advantages we have here like a grand jury that we can petition to directly.

So I'm going to be directly charging the Chief Justice of the circuit, all the justice below,

But I've already found several corporations with the judges, either as directors, or directing

He can make a claim directly against the property.

He can sue the property directly, essentially, and then rem sue it against the property.

So then would I write, would I direct my letter to the county assessor?

Does this in any way violate the constitution when it comes to direct?

The petition for the original instrument, this gives you reason to ask, the direct reason to ask for the original.

Legitimate companies won't ask you to, and it's best to enter a website address directly

I'm almost willing to bet you they're civil. And the court, you need to see in the statutes how they're handled, because normally they don't go directly to a court.

guy to take his chicken suit off. Now I didn't call him a chicken directly. He's not sure if I'm

The attorney general, chief justice of the Supreme, they all got either direct political

The nurses followed the protocols they were directed to follow.

all the indicators are pointing in that direction before you implement the CDC's protocols?

Legitimate companies won't ask you to, and it's best to enter a website address directly rather than clicking on an email link to check an account or make a purchase.

purporting to memorialize or evidence and act and order a directive or process of A.

And since there's a special exemption from arrest in the municipal court under the traffic code, you can be released without having to be taken directly to the magistrate if you agree to appear before that magistrate.

Yeah, well, as I understand it, just to give you a parallel, something that's direct, like in the FDCPA case, I can either file an FDCPA case in the jurisdiction where I reside or the jurisdiction where the contract was created.

I rather serve the bank directly, which I do, but they're not required to register with

rules of statutory construction were forcing the direction of the statutes.

complaints directly with them in relation to what happened.

when we can discuss this and let me talk to him directly and see if I can

point me in the right direction? I just don't want to go to jail

in a direction that isn't intended to go that's why we were set up with a very limited central

It is directly limitations on government.

law. Well, yes, they did. Here's a direct quote from, from Brandt v. West within the

bounds of the law. Oh, direct quote. I stand corrected against. Yes, sir. Stompy chomp.

this blows the doors off of what you can accuse these attorneys for, I would like to direct

Object, until the men with guns stand up and head your direction, object.

in terms of as soon as the prosecution finishes, move for directed verdict.

Look up the definition for directed verdict.

They would have gotten a directed verdict.

Move for directed verdict.

So based on that, you want to move for the direct verdict.

When they say defense arrest, move for directed verdict.

If you fail to prove this element, move for directed verdict.

Well, it doesn't matter, you sue him directly.

Hello, I want a quick suggestion on some good law dire questions asked.

Oh, you're wanting me to give you law dire questions going on merits?

What about, can I object during the goadire process?

Technically, that's not supposed to be allowed at goadire.

And when they beat you, one of the methods they're going to use in the blow they're going to strike is to cause bad reports on your license, which may affect your ability to remain employed, or a direct suspension of your license, which will definitely affect your ability to remain employed.

and it was done in direct violation of constitutional provisions and mandates

Today, most government officers have direct contact with the people or who have direct contact with the people can find an immunity to hide behind

If it goes directly to an issue that this judge was biased, well, he had a conflict

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You need to, well, first, go to your lawyer and direct her to do it.

you stay there, did you have a direct order from the court to stay there?

But if it's directed to the FBI, the FBI is the federal police.

in Texas are directed to some magistrate.

Policemen, prosecutor, both are directed to give complaints to some magistrate.

a grand jury, but directly, the procedure is very clearly prescribed in law.

So I just wanted to direct people to those links so that everyone can see that we are

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The claim against the property allows the borrower, I'm sorry, allows the lender in case of default to sue the property directly.

The lender asks you to give him a claim directly against the property so you can do an in-rem suit directly against the property.

So the question becomes, how did the dead guy direct the dead guy's agent to transfer the dead guy's claim and a property to a third party?

And most of the, most of the wins we've got, you know, the direct wins were in the bankruptcy court exactly this way.


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Everything in law directs a complaint to some magistrate.

As a matter of fact, these 2.05 code of crime procedure specifically directs the prosecuting

Prosecuting attorney went directly to the grand jury, well that creates a problem.

So now they're pulling the same thing on Rick Perry, where the prosecutor went directly

You and I, we can go directly to the grand jury and give them notice that a crime has been committed.

So, if the prosecuting attorney goes directly to a grand jury without following the statutory procedure of filing a complaint with a magistrate holding an examining trial,

because when a person is arrested, they are directed by the 14.06, 15.16,

directs the arresting officer with or without a warrant, with a warrant 15.16, without a warrant 14.06.

They're directed to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is to hold an examining trial.

Then the judge makes another ruling if you're arrested without a warrant directly to the magistrate.

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Good. I had a long talk with the former director of it, Cliff Brown, who's now a judge. And

And that was if a person is arrested in Wise County, they will be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

In this county, if you're arrested, you're taken directly to a magistrate.

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That's written directly into the statute.

I've written directly to Dr. Gray's and conveyed the idea to him that his course needs to have

The moment any time a cop in Texas takes you directly to a jail cell rather than to a magistrate,

He has a duty to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

What exactly is it directly?

So what you're going to do is fill this out, address it directly to the clerk of the court in question, and you're going to see see the United States attorney and the FBI on it as well.

I can't say for sure I wasn't there to talk to any of them directly and get their specific

because you can't sue the insurance company directly.

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We must be taken directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

So we have a lot of political pressures in all directions right now.

They have to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

And I take that to have happened because he had this specter of having to take me directly to the nearest magistrate if he arrested me.

Apparently a private citizen can go directly to a grand jury.

A prosecuting attorney, however, is a lawyer for the state, and if a prosecuting attorney receives a criminal complaint, and no criminal complaints are not directed to a prosecuting attorney,

The paper, citing administration officials with direct knowledge of the plan,

The paper, citing administration officials with direct knowledge of the plan, says a major change would allow parents of children who are legal residents to obtain legal work documents.

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So since you give the lender a claim against the property, they can sue the property directly.

So, you know, he may have been directed by the client to do that, but you don't know that.

The paper, citing administration officials with direct knowledge of the plan, says a

The paper, citing administration officials with direct knowledge of the plan, says a

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If MERS is legitimately an agent for the holder and is directed by the holder, then MERS can

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Present that to the court and say, Judge, everything in this affidavit is a direct

Because I doubt very seriously if you're going to be able to go directly after anyone for

You can go down to that state law library and access Westlaw directly from those computers.

Each one of us has one if you're donating directly to one of us in support or if you're

So the only way that an individual host sees the money is if you donate directly to that

But now I'm going to go a step further and y'all can talk about this anyway you want to, but here's my thoughts on this. The 14th amendment, as we are well aware, was written to apply directly to the freed slaves.

Even though the subcommittee addresses it very directly, these committee members, or I'm sorry, the militia members address it very correctly and very succinctly, the committee members keep looking for alternative ways to ask questions that still paint the same picture.

Yeah, Ashburn, Georgia. And you called me over, I'm like, okay, well, I'm going to try to be courteous to this director. It's probably going to go down. I'm a black guy, dreadlocks, and I was traveling with a Mexican friend, and you know what I'm saying?

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just go to

make any direct accusations

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not a person who's directed by faith.

direction to where they granted individual rights to freemen and that method of government

moment without our direction.

We need to give that direction back to them.

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has nothing directly to do with you correct so you know i wouldn't pay any attention to that

the judge gives direction to an attorney such as get me an order dismissing the case that's an order

that's not a directive that's not a suggestion that's not a recommendation that is an order

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specifically forbids the Department of Public Safety from enforcing the criminal laws, except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

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I got a question. I'm in upstate New York, and one of your web pages, you mentioned something about some kind of service that you wanted to get going that would stream video direct to servers and have a backup in case.

All these rules and regulations in place and none of them are directed at controlling

Right. But the state courts are not directly bound by federal rules except in federal courts.

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Jeff it's completely to the fighting thing you have any advice or direction

And its only job should be to go directly after public officials.

if they attempted any way to directly affect your ability to renew your

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his deputies take anyone that was arrested directly to a magistrate.

consider themselves in that light, if we can get them proper directions, get the state

the sheriff's departments, to take someone who has been arrested directly to the nearest

they arrested directly to a magistrate.

and paid highways, if he arrested someone for any reason, he was to take him directly

This one you filed directly in the U.S. court, I think you filed it with the appeals court

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in that direction. Now, how do we get this into the hands of every individual who needs

15, 2014, and when we went out, we were talking about grand juries indirectly, but more specifically,

is to give someone a way to have immediate and direct access to professional assistance.

calling 9-1-1 directly, if you select the app and select 9-1-1, it will call the 9-1-1

answer implicates a section in the code. We link directly to that section in the code

how the code directs him to do things. Well, good luck on that. If we want a ruling in

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Harm to you directly or harm to your children?

that you're becoming highly directed, that you're no longer easily led by your emotions,

the master, they are the servants, they will do what I direct them to do or I will go up

to the next level and direct the next level to come after them.

had been discharged in direct contravention of 11 USC 524.

Now get the proceeding together and you can base it directly on this statute and these

winning the war or is not going to gain you some advantage in that direction, stay out

two individuals, and whether they do this directly or not, indirectly, they look at

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On Sunday, former CIA Director Michael Hayden claimed the CIA never lied about his torture program as alleged by Senate Democrats.

You're going to send it to whatever court is directly above this one.

On Sunday, former CIA Director Michael Hayden claimed the CIA never lied about his torture

you can't do that directly unless you did it in the motion requesting him.

They're not paid directly from the money collected in the traffic citations or the fines and

or not these judges and prosecutors get paid directly from this money.

The direct answer is no.

Therefore it directly financially benefits the city as the employer of the judge, the

This in turn directly financially benefits the judge, the police officer and the city

And that mandamus has to request that the court direct the agency in question to provide

it up until the day of trial, that's going to fall directly on the head of the prosecutor

And make sure that the motion for discovery is directed not only at the agency, but at

the prosecution itself, directly to the prosecutor's office for production of the evidence.

And the ones that were directed to cover it were sent from a location hundreds of miles away rather than sending the ones that were in the immediate vicinity and say that the government was not involved.

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about storable food. Learn more at slash Liberty Beat. In the news, a new federal

Okay, this is Randy Kelton, Deputy Director of the Radio and we have our special guest

And there's nothing in law that I've ever seen in any state that directs you to the

with directions from you, and I'm going to tell him I don't care what he did.

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He starts off in the right direction, but then he takes a direct, hard 90-degree left turn,

but in the same direction

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Now I am going to read to you directly from Title 26, Section 3401A first.

The director of the FBI for instance, okay?

Are you attempting to argue and this is not directed at you, this is just speculative

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Support for today's edition of the Liberty Beat comes from eFoods Direct Storeable Food.

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Then I go into court and I say, when you arrest someone, you are required by article 14.06 to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

Since you don't have a grand jury, then direct prosecution is your only remedy.

Support for today's edition of the Liberty Beat comes from eFoodsDirect, storeable food.

Learn more at slash Liberty Beat.

Visit the new online store at or call them up at 800-874-9760. Support for today's edition of The Liberty Beat comes from eFoods Direct Storeable Food.

Redefining the way you think about storeable food. Learn more at slash Liberty Beat. In the news, on Wednesday, President Obama announced major changes in the United States policy towards Cuba.

It's taken a long time to get the judges to change directions, but it appears as though the momentum is moving in our direction.

stated directly that it was an invalid claim and had no stating.

Even though it's out of Florida, it goes directly to American wholesale lenders.

The woman followed directions.

We have about 800 years of Corpus Juris leading directly from the Magna Carta in 1216.

So my solution was to get with my brother, which was the other pair for the house, and did a quick claim deed to pay the estate. It won't be directly involved.

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So, Liberty Beat is sponsored by eFoodsDirect, redefining the way you think about storable food.

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then their duty was to allow me leave to amend my claim and the judge would have to give me specific directions on exactly how I must amend my claim.

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The Liberty Beat is sponsored by eFoods Direct, redefining the way you think about storeable food.

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And then if they are and the clerk refused, file criminal charges under the act with whomever the act directs you to.

So you could conceivably file suit directly against the judge.

Well, seeing not only that, our state law says that in any matter of an indirect contempt of court,

Well, I don't know that you can go to the Supreme Court directly. You need to look at the rules of civil procedure for conducting those kind of suits in Indiana.

So what you need to do is file a written motion requesting the correction of the record and then put that statement directly in that motion.

And this is a direct quote by him.

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Today's broadcast of the Liberty Beat is sponsored by eFoods Direct, redefining the way you think about horrible food.

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Yeah, if you did it to that, it went into the general pool. It didn't come to me directly.

And right there, mine is one of the first ones on the page. Make a donation to Eddie and it's got a gold button right up under my name there. Click that. That goes directly to me.

What must all of these things have in common? They're all fictional legal entities. They have to be including the term individual because if it's not, then this legislature has now directly violated the rules of statutory interpretation.

Yeah, well, not to mention it's completely unconstitutional as a form of taxation. It is not one of the apportionment and enumeration required taxes that the Constitution requires to be done when it's laid directly on the heads of the people that they can't get around that.

And that's what I've tried to do very hard here in Texas is to learn all of the procedural codes and the rules and regulations for the particular activities that I've chosen to combat directly and teach others what they are, how they apply, and specifically how they don't.

and find out that they've blocked it because of this, you challenge them on it directly.

and address it directly there.

And yet very little of what I actually learned serving in the military is directly transferable to the real world.

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Well, there's nothing in the law that directs a complaint to the police.

There's nothing in law that directs a complaint to a prosecutor.

Everything directs a complaint to some magistrate.

to the bailiff at the direction of the high sheriff of the county

get this done, but if a number of people can begin to exert pressure in the right direction

Right now, the politics is moving in our direction.

Everyone likes to stay ahead of the curve, but this idea is a step in the wrong direction.

looked at are not directed to the police department, they're not directed to a prosecuting attorney.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate.

the filing of a criminal complaint with him, he is directed to forward that to some magistrate.

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eFoodsDirect is food security.

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least point you in the right direction. Or we hope to, anyway. Before we trotted

off in a different direction, 12B6, as Randy so poignantly pointed out, is such a

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The Liberty Beat is sponsored by eFoods Direct, redefining the way you think about storable food.

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That gave me the direct, but that reached the limits of what I know to do.

Then you're going to call and speak with the prosecutor directly

Okay, so just directly dealing with the prosecutor

So there's no signage directing at the general public.

So this script that I wrote or am working on writing goes directly to fighting that

make it in direct violation of the Constitution, and the executive is enforcing laws that don't

That's a direct violation of the Texas Constitution.

It's a direct violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

And it's a direct violation of the due process rights of the accused in more ways than I

Yet when I try to go and donate directly to you or buy your book and seminar material,

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FBI director James Cormie dismissed critics while outlining how the bureau was able to

The director said critics who were skeptical have not seen the evidence that the FBI has

FBI director James Cormie dismissed critics while outlining how the bureau was able to

The director said critics who were skeptical have not seen the evidence that the FBI has

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I don't have an answer for that directly,

Every time they ignore it, then I can just go in this direction.

That's nice high-minded rhetoric, but it really doesn't direct the prosecutor to do a specific

I mean, indirectly, not really specific.

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The Liberty Beat is sponsored by eFoods Direct, redefining the way you think about horrible food

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If it's subject matter jurisdiction, which statute limitations goes directly to subject matter jurisdiction

There might be some dire consequences that you're going to have to pay

The arresting officer must take the person directly to the nearest magistrate

post direct quotes and narration from the trial and compile links to as much independent media

these difficult times is what e foods direct does. Go to e foods direct dot com slash liberty beat

accountable. The police chief is not directly accountable to us, because he's appointed by city

to fight these directly if you're going to keep doing this.

The Liberty Beat has set up a special live blog page where we will post direct quotes

speaker phones, or anything that isn't directly talking into the telephone, as you will be

you can be talking directly into. That being said, if you do slip up and say something wrong,

direction on a two lane street or a four lanes, well, an access road, something like that. Anyway,

same direction that she did down the street. But he was in the lane to the left of her.

And then slammed into him by changing direction in 90 degrees to hit him in the rear.

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then they also took all of her long-term care insurance which generally goes directly from the insurance carrier to the nursing home where she was

And then start lobbying for legislative change that will put you directly in front of the grand jury

find it here, 14.06 is the one that requires a arresting officer to take a person directly

But he must take the person directly to the magistrate and explain himself.

filing a complaint directs the complaint to some magistrate, there is nothing in the code

that directs a complaint to a prosecutor or to a police officer.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate.

and you can't buy a note and sell it directly back to someone

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Now, if we go to 1517, where it directs the magistrate to issue these warnings,

So this paragraph directs the magistrate to advise the person of his right to an examining trial,

if you look in the Code, the only place you will ever see a criminal complaint directed is to some magistrate,

The magistrate, the person is arrested and taken directly to the magistrate.

policing departments will present complaints to prosecutors, although there's nothing in law that directs him to do so.

Everything in law directs a complaint to be presented to a magistrate, but prosecutors never like that idea.

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Supporting your family through these difficult times is what eFoodsDirect does.

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is you can sue the judge directly.

So they put your life directly in danger over a false charge.

Because if you send a direct inquiry to the judge, sometimes they get a little testy.

And don't ask her directly, ask her to ask the judge.

If she knows someone directly, she can do that.

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eFoods Direct is food security for whatever the future holds.

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to do is to actually build an online access library where we have direct links to every

Or to the DOJ direct.

because everything in that constitution gave us the power to hold them directly accountable.

Well, what would you think I should need to know, a direction, where if they fail because

Again, your public information act should tell you who to write to or direct further

Today's edition of LibertyB is brought to you by Extreme weather, from droughts lasting for weeks and torrential rainstorms robbing the country of vital crops for food, to snowstorms of 70 inches plus stopping cities in their tracks.

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It was a developmental services hearing with the board of directors.

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Attorney General's office. The child support checks do not go directly to the

Because as we were saying earlier, Ken was saying earlier, you could file a motion to amend the temporary orders in order to have the child support directed to you and the back child support retroactively to October if any had come in.

And as far as the Social Security, I think that all you need to do is contact the Social Security Administration directly and send them all these court documents.

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eFoodsDirect is food security for whatever the future holds.

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malware likely vanished after the state's redirect, where U.S. Attorney Howard asked

Oh yeah, direct your tort letter to the mayor.

malware likely vanished after the states redirect, where U.S. Attorney Howard asked Agent Kiernan

I read this because it clearly goes to magistrates and not directly to grand juries, but to frame

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during an emergency e-foods direct is food security for whatever the future homes go to slash liberty beat or call 800-620-5520 to learn more about food security

about the possibility of malware likely vanished after the states redirect where u.s attorney

malware likely vanished after the state's redirect, where U.S. Attorney Howard asked

taking it directly to federal court who no no no don't do that i'm telling you appeals courts

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Again, for those that have donated directly to me personally, that's greatly appreciated.

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direct and clear response your on-point questions deserve and should receive.

You will do this by learning the necessary rules and procedures mapped out directly from

direct violation of the separation of powers clause of the various constitutions.

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eFoodsDirect is food security for whatever the future holds.

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just lead people in that direction once they start open carrying.

And that's exactly what my friend said. My friend said, how you know who the bad guy is, is which direction is his gun pointed?

and he's going to be pointing the gun in a nefarious direction.

And now I'm going to introduce Justin Delosch, who's the executive director of the Lone Star Gun Race,

and he's just a little bit concerned that there's a door that could be opening in that direction.

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I wish we had Texas as a system, or even New York or Pennsylvania where you could go directly,

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There's nothing in law that directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney, nothing.

It's all directed to some magistrate.

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The Liberty Beat is made possible by eFoods Direct, redefining the way you think about

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to be directed to the State Office of Administrative

have swung in that same direction because they mostly will not address the issue from

or a law or to do something they've been directed or ordered to do under policy or by direct

That is the direct link to the stream.

I don't have any problems with anybody listening to the direct stream.

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If you have representation, you cannot directly file motions in your case or pleadings or anything else, okay.

So consider your contribution as help not only to us, because it's not even directly for our benefit.

This is another form of communication directed at the prosecutor.

The next thing that happens, the next day, okay, the very next day, Darryl gets an email directly from Amanda, Alan's defense attorney.

I mean, well, not directly.

On the 6th, Amanda sends Darryl an email directly.

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800-686-2237 that's 800-686-2237 the liberty beat is sponsored by e-foods direct redefining the way

has never been more important visit e-foods slash liberty beat or call 800-620-5520

So prosecutors who have been directed by the legislature to give legal advice to the police

officer arrests a person for any reason, they were to take the person directly to the nearest

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Would it be the employee of the bank who directed the lawyers to take the action?

and not fracture up the argument, otherwise it just goes in so many directions.

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eFoodsDirect does. Go to, slash Liberty Beat, or call 800-620-5520 to learn more

incarceration in a state penal facility, is now in direct conflict, as I've told you before,

and hopefully how to train your mind to look at it from more than one direction.

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by eFoodsDirect, redefining the way you think about storable food. With civil unrest occurring

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He was seeking direction from the court and the court ordered him as follows.

If you cannot connect them directly together from the public record, then the person has

Problem in order for MERS to act as an agent for the lender MERS would have to be directed

You have to direct him in what to do.

can they direct MERS to do a transfer.

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Supporting your family through these difficult times is what eFoodsDirect does.

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Well, anyway, I mean, he's giving... I've directed him to assert my fifth and sixth amendment rights, to give me due process, to give me my...

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eFoods Direct is food security for whatever the future holds.

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But yeah, I did go directly to the police station.

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during an emergency. eFoods Direct is food security for whatever the future holds. Go to slash Liberty Beat or call 800-620-5520 to learn more about food security

an act and order a directive or process of a purported court or purported judicial entity.

I mean, man, you had direction there for a minute, you were, you were in, the code didn't,

power of attorney to act on its behalf. CITI's board of directors delegated its authority

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eFoods Direct is food security for whatever the future holds.

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Hey, I wanted to get your feedback and advice or any kind of direction that you can insight

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eFoods Direct is food security.

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That doesn't mean that's what they're doing to you because what they're saying is they're speaking directly against a corporate entity.

you can decide whether or not to send it directly to them,

Texas has set it up so that the insurance company cannot be sued directly.

but you can't sue the insurance company directly.

that it would be unfair to get to sue the insurance company directly

can't go directly after the source of the money that's controlling everything.

If you can't produce any one of these, ask for a directed verdict of not guilty.

mortgage company direct mer's to do this transfer and he called them vampire mortgage companies

apart you've got to focus learn to focus on what is directly in front of you what not on what is

Once you file something in court, you do not respond directly to the other side.

My price is $100,000 and you don't have to directly respond to this, but I will take

Kuniuki responded or communicated directly with the third party, not through the court.

the witness to answer questions relating to voir dire associated with personal knowledge

The federal rules can be used in the state, but they are not directly controlling over

The only exception to this rule is if the data being testified to is directly computational

status information, all of that is entered directly by human beings.

And only someone with direct personal knowledge of that data can testify to it.

regulatable activity known as transportation or some other activity directly associated

and go tuck it directly over that smart meter.

You direct them in their behavior. If they fail to perform their duty,

directly to the grand jury. I don't have that in Travis or Barrett yet.

is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to anyone other than a magistrate.

advantageous to the president, period. So inasmuch as there is nothing in law that directs

because the attorneys, though may not have been a direct member of the family,

Well, their agent, define agent, if it's their agent then you don't deal directly with the

We still have to object to the implication made to say that fact has not been introduced. It's not proven. And at the end of it, we move for a directed verdict.

Safety sticker on the other hand, you're not required to have it directly.

But the problem there is, is they can't make anything binding upon the public. It can't be directory, only advisory.

Therefore, any rule and regulation directed toward the public in the form of an ordinance can be advisory only.

It cannot be directory, i.e., mandatory.

The question here is, is who does the complaint get directed to as a matter of law?

It's always directed to a magistrate or to a county or district attorney.

It's not directed to any law enforcement agency.

but nothing actually directs it to him.

Now, it's not directed to them to act upon it, but you can submit it through them.

They are directed, once that's done, to have it reduced to writing,

And you are correct in that none of that is directed toward a police agency of any kind.

being amended back in 1909, created a direct and immediate conflict with Article 5, Section 21, which was redone, by the way, in 2000,

Despite that fact, activists held their rally directly outside the courthouse.

Well, if the motion to compel is not acted upon, then you can try a mandamus to a higher court directing the lower court to issue the compulsory motion for discovery if that evidence is available and should be given.

Despite that fact, activists held their rally directly outside the courthouse.

It goes to how the grand jury is directed to perform their functions.

So while in the short run, you may not actually directly be able to stop them.

Now, one thing I'd like to kind of have some direction on also before I hang up is this

no power to enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction

The prosecuting attorney, if he's made known that a crime's been committed, he's directed

a law, he can bypass the magistrate and go directly to the grand jury.

The prosecutor is specifically directed in what he's to do.

sponsored by air bits wallet and directory and coinbolt atm this is the liberty beat for friday

okay i mean they're corrupt you won't win it directly the way you'll win it is politically

I would say that is a direct violation of 11 USC 524A1, 2, and 3.

The event is sponsored by AirBets Wallet and Directorate and CoinBolt ATM.

jenkins you're not really challenging the security instrument directly i'm sorry the

assignment directly you're challenging the document on which the holder of the assignment

The event is sponsored by AirBits Wallet and Directory and CoinVault ATM.

directly to the notary, not to the defendants or plaintiffs.

The event is sponsored by AirBets Wallet and Directory and CoinBolt ATM.

counsel in regard to seeking remedy in that direction.

Well, all you have to do is direct them to address you that way and normally they will.

acceleration was in 2010, which is directly conflicting their original complaint.

Or you can go directly to your grand jury and do it.

I'm curious, Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Federal Constitution says there will be no direct taxes unless they're apportioned.

Our property taxes are direct taxes.

See how clear and direct that is?

That would be in direct violation of section 34.

of all the members elected to each house otherwise direct. Said vote to be taken by yeas and

each house otherwise direct said vote to be taken by yeas and nays and entered upon the

the bill says they didn't. However, the emergency clause at the end of the bill directly violates

and immoral direction of the USA, but we believe that the only way to fix the political situation

and mandates and agency directives and court release.

The director of the agency is a former district judge, and I question whether or not he has any interest in anything

at the direction of the judge.

If it's their agent, then you don't deal directly with the principal,

You may not be able to get him directly under law,

This goes directly to Coahuanto.

It's in direct conflict with the complaint.

Should I, at this point, I'm past the time that I can directly respond to that motion

It's in direct conflict with their original complaint.

Sean was talking about the dramatic increase in autism that's directly correlated with

This was his job to hire these people and direct them in a way that was in accordance with law.

then this guy is in direct violation of law, and you've got official

except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement, the legislature did not stutter.

They cannot direct local law enforcement in any actions, and that's what they were doing.

Now in the voir dire, or in the opening statement to the

Now if he comes before the court and he makes a direct

So, you know, if I was the judge and I denied them something directly after they asked for it and they did it anyway, I would think they're not too impressed with me.

it's hard to give you a direct answer to that.

that would not have been something I said directly

California statute's very, very direct about that.

and they are not directly related to this incident with a student in any way shape or form they do

my kids were not directly threatened they were not directly yeah whoa can we do as those who are still

you don't you don't want them to know directly that you actually know what the rule is

and anything we do to the child any finger we point directly at the child will bring negative

structure didn't fall apart they just gave them new directions and for the most part the judges

Given the mosquitoes transmit germs directly to the human bloodstream,

the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement to the traffic cops.

I could construe that as directions from the bar to sue the lawyer for malpractice.

That will give you direction and then by the time you get to causes of action, it will

the rule of law website and donate directly to me through that PayPal. I'll

You could file... That's the direction I was going

So I was just wondering what direction, number one, I was wondering if you had anybody in

As far as someone to help you directly,

So this thing is going to be the size of the Houston telephone directory if I'm not real careful.

them directly to see who the appeals process is taken before. Okay, but as far as suing

If you try to file a complaint in the federal, you're going to be directed to the FBI.

Just like if you file a complaint in the state, you're going to be directed to the police department.

and the judicial misconduct, that's probably in that direction as well.

Yes, that is exactly in that direction.

This obscure provision is best read as a procedural directive to county clerks, not as a prerequisite to the validity of assignments.

And that comes directly from District Judge Shipman in Denton County, what he told me about an attorney general's opinion.

It has a board of directors.

Did they take you directly to the magistrate and hold an examining trial?

The policeman was to arrest someone and take him directly to this neutral arbitrator and

director David Petraeus is expected to be sentenced today in federal court for giving out classified

In recent news, former CIA Director David Petraeus is expected to be sentenced today

seem unconstitutional. And that would give you direct standing. That's restraint of trade.

The bank director was notified by me in writing after I went through the three credit reporting

at a hearing. The judge had directed Ann Diamond as the head of the civil section

Up to this point, for the most part, RICO, you were claiming a conspiracy that affected you directly.

And here we claim a conspiracy that affected you indirectly, but affected you nonetheless, because you are a taxpayer and this action defrauds the taxpayers as a group.

But if we started making direct criminal accusations, the attorney general would have stepped in.

And they are being directed by Border Patrol to make stops.

And what they would do is they would direct the sheriff's patrol deputies or DPS.

reporter so the litigant objected and they reset the hearing and directed Ann Diamond who is the

code directs complaint to a justice of the peace or not to a justice of the peace to a magistrate

specifically directs a prosecuting attorney under 2.03 when a prosecuting attorney is made

ask the judge to issue an order directing you to appear.

So there's nothing directly to indicate that the note was ever transferred or moved or

He refused to prosecute, and so I went to the grand jury directly at that point with

at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

and here's the way the process currently works the cop takes you directly to jail the jail does

of that nature otherwise they are required to take you directly to a magistrate rather than the jail

takes us directly to a jail cell for false arrest or false imprisonment whichever it is in your

beneficiaries of that and how the trust is established and directed to be governed in the

so narrow to me that I was afraid that any little fudge either direction and I'd either hit the rail

actually say it? What I did was plead not guilty according to their directions and then...

Makes sense. Or, I'm sorry, redirect of yourself. Because you are your own witness. So you first

start with direct examination of yourself. They get to cross. Then you get to redirect.

What direction does he have? How does he know when he is within scope and when he's outside of scope?

He has no direction.

I'm going to disagree with that. There's nothing in law that directs a complaint to an investigation.

I didn't say direct it to them. I never said direct. I said invest them with the power to investigate.

Jeff, if you're listening out there, I would like you to call in and give some direction.

So I'm kind of following the direction from the Texas Comptroller's Office.

Exactly. So the justice of the peace needs some direction.

Yeah, but how can he receive direction from the adverse party?

And the justice of the peace cannot claim immunity for denying due process simply because he doesn't have direction.

He can't use that lack of direction to say, I can do anything I want to.

So now this lay person is left with no statutory direction, but still he's bound to provide due process.

He doesn't have the direction of the Supreme Court, but he does have the duty to ensure due process.

If a public official violates the ruling of this court and he be saying, he may not be heard to say he knows not what he does. So we have a JP here who has no statutory direction in as concerns the admission of evidence in his court.

But here he is with no direction. So what happens if a learned counsel sitting in the place of a justice of the peace denies the citizen in the full pre-excess to or enjoyment of a right by denying evidence that the denial has the effect of denying the

defendant in his due process right to a fair trial? What direction does he have and what defense does he have if he fails to provide you with all of the protections guaranteed under the constitution and laws?

Question being, how would we address an issue where a judge lacking direction exerts a report, reports to exert an authority he doesn't have or in the process denies you in a right?

And once I demonstrated the law to the Tarrant County District Attorney, she stood aside and let me go directly to the grand jury.

And a fifth DPS officer stopped him coming from the other direction to do a driver's license and insurance check.

We need to let them hear what we really think about what they're doing, how what they're doing affects us directly, and what parts of it they are for darn sure doing absolutely wrong.

governor greg abbott went too far in directing state guard to oversee a u.s military training

his successor, Governor Greg Abbott, went too far in directing State Guard to oversee

direction you can and the first time somebody says something to you about it, you file against them.

Does this, does this connect directly to some property that they're actually using?

But they got real sticky about doing anything. As long as you don't do anything to misdirect

go ahead, maintain it. Just don't change the direction of the water course. Don't restrict

And he can get ahold of me direct. I've got a copy of all the land laws dealing with water

The directive states officers cannot prevent or prohibit taking of photos or video

You need to, and now I want to say voir dire, voir dire is not the right term.

You will probably find something very similar and that goes directly to RICO.

No, I just sat there and did it and then in my directed verdict I said the same thing,

dismissed for lack of evidence yes I said the defense moves for a directed verdict in my favor

and the judge ordered her directed her to to to notify this court reporter to be in court on the

but well go ahead i'm sorry i may have misdirected you and i hope not

The directive states officers, the directive states officers cannot prevent or prohibit

And then there's the professor of law research director of center of urban business entrepreneurship

It's like the political pendulum is swinging in that direction, swinging back against the

the other three would have threw him directly in jail, I assume, but I don't know that.

This goes directly to habeas.

for a new trial and my own direct appeal.

So what happens if somebody secrets a document from the person or office it is directed to?

So, and that form is taken directly from their forms.

And I found the case law, the most direct case law, Supreme Court case winner versus Natural Resource Defense Council.

No, but the membership is strongly leaning in that direction.

for the first direct talks in over two years.

in the right direction for money transparency.

flying to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin for the first direct talks in over two

And, you know, right in Title 21 of the USC it says that, you know, you cannot possess a controlled substance unless it's obtained directly.

So I looked up to obtain directly.

allege that I failed to obtain it directly.

directly, you know, counterdicted by the statute. You know, so not only is this policy near irreparable presumption, you know, but it's-

And so he put off the hearing because he directed the DA to change the charges.

NASDAQ sees the blockchain's perfect record-keeping as a major step in the right direction for

Now the problem here is, is that probable cause is directly associated with criminal activity

Article 18.06, the article directly after 18.05 where they're issuing these warrants

A warrant issued under this chapter shall be executed within a shorter period, if so directed in the warrant by the magistrate

When the property which the officer is directed to search for and seize is found, he shall take possession of the same and carry it before the magistrate

He shall arrest any person whom he is directed to arrest by the warrant and immediately take such person before the magistrate

Least ways, any property that you can't show directly relates to the purpose of the inspection

That right there was a direct violation of the First Amendment

It was a direct violation of the Texas Constitution requiring that all judicial proceedings be public

to see whether or not he provides you with any direct method of dealing with some of the things they do,

Well, Westlaw would certainly be more direct on what you put in rather than trying to go through Google or even Google Scholar to get it.

and CIA Director William Casey, as well as four pages describing his aid to U.S. Army

They're saying the law doesn't go, and now they're throwing paper in the judge's direction

Vice President, meetings with Oliver North and CIA Director William Casey, as well as

I mean, you've saved a lot of people a lot of money and a lot of hardship and tried to steer them in the right direction.

directly to the hard drive in the laptop or notebook

It stores it directly in the cameras.

Thirdly, the sovereign then directs his trustee to do his bidding as my trustee.

direct the trust to compensate him for the proceedings of the court by saying, I wish

So explain why there's an assignment of the mortgage from Countrywide Home Loans directly

Yeah, the the comes from the bank director and one of the other employees.

direwolves, 30 some odd species of large mammal disappeared, Clovis people disappeared, temperatures

and move an inch in every direction around it, every place you can find that's sore,

Go in, pay direct attention to it, and it goes away.

If the lawyer speaks to you directly, that is improper.

If he speaks to you, ask the court to direct counsel to address his statements to the court

Otherwise they ask him to direct his comments to the court.

something new in direct conflict with their original complaint and they said that i didn't

those pleadings as they are in direct conflict with the original uh company to strike the pleading

and all the codes and violations that I entered into the complaint, they're directly related

What I don't have is a direct connection between the government agency that wrote the citation

if you try to go directly to a grand jury.

accusing him of intercepting mail directed to the grand jury.

He misdirected mail from the grand jury, and now he gets another communication with the

Yes, send the complaint to the grand jury directly.

That's in direct damages.

Okay, so what is the nature? Okay, this is a county tax assessor. Is this an issue that's where the assessor has directly affected you

who's going to go to your direct supervisor, and you're going to be in trouble.

I'm here dealing directly with the facts of the case at hand and you're telling me you can't give me a status on what happened two days ago

You're there to give him the facts and the law, and you direct him in your conclusion.

This property is mine, he shouted, prompting police to fire a tear gas canister directly

at the direction of the judge.

but I suspect that your bailiff did what he did at the direction of the judge.

Generally, it's the director of the agency or the office or the director can appoint an open records officer or a records custodian who will receive this and respond to it.

All right. Keep me posted. And if you have a question, send me an email, but keep it directed at the material.

There is no authority to issue the citation. There is no authority to assess a fine directly

and stating that either by direct action or reason of ownership,

and in direct violation of Section 32.48 Penal Code.

Just try to speak directly into it because you keep fading in and out.

That is a direct violation of your right to put on a defense.

which is actually inaccurate, and it's in direct conflict with their original pleading.

And I told him, see the problem is, is I can take this directly to the grand

As a matter of fact, I can take this directly to 254 grand juries.

the bank did in fact direct him to do this or that he claims to be an agent for the holder

this directly on the banking system, the residential securitization market, and MERS specifically.

That goes directly to this, where they're using the traffic code as a source of income, and that's the enterprise,

While we don't have a mechanism directly to release those muscles,

They're kind of covering their bases in all directions here.

It doesn't matter if the judge directly had communication with the county attorney or not,

And so here we are stuck in the middle talking out of in both directions trying to get them to see things that they obviously have been taught, isn't there,

Well, like I say, yes, you can make a donation directly to me, but you can only do that on the Rule of Law Radio site.

Do not go directly to PayPal and make donations to me via an email address or anything like that because I cannot get them that way.

and did you trade in a car at the same time changed in my direction does it not

since of their public officials he's been directed by the legislature to butt

question would become if the prosecuting attorney who's been directed by the

directed to Judge Wright Justice and Peace Precinct for seeking all emails

of a statutory directive for liberal construction of an act is that close

He responds by having the hospital's director, Jesse Bankson, fired and replaces him with

He responds by having the hospital's director, Jesse Bankson, fired

That gives you a claim directly against the lawyer.

But I told the district attorney that I was going directly to the grand jury and I didn't

because he may want to claim that he acted under the direction of the law firm.

He responds by having the hospital's director, Jesse Bankson, fired and replaces him with

He responds by having the hospital's director, Jesse Bankson, fired and replaces him with the crony supporter, Bill Dodd, who proclaims Long perfectly sane and has him released.

I know exactly the right direction to send you in. I need to send you straight to Leslie.

their assets were sold off in maybe five different directions.

He's changing direction.

The language you use is I have direct personal knowledge that can testify to the following

employees and those that are directly contracted with it. But it wouldn't be the people in

the prosecution, and therefore, they transfer that directly onto the jury who through indoctrination

But these people are getting shot in the back going the opposite direction

Because that's a direct violation of several very recent United States Supreme Court decisions

the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

It's mainly directed towards felony counts, but I'm going to see if I can get it to work in my behalf.

should be generic for any state, because I deliberately don't directly reference a specific

I was speaking directly to the judge as respondent yet superior.

The judge had someone at her direction speak to me in her stead.

However, so far as I'm concerned, I'm speaking directly to the judge and when I go file criminal

what somebody else did acting in her direction.

The investigator, I asked him for an alternative to me going directly to a grand jury because

And since I was going directly to the grand jury, then they know they have no protection.

And they should come directly to mind immediately because you need to know what you're doing.

If you hear that in court, you need to stand up and object and direct the court that it is the duty of the court to determine the facts in accordance with the rules of evidence.

but they can't always be done as a direct challenge if a certain amount of time has passed.

Reverend Fletcher Harper, Executive Director at GreenFaith, said there is a spontaneous expression of support from people of all different faiths

Non-religious groups were in support as well, with Giuseppe Unifrio, Executive Director of Greenpeace Italy, saying the following, quote,

Rev. Fletcher Harper, executive director at GreenFaith, said there is a spontaneous expression

the right-hand lane facing the opposite direction as everybody else

his car was just facing the wrong direction in the middle of the road in one lane

yes, you do direct charges against the DPS officer with the DOJ for official oppression, official misconduct, all those things

Non-religious groups were in support as well, with Giuseppe Unifrio, executive director

someone else, unless, of course, the action itself was intended and directed at being

not result in a direct harm to another's person, property, or rights can be restricted simply

If we are, as most of us that are Christians believe, are granted free will, the right to choose, and the right to exercise that freedom of choice without repercussion, as long as we are not using it to harm the person, rights, or property of another, then we cannot rightfully say that we have the right to dictate the choices others make that do not have a direct effect upon our ability to enjoy it

That's part of the public safety aspect of it. Nobody goes through a four-way intersection from every direction and survives if they're going through at the same time

Then all you have to do is move for a directed verdict from the judge

The problem here is you can go directly to the federal court if you have a claim of a federal issue

It means your lawsuit is filed directly in the United States Supreme Court not one of the federal courts

And the Emergency Clause speaks directly to enemy attack

And even if the statute did say that, it's still in direct violation of 45.018B

Unless everything that you're getting comes directly from public records

Yeah, what I have right now, it comes directly from a public information request

And if your complaint didn't, E, I'll be back to press new charges directly with the grand jury on you

And but lo and behold, about a week later, we received a letter from the law firm directly.

Since they failed to do proper service and in fact did surface in direct violation or

Yeah, and it was a big hearing. It was me and about six or seven other high officials like the director of security,

the dean of the college, the provost, the director of student conducts. It wasn't just me and a biology teacher.

Your instincts are going to kick in, and I think you're going to pull the trigger in whatever direction it needs to be pulled.

I wound up calling the director of the Department of Public Safety at the time. It was Colonel Adams.

There, you know, it's simply, it's as if this were the notes they would send directly to the court, but they're sending it to me instead and asking... Yeah, traditionally when I non-suit, it does go to the clerk.

The provider still has a problem because jurisprudence is still misdirected.

Someone has redirected it.

They can't find where this redirect is.

It was a redirect to

It was a virus that directed people to that.

The site is shut down now, but my system is still trying to direct.

and once that's, and the letter should contain phraseology that directs the debt collector not to call you

since these were against public officials, stepped aside and didn't give them advice and directed them to the court.

And without doing it directly, you start asking the right kinds of questions,

And it redirected the Juris Imprudence domain to a

I loaded it back up and that redirection is still on there

They are not directly mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights.

I asked him several times, and every time I asked him, one direction or the other, depending on how I said it, he would go one direction, then he would go the other.

Okay. I'm going to have to go over this tape and listen to it and concentrate and focus on it and find out which direction to take because I thought I had a direction.

You have a direction.

Only by coming to a consensus of ideas and effort and a direction of putting it all forward are we going to fix any of the problems we've got.

Can you imagine what anyone with direct personal contact with her from a patient standpoint

to be swayed by any argument in any direction as long as it sounds reasonable,

So he couldn't use that in his defense, even though his defense is directly related to being in a car, right?

we will do some form of mock trial dealing directly with these charges.

Speak directly into whatever you're on.

Dr. Mary Gatter, former president of the Planned Parenthood Medical Directors Council until

that you filed with the US attorney and when he misdirected the complaint, then you come

because the abuse of power seems to be entirely directed in order to suck all of the money out of the community property

Mary Gatter, former president of the Planned Parenthood Medical Directors Council until

in itself is insufficient as evidence, and he apparently has no direct connection to

by either being the direct, the sons of the grandsons, so they're all in on it.

Naktola Planned Parenthood senior director of medical research

Planned Parenthood Medical Directors Council until 2014 discussing ways they

directly at the factory so there's no way to get the manufacturer certification of origin once

Because every single one was initiated and voted into existence in an unconstitutional fashion in direct violation of the Texas Constitution

Because that technically does not kick in until you either directly invoke it or an arrest has been made

They are hanging towards the gray background, indicating that gravity is having a pull on them in that direction

it was a big trade thing, but anyhow, we got it indirectly from the state of Washington.

This is a county acting in direct contravention of a court order.

and then charge companies to access the data to market to them directly.

They're not reading the story directly.

And then if they give you any problem, you accuse the judge of directing them to give you a problem.

to find out which direction we're going.

And the judge came into court and the client followed directions real good.

they said that the first date of acceleration was 2010 in direct conflict with their own pleadings.

actually, they had it covered with a carpet pad glued down and carpet. And then over the direct

spot where the 18-foot long plywood board is, they actually had a runner that went directly over top

help I could offer you in that direction, you know, just hit me up on a private message or an email.

directly, in which case you just go on there, you purchase them there. Once you get the receipt

No direct experience, no. Okay. And, and how to deal with them and their inflated

ask you people to please start donating directly to me on the Web site, not the Logos Radio Network Web site

constitution that allows them to directly interact within the territories of the states?

ask for a direct averted after the speeding ticket, I guess that's what they pulled me for,

But we take them on directly

All the rest of them are directly public officials, they're public servants

Unfortunately, as far as I can see, trying to take any kind of direct route to them is going to be difficult.

And all of them are essentially directly public servants

Because Article 2.03 Code of Criminal Procedure directs a prosecutor when he's made known that a public official has violated a law relating to his office,

it specifically stated that Department of Public Safety personnel could not enforce the criminal law except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

he had to get permission from the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

You're a Texas Ranger, you can't investigate an accusation against a public official without the permission of the director himself.

Well, it does, but the problem is, what if a arrested individual says, hey, I object to this process, and I happen to know that statute requires you to take me directly to a magistrate,

However, if you look at that habeas, it gives all of the steps. It was intended that the police not have the power to punish, that they take the person before the nearest magistrate by the most direct route, and the magistrate is to hold an examining trial.

You're supposed to arrest them, take them directly to the nearest magistrate. The magistrate is supposed to hold an examining trial. Chapter 16, a whole chapter says this is what constitutes an examining trial.

They arrested him and took him directly to the nearest magistrate. It was during the day.

and it definitely states the requirements under Texas statute that an arrested person be taken directly to a magistrate

They could not investigate a public official without the express permission of the colonel himself, the director of the DPS.

without the express permission of the director himself.

The administrative code that creates the Department of Public Safety says the Department of Public Safety personnel shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

When a person is arrested, they are required to be directly to the nearest magistrate

by the most direct route for an examining trial.

but he is required to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate

He sued them for not taking him directly to the nearest magistrate.

Electronic Frontier Foundation executive director Cindy Kahn told ProPublica that the

They did their best, but neither of them had dealt with this subject matter directly before.

Electronic Frontier Foundation Executive Director Cindy Kahn told ProPublica that the Foundation will present the new information in court.

They just had a director for this portion of it.

But then all other federal agencies tend to have one director that answers to a committee.

where this director was appointed in recess,

That went to the first two about the director having to be more than one person and about the director being appointed in recess.

The first one was that the Bureau was unconstitutional because it had a single director and they

claimed that the Bureau had to have multiple directors.

current director was appointed, the bank alleges Director Cordray's recess appointment

doing this alone as Russell Taylor who was the executive director of Fogel's childhood

He apparently wasn't doing this alone, as Russell Taylor, who was the executive director

In his collection activities in Indiana, directly or through its collection agents, defendants

They purchase the debt and if the debt doesn't get paid back then they have a direct loss.

as Russell Taylor, who was the executive director of Fogel's Childhood Obesity Charity,

He apparently wasn't doing this alone, as Russell Taylor, who was the executive director

When you filed the habeas, did they take it directly before a judge?

Did they take it directly before a judge?

because that's directly in violation of consumer protection laws.

He apparently wasn't doing this alone, as Russell Taylor, who was the executive director of Fogel's Childhood Obesity Charity, was also involved in these obscenities. They are both expected in due time.

Talking directly into my phone.

Nick, you keep fading out. Are you not talking directly into your phone or on a headset or something?

He apparently wasn't doing this alone, as Russell Taylor, who was the executive director

Just be real careful with which direction you're talking or moving.

And has direct access to any and all documents that are part of that record

And then when they get done and say that the prosecution rests, it's like, well, excuse me, the defense moves for a directed verdict in favor of the defense, the states fail to prove the necessary elements of the charges.

They will lie to you directly then they'll lie about lying to you.

Now you have a claim against him directly.

They don't want to ask you directly.

reading pleasure here. SCR 2103 Office of Lawyer Regulation-Director paren 1.

The director of the Office of Lawyer Regulation is appointed by and serves at

not, it's you're going to worry the director. And the problem they have is

You've been sober for a while, Randy. Another little tidbit, the director

became the officer of lawyer regulation, the director. You become a lawyer. Well

person in question and how he has a history of blowing off judge's direct

Then you'll find yourself far more directed and far more effective.

You sue them directly.

You're not doing anything directly to resist them,

The best way is you can either send money directly

I don't actually check that directly. It's checked by the folks that manage the network

Once we can show that there is a direct link

of moped rather than go directly to motor vehicle

Ms. Davis, an apostolic Christian, said it would violate her faith and conscience to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and had directed her office to withhold marriage licenses to both gay and straight couples.

But it kind of goes through the codes with this, how you can go after them directly in mind.

Ms. Davis, an apostolic Christian, said it would violate her faith and conscience to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples and had directed her office to withhold marriage licenses to both gay and straight couples.

Human beings are very good at visual orientation in space. If I give you directions, say to the house I live in 35 miles northwest of Fort Worth,

But if I give you a map or show you a map and draw the directions on the map and then take the map back, I'm sorry, you'll be able to drive right to it.

And a lot of times you can get these things fixed indirectly.

And then the master goes away and hammers them from some other direction. Am I making sense here?

Well, the only other question I have is since the Department of Insurance is the one that issues my license and they have direct control over the Bell Bondsmen's,

directly linked to the mold that's in the hole.

It's interesting, the way I get to directly link them,

I haven't been able to find case law directly on this, because one of the reasons is, Justinowski

So you sue the law firm directly, and that will give them apoplexy because that's going to send their insurance premiums to the roof.

But the bank cannot come directly to me.

And does the claimant in this instance have a direct chain of title to himself in the public record?

and I'm looking over the second one, it takes my focus directly from my mic.

All right, to answer your question directly, I don't know, but at the same time it seems to me that you should be able to use it.

Give him more stuff. Well, if I can, I'd like to point you in the direction of another case that I had mentioned earlier on that goes to the same topic and involves one of the same players, asset acceptance.

Now you get to go in and file against the director of the agency as respondeat superior

So what are you going to file against the director?

Even the US is not structured direct.

and any one of those countries, direct to the international structure

Right, and that's why when you're doing jury voir dire

very directly in the comment that I did. But I wanted to make sure that I expanded upon

And that makes you basically liable for city ordinances that apply to that type of business. Okay. Now, if it was a type of business where you did not have a license, then we could take this a whole different direction.

and we direct our attention to the world around us through the center of our iris

We pay attention to, direct attention to those things that seem immediately relevant in our environment.

It's not necessarily directly really represented in your consciousness, and we all know what it is.

I could give you directions to the place.

We've all been going somewhere where we've been given directions to,

So your inner mind intuitively knows how to lead you right directly back to one of these issues

And I'm taking a little bit of time to try to direct some of our listeners to our sponsors

direction of U.S. General Leslie Groves.

the Manhattan Project commences under direction of U.S. General Leslie Groves.

