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I found no verification on the filing and no certificate of service.

And all original pleadings in civil court must show a certificate of service

Well, they didn't verify it, and there was no certificate of service

Absent verification, absent certificate of service

There's no certificate of service in the court record.

were not 100% accurate since there were no birth or death certificates, and the fact

But he didn't look down at the document and see if there was a certificate of service,

On my certificate of conference, I say that I talked to opposing council and they objected

Gets into the issue of certificates

And certificates of conference

You always put a certificate

Certificate of service generally says

You to do a certificate of conference

Have to do a certificate of conference

all of your labor, your birth certificate, everything has been leased

But apparently, everyone has a treasury account set up based on their birth certificate.

And I have been one of those who has raised a lot of issues about this birth certificate and the supposed treasury account that was set up by it.

birth certificate to get a driver's license in Texas, but we got a man in 1600 Pennsylvania

Avenue who has three law firms who won't disclose his birth certificate or his college records

I hereby demand absolute first-hand evidence from you of the original uncertificated or

certificated security regarding account number blank.

and threw it in my hands and said, here's your certificate.

because I would not accept the benefit of their certificate.

And if you really want to go deep in this thing, somebody produced a birth certificate

And then they say yes and they say, is that your name on your birth certificate?

The original filing had no certificate of service of any kind.

when applying for a certificate of title.

Yeah, it would be fraud because you consider that when the manufacturer's certificate of origin is handed out from the dealer,

If you actually look up in the business and commerce code what a certificate, a manufacturer's certificate of origin

Well, the purpose is so that we can actually own our vehicles, so that we can have the real title, not a certificate of title.

Exactly, Deborah. That's the key to that whole thing about why the certificate of title exists.

Well, they are now, Randy, because they're requiring a driver's license in order for you to get a certificate of title, so now they are.

Let's take a look, for instance, at the certificate of title.

license and he did have a title in his name, a certificate of title.

register title, to register certificate of title to the vehicle now.

You can't register it in your name unless you go and get a certificate of title or insurance

But one of the things that makes it interesting is, is without that certificate of title,

Well, the certificate of title is an interesting animal.

It tells you in 502.152, certificate of title required for registration.

So if we find out what a certificate of title is and we go look it up, it tells us in section

501.004, applicability for a certificate of title and it says in subsection A, this chapter

These are the only vehicles required by law to have a certificate of title.

Now, if you are not required to have a certificate of title, logic follows that you can't be

licenses and certificates, 521.001 subsection A, item three, driver's license means an authorization

Occupational license means a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization,

Occupational license means a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization

But when you get right down to it, since a certificate of title does not apply to a private

If I have a sales tax certificate, which I do not, so I pay the sales tax.

for storage use or consumption in this state unless a resale or exemption certificate

That's where the sales tax certificate comes in so you don't have to pay the tax.

transacting business in a state without certificate of authority

shall maintain an action in the state if it has not obtained a certificate of authority.

The filing to foreclose had no certificate of service.

or a certificate of the fact that they're lost and proof that they're lost

We looked at several sections that deal with the certificate of title and we know that

according to the transportation code a certificate of title is needed only in 501.004.

If you'll remember in the first show we talked about a manufacturer's certificate of origin and what it was actually for

If we go down to Item 20, manufacturer's certificate of origin, this is what it says this thing means

And when presented with an application for certificate of title showing on appropriate forms prescribed by the department each subsequent transfer between distributor and dealer, dealer and dealer, and dealer and owner

So the MCO is no longer being used to track the transfers from person to person. They have instead, in violation of the statutes, started using the certificate of title strictly for this purpose

What happens every time you sell a vehicle to someone else? You have to take the certificate of title, they have to sign the back of it, you take it down, you get a new one issued in your name

They have actually replaced the MCO with a certificate of title. The occupations code says certificate of title is nothing more than an issuance of legal title to show who is the actual lien holder on the vehicle

I just didn't have a current certificate with me.

Certificates of title,

shall apply for a Texas Certificate of Title

without the Certificate of Title under 501.

One of those things is that it must have a certificate of title.

The certificate of title. Now, the certificate of title is specifically addressed in chapter 501, right above 502.

501.004 specifically states applicability. The certificate of title applies to any motor vehicle owned by the state or a political subdivision of the state.

If it's not owned by them, it doesn't apply anyway. 501.004 has already laid that ground rule. Therefore, 502 that says you must have a certificate of title in order to register a vehicle,

means it's got to be a government owned vehicle to require to be registered because only government owned vehicles can be required to have a certificate of title.

It's a daisy chain statute. One does not work without the other. So this goes back to the certificate of origin.

Well, certificate of title has replaced the certificate of origin for the intended purpose of the certificate of origin.

Originally, the certificate of origin was what was used to transfer title of ownership or designation of the individual lien holder.

What they've done is the certificate of title has now become the original bill of sale, which is the true title, true owner title to the vehicle in question.

That State Transportation Department will take that certificate of title, microfish it, and they will destroy the original.

They actually are the title holder, the real title holder to the automobile that that certificate belongs to.

You remember what we discussed a moment or a little bit ago on the term legal title? That's what a certificate of title is.

The certificate of title is the piece of paper that says, hey, there is a legal title out there somewhere,

The motor vehicle cannot be registered without a certificate of title

unless that motor or because that motor vehicle must be owned by a government entity in order to get a certificate of title.

you're not in a motor vehicle, you don't have to have a certificate of title because it doesn't apply to anyone but the government,

If that certificate, a manufacturer certificate of origin is only supposed to be absent until the lien is paid in full,

Now there's another thing here that I've only touched upon the definition of once but before we go any further and we get down to the point where we're actually talking about certificates of title and manufacturer's certificates of origin,

In section 2054.251, item 5, occupational license means a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization, including a renewal of the authorization that

Now, we go to the Occupations Code, section 58.001, item 7, occupational license means a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization required by law or rule that must be obtained by an individual to engage in a particular business or occupation.

And if there was a will that was like in the safe deposit box at the bank that gets opened after the person's certificate of death is filed, then that's got to go to the court.

They don't have it in their certificate of formation.

So right there you have a direct tie in dealing with certificates of title back to the commerce code because 501.00 is the certificate of title act in the transportation code.

Sub-item A, a lease, although subject to this chapter, is also subject to any applicable. Sub-item 1, certificate of title statute of this state, including chapter 501 transportation code,

Sub-item 2, certificate of title statute of another jurisdiction, section 2A.105, or consumer law of this state, both decisional and statutory,

and you go down to sub-item 10, certificate of title means a certificate of title with respect to which a statute provides for the security interest in question to be indicated on the certificate

What this is dealing with is the fact that the certificate of title is being used, as we talked about in another show, to denote who has a lien against the property as chattel.

That's what the certificate of title is doing. Now, if you actually go back and look at these, it refers to the term goods in these, okay?

Right there is your dead-on tie-in between the certificate of title and the commerce code.

But 501.005 gives you the direct link to the UCC code for Texas, and that direct link leads you right down the yellow brick road of what a certificate of title is, which is also utilized to determine what the term goods is as it ties into the certificate of title as to what it represents.

And therefore, you can show that the certificate of title is applicable to collateral goods that are part of a contract for storage or transportation.

Now, for those of you that are listening that don't know where I came up with the link of goods to the certificate of title, I'll fill that in for you real quick.

Section 2A.105, Business and Commerce Code, Territorial Application of Chapter to Goods Covered by Certificate of Title, subject to the provisions of Sections 2A.304C and 2A.305C with respect to goods covered by a certificate of title issued under a statute of this state

or of another jurisdiction, compliance and the effect of compliance or noncompliance with a certificate of title statute are governed by the law,

including the conflict of laws rules of the jurisdiction issuing the certificate until the earlier of surrender of the certificate or four months after the goods are removed from that jurisdiction.

Okay. The last part of it just says, four months after the goods are removed from that jurisdiction and thereafter until a new certificate of title is issued by another jurisdiction.

So that is your tie-in of the term goods to the certificate of title.

So when you start going through that and you start looking up what a certificate of title is within the chapters of the Business and Commerce Code, then you start to see that it is a lien instrument that is used to denote commercial activity upon the purchase, sale, or use of a motor vehicle.

I proved two years before that when she changed her certificate of service,

if your outcome is to get your certificate of occupancy then accuse him of doing all these things

Certificate of Title Act, 502, Registration of Vehicles, 521, Driver's Licenses, 522, Commercial Driver's Licenses, 543, our favorite section, Randy,

and go in and take a birth certificate, I know you may object to them,

I gave them a credit card and a birth certificate.

and I wanted to have that in the form of, you know, my channel certificate because there is no claim stated.

And if it's not a state-owned vehicle with a certificate of title,

a certificate of title applies to.

And the certificate of title is mandatory for registration here.

to repossess this house, but there was no certificate of service. Without a certificate

I went and looked in the court record. There was a filing with the court, but the original filing had no certificate of service.

Even if they served her, there's no certificate of service in the court record.

but it doesn't distinguish or identify a specific bond for a specified court case or somebody's birth certificate,

or off of our birth certificate, but it's just that this is not the method to look that up.

There are bonds created off of those instruments, your birth certificate, Social Security, numerous Social Security accounts.

So, Paul, do you know how to look up a specific bond on a court case or a birth certificate or Social Security number and such?

Well, even Paul says that, yes, there are bonds created off of your birth certificate

In Texas transportation code chapter 501, it deals with a certificate of title which

And I based that upon chapter 502, which deals with the registration, which requires a certificate

of title to accomplish, which is why it cannot apply to a private automobile because a certificate

The ship gets a certificate of manifest.

The baby gets a certificate of birth.

And the second, and it's all done on presumption, the second document is the motor vehicle certificate

a certificate of title.

You need the most superior title, which would be the manufacturer's certificate of origin.

certificates of origin, and they just take them directly, and they won't give them to

You ask for the right title, the most superior title, which is the manufacturer's certificate

and the manufacturer's certificate of origin, which is the most superior title.

At the same time, you can't register your vehicle because 501.004 deals with the certificate

It specifically states that a certificate of title, which is a required item for registering

that can be required to be set up with a certificate of title at the moment of sale are those that

No other vehicle is required to have a certificate of title.

That section specifically states that a certificate of title is required, proof of insurance or

vehicle, therefore no certificate of title, no insurance requirement.

it for a certificate of title.

A certificate of title is nothing more than legal title to a piece of property.

It's very important that if you go down and buy a vehicle that you know where that certificate

501 deals with the certificate of title, 502 deals with registration of motor vehicles,

certificate of title cannot be made to apply.

However, there is no reason, but that is so that the certificate of title, which is the

That's right, but that's what a certificate of title is.

a title, that means that the state actually has the certificate of origin, the bill of

And they issue you a little certificate that says, now you appear to own this property,

But the fact of the matter is when you look up certificate of title, certificate of title

It goes up the line to the DTC, to the Securing Exchange Commission, to certificate of obligation

Yeah, your birth certificate.

Okay, you have a certificate of title, correct?

Did you get a bill of sale in addition to your certificate of title?

So you're using a default certificate of non-response type situation or what?

60s birth certificates and became synonymous with every birth okay and so

on and so forth now all of your birth certificates are issued on bond paper

a classic example I presented my birth certificate as a as an exhibit in one of

presented my birth certificate and it was denied declaration of stunning was

I have my birth certificate.

You know, there's a situation with that that I'm rather unfamiliar but as far as doing that I haven't removed myself from my Social Security card or passport or birth certificate if you will.

I had one guy sitting there go, for $1,000 do you give me your birth certificate or your Social Security card?

States in any way, shape or form, driver's license, birth certificate, doors, wound up

and certificates and titles or bicolor of law and title and boy that just shut down

their own certificates whereas and here's something I found, you know whenever you make

1, 501.021, Certificate of Title A. A motor vehicle certificate of title is an instrument

it, had I known. But maybe just the death certificate is all you need. I mean, you know,

maybe all you need is a death certificate or something like that.

No, I'm in subtitle A, certificates of title and registration of vehicle.

number B, Certificate of Title requirements, 501.021, Certificate of Title, we scroll down

My children don't even have birth certificates.

My birth certificate is just a piece of paper.

But since you guys were married in Texas, if you all have a marriage certificate that

they must have a withholding certificate issued by the Internal Revenue Service

Well, it doesn't, not until they file and get that certificate they are not a withholding agent.

as far as I know, directly towards your birth certificate bond, which is basically your

the collateral of which is the birth certificate bond or the insurance bond attached to each birth.

my birth certificate bond to satisfy their accounting. So not only will I have gotten out

without certificate of authority issued by Pennsylvania Department of State, therefore

until the corporation has obtained a certificate of authority.

and they would issue certificates for the gold,

So they knew that they could issue a lot more certificates than they had gold,

pass-through certificate series 2001-4.

Authority to Enforce Training and Certificate Requirements. This particular rule does two

But yeah, California does require a certificate of non-operation if you're going to take your

They gave the, the, the certificate of ownership to someone else without my knowledge.

The manufacturer's certificate of origin or manufacturer's statement of origin is the

And your certificate of title is more like a rental agreement.

and they're saying they pull it from an account that's created on my birth certificate.

Well, I know that you have an account that was created through your birth certificate,

but that birth certificate probably didn't enter into this transaction

The birth certificate is what they have been pledging for.

I'm not convinced, Randy, that they still aren't using birth certificates

without the birth certificate being filled out and signed by your mother.

but these birth certificates go first to the county or the city that you're born in,

I don't know that your birth certificate actually comes into it.

and type in your birth certificate number and find your birth certificate bond.

looking up birth certificate numbers and Social Security numbers and such on,

But you're not going to find any individual QCIP numbers or birth certificates being held

There wasn't one face-amount certificate back in those days that lost a dime of anybody's investment.

What you just said on all your silver certificates, this note is legal tender for all debts public

We value gold in a dollar amount that is nothing more than a gift certificate.

Right now you go to put money in a certificate of deposit at a bank and if you're lucky you could get 2 or 3%

regarding some of the questions that, Eddie, you were talking about, about the certificate of title and who it applies to and the registration.

Kathy, yeah, talking about how the state gets the manufacturer's certificate?

Certificate of origin, yes.

Essentially, the certificate of origin is the bill of sale.

They hold the certificate of origin, they hold the property, and they let us use it.

And the fact that when you get a certificate of title, it's not really ownership because it's a certificate and technically the state has got your manufacturer's statement of origin.

They had no birth certificates, they had no social security numbers, I homeschooled them

over us, so they didn't have jurisdiction over a marriage certificate.

Go back and look at the original pleading. Does the original pleading, is it verified? Does it have a proper certificate of service? Were you served properly?

Well, yeah, he's doing some work on the birth certificate, but just about the fact that he's ineligible, period.

It means that both of your parents are American citizens, and his father was not, and also he won't come up with the birth certificate.

I mean, I got the certificate of title when it was paid off, but we all know what that's for.

This has to do with where he was born, what's the deal, where's his birth certificate.

And he is also going after the birth certificate issue.

like their birth certificate and these sorts of things.

about certificate of title and all that stuff.

The figure is based on death certificates

that a private motor vehicle must obtain a certificate of title and register.

and learn more along the way to surmounting alleged plaintiff's action, sincerely a name and then my certificate of service.

It's kind of like the certificate of title to your automobile

bill, check, ticket, certificate, promissory note, or other paper or other paper of any

This possessory interest is basically like the certificate of title on a car

I've got birth certificates, United States, you know, state issued birth certificate

C series silver certificate in

if such person does not hold a license permit, certificate, or other authorization issued by the commission

and if such person is not an applicant for a license permit or certificate

for which a license, permit certificate or other authorization is required

501 deals with your certificate of title.

501.004 specifically states the certificate of title only applies to a motor vehicle owned by the state or political subdivision of the state.

Nowhere in the code does the word private automobile, private vehicle, or private anything pop up in relation to a certificate of title.

Now, as we talked about, 501 deals with the certificate of title, 502 deals with registration, 548 deals with inspection.

you know produce the birth certificate okay we've heard about all this and personally I mean if my

I'm sitting in my office at home here and and my birth certificate is about four foot away from me

know the right questions to ask them and speaking of the birth certificate issue in Obama it's my

in the story don't even need the birth certificate right that's all other show but I just brought

certificates, social security numbers and everything else. I bet you they got all that

One, he turned in one 12 hour certificate of parenting

Especially with a sociopath when he will turn in the certificate

By certificate of authority. Not only licensed but they have to be registered with the secretary

vehicles must have a certificate of title and if you check vehicle registration in 502,

you will see you cannot register that vehicle without a certificate of title.

And 501.004 says the certificate of title applies only to state-owned and political

Because you must have the certificate of title and yet the certificate of title specifically

to procure a certificate of title.

that's basically a certificate of authentication

under this act to procure a certificate of title.

And yet it's got a certificate in the front that says

that has silver certificate up at the top of it.

Not in big bold letters, Federal Reserve Note, it says Silver Certificate.

a dollar's worth of silver, a silver certificate.

I'm holding a silver certificate in my hand in a plastic shroud

or silver certificate and I had enough left over the day

to go into your customer's pocket by redeeming a certificate that your customer bought online

They've purchased a certificate.

Remember silver certificate?

anything unless that customer walks in the door and you redeem that certificate.

Now every single time one of these certificates is redeemed, our company, as you being a sponsor,

Okay, and then I noticed the last page of that prints out a certificate of service

We're going to have to, I mean go down all the way to the certificates of service and

I just completed a period legal certificate, and within that, there was a corporate law

certificate of service.

The judge wanted him to basically construct this elaborate certificate of service that

the opposing side, the U.S. attorney, you know, just give these flimsy certificates

Oh but he has to have this exorbitantly elaborate certificate of service and the judge's order

I saw it on PACER, we sent in this certificate of service and then it turned up on PACER

But Tim McVeigh was of military intelligence, his death certificate said when he died, he

your parents and tricked them to fill out what's called a birth certificate.

Okay, well then if our friend wants to show like a deed to the house or a title, certificate of title to his car and things like that, well then that's acceptable.

Governing Transportation Safety, Rule 4.13, Authority to Enforce Training and Certificate

the basis for allowing registration to occur which is a certificate of title is in 501,

up and say license, registration, proof of citizenship and birth certificate.

The birth certificate and all this other stuff does not meet that criteria, does not

and certificates and this thing and that thing,

the birth certificate was abandoning title to.


You have to give the judge law, so when they start telling me about all of this birth certificate

The certificate of registry granted to the person or persons entitled thereto by the

More properly, the registry itself, for the form, requisites, and whatever a certificate

Yeah. Previous owner had a certificate of title which was given to me and attached

If a seal exists together with a certificate of a judge of the court that the said attestation is in proper form

so administering the oath hereby required to be taken shall cause a record or certificate

that you are a United States citizen. Your birth certificate, Social Security

or to refuse upon demand of such police officer to produce his or her certificate

to take any such license card or certificate for the purpose of examination thereof,

a certificate of license registration of such vehicle, insurance card,

not whether or not that's actually you on your birth certificate.

A lot more sense than this birth certificate thing, I hope.

The birth certificate accesses prima facie evidence of your birth on a given date at a given time to a given set of parents.

And if you have knowledge of the information on the birth certificate and you have no information to rebut that,

I'm trying to develop this argument about the license, the birth certificate and me not knowing when I was born.

and I just got a Skype chat from a friend regarding this birth certificate issue and

challenging the birth certificate and I love this and this also goes to some scripture

A birth certificate is often signed by multiple witnesses and so it's pointless to challenge

that notion unless you have other witnesses to the contrary regarding the birth certificate.

So Elise, if you have other witnesses that can challenge the birth certificate, the information

on the birth certificate, then you can challenge but if there are multiple witnesses and it's

pretty well nailed it down that the birth certificate, you know, in making the argument

about, I don't know about the birth certificate, it's a specious argument to say because I

don't know about the birth certificate and any other evidence concerning the birth certificate

is hearsay, therefore the birth certificate is invalid.

I'm just saying that there's no way that we can know for sure that that birth certificate

It's been a birth certificate created for my birth.

the birth certificate, rescind the driver's license, rescind the whole thing but you have

Yeah, now the birth certificate, when it gets filed, the argument goes down further to that

Well no, we're talking about the birth certificate being state property.

me to school they used that birth certificate for its purpose to establish that I was a

And as far as the girl before him, that birth certificate stuff is a bit of a dead end as well.

So I've chosen to call myself something other than the birth certificate that I was issued.

And I told them there's no way that anyone can be sure that the birth certificate pertains to them.

Okay, did I tell you the charge or the violation was, oh shoot, I lost it, expired motor vehicle inspection certificate

Yeah, there's no code on here or nothing, it just says expired motor vehicle inspection certificate

You have to have a certificate of service with all these documents.

I've heard people saying that the birth certificate is a contract.

And I've heard that all of these agents that the birth certificate made me a corporation

of Vernon's, the front of each book has the secretary of state certification certificate

I wanted the certificates of competency of that officer, you know, show that he was adequately trained, on and on and on.

They haven't paid their money and they haven't taken the course to be able to be, actually you get a certificate,

I got a certificate that shows that I'm able to practice in, you know, San Diego.

Notices of liens, certificates, and other notices affecting federal tax liens

and certificates and notices affecting the lien shall be filed

So we're going to move along, Section 14.003, Execution of Notices and Certificates.

Certification of notices of liens, certificates,

in the court record, but there was no certificate of service.

What I maintained was no certificate of service in the court record, no subject matter jurisdiction

Did you look at the court record to see if there was a certificate of service in the

And I'm going to want to look at this case because if there is a certificate of service

I've got birth certificates, U.S. passport, driver's license, doesn't say junior on them

Do you carry the manufacturer's certificate of origin or rather a copy of it?

attached to a certified copy of the certificate of title

as a motor vehicle in the state of Texas is that it must have a certificate of title.

And under Chapter 501 that deals specifically with the certificate of title,

using death certificates.

just because you want your certificate sent there or your mail sent there.

So I'm standing there and I wrote out a certificate of service.

I already had a certificate of service stating the 14 criminal complaints

And I said, well, I'm giving you my word and I'm stating on the certificate of service.

So I got a certificate of service with the former grand jury and this all went up to

So I already had a certificate of service period, like I said before.

So I mean, he made a copy of the certificate of service, and the envelope was sealed, and

I'm going to put it after David's declaration of certification of certificate of service.

You'd have to sue the state to render the title void and get a certificate of ownership

You always get a certificate of service filled out. You always get a file stamped with what's filed on the court or with the court.

of our property such as our automobiles and they give a certificate of title and so when

you look, when a person looks at that certificate of title in about every state in the union,

Make up a certificate of service.

commander in chief, would show his birth certificate

Even Chris Matthews made some comment about Obama's birth certificate,

look, Obama, why don't you just show your real birth certificate instead of this abstract

to just show his birth certificate instead of the abstract and put all this to rest.

is that apparently they have a good driver certificate program.

but somehow the police were actually giving out certificates for free turkeys at Food for Less for good driving habits,

and then all of a sudden just during the holidays they'll pull you over and give you a certificate for good driving.

I was looking at the definition of licenses and it says includes the whole or part of a state agency permit, certificate approval,

Berthers claim Obama wasn't born in the U.S. despite publication of his birth certificate

Yeah, we got everything but his birth certificate.

When you turn over that MCO or MSO to the state and get a certificate of title, the

law is very clear about what a certificate of title is.

In that case, a certificate of title is a negotiable instrument.

standards training, course receipt, I mean, certificate,

is null and void on its face because once I sign that certificate

and that officer altered it, I mean, that certificate, you know, citation,

a certificate of title, then yes, you

And in Texas, a certificate of title

So a certificate of title does not convey true ownership.

is a certificate of title.

that the requirement for a certificate of title

If you file a motion in the court, you have a certificate of service for opposing counsel as well

so on and so forth, on the correct portion of that certificate of service for whoever you are

certificate of service that you delivered it. And you make certain that they sign or stamp

for the mailing on each of the copies of the certificates of service. You make sure you keep

I just have a couple questions on the certificate of title for the vehicle.