In Tarrant County, I can take a complaint directly to the grand jury.

Now, they didn't direct me anywhere else.

Of course, I didn't need direction.

It directs him to hold an examining trial under Chapter 16, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,

And they agreed with me and they stood aside and let me take complaints directly to the grand jury.

Kitsap 2, the second case, is basically another attempt with another direction for them to

Unless the discovery goes directly to the dismissal, like if they file a motion to dismiss

Well if he refuses and that's a direct violation of due process and he doesn't explain himself,

other directions.

Well, we're applying politics from other directions.

not be directly supported in public.

For example, a couple of major developers in recent years have bought land directly

That kind of takes it out of the family court or the family law directly and takes it back to a property issue.

Well, he was a creative director, so he must have looked, so he looked at, I mean, he obviously

So you can't claim that he actually had direct hands on to what was done here.

He says that he's the creative director, I mean, and then it should-

that you as a litigant have the direct power to do.

i don't i try to be i try to misdirect i don't want them to know what i'm asking for i just

you directly to the nearest magistrate yes he didn't even read me my Miranda rights

you directly to the nearest magistrate no he did not he took him to the jail that's

that Eddie's prime directive when when you're on the side of the road and he'll say this

back to the point of you know prime directive preserve your liberty unless you can afford

front end it really sucks no and I like Eddie's prime rule directive which is a shut up shut

Yes, it's Prince Charles. He's directly descended from Dracula through his great-grandmother, Queen Mary.

or bad faith, directed to the matter in issue that injures the other party and affects the

Folks, where do your public servants get the idea that they have the right and the power to prevent you from living however you see fit as long as how you live is not a direct and imminent threat to anyone else and their ability to do the same?

It was passed unlawfully in direct violation of every provision of the Texas constitution on how laws are made.

so I can't directly respond as to how any of that's going to fly or not, including whatever it was you mailed to them.

Congress's power within the states exists in a direct sense only through one clause of the federal Constitution,

and not run directly afoul of other provisions that say this is the only way this can work.

Not being privy to either one of them, I can't answer that directly.

at a 45 degree angle you have parking lanes and then you have a roadway in one direction

and a roadway in another direction and then you have those 45 degree parking lanes to

back up into the roadway completely, but you direct your car down the parking lane and

First, always, I'm sorry, first always is the question whether Congress has directly

If however, the court determines Congress has not directly addressed the precise question

but the statutes and codes are operative even if I don't directly invoke them.

So I gave it to him on the, that I was being compelled on the Protestant direct.

You're saying that all transportation codes are directed towards commercial vehicles only.

So they have direct knowledge or at least imputed knowledge that I'm not operating in commerce.

You certainly can go in and make your argument about your direct innocence and very good chance

The client took direction well because the judge got the suit and started reading it,

exists and that that state of emergency is directly related to disasters

Well, see, the thing about it is they've given you information directly that would allow you

about a judge and the judge purports to act in their official capacity, we go directly

The fact of the matter is, is that since the only direct authority to enforce is

that there was an issue here that was not directly addressed by the legislature.

MSF General Director Christopher Strokes said that under the clear presumption

MSF General Director Christopher Strokes said that under the clear presumption that a war crime has been committed,

Now you can go after them directly for that.

Okay, if you don't have direct access to shepherds, and that's, I think, Lexis owns shepherds now,

And I'll talk about how to make a claim there that goes directly to a very complete account.

even though he wasn't a direct party to the assignment itself.

I go after the security issue if the case leads me directly to it,

but never try to negotiate directly with the bank

I'm trying to avoid going directly to all the contract stuff.

there is no direction as to the sufficiency of the filing.

This is the way we've gotten most of our direct wins.

to directly invoke them under the federal rule of 6A

So okay, I've got 16 CFR 429 here, and what it says is that if someone is selling directly

or greater, then they must provide the buyer directly with notice that they can rescind

If he goes in and argues an issue directly,

having them do it, and also taking it directly to the DA.

that he was not directly aware of

We need to be able to lead directly from one place to the next to the next

If I can't find them in a direct uninterrupted line, then according to Texas law, they can

But I have just about finished the tort letter to the Austin Police Department, which is addressed directly to Art Asshole Vado.

any copy. It's a direct copy of the note as it stands today. None. They put in a copy that was

about that first one because it's already gone. So whatever you see, if you don't see a direct

Then they direct me to the prosecuting attorney. And I said, well, this prosecuting attorney has these.

And that means that they secreted a document from the officer person that it was directed to.

that if a person is arrested for any reason, he's to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate in the magistrate to perform an examining trial.

And what it says is you are hereby directed to provide my inspection and their copying.

After that, it normally goes to a grand jury, but sometimes the case goes directly to the grand jury.

This is part of the reason it's a problem not taking a person directly to a magistrate.

and take it directly to the grand jury myself.

the officer is required to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate,

It says you are hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or copying all of the following and then explain what it is. I don't tell them what law I'm requesting it under.

The constitution assigns that power just like the power to create law is assigned directly

The power to prosecute in the name of the state is assigned directly to the county and

And the secret of government document from the person or office it's directed to.

And it's directed to your office by 17.30 Code of Criminal Procedure.

secretive government document from the person or office it's directed to.

And 17.30 Code of Criminal Procedure directs the criminal complaint to your office.

And that says, you're by directed by inspection and or copying all documents

the officer took you directly to jail at some point you did you see a magistrate

They've skipped a whole bunch of steps here in this threat to go directly to an unlawful detainer.

You direct them in what they're to do.

and keep it very direct and simple.

You address it directly to the chief clerk, head supervisor, and since this is the county, I'm assuming,

most likely the county clerk is the person you need to make it directly out to.

because he did not even attempt to locate a magistrate. He took you directly to jail.

Oh, they sure did not. And they did take me directly to a jail in an adjacent county. The next county, over.

Yeah, but see, right there, they said he does. Now, the question is, does that case speak directly to the issue of a warranted arrest?

As long as your use and your application was not used to directly harm the person, rights, or property of another

He said, nope, you're going directly to jail

He delivered you directly to jail without taking you to a magistrate and there was no conditions or circumstances that would have prevented him from doing so

This woman follows directions well.

He directed me to a couple of houses, one in particular that I did like.

If you put something direct in them to remove it to a certain place,

If you secret a government document from the person or office it's directed to, that's

I'm asking questions because I'm going in a particular direction.

because I do have another case that I think is more direct.

I have something that I think is more directed towards you

Now, for some things, he has the authority to release them on a promise to appear. Okay. If he makes an arrest, he is required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

just cranking them out and we're moving in that direction very, very quickly.

force, something like ISIS. ISIS is something humans understand. It's a direct threat. We

go out and attack a direct threat. I'm more concerned that the machines will not be malevolent,

This is directly criminal.

And complaints are directed to the court of common, please, in Pennsylvania.

This gives you direct access to the supreme.

Let's give you a direct line to Fannie Mae.

as intelligent and as self-directed, if not more so, than we are.

You should have demanded a directed verdict in favor of the defense because the state has failed to prove its case.

Absolutely. He was very instrumental in helping me and directing me to the appropriate websites and such. Yes.

Please continue to donate for the lawsuit to me directly.

So I have taken it upon myself to go directly after a few judges and a few prosecutors here in Texas through the means of getting them disbarred.

Because not only does this motion challenge the jurisdiction of the court directly on the subject matter,

in direct violation of Article 3, Sections 32 and 62 of the Texas Constitution,

that is direct evidence that they were familiar and had knowledge of the conditions and circumstances required for that suspension that are set forth in Section 62.

because what they did was they redirected the individual into this other court

She took direction really well because she stayed with the contract issue

I know that sounds like I'm going a long way around, but I'm going to replace that leads directly from this.

And there's no direct link from the deed of trust holder to the person who claims to have standing so the only one you notice is the one on the deed of trust.

Several people. In Kitsap 1, the biggest problem we see from a direct impropriety standpoint is the judge

and they were giving control of the ranges, direct oversight,

They wish to take direct regulatory power over all gun ranges,

need to be under direct county control, and they're doing that through a permit.

And he took direction well, with all due respect, Your Honor.

If I arrest the person then I am required to take him directly to the nearest magistrate

Well, you brought up the issue of not being able to bring the Constitution in directly

Or at least not directly

So, this motion is not directly transferable to any state that did not have these same

I have written a motion based entirely upon that evidence that is a direct constitutional challenge

the result being that Respondent's right to a speedy trial is directly harmed by being preliminarily processed for prosecution

Now imagine what this would do for people like the family of Sandra Bland to open up the area to sue the Department of Public Safety and that officer directly and personally for his actions that resulted in her death at the jail.

According to a new book, self-control is directly linked to how much sugar and sleep we get.

as all of these actions are direct violations of same.

A direct violation of Article 45.020B, Code of Criminal Procedure,

Judge Connolly even directed the city attorney to provide respondent

Well, when I get done reading all of these, I'm going to tell you directly why and show you an example right in the bill that created the transportation code as to why we have to do that.

You must also take into account the famous canons of construction. In a particular case, various canons may point in different directions. This does not prove that they are useless, only that all valid clues don't necessarily point in the same direction.

Things are going in the right direction, he said.

and you can email him directly from there.

There is still work to do. Things are going in the right direction, he said.

So Mike is going to be on with us for the first hour, maybe longer, if it's heading that direction.

people can go directly after the credit bureaus,

to reduce man-made carbon emissions. There is still work to do. Things are going in the right direction, he said.

the media suggests that we're in a constitutional republic and that Congress has direct oversight into the type of currency and credit that we're using,

You've got to do the in-run and come after them from the other direction with the federal lawsuit

Things are going in the right direction, he said.

So you would send it directly to the debt collector.

If it's like a serious case, like maybe a criminal case, or if you're like filing a lawsuit against the federal government, okay, directly, or filing a lawsuit against a government entity in federal courts,

There is still work to do. Things are going in the right direction, he said. Another crucial factor is China, the US, and other nations trying to figure out who's paying what for the multi-trillion dollar transition to clean energy on a global scale.

Well, if the judge directed that everything be condensed into a single filing for the purpose

Things are going in the right direction, he said.

And they were required by the Constitution to not vote on any bill in which they had a direct personal

There should be no government power that is allowed to be directed at the people or their property in any form or fashion

And if it doesn't move me in the direction I want to go, it's of no purpose.

This will open the door where we can take these guys directly to a grand jury.

It's just not indirect awareness

I came back later to present complaints directly to the grand jury against that district attorney.

Well, when I look at the code, I find nothing in the code that directs a criminal complaint

Everything in the code directs a criminal complaint to the grand jury.

The only places in the code that direct a criminal complaint anywhere directs it to

I'm sorry, directs it to some magistrate.

And in this case, while a complaint is not directed to a grand jury, the grand jury

And the client took direction really well.

quote, there's going to be the potential for anger, frustration, fear, some of it justified, but just misdirected. I think somebody like Mr. Trump's taking advantage of that.

fear, some of it justified, but just misdirected.

Any further matters that should go to the court directly?

Again, I still think you're going in the wrong direction. You're looking for things you don't have to have rather than challenging jurisdiction that they don't have.

He has no direct supervision of the child.

And then they colluded together to perpetrate the fraud upon the people by avoiding the direct addressing of these issues in every court, convicting us based entirely on an irrebuttable presumption under a criminal accusation, which the Supreme Court says you cannot do.

The level of inference from there would be the ball traveled in a downward direction when I released it.

Which direction?

which is in direct violation of the Texas Constitution in multiple ways.

I can't find any direct information that says whether or not speeding is either a misdemeanor or an infraction in Utah.

And nothing in state law can change that and not run directly afoul of the right of due process protected by the federal Constitution

And you made some points here today that directly relate to this.

has at least made some steps in that direction,

and maybe who knows which direction I would be leaning,

then they would have demonstrated what it's like when bullets come from the other direction.

but you've been using it for the most part outside of direct focus.

We have very acute senses for detecting direct manipulation.

And you have a direct path to the supreme.

And I am going to start out this new year by taking us in a whole different direction.

it directly because frankly I'm hoping I underestimated my listeners.

What it was able to do is interact directly with the Martian environment, collect information,

That's pretty much all that the individual is aware of, directly aware of, but underneath

that direct awareness is a level of functioning that maintains all that we know.

I call it, for want of a better term, our internal library, and this conscious, direct

We do hear more than what we pay direct attention to.

that will allow you to take direct, focused, conscious control of your behavior

But living inside yourself, you don't have direct access to the peripheral awareness.

You have indirect access to it.

You have very little direct access to the librarian.

in the direct conscious aspect of the living mind.

The direct conscious aspect selects individual behaviors.

Maybe they don't know at a direct conscious level of awareness,

He was empty talking to the head bailiff at the direction of the high sheriff of the county,

and I'm going to be asking them and pointing them in your guys' direction.

he received direction from the law firm that I have the problem with.

And in that direction, he was instructed to take the keys for the business from the owners,

and that emergency clause that was used is a direct violation of Article 3, Section 62 of the Texas Constitution.

Now, that being said, this goes also in the general direction of the stuff that I talked about in class

But what we're going to see is why the definitions that were put into the statutes are themselves direct violations of the state constitution if those statutes are allegedly applicable to the general public,

no matter which direction he chooses to go in,

consciously and directly use that will act outside someone else's awareness but

to rebel against a conversational postulate that it is a direct a direct

can't directly try to convince someone of a position which can do it indirectly

Most of what goes on, goes on at a level that's outside the direct awareness,

Internally, it's more difficult to resist a conversational postulate than it is a direct command.

Often, when someone is directly demanded, the initial response is to resist. If I walk up to you and push, you tend to tense and push back.

So conversational postulates are kind of a subtle way of influencing someone to do what you want them to do without asking them directly.

I find that it just goes against my grain to try to directly influence someone quite this subtly.

When I get someone on the air who is obviously in dire straits or extremely stressed,

in Texas is it against the law for a lawyer to directly solicit his business.

Well lawyers, since they can't solicit directly, they like to post stuff on the internet, stuff

can appeal directly, and you don't have to wait until the case is, until there's a final

I guess I'm just trying to figure out what's the first step, trying to get guided in direction,

because I understand pretty much how the system goes, trying to get guided in the direction

But they did it in a way that is not allowed. And this motion directly challenges that.

that the alleged 1995 enactment of Senate Bill 971 by the 74th legislature, known as the Recodified Transportation Act, was perpetrated in direct violation of provisions of the Texas Constitution

These were legislative acts that were then and are now direct violations of Article III, Sections 32 and 62 of the Texas Constitution,

Not completely, not directly, not through the courts

It merely directs public officials not to infringe on certain specific rights that you already have

the direct connection.

You can present this to him indirectly without having to threaten him straight up.

If the guy is this hot headed, he doesn't pay much attention to what direct conscious

I mean if it's worse comes to worse, you know, those indirect things I can bring up, ultimately

I can bring them up directly and they will stop him dead in the tracks.

me in the right direction because he gave me some case law, what I'm basically getting

Did they take you directly to a magistrate?

out of that place where we can make conscious directed decisions about it.

our internal automatic behavior that up to this point has been out of our direct awareness.

so we can look at them consciously and say we can redirect the inner mind.

consistently on a level that's out of the direct awareness

directs the arresting officer to take the person arrested with or without a warrant

other state I've looked at. If you're arrested, you're taken directly to jail. The next case,

address directly rather than clicking on an email link to check an account or make a purchase.

have a meeting with the city attorney and the co-director and a few of their employees.

look at it. Okay, I'm going to suggest too soon to sue directly. If you sue for anything,

Albert here giving driving directions that involve left turns while I still can. Details

arrested, the arresting officer is directed to take the person directly to the nearest

the express permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself. The

fail to act. Those I can charge directly. And if we get enough of them, odds are they're

What is the only power through which the federal Congress may directly impact the people of the states?

In the event I get a citation and I go through the procedure as directed in the script and I don't offer any-

You can't sue to enforce it. You can't sue for any deprivation under it unless that deprivation is one protected directly in the Bill of Rights.

as long as that exercise is not directed at or negligently responsible for harm to another.

How frustrated you've been getting about people that keep wanting to go off in different directions.

And in explaining it to them when they kept going off in different directions, one of the things that I did that got them zeroed right in.

No, you go to the rule of law radio donation page and make a donation directly to me

they directly violate and subvert the rules and the law and the due process rights of anyone appearing in that court

And if you watched the news on the subject, it was this very misapplication of this unconstitutional statutory scheme that was directly responsible for the assault, kidnapping and death of Sandra Bland

My level of belief will be directly affected by your ability to prove to me that you know what the hell you're talking about

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said

might be endowed with common sense or artificial intelligence. Daniela Russ, director of MIT's

Injunctive relief, then you're going to go to asking the court to direct the other person

I am a direct beneficiary of that.

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said that Minsky helped create the vision of artificial intelligence as we know it today.

If you give him no direct indication of how he should attach these together,

Daniella Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said that Minsky helped create the vision of artificial intelligence as we know it today.

Let's go after them for doing what the state directed them to do.

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,

without the written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety.

directs the Texas Rangers to work with the prosecuting attorney.

but he finally directed me to give the complaints to the district clerk.

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said that Minsky helped create the vision of artificial intelligence as we know it today.

There are plenty of cases in Texas that say when an officer takes you directly to a jail cell rather than a magistrate,

Go directly to jail.

Daniella Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said that Minsky helped create the vision of artificial intelligence as we know it today.

So, in other words, under the standards as the court has directed them, the officer is not required to be able to articulate every element and the facts associated with his allegation in making the charge.

Again, Beck v. Ohio. Now, right here, we have run directly afoul of the Texas Transportation Code using this case statement.

Hence, we have a direct necessary elemental relationship of whatever crime is being alleged with the necessity of the officer being able to articulate specific facts that the individual was engaged in the overall regulable subject matter of transportation in order to be charged and arrested with that offense.

and go directly to probable cause to believe that a crime under the transportation code

and activities that are directly subordinate and ancillary thereto.

So that being said, folks, that's just one of the multitude of possible directions one can go in this motion to challenge the constitutionality of the transportation code.

um okay yeah i take it you did make this challenge directly correct so it would be interesting to see

to give him direction so the scenario fits the situation.

they got a problem this would be a great bank shop you're not going after the code directly

ruling of dismissal and the court said the legislature had no power to direct a judge's

They said the house was in dire imminent danger of being destroyed.

Judicial conduct and bar grievance, definitely, but if the lawyer advised you not to produce evidence and then you lost the case because you followed the lawyer's directions, sue the lawyer for three times what you lost.

Do not pass go. Go directly to jail. That's what lawbreakers normally hear from courts.

It's policy to take you directly to jail and let the magistrate do a video appearance.

nor can we find any that directly addresses the standard of proof required to establish jurisdiction in a criminal case in Missouri.

Today we hold that Congress cannot circumvent that prohibition by conscripting the states' officers directly.

The federal government may neither issue directives requiring the states to address particular problems

The federal government may neither issue directives requiring the states to address particular problems nor command the state's officers or those of their political subdivisions to administer or enforce a regulatory program.

It's directed at the employees.

FBI Director James B. Comey stated Tuesday that FBI techs have been unsuccessful

And in there that I invoke, not directly, but I invoke the rule that...

Conspiracies don't have to be proven directly. They can be implied from the facts.

FBI Director James B. Coney stated Tuesday that FBI techs have been unsuccessful in unlocking

And if you don't use a direct reference to that in the same paragraph, then in the next

that you want them to come to or will at least be leaning in that direction.

In spite of the dire predictions

There's always somebody out there making these dire predictions

Or directs you to file a brief

Now that is a word we, it's a directive word

It's a word that directs a listener and it's most effectively used in spoken language

But we speak quickly so we need directing terms

Primarily to give us direction

That one thing leads directly to the next leads directly to the next

There may be a more direct way and you might, I'm not intimately familiar with Pennsylvania

Although I'm just here, I'm just guessing because this is not something that's directly

I just wanted to make sure I was in the right direction.

laws except under at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

So point is, is you're not in dire jeopardy yet.

the right direction.

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,

Well, rather than invoking your right directly like that, get more information out of them first.

Go directly to jail.

But the public information, yeah, you're going to file that directly with the Department of Public Safety relating to what county and everything that you're in.

Daniella Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,

either authorize a violation of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution, or does it directly create a violation of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution?

The Department of Public Safety in all of these chapters on enforcement is the only entity given direct enforcement power in the Transportation Code itself.

authorized directly in the transportation code to enforce it. Which brings us to the administrative code where the DPS is defined as having authority to do what the transportation code itself is telling them to do.

One, to supervise traffic on rural highways. Supervise is doing nothing more than directing traffic. Hey, go that way, we have a detour set up because the bridge is out, an accident's ahead, there's a tree down in the road.

Anything except regulate. It is supervise, redirect traffic, whatever. Okay? Number 2, to supervise and regulate commercial and for hire traffic. You get the regulate part?

Every part of the code where enforcement is done, the department means the Department of Public Safety. Right here is our direct tie-in to that definition of police officer.

Okay? This is also going to be our direct tie-in to that peace officer definition until we get down to Rule 4.13, which we'll get to not in this one, but we'll get to it next time if possible.

I can't get direct feedback. But if I'm trying to pace, like one of the things I do is

same place. When we come back, I'll talk about something that wasn't what you asked for directly,

set of directions of how to build the rest of the document.

prayer second. Now we have direction, and that's for our benefit. Now we know what it is we're

facts that are not necessarily material, but have the purpose of giving foundation or direction.

put in a couple that are not material to the case overall, but are necessary to direct the mind of

These pleadings are in direct conflict with the original complaint,

was in direct violation of Arkansas Code such and such.

or you look great after losing all that weight or indirect insults.

But then in Pennsylvania, all criminal complaints are directed to the prosecuting attorney,

A commitment is an order signed by a proper magistrate directing sheriff to receive

Daniela Russ, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said

You only need the ones that had direct authority in the chain of command or in action against

So you only need the ones that were directly involved in some manner to be named and sued,

And in fact there's a military facility directly adjacent to our range called Camp Wesley Harris that was actually built on our land and built by our club years ago.

Washington law allows them to move it to move the venue to a directly adjacent county.

because we're speaking this quickly, we have to give people directing terms. We have to

the borrower, not only in Texas would it be in direct violation of law, but it's not a

told them. By doing that consistently, you pace and lead. You give the reader a direction

for him to expect you to go in. You go in that direction and lead your reader along

in a way, a direction he expects to go and then you extend on a regular basis from one

to rhythms that go on essentially out of the direct awareness. I once wrote a letter to

This is a tool that will allow you to consciously and directly reprogram your own inner mind.

say that since this has some kind of indirect connection to a case that's already been filed

I've done very little debt collection stuff. I've spent most of my time going after and making trouble for lawyers directly.

It's not so much that the memory is lost, it's we've lost our ability to directly access

part of our mind and we don't know directly how to access that other part.

have direct access to it.

You're just dancing around doing whatever comes to mind, and you're not really in direct

when you search for him online, so it automatically redirects to the escrow company.

So he is directly directly responsible for any damages I suffer

17.3 is the statute that directs the magistrate to take that action.

So the request is, and I have it on, it says you are hereby directed to provide

express written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety itself.

laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

What happened was what I suspect is a well-respected lawyer gives directions to his paralegal,

has a right to challenge the assignment is because only the bona fide holder can direct

it's clear that Fremont could not have directed MERS.

is more or less a direct response especially if there's anything alleged as

So what avenue is directed to be applied in order to get that done

specifically directed in that the accused has a right to be served with the complaint,

unless you're directed to style it differently for some purpose.

But you can't sue the state directly.

You may have to name the state, but you can never directly sue the state

to it, and the editors almost certainly directed him in how to shade it.

directly on point, I got faith in him, even though my call screener told me he didn't

see that's not the common in case law and that it's the use of facts that may not directly

under duties of officers that gives a public official a specific directive to do a certain

thing and it directs the prosecutor when he gets a complaint against a public official

It's part of your directive that there be no special privilege.

Procedure, directs him in what he's to do, but he's not going to do this because that's

So after the hearing, I directed the judge to reconvene the hearing, bring the grand

a public official without the written express permission of the director of the Department

directs the ranger not to pursue investigation of the complaint, then I will accuse the attorney

A lawyer will never challenge a judge directly

We don't have bar cards, we can challenge the judge directly

Here in Texas, they take you directly to jail instead of before a magistrate.

but again, if you haven't received anything about that directly from the court

my learning experience. This is before I learned enough not to do this directly in front of

of a private citizen. We go back to Kennedy v. State that addresses this issue indirectly

confront them directly

about the direction of our future and wants to be empowered to understand our

Now, Carpenter v. Longan is still good law, but you still don't want to quote it directly.

The problem is, is I don't see information within this bill that gives us the back direction for the original law.

blamed Governor Rick Snyder's office directly,

Snyder's office directly, concluding that incompetent state employees in charge of supervising

When they arrested your wife, did they take her directly to the nearest magistrate or

did they take her directly to jail?

No, they took her directly to jail and she was demanding the magistrate.

When I come back, I'll go directly to bar grievances.

At the direction of the district judge,

2.03 directs prosecuting attorney.

they were directed by statute

of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

In recent news, an independent panel investigating the Flint water crisis blamed Governor Rick Snyder's office directly,

So you can't do that with a direct threat.

And ask the court if they have a method of requesting a transcript or do I have to do that directly with the court reporter?

And then I will come down and start asking for some really directed pieces of information.

Snyder's office directly, concluding that incompetent state employees in charge of supervising

Counties and municipalities are only acting governmentally when they are directly acting

The way I see this, that goes directly to subject matter jurisdiction.

I've said this before and I've never made it direct, but here we go

of the peace, the justice in the justice's discretion shall direct a physician to perform

and the death is determined under section 264-514, directed to do so by the district

But I don't see anything here that gives us a direct claim against the justice, other

him directly with the grand jury.

And I understand they're not allowed to charge us direct taxes with property tax falls under

The property tax is considered a direct tax, but we're not supposed to have a direct tax.

It's not supposed to be a law for direct tax.

person directly to the nearest magistrate, and this is kind of, it's a federal requirement

was required to take you directly before a magistrate, not a judge.

in order to direct MERS to dispose of its assets?

So wouldn't you have a direct remedy there?

TILA directly has its own remedy and that remedy is not in a counterclaim.

That's a direct remedy that you would file with the federal court.

because you still have the issue of false imprisonment if they took you directly to jail

Conducting those proceedings in the cell blocks outside of public view and accessibility is a direct violation of the due process of law and constitutional prohibitions on secret proceedings.

And since I was involved in commerce, the court doesn't have jurisdiction, so he's almost indirectly telling me that, you know, I will prevail.

So what we have right now are Texas courts acting in direct violation of constitutional protections,

The provisions wording indicates the high value the directors and ratifiers placed on the right of access to the courts.

Which now creates a direct conflict with Article 5, Section 21 of the Texas Constitution.

room in the basement, was in fact related to electrical issues, though the direct cause

with the attorney general directly. So I suggest you file a criminal accusation against the

And what I've been doing is taking my complaints directly to the grand jury, to the grand jury

directs the bailiff, he's not a prosecuting attorney, he's a lawyer.

related to electrical issues, though the direct cause is still under investigation.

I haven't researched that directly.

You could well change the direction the judges are going in Pennsylvania just to make sure they don't wind up with one of these written against them.

Then you petition the court for an order directing her to produce it.

That's pretty well what they check. And beyond that, they don't have any direct set.

So if one of those have been filed, any person who has standing or who has a claim against the property can send that person a letter directing them to remove that document.

What I understand is they're not allowed to charge a direct tax with property tax falls under that diet.

The property tax is considered a direct tax but we're not supposed to have a direct tax.

There's not supposed to be a law for direct tax.

You know you gave them to the bailiff with directions to give them to the foreman, but you don't know if he did or not.

Counties and municipalities are only acting governmentally when they are directly acting as agents of the state under state law and authority. Ordinances do not qualify as state law and state law authority. They just don't.

That's the way I see this. That goes directly to subject matter jurisdiction.

The small fire, which was apparently contained to only one room in the basement, was in fact related to electrical issues, though the direct cause is still under investigation.

Well, I'm thinking about causing more trouble in an entirely different direction and looking for your, put your thinking cap on.

All criminal complaints, all notice of crime is directed to some magistrate, not to the police, not to the prosecutor, but to some magistrate.

I know some about it, but I tend not to go directly to all of the issues because I'd be kind of stepping on his toes.

except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

In our law, it says the Department of Public Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Every person you talk to, think, okay, who is this guy's direct supervisor?

If he makes an arrest with or without a warrant, he's required to bring the person directly

a written mandamus with the higher court directing this judge to rehear this matter properly,

In this, I've redacted all of the personal information of the individual that this motion is directed at.

And she tried to circumvent all of those by going directly to the Constitutional challenge and totally screwing the pooch on that one.

We said the officer has only two options in such a case, to take an individual directly before a magistrate or to issue a citation.

Then they sent me, they told me that, well, I can't talk directly to the mayor.

Well, the way to file against them, I don't know that there's a direct way to file against

the direction of the district judge.

the written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

So the director had no more standing to interfere.

So they directed them to the prosecuting attorneys and I maintained that that was a violation

I accused the Ranger of conspiring with the director of the Department of Public Safety

Then they are required by a statute to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

By the most direct route, here we go.

Plus, you've got where we live in the rural area, you have a lane going one direction and a lane going the other direction.

So, the Constitution doesn't directly affect the court.

If you are arrested for any reason, with or without a warrant, the code directs the arresting officer in Chapter 14 to take you directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

And if you were driving to arrest you, he had a duty to take you directly to that magistrate.


Directly to jail.

Always demand to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

When you got before the jailer, did the jailer take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

we don't have a shot directly back at the municipal judge for this arrest.

Just point me in the direction, you know, I've been doing this show for about eight years now

If it is, if it's not, is there a direct line of assignments from the original mortgagee

Now, if there is a direct line to the current mortgagee

I said, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

Take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

He made a point to watch me as I walked in my car, and they stayed there together side-by-side chatting, looking directly at my car,

That's what I indirectly, with your education, I was trying to get at, if there's anything I could do.

At what point did that person come in direct contact with you? At what distance? For how long?

At that time of night, coming from the direction that you must have been coming in where they knew there's probably a bar or at least some place that served alcohol.

That $5 should have came directly off the principal.

Criminal conspiracy against a Texas Ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety.

So I'm making a complaint to the bailiff at the direction of the high sheriff of the county

In every state I've looked at, all complaints are directed to some magistrate.

Nothing directs a complaint to a police officer.

Nothing directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

So there's nothing that directs a complaint to him.

from the office it was directed to.

This would appear to indicate that a direct attack on the note would have to occur utilizing

This would appear to indicate that absent arguments against the deed of trust directly

Unfortunately, most of the money does go directly to the Cuban government because the cruise

Unfortunately, most of the money does go directly to the Cuban government because the cruise

But what you can do then is file a claim directly against the officer and his department and

What is the first rule of cross-examination or direct examination?

Uh, i've always stood clear of talking to grand jury members directly

Prior to this time a texas ranger could investigate a public official but only with written permission of the director of department of public safety

Directed the department to develop protocols

Director and say what?

And direct physical confrontation is one of the things that does not work. Well, because it plays into their hands

the whole direction of the conversation changed,

now in tarrant county you can go directly to the

So now we file directly against the bailiff and not the foreman.

So whoever this is, he is deliberately directing you toward a set of procedures.

But until you do, I follow code and the code says all complaints are directed to some magistrate.

It takes on the right to travel issue indirectly.

And the debt collector attorney is one of the directors of the trust company.

and I named their four directors.

Well, one of the directors has a name similar to the name of the debt collector,

So I named him in his capacity as director of the trust company.

the executive officer, and all of the other directors, but not that guy.

and director of the trust company with a similar name to the debt collector attorney,

all answered, admitting that that director of the escrow company,

So how is this guy in his capacity as a director a debt collector,

If he's the director of the trust company, who's he collecting debts for?

So that was a question. Is he collecting debts for the same company that he's the director of?

And they admitted that by saying that this director in his capacity as a director is a debt collector.

Absolutely. The trust company and the executive and the other directors claim that they're not debt collectors.

But the debt collector admitted to being a debt collector in his capacity as director of the trust company.

If they had included all of the directors together with the trust company and said, we're not debt collectors.

Oh, hold on. Okay. He is a director and they didn't include him in, oh, wait a minute.

They didn't include him with the other directors.

Well, what I just said, if they had included him in his capacity as a director with the other directors and the trust company,

He in both capacities as director of the company and as an attorney is represented by another attorney,

Okay. So if he is debt collector in his capacity as a director of the company, doesn't that tie the company to the debt?

Not necessarily. If he can exercise the debt collecting functions independent of his capacity as a director of the company, I wouldn't.

The attorney filed a request to have the public defender sign to me and directed me to fill

Well, no, that was his self-directed.

No, that was self-directed and I don't know the answer to that question because at this

Okay, Ryan, so do we have a direction, is there anything else, any questions or comments

and behavior patterns. John Inglis, a former deputy director at the NSA, told the Wall

John Inglis, a former deputy director at the NSA, told the Wall Street Journal, quote,

Or you can still do it the old-fashioned way and make a donation directly through the Donate to Eddie on the Logos Radio Network website

But they're going to come up and instead of actually taking the money directly out of your pocket there on the side of the road

You're hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or copying all records collected

The contract makes you the managing director of the trust.

allowing you, making you managing director and you can fire the trustee anytime you want to,

That you can sue them for directly. You can also sue them directly for procedural due process violation.

All criminal complaints are directed to some magistrates.

Well, all complaints are directed to some magistrates for the purpose of examining into the sufficiency of the allegation

I filed against the Texas Ranger and the department, the director of the Department of Public Safety.

point directly to the claim you want to make and support your underlying claim.

Anyway, just trying to get you focused in a direction.

The only thing I know of you can sue him for directly is subject matter jurisdiction.

but this time I filed a challenge to subject matter jurisdiction directly.

I had a judge direct the bailiff to arrest me. The bailiff put his hand on my arm.

the director of the Department of Public Safety, and, first of all, he filed an aggravated assault against my district judge,

There is nothing in Texas law that directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

Nothing. And I guarantee you, there's nothing in New York law that directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

The prosecutor secreted that government document from the person or department it was directed to.

They just rule whether they're void or not. This would appear to indicate that a direct attack on the note would have to occur utilizing the UCC, which in and of itself also appears difficult.

The judge went so far as to send me a letter saying that my case has been forwarded to the county attorney and any further correspondence will be directed towards him and basically don't contact them anymore.

And you can construe that the attorney directed the judge to file, to bring up the criminal trespass.

I think you need to take this directly to the grand jury.

I can point you in the right direction.

I move for a directed verdict in favor of the accused.

And they booked me, they put the handcuffs on me and took me directly to jail

councilman have no power to do anything. They all have to take their direction from the

and he came down from behind the bench, walked down the aisle, pointed directly in my face

restored that is now clear direct damages that i am now encountering as of this moment forth because

um there's a denial of due process and what when she wrote this today randy it is directly stating

here i said why i don't understand that part it's directly on point he should he should use that as

That's when he started speaking in an exaggerated term directly into my cap where I was recording

jury directly.

So, you go, your reason to go to the grand jury directly is you're going, accusing the

Karen Chalet, the director of the Police Practices Project of the American Civil Liberties Union of the state of Illinois,

And if you want to send me something directly, please, if it's checks or money orders, do not put a name on them.

people directly except in the specific cases where it is for the punishment of

Sharon Chalet, the director of the Police Practices Project of the American Civil Liberties

Then you're going to take your information, that information, and you're going directly to whoever the prosecuting attorney in charge of this case is.

Attorney General Greg Abbott tweeted today that Texas will sue, quote, to stop Obama's transgender directive to schools. The message from his personal Twitter account came hour before a scheduled news conference by State Attorney General Ken Paxton.

And it's harder to argue against it if it's not directly interfering with your ability

And that's when I told him that I was going to be polite and instead of directly refusing him, I'm going to ask him to disqualify himself or directly vice versa.

He came down from behind the bench, stood in front of me, pointed directly in my face with his finger and told me to follow him.

directive to schools.

because we're going to take the same issue, but we're going to approach it from a different direction.

My complaint for the defendants is against a university, and I listed the dean of the university and the director of student affairs of the university, and I listed the university itself.

or under the direct supervision and jurisdiction of that university.

so that by the time you ask the critical question every direction they want to move to,

they've already answered a question that won't let them step in that direction.

Those are the things that would point you in the direction you want to go, right?

and doing what you're specifically directed to do.

Okay. This is where you're messing up on following directions.

This is where most people mess up on following directions.

they must be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

the arresting officer is required to take the person directly.

they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate for an examining trial.

You can sue him directly, but I wouldn't do it yet.

get beaten into unconsciousness and thrown under the jail. I did get dire warnings from

that I could find nothing in law that directed a complaint to US attorney. Everything in

law directs a complaint to some man and I'm here to give this to a federal judge in his

They had me come to a meeting, and I recorded that meeting between the co-director

I was going after criminal charges against the department, the co-director,

It would probably make more sense if you could talk to the lawyer directly and sort out why he made this claim.

out of one of its merits and direct the defendant and his attorney, if any, of record and the

and direct the defendant and his attorney, if any of record, and the state's attorney,

You have to, if they set a pre-trial hearing, you have to direct everybody to be there.

to move in that direction.

And then when we get out of high school, we get out in the real world, we have almost no direct interaction with the government. So when we do have an interaction with the government, the only behavioral set that we have to draw on is what we learned in grade school and high school.

I could probably guess at an answer, but it's not an area that I am knowledgeable in directly.

you get triple damages and the damages that you collect go directly to you.

They don't go to an attorney. They don't go to the court costs. They come directly to the person who's been damaged.

Can you send me an email directing me to where to look to look that up?

You walk into a restroom, whatever it is that God gave you when you were born is the direction

And this came directly from your Constitution course.

It just specifically directs...

is the most important concept that I've developed, and this came right directly out of Michael's class.

The master doesn't wait until his servant has done something horrendous before he stands up and redirects him.

It was out in the middle of nowhere. Two blacktop roads come together, one lane both directions, and there was a stop sign there.

Sorry, Bubba. That bell's already been rung. The bailiff touched me while prominently displaying a deadly weapon at the direction of the district judge in order to prevent me from exercising a right.

We always try to talk directly to the prosecutor and get a reset instead.

that are directed at the particular type of court you may be in.

end of the trial is stand up and say, Judge, I moved the court for a directed

Everything else will be taken directly from whatever you put in writing into

Anything you ask the witness on the stand is going to be directed at the same

to do cross-examination, direct examination, what a leading question is,

and direct examinations, leading questions and so on and so forth, how to

Now, the thing I want to talk about tonight is going to be specifically directed at you folks

Now what you can do to avoid that is go talk directly to the prosecutor three or four days before trial

He kind of redirected me and told me to go get all the paperwork.

a document from the person or office it was directed to in violation of 3710 Texas Penal

person it was directed to. So I get to hammer him and then let's see if those federal judges

But you went another direction with motion for sanctions.

You never make connection with the webpages you visit directly

It's in direct contradiction to their original pleadings, just an incidental.

The question was directed at you.

The last couple of times I was hacked, they only were able to get into PHP HTML files on the root directory.

Now I've moved. The only thing on my root directory now is index.html.

Everything else I've moved to a subdirectory and I haven't been hacked since.

in writing to the insurer directly.

The client sued the insurer directly.

But more directly, what I'm thinking is give your own lawyer a tort letter.

I'll sue you directly.

Everything I find in law directs a complaint to some magistrate.

Okay, hold on, hold on. Well, you're kind of, there's another direction to go.

And I talked to the Enforcement Director of Plumber's Code Board of Examiners,

Oh, well, I called up there and called the human resources, and they directed me to the city,

I asked the director where the authority came from.

So don't ever make the mistake of putting a state official under the umbrella of a United States official unless you have specific evidence that shows that state official was acting under direct authority and supervision and instruction or direction of somebody in the United States.

Absolutely. And the fact that the BLM is the director of the BLM is Neil Cornsey, who is a former aide for Harry Reid, worked in his office for years and that Harry Reid appointed him to be head of the BLM. This is all very cozy, very sleazy.

And nothing that goes into the body of that bill may be in there if it doesn't have a direct relationship with that subject matter.

Some of the better ones are actually to have good cameras like GoPros that stream directly or record directly onto a laptop or notebook, lightweight notebook hard drive or a tablet hard drive.

They have a USB version of that video recorder that will record high resolution video directly to a computer device and live stream it at the same time.

How does a dead guy hire or MERS as an agent and then direct the agent in how to liquidate the dead guy's property?

and they took me directly to jail for that when I showed up over there and said,

And how to handle this is too complex for me to say directly.

but only with upon written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

so the director had no more say one way or another.

See, the director had political control, and when he lost it by legislation,

They act at his direction, and under law, he is responding at superior.

So how did that person appoint MERS as an agent for that person and how did that person direct MERS to transfer an asset of that person to some other party?

When I look in the public record, if I don't find a direct chain of title to this claimant, I don't care what you got.

So I never make a statement directly, make all the statements out of the documents themselves.

Now, motion in limine is a motion that prevents, you're asking the court to direct the other

codes office, not a court, not, no, we're saying judge, a building director.

They condemned me, the building director condemned my house because I didn't come to the condemnation

So the question becomes, where did the building director get authority to hold this particular

Got it. Okay. So my next task is to know the laws that directly affect a particular ticket.

or they produced one of the accouterments at the traffic stop or they go directly to the

and all this other stuff that steals from you and me in order to enrich them directly.

when the cop pulls you over directly, which of course he would not have had any probable

words, they're passing information and messages directly to the judge via the citation.

This is one directly.

they shot her boyfriend four times for following directions.

try to force you to police officers but don't buy that story. Nothing in law directs a complaint

to a police officer. Everything in law directs a complaint to some magistrate. Now, the magistrates

drove into you. And the video shows that. Okay. Because if you come to a stop, his direction

nothing in law that directs a complaint to a police officer. Nothing. So, now you make

ask him to show you that in law. So, I've never found it. Everything directs to the

They did not receive anything from JP2 directly from the, and supposedly he had recused himself

the court's order directing such change of venue along together with the, it says with

It requires a certified copy of the court's order directing the change of venue be transmitted

Court Precinct 2's order directing the change of venue to Justice Court Precinct 3. And

for trial upon its merits and direct the defendant and his attorney, if any of record, and the

Everything I sent you, you make dang sure you verify personally and directly against the existing statute.

things and put you directly in the criminal side of things for the criminal

Well, see, in Florida, he took you directly to jail and not before a magistrate.

will serve as news director for BitTorrent News.

former CNN journalist Harrison Bormann will serve as news director for BitTorrent News.

well, it lends support to a direction that I've been taking for quite a while,

Now, what law directs me to give a complaint to a police officer and what law gives a police

who will go to the manager of that department, who will go to this person's direct supervisor,

And only this guy's direct supervisor chews him out.

We don't correct, directly correct our local officials.

then you ask the court to direct them to get behind the bar because they're not a part of this hearing.

Taking them on directly, going in and trying to appeal to their better judgment or to their

The clerk's not allowed to operate on their own outside of law or direction of the judge.

record. I say, let them do it because now you can take that and go directly to the Texas

You could tell he was traipsing around on eggshells, never spoke to me, never looked directly at me.

It may be more effective to file under the Declaratory Judgment Act directly in the federal

it gives the reader direction.

Okay, this one should go to the grand jury directly.

It's not attacking the foreclosure directly.

The headings are there to give me direction, to tell me here I'm telling this, here I'm

And that's something that you can focus on the quiet title issue kind of indirectly here.

Who would be the party then, the lender to whom the assignment was directed?

Well, this is a county clerk records request directed to it

or to send them in the wrong direction,

Well, the motion to disqualify, what I would do is file the motion to disqualify in the same court and send another copy directly to the head administrative judge of the district.

What I would do is I would contact their attorney directly, and I would do it in writing, certified mail,

And though they were seeking to be a thorn in the side of the mainstream, BitTorrent did announce last week that former CNN journalist Harrison Bormann will serve as news director for BitTorrent News.

Now that's in direct contradiction to paragraph A.

And then 14.06 says that if a person's arrested for any reason with or without a warrant, they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

last week that former CNN journalist Harrison Bormann will serve as news director for BitTorrent News.

And rather than ask you to donate directly to the network, since this is what the network,

The court reporter violated the Mississippi Rules of Appellate Procedure directly.

That was a direct violation.

There was another guy directly across from me and he was going to turn left.

direct emails from the Democratic National Convention on Friday, July 22, days before

Andrew Wright, national finance director Jordan Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer,

Northern California finance director Robert Stowe, finance director of data and strategic

initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance director Alan Zachary, and Miranda.

Andrew Wright, national finance director Jordan Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer,

Northern California finance director Robert Stowe, finance director of data and strategic

initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance director Alan Zachary, and Miranda.

by the most direct route and the arresting officer is to explain himself.

There's a way you can directly download the documents from the page.

Let me give you some tools that you will find very useful and they're not directly obvious.

The bulk of released emails come from seven prominent DNC staff members, Senior Advisor Andrew Wright, National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan, Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer, Northern California Finance Director Robert Stowe, Finance Director of Data and Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parish, Finance Director Alan Zachary, and Miranda.

Well, then it's either that or just directly tell her, but I don't want to do that.

I thought, hallelujah, we can't get these guys to follow law directly.

from seven prominent DNC staff members, senior advisor Andrew Wright, national finance director

Jordan Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer, Northern California finance director

Robert Stowe, finance director of data and strategic initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance

director Alan Zachary, and Miranda. Amongst the emails was one dated May 5 where the chief

No, I need a legal definition, because in order to get to your private property, they have the way to get there directly. And it sounded like the residential and commercial property, there wasn't a...

The bulk of released emails come from seven prominent DNC staff members, Senior Advisor Andrew Wright, National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan, Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer,

Northern California Finance Director Robert Stowe, Finance Director of Data and Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish, Finance Director Alan Zachary, and Miranda.

So the point here is, which one of us is going directly to the people that can make a change

Well, I'm telling you, it's what's coming directly.

I've never seen his work directly.

Andrew Wright, National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan, Finance Chief of Staff Scott

Comer, Northern California Finance Director Robert Stowe, Finance Director of Data and

Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish, Finance Director Alan Zachary, and Miranda.

Now think about that, when you look at how this all pans out, it would be very difficult for you or anyone to point a finger in a different direction

because of a direct failure to compare that to the individual rights of the people

He got into court and they kicked his behind. He did not take direction well.

Mike is giving some direction, but Eddie's really, he's the traffic guy.

I have criminal charges against a Texas ranger for following the policy laid down by the director of the Department of Public Safety.

And I would suggest that you accuse them directly of following policy.

His problem was what the director told him to do was criminal.

They either have direct knowledge or imputed knowledge.

when it is not directly relevant to the case currently before the court and this other court?

like code enforcement, I would serve them at the director of code enforcement.

what the law is, okay, when in fact I could demonstrate in any direct debate with this gentleman

And let's take Texas as a direct example.

A vehicle is directly tied to driving and operating. Understand that. Okay.

And him specifically lying to you about a direct question that goes to the adjudication of the case, that's a pretty big deal.

prove by the public record that they had standing they had either a agency or direct standing

to keep you from filing a counterclaim directly then the fight's on yeah no that sounded

entity or agency that it was directed to.

and that action does not comport directly with standing law I get to go after them personally

master of the servant directed that servant to give those to the foreman of the grand

person or entity they were directed to and that's a felony in the state of Texas and

is I don't know what happened to them so I can't make a direct accusation I don't know

foreman obviously received this because I gave them to the to the bailiff with directions

Always criminal complaints are directed to some magistrate.

Probably the same in Tennessee because the original purpose of the magistrate was to make it so that if a policeman arrests someone for any reason, that he is to take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

Will they take him directly to the nearest magistrate?

And I asked the judge to direct the litigants to change their pleading.

But thank you for terrifying that or certifying that I was going down the right direction.

Go to the questionnaire section and follow the directions and answer those questions.

Senior Advisor Andrew Wright, National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan,

Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer, Northern California Finance Director Robert Stowe,

Finance Director of Data and Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish,

Finance Director Alan Zachary, and Miranda.

Are you paying more than one half of the support for the child directly yourself?

There's all kinds of extra materials in the one that you actually get directly from me. But the one that we download, the original download is approximately 64 gigabytes.

can go in different directions at once.

These guys are constantly taking people directly to jail,

Go directly to the United States Attorney General and the DOJ.

or go directly to the United States Attorney, your local grand jury, any of those.

the CIA gave them directly.

However, since 2004, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has now taken over this task.

and what I'm going to suggest you do is not go after the IRS agent directly.

So you don't want to go after the agent, you don't want to go after the agent's direct supervisor.

that he has directed his agents to act outside scope and therefore conspired with them

The director of the agency is only going to care that he's got some citizen suing him

Did he directly accuse the complainant in that did he speak to the complainant directly

And then the judge asked the directed debater to take the phone.

Case law makes sure that it fits directly with the conclusion you want to bring.

So state the facts. State how the facts amount to the violation of an act and then directly accuse the person of violating the act.

gave them directly. However, since 2004, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

directly with a grand jury.

But there is no current way for a private citizen to go directly to a grand jury.

So we're going to ask the legislature to require the grand jury to directly open its

so now we could have went after the agents themselves directly,

unless it's directed to a specific human being.

from going directly to a federal grand jury and giving them notice of crime.

directed to the foreman of the grand jury,

the cia gave them directly however since 2004 the office of the director of national intelligence

problem randy i appreciate uh i appreciate your your directors and opinions and and help but um

looking for is if the current lender is listed on that exactly i want to see a direct chain of


However, since 2004, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has now taken over

a letter from this attorney and this attorney was instructing me or directing me to give

John, unless there is something that would give, that would directly involve this other

candidate intelligence briefings, the CIA gave them directly. However, since 2004,

the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has now taken over this task.

the CIA gave them directly.

However, since 2004, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

are mandatory for you but optional for them, even though the rules in question are directed

It was directed to, do you have knowledge that that was done?

You directed it to the district courts.

So did they deliver it to the court you directed it to?

We also have, we just got an appeal denied in San Diego and directly on the dead guy

they've written this direction.

direct court personnel.

begin to ask questions about the direct conduct of the judge and those questions will be pointed

There are not that many of them and all we need to do is direct our questioning so that

That will lead them directly to the conclusions you want them to come to.

But when you file directly in the federal court, now they have a little more difficult issue.

and take that directly to a grand jury.

So it was a bit more difficult to convert them directly into questions. So what I did instead is convert them into output statements.

Well, it says the judge should not do this. I changed it into a direct statement. The judge did this and there's several different layers. The judge failed to do this as follows.

After as follows, then you put in the specific details of your particular issue. But this helps in a couple of ways. One, it allows you to mine down through the canons, to take you directly to the canon that most fits your particular issue.

as well as the director of the Department of Public Safety

You're asking the judge to rule directly on the facts, and that's not what he's doing here.

submit it directly to the city attorney because, you know, it's not official. So I don't need to report it.

The problem inside a paragraph, you can kind of float around inside a paragraph and lose your direction.

So how did the original lender direct you to do that when he's dead?

They won't tell you unless you ask them directly.

You've got a local rule of federal court, which is in direct conflict with the United States Supreme Court decision on the public's right to record their public servants in their public capacities,

And the charge tracked the language directly out of the penal code

14.06B&C directs you to 15.17 of the code of criminal procedure

In direct violation of the Texas Constitution and the Code of Criminal Procedure, I might add, is a sworn complaint

They're in direct conflict with 545.421 of the transportation code

But I'm also going to do paperwork going directly after the rights violation perpetrated by

a direct violation of your protected rights.

And you might be able to direct me in the right direction.

And can I go through all of the constitutional basis for, you know, taxes, direct and indirect

or just give me a call directly, 512-461-0995.

directs the judge that after the hearing he will issue an order.

Do I send it directly to the federal district court?

Briefly, I read parts of the statute and it says those peace officers who are in direct

And generally, if you give them a well directed response, they just back off.

And then they give us this direct order that we would load by the book, but it wasn't possible

So along comes Merz years later and claims that, oh, this guy directed me to dispose

direction from the court on the issue of rescission after initiation of foreclosure.

We have no case law, so it's appropriate to ask the court to give us direction by stipulating

And then five years later, the person directs MERS to liquidate its assets.

now because I thought it was pretty direct. And then going and after looking at some of the

This way you're always pointing in the same direction and you have focus in what you're doing.

because we send our reader off in all kinds of different directions, and they won't

If he arrested you and failed to take you directly to the nearest magistrate,

You may set it so that it can't directly be found, but you don't want it deleted.

It would also allow Americans to direct financial claims

So when you're giving the information directly from someone that knows,

lay your fingers directly on and prove, then you can remove the case to the

It's directly out of Chapter 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

If a person is arrested without a warrant, taken directly to jail and not taken before

It would also allow Americans to direct financial claims against those who are found to have

An intent of the law in any given legal instance even when they are clearly and openly ignoring and acting in direct violation of its specifically stated legislative intent and constructive language

To directly abrogate or derogate what a common man of reasonable intelligence would see as its clear meaning and intent

Texas law makes this procedure distinctly adversarial by providing for the direct and cross-examination of witnesses, representation of the parties by their attorneys, the appointment of counsel to represent indigent defendants, and application of the same rules of evidence as in criminal trials generally.

That would include PR bonds, monetary bonds, any kind of bond at all, or any restrictions upon your liberty ordered by the court directly.

and such actions are then upheld as legitimate by the same Texas courts. In direct violation of the law enacted by the Texas legislature and the fundamental due process rights of the accused, then any such right has more in common with a revocable at will government privilege than a right,

This totally negates respondent's right to the presumption of innocence of all of the elements of the alleged crime that the state is required to prove at trial, which is a direct violation of the accused presumptive right to innocence for all purposes and all statutory elements relating to the allegations.

Now, again, I'm going to be going directly to the statutes as they currently exist to show how this works.

It's an order by a higher court directing an official to do something that the official is required to do.

I'm giving him direction in how to do this,

and while they did not enter into the contract directly with you and I,

because my scope and content request is taken directly out of the Open Government Act.

And I'm sure that you were acting under instruction or direction from somebody,

Sorry, Bubba, he already touched me, offensive touching, while prominently displaying a deadly weapon at the direction of the district judge who is responding yet superior.

and it's conclusive orders and it's directed to the municipalities and everything,

and didn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate and that the failure of the arresting officers

Okay. I don't know enough about how Tennessee actually works. You have a grand jury in Tennessee. Do they have a procedure that allows you to go directly to a grand jury in Tennessee?

Now I know which direction to go and what other elements are going to be needed.

You could probably get a judgment directly against them.

Supervise simply means direct traffic.

instrument as an essential element of any regulatory offense is a direct failure to

Unrebuttable presumptions violate several prime directives of criminal prosecutions.

Where at least in Wise County you can get to a grand jury directly

So when we try to pursue this direction, we have all the law we need

So I can send the FOIA to Atlanta or I can send the FOIA directly to the supervisor and have him forward it on to FOIA

The guy who really didn't have anything directly to do with this

Good chance if you hammer the guys higher up accusing them of directing these people to do this

And every time I turned in that direction, this guy would move around in front of me

And if it's not established directly in the public record,

And that's because a mechanics lien is a direct claim based on time or materials,

When they arrested you, did they take you directly

By following the questionnaire, each answer leads directly to the next question and each

had language that was taken directly from the transportation code, sub-chapter H, and

They took the language directly from A. And my wife argued in court for a motion to dismiss

She did, the judge did give my wife information sheet on appeals, and the first direction

It says here in the directions of the appeal that-

dismissed and very good chance you'll get an order from the court directing them to

Then why are you not filing a directed verdict request?

It must do what the state has directed.

Therefore, each title, chapter, and section, i.e. everything within that code and its legal application, must have a direct relationship with the subject matter of transportation,

to go where no law or statute has gone before in direct violation of Article 2's separation of powers clause

But it tells them in the administrative code that that regulatory authority and the programs relating thereto is directly linked to their mission statement, which is to supervise traffic on rural highways and to supervise and regulate commercial and for hire traffic.

The problem with their interpretation is that is a direct violation of due process to deny an individual a probable cause determination on a warrantless arrest.

Today in history, in recent news, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI

Today in History, in recent news, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI

But it looks like you don't have one directly in Tennessee.

it says that it gives you cards where you can sue the judge directly.

They go directly to due course of law.

I don't do it directly.

This has really nothing directly to do with how much they harmed you.

You can sue them directly in the state.

Today in history, in recent news, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI

In recent use, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI warning sent to

lose direct conscious awareness of the deep structure.

The student listener would utilize direct questions to derive the more specific meanings

One of the most insidious tools a lawyer will use to misdirect you, unspecified versus you.

So this points directly at a federal lawsuit against the state of Texas and it has to be

Today in history, in recent news, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI

In recent use, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI warning sent to states in June and two successful intrusions into voter registration databases in Illinois and Arizona, told the House Committee during an FBI oversight hearing Wednesday today that,

So I didn't get any objection to me filing it directly with them.

But I'm going to suggest take it directly to the Court of Criminal Appeals.

Okay. Not appealing it, but taking that directly to the Court of Appeals and file it that way. All right.

Yeah. You're not appealing. You're filing it directly with the Court of Criminal Appeals.

In recent news, FBI Director James Comey, while being asked about the FBI warning sent to states

known as penicillin today in history in recent use FBI director James Comey

allegation without your identity being revealed either directly or indirectly

sir you are hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or copying all

the good part okay here's the second one you're hereby directed to provide my

on November 4th it is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

And if you will – if you want to get in contact with me directly, just leave a text message.

Instead of going directly for the throat, you know, this is not checkers, this is chess.

He's a real stinker, from what I understand. I've never been in front of him directly, but I have had him toss some of my pleadings.

So that gives you a direct claim against the judge.

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

Each one of those should go directly to an element of the cause of action.

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

Specifically says that the Department of Public Safety may not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement

Now you have to come to the court and ask the court for an order directing them to respond.

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

I bought it from TigerDirect.

Okay. So you got this from an online company, TigerDirect, and this service plan came with it.

Okay. And did you buy it separate from Tiger, or did you get it directly from whoever's supposed to be providing it?

I got it separate from TigerDirect.

That one I addressed directly to a state rep and some information she had been putting out.

We should be able to prosecute any public servant directly ourselves if we have the evidence to back up the allegation, because no one else is going to do it.

a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from

One, everything in this statute is a direct contradiction of United States Supreme Court

or B, another suffers serious bodily injury as a direct result of an attempt by the officer

in flight or three, a felony of the second degree if another suffers death as a direct

or, B, another suffers serious bodily injury as a direct result of an attempt by the officer

flight, or, three, a felony of the second degree if, A, another suffers death as a direct

while the actor is in flight, or, B, another suffers serious bodily injury as a direct

They haven't addressed that directly.

I ask for a directed verdict, Judge.

then you can also move as a secondary request to vacate any prior orders or directives

And you can raise the issue yourself directly as to whether or not it becomes an unconstitutional bill of pains and penalties

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy

on November 4. It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy

she went in a different direction and she says, well, I'm going to deny your motion

And the title of the article is, The Auschwitz Museum Director Reveals Gas Chamber Hoax.

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

No because if you are then I'm going to take that as direct civil contempt.

He wasn't the accused directly, the mayor was directly accused in the criminal complaint

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

but there's no direct action they can take against you for it.

The custodian of the record is the director of the department unless he has appointed

You file against the director of whoever the head of the office is of the department.

Their problem is any duty they're required to perform, any law that directs their behavior

It is set to take effect on November 4. It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from fossil fuels towards more greenhouse-friendly forms of energy.

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

they say and do directly violates the most fundamental due process rights of the individual

that they perceive as not directly affecting them at the moment.

they are walking your direction.

Now, if you try to comment directly to something that someone else has posted, that's going to depend on how they linked their comment into my blog.

Concerning our Director of Elections here in Texas

The Director of our Texas elections, his name is Keith Ingram, an attorney

He's the director of our elections

The managing partner, his direct boss at QTAC Law Firm in Little Rock

That's who our director of our elections are

I am very upset about the situation, about the director of our elections here in Texas

Having very direct political connections to one Hillary Clinton and the Rose law firm

Oh, he's not the Secretary of State. He's a director of elections that works in at the Secretary of State's office

As it turns out, there are some gray areas that allow the director of elections and the secretary of state's office

before he was whisked into the governor's office, direct tied to the Rose law firm

And under the general law, they must take you directly to the nearest magistrate by

the most direct route and officers only defense against a claim for failure to take before

warrant, he is required to take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate

by the most direct route.

you after they arrest you, if they violate law, they don't take you directly to the

If the jailer doesn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate, now he's on the hook.

you directly to that magistrate and file criminal complaints against the police officer, kidnapping

I didn't hire him and I didn't train him and I didn't direct him in his performance of his duty, Greg Abbott did that.

it's only a way of kind of keeping our focus and direction.

also a felony in Texas if you secret a government document from the person or office he's directed

And they directed me to the county attorney and I put in a request for it and then I went

the notice of appeal and asked the court of appeals to direct the municipal judge to forward

Did you serve them directly?

the person complained to the police was directed to a lieutenant in that division there.

And yeah, I would sue Greg Abbott directly.

So there's only indirect recovery.

So there shouldn't be any reason why if you were arrested that you wouldn't be taken directly to one.

I just knew that it gave direct directions on how to leave it, where to leave it near the office if they're not available.

anything over which they have direct authority.

So if you'll keep your complaints focused in that direction, then you'll start heading off into that direction.

The Constitution does not even apply to you, at least not directly.

And it says that they must take you directly to the nearest magistrate, that an officer can arrest without a warrant.

You take a complaint. A complaint is always directed to some magistrate.

Complaints aren't directed to police officers. So are the prosecutors.

They're always directed to magistrates. It's been that way since 1216 A.D.

Rule 60B6 is neither a direct nor a vicarious substitute for an appeal.

And that will get you directly to this article.

I ask them to do something by statute or by case law directly.

That's a presumption. How do we get directly to that position?

The Constitution does not apply to you at least not directly.

And as of today, I've not actually heard anything from the landlord directly.

Tort letter to the landlord directly or?

You go to the head director of the agency.

Find out who that is and send your complaint straight to the director.

And the director will get it, and now the director will hand it to the person below them

this was sent to the director.

So it's going to come to the person who should handle this by way of the director.

So it tells this person that the director is aware of what's going on here.

Let's find the director of the agency and write him this complaint letter.

If the letter to the director doesn't get done and if they continue to harass you,

So if they put the three-day notice on your door, you might wait until they do that so that you can include that three-day notice in your complaint to the director.

And ask the director to request of the landlord that he stay any action until the department can make a determination of the propriety of the amounts asked for.

If the director doesn't get a stay, then you can always go to a small claims court, and this doesn't take anything terribly sophisticated because this is small claims,

and just ask the court to direct the landlord to stay any execution of this threat until your administrative remedy is adjudicated.

Okay, I just did a search for Tennessee public offense, and I'm not getting any hit directly on public offense.

Didn't you also file against his director?

I added your statement that the revenue officer acted under ongoing policy under the direct

Did they take you directly to this magistrate or this judge?

they say and do directly violates the most fundamental due process rights of the individual

that they perceive as not directly affecting them at the moment.

they are walking your direction.

Now, if you try to comment directly to something that someone else has posted, that's going

the FBI director dropped the first investigation of Hillary, he's saying what are no good scoundrel

I was very direct.

so that I can keep this microphone right directly

Third, I will direct my secretary of the treasury to label China as a currency manipulator.

Fourth, I will direct the secretary of commerce and U.S. trade representatives to identify

all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every

We have in Texas Article 2.03, which directs a prosecuting attorney what to do when he's

This is saying they have the authority to, and then in other places it directs them as

the attorney general directs otherwise with respect to a specific class of information

Yeah, we could go directly to the attorney general.

of the taxpayer given directly to the secretary

or unless such person consents to direct communication

can you point me in a good direction as far as somehow maybe a do-it-yourself Quiet Title,

The collection of information does not display a valid control number assigned by the director

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy

It is essentially a global agreement for the redirecting of the world economy away from

In fact, it directly violates Article 5, Section 12B.

Well, that's absolutely and totally arbitrary. And we need some direction so that we can determine when we have put in enough facts in law, or is it the intent of Ashcroft Twombly that we completely adjudicate the case in the original pleading?

We don't have any direction here.

What you want him to do is misdirect the U.S. mail and open it himself.

The one I hope I can get is the director of the Department of Public Safety.

And the director tried to take that authority away from them.

of the director himself.

In order to facilitate this, the director of the Department of Public Safety established a protocol that required Texas Rangers

He could not even investigate a public official without the written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

and moved it to the Texas Rangers took away that power on the part of the director of the Department of Public Safety

He is required to forward that directly to reduce the complaint to an information and submit it to the grand jury.

But the director of the Department of Public Safety is asking his Rangers to encourage the prosecuting attorney

That sounds like conspiracy to commit to me, and that's what I charged the Ranger with and the director.

criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law

provide a direction to provide the last term and the direction. You want to

find, you want to see the protocols for providing direction for Department of

They could sue the property directly

And because of that, he stood back, stepped aside, and let me give these complaints directly

to provide me opportunity, and directed him to reconvene the grand jury pool, disband

investigate a public official without the written permission of the director of

permission away from the director of the DPS by filing this, passing this

legislation. But they directed the department to establish a protocol for

of justice. And I charged the director of the department of public safety with

making no inquiry that I could to find out about, sent it directly to the

while acting in concert and collusion with the director of the department of

hoping that this will pressure the director into changing those protocols

the Fifth Circuit directly, but I did with that Mesquite one. Yeah, okay. Well, if you

All right. Okay. I got you. Okay. So, so I would send that directly to the county court.

So they have a requirement to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

this quickly and I make my arguments as simple and direct as possible.

Okay. Let's see. It says under 50.05, motion for new trial not necessary after directed verdict. But this wasn't a directed verdict.

So you cannot presume that the information on the back relating to civil infractions is directly related to what you've been allegedly charged with.

even if they're acting under the direction of the city.

It seems they have changed the direction of the movie. Originally they wanted to get it out before the elections and it was going to have a lot of stuff dealing with the elections in it,

So what we have to look at now is what they've changed it to. Right now they have redirected the editing of the movie more toward the corruption and information on solutions mode of delivery.

And you can do that very directly by filing a notice of tort with the city that this occurred in

And you gave me some information. I've been looking into it and I'm working my way in that direction.

If you need to, give me an email with a phone number and I'll call you back and we'll talk directly.

And the one with financial responsibility is actually unconstitutional in the sense that it shifts the burden of proof to the back of the accused and it presumes guilt over innocence and it's written directly into the statute that way, that you are presumed guilty.

in a way that you cannot challenge it, and in a way where that penalty is never directly assessed by anyone other than that administrative agency.

So in addition, I'm doing a direct one to FOIA in Atlanta asking for the supervisor's

in all directions, and that's when I started to litigate.

I have a complaint against the director of the Department of Public Safety right now

I specifically accused him of following policy and I accused him and the director of the

So the idea is not to get them indicted, you know, it'd be nice if I did, the director,

A great ship, the direction of a great ship is controlled by a rudder.

but it has much importance and controls the direction of the ship.

that there actually is something, albeit indirectly, on the books that makes it a crime for a prosecutor

When I say indirectly, it goes to more of a general kind of an outline of official oppression

I am real uncomfortable with people winding up going to jail over this issue because it's really incredibly hard to fight directly because they got six months in jail hanging over you.

and finally ended up speaking to someone, I guess, the director of the NAACP.

So going to the meeting with the director of the NAACP

to give the public direct access to grand juries.

It doesn't use that kind of direct, strong language.

You're not going to directly frighten these people.

jury will give us a way to affect the system directly.

directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

Well, actually the contempt is a separate issue so it can get a direct appeal.

is a direct application of the Second Amendment.

I would suggest that one of your members take this issue directly to the grand jury himself

the local Texas ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety.

Trouble in the state courts, the initial thought was to go directly to the Fed

Move it down by your chin so it's not directly in front of your mouth. It'll probably work better.

Now you're coming after him directly.

And then to top all of that off, all three of these agents of the state have a direct

They get to keep all of that. The other 50% goes directly to the state. They are only authorized

has to allocate funds from its budget of whatever amount is directly proportional to the amount

But the most interesting part is because what I really, because it's a whole bunch of stuff we could talk about, but what I want to focus on is that I got in touch with the NAACP director, the NAACP director,

If it is not, it is a direct violation of Article 3, Section 35 of the Texas Constitution

that directly violates the delegation of a constitutional power and gives it to someone

of first degree felony aggravated assault against my district judge and criminal conspiracy against the Texas Ranger and the Director of the Department of Public Safety.

Racial profiling, the NAACP director is pushing me to push the racial profiling.

This is the director.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a caller from New York that I generally don't take people on directly, but I did call him a bigot.

I seldom take people on directly because it seems like every time I do, it turns out I'm wrong or I could well be wrong.

Sorry, Bubba, that bell's already been rung when that bailiff put his hand on me at the direction of the judge.

But the director established a set of policies that required the Texas Ranger to seek permission from the prosecuting attorney before investigating a public official.

So I considered that an act of criminal conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and filed that against the ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety.

However, the prosecutor did not tell me or did not have his clerk tell me that the judge, director and Texas Ranger were no-billed.

and direct cross-examination of any witness, the fact that the witness officer grant has been put on the Brady List by Denton County as a result of facts not relevant to this offense.

They said, can't you go directly to us, you have to file a police report.

I'll respond back with what you need in order to give you some direction on what you can

That should get a direct criminal complaint.

I would also suggest colloidal gold and silver. And Gary, right now people can't go directly online and order from you, so they need to call you.

And you'd have to have a code to get in there. And so, right at this moment, it's not possible to just go online and order directly.

I use most of my oils direct, but there are some things that are too expensive to do that way.

They weren't directly from Goldman, so they probably left and they weren't exactly pleased.

I think they'll follow his directions or they'll get fired.

And it looks like now they're doing it through plastics and vaccines and, you know, who knows how many directions there.

Now that means you have to be arrested and when you're arrested under 1406, you are required to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate for an examining trial where you have opportunity to post exculpatory evidence with the court.

to give the public direct access to grand juries.

It doesn't use that kind of direct strong language.

You're not going to directly frighten these people.

The grand jury will give us a way to affect the system directly.

The crux of 14.03 is when they arrest without a warrant, they must take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

and the activity associated with that presumption is a direct violation of due process

And my take on this, the direction I took with this challenge of subject matter jurisdiction was, is that I didn't challenge whether or not the citation

This reference points in that direction, but it's not clear enough.

The court may set any criminal case for pretrial hearing before it is set for trial upon its merits and direct the defendant and his attorney, if any of record,

Although I am one of the elderly, I haven't researched elder abuse directly.

We are not willing to put ourselves directly in the middle of and prove it can be done

of false statements, misdirection, he misstated case law, but the judge himself never said

But if the prosecutor told them, he would be acting in accordance with his duty under the legislature. The legislature actually directs the prosecutor to provide legal advice to the police, lower courts, and grand jury.

So this is going to be done like, yeah, from my perspective, that's not as much fun directly

they must bring you directly before a magistrate for an examining trial or under 543.00336.

Okay, 2019, I was trying to bring this up so I could read it directly.

It's not always intuitive or direct in how we can best influence the system.

But when you come to them with claims and allegations founded directly on the very statutes that they claim to be enforcing, now they've got a problem.

It is the duty of the member of the Tennessee Highway Patrol under the direction

He looked in my direction to see if there was anybody on his side of the road.

and shall direct the police work of the city.

and kindly just point me in the right directions with the information I provided you on how

company gets the information? You won't know directly, but I also have a little treatment

That's if you want to go that direction. That's why I did both of them.

or are you talking about filing a suit against him directly in a court that he controls?

As a directly responsible party for these officers, he is liable for their actions.

Does it have any penal code statutes that go directly against public servants

But the legislation doesn't create the court. It delegates that power to the municipality in direct violation of Article 3,

It was enacted in direct violation of the Texas Constitution.

And the only agency given direct authority to do it in any of the chapters of that code are Department of Public Safety officers.

You're responsive. You're doing your job. You're listening to us. You're moving your hand towards our direction.

Yeah, no assistant. He called me back directly, you know what I'm saying? I can hear his voice.

And if the judge of the commissioner's court of the county called you directly,

And he had been sending her money directly instead of through the attorney general.

in charge. So say it directly to him my family. Oh the when I call the FBI they wouldn't tell me

we need something that points directly at the US Attorney. I'm sorry, the Attorney General,

opening mail directed to somebody else. So I'm going to assume that he's intercepted the mail.

branch of government. For the U.S. Attorney to intercept mail directed to a grand jury,

that you can use to keep you focused in the right direction. That is what this e-book

cases where you get what is intended to be a comprehensive book, but you also got direct

that and just directly appeal yourself, but I didn't appeal that. So I asked you, and you're the

And now what the fifth will do is give you direction and say, no,

28 U.S. Code 535 directs any federal employee, if they have knowledge that employees violated a law,

This is Randy Kelton, the director of our radio.

released that had directly to do with the prosecution.

but you don't have direct access to it. You need a way to mine back down to the original

Texas Ranger, and director of the Department of Public Safety all indicted over this issue.

the elements alleged. So right here what they're doing is this. They are acting in direct violation

Because once you purchase the seminar, any direct changes to the existing seminar as you have it is for life, as long as I'm doing it anyway.

I would send it to the director of the Department of Public Safety and make sure that I put in there,

Okay. And the administrative, where is that administrative process to require the sheriff that has to request that fourth direction?

Procedure in direct violation of the Texas Constitution Article 5, Section 12B and Section

would be a direct violation of the individual's timeframe in order to file their written pleadings

why was their hearings being conducted in the first place in direct violation of their

It's because when you're arrested, you must be taken directly

Well, yeah, because they definitely didn't take him directly to a magistrate.

And what they did is take him directly to some...

Since he's responded yet superior for the Attorney General and all these U.S. Attorneys, they work directly. They don't work for the Attorney General.

They work directly for the president. So if one of them violates FOIA, violation of FOIA is criminal, the president would be responded yet superior.

that can take you directly to the issues that are relative to your situation

You see how the way you phrase a question directly impacts your ability to use it?

That's a direct threat.

The court may set any criminal case for a pretrial hearing before it is set for trial on its merits and direct the defendant and his attorney, if any of record,

I called him up directly and I said, I understand you have questions about me.

Why don't you call my number here and ask me the questions directly?

And it goes on and on. I was amazed at what I read. We've heard, for so long, we've heard dire predictions based on the United Nations and the United Nations putting in internment camps and preparing to overthrow the United States.

and then charge companies to access the data to market to them directly.

He's trying to switch the tracks to get you in another direction.

Doctors Without Borders Director General Arjan Heckenkamp said that the EU's plan shows

the Middle East, White House Press Secretary and Communications Director Sean Spicer at

is acting in the place of the prosecutor to directly address the merits of your arguments

He does not have the authority to take you and put you directly in the jail.

Did you take me directly to a jail and have me incarcerated on such-and-such day?

Doctors Without Borders Director General Arjan Heckenkamp said that the EU's plan shows that

Because the judge cannot possibly be acting fairly and impartially when he is being directed in every step by the other party.

And if I send that directly to Willis, to the police department there?

White House Press Secretary and Communications Director Sean Spicer at Thursday's press

Their opinions that fly directly in the face of the clear language and individual rights

The only curbing of your rights goes directly to that first instance, harm to another.

other person's language, and you have no direct method by which you may communicate.

The judicial system and government in general has no direct reason or ability to communicate

Well, wait a minute, if you're the plaintiff, you don't do cross, you do direct.

In direct examination, you cannot ask leading questions.

Now, the only time that you can ask a leading question on direct examination is if it is

The unauthorized practice of law under the penal code is specifically directed at personal

It's another thing if you're going directly at an individual.

If I don't like the judge, after the trial, can I go directly to the clerk's office and

to collect directly from whoever you got the ruling against and they have failed to comply,

Anat Ben-Noon, the director of external relations for peace now, addressing the private land

Anat Ben-Noon, the director of External Relations for Peace Now, addressing the private land

them up, then secrets them from the persons that they were directed to.

If you are on a wireless headset, take it off. Talk to me direct, talk to me clear, and let's have a discussion that I'm not having to constantly go, what? What?

But can I take a statement from them of the bizarre charges that are being directed towards them? And can I read that to the jury?

This is not directed at any one of you that isn't doing this.

So just so you know, this is going to be a very intense rewrite and a very focused and directed rewrite when it's done.

on their opinion for transportation, the terms of art goes directly to their knowing and willful denial of what a term of art even is and how that term of art must be interpreted.

Now, it is not directly related to the actions and activities of the general public acting in their private common law capacities and activities.

Now, these next couple of paragraphs or more are directed specifically at the patronet listeners that,

commission directing people to do something that's in violation of law. That's right, Randy.

against the Texas ranger and the director of the department of public safety because they set up a

but we get them educated and redirected. I kind of think of my public officials the way I do my

simple directions. Now, usually what I find is that at the beginning, women tend to be better

from people who have figured it out, it just takes a little bit of direction as to what to do next.

companies to access the data to market to them directly. Now, I'm all for making privacy vultures

attorney general takes no direction at all from the governor that he's like a completely separate

department of water resources acting director bill croyley denies being familiar with this 12 year

California Department of Water Resources Acting Director Bill Croyley denies being familiar with this 12-year concern.

redirect yeah you can often you can ask for permission to if okay if the prosecutor brings

him on and they testify then you know if the prosecutor redirects or if you anticipate that

California Department of Water Resources Acting Director Bill Croyley denies being familiar with this 12-year concern.

But okay, you're going in the right direction so far.

California Department of Water Resources Acting Director Bill Croyley denies being familiar

of very directly supporting your position,

...a direct line?

and that could have caused you somehow to have these notices misdirected, but asked for a new trial.

else just committed a crime, that employee is required to report the crime directly to

And we file that directly with the attorney general in D.C. and ask that he be removed

But if you filed a federal suit directly,

When I originally started all this, I believe it was y'all's direction anyway, you know,

You've got to order it directly online,

unless you're actually here in Austin where you can get it directly from me personally.

You're traveling down a three or four lane highway in whatever compass direction you

really say that she was directly at fault.

directly at fault through some action that she herself took by choice, then you don't

The other way to do it is to do historical research on the acts directly, okay?

Joel Brenner, former head of the U.S. Counterintelligence at the Office and Director of National Intelligence,

Jill Brenner, former head of the U.S. Counterintelligence at the Office and Director of National Intelligence,

County either directly or indirectly trained, controlled, maintained, policy-employed, supervised, compensated, enriched,

A 1983 suit is intended to be directed at individual human beings for their personal bad behavior.

and 1983 is directed at individuals and not at legal entities, then they may want to strike it.

So all your communications are directed to the court, not to opposing counsel. If you have something to say to opposing counsel, you ask the judge to tell opposing counsel, but you never address counsel directly.

Now, through discovery, you can talk to opposing counsel directly.

And so I was told that they've got a lot of different directions that they could go on this.

There's a lot of different directions that they could go.

into. And since it deals with real estate, I thought you would be a good fox, director

Yes, it would be inappropriate. Your remedy is to sue for malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, whatever the claims you would have would be. You would have to litigate those directly.

So, look at Florida law. We have specific statutes in Texas that say if a person is arrested without a warrant, they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate for probable cause determination.

UNICEF regional director from the Middle East and North Africa, Jared Capillari,

that would allow any car manufacturer to sell direct to customers in the Lone Star State.

The bill will allow manufacturers of vehicles any weight, class, size, or shape to sell direct to customers.

This is all about the consumer, and it's the direct sales model Texans have been asking for.

UNICEF regional director from the Middle East and North Africa, Jared Capillari, in a news

because the information in there is taken directly from every legal training

I have a motion in the seminar material that's directed specifically at that.

I remember we were talking about the directed verdict a couple of weeks ago.

and thus the charge is against you and didn't prove it, then you have the right to move the court for a directed verdict in favor of the defense.

And therefore, I am entitled to a directed verdict.

But you file a written objection to the court's refusal to grant the directed verdict based upon the evidence.

any car manufacturer to sell direct to customers in the Lone Star State.

will allow manufacturers of vehicles any weight, class, size, or shape to sell direct to customers.

This is all about the consumer, and it's the direct sales model.

take away some of the direct role-playing interaction that we try to do from time to

the cost of the seminar is the constitutional challenge motion because that motion is directed

transfer that information directly to you Lord knows I wish there was somebody I could

federal unless you can first prove the state law is directly under the authority of the

state law is directly based upon a federal law on the same subject matter you cannot

Friday night those people I work with directly those people I when I started anyway spent

can use it as always for all of you that have donated directly to me to support me and keep

Sure. Well, let me take you in a different direction now.

If a policeman arrests you and takes you directly to jail,

that actually direct them in their behavior.

And what happens if somebody secrets a public document from the person or office it's directed to?

indirect answer that, well, sometimes the attorneys have good reasons

Most all of the states have directed the prosecutors

My point, this training almost certainly is under the direction of the prosecuting attorney.

that are in violation of law, that gets you directly to the state.

It kind of gave me an opportunity to go in a direction that I hadn't went in before.

they must be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

They cannot be taken directly to jail.

They must be taken directly to the nearest magistrate or they can be released on their own recognizance

Well, had the officer took her directly to the nearest magistrate, the magistrate would have done that right away.

He's not going to say anything to you because he's not your direct supervisor.

And I handed them directly to him.

Okay, this is an area that goes to the discretion of the court, so it's hard to go directly

they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate for probable cause determination.

If he's got a direct order from a court to hold that individual,

and go from there if you want to directly donate to us or to the network.

They don't need directors from anybody to do it

The limitations in the Constitution are specifically directed at government

Direct the defendant and his attorney, if any of record,

So what exactly, I mean, it goes off into so many different directions.

and I get this call from an input person. He essentially directly asked me,

So, this puts everybody in a spot. This doesn't go directly to public officials. It's close.

you don't have to witness it directly. You can hear about it on a new story.

either have a bailiff or a police officer or somebody threaten you directly or you're going

and gave the attorney general direct concurrent jurisdiction, didn't say anything about permission

with a prosecuting attorney. See, part of the problem there is nothing in law directs a criminal

he had to file that with some magistrate. Everything in law directs a criminal complaint

to take a criminal complaint, but nothing directs it to him. And the provision that

Everything in law directs complaints to some magistrate when a peace officer

Nothing directs a complaint to a prosecutor. And for the attorney general to say you have to

So I would run that argument about him, by him. Ask him where in law is a complaint directed to

a prosecuting attorney. Tell him you can't find it. Everything directs him to a magistrate.

You are not directed to give notice to the Attorney General. A government official is

directed to give notice to the Attorney General. So, you send the complaint to the Special Agent

I don't have near enough information to make sense of this to the point that I could offer any direction.

then file a criminal complaint against the director of the DPS.

And then I'm going to file against the director of the DPS?

So I'm not directly arguing the right to travel.

The 28 U.S. Code 535 directs a public official when he has knowledge that a public official has committed a crime.

I looked all through the code and I don't see anything that directs a complaint to the prosecuting attorney.

I see something that directs complaints against public officials to the grand jury.

I don't see anything directed under the prosecuting attorney.

So what you have to do is go to the Logos radio network website to the listen link, go to the listen page and click on the link directly or one of the other links and refresh it in your browser so that it comes up correctly.

unconstitutional as they're done and as they're written either because they directly conflict

with the mandates of the Constitution or they directly conflict with the ideals and principles

of their own volition or are they doing this as a directive of some higher authority within

there are groups of people that are directly responsible for getting us here.

No, it is working. You're going to have to go directly.

Go to the list of the link at the top. Then go to the URL directly on that page, which should refresh the link for you,

But now, you want to follow, can you, I mean, right, obviously, you want to stick with your particular, so whichever direction that takes you, whether it was aired or purchased, you still follow that line.

directly to the nearest magistrate and in 2.11, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure says

The code requires them to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

you directly to the nearest magistrate.

i'm not really asking him i am directing him

direct threats but um you know tangential threat passing in front of my house shining light on

direct the court reporter to be in court. The court reporter said, she never told me.

The trial court's protonatory is directed to transmit the certified records within 30

So, when they go past those deadlines, what I did in my case that got them off the dime in a millisecond was to follow notice directly with the United States Attorney's Office in my district that I was being deprived of my due process right and access to the courts for the purpose of appeal by the appellate court itself.

That's why you have to go directly to the website to do that.

they were directly asked, you've been listening to that ex-deputy in Texas, haven't you?

whether it be Doc or PDF or anything of that nature, I can actually display the document directly on the web page.

So you can also download the documents directly from that as well.

Now, that is a direct alteration of the purpose of that statute because you are now using it to encompass a more general class than what the commercial class specifically allows.

There are only two ways delegated powers can operate in compliance with individual rights or in direct violation of individual rights.

Over the weekend, the U.S. redirected a naval strike group to the western Pacific Ocean

Over the weekend, the U.S. redirected a naval strike group to the western Pacific Ocean

Because for the most part, they're doing what they're trained and directed to do, going

after the trainers and the directors or the lack of trainers and directors.

Over the weekend, the U.S. redirected a naval strike group to the western Pacific Ocean

Over the weekend, the US redirected a naval strike group to the western Pacific Ocean

we're developing, the one thing that it really gives you is a direct shot at the judge himself.

Over the weekend, the U.S. redirected a naval strike group to the western Pacific Ocean

It says they have to do these things. But is there a direct remedy for them not doing these things or do you have to show harm?

And this access direction to the reader while he's going through the document, he always

Okay. This goes to retaliation. This goes directly to retaliation.

Because I don't think our grand juries are just directed by the DA.

A lot of the remedies are indirect in that if you don't understand how it really works

person without a warrant, you must take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

Heath v. Boyd says you must take him directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct

So I went back to ask the Supreme Court to direct the Court of Appeals to rule on the appeal that was before them, not on some appeal they just made up.

So you're in the same position, this is a, but you're not in the Fed Court yet and by calling this a procedural due process violation that directly opens the door to the Fed.

So the next day I go down there, go down to the grand jury room, give my complaints to the bailiffs and direct him to give him to the grand jury.

That this thing the judge is directed by statute to do has the effect of protecting your right to be free from wrongful imprisonment.

Now you can go directly for that, a judge's professional throat.

Your primary claim is that these judges in every case are acting in direct violation

And ask that directly.

document from the person it was directed to that's tampering with the

person or office it's directed to that's generally a felony so secret as in se

cr et uh-huh secret yeah see when you send that in you've directed that to the

I'm looking at this and saying, this makes it the responsibility, the direct responsibility

of police, directed them to do.

procedures. If they arrested you, they take you directly to the nearest

jailor who didn't. Did they take you directly to jail? No, it writes a criminal

complaint against the police officer for not taking you directly to the nearest

direction. I called him one time, you, you, stop, wait. He just like, I wasn't even

responsibilities and come together for the different directions, can a nuclear issue

Xi stated when referring to the Korean Peninsula, quote, only if all sides live up to their responsibilities and come together for the different directions, can the nuclear issue on the peninsula be resolved as quickly as possible.

that doesn't exist directly violates the state constitution.

Yeah, but the judge has now been giving them directives that violate individual rights under color of law by telling them to deny people their right to a habeas corpus petition and their right to access to the courts.

The municipality that directly violates both the language of article 5 section 1

He's directly in charge of, and this thing is just about put together.

One of the main things I'm concerned about is I put up some directions on how to use a graphical map that I have there.

I can go sit in his courtroom and he will never look directly at me.

And I am making criminal accusations to the bailiff at the direction of the high sheriff of the county.

But it's saying it basically, it's like the letter is basically saying it's from him, but it's a rubber stamp. And I never dealt with him directly.

And since all I have is a microphone in front of me and I can't see who I'm talking to, I can't get direct feedback.

If this is a major company that sells directly to the public, they're going to be real concerned about their public image.

It's a rights violation. They've already got the liberty violation and the public proceeding violation are two separate things, but they're not directly related.

They have nothing to do with the criminal case against the individual. They have to do with the failure of this public servant to comply with the law that directs them in their duty.

So when it says the rights of the people shall be unlimited and absolute with these exceptions being they cannot exercise those rights in a way that directly harms the equal rights of another person or their property

So that's a poor choice of words. What they are really saying but can't say directly is, I have no authority to decide an issue that raises a constitutional concern.

Directly raise an issue about what the police are doing to somebody else

They have a direct order to do something

Even without direct standing

that's the main directive of that. If you, if that's not in there,

and what the statute does is direct our public officials on how to act when you bring this

laws except on the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement, the traffic

I've got a challenge to subject matter jurisdiction that comes directly on the heels of these

right so that's why i was kind of excited with all the and and she directed me to

You don't actually accuse them, you just point in that direction and let your reader come to that conclusion.

And then you sort your facts out that point in that direction.

Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Rule of Law Radio on this May the 5th, 2017, and we really need to push this fundraiser because we had some technical difficulty coming in, and the technical difficulty is directly related to a computer system

the Constitution itself gives it to him directly. Okay. So back into my Constitution again and

that I move for a directed verdict or dismissal of the case for prejudice.

the actual database date is different than the actual field date that they could input directly

Reporters asked Trump about the firing of FBI Director James Comey,

director, where the right of way was on your road. And I said, really? I said, okay. And I,

for herself directly on the dime. Excuse me, excuse me, I think above two of my notes.

Reporters asked Trump about the firing of FBI Director James Comey, to which he responded briefly that Comey was simply not doing a good job.

That will be something separate and apart from the allegations themselves against her, so one will not directly affect the other, I'm afraid.

Well, that's just it. Most of them don't either. And since they can vary from department to department and city to city, it's hard to say what you're looking at is one thing or the other without looking at it directly.

Reporters asked Trump about the firing of FBI Director James Comey, to which he responded

In Texas, the Department of Public Safety is the only body of law enforcement that is authorized directly to enforce the Transportation Code.

The only ones that we have that you could directly question right up front is Houston because it's got a port in a relative distance to it.

63 and that information comes directly from the Department of Public Safety.

A directed mission that the officer is not certified by the Department of Public Safety to do any enforcement of the Transportation Code whatsoever.

What I'm currently trying to do as Workload Permits is to set up an online training location for this where I can do video training classes and direct address and everything on video over the internet with people anywhere.

And they'll even directly let you download it and everything from the website when you purchase a copy. Keep it local to yourself, you know, things like that.

if that enough pressure and squirt it directly out of a rain barrel onto your grass and never use the public water supply.

Now, I want to read you something directly out of the statutes the TCEQ uses in order to do what they do.

In this, they send out this report, which is called the Executive Director's Primary Report and Petition.

Further, responded demands that the investigator, who is allegedly either directly employed by or is providing contract investigative services to the TCEQ, a state administrative agency or board,

In other words, what the TCEQ is doing is allowing someone in their employee or by contract directly violate state law for the administrative business purposes of the TCEQ,

And, or at least the article does, but the document itself goes directly at a state administrative agency and rebuts their allegations using their own statutes to prove that the allegation was false the moment it began.

whom Fox identified as the director of WikiLeaks.

Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except on the request of and under the direction

as the director of WikiLeaks.

commissioners court directly now if you sue the prosecutor for giving legal advice or

director of WikiLeaks. Private Chelsea Manning, formerly Bradley Manning, tweeted a photo over

directed to, well that's a state jail felon in the state of Texas, 37.10 Texas penal code.

as the director of WikiLeaks.

The system never forgets to ask a question that points in that direction.

file against the Texas Ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety. And that's

Rod Wheeler did state that he was misquoted when interviewed by CNN on Tuesday, while Fox News on the same day put an anonymous federal investigator who said that the FBI investigation found that Rich had been in contact with Gavin McFadden, whom Fox identified as the director of WikiLeaks.

He didn't have any idea that what he's doing goes directly to the first-degree felony aggravated assault. I tell this to officers and they look like deer in the headlights.

and you don't have a board of directors,

as the director of WikiLeaks.

And the only responses that we've gotten back so far are, we have no records responsive to your request as we do not enforce the direct transportation code.

You can come to those from a multitude of different directions, but once you get to that element, the parameters of that element are always the same.

But there's so many different directions I could get to that element from that it made when I put the whole map together, it looked monstrous.

It's nice to have two or three different people doing the same thing because they come at it from different directions and somebody else will address issues that we didn't think about addressing.

you know in because if you have an address I could send it to you. I got it directly

to push him directly. So we want to figure out how to ask this appointed judge for financial

person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate. What part of that is hard to understand has

arrests you, has to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain

have any problem with a policeman taking someone directly to the nearest

And if the police officer tells you that they're following directions or they're following

I don't think you'll be able to get insurance directly on the motorcycle if you can't produce

When they arrested you, did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

the street. I know that he could set up and set up more. Keep shutting up. Yeah. He took me directly

after losing all that weight or indirect insults. Instead just say, you look terrific. What's your

it. And then go directly to the county. Hold on. Stop. Back up. If you're going to

And you give them notice and or in a directive to remove the filing and they don't act within

I think that this happens a lot. People, troopers and police and deputies are taking people directly to jail instead of to a magistrate.

That group is called Dire Straits and right now that is situational awareness title for America these days. We are in Dire Straits.

Neither could the state because it goes directly against the Bill of Rights, both federal and state, doesn't it?

maximum of something similar is never the same comes directly to mind. Now those are the primary

How does his oath of office as a peace officer have anything to directly do with the enforcement of those statutes?

or the soliciting of clients directly or indirectly to provide such services.

or perspective before any court commission or referee or anybody board committee commission constituted by law or having authority to settle controversies or soliciting of, or the soliciting of clients directly or indirectly to provide such services.

This goes directly to your accusation that they are holding him for the purpose of preventing him from filing an appeal.

When a policeman has to take someone here directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself, a lot of this ignorant nonsense will go away.

an order, directive or process of a purported court or purported judicial entity,

And the lawsuit is directed towards the husband, but they named my home address in it, and then the father was sentenced again to block me from selling it.

and if they're directly in violation of 28.01, they already have criminal charges, I was thinking about going there Monday and turning in a bunch of paperwork,

Okay. Okay. And that's not quite as close. So it doesn't point so directly at a quota.

Very unlikely the judge would put the property in his own name because that would point directly at him.

You'll get hits directly on 1491,

And the guy sued him for not taking him directly to the magistrate and won.

It demonstrates he still had to take him directly to the nearest magistrate. Couldn't take him 26 miles away to his office.

Couldn't take him to jail, had to go directly to the magistrate. So it's a good case. It is still a good law.

Once I struggled through the PHP and got it all working, then I started that I put in a redirect on it so that when you fill out the

information on the ticket and hit submit, it redirects you to a backside page where it begins to explain all the things that are going to happen.

will now I've got it redirected to some back pages. And let me know how reading

then the person that assists him cannot be held liable for following the cop's directive.

And anyone who follows that directive is guilty of criminal conduct in conspiracy with the

upon the directive of the police officer.

was taking his directives under color of law

directly infers that there's also a non-commercial.

File a complaint directly against these,

especially when the information goes directly to the officer's authority to enforce the law he was enforcing.

Notice it's got two categories, the direction of traffic on rural highways, okay?

And then they've got a second mission, which is the direction or management and regulation of commercial and for hire traffic.

That's why they weren't given any direct enforcement authority.

We still got issues here in Texas where they are relying upon case law from 1958 and the case law itself directly violates the statute as it's written today.

so you can upload that for anybody that has submitted directly to jail. This goes straight

laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

direction. That goes into district attorney's office. But the one right in front of you,

or other documents purporting to memorialize or evidence and act or other order a directive

of time, presumably weeks, this said today by Dr. Jack Saba, trauma director at MedStar

This said today by Dr. Jack Sama, trauma director at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

Yes, a director of, you want me to tell you what agency, or?

gives you direct access to the Fed, so you don't have to go to the Fed and show that

of time, presumably weeks, and is said today by Dr. Jack Sava, trauma director at MedStar

by dr jack saba trauma director at med star washington hospital center today the fbi also

so that means you want to you want to test him right yes and we got a direct access to the grand

and this is a direct violation and and i and she spoke to me and she said that i'd have to take

Now if you're arrested for an on-site offense, the officer is commanded to take you directly

14.06 requires you to be taken directly to a magistrate, 15.17 requires you to be taken

directly to a magistrate.

did the judge hold a hearing, were you directed to a prosecuting attorney, all of those things

And I didn't get into this directly, but around 2010, up here in Tennessee, while I was visiting at that time,

Well, you didn't go directly at her, it's even worse, because now she's not dealing

I thought about a directed verdict, he asked for a directed verdict, he said that's only

Yeah, so if it doesn't look like I can use directive verdict, I'm not real hip on dismiss

a directed verdict because directed verdicts are for juries, as I understand, and it's

A directed verdict is where the prosecution puts on their case and they have approved up

You don't have to do anything, you just move the court for directed verdict.

Yeah, the prosecution would have to have rested before you can ask for a directed verdict,

You could ask for a directed verdict of summary dismissal, and summary dismissal is a directed

issue on a Chapter 7 when she claimed the property is unsecured, took direction really

want to get you to give them information they can't ask for directly.

Well, the other thing they're doing is they're prosecuting directly off the citation.

specifically directed at a public servant.

it'll be because it hit the transformer down the street and not the house directly.

Since you have no direct injury in this, neither property nor person,

Well, to tell you the truth, the officer that I am suing, he was directed from a different officer that I would like to...

I figured my next one, I'll take it out on the real dude that the guy that directed him to arrest.

And we wrote the challenge to subject matter jurisdiction as a clear and direct threat that we intend to file a 42 U.S. Code 1983 suit or perhaps a RICO suit.

So you're moving in the right direction.

Never email your bank account number, your user ID or passwords. legitimate companies won't ask you to. And it's best to enter a website address directly rather than clicking on an email link to check an account or make a purchase.

of the court. He's responsible for cleaning and direction. So whatever they do, they do

off your seminar and stuff like that but I it's maybe to give you some kind of direction of where

that i had a uh stoplight out were they operating where they were only supposed to be directed the

or legislative branch of state government and that is directed by one or more elected or appointed

directed at Byron Lyons the chief deputy of the Polk County Sheriff's Office. Someone emailed this

that crime directly violates the standards and principles of the bill of rights both in the

Because you have big people, high places, lots of money. These people are absolutely worthless. If we go at them directly, we create for ourselves a target on our backs.

When you make illusions instead of direct accusations, your listener will come up with the worst possible scenario.

We know he works at the pleasure of the municipality, but how can we ask questions in that point at a direct conflict of interest?

And start learning how to take these courts on directly with the very rules and procedures that they try to use against us.

Anyway, we're speaking directly to Mr. Magnussen and the hearsay issue. The situation is the attorney's emails to the attorney's client I am in possession of because I bought the client's machine off of the bankruptcy court.

And I have this data and my ability to directly quote it as salvage.

But the issue that Randy and I have been utilizing is we don't file the complaints necessary with the officials. We file them with the grand jury directly.

The main thing you want to look at is direct access to a grand jury. I am sorry we are out of time.

board of directors, show me their annual report, and nobody ever has.

I mean, if anybody out there can find the actual filings in Delaware of a state entity in Texas and can find who the corporate directors were originally, how much stock was issued, where their annual report is.

She gave me some hints on how to correct it, but not, I mean, nothing direct. She referred me to some cases. But she also made comments like the plaintiff didn't allege he was obeying the speed limit.

Okay. And the other thing they directed me towards is I have to show that the officer did not have probable cause to stop me.

If that use is not directed at the harm or detriment of others or property, that's an unlawful governmental taking, is it not?

was listening to board patrol direct the cops or the sheriff's deputies and DPS on what cops for over a week period to stop,

And then you will see that the bench book tells them to do things that are in direct violation of the code of criminal procedure.

But the fact of the matter is she began direct criticisms of me personally

Which means the policy itself is actually a criminal directive ordering the perpetration and collective protection of a criminal act

When your previous comment was a citizen has the option to engage with a dirtbag or not cops don't and mine is direct is a direct proof and refutation of that terribly misinformed and incorrect statement because that's exactly what all the court cases say.

In addition, the court's $60 filing fee was not paid by order dated May 26, 2017, the court directed petitioner to file a proper amended petition and pay the court's filing fee.

And the enacting clauses in the Texas Ministry of Code says that the Department of Public Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the direction of and under the, at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate?

I was supposed to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate and you educate them in

You come at the issues from different directions but almost all of it goes to three or four

The director of this department, how did the director get put in that position?

warning Bushwack is so much better, you direct them to do what the law commands them to do

you directly what they're afraid of is the political cannon fodder you will create that

So we've got the surety bond, and I got a letter from that department, the director

grand jury foreman here in Albuquerque against the director who works for the secretary.

when the mail is directed to a public official other than himself.

director of the department just with a copy of it saying, here's a copy of my complaint.

There wasn't one when I asked for it from the director, but now that I asked for one

That was the director who told me that they were raising mine to 20%, and they raised

If there wasn't one, like the director said, and now there is one, someone pampered with

Code, wherein the officer is directed in the following way.

When you read it, you can see that the directives of section 543.003 are not absolute and binding

or take them directly to jail simply because they do not wish or refuse to sign the citation.

actions or discretion when it comes time to sign the citation as they are merely directory

Now just so you understand what directory means in relation to a statute, it means that

In fuller terms, this means that the provisions of a directory statute are a matter of form

The strict fulfillment of a directory statute is not necessary to the validity of a proceeding

is declared in a directory statute to be optional and having no provision making it enforceable.

The word commerce is not your friend here unless you have already managed to directly

Those programs are directly related to the DPS mission statement, which is the supervision

Is not directly involved in what you're doing

And I don't want to have any direct

But when it comes to me, they go the opposite direction now

Is file one in the circuit court, let them deny it, and then you go directly to the federal

And I never talked directly to the lawyer, but it turned out there was a lawyer there

license, and that appears to me to be a direct constitutional, federal constitutional violation.

And no, if you're arrested in county, 15.17 doesn't apply. They'll take you directly to the nearest magistrate unless one's not available.