That certificate of title, number one, does that give the state the authority to have the owner pay

or whatever, and actually rescinding that certificate of title and then creating some sort of a,

that would be comparable to the manufacturer's certificate of origin?

and get back the actual title, mainly because it was destroyed the moment the certificate of title

The manufacturer's certificate of origin is not like a promissory note that you sign

That certificate of origin is easy enough to reproduce.

a certificate of origin.

Now, the problem here is the certificate of title was meant to prevent the trade

and if so, where's the original instrument instead of a certificate of title

and they're the one that's supposed to provide you with a certificate of ownership.

Did we enter into a contract then as far as accepting the certificate of title?

All right, my last question would be if I would have gotten and if I would have requested the manufacturer's certificate of origin,

harman wants to talk about the this birther issue and the obama birth certificate and was he really

somehow if is aren't there statutes regarding uh the birth certificate issue or not necessarily

birth certificate but the natural born citizen issue because in the terra ho case they said okay

going on state of arizona right now they're trying to make a birth certificate thing a requirement to

uh he's got a birth certificate because i don't see that it makes any difference to the president

to have a birth certificate or not i'm not an abomination fan you've probably figured that out

already okay but but that's irrelevant does he have to have a birth certificate to hold that

obama birth certificate debacle and also get into some transportation code discussion with eddie so

And then you have a certificate of service to the court

and a certificate of service to the opposing counsel,

I said, well, you had that calibration certificate, right?

So he started rifling through all the other files looking for a calibration certificate

because I knew at that point he had to have the calibration certificate valid

So while they're still rifling through looking for a calibration certificate,

So they finally find a certificate and I see the judge is whipping off his fingers.

I mean, they have to have, there should even be a certificate of service

on the document of the certificate of service and everything.

which was based on the birth certificates, which is when...

Don't bring the birth certificates into that.

I wrote on the envelope, along with the certificate of service, in detail of everything within

with the certificate of service outlining everything that was in there.

Yeah, I even put that in the certificate of service saying that I followed that too in

And every time they demanded that I show them proof of ownership, I produced a certified copy of the certificate of title.

I never, ever let them get their hands on the certificate of title and a certified copy of that notarized bill of sale.

Paul Gilkes, the Gold Standard Corporate Issues Certificate,

hard money advocate, would like to get certificates into circulation.

Usually they have to submit a certificate of service when they file anything with the court

They should have put in a certificate of service with the certified mail number on it.

reclaiming your life certificate of birth. So you're essentially two entities in the

like for me to, in order to reclaim your certificate of life birth, as opposed to your receipt

of birth, which is your birth certificate.

The caption read, Now you know why no birth certificate.

The subpoena has a service certificate on the bottom of it.

that I put here, which they refer to, is the LA Superior Court admitting that no certificate of monitor

I was going to bring my certificate from this guy to the chiropractor's office and work

certificate in blood from a turn, but in my claim letter, I just kind of wanted to go

this certificate and started using it, and then he was outed or whatever.

After Obama released his birth certificate Wednesday,

I had to go in with a copy of his death certificate for somebody to even talk to me.

four, a surety bond certificate issued under section 601.121,

five, a certificate of a deposit with the comptroller covering the vehicle

six, a copy of a certificate of a deposit with the appropriate county judge

four, seven, a certificate of self-insurance covering the vehicle issued under section 601.124

or a photocopy of the certificate.

State Senator Steve Smith said donors will receive certificates declaring, quote, they helped build the Arizona wall.

Yeah, but that's a certificate of self-insurance.

The department shall authenticate the facial image and thumb prints or fingerprints provided by an applicant for a personal identification certificate,

permit or certificate, does not fraudulently obtain a duplicate license, permit or certificate, does not commit other fraud in connection with the application for a license,

permit or certificate and is not a fugitive from justice as defined by section 38.01 of the penal code.

along with the training and certificate requirements of all peace officers that enforce traffic statutes.

In order to title a vehicle, it must be required to be a certificate of title, and the transportation

It tells you exactly what a certificate of title applies to, and a private automobile

And I don't think the judge anticipated that attaching a false certificate to that transcript was a Class 4 felony on the court reporter.

And I don't think they think in terms of that that by altering that record and then having that court reporter put that certificate on there that it's a true and correct deal, that they're involving that clerk in a Class 4 felony.

He didn't attach a certificate of service to one of his motions that he filed.

They put the certificate of failing.

I gave them the will. I gave them the death certificates that I've talked with the lender and that the appraisal was done.

I have no birth certificate. I have no social security number.

So when I told him that I had no contracts with him and made it clear that I didn't have a birth certificate,

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool,

Gift Certificates, Risk Bands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands and our new silver pool.

to Corns and Bullion, we now offer PatriotSafe ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates,

Give Certificates, Risk Bans, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying

In addition to coins and Boolean, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool.

In addition to Corns and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands,

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer PatriotSafe, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

Gift Certificates, Risk Bands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

Gift Certificates, Risk Bans and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool.

health certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

In addition to corns and bullion, we now offer Patriot safes, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

Do you have a certificate of title or do you have an MSOMCO?

I've probably just got a certificate of title or whatever when I pay for it.

The way I did it on my car was I simply took the original plates from the state, from the state it was originally registered in, even though I still have the sign certificate of title.

I sent them a copy of the notarized bill of sale and the certificate of title signed off that I have attached to that bill of sale.

What you need to do is take the certificate of title, send it to the secretary of state for whatever state that certificate of title belongs to,

And then demand that the secretary of state sign off on the certificate of title stating that the state no longer has any financial or viable interest in this car.

And there's a place right on the back of the certificate of title for the secretary of state to do that.

That certificate of title with that signature now serves as your MSO MCO.

Sign this certificate of title.

gift certificates, wristbands and our new silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver

Coins and Bullion we now offer Patriot Saves, Ammunition, Berkey Water Products, Gift Certificates,

Gift Certificates, Risk Bans and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying

gift certificates, wristbands and our new silver pool.

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot shapes, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

offer patriots safe ammunition burkey water products gift certificates wristbands and

Because the deed to a piece of property is exactly the same thing as a certificate of title is to a car

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool.

The dealer commandeers the certificate of origin or whatever and so it's in the state.

That's how they get the certificate of title issue to protect the lien holder.

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver

And the birth certificate issue. So, I don't know, at least that was a little hope. I guess that answers it.

Sparky water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool, a new

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool.

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a lost price.

This chapter is 501 and it is titled certificate of title act sub chapter A general provisions.

Now the very first definition given here is for certificate of title and it reads certificate

We have a second one in the term itself certificate of title.

Now this creates a quandary in the area of a certificate of title and the reason for

This information is not on a certificate of title.

and we apply that definition to a certificate of title they don't match up because the certificate

certificate of title actually records.

requisites of a negotiable instrument but let's see if there is a definition for certificate

Let's see what it says the certificate of title is in relation to a secured transaction.

Now this is out of section 9.102 sub-item 10 certificate of title means a certificate

to be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of the security interest obtaining

Now what I want you to look at is what all of these things in relation to a certificate

Everything relating to the certificate of title directly goes to the fact that there

vehicle and that lien is evidenced on the certificate of title.

But the certificate of title itself is not a negotiable instrument because it does not

So the certificate of title is not a negotiable instrument, a negotiable instrument, again

The conditions of the agreement, none of which the certificate of title does.

That being said, the certificate of title by that definition as we follow through each

Now that we know what the certificate of title is and what it isn't, we now know the certificate

this certificate of title would do under the lien.

off of the certificate of title.

Okay, now we've looked at the legal definitions of instrument, negotiable instrument, certificate of title

In 502.152, this section is titled Certificate of Title Required for Registration

for which a certificate of title is required under chapter 501

unless the owner, one, obtains a certificate of title for the vehicle

or two, presents satisfactory evidence that a certificate of title was previously issued to the owner

Now, I don't see anything here that would allow them to register a car absent a certificate of title

which a certificate of title is required under chapter 501

unless the owner gets the certificate of title for the vehicle

So they're saying that you cannot register without a certificate of title

When we went back to 501, which is titled Certificate of Title Act

and we looked at the definition of certificate of title

This is what it says about the certificate of title

Subsection A, a motor vehicle certificate of title is an instrument issued by the department

Now, in the certificate of title

the motor vehicle certificate of title is an instrument issued by the department that includes one

but they're telling you you can't register the car without a certificate of title

then you have to put that on the certificate of title

but you can't register it to get the plates until you have the certificate of title

you're not creating a new one requiring a reissuance of a certificate of title

The certificate of title is not a sign of ownership, we just covered that

The certificate of title does not convey or substitute for proof of ownership

the odometer reading indicated by the application for the certificate of title

So this is what a certificate of title is and how it's used

and what it's for does not allow ownership to be transferred through the medium of the certificate of title

because they only gave right of possession to you, the person named on the certificate of title

So this creates a problem of ownership of the property when it's only identified through a certificate of title

Now, we have one other little problem with this certificate of title issue

they're telling you you can't register a car without a motor vehicle without a certificate of title

So if you must have the certificate of title

They have to use it in order to apply for the certificate of title

I'm sorry, they get you the certificate of title with this information

Right now I'm gonna finish up this information on the certificate of title regarding registration of a motor vehicle versus an automobile

Where it specifically states a certificate of title is required for registration

Okay, now, when you do that, and it says that you have to have the certificate of title that is identified in chapter 501

Let's see what the Texas legislature said that the Certificate of Title Act actually applies to

Now remember, no certificate of title, the county tax assessor cannot register the motor vehicle

Joined it to him. No certificate of title, no registration

So who does the Certificate of Title Act apply to? Section 501.004, applicability, subsection A

The entire chapter on certificates of title applies to a motor vehicle owned by the state or a political subdivision of the state

Not even if they are a commercial enterprise, does this act obligate them in any way to get a certificate of title for the purpose of registration

Why in heaven's name was certificate of title apply to a tire, radio, or heater to begin with?

Where in that is your car? Where is my car? Where is the general population's private automobile in regard to being applicable to the certificate of title act?

Is if it involves property the state purchased because remember that's all that's on the certificate of title is evidence of a lien against the property

The state in order to issue the certificate of title the MSO or MCO must be sent to the state

Then and only then will the state issue a certificate of title

But the point here being that they destroy that original ownership document and they issue that certificate of title in its place

But the certificate of title only applies to vehicles that are owned by the state or political subdivision of the state

Because a certificate of title cannot be issued to a private owner

It's right here in the code a certificate of title doesn't apply to a private owner

Who owns my motor vehicle? I have a certificate of title, it's paid for, there is no lien

Technically speaking, they would be the owner because as I just went through this tonight, the certificate of title does not make a conveyance of ownership

MSO or MCO, manufacturer's statement or manufacturer's certificate of origin

However, what the plan is to try to make this fly, and we believe this ought to work, is you send the certificate of title into the Secretary of State

Now, the Secretary of State will run a check, make sure there's no outstanding liens or anything that are signified by that certificate of title

They then should either sign off on a different type of certificate of title that does show conveyance of ownership

Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands and our new

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Okay, if you currently have the certificate of title and there is no lien on the automobile any longer,

Okay, what you need to do is take the certificate of title for the car.

Now once you get that copy made, take that original certificate of title you're holding,

See, if you actually read the certificate of title act,

And only that 501.004 specifically says the certificate of title act

if it doesn't have a certificate of title.

Since the certificate of title according to law applies only to motor vehicles

But you can't register it at all unless there's a certificate of title obtained for it.

And like I said, the entire chapter 501.00 which is the certificate of title act

We're going to be talking about the water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

So the documents that I would receive were a mechanics lien, storage lien, affirmation sheet, and something called certificate of title that is also filled out by law enforcement.

So the certificate of title is filled out by law enforcement at this point?

The county is the one that issued certificate of title for automobiles?

Right, and that's the same way it is here as the tax assessor collector will fill out the application for the certificate of title and forward it to the state.

And then they have to go through the Sheriff's Department to get a county law enforcement public servant to sign off on the certificate of title.

And then they send it to the state in order for the tow truck company to get the certificate of title.

And they sent me what they call a certificate of purchase, and it has an affirmation on it that requires the transfer of titles for what they're calling abandoned vehicles. Abandoned, lost, or stolen vehicles is what it says.

In that instance, that vehicle is considered an abandoned vehicle, and so what I discovered was that whenever the Sheriff's Department gets involved with this doing the paperwork and the certificate of purchase, the Sheriff's Department is swearing under oath and affirming whenever they submit this document.

They're claiming that it was an abandoned, lost, or stolen vehicle, and they came into possession of it, legally and lawfully, and according to the statutes, and so now they are claiming they have a legal right to obtain a title through a certificate of purchase.

Without that certificate of title or a salvage title or the actual MSO,

Because the certificate of title has got to set up as a motor vehicle.

that certificate of title has to be signed over to whoever allegedly buys it as a motor vehicle.

Then what you need besides that certificate of title is a bill of sale.

I'm not worried about the sticker, I'm worried about the certificate of title.

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer Patriot safes, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

That certificate of title is what gives the state the illusion of having a financial interest in the automobile.

You take the certificate of title with a certified mail return receipt requested, notarized letter stating that you intend to remove the automobile from the territorial boundaries and jurisdiction of this state.

You need the certificate of title signed, converted or changed to whatever is necessary to give you clear title to the car and remove any illusion of interest by the state in the property.

Maybe, maybe not. It really depends upon the paperwork. They may actually change it to a different type, a certificate of title with a different declaration on it.

There are actually several different forms of a certificate of title. So it is possible that you may get one that is actually physically different in what it contains as far as information.

Look, it won't. If you sold me a car with a bill of sale, that's not a certificate of title, is it?

And if I turn around and take it to where I live and then register it, and I have your own certificate of title and this new bill of sale, will the state I'm in now let me register the car?

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a lost price.

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot safe, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

So what they did after reactivating the case in 2009, then Joe Burkett, the state's attorney in DuPage County in 2009 and 2010, got a certificate, got a judge in 2006.

And Joe Burkett got a judge in the 18th Circuit Court in Illinois to issue a certificate of materiality so he could collect DNA samples from their who passed the Jim Lewis and his wife to compare, supposedly, to DNA evidence they had from the investigation in 1982.

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

certificate copy of record notification to other states.

Gift Certificates, Risk Bans, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool.

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, Ammunition, Berky Water Products, Gift Certificates, Risk Bans and our new Silver Pool.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool,

Are you talking about the certificate of title to the car?

for which you only possess a certificate of title rather than an MSO or an MCO.

The moment a certificate of title is applied for, you will never see that document again.

you take the certificate of title that you possess.

You get a certified copy front and back of that certificate of title.

wherever the certificate of title is from.

The secretary of state will either sign and stamp the back of the certificate of title you sent and return it to you,

The other possible outcome is they take that certificate of title,

transfer the information to a different type of certificate of title,

In the second instance, you and the spouse have the right to write your own marriage certificate

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool,

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

that the requirement to register and obtain a certificate of title for an automobile

what a certificate of title is and why it is being used and who it actually applies to.

certificate of title can be issued to?

and can get the certificate of title issued for the car and make it a motor vehicle.

So if you actually get a certificate of title and it doesn't apply to you,

the argument could conceivably be made that you're fictitiously obtaining that certificate of title

a motor vehicle in this state without a certificate of title.

We've been led to believe that the certificate of title applies to every car.

that shows you that you cannot register a car in Texas without a certificate of title.

without the certificate of title. Let's see. Yeah, there we go.

Okay. Now, in 502.152 of the Texas Transportation Code, that section is titled Certificate of Title Required

for which a certificate of title is required under Chapter 501 unless the owner, one,

obtains a certificate of title for the vehicle, or two, presents satisfactory evidence

that a certificate of title was previously issued to the owner by the department of another jurisdiction,

without the certificate of title. That is issued under Chapter 501.

What we're going to do now is look at 501 and see how this certificate of title actually applies.

Now, there are some certain things we need to know about this certificate of title.

This chapter may be cited as the certificate of title acts. 501.002 definitions in this chapter,

One, certificate of title means an instrument issued under Section 501.021.

Alright, now that is the purpose of this act. The certificate of title act is to lessen the theft or trade of stolen or lien encumbered vehicles and motor vehicles. That's all this act applies to.

But, who does the Certificate of Title Act actually apply to? We find the answer to that question in Section 501.004. That section is titled, Applicability.

Subsection A, this chapter, meaning all of Chapter 501, the Certificate of Title Act in its entirety, this chapter applies to a motor vehicle owned by the state or a political subdivision of the state.

Those are the people that must get a Certificate of Title. This is why the state takes the Certificate of Title when it's sold as a motor vehicle.

Only the state can have a motor vehicle under the Certificate of Title Act.

So, there's no wonder that when you send them the Certificate of Title or the MSO or MCO from the dealership, they have a right to presume they're being given ownership of the car.

They're taking the Certificate of Title and issuing it in place of the actual ownership papers. Then what are they doing? Destroying the actual ownership papers after they make a microfish copy of it.

So, once they get their hands on the MSO or MCO, the presumption becomes that if you're applying for a Certificate of Title, then this motor vehicle belongs to the state or political subdivision of the state.

This is where we find out what a certificate of title actually does.

Now, if this is about a certificate of title for the purpose of registering motor vehicles, where does the business and commerce code come into play?

Well, let me tell you, it comes into play through those previous terms we looked at where it identified the certificate of title as an instrument.

The certificate of title is in fact a negotiable instrument.

A, in this chapter, Number 10 Definitions, Certificate of Title.

Certificate of Title means a certificate of title with respect to which a statute provides for the security interest in question

to be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of security interest obtaining priority

or information contained on or for use with the card, or four, non-negotiable certificates of deposit.

Alright folks, there you have all the necessary definitions to see what a certificate of title actually does.

The certificate of title does not grant the possessor ownership rights to the car.

So the question becomes, what document actually grants ownership rights rather than legal title like the certificate of title does?

The certificate of title may give you a right of possession, but it does not give you a right of ownership.

If that is the case, how can a certificate of title create a right of ownership?

There is no nothing, no conveyance of any kind in this entire chapter that is designated as being required to have the certificate of title if it's not owned by the state or political subdivision of the state.

When a certificate of title is issued for that property and the state seizes the MSO or MCO, that is a taking people.

When they sell you a car and you have to get a lien on it, who should be holding the certificate of title?

The moment the certificate of title is issued, the law written the way it is says the state is the only one that needs that document.

gift certificates, wristbands and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

Berkey water products give certificates wristbands and our new silver pool a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a

In this chapter number 10 definitions certificate of title

Certificate of title means a certificate of title with respect to which a statute provides

To be indicated on the certificate as a condition or result of security interest obtaining priority

non-negotiable certificates of deposit

What a certificate of title actually does

The certificate of title does not grant the possessor

Rather than legal title like the certificate of title does and remember

The certificate of title may give you a right of possession

How can a certificate of title create a right of ownership?

That is designated as being required to have the certificate of title

When a certificate of title is issued for that property and the state seizes the mso or mco

Or you have to get a lien on it who should be holding the certificate

The moment the certificate of title is issued the law written the way it is says the state is the only one that needs that document

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

So I got busy, wrote up notice and demand, two affidavits and use a third party certificate of service to mail everything in.

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool,

response is the certificate. Over here I learned in the Supreme Court about mediation certificates.

We call them certificates of dishonour. They're dishonour the respondent parties. However,

we call them now certificates of dishonour for mediation certificate of dishonour and mediation

ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands,

stock certificates in a company. Let's say I have a company and the value of that company is

care if you call it an IRA or a 401K or a bond or a stock certificate or a Federal Reserve note,

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by

rather than the paper certificate that says they own it or the futures contract,

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands,

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands and our new silver pool.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool.

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer Patriot safe, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

health certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

a certificate does not constitute approval or confirm the validity of the office of any

individual on the certificate.

The certificate evidence is only that the document in question has or has not been filed,

Berkey Water Products, Gift Certificates, Risk Bands, and our new Silver Pool,

so that they all have the same style header, certificates of service,

gift certificates, wristbands and our new silver pool.

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

Gift Certificates, Risk Bands and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

Gift Certificates, Risk Bands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

with a third-party certificate of service,

Gift Certificates,

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot safe ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool,

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new silver pool.

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, Ammunition, Berky Water Products, Gift Certificates,

But in this particular case, what you do is you take the certificate of title, you send it with a certified affidavit stating that there are no outstanding leads on the certificate of title, and you have it signed off to that effect, which you can do because you already

certificates wristbands and our new silver pool a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a

you take it you send the certificate of title to the secretary of state where it's registered

this if you're still using plates on it then you have a certificate of title you couldn't have got

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer PatriotSafe, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a lost price.

to corns and bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates,

gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver

issue a new certificate of title and add them to it.

In addition to coins and bullion, we now offer Patriot Saves, ammunition, Berkey water products, gift certificates, wristbands, and our new Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a lost price.

Gift Certificates.

guys say, because a certificate of title doesn't necessarily prove ownership.

A certificate of title does not prove ownership at all.

By definition, a certificate of title is an instrument that shows that the

Water products, gift certificates, and our silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver by

Okay. So, I don't need to attach a certificate of service to the court or anything, just appeal.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates and our silver pool.

Obama is ineligible, and the birth certificate's a phony.

And then all he has to do is sign the certificate of title and give that to you with the notarized signed bill of sale.

That's when you take the certificate of title and a copy, a certified copy of the bill of sale.

You make a certified copy front and back of the certificate of title,

but you're going to have to send the original certificate of title to the Secretary of State.

The certificate of title, whatever process and procedure is done to relinquish any claims of the state to the property via the certificate of title.

On the certificate of title you send in or they will send you a brand new document, a testing to no financial interest of the state is in the property,

Farms, ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates,

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Here are our new certificates and our silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price. We can even help you set up a metals IRA account. Call us at 512-646-6440 for more details.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by pre-paying at a locked price

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

no other side to serve notice on. They wanted to see Certificate of Conference and Certificate of Service.

So what I've done in my case is I went down and filed a certificate of conference and certificate of,

yeah, certificate of conference and certificate of service.

Berkey water products give certificates and our silver pool a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price

Or the paper that could be immediately traded for gold and silver coin in other words the certificates

We get the token coins and all sorts silver certificates are collected and at the end of the day

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona said Thursday he and his investigators have evidence President Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

You can copy the certificates of service and those things and put them together in a new document.

501 is the certificate of title.

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by pre-paying at a locked price.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way

Good evening. I hope that he's awake over there. I have a question about the certificate's title.

All you need is a notarized bill of sale and a signed copy of the certificate.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool.

And so if you, and the only thing that matters anymore is statute, and Harman did a whole show on this whole birther thing, and he's saying that this whole birth certificate thing about Obama is never going to go anywhere.

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates and our Silver Pool,

and the whole bit, and you have to have your certificate of service at the end, and you

Berkey Water Products, Give Certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way

Farms, ammunition at 10 percent above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates,

certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked

And this affidavit is very short. It's eight pages including the verification and certificate of service and the style page up front.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

The signature on the document, the date on the jurorate, the date on the certificate of service, and the printed name of the notary was all in the exact same hand with the exact same pen.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates and our Silver Pool,

or maybe even credit cards or certificates.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price. We can even help you set up a metals IRA account. Call us at 512646440 for more details.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver

Farms, ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates,

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates and our silver pool, a new way to

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

He had an issue with a property that belonged to the city that was issued a temporary certificate of occupancy that lasted for five years.

And they were given a temporary certificate of occupancy on the condition that they fixed it up, and they just never did.

Give certificates and our silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a lost price.

Not just after we stopped offering and buying certificates, but after they stopped filing with the SEC in general.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

And I've seen where he has had the certificate of need to move beds from an old facility to a new facility, that certificate waived.

The doctor that signed her best certificate was one of those owners.

You know, you can go to the courthouse and photograph death certificates and all kinds of things.