And the fact that they arrested her at midnight, they don't have to take her directly to a magistrate.

the mic down by your chin so you're not talking directly into it?

or direct exclusion, which is precisely the case

Imagine if you will giving a police officer with a severe attitude problem like most of them have the absolute power to decide for themselves with no direction of any kind as to whether or not to endanger the public by initiating a high speed pursuit

If the clear language of the statute cannot be reconciled in the way they're attempting to interpret it, then the statute has to be declared unconstitutional as being vague and ambiguous because it does not directly support the interpretation the court is attempting to make.

into the file name so that you can always look at the file directly and then at the

So all my cases, you know, they go directly to the procedural questions that you're going to be asking.

He says nothing about restraint at all, and since he went directly to probable cause,

The code says that when a police officer arrests you with or without a warrant, he is to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is to hold an examining trial.

My information requests, they say you are here by directed to provide for my inspection and are copying all of the following.

he told me I could go and appeal it to the administrative director.

Well, I already had the same ruling from the administrative director.

So you could direct to her what she would need to go get at the county recorder's office or how to get it.

laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

or directly involved with the person in question going off, taking the keys to the business,

Either directly or implied.

He covers every base two or three times from different directions.

Well, district attorney when there's a complaint against a public official can't do anything with it has to give it directly to the grand jury.

I've done that before I filed first degree felony aggravated assault against my local district judge and filed against the Ranger and the director of public safety for shielding the judge from prosecution.

Well, it's good to get the direction from you.

It's really hard to get somebody to take that system on directly.

director of the FBI, stated that, quote,

The statement most likely directed towards 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Mommy, Ohio,

and Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, stated that, quote, to anyone who acted criminally

The statement most likely directed towards 20-year-old James Alex Fields, Jr., of Mommy, Ohio,

or facing a direction that it can't see who you're talking to.

going to be directed specifically at the court

and Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, stated that, quote, to anyone who acted criminally

The statement most likely directed towards 20-year-old James Alex Fields, Jr., of Mommy

and Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, stated that, quote, to anyone who acted criminally

required Supreme Court rules direct that you will be notified of the status of

The statement most likely directed towards 20-year-old James Alex Fields, Jr., of Mommy,

on the radio okay that's one that doesn't really give you a direct cause of

directly after his bond okay the bond is an insurance company you go after the

And then we look in the public record to see if there is a direct chain of title from the original lender to the entity now claiming.

But we don't have any direct evidence.

That's where it's directed to.

And today, when Mr. Trump, who had just concluded a meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Christopher Ray, director of the FBI,

The statement most likely directed towards 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Mommy, Ohio, who was caught on multiple cell phone cameras,

and Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, stated that, quote, to anyone who acted criminally

The statement most likely directed towards 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Mommy,

then whoever is the director of the land board,

And then there's a little inlet, inset with two doors, one facing you, one facing the other direction.

You hired him. He answers directly to you.

But more so, you know, if you want it, just want it fixed for yourself and everybody else, probably the thing that needs to happen is the director needs to figure out that this is an important issue.

The Texas Ranger gave it to the district attorney so I filed with the grand jury against the Texas Ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety for telling the Ranger to do it.

It's really hard to get somebody to take that system on directly because it's terrifying and I understand that it's terrifying and it should be.

You may have a shot directly at him. This is administrative hearing. This is not a judicial

So if we are asking the judge to disclose his financial dealings and asking him to disclose any behaviors that point directly at money laundering activities, it will tend to paint him with that brush whether he is guilty or not.

So 18 U.S. Code 229 prohibited activities. So, A, it says unlawful conduct, except as provided in subsection B, it shall be unlawful for any person knowingly, one, to develop, produce, otherwise acquire, transfer directly or indirectly receive, stockpile, retain, own,

but also it gets deeper than that because dps the director of dps not only knew about it but

that would take us directly to the director himself oh yeah on my subpoena list i subpoenaed him

I got two copies of it, was of me directly facing the cruiser,

You have to understand that the PIA, Public Information Act, if that information that you're requesting has direct,

you have direct tie to that information. In other words, it's about you.

Why, in which direction?

Because now you can go after the lawyers directly for malpractice and engage their malpractice carrier.

This is one thing that just leaps out at me and that is the director of the Department

And the comptroller then sends out a state grant fund directly to the DA's offices for

If you turn so that at any point in time, the person next to you is out of your direct

And it's addressed directly.

When you told me about this, Pat, it was clear to me that the Border Patrol couldn't handle you directly,

In this case, had they taken Pat directly to the nearest magistrate and held a proper examining trial,

One way we create local politics is criminal charges. Everybody involved in this arrest should get charges. Do you have a direct grand jury in Alabama?

And the director of the Department of Public Safety took them all to the grand jury of the grand jury and don't build them.

That directly opens the door for an amended pleading.

I have some case law directly on that.

But I can't speak to it directly unless I've got, do I have all of the documentation on this?

compliments or complaints against any officer can be directed to the Garland Police Department

and or you can mail it to internal affairs directly.

I'm trying to get this to make sense based on the direction that I'm going and try to

now I'm not going to argue that he didn't have, directly, that he didn't have the right

Except at the direction of, at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

And directly across the street was, guess who? That same cop on the motorcycle.

Oh, yeah, yeah. I know that already. I thought directly with the bank.

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made the choice

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made the choice

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey saying that, quote, Comey made the choice to extricate me in public in July and then dramatically reopened the investigation on October 28th.

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made the choice

who's not directly connected to the trust other than in that capacity.

you write a private contract with the trustee, making you the managing director of the trust.

tries to do something that the managing director doesn't warn him to, and then he can drag out

The only one left in the picture is the managing director.

And when you look at the trust, you don't see the managing director.

And let the sheriff direct you somewhere else, most likely a county court or a district court.

No. Well, you're in North Carolina. I'm speaking directly from Texas.

It was in the first Magna Carta that if a police officer arrests someone for any reason, he is to take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

It was like quicksand. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink. She blamed former FBI Director James Comey saying that quote, Comey made the choice to extricate me in public in July and then dramatically reopen the investigation on October 28.

The union left the mayors and the constables in place so that they have some way of maintaining control and gave them new directives and those.

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made the choice

In Wisconsin, we have 632-24 direct action against insurer.

Today in History, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama administration and its Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, originally put into law during the Clinton administration, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell has allowed gay and lesbian men and women to serve openly in the military for the first time.

New York State BNC law says bicyclists should ride in the same direction with traffic.

But New York State V&T law of vehicle and traffic says bicycle should ride in the same direction

If there is a law that says you must operate in a certain direction and you're in violation

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama administration

And the reason that's important is once you're arrested, you are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate if a magistrate is not available.

and sanctions, what I can do to point other people in a direction or intervene, and I'm


Okay, and you were not taken directly to the nearest magistrate, the way the code requires.

But doesn't make any difference because whether I have the right or not because 14.1 14.06 commands the arresting officer to taking directly to the nearest magistrate for an examining trial.

And here you were charged with a felony and they had duty to bring you directly to the nearest magistrate where you would have told the magistrate and they would have told the magistrate that they pulled you over for having snow on your license plate.

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama administration,

Would I direct that to the city attorney?

And that still takes me directly back to 13.001.

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama

united states military under direction of the umama administration and its don't ask don't

he can throw you directly under the bus okay yeah it just seems silly that he would waive that

you do have notice yeah that is directly computed all right i believe that's everything for this

paper showed up out of directly from wisconsin as opposed to true miss soda

that he take them directly to the nearest magistrate has been in law.

directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself and it wasn't because he didn't trust

you directly to the nearest magistrate and this is what Gerstein Pew says Gerstein Pew

or without a warrant directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is it is commanded

fail to take you directly to the nearest magistrate we're calling that official oppression and

arrested for any reason they're required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

me directly to shut up but he told me i didn't know the law i can't speak the law basically to

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama administration

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama administration and its Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, originally put into law during the Clinton administration, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell has allowed gay and lesbian men and women to serve openly in the military for the first time.

If it's not a direct chain of title, there's no chain of title from the original holder.

You get this police officer who is directed by his boss to,

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey saying that, quote, Comey made the choice to extricate me in public in July

Well, I suspect if he talked to you directly, he would say, I told you, your business, don't ask me to fix that for you.

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made the choice

The more you struggle, the deeper you sink. She blamed former FBI Director James Comey,

under the request, at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement. So,

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made the choice

You're not going to get him to go in another direction.

jail, directly to jail, did not pass those, did not collect $200, don't even see the

Police officers come and go, they're a dime a dozen, but that's warning, that's direct

And I suggest never threaten them directly.

If they're, you know, file a complaint against the director of the DPS as responding at superior.

Today in History, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama

the United States military under direction of the Obama

I've been, I don't think I've ever talked to Howard directly,

Please understand that the commission has no direct authority

Subsequently, they acted in clear and direct

So it's a direct training issue is what we're going after

talking to the officers and directing them

Has the officer been directed to go out and write these citations?

within those agencies should be directed

and there is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint

I think what she really meant is that IA cannot act directly

Today in history, the year 2011, the United States military under direction of the Obama

military under direction of the umama administration ends its don't ask don't tell policy originally

even answer it basically they directed me to an administrative hearing and then they said on record

did the da talk to you directly yes he is forbidden to do that

then you can compare that directly to your timeline and you keep the overall process

law so this is a good chance to ask the supreme to distinguish the law and give direction to the

respond rajoy has put direct military intervention on the table by stating that spain has the

i guess yeah that's what i would think so it would it would be directly pointed at the

to to direct the lawyer in how he presents a case if he is the

not you could sue the insurance companies directly well in wisconsin apparently you can

If Catalonia were to then refuse or not respond, Rajoy has put direct military intervention

I kelled up to the stop stop or to the stoplight and directly across the street was that same cop

this session, also issued a brief statement. It doesn't make sense to keep the suspension of the independence declaration. Prime Minister Rajoy stated that if Pujmont were to declare independence, maybe he would have three days to cancel any succession plans. If Catalonia were to then refuse or not respond, Rajoy has put direct military intervention on the table by stating that Spain has the

secession plans. If Catalonia were to then refuse or not respond, Rajoy has put direct

Licensed professionals cannot solicit their business directly to potential clients.

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey saying that quote, Comey made the choice to

With the Spanish Senate scheduled to impose more direct control over the autonomous region,

person works directly for this judge. Then there is a court clerk that is the clerk of courts

directly to the US Supreme, the odds are about 10,000 to one that they won't accept your cert.

If the judge directs me to the prosecutor, I tell the judge, I don't talk to persecuting attorneys.

here's my card. I'll point you in the right direction. I'll tell them to go to the traffic

of pondering and overruled it. And I kind of began to read directly from the pleading about how it

man directly, never made any requests or called the court to order and just decided to go ahead

With the Spanish Senate scheduled to impose more direct control over the autonomous region, activating Spain's Article 155 of the Constitution later this week, President Puigdemont turned down the invitation to address the sin about Catalonia independence as a result of Madrid's stated intentions.

And I can hold him directly responsible, and I can ask him for findings of fact and conclusions of law. I can make his life miserable, where if the jury does it, I can't make the jury miserable.

With the Spanish Senate scheduled to impose more direct control over the autonomous region,

There's no direction for the reader.

So they expect the judge to be some kind of automaton and be able to stitch all these pieces together with no direction.

But if we don't have direction, we wind up writing in our causes of action and just jumbling everything together.

I said, whenever I have a problem, I don't go to the people that deal directly with the problem.

I go to legislative hearings but I haven't approached my legislators directly.

directions depending on the kinds of answers you get.

With the Spanish senate scheduled to impose more direct control over the autonomous region,

My name is Rick Rode, and I'm the director of the New York Times New York Times New York

to do is go after her directly.

If you go after her directly, the city's going to be bound to protect her.

With the Spanish senate scheduled to impose more direct control over the autonomous region,

Even if the remedies aren't directly written into the contract, because there's a thing

But that concept is way too complex for me to address directly for the most part.

And good chance if you challenge that directly, they may clean your record just to keep you

they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate, 1406 tells the magistrate that

It doesn't interfere with any of my rights, it doesn't directly harm me.

And that's because when they're arrested, they're to be taken directly to a magistrate

Then how do we, how are we able to take a complaint directly to the grand jury to pursue

Nothing in law directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney, nothing.

Everything directs a complaint to some magistrate.

And policemen as a matter of policy are directed to give them to prosecutors, but there's nothing

in law that directs them to prosecutors.

All complaints are directed to...

Well, when he got to the hearing, she directed the administrative board to adjudicate the

that had nothing to do with the adjudication, direct adjudication of the case merely to

blamed former FBI Director James Comey saying that quote, Comey made the choice to extricate

direction of local law enforcement. The transportation code, there is no general authority to enforce.

And the biggest deal when you were arrested, were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate?

system that doesn't have our liberty at risk. So before I can give you any further direction,

You can go directly to the forming of the grand jury?

in front of me making dire threats of what he's going to do

talk directly into the mic and cover with the language.

The complaint did state a direct violation of law submitted with a verified after David

Well, this is going to go right directly to him because I'm going to, when I address

So like I say, I wanted to go in a different direction tonight and go right straight up

guys at the bottom who are doing what the guys at the top direct them to.

and almost always I wind up finding case law directly on point.

So if we can get a few people all over the state hammering these judges from every direction,

I've done my notice of appeal and filed for documents to direct the clerk and the court reporter for what they're supposed to do.

Like I said, I filed appeal on both of them and moving forward in that direction.

Yeah. If they did that, if the only reason he stopped you was to check the license, then yeah, he's in direct violation of that statute.

Our issue here is understanding what the type of penalty is we're dealing with to determine whether or not her directive of arresting him is valid.

She blamed former FBI Director James Comey, saying that, quote, Comey made a choice to

enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

ago, seven years ago, and it wasn't direct, there's nothing in writing that directly correlates

moving one person to whatsoever place, one called informationally direct, without imprisonment

to whatever place one's own inclination may direct without imprisonment or restraint.

It directs the government not to breach that right.

There is nothing in law that directs a complaint to a prosecutor.

A prosecutor is allowed to accept one, but nothing directs them to a prosecutor.

All law directs complaints to some magistrate.

your people, can teach themselves if they are pointed in the right direction and so

Every direction I look at going seems to work to the advantage of some and to the disadvantage

the did they take him directly to the magistrate they take and put him in jail

oh yeah that that was directed to the foreman of the grand jury not some jerk prosecutor yeah

right but so i'd rather go to the judge directly then i know he's got it and i can hold him

the grand jury or putting it right on his desk well i like i like to take it directly to grand

yeah and you followed the direct procedure and they followed policy and they followed the

policy which bypasses the direct procedure so you get a good shot at them okay well brandy

directly to her and that case evaporated into thin air. It never surfaced again.

I direct that part down there.

old one now because the price is much higher if you go buy the new one directly

direction of a government official and not be pointing at an actor treason? No, I

for me to go directly with and be confident and how to go with it so I

had typed it up and I focused directly on that in every single aspect and I got

read all of the codes criminal complaints are always directed to a

accept a criminal complaint but he's directed to forward it to a magistrate

was done to you directly okay so then you can go to the lawyer are you legal

is if this does occur we cannot directly know what's in the mind of these

have an interest in a direct interest in the city itself but merely works for the

well from what I read general law cities it comes directly from the state so they

and response to anything we say now that they're coming directly from the law firm

Okay, I did have a very long conversation with Barry and he called because he hadn't heard from you guys, so I was expecting him to contact you and I was going to send, I've got two people I sent to him and I was going to send you an e-mail and ask you to send to him directly.

Bullion has been consistently followed by the courts to dismiss Texas Constitutional Damage Claim. C. Kaufman County v. Combs, Dallas, 2012. Petition denied. There is no direct cause of action for equal protection or due process violations under the U.S. or Texas Constitution.

14.03 commands the officer who makes an arrest without a warrant to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

2.03 simply directs him to present the complaint to the grand jury.

a person directly to a magistrate for an examining trial?

Just because either the court or you are directed to do something, the law has directions in it,

If you want to run the entire routine, then the way I read the codes is criminal complaints are directed to some magistrate.

The Magna Carta established that if a sheriff arrested a free man for any reason, that he's to take that free man directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

We still have magistrates positioned all over the county because it is intended that we still take people directly to a magistrate.

A policeman does not necessarily have to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

The officer didn't take the person directly to the magistrate, but instead authorized him to allow the person to sign a promise to appear before the magistrate,

It was intended that you arrest someone, but you take them directly to the nearest magistrate

The law says, for an on-site arrest, they must take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

So under the premise of judicial economy, the legislators directed prosecutors to give

And I'm, I'm 100% behind you. And I kind of feel it, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm going in the direction

We don't draw salaries in this job. We don't get paid for the stuff that we do except through the donations that you provide to support us directly if you donate to us as individuals or to the network

is you don't have direct access to that. The only way you're going to get that is to suit them

And he's going to work the way down the line until they get to the direct supervisor and

the direct supervisor is in big trouble.

They come at me in every direction.

I stole it directly from him, but I'm not going to give him credit for it.

So the two aren't directly related, but this will work.

and I'm hoping that will help me get in that direction.

The IRS has absolutely no direct authority over the banks except in relation to the income tax, okay?

is a direct threat to his own liberty.

So, I'm asking him a direct question and he will not answer it.

Former director of the CIA under the Obama administration, John O'Brennan, released a

Former director of the CIA under the Obama administration, John O'Brennan, released a

we're not suing anybody directly.

But if your ticket directed you to appear on a certain day at a certain time, that creates

Texas criminal procedure and taking him directly to the nearest magistrate, they take him to

in a way that's indirect this way.

In Texas there is nothing that directs a criminal complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate.

In Texas law, there is nothing directing a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

The big point is, is it gets you directly to discovery and they can't get around it.

They weren't allowed to directly advertise other than putting their name in the yellow pages

And they were not allowed to solicit directly

And they're still not allowed to solicit directly

That without their direction we would descend into chaos

I'm out of here because he knows I'm coming after him for another direction.

Jerusalem as a future capital of both states. Former director of the CIA under the Obama

Former director of the CIA under the Obama administration, John O'Brennan, released a

that up? Yes. Send me the link. I need to be able to read that because this appears to directly

capital of both states former director of the cia under the obama administration john o brennan

and you'll probably have some more directed questions

Former director of the CIA under the Obama administration, John O'Brennan,

They could arrest someone, but they were to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

Former Director of the CIA under the Obama administration, John O'Brennan, released a

The statutes of the state of Texas specifically command an officer who makes an arrest with or without a warrant to take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

Apparently, some of the president's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury, Michael Wolfe, has many thinking that the president should perhaps be more articulate and less rash with his tweets.

more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire

A little bit. The point is, you get a shot directly at the judge.

And if we go directly after them for violating law and we get an indictment, we have access to quo warranto removal from office.

Apparently some of the president's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

How do you get that thing once it's rolling to change its direction?

Well, one thing I noticed, I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos, and it said, if you listen to the judges, when your pro say, a lot of times they're trying to direct you in the right way.

Apparently some of the president's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and Fury, Michael Wolfe, has many thinking that the president should perhaps be more articulate and less rash with his tweets.

tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and

He used to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

I think they were directed by the judge to come

When it's directed by the judge?

Don't care who's directed

If the judge directed them to do it

because now we bring this issue directly in front of this judge.

tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book

something important comes to mind it's not directly on point but it's important you don't want to lose

which was 15 miles off of I-65 right at Glasgow. Oh, he didn't take you directly to the nearest

more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and

more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the

Apparently, some of the president's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury, Michael Wolfe, has many thinking that the president should perhaps be more articulate and less rash with his tweets.

more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the

Then you might mention his name and a complaint directly against him and see how he likes that.

And then we can come back and sue the lender directly using a judgment in a declaratory judgment suit.

A client who can direct the lawyer and put the lawyer in a position to where when he goes before the judge

Do I file my paperwork now directly with Superior Court?

So yeah, yeah, you filed directly with Superior Court.

Except by the request of local law enforcement, by the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Apparently some of the president's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

you don't have to know all of the law, you only need to know that law that applies directly

some case law directly on that point.

Two or three times from two or three different directions

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

The master directs and educates his servants.

And then your non-commissioned officer in charge will call your direct supervisor and really crawl down his throat.

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

Apparently some of the President's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and Fury, Michael Wolfe, has many thinking that the President should perhaps be more articulate and less rash with his tweets.

more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the

It's motivated in the wrong direction.

in the subject line so that I can easily find all the emails directed to that. Okay. Please

if I've managed to do something on this show or working with you directly that helps you

that the executive director, which we will call ED from here on out through this, the ED only has

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

Discovery is not something you file with the court directly.

Whereas recusal, that's directly related to the court.

tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and

appear at the date and time on the citation? And they say yes. Were you directed to a court

arrests someone without a warrant, they are to take him 14.06 and take him directly to

being rescheduled for March 7th. Did you receive notice directly? You should receive notice

directly from the court, but I want to let you know for sure that you do not need to

directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and Fury,

Were you directed to a clerk? Yes.

Oh, that's the one, or you told him that if the judge would just direct the lawyer to

But he must under 543.002, he's required to take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate.

Under 1403, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, a peace officer is authorized to arrest someone for an on-site offense. But under 14.006, he is also required to bring them directly to the nearest magistrate.

So all four of those, two from the court of criminal procedure, two from the transportation code, all direct them to appear before a magistrate, not a judge, not a prosecutor, not a clerk.

When the law commands the officer to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

It seems the president may be wanting to lay to rest the recent lineup of criticisms questioning his mental health and stability. Apparently some of the president's more recent tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and Fury, Michael Wolfe,

tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the author of the book Fire and

That's a direct violation of the statute.

Right. I was going to do that, but they said you have to file it directly into the case as a less pendants, as we file it directly into the case.

Okay. And that would be filed directly into the case, right?

And we'll start marketing it directly and we'll see if we can't get traffic prosecutions shut down in Texas.

to evade follows in that direct order. And then after that, fail to identify. And I have

And took it personal, even though I never pointed a finger directly at her and simply said, look

tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and

an issue that goes directly to the heart of the seminar material when you file some of

code anywhere. As far as I can tell, it's not listed as a crime directly in the code.

If your ticket directs you to appear on a certain date, a certain time

Were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate? Yes.

No, you give him a directive. You file a motion to recuse.

the officer has a statutory duty to take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

And we need constant oversight and direction.

543.002 said that when a person is arrested for a traffic offense, the officer must take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

When a person is arrested, the arresting officer is required to take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

I asked the police, would you have any problem with someone you've arrested taking them directly to the nearest magistrate and explaining yourself?

And since we already have learned counsel in public employ in the form of prosecuting attorneys, the legislature directed prosecutors to give legal advice to the police in the lower courts.

tweets directed towards North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the author of the book Fire and

Now, the second part of that issue is that the statute says that the executive director,

with attorneys directly in different forums, including on Facebook and some discussion

that he is an attorney somewhere here in Texas. But he went directly into the statutes and

And then I asked when they meet and I was directed to the district clerk and the district clerk kept the calendar

traffic citation under 543.002, the officer is required to take you directly to the nearest

And the other question I had was the circuit board here, these bills go directly into

You're going off in two different directions here.

I've got some questions that you can hopefully point me in the right direction of what I need to be researching here.

I'd like to get the executive director of TECOL in there.

They don't want us going the same direction.

I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm just saying like everything else that they use to provide disinformation out there and to give you a scapegoat or a cause to fight for in one direction or the other.

where President Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ to propose

In recent news, the White House released a memo on Tuesday the 20th where President Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ to propose new regulations to ban firearm modifications like bump stocks and all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns.

against us, let's see if we can't get that judge to have to step directly on the toe

and claims to be a holder must have a grant in a direct chain of title from that original warranty

and purpose of the regulation will be set aside as a clear and direct invasion of the

In most in all other states, the prosecuting attorney is given no direct discretion. He's allowed discretion by the courts, but he's not given it by statute. In Pennsylvania, he is. However, and in Pennsylvania, you don't have direct access to a grand jury either.

My attorney did it directly with the court.

Yes, so after the statement of error, they said, because I didn't file that in time, they weren't even going to look at my case. And that's against the law, too, because it goes directly to jurisdiction 100%. They can't ignore it.

Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ to propose new regulations

In recent news, the White House released a memo on Tuesday the 20th where President Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ to propose new regulations to ban firearm modifications like bump stocks and all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns.

And this agency invests in all sorts of things, and the judges have nothing to say about it, and they have no direct influence over it.

But statutory, what claim, direct claim do you have against HSBC, and what authority or jurisdiction does the Attorney General have to address that claim?

And you know, generally, what you're resting is just a warrant and it said, yes, we've taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

And if you say yes, then it goes to Frank's hearing. If you say no, then it says we're taking directly to the nearest magistrate.

Every step they take, if they take the step their own direction,

Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ to propose new regulations

that we can point you in a direction to get things going. But you've got to do the dig and

directly from us and then trying to use it doesn't require you to remember anything. Doesn't

me in the right direction because it's just a vast, formidable maze and jungle of mess of

ICE's acting director Thomas D. Homan had some stern words for Mayor Schaeff.

Right now, cryptocurrencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs, so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way.

Or at least you don't have a direct connection to them.

ICE's acting director, Thomas D. Hoenn, had some stern words for Mayor Schaeff.

Okay. Now, I have a question. Do we have a way to get that complaint directly to the insurance companies?

That's if you might call the controller and just ask him directly because he don't have a dog in the hot.

And he'll probably tell you there's no problem. They send it directly to them.

technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way.

ICE's acting director Thomas D. Holman had some stern words for Mayor Schaeff.

Right now, cryptocurrencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs, so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way.

ISIS Acting Director Thomas D. Holman had some stern words for Mayor Schaeff, quote,

I got issued some speeding citations a while back, and I followed the direction of someone

for the purpose of directing commercial traffic.

technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way.

where President Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ to propose

where President Trump ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to direct the DOJ

asked a second time, this time directly to the police,

If I get an IS extension, the government can't redirect. If you've got a comnet, org, info,

when you have titles on it. They can redirect anytime they want to. If it's in Iceland,

nobody redirects. I'm not exactly sure how I will protect it, but I'm going to work

at avoiding the redirects. Once I get it up, they're going to be really, really unhappy

is closed. It also says we may not honor this check if it was deposited directly to a savings

policy would pay off if the account wasn't closed or the check wasn't deposited directly

if you send out one of these access checks to a, and it's being cashed directly to another

If you are unwittingly made party to fraud, do you have, even if the fraud did not directly

What questions would you ask that person to extract the information you needed in order to lead directly to this issue?

Did you send it directly to the opposing party?

It comes directly to me.

In Texas, the statute says the Department of Public Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

sections of 606 and they they did not point directly to which part of 606 that i they

go in there it's a big difference between presenting it directly to a judge in a federal court and to

should be a black box with the information get eddie's traffic seminar and you can order directly

judge directly. Yeah. Otherwise, if he has either, if he has subject matter jurisdiction and nothing

he is to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate. And a complaint is to be made to

Now, there are laws that direct public officials to perform certain duties when they are presented

There's nothing in Texas law that directs a criminal complaint to anyone other than

The only direction of who a complaint is to be given to is to some magistrate.

Well, I'm not going to get into that, and I'm going to go directly to my legal question.

Is this constitutional case law that's specifically directed to the right to liberty or the right

a public official without the express written permission of the director of the Department

criminal conspiracy to commit against the director of the Department of Public Safety

If you're a local county judge or municipal judge, you do not want the director of the

One element that's not written into the code, into the statute directly, is mens reus, an evil mind, culpable intent.

Problem, texas rangers had to were directed to create a set of protocol and the protocol they created was they required that a texas ranger ask permission from the prosecuting attorney before investigating a public official

And I file against the one in Wise County as well and the director of the department of public safety

Each time they do this the director should get a criminal complaint

The director is highly political he's appointed so when he starts getting one criminal complaint against him after another

Because now they're getting the Texas Ranger in trouble and the director of the department of public safety

Without the specific authorization of the director of the department of public safety himself

The director no longer had the power to grant or deny

And then we wind up with the director tying their hands

Mental flow really doesn't have anything directly to do with writing a legal document.

And then we can ask questions that go directly to policies and procedures.

This leads directly to never use acronyms.

them in court on it, and this brings no threat back against you, you're not directly taking

You don't have direct knowledge of that.

Now be aware that even though it teaches you an awful lot about how to file and maintain a lawsuit, it does not speak directly to all the issues involved in suing a governmental entity or employee.

misdirecting the facts of the case to get an outcome that they want and I have found

So in which case the one thing you're going to want to be is bonded to cover any allegations like that or they're going to come after you directly and take it out of your pocket specifically.

If there is a law saying that a social security number is required for an American individual to receive a passport, that's a direct violation not only of the Social Security Act but of the Privacy Statement.

If you actually don't have the current seminar then you can go online to the website and order it direct from there.

so they could read it directly from the power lines without transmission.

And the mother Hubbard motion asked the court to direct the prosecutor to define all terms that have a special meaning in law.

so YouTube is very directly censoring yes I don't understand why they had an issue with

higher ordinance which directly affected me because I owned a limo and taxi company so

So if I'm going to try to subpoena, am I going to subpoena the director of unemployment to

the director and you haven't had time to do a deposition.

When they find out you have subpoenaed the director, they are going to be real unhappy

sees that you're subpoenaing the director of the agency to show cause for what appears

And the custodian of the record, unless someone else has been specifically appointed, is the director of the office.

So you file criminal charges against the director of the office. And what's going to happen is all these little public officials are going to jump in line and try to shield the director of the office from prosecution.

We have them in Texas, but it used to be that before a ranger could take a complaint against a public official or investigate an accusation against a public official, he would have to get written permission from the director.

I think as the government is moving, the direction the government is moving, we're moving into a police state.

in municipal and JP courts, which directly violates both the CCT, that's what he said,

included in the mind map, in the legal 101, because it really doesn't go to law directly,

that to you directly. I've got both of them in my... I prefer Deb to send them so that

of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself. Well, the legislature moved

this authority to the Rangers so that the director would no longer have authority to

attorney, I filed criminal charges against the Ranger and the director of Department

against the director for setting the policy that sends him to the prosecutor's attorney

it dismissed by a declaration okay a directed verdict okay well I mean I did

up then you can have a directed verdict in your favorite because the state did

The falsification of these records is causing a direct harm to a specific individual

then we get that as a freebie. That puts all the favor in the direction of the

bill that has direct interest that is personal to all of them and they're

legislature directly violate the Texas Constitution so when they are saying

Okay, that's the same in Texas, essentially, and every other state I've looked at. You don't have a cause of action in that case directly, but if a public official violates a law relating to his office,

director of the school is or their whoever handles their finances and these guys are

but whether or not they have a duty to talk to you directly, I don't know that there is

If he doesn't give it, we file criminally against him and then filed directly with the court of appeals on the mandamus.

And I wasn't sure what direction I should go with filing a complaint.

department. And there's nothing in law that directs a complaint to a police agency or to a

prosecuting attorney. Everything directs complaints to some magistrate. And magistrates never want

If you can jump to an unwarranted conclusion, you have to assume somebody will. So write carefully. Give clear direction.

Write your statement of facts in a way to direct the mind of your reader where you want it to go.

And he read it to me. I don't have it here, the context of it, but he essentially said that anybody aggrieved by an officer can sue the officer directly against his bond in any court in the state that has jurisdiction over these issues.

If you were suing the individual personally, then his bond would cover whatever would cover and then he'd be liable for the rest. But here you're suing the bond holder directly. So it's probably going to be limited to the amount of the bond.

By creating a web marketplace where people could sell access to their personal information, users would upload intimate details of their lives to an online vault and then charge companies to access the data to market to them directly.

the system to point in the direction they want it to go and it doesn't matter if it

conflicts with something that was pointed in the same direction before because they're

Are you saying that I can go directly over the trial process and do an appeal?

So the failure to do a proper examining trial is directly on that issue.

sometime in the 1970s when this case was determined, clearly articulated the necessity of the police officer to take you directly, directly to the magistrate for an examining trial.

And then the person's to be arrested. Well, according to standing law, the first thing that must happen when they're arrested, they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate for an examining trial.

you're to be taken directly to a nearest magistrate and the only thing the magistrate can do is holding them in trial and set bail.

You really can't sue their insurance directly because their insurance company didn't sue

against the bond directly.

And then can I obtain their license number just by them if I ask them directly or will

If someone comes to me directly and wants to use the documents, I'll make it available to them

Well, Curt, it's probably better if you send that directly to the court from yourself

the judges to do what they were supposed to start taking these guys on the judges directly.

for a mandamus with the county court and ask the county court to direct the judge to rule

So we ought to be able to take just as far as stretching the other direction.

If they're going to try to find these people, they direct me to a local attorney and I'm

Sometimes I ask for stuff I don't even care about because I want to misdirect him.

Users would upload intimate details of their lives to an online vault and then charge companies to access the data to market to them directly.

Yeah, I think y'all pointed me in the right direction.

They don't pay the judges directly from the same money they take in the relation of the

You're just lucky to have something that says they do get paid directly from the same money

You're shining the light on the pathway so that people can take another step in the direction

In Texas, it says that when an officer arrests you for any reason, he is to take you directly

Each one of these would design tools, one to copy, one to pay, one to access a directory.

The highest ranking individual in the organization answers directly to you.

been going on, YouTube has came out directly and stated that they do want to censor any

When you ask a direct question, you get this vague in general, this omniscient, all-controlling

Is there a influence out there that has enough sway to get YouTube and to chain the board of directors of YouTube and all the investors of YouTube to risk their investment?

And the government can try, they can take or or com or any of the common extensions and they can redirect it to their FBI site.

Because if they go to Iceland and tell Iceland that they want to redirect one of Iceland's URLs, Iceland will tell them to go scratch.

And when they come directly after us, we feel betrayed.

to access the data to market to them directly.

the amount of litigation filed is directly proportional to the number of lawyers

directly to the nearest magistrate

by the most direct loop

and the Director of the Department of Public Safety

like were you arrested, did yes, were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate,

attorneys intercepting mail directed to the grand jury so that they can shield public

But they're acting in accordance with the directions of the chief,

The judge is one that's directing you to stay in an answer.

So they can't get a hold of the FBI and have them redirect our URLs.

Because if they go to Iceland and want to direct an Iceland URL,

Everybody's going to direct you either to a police department and you're going to say screw that.

And nothing in law directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

Nothing. All law directs criminal complaints to some magistrate.

Whereas their direct superior may not, at least not in the same degree. In fact, the State Supreme Court has the power to remove their authority to practice law.

help us in return. Whether that donation is one made directly to any one of us or

direction to keep us here. Not because we get paid with it, cause we don't. I have

turns out that they were intentionally misdirected and misled about that

in having to get their attention redirected. But that's exactly the

He had a duty to take you directly to the nearest magistrate not to jail.

He didn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate official impression.

So what's to prevent you from filing criminal charges against the director of the State

They redirect his URLs to their FBI website.

But if it's, they're not redirecting anything.

directly to the judge?

They can't market their services directly.

So I look at those lines of cases and if I'm not directly on point, most of the time

I looked up, I was looking for a case law on the requirement that a person be taken directly

That they cite somebody and the guy goes to Mexico or France or disappears, they can't find him. So they just go look in the telephone directories and they find a person with a similar name and they go after him instead.

But it's kind of indirect. Here's the case law.

The next question is, were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate? And I say, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Provided by subsections B and C before the imposition of the sentence by a judge, the judge shall direct a supervision officer to prepare a pre-sentence report for the judge. Subsection C2, the defendant or C, the judge is not required to direct a supervision officer to prepare a pre-sentence report in a felony case.

Okay, under Chapter 45, first place it appears, 45.017, criminal docket, subsection A, the justice or judge of each court or if directed by the justice or judge, the clerk of the court shall keep a docket containing the following information.

Not to mention the individual rights violations that are being directed at the individual

The individual has now suffered a harm as a direct result of the actions taken by that judge and his clerk against the individual without any authority of law whatsoever.

Out of those 23 hits, you will find the specific course of action that the magistrate slash judge is directed to take, not the clerk, not the prosecutor, the magistrate slash judge.

How can they report failure to appear when the statute specifically directs them to take a specific course of action in the absence of a plea?

Now, you get that? Here they cannot accept the plea from the individual directly unless it is freely given and voluntary, yet if you refuse to enter a plea, they get to substitute their free and voluntary for yours.

Without the written permission of the Director of the Department of Public Safety himself

When they were granted specific authority, the Director could no longer interfere with their ability to enforce

There's nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to a police officer or a prosecutor attorney or anyone other than a magistrate

But I charged the Ranger and the director of the department of public safety

and I pulled over to check my map and get directions, and I pulled under a lighted convenience

Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to a magistrate, nothing directs a complaint

They're all directed to a magistrate, I just gave criminal complaints against some guy

the Texas Ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety and bring them all into the

Yeah, we've kind of changed the name since then to kind of suit the direction it morphed into.

You don't have to think about it. You don't have to direct your hand.

In the administrative code that creates the Department of Public Safety, it says the Department of Public Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except out on the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

You filed against him for not taking you directly to the nearest magistrate and that gets a false imprisonment lawsuit.

So, if a judge, let's say a person is arrested and instead of being taken before magistrates are taken directly to jail, well, that's 15.17 violations.

The DPS were being paid by DHS directly.

And I had the director of DPS actually refuse a subpoena.

But the way that they're paying DPS now, just for everybody to know, DPS is getting paid directly by DHS.

They're no longer paying the officers directly to come down to the border to do these stops and stuff the way they had been.

So don't either go directly to the county attorney in their office and try to file it there

That is directed at a special class of legal persons

She's director of Cuban Resources.

So she directly harmed you.

But she did so under the direction of Decker Truckline so they become respondent superior.

he is to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate,

He will either call you up to the bench or he'll direct the bailiff to come and get it.

No, it was the directors of the human resources.

And if you don't respond directly to that but catch yourself and you do the next thing that comes to mind instead he's ready for that one too.

It says the Department of Public Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of an under direction of local law enforcement.

waiting to be repaired, the city misdirected everything, violated just about every rule

you go to the mayor first. And from the from the mayor, can we go directly to the county

sue the insurance company directly? Or does the insurance company merely indemnify the

always told them that you can't sue them directly. You sue the client and then the insurance

to bring in the insurance company. So we can't sue the insurance company directly.

requires that the officer, after making the arrest, take you directly to a neutral magistrate for a determination of probable cause.

And then he has a duty to take me directly to the nearest magistrate,

we came across this in Illinois directly.

Prior to this time, a Texas Ranger could not take a complaint against or even investigate an allegation against a public official without the express written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

Well, when the legislature transferred this specific authority to the Rangers, the director no longer had the power to grant or deny authority to investigate.

But the state required that the Rangers develop a protocol and the protocol they developed was to direct the Ranger to request permission to prosecute from the prosecuting attorney, from the district attorney.

Then you file criminal charges against the Ranger against the prosecuting attorney and against the director of the Department of Public Safety.

The Ranger and the director for criminal conspiracy to commit, the Ranger for shielding from prosecution and conspiracy with the prosecuting attorney.

That would be the DPS Director. I just want to make sure I was on the right path.

DPS Director.

Oh, yeah, Director. That would be all that XFBI agent who runs the DPS now, I forget his name.

Charging with both and the director and the district attorney.

We've got to start with the DA moving up to the ranger and then the DPS director.

And you name the director because he put the protocol in place.

And then you send it to the grand jury directly.

I was looking at entering a directed verdict for defense.

How do you get to directed verdict?

You have to dismiss directed verdict complaint. It's insufficient to establish a, the, uh, to establish the commercial nexus.

And since the constitution prohibits direct taxes, I mean, would that be a better route

From the county, it gets you directly to the court of appeals and these guys won't like

Now the mortgage company has a direct specific interest.

You can't even answer a simple direct question about what your charges are to tell me anything

it, you can deliver it directly to the grand jury yourself.

redirect the URL. Hang on, Randy Kelton, Deborah Stevens rule already. The call lines are open,

The best part about it is it gets you directly to discovery

further down in the document, but they're not directly litigant here. There are no real litigants.

accusing this officer of harassing you at the direction of the judge

So for that, you can sue them for anything that doesn't go directly to what is used to

You don't have a direct claim against them.

I think that Laura was saying something out to me. She said, he simply wants his court to dismiss the suit or direct the district court to dismiss the suit for want of subject matter jurisdiction. Well, duh. Yeah. Pixler never brought his vague and incorrect assertions about subject matter jurisdiction to the attention of the district court.

That is a direct lie.

Instead, he simply wants his court to dismiss the suit or direct his court to dismiss the suit for want of subject matter jurisdiction.

Would the federal judge have the power to direct the behavior of a federal agency in this way?

it has a direct conflict of interest issue with what they do and how they do it and you

The Department of Public Safety being the only agency directly authorized by law to

So our rights are not limited by man's law, where man's law is, runs directly a foul of

QI-TAM is unique enough that you'll find some cases directly on it.

You need to know both directions.

mill as a separate action, has nothing to do with the foreclosure directly.

Next what we would need from you is just a little direction on how to file a declaratory

of the other side, but try not to go after that element directly, that issue directly.

and the whole time in the documentation, Tim's been making very pointed and direct accusations

So, I put in the address so that there's no misunderstanding that it was directly assigned

You don't have a grand jury directly, you have one, but only the district judge can

delegate that power to a political subdivision, or that directly authorizes such power to a

of the corporation for their acts. That's what Pierce and making them directly and personally

do not necessarily have to be signed by the person making the allegation directly. Complaints

color of law and lawful authority. That's all illegal. It's a direct violation of your

no. The criminal complaint is directed at the county or district attorneys or whoever

It won't be as directly relevant, but because I know the statute's on all that as far as the traffic stuff goes and he does, but he knows it well enough.

it's important and took up so much of my time is because it goes directly to the information

and so on and so forth. But it also goes directly to the heart of the facts asserted in the

is writing a Title 42 lawsuit. This one is directed at a specific judge in a specific

it to directly at that point. And then when they do nothing with it, we'll repeat the

that I'm saying that we were going to, that this lawsuit I'm writing up is directed at,

to that document. This is a direct violation of the statute for a simulation of legal process

and 2.05, they are specifically directed on the things they must do when a complaint is

Well, when the business is one that has a direct public interest, for instance, like

the practice of medicine or engineering, things that involve directly the health and

the jobs they do directly impact the public health and welfare.

Even if you bought the car directly from a dealer, you still want a notarized bill of sale for the car.

Yeah, they're directly titled title.

to hire a lawyer directly.

Does that help point you in the right direction, Livia?

So the courts, you can go directly to the district courts

Now you can show direct harm

Board of Zoning Directors.

Then who's the director of the agency? That's what I need to find out. Find out who the head of the agency is and file criminally against him.

And you take that complaint against the director as respond to yet superior to a local grand jury and you start running the routine on the local grand jury or the local officials who try to shield them.

Okay. That's going to make the director unhappy.

time period, and the judge acted to respond to you in direct violation of law.

Not to their lawyer but to CIT directly.

false fees, that's fraud on its face, so sue the lawyer directly.

So if it works in one direction, it works in the other.

Oh, okay. So they're saying that while if you were... It doesn't matter what their finances are when it comes to the harm against you directly.

But right here we have an amendment, a constitutional amendment that is now directly in conflict with the Bill of Rights and therefore void on its face automatically because of it.

In fact, any license mentioned in 522 automatically points you directly back to the license defined by 521 and 522 is defined as commercial driver's licenses.

So any argument that they're trying to apply this to a subject matter or anything else outside of that required by the Texas Constitution is a direct violation of this mandate.

If I'm not doing that right, tell me. But I don't know how I can speak any plainer about how this works, about where to find it, what it says and what it means. I don't know how I can be any more plain and direct and straightforward with it, but if you think there's a way, let me know.

I am not going to have time to get into somebody's direct personal issues tonight. So if you're going to call in with a personal issue or personal question about a case, don't.

They don't have a brain of their own in their head to use or they would be reading the Constitution directly to see whether or not half the crap they're doing is even authorized.

Now they may go directly at individual congressmen for certain things, but every single one of them talk about the process and Congress as a whole as if it's a good thing and that everybody there is really trying to do their best to do a good job.

so that it could be followed directly.

and set a set of questions that will point directly to it.

and pleadings written for your case directly on point.

my case, municipal court judge, here in Kansas we'd be thrown in jail for direct contempt

will not get arrested for that, there will no be no direct contempt of court.

You set them up to act in direct violation of a specific statutory requirement and then ask the court to rule that they acted in violation of the statutory requirement.

within a short travel distance, if not directly in it, right?

that you have. You cannot make changes in our lives, or you can do a show us a direction.

Because he can give you more direct information on this process in California than I can.

Who did you direct the PIR-2?

Unfortunately, the Texas case law on it says you've got to direct it specifically to the

They want to know, they're kind of like questions that should be more dire questions.

And so everything that's in there, you should be able to adapt very, very easily and very directly.

to jail for doing so under their law. Okay. So I shall repeat this directive one more

Procedure? And if you're going to direct a public official to do something, you need to have in front

we'll help you get a modification. We've got to direct into Joseph Otting of Womers Bank

want to do that, but we'll get you a modification. We've got this direct line to him, submit your

The one we call the direct conscious awareness and the other we call the emotional aspect.

However, he must take the person arrested directly to the nearest magistrate

but it commands them to bring the officer to bring the person directly to the nearest magistrate under 14.06 for the purpose of an examining trial.

Well, as a lawyer, you can't go out and directly solicit business.

with or without a warrant, he is to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is to hold an examining trial.

Generally speaking, unless the statute says that an order is directly says an order is invalid if not signed, then the courts will say that the judge's intent is enough.

Either they're actually going to conduct an examining trial, which is what they're required to do, but never do, or they're taking you directly to trial.

They're either going to conduct an examining trial, which they don't ever do, or they're going to take you directly to trial.

They have had, with the exception of natural disasters or riots or something like that, that prevent them from taking you directly to a magistrate in a reasonable time.

Otherwise, they are mandated by law to deliver you directly to a magistrate, not to a holding cell, not to a jail cell, not to anyone else, to wait for a magistrate.

And in all indictments for liables, the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the facts under the direction of the court as in other cases.

You keep turning away from your phone and you muffle out when you do that. Please speak directly into the phone.

You need to speak directly into your phone.

or there are options for donating directly to Eddie or Randy's beer fund or the network

or just separately, because the CEO of that non-profit is now on the board of directors

If I wanted to get to a university I didn't have a direct link to, I would link to someone

will sue them as well yeah yeah sue them directly but the the individual citizens they don't

it just opened directly in so i went up and tap tap tap tap tap on the door

direction and i think that's right because there's a threat

did you at any point ask the judge to direct these officers to conduct

about the fact that they didn't directly throw out

in a direct appeal to the court of appeals

the director was required to produce a set of protocols, and the protocols said that the Texas Rangers had to ask permission from the district attorney to investigate a public official.

The Texas Ranger and the director of public safety criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice by asking a prosecuting attorney for permission to investigate a public official when he is absolutely forbidden to have any discretion in a matter.

It's odd that he asked that because I filed criminal charges against a Texas Ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety because they gave the complaints to the district attorney.

Normally, the director of an agency is automatically the custodian of the record unless the director of the agency has appointed a specific purpose person to act as custodian of the record.

move you either directly into an examining trial.

that says no direct tax shall be laid

to me directly for the MRI and Dr. Bills and everything,

None of that money goes directly in any of our pockets

directly conflict with the requirements of a general provision, they have to be read together.

it sounded like you were not talking directly into the phone.

Like they didn't just like all flee in, in a hundred, you know, million different directions,

each fish going its own direction, you know, like scattering, like a, you know, a bomb

like go, you know, just everyone, you know, flying away in their own direction.

random opposite direction, they would have been isolated from the school.

of directors and stockholders and stuff, this proves that they're not tricking the books,

And he will follow that lead bird unless the bird changes directions to a degree that exceeds

So if the bird moves in any direction outside standard deviation, it leads the following

Okay, in Pennsylvania, you don't have a direct access to a grand jury. However, you do have standing.

So did you sue the personitary directly?

Yes, sue him directly.

I'd never give out contact information unless somebody directs me to specifically.

unless the bird changes directions more

They went directly to the district court immediately to get the district court to order Tim to

Like I can draw the line directly to that Magna Carta, yes, that's the one that first

The powers conferred and the duties to be discharged must be defined directly or employably by the legislature or through legislative authority.

We don't have that directly in Texas, but I use that all the time.

director of department of public safety requires him to ask the district attorney if he can

It's not an appeal directly. You appeal to the grand jury to indict those

The Federal Constitution, in a direct sense, does not apply to you within the states.

two, it is directed to the proper peace officer or some other person specifically named in

The only difference being that the language instead of being directed to some peace officer of the state

is directed to the individual to bring themselves before the court

with what these courts are doing in direct violation of this newly existing set of provisions

So is it the clerk of the court who works directly for the judge that would have to sign said warrant?

To do so is a direct violation of Article 3, Section 29 through 39 of the Texas Constitution,

Okay. Does that letter say anything that resembles, you are hereby directed to appear before such

And that set of people is exactly who that song is directed at

Because they're either guilty of the offenses directly or they are guilty of allowing the offenses to occur

They are the only agency given direct enforcement authority within the statutes and every single chapter of the transportation code itself, okay?

Roads out, roads being redone, take your pick, but they're supervising the traffic and sending it in a different direction or whatever else may have to be done on a rural highway, okay?

That's a direct violation of due process rights.

Just plan on leaving there immediately and going directly over to get an injunction at the federal courthouse.

And I'll make sure that, you know, once I go up to the courthouse in the morning, if they deny it again, I'll just record it and go directly to the federal courthouse with it.

as opposed to being signs that were set for the purpose of directing traffic?

so that the face of the sign is pointing directly at me, and it's not sitting there in conjunction

be pointing at me is for the purpose of directing my traffic.

Well if that thing, if the state meant for that to address or direct traffic, it would

be pointed at me, not in some other direction, and okay, some kid could have come along and

It has to be clear that that sign is directing, is intended to direct my behavior, and that's

could look at, and be relatively certain that that signage was intended to direct traffic?

If there's any question as to whether or not it was intended to direct traffic, then the

When I'm speaking, I'm not speaking to you directly, Ken.

And originally all of the links were direct links, peer-to-peer.

In your case here, the reason I didn't mention that you could sue him is because he did not direct you to tear down that shed.

Had he directed you to tear the shed down, you would have a claim.

If he did not direct you to do that, and you did that on your own, and he had changed conditions, you don't have a claim.

So I said, we'll talk to Randy, and maybe Randy can tell you some direction to go because he already hired an attorney.

All complaints are always directed to some magistrates, except Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania, they're directed to the prosecuting attorney.

And the major's the next guy to the colonel, the director.

Because in the Texas Rangers, you've got Rangers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains major, one major, and the director.

I've done a lot of information requests in different directions.

Would you suggest I take these questions to him or direct to City Hall and deal directly in the office?

Directly to City Hall.

The mayor is responding yet superior. In Texas, what it says is generally the director of an office is the custodian of the record,

unless the director of the office has appointed a specific person as custodian of the record.

We will presume that if there is not a named custodian, then the director of the office is the custodian.

And everything that has done by any member of the office is done in the name of the director.

I asked him directions back to the highway.

I want to do a little of it, but not a lot because I don't want too much heat coming in my direction

Well, you're going to love this. I, these are bound books and what we did was when it was complete, we mailed it by registered mail to, a presentment is directed to the Santa Clara County criminal grand jury, care of the district attorney's office.