So they jerked one meter, they cost you a thousand bucks a month, and now you're looking at having to pay up to $10,000 to bring this property up to current code because it costs you your certificate of occupancy.

Do you have to have a certificate of occupancy on a residential property?

Well, you need a certificate of occupancy if you're within the city limits.

This house is within the city limits in Texas, but in the country outside of the city limits you don't need a certificate of occupancy.

No, but generally if a property becomes empty, if it's not empty for more than six months, you don't have to give any certificate of occupancy.

We're going to try to see if we can get it off the death certificate

We're hoping that we can get off the death certificate

It should be a death certificate, should tell that.

In addition to Coins and Bullion, we now offer storable freeze-dried foods produced by Augustin Farms, ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

It would have a death certificate, but if they decide they don't want the child,

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool

They would be using someone else's birth certificate.

Now, in this case, he was actually asking Dallas County and the birth certificate was from Houston.

A driver's license and fraudulent use of a birth certificate.

In addition to 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool.

that the mortgage documents were going to be investment securities as bonds and certificates

Augustin Farms, ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates

first page of every volume was a certification certificate signed by the Secretary of State.

That certification certificate said that all statutes in this volume are true and correct

of State certification certificate in it, not one.

10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver

502. Certificates of title, that's 501. All of them outside of subtitle C. Inspection

Berkey water products gift certificates and our silver pool a new way to

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silverpool, a

It says that there has to be a certificate of residence of mortgagee or assignee on the document and on the mortgage or the assignee.

Wait, hold on. A certificate of residence.

Who is that certificate of residence referring to?

The certificate to be recorded with said mortgage assignment or agreement and therefrom the said recorder shall prepare and deliver at stated intervals to the proper board of revision of taxes and other officials charged with the assessment of state tax.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates and our Silver Pool.

Give certificates and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price. We can even help you set up a metals IRA account. Call us at 512-646-644-0 for more details.

10 percent above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool.

We're launching at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

wholesale prices, Berkey Water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way

farms ammunition at 10 above wholesale prices burkey water products gift certificates and our

above wholesale prices Berkey water products gift certificates and our silver pool a new

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates and our silver pool.

Give certificates and our silver pool a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

They have to know, oh, here's one, UCC 9-312E temporary for perfection, a security interest in certificated securities,

Now, under 312E, a security interest in certificated securities, negotiable instruments, and documents is perfected without filing or taking possession

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

Farms, ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey water products, gift certificates,

above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked

and everything else. And on all of those after David's, I'll put, you know, on the certificate of

on any certificate of conference, basically driving the point home that, you know, I haven't

Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price.

Berkey water products, gift certificates and our silver pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price. We can even help you set up a metals IRA account. Call us at 512-646-6440 for more details.

He personally notarized that forgery with a certificate and seal.

certificate necessity or whatever it is with watering surrey easements.

It's called CCN, certificate need necessity.

Farms, ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates,

trying to find you, worn out for your rest. I called him up. I said, do you have a certificate of

He had never heard this before, how things are based in a certificate of title, et cetera.

And you can have the certificate that says you own a certain number of ounces of silver.

Berkey water products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool, a new way to guarantee silver by prepaying at a locked price. We can even help you set up a metals IRA account. Call us at 512-646-644-0 for more details.

When you sign it, that's your certificate of acknowledgement.

You keep on calling it. It's the certificate of acknowledgement. The certificate is the part that is signed and then the notary seal has two parts to it.

Ammunition at 10% above wholesale prices, Berkey Water Products, gift certificates, and our Silver Pool,

But does it say licensed attorney, the document, or does it say certificate of admission to the bar?

but what's all consistent is you must register with the Secretary of State and get a certificate, and they don't have it.

Okay, then you want to look at it and see if it has a certificate of service

And then we have the verification and certificate of service.

And then along with that you put in a certificate of service and you have that certificate of service notarized and you send it back to them.

And they signed it and then dates it and then puts in the certificate of service, which is just a one-page document stating that you're, you mailed back the citation to them through the post office department of the United States.

He is not on the birth certificate, but he could very well be, probably is the father.

I've used an old driver's license with a copy of my actual birth certificate.

To show where he has to show his legitimacy, maybe his birth certificate and other things that could...

And with every $50 donation, you get the free, purium, $50 gift certificate card.

an electronic and tangible security certificate,

Well, Amber, you became a partner with the federal government the day you were born. I mean, they put a birth certificate on you. I mean, you're a partner with them right then.

Well, if you have a, it's not a trust. Okay. That is an urban myth. But if you have a birth certificate, you're probably already part of the system.

We also have gift certificates from Perium Health Food Products and several other offers.

And with that class, you know, you take that certificate and we apply for the concealed handgun license and you get your license in about six to eight weeks after that course.

securitization groups are going to the courthouse and recording their pass-through certificates.

the name of the bank, Deutsche Bank, pass through trust certificates number 203 through 306.

Okay. All you got to do if they did the same thing is look in your trust records and you can get a copy of those certificates.

What they're saying, Randy, is those certificate holders are holders of the mortgage to your property?

Are the trust certificates filed on individual properties or is the trust certificate simply filed in the record?

Okay. Well, that would be interesting because we're talking about securitization and if they're recording the securitization certificates as holders of mortgages,

It's always the commercial nexus, a sales tax certificate.

Do you have a teaching certificate?

I have a title, but it has my mother's name on it. I have a death certificate. So I took it to

California to try to register the car. California says, no, you got to get a new certificate. So

Manufacturer's statement of origin or manufacturer's certificate of origin.

What you get in lieu of the MSO or MCO is what's known as a certificate of title, which is

The certificate of title returned to the Secretary of State, they're supposed to return

Also, two other things on this is that I usually include a certificate of mailing and I can send Eddie a little sample of that and then you can go over it and maybe send it out to people along with an enclosure list.

a certificate of fact, that's what they called it, certificate of fact.

And don't they have to have the North American roadside safety certificate?

Eddie would know for certain if he has to have the certificate, but they do have to go through the DOT's training

And title is like the title to your car as opposed to the certificate of ownership, the

So anyway, I just, I thought those things might help torch a little bit. Also, what is the notary thing that he's talking about is, in Texas, it's called a notarial certificate of protest, which is valid basically.

So basically, the notary is a go-between, and the notary keeps a log of what was sent on what date and time, and then the notary can do a notarial certificate of protest saying, you know, I sent all these letters on this guy's behalf and this other guy didn't respond, and it is a form of a, like, a mini-judgment.

issued a certificate with their conclusion and you can look at their certificate, eCogra's

certificate of randomness of on their website.

I like it, that makes a lot of sense, you know, I mean if there's trust, right, which is very specifically here, right, it's Alternative Loan Trust 2006-2CB mortgage pass-through certificates, right, to the Bank of New York Mellon, right, from

If you get a copy of that petition and that petition has a certificate of service on it, then you make up a criminal complaint against the lawyer and file it with the district attorney in the district where this occurred.

their certificate of O's to the clerk of their courts within 20 days of taking office.

My name is Calvin Deborah Stevens, ruler of Laredo, and we're talking to Kathy in Missouri. Kathy, from what I gather so far, you're assuming that because your grandfather put a name on a birth certificate or a Social Security document that indicated that one of your ancestors was Katie O'Hara.

But what I thought I heard you say earlier, I'll take an example of an MSO on a car that if you were to purchase an automobile, and then that MSO is surrendered to the state, and you now have your certificate of title as you travel around in your state-owned vehicle and such,

No, no, no. There's legal title. That's what the certificate of title is, but that's not equitable title.

Okay. The certificate of title is a negotiable financial instrument. The only thing a certificate of title does is record all outstanding liens and claims against the property.

That's all a certificate of title does. It does not convey ownership of any kind. It conveys use rights.

And a certificate of title is a legal title, it is not an equitable title.

It's just like a certificate of title to a car.

a copy or you send them in the certificate of title and what they will do is they

All of this stuff about the birth certificate,

that the birth certificate engages you in an adhesion contract.

The birth certificate has nothing to do with it,

Because they're going to want a certificate of occupancy

You may not be able to get the electric company to hook up your electric without a certificate of occupancy

And if you don't get the permits, they won't give you the certificate of occupancy

I did a show with Winston Shroud and he's talking about the bankruptcy and the birth certificate and all this

and it created a second intangible obligation, which it sold and it put into the certificates for, say, trust 2005-62.

Now, the certificate holders in that trust were duped into believing that they had invested in a mortgage-backed security.

The investors purchased these certificates from Fannie Mae.

We were talking about who the owner or the note is because on the certificate of residence,

certificate holders.

certificate which is governed under UCC 9.

what they call a 625 certificate of residence, which is required on every assignment and

Wait, did you say certificate of residence?

Yes, it's a certificate of the residence of the creditor.

It has to be not only on the document on the last page, it's called certificate of residence,

a header, it has a salutation of closing, it has a verification, a certificate of service,

and they give us a certificate of title,

and they're just issuing us a use permit called a certificate of title,

And then they have to have a residence certificate.

It's called a certificate of residence.

their residence has to be certificated and signed for.

The second is because the certificate of residence always reflects MARS address.

I would think a certificate of residence, is this only with a consumer mortgage

Okay, then the certificate of residence, what does that mean?

Because it doesn't comply with the certificate of residence requirements.

When you read the certificate of residence requirements,

And that is one of the, they didn't even go back to 625 where the certificate of residence,

That was 1965 that we accrued a fiat currency. Prior to that, we had silver certificates. We had nickel in our nickels.

With a copy of his birth certificate, a copy of whatever authority in the estate papers that transferred the property to you.

Wait, the marshals never submitted the certificate of service?

Okay. No bill containing an appropriation shall be considered as passed or be sent to the Governor for consideration until and unless the Comptroller of Public Accounts endorses his certificate thereon showing that the amount appropriated is within the amount estimated to be available in the affected funds.

You just need to take your two certificates and attach them to the right motion just so that you can show this motion was served on the court on this day

Up until then, the dollar was a silver certificate. At that time, it stopped being a silver certificate.

Yeah, but that just said you could buy gold, and then they said you couldn't buy gold anymore. But the dollar was never based on gold. You could just buy gold with it. You could turn in the dollar for gold instead of silver, but it was always based on silver. There's always a silver certificate.

Oh, maybe you're not as old as me. I remember when all dollar bills were silver certificates.

I know what you're talking about with the silver certificates, but when you say that it's not backed by gold, I mean, if you can go and turn it in at a bank, and it used to say on the bills that it's convertible into gold, and I think they even had gold lettering on them prior to the 1930s.

If it was a silver certificate, that's a whole different animal, because I can take that silver

certificate and trade it for 3.71 and a quarter ounces of silver, but we don't have that anymore,

the silver certificates with Federal Reserve notes, that was 65, so 2005 would have been 50,

He's the enforcement for these licenses and certificates and everything that

and put that into a pool of intangible obligations, and then sold interest of that to certificate holders.

A security interest equals intangible obligation, which was created during securitization by an account debtor, which is routinely swapped for another intangible obligation being the certificates from the certificate holders.

And for this certificate intangible to be secured by an intangible account debtor's personal property and for the negotiation of the intangible obligation would be in compliance with UCC-8 as it applies to transferable records.

It has, you know, the PACER certificate series,

of future tangible receivable payments for the investors that were offering the certificate?

and puts that to the certificate holders for this trust which it has created, it can only go back to the account debtor should there be a default.

So the certificate holders think that they have a properly secured mortgage-backed security when in fact they do not.

on behalf of the certificate holders for the trust.

which was a certificate of sale October 31st on my property.

I mean, they didn't even have standing to go and do this so-called certificate of sale on my property.

The reason you have to get a certificate of title is because the state has to make sure that both

that. So they issue the certificate of title to signify that there is an outstanding lien agreement.

And what he did was he sent in his birth certificate as the applicant,

So what he did, he sent his birth certificate as the applicant,

So he has an applicant as his birth certificate,

and then comma authorized agent for the birth certificate.

Question about training certificates.

Can you ask an officer for his training certificate?

production of your training and certificate documents, validating your alleged authority.

And if you don't, and Brave New Books is going to be helping us out with the fundraiser as well. And so if you give a $100 donation, you will get a free $15 gift certificate from Brave New Books.

free gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to

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gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave

and I just started learning about all the pass-through mortgage certificates

that passed those certificates.

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And when you go sign up at a bank and you bring your birth certificate

And your bank account is actually owned by your birth certificate person.

and the state takes that birth certificate with your footprint,

He took his own birth certificate, and he went into a court, got in front of a judge.

So he plopped his birth certificate on there, on the table,

because I want to find out what are the rights and duties that this birth certificate, you know, impairs on me.

So basically, when he found out this information, he took his birth certificate in,

So you've got to really rebut your birth certificate and get that out of commerce and

With the t-shirts and the tote bags and the gift certificate

gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave

tote bags and gift certificates to brave new books.

gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave

gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave

So when you contribute, you'll receive free gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver t shirts, tote bags and gift certificates to brave new books.

Under Temporary Perfection of the Security Certificate or the Instrument to Debtor.

A perfected security interest in a certificate, security, or instrument remains perfected for 20 days without filing if the secured party delivers a security certificate or the instrument to the debtor for the purpose of ultimate sale or exchange or presentation.

So when you contribute, you'll receive free gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, T-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave new books.

t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave new books.

intangible certificates and this is why the investors of these certificates,

bought certificates that were sliced and diced of all these intangible,

And once it gets to those certificates, now it gets even a lot more

complicated because the sellers of the certificates and the insurers and

The reason why I would take it into foreclosure is the certificate holders,

And then October 31st, ignoring everything, they held a certificate of sale, which I got it from the county.

such as colloidal or ionic silver, T-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to brave new books.

gifts such as colloidal or ionic silver, t-shirts, tote bags, and gift certificates to grade

The Security Certificate or the Instrument to Debtor

A perfected security interest in a certificate, security, or instrument remains perfected for 20 days without filing

if the secured party delivers a security certificate or the instrument to the debtor for the purpose of ultimate sale or exchange or presentation

And when we got the motion, the motion didn't have a certificate of service attached to it

Now, if you file a motion that doesn't have a certificate of service attached to it

And see if there is a certificate of service attached

And see if there's proof of service on the certificate of service

that if your motion doesn't have a certificate of service, it looks like I'll have a hearing on April 15th

which I guess is a motions hearing, if I walk in there with motions, do they need to have a certificate of service on the back

Yeah, because there were no certificates of service?

Give me an email, I'll send you a certificate of service

Well, she filed a motion without a certificate of service attached.

place the court should have looked was for that certificate of service to make sure she

was no certificate of service.

Now, as you said, under proof of claim, BK Rule 3001, Subsection D as in dog states that any party coming forth with a claim of a secured interest in a security instrument or certificate must be evidenced by a properly perfected lien.

and the bank files a certificate of no answer,

Steve, you ever heard of them filing a certificate?

master peace officer proficiency certificate

in any book or makes or signs any fraudulent certificate return or statement, shall be

of the security certificate or instrument to debtor, a perfected security interest in

a certificate security or instrument remains perfect for 20 days without filing.

If the secured party delivers the security certificate or instrument to the debtor for

My loan was put in one of those certificates, the pooling and service agreement.

And so in my certificate of service, should I have been this whole time when I've been writing these up

The lawyer sent it to the judge without a certificate of service.

The documents that you have, do they have certificates of service on them?

Every time you have XYZ holding mortgage backed securities, blah, blah, blah, as a certificate

There's a bond and it's something to do with your birth certificate, establishing your

But it's assigned to a person, to the company, it's a CSAB mortgage back, mortgage back pass-through certificate series, 2007-1.

The central bank had already been instituted when Kennedy issued the silver certificates,

and if anybody's seen a dollar bill with a little red seal on it, that's a silver certificate.

Vehicle, every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway or requiring a certificate of title under Section 3 of blah, blah, blah code.

And he uses the birth certificate straw man thing to get through court, which I know you said is fraudulent.

and they're not going to tie her stolen identities to her mother's birth certificate.

that certificate of title. Okay hold on hold on hold on Becca how did the

reports the faa must grant the la pd with a certificate to use the drone the application

CBS reports the FAA must grant the LAPD with a certificate to use the drone.

any party coming forth with a claimed interest in a security certificate or a security instrument

CBS reports the FAA must grant the LAPD with a certificate to use the drone.

CBS reports the FAA must grant the LAPD with a certificate to use the drone.

The date on the certificate of service was the attorney was saying that he gave service on the sixth of May.

Okay. Now after we had that hearing where I stated that it was required to have an evidentiary hearing, three days later I get this letter that the plaintiff filed a motion to direct the clerk to issue a certificate of title on that sale.

Well, if they follow through to get certificate of title, it would be for wrongful foreclosure.

I mean, like you said, file a list pending, but if they go and get certificate of title,

So even though they go and get the certificate of title like you said,

The motion contained no certificate of service under 21A of the rules of civil

certificate of service on it.

Or a security certificate

articles of agreement, or release of mortgage a certificate signed under penalties of perjury and fraud by said mortgagee,

send certificate to be recorded with assignment of mortgage, assignment of articles of agreement, or release of mortgage together with the reports from the database available

articles of agreement, assignment of mortgage, assignment of articles of agreement, or release of mortgage, the certificate shall so state.

The process we're going through attempting to see how well it works is to file, send the certificate of title to the Secretary of State for the state in which the car was registered

Because August 13th is when I've got the hearing coming up where they want to issue certificate of title on the property.

that's basically their motion is for the judge to give them issue certificate of title on the property.

Well, because they have set on Wednesday is this motion for the certificate of title on

Certificate of service, I sign, notary signs, that's it

Now, I forgot to get a certificate of service notarized, but I do have a verification claiming

Well, you don't need to notarize certificates of service.

so I sent in the motion for dismissal first sent in a certificate of service and then goofed around and did not send the DA a copy

so I only sent one copy to the court and a certificate of service claiming that I had sent the other one to the DA and I never did

Just bring that back to me and I'll grant you, you know, the an occupational license or the, or at least the certificate to take the DPS.

Yeah, MCO or MSO, manufacturer's statement or certificate of origin?

Well, it's US Bank as a trustee for JP Morgan Chase asset backed certificate series such

sales tax certificate issued by the state.

certificate does at the federal level.

For the IRS, all their withholding certificates and all their documents. I mean, all their forms.

His case is based on the idea that the birth certificate straw man is real, the courts

the birth certificate, and also that means that you're dead for the couple of reasons

the whole birth certificate straw man thing about using your birth certificate to turn

certificate straw man and since corporation is based on the word corpse which implies

birth certificate, that is also another basis for the idea that your name and all caps implies

with certificates of title. 502 deals with the actual registration. 501 for the certificate

certificate of title. Therefore, registration applies only to who when you must have the

certificate of title in order to register. It applies to the state. Exactly. If only

state-owned vehicles are required to obtain and have a certificate of title, which is

how it's written right into 501, then the certificate of title is a requirement of

So you've got a receipt telling them that when your daughter died, I would attach the death certificate.

a color of law certificate of title.

And they send you the certificate of title.

They get a certificate of title called a warranty deed.

It's Phyllis Horace, Plaintiff v. LaSalle National Bank Association as Trustees for Certificate Holders of Bear Stearns Asset Back Securities, ILLC Asset Back Certificate Series, 2006-EC2 and others.

I had a copy of my birth certificate.

An official certificate with the seal on it and all that?

So do you have a record, a birth record or a formal state issued birth certificate?

It's not the formal birth certificate with the seal.

I thought it was, I thought the birth certificate.

There's nothing on a birth certificate that is the terms of an agreement.

called a certificate that is now the attorneys have to in the york city they have to file right

Did they have a certificate of training with location?

because Mark Butler is the one that, the name might be on some state ID someplace or certificate.

they never sent me a certificate of title.

You know, and Ronald Reagan commissioned the grace report and JFK issued silver certificates.

they want you to file a certificate of good faith indicating that you're not wasting their time

And they've put in the fact that they put the certificate of service notice in the court.

the state of texas during the last year refused to issue birth certificates to

unquote and they being DMV they provide the MCO that's the manufacturer's certificate of origin

something about a manufacturer's certificate of origin what that paperwork would be uh the paperwork

medal. Boy Scout medal in the form of actually I'm shooting for a fraud investigator certificate

and one other thing, everybody's got a birth certificate on it. Now, I'll talk to you about

a registered owner, need to file an affidavit of a registered ownership on your birth certificate

Subsequently, they are being denied birth certificates to their children.

Subsequently, they are being denied birth certificates to their children.

Subsequently, they are being denied birth certificates to their children.

Subsequently, they are being denied birth certificates to their children.

Subsequently, they are being denied birth certificates

Subsequently, they are being denied birth certificates to their children.

There has to be a certificate of service.

There is not a certificate of service for this.

That should be in a certificate of service at the end and it also should be in the motion itself.

It is not. There's no certificate of service other than for the original lawsuit and then, of course, my certificates of service.

Now, this motion, this motion didn't have to argue that they served you because there should have been attached to the motion a certificate of service.

And you're saying there is no certificate of service.

Yes, I am saying there is no certificate of service for this motion.

When it comes down to our birth certificates,

there's a lot of things out there about stories about our birth certificates.

Where does that come in with jurisdiction of whatever state the birth certificate is?

How does the signature of a birth certificate compel the actual human

I've had all these guys come along and tell me stories about the birth certificate,

and allegations about the effect of a birth certificate.

So far as I can tell, a birth certificate is merely a record of the birth of an individual.

And it's the exact same way with the bankruptcy as it is with the birth certificate.

And then if something's been filed, look at the certificate of service.

See if it has a certificate of service.

Look to see if there's a certified mail number on the certificate of service.

So now you go back and challenge that certificate of service, claim you never got it,

I have an affidavit of a registered owner on my birth certificate,

Generally, they'll have a certificate of service.

And in the certificate of service, there will be a certified mail number.

who brought Obama H.F.O. birth certificate and all and so 30 hours in jail and all due

But seeing as that the child has a social security number and birth certificate,

that somebody had to put some kind of father's name on this birth certificate,

If they put you down as the father on the birth certificate but made no effort to notify you,

when you put my name on a birth certificate

I took my, I got a certified copy of my birth certificate,

I have a birth certificate that I went down to the county where I was born

What is the, where would I file the birth certificate

to show that I'm the registered owner of the birth certificate?

Okay. You're talking about a manufacturer certificate of origin or statement.

The certificate of service, I live here in Georgia, and they sent that stuff to Michigan,

But the lady that took the paperwork knew she only had an assurance certificate

that being what is indicated on a birth certificate.

Also, you're saying that the birth certificate is a...

This notion that the birth certificate is something more

between you and that birth certificate.

No. There's no relationship between you and that birth certificate.

He is not even on my child's birth certificate.

He's on her birth certificate as a John Doe.

The other one was unregistered certificate revoked, you know, motor vehicle registration. The other one was the driver's license, driving without a valid license or vehicle class type, multiple license prohibited.

It's something that's for a certificate or something like that.

And you're cashing in against the value of your birth certificate

All this birth certificate stuff, I found nothing to indicate that the birth certificate is anything other than a document certifying that you were born on this day at this time.

That had nothing to do with birth certificates.

The certificate of service only names me.

Yeah. I'm the only person named in the certificate of service.

Okay. Okay. They don't need to actually serve her or even name her in the certificate of service.

In fact, you even have to have something called a certificate of conference.

And if you want to file that motion, then you just put on the certificate of conference that you're filing this as an opposed motion.

Yes, you were talking about the certificate of fact, the state secretary?

The certificate of fact?

Then you go and get a birth certificate, a Social Security number, a driver's license,

I said, I just have a certificate.

And then the assignee, the pretender as trustee for Big Bank Asset Back Certificates 2006.

because I've got a certificate that they were never a corporation

It was a birth certificate

The birth certificate is not one of them

certificate and I put it under the rest and then I signed it? Oh, that's perfect.

traffic inspection certificates that the traffic cops all are required to have on them after

bathroom that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.

bathroom that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.

that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.

to use the public bathroom that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.

that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.

bathroom that corresponds to the gender on their birth certificate.

certificate, how it was printed on any piece of paper.