You filed out with a district court or the Court of Appeals and asked the court of appeals to direct the prosecuting attorney to perform a duty he's required to perform and present your complaints to a grand jury as they were mailed to the grand jury

So the presumption is that the prosecuting attorney has secreted your complaints from the public official it was directed to, and that's the time when the government document never stayed.

If you secret a government document from the person or department that it is directed to, that's shielding from prosecution.

But only the district judge can do that. A private citizen cannot address a grand jury directly without going through with the district judge.

And that will get you a circumstances close to what Boyd v. State addresses. And Boyd v. State addresses taking a person directly to a magistrate once they're arrested.

Mayor did that. And you didn't train or direct these public officials in their behavior. The

Would it be the directing the crime ring kind of a thing? RICO, ongoing criminal conspiracy.

And when you're headed directly at someone that's coming directly at you,

you've got to drive in the same direction as the traffic.

and you have to demand a directed verdict for.

Okay, then why didn't you move for a directed verdict because the status

Exactly. Okay, but you didn't move for a directed verdict when the state failed to

directed verdict? No. Okay, you can give it a shot. I can't tell you what the outcome is going to be,

to me directly. Now, the way it's explained in this, at least on the first page of this,

the actual apartment number that is either directly on the door or directly next to the door

Especially considering that her apartment was directly below the one where she killed the man.

pointed in the right direction? I will start on it. Okay. I appreciate your ideas. Yes, sir.

And if we don't have it, then they're going to go directly to the court.

Here I need to have an attorney tell you how to do it because it's something that you'd have to have direct experience in.

major is real close to the director. I was just talking to Ken Magnuson and he

against, I'm sorry, where she directed the Texas Rangers not to investigate

personal authorization from the director of the Department of Public

director couldn't do it anymore, so they shifted it to the prosecuting

the ranger and the director. Next time I'll include the captain and the major.

But now we can take the complaints directly to the major and the

the director. And if he sees political cannon fodder coming at them, because

really good is I took a lot of your direction some of Jay's information some

So first you have to request discovery from the other side directly, and that request does not go to the court.

Probable cause should be pretty much the B.L. and end of all this case just because I asked the officer during the stop, you know, directly what was your probable cause to pull me over and he said, you know, that he noticed there was a crack in my windshield

And I finally said, can you give me directions to the interstate?

actually directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney, but it's implied that the prosecutor

And, you know, they're probably going to send some criminal complaints directly to you and you're going to wind up throwing them in the trash and then they're going to file criminal complaints on you and they're just going to run it up the flagpole.

The legislature gave it to the Rangers and directed the Rangers or the Department of Public Safety to develop a protocol.

Prior to this, a Texas Ranger could only investigate if he could not take a criminal complaint against a public official or investigate a complaint against a public official without the express written permission of the Director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

So they came up with this scheme since the Ranger was given direct authority.

The Director could no longer prevent them from doing their job.

a direct relationship between what I do and the results I get.

of income is social security retirement. I have that put directly into a bank account

where the UCC did not. And it appeared to me as though they were trying to direct people to the

The former of the grand jury stood down either willfully or by direction of the district attorney.

already have another foreman of the grand jury that's acting noncompliant within the scope of his office, either willfully or by direction of the DA,

And when the Ranger goes to the prosecutor to ask if he can investigate or not, then I'll file against the Ranger and the director with the grand jury and everybody else.

I can just jump out to 261 and ask a question, does your security comply with 261 except 261 only directs me to another one, the 229.1101.

Then I'll file a declaratory judgment suit within federal court and ask the federal court to declare what my rights are under each one of these statutes or in the alternative direct the SEC to produce these definitions.

So that's kind of the attack we're going to go on, and also I want to address the director for the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Now, I know you said you filed some criminal charges against him, so kind of elaborate on what entailed with that, and then how are we going to go after the director for DPS,

Okay. What I did with the director is, here in Wise County, I was in court, and the district judge had the bailiff put his hand on me,

a ranger could investigate a complaint against a public official, but only with the written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

So when the legislature granted the Texas Rangers exclusive authority to investigate public officials, the director could no longer instruct these officials not to perform their duty.

So they had to find another way. And the legislature directed the Department of Public Safety to develop a protocol for implementing the law that granted the Rangers authority to investigate.

And they did that. They directed the Rangers to ask permission from prosecuting attorneys to investigate public officials.

They took that, you know, they do that was a problem. So they took that away from him, left him no discretion, sent it to the grand jury, let them do what they will. So the director established a protocol that directed his rangers to request permission from the prosecuting attorney.

So I charged the director with criminal conspiracy, the ranger and the director with criminal conspiracy to shield from prosecution. And then both of them were shielding from prosecution.

Nothing in law directs a criminal complaint to a police officer.

All criminal complaints are directed in every state of the dead.

Massachusetts included are directed to a magistrate.

he is to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

Because you've got a bunch of lawyers out there that they can't advertise their service directly.

All licensed professionals are forbidden to directly promote their business.

But they can't contact them directly.

Director of the Department of Public Safety and get written permission from the director

So once the Texas Rangers were given the direct authority

To investigate public officials then the director the agency could not restrict them

But the but the legislature fixed that because they directed the Department of Public Safety to develop a protocol

Department of Public Safety came up with is that instead of going to the director to be DPS

They were directed to go to the district attorney and request his permission

Direct the prosecutor to do anything. It just has a bunch of shits and altars

Any interference at that is a direct violation of law and would go to official oppression

the Director's Department of Public Safety in the Texas Rangers for allegations of

he presents to a magistrate. There is nothing in law that directs a criminal complaint to

a judge, a prosecutor or anyone else. Everything in law that directs a criminal complaint directs

of you, they're not going to be afraid of your complaints directly, what they're going

She said that she was directed by Diane and how to conduct herself in the board.

to Diane that said that the attorney was in there directing them how to do things.

Well, the thing about it is that Jeanine was directly assistant to Diane, and Diane held

So you could still plead these issues based not on a specific direct claim against the

to turn this the in the other direction.

But they couldn't give it to the prose directly,

on the director of the Texas Ranger, Stephen McCross, for ordering his quisling, Sergeant

And I've done this before, I've charged the Ranger and the director with criminal conspiracy

their criminal complaints directly to Shriver and every time we find he doesn't give it

And the fine is really not, it's supposedly $1,000 a day for 80 days of being in direct

Don't go after the city directly.

complete we mailed it by registered mail to presentment is directed to the Santa Clara

on her and the director of BPS for official oppression failure to perform their duty.

And so now I'm just sitting there writing these criminal complaints up on the director

Even the ones that I sent on the sergeant and the director are all verified criminal

So when a prosecutor or a public official says, well, you can't take that directly to

But yeah, I would say what people could expect is to be contacted directly from the owner,

Unfortunately, that was set up from the beginning. The Court of Appeals absolutely established that baritry occurred. Now we go directly for the lawyers and villainize the lawyers. We blame the lawyers for everything that happened.

And so, yeah, clearly he was covering his behind because it was directed to do it, but sorry, Bubba.

You send the complaint to him directly so that when he, if you get an indication he doesn't act on it, or that he did not notice the attorney general in Washington, D.C. of the crime, then you get, if he doesn't, then you get filed against the SAC.

And the clerks, the federal clerks, are directed to assist you.

Director Steven, no, that's Steven McGraw as the director.

And just look up the DPS's address in Austin, send it to directed to him.

Stephen McCraw, ex FBI agent, Colonel McCraw, Director of the Department of Public Safety, conspired with the Texas Rangers to obstruct justice.

So, I sent an information request directly to them via email and hard copy.

So, then I made up criminal complaints on her and the director of the DPS and sent them

And so, I mailed those over there to the ranger on the director and the sergeant of the rangers.

File a petition for a writ of mandamus from the Court of Appeals and ask them to order the director

of the Department of Public Safety to direct his employees to act in accordance with the law.

complaints to him directly and notify him that you have reason to believe that the prosecuting

Washington D.C. directly, the attorney general and start filing. Well, you can file directly with

direction, and they're forcing them to take a look at it, but I'm with you. I'm going to do

Assistant director, director, those kind of things. So he's going to be very political.

a warrant, they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

The reason U.S. attorney is not going to want to take that on, because it points directly

permission of the director himself, but when the legislature granted specific authority

to the Texas Rangers to handle the Public Integrity Unit, then the director no longer

And we will be charging Shriver and the director McCraw with criminal conspiracy to commit

the director for developing and enforcing the policy and McCraw for following the policy.

But yeah, I would say what people could expect is to be contacted directly from the owner, okay, especially if it's like a small, like an individual photographer or if it's from a big corporation that owns a database of images,

So we didn't go after the city directly, just kind of an indirect bank shot at them.

This is a very good sign that things are moving in your direction.

because based on my own experience, unless there's some new directives coming down that

Now at shifting gears and changing directions, I seriously doubt that this law firm ever

and the counsel's made directives to the attorneys in the law firm,

Had he done everything that counsel directed to him to, he could claim good faith reliance on competent authority.

The lawyer directed them that they could make these adjudications.

If there's not a law, that directly implements what it says.

Okay. Because T-close does not work with the officer directly. His department does. And

of municipal judges. Yeah. Okay. But the fact is, is they are not directly bound by those

rules because those rules speak directly to municipal and only municipal judges. Well,

complaint directly to district attorney and. Okay and then they would have to do something with it

Yeah well the district attorney would have to reduce the tune information and send it directly

It's like they're a wind up toy that's only built to go in one direction in their brain

And he used to take him directly

And if you don't go after him directly

you can walk right through those codes, go directly to the part of the code that applies

Okay, 2.03, first one, that directs a prosecuting attorney to do a specific thing.

to talk about your old case anymore, and the attorney, the direct attorney in the case did

Yeah, it seemed to have been a question directed at a person and I'm like going, well, it's

I'm still doing, I guess I do a direct message and they won't go out to everybody.

My information request will go to the director of the commission and when I don't get the

anything that violates our rights and it goes directly to the federal court and it puts

But in some cases, the violation is directly federal, like due process.

Okay, what are you suggesting directly is that we essentially forego the state courts and go directly to the Fed?

So we have to bring that to them directly.

I don't know if it's directly in the code.

That's not in the law directly.

I never give out people's contact information unless they specifically direct me to.

And then we should be able to go and look and see whether or not that success came back to bottom directly in their boudi and put them in jail later.

But as far as state level, same thing, they're public records. You can either send a request to the court clerk that the case was heard in to get them, or you can go look it up at the court directly if it's closed.

But I have direct evidence that the investigator and the prosecutor both tampered with the witnesses and witness.

And then the prosecutor also subordinated the perjury of the witness in a deposition. So basically, I have evidence that's in the court record, or should be, of something that was said before, and then the statement made the deposition directly contradicts it.

That might be indirect, but it's circumstantial, and it's one conclusion drawn from that, you know, it's not a, anyways.

The other thing is, as far as criminal charges, you're typically going to be grand jury. In this state, a judge can only call a grand jury by judge's direction, or if somebody, an inmate, died in custody...

You can complain to the United States Attorney's Office, you can send it to the DOJ directly in Washington, D.C.

this reasonably, then we come to the conclusion that after all, using this same misdirected

New York Police Commissioner James O'Neill stated that new information was being discovered by the hour, and FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney has said federal investigators have found no other suspicious packages in the postal network in the last eight hours.

With George Soros, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Attorney General Eric Holder,

That should get a criminal complaint against the director of the DOT.

That should get a criminal complaint against the director.

by the hour, and FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney has said federal investigators have

And keeps coming at them in the same direction.

But I have discovered that I have direct evidence that the investigator and the prosecutor tampered with the witnesses.

When you don't get that initial by the grand jury and send back to you, then you have reasonable probable cause to believe that prosecuting attorney interfered with the public males, intercepted these complaints and secreted these government documents from the person or office it was directed to.

attempts to use threats intimidation and outright violence to further an agenda fbi director christopher

Yeah, 89.1 is now off the air, we don't have an antenna up anywhere at the moment, so until that's resolved, the Internet's the only place you can be able to listen to it directly

Is there something lost in that direct translation of how this works?

Whatever thought you've got in your head about all this other crap that I can see bubbling under the surface here, but you're not directly saying, I know it's there because I see it in the way you're trying to avoid what I'm telling you.

The only way to waive the administrative setting and go above that is if the law specifically says the administrative setting may be waived and directly challenged in a judicial setting.

FBI Director Christopher A. Ray stated that they were able to locate the culprit after

direct conflict of interest and there is a more than a mere appearance of a lack of impartiality

because it directly violates 2.04 and 05 there is no classification or limitation of any kind

we're going to start directly attacking state standing if the transportation subject matter

at what point of degree was the patrol car in relation to that direction of the defendant's car?

Facing what direction?

Even if they passed directly behind the patrol car, then the patrol car wasn't looking at their car, was it?

your direction because I suspect you have got everybody paying attention.

Okay, so yeah, I got their attention because we're moving in the wrong direction.

she forced you to court it did cause a heart attack that's causation that's direct causation

indirectly I've already sort of guessed fair warning,

It's like someone has signed directly...

make an arrest for an on-site offense to take the person arrested directly to the nearest

arrest to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

Generally, the only time the Supreme Court wants to pick something up is when the lower courts need direction.

are not necessarily directly in order.

of desert and they were actually in every direction, north, southeast, where every direction

And we'll ask questions to ensure that they meet this set of requirements. If the SEC comes back with a different set of requirements, then we go directly after the SEC.

We go after the director, go after the regulator, go after them in the federal court and sue them for official oppression.

We come after you directly.

The United States can't redirect that URL.

It's directly state.

But I don't think we can get directly to the judge in the Fed. We can get directly to her in the state but not the Fed yet.

Well, file that with, file a complaint directly with the SAC as well.

nor does it otherwise adhere to our filing requirements and they direct me to their webpage in California Code Regs

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to send a information request to the director of the exchange commission,

Did you really direct me to a commercial website for a definition of a primary term used by this commission?

When we start dragging the director of the SEC into the federal court repeatedly,

I want to stomp all over them, drag them into court, filed complaints against the director, bar grieve their lawyers into the stone age.

why because that case law would be in direct violation of chapter 311 and 312 the Texas

a direct link to federal law that places it all squarely within commerce and absolutely

had an alternative backup to go to so not only was he doing recording directly

That is a direct misuse of judicial discretion, okay?

But then they want to try to argue that, well, that money doesn't get paid directly to the

cop and that money doesn't get paid directly to the city attorney and that money doesn't

get paid directly to the judge so the system is still fair.

I know that those that don't listen directly to the show, there are lots of them out there

to know I asked if he did know this goes directly to personal knowledge.

in order to meet the congressional directive.


Latches really doesn't attach here directly.

However, a document filed in the federal court in McCann last week states that the United States needs immediate possession of the subject property in order to meet the congressional directive.

If you file a direct claim, the federal court will dismiss it with prejudice for failure to state of claim, no matter what.


And things like assignments and such where most of that occurs, you are not directly a party.

to meet the congressional directive. Brownsville attorney David Garza rejected the filing claims

in order to meet the congressional directive. Brownsville Attorney David Garza rejected

Indian Ocean, and the United States will have no influence over them, so they can't redirect

my URL. That's one thing they'll do. They redirect your URL to the FBI, and the FBI puts

the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement

The lawyers are trying to misdirect the court onto issues that are irrelevant

The direct contempt court charge that I went with Dayton

Under the direct contempt court charge

Did not show any of the evidence on the direct contempt charge

That I'm not supposed to be in direct sunlight

That he was directed

Actually she was hired by the mayor, but she's under the direction of the judge

In charge, so you direct your complaints

Mail them directly to him

Directly with the US attorney, and when the US attorney doesn't

Phil Tillafane, the lead attorney in the case and executive director of Equal Justice under the law stated that quote, this unfair license suspension scheme particularly targets Texas's most impoverished residents who are often unaware additional charges are owed under the DRP.

in fact, wearing a seat belt, and therefore you would move the court for directed verdict.

For directed verdict?

A directed verdict of not guilty.

Did he move for directed verdict?

He moved for directed verdict.

You were charged with no seatbelt, the officer testified that you were wearing a seatbelt, grounds for directed verdict.

You asked for a directed verdict, the judge denied you a directed verdict, asked the court to rule that you had a right to a directed verdict.

So when you get to the court of appeals, you'll actually argue these other issues, but argue this one all by itself and ask for directed verdict.

Phil Tilafein, the lead attorney in the case and executive director of Equal Justice under

the director of the Department of Public Safety, charged all of those parties with criminal conspiracy to commit because those guys created a policy that requires a Texas Ranger before he...

When we start filing criminal charges against the director of the DPS, accusing him of conspiring with Shriver and other members of the DPS to obstruct justice, commit criminal conspiracy,

Phil Tilafein, the lead attorney in the case and executive director of Equal Justice under

Phil Tilafein, the lead attorney in the case and executive director of Equal Justice Under the Law stated that quote, this unfair license suspension scheme particularly targets Texas' most impoverished residents who are often unaware additional charges are owed under the DRP.

A ranger could not even investigate an allegation against a public official without the written permission of the director of the Department of Public Safety himself.

So now the director had a problem.

And that puts us in a position to raise some really ugly accusations against everybody involved, especially the director.

Everything in law directs a criminal complaint to a magistrate.

Nothing directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney.

The law does say that a prosecuting attorney can act on a complaint when one is brought to it, but nothing directs it to him.

It's directed to a magistrate, and the magistrate is directed to send it to the court clerk, and the court clerk is directed to send it to the grand jury.

Okay, if he says I haven't done anything with it in the last two weeks, then I go after him, the director of the GPS, and everybody.

He's not only a policeman, he's directed to a magistrate.

So the criminal complaint from the director and the director does what goes to the attorney

If you go to the attorney general with criminal complaints, he's going to direct you to a

But I think that rotation happening, which, you know, to me, that's a direct indicator that

We like to think people are listening. And the only direct evidence we have is the callers who

Then you have to go to the court and give the court a list of questions and ask the court to direct the person being deposed to answer the questions.

Technically, under law, criminal has nothing to do with civil directly.

So the criminal part has nothing to do with civil directly. Now, if I'm in a civil case

and someone committed a crime against me in the process of the case, then it indirectly has to

There was another group of people crossing the parking lot from the opposite direction to go into the store.

So we all, you know, we followed his direction and we all crossed.

And so the attorney, you know, started looking at the prospect of just going around the insurance company and directly suing the guy who hit me.

to them in direct proportion to how much it looks like it's going to cost them. So, go

a good idea. He went back and he talked to him. He didn't respond to that again directly

They directed to dismiss my lawsuit against me, and then they also froze taxes for people

stuff. The head of the law firm even directed the code enforcement officer to write us up

sixty six hundred dollars, five hundred six dollars. He made sure he put in there. I was directed by the

This is we have directed the attorneys to dismiss the case against the pixelers.

And I heard Chris say it one more time, we have directed the attorneys to dismiss the lawsuit against the pixelers.

knows what you know and you don't think you don't think to give us direction on where you're at.

No, grand jury or some magistrate. I just send mine to the grand jury directly and the prosecutor

last weekend in the discussion where you can report a crime directly to a magistrate. So

about Pennsylvania. You don't have a grand jury directly, the way most other states do.

In fact, I'm trying to make it much easier by giving you a jumping off point, a starting place, a point in the right direction.

When you get to rule of law, if you click on any of the links like listen or whatever, it'll take you directly over to the Logos page and you could go there and look.

But if you go directly to Logos, the main page will come up and that main page is where you'll buy the seminar if you want to buy it.

Now that's one and two, but real quick, let me tell you what they're talking about here. Let's see. I was directed to speak with ADA after having my license used to check into the Terstal of their Kangaroo Court

at least you can point the finger in what direction I should take.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate.

He should file against the director of the bar, criminally for shielding.

Now you've got the director of the bar with criminal charges against him as respondeat superior for conducting the business of the bar in a way that had the effect of committing crime.

Responding at superior. The ADA is acting under the training and direction of the district attorney.

help and you directed me, you kept me on the right path.

then you send them a letter directing them

Of course, it was interpreted by the clerk, even though it was addressed directly to Neil Gorsuch and all other U.S. Supreme Court justices.

violation of law. He directly violated the preliminary injunction, even though the judge

That goes directly to the attorney.

But suing them directly is not what I do anymore.

and library directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public service as well,

was very respectful, he asked very short and direct questions that the officer for the

Interior Union and I'm going to do it on the director of the Department of Public Safety

For everybody else, Adam was cool, he was calm, he was direct, he was never rude, never

And the head of the public intelligence and the director, I'm going to accuse them all

I feel that, you know, I don't just have an accusation against the directional judge.

Okay, so my question is, when I filed the criminal complaint from the director of DPS and this

zoo, public works, parks and recreation and library directors have all benefited quite

you direct your complaint to the SAC. I will have to look up my last complaints. I think

look bad. I report that directly to D.C. That's the way I see the statute. But the way I read

and library directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public

just told them my my document says you are hereby directed to provide for my

directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public service as well many of which

after a more focused and directed issue then all of these other issues are

court move the court for mediation for directed mediation bring them to the

directed singular issue will keep you in court five seven years on that and when

court so file a motion asking the court to direct the defendant to give qualified

direction exactly that complaint is just to hold them in court for a while okay so

right and in that case he can sue them directly for fraud for claiming funds

managers, zoo, public works, parks and recreation, and library directors have all benefited quite

we had to do to get it loaded, we loaded it. And then they come down and give us direct

parks and recreation, and library directors have all benefited quite lucratively from

direct you to cases closer to point. First time you've done this consistently, it will become

Robert Mueller is the former FBI director who is now a special counsel for the United States

You are entitled to a dismissal, not a or a directed verdict of not guilty.

Was there ever anything filed in the court or anything stated on the record demanding a dismissal with prejudice or a directed verdict in favor of the defense of not guilty?

Okay, so again, he asked for a dismissal with prejudice, not a directed verdict.

It came directly from the judge, from his own hand, and it was typed, and then he signed

He gave directions to the cop, and he turned around telling your friend in open court that

I was entitled to a dismissal with prejudice or a directed verdict because there was no

requires this case to be dismissed with prejudice or that a directed verdict

trial got started or a directed verdict in favor of the defense of not guilty if a

Robert Mueller is the former FBI director who is now a special counsel for the United States

I haven't headed in that direction, I've just been.

Thank you so much for your time and I'm definitely going to head down this direction.

Monica Perk, senior forecasting director at e-marketers, gave some insight into the reason

on the appeal. I don't remember. Every email I got this direct, every time I get an email

directed to somebody else, I forward that immediately. Send me another one. It may be

slightly behind at 5.5 trillion. Monica Perk, senior forecasting director at e-marketer,

guidelines by the Rehnquist Court directing judges in how to evaluate law according to a set of

to direct the SEC to so construct their code so that it meets the requirements of the Texas

I m not a material witness. I have no direct knowledge of anything. So they do these overbroad

If that wasn't enough for you, even pool managers, zoo, public works, parks and recreation, and library directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public service as well, many of which are several degrees north of $150,000.

under the directive of the council, we did not drop the injunction and the councilman confirmed that.

Well, actually she can get, she has direct access to that information.

That's why I want to make sure, though, that they can't come directly after me again.

parks and recreation and library directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public

them. So when we file criminal complaints with the AG against public officials, they will direct

I have a large small question and hopefully you can point me in the right direction.

And you could advise your friend to direct any inquiries she has to the probate court

directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public service as well. Many of

to convey directly and consciously to you what they remember. And the only way you tend to have

They're in there. You just can't find them directly. So we have developed some methods

and library directors have all benefited quite lucratively from their public service as well,

You took them on directly. They are not going to want to mess with you.

Okay. So you're saying to file something directly into the case?

different than the definition used in the common tongue, we ask that counsel be directed

You can judicial notice and provide a text copy taken directly off the web or typed in out of a book

Therefore, we demand a finding and a directed verdict for the defense.

Again, very simple, very direct question that the officer did not have a legal basis to answer.

When the judge didn't give the directed verdict or the cop went back and changed the testimony to say improper use through his language, did you address it the second way I just said?

And F, direct contempt determination proceedings.

If that wasn't enough for you, even pool managers, zoo, public works, parks and recreation, and library directors

He was very respectful. He asked very short and direct questions that the officer, for the most part, did not want to answer.

as the public can tell you, and I'm going to do it on the director of the Department of Public Safety,

Well, for everybody else, Adam was cool. He was calm. He was direct.

And his superior, which is a Ranger in Puma, and the head of the public confederate in the A&M office and the director,

Okay, so my question is, when I filed the criminal complaint from the director of DPS, and this range and the agency's superior and all that,

at $5.5 trillion, Monica Perks, senior forecasting director at eMarker gave some insight into

interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director

And the conscious aspect looks out at the environment, the conscious aspect is the only one that can directly detect the environment, it has about five instruments it uses to detect the environment with

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

It says this standard, the clerk of the court is directed to close this case.

Well, so it says the clerk of court is directed to close this case

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

That's not really something that's objected to directly. It's something that can be challenged

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference,

I'm Rick Brody, the executive director of Grow Local.

So isn't that maybe not direct proof, but isn't that circumstantial proof that, for example, that would only have to apply to those in commerce because that would have to do with the public nature?

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

in life when a real problem raises its head, we're pointing fingers in the wrong direction.

and place explicitly placed power directly in the hands of public tribunals that are

do the video streaming and everything directly from where I am.

that would go directly against the constitutional limitation on government to interfere with contracts.

Aislin Campbell the executive director of grow local south Texas concerning the

it's really really hard to go directly after the voting systems themselves or

to go directly after the the county clerk many candidates have done that many

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

be humble and you want to be direct and you want to be calm because how you

direction the designated record and get it over to the appellate court so more

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas,

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference,

Take the questions you have experienced with lawyers asking and directions they tend to want to go in.

Let's see, it's 345.002. The officer who arrests you must take you directly to a magistrate or 006, you can sign a promise to appear before a magistrate, not a judge.

comment first edition anchor woman kristen diaz interviewed aislinn campbell the executive director

the conscience because it does not comply with law you were entitled to a directed verdict because

First edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislinn Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

officer was acting at direction of counsel.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

and take him directly to, take him to the nearest magistrate or take him to a magistrate.

I think I'm headed in the right direction and picking on these specific folks.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

the fraud. So she can go back and sue the bank directly. Now, the bank has taken the

comment. First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers

They can give you the information straight up and you can go directly to it from there.

Now that right there runs directly afoul of the Texas Constitution's separation

but you're sitting up here voting on bills that you have a direct personal interest in

Yeah, I understand who is direct to that.

The fact that he tried to humiliate you is a direct violation of the judicial canons.

And it was like a 50 foot run over the middle of the fire that I mean to the traffic going direct someone to go.

And on that page, you can either donate directly to the show, the network, or you can donate

directly to individuals, however you want to do it.

So she told me to direct it to her.

Yeah, you can go there and you can pay directly into PayPal from a credit card.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

I could do online classes and streaming directly from where I'm at, and that way I could control

Whereas the state is in direct violation of the contracts clause,

before magistrate, they took you directly to jail and then the magistrate that's at

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omnia Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

The code specifically commands your officer to take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

Whether I have a right to that or to be directly taken to a magistrate or not is irrelevant.

They, they want to steer what I, what I want to do in a different direction than I want.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

I would like to try and get some clarity on whether I can be compensated for time I've put into this directly, not through a lawyer.

In this case, he had his, he could have sued the officer directly,

You can't go after the insurance directly. They owe no duty to you.

and you can't do that directly.

You do that when you file a suit, you go after them in directly because they're covered.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

I never filed directly the district attorney, I do it indirectly.

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

My direct question today would be, I'm trying to find the commercial link for the DMV in

If you want to make donations directly to individuals, you're going to have to go to the ruleoflaw website,

because right now the direct links to individuals doesn't appear on the one for Logos.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local,

If an officer arrests someone for any reason, they were to take them directly to the nearest

Okay, so first, in context of Pareto's law, I'm brand new to the study of law, so as green to get, I'd like to know, in your opinion, where ought I direct my efforts to get the maximum value for my time studying law as pro se?

Do you have an idea where I should direct my efforts to be most effective in this field?

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Constitution anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

you in the right direction, whether you're familiar with all the rules or not.

So if you read those, they'll give you direction, otherwise, it's just a regular suit.

It is my site and I paid a lot of money to get it up, but I changed directions and haven't

So it knocks the principal directly down that much.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

I'll make all of these guys, everybody in the county will be pee-o-ed at me, and even more pee-o-ed at them, forget me on them. This is when you start getting some movement in your direction.

So the way this process is supposed to work, I send them a default letter, a couple of other notices and then if they don't do this, I can go and directly pull the meter out myself and put another one in.

They won't do it directly, but if you can get the court to force them to, then they'll

to where if you pursue the loan modification suit and it's moving in your direction, you've

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the Executive Director of Grow Local, South Texas,

And this time you don't go to the SEC. You make up your complaint and you file it. You mail it to the U.S. Attorney's Office, directed to the foreman of the grand jury.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

directly when you go there instead of on a computer

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

If you'll talk a little more directly into your phone, I can.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas,

It goes on to say they have to do so many inspections under the direction of the Department of Public Safety, they have to meet all kinds of requirements.

When they arrested you, did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

Yes, because the taxes code says that they must take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

If a magistrate is not available, they're to take you directly to the magistrate in a surrounding county so that the magistrate may effectively give the warnings that are contained in 15.17.

When the officer took you to the jail, did the jailer take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

does the arrest is commanded to bring me directly to the nearest ministry, or he can allow me

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the

get permission from the director of the Department of Public Safety himself. Well, when Ron Earl used his public

ranger, the director of the public integrity unit, Schultz or Schreiber, and the director of the DPS for criminal conspiracy to heal from

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

I'm directly with the Supreme.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

that you acted in accordance with the directive of the district judge.

But remember, I got a ticket near... I was going to Tim's to a city council meeting and I followed a sheriff's deputy into town and he turned off on the road that went to Tim's and I said, that looks suspicious. So I circled around, come in from the other direction.

through him directly, because he has stated, we will send you the note, and then he refused

christin diaz interviewed acelyn campbell the executive director of grow local south texas

move out to keep from hitting that hole in the road and this cop coming in the other direction

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

directing respondent Santa Clara County Superior Court to vacate its order denying petitioners

A all actions of petitioner were done with the supervision counsel preparation and direction

it gave me a receipt and said that it was going to be handed directly to a judge and a couple weeks

First-edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

And it pretty well gave them new directives, and most of them told those Yankee Carpenter

them directly to the server.

or ordinances for the counsel that direct them and how much time they give.

I believe it's not something I researched directly, but I'm relatively certain.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

to access the data to market to them directly.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director

There's no houses within about 100 yards of where he stopped me in any direct.

I put you period D period with my name and my understanding that's under direct.

to file your paperwork, unless you were given directives to see the judge and the prosecutor,

Their elements are far more direct in many statutes, including speeding.

it directly off of a web page.

Not just once directly relating to it being commercial or noncommercial, but you have to draw a distinct relationship between the term itself as being the governing subject matter and what it means.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

The Supreme Court has yet to ever directly and fundamentally address, just like the right

to keep and bear arms as being an individual right, they have never bothered to directly

the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas,

And I'm seriously considering filing criminal charges against the director just for yucks.

And in my opinion, for a director of an agency to knowingly and blatantly exert a purport to exert an authority he does not expressly have,

So, just for yucks, I filed against the director for exerting an authority he doesn't have,

First edition anchorwoman, Kristin Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

And I also filed a lawsuit against Thomas Brandon, who is the acting director

in the Congress and directs that the president shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.

I'm thinking that the director of the ATF has exerted or purported to certain authority does not express they have.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

directly to the nearest magistrate. That is, if there is a key to fix this problem, that's it.

and it does not allow for people to routinely be taken directly to jail.

They're required to be taken directly to the magistrate. That was the original intent at the time of the Magna Carta.

To your knowledge, are there cases where a person is taken directly to a magistrate, say in a high profile case?

While you may not be able to get them to do it directly, the same thing we do with bar grievances and professional conduct complaints

The worst thing you can do for them is come at them indirectly.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Con them to find out who the head guy is, and then call his office directly.

First-edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

If the person is arrested, they're taken directly to that magistrate.

Do you know three commands that officers take that person directly to the nearest magistrate?

Prearrest must be followed by taking the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

On the outside bound, somehow somebody is going to be harmed, whether it is indirectly

or directly, right?

to access the data to market to them directly.

now we get to go directly after the courts, criminally and civilly, for failing to perform

First edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell the executive director of Grow Local South Texas concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

I need you to talk more directly into your phone.

Well, again, did he retrieve the photos directly from the camera or did he retrieve it from a third party system?

Because the rules for the mandamus are there's a couple of things you have to be able to prove and you have to state the language more directly up front.

So you're going to file a request for a written mandamus directing the judge to provide a legal reason why you are not entitled to that hearing and to state it plainly.

The cop can't do it directly because they are not going to witness it.

And he directed me to his website where you could download a bunch of forms to throw out and file with the court.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

It does not teach you how to sue governmental actors or entities directly

Short of having go directly to prison and don't pass go incriminating evidence against virtually everyone involved, which includes the cops, the judges and the opposing counsel for the defense, etc.

Or you're going to fail to object to the appellate's court spinning of the issues in a different direction than where you had them, without ever addressing why they ignored the way you had them

Larry, can you talk and you fall a little more direct?

Do you file a written objection with whatever in the case dealing with that order, and then you take it up for appeal, or you try to file an interlocatory appeal and challenge that order directly because that is not a factually accurate representation of the case.

And you can't, I mean, just like the answers you gave me tonight, I had no idea where to go, and now you give me a new direction, and I'll head that direction.

I don't see any way, it seems to me that the train of ownership of that property can't be established directly.

And make sure that you send a copy directly to the administrative judge of the district.

Not to that court, but to the... you're going to send the original to that court, but you're also going to send a copy of that directly to the head administrative judge for the district you're in.

First Edition Anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell the executive director of Grow Local South Texas

and 203 directs a prosecuting attorney, so this puts him on the hook for Article 203, 2.03

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

who said send it directly attention to me

and they will not like you coming directly to them

there is nothing in law that directs a complaint

everything in law directs a complaint

Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell the executive director of Grow

take you directly to a magistrate no sir and and I even knew the statute and I

take indirectly to jail yes sir and put in the hands of bail I mean the jailers

them the jailers the director of the jail is responding at superior and if the

directly to the nearest magistrate they stepped outside of scope everything

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

opposite direction and showed me he wasn't unreasonably aggressive when he

direction told me that you don't have any business in the court and you're not

refused to and send me to someone else so he directed me to the prosecuting

jail he was directed to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and

Constitution anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

in helping me with getting my loan modified, saying they had a direct line to this bank.

They had told me that the CEO had this direct line to Joseph Otting of Warmless Bank.

First-edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

the same direction.

That's not a direct crime.

the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas

well hello i can barely hear you can you talk more directly into your phone

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Then what they go on to say is the two men, and then this is a direct quote, did not have

I need you to speak directly into your phone, please, or if you've got me on speakerphone,

Move for either a dismissal or directed verdict

but you're moving to have a directed verdict

And it was just mounted in a different direction.

directly relating to just an error on the ticket itself.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

he was asking for a direction

he found that direction and he has become

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Prosecutors were directed by the legislators to give legal advice to the police in lower

to take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

Take the person directly to that magistrate and explain yourself, and it is the magistrate

from my combat experience directly.

First edition anchor woman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas

Nor do they have any authority whatsoever to prevent the public from accessing the grand jury and filing complaints directly with them.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

And the judge allowed his power to be usurped or directly delegated it to the prosecuting attorney and thus is guilty of bias and prejudice against the defense

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas,

It doesn't mention collateral estoppel directly, as I recall.

and going the opposite direction they were going.

And I think that's what he wanted. They turned me around and pushed me in the other direction.

It wasn't direct. I could see that it had been forwarded around from from city manager to senior this person or that person. Would you please handle this.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference,

The prosecutor, failed to take you directly to the nearest magistrate, he became a trespasser ab initio.

direct appeal. And so they want to charge me these fees $750 to file to get the remedy

around and pushed me in the other direction. So what do you do in that case?

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

parties that are directly affected.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

showed me in the other direction, I turned around and looked at him and said, you put

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

But a criminal complaint is directed to some magistrate. And as a rule, justices of the peace are the ones that are primarily considered to be magistrates.

directs the bailiff to do something that is illegal,

the clerk was directed by the judge to do it.

or acted at the direction of the judge.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

So now file a complaint against the director of the bar association or whatever this oversight

Accuses the director of tampering.

Director is responding at superior.

As far as you know, he directed them to throw that out.

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

So he pulled me backwards, turned me in the other direction and pushed me away from the

You don't turn by changing, pushing the direction around like you do front wheels, you put pressure

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local,

It doesn't follow directly so there's probably a lot of information we don't have.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas,

while granting the factual basis of the point. I was hoping for something a little more direct

What are you reading from? Are you reading from some directions from the appellate court?

Distribution Anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the Executive Director of

prosecuted and he went to Sears and he's been a board of directors of Sears and he now has

Uber Board of Directors.

It sends a directive to the inner mind so that every step you take, every action, every

And the only reason I got that after two years of baloney from them is because I wrote the Sears holding company and said, you got a crook Steven Mnuchin on your board of director.

And I said, when I was president of different boards of directors, I would want to know if there was a crook there that would be doing damage to us.

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

So I let him pull me backwards, turn me the other direction, push me the other way.

so that they didn't have chaos and they gave them new directions.

First-edition anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

I'm Rick Rody and I'm the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, and I'm the executive

director of Grow Local, South Texas, and I'm the executive director of Grow Local, South

Texas, and I'm the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, and I'm the executive director

Always complaints are directed to some magistrates.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

No, you're going to make me lose train of thought because you can take it a different direction from what I'm actually calling them to find out.

interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming

director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners

job to direct them and control their behavior.

that does not go directly to the requirement that the lender return the note. Anything that doesn't

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the Executive Director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

That if any free person is arrested for any reason, they are to be taken directly to the

me from behind and backed me up, turned me in the other direction, said you're not going

One of them is they're not giving complaints against public officials directly to a grand jury.

I'm going to try to get them to take someone arrested directly to a magistrate.

If they take them directly to a magistrate, a preliminary hearing only takes a minute or two.

the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas,

Anyway, I got one very nice clerk and she said send it to her directly.

I sent it to her directly.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

because she's not directly involved in any of the court hearings.

aceland campbell the executive director of grow local south texas concerning the upcoming texas

like a dire threat i have no interest in appearing and what would happen if i don't appear and they're

statements that goes directly to guilt or innocence but if he might have thumped you

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

citation to take you directly to the nearest magistrate 543.002 however in lieu of taking you

directly to a magistrate he can allow you to sign the citation as a promise to appear and we

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

And with the attachments come directly from the transcripts from the hearing, which I thought was absolutely awesome.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

If you have someone send the letter to the director of the agency, the grievance, send

it to the director, return receipt, restrict it.

When you don't hear anything back, then charge is the director with the tampering with the

So let's see if we can give the director of the state bar association a whole other experience.

So we should send it to the, you don't even need the name, just the director of the bar

Yes, everybody, you effectively through your legislators or the courts hired this director.

You had your elected officials appoint this director.

The director hired everybody else.

We do the same thing with the director.

And you got to know when the director starts hammering him, he's going to throw some lawyers

like the executive director of the Utah state bar is named John Baldwin.

And his email is director at, perfect place.

They don't answer to him, they answer to the director.

Only the director answers to you.

Well, I would suggest that you send an inquiry to the director and then if they claim they're

not getting them, then charge the director as respond yet superior for his mail room

And the one person I hadn't talked to, everybody directed my complaints to the prosecutor's attorney.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

You can do in person, by mail, by commercial delivery service, by fax, by email, or by any other such manner as the court in its discretion may direct.

You can walk up in person, you can give it to a mail, commercial delivery service, fax, email, or any other such manner as the court may direct.

Everybody works for him, works under his direction

Anything that's done by any functionary of a department is done by the director of the department

You hired the director, the director hired everybody else

The director of the department

But if the person is an employee, then he's to be directed by the director of the department

And he works as if he were the director

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Even if you're not directly in the combat

Why'd I go there? I lost my direction

First edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislinn Campbell, the executive director of

First Edition anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislinn Campbell, the executive director of

interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Well, if nothing else, send it directly to whoever your elected DA is.

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

Wait, wait, wait. You're moving away from the phone. Talk directly into the phone because you fade in and out.

Had it been a criminal complaint, then you could also look at the option of reporting it directly to the county or district attorney or to a grand jury.

Because that's not going to do anything but escalate the situation in both directions, guaranteed that's what's going to happen.

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference,

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference, which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th, 6 to 9 p.m.

executive director of Grow Local, South Texas, concerning the upcoming Texas

comment. First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director

Leslie, what was I supposed to address directly?

First edition anchorwoman, Kristen Diaz, interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

First-Edition Anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislin Campbell, the executive director of

You're writing it to the Court of Appeals, but you really want the argument directed

I would not spend my time in that direction because it's going to be a waste of time.

So if anybody needs a private investigator, let us know, send me an email and direct it to Tina

And the statute says that when an officer arrests someone for any reason, he's taken direct to the nearest magistrate.

And he's going to open one that's directed to the grand to the form of the grand jury.

Yeah. Well, anyway, thank you for making me not afraid to write to these judges directly and get it in front of them.

provides for a means of punishment, not just simple removal from office, but direct fundamental

Am I approaching this from the right direction or am I totally off the wall?

It's being applied to people who are domiciled here, and yet the law specifically directed at residents.

If that specific law is directed at a resident and resident is not defined as someone permanently domiciled within the state to make it more in line with domiciled in resident, that's correct.

One directed to the foreman, one directed to grand jury one through 11.

I was going to say, do I give that directly to them in person or do I mail it or how do I go about that?

I don't like to give complaints to Grangerie members directly.

In Tennessee, the law directs a prosecutor not to prosecute a case that he doesn't feel is warranted,

Yes, indirectly.

Cops basing it out of there, hopping in their cars and heading in every direction.

Did they take you direct... well, okay, what time of day was it?

Did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

No, they took me directly to jail and within...

What the code says is that the officer shall take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

The code 14.1403 directs the officer to take the arrested person who's rested without a warrant directly to the nearest magistrate.

To take them directly to the nearest magistrate.


the handset, away from me, so I'm trying to talk not directly into the hand.

My big Barringer mixer went down and I'm using a patch mixer that does not give me direct feedback.

And on the surface, that looks like a problem because you don't have direct access to a grand jury.

Since you don't have a grand jury, you can go directly to and the prosecuting attorney has first blush in order to counter bad behavior by the prosecutor.

Yeah. No, no. And like yourself, you zero right into the point and gave me good direct marching orders.

You don't technically have a dog in the hunt directly,

I haven't done an actual stand up seminar on due process directly.

That's what the warrant is about to be taken directly to a magistrate.

Okay, magistrates. In Texas, and I suspect it's going to be the same here, because it is the nature of what a magistrate does. It is the intention, or it was the intention, that if a person is arrested for any reason, that he be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

That's because if you chase a guy across 20 counties and you arrest him, it is intended that you take him directly to the nearest magistrate.

They went better than most, but it went in the direction that I expected it to.

This is kind of parallel to that, but it's directed to,

and talk into it directly so I can hear you and everyone else can, too.

Don't send it to the group. Email it to me directly. You bury it in Facebook. I won't ever go looking for it.

Regulation is limited to laws that govern and regulate licensing, inspections, financial responsibility, and any other kinds of laws that are directed at charging fees for state permission to engage in the activity or business for private profit or gain,

Constitutionally speaking, the only way that the government can get money from the pockets of the people directly is through valid forms of taxation authorized by the Constitution. If the Constitution does not authorize it, they can't tax it.

And, ladies and gentlemen, is the problem with saying the Constitution authorizes the government to tax the people directly because there is no difference between the guy with the gun stuck to your head and a dark alley telling you to empty your pockets than there is for the government to be doing the exact same thing in the light of day to do the exact same thing.

But it's a direct tax.

I mean, property tax is a direct tax, correct?

Therefore, it has to be a direct tax.

It's forbidden for Congress to levy a direct tax under the federal constitution.

They will want to misdirect the court

When you don't have facts in law, you want to misdirect the court

However, there is nothing in code that directs a complaint to a prosecuting attorney

All complaints are directed to some magistrate and even when a prosecutor gets one

One of the requirements, I think it's 05, directs him forward the complaint to some magistrate

even if they come down with memos and directives, the guy sitting here, getting these documents,

the directives on that, Title IX.

What you're saying goes directly to the exact same argument I just used in relation to the federal government engaging in a commercial contract or agreement, and the loss of sovereignty associated with it.

The Supreme Court said that the expansion is limited to only those things that may not be listed but which can be shown to have a direct natural relationship with those that are.

Yet there is no evidence in the record showing that it makes no difference when what is in the record directly relates to the subject matter of commerce directly as an object regulated by that subject matter.

Yeah, I definitely did for real. I just wanted to bring it up to you because I see so many parallels. I was listening to what you were saying earlier, and it kind of like, like I said, I understand, you know, is this is not a direct, you know, effort, effort, effort.

because everything they write in their opinion is directed at language surrounding a subject

analogies or ways of thinking to come to that conclusion. It just takes very direct, simple

I like to put one issue per motion. And then the judge has to directly address each one of them.

Set the pulp so the pulp's directly against your skin and just put a wrap on it to hold it there.

Should I put that in at the bottom? Absolutely. Okay. That's the primary directive.

after they have been directly ordered to do so, that provides the adverse inference

If you want to sue them for a lot of money, it would move you in one direction, because

They're not causes that directly cause it.

the language that's not directly apparent.

If there's law to be asserted, state the law, cite the law directly.

That's the only one whose name you could get. You file it with him directly.

to the judge, and then the judge was directed to file them and the clerk. Judge for tampering

I went down through town and come back to Tim's house from the other direction and there's that

Okay. Well, if all of you want them, anyone who does want to make a donation to me directly

can make a direct donation if you're going to use a credit card.

Well, yeah, they are responding superior if you can show that they directly employ the individual you're talking about.

And the municipality, if you can show that the municipal police department is directly created and employed by the municipality, then it becomes respondent superior to the police officers as well and their department.

To the Library of Congress or I would go directly to the Library of Congress

And nothing could be more direct and clear in what it says and what it applies to than that original code

What nobody that keeps throwing out these court cases wants to admit is that all the court cases that are being cited out there about the right to travel directly recognize the distinction in the language of the opinion

Which means that if you are harmed in a way that the Supreme Court has never directly addressed, even though you are 100% right, you will never be able to collect on the harm done to you because it was not a clearly established precedent at the time.

ask the Supreme for direction to the bar in this case, that they are considering the complainant

So make that argument, ask the Supreme to give direction to the bar in the case of privacy

This is not for the courts, it's for the company president and the board of directors.

go the guy directly under him and chew him out and then that guy's going to chew the next guy out

Presenting information I had never presented directly to someone before.

the same act. I'm going to give the T. Cole executive director that honor. He's going to get

The state of Colorado will try to misdirect you and have you send your complaints to the state bar.

And they stopped and they backed up and went in another direction.

In Texas, the code says, the Department of Public Safety shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

You know, we maybe have 15 or 20 policies and a handful of directives.

And so it changed the direction of peace officers being referred to as law enforcement.

You have to sort of change your direction sometimes, you have to be able to turn on a dime, so to speak.

So in the meantime, Bob from Downstairs, the HR director, he comes up all hot and bothered.

And the HR director says, well, yeah, I changed my attitude because you're filming everybody and everything.

Yeah, the lawyer did not sign it. It was directly from the bank itself. But yeah, as soon as they enter notice, I will go ahead and file a bar immediately.

and intentionally swerves her Lexus SUV directly at me

It is not the 1812 Overture. It is not Columbus sailing in the wrong direction around flat earth to find the round earth on the other side.

First edition anchorwoman Kristin Diaz interviewed Aislinn Campbell, the executive director of

that in my opinion was directed to appeal to the right side of the jurors' brains.

there. I went to go see if he would be available. They're all directing me around pointing

If there is a warrant, they are to take them directly to the magistrate who issued the

Yes, and you sent me. Okay, Danny sent me an argument for to dismiss the complaint. Will you explain the argument about the director of revenue?

Direction of the home or from any gun they found in the home

So if they perform any sort of direct taxation that tax has to be apportioned

If they're going to directly taxes, which is exactly what a sales tax is

So that right there all by itself would prohibit a direct tax on what the people earn and live on

That's how they get you by getting you to use terminology that puts you directly into their jurisdictional grounds

directly into their jurisdictional grasp

taken directly to the nearest magistrate and the policeman is to explain

take that person directly to the nearest and magistrate for preliminary

No, he's not administrative, he is respondent superior, they stand in his shoes, if they commit crimes under his direction, he commits a crime

Okay, under his direction, but I don't understand under his direction, here's the question

Another potential reason why somebody would be responsible and culpable for that other person's act is if he solicits, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid the other person to commit the offense

So in order to make the accusation of respondeat superior, we don't have to find all those distinctions. We made the accusation and let the respondeat superior show that he did not direct these people.

If you are under the direction of the chief, the presumption must be that the chief directed you.

even though he did not specifically tell the police that when you arrest someone, you must take them directly to jail.

But when they do that, he doesn't take any action to prevent them from doing that. While he wasn't directly responsible for the arrest or the carriage straight to jail, is he responsible as respondeats superior?

When, obviously, if they allow the district attorney direct access to this system,

I was trying to, and I had to directly file something, and I couldn't get the scanner

When you look at the way I structured this document, this is all about moving the mind, about directing the attention.

He's asking for direct access to the computer electronic recording system of all phone calls from the jail.

So then the reference to an arraignment in a classy misdemeanor is in direct conflict with 2601,

Right before Randy saved me from jumping off the cliff, I was just mentioning that if you want to take this criminally, go in a crime direction as well,

Just look at that direction as well.

Oh, you can't. Oh, I don't know if you directly can. You just have to pull the lawyer's names off any documents that they file.

Do we have a third party do it who has no direct connection to the incident?

It's not my business directly.

And it's best to enter a website address directly rather than clicking on an email link to check an account or make a purchase.

which is a direct denial of the accused's right to the equal application of protection of the laws

and conducting fair and impartial proceedings in this matter due to its direct relationship with

upon the direct favor funding and authority of the court's alleged victim in the case which totally

When a person is arrested, they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate,

But the email that I directed you to the interview, the specific part where he makes clear that the law is in America anyway, the three things that are laws.

directly to the nearest magistrate. At the time, everything was horseback, so you were within a

that I might not know about, and so I was curious if you could point me in the direction of getting

you're going, that positive mental intent will keep you pointed in the same direction

which automatically directed me to a county court. There's eight judges that do traffic.

And what happens is when the administrative agency is formed in Congress, they set up 12 board of directors and say,

won't ask you to. And it's best to enter a website address directly rather than clicking on an email

that is the direction we are heading. Whether it be driving a clean vehicle as in contrarious v

those of you that are donating to me directly. Because without you, I wouldn't have two quarters

which they're not allowed to do. It's a direct violation of the separation of powers.

So I've done a lawful direction abatement of the warrant,

didn't dismiss it directly.

When they arrested you, did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

Absolutely not, they took me directly to intake to the county jail.

Now that's written in Texas law, but it directly follows the federal due process.

Appeals directly.

He finally directed me to the clerk with my complaints.

aptly you guys have put some clarity on direction and again, on behalf of myself and my son,

We kind of bushwhacked you and went off in another direction.

My favorite one was a woman in Fort Worth, she filed a direction really good, they brought

and so I redirect that towards your program

directly from the cost?

For any reason other than direct self-preservation, which they as individual persons also have

And that, folks, is why the failure of the people to maintain the balance and power of their government directly themselves

and use all of the manipulative means of marketing and the internet and everything else to direct you down the path of.

Oh yeah, I'll just mail the thing like directly to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania then

the Supreme Court of Texas and or the State Bar Board of Directors, or would like to express

First edition anchorwoman Kristen Diaz interviewed Aislinn Campbell the executive director of Grow Local South Texas concerning the upcoming Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association conference which will be taking place at the Corpus Christi Omni Hotel from February 14th to 16th 6 to 9 p.m.

Everybody out there doesn't have indirectly in their brain what the definition of an ombudsman

or the State Bar Board of Directors. Oh, do we have some of those?

showing him, but we need to approach it in a different direction. They look at the liability

it. But if they think it, then it's true. So instead of being direct, we'd be somewhat

indirect and lead them to the conclusion we want them to come to. If we write our letter

The director, whoever the president of the bar is, respondeat superior.

Everyone was acting under his direction.

Well, we could send the ombudsman the criminal complaints against the director of the state bar

Then if the judge moves in that direction,

When he left the hospital, he was taken directly to jail and booked.

Take someone arrested directly to the nearest magistrate.

That's my ultimate goal, get every arrested person directly to a magistrate.

The problem with trains is they can go in two directions

When they never brought you directly to the nearest magistrate, they stepped in at big

Well, it wasn't on the directions.

So I didn't read the directions.

He asked me, did you read the directions?

Read directions?

Reading directions is not manly.

always the dps okay and as they are the only officers given direct enforcement authority

the caller board shows it is functioning but then again i don't have direct access to the

more or less the picture as a whole about what the new seminar material is directed at tour

directed toward accomplishing we're going to use judicial notices in writing demanding the court

raised over the years i've been doing this has never been directly addressed by a texas court

matter because if it does it directly violates article 3 section 35 of the texas constitution

be sat down and thought out in one direction you've got to extrapolate in every direction to see

They're under orders. They're carrying on their duties. Driving is always in the Bible a directed act.

If you take a policeman who the chief sends out to write this ticket and you hammer him big time for doing exactly what he was directed to do,

You can throw your line pretty much in any direction and catch one of those.

Any direction.

But I want to explain it to you directly so that we can go through it and work it out.

Then you find where the state police are given direct authority within the motor vehicle or state

a Ranger had to have written permission from the director of the Department of Public Safety

the improper protocols set up by the Texas Rangers and named the director himself

Okay. And then you get to go to the district judge with complaints against the director of

they need to do it in the JP's office because the warrant commands them to take you directly to the

like it goes in your direction you want to and you click on it yet and then it opens another one.

If they don't have an argument, their job is to misdirect the court.

It goes to an issue where the supreme needs to give direction.

The supreme needs to give direction to the lower court on how to implement the intent of the legislation that established the right to file a petition for declaratory judgment.

Yes, and because it's clearly where the court is giving, the Supreme wants to give direction to the lower courts.

They're more concerned about teaching the lower courts or directing the lower courts into how to adjudicate the cases.

And since declaratory judgment is relatively new and not used a lot, the courts need some direction here.

And your case is shaping up to go directly to the direction that's needed.

He's making these irrelevant arguments and grieving for each relevant argument that he makes and accusing him of deliberately attempting to misdirect the court.

just holding them to their own rules of law. But at the end of the day, I have a notion that if she gets an order directing the lawyer

Or some Texas telephone directory

And challenge it directly

That's the supremacy clause going in both directions

That's more directly related. Looking at the definition in Title 18 is not going to be sufficient because you cannot draw a corollary between Title 18 subject matter and the state subject matter

Then it too is in direct violation

Because it would directly violate

that if a person arrests a citizen for an on-site offense he is required to take the person directly

Before I bought Jurisdictionary and started going in the right direction,

that are supposed to be following the law to go that far in the opposite direction.

agenda than the trial court judge does. And they're there to give direction to the trial judge,

i'd like to do a 10 minute interview with the director of the jail and the sheriff on this issue

here we don't know who he is he is asking very pointed directed questions about this case you

now generally the charging instrument is something people don't attack directly

and get the special agent in charge local to screw it up so you can go directly to the

However, Chapter 45 specifically directs you to go outside of 45 if you need to for something that's not defined in 45.

Indirectly the people.

Indirectly the people, but in either case he does not work for the judge.

Order them to take you directly before the magistrate who issued the warrant.

only tool of the constitution placed directly in our hands the Texas constitution did it in the

You must direct the interpretation into the only place it can fit

A direct relationship between the law that's being used in the state and the law as it's governed by the federal law that was enacted under

No, you didn't. Where did you tell me here's the law that shows the state law in New York is directly dependent upon the federal law at the federal level under this act?

We really, really, really need your financial support. Things are dire around here and y'all are the only help we've got

previously convicted under this section or B, another suffers serious bodily injury as a direct

direct result of an attempt by the officer or investigator from whom the actor is fleeing

how everyone in your town must live their life. Well, why not just give him that power directly?

government are engaged in absolutely criminal because those actions directly and unlawfully

Okay, did you amend the complaint in accordance with the directions of the court and send it back to them?

No, they didn't send no direction.

And a lot of times you can go in and take out those headings once you're done, but you need that mental directive that keeps you from doing a paragraph that's a half a page long.

It breaks it apart into pieces and your reader, it gives your reader direction.

I used you for the most part. I wasn't really talking directly to you.

No. No. Way too politically charged from all sorts of different directions. I need something a lot simpler and a lot quieter.

Moreover, the public frequently has insufficient notice of guidance documents, which are not always published in the Federal Register or distributed to all regulated agencies, that is pointed directly at the SEC.

So in the case of a complaint against a public official, it is to go directly to the grand jury.

They all work for the president directly. They're all political.

So their regulations are have a lot less case law supporting them and have a lot less direction already put out there where the SEC said years and years and years to get a more stable defined system.

And when that first came in, they were really aggressive and then as soon as Trump got in, he fired the director and replaced him with Puppet.

So when you do that, then you really don't need the FBI. But the reason I'd like to include the FBI, because you can go directly to the grand jury,

Okay, I'm going to say I'm the attorney on the other side. I'm going to object because it doesn't affect you directly.

and ask the president to issue an executive order directing all US attorneys to abide by

this as direction in how to address this issue. So we're going to ask the president to say

special agent in charge and get that off the website. So you send your complaint directly

Notice you are entitled to receive a supporting deposition further explaining the charges provided you request such supporting deposition within 30 days from the date you're directed to appear in court and on and on.

The Court of Appeals is there to give direction to the lower courts and make determinations that affect the body of law.

So I'm not arguing the right to travel directly, I'm kind of going at it indirectly

Did they file it directly with the magistrate or did they file it with a prosecutor?

So assuming that you can document that the public official is actually giving, is not following the law and the lawyer interloped, would you be hearing directly from the lawyer or would you be hearing from the public official

But that's only if you actually communicate directly with the lawyer.

will get directives ensuring that this doesn't happen to these Supreme Court

notice to some magistrate when they fail to do that then you get to go directly

Yes. Then send them a letter and direct them to move your property from the public rolls to

I can go directly to the grand jury.

So going directly to T-close doesn't do a whole lot. Okay.

And in this precedent it says very clearly that the FDCPA now directly applies to attorneys who

the FDCPA in 1986 to remove the blanket exception for attorneys. Thus, the FDCPA now directly

engaged directly and indirectly in the collection of debts is a debt collector under the FDCPA,

trial has been afforded the individual to whom your unlawful communication is directed,

due process rights of the individual to whom you have directed the communication regarding the

cops, that's the only two categories in which you can live. You're either a direct participant

break, I don't care if you're a direct participant. When you are doing nothing to stop it, nothing to

and click on the donations link if you want to make donations directly to us as individual hosts,

tell you this directly or did your supervisor tell you this with an explanation that they

through their supervisor and not through the lawyer it's only indirectly from the lawyer.

I would say that if the code enforcement officer was directed by his supervisor

the code enforcement agent is concerned okay because he's following directions from his

direction to go hang on we'll be right back since 9 11 our government has used invasive

of the due course of the laws if there are laws that direct your public officials to do certain

warrant there to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate that's really clear in Texas they will

directions and there on the wall was a placard for the 101st. I didn't know where they were.

but it's moving in that direction. Okay. And for those who don't remember,

In California and see if you can approach that from a direction that indicates or at least

and I added word press to it. Well, the first time I added word press in a subdirectory

because you could not redirect the server to a subdirect domain directory.

For word press, it wouldn't, it wouldn't find that subdirectory. So I had to move word press

Good. Well, I'm sort of following your directions, trying to get all this ready to

You are hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or copying the following.

Anyway, then he turned, then he sent an email that threatened me that if I didn't pay him, that he would sue me with multiple cases and he would cause direct and collateral damage, which he has done.

complaint against a public official without the written consent of the director of the

But they directed the Texas Rangers to set up their own protocols.

Now the director could no longer prevent a Texas Ranger from investigating a public official

we charge the Texas Ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety for criminal

Now, when you look back into the county from this direction, let's say you're a special agent in charge of the local FBI,

those the exercise of those rights do not directly and indiscriminately uh

well could i say i say i know that say i know the grand jury foreman indirectly

police officer directly you file it with the internal affairs department of that department

up such activities you can also send one directly to the department of justice as well as the united

of dollars in court costs for these cases which directly violates Title II of the Code

These direct all government agencies to clearly explain their enforcement policies.

with what only indirectly has to do with the case against Don. This has to do with what the

I've got that habeas, the habeas, that subject matter jurisdiction challenge that goes directly to the authority of the officer to write the citation.

And one of them took off running and they counted to three and they took off running in opposite directions and hid.

And boy, I'll tell you what, the attorney, everything started taking a different direction once the attorney realized that he couldn't just take the money and run.

I know they need to study, they need to learn, they need to follow directions.

Y'all kind of steered me in the right direction on that

He said I have directed all of them to forward your communications to me without response

on the sheriff of kindle county for violating the text of direct text just the other day

paragraph, first sentence, first half of first sentence, directs you to another code.

we never heard of. So I sent one open records request, one of several, directly to the Missouri

and it was mailed to directly to her name and her office. And I'd asked her specifically if there

know actually who sent it and a lot of times they're not signed. Whoever the director of the

Yeah, now you know the director didn't do that, but you're holding the director responsible as

respondent superior. You assume that the director's public officials, that the director's subordinates

are acting under the direction of the director.

So hammer him. If they're not acting under his direction, then he's not doing a good enough

Pleading must be liberally construed. It cannot be dismissed without direction from the court how to cure any defects.

They arrest ordinary chomps, they take them to them in jail. But they arrest the really bad guys, they take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

I'd like to hammer the director.

The director of the DPS in Texas right now is an ex-federal agent.

So that points directly to an examining trial and the magistrate doesn't have any wiggle room here.

But you see the problem is one case might go through that way, but if all cases had to be directed to the state's center, you would have collapse.

And with the increase in traffic enforcement, it has put the policeman in a position to where there are at direct odds to the public.

File against the director of the DPS.

and file against it, direct you to DPS as respondee at superior.

Yes, at this point we could go directly to the feds and say that the state of New York is acting in a

Yeah, it is a fraud, but you still kind of missing the point. While what you gave them has value while it's being produced, it is not the value they need to directly purchase other property.

And 3.9300 is speaking directly of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

One by the director of the Department of Public Safety and one by the executive director of whatever department, agency, or political subdivision is signing for that entity in this agreement.

Regulate, commercial and for-hire traffic is a different thing than directing that traffic on where it can go on the road.

For doing so in direct violation of Supreme Court rulings

If the Supreme Court ruled directly against you,

like a failure to take you directly to the nearest magistrate,

Standard process. The code requires them to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

let me adjust that all complaints are directed to some magistrate now the

present it to some magistrate exactly so everything's directed to a

directly to a magistrate but if he doesn't and he releases you on a promise

taken directly nearest magistrate first thing to do is file an information

to why they didn't take you directly to a magistrate if they don't they cannot

But we don't really have any direct access to that, and it doesn't directly affect the

Essentially, the policeman is required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

Well, there shouldn't be anything wrong with you going directly to the nearest magistrate.

And what you told me sounded like something that would go directly to this software where you have parking tickets have all these issues.

the first one that directs a prosecuting attorney to do a specific thing. It says, and I'm paraphrasing

OK. Ralph, where are we with yours? We kind of got off in different directions.

It doesn't have directly to do.

this is not something I have direct access to except during showtime okay okay all right I'll

the research, the attorneys are going to realize that most state laws are either directly based

He wanted to do it. He just wanted somebody to direct sniff on.

they took me directly to jail and all that stuff. I said, like, when you're violating the law,

And I'm carrying maybe a problem with sound. Try to, you might be over driving the mic, move the mic down by your chin a little bit, so you're not talking directly into it.

If it's registered restricted, then under federal law only the person to whom it is directed can sign for it.

And we're even accused by the prosecuting attorneys of not filing it properly, which we filed it directly like it was supposed to be.

you can get into your car, your vehicle downloads all of that information directly to the car's computer, and any time they want, the police can find out everything you've ever bought, when you bought it, where you bought it, all of it, because your car is being used to spy on you.

general motors but no it takes a direct interest on the part of the judge

judge is part of the business that judge does with the bad guys there has to be a direct connection

off the ball get me started and get me started in the right direction in a direction that

File against the director of the DPS.

refused to take your request and file against the director of the DPS as respondee at superior.

the direction of individual rights for the individual, individual rights for the individual.

and their directors all right because they had a duty to properly train their

the Texas Department of Public Safety and its director McCraw okay okay because

it to them directly it wouldn't put them under the Department of Transportation

The prosecutors, when they advised the police to take people directly to jail instead of to a magistrate, they took out a key element.

So there, there's no grand jury direct citizen access.

But if there is no direct access, there has to be some other remedy.

In Pennsylvania, you don't have direct access to the grand jury.

There's no standing and there's no direct citizen act, according to the case law.

That person, you can get their name directly

Have you directed him to Mike Mirris?

He directed me to find a good consumer lawyer attorney

And we couldn't even get the prosecutors to look in our direction.


So she acts in a way that's in direct violation of the American Bar Association standards for the prosecution function.

They're just not accessible directly.

Because obviously the judge is going to say, well, you know, this council feels like, you know, you're going in opposite directions in terms of litigation strategy.

represented by a lawyer, I can't talk to him directly, can I? So, how the hell can he represent me?

I think that would be a great step in the right direction of all the protections that the law already affords us.

Personal property are those things which you own that are not directly connected to the real property.

The bankruptcy is directed not to issue the subpoena as requested. So ordered.

And it says the failure of pressly or high to appear as directed by this order may result in arrest.

If I felt threatened by the U.S. Marshall in the federal court at the direction of the judge,

Or take it directly to the grand jury.

So I figured I pulled it up and I went ahead and started making all directions.

The council, the testimony of council may not be used as a consideration for a directed verdict or for a judgment to dismiss.

What's it going to be when you have what is up to now been considered probably one of the most status minded public service directors

they are specifically prohibited from investigating a public servant unless they have been directly empowered to do so by the director of the Department of Public Safety,

Okay, so the director of the Department of Public Safety is the only one who can give a Texas Ranger permission to investigate a public official.

unless they had the specific approval and permission of the director to conduct that investigation to get that information.

So as you can see, I'm kind of glad I did not wind up a Texas Ranger because the first person I'd have been investigating is the director of the Department of Public Safety.

And you're saying that the prosecutor is vicariously liable because he has a duty to properly train and direct the police

judicial functions off to that direction. Anyway, let's take a look at the chapter 25

their services directly. In Texas, that's a felony. It's called baritering, but every

state has restrictions against direct solicitation by licensed professionals. The guy who gets

the time that we're limited in, how much I get done, that seems to be a direction.

And then I read out, I said, I'd like to read something, your honor, because this goes directly

When he gets the complaint against him that's directed to the grand jury and opens it, he is just stepping in big time.

So we called the director of transportation at the school in question and basically told

or third email she included she cc'd the board of the school because the director of transportation

she did that he got really upset and basically referred us to his superior who is the director

on the bottom when I had a problem with a dps officer I called the director of the department

Yeah. You filed directly the grand jury against the prosecutor.

Yeah, you always do that anyway. The custodian of the record is the director of the office. He can appoint a public records office if he wants to,

that directly. This is just hypothetical. It's not too hypothetical because he did

to the Travis County District Attorney and direct him to give it to the Grand

I just always direct it to the one who has the responsibility by law.

So there's momentum picking up in this direction.

And 14.03 or 14.06 directs a police officer or a peace officer when he arrests someone

for any reason, with or without a warrant, to take that person directly to the nearest

if you're arrested for a traffic violation, the officers to take you directly to the nearest

they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

Otherwise they must take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

And Ida, I realize I kind of took you off in a different direction

or something that doesn't have anything directly to do with the interlocutory appeal, then you'd

without directly telling the judge you think she or he is on the take.

that is directly forbidden by the six minute constitution.

Some states have a requirement written directly on the citation that it has to be turned in with X number of days or it's invalid.

Because I don't know that a federal court is required to take a criminal complaint directly.

Now, everything we've got going here is hopefully directed at making things better for you in the long run.

If it's some sort of audio or video file, then yeah, it could be a problem because I don't have the paid control necessary to display video directly on my blog page.

And especially for Pat and Metta, they have done so much to help me out when things have gotten dire that it's not even funny.

But the fact of the matter is, I don't know everybody that contributes directly to me all the time because everything does it come directly to me like some of it does.

Only a very small portion of anything received comes in here directly to me.

between the legal BS and the actual facts, thus allowing us to directly undermine the unsubstantiated myth

who are directly responsible for creating the foundational principle standards and philosophies of law used by every civilized nation on earth today.

And then we can address it more directly.

positions of knowledge and influence who are looking at what is, Trump is directing the

to point the finger directly at China. I'm wondering, Brad, if you're in China

for any reason they were to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and

code 14.06 and 543.002 both require the officer to take me directly to the

a policeman take someone arrested directly to the nearest magistrate but

court it and also there is a direct statement that says not answering any

So typically what people do is they're in dire straits as they'll take those hours and cash out a few weeks of them.

case called Bruniger, the direct financial case, the blank room attorney. Oh, no,

no, all filings by blank room for direct case number. Now, this is blank room of

their filings for a different case against direct, but they're ambiguous and

They're directly accountable to the public, all right, to the citizenry, to the voters.

Okay, we are back. Randy Kelton, Brett Fountain, rule of our radio, and if this sounds somewhat dire and serious, you won't hear me joking.

This is dire and serious. Go ahead, Deb.

permission directly from the county health authority and the county judge.

This is directly tracking the language of crimes, making my telephone and other devices

when push comes to shove. The police departments get most of their money directly from the feds

right Shane yes I'm on a direct phone okay good okay so go ahead okay all right the only thing I

anti viral okay everything because it simulates a fever uh in your body plus that like the direct

Everything else is supported by us personally and directly. And we do this full time. So we don't get any incoming money for this.

No. The governor's an executive officer. He has no direct authority over the judicial branch. That would be a violation of the separation of powers.

We have the right to file charges against them, but you still have to, they still have to be the ones to move forward to prosecute them because we have no power to directly prosecute, which is something I would change in our Constitution

So they can change the rules, they can redirect them, they can come up with any reason they want and they have numerous times as to why they're untouchable,

When a judge decides for himself that he is untouchable under the law, even though he directly violated the law to do the things he's done, that's not a public servant.

They asked you for a direct response to that question that is stated right there in that document.

It would have been a direct notice relating to any or all of them stating you need to provide us some reason in writing why we should not find you to be a vexatious litigant.

follow them. And then it turns out those who I did talk to directly about it, I said it,

And it says this, every single offense codified in any state code is directly dependent upon

misconduct and fraud, cooperatively perpetrated by allowing the direct verbal manipulation

and proven. It must be directly asserted and directly proven at the evidentiary phase

went directly to the prospect of saying that transportation is nothing more than a word

a direct personal interest in the outcome of the bill. And the Texas Constitution specifically

prohibits any legislator from voting on any bill in which they have a direct personal interest.

the law requires and what the Constitution forbids was able to directly file charges

What we need is a very direct, very plainly stated set of rules that makes damn sure our public officials

So, I haven't worked on the questionnaires directly for a while. I went back to them and since I have some time, I'm going to spend the next week or so

So when they're trying to come back, they go to the landmark and look around and the brain will tell them when they're looking in the right direction because it's got a mental picture in there.

So if a lawyer files a motion and he has references to information in those motions and it is information you do not have direct immediate access to,

And that's not something that's direct.

Now the case is dismissed indirectly by order of the federal court.

And when he opens it and sees that he's intercepted criminal complaints against himself that were directed to the grand jury, that's an oops.

They've all got directives and memos and you want to see all those.

is the chief disciplinary counsel, and I sent it directly to that person.

in dire, in dire states. And I don't think it's from a virus, he says. He says, this has never

directly related to their plumbing because they had lead pipes and everybody

slight signals that you have to be in direct contact with the skull.

talking about bill gate senior he was the one that was on the board of directors for planned

that's probably going to be the right people if not they can point you in the right direction

up and then you follow that walkway around to the opposite side of the building the door directly

yeah her ideas were taken by the libertarian party and they're actually go directly to the

because they have no direct power this is what the president's for when a crisis occurs the

request with the director of an agency or the custodian of the record and he got a letter

offer directly again to the CEO, to his house, but as you say, ensuring it for $500, because he

And he's working with some German directors that come out with a documentary actually currently on this whole mess that's been going on for a long time

That's because these microwave towers are so directional.

They throw a really powerful signal and they throw it directed.

So you don't have direct access to a grand jury in Wisconsin?

because I was directed by the clerk

that it was going way too fast and way too many places where the same people never had any direct contact and it just popped up out of the blue all over the place.

They never did anything in the order directed them to do.

A direct violation of Chapter 103.

because the only peace officer that is given direct authority to enforce any provision of the transportation code are DPS officers.

says one thing clearly and they will go in the other direction because they're embarrassed

Bill Barr, and stating that you have this rogue mayor going in direct violation of the

name only, and so it doesn't matter because she's going against the direct orders of the

against the president of the United States directive to let the governors open the state

What about Alex Jones? You guys rub elbows with him. Apparently, he's got direct contact with the office there.

Hypersonic missiles launch up and they go up to the outer atmosphere area, that kind of direction.

They can be programmed remotely to change direction in a second.

And essentially being a strong voice here in this country that this is the direction we should be going in, despite what Dr. Fauci says.

And I've listened to some French doctors talking about people who have come in in dire straits

And the whole area had someone every six feet in every direction.

He made the implied, not even implied, but direct statements that religious tolerance and self-defense were gifts given to us by God, period, that had to be honored at all times.

They don't have any direction.

That code will give you directions.

That's a direct violation of the prohibition in the US Constitution against the government

And that's not something that's direct.

Now the case is dismissed indirectly by order of the federal court.

He opens it and sees that he's intercepted criminal complaints against himself that were directed to the grand jury.

They've all got directives and memos and you want to see all those.

the Senate directly to that person. That way, they know that I know that they've got a bar

Then if the court tries to say you're doing it wrong, now you can claim that the court itself is prejudicial and biased against the pro se because your information is taken directly from existing lawsuits that are not being dismissed by the same courts or judges.

Now you've heard it direct from the horse's mouth so to speak.

One, we have to be able to show that we suffered a direct harm that gives us standing to go. And two, we have to have a way to pay for it.

We've never had this before. We have no prescription or directions on how to handle this. Yes, we do.

It doesn't point specifically and directly to any germ or anything, it's just flu-like

A judge does not want to directly nullify the acts of the legislature.

And it didn't give me any direction.

I've seen it. I remember reading it, but I don't have the exact context in my head, so I can't speak to it directly.

civil debt. And the application goes directly to the constitutional prohibition against

Sure, if I may not necessarily speak of Biden directly

plus it gives them direct access to that money anytime they want it i'm not doing that

that they're not a victim of they don't even have to have direct knowledge of it

procedure however it's a direct conflict with another part of the code of criminal procedure

federal constitution the state constitution's bill of rights is specifically directed at the people

that motion was directed specifically at calling the criminal court exactly what it was that the

all right any better at all let me take no more steps the other direction

then they become liable to any loss that we have directly viable well let me ask you

directly if you go out directly after the store, well, they'll say, well, yes, it's

That is 433.002, issuance of directives under the state of emergency, okay, in the Texas

in Texas a prosecutor is not required to take a criminal complaint criminal complaints are directed

to some magistrate but not in Pennsylvania criminal complaints are directed to prosecuting

direct done denial of your right to equal protection of the laws that's it you said hey I'm good for

else in the firm and then the DA's office is considered a firm for not directing the one who

in charge with the grand jury okay so you go directly to a federal grand jury well you try

Well, it doesn't, the control of movement of persons is not directly tied to the occupancy of premises, that's like a separate authority

There are regional health directors that the county health authorities have to answer to

But the county health authority also answers to regional health directors that are appointed by the governor

And so the county health authority reported this situation to the regional health director of that region, of that state

But the county health authority and the state health director could not have quarantined by force that person based on the results of a third-party test from the private sector

Yes, of course, we'll still have to deal with them, but at least everything isn't going to be coming directly down from the CDC directly to us.

uh common tongue as someone who is driving a motorized conveyance or directing or controlling

Oak Cliff. And the funeral director is standing in the way and refuses to sign the document.

this for a writ of man. Just Sue him. Okay. If he's a funeral director, he has to have a license.

that the funeral director would have any standing on deciding whether or not a body is moved by the

the things it says um is under the v r r a a crime victim is a person that has suffered direct

it to him directly is california penal code section 496 while typically utilized as a criminal

and it was being redirected to cnn so there's no bias going on at cnn especially oh of course

all these different crimes now now you put him directly in the in the past of being able to have

directly to a magistrate for an examining trial, all these kinds of things.

Now, if you're under an individual, direct individual quarantine,

direct the police

taken directly from the rules of professional conduct

Certainly they can do that, but judges try to be real careful about directing someone's

That has nothing to do with your case directly.

Well, it does have something to do with your case directly because now they're trying to sting you and all of a sudden you're stinging them back.

Who is the director of this office?

to guide you and they're very good at manipulating you and misdirecting you from

direction. That makes you extremely hard to deal with. Does that make sense?

of online presence and then you can find the IT director.

An error so egregious, an error so egregious, it made the director of Harvard Global Health

everybody understands that's why they're there and you can directly introduce yourself, they

were having problems with it, they had to send you a direct link, you know, so it's

and they respond directly to what he does, he doesn't always have to tell them what

online aspect, it's forcing everybody to move into that direction, and with the virtual

I just, to give it directly to the formant. You just send it to the formant.

If you can give the Comptroller enough information, you can, I don't know if you can directly

the Supreme, because that's the kind of thing where the Supreme needs to give direction to

And it's not directly those in power because most of them aren't smart enough to tie their shoes without help.

People, you have allowed the forces of government to dictate to you for so long what a law means, what a Constitution means, in furtherance of their own power and agenda, even though what they're telling you directly violates the letter and wording of the very things they're quoting to you.

That directly violates the Equal Protections Clause of the Federal Constitution, okay?

The problem is, is both that statute and the Code of Criminal Procedure and that statute is the transportation code direct and violate the prohibition on reasonableness of an arrest without a warrant.

And then made it sure that we could punish them directly if they failed to comply.

If they can't look at you and they can't talk to you directly, you're an unknown quantity.

to T. Close, you send it directly to him by name and put a cover letter in it with a stamp

he's required to perform. And you get to go after the chief directly. And imagine really

Like when you ask, were you arrested, yes, or were you taken directly to the nearest

Another one is a criminal complaint against the officer for failure to take directly to

spitting out documents for you that you can file in your behalf that go directly to the

it's beginning to look like there is a lawyer who has clandestine access to the IT director's

This is the guy, he's the IT director, he's the head of a department, so he's required

And I'm asking the IT director to find it in his server logs.

We now have the county auditor interested and the HR director as well.

I'm sure if that IT director were to see something like that happen, he would be really quick

so that now your large complex document flows from one place directly and consistently to another

Yes. If they're secreting, if they're tampering with government documents, by secreting those government documents from the person or office it's directed to, yes, that would fall under.

Yes, tampering, because tampering is if you alter a government document or if you secret that government document from the person or agency it's directed to, that's tampering.

is when their bosses go after their family and harm them directly and thus cause them to change

you know this dancer do you know this choreographer do you know this director and country music group

So when he seized them off your car with no due process, he's in direct violation of that Supreme Court ruling

In direct violation of every prohibition that the founding fathers set forth in their writings

except under the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

him to take me directly to a nearest magistrate. Well, by taking me directly to jail, he cost me

Well, you know, again, because everything's locked down, I'm not hearing stuff directly.

doing the job. He doesn't get paid directly for that. He's paid for something else. So he's not

to help me build it so just have to wait till I get to it. Well I started off in this direction

What they cited in their opinion as the rule they were relying upon is written directly

has ever directly addressed the issue I'm raising using the relevant law. You just can't do it

I am not this thing or that thing. In other words, you have to directly address the presumption

Right, right. Okay? So everything you do is always directed at preparing the appeal. And

Well, Kendall County, I asked, first I asked the HR director for an org chart, a list of

And then I ask the IT director to give me the email addresses of the heads of departments

And then it goes down through all of these requirements and that's taken directly out

file against the district attorney with the Texas Ranger because the director of the Department

of Public Safety has directed the ranger to ask the prosecutor's permission before he

And then I'll file against the ranger and the director of the Department of Public Safety

You can call them to stand there and be present, but whether or not they're going to do anything or interact with you directly beyond, hey, why did you call me? I can't say.

or to the conditions under which you could become further ill. It's that simple. If you are directly

I can quote most of it to you directly from memory.

And yet, everything I tell them, I am telling them directly from memory.

with the tech supreme court directly well that's kind of true it depends all right it's it's a complex

The other half of the project goes to issues that aren't necessarily directly reflected in code,

amounts to the same thing as if they're directly issuing a mandate that infringes on the liberty

If there were a business to deny me in my rights, so they're not doing it directly, well,

As soon as contamination, there is, there can be drawn a direct link.

A direct link.

in the interlocutory appeal and or appeal they're not a direct appeal

And that is, in my view or opinion, is against the standing order of the county doctor and the director of health for the Santa Clara County that people like me are to stay home.

And there was one particular director of an old folks' home in New York.

they do the same things in different ways from different directions but

to direct the prosecutor to shut up. Anyway, okay. Jeff, Josh, do you have anything else for us? We

homes we had directors of old folks homes absolutely refused to take infected patients

well actually i got that a lot of direction he asked told him i wasn't

my mind as misdirect or straw man or anything like that.

there, close it back, and you have no direct conscious relation, no direct conscious access to

leaves them vulnerable to a direct lawsuit, even the judge.

Maybe you can direct me better if there's a better option. If the first employee in the first level, you know, I usually ignore them.

directs them to take them to the nearest magistrate.

It's just a directive of, when you're culpable,

and I looked down at this guy and he looked in the direction she had left

by the name of Al Stonem is the Senior Vice President and Bank Card Director.

He knew that. The map director told him so in a little statement

Did the arresting officer take you directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct

because you don't always get to those legal elements in a direct line.

Did the officer take you directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route?

Yeah, don't even look in that direction.

of disputing directly through and I did it properly

Okay, well, could you give me at least some startup direction on that, what's the...

the officer is required to take you directly to a magistrate for a preliminary hearing,

directly to the nearest magistrate.

magistrate is not available, who issued the warrant then you're to take him directly to

One thing I stepped over, hadn't presented this directly in a long time, the magistrate

They want to bring you directly to the court and avoid that step, but that step is necessary

so that you can perfect your appeal right and that would be go now go directly to the second

Okay, because it was directed to the law firm only, right?

legal documents, you would think that the implication here is that these directives,

thing was about critical infrastructure. He can only get past square one if it directly has to

going directly into the Colorado River and stuff like that. So it's kind of, they're kind of letting

2.03, the very first one that gives a direct order to prosecuting attorneys.

the jugular vein case that was directly against him on the mask by interfering, filing as an

on July 2nd against him directly when he issued the mask order, okay.

You know, I'm telling you, okay, well, you know, the thing is, he didn't address them directly,

they should have filed this original petition for Rida Mandamus directly with the appellate court,

So this time we really won't be at direct odds with the banks so much as we were.

And we drag the governor himself personally into court to defend all these suits that are going after him directly.

well you are in california you can wave your hand any direction and probably come in full contact with stupid

see they're linked together it's you can't just go directly to the court and say you don't have subject matter jurisdiction because their argument is well right here the law gives us jurisdiction over these types of offenses

nowhere did you make the argument yeah but those offenses don't apply because that law doesn't apply you see what i'm saying now had you made the direct challenge that this statute is being unlawfully applied to a subject matter to which it is not intended according to the original legislation

all right josh let's see if we can get you wrapped up here but you understand what i'm saying about how that distinction works you have to build up to why the court lacks jurisdiction it's not that it lacks subject matter jurisdiction directly because it doesn't

very direct it was very rights oriented a person had the right to use anything

never ruling on the subject directly they have never given us a definition of

when they have a question about it that they can't directly answer and then they

I was wondering if you could direct me towards some of those cases just so I can read them for my old entertainment

Okay, the only part of the Constitution that would apply directly in court in a state court would be due process.

None of those things go to anything that would in any way directly affect a private citizen.

that affects the public directly he can issue orders to governmental agencies

power to issue orders that affect us directly that's the power given to the

direct result of a natural disaster that results in a disaster declaration by the

the above is a blatant and direct violation of the specific prohibition

nature to direct the flow of traffic because a license in and of itself is permission to engage

licensee carrier et cetera which is just completely false then that would that would directly

interlockatory appeal that's a direct appeal okay okay that's why i called to see you jack i

yeah not only should you do a direct appeal you should immediately move to have whoever heard

yeah oh so file complaints against him file complaints against everybody do a direct appeal

fully aware that that conscious choice he made carried dire consequences with it and

risk of dire consequences and it's my position that if we are to honor his courage in taking

was directed specifically to the governor of the state of Texas he is the high power

it purports to act in direct contravention of section 28 yep all right folks we're gonna

it directly to the grand jury in at least in Texas and in most states. In Texas it's

the trash. So put a cover letter in the package that's directed to the foreman of the grand

stuff 2.03 the first one that gives a specific directive says when a and I'm paraphrasing

And when we went out, we were talking about Manukian, the director of the treasury, possibly getting indicted.

The Manukian, the director of the treasury is a Republican.

So they decided, well, he told the director, some of them, the assistant director,

and the director got upset with me and said, well, enough of asking questions or making jokes about this,

Tina, if you get the director of the treasury indicted, you will be the elephant in the corner.

under the direction of local law enforcement local law enforcement county and municipal police

instructed the department that they were not to enforce the general laws except at the direction

safety and and render them a private militia for the governor. He directed the department of

What state are you in? Did your governor issue orders of a similar nature that directed you

take me with you, but. Oh, I just, I was so, so directed and focused. But I have a security guard.

state of Texas to issue any order that directly affects any citizen of the state of Texas.

lower it over us and direct us in exactly what we must do in order to protect ourselves and our

is the governor. And this particular statute or constitutional provision was pointed directly

to direct us in how we are to conduct ourselves so that we won't all kill ourselves.

to issue an order that directs a citizen of the United States or the State of Texas to do anything.

government that can issue any kind of directive that directly affects an individual citizen

have the ability to issue any order or directive that affected a singular human being.

and felt like it was his place to treat us like errant children and direct us in how we

a overriding conspiracy to use a pandemic as a way of conditioning the public to orders direct

we have got everybody's attention and that sleeping giant is awake now we need to give them a direction

but in either case they are to take the arrested person directly to the nearest magistrate and

of and under the direction of local law enforcement being the sheriffs we don't have a state

governor did was took the department of public safety away from current wilson the director

a debate if I should send it directly into the DA's office of my county or send it right

The president cannot issue an order that affects me directly.

And Carl, I've kind of bushwhacked you there and drew you in the direction I wanted you

You go to the federal courts, and the federal court clerks have been directed to assist

they're immediately accountable, not at some point down the line and not by some part of the system itself, but directly to a body of the people.

So by failing to put something directly within the Constitution that made it impossible for the government to turn a blind eye or suffer persecution by us for its failure to act, we trusted that we would stay on top of things well enough to ensure that it was all done correctly.

And that is our biggest constitutional failing at both the state and the federal level. We did not put the necessary linguistic teeth into either document to ensure that when our public servants run astray, we the people have the power directly to go after them,

And this is one of those situations where the violence should be directed at apprehending and prosecuting people like this for these crimes.

I haven't seen them directly, but I've heard you talk about this a few times.

and a few minutes later, the assistant director of the tournament came up and she started me.

One director of a state-run extended care facility in New York absolutely refused.

So in contact with, talk to the director of the COAM documentary series this morning

Did you have something other than directly with this topic that you wanted to address?

The president of the United States cannot issue an order that directs me to do anything.

So notice, President Trump never issued any orders that affected us citizens directly

The legislators indicated their primary concern. That was pointed directly at the government, the governor.

That is sedition. And not only that, he issued an order to judges and sheriffs and directed them not to release people from jail on PR bombs, personal reconnaissance bombs, if they have been accused of a violent offense.

can act in the capacity of a peace officer, but only at the request of and under the direction

If Tina gets the director of the U.S. Treasury in front of a Texas grand jury, and that Texas

to have his name in front of the Democratic Party for taking out the governor or the director

And if you're the governor or the director of the treasury, what do you think your odds

So if we've got 30 lawyers here and one director of the US Treasury, and you got to give the

So you ask an ordinary person to indict the director of the US Treasury

And as I remember speaking directly to Jackie Lacey

If you take down the director of the treasury and we take down the governor, this will send reverberations through the entire system

If an ordinary individual can take out the director of the treasury

Our governor issued orders directing individuals to do certain things that they otherwise might

we have this dire prognosis for this pandemic, and we all need to take immediate action to

They can enforce criminal laws, but only at the request of and under the direction of

Even more, he has no power to issue any order that directly affects a private citizen.

Well, they're still trying to keep control of prosecutions. So the director of the Department of Public Safety told the Texas Ranger that he can't investigate a public official unless he gets permission from the district attorney.

Directly coincided

And it really, I feel, we just need to stand up, and we need some direction too, you know,

I'm just going after a trump-chomp governor. She's going after the director of the U.S. Treasury.

Imagine you were the director of the Treasury and you were a bank president and some nobody in California files a complaint against you in Texas and now you've got a lame duck Democratic prosecuting attorney coming after you.

There is a God. So now we have the director of the Treasury wondering if this nobody, two-bit, ordinary chomp citizen is going to end his career.

Send the complaints directly to the grand jury and when the District Attorney tries to interfere, then you go after the District Attorney.

So you have the same capacity for reporting crime as the policeman does, except a policeman is directed to give notice of crime to some magistrate.

Nothing in law directs a criminal accusation to a prosecuting attorney. Everything directs criminal complaints or notice of crime to some magistrate.

So that's what I did in this case. I went to the district attorney and directed the district attorney to give my complaints to the grand jury. I wasn't asking the district attorney to investigate into anything.

That if a sheriff arrested a free person for any reason, he was to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself. And that's why you find magistrates spread all around the county.

Take your complaint directly to a magistrate and directly to a grand jury.

If they're arrested without a warrant, the law specifically says they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

Corpus Christi was 26 miles away. A magistrate was five miles away and he did not take him directly to that nearest magistrate.

You're to take him directly to the nearest magistrate. So it is the magistrate that is intended to take the complaint on a complaint by a private citizen.

As a step in that direction, I will do everything I can

except by the legislature and as if to point directly at the governor

Read this as pointed directly at the governor to guard against the trends to guard against

They'll conduct hearings involving state school law at the direction and under the supervision of the commissioner

They were certified peace officers and could enforce criminal laws, but only at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement

document for each complaint, that way each specific complaint has to be addressed directly.

judge program, so you don't send the complaint directly to the judicial counsel, you send

The clerk has directed the index this too, and of course I put my name in my mom's name

And he spoke to the vulnerability of the trustee since the trustee has a direct fiduciary duty

be almost impossible to directly distinguish the difference. Yeah. And you're saying that's

directly to the grand jury, because the last time I was there, when you walk in the doorway

One would face you and one would be facing the opposite direction.

from the person it was directed to, specifically the foreman of the grand jury.

I have never heard the Democrats attack the Jewish population directly at all.

suicide to go directly against them.

The governor in New York has attacked the Jews directly?

Take me directly to the nearest magistrate. And he said, Well, Mr. Kelton, that's not going to happen.

And this will set the tempo for what's coming. And the best part about Brett doing this is, as far as they know, I have no direct connection to him.

Well, what are you doing to the director of the Treasury?

They trumped me by filing against the director of the Treasury. Did I say Scott?

Tina and Brett preempt me by getting criminal charges to the Travis County District Attorney against the director of the Treasury.

the state of Texas and Brett over here trumped me by filing complaints against the director

of the, okay what's Mnookin's position, not the director of the Treasury?

in Texas against the director of One West Bank for void documents that were filed in

Well the director of One West Bank is the one that was there at the time, is no longer

the director of One West Bank or the president of One West Bank, he's now the secretary of

But nobody ever said the sheriff issued this order, not directly.

Now Randy Astor implied it, but nobody directly accused him of issuing this order.

I told him, take me directly to the nearest magistrate, you're going to jail, okay.

Take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

directly. I don't always hold it directly. I'll do a scan and hold it by my hip sometimes.

There are so many arguments against the mask that we're here to get some direction on which way to go

Joseph Otting is the CEO or was the CEO of One West Bank and he is on the board of directors of the FDIC who won't give me any information about my loan or the One West Bank.

Tina, if you take out the director of the treasury, it could really change everything because we have another crisis coming up.

She goes after the director of the treasury.

that's not directly conscious and I was doing it to him. He pushed him over the edge of your recipe.

to immediate pressures because you have a direction that that your brain is always leading you toward

that specific direction anyone here who's ever done any goal setting goal setting prayer does the

human beings is when you do that it sends a directive to the inner mind that causes that

I said, Sergeant, I need you to take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

I was taken directly to jail, was not taken to a magistrate, asked the intake officer to take me.

You take out the director of the treasury.

you know, kind of mode of how they were going to direct things.

Brett's got Manuki and the director of the US Treasury go into a grand jury and I got the governor go into a grand jury.

Directly to the magistrate

Now I can claim zero jurisdiction and for every single arrest where the person was not taken directly to a magistrate, I'll file a TECO complaint against the officer

direction we can give you information to start out with but you have to remember

directly related to your case exactly if not it's irrelevant if you're using

was county mayor, city mayor, and regional health director, because they signed the health

Walmart that have boards of directors and stockholders and things like that and teams

come down from the very top of you know the boards of directors instructing the CEOs you

right now. I'm not getting information that that shows any direct line as to where it's coming

good to me doesn't sound it sounds like the kind of stuff they put out to misdirect us.

supreme it's going to take a couple years but over something like this it will go directly

state of texas according to the law he's to take him directly to the nearest magistrate

the person if they're arrested they are required by statute to be taken directly to the nearest

only be committed in public had i been taken directly to the nearest magistrate

person was arrested and not taken directly to the nearest magistrate the way the law commands but

to if you get arrested you go directly to the jail you do not go to a magistrate

agrees to take every arrested person directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrates agree

Mnookin, the director of the treasury, to this grand jury. They're holding mine over to the

And the first thing I said to him, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

he asked me a question. I said, take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

to take them directly to the nearest magistrate. And a magistrate, the only thing he can do is

tying it directly to Mnookin, as they're his agents, but they've helped carry out the crimes,

you never get to directly face your accuser in open court

other men or by you directly

where you fish would have a direct impact

are directly associated with

I can't speak directly to your law

you directly

livelihood of the American people has been directly impacted by the unconstitutional

executive and judicial branch edicts supporting the leftist agenda, which is arguably directed at

all of which directly violates the texas constitution in more ways than i can count

that holds them directly accountable for any such violation at any level by any person in any

directly with sedition

from voting on any bill in which they have a direct interest

in which you have direct interest

or they accepted it as long as it didn't directly impact

as long as it didn't intrude directly upon them

I don't have to dissect it. All I have to do is point out that it directly violates by rights the Constitution and the delegated power of the people gave the government to do what they're doing, which is absolutely none of what they're doing.

And they're going to use us as the train that crashes through it, because they are mind-controlling so many people right now on how they think and why they think it, that they will run through that barricade and never look in any other direction for half a second to understand why what they're about to do is so wrong, why what they've been doing is so wrong.

And you are not allowed to harm them or take them away from me in any way if you cannot first show that I have either directly used or negligently or recklessly used my free exercise of a right to interfere with another's exercise of their rights.

Directly to the nearest

You're running in three different directions at once

Is directed to take

Directly to the nearest

Report directly to Trump

The special ops are going to be reporting directly

I think it was the CIA director William Colby said once we told America that everything that they think is true is a lie.

So, it's two custodian records. You are hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or copy in all records collected, assembled, or maintained by your department to include the following.

Because we have the Code of Criminal Procedure and it dictates that when they arrest someone, they're to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and they haven't had any training to the contrary.

And the Code of Criminal Procedure requires them to take someone directly to the nearest magistrate.

I called the director of the Department of Public Safety years ago, it was Colonel Adams.

It is my consideration that the change when in the 70s when they stopped taking people directly to the nearest magistrate and started taking them to jail.

If a policeman knows if he arrests you for any reason with or without a warrant, he must take you directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

You had no training that directed you to take this person to the jail. You did that on your own.

Procedure when someone's arrested, the officer under 1406 is required to take the person directly

That's all besides the point. They're trying to steer everything in a different direction.

Unless the person obtained the substance directly from or under a valid prescription

it's a problem, unless the person obtained it directly from or under a valid prescription

directly from the practitioner? No. Did they say anything about a prescription?

directly from a practitioner. All these things that the law says would be an offense if he did

to train the police, not directly, but indirectly we have case law that indicates that the police

He did not issue an order or a directive.

he can intervene and put in, because he's directly affected by this. So that was kind of another

if they did that then they would not disenfranchise any of the voters directly all voters in

generally the largest cities and the individual directors of agencies related to voting adopted

one of these rulings were clearly in direct violation of the stated intent of the code

the state legislature's directions on how to hold an election?

this statute to this unique situation that the statute may not have directly contemplated

state court. So we can't go after them directly, even if they knew what they were doing was wrongful.

forbids that in Wisconsin. And so for each state, they alleged a direct violation of

that the Secretary of the Commonwealth issued guidance today directing county boards of elections

I beat up some municipal judges and attorneys pretty good with this because they each have this responsibility in the other direction.

I've got legal 101 out there, but it's not, it's a little, I didn't go the same direction Fred did, but it gives you kind of the basics on how the system really works.

But, and then they put it in a vaccine and somehow it becomes good for you when they load it directly in your bloodstream.

this person makes a threat of harm or causes harm and directs the threat of action against the witness or informant regarding any official proceeding,

It's hard to do it directly consciously. I'm always laying little plants.

Well, right now Mnuchin is the director of the Treasury, and she may take him out.

up a whole bunch of kids and the director, I believe it was, of the NIH, his own grandkids,

The director, I think, don't quote me, I think the director of the NIH was at him, he stepped

see if I can remember the guy's name, he was the president of the NIH, was it, or the director

I always had my own direction, and I hope they don't blame me for that because I'm different,

who turned at an intersection directly in front of me against the light.

You know that everything that happens is going to fall directly on your head.

This goes directly to the heart of every transportation code case in Texas.

Anyone else testifying that he heard that another party was injured does not qualify as direct evidence. This again goes to the heart of every single transportation code related case in Texas.

being made and the circumstances thereof that are not directly related to depriving the

Your directed courses afford us the least expensive opportunity to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due process.

Texas since Texas doesn't address that directly, you can address it from the American Bar Association

office to which it was directed. You can prove that they received it by the certified mail.

We had the, I'll speak directly to Texas because I know Texas is all better than the other states

They were forbidden to take me directly to jail, it's right there in the code

They were to take me directly to the nearest magistrate

And then 2022 directs the clerk to make notes in the minutes of the court,

The statute orders any peace officer who makes an arrest to take you directly to the nearest magistrate, not judge.

Flawed human beings need direction.

they were to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

So, magistrates were directly answerable to the people.

Under 002, if they make an arrest, they are to take them directly to a magistrate

And the penal code 14.006 requires them to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate

Acted in clear and direct violation of well-established law

Even after I asked him to take me directly to the nearest magistrate

You did not take me directly to the nearest magistrate

The sheriff's deputies are arresting people and taking them directly to jail

And under the law, under code, they're required to take them directly to the nearest magistrate

Even though the law specifically commands them to take an arrested person directly to the nearest magistrate

Okay, the Transparent Democrat Director of the Election Center 2020 has rent a thunder, rent a thunder

So I reach out to the Wiser County IT director, he's the head of IT

But we learned that fraud, waste, and abuse go directly to insurance risk, liability.

federal government, not private property, take the case, when a court cannot direct

Like he arrests you and doesn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

Well, what I'm trying to do now is get the system to send it directly to the database

An officer who makes an onsite arrest by statute must take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

So now we can go after them directly.

directly to jail.

So he went to the Highway Patrol, but he's not the director of the Highway Patrol.

The colonel is the director, Colonel Brown, I think, this ex-FBI agent, he's the director

him directly to the magistrate for an examining trial and the governor gets the opportunity

Yes, but they're making a difference. Well, at least in Texas, you can, a director of an agency

is construed as the custodian of the record, but the director can appoint a third party to be the

The governor in our constitution is given direct authority over the militia the same

way the president is given direct authority over the military.

It does not help me directly get any compensation for my loss. It just gives me a moral victory, correct?

This leads powerful credence because now if you get the director of the treasury indicted, when you come back to California, then unlike what they're doing to Ted, these guys are likely to be on their tippy toes.

If you can take out the director of the treasury, what can you do to a chump low level judge in California? It's all politics.

He has spent the last two years trying to indict our sheriff because the sheriff was watching out for constitutional rights and would not give the DA direct access to the phone system and phone calls coming from the prisoners in the jail.

Whoever the intake officers, direct supervisor is and the sheriff along with criminal complaints against all of them.

You don't have a right to one directly.

And examining trial is something you don't have a right to directly.

Any arrest for an on-site offense, the officer is directed to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

law, if someone is arrested, they are required to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate,

That goes directly to it, so you can ask her to be disqualified as a credible witness.

And take you directly to the magistrate.

directly to your magistrate.

Well, you can send it to the circuit court and if they can't do anything with it, they will forward it to the clerk it goes to or they will direct you as to where to file it. But generally a mandamus always goes to an appellate court.