Can I get a graduation certificate? That's pretty good.

Your certificate of service.

Do you even know what a certificate of title is?

I'm asking have you looked at the actual statutes to see what a certificate of title actually is?

Here in Texas, the certificate of title is a negotiable instrument.

A certificate of title can only invest the party in possession of that certificate with legal ownership.

All right, Radar, the difference here, the legal ownership that is transferred by a certificate of title

is the problem with a certificate of title.

or to transfer it to someone else by any means other than that certificate of title, okay?

So what the certificate of title is is exactly the same thing for a car

What was supposed to happen with the certificate of title was it was issued

the certificate of title was supposed to be traded back in for the actual deed to the vehicle,

Yeah, when you look up the certificate of title here in Texas statutes in the business code,

the business of commerce code, that's exactly what it will tell you the certificate of title is.

all the original papers and said calls and also a certificate of the said clerk under

Okay. So I'm just applying this, 31.05. Okay. It required a certificate. You need to put

to the new court and a certificate of the, of the clerk from the, from the original case

Okay. What I'm looking for is something to ask for. Also a certificate of the said clerk.

number two, a copy of clerk's certificate under the clerk's official seal certifying

Same with the birth certificate.

They're coming after money out of a trust account that was created from a birth certificate that was created in fraud.

for value, the birth certificate, straw man BS, yeah, he's getting his butt kicked and

Since I was scheduled to be evicted tomorrow, I went and took a copy of the certificate of bankruptcy

in the notice of filing a bankruptcy along with a copy of the bankruptcy court's certificate

unjust enrichment and attached to that was a certificate of compulsory arbitration which

about the Certificate of Arbitrary, the document for arbitration, he filed that document and

know certificate of arbitrary certifying that it disqualified for that arbitration and um and so

And generally you take your certificate of service, the green card

training it asked for that any training certificates okay that what you're

for signing up for social security and driver's licenses and birth certificates somehow transferred me from a state-domiciled state citizen to a federal citizen.

I had the birth certificate and the driver's licenses so far for the contracts.

So the fact of the matter is, is what your status was at the moment you were born doesn't change because they created a birth certificate that documented your birth.

Or certificate of persons of interest

Now what this article dealt with was that you get the certificate of title for the MSO.

state in any way, nor does getting the certificate of title.

But the certificate of title, unlike the MSO in relation to ownership or at least possession,

The certificate of title is a negotiable instrument just like a mortgage deed on a house.

And just like a mortgage deed, the purpose of the certificate of title is to signify

that there is a loan in place that creates a lien on the property named in the certificate

for a certificate of title, at least not as far as private ownership of the car goes.

a certificate of title for it.

Now, they're telling you the certificate of title is because you registered the car,

and they've given us a certificate of title?

The certificate of title never creates an equity owner.

or they would have to replace that certificate of title with something else.

And that's what we're allowing the state to do with that certificate of title.

So this misinformation about what the MSO is, what the certificate of title is, is going to get folks in trouble.

and driver's licenses and birth certificates

I had the birth certificate and the driver's license so far for the contracts.

doesn't change because they created a birth certificate that documented your birth.

And they were suggesting that you send, say, your lawsuit, say, with the certificate of service, you know, notify all, you know,

Now notice that chapters 521 and 522 and 501 and 502 and 601, which are registration, certificate of title, driver's licenses, commercial driver's licenses and proof and financial responsibility

it's the same as the manufacturer certificate of origin

and the birth certificates being turned into some sort of commercial tradable paper.

getting into our two-dimensional contract, our bond, our birth certificate, our certificate

of manifest, and I started understanding that our birth certificate is a bond. It has a

bit of proof to support. Now, yes, they put your birth certificate on numbered paper.

of that? Where have you looked up any market that shows that birth certificate as being

So you found evidence on the stock market that your specific birth certificate under

the story that when a car ships from the manufacturer, the certificate of origin goes with the car,

it arrives at the dealer, the dealer surrenders the certificate of origin over to the DMV,

she says, here's the manufacturer's certificate of origin. It pulls out another one, and here

me that you've heard, this is absurd. The manufacturer's certificate of origin only

has given us that authority via the manufacturer's certificate of origin.

This goes into what I was saying the other day and what the certificate of title to the

car actually is when it's issued by the Department of Public Safety. The certificate of title

do that simply by endorsing the back of the certificate of title.

in Pennsylvania and right now we are talking about the certificate of titles and stuff

for cars. We've got out the birth certificate. We'll get back to that in a minute.

instrument in the form of the certificate of title. And every time that car changes

hands, it's endorsed on that certificate of title.

The certificate of title, according to the Business and Commerce Code, is a representation

So even though some of those things exist, let's get back to the idea of the birth certificate

certificate and not to some other form in somebody else's possession?

Sal's Deli in Austin is donating $200 gift certificates to his Deli and if you want to

the citation, whatever the case cause number is, parties, jurisdiction. There has to be a certificate

You're going to go in there and say, my birth certificate has been revoked as a bond and

birth certificate or the Vatican or the bar being the British accreditation registry?

create an acknowledgement and put all the information, create a certificate of service, create a cover page,

And the motion form won't have the heading and the footing and the certificate of service, won't have all that stuff in it.

I'm just extremely competent at what I do. And so, if you're looking for a certificate that you

Did you correct the name in the certificate of service?

Did you put the right address in the certificate of service?

It doesn't forget to change the name on the certificate of service, or it doesn't get

We've got two AR-15, 80% lower receivers, and we've got a $100 fourth prize gift certificate to Fat Salves, Dallas.

lower receivers, but our defense distributed, and we have a $100 gift certificate.

And that includes the header, the photo, the prayer, the certificate of service, everything.

And we also have two AR-15, 80% lower receivers, and $100 gift certificate.

A couple of, I forget what they're called, the undercarriages for the AR-15s and a $100 gift certificate.

You sign it for a notary. Then you put in a certificate of service.

Okay, after the certificate of service and you always, what you do is you go down to the post office and get a green card.

And for return receipt and then take the 20-digit number and make up a certificate of service saying, I, Barrett from Arizona, on this day,

Okay, that's certificate of service.

After the certificate of service, put in an end of page, so you go to a new page and put in an order.

And that section is not completely finished. It will go on into the other training requirements and certificate requirements and all that stuff that none of these cops have and will never have because there are only 63 of them in the entire state.

certificate. And for all of the products we have, for every $25 you spend, you'll get a chance in

and then in the certificate of service. All these places, if you don't get everything right, they tend to kick it back.

So, by all means, go to LogosRadioNetwork and check out the fundraiser and we have a done giveaway and also the drawing for the two guns and the lower receivers, a gift certificate.

If you don't look him up, Winston Stroud is one of the biggest promoters of accepted for value and all this other birth certificate crap

All right. Department of Public Safety, Standard and Training. As pursuant to the Oregon Revised Statutes and as the code, as his name, Basic Certificate for Certified Police Officer.

Complaint sent a cease and desist letter to attorney by certificate.

They don't need your birth certificate to perpetrate this fraud.

because you're birth certificate was printed in all capital letters.

The acceptance by a resident of this state, of a certificate of ownership, or a certificate of registration of any motor vehicle, or any renewal thereof, issued under the provisions of this code, shall constitute the consent by the person that

Understand that? And you cause that effect to be applicable when you apply for a license, or you register your car, or you get a certificate of title or ownership from the state for your car.

First of all, on the birth certificate.

to see the certificate of service. I need to see all of the documents filed with the

filling the court, hey, and we sent the death certificate and we did that evidence that

to make sure that you've got your certificate of, you know,

If it's not complete, if I don't have the certificates of

So I'm really, like I said, I was kind of dropkick with the certificate here.

And I'm glad you say grand jury because this certificate that I received has a letter from a grand jury and signs from a foreman of the grand jury of the filing of the indictment.

My math certificate, that's $590, right? $250 times two plus 90. But everything else added in there, it added up to $1,200.

and the certificate of service, that's just one page on its own so the rest of it really

You can use a birth certificate.

It says, it's a civil page in the back, but here it's a health certificate of service and an order of motion to dismiss by this complaint, the public blog, the public system, stuff here.

It's pretty much, I guess after I sent that, it's a certificate of readiness or something like that is called under my case, you know, much, but what the certificate of readiness is, I guess.

The operator is the guy who holds the DOT certificate.

That's what a certificate of title is.

If you look it up in the Business and Occupations Code, at least that's where it is here in Texas, if you look up the definition of certificate of title, it tells you straight up.

that you meet the requirements. Or if you have a business and you apply for a certificate

From a homeowners association that we never knew existed can't find information to contact and supposedly they don't have a management certificate on file

This comes down to the issue of what a certificate of title actually is.

it says specifically that a certificate of title is a negotiable instrument,

That's what the certificate of title actually is.

So because there is a lien represented by the certificate of title and liens have to be filed with the state, guess what?

Do you have it registered and the only proof that you own it is a certificate of title?

The first thing you do is get a certified copy of your certificate of title made so that you can send the original title that you have in your possession to the Secretary of State

If there is not, then you wish for the Secretary of State to certify that the certificate of title no longer represents a valid lien or an outstanding loan or any other type of encumbrance against that property.

that the Secretary of State can give you a different kind of title in place of that certificate of title certifying that the property is completely unencumbered and owned by you.

Another way to short circuit all of that was to get the certificate of title with a signed bill of sale stating that the car had been paid for in full and had no encumbrances attached to it.

But again, regardless of what your agreement with the lender says, the certificate of title is something that stands apart and it represents a lien.

You endorse the certificate of title and you give it to them at the time of sale, correct?

You don't write a letter, you ask them to determine with a copy that original certificate of title that you have to check their records and see if they have 80 filed outstanding liens or encumbrances against the property that is listed in that certificate of title.

They came after me because I refused to accept a sales tax certificate so that I could charge and collect tax on behalf of the state without compensation by the state.

The only thing I have issued by government is a copy of my original birth certificate, which by the way, people is in proper case in its entirety.

And lastly, then you bring a birth certificate in.

They won't even take a birth certificate because there's no picture on it.

The last airplane I got on without being behind the stick was when I went to New York with Randy, and I didn't have any ID then except for an old expired copy of my license and my birth certificate.

Private residence does not need a certificate of occupancy.

They were claiming that you were in arrears on your sales tax when they gave you that certificate, right?

and because you didn't have a sales tax certificate?

Well, what I was getting at and what I was saying about taking the certificate while you're in arrears,

have a sales tax certificate and you didn't collect sales tax to begin with so that you

certificate to make you liable for a tax you don't, you haven't collected.

of the certificate of title and hand it over to the purchaser.

Except it's otherwise provided in subsection B of this code section, Code Section Proceedings of the Council in the exercise of its authority to issue a certificate

The only thing that they don't ask you is for your death certificate, you know, but everything else that's in there.

match them and cross reference them if, if you've got both, uh, a birth certificate or

You will get a tax certificate, you will work as our tax collector, and you will take only

Because the certificate of title is not evidence of ownership except for legal ownership.

The reason for that is because your state business and commerce code defines a certificate of title as a negotiable instrument,

That's exactly why when people sell a car, the only thing they have to do is sign the back of that certificate of title just like they're endorsing a check

You're doing exactly the same thing with a certificate of title except what you're exchanging isn't money, it's the car.

You can't transfer it to someone else because that certificate of title is operating, in essence, just like a lease.

But when you file for a declaratory judgment against a CSAB mortgage pass-through certificate

It was from Countrywide Home Loans Inc. to C-S-A-B, mortgage-backed, pass-through certificate.

I sent it to them mailing, a certificate of mailing.

So she gave me that certificate of mailing.

Certificate of interest or participation in any profit sharing agreement.

Then a pre-organization certificate or subscription.

Pre-organization certificate or subscription, I could find nothing anywhere telling what that was.

Voting trust certificate.

Or certificate of deposit for an equity security.

Interest in a joint venture or certificate of interest in a business trust.