You file against the corporation and the director of the corporation, generally the CEO or the chairman of the board, will stand an answer for the corporation.

offense to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

them directly to the nearest magistrate.

So any arrest on an on-site offense, the code very clearly directs the officer to take the

person directly to the nearest magistrate.

And Article 2.13, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, directs a peace officer when he hasn't known

who made the arrest and took the accused directly to jail, I'll be charging them with a bunch

these peace officers, when they arrest someone and take them directly to jail, they acted

in knowing intentional and direct violation of Article 14.06, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,

I don't know if it's directly because of my involvement or not, but they tried to

If she was directing them, if you can't find the tow truck driver, you name the owner, and

The SAC is the only one you can, whose name you can get, so you send the complaint directly

Well, the transportation code in the section that directs you to come to court

It directs you to come to court before some magistrate and the law requires a preliminary hearing

completely that's irresponsible, and they went directly to testing it on humans that's

On an appeal from a judicial conduct complaint, where do the rules direct the appeal?

to take the arrested person directly

And if you secret a document from the person or office, it is directed to,

I'm going to say that the officer looked in the code of criminal procedure and yet directed him to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

If he doesn't, then contact the bail bondsman and the officer can take him directly to the bail bondsman.

All licensed professionals are forbidden to directly promote themselves.

Yeah, it's a really important step in the right direction.

You arrest him, you take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain yourself.

Where I get mine from or directly from medical doctors, I get it directly from nutraceutical doctors.

They gave the job of public relations director to get the public confidence back in the NIH and the whole vaccine industry to begin with, to none other than Tricky Dickie Nixon, who then was, he was probably a senator, if I remember right.

Anyway, they gave him the job of public relations director to try to serve as damage control.

You cannot sue the manufacturer directly.

They'll be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

The law requires you to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

These directives are absolutely clear

The officer is directed by 14.06 to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

And the case law says by the most direct route, by the most direct route

The nearest magistrate, most direct route

It was more efficient or it seemed more efficient to take the person directly to jail and bring them all before magistrate at one time the next morning

An offense committed within their side and within their hearing. 14.06 requires the officer on making an on-site arrest to take the arrested person directly to the nearest magistrate

15.17, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, arrest on warrant. If a person is arrested on an existing warrant, they are required to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

So, any arrest, any reason, must take them directly to the nearest magistrate

And once I looked at them and then got one to follow directly from the other, this thing flowed really nice.

but nothing I've ever seen in law directs a criminal complaint to anyone other than some magistrate.

My traffic ticket is first step in that direction. No way, you believe in Saint Peter?

problems in every civilized culture. We have laws to help direct us and keep us from getting

they went after them on dorico and the directors of the company said whoa hold on here we can wind

arrests a free person for any reason, he was to take them directly to the nearest magistrate

law. Texas law and case law says directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

again. And for me, to be able to go directly to the grand jury and make my argument straight to

directly to the public. And I want to model that requirement to see if I can get our legislators

And one thing I'm starting to enjoy doing is start out with the director of IT who won't suspect a thing and the director of HR who won't suspect a thing.

I can't picture him not following the directives of the Chinese documents.

But what it did, it effectively turned over the control of the court under the direction of the United Nations.

And how you put a poison and inject it directly into the bloodstream suddenly is good for you. I don't think so.

Somebody's got to have a, there must be some direct causation to the party.

so um where in law are complaints directed to a prosecuting attorney

says magistrate everything directs criminal complaints to magistrates because the magistrate

that the person be taken directly to a magistrate if they didn't take them directly to a magistrate

You don't get to it directly.

These are one of those places where you don't get direct feedback.

But in some other states, you can file directly for the removal for cause under co-warrento.

the judge acknowledged that the petitioner did not have standing and so he didn't directly

Is there a direct and uninterrupted line of assignments of the mortgage between the original mortgagee and one West Bank?

assignment. Have you challenged that assignment directly? Yes and the courts

and you have not been taken directly to the nearest magistrate, then this will request an order,

Really? Yep, that's what it says specifically. And the judges have moved to change that, but they can't fix the code. If a person is arrested for any reason, they're commanded to be taken directly near his magistrate.

and it gives it. Please, a request regarding oaths of office should be directed to judges,

So one thing I like to do that just seems to skip a lot of that shrapnel is go straight to the HR director, the director of the HR department and ask for an org chart.

And the HR director, well, they're just happy to do that. They don't know anything about your situation. Nobody ever talks to them. They're fine with that. They go ahead and give you the org chart and the list of all this stuff.

Then you go to the IT director and you say, I want the fax numbers and email addresses of these people and you name them.

And so just something came over me and I just had an overwhelming need to find out from the IT director about all of the cryptocurrency transactions that have been happening that are not reported,

So I filed this official misconduct complaint to directly to the supervisor.

He takes it to a magistrate because everything in law directs complaints to magistrates.

So he issues a warrant and directs an officer to arrest that person and bring him before me.

Exactly. And then you have the offense of 71.023 directing activities of criminal street gangs.

Section 7804 seems like it may be connected. This is a racketeering prohibited activities. That seems sort of parallel to the directing activities of a criminal street game.

That was the only way we found out. I don't know of any direct way because that's kind of their private personal business. It would be nice.

If they don't, just make up a complaint against the officer and send it to whoever the director of the agency is.

and then call us back next week with the statutes in hand and we'll give you some really direct feedback on how to go after these guys.

I'm hereby directed to appear in court on the 30th.

directly to the nearest magistrate, and an examining trial is to be held. At an examining

Yeah, and then whoever the director is, if they don't have a complaint process on their

website, just send the complaint to the director of the agency.

The director's agency.

The director of the agency.

glycol, you don't want those injected directly into your veins, believe me, neither one of

The person gets that shot, and there's more propylene glycol, and it goes directly into the

directly into the bloodstream is like taking a bath and stuff because generally it has to

the state director of the group is will contact other people in your area and send them to witness

committed a criminal act. And now you have the director of whatever agency this is as

against the director of whatever agency is deducting this money from your father so secure.

So, you find out who the director is

But when you send a tort letter and a criminal complaint to the director of the agency

officers are so that I can T. Cole complain them directly. I've talked to the chief of police of

on directly and he'll give you some very specific advice about how to handle this

write what is the name of the agency who called cms they work directly i mean when you get when

you need to do a little research and find out who the director is of that office

and send the send the director a tort letter okay do i do accusing accusing the debt collector

going to take him on personally okay what if i can't find the director you don't need to

just whatever the name of the agency is you send it to the director care of the agency

bark read the attorney and go back to the director yeah when you bark read the attorney the attorney

is going to jump up and down rail and ride to send Ignatian at the director tell him to fix this so

of the payment that you make directly to the doctor to take care of that okay yeah okay this is common

If your friend, your neighbor, your dad, somebody that's not involved directly in your case,

He's taken directly to that magistrate

Into direct relationship to the increase in the incarceration rate

For every arrest where a policeman takes a citizen directly to jail

given a jail sentence, albeit a small one, how much he harmed people by and how many people were directly related to his part in the crime.

They were the people that directed everyone through ads and different things, push-button stuff.

them i mean that's where those all all seem to be deductibles that you pay directly to the doctor

helps a lot. You've helped a lot, guys. That's the direction to go and helps with what I've already

First degree felony aggravated assault for arresting someone and taking them directly to jail and suited to the nearest magistrate.

Then when they direct you to the lawyer, what I always tell them is, oh, the persecuting attorney, I don't talk to persecuting attorneys

person is taken directly to jail, I'm going to unleash a onslaught on them. I'm going

if I'm going after his deputies from what he directed them to do. And I'm going after

not take them directly to the nearest magistrate and get the magistrate to hold an examining

to me directly by name and asked me to drop off here and go to the YouTube channel. And

so it seems like the best idea would be to try to get directly to the grand jury, and

them out with their guns to commit acts that were in direct contravention to the Constitution.

to get directly to the grand jury, I think you said you were asking the clerk about it,

Now, the only way you can legally be stopped from going directly to the grand jury is if

there is a specific statute that specifically forbids you to, or specifically directs all

a government document from the person or office it's directed to.

You can make the claim against the prosecutor, you've directed that to the grand jury and

If it's some state trooper, you're going to be going to top dog director, colonel,

take me directly near as magistrate, I don't have to show that I was harmed by that. That's

directly damaged you. I can't see you ever getting there.

and her smoke directly came into my line of when I'm walking into the store and I'm inhaling toxic smoke.

and you find that in a lot of cases in law where you're directed or prohibited to do something

It is a problem. It is a big problem, and I don't know if we have a direct remedy for that.

turn around and now email that same PDF over to Eric Vincent the director

executive director of the state commission on judicial conduct well I

Yeah, I would go for that executive director.

session and direct them to consider specific legislation. But he didn't do that. Now that

They fail you to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

of article 213. Direct authorizes a policeman to arrest someone. It is the duty of every

is sent through the body by direct connection.

The connection to COVID wasn't direct as I had expected, but that it could affect the

So this follows directly from that.

Why aren't they going directly to jail?

Who trained them going directly to jail?

And that one, I can say, 14.06 Texas Code of Criminal Procedure commands the officer to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

These scientists here, there's no evidence that these scientists were directly murderers

It either kills the platelets directly or it could keep the body from manufacturing them.

So it's an AM tower, 50,000 watt tower, especially a directional array.

What do you mean by a directional array?

It's directional.

I'm an electrical engineer and I wouldn't know how to do a directional electromagnetic

It expands in all directions.

All of them will transmit in all directions essentially equally, unless you have a shield

that simply blocks it from going in one direction, it'll only go.

And it blasts out and blast goes out and all the way, it expands in all directions.

Just like sticking a pin in the balloon, the air expands in all directions and it decreases

in intensity proportionately equally in all directions.

You're stating things that you may be right, but I can't formulate how to get that directional

They are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

No first hand evidence, no direct witness evidence, just hearsay

If a policeman knows that if he arrests someone for any reason, he's going to have to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself

So figure out what you want at the end of the day and direct everything you do toward that intended outcome.

Okay, Danny, back to how do we convince the clerk to do things right when the people that the clerk has been directed to listen to are telling them something else?

So who do they look to for direction on the right way to do it? Their bosses? The people who pay them? The people who employ them?

So in order to avoid that, you discipline yourself to writing one paragraph at a time with a heading that directs you in what to put in that paragraph.

I mean, you could go a million directions with that.

include commerce right so it's and i got two papers directly in front of me too when it comes

And then you asked really directed, we filed a really directed request.

I call these people directly. And I don't just get it out of books and off the internet and find, I've got a knowledge base so that if I come across information tomorrow,

It's the third most toxic element in the universe that we know of, and they're putting it directly

And did not take them directly

That do not go directly to what you're actually looking for

You are hereby directed to provide all of the following

I only know what I know, and I tend to be going down this one rut, and I'm very much like to run across other people who have taken on what I'm taking on from a different direction

Every state needs the public to report crime. And in every state I've looked at, all reports of crime are directed to some magistrate.

And they're always directed to some magistrate that provisions been in law for 800 years since the first signing of the Magna Carta Libertarium.

If a policeman arrests someone for any reason, he should take them directly to the magistrate and explain himself.

all of the things that amount to Residucata, and I can give you some good direction on

You have gone and injected something directly into the bloodstream.

I get all kinds of information from all over the place, and a good portion of it is directly

The Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines literally hijack the human DNA. They do it indirectly.

And that protein indirectly forces the DNA in the nucleus to produce part of the spike protein on the virus' surface.

of technical difficulties we tend to have tend to be in direct relationship to the level

So, I think there's a lot of places to go, a lot of directions to go with that.

Well, on the other side, we're moving in that direction.

public school systems, so we're moving in that direction.

That's why I always direct you to the Special Agent in charge because you can get his name.

direction my this whole year and right up before i the day before i was submitting the lawsuit the

was dismissed that you got a response to know where it was directed to go?

Okay, point is Chris, if you're when you're in the feds, it's not directly confrontational

Yeah. Roddy Piper? Yeah. Both Roddy Piper and the director both said before their death

Yeah. I mean, they're wondering where all this these so-called directed energy weapon attacks are coming from, and they're not directed energy weapons.

Every constitutional challenge, every direct fact challenge.

antibodies directed at that specific virus, then why doesn't the COVID vaccine contain

liens on the property so now it's time to sue them directly personally what's that

shall not enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

So, you know, I'll take my odds, you know, if the survivor way was the other direction

really direct enough.

We need something a little more direct.

over you whatsoever directly. He has no influence. If you file a bar grievance against the lawyers

on your side. And this goes directly to politics. We have the insurance lobby blaming the governors

a determination as to whether or not to prosecute a police officer who is acting under the direction

since 1215 A.D. Person gets arrested and they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate,

his piece. And if a policeman knows that he's going to have to take the person directly

they are to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route

for any reason, he is directed by black letter law to take that person to the nearest magistrate.

directly to the nearest magistrate.

in the same statute, it directs the person to take the individual directly to the nearest

On the arrest, the officer is commanded to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate,

someone for any reason they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate

no in every state i've looked at all criminal complaints are directed to some magistrate

Since in Texas, and in most states, they no longer take a person arrested directly to the nearest

The very first statute under duties of officers that direct a prosecutor in a specific duty

magistrates and police officers are the ones who deal directly with the public as far as

So we can, and we can go to the magistrates or we can go directly to the county or district

We can even go directly to the grand jury.

raid their house or their car, and when they did, they would go to directly where this

that there was two levels of it and now that it sent me directly into that

direction because I was trying to use the federal suit to a federal, the

you took it directly to a grand jury yourself or directly to a magistrate yourself.

That right there should get him a bar grievance and a charge submitted directly to a grand

And that's what the grand jury or the magistrate can direct.

If it's taken directly to the grand jury, they can order the investigation.

You want to build a tool where you lead the mind of your reader directly from one point

How to take your reader from one point and lead him directly to another point.

He knows the director personally because he's a paralegal and he did some, what do you call it, clerk work while he was working toward his degree. He worked with his legal aid, Rio Grande Legal Aid for a while, so he knows the director personally.

Yes, sir. Direct them to give it to the grand jury.

So you give it to the prosecutor, direct the prosecutor to give it to the foreman of the grand jury, or you can send it by registered mail.

I'm not quoting them directly, but it was something like only the prosecutor can present criminal charges.

Yeah, I hear that all the time. And when I try to file a complaint, they say, well, you need to take that to the police department. I said, no, I don't. The law commands, okay, everything in law directs a complaint to some magistrate.

And I have nine of them. I have about nine emails. Six of them were directly from the HR director who was encouraging people to get this vaccine that's been going around.

Then I got an email back from their head of legal who told me, direct quote, that the Ohio revised code does not apply to this situation.

Then I got a call from the director of HR who told me I was highly offensive that I made that analogy email.

Well, they told me they told me it was unprofessional conduct. The only thing I don't have documented is the conversation with the H.R. director.

You had a great lawsuit. Well, the HR director told me I was acting unprofessionally and that I offended him greatly because I called myself trans-vaccinated and I said I identify as vaccinated and I don't expect you to ask for any documentation of that as I don't expect you would ask a transgendered person for documentation of them being transgendered.

With the caveat that when a person is arrested, they are to be taken directly to the nearest

So the clerk issues the capious, the person's arrested, taken directly to the magistrate,

Thus the judge thereof shall so direct by writing under his hand and filed with the

for a judge to say, actually, I wanna have a grand jury and he can direct that.

That seems to directly contradict 200 years, 800 years of law.

Nope, that gives me a direction in general, but we got to pick a direction more specifically

In Pennsylvania and Michigan, you can't get directly to a grand jury.

Okay, so that means you can go directly to the grand jury.

And the directors of the company said, whoa, hold on here.

They go so many directions of wrong, you can hardly keep up.

And my next testimonial, I guess, will be pretty much directed to that smooth boy, eloquently

The court found that plaintiff's cause of action for unfair competition arose directly

and he just directed it to the judge as if the judge needed the legal advice for Ms.

So you get lots of cases directly on point, you don't have to go look them up.

this honorable court should direct this U.S. District Court

did not take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

Okay, we have to address that. I'm sitting here looking at 45 complaints I filed against peace officers for arresting someone and taking them directly to a magistrate.

I'm sorry, for arresting someone and not taking them directly to a magistrate.

But my complaints were carefully crafted to claim that the officers who arrested these people and took them directly to jail did so in accordance with their training.

Okay, what about when you go to the grand jury directly? You don't have a magistrate there.

Okay, what it says in Texas law, if I go directly to the grand jury, the grand jury can bring an indictment, but the person cannot, that indictment, I'm sorry, the grand jury can find a true bill.

But when the person is arrested, 14.02, in this case it would be 15.16, arrest on a warrant, the officer is directed to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate, and the magistrate is to hold an examining trial and make a determination of probable cause.

he is to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

But if they do that, if they arrest someone, they are to take them directly to a nearest magistrate for a magistrate's neutral determination of probable cause.

Directly to him?

people who may have an issue that's not necessarily directly related? Now, I have to tell you

are not law. Okay, that's an issue that I addressed directly

under the direction of a licensing agency, then the complaint is not against the business,

there are issues that do not directly go to the criminal case

send one to the director of the hospital

so how long were you you're arrested you were taken directly to jail and not a

but with a timeline we can ask really directed questions

i'm going after these guys saying the law commands you to take me directly to

the criminal laws except at the request of and under the under the control uh under the direction

secreted that government document from the person it was directed to.

their fax machine doesn't answer i want to be able to send it to the executive director in his email

to the police and advised them to take people directly to jail acted in a advisory capacity.

he was to take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

What needs to happen is, is that needs to be directly challenged by the individual when it happens.

the need access to the video and I can send them the information to get access okay it's not directly

really high quality video directly to my hard drive and then I could bypass the zoom recordings of

be able to make uh your subscription to the course directly from there and then once we get it up on

In fact, it is an opinion that directly violates the law

Because it's invested directly and specifically in county and district attorneys

You got two lanes going one direction, two lanes going the other direction

Except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Did they take you directly to the nearest magistrate?

Had he taken you directly to the nearest magistrate?

my technology on a systematic way of doing this. A very direct methodology is growing

We don't get a lot of direct feedback.

I even went as far to look into the Virginia code to see if it might actually have a definition of subjects of legislation since the code is the direct result of our Virginia legislature.

And the court clerk was 180 degrees the other direction, very helpful and ready to give tips and help get this document where it needs to go.

And so that's a wild story, but that's how you can go both directions. You can go back with back taxes if you're fighting with them or you can go forward.

because I can't say that it does in Illinois, but here you cannot sue the insurance company directly.

If a police officer arrests someone for any reason, they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

You guys did not take me directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate did not hold a preliminary hearing and it denied me due process.

And that Magna Carta, the first one, and every incantation after that had a requirement that if a sheriff arrests a freeman for any reason, he is to take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

That's so that the sheriff who made the arrest could take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves, and the magistrate decides whether they go to jail or not, not the officer.

So you take them back to that. It's in Michigan Code. You did not take me directly to the nearest magistrate and get permission to take me to jail.

you can't get things directly.

The one I won't write off is the arresting officer, the one who helped him, the sheriff who directed the polishes and procedures.

It doesn't directly go to a public court but I have the right to occupy a public building.

Yeah, I'm thinking the judge is talking directly to that lawyer.

at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement, the traffic cops.

That was pointed directly at the governor.

to take me directly to the nearest magistrate.

that I be taken directly to the magistrate.

Then we can file a complaint against the director of the jail.

you charge the director of the jail with assault.

If we spank the boss, we spank the director because you can go straight to the director or the warden.

And also here in Texas, we can take stuff like that directly to a grand jury, any grand jury in the state, in fact.

But she was very helpful in giving me procedural direction and help to correct the filings that I had done

And went our own direction

What is being transmitted, in which direction, how strong is it, what if you turn it off, you know, shielding, just measure

You need to learn how to say y'all and directly.

And then I got another email back saying, well, they're not part, they don't have control over Texas Department of Crescent that I need to direct my complaints to the ombudsman.

He's the director of ombudsman.

And if the director is not doing his job, he is loaning fruit.

Go to whoever the director of jail standards is, you know, whoever's above him,

First you file against the director of the jail.

They're not used to somebody coming at them from that direction.

If the director has no idea what's going on and you land on him and try to get him drug

Do file a criminal complaint with the district attorney in Walker County against the director

You got the director, he's not going to want to be entering to a grand jury.

And I've got about eight more names for you of chairman and executive director and people that are probably politically sensitive

You might, since they don't have a direct way of complaining, have you considered trying to locate the bond carrier?

So that's going to be your direct pipeline to the insurance company

Because I've written the center section so that it's essentially generic, it doesn't apply directly to any specific case

And then he didn't respond directly back to me.

We just happened to be going opposite directions and he was

And then, you know, he was kind of misdirecting the guys about

a reference to that kind of thing, not directly,

you to ask for like you want to know you reach out to the HR director and you want to see

director for some information about everybody's payroll you want to see who gets compensated

stranger that coming on to your property and having direct access to your property now if

When you say going in as a man, there's two arguments floating around the Patreon community that link directly to the term man.

The only agency given direct enforcement authority by law under that code is the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Department of Transportation.

wanted to know a direction or is there anything that I can do it says badge

know that's a direct threat to me and doesn't mean I'm not gonna keep doing it

if you do this in writing, you're naming the chief and you're directing your records request

One is the HR director, and one is the IT director. Both of those people can give you those records.

email address, I'm probably just going to go to the IT director. If I also want to ask for their

director of the HR department. And you want to say, give me all the records that will show me

than that, right? That's what I do. Hey, I knew I could count. And if you go to the director

clarify because it when I punched in official misconduct that directed me to the

legal ease. Basically, I wonder who's been directing you. What are you so defensive about?

you have grand juries and such then you really don't have standing directly but you do indirectly

they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate. So if you committed a crime in El Paso

I guess that might be a direction for me, but I was more curious about interlocutory appeal.

The one we did, pro se, got picked up and ruled in favor of the filer and it was pro se, but it went directly to subject matter jurisdiction.

Okay. So you want, you got what you need, you got the direction?

I can bar grieve the assistant to the attorney direct, the one that's on my case.

All right. I did directions for the mandamus in the court rules or what?

Both of us are, both of you are kind of going in the same direction that you're after the prosecutor.

You filed against Manuk and the director of the treasury who was a Republican at the time and then he, when Trump got in, he had, he was replaced, but big money deep pockets.

And there should be a 16.17 order, but there's not because prosecutors have directed police not to take people directly to the nearest magistrate, but rather take them to jail and toss them in jail.

The cure? Get on the phone and call a magistrate. If you're a policeman and you arrest someone, don't take him directly to jail because if you do, this Randy Calton SOB is going to go down and look in the record and when he sees the record of a crime and he doesn't see a 16.17 order by a magistrate finding probable cause,

You know by western union directed that you had to pay by western union and then your came

That were directed under loan modifications to pay by that they had to pay by western union

So we're preparing an appellate, I mean, an amended pleading, naming the governor and the director of the CDC personally.

An occupation of common right is one that anyone can engage in without specialized training and the job itself is not a direct threat to the public health and welfare.

Each of those occupations along with the medical industry have a direct impact upon the public health and welfare in what they do or do not do correctly.

I'll bet you they don't because that's a direct conflict of interest if they do.

and under those definitions, we have correctional facility, department, director, driver's license,

Under chapter 541, let's see, director, director, governments, 541, district, urban districts, does it have?

that authorizes a school board to institute measures that directly affect the personal

So for the emails, you go to the IT director.

You go to the one that's in charge of those mail servers, and a director, normally you're

So IT has a director, and they're going to have to respond.

So I had to go directly through ER for them to check me in.

Somebody directed me, will you wait in this room, I said sure and then this other nurse

That's a minor thing, but the problem is, is trained monkeys, they do what they're directed

these businesses based on their license and these government entities are directing them

We've just got one segment left, and Leslie will give you my email so you can send me any questions directly,

And then he directed the judge to that paragraph.

All complaints are directed to some magistrate.

You are hereby directed to provide for my inspection and or coffee and coffee.

We have a separate witness go to the grand jury directly and they bring it up.

The other is, you know, like somebody just comes up with the information directed to

directed to the grand jury, not the arresting officer or anybody, just somebody else.

obviously you have been reading, so let me go, the director, so I'm sitting here like,

So the other director is reading my paperwork on the other side, but she already called

Now, as I'm conversating with her, the head director comes back over and interrupts us.

eddie if you can maybe give me some directions through through my research if a insurance company

to the city ever because doing so would be a direct violation of the texas constitution

need to find it in a hurry that's the best place to go get it out of is directly out of his uh

The law specifically directs the magistrate of the examining court upon conclusion

not to a grand jury to a magistrate. Why? Because the magistrate is the one directed by law to

instrument in the state of Texas is directed to. Once the examining court concludes its hearing

refusing to do it, or having a policy directing him not to do it, does not facilitate a necessary

for a magistrate to find probable cause because the officers are taking you directly to jail

you may do so 100% of the time verbally. Okay. Nothing in law directs you to provide them with

And in my argument, in my... Unconstitutional before? No, not unconstitutional. Well, I didn't address it as directly unconstitutional.

I directed it as a violation of separation of powers. That is a restriction but it's not a constitutional issue.

So to say that this is a constitutional issue, I couldn't directly say that but I could say that this is a statutory issue.

That spoke directly to the governor. That was the one they were afraid would overstep his bounds and try to take control over the state and that is exactly what the governor's did.

So that when he ignores them, then you can go directly after the judge.

And this is the kind of issue the supreme is likely to look at because the states need direction.

We're going to get it to the supreme. This is a common problem because all of the states and the supreme needs to give some direction on this.

or judge but, you know, private, there is a process for private citizens to go directly to a grand jury.

you directly to the nearest magistrate. If they don't, then if they get you to a magistrate within

It's not a rule. The rule is, directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct group,

is directed to a magistrate, and the magistrate, if he finds a probable cause, is specifically

directed to send that finding to the trial court. It sounds like Tennessee has an empty space in

directly to me. So I hope you'll send me what you have on this. Cool. What specifically? What do

Would you care to comment on what the indirect object of that sentence was?

complaint against the director of the treasury. Have you ever heard of that woman?

Did you have taxed and do it? Not him directly, but one of his people. His people don't know

warrant, you're to take him directly to the nearest magistrate. 1516 says, if you arrest

someone with a warrant, you're to take him directly to the nearest magistrate. And these

Every public official works for you directly.

then make up a criminal complaint against the director of the Massachusetts Highway Patrol.

of the Massachusetts Supreme Court against the head of the director of the Massachusetts

Based upon the information presented to the insurance company by me and the insurance company's failure to provide the discovery related to the request made in relation to the suit, my suspicions appear to be confirmed that they are directly involved in the criminal conduct.

The federal government has no power to do directly.

So we have a direct conflict with provisions that say in the Constitution that this is what it is

machines, so I've got no direct access to any of it.

to the statutes, and go directly to the court having jurisdiction for the purpose of trial

because his premise was that they always are directed to send it to a magistrate.

of duty under the law by a public official, then they are directed to, if they can file

The problem there is that makes 2.03 in direct conflict with both the state constitution and

itself is in direct violation of the Texas Constitution, Article 3, Section 62.

And what they're doing directly violates Texas law

It's a direct conflict

Those are direct conflicts that cannot be reconciled by reading them together and making them harmonized. It doesn't work that way

So they are in direct conflict and according to the rules, that means that the Article 5, Section 17 has to prevail and it still is a required thing for the courts to do to get an indictment for misdemeanors

direction of local law enforcement.

the criminal laws and the procedures for directing the DPS when they do enforce criminal laws.

Oh, right, the other direction.

The other direction.

be asking these questions and we'd be able to more directly get to find out this, fill out the context,

And we launched into sort of a different direction

Pay attention if it says on there that you're supposed to appear on or before, or if it just says you're supposed to appear on this day at this time. There's a little difference there, but anyway, regardless, you're going to go there. Just go directly to the court clerk.

You're not going directly there, but you're not going to wait. Please don't wait. Go there as soon as you can, but maybe you're taking your paperwork with you.

Well, you know, she's going to try to redirect you. Usually you might get a good one, but typically they try to redirect you into entering a plea as if charges had been properly brought.

It just means please come if it's a summons and an arrest warrant is directed to some officers to go and find you and get you and drag you to that magistrate because apparently there's a crime that needs to be addressed.

I'll just start talking and then hopefully you can help direct me.

and I heard a clip coming up, so I dropped the babies directly on them.

there. I dropped that thing directly on them. The lawyer did not understand it and replied

until I found myself the direct criminal violation that can actually be worked with in a court

Then we go after the Texas Rangers, we go after the director of the Rangers personally,

The state bar must limit its prosecutorial discretion to conduct found to have directly and adversely affected the outcome of a case.

I find it interesting that they must limit their prosecutorial discretion to conduct found to have directly and adversely affected the outcome of a case.

So what is the distinction of how it directly and adversely affects the outcome of a case?

So I did not want to dilute the suit. Everything I claim rises directly out of the failure to take before a magistrate

You can go to the HR director with a records request and say, I want to see everybody on your payroll.

And that becomes something of... It makes the HR director think they're looking at the paychecks.

He was the director of the Treasury.

That Tina Colbrook filed against Manukin, who is the ex, the director of the treasury, but she filed against him for what he did when he was the president of one west bank

When he heard that the Attorney General directed the FBI to go to school board meetings and if anyone says anything against masks or

Not to go directly for their weak points

I don't know about you, but it seems like that could easily be viewed the opposite direction as well.

complaint oh it would qualify more directly for a criminal complaint and that's where i was going

Yeah, it is. I'm in the process of going in that direction and it's difficult.

For those of you who don't know, Tina filed criminal complaints against Manuka and the ex-director of the Treasury for acts he committed or people under him committed while he was the president of One West Bank.

he's to take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

For shielding Manuka and the ex-director of the U.S. Treasury from prosecution.

I didn't get to speak to him for very long and he was able to point me in the right direction

against Mnookin, the ex-director of the U.S. Treasury, to the grand jury.

And what I'm thinking, now your routine has changed over the years just a little bit, but I'm thinking there's a verified criminal complaint and an affidavit going to the director of the facility for failure to adequately try them.

For those of you who don't know, Tina filed a complaint against the ex-director of the Treasury under Trump.

Before he was director of the Treasury, he was president of One West Bank,

the ex-director of the U.S. Treasury.

And I said, you are definitely the best person I've run into yet and give the best information. And you guys got me started a better direction than I was.

I was resisting or didn't see the direct need or the capacities of the phone. I didn't know I had to use the phone.

the director inadequately training?

If it's not the director of the hospital, he's not the one that's denying you services.

Now if you can show that they were ordered to do this or that they agreed with this director

violation of standing policy, then the director or whoever his superiors are are not necessarily

or maybe the HR director or finance director or somebody that's going to have access to

Should I just call them directly and then ask them?

All power flows from you, and all public officials answer directly to you.

Manukin, the ex-director of the Treasury

Chief Justice. How many people do you know who have been directly affected by this order?

So once I get him beat up good, if we come back and file it directly with the grand jury,

It directs him to give it to some magistrate because it is the magistrate who makes a determination of probable cause.

and he quit after a couple of weeks or a month because of interference from the Board of Directors of the Port Authority.

because Texas Rangers fall under Department of Public Safety, and direct him to send it

Now Texas Rangers aren't forbidden by Article 2.03 the way the prosecutor is, and directed

You can go directly to the fed if you wanted to.

If a prosecutor says anything to you, you ask the judge to direct the prosecutor to direct his communications to the court.

Everything you do is directed towards the judge.

And the reason I'm concerned about it is that it impacts me indirectly because I'm about maybe

The state cannot set a minimum wage for anyone because to do so would directly violate the state constitution's prohibition on impairing the obligation of contracts because every person within the state is free to agree to any contract that is not legally unconscionable.

Yes, if you're doing an occupation of common right, in other words, it's not regulated because the job itself has a direct relation to public health and welfare, then, yeah, it's an occupation of common right.

But if you hire someone to do it, that someone has to jump to all the hoops and do everything that's required because they're doing it as a business and their business has a direct impact upon the health and welfare of the public.

got sent a couple days ago that is directed toward the governor and several other folks

Commissioners Court is under the direction of the county judge there. Now the problem with

is designated as the Emergency Management Director of the County of Terrell and may exercise the

judicial officer. The governor is an executive officer. Such an act would be a direct violation

effect being that they are merely internal regulatory rules and directives applicable

our Texas government. This statutory delegation of the lawmaking power is a direct violation

39. Thus, this statute also constitutes a direct violation of article 1, section 29,

by these Terrell County officials is in direct conflict with the Texas Constitution. Anytime

the term disaster as used within Article 7 and 8 are direct references back to the use of the term

be described as an effort to institute martial law in Tarrell County. This is a direct violation

I met him and talked to him a time or two and after he found out what I did, he wouldn't even look in my direction. He would look and it's like I wasn't there.

stated that anytime someone's arrested, they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

gave to the district attorney in the folder directed to the grand jury. So what I'm trying

So what do they do? You can't go out and advertise directly. That's baritury.

impulse for the people that I know were there like the dean of students and upper school director

have the magistrate instead of go directly to the district court. And it's going to sound a little

we're not trying to direct you in one direction or another. You're the one that's in the

Right. Definitely directly your problem. If they cause you any harm,

And they were forbidden to enforce the criminal laws except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement

Are these two cases directly related?

Manukin, director of the Treasury for things he did when he was president of One West Bank.

205, if he receives a criminal complaint and it should be noted that nothing in law directs a

criminal complaint to a prosecuting attorney. Nothing. All complaints are directed to some

nothing directs a complaint to a prosecutor. Consequently, when a prosecutor receives a

Right. Federal applies to the state. It's not a direct slaughter case law, but there's plenty of federal laws there.

But if he does, he is to take that person directly to a neutral magistrate.

On an on-site offense, 14.06, on an existing warrant, 1516, they are to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

A neutral party, an elected party, answerable directly to the electorate.

And then we got some really ignorant rulings in Texas, and they started taking people directly to jail and holding this thing they call a registration.

directed to by law, sometimes prosecutors get criminal complaints.

They tell the prosecutor what he is directed to do when he receives a criminal complaint.

By a prosecutor, it's not directly by the prosecutor, but the prosecutor can go to the

And I'm not ready to construe that I am important enough that I can actually directly change

Everything in law directs a criminal accusation to a magistrate.

Nothing directs one to a prosecutor so what I'm doing is attacking the ability of a prosecuting

directed to prosecuting attorneys, they have what the law calls first blush.

want to prosecute Manukin, ex-director of the Treasury, rich guy, lots of power, political

received this with directions to give it to the grand jury, because the only address we

So I have reason to believe and do believe that the prosecuting attorney shielded himself from prosecution, tampered with a government document in that he secreted government documents from the person or office that it was directed to.

under the direction of the court you see how that works people they've taken that out of the

is in direct contrast to the rules of business and professional conduct

Both. You litigate and at the same time file a criminal. They are not directly connected.

You can also petition against him criminally and the two do not directly in law have anything to do with one another.

So there's only people in there that had business direct business with the court.

No, they only responded to my motion to vacate because the judge directed them to respond.

Because after the court dismissed with prejudice, the judge did direct the attorney's defendant to answer my motion to vacate. It's kind of like continuing still process with the trial court, but I did submit the appeal already.

And that's what the judge directed the defendant to respond on, but they never responded on that part.

Then you asked, you can ask who directed verdict. If you can claim that their answer was non responsive, then ask the court for a directed verdict.

Directed verdict.

Direct verdict.

and it points in a direction and I go over there and look it up, I don't have them memorized

He solicits, encourages, directs, aids or attempts to aid the other person

they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is told in the examining trial,

Are you saying they shouldn't go directly to a pretrial where they get to have a chat with the prosecutor?

They must be taken directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route.

and we're on our last segment. And there was something that I haven't directly talked about.

take you directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is commanded to hold an

attorneys and these judges and all, I'm trying to get an order authorizing or directing police

Because there is no authority within the United States Constitution granting the federal government direct power over the people of the several states of the Union.

It says radar, direct observation, then radar.

It shows what's direction they were going in, what town, what time.

Well, because I've been submitting the public records request directly to the sheriff's

So at the very least, whether you know this at the moment or not, I'm trying to point you in the right direction to get the other things you need so you will have a big enough hammer to win your case.

So you follow the original petition and if you're, you craft it in a way so that you're indirectly indicating to them, I don't think you're the, I know you're not the bad guy, you're being forced to do this.

Look at it again where primarily I address the fact that the executive that the director, the executive branch, the governor has power to issue an executive order that affects those people under his authority.

It was, according to the testimony of the library director.

To direct you to the Treasury.

wondering if a federal grand jury is going to indict them for RICO, if this goes directly to RICO.

Judge comes in, sits down, me and the prosecutor are sitting directly across the table from each other, looking at each other.

Well, if the person's arrested on a K-E-K-P-S warrant or any other warrant, they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

Preliminary hearing is generally the required to take you directly to your magistrate. If they don't, they can hold you up to 48 hours.

And then we've got other cases, the one about taking directly the nearest magistrate starts with Heath Boyd

I'm not so particular, so focused on finding case law directly

Okay, Gary, this is somewhat complex, and before I can give you any kind of reasonable direction,

So I would never have had the confidence or the knowledge to even think I could directly

What you read in the Constitution of California went right directly to Letter of Mark, Letter of Mark and Reprisal.

Then why is California, we're speaking of California, a non-judicial state in terms of taking our property? Isn't that indirect contradiction to what this says?

And it is a clear and direct denial of due process.

Okay, I'm going to add that and it is a clear and direct denial of due process.

Because the two are not directly connected.

them squeaking. They would not look directly at us. They went to great trouble not to see

Okay, the sheriff's deputy arrested you and took you straight to jail and didn't take you directly to the nearest magistrate

So he sent a second complaint to the address of the U.S. attorney directed to the federal grand jury.

You can go directly to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas and file criminal charges

but there's no mention, nothing ever of a land patent or direct terminology of a Lodio land

The deposition you're asking for would be the exact same document, except it would come from the court and not directly from the officer.

Did his wife accuse him of using the weapon essentially against her or someone with whom she was directly connected?

I'm saying that the other person has directed their inner mind to deliver up information they need to give you reason to help them

I see the country moving in a direction that is disturbing.

The pendulum is swinging back in our direction.

swinging back in their direction.

so we can change things, and we're moving in that direction.

I have used Tina Colebrook's complaints against the ex-director of the U.S. Treasury,

and it alleged that Mnuchin and his lawyer directed a notary not to send a copy of her ledger to Tina Colebrook.

We don't talk directly with them.

I want it directly from your office so it can be official because I want to use

And thank you directly to you.

A, can you provide name, department to whom my request was directed?

that they're swearing to it, so they've brought this directly, this duty upon themselves,

There has to be something that directs a peace officer

Does it say to whom an affidavit, a criminal affidavit, is directed?

So you could take it directly to a magistrate, because taking it to a reviewing attorney, that's going to be a problem.

If you take it to a magistrate directly, you bypass the sheriff and the prosecutor, and you put the magistrate on the time.

that direction.

I think things are moving in our direction.

I believe we've been pointed in the wrong direction.

You want each claim to lead directly to the next,

It's common law essentially that you cannot sue an insurance company directly along with

As far as I can tell, I have never found anything that directs a criminal complaint to the police.

Everything I've seen directs a criminal complaint to some magistrate.

I've never seen any law in any state that directed a criminal complaint to a police officer.

where they can't directly respond to us,

so that you keep them moving comfortably in one direction

And that's because the inner mind, you've directed the inner mind to give you what you need to convince this person to take your side.

And what happened was that he went to their house in order to direct the police to that house so that the police could talk to him

So that should get criminal complaints directly against the officer, excuse me, the officer who performed that act.

This is a direct assault on First Amendment,

No, this goes to the court of appeals directly. Actually, the court of appeals is the next step up the ladder.

No, we understand that. But to get the process going, does she notice the clerk in the trial court that she's filing a mandamus on this case to send it to the appeals court or send it directly to the appeals court?

But otherwise, you can sue them directly.

But 1983 wouldn't be necessary in that case because you can sue them anyway if they're not a public official and they're not acting under the direction and control of a public official.

he is to take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

The fix, person gets arrested, they go directly to the magistrate.

And what I'm going to do is I need you to have a direct client.

Where you're asking the appellate court to direct the judge to ensure that all of the elements are in place.

If you believe that elements aren't in place, to direct the judge to properly apply the law to the facts, and reverse this ruling, or develop the evidence they need to support the ruling.

taken over as we progressed in that direction, and they were all federal at the time the

But I said that what it's got is two provisions that directly conflict and therefore it could

And you said that if you read one, paragraph one, it's in direct conflict with 3A.

Well, you've sent me in the right direction.

And the security guard works for the hospital directly or for a security company that's

And then you go directly to the employing security company and get his information there

There's a direct conflict then.

Folks, you know who you are, I wish I could give you direct credit for everything but

a statute in a way that is contrary to the directives given to the administrative agency

In other words, if the statute directs them in a way that creates a conflict with the

But in and of itself, it is not directly a contract.

It's fraud, either by direct knowledge or omission.

You play it directly, but you can.

direct suit, there's a class action going on, and you know how long those take, but

some of our techniques and file criminally against the director of the agency.

You know, they had this same problem maybe 10 years back and the director of the agency

If every one of those people files criminal charges against the director because he didn't

This director, if he gets 5,000 criminal complaints filed against him, that's going to eliminate

It's like corporations, corporations can't commit crimes, people commit crimes, directors

The third time they filed a RICO suit, and the director said, whoa, hold on here, this

You have to find them violating a rule or not directly violating a rule, something where

That's the director of the agency, so you file against him.

and have the IT director give you records that show the server logs.

Can you point me in the right direction, or would it be an administrative code?

the claims that tend to give the reader the impression that one thing follows directly from the other.

I'm saying on a level outside direct consciousness, when you see RESPA.

It gives your reader the impression that you know what they're thinking, and it causes them to just move directly along and not get interrupted anywhere.

and send it in multiple directions to all of the other district judges

In Texas, a complaint is never directed to a prosecutor.

It's always directed to a magistrate.

In every state I've looked at, complaints are directed to some magistrate,

Yep. One question I have, though, because I don't want to not do what you're directing me to do,

that's going to be compelling. I don't like direct threats. I play chess. I don't like to play.

I don't play checkers. Chess is all about indirect threats. Do you play chess, Joel?

it's not going to directly align with how you need to do it for California.

So without the insurance, you are susceptible directly to a lawsuit, and they can sue you right out of your house and home.

Everything about the transportation code points directly at the federal Title 49 Commercial Care Safety Act program.

And the law enforcement agencies get to claim that they don't have any money taken directly from the individual. Any money they got came from the federal government.

And the problem there is that creates a direct conflict of interest both in the court or between the court and this process.

The other half goes directly to the state.

is then placed into some legally designated and earmarked budget account or accounts that cannot be used to fund the courts, at least not directly.

It is imperative that the municipality or county appear to avoid allocating the original funds directly back into the coffers of the same court and police department,

if the same money were then used to directly fund the very law enforcement agency and court that cooperated to extort it in the first place is the very definition of money laundering, to wit.

Third, the scheme returns the money to the launderer in an obscure and indirect way.

Should I direct them?

directly to the magistrate who issued that warrant?

There's nothing that I know of in federal law that directs a criminal complaint to anyone other than some magistrate

When a person is arrested, the arresting officer is required to take them directly to the nearest magistrate

Okay, basically, I got directed by Alphonse to call in.

laws except at the request of and under direction of local law enforcement.

So indirectly you have the right to an examining trial because the only way a prosecution in Texas can commence is by this method.

I received an email from the prosecutor directly after not being able to come

you know, it directly involves this case,

who don't want to let you in because you're not supposed to be going directly to them.

attachments and all that stuff, or conserve your energy and just go directly to the nearest JP.

That gets a warrant issued immediately or it gives you a direct shot at the magistrate.

Once you did that, then you either submit it to the U.S. attorney's office or you send it directly to the federal grand jury,

directly addressed the issue of officers and employees of the various branches of government,

Or what writing you're relying on that says that directly.

They are to take you directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route without unnecessary delay.

They never take you directly to the magistrate.

So he brought you before someone, did he take you directly to jail

or did he take you directly to some magistrate?

He took me directly to jail where at a certain time in the day

Okay, hold on, hold on. Did the officer take you directly to a, does it say judge or magistrate?

Did he take you directly to the nearest magistrate? Let me just take a step back.

Okay. So did he take you directly to a magistrate?

Then you can go to the court and say that you were not taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

It's just a different direction from our previous conversations, but I'm with you.

With this support, and we've given you some directions and ideas,

And it doesn't get to be fun on a direct conscious level.

Not directly, he was saying if you don't have a mask on, you have to leave

And you pointed me in a few directions that have given me ideas

They were on board with the direction that you were pointing at

What direct knowledge, what competent witness did they have supporting it?

Well, it doesn't talk about direct knowledge, but it does talk about that it needs to

There's nothing in law that directs a complaint to either one of those.

Everything directs a complaint to some magistrate.

They lost their direction

doing what he had directed the officer to do because that was my complaint. Not that

exactly what I want them to do, I quoted to the chief 15.09, the one that directs a magistrate

like 2.13 that directs a peace officer when he has it made known to him that a crime's

and it needed to get to them directly so there won't be any misunderstanding

most every state the procedural due process directs a policeman if he

arrests someone to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and cause an

to file a summary judgment. Each issue they did not directly respond to, you

And I was allowed by my husband to be in direct contact with that attorney and that attorney

of government the court of appeals can't issue a ruling in this directly they can only issue a

the managing director.

We especially don't identify him directly and tell anybody that he has a show on Monday night.

moving in the right direction out here, I hope. Anyway, I'll let you get to

He just directed it back to you

If you're on any kind of device, try to get rid of that and just speak into the phone directly

That she works directly for the judge

Now it may not be right, this particular issue is not directly addressed by the Constitution

I'd like to know who the commission is because I need to go in that direction after this

them directly to the nearest magistrate or which they're allowed to do by law, get on

Our application for aid through a portal that directly connects to irs

Who would you like me to direct these nice compliments to?

Well, you know, per the court directory, two floors up from where I made that call should have been the sheriff's office,

is directed unless court aides otherwise.

So where you handle that, you include a letter asking the, or directing the clerk to give

against whom the motion is directed or at any earlier time after the general appearance

that the court with or without notice and upon good caution may direct.

clerk disappeared I directly set him certified letters stating that we need

letter on them that directs the clerk to give notice to the judge of the filing.

Well, except that I've been sending my rent directly to the owner, which is why...

You have a question directly on point, right?

Directly on point.

It wasn't sent to me, it was sent directly to my mother

We filed three judicial complaints and now we have the actual email address directly to the judicial commission in Rochester, New York

Yes, directly around the lawyer.

And I believe this evening, Director Foray's call, you remain consistent in your explanation on

Otherwise, they are to take him directly to the nearest available district by the nearest route

Nowhere in law do I see complaints directed to, I'm sorry, complaints directed to prosecutors other than Pennsylvania

Everywhere else complaints are directed to some magistrate

we will stop doing all this general stuff and go to your issue directly.

because she is simply following the directions of her employer.

Just don't point your finger directly at me. So I'm trying to fix that. I'm trying to give people tools that they can use.

It doesn't directly speak to whether this is all peace officers

A complaint can go to a magistrate, but they'll direct it to the district attorney.

Both parties are required to direct their communications at the state bar.

or anyone not directly involved in the case.

and they have been sent directly in the mail to the actions and personnel.

And I took it directly to the corporate office.

This is way too complex for us to address just directly on the air.

Have you tried taking criminal complaints directly to a grand jury?

except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

They are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate

Only those things that go directly to the claims

So if you're a new lawyer, you can't go out and directly advertise your service.

It's intended that people with professional licenses don't advertise directly that they get their business by referral.

The one person who's not hanging by their bar card, the one person over which the judge has no direct control.

Don't file against her, file against the director of the Department of Social Services.

The only one who answers to you in that whole corporation is the director.

I was just ready to go directly for her and the man that she accomplished.

And ultimately, the one who hired her is the director of the agency.

But Randy is saying that the one who made the decision hiring her is essentially the director.

He is the only one that works for you, the director.

The best way to get this fixed is a good chance that the director has absolutely no idea this nonsense is going on.

You build this big gob of feces and you dump it on the director.

You hired the director. He's the one that works for you.

They work for somebody who works for somebody who works for somebody who works for the director of the agency.

The director of the agency works for you.

You go to the director of the agency. You don't go to these flunkies down at the bottom.

So get a hold of the director of the agency.

I once called the director of the Department of Public Safety in Texas.

He's the director of the Department of Public Safety in Texas.

Go to the director of this agency and just crawl down his throat.

So in my tort to this director, do I include the injury?

I want to know who the director of this agency is.

They're getting the tort letter from the director of the agency.

nasty letter to the director of the agency.

Because the director of the agency is very busy.

And I almost guarantee you, you get one communication with the director of the agency.

Take that perspective when you go to the director.

Legal is just kind of something we use to keep things focused and moving in a particular direction.

In fact, he was the director of behavioral and health sciences and he had his first name

And my question is, should this go directly to federal district court

Or maybe when they're doing the voir dire on the jurors

She said we don't, it took her a while to, you know, I called to see what the directions were and the fee

so that I can just forget the Court of Common Pleas for now and go directly to the AG

So that goes directly to what we propose here.

The police have been directed to conduct themselves differently and they really are now trying

must take the person directly to the nearest magistrate

In Texas, the statute says they're to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate

We tend to only pay direct conscious attention to those things that need to be directly manipulated by our conscious awareness.

It's not manipulation, not directly.

I'm not manipulating, not directly.

health organization puts together all these directives and commands telling

and then I can get into the item or you can direct me.

So my question, whether directly to him or to his staff, is I wanted to have

And, you know, I'm bringing it all in because I believe that it, you know, directly goes to their lies to me

So for the court to condone and accept such behavior is morally reprehensible when it directly contradicts the rules of professional conduct

Well, yeah, the reason I was calling is just to see if you could point me in a direction.

Okay. All right. Well, yeah, if anybody out there, please steer me in a direction.

We understand that at the end of the day, the law is just something we use to give us direction.

What I keep hearing from the Board of Directors, from the Board of Elections at the county level is they say our numbers are right.

So if I did that direction, just basically scrap the state consumer protection laws.

or you can go down and file it directly with the clerk of the particular court.

whether it's e-file or directly, you want those citations.

You guys got me at least heading in the right direction.

Each one of the leaders or directors or whatever it was, the head of security has done it,

Well, we have to follow our directives.

he is to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

whole MST, the Microsoft Teams group, and ask my question of the director.

which is my direct supervisor.

This is almost like being pulled in a few different directions,

He can't fix it for you, but he's pointing in the direction you need to look.

Let's say they're ordered directly by a policeman to do something,

That would be the governor, the public health director

I have the director of public health,

I would say public health director.

Probably the public health director because she was the one who approved that rule

because I wasn't engaged directly with the tow company.

And he's indirectly trying to do that.

because it wasn't a direct statement through the signage.

So I don't have the answer for you, but you probably should keep looking in that direction

But this was a mandate or a directive from the United States,

Do you know that the president or CEO directly ordered this person to do what the person did?

You have to have direct evidence.

If you don't have direct evidence, the only one you know is the one who actually took some proactive action against you.

But if you in the process have reason to believe that this particular person acted at the direction of someone else,

But if you have a directive issued by the president of the company and this person's acting in concert with that directive,

then you can go straight to the one who issued the directive.

And if their directive was from the United States CEO, then maybe I could go further.

That's when I began to have some influence. They will try to distract you in every direction they can.

I'm fairly sure about California that all complaints are actually directed to magistrates.

But they are to take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

You're always directed to some magistrate or some judge, except in Pennsylvania.

Do you have an order from the judge directing you in how to fill out interrogatories?

but definitely take a look at that. You would have more than one direction at the same time

I have a link in the complaint directly to the video.

violate this law and here's what he said, that's a direct violation of that law.

Here's what he did, that's a direct violation of that law.

citizen down the road, but they could be hit from multiple directions.

public policy, you can't bring a direct action against insurance companies in Illinois. And

can bring direct actions against insurance companies. And that's exactly what I did.

all that. And he just said, no, you can't bring direct actions against consumer, against

in there, normally it is true that we can't bring the direct action. However, in this

almost verbatim, you don't bring public policy doesn't allow you to bring direct actions

You only see those issues that go directly to those laws and those... What word am I missing, Brett?

Yeah, permutations that go directly to your issue. So it's a straight line. It's not very complicated at all.

into the case directly, as if when they're 30.

court watcher. I believe the court should be contacting bee fountain directly

service for me to serve to them directly.

Yeah, that would be good. Then I don't have to give it to you directly, which I

Okay, okay. I think I get that. And one other quick question there is, so what should I expect at this hearing? Do I have to, like, direct the show there, or what should I expect at the hearing, and what should I say?

No, the judge will direct the show, and what I suggest you do is object to oral argument. It's patently unfair to pit a learned counsel against a person litigant and move the court to rule on the documents.

See the code that directs the magistrate to hold a preliminary hearing.

But I think that they believe they're under the direction of the DA, which is...

into- Well, the judge directed you to take it to the state. If the state raises an issue,

So I'm going straight down, and then I see the cop car. So we're going opposite direction on that road. So he passes me.

You can ask for, you can ask the IT director, I want to see all the training certificates of you and everybody in your office that shows that you know how to answer these records requests.

is the illegal search and seizure and also two other NRS codes that directly show that

and before I can really go anywhere directly

Okay, it would probably be better if she emailed it to me so I'll be able to contact her directly.

And you have to extrapolate from that because those are procedures that direct public officials

They're not directed at you.

Always complaints are directed to some magistrate.

directly, but if you ask the court to order them to, now they can tell all the other lawyers,

and not just go directly without directly charging you for a misdemeanor?

except at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Well, the governor is the director of the executive branch,

under the direction of the executive.

and secreted a government document from the office or individual it was directed to, some magistrate.

And you file that as a statement of facts. Generally, in most states, you can't enter the recording directly. But if the other side challenges the veracity of your statement, then you can claim that the statement is a transcript of a recording.

So when they get to court, once the prosecution has finished with the prosecution, then you move for a directed verdict. This element's not present, this element's not present, this element's not present. It's too late for them to fix it.

you're not likely to get picked up by one of these law firms. As a licensed professional, you can't go out there and directly advertise your service.

to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate,

before or if it says by that date and time, well then that means you could go directly

Have you directly challenged subject matter jurisdiction?

All these tiny little narrow streets going in all kinds of different directions.

Is zoning directly a contract between who?

And the wind would shift direction at night.

to go directly to discovery. Get the discovery and then come back and sue them in a standard

either directly or that the affidavit has good reason to believe and does believe that the accused has committed such offense.

limit or posted speed limit is this i was in a position where i could directly see him

They change directions right away.

warrant, they are commanded by statute to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

a warrant, to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

directly to his magistrate, or in the alternative, under 006, he can allow the person to sign

take that person directly to the nearest magistrate, 15.16, arrest on existing warrant.

He's to take him directly to some magistrate, to the nearest magistrate.

There is nothing I know of in law that directs a criminal complaint to anyone other than

freeman for any reason, he is to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

And it says the relief can be in the form of an order issued by the court that directs the government by to comply with the law.

You can talk to the IT director.

Like in your case, you would ask for the IT director of the court, whoever's in the court building, ask for the IT director. I mean, ask for records of the IT directors, records of all of the DID numbers and an indicator because, you know, in IT, they've got, DID is the numbers that are dial-in numbers.

I'll do the work, but I need direction on what work needs to be done.

When somebody moves the court to do something or objects to some motion in the direction that the court is taking,

I just need a little bit of direction.

Then I ask, were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route?

but commands him to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

It will always take a very specific set of facts to get to failure to take directly to a magistrate.

They are required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

And the facts that get you there, whether you are arrested with a warrant, 15.17 says they will take you directly to the nearest magistrate if you are arrested on a warrant.

If you are arrested for an on-site offense, they are required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

And we will write the legal argument so it has its own generic intro and outro so that each element will lead directly from one to the next with no mental interrupt.

You did enact that by its nature would probably result directly in the application of force to someone else. Did they ever touch your cart?

When you acted, you were aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the act would directly and probably result in the application of force to the person.

because they didn't take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

And direct the bailiff to give notice to some magistrate.

if a public official is directed to do a certain thing and they don't do that certain thing

It doesn't give them an overall direction to go or a way to get there.

so that it makes sense and it directly leads you in as few a number of steps as possible to a proper diagnosis and plan of treatment.

later years. Does all that make sense, Brandy? I kind of feel like you're talking to me directly.

direction of care that I could go on besides filling myself up with basically chemical weapons

they're required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate, not to jail.

It's actually very gratifying to watch people just simply move in the direction of being

allow people to assess their current condition and it will give them directed suggestions

to the fact that people are not taken directly to the nearest magistrate when they are arrested,

Do you really expect prosecuting attorneys to direct and guide police and lower courts

that person directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

One of which takes directly to the nearest magistrate.

That sends a subliminal direction to the inner mind to make every decision it makes

You give that inner aspect an internal directive so that every reaction,

Unless you have consciously redirected your internal expectation,

then that inner mind will start directing you where you intend that it go.

that just sends our life off in a different direction, and we know it, we feel it,

and make damn sure you name the judge, because the judge is directly responsible for those clerks.

I will be trying to work out a way for you all to make that work and come directly to me instead of the way it has been going where it has to go through several steps before it ever gets to me.

this is the one that says that they can, you know, be issued a written warning instead of being taken directly before magistrate.

the direct judge's order on the bench warrant.

He failed to perform his duty properly under the law if he was directed to take you before

they have to take you before a magistrate rather than directly to jail, if one is available,

we know there's a lot more with the sheriff, so I guess I'm just looking for a little direction

It has to be directed to someone to produce the stuff you're requesting in the discovery.

But you have to go to the donations page to donate to me directly.

But the individual directly can't charge you with the trespass in Texas.

They're never in conflict until they directly contradict. They have to be read in a way

And the fact of the matter is the examining trial goes directly to the issue of subject

Because what we're doing is directly meant to do that.

There is no donation place for me directly on

I mean, I guess you can't talk directly to their client, but it would be something if

But don't ruin your chances by contacting their client directly.

Well, I mean, it is if you actually want to have, to be able to talk with me directly

And the fact of the matter is the examining trial goes directly to the issue of subject matter jurisdiction here in the state of Texas.

because what we're doing is directly meant to do that.

There is no donation place for me directly on

I mean, I guess you can't talk directly to their client,

But don't ruin your chances by contacting their client directly.

Well, I mean, it is if you actually want to be able to talk with me directly during class

And so anyway, that's kidnapping at that point as far as I'm concerned, not following the direct judge's order on the bench warrant.

He failed to perform his duty properly under the law if he was directed to take you before the magistrate rather than to jail.

they have to take you before a magistrate rather than directly to jail, if one is available,

So I guess I'm just looking for a little direction, I'm sure we can figure out.

It has to be directed to someone to produce the stuff you're requesting in the discovery.

But you have to go to the donations page to donate to me directly.

But the individual directly can't charge you with the trespass in Texas.

They're never in conflict until they directly contradict.

14.06 commands the arresting officer to take you directly to the nearest magistrate and the magistrate is commanded to hold an examining trial.

If a sheriff arrested a freeman in this is Old England for any reason, he must take that freeman directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself. If you will look at your county and look at the justices of the peace, you will find that their offices are spread around the county.

Regular courts are all held in the courthouse, but JP's are spread around the county, and that's why. If a policeman arrests someone for any reason, they wanted that policeman to be within 15 miles of a magistrate within the county so he could take that person directly to that magistrate and explain himself.

The policeman is hired. They didn't want to be afraid of these police, so if a policeman arrests someone for any reason, they must take them directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

It rounds up to 100. And the only reason that's the case is because the police no longer take someone directly to the nearest magistrate and explain themselves.

He moved back and forth, but he was absolutely careful never to look in my direction.

Just because somebody kicks you, don't mean you have to kick them back directly.

Yeah, and if we don't push her directly, if we don't step on top of her and say,

The court themselves cannot pass law. So the Supreme can give directions to the judge,

to a motion or pleading, wherein in the motion or pleading, you make a direct reference

So Michael, for you, I wanted to find out if is going to put going up to the third floor at the court to the administrator to go to the director of the clerk of court?

And that was a verbal direct threat to me.

You may be able to see the judge directly for that.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a structural engineer. I'm a New York City director. I'm an Air Force pilot.

and he walked back and forth and never made a point never to look in my direction.

Directly work with us to lease events and opportunities to learn how to enforce and preserve our rights through due processes.

Each one of these issues is mapped directly over to a federal rights deprivation.

So the law is vague enough that it could be steered in either direction.

So I feel pretty good calling in today, but I would like some direction, some stuff.

Well, then all you do is you make a donation directly to me, but you have to go to the website to do that. There is no place on logos to donate directly to me.

because I can literally feel it when the barometer changes directions.

And like I said, you can't donate to me directly on

Not only that, if they don't violate the state Constitution, they are directly in violation of state law and the rules of procedure.

They could bond out directly from the jail by giving a bond to

We need to have the power to hold these people accountable directly.

charged and prosecuted directly in a citizen's court.

They are directly answerable to us.

Okay, then you're in good company. I have 750, none of which I won directly. A whole bunch of them we won by getting a good deal, but none of them directly in the court.

Her direct words were, this is unprofessional, and it's not how we do things in law.

they are commanded by statute to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

took directly from the amended complaint, which it was not there, clear as day.

to mislead the court in a different direction.

14.06 says if a person is arrested on an on-site offense, they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

1516 says if someone is arrested on an existing warrant, they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

They didn't directly say that it was due to that, but they rescheduled it to the 24th, which is a Wednesday.

I was wondering if I could file a criminal complaint that you were talking about earlier this evening. Go to a magistrate and then go directly to Chris Lopez, who's the current justice of the peace, to be very specific.

they won't change their behavior directly in front of you.

and actually gave me the direction to use because I didn't know where to file this.

Well, I think I've got good direction on the Wall Street. I'm going to get on that.

Our job is to actually hide the truth, cover it up, misdirect you, and lead you down the

But if you don't ask for that, they can shuttle it off in any direction they can get away

The office of city attorney and the attorneys themselves are not managed or directed by and does not directly or tangentially answer

Thus, a city attorney is not directly accountable to the public through any of the same methods and processes

are in direct violation of the Constitution.

And if the legislature attempts to do so, they are in direct violation not only of the judicial provision under Article 5, Section 21,

And as far as this goes, these are the various statutes in the various codes that are in direct violation with at least two or more provisions of the Texas Constitution as they are written.

They are ignoring the Constitution to preserve statutory enactments that are in direct violation of the Constitution in order to keep a power in their own hands that they could not possibly have without it

Have you found out who the director of this particular animal control office is?

preventing me to speak out in direct contact and question my ex.

Send me directions and times, I'll be there

I'm going in four or five different directions at the same time

I'm going to suggest it's probably time you do that. You're getting some things moving in your direction

Okay, I feel like the Scheister's don't want to do that. They just want to go directly to trial

email me and I'll send it directly to him.

No, I haven't heard of it directly, but that sounds like exactly the right thing to do.

And he directed the clerk to bring them in, and I commented to the judge, it wasn't trying

I found out from him, then I have to go through a proceeding in that direction, or what do

I guess I don't need to go in that direction, but, you know, it's kind of serious affecting

Like a repeater device to move telecommunications further down range, right? Multidirectional.

pointed in the wrong direction. Who knows?

show a direct causal link and anything that would give you headaches for days can certainly

is bet. The point is, there can't be any supposition here. You have to draw a direct line from

who made the arrest because he was commanded to take him directly to the nearest magistrate

then I assume the officer did not take him directly to the magistrate.

If it's focused directly on this hearing, where he held what he called a magistration,

or problems paying the debt or the bill because of directly or indirectly due to COVID,

So in this case, you have the director of the agency that's supposed to be distributing these funds

That gives you a tort claim against the director of the agency.

It will hopefully direct the focus back to the DA.

But I leave them in because that's the director, I'm directing the reader.

So your argument is always these regulatory statutes do not apply to me because I am not one of the legal persons to whom they were specifically directed when they were enacted

Which put us in a good position because then I went ahead and reached out to the director, Stephen McCraw

The director of the Texas Department of Public Safety with a compliment

One of which is the director himself, Stephen McCraw

In the criminal law enforcement, in the traffic direction and so forth

The Driver's License Program, so everything you see listed here, everything, 1 through 8, directly relates to the Driver's License Program

She's like, I'm going to take this directly over there.

I didn't speak directly to the liar.

But when you ask the court to rule on facts and law, when a person is arrested, the law says they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

If they have a direct order to do a certain thing and they don't do that thing, that is

So I could go on for a long time, if you've got a question or two I can direct from there

So then according to whatever the wishes were of yours, the directions and the trust, the

If I can't be the trustee, I can be the managing director, but that gives me limited control

I am the managing director, but as the managing director, I have limited control over the

parameters, with certain directions, with certain guidelines.

Okay. Do I direct it to the county of the DA?

And I sent a copy of these things to – I can't serve him directly.

You have a right to a fair trial, impartial. So I would lean toward that direction.

Okay. So then you can go with that. And if there's maybe a minor training issue, there's a process of jury selection at the beginning. It's called voir dire or voir dire. And it is a process of trying to pick which jurors are going to be kicked out of the pool and which ones may end up being in the jury.

So if you're having problems now, make up a letter, send it to the director.

But to the director, keeping his personnel has become a real problem

So I've sent emails to the person above my chief and I've cc'd everybody up to the director.

So you need to send a certified letter to the director.

If you're talking directly to him, then that's different.

Keep in mind, the director always wants plausible deniability.

Before you get there, write a letter to the director.

And inform the director that not a confrontational letter, but a notice saying

And under that guise, you get to advise the director of what the people at the bottom are doing

Your boss is only there to fight with you to the director.

And the director is going to say this shouldn't go to me

So, when you talk to a director, an affidavit of facts would probably be fitting.

As far as the director's concerned, your status is you've got two different versions of you.

and your official capacity as you're communicating to the directors.

It was intended that if a policeman arrests someone for any reason, they take him directly to the magistrate and explain themselves.

Well, I guess you can take that in several directions.

You send it to the CEO or the company president or the director of the hospital.

Oh, send it to the director of the VA.

The director works for you.

Everybody else works for the director.

So take you directly to the director.

And whoever gets it will know that it came from the director.

So the director is aware of this.

you send information to the director indicating that this is causing you physical harm.

You do that with the director of the VA.

But it will go to that department from the director.

You only know about you deal with the director.

The director is the only one with whom you interact.

Call the director, the VA.

Check the insurance companies, check the embalmers, the funeral directors

They'll tell you, the embalmers, the funeral directors have experienced a 40% increase in overall death between the ages of 19 and 64

And when you see the number, when the funeral directors, they tell you that the overall deaths from 19 to age 64 have gone up by 40 percent

So beat him to the punch and go directly after him.

Actually, I don't think there is a Donate to Eddie Directly button on Logos.

If you want to donate to me directly, you have to go to

I don't know what they say, but what they're saying is the legislature created a statute that is in direct violation of the Texas Constitution,

But, you know, that direct interaction can do a lot to answer questions that may form in your mind while you're reading

that you can't get direct answers to until sometime later in the book.

But a complaint can't be filed directly with the grand jury because the grand jury has no power to find probable cause under Texas rules and procedure or in the Texas Constitution.

There is nothing neutral and detached about a trial court taking you directly to trial with no probable cause determination.

I don't get a salary or anything else, any kind of direct compensation from anyone except the people making donations to do this work, to spend time on this subject, to dig into it to such a degree that no one else will.

So once the Bill of Rights in the Texas Constitution has a right secured directly in it, they cannot take that out again.

because they arrested them and took them directly to jail, and did not take them directly to a

15.16 is arrest for a warrant. Both of them say, well, 14.06 says they're taken directly

question that way. In Texas and in the United States, a complaint is all complaints are directed

him and he started directing him to me. I spoke to him and he was telling me that the

first thing I did was I reached out to the director of the department of public safety

the director, we started out on, I think, a pretty good thing. You know, he was appreciating the

And they've shut off communications. Well, the director has said that he's handed it off to

I also want to thank both you and Brett. I think it takes a number of years to sort of get the hang of the direction to take these things,

What I did was I called the directors of the Department of Finance.

And then even the director, he said, that doesn't make sense.

and you can tell me if I should add something else or add another direction.

But for the most part, I didn't face him and I didn't talk directly to him, but I could

They were directed to the point, and I was trying to analyze it.

I've heard there's some pretty oppressive stuff in New York, but I'm not really directly

Well, I this all started was in Mission, Kansas. I went to shop at a Salvation Army store, and the manager got directly in my face.

You start with the agency or send it to the director of the agency and do whatever he wants to.

In New York, it directs the magistrate to examine into the sufficiency of the complaint.

It directs him to present the complaint to some magistrate.

So now he's directly in the line of fire.

send it up so that there's a communication that is more direct.

alleged rule violation, and that's going to go directly to somebody's

against them than I am taking on public officials directly. I'm going to write that amended

either filing a petition to enforce or mandamus action if it's in a law agency, it goes directly

So I guess I'm moving in that direction, but getting back to this present case and the

Sometimes they just totally, they change directions and now, like Tina had that experience, right?

You could ask the building, the director of facilities to give you all the key fob dates

But I had spoken to a district manager who I discovered was, it seems like she's like the kingpin directing all this action against me.

That gives me, you know, a direction to go to make sure I get everything done.

That's a direct, those are mandates, that's ministerial.

My main question, it gives me a direction because I'm ready to, I'm already writing

And what does the codes direct these public officials to do with those complaints?

When the judge is directed to do a certain thing and they fail to do that certain thing,

that thing they're directed to do is administrative.

or does not, determines that there is no probable cause, what is he directed to do specifically?

Did you ask the judge to direct the opposing party to produce discovery?

The person is arrested. With a warrant or without a warrant, the arresting officer is commanded to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

Well, that's what I'm doing. I'm going to try to attack it both ways, writ of mandamus to set the record up in a direct appeal that if it's refused or granted or possibly ignored,

that a directable appeal of a refused or granted writ of mandamus to the appellate within the writ of mandamus, I'm requesting the compliance by the district attorney to get that out of the way because he's going to obstruct me if I go for it.

Well, I'm just I'm going off of a writ of mandamus that is in a direct appealable appeal.

Yeah, well, that writ of mandamus that appeals direct appeal to the higher court,

But all complaints are directed to some magistrate, not to some prosecutor

They're commanded to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

I think I actually get the mandamus action goes directly to the Supreme Court.

That gives me some direction to go.

And it says, Realtor has requested mandamus relief from this court to direct the Urban Municipal Court of Record to honor and order an informer's populous finding that was previously ruled on in the Dallas County Court of Law. Petitioner was convicted of these two privacy offenses on the bench trial on July 20th and held by the honorable judge, Rodney Adams

Here's how it works. Criminal is a subset of civil. It's not a separate set of law. Anything that's not directly addressed in the Code of Criminal Procedure, you would back up to the Rules of Civil Procedure.

Code of Criminal Procedure in Texas directs the arresting officer to take the person directed in nearest magistrate.

The magistrate is directed to hold an examining trial.

And after the examining trial, the magistrate is directed to take all the papers had in the hearing.

So our system, yeah, it's flawed in every direction from what I can see,

Okay, that's a bigger issue then that is a direct violation.

and we get lots of folks wanting us to go off in all kinds of different directions.

or the D.A. they work directly with.

There have been three lawsuits filed over the last couple of months with the Texas, directly with the Texas Supreme Court.

So September 16th of this year, we filed a case with the Texas Supreme Court directly to the court

And when the person's arrested, that presupposes that under 15.16, they will be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

If you seek recovered document from the person or office it's directed to, that's a class A misdemeanor in the state of Texas.

Unless the magistrate and the sheriff conspired with one another to secret government records from the officer person they were directed to.

A commitment is an order signed by the proper magistrate directing his sheriff to receive and place in jail the person so committed.

Well, and it's not, it's the appeals court. It is an appeals court, but it's directly to the school district.

the director of that department or the custodian of the record for that department

Whoa, that's theft directly.

two doctors, actually our health director, who's a doctor,

director and the spokesperson for, I call him the COVID czar because he's just a mouthpiece,

I mean that, and then so you have that, but, but I get the direction.

It tells the officer that he's taking you directly to and near his magistrate.

That if a policeman arrests you for any reason, he is to take you directly to the nearest

and he was to take you directly to that magistrate and explain himself.

They read this subordinate clause to the sentence that ordered them to take you directly to

And nobody was actually looking at the scribbles directly from the legislature.

were arrested out of county because they are required to take them directly to the nearest

I send it directly to the grand jury. And then he has to try to block me.

The Constitution is a directive to public officials concerning what they can do and what they cannot do.

Right now, they've taken it to mean if you're arrested for any reason, you don't have to be taken directly to an magistrate.

Plaintiff was taken directly to the jail.

You're arrested. You weren't taken directly to the nearest magistrate. There is no 1617 order. That's it.

I wouldn't have considered all of these different directions that you could take that.

And when you take an alternative direction, these guys don't have that happen to them often.

You can sue him directly.

we contract directly with the city for water and sewer and trash service.

And while they won't let you win that fight directly, they very likely will make you a

directed to the foreman, and they sent out their head investigator, a female, and I really

things mixed up, it was the Manucan complaints, ex-director of the treasury, he decided not

But the presumption must be that when the person is arrested, they are taken directly

Or do you just, just the people that kind of, because we didn't have direct connection

I haven't done any federal ones. I've got a federal one here against the DPS director.

I'm not clear if it was the so-called director of public safety or if it was a

I found several things that this guy that's the so-called director of public

I want you to direct your clerk over here to swear me in, and I will verify every one of those criminal affidavits for you,

And I also directed him to look at the second page of the document

General direction of travel, additional information.

Vehicle year, plate number, general direction of travel by defendant west.

Charge based on officer's direct observation, which is typed in, direct observation.

So is there any special direction we should look for what's coming?

It is fascinating because breakthrough after breakthrough is being made and they're coming from unknown directions.

As a scientist, you know that when you look at a linear graph, today was built on yesterday and tomorrow will extend in the same direction.

the arresting officer is to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

and then drag you before a magistrate the next morning because the code says they have to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

The case law says that you must take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

If you do not take the person directly to the nearest magistrate,

They're trained to arrest the person, take him directly to jail.

I mean, it'll ask a few questions. Were you arrested? Yes. Were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate? No.

They've interpreted that way and the legislature will ask them to direct them to interpret it another way.

Oh, no, it's already in there. It's me versus the Director of Motor Vehicles because they still suspended my license because what the cop did was he lied on this report, this false police report.

You can go ahead and file a fresh conduct complaint against the director of the agency, against the police officer who got your license suspended. You might consider sending him a tort letter, noticing him of your intent to sue him or add him to this suit.

No, because it's a written mandate and I just directed it to, because I had some things going on,

So it was just to the director of Motor Vehicles and that was it.

You get arrested in any state at the moment, they'll take you directly to jail.

take that person directly to the nearest magistrate and get permission from the magistrate to

There's nothing in any state law that I've ever seen that directs a criminal complaint

So if a policeman arrests someone for any reason, he is to take him directly to the nearest magistrate

And you know how they do, you get distracted and go in other directions.

This subordinate clause that says you take a person directly to the nearest magistrate

which is the director of motor vehicles, about this hearing.

just wanted her to stamp it for me so I can send it to the Director of Motor Vehicles.

Lastly, I kind of need your help and which direction to take.

The gist of the subparagraph is where the code directs the arresting, the person making

the arrest, to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate, something that's been

So to make sure it was more than just supposedly, they were commanded to take that person directly

And under the Government Code 311, the Code Construction Act, it directs us, and case

law, back to the beginning, has directed us to interpret statute so that it is in paramaterial

talking about magistrates, I talk about in Texas, you're required to take a person directly

up. And they kind of spoke generally to this situation, but not directly. Okay. I couldn't

the transportation code, we can't directly apply it, but we can imply it.

And in the Fed, they were absolutely required to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

File criminally against these, whoever did the arrest and the officer in charge who was responsible for training and direction.

But if you're arrested, they're required to take you directly to the new magistrate.

in over citations that were sent directly to my wife, and nobody ever signed for them.

But what it says is, once the officer makes the arrest, he's to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate. And the duties of magistrates are prescribed in Chapter 16, and that addresses an examining trial.

Well, they put in this subordinate clause that said the officer should take them directly to the nearest magistrate or directly to the nearest magistrate, comma, or, comma, they may take the person to any other county in Texas.

But it used to say they must take them directly to the nearest magistrate, and that garbage wasn't in there at all.

Well, that's problematic because the person making the arrest is commanded to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

he's to take them directly to a magistrate.

Okay. Well, that sounds like you're moving in the right direction.

So, they have an executive director of the agency who hires attorneys to preside over these, you know, appeal processes.

but I just didn't know which direction to go.

Yeah. If you seek with a government document from the person or office it is directed to,

The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877 following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race.

But because you have been so patient and because you asked questions directly on point and didn't try to go to some other direction, we'll go ahead and go to you. What do you have, John?

that I was placed in a cruiser, that I was taken directly to the jail, that I was held overnight,

this fact will lead you directly to the conclusion I want you to come to.

One talks to me directly,

To whom does it direct criminal complaints?

In Texas Code, there is nothing that directs a criminal complaint

but nothing in law directs a complaint to them.

Everything in law directs criminal complaints to some magistrate

So see what Ohio says about to whom are criminal complaints directed.

If the people he's directed to didn't get it and the chief did get it,

You need to get that to the person it was directed to.

you paid extra to ensure that it be sent to the person directed to,

the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

It did not take me directly to the nearest magistrate,

so I want the ruling if the officer doesn't take you directly

So then I sue him for not taking me directly to the nearest magistrate.

you know, all of the myocarditis and all of the things that are just amazing and not even side effects, direct effects.

They forced people to take it, that's a violation, direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Geneva Convention and other federal laws,

The two incidents are not necessarily directly connected.

but directs the policeman to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

They're not necessarily getting there directly.

So they're not doing it directly,

the Texas Department of Public Safety and I've been dealing with the director about

Wow so what stopped them, what changed their direction?

make a records request to the city auditor, county auditor or to an HR director to someone

And also because they were directly the ones that need to change the decision.

The federal law requires that a person who is arrested is to be taken directly to the

That gives no discretion and where they are directed to do a certain thing and they don't

one direction when I'm actually going another. And actually, I like to do that to lawyers

So you need to spin it around and take it in the other direction.

Okay. How do I find a county judge that I direct this to?

in an odd direction.

I do not have direct access to the caller board tonight, so I'm going to get Debra to run the board for me.

They can't make a federal law like that because that federal law directly violates the entire purpose the Constitution created for the people to keep and bear arms.

They were speaking directly to the governor

So that's how to get that rolling. Now they just filed a motion today for an order to have me quit contacting the board itself or in the parties and to only directly communicate with her.

So I'm not sure if I should counter their motion to have me directly respond to them or just, because there's two different rules that seem to conflict with each other.

Being that it's public records case, they're looking to spur me to stick exactly to questions directly based on whether or not they gave me the record.

Is there something else that stands out to you, Randy, as being a direction of just look for a dismissal?

I know that... Barker Wingo is a federal case, but we have state cases that directly

You want to bring either a first blush issue, something that hasn't been directly

You sue them directly.

of course, with starting with constitutional challenges directly with the legislature to help build the case.

including the authority to intervene and assume the conduct of or stay of such prosecutions by virtue of S33F of the Director of Public Prosecutions Act.

that directs a criminal complaint to a peace officer.

We got the guys at the bottom who were following directions from the guys at the top.

If you're in Canada and you're looking for some direction with just how to do the paperwork,

directs the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest criminal court in Texas, to work

I'm suing all the judges of the Court of Criminal Appeals, the director of the Office of Court

an on-site offense, the officer shall take and direct from the nearest magistrate.

Unless there is some statute that forbids you to give notice of crime to a grand jury member, then you send the criminal complaints to the grand jury directly.

So I went down there, gave him to his investigator and told her, tell your boss to give these are directed to the grand jury.

So I had reason to believe and didn't believe that the prosecuting attorney secreted my criminal complaints from the person that they were directed to.

Tina, Tina, that calls in, she filed criminal complaints with him against Manukin, ex-director of the Treasury, for what he did when he was president of one less bank.

The contract is not directly with me. It's with the state, but I'm the intended third party beneficiary.

You sue the people directly, personally.

So if you want to go after the DOD, you sue the director.

So if you sue the director for criminal violations of law in his personal capacity,

kentucky and they cited indirectly from my complaints right they referenced the

guys out there that they want to move the system in the wrong direction.

And they have moved it in the wrong direction, and it will be hard to move it back, but you're


I know a separate direction you could take this though.

they no longer take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

So these policemen are arrested people and taking them directly to jail.

both command the person making the arrest to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

It directs the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in conjunction with the office of court administration

Well, I'm going to take them back and show them to my boss, and I will tell him that these have been directed to the grand jury.

Does your program require that Deborah have the archive posted yet or are you going directly to the raw feed before she does any editing on it?

And I'm going to put my WordPress and everything up on this box and host it directly from here because my Internet's 500 in both directions.

Yeah, I'm seriously thinking of setting up an external Jellyfin server on this, where I can literally take the stuff that I would normally post to YouTube and stuff like that, and rather than do it there, host it directly from my box.

Well, I say it's 500 gig up and down in both directions, so.

Yeah, and if I'm actually able to monetize it, then I can actually upgrade from there where it's a gig in both directions, so.

This leads to the conclusion that only commercial motor vehicles are required to be insured, as doing so falls directly under the purview of the DPS as one of its authorized regulatory programs, which are specifically limited to regulating commercial and for hire traffic,

By removing this language, the legislature appears to have directly violated the Texas Constitution's expressly stated prohibition on attempting to change the original purpose of a particular statutory scheme by simply amending it at some later date.

Because criminal complaints are not directed to prosecutors

Criminal complaints are directed to magistrates

HIV in check. 200 micrograms a day, that I got directly from Dr. Barry Hurwitz, University

And it directed the Court of Criminal Appeals in conjunction with the Office of Court Administration

directly because they're irrelevant and just enough so that your opposition is registered

her lawyer's direction and the judge is likely to explain to her why her lawyer told her

They were directed to do that by the legislature, and they were directed to do that in conjunction

I've heard that, but all I've got to support it is misdirection and hyperbole.

And the direction said to select the one that fit your circumstance and then fill in the

Officer arrested the person, did not take them directly to the nearest magistrate as

So to engage in a business that directly impacts public safety and health is a privileged

Because they have a direct impact on the public health and welfare.

a privileged occupation that has a direct impact on the public health and welfare.

it has a direct impact on public health and safety, even if it's one family's public

So again, who you ask for that record can directly impact about whether or not they

For example, we can't fire the judge directly.

cause finding so what they do is they send you directly to trial as if the presumption

So not only do they have a due process problem, but this due process problem directly contributes

party has decided to fraudulently pursue a false, a directed verdict in this court because

directly to jail and stitches to the nearest magistrate?

Because it directed the auction court administration in conjunction with the court of criminal

So I'm suing every member of the Texas Code of Criminal Appeals as a director of the Office

of Court Administration, and the director of each of these other agencies named in the

So I will be suing the Director of the Office of Court Administration, the every judge of

the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Director of every agency named here, and any other

It says their executive director is a lady named Kristen Bird.

Oh, this is much better. If the clerk is following the directives of the court of criminal appeals,

Right directly at me. So since you don't have a written order from the Court of Criminal Appeals

Once you've read these codes these this is not something that's going to be in the codes directly.

through it today, that I got from one West Bank, well, actually, I didn't get it directly

But the thing that they did is, her doctor is the medical director.

This does no good. If you don't have some focus or direction, you're just complaining.

directly, we all get orders to do certain things, go out and cut the grass.

the firm directly, but what he means is you go and find out who the partners are at the

at that, but they're not saying that directly. They're just saying I don't fit the nexus.

And all this money for nothing has definitely taken us into dire straits as a country.

I was coming to your direction, but you hadn't quite got everything set up at that time.

Section 12 and 17, those are direct references to the Texas constitution.

Well, thank you for your directions.

person directly to the nearest magistrate.

They have instructed the police, when they arrest someone, not to take them directly

0.002 is the one that directs them to take someone arrested to a magistrate.

point, said that they're to take the person directly to the nearest magistrate or in order

And when you arrest someone, you will take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

If you're arrested in county, you're to be taken directly to the dearest magistrate

If you read this as if it directs a magistrate in what he can do, then this is not in parallel

Now, I talked to the director of the Office of Court Administration this morning,

So, of course, the solicitor sends these invoices directly from his offices.

Can you influence her in this direction?

my next move i went to the hr director and i want full names official titles and compensation

enemy it's the lawyers and they followed direction really finally when we reached the last the right

she filed a motion but in her motion you know to to to get an order to to direct me to stop

communicating with them directly and but it was funny because even in her motion she said that

to whom said warrant is directed or to whose hands the same has been transferred shall

that someone be directed to issue a warrant.

In Chapter 45, it doesn't say that they're directed to, it's not their duty, it just

This is an order that specifically directs the sheriff to go get the person and put him

He tries to find ways to obfuscate and confuse and misdirect.

So I was doing this pro se and I was talking to the prosecutor directly, but they switched

give you enough information and clues to point you in the right direction about what happens

It's a direct violation of the Texas Constitution.

and not directly off the line.

In other words, you're not going to be getting your power directly from the outlet.

Then that transcript has a link attached directly to it

But if you want to go directly to his website where the search, uh, the transcripts are in the search engine is go to rule of law search dot com

So the federal government had no direct law enforcement authority there re period.

I went the other direction, went my way.

and then look at the law that directs their behavior and sting them.

legislation so that a police officer arresting a citizen could take that person directly

But the legislature said, you're to take him directly to the nearest magistrate by the

most direct route.

He could arrest a citizen, but he had to take him directly to a neutral magistrate, which

So you take that person directly to that magistrate and you explain yourself, and it's not because

It said that they are to take him directly to the nearest magistrate, or in order to

So what prosecutors did instead was have police take every person they arrested directly to

In the last legislative session, they passed a statute 17.024 and it directed the office

a patrol car, and took him directly to the nearest magistrate.

17.024 specifically pointed directly at the highest judges, criminal judges in Texas.

And this is one where I think Harmon could give you some really good direction.

But I'm kind of running off in the odd direction here, but this part is really important.

exact directions.

Then who is in her direct line of supervisors, what's the first one that does have a bar

And this guy is the director of the State Bar Association.

And then he wrote in the individual accepted service with direct delivery

You can sue them all directly.

You can sue him directly and when they got the suit, he had to hire an attorney and the

so that if he's directly serving me as he claimed, he should know that I was smaller

And the bailiff, who I asked earlier just by chance, how do I get something directly

directly address it again and I probably tried to do that while unknowingly interacting with

Each of these are under the direct plenary power and authority of the United States federal government.

directly related as they involve two very different statutory schemes. So

There were different. No, no, no. Double jeopardy doesn't go in that direction.

and that's because when a person is arrested he is not taken directly to the nearest magistrate

clear on that first read i didn't miss a thing it really did say they must be taken directly to the

holy moly that's exactly how it came about 17.024 directs the office of court administration in

actually did it and thanks to that statute 17.024 it directed the court of criminal appeals and the

by rather dramatic means to bring in the funny money system, and they're directly connected.

take the term apart and study it, then we're just lost in the sea of misdirection play

think of it. So here are the survivors under the direction of yours truly marching into

headed in the right direction. They obviously kept it in the US court system. We got a break

And so this may or may not help them directly

It does indirectly allow that

and it's rich related directly to the change that we got in 1965 okay and it's going to come right back to the tarot litigation okay it's this is part of the padded two by four okay there's a case against a long-standing French banking houses number of years ago people may remember the

That'll come up on direct appeal and the appellate time period won't start until you have typically,

They're symptoms of the problem, but the problem is the direct interaction with God Almighty.

this system? Why are those that don't have a direct dog in the fight not supporting those

aim. You just point in the general direction and you let the grizzly habit. He wants to,

Uh, okay. Uh, yeah, I, I don't know where to start. I got several different directions.

groundwork in order to get him on the right page before I went directly to the issues

But I was going to segue from that into dealing directly with his stuff. And he left before

like me as direct competition to how they do things.

direct contact with the task force the whole time because the raid occurred within a couple

I haven't challenged it directly for them suspending it illegally.

But the reason why I didn't go directly to the DCSF is because of all the, you know,

And she was curious. That's the CDC's prime director.

to your, necessarily apply directly to your case.

Let me direct your attention over to 201, and this is mandatory judicial notice.

Well, I think we already concluded that that's not necessary because it wasn't the corporation that stole your PTO. It was the supervisor, your direct supervisor himself. Hold on just a second. Hold that thought. We're going to our sponsors.

Well, if it had been the corporate policy to steal people's PTO, or if it had been an order from the boss, then the direct supervisor would have been acting as an agent for the principal who actually did wrong to Jeff.

Both require that the arresting officer take the accused directly to the nearest magistrate.

the arresting officer must take the accused directly to the nearest magistrate,

And somehow, prosecutors interpreted that to mean that you could take people directly to jail instead of to a magistrate.

take persons arrested directly to the nearest magistrate,

he used to take him directly to the nearest magistrate and explain himself.

they're to take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

They're required to take them directly to the nearest magistrate. 1406 arrest for on-site offense.

All three require that they be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

So they're supposed to take them directly to the nearest magistrate. And that's what I'm trying to get done.

taken directly to the nearest magistrate and an examining trial is held, and all those

It's the right of liberty, the right of locomotion, but they've never addressed that subject directly.

They've always addressed it indirectly in relation to another specific case they were

hearing, so they've never directly ruled on the people's right to use the roads without

therefore, since it is not directly related to the issues of the case as far as the decisions

They would probably answer your letter by directing you to the website

And if y'all want any information, y'all can email him directly and he can get you kind of going

Were directed to take people straight to jail

They're to take him directly to the nearest magistrate

His first duty is to take you directly to the nearest magistrate

Criminal complaints are directed to prosecuting attorneys?

the wrong direction. I have 80 pages of notes over here and that's all crack. But now I've got 20

conflicts of interest farther. Her doctor is the medical director. There's been planned events

I have no direction here at all. I'm looking into all you've told me and I see this huge fog.

point in a particular direction. In talking to you, and this often happens when people are too

One of their rules is that they should not even give the appearance that they're leaning in one direction or the other.

I had gone to the bank and got my bank statement and asked the clerk for the entire month of December and to look for direct deposits from my company.

And the teller said, well, here's your direct deposits, and this is for the month of December.

they directed the Texas Rangers

the directors of several agencies that train magistrates,

Why have you chosen that kind of direction to fight back as opposed to arguing about,

were written by the judicial branch in direct violation of separation of powers. In Maine

We smiled, shook hands, and walked off in our own direction.

So then I, you know, went away, and I contacted the NAAC directly, and one of them couldn't

talk about it, directed me to someone else who said, oh, this is very interesting.

says a public entity in providing any aid, benefit, or service may not directly

not. Therefore, the legal language is in direct violation of due process, as recognized by the

one of these terms, you can object and ask the court to direct counsel to clarify the term

have the law and the facts on your side, I don't expect to win this case directly.

direction of actually making a difference.

How do you get all of them to go in the same direction?

Both say take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

They all take them directly to jail.

There's no provision for them to set bail because the provision that directs them to

give the warnings in 1517, it only directs them to give the warnings in 1517.

It doesn't direct them to do anything else from 1517.

And do you have a way of tying this fraud directly to your circumstance?

So I directly, in my motion to compel, stated very, very clearly, this is for everything

I kept out of direct fire

So if you're just polite and considerate with the judge, he will pretty well direct you

What happened was, it was when a person was arrested, they were not taken directly to

They had to take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

directly to the nearest magistrate by the most direct route and explain himself.

Scandal in every direction.

Well, first off, they don't pay people directly to the nearest magistrate.

And they will actually create curriculum that directs police and public officials to do it the way the law commands.

but never really directly focused on, you know, we do have the original note.

But nonetheless, it's highly indicative that this is a fruitful direction that we should

It's a level of awareness that we tend not to pay direct attention to.

This is too hypothetical for us to speak to directly because we have all the possibilities

But now you, these are much different circumstances because now you've sued the attorney directly

Now you have filed a suit that goes directly to this.

And that goes directly to the concept of collateral estoppel.

They arrest someone instead of taking them directly to the nearest magistrate the way

note, verifying physical location of the note for litigation counsel, and redirect any questions

actual vaccine production were contracts through the DOD, directly with the DOD, under other

effects. They're not adverse effects. They are direct effects because it's a bio-weapon.

These were produced under secrecy with direct contracts with the DoD. And there was no quality

out of Victoria County. Every three or four months, I direct the sheriff to a place to

an on-site offense, they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate. Or, in order to

But if the injection went directly into their blood, which happens,

because it goes directly to your organ.

Let me get this 28 21.28 duty on transfer the clerk of the court without delay shall deliver the indictments in all cases transferred together with all the papers relating to each case to the proper court or justice as directed in the order of transfer.

is a direct violation of Article 5, Section 12B of the Texas Constitution.

But we'll talk about 16.17, which does direct the court to discharge a case, and that hasn't been overturned.

Nor could they, since this title is directly related to a constitutionally delegated power and authority to prosecute in the name of the state, given only to county and district attorneys.

By or under the direction of the magistrate and shall then be read to the witness or he

Such correction shall be made in the same as the witness may direct and he shall then

they're to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate.

It's kind of, kind of like you're directing them to shoot themselves in the foot.

But someone who's not directly fighting them but offer them this and set the trap, give

Maybe you can talk to an IT director. Anybody who's a director has a responsibility to

those are records that you can ask from the IT director.

and Campanose. So you're saying I should try to ask for the speech with an IT director?

Yeah, because the director has a responsibility to respond to you about those records that

so I would be reaching out to the IT director for that.

felony counts. Well, first off, he's not supposed to be talking to me directly. And

Yeah, in both directions. If they're lying about the parent, you ruin the parent's life

Let them develop their own character. So you left your children out there with no direction.

have any they don't have any direct you know engagement with the lower judges so i'm trying

that they missed they misdirected it thinking i guess i wouldn't read it but um you know it's not

extends directly to insured insured privilege but all throughout that case it's amazing they also

a law school professor where he's telling the students, when do you direct your client

warrant, he is commanded by black litter law to take that person directly to the nearest

was sitting on the bench. He was commanded by state law to take me directly to the nearest

premise that the problem is that the police were directed to arrest people and take them

directly to jail. Nobody ever talks to the accused. They never get a chance to be heard.

or without a warrant, they are to be taken directly to the nearest magistrate. Or in

in conjunction with the court of criminal appeals develop curriculum that directs police

enterprise and the activity of creating curriculum. The highest judges in Texas were directed

You need to bring something to the Supreme that needs the direction of the Supreme to

Take the person directly to the nearest magistrate.

They've filed a bunch of crazy weird stuff in different directions, calling themselves

I'm selling solutions, we direct that.

So that goes directly to equitable tolling.

Yeah, but they're supposed to be taking you from the scene of arrest directly to to the magistrate, right?

Only the health director of the county or the State Department of Health.

And it doesn't sound like I have much against the state, I just have to go directly to him.

he is to take that person directly to the nearest magistrate.

But there's nothing in law that authorizes the legislature to direct you to do anything.

When I filed the criminal complaint against the governor, I argued that the director of the executive branch can only speak to members of the executive branch.

I don't remember anything in the Constitution that gave power to the legislature to direct a citizen in a republic to do anything.

And make the adjustments that the court directs you to make. Pay close attention to what they tell you.

So how is it that 254 sheriffs are directing their deputies to do everything wrong?

Yeah, 17.024. It directed the Court of Criminal Appeals to perform an administrative function and develop training for these magistrates.

So just plain monopoly, you know, by task go and go directly to jail.

We had a court reporter who was directed to sit in a hearing and she didn't show up.

improper training and direction of these officers, directing them to act in a way that was not

Okay, then you might file a complaint against the agency, whoever the director of the agency

When we look at that, now we have something we can take apart directly, because we are

So you're putting pressure on them indirectly, you know, Randy's routine stuff.

take the person directly to the nearest magistrate. Had they done that, had the officer known

The only time they can enforce the criminal laws is at the direction of and under the,

at the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement.

Now, whether the judges personally benefit from it or not directly is not relevant.

Yeah. It says here that noted – the Supreme Court noted, however, that spoilation is essentially a particularized form of discovery abuse and that any remedy must have a direct relationship to the act of spoilation it is meant to cure.

Yeah, it's not something you could sue directly for.

They have a different kind of job, the IT director people. They have a job to manage data and to make sure that data – the data integrity is intact.

So do I – if I don't hear directly from the IT director –

No, it doesn't matter. If you've got some attorney that's throwing the IT director under the bus and saying he doesn't do his job, fine, whatever. It doesn't have to come directly from him.

Ah, you can sue the IT director for misfeasance in office.

Just like in my case, where the Office of Court Administration director threw the chief justice under the bus.

Okay. According to this attorney, what this attorney is saying, the IT director is guilty of not doing even the basics of his job.

the Chief Justice of the Supreme, was required to oversee and direct the office of court

does is judicial. When the judge hires personnel, when the judge issues directives on how to

There's no way the complaints are directed to a prosecuting attorney. They're always

directed to some magistrate. Even the prosecutor is directed if when he receives a complaint

They're saying it isn't. I haven't heard from the IT director.

So it's directly tied to that, right?

Now, the reason they have to be peace officers is that under the request of and under the direction of local law enforcement,

Unless there's a local sheriff out there directing them in their behavior.

You filed a motion with the court asking for a court order directing them to produce documents.

Pulling out a direction with the medium between us

But everybody else, all the judges, the court of criminal appeals, all of these directors of agencies, they all got one answer.

Do you think I should use the email filing system instead of the direct e-file system?

But I can file directly into the case by e-file, but then...

the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is required to direct her in the operation of

It doesn't really have to do directly with the traffic issue, although I'm in there on a traffic issue

It absolutely says, and it goes specifically and directly to state officials violating federal laws

And so instead of citing Young directly, you cite this case where it quotes from Young

The hardest thing in legal research is to find that first case that's directly on point

Administration said that she was acting under the direction of Nathan Hetch, the chief justice

Mine is skipping directly, not even going to the first hearing, and then just going

I sued all the highest judges in Texas and I sued the directors of all the agencies I

jurisdiction known to the lawyer to be directly adverse to the position of the client and

I know he's the guy who wrote it, because he's the guy who wrote one for the directors

they don't take them directly to the nearest magistrate.

but the most powerful effects did come from that direction. Hang on.

Okay, okay. They expect us to be turds and they don't expect us to be operating at a level that's not in their direct awareness.

The IT director's refusal to respond to me is a summary denial and your refusal to allow me to correspond directly with him is also a summary denial.

Oh, wait. So this is not the IT director that's answering you? This is some lawyer?

And so the systems that they have set up are something that the IT director would understand.

The lawyer is throwing the IT director under the bus saying he doesn't even have a login system.

That's what he's saying. So I said, I appeal yours and the IT director's decision and you cannot keep me from the appellate process by way of the right to know who is the appeals department.

And I got five above that. The first one is the interim director of the Attorney General's office.

response to the direct, the presiding judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

And each one had about five lawyers on it, starting with the interim director,

Well, you know me, Randy, I copy and paste directly from the rule.

They don't go directly to the commercial aspect and not play games with their commercial

You were not directed by law to take those to the district attorney, you were directed

When I directed him to go get a clerk to come down and talk to me, he said, is that an order?

And I argued that if you are directing public officials to do something that's illegal,

So conspiracies do not have to be proved directly, they can be implied.

When you're arrested, were you taken directly to the nearest magistrate?

This is my plan, a direction I've been developing for two or three years now.

We need lawsuits coming at these guys from every direction

You got all these legislators trying to get them all in the same directions like herding cats

Well, I sued all the judges in the Court of Criminal Appeals and all of the directors

other toward an ongoing criminal enterprise where they trained and directed public officials

Now, if a director of an agency makes a determination, sometimes they can have immunity so that the

directors of agencies can make determinations without having to worry about being sued every

Here we don't get direct gratification.

And basically, it's kind of like somebody being directed to listen to your show

And it said directly on the check that

You can't get attorney fees directly

Now that's the responding officer directly

The responding officer directly

Well, you don't really win them, not directly.

Local governing bodies therefore can be sued directly under 1983

instead of directly to a magistrate, is that correct?

is taken directly to jail instead of to a magistrate?

of the laws, because the procedures practiced by public officials were in clear and direct

all directing their officers to do things the exact same way.

They must take you directly to the nearest magistrate.

How many people do they arrest and take directly to jail annually?

don't take them directly in the nearest magistrate you may have a different

and turn it to their benefit never ever talk to them directly everything is

administration was directed to develop develop curriculum in in consultation

other than their contract the one that goes most directly to the issue is

officials named on the document starting with the interim director of the

there was the acting director of the Department of Public Safety and four

forbid it 53 is the most direct it says that the state of Texas may not provide

that's not proof. But you see all these different things point in the right direction. And the

things point in the right direction. And no reasonable person would trust an election that

which, you know, that'll help to point in the right direction. And it just happens to be the areas

I am. I tend not to get on social media too much unless I get very direct, because

ruling that he gives. So you mean maybe steering the ship slightly in the favorable direction?

and the directors of about six or seven government agencies. Suit them all in their personal capacity.

highest judges in Texas and the directors of a number of agencies. And you would think they

and when you see a policeman coming in the other direction just before he

judgment because the officers are not paying them directly. And then I could

24 hours to get a court to address anything, unless it's a dire emergency.

So I am in the process of switching directions.

I sued all the highest judges in Texas and sued the directors of a whole bunch of agencies

And probably everything you need will be either in there directly or with cases that these

In Texas, all criminal complaints are directed to some magistrate and all judges are magistrates.

That gets you directly in the Fed.

have been in scope because they were directed and had authority to prepare this training.

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