He talked about titling your vehicle and getting the original certificate of title shredded or something.

been satisfied, the mortgagee or the assignee of the mortgage shall execute a certificate

Did you ask the clerk, number eight, does a certificate of service upon the accused exist in the court record showing that the accused was properly notified of the allegations by service of a copy of the criminal complaint?

into it or not, I've always wondered a lot, whether or not your certificate of title and

that being given basically over to the B and VN then they give you a certificate of title,

You know, the bankruptcy certificate of service forms they have online.

It's called a certificate of service to attach to the back of the motion with a proposed order.

The certificate of service would have been February the 2nd. And we served the other one

you have to have it in by this date. And so the certificate of service was done on a Saturday,

the due date would have been February the 3rd. So that date, did they go based on the certificate

that question I was gonna have you're stating that the the certificate of

certificate of service if it's due on a certain day and you file it two days

certificate of service that when somebody drops it in the mailbox it's

The certificate is not doing this.

They go read it and it says, refers to demand for presentment of the certificate of title by an officer or employee of the department.

No, no, the certificate of registration.

What happens when you register? Two things. Certificate of title, license plates, license plates.

and get certified copies of their certificates there.

The first time they gave her a certificate of appearance, the second time they wouldn't

Certificate of service or?

conversion when taking or seizing the certificate of origin in violation of the Fifth Amendment.

when taking or seizing the certificate of origin

artwork, certificates, anything that might be posted in the public lobby.

They do the enforcement of the registration and certificate of titles unless there's some specific law providing that for someone else.

I think it's called Form 423, official form, in the new tax and certificates.

The motion itself, you got to have the certificate of service and then you're going to have a

You just don't file a motion thinking and do a certificate of service and think it's good enough.

You got to have a notice of motion, the motion certificate of service.

everybody else with, certificate of service. They wrote on an envelope when I sent it to

Petitioner also cites civil code section 2941, however that section applies to a certificate of discharge after satisfaction of a mortgage

No certificate was filed as required by section 41136.

i want to see a certificate from every one of you showing that you're current on that mandatory

I want to see that you're current on your mandatory training, and they couldn't come up with that, one person had a certificate and everybody else doesn't

I want to show me the certificates that you and all of your staff are keeping up in current

I need to see your certificates.

Operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway with an inspired inspection certificate and failing to maintain financial

Have a certificate of competency test and certification, maybe eight to 10 years in between periods of time.

I will show me the certificates that you and all of your staff are keeping up in current on the

open records stuff, and it looks like y'all are lacking in that area. I need to see the certificates.

I guess the way you're supposed to, and you file for insurance, that's something that you've ever heard could be collected on if you don't receive certificate or no.

It says the first part of it says that within 30 days of any mortgage has been satisfied, the mortgagee or the Australian mortgagee shall execute a certificate of discharge as provided in section 2931.

Yeah, well, I went and read the Certificate of Title Act, and that's one of the things you have to have to register a motor vehicle.

They've tried to change the purpose of that specific chapter, the Certificate of Title Act, to impact things that were not in the original law, and they're trying to do that by amendment,

The original purpose of the registration act and the Certificate of Title Act was to prevent theft of cars.

but if they happen to test positive, then it's on the death certificate that they die

and there's evidence that they are being pressured to sign death certificates saying that people

he will on the on the certificate believe me oh yeah you can put anything on that paper

And I don't think I'm either one of those, though I think that birth certificate that they started on me when I come into this movie has something to do with that.

that I've had, Randy, and I've taken this so-called name from that certificate of birth

you can go ahead and start asking them for things like, yeah, I'd like to see some certificates

paper certificates of silver can they show up and back up their truck somewhere or is that

And do you know what they put on the death certificate?

and I asked him for a certificate of liability insurance.

Well the requests I was making were for training certificates

once a year they have to have training and they're supposed to get a certificate

A certificate, I happen to know that this certificate comes from the AG

license, but a certificate to show that you were not a commercial operator. So it addressed

She's required to have mandatory training once a year, so I asked to see those certificates

What do you think she's going to be feeling about now, Randy? Do you think she'll be ready to show me her certificates?

and it studied the laws on the history of the birth certificate then they would

know that all these arguments about the birth certificate are correct and this

anything in the written law dealing with birth certificates for the particular

do with stating why birth certificates existed in the first place and what

the only time the birth certificate came into play in the law that she posted was

in saying when the birth certificate had to be shown for the purpose of this

type of federal job you get that not why the birth certificate existed not what

knew you'd see why the birth certificate arguments are right well I'm sorry I if

a birth certificate

their birth so they have no birth certificate

people without birth certificates

like not be born with a birth certificate

And three days before the death, they had tested negative for COVID but the death certificate

You can't tell me on the death certificate that they died of COVID two days or three

We're going to be declared a vexation certificate.

The doctors have been forced to write COVID on the death certificate when they know it's not COVID.

You'll find that there are doctors who were complaining that they were being coerced to put COVID-19 on the death certificate.

a certificate of discharge as provided in section 2939 and shall record a cause

to forge the death certificates to fake COVID when they knew very well it wasn't COVID.

the city to give you a certificate of occupancy to the city.

a certificate of occupancy.

was the Central Asian engineer then a pig farmer and okay and when I was born on my birth certificate

cars personal property and a bunch of other stuff well I do so my hand is a certificate

a manufacturer's certificate of origin that I told the guy that I bought this trailer from

and I said no I want the manufacturer certificate of origin and he thought he couldn't do it

And I got thinking, well, what you were describing, though, really sounds more like a certificate than a license.

It does sound more like a certificate.

So as far as the certificate or license, they generally don't retest anyone for renewing their license, maybe for bunches of years.

The officer, I've gotten through information requests that he has no training certificates

They don't have any records that show that he has any training certificates

And then the formalities of, you know, signing off and, you know, certifying it and so on and compliance with the rules and the number of words and a certificate of service on the county lawyer that's representing the DA and, of course, Lucy Cole at the U.S. District Court.

of performance and this doesn't well this this this is just a certificate of ownership

It says that the original lender is paid, they supposed to arrange for a certificate

he tried to tell you about the birth certificate

There are so many different ideas about, you know, that we were created at the beginning as a zygote and not when we were registered as a birth certificate.

and the birth certificate and the fringe on the flag

or certificate for the automobile, okay?

This is why there is only a certificate of title originally issued when a lien exists

the vaccination certificate in order to work for the federal government that can't possibly be legal

If you put in the numbers in your birth certificate, you're going to get a hit on one of those bonds.

And these guys are saying that since the birth certificate number and this number is the same, somehow they're necessarily connected.

like, oh I don't know, certificate of registration, driver's licenses, hang on just a second let me

Okay? Inside of chapter 502, which deals with registration or certificate of title act, and guess what? There is no definition for the term person.

Person is used 162 times, but there is no individual definition of person in chapter 502 dealing with certificates of title.

Because the death certificate will never say it was vaccine cause.

We're not talking about fringes on the flag or whether or not your birth certificate is owned by Rome

And I want to see that they've had their training. Have they been to annual... I want to see the certificates.

Can I ask them to please produce the certificate training for all the top managers, especially the chief of police as well?

At the bottom of their motion, there should be a certificate of service.

As used in this act unless the context otherwise requires the term document means any presidential proclamation or executive order and any order, regulation, rules, certificate, code of fair competition, license notice, or similar instrument issued prescribed or promulgated by a federal agency.

of England, the Postmaster General, the birth certificate, Beatle Bailey, Ali Upp or Archie

So, the lower the resale value, the lower the cost of all those fees, including transferring ownership via certificates of title, right?

but once I checked my birth certificate,

It talks about the authority to enforce the training and certificate requirements.

she said, well, you know, we have a certified court disposition that'll show, a certificate

an error, but if you want to correct the error, get yourself a record, a certificate of court

You're talking about actually the certificate that shows the information?

in the first place. What was that different solution? The different solution is a certificate

procedure for that? That is the certificate. The certificate of disposition from the court.

What is done with the certificate? It just shows them that I wasn't convicted, and they

say, oh, we're wrong. What is the procedure for getting this certificate before the commission?

say? Yeah. They basically said if they made an error, if I sent them a certificate of

I wasn't convicted by sending them a certificate of disposition.

you said file a complaint. My whole object here was once I had sent for the certificate

impromptu because I had read information in New York, and they had mentioned the certificate

That's the way it goes. The certificate was sent. While it was on its way, I got the letter

I provided them with a certificate that they had never mentioned before, but I had already

ordered from Rochester, if I provided that certificate to them, I could correct the error

I'm doing. I'm handing them a certificate from the state of New York showing that I

I can just email it to them. They want a copy of the certificate.

You can ask for, you can ask the IT director, I want to see all the training certificates of you and everybody in your office that shows that you know how to answer these records requests.

You're referring to the certificate of title when you say title?

It actually belongs to the state because it has a certificate of title.

A certificate of title generally indicates a claim on the part of the state.

Certificate of training.

go to the DPS training, which will then give them a certificate that's good for a year,

Did they provide a certificate of service and a certified mail number?

And you did that with, you said there was no certificate of service?

Right. We never, I, I. No, no. Was there a certificate of service filed in the court record? Yes.

That, did that certificate of service have a certified mail number on it? No, it did not.

No, because I found out after. I just told them I did not receive, I did not have a certificate of service.

I. Okay, no, no. I'm talking, certificate of service is just certifies that you were actually served with the document.

And in order to show, if they didn't give a certificate, a certified mail number on the document, there's no way to trace it.

I don't remember seeing this gentleman whatsoever. The reason why it's just bizarre, because we received a certificate of service on September 2nd.

He did not supply his insurance certificate. So I was pretty incensed. So I did my due diligence, Randy,

And none of these kids have, you know, Social Security numbers or birth certificates

The birth certificate, no marriage license, no Social Security numbers.

They're tied in with the death certificate rolls.

Therefore, the Secretary of State does not issue certificates of no record for oath of office.

And then the traffic court judge, that's when he just flipped out. I held up my birth certificate and said, is this the person you're looking for?

And I was holding my birth certificate up and he just flipped out. And then, you know, he did a conviction and I left the courtroom saying, I don't consent to any of this.

Is to hold our public officials accountable to follow the laws that they swore they were going to follow that you can do. You don't have to argue about whether or not you're the birth certificate and the name and the all caps.

And tell them you want to see the past three years' worth of training certificates.

And it looks real fancy like a little certificate and it says across the top, my personal policy, and then in giant letters, N, O, period

because I refused to accept a sales tax certificate

And he only had a part-time certificate

Okay, the defendants never, ever put a proof of service or certificate of service with

But in order to get your registration completed, you have to have a smog certificate.

certificates of citizenship to persons who are citizens of the United States shall include

The paperwork, the title paperwork that we have, that people have, is called a certificate

It used to be a manufacturer's statement of origin, now it's a certificate of origin

What is that code for? What does certificate in the title paperwork tell us?

When it says certificate of title, certificate of this, certificate of that, dealing with title

The party doesn't get a title, the party gets a certificate of title

So we get a certificate, when the car rolled, my 57 Chevy, when it rolled off the assembly line

Their certificate didn't come into existence until the title was traded at the state level

Now there's a certificate of manufacturer, which means when that, it's not a 57 Chevy

And then when that certificate of manufacturer is traded at the state level for the certificate of title

And the only beneficiary at that time was the state where the last certificate of title was issued

a death certificate, but now they want a driver's license or a state ID, neither of which that

need a birth certificate. Well, they're saying that those things in

Like not repeating something, are you talking about they want you to put in a certificate

certificate non pro-tac and they took it.

So as soon as I did my supplemental certificate, guess what the lawyers did, filed a motion

The federal circuit clerk said she wanted me to put in a certificate of conference saying

While on duty, he applied for a registration certificate for a handgun that he wished to

I just talked to the health department there because I wanted my sister to come down there and get me a birth certificate.

for lack of a certificate of word count

And with something like a word certificate

a word count certificate, you don't have to amend

and say, here's your certificate

Now, once you understand that and you understand that the birth certificate, the license, all

when they signed the birth certificate, it doesn't say mother or father, it says some

Where is the law or case law establishing this notion that the birth certificate is

something more than just a certificate of live birth?

So only her name was on the birth certificate.

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